Re: MWI question for the physicists...

2015-08-14 Thread John Clark
On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 , Bruno Marchal wrote:

​ ​
 And I have not yet see a proof that the multiverse is non local.

​That's because there is no such proof, but there is proof ​
​that in any physical theory ​that is consistent with experiment *at least*
one of the following must be wrong:

​1) ​
2) Determinism

3) Locality

​If I had to ditch one (and I do) I'd pick determinism, but I don't know if
the universe has ​the same preference I do.

​ ​
 Everett wave evolve deterministically,

​I've never heard of a Everett wave. ​Schrödinger's wave is deterministic
but that certainly doesn't mean the physical world is.

 ​ ​
  Einstein called insanity the belief in God play dice,

Einstein never knew about Bell's inequality, ​and half a century after
Einstein made the above famous statement Stephen Hawkings said God not
only plays dice He sometimes throws the dice where they can't be seen. ​

 ​ ​
 and about non-locality, he said he would prefer to be a plumber than a
 physicist if that was true.

​I think Einstein was far more worried about ​non-locality than the loss of
determinism, and the loss of realism would be even worse. You may prefer a
universe that has all 3 attributes, me too, but you can't always get what
you want; if experiment says we can't have all 3 then we can't have all 3.
End of story.

  John K Clark

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Re: 1P/3P CONFUSION again and again

2015-08-14 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 13 Aug 2015, at 22:28, John Clark wrote:

​People can believe all sorts of foolish things, but if a person  
enters a person duplicating machine ​that person will still have a  
unique past but will NOT have a unique future. Yes that is odd, but  
odd things happen when a person is duplicated.

Nothing odd happens if we remind ourselves that we assume  
computationalisme. You have two futures in the 3-1 view, like you have  
many one in the MWI. But you have only one future in the 1-view, and  
that if confirmed by the two persons.

As long as you dismiss the 1-3 difference, you will see odd things  
happening, which in fact never happpens.


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Re: Idiot Test

2015-08-14 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List
Chris, when you can think of politicians and actors of your political 
preference, who behave idiotically: then you'd really be making a succinct 
point. The rationale being, if you agree with my position, thus, you are 
wonderful, but if you disagree, you are a moron. On this mailing list however, 
it ain't politics that drive the passion, but disagreeing with an equation, a 
precis,' a hypothesis. It's like on the show Big Bang, where blood in nearly, 
drawn, over whether String or Loop Quantum Gravity have the best explanation 
for reality, when as all right thinking people know, it's all explained by 
Chaotic Inflation. Easy peasy. 



-Original Message-
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
To: everything-list
Sent: Fri, Aug 14, 2015 1:42 pm
Subject: Re: Idiot Test

I am curious you seem to speak of idiots exclusively in terms of them 
of some other group of individuals. Do you consider yourself to be 
potentially an idiot or have you managed to achieve existential certainty 
that idiocy is something that only ever applies to other people? If you have 
achieved this certainty -- e.g. that in no possible way could you ever be an 
idiot; that is an amazing feat or could it be incontrovertible proof of 
your own idiocy?  
Any definition of idiocy that does't -- at least potentially -- include the 
self within the scope of its embrace is idotic - -IMO!  
P.S. -- I am suspecting that if you respond at all, you'll probably roast me 
with scorn, for having had the temerity to suggest that idiocy is something we 
are all capable of achieving; and that no one is immune from idiotic mind 

 On 14 Aug 2015, at 8:21 am, chris peck 
 So, to cut to the chase, when a thread appears claiming the benefit of a 
 psychedelic is to work out who the idiots are, when it is suggested that the 
 substance be used in such a miserly way, I can't help but feel the people 
 suggesting that are the ones who have missed the message 
I think Strassman was right. You need a certain substance in your system to be 
even able to conceive of thinking without some limiting effect of consensus. 
The human mind has a 'native' behaviour and we might refer to this as 'baseline 
consciousness'. It is merely a starting point in the enterprise of exploring 
the terrain of consciousness.  
The Idiot Test is a cynical exercise, you seemed to have missed that. It's a 
cartoon in words designed to focus on something sinister; either a lie or a 
form of stupidity. A thought bubble as we say nowadays. Just one grade better 
than a silly poster on Facebook. The term 'idiot' is a pejorative, so we do 
need another word to cover the concept the lack of imagination to envisage 
alternatives to the one currently held under any scenario which to my mind at 
least, does sound rather mentally deficient.  
But I learnt a lot from Bruno's breakdown of it. Idiocy and Intelligence are 
not polar opposites. They walk hand in hand.  
Anyway - at a certain point in the presumably not too distant future, somebody 
WILL decide who all the idiots are - using whatever rationale - and they will 
all be eliminated. Probably by an AI who worked it out all by itself. 
2. Idiots usually end up designing technology that eventually destroys them and 
everyone else. 
So, it may be that such people also receive a Darwin Award for performing the 
inestimable service to the human race of removing their DNA from the gene pool. 

