Fwd: Re: Tema del Kde

2000-02-20 Thread Agustin MuNoz
 Pego esa parte, la tienes completa con links a los mensajes en English
 en: http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/2000/4/index.es.html
 Por increíble que parezca, ha surgido otro debate en debian-devel sobre la
 licencia de KDE. Comenzó con un simple pregunta: ¿Porqué KDE no está en
 Debian? ¿No se han solucionado los problemas de licencia con el nuevo Open
 Source Qt, y con otros cambios? Bien, pues según Joseph Carter, todavía hay
 problemas. KDE está en su mayor parte bajo la licencia GPL, que sigue sin
 ser compatible con la licencia QPL, a menos que el autor de permiso explicito
 a que su código GPL pueda ser enlazado con QT. Para la mayor parte de KDE,
 naturalmente, esto no debería ser un problema (la gente asociada con el
 proyecto KDE lo escribió y deberían ser capaces de dar este permiso). Pero
 todavía hay partes de KDE como kghostview en los que el copyright pertenece
 a terceras personas.
 En cualquier caso, nunca se ha dado este permiso, y por lo tanto Debian
 continúa sin poder distribuir KDE. Raul Miller lo resumió: Si la gente de
 KDE hiciera un manifiesto razonablemente sólido dando su permiso, 
 podríamos distribuir la mayor parte de KDE. Mientras tanto, esperaremos.

Obviamente, yo preferiría que KDE estuviera incluido en Debian,
pero no creo que haya ningún problema con la licencia mientras que ellos
piensan que sí (aunque todo el resto de las distribuciones ya ha visto que
no lo hay), así que no hay nada que hacer.

Por poner un ejemplo, las kdelibs están sólo bajo la LGPL, con esta
no hay ningún problema, entonces ¿por qué no lleva al menos las kdelibs?
(Si alguien está en las listas de debian, le agradecería que hiciera esa
pregunta allí)

Hasta luego,

Antonio Larrosa Jimenez
Student of Mathematics
The bad thing about exams is that you don't have time to learn.

Re: Fwd: Re: Tema del Kde

2000-02-20 Thread Jordi
On Sun, Feb 20, 2000 at 12:54:28AM +0100, Agustin MuNoz wrote:
 Obviamente, yo preferiría que KDE estuviera incluido en Debian,
 pero no creo que haya ningún problema con la licencia mientras que ellos
 piensan que sí (aunque todo el resto de las distribuciones ya ha visto que
 no lo hay), así que no hay nada que hacer.
 Por poner un ejemplo, las kdelibs están sólo bajo la LGPL, con esta
 no hay ningún problema, entonces ¿por qué no lleva al menos las kdelibs?
 (Si alguien está en las listas de debian, le agradecería que hiciera esa
 pregunta allí)

Lo mismo preguntaron en -devel, y la contestación creo que fue que
deberían. Olvidalo para potato, eso si :)
(De hecho, estuvieron, si no recuerdo mal).


  /   Rediscovering Freedom, Using Debian GNU/Linux\
 /  \
 |   Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
 |Oskuro in RL-MUD   || [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
 |   http://sindominio.net  |
 \   telnet pusa.informat.uv.es 23  /

Description: PGP signature

Re: Red Casera

2000-02-20 Thread Daniel H. Perez
* [2219 17:19] Antonio Beamud Montero ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) decia:


 4- Añadir 2 scripts para cuando se levante la conexión a internet, que son:
(llamalos como quieras dentro de /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/)
   ipchains -P forward DENY
   ipchains -A forward -s -d -j MASQ 
no convendria un ipchains -F primero? :)

   depmod -a
   modprobe ip_masq_cuseeme
   modprobe ip_masq_ftp
   modprobe ip_masq_user
   modprobe ip_masq_raudio
   modprobe dummy

esto tambien podes hacerlo poniendo el nombre de los modulos en /etc/modules

Daniel H. Perez
a veces Tango 
Fui lo que crei, soy lo que esta pasando (Charly Garcia)
Linux 2.2.14 Usuario Reg. N. 85920
GnuPG Public Key 0x98ECB388

Re: Sugerencias a la traduccion de Powered by

2000-02-20 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Fri, Feb 18, 2000,

 Si alguien tiene buenas ideas para un eslogan, que hable ahora o
 calle para siempre :-)

En ese caso:

A través de Debian

Liderando con Debian (pelín fantasmón)

A la vanguardia con Debian (ídem)

Superándonos con Debian (este alude a la noción de `comunidad')

Avanzando con Debian

Progresando con Debian

Desarrollando con Debian

Comunicando con Debian

Debian, y que me quiten lo bailao! :-P

Y como los nombres de las versiones salen de Toy History,

Debian, hasta el infinito y más allá! :-DD

 ¿ Que os parece el: Todo sobre mi Debian ? :-p

Mujeres con Windows 2000 al borde de un ataque de nervios, :-DD

Un saludote.

Cosme P. Cuevas --- Claves GnuPG/PGP disponibles.

Description: PGP signature

Sugerencias a la traduccion de Powered by

2000-02-20 Thread Alvarez Ricardo Marcelo

Podria ser:
 Potenciado por Debian.

No se me ocurre ningun otro por ahora
Pero es mas dificil de lo que parece encontrar un buen eslogan.

Re: Red Casera

2000-02-20 Thread Joan Cirer

On 19 Feb 2000, Antonio Beamud Montero wrote:

 Pookie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Gracias a todos... el tema SMTP (exim) y POP3 (qpopper) ya esta resuelto
  ahora me queda configurar el ip masquerading, ya que ahora tengo cern-httpd
  haciendo de proxy, y no es todo lo elegante que querria...
 cern-httpd es un servidor web, no un proxy, y por cierto va super
  Recuerdo que intente configurarlo (el masquerade) y no me sali Podriais
  ayudarme (y que no sea a base de HOWTOs plz)


¿Por qué no pruebas el paquete ipmasq (ipmasq_3.4.3_all.deb)?

El mismo te instala todas las reglas del ip masquerading que salen en
HOWTO y se encarga de reconfigurar las reglas cada vez que te conectas a
Internet, el paquete es de potato, no se si en slink podria servir...


Re: Red Casera

2000-02-20 Thread Joan Cirer

On Sat, 19 Feb 2000, Pookie wrote:

 Bueno el caso es que tengo IP fija, referenciada por DNS con
 dom6-52.menta.net por lo tanto los mails son [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 El caso es que me han enviado varios mails, de los cuales aun no he recibido
 ni uno, excepto los que me envio yo, ya sea con MI smtp o con el de MENTA
 (mi ISP)...

Podria ser porque en el DNS sale como MX el servidor smpt de menta, de
esta forma todos los mensajes para el dominio menta.net han de pasar por
el servidor smpt de menta, y que este servidor no haga de relay para otros
servidores smpt del dominio

Esto es bastante habitual para evitar que en una red aparezcan servidores
de correo fuera de control


Qt 2 para Slink

2000-02-20 Thread Ricardo Villalba
Tan solo comentar que he subido a mi web las librerías Qt 2.0.2 de
potato compiladas para slink (libqt2 y libqt2-dev, la documentación,
qt2-doc, todavía no porque el fichero ocupa más de 3 megas, pero lo
podeis coger de potato por no depender de ninguna librerías).

También he puesto el Qt Architect (qtarch) que es un editor de diálogos
para las librerías Qt.

Si a alguien le interesa la dirección es esta:

Ricardo Villalba

Netscape y acentos.

2000-02-20 Thread hcl
El netscape composer ( en slink ) no quiere saber nada de los acentos, 
recuerdo que hace
un par de meses sea habló del tema. He estado buscando en los mailbox que tengo 
guardados pero lo
he debido borrar. 

¿ Recuerda alguien como arreglarlo ? ¿ Hay alguna version que haga esto bien ?

Humm, no vuelvo a borrar un correo, nunca sabes cuando te va a hacer falta. :-(

Gracias de antemano.

Un saludo.

  ______ _ ___
 /  /\  /  //  __//  /\  
/  /_/_/  //  /\ /  / /  
   /     //  /_/___ /  /_/__ 
  /_ /\__/_ /////\   
  \__\/  \__\\\\\/   

For pgp key send mail with subject request pgp key

Re: Red Casera

2000-02-20 Thread Pookie
  Bueno el caso es que tengo IP fija, referenciada por DNS con
  dom6-52.menta.net por lo tanto los mails son
  El caso es que me han enviado varios mails, de los cuales aun no he
  ni uno, excepto los que me envio yo, ya sea con MI smtp o con el de
  (mi ISP)...

 Podria ser porque en el DNS sale como MX el servidor smpt de menta, de
 esta forma todos los mensajes para el dominio menta.net han de pasar por
 el servidor smpt de menta, y que este servidor no haga de relay para otros
 servidores smpt del dominio

 Esto es bastante habitual para evitar que en una red aparezcan servidores
 de correo fuera de control

puesss... podria ser, pero el caso es que si YO me envio un mensaje a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] usando el SMTP de menta entonces me llega ...

Quizas me tenga que poner yo como MX?? no se si lo estoy... podria alguien
explicarme que es exactamente lo de MX?

Re: Red Casera

2000-02-20 Thread Pookie
   Recuerdo que intente configurarlo (el masquerade) y no me sali
   ayudarme (y que no sea a base de HOWTOs plz)


 ¿Por qué no pruebas el paquete ipmasq (ipmasq_3.4.3_all.deb)?

 El mismo te instala todas las reglas del ip masquerading que salen en
 HOWTO y se encarga de reconfigurar las reglas cada vez que te conectas a
 Internet, el paquete es de potato, no se si en slink podria servir...

Ya lo he configurado, gracias

Re: Oracle 815

2000-02-20 Thread Luis Clausell
Yep Netman!

El Tue, 15 de Feb de 2000 a las 01:48 AM, Netman escribió:

 Ahora se trataría de saber cuál ese el origen del error 'Cannot open 
 for GC' para saber contra qué paquete hay que emitir el bug. ¿Contra java,
 kernel, libc6?

Después de instalar Oracle con el kernel 2.2.12 e instalar los parches 81501 y
81502, he vuelto al 2.2.14 y funciona sin problemas.

 ##  ##  
   # ## #[EMAIL PROTECTED]2:346/[EMAIL PROTECTED]   # ## #
   ## ICQ UIN 1523792   Usuario Linux 94909##
 ##   Debian GNU/Linux   ##  

Problemas tipo Windows con la televisión

2000-02-20 Thread Roberto Ruisánchez Mazo
Hola Debianautas,

Me pasa una cosa rarisima con la televisión... A ver si a alguno os ha
pasado y habeis conseguido arreglarlo, porque a mi me supera!!
Tengo una EasyTV sobre un kernel 2.2.13, y uso el Kwintv. El asunto es
que cuando arranco la televisión por primera vez se abre la ventana
del programa y se escucha el sonido, pero no se ve nada.
En /var/log/messages aparece lo siguiente:

Feb 20 20:34:19 Deckard kernel: Linux video capture interface: v1.00
Feb 20 20:34:19 Deckard kernel: i2c: initialized (i2c bus scan enabled)
Feb 20 20:34:19 Deckard kernel: bttv0: Brooktree Bt848 (rev 18) bus: 0, devfn:
60, irq: 10, memory: 0xe1004000.
Feb 20 20:34:19 Deckard kernel: bttv: 1 Bt8xx card(s) found.
Feb 20 20:34:19 Deckard kernel: bttv0: PLL: 28636363 = 35468950 ... ok
Feb 20 20:34:19 Deckard kernel: bttv0: NO fader chip: TEA6300
Feb 20 20:34:19 Deckard kernel: bttv0: model: BT848(Miro)
Feb 20 20:34:19 Deckard kernel: i2c: scanning bus bt848-0: found device at addr
Feb 20 20:34:19 Deckard kernel: i2c: scanning bus bt848-0: found device at addr
Feb 20 20:34:21 Deckard kernel: bttv0: irq loop 11
Feb 20 20:34:21 Deckard kernel: bttv0: irq loop 12
Feb 20 20:34:21 Deckard kernel: bttv0: irq loop 13
Feb 20 20:34:21 Deckard kernel: bttv0: irq loop 14
Feb 20 20:34:21 Deckard kernel: bttv0: irq loop 15
Feb 20 20:34:21 Deckard kernel: bttv0: irq loop 16
Feb 20 20:34:21 Deckard kernel: bttv0: irq loop 17
Feb 20 20:34:21 Deckard kernel: bttv0: irq loop 18
Feb 20 20:34:21 Deckard kernel: bttv0: irq loop 19
Feb 20 20:34:21 Deckard kernel: bttv0: irq loop 20
Feb 20 20:34:21 Deckard kernel: bttv0: irq loop 21

Entonces cierro la ventana, descargo los modulos de la tarjeta de
televisión (con rmmod bttv, rmmod msp3400, rmmod tuner, rmmod i2c,
rmmod videodev), y ep-voala! Vuelvo a arrancar el programa y ahora no
hay ningun problema!!!
Esto lo puedo permitir en Windows, pero en Linux

Por cierto, en cuanto a la traducción de Powered by.. y aplicado a
Debian yo sugiero:
   Deberias usar Debian

See you..

