[FairfieldLife] A message from David Lynch

2007-11-17 Thread nablusoss1008

In today's world of fear and uncertainty, every child should have 
one class period a day to dive within himself and experience the 
field of silence—bliss—the enormous reservoir of energy and 
intelligence that is deep within all of us. This is the way to save 
the coming generation. These words from the great educator and 
scientist of consciousness, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, simply and 
beautifully describe the urgent need in education today.

I have been diving within through the Transcendental Meditation 
technique for over 30 years. It has changed my life, my world. I am 
not alone. Millions of other people of all ages, religions, and walks 
of life practice the technique and enjoy incredible benefits.

Someday, hopefully very soon, diving within as a preparation for 
learning and as a tool for developing the creative potential of the 
mind will be a standard part of every school's curriculum. The 
stresses of today's world are taking an enormous toll on our children 
right now. There are hundreds of schools, with thousands of students, 
who are eager to relieve this stress and bring out the full potential 
of every student by providing this Consciousness-Based education 

Our Foundation was established to ensure that any child in America 
who wants to learn and practice the Transcendental Meditation program 
can do so. The TM program is the most thoroughly researched and 
widely practiced program in the world for developing the full 
creative potential of the brain and mind, improving health, reducing 
stress, and improving academic outcomes. We provide scholarships for 
students to learn the technique and to receive the complete follow-up 
program of instruction throughout their student years to ensure they 
receive the maximum benefits. We also provide scholarships for 
students who want to attend the growing number of highly successful 
schools, colleges, and universities founded on this Consciousness-
Based approach to education. 

I have had the pleasure of meeting many students who are diving 
within and experiencing Consciousness-Based education. These 
students are all unique individuals, very much themselves. They are 
amazing, self-sufficient, wide-awake, energetic, blissful, creative, 
powerfully intelligent and peaceful human beings. Meeting these 
students, for me, was the proof that Consciousness-Based education is 
a profoundly good thing for our schools and for our world.

Research and experience document the profound benefits to society as 
a whole when our children dive within. Individual peace is the unit 
of world peace. By offering Consciousness-Based education to the 
coming generation, we can promote a strong foundation for a healthy, 
harmonious, and peaceful world. For this, the Foundation also 
supports the establishment of Universities of World Peace that will 
train the coming generation in a new profession: that of professional 

Thank you very much for your interest. And please remember that 
Consciousness-Based education is not a luxury. For our children who 
are growing up in a stressful, often frightening, crisis-ridden 
world, it is a necessity. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lynch Lecture in Berlin-Lynch saves the day

2007-11-17 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  On Nov 15, 2007, at 7:41 PM, off_world_beings wrote:
   Looks like Lynch saved the day:
  ROTFLOL! Yeah, if it weren't for the whacky Urania logo on the 
 I think that should be taken as a positive, since Urania is a 
 of ancient Greece, whose name means 'heavenly'. That female 
 iconography seems like an image that could heal the German soul.
 Maharishi is very perceptive perhaps.
 I wonder what the etymology of this word is cardemeister?

I think you just mentioned it ('heavenly'). (I don't know 
any deeper etymology.)  Probably related to Vedic 'varuNa'. 

varuNa m. (once in the TA1r. %{varuNa4}) ` Allenveloping Sky 'N. 
of an A1ditya (in the Veda commonly the night as Mitra over the 
day , but often celebrated separately , whereas Mitra is rarely 
invoked alone ; Varun2a is one of the oldest of the Vedic gods , and 
is commonly thought to correspond to the $ of the Greeks , although 
of a more spiritual conception ; he is often regarded as the supreme 
deity , being then styled ` king of the gods ' or ` king of both 
gods and men ' or ` king of the universe ' ; no other deity has 
such grand attributes and functions assigned to him ; he is 
described as fashioning and upholding heaven and earth , as 
possessing extraordinary power and wisdom called %{mAyA} , assending 
his spies or messengers throughout both worlds , as numbering the 
very winkings of men's eyes , as hating falsehood , as seizing 
transgressors with his %{pAza} or noose , as inflicting diseases , 
especially dropsy , as pardoning sin , as the guardian of 
immortality ; he is also invoked in the Veda together with Indra , 
and in later Vedic literature together with Agni , with Yama , and 
with Vishn2u ; in RV. iv , 1 , 2 , he is even called the brother of 
Agni ; though not generally regarded in the Veda as a god of the 
ocean , yet he is often connected with the waters , especially the 
waters of the atmosphere or firmament , and in one place [RV. vii , 
64 , 2] is called with Mitra , %{sindhu-pati} , ` lord of the sea 
or of rivers ' ; hence in the later mythology he became a kind of 
Neptune , and is there best known in his character of god of the 
ocean ; in the MBh. Varun2a is said to be a son of Kardama and 
father of Pushkara , and is also variously represented as one of the 
Deva-gandharvas , as a Na1ga , as a king of the Nagas , and as an 
Asura ; he is the regent of the western quarter [cf. %{loka-pAla}] 
and of the Nakshatra S3atabhishaj [VarBr2S.] ; the Jainas consider 
Varun2a as a servant of the twentieth Arhat of the present 
Avasarpin2i1) RV. c. c. (cf IW. 10 ; 12 c.) ; the ocean 
VarBr2S. ; water Katha1s. ; the sun L. ; awarder off or dispeller 
Sa1y. on RV. v , 48 , 5 ; N. of a partic. magical formula recited 
over weapons R. (v.l. %{varaNa}) ; the tree Crataeva Roxburghii L. 
(cf. %{varaNa}) ; pl. (prob.) the gods generally AV. iii , 4 , 6 ; (%
{A}) f. N. of a river MBh. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 
  Point taken, but Hitler was anything but a blithering idiot, and 
  could talk up a storm and bring the German character to the 
  of what it has the potential to do good for. 

FWIW, in my understanding Hitler started thinking of himself
as a Leader only after a famous German(?) astrologer used
that word (Führer) in the analysis of Hitler's birth chart.
Before that he thought he was John the Baptist, whose
task was to find a suitable leader for Germany.

[FairfieldLife] The Keep The New Students Away Phenomenon

2007-11-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016

 The Raja-thing, the pinnacle of elitism (thus far) of the 
 TMO, has an element of karmic payback for the elites in 
 the TMO. For decades the TMO elites relished the opportunity 
 to open their checkbook in pursuit of unique 'special status'. 
 Their willingness to buy Enlightenment products that the 
 TMO marketed for every relative aspect of life revealed the 
 deep need of elites for 'specialness' - and came at the 
 expense of the TMO's reputation, because their need for 
 'specialness' and willingess to fund the TMO through it, 
 negated the TMO's need to relate to the world at large,  
 made the TMO more and more obscure, and virutally irrelevant 
 to the larger world. The TMO is now addicted to million 
 dollar donations for Raja crowns and gowns. MMY probably 
 realized about five years ago how the TMO has been made 
 virtually irrelevant over the past decades of catering to 
 elite's needs for specialness. As a means of payback, the 
 Raja role was created - and the responsibility was given 
 to Rajas to administer the now obscure TMO to the world at 
 large. The uncomfortable crown and robe fiasco for the 
 German Raja in Berlin this week is indicative of what's 
 in store for those who played such a willing hand in making 
 the TMO obscure and virtually irrelevant. The tin ear response 
 to the crowd indicates the depth of obscurity the TMO finds 
 itself. I imagine those robes will be seen as a bit uncom-
 fortable to wear now.  MMY might insist they be worn 24/7 
 for a while, as a means of making amends for the TMO's 
 sorry state.

The idea of payback is an interesting one, but I
can't agree with it. I have never seen any indication
that Maharishi is aware enough *of* the world to be
aware that his movement has retreated further and
further from it with every passing year. I see him
more a victim of his own ignorance of a phenomenon 
that is talked about openly in most other spiritual
trips I've had exposure to.

This phenomenon is referred to by many names, one of
them being (surprisingly, even in mainstream Tibetan
orgs I've encountered) the We've got ours, fuck any-
one else syndrome. 

The essence of it is, as you said so well above, the
desire for specialness on the part of spiritual 
seekers. When they *first* got involved in a new and
exciting spiritual trip, they felt special by devoting
themselves to evangelism -- spreading the word, and
trying to bring in new members. HOWEVER, after a few
years of this, they started to notice that as the move-
ment grew, they tended to get lost in the crowd, and
their chances for specialness with regard to the 
teacher became lessened. The new students -- some of
them brighter or, in the TM movement, richer -- got
more attention than they did.

So what do these seekers-in-search-of-specialness DO?
Simple. They start to sabotage the efforts to recruit
new students.

This is sometimes done by pretending to be too busy 
to give lectures and put up posters and teach any more.
Then it tends to become manifest by offering feedback 
to the teacher that *reinforces* the feeling of them
vs. us that they thrive on. They LIKE them vs. us,
because they're the us. And they want to *stay* the
us, right there at the center of things, close to
the teacher. And they want potential new students to
stay away, because they're them.

And so they applaud every plan the teacher comes up 
with that would make their spiritual path *less* inter-
esting to new students, and pooh-pooh any plan that might
work to bring in new students. And over time, the move-
ment stops growing, and starts shrinking instead.

And the special students, the us in this scenario,
LIKE this. The fewer people there are around the
teacher, the easier it is to get the teacher's attention.
And if you're a bhakti/darshan junkie, that's your dream
world. The students who feed on being close to the teacher
and having his/her attention focused on them would like
nothing *better* than for the movement they are part of
to shrink to the point where they are the only ones left.

As I said, this phenomenon is talked about -- and fought
against -- in many other spiritual traditions. Teachers
in those traditions are very aware of it, and if they
are happening and free of ego that could be pandered to
by adoring bhakti-junkies, they do their best to stop
this phenomenon as soon as it appears. For example, the
moment that students start talking about doing less
teaching, the wise teachers make them go out and do 
*more* teaching instead. The moment that the students
start talking about building an ashram where they can
get *away* from the world, the wise teachers come up
with exercises that force them to go out *into* the
world, and interact with it strongly. 

My feeling is that Maharishi is not aware of this 
phenomenon. He never studied how to be a spiritual
teacher; his only exposure to how to teach successfully
was watching 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Money Party - Big Lies that You Must Believe

2007-11-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  Now, if I could only get you to see that predation in 
  bars is but one way that the masses practice being deviant...
  . . .
  It's about men.  When one man sees another man walk into 
  a room with a cool babe, there may be some envy, but mostly 
  it's the other guys being on the same team and saying go, 
  go, go, make that touchdown. This is that hitting it 
  attitude in male mob psychology.
  . . . 
  Next time I come into the bar, I'll be bringing this new 
  babe, Iran, and you just know she won't be wearing any burka 
  after I've bedded that bitch.
  . . . 
  Crass, lurid, obscene, horrid projection by Edg?
  Or truth?
 Since you asked...
 It's more like frenetic, manic rambling that appears to have 
 little if anything to do with the subject - and that seems to 
 characterizes most of your posts.


I'm thinkin' marijuana. It has that effect of pumpin' 
up ego and making whatever you say seem important and 
well written, even when it's not. 

And more often than not lately, whatever the spring-
board topic he's replying to was, the rambling reply
is about the thing that seems to threaten him the most 
-- other men, especially men who can still get it up.

If Edg wants to experiment with drugs, I personally
think he'd do better with Cialis or Viagra. 

I'm just sayin'.

I think he owes yourself a real rock-hard boner, so 
he can get over being so jealous of guys who still
have them.

Besides, it's difficult to strut around posturing
as the guardian of all that is moral and right and
talking about dragging sinners into morality court
when you're sportin' a big hardon. 

It's the right chemical solution, man. One little 
pill and he'll feel a lot better, and so will we,
because we'll have to hit Next less often 2-3
sentences into his posts.

[FairfieldLife] Mystery

2007-11-17 Thread TurquoiseB

On another forum, someone posted a recent 
interview with Bruce Cockburn, one of my 
favorite writers. In the interview, he 
dropped a one-liner that just knocked my 
socks off. It's one of the most honest
self-assessments by an artist of his own
work that I've ever encountered. 

The interviewer asked him whether a set of
lines in one of his songs called Mystery
(Stood before the shaman / I saw star strewn 
space / Behind the eye holes in his face)
were based on a drug experience. Bruce said
no, that he hadn't done any drugs for over 
a decade when the event he described in this 
song happened. It just happened anyway. He
was talking with a Native American shaman in
a living room in Toronto, and suddenly I'm 
looking in his face and I had that experience 
of where his eyes were windows into space and 
it freaked me right out and I didn't say 
anything, but he saw me react or something. 
He saw a look come over my face I guess, and 
he ... smiled a knowing smile and that was 
the extent of it, but it was shocking. I had 
to assume it was something real because I 
wasn't stoned.

And then he says the thing I liked so much:

I don't make any of this shit up. People 
think it's imagination, but it's not. I don't 
have any imagination, I just report.

That's really it, the thing that distinguishes
Bruce Cockburn's work and makes it so different 
from the work of many other artists. 

Standing on a bridge, watching it flow over the
river. Standing on another bridge, reacting to
some guy's whispered, I give you ride. Don't you 
want to kiss me? Wearing a leather jacket shiver-
ing with a friend in a theater while the eye of 
God blazes at them like the sun. Sitting in a bar 
in Kathmandu, drinking millet wine and listening 
to a hint of chanted prayer on the fresh night 
wind, but really missing someone's touch...and 
finding it, across space and time. 

Bruce doesn't make any of this shit up. It all
really happens, and his art is all about just
reporting on it. That's how he sees what he does.

And that's just so cool, from my point of view.
It's the artform of the enlightened, in a way. 
There is no *need* for imagination when your 
world is a constantly-unfolding mystery, opening 
from wonder into wonder.

Bruce has cool experiences in the real world.
There is no need to imagine better experiences
in some fictional world. All he has to do is live
his life, pay attention, and write about the 
things he sees and feels and experiences, in 
his own inimitable way. 

The man's a mystic, and throughout the centuries
mystics have never *had* to imagine the tales they 
tell; they just report on what happens. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lynch Lecture in Berlin-Lynch saves the day

2007-11-17 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
You don't know much about your own history do you?  You really 
   Unfortunately for 
   you that translates into a country that has a poor understanding 
   how the world works. That is why you are stuck in quagmire in Iraq
  Funny I thought the UK was one of our only partners in this foolish
 That again shows your inferior american worldview. I said you 
 americans are stuckj in a quagmire. The British are there, but they 
 are not stuck in quagmire. You are stuck. You literally cannot leave, 
 but you cannot see that...because you are american. The Brits will be 
 out soon, you will be stuck thers.

Doing the dirty work for the British, the U.S. agreed that the Brits' 
participation in Bush 
43's Iraq war would be limited to the southern third of Iraq, the Basra region, 
which has 
copious producing oilfields at established shipping facilities on  the Gulf of 
Leaving the more difficult two-thirds of Iraq as the U.S.'s headache is 
evidence enough of 
the British role in this Iraq war.  Someone once said that war is nothing more 
than highly 
organized theft. Britain's comparatively easy role in the war is evidence that 
it is the lead 
thief in this war.  

 Here is a clue, there is more than one
  political party or POV in America.
 all for your american love of the born-again christians that 
 are SO 
   strong in your country...and you don't even question wether that 
   something to do with the american character.
  Religion is not unique to our country.  But I agree that there are
  more enlightened Atheists in Europe.  I am against the strong
  religious bias of many Americans.
 ...and you don't even question wether that has something to do with 
 the american character.
  Glad that your country stopped its long history of colonial 
  of the world dude.
 Watch the recent movie Bury my heart at wounded knee.
 The reason the native americans went to Canada was to escape American
 oppression. And Black Elk, the famous Shaman of the Lakota tribe,
 called the Queen Victoria Grandmother because of British attempts
 to protect the indians, and British laws to protect them in Canada.
 When your own war of independence broke out thousands upon thousands
 of indians (and Americans, and American slaves) immediately moved to
 Canada because they wanted protection by the British because they
 knew the British protected them, whereas the Americans were despotic.
 When your pilgrims (called puritan fundamentalists by the British)
 came to America, they came to escape having to treat everyone as
 equal, when they wanted to outcast, or even kill, anyone who was not
 a convert to them. Queen Elizabeth of the time was strictly against
 such despotic regimes (that is why Elizabeth at first, and the
 British spent centuries fighting and winning against the Papist
 regimes of France and Spain)
   are also by far the largest polluters per capita than any other 
  Against pollution too? Oh my God, you are truly a saint among men.  
  one in America knows anything about such subtle wisdom.
   Yes, I am sure you are proud of it all.
   However, Doug Henning was Canadian. Tough luck.
   Now let's name some GOOD things about america:
   Bob Dylan
  We actually have a few more cool states and musicians.  But at least
  you have become human to me here.
  Glad you found a place in our diverse country.  Good luck.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sanskrit (Vedic) 101: sat and asat

2007-11-17 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 

 The notion that different languages constrain our thinking in 
different ways is the central tenet of the Sapir Whorff Hypothesis, 
and true so far as it goes.  But it certainly is not an absolute 
truth. For one thing, languages change especially as a result of 
folks inventing new ways to think and do things.  And then, if 
Chomsky's and the Vedic views of language are correct (and I think 
they are), then the deeper you go, the less constraint there is from 
all things, including language.  a
 cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
  mailander111@ wrote:
   I hope you guys don't mind my interjecting a couple of thoughts 
  here.  Sapir Whorf doesn't address the emotional reaction we 
  have on hearing the sound of another language. We find French 
  charming, Dutch funny, and German harsh, for example. 
 Instead, the claim is that different languages constrain our 
  thinking in various ways. 
  Yeah, I know that. That's why my emotional level was
  emphasized. Should have been more explicit about that.

Just curious, how does this song in Finnish sound
to you:


I was quite surprised that the people commenting on it
mostly seem to like the way it sounds, although
they don't understand a word. I guess most
of them are big fans of the band HIM (His Infernal Majesty) and Mr.
Ville Valo (William Light, i.e.  not Darkness).

The last line goes like this: Kohdusta hautaan ui uuttera lautta,
tuhannen kapakan kautta. (From the womb to the tomb swims the
Diligent Raft, through thousands of beer joints.)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lynch Lecture in Berlin-Lynch saves the day

2007-11-17 Thread Peter
Off better learn pretty skippy that these stars and
stripes don't run and if he dont luv her then we'll
nuke 'em. Them English all sissy pants anyway. Ever
hear how they talk over there with thar pinky in the
air sippin' tea at 4:00 oclock. Damn sissy men if ya
ask me. Watch it Off, cause we got boys watchin' you!
By the way, Dick Cheney, glorious dark commander of
freedom on the march, says hello.

--- curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Funny I thought the UK was one of our only
 partners in this foolish
  That again shows your inferior american worldview.
 I said you 
  americans are stuckj in a quagmire. The British
 are there, but they 
  are not stuck in quagmire. You are stuck. You
 literally cannot leave, 
  but you cannot see that...because you are
 american. The Brits will be 
  out soon, you will be stuck thers.
 You may have me here.  This was a dumbass war by our
 president.  I was always against it.
  Here is a clue, there is more than one
   political party or POV in America.
  all for your american love of the born-again
 christians that 
  are SO 
strong in your country...and you don't even
 question wether that 
something to do with the american character.
   Religion is not unique to our country.  But I
 agree that there are
   more enlightened Atheists in Europe.  I am
 against the strong
   religious bias of many Americans.
  ...and you don't even question wether that has
 something to do with 
  the american character.
   Glad that your country stopped its long history
 of colonial 
   of the world dude.
  Watch the recent movie Bury my heart at wounded
 I read the book when I was in eighth grade.  Some
 Americans have more
 awareness of our flaws then you realize.
  The reason the native americans went to Canada was
 to escape American
  oppression. And Black Elk, the famous Shaman of
 the Lakota tribe,
  called the Queen Victoria Grandmother because of
 British attempts
  to protect the indians, and British laws to
 protect them in Canada.
  When your own war of independence broke out
 thousands upon thousands
  of indians (and Americans, and American slaves)
 immediately moved to
  Canada because they wanted protection by the
 British because they
  knew the British protected them, whereas the
 Americans were despotic.
 Conquered people get screwed.  Right.  Now they have
  When your pilgrims (called puritan fundamentalists
 by the British)
  came to America, they came to escape having to
 treat everyone as
  equal, when they wanted to outcast, or even kill,
 anyone who was not
  a convert to them. Queen Elizabeth of the time was
 strictly against
  such despotic regimes (that is why Elizabeth at
 first, and the
  British spent centuries fighting and winning
 against the Papist
  regimes of France and Spain)
 I don't doubt that.  It was a fraction of the people
 in my great country.
are also by far the largest polluters per
 capita than any other 
   Against pollution too? Oh my God, you are truly
 a saint among men.  
   one in America knows anything about such subtle

Yes, I am sure you are proud of it all.

However, Doug Henning was Canadian. Tough

Now let's name some GOOD things about america:

Bob Dylan
   We actually have a few more cool states and
 musicians.  But at least
   you have become human to me here.
   Glad you found a place in our diverse country. 
 Good luck.
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread Angela Mailander
There is no shortage of atrocity in any country of our world. In view of the 
pissing contest between Curtis and Off about that, I guess I’d have to say that 
Edg has a point when he says “It’s all about men.”  In China, 40 million men 
will never find a wife, and the Chinese government, in an effort to find ways 
to deal with all that unemployed testosterone, considered starting a few little 
border wars here and there because there is, in fact, a connection between 
testosterone and aggression. It seems the height of irony to deal with Edg’s 
statement by suggesting that he needs to take Viagra.  It is a man’s world, and 
doesn’t it seem somewhat out of balance in the direction of testosterone as we 
stand on the brink of a world war to make the last two look puny?  

curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- 
In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Poverty on Reservations - today's news
 Algezerra!  Nice one.  You name me one place on this globe where
 hunter gatherers fair well without adapting.  And you blame the US for
 this? Where are the Uk's indigenous people dude?  Dead and buried.  So
 now you can be sanctimonious about how we treated people that every
 other country killed off.  BTW it was the Brits who gave the Indians
 smallpox infected blankets or did you forget that charming detail
 about British history?

 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lynch Lecture in Berlin-Lynch saves the day

2007-11-17 Thread off_world_beings

  Papist despots.) Then you JOINED the most oppressive regime, the 
  French, and that is when your little 'war of independence' 
  (our 'skirmish in the provinces') turned against the British when 
  French joined in, so the British went off and defeated the French 
  Catholic despots, who if the British had not defeated, YOU 
  would be speaking French and living in a mono-religious regime 
run by 
  the Pope.
 My name is proudly Mailloux.  I am a quarter French, a quarter Irish
 and half British.  I do speak French.  Even France is no longer
 mono-religious now.  

France is no longer mono -theistic despot along with Spain because 
Queen Elizabeth 1 stood up to the Pope, stopped the fundamentalists 
from trying to push everyone around in England, and the British beat 
the Freanch and Spanish century after century (without American help -
 Americans joined papists) to usher in the age of reason (largely 
founded by Sir Francis Bacon during Elizabehts reign. Bacon was 
called 'the father of science' and Thomas Jefferson and several other 
of your founders idolized him)

I appreciate your interest in history but resent
 your personalization of counties onto people, namely me.  I live in 
 immigrant community and know quite a bit about our world and its
 history.  I lived in Europe for a year.   Long enough not to try to
 pin the history of a person's country onto them.  You are practicing
 bar room pugnaciousness on a person who you would never talk to this
 way in person.  

Then why did you start this fight by saying you are proud of all the 
despotic and viscious oppression your country has been so good at, 
since the Pilgrims killing indians, and the Indians, civilized 
Americans, and the black slaves all running to Canada for British 
protection. And now the corporate oppression of the world through 
your control of the WTO.

One good thing. GW Bush. He has destroyed your power, and now you are 
to be assimilated and stop acting like renegade bully schoolboys.

Dude, its all in jest. This is just a game...relax.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Lynch Lecture in Berlin-Lynch saves the day

2007-11-17 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Off better learn pretty skippy that these stars and
 stripes don't run and if he dont luv her then we'll
 nuke 'em. Them English all sissy pants anyway. 

Uh, yea.
We have more sophisticated, faster, more accurate nukes than you do. 

 hear how they talk over there with thar pinky in the
 air sippin' tea at 4:00 oclock. Damn sissy men if ya
 ask me. 

True but I'm Scottish, and we wear skirts...so watch out big boy .

Watch it Off, cause we got boys watchin' you!
 By the way, Dick Cheney, glorious dark commander of
 freedom on the march, says hello.

I heard he was dead. It is just a reconstituted cadaver.


[FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 

 There is no shortage of atrocity in any country of our world. In view 
of the pissing contest between Curtis and Off about that, I guess I'd 
have to say that Edg has a point when he says It's all about men. 

I totally agree with you and I think that is the most important 
statement said here in 48 hours at least.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Ramana teaches how to meditate (Chopra's Intent blog)

2007-11-17 Thread Duveyoung
tertonzeno wrote: This is only true (no object sought, thus one
gets straight to the Self) of more advanced persons.  The vast
majority will undoubtedly experience nothing but ordinary mental
chatter, then become discouraged.  TM cuts directly through the
chatter.  In any event, Self-Inquiry must absolutely be practiced in
conjunction with the Holy Three: 1. Ramana, 2. Arunachala, and 3.
Arunachala Shiva.  If not, one will be berift of the Shakti necessary
to transcend.  In TM, the Shakti is in the mantra.  In Self-Inquirty,
it's only latent in the practitioner until ignited by the Fire of 
Arunachala Shiva. (this form of Shiva embodies the Fire element, thus
 Diwali celebrants light a gigantic fire on top of Arunachala Hill in


I quote your words, cuz they should be read several times -- it's a
pretty dense statement.  Poetry.

Thanks for that view.  Though I think that Ramana and Nisargadatta's
presentation of Advaita is A PERFECT dogma, I am not a devotee of
Ramana or Nisargadatta, and, thus, to me, the religious aspects of
their separate organizations, seems to be out of harmony with my
merely intellectual understanding of the ultimate Advaitic statements.  

That's just me, and I wish I wasn't quite so wary of the faith based
aspects of those organizations.  There are folks doing pujas DAILY to
them all around the world, but I no longer resonate with this kind of
worship -- though I agree it is a legitimate and powerful spiritual
program.  I also think doing a daily TM puja to Guru Dev would be a
profound program, but I don't do that either.  Heck, I would even do
the TM puja to Ramana or Nisargadatta and feel like I wasn't being a
heretic.  So, get it?  I'm not anti-religious -- just burnt out and
beaten and not really qualified to join any community nowadays.  I
don't even belong here at FFL -- except that, you know, someone has to
support the Great Cause of Judy.  (Hey, that'd be GC Judy -- h, it
has a familiar ring to it.)

Thus, I do not immediately, by faith, find it in me to validate the
concepts of transmitted Shakti, and, sorry, but I do think that Self
Inquiry is possible for most folks even though they would not
recognize their SELF in a police line-up.  It works for everyone, but
most are not subtle enough to know it.  So, you're right that Self
Inquiry is not for the common person who needs far more than merely a
good technique to evolve.

Your thoughts skirt about a dynamic that I think is, if anything, the
most important part of your post: the need for roots if one is going
to be successful in any spiritual practice.

I mean, who out there is still using Benson's one as a mantra? 
Benson's no guru, has no ancient tradition, and his Ivory Tower
credentials just are not the strong coattails a newbie needs to
regularly use a meditation technique.  In short, even if one is a
perfectly wonderful sound to meditate with, who's going to use it
enough years when we all know that the results of any technique are
extraordinarily subtle and almost impossible to grasp cognitively? 
One needs a guru or dogma to explain to the newbies what's happening
as evolution progresses.  

So, yeah, if I were doing Self Inquiry in Ramana's ashram, in that
supportive atmosphere, with so many true believers, I would be far
more dedicated to the technique and living a simple lifestyle to boot
in an uplifting community.  Self Inquiry would be far more powerful
there than in my livingroom -- no question about that.

If the TM mantras have their own on board Shakti, well, this was
never spelled out to me by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and I had Maharishi
literally answering questions from large groups for over 2,000 hours
of live and in person.  How'd I miss that concept? If he talked about
it, it must have gone right over my head.  Thus, I cannot immediately
resonate with the concept, and I'm probably not enough of a scholar to
research this concept until I can intellectually harmonize with it.  I
could just believe it, but, you see, I'm very exhausted from being a
believer for three decades and then watching my life dissolve before
my eyes even though I had made a good run at being a yogi.  I was in
this deal for improvements in my personality -- and to hell with
Godot sez me now.  I do not think anyone can convince me at this
point in my life to jump into a religious scenario and start doing
faith again.  

So, I think I agree with you, and I'm just guessing, but I think I
agree that TM would be a better practice than Self Inquiry for most
folks -- except that the Raja-thingy pretty much ruins mood-making
that one is involved with an ancient tradition of merit, so what
newbie will continue to meditate?  

But, having 29 years of four hours a day of TM probably got me to a
place where I can do Self Inquiry.  I do feel the vastness when that
silence answers my query, Who am I?  Silence that is so precious
that I disappears just so's I doesn't take up any space that the
silence could better fill.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lynch Lecture in Berlin-Lynch saves the day

2007-11-17 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Nov 16, 2007, at 11:12 PM, off_world_beings wrote:


Okay, this is good.  I haven't looked ahead.  Off is getting




Oh yea, I forgot, then comes RICK BAN HIM, BAN HIM FOR LIFE. BAN



I've never said that to anyone you raving drunk.

LOL...this is easily the best wake-up I've seen here in months. Not  
sure who's ahead at this point, but it sure is entertaining.  Go,  
Lurk and Off! :)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Lynch Lecture in Berlin-Lynch saves the day

2007-11-17 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

 Glad that your country stopped its long history of 
 of the world dude.

Watch the recent movie Bury my heart at wounded knee.
   I read the book when I was in eighth grade.  Some Americans 
   awareness of our flaws then you realize.
  I read it at about 17.
  However, I remember why the Indians went to Canada (for British 
  protection), whereas you conveniently (as americans do)...do not 
  remember that part.
Canada because they wanted protection by the British because 
knew the British protected them, whereas the Americans were 
   Conquered people get screwed.  Right.  Now they have casinos.
  You obviously have never seen (as I have ) the abject poverty on 
  largest reservation in the world - the Navajo reservation. 
  that would be an absolute outrage in Europe. We have poverty, but 
  like you americans do in your reservations and ghettos.
such despotic regimes (that is why Elizabeth at first, and the
British spent centuries fighting and winning against the 
regimes of France and Spain)
   I don't doubt that.  It was a fraction of the people in my 
  Which was founded by a traitorous insurgency against the British 
  protected you from the Catholic despots of France and Spain and 
  soldiers died by the hundreds of thousands to protect you from 
  viscious religious fanatic regimes ( and your traitorous 
  refused to help out in that by paying taxes and helping against 
  Papist despots.) Then you JOINED the most oppressive regime, the 
  French, and that is when your little 'war of independence' 
  (our 'skirmish in the provinces') turned against the British when 
  French joined in, so the British went off and defeated the French 
  Catholic despots, who if the British had not defeated, YOU 
  would be speaking French and living in a mono-religious regime 
  the Pope.
 Uh, I think you've got your history a little bass-ackwards, 
 The British defeated the French on the Plains of Abraham in what is 
 now Quebec City in 1759.  The U.S. War of Independence ended in 
 17 years later.

Idiot ! ! !

The British won a DIFFERENT war against the French in the 1780's (the 
one you joined the despotic papists in your land grabbing spree, and 
YOU helped them start and wage that war against the British)

You are complete idiots in America. You do not even realise that the 
British were busy fighting the French and the Dutch and the Spanish 
during your pathetic little war of independence in whcih you sided 
with the despotic regimes.

THEN the British beat the Dictator Napolean at the Battle of Waterloo 
about 20 years later, then again at some other point. 

It was just a constant stream of the British beating the despotic 
regimes from Queen Elizabeth I onwards. And America never did a thing 
of use until we used for for canon fodder at the end of WWII.

 Indeed, the British so angered the American British by abandoning 
 English Common Law in Quebec 

You mean they decided to let the French live in the cultural manner 
to which they were accustomed. Yet you call them oppressors. 

The reason the Iroquois Nations sided with the British for so many 
decades, and even up to your independence, is because of the 
despotism against them, by the French and the Americans 


[FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread TurquoiseB
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
  mailander111@ wrote:
  There is no shortage of atrocity in any country of our world. 
  In view of the pissing contest between Curtis and Off about 
  that, I guess I'd have to say that Edg has a point when he 
  says It's all about men. 

Possibly, but I still think that we could reduce 
the number of wars on the planet with just one law:
Mandate that any man in a position of national or
international power over the age of 50 has to take 
Viagra on a daily basis. 

I'm actually serious, and I'm far from the first
person to suggest it. See the art cover designed
by Minsky for Dr. Helen Caldicott's book Missile
Envy. It pretty much tells the whole story of the
arms race:


Most of the wars in history have been started by
old men and fought by the young men they sent off
to die. Many psychiatrists and philosophers have 
had a field day with this, suggesting that what is
really going on is that these old men, pissed off
tha* they *are* old and that the young men are 
gettin' all the action and that they couldn't get 
it up any more even if they *were* gettin' some 
action, would rather that the young men were dead. 
So they start wars to arrange this.

The answer? Make all these old men take Viagra. If 
they have wives, further mandate that they have 
to screw them regularly. If they're bachelors, 
hire them some hookers. 

Then they wouldn't be so pissed off at the world
and ready to pontificate from on high about all of
its supposed evils and start wars to correct them.

Ok, this is sorta for a laugh, but at the same time
it would probably *work*, because most of the men
in power on this planet ARE limp-dicked old men who
sublimate their lost sexuality by swingin' their limp
dicks at neighboring nations and starting wars. Say 
what you will about it, Viagra works, and my bet is 
if these limp-dicked old men got to feel what a real 
hardon was like again, they'd be more interested 
in gettin' it on in the bedroom than in gettin'
it on in the battlefield.

Can't you see the bumper stickers now? Little blue
pills for peace. You could even stamp the peace
sign on each tablet.  

Just my two centimes.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread mrfishey2001
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 

 There is no shortage of atrocity in any country of our world. In 
view of the pissing contest between Curtis and Off about that, I 
guess I'd have to say that Edg has a point when he says It's all 
about men.  In China, 40 million men will never find a wife, and 
the Chinese government, in an effort to find ways to deal with all 
that unemployed testosterone, considered starting a few little 
border wars here and there because there is, in fact, a connection 
between testosterone and aggression. It seems the height of irony to 
deal with Edg's statement by suggesting that he needs to take 
Viagra.  It is a man's world, and doesn't it seem somewhat out of 
balance in the direction of testosterone as we stand on the brink of 
a world war to make the last two look puny?  

Dreadfully argued. But then, I imagine in the absence of reason and 
accountability, it does look like a man's world.

[FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander

 There is no shortage of atrocity in any country of our world. In
view of the pissing contest between Curtis and Off about that, I guess
I'd have to say that Edg has a point when he says It's all about men.

This reminds me of when guys see two women fighting and exclaim,

I don't know any women who would like being called a stupid
American, do you?  In pissing contest you have to be aiming in the
same direction or you hit each other.  This was more like standing
next to someone in front of a urinal and asking someone to stop
spraying my shoes.  Off was trying to make me a focus for his anger at
the country he lives in without respecting me as a person.  I don't
enjoy being objectified any more than woman would on being called a
dumb blond. So no, this is not all about men.  It is about humans
communicating as humans instead of symbols for things that piss you
off and talking past each other. Summing up a person's cognitive
skills because of their country of birth or hair color represents the
kind of simplistic thinking that both women and men resent.

  In China, 40 million men will never find a wife, and the Chinese
government, in an effort to find ways to deal with all that unemployed
testosterone, considered starting a few little border wars here and
there because there is, in fact, a connection between testosterone and
aggression. It seems the height of irony to deal with Edg's statement
by suggesting that he needs to take Viagra.  It is a man's world, and
doesn't it seem somewhat out of balance in the direction of
testosterone as we stand on the brink of a world war to make the last
two look puny?  
 curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings
   Poverty on Reservations - today's news
  Algezerra!  Nice one.  You name me one place on this globe where
  hunter gatherers fair well without adapting.  And you blame the US for
  this? Where are the Uk's indigenous people dude?  Dead and buried.  So
  now you can be sanctimonious about how we treated people that every
  other country killed off.  BTW it was the Brits who gave the Indians
  smallpox infected blankets or did you forget that charming detail
  about British history?

  Send instant messages to your online friends

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lynch Lecture in Berlin-Lynch saves the day

2007-11-17 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Sal Sunshine
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 9:07 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Lynch Lecture in Berlin-Lynch saves the day


On Nov 16, 2007, at 11:12 PM, off_world_beings wrote:


LOL...this is easily the best wake-up I've seen here in months. Not sure
who's ahead at this point, but it sure is entertaining.  Go, Lurk and Off!


I was away most of yesterday and didn’t notice until late last night that
Off World was up to 44 posts. This may be opening up a can of worms, but I
wonder if we should have a policy where I grant a “special dispensation” of
extra posts if a particularly lively conversation is taking place between
two people, as long as it’s substantive and not just a flame war. Barry and
Judy would not be eligible. 

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.34/1134 - Release Date: 11/16/2007
9:52 AM

[FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
 mailander111@ wrote:
  There is no shortage of atrocity in any country of our world. In
 view of the pissing contest between Curtis and Off about that, I 
 I'd have to say that Edg has a point when he says It's all about 
 This reminds me of when guys see two women fighting and exclaim,
 I don't know any women who would like being called a stupid
 American, do you?  In pissing contest you have to be aiming in the
 same direction or you hit each other.  This was more like standing
 next to someone in front of a urinal and asking someone to stop
 spraying my shoes.  Off was trying to make me a focus for his anger 
 the country he lives in

Lol, you're an idiot.
I was not angry, just having fun giving dumb Americans a history 
It was fun for me, but as the loser in the history lesson you are 
obviously a sore loser, and have  to call the winner of the history 
contest angry.

