Re: WiFi after initial install

2016-12-05 Thread Seeker

On 12/5/2016 12:00 PM, Seeker wrote:

On 12/5/2016 7:31 AM, Mark Fletcher wrote:

All my past Debian experience of setting up WiFi is pre-systemd /
pre-stretch, and a long time in my past so I have forgotten more
than I ever knew :) Outside Debian, I've done it on LFS using
systemd-networkd -- I know that can be made to work but it doesn't
seem very Debianesque to me.

Any suggestions on what I should do to set this up?



If your past experience is doing the setup in

That has not changed. At least the way I do it has not changed.

I'm running Debian unstable, with resolvconf installed so I can put
the DNS name servers in the iterfaces file. I use static IP addresses
so my wireless config looks something like

iface wlan0 inet static address X.X.X.X netmask X.X.X.X gateway
X.X.X.X dns-nameservers X.X.X.X X.X.X.X wpa-ssid your_ssid wpa-psk

The only changes to my wireless configuration over the years have
been due to interface name changes and at some point (probably when
I switched from WEP to WPA) the wireless part went from

wireless-ssid wireless-psk


wpa-ssid wpa-psk

so for dhcp should be something like.

iface wlan0 inet dhcp wpa-ssid your_ssid wpa-psk Your_Wireless_Key

Forgot to include that you also need a line that tells debian you want
the interface brought up during boot.

auto wlan0

in my case wlan0, but needs to match whatever name Debian gives your
network interface.

If you have a need or just personal desire for your wirless key to
be stored in an encrypted format then you have to do some different
configuration for the WPA stuff, which I have not dug into since the
above solution works for my needs.

Later, Seeker

Re: WiFi after initial install

2016-12-05 Thread Seeker

On 12/5/2016 7:31 AM, Mark Fletcher wrote:

All my past Debian experience of setting up WiFi is pre-systemd /
pre-stretch, and a long time in my past so I have forgotten more than I
ever knew :) Outside Debian, I've done it on LFS using systemd-networkd
-- I know that can be made to work but it doesn't seem very Debianesque
to me.

Any suggestions on what I should do to set this up?



If your past experience is doing the setup in '/etc/network/interfaces'

That has not changed. At least the way I do it has not changed.

I'm running Debian unstable, with resolvconf installed so I can put the 
DNS name servers in the iterfaces file. I use static IP addresses so my 
wireless config looks something like

iface wlan0 inet static
 address X.X.X.X
 netmask X.X.X.X
 gateway X.X.X.X
 dns-nameservers X.X.X.X X.X.X.X
 wpa-ssid your_ssid
 wpa-psk Your_Wireless_Key

The only changes to my wireless configuration over the years have been 
due to interface name changes and at some point (probably when I 
switched from WEP to WPA) the wireless part went from




so for dhcp should be something like.

iface wlan0 inet dhcp
 wpa-ssid your_ssid
 wpa-psk Your_Wireless_Key

If you have a need or just personal desire for your wirless key to be 
stored in an encrypted format then you have to do some different 
configuration for the WPA stuff, which I have not dug into since the 
above solution works for my needs.

Later, Seeker

Re: A workaround was -[Re: Index of hardware test utilities available in official Debian repositories]

2016-11-30 Thread Seeker

On 11/30/2016 11:20 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:

On 11/29/2016 8:52 AM, wrote:

On Tuesday, November 29, 2016 08:07:47 AM Verde Denim wrote:

On 11/29/2016 7:31 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:

I just looked at the intro of .
It appears that its goal is to solve my problem. I see a day of
interesting reading ahead.

Thank you.

I'm afraid the days of the published OS document containing the
permutated index are long gone.

 From this reply, I guessed that debtags was a dead project (the page
to apparently orignated in 2005, iiuc).

But, I dug a little deeper and found the following, which has a
copyright of
2011-2013, and may be fairly useful.

I went to:

and, for kicks, queried on "diagnostic" and got 92 hits.

The page / project appears to still allow people to add new tags,
although I
didn't try that.

Let me (us) know how you make out if you try it...

I didn't find it satisfying. That is not to say the search execution had
any inherent problems. There just didn't seem to be an appropriate
tag(s) for my goals.

I've been so focused on crating a fully custom install of Debian on a
flash drive that I forgot having a batch of physical CDs with free [as
in beer] diagnostic software. I'll check which of them are FOSS and
search the repositories for them. If there enough, I'll look into
tweaking their tags so they can be found.

A second path is looking at descriptions of the software on these CDs
and come up with a better set of keywords than I've been using.

Now to continue torture testing my laptop that no longer wants to run
Jessie ;/

Did you find your way to axi-cache?

It's part of thhe xapian / apt-xapian-index stuff.

Still limited, but may give better results than using debtags directory.

The packages descriptions don't always have the information either.

So knowing hard drives have SMART and there are self-test functions, I
tried something like

axi-cache search smart hardware::storage

if my memory is correct.

In the time I spent with axi-cache I did not find a way to get it to
show diskscan without being specific that did not include a bunch of
scanner and other things the have scan in the name/tag/description.

Later, Seeker

Re: Uninstalling Gnome

2016-11-29 Thread Seeker

On 11/29/2016 8:12 AM, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

I wonder if it's possible to provide Debian a set A of packages and say:
`please install these and only these and remove all the other packages present
on the disk except the ones from which some of A depends.'  This would be
equivalent of reinstalling everything as reported by Patrick.  Do you think it
would be possible?


That's a good way to get into trouble. ;)

The list would typically be created on a computer that is set up the way
you want already using

dpkg --get-selections > package.txt

You can set the install state of all non-essential packages to
'deinstall' with...

dpkg --clear-selections

That's the part that could be trouble if you don't have a good list of
packages to feed back in. What is essential is not necessarily
everything you need to be able to connect to the internet and begin
re-installing things.

If you have your list of packages you can set the install state with

dpkg --set-selections < packages.txt

Synaptic has a way of creating these lists and installing from them,
don't think it cares about the install state of anything not on the
list, also never tried using Synaptic to install from a list that had
package install states other than 'install'.

The list would be in the form of

package package-state

so for example

package1 install
package2 deinstall
package3 hold

Once the install states are set then you would do...

apt-get dselect-upgrade

to perform the installations and removals.

What kind of havoc that would create for aptitude if you try to use it
after doing these things, I don't know. I don't use aptitude.

You could create the list of selections on your current machine and load
it in a text editor and start deleting stuff, after saving an extra copy
somewhere so you can set the selection back the way they were if needed.

Personally I would use Synaptic to remove the stuff you don't want, then
if you still want to use aptitude later, deal with it's issues after the

Later, Seeker

Re: Gparted will not label an existing FAT32 partition

2016-11-11 Thread Seeker

On 11/11/2016 5:30 PM, Doug wrote:

On 11/11/2016 01:07 PM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:

Le 11/11/2016 à 16:47, Richard Owlett a écrit :

  #1 is ntfs 293 GiB [146 GiB used] labeled "FreeAgent GoFlex Drive"
  #2 is extended partition for remainder of drive
  #5 is fat32 62.5 GiB [31.5 GiB used] with no label


I attempted to label partition 5 with Gparted, but the "Label" menu
option was greyed out.
The "Label" option was available for partition 1. I had no problem
creating partition 6 as fat32 and labeling it.

Gparted needs external software to enable some features.
According to <>, mtools is
required to change the label on a FAT filesystem.

I wonder if there is a LIVE disk that includes the various external
software files? It would be handy to have such a disk.
If anyone knows of such, please advise.


I like SystemRescueCd for partitioning/troubleshooting.

Later, Seeker

Re: Replaygain, alternatives to Easymp3gain-gtk/-qt.

2016-10-15 Thread Seeker

On 10/13/2016 10:15 PM, Seeker wrote:

To do this stuff I am normally browsing my music directories in PCManFM
and using the open with feature to open the files in Picard, mediainfo
or Ex Falso and it's just as easy to click the tools menu and open a
terminal window, so the method I settled in on for dealing with the
situation is

Open a terminal window and use aacgain to undo, then get rid of the
tags, then check the tags to make sure it only shows the file names.

aacgain -u
aacgain -s d
aacgain -s c

Then use the back button in PCManFM, right click the folder with the
files and open with Ex Falso, remove the remaining replaygain tags, then
have Ex Falso recalculate the gain and save.

I have run across some m4a files that mediainfo shows having the undo
tags for replaygain so have adjusted the command line stuff.

aacgain -u *.m*
aacgain -s d *.m*
aacgain -s c *.m*

so I can just hit the up arrow 4 times and hit 'Enter' for each of
these, assuming I have not done anything else at the command line since
the last time and 'aacgain -s c *.m*' gives the expected result.

Later, Seeker

Re: Replaygain, alternatives to Easymp3gain-gtk/-qt.

2016-10-13 Thread Seeker

On 10/4/2016 12:19 AM, Seeker wrote:

It looks like Ex Falso is the way I'm going to go.

The replaygain plugin in Ex Falso is disabled by default so you have to
enable it first.

Once enabled you can select some tracks in the song list, right click,
then select replaygain to initiate the scan.

Minor issues with Ex Falso.

It seems to have it's own way of scanning, so even if you select some
WMA files it can calculate a value, and it gives an option to save and
acts like it was successful, but since there is no support for wma, when
you close, then go back to those files again, no replaygain information.

My music is on a different hard drive, in the past I had symlinks, but
prefer not to do that these days. So in the filebrowser in Ex Falso it's
a little clunky to browse to where my music is and didn't see a way to
shorcut it in Ex Falso. Instead I open a filemanager, browse to my music
directory, then use the 'open with' option to open a directory in Ex
Falso. If you use the 'open with' function with a file just do one file,
if you select multiple files and do 'open with', you get multiple Ex
Falso windows.

If you use Quod Libet as your music player, you can use the tagging
feature from inside of Quod Libet and bypass some of those issues.

Ex Falso does save mp3 tags in id3v2.4 format, don't know if that is an
issue if you only use it for replaygain, but could be an issue if you
use it for the other tagging features. Mainly Windows Media Player and
Groove in Windows, or hardware music players, TVs, etc...

I don't have any issues with it on my Android phone. The stereo doesn't
know how to display cyrillic, kanji, etc... when I listen to music over
bluetooth in the car, but that is the same whether the mp3s are tagged
in id3v2.3 or id3v2.4.

I use Vanilla Music on my phone, available from Google Play or F-Droid,
whichever you prefer.

Replaygain: The adventure game.

Threw a few albums into a playlist, 754 tracks, some with replaygain
tags some without. For age of recording, genre, style, etc... a good
selection, but I don't have a list of what tracks in my collection are
the more quiet tracks, so I don't think any tracks in the playlist are
in that extreme quiet end of the spectrum.

Out of the stuff in the playlist thought the Robert Johnson stuff might
be in that extreme quiet side. It is on the low side compared to a lot
of post 2k music. Judas Priest - Redeemer of Souls got an album gain
value of -9.56dB, Robert Johnson - The Last of the Great Blues Singers
got an album gain value of -0.78dB. A significant difference without
replaygain, but not the extreme difference that annoys me.

In Vanilla Music I set the 'replaygain pre-amp' setting to +3, -2 for
the stuff without replaygain tags.

For the tracks in the playlist, that works pretty well. I bit the bullet
and added the replaygain tags to the rest of the stuff, except WMA files
since there is no support there.

A few things in the playlist are in WMA format, but most is in other
formats so less of a test in the difference between replaygain tagged
versus non-tagged after adding the replaygain to the remaining stuff.
Also changed the replaygain pre-amp setting to zero because of concern
about negative affect on the quiet stuff.

Listening this way for a while, things still seem pretty good.

I did find out I have more stuff in WMA format than I thought, but it
will probably still take some months on random play to really get a feel
for how that factors in over the long haul.

Looking at Ex Falso in more depth, it does use gstreamer to do the
replaygain stuff so if you use that there is no need to load anything
from outside the Debian archives to handle mp3 and m4a files.

Ex Falso sets replaygain peak tags and gain tags for track and album,
the replaygain tool in Soundkonverter and easymp3gain-gtk also seem to
do that when using easymp3gain or aacgain. Some of the other front ends
and aacgain from the command line default to a different method, which
modifies the volume a different way then has smaller values for the gain
tag, with an undo tag.

I have not noticed in my collection where this other tactic was used for
an m4a file, so the volume adjustment with the undo tag may be only for
mp3, or it may be that I didn't have many m4a files back in the
2007-2008 time frame when I messed with the replaygain stuff before.

Now that I have the replaygain done for the files on the phone and I am
getting into my re-tagging effort for the files on my computer I am
seeing some of the mp3 files have this undo information when I load the
files into Musicbrainz Picard, but Picard doesn't show the replaygain
information for m4a files. I have also been checking one or two files in
each album folder with mediainfo because it seems the undo stuff will
sometimes show in both sometimes only in Picard and sometimes only in

Might not be necessary to undo the change and recalculate the gain, but
I want things to be consistent. The secondary reason

Re: replaygain, soundkonverter, aac/m4a glitch

2016-10-05 Thread Seeker

On 10/3/2016 6:42 AM, Mark Fletcher wrote:

On Sun, Oct 02, 2016 at 04:29:24PM -0700, Seeker wrote:

Am I the only one on the list listening to music off of my phone over
bluetooth in the car or having some other reason to want normalized music
playback? :O :)

No, but you are the only one top posting...

(Sorry, couldn't resist it)

I don't mind a little humor. :)

I do what you said all the time, with several devices, including
bluetooth headphones (which this list famously helped me get working)
as well as using the phone as an audio source for the PC. I don't
feel the need to futz around with the audio to do it.


It's less of an issue for me on the computer, but it would still be nice
to have more normalized levels on the playback.

Individual experience will differ, it depends on the range of stuff you
have in your collection and listening habits, whole albums versus random

The extremes in my collection between the quiet tracks and the loud
tracks are too extreme. I don't want to reduce the level of the loud
stuff excessively and I don't want to bring the level of the quiet stuff
up so much the clipping becomes an issue.

So even with normalization there will be quieter and louder stuff, but
in theory the levels will be close enough.

Some of the worst offenders were/are things that were recorded to the
computer from cassette tapes, metal oxide versus normal tape, differing
levels of tape degradation, lack of knowledge on my part on how to
compensate for some of the issues to get the best end result, etc...
Some of those have since been replaced by CD versions, others I continue
to keep an eye out for as I shop for other things.

Even without taking that into consideration there are some pretty big

Age is probably the next biggest factor, 20s/30s, versus 40s/50s versus
60s/70s versus 80s/90s versus 2k+

Genre/style factors in as well.

For the phone, if I am wearing earbuds and have turned up the the volume
for something quiet, the loud stuff is too loud. When I am running, the
bluetooth headset volume is limited to a lower level which takes care of
the 'too loud' part, but the quiet stuff gets lost to road noise,
depending on how close to a road I am and how much traffic there is.
Over bluetooth in the car, my car is not the worst at blocking road
noise, but not great either, so quiet stuff being lost to road noise
versus loud stuff becoming an assault on the ears.

The car is the most annoying case for me. As I get replaygain tags
applied to more of my music, I am having more road trips where I never
touch the volume after I have made the initial adjustment.

Vanilla Music on the phone does have extra options on it's replaygain
menu for setting a "replaygain pre-amp" value and to reduce the volume
for tracks that do not have replaygain tags. Have to investigate those
options further. Probably more useful for playlists than for listening
to the entire music collection on random play, and random play of my
entire collection is what I do +95% of the time.

Later, Seeker

Re: Replaygain, alternatives to Easymp3gain-gtk/-qt.

2016-10-04 Thread Seeker

On 9/18/2016 12:34 PM, Seeker wrote:

Initially looked into the replaygain stuff in 2008. Don't remember
what all was available at the time. Remember that I looked into
Sounkoverter and easymp3gain-gtk. More recently have preferred

I'm running unstable, investigating why esaymp3gain-gtk/-qt are
showing up in the obsolete software list, it was removed by request.
Aacgain handles MP3 files so that fact that easymp3gain was removed
some time ago is a non-issue, dead upstream, no activity since 2013
on the other hand is a big issue.

Short term I am content to keep the software installed and continue
using it while I investigate alternatives, but there are always the
questions of 'How long do I really want to keep dead software on my
system' and 'How long will the software continue to work'.

So I am wondering what other people are using and what do you like
about it.

One of the things I like about easymp3gain-qt is the always visible
listing of individual tracks that have been added and what track and
album gain has been applied to each track. Having that kind of file
listing is a lesser issue, would like a drag and drop solution.

I'm getting ready to look at qtgain.

The snapshot makes it look kind of minimalistic as far as information
it displays.

Current process when I get a new CD.

RIP with Soundjuicer, drag and drop from a filemanager to easymp3-qt
to add the replaygain tags, browse into the album directory if not
already there, select the music files and use the file managers 'open
with' function to open in Musicbrainz Picard to pull in more complete
tag information and rename the files to '[track #] [track title].

Musicbrainz Picard does have a plug-in for replaygain, but I was not
real happy with the way it works, seemed a little quirky but some of
that may have been whatever updates were happening in unstable at the
time when I looked at it.

Later, Seeker

The continuing story of radar replaygain.

I was going to compare things in my Ubuntu installation, but no aacgain
for Ubuntu, looks like there was a PPA for precise, but nothing for more
recent releases.

Back to Debian. I have aacgain loaded from Need that
for mp3 and m4a support. The tools that let you specify a path to
mp3gain you can use '/usr/bin/aacgain' so aacgain will get used for mp3.

No support anywhere for wma that I could find, don't know if that is
because of a limitation in tagging or something else.

Wasn't happy with qtgain.

The plugin for Musicbrainz Picard doesn't have an option for aacgain, so
no mp4, that may be a contributing factor as to why I thought it was a
little quirky.

The replaygain tool in Soundkonverter generally works pretty well,
except for m4a at the time I am writing this, it just displays question
marks in the track and album gain columns, so have to check in something
else to make sure that tags were applied in the m4a files.

After reviewing the wiki page again.

Noticed Quod Libet/Ex Falso. Ex Falso is a tagger, Quod Libet is a music
player that uses Ex Falso for it's tagging system. Available in Debian.

It looks like Ex Falso is the way I'm going to go.

The replaygain plugin in Ex Falso is disabled by default so you have to
enable it first.

Once enabled you can select some tracks in the song list, right click,
then select replaygain to initiate the scan.