Roberto Ruisanchez Mazo  - Linux Registered User # 114034 -
...Partiendo de la nada hemos alcanzado las más altas cotas de miseria  - 
Groucho Marx...

Acentuação na Debian 2.2 Potato

2000-02-20 Thread Fernando César Carreira
Carlos Henrique Santos Laviola wrote:
 Estou tendo problemas para configurar acentuação corretamente no X. No
 Netscape a situação é a mais crítica, pois não posso utilizar o til, nem
 o ', nem qualquer outra dead key (eu tentei alguns scripts que
 prometem acentuação fácil hehe). Estou com acentos em programas comuns
 no X (como esse, balsa) bem como no console. Alguém tem sugestões?

Olá Carlos e pessoal da lista

Em 30/08/1999, postei aqui na lista 2 mensagens falando de acentuação em
sistemas Debian 2.X . Pois bem, após atualizar meu sistema para a versão
2.2 da Potato, percebi que algumas configurações já não eram mais
necessárias. Acredito que este assunto interesse a várias pessoas, por
isso estarei reproduzindo algumas partes daquelas mensagens com as
devidas alterações:

Existe 3 tipos de programas que suportam acentuação:

a) Programas escritos com suporte a Internacionalização (I18N):
precisamos configurar o X para reconhecer as dead-keys (teclas que,
quando são pressionadas, não geram caracteres porém modificam a tecla
seguinte a ser apertada. Os acentos são dead-keys). Por exemplo: xterm,
aplicativos do KDE e GNOME, aplicativos escritos em Tcl/TK.

b) Programas com suporte próprio a acentuação: a configuração depende do
aplicativo. Ex: Emacs, Lyx.

c) Programas sem suporte a acentuação: precisamos de alguns truques.
Ex.: StarOffice

Falamos acima que os programas I18N somente necessitam que o sistema X
seja configurado para aceitar acentuação. Pois bem, se esse é o
seu caso, a página Xkb-Br , de Ricardo Y. Igarashi, 
http://lie-br.conectiva.com.br/~iga/ contém instruções e arquivos
necessários para incluir mapas de teclado para o X, com configuração
para dead-keys e teclado ABNT2. O script preparado pelo Ricardo
inclui os arquivos necessários e altera o que for preciso. A partir
daí, o sistema X reconhece o teclado ABNT2 e o US com suporte a 
acentos de uma forma natural. Eu mesmo fiz testes com essa solução e
pude constatar que funciona. Meu sistema era Debian 2.1, com teclado
US101 e a versão do XFree86 era .  Atualmente utilizo sistema
Debian 2.2 e a versão do XFree86 é a 3.3.6 . Esta versão do XFree86 já
possui os mapas de teclado ABNT e US c/ suporte a acentos. Por isso, as
modificações sugeridas pela home page citada já não são necessárias, mas
recomendo uma visita à página para conhecer mais a fundo a questão de
acentuação no X.

Se você, como eu, usa o StarOffice, e quer usar uma solução para os
programas que não aceitam acentuação, vamos falar sobre o patch do

O Linux Portuguese-HOWTO e a página do Ricardo Igarashi falam sobre uma
modificação implementada na biblioteca Xlib pelo francês Thomas Quinot.
Recompilei o sistema XFree86 utilizando o patch citado, substituí o
arquivo da biblioteca e efetuei os testes. Vejam os resultados:

a) rxvt e xterm - acentuação normal

b) Netscape Communicator versão 4.7 - acentuação normal

c) StarOffice 5.1:
- RECONHECE a sequência 'c para gerar o c-cedilha - para aqueles que
possuem o teclado EUA
- Acentuação normal

d) Corel WordPerfect 8:
- Acentuação normal
- A sequência de teclas 'c é aceita, desde que usemos uma Xlib compilada
com libc5

e) xedit - acentuação normal

Em virtude que somente uma biblioteca do X deve ser modificada, eu criei
os seguintes arquivos:

libX11-XF3.3.2.3-libc5.tar.gz - arquivo libX11.so.6.1, compilado com
libc5 p/ sistema XFree86
libX11-XF3.3.2.3.tar.gz   - arquivo libX11.so.6.1, compilado com
libc6 p/ sistema XFree86
libX11-XF3.3.6-libc5.tar.gz   - arquivo libX11.so.6.1, compilado com
libc5 p/ sistema XFree86 3.3.6
libX11-XF3.3.6.tar.gz - arquivo libX11.so.6.1, compilado com
libc6 p/ sistema XFree86 3.3.6

1) Em todos os arquivos, incluí o patch original
XFree86-3.3.1-dead-keys.diff para aqueles que queiram por si mesmos
construir os pacotes do XFree86 com a alteração.

2) Os usuários da Debian Potato podem observar que os pacotes do
Netscape Navigator e Communicator versão 4.7 são compilados com a libc5
(vejam o arquivo /usr/doc/netscape-base-47/changelog.Debian.gz ). Por
isso, é necessário instalar a biblioteca libX11.so.6.1 nas versões libc5
e libc6 . 

Peço aos usuários que possuem home page para que me contactem, de forma
que eu possa enviar os arquivos e que estes, então, fiquem à disposição
de outros usuários para download. Por favor, não me contactem para envio
dos arquivos para endereços de e-mail particulares. Não poderei
atendê-los. Já peço aos criadores das páginas que divulguem os endereços
de suas páginas, aqui na lista ou em outras, se quiserem, assim que os
tiver disponibilizado.

De posse dos arquivos, siga as instruções abaixo (com o servidor X

1 - Configure a acentuação no console, inclusive os mapas de teclado
adequados ao seu caso (ABNT2 ou US c/acentos). Utilize, se for


2000-02-20 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 somebody on the debian-user-de-list said that she uses 2 K6 on a dual P5

Yes, I've heard (she posted here once).  All the documentation I've seen
for dual P5 boards, and all those that I've talked to, say that such a
machine can't exist.

I'd like to hear how it was done - maybe it'll work for dual K6-IIs :)

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

Re: Gimp Stable

2000-02-20 Thread Phil Brutsche
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

 On Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 04:06:09PM +0200, Martin Fluch wrote:
  On Fri, 18 Feb 2000, Ioa Petra wrote:
   The reason I would ask for such an except is because 1.0.4, the current
   potato stable is so -drastically- out of date. Seeing as how Gimp is one
   of the major apps in the Linux community it seems it would be good to
   make an exception in its case.
 Debian is a friend you can count on, but forget about it being up to
 date! Actually I created a separated directory, called new, where I
 install from source updated software and libraries (./configure
 --prefix=/usr/new, make, make install), namely lyx and gimp,
 becouse the versions provided by slink are really obsolete. That's why
 I won't update to Potato, as I risk a big mess: sooner or later I'll
 have everything made up from source.

As someone else said, that's what /usr/local is for.

 The problem with Debian is that you can't install Netscape except by
 means of running a package called netscape4. It would be great to
 know how to get the rid of that limitation.

What do you mean by that?  There isn't anything that I can see preventing
a tarball from ftp.netscape.com (if you can actually get it downloaded!)
from being installed under Debian.  I've been using a glibc2.0 Netscape
under Debian since hamm was released (mid 1998).  Currently I'm using that
same Netscape (I think - It's either a glibc2 or glibc2.1 Netscape) with

 Someday a kind programmer will write some code to manage a distro made
 entirely from source and help us to live without RPMs, LSMs or DEBs,
 i.e. flying out of the cage :)))

GNU stow.  I've never used it, but it sounds like that's what you're
looking for.

Phil Brutsche   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There are two things that are infinite; Human stupidity and the
universe. And I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein

iso image

2000-02-20 Thread TaoX { Brian Hinson; }
Is there a place where I can download iso image(s) of the current or potato
distro of Debian?

ICQ: 61511769
AOL IM: TaoX 0x1 - thats the whole thing, space included, not seperate

Re: spice (fwd)

2000-02-20 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
The source of SPICE for Linux may be found almost everywhere. Just connect
to any archie service (eg. http://archie.luth.se) and enter the 
spice3f5sfix.tar.gz as a search string.
You'll get a lot of location to download it from.
I've downloaded it from:
and compiled without any special problems.

 On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 09:17:21AM -0800, Ernest Johanson wrote:
 Have a look at http://fides.fe.uni-lj.si/~spice/welcome.html. There isn't
 a debian pacakge, but you may want to have a look. No source, just binary,
 and I have a hunch it is compiled for slink. I couldn't get it to run on

Wojciech Zabolotny

http://www.debian.org  Use Linux - an OS without trojan horses inside

Installation Problem

2000-02-20 Thread Justin Megawarne
When I try to install Debian 2.1 (slink) by booting off the rescue disk,
after loading the md driver it freezes up.

I tried booting it on my old 486, and the thing loaded after the above
mentioned driver was something to do with PCI. On my 486 it just gave me
some PCI error, and happily carried on with the installation.

There is a rough spec of my computer at
http://www.tnflesh.force9.co.uk/myathlon.html - if anything more specific is
required, please mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Many thanks for your help.


Re: Pronounciation of Linux that important? - curiosity about origin

2000-02-20 Thread Daniel Barclay

 From: Eric G . Miller egm2@jps.net

  Was it just an odd perception of how the letters l-i-n-u-x would
  be pronounced?
 Well, this poor sap, never having heard the word pronouned, and before
 hearing the Linn-Uhks vs. Lie-nucks debates, came up with the Lie-nucks
 pronunciation based on regular American English phonetics. You've got a
 vowel preceding a single hard consonant which is then followed by a
 single vowel which is followed by a hard consonant. By default, that
 first vowel is long (though there are many exceptions). 
 For instance, compare: final, fiddle (special 'le' == 'el' rule),
 liken, limber; liner,linger; etc...

Yeah, that's what I meant by odd perception of how to pronounce it--
not following the base English spelling/pronunciation rules you mention.

Daniel Barclay
(Hmm.  A little worrisome:  http://www.junkbusters.com/cgi-bin/privacy
http://www.anonymizer.com/snoop.cgi )

Re: Newbie made a boo boo surprise surprise

2000-02-20 Thread kmself
On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 04:41:55PM -0600, Ian Timshel wrote:
 Hi all.
 I've been lurking for a bit but can't keep the pace on this most active
 list.  I get nasty messages from the postmaster so I'm not subscribed
 regularly.  Please reply privately if you would.

Many people consider requests for off-list responses to be bad
nettiquette.  Collective brain, etc.  I'll generally honor a request
for cc: as reasonable.

 I've been pounding away at an Essential Debian 2.1 for the past two
 weeks.  Cheapbytes coughed up what turns out to be a very usable pile of
 packages.  I'm grateful to have the cd.  However after getting the drive
 split up (dual boot with Windoz) and the rules half figured out, I went
 ahead and put too many things on the partition.  While I was investigating
 my troubles with the X config I looked to see what space I had left.  When I
 looked first it was 1K and then promptly dropped to zero.  Opps.  dselect
 wouldn't work without a little room so I gassed (read deleted) a few things
 out of the games directory until I had enough to spool the deselect.  I'll
 get to the point sometime I'm almost sure!

Not clear what problems you're running into, how you want to mitigate
them, or what problems you'd have with a reinstall.

Please post your partition table(s) (fdisk -l for each of your physical
drives, usually /dev/hd[abcd...] and/or /dev/sd[abcd...]), and your
/etc/fstab table to indicate what partitions are what.

The best advice I can give with a Debian install, especially for a
newbie, is to take it slowly.  Install just the base system, then add
packages and support as you need them.  Remember that the advantage of
Debian is its package management system.  It's very easy to add (or
remove) packages from a Debian system, without requiring a reboot, or
even taking the system to single user mode -- I run on-the-fly updates
all the time.

Suggestion:  wipe your install, install a base system, add packages a
few at a time, and get used to your system.  You'll have a much better
understanding, and a much more stable system, this way.

