[FairfieldLife] Re: US National Debt Hits $16 Trillion

2012-09-05 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > US National Debt Hits $16 Trillion
> >
> And what form might "invincibility" take for the USA?
Looks like Obama is a day late and a dollar short! But,
being debt-free might be a good start toward being

Deficit-Attention Disorder:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-07 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > ...do you really think this particular post of 
> > Ravi's was geared towards harming your online 
> > reputation? 
> >
> Yes I do and I'll tell you why. This is the 
> second time he has accused me of making threats 
> online...
Well, if you are so worried about your online 
reputation, maybe you'd want to skip the 'ball 
gag' jokes! Lol!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-08 Thread Richard J. Williams

> I really *DO* feel that I can get a good intuitive
> sense of the overall vibe or *intent* of a post
> from the first 10-20 words of it I see in Message
> View...
Actual photo of Fredrick Lenz levitating.

The odd thing is that, not a single person on the
entire internet has posted anything about seeing
Lenz levitate in front of large groups of students.

Go figure.

So, perception is Reality? Rama's levitation was
apparently just a parlor trick in order to get girls,
heck, I once saw a UFO and was abducted into a ship
and experienced time travel to a distant universe
and back again in a matter of minutes! No biggie.


> You simply can't go back to them weeks or months
> or years later and accurately recapture what went
> down.
So much more so when you try to remember events
that happened forty years ago when you were stoned
on LSD! LoL!

'Take Me For A Ride'
by Mark Laxer

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does anyone know.....

2012-09-08 Thread Richard J. Williams

> The oldest detailed description of siddhis I can find 
> is Krishna describing them to Uddhava in the Uddhava 
> Gita, which apparently dates at least to 1000 BCE.
1000 BC would be pre-buddistic, therefore non-historical. 

The Uddhava Gita came later, after the historical 
Buddha, after the formation of the Bhakti sects, during 
the Indian Gupta Age. 

"An Outline of Indian Literature"
by J.N. Farquhar
Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi

Probably the oldest fakir tradition in India is the 
cult of Dattatreya:

"It was Gorakshanath who changed removed the aghori 
traditions and made the Nath sampradaya in the 
acceptable civil form of today. Dattatreya must have 
been a very powerful sage existing before this time and 
over the centuries sometime he was defined to the form 
of Dattatreya. 

The three heads have come definitely later in the last 
900 years or so..."


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eyewitness accounts of levitation that ring true

2012-09-08 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > Well, if you are so worried about your online 
> > reputation, maybe you'd want to skip the 'ball 
> > gag' jokes! Lol!
> >
> I am always confused when you bring this up because 
> when you do a search on this term, you have to go 
> back to Jan 09 for my last use of the term in a 
> joke...

A ball gag joke on a spiritual forum that has a bunch
of ladies on it. LoL! It was a joke, Curtis. Get it?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting On The Wheel

2012-09-08 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > Today I'm on my bike...
> >
> Doc sez: yeah, I love bikes too - great vid for waking up Saturday

= __o
= (*) % (*)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting On The Wheel

2012-09-08 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > ...my neat little folding mountain bike and
> > give my synapses a recharge.
> >
Share Long:
> Me too!
'Mountain' bike in the city? LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Levitation in Africa?

2012-09-08 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Very cool world...
> I like stories like this. Pointless to just believe but
> considering the man's dedication to integrity in every 
> other area of his life it's impossible to ignore. Like
> Barry's tale of Fred Lenz in the desert, I must just
> hang around with the wrong crowd, coz I wish I could get 
> to see stuff like this! Whatever the answer is

[FairfieldLife] Re: Levitation in Africa?

2012-09-08 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > The world is not some objective thing or place, but a 
> > projection of awareness.  
> >
> You *don't* create the world. It creates you, and vice-
> versa. It's a relationship defined as the interdependence
> of co-creator to co-creator, not the relationship of
> artist to creation.
There is no 'creation' in Buddhism, Turq. The Dependent 
origination means causation: for every effect, there is a 
cause. There are actions and consequence. The question is, 
is there a moral reciprocity?

According to the Buddhist Madhyamika view, all phenomena 
are dependent upon multiple other causes and conditions. 

So, there can be no First Cause - no creation, no creator,
for that would be a thing-in-itself, not dependent on
anything - an Absolute.

"Of those dharmas which arise from a cause, the Tathagata 
has stated the cause, and also the cessation; such is the 
teaching of the Great Ascetic." - Sariputra

Read more:

'The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching'
Three River Press, 1999

[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting On The Wheel

2012-09-08 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > > Today I'm on my bike...
> > >
> > Doc sez: yeah, I love bikes too - great vid for waking up Saturday
> morning...
> >
> = __o
> \`,
> = (*) % (*)

Sorry, that should be:

= __o
= (*) % (*)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting On The Wheel

2012-09-08 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > > > Today I'm on my bike...
> > > >
> > > Doc sez: yeah, I love bikes too - great vid for waking up Saturday
> > morning...
> > >
> >
> > = __o
> > \`,
> > = (*) % (*)
> >
> Sorry, that should be:
> = __o
> \`,
> = (*) % (*)

  = __o
   = (*) % (*) o

[FairfieldLife] Re: Getting On The Wheel

2012-09-08 Thread Richard J. Williams


[FairfieldLife] Re: Republican Jesus™

2012-09-08 Thread Richard J. Williams

Don't you just hate those Republicans!

Almost 50% of Iowa residents voted Republican 
in the last election and the majority of TMers
in Fairfiled seem to support Ron Paul. LoL!


> Republican Jesus™

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apologies from Robin and Judy

2012-09-11 Thread Richard J. Williams
So, it's all about Robin and Judy.

> Wow. Take a night off from Fairfield Life and it
> goes officially Bat Shit Crazy. I think that the
> bottom line on all this insanity should be given
> to the two people causing most of it:
> Please forgive me, Curtis, and everyone. I was just 
> having a bad night, after realizing the truth about
> myself, that I am nothing more than a minor cult 
> wannabee who spent a few years in a minor wannabee 
> cult. And that I finally became so narcissistic and
> so deluded in that cult that I began to imagine that 
> I had the moxie to start my own cult. I failed 
> miserably at that, and was laughed out of town, and
> now I'm nothing. In the history of spirituality in 
> North America, I don't even deserve a footnote; I 
> was that minor and that passing a fad. Realizing
> all this just got me down, that's all, so I made
> up some shit about you. Sorry.
> - Robin W. Carlsen
> Please forgive me, Curtis, and everyone. I'm a 
> bat shit crazy old woman with nothing going on in
> my life and it really, really, really gets my panties
> in a twist to see anyone liking or supporting anyone
> I've spent years telling them that they shouldn't
> like. When that happens I see red and go a little
> crazier than usual, because it reminds me what an
> *ineffectual* crazy person I am. All these years,
> working with an audience not nearly as smart as I
> am, and I *still* couldn't make them hate the people
> I wanted them to hate. Realizing all this just got
> me down, that's all, so I needed to go a little 
> more bat shit crazy than usual.
> - Judy Stein
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen"  wrote:
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > Judy, you do leave me speechless.  Almost.  It is at this point
> > > > I reflect on the last Narnia book, "The Last Battle", when the 
> > > > ape "Shift" turns the truth upside down.  And succeeds in doing
> > > > so for a while.  I guess that's a difference between that book 
> > > > and FFL.  I don't think anyone is fooled here, even for a moment.
> > > > 
> > > > I hope Robin doesn't turn on you here Judy.  That could happen 
> > > > you know.
> > > 
> > > ROBIN: Actually, this is the only moment in today's proceedings 
> > > where I feel you have hit a nerve, Steve. And I believe your 
> > > warning to Authfriend both timely and even portentous. I would
> > > ask you, Authfriend, to be careful at this point. Curtis and I 
> > > understand each other. I don't know you at all. And sometimes I
> > > think you act as if you know me much better than you do. Do you 
> > > understand this, Authfriend?
> > 
> > F*ck off, Zebra Baby. I don't give a crap about you and
> > your Issues; I'm after Curtis here. Don't get in the way,
> > OK? I know you better than I need to.
> > 
> > > You will thank Steve someday for his rebuke here. But funny
> > > thing is: the more I write into you, the more I like you!
> > 
> > Yeah, yeah, very funny. Take your levers and hooks and
> > grappling irons and go after somebody who hasn't made it
> > all the way around the block even once yet.
> > 
> > "Write into you," is that Canada-speak? Hey, I'll tell
> > you where you can write into, mister.
> > 
> > > But that doesn't change the wisdom of Steve's admonition,
> > > as surely you must know, Authfriend.
> > 
> > Nothing can ever change Steve's wisdom, I agree with
> > you there.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apologies from Robin and Judy

2012-09-11 Thread Richard J. Williams

  > The Book of Mormon is playing just up the street from me
> at the Fox Theater. ..
Fox Theater?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Happy Patriot Day

2012-09-12 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Barry2 is usually a sensible guy.  
Truther. Blame it on Bush. Go figure.

'Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't 
Stand Up to the Facts' 

> But the fact that he dosen't believe that 9/11 happened 
> is very much like Ahmednutjob stating that he dosen't 
> believe that the Holocaust ever happened. 
> > You freaking idiot! Everybody knows Elvis did it!
> > 
> > > As you know I never bought the "official story" 
> > > of 9-11...

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Noblest Aspiration I Can Imagine

2012-09-12 Thread Richard J. Williams

So, now it's all about Robin and Barry. LoL!

> Having rapped once this morning about the concept so often pushed out by
> TM and TMers of it/them being "The Best," I thought I'd balance things
> somewhat and rap about another concept. As much as I may appreciate
> people whose aspiration -- like Olympic athletes -- is to become The
> Best at something, I'm personally just not drawn that way.
> In both spiritual pursuits and more mundane ones, I'm more attracted to
> folks who have learned the quiet joys of being ordinary.
> I just did an Amazon "Look inside this book" search of Maharishi's "The
> Science of Being and Art of Living," looking for instances of a word. I
> got zero results. None. Nada. Bupkus. This doesn't surprise me, because
> in the many years I studied with him, I can't recall him having ever
> used the word in any talk or lecture.
> But if you think about it, that *should* be a bit surprising, because
> this word is the *basis* of many other spiritual teachings and
> traditions. They give whole talks devoted to this word and concept. They
> write whole books about it. Much of their daily practice is devoted to
> achieving it.
> The word is "humility."
> The dictionary defines humility as "The quality or state of being
> humble." Looking up humble, it is defined as "Not proud or haughty;
> reflecting or expressing a spirit of deference." The Dalai Lama, in one
> of his talks on this subject, has said, "Any sense of conceit or
> self-importance gets in the way of cultivating the genuine altruistic
> intention, and the most effective remedy against this is the cultivation
> of humility."
> Isn't it interesting that the quality that Buddhism considers one of the
> noblest and most altruistic intents one could have, so much so that it's
> considered a "remedy" for its opposite, self importance, is something
> that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi didn't even feel was worth mentioning?
> Different strokes for different folks, eh?
> Anyway, I'm a big fan of humility, in the sense of realizing one's
> ordinariness and *lack* of self importance. This, to me, is a portal
> that leads to the ability to better empathize with one's fellow human
> beings. And that, of course, leads to the ability to be more of service
> to them.
> There are a few folks here on Fairfield Life who I think -- based on the
> things they write -- "get" humility. You see it in the way they describe
> the "people on the street" they interact with (think Curtis and Marek)
> and you see it in the things they aspire to or fail to aspire to (think
> Xeno and some others, who have given up the one-pointed pursuit of
> enlightenment in favor of the pursuit of just living a fun or meaningful
> life).
> Then there are others, who *don't* seem content with being ordinary.
> We've been told here that the "highest goal in life" is to aspire to
> becoming enlightened. Or to create world peace by being so important
> that the very thud of your buttocks on slabs of foam creates world
> peace. Call me crazy, but I don't see a lot of humility in these
> aspirations.
> I also don't see a lot of happiness and fulfillment in the people who
> pursue them.
> It's as if they're never satisfied. There's this carrot dangling
> somewhere on the end of a stick in front of them, and they won't allow
> themselves to be truly happy until they've grabbed it. Sounds like a
> dumb way to live one's life to me.
> Some people need big, enormous, ostentatious and above all IMPORTANT
> goals in life. Enlightenment. World peace. I like people who have more
> humble goals, like just trying to be as happy as they can in their daily
> lives, and trying to do as much as they can to help the people they
> personally interact with every day to be a little happier themselves.
> Those goals sound just fine to me; I don't see why anyone would need
> loftier ones.
> But then I have listened to a lot of songs by Bruce Cockburn, a guy who
> "gets" humility, too. His lyrics and his way of looking at things may
> have warped me. When he sings verses like the following, I get the
> feeling he's actually onto something:
>   To be one more voice in the human choir
>   Rising like smoke from the mystical fire
>   Of the heart
> Not "the" voice. Not even the lead singer. Just one more voice. Now
> that's humble.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVfssmB4ok0

[FairfieldLife] National Debt Counter

2012-09-12 Thread Richard J. Williams


[FairfieldLife] Re: National Debt Counter

2012-09-12 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > National Debt Counter
> >
> That can be slowed quite a bit by bringing troops home
> and reducing defense spending.
The U.S. budget for defense this year is $663.84 billion.

You're good at math, so how much would the national debt
be reduced if the U.S. spent nothing on overseas contingency


[FairfieldLife] Re: Attack in Libya

2012-09-13 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > > The Obama administration suspects that the fiery 
> > > attack in Libya that killed the American ambassador 
> > > and three other diplomats may have been planned
> > > 
> > If Romney was president, he would shoot first and 
> > aim later.
> > 
> Great. Just what we need in the White House, another 
> wannabee cowboy itching for a war.
So, let's just take all the weapons away from the embassy
staff, so they can't shoot anyone, and bring all the
marines home that protect the embassy!  That would bring 
down the national debt and at the same time, make Obama
look like a Muslim religious sympathizer - then peace,

> Republicans suck at diplomacy. 
So, the killing in Libya is a U.S. political and
religious issue. But, it wasn't Obama that sent out 
the Cairo apology - it was Hillary Clinton's State 

"It is because we are cowards, unwilling to stand up 
for the principles on which this nation was founded. 
And because that is a religion which is almost uniquely 
anti-western, and that also explains a lot about why 
the Left is in sympathy toward it, and its "feelings."


> Romney should STFU. His scripted attacks against 
> Obama seem to have backfired.
'Death of Ambassador Stevens Is America's Shame, 
Hillary's and Obama's'

"Obama rejects Netanyahu meeting, invites Egypt's 
Muslim  Brotherhood president to talk..."

[FairfieldLife] Re: An Exemplar of Civic Virtue

2012-09-13 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > Obituary: J Christopher Stevens.
> > 
> > In a dark place he was one of us.
> > An Arjuna,
> > A Statesman,
> > A Mediator,
> > A Meditator.
> > Om
> > Shanti.
> > 
> > http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-19571272
> >
> Don't know why you call him a meditator, although he
> may well have been one, having grown up in California
> and been in the Peace Corps. 
> What strikes me about this whole sad business is that
> it's all caused by religion. The Embassy was stormed,
> presumably by fanatical Muslims, because they'd seen
> or heard about a couple of clips on YouTube of an
> anti-Islam film made by an Israeli Jew and promoted
> by an Egyptian Christian.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the film depicts 
the Muslim prophet Muhammed as a "womanizer, pedophile 
and fraud"!

"An anti-Muslim film that has been blamed for the 
attacks on U.S. embassies in Egypt, Libya and Yemen is 
likely a contrived fraud designed to stir up unrest in 
the Middle East while shielding the true reasons behind 
the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens."


Muhammad Movie Trailer?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Arab Spring Turns Against the US

2012-09-13 Thread Richard J. Williams

> It smells like Al Qaeda is involved in this attack in 
> Yemen and Libya.  They may be paying off protestors to 
> create havoc in American embassies in the Middle East.  
"With our anemic and effeminate foreign policy, we've 
ceded both Egypt and Libya to the Islamists, so it's 
better to bring the Americans home.  It's done.  Our 
Middle East policy has been a failure, top to bottom, 
side to side, front to back." 

