Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-18 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 18 March 2018 at 18:45:23 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

If we could go back in time and talk with a young Walter about 
the consequences of choosing the scheme the way it is, maybe he 
might have made different choices, but at this point, it's hard 
to change it.

I think this highlights the real problem with D.

Power is too centralised, and kinda arbitrary.

I'm going back to Java ;-)

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-18 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 18 March 2018 at 11:12:46 UTC, Alex wrote:

Are there any scenarios in which the person writing the class, 
would want to encapsulate their class, or some parts of it, 
from the rest of a module (while being forced to put the class 
in this module)?


The answer is no. As the person which is writing the class has 
always the power to decide which module to edit to put the 
class in.

And due this fact, the statement

The fact is, the creator of the class is also the creator of 
the module..

is the coolest semantic statement of the whole thread so far, I 
think :)

Well, it seems to me, that the only real objection one can have 
to improving encapsulation within a module, is objecting to 
improving encapsulation within a module.

The fact that the creator of a class, is also the creator of the 
module that contains that class, is not a valid reason for not 
seeking to improve encapsulation of that class.

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-18 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 18 March 2018 at 10:14:30 UTC, Alain Soap wrote:
BTW i think adding this can be useful. The FreePascal language 
has `strict private` for example.

" Private - All fields and methods that are in a private block, 
can only be accessed in the module (i.e. unit) that contains the 
class definition. They can be accessed from inside the classes’ 
methods or from outside them (e.g. from other classes’ methods)"

" Strict Private - All fields and methods that are in a strict 
private block, can only be accessed from methods of the class 
itself. Other classes or descendent classes (even in the same 
unit) cannot access strict private members. "

interesting...someone else clearly had the idea.

hey..perhaps I'm not a moron after all.

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-18 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 18 March 2018 at 05:01:39 UTC, Amorphorious wrote:

The fact is, the creator of the class is also the creator of 
the module.. and preventing him from having full access to the 
class is ignorant. He doesn't need to encapsulate himself. 
Encapsulation is ONLY meant to reduce dependencies. If the 
programmer, probably someone like you, can't trust himself to 
understand his own code then he shouldn't be coding.


I am talking here about 'encapsulation' not 'information hiding' 
(although the two terms are often considered related).

Clearly, there is no point in hiding information contained within 
the module, from the implementer of the module. That's just silly.

However, are there no scenarios in which the person writing that 
module, would not want to encapsulate their class, or some parts 
of it, from the rest of the module (while not being forced to put 
the class in it's own file)?

If the answer is certainly no, not under any circumstances, then 
fine, my idea is not worth any further consideration.

And by no, I mean no for all, not just you.

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-18 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 18 March 2018 at 05:01:39 UTC, Amorphorious wrote:

Why do you insist that you know how everything works and you 
are the harbinger of truth. The fact is, you don't know squat 
about what you are talking about and you just want to conform D 
to your naive ignorant ...etc...etc..etc..etc..etc

you're funny.

and btw. My suggestion would not stop anyone from doing what 
they're currently doing within modules.

It would just return class encapsulation, within a module, for 
when it was deemed worthwhile (as opposed to being forced to move 
the class out of the module).

It's just an idea, not a request.

One day I might do a data matching analysis of the dmail-archive, 
to find out who you really are.

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-17 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 17 March 2018 at 21:33:01 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Saturday, 17 March 2018 at 21:22:44 UTC, arturg wrote:

maybe extend that to a list of types?

this is basically what C++ friend does and D was trying to 
avoid the complexity of

Really, the complexity of 'friend' comes from people abusing it.

In D, I would prefer no breaking change here. Leave private as it 

Just a simple attribute that only applies within a class, and 
only to private members within that class.

@strictly private string firstName_;

Nothing outside of the class, not even the module, can access 
this now. It's all encapsulated.

It breaks nothing (AFAIK).
It's very clear what the intention is here.
It's an easy attribute to remember.
It restores the principle of class enscapsulation within a 
module, for when it's really needed.

Now D programmers would have the best of both worlds.

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-17 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 17 March 2018 at 14:16:19 UTC, bauss wrote:

I don't like the name @deny .

how about:

@reallyis private string firstName_;

mmm..perhaps not... then how about...

@strictly private string firstName_;

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-17 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 17 March 2018 at 09:18:13 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:
It's a language design decision as to whether a particular 
feature is worth supporting. I would like this feature too 
though. I'm not sure how much compiler complexity would be 
added by having another visibility modifier.

D could add an new attribute to class members:  @deny

A @deny attribute can come before a classes private member, to 
indicate that the private member is to remain private, even 
within the module.

Cause sure, it nice to be among friends, but you don't want your 
friends knowing every thought that is going through your mind! 
Sometimes, somethings, just need to remain private.

@deny private string _userName;

now... _userName is no longer accessible at the module level, and 
class encapsulation is restored.

If had I any clue about compilers, I'd think this through more ;-)

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 21:38:59 UTC, Amorphorious wrote:

You are a moron...etc..etc..etc..etc.