Minor issues with Ex Falso.

It seems to have it's own way of scanning, so even if you select some
WMA files it can calculate a value, and it gives an option to save and
acts like it was successful, but since there is no support for wma, when
you close, then go back to those files again, no replaygain information.

My music is on a different hard drive, in the past I had symlinks, but
prefer not to do that these days. So in the filebrowser in Ex Falso it's
a little clunky to browse to where my music is and didn't see a way to
shorcut it in Ex Falso. Instead I open a filemanager, browse to my music
directory, then use the 'open with' option to open a directory in Ex
Falso. If you use the 'open with' function with a file just do one file,
if you select multiple files and do 'open with', you get multiple Ex
Falso windows.

If you use Quod Libet as your music player, you can use the tagging
feature from inside of Quod Libet and bypass some of those issues.

Ex Falso does save mp3 tags in id3v2.4 format, don't know if that is an
issue if you only use it for replaygain, but could be an issue if you
use it for the other tagging features. Mainly Windows Media Player and
Groove in Windows, or hardware music players, TVs, etc...

I don't have any issues with it on my Android phone. The stereo doesn't
know how to display cyrillic, kanji, etc... when I listen to music over
bluetooth in the car, but that is the same whether the mp3s are tagged
in id3v2.3 or id3v2.4.

I use Vanilla Music on my phone, available from

Re: replaygain, soundkonverter, aac/m4a glitch

2016-10-03 Thread Seeker

On 10/3/2016 2:39 AM, Jonathan Dowland wrote:

On Sun, Oct 02, 2016 at 04:29:24PM -0700, Seeker wrote:

Am I the only one on the list listening to music off of my phone
over bluetooth in the car or having some other reason to want
normalized music playback? :O :)

I've never used replaygain but it's on my "look at" list. Your
initial evaluation of what is available/works and what doesn't is
really useful, thanks. If it turns out the best tools at the moment
are not in Debian, then I would be interested in helping to make them
so. I'll put some time aside to re-read your messages more
thoroughly, but please if you do any further research do post it


Considering how long the tools have been around and the amount of
support there is in playback software for reading the replaygain
information the options seem surprisingly limited on calculating the
gain and adding the tags.

I did find something else. Since this thread was intended to be more
specifically about Soundkonverter I will post that as a reply to my
other message.

Replaygain, alternatives to Easymp3gain-gtk/-qt

Later, Seeker

Re: replaygain, soundkonverter, aac/m4a glitch

2016-10-02 Thread Seeker
Am I the only one on the list listening to music off of my phone over 
bluetooth in the car or having some other reason to want normalized 
music playback? :O :)

On 10/2/2016 1:18 PM, Seeker wrote:

Where the glitch comes in is with m4a files. The replay gain tool
just shows question marks in the track and album gain fields. Tried
checking the box to force recalculation then clicked the 'Tag
Untagged' button, looked like it was behaving correctly and doing
the calculation/recalculation, still shows question marks.
Easymp3gain shows the gain has been set.

Next found a different album of m4a files, loaded them in Easymp3gain
to verify the tags were there, loaded them in the replaygain tool and
again it just showed question marks.

I did also post a message in the KDE forum asking if anybody else
has seen this behavior

As I write this there were 6 views, no replies.

Same question here, anybody else seeing this behavior?

More information.

Found some m4a files that did not have replaygain tags.

Clicking 'tag untagged' then checking at the command line

aacgain -s c *

showed no replaygain data

returning to the replaygain tool, checking the box to for recalculation,
then clicking 'tag untagged'

aacgain -s c *

shows replaygain data.

Later, Seeker

replaygain, soundkonverter, aac/m4a glitch

2016-10-02 Thread Seeker

The story so far. On Debian unstable.

Easymp3gain was removed from Debian unstable. Settling in on 
alternatives before I remove it from my system.

Not completely against using the different *gain tools from the command 
line, but would prefer GUI.

Tried QTGain
Apparently from the change log it had more of an interface, but went 
back to minimal with the port to QT5.

Initially had a not previously gained mp3 file to test. After letting 
QTGain do it's thing, something seemed a little odd when looking with 
easymp3gain, the replaygain tool in Soundkonverter, and Musicbrainz 
Picard to see what replaygain information they showed.

After adding, removing, adding, removing with no issues, went back to 
QTGain a second time and after using QTGain the second time, Easymp3gain 
showed the volume at 89, instead of volume '92' and track tag '-3'.

So QTGain is out.

Generally speaking I'm leaning toward using the replaygain tool in 
Soundkonverter, looked good from my initial testing with mp3, ripped 3 
CDs and used it for them so it looks good with vorbis audio.

Where the glitch comes in is with m4a files. The replay gain tool just 
shows question marks in the track and album gain fields. Tried checking 
the box to force recalculation then clicked the 'Tag Untagged' button, 
looked like it was behaving correctly and doing the 
calculation/recalculation, still shows question marks. Easymp3gain shows 
the gain has been set.

Next found a different album of m4a files, loaded them in Easymp3gain to 
verify the tags were there, loaded them in the replaygain tool and again 
it just showed question marks.

I did also post a message in the KDE forum asking if anybody else has 
seen this behavior

As I write this there were 6 views, no replies.

Same question here, anybody else seeing this behavior?

Later, Seeker

Re: Failed to execute child process (no such file or directory), but the script DOES exist in $HOME/bin, openbox users, especially take a look, please.

2016-09-26 Thread Seeker

On 9/26/2016 2:44 PM, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 10:19:27PM +0100, Brian wrote:

But now we have

 > User configuration may be done in a few different ways. The simplest
 > way is to create a ~/.xsessionrc file,.

The pedantic side of me asks - why is it the simplest way? And in what

Because it's *additive*.  It's just some stuff that happens in addition
to the system launching your default WM/DE, and whatever else the
system does by default (setting up an ssh-agent?  I don't even know).
You don't have to do all of those things yourself.

Just counting lines of code in the most ridiculously oversimplified
cse, it should be obvious that


is simpler than

exec x-session-manager

Two is more than one.

If you use a display manager and only one desktop, it's not really an issue.

If you boot to the console and log in you can have .xsession.desktop1, 
.xsession.desktop2, .xsession.desktop3, etc...

And do

mv .xsession.desktopX .xsession

before starting your xsession, so not much of an issue there either.

 > Finally, note that the ~/.xsession file is only read if you
 > are using a Debian X session. If you login with gdm3 and
 > choose a GNOME session, the ~/.xsession file will be ignored
 > completely. (But you may still use ~/.xsessionrc.)

Not observed in testing. /etc/gdm3/Xsession also has a stanza beginning
"SESSIONFILES=$(run_parts $(SYSSESSIONDIR)" which also appears to
contradict this statement. SYSSESSIONDIR is /etc/X11/Xsession.d.

If I've made factual errors, please correct them.  I'm trying my best to
piece together how gdm3 works based on the existing documentation (written
by Overfiend over a decade ago), and other, older wiki pages which may
themselves be incorrect, and my extremely limited past knowledge of gdm.
Note that I do not *use* gdm3 myself, nor lightdm, nor xdm, or any other
display manager, but I did briefly experiment with gdm many years back.

I have a .xsession file, it's set up to start fluxbox on the exec line.

The .xsession file only gets read when I have the default/debian 
xsession selected.

Currently I'm using lightdm, before that kdm, before that gdm3, so it's 
been a while since I used gdm3. Occasionally I would switch to wdm if 
something weird was happening and wanted to see if it happened with a 
different display manager.

It's possible that something changed with gdm3 after I stopped using it, 
or that it's been long enough I just don't remember, but I don't 
remember any of these in recent years using the .xsession file if you 
use a session other than the default session.

I only verified use of .xsessionrc to set variables using lightdm as my 
display manager and lxqt as my X session. Putting a line in .xsessionrc 
to export a variable works.

Later, Seeker

Re: WARNING! New Perl/Perl-base upgrade removes 141 Sid/Unstable packages

2016-09-24 Thread Seeker

First off I have been playing around with 'compose > text' and 'send >
text' options in Thunderbird so I apologize ahead of time if A: lines
are excessively long and B: that is an issue for you in whatever you
are using to read this.

On 9/24/2016 8:33 AM, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:

What you're saying about the use of "apt-get upgrade", that's just
what I was saying the other day about the difference in how "apt-get
install" and "apt-get upgrade" reacts...

Except that...

In the case I was saying the other day, it wasn't like this.
Libreoffice was installing fine via "apt-get install". There were no
glitches, no potentially negative advisements, to be seen in the
"install" action towards upgrade. BUT if I performed a wide open,
generic "apt-get upgrade" (purely on a whim), many libreoffice
packages (including libreoffice itself) were then held back.

Just tested it again and am still receiving the following (regarding
libreoffice only via "apt-get upgrade"):

"The following packages have been kept back: libreoffice
libreoffice-avmedia-backend-gstreamer libreoffice-base
libreoffice-base-core libreoffice-base-drivers libreoffice-calc
libreoffice-core libreoffice-draw libreoffice-impress
libreoffice-math libreoffice-report-builder-bin
libreoffice-sdbc-firebird libreoffice-sdbc-hsqldb

Per your suggestion, perl and perl-base are, YES, additionally now
included in what's being reported as being held back for that same
"apt-get upgrade" just now. :)

Normal behavior for 'apt-get upgrade', will not install anything new in
a literal, based on package name sort of way and also will not install
anything that would cause a package to be removed. So if upgrading
LibreOffice would pull in something you don't already have it will get
held back. If there is a version as part of the package name so
libsomething01 would have to be removed and libsomething02 would have to
be install, then you have a removal of a package you have and install of
something you don't so again it gets held back.

I have not looked into what all differences there are between 'apt
upgrade' versus 'apt-get upgrade', but one difference is that 'apt
upgrade' will pull in new packages in order to upgrade something you
already have.

I don't normally upgrade from the command line, so have not used 'apt
upgrade' enough to notice if it will do the upgrade in cases where
libsomething01 has to be removed and libsomething02 has to be installed.

Later, Seeker

Re: Resolved: Failed to execute child process (no such file or directory), but the script DOES exist in $HOME/bin, openbox users, especially take a look, please.

2016-09-24 Thread Seeker

On 9/23/2016 10:28 AM, Brian wrote:

On Fri 23 Sep 2016 at 10:07:43 -0700, Seeker wrote:

On 9/22/2016 6:18 PM, Seeker wrote:

In spite of the existence of 60xprofile and the fact that '~/.xprofile' did
get sourced in the ast, I'm not finding any information on when you
might expect xprofile/.xprofile to get sourced or not sourced.

To the very best of my knowledge ~/.xprofile has never been a feature of
Debian's X configuration files in /etc/X11. However, it is acted on by
gdm3 in *its* Xsession script.

What does

  dpkg -S /full/path/to/60xprofile

give you?

It tells me 'no path found matching pattern'

Looks like a leftover from something possibly non-debian. Last modified
date 2007 if you trust that to mean anything.

Running cruft on the system now to see what it has to report.

The list of unexaplained files is big, but outside of 60xprofile and
stuff in '/usr/src' it mostly looks like autogenerated stuff.

I still have a directory in /usr/src for the 2.4.23 kernel and google
tells me that was released Nov 2003, so it's been sometime before that
since I've done a clean install. Following unstable the whole time and
making the transition from 32bit to 64bit the hard way somewhere along
the way. I have had my binge and 'dpkg --purge --force-depends' moments
along the way where I looked for and deleted related orphaned stuff
before re-installing some or all of the purged packages, but it seems
reasonable to expect I didn't get all the orphaned stuff along the way.

So it looks like '~/.xsessionrc' is way to go.

For what? In what circumstance?

For me personally, I only ever remember using .profile/.xprofile to set
environment variables (my memory is terrible). The path mainly, but 
other things come up once in a while. Seemed like it was short lived,

but there was a variable that could be set to make
'Ctrl'+'Alt'+'Backspace' work in your X session. I had a locale issue
at one point, so was setting the locale in .profile/.xprofile (whatever
worked at the time) for a while, 'till I got that real issue sorted out.

These are the things I would use '~/.xsessionrc' for.

I guess the next question would be

Can we expect this to continue working over the long haul with a Wayland
session or will we have to start putting things into


It has it's uses.

If I want a program to run independently of what desktop session I am
running, I create a .desktop file or grab an existing one and modify it,
then put it in '~/.config/autostart/'.

I made a copy of '/etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop' in my
'~/.config/autostart/' and changed 'Exec=start-pulseaudio-x11' to
'Exec=' so pulse doesn't start automatically but is still available.
KDE did have it's own .desktop file for starting pulseaudio, but I
don't currently see one in '/etc/xdg/autostart' there may or may not
still be one in a KDE specific directory, I do have a
pulseaudio-kde.desktop file in my autostart that also has the target of
the 'Exec=' line removed.

Later, Seeker

Re: Resolved: Failed to execute child process (no such file or directory), but the script DOES exist in $HOME/bin, openbox users, especially take a look, please.

2016-09-23 Thread Seeker

On 9/22/2016 6:18 PM, Seeker wrote:

On 9/22/2016 10:45 AM, Brian wrote:

On Thu 22 Sep 2016 at 12:10:35 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 09:00:11AM -0700, Seeker wrote:

A little late, but personally I would have tried using '~/.xprofile'

I believe the information about this from the Arch Wiki applies equally
to Debian.

wooledg@wooledg:~$ grep -r xprofile /etc/X11

Good catch! You can have a ~/.xprofile but none of the files in /etc/X11
will look for it. startx uses only the files in /etc/X11; it will ignore
whatever is in such a file.

That does not mean nothing else will look for ~/.xprofile and source it
if it exists. It's one of the wonders of Debian; just when you think you
have a total grasp of the situation something extra comes to light. Time
for some not very onerous detective work. (Clue: DM).

Way back I used to use '~/.profile'. Somewhere along the way, maybe
because I stopped using GDM, that quit working. The indication at that
time was it was not a bug and the recommendation seemed to be to use

I'm running unstable by the way.

It's been a while since I needed to set variables during login.

I do see a '/etc/X11/Xsession.d/60xprofile' file that looks like it
should cause '/etc/xprofile' and '~/.xprofile' to get sourced, but that
doesn't seem to be happening on my system.

I'm using lightdm for my display manager, lxqt for my desktop, with
openbox for the window manager most of the time.

Will have to look at lxde and kde to see if it is a desktop thing or
something else.

Later, Seeker

In spite of the existence of 60xprofile and the fact that '~/.xprofile' 
did get sourced in the ast, I'm not finding any information on when you

might expect xprofile/.xprofile to get sourced or not sourced.

So it looks like '~/.xsessionrc' is way to go.

I guess the next question would be

Can we expect this to continue working over the long haul with a Wayland
session or will we have to start putting things into

Later, Seeker

Re: Resolved: Failed to execute child process (no such file or directory), but the script DOES exist in $HOME/bin, openbox users, especially take a look, please.

2016-09-22 Thread Seeker

On 9/22/2016 10:45 AM, Brian wrote:

On Thu 22 Sep 2016 at 12:10:35 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 09:00:11AM -0700, Seeker wrote:

A little late, but personally I would have tried using '~/.xprofile'

I believe the information about this from the Arch Wiki applies equally
to Debian.

wooledg@wooledg:~$ grep -r xprofile /etc/X11

Good catch! You can have a ~/.xprofile but none of the files in /etc/X11
will look for it. startx uses only the files in /etc/X11; it will ignore
whatever is in such a file.

That does not mean nothing else will look for ~/.xprofile and source it
if it exists. It's one of the wonders of Debian; just when you think you
have a total grasp of the situation something extra comes to light. Time
for some not very onerous detective work. (Clue: DM).

Way back I used to use '~/.profile'. Somewhere along the way, maybe
because I stopped using GDM, that quit working. The indication at that
time was it was not a bug and the recommendation seemed to be to use

I'm running unstable by the way.

It's been a while since I needed to set variables during login.

I do see a '/etc/X11/Xsession.d/60xprofile' file that looks like it
should cause '/etc/xprofile' and '~/.xprofile' to get sourced, but that
doesn't seem to be happening on my system.

I'm using lightdm for my display manager, lxqt for my desktop, with
openbox for the window manager most of the time.

Will have to look at lxde and kde to see if it is a desktop thing or
something else.

Later, Seeker

Re: Failed to execute child process (no such file or directory), but the script DOES exist in $HOME/bin, openbox users, especially take a look, please.

2016-09-22 Thread Seeker

On 9/21/2016 12:07 PM, Anthony Baldwin wrote:

On 09/21/2016 11:05 AM, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 10:49:13AM -0400, Tony Baldwin wrote:

it seems that I am using lightdm.

I know of absolutely no documentation for configuring lightdm as a
user.  I suspect that the software *has* no user configuration at all,
because every search I've ever done has come up with nothing.

(For example, has zero instances of
"home" or "~" or "dot".)

Oddly this page states, with it's bare face hanging out:
[lightdm] was built as a relatively light-weight and *highly
customizable* alternative to GDM.

Highly customizable is not the same as highly configurable.

3 greeters that customize the lightdm login screen lightdm-gtk-greeter,
lightdm-kde-greeter, razorqt-lightdm-greeter.

Later Seeker

Re: Resolved: Failed to execute child process (no such file or directory), but the script DOES exist in $HOME/bin, openbox users, especially take a look, please.

2016-09-22 Thread Seeker

On 9/22/2016 8:25 AM, Tony Baldwin wrote:

On 09/22/2016 10:15 AM, Tixy wrote:

On Thu, 2016-09-22 at 09:11 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 09:19:11PM -0500, David Wright wrote:

But I don't understand the concept of "user configuration" for a DM.
Wouldn't that be like a user configuring /etc/issue, the login


or /etc/motd ?

By user configuration, I mean "which files can the user edit, without
superuser privileges, to alter the behavior of the program".

Are you perhaps talking about which file,
like .xsession, .xsessionrc, .Xsession, .xinitrc, etc gets executed
when you login through the DM?

Yes, precisely this question.  What can an end user, who uses one of
the various display managers and desktop environments in Debian, do
to configure their own environment?

I edit ~/.xsessionrc to have a single line:

. /home/tixy/.profile

Which makes X sessions include the same profile as standard login

And my .profile has (or I added?)

# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then

Thank you, Tixy,

This worked perfectly.
I created the .xsessionrc file (didn't previously have one),
and found that my .proile already had the needed part in it (possibly
because I'd already added the same to my .bashrc  ?)
Logged out and back in, and now my keybinding are working to fire off my
scripts. such as this one, which I fire off qwith the print screen key:

A little late, but personally I would have tried using '~/.xprofile'

I believe the information about this from the Arch Wiki applies equally
to Debian.

Later, Seeker

Re: page RELOAD by Firefox

2016-09-19 Thread Seeker

On 9/18/2016 9:11 PM, wrote:

On Sun, September 18, 2016 7:10 pm, Seeker wrote:

Is this web page on the PWS or out on the internet?
Is the PWS using the same data connection you are using to access the
web page? Is there advertising on this page?
If you do not leave the page open in a tab, does your data allocation
still get rapidly depleted?

Maybe with more information someone will have an alternative suggestion.

The page is associated with the weather underground:

Looks like some kind of widget/script things to me that keep things up
to date, without requiring a refresh of the page.

Thought I saw something about 10 minutes when I loaded the page earlier
in the morning, but going back later, current status is updated multiple
times per minute, the radar map less often, but not too many minutes in

The advertising cycles as well, so the amount of weather data versus ad
data is a question.

Privacy badger is not an ad blocker, but for this site, blocking the
potential trackers blocks the ads.

With noscript installed/enabled looks like the only thing that loads is
the current conditions and reload/refresh is required to see updated

Later, Seeker

Re: page RELOAD by Firefox

2016-09-18 Thread Seeker

On 9/18/2016 3:21 PM, wrote:

My limited G4 data allocation is being depleted much too rapidly for my
budget.  I suspect that the culprit is the web page of a personal weather
station (PWS) in which page measurements are updated every ten minutes.  I
keep a Firefox window open to monitor the web page.

Is this web page on the PWS or out on the internet?
Is the PWS using the same data connection you are using to access the 
web page?

Is there advertising on this page?
If you do not leave the page open in a tab, does your data allocation 
still get rapidly depleted?

Maybe with more information someone will have an alternative suggestion.

I do not understand the mechanism, but every time I click on the window or
tab in which the PWS web page is displayed, I see the latest data, without
clicking the Firefox RELOAD button.  Thus, it appears to me that the PWS
web page somehow is notifying Firefox every time the web page is updated,
and that Firefox is automatically loading the update.

Is there a way to keep Firefox from automatically reloading this
particular web page?  Or am I misunderstanding what is happening here?


Another response already mentioned there are some add-ons related to 

For a limited data connection you might also want to go through the list 
of plugins and change the settings for some of them to 'Ask to activate'.

If you have not already looked into them, maybe look into privacy 
badger, noscript, and some some kind of ad blocker.

Later, Seeker

Replaygain, alternatives to Easymp3gain-gtk/-qt.

2016-09-18 Thread Seeker
Initially looked into the replaygain stuff in 2008. Don't remember what 
all was
available at the time. Remember that I looked into Sounkoverter and 

More recently have preferred easymp3gain-qt.

I'm running unstable, investigating why esaymp3gain-gtk/-qt are showing 
up in the obsolete
software list, it was removed by request. Aacgain handles MP3 files so 
that fact that
easymp3gain was removed some time ago is a non-issue, dead upstream, no 
activity since

2013 on the other hand is a big issue.

Short term I am content to keep the software installed and continue 
using it while I
investigate alternatives, but there are always the questions of 'How 
long do I really want to
keep dead software on my system' and 'How long will the software 
continue to work'.

So I am wondering what other people are using and what do you like about 

One of the things I like about easymp3gain-qt is the always visible 
listing of individual tracks
that have been added and what track and album gain has been applied to 
each track. Having
that kind of file listing is a lesser issue, would like a drag and drop 

 I'm getting ready to look at qtgain.

The snapshot makes it look kind of minimalistic as far as information it 

Current process when I get a new CD.

RIP with Soundjuicer, drag and drop from a filemanager to easymp3-qt to 
add the replaygain
tags, browse into the album directory if not already there, select the 
music files and use the
file managers 'open with' function to open in Musicbrainz Picard to pull 
in more complete tag

information and rename the files to '[track #] [track title].

Musicbrainz Picard does have a plug-in for replaygain, but I was not 
real happy with the way
it works, seemed a little quirky but some of that may have been whatever 
updates were

happening in unstable at the time when I looked at it.

Later, Seeker

Re: debian version ID

2016-08-09 Thread Seeker

On 8/9/2016 4:49 PM, David Wright wrote:

On Tue 09 Aug 2016 at 13:27:34 (-0700), Seeker wrote:

On 8/9/2016 4:34 AM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:

Le 09/08/2016 à 10:44, Jonathan de Boyne Pollard a écrit :

Andrew M.A. Cater:

/etc/os-release just contains major version

You are going to have to explain that to its manual page, which gives
VERSION_ID=11.04 as an example of what can be in the file.

This is obviously not a Debian version. Rather looks like Ubuntu.

You're going to have to explain it to the Ubuntu people, as well;
because they follow what the manual says.

Ubuntu 11.04 is a version based on year+month of release rather
than a major+minor version. Ubuntu 11.04 is as different from
11.10 as 11.10 is different from 12.04.

That was my first thought too, but looking up base-files for one of
the LTS releases on and reading
the change log, looks like to do update the os-release with xx.xx.1,
xx.xx.2, etc...

Where was that, then? (To save us all having to search for it.)

When you say "update the os-release with xx.xx.1", do you
mean the VERSION_ID line? This line is optional anyway,
is it not?


"base-files (7.2ubuntu5.5) trusty; urgency=medium

  * /etc/issue, /etc/, /etc/lsb-release, /etc/os-release: Bump
version number to 14.04.5 in preparation for the point release.

 -- Adam Conrad <>  Mon, 01 Aug 2016 07:48:43 -0600"

Later, Seeker

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: debian version ID

2016-08-09 Thread Seeker

On 8/9/2016 4:34 AM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:

Le 09/08/2016 à 10:44, Jonathan de Boyne Pollard a écrit :

Andrew M.A. Cater:

/etc/os-release just contains major version

You are going to have to explain that to its manual page, which gives
VERSION_ID=11.04 as an example of what can be in the file.

This is obviously not a Debian version. Rather looks like Ubuntu.

You're going to have to explain it to the Ubuntu people, as well;
because they follow what the manual says.

Ubuntu 11.04 is a version based on year+month of release rather than a 
major+minor version. Ubuntu 11.04 is as different from 11.10 as 11.10 
is different from 12.04.

That was my first thought too, but looking up base-files for one of the 
LTS releases on and reading
the change log, looks like to do update the os-release with xx.xx.1, 
xx.xx.2, etc...

Later, Seeker

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: debian version ID

2016-08-05 Thread Seeker

On 8/1/2016 1:53 AM, Felix Miata wrote:

Ben Finney composed on 2016-08-01 03:20 (UTC-0400):

Felix Miata wrote:

Will someone please explain (or point to, since it's not in release
notes), why:

1: /etc/os-release (in Jessie at least) does not include the point
release version as represented by /etc/debian_version

The proximate explanation is: Because the API for that file is
different. It describes the stable release for its whole lifetime, not
the updates made since that version of Debian was released.

Given the many possible options[1] for that file's content, one would 
think there would be a way to get the extra detail in, maybe 
VERSION_ID=8 and VERSION="8.5 (Jessie)", or move "Jessie" to 

Think of it like this.

The last "version" of Debian released is 8. The x.4, x.5, etc.. have no 
meaning on the running system, either you have
kept up with the updates and your system is secure, or you have not kept 
up with the updates and your system is

potentially vulnerable.

The installation media is 8.5 because it includes packages that have 
been updated since the initial release and you need

a way to differentiate earlier and later versions of the installation media.

There may be more to x.x the Debian developer side of things, but for us 
end users that all we really need

to know.

It tells you right in the announcement

"*Please note that this update does not constitute a new version of 
Debian 8 *but only updates some of the packages included.
*There is no need to throw away old**"jessie" CDs or DVDs but only to 
update via an up-to-date Debian mirror after an

installation*, to cause any out of date packages to be updated."

Later, Seeker

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: WebRTC with Firefox in Debian Jessie

2016-05-24 Thread Seeker

On 5/24/2016 6:11 AM, Markos wrote:


I just found the WebRTC ( project but I still 
don't understand if I already can use it as an alternative to Skype.

How do I use it with Firefox in Debian Jessie?

Any tip?


Re: wireless without network-manager... is it still possible?

2016-05-24 Thread Seeker

On 5/23/2016 12:50 PM, Nicolas George wrote:

Le quintidi 5 prairial, an CCXXIV, Lisi Reisz a écrit :

American? There are two continents. Do you mean the U.S.A? - the land of
the rooster and other euphemistic terms?

What becomes of Canada and Mexico in that scenario??

A friend of mine suggested "United States of Puritania" for the demonymless
country between Canada and Mexico.

Maybe I'm just not creative enough.

 If it was not a commonly accepted reference to the United States of 
America, there would

be no "America".

You would have 'American continents' plural. You would have 'The 
Americas' plural.

I can't think of a usage that makes sense to collectively refer to 
people from two

separate continents and a region of land that connects them as 'American'.

What am I missing?! ;)

Later, Seeker

Re: User's bin path not recognised in login script

2016-03-22 Thread Seeker

On 3/22/2016 1:11 PM, Michael Fothergill wrote:

On 22 March 2016 at 19:59, Dan Ritter < 
<>> wrote:

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 05:13:43PM +, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> On 22 March 2016 at 16:24, Andrew McGlashan <
<>> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On 23/03/2016 12:18 AM, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> > > I own a Samsung BD-C5900 Blu ray/DVD player.
> >
There's a reasonable chance that if you attack it with a
screwdriver, you will discover that there is a modern SATA
bluray/DVD drive in there, and you can rip it out and put
it in your computer.


​Would that drive be one that only read bluray and DVD disks or could 
it be modified to burn them as well?

If the player did not have functions built in for recording the drive is 
probably just a reader, no

write capability.

It my reach a point where it makes more economic sense for the 
manufacturers to only create
RW drives than it does for them to have 2 production lines, but don't 
know if we are there yet,

much less if we were there when your player was manufactured.

Also I expect it's more likely that the player would have a laptop style 
drive in it which would
require an adapter to handle the different size of SATA data/power 
connectors if you are looking

to use it in a desktop system.

If the system you are looking to use it in is a laptop, then newer 
laptops that still include an
optical drive have gone to thinner drives. Outside of that it's a 
question of how things line up.
The piece that secures the drive to the laptop could probably be swapped 
with the piece off
of the old drive if necessary or left off if the drive fits tight enough 
if really necessary. The face
plate is less likely the match up between the two drives, especially 
between a DVD drive and a

Blue Ray drive.

Later, Seeker

Re: User's bin path not recognised in login script

2016-03-22 Thread Seeker

On 3/22/2016 11:20 AM, Russell Gadd wrote:

Thanks for the export point which I have now used. However it doesn't
solve the problem.

I experimented by adding the following line into ~/.bash_profile,
~/.profile and ~/.bashrc:
echo "This is " &>>/tmp/out.txt

Neither of the profile files triggered the output, nor did .bashrc
until I manually opened a Mate terminal from the desktop. So it
appears that the profile files do not get invoked at any time.

I've even tried changing the PATH which is set at the top of
/etc/profile, but this doesn't work either, so it looks like profile
files are ignored altogether.

I did a search using terms that seemed like likely suspects if I 
expected the login shell stuff to get

sourced when a display manager is handling the login instead of the shell.

The first page of results I got where some combination of old, 
incomplete, and/or GDM specific.
Even in the GDM case, I'm not sure if the documentation is correct for 
current versions of GDM

since I have not used GDM for a long time.

Sourcing '~/.profile' when the shell is not your login was more of a 
Redhat thing that other

distributions may or may not do.

I did see some bug reports which would probably have some relevant 
information in the


Create '~/.xprofile' and put your export commands and extra non-desktop 
specific stuff you

 always want to run there.

Later, Seeker

Re: can you boot a dvd iso file from a tv dvd player?

2016-03-22 Thread Seeker

On 3/22/2016 1:11 PM, Michael Fothergill wrote:

On 22 March 2016 at 19:59, Dan Ritter < 
<>> wrote:

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 05:13:43PM +, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> On 22 March 2016 at 16:24, Andrew McGlashan <
<>> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On 23/03/2016 12:18 AM, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> > > I own a Samsung BD-C5900 Blu ray/DVD player.
> >
There's a reasonable chance that if you attack it with a
screwdriver, you will discover that there is a modern SATA
bluray/DVD drive in there, and you can rip it out and put
it in your computer.


​Would that drive be one that only read bluray and DVD disks or could 
it be modified to burn them as well?

If the player did not have functions built in for recording the drive is 
probably just a reader, no

write capability.

It my reach a point where it makes more economic sense for the 
manufacturers to only create
RW drives than it does for them to have 2 production lines, but don't 
know if we are there yet,

much less if we were there when your player was manufactured.

Also I expect it's more likely that the player would have a laptop style 
drive in it which would
require an adapter to handle the different size of SATA data/power 
connectors if you are looking

to use it in a desktop system.

If the system you are looking to use it in is a laptop, then newer 
laptops that still include an
optical drive have gone to thinner drives. Outside of that it's a 
question of how things line up.
The piece that secures the drive to the laptop could probably be swapped 
with the piece off
of the old drive if necessary or left off if the drive fits tight enough 
if really necessary. The face
plate is less likely the match up between the two drives, especially 
between a DVD drive and a

Blue Ray drive.

Later, Seeker

Re: can you boot a dvd iso file from a tv dvd player?

2016-03-22 Thread Seeker

On 3/22/2016 1:11 PM, Michael Fothergill wrote:

On 22 March 2016 at 19:59, Dan Ritter < 
<>> wrote:

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 05:13:43PM +, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> On 22 March 2016 at 16:24, Andrew McGlashan <
<>> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On 23/03/2016 12:18 AM, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> > > I own a Samsung BD-C5900 Blu ray/DVD player.
> >
There's a reasonable chance that if you attack it with a
screwdriver, you will discover that there is a modern SATA
bluray/DVD drive in there, and you can rip it out and put
it in your computer.


​Would that drive be one that only read bluray and DVD disks or could 
it be modified to burn them as well?

If the player did not have functions built in for recording the drive is 
probably just a reader, no

write capability.

It my reach a point where it makes more economic sense for the 
manufacturers to only create
RW drives than it does for them to have 2 production lines, but don't 
know if we are there yet,

much less if we were there when your player was manufactured.

Also I expect it's more likely that the player would have a laptop style 
drive in it which would
require an adapter to handle the different size of SATA data/power 
connectors if you are looking

to use it in a desktop system.

If the system you are looking to use it in is a laptop, then newer 
laptops that still include an
optical drive have gone to thinner drives. Outside of that it's a 
question of how things line up.
The piece that secures the drive to the laptop could probably be swapped 
with the piece off
of the old drive if necessary or left off if the drive fits tight enough 
if really necessary. The face
plate is less likely the match up between the two drives, especially 
between a DVD drive and a

Blue Ray drive.

Later, Seeker

Re: User's bin path not recognised in login script

2016-03-22 Thread Seeker

On 3/22/2016 11:20 AM, Russell Gadd wrote:

Thanks for the export point which I have now used. However it doesn't 
solve the problem.

I experimented by adding the following line into ~/.bash_profile, 
~/.profile and ~/.bashrc:

echo "This is " &>>/tmp/out.txt

Neither of the profile files triggered the output, nor did .bashrc 
until I manually opened a Mate terminal from the desktop. So it 
appears that the profile files do not get invoked at any time.

I've even tried changing the PATH which is set at the top of 
/etc/profile, but this doesn't work either, so it looks like profile 
files are ignored altogether.

I did a search using terms that seemed like likely suspects if I 
expected the login shell stuff to get

sourced when a display manager is handling the login instead of the shell.

The first page of results I got where some combination of old, 
incomplete, and/or GDM specific.
Even in the GDM case, I'm not sure if the documentation is correct for 
current versions of GDM

since I have not used GDM for a long time.

Sourcing '~/.profile' when the shell is not your login was more of a 
Redhat thing that other

distributions may or may not do.

I did see some bug reports which would probably have some relevant 
information in the


Create '~/.xprofile' and put your export commands and extra non-desktop 
specific stuff you

 always want to run there.

Later, Seeker

Re: Debian and Firefox/Iceweasel

2016-02-26 Thread Seeker

On 2/25/2016 12:39 PM, H Kyu wrote:

​Hello -

Recently, Mozilla's Firefox browser introduced a few new features that 
got me to remove Firefox on my Windows PC altogether.  The features 
were Hello, Camera Access (Android), and screen-sharing.  Every single 
one of those features did not sit well with me from a security 
perspective.  On top of that, Firefox seems to be splitting away from 
the Gecko engine, the Gecko engine was the main reason for my using 
Firefox in the first place - because I disliked the functional model 
of WebKits.  If I wanted a WebKit, I'd have used Chrome.

Then there is the interface - I prefer the Firefox 1 interface... in 
fact, I prefer the Netscape Navigator 4's interface even better - 
practical and informational.  I like my status bar, and all my buttons 
showing all the time, even if disabled.  I like status indicators, 
which includes grayed-out buttons.  I also prefer the old settings 
screen where the browser remembers the last settings tab, and I can 
see all the settings without scrolling.  I am still amazed at the fact 
that Firefox would just abandon their core fans and move away to cater 
to others.

Debian's Gnome uses Iceweasel much like Windows uses IE.

MY QUESTION:  Would Iceweasel also be incorporating those bothersome 
features in the near future?  If so, would it be possible to use 
Debian without Iceweasel or any Mozilla product?

The camera access is needed for video calling, the screen sharing is a 
sub-feature of the video calling.
In newer android you may be able to deny Firefox permission to use the 
camera, won't stop it from
wanting it enable during installation. One would hope it doesn't 
actually get permission right off the
bat and that you would be asked to give permission the first time a 
feature is used that needs it, but

that is another question.

People have already answered the question about browsers in Debian and 
not being forced to use


Over the long haul I suspect it will become more difficult to find a 
browser that does not implement

some kind of support for webrtc.

After a few minutes of Googling...