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Re: MWI question for the physicists...

2015-08-14 Thread John Clark
On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 6:35 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

​ ​
 Bell's 1964 paper only make quantitative what Einstein saw clearly already

Bullshit. Einstein would have been horrified at Bell's paper and the
experimental confirmation that Bell's inequality was violated.

 ​ ​
 in 1627 at the Solvay Congress in Brussels

​Einstein's EPR paper (which is his closest thing to Bell's paper) came out
in 1935 not 1627.​

​ ​
 So I am waiting since long a proof of no-locality

​As I have said at least twice there is no such proof, but there is proof
that if things really are local then things are either non-deterministic or
not realistic. Take your pick.​

​ ​
 I think that Einstein would have eventually opt for Everett's view on the
 matter, as it keeps determinism, locality, and even contextuality, in the
 big picture, and explain the appearance of a lack of them by the 1-3
 ​ [...] ​
 Experiment does not show that reality is not local, indeterminist or

​In another thread somebody said that the definition of an idiot is
somebody who can not admit even to himself that he is wrong. Hmm.​

​John K Clark​

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Re: MWI question for the physicists...

2015-08-14 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 14 Aug 2015, at 18:25, John Clark wrote:

On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 6:35 AM, Bruno Marchal  

​ ​Bell's 1964 paper only make quantitative what Einstein saw  
clearly already

Bullshit. Einstein would have been horrified at Bell's paper and the  
experimental confirmation that Bell's inequality was violated.  ​

I totally agree with you, Einstein would have been horrified, with the  
one universe he have in mind at that time. This is because in one  
universe, that would violate contextuality and locality, actually: any  
reasonable interpretation of relativity. Quite horrified: he said  
indeed he would have prefered to have been a plumber instead of a  

And that is why he would have accepted the many-worlds with both arms,  
as it restablishes determinacy and, I think, locality as ell, but not  
in our 1p-plural neighborhoods, only on the sheafs of computations  
relatively distinguishable, or not.

Everett theory is fundamentally a relativity theory, determinist,  
local, but highly not contextual as it is many contextuals. And  
computationalism, or classical computationalism to emphazises the  
importance of the classical Church-Turing thesis, and that it is OK to  
use the excluded middle principle for the arithmetical propositions.

​ ​in 1627 at the Solvay Congress in Brussels

​Einstein's EPR paper (which is his closest thing to Bell's paper)  
came out in 1935 not 1627.​

Sorry, I meant 1927. Of course. That is, 8 years before EPR. Einstein  
explains that if the collapse is physical, it is non local. Many good  
thought experiences are in the dialogue between Bohr and Einstein.

Bohr will also admit that the collapse cannot be physical in his reply  
to Einstein. But then what is it?

With Everett it is a FPI-type of illusion absed on some mechanist  

What I explain is that if the FPI relies on computationalism it  
extends in the sigma_1 reality. From inside it can go much farer.

​ ​So I am waiting since long a proof of no-locality

​As I have said at least twice there is no such proof, but there is  
proof that if things really are local then things are either non- 
deterministic or not realistic. Take your pick.​

I am OK if you interpret realist by ~Many-world. Then you know my  
pick, as I explain the many world by the many dreams that even RA  
can prove their existence already.

​ ​I think that Einstein would have eventually opt for Everett's  
view on the matter, as it keeps determinism, locality, and even  
contextuality, in the big picture, and explain the appearance of a  
lack of them by the 1-3 difference.​ [...] ​ Experiment does not  
show that reality is not local, indeterminist or acontextual.

​In another thread somebody said that the definition of an idiot is  
somebody who can not admit even to himself that he is wrong. Hmm.​

Tell me what you mean by realism. Do you mean independent of us,  
or one world ?


​John K Clark​

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Re: Idiot Test

2015-08-14 Thread 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
I am curious you seem to speak of idiots exclusively in terms of them 
of some other group of individuals. Do you consider yourself to be 
potentially an idiot or have you managed to achieve existential certainty 
that idiocy is something that only ever applies to other people? If you have 
achieved this certainty -- e.g. that in no possible way could you ever be an 
idiot; that is an amazing feat or could it be incontrovertible proof of 
your own idiocy?
Any definition of idiocy that does't -- at least potentially -- include the 
self within the scope of its embrace is idotic - -IMO!
P.S. -- I am suspecting that if you respond at all, you'll probably roast me 
with scorn, for having had the temerity to suggest that idiocy is something we 
are all capable of achieving; and that no one is immune from idiotic mind modes.

 On 14 Aug 2015, at 8:21 am, chris peck wrote:
 So, to cut to the chase, when a thread appears claiming the benefit of a 
 psychedelic is to work out who the idiots are, when it is suggested that the 
 substance be used in such a miserly way, I can't help but feel the people 
 suggesting that are the ones who have missed the message

I think Strassman was right. You need a certain substance in your system to be 
even able to conceive of thinking without some limiting effect of consensus. 
The human mind has a 'native' behaviour and we might refer to this as 'baseline 
consciousness'. It is merely a starting point in the enterprise of exploring 
the terrain of consciousness. 

