Re: [Elecraft] KAF2, KDSP2 or BMF2

2006-04-06 Thread Alexandra Carter
Glad you posted this, it's a FB handy household hint to save hearing! 
73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 6, 2006, at 11:01 PM, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

Look at these commercial operators at work for examples of what Jim is
talking about:


-Original Message-


A lot of us "older hams" developed the habit of wearing our "cans" (as
the headphones were
known) a bit in front of our ears when working CW. 

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RE: [Elecraft] KAF2, KDSP2 or BMF2

2006-04-06 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Look at these commercial operators at work for examples of what Jim is
talking about:


-Original Message-


A lot of us "older hams" developed the habit of wearing our "cans" (as 
the headphones were
known) a bit in front of our ears when working CW.  I still do it.  It 
protects my ears from
sudden loud sounds.  It also cuts down on the ringing in my ears.  There 
is almost nothing as
hard on hearing as pumping loud sounds directly down the ear canal.  A 
lot of young folk
will discover this the hard way when their hearing starts to disappear 
one of these days.


W4BQP since '53
K2 #2268

michael taylor wrote:

>I am still left wondering though about the "ringing" in my ears after 
>listening in on older hams operate a station during Field Day. Several 
>hams I know have complained of hearing lost and only one can pin it on 
>his day job in a machine shop, rather than too much time listening to a 
>loud radio to attempt to understand a signal underneath the QRN and 

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Re: [Elecraft] KDSP2 v KAF2

2006-04-06 Thread Vic K2VCO


Using the KDSP2 set with a Beta of 95 and a Decay of 30 has helped me
to to copy fast contest CW using MixW 2.16 well enough to

Interesting.  I didn't change the beta from the default of 89, but I 
found that reducing the decay to 30 was just about optimal for copying 
weak CW signals by ear.

So I guess MixW and I think alike!
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2, KDSP2 or BMF2

2006-04-06 Thread Jim Campbell


A lot of us "older hams" developed the habit of wearing our "cans" (as 
the headphones were
known) a bit in front of our ears when working CW.  I still do it.  It 
protects my ears from
sudden loud sounds.  It also cuts down on the ringing in my ears.  There 
is almost nothing as
hard on hearing as pumping loud sounds directly down the ear canal.  A 
lot of young folk
will discover this the hard way when their hearing starts to disappear 
one of these days.


W4BQP since '53
K2 #2268

michael taylor wrote:

I am still left wondering though about the "ringing" in my ears after
listening in on older hams operate a station during Field Day. Several
hams I know have complained of hearing lost and only one can pin it on
his day job in a machine shop, rather than too much time listening to
a loud radio to attempt to understand a signal underneath the QRN and


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[Elecraft] KDSP2 v KAF2

2006-04-06 Thread sheajohnw
My K2 is equipped with the KDSP2.  I enjoy casual contesting, but have only 
modest CW copying skills.  In order to participate in contests between digital 
events, I have tried making search and pounce contacts in CW contests using 
MixW decoding as an aid.  

Using the KDSP2 set with a Beta of 95 and a Decay of 30 has helped me to to 
copy fast contest CW using MixW 2.16 well enough to participate.  I have found 
that MixW can copy fast contest keyboard keyed code reasonably well with the 
denoiser on.  With the DSP off, the background hiss severely degrades the S/N 
ratio and copy for strong to moderate strength signals making CW MixW contest 
participation impractical using my K2 and small low antennas.   

CW MixW copy is poor when signals are weak, even if the CW tone is clear enough 
for easy manual copy.  Narrowing crystal or DSP audio filters has not increased 
the S/N ratio enough to improve MixW copy of weak signals for me, but will 
eliminate annoying nearby signals.  

Turning off the K2 AGC and controlling audio volume using RF gain has allowed 
me to copy some of the stronger weak signals.  I always use the KDSP2 for CW. 

MixW with KDSP2 denoiser on has also enabled me to make CW DX QSOs.  

My K2 has the original narrow 2.2K OPT1 Filter.   I do not use the DSP denoiser 
with SSB phone reception unless the background noise is annoying.  I have found 
that the KDSP2 denoiser in my rig reduces background hiss and QRM when 
listening to SSB phone, but can also introduce an unpleasant watery element to 
the voice sound quality.  For me, the best SSB phone copy with DSP noise 
reduction on has been obtained using a Beta of 95 and a decay of 07 where hiss 
and QRM is significantly reduced with only a minor distortion of voice sound 
I have never used a KAF2 and can make no comparison.
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[Elecraft] Power output on my KX1

2006-04-06 Thread Paul Gates, KD3JF
Here are the results of my KX1 with the 80/30 module installed: 