/In January 2015, //TorrentFreak 
<>//reported that browsers 
supporting WebRTC suffer from a serious security flaw that compromises 
the security of //VPN-tunnels 
<>//, by allowing 
the true //IP address <>//of the 
user to be read.//^<> 
//The IP address read requests are not visible in the browser's 
developer console, and they are not blocked by common //ad blocking 
<>///privacy plugins (enabling 
online tracking by advertisers and other entities despite 
precautions).//^<> /


/WebRTC can be enabled or disabled in //Microsoft Edge 
<>//by going to 
//|about:flags|//and toggling it on/off. In Firefox by toggling the 
value of "media.peerconnection.enabled" in //|about:config 
<>|//, and WebRTC settings can 
be changed in //|about:webrtc|//. WebRTC cannot be disabled in the 
desktop version of Google Chrome, although there is a plug-in available 
for blocking it^" //^<> /

/"//WebRTC is a set of browser APIs and protocols being worked on by the 
//W3C <>//and //IETF 
<>//standardization bodies. With 
WebRTC, developers can quickly add real-time peer-2-peer audio, video 
and data capabilities to their web applications through a set of 
standardised JavaScript APIs. /

/WebKit today lacks support for this exciting new standard. Our 
intention is to add WebRTC support to WebKit, starting with the WebKit 
GTK+ port (Linux), by means of the //OpenWebRTC 
<>//implementation. Much of the WebRTC support 
will be implemented in the core of WebKit and therefore shared among all 
WebKit ports. This will also enable integration of other WebRTC backends 
such as // <>//."


Later, Seeker


Re: Warning Linux Mint Website Hacked and ISOs replaced with Backdoored Operating System

2016-02-23 Thread Seeker

On 2/23/2016 3:08 AM, Nicolas George wrote:

Le quintidi 5 ventôse, an CCXXIV, Thomas Schmitt a écrit :

The ISO checksums are provided more for transport verification than
for the fight against intentional mainpulation.

If that were true, CRC32 would be enough.

Is that a 'Law of averages' thing?

I'll leave the security stuff to others.

If you take security out of the equation, simple true or false.

1. A corrupted download is better able to be detected when using MD5 
than it is with CRC32.

2. A corrupted download is better able to be detected when using SHA 
than it is with MD5.

I don't typically have an issue with corrupt downloads, but still there 
are those days where
something is a bit flaky somewhere in the chain and downloads show 
intermittent periods
of inactivity, sometimes failing and having to be resumed or restarted, 
sometimes multiple

times to get a completed download.

Murphy's law 'Anything that can happen will happen', it's possible for a 
download with
random corruption to pass verification, it will happen eventually. The 
higher the risk
of corruption, the higher the odds are, however small those odds might 
be, that you get a

corrupted download that passes verification.

If I have extra reason to suspect corruption might occur I definitely 
want to use the most
capable option for detecting that. Just because that is not generally 
that case doesn't mean

I generally want to settle for a less capable option.

Later, Seeker

Re: group membership activation

2016-02-18 Thread Seeker

On 2/18/2016 8:10 AM, Bonno Bloksma wrote:


Running a fresh Jessie install on a laptop with GNOME.
Today I had to add a user (me) to a group (wireshark) for a program 
(wireshark gui) to work. At first I thought I did something wrong but 
after a reboot it did work, wireshark was able to see the interfaces.

So probably group membership is not determined at runtime but maybe at 
login or some other moment. Where can I find more info about this?
Is this a problem specific to a desktop environment of can I run into 
this with a straight CLI setup as well?

I know that in a Windows environment the group membership is added to 
the user token at login. Changes in group membership have no effect 
untill the user logs in again.

Bonno Bloksma

If you know enough to know that about Windows, I don't know why you 
would assume there was a problem

or that you did something wrong in Linux.

It's not a problem, it's by design.

Mysteriously the first things that come up for me on google don't 
mention it

Probably easily overlooked, but the relevant Archwiki page does mention 
that if the user is logged in at the
time the change is made, they will need to log out and log in before 
they see the change.

Later, Seeker

Re: Problem with look and feel after installing LXDE

2015-10-13 Thread Seeker

On 10/12/2015 11:42 AM, Mario Castelán Castro wrote:


I installed LXDE in Debian 8 in a virtual machine from a text-only 
environment using "aptitude -R". I had to install a display manager 
separately to have a working graphic environment; I installed 
"lightdm" with aptitude (without "-R").

I found that some programs, such as the one responsible for the 
shutdown menu and Qt programs (like KAlarm) have a very plain look and 
feel (like that of Windows 95) which is inconsistent with the rest of 
the system (that has a more polished look and feel). I'd like to make 
these programs have the same look and feel as the rest of the system.

As a test, I installed "lxde" in a different virtual machine *without* 
the "-R" option. The shutdown menu has the right look and feel, 
consistent with the rest of the system. Therefore, I think that the 
"-R" option is making the installation lack the package responsible 
for this look and feel, so the question is: what is that package?, or 
otherwise, how can I make the programs that have the plain look and 
feel look the same as the rest of the system (like Iceweasel).

Thanks in advance.

Looks like qt4-config is what you need to set the look and feel of QT 
programs, you may

need additional kde/plasma theme stuff for KDE applications.

If your application preferences lean more toward the K stuff than the G 
stuff you might also

try the RazorQT desktop. It's a bit like LXDE, but with QT instead of GTK.

Not being  an aptitude user, I'm assuming the '-R' option tells aptitude 
not to treat the recommends

as dependencies.

Synaptic has a place where you can view missing recommends and I think 
it probably uses
aptitude to find out what those are, so maybe some one more familiar 
with aptitude knows

the magic search query and will chime in.

Later, Seeker

Re: a little jessie whinage

2015-10-12 Thread Seeker

On 10/12/2015 12:31 AM, Glenn English wrote:

On Oct 11, 2015, at 10:45 PM, David Wright <> wrote:

I thought the OP was about a laptop.

It was. I put Jessie on my laptop to see what it was like. It's running Wheezy 
now. And all my troubles with Jessie are gone.

How do you set a static address
for nameservers?

On Wheezy, and everything back to Sarge, you put them in /etc/resolv.conf, 
delete/disable resovlconf (if any), and quit worrying about ham-fisted software 
scribbling all over your config file.

On my laptop, there's a static nameserver address used by eth0. wlan0 uses that 
too, when it can. But, IIRC, it's smart enough to go looking around if the 
local network is gone.

If you set up your network interface in '/etc/network/interfaces' 
resolvconf should pick up the nameserver
 settings from the 'dns-nameservers' line of the config and you can 
stop worrying about ham-fisted software

scribbling over your settings.

That *is* the reason resolvconf was created. :-)

By default network manager should see that an interface is set up in the 
interfaces file and not mess with it.

There is an option to override that behavior.

Have not tried setting an interface for DHCP with static DNS using a 
'dns-nameservers' line in case you want to
use Google DNS server, OpenDNS, or some other public DNS server when you 
are on the road. But you can use

dhclient for that if you need to, have not personally tried that either.

Later, Seeker

Re: Please tipps for Desktop ( gnome, kde, xfce, etc. ) Debian 8 jessie and some minor issues

2015-10-12 Thread Seeker

On 10/12/2015 8:20 AM, Peter Berlau wrote:

Hi Sven,

You are right, normally I prefer fair companies.
That is the "main-thing" I leave apple-computers and
go back to Debian.
I switched in 2009 to apple, because I needed some
music software and some easy to handle Web-Design-Tool.
Now, after I installed Debian for my women and looked what happened
new in Debian I found,  all software I needed except "band-in-abox"
is available under Debian.
That was, for me, so great i update all my computers to Debian.
powerbook ( 2004 ) make some minor problems, all other ( iMac 2010 and
Intel-PC ) works fine "out of the box"...

Is Samsung good for Debian ( jessie, stable ) ?

After the issue I just ran into, I have a hard time recommending Samsung 
laptops to

any one.

Apparently there are several models of Samsung laptops where hitting 
'F2' to get into
the bios, then turning off UEFI leads to a situation where you can't get 
back into the

BIOS again. =-O

The support page for the model I was working on did not have an update 
for the BIOS.

Installing Windows 8 on a different hard drive and looking for the 
option there to get

into the bios didn't work either since UEFI was turned off.

Some models have a software updater that will get bios updates, but not 
for the

model I was working on.

Eventually found my way to this thread

A couple times through the instructions to see how the earlier link 
works that gives you the name
you need to substitute in the later link that actually downloads the 
BIOS update.

Then was able to flash the bios and get back into [t  to turn UEFI back on.

What a PITA. :-(

Would also avoid the models of Toshiba laptops that are designed in a 
way that the keyboard can

not be easily replaced without replacing the whole palm rest.

Personally I like Lenovo, lean a little toward the Thinkpads over the 
other models.

Later, Seeker

Re: Machine freezes after kernel update

2015-10-09 Thread Seeker

On 10/9/2015 9:09 AM, Brad Rogers wrote:

On Thu, 8 Oct 2015 23:09:36 +0200
Miroslav Skoric <> wrote:

Hello Miroslav,

In fact, (and in my case) LILO does delete old kernels during the

If that's true, that's a *serious* bug.  LILO (or Grub, come to that)
should never delete kernels.  I know Grub doesn't but, as I said before,
I've not used LILO for some years.  Even so, I'd be surprised if it could
actually _delete_ kernels like that.  Keeping an old, known to work
kernel is the sensible thing to do.

I have not used LILO for a long time, but it sounds like it works the 
same as it did way

back when.

LILO configured to point at symbolic links instead of directly at the 
kernel. 2 symlinks for
current kernel 'vmlinuz' and 'initrd' and similar for the previous 
kernel. This way instead
of mucking about with reconfiguring and re-writing stuff in MBR the 
symbolic links just

need to be updated each time.

If a newly installed kernel doesn't work, you should be able to boot the 
previous kernel.
If you then uninstall the package for the kernel that had problems, you 
may have to check
the symlinks to make sure they point to valid stuff and didn't get left 

Later, Seeker

Re: Advertising and commercial services in free software

2015-10-05 Thread Seeker

On 10/5/2015 11:58 AM, Timothy Hobbs wrote:

Dear list,

I have used Debian for many years now, and I have come to trust it as 
a source of software that is safe. That is, the software that I 
install with apt-get is not spy-ware, nor ad-ware, nor malicious in 
any other way. I also have had the overwhelming feeling that the 
software is "on my side", not trying to haggle me me into upgrading to 
something more expensive or to subscribe to some paid service.

Lately, I feel that this trust has been violated. Most notably, by the 
addition of advertisements to iceweasel's new tab page. See the "" 
sponsored link.

I've been seeing stuff about advertising making it's way into Firefox 
fore a while now, but never noticed where it was
 actually being slipped in. The Mozilla Foundation is non-profit and 
seeing where and how the advertising shows up it
seems pretty reasonable, if it gets the foundation a little more coin 
I'm OK with it.
I would like to see an in-depth discussion of where Debian draws the 
line when it comes to interaction of packaged software with commercial 
services. Iceweasel has, for years now, used as the default 
search engine. I doubt few would disagree with that choice, despite 
the fact that Mozilla gets paid by Google to make it that way.

Yahoo is the default search now, similar kind of deal as was previously 
the case with Google.
That doesn't necessarily mean they don't have some kind of deal with 
Google anymore.

In the past it seemed like the referral money was handled by having 
Google search as part of the default
home page. Now you can change the preferred search engine and the 
default home page will use that
engine when you type a query in the search box, so at least in theory 
they could get referral money from

more than one search provider depending on what the user chooses to use.

 Of course in making the modifications from Firefox to Iceweasel The 
Debian developers can choose to

provide different defaults if they want.

Another interesting example is that of the open source Atom text 
editor: Atom 
is, as far as I can tell, mostly a front end to github's closed source 
services. Should the DFSG allow open source software that is merely a 
thin front end to something closed source?

The software description in the link you posted says Ant is a 'hackable 
text editor', doesn't say anything about github?

Another example is, which is almost inseparably integrated 
with Docker Inc's comercial Docker hub.

I am *very* interested in your opinions on, what is for me, a rather 
distressing and unclear issue.

I see 'dfsg' in the package name for so that part at least is 
open source.

Docker Hub is a service. If people find it useful they will use it, if 
they don't they won't use it. If the part that goes in
the Debian repositories is open source, there is one or more developers 
willing to package it, and users who want

to use it, providing it in the Debian repositories should be a non-issue.

That's not to say there isn't a line somewhere that shouldn't be 
crossed, but I would see these lines as being
more in the area of software that uses a service or services in a way 
that is legally questionable.

Popcorn Time would be an example of that, some of the unofficial plugins 
for Kodi would be another example,

just using those as examples because they are low hanging fruit.

Later, Seeker

Re: Sound card question

2015-10-01 Thread Seeker

On 9/30/2015 10:39 AM, Doug wrote:

On 09/30/2015 09:55 AM, Danny wrote:

Hi guys,

I have a Sigmatel STAC9227 on-board sound card. Everything works fine 
as it

should. It has the normal Mic , Ext.Speaker and Line-Out jacks.

Currently the Mic and Ext.Speaker plugs are permanently occupied via 

headphones (Amateur Radio Stuff) ...

What I would like to know is if it would be possible to send audio 
that goes to

the headphones to the Line-Out jack at the same time?

Thank You


Why not just get a Y adapter?


Ditto on the Y adapter, or some other external solution.

Normal 3 jack hardware would be Pink (Microphone), Green (Audio Out), 
Blue (Line In).

Some hardware implementations do allow some jack functions to be 
changed, but that
may or may not be the case for your specific hardware and if the 
hardware is capable
may or may not be a feature that is implemented in the linux 
driver/mixer software.

Normally if it is an option that is implemented I would expect it to 
show as a toggle in
one of the alsa mixers, possibly in the pulse audio stuff as well, 
similar to the way
'Mic Boost' might show in the mixers when the hardware supports that 

If you do actually have an audio out and a line out and the line out 
doesn't produce
audio when something is plugged into the audio out, it may be an 
indication that it's
a hardwired mechanical function built into the audio out jack to break 
the circuit to the

line out jack when anything is plugged into audio out.

There are a few variables between the capabilities of the audio chip, 
the mixer it is paired
with at the hardware level, the way the jacks are routed to these and 
the way these show

up in the mixer at the software level.

Maybe someone with the same/similar audio hardware will chime in with 
what they see.

Later, Seeker

Re: [OT] Free software vs non-free, here we go again

2015-09-30 Thread Seeker

On 9/30/2015 1:51 AM, Reco wrote:


On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 08:57:13PM -0700, Seeker wrote:

If you think of non-free in terms of Debian non-free, then non-free and 
can be different things. That gets into a whole different hornets nest.

Evaluate here, please. I honestly can not grasp this concept.


amiwm is in non-free. It includes source. It allows redistribution, but 
specifies "for non-commercial use".
You are allowed to make changes, but not allowed to redistribute 
modified binaries or source. Not bad in
the proprietary black box kind of way. But it is bad in the sense that 
it looks unmaintained and lack of

ability to redistribute changes will eventually become an issue.

There is angband-audio, that looks to be under some form of Creative 
Commons license.

Cuneiform is in non-free, don't know why that is since following the 
link to what is listed as the

home page indicates the license is "Simplified BSD License".

There is game stuff in non-free where the game engine is open source, 
but the level data is either
not included, requiring you to have a game disk or demo version to 
extract the data from, or game

data is under more restrictive license.

I'm fine with game data being under a restrictive license with an open 
source license on the engine,
that still allows game developers to use the engine with independently 
developed levels and allows
the game engine to continue being updated so I can continue to play the 
game with it's original levels

in the future as long as I have access to that level data.

Then there are issues with documentation under GFDL license not meeting 
DFSG requirements due

to the invariant text clause.

It's not all a black and white issue, there are several shades of grey 
in the mix as well.

And I appreciate the way Debian developers deal with these things on 
behalf of those who create
Custom Debian Distributions and redistribute them, but still having 
non-free separately available for

us individual users.

Later, Seeker

Re: [OT] Free software vs non-free, here we go again

2015-09-29 Thread Seeker

On 9/29/2015 10:33 AM, Reco wrote:

No, you are wrong here. First, you're trying to introduce a false
dichotomy as if 'proprietary' and 'non-free' are different somehow.
Second, 'non-free' is *always* a bad choice.

/"Hear me now, I have seen the light! //
//They have a consciousness, they have a life, they have a soul! //
//Damn you! //
//Let the rabbits wear glasses! //
//Save our brothers!" //
//Can I get an amen?/

Tool - Disgustipated

Sorry. Couldn't resist. ;-)

I hate binary blobs that are required to get some hardware to work as much
as the next person, but I stop short of saying non-free is *always* a 
bad choice.

If you think of non-free in terms of Debian non-free, then non-free and 

can be different things. That gets into a whole different hornets nest.

Later, Seeker

Re: can I access SD card in cell phone?

2015-09-25 Thread Seeker

On 9/25/2015 3:09 PM, Li Wei wrote:

maybe linux desktop market share in China is so small
that Samsung remove PC connection option in Setting ??

if so, that's too bad

I think it has more to do with Google than with Samsung

Later, Seeker

Re: Problem VNC (Vino) access from windows or other clients

2015-09-18 Thread Seeker

On 9/18/2015 10:59 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

can you please also advice any client for windows. right now the only 
platform i have is Windows to access the machine. and Remmina does not 
work for Windows.

Any suggestion please?


RealVNC or UltraVNC if you want security that is built in.

TightVNC is another option, but doesn't have the level of security built 
in that you would want

if you are connecting over the internet.

If you can't get the Windows clients to play well with the security in 
the Linux servers, then you
could use SSH to create a secure connection, then go over the SSH 
connection to connect the client

to the server. If you google 'ssh tunnel' there are lots of 'HOW TO' links.

If you don't have any objections to using stuff that requires a Google 
account, you could try using

Chrome Remote Desktop.

 I tried it when it was first released only long enough to see it work 
between my phone as the client
and a computer running Windows with Google Chrome as the server. At that 
time it wasn't working
for me on my Linux desktop using Chromium, so could still be an issue 
using it with Chromium. It
allows you to set up a permanent connection for yourself, may be an 
issue if you want to allow other

people to connect without you having to be there to generate a code.

Later, Seeker

Re: Bug? - Debian does not assign IP address after reboot?

2015-09-16 Thread Seeker

On 9/16/2015 12:38 PM, linuxthefish wrote:


After I reboot my Debian machine it does not assign an IP to eth0. It
brings the interface up after a reboot, but does not set the IP on it!
Running a cronjob every min to set the IP address is the only way to
fix this, but why does it happen? Is this some sort of bug?