I was not angry for one second. Put that in your head and hold it for 
one year, maybe something will sink in and you might learn something 
from this history lesson at least.

.I don't live in this countryI OWN IT.

Now get out of our way.
We are Borg...Resistance is futile.


[FairfieldLife] Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was away most of yesterday and didn't notice until late last night
 Off World was up to 44 posts. This may be opening up a can of worms,
but I
 wonder if we should have a policy where I grant a special
dispensation of
 extra posts if a particularly lively conversation is taking place
 two people, as long as it's substantive and not just a flame war.
Barry and
 Judy would not be eligible. 

I would vote strongly against this Rick, as being too arbitrary. And
in the case of the debate you entered into, its not exactly stellar in
terms of no personal attacks. To give personal degraders more posts
seems counterproductive.

As an alternative, I would consider raising the weekly limit to 50 IF
similtaneously, we institute a ZERO TOLERANCE on over posting. Go over
the limit an you are instantly banned for the duration of the week AND
the following week. Do it twice and its TWO weeks, and ratchet it up
for additional infractions, etc. The extra 15 posts a week would give
people breathing room -- the ideas is don't even come close to the
limit if you are a lazy or imprecise counter.

And to encourage rehabilitation, if a person is in the 2-3+ week ban
category, they can have their ratchet amount eliminated if they stay
unbanned for three months. But they need to apply for such a waiver, 
requesting it of you and the group.

People, particularly here, do not change behavior unless there are
consequences. Make the consequences clear, immediate and significant,
and the overposting problem will vanish overnight. 

[FairfieldLife] Hindu Temple in Atlanta - Video

2007-11-17 Thread Rick Archer

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9:52 AM

RE: [FairfieldLife] Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread Rick Archer
I would vote strongly against this Rick, as being too arbitrary. And
in the case of the debate you entered into, its not exactly stellar in
terms of no personal attacks. To give personal degraders more posts
seems counterproductive.

You’re right.

As an alternative, I would consider raising the weekly limit to 50 IF
similtaneously, we institute a ZERO TOLERANCE on over posting. Go over
the limit an you are instantly banned for the duration of the week AND
the following week. Do it twice and its TWO weeks, and ratchet it up
for additional infractions, etc. The extra 15 posts a week would give
people breathing room -- the ideas is don't even come close to the
limit if you are a lazy or imprecise counter.

What do ya’ll think? Are 35 posts too few? There are a few people who post
quality stuff who always seem to run out.

And to encourage rehabilitation, if a person is in the 2-3+ week ban
category, they can have their ratchet amount eliminated if they stay
unbanned for three months. But they need to apply for such a waiver, 
requesting it of you and the group.

Now it’s getting complicated. Gotta keep it simple if you want me to
administer it.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
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9:52 AM

[FairfieldLife] Re: the amazing theater in Berlin

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
[Angela wrote:]

 You are also right about Wagner's music, but his librettos
 are fascist propaganda. I can tell the difference between
 divine music and shitty literature.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wonder if you've ever read a Wagner libretto. You are right
 that they are not poetry of the highest quality, but completely
 wrong when you call them fascist propaganda. Quite the
 opposite. The Ring of the Nibelung is about the triumph of 
 unconditional love over the unscrupulous, ruthless use of
 political and economic power. It is, if anything, anti-Fascist

In the last opera in the Ring, Goetterdaemmerung,
or The Twilight of the Gods, the Hitlerian
prototypes--the gods of Valhalla and the Superman
Siegfried--meet with utter destruction.

 Tristan and Isolde is about transcendental,
 eternal love. Parsifal is a Christian myth of redemption. The
 Flying Dutchman, Lohengrin, and Tannhauser have no significant 
 political content.

I'm also a Wagner fan, and this is absolutely
correct. The idea that the librettos are fascist
propaganda is profoundly ignorant.

Wikipedia has an excellent, thoroughly documented
article on Wagner and Nazism:


There's also a devastating critique on Amazon
of a book claiming that Hitler got his ideas
from Wagner:


[Angela wrote:]

 No connection between the TMO and Nazi Germany? Well, that depends
on which historians you ask. History is a story that's not told by
monotopical idiots (right Turquoise?), unless they're paid textbook
writers. So in a situation like that, in which vastly different people
tell vastly different stories about an enormous evil that humanity has
just been through, and you think there is only one way to tell that
story? That's what textbooks would have you believe, which is why
they're so f--ing boring. Are you telling me (like a true fascist)
that your way of seeing history is the only way?

Well, actually, no, he's not, Angela. Here's
what he was telling you:

 I don't know anyone else who would seriously
 argue for any similarities between the TMO and
 the Nazis.

Angela, let's see some references to historians
who claim there's a connection between the TMO
and Nazi Germany.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread Angela Mailander

  You are right, Deltablues, no one likes to be called a dumb American. But we 
are dumb in lots of typically American ways, just as the Brits are dumb in 
typically British ways.  It is for this reason that Isaiah says in the Old 
Testament that it is the escapees of the nations of earth who are the best 
teachers.  There should be some way of pointing out one another’s blind spots 
without being as rude as Off World undoubtedly was, or taking offence as you 
undoubtedly did.  Pride and shame make us equally blind and equally incapable 
of learning.
  But there is something else I’d like you to consider.  I was dead serious 
when I said that Marshy’s prolly rolling with laughter on the ground with us 
over that amazing piece of theater we just saw in Berlin.  Nazi Germany was 
hell on earth, and we shall see it again soon, and, more than likely, the war 
that fascism always brings will come to American soil.  Afterwards, there will 
be the phoenix rising that I saw as a child in post war Germany. It was heaven 
on earth for a few years. It is not hard to see this pattern.  And the next 
world war will make the last two look puny, so the phoenix rising might be 
around for a thousand years.  It does not take a Maharishi to see that this is 
what’s going down.  And this is the context for the play we just saw staged in 
Berlin.  In my opinion, it was brilliant visionary theater on a world stage at 
a particular moment in history.  
  How conscious were Marhy and Lynch, individually and together, in that 
collaboration?  In the experience of generations of literary critics, it is 
always a big mistake to assume the artist was not conscious of what he was 
doing and conscious of the effect he was creating in people.  With live 
theater, there is some question about how much was plan and how much was 
“Nature support,” but the difference between them is highly debatable in any 
case.  Do we know for a fact that audience response was entirely spontaneous?  
Could there have been plants? M (that was my cat, Greymir, on the 
keyboard, not me)
  We cannot accuse Marshy of being stupid about marketing (I’ll get back to the 
asinine beekeeper’s outfits).  His schools may or may not be successful, but 
he’s got the land and the buildings, which, as the Vatican knows very well, you 
need if you want to survive more than a generation or two. Could it be that 
Marshy knows how ridiculous the raja costumes are?  It is virtually certain 
that Lynch knows it.  I think Marshy does too, so what is his point?  Merely 
that negative attention is better than no attention?  He could get negative 
attention in any number of ways, but he chose the rajas—symbols, if nothing 
else, of the divine right of kings, and, with it, the purportedly “natural” law 
of the caste system. The rajas do like old men playing at being Cinderella’s 
princes—that is what they look like now.  What might they look like after the 
earth lies in ruins? Or after the one-world government James Paul Warburg 
promised us in 1950 has established an iron global
 dictatorship complete with microchips and a holographic Jesus type comes out 
of the clouds courtesy of Hollywood?   
  The connection between German style fascism and the TMO is profound, and it 
is stupid, in my opinion, not to investigate this connection in order to 
understand it at some depth and across several dimensions if we really want to 
understand Marshy’s greatness, which, like Vaj, I am affirming.  The TMO shies 
away from the comparison because Nazi Germany has become the symbol of ultimate 
evil, and they don’t want it associated with their leader about whom Mother 
Divine is singing a truly insipid little tune: Maharishi’s bri—hee—hee—nging  
heaven on earth.”  But are heaven and hell not deeply and intimately connected? 
curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- 
In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
  There is no shortage of atrocity in any country of our world. In
 view of the pissing contest between Curtis and Off about that, I guess
 I'd have to say that Edg has a point when he says It's all about men.
 This reminds me of when guys see two women fighting and exclaim,
 I don't know any women who would like being called a stupid
 American, do you?  In pissing contest you have to be aiming in the
 same direction or you hit each other.  This was more like standing
 next to someone in front of a urinal and asking someone to stop
 spraying my shoes.  Off was trying to make me a focus for his anger at
 the country he lives in without respecting me as a person.  I don't
 enjoy being objectified any more than woman would on being called a
 dumb blond. So no, this is not all about men.  It is about humans
 communicating as humans instead of symbols for things that piss you
 off and talking past each other. Summing up a person's cognitive
 skills because of their 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread TurquoiseB
I wrote to Rick in email about this, agreeing that
his proposal is a Dumb Idea. However...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As an alternative, I would consider raising the weekly limit 
 to 50 IF similtaneously, we institute a ZERO TOLERANCE on 
 over posting. Go over the limit an you are instantly banned 
 for the duration of the week AND the following week. Do it 
 twice and its TWO weeks, and ratchet it up for additional 
 infractions, etc. 

I would agree with this, AS LONG AS everyone is 
*completely* responsible for keeping their own
tally, but that Rick's tally wins, every time.

That means no whining, Your count is wrong, Rick,
or Buh...buh...but the Yahoo Search Engine said 
I still had 5 posts left. 

If you go over, you're out for the next week PERIOD. 
No excuses, no exceptions. Do it twice, and you're 
out for the next two weeks, no excuses, no exceptions.

That's the only way it could work. 

We already know that Rick is not active enough
here to monitor instantly when a person has 
gone over their limit. So that's not going to
happen. If someone loses it and gets carried
away over the limit of 50, chances are they'll
rack up 60 or more posts before Rick notices.

So the only teeth in this rule is what happens
to the person the *following* week. That's why 
there can't be any exceptions or appeals. Go
over the limit one week, and you're banned the
next week, PERIOD. Go over the limit twice, and
you're banned for the next two weeks, PERIOD.
Go over the limit three times and you're banned
for the next three weeks, PERIOD. 

And I would say, go over the limit four times
within a three-month period, and you're banned
for two or three full months, PERIOD.

All of this said, I don't think there is anything
wrong with the current 35-per-week limit. The *only*
reason I'm checking in on this non-issue is that
the point has to be made that there if the limit
is raised, it has to be on a zero tolerance 
basis. No possibility of appeal or arguing or
weaseling out of the consequences if Rick's count
says you went over the limit. 

Otherwise, the people who have been trying to fuck 
with the current limit will just continue to fuck 
with the new limit.

Common sense, people.

[FairfieldLife] Changing Thread Titles

2007-11-17 Thread new . morning
I strongly encourage everyone to please change the title of a thread
when the topic changes. Reflect your respect for FFL by doing so. Its
like picking up litter on the ground. 

Many of us, I believe, don't care to follow some threads, and focus
more on intelligent, insightful, humorous and informative ones. This
is made so much easier, and time-efficiently, if EVERYONE will please
change thread titles  appropriately. Err on the side of clarity. As
the topic shits, shirt the title too.

[FairfieldLife] mrfishey2001 is either Shemp or ?? ...was/American Poverty in the Ne

2007-11-17 Thread off_world_beings
mrfishey2001  is  either Shemp or (is Nabby that said he had 
several handles ? )


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mrfishey2001 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
 mailander111@ wrote:
  There is no shortage of atrocity in any country of our world. In 
 view of the pissing contest between Curtis and Off about that, I 
 guess I'd have to say that Edg has a point when he says It's all 
 about men.  In China, 40 million men will never find a wife, and 
 the Chinese government, in an effort to find ways to deal with all 
 that unemployed testosterone, considered starting a few little 
 border wars here and there because there is, in fact, a connection 
 between testosterone and aggression. It seems the height of irony 
 deal with Edg's statement by suggesting that he needs to take 
 Viagra.  It is a man's world, and doesn't it seem somewhat out of 
 balance in the direction of testosterone as we stand on the brink 
 a world war to make the last two look puny?  
 Dreadfully argued. But then, I imagine in the absence of reason and 
 accountability, it does look like a man's world.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 11:02 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting


I wrote to Rick in email about this, agreeing that
his proposal is a Dumb Idea. However...

I like this suggestion because in a way, it simplifies my task. I’ve been
lenient about people going over here and there, but that’s unfair to those
who carefully stick to the limit. Your suggestion (50 post limit but
clear-cut consequences for violating it) removes the subjectivity from the

Anyone else feel strongly about this, one way or the other?

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9:52 AM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hindu Temple in Atlanta - Video

2007-11-17 Thread new . morning
Very cool.

It would be nice to see that in every major city.

I particularly like their openness, to anyone, to visit. Part temple,
part cultural archive and educational resource -- for the whole
community. Culminating in many festivals to which the whole community
is invited. It becomes part of the whole community's flow to celebrate
Divwali, etc. All of which I think does and will cultivate religious
and cultural tolerance. Who could walk through that temple and not
appreciate at greater depth a 5000 year old culture -- its arts,
literature, philosophy, etc.

Same would be wonderful with Islamic temples and Islamic festivals.
And Buddhist, all their various schools. As well as Wiccan, and lesser
known spiritual traditions. And inclusiveness could furthered for
Christian and Jewish festivals. 

The key would be inclusiveness, explanatory and educational, and NO

Every month in a major city, there might be one or two major spiritual
festivals. Someone once said that the spiritual practice  / religion
of the future will be people drawing the best from each tradition --
and leaving the rest.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



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[FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would vote strongly against this Rick, as being too arbitrary. And
 in the case of the debate you entered into, its not exactly stellar in
 terms of no personal attacks. To give personal degraders more posts
 seems counterproductive.
 You're right.
 As an alternative, I would consider raising the weekly limit to 50 IF
 similtaneously, we institute a ZERO TOLERANCE on over posting. Go over
 the limit an you are instantly banned for the duration of the week AND
 the following week. Do it twice and its TWO weeks, and ratchet it up
 for additional infractions, etc. The extra 15 posts a week would give
 people breathing room -- the ideas is don't even come close to the
 limit if you are a lazy or imprecise counter.
 What do ya'll think? Are 35 posts too few? There are a few people who post
 quality stuff who always seem to run out.
 And to encourage rehabilitation, if a person is in the 2-3+ week ban
 category, they can have their ratchet amount eliminated if they stay
 unbanned for three months. But they need to apply for such a waiver, 
 requesting it of you and the group.
 Now it's getting complicated. Gotta keep it simple if you want me to
 administer it.

The posting limit topic is resurfacing so frequently on FFL that I'm beginning 
to see that 
history may regard the topic of posting limits as FFL's contribution to 
history.  A 
technological solution to enforce posting limits would be welcome at this 
point, to 
simplify limit administration.  We appreciate your flexibility to improve the 
discourse, but  
IMHO.  35 / week is a good level. 

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 9:52 AM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I would vote strongly against this Rick, as being too arbitrary. And
 in the case of the debate you entered into, its not exactly stellar in
 terms of no personal attacks. To give personal degraders more posts
 seems counterproductive.
 You're right.
 As an alternative, I would consider raising the weekly limit to 50 IF
 similtaneously, we institute a ZERO TOLERANCE on over posting. Go over
 the limit an you are instantly banned for the duration of the week AND
 the following week. Do it twice and its TWO weeks, and ratchet it up
 for additional infractions, etc. The extra 15 posts a week would give
 people breathing room -- the ideas is don't even come close to the
 limit if you are a lazy or imprecise counter.
 What do ya'll think? Are 35 posts too few? There are a few people
who post
 quality stuff who always seem to run out.

Raise the limit ONLY if its linked to a Zero Tolerance for overposting
the new limit.

 And to encourage rehabilitation, if a person is in the 2-3+ week ban
 category, they can have their ratchet amount eliminated if they stay
 unbanned for three months. But they need to apply for such a waiver, 
 requesting it of you and the group.
 Now it's getting complicated. Gotta keep it simple if you want me to
 administer it.
 This latter rehabilitaion clause is not necessary. But I don't see
much if any administrative burden. A person would need keep track of
their time-out time, and when eligible request a clean slate from
the group. If there are no significant objections, then you would
simply  eliminate their  cumulative penalty.

Or are you objecting to their cumultive penalty -- and your having to
track that? I think it would at most be 2-3 people -- putting one
number next to their name on a list, not rocket science. And you would
not even have to keep track of when to reinstate them. They would be
banned until they send a note to you saying my ban is up, I have
learned my lesson, please reinstate me. 

But that too is not necessary. Maybe just keep it VERY simple. Zero
tolerance for going over the limit. Do it and you are out for a week.
Period. Maybe that would be a better plan.  I alter my suggestion to
this simplified version.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread Janet Luise
Please if anything cut the limit back to 25 post a week.
Every topic with over 50 listings isn't still talking about that topic
...alway breaks down to people just zinging each other.

Fairfield Life focuses on topics of interest to seekers (and finders)
of truth and liberation everywhere.  At least 50% of the fast
exchanges seem more like group encounter or comedy central or
anjything but liberation.

I really enjoy the rich and varied topics that come across this list 
 wish one didn't have to wade through so much personal baggage. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
 Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 11:02 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting
 I wrote to Rick in email about this, agreeing that
 his proposal is a Dumb Idea. However...
 I like this suggestion because in a way, it simplifies my task. I've
 lenient about people going over here and there, but that's unfair to
 who carefully stick to the limit. Your suggestion (50 post limit but
 clear-cut consequences for violating it) removes the subjectivity
from the
 Anyone else feel strongly about this, one way or the other?
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 9:52 AM

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of new.morning
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 11:23 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting


But that too is not necessary. Maybe just keep it VERY simple. Zero
tolerance for going over the limit. Do it and you are out for a week.
Period. Maybe that would be a better plan. I alter my suggestion to
this simplified version.

Or we could do the fancier version if you or Turq or someone kept track of
the details. I would just be the guy to turn posting priviledges on and off,
and to verify the count.

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9:52 AM

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, aztjbailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 If I was in the audience and understood english and german, I would 
 say to David Lynch the following: 
 David, I will explain to you what is going on. This audience is 
 descended from a group of people who endured one of the most 
 events in human history, led by a madman that promised them 1000 
 years of ruling the world. Now you bring out this buffoon, this 
 blithering idiot, who droned on and on and on the 
 word invincibility, having absolutely no sensitivity to who his 
 audience was or whether he meant invicibility in a military sense
 or some other point of view. In the same way that you drone on
 with your waves of bliss monologue, he brought back with his 
 droning the memories of an earlier leader who promised world 
 domination. Can you come off your magical mystery bliss cloud to 
 see the pain he caused? And you actually buy the idea this man is
 suitable for regional leadership in your bliss soaked world order?

You know, Lynch *did* see the pain the raja caused.
He said so explicitly, and he apologized for it on
the raja's behalf. Somebody had explained to him at
some point the problem with the term invincibility
and its connection to Hitler, so he understood
exactly what was going on.