See. This is what happens when you have access to a keyboard 
while high on ice.

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 08:44:48 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Making modules the lowest level of encapsulation does that 
without the need for an extra keyword for friends while still 
maintaining a strict border between external and internal APIs. 
Moreover, it restricts friends to the same module, easing the 
maintenance burden and decreasing the chance of error. It was a 
great decision.

Actually I wonder if it's the opposite of that, because now, if I 
have a bug in my class implementation, the code is no longer 
localised to the class, but to the module - this greatly 
increases the burden of program correctness and maintenance.

It also means the author of the class is no longer free to make 
changes, because all the surrounding code in the module needs to 
be assessed for impact - this greatly increases the burden of 
program correctness and maintenance.

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 12:10:07 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:

On 14/03/2018 1:02 AM, psychoticRabbit wrote:
On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 11:31:12 UTC, rikki cattermole 

Ah yes.
You're completely correct if you subscribe to Adam's and 
ketmar's file sizes expectation.

A D module and package is one level of abstraction. If that 
level of abstraction starts to fill up and gets large, you 
split it up.

My rule is soft 1k LOC and hard 2-3k (after that it needs a 
VERY good reason to stay together).

This makes each file to be very right down to the point and 
do nothing else.

You should be doing this no matter the language IMO. Just the 
difference is in Java only one class is publicly accessible 
per file. Nothing stops you from doing that here either.

Fair enough.

I doubt I'll use your 'lines of code' method as a means of 
encapsulation though ;-)

The number of lines of code is more of a code smell which 
suggests that the module is going out of scope in size and 

I have to think more, about what a module is really trying to 

I'm sure there is a good blog that could come out of this 

(not by me though)

While it is new to some people, we would only be rehashing 
existing ideas that have existed in the literature for 40+ 

Mmm...I think more than just 'some people' will be suprised when 
they come to D, and suddenly find that a private member may not 
be private at all.

Particulary those C++/C#/Java programmers - who represent the 
vast majority of programmers on the planet.

private string _Name;

( D, this might be private..or it might not be..depends on 
what you mean by private)

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 11:31:12 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:

Ah yes.
You're completely correct if you subscribe to Adam's and 
ketmar's file sizes expectation.

A D module and package is one level of abstraction. If that 
level of abstraction starts to fill up and gets large, you 
split it up.

My rule is soft 1k LOC and hard 2-3k (after that it needs a 
VERY good reason to stay together).

This makes each file to be very right down to the point and do 
nothing else.

You should be doing this no matter the language IMO. Just the 
difference is in Java only one class is publicly accessible per 
file. Nothing stops you from doing that here either.

Fair enough.

I doubt I'll use your 'lines of code' method as a means of 
encapsulation though ;-)

I have to think more, about what a module is really trying to 

I'm sure there is a good blog that could come out of this 

(not by me though)

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 08:44:48 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Moreover, it restricts friends to the same module, easing the 
maintenance burden and decreasing the chance of error. It was a 
great decision.

But, a module can contain so many 'friends'.

Q. How many 'friends' does it take, before you lose the capacity 
to reason about who really is a friend?

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 08:29:42 UTC, Alex wrote:

package myPackage;

public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Hello World!");
myClass c = new myClass();
c.myPrivateClassMember= "wtf";

private static class myClass
private String myPrivateClassMember; // private does 
not mean private anymore??

(may the forum forgive me :p )

But a class and its inner classes together, can be still be 
reasoned about locally.

With 'modules', the boundaries of what 'local' means, becomes 
more and more fuzzy, as the module gets longer and longer, and 
more and more complex.

In those circumstances, it becomes much harder to reason locally 
about the correctness of a class.

And a D module can go on..well...for ever.

I would still prefer that classes within a module, at least have 
a capacity to specify access privileges to objects in the same 
module, rather than just trusting everything in that module, 
without exception.

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 09:52:06 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 09:14:26 UTC, psychoticRabbit 

That's make a little uncomfortable, given how long and complex 
modules can easily become(and aleady are)

Is there a practical difference between a) a module that 
contains a class with 20 member functions all accessing private 
members of the class and b) a module that contains a class with 
two member functions and 18 free functions all accessing 
private members of the class? Does it really make a difference 
that some functions are on one side of a closing brace and some 
on the other?

The scenario you mentioned is fine, as long as I don't want to 
protect any of my class members from free functions within the 
module. When I do decide that something in my class really does 
need protection, I have to move the class outside of the module.

This concept is new to me. I have to keep thinking about it. To 
lose control at the level of class encapsulation, and surrender 
it completely to the module, no matter what..well..I'm a little 
unsure about it.

I'd be more comfortable with being able to have your scenario and 
mine 'both work'.

At what point, does 'principled' violation of encapsulation, just 
become a violation of encapsulation?

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 08:44:48 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Any new keywords, or reuse of existing keywords, does make the 
language more complex. Everything that is added must have a 
reason. Private is module level because friend is so common in 
C++, i.e. people find it useful and it would be great to 
support something similar in D. Making modules the lowest level 
of encapsulation does that without the need for an extra 
keyword for friends while still maintaining a strict border 
between external and internal APIs. Moreover, it restricts 
friends to the same module, easing the maintenance burden and 
decreasing the chance of error. It was a great decision.

yeah, I probably agree that it's a good decision, when the module 
is the boundary.