My interfaces file is as follows:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static

allow-hotplug wlan1
iface wlan1 inet static
 wpa-ap-scan 1
 wpa-scan-ssid 1
   wpa-ssid connect
   wpa-psk linuxthefish

Please can someone tell me why this happens? :(


I hope that is not your real wireless key.

If it is you might want to change it now that it has been shared in a 
public forum. ;-)

Later, Seeker

Re: Debian + Windows with UEFI

2015-09-15 Thread Seeker

On 9/15/2015 3:17 PM, real bas wrote:

Thanks Andrew.
So, It is easier to install debian on UEFI system?

If UEFI is implemented in a way that is not too broken, it should be as 
easy as it was with

the old style of BIOS.

With Dell systems you would normally start hitting the 'F12' key when 
you see the Dell Logo.
Maybe sooner if the display is a little slow to light up. Should get you 
the boot menu that has

the option to go to the UEFI setup.

In Windows hold down the Windows key and hit 'R' to bring up the run 
box, then type
'diskmgmt.msc' and hit 'Enter' to bring of the disk management, from 
there you should

be able to shrink the Windows partition.

If you go to the Dell web site, go to support, and type in the service 
tag number that's on your
machine, Dell may have some Linux related support information for your 
model. They may only
provide that for models they actually ship with Linux, but it doesn't 
hurt to look.

Later, Seeker

Re: Upgrading Debian

2015-09-15 Thread Seeker

On 9/14/2015 2:33 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

I know.  It took me a while to work out what he actually wanted with all the
drama. ;-)  People who come from Ubuntu don't understand about point
releases.  Since I don't know Ubuntu, I don't know what it is that they are
thinking of.


I do run Ubuntu LTS on a machine at my work place and I don't know what 
the thinking is

either. :-\

If there is an actual new release the update manager tells you about it 
and gives you the

option to upgrade, no mucking about with sources.list files, ISOs, etc...
After the upgrade you then have to go through any *.list files in 
if you have any to re-enable them and make sure they point where they 
need do.
Not sure what happens if you have unofficial stuff in your sources.list 
instead of in placing

them in their own *.list files.

Personally I prefer editing my *.list files and pulling in smaller 
batches of updates.

For point releases, if you keep up with the updates you probably have 
most of it by the
time install images are made available anyway so just keep doing updates 
the same way

no reason to re-install.

There is a possibility of some driver/init related stuff being a little 
different in a re-install
compared to just doing the normal update, but the odds of noticing the 
difference is pretty

small so If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

In the general sense, more or less the same as it is with Debian.:-)

Later, Seeker

Re: adobe flash player in iceweasel does not work anymore in jessie

2015-09-14 Thread Seeker

On 9/13/2015 1:01 PM, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

The packages in Debian are good tested with eachother. I don't think the
packages in deb-multimedia are tested that good. And Debian can change
things what gives problems with deb-multimedia.

I run unstable so expect issues are going to happen anyway.
Don't know what the policy is for packages that are targeted at stable 
or testing.

Normally I don't have big issues, when there are issues they are 
normally short lived.
For some of the packages there may be options enabled that are not in 
Debian due to

patent/license issues.

Just looking at it from the standpoint of unstable, there does seem to 
be a more
aggressive stance taken in regard to getting newer versions of some 
things into
deb-multimedia and in some cases enabling features that may be a little 
less developed
so from that standpoint I would expect some additional problems related 
to those


 With all the transitions at the moment there are extra issues, I did 
use the package
menu in Synaptic to force libgegl and libx264 to the Debian versions so 
some other

packages could upgrade. Not completely certain it was necessary for libx264.

I've used deb-multimedia in the past, but I don't do it anymore. The
only package what I miss sometimes is libdvdcss2. But maybe there is
interesting software there what I don't know.
If you just want libdvdcss, the videolan developers provide a repository 
for that

And yes, maybe flashplayer-mozilla is a little bit better then
flashplugin-nonfree. But I found a good workarround for updating. And
most of my customers don't use a flashplugin anymore. Only people who
want to look TV on the computer, or who want to play flash-games have
problems. For listening radio are good alternatives available.
Video-sites are working most of the time good with HTML5.
Flash seems to have problems on every platform, I use the installer in 
Debian, it

works for the stuff I care about, YMMV.

Later, Seeker

Re: upgrade stable to testing or upgrading testing - very bad situation of the repository!

2015-09-06 Thread Seeker

On 9/6/2015 1:19 PM, Joe wrote:

On Sun, 06 Sep 2015 21:58:19 +0200
Floris <> wrote:

I suspect it will be more than a few days. Unstable has been
disrupted for weeks, and aptitude full-upgrade still shrugs and
says 'I can't do it, do you want to have a try?' There are more
than 150 packages stuck at the moment, on a system with just over
4000 installed.

Apt-get dist-upgrade wants to pull about seventy packages, but some
are libraries which will be replaced by new versions. Gimp and
gnome-mplayer are in the list, which I'm not willing to give up
yet. If I get bored, I might mess around with synaptic to see if I
can upgrade a few, but clearly there is still significant trouble.

gnome-mplayer is removed from testing and unstable. So I wouldn't
wait to long.

OK, thanks. I would hope not Gimp also...

Don't know how affected testing is by which transitions, but the ones 
the were causing

me grief in unstable were taglib, clucene, ffmpeg-libav, and opencv.

I expect flac, libmusicbrainz5, and libtorrent-rasterbar were adding to 
the confusion as


I did uninstall ktorrent since I have not been using it anyway and I was 
finally able to get

everything up to date without removing anything I care about keeping.

I did have to work at it to find combinations that would not cause a big 
list of removals.

I use Synaptic. First using the default upgrade to get the low hanging 
fruit.  Then making
selections from the things that remain. Then going through the list of 
obsolete packages
and selecting packages to purge. If selecting something to purge gives 
me a list of changes
that includes something I want to keep that has a newer version 
available, and the list of
those things is reasonably small, then I will give the OK for that, then 
switch to
 'Custome Filter --> Marked Changes' then change the selection for the 
things I want to keep

to upgrade in order to see what else that triggers.

Later, Seeker

Re: upgrade stable to testing or upgrading testing - very bad situation of the repository!

2015-09-06 Thread Seeker

On 9/6/2015 2:45 PM, Seeker wrote:

On 9/6/2015 1:19 PM, Joe wrote:

OK, thanks. I would hope not Gimp also...

Don't know how affected testing is by which transitions, but the ones 
the were causing

me grief in unstable were taglib, clucene, ffmpeg-libav, and opencv.

I expect flac, libmusicbrainz5, and libtorrent-rasterbar were adding 
to the confusion as


I did uninstall ktorrent since I have not been using it anyway and I 
was finally able to get

everything up to date without removing anything I care about keeping.

I did have to work at it to find combinations that would not cause a 
big list of removals.

I use Synaptic. First using the default upgrade to get the low hanging 
fruit.  Then making
selections from the things that remain. Then going through the list of 
obsolete packages
and selecting packages to purge. If selecting something to purge gives 
me a list of changes
that includes something I want to keep that has a newer version 
available, and the list of
those things is reasonably small, then I will give the OK for that, 
then switch to
 'Custome Filter --> Marked Changes' then change the selection for the 
things I want to keep

to upgrade in order to see what else that triggers.

Later, Seeker

DOH!!! Spoke too soon. =-O

Synaptic decided to be weird and not show me stuff. I had just upgraded 
stuff and had not
yet closed Synaptic afterward, something that was upgraded must have 
affected the
running synaptic, which I have not had happen very often, but it's not 
the first time.

After closing and starting it again there are still some things I can't 

One KDE4 packages depends on libgpgme++2, if I were to remove the 
dependant package
that would cause other KDE4 stuff to be removed. If I upgrade it, that 
would cause gimp

to be removed.

libilmbase6 and libopenexr6 are then listed as things that have 
pre-transition type names

that would be removed with post-transition names that would be installed.

Opencv is also in the list of things it would cause to be upgraded which 
can't be upgraded

without causing something else to be removed.

For me the list *is* getting small now. :-)

Later, Seeker

Re: get software list of one software repository

2015-09-06 Thread Seeker

On 9/4/2015 7:33 AM, 慕冬亮 wrote:

> Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2015 10:21:13 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: get software list of one software repository
> On Thu, Sep 03, 2015 at 10:32:35PM +0800, mudongliang wrote:
> > Hello everyone :
> > There are some software repositories on my computer.
> > For example , google chrome software repository
> > deb [1] stable main
> > I also add ubuntu partner in my computer.
> > What I want to ask is how to get software list of someone software
> > repository through command line!
> > I can get this information through synaptic graphics.
> > But I don't know how to do it in command line.
> Assuming that you have aptitude installed, try the following:
> Start by running "grep Origin: /var/lib/apt/lists/*Release" to see where
> your packages from from. Origin will be "Debian" for official debian
> packages, "Canonical" for official ubuntu packages, etc.
> Next, run "aptitude search '?origin(Debian)'" (replacing Debian with any
> of the Origins listed above.
> If you need to narrow it down further (for example, you want to list
> only unstable packages from Debian), then you can try something like
> "aptitude search '(!~Atesting ~Aunstable ?origin(Debian))'".
I think you may mistaken my request. I want the reverse information.
For example, the software list of debian testing main software 
repository is needed.

I don't need in which software repository a software is located.

I sounds like aptitude *is* the tool that you want.

I don't use aptitude so I am taking it on faith that the given example 
is a working

example and you just need adjust it to fit your needs.

If you want a list of software in 'debian testing main' the repository 
is the origin,

testing is the archive '~A', main is the section.

aptitude search term information is available here.

the second link shows this...

?section(/|section|/)|, |~s/|section|/|

Matches packages whose section matches the regular expression /|section|/.

Adding that to the above example..

"aptitude search '(!~Atesting ~Aunstable ~smain ?origin(Debian))'"

So this particular example should then show all the available packages 
in the
Debian repository that are in the main section of the unstable archive, 

from testing would be filtered out.

I had trouble getting it to work in my earlier attempts, but I think it 
was probably

because I was missing this part of the equation..

> Start by running "grep Origin: /var/lib/apt/lists/*Release" to see where
> your packages from from.

As opposed to guessing the correct origin base on the way Synaptic shows 
it to you.

Later, Seeker

Re: get software list of one software repository

2015-09-06 Thread Seeker

On 9/6/2015 12:55 PM, Seeker wrote:

I sounds like aptitude *is* the tool that you want.

I don't use aptitude so I am taking it on faith that the given example 
is a working

example and you just need adjust it to fit your needs.

If you want a list of software in 'debian testing main' the repository 
is the origin,

testing is the archive '~A', main is the section.

aptitude search term information is available here.

the second link shows this...

?section(/|section|/)|, |~s/|section|/|

Matches packages whose section matches the regular expression /|section|/.

Adding that to the above example..

"aptitude search '(!~Atesting ~Aunstable ~smain ?origin(Debian))'"

So this particular example should then show all the available packages 
in the
Debian repository that are in the main section of the unstable 
archive, results

from testing would be filtered out.

I had trouble getting it to work in my earlier attempts, but I think 
it was probably

because I was missing this part of the equation..

> Start by running "grep Origin: /var/lib/apt/lists/*Release" to see where
> your packages from from.

As opposed to guessing the correct origin base on the way Synaptic 
shows it to you.

Later, Seeker

Did some testing, with an odd result.

I have unstable and experimental in my sources.list with sections 'main 
contrib non-free'
for both archives and is there as an additional 

After finding that I need to use 'Unofficial Multimedia Packages' as the 
origin for I did:

aptitude search '(!~Aexperimental ~Aunstable  ?origin(Unofficial 
Multimedia Packages))' | less

:that gave me the expected result. So then I did:

aptitude search '(!~Aexperimental ~Aunstable ~smain ?origin(Debian))' | less

:and got no results back, then tried these:

aptitude search '(!~Aexperimental ~Aunstable ~snon-free 
?origin(Debian))' | less
aptitude search '(!~Aexperimental ~Aunstable ~scontrib ?origin(Debian))' 
| less

:both look like expected results, and I see alien arena in the contrib 
list so did:

aptitude search '(!~Aexperimental ~Aunstable ?origin(Debian))' | less

:to confirm that it looked like the full list with all sections and 
alien arena was there so

it does look like it is the full list.

I this a bug or is there some other explanation?

To mudongliang

If I do:

aptitude search '(!~Aexperimental ~Aunstable !~scontrib !~snon-free 
?origin(Debian))' | less

:to filter out the results from contrib and non-free, it does look like 
it leaves me with a list

that only includes the packages from main.

If I find myself stuck in a situation where I can't use Synaptic 
aptitude could start looking
attractive for the search, but normally between apt-cache, 'apt list 
/something/'', and

'apt list --all-versions /something' /my needs are normally covered.

Sometimes I use aptsh, have not tried to search from within it. But if 
the 'apt list' and apt-cache
stuff works within aptsh, then you have search, tab completion, and the 
use of wild cards
when you specify the list of packages to install. I know at least some 
of the apt-cache options

work from within aptsh.

Later, Seeker

Re: Another system management tool to disappear.

2015-09-03 Thread Seeker

On 9/2/2015 3:23 AM, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:

On Wed, 2 Sep 2015 01:09:45 -0700
Seeker <> wrote:

  > >> To exit the shell created with "machinectl shell", you are instructed

"Press ^] three times within 1s to exit session." That is very
unfriendly for disabled. Not all can hit any key in 1 second. To
specify two keys is even harder. There has never been mention of any
other method to exit this new shell command.

It is also very US centric, because on non US keybaord that combination
can be difficult to press (eg on french keyboard).

I looked up the French keyboard layout.
Granted I never had a reason to seek it out, but I have not seen anyone
complain about
'Ctrl'+'Alt'+'Del' being difficult to press.
Compared to that 'Ctrl'+'Alt'+')' to get ^] does not seem any more

Except that on my AZERTY keyboard 'Ctrl'+'Alt'+')' gets me nothing at all.

To get "]" I have to press "AltGr" + ")", which may explain why "Ctrl" + "AltGr" + 
")"  gives nothing.

I guess that's another US thing, maybe other countries too.

The keyboard image I found on the internet was interactive and it just 
happened to be the 'Alt Gr'

key I was mousing over. I did learn some things. :-)

Even though the right 'Alt' normally gives the same scan code as 'Alt 
GR' it isn't usually labeled
that way so in the US we more commonly just see two different keys 
labeled as 'Alt'. And things
normally work the same way with either one. I only found this out when I 
was looking for the

layout for the French keyboard layout.

Also there was some indication that US laptops with smaller keyboards 
may cheat and give the

left 'Alt' scan code when you hit the 'Alt' key on the right.=-O

Later, Seeker

Re: Another system management tool to disappear.

2015-09-02 Thread Seeker

On 8/31/2015 12:45 PM, Erwan David wrote:

Le 31/08/2015 20:53, Charlie Kravetz a écrit :

To exit the shell created with "machinectl shell", you are instructed
"Press ^] three times within 1s to exit session." That is very
unfriendly for disabled. Not all can hit any key in 1 second. To
specify two keys is even harder. There has never been mention of any
other method to exit this new shell command.

It is also very US centric, because on non US keybaord that combination
can be difficult to press (eg on french keyboard).

I looked up the French keyboard layout.

Granted I never had a reason to seek it out, but I have not seen anyone 
complain about

'Ctrl'+'Alt'+'Del' being difficult to press.

Compared to that 'Ctrl'+'Alt'+')' to get ^] does not seem any more 

Unless you have set keyboard settings somewhere to have an excessively 
slow repeat,
as opposed to a longer delay before the repeat kicks in, theoretically 
it should not be

that hard to get 3 ^]s in 1 second.

Or am I interpreting something incorrectly?

It's been indicated elsewhere that the normal methods of exiting a shell 
session will work

for this too and ^] is more of an emergency exit.

Later, Seeker

Re: Another system management tool to disappear.

2015-09-02 Thread Seeker

On 9/2/2015 3:25 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Wednesday 02 September 2015 09:09:45 Seeker wrote:

Unless you have set keyboard settings somewhere to have an excessively
slow repeat,
as opposed to a longer delay before the repeat kicks in, theoretically
it should not be
that hard to get 3 ^]s in 1 second.

Or am I interpreting something incorrectly?

Yes, you are.  You are ignoring the part that said "disabled".


Not ignoring, just questioning the need.

*If* like people are saying you can type 'exit' or hit 'Ctrl'+'D' to 
exit then there are more

familiar and on easier way to exit.

Some of this may have to be revisited later once more people actually 
use it and have

that first hand exposure to what works and what doesn't.

Maybe ^] was added as an additional exit method because Lennart uses 
other stuff that
accepts that to exit and thought it would be nice for people who use 
that method to be

able to exit the shell session the same way.

 If ^] is an emergency exit, that would assume it will work when you 
can't type 'exit' and
'Ctrl'+'D' doesn't work either. If it isn't, why would you need ^] 3 
times in a second.
If it is going to work when 'exit' and 'Ctrl'+'D' don't, it would need 
to intercept the key
presses and decide whether to act on them or pass the to whatever is 
running inside the
shell. If you intend those key presses to go to the program running in 
the shell you don't
want the shell to act on it on the first key press and exit when what 
you really wanted was
to exit the program running inside the shell. Same thing with any other 
key combination,
you don't want the shell to exit if what you really wanted was for 
something to happen

inside the shell.

There is an argument for an easier key combination, but how do you make 
it more
accessible for people who can't hold down a key combination long enough 
for the repeat

to kick in?

Later, Seeker

Re: new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-29 Thread Seeker

On 8/28/2015 12:38 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Friday 28 August 2015 06:24:33 Seeker wrote:

On 8/27/2015 12:48 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

Connecting home computers to TVs came _before_ connecting them to
monitors. The circle has merely come back to the beginning.


I had a Commodor 64, but did not have the accessories to actually use it
like a computer
so it was just a game system to me.

It was probably 2007-2008 so it wasn't *that* long ago,

No - I was referring to c. 1981 when Sinclair launched the ZX81 and Atari
launched its home computer (or was that in 1982?).  We used TVs for display.
2007 is really recent.


Guess I jumped gears there without giving a clear indication. :-\

2007-2008 was when I started messing around with getting a computer to 
work with the TV so we

could watch the Australian show.

