Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the Pundits Rioted

2014-03-14 Thread TurquoiseBee

From: ultrarishi
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 11:39 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the Pundits Rioted

The Fairfield Fight Club association has created a new form of MMA  (Mixed 
Martial Arts).  It will be called
MMY for Mixed Martial Yagyas.  Be afraid.
Good one. Just to finish up on this tempest in a pisspot topic, here are two 
last questions/koans for the diehard supporters of the TM pundit program:

First, those who feel that these kids are being compassionately lifted from the 
grip of poverty and being taught a useful trade that will allow them to 
support themselves in the future, can you tell me where else *other than* the 
TM movement, with its stockpiles of gullible contributors, they'll be able to 
find work chanting Vedic hymns? Is there a big market for this kinda work in 
India? When the TM movement folds and these kids try to apply their new skills 
in the open market, will there be a lot of opportunities waiting for them out 
there? And what will these jobs *pay*? Will it be more than $50 per month? If 
they don't, I've got a tip for the pundits -- learn how to make balloon animals 
at children's parties. It pays more, and is in many ways more dignified. 

Second -- and this one is for the homophobes here, of which we all know we have 
a few -- why haven't you spoken up about the practice of taking hundreds of 
young boys full of raging hormones and normal teenage sex-lust and penning them 
up in groups of sex-starved guys just like themselves in a barbed-wire compound 
in the middle of nowhere? They aren't allowed to leave, they aren't allowed to 
even *see* women, much less date them. Forget the homosexuality-promoting evils 
of Barney the Dinosaur and the Teletubbies and most recently Frozen -- how 
can you homophones *not* view the pundit program as anything *other than* a 
training ground for homosexuals? Then again, maybe being brought up with Vedic 
values will take, and they'll grow up to be honorable, lifelong celibates 
like Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Girish Varma.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Belated thanks for mentioning Line Of Duty 2

2014-03-14 Thread TurquoiseBee
Thanks again. I don't remember which of our estimable UK members mentioned it 
to me, but thanks. 

It's not over yet -- one last episode to go -- but it's certainly turned into a 
great ride, full of memorable and interesting characters. The regular cast is 
as good as they were in the previous season, but the standout performance comes 
from Keeley Hawes (who my genealogy-freak brother tells me we might be 
distantly related to) as either the victim being framed or the stalker-framer 
herself...still yet to be determined. 

Even though the description was spat out by a character who everyone watching 
would love to see put away just for being a misogynist SOB, he may have had a 
point when he referred to her as a bunny-boiler (movie reference). 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread nablusoss1008
To keep them confined was a requirement from the authorities for allowing these 
visas, not the decision of MUM.

---In, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 And how odd that you would find Lawson's speculation about the pundits' 
isolation to be blaming them for it rather than those responsible for keeping 
them in isolation. 

 And that may be the  most important issue here:

 the pandits may feel so isolated that they are lashing out or getting 
exploited by jumping ship on the way back to India, etc, and it may be the root 
of all the problems we've been hearing about. Maharishi,  in his 
Brahmin-worship idealism, may have thought that it was enough simply for 
Brahmins to participate in the revival of their cultural tradition, but real 
world issues have shown that there's something lacking here and the local TM 
organization has to figure out what it is.



---In, authfriend@... wrote :

 This had nothing to do with a celebrity endorsement, you twisted twit. 
Lawson is addressing a specific factual issue, as to whether Mishra is the 
head pundit, as the news reports have said; and if not, what his real status 
is, since he appears to have been central to what took place.. 

 The truth is, Barry, you don't want to know what actually happened. You want 
to be the one who establshes the story according to your own bilious viewpoint, 
regardless of the facts. And anyone who goes in search of the facts and reports 
on what he finds, if it isn't 100 percent negative to the TMO, is to be 
demonized as a cultist.

 And how odd that you would find Lawson's speculation about the pundits' 
isolation to be blaming them for it rather than those responsible for keeping 
them in isolation.
the above video, Oprah meets Bhupendra-ji, one of the leaders of the 
pandits. It is obvious that he is much older than the 20-40 age group of the 
run-of-the-mill pundits mentioned in the article(s).

 My guess is that the guy they were deporting is either an informal charismatic 
spokesman or some kind of sub-group leader who thought he'd protect his friends 
from those non-Brahmin filth, er, Westerners.

 I'm also guessing that the pandits are so isolated that they've developed 
local gang leaders who prey on their ignorance of local customs (which they may 
not be aware of, either) like don't attack local law enforcement officers as 
it gets the attention of the state and federal law enforcement agencies who 
will kill you in an instant if they think you are a real threat to law 
enforcement officers in general.
Three comments:

1. When the credibility of a cult organization is called into question, trot 
out an old celebrity endorsement from two years ago in the hope that readers 
are as easily swayed by celebrity as you are. 

2. When the cult is threatened by events that have become public knowledge, 
find someone else to blame for them. Describe the fall guys using terms like 
gang leaders for maximum effect.

3. Try not to have any photos taken of yourself as you do and say this stuff. 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread nablusoss1008
Now that it's clear that his hero the Lama-fellow is a complete disaster and 
has given up Tibet once and for all and is permanently seeking protection 
amongst the Hindus in India his frustration needs a focus.

---In, wrote :

 I am kind of embarrassed for him, actually, the way he is going on and on, and 
on, about the pundit piddle. I would get it, if he were Iowanese, or even, 
Wisconsinian, but the dude lives in E-fucking-u-rope. He is a little too worked 
up about it, being that far away, and his desperation is creeping me out.
---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: LEnglish5@... LEnglish5@...
 Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 9:14 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?
   The MUM/TMO administration obviously feels that it has the basic right to 
discipline human beings who work for the princely sum of $50 per month (with 
*maybe* another $150 going to their families) to force them to practice TM and 
do what they're told. They even issued a press release saying that more such 
discipline is planned. 



 Well, they get room and board as well, and their contract, as far as I know, 
is to come to the USA and meditate and perform chants/rituals in exchange for 
room, board, and $200/month.

 If they're not keeping to the contract, the TM organization is under no 
obligation to keep them around and pay them.

 Or do you honestly believe that they should be kept here in the USA  even 
though they aren't fulfilling the terms of their contract?

 If you DO honestly think that they should be paid to sit around and do nothing 
at all, when there are likely plenty of people back in India willing to come 
take their place, I'm quite interested in hearing your reasoning...

Lawson, this is not the first time I have had occasion to question your sanity. 
Are you really trying to make a case that these pundits, most of whom were 
*sold* into indentured servitude by their parents as pre-teens (according to 
previous news reports, as early as age 8) have entered into a contract with 
the TMO and Girish  Co. 

To have compassion for the parents, the previous news reports have established 
that most of them were dirt-poor and unable to provide for their children, much 
less provide an education for them. They were promised, in addition to a 
monthly income of $150 for themselves (the average monthly income in India is 
$99) and room and board + $50 a month for the kids, an *education* for their 
kids, which *has not been provided*. No evidence has been presented to 
counteract the claims from pundits themselves that the *only* things taught to 
them were how to perform the chants. 

Are you *really* trying to make a case that children essentially sold into 
slavery by their own parents have an obligation to fulfill their contract? 

Even if you *are* trying to make this case, I'd like to hear you explain why 
they *wouldn't* practice TM. If it's as great as you've been claiming it is all 
these years, why aren't they *anxious* to sit and meditate twice a day and 
experience all that clarity and bliss? I'll wait for your answer. 

As for plenty of people back in India willing to come take their place, thank 
you for establishing your credentials as a potential slave master yourself, 
willing to exploit young brown boys to create world peace for you. 

Reposting the Carl Sagan quote, because you -- more than almost anyone on this 
forum except for maybe Nabby -- personify it. Even *feste*, whose devotion to 
TM has never been in question, has been able to wake up and smell the coffee as 
the result of this sad demonstration of the ineffectiveness of the pundit 
program. Why haven't you? Have you got an explanation for this *other* than Mr. 
Sagan's quote?

 Another beautiful example why Bawwy is a social misfit, someone who dismisses 
anyone else who dare question his idiotic and mostly odious theories on how 
others operate. It is like Bawwy is deathly afraid to engage one on one without 
first getting out his protective suit of armour in the form of gratuitous, 
verbal violence. Take your Facebook graphics and go play somewhere else, 
jackass. Lawson is too smart for you anyway.

[FairfieldLife] Pearl Shipman's collection of photos of Maharishi from 1958.

2014-03-14 Thread nablusoss1008

Re: [FairfieldLife] Soooo Cool - Check it Out

2014-03-14 Thread Share Long
Thanks for posting this wonderful video, Ann. I'll have to send it to my Dad.

On Thursday, March 13, 2014 11:11 PM, wrote:

[FairfieldLife] Dallas Buyer's Club

2014-03-14 Thread doctordumbass
One of the best movies, ever. Very difficult to watch at times, but nothing 
gratuitous about it. I don't want to say any more, since it would be impossible 
to, without giving away the story. MMcC deserved the Oscar, easily. *Five* 
thumbs up - lol.
PS also saw that B-movie sequel, hunger games catching fire - wasn't much fire, 
at all, and some real eye-rolling dialogue.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Soooo Cool - Check it Out

2014-03-14 Thread doctordumbass
Aid to the enemy, eh? Guess I don't know you as well as I thought - perhaps you 
are a cetacean sub-species, a comfort whale? lol
a *real* Orca, that eats those fucking dolphins
---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread doctordumbass
He is simply too gleeful over others' misfortunes - it is ugly and coarse, to 
me. As for the DL, yes, very much a worthless non-entity at this point, though 
as I have said, a very, very nice man. And nice and five bucks gets you a cup 
of coffee.:-)

---In, wrote :

 Now that it's clear that his hero the Lama-fellow is a complete disaster and 
has given up Tibet once and for all and is permanently seeking protection 
amongst the Hindus in India his frustration needs a focus.

---In, wrote :

 I am kind of embarrassed for him, actually, the way he is going on and on, and 
on, about the pundit piddle. I would get it, if he were Iowanese, or even, 
Wisconsinian, but the dude lives in E-fucking-u-rope. He is a little too worked 
up about it, being that far away, and his desperation is creeping me out.
---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: LEnglish5@... LEnglish5@...
 Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 9:14 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?
   The MUM/TMO administration obviously feels that it has the basic right to 
discipline human beings who work for the princely sum of $50 per month (with 
*maybe* another $150 going to their families) to force them to practice TM and 
do what they're told. They even issued a press release saying that more such 
discipline is planned. 



 Well, they get room and board as well, and their contract, as far as I know, 
is to come to the USA and meditate and perform chants/rituals in exchange for 
room, board, and $200/month.

 If they're not keeping to the contract, the TM organization is under no 
obligation to keep them around and pay them.

 Or do you honestly believe that they should be kept here in the USA  even 
though they aren't fulfilling the terms of their contract?

 If you DO honestly think that they should be paid to sit around and do nothing 
at all, when there are likely plenty of people back in India willing to come 
take their place, I'm quite interested in hearing your reasoning...

Lawson, this is not the first time I have had occasion to question your sanity. 
Are you really trying to make a case that these pundits, most of whom were 
*sold* into indentured servitude by their parents as pre-teens (according to 
previous news reports, as early as age 8) have entered into a contract with 
the TMO and Girish  Co. 

To have compassion for the parents, the previous news reports have established 
that most of them were dirt-poor and unable to provide for their children, much 
less provide an education for them. They were promised, in addition to a 
monthly income of $150 for themselves (the average monthly income in India is 
$99) and room and board + $50 a month for the kids, an *education* for their 
kids, which *has not been provided*. No evidence has been presented to 
counteract the claims from pundits themselves that the *only* things taught to 
them were how to perform the chants. 

Are you *really* trying to make a case that children essentially sold into 
slavery by their own parents have an obligation to fulfill their contract? 

Even if you *are* trying to make this case, I'd like to hear you explain why 
they *wouldn't* practice TM. If it's as great as you've been claiming it is all 
these years, why aren't they *anxious* to sit and meditate twice a day and 
experience all that clarity and bliss? I'll wait for your answer. 

As for plenty of people back in India willing to come take their place, thank 
you for establishing your credentials as a potential slave master yourself, 
willing to exploit young brown boys to create world peace for you. 

Reposting the Carl Sagan quote, because you -- more than almost anyone on this 
forum except for maybe Nabby -- personify it. Even *feste*, whose devotion to 
TM has never been in question, has been able to wake up and smell the coffee as 
the result of this sad demonstration of the ineffectiveness of the pundit 
program. Why haven't you? Have you got an explanation for this *other* than Mr. 
Sagan's quote?

 Another beautiful example why Bawwy is a social misfit, someone who dismisses 
anyone else who dare question his idiotic and mostly odious theories on how 
others operate. It is like Bawwy is deathly afraid to engage one on one without 
first getting out his protective suit of armour in the form of gratuitous, 
verbal violence. Take your Facebook graphics and go play somewhere else, 
jackass. Lawson is too smart for you anyway.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread doctordumbass
I think there is a lot of Brahmin-worship idealism not just from Maharishi, 
who at least understood it from his own culture. Mayor Winner and the others 
were probably too star struck by the holy pandit boys, to do anything, but 
imprison them, in this idealism - our little brown brothers, of inestimably 
high consciousness are too pure to join the ranks of us western sinners, or 
some such crap. Someone needs to go in there, and watch a football game (not 
soccer) with these guys, or take them to a country and western saloon. Its a 
good program, but only if the culture gap can be resolved. Otherwise, adios, 
---In, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 And how odd that you would find Lawson's speculation about the pundits' 
isolation to be blaming them for it rather than those responsible for keeping 
them in isolation. 

 And that may be the  most important issue here:

 the pandits may feel so isolated that they are lashing out or getting 
exploited by jumping ship on the way back to India, etc, and it may be the root 
of all the problems we've been hearing about. Maharishi,  in his 
Brahmin-worship idealism, may have thought that it was enough simply for 
Brahmins to participate in the revival of their cultural tradition, but real 
world issues have shown that there's something lacking here and the local TM 
organization has to figure out what it is.



---In, authfriend@... wrote :

 This had nothing to do with a celebrity endorsement, you twisted twit. 
Lawson is addressing a specific factual issue, as to whether Mishra is the 
head pundit, as the news reports have said; and if not, what his real status 
is, since he appears to have been central to what took place.. 

 The truth is, Barry, you don't want to know what actually happened. You want 
to be the one who establshes the story according to your own bilious viewpoint, 
regardless of the facts. And anyone who goes in search of the facts and reports 
on what he finds, if it isn't 100 percent negative to the TMO, is to be 
demonized as a cultist.

 And how odd that you would find Lawson's speculation about the pundits' 
isolation to be blaming them for it rather than those responsible for keeping 
them in isolation.
the above video, Oprah meets Bhupendra-ji, one of the leaders of the 
pandits. It is obvious that he is much older than the 20-40 age group of the 
run-of-the-mill pundits mentioned in the article(s).

 My guess is that the guy they were deporting is either an informal charismatic 
spokesman or some kind of sub-group leader who thought he'd protect his friends 
from those non-Brahmin filth, er, Westerners.

 I'm also guessing that the pandits are so isolated that they've developed 
local gang leaders who prey on their ignorance of local customs (which they may 
not be aware of, either) like don't attack local law enforcement officers as 
it gets the attention of the state and federal law enforcement agencies who 
will kill you in an instant if they think you are a real threat to law 
enforcement officers in general.
Three comments:

1. When the credibility of a cult organization is called into question, trot 
out an old celebrity endorsement from two years ago in the hope that readers 
are as easily swayed by celebrity as you are. 

2. When the cult is threatened by events that have become public knowledge, 
find someone else to blame for them. Describe the fall guys using terms like 
gang leaders for maximum effect.

3. Try not to have any photos taken of yourself as you do and say this stuff. 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Belated thanks for mentioning Line Of Duty 2

2014-03-14 Thread salyavin808

 Yes, it's been excellent, edge of the seat stuff. It's well written and very 
well played, I like the fact that most of the characters don't want the 
investigation to go any further for their own personal reasons. I haven't seen 
this weeks episode yet so I'm trying to avoid spoilers on the net!

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Thanks again. I don't remember which of our estimable UK members mentioned it 
to me, but thanks. 


 It's not over yet -- one last episode to go -- but it's certainly turned into 
a great ride, full of memorable and interesting characters. The regular cast is 
as good as they were in the previous season, but the standout performance comes 
from Keeley Hawes (who my genealogy-freak brother tells me we might be 
distantly related to) as either the victim being framed or the stalker-framer 
herself...still yet to be determined. 


 Even though the description was spat out by a character who everyone watching 
would love to see put away just for being a misogynist SOB, he may have had a 
point when he referred to her as a bunny-boiler (movie reference). 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Dallas Buyer's Club

2014-03-14 Thread steve.sundur
---In, wrote :
PS also saw that B-movie sequel, hunger games catching fire - wasn't much fire, 
at all, and some real eye-rolling dialogue.

