[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheism rears its ugly head again!

2013-08-04 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 A humanist — often used interchangeably with nontheist — does not recognize 
 a supernatural God; they believe in the human ability to lead an ethical life 
 and aspire to good without relying on religious belief.
 This quote above is the definition used for a humanist, taken from the 
 transcript of the npr show. Humanist appears to be a fancy word for someone 
 who rejects organized religion, and any possibilities that go along with it, 
 for example, God. 

Not really fancy just a word for people who think mankind is
mature enough to make moral judgements without having our wisdom
passed down by apparently non-existent beings, or at least beings
who would rather not communicate with us in the way they were 
supposed to have done in times gone by when religious types get
their ideas of right and wrong.

A case in point would the 10 commandments, some are useful in our
modern world but we can add and improve according to a more
evolved moral sense that we have nowadays. The universal declaration
of human rights would be a good place to start if you want to know
how things have improved since we stopped relying on the old
 What muddled thinking - Because a group that you no longer associate with, 
 believes in God, you, now, no longer see as possible, a relationship with 
 God?? How is that critical thinking? It is an immature, knee-jerk reaction, 
 to social norms, having nothing to do with a personal spiritual life - merely 

It's good critical thinking if you have taken intellectual steps
away from the baby talk of christianity and cast a long sober
look at the claims made for the existence of supernatural creators.
It's hard for anyone who has studied genetics, biology and neuro-
psychology to believe anything the religious tell us when there are
so many more convincing explanations on offer.

Keeping it topical, what do Indian teachings offer us that is relevant? A whole 
cast of lurid characters to worship and beg
favours from, a proscribed correct way of life with a final
promise of being born into better circumstances if we put up with
the shit now. Of knowing god if we get enlightened for which
we need a lifetime of meditation and east facing houses etc. It's 
a form of mind control no better than scientology, we can do
better than this.

 Why must a life with God be constrained by religion, anyway? That is the goal 
 of all of the religions, so by definition, religion, and belief, are not 
 necessary when living a life *with* God.
 The humanists may want to take another look, before they throw God out with 
 the bathwater. Going by the definition used on this npr program, the humanist 
 view is nothing more than emotional immaturity, disguised as critical 


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  I don't know, Buck. Can atheists really even be small minded? I mean, to 
  come to such a conclusion that there is no God, one would, it seems to me, 
  to have thought deeply about such matters. Perhaps atheists believe in 
  something even bigger than God, whatever that might be, something deeper, 
  something richer, fuller. I believe in God. But simply writing that I feel 
  the immensity of life and the universe shrivel to the size of my skull. And 
  that shrunkeness I know to be an illusion. So, let each military person 
  have his or her object of devotion, by whatever name he or she calls it. 
  Let each soldier or pilot or sailor have reverence for whatever lifts up 
  the spirit in the blaze of battle, in the dark certainty of death.
   From: Buck dhamiltony2k5@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2013 8:24 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheism rears its ugly head again!
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Buck, I don't see what is ugly headed about wanting humanist chaplains in 
   the military. Til today had not heard the term humanist chaplain before, 
   but it sounds like a very wonderful development to me. Why don't you like 
  Atheism?  Dear Share; it is a plain sophist's guise to deny the divinity in 
  human spirituality.  I mean like think of the deniers and haters here on 
  this list.  It could be okay if these so-called Humanists were also 
  teaching effective meditation along with their watery humanism so that 
  people should come to the experience of the Unified Field on their own.  
  However really as a wedge this lower-case humanism though is the place for 
  the David Lynch Foundation to come in and help in a material way the 
  spirituality of the whole chaplain corps and the military.  Hasten the day 
  the military introduces a transcending meditating as an integral part of 
  the basic training for each and every young recruit coming 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheism rears its ugly head again!

2013-08-04 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 I don't know, Buck. Can atheists really even be small minded? I mean, to come 
 to such a conclusion that there is no God, one would, it seems to me, to have 
 thought deeply about such matters. 

I would say that athiests come to a conclusion that god is the
*least* likely explanation for what we see around us - especially 
in the guise he deigns to appear to the religiously minded.

There are mush better explanations grounded in things we already
understand for what people used to blame god for but as any 
scientist will tell you, you can't prove something *doesn't* exist,
hence the fact no athiest ever says there is NO god. Just *probably* isn't. We 
convert for evidence.

Perhaps atheists believe in something even bigger than God, whatever that might 
be, something deeper, something richer, fuller. I believe in God. But simply 
writing that I feel the immensity of life and the universe shrivel to the size 
of my skull. And that shrunkeness I know to be an illusion. So, let each 
military person have his or her object of devotion, by whatever name he or she 
calls it. Let each soldier or pilot or sailor have reverence for whatever lifts 
up the spirit in the blaze of battle, in the dark certainty of death.
  From: Buck dhamiltony2k5@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2013 8:24 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheism rears its ugly head again!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Buck, I don't see what is ugly headed about wanting humanist chaplains in 
  the military. Til today had not heard the term humanist chaplain before, 
  but it sounds like a very wonderful development to me. Why don't you like 
 Atheism?  Dear Share; it is a plain sophist's guise to deny the divinity in 
 human spirituality.  I mean like think of the deniers and haters here on this 
 list.  It could be okay if these so-called Humanists were also teaching 
 effective meditation along with their watery humanism so that people should 
 come to the experience of the Unified Field on their own.  However really as 
 a wedge this lower-case humanism though is the place for the David Lynch 
 Foundation to come in and help in a material way the spirituality of the 
 whole chaplain corps and the military.  Hasten the day the military 
 introduces a transcending meditating as an integral part of the basic 
 training for each and every young recruit coming through.
 That would be spiritual regeneration in one generation that would make our 
 army readily more invincible on good scientific grounds.  But I wouldnt want 
 nobody trying to support the spiritul welfare of our men in battle without 
 their knowing themselves and teaching the Higher power of the Unified Field.  
 Having just a humanist chaplain is spiritual fraud if they don't know the All 
 of It by experience as to what they are talking about.  I am with Congress on 
 this if it holds the line against this creep of atheism eating away at all 
 our spirituality that all are created equal in the Unified Field regardless 
 of race, creed, gender, caste etc.  Now that is worth fighting for.  This 
 other kind of atheism is spine-less sophistry void of experience.  There are 
 other proven solutions to advance within the military.  I would be with John 
 Hagelin and David Lynch against such a poor humanism as letting small-minded 
 atheists in to the chaplaincy.
 Firm as a Rock,
   From: Buck 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2013 6:34 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Atheism rears its ugly head again!
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
   There has been a recent push for humanist chaplains in the United States 
   military. Around 13,000 active service members are atheist or agnostic.
  Try to cross the vast ocean of becoming.
  Every individual wants to be happy in this world and in the next. Even the 
  atheist, who does not believe in the next world, wants to be happy and 
  peaceful here. Believers want peace and happiness in both worlds, but these 
  cannot be obtained merely by wishing. Desire propels one to act; peace and 
  happiness can be obtained only with effort. Therefore when you try to 
  obtain peace and happiness, your efforts should be legitimate. By 
  legitimate I mean that which is laid down in the shastras. Some poet said:
  Na p≠tamï¬ jÃ…hnav≠ toyamï¬
  na g≠tamï¬ bhagavad ya±aæ 
  na jÅne jÅnak≠ jÅne jÅne
  yamÃ…hvÃ…ne kimuttaram ||243
  Til now I have not drunk the waters of the GÃ…Åga, so now I must drink 
  and see what happens. If by drinking 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheism rears its ugly head again!

2013-08-04 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  I don't know, Buck. Can atheists really even be small minded? 
  I mean, to come to such a conclusion that there is no God, 
  one would, it seems to me, to have thought deeply about 
  such matters. 

 I would say that atheists come to a conclusion that god is the
 *least* likely explanation for what we see around us - especially 
 in the guise he deigns to appear to the religiously minded.

I would say that atheists show a great deal more strength
and inner conviction than most believers simply because
they've managed in most cases to overcome the decades of
*conditioning* that people raised in religious cultures
undergo that was designed to prevent them from *ever*
doubting either the existence of God or the truth 
of the things He supposedly says from time to time. 

That's some heavy-duty conditioning, and I suggest that
most people have never in their lives had the strength
to counter it, and ponder such things seriously. It's 
far easier to just continue to believe, or pretend to.
Because, after all, we all know what happens to those
who *don't* do what God says. 

Take an example from the Bible, brilliantly retold by
a more modern-day prophet. I would say that this 
exchange pretty much *defines* what people were taught 
about their relationship with God:

God said to Abraham, Kill me a son
Abe says, Man, you must be puttin' me on
God say, No. Abe say, What?
God say, You can do what you want Abe, but
The next time you see me comin' you better run
Abe says, Where do you want this killin' done?
God says, Out on Highway 61

I think Saint Bob pretty much *nailed* the traditional
notion of God in this verse. He tells you shit, and
you'd damned well better do it, or else. And that's 
if you believe in Him. What *worse* fate could befall
you if you *don't* believe in Him?

Try to run through the Abraham-Issac story from two
different points of view. From the first POV, assume
that God does not exist, and Abe is hearing voices 
in his head. Having been told that such voices might 
come from God, he is willing to kill *his own son,* 
just to do what this God who never existed told 
him to do. That's some serious crazy. 

But the other point of view is even crazier. God 
exists, and the way He gets *His* jollies is to go 
to people who *do* believe in Him and tell them to
kill their own children. If that's the way this
story really went down, God is one sick, twisted 
motherfucker. And that's even crazier. 

Personally, I think that one of the most poignant
quotes I've ever heard on the subject of the existence 
of God was in a line of graffiti supposedly found 
scrawled on the walls of Dachau when it was liberated:

If there is a God, and someday I get to meet Him,
the first words out of His mouth had damned well
better be an apology.

[FairfieldLife] If...

2013-08-04 Thread card

...your individual cells could verbally analyse things,
how many/what percentage of them would believe that you exist?? ;D

[FairfieldLife] OMG: Bible beats Angry Birds??

2013-08-04 Thread card

Jewish Bible beats Finnish Angry Birds in AppStore??


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread Michael Jackson
The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and sycophant of 
marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world peace energy feste 

 From: feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste. Understand?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 Dear Uncle Fester,
 A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize for. I mean no 
 disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
 The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book, etc., has 
 to have freedom for expression.
 I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the environment for which 
 I did the parody of. 
 I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs are not 
 meant to be matched with idealism. 
 Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art. 
 I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category you put me in 
 as ART. 
 Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
  Of course, there are always people willing to denigrate those who try to 
  create something valuable. You appear to have joined their camp -- just one 
  more addition to the vulgar and the stupid who seem to have taken over this 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
   No money? Just sign here and join the millions of students who have 
   outstanding student loans, part of the student loan bubble that is bound 
   to burst at the, well sometime. No need to worry, you will have access to 
   the finest equipment, meet interesting people and known film makers!  You 
   too, can dream about being a famous film maker and list your name on 
   imdb.com to make sure your future contacts are always seeing your work!
   Get an opportunity to work on exciting projects with these famous film 
   makers. You too, can be a life intern and sign your creative rights away, 
   your brilliant creative mind and creations to get a chance to intern with 
   your most favorite film makers! 
   Non disclosure may reverse, if you so happen to be a bit more brilliant 
   than the legal team and creative company you intern with. If you are 
   beautiful or handsome and smart too, all those rights will most certainly 
   be considered. 
   Join us now, Heaven on Earth and an MA in Film! Will you please take a 
   listen to one of our most cherished founder's of this idea, David Lynch. 
   You just might get a chance to intern, right away!
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
That is sooo funny!

 From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 6:09 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

I'll slow down here. I am too picky about who goes down in the hole... 
with me, almost, most of the time. ;) 
Thanks for the offer to toss on down.  I will hold out at your 
suggestion, Share. :) 

Better get back to the subject matter as to not confuse Richard 
Williams, Go Figure man, whichever he is. Go figure.

This film school idea is only going to work for a short time. You have 
Rahu aspecting Guru this month and well, icky and scary don't work well 
with heaven on earth. (Rahu and Guru)
Film study on campus will exist in this contrast: 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vmIRbmWq_w and 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVFq8q5PRX8 and 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efGxq2_zEKI to this 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knL5zY1LRqw then back to this 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG4azEpVmDY How can that work?
I think all Rajas and Governors should be required to take the film 
course at MUM before they post youtube videos about the subject, 
because all the videos relating to TMO are not very exciting. Except, 
David wants to fly. LOL. 
Maybe David S, will be hired to teach a class on campus or via Skype? 
It would be good for the students, because the film is very clever.
David and David, working hand in hand at the MA in FILM study at MUM! 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:

 Well Obbajee, IMHO if you post out there will be a big fat hole in 
 the Funny Farm Lounge. Anybody in particular you want us to throw 
 down into it to keep you company? Lord Shiva? Krishna? Ganesha?
  From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread Michael Jackson
If you can't see the hypocrisy of having a stress bucket like Lynch be the 
lynch pin of the MA in Film for an outfit that purports to be all about world 
peace then you been on the mountain top too long.

 From: Ann awoelfleba...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 8:26 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@ no_reply@ wrote:
  I think it is great that this is the present quality of 
  TM critic here hehe!
 We similarly believe that it's great that the quality
 of the TM True Believers on this forum is what it is.

Aren't we talking about a film masters program that MUM is adding to their 
curriculum? How does the fact that some people think this is good news, 
exciting and tempting to participate in make them anything other than regular 
people? What does labelling those in favour of this as true believers have to 
do with anything? I think the addition of this program is wonderful. If I was 
younger and wanted to be at MUM I would be on the first plane out there. Give 
me a break, at least point fingers when there is something interestingly 
controversial to warrant it.
 Let the lurkers come to their own conclusions...


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kirobo in Space

2013-08-04 Thread Share Long
Thank you, John, here's a complete analysis which even I could follow (-:

From: John jr_...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 12:11 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kirobo in Space


I don't have the times for the items you mentioned.  So sorry.  But I found the 
chart of Princess Diana.  She had the conjunction of Moon and Ketu.  This was 
the reason why she had to struggle with depression and emotional instability 
through most of her life.  But she had a strong Venus in the 7th house which 
accounted for her marriage to Prince Charles in a story book setting.  
Unfortunately, the marriage did not last for a lifetime, as everyone witnessed.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Ah, John, to have the exact launch time of that spacecraft. Better yet, the 
 exact time when Kirobo was first activated (-:
  From: John jr_esq@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 5:29 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Kirobo in Space
 A Japanese cargo was launched today to resupply the space station. Kirobo, 
 the first talking robot in space, was part of the cargo which will arrive on 
 August 9, 2013.  How can so much information be built in such a tiny robot?
 If this robot is successful, will the Japanese build a human-size robot with 
 greater capabilities?  Can it be sent to Mars for exploration?


[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread Buck
Well, weighing against all this good that David Lynch is doing I'd just like to 
know what brand of cigarette David smokes. [?]I am feeling like old Abe 
Lincoln over US Grant during the war of the rebellion being assailed by no 
account detractors about drunkenness, 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@ no_reply@ wrote:
  I think it is great that this is the present quality of TM critic here hehe!
 As the TMO goes from strength to strength these so-called critics are 
 becoming increasingly desperate and are on a steep slope towards oblivion.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   They're just grasping at straws, and it may do some good for the school 
   till Girish and the Srivastavas boys sell the place out from under Bevan 
   and Company.
   And what wonderful irony, in order to attempt to gain some legitimacy in 
   the world's eyes, make themselves look good, and attract students the 
   place that claims to teach how to gain enlightenment is going to have a 
   guy who cusses like the proverbial sailor, is addicted to tobacco and 
   makes films that revolve around some sick, perverted subject matter 
   teaching people to make more sick twisted stuff. 
   Tell me that Guru Dev would have applauded having this ass be affiliated 
   with TM, which is SUPPOSEDLY Guru Dev's legacy if someone would have shown
him (Guru Dev) a few minutes of Eraserhead or a couple episodes of Twin 

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Well, weighing against all this good that David Lynch is doing I'd
 just like to know what brand of cigarette David smokes. 

My government-monitored Google search says he smokes American Spirit brand 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheism rears its ugly head again!

2013-08-04 Thread doctordumbass
Yes, atheism if there is such a thing, is  a baby step away from social 
convention. So what? Do we come up with a special term, every time someone 
challenges the status quo? Who cares? Not me.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
  A humanist — often used interchangeably with nontheist — does not 
  recognize a supernatural God; they believe in the human ability to lead an 
  ethical life and aspire to good without relying on religious belief.
  This quote above is the definition used for a humanist, taken from the 
  transcript of the npr show. Humanist appears to be a fancy word for 
  someone who rejects organized religion, and any possibilities that go along 
  with it, for example, God. 
 Not really fancy just a word for people who think mankind is
 mature enough to make moral judgements without having our wisdom
 passed down by apparently non-existent beings, or at least beings
 who would rather not communicate with us in the way they were 
 supposed to have done in times gone by when religious types get
 their ideas of right and wrong.
 A case in point would the 10 commandments, some are useful in our
 modern world but we can add and improve according to a more
 evolved moral sense that we have nowadays. The universal declaration
 of human rights would be a good place to start if you want to know
 how things have improved since we stopped relying on the old
  What muddled thinking - Because a group that you no longer associate with, 
  believes in God, you, now, no longer see as possible, a relationship with 
  God?? How is that critical thinking? It is an immature, knee-jerk reaction, 
  to social norms, having nothing to do with a personal spiritual life - 
  merely grandstanding. 
 It's good critical thinking if you have taken intellectual steps
 away from the baby talk of christianity and cast a long sober
 look at the claims made for the existence of supernatural creators.
 It's hard for anyone who has studied genetics, biology and neuro-
 psychology to believe anything the religious tell us when there are
 so many more convincing explanations on offer.
 Keeping it topical, what do Indian teachings offer us that is relevant? A 
 whole cast of lurid characters to worship and beg
 favours from, a proscribed correct way of life with a final
 promise of being born into better circumstances if we put up with
 the shit now. Of knowing god if we get enlightened for which
 we need a lifetime of meditation and east facing houses etc. It's 
 a form of mind control no better than scientology, we can do
 better than this.
  Why must a life with God be constrained by religion, anyway? That is the 
  goal of all of the religions, so by definition, religion, and belief, are 
  not necessary when living a life *with* God.
  The humanists may want to take another look, before they throw God out with 
  the bathwater. Going by the definition used on this npr program, the 
  humanist view is nothing more than emotional immaturity, disguised as 
  critical thinking.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   I don't know, Buck. Can atheists really even be small minded? I mean, to 
   come to such a conclusion that there is no God, one would, it seems to 
   me, to have thought deeply about such matters. Perhaps atheists believe 
   in something even bigger than God, whatever that might be, something 
   deeper, something richer, fuller. I believe in God. But simply writing 
   that I feel the immensity of life and the universe shrivel to the size of 
   my skull. And that shrunkeness I know to be an illusion. So, let each 
   military person have his or her object of devotion, by whatever name he 
   or she calls it. Let each soldier or pilot or sailor have reverence for 
   whatever lifts up the spirit in the blaze of battle, in the dark 
   certainty of death.
From: Buck dhamiltony2k5@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2013 8:24 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Atheism rears its ugly head again!

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
Buck, I don't see what is ugly headed about wanting humanist chaplains 
in the military. Til today had not heard the term humanist chaplain 
before, but it sounds like a very wonderful development to me. Why 
don't you like it?

   Atheism?  Dear Share; it is a plain sophist's guise to deny the divinity 
   in human spirituality.  I mean like think of the deniers and haters here 
   on this list.  It could be okay if these so-called Humanists were also 
   teaching effective meditation along with their watery humanism so that 
   people should come to the experience of the Unified Field on their 

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread doctordumbass
an excellent choice!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Well, weighing against all this good that David Lynch is doing I'd
  just like to know what brand of cigarette David smokes. 
 My government-monitored Google search says he smokes American Spirit brand 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheism rears its ugly head again!

2013-08-04 Thread doctordumbass
You won't be getting one. :-)

This reminds me of a conversation I had about 30 years ago, with one of my 
roommates, in a house I was renting in Washington, DC. My position was that the 
Nazis, for their destruction of everything human within them, had brought far 
more suffering upon themselves, than the Jews that they killed, during the 

So, I wonder if it was a Jew, or a Nazi, who wrote the graffiti? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

snip Personally, I think that one of the most poignant
 quotes I've ever heard on the subject of the existence 
 of God was in a line of graffiti supposedly found 
 scrawled on the walls of Dachau when it was liberated:
 If there is a God, and someday I get to meet Him,
 the first words out of His mouth had damned well
 better be an apology.

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread feste37
One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they have never 
said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a start, although I 
have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY that his teachings always 
run true, although your post is so badly written that it's hard to know 
whether you are trying to attribute that to me or not. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and sycophant of 
 marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world peace energy feste 
  From: feste37 feste37@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste. Understand?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  Dear Uncle Fester,
  A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize for. I mean 
  no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
  The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book, etc., 
  has to have freedom for expression.
  I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the environment for 
  which I did the parody of. 
  I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs are not 
  meant to be matched with idealism. 
  Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art. 
  I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category you put me in 
  as ART. 
  Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
   Of course, there are always people willing to denigrate those who try to 
   create something valuable. You appear to have joined their camp -- just 
   one more addition to the vulgar and the stupid who seem to have taken 
   over this board. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
No money? Just sign here and join the millions of students who have 
outstanding student loans, part of the student loan bubble that is 
bound to burst at the, well sometime. No need to worry, you will have 
access to the finest equipment, meet interesting people and known film 
makers!  You too, can dream about being a famous film maker and list 
your name on imdb.com to make sure your future contacts are always 
seeing your work!
Get an opportunity to work on exciting projects with these famous film 
makers. You too, can be a life intern and sign your creative rights 
away, your brilliant creative mind and creations to get a chance to 
intern with your most favorite film makers! 
Non disclosure may reverse, if you so happen to be a bit more brilliant 
than the legal team and creative company you intern with. If you are 
beautiful or handsome and smart too, all those rights will most 
certainly be considered. 
Join us now, Heaven on Earth and an MA in Film! Will you please take a 
listen to one of our most cherished founder's of this idea, David 
Lynch. You just might get a chance to intern, right away!


