Re: [C/C Europe 25] [DISCUSS] Where to hold the conference

2024-05-22 Thread Shane Curcuru

Claude Warren wrote on 5/18/24 10:24 AM:

I will not be chairing the next conference.  So I am looking for someone to
stand up and volunteer.  If there is no volunteer, there will not be a

People who are passionate about C/C Europe 2025 should participate in 
this other thread, which is the most important decision to make:


On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 8:45 AM Rich Bowen  wrote:


Yes, I am being cynical here. It’s because I have endured 20 years of
these meetings, and half of them devolved into shouting matches (no, I’m
not exaggerating. Ask Shane for his stories!) and the rest were just a
waste of time.

If there is a which-city BOF, let me know!  I'll be in the back, 
cheering you on.  Don't mind the brown bag I'm drinking from.

I would encourage you, rather than having a “share our opinions” meeting,
to delegate specific tasks, figure out a timeline for reporting and
completion of those tasks, and then go get a beer.


My suggestion: make a wiki page or text file somewhere to base C/C EU 25 
planning from [1] so you can collect information.

Then ask for volunteers who have experience with specific cities to list 
themselves, and include brief notes about *how* they can help as a local 
contact: do they know specific venues, have they run events locally, can 
they work as local marketing help, etc.

That will help any future conference, once the organizing team starts 
doing venue selection (which is primarily costing/contracts/travel).

- Shane
  Long-ago ex-conference planner
  The Apache Software Foundation

[1] Perhaps here?

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Re: License for text content

2024-05-02 Thread Shane Curcuru
(Moving general@incubator and dev@community to BCC since this is really 
a legal question about ASF licensing)

tison wrote on 5/1/24 11:25 PM:


IIUC, the Apache License 2.0 is mainly to license code and related stuff 
that constructs the final software.

However, projects may also create text content like documents. Is it 
appropriate to use Apache License 2.0 for them (since quite a few terms 
may not be applicable)? Or what licenses shall we use?

The ASF uses the Apache-2.0 license for our projects' own content that 
is put into any releases, immaterial of type of content:

Using a single license reduces complexity, and makes it simpler for 
users to understand the issues around re-using ASF products.

- Shane
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Getting a project back on track

2024-03-29 Thread Shane Curcuru

Rich Bowen wrote on 3/29/24 9:35 AM:

This week, I’ve been approached by someone concerned about one of our projects, 
and looking for a “how to get back on track” document, with concrete, 
actionable steps that a project can take when it is struggling to find 
contributors. This seems like a great doc that we should write. What comes to 
mind is:

* Clearly tell the dev@ and user@ list that the project is at risk if they 
don’t step up
* Publish a list of open issues to the Dev list
* Contact companies that you know rely on your outputs, and tell them that the 
project is at risk
* Clearly document the path/requirements for getting committer. Consider 
lowering your wall a little
* What else?

* Roadmap - consider publishing a roadmap of what 
features/ideas/improvements to build/docs/etc the project wants to 
implement.  Give contributors a sense of new things that they could help 
build, and a sense the project is still going someplace.

* Double-check your "how to contribute / build / test / submit PR" 
documentation is super clear and easy to follow.  Long-time committers 
on a project often forget all the institutional knowledge they just 
"know", so ensuring the "getting started" document actually works for 
newcomers is always worth looking at.

Another question that I have is where to put this doc. I’m thinking it goes in somewhere, but I’m 
not sure that to name it.

Yes - primarily advice to PMCs (or active committers).  There are two 
potential primary audiences:

- PMCs that can't find new committers, and ask for help.

- PMCs who might want to regularly self-review how they're working, to 
see if they can improve things for new contributors.

It's kinda "How to encourage new contributors to turn into committers"?

- Shane
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: "Maintainer" as an alias of PMC Member?

2024-03-27 Thread Shane Curcuru

Just to close out (as noted elsethread, no changes expected here)

tison wrote on 3/23/24 4:47 AM:

Since people tend to use a short ref and "committer" gives a one-word
identifier first image, I'm trying to propose officially alias "PMC Member"
as "Maintainer" so that our wording is aligned.

I like the idea of improving docs, but a Maintainer is not the same as a 
PMC member.  The definition varies a lot in the industry; in particular, 
I always get the feel that "Maintainers" have a much more individual 
mindset; while PMCs have a community mindset.

Some references for what people think Maintainers do:

- Shane
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Update Website Template (WAS: Help to get the Wayang project website in shape)

2024-02-26 Thread Shane Curcuru

tison wrote on 2/4/24 10:16 AM:


I finally find some time to prepare a demo for the new website template [1].

This is awesome; I love providing more default "just use this" templates 
in various themes like this.

One question: why doesn't this also link (At least in the docs for each 
readme maybe?) to the Infra-supported pelican template?  We should at 
least point to that, since infra supports it and it provides a 
python-managed template, in case people like that better than Jekyll/ruby.

- Shane
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: [WG: Welcome] Proposal, a Welcome Working Group - onboarding too?

2024-02-25 Thread Shane Curcuru

Rich Bowen wrote on 2/7/24 11:53 AM:

Proposed: A formal working group around how we welcome new folks in a 
consistent and helpful manner.

We get people on this list (and on every dev@ and user@ list at the foundation) 
asking how to get engaged. We almost always give them unhelpful answers, and 
send them off to go figure it out on their own.

The Welcome WG would write documentation, and process, around welcoming these 
new folks, and shepherding them towards engagement. This would include, but not 
be limited to:

Question: should the wg-welcome group include reviewing all onboarding 
materials too, or does that deserve it's own group at some point?  They 
are closely related, but onboarding is a larger topic.

"Welcoming" is about creating easy to re-use content to help answer 
simple questions all around, and guiding newcomers - or existing 
contributors who answer questions! - to the right kind of path, and in a 
friendly and consistent way.

"Onboarding" I see as reviewing and updating the actual emails, 
boilerplate, and links that we send to anyone who is being welcomed to a 
new role at the ASF - committer (on any project, or on an additional 
project), PMC member, officer, Member, etc.

I've already listed the majority of actual sources our tooling actually 
mails or includes links to people in various places:

We need a focused group to start reviewing these, and updating them to 
be consistent, friendly, and useful for newcomers.

- Shane
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: VP Conferences changes

2023-11-09 Thread Shane Curcuru wrote on 11/8/23 9:45 AM:

I'm honestly torn as to whether this troll-y message merits a response.

No, it didn't merit a response, but here we are anyway! 8-)

The response feels like it's from someone who fundamentally doesn't 
understand ASF governance.  The change of running ApacheCon is merely 
moving from Rich (Mr. ApacheCon himself; there are not enough words for 
us all to thank him for his conference services) to Brian and some 
related folks, likely including Ruth.

As you noted, Brian and Ruth have effectively already been running the 
past couple of conferences, so I don't expect any changes - other than 
seeing Rich being relaxed at an event someday!

In terms of content at our main event, I don't expect any other changes. 
 The mere words "Marketing and Publicity" in Brian's title doesn't 
change the fact he's already been co-running our conferences.

- Shane
  Still not recovering past ComCom member
  The Apache Software Foundation

P.S. Thanks Rich.

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Re: [website] Sample presentations

2023-11-09 Thread Shane Curcuru wrote on 11/9/23 11:13 AM:

On Thu, 2023-11-09 at 10:45 -0500, wrote:

I'm looking at and
have to admit, I hate it. I would like to rearrange it by topic,
than as a list of names that 99% of our audience won't recognize.

My question is, do you think that folks will be offended if I remove
their names as the primary headers on this page? (Authors can,
obviously, still be attributed next to the various links.)

Rearrange away.  10 years ago I had the same thought and was equally 
scared at reordering anything.  Today I agree: it needs to be organized 
by general topic, and old versions of slides or things that are no 
longer useful should be removed.

Stepping back a bit ... I suppose the question I would ask about this
page is, what is the *goal* of the page?

One good goal would be "a place to find a selection reviewed and high 
quality list of slide decks / presentations about common ASF topics". 
We can never be complete; but we could provide a useful overview of some 
key talks about ASF concepts for those people who like learning from 
slides or presentations.  Bonus points for ones where we can include 
video/audio; I think this is one of the few places that might get some 
newcomers to watch.

We (Rich in particular!) have been working on updating a lot of plain 
and straightforward text explanations of basic concepts.  But I think it 
would be useful (with work to do cleanup here!) to also have a page that 
lists useful presentations too.


Having 73 variations of "The Apache Way" is confusing and frustrating.
Meanwhile, our attempts to collaborate on one canonical version have
resulted in which I
think is what we *should* be promoting.

Um, isn't that really a "state of the feather" talk?  If we want to give 
an overview of the ASF; great.  If we want to showcase the behaviors 
that make up "the Apache Way", then I'd suggest starting here, and be 
sure to read speaker notes, where I explicitly try to include the "why":

- Shane
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Community docathon in Halifax?

2023-10-13 Thread Shane Curcuru
A few of us talked briefly in Halifax, but didn't get time to do much 
work together.  One key concept we discussed was defining the various 
audiences that ComDev serves, so we can organize (and edit) content to 
make the most sense to different kinds of readers.

One key audience I don't see us having much content for yet: managers, 
marketers, engineers, etc. who are employed to work on ASF projects as 
part(s) of their day job.  We've had a number of people who "get it" 
from various vendors talk about this in the past, but I don't think 
we've ever really had an organized effort to collect great examples of 
how vendors can *positively* contribute in terms of their policies.

I met two people in Halifax who talked about exactly this kind of 
training at their companies, and I also remember (at the time) a good 
slide deck and training from Alan Gates way back when [1].  There have 
got to be other good stories that some of the respectful vendor teams 
out there can tell that would be good examples we could use to help 
other vendors understand how to best work with our communities.

What's a good way to name this kind of audience, and how could we 
usefully solicit some stories like this?

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation


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Re: Approval for project "BoF" get-togethers ?

2023-10-12 Thread Shane Curcuru wrote on 10/12/23 2:29 PM:

On Thu, 2023-10-12 at 10:58 -0400, David Smiley wrote:

Thanks Richard.  I'll take your response as a Director as overriding
whatever confusion I have with the published rules.  I was hoping
perspective would somehow be evident in ASF published rules so that I
wouldn't have needed to ask on ComDev.  Alas.

Just to be clear: Directors don't set trademark policy, the VP of Brand 
Management does.  So any major concerns should absolutely go to the 
privately archived trademarks@ list:

In terms of proper usage and high-level processes around trademarks, the 
purpose of our brand policies are to ensure the ASF and our projects 
accrue the goodwill behind our marks.  Since we primarily produce 
software, the key question is: will new attendees to some event (like 
you mention) believe the underlying software comes from the ASF or not?

In terms of BOFs at our own events, the association to ASF projects 
should be clear, and should only need the organizational approval of the 
event organizers.  In particular, attendees at the BOF are already going 
to be well aware of ASF branding elsewhere.

Even in terms of BOFs at non-ASF affiliated events, I would not normally 
expect organizers to need PMC approval up front.  In particular, BOFs 
are often arranged at a conference during the hallway track.  Similarly, 
attendees at a technical event like Berlin Buzzwords are unlikely to be 
confused about brands, unless whoever's holding the BOF is otherwise 
improperly using our trademarks.

I think that, as with many ASF policies, policies are created to
address bad situations, rather than pre-emptively. This has never come
up that I'm aware of, and thus our policy never thought to address it.

So, yeah, we could stand to update that policy to reflect this
feedback. But FWIW, that's *my* policy, as VP Conferences, so whatever
confusion you have with it is *also* on me.

It sounds like simple clarifications would help:

- Add a brief note about BOFs or other small scheduled parts of a larger 
branded event to the marks/events policy, and point to the comdev page.

- Update the ComDev small-events page to more clearly separate kinds of 
events, and better point to major points of the trademark policy.

- Update the ComDev small-events page to better reflect that the PMC may 
be able to help on a volunteer basis.

- Ensure, which should be the conceptual homepage for 
many of these questions, to clarify and better point to the other pages.