With 13.5 Power Supply: 
80 Meters. 3.5 watts 
40 Meters. 2.8 watts 
30 Meters..3.5 watts 
20 Meters..2.3 watts 

With Internal Batteries <8.2 Volts> Lithium 
80 Meters..1.8 watts 
40 Meters..1.3 watts 
30 Meters..1.6 watts 
20 Meters..1.3 watts 

Actually I am not backpacking any more because of my knees but I do go to parks 
close by. My favorite is a National Park Fort Baltimore, 
MD I am using a 24 foot antenna with a 33 ft. counterpoise. I doubt that I 
am going to use the internal batteries very much because I have a 7amphr sealed 
battery that I plan to set on the picnic table!! The main reason I like Fort 
McHenry is the KX1 and the K1 are free from any noise on the receivers. It is 
such a relief from the S-8 noise that I have at home. 

Paul, KD3JF 
Central Maryland 
FM19qd (Map Grid Square)
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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2, KDSP2 or BMF2

2006-04-06 Thread michael taylor
On 4/6/06, Lee Buller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> low cost.  the BMF2 is Bio-Mass Filter for the K2.  You can have BMF1 for the 
> K1.
> It is called your brain.  Best filter in the world.  Fastest and most complex 
> computer
> yet devised.

I agree with your statements, the brain is an incredible device, and
amazing flexible in adapting to various situations.

I am still left wondering though about the "ringing" in my ears after
listening in on older hams operate a station during Field Day. Several
hams I know have complained of hearing lost and only one can pin it on
his day job in a machine shop, rather than too much time listening to
a loud radio to attempt to understand a signal underneath the QRN and

Perhaps a not so obvious feature, if it is true, is through the use of
either KAF2 or KDSP2 hams listen at a "safer" volume with less risk of
further hearing lost, by helping our brain by filtering out at least
some of the noise before the brain tries to decode the signal,
allowing comfortable listening at a lower volume because your brain is
not "working" as hard to separate out the signal from as much noise.

I don't know, I am just wondering if anyone agrees or disagrees with
that aspect of using additional "hearing aids".
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[Elecraft] KX3080 working now!

2006-04-06 Thread Randy Rathbun NV0U

Hash: SHA1

And there was much rejoicing (yaaa)

Dunno what exactly the problem was. I pulled L1 and L2 off the LPF  
board, retinned the leads, and now it seems to be working. Getting  
1.0W out on 80, 2.0 on 40, 2.5 on 30 and 3.0 on 20. I need to retweak  
the green L2 (or is it L1? - too lazy too look at the manual while I  
type this) but I pronounce this rig cured. Thanks to all for the  
hints (as usual - you guys really offer some great advice!) and the  
power out measurements. I certainly appreciate it!

73 fer now...

Randy Rathbun NV0U
K2#1981, kx1 #1318, ARS #895, QRPARCI #10776, FP#1292, KCQRP #1

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)

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Re: [Elecraft] WA3WSJ Red Hot Vertical - Backpacker's Special!

2006-04-06 Thread Alexandra Carter
Sir, you are my hero, since you are not just talking about designing 
antennas, you are designing 'em.

Let me know your web site or something when this is ready for prime 
time, I may well buy one!

73 de Alex NS6Y

On Apr 6, 2006, at 6:27 PM, Edward R. Breneiser wrote:

Hello all!

I'm very excited about this vertical as hiking season is here.
I'm still in the prove-in stage, but it looks very promising.
I have a vertical antenna system that should weigh-in around
7oz excluding the coax on 40m, 30m and 20m with SWRs
around 1.5 or so. Today I just added some 15m components and it looks
good on 15m too. It looks like I'll use a separate radiator for 15m and
10m. So I now have a small lightweight vertical for the trail that
plays on 40m,30m,20m,15m and 10m. All the pieces fit in a small baggie
and weigh-in around 9oz for 5-band operation! This vertical is designed
to hang from a tree etc. More to come soon as I now look to further
refine the system.

Oh yes - no tuner needed!

One last item before I head up to watch TV, don't forget to look for
N7UN, NU3E and WA3WSJ operating from the AT in NJ next Saturday and
Sunday morning. We plan to hike inside the Delaware Water Gap and play
radio. I'll be testing my Red Hot Vertical during the hike.


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[Elecraft] WA3WSJ Red Hot Vertical - Backpacker's Special!

2006-04-06 Thread Edward R. Breneiser
Hello all!