 Wasn't that just one of the stupidest movies to come along in some time?  I 
couldn't believe the poor acting.  At least as far as JLaw was concerned.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Michael Jackson
that is a lie - the US has never had such a requirement and in the beginning 
the fences didn't exist - they were only put in place in the early days when 
the pundits started wandering off into Fairfield and beyond and not doing 

On Fri, 3/14/14, nablusoss1008 wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot   
 Today's FF Ledger
 Date: Friday, March 14, 2014, 8:32 AM
   To keep them confined was a requirement from the
 authorities for allowing these visas, not the decision of
 ---In, LEnglish5@...
 wrote :
 And how odd that you would find
 Lawson's speculation about the pundits' isolation to
 be blaming them for it rather than those responsible for
 keeping them in isolation.
 And that may be the  most important
 issue here:
 the pandits may feel so isolated that they
 are lashing out or getting exploited by jumping ship on the
 way back to India, etc, and it may be the root of all the
 problems we've been hearing about. Maharishi,  in
 his Brahmin-worship idealism, may have thought that it was
 enough simply for Brahmins to participate in the revival of
 their cultural tradition, but real world issues have shown
 that there's something lacking here and the local TM
 organization has to figure out what it
 ---In, authfriend@...
 wrote :
 This had nothing to do with a
 celebrity endorsement, you twisted twit. Lawson
 is addressing a specific factual issue, as to whether Mishra
 is the head pundit, as the news reports have
 said; and if not, what his real status is, since he appears
 to have been central to what took place..
 The truth
 is, Barry, you don't want to know what
 actually happened. You want to be the one who establshes the
 story according to your own bilious viewpoint, regardless of
 the facts. And anyone who goes in search of the facts and
 reports on what he finds, if it isn't 100 percent
 negative to the TMO, is to be demonized as a
 And how
 odd that you would find Lawson's speculation about the
 pundits' isolation to be blaming them for it rather than
 those responsible for keeping them in
 the above video, Oprah meets Bhupendra-ji, one
 of the leaders of the pandits. It is obvious
 that he is much older than the 20-40 age group of the
 run-of-the-mill pundits mentioned in the
 My guess
 is that the guy they were deporting is either an informal
 charismatic spokesman or some kind of sub-group leader who
 thought he'd protect his friends from those non-Brahmin
 filth, er, Westerners.
 I'm also guessing that the
 pandits are so isolated that they've developed local
 gang leaders who prey on their ignorance of local customs
 (which they may not be aware of, either) like
 don't attack
 local law enforcement officers as it gets the
 attention of the state and federal law enforcement agencies
 who will kill you in an instant if they think you are a real
 threat to law enforcement officers in general.
 Three comments:
 1. When the credibility of a cult organization is called
 into question, trot out an old celebrity endorsement from
 two years ago in the hope that readers are as easily swayed
 by celebrity as you are. 
 2. When the cult is threatened by events that have become
 public knowledge, find someone else to blame for them.
 Describe the fall guys using terms like gang
 leaders for maximum effect.
 3. Try not to have any photos taken of yourself as you do
 and say this stuff. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread authfriend
Barry's all manic and overstimulated because this is something new he can use 
to beat up on the TMO and TMers, rather than having to keep recycling all the 
old stuff. Same deal awhile back when it was revealed that King Tony was 


 He is simply too gleeful over others' misfortunes - it is ugly and coarse, to 
me. As for the DL, yes, very much a worthless non-entity at this point, though 
as I have said, a very, very nice man. And nice and five bucks gets you a cup 
of coffee.:-) 

---In, wrote :

 Now that it's clear that his hero the Lama-fellow is a complete disaster and 
has given up Tibet once and for all and is permanently seeking protection 
amongst the Hindus in India his frustration needs a focus.

---In, wrote :

 I am kind of embarrassed for him, actually, the way he is going on and on, and 
on, about the pundit piddle. I would get it, if he were Iowanese, or even, 
Wisconsinian, but the dude lives in E-fucking-u-rope. He is a little too worked 
up about it, being that far away, and his desperation is creeping me out.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Michael Jackson
that is an excellent idea Doc! I absolutely agree - big screen tv, nachos, beer 
and football or maybe soccer and cricket for them to watch.

On Fri, 3/14/14, 

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot   
 Today's FF Ledger
 Date: Friday, March 14, 2014, 12:25 PM
   I think there is a lot of Brahmin-worship
 idealism not just from Maharishi, who at least
 understood it from his own culture. Mayor Winner and the
 others were probably too star struck by the holy
 pandit boys, to do anything, but imprison them, in this
 idealism - our little brown brothers, of inestimably
 high consciousness are too pure to join the ranks of us
 western sinners, or some such crap. Someone needs to
 go in there, and watch a football game (not soccer) with
 these guys, or take them to a country and western saloon.
 Its a good program, but only if the culture gap can be
 resolved. Otherwise, adios, muchachos!
 ---In, LEnglish5@...
 wrote :
 And how odd that you would find
 Lawson's speculation about the pundits' isolation to
 be blaming them for it rather than those responsible for
 keeping them in isolation.
 And that may be the  most important
 issue here:
 the pandits may feel so isolated that they
 are lashing out or getting exploited by jumping ship on the
 way back to India, etc, and it may be the root of all the
 problems we've been hearing about. Maharishi,  in
 his Brahmin-worship idealism, may have thought that it was
 enough simply for Brahmins to participate in the revival of
 their cultural tradition, but real world issues have shown
 that there's something lacking here and the local TM
 organization has to figure out what it
 ---In, authfriend@...
 wrote :
 This had nothing to do with a
 celebrity endorsement, you twisted twit. Lawson
 is addressing a specific factual issue, as to whether Mishra
 is the head pundit, as the news reports have
 said; and if not, what his real status is, since he appears
 to have been central to what took place..
 The truth
 is, Barry, you don't want to know what
 actually happened. You want to be the one who establshes the
 story according to your own bilious viewpoint, regardless of
 the facts. And anyone who goes in search of the facts and
 reports on what he finds, if it isn't 100 percent
 negative to the TMO, is to be demonized as a
 And how
 odd that you would find Lawson's speculation about the
 pundits' isolation to be blaming them for it rather than
 those responsible for keeping them in
 the above video, Oprah meets Bhupendra-ji, one
 of the leaders of the pandits. It is obvious
 that he is much older than the 20-40 age group of the
 run-of-the-mill pundits mentioned in the
 My guess
 is that the guy they were deporting is either an informal
 charismatic spokesman or some kind of sub-group leader who
 thought he'd protect his friends from those non-Brahmin
 filth, er, Westerners.
 I'm also guessing that the
 pandits are so isolated that they've developed local
 gang leaders who prey on their ignorance of local customs
 (which they may not be aware of, either) like
 don't attack
 local law enforcement officers as it gets the
 attention of the state and federal law enforcement agencies
 who will kill you in an instant if they think you are a real
 threat to law enforcement officers in general.
 Three comments:
 1. When the credibility of a cult organization is called
 into question, trot out an old celebrity endorsement from
 two years ago in the hope that readers are as easily swayed
 by celebrity as you are. 
 2. When the cult is threatened by events that have become
 public knowledge, find someone else to blame for them.
 Describe the fall guys using terms like gang
 leaders for maximum effect.
 3. Try not to have any photos taken of yourself as you do
 and say this stuff. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Soooo Cool - Check it Out

2014-03-14 Thread awoelflebater


---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 jeez, what a nice change of pace from the news of the day

 Yes. And I just loved the trustingness of the dolphin and how anxious the 
diver was to get all the line off of it. Great interaction, it was so beautiful 
being underwater too where the dolphin kept slowly positioning itself carefully 
to allow the man to cut the line. Rescue ballet.


---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the Pundits Rioted

2014-03-14 Thread awoelflebater


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: ultrarishi
 Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 11:39 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the Pundits Rioted
   The Fairfield Fight Club association has created a new form of MMA  (Mixed 
Martial Arts).  It will be called
MMY for Mixed Martial Yagyas.  Be afraid.
 Barry continues to drone on:

Good one. Just to finish up on this tempest in a pisspot topic,


 I doubt you're finished, you are getting too much mileage out of this 
pisspot topic. If I had known such small, insignificant things could get you 
so excited I would have sent you more newspaper clippings about our local 
senior's bridge club get togethers sooner. They make this pandit fiasco pale by 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Soooo Cool - Check it Out

2014-03-14 Thread awoelflebater


---In, wrote :

 Aid to the enemy, eh? Guess I don't know you as well as I thought - perhaps 
you are a cetacean sub-species, a comfort whale? lol
a *real* Orca, that eats those fucking dolphins

 Aww, I'm just a dolphin in an Orca suit. I find it comes in handy when the 
sharks are out.





---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dallas Buyer's Club

2014-03-14 Thread awoelflebater


---In, wrote :

 One of the best movies, ever. Very difficult to watch at times, but nothing 
gratuitous about it. I don't want to say any more, since it would be impossible 
to, without giving away the story. MMcC deserved the Oscar, easily. *Five* 
thumbs up - lol.
PS also saw that B-movie sequel, hunger games catching fire - wasn't much fire, 
at all, and some real eye-rolling dialogue.

 Yes, an almost great movie for sure. MMcC and Jeto really knocked it out of 
the park. Really grim, really human. I watched it about a week ago and found 
myself reflecting on it for days afterwards which is always a good sign that a 
movie was really, really good. I was going to post something about it right 
after seeing it but wasn't sure if it had been talked about here yet. I would 
be interested in other's viewpoints and feelings on this one. The last 
worthwhile movie on AIDS was Philadelphia for me.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/14/2014 7:41 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 that is a lie - the US has never had such a requirement and in the 
 beginning the fences didn't exist - they were only put in place in the 
 early days when the pundits started wandering off into Fairfield and 
 beyond and not doing program
You are not even making any sense today!

Most of the elementary and grade schools I've seen around here and in 
other cities there is a fence around the school grounds and these days, 
an armed guard at the door to protect the students from mass murder. 
Also, you can't just let ten year old boys wander off down the road out 
in the country - where would they go - to a farm house or into a corn 
field? Almost all the schools I know of, the students are not allowed to 
leave the campus during school hours unless they are with their parents 
and have an excuse to get out of class. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/14/2014 7:43 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 big screen tv, nachos, beer and football or maybe soccer and cricket 
 for them to watch.
You are not even making any sense today. Are you on something? You can't 
give beer to a minor! Go figure

According to my sources in Vedic City, all the pundits already have 
access to a big screen TV, nachos, and football or soccer to watch if 
they want to. Where are you getting your information, anyway? You must 
think Vedic City is some place out in the wilderness. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread salyavin808

Ve have vays of making you do ze program...

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 that is a lie - the US has never had such a requirement and in the beginning 
the fences didn't exist - they were only put in place in the early days when 
the pundits started wandering off into Fairfield and beyond and not doing 
 On Fri, 3/14/14, nablusoss1008 wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot 
Today's FF Ledger
 Date: Friday, March 14, 2014, 8:32 AM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/14/2014 7:46 AM, wrote:
Barry's all manic and overstimulated because this is something 
/new/ he can use to beat up on the TMO and TMers, rather than having 
to keep recycling all the old stuff. Same deal awhile back when it was 
revealed that King Tony was married.

It's like I can almost read Barry's mind and what he will post next in 
order to get back at the TMers for kicking him out of the TMO.

I've been reading his messages since about 1996 when he used to post as 
Shoki and I can tell you, this guy seems to have made about ZERO 
progress on a spiritual path. Barry is one of the best examples of 
cognitive dissonance I've ever encountered on discussion groups. Really, 
Barry would do much better posting to TM-Free with John Knapp - I think 
his target audience is over there. Apparently

Barry doesn't even realize that the termpundit means a Hindu - 
Chanter of the Vedic Sacrifice. Go figure.

Dictionary of Hinduism
Its Mythology, Folklore, Philosophy, Literature, and History
By M. and J. Stutley
Harper  Row, 1977
p. 282

Re: [FairfieldLife] Invitation for TMers to be positive about the pundit program

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/13/2014 12:44 PM, wrote:
If you believe that the TM Pundit Program is valuable, please explain 
to us WHY you believe this. 

Any Hindu boy from India should be able to pray in the United States - 
it's a basic human right, Barry. What have you been smoking? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the Pundits Rioted

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/14/2014 8:00 AM, wrote:
I doubt you're finished, you are getting too much mileage out of this 
pisspot topic. If I had known such small, insignificant things could 
get you so excited I would have sent you more newspaper clippings 
about our local senior's bridge club get togethers sooner. They make 
this pandit fiasco pale by comparison.

You should have been around when Barry went bat-shit crazy when he read 
a message on Usenet that Tony Nader was married and had a daughter going 
to school in Paris. He and Lon B. Stacks just went ballistic with glee 
at that one - like it was any of their business. There must have been 
hundreds of posts sent in by these two and others making fun of Tony Nader.

They got so excited that I had to remind them in the strongest language, 
to leave Tony's family, or anyone's family and children, out of the 
discussion. It looked like to me they were trying to out Tony and where 
he lived and where his daughter was going to school. I think we all 
pretty much knew back then why Barry and Lon got so excited and worked 
up about it.

Apparently they both got kicked out of the TMO years ago - in Barry's 
case, kicked out of the TMO and then kicked out of the Rama Cult. Lon P. 
Stacks is dead now, but Barry seems to be still suffering from this 
rejection that happened over twenty years ago. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dallas Buyer's Club

2014-03-14 Thread Mike Dixon
Fascinating transformation for MMcC and also to make it back. Must have 
required a lot of discipline.

On Friday, March 14, 2014 6:19 AM, wrote:

---In, wrote :

One of the best movies, ever. Very difficult to watch at times, but nothing 
gratuitous about it. I don't want to say any more, since it would be impossible 
to, without giving away the story. MMcC deserved the Oscar, easily. *Five* 
thumbs up - lol.
PS also saw that B-movie sequel, hunger games catching fire - wasn't much fire, 
at all, and some real eye-rolling dialogue.

Yes, an almost great movie for sure. MMcC and Jeto really knocked it out of the 
park. Really grim, really human. I watched it about a week ago and found myself 
reflecting on it for days afterwards which is always a good sign that a movie 
was really, really good. I was going to post something about it right after 
seeing it but wasn't sure if it had been talked about here yet. I would be 
interested in other's viewpoints and feelings on this one. The last worthwhile 
movie on AIDS was Philadelphia for me.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread LEnglish5
As far as I know,they're allowed to go back to India whenever they want. 

 However, they are then in violation of their contract. I don't know what the 
details of that contract are. I have heard 2 conflicting stories:

 They get paid room, board and $50/month while here and

 either  their families  get another $150 per month while they live her OR $150 
per month is deposited in a bank account to be paid at the end of their tour as 
a guarantee of good behavior.

 either one might be true, or it might be that the payment plan started out one 
way, and ended up the other (or even: some pandits have one deal currently, 
while others have a different deal).

 There are so many accusations about Girish Varma's misbehavior back in India, 
it is impossible to be sure what is what without actually being the person in 
charge of the finances back in India.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread LEnglish5
I rather expect that keeping them confined was NOT a part of the deal since 
that would make them prisoners. More plausible is that they were, as someone 
else said, wandering off into the local community and freaking the locals out, 
so fences were put up. Most of the fence I saw in the Oprah video did NOT have 
barbed wire, so it may have been strategically placed to discourage people from 
climbing the fence at one specific point, perhaps where the pandit compound was 
near a farm, or a public bus stop.  Maybe drunken farmboys were known to climb 
INTO the compound at that spot for some reason.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Soooo Cool - Check it Out

2014-03-14 Thread Share Long
Doc, how about this little guy? You gonna eat him too?!

On Friday, March 14, 2014 7:56 AM, wrote:

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

jeez, what a nice change of pace from the news of the day

Yes. And I just loved the trustingness of the dolphin and how anxious the diver 
was to get all the line off of it. Great interaction, it was so beautiful being 
underwater too where the dolphin kept slowly positioning itself carefully to 
allow the man to cut the line. Rescue ballet.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dallas Buyer's Club

2014-03-14 Thread awoelflebater


---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

 Fascinating transformation for MMcC and also to make it back. Must have 
required a lot of discipline.

 He lost 48 pounds and started to lose his eyesight. He could barely get 
around. I am sure this kind of weight loss takes it toll but his portrayal in 
the movie was made so much more powerful by his physical transformation. Leto 
also lost a mass of weight, you can really see it in that shocking shot of him 
sitting down in front of his 'vanity' table when he has his top off. Very 
powerful how the ravages of AIDS is portrayed physically by these two actors 
but the simple act of allowing themselves to waste away.
 On Friday, March 14, 2014 6:19 AM, awoelflebater@... awoelflebater@... 


---In, wrote :

 One of the best movies, ever. Very difficult to watch at times, but nothing 
gratuitous about it. I don't want to say any more, since it would be impossible 
to, without giving away the story. MMcC deserved the Oscar, easily. *Five* 
thumbs up - lol.
PS also saw that B-movie sequel, hunger games catching fire - wasn't much fire, 
at all, and some real eye-rolling dialogue.


 Yes, an almost great movie for sure. MMcC and Jeto really knocked it out of 
the park. Really grim, really human. I watched it about a week ago and found 
myself reflecting on it for days afterwards which is always a good sign that a 
movie was really, really good. I was going to post something about it right 
after seeing it but wasn't sure if it had been talked about here yet. I would 
be interested in other's viewpoints and feelings on this one. The last 
worthwhile movie on AIDS was Philadelphia for me.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Share Long
Lawson, rather than farm boys, I'd be more concerned about the fellow who has 
publically declared that it is his intention to surround TMO properties with 
hog confinement lots, CAFOs. The guy's definitely unbalanced imho and who knows 
what he would do if he had access to the pundit campus.

