Re: Quantum Immortality and Information Flow

2005-12-12 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

Tom Caylor writes:

In response to Stathis' thought experiment, to speak of an experiment being 
"set up" in a certain way is to base probabilities on an "irrelevant" 
subset of the whole, at least if the multiverse hypothesis is true.  In the 
Plenitude, there are an additional 10^100 copies still existing, when you 
say that 10^100 copies are being shut-down.  Talking about these additional 
10^100 copies is just as consistent as talking about the original 10^100 
copies (even more consistent if you consider Bruno's statement about 

In the Plenitude, everything washes out to zero.  And Bruno, I would even 
say that all consistent histories wash out to zero.

Doesn't this ignore the concept of measure in the multiverse? If I buy a 
lottery ticket there are an infinite number of versions of me who win and an 
infinite number of versions who lose, but in some sense there have to be 
"more" losers than winners, which is why I don't buy lottery tickets.

Stathis Papaioannou

_ the biggest address in property

Re: Quantum Immortality and Information Flow

2005-12-12 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
From the third person perspective, the annihilation of the 10^100 copies 
could be seen as 10^100 dead ends. (In fact, when I originally proposed this 
experiment, Hal Finney thought it represented the ultimate in mass murder.) 
If I were one of the 10^100, however, I wouldn't be worried in the slightest 
about the prospect of dying, because as long as at least one copy survives, 
this guarantees that I survive. This may go again intuition, but if you give 
up the notion of an immaterial soul, there is no reason why there should be 
a one to one relationship between earlier and later versions of a person.

Stathis Papaioannou

Le 11-déc.-05, à 11:58, Stathis Papaioannou a écrit :

You find yourself alone in a room with a light that alternates red/green 
with a period of one minute. A letter in the room informs you that every 
other minute, 10^100 copies of you are created and run in parallel for one 
minute, then shut down. The transition between the two states (low 
measure/ high measure) corresponds with the change in the colour of the 
light, and you task is to guess which colour corresponds to which state.

The problem is, whether the light is red or green, you could argue that 
you are vastly more likely to be sampled from the 10^100 group. You might 
decide to say that *both* red and green correspond to the larger group, 
because if you say this 10^100 copies in the multiverse will be correct 
and only one copy will be wrong. But clearly, this tyranny of the majority 
strategy brings you no closer to the truth. If you tossed a coin, at least 
you would have a 1/2 chance of being right.

Yes but this is due to the "shut down". (if I got correctly your 
experiment).The probabilities can be taken only on the stories without 
dead-ends, and I guess you consider the shut down as sort of "absolute 
I know this is hard to believe, but apparently we are "conscious" only 
because we belong to a continuum of infinite never ending stories ...

I don't believe this, but then that's what the lobian machine's "guardian 
angel"  G* says about that: true and strictly unbelievable.

Do you accept that your argument won't go through if the shut down are 


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Re: Quantum Immortality and Information Flow

2005-12-12 Thread George Levy

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

In addition to the above arguments, consider the problem
from the point of view of the subject. If multiple copies of a person
are created and run in parallel for a period, what difference does this
make to his experience? It seems to me that there is no test or
experiment the person could do which would allow him to determine if he
is living in a period of high measure or low measure. If an OM is the
smallest discernible unit of conscious experience, it therefore seems
reasonable to treat multiple instantiations of the same OM as one OM.

Yes Stathis, I agree with you completely.

Bruno wrote:
And this already comes from the fact that the
"indistinguishabilitty/distinguishabilitty" crux is itself relative.
By loosing memory something distinguishable can become
indistinguishable, augmenting the class of (normal) self-consistent

Bruno, I find this question extremely difficult. Is
indistinguishability established at the physical level or at the
psychological level? If we say it is established at the psychological
level, then even mental errors ( ie.6+7=11) count in defining a whole
world. This is the ultimate in relativism. I can find reasons to go
either way. (Ultimately Undecided?)

Then I am open that from the 1 point of view, fusion
measure, duplication decreases measure; although from the 3 pov it is
the contrary. 

I do not agree with you on this point Bruno.
>From the one person point of view measures remains constant just like
the speed of light, the mass of an electron, or the number of points in
a line 1 meter long or 1 kilometer long. (the number of points in a
continuum is always the same no matter what the length of the line is).
The one person always observes a continuum in the number of
opportunities available to him no matter what his past history is.
>From the third person point of view, it makes sense to consider ratios
in measures, just like it makes sense to take ratios of line segments
of different lengths. 