Does that make sense?

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Community docathon in Halifax?

2023-10-08 Thread Shane Curcuru
If anyone has semi-formed ideas on how we can better organize ASF or 
ComDev documentation, please add them here or as a child page, so we can 
be semi-organized about documenting our documentation change ideas. 8-)

Plenty of these ideas deal with different areas and responsibilities, so 
some will need coordination elsewhere to really make architecture 
changes - but it feels like we have the energy to do it!

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Community docathon in Halifax?

2023-10-05 Thread Shane Curcuru
A number of us have been working on some very specific community 
documentation improvements over the past year, and it would be great to 
find time in Halifax to share ideas and energize each other.  Who's 
going to be there, when might you want to work on this, and what are 
your ideas?

Besides all sorts of editing pages to really focus on writing for the 
average reader (often newcomers on community.a.o pages), I really wonder 
about holistic improvements to information architecture, especially ones 
that normalize and canonicalize all the processes around the ASF way. 
Rich and others have already started great contributor ladder stuff, and 
also eliminating or consolidating duplicate pages.

One issue I struggle with strategically is: where should different 
content live?  On one hand, we want to focus on the reader, and meet 
them with what they need.  On the other hand, we have various 
communities/officers inside the ASF who either set policy, or perhaps 
just provide advice and best practices.  Where should different policies 
- and documentation thereof - live?

I think we need to strive towards documentation bits that can be 
repurposed, or can otherwise serve both as an intro to a whole process, 
as well as a more detailed "why" that process came to be.

I also think organizationally, we need to decide what lives where and 
make it easier to keep updated.  It often feels like core policies and 
strict requirements primarily need to live on /dev (or /legal, 
/foundation/trademarks, infra.a.o, etc.), but that they should be 
shorter, clearer, and more direct about exactly what their policies are.

And then much of the why content, and content that helps draw newcomers 
into thinking about the bigger picture, should primarily live on 
community.a.o.  If people are curious or want to learn about how we 
*think* about communities, come to ComDev. But if existing committers 
just want to know how to vote on a release, go to the appropriate and 
simple /dev page that just describes the process.

I'll be in Halifax thru Wednesday lunchtime, but will mostly be speaking 
and thinking about sustainability all Sunday - including at a 
Sustainability BOF in the evening.=

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Requests for comdev membership

2023-09-03 Thread Shane Curcuru

Craig L Russell wrote on 9/1/23 2:28 PM:

I recently sent a PR for the site and nothing happened. No one reviewed. No one 

Link?  There's only one open PR (not from you), and the most recent 
closed PR you submitted was closed quickly by sebb.

Just trying to ensure we're all talking about the same repo.

The does provide fairly decent description about how to make 
changes, although we don't define CTR or RTC or other policies.  I'd opt 
for CTR since getting volunteers interested is more important than 
avoiding potential mistakes.

Personally, I'd like to see us adopt a modified Incubator concept, where 
any Apache committer can simply asked to be made a ComDev committer, and 
the PMC will turn on commit for ComDev repos too.  That should be 
sufficient for most cases, without needing to special case our repos for 
all committers ever.

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Improving Onboarding Experiences

2023-08-29 Thread Shane Curcuru

Wow, summer has been busy in $real-life...

Shane Curcuru wrote on 7/12/23 11:47 AM:

I've finally finished the PMC Chair onboarding update.  It feels like 
another important onboarding improvement would be the process around how 
new PMC *members* are invited.

Currently, the notification process for new PMC members is purely up to 
each project, so there's no standardization - and no cross-ASF way to 
ensure new PMC members get at least a little background information.

Without unduly burdening PMCs, how can we improve this?  If ComDev 
builds a template email, how many PMCs would use it?  Alternately, if we 
can build a Whimsy tool that provided some onboarding information to new 
PMC members when the roster is updated, how would that get used?

I think the key needs for new PMC members are:

- Ensure any newly appointed PMC member sees - and is encouraged to 
read! - the core "what a PMC does" docs: (the obvious PMC policy guide) (a key guide to 
ensuring PMCs are at least aware of our trademark policies)

- Editing each of the above for clarity and completeness.

- Including any "why" or rationale documentation, like:

Anyone else got brainstorming ideas or time to help?

- Shane
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Proposal to update events website UI

2023-08-17 Thread Shane Curcuru

Mark Thomas wrote on 8/17/23 9:25 AM:

On 17/08/2023 05:53, Abhiram Krishna wrote:

I am a web developer from India. I happened to come across
I would like to try and revamp the website UI to the latest standards. 

and how are the procedures to be followed.

The website source may be found at:

Pull requests for changes / improvements welcome. I'd recommend small, 
reviewable, reversible changes rather than a single huge PR.

Relatedly, while the ComDev site(s) uses Hugo, many projects are 
starting to take some general styling or layout ideas from the 
Infra-supported Pelican site layout.  So while I don't expect ComDev to 
change from Hugo to Pelican, we'd want to either keep styling similar to 
the current site, or would want to tend to copy/mimic other ASF styles 
in general.

Also - thanks for contributing!  When you say "latest standards", can 
you describe in general what you mean?

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Improving Onboarding Experiences - Updating PMC Chair onboarding

2023-07-31 Thread Shane Curcuru

Craig Russell wrote on 7/30/23 5:21 PM:

Hi Shane,

Thanks for taking on this task. A couple of comments:

Yay!  Someone else read it!

1. Congratulations on being appointed by the board as a project VP and Chair of 
your PMC!

I do not believe that there is a "project VP". There is an ASF VP and a project 
Chair. So I'd change this to :

Congratulations on being appointed by the board as an ASF VP and Chair of your 
project's PMC!

The same text appears in 1) and 2)

Well, people are appointed as an ASF VP of their project - like I'm V.P. 
Apache Whimsy.  So I think either makes sense in the context here, 
especially for newcomers; especially since we in common conversation we 
often refer to project VPs.  Any other opinions?

All other questions are great ones that I agree should get done... by 
whoever's volunteering to update the *other* content in /dev/pmc.html 
My purpose here is to *only* write one page (or section) of content that 
handles the minimal onboarding steps for a new PMC Chair.

I only have personal brainpower right now to work on *one* new bit of 
content at a time, so I'll leave the other questions for later (or, even 
better, someone new who wants to help make important clarifications).

2. I believe that since the adoption of these standards, the board created the 
concept of a Roll Call. While not needed for the welcome-to-new-pmc-chairs, the 
material linked should be updated to include the concept.

3. In the reporting description of new committers and PMC members:
When were the newest committers or PMC members elected? [REQUIRED]

The report should specially not name prospective committers or PMC members that 
are currently being voted or invited but have not accepted. Only committers or 
PMC members that have been added to the roster should be mentioned. Any 
in-process candidates should be included in the next report.


On Jul 30, 2023, at 11:34, Shane Curcuru  wrote:

I plan to update the email and how-to information we provide to new PMC 
members.  Please comment or make any factual corrections on the wiki:

I'll be working with M to see where this fits on the a.o/dev tree.

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

- Shane
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Improving Onboarding Experiences - Updating PMC Chair onboarding

2023-07-31 Thread Shane Curcuru

Ayush Saxena wrote on 7/30/23 2:49 PM:

Hi Shane,
Thanx for the work, Read it & it is really very helpful!!!

Yay!  Someone actually read it!

Just two minor doubts or confusion:


Chairs are responsible for sharing any Board feedback with your PMC

Doesn't the feedback come directly to the PMC & anyone from the PMC can answer?

Context: There was an email from Rich to all dev lists [1] which read:
Every PMC member can, and should, respond when the Board sends email
to your private list. You should not wait for the PMC Chair to
respond. The Board views the entire PMC as responsible for the
project, not just one member.

Both are true.  The whole PMC should feel empowered to help oversee the 
project, including answering any board questions.  But the board holds 
the chair personally responsible for making sure board questions are 
answered.  Otherwise, we sometimes get the case where the committee of 
many people each assume someone else is handling it, and questions never 
get answered.

In particular, the board will sometimes replace the chair when a 
project's reports or answers aren't sufficient.  That's generally either 
a sign that "Hey, your PMC *really* needs to shape up your projects", 
and the board tells the PMC to pick a new chair who's more active (this 
sometimes happens when the chair changes jobs or goes away).


While any PMC member can handle some PMC updates, in some cases only the Chair 
may have permissions to make roster updates.

This sounds a little bit incomplete, What are some of those cases? Can
we link that as well. Most of the things any member can handle via
Whimsy - apache id creation AFAIK

Both are true.  The purpose of this specific bit of content is to only 
have the minimal required/recommended setup steps for becoming a new 
Chair.  Everything else - like what those cases are - should be 
documented on the existing /dev/pmc.html page.

Does that make sense?

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation



On Mon, 31 Jul 2023 at 00:04, Shane Curcuru  wrote:

I plan to update the email and how-to information we provide to new PMC
members.  Please comment or make any factual corrections on the wiki:

I'll be working with M to see where this fits on the a.o/dev tree.

- Shane
ComDev PMC
The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Improving Onboarding Experiences - Updating PMC Chair onboarding

2023-07-30 Thread Shane Curcuru
I plan to update the email and how-to information we provide to new PMC 
members.  Please comment or make any factual corrections on the wiki:

I'll be working with M to see where this fits on the a.o/dev tree.

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Improving Onboarding Experiences

2023-07-18 Thread Shane Curcuru

Shane Curcuru wrote on 7/12/23 11:47 AM:
Inspired by Sander recently, I reviewed the docs we send when onboarding 
new community members.  First impressions can set a tone for newcomers. 
Looking at the actual ways we welcome them was a bit disappointing - 
lots of jargon, minor inconsistencies, and random .txt files in svn.

I'm embarrassed to say that I missed an entire category of onboarding 
docs in my listing above!  Sorry to ___ for not including the 
instructions for onboarding in your ___, it's pretty important!

- Shane
  Does anyone really read .sigs anymore?
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: [math] how can I reuse functions within the math numbers project?

2023-07-13 Thread Shane Curcuru
It's quite exciting seeing new energy in the Apache Commons project, 
still going strong after all these years!  But it's probably a better 
idea to continue the conversation on the dev@commons mailing list, so 
other folks in the community can get excited too.

- Shane
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Improving Onboarding Experiences

2023-07-12 Thread Shane Curcuru
Inspired by Sander recently, I reviewed the docs we send when onboarding 
new community members.  First impressions can set a tone for newcomers. 
Looking at the actual ways we welcome them was a bit disappointing - 
lots of jargon, minor inconsistencies, and random .txt files in svn.

While I've contributed to many individual content docs here, researching 
the whole onboarding process made me realize we still have a way to go 
in truly being welcoming and consistent to newcomers.  I'd love to see 
other folks help with doc and process updates in the appropriate places 
so we can do a better job helping contributors understand the ASF.

- Shane
  The Apache Software Foundation

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-423) svn pubsub fallen over on

2023-07-10 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru closed COMDEV-423.

Resolution: Cannot Reproduce

It's Community Over Code, now! :)

> svn pubsub fallen over on
> ---
> Key: COMDEV-423
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: Website
>Reporter: Rich Bowen
>Priority: Major
> Updates to svn are no longer being reflected on 
> [|] 
> Can someone please kick svnpubsub? Thanks.

This message was sent by Atlassian Jira

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-478) leads to page crash with Chrome

2023-07-10 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru closed COMDEV-478.

Resolution: Cannot Reproduce

I can't reproduce either on Mac / Chrome {color:#5f6368}Version 114.0.5735.133 
(Official Build) (arm64), and I know some work has been done on reporter since 
this was reported, so... and yes, the page renders with a LOT of past 

{color:#5f6368}Apologies for the delay and feel free to reopen if needed.{color}

> leads to page crash with 
> Chrome
> -
> Key: COMDEV-478
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Reporter Tool
> Environment: Chrome Version 104.0.5112.101 (Official Build) (arm64)
> Mac OS 12.5.1
>Reporter: Konrad Windszus
>Priority: Major
> When opening the page [] it 
> crashes in Google Chrome after a few seconds with Error Code 5 
> ([]).
> With Firefox it does load (but takes a while).
> I assume this is due to the huge amount of past releases done by Sling.