The Commodore 64 was earlier. seems a bit US centric
 and missing some of the European computers, their timeline lists Atari 
Model 400 and 800 in

1979, Commodore 64 in 1982. Wikipedia shows Sinclair ZX81 in 1981.

All I really remember of the Commodore was Jumpman Jr.

I didn't have the monitor or floppy drive, we hooked it to the TV.

Jumping back to 2007

I see some places on the net that list US NTSC as being 60 on the 
refresh rate, but it is actually slightly less.
The slightly less seemed to be the issue, with the video cards giving a 
59 or 60 or maybe only 60 as an



Don't know if the better compatibility these days is in the video 
hardware or the TV hardware, but I
suspect it's on the TV side of the equation, maybe a little of both with 
more people wanting to do

the media center thing, computer gaming on the TV, etc...

About 3 years ago I did play around with Blu-ray, the drive was old, the 
software that came with it
stopped being updated in 2010. Had 2 movies both released after 2010, 
initially neither would play,
after poking around on the net and finding a firmware update, I could 
get one of the movies to play.

Same result with the included software and VLC.

Since then I have seen another solution mentioned in the MythTV mailing 
list a few times. I think it
doesn't allow just watching a movie directly though because they talk 
about a delay while starting
the movie decoding and building up a buffer then watching the buffered 

DVD is only slightly screwed up. With Blu-ray it seems like they did 
every thing they could to screw it
up. Even if you don't care about playing commercial video discs, there 
is some question of whether you

want to spend money supporting a technology that has that much baggage.

Later, Seeker

Re: new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-27 Thread Seeker

On 8/27/2015 9:04 AM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


Nicolas George wrote:

There were the DVD drives by Matsushita, usually found on laptops, that did
refuse to return the encrypted contents if the region did not match.

This sounds plausible, although i would heavily complain
towards the seller if i ever found out. There is few chance
i would step into this puddle when recording and reading
own data.

Any good keywords to search for ?
All tries bring me to Macbook drives where it is hard to
distinguish between hardware and software. Of course if Apple
orders a shipload of drives with custom firmware add-ons,
then Matsushita will probably produce them.

There are whole online communities which have chosen
DVD cheating as their favorite sport. Something about:
Matshita Flasher, a software without visible authorship,
and RPC-1 good, RPC-2 bad.

I don't know what this DVD cheating stuff is about.

RPC-1, it was intended that all playback software be licensed, licensed 
software had to honor the

region code. It was left up to the software to honor the region code or not.

RPC-2, commonly accessible software is available that does not care 
about region code settings.
Initialization was changed so software does not have access to the 
decryption functions if the
region code does not match taking the decision out of the hand of the 
player software.

People who only watch DVDs for their region will never notice the change.

On the one hand, maybe it sounds perfectly reasonable that the big movie 
producers should
be able to prevent playback of the larger percentage of DVD releases 
that people might want to
watch that do not and will never have a release for their region based 
on their desire to prevent
access to the smaller percentage of titles those big movie producers 
want to prevent access to before

those movies have been released for a region.

On the other hand, DVD drives are cheap these days, as far as I know you 
can still by a second drive
and set it to a different region code. One you have your backup copy 
region is no longer an issue
so you can make a DVD that will play from your media center, copy to 
your tablet, copy to a flash
stick and plug into the USB port on your TV or hardware based player, 
etc so in effect all the
change really accomplishes is to be an annoyance to those of us who 
really only care about being

able to play a DVD we actually paid for.

The people that produce a DVD and don't care about controlling access 
based on region*could* release
a DVD in unecrypted form, in which case region does not come into play, 
or set the disc as playable in

all regions.

I expect there are many DVD titles that are region restricted not 
because the producers of those
titles want to prevent playback in other regions, but because the 
producers had no plans on releasing
in another region and just never occurred them to think about the people 
who through the internet

or other means purchase DVDs from sources not in their region.

I had an Australian show I was watching and the final season did not air 
in the US, so it was purchased
on DVD, no mention of region restrictions, but turns out it was not set 
for playback in region 1.

On a marginally related but not relevant note, that was at a time when 
hooking a computer to a TV
was not so common, so a Windows desktop, a Linux desktop, and finally a 
laptop or 2 later I was able to
find a combination that would put out a refresh rate the TV would 
accept. G. ;)

Later, Seeker

Re: new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-27 Thread Seeker

On 8/27/2015 1:19 PM, Thomas Schmitt wrote:


Seeker wrote:

RPC-1 [...] It was left up to the software to honor
the region code or not.
RPC-2, commonly accessible software is available that does not care about
region code settings.
Initialization was changed so software does not have access to the
decryption functions if the region code does not match taking the
decision out of the hand of the player software.

I read two narrations in the web:
RPC-1 has no region code in drive but in software,
  RPC-2 has region code in drive and enforces region
  code match in hardware.
RPC-1 allows to change region code as often as wanted,
  RPC-2 allows only 5 changes. Special software will read
  and display videos from non-matching regions anyway.

Early drives typically shipped with the region code unset and commonly 
you would
be asked to choose a region when you ran the playback software the first 

Could be that some drives did not limit the number of times you could 
change the
region code. If there were such drives, the information available 
indicated you only
had a limited number of changes going all the way back to the days of 
needing a

special card that only did mpeg acceleration in order to play a DVD.

Fun times. :-)

Later, Seeker

Re: new laptop: DVD or Blu-ray

2015-08-27 Thread Seeker

On 8/27/2015 12:48 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Thursday 27 August 2015 19:30:48 Seeker wrote:

On a marginally related but not relevant note, that was at a time when
hooking a computer to a TV
was not so common,

My, we have some youngsters on this list now. ;-)


Connecting home computers to TVs came _before_ connecting them to monitors.
The circle has merely come back to the beginning.


I had a Commodor 64, but did not have the accessories to actually use it 
like a computer

so it was just a game system to me.

It was probably 2007-2008 so it wasn't *that* long ago, but the TV we 
had was a few years old

at the time.

We did have another smaller TV in a back bedroom that was specifically 
designed to also
work as a computer monitor, but we didn't really want to gather the 
family around in the

back bedroom to watch the show.

Later, Seeker

Re: virtualbox-usb printer not recognized

2015-08-25 Thread Seeker

On 8/25/2015 3:19 PM, Whit Hansell wrote:

Thanks so much for the reply.  I tried  to do whaat the link you gave 
me said to do but messed it up because I'm not Windows proficient.  
Found another site that gives info on how to set up the network 
printer and will try that soon.  Am backed up w. stuff right now.  
Thanks so much for your help.  I found nothing about this type of 
situation when I did my google searches.  I will let y'all know how it 
goes when I get back to it.

Gracias amigo, seeker.


 Looks like you need to share the printer in Linux attempting to add it 
to the Windows guest.

If you are running Gnome or KDE there should be a control panel type of 
area that includes something
for printer setup. In other environments there may be something on the 
applications menu in a 'Preferences'

or 'System' section of the menu.

Here are a couple more links, they don't go into great detail, but give 
a general idea of what is needed end

to end and between them, look like they cover the important bits.

Later, Seeker

Re: virtualbox-usb printer not recognized

2015-08-24 Thread Seeker

On 8/24/2015 6:27 PM, Whit Hansell wrote:
Well, I've got the new virtualbox set up and all is good except my usb 
hP 5600 series printer is not recognized so I can print and scan with 
it.  My webcam works.  My usb keyboard works.  My wifi usb mouse 
works.  But my printer isn't recognized.  I have all the info in the 
usb filter setup but it keeps showing no usb items attached...

Anyone else have a similar problem?  Anyone got any ideas?

Have reinstalled the extension pack 3 timesd and besides all the other 
primare usb iltems work.

Thanks in advance.  Any help greatlly appreciated..


I have not played around with Virtualbox with Linux as the host os.

With Windows as the host OS Virtualbox takes care of disconnecting the 
printer from the host OS so it

can be used in the Virtual machine.

Since I am usually setting things up for non techie people and want to 
reduce the things they have
to try and wrap their head around, I typically set the printer up as a 
network printer in the guest OS.

A quick look on Google, looks like that is the recommended course of 
action when using Linux

as the host OS.

With Windows as the host the printer just needs to work in the host OS, 
it doesn't need to be shared

in the host OS.

Since the instructions don't say anything special about the host set up 
I'm guessing it is the same
with Linux as the host, but those were the first instructions I saw and 
never looked to much after.

I expect if there is extra set up required someone will chime in.

Later, Seeker

Re: Debian Gnome Or XFCE ?

2015-08-13 Thread Seeker
Sorry for sending a response off list, I usually I double check the To 
field before hitting send, but that didn't

happen this time.

On 8/12/2015 9:09 PM, Bret Busby wrote:
Since you have mentioned an old system, I should perhaps mention 
that apparently, Linux has abandoned support for Celeron CPU's, as, 
having installed ubuntu-mate 15.09 on my HP/Compaq NX5000 which has a 
Celeron CPU, and the associated and subsequent problems, I have found 
that the Celeron CPU's are apparently no longer supported by Linux, as 
the kernels are incompatible with the Celeron CPU - a non-PAE issue, 

This is one of those cases where you shouldn't make blanket statements, 
there are newer Celeron processors that work fine, without having to do 
anything special.

Celerons are designed to be cheap, so are always cut down in some way or 
another compared to the rest of the
Intel line up. From what I can find quickly on Google looks like Celeron 
M and Pentium M have the same issues
reltive to current day expectations and the Linux kernel, and I did see 
that there was another reply with a link

that may help you with that.

Later, Seeker

Re: Debian Gnome Or XFCE ?

2015-08-13 Thread Seeker

On 8/13/2015 11:20 AM, Bret Busby wrote:

The matter had been dealt with as much as it could, so far, and
clarified a bit, without resolution, between my message to which you
responded, and your response, which you would have seen, if you had
read the rest of the thread past my message to which you responded.

The last message I saw was this...

On 8/13/2015 3:50 AM, didier gaumet wrote:

Le 13/08/2015 12:13, Bret Busby a écrit :

i386 is 686, and not 586  ?

Yes, I think that 386 Ubuntu Linux images are build with 686 instruction
set compatibility. 386 meaning here x86.

Anyway, you might have a way to force enabling PAE on your Celeron in

If you have an M processor that actually doesn't have PAE support, as 
opposed to having it
and failing to report it, then it looks like your options are pretty 
limited these days.

Sparky Linux has non-PAE options available.

This article has a couple of others.

Later, Seeker

Re: Debian Gnome Or XFCE ?

2015-08-13 Thread Seeker

On 8/13/2015 4:58 AM, Bret Busby wrote:

On 13/08/2015, didier gaumet wrote:

Le 13/08/2015 12:13, Bret Busby a écrit :

i386 is 686, and not 586  ?

Yes, I think that 386 Ubuntu Linux images are build with 686 instruction
set compatibility. 386 meaning here x86.

Anyway, you might have a way to force enabling PAE on your Celeron in

Thank you.

That is how I managed to initially install the operating system.

I have not tried, and, do not know how, to apply that fix as part of a
kernel upgrade, and thence, I can not either update, or, add packages
to, that computer, within that operating system installation.

I guess it is now just a permanent bug in Ubuntu i386, if the
problem does not apply to kernels outside Ubuntu.

Here is the message I missed. ;)

Looks like you may have missed the '-- forcepae' part of the 'forcepae 
-- forcepae' that signals the installer
to use  the forcepae option in the installed system. Or if you did 
upgrade the kernel previously, could still

be a bug somewhere that caused the forcepae option to be lost.

There is a bug report here

With instructions

/Are you still booting with the forcepae option? If not, you'll need to 
add it./

/gksu gedit /etc/default/grub/

/Make GRUB_CMDLINE_//LINUX_DEFAULT line look like://
//GRUB_CMDLINE_//LINUX_DEFAULT=//quiet splash forcepae/

/Save. Quit. Run://
//sudo update-grub/

/Reboot and try the update again./

Later, Seeker

Re: Wireless disabled in Debian after MacOS use (stuck)

2015-07-21 Thread Seeker

On 7/21/2015 5:04 PM, Michael Bonert wrote:

I solved the problem!  I was reading the Network Manager how to -- that
is found here:

This is what I did:

# vi /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

# /etc/init.d/network-manager restart


I am still baffled about why this happened.  It doesn't make sense to me!

Any how, I hope if someone else encounters wireless problems with the
Broadcom driver ( b43 ) ... my list of things to try
( ) is useful.


Do you have the card set up in /etc/network/interfaces ?

In theory, the managed setting of network manager should only make a 
if there is configuration in /etc/network/interfaces for the interface 
in question.

Later, Seeker

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Re: anyone booting debian with secure boot enabled? And/or from GPT partitions?

2015-07-14 Thread Seeker

On 7/14/2015 5:45 PM, Joel Rees wrote:

Last I heard, debian was not participating in any of the initiatives
to get officially microsoft-signed signatures for kernels. I've been
out of the community for a few months, so I haven't kept up with this,
but quick searches don't reveal a change in policy.

(And I am definitely not arguing for a change in policy, for anyone
who might misread me.)

I have a netbook that allows secure boot to be disabled. As long as I
don't need to boot MSWindows, I just disable secure boot. (I don't
perceive any real advantage in Microsoft's implementation, anyway.)

Windows can be a bit odd with the boot stuff at times, but generally it 
doesn't have an
issue booting when the secure boot setting is changed, but some times it 
seems to, so


It does have an issue switching between legacy and UEFI boot modes. So 
if your laptop
maker did not give you separate options to enable/disable secure boot 
and switch between

UEFI/legacy, they didn't do you any favors there.

To confuse the issue even more, they may call the option to turn legacy 
mode on and off
CSM (Compatibility Support Module), not as straight forward as legacy, 
but at least named for what
it is, unlike my MSI  desktop board which puts some of these options in 
a Windows boot options
section worded in a way that leaves you a little unsure even if you 
think you know what the
options should do relative to the terminology the should/would normally 
be used.

I don't have dual boot set up at the moment, my old windows install was 
already broken, now

that I upgraded my system and changed to a UEFI boot I need to reinstall.

Being that I'm on a desktop system, I install Linux on one hard drive 
and Windows on another,

leaving my Linux hard drive unplugged during the Windows install.

It's been a long time since I dual booted with Linux and Windows both on 
a single hard drive.
Starting with Vista there were issues with some updates if Windows did 
not control the MBR,
if I remember right these all had to do with bitlocker encryption stuff 
being updated and wanting
to verify stuff in the MBR during the update, so probably not an issue 
if you had the basic/home
premium versions of Windows since those versions did not do bitlocker 
encryption. Whenenver
I hit one of these updates I would go into the BIOS and put the Windows 
drive first in the boot order.

Probably also not an issue if your hard drives are GPT initialized using 
EFI boot.

If you need to access files in the Windows partition from Linux, you may 
need to turn hibernation
off in Windows 8. If you get complaints about hibernation/fastboot when 
you try to mount the
Windows partition in Linux you need to boot into Windows, open a command 
window with

administrator rights and issue the command:

powercfg /hibernate off

Later, Seeker

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Re: Comments on Lenovo desktops

2015-07-13 Thread Seeker

On 7/13/2015 3:54 AM, Dan Keast wrote:

Hi all,

I'm currently considering buying new hardware too, if Lenovos have 
become a spyware delivery tool, is there a happy medium between them 
and the gluglug Libreboot X200?


On 13 July 2015 at 02:12, Andrew McGlashan wrote:

Hi Lisi,

On 13/07/2015 8:48 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 But I don't like the loook of this:
 Trusted Platform Module (TPM 1.2) Security Chip
 Again, comments please.

I would be more concerned Lenovo for other reasons; helping customers
with spyware MITM SSL certs for that reason alone, even though it
was in the Windows world, I would be wary of supporting Lenovo ever
again.  They are not the same as IBM once was.

I wouldn't be worried about spyware too much, there were only a few 
models that had the bad stuff,
none of the Think* stuff had it. The models that did have it all shipped 
in a three month period.

They dealt with the situation pretty quickly, provided a removal tool, 
and are not likely to want a

repeat of that fiasco.

I have seen a couple different things on the cheap Lenovo desktop systems.

One type of system the CPU is soldered on the motherboard, uses laptop 
RAM, has one PCI expresss
slot that can be used for a Video card or other PCI express card, and 
uses an external power adapter

like the power adapters the laptops take.

I would not get one of these for myself, but if it fits your needs, it 
seems like a decent system and at
least in the US you could probably get a replacement power adapter at 
Batteries Plus.

The other type of system is similar, but has an internal power supply, 
but it does not have the normal
power connections that an off the shelf ATX power supply has and not 
like any of the power supplies
I have seen for your standard Mini-ITX systems either. No 24 pin to the 
motherboard, no SATA, no
molex. The internal drives have power cables that run from the 
motherboard to the drive.

That makes it more questionable how easily/quickly you can get a 
replacement if you have to replace
the power supply. Also makes testing power issues a problem if you don't 
have a spare around.

So I would try to find out what type of power supply the system uses and 
if it uses an internal power
supply if it has the standard connections an off the shelf power supply 
would have before buying


Later, Seeker

Re: install Arial fonts lost in latex

2015-07-05 Thread Seeker

On 7/5/2015 4:34 AM, Eike Lantzsch wrote:

On Sunday 05 July 2015 19:21:20 mudongliang wrote:

se of the OP.
yes, you're right! I can't download exe file from the sourceforge site!

Yep, looks like your university prevents the download of exe files from
sourceforge in some weird way which does not resolve to a meaningful error
What keeps me guessing is why you were able to download exe files from some MS-
Can you contact the IT girls/guys about this behaviour?
I first thought that your (or the university's) router might not be able to
handle FTP transfers correctly, but your log clearly shows that HTTP is used
for the transport.


One might be tempted to think recent behavior at might be catching up  
with them...

But then the OP indicated in another thread he was able to download the 
.exe files with his

phone over the network of the university. Strange.

Later, Seeker

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Re: How do I find what drivers are installed

2015-07-01 Thread Seeker

On 6/30/2015 2:27 AM, Bret Busby wrote:

On 30/06/2015, Seeker wrote:

On 6/29/2015 11:40 AM, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:

On Seg, 29 Jun 2015, Sven Arvidsson wrote:

On Tue, 2015-06-30 at 00:48 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:

So the computer does not work properly (in terms of the graphics,
anyway) with either Debian 6 or Debian 7, and will not so work,
and until a new driver is created for it, for those operating
so the computer will apparently work best with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS,
unless and until appropriate drivers are available for Debian 6 and

Drivers are available, why don't you try running jessie / Debian 8?