The Idiot Test is a cynical exercise, you seemed to have missed that. It's a 
cartoon in words designed to focus on something sinister; either a lie or a 
form of stupidity. A thought bubble as we say nowadays. Just one grade better 
than a silly poster on Facebook. The term 'idiot' is a pejorative, so we do 
need another word to cover the concept the lack of imagination to envisage 
alternatives to the one currently held under any scenario which to my mind at 
least, does sound rather mentally deficient. 

But I learnt a lot from Bruno's breakdown of it. Idiocy and Intelligence are 
not polar opposites. They walk hand in hand. 

Anyway - at a certain point in the presumably not too distant future, somebody 
WILL decide who all the idiots are - using whatever rationale - and they will 
all be eliminated. Probably by an AI who worked it out all by itself.


2. Idiots usually end up designing technology that eventually destroys them and 
everyone else.

So, it may be that such people also receive a Darwin Award for performing the 
inestimable service to the human race of removing their DNA from the gene pool.


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Re: Idiot Test

2015-08-14 Thread Kim Jones

Idiocy only ever applies to other people, yes. It's like sexual perversion and 
corruption; these things are done only by others, never by me! Why I speak of 
the need for some fabled 'test' - a bit like Alice drinking from the bottle 
marked 'drink me'. Alice was no idiot. She had the fundamental human curiosity 
to suck it and see rather than fall back on some safer, less interactive 
approach. Perhaps idiots lack the curiosity to undergo some experience that 
will doubtlesly undermine their chosen weltanshauung. 

You can call me an idiot if you want but you would be using some other 
attribution criteria to the ones I am putting forward. Trouble is, if we ever 
really decided what constituted an idiot, there would soon be no more idiots 
because then we would have it nailed and could genuinely do something about it. 
Idiots, however, abound in society. It is more, as Bruno says, some willful act 
of denying something absurdly; a kind of mendacity. Furthermore, I do not 
consider someone an idiot who does not agree with me. That's where you have 
failed to take in the message, Chris. There are always alternatives, and the 
inability to take stock of them is where idiots reveal themselves. Actually, I 
don't go in search of agreement or disagreement. I prefer exploration and 
suspension of judgement. Explorers don't judge the terrain they explore; they 
create a map. I have changed my views several times over regarding core 
matters. Actually I find it rather easy to drop one set of ideas for another. 
For that reason, no one will ever catch me in the act of being certain about 
anything. Even about who the idiots are. 


 On 15 Aug 2015, at 5:39 am, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:
 Chris, when you can think of politicians and actors of your political 
 preference, who behave idiotically: then you'd really be making a succinct 
 point. The rationale being, if you agree with my position, thus, you are 
 wonderful, but if you disagree, you are a moron. On this mailing list 
 however, it ain't politics that drive the passion, but disagreeing with an 
 equation, a precis,' a hypothesis. It's like on the show Big Bang, where 
 blood in nearly, drawn, over whether String or Loop Quantum Gravity have the 
 best explanation for reality, when as all right thinking people know, it's 
 all explained by Chaotic Inflation. Easy peasy. 
 -Original Message-
 From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
 To: everything-list
 Sent: Fri, Aug 14, 2015 1:42 pm
 Subject: Re: Idiot Test
 I am curious you seem to speak of idiots exclusively in terms of them 
 of some other group of individuals. Do you consider yourself to be 
 potentially an idiot or have you managed to achieve existential certainty 
 that idiocy is something that only ever applies to other people? If you have 
 achieved this certainty -- e.g. that in no possible way could you ever be an 
 idiot; that is an amazing feat or could it be incontrovertible proof of 
 your own idiocy?
 Any definition of idiocy that does't -- at least potentially -- include the 
 self within the scope of its embrace is idotic - -IMO!
 P.S. -- I am suspecting that if you respond at all, you'll probably roast me 
 with scorn, for having had the temerity to suggest that idiocy is something 
 we are all capable of achieving; and that no one is immune from idiotic mind 
  On 14 Aug 2015, at 8:21 am, chris peck wrote: 
  So, to cut to the chase, when a thread appears claiming the benefit of a 
  psychedelic is to work out who the idiots are, when it is suggested that 
  the substance be used in such a miserly way, I can't help but feel the 
  people suggesting that are the ones who have missed the message 
 I think Strassman was right. You need a certain substance in your system to 
 be even able to conceive of thinking without some limiting effect of 
 consensus. The human mind has a 'native' behaviour and we might refer to this 
 as 'baseline consciousness'. It is merely a starting point in the enterprise 
 of exploring the terrain of consciousness. 
 The Idiot Test is a cynical exercise, you seemed to have missed that. It's a 
 cartoon in words designed to focus on something sinister; either a lie or a 
 form of stupidity. A thought bubble as we say nowadays. Just one grade better 
 than a silly poster on Facebook. The term 'idiot' is a pejorative, so we do 
 need another word to cover the concept the lack of imagination to envisage 
 alternatives to the one currently held under any scenario which to my mind 
 at least, does sound rather mentally deficient. 
 But I learnt a lot from Bruno's breakdown of it. Idiocy and Intelligence are 
 not polar opposites. They walk hand in hand. 
 Anyway - at a certain point in the presumably not too distant future, 
 somebody WILL decide who 