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[jira] [Commented] (COMDEV-326) Committer invite template omits PMC role details

2023-07-10 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru commented on COMDEV-326:

More to the point, this page isn't linked from the "official" PMC guide on how 
to do things like add committers or PMC members, so I'd bet many PMC don't ever 
read it.  A key topic for discussion is how to clearly reconcile - and 
crosslink where relevant - the a.o/dev pages (with explicit guides on how to do 
things) versus any informational content on community.a.o

> Committer invite template omits PMC role details
> Key: COMDEV-326
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Website
> Environment: 
>Reporter: Sebb
>Priority: Major
> The committer invite template [1] is not very clear on the distinction 
> between an invitation as a committer, and invitation as a committer + PMC 
> member.
> In particular, it describes the role of the committer, but largely ignores 
> the PMC role.
> As a result, I have seen at least one acceptance reply that said "I accept to 
> become a committer" [2] - leaving unstated whether or not they agree to 
> become a PMC member.
> I think any template needs to make very clear what is involved in the PMC 
> role, and also that the invitee has 3 choices:
> - decline both invites
> - accept the committer invite and decline the PMC invite
> - accept both committer invite and PMC invite
> [1]
> [2] 

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Re: Setting up Git Project under comdev for Community Over Code EU

2023-07-08 Thread Shane Curcuru

To simplify (and then answer) the question:

- You & EU organizers need a repo for the COCEU website, which will 
include some new contributors, and might be used for other events later.

- Is there consensus with the ComDev PMC to be the organizational owner 
for your new repo?  The INFRA issue is that every repo needs a VP or PMC 
to own it, so we know who's providing direct oversight.

My consensus is yes, go create one.  ComDev already has the events.a.o 
website repo, so as long as Jarek and the other COCEU organizers will be 
coming here to actively manage the new repo, that seems fine.

I would give it a few days to see if anyone objects, then ask Infra to 
create the repo here, and once done, send a new email to dev@ with the 
brief plan for what the work is going to be, and alerting people you're 
going to propose some new committer votes.

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Setting up Git Project under comdev for Community Over Code EU

2023-07-07 Thread Shane Curcuru

Jarek Potiuk wrote on 7/6/23 4:52 PM:

The conclusion of the discussion we had last week was that we want to get a
statically generated website - based on the same tooling and ASF
integration tooling as is. We will
eventually make it available at and (secondary)
goal of that is to make it a nice starting point for future other
communityovercode sites (NA one is currently run via wordpress). Some of
the committee members are particularly keen on transparency and
archiving/inclusivity, so rather than creating a repo outside of ASF (which
is an option) we thought the best will be to get a repo in the "apache"

 From the JIRA ticket - if
we were to use INFRA supported GitHub repos (under the apache/
organisation) we need a "project" to host it and Rich suggested that
instead of creating a new one we could do it via comdev.

Yes, any event website source should definitely be stored in an ASF repo 
(i.e. svn or on github under 'apache').

On the infra ticket it was mentioned that VP Conferences could be the 
owner if they created an LDAP group, which is the "most appropriate" 
place to host the content, since the VP Conferences is in charge.  But 
it might be simpler to manage if we used this PMC instead - although 
that requires some consensus from this PMC first to own something that 
really belongs to conferences.

One note: do you *specifically* want to copy the ComDev site repo?  Or 
do you want to start with the infra-supported (but simpler design) 
template repo they recommend for new projects?

We have some specific requirement re: access to the repository. We are not
a typical PMC where we have committers and PMC members. We are cooperating
with a producer company (Software Guru) and rather than merging their PRs
we would rather (especially at the crucial times before the event) want to
give them direct "push" access and capability of merging PRs.

So my question is:

* has something like that been done before?
* is this possible for comdev projects to have such repos
(apache/comdev-commovercode-eu) with external people access ?

No.  AFAIK any direct write access to /apache repos can only come from 
ASF committers who have signed an ICLA.  But that's solvable for a 
special case like this, by having an officer or PMC simply agree to 
invite those outside individuals at Software Guru to be committers here. 
 Note also that individuals can be made committers, not companies.

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Changing the defaults for GitHub generated email titles?

2023-06-30 Thread Shane Curcuru

Christofer Dutz wrote on 6/30/23 3:49 AM:

So in general, I would like to change the defaults used by the GitHub tooling 
to the ones I proposed in
 . Quite a number of projects have adopted these settings:
Like StreamPipes:

+1 to giving this several more days of review and refinement, and then 
holding a vote to make this a ComDev PMC recommendation of best practice 
and then working (separately) on how to announce and make any changes.

A couple of things I'd love to see:

- A clear example of a before and after within a single project.  Come 
up with a specific Ponymail date search URL that shows one week of 
old-style notifications on a dev@ list, and then a second URL that shows 
a week of new-style notifications from the same dev@ list.  Directly 
seeing that difference would really help cement "yes, let's do it!"

- Changing Chris' description page above to clearly show the best 
practice first, and then talk about how to find options for projects 
that want to customize.  The page as written now is good at helping 
convince someone new that 1) this is an easy change, and 2) this is a 
good idea.

When we work on communications to PMCs, we need a "How-To setup best 
practices for GH notifications" guide that focuses on the *why* 
"Inclusion and transparency", and then the *steps to do/configure* which 
would be brief description of asfyaml stuff, and start with the best 
practice configuration, explaining what it does.

After that in the doc, include the original GH notifications and other 
pointers to technical reference.

Thinking ahead, I'd be happy voting to send out PMCs email saying "the 
default notifications are going to change on date X; email here to 
opt-out".  Keep track of opt-outs, and then change defaults for all.

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Intent to recreate as a pipservice

2023-06-28 Thread Shane Curcuru

Daniel Gruno wrote on 6/28/23 9:45 AM:
Looks like there is a comdev-reporter.git which is an obsolete svn 
mirror. Any objections to removing that repository? History will still 
be present in subversion for the current reporter service.

As long as history is still preserved, yes, this is a good idea.

Also a very good idea to have a more contained and easily 
tested/contributed to kind of app for the reporter service!

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Would this be a best practice? How-to contribute.json

2023-05-09 Thread Shane Curcuru
Mozilla has an interesting practice of having a contribute.json schema 
for their projects, which includes a brief description, the key 
technologies used in the project, and a structured set of links to key 
project resources / ways to contribute:

Given we have some energy lately on finding structured ways to help ASF 
projects better showcase themselves to newcomers, any interest in this?

Unless the schema gets widely used outside Mozilla, I don't know that 
we'd want to copy this, but really finding a simple way to describe the 
key "where's the source for the website so I can fix a typo", etc. list 
of resources would be really nice.

Or should we go all-in on our DOAP files, and add this kind of data, 
along with actually, y'know, updating the DOAP tooling?

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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[jira] [Commented] (COMDEV-437) Committer map loads with Google Maps error

2023-04-06 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru commented on COMDEV-437:

The ComDev PMC would love it if someone steps up to fix this - check out the 
code and let us know if you have patches!  But the other issue is we need some 
volunteers to publicise this, and get existing committers to update or add 
data.  It hasn't really been surfaced for ages.

And a really good question is: where is the source & server config data for the 
community zones server?

> Committer map loads with Google Maps error
> --
> Key: COMDEV-437
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: Website
>Reporter: Benjamin Marwell
>Priority: Major
> The web page [] loads with errors. 
> The error shown redirects to 
> []
> Maybe it should be converted to using

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-424) An open Source Charging Function for 5G-SA - OPENCHF

2023-04-05 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru closed COMDEV-424.

Resolution: Abandoned

> An  open Source Charging Function for 5G-SA - OPENCHF
> -
> Key: COMDEV-424
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Project
>  Components: GSoC/Mentoring ideas
>Reporter: Prajith 
>Priority: Major
>   Original Estimate: 8,760h
>  Remaining Estimate: 8,760h
> Dear Team,
> Requesting all community members  to help to together to build a OPEN SOURCE 
> Charging System (CHF) for 5G -SA Space for TELCOs. 
> This is one of the key futures for upcoming 5G-ERA for Telcos as well as new 
> business innovations and disruptions.
> Details are  attached and below link
> [LinkedIn|]
> we have to start with Open CHF first.
> comments and suggestions are welcome.
> Regards
> Prajith

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-437) Committer map loads with Google Maps error

2023-04-05 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru closed COMDEV-437.

Resolution: Won't Fix

> Committer map loads with Google Maps error
> --
> Key: COMDEV-437
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: Website
>Reporter: Benjamin Marwell
>Priority: Major
> The web page [] loads with errors. 
> The error shown redirects to 
> []
> Maybe it should be converted to using

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-461) Apache APISIX: Redesign/ADD Apache APISIX Plugin icons

2023-04-05 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru closed COMDEV-461.

Resolution: Fixed

> Apache APISIX: Redesign/ADD Apache APISIX Plugin icons
> --
> Key: COMDEV-461
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>  Components: GSoC/Mentoring ideas
>Reporter: Ayush Das
>Priority: Major
>  Labels: APISIX, mentor
> Ayush Das, email: [|] 
> [|]
> Github id - []

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-201) Puppet config for ComDev zone migrated to VM

2023-04-05 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru closed COMDEV-201.

Resolution: Abandoned

> Puppet config for ComDev zone migrated to VM
> Key: COMDEV-201
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: Nearby People
>Reporter: Nick Burch
>Priority: Major
> Attachments: Download your data
> Once INFRA-12005 has been completed and the VM is ready, we need to setup the 
> Puppet config to replace the current ComDev solaris zone with a nice new + 
> supported VM. The requirements for the puppet setup are:
> * Services
> ** httpd with mod_wsgi
> * Software
> ** python 2.x
> ** python-psycopg2
> ** python-lxml
> ** python-libxml2
> * Accounts
> ** minimum one for me, one for Sam Ruby, and one for the special svn_role 
> account
> ** if possible, svn_role account needs giving its svn password (on zone 
> currently) - if not can do this step manually (as done for whimsy)
> * Machine setup
> ** create a webapps folder somewhere sensible
> ** svn co
> ** cp + set path of
>webapps folder in it
> ** cd data
> ** as svn_role
> *** svn co
> *** svn co
> ** create an empty uid-created.ldif file (will copy over latest
>ldapsearch when running, until we have better solution)
> ** elsewhere
> *** wget
> *** unpack django-1.3.7.tar.gz to /django-1.3
> * Cron
> ** for the svn_role - update for webapps path
> *** 20 * * * * cd /var/python_apps/nearby_people/data/info/ && svn up -q
> *** 40 * * * * cd /var/python_apps/nearby_people/data/local-outreach/ && svn 
> up -q
> * Httpd setup
> ** ideally port 80 for & (new name)
> ** ideally port 443 for (new name)
> ** both hosting same basic vhost contents
> ** custom vhost settings (edit for webapp path)
> {code}
>  WSGIScriptAlias / /var/python_apps/nearby_people.wsgi
>  Alias /admin_media/
> /var/python_apps/django-1.3/django/contrib/admin/media/
> SetHandler None
> {code}
> * Email
> ** some sort of smtp setup so that error emails get out

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[jira] [Resolved] (COMDEV-243) Community and Business Card Procedures & Guidelines

2023-04-05 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru resolved COMDEV-243.
Resolution: Information Provided

> Community and Business Card Procedures & Guidelines
> ---
> Key: COMDEV-243
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: Comdev
>Reporter: Sharan Foga
>Assignee: Sharan Foga
>Priority: Minor
> The community has decided to introduce the use of Community business cards 
> for all ASF contributors.
> See discussion thread:[]
> Two formats have been agreed; Standard business card for ASF roles only and a 
> Community business card for more flexible use.
> Some documentation needs to be created regarding the use of each card and 
> also ordering cards using the ASF MOO.Com account.