'Marines Headed To Libya To Reinforce Security'

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: PS to Ann "I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!"

2012-09-13 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Robin himself has neither said hello to her since her 
> arrival here, interacted with her in any way, or even 
> recognized her existence...
So, it's all about Robin and Ann. LoL!

> LOL. Your reply, eloquent in its wordlessness and its use of one
> simple graphic to capture the essence of the situation, is priceless.
> I'm glad I'm not the only person here who has perceived something
> a little "off" in Ann's behavior. I mean, this is a person who was, at
> the end of her "Robin experience," herded up onto a stage in front
> of other followers and (as I understand it) told that she was possessed
> by demons, and then cast out of the group. She reacted at the time
> (again, as I understand it, based on things she has said here) by
> turning whistleblower and orchestrating a media expose of Robin
> and his antics that resulted in him being essentially chased out of
> town and ending his reign as Cult Leader In Chief.
> Robin himself has neither said hello to her since her arrival here,
> interacted with her in any way, or even recognized her existence.
> Yet Ann has teamed up with Judy and others to constantly defend
> him and chastise those who suspect he's more insane than spirit-
> ually "advanced," and that essentially nothing has changed in
> his behavior over the years. His act here on Fairfield Life strikes
> us as *remarkably* like what his act was described as being
> "back in the day." Ann seems to disagree, and has essentially
> taken upon herself the role of groupie to an aging spiritual rock
> star who, from his side, doesn't even acknowledge that she exists.
> This all strikes me as somewhat curious. But then, on FFL,
> many things do.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Arab Spring Turns Against the US

2012-09-13 Thread Richard J. Williams

> The Americans do not have the right to interfere with 
> the politics in Egypt and Libya.
March 19, 2011 United Nations Security Council Resolution 
1973 authorizes military intervention in Libyan civil war.

'Obama foreign policy in disarray'

> > > It smells like Al Qaeda is involved in this attack in 
> > > Yemen and Libya.  They may be paying off protestors to 
> > > create havoc in American embassies in the Middle East.  
> > >
> > "With our anemic and effeminate foreign policy, we've 
> > ceded both Egypt and Libya to the Islamists, so it's 
> > better to bring the Americans home.  It's done.  Our 
> > Middle East policy has been a failure, top to bottom, 
> > side to side, front to back." 
> > 
> > 'Marines Headed To Libya To Reinforce Security'
> > http://tinyurl.com/9kwe68w
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Arab Spring Turns Against the US

2012-09-13 Thread Richard J. Williams

> From what I've read on the internet, the White House 
> is trying to put out the fires whatever way they can.  
> For example, Hillary Clinton has stated that she has 
> seen the film in question and is appalled.
> The story is still evolving.  So, stay tuned.
You're thinking that Hillary watches YouTube?

Muhammad Movie Trailer?

[FairfieldLife] Re: A few Internet thoughts on revenge and those who live for it

2012-09-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Given the intensity with which some people seem to base their lives on
> the pursuit of revenge against those who they feel have affronted them,
> I thought I'd pass along a few thoughts for their entertainment and
> edification:
> Revenge is a harmful action against a person or group in response to a
> grievance, be it real or perceived. It is also called payback,
Thanks for the revenge post, but when are you going 
to payback the wager you lost? LoL!

> retribution, retaliation or vengeance...
> Some societies believe that the punishment in revenge should exceed the
> original injury. For example, a poll of over 1,800 Americans showed that
> about 40% would support the death penalty for child rape.
> Detractors argue that revenge is a simple logical fallacy, of the same
> design as "two wrongs make a right". Some assert that the Hebrew Bible's
> concept of reciprocal justice "an eye for an eye" (Exod. 21:24)
> validates the concept of proportionate revenge, in which there would be
> a simple 'equality of suffering'; however Rabbinic law states this verse
> indicates a person should provide a monetary payment for the eye or
> tooth that was damaged, and does not require the assailant to receive
> physical damage. This view confounds the concepts of "justice" and
> "revenge," and disregards the fact that "eye for an eye" justice was a
> philosophical advance on the normative practice of the day (see blood
> feud, infra) and that Judaic scripture elsewhere prescribes "Do not
> seek revenge . . . love your neighbor as yourself" (Leviticus
> 19:18). Also, the Hebrew Bible illustrates the concept that '"vengeance
> is mine" says the Lord' (Deut. 3:25, cf., in the NT, Rom. 12:19).
> Desire for the sustenance of power motivates vengeful behavior as a
> means of impression management: "People who are more vengeful tend to be
> those who are motivated by power, by authority and by the desire for
> status. They don't want to lose face," says social psychologist Ian
> McKee.
> Many religions condemn revenge, or promote it as eternal punishment.
> Some denominations of Christianity command their followers to forgive
> their enemies. Whether the death penalty and the use of the military are
> compatible with Christianity vary on the individual's beliefs and
> interpretation of the Bible.
> Judaism forbids revenge for small sins such as insults and things like
> stealing. For large crimes, such as murder, the issue of revenge is more
> complicated. While some rabbis condemn all revenge, others consider
> feelings (though not necessarily actions) of revenge permissible in
> extreme cases such as murder, where the forgiveness of the person
> offended cannot be attained (in Judaism, nobody, not even God, can
> forgive crimes committed towards another person).
> In Islam, revenge is sometimes permissible (depending on the situation
> and sect/group of Islam), but forgiveness is preferable. However, murder
> for the sake of vengeance is forbidden in Islam, and killing is only
> permitted in self-defense.
> Buddhism condemns revenge as stemming from ego and attachment.
> In contrast to many other religions, LaVeyan Satanism promotes
> "vengeance" as a core tenet.
> Some modern societies use tales of revenge to provide catharsis, or to
> condition their members against acting out of desire for retribution. In
> many of these works, tragedy is compounded when the person seeking
> revenge realizes he/she has become what he/she wished to destroy.
> He that studieth revenge keepeth his own wounds green, which otherwise
> would heal and do well.
> John Milton
> Anger ventilated often hurries towards forgiveness; anger concealed
> often hardens into revenge.
> Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton
> The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.
> Marcus Aurelius
> While seeking revenge, dig two graves - one for yourself.
> Douglas Horton
> Meekness: Uncommon patience in planning a revenge that is worthwhile.
> Ambrose Bierce
> Evil is always devising more corrosive misery through man's restless
> need to exact revenge out of his hate.
> Ralph Steadman
> To refrain from imitation is the best revenge.
> Marcus Aurelius
> Revenge is barren of itself: it is the dreadful food it feeds on; its
> delight is murder, and its end is despair.
> Friedrich Schiller
> Revenge is the naked idol of the worship of a semi-barbarous age.
> Percy Bysshe Shelley
> Revenge... is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a
> hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those
> bones whose sinews gave it motion.
> Jeremy Taylor
> Revenge proves its own executioner.
> John Ford
> When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him
> keep her.
> Sacha Guitry
> The best revenge is massive success.
> Frank Sinatra

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fraud who made the movie that has rocked the world

2012-09-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
> The "making of" the film "The Innocence of Muslims"
> that is rocking the Islamic world and causing death 
> and destruction is undoubtedly far more fascinating 
> than the film itself.
So, you're reviewing a film you have not seen and you
get all your news from Wired. LoL!

Nobody has seen the film - it's just a pretext for
the attacks on the West by the Islamic radicals.

"...it was not the result of spontaneous anger due to
the video."

'Revealed: inside story of US envoy's assassination'
The Independent, September 14, 2012

> In this article Wired shows that it still has the ability
> to do a great investigative journalism piece when it wants
> to. My favorite quote: 
> "This is the man whose work is now at the center of one of 
> the gravest diplomatic disasters in recent memory, whose 
> video is at least partially responsible for attacks that 
> claimed the lives of four U.S. employees, including the 
> American ambassador to Libya. It shows how U.S. foreign 
> policy in the 21st century is at risk of being derailed by 
> a single, pseudonymous fraudster."
> http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2012/09/anti-islam-flick/all/

[FairfieldLife] Re: Arab Spring Turns Against the US

2012-09-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

Mike Dixon:
> We just need to go along with the scenario that 
> this was all caused by some Jew and christian  
> collaborating to make a film offensive to Muslims, 
> nudge, nudge, say no more.
Well, we could all just cower in our room and give 
up our freedom of speech, and wait for the next 
attack from the radical Islamists, if we have any 
guns to protect ourselves with!

"A crazy individual US citizen has uploaded a movie 
onto the Internet which denigrates the Prophet 

'Obama's Middle East Policy Is in Ruins'

[FairfieldLife] Re: Arab Spring Turns Against the US

2012-09-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > > From what I've read on the internet, the White House 
> > > is trying to put out the fires whatever way they can. 
> > > For example, Hillary Clinton has stated that she has 
> > > seen the film in question and is appalled.
> > >
> > > The story is still evolving.  So, stay tuned.
> > >
> You're thinking that Hillary watches YouTube?
> Muhammad Movie Trailer?
> http://youtu.be/_Kuz5PCYcQg
Mike Dixon:
> Mohammed, Schmohammed...
So, only Hillary Clinton has seen the film and she 
didn't warn the embassy? Go figure.

"An anti-Muslim film that has been blamed for the 
attacks on U.S. embassies in Egypt, Libya and Yemen 
is likely a contrived fraud designed to stir up 
unrest in the Middle East while shielding the true 
reasons behind the murder of Ambassador Chris 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: PS to Ann "I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!"

2012-09-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > I sent your email to Curtis and Judy, because it freaked 
> > me out...
> > 
> > Now, Sal, I am headed off on vacation and won't be posting 
> > for a few weeks...
> > 
> You too, and have a great vacation, away from the soap opera, 
> the cardboard scenery and enjoy some fresh air and real dirt 
> under your feet...
And, hopefully, free from sending and recieving secret 
emails about the conversations on FFL! LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: PS to Ann "I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!"

2012-09-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > > DD: "Sal Sunshine": sounds like a crazy, invasive 
> > > personality to me.
> > >
> > I believe she has some sincere concerns about some 
> > of the posters here.  
> >
> You mean that she could become *concerned* about
> people here? Like the guy who is now on his fifth
> "posting ID" on Fairfield Life, at least one of
> which was spent pretending to be a woman?  
> Or the woman who is still hounding her and taking
> every possible opportunity to ruin her reputation,
> months after she stopped posting at FFL?
> What could there possibly be to be concerned about? :-)
Well, you could be concerned about falling down a 
rabbit hole private email exchange with two of the 
posters whose posts you don't even read! :-)

[FairfieldLife] Down the Rabbit Hole

2012-09-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > > I believe she has some sincere concerns about some of the
> > > posters here.  She was on the FFL for years and I knew her
> > > personally, and never felt she was either of those things.
> > > She was sticking up for me and I appreciate that.  She was
> > > expressing an opinion like we do here all the time.
> > >
> > You read her email, Curtis. That is not an honest description
> > of it.
> >
> That was a concise lesson in Judy ethics and hypocrisy wasn't 
> it?
So, it's all about Sal. LoL! 

Is Sal even on this list anymore?

> Right on the heels of accusing me of being unethical for 
> stating that Robin's parody he wrote with my name on the 
> bottom misrepresented my views.  In this case everyone could 
> read his post and my views to make their own determination...
> she accuses me of lying about an email that was sent to her 
> even though she was not mentioned in the email and the subject 
> had nothing to do with her.
> So she accused me of being dishonest and knows that I can't 
> post the email to counter the charge.  My bet is that she 
> hoped that this would force me to.  It will not.
> And one wonders what aspect of what I said she could possibly
> attack even as even expressing a different POV,let alone 
> being dishonest?
> That it was Sal's opinion?
> That it expressed concern about some people online?
> That she was sticking up for me in the email?
> You are slithery creature Judy.  And this outcome is exactly 
> why Emily put this email into your talons.
> Then Judy suggested that I sent the email to more people who 
> were not mentioned and had nothing to do with it.
> Yea, this post is pretty much all anyone would need to know 
> about her. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: PS to Ann "I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!"

2012-09-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > Well, you could be concerned about falling down a 
> > rabbit hole private email exchange with two of the 
> > posters whose posts you don't even read! :-)
> >
Share Long:
> Now, now Richard, I'm sure Turq didn't say he NEVER 
> reads those posters...
Turq said he doesn't read Judy or Robin. But, Turq
probably reads every single post on FFL, since that's
what many U.S. expats do in sidewalk cafes in Europe. 


> > > > DD: "Sal Sunshine": sounds like a crazy, invasive 
> > > > personality to me.
> > > >
> > > I believe she has some sincere concerns about some 
> > > of the posters here. 
> > >
> turquoiseb:
> > You mean that she could become *concerned* about
> > people here? Like the guy who is now on his fifth
> > "posting ID" on Fairfield Life, at least one of
> > which was spent pretending to be a woman? 
> > 
> > Or the woman who is still hounding her and taking
> > every possible opportunity to ruin her reputation,
> > months after she stopped posting at FFL?
> > 
> > What could there possibly be to be concerned about? :-)
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Arab Spring Turns Against the US

2012-09-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

Mike Dixon:
> Funny how it just seemed to happen on the eleventh 
> anniversary of 911...The film was simply a gimmick to 
> get Muslims to gather around, protesting at embassies, 
> so Al- Qaeda could sneak in and do their dirty work...
So, it was all planned, but why didn't the President
warn anybody at the embassy? It seems like a no-brainer
to expect an attack on 911. Go figure.

"An eight-strong American rescue team was sent from 
Tripoli and taken by troops under Captain Fathi al-Obeidi, 
of the February 17 Brigade, to the secret safe house to 
extract around 40 US staff. The building then came under 
fire from heavy weapons."

'Revealed: inside story of US envoy's assassination'
> > > > From what I've read on the internet, the White House 
> > > > is trying to put out the fires whatever way they can. 
> > > > For example, Hillary Clinton has stated that she has 
> > > > seen the film in question and is appalled.
> > > >
> > > > The story is still evolving.  So, stay tuned.
> > > >
> > You're thinking that Hillary watches YouTube?
> > 
> > Muhammad Movie Trailer?
> > http://youtu.be/_Kuz5PCYcQg
> >
> Mike Dixon:
> > Mohammed, Schmohammed...
> > 
> So, only Hillary Clinton has seen the film and she 
> didn't warn the embassy? Go figure.
> "An anti-Muslim film that has been blamed for the 
> attacks on U.S. embassies in Egypt, Libya and Yemen 
> is likely a contrived fraud designed to stir up 
> unrest in the Middle East while shielding the true 
> reasons behind the murder of Ambassador Chris 
> Stevens."
> http://tinyurl.com/9w628lb

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: PS to Ann "I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!"

2012-09-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > Thanks, Ann but too late about being slammed. I was slammed
> > for my very second post, my first being a reply to Marek's
> > surf report. Me asking about body surfing on west coast. I
> > guessed it was a safe topic for my FFL debut. As for my
> > second post, it was very brief, mentioned Hagelin. So gave
> > me a chance to, in true nurse fashion, take the temperature
> > of the group.
> >
> Although I rarely read Share's posts, much less reply
> to them, I'm going to do what I know that Judy (our
> official Upholder Of Truth And Honesty) will not and
> point out a few discrepancies in the account above.
So, it's all about Share. LoL!

> First, the post mentioning Hagelin was Share's fifth
> on FFL, not her second. Second, I just glanced through
> the replies to this post, and the closest I can even
> *imagine* to being a "slam" was one of mine, replying
> to Hagelin's silly theories  -- not to Share -- with a 
> simple graphic:
>   [Can I get A Woo-Woo! Shirt by 1392255]
> I didn't read all of the responses in the thread, but glancing
> through them briefly I saw *none* that "slammed Share."
> Not a one. I challenge her to produce the one or ones that did.