Re: Idiot Test

2015-08-14 Thread 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List

  From: spudboy100 via Everything List
 Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 12:39 PM
 Subject: Re: Idiot Test
Chris, when you can think of politicians and actors of your political 
preference, who behave idiotically: then you'd really be making a succinct 
point. The rationale being, if you agree with my position, thus, you are 
wonderful, but if you disagree, you are a moron. On this mailing list however, 
it ain't politics that drive the passion, but disagreeing with an equation, a 
precis,' a hypothesis. It's like on the show Big Bang, where blood in nearly, 
drawn, over whether String or Loop Quantum Gravity have the best explanation 
for reality, when as all right thinking people know, it's all explained by 
Chaotic Inflation. Easy peasy.  
My contention is that idiocy is innate within us all and that to claim that one 
is immune to this mind trap is itself the height of idiocy. He/she who knows 
that only others can be idiots -- because of whatever -- is even more of an 
idiot than those who, while they may still be idiots (at times) are aware of 
this latent potential for idiocy extant within themselves.-Chris 
-Original Message-
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
To: everything-list
Sent: Fri, Aug 14, 2015 1:42 pm
Subject: Re: Idiot Test

  I am curious you seem to speak of idiots exclusively in terms of them 
of some other group of individuals. Do you consider yourself to be 
potentially an idiot or have you managed to achieve existential certainty 
that idiocy is something that only ever applies to other people? If you have 
achieved this certainty -- e.g. that in no possible way could you ever be an 
idiot; that is an amazing feat or could it be incontrovertible proof of 
your own idiocy?   
  Any definition of idiocy that does't -- at least potentially -- include the 
self within the scope of its embrace is idotic - -IMO!   
  P.S. -- I am suspecting that if you respond at all, you'll probably roast me 
with scorn, for having had the temerity to suggest that idiocy is something we 
are all capable of achieving; and that no one is immune from idiotic mind 
 On 14 Aug 2015, at 8:21 am, chris peck wrote: 
 So, to cut to the chase, when a thread appears claiming the benefit of a 
 psychedelic is to work out who the idiots are, when it is suggested that the 
 substance be used in such a miserly way, I can't help but feel the people 
 suggesting that are the ones who have missed the message 
I think Strassman was right. You need a certain substance in your system to be 
even able to conceive of thinking without some limiting effect of consensus. 
The human mind has a 'native' behaviour and we might refer to this as 'baseline 
consciousness'. It is merely a starting point in the enterprise of exploring 
the terrain of consciousness. 
The Idiot Test is a cynical exercise, you seemed to have missed that. It's a 
cartoon in words designed to focus on something sinister; either a lie or a 
form of stupidity. A thought bubble as we say nowadays. Just one grade better 
than a silly poster on Facebook. The term 'idiot' is a pejorative, so we do 
need another word to cover the concept the lack of imagination to envisage 
alternatives to the one currently held under any scenario which to my mind at 
least, does sound rather mentally deficient. 
But I learnt a lot from Bruno's breakdown of it. Idiocy and Intelligence are 
not polar opposites. They walk hand in hand. 
Anyway - at a certain point in the presumably not too distant future, somebody 
WILL decide who all the idiots are - using whatever rationale - and they will 
all be eliminated. Probably by an AI who worked it out all by itself. 
2. Idiots usually end up designing technology that eventually destroys them and 
everyone else. 
So, it may be that such people also receive a Darwin Award for performing the 
inestimable service to the human race of removing their DNA from the gene pool. 
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Re: Idiot Test

2015-08-14 Thread 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List

  From: Kim Jones
 Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 2:11 PM
 Subject: Re: Idiot Test