(aka so-called 'principled' violation of encapsulation)

what I don't like, is that I have no way at all to protect 
members of my class, from things in the module, without moving 
that class out of that module.

D wants me to completely trust the module, no matter what.

That's make a little uncomfortable, given how long and complex 
modules can easily become(and aleady are)

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 08:05:43 UTC, psychoticRabbit wrote:

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 06:03:11 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

I think it's a great feature and I use it frequently. It's 
allows more flexibility in class design. Without it, we'd need 
another protection attribute to enable the concept of "private 
to the module".

what about a new access attribute (and no, I haven't though 
this through much):

owned string _FirstName;

(now the class 'owns' this.

It is neither readable nor writeable outside the boundary of 
that class.

This retains the existing flexibilty offered by module level 
encapsulation, while restoring class level 

or another idea:

ownedBy T string _FirstName;

where T could be 'Module' (meaning it works the way it currently 
does. The module can read/write to it).

or T could 'Universe' (where universe means everyone can do 
whatever they want with it).

or T could be 'This'(so class can regain control overs its own 

The default could be ownedBy Module, to retain existing behaviour.

I'd even go further, with extended attributes...

ownedBy Module Read string _FirstName;
ownedBy Module Write string _FirstName;
ownedBy Module ReadWrite string _FirstName;

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 06:03:11 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

I think it's a great feature and I use it frequently. It's 
allows more flexibility in class design. Without it, we'd need 
another protection attribute to enable the concept of "private 
to the module".

what about a new access attribute (and no, I haven't though this 
through much):

owned string _FirstName;

(now the class 'owns' this.

It is neither readable nor writeable outside the boundary of that 

This retains the existing flexibilty offered by module level 
encapsulation, while restoring class level 

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 07:05:48 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
Your thought model is much younger than modules. Modules have 
existed since the mid 70's.
They work, other designs over the years have proven to have 
faults and problems.

D's design is evolved from already existing ideas to try and 
give the best of both worlds and modules is no different.

The reality is, Java and C++ both are great examples where 
module system was added after many years too late. D had it 
built in from the get go and was designed to benefit from it.

I don't have any objection to the idea that a module can have 
privileged access to members of classes within that model. It 
sounds sensible enough, if the module is a level of encapsulation 

My arguments is that, this was implemented in D, at the cost of 
removing the capacity for a class in the same module to protect 
it's own members (within the module). That's what I don't like 
about it.

My other objection, as stated, is that D uses the same syntax as 
C++/C#/Java, but the semantics of that same syntax are completely 
different. I also don't like that.

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 06:43:55 UTC, ketmar wrote:

that is, we should stick to defective design only 'cause there 
is no "other D" that made it right? ;-)

also, your question is not valid. you were told several times 
that you're evaluating the whole thing wrong, but you're 
insisting on your view being right. and you're keep asking, 
omiting the *critical* piece of the picture: modules. you were 
told that in D, encapsulation unit is *module*, not 
class/struct. it is not a "misdesign", it is the proper modular 
design. it doesn't matter what others are doing in this case.

p.s.: yes, i know such language. Delphi/FreePascal.

Gee.. I feel like I'm on a Rust forum, being attacked my their 
sjw moderators.

Whatever happened to the 'discussion' component of these 

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 06:03:11 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

The same applies here. Encapsulation simply isn't broken by 
this feature.

What you're saying, is in D, class encapsulation is really 
'module' encapsulation.

I get it. Fine. It's an intersting design decision.

But, in doing that, D has shifted the boundary of class 
encapsulation, to a boundary that is outside the class.

To me, that sounds like D has broken class encapsulation. I don't 
know how else one could describe it.

I continue to think, that class encapsulation is sacred, a well 
defined, well understood, concept that has been around for a very 
long time.

private could have still meant private, and surely someone could 
have come up with a different access modifier to mean 'private at 
module level'.

Was that too hard the language designers?

Was it not hard, but just to complex to implement?

I don't get it.

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 06:26:13 UTC, Radu wrote:
On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 06:14:49 UTC, psychoticRabbit 

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 06:01:43 UTC, ketmar wrote:

ah, yes, sorry: i completely forgot that C++ was invented 
after c# and java. mea maxima culpa!

My point was, that the 2 most widely used and popular 
languages on the plant, C# and Java, decided NOT to make 
private, something mean else, like D has done.

So the 3 most used languages got it wrong??

Yes, they got it wrong! Because they don't have modules, and 
because Java & C# are OOP bondage-everything-is-a-class, and 
preach that the world spins on classes.

C++ tried to fix it with 'friend', and it shows the hack that 
it is.

Don't know why you think D should be just another Java or C#?

Well I don't really. But one of the great things about D, is that 
a C++/C#/Java programmers can jump right in.