PS BTW, I don't think he's unbalanced just because the TMO is his target. The 
fact that he builds those horrible CAFOs puts him on my lunatic list.

On Friday, March 14, 2014 9:37 AM, 
I rather expect that keeping them confined was NOT a part of the deal since 
that would make them prisoners. More plausible is that they were, as someone 
else said, wandering off into the local community and freaking the locals out, 
so fences were put up. Most of the fence I saw in the Oprah video did NOT have 
barbed wire, so it may have been strategically placed to discourage people from 
climbing the fence at one specific point, perhaps where the pandit compound was 
near a farm, or a public bus stop.  Maybe drunken farmboys were known to climb 
INTO the compound at that spot for some reason.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread Rick Archer

From: [] On 
Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 4:07 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?



What I am commenting on is your crazy-eyed cultist outlook - do you seriously 
think those folks up in Vedic City would be party to kidnapping and holding 
Indian children in forced labor camps? If so, that's an insult to people like 
Rick and Alex who live up there! Don't you think they would tell us if 
something like that was going on? Have you gone out of your mind or what, 
Barry? Go figure.

I don’t live up there. I live on the south side of the tracks. Alex, OTOH, can 
smell the Kool-Aid from his house.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/14/2014 3:38 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
 Now that it's clear that his hero the Lama-fellow is a complete 
 disaster and has given up Tibet once and for all and is permanently 
 seeking protection amongst the Hindus in India his frustration needs a 
Never pass up a tragedy or a disaster in order to win a religious 
debate. Go figure.

If you approve of the communist Chinese taking over Tibet, you probably 
won't have any objection to the Russians taking over Ukraine. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Why Pudits Rioted, Flight 370 Vanished, Ukraine Invaded

2014-03-14 Thread anartaxius
Perhaps all these events that have been happening in the world have a simpler 
explanation than the rampant speculation of causes which we attribute to them:

Shit Happens Taoism: Shit happens. Confucianism: Confucius say, Shit happens. 
Buddhism: If shit happens, it isn't really shit. Zen Buddhism: Shit is, and is 
not. Zen Buddhism #2: What is the sound of shit happening? Hinduism: This shit 
has happened before. Islam: If shit happens, it is the will of Allah. Islam #2: 
If shit happens, kill the person responsible. Islam #3: If shit happens, blame 
Israel. Catholicism: If shit happens, you deserve it. Protestantism: Let shit 
happen to someone else. Presbyterian: This shit was bound to happen. 
Episcopalian: It's not so bad if shit happens, as long as you serve the right 
wine with it. Methodist: It's not so bad if shit happens, as long as you serve 
grape juice with it. Congregationalist: Shit that happens to one person is just 
as good as shit that happens to another. Unitarian: Shit that happens to one 
person is just as bad as shit that happens to another. Lutheran: If shit 
happens, don't talk about it. Fundamentalism: If shit happens, you will go to 
hell, unless you are born again. (Amen!) Fundamentalism #2: If shit happens to 
a televangelist, it's okay. Fundamentalism #3: Shit must be born again. 
Judaism: Why does this shit always happen to us? Calvinism: Shit happens 
because you don't work. Seventh Day Adventism: No shit shall happen on 
Saturday. Creationism: God made all shit. Secular Humanism: Shit evolves. 
Christian Science: When shit happens, don't call a doctor - pray! Christian 
Science #2: Shit happening is all in your mind. Unitarianism: Come let us 
reason together about this shit. Quakers: Let us not fight over this shit. 
Utopianism: This shit does not stink. Darwinism: This shit was once food. 
Capitalism: That's MY shit. Communism: It's everybody's shit. Feminism: Men are 
shit. Chauvinism: We may be shit, but you can't live without us... 
Commercialism: Let's package this shit. Impressionism: From a distance, shit 
looks like a garden. Idolism: Let's bronze this shit. Existentialism: Shit 
doesn't happen; shit IS. Existentialism #2: What is shit, anyway? Stoicism: 
This shit is good for me. Hedonism: There is nothing like a good shit 
happening! Mormonism: God sent us this shit. Mormonism #2: This shit is going 
to happen again. Wiccan: An it harm none, let shit happen. Scientology: If shit 
happens, see Dianetics, p.157. Jehovah's Witnesses: Knock Knock Shit 
happens. Jehovah's Witnesses #2: May we have a moment of your time to show you 
some of our shit? Jehovah's Witnesses #3: Shit has been prophesied and is 
imminent; only the righteous shall survive its happening. Moonies: Only really 
happy shit happens. Hare Krishna: Shit happens, rama rama. Rastafarianism: 
Let's smoke this shit! Zoroastrianism: Shit happens half on the time. Church of 
SubGenius: BoB shits. Practical: Deal with shit one day at a time. Agnostic: 
Shit might have happened; then again, maybe not. Agnostic #2: Did someone shit? 
Agnostic #3: What is this shit? Satanism: SNEPPAH TIHS. Atheism: What shit? 
Atheism #2: I can't believe this shit! Nihilism: No shit. Narcisism: I am the 
shit! Alcoholics Anonymous: Shit happens - one day at a time.

[FairfieldLife] sheriff's press release about pundit riot

2014-03-14 Thread feste37
The following is a press release issued by Jefferson County Sheriff Greg 
 I would like to address some of the issues that I have heard from the public 
in reference to the incident at the Pandit property on Tuesday. One of the 
biggest concerns that I have heard is why was no one charged with a crime. 
Imagine yourself in a vehicle, in this case a crew cab ½ ton pickup and being 
in the middle of a crowd that is irate and focused on you. I had made a choice 
to try to re direct the Pandits back onto their property and off of 170th 
Street. There were anywhere from 70 to 80 Pandits in this group. When I 
realized that they were still coming on strong, I got back into my truck and 
had the driver’s side window down and the truck was unlocked. They surrounded 
the truck and were hitting the body of the truck, were on the running boards 
rocking the truck, trying to rip the mirrors off the truck and so on. I was not 
scared of these actions because they never attempted to enter the truck or try 
to pull me from the truck. There were pieces of gravel coming into the open 
driver’s window and I finally heard popping noises at the back of my truck. I 
had no idea that they were throwing rocks at the rear window of my truck. The 
only indication I had that this was happening was when a rock finally went 
through the window shattering it. This happened in a time frame of about a 
minute or so. I could not tell you who did what when during this time as there 
is such a sensory overload. I decided that my presence was not helping the 
situation and backed up and away from the crowd. I backed far enough away that 
as they were picking up asphalt, rocks and whatever else and were throwing 
these things at my truck, none of it came close. When they were around my 
vehicle, they were 4-5 thick all the way around the truck. I believe that the 
training and experience we receive in so many years in law enforcement helped 
in my decision making and kept things from getting out of control. My main 
focus was first and foremost for the safety of the public as this crowd was 
becoming more and more agitated.
 I backed up and waited for assistance which came in the form of many law 
enforcement entities that were listed on an earlier press release including 
Fairfield Fire. The group stopped at the bottom of the hill and John 
Revolinski, who is part of the administration that looks after the Pandits went 
to the group to speak to them. I and about 4 other law enforcement members went 
to John and John advised that everything was okay. I do not believe that John 
witnessed the incident where I was surrounded by the Pandits and had damage 
done to my patrol vehicle. I explained to him what had transpired and also told 
John that I was giving him 10 minutes to move the Pandits back to their 
property or I would initiate the plan to move them. He did get them moved prior 
to the 10 minutes. We staged on 170th Street at the east parking lot of the 
Pandit property. At 10:00 a.m. I decided that things had calmed down enough for 
us to secure everyone and we kept a presence throughout the day.
 Because I had no way of identifying who damaged my vehicle, I could not charge 
anyone with the offense. Once the Pandits were back on their property, they 
mingled with other Pandits and we run into a false arrest situation if we 
charge the wrong people. This does not mean that the investigation is over or 
that there will not be charges filed. We need time to sort things out and 
decide a course of action. Trust me when I say that there were and still are 
contacts being made with other entities to assist us in this investigation. I 
have also been in contact with the administration of Vedic City to try to 
resolve any future confrontations with the Pandits.
 The second thing that I hear about is that taxpayer money should not be spent 
to repair my squad truck. That morning, I had told administrators of both Vedic 
City and the Pandit project that I would be sending them the bills on the 
repairs on the truck. Maureen Wynn of Vedic City called me yesterday and spoke 
highly of the restraint and professionalism that was displayed by law 
enforcement that day and also that all bills related to the repairs of my 
vehicle were to be sent to her to be paid. This will be done. I also want 
everyone to know that if this kind of behavior is displayed again, it will not 
be tolerated by this office and we will once again restore order and protect 
the public.
 Gregg Morton
 Jefferson County Sheriff

Re: [FairfieldLife] Why Pudits Rioted, Flight 370 Vanished, Ukraine Invaded

2014-03-14 Thread Share Long
Funny, Xeno, but what about the Advaitniks and Neo Advaitniks?

On Friday, March 14, 2014 10:05 AM, wrote:
Perhaps all these events that have been happening in the world have a simpler 
explanation than the rampant speculation of causes which we attribute to them:
Shit Happens
* Taoism: Shit happens.
* Confucianism: Confucius say, Shit happens.
* Buddhism: If shit happens, it isn't really shit.
* Zen Buddhism: Shit is, and is not.
* Zen Buddhism #2: What is the sound of shit happening?
* Hinduism: This shit has happened before.
* Islam: If shit happens, it is the will of Allah.
* Islam #2: If shit happens, kill the person responsible.
* Islam #3: If shit happens, blame Israel.
* Catholicism: If shit happens, you deserve it.
* Protestantism: Let shit happen to someone else.
* Presbyterian: This shit was bound to happen.
* Episcopalian: It's not so bad if shit happens, as long as you serve 
the right wine with it.
* Methodist: It's not so bad if shit happens, as long as you serve 
grape juice with it.
* Congregationalist: Shit that happens to one person is just as good as 
shit that happens to another.
* Unitarian: Shit that happens to one person is just as bad as shit 
that happens to another.
* Lutheran: If shit happens, don't talk about it.
* Fundamentalism: If shit happens, you will go to hell, unless you are 
born again. (Amen!)
* Fundamentalism #2: If shit happens to a televangelist, it's okay.
* Fundamentalism #3: Shit must be born again.
* Judaism: Why does this shit always happen to us?
* Calvinism: Shit happens because you don't work.
* Seventh Day Adventism: No shit shall happen on Saturday.
* Creationism: God made all shit.
* Secular Humanism: Shit evolves.
* Christian Science: When shit happens, don't call a doctor - pray!
* Christian Science #2: Shit happening is all in your mind.
* Unitarianism: Come let us reason together about this shit.
* Quakers: Let us not fight over this shit.
* Utopianism: This shit does not stink.
* Darwinism: This shit was once food.
* Capitalism: That's MY shit.
* Communism: It's everybody's shit.
* Feminism: Men are shit.
* Chauvinism: We may be shit, but you can't live without us...
* Commercialism: Let's package this shit.
* Impressionism: From a distance, shit looks like a garden.
* Idolism: Let's bronze this shit.
* Existentialism: Shit doesn't happen; shit IS.
* Existentialism #2: What is shit, anyway?
* Stoicism: This shit is good for me.
* Hedonism: There is nothing like a good shit happening!
* Mormonism: God sent us this shit.
* Mormonism #2: This shit is going to happen again.
* Wiccan: An it harm none, let shit happen.
* Scientology: If shit happens, see Dianetics, p.157.
* Jehovah's Witnesses: Knock Knock Shit happens.
* Jehovah's Witnesses #2: May we have a moment of your time to show you 
some of our shit?
* Jehovah's Witnesses #3: Shit has been prophesied and is imminent; 
only the righteous shall survive its happening.
* Moonies: Only really happy shit happens.
* Hare Krishna: Shit happens, rama rama.
* Rastafarianism: Let's smoke this shit!
* Zoroastrianism: Shit happens half on the time.
* Church of SubGenius: BoB shits.
* Practical: Deal with shit one day at a time.
* Agnostic: Shit might have happened; then again, maybe not.
* Agnostic #2: Did someone shit?
* Agnostic #3: What is this shit?
* Satanism: SNEPPAH TIHS.
* Atheism: What shit?
* Atheism #2: I can't believe this shit!
* Nihilism: No shit.
* Narcisism: I am the shit!
* Alcoholics Anonymous: Shit happens - one day at a time.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/14/2014 3:32 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
 To keep them confined was a requirement from the authorities for 
 allowing these visas, not the decision of MUM.
There's nothing on a U.S. visa that requires the authorities to keep 
young Hindu boys confined. It's a school with dorms for students. What 
are you smoking?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread nablusoss1008
The Pundits does not go to school. These visas were very difficult to obtain. 
One of the requirements for letting the Pundits into the US as a group was that 
they were confined and held under close scrutiny.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the Pundits Rioted

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/14/2014 2:28 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
Forget the homosexuality-promoting evils of Barney the Dinosaur and 
the Teletubbies and most recently Frozen -- how can you homophones 
*not* view the pundit program as anything *other than* a training 
ground for homosexuals? 

Maybe it's time for Barry to take a long sabbatical from posting to FFL, 
and then in a year or two, return here to dialog like a gentleman, or at 
least like a scholar - at present he is neither. Maybe he has been 
watching way to much TV! Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Share Long
Ok, salyavin, this is funny. OTOH, how does one force anyone to do a mental 
activity?! As RW sometimes says: Go figure!

On Friday, March 14, 2014 8:31 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Ve have vays of making you do ze program...

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

that is a lie - the US has never had such a requirement and in the beginning 
the fences didn't exist - they were only put in place in the early days when 
the pundits started wandering off into Fairfield and beyond and not doing 

On Fri, 3/14/14, nablusoss1008 wrote:

Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot   
 Today's FF Ledger
Date: Friday, March 14, 2014, 8:32 AM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread TurquoiseBee

From: Rick Archer
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 4:03 PM
Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

On Behalf Of

What I am commenting on is your crazy-eyed cultist outlook - do you seriously 
think those folks up in Vedic City would be party to kidnapping and holding 
Indian children in forced labor camps? If so, that's an insult to people like 
Rick and Alex who live up there! Don't you think they would tell us if 
something like that was going on? Have you gone out of your mind or what, 
Barry? Go figure.

I don’t live up there. I live on the south side of the tracks. Alex, OTOH, can 
smell the Kool-Aid from his house.
Best one-liner posted here in quite some time. Real LOL material, Rick!  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread salyavin808

 The levels of cognitive dissonance the True Believers have been displaying 
over the last few days have been fascinating to watch. If FFL was being 
monitored by a psychologist like Leo Festinger he would be ticking boxes with 
delight. Here is something that should shatter the bubble of bliss but instead 
it's all being held up as perfectly normal.

 This post is great Willy, but the best was the spring break effort, 
absolutely surreal. Sparaig is doing well with his rationalisations too, Keep 
up the good guys, you'll find a way for it all to make sense I'm sure.

 I'd better get my ha'pporth in though; It seems to me that if Fairfielders 
want people to pray to the gods on their behalf they should volunteer their own 
kids to be shut up behind wire 7 days a week, 365 days a year. But American 
kids aren't going to want to miss college and all the benefits that a proper 
education might bring them, and obviously they don't need that in India. And 
American kids would want minimum wage at least. 

 And it's probably a real buzz having kids from the land of the ved doing the 
chanting, like it's some sort of resurgence of the AofE that Marshy taught 
everyone to expect one day. I even remember being told that Indians are the 
only ones who can chant because their nervous systems are more advanced than 
ours. All part of the India is best master plan that Marshy brainwashed you 
all into believing. The gods are real and will answer your prayers, yeah right. 
But then they never put it like that, it was all pundits perform precise vedic 
prescriptions from the level of the transcendent Like that actually means 
something and will actually change your life in some way. Ask for a translation 
of a yagya and see what you are getting for your hard earned thousands, it's 

 So before the whole sorry debacle goes any further I think the science-based 
TMO should conduct a bit of research into whether yagya's actually work in the 
first place before anyone's kids get shut away from the real world to cleanse 
the karma of wealthy westerners who, if they sat and thought about it, are 
probably the most well off human beings that ever lived in the first place. We 
just want everything don't we?