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[jira] [Commented] (COMDEV-243) Community and Business Card Procedures & Guidelines

2023-04-05 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru commented on COMDEV-243:

This is effectively covered on the wiki pages:

> Community and Business Card Procedures & Guidelines
> ---
> Key: COMDEV-243
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: Comdev
>Reporter: Sharan Foga
>Assignee: Sharan Foga
>Priority: Minor
> The community has decided to introduce the use of Community business cards 
> for all ASF contributors.
> See discussion thread:[]
> Two formats have been agreed; Standard business card for ASF roles only and a 
> Community business card for more flexible use.
> Some documentation needs to be created regarding the use of each card and 
> also ordering cards using the ASF MOO.Com account.

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-249) GSoC [RocketMQ]Message Delivery Once Semantic Implementation

2023-04-05 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru closed COMDEV-249.

Resolution: Abandoned

> GSoC [RocketMQ]Message Delivery Once Semantic Implementation
> Key: COMDEV-249
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Wish
>  Components: GSoC/Mentoring ideas
>Reporter: Von Gosling
>Priority: Major
> The duplicated messages will impose the extra cost if the user needs 
> non-repeating messages.
> In most cases, the user needs to store the consumer records to determine if a 
> message is duplicated, and the store stage should guarantee consistency. So 
> we need to support a strict and non-redundant message delivery mechanism.
> In this context, we hope to design a delivery once plugin, say, you could 
> design a global(but need raft guarantee multi-copy data) storage, using the 
> hooker of RocketMQ ConsumeMessageHook to finish the task.

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-304) Short code links don't work

2023-04-05 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru closed COMDEV-304.

Resolution: Won't Fix

The helpwanted tool is not currently maintained.

> Short code links don't work
> ---
> Key: COMDEV-304
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Help Wanted
>Reporter: Sebb
>Assignee: Daniel Gruno
>Priority: Major
> The automated mails that are sent include a link of the form:
> I would like to help out with the task listed at
> However this does not work.
> It looks like only the long links work currently, e.g.

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-317) tabs hidden if maildata.json is empty

2023-04-05 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru closed COMDEV-317.

Resolution: Invalid

> tabs hidden if maildata.json is empty
> -
> Key: COMDEV-317
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Reporter Tool
>Reporter: Sebb
>Priority: Minor
> See COMDEV-316
> The display tabs were hidden and there were other problems when the file 
> data/maildata.json was an empty JSON structure.
> The Javascript render.js should be able to handle this better.

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-315) Fix Russian translation for Apache Brochure

2023-04-05 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru closed COMDEV-315.

Resolution: Cannot Reproduce

> Fix Russian translation for Apache Brochure
> ---
> Key: COMDEV-315
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Comdev
>Reporter: Dmitry Pavlov
>Assignee: Roman Shaposhnik
>Priority: Major
> The Russian translation has a very messed up font kerning.
> Related discussion:

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[jira] [Commented] (COMDEV-326) Committer invite template omits PMC role details

2023-04-05 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru commented on COMDEV-326:

Is this still relevant?  That is, is the current page with email templates the 
best versions of similar templates, and should we update them as ComDev PMC 
members feel fit?  Or do these templates really belong someplace else, like 
under /dev/pmc or the like?

> Committer invite template omits PMC role details
> Key: COMDEV-326
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Website
> Environment: 
>Reporter: Sebb
>Priority: Major
> The committer invite template [1] is not very clear on the distinction 
> between an invitation as a committer, and invitation as a committer + PMC 
> member.
> In particular, it describes the role of the committer, but largely ignores 
> the PMC role.
> As a result, I have seen at least one acceptance reply that said "I accept to 
> become a committer" [2] - leaving unstated whether or not they agree to 
> become a PMC member.
> I think any template needs to make very clear what is involved in the PMC 
> role, and also that the invitee has 3 choices:
> - decline both invites
> - accept the committer invite and decline the PMC invite
> - accept both committer invite and PMC invite
> [1]
> [2] 

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-339) understanding some stuff

2023-04-05 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru closed COMDEV-339.

Resolution: Won't Fix

The helpwanted tool is currently not maintained, so closing.  If we find folks 
with energy to 1) maintain the code, and 2) work with some PMCs to get relevant 
content, we can reopen it.

> understanding some stuff
> Key: COMDEV-339
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Question
>  Components: Help Wanted
>Reporter: Tommaso
>Priority: Major
> Hi everybody,
> i have some questions i would like to ask:
> 1)  I noticed that last update can go beyond closure date, so probably it 
> changes even if i just comment under the issue (i'm not sure), is there 
> another reason?
> 2)I don't understand if i can use Days in current status to assert resolution 
> time for closed issues, or if i have to consider the delta resolutiondate - 
> creationdate
> thanks for the attention

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[jira] [Resolved] (COMDEV-372) Apache slide templates

2023-04-05 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru resolved COMDEV-372.
Resolution: Implemented

This seems to be effectively fixed since the PRs were accepted.  It would be 
great to see more folks with energy on improving and sharing slide templates - 
either here, or in the Apache Training podling.

> Apache slide templates
> --
> Key: COMDEV-372
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: Comdev
>Reporter: Piergiorgio Lucidi
>Priority: Minor
> It would be great to have a place and develop some generic ASF slide 
> templates.

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[jira] [Commented] (COMDEV-437) Committer map loads with Google Maps error

2023-04-05 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru commented on COMDEV-437:

FYI: The community map tool sadly doesn't have any maintainers, so current 
plans are to shutter it unless folks step up to volunteer to fix the code (as 
well as publicising it to see if more committers want to be listed).

> Committer map loads with Google Maps error
> --
> Key: COMDEV-437
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: Website
>Reporter: Benjamin Marwell
>Priority: Major
> The web page [] loads with errors. 
> The error shown redirects to 
> []
> Maybe it should be converted to using

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[jira] [Commented] (COMDEV-493) Community health statistics rules issues

2023-04-05 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru commented on COMDEV-493:

Does this still happen?  If so, what specific project are you looking at the 
stats for?

I wonder if it's a code issue, or really just an issue with the URLs the code 
is using to try to detect the right lists/releases for your project.

> Community health statistics rules issues
> Key: COMDEV-493
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Task
>Reporter: Chen Xia
>Priority: Major
> Hello, may I ask how community health is counted, and how do we test whether 
> the work we do is effective?
> Over the past month we've also sent a lot of emails to the dev mailing list, 
> but on the website( it looks like this:
> No email sent to ANY ML in the past quarter (-2.50氣)
> Also, we have released new versions before, but the statistics are that no 
> release data available! (-0.50氣).

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Re: Purpose of YAML files under speakers/talks

2023-03-30 Thread Shane Curcuru

sebb wrote on 3/29/23 3:04 PM:

What is the purpose of these yaml files?

This was meant to be a simple data-driven way to allow folks to add 
pointers to useful slide decks they'd made about ASF projects.  Each 
yaml would be brief metadata about a single presentation (thus, easy for 
a committer to create/keep updated) that pointed to where the 
presentation was actually hosted / had been given at an event.

Imagine instead of having source/speakers/ as plain markdown, 
you instead had a shell markdown with an intro paragraph, and then a 
for-each yaml; add data about this talk; generated output page.

I thought it was a good idea (I do something similar on my personal 
slides site) and I added a few Apache Way presentations... but no-one 
else ever seemed to care.

Everyone: Would this be useful - to have an easy to update list of 
useful presentations - or not?

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Back to basics: What we do @comdev

2023-03-24 Thread Shane Curcuru wrote on 3/17/23 6:11 AM:

On Fri, 2023-03-17 at 12:56 +, Drew Foulks wrote:

Additionally, some sort of volunteer mentoring program would also be
a huge boon to keeping newcomers involved in the larger community.

While I strenuously agree, I also know how much work it is to run an
actual effective mentoring program. I would *LOVE* to see someone step
up to manage this, even as an informal spreadsheet, mailing list, or

We had a "mentoring programme" with all sorts of structure until Rich 
nuked it... 8-) because no-one really used it (except perhaps the couple 
of people who checked in the webpages for it years ago).

We also have a separate (non-public) mentoring program, with simple 
data-driven "who am I" forms, that got a handful of people to sign up... 
but no-one seems to remember it's there.

The root issue is finding a group of people passionate about the idea to 
actively maintain the program over a longer time than just a few months.

Questions that come to mind immediately are:

* Who would we be willing to "endorse" as mentors? Is there some kind
of vetting process so that we don't have random folks posing as
representatives of the Foundation?

Oh, yeah, the other key issue is finding volunteers for mentors who are 
active enough that they will help more than just a few emails.  And, I 
agree with Rich: we need some vetting process along with training.

* What advice would we give those folks? In particular, I don't want to
throw people into the fire with no guardrails, and end up with people
feeling obliged to be a "do my homework" service. In the past, a HUGE
percentage of the people that come asking for mentoring are trying to
do an assignment for class with vague instructions like "Contribute to
an open source project".

Yup, and especially key guidelines for both sides of time commitment 
expected.  It needs to be very clear up front what the minimum amount of 
effort a mentor is willing to give, and also a target of how long a 
mentoring match is expected to last (at minimum).

We'd also need the program volunteers to do check-ins with 
mentors/mentees occasionally to make sure something's happening.

* What kind of disclaimers would we need to put on such a program to
protect folks from people who don't get the results they're looking

I'd want to look at some of the other projects/foundations who have
done this successfully, and see what landmines there are that we can
avoid stepping on.

Getting a wiki page with a rough outline of what ComDev might 
realistically put together, plus a listing of other mentoring programs 
in FOSS would be a great start; at least then we could constructively 
think about this.

We do have more focused energy showing up here these days!

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-145) Duplicated data in generated json files

2023-02-14 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru closed COMDEV-145.

Resolution: Implemented

json tooling has improved a lot since then.

> Duplicated data in generated json files
> ---
> Key: COMDEV-145
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: Reporter Tool
>Reporter: Sebb
>Priority: Major
> There is some duplication/overlap in the json data files.
> For example, chairs.json has full names of both chairs and committee.
> committees.json has full name of committee and availid of chair
> pmcs.json has similar info to committees.json.
> I would have thought one file would be sufficient here.
> people_name.json has availid and full name
> people.json has availid and full name plus other data
> They could surely be combined.
> releases.json and releases-files have some overlapping data

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-216) Fixup styles so header/footer appear properly

2023-02-14 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru closed COMDEV-216.

Resolution: Cannot Reproduce

> Fixup styles so header/footer appear properly
> -
> Key: COMDEV-216
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Wish
>  Components: Reporter Tool
>    Reporter: Shane Curcuru
>Priority: Minor
> I spent a while trying to get the footer text - which now points to the new 
> /about.html page, that explains where the source is - to appear, to no avail.
> - Why is the content div row-12?
> - Why don't we have three foundation.css rows in the page?  Header - which 
> would be just the static title, and a link to the About page; Contents - same 
> as now, but without the H2 element - and Footer - which includes license etc 
> and can get pushed off the page if contents needs to grow.

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[jira] [Commented] (COMDEV-216) Fixup styles so header/footer appear properly

2023-02-14 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru commented on COMDEV-216:

Works for me fine now!

> Fixup styles so header/footer appear properly
> -
> Key: COMDEV-216
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Wish
>  Components: Reporter Tool
>    Reporter: Shane Curcuru
>Priority: Minor
> I spent a while trying to get the footer text - which now points to the new 
> /about.html page, that explains where the source is - to appear, to no avail.
> - Why is the content div row-12?
> - Why don't we have three foundation.css rows in the page?  Header - which 
> would be just the static title, and a link to the About page; Contents - same 
> as now, but without the H2 element - and Footer - which includes license etc 
> and can get pushed off the page if contents needs to grow.

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Re: Idea: build a New Contributor Guide Tool

2023-02-08 Thread Shane Curcuru
Yeah, in terms of using some AI tool here... I haven't had enough hot 
caffeinated beverage yet to even think about it.  But one thing:

Jarek Potiuk wrote on 2/8/23 7:08 AM:

I looked at the proposal and with the CYOA engines, one of the
problems is that you have to script it and investi in defining the

I don't see the scripting being that hard, presuming we have a decent 
CYOA language.  The end path from the script doesn't have to be the One 
Best Project For You, it just needs to be a selection of projects that 
might be relevant for you.