But when the same syntax suddenly means something really 
different, I tend to think that's not a good design decision.

And that's really the main point of my argument.

As I said, this was a real gotcha for me.

I only realised after I accidently tried to modify a private 
member directly, and discovered I did actually modify it!

Maybe, a different modifier that made it private to the module 
would have been a better design decision.

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 06:25:39 UTC, ketmar wrote:

psychoticRabbit wrote:

So the 3 most used languages got it wrong??


do you know any other language, where a private class memeber, is 
not private to the class?

(btw. that's a question, not a statement).

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 06:03:11 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I think it's a great feature and I use it frequently. It's 
allows more flexibility in class design. Without it, we'd need 
another protection attribute to enable the concept of "private 
to the module".

That's kind of my point. That's what I would have done, if for no 
other reason, to prevent the same syntax from having different 
semantics (when C++/C#/Java programmers come over to D).

And I switch between them all, and now, I have to remember D's 
private memeber is something very different indeed.

In Java, it's recommended to manipulate private member 
variables through their accessors even in methods of the same 
class. I've always found that extreme.

Java is extreme in many ways ;-)

but at least, private member, is still a private member (to the 

If my private class memeber can be directly modified outside of 
the class, then class encapsulation IS broken. Just saying, oh 
no, it's module encapsulation you should be thinking about, seems 
kinda strange, since we still use classes - which are their own 
level of encapsulation. That's the whole point of them.

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 05:35:30 UTC, Amorphorious wrote:

There is another problem:

3rd: You are a brainwashed monkey who can't think for himself.

Gee..takes some real brains to come up with that one.

See, You learned a little about C++/C#/Java and think the world 
must conform to what they say is correct and deny everything 
that contradicts it rather than first seeing if you are on the 
wrong side of the contradiction.

The fact is, there is no reason a module should be restricted 
to see it's own classes private members.

Yeah that sounds fine. As long as you're willing to give up the 
concept of class encapsulation.

And, as long as you are willing to have programmers use the same 
syntax in D, as used in the 3 most widely used lanaguages on the 
planet, but get very different semantics. It's a real gotcha for 
those programmers.

It's sorta like a family who runs around pretending that they 
can't see each others private parts. Sure, it sounds like a 
good thing... until someone accidentally drops the towel and 
the offended calls the cop on their brother and has him 
arrested for breaking the law.

I'm not interested in your fanatasies. Keep them to yourself.

You should learn that your view of the world is very minute and 
stop trying to fit the world in to your box. It's called 
growing up. If you can't make a distinction between C++ 
encapsulation and D encapsulation you have far bigger problems 
than you think.

I think the view of the 3 most widely used langauges on the 
planet, is not something to dismiss so easily. D has what, 1000 
programmers, maybe.. so I wonder whose world is really minute.

In any case, I'm not attacking D. I use it. I am just questioning 
whether the different semantics for private, in D, is really 
worth it.

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 06:01:43 UTC, ketmar wrote:

ah, yes, sorry: i completely forgot that C++ was invented after 
c# and java. mea maxima culpa!

My point was, that the 2 most widely used and popular languages 
on the plant, C# and Java, decided NOT to make private, something 
mean else, like D has done.

So the 3 most used languages got it wrong??

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 05:52:55 UTC, ketmar wrote:

psychoticRabbit wrote:

There are two problems I see:

1) it is not how C++ done it.
2) it is not how C++ done it.

and you're completely right: it is not how C++ done it.

umm...didn't you forget something:

1) it is not how C# done it.
2) it is not how C# done it.

1) it is not how Java done it.
2) it is not how Java done it.

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-12 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 02:24:38 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 02:06:57 UTC, psychoticRabbit 

Mmm.. I don't think I like it.

I feel you should be able to make a member of a class, 
private, regardless of where the class is located. This seems 
to break the concept of class encapsulation.

No. I don't like it at all.

If you have access to the module source, you have access to the 
source of types inside it. Making the module the lowest level 
of encapsulation makes sense from that perspective.

There are two problems I see:

1st - D has broken the concept of class encapsulation, simply for 
convenience at the module level. Not good in my opinion.

2nd - C++/C#/Java programmers will come to D, use the same 
syntax, but get very different semantics. Not good in my opinion. 
(i.e. I only realised private was not private, by accident).

D has made many good design decisions. I do not see this as one 
of them.

Re: how to make private class member private

2018-03-12 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 01:39:13 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

private is private to the module, not the class. There is no 
way in D to restrict the rest of the module from accessing the 
members of a class. This simplification makes it so that stuff 
like C++'s friend are unnecessary. If your class in a separate 
module from main, then main won't be able to access its private 

- Jonathan M Davis

Mmm.. I don't think I like it.

I feel you should be able to make a member of a class, private, 
regardless of where the class is located. This seems to break the 
concept of class encapsulation.

No. I don't like it at all.

how to make private class member private

2018-03-12 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

I cannot get my head around, why private is not private, in D.

How do I make a private member, private?

module test;

import std.stdio;

void main()
myClass c = new myClass();
c.myPrivateClassMember= "wtf";

class myClass
private string myPrivateClassMember; // private does not mean 
private anymore??