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ 

 That is sooo funny!
  From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 6:09 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 I'll slow down here. I am too picky about who goes down in the 
 hole... with me, almost, most of the time. ;) 
 Thanks for the offer to toss on down.  I will hold out at your 
 suggestion, Share. :) 
 Better get back to the subject matter as to not confuse Richard 
 Williams, Go Figure man, whichever he is. Go figure.
 This film school idea is only going to work for a short time. You 
 have Rahu aspecting Guru this month and well, icky and scary don't 
 work well with heaven on earth. (Rahu and Guru)
 Film study on campus will exist in this contrast: 
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vmIRbmWq_w and 
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVFq8q5PRX8 and 
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efGxq2_zEKI to this 
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knL5zY1LRqw then back to this 
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG4azEpVmDY How can that work?
 I think all Rajas and Governors should be required to take the film 
 course at MUM before they post youtube videos about the subject, 
 because all the videos relating to TMO are not very exciting. Except, 
 David wants to fly. LOL. 
 Maybe David S, will be hired to teach a class on campus or via Skype? 
 It would be good for the students, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread seventhray27

I think this is what MJ calls hyperbole or allusion.  He held a
class on that last week.  You may have missed it.

I mean, to the rest of the world, it looks like he just likes to see
things in one way, no matter what the facts may be, but we were
corrected on this misconception.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 wrote:

 One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they
have never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a
start, although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY
that his teachings always run true, although your post is so badly
written that it's hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that
to me or not.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
  The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and
sycophant of marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world
peace energy feste manifests?
  From: feste37 feste37@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
  I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
   Dear Uncle Fester,
   A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize
for. I mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
   The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book,
etc., has to have freedom for expression.
   I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the
environment for which I did the parody of.
   I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs
are not meant to be matched with idealism.
   Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art.
   I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category you
put me in as ART.
   Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 wrote:
Of course, there are always people willing to denigrate those
who try to create something valuable. You appear to have joined their
camp -- just one more addition to the vulgar and the stupid who seem to
have taken over this board.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:

 No money? Just sign here and join the millions of students who
have outstanding student loans, part of the student loan bubble that is
bound to burst at the, well sometime. No need to worry, you will have
access to the finest equipment, meet interesting people and known film
makers! You too, can dream about being a famous film maker and list your
name on imdb.com to make sure your future contacts are always seeing
your work!
 Get an opportunity to work on exciting projects with these
famous film makers. You too, can be a life intern and sign your creative
rights away, your brilliant creative mind and creations to get a chance
to intern with your most favorite film makers!
 Non disclosure may reverse, if you so happen to be a bit more
brilliant than the legal team and creative company you intern with. If
you are beautiful or handsome and smart too, all those rights will most
certainly be considered.
 Join us now, Heaven on Earth and an MA in Film! Will you
please take a listen to one of our most cherished founder's of this
idea, David Lynch. You just might get a chance to intern, right away!


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson wrote:
  That is sooo funny!
  From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 6:09 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
  I'll slow down here. I am too picky about who goes down in
the hole... with me, almost, most of the time. ;)
  Thanks for the offer to toss on down. I will hold out at
your suggestion, Share. :)
  Better get back to the subject matter as to not confuse
Richard Williams, Go Figure man, whichever he is. Go figure.
  This film school idea is only going to work for a short
time. You have Rahu aspecting Guru this month and well, icky and scary
don't work well with heaven on earth. (Rahu and Guru)
  Film study on campus will exist in this contrast:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vmIRbmWq_w and
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVFq8q5PRX8 and
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efGxq2_zEKI to this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knL5zY1LRqw then back to this
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG4azEpVmDY How can that work?
  I think all Rajas and Governors should be required to take
the film course at MUM before they post youtube videos about the
subject, because all the videos relating to TMO are not very exciting.
Except, David wants to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread doctordumbass
High five!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they have 
 never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a start, 
 although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY that his 
 teachings always run true, although your post is so badly written that it's 
 hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that to me or not. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and sycophant of 
  marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world peace energy 
  feste manifests?
   From: feste37 feste37@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
  I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste. Understand?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
   Dear Uncle Fester,
   A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize for. I 
   mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
   The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book, etc., 
   has to have freedom for expression.
   I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the environment for 
   which I did the parody of. 
   I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs are not 
   meant to be matched with idealism. 
   Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art. 
   I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category you put me 
   in as ART. 
   Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:

Of course, there are always people willing to denigrate those who try 
to create something valuable. You appear to have joined their camp -- 
just one more addition to the vulgar and the stupid who seem to have 
taken over this board. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:

 No money? Just sign here and join the millions of students who have 
 outstanding student loans, part of the student loan bubble that is 
 bound to burst at the, well sometime. No need to worry, you will have 
 access to the finest equipment, meet interesting people and known 
 film makers!  You too, can dream about being a famous film maker and 
 list your name on imdb.com to make sure your future contacts are 
 always seeing your work!
 Get an opportunity to work on exciting projects with these famous 
 film makers. You too, can be a life intern and sign your creative 
 rights away, your brilliant creative mind and creations to get a 
 chance to intern with your most favorite film makers! 
 Non disclosure may reverse, if you so happen to be a bit more 
 brilliant than the legal team and creative company you intern with. 
 If you are beautiful or handsome and smart too, all those rights will 
 most certainly be considered. 
 Join us now, Heaven on Earth and an MA in Film! Will you please take 
 a listen to one of our most cherished founder's of this idea, David 
 Lynch. You just might get a chance to intern, right away!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ 
  That is sooo funny!
   From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 6:09 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
  I'll slow down here. I am too picky about who goes down in the 
  hole... with me, almost, most of the time. ;) 
  Thanks for the offer to toss on down.  I will hold out at your 
  suggestion, Share. :) 
  Better get back to the subject matter as to not confuse Richard 
  Williams, Go Figure man, whichever he is. Go figure.
  This film school idea is only going to work for a short time. You 
  have Rahu aspecting Guru this month and well, icky and scary don't 
  work well with heaven on earth. (Rahu and Guru)
  Film study on campus will exist in this contrast: 
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vmIRbmWq_w and 
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVFq8q5PRX8 and 
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efGxq2_zEKI to this 
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knL5zY1LRqw then back to this 
  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG4azEpVmDY How can that work?
  I think all Rajas and Governors should be required to take the film 
  course at MUM before they post youtube videos about the subject, 
  because all the videos relating 

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 If you can't see the hypocrisy of having a stress bucket like Lynch be the 
 lynch pin of the MA in Film for an outfit that purports to be all about world 
 peace then you been on the mountain top too long.

Having dipped your wet blanket into a bucket of marshy bash and hung it upon a 
lynch pin of disaffection, you've had your fun. Now come down from your holy 
perch of judgement and make peace with your own mountain of stress or get a 
good spanking.

  From: Ann awoelflebater@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 8:26 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@ no_reply@ wrote:
   I think it is great that this is the present quality of 
   TM critic here hehe!
  We similarly believe that it's great that the quality
  of the TM True Believers on this forum is what it is.
 Aren't we talking about a film masters program that MUM is adding to their 
 curriculum? How does the fact that some people think this is good news, 
 exciting and tempting to participate in make them anything other than regular 
 people? What does labelling those in favour of this as true believers have 
 to do with anything? I think the addition of this program is wonderful. If I 
 was younger and wanted to be at MUM I would be on the first plane out there. 
 Give me a break, at least point fingers when there is something interestingly 
 controversial to warrant it.
  Let the lurkers come to their own conclusions...

[FairfieldLife] Re: If...

2013-08-04 Thread Duveyoung
Only about 10% of the body is human - the rest are foreign entities.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@... wrote:

 ...your individual cells could verbally analyse things,
 how many/what percentage of them would believe that you exist?? ;D

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread srijau
MJ is like the Stephen Colbert of,entertaining viewed so, though Stephen 
Colbert is acting consciously

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 I think this is what MJ calls hyperbole or allusion.  He held a
 class on that last week.  You may have missed it.
 I mean, to the rest of the world, it looks like he just likes to see
 things in one way, no matter what the facts may be, but we were
 corrected on this misconception.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 wrote:
  One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they
 have never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a
 start, although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY
 that his teachings always run true, although your post is so badly
 written that it's hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that
 to me or not.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
   The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and
 sycophant of marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world
 peace energy feste manifests?
   From: feste37 feste37@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
   I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
Dear Uncle Fester,
A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize
 for. I mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book,
 etc., has to have freedom for expression.
I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the
 environment for which I did the parody of.
I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs
 are not meant to be matched with idealism.
Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art.
I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category you
 put me in as ART.
Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 wrote:

 Of course, there are always people willing to denigrate those
 who try to create something valuable. You appear to have joined their
 camp -- just one more addition to the vulgar and the stupid who seem to
 have taken over this board.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
  No money? Just sign here and join the millions of students who
 have outstanding student loans, part of the student loan bubble that is
 bound to burst at the, well sometime. No need to worry, you will have
 access to the finest equipment, meet interesting people and known film
 makers! You too, can dream about being a famous film maker and list your
 name on imdb.com to make sure your future contacts are always seeing
 your work!
  Get an opportunity to work on exciting projects with these
 famous film makers. You too, can be a life intern and sign your creative
 rights away, your brilliant creative mind and creations to get a chance
 to intern with your most favorite film makers!
  Non disclosure may reverse, if you so happen to be a bit more
 brilliant than the legal team and creative company you intern with. If
 you are beautiful or handsome and smart too, all those rights will most
 certainly be considered.
  Join us now, Heaven on Earth and an MA in Film! Will you
 please take a listen to one of our most cherished founder's of this
 idea, David Lynch. You just might get a chance to intern, right away!
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson wrote:
   That is sooo funny!
   From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 6:09 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
   I'll slow down here. I am too picky about who goes down in
 the hole... with me, almost, most of the time. ;)
   Thanks for the offer to toss on down. I will hold out at
 your suggestion, Share. :)
   Better get back to the subject matter as to not confuse
 Richard Williams, Go Figure man, whichever he is. Go figure.
   This film school idea is only going to work for a short
 time. You have Rahu aspecting Guru this month and well, icky and scary
 don't work well with heaven on earth. (Rahu and Guru)
   Film study on campus will exist in this contrast:
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vmIRbmWq_w and
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVFq8q5PRX8 and
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efGxq2_zEKI to this

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread feste37
Yes, I remember that master class from MJ.  I was laughing so hard it was 
impossible to make a post about it. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 I think this is what MJ calls hyperbole or allusion.  He held a
 class on that last week.  You may have missed it.
 I mean, to the rest of the world, it looks like he just likes to see
 things in one way, no matter what the facts may be, but we were
 corrected on this misconception.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 wrote:
  One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they
 have never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a
 start, although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY
 that his teachings always run true, although your post is so badly
 written that it's hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that
 to me or not.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
   The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and
 sycophant of marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world
 peace energy feste manifests?
   From: feste37 feste37@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
   I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
Dear Uncle Fester,
A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize
 for. I mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book,
 etc., has to have freedom for expression.
I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the
 environment for which I did the parody of.
I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs
 are not meant to be matched with idealism.
Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art.
I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category you
 put me in as ART.
Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 wrote:

 Of course, there are always people willing to denigrate those
 who try to create something valuable. You appear to have joined their
 camp -- just one more addition to the vulgar and the stupid who seem to
 have taken over this board.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
  No money? Just sign here and join the millions of students who
 have outstanding student loans, part of the student loan bubble that is
 bound to burst at the, well sometime. No need to worry, you will have
 access to the finest equipment, meet interesting people and known film
 makers! You too, can dream about being a famous film maker and list your
 name on imdb.com to make sure your future contacts are always seeing
 your work!
  Get an opportunity to work on exciting projects with these
 famous film makers. You too, can be a life intern and sign your creative
 rights away, your brilliant creative mind and creations to get a chance
 to intern with your most favorite film makers!
  Non disclosure may reverse, if you so happen to be a bit more
 brilliant than the legal team and creative company you intern with. If
 you are beautiful or handsome and smart too, all those rights will most
 certainly be considered.
  Join us now, Heaven on Earth and an MA in Film! Will you
 please take a listen to one of our most cherished founder's of this
 idea, David Lynch. You just might get a chance to intern, right away!
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson wrote:
   That is sooo funny!
   From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 6:09 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
   I'll slow down here. I am too picky about who goes down in
 the hole... with me, almost, most of the time. ;)
   Thanks for the offer to toss on down. I will hold out at
 your suggestion, Share. :)
   Better get back to the subject matter as to not confuse
 Richard Williams, Go Figure man, whichever he is. Go figure.
   This film school idea is only going to work for a short
 time. You have Rahu aspecting Guru this month and well, icky and scary
 don't work well with heaven on earth. (Rahu and Guru)
   Film study on campus will exist in this contrast:
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vmIRbmWq_w and
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVFq8q5PRX8 and
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efGxq2_zEKI to this

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread Michael Jackson
Evidently you have trouble with reading comprehension, or perhaps the concept I 
am expressing is too advanced for you. Given the utter revilement you have 
expressed towards me for things I have said about the Old Faker (marshy) it is 
not a stretch to call you his sycophant. 

As to the other remark, I did not nor have I ever accused you of saying that 
you believe marshy's teachings run true. 

What I said was that marshy's teachings run true, meaning that while he 
espoused all this alignment with the laws of nature, spontaneous right action 
and enlightenment crap, what actually comes out of TM is more often the 
behavior of elitism, arrogance, taking license to break laws when convenient, 
lying, cheating and stealing. 

Thus, the teachings are running true, meaning that the teachings espouse good 
values and energy yet they actually produce somethings crappy. 

Thus you, who in the past have said how great marshy is and how good TM is, 
then revile people like one of those ignorant toothless folk Ravi sometimes 

So one would think that if TM and Marshy's teaching are real sho nuff good and 
you did 'em, they would produce speech and writing from you worthy of world 
peace, not jailhouse lingo. Thus we see in your writing and revilement of those 
who don't care for marshy and his con games that the TM teachings are running 
according to their true nature.

 From: feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:58 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they have never 
said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a start, although I 
have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY that his teachings always 
run true, although your post is so badly written that it's hard to know 
whether you are trying to attribute that to me or not. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and sycophant of 
 marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world peace energy feste 
  From: feste37 feste37@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste. Understand?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  Dear Uncle Fester,
  A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize for. I mean 
  no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
  The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book, etc., 
  has to have freedom for expression.
  I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the environment for 
  which I did the parody of. 
  I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs are not 
  meant to be matched with idealism. 
  Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art. 
  I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category you put me in 
  as ART. 
  Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
   Of course, there are always people willing to denigrate those who try to 
   create something valuable. You appear to have joined their camp -- just 
   one more addition to the vulgar and the stupid who seem to have taken 
   over this board. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
No money? Just sign here and join the millions of students who have 
outstanding student loans, part of the student loan bubble that is 
bound to burst at the, well sometime. No need to worry, you will have 
access to the finest equipment, meet interesting people and known film 
makers!  You too, can dream about being a famous film maker and list 
your name on imdb.com to make sure your future contacts are always 
seeing your work!
Get an opportunity to work on exciting projects with these famous film 
makers. You too, can be a life intern and sign your creative rights 
away, your brilliant creative mind and creations to get a chance to 
intern with your most favorite film makers! 
Non disclosure may reverse, if you so happen to be a bit more brilliant 
than the legal team and creative company you intern with. If you are 
beautiful or handsome and smart too, all those rights will most 
certainly be considered. 
Join us now, Heaven on Earth and an MA in Film! Will you please take a 
listen to one of our most cherished founder's of this idea, David 
Lynch. You just might get a chance to intern, right away!


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread Michael Jackson
The pearls of wisdom or even a lesson in the English language are lost on the 
willfully ignorant.

 From: feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 9:41 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

Yes, I remember that master class from MJ.  I was laughing so hard it was 
impossible to make a post about it. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, seventhray27 steve.sundur@... wrote:

 I think this is what MJ calls hyperbole or allusion.  He held a
 class on that last week.  You may have missed it.
 I mean, to the rest of the world, it looks like he just likes to see
 things in one way, no matter what the facts may be, but we were
 corrected on this misconception.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 wrote:
  One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they
 have never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a
 start, although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY
 that his teachings always run true, although your post is so badly
 written that it's hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that
 to me or not.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
   The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and
 sycophant of marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world
 peace energy feste manifests?
   From: feste37 feste37@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
   I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
Dear Uncle Fester,
A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize
 for. I mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book,
 etc., has to have freedom for expression.
I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the
 environment for which I did the parody of.
I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs
 are not meant to be matched with idealism.
Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art.
I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category you
 put me in as ART.
Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 wrote:

 Of course, there are always people willing to denigrate those
 who try to create something valuable. You appear to have joined their
 camp -- just one more addition to the vulgar and the stupid who seem to
 have taken over this board.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
  No money? Just sign here and join the millions of students who
 have outstanding student loans, part of the student loan bubble that is
 bound to burst at the, well sometime. No need to worry, you will have
 access to the finest equipment, meet interesting people and known film
 makers! You too, can dream about being a famous film maker and list your
 name on imdb.com to make sure your future contacts are always seeing
 your work!
  Get an opportunity to work on exciting projects with these
 famous film makers. You too, can be a life intern and sign your creative
 rights away, your brilliant creative mind and creations to get a chance
 to intern with your most favorite film makers!
  Non disclosure may reverse, if you so happen to be a bit more
 brilliant than the legal team and creative company you intern with. If
 you are beautiful or handsome and smart too, all those rights will most
 certainly be considered.
  Join us now, Heaven on Earth and an MA in Film! Will you
 please take a listen to one of our most cherished founder's of this
 idea, David Lynch. You just might get a chance to intern, right away!
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson wrote:
   That is sooo funny!
   From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 6:09 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
   I'll slow down here. I am too picky about who goes down in
 the hole... with me, almost, most of the time. ;)
   Thanks for the offer to toss on down. I will hold out at
 your suggestion, Share. :)
   Better get back to the subject matter as to not confuse
 Richard Williams, Go Figure man, whichever he is. Go figure.
   This film school idea is only going to work for a short
 time. You have Rahu aspecting Guru this month and well, icky and 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheism rears its ugly head again!

2013-08-04 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, salyavin808 fintlewoodlewix@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   I don't know, Buck. Can atheists really even be small minded? 
   I mean, to come to such a conclusion that there is no God, 
   one would, it seems to me, to have thought deeply about 
   such matters. 
  I would say that atheists come to a conclusion that god is the
  *least* likely explanation for what we see around us - especially 
  in the guise he deigns to appear to the religiously minded.
 I would say that atheists show a great deal more strength
 and inner conviction than most believers simply because
 they've managed in most cases to overcome the decades of
 *conditioning* that people raised in religious cultures
 undergo that was designed to prevent them from *ever*
 doubting either the existence of God or the truth 
 of the things He supposedly says from time to time. 
 That's some heavy-duty conditioning, and I suggest that
 most people have never in their lives had the strength
 to counter it, and ponder such things seriously. It's 
 far easier to just continue to believe, or pretend to.
 Because, after all, we all know what happens to those
 who *don't* do what God says. 
 Take an example from the Bible, brilliantly retold by
 a more modern-day prophet. I would say that this 
 exchange pretty much *defines* what people were taught 
 about their relationship with God:
 God said to Abraham, Kill me a son
 Abe says, Man, you must be puttin' me on
 God say, No. Abe say, What?
 God say, You can do what you want Abe, but
 The next time you see me comin' you better run
 Abe says, Where do you want this killin' done?
 God says, Out on Highway 61
 I think Saint Bob pretty much *nailed* the traditional
 notion of God in this verse. He tells you shit, and
 you'd damned well better do it, or else. And that's 
 if you believe in Him. What *worse* fate could befall
 you if you *don't* believe in Him?
 Try to run through the Abraham-Issac story from two
 different points of view. From the first POV, assume
 that God does not exist, and Abe is hearing voices 
 in his head. Having been told that such voices might 
 come from God, he is willing to kill *his own son,* 
 just to do what this God who never existed told 
 him to do. That's some serious crazy. 
 But the other point of view is even crazier. God 
 exists, and the way He gets *His* jollies is to go 
 to people who *do* believe in Him and tell them to
 kill their own children. If that's the way this
 story really went down, God is one sick, twisted 
 motherfucker. And that's even crazier. 
 Personally, I think that one of the most poignant
 quotes I've ever heard on the subject of the existence 
 of God was in a line of graffiti supposedly found 
 scrawled on the walls of Dachau when it was liberated:
 If there is a God, and someday I get to meet Him,
 the first words out of His mouth had damned well
 better be an apology.

I would not describe this quote as poignant but it does seem to state very 
well what it is you would want if you were ever to meet your God. I think there 
are atheists who have become so as a result of deep and careful contemplation 
and there are those who default to that position as a result of disappointment, 
anger and resentment toward a God they blame for all that is hurtful and 
difficult to understand. To deny God is to never have experienced God. I have 
never experienced India but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 If you can't see the hypocrisy of having a stress bucket like Lynch be the 
 lynch pin of the MA in Film for an outfit that purports to be all about world 
 peace then you been on the mountain top too long.

On the contrary, I descended to the valley many moons ago. I don't live in any 
airy fairy castle MJ. 

When I went to MIU there were some of the brightest minds in academia teaching 
there. It was a place of unusual and almost revolutionary educational 
principals and subject matter that attracted those who wanted a chance to 
integrate personal growth with learning. It was an exciting time back in the 
mid 80's at MIU. There were lots of professors from Yale, MIT, Harvard and 
there was not a sense of limiting student exposure to the knowledge of the 
world, including someone like Lynch; it was more about encompassing all these 
things within the context of SCI and TM. 

Why do you equate the work of David Lynch with war or non-peace? Do you see him 
as someone who incites others to violence and hate? Or is he someone who uses 
the medium of film to describe his world and his interpretation of his 
perceptions of the human race and their condition? Lynch is a recognized master 
of the art of making films. To see him as proof that MUM is hypocritical is 
short sighted, but I understand where you're coming from. However, you won't 
get me to agree with you on this one. The MA will be enriching for the 
participants and should make you feel better about MUM, not worse. It can be 
seen as an example of embracing something a little beyond Vedic honey 
commercials and Vastu architecture.
  From: Ann awoelflebater@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 8:26 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@ no_reply@ wrote:
   I think it is great that this is the present quality of 
   TM critic here hehe!
  We similarly believe that it's great that the quality
  of the TM True Believers on this forum is what it is.
 Aren't we talking about a film masters program that MUM is adding to their 
 curriculum? How does the fact that some people think this is good news, 
 exciting and tempting to participate in make them anything other than regular 
 people? What does labelling those in favour of this as true believers have 
 to do with anything? I think the addition of this program is wonderful. If I 
 was younger and wanted to be at MUM I would be on the first plane out there. 
 Give me a break, at least point fingers when there is something interestingly 
 controversial to warrant it.
  Let the lurkers come to their own conclusions...