---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 3/14/2014 7:41 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
  that is a lie - the US has never had such a requirement and in the 
  beginning the fences didn't exist - they were only put in place in the 
  early days when the pundits started wandering off into Fairfield and 
  beyond and not doing program
 You are not even making any sense today!
 Most of the elementary and grade schools I've seen around here and in 
 other cities there is a fence around the school grounds and these days, 
 an armed guard at the door to protect the students from mass murder. 
 Also, you can't just let ten year old boys wander off down the road out 
 in the country - where would they go - to a farm house or into a corn 
 field? Almost all the schools I know of, the students are not allowed to 
 leave the campus during school hours unless they are with their parents 
 and have an excuse to get out of class. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Michael Jackson
you're still an idiot - the barbed wire is generally not on school grounds

On Fri, 3/14/14, Richard J. Williams wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot   
 Today's FF Ledger
 Date: Friday, March 14, 2014, 1:20 PM
   On 3/14/2014 7:41 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
  that is a lie - the US has never had such a requirement
 and in the 
  beginning the fences didn't exist - they were only
 put in place in the 
  early days when the pundits started wandering off into
 Fairfield and 
  beyond and not doing program
 You are not even making any sense today!
 Most of the elementary and grade schools I've seen
 around here and in 
 other cities there is a fence around the school grounds and
 these days, 
 an armed guard at the door to protect the students from mass
 Also, you can't just let ten year old boys wander off
 down the road out 
 in the country - where would they go - to a farm house or
 into a corn 
 field? Almost all the schools I know of, the students are
 not allowed to 
 leave the campus during school hours unless they are with
 their parents 
 and have an excuse to get out of class. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Belated thanks for mentioning Line Of Duty 2

2014-03-14 Thread salyavin808

 Wow, I just saw episode 5. That interview at the end was intense! I'm so glad 
I'm an honest type I would fold within seconds in an interrogation like that. 
Great stuff, I can't guess at the ending, bound to be a shocker though, but the 
Keeley Hawes character is definitely playing them along in some way.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Thanks again. I don't remember which of our estimable UK members mentioned it 
to me, but thanks. 


 It's not over yet -- one last episode to go -- but it's certainly turned into 
a great ride, full of memorable and interesting characters. The regular cast is 
as good as they were in the previous season, but the standout performance comes 
from Keeley Hawes (who my genealogy-freak brother tells me we might be 
distantly related to) as either the victim being framed or the stalker-framer 
herself...still yet to be determined. 


 Even though the description was spat out by a character who everyone watching 
would love to see put away just for being a misogynist SOB, he may have had a 
point when he referred to her as a bunny-boiler (movie reference). 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Michael Jackson
again, you are still an idiot with reading comprehension problems - the TMO 
including Bill Goldstein and Hagelin have said that there are no minors in the 
compound - all of the pundits are between the ages of 20 and 40 according to 
the TMO

On Fri, 3/14/14, Richard J. Williams wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot   
 Today's FF Ledger
 Date: Friday, March 14, 2014, 1:29 PM
   On 3/14/2014 7:43 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
  big screen tv, nachos, beer and football or maybe
 soccer and cricket 
  for them to watch.
 You are not even making any sense today. Are you on
 something? You can't 
 give beer to a minor! Go figure
 According to my sources in Vedic City, all the pundits
 already have 
 access to a big screen TV, nachos, and football or soccer to
 watch if 
 they want to. Where are you getting your information,
 anyway? You must 
 think Vedic City is some place out in the wilderness. Go

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/13/2014 10:52 PM, wrote:
there may need to be an objective third party investigation in order 
to bring to light what is going on now and the events that led to this 
current situation. 

As lawful U.S. visitors with a valid visa, the boys from India all have 
the basic human rights as any American. The CIA and the NSA are not 
supposed to be spying on Americans or international students at boarding 
schools, unless they have a court order from a U.S. Judge, and there 
would have to be good reason for the spying, especially on a Hindu 
religious group. Nobody should be listening in on the boys phone calls 
or reading their email without permission. That's what I think.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread nablusoss1008

 The reason why the Pundits are locked up is because of the requirements for 
obtaining short-term visas. MUM didn't invent these rules.

---In, wrote :

 I think there is a lot of Brahmin-worship idealism not just from Maharishi, 
who at least understood it from his own culture. Mayor Winner and the others 
were probably too star struck by the holy pandit boys, to do anything, but 
imprison them, in this idealism - our little brown brothers, of inestimably 
high consciousness are too pure to join the ranks of us western sinners, or 
some such crap. Someone needs to go in there, and watch a football game (not 
soccer) with these guys, or take them to a country and western saloon. Its a 
good program, but only if the culture gap can be resolved. Otherwise, adios, 
---In, LEnglish5@... wrote :

 And how odd that you would find Lawson's speculation about the pundits' 
isolation to be blaming them for it rather than those responsible for keeping 
them in isolation. 

 And that may be the  most important issue here:

 the pandits may feel so isolated that they are lashing out or getting 
exploited by jumping ship on the way back to India, etc, and it may be the root 
of all the problems we've been hearing about. Maharishi,  in his 
Brahmin-worship idealism, may have thought that it was enough simply for 
Brahmins to participate in the revival of their cultural tradition, but real 
world issues have shown that there's something lacking here and the local TM 
organization has to figure out what it is.



---In, authfriend@... wrote :

 This had nothing to do with a celebrity endorsement, you twisted twit. 
Lawson is addressing a specific factual issue, as to whether Mishra is the 
head pundit, as the news reports have said; and if not, what his real status 
is, since he appears to have been central to what took place.. 

 The truth is, Barry, you don't want to know what actually happened. You want 
to be the one who establshes the story according to your own bilious viewpoint, 
regardless of the facts. And anyone who goes in search of the facts and reports 
on what he finds, if it isn't 100 percent negative to the TMO, is to be 
demonized as a cultist.

 And how odd that you would find Lawson's speculation about the pundits' 
isolation to be blaming them for it rather than those responsible for keeping 
them in isolation.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread TurquoiseBee

From: salyavin808
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot
Today's FF Ledger

The levels of cognitive dissonance the True Believers have been displaying over 
the last few days have been fascinating to watch. If FFL was being monitored by 
a psychologist like Leo Festinger he would be ticking boxes with delight. Here 
is something that should shatter the bubble of bliss but instead it's all being 
held up as perfectly normal.

Amen, brother. Why do you think I keep reposting the Carl Sagan quote? They 
managed to put Maharishi diddling his female students out of sight, out of 
mind, they did the same with King Tony lying to everyone (including his best 
friends) about being married with children for years, and they'll do the same 
with this. 

This post is great Willy, but the best was the spring break effort, 
absolutely surreal. Sparaig is doing well with his rationalisations too, Keep 
up the good guys, you'll find a way for it all to make sense I'm sure.

I'd better get my ha'pporth in though; It seems to me that if Fairfielders want 
people to pray to the gods on their behalf they should volunteer their own kids 
to be shut up behind wire 7 days a week, 365 days a year. But American kids 
aren't going to want to miss college and all the benefits that a proper 
education might bring them, and obviously they don't need that in India. And 
American kids would want minimum wage at least. 

And it's probably a real buzz having kids from the land of the ved doing the 
chanting, like it's some sort of resurgence of the AofE that Marshy taught 
everyone to expect one day. I even remember being told that Indians are the 
only ones who can chant because their nervous systems are more advanced than 
ours. All part of the India is best master plan that Marshy brainwashed you 
all into believing. The gods are real and will answer your prayers, yeah right. 
But then they never put it like that, it was all pundits perform precise vedic 
prescriptions from the level of the transcendent Like that actually means 
something and will actually change your life in some way. Ask for a translation 
of a yagya and see what you are getting for your hard earned thousands, it's 

In many ways, Maharishi's entire philosophy and World Plan is 
indistinguishable from the Indian Hindu Supremacy movement. 

So before the whole sorry debacle goes any further I think the science-based 
TMO should conduct a bit of research into whether yagya's actually work in the 
first place before anyone's kids get shut away from the real world to cleanse 
the karma of wealthy westerners who, if they sat and thought about it, are 
probably the most well off human beings that ever lived in the first place. We 
just want everything don't we?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/13/2014 9:25 PM, wrote:
Barbed wire under any circumstance is a threatening and potentially 
harmful means of creating a boundary. It smacks of concentration camps 
and compounds. There is no getting around this fact. Barbed wire is an 
unfriendly material and if nothing else is symbolic of enforced 

These days it's almost universally accepted that there needs to be a 
fence around our schools, and armed guards at every door. The fence and 
the gates are to keep out the mass murderers, not confine the students. 
Don't you get the news on TV and in newspapers up there? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the Pundits Rioted

2014-03-14 Thread authfriend
FFL learned of Nader's marriage and two children on January 16, 2010, via a 
memo from John Hagelin posted by brian64705. It was never discussed on alt.m.t, 
and certainly never discussed on FFL by Lon Stacks (who was never an FFL member 
and who was dead by then anyway).

 You should have been around when Barry went bat-shit crazy when he read a 
message on Usenet that Tony Nader was married and had a daughter going to 
school in Paris. He and Lon B. Stacks just went ballistic with glee at that one 
- like it was any of their business. There must have been hundreds of posts 
sent in by these two and others making fun of Tony Nader. 

 They got so excited that I had to remind them in the strongest language, to 
leave Tony's family, or anyone's family and children, out of the discussion. It 
looked like to me they were trying to out Tony and where he lived and where his 
daughter was going to school. I think we all pretty much knew back then why 
Barry and Lon got so excited and worked up about it. 
 Apparently they both got kicked out of the TMO years ago - in Barry's case, 
kicked out of the TMO and then kicked out of the Rama Cult. Lon P. Stacks is 
dead now, but Barry seems to be still suffering from this rejection that 
happened over twenty years ago. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread emilymaenot
Richard, you are delusional today.   

---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 3/13/2014 10:52 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:

 there may need to be an objective third party investigation in order to bring 
to light what is going on now and the events that led to this current 
 As lawful U.S. visitors with a valid visa, the boys from India all have the 
basic human rights as any American. The CIA and the NSA are not supposed to be 
spying on Americans or international students at boarding schools, unless they 
have a court order from a U.S. Judge, and there would have to be good reason 
for the spying, especially on a Hindu religious group. Nobody should be 
listening in on the boys phone calls or reading their email without permission. 
That's what I think.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread doctordumbass

---In, authfriend@... wrote :

 Barry's all manic and overstimulated because this is something new he can use 
to beat up on the TMO and TMers, rather than having to keep recycling all the 
old stuff. Same deal awhile back when it was revealed that King Tony was 


 He is simply too gleeful over others' misfortunes - it is ugly and coarse, to 
me. As for the DL, yes, very much a worthless non-entity at this point, though 
as I have said, a very, very nice man. And nice and five bucks gets you a cup 
of coffee.:-) 

---In, wrote :

 Now that it's clear that his hero the Lama-fellow is a complete disaster and 
has given up Tibet once and for all and is permanently seeking protection 
amongst the Hindus in India his frustration needs a focus.

---In, wrote :

 I am kind of embarrassed for him, actually, the way he is going on and on, and 
on, about the pundit piddle. I would get it, if he were Iowanese, or even, 
Wisconsinian, but the dude lives in E-fucking-u-rope. He is a little too worked 
up about it, being that far away, and his desperation is creeping me out.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Michael Jackson
you are full of crap - this is the United States, not perfect but not Nazi 
Germany either

On Fri, 3/14/14, nablusoss1008 wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot   
 Today's FF Ledger
 Date: Friday, March 14, 2014, 3:18 PM
   The Pundits does not go to school. These visas were
 very difficult to obtain. One of the requirements for
 letting the Pundits into the US as a group was that
 they were confined and held under close

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread doctordumbass

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 that is an excellent idea Doc! I absolutely agree - big screen tv, nachos, 
beer and football or maybe soccer and cricket for them to watch.
 On Fri, 3/14/14, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... doctordumbass@... 
mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot 
Today's FF Ledger
 Date: Friday, March 14, 2014, 12:25 PM
 I think there is a lot of Brahmin-worship
 idealism not just from Maharishi, who at least
 understood it from his own culture. Mayor Winner and the
 others were probably too star struck by the holy
 pandit boys, to do anything, but imprison them, in this
 idealism - our little brown brothers, of inestimably
 high consciousness are too pure to join the ranks of us
 western sinners, or some such crap. Someone needs to
 go in there, and watch a football game (not soccer) with
 these guys, or take them to a country and western saloon.
 Its a good program, but only if the culture gap can be
 resolved. Otherwise, adios, muchachos!
 wrote :
 And how odd that you would find
 Lawson's speculation about the pundits' isolation to
 be blaming them for it rather than those responsible for
 keeping them in isolation.
 And that may be the  most important
 issue here:
 the pandits may feel so isolated that they
 are lashing out or getting exploited by jumping ship on the
 way back to India, etc, and it may be the root of all the
 problems we've been hearing about. Maharishi,  in
 his Brahmin-worship idealism, may have thought that it was
 enough simply for Brahmins to participate in the revival of
 their cultural tradition, but real world issues have shown
 that there's something lacking here and the local TM
 organization has to figure out what it
 wrote :
 This had nothing to do with a
 celebrity endorsement, you twisted twit. Lawson
 is addressing a specific factual issue, as to whether Mishra
 is the head pundit, as the news reports have
 said; and if not, what his real status is, since he appears
 to have been central to what took place..
 The truth
 is, Barry, you don't want to know what
 actually happened. You want to be the one who establshes the
 story according to your own bilious viewpoint, regardless of
 the facts. And anyone who goes in search of the facts and
 reports on what he finds, if it isn't 100 percent
 negative to the TMO, is to be demonized as a
 And how
 odd that you would find Lawson's speculation about the
 pundits' isolation to be blaming them for it rather than
 those responsible for keeping them in
 the above video, Oprah meets Bhupendra-ji, one
 of the leaders of the pandits. It is obvious
 that he is much older than the 20-40 age group of the
 run-of-the-mill pundits mentioned in the
 My guess
 is that the guy they were deporting is either an informal
 charismatic spokesman or some kind of sub-group leader who
 thought he'd protect his friends from those non-Brahmin
 filth, er, Westerners.
 I'm also guessing that the
 pandits are so isolated that they've developed local
 gang leaders who prey on their ignorance of local customs
 (which they may not be aware of, either) like
 don't attack
 local law enforcement officers as it gets the
 attention of the state and federal law enforcement agencies
 who will kill you in an instant if they think you are a real
 threat to law enforcement officers in general.
 Three comments:
 1. When the credibility of a cult organization is called
 into question, trot out an old celebrity endorsement from
 two years ago in the hope that readers are as easily swayed
 by celebrity as you are. 
 2. When the cult is threatened by events that have become
 public knowledge, find someone else to blame for them.
 Describe the fall guys using terms like gang
 leaders for maximum effect.
 3. Try not to have any photos taken of yourself as you do
 and say this stuff. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Soooo Cool - Check it Out

2014-03-14 Thread doctordumbass
with ketchup!

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Doc, how about this little guy? You gonna eat him too?!

 On Friday, March 14, 2014 7:56 AM, awoelflebater@... awoelflebater@... 


---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 jeez, what a nice change of pace from the news of the day

 Yes. And I just loved the trustingness of the dolphin and how anxious the 
diver was to get all the line off of it. Great interaction, it was so beautiful 
being underwater too where the dolphin kept slowly positioning itself carefully 
to allow the man to cut the line. Rescue ballet.


---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread Share Long
Richard, just because they don't want to go back to India, doesn't mean they 
want to continue being a pundit! Where is Spock when we need him?!

I don't think the pundits have any contact with MUM any more. When the program 
started, they lived on campus. But not for quite a while now.

That's right, no one is putting a gun to anyone's head. But we must have higher 
standards than that for a program meant to create world peace! Of course, imho 

On Friday, March 14, 2014 10:43 AM, Richard J. Williams 
On 3/13/2014 9:27 PM, Share Long wrote:
 To force someone to be in a program to create world peace is a 
 contradiction in terms! 

Apparently all the students and their parents think MUM is a good thing.

We are all trying to promote world peace. There doesn't seem to be any 
evidence that anyone is being forced to send their children to a private 
school in the U.S. and none of the school boys have lodged any 
complaints that I know of. A few apparently didn't want to go back to 
India! If anyone was forced to stay, why would they not want to go back 
home? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the tenth year of 
operation for the pundit boy campus? The only complaints I've heard 
about MUM have come from MJ who wasn't even a student at MIU or MUM. Go 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/13/2014 9:27 PM, Share Long wrote:
 To force someone to be in a program to create world peace is a 
 contradiction in terms! 
Apparently all the students and their parents think MUM is a good thing.

We are all trying to promote world peace. There doesn't seem to be any 
evidence that anyone is being forced to send their children to a private 
school in the U.S. and none of the school boys have lodged any 
complaints that I know of. A few apparently didn't want to go back to 
India! If anyone was forced to stay, why would they not want to go back 
home? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the tenth year of 
operation for the pundit boy campus? The only complaints I've heard 
about MUM have come from MJ who wasn't even a student at MIU or MUM. Go 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Dallas Buyer's Club

2014-03-14 Thread doctordumbass
Yes, very well portrayed. Brought back some awful memories. You can see death 
in the eyes of the real victims - very sad.

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

 Fascinating transformation for MMcC and also to make it back. Must have 
required a lot of discipline.

 He lost 48 pounds and started to lose his eyesight. He could barely get 
around. I am sure this kind of weight loss takes it toll but his portrayal in 
the movie was made so much more powerful by his physical transformation. Leto 
also lost a mass of weight, you can really see it in that shocking shot of him 
sitting down in front of his 'vanity' table when he has his top off. Very 
powerful how the ravages of AIDS is portrayed physically by these two actors 
but the simple act of allowing themselves to waste away.
 On Friday, March 14, 2014 6:19 AM, awoelflebater@... awoelflebater@... 


---In, wrote :

 One of the best movies, ever. Very difficult to watch at times, but nothing 
gratuitous about it. I don't want to say any more, since it would be impossible 
to, without giving away the story. MMcC deserved the Oscar, easily. *Five* 
thumbs up - lol.
PS also saw that B-movie sequel, hunger games catching fire - wasn't much fire, 
at all, and some real eye-rolling dialogue.