Idiocy only ever applies to other people, yes. It's like sexual perversion and 
corruption; these things are done only by others, never by me! Why I speak of 
the need for some fabled 'test' - a bit like Alice drinking from the bottle 
marked 'drink me'. Alice was no idiot. She had the fundamental human curiosity 
to suck it and see rather than fall back on some safer, less interactive 
approach. Perhaps idiots lack the curiosity to undergo some experience that 
will doubtlesly undermine their chosen weltanshauung. 
You can call me an idiot if you want but you would be using some other 
attribution criteria to the ones I am putting forward. Trouble is, if we ever 
really decided what constituted an idiot, there would soon be no more idiots 
because then we would have it nailed and could genuinely do something about it. 
Idiots, however, abound in society. It is more, as Bruno says, some willful act 
of denying something absurdly; a kind of mendacity. Furthermore, I do not 
consider someone an idiot who does not agree with me. That's where you have 
failed to take in the message, Chris. There are always alternatives, and the 
inability to take stock of them is where idiots reveal themselves. Actually, I 
don't go in search of agreement or disagreement. I prefer exploration and 
suspension of judgement. Explorers don't judge the terrain they explore; they 
create a map. I have changed my views several times over regarding core 
matters. Actually I find it rather easy to drop one set of ideas for another. 
For that reason, no one will ever catch me in the act of being certain about 
anything. Even about who the idiots are. 
Sure... there are always alternatives (or most of the time anyways) and idiocy 
is the mode of mind that becomes stuck in one explanation excluding all other 
possibility. My point is that we are all of susceptible to that idiotic mode 
and that it is vital therefore to always keep this in mind. We ourselves may be 
idiots at times (even if we think we are being brilliant). I am not saying 
anything one way or another about you or anybody else in particular, merely 
cautioning everyone (including most of all myself) that idiocy is an insidious 
trap, which can creep up from within unnoticed and will often masquerade itself 
as being something entirely more intelligent.We must remain constantly vigilant 
about our own innate potential for slipping into idiotic mental frames; and 
only by recognizing this as a real and ever present potential existing within 
ourselves can we in fact remain vigilant.

On 15 Aug 2015, at 5:39 am, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

Chris, when you can think of politicians and actors of your political 
preference, who behave idiotically: then you'd really be making a succinct 
point. The rationale being, if you agree with my position, thus, you are 
wonderful, but if you disagree, you are a moron. On this mailing list however, 
it ain't politics that drive the passion, but disagreeing with an equation, a 
precis,' a hypothesis. It's like on the show Big Bang, where blood in nearly, 
drawn, over whether String or Loop Quantum Gravity have the best explanation 
for reality, when as all right thinking people know, it's all explained by 
Chaotic Inflation. Easy peasy.  
-Original Message-
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
To: everything-list
Sent: Fri, Aug 14, 2015 1:42 pm
Subject: Re: Idiot Test

  I am curious you seem to speak of idiots exclusively in terms of them 
of some other group of individuals. Do you consider yourself to be 
potentially an idiot or have you managed to achieve existential certainty 
that idiocy is something that only ever applies to other people? If you have 
achieved this certainty -- e.g. that in no possible way could you ever be an 
idiot; that is an amazing feat or could it be incontrovertible proof of 
your own idiocy?   
  Any definition of idiocy that does't -- at least potentially -- include the 
self within the scope of its embrace is idotic - -IMO!   
  P.S. -- I am suspecting that if you respond at all, you'll probably roast me 
with scorn, for having had the temerity to suggest that idiocy is something we 
are all capable of achieving; and that no one is immune from idiotic mind 
 On 14 Aug 2015, at 8:21 am, chris peck wrote: 
 So, to cut to the chase, when a thread appears claiming the benefit of a 
 psychedelic is to work out who the idiots are, when it is suggested that the 
 substance be used in such a miserly way, I can't help but feel the people 
 suggesting that are the ones who have missed the message 
I think Strassman was 

Re: Idiot Test

2015-08-14 Thread meekerdb

On 8/14/2015 2:11 PM, Kim Jones wrote:

Idiocy only ever applies to other people, yes. It's like sexual perversion and 
corruption; these things are done only by others, never by me! Why I speak of the need 
for some fabled 'test' - a bit like Alice drinking from the bottle marked 'drink me'. 
Alice was no idiot. She had the fundamental human curiosity to suck it and see rather 
than fall back on some safer, less interactive approach. Perhaps idiots lack the 
curiosity to undergo some experience that will doubtlesly undermine their chosen 

You can call me an idiot if you want but you would be using some other attribution 
criteria to the ones I am putting forward. Trouble is, if we ever really decided what 
constituted an idiot, there would soon be no more idiots because then we would have it 
nailed and could genuinely do something about it. Idiots, however, abound in society. It 
is more, as Bruno says, some willful act of denying something absurdly; a kind of 
mendacity. Furthermore, I do not consider someone an idiot who does not agree with me. 
That's where you have failed to take in the message, Chris. There are always 
alternatives, and the inability to take stock of them is where idiots reveal themselves. 
Actually, I don't go in search of agreement or disagreement. I prefer exploration and 
suspension of judgement.

So you invented a test for idiocy and posted it online.  LOL!

Explorers don't judge the terrain they explore; they create a map. I have changed my 
views several times over regarding core matters. Actually I find it rather easy to drop 
one set of ideas for another. For that reason, no one will ever catch me in the act of 
being certain about anything. Even about who the idiots are.

Or your own consistency.


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RE: Idiot Test

2015-08-14 Thread 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
I agree with you there…. Idiocy is the quintessential equal opportunity 
provider – (in a nod to your politically fixated mindset) it thrives exuberant, 
on both the right and the left. Idiocy is in full reign amongst the elite in 
their gilded enclaves and in the grimy dirty dangerous graffiti hallways of the 
project slum. 