I'm very excited about this vertical as hiking season is here.
I'm still in the prove-in stage, but it looks very promising.
I have a vertical antenna system that should weigh-in around
7oz excluding the coax on 40m, 30m and 20m with SWRs 
around 1.5 or so. Today I just added some 15m components and it looks
good on 15m too. It looks like I'll use a separate radiator for 15m and
10m. So I now have a small lightweight vertical for the trail that
plays on 40m,30m,20m,15m and 10m. All the pieces fit in a small baggie
and weigh-in around 9oz for 5-band operation! This vertical is designed
to hang from a tree etc. More to come soon as I now look to further
refine the system.
Oh yes - no tuner needed!

One last item before I head up to watch TV, don't forget to look for
N7UN, NU3E and WA3WSJ operating from the AT in NJ next Saturday and
Sunday morning. We plan to hike inside the Delaware Water Gap and play
radio. I'll be testing my Red Hot Vertical during the hike.


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Re: [Elecraft] Kenwood MC-43S hand held mic for sale

2006-04-06 Thread Charlie, W0YG

Thanks for all the responses.  The mic has now sold.



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[Elecraft] KAF2, KDSP2 or BMF2

2006-04-06 Thread Lee Buller
I've been following the neat discussion on filtering with the K2 and find it 
quite interesting.  I have obtain a new type of filter that did not cost me 
anything.  Now the KAF2 worked well for me, but I felt the BMF2 worked better.  
I have not tried toeh KDSP2 yet (it is rather pricey) so I have stuck with the 
BMF2 filter along with the K2's crystal filters.  The BMF2 works well, travels 
very well, and can be put in or out of the circuit without too much trouble.  
BMF2 has a very low power consumption and doesn't not take any power from the 
K2.  Perfect for portable operation too, although I use mine in the shack all 
the time.  It is low cost.  the BMF2 is Bio-Mass Filter for the K2.  You can 
have BMF1 for the K1.  It is called your brain.  Best filter in the world.  
Fastest and most complex computer yet devised.
  Lee - K0WA

In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply.  If you don't 
have any Common Sense - get some and use it.  If you can't find any common 
sense, ask for help from somebody who has some common sense.
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[Elecraft] K7TQ - Please contact me via e-mail

2006-04-06 Thread Tom Hammond
Randy (K7TQ) - Please drop me an e-mail... can't find your e-mail 
address in QRZ.COM.


Tom   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Rob Locher W7GH
Idiom Press make a SCAF-based audio filter called the SCAF-1.  It's a  
low-pass filter with a variable upper cutoff frequency.  It also operates  
in real-time with no ringing.  Recordings of the SCAF-1 in action are  
available on the web site:

The standard disclaimer does NOT apply...

- Rob
K2 #5004

On Thu, 06 Apr 2006 11:24:55 -0700, Rick Dettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Keith - I do CW only and use the KAF2 and think that it is an  
But not to decrease bandwith, the IF filters handle that chore very  
well.  A
bandpass or lowpass  AF filter cleans up internal noise that I find  

Another solution maybe headphones that cut off high frequencies.  I
currently use Sony headphones that have good high audio frequency  
so the audio filter is very helpfull.  I like the comfort of the Sonys  
would like CW phones that cut off frequencies above 600 hz. or so.  I  

have a passive outboard bandpass filter constructed from 88mh inductors.
The signal is very clean but the response is actually too sharp for most
use.  I would rather it were designed as a low pass filter.  This would
clean up all electronic noise.73 - Rick - K7MW

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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Mike Harris
G'day folks,

Let's widen the question to make it KAF2 or KDSP2 or NOTHING?  Does the
basic K2's crystal filtering work well enough that you (any of you)
would be happy with no AF filtering or does the AF/DSP filtering add
enough that you wouldn't want to be without it?

Unless there has been a circuit change in the stock K2 AF chain, the KAF2 
has the advantage of introducing a fixed low-pass filter which really 
cleans up the hf hiss in the audio.  It made listening to SSB a much nicer 
experience.  Given the choice of just a KAF2 or nothing I would take the 
KAF2 every time if only for this.

I believe someone mentioned that the KDSP2 tracks the crystal filter, it 
doesn't, and it always defaults to the first (af) filter settings on power 

I could live without the KDSP2 but in its absence not the KAF2 for reasons 
mentioned above, I have both.

On another subject, what has happened to the Logger32 site, the domain has 
been out of action for weeks.


Mike VP8NO 

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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Roland & Elvie Whitsitt

I would strain to hear a P5!
Roland n5vwn
- Original Message - 
To: "'Dave Lowenstein'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'Elecraft Group'" 

Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 10:24 AM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

Same here, Dave. I operate for fun. When signals are so bad I have to 
in $300 filters, it's time to find someone stronger or QRT.  I can't 
a QSO so important that I have to strain to hear it. I had a KAF2 and had 

chance to sell it to save for a KDSP2. I found I could still do what I do
with the built-in crystal filters.