 Yes, an almost great movie for sure. MMcC and Jeto really knocked it out of 
the park. Really grim, really human. I watched it about a week ago and found 
myself reflecting on it for days afterwards which is always a good sign that a 
movie was really, really good. I was going to post something about it right 
after seeing it but wasn't sure if it had been talked about here yet. I would 
be interested in other's viewpoints and feelings on this one. The last 
worthwhile movie on AIDS was Philadelphia for me.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Soooo Cool - Check it Out

2014-03-14 Thread doctordumbass
et tu, dolphie?!

---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :


---In, wrote :

 Aid to the enemy, eh? Guess I don't know you as well as I thought - perhaps 
you are a cetacean sub-species, a comfort whale? lol
a *real* Orca, that eats those fucking dolphins

 Aww, I'm just a dolphin in an Orca suit. I find it comes in handy when the 
sharks are out.





---In, awoelflebater@... wrote :

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread emilymaenot
Share, do you believe that the program is working to create world peace?  

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Richard, just because they don't want to go back to India, doesn't mean they 
want to continue being a pundit! Where is Spock when we need him?!

 I don't think the pundits have any contact with MUM any more. When the program 
started, they lived on campus. But not for quite a while now.

 That's right, no one is putting a gun to anyone's head. But we must have 
higher standards than that for a program meant to create world peace! Of 
course, imho (-:

 On Friday, March 14, 2014 10:43 AM, Richard J. Williams punditster@... wrote:
   On 3/13/2014 9:27 PM, Share Long wrote:
  To force someone to be in a program to create world peace is a 
  contradiction in terms! 
 Apparently all the students and their parents think MUM is a good thing.
 We are all trying to promote world peace. There doesn't seem to be any 
 evidence that anyone is being forced to send their children to a private 
 school in the U.S. and none of the school boys have lodged any 
 complaints that I know of. A few apparently didn't want to go back to 
 India! If anyone was forced to stay, why would they not want to go back 
 home? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the tenth year of 
 operation for the pundit boy campus? The only complaints I've heard 
 about MUM have come from MJ who wasn't even a student at MIU or MUM. Go 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread emilymaenot
Richard, you are delusional today. 

---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 3/13/2014 9:25 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:

 Barbed wire under any circumstance is a threatening and potentially harmful 
means of creating a boundary. It smacks of concentration camps and compounds. 
There is no getting around this fact. Barbed wire is an unfriendly material and 
if nothing else is symbolic of enforced confinement. 
 These days it's almost universally accepted that there needs to be a fence 
around our schools, and armed guards at every door. The fence and the gates are 
to keep out the mass murderers, not confine the students. Don't you get the 
news on TV and in newspapers up there? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Michael Jackson
Careful Sal! You might get branded as negative as Barry and I have been. 

Now I have three questions:

1 - What is a ha'pporth?

2 - Where have you seen a translation of a yagya? I wanna read some.

3 - And don't you know its not the WORDS of the yagya itself that create the 
magic, but the INTENT, the fire and all the clarified butter they throw on it 
and for the ultimate TM coup de grace, it must be somethin' subtle! 

On Fri, 3/14/14, salyavin808 wrote:
 The levels of cognitive
 dissonance the True Believers have been displaying over the
 last few days have been fascinating to watch. If FFL was
 being monitored by a psychologist like Leo Festinger he
 would be ticking boxes with delight. Here is something that
 should shatter the bubble of bliss but instead it's all
 being held up as perfectly normal.
 This post is
 great Willy, but the best was the spring break
 effort, absolutely surreal. Sparaig is doing well with his
 rationalisations too, Keep up the good guys, you'll find
 a way for it all to make sense I'm sure.
 better get my ha'pporth in though; It seems to me that
 if Fairfielders want people to pray to the gods on their
 behalf they should volunteer their own kids to be shut up
 behind wire 7 days a week, 365 days a year. But American
 kids aren't going to want to miss college and all the
 benefits that a proper education might bring them, and
 obviously they don't need that in India. And American
 kids would want minimum wage at least. 
 And it's
 probably a real buzz having kids from the land of the ved
 doing the chanting, like it's some sort of resurgence of
 the AofE that Marshy taught everyone to expect one day. I
 even remember being told that Indians are the only ones who
 can chant because their nervous systems are more advanced
 than ours. All part of the India is best master
 plan that Marshy brainwashed you all into believing. The
 gods are real and will answer your prayers, yeah right. But
 then they never put it like that, it was all pundits
 perform precise vedic prescriptions from the level of the
 transcendent Like that actually means something and
 will actually change your life in some way. Ask for a
 translation of a yagya and see what you are getting for your
 hard earned thousands, it's hilarious.
 So before the
 whole sorry debacle goes any further I think the
 science-based TMO should conduct a bit of research into
 whether yagya's actually work in the first place before
 anyone's kids
 get shut away from the real world to cleanse the karma of
 wealthy westerners who, if they sat and thought about it,
 are probably the most well off human beings that ever lived
 in the first place. We just want everything don't
 ---In, punditster@...
 wrote :
 On 3/14/2014 7:41
 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
   that is a lie - the
 US has never had such a requirement and in the 
  beginning the fences didn't exist - they were only
 put in place in the 
  early days when the pundits started wandering off into
 Fairfield and 
  beyond and not doing program
 You are not even making any sense
 Most of the elementary and grade schools I've seen
 around here and in 
 other cities there is a fence around the school grounds and
 these days, 
 an armed guard at the door to protect the students from mass
 Also, you can't just let ten year old boys wander off
 down the road out 
 in the country - where would they go - to a farm house or
 into a corn 
 field? Almost all the schools I know of, the students are
 not allowed to 
 leave the campus during school hours unless they are with
 their parents 
 and have an excuse to get out of class. Go

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Pudits Rioted, Flight 370 Vanished, Ukraine Invaded

2014-03-14 Thread Duveyoung

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread authfriend
You are both exaggerating significantly. Who here has been holding it all up as 
perfectly normal, aside from Buck? 

 The levels of cognitive dissonance the True Believers have been displaying 
over the last few days have been fascinating to watch. If FFL was being 
monitored by a psychologist like Leo Festinger he would be ticking boxes with 
delight. Here is something that should shatter the bubble of bliss but instead 
it's all being held up as perfectly normal. 

 Amen, brother. Why do you think I keep reposting the Carl Sagan quote? They 
managed to put Maharishi diddling his female students out of sight, out of 
mind, they did the same with King Tony lying to everyone (including his best 
friends) about being married with children for years, and they'll do the same 
with this. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Dallas Buyer's Club

2014-03-14 Thread doctordumbass
Yes, a real stinker - reminds of that 'Avatar' mess, which I couldn't finish, 
except they obviously spent way more on special effects and costumes, than 
these guys - In this one, everyone runs around in what looks like uniforms made 
of sponges, car seats, and maxi-pads. It was one of those movies where they had 
access to everything but the kitchen sink, to keep the plot going. Just 
random stuff, happening to the heroes. So...Very...Lame. 

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 ---In, wrote :
PS also saw that B-movie sequel, hunger games catching fire - wasn't much fire, 
at all, and some real eye-rolling dialogue.

 Wasn't that just one of the stupidest movies to come along in some time?  I 
couldn't believe the poor acting.  At least as far as JLaw was concerned.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/13/2014 10:17 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
 There is also the Chrome OS.  I thought you said you had a Chromebook.
Yes, I have a Google Chromebook laptop with the Chrome OS and the Chrome 
web browser on it. All the apps are free: Google Mail, Google Earth, 
Sheets, Slides, Maps, and Docs. I've also got a free photo editor on it 
called Pixltr.

The Chrome OS is free and updated every time I log on to my broadband 
internet access point - no anti-virus protection needed - I am double 
fire-walled and protected on the cloud with 1 GB free space on the 
Google blade server at the data center up in Washington State. Sweet!

I'm using the Google laptop as my handheld WIRELESS ADMIN CONSOLE with 
the big screen TV and the Chrome Caster. It is just awesome!!!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Dallas Buyer's Club

2014-03-14 Thread Bhairitu
It is on my list for something to watch tonight since so many people  
pile on Netflix streaming over the weekend it is a good time to rent a 

Speaking of Netflix, I watched a well done UK indie film called How I 
Live Now.  It's about a American teenage girl who goes to London to 
visit relatives and gets stuck there when WWIII breaks out.   Kind of a 
coming of age movie mixed with an apocalyptic thriller.

On 03/14/2014 05:00 AM, wrote:

One of the best movies, ever. Very difficult to watch at times, but 
nothing gratuitous about it. I don't want to say any more, since it 
would be impossible to, without giving away the story. MMcC deserved 
the Oscar, easily. *Five* thumbs up - lol.
PS also saw that B-movie sequel, hunger games catching fire - wasn't 
much fire, at all, and some real eye-rolling dialogue.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/14/2014 9:37 AM, wrote:
  Maybe drunken farmboys were known to climb INTO the compound at that 
 spot for some reason.
There are probably lots of drunken farm boys or even radical religious 
terrorists all over the country that might want to break in to a school 
full of young Hindu boys praying to their Gods in Vedic City. Just look 
at the hostility expressed by a few of the informants posting to FFL. 
Sometimes it's very difficult to hide one's racial prejudices when it 
comes to discussing the Hindu religion. This used to be a free country 
where anyone of any religion or race could pray anywhere and anytime 
they wanted to without being attacked or slandered. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Dallas Buyer's Club

2014-03-14 Thread doctordumbass
You won't be disappointed. Your pick sounds good, too. I enjoy the European 
shows a lot - the story is in the characters, and their personal reactions and 
interactions, with the story generally, quietly, holding everything together. 
Um, except for Benny Hill...

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 It is on my list for something to watch tonight since so many people  pile on 
Netflix streaming over the weekend it is a good time to rent a disc.  
 Speaking of Netflix, I watched a well done UK indie film called How I Live 
Now.  It's about a American teenage girl who goes to London to visit relatives 
and gets stuck there when WWIII breaks out.   Kind of a coming of age movie 
mixed with an apocalyptic thriller.
 On 03/14/2014 05:00 AM, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
   One of the best movies, ever. Very difficult to watch at times, but nothing 
gratuitous about it. I don't want to say any more, since it would be impossible 
to, without giving away the story. MMcC deserved the Oscar, easily. *Five* 
thumbs up - lol.
 PS also saw that B-movie sequel, hunger games catching fire - wasn't much 
fire, at all, and some real eye-rolling dialogue.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread emilymaenot
Richard, you are delusional today.  

---In, punditster@... wrote :

 On 3/13/2014 9:27 PM, Share Long wrote:
  To force someone to be in a program to create world peace is a 
  contradiction in terms! 
 Apparently all the students and their parents think MUM is a good thing.
 We are all trying to promote world peace. There doesn't seem to be any 
 evidence that anyone is being forced to send their children to a private 
 school in the U.S. and none of the school boys have lodged any 
 complaints that I know of. A few apparently didn't want to go back to 
 India! If anyone was forced to stay, why would they not want to go back 
 home? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the tenth year of 
 operation for the pundit boy campus? The only complaints I've heard 
 about MUM have come from MJ who wasn't even a student at MIU or MUM. Go 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread Share Long
No, Emily I don't. And from what I've learned here the last few days I think 
the reason is that some of the men don't want to be pundits. I mean really, how 
much peace can a person create if they're engaged in a program they don't want 
to be engaged in?! Especially one as rigorous as the pundit program. Such rigor 
requires a person to really want to be engaged in such imo.  

There's a flaw in the core of the program and it needs to be discontinued, then 
restarted, but only with men and or boys who really want to be a part of that 

On Friday, March 14, 2014 10:51 AM, wrote:
Share, do you believe that the program is working to create world peace?  

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

Richard, just because they don't want to go back to India, doesn't mean they 
want to continue being a pundit! Where is Spock when we need him?!

I don't think the pundits have any contact with MUM any more. When the program 
started, they lived on campus. But not for quite a while now.

That's right, no one is putting a gun to anyone's head. But we must have higher 
standards than that for a program meant to create world peace! Of course, imho 

On Friday, March 14, 2014 10:43 AM, Richard J. Williams punditster@... wrote:

On 3/13/2014 9:27 PM, Share Long wrote:
 To force someone to be in a program to create world peace is a 
 contradiction in terms! 

Apparently all the students and their parents think MUM is a good thing.

We are all trying to promote world peace. There doesn't seem to be any 
evidence that anyone is being forced to send their children to a private 
school in the U.S. and none of the school boys have lodged any 
complaints that I know of. A few apparently didn't want to go back to 
India! If anyone was forced to stay, why would they not want to go back 
home? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the tenth year of 
operation for the pundit boy campus? The only complaints I've heard 
about MUM have come from MJ who wasn't even a student at MIU or MUM. Go 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/14/2014 10:49 AM, Share Long wrote:
 just because they don't want to go back to India, doesn't mean they 
 want to continue being a pundit!
According to my sources in Vedic City, none of the pundit boys have any 
objections to becoming Hindu pundits, but a few didn't want to go back 
to India, but their visa expired. It's not complicated.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread doctordumbass
Please allow me to butt in -- Quite honestly Em, I do. Not that world peace 
necessarily dawns, but what they are doing, is *definitely* aiding the ability 
of those who are so inclined, to achieve spiritual liberation. Get enough 
spiritually clear folks on the planet, and we might make it a few more 
generations. Trying to get that ball of collective consciousness rolling in the 
other direction. No, I have absolutely NO PROOF of this, nor is it something I 
spend even five seconds per month thinking about.:-)
---In, emilymaenot@... wrote :

 Share, do you believe that the program is working to create world peace?  

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Richard, just because they don't want to go back to India, doesn't mean they 
want to continue being a pundit! Where is Spock when we need him?!

 I don't think the pundits have any contact with MUM any more. When the program 
started, they lived on campus. But not for quite a while now.

 That's right, no one is putting a gun to anyone's head. But we must have 
higher standards than that for a program meant to create world peace! Of 
course, imho (-:

 On Friday, March 14, 2014 10:43 AM, Richard J. Williams punditster@... wrote:
   On 3/13/2014 9:27 PM, Share Long wrote:
  To force someone to be in a program to create world peace is a 
  contradiction in terms! 
 Apparently all the students and their parents think MUM is a good thing.
 We are all trying to promote world peace. There doesn't seem to be any 
 evidence that anyone is being forced to send their children to a private 
 school in the U.S. and none of the school boys have lodged any 
 complaints that I know of. A few apparently didn't want to go back to 
 India! If anyone was forced to stay, why would they not want to go back 
 home? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the tenth year of 
 operation for the pundit boy campus? The only complaints I've heard 
 about MUM have come from MJ who wasn't even a student at MIU or MUM. Go 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/14/2014 10:50 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 Where have you seen a translation of a yagya? I wanna read some.
You really need to get some smarts - a pundit is a Hindu; they chant 
the Vedas at a yagya (fire ceremony). It's not complicated.

Don't you even have access to a Hindu dictionary? Go figure.

RE: [FairfieldLife] sheriff's press release about pundit riot

2014-03-14 Thread doctordumbass
WHAT are you people doing, living there?!

---In, rick@... wrote :

 A friend’s comment on this: 
 This is probably to calm down the farmers who had come in their pickups with 
rifles to avenge the death of the sheriff.  They had heard thru their network 
that the Pundits had killed him.  It is amazing to learn what kind of people 
surround us in these farms…wow, how fortunate they found out in time and did 
not shoot anyone.  A wild day for sure!
 The following is a press release issued by Jefferson County Sheriff Greg 

I would like to address some of the issues that I have heard from the public in 
reference to the incident at the Pandit property on Tuesday. One of the biggest 
concerns that I have heard is why was no one charged with a crime. Imagine 
yourself in a vehicle, in this case a crew cab ½ ton pickup and being in the 
middle of a crowd that is irate and focused on you. I had made a choice to try 
to re direct the Pandits back onto their property and off of 170th Street. 
There were anywhere from 70 to 80 Pandits in this group. When I realized that 
they were still coming on strong, I got back into my truck and had the driver’s 
side window down and the truck was unlocked. They surrounded the truck and were 
hitting the body of the truck, were on the running boards rocking the truck, 
trying to rip the mirrors off the truck and so on. I was not scared of these 
actions because they never attempted to enter the truck or try to pull me from 
the truck. There were pieces of gravel coming into the open driver’s window and 
I finally heard popping noises at the back of my truck. I had no idea that they 
were throwing rocks at the rear window of my truck. The only indication I had 
that this was happening was when a rock finally went through the window 
shattering it. This happened in a time frame of about a minute or so. I could 
not tell you who did what when during this time as there is such a sensory 
overload. I decided that my presence was not helping the situation and backed 
up and away from the crowd. I backed far enough away that as they were picking 
up asphalt, rocks and whatever else and were throwing these things at my truck, 
none of it came close. When they were around my vehicle, they were 4-5 thick 
all the way around the truck. I believe that the training and experience we 
receive in so many years in law enforcement helped in my decision making and 
kept things from getting out of control. My main focus was first and foremost 
for the safety of the public as this crowd was becoming more and more agitated.
I backed up and waited for assistance which came in the form of many law 
enforcement entities that were listed on an earlier press release including 
Fairfield Fire. The group stopped at the bottom of the hill and John 
Revolinski, who is part of the administration that looks after the Pandits went 
to the group to speak to them. I and about 4 other law enforcement members went 
to John and John advised that everything was okay. I do not believe that John 
witnessed the incident where I was surrounded by the Pandits and had damage 
done to my patrol vehicle. I explained to him what had transpired and also told 
John that I was giving him 10 minutes to move the Pandits back to their 
property or I would initiate the plan to move them. He did get them moved prior 
to the 10 minutes. We staged on 170th Street at the east parking lot of the 
Pandit property. At 10:00 a.m. I decided that things had calmed down enough for 
us to secure everyone and we kept a presence throughout the day.
Because I had no way of identifying who damaged my vehicle, I could not charge 
anyone with the offense. Once the Pandits were back on their property, they 
mingled with other Pandits and we run into a false arrest situation if we 
charge the wrong people. This does not mean that the investigation is over or 
that there will not be charges filed. We need time to sort things out and 
decide a course of action. Trust me when I say that there were and still are 
contacts being made with other entities to assist us in this investigation. I 
have also been in contact with the administration of Vedic City to try to 
resolve any future confrontations with the Pandits.
The second thing that I hear about is that taxpayer money should not be spent 
to repair my squad truck. That morning, I had told administrators of both Vedic 
City and the Pandit project that I would be sending them the bills on the 
repairs on the truck. Maureen Wynn of Vedic City called me yesterday and spoke 
highly of the restraint and professionalism that was displayed by law 
enforcement that day and also that all bills related to the repairs of my 
vehicle were to be sent to her to be paid. This will be done. I also want 
everyone to know that if this kind of behavior is displayed again, it will not 
be tolerated by this office and we will once again restore order and protect 

RE: [FairfieldLife] sheriff's press release about pundit riot

2014-03-14 Thread Rick Archer
A friend’s comment on this: 


This is probably to calm down the farmers who had come in their pickups with 
rifles to avenge the death of the sheriff.  They had heard thru their network 
that the Pundits had killed him.  It is amazing to learn what kind of people 
surround us in these farms…wow, how fortunate they found out in time and did 
not shoot anyone.  A wild day for sure!