But it does not stop there, nor does it begin from there. Idiocy emerges from 
within, far, far  closer to home.. to the self, the inner voice that asks the 
question… we are each of us within this home of homes. It is within these 
bounds that idiocy is hardest to perceive and harder to deal with. Case in 
point many very intelligent people are (in some dimension) veritable idiots 
within. A most natural outcome, of our brain/mind sensorial being… for to see 
within….  Where are the eyes to see within?


We are oriented to see without; seeing within is largely an accidental 
exceptional occurrence and is not something that is easy for most of us to do. 
As a consequence we are usually most blind within our own selves. Intelligence 
is no defense against inner idiocy either, for idiocy is adept at burying 
itself beneath layers upon layers of justification heaped over bullshit. Idiocy 
tends to also lock in, becoming habitual behavior, existing in the (largely) 
unseen regions of mind… the crackling vastly parallel network… balanced on the 
edge of chaos..  this very noisy, reifying inner-verse of the mind, 
auto-catalyzed self-emergent being… emerging into our consciousness as an inner 
dialogue of the mind.


Idiocy is a slippery eel; it is foolish to underestimate its ability to find a 
way in to the unseen within… it is difficult to grab hold of.



Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 6:12 PM
Subject: Re: Idiot Test


I simply feel it is hard to identify idiocy when it hits closer to home. In 
fact, as I stated, holding a certain position or opinion may not, in fact be 
idiotic at all. I sometimes feel, some days, that if idiocy were nirvana, I 
would be achieving my zen moment with it. On this forum, discussion-wise, yeah, 
we name call. I shrug this off as human nature, and am more interested in 
seeing if these conversations yield anything dramatically, interesting for me? 

-Original Message-
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
To: everything-list
Sent: Fri, Aug 14, 2015 5:17 pm
Subject: Re: Idiot Test




From: spudboy100 via Everything List
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 12:39 PM
Subject: Re: Idiot Test


Chris, when you can think of politicians and actors of your political 
preference, who behave idiotically: then you'd really be making a succinct 
point. The rationale being, if you agree with my position, thus, you are 
wonderful, but if you disagree, you are a moron. On this mailing list however, 
it ain't politics that drive the passion, but disagreeing with an equation, a 
precis,' a hypothesis. It's like on the show Big Bang, where blood in nearly, 
drawn, over whether String or Loop Quantum Gravity have the best explanation 
for reality, when as all right thinking people know, it's all explained by 
Chaotic Inflation. Easy peasy.  


My contention is that idiocy is innate within us all and that to claim that one 
is immune to this mind trap is itself the height of idiocy. He/she who knows 
that only others can be idiots -- because of whatever -- is even more of an 
idiot than those who, while they may still be idiots (at times) are aware of 
this latent potential for idiocy extant within themselves. 




-Original Message- 
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List 
To: everything-list 
Sent: Fri, Aug 14, 2015 1:42 pm 
Subject: Re: Idiot Test 

I am curious you seem to speak of idiots exclusively in terms of them 
of some other group of individuals. Do you consider yourself to be 
potentially an idiot or have you managed to achieve existential certainty 
that idiocy is something that only ever applies to other people? If you have 
achieved this certainty -- e.g. that in no possible way could you ever be an 
idiot; that is an amazing feat or could it be incontrovertible proof of 
your own idiocy? 


Any definition of idiocy that does't -- at least potentially -- include the 
self within the scope of its embrace is idotic - -IMO! 


P.S. -- I am suspecting that if you respond at all, you'll probably roast me 
with scorn, for having had the temerity to suggest that idiocy is something we 
are all capable of achieving; and that no one is immune from idiotic mind 




 On 14 Aug 2015, at 8:21 am, chris peck wrote: 

Re: Idiot Test

2015-08-14 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List
I simply feel it is hard to identify idiocy when it hits closer to home. In 
fact, as I stated, holding a certain position or opinion may not, in fact be 
idiotic at all. I sometimes feel, some days, that if idiocy were nirvana, I 
would be achieving my zen moment with it. On this forum, discussion-wise, yeah, 
we name call. I shrug this off as human nature, and am more interested in 
seeing if these conversations yield anything dramatically, interesting for me? 

-Original Message-
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
To: everything-list
Sent: Fri, Aug 14, 2015 5:17 pm
Subject: Re: Idiot Test


   From: spudboy100 via Everything List
 Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 12:39 PM
 Subject: Re: Idiot Test
  Chris, when you can think of politicians and actors of your political 
preference, who behave idiotically: then you'd really be making a succinct 
point. The rationale being, if you agree with my position, thus, you are 
wonderful, but if you disagree, you are a moron. On this mailing list however, 
it ain't politics that drive the passion, but disagreeing with an equation, a 
precis,' a hypothesis. It's like on the show Big Bang, where blood in nearly, 
drawn, over whether String or Loop Quantum Gravity have the best explanation 
for reality, when as all right thinking people know, it's all explained by 
Chaotic Inflation. Easy peasy. 