> I'm posting this as a reminder of the thing that happens so often
> here, and that I think that happened in this case, and has warped
> Share's memory of events. A number of people responded to
> her posting of Hagelin's silly ideas by making fun of his *ideas*
> or of *him*. Why do I get the feeling that Share interpreted
> this as "slamming her?"
So, you DO read all the FFL posts - I thought so. LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: PS to Ann "I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!"

2012-09-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > Although I rarely read Share's posts, much less reply
> > to them, I'm going to do what I know that Judy (our
> > official Upholder Of Truth And Honesty) will not and
> > point out a few discrepancies in the account above.
> >
> Poor Barry's lost in confusion again because he doesn't
> read my posts.
> > I didn't read all of the responses in the thread, but glancing
> > through them briefly I saw *none* that "slammed Share."
> > Not a one. I challenge her to produce the one or ones that did.
> >
> Yeah, why don't you just leave her the fuck alone? There's
> no earthly reason why she needs to respond to your dimwit
> "challenges." Go wave your pathetic dick at somebody else.
Yeah, just leave Share alone - who do you think you are,
her Uncle Tantra? And while I'm at it, leave all the other
gals on FFL alone too - they're way out of your league, 
Turqy! LoL!

> > I'm posting this as a reminder of the thing that happens so often
> > here, and that I think that happened in this case, and has warped
> > Share's memory of events. A number of people responded to
> > her posting of Hagelin's silly ideas by making fun of his *ideas*
> > or of *him*. Why do I get the feeling that Share interpreted
> > this as "slamming her?"
> >
> Barry, NOBODY CARES. Trust me on this. Take a few placebos,
> you'll feel much better.
Then, come back to pay your lost wagers!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Arab Spring Turns Against the US

2012-09-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Obama's "chickens" are coming home to roost! 
"And the U.S. government reportedly had heads-up two days 
before the fact that attacks were being planned. The first 
report seems to be a given; if the second one pans out, 
somebody really screwed up."


> > > Funny how it just seemed to happen on the eleventh 
> > > anniversary of 911...The film was simply a gimmick to 
> > > get Muslims to gather around, protesting at embassies, 
> > > so Al- Qaeda could sneak in and do their dirty work...
> > >
> > So, it was all planned, but why didn't the President
> > warn anybody at the embassy? It seems like a no-brainer
> > to expect an attack on 911. Go figure.
> > 
> > "An eight-strong American rescue team was sent from 
> > Tripoli and taken by troops under Captain Fathi al-Obeidi, 
> > of the February 17 Brigade, to the secret safe house to 
> > extract around 40 US staff. The building then came under 
> > fire from heavy weapons."
> > 
> > 'Revealed: inside story of US envoy's assassination'
> > http://tinyurl.com/9y6vbvx
> >  
> > > > > > From what I've read on the internet, the White House 
> > > > > > is trying to put out the fires whatever way they can. 
> > > > > > For example, Hillary Clinton has stated that she has 
> > > > > > seen the film in question and is appalled.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > The story is still evolving.  So, stay tuned.
> > > > > >
> > > > You're thinking that Hillary watches YouTube?
> > > > 
> > > > Muhammad Movie Trailer?
> > > > http://youtu.be/_Kuz5PCYcQg
> > > >
> > > Mike Dixon:
> > > > Mohammed, Schmohammed...
> > > > 
> > > So, only Hillary Clinton has seen the film and she 
> > > didn't warn the embassy? Go figure.
> > > 
> > > "An anti-Muslim film that has been blamed for the 
> > > attacks on U.S. embassies in Egypt, Libya and Yemen 
> > > is likely a contrived fraud designed to stir up 
> > > unrest in the Middle East while shielding the true 
> > > reasons behind the murder of Ambassador Chris 
> > > Stevens."
> > > 
> > > http://tinyurl.com/9w628lb
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: PS to Ann "I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!"

2012-09-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

Share Long:
> Dear Richard, if you say one more word about unpaid
> wagers without supplying juicy details...
My money is $500 and I called Barry on his bet. Barry
wouldn't show his hand, so by the rules of Texas
poker, he forfieted the wager, now he should pay up
or shut up. He can send the $500, if he has it, via my
PayPal account.

"The challenge is leveled. You lot will either deal
with it and try to respond, or you'll stay on the
hater bandwagon. My money is on all or most of you
doing the same old same old."


> > Barry, NOBODY CARES. Trust me on this. Take a
> > few placebos, you'll feel much better.
> >
> Then, come back to pay your lost wagers!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: PS to Ann "I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!"

2012-09-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > > Amazing, how Curtis managed to turn things around so that
> > > that Emily, the aggrieved party who Sal dumped on in a
> > > private email, is now Emily the instigator of a nefarious
> > > plot to sic Judy on poor Curtis. Pretty slick, I'd say.
> > 
> > Hey thanks for standing up to Judy for calling me dishonest...
> > 
> > oh wait, sorry I just read that again.
> > 
> > Actually I thought it was to sick Judy on Sal who Emily knows
> > hates Sal.
> >
> Emily was not aware of my criticisms of Sal. Emily explained
> why she sent it to Curtis and me (see below). Curtis is
> calling Emily a liar.
> > [Judy] wasn't only calling me dishonest, she was insinuating
> > without proof that Sal's email was somehow more egregious
> > the how I described it.
> >
> Emily also described Sal's email as being more egregious than
> how Curtis described it. Let's remind ourselves of what Emily
> wrote yesterday:
> -
> I received a very unpleasant private email yesterday from Sal
> Sunshine telling me to BUTT OUT of the dialogue between Robin
> and Curtis.  Now, that dialogue has gone offline so it's not
> up for comment anyhow.  I have a lot of respect for them both,
> honestly.  
> Sal, if it's on FFL it is fair game.  Those are the rules.  If
> you can't handle the heat get out of the fire.  That's what I
> do from time to time.  Do *not* email me privately again.  If
> you do, I will post it directly to FFL.  If you would like to
> say something to me, post it here at FFL.  I sent your email to
> Curtis and Judy, because it freaked me out and those were the
> only two people at the time that I could remember that knew you
> in some fashion from FFL and whose emails were listed here.
> I was looking for perspective on that email because it was *so*
> angry.  I apologize to Judy and Curtis for forwarding bad energy.
> It won't happen again.   
> -
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/319943
> > I was just bonus entertainment.
> Curtis has made himself the main event by dishonestly
> portraying Sal's email to Emily.
> > I was trying to balance out a post by Dr. Dummass that was
> > calling Sal crazy since I had actually read the email and
> > the good Dr had not.
> And having read the email, Curtis knew it supported Dr.
> Dumbass's speculation about Sal. But Curtis figured he was
> safe because he didn't think either Emily or I would post
> the email. And *he* certainly wasn't going to.
> Curtis tries again to distract attention from the spot he's
> in by going after Dr. Dumbass:
> > I haven't been paying much attention is Dr. and old FFL
> > poster with a new name?  That was a curiously inside comment
> > from what was posted about the exchange.  I suspect a bit of
> > contrived innocence in that post.
> > 
> > Dr.  Do you have history with Sal?
> I don't know about the doctor, but a lot of people on FFL
> have an unpleasant history with Sal.
> It's Curtis's honesty that's at issue here. Notice how he's
> attempting to twist the spotlight away from himself to
> focus on others: me, Emily, Raunchy, and now Dr. Dumbass.
> Of the three people who have read the email, two agree
> that it's far worse than Curtis has been attempting to
> portray it, including Emily, the person to whom it was sent.
> Before Curtis weighed in here, Emily testified that she had
> a lot of respect for Curtis.
> I wonder how she feels about him now.
Well, maybe we should boot Sal off the list, if she
is going to tell lies like that about people behind
their backs! 

[FairfieldLife] Re: If Obama wants to win

2012-09-14 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > ...call Netanyahu to the White House, make a big deal 
> > of it, and plan the Nuclear bunker-busting strike on 
> > Iran and do it as quickly as possible. 
> > 
> I think he would lose his base, or what's left of it.
What's left of it.

"Obama rejects Netanyahu meeting, invites Egypt's Muslim 
Brotherhood president to talk..."


[FairfieldLife] Re: If Obama wants to win

2012-09-15 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > In a high stakes poker game no-z-guru, with an 
> > attitude like that, you'd be bluffed out of 
> > your shorts, for sure. Saber rattling has saved 
> > many a life, somethimes you even have to take it 
> > out!
> >
> These people really do believe that "God" made them
> superior over everyone else and that it is their 
> role to rule the world. 
Don't you just hate those Jews!

So, Adolph Hitler murdered six million Zionist Jews, 
but Neocon Mitt Romney is your enemy? Go figure.

> The Amerikan arm of this is the NeoCons
That would be 'America' to you, Sir! 

> These people should be kicked somewhere the other
> side of Pluto 
You sound really desperate - so you want to put all 
the Jews back in concentration camps on Pluto. Nice!

> because obviously they can't get along with the 
> rest of us.
Well, over 99% of Americans support the right of 
Israel to exist, so I guess you've got a lot of 
enemies! Maybe you should be the one to move beyond 
Pluto because you're really sounding out-there. 

You're not even making any sense!


[FairfieldLife] Re: If Obama wants to win

2012-09-15 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > > These people really do believe that "God" made them
> > > superior over everyone else and that it is their
> > > role to rule the world.
> > >
> > Don't you just hate those Jews!
> >
> This has nothing to do with Judaism...
You are not making any sense!


"Zionists is the claim to Eretz Israel as the national
homeland of the Jews and as the legitimate focus for the
Jewish national self-determination...based on historical
ties and religious traditions linking the Jewish people
to the Land of Israel."


[FairfieldLife] Re: No One Murdered Because Of This Image

2012-09-15 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > It seems to me that the problem is not Islam, but
> > religion. It inspires insanity.
> >
> Religion is a type of insanity.
Let's just send in the Thought Police and put a stop
to all this believing in stuff. We could make it a
rule NOT to think - that way, we could control the
minds of people and there wouldn't be any problem
with people thinking things or believing in things.

"...an anti-communist allegory exploring the ultimate 
result of a communist revolution in America. The new 
subjects are required to submit to various handicaps 
to make them all "equal," including bands to stupify 
their brains, leg weights, etc. Of course it turns 
out it's all enforced by an elite class led by 
Christopher Plummer." - R. Christenson

'Harrison Bergeron'
Republic Pictures, VHS Tape, 1998

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: PS to Ann "I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!"

2012-09-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > Now they're in a spin cycle down the rabbit hole,
> >
> Excellent line Richard. Nailed and nailed. 
Scroll down. Correction: You CAN make this stuff up.

> > > > "I sent your email to Curtis and Judy...
> > > >
> > authfriend:
> > > Let's see how Curtis spins this into a defense of
> > > his dishonest description of Sal's email. Listen up,
> > > Barry and Vaj, this is how Mr. Wonderful does it.
> > > 
> > So, it's all about Sal. LoL!
> > 
> > Now they're in a spin cycle down the rabbit hole, just
> > making stuff up. let's see what Robin says when he gets
> > back online. Now, that's some spin! Sal must be really
> > afraid of Robin. Go figure. 
> > 
> > > > So let's see how Judy can spin this into troll bait.  
> > > > Listen up all you apprentice trolls. mama troll is
> > > > gunna reveal the formula.
> > > >
> > > > > > > Amazing, how Curtis managed to turn things around so 
> > > > > > > that that Emily, the aggrieved party who Sal dumped
> > > > > > > on in a private email, is now Emily the instigator 
> > > > > > > of a nefarious plot to sic Judy on poor Curtis. 
> > > > > > > Pretty slick, I'd say.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > Hey thanks for standing up to Judy for calling me 
> > > > > > dishonest...
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > oh wait, sorry I just read that again.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Actually I thought it was to sick Judy on Sal
> > > > > > who Emily knows hates Sal.
> > > > > >
> > > > > Emily was not aware of my criticisms of Sal.
> > > > >
> > > > You mean the chick you usually refer to as Stupid Sal
> > > > and who is obviously on the "other team".  Yeah, she
> > > > know.
> > > >
> > > Not according to Emily.
> > > 
> > > >  Emily explained
> > > > > why she sent it to Curtis and me (see below). Curtis is
> > > > > calling Emily a liar.
> > > > >
> > > > See the move?  Because Emily doesn't specifically
> > > > mention all possible reasons for sending it to Judy, 
> > > > anyone who speculates about her reasons is calling
> > > > her a liar!
> > > >
> > > "Emily knows Judy hates Sal" is not a speculation.
> > > That's a statement of purported fact. The speculation
> > > would have made no sense without the purported fact.
> > > 
> > > > So first she got me to write by calling me a liar
> > > >
> > > Let's correct this again. I said Curtis's description
> > > of Sal's email was dishonest. (I guess you could call
> > > it "lying by omission"--it certainly fits that
> > > description. Clintonesque, in other words.)
> > > 
> > > Curtis knew what I was referring to. He could have
> > > corrected his description of Sal's post to reflect
> > > the reality. He chose instead to pretend he'd been
> > > unjustly accused.
> > > 
> > > > and now she is hoping to get everyone going including 
> > > > Emily, who has escaped this nut house with this troll
> > > > move by claiming I was calling her a liar.
> > > 
> > > Emily did not claim you were calling her a liar.
> > > 
> > > We'll see at some point what Emily thinks of Curtis's
> > > interpretation of events. She's about to go on vacation,
> > > so we may not hear from her until she gets back at the
> > > end of September. (Curtis breathes a huge sigh of
> > > relief and immediately makes plans to be elsewhere
> > > when things hit the fan.)
> > > 
> > > > So let me be clear now that Judy has tried to play
> > > > this creepy game.
> > > 
> > > Translation: "How the hell can I possibly spin this to
> > > make Judy look bad after I stupidly pretended that Sal's
> > > hate mail to Emily was no big deal?"
> > > 
> > > > Emily IMO likes stirring the pot here and watching what 
> > > > happens.  She did it often and well.  She is a student
> > > > of the personal dynamics here and I seriously doubt she 
> > > > would object to this characterization of her.
> > > 
> > > Interesting, then you'd think she wouldn't have been
> > > so upset by Sal's email if it was as benign as you
> > > claim, wouldn't you?
> > > 
> > > > When she included Judy she knew exactly what the Judy 
> > > > package comes with.  I believe that she hoped for a
> > > > little Judy/Sal smackdown in return for Sal's critical 
> > > > email.  And NO she didn't say this herself, but that 
> > > > doesn't mean that the reason she gave isn't also true.
> > > > It just may not be the complete list of motivations for
> > > > why she chose YOU.
> > > >
> > > I'll leave this for Emily to respond to directly, since
> > > I can't post Emily's emails to me that indicate otherwise.
> > > 
> > > > > > [Judy] wasn't only calling me dishonest, she was 
> > > > > > insinuating without proof that Sal's email was
> > > > > > somehow more egregious the how I described it.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Emily also described Sal's email as being more egregious 
> > > > > than how Curtis described it.
> > > > 
> > > > Duh,she was being criticized and I was being defended.
> > > > Imagine that, we have different perspectives on the same
> > > > email, what an amazing thing.
> > > >
> > > Not

[FairfieldLife] Re: Buddhist temple built with beer bottles

2012-09-15 Thread Richard J. Williams
> This Budh's for you... :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: No One Murdered Because Of This Image

2012-09-15 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > Religion is a type of insanity.
> >
> Religion is the crumbs left on the plate after 
> a meal of spirituality.
Religion is for the 99%.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Roger Ebert on the film that caused four murders

2012-09-16 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > "The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the 
> > continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the 
> > religious feelings of Muslims -- as we condemn efforts 
> > to offend believers of all religions.
> "
>  Rather than pandering to intolerant thugs shouldn't we be 
> making it clear that western  societies value their 
< traditions of free speech, which not only have they no 
> intention of  relinquishing  but would hope one day to see 
> all citizens in Muslim countries enjoy?
Apparently Obama is running scared, afraid of the radicals
over there - maybe Obama wants to arrest the film-maker.
Go figure. Hillary opposed the jailing of Pussy Riot over
in Russia - why not support American film-makers?