Re: List installed modules

2018-03-10 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 11 March 2018 at 03:52:19 UTC, psychoticRabbit wrote:

Whether dub does that currently I do not know, as i don't use 
dub, or any additional packages outside of phobos.

oh > dub list   ;-)

Re: List installed modules

2018-03-10 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 11 March 2018 at 01:04:27 UTC, Roberto wrote:

How do I list installed modules?


Re: List installed modules

2018-03-10 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 11 March 2018 at 01:04:27 UTC, Roberto wrote:

How do I list installed modules?

dmd --list-modules

Presumably, you mean packages installed by dub, as opposed to 
what comes with phobos as part of the installation.

If that's what you mean, then that could be an enhancment request 
- i.e. to have dub maintain a list of what's installed, like any 
good package manager should.

Whether dub does that currently I do not know, as i don't use 
dub, or any additional packages outside of phobos.

Re: Speed of math function atan: comparison D and C++

2018-03-05 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 March 2018 at 06:01:27 UTC, J-S Caux wrote:

So the codes are trivial, simply some check of raw speed:

  double x = 0.0;
  for (int a = 0; a < 10; ++a) x += atan(1.0/(1.0 + 
sqrt(1.0 + a)));

for C++ and

  double x = 0.0;
  for (int a = 0; a < 1_000_000_000; ++a) x += atan(1.0/(1.0 + 
sqrt(1.0 + a)));

for D. C++ exec takes 40 seconds, D exec takes 68 seconds.

should a be an int?

make it a double ;-)

Re: string object won't compile

2018-03-05 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 5 March 2018 at 23:34:50 UTC, askjfbd wrote:
Someone please tell me how, for I am a newbie and don't know 
any solutions even to this very simple problem. As I learned 
dlang using the Dlang tour page, I stuck at the alias & Strings 
page. I have tried to compile the following simple code many 
times but still get the same error both from dmd and gdc. They 
both say that...

This is mistake I made too, when i began using D.

I quickly got into the habit of putting

module test;

at the beginning of every file I create, unless I determine a 
better module name.

Actually, I wrote my own IDE, so it does that for me whenever I 
select a new D file.

Personally, I think that is one of the first things newcomers 
need to learn about - modules.

"Modules have a one-to-one correspondence with source files. The 
module name is, by default, the file name with the path and 
extension stripped off, and can be set explicitly with the module 

"Modules automatically provide a namespace scope for their 

Re: single loop copy in D

2018-03-02 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 2 March 2018 at 10:08:57 UTC, Simen Kjærås wrote:

This is of course only partly true.

while ((*dst++ = *src++) != 0) {}

works just great, and also better shows what's actually being 
tested for in the loop.


That's what I was after. Thanks!

single loop copy in D

2018-03-02 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

trying to do this C code, in D, but getting error:
"Error: assignment cannot be used as a condition, perhaps `==` 
was meant?"

any help much appreciated:

while ((*dst++ = *src++)) {}

Re: forcing tabs in regex

2018-02-27 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 28 February 2018 at 01:06:30 UTC, dark777 wrote:

Regex validates years bisexto and not bisextos in format:
const std::regex 

this regex above validates the formats through backreferences.

what is this evil dark magic?

Re: iota to array

2018-02-26 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 27 February 2018 at 00:04:59 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

A 64-bit double can only hold about 14-15 decimal digits of 
precision. Anything past that, and there's a chance your 
"different" numbers are represented by exactly the same bits 
and the computer can't tell the difference.


I really miss not having a (C# like) decimal type.

Re: iota to array

2018-02-26 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 14:52:19 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

1 == 1.0, no?

no. at least, not when a language forces you to think in terms of 

1 is an int.
1.0 is a floating point.

I admit, I've never printed output without using format 
specifiers, but still, if I say write(1.0), it should not go off 
and print what looks to me, like an int.

Inheriting crap from C is no excuse ;-)

and what's going on here btw?

assert( 1 == 1.01 );  // assertion error in DMD 
but not in LDC

assert( 1 == 1.001 );  // no assertion error??

(compiled in 64bit mode)

Re: iota to array

2018-02-25 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 12:13:31 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:
On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 09:30:12 UTC, psychoticRabbit 

I would have preffered it defaulted java style ;-)

System.out.println(1.0); // i.e. it prints 'what I told it to 

System.out.println(1.0); // print 1.0
System.out.println(1.0); // print 1.0

So it doesn't print "what you told it to print"

Andrea Fontana

can someone please design a language that does what I tell it!


is that so hard??

print 1.0 does not mean go and print 1 .. it means go and print 

languages are too much like people.. always thinking for 

I fed up!

fed up I say!

Re: iota to array

2018-02-25 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 08:46:19 UTC, rumbu wrote:
On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 08:08:30 UTC, psychoticRabbit 

But umm what happended to the principle of least 

writeln(1.1); (prints 1.1)
writeln(1.0); (prints 1)

I don't get it. Cause it's 'nicer'??