The following is a press release issued by Jefferson County Sheriff Greg 

I would like to address some of the issues that I have heard from the public in 
reference to the incident at the Pandit property on Tuesday. One of the biggest 
concerns that I have heard is why was no one charged with a crime. Imagine 
yourself in a vehicle, in this case a crew cab ½ ton pickup and being in the 
middle of a crowd that is irate and focused on you. I had made a choice to try 
to re direct the Pandits back onto their property and off of 170th Street. 
There were anywhere from 70 to 80 Pandits in this group. When I realized that 
they were still coming on strong, I got back into my truck and had the driver’s 
side window down and the truck was unlocked. They surrounded the truck and were 
hitting the body of the truck, were on the running boards rocking the truck, 
trying to rip the mirrors off the truck and so on. I was not scared of these 
actions because they never attempted to enter the truck or try to pull me from 
the truck. There were pieces of gravel coming into the open driver’s window and 
I finally heard popping noises at the back of my truck. I had no idea that they 
were throwing rocks at the rear window of my truck. The only indication I had 
that this was happening was when a rock finally went through the window 
shattering it. This happened in a time frame of about a minute or so. I could 
not tell you who did what when during this time as there is such a sensory 
overload. I decided that my presence was not helping the situation and backed 
up and away from the crowd. I backed far enough away that as they were picking 
up asphalt, rocks and whatever else and were throwing these things at my truck, 
none of it came close. When they were around my vehicle, they were 4-5 thick 
all the way around the truck. I believe that the training and experience we 
receive in so many years in law enforcement helped in my decision making and 
kept things from getting out of control. My main focus was first and foremost 
for the safety of the public as this crowd was becoming more and more agitated.
I backed up and waited for assistance which came in the form of many law 
enforcement entities that were listed on an earlier press release including 
Fairfield Fire. The group stopped at the bottom of the hill and John 
Revolinski, who is part of the administration that looks after the Pandits went 
to the group to speak to them. I and about 4 other law enforcement members went 
to John and John advised that everything was okay. I do not believe that John 
witnessed the incident where I was surrounded by the Pandits and had damage 
done to my patrol vehicle. I explained to him what had transpired and also told 
John that I was giving him 10 minutes to move the Pandits back to their 
property or I would initiate the plan to move them. He did get them moved prior 
to the 10 minutes. We staged on 170th Street at the east parking lot of the 
Pandit property. At 10:00 a.m. I decided that things had calmed down enough for 
us to secure everyone and we kept a presence throughout the day.
Because I had no way of identifying who damaged my vehicle, I could not charge 
anyone with the offense. Once the Pandits were back on their property, they 
mingled with other Pandits and we run into a false arrest situation if we 
charge the wrong people. This does not mean that the investigation is over or 
that there will not be charges filed. We need time to sort things out and 
decide a course of action. Trust me when I say that there were and still are 
contacts being made with other entities to assist us in this investigation. I 
have also been in contact with the administration of Vedic City to try to 
resolve any future confrontations with the Pandits.
The second thing that I hear about is that taxpayer money should not be spent 
to repair my squad truck. That morning, I had told administrators of both Vedic 
City and the Pandit project that I would be sending them the bills on the 
repairs on the truck. Maureen Wynn of Vedic City called me yesterday and spoke 
highly of the restraint and professionalism that was displayed by law 
enforcement that day and also that all bills related to the repairs of my 
vehicle were to be sent to her to be paid. This will be done. I also want 
everyone to know that if this kind of behavior is displayed again, it will not 
be tolerated by this office and we will once again restore order and protect 
the public.
Gregg Morton
Jefferson County Sheriff 

[FairfieldLife] The Pundit Sex Talk

2014-03-14 Thread TurquoiseBee
I see that no one has had the stones to talk about the issue raised in my 
earlier post about homosexuality among Maharishi pundits ( a pity, really, 
because Gay Vedic Pundits Riot makes a *much* better headline than Vedic 
Pundits Riot. :-), so I'll switch over for this cafe rap to the issue of pundit 
sexuality of the straight kind. 

When you think about it, even that might be a button-pusher for some here. They 
don't really think of Hindu monks chanting the Vedas as *having* a sex life. It 
just doesn't *compute* for them, or go with the descriptions of what such 
holy pundits are supposed to be like that were presented to them by Maharishi. 
So they ignore the fact that these are guys either in their teens or slightly 
older, many of them who have lived in cloistered environments containing only 
other men since they were eight years old. These guys may literally have never 
*seen* a woman in all that time, much less touched one. 

But once these boys reach puberty they're just like any other boys -- filled to 
the brim with out-of-control hormones, and able to spring a woodie in response 
to the slightest provocation, even a passing breeze. 

So when these boys *do* reach puberty, who gives them the sex talk? And what 
does this talk *sound* like? 

In my mind's eye version, the guy giving the talk is named Cheechananda. He's 
OLD, by pundit standards, almost in his thirties. He's been behind barbed wire 
in institutions like this since he was eight himself, and has never seen a 
woman since he waved goodbye to his mother as he was taken away to become a 
pundit. All he knows about women, sex, and sexuality is what he's read in the 
scriptures he chants and what he's been told by the Indian males who were his 
teachers. Now he has to pass down that priceless wisdom to Chongji, a new 
recruit who is starting to tentpole his dhoti at inappropriate times and thus 
clearly needs to hear the sex talk. 

What's a bramacharya gonna do in a situation like this?

Does the older, wiser monk go soft core, and describe women and their 
mysteries the way that the Manusmriti does? God for a woman is her husband and 
the only thing she can hope for is the privilege of being with her husband in 
her next life. and Though destitute of virtue, or seeking pleasure 
(elsewhere), or devoid of good qualities, (yet) a husband must be constantly 
worshipped as a god by a faithful wife.? 

Or will he go hard core and invoke someone nearer to the present day in the 
TMO's claimed lineage, Shankara, as related in his classic work The Crest Jewel 
of Discrimination? A wise man views women as corpses, bags of urine and feces.

The mind boggles. 

But the heart chuckles. Oh, the pitfalls and traps silly human beings open up 
in front of them when they attempt to make the round pegs of adolescent boys 
fit into the square pegs of their beliefs and assumptions. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/14/2014 10:19 AM, Share Long wrote:
Ok, salyavin, this is funny. OTOH, how does one force anyone to do a 
mental activity?! As RW sometimes says: Go figure!

If we had ways of forcing anyone do a program, we could use it to 
rehabilitate large groups of prisoners in our jails. But, we all know 
that coercive attempts at mind control don't work. Brainwashing as a 
technique has been totally discredited by law enforcement and research 
psychologists for years. There is no Manchurian Candidate. Go figure.

On Friday, March 14, 2014 8:31 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Ve have vays of making you do ze program...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Michael Jackson
you are either a liar of you have been duped by the TMO - I'll give you the 
benefit of the doubt for now and say its the latter. 

And you don't know what you are talking about. Short term visas are visas for 
stays of between 9 days and less than six months. The pundits are here for 
longer periods than 6 months. 

They are here on R-1 visas  

R-1 Temporary Non-immigrant Religious Workers

An R-1 is a foreign national who is coming to the United States temporarily to 
be employed at least part time (average of at least 20 hours per week) by a 
non-profit religious organization in the United States (or an organization 
which is affiliated with the religious denomination in the United States) to 
work as a minister or in a religious vocation or occupation. 

I have looked over the government rules for these R-1 visas and there is NO 
rule WHATSOEVER about keeping the religious workers (which is what they are 
under the R-1 rules) penned up. You are incorrect on this. The fences are there 
to keep them from running away. Period.

Now given the fact that the TMO is bringing the pundits over on R-1 visas, note 
the rules set by the US government. 

An R-1 is a foreign national who is coming to the United States temporarily to 
be employed at least part time (average of at least 20 hours per week) by a 
non-profit religious organization

This means the TMO or at least the Global Country of World Peace is admitting 
to being a religious organization.

On Fri, 3/14/14, nablusoss1008 wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot   
 Today's FF Ledger
 Date: Friday, March 14, 2014, 3:30 PM
 The reason why the
 Pundits are locked up is because of the requirements for
 obtaining short-term visas. MUM didn't invent these
 ---In, wrote :
 I think there is
 a lot of Brahmin-worship idealism not just from
 Maharishi, who at least understood it from his own culture.
 Mayor Winner and the others were probably too star struck by
 the holy pandit boys, to do anything, but
 imprison them, in this idealism - our little brown
 brothers, of inestimably high consciousness are too pure to
 join the ranks of us western sinners, or some such
 crap. Someone needs to go in there, and watch a football
 game (not soccer) with these guys, or take them to a country
 and western saloon. Its a good program, but only if the
 culture gap can be resolved. Otherwise, adios, muchachos!
 ---In, LEnglish5@...
 wrote :
 And how odd that you would find
 Lawson's speculation about the pundits' isolation to
 be blaming them for it rather than those responsible for
 keeping them in isolation.
 And that may be the  most important
 issue here:
 the pandits may feel so isolated that they
 are lashing out or getting exploited by jumping ship on the
 way back to India, etc, and it may be the root of all the
 problems we've been hearing about. Maharishi,  in
 his Brahmin-worship idealism, may have thought that it was
 enough simply for Brahmins to participate in the revival of
 their cultural tradition, but real world issues have shown
 that there's something lacking here and the local TM
 organization has to figure out what it
 ---In, authfriend@...
 wrote :
 This had nothing to do with a
 celebrity endorsement, you twisted twit. Lawson
 is addressing a specific factual issue, as to whether Mishra
 is the head pundit, as the news reports have
 said; and if not, what his real status is, since he appears
 to have been central to what took place..
 The truth
 is, Barry, you don't want to know what
 actually happened. You want to be the one who establshes the
 story according to your own bilious viewpoint, regardless of
 the facts. And anyone who goes in search of the facts and
 reports on what he finds, if it isn't 100 percent
 negative to the TMO, is to be demonized as a
 And how
 odd that you would find Lawson's speculation about the
 pundits' isolation to be blaming them for it rather than
 those responsible for keeping them in

RE: [FairfieldLife] sheriff's press release about pundit riot

2014-03-14 Thread feste37
Rick's friend was joking, presumably. 

The pundit riot must rank as one of the most extraordinary events to take place 
here since the movement arrived in 1974. The sheriff's report could almost have 
come from Colonial British India: well-trained white officer remains calm 
amidst riot by excitable darkies. 

---In, wrote :

 WHAT are you people doing, living there?!

---In, rick@... wrote :

 A friend’s comment on this: 
 This is probably to calm down the farmers who had come in their pickups with 
rifles to avenge the death of the sheriff.  They had heard thru their network 
that the Pundits had killed him.  It is amazing to learn what kind of people 
surround us in these farms…wow, how fortunate they found out in time and did 
not shoot anyone.  A wild day for sure!
 The following is a press release issued by Jefferson County Sheriff Greg 

I would like to address some of the issues that I have heard from the public in 
reference to the incident at the Pandit property on Tuesday. One of the biggest 
concerns that I have heard is why was no one charged with a crime. Imagine 
yourself in a vehicle, in this case a crew cab ½ ton pickup and being in the 
middle of a crowd that is irate and focused on you. I had made a choice to try 
to re direct the Pandits back onto their property and off of 170th Street. 
There were anywhere from 70 to 80 Pandits in this group. When I realized that 
they were still coming on strong, I got back into my truck and had the driver’s 
side window down and the truck was unlocked. They surrounded the truck and were 
hitting the body of the truck, were on the running boards rocking the truck, 
trying to rip the mirrors off the truck and so on. I was not scared of these 
actions because they never attempted to enter the truck or try to pull me from 
the truck. There were pieces of gravel coming into the open driver’s window and 
I finally heard popping noises at the back of my truck. I had no idea that they 
were throwing rocks at the rear window of my truck. The only indication I had 
that this was happening was when a rock finally went through the window 
shattering it. This happened in a time frame of about a minute or so. I could 
not tell you who did what when during this time as there is such a sensory 
overload. I decided that my presence was not helping the situation and backed 
up and away from the crowd. I backed far enough away that as they were picking 
up asphalt, rocks and whatever else and were throwing these things at my truck, 
none of it came close. When they were around my vehicle, they were 4-5 thick 
all the way around the truck. I believe that the training and experience we 
receive in so many years in law enforcement helped in my decision making and 
kept things from getting out of control. My main focus was first and foremost 
for the safety of the public as this crowd was becoming more and more agitated.
I backed up and waited for assistance which came in the form of many law 
enforcement entities that were listed on an earlier press release including 
Fairfield Fire. The group stopped at the bottom of the hill and John 
Revolinski, who is part of the administration that looks after the Pandits went 
to the group to speak to them. I and about 4 other law enforcement members went 
to John and John advised that everything was okay. I do not believe that John 
witnessed the incident where I was surrounded by the Pandits and had damage 
done to my patrol vehicle. I explained to him what had transpired and also told 
John that I was giving him 10 minutes to move the Pandits back to their 
property or I would initiate the plan to move them. He did get them moved prior 
to the 10 minutes. We staged on 170th Street at the east parking lot of the 
Pandit property. At 10:00 a.m. I decided that things had calmed down enough for 
us to secure everyone and we kept a presence throughout the day.
Because I had no way of identifying who damaged my vehicle, I could not charge 
anyone with the offense. Once the Pandits were back on their property, they 
mingled with other Pandits and we run into a false arrest situation if we 
charge the wrong people. This does not mean that the investigation is over or 
that there will not be charges filed. We need time to sort things out and 
decide a course of action. Trust me when I say that there were and still are 
contacts being made with other entities to assist us in this investigation. I 
have also been in contact with the administration of Vedic City to try to 
resolve any future confrontations with the Pandits.
The second thing that I hear about is that taxpayer money should not be spent 
to repair my squad truck. That morning, I had told administrators of both Vedic 
City and the Pandit project that I would be sending them the bills on the 
repairs on the truck. Maureen Wynn of Vedic City called me yesterday and spoke 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/14/2014 10:18 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
 The Pundits does not go to school. These visas were very difficult to 
 obtain. One of the requirements for letting the Pundits into the US as 
 a group was that they were confined and held under close scrutiny.
All Hindu pundits go to school. There are no Hindu pundits in the U.S. 
that are being held in confinement - everyone in the U.S. is free to 
pray anytime and anywhere they want to. There are no religious 
requirements in order to get a U.S. visa. All visiting minor Hindu boy 
pundits on work study student visas from India should be under close 
scrutiny. All minors need to be under close scrutiny.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread nablusoss1008

 They are here on R-1 visas
 Who told you this Mr. Jackson ?