"Is anyone in charge anymore? The tweet came from a VERIFIED 
account. The Cairo Embassy did tweet it. They basically 
slammed freedom of speech and caved. Our Soldiers have died
protecting our freedoms. Stating "no one approved the msg" 
is admitting no one is in control, no one is leading, and 
we have a vacuum to fill." - Julie Anne Dostal 

'Obama administration disavows Cairo 'apology'

[FairfieldLife] Re: Which will you buy?

2012-09-17 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > Whoa! Guess I'll keep my Nokia shares at least for a 
> > while, after all...
> >
Alex Stanley:
> Out of those, I'd buy the Galaxy S3...
It all depends on what you need a phone for. Since I'm at 
a computer desk all day I don't need much else to 
communicate. Almost any phone will send and recieve phone 
calls if I step out to the parking lot for a break. And, 
almost any smartphones can browse the internet for mail 
and snap a photo. 

It all boils down to security - how much are employees 
allowed to use on the company network for their personal

Actually, I find cell phones to be a distraction and I 
don't like talking on phones, unless it's an emergencey. 
That said, if I get another phone it will probably be the 
Nokia Lumia 920 for the camera and video capabilities.

'Why Android has a reason to be paranoid'

"A Windows tablet that works seamlessly with Microsoft's 
Exchange email system and Office applications would be a 
godsend for corporate technology managers, who have been 
bending over backward to put their CEO's iPads -- 
'executive jewelry,' as one analyst puts it -- onto their 
company's email and security systems."

'Microsoft unveils Windows 8 for public test'

"With the rise of texting, instant chat and transcription 
apps, more people are ditching the venerable tool that 
once revolutionized the telephone business, displaced 
armies of secretaries and allowed us to eat dinner more 
or less in peace. The behavioral shift is occurring in 
tandem with the irreversible fading of voice calls in 
general, prompting more wireless carriers to offer 
unlimited voice minutes."

'The Death of Voicemail?'

[FairfieldLife] Re: Roger Ebert on the film that caused four murders

2012-09-17 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > Apparently Obama is running scared, afraid of the radicals
> > over there - maybe Obama wants to arrest the film-maker.
> > Go figure. 
> > Hillary opposed the jailing of Pussy Riot over
> > in Russia - why not support American film-makers?
> >
> You sound really intelligent, Willy.  Why don't you 
> run for office? :-D
Maybe so. If I was in charge I wouldn't be sending 
out apologies in a riot - I'd send out warnings to all 
the other embassies to take cover. 

And, I wouldn't blame some poor film-maker for the 
lapse in security. And, I wouldn't send out the U.N. 
Ambassador to go on TV and lie like that about the 
pre-planned attack on the embassy in Libya.

"U.S. intelligence agencies and the State Department 
did not issue warnings to diplomats after an anti-Islamic 
video, made in the United States, was broadcast on an 
Arab talk show, which may have been the flashpoint for 
the unrest in Egypt, Libya and elsewhere."


"Federal investigators questioned — but later released — 
one of the filmmakers behind the incendiary anti-Islam 
video that sparked violent clashes across the Middle 

Read more:

New York Daily News, Monday, September 17, 2012

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: PS to Ann "I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!"

2012-09-17 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > I'm pretty sure that if you play the song "Imagine"
> > backwards, it generates one of your posts.
> >
> Imagine backwards almost spells "enigma" but not quite.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Roger Ebert on the film that caused four murders

2012-09-17 Thread Richard J. Williams

> We all know this statement was made *before* the attacks
> on the embassy, right? It wasn't a *response* to the
> attacks.
Apparently the statement was sent out in response to the 
film trailer, not the later attack. 

The Islamists are going to have to get used to the fact 
that we have freedom of speech over here and it's not 
going to change anytime soon. What's needed are more 
films like this - films that get you to think about what 
you believe and to question religious dogmas. 

It's difficult to tell what's going on when the U.S. 
Embassy in Cairo is deleting tweets and the U.S. State 
Department is sending out liars on TV. 

But, apparently the tweet from the Cairo Embassy was 
sent out at 5:53 a.m., 9/11/12, before the riot began. 

>From what I've read, there was no riot or protest in 
Benghazi, Libya before the attack that killed the U.S. 

'Here's a Timeline of the Confusing Statements on 
Libya and Egypt'

> > > > "The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the 
> > > > continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the 
> > > > religious feelings of Muslims -- as we condemn efforts 
> > > > to offend believers of all religions.
> > > "
> > Seraphita:
> > >  Rather than pandering to intolerant thugs shouldn't we be 
> > > making it clear that western  societies value their 
> > < traditions of free speech, which not only have they no 
> > > intention of  relinquishing  but would hope one day to see 
> > > all citizens in Muslim countries enjoy?
> > >
> > Apparently Obama is running scared, afraid of the radicals
> > over there - maybe Obama wants to arrest the film-maker.
> > Go figure. Hillary opposed the jailing of Pussy Riot over
> > in Russia - why not support American film-makers?
> > 
> > "Is anyone in charge anymore? The tweet came from a VERIFIED 
> > account. The Cairo Embassy did tweet it. They basically 
> > slammed freedom of speech and caved. Our Soldiers have died
> > protecting our freedoms. Stating "no one approved the msg" 
> > is admitting no one is in control, no one is leading, and 
> > we have a vacuum to fill." - Julie Anne Dostal 
> > 
> > 'Obama administration disavows Cairo 'apology'
> > http://tinyurl.com/9spumjk

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: PS to Ann "I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!"

2012-09-17 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > > Curtis *could* have avoided all but #1 (at least 
> > > as far as we know; was the email really all Sal's 
> > > idea? did she run it by him, and if so did he 
> > > encourage her to send it?).
> > >
> > Judy at her finest.
> >
> What a sad, ugly, vindictive cunt.
So, you didn't get the email from Sal. Go figure. 

Now you're going down the rabbit hole talking about
Sal's private email that you didn't even get. Some 
expats just feel better when they have someone to 
talk to, I guess. LoL!

> All of this because she can't get everyone on the
> forum to hate someone she hates, in this case you.
> I've been trying to stay out of this silliness,
> if for no other reason than I've got better things
> to do than to relive Junior High School, but I'll
> weigh in with my "take" on what Emily did, and
> why. 
> I once lived in a dorm that contained a rather
> disturbed prankster. One of his favorite tricks 
> was to take a tall trash can, fill it with water,
> and then lean it against the inward-opening door
> of one of his victims. One of them. Because then
> what he'd do is knock on the door, and at the
> same time knock on the door of the other victim
> on the opposite side of the hall, and run.
> Victim 1 would open the door and watch helplessly
> at water cascaded all over his feet, his rugs,
> and his room. Victim 2, opening his door to the
> knock, would invariably laugh at Victim 1. At
> that point, Victim 1 would attack Victim 2. Mean-
> while the sick prankster was laughing down the
> hall, having caused a fight between two people.
> My impression is that this is exactly what Emily
> did, and intended to do. 
> A mature person, sent an email that she didn't
> take kindly to, would have replied to the sender
> *in email*, telling her to buzz off, and never
> said a word about it to anyone else. But Emily,
> pussywhipped by Judy and wishing to get on her
> good side, sent copies of the email to you and
> to Judy. My "take" is that in so doing she was
> trying to get you to criticize one of Judy's
> announced "enemies," start a fight between you
> and Sal, and thus get strokes from Judy for
> having done it. 
> She succeeded only in the latter, having made
> an ass of herself in trying to start the fight.
> This behavior is so juvenile and pathetic that 
> I don't understand how anyone could be fascinated 
> enough by it to continue obsessing about it. 
> Including you, Curtis. This is just another 
> attempt by Judy to get people to pile on to one 
> of her enemies. You've seen it all before, as 
> has everyone else here. 
> [Cop voice] Move along folks...nothing to see here.
> > > > > > > So Emily and I are cool now.  Have fun with 
> > > > > > > whatever this thing is that seems to interest you.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Have fun believing that you and Emily are cool now.
> > > > > 
> > > > > I'm pretty sure that if you play the song "Imagine" 
> > > > > backwards, it generates one of your posts.
> > > > > 
> > > > You may be cool with Emily, Curtis, but I doubt she's 
> > > > cool with you. After calling her motives into question 
> > > > so brutally, do you really think she trusts you? Just 
> > > > curious...
> > > 
> > > There's a number of things Curtis can't change.
> > > 
> > > 1. He can't change the ugly email Sal wrote Emily accusing
> > > her of being mean to him.
> > > 2. He can't change the fact that he then defended Sal on FFL.
> > > 3. He can't change the fact that he tried to make Sal's email
> > > sound like no big deal.
> > > 4. He can't change the fact that he accused Emily of sending
> > > me Sal's email to foment a public fight, after Emily had
> > > explicitly explained otherwise.
> > > 
> > > Why *would* Emily want to be "cool" with Curtis in light of
> > > those facts?
> > > 
> > > Nor can Curtis change the fact that I've also read Sal's email.
> > > 
> > > Curtis *could* have avoided all but #1 (at least as far as we
> > > know; was the email really all Sal's idea? did she run it by
> > > him, and if so did he encourage her to send it?). If he had
> > > not defended Sal, if he had acknowledged the ugliness of Sal's
> > > email, if he hadn't attributed ulterior motives to Emily for
> > > sending me the email, he wouldn't be out of favor with Emily,
> > > and folks on FFL wouldn't be wondering about his integrity.
> > > 
> > > If one of my supporters had written a nasty email to
> > > someone viciously castigating them for purportedly putting
> > > me down, and I found out about it, I'd call the emailer out
> > > on FFL by name.
> > > 
> > > Curtis *definitely* doesn't have the integrity to do that.
> > > 
> > > > When Emily played off Robin's irony email did you think
> > > > she was teasing you or did it piss you off? Was your 
> > > > poor treatment of her pay back for a bruised ego or did
> > > > it have nothing to do with this:
> > > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/319723
> > > 
> > > Good question. But if h

[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-18 Thread Richard J. Williams

> I wonder if archaeological excavations will show all the
> old building in India were built according to sthapatya
> ved?
>From what I've read, the oldest surviving example of edifice
architecture in India is the Lomas Rishi Cave in Barabar,
circa 322–185 BCE. It's almost pure Buddhist vastu. There
was no edifice architecture in Vedic times. Temple worship
in India came much later, just before and during the Gupta


It has already been established that sthapatya is derived
from Buddhist vastu.


All the Buddhist caves and stupas, such as the Great Stupa
at Sanchi follow vastu principles.


> Bet they don't.
How much would you be willing to wager?

Some of the oldest examples of India vastu are the Ashokan
Pillars. All vastu edifice architecture is based on simple
pneumatics, and the central axis mundi.

Read more:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-18 Thread Richard J. Williams

> The devic energy or energy of the personifications of the 
> laws of nature formed the energy that people would pick up 
> on and using that energy create all the aspects of their 
> culture...
For practical purposes all we as TMers need to know about 
the Devas are that they are pleased when we think their 
names as bija mantra. For example, Saraswati, The Goddess 
of knowledge, music, arts and science, is very pleased to 
hear Her name and She will grant you a boon if you are 
worthy. However, as Sri Ramana Maharshi says "Your own 
Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the 

All you have to do is sit comfortably and be aware of the 
bija mantra. This 'just sitting and thinking' is Yoga, the 
best path on the planet for to get enlightened. This is 
just being aware of being aware; that's it, that's all you 
have to do! Pure awareness. 

It has already been established that the Indo-Europeans 
brought Mantra Yoga to South Asia. 


And, the Vedas reveal the mantras, with the Upanishads 
their explanation.


So, we have MMY giving us the bija of Saraswati, a bija 
that he recieved from Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, who in 
turn got the bija from Swami Krishanand Saraswati of the 
Sringeri Matha. 

So, we have the Saraswati bija mantra going back to Adi 
Shankaracharya who founded the Sringeri, and put there 
the Sri Yantra with the bijas inscribed on it. Then, the 
Shankarachara wrote out the Soundarylahari and the Ananda 
Lahari, which explained and enumerated all thirteen Sri 
Vidya bija mantras.

So much for the facts.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Perfect gig for Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-18 Thread Richard J. Williams

Share Long:
> This foul's on you, Turq...  Brain stretching to encompass 
> such a polarity.   
Obviously, Turq is SCHIZO! Keep in mind that Turq once was
a defender of MMY and TM, but he turned negative after Judy
whipped Turq real good in an argument with Andrew Skolnick;
the final takedown before the actual melt-down came a little 
later on on alt.religion.gnostic with Moogin and Kater.

Ever since then,  Turq got his head on screwed on spinning 
backwards. It's ALL about Judy. Go figure.
> If Judy ever gets tired of correcting other people's 
> homework and decides to try her hand at actually writing
> something, I've got the perfect gig for her: writing 
> angry, stinging letters to Co$ critics. 
> The back story on this is as follows. Vanity Fair is
> released a story about how Tom Cruise, unable to find a
> wife for himself who was considered suitable by the 
> Church, arranged for numerous "interview sessions" so
> that he could "try out" pre-approved $cientologists as
> his prospective wife, while the Church interrogated 
> them and investigated every aspect of their lives in
> the background. According to the article, it was a 
> level of "vetting" that political candidates don't even
> go through.
> So how did the Co$ *react* to this article? Well, those
> who have followed their exploits know that they'll prob-
> ably react by siccing private detectives and smear 
> artists on the article's author and on Graydon Carter,
> the publisher of VF. What they did in public was to have
> their lawyers send Mr. Carter a long, long, long-winded,
> eight-page hate letter:
> Article about the letter:
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/17/church-of-scientology-responds-vanity-fair-tom-cruise-wife-auditioning_n_1889734.html
> The letter itself:
> http://www.scientologynews.org/sites/default/files/1-Jeff-Riffer-Re-David-Miscavige-to-Gaydon-Carter-16-Aug-2012.pdf
> Look it over. See if you don't think that writing such 
> letters is a PERFECT career choice for Judy Stein. I mean,
> it's got all of her trademarks:
> * Picking nits and homing in on them to obfuscate larger 
> issues
> * Trying to present the criticism as an example of religious 
> hate crime and its authors as bigots
> * Posting total irrelevancies lauding David Miscavige (the
> leader of the Co$) to make him seem saintly while demonizing
> his critics
> * Lying outright (Miscavige has been reported as viewing
> videotapes of auditing sessions and using them for blackmail
> purposes *in court*, despite what this letter says)
> * Pretending that the critics don't really believe what they
> are saying but are lying and saying it to be malicious
> * Appealing to a derogatory "history" of the critics that
> is made up
> * Portraying the author's sources in not just a derogatory
> fashion but a libelous one, trying to portray them as "liars"
> * Making threats 
> * Ignoring the actual question of whether the Church tried
> to be a matchmaker for Tom Cruise to find him a wife who
> was "suitable" for them, focusing only on "Kill the
> messenger"
> This letter follows almost all of the guidelines I posted
> (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/318903)
> the other day from L. Ron Hubbard on how to deal with critics.
> It also follows the Judy Stein Playbook, using the same 
> tactics she uses here every week to demonize critics of TM,
> the TMO, and Maharishi. That's why I think writing for the
> Church of $cientology might be a great career choice for
> her. She certainly has the training for it, and who knows...
> writing for them she might accomplish what she has not here,
> and find some people who buy her act.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Gospel Of Jesus' Wife

2012-09-18 Thread Richard J. Williams

> "The Gospel Of Jesus' Wife," New Early Christian Text, 
> Indicates Jesus> May Have Been Married...
The early Gnostic Gospels have no hesitation describing 
the relationship between Mary Magdalene and Jesus. It's 
unlikely that the Lagudedoc townsfolk would have access 
to the Gnostic Gospel, so how do we account for the 
presence of Magdalene legends at Beziers, Maxim, and 

It must have been a powerful legend to cause the entire
Catholic Inquisition to be formulated just to root them 

Catharism was apparently the State religion of Languedoc. 
Herein lies a secret - what is the secret knowledge of 
the Magdalene? 