Karsten M. Self (kmself@ix.netcom.com)
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

SAS for Linux: http://www.netcom.com/~kmself/SAS/SAS4Linux.html
Mailing list:  subscribe sas-linux to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

roxen webserver problems

2000-02-20 Thread Högman
I just installed the Roxen webserver in order to check it out, but when I 
pointed my browser to the standardized address (http://moonspell.nowhere:19656) 
it seems that I can't connect to the server. Any clues? It's kinda 
fresh-of-the-deb-install, so basically I'd at least like to be able to 
configure it... And yes, for now It'll just reside on my local network.
Thanks in advance,
.--- -- ---  -- +-
| Martin Högman  [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
|   [ 
http://skyscraper.fotunecity.com/integer/36 ]
`--+ --- -   --  +

roxen webserver problems

2000-02-20 Thread Högman
I just installed the Roxen webserver in order to check it out, but when I 
pointed my browser to the standardized address (http://moonspell.nowhere:19656) 
it seems that I can't connect to the server. Any clues? It's kinda 
fresh-of-the-deb-install, so basically I'd at least like to be able to 
configure it... And yes, for now It'll just reside on my local network.
Thanks in advance,
.--- -- ---  -- +-
| Martin Högman  [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
|   [ 
http://skyscraper.fotunecity.com/integer/36 ]
`--+ --- -   --  +

Newbie boo boo

2000-02-20 Thread Ian Timshel
OK, I'm not the kind of the linux rescue, but here I go. :)

Basicly, you need some space to do anything. (I'm assuming you have
everything mounted on one partition - If that is not true, you have a
different problem

And- off-list responses to be bad nettiquette.  Collective brain, etc.

I'm subscribed and up for another round.

Thanks for the note, however, I'm a little farther down the road.  I can
boot to
both partitions without grief.  I got back in after I deleted the
few games which freed up enough space to play deselet again.  In fact I've
deleted the partitions for Linux and remade them with a new install over top
and still this file is bad.  I can't get X to come up without trouble.  I've
had two goes at a fresh install and still have the problem.  I get
X11TransSocketUNIXConnect:  Can't connect: errno=111.  I know that isn't
enough to go on.  One of the first messages I got goes like this:  Can't
read messages.(phase 2.1): no such variable while executing.  label
$w.waitmsg -text $messages(phase 2.1) file
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Setup/phase2.tcl line 25  Not knowing any better I
tried to change things around on that line but I'm guessing.  I put things
back and went back to the info, man, faq till I'm blue!
I'd have no problem ripping this thing down and starting again but I'm
not convinced that's going to fix it, given that I've done that three times
now.  My next thought was to turn the patition into some kind of dos thing
that I could format differently to ensure that no old information remained
when the Linux fdisk goes in to do its job.
I have lots of room to play with now.  Well not lots and lots, but a few
hundered megs anyway.  Space is no longer the problem.  Getting the X server
up and stable is the problem.
I'm pretty comfortable with the deselect and midnight commander now.  I
don't have a problem doing some basic manipulation of files and pemissions.
I've made good use of the documentation.  I'm blown away with how good it
is.  My other experience with OS manuals left me feeling a little tattered.
This stuff is there to help not hinder.  I can feel a die hard fan coming on
Sorry for eating up all this band width but I'll get it out of me and
hopefully someone will have enough info that I can tune down the enthusiasm
and get back to work.
Valid xdm at boot.  GNU/Linux login screen.  Once logged in it kicks
me back to a textured screen with a mouse curser to play with but nothing
else.  ^alt bksp takes me back to the GUI log in screen.  ^alt F1 takes me
to a console with no error messages.  When I log on there (as root) and
enter startx: Fatal server error.  Server is already active for display 0.
If the is server is no longer running remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.
At this point the hard drive is reading like crazy.  Within a few minutes a
message: unable to load interpreter /etc/X11/Xinit/xinitrc line 3 685
Segmentation fault /etc/X11 /Xinit/xinitrc.  I commented out the line three
and removed the comment on line 7 refering to Xsession and the hard drive
didn't go into over drive, but the server wasn't available either when I
tried startx.  I just got the remove /tmp/.X0-lock which I can't find.
All ideas welcome.  who needs sleep anyway.

Re: Newbie made a boo boo surprise surprise

2000-02-20 Thread Lane Lester

On 20 Feb 2000, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
 Suggestion:  wipe your install, install a base system, add packages
 few at a time, and get used to your system.  You'll have a much
 understanding, and a much more stable system, this way.

I'm a Linux fairly-newbie, and your advice surprises me. My
conclusion thus far with a little experience with Red Hat, Corel
Linux, and Debian is that the only road to happiness in Linux is to
install every blasted library you can think of, and then maybe you
can start to install new stuff without dependencies stopping your
every effort.

But maybe with apt-get that isn't necessary, although my few attempts
to use that system have not been very successful. I do the apt-get
update and then apt-get install [package], and then it proceeds to
tell me why it didn't do what I asked it to.

OTOH, my only experience with real Debian has been with the CD that
came with the Learning Debian book, and I'm not sure that CD is OK. I
mean, what kind of Linux distro would come without ppp support... and
in spite of following all kinds of guru advice, I was never able to
get that system online.

When potato becomes stable (or however you say that), I'm going to
give Debian another look, and I hope apt-get will actually do for me
what it does for others: not only install the requested packages, but
also fetch any dependencies.

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

Getting where I want to be with Corel Linux

Lilo gets wiped off /mbr

2000-02-20 Thread ktb
This problem just started on my computer.  I had Slackware installed using
lilo with no problems.  I had no problems with Slink for a day and now when
I reboot lilo doesn't come up.  I have to use my boot floppy and boot into
Slink rerun /sbin/lilo and then I can boot properly into Windows 98 or Slink
one time.  The /mbr is on the Windows 98 disk, Slink is on another.  I read
in the mail list that sometimes if the boot sector has virus protection
enabled this type of thing happens but I checked and it is not.  Has anyone
had this problem before?

@ www.xyf.webprovider.com

Re: Graphics tablet pen + psaux mouse

2000-02-20 Thread W. Paul Mills
Horacio MG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: On monday, Jan 17, 2000, David Wright said:
: Quoting J Horacio MG ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
:  I acquired a graphics tablet and a ps/2 mouse.  I wonder if it's
:  possible to have them both working together, or whether there's another
:  solution to it.
:  The tablet  pen specifications are:  3-button cordless (cell powered) 
:  pen and a tablet with a serial port connection.
:  I got the ps/2 mouse in the hope that it would be feasible to connect it
:  to the aux port and have the tablet connected to the serial port at the
:  same time, but since the tablet box says it is the ultimate mouse
:  replacement, I fear it won't be possible to have them both working
:  together.
:  So, providing the tablet works at all with Debian, what's the way to go
:  to have them both working?
: This /etc/gpm.conf isn't exactly the same, but shows that gpm, for one,
: can run two devices at the same time:
: device=/dev/psaux
: responsiveness=
: type=ps2
: append=-l \a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\ -M -m /dev/t
: tyS0 -t ms -l \a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\
: (The devices are a ps2 touchpad and a serial mouse.)

: Hi, I changed gpm.conf for one psaux mouse and a tablet on ttyS0:

: device=/dev/psaux
: responsiveness=
: type=ps2
: append=-l \a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\ -M -m 
: /dev/ttyS0 -l \a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\

: (that should be all in one line).  On console mode, the mouse worked,
: but not the pen (but since I want it for X and the Gimp, it doesn't
: really matter).  On X neither the pen nor the mouse would work!

try adding -t wacom to your append line somewhere after the -M

then for X add (See man gpm  the -M -R options):

Section Pointer
   Device  /dev/gpmdata
   Resolution  100

: I added the following line to /etc/X11/XF86Config (according to
: Wacom-Tablet-Howto):

: Section Xinput
:  SubSection WacomStylus
:   DeviceName lapiz
:   Port /dev/ttyS0
:   Baudrate 9600
:   Mode Absolute
:   AlwaysCore
:   HistorySize 200
:  EndSubSection
: EndSection

: But when rebooting, xdm refused to start X and 'startx' gave me this
: error:

: Config Error: /etc/X11/XF86Config:65

:  SubSection WacomStylus
:  ^
: Invalid SubSection name

: The tablet is not a Wacom (it's a Conceptronic), and I'm running XFree
: and gpm 1.14-3 ...

: Now, what's that module xf86Wacom.so?  can I use it with a non Wacom
: tablet?  Where do I get it and how do I install/load it?


: -- 
: Horacio   Anno MMDCCLIII aUC
:  ~Spain ~Spanje ~Spanien
: Key fingerprint = F4EE AE5E 2F01 0DB3 62F2  A9F4 AD31 7093 4233 7AE6

: -- 
: Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* EMAIL= [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  WWW= http://Mills-USA.com/  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

LinuxBar Grouup

2000-02-20 Thread Huberto Pava
Dear Debian Group:
We are a New group interested in the difussion of the knowledge of linux
operative system in the latin american area, specifically in Colombia where
linux is just shamely appearing, but there is not so much information about
the products, so we are trying to get the more information as we could to
offer a systems solution to persons and companies without a profit
motivation. We thank any help you could give us in order to get information
about your excellent products.
Huberto Pava Fernandez
LinuxBar, Barranquilla, colombia.

Re: Question on installing packages and upgrading

2000-02-20 Thread Carl Fink
On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 07:30:00PM +0100, Alex Schuster wrote:
 But it wants a whole debian tree, not just some additional packages. I  
 can install the packages manually, but this involves a lot of dpkg -I  
 or checking the dependencies first.
 . . . New packages for wmaker etc. usually need newer versions of
 other packages. And these need other new stuff, and so on.

 I like the Debian philosophy, but I also see that s many things  
 don't work well/correctly/at all. And I always always run into some  
 problem when installing new stuff, like having to download many other  
 stuff, or some other programs refuse to work after that. I need newer  
 windowmanagers, newer CDburning software, MP3 encoding software, and  
 much more. Lots of stuff to download, and probably that's not enough,  
 because of my outdated libraries.
 So, what would I need to do to get an up to date system? Without being  
 online for days (which costs some money here). Or is potato finished  
 very soon?

To answer your question:  if you're in a big hurry, you could install
apt on your slink system.  Potato should be released in some weeks,
and potato+apt will solve all the problems you refer to.

I personally have been using potato for months now with only a few
problems, so upgrading to potato early wouldn't be a terrible idea. 
The Debian folks I spoke to at LinuxWorld Expo say that the new
releases after potato should come much closer together.
I-Con's Science and Technology Guest of Honor in 2000 will be Geoffrey
A. Landis.  See http://www.iconsf.org for I-Con information.

Re: What's the difference between kernel-image-2.2.14-ide and kernel-image-2.2.14?

2000-02-20 Thread Daniel Barclay

 From: Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Subject: Re: What's the difference between kernel-image-2.2.14-ide and 
   The descriptions of those packages in /var/lib/dpkg/available are 
  There are some IDE-related kernel patches; that -ide kernel apparently
  has the patch applied. 
 Why then it is not mentioned in the description? 
 Not everyone has time to follow the kernel devel closely enough in order to 
 be aware to these patches.

Yes, it would have been nice to know about the bug and the patch before
I corrupted my disks three times (including the root partition once).

Daniel Barclay
(Hmm.  A little worrisome:  http://www.junkbusters.com/cgi-bin/privacy
http://www.anonymizer.com/snoop.cgi )

smail can't receive mails

2000-02-20 Thread Daniel Yang

Hi, everyone
I installed smail on my linux server. I didn't do a lot of 
configuration on smail and I am able to send email through smail. However, I 
can't receive any email from outside of domain.Here is the details.The domain is 
called snacker.net

Here is my DNS record looks like. 

mail.snacker.net. IN A
snacker.net. IN MX 10 

smail has been isntalled on mail.snacker.net. If there is a user called guest on the domain and someone 
send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]. How 
smail receives the emails.I don't know what I need to configure to make it 

Does anyone has any suggestions.
My next step is to setup POP3 on mail.snacker.net. I 
appreciate you give any suggestion on installation and configuration on POP3 or 
point me to some good documents on how to setp up mail server or pop server. I 
haven't found any good practical documents yet.
Thanks a lot


2000-02-20 Thread aphro
On Sat, 19 Feb 2000, Phil Brutsche wrote:

pbruts Yes, I've heard (she posted here once).  All the documentation I've seen
pbruts for dual P5 boards, and all those that I've talked to, say that such a
pbruts machine can't exist.
pbruts I'd like to hear how it was done - maybe it'll work for dual K6-IIs :)

it's also possible that she just has 2 cpus installed, but the second is
not being used. everything i have read says its impossible as well.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations   http://www.firetrail.com/
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited  http://www.aphroland.org/
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336http://www.linuxpowered.net/
Powered By:http://comedy.aphroland.org/
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMPhttp://yahoo.aphroland.org/
-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
8:33pm up 184 days, 8:51, 2 users, load average: 1.04, 1.06, 1.01

[no subject]

2000-02-20 Thread TaoX { Brian Hinson; }
Ok, I found a place that offers the potato distro as a cd-image... but all
the other distros have .iso as the extension, and I'm use to seeing that,
but for some reason its cd-image for the potato is .raw? is this equiv to a
.iso or will I need some special software or something? I had planned on
useing Easy-CD-Creator to write the .iso... but I have no clue what todo
with this .raw file?