My contention is that idiocy is innate within us all and that to claim that one 
is immune to this mind trap is itself the height of idiocy. He/she who knows 
that only others can be idiots -- because of whatever -- is even more of an 
idiot than those who, while they may still be idiots (at times) are aware of 
this latent potential for idiocy extant within themselves.   



-Original Message-
 From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List
 To: everything-list
 Sent: Fri, Aug 14, 2015 1:42 pm
 Subject: Re: Idiot Test

 I am curious you seem to speak of idiots exclusively in terms of them 
of some other group of individuals. Do you consider yourself to be 
potentially an idiot or have you managed to achieve existential certainty 
that idiocy is something that only ever applies to other people? If you have 
achieved this certainty -- e.g. that in no possible way could you ever be an 
idiot; that is an amazing feat or could it be incontrovertible proof of 
your own idiocy?


 Any definition of idiocy that does't -- at least potentially -- include the 
self within the scope of its embrace is idotic - -IMO!


 P.S. -- I am suspecting that if you respond at all, you'll probably roast me 
with scorn, for having had the temerity to suggest that idiocy is something we 
are all capable of achieving; and that no one is immune from idiotic mind 




 On 14 Aug 2015, at 8:21 am, chris peck wrote:   
 So, to cut to the chase, when a thread appears claiming the benefit of a 
 psychedelic is to work out who the idiots are, when it is suggested that the 
 substance be used in such a miserly way, I can't help but feel the people 
 suggesting that are the ones who have missed the message   
I think Strassman was right. You need a certain substance in your system to be 
even able to conceive of thinking without some limiting effect of consensus. 
The human mind has a 'native' behaviour and we might refer to this as 'baseline 
consciousness'. It is merely a starting point in the enterprise of exploring 
the terrain of consciousness.   
The Idiot Test is a cynical exercise, you seemed to have missed that. It's a 
cartoon in words designed to focus on something sinister; either a lie or a 
form of stupidity. A thought bubble as we say nowadays. Just one grade better 
than a silly poster on Facebook. The term 'idiot' is a pejorative, so we do 
need another word to cover the concept the lack of imagination to envisage 
alternatives to the one currently held under any scenario which to my mind at 
least, does sound rather mentally deficient.   
But I learnt a lot from Bruno's breakdown of it. Idiocy and Intelligence are 

Re: MWI question for the physicists...

2015-08-14 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 14 Aug 2015, at 08:26, John Clark wrote:

On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 , Bruno Marchal wrote:

​ ​And I have not yet see a proof that the multiverse is non  

​That's because there is no such proof, but there is proof ​​ 
that in any physical theory ​that is consistent with experiment at  
least one of the following must be wrong:

​1) ​Realism
2) Determinism
3) Locality

​If I had to ditch one (and I do) I'd pick determinism, but I don't  
know if the universe has ​the same preference I do.

​ ​Everett wave evolve deterministically,

​I've never heard of a Everett wave. ​Schrödinger's wave is  
deterministic but that certainly doesn't mean the physical world is.

​ ​ Einstein called insanity the belief in God play dice,

Einstein never knew about Bell's inequality,

Bell's 1964 paper only make quantitative what Einstein saw clearly  
already in 1627 at the Solvay Congress in Brussels, and made clear  
qualitatively in its EPR paper. Bell's just made it more  
quantitatively palpable, which helped some scientists to understand  
that it was not just philosophy.

For me, Einstein is the main discoverer of the non locality in the QM 
+collapse theory, and is the first to say that such a theory is just  
insane. Then you can interpret Bell as a experimental refutation of  
the collapse, by using the natural locality axiom.

​and half a century after Einstein made the above famous statement  
Stephen Hawkings said God not only plays dice He sometimes throws  
the dice where they can't be seen. ​

​ ​and about non-locality, he said he would prefer to be a  
plumber than a physicist if that was true.

​I think Einstein was far more worried about ​non-locality than  
the loss of determinism, and the loss of realism would be even worse.

realism is ambiguous here. In this context it often means one  
world or ~MWI. In the metaphysical or theological context it  
just means independent of us. For example, Arithmetical realism is  
the belief that 4x^2 - 3y = 0 has a solution (in the integers, or in  
the natural numbers) or not independently of us.

I think that Einstein would have eventually opt for Everett's view on  
the matter, as it keeps determinism, locality, and even contextuality,  
in the big picture, and explain the appearance of a lack of them by  
the 1-3 difference.

My point is then that for this to work, the wave equation must also be  
explained by the 3-1 difference.
i did it partially, and get more than the quanta logic, as we get  
freely a theory of qualia extended it.

You may prefer a universe that has all 3 attributes, me too, but you  
can't always get what you want; if experiment says we can't have all  
3 then we can't have all 3. End of story.

Experiment does not show that reality is not local, indeterminist or  

Experiment confirms only the MWI, as the MWI theory explains why such  
weird features are apparent, but would exist physically only if the QM  
was not linear, or if the MWI were false.