Even the raja eventually got it and pointed out
that the idea was to make *every nation* invincible
and to destroy enmity between nations. Obviously it
should have occurred to him long before he ever
spoke that the term would be inflammatory to a
German audience; and that he didn't realize it
immediately when the audience started objecting is
just beyond belief. One would love to have been a
fly on the wall at the TMers' post-mortem.

The audience too appeared to have at least figured
out toward the end that the way they had taken the
term wasn't what had been intended, even if they
weren't clear on what it *did* mean in the TMO
context. They certainly listened to Lynch pretty
respectfully, and they applauded him when he was

I wonder whether some of the people commenting here
watched *both* video clips. Most of what I described
above happened during the second one.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread Bhairitu
Rick Archer wrote:
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
 Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 11:02 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting


 I wrote to Rick in email about this, agreeing that
 his proposal is a Dumb Idea. However...

 I like this suggestion because in a way, it simplifies my task. I’ve been
 lenient about people going over here and there, but that’s unfair to those
 who carefully stick to the limit. Your suggestion (50 post limit but
 clear-cut consequences for violating it) removes the subjectivity from the

 Anyone else feel strongly about this, one way or the other?
I was thinking that 35 posts didn't give much headroom and raising it 
would help a bit.  You implement the posting limit in the middle of 
summer when many aren't very active on the Internet but now with winter 
and some folks shut in by weather they will want to spend more time 
online and more time here.  

Of course as you know I'm against posting limits altogether as the 
people who complained need to learn to read group messages selectively 
and probably those who complain probably aren't that active on the 
Internet so you're kind of letting the lowest common denominator rule.   
It's sad that some of them thought that if they skipped a message that 
might have the little piece of information that might pop them into 
moksha.  Not here, this is just a chat room of folks with something in 
common.  :)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
 Lol, you're an idiot.
 I was not angry, just having fun giving dumb Americans a history 
 It was fun for me, but as the loser in the history lesson you are 
 obviously a sore loser, and have  to call the winner of the history 
 contest angry.

Your name calling betrays your need to feel superior in invented
contests.  Winner of the history contest.  Is that how you imagine
it?  Enjoy your fantasy award.  But I am neither an idiot nor dumb and
am not impressed with your history rant.  I hear them all the time by
self impressed dudes at the clubs where I play music.  They, like
you,have no idea how they sound to others.

 I was not angry for one second. Put that in your head and hold it for 
 one year, maybe something will sink in and you might learn something 
 from this history lesson at least.

So it was just a conversation with yourself and I just got in the way?
 All I have learned from you is that having a conversation with you is
annoying due to your need to puff up your self importance and bogus
superiority with name calling.
 .I don't live in this countryI OWN IT.
 Now get out of our way.
 We are Borg...Resistance is futile.

The joke doesn't hide your need to fabricate your superiority over
strangers. How is that working for you?  It makes your conversation
rather boorish from this end. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Hindu Temple in Atlanta - Video

2007-11-17 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


WOW! Maybe Maharishi could take a lesson. This magnificent massive
temple was built for only $19 million.

In a Suburb of Atlanta, a Temple Stops Traffic

New York Times, July 5, 2007

ATLANTA, July 4 — As Ponce de Leon Avenue snakes eastward out of
Atlanta into the suburbs, the groomed lawns, the painted brick
colonials and the neighborhood parks designed by Frederick Law Olmsted
give way to giant supermarkets, gas stations, strip malls and used-car
dealerships with signs painted in several languages.

Even the name of the road changes — from Ponce, as it is known to
in-towners, to the more utilitarian Lawrenceville Highway, helpfully
alerting drivers who might be unfamiliar with Atlanta's suburban
sprawl that they will eventually reach Lawrenceville.

In the midst of this bleak assault to the senses is a novel building
that is certain to grab motorists' attention, and perhaps even cause a
few car accidents. Sitting like a wedding cake atop a mound of red
clay in the suburb of Lilburn is the Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, a Hindu
temple that shares an intersection with a Publix supermarket and a
Walgreens pharmacy.

The exterior is a confection of creamy hand-carved limestone and
sparkling Italian Carrara marble. Pink sandstone decorates the
interior spaces.

When this building, topped with red-and-white flags to ward off evil,
opens for worship in a few weeks, it will officially be one of the
largest Hindu temples in the world. The main reaction in Lilburn, a
town so conservative that it recently outlawed pastimes like pool,
karaoke and trivia contests in establishments that serve alcohol — an
apparent effort to keep bars out — has been puzzlement.

I think people in that area didn't really understand what they were
fixing to have there, said William Reynolds, principal architect at
Smallwoods, Reynolds, Stewart, Stewart, the firm that worked with
Indian designers to build the mandir, a Sanskrit word for the place
where the mind becomes still and the soul floats freely.

The stone for the project was shipped piece by piece from India, where
craftsmen had sculptured it into more than 500 designs including
rosettes, leaves, feathers and lacy geometric patterns. The thousands
of sections, ranging from five ounces to five tons, each with its own
bar code, have been assembled like a giant jigsaw puzzle based on
instructions for religious buildings written into scripture thousands
of years old.

Although the engineers said they had not counted the number of pieces
they used, a mandir in London that served as a model for the Lilburn
building required more than 26,000 individual parts.

The price tag for the project, $19 million, has been kept down by the
thousands of hours of volunteer labor donated by congregants of the
BAPS Swaminarayan temple in Clarkston, Ga., who will move from a
converted skating rink when the temple is completed in August. For
more than two years homemakers and retirees have been polishing the
stonework by hand and cooking for the construction workers. Hundreds
of volunteers installed more than 50,000 plants for the landscaping.

It comes from your inner heart, said a woman who insisted on being
identified only as Minal because she said it would be unseemly to call
attention to herself.

The temple has inspired my 4-year-old to get up from his computer,
and nothing can do that, she said. Every evening we are going to go
down there to worship, and it's going to make a tremendous difference
on our kids' brains.

Inspirational though it may be, some locals feel that the temple might
be more at home near the Ganges than the Rocky Food Mart. Mostly
people are proud to have it here, said Jack Bolton, the mayor of
Lilburn. But I've heard from a few who say it doesn't fit in with the
character of anything else in the area.

If it was a big Baptist church, I don't think anyone would have
objected, he added.

In many ways the architectural juxtaposition reflects the booming
diversity of metropolitan Atlanta's neighborhoods. A survey conducted
in the Atlanta area in 1985 found there were just 15 to 20 core
Swaminarayan families here. Today there are about 900 regular members
in metropolitan Atlanta and as many as 6,000 worshipers who flock here
from other places on festival days. (Atlanta has one of the
fastest-growing South Asian populations in the United States,
according to Census data.) ...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra's Intent blog

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 shempmcgurk wrote:
  Conceptually is broad enough that it could mean anything.
  And you only threw in the whole conceptual thing in that last
  post because you needed an out for your initial bullshit 

 BTW, I don't recall that the TMO ever published for the public
 anything that described in detail the method of learning
 meditation or even checking.  The only thing is MMY giving a 
 description *conceptually.*

And *why* has the TMO never published any such
detailed description, Bhairitu?

 But anyway anyone who has stepped outside of the movement
 knows that there is nothing unique about the way the mantra
 is given and it is old as time itself.

Straw man. Nobody suggested there was anything
unique about how the mantra is given.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Non-Topic Thread Headings

2007-11-17 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Janet Luise [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please if anything cut the limit back to 25 post a week.
 Every topic with over 50 listings isn't still talking about that topic
 ...alway breaks down to people just zinging each other.
 Fairfield Life focuses on topics of interest to seekers (and finders)
 of truth and liberation everywhere.  At least 50% of the fast
 exchanges seem more like group encounter or comedy central or
 anjything but liberation.
 I really enjoy the rich and varied topics that come across this list 
  wish one didn't have to wade through so much personal baggage. 

The key and solution to avoiding the personal baggage and flame-wars
to for people to change the thread title as the topic changes. 

(And I feel some posters can contribute 50 useful posts a week. )

While a week ban on people who don't change thread titles may be
effective, it may be too harsh. 

As as an alternative solution, I suggest that an existing or new
moderator be tasked with editing thread titles as they change. And if
they become slugfests, preface the thread heading with FLAME:

If the current moderators do not have the time or inclination to do
this, I am confident there will be impartial volunteers who can do
such. (And as a safety valve, if a thread-header moderator is found or
seen to be biased or partial in their edited thread headings, the
group can vote to relieve them of the duty and have someone else do it. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I think the problem is that invincibility is a TMO
 buzzword that very few rajas or TM spokespeople can
 actually define. If you try to define it as MMY
 intends, it comes across as pure fascism. No wonder
 the German audience got upset. Hitler understood
 invincibility very, very well.

Gosh, it would be interesting to know what
definition of invincibility Peter has heard,
because it's quite different from what I've

Both the raja and then Lynch gave the definition
I'm familiar with: to be invincible means *not to
have any enemies*. MMY's phrase is that
invincibility disallows the birth of an enemy.

Which is, of course, quite different from how
Hitler understood it: having the power to
*crush* your enemies.

Both the raja and Lynch pointed out that TM's
goal is for *every country* to be invincible
in the TM sense. That was not Hitler's
understanding of invincibility either; only
Germany was to be made invincible.

TM's invincibility is a term of peace and
comity, not a term of war and aggression. It
describes a world in which no nation feels the
need to impose its will on any other.

Pretty hard to interpret that as fascistic.

So what definition did you hear, Peter?

[FairfieldLife] Re: the amazing theater in Berlin

2007-11-17 Thread Rory Goff
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 

 In answer to feste37 (see below), I'd like to ask, what if Marshy 
really is enlightened and is laughing his fool head off like Vaj and 
Curtisdeltablues and me?  What if Marshy is rolling around on the floor 
with us?  What if he's smart enough to deconstruct his whole movement, 
I mean MOVEMENT, excuse me, in the manner we have been witnessing these 
past few years?  

I don't know about MMY, but that video totally cracked me up; I haven't 
laughed that hard in years. I almost choked on my tongue!

In part, I think, it's a cautionary tale because in making overt claims 
of Invincibility and elimination of all negativity and all that, 
they are really speaking of extremely subtle, interior, Raam-Raj 
particle-loving and one's consequent integrity and harmony; of the true 
marriage of Purusha and Prakriti, but this video illustrates how 
hideously distorted those understandings can become when 
misinterpreted, misunderstood and misapplied by a separate small-mind, 
one that has not yet died. And I'm not speaking of the audience.

The way the Raj treated his particles in that video -- dully 
repeating Invincibility, over and over, like a mantra, and *louder* 
and *louder* to drown out the objections and consequent chaos, trying 
to get all his particles to sing along (which they do 
automatically, Vedically, when one is in harmony with them), refusing 
or unable to actually speak to their concerns, was a perfect example of 
the tyranny of Brahma-raj -- the fascism of the ignorant-I -- rather 
than the intimate sweetness of Raam-raj. 

David Lynch, OTOH, was a very impressive example of Raam-raj, I 

It was brilliant theater, truly brilliant.

And again, I am *not* judging the depth or breadth of *anyone's* 
actual enlightenment here, because there is no one here to 
be enlightened, to judge or be judged in reality: only appreciating 
aspects of my own understanding or lack of it, as illustrated by the 
*actors in the movie.* The Raaj did a beautiful job acting out the 
attempts and strategies of the unripe or not-yet-dead mind to control 
its environment. Lynch did a beautiful job acting out the ability of 
the dead to Be Here Now; to listen to feedback and begin to harmonize 
one's particles. Each played perfectly off the other. 

They're both perfect; both in reality just momentary fluctuations of 
emptiful Nothing, of Me, of the Self.

[FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander

   You are right, Deltablues, no one likes to be called a dumb
American. But we are dumb in lots of typically American ways, just as
the Brits are dumb in typically British ways.  It is for this reason
that Isaiah says in the Old Testament that it is the escapees of the
nations of earth who are the best teachers.  There should be some way
of pointing out one another's blind spots without being as rude as Off
World undoubtedly was, or taking offence as you undoubtedly did. 
Pride and shame make us equally blind and equally incapable of learning.

I don't think we are understanding the term dumb in the same way. 
He wasn't pointing out blind spots because he has no clue about what I
know and what I don't about history or other cultures.  Learning is
never applied from someone else, it is sought by the person who wants
to learn.  People who try to impose their POV on others without
calibrating if they are actually communicating is called boorish

   But there is something else I'd like you to consider.  I was dead
serious when I said that Marshy's prolly rolling with laughter on the
ground with us over that amazing piece of theater we just saw in
Berlin.  Nazi Germany was hell on earth, and we shall see it again
soon, and, more than likely, the war that fascism always brings will
come to American soil.  Afterwards, there will be the phoenix rising
that I saw as a child in post war Germany. It was heaven on earth for
a few years. It is not hard to see this pattern.  And the next world
war will make the last two look puny, so the phoenix rising might be
around for a thousand years.  It does not take a Maharishi to see that
this is what's going down.  And this is the context for the play we
just saw staged in Berlin.  In my opinion, it was brilliant visionary
theater on a world stage at a particular moment in history. 

I think you are taking the event much more seriously than I am.  A
pompous ass who was not in rapport with his audience, while infatuated
with his own self importance got called on it.  It even happen here on

   How conscious were Marhy and Lynch, individually and together, in
that collaboration?  In the experience of generations of literary
critics, it is always a big mistake to assume the artist was not
conscious of what he was doing and conscious of the effect he was
creating in people.  With live theater, there is some question about
how much was plan and how much was Nature support, but the
difference between them is highly debatable in any case.  Do we know
for a fact that audience response was entirely spontaneous?  Could
there have been plants? M (that was my cat, Greymir, on
the keyboard, not me)

If you are entering the conspiracy forest you will have to walk alone.
 The Raja sounded like a dumbass so he got treated as one.

   We cannot accuse Marshy of being stupid about marketing (I'll get
back to the asinine beekeeper's outfits).  His schools may or may not
be successful, but he's got the land and the buildings, which, as the
Vatican knows very well, you need if you want to survive more than a
generation or two. Could it be that Marshy knows how ridiculous the
raja costumes are?  It is virtually certain that Lynch knows it.  I
think Marshy does too, so what is his point?  Merely that negative
attention is better than no attention?  He could get negative
attention in any number of ways, but he chose the rajas—symbols, if
nothing else, of the divine right of kings, and, with it, the
purportedly natural law of the caste system. The rajas do like old
men playing at being Cinderella's princes—that is what they look like
now.  What might they look like after the earth lies in ruins? Or
after the one-world government James Paul Warburg promised us in 1950
has established an iron global
  dictatorship complete with microchips and a holographic Jesus type
comes out of the clouds courtesy of Hollywood? 

I can't relate to your fears here. The Rajas would look equally
idiotic after the earth lay in ruins, and would have equally
inadequate solutions to the world's problems.  In fact under your
imagined catastrophic scenario their outfits would be the least of our
worries.  I suspect that their crowns and outfits wouldn't survive an
apocalypse any better than anything else.  I can only relate to your
holographic Jesus from a science fiction POV.  In that context it is

   The connection between German style fascism and the TMO is
profound, and it is stupid, in my opinion, not to investigate this
connection in order to understand it at some depth and across several
dimensions if we really want to understand Marshy's greatness, which,
like Vaj, I am affirming.  The TMO shies away from the comparison
because Nazi Germany has become the symbol of ultimate evil, and they
don't want it associated with their leader about whom Mother Divine is
singing a 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra's Intent blog

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 The MMY-Deepak partnership was beneficial to both, and Deepak
 is under no obligation to credit MMY every time he says something
 about consciousness, in fact as I understand it the TMO lawyers
 get upset if Deepak does mention the mov't in any way.

That's just what I said, to considerable derision
from someone here who claimed it was just my
theory that I had been presenting as fact.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Changing Thread Titles

2007-11-17 Thread Bhairitu
new.morning wrote:
 I strongly encourage everyone to please change the title of a thread
 when the topic changes. Reflect your respect for FFL by doing so. Its
 like picking up litter on the ground. 

 Many of us, I believe, don't care to follow some threads, and focus
 more on intelligent, insightful, humorous and informative ones. This
 is made so much easier, and time-efficiently, if EVERYONE will please
 change thread titles  appropriately. Err on the side of clarity. As
 the topic shits, shirt the title too.
Been here before haven't we?  It's a sore topic to them and I've goaded 
the group many times for what is known as thread hijacking and it 
usually pisses them off.   So to make it clearer when someone wants to 
take the topic in a different direction or something in that thread 
reminds them of something completely diverged from that topic just start 
a new topic by which of the two means you can.  And that does not mean 
simply changing the title of the subject.  You have to start a whole new 
topic.  On the web it is probably easier than in email where you may be 
responding to FFL under an email name that is not your default email.  
You probably want your new direction or topic to stand out rather than 
burying deep into some trivial free for all that is going on at the moment.

As I and others have mentioned here on some Yahoo groups thread 
hijacking is the equivalent of overposting here.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra's Intent blog

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 16, 2007, at 8:45 AM, shempmcgurk wrote:
  As anyone knows who reads my posts here on FFL, I have alot
  of complaints about MMY and the TMO. But this is the one
  thing that should not and cannot be taken away from the man:
  he promoted and made available to the world a technique to
  obtain enlightenment that was easy and effortless to do. And
  although I can't prove it (this can only be something that
  one can declare subjectively), it is this effortlessness that
  makes it the most effective self-development technique around.

What Shemp said.

Of course, the True Nonbelievers will insist that
it's not subjective experience but rather what
you have been taught to believe. But they can't
prove that any more than we can prove our 
subjective assessment of TM. So it's a standoff.

(Interestingly, some of the True Nonbelievers
have been known to preach to us that we should
always trust our own subjective experience, as
well as to express outrage when anyone questions
*their* subjective experience.)

 He took it away from himself when he declared that TM was NOT  

The closest MMY has come to such a declaration is
to use the phrase effortless effort--but it's
important to understand the context of that phrase,
which the True Nonbelievers simply ignore.

 it is easy but then so are many, many other  
 meditation methods.
 Any real yogi familiar with Patanjali will be well aware that as
 long as there are supports (alambanas) there will always be some
 Effortless meditation or non-meditation can only occur without  
 supports or props like mantras, etc.

This is fundamentally a misleading quibble that
has zilch to do with TM's claim to uniqueness.

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 


 The audience reacted negatively because to them, the
 rhetoric of the TMO sounds just like Hitler style
 fascism.  It's not just the word invincibility.
 It's the whole vibe of the thing. a

No, they were fine with Lynch, and he was using the
same rhetoric, just not that particular word. They
quieted right down when Lynch took over the podium
again; they were willing to hear what he had to say.

They were reacting negatively to the *raja's* vibe;
who wouldn't? (Not because his vibe is fascist, but
because he's a pompous ass.) But that reaction didn't
extend to Lynch even after the raja had blown it.

I thought Lynch did a good job straightening out
the misunderstanding. At least the audience seems
to have realized the way they took it originally
wasn't the way it was meant.