Others have other requirements, of course.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Lowenstein
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 9:49 AM
To: Elecraft Group
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

I find the crystal filter more than adequate for my type of CW operation 

have felt no need to add any audio filtering.


- Original Message -
From: "Darwin, Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Elecraft Group" 
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 9:14 AM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

Great reply Vic,

Let's widen the question to make it KAF2 or KDSP2 or NOTHING?  Does the
basic K2's crystal filtering work well enough that you (any of you)
would be happy with no AF filtering or does the AF/DSP filtering add
enough that you wouldn't want to be without it?

- Keith KD1E -

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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2

2006-04-06 Thread Chuck Gehring
I operate CW only and have the KAF2 and the KDSP2 installed in my K2.  For the 
most part I find that I only need the XFIL set to FL2 at 500Hz.  However there 
are times when the bands are crowded or noisy and I am trying to work a weak 
signal.  Then I find that the KDSP2 with the Denoiser and CW Filter Gain 
adjusted for 12db gain to be very helpful in picking up the weak stations.  I 
really like being able to tweak and adjust the KDSP2 filters with its very 
large selection of settings and adjustments.  

73, KI4DGH
Chuck Gehring
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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Randy Rathbun NV0U

Hash: SHA1

I spent a few years with just the stock K2 when it came to audio  
filtering. Thought it was great just like it was. Last year I put the  
DSP filter in. Now I am sold on it. I love the noise removal function  
on the thing. I find that if the noise blanker can't get rid of it,  
then the DSP usually can. Yes, it sometimes messes with your mind as  
the audio can sound like it is underwater, but it does not do that  
too often. I have found that if it sounds like that then I have  
something set up wrong - the filter is too narrow or something like  
that. A few seconds of button pressing usually solves that pretty quick.

If I had it to do again, I would still go the DSP route over the base  

On Apr 6, 2006, at 1:15 PM, Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy wrote:

Keith KD1E wrote on Thursday, April 06, 2006 5:14 PM

Great reply Vic,

Let's widen the question to make it KAF2 or KDSP2 or NOTHING?  Does  

basic K2's crystal filtering work well enough that you (any of you)
would be happy with no AF filtering or does the AF/DSP filtering add
enough that you wouldn't want to be without it?

Randy Rathbun NV0U
K2 #1981 KX1#1318
QRPARCI #10776, ARS #895, FPQRP #1292, KCQRP #1

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)

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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Rick Dettinger
Keith - I do CW only and use the KAF2 and think that it is an improvement.
But not to decrease bandwith, the IF filters handle that chore very well.  A
bandpass or lowpass  AF filter cleans up internal noise that I find tiring.
Another solution maybe headphones that cut off high frequencies.  I
currently use Sony headphones that have good high audio frequency response
so the audio filter is very helpfull.  I like the comfort of the Sonys but
would like CW phones that cut off frequencies above 600 hz. or so.  I also
have a passive outboard bandpass filter constructed from 88mh inductors.
The signal is very clean but the response is actually too sharp for most
use.  I would rather it were designed as a low pass filter.  This would
clean up all electronic noise.73 - Rick - K7MW  - Original
Message -
From: "Darwin, Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Elecraft Group" 
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 9:14 AM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

Great reply Vic,

Let's widen the question to make it KAF2 or KDSP2 or NOTHING?  Does the
basic K2's crystal filtering work well enough that you (any of you)
would be happy with no AF filtering or does the AF/DSP filtering add
enough that you wouldn't want to be without it?

- Keith KD1E -

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vic K2VCO

Recently, I took out the DSP and put back the KAF2.  After getting used
to missing the noise reduction, I found that I prefer the KAF2.
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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy

Keith KD1E wrote on Thursday, April 06, 2006 5:14 PM

Great reply Vic,

Let's widen the question to make it KAF2 or KDSP2 or NOTHING?  Does the
basic K2's crystal filtering work well enough that you (any of you)
would be happy with no AF filtering or does the AF/DSP filtering add
enough that you wouldn't want to be without it?

Very very seldom use the KAF2, and don't have a KDSP2.

73, Geoff

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[Elecraft] KDSP2 or KAF2 - resume.

2006-04-06 Thread Alexander Ponomarenko

Hi OM's & YL's!

My favorite mode is CW. And I'm live in big industrial town (QRM).
Now I think that the rigt way for me - it's KAF2.
Hope with this option I will better selected a weak signals from QRM/QRN.
But internal K2 XTAL-filter is great!

Thanks for everyone for interesting discussion.