Thanks in advance
ICQ: 61511769
AOL IM: TaoX 0x1 - thats the whole thing, space included, not seperate

Re: Lilo gets wiped off /mbr

2000-02-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
It would help if you posted your /etc/lilo.conf. My first guess is it's
installing lilo on the second disk, rather than the first.
| Eric G. Milleregm2@jps.net |
| GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/gpg.asc  |

Re: Newbie boo boo

2000-02-20 Thread Andrew Chung
 Valid xdm at boot.  GNU/Linux login screen.  Once logged in it kicks
 me back to a textured screen with a mouse curser to play with but nothing
 else.  ^alt bksp takes me back to the GUI log in screen.  ^alt F1 takes me
 to a console with no error messages.  When I log on there (as root) and
 enter startx: Fatal server error.  Server is already active for display 0.
 If the is server is no longer running remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.

Which is true since you do have an X server up already. Just press Alt-F7 to
get back to X. And in general you shouldn't be doing this with root. Make a
user account and use that instead. 

You can't shutdown the X server because you're using xdm, which restarts X
when you hit Ctrl-Alt-Bksp. If you want to stop xdm from starting
automatically, either remove the xdm package, or do update-rc.d -f xdm

To get things to start when X fires up, put the commands in .xinitrc in your
home directory. For example, to get xterm and window maker started, do
exec wmaker

Don't let your sanity stand in your way

Andrew Chung -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: K6 Optimized Debian Binaries

2000-02-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 10:14:05PM -0500, S. Salman Ahmed wrote:
 I would like to recompile kernel 2.2.14 with the extra C flags
 -march=i686 -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer to see what effect it has on
 speed and performance.

Think those flags get set in the Makefile (well, not -03) by choosing
the processor type. You can change the CFLAGS -02 to -03 in the top
level Makefile ... but I don't know if you're asking for trouble.

| Eric G. Milleregm2@jps.net |
| GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/gpg.asc  |

Re: LinuxBar Grouup

2000-02-20 Thread Eric G . Miller

See http://www.debian.org/index.es.html for information en Español.
| Eric G. Milleregm2@jps.net |
| GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/gpg.asc  |

Re: Newbie mistakes

2000-02-20 Thread kmself
On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 09:21:36PM -0600, Ian Timshel wrote:
 I'm up and subscribed.  Thanks to all who were kind enough to tolerate my

De nada.

On request:  slow down and space out your paragraphs.  Dense text is
hard to read.

 I'm having some problems after a smooth installation of Essential Debian 2.1
 Everything went wonderfully once I felt my way around.  I had many attempts
 but the instructions were there to follow and it came off very well
 except I neglected to note how much room I was using.  When I was having
 trouble with X server configuration I checked in Midnight Commander and I
 had 1k left and then I watched it go as well.  I'm comfortable with dselect
 and have no trouble loading what I want and gassing what I don't.  The
 Midnight Commander has been good for me.  I can change permissions and have
 become quite familiar with the directory tree.  I'm hammered the FAQ's,
 HOWTO's and man pages.

Trick:  http://localhost/doc/ should point to your documentation
directory.  You can point a browser -- Netscape/Mozilla for graphics, or
lynx, links, or w3m in console mode.

 I crashed system without enough room left to spool anything and have had
 problems ever since.  I can't run startx without problems.  Here is the
 list.  I thought I sent it earlier but I think I messed up the address.
 Please excuse this if it is a repeat of such a big whack of writing.

If this isn't relevant to your current problems (you've created a fresh
installation without problems), drop the detail, as it makes it unclear
whether this is relevant background or just a personal vent.  Not that I
don't understand the frustrations, trust me. g

I've repartitioned, reinstalled, dselected, and commented this and that
 all to no avail.  One of the first messages was: Can't read messages.
 (phase2.1) : no such variable while executing. label $w.waiting -text
 $messages(phase2.1) file /usr/X11R6Setup/phase2.tcl  line 25.

Context?  Boot messages?  Output from running a command?

Once your system has booted, you can run the command dmesg to capture
the kernel ring buffer output.  This should include all boot messages
(other than hardware device output).

You can also read from /var/log/foo for other diagnostics.  I'd start
with /var/log/messages and /var/log/kern.log

 Now I have the following experience at boot up.  Valid xdm at boot
 GNU/Linux logon screen.  Login and it leaves me with a textured screen and a
 mouse cursor to play with and that's it. 

You have X up and running successfully.  Good.  You appear to be missing
a window manager.  We'll deal with that later.

What you're looking at is the bare-assed X server display.  You can
launch something onto it from a console by using the syntax:

   $ xterm -display :0  

...as the same user.

Incidentally, I'd suggest *not* booting a graphical screen (xdm/gdm)
automatically.  My own preference is to log on to a console and 'startx'
when I want GUI.  Makes debug easier.  My X sessions tend to last weeks

 ^Alt F1 takes me to the console
 with no error messages.  Logon there as root then startx and get fatal
 server error server is already active for display 0.  If this server is no
 longer running remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again. 

You have X up and running successfully -- on display :0.  If you want to
launch a second X session (which is what you're trying to do whether you
want it or not g), you'll have to specify another display.


  startx twm -- :1 1 ~/.startx.log 21  

...from console.  This starts X, runs twm (a very minimal windowmanager,
if that's not installed, pick another X client -- say fvwm or xterm),
startx X on display :1, and outputs all stdout and sterr to the file
.startx.log.  That's pretty much my standard X startup command, except
that I use WindowMaker, and it starts by default (so I don't have to
specify it).  The -- separates X client options (eg:  the window
manager) from X server options (eg: the display, color depth, etc.).

I also disable gdm and xdm by deleting the corresponding [SK][0-9][0-9]gdm
files from /etc/rc.d/  You can leave the /etc/init.d scripts alone.

Alternatively, you can run:

/etc/init.d/gdm stop

...and/or whatever is equivalent for your X display manager, to stop the
login screen.  This kills the X session on display 0.

 At this point the
 drive is reading like crazy and after a few minutes kicks out: unable to
 load interpreter /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc line 3 685 Segmentation fault
 /etc/x11/xinit/xintirc  I had some problems with a file marked red with !
 xserverrc at /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc but it no longer appears to be there.

How long is a few minutes?  X often spins for a while before it dies,
I suppose this depends on what clients you're trying to start up.  I
haven't tried launching a Gnome or KDE session on top of an active X
session, but it could conceivably take 30-60+ seconds for them to wake
up enough to realize they were dead.

 Any ideas would be greatly 

No mouse in PowerShell (and Gnome Terminal).

2000-02-20 Thread Christian Dysthe

I am currently using  PowerShell (and Gnome Terminal) with Midnight
Commander as my preferred file manager. The problem is that I can not
use my mouse to control MC as I am used to from wterm (and also other

I do have a sluggish slow mouse control initially, but if I for
instance resize the window the mouse won't do anything at all.

I have tried wterm again and have no such problems but prefer the
PowerShell interface so I would like to find out what might be wrong.

I am running Debian unstable with WindowMaker on the SVGA X-server.



Christian Dysthe
Web: http://oddbird.dyndns.org
ICQ 3945810
eFax/Voicemail: 1-208-248-9634
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Clones are people two

Should I use squid?

2000-02-20 Thread Christian Dysthe

would I gain anything by setting up, and configure my browser to
use squid as a proxy on my workstation.

I'm running Debian unstable.



Christian Dysthe
Web: http://oddbird.dyndns.org
ICQ 3945810
eFax/Voicemail: 1-208-248-9634
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Clones are people two

Re: Should I use squid?

2000-02-20 Thread Robert L. Harris

If you have only 1 machine, the only benefit would be the ease of adding
Ad Zapper.  If you hvae more than one in use, it could definitely be
a benefit.The difference on my fir apt-get, http and ftp is noticable,
especially with Ad Zapper.  Pages load ALOT faster.


Thus spake Christian Dysthe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 would I gain anything by setting up, and configure my browser to
 use squid as a proxy on my workstation.
 I'm running Debian unstable.
 Christian Dysthe
 Web: http://oddbird.dyndns.org
 ICQ 3945810
 eFax/Voicemail: 1-208-248-9634
 Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

   Clones are people two
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Robert L. Harris|  Low quality in a product happens.
Senior System Engineer  |That doesn't mean it's right and
  at RnD Consulting |  definitely doesn't mean it should
\_   be accepted.  Require quality.
  These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
 perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'

Newbi window manager configure

2000-02-20 Thread Ian Timshel
Thank-you all.  I feel the frustration subsiding.  Also the notes on density
of text etc.

Trick:  http://localhost/doc/ should point to your documentation
Love that!

Once your system has booted, you can run the command dmesg to capture the
kernel ring buffer output.  This should include all boot messages (other
than hardware device output).  You can also read from /var/log/foo for
other diagnostics.  I'd start with /var/log/messages and /var/log/kern.log
That's working for me too.

How long is a few minutes?  X often spins for a while before it dies, I
suppose this depends on what clients you're trying to start up.  I haven't
tried launching a Gnome or KDE session on top of an active X session, but it
could conceivably take 30-60+ seconds for them to wake up enough to realise
they were dead.
I think you are right on with this.  It may be more like two minutes

 Hmm. I did find my .X0-lock where it says so. Remember that 'dotfiles'
..anything only show to the 'ls -a' command.  Do try reinserting the
commented out lines. They probably are there for a purpose. :)  
The problem is that I don't know what belongs in there.  The file when
I've had access to it was empty.

in general you shouldn't be doing this with root. Make a user account and
use that instead
That's been done already.  On the other hand, I'm making a lot of
changes and I'm always back and forth.  I expect that the habit of being
root is not something I'd want to cultivate.

Thanks a whole bunch.  Now sleep.
Cheers!  Ian.

N 49 12' 30
W 96 53' 45

Re: Newbie mistakes

2000-02-20 Thread Brad
On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 09:04:39PM -0800, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
 I also disable gdm and xdm by deleting the corresponding [SK][0-9][0-9]gdm
 files from /etc/rc.d/  You can leave the /etc/init.d scripts alone.
 Alternatively, you can run:
 /etc/init.d/gdm stop
 ...and/or whatever is equivalent for your X display manager, to stop the
 login screen.  This kills the X session on display 0.

If you don't want to use xdm (or gdm, or whatever display manager) you
can just uninstall the corresponding package. Although, for slink you
may not be able to remove xdm; i haven't used slink in a while and i
don't remember if it's a separate package there.

If you just don't want it started at boot, but you want it available for
/etc/init.d/xdm start, i'd recommend moving the /etc/rc?.d/S99xdm
links to K01xdm. Removing them will cause you trouble: if you remove
them all then next time the package is upgraded they'll be put back, and
if you leave some but not others you'll get inconsistent behavior when
changing runlevels. As a side note, you can have xdm start only in
certain runlevels by leaving some as S99xdm and others as K01xdm. man
telinit for more info on runlevels.

There's also a Debian tool to help manage the above. For example, to
have xdm start in runlevels 4 and 5 only, you'd do the following as
  update-rc.d -f xdm remove
  update-rc.d xdm start 99 4 5 . stop 01 0 1 2 3 6 .

In case you're curious, the 99 in S99 tells init to start xdm last of
everything, and the 01 in K01 tells it to kill it first. This is usually
what you want for xdm.

If you want xdm running but don't want it to manage any local displays
(you probably don't want this, but some do), you can edit the
/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers file and comment out any lines that start local

  finger for GPG public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Lilo gets wiped off /mbr

2000-02-20 Thread ktb
Here it is:





- Original Message -
From: Eric G . Miller egm2@jps.net
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2000 10:52 PM
Subject: Re: Lilo gets wiped off /mbr

 It would help if you posted your /etc/lilo.conf. My first guess is it's
 installing lilo on the second disk, rather than the first.
 | Eric G. Milleregm2@jps.net |
 | GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/gpg.asc  |

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Lilo gets wiped off /mbr

2000-02-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Feb 20, 2000 at 01:05:57AM -0600, ktb wrote:
 Here it is:

Take it that number means something on your system...

Well, you might need to play with the disk and bios=0xNN arguments
to lilo (man lilo.conf).   
| Eric G. Milleregm2@jps.net |
| GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/gpg.asc  |

Re: spice

2000-02-20 Thread Paolo Nenzi
If you are interested in a versioneof spice that works on Potato, try to
look at http://ieee.ing.uniroma1.it/ngspice. It is not debianized but
works on Potato.