Because writeln(someFloat) is equivalent to writefln("%g", 
someFloat). And according to printf specification, "trailing 
zeros are removed from the fractional part of the result; a 
decimal point appears only if it is followed by at least one 

oh. that explains it.

I would have preffered it defaulted java style ;-)

System.out.println(1.0); // i.e. it prints 'what I told it to 

Re: iota to array

2018-02-25 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 06:35:07 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

It's not printing ints. It's printing doubles. It's just that 
all of the doubles have nothing to the right of the decimal 
point, so they don't get printed with a decimal point. If you 
did something like start with 1.1, then you'd see decimal 
points, because there would be data to the right of the decimal 
point. The same thing happens if you do


as opposed to something like



But umm what happended to the principle of least astonishment?

writeln(1.1); (prints 1.1)
writeln(1.0); (prints 1)

I don't get it. Cause it's 'nicer'??

I ended up having to work around this:

void printArray(T)(const ref T[] a) if (isArray!(T[]))
if( isFloatingPoint!T)
foreach(t; a) writefln("%.1f", t);
foreach(t; a) writefln("%s", t);


Re: iota to array

2018-02-24 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 25 February 2018 at 05:40:19 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

int[] intArr = iota(1, 11).array();

- Jonathan M Davis


oh man.  It's so easy to do stuff in D ;-)

But this leads me to a new problem now.

When I run my code below, I get ints printed instead of doubles??

module test;

import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.traits : isArray;
import std.array : array;
import std.range : iota;

void main()
int[] intArr = iota(1, 11).array(); // 1..10
double[] doubleArr = iota(1.0, 11.0).array(); // 1.0..10.0
char[] charArr = iota('a', '{').array();  // a..z

printArray(doubleArr); // why is it printing ints instead of 


void printArray(T)(const ref T[] a) if (isArray!(T[]))
foreach(t; a)


iota to array

2018-02-24 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi. Anyone know whether something like this is possible?

I've tried various conversions/casts, but no luck yet.

Essentially, I want to cast the result set of the iota to an 
array, during initialisation of the variable.

no, I don't want to use 'auto'. I want an array object ;-)

module test;

import std.stdio;
import std.range : iota;

void main()
int[] intArr = iota(1, 11); // 1..10
double[] doubleArr = iota(1.0, 11.0); // 1.0..10.0
char[] charArr = iota('a', '{');  // a..z

Re: Template Constraints

2018-02-23 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 24 February 2018 at 04:22:12 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
Why is there anything dodgy going on and why would you need 
contracts? Contracts actually tend to go very badly with 
generic code, because whatever they assert has to be generic, 
and while that works sometimes, more often than not, it doesn't.

- Jonathan M Davis

what if 3.3 is passed to the template, and it explicately casts 
it to an int.

To me, that would be dodgy - unless there was a contract, that I 
had accepted and agreed to, so that this not dodgy.

Re: Template Constraints

2018-02-23 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 24 February 2018 at 03:58:48 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

Whether an implicit cast or an explicit cast makes more sense 
depends entirely on what the code is doing, but either way, the 
conversion needs to be forced inside the function, or you end 
up with bugs. Far too often, when someone has a template 
constraint that checks an implicit conversion, the function 
doesn't actually force the conversion, and that can do anything 
from resulting in some instantiations not compiling to causing 
subtle bugs due to the argument being used without being 
converted. In general, it's actually best to avoid conversions 
entirely with generic code and force the caller to do the 
conversion if a conversion is appropriate.

But ultimately, what works best depends on what the code is 
trying to do.

- Jonathan M Davis

yeah it's hard to say much more without knowing what the code 
really wants to do..but presumably, you'd want to incorporate 
some contract programming in such a solution too, particulary 
given there's something potentially dodgy going on within such a 

Re: Template Constraints

2018-02-23 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 24 February 2018 at 03:43:25 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
That does not do what the OP requested at all. That tests 
whether T is one of byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, 
long, and ulong, whereas what the OP wants is to test whether T 
can be cast to int.

- Jonathan M Davis

yeah. I realised that after I had posted.

I posted a more suitable response after that though (I hope), 
with the intention of leading the OP away from an explicit cast, 
towards an implicit cast.

Re: Template Constraints

2018-02-23 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 24 February 2018 at 03:30:45 UTC, psychoticRabbit 

On Saturday, 24 February 2018 at 02:54:13 UTC, Jonathan wrote:
I am having trouble finding many useful explanations of using 
template constraints beyond basic usage.

I would like to have a template constrant to enforce that a 
type can be explicitly cast to another type:

void (T)(T t)
if (cast(int) T)//force `cast(int) T` to be 

// Yay I know `t` can be cast to an `int`!

Is this possible?

import std.traits : isIntegral;
void testTemplate(T)(T x) if (isIntegral!T)
writeln(x, " is an integral. yeah!");


or this is probably more suitable ;-)

(should you really be using an explicity convert anyway?)

void testTemplate2(T)(T x) if (isImplicitlyConvertible!(T, int))
writeln(x, " is implicitly convertible to an int. yeah!");


Re: Template Constraints

2018-02-23 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 24 February 2018 at 02:54:13 UTC, Jonathan wrote:
I am having trouble finding many useful explanations of using 
template constraints beyond basic usage.