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread seventhray27

This sounds like a proclamation.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson wrote:

 Evidently you have trouble with reading comprehension, or perhaps the
concept I am expressing is too advanced for you. Given the utter
revilement you have expressed towards me for things I have said about
the Old Faker (marshy) it is not a stretch to call you his sycophant.

 As to the other remark, I did not nor have I ever accused you of
saying that you believe marshy's teachings run true.

Where as:  What I said was that marshy's teachings run true, meaning
that while he espoused all this alignment with the laws of nature,
spontaneous right action and enlightenment crap, what actually comes out
of TM is more often the behavior of elitism, arrogance, taking license
to break laws when convenient, lying, cheating and stealing.

Where as: Thus, the teachings are running true, meaning that the
teachings espouse good values and energy yet they actually produce
somethings crappy.

Where as:  Thus you, who in the past have said how great marshy is and
how good TM is, then revile people like one of those ignorant toothless
folk Ravi sometimes mentions.

Where as: So one would think that if TM and Marshy's teaching are real
sho nuff good and you did 'em, they would produce speech and writing
from you worthy of world peace, not jailhouse lingo. Thus we see in your
writing and revilement of those who don't care for marshy and his con
games that the TM teachings are running according to their true nature.

Where is the...

Be It Resolved That...

 From: feste37 feste37@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:58 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

 One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they
have never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a
start, although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY
that his teachings always run true, although your post is so badly
written that it's hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that
to me or not.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
  The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and
sycophant of marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world
peace energy feste manifests?
  From: feste37 feste37@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
  I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
   Dear Uncle Fester,
   A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize
for. I mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
   The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book,
etc., has to have freedom for expression.
   I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the
environment for which I did the parody of.
   I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs
are not meant to be matched with idealism.
   Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art.
   I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category you
put me in as ART.
   Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 wrote:
Of course, there are always people willing to denigrate those
who try to create something valuable. You appear to have joined their
camp -- just one more addition to the vulgar and the stupid who seem to
have taken over this board.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:

 No money? Just sign here and join the millions of students who
have outstanding student loans, part of the student loan bubble that is
bound to burst at the, well sometime. No need to worry, you will have
access to the finest equipment, meet interesting people and known film
makers! You too, can dream about being a famous film maker and list your
name on imdb.com to make sure your future contacts are always seeing
your work!
 Get an opportunity to work on exciting projects with these
famous film makers. You too, can be a life intern and sign your creative
rights away, your brilliant creative mind and creations to get a chance
to intern with your most favorite film makers!
 Non disclosure may reverse, if you so happen to be a bit more
brilliant than the legal team and creative company you intern with. If
you are beautiful or handsome and smart too, all those rights will most
certainly be considered.
 Join us now, Heaven on Earth and an MA in Film! Will you
please take a listen to one of our most cherished founder's of this
idea, David Lynch. You just might get a chance to intern, right away!


 --- In 

[FairfieldLife] Re: If...

2013-08-04 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@... wrote:

 Only about 10% of the body is human - the rest are foreign entities.

Foreign entity cells are smaller than human cells, only big enough to fill a 
soup can. Since discovering my alien cells outnumber my human cells 10 to 1, I 
view them as informants doing all the talking. I have nothing to say about it. 


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@ wrote:
  ...your individual cells could verbally analyse things,
  how many/what percentage of them would believe that you exist?? ;D

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread feste37
No, the problem is that you can't write clearly. Even when you try to explain 
yourself, it all comes out as a muddle. If I were you, Jackson, I would give it 
up. You are a laughingstock on this board -- a clown, a buffoon, Mr. Stupid. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Evidently you have trouble with reading comprehension, or perhaps the concept 
 I am expressing is too advanced for you. Given the utter revilement you have 
 expressed towards me for things I have said about the Old Faker (marshy) it 
 is not a stretch to call you his sycophant. 
 As to the other remark, I did not nor have I ever accused you of saying that 
 you believe marshy's teachings run true. 
 What I said was that marshy's teachings run true, meaning that while he 
 espoused all this alignment with the laws of nature, spontaneous right action 
 and enlightenment crap, what actually comes out of TM is more often the 
 behavior of elitism, arrogance, taking license to break laws when convenient, 
 lying, cheating and stealing. 
 Thus, the teachings are running true, meaning that the teachings espouse good 
 values and energy yet they actually produce somethings crappy. 
 Thus you, who in the past have said how great marshy is and how good TM is, 
 then revile people like one of those ignorant toothless folk Ravi sometimes 
 So one would think that if TM and Marshy's teaching are real sho nuff good 
 and you did 'em, they would produce speech and writing from you worthy of 
 world peace, not jailhouse lingo. Thus we see in your writing and revilement 
 of those who don't care for marshy and his con games that the TM teachings 
 are running according to their true nature.
  From: feste37 feste37@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:58 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they have 
 never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a start, 
 although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY that his 
 teachings always run true, although your post is so badly written that it's 
 hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that to me or not. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and sycophant of 
  marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world peace energy 
  feste manifests?
   From: feste37 feste37@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
  I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste. Understand?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
   Dear Uncle Fester,
   A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize for. I 
   mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
   The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book, etc., 
   has to have freedom for expression.
   I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the environment for 
   which I did the parody of. 
   I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs are not 
   meant to be matched with idealism. 
   Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art. 
   I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category you put me 
   in as ART. 
   Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:

Of course, there are always people willing to denigrate those who try 
to create something valuable. You appear to have joined their camp -- 
just one more addition to the vulgar and the stupid who seem to have 
taken over this board. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:

 No money? Just sign here and join the millions of students who have 
 outstanding student loans, part of the student loan bubble that is 
 bound to burst at the, well sometime. No need to worry, you will have 
 access to the finest equipment, meet interesting people and known 
 film makers!  You too, can dream about being a famous film maker and 
 list your name on imdb.com to make sure your future contacts are 
 always seeing your work!
 Get an opportunity to work on exciting projects with these famous 
 film makers. You too, can be a life intern and sign your creative 
 rights away, your brilliant creative mind and creations to get a 
 chance to intern with your most favorite film makers! 
 Non disclosure may reverse, if you so happen to be a bit more 
 brilliant than the legal team and creative company you intern with. 
 If you are beautiful or handsome and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread Michael Jackson
My experience is that the goof balls that administrate the Movement fuck up 
every thing they touch. They can't even create a decent Dome policy to achieve 
the flying numbers they claim are so crucial to world peace. Just ask Buck if 
you don't believe me. If you think that this MA in Film is going to transform 
the MUM vibe, you are way off. It will be just the opposite, the MUM vibe will 
drag down the MA in Film  to its own level. And I say again MUM = TM = Marshy = 
supposedly fine values = Guru Dev's legacy - so what would Guru Dev say about 
Lynch after seeing some of his work? You all know he would boot that bastard 
out on his ear and can everyone who had the stupidity to bring him in, everyone 
here on FFL know that but is too chicken to admit it.

 From: Ann awoelfleba...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 10:05 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 If you can't see the hypocrisy of having a stress bucket like Lynch be the 
 lynch pin of the MA in Film for an outfit that purports to be all about world 
 peace then you been on the mountain top too long.

On the contrary, I descended to the valley many moons ago. I don't live in any 
airy fairy castle MJ. 

When I went to MIU there were some of the brightest minds in academia teaching 
there. It was a place of unusual and almost revolutionary educational 
principals and subject matter that attracted those who wanted a chance to 
integrate personal growth with learning. It was an exciting time back in the 
mid 80's at MIU. There were lots of professors from Yale, MIT, Harvard and 
there was not a sense of limiting student exposure to the knowledge of the 
world, including someone like Lynch; it was more about encompassing all these 
things within the context of SCI and TM. 

Why do you equate the work of David Lynch with war or non-peace? Do you see him 
as someone who incites others to violence and hate? Or is he someone who uses 
the medium of film to describe his world and his interpretation of his 
perceptions of the human race and their condition? Lynch is a recognized master 
of the art of making films. To see him as proof that MUM is hypocritical is 
short sighted, but I understand where you're coming from. However, you won't 
get me to agree with you on this one. The MA will be enriching for the 
participants and should make you feel better about MUM, not worse. It can be 
seen as an example of embracing something a little beyond Vedic honey 
commercials and Vastu architecture.
  From: Ann awoelflebater@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 8:26 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@ no_reply@ wrote:
   I think it is great that this is the present quality of 
   TM critic here hehe!
  We similarly believe that it's great that the quality
  of the TM True Believers on this forum is what it is.
 Aren't we talking about a film masters program that MUM is adding to their 
 curriculum? How does the fact that some people think this is good news, 
 exciting and tempting to participate in make them anything other than regular 
 people? What does labelling those in favour of this as true believers have 
 to do with anything? I think the addition of this program is wonderful. If I 
 was younger and wanted to be at MUM I would be on the first plane out there. 
 Give me a break, at least point fingers when there is something interestingly 
 controversial to warrant it.
  Let the lurkers come to their own conclusions...


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread Michael Jackson
Seventh Ray, I am just about to finish an account of something that happened to 
me just after a residence course, just for your enjoyment.

 From: seventhray27 steve.sun...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 10:09 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

This sounds like a proclamation.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson wrote:

 Evidently you have trouble with reading comprehension, or perhaps the concept 
 I am expressing is too advanced for you. Given the utter revilement you have 
 expressed towards me for things I have said about the Old Faker (marshy) it 
 is not a stretch to call you his sycophant. 
 As to the other remark, I did not nor have I ever accused you of saying that 
 you believe marshy's teachings run true. 
Where as:  What I said was that marshy's teachings run true, meaning that while 
he espoused all this alignment with the laws of nature, spontaneous right 
action and enlightenment crap, what actually comes out of TM is more often the 
behavior of elitism, arrogance, taking license to break laws when convenient, 
lying, cheating and stealing. 
Where as: Thus, the teachings are running true, meaning that the teachings 
espouse good values and energy yet they actually produce somethings crappy. 
Where as:  Thus you, who in the past have said how great marshy is and how good 
TM is, then revile people like one of those ignorant toothless folk Ravi 
sometimes mentions. 
Where as: So one would think that if TM and Marshy's teaching are real sho nuff 
good and you did 'em, they would produce speech and writing from you worthy of 
world peace, not jailhouse lingo. Thus we see in your writing and revilement of 
those who don't care for marshy and his con games that the TM teachings are 
running according to their true nature.
Where is the...
Be It Resolved That...
 From: feste37 feste37@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:58 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they have 
 never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a start, 
 although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY that his 
 teachings always run true, although your post is so badly written that it's 
 hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that to me or not. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and sycophant of 
  marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world peace energy 
  feste manifests?
  From: feste37 feste37@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
  I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste. Understand?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
   Dear Uncle Fester,
   A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize for. I 
   mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
   The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book, etc., 
   has to have freedom for expression.
   I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the environment for 
   which I did the parody of. 
   I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs are not 
   meant to be matched with idealism. 
   Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art. 
   I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category you put me 
   in as ART. 
   Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 wrote:

Of course, there are always people willing to denigrate those who try 
to create something valuable. You appear to have joined their camp -- 
just one more addition to the vulgar and the stupid who seem to have 
taken over this board. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:

 No money? Just sign here and join the millions of students who have 
 outstanding student loans, part of the student loan bubble that is 
 bound to burst at the, well sometime. No need to worry, you will have 
 access to the finest equipment, meet interesting people and known 
 film makers! You too, can dream about being a famous film maker and 
 list your name on imdb.com to make sure your future contacts are 
 always seeing your work!
 Get an opportunity to work on exciting projects with these famous 
 film makers. You too, can be a life intern and sign your creative 
 rights away, your brilliant creative mind and creations to get a 
 chance to intern with your most favorite film makers! 

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread seventhray27

You saw Hiranyagarba?

Your dad asked you how he could learn to meditate?

You went to the local center and volunteered to put up posters?

Out with it boy!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson wrote:

 Seventh Ray, I am just about to finish an account of something that
happened to me just after a residence course, just for your enjoyment.

 From: seventhray27 steve.sundur@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 10:09 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

 This sounds like a proclamation.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson wrote:
  Evidently you have trouble with reading comprehension, or perhaps
the concept I am expressing is too advanced for you. Given the utter
revilement you have expressed towards me for things I have said about
the Old Faker (marshy) it is not a stretch to call you his sycophant.
  As to the other remark, I did not nor have I ever accused you of
saying that you believe marshy's teachings run true.
 Where as: Â What I said was that marshy's teachings run true,
meaning that while he espoused all this alignment with the laws of
nature, spontaneous right action and enlightenment crap, what actually
comes out of TM is more often the behavior of elitism, arrogance, taking
license to break laws when convenient, lying, cheating and stealing.
 Where as: Thus, the teachings are running true, meaning that the
teachings espouse good values and energy yet they actually produce
somethings crappy.
 Where as: Â Thus you, who in the past have said how great marshy is
and how good TM is, then revile people like one of those ignorant
toothless folk Ravi sometimes mentions.
 Where as:Â So one would think that if TM and Marshy's teaching are
real sho nuff good and you did 'em, they would produce speech and
writing from you worthy of world peace, not jailhouse lingo. Thus we see
in your writing and revilement of those who don't care for marshy and
his con games that the TM teachings are running according to their true
 Where is the...
 Be It Resolved That...
  From: feste37 feste37@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:58 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
  One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they
have never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a
start, although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY
that his teachings always run true, although your post is so badly
written that it's hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that
to me or not.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@
   The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and
sycophant of marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world
peace energy feste manifests?
   From: feste37 feste37@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
   Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
   I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
Dear Uncle Fester,
A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize
for. I mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music,
book, etc., has to have freedom for expression.
I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the
environment for which I did the parody of.
I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs
are not meant to be matched with idealism.
Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art.
I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category
you put me in as ART.
Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 wrote:

 Of course, there are always people willing to denigrate those
who try to create something valuable. You appear to have joined their
camp -- just one more addition to the vulgar and the stupid who seem to
have taken over this board.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba wrote:
  No money? Just sign here and join the millions of students
who have outstanding student loans, part of the student loan bubble that
is bound to burst at the, well sometime. No need to worry, you will have
access to the finest equipment, meet interesting people and known film
makers! You too, can dream about being a famous film maker and list your
name on imdb.com to make sure your future contacts are always seeing
your work!
  Get an opportunity to work on exciting projects with these
famous film makers. You too, can be a life intern and sign your 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Snowden Warns Americans To Fear The Military-Intelligence Complex

2013-08-04 Thread Richard J. Williams

  You two sound really paranoid - if you've done nothing
  wrong what are you worried about?
 This from somebody who posted under a different handle 
 because he didn't want his real name to be associated 
 with backpacks and pressure cookers. Now go figure.

Well, I figure nobody here wants their real name 
associated with backpacks and pressure cookers like 
some newbie did with you, but you don't have a real 
name, just a handle.

So, I'm not convinced that our job on FFL is to fink 
on respondents that do Google searches. What is it 
with all the finks on FFL?

Maybe we need the NSA to collect data on terrorists 
that might want to harm us, whether they are in this 
country or anywhere else. Apparently our ally countries 
can't seem to get the job done - there's probably a 
terrorist hiding under your bed, or several hanging 
out in downtown Oakland. 

A major attack by al Qaeda? I thought Obama said we 
hade won the war and they were dead; that we were 
bringing the troops home. Mission accomplished. 

Go figure.

Didn't Obama say he killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan 
and Andwar Al-Awlaki and his teenage son, Abdul, in 
Yemen with a drone strike. You're saying that after 
ten years we haven't won the war against the terrorists 
yet, but we don't need a U.S. spy agency? 


  The main business of the internet model is founded on
  mass surveillance, like Google, Yahoo!, and MyFace.
 My Face?
  This sounds like another 'phony' scandal. So, yes,
  you're probably as smart as an 8th Grader. LoL!
 I really don't think the powers at be like the Internet very much. Too 
 easy for folks to expose their crimes. But the genie is out of the 
 bottle and they are having a helluva time putting it back in. First off 
 their own cronies are enjoying making money via the Internet so it can't 
 be hampered and certainly not shut down.
 Only a few right-wing crazies believe that universal surveillance of 
 every American is necessary to US security. The National Stasi Agency 
 will fight hard and blackmail every member of the House and Senate, but 
 the blackmail itself will lead to the National Stasi Agency's wings 
 being clipped, or so we can hope. If it is not done soon, the Stasi 
 Agency will have time to organize a false flag event that will terrify 
 the sheeple and bring an end to the attempts to rein in the rogue agency.
 Paul Craig Roberts -- full article here:
 Roberts is not a conspiracy theorist but Assistant Secretary of the 
 Treasury under Ronald Reagan.
  Besides, President Obama and James Clapper both said
  that the NSA wasn't listening in on your phone calls.
 Anyone assigned to listening to my phone calls would be very bored.
  Are you saying that they lied to us? Go figure.
  'Is Your Cable Box Spying On You? Behavior-Detecting
  Devices From Verizon, Microsoft And Others Worry
  Privacy Advocates'
 Find the camera and microphone and disable them. If they don't like that 
 then it is time for civil war. The latest thing was the discovery that 
 Samsung Smart TVs could be hacked. Paranoia Planet behaved like all TVs 
 could do this. Blame Samsung marketing for adding yet another gimmick to 
 sell more TVs. The idea was that folks (the usual non tech savvy 
 suspects) wouldn't need a computer to talk to grandma in Wisconsin. Of 
 course they didn't exactly think out stuff that well (it was probably 
 rushed to market to stay ahead of the competition) and a patch was sent 
 out to keep hackers from gaining access to see Willy watching Gomer 
 Pyle in the altogether. Of course that might be so disgusting they 
 might give up hacking. :-D
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  I don't know how long it would take to write such a script because I
  have no idea of what Snowden's expertise is.  IT is a little different
  realm than writing software applications.  Most application developers
  have enough savvy to create interfaces required if the app needs
  Internet access.  Most of us use cookbook solutions for that which now
  instead of real books are searches on places like Stackoverflow.com .
  But when the Snowden news broke a while back I mentioned on tech blogs
  that it might be giving tech company senior management pause to know
  that the NSA would know all their new secret projects, the ones we sign
  NDAs for.  And of course that might concern more than just tech company
  senior managers but also those in a lot other sectors.
  In the civilian sector, I suspect there are a lot more moral sysops who
  won't look at emails.  Not all would be that way but you do know that
  without the protections of being a government agency employee they DO
  risk getting caught by the SEC.  And that would give many pause.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread Michael Jackson
Only to the foolish like you.

 From: feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 10:14 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

No, the problem is that you can't write clearly. Even when you try to explain 
yourself, it all comes out as a muddle. If I were you, Jackson, I would give it 
up. You are a laughingstock on this board -- a clown, a buffoon, Mr. Stupid. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Evidently you have trouble with reading comprehension, or perhaps the concept 
 I am expressing is too advanced for you. Given the utter revilement you have 
 expressed towards me for things I have said about the Old Faker (marshy) it 
 is not a stretch to call you his sycophant. 
 As to the other remark, I did not nor have I ever accused you of saying that 
 you believe marshy's teachings run true. 
 What I said was that marshy's teachings run true, meaning that while he 
 espoused all this alignment with the laws of nature, spontaneous right action 
 and enlightenment crap, what actually comes out of TM is more often the 
 behavior of elitism, arrogance, taking license to break laws when convenient, 
 lying, cheating and stealing. 
 Thus, the teachings are running true, meaning that the teachings espouse good 
 values and energy yet they actually produce somethings crappy. 
 Thus you, who in the past have said how great marshy is and how good TM is, 
 then revile people like one of those ignorant toothless folk Ravi sometimes 
 So one would think that if TM and Marshy's teaching are real sho nuff good 
 and you did 'em, they would produce speech and writing from you worthy of 
 world peace, not jailhouse lingo. Thus we see in your writing and revilement 
 of those who don't care for marshy and his con games that the TM teachings 
 are running according to their true nature.
  From: feste37 feste37@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:58 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they have 
 never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a start, 
 although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY that his 
 teachings always run true, although your post is so badly written that it's 
 hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that to me or not. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and sycophant of 
  marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world peace energy 
  feste manifests?
   From: feste37 feste37@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
  I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste. Understand?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
   Dear Uncle Fester,
   A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize for. I 
   mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
   The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book, etc., 
   has to have freedom for expression.
   I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the environment for 
   which I did the parody of. 
   I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs are not 
   meant to be matched with idealism. 
   Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art. 
   I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category you put me 
   in as ART. 
   Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:

Of course, there are always people willing to denigrate those who try 
to create something valuable. You appear to have joined their camp -- 
just one more addition to the vulgar and the stupid who seem to have 
taken over this board. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:

 No money? Just sign here and join the millions of students who have 
 outstanding student loans, part of the student loan bubble that is 
 bound to burst at the, well sometime. No need to worry, you will have 
 access to the finest equipment, meet interesting people and known 
 film makers!  You too, can dream about being a famous film maker and 
 list your name on imdb.com to make sure your future contacts are 
 always seeing your work!
 Get an opportunity to work on exciting projects with these famous 
 film makers. You too, can be a life intern and sign your creative 
 rights away, your brilliant creative mind and creations to get a 
 chance to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Be careful what you search for online

2013-08-04 Thread Alex Stanley


Employer Tipped Off Police To Pressure Cooker And Backpack Searches, Not Google

Turns out the visit was prompted by the searches, but not in the way most 
speculation asserted – by a law enforcement-initiated, NSA-enabled dragnet of 
the couple's web history. It turns out either Catalano or her husband were 
conducting these searches from a work computer. And that employer, a Bay Shore 
based computer company, called the police on their former employee.

In any event, if you're going to do a potentially dangerous Google search, it 
might not be a bad idea to use an anonymous search site, like:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 Google Pressure Cookers and Backpacks, Get a Visit from the Cops
 Michele Catalano was looking for information online about pressure cookers. 
 Her husband, in the same time frame, was Googling backpacks. Wednesday 
 morning, six men from a joint terrorism task force showed up at their house 
 to see if they were terrorists. Which prompts the question: How'd the 
 government know what they were Googling?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheism rears its ugly head again!