72 & 73! de UR5LAM
Alexander Ponomarenko
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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Lyle Johnson
One nice feature of the DSP for CW operation is the ability to open up 
the filters for bands that seem to be dead or have little activity.

You set the crystal filter to its widest bandwidth and put the DSP in LP 
(its widest setting).  Activate the denoiser.

The band is quiet, background noise heavily suppressed.

If a signal pops up anywhere in the passband -- even a weak one -- the 
DSP nearly instantly builds a narrow filter around it.  Somewhat like 
squelch on an FM radio, you hear the signal when it is there, and it is 
really quiet when no signals are present.

It really helps reduce listening fatigue for monitoring.

Now, with the current sunspot situation, I am sure this never happens, 
but if it did... :-)


Lyle KK7P

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RE: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Kurt Cramer

It depends on whether you want to get rid of those nasty carriers or
bust them.

Some people use these radios on SSB.

73, Kurt

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RE: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Keith, KD1E wrote:
When I had narrow filtering in my Omni V I found that S/N did not increase
as bandwidth decreased.  Instead, the noise began to sound like signal since
both were at the same frequency.  Add some filter ringing to the mix and
sometimes the narrowest settings made copy worse.

As always, I reserve the right to change my mind as I get more operating
time with various rigs :-)


I, too, have had Keith's experience. 

Over the years I use narrow filters ONLY when absolutely needed to remove
extremely loud QRM. Most often I listen to CW using my >2 kHz OPT1 filter.
Perhaps it's a result of having learned to listen to CW as an SWL and Novice
many years ago using regenerative receivers and simple superhets for which 6
to 8 kHz bandwidths were typical. 

And the CW bands were a lot more crowded then, typically, than today. 

That doesn't mean that I didn't have exotic filters. The most exotic filter
yet developed is the one between our ears. It has to be trained, however.
For speech, we do that instinctively from childhood by listening. Who hasn't
picked out a single voice across the room at a crowded party and heard every
word in spite of a dozen or more other voices also carrying on at the same
time. It only gets really hard when some character starts shouting in our
ear so we can't hear the other voice through the hubbub. 

We can learn to do the same with CW. Of course, the first step is to avoid
having the signal we want to hear made quieter, which is why I avoid AGC for
most listening. It responds to the aggregate of signals in the bandpass. I
want it to leave my volume where I set it. With most receivers I like having
a hard limiter that doesn't let any signal exceed a certain threshold
regardless without affecting the other signals. I've never fashioned one for
my K2 because I haven't found that the K2 seems to need it.

Very, very rarely do I find the copy better at narrower bandwidths for just
the reason Keith observes: the narrower bandwidths tend to concentrate all
the energy in the bandpass of the filter. It's like trying to listen to
someone in a crowded room when a whole group of people are talking at about
the same volume, with the same basic pitch to their voices, with similar
inflections and pace to their speech (the bane of the keyer!!). 

Another advantage of using wide bandwidths is being aware of what's going on
around the frequency too. Unless the other station is really whizzing along
requiring my full attention to avoid missing words, I can keep track of
several QSO's around the frequency, again just like being a party. One
doesn't have to catch every word to have a good sense of what's being said
here and there while still paying quite close attention to the person I'm
talking with.

It's something that almost anyone can learn with practice. And you already
own the filter! 

Ron AC7AC 

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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Vic K2VCO

Darwin, Keith wrote:

When I had narrow filtering in my Omni V I found that S/N did not
increase as bandwidth decreased.  Instead, the noise began to sound like
signal since both were at the same frequency.  Add some filter ringing
to the mix and sometimes the narrowest settings made copy worse.

It depends on the type of noise.  Impulse noise, the kind that noise 
blankers work best with, has its duration lengthened by a sharp filter, 
which makes it worse.  Atmospheric noise, like that caused by 
thunderstorms is particularly bad because it contains sharp rise-time 
pulses but they are distributed in such a way that noise blankers 
generally don't work on it.  But many types of noise are reduced 
(relative to the signal) by narrowing the bandwidth.

The narrow filter is just another tool in the toolbox that sometimes is 
useful.  Actually, I have the KAF2, an OHR SCAF, and a Timewave DSP 59+ 
all hooked up, and under noisy conditions it's interesting to see the 
effects of each of them.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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RE: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread EricJ
Same here, Dave. I operate for fun. When signals are so bad I have to crank
in $300 filters, it's time to find someone stronger or QRT.  I can't imagine
a QSO so important that I have to strain to hear it. I had a KAF2 and had a
chance to sell it to save for a KDSP2. I found I could still do what I do
with the built-in crystal filters.

Others have other requirements, of course.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Lowenstein
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 9:49 AM
To: Elecraft Group
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

I find the crystal filter more than adequate for my type of CW operation and
have felt no need to add any audio filtering.