Problelm with mounting of partitions

2000-02-20 Thread Thomas Delaet
Hey everyone,

I have troubles mounting my /var filesystem.
This is my fstab file
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# file system mount point type options  dump

/dev/hda1   / ext2   defaults,errors=remount-ro 0  1
/dev/hda2   none  swap   sw 0  0
proc/proc proc   defaults   0  0
/dev/hdc2   /var  ext2   defaults   0  1
/dev/hdc3   none  swap   sw 0  0

And These are the command which are executed on startup concerning
mounting of partitions :
mount -avt nonfs,noproc
swapon -a 2/dev/null

At shutdown the following commands are executed :

halt -w
swapoff -a
umount -a -r
mount -n -o remount,ro /

After I started my PC, the /var filesystems doesn't appear in the
/etc/mtab table.

This is my /etc/mtab table  :

/dev/hda1 / ext2 rw,errors=remount-ro 0 0
proc /proc proc rw 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,gid=5,mode=620 0 0

And when I start up I got the message : filesystem not cleanly unmounted

Can anybody please help me with this problem or tell me which
information I have to provide for solving this problem ?

Tnx a lot in advance

Kind Regards,


Re: your mail

2000-02-20 Thread aphro
use cdrecord (or X cd roast which uses cdrecord)

dunno if other programs can burn it. easy cd creator has a history of
screwing up bootable cds when burnt using it.  dont know if they fixed it.


On Sat, 19 Feb 2000, TaoX { Brian Hinson; } wrote:

brianh Ok, I found a place that offers the potato distro as a cd-image... but 
brianh the other distros have .iso as the extension, and I'm use to seeing 
brianh but for some reason its cd-image for the potato is .raw? is this equiv 
to a
brianh .iso or will I need some special software or something? I had planned on
brianh useing Easy-CD-Creator to write the .iso... but I have no clue what todo
brianh with this .raw file?
brianh Thanks in advance
brianh --
brianh www.linuxfreak.com/~TaoX
brianh ICQ: 61511769
brianh AOL IM: TaoX 0x1 - thats the whole thing, space included, not seperate
brianh names!
brianh -- 
brianh Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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Re: Should I use squid?

2000-02-20 Thread aphro
On Sat, 19 Feb 2000, Christian Dysthe wrote:

cdysth Hi,
cdysth would I gain anything by setting up, and configure my browser to
cdysth use squid as a proxy on my workstation.
cdysth I'm running Debian unstable.

i do it, at the same time if your using netscape/X11 it may be good to
link your cache directory to /dev/null as even if you tell netscape not to
cache anything for some reason it still does. netscape will complain
sometimes that the cache directory is not right but just ignore it.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]--
   Vice President Network Operations   http://www.firetrail.com/
  Firetrail Internet Services Limited  http://www.aphroland.org/
   Everett, WA 425-348-7336http://www.linuxpowered.net/
Powered By:http://comedy.aphroland.org/
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMPhttp://yahoo.aphroland.org/
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12:09am up 184 days, 12:27, 2 users, load average: 1.05, 1.03, 1.00

Re: Apt-get through proxy

2000-02-20 Thread Markus Fischer
On Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 10:36:02AM +0100, Radim Gelner wrote : 
 How do I instruct apt-get to use a proxy server instead of directly
 contacting the host?

Just a sidenote, there is also a small utility called
apt-proxy which re-creates a local mirror of all downloaded
debian packages ideally designed for a bunch of machines shares
the same link. Just try apt-proxy on freshmeat, its really kewl
using rsync.

kind regards,

Markus Fischer,  http://josefine.ben.tuwien.ac.at/~mfischer/
PGP Public  Key: http://josefine.ben.tuwien.ac.at/~mfischer/C2272BD0.asc
PGP Fingerprint: D3B0 DD4F E12B F911 3CE1  C2B5 D674 B445 C227 2BD0
- Free Software For A Free World -

Description: PGP signature

Re: Should I use squid?

2000-02-20 Thread kmself
On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 10:30:19PM -0700, Robert L. Harris wrote:
 If you have only 1 machine, the only benefit would be the ease of adding
 Ad Zapper.  If you hvae more than one in use, it could definitely be
 a benefit.The difference on my fir apt-get, http and ftp is noticable,
 especially with Ad Zapper.  Pages load ALOT faster.

Actually there are a few possible benefits:

 - w/o a proxy server, users and even clients among a single user,
   cannot share a cache.  Using Squid shares duplication of resources.

 - Squid is designed for one thing.  My perception is that browsing is
   faster using squid than relying on Netscape's cache.  Squid is
   designed for high performance browsing by caching frequently used
   objects in memory.  Given Netscape's notorious memory mismanagement,
   I'd say you're better off w/ Squid.

   This is anecdotal, though it seems reasonable.

 - Squid give you fine-tuned control over what is cached, how much, and
   for how long.  Much more so than Netscape.

I'm finding that, though not T1 speed, tying together Squid and
Junkbuster proxies makes my 56k line much more tolerable.

Karsten M. Self (kmself@ix.netcom.com)
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

SAS for Linux: http://www.netcom.com/~kmself/SAS/SAS4Linux.html
Mailing list:  subscribe sas-linux to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problelm with mounting of partitions

2000-02-20 Thread Markus Fischer
On Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 09:07:29AM +0100, Thomas Delaet wrote : 
 I have troubles mounting my /var filesystem.
 /dev/hdc2   /var  ext2   defaults   0  1
 And when I start up I got the message : filesystem not cleanly unmounted

Maybe your /dev/hdc2 is corrupted in a way fsck can't fix
it automatically. Just login as root after booting (without
/var/) and issue the following command :

# fsck /dev/hdc2

(iow: repair it manually).

You're getting asked a bunch of question whose default answer are

kind regards,

Markus Fischer,  http://josefine.ben.tuwien.ac.at/~mfischer/
PGP Public  Key: http://josefine.ben.tuwien.ac.at/~mfischer/C2272BD0.asc
PGP Fingerprint: D3B0 DD4F E12B F911 3CE1  C2B5 D674 B445 C227 2BD0
- Free Software For A Free World -

Description: PGP signature

Re: /usr/doc vs /usr/share/doc

2000-02-20 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 11:13:52AM -0500, Marc Sherman wrote:
 Some packages install their docs in /usr/share/doc, but don't
 add a symlink to /usr/doc -- is it ok for me to manually add
 those symlinks after installation, or will that cause problems
 with dpkg when it tries to update or remove those packages down
 the road?

hard to say, best advice, don't, don't ever touch anything in /usr
except /usr/local/* which is yours to ROT13 rm -rf or whatever you

/usr/doc symlinks are a temporary transition solution anyway until no
more packages are left that keep docs in this incorrect location,
after that /usr/doc will probably be removed altogether.

Ethan Benson

Re: how to mark package hold

2000-02-20 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 07:01:48PM +0200, Martin Fluch wrote:
 Im still wondering, why ther is no --hold/unhold option in dpkg. IMHO this
 is somehow inconsistant. This step is not that unusual. Wishlistbug?

this works fine for me:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ cat /usr/local/sbin/dhold
#! /bin/sh

PRG=`basename $0`

if [ `id -u` != 0 ] ; then
echo you're not root, go away.
exit 1
elif [ $# != 1 ] ; then
echo Usage: $PRG packagename
exit 1
echo $1 hold | dpkg --set-selections
[EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ cat /usr/local/sbin/dunhold
#! /bin/sh

PRG=`basename $0`

if [ `id -u` != 0 ] ; then
echo you're not root, go away.
exit 1
elif [ $# != 1 ] ; then
echo Usage: $PRG packagename
exit 1
echo $1 install | dpkg --set-selections

I think `install' is the right way to unhold a package anyway ;-)

Ethan Benson

Re: FTP overwrite

2000-02-20 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 02:52:20PM -0500, Andrew Chung wrote:
  How do you allow FTP clients, when uploading files, to overwrite same
  existing files on the server?
  I understand that some FTP servers have the   /etc/ftpaccess, which I
  don't see under my etc directory.  The only one that I is ftpusers.
  Debian 2.0
 This depends on the ftp server you use. Both wu-ftpd and proftpd allow you
 to control this, and how to do this is well documented in the accompanying

both are also known for giving out root privileges like candy, so be
cautious and read BugTraq...

Ethan Benson

Re: Problelm with mounting of partitions

2000-02-20 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 09:07:29AM +0100, Thomas Delaet wrote:
 Hey everyone,
 I have troubles mounting my /var filesystem.
 This is my fstab file
 # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
 # file system mount point type options  dump
 /dev/hda1   / ext2   defaults,errors=remount-ro 0  1
 /dev/hda2   none  swap   sw 0  0
 proc/proc proc   defaults   0  0
 /dev/hdc2   /var  ext2   defaults   0  1

I'd suggest changing the pass from 1 to 2. At least that's what the
manual suggests for other than '/' filesystems (man fstab).

 /dev/hdc3   none  swap   sw 0  0
 And These are the command which are executed on startup concerning
 mounting of partitions :
 mount -avt nonfs,noproc
 swapon -a 2/dev/null
 At shutdown the following commands are executed :
 halt -w
 swapoff -a
 umount -a -r
 mount -n -o remount,ro /
 After I started my PC, the /var filesystems doesn't appear in the
 /etc/mtab table.

Perhaps you don't have an empty directory var on the root partition?
Try booting into single user mode then, $ mount /var. What happens?

 This is my /etc/mtab table  :
 /dev/hda1 / ext2 rw,errors=remount-ro 0 0
 proc /proc proc rw 0 0
 devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,gid=5,mode=620 0 0
 And when I start up I got the message : filesystem not cleanly unmounted

| Eric G. Milleregm2@jps.net |
| GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/gpg.asc  |

Re: roxen webserver problems

2000-02-20 Thread Martin Bialasinski
* Martin == Högman  Martin wrote:

Martin I just installed the Roxen webserver in order to check it out,
Martin but when I pointed my browser to the standardized address
Martin (http://moonspell.nowhere:19656) it seems that I can't connect
Martin to the server.

Check that it is indeed running with ps axf | grep pike. Check
/var/log/roxen/debug/default.1 (or .2). Check you have tried the
correct port (grep ConfigurationURL /etc/roxen/Global_Variables).

Oh, and if you intend to upgrade to frozen, the Roxen packages are way 
better in potato than in slink.


How to apt-get gnome

2000-02-20 Thread Lane Lester

Is there a single command to apt-get that will fetch all of the latest
gnome basic system packages?

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

Getting where I want to be with Corel Linux

I have repackaged TkMan unofficially.

2000-02-20 Thread Shaul Karl
I have repackaged TkMan. It is an unofficial package for woody (unstable).

TkMan is a graphical, hypertext manual page and Texinfo browser for UNIX.
More information about TkMan is at http.cs.berkeley.edu/~phelps/tcltk/.
It used to be in the non-free/doc section but has been orphaned by its 
previous maintainer.

deb + dsc can be found under ftp.linux.org.il/pub/local-dev/shaulk.

Any suggestions, requests and problem reports are welcomed.

Source: tkman
Section: non-free/doc
Priority: optional
Maintainer: (unofficial) Shaul Karl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Standards-Version: 3.0.1

Package: tkman
Architecture: all
Depends: tk8.0 (= 8.0.5-6), rman (= 3.0.8-1), man
Suggests: doc-rfc, ldap-rfc, lpr | lprng, manpages, manpages-dev
Provides: man-browser
Description: A graphical, hypertext manual page and Texinfo browser
 TkMan is a graphical, hypertext manual page and Texinfo browser for
 UNIX.  TkMan boasts hypertext links, (optional) outline view of pages
 with a novel information visualization mechanism called Notemarks,
 high quality display and unique interface to Texinfo documents, full
 text search among man pages, incremental and regular expression search
 within pages, robust yellow highlight annotations, a shortcut/hot
 list, lists of all pages in user configurable volumes, a comprehensive
 Preferences panel, man page versioning support, and unmatched online
 text formatting and display quality, among many other features.
An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.

Re: OT: Free-Quake

2000-02-20 Thread Frank Barknecht
Lars Weber hat gesagt: // Lars Weber wrote:

 Question: Is someone already doing this?  (AFAIKT this is out of the
   scope of the Quakeforge project, but I'm not sure)

Open Quartz is a project to supply GPL'ed artwork in the form of PAK
and WAD files to create a fully GPL game based around the GPL'ed quake
sourcecode. This includes models, maps, soundfx and textures.
(from http://sourceforge.net/project/?group_id=1760 )

 btw: What are this data files all about?  Maps, graphics and sound
 files I think, but maybe (much??) more?