So coding languages questions merely add to a list like "user can 
program in X,Y,Z".  Then at the end, we use that as a filter on 
projects.a.o to come up with the potential list of projects we'd show 
the user.

Each set of questions is only a filter function based on some general 
criteria from project data.  At the end show all the projects that meet 
the filters.

Obviously we also handle non-coding paths, and may have some standard 
"Here's How To Go About Finding A New Bug" help text embedded in the 
script, or directly linked, so the person can find other useful 
resources along the way.

Does that make sense?  I'm obviously hand-waving about the issue that 
projects.a.o data may not be complete yet. 8-)

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Idea: build a New Contributor Guide Tool

2023-02-07 Thread Shane Curcuru
I've been burnt out for a while at trying to answer newcomer's 
questions.  It's not scalable, and even when I do the work to not answer 
 a question - but instead send a link to the doc where the answer is - 
it's still tedious.

So I finally thought: why don't we try to automate some part of this?

There are a million things we could do to make newcomers more welcome 
and feel confident they can find a place they might fit.  This is just 
one, but it's one I'm hoping other folks are interested in helping to build.

Feel free to discuss here; and please join in on the wiki to crystalize 
what thing we might actually build that would help guide a complete 
newcomer to someplace they might find interesting.  Besides being a 
really cool tool, it'd save Maxim a lot of time!

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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[jira] [Created] (COMDEV-454) Report Wizard gives "[object Response]" error with underlying 503

2022-03-03 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)
Shane Curcuru created COMDEV-454:

 Summary: Report Wizard gives "[object Response]" error with 
underlying 503
 Key: COMDEV-454
 Project: Community Development
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Reporter Tool
 Environment: Mac/FF
Reporter: Shane Curcuru

As reported elsewhere, navigating to [] pops 
up a notification error, and does nothing else.

Console shows an underlying 503:
/*** ASF Board Report Wizard initializing / 
Fetching JSON resource at /reportingcycles.json 
putting /reportingcycles.json in escrow... 
Successfully fetched /reportingcycles.json 
Fetching JSON resource at /api/overview 
putting /api/overview in escrow... 
URL /api/overview returned HTTP code 503, snapping! 

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Re: [apache/comdev-site] [Improved] Added ASF logo as the comdev site logo (#69)

2022-01-02 Thread Shane Curcuru
Who is garcYj-fybgeg-8nebqu on GitHub?  I just got three GitHub (not 
GitBox) notifications about comdev-site, which seems odd since this 
GitHub user doesn't seem to be associated with the Apache organization.

In particular, this change doesn't seem to make sense, since there isn't 
(yet?) a notifications@ list:

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: 	Re: [apache/comdev-site] [Improved] Added ASF logo as the 
comdev site logo (#69)

Date:   Sat, 01 Jan 2022 03:22:49 -0800
From:   garcYj-fybgeg-8nebqu 
Reply-To: 	apache/comdev-site 

To: apache/comdev-site 
CC: Subscribed 

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Re: [PROPOSAL] homepages + mailing lists for communities of interests

2021-05-14 Thread Shane Curcuru
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote on 5/10/21 8:01 AM:
> Hi,
> Following up on recent discussions I have created a proposal here:


It would be really useful to expand the intent with examples - i.e. this
is for geospatial standards, or healthcare API coordination amongst
several Apache projects.  That is specific technical (or standards,
organizational, etc.) areas of interest that several projects want to
specifically coordinate their work with.

Also, I'd suggest that formally requesting an interest area be done with
a specific JIRA ticket, so the setup tasks can be clearly delineated and
we'll have an easier to find record of who originally created / signed
up to oversee each interest page.

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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How NOT to test OSS security

2021-04-21 Thread Shane Curcuru
For those who review new contributions in their projects, a reminder:
there are rare cases where new contributors might be submitting junk:

Researchers from University of Minnesota wrote a paper about
purposefully submitting bogus patches or even potential vulnerabilities
to the Linux kernel.  They got caught just this week - but I could
imagine that some Apache projects are big enough to someday attract the
same kind of "research".

- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-397) 7

2021-02-07 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru closed COMDEV-397.

Resolution: Invalid

> 7
> -
> Key: COMDEV-397
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Documentation
>Reporter: Javier Castro 
>Priority: Major

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Re: Emeritus process & tools

2020-04-20 Thread Shane Curcuru
David Smiley wrote on 2020-4-20 1:02PM EDT:
> Hello,
> I'm a Lucene PMC member.  We haven't really tended to transferring members
> to Emeritus status for many years.  I am curious if the ASF can recommend
> the criteria / process for who this is done?  Furthermore, has anyone
> developed tools to aid in this process that we might use?  I'm thinking of
> a tool that searches JIRA to look for the most recent activity by an
> individual, for example.

Great question about tooling - Snoot statistics might help (not sure):

Also: please note there is no official "emeritus" status for PMCs.
People either need to be on the PMC, or off the PMC, at least from an
organizational point of view (i.e. what's in LDAP/committee-info.txt)


- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: What license are the ICLA and CCLA available under?

2020-02-25 Thread Shane Curcuru
Christofer Dutz wrote on 2020-2-25 6:32AM EST:
> Hi all,
> I know this is a strange question, but what license are our ICLA and CCLA 
> texts available under?
> I am asking because I’m involved in a new Open-Source project which is 
> licensing it’s stuff under the Apache 2.0 license. The project is organized 
> under a different freshly founded foundation. I suggested we put in place a 
> system with ICLAs and CCLAs and thought the Apache ones would work nicely … 
> unfortunately they don’t have License headers ;-)
> Are our documents under Apache 2.0 License too?

The only place to get a definitive answer is from the Legal Affairs

You should open a JIRA asking both about these specific documents, and
about the case in general, so we can hopefully document this as a FAQ.

Elsethread, while I agree the Apache-2.0 license is a bit odd applied to
prose, my personal vote would be to treat everything the ASF publicly
produces as licensed under Apache-2.0 unless explicitly otherwise noted.
 The simplicity of saying "Everything from Apache not marked is
Apache-2.0" is a powerful statement (and much simpler to administer).


- Shane
  Director & Member
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Update information on

2020-02-16 Thread Shane Curcuru
Roy Lenferink wrote on 2020-2-16 6:34AM EST:
> Following the WEBSITE-HOWTO [1] I just updated the year from 2018 to 2020.
> However, a comdev-er still needs to publish the site [2] as I was unable to.
> "svnmucc: E175013: Access to
> '/repos/infra/!svn/txr/1056611-mpm7/websites/production/community/content'
> forbidden"

Done!  Excellent instructions, I had forgotten about the cms publish
links.  Thanks to Tomasz for reporting.

> [1]
> [2]


- Shane
  Comdev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: ASF Project Licensing

2020-02-12 Thread Shane Curcuru
St Leger, Jim wrote on 2020-2-12 12:26PM EST:
> I have heard that ASF only accepts projects that are licensed under the 
> Apache license.
> I've searched and do not find this specifically called out. Perhaps it's 
> assumed.
> Can you please confirm or correct if this is the case?

It depends.  We always develop and *ship* software under Apache-2.0:

But many of our projects contain dependencies or other materials that
may still be under other, similar permissive-style licenses.

> And if yes, does that mean that a project that uses another permissive 
> license (e.g. BSD, MIT, etc.) would have to get all copyright owners to agree 
> to a move to an Apache license prior to approaching the ASF?

The Incubator has an IP Clearance guide which is the place to start:

Once you have a proposal for bringing a project to the Incubator, there
are people on the relevant incubator mailing lists who can help with the
process.  In practice, accepting a codebase that's being willingly
donated and is under similar permissive licenses is just fine, and not
that hard to do.

Good luck!


- Shane
  ComDev PMC & Member
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: ALC, and who can speak on behalf of Apache

2019-12-04 Thread Shane Curcuru
Rich Bowen wrote on 2019-12-4 3:15PM EST:
> I've made two posts on this list in the past couple of days regarding
> the rising ACL effort and my concerns about it.
> I *desperately* want this kind of grass-roots enthusiast community
> effort. I do NOT want to kill it. But I've learned from Fedora user
> groups that allowing any random stranger to start up a group, using our
> Trademarks, to promote whatever message comes into their head, is
> *going* to bite us in the butt, sooner rather than later.

Thanks for raising this up as the general question Rich, and yes, I
agree with you.  We've certainly had our trademarks abused in the past,
sometimes even by well-meaning groups that changed direction later, so
we absolutely need some sort of oversight here.

One place to start are existing trademark policies.  The events policy
covers all events using Apache trademarks, so start there:

While that is primarily written for larger events, the concepts and
rationale apply to smaller events, meetups, and things like the ALC
concept as well.  So starting with that policy, and then suggesting
specific suggestions for recurring but larger meetups like ALC would be

Separately, I'd suggest that people read the rationale in our Domain
Name Policy - while it's about domain names, the rationale explains
important concepts about how and why the ASF needs to control use of our


- Shane
  Director & Member
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Gathering feedback for Survey

2019-10-19 Thread Shane Curcuru
Katia Rojas wrote on 2019-10-18 4:40AM EDT:
> Deadline is 18th October.
> The main purpose of this survey is to gather feedback from all existing ASF
> contributors about the current level of diversity and inclusion, including
> education, age, socio-economic status, and gender.  The survey will take 15
> minutes of your time and is voluntary. Your responses will be anonymous,
> unless you want to share your email address for follow-on questions. All
> data will be reported at an aggregate level and will help us understand the
> experiences of different groups.

Great stuff, commented.  Sorry, I may have made some small suggested
corrections in the doc instead of comments; I missed the comment here
about primarily using comments.

There are definitely a spots from the comments there now where keeping a
few places consistent in terminology - either within the survey, or with
past surveys (like education level) that feel important.  But overall
this looks great, and I'm looking forward to seeing our data!


- Shane
  The Apache Software Foundation

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[jira] [Closed] (COMDEV-333) pet school how to project

2019-10-12 Thread Shane Curcuru (Jira)


Shane Curcuru closed COMDEV-333.

Resolution: Invalid


> pet school how to project
> -
> Key: COMDEV-333
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>  Components: Website
>Reporter: Murat Güngör
>Priority: Trivial
>  Labels: egi, kedi, köpek
> pet school professional dog training and dog hotel website
> I
> []
> how do you think

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Re: Repository "linting" for OSS compliance

2019-10-10 Thread Shane Curcuru
Branko Čibej wrote on 2019-10-10 7:58AM EDT:
> On 09.10.2019 23:26, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> On 09/10/2019 21:14, Benjamin Young wrote:
>> Or you could use Apache RAT...
> I have to wonder how an incubating project doesn't know about this,
> given that RAT reports are mandatory for incubating releases.

I suppose this is really a question for the Incubator, but: where is
the requirement for using Apache Rat documented? Googling rat doesn't show any relevant hits, and from the
Cookbook I can see, it's not documented.

I mean, it's a good idea, and I hope mentors are working with podlings
on it, but it wasn't obvious to me.


- Shane
  Whimsy PMC thinking we should run it ourselves...
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Focused effort on Apache Way education

2019-07-21 Thread Shane Curcuru
For those working on this subject, I have a list of resources, including
detailed pointers to some great slide decks:

Having the whys behind the concepts is important, and having individual
stories to help explain real-life situations also helps.  Thus the
effort here is mutual, with various people writing different parts.

My main suggestion is to start a single page on community.a.o that
provides a short overview and then links comprehensively to whatever
content ComDev comes up with.  It won't be clear how to best package
everything up for training (or the like) until we have more stories and
we can review the several existing slide decks that have great bits.

ComDev website how to:


- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: [Proposal] Apache Local Community - meetups

2019-06-29 Thread Shane Curcuru
Dmitriy Pavlov wrote on 2019-6-29 1:47PM EDT:
> Hi Shane,
> This list looks outdated. README about how to update the list gives 404.