2013-08-04 Thread Richard J. Williams

  I would say that atheists come to a conclusion that 
  god is the *least* likely explanation for what we 
  see around us - especially in the guise he deigns 
  to appear to the religiously minded.
 I would say that atheists show a great deal more strength
 and inner conviction than most believers simply because
 they've managed in most cases to overcome the decades of
 *conditioning* that people raised in religious cultures
 undergo that was designed to prevent them from *ever*
 doubting either the existence of God or the truth of 
 the things He supposedly says from time to time. 

Well, this could be true, except in your case you're a TB, 
not an atheist. From what I've read you believe in Buddhas, 
the Tibetan Bardo, karma, reincarnation, free will, not to 
mention the soul-monad that gets reborn. Go figure.

Traditionally Buddhists throughout the Buddhist world 
consider that the universe contains more beings in it 
than are normally visible to humans. Buddhists have no 
objection to the existence of the Hindu Gods.

 That's some heavy-duty conditioning, and I suggest that
 most people have never in their lives had the strength
 to counter it, and ponder such things seriously. It's 
 far easier to just continue to believe, or pretend to.
 Because, after all, we all know what happens to those
 who *don't* do what God says. 
 Take an example from the Bible, brilliantly retold by
 a more modern-day prophet. I would say that this 
 exchange pretty much *defines* what people were taught 
 about their relationship with God:
 God said to Abraham, Kill me a son
 Abe says, Man, you must be puttin' me on
 God say, No. Abe say, What?
 God say, You can do what you want Abe, but
 The next time you see me comin' you better run
 Abe says, Where do you want this killin' done?
 God says, Out on Highway 61
 I think Saint Bob pretty much *nailed* the traditional
 notion of God in this verse. He tells you shit, and
 you'd damned well better do it, or else. And that's 
 if you believe in Him. What *worse* fate could befall
 you if you *don't* believe in Him?
 Try to run through the Abraham-Issac story from two
 different points of view. From the first POV, assume
 that God does not exist, and Abe is hearing voices 
 in his head. Having been told that such voices might 
 come from God, he is willing to kill *his own son,* 
 just to do what this God who never existed told 
 him to do. That's some serious crazy. 
 But the other point of view is even crazier. God 
 exists, and the way He gets *His* jollies is to go 
 to people who *do* believe in Him and tell them to
 kill their own children. If that's the way this
 story really went down, God is one sick, twisted 
 motherfucker. And that's even crazier. 
 Personally, I think that one of the most poignant
 quotes I've ever heard on the subject of the existence 
 of God was in a line of graffiti supposedly found 
 scrawled on the walls of Dachau when it was liberated:
 If there is a God, and someday I get to meet Him,
 the first words out of His mouth had damned well
 better be an apology.

[FairfieldLife] Re: If...

2013-08-04 Thread Duveyoung
Nice point about the soup can, but miss not the entityhood of each germ.  
They're hard wired to the same source that creates thoughts for humans!  They 
scientifically proven.

Probably their all nano-tech observers from Andromeda.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  Only about 10% of the body is human - the rest are foreign entities.
 Foreign entity cells are smaller than human cells, only big enough to fill a 
 soup can. Since discovering my alien cells outnumber my human cells 10 to 1, 
 I view them as informants doing all the talking. I have nothing to say about 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@ wrote:
   ...your individual cells could verbally analyse things,
   how many/what percentage of them would believe that you exist?? ;D

[FairfieldLife] Re: Snowden Warns Americans To Fear The Military-Intelligence Complex

2013-08-04 Thread obbajeeba
A quote from Mike Rivero of WRH about NSA spying and the new terror threat;
So the official story is that the US Government, now blessed with a massive 
global spy network that watches everyone, claims to have the most specific and 
credible terror threat ever.

So why don't they arrest the terrorists?

Because of the terror attacks happens, it means one of two things.

1. This new terror attack is a false-flag operation; a faked event by a US 
Government desperate to distract the American people from the unconstitutional 
existence of that massive spy network, to distract the American people from the 
IRS targeting of the President's political enemies (an impeachable crime), to 
distract the American people from the exploding scandal surrounding Benghazi, 
which appears to have been yet another false-flag stunt to bolster Obama's 
re-election chances and re-ignite Americans' flagging war fever.

2. None of the massive and costly security imposed by the United States 
government on the American people and the rest of the world actually works. If 
there is another terror attack it means that the grabbing of our crotches (and 
looting of our luggage) by TSA does not work. If there is another terror attack 
it means the NSA spying on Americans does not work. If there is another terror 
attack it means the Department o Homeland Security, CIA, BI, etc. do not work.

Take your pick!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams punditster@... 

   You two sound really paranoid - if you've done nothing
   wrong what are you worried about?
  This from somebody who posted under a different handle 
  because he didn't want his real name to be associated 
  with backpacks and pressure cookers. Now go figure.
 Well, I figure nobody here wants their real name 
 associated with backpacks and pressure cookers like 
 some newbie did with you, but you don't have a real 
 name, just a handle.
 So, I'm not convinced that our job on FFL is to fink 
 on respondents that do Google searches. What is it 
 with all the finks on FFL?
 Maybe we need the NSA to collect data on terrorists 
 that might want to harm us, whether they are in this 
 country or anywhere else. Apparently our ally countries 
 can't seem to get the job done - there's probably a 
 terrorist hiding under your bed, or several hanging 
 out in downtown Oakland. 
 A major attack by al Qaeda? I thought Obama said we 
 hade won the war and they were dead; that we were 
 bringing the troops home. Mission accomplished. 
 Go figure.
 Didn't Obama say he killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan 
 and Andwar Al-Awlaki and his teenage son, Abdul, in 
 Yemen with a drone strike. You're saying that after 
 ten years we haven't won the war against the terrorists 
 yet, but we don't need a U.S. spy agency? 
   The main business of the internet model is founded on
   mass surveillance, like Google, Yahoo!, and MyFace.
  My Face?
   This sounds like another 'phony' scandal. So, yes,
   you're probably as smart as an 8th Grader. LoL!
  I really don't think the powers at be like the Internet very much. Too 
  easy for folks to expose their crimes. But the genie is out of the 
  bottle and they are having a helluva time putting it back in. First off 
  their own cronies are enjoying making money via the Internet so it can't 
  be hampered and certainly not shut down.
  Only a few right-wing crazies believe that universal surveillance of 
  every American is necessary to US security. The National Stasi Agency 
  will fight hard and blackmail every member of the House and Senate, but 
  the blackmail itself will lead to the National Stasi Agency's wings 
  being clipped, or so we can hope. If it is not done soon, the Stasi 
  Agency will have time to organize a false flag event that will terrify 
  the sheeple and bring an end to the attempts to rein in the rogue agency.
  Paul Craig Roberts -- full article here:
  Roberts is not a conspiracy theorist but Assistant Secretary of the 
  Treasury under Ronald Reagan.
   Besides, President Obama and James Clapper both said
   that the NSA wasn't listening in on your phone calls.
  Anyone assigned to listening to my phone calls would be very bored.
   Are you saying that they lied to us? Go figure.
   'Is Your Cable Box Spying On You? Behavior-Detecting
   Devices From Verizon, Microsoft And Others Worry
   Privacy Advocates'
  Find the camera and microphone and disable them. If they don't like that 
  then it is time for civil war. The latest thing was the discovery that 
  Samsung Smart TVs could be hacked. Paranoia Planet behaved like all TVs 
  could do this. Blame Samsung marketing for adding yet another gimmick to 
  sell more TVs. The idea was 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread Share Long
Michael, I'd enjoy hearing about what you enjoy in life. Salyavin and turq are 
also anti TMO, etc. and yet salyavin writes about science, the wonders of the 
world that touch his heart and the loonyness that makes him laugh; turq writes 
lovingly about Maya and his family and positively about places and movies, etc. 
Of course it's wonderful that there are so many different voices on FFL and 
it's amazing how dedicated you are to your mission of telling the world how 
horrible you think the TMO is. But surely there is more to you than this.

BTW, feste has a PhD I think and is also very intelligent. And doesn't even do 
TM any more! So on what basis do you think of him as a TBer?

 From: Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

Only to the foolish like you.

 From: feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 10:14 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

No, the problem is that you can't write clearly. Even when you try to explain 
yourself, it all comes out as a muddle. If I were you, Jackson, I would give it 
up. You are a laughingstock on this board -- a clown, a buffoon, Mr. Stupid. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Evidently you have trouble with reading comprehension, or perhaps the concept 
 I am expressing is too advanced for you. Given the utter revilement you have 
 expressed towards me for things I have said about the Old Faker (marshy) it 
 is not a stretch to call you his sycophant. 
 As to the other remark, I did not nor have I ever accused you of saying that 
 you believe marshy's teachings run true. 
 What I said was that marshy's teachings run true, meaning that while he 
 espoused all this alignment with the laws of nature, spontaneous right action 
 and enlightenment crap, what actually comes out of TM is more often the 
 behavior of elitism, arrogance, taking license to break laws when convenient, 
 lying, cheating and stealing. 
 Thus, the teachings are running true, meaning that the teachings espouse good 
 values and energy yet they actually produce somethings crappy. 
 Thus you, who in the past have said how great marshy is and how good TM is, 
 then revile people like one of those ignorant toothless folk Ravi sometimes 
 So one would think that if TM and Marshy's teaching are real sho nuff good 
 and you did 'em, they would produce speech and writing from you worthy of 
 world peace, not jailhouse lingo. Thus we see in your writing and revilement 
 of those who don't care for marshy and his con games that the TM teachings 
 are running according to their true nature.
  From: feste37 feste37@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:58 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they have 
 never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a start, 
 although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY that his 
 teachings always run true, although your post is so badly written that it's 
 hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that to me or not. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and sycophant of 
  marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world peace energy 
  feste manifests?
   From: feste37 feste37@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
  I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste. Understand?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
   Dear Uncle Fester,
   A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize for. I 
   mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
   The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book, etc., 
   has to have freedom for expression.
   I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the environment for 
   which I did the parody of. 
   I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs are not 
   meant to be matched with idealism. 
   Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art. 
   I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category you put me 
   in as ART. 
   Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:

Of course, there are always people willing to denigrate those who try 
to create 

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Seventh Ray

2013-08-04 Thread emilymae.reyn
Excellent story in that is is well told.  I've never heard of whiskey coke or 
the like before, but I have experienced now how horrible it must of been 
(although likely not as horrible as other realities must have been).  But with 
regard to: 

In hindsight I should have skipped the meditation and drunk bourbon and 
Gatorade. I would-a been better off in the long run.

H...TM or alcoholism - and you would choose alcoholism?  Keep working 
 on those resentments Michael.  Smile.  At least meditation allowed you to keep 
a better *semblance* of your faculties in place (smile).  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Here is a slightly TM story, and it happens to be true. 
 I have said before here on FFL that my Old Man did not like
 my doing TM. And in fact when I first told him I was going to learn, he told 
 he thought it might be some kind of scam. Turns out he was right! But I didn't
 have enough sense to believe him then.
 At the time this story unfolds, I was TOTALLY into TM and
 was going off for my second or third residence course. The Old Man thought he
 would screw me up by denying me use of the family car, but I asked my mother
 and step father if I could borrow one of their vehicles, and they kindly said
 yes. I drove to that residence course in a metallic gold 1967 Pontiac GTO. 
 that was a fine ride!
 I enjoyed the course and was all mellow and rounded out and
 had a leisurely two and a half hour drive from John's Island (off the coast of
 South Carolina) to get back home. I figured the Old Man would give me a 
 ration of crap because I had spent the week-end dribbling and
 drooling on myself, his words for practicing TM, and because it was
 Sunday, which meant he would be drunk.
 The Old Man favored bourbon almost exclusively and not just
 any bourbon, but real sho 'nuff high class bourbon like Ancient Age, or if he
 was in a spending mood, Ancient, Ancient Age (that there is ten year old
 bourbon). Occasionally he would pick up a bottle of Old Grand Dad (a high rye
 bourbon, bottled in bond) or Old Charter. 
 Just to give you an idea of his drinking, after he and my
 mother divorced, the Old Man started drinking more frequently, and he never
 mixed a drink at home. The kitchen was just off the den where our big color tv
 sat. From his Lazy Boy recliner, all he had to do was stand up, turn not quite
 a hundred eighty degrees as he stepped to the left, walk five or six steps and
 he was in the kitchen. Face to the right, and he was looking at the
 Just to the right of the refrigerator was a cabinet. The lower
 cabinet had a counter top and a double door cabinet underneath where he kept
 his likker supply. If you opened the door, you would see pints, quarts (or
 rather fifths) and a few half pints. He never threw the bottles away, but 
 drink them down till there was about half an inch in them, then open a new
 bottle. Very occasionally he would pull all the nearly empty bottles out of 
 cabinet, put them on the counter, get a funnel and pour the dregs of the 
 empty bottles all into one bottle, then discard the now truly empty bottles.
 The Old Man generally got his whiskey from the C. R. Koon
 Liquor store, known as one of the local proverbial red dot stores, but
 he was not above obtaining a half pint from time to time from one of the local
 For those of you who don't know, a man who makes illegal liquor is
 a moonshiner, and a guy who buys liquor in bulk and illegally re-sells it at 
 exorbitant price is a bootlegger, and my Old Man knew most of the bootleggers
 in the area, at least the white ones. I only bought from a bootlegger once 
 I was about seventeen, from a black woman that lived way out in the woods but
 only because one of my friends, Eddie, knew her and drove a bunch of us out
 there. Visiting bootleggers was not a normal activity for me.
 At any rate, the Old Man drank his likker every day, and I
 am going to tell you how he drank it. The first hint we had that the Old Man
 was going to take his first drink of the night came when you would hear the
 sound of that double door cabinet being opened, then closed and the plunk of a
 liquor bottle being placed on the counter. Next would come the shhhook sound 
 the refrigerator door opening, then closing, closely followed by another plunk
 of the quart glass bottle of Coke, Seven Up or whatever soda us kids had
 bought. He used any and all of them as a chaser. 
 The next sound would be the removal of the caps on both the
 liquor bottle and the Coke or Sprite bottle. Assuming both caps were aluminum,
 you would think they would sound the same, but in fact the sound of a metal 
 being unscrewed from a bottle of bourbon and a soft drink bottle were very
 different and very distinctive. 
 Then the Old Man would take a drink of soda, swallow it,
 take a swig from the liquor 

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread emilymae.reyn
Like butterflies and rainbows and raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Michael, I'd enjoy hearing about what you enjoy in life. Salyavin and turq 
 are also anti TMO, etc. and yet salyavin writes about science, the wonders of 
 the world that touch his heart and the loonyness that makes him laugh; turq 
 writes lovingly about Maya and his family and positively about places and 
 movies, etc. Of course it's wonderful that there are so many different voices 
 on FFL and it's amazing how dedicated you are to your mission of telling the 
 world how horrible you think the TMO is. But surely there is more to you than 
 BTW, feste has a PhD I think and is also very intelligent. And doesn't even 
 do TM any more! So on what basis do you think of him as a TBer?
  From: Michael Jackson mjackson74@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 9:29 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 Only to the foolish like you.
  From: feste37 feste37@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 10:14 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 No, the problem is that you can't write clearly. Even when you try to explain 
 yourself, it all comes out as a muddle. If I were you, Jackson, I would give 
 it up. You are a laughingstock on this board -- a clown, a buffoon, Mr. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  Evidently you have trouble with reading comprehension, or perhaps the 
  concept I am expressing is too advanced for you. Given the utter revilement 
  you have expressed towards me for things I have said about the Old Faker 
  (marshy) it is not a stretch to call you his sycophant. 
  As to the other remark, I did not nor have I ever accused you of saying 
  that you believe marshy's teachings run true. 
  What I said was that marshy's teachings run true, meaning that while he 
  espoused all this alignment with the laws of nature, spontaneous right 
  action and enlightenment crap, what actually comes out of TM is more often 
  the behavior of elitism, arrogance, taking license to break laws when 
  convenient, lying, cheating and stealing. 
  Thus, the teachings are running true, meaning that the teachings espouse 
  good values and energy yet they actually produce somethings crappy. 
  Thus you, who in the past have said how great marshy is and how good TM is, 
  then revile people like one of those ignorant toothless folk Ravi sometimes 
  So one would think that if TM and Marshy's teaching are real sho nuff good 
  and you did 'em, they would produce speech and writing from you worthy of 
  world peace, not jailhouse lingo. Thus we see in your writing and 
  revilement of those who don't care for marshy and his con games that the TM 
  teachings are running according to their true nature.
   From: feste37 feste37@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:58 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
  One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they have 
  never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a start, 
  although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY that his 
  teachings always run true, although your post is so badly written that 
  it's hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that to me or not. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and sycophant 
   of marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world peace 
   energy feste manifests?
From: feste37 feste37@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
   I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
Dear Uncle Fester,
A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize for. I 
mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book, 
etc., has to have freedom for expression.
I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the environment for 
which I did the parody of. 
I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs are 
not meant to be matched with idealism. 
Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art. 
I will consider your opinion of what I wrote 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Snowden Warns Americans To Fear The Military-Intelligence Complex

2013-08-04 Thread Richard J. Williams

 Oakland's creepy new surveillance program

Everyone in Oakland, CA is under surveillance, at least
they should be. Apparently one in ten people in Oakland
are either crooks, murderers, drug dealers, or rapists.


With nearly 12 robberies a day and murders, rapes and
assaults all on the rise, Oakland is the Bay Area's crime
hot spot...

'Crime up in Oakland, much of Bay Area'
http://tinyurl.com/l23rwte http://tinyurl.com/l23rwte

Crime rates for Oakland, CA

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 My experience is that the goof balls that administrate the Movement fuck up 
 every thing they touch. They can't even create a decent Dome policy to 
 achieve the flying numbers they claim are so crucial to world peace.

That, for sure, seems to be true. They seem to constantly cut off their nose to 
spite their face.

 Just ask Buck if you don't believe me. I
I believe you. I believe you.

If you think that this MA in Film is going to transform the MUM vibe, you are 
way off.

Of course I don't. I think it could be a nice addition to their curriculum, 
that is all. It is you who seems to think that by having this MA program, which 
is in some way associated with DL, that it is contrary to the MUM vibe.

 It will be just the opposite, the MUM vibe will drag down the MA in Film  to 
 its own level. And I say again MUM = TM = Marshy = supposedly fine values = 
 Guru Dev's legacy - so what would Guru Dev say about Lynch after seeing some 
 of his work? You all know he would boot that bastard out on his ear and can 
 everyone who had the stupidity to bring him in, everyone here on FFL know 
 that but is too chicken to admit it.

I think your reasoning is faulty here. How is anyone going to be able to 
accurately predict what Guru Dev would think about anything be it Blue Velvet 
or western women wearing saris in downtown Fairfield Iowas? I mean, come on, 
this argument for why an MA in film should not be offered at MUM because GD 
would not like it is downright funny and a complete non-starter.
  From: Ann awoelflebater@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 10:05 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  If you can't see the hypocrisy of having a stress bucket like Lynch be the 
  lynch pin of the MA in Film for an outfit that purports to be all about 
  world peace then you been on the mountain top too long.
 On the contrary, I descended to the valley many moons ago. I don't live in 
 any airy fairy castle MJ. 
 When I went to MIU there were some of the brightest minds in academia 
 teaching there. It was a place of unusual and almost revolutionary 
 educational principals and subject matter that attracted those who wanted a 
 chance to integrate personal growth with learning. It was an exciting time 
 back in the mid 80's at MIU. There were lots of professors from Yale, MIT, 
 Harvard and there was not a sense of limiting student exposure to the 
 knowledge of the world, including someone like Lynch; it was more about 
 encompassing all these things within the context of SCI and TM. 
 Why do you equate the work of David Lynch with war or non-peace? Do you see 
 him as someone who incites others to violence and hate? Or is he someone who 
 uses the medium of film to describe his world and his interpretation of his 
 perceptions of the human race and their condition? Lynch is a recognized 
 master of the art of making films. To see him as proof that MUM is 
 hypocritical is short sighted, but I understand where you're coming from. 
 However, you won't get me to agree with you on this one. The MA will be 
 enriching for the participants and should make you feel better about MUM, not 
 worse. It can be seen as an example of embracing something a little beyond 
 Vedic honey commercials and Vastu architecture.
   From: Ann awoelflebater@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 8:26 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@ no_reply@ wrote:
I think it is great that this is the present quality of 
TM critic here hehe!
   We similarly believe that it's great that the quality
   of the TM True Believers on this forum is what it is.
  Aren't we talking about a film masters program that MUM is adding to their 
  curriculum? How does the fact that some people think this is good news, 
  exciting and tempting to participate in make them anything other than 
  regular people? What does labelling those in favour of this as true 
  believers have to do with anything? I think the addition of this program 
  is wonderful. If I was younger and wanted to be at MUM I would be on the 
  first plane out there. Give me a break, at least point fingers when there 
  is something interestingly controversial to warrant it.
   Let the lurkers come to their own conclusions...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: If...

2013-08-04 Thread Share Long
Very cool info in this thread. But what happened to the idea that we're just 
star dust? I guess those phone line building germs are also just star dust. 
Gives a whole new perspective to UC (-: 

 From: Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 9:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: If...

Nice point about the soup can, but miss not the entityhood of each germ.  
They're hard wired to the same source that creates thoughts for humans!  They 
scientifically proven.