What puzzles me is, the TMO has been using the word
invincibility for many years. You'd think *somebody*
in the German TMO would have pointed out the problem
with the German term by now. It's like advocating
states' rights or Jim Crow to an audience of
African-Americans (only worse). Why didn't the raja
dude know that, if he's German himself?

[FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
 mailander111@ wrote:
  Do we know for a fact that audience response was entirely 
  spontaneous?  Could there have been plants? M
  (that was my cat, Greymir, on the keyboard, not me)
 If you are entering the conspiracy forest you will have to walk
 alone. The Raja sounded like a dumbass so he got treated as one.

Actually, I had the sense there might have been
plants too, but not of the same type I suspect
Angela has in mind.

It isn't unknown for TMO events in this country
to be disrupted by plants, typically either
fundamentalist Christians or disaffected former
TMers who attend the events with the intention
of challenging the TMO speakers and raising a

The presence of such plants and the dumbassity
of the raja are not mutually exclusive.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread Angela Mailander
You're prolly right.  The pompous ass vibe is more important in this video than 
the fascist vibe.  Curtisdeltablues is prolly also right in his assessment of 
my take on the thing.  

But invincibilitystill seems the wrong word to choose if your intent is to 
communicate disallowing the birth of an enemy. Invincible means not 
conquerable, as the word comes from the Latin vincere or to conquer.  It may 
seem a moot point---if you disallow the birth of an enemy, you are not 
conquerable because there is no enemy around anywhere who could do it.  Still, 
word choice seems important to me, and this word is military in origin and 
import.  This is even clearer in German, a language in which many words wear 
their etymologies on their sleeves, so to speak.  Unbesiegbar in German is a 
much more clearly military term in German than it is in English. 

As for the fascist vibe of the TMO, I stand by it.  It's unmistakable here in 
Fairfield, which is crawling with bliss Nazis.  

authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
  The audience reacted negatively because to them, the
  rhetoric of the TMO sounds just like Hitler style
  fascism.  It's not just the word invincibility.
  It's the whole vibe of the thing. a
 No, they were fine with Lynch, and he was using the
 same rhetoric, just not that particular word. They
 quieted right down when Lynch took over the podium
 again; they were willing to hear what he had to say.
 They were reacting negatively to the *raja's* vibe;
 who wouldn't? (Not because his vibe is fascist, but
 because he's a pompous ass.) But that reaction didn't
 extend to Lynch even after the raja had blown it.
 I thought Lynch did a good job straightening out
 the misunderstanding. At least the audience seems
 to have realized the way they took it originally
 wasn't the way it was meant.
 What puzzles me is, the TMO has been using the word
 invincibility for many years. You'd think *somebody*
 in the German TMO would have pointed out the problem
 with the German term by now. It's like advocating
 states' rights or Jim Crow to an audience of
 African-Americans (only worse). Why didn't the raja
 dude know that, if he's German himself?

 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
  mailander111@ wrote:
   Do we know for a fact that audience response was entirely 
   spontaneous?  Could there have been plants? M
   (that was my cat, Greymir, on the keyboard, not me)
  If you are entering the conspiracy forest you will have to walk
  alone. The Raja sounded like a dumbass so he got treated as one.
 Actually, I had the sense there might have been
 plants too, but not of the same type I suspect
 Angela has in mind.
 It isn't unknown for TMO events in this country
 to be disrupted by plants, typically either
 fundamentalist Christians or disaffected former
 TMers who attend the events with the intention
 of challenging the TMO speakers and raising a
 The presence of such plants and the dumbassity
 of the raja are not mutually exclusive.

Excellent last line!  I think if a group put a plant in the audience
they would bring up more embarrassing things to the movement.  They
would have more ammunition from the inside.  This seemed like a pretty
normal reaction to anyone who gets in front of a group and claims to
have sweeping solutions to life's problems,while wearing a costume.  I
had the feeling that certain trigger words like Hitler not followed
by an unequivocal was bad work in Germany like Segregation not
followed by an unambiguous was bad works here.  Once you trigger
that strong reaction in a crowd all subtle distinctions are gone and a
mob mentality takes over.  What I can't understand is why MMY would
reverse his own wise policy to dress his minions in business suits
when speaking to the public.  The Raja get up should be like formal
military dress, used only for ceremonies at group members only events.
 I think the old man has lost his marketing touch.   

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
 As for the fascist vibe of the TMO, I stand by it.  It's
unmistakable here in Fairfield, which is crawling with bliss Nazis.  
You are on the ground in Fairfield, so you should know.  But this is
not what I have heard from friends who have visited recently. 
Although there is a group think consensus on some beliefs like nature
support, I heard that Fairfield supports free thinking.  At least
outside the inner core or as it is known, the Raja's realm.  Aren't
there many different styles of thinking within a basically spiritual
framework there?

Personally I might have trouble with a constant undercurrent of
spirituality assumptions. I live among recent immigrants because I
love the stimulation of few intellectually shared assumptions.  So why
put up with those Winters if the intellectual climate isn't working
for you? 

 authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
  mailander111@ wrote:
   The audience reacted negatively because to them, the
   rhetoric of the TMO sounds just like Hitler style
   fascism.  It's not just the word invincibility.
   It's the whole vibe of the thing. a
  No, they were fine with Lynch, and he was using the
  same rhetoric, just not that particular word. They
  quieted right down when Lynch took over the podium
  again; they were willing to hear what he had to say.
  They were reacting negatively to the *raja's* vibe;
  who wouldn't? (Not because his vibe is fascist, but
  because he's a pompous ass.) But that reaction didn't
  extend to Lynch even after the raja had blown it.
  I thought Lynch did a good job straightening out
  the misunderstanding. At least the audience seems
  to have realized the way they took it originally
  wasn't the way it was meant.
  What puzzles me is, the TMO has been using the word
  invincibility for many years. You'd think *somebody*
  in the German TMO would have pointed out the problem
  with the German term by now. It's like advocating
  states' rights or Jim Crow to an audience of
  African-Americans (only worse). Why didn't the raja
  dude know that, if he's German himself?

  Send instant messages to your online friends

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread Angela Mailander
I wasn't describing the totality of Fairfield.  It does support all kinds of 
thinking and all kinds of wonderful craziness. But there is definitely a 
fascist vibe to the inner core of the org.  We've got town Rus and Campus Rus.  
I sometimes refer to them as  house niggers and field niggers.  And there are 
plenty of ex Rus and seekers from other traditions as well.  The raja costumes 
are part of the inner core.  Y'all are prolly all used to the fascist vibe 
looking exclusively like Darth Veder, but Germans remember something more 
varied than that. There was a large New Age component to German fascism, 
which started out as stupidly insipid as those rajas are, and then got 
increasingly dark. There were dudes in ridiculous robes running around in 
Germany under Hitler.  They didn't wear the same style of crowns but preferred 
wreaths made of oak leaves, sometimes gilded.  a

curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As for the fascist vibe of the TMO, I stand by it.  It's
 unmistakable here in Fairfield, which is crawling with bliss Nazis.  
 You are on the ground in Fairfield, so you should know.  But this is
 not what I have heard from friends who have visited recently. 
 Although there is a group think consensus on some beliefs like nature
 support, I heard that Fairfield supports free thinking.  At least
 outside the inner core or as it is known, the Raja's realm.  Aren't
 there many different styles of thinking within a basically spiritual
 framework there?
 Personally I might have trouble with a constant undercurrent of
 spirituality assumptions. I live among recent immigrants because I
 love the stimulation of few intellectually shared assumptions.  So why
 put up with those Winters if the intellectual climate isn't working
 for you? 
  authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In
 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
   mailander111@ wrote:
The audience reacted negatively because to them, the
rhetoric of the TMO sounds just like Hitler style
fascism.  It's not just the word invincibility.
It's the whole vibe of the thing. a
   No, they were fine with Lynch, and he was using the
   same rhetoric, just not that particular word. They
   quieted right down when Lynch took over the podium
   again; they were willing to hear what he had to say.
   They were reacting negatively to the *raja's* vibe;
   who wouldn't? (Not because his vibe is fascist, but
   because he's a pompous ass.) But that reaction didn't
   extend to Lynch even after the raja had blown it.
   I thought Lynch did a good job straightening out
   the misunderstanding. At least the audience seems
   to have realized the way they took it originally
   wasn't the way it was meant.
   What puzzles me is, the TMO has been using the word
   invincibility for many years. You'd think *somebody*
   in the German TMO would have pointed out the problem
   with the German term by now. It's like advocating
   states' rights or Jim Crow to an audience of
   African-Americans (only worse). Why didn't the raja
   dude know that, if he's German himself?
   Send instant messages to your online friends

 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 

 You're prolly right.  The pompous ass vibe is more important in 
this video than the fascist vibe.  Curtisdeltablues is prolly also 
right in his assessment of my take on the thing.  
 But invincibilitystill seems the wrong word to choose if your 
intent is to communicate disallowing the birth of an 
enemy. Invincible means not conquerable, as the word comes from 
the Latin vincere or to conquer.  It may seem a moot point---if you 
disallow the birth of an enemy, you are not conquerable because there 
is no enemy around anywhere who could do it.  Still, word choice 
seems important to me, and this word is military in origin and 
import.  This is even clearer in German, a language in which many 
words wear their etymologies on their sleeves, so to 
speak.  Unbesiegbar in German is a much more clearly military term 
in German than it is in English.

I agree, it's a tricky word. I'd be curious to know
how MMY came up with the term. I wonder if there's
an equivalent Sanskrit term that occurs in the Vedic
or perhaps Yogic literature that has the meaning
MMY assigns to invincible.

 As for the fascist vibe of the TMO, I stand by it.  It's 
unmistakable here in Fairfield, which is crawling with bliss Nazis.

The way the TMO operates can sometimes be
fascistic (in a very loose meaning of the
term), but the TM ideology itself ain't.
The Berlin event was about the ideology.

If the management of the event had been
fascistic, Lynch would hardly have been
allowed to casually elbow the raja aside,
twice, and speak in his place; nor would
there have been any question of actually
entertaining the objections of the audience,
let alone apologizing. The objecters would
have been quickly ejected from the gathering.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Nov 17, 2007, at 10:48 AM, new.morning wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I was away most of yesterday and didn't notice until late last night


Off World was up to 44 posts. This may be opening up a can of worms,

but I

wonder if we should have a policy where I grant a special

dispensation of

extra posts if a particularly lively conversation is taking place


two people, as long as it's substantive and not just a flame war.

Barry and

Judy would not be eligible.

I would vote strongly against this Rick, as being too arbitrary. And
in the case of the debate you entered into, its not exactly stellar in
terms of no personal attacks. To give personal degraders more posts
seems counterproductive.

As an alternative, I would consider raising the weekly limit to 50 IF
similtaneously, we institute a ZERO TOLERANCE on over posting.

Best idea yet.  To give Off more of a forum for his gratuitous  
insults--entertaining though they can be--but deny Barry and Judy one  
for theirs seems totally arbitrary  and unfair. This idea is one I  
could vote for.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Changing Thread Titles

2007-11-17 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Nov 17, 2007, at 10:55 AM, new.morning wrote:

the topic shits, shirt the title too.

Don't know if this was intentional or not, new, but it's got to be  
the sentence of the week--two hilarious typos for the price of one. :)


[FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread off_world_beings
Yawn, resorting to personal psycho-analysis in order to avoid the 
issues I brought up.

You are the one who likes to alienate a whole group of people...ie 
TM'rs...and now you are all hurt inside when I (and 5.5 billion 
others on the planet ) ridicule american pride in their despotic 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

  Lol, you're an idiot.
  I was not angry, just having fun giving dumb Americans a history 
  It was fun for me, but as the loser in the history lesson you are 
  obviously a sore loser, and have  to call the winner of the 
  contest angry.
 Your name calling betrays your need to feel superior in invented
 contests.  Winner of the history contest.  Is that how you imagine
 it?  Enjoy your fantasy award.  But I am neither an idiot nor dumb 
 am not impressed with your history rant.  I hear them all the time 
 self impressed dudes at the clubs where I play music.  They, like
 you,have no idea how they sound to others.
  I was not angry for one second. Put that in your head and hold it 
  one year, maybe something will sink in and you might learn 
  from this history lesson at least.
 So it was just a conversation with yourself and I just got in the 
  All I have learned from you is that having a conversation with you 
 annoying due to your need to puff up your self importance and bogus
 superiority with name calling.
  .I don't live in this countryI OWN IT.
  Now get out of our way.
  We are Borg...Resistance is futile.
 The joke doesn't hide your need to fabricate your superiority over
 strangers. How is that working for you?  It makes your conversation
 rather boorish from this end. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Changing Thread Titles

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Nov 17, 2007, at 10:55 AM, new.morning wrote:
  the topic shits, shirt the title too.
 Don't know if this was intentional or not, new, but it's got to be  
 the sentence of the week--two hilarious typos for the price of one. :)

At first I thought it was some weird play on the
joke that ends, If the foo shits, wear it.
Took me quite a while to realize it was typos.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Nov 17, 2007, at 11:29 AM, Janet Luise wrote:

I really enjoy the rich and varied topics that come across this list 
 wish one didn't have to wade through so much personal baggage.

You don't have to wade through anything, Janet--just delete them.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread Angela Mailander
You're using the word fascist to mean merely authoritarian.  I have 
something more specific in mind.  Natural law was a concept very much alive 
in German fascism, for example, and it entailed a caste system, as does the 
whole raja thing.  Fascism also meant the divine right of rulers, which the 
rajas definitely represent.  In fact, von Papen, Hitler's vice chancellor and a 
Papal Chamberlain, wrote in the official Nazi newspaper that Hitler reinstated 
the divine right of rulers, which the French Revolution had undermined so 
deeply. There was a peacetime component to German fascism, not just the 
military aspect that we're all familiar with.  And the ideology, as well as the 
aesthetic vibe, of the peacetime version was very similar to TMO's ideology and 
aesthetic vibe.  They thought in terms of higher states of consciousness, for 
sure.  They had nine of them, rather than MMY's eight.  And, as is well known, 
Hitler meditated with the top brass of the SS.  Nor was he the
 only one doing group meds.  

It may be a universal thing.  But there is a look to the Rus here in town.  
You often can distinguish a Ru from a Townie.  This look was part of German 
Nazis also.  You are just not familiar with that part of it because the media 
emphasized the military aspect of German fascism and the rest of it was totally 
ignored after the war.  But Germans are still sensitive to it.  

authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
  You're prolly right.  The pompous ass vibe is more important in 
 this video than the fascist vibe.  Curtisdeltablues is prolly also 
 right in his assessment of my take on the thing.  
  But invincibilitystill seems the wrong word to choose if your 
 intent is to communicate disallowing the birth of an 
 enemy. Invincible means not conquerable, as the word comes from 
 the Latin vincere or to conquer.  It may seem a moot point---if you 
 disallow the birth of an enemy, you are not conquerable because there 
 is no enemy around anywhere who could do it.  Still, word choice 
 seems important to me, and this word is military in origin and 
 import.  This is even clearer in German, a language in which many 
 words wear their etymologies on their sleeves, so to 
 speak.  Unbesiegbar in German is a much more clearly military term 
 in German than it is in English.
 I agree, it's a tricky word. I'd be curious to know
 how MMY came up with the term. I wonder if there's
 an equivalent Sanskrit term that occurs in the Vedic
 or perhaps Yogic literature that has the meaning
 MMY assigns to invincible.
  As for the fascist vibe of the TMO, I stand by it.  It's 
 unmistakable here in Fairfield, which is crawling with bliss Nazis.
 The way the TMO operates can sometimes be
 fascistic (in a very loose meaning of the
 term), but the TM ideology itself ain't.
 The Berlin event was about the ideology.
 If the management of the event had been
 fascistic, Lynch would hardly have been
 allowed to casually elbow the raja aside,
 twice, and speak in his place; nor would
 there have been any question of actually
 entertaining the objections of the audience,
 let alone apologizing. The objecters would
 have been quickly ejected from the gathering.

 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread aztjbailey
Yes, I listened to both clips before I wrote. I am aware of 
everything you say. The Raja and Lynch eventually got it. I would 
have expected Lynch and Co. to do better, to be more professional, in 
a period of time when the movement is apparently in some decline.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, aztjbailey aztjbailey@ 
  If I was in the audience and understood english and german, I 
  say to David Lynch the following: 
  David, I will explain to you what is going on. This audience is 
  descended from a group of people who endured one of the most 
  events in human history, led by a madman that promised them 1000 
  years of ruling the world. Now you bring out this buffoon, this 
  blithering idiot, who droned on and on and on the 
  word invincibility, having absolutely no sensitivity to who his 
  audience was or whether he meant invicibility in a military sense
  or some other point of view. In the same way that you drone on
  with your waves of bliss monologue, he brought back with his 
  droning the memories of an earlier leader who promised world 
  domination. Can you come off your magical mystery bliss cloud to 
  see the pain he caused? And you actually buy the idea this man is
  suitable for regional leadership in your bliss soaked world 
 You know, Lynch *did* see the pain the raja caused.
 He said so explicitly, and he apologized for it on
 the raja's behalf. Somebody had explained to him at
 some point the problem with the term invincibility
 and its connection to Hitler, so he understood
 exactly what was going on.
 Even the raja eventually got it and pointed out
 that the idea was to make *every nation* invincible
 and to destroy enmity between nations. Obviously it
 should have occurred to him long before he ever
 spoke that the term would be inflammatory to a
 German audience; and that he didn't realize it
 immediately when the audience started objecting is
 just beyond belief. One would love to have been a
 fly on the wall at the TMers' post-mortem.
 The audience too appeared to have at least figured
 out toward the end that the way they had taken the
 term wasn't what had been intended, even if they
 weren't clear on what it *did* mean in the TMO
 context. They certainly listened to Lynch pretty
 respectfully, and they applauded him when he was
 I wonder whether some of the people commenting here
 watched *both* video clips. Most of what I described
 above happened during the second one.
 Part 1:
 Part 2:

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread feste37
Actually, they're sweet people. The problem is not with them but with
you and your Nazi obsession. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
 As for the fascist vibe of the TMO, I stand by it.  It's
unmistakable here in Fairfield, which is crawling with bliss Nazis.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
 mailander111@ wrote:
You are right, Deltablues, no one likes to be called a dumb
 American. But we are dumb in lots of typically American ways, just 
 the Brits are dumb in typically British ways.  It is for this reason
 that Isaiah says in the Old Testament that it is the escapees of the
 nations of earth who are the best teachers.  There should be some 
 of pointing out one another's blind spots without being as rude as 
 World undoubtedly was, or taking offence as you undoubtedly did. 
 Pride and shame make us equally blind and equally incapable of 
 I don't think we are understanding the term dumb in the same way. 
 He wasn't pointing out blind spots because he has no clue about 
what I
 know and what I don't about history or other cultures.  Learning is
 never applied from someone else, it is sought by the person who 
 to learn.  