- Original Message -
From: "Darwin, Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Elecraft Group" 
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 9:14 AM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

Great reply Vic,

Let's widen the question to make it KAF2 or KDSP2 or NOTHING?  Does the
basic K2's crystal filtering work well enough that you (any of you)
would be happy with no AF filtering or does the AF/DSP filtering add
enough that you wouldn't want to be without it?

- Keith KD1E -

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RE: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Darwin, Keith
When I had narrow filtering in my Omni V I found that S/N did not
increase as bandwidth decreased.  Instead, the noise began to sound like
signal since both were at the same frequency.  Add some filter ringing
to the mix and sometimes the narrowest settings made copy worse.

As always, I reserve the right to change my mind as I get more operating
time with various rigs :-)

- Keith KD1E - 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vic K2VCO
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 12:54 PM
To: Elecraft Group
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

Selectivity has two functions: to reject QRM and to increase the
signal/noise ratio by narrowing the bandwidth.  The crystal filter in
the K2 is usually sufficient for QRM reduction, with the help of the
"built-in wetware filter" in the human brain.

However, it *is* advantageous to have the narrowest practical bandwidth
when receiving a weak CW signal; the signal's energy is concentrated in
a very narrow range of frequencies -- maybe 50 Hz is required for usual
CW speeds -- while the noise is evenly distributed over the bandpass of
the receiver.  I find it useful to have a narrow audio filter available
for this reason.
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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Vic K2VCO

Darwin, Keith wrote:

Let's widen the question to make it KAF2 or KDSP2 or NOTHING?  Does the
basic K2's crystal filtering work well enough that you (any of you)
would be happy with no AF filtering or does the AF/DSP filtering add
enough that you wouldn't want to be without it?

Selectivity has two functions: to reject QRM and to increase the 
signal/noise ratio by narrowing the bandwidth.  The crystal filter in 
the K2 is usually sufficient for QRM reduction, with the help of the 
"built-in wetware filter" in the human brain.

However, it *is* advantageous to have the narrowest practical bandwidth 
when receiving a weak CW signal; the signal's energy is concentrated in 
a very narrow range of frequencies -- maybe 50 Hz is required for usual 
CW speeds -- while the noise is evenly distributed over the bandpass of 
the receiver.  I find it useful to have a narrow audio filter available 
for this reason.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 on 17 meters?

2006-04-06 Thread John Young


NowKX1 or K1
Pete wd4lst

Both works for me

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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Dave Lowenstein
I find the crystal filter more than adequate for my type of CW operation and 
have felt no need to add any audio filtering.


- Original Message - 
From: "Darwin, Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Elecraft Group" 
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 9:14 AM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

Great reply Vic,

Let's widen the question to make it KAF2 or KDSP2 or NOTHING?  Does the
basic K2's crystal filtering work well enough that you (any of you)
would be happy with no AF filtering or does the AF/DSP filtering add
enough that you wouldn't want to be without it?

- Keith KD1E -

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[Elecraft] Re: My Power out with 3080 fitted and mod kit

2006-04-06 Thread wayne burdick

Hi Paul,

These levels are all fine. You could get more power out on internal 
batteries if you used Lithium AAs (1.5 V), but of course that's a lot 
more expensive than using rechargeables.

Makes me wonder how long it will be before there's a high-endurance, 
reasonably-priced 1.5-V rechargeable AA to replace under-performing 
"rechargeable alkalines." That's got to be the holy grail of the 
battery industry.


Paul Webb wrote:

All power outs measured using the elecraft DL1 and a good Calibrated 


80m = 3.74W

40m = 4.14 W

30m = 4.74 W

20m = 3.12 W

Running of nicads I get (7.4Volts on display this morning)

80m = 0.88 W

40m = 0.94 W

30m = 1.18 W

20m = 0.76 W


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RE: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Darwin, Keith
Great reply Vic,

Let's widen the question to make it KAF2 or KDSP2 or NOTHING?  Does the
basic K2's crystal filtering work well enough that you (any of you)
would be happy with no AF filtering or does the AF/DSP filtering add
enough that you wouldn't want to be without it?

- Keith KD1E -

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vic K2VCO

Recently, I took out the DSP and put back the KAF2.  After getting used
to missing the noise reduction, I found that I prefer the KAF2.
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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Vic K2VCO

Alexander Ponomarenko wrote:

I have the question. How much better working KDSP2?
It has very expensive price. Are the KDSP2 really so good
working that I have to pay "half K2 price"?

I have both of them.  Keep in mind that I am only a CW operator, so you 
will have to get the opinion of an SSB guy if you want to know about 
that!  The KAF2 does nothing for SSB, while the DSP provides filtering 
and hetrodyne removal.