 From what I recall from several long previous threads, because he does
not want Gnome 3, and he doesn't want Mate either because the names of
applications are in Spanish.

Gnome-core doesn't depend on those.

Do you mean that gnome does not depend on gnome 3 or on mate, or do
you mean that gnome does not depend on users who want to use gnome 2?

I meant gnome-core doesn't depend on applications that have spanish 
names, but after hitting the send
button (D'oh) it hit me that not wanting Gnome 3 probably had nothing to 
do with applications that have

spanish names.

Must have been the shock of hearing that someone would reject a whole 
desktop just because a couple of
applications have spanish names. =-O That's my story and I'm sticking to 
it. ;-)

Later, Seeker

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Re: How do I find what drivers are installed

2015-06-29 Thread Seeker

On 6/29/2015 11:40 AM, Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:

On Seg, 29 Jun 2015, Sven Arvidsson wrote:

On Tue, 2015-06-30 at 00:48 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:

So the computer does not work properly (in terms of the graphics,
anyway) with either Debian 6 or Debian 7, and will not so work,
and until a new driver is created for it, for those operating
so the computer will apparently work best with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS,
unless and until appropriate drivers are available for Debian 6 and

Drivers are available, why don't you try running jessie / Debian 8?

From what I recall from several long previous threads, because he does 
not want Gnome 3, and he doesn't want Mate either because the names of 
applications are in Spanish.

Gnome-core doesn't depend on those.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Boots into emergency mode. How to analyze?

2015-06-26 Thread Seeker

On 6/26/2015 6:12 AM, Matthijs Wensveen wrote:

On 06/26/2015 01:55 PM, Nick T. wrote:

On 06/26/2015 12:55 PM, wrote:

well and good until you find yourself in the situation
this very thread is about: your root filesystem is broken and you
can only log in as root. Then you need your root password.

Ubuntu and debian can boot into recovery mode from the grub menu, 
from there it asks for the root password IF there is one, if not it 
just gives you a root shell.

- Nick
Not the case. Even in rescue mode I needed to supply the root login. I 
could use init=/bin/sh but I couln't find anything in the logs in 
/var/log, so I'm guessing systemd and journalctl keeps the journal in 
some other place (probably some binary format hidden in a database or 

I'm now back to having a root password, which allows me to use 
emergency mode. I'm unsure if having a root password (and an enabled 
root account) is better or worse, security-wise. If an attacker has 
access to the grub menu, you're probably screwed anyhow.

From the standpoint of remote access, don't think there is a 
significant difference.

From the standpoint of physical access to the machine, I would go on 
the assumption that if someone has the
time to boot into recovery mode and mess with the system, they have time 
to boot from optical or flash disk
and mess with the system, so unless you have gone into the bios/uefi and 
set passwords, it's not going to make

that much difference.

If they have time to do that, maybe they have time to take the hard 
drive out and attach it to another machine,
again sudo versus root, no difference, and bios/uefi passwords don't 
come into play either in that case.

That leaves you with encryption then, if you really need that level of 

Personally, if I had to start from scratch for some reason, I would skip 
the root password during install and just use
sudo. But since my Debian installation predates that option, I stick 
with using root.

I am pretty comfortable with the way sudo works in Ubuntu and did not 
bother creating a root password there.
Normally if I have to do something from the command line one of 'sudo -H 
'some command'', or 'sudo su' meets
my needs or the gtk/kde frontends for sudo if I have to start something 
with a GUI.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Change systemd to not be default in Stretch

2015-06-24 Thread Seeker

On 6/24/2015 6:19 AM, Jape Person wrote:

On 06/24/2015 08:01 AM, Zebediah C. McClure wrote:

On Tuesday 23 June 2015 18:33:22 Patrick Bartek wrote:

Yes, but I still have the following packages installed because I 

cleaned them out.  You might have them around also.

i   libsystemd-daemon0  - systemd utility library 

i   libsystemd-login0   - systemd login utility library
i   libsystemd0 - systemd utility library
i   systemd-shim- shim for systemd


Before cleaning them out, you might want to do a little bit of 

Hint: My Jessie and Stretch systems running systemd as the init system 
do NOT have systemd-shim installed. My Jessie and Stretch systems 
using sysv as the init system DO have it installed.

I have wondered if the naming scheme for some of the packages may be 
part of the foundation of paranoia about systemd as a whole, since one 
who works hard to rid her/his system of systemd might expect not to 
see the word sitting amongst the system's package names. But a name is 
just a name.

The systemd-shim package, for instance, is what makes it possible to 
use sysv system as the init system while still making use of a number 
of important system functions which have -- for better or worse -- 
been rolled into packages developed and/or maintained by the systemd 

Paranoia is the foundation of paranoia, fueled by those who would 
prevent others from having a choice of using systemd.

Some number of things require a functional systemd, if you have a 
different init system handling boot then you need

the shim for those things.

Some other things have support for systemd compiled in for those who are 
using systemd, but don't require systemd to function. At the least those 
would commonly require libsystemd0. Even if the systemd stuff won't be 
used they
would complain if the libraries  provided by libsystemd0 were not there. 
That's the part where the paranoia fueled

by those who would prevent the choice to others comes into play.

I believe all the packages that are listed as deprecated were providing 
libraries that have been rolled in to libsystemd0, so there is a good 
chance they could all be removed, but there may still be some packages 
that list the deprecated packages as dependencies, so that may vary 
depending on what you install.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Change systemd to not be default in Stretch

2015-06-24 Thread Seeker

On 6/24/2015 3:58 PM, Renaud (Ron) OLGIATI wrote:

On Wed, 24 Jun 2015 14:47:27 -0700
Seeker wrote:

Paranoia is the foundation of paranoia, fueled by those who would
prevent others from having a choice of using systemd.

No-one wants to prevent others from having a choice of using systemd;
what some people want is the freedom not to use it themselves.

That choice never went away. It just requires reading the release notes 
and following the relevant instructions

in the release notes.

There were those few squeeky wheels leading up to, and following the 
decision to make systemd the default.

And some did present the idea that anything remotely related to systemd 
should be able to be removed from
the system. In spite of the fact that nobody seemed to  be complaining 
about the support libraries being pulled

in before the decision to make systemd the default init.

Even though the more extreme squeeky wheels generally seem to be absent 
now, or at least refraining from
beating a dead horse, the sensitivity from those earlier discussions 

Later, Seeker

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Re: I upgraded from jessie to stretch and messed up I used the dist-upgrade command....

2015-06-18 Thread Seeker

On 6/18/2015 7:48 AM, Michael Fothergill wrote:

don't recall you saying what graphics hardware you have but I think
it is a radeon?  What is your lspci entry for it?

  lspci | grep VGA

​It is an AMD Kaveri box Radeon R7 200 series​ (APU)

I have the A10-7850k APU



I'm running this chip with unstable and it boots fine.
Looks like testing and unstable are on the same currently, but 
unstable is using a newer kernel.

Also I see something in dmesg about kaveri firmware being loaded, which 
I believe is provided by the

linux-firmware-nonfree package, in case you don't have this installed.

Looks like Petter has a better handle on this stuff than I do, so follow 
his instructions for getting

the system to boot to the command line.

Later, Seeker

Re: multitouch / touchscreen support in Debian

2015-06-08 Thread Seeker

On 06/08/2015 12:47 AM, Frank Loeffler wrote:

/My question is mainly in which direction I should look. Google wasn't //
//particularly helpful, as most hits point to Ubuntu (no, I don't want to //
//switch to Ubuntu). The recommended solution there seems to be either //
//Unity, or a tool called touchegg, which doesn't appear to exist in //
//Debian, nor seems someone interested in it. The only time someone asked //
//here about it doesn't have a solution or useful pointer. /
Looks like touchegg is GPL, was there a request for package filed?

Later, Seeker

Re: multitouch / touchscreen support in Debian

2015-06-08 Thread Seeker

On 6/7/2015 11:26 PM, Ric Moore wrote:

On 06/08/2015 12:47 AM, Frank Loeffler wrote:

My question is mainly in which direction I should look. Google wasn't
particularly helpful, as most hits point to Ubuntu (no, I don't want to
switch to Ubuntu). The recommended solution there seems to be either
Unity, or a tool called touchegg, which doesn't appear to exist in
Debian, nor seems someone interested in it. The only time someone asked
here about it doesn't have a solution or useful pointer.

You have to give the Devil his due. Unity might be the only Linux 
Desktop that lends itself to touch interface. If you have the 
harddrive space, maybe create another partition and install 
Ubuntu/Unity. Let us know what happens, as touch screens are the next 
thing. Ric

Don't have a touch screen to play with, but this arch linux page makes 
it sound like there is a chance you only

need to have the hid multitouch driver for the device level support.

From here ...

Looks like Chromium has a pinch option 

/|chromium --enable-pinch|/

That would at least be a way to see that multitouch is working.

This page indicates there is an extension 'grab and drag' that provides 
scrolling support for Firefox/Iceweasel.

Looks like 'geis' is avaialable in Debian...

Looks like Ubuntu is leading the charge here, so probably want to check 
what they use, what is in Debian,
what might be able to be compiled to work with the stuff that is in 

Looks like you might be able to get touchegg to compile against Debian 

Later, Seeker

Re: ; how do i use it after installing it with aptitude?

2015-05-24 Thread Seeker

On 5/24/2015 1:46 PM, Paul E Condon wrote:

I found a .deb package, named '' by accident in aptitude
interactive mode. My current sound mixer is the one installed by xfce,
which uses much to much area on my display screen for my taste. (about

I think I need to learn how to create a 'launcher', which is something
I have never done. Where can I find instructions for creating a
launcher specific to xfce?
It's been a long time since I messed around with dockapps outside of 

From the package description...

/Another mixer application designed for WindowMaker/

/There's nothing in the program that makes it *require* WindowMaker, 
except maybe the look. is a mixer utility for Linux systems. 
Requires /dev/mixer to work. Provides three customizable controls on a 
tiny 64x64 app./

Outside of WindowMaker you could run the app alone, '' is the 
name of the executable. If you do this
you will end up with a 64x64 mixer window in the upper left of your 
screen, no option to move it anywhere else. Being  a dockapp it's not 
going to be very functional either, due to 64x64 space limitation it 
only has 3 sliders.

There used to be some docks that provided support for dockapps, but I'm 
not finding that info at the moment.

Looks like goes to a parking page now, so it looks like 
dockapp support may be shrinking.

It does look like you can still run dockapps in some or all of the *box 
window managers, but don't know how many
people really do this anymore. You can configure where along the edge of 
the screen the slit is positioned, then

load the dockapps into the slit.

Did also find something Sawfish specific for handling dockapps...

Personally I don't understand the screen real estate issue , if I'm 
running the mixer I want it to be fully functional.
Even if the sliders are split into tabs (input, output, other functions) 
it's still going to take up some screen real estate.

If I'm not looking for that, then I just want a single slider volume 

Personally I prefer kmix and create a '.desktop' file for it and place 
it in ' ~/.config/autostart/' so it will start with any
xdg compliant desktop/window manager. As long as you are running 
something that provides a compliant tray area you should be able to 
start it and have it show in the tray, I usually have to fish for the 
command line option so it doesn't display the mixer window when it 
starts, if I remember correctly 'kmix --help' will show the options.

Required elements of a '.desktop' file according to
//Required Elements//
//Type – specifies the type of desktop entry. Currently, there are three 
valid types: Application, Link and Directory.//
//Name – The name of the specific application or directory. This 
determines the actual display name for the menu/desktop entry.//
//Exec – provides the actual command to execute, with associated 
arguments (if necessary.)/

If you don't already have other KDE stuff that you run, it will pull in 
a lot of dependencies so may not be a desirable option for you.

Later, Seeker

Re: ; how do i use it after installing it with aptitude?

2015-05-24 Thread Seeker

On 5/24/2015 1:46 PM, Paul E Condon wrote:

I think I need to learn how to create a 'launcher', which is something
I have never done. Where can I find instructions for creating a
launcher specific to xfce?

Didn't think of it in my last post, but the site with the info about 
'.desktop' files gives
an example that includes a line to specify an icon and the location to 
put the file that

should get it to show in your applicaton menu.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread Seeker

On 5/8/2015 10:20 AM, German wrote:

On Fri, 08 May 2015 12:10:38 -0400
Gary Dale wrote:

On 08/05/15 10:32 AM, German wrote:

Hi list. Ok, now I have a spare 2TB USB drive where I can save .img
file. Is that the right procedure? Do I have make a snapshot of
failed drive and transfer it as a .img file to a spare drive,
correct? R-studio for linux can display files of failed drive
( TestDisk coudn't do it ). So now I think I'll proceed. What is
exact command to do it with ddrescue and what file system the spare
drive has to be formated? Thank you very much!

You can try ddrescue if=/dev/sdb1 of=failed.img where /dev/sdb1 would
be the partition that you want to recover.

Using 'dd' would be 'dd if=something of=something' ddrescue is
'ddrescue [options] [source] [destination] [logfile]'

Thanks, but some clarification is needed. Now I have two drives, failed
and a spare. Both are 2TB in size. Failed drive probably has 1.6 TB
data I'd like to recover. It has only one partition I suppose. So, if
failed drive is for instance /dev/sdb and spare drive is for
isntance /dev/sdc, the right command will be ddrescue if=/dev/sdb
of=/dev/sdc/failed.img ? And also, you didn't answer this, what file
system the a spare drive ahs to be formated?

First I would use fdisk to see the size of the drives, not all 2 
terabyte drives will be identical in size

fdisk -l

-l tells fdisk to list the drives.

If the destination is larger, no issues, if it is smaller, might still 
work but may lead to issues later on.

Going directly from one device to another, you have to use the force 
option to overwrite the destination.

ddrescue --force /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /home/someusername/ddrescue.log

If you go to an image, then you would have to mount the location ahead 
of time and specify a filename.

ddrescue /dev/sdb /mnt/sdc1/rescued.img /home/someusername/ddrescue.log

Here is a link to a guide...

There is a possibility that going device to device ddrescue might get 
enough to make a working clone, but
I would go into it with the assumption that either way you will need to 
run recovery software and have

yet another drive to recover to.

The disadvantage of running recovery software on a failing disk, is the 
more you do to the disk the higher

the risk it will get worse.

The advantage of creating an image or clone is that once you have a copy 
on a good drive can keep trying
different recovery options without having to worry about the drive 
getting worse.

The disadvantage is that you need space that is equal to the size of the 
old drive plus room for all the files

you want to recover.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Help with ddrescue

2015-05-08 Thread Seeker

On 5/8/2015 5:28 PM, German wrote:

On Fri, 08 May 2015 19:52:04 -0400
The Wanderer wrote:

Not quite. /dev/sda2/ is not a directory; it's a device node. Since 
/dev/sda2 is mounted to / (the root filesystem), the correct 
equivalent to this command would be: ddrescue /dev/sdd /dev/sdc 
/ddrescue.log and although I wouldn't advise storing a log file in 
the root directory, the command should work. The log file itself can 
be placed in any writable location which has enough space. 

Thank you I started ddrescue and it is going somewhere. Probably will
take 10 hours or more to complete. I'll let you know how it's all went.
Thank you once more. It refused to work as we wanted and asked for
--force option ( -f)

Looks like I am late to the party and this part got sorted already.

For future reference, for people helping, there was a previous thread...

The problem disk is a Seagate GoFlex.

Testdisk deep scan only listed the smaller FAT partition not the NTFS 

Later, Seeker

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Re: Help with TestDisk

2015-04-29 Thread Seeker

On 4/29/2015 5:41 AM, German wrote:

On Tue, 28 Apr 2015 22:24:50 -0700
Seeker wrote:

On 4/28/2015 8:03 PM, German wrote:

On Tue, 28 Apr 2015 19:06:29 -0700
Seeker wrote:

As you can see, there are two directories, but how to view contents of them I 
have no clue. Enter, P, Right does nothing.
In text based programs one dot represents the current directory, two 
dots represents one level up from the

current directory.

When you hit 'P' in testdisk to list the contents of the partition, it 
starts you in the root of the parition. So no
list of files and folders indicates no files and folders are recognized 
in the partition it is showing you. Being
at the root of the partition there are no levels above to go to when 
selecting the two dots and hitting 'enter'.

Was this after a deep scan?

After deep scan I got one FAT partition 32 MB in size, what is it and what it 
has to do with NTFS I also have no clue.
The error message from the mount attempt was attempting to mount a 
partition as ntfs.

It's fairly common for drives to ship with one small parition to hold 
the software that ships with the drive and
a larger partition for backup/data storage. Often the small partition 
would be FAT and the large one NTFS.

I think that physically ok. I just was installing Lubuntu to my 
computer and forgot to unplug this USB drive and installer probed it 
and done to it something nasty. 

As Murphy said Anything that can happen, will happen.

Could have been a bug in the installer, could be something else that 
just happened to occur during the

Lubuntu install process.

Thank you for the effort explaining all that to me. Have a great day.

Good luck, if photorec doesn't do it for you either, I have used the 
Windows version of R-Studio with some success.
Have not tried the Linux version and the version I have is old so looks 
quite a bit different that the screen shots

at at the web site.

There is a trial version so you can see if it will at least show you 
some files.

Don't know about this next one, no Linux version, but looks like they 
have a trial available as a bootable disk.

Just downloaded it, it's provided as a zip file that extracts to a .exe 
file, so it may or may not do what it needs to

to create a bootable disk in Wine.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Help with TestDisk

2015-04-28 Thread Seeker

On 4/28/2015 6:09 PM, German wrote:

My USB drive won't mount. I tried TestDisk, but I am not sure what to do and 
how to procede. Are there any experts out there with TestDisk knowledge? Also, 
if there are, could anyone tell me what is good site to attach screenshots? 

The testdisk web site has a pretty good sample session so you can see 
what it should look like.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Help with TestDisk

2015-04-28 Thread Seeker

On 4/28/2015 8:03 PM, German wrote:

On Tue, 28 Apr 2015 19:06:29 -0700
Seeker wrote:

On 4/28/2015 6:09 PM, German wrote:

My USB drive won't mount. I tried TestDisk, but I am not sure what to do and 
how to procede. Are there any experts out there with TestDisk knowledge? Also, 
if there are, could anyone tell me what is good site to attach screenshots? 