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 you are either a liar of you have been duped by the TMO - I'll give you the 
benefit of the doubt for now and say its the latter. 
 The reason why the
 Pundits are locked up is because of the requirements for
 obtaining short-term visas. MUM didn't invent these
 ---In, wrote :
 I think there is
 a lot of Brahmin-worship idealism not just from
 Maharishi, who at least understood it from his own culture.
 Mayor Winner and the others were probably too star struck by
 the holy pandit boys, to do anything, but
 imprison them, in this idealism - our little brown
 brothers, of inestimably high consciousness are too pure to
 join the ranks of us western sinners, or some such
 crap. Someone needs to go in there, and watch a football
 game (not soccer) with these guys, or take them to a country
 and western saloon. Its a good program, but only if the
 culture gap can be resolved. Otherwise, adios, muchachos!
 wrote :
 And how odd that you would find
 Lawson's speculation about the pundits' isolation to
 be blaming them for it rather than those responsible for
 keeping them in isolation.
 And that may be the  most important
 issue here:
 the pandits may feel so isolated that they
 are lashing out or getting exploited by jumping ship on the
 way back to India, etc, and it may be the root of all the
 problems we've been hearing about. Maharishi,  in
 his Brahmin-worship idealism, may have thought that it was
 enough simply for Brahmins to participate in the revival of
 their cultural tradition, but real world issues have shown
 that there's something lacking here and the local TM
 organization has to figure out what it
 wrote :
 This had nothing to do with a
 celebrity endorsement, you twisted twit. Lawson
 is addressing a specific factual issue, as to whether Mishra
 is the head pundit, as the news reports have
 said; and if not, what his real status is, since he appears
 to have been central to what took place..
 The truth
 is, Barry, you don't want to know what
 actually happened. You want to be the one who establshes the
 story according to your own bilious viewpoint, regardless of
 the facts. And anyone who goes in search of the facts and
 reports on what he finds, if it isn't 100 percent
 negative to the TMO, is to be demonized as a
 And how
 odd that you would find Lawson's speculation about the
 pundits' isolation to be blaming them for it rather than
 those responsible for keeping them in

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread emilymaenot

 Spiritual liberation is for the most part an inside job, imo.  How are they 
aiding the ability of others so inclined?  I am inclined, for example to desire 
such a thing.  How are they helping me?  (I have an answer to my own question, 
but I am curious as to your answer.) By example?  Because you honestly believe 
the hundreds of 20+ year olds are raising the collective consciousness of the 
world, sitting and chanting there in their barbed wire compound day after day 
after day, filled with apparent frustration (at least on that one day), perhaps 
sublimating many ordinary, normal and larger desires that 20-year olds have?  
(Think of your own child.  I think of mine.  She is about educating 
herself- academically, with respect to her relationship to nature/world, 
learning of people and beliefs through interaction with other human beings, 
exploring her own curiosities, her own desire for adventure, etc.)
---In, wrote :

 Please allow me to butt in -- Quite honestly Em, I do. Not that world peace 
necessarily dawns, but what they are doing, is *definitely* aiding the ability 
of those who are so inclined, to achieve spiritual liberation. Get enough 
spiritually clear folks on the planet, and we might make it a few more 
generations. Trying to get that ball of collective consciousness rolling in the 
other direction. No, I have absolutely NO PROOF of this, nor is it something I 
spend even five seconds per month thinking about.:-)
---In, emilymaenot@... wrote :

 Share, do you believe that the program is working to create world peace?  

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Richard, just because they don't want to go back to India, doesn't mean they 
want to continue being a pundit! Where is Spock when we need him?!

 I don't think the pundits have any contact with MUM any more. When the program 
started, they lived on campus. But not for quite a while now.

 That's right, no one is putting a gun to anyone's head. But we must have 
higher standards than that for a program meant to create world peace! Of 
course, imho (-:

 On Friday, March 14, 2014 10:43 AM, Richard J. Williams punditster@... wrote:
   On 3/13/2014 9:27 PM, Share Long wrote:
  To force someone to be in a program to create world peace is a 
  contradiction in terms! 
 Apparently all the students and their parents think MUM is a good thing.
 We are all trying to promote world peace. There doesn't seem to be any 
 evidence that anyone is being forced to send their children to a private 
 school in the U.S. and none of the school boys have lodged any 
 complaints that I know of. A few apparently didn't want to go back to 
 India! If anyone was forced to stay, why would they not want to go back 
 home? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the tenth year of 
 operation for the pundit boy campus? The only complaints I've heard 
 about MUM have come from MJ who wasn't even a student at MIU or MUM. Go 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/14/2014 10:23 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
 We just want everything don't we?
Thanks for your long reply, Sal, but I just do not see any valid reason 
to exclude Hindus from India obtaining a U.S. visa to get on a student 
work study program at a school in the U.S. In this country and in the 
EU, age or gender or religion are not valid reasons for exclusion for 
entry. In fact, I think it's illegal to discriminate student visas on 
the basis of race, national origin - or a persons religion, or lack 
thereof. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread salyavin808


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Careful Sal! You might get branded as negative as Barry and I have been. 
Don't worry about it, freedom of expression is always positive. One of us on 
here might even be right!

 Now I have three questions:
 1 - What is a ha'porth?

 I knew you'd like that. Very old and obsolete English abbreviation meaning; a 
half penny's worth = a small amount. Occasionally ironic.
 2 - Where have you seen a translation of a yagya? I wanna read some.

 I was in the office once and they were trying to decide on wording for a yagya 
to bless a particular project they were planning and basically it went Oh 
great vishnu, oh great, lakshmi, oh great krishna grant the people of 
skelmersdale great boons in their undertaking to build a new whatever it 
was. I asked if that was it and if they were all like that and was told that 
yes, they all request help from these aspects of natural law but the 
important bit the order of ritual and state of mind-state of the people doing 
it. Lots of rice throwing and chanting and a few self written lines. I could do 
it, I might offer to undercut them in future.
 3 - And don't you know its not the WORDS of the yagya itself that create the 
magic, but the INTENT, the fire and all the clarified butter they throw on it 
and for the ultimate TM coup de grace, it must be somethin' subtle!

 Wish I'd read that before writing the above, but yes, the words don't matter I 
wouldn't have thought. Unless the gods have a sense of humour too. how is a 
mere mortal like me to judge? On the results perhaps?


 On Fri, 3/14/14, salyavin808 wrote:

RE: [FairfieldLife] sheriff's press release about pundit riot

2014-03-14 Thread emilymaenot
Richard is delusional today.  

---In, wrote :

 WHAT are you people doing, living there?!

---In, rick@... wrote :

 A friend’s comment on this: 
 This is probably to calm down the farmers who had come in their pickups with 
rifles to avenge the death of the sheriff.  They had heard thru their network 
that the Pundits had killed him.  It is amazing to learn what kind of people 
surround us in these farms…wow, how fortunate they found out in time and did 
not shoot anyone.  A wild day for sure!
 The following is a press release issued by Jefferson County Sheriff Greg 

I would like to address some of the issues that I have heard from the public in 
reference to the incident at the Pandit property on Tuesday. One of the biggest 
concerns that I have heard is why was no one charged with a crime. Imagine 
yourself in a vehicle, in this case a crew cab ½ ton pickup and being in the 
middle of a crowd that is irate and focused on you. I had made a choice to try 
to re direct the Pandits back onto their property and off of 170th Street. 
There were anywhere from 70 to 80 Pandits in this group. When I realized that 
they were still coming on strong, I got back into my truck and had the driver’s 
side window down and the truck was unlocked. They surrounded the truck and were 
hitting the body of the truck, were on the running boards rocking the truck, 
trying to rip the mirrors off the truck and so on. I was not scared of these 
actions because they never attempted to enter the truck or try to pull me from 
the truck. There were pieces of gravel coming into the open driver’s window and 
I finally heard popping noises at the back of my truck. I had no idea that they 
were throwing rocks at the rear window of my truck. The only indication I had 
that this was happening was when a rock finally went through the window 
shattering it. This happened in a time frame of about a minute or so. I could 
not tell you who did what when during this time as there is such a sensory 
overload. I decided that my presence was not helping the situation and backed 
up and away from the crowd. I backed far enough away that as they were picking 
up asphalt, rocks and whatever else and were throwing these things at my truck, 
none of it came close. When they were around my vehicle, they were 4-5 thick 
all the way around the truck. I believe that the training and experience we 
receive in so many years in law enforcement helped in my decision making and 
kept things from getting out of control. My main focus was first and foremost 
for the safety of the public as this crowd was becoming more and more agitated.
I backed up and waited for assistance which came in the form of many law 
enforcement entities that were listed on an earlier press release including 
Fairfield Fire. The group stopped at the bottom of the hill and John 
Revolinski, who is part of the administration that looks after the Pandits went 
to the group to speak to them. I and about 4 other law enforcement members went 
to John and John advised that everything was okay. I do not believe that John 
witnessed the incident where I was surrounded by the Pandits and had damage 
done to my patrol vehicle. I explained to him what had transpired and also told 
John that I was giving him 10 minutes to move the Pandits back to their 
property or I would initiate the plan to move them. He did get them moved prior 
to the 10 minutes. We staged on 170th Street at the east parking lot of the 
Pandit property. At 10:00 a.m. I decided that things had calmed down enough for 
us to secure everyone and we kept a presence throughout the day.
Because I had no way of identifying who damaged my vehicle, I could not charge 
anyone with the offense. Once the Pandits were back on their property, they 
mingled with other Pandits and we run into a false arrest situation if we 
charge the wrong people. This does not mean that the investigation is over or 
that there will not be charges filed. We need time to sort things out and 
decide a course of action. Trust me when I say that there were and still are 
contacts being made with other entities to assist us in this investigation. I 
have also been in contact with the administration of Vedic City to try to 
resolve any future confrontations with the Pandits.
The second thing that I hear about is that taxpayer money should not be spent 
to repair my squad truck. That morning, I had told administrators of both Vedic 
City and the Pandit project that I would be sending them the bills on the 
repairs on the truck. Maureen Wynn of Vedic City called me yesterday and spoke 
highly of the restraint and professionalism that was displayed by law 
enforcement that day and also that all bills related to the repairs of my 
vehicle were to be sent to her to be paid. This will be done. I also want 
everyone to know that if this kind of behavior is 

RE: [FairfieldLife] sheriff's press release about pundit riot

2014-03-14 Thread emilymaenot
Sorry Rick, I transposed your name for Richard's and thought Richard made this 
up!  He's been on such a roll today.  

---In, emilymaenot@... wrote :

 Richard is delusional today.  

---In, wrote :

 WHAT are you people doing, living there?!

---In, rick@... wrote :

 A friend’s comment on this: 
 This is probably to calm down the farmers who had come in their pickups with 
rifles to avenge the death of the sheriff.  They had heard thru their network 
that the Pundits had killed him.  It is amazing to learn what kind of people 
surround us in these farms…wow, how fortunate they found out in time and did 
not shoot anyone.  A wild day for sure!
 The following is a press release issued by Jefferson County Sheriff Greg 

I would like to address some of the issues that I have heard from the public in 
reference to the incident at the Pandit property on Tuesday. One of the biggest 
concerns that I have heard is why was no one charged with a crime. Imagine 
yourself in a vehicle, in this case a crew cab ½ ton pickup and being in the 
middle of a crowd that is irate and focused on you. I had made a choice to try 
to re direct the Pandits back onto their property and off of 170th Street. 
There were anywhere from 70 to 80 Pandits in this group. When I realized that 
they were still coming on strong, I got back into my truck and had the driver’s 
side window down and the truck was unlocked. They surrounded the truck and were 
hitting the body of the truck, were on the running boards rocking the truck, 
trying to rip the mirrors off the truck and so on. I was not scared of these 
actions because they never attempted to enter the truck or try to pull me from 
the truck. There were pieces of gravel coming into the open driver’s window and 
I finally heard popping noises at the back of my truck. I had no idea that they 
were throwing rocks at the rear window of my truck. The only indication I had 
that this was happening was when a rock finally went through the window 
shattering it. This happened in a time frame of about a minute or so. I could 
not tell you who did what when during this time as there is such a sensory 
overload. I decided that my presence was not helping the situation and backed 
up and away from the crowd. I backed far enough away that as they were picking 
up asphalt, rocks and whatever else and were throwing these things at my truck, 
none of it came close. When they were around my vehicle, they were 4-5 thick 
all the way around the truck. I believe that the training and experience we 
receive in so many years in law enforcement helped in my decision making and 
kept things from getting out of control. My main focus was first and foremost 
for the safety of the public as this crowd was becoming more and more agitated.
I backed up and waited for assistance which came in the form of many law 
enforcement entities that were listed on an earlier press release including 
Fairfield Fire. The group stopped at the bottom of the hill and John 
Revolinski, who is part of the administration that looks after the Pandits went 
to the group to speak to them. I and about 4 other law enforcement members went 
to John and John advised that everything was okay. I do not believe that John 
witnessed the incident where I was surrounded by the Pandits and had damage 
done to my patrol vehicle. I explained to him what had transpired and also told 
John that I was giving him 10 minutes to move the Pandits back to their 
property or I would initiate the plan to move them. He did get them moved prior 
to the 10 minutes. We staged on 170th Street at the east parking lot of the 
Pandit property. At 10:00 a.m. I decided that things had calmed down enough for 
us to secure everyone and we kept a presence throughout the day.
Because I had no way of identifying who damaged my vehicle, I could not charge 
anyone with the offense. Once the Pandits were back on their property, they 
mingled with other Pandits and we run into a false arrest situation if we 
charge the wrong people. This does not mean that the investigation is over or 
that there will not be charges filed. We need time to sort things out and 
decide a course of action. Trust me when I say that there were and still are 
contacts being made with other entities to assist us in this investigation. I 
have also been in contact with the administration of Vedic City to try to 
resolve any future confrontations with the Pandits.
The second thing that I hear about is that taxpayer money should not be spent 
to repair my squad truck. That morning, I had told administrators of both Vedic 
City and the Pandit project that I would be sending them the bills on the 
repairs on the truck. Maureen Wynn of Vedic City called me yesterday and spoke 
highly of the restraint and professionalism that was displayed by law 
enforcement that day 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/14/2014 10:26 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 the TMO including Bill Goldstein and Hagelin have said that there are 
 no minors in the compound - all of the pundits are between the ages of 
 20 and 40 according to the TMO
You must be brain-dead or something. There are tens-of thousands of 
minor students in TMO schools all over India. Go figure.

RE: [FairfieldLife] sheriff's press release about pundit riot

2014-03-14 Thread Michael Jackson
I know you and I have crossed swords in the past, but that is one of the 
funniest things I have ever read here on FFL.

On Fri, 3/14/14, feste37 wrote:

 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] sheriff's press release about pundit riot
 Date: Friday, March 14, 2014, 4:37 PM

   Rick's friend was joking, presumably. 
 The pundit riot must rank as one of the most extraordinary
 events to take place here since the movement arrived in
 1974. The sheriff's report could almost have come from
 Colonial British India: well-trained white officer remains
 calm amidst riot by excitable darkies. 
 ---In, wrote :
 WHAT are you
 people doing, living there?!
 ---In, rick@... wrote
 A friend’s comment
 on this:   This is probably to calm down the
 farmers who had come in their pickups with rifles to avenge
 the death of the sheriff.  They had heard thru their
 network that the Pundits had killed him.  It is amazing
 to learn what kind of people surround us in these
 farms…wow, how fortunate they found out in time and did
 not shoot anyone.  A wild day for sure!  
 following is a press release issued by Jefferson County
 Sheriff Greg Morton: 
 I would like to address some of the issues that I have heard
 from the public in reference to the incident at the Pandit
 property on Tuesday. One of the biggest concerns that I have
 heard is why was no one charged with a crime. Imagine
 yourself in a vehicle, in this case a crew cab ½ ton pickup
 and being in the middle of a crowd that is irate and focused
 on you. I had made a choice to try to re direct the Pandits
 back onto their property and off of 170th Street.
 There were anywhere from 70 to 80 Pandits in this group.
 When I realized that they were still coming on strong, I got
 back into my truck and had the driver’s side window down
 and the truck was unlocked. They surrounded the truck and
 were hitting the body of the truck, were on the running
 boards rocking the truck, trying to rip the mirrors off the
 truck and so on. I was not scared of these actions because
 they never attempted to enter the truck or try to pull me
 from the truck. There were pieces of gravel coming into the
 open driver’s window and I finally heard popping noises at
 the back of my truck. I had no idea that they were throwing
 rocks at the rear window of my truck. The only indication I
 had that this was happening was when a rock finally went
 through the window shattering it. This happened in a time
 frame of about a minute or so. I could not tell you who did
 what when during this time as there is such a sensory
 overload. I decided that my presence was not helping the
 situation and backed up and away from the crowd. I backed
 far enough away that as they were picking up asphalt, rocks
 and whatever else and were throwing these things at my
 truck, none of it came close. When they were around my
 vehicle, they were 4-5 thick all the way around the truck. I
 believe that the training and experience we receive in so
 many years in law enforcement helped in my decision making
 and kept things from getting out of control. My main focus
 was first and foremost for the safety of the public as this
 crowd was becoming more and more agitated.
 I backed up and waited for assistance which came in the form
 of many law enforcement entities that were listed on an
 earlier press release including Fairfield Fire. The group
 stopped at the bottom of the hill and John Revolinski, who
 is part of the administration that looks after the Pandits
 went to the group to speak to them. I and about 4 other law
 enforcement members went to John and John advised that
 everything was okay. I do not believe that John witnessed
 the incident where I was surrounded by the Pandits and had
 damage done to my patrol vehicle. I explained to him what
 had transpired and also told John that I was giving him 10
 minutes to move the Pandits back to their property or I
 would initiate the plan to move them. He did get them moved
 prior to the 10 minutes. We staged on 170th
 Street at the east parking lot of the Pandit property. At
 10:00 a.m. I decided that things had calmed down enough for
 us to secure everyone and we kept a presence throughout the
 Because I had no way of identifying who damaged my vehicle,
 I could not charge anyone with the offense. Once the Pandits
 were back on their property, they mingled with other Pandits
 and we run into a false arrest situation if we charge the
 wrong people. This does not mean that the investigation is
 over or that there will not be charges filed. We need time
 to sort things out and decide a course of action. Trust me
 when I say that there were and still are contacts being made
 with other entities to assist us in this investigation. I
 have also been in contact 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Pudits Rioted, Flight 370 Vanished, Ukraine Invaded

2014-03-14 Thread anartaxius
[Response to Duveyoung:]

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Share Long
Nablusoss, I would not be at all surprised if it's true about the R-1 visas. I 
know from a friend that these kind of visas have been used by the TMO when some 
British Purusha were in North Carolina.