LOL.  I've updated the site to point to the new location for README:

There's a script to scrape someone can run periodically.
Comdev committers are also welcome to edit the page directly, although I
think it gets  (mostly) overwritten by the script.  (Sorry, that's the
limit of my knowledge here!)

Website source code is here:

> Can any Apache Project committer update it? If so, I could update this page
> from time to time:
> - Once I've shared Apache Ignite meetup link
> - and I saw one request to update this list at list recently.
>>> Peter Hunsberger wrote on 2019-6-27 8:51AM EDT:
 Around here we get a lot of local development focused groups on
>>> Note that the ASF's VP of Conferences has a page that will list Meetups
>>> and similar events that are run by Apache projects:
>>> That's another great way to help other people find out about any local
>>> Apache project meetings/talks that you organize.  Note that Rich (VP
>>> Conferences) also travels to many conferences, so please be patient when
>>> asking for updates to that page (or, help volunteer on maintenance!)

- Shane
  Director & Member
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: [Proposal] Apache Local Community - how to list yourself

2019-06-27 Thread Shane Curcuru
Great ideas all!

Swapnil M Mane wrote on 2019-6-27 8:34AM EDT:
> The nearby Apache people can be found here [1], and Apache Committers map
> [2] can also help, but I think, it is not up to date.
> Hope these details will help you, I am excited to work together :)
> [1]
> [2]

The Committers map definitely works, however it relies on individual
committers voluntarily listing a location for themselves - the ASF does
not otherwise give out private data about committers.  It also hasn't
been well-publicised recently, so I think a lot of committers don't even
know about it.  Ideas on 1) how to improve it and 2) how to get other
committers in your project(s) to think about listing themselves are

To list yourself on the map, put a location in a FOAF file and point to
it from the committers SVN repo:

If anyone has improvements to the ComDev website or the Phone
Book/, you can see the website sources to patch:


- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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[jira] [Updated] (COMDEV-319) Use Whimsy JSON data instead of ldapsearch

2019-06-07 Thread Shane Curcuru (JIRA)


Shane Curcuru updated COMDEV-319:
Attachment: (was: ADCLK854.pdf)

> Use Whimsy JSON data instead of ldapsearch
> --
> Key: COMDEV-319
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: Reporter Tool
>Reporter: Sebb
>Priority: Minor
> Most of reporter.a.o uses the Whimsy JSON data files rather than ldapsearch.
> Should fix and to do likewise.
> (This would have avoided COMDEV-318)

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[jira] [Updated] (COMDEV-319) Use Whimsy JSON data instead of ldapsearch

2019-06-07 Thread Shane Curcuru (JIRA)


Shane Curcuru updated COMDEV-319:
Attachment: (was: -Bose Connect-.htm)

> Use Whimsy JSON data instead of ldapsearch
> --
> Key: COMDEV-319
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: Reporter Tool
>Reporter: Sebb
>Priority: Minor
> Most of reporter.a.o uses the Whimsy JSON data files rather than ldapsearch.
> Should fix and to do likewise.
> (This would have avoided COMDEV-318)

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[jira] [Issue Comment Deleted] (COMDEV-319) Use Whimsy JSON data instead of ldapsearch

2019-06-07 Thread Shane Curcuru (JIRA)


Shane Curcuru updated COMDEV-319:
Comment: was deleted

(was: This is fine.but some little bit confused )

> Use Whimsy JSON data instead of ldapsearch
> --
> Key: COMDEV-319
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: Reporter Tool
>Reporter: Sebb
>Priority: Minor
> Most of reporter.a.o uses the Whimsy JSON data files rather than ldapsearch.
> Should fix and to do likewise.
> (This would have avoided COMDEV-318)

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Re: ComDev website, pelican

2019-06-04 Thread Shane Curcuru
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote on 2019-6-4 5:02AM EDT:
> On Tue, Jun 4, 2019 at 9:53 AM sebb  wrote:
>> "While there is not an official standard per-se, most projects use
>> $project-site.git to host their site generation code...
> +1
> considering that we have for
> existing code I think the (Git) website repository should be named
> comdev-site or community-site.

+1 for community-site.  "comdev" is merely an abbreviation we made up
for the formal "Community Development" project, which has no meaning
outside this group.  "Community" on the other hand, is what we do - and
it's the domain name of our website.

+1 for community-site.git (website) and community.git (all the various
code bits) is my suggestion.

Thanks for working on this!


- Shane
  Community Development Project Management Committee Member 8-)
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: ACNA Hackathon - Volunteer(s) needed

2019-05-28 Thread Shane Curcuru
Those are all great topics for helping newcomers get started.  If people
want to 1) see what new committer docs we have, and 2) also suggest
patches for it ;-)  then start here, and see what things make sense to
improve or include in any training/intros:

While some "how do I do X as a committer" information is elsewhere, the
bulk of it is available from one or two clicks from those two pages.
(And yes, we'd love it if any tech writer/editors wanted to improve the
intros and descriptions on those pages)

Just an idea...


- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

Austin Bennett wrote on 2019-5-28 9:47PM EDT:
> Yes, @Aizhamal I agree.
> Though, It is largely unclear to me the things that are core Apache as part
> of commons and those that might be project specific.  It is easy to take
> the perspective of here's how a specific project works which is similar to
> most others.  It is another to dig into all projects.  Perhaps incubator or
> some other governance prescribes some bits?  I suspect, at a minimum, there
> are differences between each/all projects.
> Ex:
> Differences???
> * user@ is not required (anecdotally, since Airflow just got)
> * Slack groups
> * GitHub
> Common???
> * dev@
> * JIRA
> On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 3:38 PM Aizhamal Nurmamat kyzy 
> wrote:
>> Hi Rich,
>> We are doing a contributor's workshop for Beam in the upcoming summit in
>> Europe, but most of the content should be easily adjustable to any Apache
>> projects. For example, instead of subscribing to dev@beam.a.o. we can
>> teach them how to subscribe to dev@community.a.o. Introduction to ICLA,
>> Jira, GitHub and other similar tools and processes should be the same
>> across all projects. WDYT Austin?
>> On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 3:28 PM Rich Bowen  wrote:
>>> This sounds like a great thing to have as part of the hackathon. Perhaps
>>> cover part of this at the start of each day? None of these things are
>>> specific to Beam but apply to  all projects right?
>>> On Tue, May 28, 2019, 12:09 Austin Bennett 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Rich,

 Great; sounds like we'll plan on a hands-on developing things
>>> *in*/*using*
 Beam.  What about contributing workshop?  It sounds like a Hackathon
>>> space
 might help people understand things like: specifics of getting Jira
 username, finding issues, ?signing ICLA?, knowing to subscribe to
>>> dev/user
 lists, etc?  Many of us not having attended previous ApacheCon(s) are
 unsure the audience, alternate tracks, etc etc.


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[jira] [Commented] (COMDEV-320) Split svn repo from comdev acl

2019-05-17 Thread Shane Curcuru (JIRA)


Shane Curcuru commented on COMDEV-320:

Rich: can you list the individuals you want to give this access to, either by 
name, or by description "three people who work for our contracted event 
producer(s)"?  Also: how urgent is this: today, next week, by end of month?

> Split svn repo from comdev acl
> Key: COMDEV-320
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: Website
>Reporter: Richard Bowen
>Priority: Major
> Having the apachecon website svn rep tied to the comdev acl is causing 
> difficulties. Specifically, we have to make someone a comdev committer for 
> them to edit a web page, and that's broken.
> I would like to split svn repo from the comdev repo, and create 
> a new acl where we can have "committers" for that repo who are not asf 
> committers (think event producers) and who probably haven't signed CLAs 
> (because why would they?). Is this a thing we can do? Are there policy 
> considerations, or can we JFDI?

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[jira] [Commented] (COMDEV-320) Split svn repo from comdev acl

2019-05-17 Thread Shane Curcuru (JIRA)


Shane Curcuru commented on COMDEV-320:

To (I hope) better define the problem:  The ApacheCon website has many 
time-specific demands for updating, and with our current model, various 
producers of events (here I believe event staff at Virtual - people not 
otherwise involved in our communities) will be making those updates.  They need 
to modify content here:


And they will need the source there to be auto-published to the live site as it already is.

Historically, we have had very firm policies that committer accounts enabling 
write access to our repos are only given out to individuals who sign an ICLA.
 # The simplest solution from the ASF point of view is to ask those event staff 
to sign an ICLA, which hopefully is non-controversial (but I understand may not 
be from their point of view).
 # The other solution is for Infra to figure out how to differentiate "special 
accounts that can commit to ApacheCon SVN only" from "committer accounts".  I 
don't know if this is practical for infra.  But ensuring that people without an 
ICLA can't commit to any project repo (among other places) is critical to our 
legal policies.

> Split svn repo from comdev acl
> Key: COMDEV-320
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: Website
>Reporter: Richard Bowen
>Priority: Major
> Having the apachecon website svn rep tied to the comdev acl is causing 
> difficulties. Specifically, we have to make someone a comdev committer for 
> them to edit a web page, and that's broken.
> I would like to split svn repo from the comdev repo, and create 
> a new acl where we can have "committers" for that repo who are not asf 
> committers (think event producers) and who probably haven't signed CLAs 
> (because why would they?). Is this a thing we can do? Are there policy 
> considerations, or can we JFDI?

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Re: [VOTE] ComDev supports formation of D committee

2019-05-04 Thread Shane Curcuru
Myrle Krantz wrote on 5/4/19 6:06 PM:
> I propose that ComDev submmit the following statement to the board:
> "The ComDev PMC hereby requests that the board create a President's
> committee tasked with supporting our communities in their efforts to be
> diverse and welcoming places, and tasked with helping the ASF formulate a
> strategy to improve our diversity and inclusiveness.  The ComDev PMC
> likewise formally requests that the new committee look for ways in which
> ComDev can support our progress in these areas."
> Here's my +1.

+1 also.

Do you want to s/support our progress/support progress/?  (Or am I the
one misparsing the pronoun?)


- Shane
  Community Development PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Request for Reviewers for Community Track at ApacheCon NA Las Vegas

2019-05-01 Thread Shane Curcuru
Sharan Foga wrote on 5/1/19 4:16 PM:
> Hi All
> The CFP for ApacheCon NA, Las Vegas will be closing soon so I am looking for 
> some volunteers to help review and rate the Community track submissions. 
> If you are interested in helping out then please follow the submit a talk 
> link to login to the CFP system for ApacheCon NA, Las Vegas and then click on 
> the link to request to become a reviewer. 

I just signed up and can definitely help you review and swizzle the

Sadly, I'm not able to attend Las Vegas personally - this will be the
first US/NA ApacheCon I've missed since I started attending in 2001.  I
haven't been to quite as many as Rich, but I'm within a handful of the
number he's done!


- Shane
  Still An Occasional Planner
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Why should D be a president's committee?

2019-05-01 Thread Shane Curcuru
The most important question is: where do the people who are currently
most active doing the real work of the survey and organizing
informational materials on diversity@ want to do that work?  Ensuring
they have a productive space and framework to work is the first thing to
solve.   That said...

Myrle Krantz wrote on 5/1/19 7:06 AM:
> * Make it a sub-committee of ComDev.

This is nothing more than a page on community.a.o and the diversity@
mailing list.  We already effectively have that.  The only difference
would be having a formal page on the website that lists who's there,
essentially copying what we've done in the mailing list.

In terms of powers, none in particular.  Membership changes by the PMC
voting in new PMC members (or allowing committers to participate, etc.)
 Reports would be part of the quarterly ComDev report.

> * Make it a president's committee.

The proposal is to also name a VP of that committee as well.  The VP is
an officer, and can perform duties for the ASF within the scope of
whatever charter the board originally creates the VP officer with.

Historically, we've had the board create *new VP roles* with a title and
description, and appoint the first person to that role.  For President's
committees and other VPs reporting to the President, we've had the
President thereafter simply make new appointments to existing roles
directly (always reported in board reports).