Then why have you allowed 200 YEARS of BRAIN-WASHING to color your 
reason? Literaly brain- washing. Think about it.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
 Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 11:02 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting
 I wrote to Rick in email about this, agreeing that
 his proposal is a Dumb Idea. However...
 I like this suggestion because in a way, it simplifies my task. 
I've been
 lenient about people going over here and there, but that's unfair 
to those
 who carefully stick to the limit. Your suggestion (50 post limit but
 clear-cut consequences for violating it) removes the subjectivity 
from the
 Anyone else feel strongly about this, one way or the other?

50 post limit @ 200 words maximum per post.


75 post limit @ 100 words maximum per post.


300 post limit @ 25 words per post.


20 post limit @ 500 words per post.


35 post limit @ 300 words per post for 50% of those posts and 100 
words per post for the other 50%


50 post limit @100 words per post for 33.3% of those posts, 200 words 
per post for another 33.3% of those posts, and 300 words per post for 
the remaining 33.3% of those post.


25 posts limit with unlimited words per post but you have to give 
every reader of the post $1,000 in monopoly money which they have to 
spend on an imaginary stock market which we'll set up and after 6 
months we'll see who got the most capital gains.


Just post however many posts per week that you want and if anyone is 
irritated by this, they don't have to click on any post that they 
don't want to.

 No virus found in this outgoing message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
 Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.15.34/1134 - Release Date: 
 9:52 AM

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 

 You're using the word fascist to mean merely authoritarian.  I 
have something more specific in mind.  Natural law was a concept 
very much alive in German fascism, for example, and it entailed a 
caste system, as does the whole raja thing.  Fascism also meant the 
divine right of rulers, which the rajas definitely represent.  In 
fact, von Papen, Hitler's vice chancellor and a Papal Chamberlain, 
wrote in the official Nazi newspaper that Hitler reinstated the 
divine right of rulers, which the French Revolution had undermined so 
deeply. There was a peacetime component to German fascism, not just 
the military aspect that we're all familiar with.  And the ideology, 
as well as the aesthetic vibe, of the peacetime version was very 
similar to TMO's ideology and aesthetic vibe.  They thought in terms 
of higher states of consciousness, for sure.  They had nine of them, 
rather than MMY's eight.  And, as is well known, Hitler meditated 
with the top brass of the SS.  Nor was he the
  only one doing group meds.

Angela, this is all just so silly it's impossible
to address.

*Whatever* the people of a country are into,
a Hitler-type could take it and run with it.

[FairfieldLife] Where's Waldo?

2007-11-17 Thread shempmcgurk
I'd still love to know what happened to Bevan.

In Part II, he disappears behind the curtain.  That was the most 
precious part of the video, as far as I'm concerned.

Did he call Maharishi?

Was he balling out the organisers?

Did he go for a wee-wee?

Did he have a conniption fit?

Was he just trying to escape the negativity?

Was he going for a sandwich (he hadn't eaten in 12 minutes)?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, aztjbailey aztjbailey@ 
  If I was in the audience and understood english and german, I 
  say to David Lynch the following: 
  David, I will explain to you what is going on. This audience is 
  descended from a group of people who endured one of the most 
  events in human history, led by a madman that promised them 1000 
  years of ruling the world. Now you bring out this buffoon, this 
  blithering idiot, who droned on and on and on the 
  word invincibility, having absolutely no sensitivity to who his 
  audience was or whether he meant invicibility in a military sense
  or some other point of view. In the same way that you drone on
  with your waves of bliss monologue, he brought back with his 
  droning the memories of an earlier leader who promised world 
  domination. Can you come off your magical mystery bliss cloud to 
  see the pain he caused? And you actually buy the idea this man is
  suitable for regional leadership in your bliss soaked world 
 You know, Lynch *did* see the pain the raja caused.
 He said so explicitly, and he apologized for it on
 the raja's behalf. Somebody had explained to him at
 some point the problem with the term invincibility
 and its connection to Hitler, so he understood
 exactly what was going on.
 Even the raja eventually got it and pointed out
 that the idea was to make *every nation* invincible
 and to destroy enmity between nations. Obviously it
 should have occurred to him long before he ever
 spoke that the term would be inflammatory to a
 German audience; and that he didn't realize it
 immediately when the audience started objecting is
 just beyond belief. One would love to have been a
 fly on the wall at the TMers' post-mortem.
 The audience too appeared to have at least figured
 out toward the end that the way they had taken the
 term wasn't what had been intended, even if they
 weren't clear on what it *did* mean in the TMO
 context. They certainly listened to Lynch pretty
 respectfully, and they applauded him when he was
 I wonder whether some of the people commenting here
 watched *both* video clips. Most of what I described
 above happened during the second one.
 Part 1:
 Part 2:

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

  As for the fascist vibe of the TMO, I stand by it.  It's
 unmistakable here in Fairfield, which is crawling with bliss 
 You are on the ground in Fairfield, so you should know.  But this is
 not what I have heard from friends who have visited recently. 
 Although there is a group think consensus on some beliefs 
like nature
 support, I heard that Fairfield supports free thinking.  At least
 outside the inner core or as it is known, the Raja's realm.  Aren't
 there many different styles of thinking within a basically spiritual
 framework there?
 Personally I might have trouble with a constant undercurrent of
 spirituality assumptions. I live among recent immigrants because I
 love the stimulation of few intellectually shared assumptions.  So 
 put up with those Winters if the intellectual climate isn't working
 for you? 

Because this A.M is mad, raving cracy that's why, with an intuition 
more muddled than my neighbours Rotweiler and an intellect at about 
the same level.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Rick Archer wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
  Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 11:02 AM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting
  I wrote to Rick in email about this, agreeing that
  his proposal is a Dumb Idea. However...
  I like this suggestion because in a way, it simplifies my task. 
I've been
  lenient about people going over here and there, but that's unfair 
to those
  who carefully stick to the limit. Your suggestion (50 post limit 
  clear-cut consequences for violating it) removes the subjectivity 
from the
  Anyone else feel strongly about this, one way or the other?
 I was thinking that 35 posts didn't give much headroom and raising 
 would help a bit.  You implement the posting limit in the middle of 
 summer when many aren't very active on the Internet but now with 
 and some folks shut in by weather they will want to spend more time 
 online and more time here.  
 Of course as you know I'm against posting limits altogether as the 
 people who complained need to learn to read group messages 
 and probably those who complain probably aren't that active on the 
 Internet so you're kind of letting the lowest common denominator 
 It's sad that some of them thought that if they skipped a message 
 might have the little piece of information that might pop them into 
 moksha.  Not here, this is just a chat room of folks with something 
 common.  :)

Hey, Barfitu, this is one thing we agree on!  No posting limits!

Learn to read group message selectively is the key here. 

Very simple to do.

Weigh the inconvenience of reading group messages selectively 
against censoring people of how they choose to express themselves 
(like myself, I do alot of short, quick posts that easily go over the 
limit) and I think you have to conclude that unlimited posts is the 

Of course, if you're into censorship, like Mr. Hall Monitor Barry 
Wright, you'll support posting limits.

[FairfieldLife] British rule in N. America - Shemp

2007-11-17 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Indeed, the British so angered the American British by abandoning 
 English Common Law in Quebec after that victory in Quebec that this 
 was one of the complaints registered to King George in the 
 Declaration of Independence (see the in a neighbouring province 

 British Rule
The Seven Years' War began in 1756. The British and French had co-
existed in North America, but the threat of French expansion into the 
Ohio Valley caused the British to attempt to eradicate New France 
completely from the map. The French had constructed a wall around 
Quebec City {which exists to this day) in order to keep the British 
out. In 1763, France formally ceded its claims to Canada, and Quebec 
City's French-speaking, Catholic population was under the rule of 
Protestant Britain.

The British did not set out, however, to persecute Quebec's native 
French population. The Quebec Act, passed in 1774, allowed the 
Quebecois to have religious freedom. The French-Canadians were 
therefore not unhappy enough with British rule to choose to 
participate in the American Revolution. Without Canadian cooperation 
against the British, the thirteen colonies instead attempted to 
invade Canada. The city was therefore once again under siege when the 
Battle of Quebec (1775) occurred in 1775. The initial attack was a 
failure due to American inexperience with the extreme cold 
temperatures of the city in December. Benedict Arnold refused to 
accept the defeat in the Battle of Quebec and a siege against the 
city continued until May 6, 1776, when the American army finally 

The Constitutional Act of 1791 divided Canada into an Upper, 
English-speaking colony, and a Lower, French-speaking colony. 
Québec City was made the capital of Lower Canada and enjoyed more 
self-rule following the passage of this act. The city's industry 
began to grow, and by the early 1800s it was the third largest port 
city in North America.

[FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues   What I can't 
understand is why MMY would
 reverse his own wise policy to dress his minions in business suits
 when speaking to the public.  The Raja get up should be like formal
 military dress, used only for ceremonies at group members only events.
  I think the old man has lost his marketing touch.

He takes the biggest fools of the Movement and dresses them to their 
level. I see nothing wrong with that. Quite on the contrary it provides 
for wonderful entertainment :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hindu Temple in Atlanta - Video

2007-11-17 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
 WOW! Maybe Maharishi could take a lesson. This magnificent massive
 temple was built for only $19 million.

I thought they said $91 million on the video.

Regardless, assuming that the TMO could ever get their act together 
to actually build something of this magnitude, the decision to go 
ahead would be determined by how much they could charge for 

 In a Suburb of Atlanta, a Temple Stops Traffic
 New York Times, July 5, 2007
 ATLANTA, July 4 — As Ponce de Leon Avenue snakes eastward out of
 Atlanta into the suburbs, the groomed lawns, the painted brick
 colonials and the neighborhood parks designed by Frederick Law 
 give way to giant supermarkets, gas stations, strip malls and used-
 dealerships with signs painted in several languages.
 Even the name of the road changes — from Ponce, as it is known to
 in-towners, to the more utilitarian Lawrenceville Highway, helpfully
 alerting drivers who might be unfamiliar with Atlanta's suburban
 sprawl that they will eventually reach Lawrenceville.
 In the midst of this bleak assault to the senses is a novel building
 that is certain to grab motorists' attention, and perhaps even 
cause a
 few car accidents. Sitting like a wedding cake atop a mound of red
 clay in the suburb of Lilburn is the Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, a 
 temple that shares an intersection with a Publix supermarket and a
 Walgreens pharmacy.
 The exterior is a confection of creamy hand-carved limestone and
 sparkling Italian Carrara marble. Pink sandstone decorates the
 interior spaces.
 When this building, topped with red-and-white flags to ward off 
 opens for worship in a few weeks, it will officially be one of the
 largest Hindu temples in the world. The main reaction in Lilburn, a
 town so conservative that it recently outlawed pastimes like pool,
 karaoke and trivia contests in establishments that serve alcohol — 
 apparent effort to keep bars out — has been puzzlement.
 I think people in that area didn't really understand what they were
 fixing to have there, said William Reynolds, principal architect at
 Smallwoods, Reynolds, Stewart, Stewart, the firm that worked with
 Indian designers to build the mandir, a Sanskrit word for the place
 where the mind becomes still and the soul floats freely.
 The stone for the project was shipped piece by piece from India, 
 craftsmen had sculptured it into more than 500 designs including
 rosettes, leaves, feathers and lacy geometric patterns. The 
 of sections, ranging from five ounces to five tons, each with its 
 bar code, have been assembled like a giant jigsaw puzzle based on
 instructions for religious buildings written into scripture 
 of years old.
 Although the engineers said they had not counted the number of 
 they used, a mandir in London that served as a model for the Lilburn
 building required more than 26,000 individual parts.
 The price tag for the project, $19 million, has been kept down by 
 thousands of hours of volunteer labor donated by congregants of the
 BAPS Swaminarayan temple in Clarkston, Ga., who will move from a
 converted skating rink when the temple is completed in August. For
 more than two years homemakers and retirees have been polishing the
 stonework by hand and cooking for the construction workers. Hundreds
 of volunteers installed more than 50,000 plants for the landscaping.
 It comes from your inner heart, said a woman who insisted on being
 identified only as Minal because she said it would be unseemly to 
 attention to herself.
 The temple has inspired my 4-year-old to get up from his computer,
 and nothing can do that, she said. Every evening we are going to 
 down there to worship, and it's going to make a tremendous 
 on our kids' brains.
 Inspirational though it may be, some locals feel that the temple 
 be more at home near the Ganges than the Rocky Food Mart. Mostly
 people are proud to have it here, said Jack Bolton, the mayor of
 Lilburn. But I've heard from a few who say it doesn't fit in with 
 character of anything else in the area.
 If it was a big Baptist church, I don't think anyone would have
 objected, he added.
 In many ways the architectural juxtaposition reflects the booming
 diversity of metropolitan Atlanta's neighborhoods. A survey 
 in the Atlanta area in 1985 found there were just 15 to 20 core
 Swaminarayan families here. Today there are about 900 regular 
 in metropolitan Atlanta and as many as 6,000 worshipers who flock 
 from other places on festival days. (Atlanta has one of the
 fastest-growing South Asian populations in the United States,

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 

 You're prolly right.  The pompous ass vibe is more important in 
this video than the fascist vibe.  Curtisdeltablues is prolly also 
right in his assessment of my take on the thing.  
 But invincibilitystill seems the wrong word to choose if your 
intent is to communicate disallowing the birth of an 
enemy. Invincible means not conquerable, as the word comes from 
the Latin vincere or to conquer.  It may seem a moot point---if you 
disallow the birth of an enemy, you are not conquerable because there 
is no enemy around anywhere who could do it.  Still, word choice 
seems important to me, and this word is military in origin and 
import.  This is even clearer in German, a language in which many 
words wear their etymologies on their sleeves, so to 
speak.  Unbesiegbar in German is a much more clearly military term 
in German than it is in English. 
 As for the fascist vibe of the TMO, I stand by it.  It's 
unmistakable here in Fairfield, which is crawling with bliss Nazis.  

Another problem...and I've seen this countless times over the years 
in the TMO:

When TMO people lecture, such as what Rajah Kohoutek Emanuelle was 
doing, and are, in effect representing Maharishi, they are not only 
using his choice words, such as invincibility but they also mimic 
the WAY MMY speaks and, often, his CADENCE.

What I mean by that is that if you watch Emanuelle when he 
repeats invincibility over and over again (this is one of the 
things that really bugged some audience members), doesn't that remind 
you of how MMY often delivers a speech?

So, to me, it sounded like the schmuck was emulating MMY but, of 
course, the only one who can get away with doing MMY is MMY 
himself...others come off as buffoons, or worse.

 authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
  mailander111@ wrote:
   The audience reacted negatively because to them, the
   rhetoric of the TMO sounds just like Hitler style
   fascism.  It's not just the word invincibility.
   It's the whole vibe of the thing. a
  No, they were fine with Lynch, and he was using the
  same rhetoric, just not that particular word. They
  quieted right down when Lynch took over the podium
  again; they were willing to hear what he had to say.
  They were reacting negatively to the *raja's* vibe;
  who wouldn't? (Not because his vibe is fascist, but
  because he's a pompous ass.) But that reaction didn't
  extend to Lynch even after the raja had blown it.
  I thought Lynch did a good job straightening out
  the misunderstanding. At least the audience seems
  to have realized the way they took it originally
  wasn't the way it was meant.
  What puzzles me is, the TMO has been using the word
  invincibility for many years. You'd think *somebody*
  in the German TMO would have pointed out the problem
  with the German term by now. It's like advocating
  states' rights or Jim Crow to an audience of
  African-Americans (only worse). Why didn't the raja
  dude know that, if he's German himself?

  Send instant messages to your online friends 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra's Intent blog

2007-11-17 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 shempmcgurk wrote:
 Conceptually is broad enough that it could mean anything.
 And you only threw in the whole conceptual thing in that last
 post because you needed an out for your initial bullshit 
 BTW, I don't recall that the TMO ever published for the public
 anything that described in detail the method of learning
 meditation or even checking.  The only thing is MMY giving a 
 description *conceptually.*

 And *why* has the TMO never published any such
 detailed description, Bhairitu?

For the same reason no other guru does not even Sivananda where he gives 
it out conceptually.  What we have here are people who know how it is 
given out discussing it.  Also there are third party books where people 
talk about how they were given their TM as well as ones about other 
paths.  There is nothing that secret about this standard method of 
imparting the mantra and for anyone to think so is just ignorance.
 But anyway anyone who has stepped outside of the movement
 knows that there is nothing unique about the way the mantra
 is given and it is old as time itself.

 Straw man. Nobody suggested there was anything
 unique about how the mantra is given.
Didn't follow the thread did you?  Though I can't blame you for that but 
it was Shemp who believes its unique and Shemp was a teacher so should 
know the ropes.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Nov 17, 2007, at 10:48 AM, new.morning wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  I was away most of yesterday and didn't notice until late last 
  Off World was up to 44 posts. This may be opening up a can of 
  but I
  wonder if we should have a policy where I grant a special
  dispensation of
  extra posts if a particularly lively conversation is taking place
  two people, as long as it's substantive and not just a flame war.
  Barry and
  Judy would not be eligible.
  I would vote strongly against this Rick, as being too arbitrary. 
  in the case of the debate you entered into, its not exactly 
stellar in
  terms of no personal attacks. To give personal degraders more 
  seems counterproductive.
  As an alternative, I would consider raising the weekly limit to 
50 IF
  similtaneously, we institute a ZERO TOLERANCE on over posting.
 Best idea yet.  To give Off more of a forum for his gratuitous  
 insults--entertaining though they can be--but deny Barry and Judy 
 for theirs seems totally arbitrary  and unfair. This idea is one I  
 could vote for.

First, where do you get these claims of gratuitous insults? 
Calling an american who is proud of their despotic regime 'stupid' is 
just common sense, used by 95% of the world to describe the current 
administration and their proud followers. 

(by the way...to any of you that think I am hiding behind the 
internet, I DO have these discussions in real life - only even MORE 
animated- with real americans who are far more likely to cause me 
damage than anyone on FFL in real life would (ex-army types who own 
10 guns, carry one at all times, and go to machine gun practice for a 
hobby - seriously TRUE). 

They usually end up saying something like yea you're right, take the 
country...we fucked it up. Hope you can do a better job than we did

Secondly, I agree. I should not be allowed more than 40 posts per 
week and neither should anyone else. 

40 is the best number.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hindu Temple in Atlanta - Video

2007-11-17 Thread Bhairitu
In the Bay Area there are a few.  There is a Shiva temple in an old 
church in the community next door though I've never been there.  I have 
been to the big temple in Livermore many times and have chatted with the 
priests there.  I've even contributed towards a yagya there.  The only 
dumb thing that happened there once when I was with a friend was a 
somewhat naive Indian (not a priest) lecturing me on Indian philosophy 
even after I had told him I taught TM and had even been to India.  They 
can be that way sometimes (and he was telling me nothing new).  For some 
reason my charisma resonates with Indians and I often become friends 
with local Indians the restaurant and grocery store proprietors, etc.

new.morning wrote:
 Very cool.

 It would be nice to see that in every major city.