Re: Quantum Immortality and Information Flow

2005-12-12 Thread daddycaylor

Bruno wrote:

Le 11-déc.-05, à 11:58, Stathis Papaioannou a écrit : 

You find yourself alone in a room with a light that alternates
red/green with a period of one minute. A letter in the room informs
you that every other minute, 10^100 copies of you are created and run
in parallel for one minute, then shut down. The transition between 


two states (low measure/ high measure) corresponds with the change in
the colour of the light, and you task is to guess which colour
corresponds to which state. 
The problem is, whether the light is red or green, you could argue
that you are vastly more likely to be sampled from the 10^100 group.
You might decide to say that *both* red and green correspond to the
larger group, because if you say this 10^100 copies in the multiverse
will be correct and only one copy will be wrong. But clearly, this
tyranny of the majority strategy brings you no closer to the truth. 


you tossed a coin, at least you would have a 1/2 chance of being

Yes but this is due to the "shut down". (if I got correctly your 
experiment).The probabilities can be taken only on the stories without 
dead-ends, and I guess you consider the shut down as sort of "absolute 
I know this is hard to believe, but apparently we are "conscious" only 
because we belong to a continuum of infinite never ending stories ... 

I don't believe this, but then that's what the lobian machine's 

"guardian angel" G* says about that: true and strictly unbelievable. 

Do you accept that your argument won't go through if the shut down 

are deleted? 


In response to Stathis' thought experiment, to speak of an experiment 
being "set up" in a certain way is to base probabilities on an 
"irrelevant" subset of the whole, at least if the multiverse hypothesis 
is true.  In the Plenitude, there are an additional 10^100 copies still 
existing, when you say that 10^100 copies are being shut-down.  Talking 
about these additional 10^100 copies is just as consistent as talking 
about the original 10^100 copies (even more consistent if you consider 
Bruno's statement about cul-de-sacs.

In the Plenitude, everything washes out to zero.  And Bruno, I would 
even say that all consistent histories wash out to zero.
Bruno, I've been following your posts about Kripke semantics and have 
done the exercises, including the one about showing that you need a 
symmetrical accessibility relation to have LASE.  However, my initial 
reaction still is that choosing a particular modal logic is scary to 
me, sending up red flags about hidden assumptions that are being made 
in the process.  But I will continue to follow you as you present your 

Earlier Stathis wrote:
Bruno: OK but with comp I have argued that OMs are not primitive but 
are "generated", in platonia, by the Universal Dovetailer. A 3- OM is 
just an UD-accessible state, and the 1-OMs inherit relative 
probabilities from the computer science theoretical structuring of the 

Are OMs directly generated by the UD, or does the UD generate the 
physical (apparently) universe, which leads to the evolution of 
conscious beings, who then give rise to OMs?

Stathis Papaioannou

It's interesting that symmetry (Bruno's requirement for LASE) has come 
up lately, because Stathis' question seems to be what we are all 
wondering.  That's the bottom line of multiverse theories:  Where does 
the symmetry breaking come from?  I maintain still that it can't come 
from the multiverse itself.  Even considering only consistent 
histories, there is no asymmetry to be found.  I maintain that it needs 
to come from outside the multiverse, which is something that we cannot 

Tom Caylor

Re: Quantum Immortality and Information Flow

2005-12-12 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 11-déc.-05, à 11:58, Stathis Papaioannou a écrit :

You find yourself alone in a room with a light that alternates 
red/green with a period of one minute. A letter in the room informs 
you that every other minute, 10^100 copies of you are created and run 
in parallel for one minute, then shut down. The transition between the 
two states (low measure/ high measure) corresponds with the change in 
the colour of the light, and you task is to guess which colour 
corresponds to which state.

The problem is, whether the light is red or green, you could argue 
that you are vastly more likely to be sampled from the 10^100 group. 
You might decide to say that *both* red and green correspond to the 
larger group, because if you say this 10^100 copies in the multiverse 
will be correct and only one copy will be wrong. But clearly, this 
tyranny of the majority strategy brings you no closer to the truth. If 
you tossed a coin, at least you would have a 1/2 chance of being 

Yes but this is due to the "shut down". (if I got correctly your 
experiment).The probabilities can be taken only on the stories without 
dead-ends, and I guess you consider the shut down as sort of "absolute 
I know this is hard to believe, but apparently we are "conscious" only 
because we belong to a continuum of infinite never ending stories ...

I don't believe this, but then that's what the lobian machine's 
"guardian angel"  G* says about that: true and strictly unbelievable.

Do you accept that your argument won't go through if the shut down are 