Probably their all nano-tech observers from Andromeda.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  Only about 10% of the body is human - the rest are foreign entities.
 Foreign entity cells are smaller than human cells, only big enough to fill a 
 soup can. Since discovering my alien cells outnumber my human cells 10 to 1, 
 I view them as informants doing all the talking. I have nothing to say about 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, card cardemaister@ wrote:
   ...your individual cells could verbally analyse things,
   how many/what percentage of them would believe that you exist?? ;D


[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread Richard J. Williams

  If you can't see the hypocrisy of having a stress bucket like Lynch
  be the lynch pin of the MA in Film for an outfit that purports to be
  all about world peace then you been on the mountain top too long.
 Having dipped your wet blanket into a bucket of marshy bash and
 hung it upon a lynch pin of disaffection, you've had your fun. Now
 come down from your holy perch of judgement and make peace with
 your own mountain of stress or get a good spanking.


rat fink

She says her boss is a rotten fink.
his own brother turned out to be the fink who ratted them out to the


[FairfieldLife] Re: For Seventh Ray

2013-08-04 Thread seventhray27
Great story MJ.
My favorite part:
The world darkened before our eyes when we heard him telling one of his
friends on the phone he had run out of soda and discovered
  Gatorade made a pretty fair chaser.
Damn, but I can't help but feel that the TM phase of your life was an
enormous plus.
And I also can't help but feel that you've arrived at a pretty good
place with everything that's happened since.
And, I confess, that I do keep thinking that your anti TM tirades are
going to run their course.
At the same time, I sort of hope they don't, cuz I do enjoy your
participation here!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 Here is a slightly TM story, and it happens to be true.

 I have said before here on FFL that my Old Man did not like
 my doing TM. And in fact when I first told him I was going to learn,
he told me
 he thought it might be some kind of scam. Turns out he was right! But
I didn't
 have enough sense to believe him then.

 At the time this story unfolds, I was TOTALLY into TM and
 was going off for my second or third residence course. The Old Man
thought he
 would screw me up by denying me use of the family car, but I asked my
 and step father if I could borrow one of their vehicles, and they
kindly said
 yes. I drove to that residence course in a metallic gold 1967 Pontiac
GTO. Man,
 that was a fine ride!

 I enjoyed the course and was all mellow and rounded out and
 had a leisurely two and a half hour drive from John's Island (off the
coast of
 South Carolina) to get back home. I figured the Old Man would give me
a certain
 ration of crap because I had spent the week-end dribbling and
 drooling on myself, his words for practicing TM, and because it was
 Sunday, which meant he would be drunk.

 The Old Man favored bourbon almost exclusively and not just
 any bourbon, but real sho 'nuff high class bourbon like Ancient Age,
or if he
 was in a spending mood, Ancient, Ancient Age (that there is ten year
 bourbon). Occasionally he would pick up a bottle of Old Grand Dad (a
high rye
 bourbon, bottled in bond) or Old Charter.

 Just to give you an idea of his drinking, after he and my
 mother divorced, the Old Man started drinking more frequently, and he
 mixed a drink at home. The kitchen was just off the den where our big
color tv
 sat. From his Lazy Boy recliner, all he had to do was stand up, turn
not quite
 a hundred eighty degrees as he stepped to the left, walk five or six
steps and
 he was in the kitchen. Face to the right, and he was looking at the

 Just to the right of the refrigerator was a cabinet. The lower
 cabinet had a counter top and a double door cabinet underneath where
he kept
 his likker supply. If you opened the door, you would see pints, quarts
 rather fifths) and a few half pints. He never threw the bottles away,
but would
 drink them down till there was about half an inch in them, then open a
 bottle. Very occasionally he would pull all the nearly empty bottles
out of the
 cabinet, put them on the counter, get a funnel and pour the dregs of
the nearly
 empty bottles all into one bottle, then discard the now truly empty

 The Old Man generally got his whiskey from the C. R. Koon
 Liquor store, known as one of the local proverbial red dot stores,
 he was not above obtaining a half pint from time to time from one of
the local

 For those of you who don't know, a man who makes illegal liquor is
 a moonshiner, and a guy who buys liquor in bulk and illegally re-sells
it at an
 exorbitant price is a bootlegger, and my Old Man knew most of the
 in the area, at least the white ones. I only bought from a bootlegger
once when
 I was about seventeen, from a black woman that lived way out in the
woods but
 only because one of my friends, Eddie, knew her and drove a bunch of
us out
 there. Visiting bootleggers was not a normal activity for me.

 At any rate, the Old Man drank his likker every day, and I
 am going to tell you how he drank it. The first hint we had that the
Old Man
 was going to take his first drink of the night came when you would
hear the
 sound of that double door cabinet being opened, then closed and the
plunk of a
 liquor bottle being placed on the counter. Next would come the shhhook
sound of
 the refrigerator door opening, then closing, closely followed by
another plunk
 of the quart glass bottle of Coke, Seven Up or whatever soda us kids
 bought. He used any and all of them as a chaser.

 The next sound would be the removal of the caps on both the
 liquor bottle and the Coke or Sprite bottle. Assuming both caps were
 you would think they would sound the same, but in fact the sound of a
metal cap
 being unscrewed from a bottle of bourbon and a soft drink bottle were
 different and very distinctive.

 Then the Old Man would take a drink of soda, swallow it,
 take a swig from the liquor bottle and then real quick he would take
 mouthful of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Seventh Ray

2013-08-04 Thread Alex Stanley
Too bad your old man didn't learn TM, 'cuz then he could have evolved to 
consciousness-base excessive drinking, like I did. None of that crude, 
Kaliyugan gulping and chasers nonsense. Those artisans at the distillery went 
to a lot of trouble making that fine whiskey, and the refined way to drink 
excessive quantities of it is to sip it, straight up or on the rocks, savoring 
every drop of the liquid enlightenment.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Seventh Ray

2013-08-04 Thread Michael Jackson
I didn't say I should-a been an al-kee-haul-ic rather than TM, just that I 
should-a drunk Gatorade and bourbon, which was a facetious comment, as I would 
NEVER drink Gatorade and whiskey even if I drank liquor which I don't

 From: emilymae.reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 11:21 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Seventh Ray

Excellent story in that is is well told.  I've never heard of whiskey coke or 
the like before, but I have experienced now how horrible it must of been 
(although likely not as horrible as other realities must have been).  But with 
regard to: 

In hindsight I should have skipped the meditation and drunk bourbon and 
Gatorade. I would-a been better off in the long run.

H...TM or alcoholism - and you would choose alcoholism?  Keep working 
 on those resentments Michael.  Smile.  At least meditation allowed you to keep 
a better *semblance* of your faculties in place (smile). 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Here is a slightly TM story, and it happens to be true. 
 I have said before here on FFL that my Old Man did not like
 my doing TM. And in fact when I first told him I was going to learn, he told 
 he thought it might be some kind of scam. Turns out he was right! But I didn't
 have enough sense to believe him then.
 At the time this story unfolds, I was TOTALLY into TM and
 was going off for my second or third residence course. The Old Man thought he
 would screw me up by denying me use of the family car, but I asked my mother
 and step father if I could borrow one of their vehicles, and they kindly said
 yes. I drove to that residence course in a metallic gold 1967 Pontiac GTO. 
 that was a fine ride!
 I enjoyed the course and was all mellow and rounded out and
 had a leisurely two and a half hour drive from John's Island (off the coast of
 South Carolina) to get back home. I figured the Old Man would give me a 
 ration of crap because I had spent the week-end dribbling and
 drooling on myself, his words for practicing TM, and because it was
 Sunday, which meant he would be drunk.
 The Old Man favored bourbon almost exclusively and not just
 any bourbon, but real sho 'nuff high class bourbon like Ancient Age, or if he
 was in a spending mood, Ancient, Ancient Age (that there is ten year old
 bourbon). Occasionally he would pick up a bottle of Old Grand Dad (a high rye
 bourbon, bottled in bond) or Old Charter. 
 Just to give you an idea of his drinking, after he and my
 mother divorced, the Old Man started drinking more frequently, and he never
 mixed a drink at home. The kitchen was just off the den where our big color tv
 sat. From his Lazy Boy recliner, all he had to do was stand up, turn not quite
 a hundred eighty degrees as he stepped to the left, walk five or six steps and
 he was in the kitchen. Face to the right, and he was looking at the
 Just to the right of the refrigerator was a cabinet. The lower
 cabinet had a counter top and a double door cabinet underneath where he kept
 his likker supply. If you opened the door, you would see pints, quarts (or
 rather fifths) and a few half pints. He never threw the bottles away, but 
 drink them down till there was about half an inch in them, then open a new
 bottle. Very occasionally he would pull all the nearly empty bottles out of 
 cabinet, put them on the counter, get a funnel and pour the dregs of the 
 empty bottles all into one bottle, then discard the now truly empty bottles.
 The Old Man generally got his whiskey from the C. R. Koon
 Liquor store, known as one of the local proverbial red dot stores, but
 he was not above obtaining a half pint from time to time from one of the local
 For those of you who don't know, a man who makes illegal liquor is
 a moonshiner, and a guy who buys liquor in bulk and illegally re-sells it at 
 exorbitant price is a bootlegger, and my Old Man knew most of the bootleggers
 in the area, at least the white ones. I only bought from a bootlegger once 
 I was about seventeen, from a black woman that lived way out in the woods but
 only because one of my friends, Eddie, knew her and drove a bunch of us out
 there. Visiting bootleggers was not a normal activity for me.
 At any rate, the Old Man drank his likker every day, and I
 am going to tell you how he drank it. The first hint we had that the Old Man
 was going to take his first drink of the night came when you would hear the
 sound of that double door cabinet being opened, then closed and the plunk of a
 liquor bottle being placed on the counter. Next would come the shhhook sound 
 the refrigerator door opening, then closing, closely followed by another plunk
 of the quart glass bottle of Coke, Seven Up or whatever soda us kids had
 bought. He used any and all of them as a chaser. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Snowden Warns Americans To Fear The Military-Intelligence Complex

2013-08-04 Thread Bhairitu

On 08/04/2013 07:26 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

You two sound really paranoid - if you've done nothing
wrong what are you worried about?


This from somebody who posted under a different handle
because he didn't want his real name to be associated
with backpacks and pressure cookers. Now go figure.

Well, I figure nobody here wants their real name
associated with backpacks and pressure cookers like
some newbie did with you, but you don't have a real
name, just a handle.

So, I'm not convinced that our job on FFL is to fink
on respondents that do Google searches. What is it
with all the finks on FFL?

Maybe we need the NSA to collect data on terrorists
that might want to harm us, whether they are in this
country or anywhere else. Apparently our ally countries
can't seem to get the job done - there's probably a
terrorist hiding under your bed, or several hanging
out in downtown Oakland.

Here are some addresses of real terrorists:

200 West Street, New York, NY
270 Park Ave, New York, NY
100 N Tryon St #170, Charlotte, NC
**399 Park Ave. New York, NY
420 Montgomery Street , San Francisco, CA

They aren't under my bed obviously.  But they've probably already hurt 
you as well as everyone else here.

[FairfieldLife] US Snooping Programme Had One Server Located In India

2013-08-04 Thread nablusoss1008

I remember when Maharishi suggested all countries to close down the
Embassies of the USA to prevent tamas and disorder to spread in the
US Snooping Programme Had One Server Located In India: Report Thursday,
01 August 2013, 22:56 Hrs  28   inShare  20 31  8  
Print   Email   [Snowden]

London: A controversial US surveillance programme that sweeps Internet
usage data had 700 snooping servers installed at 150 locations around
the world, including one in India, according to a report.

The XKeyscore programme, run by the National Security Agency (NSA
eks-Asylum-In-India-WikiLeaks-nid-149852-cid-2.html ), allowed analysts
to search through vast databases containing e-mails, online chats and
browsing histories of millions of individuals, the Guardian reported,
citing documents provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden
eks-Asylum-In-India-WikiLeaks-nid-149852-cid-2.html .

A February 2008 training material presentation for the XKeyscore
programme included a map of locations of the surveillance servers, one
of which appeared to be near the national capital, according to the
Guardian report.

The NSA said XKeyscore is its widest reaching system to develop
intelligence from computer networks, the Guardian said. The presentation
claimed the program covers nearly everything a typical user does on the
Internet, including the content of e-mails, websites visited and

US companies IBM, HP and Dell dominate the Indian server market,
according to market research and analyst firm IDC. No Indian company
makes computer or electronic chips that are key components of servers.

The United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence said
in a statement the report was misleading and that the program is simply
a tool used by our intelligence analysts to better understand foreign
intelligence, including terrorist targets overseas.

The statement added that the program does not target American citizens
and is not used for indiscriminate monitoring of the Internet.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Snowden Warns Americans To Fear The Military-Intelligence Complex

2013-08-04 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/04/2013 08:29 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

 Oakland's creepy new surveillance program

 Everyone in Oakland, CA is under surveillance, at least
 they should be. Apparently one in ten people in Oakland
 are either crooks, murderers, drug dealers, or rapists.

That's because most of them are broke and can't find work.  That's also 
coming to a place near you.

As people lose everything they lose it.  Thank the banksters for that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Seventh Ray

2013-08-04 Thread Michael Jackson
Every word of what I wrote was true. including most of the conversations. I 
appear to have what some would call a partial eidetic memory. It appears to be 
verbal rather than spatial. I can remember conversations people had many years 
ago, but its not 100%. And it doesn't hold with visual images. And yes I know 
some folks say there is not such thing as eidetic memory. Big deal. Some say 
that TM will lead to enlightenment too, so as willytex says go figger!

And I assure you, when we realized our Gatorade was no longer sacrosanct, the 
world DID darken before our eyes. 

I will tell you another very short tale from my life at that time. My brother 
who in his own way was just as off beat as the Old Man would always sleep 
naked, and his habit was, no matter how early or late it was when he decided to 
go to bed, he would suddenly dsicover, after he had taken off his clothes, that 
he was thirsty and needed a drink of water, or milk or chocolate milk. 

He deemed it unnecessary to put on any clothing to get a drink and so would 
walk from his bedroom, through the Old Man's bedroom and past the Old Man who 
would be in his cups, sitting in the recliner, usually with an unfiltered 
Chesterfield King in his hand. When the Old Man would notice brother walking 
nonchalantly past him with no clothes on, the Old Man would go ballistic.

Git some drawers on!

I don't wear drawers!

Goddamn it! I mean it! Git some drawers on! Runnin' around bare assed isn't 

We had a wide kitchen window right over the sink and when brother stood naked 
in front of the refrigerator, theoretically at least the lady Mrs. Carter that 
lived behind us could see him if she was looking out her back window.

Brother would take his time getting his milk or whatever he was drinking while 
keeping up a running banter with the Old Man, who would be getting madder and 
madder and would eventually threaten to stomp your ass if you don't get some 
drawers on.

One night brother's response was to walk back into the den and stand about 5 
feet in front of the Old Man where started doing jumping jacks with his tackle 
flapping. The Old Man really went ballistic and came up out of his recliner 
like Batman going after the Joker. Brother turned tail and ran through the 
house. Whether because the Old Man was tired, or too drunk he chose not to 
pursue but followed him only with curse words and threats.

This began a pattern that would persist until brother moved out a year or so 
later. It didn't happen every night or even every week, but at least a couple 
times a month the Old Man would go into a rage over brother walkin' around 
bare assed and would be treated to nekkid jumpin' jacks before brother would 
run off laughing. 

 From: seventhray27 steve.sun...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 11:59 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Seventh Ray

Great story MJ. 

My favorite part:

The world darkened before our eyes when we heard
 him telling one of his friends on the phone he had run out of soda and 
 Gatorade made a pretty fair chaser. 

Damn, but I can't help but feel that the TM phase of your life was an enormous 

And I also can't help but feel that you've arrived at a pretty good place with 
everything that's happened since.

And, I confess, that I do keep thinking that your anti TM tirades are going to 
run their course.

At the same time, I sort of hope they don't, cuz I do enjoy your participation 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 Here is a slightly TM story, and it happens to be true. 
 I have said before here on FFL that my Old Man did not like
 my doing TM. And in fact when I first told him I was going to learn, he told 
 he thought it might be some kind of scam. Turns out he was right! But I didn't
 have enough sense to believe him then.
 At the time this story unfolds, I was TOTALLY into TM and
 was going off for my second or third residence course. The Old Man thought he
 would screw me up by denying me use of the family car, but I asked my mother
 and step father if I could borrow one of their vehicles, and they kindly said
 yes. I drove to that residence course in a metallic gold 1967 Pontiac GTO. 
 that was a fine ride!
 I enjoyed the course and was all mellow and rounded out and
 had a leisurely two and a half hour drive from John's Island (off the coast of
 South Carolina) to get back home. I figured the Old Man would give me a 
 ration of crap because I had spent the week-end dribbling and
 drooling on myself, his words for practicing TM, and because it was
 Sunday, which meant he would be drunk.
 The Old Man favored bourbon almost exclusively and not just
 any bourbon, but real sho 'nuff high class bourbon like Ancient Age, or if he
 was in a spending mood, Ancient, Ancient Age (that there is ten year old
 bourbon). Occasionally he would pick up a bottle 

Re: [FairfieldLife] US Snooping Programme Had One Server Located In India

2013-08-04 Thread Michael Jackson
They probably rented the building from Girish.

 From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 12:23 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] US Snooping Programme Had One Server Located In India

I remember when Maharishi suggested all countries to close down the Embassies 
of the USA to prevent tamas and disorder to spread in the country...
US Snooping Programme Had One Server Located In India: Report
Thursday, 01 August 2013, 22:56 Hrs 
8  Print   Email 

London: A controversial US surveillance programme that sweeps Internet usage 
data had 700 snooping servers installed at 150 locations around the world, 
including one in India, according to a report.

The XKeyscore programme, run by the National Security Agency (NSA), allowed 
analysts to search through vast databases containing e-mails, online chats and 
browsing histories of millions of individuals, the Guardian reported, citing 
documents provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden.

A February 2008 training material presentation for the XKeyscore programme 
included a map of locations of the surveillance servers, one of which appeared 
to be near the national capital, according to the Guardian report.

The NSA said XKeyscore is its widest reaching system to develop intelligence 
from computer networks, the Guardian said. The presentation claimed the program 
covers nearly everything a typical user does on the Internet, including the 
content of e-mails, websites visited and searches.

US companies IBM, HP and Dell dominate the Indian server market, according to 
market research and analyst firm IDC. No Indian company makes computer or 
electronic chips that are key components of servers.

The United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence said in a 
statement the report was misleading and that the program is simply a tool used 
by our intelligence analysts to better understand foreign intelligence, 
including terrorist targets overseas.

The statement added that the program does not target American citizens and is 
not used for indiscriminate monitoring of the Internet.

[FairfieldLife] Jerry Seinfeld, Bob Roth, George Stephanopoulos Transcendental Meditation

2013-08-04 Thread nablusoss1008


[FairfieldLife] Re: For Seventh Ray

2013-08-04 Thread obbajeeba

Consciousness-base excessive drinking

It is worse when a Jyotish Pandit does that, then you get all sorts of monsters 
coming out of the closet! 
Is there an Indian whiskey named after these enlightening features?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@... 

 Too bad your old man didn't learn TM, 'cuz then he could have evolved to 
 consciousness-base excessive drinking, like I did. None of that crude, 
 Kaliyugan gulping and chasers nonsense. Those artisans at the distillery went 
 to a lot of trouble making that fine whiskey, and the refined way to drink 
 excessive quantities of it is to sip it, straight up or on the rocks, 
 savoring every drop of the liquid enlightenment.

[FairfieldLife] Some Buddhist do the only sensible thing

2013-08-04 Thread nablusoss1008
Buddhist School for Girls in Thailand  Posted: 07/31/2013 3:29 pm 
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Something special is happening in Thailand. Over 400 girls are
blossoming like beautiful lotuses at the Dhammajarinee Witthaya School
-- the first Buddhist boarding school for girls
http://www.buddhistgirls.org/  from kindergarten through 12th grade.
  [dhammajarinee witthaya school]

In Thailand, boys who are poor or orphaned can go to a temple as a
novice monk and receive an education. This has not been the case for
girls. Seeing this inequality, Dhammajarinee Witthaya School was founded
by Buddhist nuns as the first Buddhist boarding school for girls in the
country. It is also the only free, Buddhist boarding school -- girls
come from different provinces all over Thailand, from poor families,
broken homes or as orphans.

Girls are the future of every nation. It has been well documented all
over the world that when you educate girls, they achieve a higher
standard of living and better health. They improve the quality of life
in their villages, and their children are healthier and more educated.
These girls also go on to impart the importance of respecting others,
particularly women.

Unfortunately, in many countries including Thailand, especially in
poverty stricken areas, young girls are extremely vulnerable to AIDS,
drug abuse, violence and exploitation. The Dhammajarinee Witthaya school
provides a safe haven for these girls, as well as a quality education.
  [dhammajarinee witthaya school]

By providing a rigorous modern academic curriculum along with Buddhist
teachings, the school helps girls to lead better lives, and become the
future leaders of their communities. Because many of the students have
suffered past trauma, the school also includes yoga and transcendental
meditation http://www.tm-women.org/  as part of the daily routine, to
reduce stress http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/meditation/HQ01070 .
  [dhammajarinee witthaya school]

Acharn Yai, a Buddhist nun and principal of the school, says, The
students learn TM at the beginning of the semester when the new students
arrive. Coming from different places, their behavior was quite
aggressive and they didn't pay attention to their studies that much.

After learning transcendental meditation, they become more calm and
settled. Their aggressive behavior decreases, their grades go up; they
pay more attention to whatever we teach them. When they have inner
happiness, they soak up whatever knowledge we give, unlike before.

It is beautiful to know that these young precious flowers of Thailand
are blossoming into the fullness of who they are, and becoming
enlightened http://www.enlightenmentforeveryone.com/enlightenment 
leaders for their communities, Thailand, and the world.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Snowden Warns Americans To Fear The Military-Intelligence Complex

2013-08-04 Thread Richard J. Williams

  Everyone in Oakland, CA is under surveillance, at least
  they should be. Apparently one in ten people in Oakland
  are either crooks, murderers, drug dealers, or rapists.
 That's because most of them are broke and can't find work. 
 That's also coming to a place near you.
 As people lose everything they lose it. Thank the 
 banksters for that.

So, the terrorists have killed thousands of people world 
wide, raped and murdered hundreds of people in Oakland 
this year, but your enemy is the Bank of America.

So, we should not be gathering any evidence about the 
crooks and terrorists or the murderers because that 
would be wrong because they are broke and out of a job. 

Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Be careful what you search for online

2013-08-04 Thread Bhairitu
Hehe, I was searching for the hajj because I wanted a picture to 
compare it and the NSA building. There was a National Geographic video 
of the hajj which explained it is actually a ritual. It is the kaaba 
that the NSA building resembles. Of course a minute into the Nat Geo 
video it stops playing and complains about a lost connection. But that 
was probably because I scrolled the video off to get more of a 
description. However that really shouldn't break the video but who knows.

Of course the banksters want to war with Islam because Islam is against 
usury and the banksters can't make any money off them.