Plus models and textures ;-)

 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: Squid

2000-02-20 Thread Onno
Please take a look at the order you placed the http_access
rule in, it does matter!



At 01:38 PM 2/19/00 +, Sven Gaerner wrote:

I want to to deny the access of some domains like microsoft.com...
I added the following lines to /etc/squid.conf

acl MSDOMAIN dstdomain microsoft.com
http_access deny MSDOMAIN

But it doesn't work after restarting squid.
I'm using potato and my Netscape  Browser on another machine is configured to
use the squid proxy.

Does anyone have an idea to solve this??



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Apt-get Confusion

2000-02-20 Thread Lane Lester

According to the apt-get man page:
 install is followed by one or more packages desired
 for installation.  Each package is a package  name,
 not  a fully qualified filename (for instance, in a
 Debian GNU/Linux system, ldso would be the argument
 provided,   not   ldso_1.9.6-2.deb).  All  packages
 required by the package(s) specified for  installa­
 tion  will  also  be  retrieved  and installed.

I must be doing something wrong, because the last sentence above is
not true for me. All apt-get does is tell me what's missing:
CorelLinux:/home/llester# apt-get install ripple 
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Sorry, ripple is already the newest version
You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:
Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  ripple: Depends: libaudiofile0 but it is not installed
  Depends: libesd-alsa0 (= 0.2.16) but it is not installed
  Depends: libggi2 ( 1: but it is not installed
  Depends: libgii0 ( 1:0.6) but it is not installed
  Depends: libsdl1.0 but it is not installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or
specify a solution).

I did run apt-get update before the above. The above example is not
unique; I almost always get the same kind of report. And when I try
to install the missing items, there's always something wrong with
that: incomplete filename, wrong filename, etc.

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

Getting where I want to be with Corel Linux

Re: How to apt-get gnome

2000-02-20 Thread Colin Watson
Is there a single command to apt-get that will fetch all of the latest
gnome basic system packages?

  apt-get install task-gnome-desktop

... should do the job.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Question on installing packages and upgrading

2000-02-20 Thread Jean-Philippe Guérard
Le 2000-02-19 19:30:00 +0100, Alex Schuster écrivait :
 I am using Debian stable for some weeks now, but there still are so  
 many things I don't really understand, for example the installation of  
 debian packages. I know how to use dselect, and I can also use dpkg.
 But how do I, for example, install a newer version of windowmaker or  
 netscape? There are several .deb packages, and I don't know which of  
 them to use. Sometimes a packages.gz is also there. Can I do something  
 with it, like showing it to dselect, so I can use this tool for  
 But it wants a whole debian tree, not just some additional packages. I  
 can install the packages manually, but this involves a lot of dpkg -I  
 or checking the dependencies first.

You should install apt, and set up dselect to use the apt method.

Apt is able to download just the packages that are necessary to install
the packages you want.

(And apt will tell you how much data you need to download).

 Another problem: my Debian stable is so outdated. New packages for  
 wmaker etc. usually need newer versions of other packages. And these  
 need other new stuff, and so on. For example, I wanted to install  
 xmms, an mp3 player, and got it from the frozen packages. It needed  
 some newer libraries, which I got after some downloading. Now, xmms is  
 running, but much some software (e.g. xaos) doesn't run any more.  

XMMS, as most of the Potato, depends on libc6 2.1. Slink packages
depends on libc6 2.0. Installing the XMMS from Potato requires
upgrading libc6 to 2.1. Which will require you to upgrade most
of your packages to Potato.

I believe you should either move back to Slink, or upgrade to
Potato (which I wouldn't advise you to do for the moment).
The intermediate position (Slink + libc6 2.1) really causes
too much problems (too many thinks will not work).

 Also, dselect complains about dependency problems, and I always have  
 to override its suggestins by Shift-Q in order to complete selections.  
 I know some of the missing libraries, but I don't dare to start  
 downloading them, because who knows whcih other stuff they will need.

This is the dependency side of the libc6 problem. You will
end up downloading the entire Potato.

 I like the Debian philosophy, but I also see that s many things  
 don't work well/correctly/at all. And I always always run into some  
 problem when installing new stuff, like having to download many other  
 stuff, or some other programs refuse to work after that. I need newer  
 windowmanagers, newer CDburning software, MP3 encoding software, and  
 much more. Lots of stuff to download, and probably that's not enough,  
 because of my outdated libraries.

There are 2 sides to your question :

* Slink does not include the latest version of the various software
  you may use. This is more or less due to the way Debian works.
  Prior to being released, Debian take the time to fix most of
  the bugs in the existing packages, and does not allow upgrades
  to new version, except pure bug fixes. (The so-called freeze).
  Once This is over, the new version of the distribution is released.
  It is more reliable, but has less up-to-date. Also, for the moment,
  the time between to release tend to be quite long (6 months+), which,
  for some not yet mature software, is very long.

* Installing libc6 2.1 is likely to have broken a lot of things.
  This probably explains the numbers of things that do not work.
 So, what would I need to do to get an up to date system? Without being  
 online for days (which costs some money here). Or is potato finished  
 very soon?

Potato should be finished soon enough. But I wouldn't hold my breath

If you have access to a high speed internet connexion, you can try to
download Potato. It should be usable, but still, a lot of things need
to be fixed.

 Sorry for the bashing on Debian here. Of course it is not fair to  
 compare a brand-new distribution like Mandrake to Debian stable which  
 is quite old now. But I see that with Mandrake I could easily start  
 doing all the stuff I want to do, while here in Debian I am still at  
 the point of wondering how to install newer software.

The nice thing in Debian is the ease of upgrading between releases,
and the fact that it is a quite reliable, that it implements a
good infrastructure (menus, documentation, etc.).

Installing new softare from stable is easy (apt-get install

But installing a new softare not in stable is more difficult.
Sometimes, someone will have package the latest software you
want outside the official stable distribution.
Sometimes, you can just download the package from unstable/frozen.
You can download and compile the source package
(apt-get -b source packagename). Or, for a package not in frozen,
you can alien an existing RPM package. Or download and install
the source of the package you're interested in.
Note that none of these option is totally failsafe.

You can also choose to 

The singer Teresa Teng information (¾HÄR§g)

2000-02-20 Thread tuba0123
English:  The singer Teresa Teng information

Thanks your time for this brief message. Please delete if this
cause you any trouble.

My dear lady and gentlemen, Good day! 
(This is not advertisement, nor commerce. All you have to do is

On May 8, 2000, it will be the 5th anniversary since the singer
Teresa Teng left us. Various memorial events for Teresa Teng are
now under preparing from this year. 
Do you like to have the 1st hand information?
Please reply and inform the language you prefer.

You will get related information of the memorial events for Teresa
Teng right after your reply. (We will send you message relevant to
Teresa Teng only)

Wish you have great success in whatever you do.

Sincerely Yours, 
Chinese(big5)  The singer Teresa Teng information

對不起,佔用到您的e-mail ,如果造成您的困擾,請馬上刪去. 
各位先生,女士 您好:  (這裡不作生意,也不做廣告, 您只須回信即可 )
今年2000年5月8日是歌手鄧麗君(Teresa Teng )離開五週年的日子.
各種紀念鄧麗君(Teresa Teng)的活動, 今年正已開始擴大籌備. 
sa Teng) 的活動消息 .  
(無關紀念 鄧麗君的一切消息 , 這裡是不會發 e-mail 的. )
在此祝 各位  平安 健康
Japanese   The singer Teresa Teng information

see  Attach file: Teresa Teng.doc
ChineseThe singer Teresa Teng information

see  Attach file: Teresa Teng.doc

Teresa Teng .doc
Description: Binary data

Re: debian-mirror: inconsistency

2000-02-20 Thread Colin Watson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gerhard Kroder) wrote:
i noticed  during lookup  packages for hylafax*  that  there seems to be
some inconsistency about recent changes to file system structure and
symlinks on debian ftp mirrors. hylafax is accessible from stable/  and
unstable/, but stable/ still is slink and unstable/ now is woody.

That's correct, yes.

as i use potato/  for install path  i couldn't install hylafax*.  i
think this is not ok, though  people should access archives generally
trough (un)stable/.

(This should isn't true, by the way; a lot of people prefer to track a
distribution by codename rather than by status, and the codenames exist
precisely so that they can do that.)

I'm afraid hylafax* has been removed from frozen (potato), as may well
happen to packages with release-critical bugs. See:


... for the reason.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

modem in bash

2000-02-20 Thread Michael Zielinski
I am trying to get my Practical Periphials 28.8 external modem working
under Debian 2.1.  I have followed the examples in O'Relly's Running
Linux and created the following files in /etc/ppp:


# my-chat-script: a program for dialing up your ISP
exec chat -v   \
 '' ATZ   \
 OK ATDT542-5605   \
 CONNECT ''  \
 ogin: myusername \
 assword: mypassword  \


# the ppp-on script

exec /usr/sbin/pppd /dev/modem 28800 lock crtscts noipdefault \
 defaultroute connect my-chat-script

I used vi to create these and made sure nothing follows the \
character.  After creating them, I issued a chmod 755 /etc/ppp/filename
command for each file.

When I type ppp-on to begin the execution, nothing happens.  No lights
on the modem change and I am returned to my debian prompt.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Configuring x-windows for EGA

2000-02-20 Thread Eric Hagglund
I'm trying to get a 486dx set up with X-windows. The
monitor I'm using is a NEC Multisynch JC1401-P3A EGA
that was manufactured when Ronald Reagan was peaking
in popularity (in the U.S. at least, before Oliver
North eclipsed him; no I'm not kidding :). I have
installed Debian 1.3.1 onto a 500 meg hard drive and
am now trying to get X Windows configured using the
text based install utility, because the graphical
setup uses VGA by default and that is (apparently) too
much for this dinosaur to handle.

Anyway, I am now at the menu where you choose the
horizontal synch range for the monitor. All the
choices available to me, save one are for VGA
monitors. The last choice allows me to put in a range
of my own. What should I put in?

Then, when it asks me about the vertical range, what
should I put in for that?

BTW the back of the monitor says it's rated for 120
volts at 60hz, and it appears to have jumpers for
color settings. If any other details would be helpful,
please let me know.
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Woody upgrade wants to remove ppp-pam. Should I let it?

2000-02-20 Thread Phillip Deackes
When I do 'apt-get dist-upgrade' on my already-woody system I get the

The following packages will be REMOVED:

I am too scared to carry on. Is this a problem or is there something
else to replace ppp-pam?


Phillip Deackes
Using Debian Linux 

Re: Apt-get Confusion

2000-02-20 Thread Ron Rademaker
Have you tried 'apt-get -f install', I've had similar problems also and
apt-get -f install solves most...


On Sun, 20 Feb 2000, Lane Lester wrote:

 According to the apt-get man page:
  install is followed by one or more packages desired
  for installation.  Each package is a package  name,
  not  a fully qualified filename (for instance, in a
  Debian GNU/Linux system, ldso would be the argument
  provided,   not   ldso_1.9.6-2.deb).  All  packages
  required by the package(s) specified for  installa­
  tion  will  also  be  retrieved  and installed.
 I must be doing something wrong, because the last sentence above is
 not true for me. All apt-get does is tell me what's missing:
 CorelLinux:/home/llester# apt-get install ripple 
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 Sorry, ripple is already the newest version
 You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:
 Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
   ripple: Depends: libaudiofile0 but it is not installed
   Depends: libesd-alsa0 (= 0.2.16) but it is not installed
   Depends: libggi2 ( 1: but it is not installed
   Depends: libgii0 ( 1:0.6) but it is not installed
   Depends: libsdl1.0 but it is not installed
 E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or
 specify a solution).
 I did run apt-get update before the above. The above example is not
 unique; I almost always get the same kind of report. And when I try
 to install the missing items, there's always something wrong with
 that: incomplete filename, wrong filename, etc.
 Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
 Getting where I want to be with Corel Linux
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Woody upgrade wants to remove ppp-pam. Should I let it?

2000-02-20 Thread Sean Johnson
Phillip Deackes wrote:
 When I do 'apt-get dist-upgrade' on my already-woody system I get the
 The following packages will be REMOVED:
 I am too scared to carry on. Is this a problem or is there something
 else to replace ppp-pam?