President's committees can be changed by the President at any point, or
by the VP in charge if specifically authorized to do so.  Also, since
President's committees are mostly about operations, we have examples of
officers like this having regular annual budgets and signing authority.

They cannot release software (publicly).  They could have a separate
website and mailing lists.  President's committees report monthly.

> * Make it it's own PMC.

This requires a normal board resolution, and would act like any other
PMC, especially in terms of managing PMC or committer membership.  We've
done straight-to-PMC before (i.e. not going through Incubation), it just
needs the scope description of the PMC and the list of VP and members.

They could release software and all the usual PMC things, and they
report to the board quarterly.

Elsethread, Mark also mentioned a board committee.  They have the powers
of the board.  Changing board committees (normally) takes a board
resolution, meaning it takes more time to add/remove people.  They
report monthly to the board.

While President's committees have a broad scope of operations, often
looking across the whole ASF, they do not have direct power to generally
set policies across other projects.  Board committees, on the other
hand, could directly enact and enforce policies across projects.

Personally, I'm +1 for a President's committee.  Right now, we need a
place where people actively doing productive work can do so.
President's committees provide plenty of oversight and monthly
reporting.  A lot of the work will be gathering data and creating solid
materials that projects or other officers can choose to use to help
improve our communities, or doing their own direct outreach at
conferences or the like.  Those are all things well suited to a
President's committee with a named VP.


- Shane
  Director & Member
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Blog Post 'How To Become Committer' - feedback needed

2019-04-24 Thread Shane Curcuru
Dmitriy Pavlov wrote on 4/24/19 4:28 AM:
> Hi Community Developers,
> Recently we've translated a blog post based on my recent talk on Apache
> Ignite meetup/Moscow:

Nice stuff.  Consider emphasizing non-code contributions a bit more:
mentioning testing, docs, and simply answering questions on lists are
also good ways to start working towards committership.

> I would appreciate if someone from more experienced Apache fellows can
> provide some comments to this post (actually, this one is based on previous
> feedback from Shane C.).
> Would it be possible to re-post this blog in 'success at Apache' series?

Contact (a privately archived list), where Sally can
work with you to edit and publish for Success At Apache.


- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: [Discuss] Attributing contributions to commercial vendors investing in projects

2019-04-21 Thread Shane Curcuru
Alex Harui wrote on 4/19/19 1:06 AM:
> Branding could dictate some policy to prevent a NASCAR uniform look to the 
> project's landing page, but since corporations are effectively contributing 
> significant money to the ASF by paying folks to commit code, why shouldn't 
> they deserve recognition?  Could projects have their own Thanks page?

We've got a policy for that (separate from Daniel's link elsethread):

As long as it fits within the spirit there, it's up to each PMC to
decide to have a corporate thanks page - or not.


- Shane
  Director & Member
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Re: [Discuss] Attributing contributions to commercial vendors investing in projects

2019-04-17 Thread Shane Curcuru
Rich Bowen wrote on 4/17/19 3:08 PM:
> By policy and long-standing tradition, no. Companies do not participate
> in projects. Individuals participate in projects.
> It's possible I misunderstand the question, but this is something we
> have always discouraged.
I think it's a bigger question than that, but in general I'd also be
cautious.  More particularly, any new suggested practices for PMCs
should be reviewed against existing documentation:

The big question is: how, specifically, would this be displayed on
project websites (the projects that opt to do so, obviously)?  I can
imagine some ways to recognize corporations, but Rich has a hugely
important point above: only individuals are recognized as committers,
PMC members, or ASF Members - never companies.

So while the corporate linking guidelines above show ways PMCs can
choose to recognize corporations who help their work by donating
servers/CI/whatever, we still expect all the core work on our projects
to be done with individuals using their Apache committer affiliation -
and not their corporate affiliation.

Having some more specific examples of what this might look like would
probably help discussing the issue as well.

> On 4/17/19 2:27 PM, Griselda Cuevas wrote:
>> Hi ComDev,
>> What are your opinions/best practices on attributing contributions to
>> commercial vendors who support an Apache project. I recently had a few
>> discussions with folks in OSS and they convinced me on this being a good
>> idea because it has a two-fold purpose:
>>     1.
>>     It brings clarity to project roadmap and dependencies.
>>     Knowing what companies are investing in a given area, allows users &
>>     contributors know who to contact to move their own contributions
>> faster and
>>     gives companies the ability to accept user suggestions.
>>     1.
>>     Gives recognition to the companies (or individuals) who are
>> investing in
>>     Airflow.
>>     This in the long term adds value to the project brand itself as it’s
>>     easy to demonstrate who is using/contributing to the project.
>> So my question is: Have you seen this done in a project? If yes, how they
>> do it? Would you support this?
>> I want to clarify that I understand that Open Source is about the
>> individuals and not the companies, however I also see the need for
>> transparency for the sake of project agility.
>> Thanks
>> G


- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: buildbot failure in on community-site-staging

2019-04-12 Thread Shane Curcuru
Thanks anyway buildbot!  The Apache CMS which publishes the
community.a.o website has a bug - already reported by Rich:

If anyone happens to have worked on the core Apache CMS code and is
*already* familiar with it and wants to dig in, please feel free to help
infra out. wrote on 4/12/19 1:22 PM:
> The Buildbot has detected a new failure on builder community-site-staging 
> while building . Full details are available at:
> Buildbot URL:
> Buildslave for this Build: bb-cms-slave
> Build Reason: The AnyBranchScheduler scheduler named 
> 'on-community-site-commit' triggered this build
> Build Source Stamp: [branch comdev/site] 1857422
> Blamelist: curcuru
> BUILD FAILED: failed compile
> Sincerely,
>  -The Buildbot


- Shane
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Re: Fwd: Re: [CHICAGO] Roadshow schedule is up

2019-04-08 Thread Shane Curcuru
Rich Bowen wrote on 4/8/19 11:29 AM:
> This remains an unsolved problem - granting write access to our event
> websites to people who are not ComDev committers, without voting them
> in. This seems like something that needs to happen - it's in the way of
> getting work done - but the way that ACLs are applied makes us required
> to jump through the hoops.
> Any suggestions of how to fix this quickly?

Show up on #asfinfra to ask or file a JIRA.

The ApacheCon website is under VP, Conferences, not ComDev, so you
should feel empowered to simply grant Bob write access to the ApacheCon
website repo.  8-)  +1 for Bob if that helps.


- Shane
  Itinerant Planner
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: FYI, website updating instructions are available

2019-04-05 Thread Shane Curcuru
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote on 4/5/19 5:51 AM:
> I didn't find those, created
> to explain how to update

Anything new should be merged into existing public doc for the website:


- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: {Action by April 5] Vote on best time for the D committee discussion call

2019-04-03 Thread Shane Curcuru
Naomi Slater wrote on 4/3/19 6:06 AM:
>... but I am "interested in being part of the
> committee and shaping the request
> to the board"

People can now show their interest and bring their volunteer time to
work on this idea to the newly created mailing list:

Whether it's a committee or a working group or whatever doesn't matter;
what does matter is getting the people interested in productively
shaping the idea and any possible budget requests together in a place
where they can do that work efficiently.  Once we have a more detailed
idea with specific volunteer support we can figure out what makes sense.

> while I do not wish to *prevent* the call from happening, I would ask that
> notes are shared before and after the call so that people not able to
> attend are able to contribute via email

The board is consistent in reminding PMCs that synchronous meetings are
perfectly fine, as long as there's an agenda, minutes are brought back
to the list, and all *decisions* then happen on the list, where all PMC
members have a chance to asynchronously participate in making decisions.

So yes, that's already the expectation from the board of projects.


- Shane
  Director & Member
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Re: Continuing conversation on Apache Swag

2019-03-30 Thread Shane Curcuru
Sharan Foga wrote on 3/30/19 11:44 AM:
> Hi Gris
> Thanks for the introductions. I seem to remember that Sally outlined a 
> possible process of how a central Apache swag store could work so let's 
> review that and plan the next steps.

ComDev runs a RedBubble store, so some things are already there to order
by anyone outside the ASF; any project that wants to upload their
standalone logo should just ask to get items put there:

> For the branding - there is a style guide that might help:

And depending on the specific use (i.e. who's creating/buying/giving
away the swag; is it *just* an Apache project logo as-is, or a larger
design; etc.) the trademark guidelines are here:


- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Building and Sustaining Inclusive Communities (was: on "meritocracy")

2019-03-30 Thread Shane Curcuru
Joan Touzet wrote on 3/30/19 12:52 AM:
> Precisely the point. I'm in favour of this, though I know others are
> actively against it. I talked about this at length during my
> ApacheCon 2018 talk, proposing options that are well thought-out and
> fair, drawing from a wide variety of sources; I encourage you to
> listen to the full recording and read my slides before passing
> judgement.

For the benefit of list readers:

> Again as Rich says, there's explicit approval to proceed with a D
> initiative already, from both the Board and the President. People like
> Naomi and I have been through the "prove it to me" request many times
> over, and I'm tired of responding to this particular email.

There's not even a need for explicit approval for volunteers here to
spend their own time finding a space to work, and building Apache 2.0
licensed content anywhere on the ComDev website, at upcoming ApacheCons,
or within their own Apache projects.  I'm excited to see several
dedicated people showing up in this thread, and once we have a new space
for the ideas Naomi and Gris and others want to work on, I'll join.

But this thread does show an unfortunate classic meta-issue in many
broad volunteer-run communities: people not actively working on a
specific issue bringing sufficient tangential discussion, questions, and
vague opposition to effectively kill new work on that issue.

A situation that's happened to me personally with saddening regularity:
I come up with a new idea to improve a process or document, and ask for
feedback.  Some of the feedback asks "why are we bothering with this" or
"I think that's wrong because X", or merely asks clarifying questions /
requests for more additional data, or or or... and often ends up being
an endless game of "fetch me a rock".

After attempting to answer a half-dozen of these questions - many
tangential or merely expressing opposition *without providing useful
alternatives*, I simply run out of volunteer energy and give up on the
idea completely, and I find some other place to spend my time.  The
opposition of just a couple of people spending the time to keep asking
for clarifications can often turn into a de facto veto for all sorts of
new ideas.

Apache communities work better when people who think a new idea is [dumb
| annoying | not useful | whatever ] simply raise the general concern
once, but otherwise get out of the way.  We're all volunteers; we all
have opinions; we all have things we want to work on in our different
communities.  We can respectfully say we don't like some new idea, but
it's not up to any of us to stop other volunteers from doing that new
idea that they're passionate about.

Even better: when you don't like a new idea, come up with a better idea,
and volunteer your own time in a new thread to productively work on it.

Bonus link, that I hadn't seen before but I really like the
*explanations* behind this organization's social rules:


- Shane
  ComDev PMC & Member
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: on "meritocracy"

2019-03-25 Thread Shane Curcuru
Henk P. Penning wrote on 3/24/19 1:29 PM:
>   When using the word 'Meritocracy', is is important to
>   explain on which merits the meritocracy is based :
>   -- community building
>   -- software construction
>   -- whatever

This is the main issue, and one where the traditional ASF usage of
"merit" is subtly different than the dictionary definition:

The ASF meaning of "merit*" is about work done, not characteristics:

"Within the Apache Way, 'your merit' is always about the work you do,
and never about you as an individual. Many newcomers see this at odds
with common conceptions of someone’s merit meaning their character,
their behaviors, their abilities, and past actions."

I agree we need to improve our public presence to better explain "how we
value contributions" (i.e. our meritocracy meaning), since the commonly
understood definition out in the world is different from this.  But my
brain is really tired this month about real life, and the best word I
can come up with is "work-ocracy". which is pretty clumsy.  8-)


- Shane
  Director & Member
  The Apache Software Foundation

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2019-03-23 Thread Shane Curcuru
Infra is decommissioning the MoinMoin wiki software that runs the
wiki.a.o system in May.  That means all the content there needs to be
migrated to new systems if it's still relevant.

Infra has a Moin - Confluence wiki migration tool that can help port a
whole section of wiki over to the new supported system, if projects need
to do so.