Baphomet? So, let's go figure.
There is the Languedocian legend of the 'Queen of the 
South', (Reine du Midi), the title of the countess of 
Toulosue, the protectrix, identified with the Syrian 
goddess Anath who in turn is closely linked with Isis 
and the bird-footed Lilith. 

Yet another legend is the Meridiana to whom was conveyed 
the secrets of alchemy to Gerbert d'Auriliac. The name 
Meridiana is derieved from 'Mary-Diana' thus linking the 
Magdalene legends in the South of France.

Lagudedoc was also home to the Knights Templers in 

It's interesting that Bernard of Clairvaux, the founder 
of the Templers Rule, was devoted to the Magdalene and 
to the Black Madonna. Bernard commended the knights to 
the 'obedience of Bethany', the castle of Mary and 

Bernard is also noted as the founder of the Blessed 
Virgin Mary at Notre Dame (Our Lady), i.e., Magdalene. 

The Templers oath was to 'God and Our Lady', not to the 
Virgin, but to the Magdalene. The Templers were 
preocupied with the idea of the feminine mystery!

Stoyanov thinks that the one single local Langudocian 
notion in Catharism was the theology of the belief that 
Mary Magdalene was the concubine of Jesus - knowledge 
that was reserved for the inner circle of Cathars: "The 
teaching of Mary Magdalene as the 'wife or 'concubine' 
of Christ appears moreover, an original Cathar 
tradition which does not have any counterpart in 
Bogomil doctrines" (222-223).

It is also worth noting that the date of the massacre 
at Beziers, 22 July 1209, was St Mary Magdalene's Day 
or the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene. You'll probably also 
want to make a note of the fact that forty years 
previously the local lord Raymond Trencavel was slain 
inside the Church of Mary Magdalene at Beziers.

Work cited:

'The Hidden Tradition in Europe'
by Yuri Stoyanov

Other titles of interest:

'Venus in Sackcloth'
by Marjorie Malvern
Penguin, 1995

'The Templar Revelations'
by Lynn Picket and Clive Prince
Touchstone, 1996

'The treasure of Montségur: A study of the Cathar 
heresy and the nature of the Cathar secret'
by Walter Birks
Crucible, 1987 

[FairfieldLife] Re: anaadi matparaM brahma or anaadimat paraM brahma??

2012-09-18 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Apparently you never tire of parading Hairless Krishna
> Propagandhi. I discussed this forced interpretation in
> a post with you in the past.
> Early Old-Timers?
It's a re-statement of the Buddhist Vijnana of Vasubandhu.
So, it's pretty well established that Advaita is a copy
of the Vijnana.

So, I guess we've pretty much established that Chit -
'consciousness', is the One Absolute, according to the
Kashmere Tantrism, which essentially agrees with the
Sri Vidya - and the sayings of MMY on the 'Seven States
of Consciouness' vis a vis the Transcendental state -
Turiya as mentioned in Mandukhya Upanishad.

According to Chandrahar Sharma these are essentially 
re-staements of Vinjnanavada Buddhism - the school of 
'Consciousness-only' founded by Arya Asanga and the 
Vasubandhu brothers - Yogacara.

Excerpt from 'vijnApti matratA siddhi' by vasAabAndhu:

"Pure conciousness is the only Reality. By its nature, 
it is Self-luminous." (XIII, 13). "Thus shaking off 
duality, he directly percieves the Absolute which is 
the unity underlying phenomena (dharmadAtu)." (VI, 7 
Sharma, p. 112-113).

Work cited:

'A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy' 
by Chandrahar Sharma, M.A., D. Phil., D. Litt., LL.B., 
Shastri, Dept. of Phil., 
Benares Hindu U. 
Rider 1960. 
vimshAtika-Vrtti on kArikA 1, p. 114.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Perfect gig for Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > Sorry, Richard but IMO Barry's not schizo...
> >
> ...don't believe everything you read here. Not 
> only is Barry not "schizo," the rest of Richard's 
> description of him is not accurate either.
Here's the thread so Share can read it and judge for 
herself how Turq got beatup by Moogin and Judy. 

Not only did Turq get beat up by Judy, Moogin beat 
up Turq's defense of TMer 'transcendence creation' 
theory! LoL!

Subject: Emperor's New Clothes
Newsgroups: alt.religion.gnostic
Date: 2003-10-17 05:35:21 PST

Uncle Tantra: 
> > I don't believe that there is anything in the
> > universe called "truth."

> Then you said, "The only 'perspective' that would 
> be valid to judge creation would have to transcend 
> creation," you were just offering one of your 
> beliefs, not -- despite appearances -- a claim 
> about the truth of things concerning the universe.

-- Moggin

to e-mail, remove the thorn

[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

> I'll give the Movement all the money I have if you can 
> prove Guru Dev's cave that he lived when he was traipsing 
> around in the jungle had the requisite vastu etc.
You didn't define 'vastu', Buddhist, Hindu or otherwise, 
so let's review:

Vastu is the art and science of placement. It's all a matter 
of positioning. It has already been established that Guru 
Dev had a Sri Yantra in his cave at Vindhya upon which he 
meditated at least twice a day. 

Sri Yantra and Sri Vidya are all about vastu, upon which 
diagrams most Hindu and Buddhist shrines are modeled. The 
Buddhist stupa design is a yantra when viewed from above.

Vastu-vidya, the ancient art and science of edifice 
architecture, like Yoga and Ayerveda, originated within the 
Vedic culture of India. 

How we set up the interior of our shelters has a dramatic 
impact on our way of living. This is a fact.

> > From what I've read, the oldest surviving example of edifice
> > architecture in India is the Lomas Rishi Cave in Barabar,
> > circa 322�185 BCE. It's almost pure Buddhist vastu. There
> > was no edifice architecture in Vedic times. Temple worship
> > in India came much later, just before and during the Gupta
> > Age.
> > 
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barabar_Caves
> > 
> > It has already been established that sthapatya is derived
> > from Buddhist vastu.
> > 
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/316001
> > 
> > All the Buddhist caves and stupas, such as the Great Stupa
> > at Sanchi follow vastu principles.
> > 
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanchi
> > 
> > > Bet they don't.
> > >
> > How much would you be willing to wager?
> > 
> > Some of the oldest examples of India vastu are the Ashokan
> > Pillars. All vastu edifice architecture is based on simple
> > pneumatics, and the central axis mundi.
> > 
> > Read more:
> > 
> > http://www.rwilliams.us/archives/analogia.htm
> > 
> > > I wonder if archaeological excavations will show all the
> > > old building in India were built according to sthapatya
> > > ved?
> > >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Beautiful way of saying all we need is meditation and 
> all the rest including vastu is expensive fluff, good 
> for the Movement's pocketbook and dubious prestige but 
> totally unnecessary for enlightenment or to live a good 
> fulfilling life.
In TM you get one single bija mantra and all the rest is
just fertilizer. All you have to do is water the seed
syllable and enjoy the fruit. You probably got your bija
mantra for $35, so what? LoL!

According to the Indian mythology 'mantra' is the 
'primary seed sound of the universe', called 'Shabd' in 
Sanskrit. In the Rig Veda Shabd is personified as 'Vac', 
the first primal sound percieved as human speech. 

According to the Indian tantric theory the devas and 
bodhisatvas do not take kindly to being addressed by 
their real names, which are seldom known by ordinary 

So, some yogi fakirs of old thought they knew the Gods 
well enough that they could even call the gods by 

Calling upon the Gods with their real names is very 
sometimes offensive to the Gods, according to some 
fakirs, and confusing to the people who cannot understand 
nonsense gibberish. 

Apparently, some uninformed dillatante types once 
overheard some of these so-called 'secret' names being 
chanted in Buddhist hybrid-Sanskrit at a drum-bangin' 
yoga camp-meet, amd mistook these for the real first 
names of the Gods. 

This, in itself is a strange tale, as it implies a 
hierarchy of those who pretend to know the secret names, 
those who 'wanna know the names', and those who do not 
know any nick-names, except ones they read in a 
paperback book. 

If bija mantras were to be used to address the Gods in 
secret or public ritual praise, Sage Patanjali would 
have said so in the 195 aphorisms, would he not? Or, if 
any bija mantras were known to be used back then, the 
historical Buddha would have mentioned them, right?

Now for the historical facts:

The bija mantras were first invented by the so-called
'Eighty-four Mahasiddhas' specificaly as meaningless 
sounds to be focusing on for yoga meditation practice,
according to Naropa and sGampopa.

Read more:

'The Jewel Ornament of Liberation' 
sGam.po.pa, Herbert V. Guenther (Translator) 
Shambhala, 2001

'Masters of Mahamudra'
Songs and Histories of the Eighty-Four Buddhist Siddhas
By Keith Dowman
State University of New York, 1986
> > > The devic energy or energy of the personifications of the 
> > > laws of nature formed the energy that people would pick up 
> > > on and using that energy create all the aspects of their 
> > > culture...
> > >
> > For practical purposes all we as TMers need to know about 
> > the Devas are that they are pleased when we think their 
> > names as bija mantra. For example, Saraswati, The Goddess 
> > of knowledge, music, arts and science, is very pleased to 
> > hear Her name and She will grant you a boon if you are 
> > worthy. However, as Sri Ramana Maharshi says "Your own 
> > Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the 
> > world." 
> > 
> > All you have to do is sit comfortably and be aware of the 
> > bija mantra. This 'just sitting and thinking' is Yoga, the 
> > best path on the planet for to get enlightened. This is 
> > just being aware of being aware; that's it, that's all you 
> > have to do! Pure awareness. 
> > 
> > It has already been established that the Indo-Europeans 
> > brought Mantra Yoga to South Asia. 
> > 
> > http://tinyurl.com/924qda5
> > 
> > And, the Vedas reveal the mantras, with the Upanishads 
> > their explanation.
> > 
> > Note: 
> > 
> > So, we have MMY giving us the bija of Saraswati, a bija 
> > that he recieved from Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, who in 
> > turn got the bija from Swami Krishanand Saraswati of the 
> > Sringeri Matha. 
> > 
> > So, we have the Saraswati bija mantra going back to Adi 
> > Shankaracharya who founded the Sringeri, and put there 
> > the Sri Yantra with the bijas inscribed on it. Then, the 
> > Shankarachara wrote out the Soundarylahari and the Ananda 
> > Lahari, which explained and enumerated all thirteen Sri 
> > Vidya bija mantras.
> > 
> > So much for the facts.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: PS to Ann "I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!"

2012-09-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

Ravi Chivukula:
>  ...footprints that lead to the swings and slides.
Now they're 'swinging and sliding' down the rabbit 
hole. LoL!

> No Curtis baby - you have totally disarmed me with 
> that baby Krishna comment. It will take me several 
> days to recover if at all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: GMO'd rats

2012-09-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Californians vote yes on prop 37!  
Go ahead, I only eat organic food grown in Texas.

> Send Monsanto to Mars (or better yet Jupiter) 
> where they belong.
It's probably not the GMO food that will kill 
you, it's the arsenic on your food. Whether its
GMO or not, it's not going to be pretty if you 
don't cut down on your consumption.

'Rice contains 'worrisome' arsenic levels, says Consumer Reports
Los Angeles Times, Wednesday September 19, 2012

[FairfieldLife] Re: anaadi matparaM brahma or anaadimat paraM brahma??

2012-09-19 Thread Richard J. Williams

> I have the Mandukya Upanishad with
> Shankara's detailed commentary. Nowhere
> is there a discussion of 7 states of consciousness,
> much less Maharishi's 7 states. Shankara's so called
> usage of Kashmiri Trika or Shri Vidya is untrue and
> has long been disproven.
It has already been established that Swami Brahmananda
Saraswati was an adherent of the Sri Vidya. It has
also already been established that MMY was a close
confidant of Swami Laksmanjoo, the last Tantric teacher
of Trika in Kashmere.

Another crucial point that is often missed is that
Maharishi's typology is a tantric rendering of the 
seven states, not a strictly Vedantic map.

The 'God Consciousness' described by Maharishi is 
based on Sri Vidya principles: The Absolute as the 
creative source - the divine Mother, Tripura, which 
is the main doctrine of both Sri Vidya and Kashmere 

Tripura can be an anthropomorphic deity, but the 
subtler tantric practices are directed towards 
Tripura as the formless - that is, the fourth state 
which is beyond or transcendental to, the three 
gross states (three cities) symbolized by AUM in the
Mandukhya Upanishad and the cogent commentary by 

In Sri Vidya, the Sri Yantra is the map of the 
seven states, which agrees with Maharishi's layout,
with the Bindu at the center. According to Tantra 
the Bindu is the highest state of transcendenace.

Swami Rama on the Mandukhya Upanishad:

2) Sarvam hyetad brahmayam-atma brahma soyamatma 

"Atman has Four Aspects: All of this, everywhere, 
is in truth Brahman, the Absolute Reality. This 
very Self itself, Atman, is also Brahman, the 
Absolute Reality. This Atman or Self has four 
aspects through which it operates."

Work cited:

'Enlightenment Without God'
Mandukhya Upanishad
By Swami Rama
Himalayan Institute Press, 1982 

Other titles of interst:

'The Secret of the Three Cities'
An Introduction to Hindu Sakta Tantrism 
By Douglas Renfrew Brooks
University Of Chicago Press, 1998 

'The Triadic Heart of Siva'
Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta in the Non-Dual 
Shaivism of Kashmir
By Paul Eduardo Muller-Ortega
State University of New York Press, 1989

[FairfieldLife] Re: anaadi matparaM brahma or anaadimat paraM brahma??

2012-09-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Bhakti is the "highest" form of yoga? 
Kashmere Saivism is an absolute idealism, just 
like Adwaita Vedanta. The main difference, according 
to Theos Bernard, is the intrepretation given to the 
term 'maya'. 

Swami Laksmanjoo used to teach Kashmere Saivism to 
some of the SRM students. Apparently Swami 
Laksmanjoo was very fond of MMY.

There's not much difference between the Sri Vidya 
and the Kashmere spiritual traditions, both of which 
utilize yoga technique and nmenocic devices such as 
bija mantras and yantras, which are both forms of 
Tantric Yoga. 

Kashmere tantrism is monisism, that is, a non-dual 
metaphysical system called 'Trika'. 

Some say that Kashmere Shaivism is the Northern 
version of the Adwaita Vedanta, having been taken 
there by the Adi Shankara. 

But in fact, Kashmere Shaivism derives from the 
Buddhist Vajrayana tradition. Kashmere was one of 
the seats of learning for the propagation of the 
'consciousness only' (Vijnanavada) school of 

The land of Kashmere and the Swat Valley were all 
Buddhist lands when Padmasambhava took Tantric 
Buddism to Tibet.


In Sanskrit, the term 'trika' pertains to number, 
'3', the three, or trinity. There are three states 
of consciousness, waking, sleeping, and dreaming; 
there is a fourth state, a state of pure 
consciousness, a transcendental state called 

Turiya in Sanskrit means 'fourth', used in the 
Adwaita Vedanta to indicate the fourth state of 
consciousness, explained in Mandukhya Upanishad:

"In both deep sleep and transcendental consciousness 
there is no consciousness of objects. But this 
objective consciousness is present in an unmanifested 
'seed' form in deep sleep while it is completely 
transcended in the turiya."

Work cited:

"Hindu Philosophy"
By Theos Bernard, Ph.D.
Philosophical Publishing House 1947
pp. 129-130
The definitive sourcebook, in English, 
of the Six Systems of Indian Philosophy, 
by the author of 'Hatha Yoga', 'Penthouse of the 
Gods', and 'Heaven Lies Within Us', etc. 

Mandukya Upanishad:

Read more:

'The White Lama: Tibet, Yoga, and American Religious Life'
by Paul G. Hackett
Columbia University Press, 2012

Mandukya Upanishad:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eastwooding: PS to Ann "I'm not going to shut up; it's my turn!"