Remember, apt-cache is your friend 

poo:~$ apt-cache show ppp
Package: ppp
Version: 2.3.11-1.1
Priority: standard
Section: base
Maintainer: Philip Hands [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Depends: libc6 (= 2.1), libpam0g, netbase, sysvinit (= 2.75-4),
Conflicts: ppp-pam
Replaces: ppp-pam
Architecture: i386
Filename: dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/base/ppp_2.3.11-1.1.deb
Size: 231708
MD5sum: ec5daa157e22a489106b95f655655cae
Description: Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) daemon.
 The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) provides a standard way to transmit
 datagrams over a serial link, as well as a standard way for the
 at either end of the link (the peers) to negotiate various optional
 characteristics of the link.  Using PPP, a serial link can be used to
 transmit Internet Protocol (IP) datagrams, allowing TCP/IP connections
 between the peers.
 This package contains pppd with PAM support built-in, so `ppp-pam'
 package is obsolete.
installed-size: 461

Re: Squid

2000-02-20 Thread Randy Edwards
 Does anyone have an idea to solve this??

   Sorry Sven, I don't.  But as one who's played with using Squid's ACL
functions, I'll suggest a different strategy.

   In the Squid docs on ACL you'll find descriptions of an option to
reference out to a file to get blocked URLs and/or domains.  When I was
using Squid's ACLs to block sites I found the tactic of using the files to
be a huge bonus.  To add a new blocked site all one would need to do is to
edit a text file and restart Squid.

   My advice would be to go back to a plain vanilla squid.conf and to try
your ideas again using the file method.  Once working you'll find the
updating much easier.

 Regards, | Microsoft: Buying up some other company's good idea
 .| today, so they can sell it as an innovation tomorrow.

Re: Question on installing packages and upgrading

2000-02-20 Thread Randy Edwards
 But how do I, for example, install a newer version of windowmaker or
 netscape? There are several .deb packages, and I don't know which of
 them to use.

   Just use dselect, browse through the various descriptions of the *.deb

   If all else fails, just try it -- the worse you'll do is to remove a
file and install something you don't want.  Now, that sounds serious,
doesn't it?!  But remember, in the case of Netscape or Windowmaker, all of
your customized settings are in your home directory -- therefore, for
example, your Netscape bookmarks and mail settings won't be changed by
simply installing a new package.

   Both Windowmaker and (especially) Netscape's modularity is confusing at
first, but there's a method to the madness.  Don't want the spell check? 
Good, don't install it.  Don't want the help files -- ditto!  Generally, for
Netscape folks will install the latest version of the statically-linked
Communicator and everything else that dselect will suggest.

 Another problem: my Debian stable is so outdated. New packages for
 wmaker etc. usually need newer versions of other packages.

   If you read up on apt-get (man apt-get) you can use that to solve the
various dependency problems when upgrading.  Yes, this is a problem, but
with that said, potato will be released real soon now and this is the
right way of solving this particular issue.

 I like the Debian philosophy, but I also see that s many things
 don't work well/correctly/at all.

   I don't know if I'd term it that way.  If you install a stable-only
system, it works, and works extremely well.  Ditto for potato (though, of
course, it's still unstable).  The problems come from mixing and matching
slink and potato -- two different versions.  That isn't officially supposed
to be done; there's an upgrade procedure, but mixing isn't part of the
plan.  So it's not surprising that things don't work smoothly when mixing
two different versions.

   To draw an analogy to the DOS world, what would happen if you were to
take a Win95 machine and start mixing Win98 components and *.DLLs into that
system?  You'd have a nightmare on your hands.  While slink and potato play
pretty well together when mixed, it's analogous to the same idea as

 Sorry for the bashing on Debian here. Of course it is not fair to
 compare a brand-new distribution like Mandrake to Debian stable which
 is quite old now.

   Exactly.  My advice would be to A) read up on apt-get and use it to
install potato packages into your system, B) hold your breath and stick with
slink until potato is released, or C) just do a full upgrade now to running
the potato release.  IMHO, I'd prefer C, but A is also doable if you don't
want to try a full upgrade.

 Regards, | Microsoft: Buying up some other company's good idea
 .| today, so they can sell it as an innovation tomorrow.

Re: roxen webserver problems

2000-02-20 Thread Högman
 Check that it is indeed running with ps axf | grep pike. Check
 /var/log/roxen/debug/default.1 (or .2). Check you have tried the
 correct port (grep ConfigurationURL /etc/roxen/Global_Variables).

Right. It seems I found the problem (around 3:30am, but that's another story). 
Strangely, I got no connects to the moonspell.nowhere:19656, but I did get one 
at moonspell:19656. However, in order to save any configuration changes, I had 
to change the ConfigurationURL from http://moonspell.nowhere:19656 to 
http://moonspell:19656 ... Quite annoying.

BTW, I am running of the Unstable. Now it's just the matter of fixing things 
like making sure that http://moonspell/doc points to /usr/share/doc and so 
forth... And get a better understanding of the libroxen-* archives and how to 
utilize them.

Thanks for your help,

.--- -- ---  -- +-
| Martin Högman  [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
|   [ 
http://skyscraper.fotunecity.com/integer/36 ]
`--+ --- -   --  +

Sawmill/Gnome raising windows

2000-02-20 Thread Randy Edwards
   Here's my stupid question for the day (I'm allotted one per day, aren't

   How can I configure Sawmill/Gnome so that a window will rise to the top
if I click on the title bar?

   I prefer a sloppy focus, one where I can move the mouse over a window and
have it in focus.  However, I don't necessarily want that window to rise to
the top/foreground.  I do want it to come to the top/foreground if I click
on the title bar or perform some other action.

   I've played and played in all of those foolish GUI configuration menus of
Gnome and Sawmill, but the only way I can get something close to what I want
is to click on the Gnome tasklist on the specific task -- that'll make it
rise to the top/foreground, but isn't exactly what I want.  (As an aside,
I'm really impressed by Sawmill's light use of system resources; I never
realized I had so much RAM.:-)

 Regards, | Software isn't software without the source code.
 Randy| http://www.fsf.org - Support *free* software.

Re: modem in bash

2000-02-20 Thread John Hasler
Michael Zielinski writes:
 I am trying to get my Practical Periphials 28.8 external modem working
 under Debian 2.1.

Run pppconfig as root, answer the questions, and then run 'pon' to start
ppp and 'poff' to stop it.  man pppconfig, man pon, man poff.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: Question on installing packages and upgrading

2000-02-20 Thread Alex Schuster
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Carl Fink) wrote:

 On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 07:30:00PM +0100, Alex Schuster wrote:

  So, what would I need to do to get an up to date system? Without
  being online for days (which costs some money here). Or is potato
  finished very soon?

 To answer your question:  if you're in a big hurry, you could install
 apt on your slink system.  Potato should be released in some weeks,
 and potato+apt will solve all the problems you refer to.

apt is already installed.

 I personally have been using potato for months now with only a few
 problems, so upgrading to potato early wouldn't be a terrible idea.

But how would one do this? Go online, enter apt-get dist-upgrade, and  
wait for well, a too long time. I can download 10 MB per hour,  
maybe 20 if I manage to get ISDN to work. Downloading a whole  
distrinution via apt would take days, and I do not want to be online  
for such a long time. I wouldn't work anyway, because the phone would  
not hold for such a long time without dropping the carrier. And it's  
too expensive.

So, are there other options? I guess I could download the whole potato  
tree of the ftp server (the connection at work is fast), put it onto  
some CDs, extract the tree to my harddisk, and use apt to upgrade.

So I guess I would have to wait for potato being stable, and then get  
a new CD image.

Or switch to Mandrake... duck

  Alex Schuster [EMAIL PROTECTED]  PGP Key available

Re: Rationale behind the groups dip and dialout

2000-02-20 Thread Viktor Rosenfeld
John Hasler wrote:

 Setuid root also makes it possible for the secrets
 files to be readable only by root, and for pppd to use the serial ports
 without the user having access to them.  Pppd drops root privileges as soon
 as it doesn't need them.

So root can give users on the system access to a PPP connection without
letting them know, what the user name and password for that account is. 
Makes sense, although it's not aplicable to my situation, because I
can't use PAP/CHAP and it wouldn't work with a chat script.

MfG Viktor
Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sawmill/Gnome raising windows

2000-02-20 Thread Phillip Deackes
Randy Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Here's my stupid question for the day (I'm allotted one per day,
How can I configure Sawmill/Gnome so that a window will rise to the
 if I click on the title bar?

By default, the window will rise to the top if you click the titlebar
with the right mouse-button. There is a configuration page in the
sawmill configurator to change the default actions - I have set button
one to allow me to move the window around, but cannot also get it to
raise the window.

Phillip Deackes
Using Debian Linux 

Re: afterstep

2000-02-20 Thread Cormac McGuinness
Hi there

Sorry! I didnt notice this topic on debian-user. 
I had the exact same problem and found the same solution as you and 
I filed a bug report for the afterstep package last week.

On Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 11:25:36AM -0600, Timothy C. Phan wrote:
   I finally figure what was the problem with unable to
   click on the xterm icon on the desktop to bring up
   the xterm.
   The problem was in the /usr/share/afterstep/wharf where
   the line that contains the xterm information.  It
   should end with anintead of the $ which was
   installed/configured.  I guess that I need to inform
   the afterstep package maintainer about this typo.
   Thanks for all your help!

Cormac McGuinness  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Electronic Structure Group, Boston University Physics Department.

Getting the wm working?

2000-02-20 Thread Nils-Erik Svangård
Installed from frozen.
Installed wmaker but when I try to startx, just the standard xinit screen
appears. I guess there is some config programm I should run, I have tried
register-window-manager, but no results, when I run x-window-manager,
wmaker starts. 
Is there something I'm missing here, and shouldnt these thing be
configured correctly when installing.

eth0--what's up?

2000-02-20 Thread Fish Smith
Whoo--I saw the Matrix last night, quite a trip.

On to business.
What exactly is eth0?  From the way I've seen it
discussed I always presumed it was a device node,
residing in the /dev directory, just as ttyS1 is my
modem, ttyS0 is my mouse, hda is my first hard drive,
hdd is my cdrom.  But during the boot up sequence it
tells me it's initiating eth0 as SMC EZ ethernet
whatever at 0x300 with irq whatever, but no eth0
appears in /dev.  I know everything initialized right
because I can smbmount over the ethernet, so the
missing link must be my understanding of what eth0
refers to.

Fish of Borg
Visit me on the web!  
///Archaeologists near mount Sinai have discovered what appears to be a missing 
page from the Bible.  The page is currently being carbon dated in Bonn.  If 
genuine it belongs at the beginning of the Bible and is believed to read To my 
Darling Candy.  All Characters portrayed within this book are fictitious and 
any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.///Red Dwarf
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Soundblaster AWE64

2000-02-20 Thread Nils-Erik Svangård
On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, Michael Symalla wrote:

 I think that won't solve my problem as my AWE64 is not an pci device
 ;-( As far as I understood the help for the es1370 driver, it is for
 pci soundcards.
 On Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 02:04:47PM +0100, Darlock wrote:
  It's not the same case, but I have a SoundBlaster AWE 128 and only runs
  with the es1370 driver. You can try it... It can runs ok.


I run Soundblaster AWE64PnP, but I use ALSA, it works flawlessly, in the
beginning I had to insmod snd-pcm1-oss, to get the OSS emulation working.
I didnt touch isapnp.conf, the system take care of all that stuff, you
have to have isapnptools install though. ALSA supports multiple soundcards
I currently use 2, the AWE64 and Soundblaster PCI 128, no problems at all.
If you want to compile alsa for a recent kernel you have to install
alsa-source then you:
unpack kernel source in /usr/src
tar xfvz linux-4.2.tar.gz
then untargzip alsadriver.tar.gz which is located in /usr/src
tar xfvz alsadriver.tar.gz
then cd linux
make menuconfig
make sure to add support for sound
the use kernel-make package which compiles the kernel and makes a
installable .deb file
make-kpkg --revision 1 kernel_image
in /usr/src/linux
then when it is finished
do a
make-kpkg --revision 1 modules_image
when it's finished you'll have two .debs in /usr/src which is easily
installed with dpkg -i *.deb
reboot and run alsaconf to configure the soundcards
the soundcard is by default muted so you have to check with amxier
to set PCM to max and umute you have to
amixer set PCM 100% unmute
master, treble, bass is stuff you might want to ummute, be careful with
Output Gain it can damage your ears.
instead of amixer you can use alsamixer, but it doesnt seem to work yet.


you can install kernel_image-2.2.13 and use the precompiled drivers in

Whoa I just realised this anwer is alittle overkill, but hey I like ALSA.


Re: Apt-get Confusion

2000-02-20 Thread Lane Lester

On Sun, 20 Feb 2000, Ron Rademaker wrote:
 Have you tried 'apt-get -f install', I've had similar problems also and
 apt-get -f install solves most...

Is that safe? I seem to recall doing that once some time ago, and it
mangled my system. It would still run, but I recall an awful lot of stuff
got changed.

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

Getting where I want to be with Corel Linux

any clear description of sources.list format and apt interpretation?