On 08/04/2013 07:43 AM, Alex Stanley wrote:


 Employer Tipped Off Police To Pressure Cooker And Backpack Searches, Not 

 Turns out the visit was prompted by the searches, but not in the way most 
 speculation asserted – by a law enforcement-initiated, NSA-enabled dragnet of 
 the couple's web history. It turns out either Catalano or her husband were 
 conducting these searches from a work computer. And that employer, a Bay 
 Shore based computer company, called the police on their former employee.

 In any event, if you're going to do a potentially dangerous Google search, it 
 might not be a bad idea to use an anonymous search site, like:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
 j_alexander_stanley@... wrote:


 Google Pressure Cookers and Backpacks, Get a Visit from the Cops

 Michele Catalano was looking for information online about pressure cookers. 
 Her husband, in the same time frame, was Googling backpacks. Wednesday 
 morning, six men from a joint terrorism task force showed up at their house 
 to see if they were terrorists. Which prompts the question: How'd the 
 government know what they were Googling?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: For Seventh Ray

2013-08-04 Thread doctordumbass
Excellent, as was the last one, funny as hell - Publish these, MJ!!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Every word of what I wrote was true. including most of the conversations. I 
 appear to have what some would call a partial eidetic memory. It appears to 
 be verbal rather than spatial. I can remember conversations people had many 
 years ago, but its not 100%. And it doesn't hold with visual images. And yes 
 I know some folks say there is not such thing as eidetic memory. Big deal. 
 Some say that TM will lead to enlightenment too, so as willytex says go 
 And I assure you, when we realized our Gatorade was no longer sacrosanct, the 
 world DID darken before our eyes. 
 I will tell you another very short tale from my life at that time. My brother 
 who in his own way was just as off beat as the Old Man would always sleep 
 naked, and his habit was, no matter how early or late it was when he decided 
 to go to bed, he would suddenly dsicover, after he had taken off his clothes, 
 that he was thirsty and needed a drink of water, or milk or chocolate milk. 
 He deemed it unnecessary to put on any clothing to get a drink and so would 
 walk from his bedroom, through the Old Man's bedroom and past the Old Man who 
 would be in his cups, sitting in the recliner, usually with an unfiltered 
 Chesterfield King in his hand. When the Old Man would notice brother walking 
 nonchalantly past him with no clothes on, the Old Man would go ballistic.
 Git some drawers on!
 I don't wear drawers!
 Goddamn it! I mean it! Git some drawers on! Runnin' around bare assed isn't 
 We had a wide kitchen window right over the sink and when brother stood naked 
 in front of the refrigerator, theoretically at least the lady Mrs. Carter 
 that lived behind us could see him if she was looking out her back window.
 Brother would take his time getting his milk or whatever he was drinking 
 while keeping up a running banter with the Old Man, who would be getting 
 madder and madder and would eventually threaten to stomp your ass if you 
 don't get some drawers on.
 One night brother's response was to walk back into the den and stand about 5 
 feet in front of the Old Man where started doing jumping jacks with his 
 tackle flapping. The Old Man really went ballistic and came up out of his 
 recliner like Batman going after the Joker. Brother turned tail and ran 
 through the house. Whether because the Old Man was tired, or too drunk he 
 chose not to pursue but followed him only with curse words and threats.
 This began a pattern that would persist until brother moved out a year or so 
 later. It didn't happen every night or even every week, but at least a couple 
 times a month the Old Man would go into a rage over brother walkin' around 
 bare assed and would be treated to nekkid jumpin' jacks before brother would 
 run off laughing. 
  From: seventhray27 steve.sundur@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 11:59 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Seventh Ray
 Great story MJ. 
 My favorite part:
 The world darkened before our eyes when we heard
  him telling one of his friends on the phone he had run out of soda and 
  Gatorade made a pretty fair chaser. 
 Damn, but I can't help but feel that the TM phase of your life was an 
 enormous plus.
 And I also can't help but feel that you've arrived at a pretty good place 
 with everything that's happened since.
 And, I confess, that I do keep thinking that your anti TM tirades are going 
 to run their course.
 At the same time, I sort of hope they don't, cuz I do enjoy your 
 participation here!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
  Here is a slightly TM story, and it happens to be true. 
  I have said before here on FFL that my Old Man did not like
  my doing TM. And in fact when I first told him I was going to learn, he 
  told me
  he thought it might be some kind of scam. Turns out he was right! But I 
  have enough sense to believe him then.
  At the time this story unfolds, I was TOTALLY into TM and
  was going off for my second or third residence course. The Old Man thought 
  would screw me up by denying me use of the family car, but I asked my mother
  and step father if I could borrow one of their vehicles, and they kindly 
  yes. I drove to that residence course in a metallic gold 1967 Pontiac GTO. 
  that was a fine ride!
  I enjoyed the course and was all mellow and rounded out and
  had a leisurely two and a half hour drive from John's Island (off the coast 
  South Carolina) to get back home. I figured the Old Man would give me a 
  ration of crap because I had spent the week-end dribbling and
  drooling on myself, his words for practicing TM, and because it was
  Sunday, which meant he would be 

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Snooping Programme Had One Server Located In India

2013-08-04 Thread doctordumbass

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 I remember when Maharishi suggested all countries to close down the
 Embassies of the USA to prevent tamas and disorder to spread in the

Too bad. Do you recall when he said that? During my father's time as a Foreign 
Service Officer (1950's - 1970's), there was a lot of intelligence gathering, 
though it was more the human variety - Mom and Dad would attend or host a party 
almost every night. During those parties, relationships were formed, tendencies 
were mapped, and sometimes secrets shared. 

Because the mechanism of intelligence gathering was personal, it was a far 
better way to work out differences, and ways to cooperate, with the host 
country. My father was fluent in three languages, and found that a much more 
effective way to learn about another place, than snooping with a computer, 
which he never learned to use. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kirobo in Space

2013-08-04 Thread John

The analysis is very thorough and valuable.  There's much to learn from that 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Thank you, John, here's a complete analysis which even I could follow (-:
 From: John jr_esq@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 12:11 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kirobo in Space
 I don't have the times for the items you mentioned.  So sorry.  But I 
 found the chart of Princess Diana.  She had the conjunction of Moon and 
 Ketu.  This was the reason why she had to struggle with depression and 
 emotional instability through most of her life.  But she had a strong Venus 
 in the 7th house which accounted for her marriage to Prince Charles in a 
 story book setting.  Unfortunately, the marriage did not last for a 
 lifetime, as everyone witnessed.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Ah, John, to have the exact launch time of that spacecraft. Better yet, the 
  exact time when Kirobo was first activated (-:
   From: John jr_esq@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 5:29 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Kirobo in Space
  A Japanese cargo was launched today to resupply the space station. Kirobo, 
  the first talking robot in space, was part of the cargo which will arrive 
  on August 9, 2013.  How can so much information be built in such a tiny 
  If this robot is successful, will the Japanese build a human-size robot 
  with greater capabilities?  Can it be sent to Mars for exploration?

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Snooping Programme Had One Server Located In India

2013-08-04 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  I remember when Maharishi suggested all countries to close down the
  Embassies of the USA to prevent tamas and disorder to spread in the
 Too bad. Do you recall when he said that? 

Must have been around 1980. Anyway your story is interesting. Benjamin Crème 
commented on the Wikileaks publishing the secret email between embassies and 
said it was a mistake to publish these, the folks at the embassies should be 
able to communicate in private without intrusion. To which I fully agree.
I sometimes watch CNN here. It's baffling to see that they go on and on about 
the threats to American embassies bur never ask the simple question; why do 
they hate us and what can we do about it.

During my father's time as a Foreign Service Officer (1950's - 1970's), there 
was a lot of intelligence gathering, though it was more the human variety - Mom 
and Dad would attend or host a party almost every night. During those parties, 
relationships were formed, tendencies were mapped, and sometimes secrets 
 Because the mechanism of intelligence gathering was personal, it was a far 
 better way to work out differences, and ways to cooperate, with the host 
 country. My father was fluent in three languages, and found that a much more 
 effective way to learn about another place, than snooping with a computer, 
 which he never learned to use.

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Snooping Programme Had One Server Located In India

2013-08-04 Thread doctordumbass
Yes, I agree, too. Also with Diplomatic Immunity, although there are definitely 

I don't think there is any quick or simple solution to the problem of the US 
reputation, globally. But I'll keep doing what I can! :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
   I remember when Maharishi suggested all countries to close down the
   Embassies of the USA to prevent tamas and disorder to spread in the
  Too bad. Do you recall when he said that? 
 Must have been around 1980. Anyway your story is interesting. Benjamin Crème 
 commented on the Wikileaks publishing the secret email between embassies and 
 said it was a mistake to publish these, the folks at the embassies should be 
 able to communicate in private without intrusion. To which I fully agree.
 I sometimes watch CNN here. It's baffling to see that they go on and on about 
 the threats to American embassies bur never ask the simple question; why do 
 they hate us and what can we do about it.
 During my father's time as a Foreign Service Officer (1950's - 1970's), there 
 was a lot of intelligence gathering, though it was more the human variety - 
 Mom and Dad would attend or host a party almost every night. During those 
 parties, relationships were formed, tendencies were mapped, and sometimes 
 secrets shared. 
  Because the mechanism of intelligence gathering was personal, it was a far 
  better way to work out differences, and ways to cooperate, with the host 
  country. My father was fluent in three languages, and found that a much 
  more effective way to learn about another place, than snooping with a 
  computer, which he never learned to use.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Snowden Warns Americans To Fear The Military-Intelligence Complex

2013-08-04 Thread Richard J. Williams

You could build a Faraday Cage.

No politician on the left is even whispering about being 
against this data gathering program; it's only on the right 
with Rand Paul that I see any push back at all. Go figure.

What's up with that?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 A quote from Mike Rivero of WRH about NSA spying and the new terror threat;
 So the official story is that the US Government, now blessed with a massive 
 global spy network that watches everyone, claims to have the most specific 
 and credible terror threat ever.
 So why don't they arrest the terrorists?
 Because of the terror attacks happens, it means one of two things.
 1. This new terror attack is a false-flag operation; a faked event by a US 
 Government desperate to distract the American people from the 
 unconstitutional existence of that massive spy network, to distract the 
 American people from the IRS targeting of the President's political enemies 
 (an impeachable crime), to distract the American people from the exploding 
 scandal surrounding Benghazi, which appears to have been yet another 
 false-flag stunt to bolster Obama's re-election chances and re-ignite 
 Americans' flagging war fever.
 2. None of the massive and costly security imposed by the United States 
 government on the American people and the rest of the world actually works. 
 If there is another terror attack it means that the grabbing of our crotches 
 (and looting of our luggage) by TSA does not work. If there is another terror 
 attack it means the NSA spying on Americans does not work. If there is 
 another terror attack it means the Department o Homeland Security, CIA, BI, 
 etc. do not work.
 Take your pick!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams punditster@ 
You two sound really paranoid - if you've done nothing
wrong what are you worried about?
   This from somebody who posted under a different handle 
   because he didn't want his real name to be associated 
   with backpacks and pressure cookers. Now go figure.
  Well, I figure nobody here wants their real name 
  associated with backpacks and pressure cookers like 
  some newbie did with you, but you don't have a real 
  name, just a handle.
  So, I'm not convinced that our job on FFL is to fink 
  on respondents that do Google searches. What is it 
  with all the finks on FFL?
  Maybe we need the NSA to collect data on terrorists 
  that might want to harm us, whether they are in this 
  country or anywhere else. Apparently our ally countries 
  can't seem to get the job done - there's probably a 
  terrorist hiding under your bed, or several hanging 
  out in downtown Oakland. 
  A major attack by al Qaeda? I thought Obama said we 
  hade won the war and they were dead; that we were 
  bringing the troops home. Mission accomplished. 
  Go figure.
  Didn't Obama say he killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan 
  and Andwar Al-Awlaki and his teenage son, Abdul, in 
  Yemen with a drone strike. You're saying that after 
  ten years we haven't won the war against the terrorists 
  yet, but we don't need a U.S. spy agency? 
The main business of the internet model is founded on
mass surveillance, like Google, Yahoo!, and MyFace.
   My Face?
This sounds like another 'phony' scandal. So, yes,
you're probably as smart as an 8th Grader. LoL!
   I really don't think the powers at be like the Internet very much. Too 
   easy for folks to expose their crimes. But the genie is out of the 
   bottle and they are having a helluva time putting it back in. First off 
   their own cronies are enjoying making money via the Internet so it can't 
   be hampered and certainly not shut down.
   Only a few right-wing crazies believe that universal surveillance of 
   every American is necessary to US security. The National Stasi Agency 
   will fight hard and blackmail every member of the House and Senate, but 
   the blackmail itself will lead to the National Stasi Agency's wings 
   being clipped, or so we can hope. If it is not done soon, the Stasi 
   Agency will have time to organize a false flag event that will terrify 
   the sheeple and bring an end to the attempts to rein in the rogue agency.
   Paul Craig Roberts -- full article here:
   Roberts is not a conspiracy theorist but Assistant Secretary of the 
   Treasury under Ronald Reagan.
Besides, President Obama and James Clapper both said
that the NSA wasn't listening in on your phone calls.
   Anyone assigned to listening to my phone calls would be very bored.
Are you saying that they lied to us? Go figure.
'Is Your Cable Box Spying On You? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Atheism rears its ugly head again!

2013-08-04 Thread PaliGap

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 God said to Abraham, Kill me a son
 Abe says, Man, you must be puttin' me on
 God say, No. Abe say, What?
 God say, You can do what you want Abe, but
 The next time you see me comin' you better run
 Abe says, Where do you want this killin' done?
 God says, Out on Highway 61

Texas gold (go figure):

And Yahweh sayeth on the seventh day: Play ye loud.

I was fortunate to see JW play in a very small,
intimate venue a couple of years ago. At first it didn't
look good. The support band were fine, but went on too long.
Then JW's band came on and played some blues, but without
the great man himself. Eventually a frail, stooped, seemingly
blind figure was helped to a seat at the front of the stage. At 
this point it was all looking like a sad, uncomfortable mistake.
But then he was handed his guitar, and I swear you could see the
blood rising in his albino veins, and then, wow, the magic was
there! I love JW. This track next more than any other (forgive me
Lord for I hath posteth this more than once):

I Love Everybody: http://youtu.be/Y7SezI3PgTI

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Seventh Ray

2013-08-04 Thread doctordumbass
The biggest question I have, Michael, is where have you been all this time?! 

The timing and imagery in these stories, and your ear for dialogue, of course, 
is *exceptional*. More, more! So lively, and flat out hilarious! You *must* 
share these widely. Every time I read these, they crack me up, as if it was the 
first time I read the story.

Thanks, again! 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Every word of what I wrote was true. including most of the conversations. I 
 appear to have what some would call a partial eidetic memory. It appears to 
 be verbal rather than spatial. I can remember conversations people had many 
 years ago, but its not 100%. And it doesn't hold with visual images. And yes 
 I know some folks say there is not such thing as eidetic memory. Big deal. 
 Some say that TM will lead to enlightenment too, so as willytex says go 
 And I assure you, when we realized our Gatorade was no longer sacrosanct, the 
 world DID darken before our eyes. 
 I will tell you another very short tale from my life at that time. My brother 
 who in his own way was just as off beat as the Old Man would always sleep 
 naked, and his habit was, no matter how early or late it was when he decided 
 to go to bed, he would suddenly dsicover, after he had taken off his clothes, 
 that he was thirsty and needed a drink of water, or milk or chocolate milk. 
 He deemed it unnecessary to put on any clothing to get a drink and so would 
 walk from his bedroom, through the Old Man's bedroom and past the Old Man who 
 would be in his cups, sitting in the recliner, usually with an unfiltered 
 Chesterfield King in his hand. When the Old Man would notice brother walking 
 nonchalantly past him with no clothes on, the Old Man would go ballistic.
 Git some drawers on!
 I don't wear drawers!
 Goddamn it! I mean it! Git some drawers on! Runnin' around bare assed isn't 
 We had a wide kitchen window right over the sink and when brother stood naked 
 in front of the refrigerator, theoretically at least the lady Mrs. Carter 
 that lived behind us could see him if she was looking out her back window.
 Brother would take his time getting his milk or whatever he was drinking 
 while keeping up a running banter with the Old Man, who would be getting 
 madder and madder and would eventually threaten to stomp your ass if you 
 don't get some drawers on.
 One night brother's response was to walk back into the den and stand about 5 
 feet in front of the Old Man where started doing jumping jacks with his 
 tackle flapping. The Old Man really went ballistic and came up out of his 
 recliner like Batman going after the Joker. Brother turned tail and ran 
 through the house. Whether because the Old Man was tired, or too drunk he 
 chose not to pursue but followed him only with curse words and threats.
 This began a pattern that would persist until brother moved out a year or so 
 later. It didn't happen every night or even every week, but at least a couple 
 times a month the Old Man would go into a rage over brother walkin' around 
 bare assed and would be treated to nekkid jumpin' jacks before brother would 
 run off laughing. 
  From: seventhray27 steve.sundur@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 11:59 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Seventh Ray
 Great story MJ. 
 My favorite part:
 The world darkened before our eyes when we heard
  him telling one of his friends on the phone he had run out of soda and 
  Gatorade made a pretty fair chaser. 
 Damn, but I can't help but feel that the TM phase of your life was an 
 enormous plus.
 And I also can't help but feel that you've arrived at a pretty good place 
 with everything that's happened since.
 And, I confess, that I do keep thinking that your anti TM tirades are going 
 to run their course.
 At the same time, I sort of hope they don't, cuz I do enjoy your 
 participation here!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
  Here is a slightly TM story, and it happens to be true. 
  I have said before here on FFL that my Old Man did not like
  my doing TM. And in fact when I first told him I was going to learn, he 
  told me
  he thought it might be some kind of scam. Turns out he was right! But I 
  have enough sense to believe him then.
  At the time this story unfolds, I was TOTALLY into TM and
  was going off for my second or third residence course. The Old Man thought 
  would screw me up by denying me use of the family car, but I asked my mother
  and step father if I could borrow one of their vehicles, and they kindly 
  yes. I drove to that residence course in a metallic gold 1967 Pontiac GTO. 
  that was a fine ride!
  I enjoyed the course and was all mellow and rounded out and
  had a leisurely two and a half hour drive 

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Seventh Ray

2013-08-04 Thread seventhray27
Great story.  See, in the cosmic view of things, you are a boon to your
Old Man, wherever he is!
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:

 Every word of what I wrote was true. including most of the
conversations. I appear to have what some would call a partial eidetic
memory. It appears to be verbal rather than spatial. I can remember
conversations people had many years ago, but its not 100%. And it
doesn't hold with visual images. And yes I know some folks say there is
not such thing as eidetic memory. Big deal. Some say that TM will lead
to enlightenment too, so as willytex says go figger!

 And I assure you, when we realized our Gatorade was no longer
sacrosanct, the world DID darken before our eyes.

 I will tell you another very short tale from my life at that time. My
brother who in his own way was just as off beat as the Old Man would
always sleep naked, and his habit was, no matter how early or late it
was when he decided to go to bed, he would suddenly dsicover, after he
had taken off his clothes, that he was thirsty and needed a drink of
water, or milk or chocolate milk.

 He deemed it unnecessary to put on any clothing to get a drink and so
would walk from his bedroom, through the Old Man's bedroom and past the
Old Man who would be in his cups, sitting in the recliner, usually with
an unfiltered Chesterfield King in his hand. When the Old Man would
notice brother walking nonchalantly past him with no clothes on, the Old
Man would go ballistic.

 Git some drawers on!

 I don't wear drawers!

 Goddamn it! I mean it! Git some drawers on! Runnin' around bare assed
isn't funny!

 We had a wide kitchen window right over the sink and when brother
stood naked in front of the refrigerator, theoretically at least the
lady Mrs. Carter that lived behind us could see him if she was looking
out her back window.

 Brother would take his time getting his milk or whatever he was
drinking while keeping up a running banter with the Old Man, who would
be getting madder and madder and would eventually threaten to stomp
your ass if you don't get some drawers on.

 One night brother's response was to walk back into the den and stand
about 5 feet in front of the Old Man where started doing jumping jacks
with his tackle flapping. The Old Man really went ballistic and came up
out of his recliner like Batman going after the Joker. Brother turned
tail and ran through the house. Whether because the Old Man was tired,
or too drunk he chose not to pursue but followed him only with curse
words and threats.

 This began a pattern that would persist until brother moved out a year
or so later. It didn't happen every night or even every week, but at
least a couple times a month the Old Man would go into a rage over
brother walkin' around bare assed and would be treated to nekkid
jumpin' jacks before brother would run off laughing.

  From: seventhray27 steve.sundur@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 11:59 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Seventh Ray

 Great story MJ.Â

 My favorite part:

 The world darkened before our eyes when we heard
 Â him telling one of his friends on the phone he had run out of
soda and discovered
 Â Gatorade made a pretty fair chaser.Â

 Damn, but I can't help but feel that the TM phase of your life was an
enormous plus.

 And I also can't help but feel that you've arrived at a pretty good
place with everything that's happened since.

 And, I confess, that I do keep thinking that your anti TM tirades are
going to run their course.

 At the same time, I sort of hope they don't, cuz I do enjoy your
participation here!

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
  Here is a slightly TM story, and it happens to be true.
  I have said before here on FFL that my Old Man did not like
  my doing TM. And in fact when I first told him I was going to learn,
he told me
  he thought it might be some kind of scam. Turns out he was right!
But I didn't
  have enough sense to believe him then.
  At the time this story unfolds, I was TOTALLY into TM and
  was going off for my second or third residence course. The Old Man
thought he
  would screw me up by denying me use of the family car, but I asked
my mother
  and step father if I could borrow one of their vehicles, and they
kindly said
  yes. I drove to that residence course in a metallic gold 1967
Pontiac GTO. Man,
  that was a fine ride!
  I enjoyed the course and was all mellow and rounded out and
  had a leisurely two and a half hour drive from John's Island (off
the coast of
  South Carolina) to get back home. I figured the Old Man would give
me a certain
  ration of crap because I had spent the week-end dribbling and
  drooling on myself, his words for practicing TM, and because it was
  Sunday, which meant he would be drunk.
  The Old Man favored bourbon almost exclusively and not just
  any bourbon, but real sho 'nuff high class 

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Seventh Ray

2013-08-04 Thread seventhray27

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:


 Consciousness-base excessive drinking

 It is worse when a Jyotish Pandit does that, then you get all sorts of
monsters coming out of the closet!
 Is there an Indian whiskey named after these enlightening features?
No, but there should be.  Shaktipat Bourbon.  Made with Pure Filtered
Water from the Ganga  Well, maybe not.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley
j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
  Too bad your old man didn't learn TM, 'cuz then he could have
evolved to consciousness-base excessive drinking, like I did. None of
that crude, Kaliyugan gulping and chasers nonsense. Those artisans at
the distillery went to a lot of trouble making that fine whiskey, and
the refined way to drink excessive quantities of it is to sip it,
straight up or on the rocks, savoring every drop of the liquid

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Snowden Warns Americans To Fear The Military-Intelligence Complex

2013-08-04 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/04/2013 09:51 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

 Everyone in Oakland, CA is under surveillance, at least
 they should be. Apparently one in ten people in Oakland
 are either crooks, murderers, drug dealers, or rapists.