2012-09-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > > ...footprints that lead to the swings and slides.
> > >
> > Now they're 'swinging and sliding' down the rabbit 
> > hole. LoL!
> > 
Ravi Chivukula:
> So it's all about swinging and sliding down rabbit 
> holes. Go figure! LoL!
It's all about the rabbit hole - not how you get there. 
You could fall, slide, spin, or wiggle your way in. LoL!

Here's what happened to this poor bastard that 'fell'
down the rabbit hole. He posted to Usenet several years
ago and got beat up real bad by Judy. Apparently this
guy, Joe Kellett, was down the rabbit hole with Curtis
and Barry for a long time. Go figure.

'Falling Down the Rabbit Hole With Joe'

> > > No Curtis baby - you have totally disarmed me with 
> > > that baby Krishna comment. It will take me several 
> > > days to recover if at all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Perfect gig for Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

Share Long:
> Something that happened almost 9 years ago? 
> Nope, not interested.
Did you ever notice how Turq's posts seem to mention or
refer to Judy all the time? It's been this way for over
fourteen years, Share. Get a grip and get up to speed.

If you're going to go down the rabbit hole, you need
to know what you're dealing with.

> Someone getting beat up by someone else. Definitely 
> not interested.
Turq called you an 'idiot', Share. Now why would Turq do
that when you took up for Judy? There's a pattern here.

> > > Sorry, Richard but IMO Barry's not schizo...
> > >
> authfriend:
> > ...don't believe everything you read here. Not 
> > only is Barry not "schizo," the rest of Richard's 
> > description of him is not accurate either.
> >
> Here's the thread so Share can read it and judge for 
> herself how Turq got beatup by Moogin and Judy. 
> Not only did Turq get beat up by Judy, Moogin beat 
> up Turq's defense of TMer 'transcendence creation' 
> theory! LoL!
> Subject: Emperor's New Clothes
> Newsgroups: alt.religion.gnostic
> Date: 2003-10-17 05:35:21 PST
> http://tinyurl.com/95drxtz
> Uncle Tantra: 
> > > I don't believe that there is anything in the
> > > universe called "truth."
> Moogin:
> > Then you said, "The only 'perspective' that would 
> > be valid to judge creation would have to transcend 
> > creation," you were just offering one of your 
> > beliefs, not -- despite appearances -- a claim 
> > about the truth of things concerning the universe.
> -- Moggin
> to e-mail, remove the thorn

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Wow, This Obama Story Could End His Chances for a Second Term

2012-09-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

> As of right now, I think Obama still has a pretty 
> good chunk of voters believing that he actually 
> knows what he's doing.
Iran cannot be allowed to possess a nuclear bomb. If 
the U.S. won't put a stop to Iran's plans to rule 
the region, then NATO will still defend keeping open 
the Straight of Hormuz - that's the red line. 

Without the flow of oil in the gulf to Europe, all 
the EU countries will become very cold, and then 
they will be annexed by Vladimir Putin. 

However, if an attack occurs and Iran attempts to 
close the Straight, then I predict that Obama will 
command the defense of the Straight. We can count 
on Obama and Clinton to defend the U.S. and its 
interests over there. 

Otherwise, we will vote in someone who will make 
America safe.

"Obama has very robust foreign policy." - General Wesley Clark

"Many within the Obama administration believe that 
Israel will launch a pre-emptive strike against 
Iran's nuclear facilities before the US presidential 
elections, an act which would signal the failure of 
one of Washington's key foreign policy objectives."

'Armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf 
as Israel prepares an Iran strike'
The Telegraph, September 16, 2012

[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

> ...from all I have heard/read of Guru Dev, I am
> guessing he didn't really care what way the
> entrance to the cave was facing, nor did he give
> a damn about any bramastan,
You haven't been around very many Hindus, right?

In fact all the yogis of the Sri Vidya sect are
very aware of vastu placement.

So let's review:

Swami Brahmanand was a sannyasin of the Saraswati
branch of Shankara's tradition, whose headquarters
are at Sringeri, an almost pure vastu temple in

The cave in the Vindhya mountains in which Guru
Dev meditated had a south-facing entrance. In the
cave Guru Dev placed a Sri Yantra in the brahmastan,
according to Swami Rama who unterviewed him there.

Guru Dev designed the Jyotirmath with vastu in
mind and subsequently, Guru Dev organized a very
large puja based on vastu placement in 1945.

> because the only thing
> he saw was God, or if you prefer, Pure Awareness,
> to infinity in every direction he cared to look.
So, the question then arises, why would Guru Dev
pose in Padma Asana for a photo with an empahsis
on the vastu hand sign of a siddha yogi? In fact,
when Guru Dev used to meditate his whole body took
on the charteristics of pure vastu!

The hand-sign 'mudra' in the photo of Guru Dev
comes from Hatha Yoga -  Guru Dev was was an
Advaitan of the Sri Vidya sect.

The auspicious 'hand-sign' in Sanskrit literature
is refered to as the symbol of wisdom or the mark
of the "I" conciousness, which represents "Knowing
That I am", or "Knowing That I know."

The auspicious hand-sign meditation reminds us of
the absolute truth, the circle made by the thumb
and the forefinger is the symbol of unity - a space
that is empty, yet full at the same time.

It is the symbol of the one reality and for
Shankara, the one-without-a-second. In his
stotram in the 'South -Facing Form', Shankara
Acharya is advocating the yogic practice of TM
via a meditation on the form of the attributeless
Brahman by use of a 'mudra', the auspicious
hand-sign being the mnemonic device

A mudra is a non-semantic, mnemonic device
used in yogic deep meditation.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Perfect gig for Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

Share Long:  
> Basically people should not waste posts calling me 
> names. Unless they really enjoy doing so. Thanks 
> for heads up...
This entire thread from Turq is an attempt to take you
down the rabbit hole, Share. 

But, for GAWD'S sake, DON'T talk about the spiritual
life! LoL!

> > Something that happened almost 9 years ago? 
> > Nope, not interested.
> >
> Did you ever notice how Turq's posts seem to mention or
> refer to Judy all the time? It's been this way for over
> fourteen years, Share. Get a grip and get up to speed.
> If you're going to go down the rabbit hole, you need
> to know what you're dealing with.
> > Someone getting beat up by someone else. Definitely 
> > not interested.
> > 
> Turq called you an 'idiot', Share. Now why would Turq do
> that when you took up for Judy? There's a pattern here.
> > > > Sorry, Richard but IMO Barry's not schizo...
> > > >
> > authfriend:
> > > ...don't believe everything you read here. Not 
> > > only is Barry not "schizo," the rest of Richard's 
> > > description of him is not accurate either.
> > >
> > Here's the thread so Share can read it and judge for 
> > herself how Turq got beatup by Moogin and Judy. 
> > 
> > Not only did Turq get beat up by Judy, Moogin beat 
> > up Turq's defense of TMer 'transcendence creation' 
> > theory! LoL!
> > 
> > Subject: Emperor's New Clothes
> > Newsgroups: alt.religion.gnostic
> > Date: 2003-10-17 05:35:21 PST
> > http://tinyurl.com/95drxtz
> > 
> > Uncle Tantra: 
> > > > I don't believe that there is anything in the
> > > > universe called "truth."
> > 
> > Moogin:
> > > Then you said, "The only 'perspective' that would 
> > > be valid to judge creation would have to transcend 
> > > creation," you were just offering one of your 
> > > beliefs, not -- despite appearances -- a claim 
> > > about the truth of things concerning the universe.
> > 
> > -- Moggin
> > 
> > to e-mail, remove the thorn
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > My how humans love to get reality to conform to their much 
> > cherished illusions.
> > 
> > But then again, I suppose the importance of vastu and all 
> > the rest of the Movement hullaballoo claptrap is as good an 
> > illusion to hold onto as any other. It certainly benefits 
> > the pocket books of the Movement and its leaders tho one 
> > might get the impression that they are poor from the 
> > frequency they ask for the people of the world to fund 
> > every trip they and the pundits make to Wal-Mart. 
> > 
> > Occasionally, there may come a dreamer who is aware that he 
> > is dreaming. He may control something of the dream-stuff, 
> > bending it to his will, or he may awaken into greater 
> > self-knowledge. If he chooses the path of self-knowledge, 
> > his glory is great and he shall be for all ages like unto 
> > a star. If he chooses instead the way of the Tantras, 
> > combining Samsara and Nirvana, comprehending the world 
> > and continuing to live in it, this one is mighty among 
> > dreamers.
> > 
> > To dwell within Samsara, however, is to be subject to the 
> > works of those who are mighty among dreamers. If they be 
> > mighty for good, it is a golden time. If they be mighty 
> > for ill, it is a time of darkness. The dream may turn to 
> > nightmare. 
> > 
> > I realized I was dreaming when I thought Maharishi was 
> > enlightened and that all the stuff he recommended had 
> > merit, I am glad I woke up.
> >
> Thank you for this. Well said. Deep bow.
Very impressive!  We can tell he knows a lot about the 
mechanics of consciouness when he quotes Roger Zelazny. 


> This post reaffirms my belief that there are still
> people on this forum who are interested in talking
> about the nitty-gritty, where-the-rubber-meets-the-
> road bottom line of spirituality. 
You aren't adding very much to the conversation. Yes,
let's just admit it: most TM teachers know next to
nothing about where the TM bija mantras came from.

This thread is a perfect example of how some Tmers
post 'where-the-rubber-meets-the-road bottom line of 
spirituality'! Very impressive dialog from Mr. 
Jackson! LoL!

> It's not about either trying to diss Maharishi, or
> "defend" him. It's about trying to make some sense
> of this whole schmeggie we were exposed to in the
> TM organization *or any other*. Very nice attempt
> to figure out that which is probably not figurable-
> outable. 
> > > > ...from all I have heard/read of Guru Dev, I am
> > > > guessing he didn't really care what way the
> > > > entrance to the cave was facing, nor did he give
> > > > a damn about any bramastan,
> > > >
> > > You haven't been around very many Hindus, right?
> > > 
> > > In fact all the yogis of the Sri Vidya sect are
> > > very aware of vastu placement.
> > > 
> > > So let's review:
> > > 
> > > Swami Brahmanand was a sannyasin of the Saraswati
> > > branch of Shankara's tradition, whose headquarters
> > > are at Sringeri, an almost pure vastu temple in
> > > Karnataka.
> > > 
> > > The cave in the Vindhya mountains in which Guru
> > > Dev meditated had a south-facing entrance. In the
> > > cave Guru Dev placed a Sri Yantra in the brahmastan,
> > > according to Swami Rama who unterviewed him there.
> > > 
> > > Guru Dev designed the Jyotirmath with vastu in
> > > mind and subsequently, Guru Dev organized a very
> > > large puja based on vastu placement in 1945.
> > > 
> > > > because the only thing
> > > > he saw was God, or if you prefer, Pure Awareness,
> > > > to infinity in every direction he cared to look.
> > > >
> > > So, the question then arises, why would Guru Dev
> > > pose in Padma Asana for a photo with an empahsis
> > > on the vastu hand sign of a siddha yogi? In fact,
> > > when Guru Dev used to meditate his whole body took
> > > on the charteristics of pure vastu!
> > > 
> > > The hand-sign 'mudra' in the photo of Guru Dev
> > > comes from Hatha Yoga -  Guru Dev was was an
> > > Advaitan of the Sri Vidya sect.
> > >   
> > > 
> > > The auspicious 'hand-sign' in Sanskrit literature
> > > is refered to as the symbol of wisdom or the mark
> > > of the "I" conciousness, which represents "Knowing
> > > That I am", or "Knowing That I know."
> > > 
> > > The auspicious hand-sign meditation reminds us of
> > > the absolute truth, the circle made by the thumb
> > > and the forefinger is the symbol of unity - a space
> > > that is empty, yet full at the same time.
> > > 
> > > It is the symbol of the one reality and for
> > > Shankara, the one-without-a-second. In his
> > > stotram in the 'South -Facing Form', Shankara
> > > Acharya is advocating the yogic practice of TM
> > > via a meditation on the form of the attributeless
> > > Brahman by use of a 'mudra', the auspicious
> > > hand-sign being the mnemonic device
> > > par-excellence.
> > > 
> > > A mudra is a non-semantic, mnemonic device
> > > used in yogic deep meditation.
> > > 
> > > http://e

[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

> I realized I was dreaming when I thought Maharishi was 
> enlightened and that all the stuff he recommended had 
> merit, I am glad I woke up.
Non sequitur. 

> > > ...from all I have heard/read of Guru Dev, I am
> > > guessing he didn't really care what way the
> > > entrance to the cave was facing, nor did he give
> > > a damn about any bramastan,
> > >
> > You haven't been around very many Hindus, right?
> > 
> > In fact all the yogis of the Sri Vidya sect are
> > very aware of vastu placement.
> > 
> > So let's review:
> > 
> > Swami Brahmanand was a sannyasin of the Saraswati
> > branch of Shankara's tradition, whose headquarters
> > are at Sringeri, an almost pure vastu temple in
> > Karnataka.
> > 
> > The cave in the Vindhya mountains in which Guru
> > Dev meditated had a south-facing entrance. In the
> > cave Guru Dev placed a Sri Yantra in the brahmastan,
> > according to Swami Rama who unterviewed him there.
> > 
> > Guru Dev designed the Jyotirmath with vastu in
> > mind and subsequently, Guru Dev organized a very
> > large puja based on vastu placement in 1945.
> > 
> > > because the only thing
> > > he saw was God, or if you prefer, Pure Awareness,
> > > to infinity in every direction he cared to look.
> > >
> > So, the question then arises, why would Guru Dev
> > pose in Padma Asana for a photo with an empahsis
> > on the vastu hand sign of a siddha yogi? In fact,
> > when Guru Dev used to meditate his whole body took
> > on the charteristics of pure vastu!
> > 
> > The hand-sign 'mudra' in the photo of Guru Dev
> > comes from Hatha Yoga -  Guru Dev was was an
> > Advaitan of the Sri Vidya sect.
> >   
> > 
> > The auspicious 'hand-sign' in Sanskrit literature
> > is refered to as the symbol of wisdom or the mark
> > of the "I" conciousness, which represents "Knowing
> > That I am", or "Knowing That I know."
> > 
> > The auspicious hand-sign meditation reminds us of
> > the absolute truth, the circle made by the thumb
> > and the forefinger is the symbol of unity - a space
> > that is empty, yet full at the same time.
> > 
> > It is the symbol of the one reality and for
> > Shankara, the one-without-a-second. In his
> > stotram in the 'South -Facing Form', Shankara
> > Acharya is advocating the yogic practice of TM
> > via a meditation on the form of the attributeless
> > Brahman by use of a 'mudra', the auspicious
> > hand-sign being the mnemonic device
> > par-excellence.
> > 
> > A mudra is a non-semantic, mnemonic device
> > used in yogic deep meditation.
> > 
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mnemonic
> > 
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: anaadi matparaM brahma or anaadimat paraM brahma??

2012-09-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

> This does not mean that either Shankara or SBS 
> were tantrika-s... 
Can't help you if you won't read the texts, Bill.

Get some smarts and learn some history! MMY got
the TM bijas from SBS and he got them from SKS,
all they way back to the Adi Shankara. All the
Sringeri sannyasins are tantrikas and adherents 
Sri Vidya. All the Sringeri sannyasisn worship the
Sri Yantra - a tantric yoga. These are the facts.

So, let's review what we know:

The adherents of the Sri Vidya claim Shankara as 
their Adi Guru, and all of the Saraswati sannyasins 
worship Tripurasundari with the Sri Yantra, and they 
repeat the bija mantra of Saraswati at least twice 
each day.

At their headquarters at Sringeri, the Saraswati 
yogins all proclaim their allegiance to the Adi 

According to the Shankaracharya of Sringeri, the 
Adi Shankara placed the Sri Chakra, symbol of 
Tripurasundari, with the TM mantras inscribed 
thereon, at each of the seats of learning - Dwarka, 
Puri, Sringeri, and at Jyotirmath. 