Some people argue that there is still no clear re-establishment of  
locality with Everett, but to say that non-locality exists is the  
strong startling statement here so that it is up to the believers in  
that non-locality to prove its existence in the multiverse (not just  
in our branch, because that follows already from QM).

So I am waiting since long a proof of no-locality in the big picture,  
and there are none, as the QM main equation is just linear and local,  
as Everett explains already very well. There are not yet such papers I  
think. All papers proving the existence of non-locality talk only on  
the branch we keep an access on. It shows that a single branch has non  
local feature. It does not show that the physical reality as a whole  
is non local.


  John K Clark

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Re: 1P/3P CONFUSION again and again

2015-08-14 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 14 Aug 2015, at 07:48, John Clark wrote:

On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 1:08 PM, Bruno Marchal  

​ ​​after the door is opened there is no such thing as the 1- 

​ ​I have explained why this is directly refuted by all copies.

​So is THE 1-view a view of Moscow or of Washington?

​ ​ a natural confusion between 3-1 views and 1-views.

​Confusion naturally arises because Bruno Marchal​ can not  
explain what ​the 3-1 views​

I explained it, so I will look at your critics below.

is supposed to mean without lots of personal pronouns that are all  
rendered meaningless in a world with people duplicating machines.

you have failed to show any problem with the name and pronouns. Each  
time you equivocate the 1p and the 3p, or the 1-1p and the 3-1p, etc.

​ ​See below for more.

​Why? There is little of substance below.

I hope that this is not the critics.

​​​ they all feel to be different from the others

​​  ​Yes, and that's exactly why there are ​​7.1 billion  
1ps and not just one.​

​ ​Sure, in the 3-1 view. But​ [...]​

​To hell​ with the but, unless you're a solipsist and believe  
there are 7.1 billion  zombies on the Earth not people then the are  
7.1 billion 1ps on this planet, and there are no buts about it.

Stathis answered this recently, and others did regularly since, and  
your critics consists just in avoiding the question by avoiding the  
1-3 nuances.

Some scientist believe that we cannot talk on the 1p in science, but  
they do an level confusion error. We cannot use 1p in a proof, but we  
can use proof about 1p, once we have a good 3p definition of it, which  
is given in the UD Argument. With the diary (but of course your  
comment was the hell of the diary ...).

​​ ​Those damn diaries again! The diaries are useless after  
the duplication unless the person who wrote them could be  
unambiguously identified and you can't do that;

​ ​False. (Easy exercise, done many times).

​Somehow I missed that so please do that exercise one more time and  
point to THE one and only one person who wrote the diary now that  
the duplication has been made. Or if you think pointing is impolite  
just tell me if he lives in Washington or Moscow.​

I have answered that question many times.

In the 3-1 view, you will exist in W and in M.
From the 1-1 view, you will feel to be in one city.

And the question is on the pure 1-view, like in what do you expect  
to live as experience.

​​ ​There is no purely logical reason to make coffee or not  
to make coffee, but people who enjoy being alive ​and are good ​ 
at hypothesizing what the future will be​ ​like are more likely  
to pass more of their genes into the next generation than people  
who  don't enjoy life and aren't good at making plans for the  
future. So you prepared that coffee because you have some of those  

​ ​You make my point,

​Glad to be of service. ​

​ ​and explicitly contradict yours.

​Where?​ ​Show me!​

Stathis just did that. You say that yhe subjective first person  
experience that we denote by W and M are incompatibe subjective  
experience, but you keep talking like if P(W  M) ≠ 0..

​ ​Search on Searle in the archive for more.

 Why should I search for more idiocy? Searle is a ​moron​ and  
his ​Chinese ​room​ is imbecilic.​

Searles argument is invalid to refute comp. We agree on that.

​ ​What remains un-predicted?

​ ​The personal experience that the candidate in Helsinki can  
expect to live.

​If The Helsinki Man's name is Ed and if Ed is logical and if Ed  
expects to be duplicated then ​Ed would expect that there would not  
be just one answer to that question there would be ​two because  
that's what happens when people are duplicated.

In the fairy tales. But after a duplication, subjectively, ypu don't  
feel the split, cannot even be' sure there has been one, except by  
believing the protocol.

1P/3P CONFUSION again and again and again ...

​Yes that seems unusual but it's not illogical and it's only  
unusual because we haven't seen it yet , and we haven't seen it yet  
for technological reasons and not for scientific, logical or  
philosophical reasons. A few decades from now this entire debate  
will seem as quaint as a butterchurn.

yes, everyone will asks themselves how you were unable to grasp the  
FPI, which will be lived by all possible experiencer (or digital  
mechanism is false).

​ ​By reasoning, and using comp,

​I never use comp and never will until I know what it means and I  
don't and neither do you.

See the definition in any of my paper, or in the archive. Comp is the  
doctrine according to which the brain is turing emulable at some level  
so that we can accept an artificial brain, or do teleportation as  
described in our thought experiment, etc.

Your unwillingness to accept that definition might say long on your  
state of mind. You really looks like someone dreaming to refute an