The DSP has the advantage of including a noise-reduction function.  It 
does not make it possible to copy a station that you can't copy without 
it, but it does make it more comfortable to copy a station that is close 
to the noise level.  The DSP has more flexibility in selecting 
bandwidths and better shape characteristics than the KAF2.  In practical 
terms, though, I don't think this translates into the ability to work 
stations that you could not work with the KAF2.

One DSP problem is that the noise reduction, if you use it, distorts the 
leading edge of a weak signal which degrades copy.  You need to back off 
the aggressiveness of the function to avoid this, which makes it less 

A negative factor, at least in my case, is that the QSK is not as clean 
with the DSP installed.  I've spent some time trying to clean up clicks 
(only in the receiver, not transmitted) that are related to the delay 
introduced by the DSP.  I haven't succeeded.

Recently, I took out the DSP and put back the KAF2.  After getting used 
to missing the noise reduction, I found that I prefer the KAF2.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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Re: Re: [Elecraft] KX1 on 17 meters?

2006-04-06 Thread wd4lst
Thanks Mike,
(as well as Paul and Tom),
I just finished studying the KX1 schematic and AD9834 data sheet. You are right 
on. Analog devices also has an interesting DDS primer at
if anyone is interested.
As an aside, I have been a reader of the Elecraft group for a few months now, 
as well as some other radio specific groups. This is by far the most 
informative group that I have read. I have learned alot from the morning read. 
thanks to all. I think it is half the draw towards Elecraft.
NowKX1 or K1
Pete wd4lst
> From: Mike Morrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2006/04/05 Wed PM 05:15:12 CDT
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX1 on 17 meters?
> >I was wondering if anyone has considered a 17 meter option.
> The clocking rate of the KX1's AD9834 DDS chip is 50 MHz, the maximum rated 
> for the chip.  Typically, the highest usable output frequency from a DDS chip 
> is no greater than about one-third the clock rate, or about 16.6 MHz.

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RE: [Elecraft] XV-50 Power Output Question

2006-04-06 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Dennis WB0WAO asked:
I know that the XV-50 ouput is 25w, but is there a way to _modify_ it so 
that its max output is around 10w? 


Sure! The output power is controlled using the POWER control on your K2, or
other 28 MHz if you're not using a K2. If you have a 28 MHz rig without a
variable output power, you can still adjust the output from the XV50 over a
fairly wide range by selecting various combinations of jumpers and adjusting
a trimmer pot in the XV50.

I've only used a transverter with the K2, so I can't say that the range of
the internal attenuators will let you select 10 watts out for any fixed
input power within its working range, but it's quite flexible. 


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RE: [Elecraft] KXB-3080

2006-04-06 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Jerry, WA2DKG wrote:
I have done 2 of these conversions and noticed something to be careful
of...Underneath L2, in back of J7, leads L2-1 and L2-4 pass over each other
and can short out toroid L2...I used a dental pick to move the wire lead
from L2-1 away from L2-4...This is a hidden area in under L2 and right next
to J-7...I used a bright LED penlight light and a magnifier to see it...

Excellent observation, and something to watch for.

That's why there are specific stripping instructions for the toroid wires on
page 14 where it calls for leaving 1/8" of enamel on L2-1 to avoid just such
a short. 

But even if you strip it all the way to the toroid, moving the wire away
from the solder pad for L2-4 will work fine. 


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[Elecraft] Kenwood MC-43S hand held mic for sale

2006-04-06 Thread Charlie, W0YG
 Kenwood MC-43S hand held mic for sale, nice addition for the K2 since 
the Heil MH-2 is now obsolete. Set the compression to level 3 and the mic 
gain to 2 and you are in business. No more resistors on the mic header to 
worry about. I want $45.00 plus 4.75 for Priority Mail shipping.

 Charlie, W0YG..>>

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[Elecraft] KXB-3080

2006-04-06 Thread Jeremiah McCarthy

I have done 2 of these conversions and noticed something to be careful 
of...Underneath L2, in back of J7, leads L2-1 and L2-4 pass over each other and 
can short out toroid L2...I used a dental pick to move the wire lead from L2-1 
away from L2-4...This is a hidden area in under L2 and right next to J-7...I 
used a bright LED penlight light and a magnifier to see it...

Jerry, wa2dkg
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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Tom Althoff
Actually it might be more like saying "The MFJ antenna analyzer cannot be 
used in strong RF fields and other analyzers that I have used cannot be used 
in strong RF fields so I wouldn't recommend buying an antenna analyzer to 
check a Field Day dipole attached to the tower of a 50KW broadcast station."