So, the mantras of TM are DIRECTLY related to Sri 

So, we get TM and the TM bijas from MMY, who got
the bijas from SBS, who got the bijas from the
Swami Krishananda Saraswati of Sringeri. So, the
TM bijas come from the Shankaracharya tradition
of Kaula Tantra which was founded at Sringeri by
the Adi Shankara.

So, when TMers use the bija mantra of Saraswati,
there is no difference between the bija and the
Absolute itself - there is only the illusion of 

There is no difference between an object meditated 
upon and the object itself. Since the Absolute is 
not a subject to be cognized, TMers use bija 
mantras in order to provide the ideal opportunity 
for the transcending.

According to Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, "The 
difference is the same as the difference between 
rice and paddy. Remove the skin of the paddy and 
it is rice. Similarly, remove the covering of 
Maya, and the Jiva will become Brahman."

"...it has now been established that at least two 
of the most sacred bija-mantras, out of the 
fifteen, contained in the Sound Arya La Hari, are 
in fact, TM bija-mantras."

Subject: Re: Guru Dev and "Sri Vidya"
From: James Duffy
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: April 28, 2003

> > > I have the Mandukya Upanishad with
> > > Shankara's detailed commentary. Nowhere
> > > is there a discussion of 7 states of consciousness,
> > > much less Maharishi's 7 states. Shankara's so called
> > > usage of Kashmiri Trika or Shri Vidya is untrue and
> > > has long been disproven.
> > >
> > It has already been established that Swami Brahmananda
> > Saraswati was an adherent of the Sri Vidya. It has
> > also already been established that MMY was a close
> > confidant of Swami Laksmanjoo, the last Tantric teacher
> > of Trika in Kashmere.
> >
> > Another crucial point that is often missed is that
> > Maharishi's typology is a tantric rendering of the
> > seven states, not a strictly Vedantic map.
> >
> > The 'God Consciousness' described by Maharishi is
> > based on Sri Vidya principles: The Absolute as the
> > creative source - the divine Mother, Tripura, which
> > is the main doctrine of both Sri Vidya and Kashmere
> > Shivaism.
> >
> > Tripura can be an anthropomorphic deity, but the
> > subtler tantric practices are directed towards
> > Tripura as the formless - that is, the fourth state
> > which is beyond or transcendental to, the three
> > gross states (three cities) symbolized by AUM in the
> > Mandukhya Upanishad and the cogent commentary by
> > Gaudapadacharya.
> >
> > In Sri Vidya, the Sri Yantra is the map of the
> > seven states, which agrees with Maharishi's layout,
> > with the Bindu at the center. According to Tantra
> > the Bindu is the highest state of transcendenace.
> >
> > Swami Rama on the Mandukhya Upanishad:
> >
> > 2) Sarvam hyetad brahmayam-atma brahma soyamatma
> > catushpat.
> >
> > "Atman has Four Aspects: All of this, everywhere,
> > is in truth Brahman, the Absolute Reality. This
> > very Self itself, Atman, is also Brahman, the
> > Absolute Reality. This Atman or Self has four
> > aspects through which it operates."
> >
> > Work cited:
> >
> > 'Enlightenment Without God'
> > Mandukhya Upanishad
> > By Swami Rama
> > Himalayan Institute Press, 1982
> >
> > Other titles of interst:
> >
> > 'The Secret of the Three Cities'
> > An Introduction to Hindu Sakta Tantrism
> > By Douglas Renfrew Brooks
> > University Of Chicago Press, 1998
> >
> > 'The Triadic Heart of Siva'
> > Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta in the Non-Dual
> > Shaivism of Kashmir
> > By Paul Eduardo Muller-Ortega
> > State University of New York Press, 1989

[FairfieldLife] Re: How you're *supposed* to live if you're lucky enough to be rich

2012-09-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > ...approach really solve the mystery of how the
> > brain creates consciousness?
> >
> I'm prolly wrong, but I think that question is as 
> "stupid" as asking: "How does a computer CPU create 
> electricity?" LoL!
Apparently all energy in the universe was created with 
the big bang. Any form of energy can be transformed 
into another form by tranference of mass.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-21 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > > I realized I was dreaming when I thought Maharishi was 
> > > enlightened and that all the stuff he recommended had 
> > > merit, I am glad I woke up.
> > > 
> > Non sequitur. 
> >
> To believe this is a non sequitur, leads one to believe 
> that you are not able to string two thoughts together, 
> but maybe this is an off day...
You don't have to be 'enlightened' to realize that MMY was
a Shakta adherent, anymore than MMY had to be enlightened
in order to follow SBS. 

But, in fact it is doubtfull that MMY ascribed fully to
the notion that this world is an illusion or 'maya'. If 
he did, he would have said so, right?

The idea that the world is a dream and not real, is not a 
tenent of Shaktism - I don't think MMY really believed in 
the illusionary aspect of the universe.

"Other important texts include the canonical Shakta 
Upanishads, as well as Shakta-oriented Puranic literature 
such as the Devi Purana and Kalika Purana, the Lalita 
Sahasranama (from the Brahmanda Purana), the Devi Gita 
(from the Devi-Bhagavata Purana), Adi Shankara's 
Saundaryalahari and the Tantras."


[FairfieldLife] Re: Perfect gig for Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-21 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > Judy, your practice of replying sentence by sentence 
> > distorts the meaning of my words and overshadows the 
> > import of my complete thought as contained in the 
> > whole paragraph.
> >
> Taking a profession completely at random, consider
> the case of a professional editor...
Share, I already told you it's all about Judy. Don't
you get it - Barry does. He'll write almost anything
for hours, days, weeks, months, and years, to drag you 
down with him into the rabbit hole. LoL!

> Share, trying to stay out of the conflict but 
> tripping on what you said above, I thought I
> should draw your attention to a post I made
> here recently entitled "This is your brain on 
> reading for fun...this is it on reading seriously." 
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/320510
> It details some fascinating research being done
> on people to determine what is going on in their
> brains when they read either 1) for pleasure, the
> sheer enjoyment of it, or 2) for work, what is
> called "close reading," as if they have to report
> on what they're reading later in an essay about it. 
> The researchers, watching the brains of people 
> through an MRI scanner as they read, have discovered 
> that very different parts of the brain are being 
> used, depending on whether one is reading for 
> pleasure, or doing "close reading."
> Riffing on what you say above, is it possible 
> that a certain person is using different parts
> of their brain when reading your posts than you
> used when writing them?
> I find this an interesting question when applied
> to this forum. "Different strokes for different
> folks" turns out to be true even in the brain,
> and at different times, depending on the *intent*
> with which we read. Two people could read the
> same piece of literature -- in the experiments,
> passages from Jane Austen -- and get two very
> different things from them. That's not a surprise,
> of course, chances are we *all* would see the
> same passages slightly differently. *However*,
> the new information from these studies is that
> the *same* person could view and interpret 
> these passages completely differently, depend-
> ing on how they're reading them -- for pleasure,
> or "for work."
> Taking a profession completely at random, consider
> the case of a professional editor. Their day job
> is parsing other people's writing, *looking for
> nits to pick*. The person is, as you suggest, 
> parsing word by word, sentence by sentence, *look-
> ing for errors or lapses in grammar or logic*.
> And to such a person, a single typo or misspelling
> could render an entire work unworthy of publication,
> and thus of being taken seriously.
> Now consider another random profession, say a 
> person who makes their living as a musician and
> an educator. Such a person might have said many
> times that they read the posts on FFL -- and
> write their own -- for pleasure. They do *not*
> tend to parse them carefully, looking for things
> "not right" in them; instead they might be looking
> for things to enjoy. Which is the objective, after 
> all, of "reading for pleasure."
> These two types of people, conditioned by years
> of habit to read either for pleasure or for work,
> might be using entirely different parts of their
> brains while reading, and as a result might have 
> a tendency to react to what you write completely
> differently.
> Now make a mental leap with me beyond the context
> of the experiments so far and to the next level.
> If humans use different parts of their brains
> when either reading for pleasure or reading more
> seriously, "close reading," is it possible that
> they do the exact same thing when writing?
> The musician in my completely random example, for
> example, might have gone on record many times as
> saying that he writes for pleasure, for the sheer
> fun of writing and for the joy of seeing one's
> ideas "come together" as a result of the very
> act of writing. I'm like that, and I intuit 
> that you might be, too. 
> Someone else might tend to bring the same "close
> reading" brain functioning they practice as a 
> reader to their writing, and tend to take the 
> writing more seriously, and less as an opportunity 
> to have fun. They might, in fact, be practicing 
> "close writing." If this were the case, would it 
> not be likely that they are using an entirely 
> different mode of brain functioning when writing 
> than the person who is writing for the pleasure 
> of it?
> Just a few random thoughts, written for the
> pleasure of writing them. Parse them as you will,
> and do with them what you will, using whatever
> parts of your brain you tend to use when doing
> that sorta stuff.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Perfect gig for Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-21 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > Drilling deeper into this thoery I can also see how being
> > attacked here stimulates a pseudo fear mechanism that
> > prompts and urgency of response...
> >
> This exchange made it worth participating on FFL this 
> month!  Thanks.
Looks like several respondents got really scared of Judy. 


> > > That was a bit of a revelation and a cogent analysis of 
> > > why we can't get there from here between some posters.  
> > 
> > Glad you enjoyed it.
> > 
> > > Since I know the hypothetical guy you were imagining...
> > > it also explains why it can be fun to go point by point 
> > > to stimulate a different part of my brain. That was 
> > > largely what doing philosophy involved and I enjoy that 
> > > in a different way from creative writing.
> > > 
> > Professor Phillips points out that neither of these modes 
> > of brain functioning are superior, and in fact the real 
> > benefit is that we can switch between them, to train and 
> > develop different parts of the brain. In her words, 
> > "...cognition is shaped not just by what we read, but how 
> > we read it." Reading rigorously and analyzing the ideas 
> > presented and even the structure of the language and how 
> > the ideas are presented exercises one mode of functioning 
> > in our brains, and cultivates that mode. Reading just for 
> > the fun of it exercises another mode of functioning, and 
> > cultivates it. Both are necessary to see the world around 
> > us clearly, from a balanced point of view. 
> > 
> > > Drilling deeper into this thoery I can also see how being 
> > > attacked here stimulates a pseudo fear mechanism that 
> > > prompts and urgency of response.  Combined with things 
> > > that a reader feels are inaccurate it creates a sturdy 
> > > chain to pull and get pulled by.  That may be a case for 
> > > not posting in a place where a lot of that goes on.  It 
> > > is hard to resist getting pulled into that cycle, 
> > > especially when not much more of that writing is going on. 
> > > 
> > > I used to think about some of the back and forth stuff 
> > > about Maharishi's philosophy here as more of the first 
> > > thing, the stimulation of the close attention part of my 
> > > brain.  As it has drifted further and further from any 
> > > content, it has become less and less satisfying in that 
> > > regard, so I switch to the creative but negative angle 
> > > creating images of trollish scenes to keep me interested 
> > > in writing.
> > > 
> > > This really gives me a lot to think about, thanks for 
> > > that Barry.  I would like to become a bit more conscious 
> > > of my outcomes here and ultimately if being here is where 
> > > my real outcomes are likely to get met in becoming the 
> > > kind of writer I want to be.
> > >
> > Much more research is being done by this same team, 
> > including fMRI scans of readers to determine how the 
> > two different modes of reading affect such things as 
> > how they experience emotion arising from what they're 
> > reading. Will those emotions be stronger and affect 
> > the person more when reading for pleasure, or for 
> > analysis? 
> > 
> > But one of the valuable things learned even so far 
> > from this projects is that each of us has the ability 
> > to *change the way that our own brains work*. We can 
> > shift them from one mode of operation to another, 
> > just by the *intent* we bring to our reading. This 
> > is a discovery that I cannot help but relate to work 
> > on mindfulness meditation and fMRI, which has also 
> > shown that we can control which areas of our brains 
> > "light up" and are used or not used, depending on 
> > whether or not they are appropriate for the 
> > circumstances. 
> > 
> > On the literature side of the equation, these 
> > experiments may help us to understand the impact 
> > that great writing has on us. As Natalie Phillips 
> > says, "...give us a bigger, richer picture of how 
> > our minds engage with art – or, in our case, of the 
> > complex experience we know as literary reading."
> > 
> > > > > Judy, your practice of replying sentence by sentence 
> > > > > distorts the meaning of my words and overshadows the 
> > > > > import of my complete thought as contained in the 
> > > > > whole paragraph.
> > > > 
> > > > Share, trying to stay out of the conflict but 
> > > > tripping on what you said above, I thought I
> > > > should draw your attention to a post I made
> > > > here recently entitled "This is your brain on 
> > > > reading for fun...this is it on reading seriously." 
> > > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/320510
> > > > 
> > > > It details some fascinating research being done
> > > > on people to determine what is going on in their
> > > > brains when they read either 1) for pleasure, the
> > > > sheer enjoyment of it, or 2) for work, what is
> > > > called "close reading," as if they have to report
> > > > on what they're reading later in an essay about it. 
> > > > The 

[FairfieldLife] Re: anaadi matparaM brahma or anaadimat paraM brahma??

2012-09-21 Thread Richard J. Williams

> No Western trained scholar (Indian or Euro-American) 
> would believe these invented claims by Indians.
Tmer devotees don't care what trained scholars say
about SBS. What matters to us is what the current
sannyasins and yogis believe and practice. 

What's relevant here is that SBS used to meditate
on the Sri Chakra and the bija mantra of Saraswati
and that the Sri Vidya is similar to Kashmere Trika.

"...the general principles are similar to those 
found in Kashmir Shaivism...The goddess is worshipped 
in the form of a mystical diagram (Sanskrit: yantra) 
of nine intersecting triangles, called the Shri 
Chakra that is the central icon of the tradition."


"Adi Shankara visited Sharada Peeth in Kashmir 
(now in POK, Pakistan..."

by Swami Tapasyananda
pp. 160–185.