2000-02-20 Thread Daniel Barclay

Where can I get a clear and consistent specification of how apt-get 
interprets a sources.list file?  

I'm having trouble figuring out which GNOME-for-slink and KDE-for-link
releases (e.g., at kde.tydc.com) I can use with apt-get and how to
write the sources.list entries.

The source.list manual page is ambiguous and contradicts itself, and 
/usr/doc/slink doesn't seem to contain anything relevant (at least on 
my slink system).

What is unclear is exactly how apt-get maps to full directory names or URIs 
from the various pieces (initial URI or directory, distribution name, and 
component names given in sources.list, and Filename: entries in Packages 

- Does apt-get assume or require directory dists somewhere in the 
  directory hierarchy?

  I can't tell whether apt-get is hard-coded to add dists at some level,
  apt-get defaults to that but can be overridden, or dists comes from the 
  Filename: entries in some Packages.gz files.

- How _exactly_ does apt-get assemble the URI, the distribution name, and
  any component names to find Packages.gz files?  

- How _exactly_ does apt-get combine the URI, distribution, and component 
  names with the pathnames in Filename: entries in Packages files to find
  *.deb files?

That is, how can I figure out exactly how I must name and organize local 
directories for local mirrors of Debian, KDE, or GNOME releases, and how 
can I figure out exactly how to construct source.list entries to point to 
those local mirrors?

The manual page for sources.list (at least version 0.3.10slink11) is
quite ambiguous and also contradicts itself, leaving several things 

* The sources.list manual page says that the URI field must specify the 
  base of the Debian distribution.  

  Which directory is the base?  
  For ftp://ftp.debian.org/pub/debian/dists/slink/main/...;, which level is
  the base of the distribution?  Is it:
  - ftp://ftp.debian.org/pub/debian/dists/slink;, 
  - ftp://ftp.debian.org/pub/debian/dists;, or
  - ftp://ftp.debian.org/pub/debian; ?
  That is, is the base URI the directory that contains dists? the one
  that contains the directory named by the distribution field in the
  source.list line?

  (Also, does it matter whether the base URI ends with a slash?)

* Soon after, the manual page says:
distribution can specify an exact path, in which case the components 
must be omitted and distribution must end with a slash (/). ... If 
distribution does not specify an exact path, at least one component 
must be present.

  However, about four paragraphs down, it says:
Some examples:

deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian stable  main  contrib non-free

deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian dists/stable-updates

  In the second example, the distribution field does not end with a slash,
  but the components are omitted.  That directly contradicts what was
  specified above.  

So, is there any complete (and correct) description of how apt-get 
manipulates all these pieces of file pathnames?


Daniel Barclay
(Hmm.  A little worrisome:  http://www.junkbusters.com/cgi-bin/privacy
http://www.anonymizer.com/snoop.cgi )

How to get GNOME as a WindowManager???

2000-02-20 Thread Morten Trab

How do I instal GNOME as a 


LILO error

2000-02-20 Thread Morten Trab

How do I repair my LILO???

When I boot, it just says LI and then 

I have to boot via the RESCUE disc...


How to install a second NIC

2000-02-20 Thread Morten Trab

How do I install a second NIC???

I only know the IRQ of it, NOT the IO 

HOW can I install it???


Re: How to get GNOME as a WindowManager???

2000-02-20 Thread Francois Deppierraz
Morten Trab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How do I instal GNOME as a windowsmanager???

GNOME is not a window manager. It's a collection of progs and libs.

But if you want to use the gnome panel with X-Window, you should put
the following line in $HOME/.xinitrc.

exec gnome-session


Francois Deppierraz  student
ICQ: 176 770 09

Re: Apt-get Confusion

2000-02-20 Thread Ron Rademaker
I've done it a few times and never had any real trouble, once it did
delete a few packages I actually wanted to keep, but afterwards I just
reinstalled them and all was fine.


On Sun, 20 Feb 2000, Lane Lester wrote:

 On Sun, 20 Feb 2000, Ron Rademaker wrote:
  Have you tried 'apt-get -f install', I've had similar problems also and
  apt-get -f install solves most...
 Is that safe? I seem to recall doing that once some time ago, and it
 mangled my system. It would still run, but I recall an awful lot of stuff
 got changed.
 Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
 Getting where I want to be with Corel Linux
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: LILO error

2000-02-20 Thread Ron Rademaker
Try adding the line:


to your /etc/lilo.conf, run lilo and it should work fine.


On Sun, 20 Feb 2000, Morten Trab wrote:

 How do I repair my LILO???
 When I boot, it just says LI and then stops...
 I have to boot via the RESCUE disc...

Re: PCMCIA Network Installation

2000-02-20 Thread Dave Whiteley
I think that I have now successfully installed a PCMCIA network card on my IBM 
thinkpad 380d.

I used the most recent copy of the potato boot disks. 

What I did find was that it was vital that the card was not plugged in during 
initial software installation. 
Only after you have completed the PCMCIA configuration should you plug in the 
card. Then when 
you come to configure the network, it recognises that you have a PCMCIA 
ethernet card,
and asks all the right questions.

Hope this helps someone.
Dave Whiteley

ftpable GNOME for slink?

2000-02-20 Thread Daniel Barclay

Is there any archive of GNOME packages built for Slink that is
accessible by FTP?


Daniel Barclay
(Hmm.  A little worrisome:  http://www.junkbusters.com/cgi-bin/privacy
http://www.anonymizer.com/snoop.cgi )

POSIX tar archive

2000-02-20 Thread lbianca
a friend asked me to extract a text file from a floppy unix formatted.
I can see this file looking with mc (is a little data base of pc spare 
parts) in /dev/fd0, but i can't mount the floppy: no vfat, no ext2, no 
The command  file /tmp/foo  produces this output:
 POSIX tar archive  but the command  tar xvfp /dev/fd0  
produces a strange file that i can't view in mc. 

Could somebody help me to understand a little more ;-))


i cp /dev/fd0  to /mnt/dos1 and after i cancelled all the garbage 
before and after the file ...  but that's the way winzozz's peoples 
resolve problems ... and i would NOT dye as a winzozz man ;-)))

low mem boot disks

2000-02-20 Thread Wakko Warner
slink was the last debian dist with lowmem boot disks, where have they gone?

Don't tell me that the programs have gotten so big they won't work on a
2-4mb machine.

 Lab tests show that use of micro$oft causes cancer in lab animals


2000-02-20 Thread Peter Bartosch

 On Sat, 19 Feb 2000, Phil Brutsche wrote:
 pbruts Yes, I've heard (she posted here once).  All the documentation I've 
 pbruts for dual P5 boards, and all those that I've talked to, say that such a
 pbruts machine can't exist.
 pbruts I'd like to hear how it was done - maybe it'll work for dual K6-IIs :)
 it's also possible that she just has 2 cpus installed, but the second is
 not being used. everything i have read says its impossible as well.

all i've read from her shows she is experienced (IIRC ISP ...) 
so she could see the diffrence between one or two CPUs ,-)

until next mail B-)

   :~~  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~~:
   :  student of technical computer science   :
   : university of applied sciences krefeld (germany) :
   FD314F21   C7 AE 2F 28 C1 33 71 77  0D 77 CD 6E 58 E9 06 6B

Re: any clear description of sources.list format and apt interpretation?

2000-02-20 Thread Brad
On Sun, Feb 20, 2000 at 01:57:53PM -0500, Daniel Barclay wrote:
 Where can I get a clear and consistent specification of how apt-get 
 interprets a sources.list file?  

Read the source? ... Actually, i don't think it's explicitly stated
anywhere else.

 What is unclear is exactly how apt-get maps to full directory names or URIs 
 from the various pieces (initial URI or directory, distribution name, and 
 component names given in sources.list, and Filename: entries in Packages 

I'll try to explain. Hopefully i have everything right ;)

 - Does apt-get assume or require directory dists somewhere in the 
   directory hierarchy?

   I can't tell whether apt-get is hard-coded to add dists at some level,
   apt-get defaults to that but can be overridden, or dists comes from the 
   Filename: entries in some Packages.gz files.

See below. I'll be using variables to make discussion easier. As you
know, there's two line formats:
  deb $base $distribution $component $component ...
  deb $base $distribution/

In the Packages file, there's a field formatted like this:
  Filename: $field_Filename

$arch is your archetecture, e.g. i386. dpkg --print-architecture will
tell you.

 - How _exactly_ does apt-get assemble the URI, the distribution name, and
   any component names to find Packages.gz files?  

There's two formats for a sources.list entry. With components, it plugs
it into a format something like this for finding the Package file

Without components, it just puts things together like this, no 'dists':
 - How _exactly_ does apt-get combine the URI, distribution, and component 
   names with the pathnames in Filename: entries in Packages files to find
   *.deb files?

For finding files to download, it adds the Filename entry to $(base):

 That is, how can I figure out exactly how I must name and organize local 
 directories for local mirrors of Debian, KDE, or GNOME releases, and how 
 can I figure out exactly how to construct source.list entries to point to 
 those local mirrors?

Put together, $base and $field_Filename should completely specify the
URI to the file. Put together by the rules above, $base, $distribution,
and components should lead to the Packages[.gz] file.

You can use dpkg-scanpackages, from the dpkg-dev package, to rebuild
the Packages file if necessary.

 The manual page for sources.list (at least version 0.3.10slink11) is
 quite ambiguous and also contradicts itself, leaving several things 
 * The sources.list manual page says that the URI field must specify the 
   base of the Debian distribution.  
   Which directory is the base?  
   For ftp://ftp.debian.org/pub/debian/dists/slink/main/...;, which level is
   the base of the distribution?  Is it:
   - ftp://ftp.debian.org/pub/debian/dists/slink;, 
   - ftp://ftp.debian.org/pub/debian/dists;, or
   - ftp://ftp.debian.org/pub/debian; ?
   That is, is the base URI the directory that contains dists? the one
   that contains the directory named by the distribution field in the
   source.list line?

$base is ftp://ftp.debian.org/pub/debian;
$distribution is slink
$component is main
Packages.gz is in
In Packages.gz, $field_Filename is such that the deb is at

   (Also, does it matter whether the base URI ends with a slash?)

i believe $base shouldn't end with a slash. i don't know if it matters,
i've never tested it.

 * Soon after, the manual page says:
 distribution can specify an exact path, in which case the components 
 must be omitted and distribution must end with a slash (/). ... If 
 distribution does not specify an exact path, at least one component 
 must be present.
   However, about four paragraphs down, it says:
 Some examples:
 deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian stable  main  contrib non-free
 deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian dists/stable-updates
   In the second example, the distribution field does not end with a slash,
   but the components are omitted.  That directly contradicts what was
   specified above.  

Looks like a bug in the manpage to me... Still present in the latest
unstable apt, too.

Putting that line into my sources.list makes apt give an error.

 So, is there any complete (and correct) description of how apt-get 
 manipulates all these pieces of file pathnames?

I hope this came close ;)

  finger for GPG public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Question on installing packages and upgrading

2000-02-20 Thread John Hasler
Alex Schuster writes:
 But how would one do this? Go online, enter apt-get dist-upgrade, and
 wait for well, a too long time.

You don't have to upgrade everything at once.  Just do 'apt-get update' and
then use 'apt-get install package' to upgrade what you need.  Apt will
take care of any dependencies (pay attention to the messages, though!).

 I wouldn't work anyway, because the phone would not hold for such a long
 time without dropping the carrier.

Apt is smart enough to resume where it left off.

You could also buy a set of CDs, of course.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Rationale behind the groups dip and dialout

2000-02-20 Thread John Hasler
Viktor writes:
 So root can give users on the system access to a PPP connection without
 letting them know, what the user name and password for that account is.
 Makes sense, although it's not aplicable to my situation, because I can't
 use PAP/CHAP and it wouldn't work with a chat script.

You can, however, give each user her own chatscript and put it in her group
so that only she and root can read it.

Other possibilities:

Use something other than chat to handle the scripted login.

Make chat setuid (preferably to something other than root).
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

How to get bo packages?

2000-02-20 Thread Tom Kuiper

I'm still running `bo' and I would like to get a few additional packages.
'dselect' doesn't work anymore because it can't find Packages.gz anyway.
I've poked around myself with ftp and with Netscape, and I can't find
a bo distribution with a Packages.gz file.  What can I do?

I know that I should upgrade.  I even have the disks.  However, I got
scared off when I did a fresh installation on another computer and found
that the disks did not include non-free packages I depend on.  I don't
have a spare few days to work around those kinds of problems.

Thanks and regards

Tom Kuiper
Internet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (
SnailMail:  Jet Propulsion Lab 169-506, Pasadena, CA 91109
Phone/fax:  (818) 354-5623/8895

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