I'm saying that ANY DSP radio Ten-Tec, Yaesu or Elecraft with RF or AF 
processing requires bandwidth to process the signal and throw away the 
noise.  Once you get a bandwidth under 200Hz the DSP code has little to work 
with to improve copy and can actually degrade the signal by adding 
artifacts.   Compare the KDSP2 to the KAF2 at 200Hz in a thunderstorm and 
then tell me which you prefer.

Since you did not say what mode you intend to operate nor what bandwith you 
prefer I could only state my experience from my operating conditions.

If you operated narrow bandwidth (under 200Hz) CW I suspect you would not 
feel the KDSP2 was worth the added expense.

- Original Message - 
From: "Alexandra Carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Tom Althoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 6:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

To me that's like saying "The MFJ antenna analyzer has given me nothing 
but trouble therefore I won't buy ANY antenna analyzer".

I won't go into what company I think is gradually buying Ten-Tec as their 
founders die off.. Alex.

On Apr 6, 2006, at 3:10 AM, Tom Althoff wrote:

It depends on how you operate Alexander.My experience with the 
Ten-Tec Orion's DSP as well as external audio DSP's on the K2 convinced 
me not to buy the KDSP2 option for the K2.Tom K2TA

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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Alexandra Carter
To me that's like saying "The MFJ antenna analyzer has given me nothing 
but trouble therefore I won't buy ANY antenna analyzer".

I won't go into what company I think is gradually buying Ten-Tec as 
their founders die off.. Alex.

On Apr 6, 2006, at 3:10 AM, Tom Althoff wrote:

It depends on how you operate Alexander.My experience with the 
Ten-Tec Orion's DSP as well as external audio DSP's on the K2 
convinced me not to buy the KDSP2 option for the K2.Tom K2TA

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Re: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287

2006-04-06 Thread Tom Althoff
It depends on how you operate Alexander.My experience with the Ten-Tec 
Orion's DSP as well as external audio DSP's on the K2 convinced me not to 
buy the KDSP2 option for the K2.

I mainly operate CW.  I tune around at 800Hz bandwidth but typically operate 
at 150-200Hz.   At such narrow bandwidths turning the DSP on and off has 
very little effect.On SSB and wider CW bandwidths the DSP sounds 

The KAF2 gives me the best bang for the buck.  I forget the exact settings 
but I think it's around 1.4Khz for filter 1 and 200Hz for filter 2.

The KDSP2 does have an operating convenience that lets it remember settings 
and "track" the IF bandwidth.   The KAF2 defaults to "off" on power up of 
the K2.

Tom K2TA

- Original Message - 
From: "Alexander Ponomarenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Elecraft Group" 
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 2:38 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] KAF2 or KDSP2 for K2 #5287


I have the question. How much better working KDSP2?
It has very expensive price. Are the KDSP2 really so good
working that I have to pay "half K2 price"?

TNX for any answer!

72 & 73! de UR5LAM
Alexander Ponomarenko
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[Elecraft] XV-50 Power Output Question

2006-04-06 Thread Dennis Ponsness
I am very serioulsy considering getting a XV-50 for 6m to replace my old 
FT-620B rig (lots of good Q's from that one!) and have a question:

I know that the XV-50 ouput is 25w, but is there a way to _modify_ it so 
that its max output is around 10w?  I have a 10w --> 150w brick that I would 
like to use, and I can't see buying a new brick if I don't have to.  25w is 
adequate for Es and F2 (to a certain extent), but I need a bit more than 25w 
for AU (which I get a lot of this far north)!

Apologies if this has been covered before, but I didn't see anything in the 
archives off hand.


Dennis - WB0WAO

EN84ij Iosco County, Michigan
K2 #3555

QRP-L #2348 (R.I.P.)


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[Elecraft] My Power out with 3080 fitted and mod kit

2006-04-06 Thread Paul Webb

I have the 3080 module fitted in my KX1 and I have already done the power

With the display reading 13.5v I get the following outputs


All power outs measured using the elecraft DL1 and a good Calibrated Fluke


80m = 3.74W

40m = 4.14 W

30m = 4.74 W

20m = 3.12 W


Running of nicads I get (7.4Volts on display this morning)


80m = 0.88 W

40m = 0.94 W

30m = 1.18 W

20m = 0.76 W


I know the power output is a little high on 13.8 volt bench supply (13.5v
after internal diode) but I only want to use this radio out and about where
I will 

Be running on Battery rather than bench PSU so I am not to worried and main
bands of operation are 80/40m


All the best and I hope this helps anyone thinking about doing the power

PS I was  ½ - 1 watt less on all bands at 13.8V supply before the mod.





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