 That's because most of them are broke and can't find work.
 That's also coming to a place near you.

 As people lose everything they lose it. Thank the
 banksters for that.

 So, the terrorists have killed thousands of people world
 wide, raped and murdered hundreds of people in Oakland
 this year, but your enemy is the Bank of America.

 So, we should not be gathering any evidence about the
 crooks and terrorists or the murderers because that
 would be wrong because they are broke and out of a job.

 Go figure.

You can't figure.  Suicide is now the number one cause of death in the 
US.  Many of those suicides are from people depressed over losing their 
homes and their jobs due to the banks.  In fact probably far more than 
any Islamic terrorist attack on US soil including the supposed 
Islamic 9/11 one.

The statistics on death by suicide is known but suppressed by the MSM as 
would be the reason too (banks buy a lot of advertising on the MSM).

I have not heard of any terrorist activity in Oakland unless you include 
police activity.  Gang activity is NOT terrorist activity. Police assets 
dressing up as anarchists and damaging property to give anarchy a bad 
name.  This because they fear anarchism more than communism.  Why?  
Because anarchism is non-hierarchical so there can be no elite and the 
elite can't own property.  Pretty cool solution if you ask me.  Check 
out how it worked for a while in Spain in the first part of the 20th 
century.  So well that it really pissed the rich off and they supported 
fascist puppet stooge Franco.

Don't know much about history do you, sheeple Willy?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Snowden Warns Americans To Fear The Military-Intelligence Complex

2013-08-04 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/04/2013 11:39 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

 You could build a Faraday Cage.

 No politician on the left is even whispering about being
 against this data gathering program; it's only on the right
 with Rand Paul that I see any push back at all. Go figure.

You're a liar, Willy.  Even worse yet you believe your own lies. I 
mentioned the other day that Representative Alan Grayson was to hold a 
hearing in the house on the NSA spying.  Glenn Greenwald even flew in to 
testify.  And what happened?  Obama, who has rarely ever visited the 
House decides he's going to meet with the House thus scuttling Grayson's 
hearing.  A coincidence?  I doubt it.

Also the amendment to cut NSA funding for unauthorized spying was 
sponsored by Rep. Justin Amash and Rep. John Conyers was barely defeated 
in the house with the majority of Republicans voting against it.

Please pay attention.

 What's up with that?


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:
 A quote from Mike Rivero of WRH about NSA spying and the new terror threat;
 So the official story is that the US Government, now blessed with a massive 
 global spy network that watches everyone, claims to have the most specific 
 and credible terror threat ever.

 So why don't they arrest the terrorists?

 Because of the terror attacks happens, it means one of two things.

 1. This new terror attack is a false-flag operation; a faked event by a US 
 Government desperate to distract the American people from the 
 unconstitutional existence of that massive spy network, to distract the 
 American people from the IRS targeting of the President's political enemies 
 (an impeachable crime), to distract the American people from the exploding 
 scandal surrounding Benghazi, which appears to have been yet another 
 false-flag stunt to bolster Obama's re-election chances and re-ignite 
 Americans' flagging war fever.

 2. None of the massive and costly security imposed by the United States 
 government on the American people and the rest of the world actually works. 
 If there is another terror attack it means that the grabbing of our crotches 
 (and looting of our luggage) by TSA does not work. If there is another 
 terror attack it means the NSA spying on Americans does not work. If there 
 is another terror attack it means the Department o Homeland Security, CIA, 
 BI, etc. do not work.

 Take your pick!

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams punditster@ 

 You two sound really paranoid - if you've done nothing
 wrong what are you worried about?

 This from somebody who posted under a different handle
 because he didn't want his real name to be associated
 with backpacks and pressure cookers. Now go figure.

 Well, I figure nobody here wants their real name
 associated with backpacks and pressure cookers like
 some newbie did with you, but you don't have a real
 name, just a handle.

 So, I'm not convinced that our job on FFL is to fink
 on respondents that do Google searches. What is it
 with all the finks on FFL?

 Maybe we need the NSA to collect data on terrorists
 that might want to harm us, whether they are in this
 country or anywhere else. Apparently our ally countries
 can't seem to get the job done - there's probably a
 terrorist hiding under your bed, or several hanging
 out in downtown Oakland.

 A major attack by al Qaeda? I thought Obama said we
 hade won the war and they were dead; that we were
 bringing the troops home. Mission accomplished.

 Go figure.

 Didn't Obama say he killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan
 and Andwar Al-Awlaki and his teenage son, Abdul, in
 Yemen with a drone strike. You're saying that after
 ten years we haven't won the war against the terrorists
 yet, but we don't need a U.S. spy agency?


 The main business of the internet model is founded on
 mass surveillance, like Google, Yahoo!, and MyFace.
 My Face?

 This sounds like another 'phony' scandal. So, yes,
 you're probably as smart as an 8th Grader. LoL!
 I really don't think the powers at be like the Internet very much. Too
 easy for folks to expose their crimes. But the genie is out of the
 bottle and they are having a helluva time putting it back in. First off
 their own cronies are enjoying making money via the Internet so it can't
 be hampered and certainly not shut down.

 Only a few right-wing crazies believe that universal surveillance of
 every American is necessary to US security. The National Stasi Agency
 will fight hard and blackmail every member of the House and Senate, but
 the blackmail itself will lead to the National Stasi Agency's wings
 being clipped, or so we can hope. If it is not done soon, the Stasi
 Agency will have time to organize a false flag event that will terrify
 the sheeple and bring an end to the attempts to rein in the rogue agency.

 Paul Craig Roberts -- full article here:

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread obbajeeba
A phenomenon played out today. A miracle? 
What is it called? 
How did you go from being, a clown, a buffoon, Mr. Stupid, (as mentioned in 
below post.) to Hollywood movie mogul future material, exceptional screenplay 
writer, in the matter of such a short time, today, Sunday, August 4, 2013, in 
the eyes of past naysayers? 

Like a light switch!  lol
Whatever happened, I am happy to see so many getting along here! :)

Can anyone explain the Jyotish significance to this? 
Is this the Tula Rahu ninth house aspect approaching Guru in Mithuna?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 No, the problem is that you can't write clearly. Even when you try to explain 
 yourself, it all comes out as a muddle. If I were you, Jackson, I would give 
 it up. You are a laughingstock on this board -- a clown, a buffoon, Mr. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  Evidently you have trouble with reading comprehension, or perhaps the 
  concept I am expressing is too advanced for you. Given the utter revilement 
  you have expressed towards me for things I have said about the Old Faker 
  (marshy) it is not a stretch to call you his sycophant. 
  As to the other remark, I did not nor have I ever accused you of saying 
  that you believe marshy's teachings run true. 
  What I said was that marshy's teachings run true, meaning that while he 
  espoused all this alignment with the laws of nature, spontaneous right 
  action and enlightenment crap, what actually comes out of TM is more often 
  the behavior of elitism, arrogance, taking license to break laws when 
  convenient, lying, cheating and stealing. 
  Thus, the teachings are running true, meaning that the teachings espouse 
  good values and energy yet they actually produce somethings crappy. 
  Thus you, who in the past have said how great marshy is and how good TM is, 
  then revile people like one of those ignorant toothless folk Ravi sometimes 
  So one would think that if TM and Marshy's teaching are real sho nuff good 
  and you did 'em, they would produce speech and writing from you worthy of 
  world peace, not jailhouse lingo. Thus we see in your writing and 
  revilement of those who don't care for marshy and his con games that the TM 
  teachings are running according to their true nature.
   From: feste37 feste37@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:58 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
  One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they have 
  never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a start, 
  although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY that his 
  teachings always run true, although your post is so badly written that 
  it's hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that to me or not. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and sycophant 
   of marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world peace 
   energy feste manifests?
From: feste37 feste37@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
   I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
Dear Uncle Fester,
A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize for. I 
mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book, 
etc., has to have freedom for expression.
I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the environment for 
which I did the parody of. 
I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs are 
not meant to be matched with idealism. 
Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art. 
I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category you put 
me in as ART. 

Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:

 Of course, there are always people willing to denigrate those who try 
 to create something valuable. You appear to have joined their camp -- 
 just one more addition to the vulgar and the stupid who seem to have 
 taken over this board. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  No money? Just sign here and join the millions of students who have 
  outstanding student loans, part of the student loan bubble that is 
  bound to burst at the, well sometime. No need to worry, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: US Snooping Programme Had One Server Located In India

2013-08-04 Thread doctordumbass
More specifically, the capitalist system here in the US, is fed by emerging 
economic markets. Although, because the means for economic integration are so 
efficient now, due to pervasive technology, capitalist growth quickly becomes 
constrained, in whatever market it enters. It has only taken China thirty years 
to raise their standard of living, and India, the same, or less. Brazil and 
Russia, too. Those are all huge economies. Blink of an eye, and the means for 
easy exploitation, are no longer available. 
So in the capitalist thirst for emerging markets, economically dishonest 
markets, like domestic housing and energy bubbles, or selling off the wealth of 
the country, begin to form, to slake the thirst for large returns on 
investment; duty to shareholders, and all that.

The hallmark of economic health, here in the US, is growth of the Gross 
Domestic Product. The GDP is a time-bound, impersonal measurement of the market 
value, for goods and services produced. When GDP stalls, for three quarters in 
a row, we officially enter a recession. But this recession is a measure, 
independent of unemployment, average wage growth, and housing foreclosures, for 

We are now facing a situation in the US, where 70% of the jobs have been 
recovered, since the last recession ended, in 2007. But the amount of money 
entering the economy has remained about the same. This is because, one, the 
profits are going mostly to the very wealthy, and second, the jobs that have 
been created are mostly low wage, service-oriented positions, which don't 
create a big boost, vs. unemployment benefits.

Kind of sucks.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:

 Yes, I agree, too. Also with Diplomatic Immunity, although there are 
 definitely excesses.
 I don't think there is any quick or simple solution to the problem of the US 
 reputation, globally. But I'll keep doing what I can! :-)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:

I remember when Maharishi suggested all countries to close down the
Embassies of the USA to prevent tamas and disorder to spread in the
   Too bad. Do you recall when he said that? 
  Must have been around 1980. Anyway your story is interesting. Benjamin 
  Crème commented on the Wikileaks publishing the secret email between 
  embassies and said it was a mistake to publish these, the folks at the 
  embassies should be able to communicate in private without intrusion. To 
  which I fully agree.
  I sometimes watch CNN here. It's baffling to see that they go on and on 
  about the threats to American embassies bur never ask the simple question; 
  why do they hate us and what can we do about it.
  During my father's time as a Foreign Service Officer (1950's - 1970's), 
  there was a lot of intelligence gathering, though it was more the human 
  variety - Mom and Dad would attend or host a party almost every night. 
  During those parties, relationships were formed, tendencies were mapped, 
  and sometimes secrets shared. 
   Because the mechanism of intelligence gathering was personal, it was a 
   far better way to work out differences, and ways to cooperate, with the 
   host country. My father was fluent in three languages, and found that a 
   much more effective way to learn about another place, than snooping with 
   a computer, which he never learned to use.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US Snooping Programme Had One Server Located In India

2013-08-04 Thread Bhairitu
When a large percentage of the country starts to go hungry then we'll 
get some REAL change.

On 08/04/2013 12:44 PM, doctordumb...@rocketmail.com wrote:
 More specifically, the capitalist system here in the US, is fed by emerging 
 economic markets. Although, because the means for economic integration are so 
 efficient now, due to pervasive technology, capitalist growth quickly becomes 
 constrained, in whatever market it enters. It has only taken China thirty 
 years to raise their standard of living, and India, the same, or less. Brazil 
 and Russia, too. Those are all huge economies. Blink of an eye, and the means 
 for easy exploitation, are no longer available.
 So in the capitalist thirst for emerging markets, economically dishonest 
 markets, like domestic housing and energy bubbles, or selling off the wealth 
 of the country, begin to form, to slake the thirst for large returns on 
 investment; duty to shareholders, and all that.

 The hallmark of economic health, here in the US, is growth of the Gross 
 Domestic Product. The GDP is a time-bound, impersonal measurement of the 
 market value, for goods and services produced. When GDP stalls, for three 
 quarters in a row, we officially enter a recession. But this recession is 
 a measure, independent of unemployment, average wage growth, and housing 
 foreclosures, for example.

 We are now facing a situation in the US, where 70% of the jobs have been 
 recovered, since the last recession ended, in 2007. But the amount of money 
 entering the economy has remained about the same. This is because, one, the 
 profits are going mostly to the very wealthy, and second, the jobs that have 
 been created are mostly low wage, service-oriented positions, which don't 
 create a big boost, vs. unemployment benefits.

 Kind of sucks.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@... no_reply@... wrote:
 Yes, I agree, too. Also with Diplomatic Immunity, although there are 
 definitely excesses.

 I don't think there is any quick or simple solution to the problem of the US 
 reputation, globally. But I'll keep doing what I can! :-)

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, doctordumbass@ no_reply@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:

 I remember when Maharishi suggested all countries to close down the
 Embassies of the USA to prevent tamas and disorder to spread in the
 Too bad. Do you recall when he said that?
 Must have been around 1980. Anyway your story is interesting. Benjamin 
 Crème commented on the Wikileaks publishing the secret email between 
 embassies and said it was a mistake to publish these, the folks at the 
 embassies should be able to communicate in private without intrusion. To 
 which I fully agree.
 I sometimes watch CNN here. It's baffling to see that they go on and on 
 about the threats to American embassies bur never ask the simple question; 
 why do they hate us and what can we do about it.

 During my father's time as a Foreign Service Officer (1950's - 1970's), 
 there was a lot of intelligence gathering, though it was more the human 
 variety - Mom and Dad would attend or host a party almost every night. 
 During those parties, relationships were formed, tendencies were mapped, 
 and sometimes secrets shared.
 Because the mechanism of intelligence gathering was personal, it was a far 
 better way to work out differences, and ways to cooperate, with the host 
 country. My father was fluent in three languages, and found that a much 
 more effective way to learn about another place, than snooping with a 
 computer, which he never learned to use.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread Michael Jackson
Nabby and Feste still despise me, so it all balances out.

 From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 3:39 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

A phenomenon played out today. A miracle? 
What is it called? 
How did you go from being, a clown, a buffoon, Mr. Stupid, (as mentioned in 
below post.) to Hollywood movie mogul future material, exceptional screenplay 
writer, in the matter of such a short time, today, Sunday, August 4, 2013, in 
the eyes of past naysayers? 

Like a light switch!  lol
Whatever happened, I am happy to see so many getting along here! :)

Can anyone explain the Jyotish significance to this? 
Is this the Tula Rahu ninth house aspect approaching Guru in Mithuna?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 No, the problem is that you can't write clearly. Even when you try to explain 
 yourself, it all comes out as a muddle. If I were you, Jackson, I would give 
 it up. You are a laughingstock on this board -- a clown, a buffoon, Mr. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  Evidently you have trouble with reading comprehension, or perhaps the 
  concept I am expressing is too advanced for you. Given the utter revilement 
  you have expressed towards me for things I have said about the Old Faker 
  (marshy) it is not a stretch to call you his sycophant. 
  As to the other remark, I did not nor have I ever accused you of saying 
  that you believe marshy's teachings run true. 
  What I said was that marshy's teachings run true, meaning that while he 
  espoused all this alignment with the laws of nature, spontaneous right 
  action and enlightenment crap, what actually comes out of TM is more often 
  the behavior of elitism, arrogance, taking license to break laws when 
  convenient, lying, cheating and stealing. 
  Thus, the teachings are running true, meaning that the teachings espouse 
  good values and energy yet they actually produce somethings crappy. 
  Thus you, who in the past have said how great marshy is and how good TM is, 
  then revile people like one of those ignorant toothless folk Ravi sometimes 
  So one would think that if TM and Marshy's teaching are real sho nuff good 
  and you did 'em, they would produce speech and writing from you worthy of 
  world peace, not jailhouse lingo. Thus we see in your writing and 
  revilement of those who don't care for marshy and his con games that the TM 
  teachings are running according to their true nature.
   From: feste37 feste37@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:58 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
  One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they have 
  never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a start, 
  although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY that his 
  teachings always run true, although your post is so badly written that 
  it's hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that to me or not. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and sycophant 
   of marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world peace 
   energy feste manifests?
From: feste37 feste37@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
   I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
Dear Uncle Fester,
A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize for. I 
mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book, 
etc., has to have freedom for expression.
I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the environment for 
which I did the parody of. 
I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs are 
not meant to be matched with idealism. 
Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art. 
I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category you put 
me in as ART. 

Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:

 Of course, there are always people willing to denigrate those who try 
 to create something valuable. You appear to have joined their camp -- 
 just one more addition to the vulgar and the stupid who seem to have 
 taken over this board. 
 --- In 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread Share Long
For me Obbajee, it's simply that you're a good influence. But could be the Rahu 
Guru thingie too (-:

 From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 2:39 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

A phenomenon played out today. A miracle? 
What is it called? 
How did you go from being, a clown, a buffoon, Mr. Stupid, (as mentioned in 
below post.) to Hollywood movie mogul future material, exceptional screenplay 
writer, in the matter of such a short time, today, Sunday, August 4, 2013, in 
the eyes of past naysayers? 

Like a light switch!  lol
Whatever happened, I am happy to see so many getting along here! :)

Can anyone explain the Jyotish significance to this? 
Is this the Tula Rahu ninth house aspect approaching Guru in Mithuna?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 No, the problem is that you can't write clearly. Even when you try to explain 
 yourself, it all comes out as a muddle. If I were you, Jackson, I would give 
 it up. You are a laughingstock on this board -- a clown, a buffoon, Mr. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  Evidently you have trouble with reading comprehension, or perhaps the 
  concept I am expressing is too advanced for you. Given the utter revilement 
  you have expressed towards me for things I have said about the Old Faker 
  (marshy) it is not a stretch to call you his sycophant. 
  As to the other remark, I did not nor have I ever accused you of saying 
  that you believe marshy's teachings run true. 
  What I said was that marshy's teachings run true, meaning that while he 
  espoused all this alignment with the laws of nature, spontaneous right 
  action and enlightenment crap, what actually comes out of TM is more often 
  the behavior of elitism, arrogance, taking license to break laws when 
  convenient, lying, cheating and stealing. 
  Thus, the teachings are running true, meaning that the teachings espouse 
  good values and energy yet they actually produce somethings crappy. 
  Thus you, who in the past have said how great marshy is and how good TM is, 
  then revile people like one of those ignorant toothless folk Ravi sometimes 
  So one would think that if TM and Marshy's teaching are real sho nuff good 
  and you did 'em, they would produce speech and writing from you worthy of 
  world peace, not jailhouse lingo. Thus we see in your writing and 
  revilement of those who don't care for marshy and his con games that the TM 
  teachings are running according to their true nature.
   From: feste37 feste37@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:58 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
  One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they have 
  never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a start, 
  although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY that his 
  teachings always run true, although your post is so badly written that 
  it's hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that to me or not. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and sycophant 
   of marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world peace 
   energy feste manifests?
From: feste37 feste37@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
   I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
Dear Uncle Fester,
A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize for. I 
mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book, 
etc., has to have freedom for expression.
I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the environment for 
which I did the parody of. 
I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs are 
not meant to be matched with idealism. 
Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art. 
I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category you put 
me in as ART. 

Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:

 Of course, there are always people willing to denigrate those who try 
 to create something valuable. You appear to have joined their camp -- 
 just one more addition to the vulgar and the stupid who seem to have 

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread feste37
Actually, MJ, that was a pretty good story you posted. I deleted my post Obba 
refers to below because it was too mean-spirited. You and I do in fact have 
things in common: we both learned TM when we were seventeen, our fathers 
disapproved, and we were at MIU during roughly the same time period. I am sorry 
you got disillusioned with it all. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Nabby and Feste still despise me, so it all balances out.
  From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 3:39 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 A phenomenon played out today. A miracle? 
 What is it called? 
 How did you go from being, a clown, a buffoon, Mr. Stupid, (as mentioned in 
 below post.) to Hollywood movie mogul future material, exceptional screenplay 
 writer, in the matter of such a short time, today, Sunday, August 4, 2013, in 
 the eyes of past naysayers? 
 Like a light switch!  lol
 Whatever happened, I am happy to see so many getting along here! :)
 Can anyone explain the Jyotish significance to this? 
 Is this the Tula Rahu ninth house aspect approaching Guru in Mithuna?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
  No, the problem is that you can't write clearly. Even when you try to 
  explain yourself, it all comes out as a muddle. If I were you, Jackson, I 
  would give it up. You are a laughingstock on this board -- a clown, a 
  buffoon, Mr. Stupid. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   Evidently you have trouble with reading comprehension, or perhaps the 
   concept I am expressing is too advanced for you. Given the utter 
   revilement you have expressed towards me for things I have said about the 
   Old Faker (marshy) it is not a stretch to call you his sycophant. 
   As to the other remark, I did not nor have I ever accused you of saying 
   that you believe marshy's teachings run true. 
   What I said was that marshy's teachings run true, meaning that while he 
   espoused all this alignment with the laws of nature, spontaneous right 
   action and enlightenment crap, what actually comes out of TM is more 
   often the behavior of elitism, arrogance, taking license to break laws 
   when convenient, lying, cheating and stealing. 
   Thus, the teachings are running true, meaning that the teachings espouse 
   good values and energy yet they actually produce somethings crappy. 
   Thus you, who in the past have said how great marshy is and how good TM 
   is, then revile people like one of those ignorant toothless folk Ravi 
   sometimes mentions. 
   So one would think that if TM and Marshy's teaching are real sho nuff 
   good and you did 'em, they would produce speech and writing from you 
   worthy of world peace, not jailhouse lingo. Thus we see in your writing 
   and revilement of those who don't care for marshy and his con games that 
   the TM teachings are running according to their true nature.
From: feste37 feste37@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:58 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
   One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they have 
   never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a start, 
   although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY that his 
   teachings always run true, although your post is so badly written that 
   it's hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that to me or not. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and sycophant 
of marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world peace 
energy feste manifests?