 I particularly like their openness, to anyone, to visit. Part temple,
 part cultural archive and educational resource -- for the whole
 community. Culminating in many festivals to which the whole community
 is invited. It becomes part of the whole community's flow to celebrate
 Divwali, etc. All of which I think does and will cultivate religious
 and cultural tolerance. Who could walk through that temple and not
 appreciate at greater depth a 5000 year old culture -- its arts,
 literature, philosophy, etc.

 Same would be wonderful with Islamic temples and Islamic festivals.
 And Buddhist, all their various schools. As well as Wiccan, and lesser
 known spiritual traditions. And inclusiveness could furthered for
 Christian and Jewish festivals. 

 The key would be inclusiveness, explanatory and educational, and NO

 Every month in a major city, there might be one or two major spiritual
 festivals. Someone once said that the spiritual practice  / religion
 of the future will be people drawing the best from each tradition --
 and leaving the rest.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread Angela Mailander
Have you actually studied the history of Nazi Germany?  You are right in 
thinking that whatever the people of a country are into, a Hitler could take 
it and run with it, but this is not what happened in the case of Nazi Germany. 
Do you actually know how carefully Goebbels designed his propaganda machine or 
how closely the educational system, the media, and the entertainment world were 
controlled and designed to create what I have described down to the aesthetic? a

authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
  You're using the word fascist to mean merely authoritarian.  I 
 have something more specific in mind.  Natural law was a concept 
 very much alive in German fascism, for example, and it entailed a 
 caste system, as does the whole raja thing.  Fascism also meant the 
 divine right of rulers, which the rajas definitely represent.  In 
 fact, von Papen, Hitler's vice chancellor and a Papal Chamberlain, 
 wrote in the official Nazi newspaper that Hitler reinstated the 
 divine right of rulers, which the French Revolution had undermined so 
 deeply. There was a peacetime component to German fascism, not just 
 the military aspect that we're all familiar with.  And the ideology, 
 as well as the aesthetic vibe, of the peacetime version was very 
 similar to TMO's ideology and aesthetic vibe.  They thought in terms 
 of higher states of consciousness, for sure.  They had nine of them, 
 rather than MMY's eight.  And, as is well known, Hitler meditated 
 with the top brass of the SS.  Nor was he the
   only one doing group meds.
 Angela, this is all just so silly it's impossible
 to address.
 *Whatever* the people of a country are into,
 a Hitler-type could take it and run with it.

 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Nov 17, 2007, at 12:33 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

As for the fascist vibe of the TMO, I stand by it.  It's

unmistakable here in Fairfield, which is crawling with bliss Nazis.

You are on the ground in Fairfield, so you should know.  But this is
not what I have heard from friends who have visited recently.

Oh, Angela's correct, Curtis.  In fact, I just caught the last part  
of their goose-stepping demonstration this AM. :)

Seriously, I don't know the place she's describing.  Sounds more and  
more like the product of a fevered imagination to me.

Although there is a group think consensus on some beliefs like nature
support, I heard that Fairfield supports free thinking.  At least
outside the inner core or as it is known, the Raja's realm.  Aren't
there many different styles of thinking within a basically spiritual
framework there?

Personally I might have trouble with a constant undercurrent of
spirituality assumptions. I live among recent immigrants because I
love the stimulation of few intellectually shared assumptions.  So why
put up with those Winters if the intellectual climate isn't working
for you?

Good question.


[FairfieldLife] The stupidity of Wagnerian librettos

2007-11-17 Thread Angela Mailander
You're right.  It is stupid to call them Nazi propaganda without making some 
further qualifications.  They were used as Nazi propaganda, and they were 
written with that at least partially in mind.  They do transcend those 
intentions, but if you look deeply enough, you also find a world view that 
isn't exactly espousing the ideals of democracy.  a

authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   [Angela 
  You are also right about Wagner's music, but his librettos
  are fascist propaganda. I can tell the difference between
  divine music and shitty literature.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I wonder if you've ever read a Wagner libretto. You are right
  that they are not poetry of the highest quality, but completely
  wrong when you call them fascist propaganda. Quite the
  opposite. The Ring of the Nibelung is about the triumph of 
  unconditional love over the unscrupulous, ruthless use of
  political and economic power. It is, if anything, anti-Fascist
 In the last opera in the Ring, Goetterdaemmerung,
 or The Twilight of the Gods, the Hitlerian
 prototypes--the gods of Valhalla and the Superman
 Siegfried--meet with utter destruction.
 Tristan and Isolde is about transcendental,
  eternal love. Parsifal is a Christian myth of redemption. The
  Flying Dutchman, Lohengrin, and Tannhauser have no significant 
  political content.
 I'm also a Wagner fan, and this is absolutely
 correct. The idea that the librettos are fascist
 propaganda is profoundly ignorant.
 Wikipedia has an excellent, thoroughly documented
 article on Wagner and Nazism:
 There's also a devastating critique on Amazon
 of a book claiming that Hitler got his ideas
 from Wagner:
 [Angela wrote:]
  No connection between the TMO and Nazi Germany? Well, that depends
 on which historians you ask. History is a story that's not told by
 monotopical idiots (right Turquoise?), unless they're paid textbook
 writers. So in a situation like that, in which vastly different people
 tell vastly different stories about an enormous evil that humanity has
 just been through, and you think there is only one way to tell that
 story? That's what textbooks would have you believe, which is why
 they're so f--ing boring. Are you telling me (like a true fascist)
 that your way of seeing history is the only way?
 Well, actually, no, he's not, Angela. Here's
 what he was telling you:
  I don't know anyone else who would seriously
  argue for any similarities between the TMO and
  the Nazis.
 Angela, let's see some references to historians
 who claim there's a connection between the TMO
 and Nazi Germany.

 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 
 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Yawn, resorting to personal psycho-analysis in order to avoid the 
 issues I brought up.

Yes you caught me. I'll address some here: 

Americans are stupid, English are smart:  This is case by case for me.

Some Indians went to Canada to avoid being conquered:  Yes, some of
the ones who were not exterminated by the small pox infected blankets
given to them by the British did flee to Canada.  

Americans did bad things to the Indians and many of them are poor: Yes

Americans used the French support to get out from England's colonial
rule: Yes we did.

Americans are involved in a disaster in Iraq of our own making: Yes.

England is not in a quagmire in Iraq now:  You dumped Tony Blair over
it and we will be done with GW soon enough.  If you have forgotten
England's role in war, I have not.

Doug Henning would never play Vegas and I am foolish for suggesting
that he would: No. Doug actually did play Vegas. You never did
acknowledge that you were totally wrong about this.  I would speculate
why you were unable to do so but it would involve personal
psycho-analysis which Off would never do...well not for a few more
lines anyway.

Everyone in America should be ashamed of being American because we we
have done some bad things in the world:  No, Americans can still be
proud of their country's many accomplishments despite our mistakes. 
No country is all good or all bad.

Off is right about everything and even knows what Curtis has or has
not read, or where he has traveled without the use of his senses:  Not
so much.

 You are the one who likes to alienate a whole group of people...ie 

I have stated my opinion about MMY's teaching, where I disagree with
him.  Not all TM people are alienated by this.  It is a personal
choice to feel that way about my opinion.  People with good
intellectual boundaries can disagree without name calling.  BTW I can
think of only one person on this group who does not express views
offensive to TB TM folks and your name is not on the shortlist. 

and now you are all hurt inside

Uh oh:  Yawn, resorting to personal psycho-analysis in order to avoid
the  issues I brought up.

I don't know you and quickly understood that you were on a soapbox
rant that had nothing to do with me, so your calling me an idiot
doesn't hurt me.  OTH I call boorish behavior when I see it.

 when I (and 5.5 billion 
 others on the planet ) ridicule american pride in their despotic 

Glad to hear you are on the pulse of all 5.5 billion.  Speaking only
for myself, I can be proud of my country while deploring the same
actions others find offensive.  And I can do it without claiming that
all the people in a country are dumb or idiots. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Lol, you're an idiot.
   I was not angry, just having fun giving dumb Americans a history 
   It was fun for me, but as the loser in the history lesson you are 
   obviously a sore loser, and have  to call the winner of the 
   contest angry.
  Your name calling betrays your need to feel superior in invented
  contests.  Winner of the history contest.  Is that how you imagine
  it?  Enjoy your fantasy award.  But I am neither an idiot nor dumb 
  am not impressed with your history rant.  I hear them all the time 
  self impressed dudes at the clubs where I play music.  They, like
  you,have no idea how they sound to others.
   I was not angry for one second. Put that in your head and hold it 
   one year, maybe something will sink in and you might learn 
   from this history lesson at least.
  So it was just a conversation with yourself and I just got in the 
   All I have learned from you is that having a conversation with you 
  annoying due to your need to puff up your self importance and bogus
  superiority with name calling.

   .I don't live in this countryI OWN IT.
   Now get out of our way.
   We are Borg...Resistance is futile.
  The joke doesn't hide your need to fabricate your superiority over
  strangers. How is that working for you?  It makes your conversation
  rather boorish from this end. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The stupidity of Wagnerian librettos

2007-11-17 Thread feste37
Oh Angela, you can do better than this. You say of Wagner's librettos,
They were used as Nazi propaganda, and they were written with that at
least partially in mind. Wagner died in 1883, before Hitler was even
born, so how could Wagner possibly write operas with Nazi propaganda
in mind? It's true that Wagner's music was used by the Nazis, and his
Nazi-admiring family had a lot to do with that -- but not with the
consent of Richard Wagner, who had been in his grave for 50 years when
Hitler came to power!  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander

 You're right.  It is stupid to call them Nazi propaganda without
making some further qualifications.  They were used as Nazi
propaganda, and they were written with that at least partially in mind.  

They do transcend those intentions, but if you look deeply enough, you
also find a world view that isn't exactly espousing the ideals of
democracy.  a
 authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   [Angela
   You are also right about Wagner's music, but his librettos
   are fascist propaganda. I can tell the difference between
   divine music and shitty literature.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
   I wonder if you've ever read a Wagner libretto. You are right
   that they are not poetry of the highest quality, but completely
   wrong when you call them fascist propaganda. Quite the
   opposite. The Ring of the Nibelung is about the triumph of 
   unconditional love over the unscrupulous, ruthless use of
   political and economic power. It is, if anything, anti-Fascist
  In the last opera in the Ring, Goetterdaemmerung,
  or The Twilight of the Gods, the Hitlerian
  prototypes--the gods of Valhalla and the Superman
  Siegfried--meet with utter destruction.
  Tristan and Isolde is about transcendental,
   eternal love. Parsifal is a Christian myth of redemption. The
   Flying Dutchman, Lohengrin, and Tannhauser have no significant 
   political content.
  I'm also a Wagner fan, and this is absolutely
  correct. The idea that the librettos are fascist
  propaganda is profoundly ignorant.
  Wikipedia has an excellent, thoroughly documented
  article on Wagner and Nazism:
  There's also a devastating critique on Amazon
  of a book claiming that Hitler got his ideas
  from Wagner:
  [Angela wrote:]
   No connection between the TMO and Nazi Germany? Well, that depends
  on which historians you ask. History is a story that's not told by
  monotopical idiots (right Turquoise?), unless they're paid textbook
  writers. So in a situation like that, in which vastly different people
  tell vastly different stories about an enormous evil that humanity has
  just been through, and you think there is only one way to tell that
  story? That's what textbooks would have you believe, which is why
  they're so f--ing boring. Are you telling me (like a true fascist)
  that your way of seeing history is the only way?
  Well, actually, no, he's not, Angela. Here's
  what he was telling you:
   I don't know anyone else who would seriously
   argue for any similarities between the TMO and
   the Nazis.
  Angela, let's see some references to historians
  who claim there's a connection between the TMO
  and Nazi Germany.

  Send instant messages to your online friends
  Send instant messages to your online friends

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Nov 17, 2007, at 1:09 PM, off_world_beings wrote:

First, where do you get these claims of gratuitous insults?
Calling an american who is proud of their despotic regime 'stupid' is
just common sense, used by 95% of the world to describe the current
administration and their proud followers.

Yeah, you got me there, Off.  The idea that you were being insulting  
was clearly the by-product of some hallucinogen I took long ago.   
Let's see now...

Calling an american who is proud of their despotic regime 'stupid' is
just common sense... renegade bully schoolboys...Idiot ! ! !...You  
are complete idiots in America!...you're an idiot...dumb  
Americans...I've never said that to anyone you raving drunk...Go back  
the bottle...You're an idiot if you think that was not deliberate  
(but then you are an american) ... we are here to take over from you  
idiots. You have fucked up,

And that's just a small sample of your latest and greatest hits :)  
Clearly I was wrong, Off--you couldn't post an insult if your life  
depended on it.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra's Intent blog

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 authfriend wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  shempmcgurk wrote:

  Conceptually is broad enough that it could mean anything.
  And you only threw in the whole conceptual thing in that last
  post because you needed an out for your initial bullshit 

  BTW, I don't recall that the TMO ever published for the public
  anything that described in detail the method of learning
  meditation or even checking.  The only thing is MMY giving a 
  description *conceptually.*
  And *why* has the TMO never published any such
  detailed description, Bhairitu?
 For the same reason no other guru does not even Sivananda
 where he gives it out conceptually.

The following is from the International Sivananda
Yoga Vedanta Center's page Meditation (Dhyana).
The first seven steps have to do with regularity,
time, space, asana, and detailed instructions for

Then we get to meditation itself:

8. Allow the mind to wander at first. It will jump around, but will 
eventually become concentrated, along with the concentration of 

9. Don't force the mind to be still, as this will set in motion 
additional brain waves, hindering meditation. 

10. Select a focal point on which the mind may rest. For people who 
are intellectual by nature, this may be the Ajna Chakra., the point 
between the eyebrows. For more emotional people, use the Anahata or 
Heart Chakra. Never change this focal point.

11. Focus on a neutral or uplifting object, holding the image in the 
place of concentration. If using a Mantra, repeat it mentally, and co-
ordinate repetition with the breath. If you dont have a personalized 
Manta, use Om. Although mental repetition is stronger, the mantra may 
be repeted aloud if one becomes drowsy. Never change the Mantra.
12. Repetition will lead to pure thought, in which sound vibration 
merges with thought vibration, without awareness of meaning. Vocal 
repetition progresses through mental repetition to telepathic 
language, and from there to pure thought.

13. With practice, duality disappears and Samadhi, or the 
superconscious state, is reached. Do not become impatient, as this 
takes a long time.

14. In Samadhi one rests in the state of bliss in which the Knower, 
the Knowledge, and the Known become one. This is the superconcious 
state reached by mystics of all faiths and persuasions. 


And Sivananda is far from the only guru who
has published or posted on the Web detailed
instructions for his/her form of meditation.

Here are two paragraphs on how to meditate from
the book you cited to Shemp, Mind, Its Mysteries
and Control:

Sit in a lonely place on Padma, Siddha or Sukha Asana. Free yourself 
from all passions, emotions and impulses. Subjugate the senses. 
Withdraw the mind from objects. Now the mind will be calm, one-
pointed, pure and subtle. With the help of this trained instrument, 
disciplined mind, contemplate on that one Infinite Self. Do not think 
of anything else. Do not allow any worldly thought to enter the mind. 
Do not allow the mind to think of any physical or mental enjoyment. 
When it indulges in these thoughts, give it a good hammering. Then it 
will move towards God. Just as the Ganga flows continuously towards 
the sea, thoughts of God should flow continuously towards the Lord. 
Just as oil, when poured from one vessel to another, flows in an 
unbroken, continuous stream, just as the harmonious sound produced 
from the ringing of bells falls upon the ear in a continuous stream, 
so also the mind should 'flow' towards God in one continuous stream. 
There must be a continuous divine Vritti-Pravaha, Svajatiya-Vritti-
Pravaha, from the Sattvic mind towards God through continuous 

You must have a mental image of God or Brahman (concrete or abstract) 
before you begin to meditate. When you are a neophyte in meditation, 
start repeating some sublime Slokas or Stotras (hymns) for ten 
minutes as soon as you sit for meditation. This will elevate the 
mind. The mind can be easily withdrawn from the worldly objects. Then 
stop this kind of thinking also and fix the mind on one idea only by 
repeated and strenuous efforts. Then Nishtha will ensue. 


Sorry, but this is obviously completely unlike
TM in any number of ways. It isn't even
conceptually like TM. Do not allow any
worldly thought to enter the mind? Fix the
mind on one idea only by repeated and
strenuous efforts?


  But anyway anyone who has stepped outside of the movement
  knows that there is nothing unique about the way the mantra
  is given and it is old as time itself.
  Straw man. Nobody suggested there was anything
  unique about how the mantra is given.

 Didn't follow the thread did you?

I've read every post 

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 

 Have you actually studied the history of Nazi Germany?

Not formally in a classroom, but I've done quite
a bit of reading about it.

 You are right in thinking that whatever the people of a country 
are into, a Hitler could take it and run with it, but this is not 
what happened in the case of Nazi Germany. Do you actually know how 
carefully Goebbels designed his propaganda machine or how closely the 
educational system, the media, and the entertainment world were 
controlled and designed to create what I have described down to the 
aesthetic? a

How is this different from what I said that you 
just agreed with, Angela?

Nazism took advantage of what the German people
were involved in and institutionalized it, based
their propaganda on it, distorting it wildly in
the process.

That could have been done with *any* cultural
phenomenon to end up with a fascistic dictatorship.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Nov 17, 2007, at 1:09 PM, off_world_beings wrote:
  First, where do you get these claims of gratuitous insults?
  Calling an american who is proud of their despotic regime 'stupid' is
  just common sense, used by 95% of the world to describe the current
  administration and their proud followers.
 Yeah, you got me there, Off.  The idea that you were being insulting  
 was clearly the by-product of some hallucinogen I took long ago.   
 Let's see now...
 Calling an american who is proud of their despotic regime 'stupid' is
 just common sense... renegade bully schoolboys...Idiot ! ! !...You  
 are complete idiots in America!...you're an idiot...dumb  
 Americans...I've never said that to anyone you raving drunk...Go back  
 the bottle...You're an idiot if you think that was not deliberate  
 (but then you are an american) ... we are here to take over from you  
 idiots. You have fucked up,
 And that's just a small sample of your latest and greatest hits :)  
 Clearly I was wrong, Off--you couldn't post an insult if your life  
 depended on it.

Well, maybe thats just a Scottish friendly greeting. 

Cultural differences -- sort of reminds me of the last scene in
Barcelona -- the three (or two) american guys end up marrying spanish
woemen, and moving back to the states. 

Ted: You see, that's one of the great things about getting
involved with someone from another country. You can't take it
personally. What's really terrific is that when we act in ways which
might objectively seem asshole-ish or, or, incredibly annoying, they
don't get upset at all. They don't take it personally. They just
assume it's some national characteristic. 

And for non-American views of the states:
Marta: Ramon is very persuasive, and he painted a terrible picture
of what it would be like for her to live the rest of her life in
America, with all of its crime, consumerism, and vulgarity. All those
loud, badly dressed, fat people watching their eighty channels of
television and visiting shopping malls. The plastic
throw-everything-away society with its notorious violence and racism.
And finally, the total lack of culture. 