Question: Who's working on the old 'general' wiki?  Much of it is
outdated, but there may still be some useful content.  Any volunteers to
look through it to see what should be saved, probably either to the
ComDev website or our newer Wiki? (being deleted 31-May)


- Shane
  ComDev PMC (but currently overextended...)
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Apache Brochure/Tri-Fold?

2019-03-21 Thread Shane Curcuru
Kevin A. McGrail wrote on 3/21/19 8:57 PM:
> Anyone know where the source for this is at so I can print some for the
> roadshow?

Last updated 2017, but it is a trifold brochure layout:


- Shane
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Re: Who "manages" the RedBubble account?

2019-03-19 Thread Shane Curcuru
Related question: do we have a canonical URL to send people to the
Redbubble store?  In particular are we intending to list it anywhere on
our website(s)?

I would imagine it should be under the www.a.o/support apache link, as
well as somewhere on the community.a.o site.


- Shane
  Director & Member
  The Apache Software Foundation

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[jira] [Commented] (COMDEV-312) Committer count disagrees with Whimsy

2019-03-11 Thread Shane Curcuru (JIRA)


Shane Curcuru commented on COMDEV-312:

t would greatly help if we had an easy way to see the actual hardcoded data 
and/or code that does lookups for each tool, so we can document what they're 
doing and see if there are ways to simplify (while still being clear what the 
actual data is).
 * Whimsy has partial docs here (may not be updated with recent changes):
 ** []
 * Projects.a.o code:
 ** []

But it's not obvious where any special cases in the projects code might be.

> Committer count disagrees with Whimsy
> -
> Key: COMDEV-312
> URL:
> Project: Community Development
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Projects Tool
>Reporter: Sebb
>Priority: Major
> The total committer count on the timeline page
> [] (currently 7145)
> disagrees with the Whimsy count shown here:
> [] (currently 6806)
> This is a difference of over 330.
> Some of this may be due to early committers who were not migrated to LDAP, 
> presumably because they had stopped contributing.
> It's confusing to have such a discrepancy.
> It would be better to use the Whimsy data file:
> []

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Re: DOAP futures (ASF project metadata)

2019-03-06 Thread Shane Curcuru
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote on 3/5/19 7:23 AM:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Mar 5, 2019 at 1:16 PM Mark Cox  wrote:
>> ... So before investing too more time into this, I wanted to find out if
>> there's been any real attempt or plan or investigation to replace the DOAP
>> files within ASF with something else
> It might take some initial effort to consolidate that data and fix the
> software that uses it but I think it's well worth it. Considering that
> this is infrastructure related, we might ask for funding for this
> initial cleanup task as I'm not sure we'll get there with volunteer
> energy only.

Indeed, centralizing project (including podling) metadata - somehow! -
is a real need that we've never been able to meet.  I also support
finding funding for this to task infra to work on it (which is a topic
for other lists, but it's important to note it here).

Key design criteria:

- Easy to maintain the whole system.

- Easy to consume for all users - whimsy especially (since other places
rely on that), the www.a.o website, *plus* external consumers who might
want to scrape our project universe.

- Easy for projects to update.  In particular, having Maven,
Cocoon/Forrest, GitHub plugins to auto-generate needed data is key; we
can't ask all projects with existing widely-used tooling to have to add
unusual steps to their release processes.

Presuming board/ops/infra make this a real project (i.e. funding and
timeline), where should the design discussion happen?


- Shane
  Director & Member
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Re: Insufficient rights on Github and in JIRA

2019-03-03 Thread Shane Curcuru
Maxim Solodovnik wrote on 3/2/19 10:10 PM:
> Hello All,
> I have updated comdev site [1], [2], [3]
> While working on [4]
> Surprisingly I'm unable to assign issue [4] to myself
> And unable to merge PRs, can someone grant me with permission?

Good news, bad news.  I've added you to the PMC group on JIRA, so that
should be set.  However, the comdev-site on github is only a mirror of
the underlying SVN repository, so I don't think we have it setup to
accept PRs to actually commit (although I might be wrong).

Try making the changes in SVN instead:

Thanks for working on GSoC docs!


- Shane
  PMC & Member
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: New mailing list for discussion of ComDev code (projects, reporter etc)

2019-03-02 Thread Shane Curcuru
sebb wrote on 3/2/19 7:33 AM:
> I wonder if there should be a separate mailing list for discussion of
> the code for which ComDev is responsible.
> For example, Projects, Reporter, HelpWanted
> This would normally be the dev@ list, but that has long since been
> used for general ASF community discussion, so it's too late to change
> that.
> Maybe code@ or tools@ or something else?

+1, I'd guess code@ but I don't have strong opinions on the name.  But
given the extra-distributed nature of the tools (several different
codebases) and scattered volunteers, being able to focus on specific
technical issues separately would be very helpful.

Side question: why has moderation let so much spam through to this list


- Shane
  PMC & Member
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Logo design using Apache licence 2.0 fonts

2019-02-24 Thread Shane Curcuru
Ivana Soldic wrote on 2/22/19 1:20 PM:
> Hello,
> I would like to use fonts covered by your Apache Licence 2.0 in logo
> designs, not as fonts itself, but converted to curves. I have read Apache
> Licence 2.0 but I'm not sure how this applies to logo design. Logos would
> be for a commercial purpose and I plan to sell them. Can you tell me do I
> have some obligations in that case to the Apache? Please answer as simple
> as you can since English is not my first language. Feel free to ask if you
> have some questions.

First off, thank you for carefully reading and respecting the license!

The important question is: who's font is it?  Many companies use our
license for their software, and it's up to the company you got the font
from to provide any legal answer to your question.  You do not have any
obligations to the ASF or us, since we didn't create the font.

We are all volunteers here on this mailing list - not paid - and we
can't give you legal advice; you'd need to ask a lawyer for specific
feedback on what your commercial company can do with these fonts.

However, I can say that I have seen a number of other logo designers
using Apache licensed fonts as part of their logo designs.  I'm not
personally aware of any legal or commercial issues that the logo
designers faced from their work.  So in most cases I've seen, you don't
have anything to worry about.

Does that help?


- Shane
  ASF Member
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Beam's recent community development work

2019-02-22 Thread Shane Curcuru
Kenneth Knowles wrote on 2/22/19 12:31 AM:
> Re-reading the earlier feedback and starting point, it sounds like:
>  - the post was generally approved of, assuming comments were addressed
>  - there's not an established process for this sort of thing
>  - the PMC agreed to give me authoring access
> So I will suggest that lazy consensus is good here. I will wait a bit
> longer, but would love to hit "publish" before the weekend.

Yes, please just publish.  I'll even say +1!  But this is just a blog
post that people have had plenty of time to review, so go do it!

Last-minute ideas:

- You might link to another article on the contributor funnel, to
provide readers with a broader perspective.  This is becoming a popular
concept for focusing on project growth:

- I don't know if you want to briefly introduce the RTC paragraph.  It
feels like it suddenly shows up after all the points about how you work
to encourage people.  It's definitely a good ending - especially how it
ties into engaging newcomers who do reviews - but doesn't quite flow.

Feel free to ignore those suggestions and just publish, too. 8-)


- Shane
  Director & Member
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Web-tool for moderation

2019-01-01 Thread Shane Curcuru
As sebb noted: join the list:

The PMC works at whimsical.a.o because the live production site was
already at whimsy.a.o.  Most whimsy tools are in ruby; the live site
already supports several ruby host environments and has it's own set of
SVN checkouts of various repos as well as ties to ASF email services.

A shared moderation tool would be great.  There are three separate
things that we'd need volunteers for:

- Building the software.  Suck in mail somehow; present it; provide a UI
to check yes/no/spam etc. and include ASF logins for security.

- Maintaining the server.  This is historically the hardest thing - for
the time being, this is likely to be a volunteer-run service, meaning we
need people to keep any services running, and to ensure that any
problems in a moderation tool won't ever affect official Infra QOS type
services at all.

- Training and actually using the tool.  Hopefully, that would be easy
once we got a few people here using it.

- Shane, not able to help right now unfortunately

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Re: Keeping PMC communications public when possible -- is an obvious-looking address responsible?

2018-12-07 Thread Shane Curcuru
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote on 12/7/18 10:14 AM:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 3:53 PM Jay Vyas  wrote:
>> ...At the CNCF, I’ve noticed that almost all decisions are made in hangouts 
>> and in GitHub issues, and proposals..
> I think this is exactly how Apache projects are supposed to operate:

Yes, absolutely! but one addition is important

> *all* discussions and decisions in public places unless there's a very
> good reason for them to happen in private.

s/public places/publicly accessible and archived places/

A key part of the Apache Way is the explicit use of archived
communication methods and timeshifting final decisions - the minimum of
72 hours (or longer) for final decisions.

Anyway, the definitive statement of what should be public vs. private in
project governance still sounds pretty good as-is:


- Shane
  The Apache Software Foundation

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Re: Why are large code drops damaging to a community?

2018-10-18 Thread Shane Curcuru
Myrle Krantz wrote on 10/18/18 7:18 AM:
> Hey all,
> There are many forms of offlist development.  One form of offlist
> development is working on large code drops in private and then
> contributing them all at once.  Threshold size is probably arguable,
> and varies by project; put that aside for the moment.  I've been
> working on an explanation of how large code drops damage community and
> code.  I'd love to hear your feedback.  I'm including my project and
> the dev@community list in the hopes that people from other projects
> also have a perspective.  Here it goes:

Thanks Myrle for an excellent writeup, including details of how large
code drops harm Apache style open communities.  This is a great set of
examples showing the "why" behind the ASF's requirement that the whole
community be allowed to participate in *all* parts of a project's
technical development.

The requirement for an open and consensus-driven development process at
the ASF doesn't just impact the individual perspective - which you've
covered in detail in your post.  More importantly, it impacts the whole
*community* ownership feeling of an Apache project.

This is a key difference I see between Apache projects and
maintainer-led projects.  There are many examples of maintainer projects
with issues, successes, whatever.  But they primarily focus on how a
handful of maintainers are struggling to keep their project growing for
the benefit of all their users.

The issue is the mindset of "maintainers".  An Apache project should
have the entire community of contributors feeling like they have a stake
in the project, that they can help build new ideas, and that they
*share* as a whole group the direction of the project.  While much of
the actions are the same, my point is about the feeling of ownership.
It's not just a few "maintainers" driving things; it's *everyone* who's
a committer (and hopefully soon, many of the contributors who get voted in).

Offlist development prevents this truly shared sense of ownership from
developing, which is why it's prohibited for Apache projects.

> Open source projects require transparency, not just as a moral value,
> but as a pragmatic prerequisite for collaboration.  Offlist
> development damages the community *and* the code.

More to the point, repeated significant offlist development will attract
the attention of the ASF board, which may well take direct action to
prevent that kind of behavior from happening going forward.  One
advantage of the ASF's independent governance is that it can enforce the
core open development model that's a key part of the Apache Way.

Note that I'm struggling to find where "offlist development is
forbidden" is explicitly called out on the website, so
pointers to existing places that *explain* this core concept and why
it's important are appreciated.

My attempt to explain how open development works is here:

- Telegraph your intent: email dev@ with your *ideas* ahead of time.
This allows feedback, encouragement, someone else to point out similar
code is already over there, etc.

- Draft designs openly.  Put the rough first draft on the
wiki/website/dev@ list, and then do your edits *in public*.  This allows
feedback on the architecture as it's being built, and again, gets better
ideas.  It also allows a sense of community ownership.

- Submit work in chunks (add: on a regular and frequent basis).  Checkin
the shell of the API.  Then checkin each section of implementation.  If
you're waiting for your code to look perfect before showing anyone else,
you're not really helping the community.  Doing the development in the
open allows for... you guessed it, feedback.

- Welcome feedback along the way.  This doesn't mean you need to accept
every change request or suggestion.  But it does mean you can take the
best ideas from the whole community to add them easily, as the
individual bits of work are being done.


- Shane
  ComDev PMC
  The Apache Software Foundation

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