 From: feste37 feste37@
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:

 Dear Uncle Fester,
 A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize for. I 
 mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
 The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book, 
 etc., has to have freedom for expression.
 I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the environment 
 for which I did the parody of. 
 I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs are 
 not meant to be matched with idealism. 
 Art must be able to express itself. My 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread Michael Jackson
were you student or staff or both?

 From: feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 7:14 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

Actually, MJ, that was a pretty good story you posted. I deleted my post Obba 
refers to below because it was too mean-spirited. You and I do in fact have 
things in common: we both learned TM when we were seventeen, our fathers 
disapproved, and we were at MIU during roughly the same time period. I am sorry 
you got disillusioned with it all. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 Nabby and Feste still despise me, so it all balances out.
  From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 3:39 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 A phenomenon played out today. A miracle? 
 What is it called? 
 How did you go from being, a clown, a buffoon, Mr. Stupid, (as mentioned in 
 below post.) to Hollywood movie mogul future material, exceptional screenplay 
 writer, in the matter of such a short time, today, Sunday, August 4, 2013, in 
 the eyes of past naysayers? 
 Like a light switch!  lol
 Whatever happened, I am happy to see so many getting along here! :)
 Can anyone explain the Jyotish significance to this? 
 Is this the Tula Rahu ninth house aspect approaching Guru in Mithuna?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
  No, the problem is that you can't write clearly. Even when you try to 
  explain yourself, it all comes out as a muddle. If I were you, Jackson, I 
  would give it up. You are a laughingstock on this board -- a clown, a 
  buffoon, Mr. Stupid. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   Evidently you have trouble with reading comprehension, or perhaps the 
   concept I am expressing is too advanced for you. Given the utter 
   revilement you have expressed towards me for things I have said about the 
   Old Faker (marshy) it is not a stretch to call you his sycophant. 
   As to the other remark, I did not nor have I ever accused you of saying 
   that you believe marshy's teachings run true. 
   What I said was that marshy's teachings run true, meaning that while he 
   espoused all this alignment with the laws of nature, spontaneous right 
   action and enlightenment crap, what actually comes out of TM is more 
   often the behavior of elitism, arrogance, taking license to break laws 
   when convenient, lying, cheating and stealing. 
   Thus, the teachings are running true, meaning that the teachings espouse 
   good values and energy yet they actually produce somethings crappy. 
   Thus you, who in the past have said how great marshy is and how good TM 
   is, then revile people like one of those ignorant toothless folk Ravi 
   sometimes mentions. 
   So one would think that if TM and Marshy's teaching are real sho nuff 
   good and you did 'em, they would produce speech and writing from you 
   worthy of world peace, not jailhouse lingo. Thus we see in your writing 
   and revilement of those who don't care for marshy and his con games that 
   the TM teachings are running according to their true nature.
From: feste37 feste37@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:58 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
   One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they have 
   never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a start, 
   although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY that his 
   teachings always run true, although your post is so badly written that 
   it's hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that to me or not. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and sycophant 
of marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world peace 
energy feste manifests?

 From: feste37 feste37@
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:

 Dear Uncle Fester,
 A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize for. I 
 mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
 The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book, 
 etc., has to have freedom for expression.
 I do feel freedom of expression 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 05-Aug-13 00:15:04 UTC

2013-08-04 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 08/03/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 08/10/13 00:00:00
205 messages as of (UTC) 08/05/13 00:02:50

29 Michael Jackson 
23 obbajeeba 
21 doctordumbass
14 Ann 
13 Richard J. Williams 
12 Share Long 
12 Bhairitu 
11 seventhray27 
11 feste37 
10 nablusoss1008 
 6 srijau
 5 turquoiseb 
 5 Alex Stanley 
 4 sparaig 
 4 salyavin808 
 4 John 
 3 card 
 3 Duveyoung 
 2 raunchydog 
 2 emptybill 
 2 emilymae.reyn 
 2 Mike Dixon 
 1 wgm4u 
 1 richardatrwilliamsdotus 
 1 punditster 
 1 merudanda 
 1 martyboi 
 1 PaliGap 
 1 Buck 
Posters: 29
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Meditators

2013-08-04 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@... wrote:

 One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they have 
 never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a start, 
 although I have done in the past. 

Dear Feste, you don't meditate?  Om Jeez.  Yur a non-meditator?  I am going to 
have to re-set my FFL spam filter again.  This is really disaffecting to find 
this out now.  I thought you were one of us all along.   Wait, you mean you're 
not a meditator but you're a sidha?  Like, not just a meditator but a citizen 
or governor?  But most of the meditating town are meditators (common 
denominator) and don't do the sidhis anymore (a factor).  Like, people here be 
Meditators but not coming to the Dome program the movement offers.  There's 
only about 300-plus coming to the Dome TM-sidhis program now with the failure 
and collapse of the Invincible America Meditation.   So really you're a 
meditator too.  Aren't you?  What do you mean?  Just wondering,   
-Buck, the Conservative and Group Meditator Still in the Dome  

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread obbajeeba
Thank you, Share. 
Whatever is happening, I don't know nothin. :)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 For me Obbajee, it's simply that you're a good influence. But could be the 
 Rahu Guru thingie too (-:
  From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 2:39 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 A phenomenon played out today. A miracle? 
 What is it called? 
 How did you go from being, a clown, a buffoon, Mr. Stupid, (as mentioned in 
 below post.) to Hollywood movie mogul future material, exceptional screenplay 
 writer, in the matter of such a short time, today, Sunday, August 4, 2013, in 
 the eyes of past naysayers? 
 Like a light switch!  lol
 Whatever happened, I am happy to see so many getting along here! :)
 Can anyone explain the Jyotish significance to this? 
 Is this the Tula Rahu ninth house aspect approaching Guru in Mithuna?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
  No, the problem is that you can't write clearly. Even when you try to 
  explain yourself, it all comes out as a muddle. If I were you, Jackson, I 
  would give it up. You are a laughingstock on this board -- a clown, a 
  buffoon, Mr. Stupid. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
   Evidently you have trouble with reading comprehension, or perhaps the 
   concept I am expressing is too advanced for you. Given the utter 
   revilement you have expressed towards me for things I have said about the 
   Old Faker (marshy) it is not a stretch to call you his sycophant. 
   As to the other remark, I did not nor have I ever accused you of saying 
   that you believe marshy's teachings run true. 
   What I said was that marshy's teachings run true, meaning that while he 
   espoused all this alignment with the laws of nature, spontaneous right 
   action and enlightenment crap, what actually comes out of TM is more 
   often the behavior of elitism, arrogance, taking license to break laws 
   when convenient, lying, cheating and stealing. 
   Thus, the teachings are running true, meaning that the teachings espouse 
   good values and energy yet they actually produce somethings crappy. 
   Thus you, who in the past have said how great marshy is and how good TM 
   is, then revile people like one of those ignorant toothless folk Ravi 
   sometimes mentions. 
   So one would think that if TM and Marshy's teaching are real sho nuff 
   good and you did 'em, they would produce speech and writing from you 
   worthy of world peace, not jailhouse lingo. Thus we see in your writing 
   and revilement of those who don't care for marshy and his con games that 
   the TM teachings are running according to their true nature.
From: feste37 feste37@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:58 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
   One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they have 
   never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a start, 
   although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY that his 
   teachings always run true, although your post is so badly written that 
   it's hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that to me or not. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and sycophant 
of marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much world peace 
energy feste manifests?

 From: feste37 feste37@
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:

 Dear Uncle Fester,
 A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize for. I 
 mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
 The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book, 
 etc., has to have freedom for expression.
 I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the environment 
 for which I did the parody of. 
 I think the school has a good function. I think certain programs are 
 not meant to be matched with idealism. 
 Art must be able to express itself. My writing the below is art. 
 I will consider your opinion of what I wrote and the category you put 
 me in as ART. 
 Vulgar is in the eyes of the beholder. :)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Snowden Warns Americans To Fear The Military-Intelligence Complex

2013-08-04 Thread Richard J. Williams

  No politician on the left is even whispering about 
  being against this data gathering program; it's only 
  on the right with Rand Paul that I see any push back 
  at all. Go figure.
 Obama, who has rarely ever visited the House decides 
 he's going to meet with the House thus scuttling 
 Grayson's hearing. A coincidence? I doubt it...

Maybe because Grayson's meeting was just another 
phony scandal. 

You sound paranoid. Why would you want to protect 
your meta data from your own government? Go figure.

Maybe you should consider just disappearing without 
a trace. If that's what you want to do you need to 
consider two things:

1. What does the federal government have on you?
2. What information have you left on the internet?

You probably imagine disappearing like being on a 
deserted beach with endless beers to drink. LoL!

You'd first need to change your name and don a 
disguise (in your case, this may be the biggest 

May I suggest moving to New Zealand  - one of the 
best places to disappear, as it's a long way off 
and has great beaches, is an English-speaking country 
and it's easy to acclimate to life over there. 

What you'd need to do is lay low and avoid Google 
Street View. Even if you move far away, stop using 
Yahoo!, Google, and Facebook.

'How to Disappear: Erase Your Digital Footprint, 
Leave  False Trails, and Vanish without a Trace' 
by Frank M. Ahearn  and Eileen C. Horan 
Lyons Press, 2010

CDT's Guide to Online Privacy:

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread feste37
I was faculty. I was never a fanatic, though. I couldn't relate to the 
hard-liners but in general they left me alone. The group I related best to was 
the students. We had some brilliant students at MIU back then in the 1980s. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@... wrote:

 were you student or staff or both?
  From: feste37 feste37@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 7:14 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 Actually, MJ, that was a pretty good story you posted. I deleted my post Obba 
 refers to below because it was too mean-spirited. You and I do in fact have 
 things in common: we both learned TM when we were seventeen, our fathers 
 disapproved, and we were at MIU during roughly the same time period. I am 
 sorry you got disillusioned with it all. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
  Nabby and Feste still despise me, so it all balances out.
   From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 3:39 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
  A phenomenon played out today. A miracle? 
  What is it called? 
  How did you go from being, a clown, a buffoon, Mr. Stupid, (as mentioned 
  in below post.) to Hollywood movie mogul future material, exceptional 
  screenplay writer, in the matter of such a short time, today, Sunday, 
  August 4, 2013, in the eyes of past naysayers? 
  Like a light switch!  lol
  Whatever happened, I am happy to see so many getting along here! :)
  Can anyone explain the Jyotish significance to this? 
  Is this the Tula Rahu ninth house aspect approaching Guru in Mithuna?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
   No, the problem is that you can't write clearly. Even when you try to 
   explain yourself, it all comes out as a muddle. If I were you, Jackson, I 
   would give it up. You are a laughingstock on this board -- a clown, a 
   buffoon, Mr. Stupid. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
Evidently you have trouble with reading comprehension, or perhaps the 
concept I am expressing is too advanced for you. Given the utter 
revilement you have expressed towards me for things I have said about 
the Old Faker (marshy) it is not a stretch to call you his sycophant. 

As to the other remark, I did not nor have I ever accused you of saying 
that you believe marshy's teachings run true. 

What I said was that marshy's teachings run true, meaning that while he 
espoused all this alignment with the laws of nature, spontaneous right 
action and enlightenment crap, what actually comes out of TM is more 
often the behavior of elitism, arrogance, taking license to break laws 
when convenient, lying, cheating and stealing. 

Thus, the teachings are running true, meaning that the teachings 
espouse good values and energy yet they actually produce somethings 

Thus you, who in the past have said how great marshy is and how good TM 
is, then revile people like one of those ignorant toothless folk Ravi 
sometimes mentions. 

So one would think that if TM and Marshy's teaching are real sho nuff 
good and you did 'em, they would produce speech and writing from you 
worthy of world peace, not jailhouse lingo. Thus we see in your writing 
and revilement of those who don't care for marshy and his con games 
that the TM teachings are running according to their true nature.

 From: feste37 feste37@
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:58 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they 
have never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a 
start, although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY 
that his teachings always run true, although your post is so badly 
written that it's hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that 
to me or not. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ 

 The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and 
 sycophant of marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much 
 world peace energy feste manifests?
  From: feste37 feste37@
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 I am not your fucking uncle. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Snowden Warns Americans To Fear The Military-Intelligence Complex

2013-08-04 Thread emptybill

Ahhh ... the good ol' days!

During the civil war General Francisco Franco invited the Berlin
Police Chief, Count Wolf von Helldorf, to help his new totalitarian
government organize the Falangist police. SS Fuhrer Heinrich Himmler was
given a medal by the victorious Franco in 1939 when the civil war was
over. After the fall of France in 1940, the unforgiving Franco was
perfectly willing to get rid of the 150,000 red Spanish refugees
still in southern France. The alternative punishment for the Spanish
exiles, now stateless in Madrid's eyes, was death immediately upon
return home to face Spanish Army execution or slave work. Prisoners
would build the Valle de los Caidos, The valley of the fallen,
which would become Franco's own Egyptian style tomb. If the Spanish
leftists remained in France, the preferred option, up to July 1940, they
faced a slow death at some unknown date at the hands of the SS in
Austria. Like the Jews of Poland, the Spaniards did not know what faced
them in Mauthausen until after they got inside the gate.

Robert Whealey, author of Hitler and Spain: The Nazi Role in the Spanish
Civil War 1936-1939 (Lexington, Kentucky: University Press of Kentucky,

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:

 On 08/04/2013 09:51 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
  Everyone in Oakland, CA is under surveillance, at least
  they should be. Apparently one in ten people in Oakland
  are either crooks, murderers, drug dealers, or rapists.
  That's because most of them are broke and can't find work.
  That's also coming to a place near you.
  As people lose everything they lose it. Thank the
  banksters for that.
  So, the terrorists have killed thousands of people world
  wide, raped and murdered hundreds of people in Oakland
  this year, but your enemy is the Bank of America.
  So, we should not be gathering any evidence about the
  crooks and terrorists or the murderers because that
  would be wrong because they are broke and out of a job.
  Go figure.

 You can't figure.  Suicide is now the number one cause of death in the
 US.  Many of those suicides are from people depressed over losing
 homes and their jobs due to the banks.  In fact probably far more than
 any Islamic terrorist attack on US soil including the supposed
 Islamic 9/11 one.

 The statistics on death by suicide is known but suppressed by the MSM
 would be the reason too (banks buy a lot of advertising on the MSM).

 I have not heard of any terrorist activity in Oakland unless you
 police activity.  Gang activity is NOT terrorist activity. Police
 dressing up as anarchists and damaging property to give anarchy a
 name.  This because they fear anarchism more than communism.  Why?
 Because anarchism is non-hierarchical so there can be no elite and
 elite can't own property.  Pretty cool solution if you ask me. 
 out how it worked for a while in Spain in the first part of the 20th
 century.  So well that it really pissed the rich off and they
 fascist puppet stooge Franco.

 Don't know much about history do you, sheeple Willy?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Snowden Warns Americans To Fear The Military-Intelligence Complex

2013-08-04 Thread emptybill
Fergit all that.

Jus' dive down a prairie dog hole like Willy.
You can call it New Zealot-Land when you get
to the bottom. You can then assert
yer new freedom from authority.

Holy Mukti.mantra! A freed sole!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

 Maybe because Grayson's meeting was just another
 phony scandal.

 You sound paranoid. Why would you want to protect
 your meta data from your own government? Go figure.

 Maybe you should consider just disappearing without
 a trace. If that's what you want to do you need to
 consider two things:

 1. What does the federal government have on you?
 2. What information have you left on the internet?

 You probably imagine disappearing like being on a
 deserted beach with endless beers to drink. LoL!

 You'd first need to change your name and don a
 disguise (in your case, this may be the biggest

 May I suggest moving to New Zealand  - one of the
 best places to disappear, as it's a long way off
 and has great beaches, is an English-speaking country
 and it's easy to acclimate to life over there.

 What you'd need to do is lay low and avoid Google
 Street View. Even if you move far away, stop using
 Yahoo!, Google, and Facebook.

 'How to Disappear: Erase Your Digital Footprint,
 Leave  False Trails, and Vanish without a Trace'
 by Frank M. Ahearn  and Eileen C. Horan
 Lyons Press, 2010

 CDT's Guide to Online Privacy:

[FairfieldLife] For Rick and others: Pro nuclear power documentary

2013-08-04 Thread Susan
I just saw Pandora's Promise, by Robert Stone, an environmentalist who has in 
the past been active in anti-nuclear energy protests.  He got convinced 
otherwise and has made this docu.  It features info and also interviews with 
several environmentalists who have educated themselves and changed their minds 
about nuclear energy.  Stuart Brand (Whole Earth catalogue) is one and so is 
Mark Lynas, who wrote the book Six Degrees in 2007.  I have mentioned that book 
here several times - terrific and accessible read about climate change.  Lynas 
was anti nuclear for years - and now changed his mind.  A worthwhile movie to 
see - and while I am not at all an expert on nuclear power, it made a really 
good case for the positives.  It also seems that there is a type of nuclear 
power (IFR) that produces waste that is recyclable by the nuclear plant itself. 
The safeguards on these are also incredible. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Rick and others: Pro nuclear power documentary

2013-08-04 Thread sparaig

The biggest issue with nuclear power isn't a risk of a meltdown, or even a risk 
from storage of nuclear waste, but the security risk of creating and refining 
lots and lots of radioactive material that, if stolen, could be used to create 
dirty bombs.

That risk exists in some form at every stage of development and use of nuclear 
power. A nuclear power plant itself is the raw material for a dirty bomb.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan wayback71@... wrote:

 I just saw Pandora's Promise, by Robert Stone, an environmentalist who has in 
 the past been active in anti-nuclear energy protests.  He got convinced 
 otherwise and has made this docu.  It features info and also interviews with 
 several environmentalists who have educated themselves and changed their 
 minds about nuclear energy.  Stuart Brand (Whole Earth catalogue) is one and 
 so is Mark Lynas, who wrote the book Six Degrees in 2007.  I have mentioned 
 that book here several times - terrific and accessible read about climate 
 change.  Lynas was anti nuclear for years - and now changed his mind.  A 
 worthwhile movie to see - and while I am not at all an expert on nuclear 
 power, it made a really good case for the positives.  It also seems that 
 there is a type of nuclear power (IFR) that produces waste that is recyclable 
 by the nuclear plant itself. The safeguards on these are also incredible.

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

2013-08-04 Thread obbajeeba
All this mushy stuff is sending this thread off topic!  Cut!
Here, is a nice article a good friend of mine shared with me.
Business management is very important.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@... wrote:

 Thank you, Share. 
 Whatever is happening, I don't know nothin. :)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  For me Obbajee, it's simply that you're a good influence. But could be the 
  Rahu Guru thingie too (-:
   From: obbajeeba no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 2:39 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
  A phenomenon played out today. A miracle? 
  What is it called? 
  How did you go from being, a clown, a buffoon, Mr. Stupid, (as mentioned 
  in below post.) to Hollywood movie mogul future material, exceptional 
  screenplay writer, in the matter of such a short time, today, Sunday, 
  August 4, 2013, in the eyes of past naysayers? 
  Like a light switch!  lol
  Whatever happened, I am happy to see so many getting along here! :)
  Can anyone explain the Jyotish significance to this? 
  Is this the Tula Rahu ninth house aspect approaching Guru in Mithuna?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
   No, the problem is that you can't write clearly. Even when you try to 
   explain yourself, it all comes out as a muddle. If I were you, Jackson, I 
   would give it up. You are a laughingstock on this board -- a clown, a 
   buffoon, Mr. Stupid. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ wrote:
Evidently you have trouble with reading comprehension, or perhaps the 
concept I am expressing is too advanced for you. Given the utter 
revilement you have expressed towards me for things I have said about 
the Old Faker (marshy) it is not a stretch to call you his sycophant. 

As to the other remark, I did not nor have I ever accused you of saying 
that you believe marshy's teachings run true. 

What I said was that marshy's teachings run true, meaning that while he 
espoused all this alignment with the laws of nature, spontaneous right 
action and enlightenment crap, what actually comes out of TM is more 
often the behavior of elitism, arrogance, taking license to break laws 
when convenient, lying, cheating and stealing. 

Thus, the teachings are running true, meaning that the teachings 
espouse good values and energy yet they actually produce somethings 

Thus you, who in the past have said how great marshy is and how good TM 
is, then revile people like one of those ignorant toothless folk Ravi 
sometimes mentions. 

So one would think that if TM and Marshy's teaching are real sho nuff 
good and you did 'em, they would produce speech and writing from you 
worthy of world peace, not jailhouse lingo. Thus we see in your writing 
and revilement of those who don't care for marshy and his con games 
that the TM teachings are running according to their true nature.

 From: feste37 feste37@
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, August 4, 2013 8:58 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM

One of your many problems is that you ascribe to people things they 
have never said and positions they do not hold. I don't do TM, for a 
start, although I have done in the past. Nor have I ever said of MMY 
that his teachings always run true, although your post is so badly 
written that it's hard to know whether you are trying to attribute that 
to me or not. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson mjackson74@ 

 The beautiful, peaceful energy of a longtime TM meditator and 
 sycophant of marshy - his teachings always run true, see how much 
 world peace energy feste manifests?
  From: feste37 feste37@
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 7:51 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: David Lynch: MA in FILM
 I am not your fucking uncle. Nor is my name Fester. It is feste. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba no_reply@ wrote:
  Dear Uncle Fester,
  A parody. A Hypothetical thought. That is all I will apologize for. 
  I mean no disrespect to David Lynch, or the MA in Film at MUM.
  The purpose of this post was to show all media, film, music, book, 
  etc., has to have freedom for expression.
  I do feel freedom of expression will be hindered in the environment