The testdisk web site has a pretty good sample session so you can see
what it should look like.

Later, Seeker

It is still confusing. Here where I got stucked. Maybe someone can chime in. 

Right from the beginning this sounds bad

/Input/output error//
//Failed to read of MFT, mft=17625 count=1 br=-1: Input/output error//
//Inode is corrupt (5): Input/output error//
//Index root attribute missing in directory inode 5: Input/output error//
//Failed to mount '/dev/sdc1': Input/output error/

MFT tables are low level indexes in the NTFS file system, if they can't 
be read

that's a big issue.

The screenshot here

looks like you already got the partition list and hit 'P' to see a list 
of files.
You should be seeing a list of files and directories at that point, none 
are visible

in the screenshot, another bad sign.

Was this after a deep scan?

Was the partition listed more than once, and if so did you try to view 
the files in all

listings for the partition?

If the cradle for the goflex has SATA connectors that plug into the HDD 
like the one

shown here...

My next step, would be to plug the goflex in to the SATA power and data 
cable in a
desktop system. When plugged in on USB more is done in software, the 
SATA controller
on the motherboard is better able to recover from errors if there is 
more going on than

 just filesystem corruption.

I've dealt with a few of the goflex drives and had to shave the plastic 
on the SATA power
and data cable with a razor blade to get them to fit into the connectors 
on the drive without

 taking the enclosure apart.

Typically at this point I would run the Gnome disk utility, and do a 
full smart test on the
hard drive. If the drive already has errors recorded that the disk 
utility doesn't like it may
 give you an indication of this when you run it. You can also view a 
list of Smart data in the
disk utility. Pending remaps and uncorrectable errors are a couple of 
the more significant

things to look at.

Sector remaps only happen on a write, so a handful of pending I would 
not consider an
automatic failure, if you are getting into the neighborhood of ten or 
more I would question

the reliability of the drive.

This could be done from the command line with smartmon tools, but I'm 
not familiar with

it's usage.

If the disk physically looks good, then I would try testdisk again.

If you can get access to the files, you want to have another drive ready 
to copy the files

to or enough free space on the drive you are running from to hold the files.

If you get an indication that the disk is failing, then the question of 
how important the data
is to you comes into play, poking at a disk that is physically failing 
could reduce the chance

of a professional data recovery service being able to recover the files.

If testdisk still doesn't show you and files and directories, then I 
would try photorec.

Photorec doesn't do well with files that are fragmented, and if it can 
recognize files may give
you numbers for names, instead of the actual file names, it does have a 
brute force option
that will try to piece the file chains together and match the files to 
names. The brute force

option has to be enabled before doing the scan.

If you use the brute force option be prepared for it to take days to 
analyze the partition.

Later, Seeker

Re: Recommendation on video card?

2015-04-25 Thread Seeker

On 4/24/2015 12:23 AM, Petter Adsen wrote:

At some point I will probably also need to get a third screen, so
something that has three outputs or would run nicely with a second
video card that has additional outputs is a big bonus.

I think the majority of cards have 3 outputs these days, more as you get 
into the

mid to high end.

If you have one or more monitors (especially if you have more than one) 

you need to be aware of the difference between DVI-D and DVI-I

Those little adapters that do DVI-D to 15 do not work. They must have 
some use,

but I haven't found it yet.

Anything with display port shout be able to do 4 monitors.

Cards without display port, most likely, will only be able to display on 
2 outputs at

a time.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Is gnome-core *really* the gnome minimal install?

2015-04-13 Thread Seeker

On 4/13/2015 4:59 AM, Floris wrote:

and I agree that the sentence You have to install all end-user 
applications later is incorrect.
Even Iceweasel is a dependency of gnome-core. I didn't know that 
Mozilla is a part of gnome.


Epiphany is the Gnome web browser, apparently the Gnome devs just want 
you to call it 'web' now.:-\

Maybe the Debian devs didn't think people were drinking enough kool-aid 
for that, so opted for

Fire Iceweasel instead. :-)

Later, Seeker

Re: Is gnome-core *really* the gnome minimal install?

2015-04-12 Thread Seeker

On 4/12/2015 11:19 AM, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

Hi all.

According to documentations, gnome-core package is considered to be the very
minimal gnome installation in Debian.  But in my personal experience it is not
so.  Just after installing Debian, I installed gnome-core just to have the
minimal gnome installation.  Then I noticed that totem, the video player, was
also installed even though I hadn't.  Since I use mplayer, I did `aptitude
purge totem' and was surprised to see that gnome-core depended on totem, so
that removing totem would also remove gnome-core.  I did so, and now gnome
desktop environment, even without gnome-core package, seems to work well.  So I
ask to myself what gnome minimal install should really be.  I have Sid.

Thanks for any help,


That wording doesn't really compute in my brain, but I guess you could 
take it that if it is the only
package that provides 'a' minimal install in Debian that would make it 
'the' minimal install of Gnome

in Debian.

The package description doesn't say minimal or minimum it says...

It contains the official “core” modules of the GNOME desktop.

In the context of being a metapackage to install the gnome desktop I 
would expect many people
would consider applications to view/play images, documents, and media to 
be likely candidates
of a minimal install. A messaging application seems like a less likely 
application, but that goes

back to what the Gnome developers consider core.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Is this an April Fool joke running early ? (Systemd to fork the kernel)

2015-03-31 Thread Seeker

Apparently I saw the news about the news before the actual new. ;-)

Later, Seeker

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Re: Unattended upgrades, how do stable et al work after upgrade?

2015-03-17 Thread Seeker

On 3/16/2015 10:53 PM, Seeker wrote:

On 3/16/2015 3:57 AM, Tapio Lehtonen wrote:

I can't understand how unattended upgrades continues to work after
Jessi is stable. In wheezy the config file has


I don't want to upgrade from Wheezy to Jessie immediately when Jessie
is release. Sometime when version 8.1 or 8.2 comes might be a good
time to upgrade. Meanwhile I would like the unattended-upgrades to
keep Wheezy updated until I upgrade to Jessie. And I do not want
unattended-upgrades to start installing packages from Jessie.

I read about the changes made after Squeeze which indicate this setup
does work in the above situation. But I do not understand how.

Is there some mechanism that prevents updates from stable if the you
distro codename is not the same as the installed distro? What happens
if there is wheezy-lts like there is now Squeeze Long Term Support

Would unattended-upgrades work, if I remove oldstable-lines and
replace every string stable with wheezy? And after upgrading to Jessie,
replace wheezy with jessie?

If you don't have any packages from oldstable, then you don't need a a 
line that will

try to pull in updates for oldstable.

Unless you have stuff in your 'sources.list' 'sources.list.d/files' 
I'm not seeing where

it's a requirement to specify which archives to pull from.

Not enough proof reading. =-O The above should have bee...

Unless you have extra stuff you don't want to update automatically in 
your 'sources.list'
'sources.list.d/files' I'm not seeing where it's a requirement to 
specify which archives to

pull from.

But if you do specify, it's the same as sources.list.

If you want to stick with stable, specify stable as the archive.
If you want to stick with wheezy, specify wheezy as the archive.

Later, Seeker

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Re: Unattended upgrades, how do stable et al work after upgrade?

2015-03-16 Thread Seeker

On 3/16/2015 3:57 AM, Tapio Lehtonen wrote:

I can't understand how unattended upgrades continues to work after
Jessi is stable. In wheezy the config file has


I don't want to upgrade from Wheezy to Jessie immediately when Jessie
is release. Sometime when version 8.1 or 8.2 comes might be a good
time to upgrade. Meanwhile I would like the unattended-upgrades to
keep Wheezy updated until I upgrade to Jessie. And I do not want
unattended-upgrades to start installing packages from Jessie.

I read about the changes made after Squeeze which indicate this setup
does work in the above situation. But I do not understand how.

Is there some mechanism that prevents updates from stable if the you
distro codename is not the same as the installed distro? What happens
if there is wheezy-lts like there is now Squeeze Long Term Support

Would unattended-upgrades work, if I remove oldstable-lines and
replace every string stable with wheezy? And after upgrading to Jessie,
replace wheezy with jessie?

If you don't have any packages from oldstable, then you don't need a a 
line that will

try to pull in updates for oldstable.

Unless you have stuff in your 'sources.list' 'sources.list.d/files' I'm 
not seeing where

it's a requirement to specify which archives to pull from.

But if you do specify, it's the same as sources.list.

If you want to stick with stable, specify stable as the archive.
If you want to stick with wheezy, specify wheezy as the archive.

Later, Seeker

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Re: jessie: Firefox download dialog unusable

2015-03-14 Thread Seeker

On 3/14/2015 12:43 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Saturday 14 March 2015 18:47:46 Ric Moore wrote:

It's when you hit version 36 that it
blows up.

In what way?  It seems not significantly worse than it was before.  What is
yet to happen to me? :-(


Firefox is fine, Video Download Helper was not compatible with FF 36.

On a laptop where I have Windows 10 VDH just updated to 5.0.1, which 
seems to work fine.

Will have to try it on my Linux boxes now.

Later, Seeker

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Re: jessie: Firefox download dialog unusable

2015-03-14 Thread Seeker

On 3/14/2015 7:27 PM, Seeker wrote:

On 3/14/2015 12:43 PM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Saturday 14 March 2015 18:47:46 Ric Moore wrote:

It's when you hit version 36 that it
blows up.
In what way?  It seems not significantly worse than it was before.  
What is

yet to happen to me? :-(


Firefox is fine, Video Download Helper was not compatible with FF 36.

On a laptop where I have Windows 10 VDH just updated to 5.0.1, which 
seems to work fine.

Will have to try it on my Linux boxes now.

Later, Seeker

PS. Don't know where the other download issue is coming from, maybe 
another FF addon.

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XFS: xfs_repair never finishes on lvm partition

2010-10-02 Thread Knowledge Seeker

I'm using Debian Lenny box with 2 hds.

The first one is used by the OS and the second one is another system witch
runs in virtual machine (Virtual Box).
This virtual machine also runs Debian Lenny.

The vm's hd has 2 fdisk partitions, one being LVM.

On the last week, due a power failure, there was a corruption in the file
system of my home xfs partition inside the LVM.
When  I tried to access it, my OS answered that it's not a file or a
Umounting and mounting again, the error persists.
I tried an xfs_check and it said to mount and umount the filesystem and if
it does not work to run xfs_repair with -L.
I tried it a couple of times and it didn't work, so I ran xfs_repair -L

On Phase 6, it just freezes in:

bad hash table for directory inode 2147483859 (no data entry): rebuilding
rebuilding directory inode 2147483859

And never finish.
I let running for 2 days long.

When I use ps to see the state:

 2359 pts/0Sl+0:11 xfs_repair -L /dev/mapper/storage-home

Interruptible sleep (waiting for an event to complete), multi threaded, in

It just stoped when I sent an interrupt signal Ctrl+C.

I tried to do the same from the host machine (real machine), since the HD
could be accessed from it.
The funniest thing is that the xfs_repair did not hang, but when I try to
mount the partition it does not mount the  full partition.
An ls in the /mnt mounting /dev/storage/home (from host machine), doesn't
show the /home, it shows a subdirectory from /home.
And if I start again the Virtual Machine, it prints the same error: /home is
not file or directory.


Some one have any idea, how to solve it?

Thanks in advance



Re: Apache2 chroot /dev/null permission denied

2010-03-18 Thread Knowledge Seeker
Thanks for the help.
Doing what was asked I figured out and solved the problem.
Another administrator added the option nodev  to the partition of the
chroot. Probably He did not umounted and mounted the partition after that
and the service did not stopped, when we restart the machine, the problem

One question.
For security reasons, what the best mount options for the chroot partition?
nosuid I already have.
Is it advisable to have nodev on the chroot and mount another small
/chroot/dev partition (maybe ramdisk), without the nodev option containing
the null urandom and random devices?

Thanks again.

[ ]'s

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 7:52 PM, Mike Bird wrote:

 On Wed March 17 2010 19:00:35 Knowledge Seeker wrote:
  That is the problem.
  The permission is set to 666 and the group is root.
  But it still don't work.

 Please post the exact complete error message, and
 also the results of the following three commands run
 as root as soon as possible after the error occurs:

 # ls -dl /dev
 drwxr-xr-x 22 root root 6280 2010-03-14 11:16 /dev
 # ls -l /dev/null
 crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2010-03-14 11:15 /dev/null
 # su www-data -c 'ls -l /dev/null'
 crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2010-03-14 11:15 /dev/null

 Is there anything in your Apache config that might
 be trying to chroot?

 --Mike Bird

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Apache2 chroot /dev/null permission denied

2010-03-17 Thread Knowledge Seeker
I have an old Debian Etch box, running Apache2 on chroot jail. Yesterday,
(it sounds like joke) I turned off the machine and when I started it again
the web server did not come to life again.
The problem was a Permission Denied on the /dev/null.

I created my device with the command:  mknod -m 0666 /chroot/dev/null c 1 3
listing the permissions:

crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2010-03-16 18:37 null
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 8 2010-03-16 18:39 random
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 9 2010-03-16 18:39 urandom

(When I change the group to sys, don't solve the problem)

Even outside of the chroot when I try to echo something and redirect to this
device I get the same message:

-su: null: Permission Denied

My kernel is the default:
2.6.18-6-686 #1 SMP

Everything worked fine 2 days ago.

I really wish to understand and solve this issue.
When I mount all /dev with a bind option, it works fine again, but I
wouldn't want to have all my devices available inside chroot.

I really appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance


Re: Apache2 chroot /dev/null permission denied

2010-03-17 Thread Knowledge Seeker
That is the problem.
The permission is set to 666 and the group is root.
But it still don't work.

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 11:22 PM, Wayne wrote:

 Knowledge Seeker wrote:

 I have an old Debian Etch box, running Apache2 on chroot jail. Yesterday,
 (it sounds like joke) I turned off the machine and when I started it again
 the web server did not come to life again.
 The problem was a Permission Denied on the /dev/null.

 I created my device with the command:  mknod -m 0666 /chroot/dev/null c 1
 listing the permissions:

 crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2010-03-16 18:37 null
 crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 8 2010-03-16 18:39 random
 crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 9 2010-03-16 18:39 urandom

 (When I change the group to sys, don't solve the problem)

 Even outside of the chroot when I try to echo something and redirect to
 device I get the same message:

 -su: null: Permission Denied

 My kernel is the default:
 2.6.18-6-686 #1 SMP

 Everything worked fine 2 days ago.

 I really wish to understand and solve this issue.
 When I mount all /dev with a bind option, it works fine again, but I

  I ran into that after an upgrade on squeeze a few months ago.  As a result
 a few programs would not run.  The atd daemon was the only one I cared
 about.  Don't know, yet, what caused it but the fix was to put the following
 into /root/.bash_profile.

 chmod 666 /dev/null
 chgrp root /dev/null

 /etc/init.d/atd restart



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RPC passing more than 16 Groups

2009-06-12 Thread Knowledge Seeker
Hi folks,
I'm using NFS to serve files to my Debian clients and some users are in more
than 16 groups. I know RPC just pass the firts 16 groups and I need more
than it.
On Debian the NGROUPS_MAX is set to 65536, searching on libc6-dev, I found a
NGRPS on /usr/include/rpc/auth_unix.h,  that is set explicit to 16.
So, I changed this value to 64 and rebuild the packages: portmap,
nfs-common and librpc (and their dependencies) on client, and on the server
I rebuild all those ones plus nfs-kernel-server.
But it didn't work.
What else I need to rebuild or changes I shold do, in which files?
Thanks in Advance.


Re: qemu does not start

2007-05-02 Thread seeker
On Tue, 2007-05-01 at 18:19 +0200, Misko wrote:
 Since it run fine by root I guess there are some permission problem,
 but can not find where.
 My question is why normal user can not create tap0 device and
 how to fix this. 

I have not messed with this type of stuff for a while, never really
understood it that much either, but.

Looks like this is covered in:

: but it looks like the preferred solutions these days would be to use

Later, Seeker

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Re: X11 display terribly slow after upgrade

2007-04-27 Thread seeker
On Sun, 2007-04-22 at 20:46 +0200, Zlatko Calusic wrote:
 I'm using lenny/sid distribution. Few days ago, after Xorg packages
 got upgraded to 1.3.0, display became very slow. Every redrawing,
 every scroll, it's all slow. On one machine it's actually unusable
 (Radeon Xpress 200M), on this one (Radeon 9500 Pro) it's just very
 slugish and annoying, feels like I'm running on P166 (instead of

Works fine for me with Radeon 9500 Pro using the mesa/ati driver. Have
not used fglrx for a while.

It messin' with me at first, but it turns out I had some some old
manually moved or installed libdri stuff in a different directory than
is currently used that was conflicting, DOH! 

But before I found that out I ran:

dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg

: You might try that if it didn't ask you for any configuration when you
upgraded. I did notice also that even though on the reconfigure it asks
what modules to load, there is no module section in my xorg.conf file,
so it seems to be taking advantage of the new autodetection stuff, may
be an area to investigate.

Later, Seeker

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Re: dpkg: I refuse to do it and you can't make me!

2007-04-17 Thread seeker
On Sun, 2007-04-15 at 22:56 -0400, Carl Fink wrote:

 update-alternatives: internal error: /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/navigator
 corrupt: priority /usr/lib/netscape/477x/navigator/navigator-smotif 477x0
 update-alternatives: internal error: /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/netscape
 corrupt: priority /usr/lib/netscape/477x/navigator/navigator-smotif 477x0
 dpkg: error processing navigator-smotif-477 (--remove):
  subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 2
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 That's a fine example of useless messages.  How is anyone supposed to know

It tells you there is a problem updating the alternative as opposed to
some cryptic code you that you have to dig around for just to find out
what the code means. What else do you want from an error message?

 It turns out that deleting the file /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/netscape
 fixes this problem -- but why should I have to figure that out?  The average
 user, especially a new user, will react by freezing up.

A little late to try now, but.

The dpkg man page show there being a force-help option and 'dpkg
--force-help' shows there being an overwrite-diverted option, which
might lead one to think using the command 'dpkg -i
--force-overwrite-diverted [some packages]' has some potential to
correct the problem.

Later, Seeker

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