On Friday, March 14, 2014 11:42 AM, nablusoss1008 

They are here on R-1 visas
Who told you this Mr. Jackson ?

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

you are either a liar of you have been duped by the TMO - I'll give you the 
benefit of the doubt for now and say its the latter. 


The reason why the
Pundits are locked up is because of the requirements for
obtaining short-term visas. MUM didn't invent these

---In, wrote :

I think there is
a lot of Brahmin-worship idealism not just from
Maharishi, who at least understood it from his own culture.
Mayor Winner and the others were probably too star struck by
the holy pandit boys, to do anything, but
imprison them, in this idealism - our little brown
brothers, of inestimably high consciousness are too pure to
join the ranks of us western sinners, or some such
crap. Someone needs to go in there, and watch a football
game (not soccer) with these guys, or take them to a country
and western saloon. Its a good program, but only if the
culture gap can be resolved. Otherwise, adios, muchachos!

---In, LEnglish5@...
wrote :

And how odd that you would find
Lawson's speculation about the pundits' isolation to
be blaming them for it rather than those responsible for
keeping them in isolation.
And that may be the  most important
issue here:
the pandits may feel so isolated that they
are lashing out or getting exploited by jumping ship on the
way back to India, etc, and it may be the root of all the
problems we've been hearing about. Maharishi,  in
his Brahmin-worship idealism, may have thought that it was
enough simply for Brahmins to participate in the revival of
their cultural tradition, but real world issues have shown
that there's something lacking here and the local TM
organization has to figure out what it


---In, authfriend@...
wrote :

This had nothing to do with a
celebrity endorsement, you twisted twit. Lawson
is addressing a specific factual issue, as to whether Mishra
is the head pundit, as the news reports have
said; and if not, what his real status is, since he appears
to have been central to what took place..
The truth
is, Barry, you don't want to know what
actually happened. You want to be the one who establshes the
story according to your own bilious viewpoint, regardless of
the facts. And anyone who goes in search of the facts and
reports on what he finds, if it isn't 100 percent
negative to the TMO, is to be demonized as a
And how
odd that you would find Lawson's speculation about the
pundits' isolation to be blaming them for it rather than
those responsible for keeping them in

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Michael Jackson
Bill Goldstein said it publicly and it was quoted in the papers

On Fri, 3/14/14, nablusoss1008 wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot   
 Today's FF Ledger
 Date: Friday, March 14, 2014, 4:42 PM
 They are here on
 R-1 visasWho told you this Mr.
 Jackson ?
 ---In, mjackson74@...
 wrote :
 you are either a liar
 of you have been duped by the TMO - I'll give you the
 benefit of the doubt for now and say its the latter. 
 The reason why the
 Pundits are locked up is because of the requirements for
 obtaining short-term visas. MUM didn't invent these
 wrote :
 I think there is
 a lot of Brahmin-worship idealism not just from
 Maharishi, who at least understood it from his own culture.
 Mayor Winner and the others were probably too star struck
 the holy pandit boys, to do anything, but
 imprison them, in this idealism - our little brown
 brothers, of inestimably high consciousness are too pure to
 join the ranks of us western sinners, or some such
 crap. Someone needs to go in there, and watch a football
 game (not soccer) with these guys, or take them to a
 and western saloon. Its a good program, but only if the
 culture gap can be resolved. Otherwise, adios, muchachos!
 wrote :
 And how odd that you would find
 Lawson's speculation about the pundits' isolation
 be blaming them for it rather than those responsible for
 keeping them in isolation.
 And that may be the  most important
 issue here:
 the pandits may feel so isolated that they
 are lashing out or getting exploited by jumping ship on the
 way back to India, etc, and it may be the root of all the
 problems we've been hearing about. Maharishi,  in
 his Brahmin-worship idealism, may have thought that it was
 enough simply for Brahmins to participate in the revival of
 their cultural tradition, but real world issues have shown
 that there's something lacking here and the local TM
 organization has to figure out what it
 wrote :
 This had nothing to do with a
 celebrity endorsement, you twisted twit. Lawson
 is addressing a specific factual issue, as to whether
 is the head pundit, as the news reports have
 said; and if not, what his real status is, since he appears
 to have been central to what took place..
 The truth
 is, Barry, you don't want to know what
 actually happened. You want to be the one who establshes
 story according to your own bilious viewpoint, regardless
 the facts. And anyone who goes in search of the facts and
 reports on what he finds, if it isn't 100 percent
 negative to the TMO, is to be demonized as a
 And how
 odd that you would find Lawson's speculation about the
 pundits' isolation to be blaming them for it rather
 those responsible for keeping them in

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-14 Thread doctordumbass
I got nuttin' - sorry. I just know it works.:-) Brand me as you will, makes no 
diff. Like I said, I never give it much thought. No big deal, either way...

---In, emilymaenot@... wrote :

 Spiritual liberation is for the most part an inside job, imo.  How are they 
aiding the ability of others so inclined?  I am inclined, for example to desire 
such a thing.  How are they helping me?  (I have an answer to my own question, 
but I am curious as to your answer.) By example?  Because you honestly believe 
the hundreds of 20+ year olds are raising the collective consciousness of the 
world, sitting and chanting there in their barbed wire compound day after day 
after day, filled with apparent frustration (at least on that one day), perhaps 
sublimating many ordinary, normal and larger desires that 20-year olds have?  
(Think of your own child.  I think of mine.  She is about educating 
herself- academically, with respect to her relationship to nature/world, 
learning of people and beliefs through interaction with other human beings, 
exploring her own curiosities, her own desire for adventure, etc.)
---In, wrote :

 Please allow me to butt in -- Quite honestly Em, I do. Not that world peace 
necessarily dawns, but what they are doing, is *definitely* aiding the ability 
of those who are so inclined, to achieve spiritual liberation. Get enough 
spiritually clear folks on the planet, and we might make it a few more 
generations. Trying to get that ball of collective consciousness rolling in the 
other direction. No, I have absolutely NO PROOF of this, nor is it something I 
spend even five seconds per month thinking about.:-)
---In, emilymaenot@... wrote :

 Share, do you believe that the program is working to create world peace?  

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Richard, just because they don't want to go back to India, doesn't mean they 
want to continue being a pundit! Where is Spock when we need him?!

 I don't think the pundits have any contact with MUM any more. When the program 
started, they lived on campus. But not for quite a while now.

 That's right, no one is putting a gun to anyone's head. But we must have 
higher standards than that for a program meant to create world peace! Of 
course, imho (-:

 On Friday, March 14, 2014 10:43 AM, Richard J. Williams punditster@... wrote:
   On 3/13/2014 9:27 PM, Share Long wrote:
  To force someone to be in a program to create world peace is a 
  contradiction in terms! 
 Apparently all the students and their parents think MUM is a good thing.
 We are all trying to promote world peace. There doesn't seem to be any 
 evidence that anyone is being forced to send their children to a private 
 school in the U.S. and none of the school boys have lodged any 
 complaints that I know of. A few apparently didn't want to go back to 
 India! If anyone was forced to stay, why would they not want to go back 
 home? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the tenth year of 
 operation for the pundit boy campus? The only complaints I've heard 
 about MUM have come from MJ who wasn't even a student at MIU or MUM. Go 



[FairfieldLife] Springtime is Wartime for Washington

2014-03-14 Thread Bhairitu
More saber rattling:

Secretary of State John Kerry warned of serious repercussions for 
Russia on Monday if last-ditch talks over the weekend to resolve the 
crisis in Ukraine failed to persuade Moscow to soften its stance.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Michael Jackson
you are still an idiot - the pundits are NOT here on student visas, they are 
here on R-1 visas

On Fri, 3/14/14, Richard J. Williams wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot   
 Today's FF Ledger
 Date: Friday, March 14, 2014, 4:45 PM
   On 3/14/2014 10:23 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
  We just want everything don't we?
 Thanks for your long reply, Sal, but I just do not see any
 valid reason 
 to exclude Hindus from India obtaining a U.S. visa to get on
 a student 
 work study program at a school in the U.S. In this country
 and in the 
 EU, age or gender or religion are not valid reasons for
 exclusion for 
 entry. In fact, I think it's illegal to discriminate
 student visas on 
 the basis of race, national origin - or a persons religion,
 or lack 
 thereof. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/14/2014 10:30 AM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
 The reason why the Pundits are locked up is because of the 
 requirements for obtaining short-term visas. MUM didn't invent these 
There are no Hindu Pundits locked up in the U.S.A. There are no U.S. 
student work study visas that have any religious restrictions or 
requirements. MUM does not grant U.S. travel visas - they grant student 
scholarships. There are no locked up students from India at MUM. It's 
not complicated.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread nablusoss1008
Who told you this Mr. Jackson, the Turq ?

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 you are still an idiot - the pundits are NOT here on student visas, they are 
here on R-1 visas
 On Fri, 3/14/14, Richard J. Williams punditster@... mailto:punditster@... 
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot 
Today's FF Ledger
 Date: Friday, March 14, 2014, 4:45 PM
 On 3/14/2014 10:23 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
  We just want everything don't we?
 Thanks for your long reply, Sal, but I just do not see any
 valid reason 
 to exclude Hindus from India obtaining a U.S. visa to get on
 a student 
 work study program at a school in the U.S. In this country
 and in the 
 EU, age or gender or religion are not valid reasons for
 exclusion for 
 entry. In fact, I think it's illegal to discriminate
 student visas on 
 the basis of race, national origin - or a persons religion,
 or lack 
 thereof. Go figure. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/14/2014 10:24 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 you're still an idiot - the barbed wire is generally not on school grounds
In general there is a tendency in U.S. schools to increase the 
protection of students by erecting all kinds of safety measures. Many 
schools these days have locked doors with armed guards. Only a dummy 
would get so mixed up in the head that they would think the children at 
school are being held captive because there's a fence around the school 

What have you been smoking?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Why Pudits Rioted, Flight 370 Vanished, Ukraine Invaded

2014-03-14 Thread anartaxius
This wasn't my list: I copied it from someone's website. See Duveyoung's post.

---In, sharelong60@... wrote :

 Funny, Xeno, but what about the Advaitniks and Neo Advaitniks?

 On Friday, March 14, 2014 10:05 AM, anartaxius@... anartaxius@... wrote:
   Perhaps all these events that have been happening in the world have a 
simpler explanation than the rampant speculation of causes which we attribute 
to them:

Shit Happens Taoism: Shit happens. Confucianism: Confucius say, Shit happens. 
Buddhism: If shit happens, it isn't really shit. Zen Buddhism: Shit is, and is 
not. Zen Buddhism #2: What is the sound of shit happening? Hinduism: This shit 
has happened before. Islam: If shit happens, it is the will of Allah. Islam #2: 
If shit happens, kill the person responsible. Islam #3: If shit happens, blame 
Israel. Catholicism: If shit happens, you deserve it. Protestantism: Let shit 
happen to someone else. Presbyterian: This shit was bound to happen. 
Episcopalian: It's not so bad if shit happens, as long as you serve the right 
wine with it. Methodist: It's not so bad if shit happens, as long as you serve 
grape juice with it. Congregationalist: Shit that happens to one person is just 
as good as shit that happens to another. Unitarian: Shit that happens to one 
person is just as bad as shit that happens to another. Lutheran: If shit 
happens, don't talk about it. Fundamentalism: If shit happens, you will go to 
hell, unless you are born again. (Amen!) Fundamentalism #2: If shit happens to 
a televangelist, it's okay. Fundamentalism #3: Shit must be born again. 
Judaism: Why does this shit always happen to us? Calvinism: Shit happens 
because you don't work. Seventh Day Adventism: No shit shall happen on 
Saturday. Creationism: God made all shit. Secular Humanism: Shit evolves. 
Christian Science: When shit happens, don't call a doctor - pray! Christian 
Science #2: Shit happening is all in your mind. Unitarianism: Come let us 
reason together about this shit. Quakers: Let us not fight over this shit. 
Utopianism: This shit does not stink. Darwinism: This shit was once food. 
Capitalism: That's MY shit. Communism: It's everybody's shit. Feminism: Men are 
shit. Chauvinism: We may be shit, but you can't live without us... 
Commercialism: Let's package this shit. Impressionism: From a distance, shit 
looks like a garden. Idolism: Let's bronze this shit. Existentialism: Shit 
doesn't happen; shit IS. Existentialism #2: What is shit, anyway? Stoicism: 
This shit is good for me. Hedonism: There is nothing like a good shit 
happening! Mormonism: God sent us this shit. Mormonism #2: This shit is going 
to happen again. Wiccan: An it harm none, let shit happen. Scientology: If shit 
happens, see Dianetics, p.157. Jehovah's Witnesses: Knock Knock Shit 
happens. Jehovah's Witnesses #2: May we have a moment of your time to show you 
some of our shit? Jehovah's Witnesses #3: Shit has been prophesied and is 
imminent; only the righteous shall survive its happening. Moonies: Only really 
happy shit happens. Hare Krishna: Shit happens, rama rama. Rastafarianism: 
Let's smoke this shit! Zoroastrianism: Shit happens half on the time. Church of 
SubGenius: BoB shits. Practical: Deal with shit one day at a time. Agnostic: 
Shit might have happened; then again, maybe not. Agnostic #2: Did someone shit? 
Agnostic #3: What is this shit? Satanism: SNEPPAH TIHS. Atheism: What shit? 
Atheism #2: I can't believe this shit! Nihilism: No shit. Narcisism: I am the 
shit! Alcoholics Anonymous: Shit happens - one day at a time.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot Today's FF Ledger

2014-03-14 Thread Michael Jackson
Is everyone aware that I have uncovered the smoking gun where the TMO is 
admitting to being a religious organization?

On Fri, 3/14/14, Michael Jackson wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action expected after riot   
 Today's FF Ledger
 Date: Friday, March 14,
   you are either a liar of you have been duped by the
 TMO - I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now and
 say its the latter. 
 And you don't know what you are talking about. Short
 term visas are visas for stays of between 9 days and less
 than six months. The pundits are here for longer periods
 than 6 months. 
 They are here on R-1 visas  
 R-1 Temporary Non-immigrant Religious Workers
 An R-1 is a foreign national who is coming to the
 United States temporarily to be employed at least part time
 (average of at least 20 hours per week) by a non-profit
 religious organization in the United States (or an
 organization which is affiliated with the religious
 denomination in the United States) to work as a minister or
 in a religious vocation or occupation. 
 I have looked over the government rules for these R-1 visas
 and there is NO rule WHATSOEVER about keeping the religious
 workers (which is what they are under the R-1 rules) penned
 up. You are incorrect on this. The fences are there to keep
 them from running away. Period.
 Now given the fact that the TMO is bringing the pundits over
 on R-1 visas, note the rules set by the US government. 
 An R-1 is a foreign national who is coming to the
 United States temporarily to be employed at least part time
 (average of at least 20 hours per week) by a non-profit
 religious organization
 This means the TMO or at least the Global Country of World
 Peace is admitting to being a religious organization.
 On Fri, 3/14/14, nablusoss1008 wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Disciplinary action
 expected after riotToday's FF Ledger
  Date: Friday, March 14, 2014, 3:30 PM




  The reason why the
  Pundits are locked up is because of the requirements for
  obtaining short-term visas. MUM didn't invent these
  ---In, wrote :
  I think there is
  a lot of Brahmin-worship idealism not just
  Maharishi, who at least understood it from his own
  Mayor Winner and the others were probably too star struck
  the holy pandit boys, to do anything, but
  imprison them, in this idealism - our little brown
  brothers, of inestimably high consciousness are too pure
  join the ranks of us western sinners, or some such
  crap. Someone needs to go in there, and watch a football
  game (not soccer) with these guys, or take them to a
  and western saloon. Its a good program, but only if the
  culture gap can be resolved. Otherwise, adios, muchachos!
  ---In, LEnglish5@...
  wrote :
  And how odd that you would find
  Lawson's speculation about the pundits' isolation
  be blaming them for it rather than those responsible for
  keeping them in isolation.
  And that may be the  most important
  issue here:
  the pandits may feel so isolated that they
  are lashing out or getting exploited by jumping ship on
  way back to India, etc, and it may be the root of all the
  problems we've been hearing about. Maharishi,  in
  his Brahmin-worship idealism, may have thought that it was
  enough simply for Brahmins to participate in the revival
  their cultural tradition, but real world issues have shown
  that there's something lacking here and the local TM
  organization has to figure out what it
  wrote :
  This had nothing to do with a
  celebrity endorsement, you twisted twit.
  is addressing a specific factual issue, as to whether
  is the head pundit, as the news reports have
  said; and if not, what his real status is, since he
  to have been 

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