I would like to have a template constrant to enforce that a 
type can be explicitly cast to another type:

void (T)(T t)
if (cast(int) T)//force `cast(int) T` to be possible
// Yay I know `t` can be cast to an `int`!

Is this possible?

import std.traits : isIntegral;
void testTemplate(T)(T x) if (isIntegral!T)
writeln(x, " is an integral. yeah!");


Re: Template Constraints

2018-02-23 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 24 February 2018 at 02:54:13 UTC, Jonathan wrote:
I am having trouble finding many useful explanations of using 
template constraints beyond basic usage.

I would like to have a template constrant to enforce that a 
type can be explicitly cast to another type:

void (T)(T t)
if (cast(int) T)//force `cast(int) T` to be possible
// Yay I know `t` can be cast to an `int`!

Is this possible?

I would have thought contracts would be ideal here?

Re: Building from source on FreeBSD

2018-02-21 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 21 February 2018 at 11:41:18 UTC, Diederik de Groot 
Removing the pragma(lib, "curl") seems to fix the issue on DFly 
(and FreeBSD). Updated the pull request.
I guess pragma(lib, xxx) needs a little bit of attention to see 
what causes it not to work.

something to do with this perhaps?

in any case, that line doesn't even need to be there AFAICT.

dget builds and works just fine with it commented out.

I've commented it out on my linux builds too.

Re: Building from source on FreeBSD

2018-02-19 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 19 February 2018 at 12:01:31 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
I've never been able to figure this problem out, so I've I 
always just edited the makefile so that the two programs in 
CURL_TOOLS aren't built. IIRC, if you use -v to see the full 
linker command, it's even actually linking to the curl library 
that's there but somehow not succeeding. It's all quite weird. 
It's been a while since I dug into it though.

- Jonathan M Davis

ok... so I decided to dig into it a little further.

seems the problem relates to a single line, in dget.d

pragma(lib, "curl");

I just commented out the one line in dget.d, and it all seems to 
build ok (including dget). So no need to comment out tools in 
posix.mak anymore.

Re: Building from source on FreeBSD

2018-02-19 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 19 February 2018 at 12:01:31 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
I've never been able to figure this problem out, so I've I 
always just edited the makefile so that the two programs in 
CURL_TOOLS aren't built. IIRC, if you use -v to see the full 
linker command, it's even actually linking to the curl library 
that's there but somehow not succeeding. It's all quite weird. 
It's been a while since I dug into it though.

- Jonathan M Davis

Thanks for the quick response.

So I took your advice and just commented out (as per below), and 
now it all builds fine - AFAICT ;-)

61:all: $(TOOLS) $(CURL_TOOLS) $(ROOT)/dustmite

61:all: $(TOOLS) $(ROOT)/dustmite
76:$(TOOLS) $(DOC_TOOLS) $(TEST_TOOLS): $(ROOT)/%: %.d

Building from source on FreeBSD

2018-02-19 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

So I finally got around to building from source.

I have builds working just fine on a variety of linux machines, 
it's just a FreeBSD problem I'm having.

So, on FreeBSD, I can build the dmd directory, and the phobos 
directory ok.

When building tools directory, most tools get built ok, but the 
build process stops during something to do with curl..

gmake -f posix.mak -j8  (yeah on FreeBSD use gmake not make)

... (bunch of stuff builds ok.. then this next line)
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcurl
cc: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see 

Error: linker exited with status 1
gmake: *** [posix.mak:77: generated/freebsd/64/dget] Error 1
gmake: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs

Yes, I do have the FreeBSD curl package installed - curl-7.56.0

Yes, curl is in the path> which curl -> /usr/local/bin/curl

So I can only assume my FreeBSD machine is missing some curl 
related library/package??

Any help would be appreciated.

Re: countUntil to print all the index of a given string.

2018-02-18 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 18 February 2018 at 15:23:14 UTC, Cym13 wrote:

On Sunday, 18 February 2018 at 14:48:59 UTC, Cym13 wrote:


Just thought of a much better/simpler solution for that last 
case that also doesn't force you to read all data (which might 
be impossible when dealing with infinite ranges):

import std.range;
import std.algorithm;

 .enumerate   // get tuples (index, 
 .filter!(t => t[1] == "Test2")   // keep only if value == 
 .map!(t => t[0]) // keep only the index 


Completely lazy.

A nice example of how D's multiparadigm programming model allows 
the utilisation of algorithms that can scale to process massive 

There is an article in there somewhere ;-)

Re: Disk space used and free size of a Network share folder in Windows

2018-02-14 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 14 February 2018 at 15:24:42 UTC, Vino wrote:
...the only problem is i am not sure hot to get the out put 
without the headings(Caption  FreeSpace,Size) any help on same 
is much appreciated.