And the Scots certainly have a lot of things going for them: Haggis is
a traditional Scottish dish. There are many recipes, most of which
have in common the following ingredients: sheep's 'pluck' (heart,
liver and lungs), minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt,
mixed with stock, and traditionally boiled in the animal's stomach for
approximately an hour.

Or, perhaps Off is demonstrating, for all of our benefit, that
projection is well and alive.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread Angela Mailander
Off, you are being uncharacteristically rude for a Brit.  I agree with you that 
America is going down a slippery slope towards fascism.  I've seen it coming 
since the mid sixties when there wasn't a cloud in the sky, and there was no 
way you could ever have said anything like it to an American back then.  Even 
now, it is difficult.  That's part of the picture.  What makes you think 
Americans can help what's happening any more than Germans could?  And Bush 
leaving will not stop the process till it has run its course. 

And Curtis, just because I see something coming doesn't mean I'm afraid of it.  
I take what precautions I can, but I tend to be fearless to a fault according 
to my friends. 

curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- 
In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Yawn, resorting to personal psycho-analysis in order to avoid the 
  issues I brought up.
 Yes you caught me. I'll address some here: 
 Americans are stupid, English are smart:  This is case by case for me.
 Some Indians went to Canada to avoid being conquered:  Yes, some of
 the ones who were not exterminated by the small pox infected blankets
 given to them by the British did flee to Canada.  
 Americans did bad things to the Indians and many of them are poor: Yes
 Americans used the French support to get out from England's colonial
 rule: Yes we did.
 Americans are involved in a disaster in Iraq of our own making: Yes.
 England is not in a quagmire in Iraq now:  You dumped Tony Blair over
 it and we will be done with GW soon enough.  If you have forgotten
 England's role in war, I have not.
 Doug Henning would never play Vegas and I am foolish for suggesting
 that he would: No. Doug actually did play Vegas. You never did
 acknowledge that you were totally wrong about this.  I would speculate
 why you were unable to do so but it would involve personal
 psycho-analysis which Off would never do...well not for a few more
 lines anyway.
 Everyone in America should be ashamed of being American because we we
 have done some bad things in the world:  No, Americans can still be
 proud of their country's many accomplishments despite our mistakes. 
 No country is all good or all bad.
 Off is right about everything and even knows what Curtis has or has
 not read, or where he has traveled without the use of his senses:  Not
 so much.
  You are the one who likes to alienate a whole group of people...ie 
 I have stated my opinion about MMY's teaching, where I disagree with
 him.  Not all TM people are alienated by this.  It is a personal
 choice to feel that way about my opinion.  People with good
 intellectual boundaries can disagree without name calling.  BTW I can
 think of only one person on this group who does not express views
 offensive to TB TM folks and your name is not on the shortlist. 
 and now you are all hurt inside
 Uh oh:  Yawn, resorting to personal psycho-analysis in order to avoid
 the  issues I brought up.
 I don't know you and quickly understood that you were on a soapbox
 rant that had nothing to do with me, so your calling me an idiot
 doesn't hurt me.  OTH I call boorish behavior when I see it.
 when I (and 5.5 billion 
  others on the planet ) ridicule american pride in their despotic 
 Glad to hear you are on the pulse of all 5.5 billion.  Speaking only
 for myself, I can be proud of my country while deploring the same
 actions others find offensive.  And I can do it without claiming that
 all the people in a country are dumb or idiots. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

Lol, you're an idiot.
I was not angry, just having fun giving dumb Americans a history 
It was fun for me, but as the loser in the history lesson you are 
obviously a sore loser, and have  to call the winner of the 
contest angry.
   Your name calling betrays your need to feel superior in invented
   contests.  Winner of the history contest.  Is that how you imagine
   it?  Enjoy your fantasy award.  But I am neither an idiot nor dumb 
   am not impressed with your history rant.  I hear them all the time 
   self impressed dudes at the clubs where I play music.  They, like
   you,have no idea how they sound to others.

I was not angry for one second. Put that in your head and hold it 
one year, maybe something will sink in and you might learn 
from this history lesson at least.
   So it was just a conversation with yourself and I just got in the 
All I have learned from you is that having a conversation with you 
   annoying due to your need to puff up your self importance and bogus
   superiority with name calling.

.I don't live in this countryI OWN IT.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Nov 17, 2007, at 2:45 PM, new.morning wrote:

And that's just a small sample of your latest and greatest hits :)
Clearly I was wrong, Off--you couldn't post an insult if your life
depended on it.


Well, maybe thats just a Scottish friendly greeting.

That's the ticket.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The stupidity of Wagnerian librettos

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 

 You're right.  It is stupid to call them Nazi propaganda without 
making some further qualifications.  They were used as Nazi 
propaganda, and they were written with that at least partially in 

No, they were not written with that in mind, Angela,
not even partially. Wagner died in 1883, for pete's

 They do transcend those intentions, but if you look deeply enough, 
you also find a world view that isn't exactly espousing the ideals of 
democracy.  a

Wagner was no Thomas Jefferson, certainly, but
he wasn't even a proto-fascist; he was a Romantic
and an idealist.

And are you going to respond to this request?

  Angela, let's see some references to historians
  who claim there's a connection between the TMO
  and Nazi Germany.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread Angela Mailander
You may keep your opinion. I shall keep mine.  I have studied Nazi Germany 
formally and exhaustively.  Moreover, I am well prepared for scholarship and 
scholarly research with years of training.  I've also talked with scores of 
people who've been through it. A New Age, or, more specifically a Vedic 
component, was an aspect of German fascism and was part of its design from its 
inception in the Thule Society. It wasn't only Vedic, however.  Meister Eckhart 
was big, and so was Buddhism.  These things diverted attention from the 
political arena, so that the dictator's noose tightened too much before anyone 
could really notice enough to object. 

I've noticed that folks in this forum like to call one another stupid without 
actually knowing anything in any depth about what's being discussed. It is 
possible to question and challenge ideas without resorting to words like 
silly and stupid.  

authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
  Have you actually studied the history of Nazi Germany?
 Not formally in a classroom, but I've done quite
 a bit of reading about it.
  You are right in thinking that whatever the people of a country 
 are into, a Hitler could take it and run with it, but this is not 
 what happened in the case of Nazi Germany. Do you actually know how 
 carefully Goebbels designed his propaganda machine or how closely the 
 educational system, the media, and the entertainment world were 
 controlled and designed to create what I have described down to the 
 aesthetic? a
 How is this different from what I said that you 
 just agreed with, Angela?
 Nazism took advantage of what the German people
 were involved in and institutionalized it, based
 their propaganda on it, distorting it wildly in
 the process.
 That could have been done with *any* cultural
 phenomenon to end up with a fascistic dictatorship.

 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The stupidity of Wagnerian librettos

2007-11-17 Thread Angela Mailander
There are no historians who see the similarities between the TMO and fascism 
that I know of.  The TMO is just too small for historians to notice it.  Maybe 
at some later date, there will be some more formal investigation of this idea.  
I do know, however, that I am by no means the only observer who has noticed 
what I'm noticing, and I have discussed this with people in and out of the TMO 
in Germany, in Greece, in India, and in the U.S.  In China nobody gives a shit. 

Now, the fact that there are similarities is not that hard to see.  It's really 
obvious if you have a more than cursory understanding of German fascism.  But 
seeing the similarities says nothing whatsoever just yet about what it all 
means. I do not yet know enough to even begin to hazard a guess in that 
territory. Seeing the similarities doesn't mean that I am necessarily making a 
blanket negative judgment about the TMO. It's true that I don't like some of 
what I see in the TMO that I am calling fascist, but that's not a total 
dismissal of the whole thing.  I have already said that TM has done much good 
and I agree with  Vaj that MMY is a great man even if his rajas are pompous 
authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
  You're right.  It is stupid to call them Nazi propaganda without 
 making some further qualifications.  They were used as Nazi 
 propaganda, and they were written with that at least partially in 
 No, they were not written with that in mind, Angela,
 not even partially. Wagner died in 1883, for pete's
  They do transcend those intentions, but if you look deeply enough, 
 you also find a world view that isn't exactly espousing the ideals of 
 democracy.  a
 Wagner was no Thomas Jefferson, certainly, but
 he wasn't even a proto-fascist; he was a Romantic
 and an idealist.
 And are you going to respond to this request?
   Angela, let's see some references to historians
   who claim there's a connection between the TMO
   and Nazi Germany.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The stupidity of Wagnerian librettos

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 

 There are no historians who see the similarities between the TMO and 
fascism that I know of.

Oh, OK. Perhaps you miswrote when you said this, then:

No connection between the TMO and Nazi Germany? Well,
that depends on which historians you ask.

That's what I was asking about.

 Now, the fact that there are similarities is not that hard to see.

What seems difficult for you to see is that the
similarities, such as they may be, are *irrelevant*.

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
 I've noticed that folks in this forum like to call one another stupid 
without actually knowing anything in any depth about what's being 

Heck, some folks on this forum even like to call
Wagner's librettos stupid without actually knowing
anything in any depth about them.

[FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Say what you will about it, Viagra works

Speaks the voice of experience...

[FairfieldLife] ANOTHER New Idea For Posting Limits (Re: Jim Done)

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sounds to me as if Edg got another rejection letter
 from a publisher. 
 If he ever wrote anything and sent it off, that is.

This one single post pretty much sums up what kind
of person Barry is.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The stupidity of Wagnerian librettos

2007-11-17 Thread Angela Mailander
I have spoken to historians, of course.  That doesn't mean any of them have 
published their work.  I understood your question to mean published work. This 
was a misunderstanding. 

authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
  There are no historians who see the similarities between the TMO and 
 fascism that I know of.
 Oh, OK. Perhaps you miswrote when you said this, then:
 No connection between the TMO and Nazi Germany? Well,
 that depends on which historians you ask.
 That's what I was asking about.
  Now, the fact that there are similarities is not that hard to see.
 What seems difficult for you to see is that the
 similarities, such as they may be, are *irrelevant*.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The stupidity of Wagnerian librettos

2007-11-17 Thread Angela Mailander
Whether the similarities are relevant or not is something that would depend on 
an analysis of their meaning which you and I have not done.  a

authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
  There are no historians who see the similarities between the TMO and 
 fascism that I know of.
 Oh, OK. Perhaps you miswrote when you said this, then:
 No connection between the TMO and Nazi Germany? Well,
 that depends on which historians you ask.
 That's what I was asking about.
  Now, the fact that there are similarities is not that hard to see.
 What seems difficult for you to see is that the
 similarities, such as they may be, are *irrelevant*.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The stupidity of Wagnerian librettos

2007-11-17 Thread authfriend
FWIW, with reference to the thread title:

While Wagner's librettos don't stand on their
own as poetry, they were never intended to. Wagner's
ideal of opera was what he called the Gesamtkunstwerk,
the together-art-work, or synthesis of the arts,
in which all the various artistic elements--words,
music, drama, stagecraft, etc.--were integrated into
one unified, inseparable whole.

In particular, he was preoccuped with the musical
settings of the words, in which the words and the
music illustrate, amplify, and enrich each other.
Words that seem flat and even trite on a page
become extraordinarily expressive when they're
sung to his vocal lines; likewise, you don't walk
out of the opera house humming the tunes, because
they lose most of their meaning without the words.
Words and music are so intimately intertwined you
don't end up with much if you consider them

[FairfieldLife] Re: American Poverty in the News again

2007-11-17 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@
  Yawn, resorting to personal psycho-analysis in order to avoid the 
  issues I brought up.
 Yes you caught me. I'll address some here: 
 Americans are stupid, English are smart:  This is case by case for 

And the Scots are better than both of them.

 Some Indians went to Canada to avoid being conquered:  Yes, some of
 the ones who were not exterminated by the small pox infected 
 given to them by the British did flee to Canada.  

Sorry about the smallpox mistake during an act of compassion. 
Just goes to show one cannot control  the course of karma, one must 
meditate instead, just like Maharishi said.

 Americans did bad things to the Indians and many of them are poor: 
 Americans used the French support to get out from England's colonial
 rule: Yes we did.

At last you agree with me. Americans used the French (and a fortune 
of their money) in order to keep the slave trade alive in their 
favor, and avoid the British ruling that it was illegal to keep a 
slave on British soil.

 Americans are involved in a disaster in Iraq of our own making: Yes.
 England is not in a quagmire in Iraq now:  You dumped Tony Blair 
 it and we will be done with GW soon enough.  If you have forgotten
 England's role in war, I have not.

Unfortunately, ytou still don't get it. The Brits, even though they 
were wrong to be in the war, can get out. The Americans can never get 
out, no matter who is in power (except MAYBE Ron Paul). It is a 
quagmire for US. Which means my Britsh pounds will continue to rise 
in value over and above the 2.1 dollars they amount to now.

Still, this quagmire you are in is certainly not your personal fault, 
and the Brits were wrong to be involved in any way.

 Doug Henning would never play Vegas and I am foolish for suggesting
 that he would: No. Doug actually did play Vegas. You never did
 acknowledge that you were totally wrong about this.  I would 
 why you were unable to do so but it would involve personal
 psycho-analysis which Off would never do...well not for a few more
 lines anyway.

Actually, I am the one that said he would be playing side-shows in 
Vegas if he wasn't with MMY. I don't know why you are making this 
claim above.

 Everyone in America should be ashamed of being American because we 
 have done some bad things in the world:  No, Americans can still be
 proud of their country's many accomplishments despite our mistakes. 
 No country is all good or all bad.

True, but statistically speaking America has one of the worst human 
rights records in the developed world. Guantanamo Bay, US military 
regime in Iraq killing and terrorising innocents, worst polluters in 
the world, companies like Monstnto and others that exploit whole 
countries and governments to get what they want.

However, I agree Britain is not much better.

 I don't know you and quickly understood that you were on a soapbox
 rant that had nothing to do with me, so your calling me an idiot
 doesn't hurt me.  OTH I call boorish behavior when I see it.

I agree. I am a boor. 

I also call boorish behaviour when I see it, and when you said how 
proud you were of your despotic country, I called you on it. Name one 
thing you are proud of?

(actually don't bother, there is a long history lesson thaat will 
need to be told if you do)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Solution to Overposting

2007-11-17 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Nov 17, 2007, at 1:09 PM, off_world_beings wrote:

 Yeah, you got me there, Off.  The idea that you were being 
 was clearly the by-product of some hallucinogen I took long ago.   
 Let's see now...
 Calling an american who is proud of their despotic regime 'stupid' 
 just common sense... renegade bully schoolboys...Idiot ! ! !...You  
 are complete idiots in America!...you're an idiot...dumb  
 Americans...I've never said that to anyone you raving drunk...Go 
 the bottle...You're an idiot if you think that was not deliberate  
 (but then you are an american) ... we are here to take over from 

I agree completely with all of it.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch Lecture in Berlin Turns Into Chaos

2007-11-17 Thread Angela Mailander
There is a big difference between calling a person you are sharing a forum with 
stupid and calling a libretto stupid.  I do not like Wagner's librettos.  I am 
aware that he was into Gesamtkunstwerk, and I have read all of them.  Hell, 
I've even gone to see some of them performed at the Bayreuth Wagner festival 
when I was at the university there. You need to reserve tickets years in 
advance, but I have a fairly close friend who sang the female lead in many of 
them, and so I got in free. You can't really assume that I don't know what I'm 
talking about on the basis of a few emails, especially when you've already 
decided that I'm silly.  a

authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   --- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 
  I've noticed that folks in this forum like to call one another stupid 
 without actually knowing anything in any depth about what's being 
 Heck, some folks on this forum even like to call
 Wagner's librettos stupid without actually knowing
 anything in any depth about them.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The stupidity of Wagnerian librettos

2007-11-17 Thread Angela Mailander
Yes, you are definitely right about Wagner's dates.  But his works were used 
for Nazi propaganda because they lent themselves to that so easily.  But I 
should add, too, that though fascism is possible in any country, the flavor 
that it took in Germany was obviously distinctly German, and it drew from what 
was Germanic, in its own history. The similarity of German fascism with the 
TMO is also based on this Germanic history. They thought of themselves as 
Aryans after all. The German language is clearly an Aryan language.  

I am no expert on Wagner, however, and am in part repeating what I have heard 
other German critics say about the librettos.  We had to read the librettos in 
high school, and the teacher was definitely a left over Nazi who milked them 
for all their fascist content that he could. It was there to get out.  Now, it 
is very possible that an American reader would not see any of that.  a

feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Oh Angela, you 
can do better than this. You say of Wagner's librettos,
 They were used as Nazi propaganda, and they were written with that at
 least partially in mind. Wagner died in 1883, before Hitler was even
 born, so how could Wagner possibly write operas with Nazi propaganda
 in mind? It's true that Wagner's music was used by the Nazis, and his
 Nazi-admiring family had a lot to do with that -- but not with the
 consent of Richard Wagner, who had been in his grave for 50 years when
 Hitler came to power!  
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
  You're right.  It is stupid to call them Nazi propaganda without
 making some further qualifications.  They were used as Nazi
 propaganda, and they were written with that at least partially in mind.  
 They do transcend those intentions, but if you look deeply enough, you
 also find a world view that isn't exactly espousing the ideals of
 democracy.  a
  authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   [Angela
You are also right about Wagner's music, but his librettos
are fascist propaganda. I can tell the difference between
divine music and shitty literature.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
I wonder if you've ever read a Wagner libretto. You are right
that they are not poetry of the highest quality, but completely
wrong when you call them fascist propaganda. Quite the
opposite. The Ring of the Nibelung is about the triumph of 
unconditional love over the unscrupulous, ruthless use of
political and economic power. It is, if anything, anti-Fascist
   In the last opera in the Ring, Goetterdaemmerung,
   or The Twilight of the Gods, the Hitlerian
   prototypes--the gods of Valhalla and the Superman
   Siegfried--meet with utter destruction.
   Tristan and Isolde is about transcendental,
eternal love. Parsifal is a Christian myth of redemption. The
Flying Dutchman, Lohengrin, and Tannhauser have no significant 
political content.
   I'm also a Wagner fan, and this is absolutely
   correct. The idea that the librettos are fascist
   propaganda is profoundly ignorant.
   Wikipedia has an excellent, thoroughly documented
   article on Wagner and Nazism:
   There's also a devastating critique on Amazon
   of a book claiming that Hitler got his ideas
   from Wagner:
   [Angela wrote:]
No connection between the TMO and Nazi Germany? Well, that depends
   on which historians you ask. History is a story that's not told by
   monotopical idiots (right Turquoise?), unless they're paid textbook
   writers. So in a situation like that, in which vastly different people
   tell vastly different stories about an enormous evil that humanity has
   just been through, and you think there is only one way to tell that
   story? That's what textbooks would have you believe, which is why
   they're so f--ing boring. Are you telling me (like a true fascist)
   that your way of seeing history is the only way?
   Well, actually, no, he's not, Angela. Here's
   what he was telling you:
I don't know anyone else who would seriously
argue for any similarities between the TMO and
the Nazis.
   Angela, let's see some references to historians
   who claim there's a connection between the TMO
   and Nazi Germany.
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