Re: Disk space used and free size of a Network share folder in Windows

2018-02-14 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 14 February 2018 at 12:29:13 UTC, rikki cattermole 


any idea on how I'd convert this C# code to D?

public class Program

[return:MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] static extern bool
GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(string lpDirectoryName,
out ulong lpFreeBytesAvailable,
out ulong lpTotalNumberOfBytes,
out ulong lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes);

static void Main()
string dir = "C:\\";

ulong lpFreeBytesAvailable;
ulong lpTotalNumberOfBytes;
ulong lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes;

GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(dir, out lpFreeBytesAvailable, out 
lpTotalNumberOfBytes, out lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes);




Re: import strangeness with std.stdio.write

2018-02-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 February 2018 at 14:21:31 UTC, bauss wrote:

What you can do is use aliases to use both functions.

import io = std.stdio;

void main()
import file = std.file;

io.writeln("hello again");

that's a nice simple solution.


Re: import strangeness with std.stdio.write

2018-02-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 February 2018 at 14:18:05 UTC, ketmar wrote:

psychoticRabbit wrote:

Also, if I do this below, how does the compiler choose the 
correct write function?

import std.stdio;
import std.file;

void main()
 writeln("hello again");

it's easy: just take a look at `std.file.write()`. first, it 
require two arguments. this is enough to rule 
`stf.file.write()` out in your case.

oh..function overloading..makes sense.

thanks again.

Re: import strangeness with std.stdio.write

2018-02-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 February 2018 at 13:57:38 UTC, ketmar wrote:
`std.file` has function named `write()` too. and local import 
completely shadows global imports (i.e. it removes global 
imports from overload set for the given scope), hence 
`std.stdio.write()` is not available there.

"..local import completely shadows global imports"

oh... I didn't realised imports are subject to scope rules in 
that way.

This new knowledge will certainly prevent some ongoing confusion 


Also, if I do this below, how does the compiler choose the 
correct write function?

import std.stdio;
import std.file;

void main()
writeln("hello again");

Re: import strangeness with std.stdio.write

2018-02-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 13 February 2018 at 13:52:37 UTC, rikki cattermole 

On 13/02/2018 1:46 PM, psychoticRabbit wrote:

So, strange problem below.

The commented-out line will not compile (if I un-comment it), 
unless I either move std.stdio into main, or, move std.file 
out of main.

Whereas writeln works just fine as is.

module test;

import std.stdio;

void main()
     import std.file;

     writeln("hello again");

write exists in both, writeln exists only in std.stdio.

Use named imports to pick which write you want. must have posted as I why posting ;-)

That makes sense then. Thanks for clearing that up.

And I should have read the compiler message more clearly..cause 
the answer was in that error message (more or less)

Re: import strangeness with std.stdio.write

2018-02-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 13 February 2018 at 13:46:11 UTC, psychoticRabbit 

So, strange problem below.

The commented-out line will not compile (if I un-comment it), 
unless I either move std.stdio into main, or, move std.file out 
of main.

Whereas writeln works just fine as is.

module test;

import std.stdio;

void main()
import std.file;

writeln("hello again");

I should add, that this problem seems directly related to 

i.e. if I replace std.file, with say, std.conv, then the write 
function (once uncommented) will compile ok.

import strangeness with std.stdio.write

2018-02-13 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

So, strange problem below.

The commented-out line will not compile (if I un-comment it), 
unless I either move std.stdio into main, or, move std.file out 
of main.

Whereas writeln works just fine as is.

module test;

import std.stdio;

void main()
import std.file;

writeln("hello again");

Re: No error message in DMD 2.078.2

2018-02-12 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 13 February 2018 at 05:51:05 UTC, Domain wrote:

module main;

void main ()

Of course, this won't compile, but error message is confused:

C:\Git\hello\source>dmd app.d
app.d(5): Error:
object.Error@(0): Access Violation

0x77E40608 in RtlAllocateHeap
0x77E3EB5E in RtlAllocateHeap
0x77E2DD5A in RtlRandom


I get a good enough error message(v2.078.2)

Exit code is: 1
..Error: `writeln` is not defined, perhaps `import std.stdio;` is 

Sounds more like you have env issues.

Re: Fixed size array initialization

2018-02-10 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 11 February 2018 at 01:13:00 UTC, psychoticRabbit 

Well, in C.. I can do:

int arr[2] = { [0]=10, [1]=20 };

I cannot work out how to do that in D yet (anyone know??)

Oh. just worked it out after reading this thread ;-)

int[2] arr = [ 0:10, 1:20 ];

Re: Fixed size array initialization

2018-02-10 Thread psychoticRabbit via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 10 February 2018 at 10:55:30 UTC, rumbu wrote:

I have a large static initialized array, let's say int[155], 
and I forgot to declare the last element:

int[155] myarray = [
  //forgot to declare the 155th element

Well, in C.. I can do:

int arr[2] = { [0]=10, [1]=20 };

I cannot work out how to do that in D yet (anyone know??)

In the meantime, I'd suggest doing it this way, as you're more 
likely to see that whether you forgot an element:

int[2] arr;
arr[0] = 10;
arr[1] = 20;