> > > This does not mean that either Shankara or SBS
> > > were tantrika-s...
> > >
> > Can't help you if you won't read the texts, Bill.
> >
> > Get some smarts and learn some history! MMY got
> > the TM bijas from SBS and he got them from SKS,
> > all they way back to the Adi Shankara. All the
> > Sringeri sannyasins are tantrikas and adherents
> > Sri Vidya. All the Sringeri sannyasisn worship the
> > Sri Yantra - a tantric yoga. These are the facts.
> >
> > So, let's review what we know:
> >
> > The adherents of the Sri Vidya claim Shankara as
> > their Adi Guru, and all of the Saraswati sannyasins
> > worship Tripurasundari with the Sri Yantra, and they
> > repeat the bija mantra of Saraswati at least twice
> > each day.
> >
> > At their headquarters at Sringeri, the Saraswati
> > yogins all proclaim their allegiance to the Adi
> > Shankara.
> >
> > According to the Shankaracharya of Sringeri, the
> > Adi Shankara placed the Sri Chakra, symbol of
> > Tripurasundari, with the TM mantras inscribed
> > thereon, at each of the seats of learning - Dwarka,
> > Puri, Sringeri, and at Jyotirmath.
> >
> > So, the mantras of TM are DIRECTLY related to Sri
> > Vidya.
> >
> > So, we get TM and the TM bijas from MMY, who got
> > the bijas from SBS, who got the bijas from the
> > Swami Krishananda Saraswati of Sringeri. So, the
> > TM bijas come from the Shankaracharya tradition
> > of Kaula Tantra which was founded at Sringeri by
> > the Adi Shankara.
> >
> > So, when TMers use the bija mantra of Saraswati,
> > there is no difference between the bija and the
> > Absolute itself - there is only the illusion of
> > duration.
> >
> > There is no difference between an object meditated
> > upon and the object itself. Since the Absolute is
> > not a subject to be cognized, TMers use bija
> > mantras in order to provide the ideal opportunity
> > for the transcending.
> >
> > According to Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, "The
> > difference is the same as the difference between
> > rice and paddy. Remove the skin of the paddy and
> > it is rice. Similarly, remove the covering of
> > Maya, and the Jiva will become Brahman."
> >
> > "...it has now been established that at least two
> > of the most sacred bija-mantras, out of the
> > fifteen, contained in the Sound Arya La Hari, are
> > in fact, TM bija-mantras."
> >
> > Subject: Re: Guru Dev and "Sri Vidya"
> > From: James Duffy
> > Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
> > Date: April 28, 2003
> > http://tinyurl.com/2drn7gp
> >
> > > > > I have the Mandukya Upanishad with
> > > > > Shankara's detailed commentary. Nowhere
> > > > > is there a discussion of 7 states of consciousness,
> > > > > much less Maharishi's 7 states. Shankara's so called
> > > > > usage of Kashmiri Trika or Shri Vidya is untrue and
> > > > > has long been disproven.
> > > > >
> > > > It has already been established that Swami Brahmananda
> > > > Saraswati was an adherent of the Sri Vidya. It has
> > > > also already been established that MMY was a close
> > > > confidant of Swami Laksmanjoo, the last Tantric teacher
> > > > of Trika in Kashmere.
> > > >
> > > > Another crucial point that is often missed is that
> > > > Maharishi's typology is a tantric rendering of the
> > > > seven states, not a strictly Vedantic map.
> > > >
> > > > The 'God Consciousness' described by Maharishi is
> > > > based on Sri Vidya principles: The Absolute as the
> > > > creative source - the divine Mother, Tripura, which
> > > > is the main doctrine of both Sri Vidya and Kashmere
> > > > Shivaism.
> > > >
> > > > Tripura can be an anthropomorphic deity, but the
> > > > subtler tantric practices are directed towards
> > > > Tripura as the formless - that is, the fourth state
> > > > which is beyond or transcendental to, the three
> > > > gross states (three cities) symbolized by AUM in the
> > > > Mandukhya Upanishad and the cogent commentary by
> > > > Gaudapadacharya.
> > > >
> > > > In Sri Vidya, the Sri Yantra is the map of the
> > > > seven states, which agrees with Maharishi's layout,
> > > > with the Bindu at the center. According to T

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's not just TMers who get excommunicated for being critical

2012-09-23 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Mormons Want to Excommunicate Romney Critic After 
> writing negative articles about the Republican 
> candidate...
So, in your mind the next U.S. election is all about 
what religion the candidate believes in. 

Our ambassador was targeted and murdered by Islamic
terrorists in a pre-planned attact on 9/11 and he 
was not given U.S. State Department security, but 
you're worried about Mitt Romney's religion? 

Go figure.


> This article brings up for me the thorny question of what would happen
> if he became President and his most trusted adviser Eric Fehrnstrom
> (shown below as Batman to Romney's Robin) said to him, "Mitt, I don't
> really think it's a good idea to nuke both Iran and the American
> Homeless the same day?" Would he consider this advice as valid and
> useful, or would he call the bishops and have Fehrnstrom excommunicated?
>   [featureimg] Mormons Want to Excommunicate Romney CriticAfter writing
> negative articles about the Republican candidate, the  managing editor
> of MormonThink.com says he faces excommunication. Is the  Church on a
> witch hunt? Jamie Reno reports.
> David Twede, 47, a scientist, novelist, and fifth-generation Mormon, is
> managing editor of MormonThink.com  ,  an
> online magazine produced largely by members of the Mormon Church  that
> welcomes scholarly debate about the religion's history from both 
> critics and true believers.
> A  Mormon in good standing, Twede has never been disciplined by Latter
> Day  Saints leadership. But it now appears his days as a Mormon may be 
> numbered because of a series of articles he wrote this past week that 
> were critical of Mitt Romney  .
> On  Sunday, Twede says his bishop, stake president, and two  church
> executives brought him into Florida Mormon church offices in  Orlando
> and interrogated him for nearly an hour about his writings,  telling
> him, "Cease and desist, Brother Twede."
> Mormon leaders have scheduled an excommunication
>   "for apostasy"
> on Sept. 30. A spokesman for the church
>  s-in-romney-spotlight.html>  told The Daily Beast that the church would
> not be commenting for this story.
> In  an exclusive interview with The Daily Beast, Twede says that during
> the  interrogation he felt "attacked, cornered, and very anxious."
> The  four church leaders verbally chastised him, he says, for hiding his
> identity on MormonThink and his personal blog in order to avoid 
> discipline. Twede, who writes using only his first name, says they kept 
> asking him why he didn't identify himself online if he had nothing
> to  hide.
> "I  told them I hide my name precisely because of things like
> this," he  says. "I said, `Look how fast you got to me.'
> I know a lot of members  don't want their life disturbed. In the
> Mormon church, if you're not  part of the uniform group
>  ey-s-religion-is-his-greatest-asset.html> , you are ostracized."
> Twede  asked church leaders how they came up with his name so fast after
> posting the articles. They wouldn't tell him, but he says he's since
> been told by a church insider that a contributor to the pro-Mormon
> Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research
>  ,  many of whose members are professors at
> Brigham Young University,  alerted church officials in Salt Lake City,
> who apparently informed his  local ecclesiastical leaders.
> "When they interrogated me, they  denied that they were on a witch
> hunt, but they kept asking me, `Who are  the other individuals you
> work with on MormonThink?'" he says. "They  continued demanding
> that I tell them. But I didn't."
> Twede's situation was first publicly disclosed this week on an ex-Mormon
> online discussion site by Steve Benson
>  , the
> Pulitzer Prize–winning editorial cartoonist for The Arizona Republic
> and grandson of former secretary of agriculture and Mormon prophet Ezra
> Taft Benson.
> Benson,  who left Mormonism in 1993, the same year he won the Pulitzer,
> is now a  vocal critic of the church and is an active voice on the
> ex-Mormon  sites.
> "What  you're seeing with David is not atypical of what the
> church has done in  the past, where local leadership becomes focused on
> riding into battle  under the flag `out damn spot' and ridding
> itself or perceived  apostates," Benson tells The Daily Beast.
> "I was under this kind of  investigation when I left in '93. I
> didn't want to give them the  satisfaction of an excommunication. I
> no longer wanted to be a member of  that organization."
> In his role as managing editor of MormonThink, Twede wrote an article
> about Rom

[FairfieldLife] Re: anaadi matparaM brahma or anaadimat paraM brahma??

2012-09-23 Thread Richard J. Williams

> This does not mean that either Shankara or SBS were 
> tantrika-s...   
It means that if SBS was an adherent of Sri Vidya, then 
that might account for the Karpatri Swami, SBS's desciple, 
being an adherent of Sri Vidya tantric sect.

"He was also the great expert of Shree Vidya and probably 
all the present day experts in Varanasi have somehow or 
the other obtained Shree vidya from him or his pupils."

Hariharananda Saraswati:

> You have had this demonstrated to you repeatedly. 
Where, exactly where has it been demonstrated that SBS 
was not an adherent of Sri Vidya sect?
> > > I have the Mandukya Upanishad with
> > > Shankara's detailed commentary. Nowhere
> > > is there a discussion of 7 states of consciousness,
> > > much less Maharishi's 7 states. Shankara's so called
> > > usage of Kashmiri Trika or Shri Vidya is untrue and
> > > has long been disproven.
> > >
> > It has already been established that Swami Brahmananda
> > Saraswati was an adherent of the Sri Vidya. It has
> > also already been established that MMY was a close
> > confidant of Swami Laksmanjoo, the last Tantric teacher
> > of Trika in Kashmere.
> >
> > Another crucial point that is often missed is that
> > Maharishi's typology is a tantric rendering of the
> > seven states, not a strictly Vedantic map.
> >
> > The 'God Consciousness' described by Maharishi is
> > based on Sri Vidya principles: The Absolute as the
> > creative source - the divine Mother, Tripura, which
> > is the main doctrine of both Sri Vidya and Kashmere
> > Shivaism.
> >
> > Tripura can be an anthropomorphic deity, but the
> > subtler tantric practices are directed towards
> > Tripura as the formless - that is, the fourth state
> > which is beyond or transcendental to, the three
> > gross states (three cities) symbolized by AUM in the
> > Mandukhya Upanishad and the cogent commentary by
> > Gaudapadacharya.
> >
> > In Sri Vidya, the Sri Yantra is the map of the
> > seven states, which agrees with Maharishi's layout,
> > with the Bindu at the center. According to Tantra
> > the Bindu is the highest state of transcendenace.
> >
> > Swami Rama on the Mandukhya Upanishad:
> >
> > 2) Sarvam hyetad brahmayam-atma brahma soyamatma
> > catushpat.
> >
> > "Atman has Four Aspects: All of this, everywhere,
> > is in truth Brahman, the Absolute Reality. This
> > very Self itself, Atman, is also Brahman, the
> > Absolute Reality. This Atman or Self has four
> > aspects through which it operates."
> >
> > Work cited:
> >
> > 'Enlightenment Without God'
> > Mandukhya Upanishad
> > By Swami Rama
> > Himalayan Institute Press, 1982
> >
> > Other titles of interst:
> >
> > 'The Secret of the Three Cities'
> > An Introduction to Hindu Sakta Tantrism
> > By Douglas Renfrew Brooks
> > University Of Chicago Press, 1998
> >
> > 'The Triadic Heart of Siva'
> > Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta in the Non-Dual
> > Shaivism of Kashmir
> > By Paul Eduardo Muller-Ortega
> > State University of New York Press, 1989
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-23 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > > > Me, I don't see how anybody can ever hope to get anywhere
> > > > near the larger Truth if they have no concern for the
> > > > smaller truths of everyday life, including on this forum.
> > > >
> > > While you are very skillful at these smaller truths Judy,
> > > I think you do get caught up in them to your disadvantage.
> > >
> > Of course you do, Xeno. I wouldn't expect otherwise.
> >
> It must be hard to face the truth...
Barry wrote that he doesn't believe in a larger 'truth', 
so yeah why would he believe in any smaller truths? LoL!

Barry believes in 'free will' and 'vijnana' does not mean
conciousness. LoL! Yeah, the truth, Wright, Bill?

"The concept of free will plays a central role in Kashmir 
Shaivism. Known under the technical name of svatantrya it 
is the cause of the creation of the universe - a primordial 
force that stirs up the absolute and manifests the world 
inside the supreme consciousness of Siva."


"The details of the beliefs vary in different texts, but 
the general principles are similar to those found in 
Kashmir Shaivism...The name srividya is also used to 
refer to a specific mantra used in this tradition having 
fifteen syllables."


[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-23 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Facing facts, mantras, both the type to be chanted and 
> those that are used internally are a dime a dozen in 
> India. I like all mine and the TM ones while useful are 
> no better or worse than any others...
In TM, you get only one single bija mantra, Mr. Jackson.

But, where do the bija mantras come from?

Bija 'mantras', by definition, have no semantic meaning -
that's why they're called 'mantras' instead of being 
called 'words'. 

If the bijas were Sanskrit words, there would be no need 
for a definition of them, since their meaning would be 
obvious to anyone who could read a Sanskrit lexicon.

So, let's review: 

In basic TM you get the single seed sound (bija) and 
later you get the fertilizer, and you get the simple
instructions for the correct angle to dive. 

So, it has now been established that at least two of the
most sacred bija-mantras, out of the fifteen, contained 
in the Sound Arya La Hari, are in fact, TM bija-mantras.

It has already been established that MMY got his vastu
ideas from ancient Hindu and Buddhist vastu principles
of edifice architecture.

> > > I noticed that you have not responded to the notion that 
> > > if sthapatya veda is so important to health, well-being 
> > > and world peace, seems like the Big M might have 
> > > mentioned it a few years ago so it could be working its 
> > > magic all these many years.
> > >
> > MMY mentioned vastu before the erection of the Golden Dome 
> > at Fairfield, IA, in 1972. Why do you think it's a dome?
> > 
> > http://www.mmyvv.com/machieve1.jsp
> > 
> > > Perhaps you were not directing this to me, but I am not 
> > > a TM teacher, merely one of the peons who meditate.
> > > 
> > So, where did your TM bija mantra come from? 
> > 
> > The point I'm trying to make is that the bijas mantras 
> > used in TM practice came from the Sri Vidya sect. 
> > 
> > So, I don't think they were 'made up' by MMY or Satyanand 
> > or Nandakishore. This is probably the most important 
> > aspect of TM practice that was mentioned on Usenet posts 
> > which could discredit MMY, that TM was 'invented' by
> > MMY, when in fact, it's a centuries old yoga technique
> > used by Buddhists and Hindus since at least the time of
> > the historical Buddha and the use of mandalas, if not
> > long before in the Upper Paleolithic in South Asia, 
> > according to historians.
> > 
> > To sum up what has been established:
> > 
> > If SBS had in his possession a Sri Yantra, and placed it 
> > in the Brahmastan of his cave, worshipped it and 
> > meditated on it while muttering the Saraswati bija mantra, 
> > and since SBS posed in Padma Asana displaying the chit 
> > mudra, and since SBS's teacher was SKS of Sringeri,
> > the headquarters of the Saraswati sannyasins, and since
> > the Sri Yantra is placed on the mandir for worship at
> > the Sringeri, in a vastu tantric temple which has a 
> > south facing entrance, and since all the Saraswati 
> > sannyasins of the Shankara order at Sringeri all adhere 
> > to the Soundarylahari in which is mentioned the TM bija 
> > mantra for Saraswati, and every Saraswati sannyasin 
> > meditates on the Saraswati bija mantra at least twice 
> > every day, most people would conclude that the TM bija 
> > derived from the Sri Vidya sect of Karnataka, since the 
> > TM bija mantra for Saraswati is mentioned in the most
> > revered scripture of the Sri Vidya, and is enumerated
> > in the Soundaryalahari, right?
> > 
> > Work cited:
> > 
> > 'History of the Tantric Religion'
> > by Bhattacharyya, N. N.
> > New Delhi: Manohar, 1999

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-23 Thread Richard J. Williams

> In Vijñanavada epistemology it indicates the skandha of
> being aware or knowing...
The term 'vijnana' in Yogacara Buddhism also means


The term 'vijnana' in Yogacara Buddhism means 'consciousness',
one of the main features of which is the concept of the
'vijnapti-mitra' - a storehouse consciousness.

These notions about consciousness come from the Lanakavatra
Sutra, says Tola. According to Vasubnadhu, there are eight
consciousnesses: the five sense-consciousnesses, mind
(perception), manas (self-consciousness), and the storehouse-

Work cited:

'Being As Consciousness: Yogacara Philosophy of Buddhism'
by Fernando Tola and Carmon Dragonetti
pg xiii

"Vijnanavada Buddhism contributed two important emanationist
ideas: the metaphysical idea of emanation from an original
universal consciousness (the Alaya-vijnana)..."

Read more:


> > > > > > Me, I don't see how anybody can ever hope to get anywhere
> > > > > > near the larger Truth if they have no concern for the
> > > > > > smaller truths of everyday life, including on this forum.
> > > > > >
> > > > > While you are very skillful at these smaller truths Judy,
> > > > > I think you do get caught up in them to your disadvantage.
> > > > >
> > > > Of course you do, Xeno. I wouldn't expect otherwise.
> > > >
> > > It must be hard to face the truth...
> > >
> > Barry wrote that he doesn't believe in a larger 'truth',
> > so yeah why would he believe in any smaller truths? LoL!
> >
> > Barry believes in 'free will' and 'vijnana' does not mean
> > conciousness. LoL! Yeah, the truth, Wright, Bill?
> >
> > "The concept of free will plays a central role in Kashmir
> > Shaivism. Known under the technical name of svatantrya it
> > is the cause of the creation of the universe - a primordial
> > force that stirs up the absolute and manifests the world
> > inside the supreme consciousness of Siva."
> >
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kashmir_ShaivismKashmir

> >
> > "The details of the beliefs vary in different texts, but
> > the general principles are similar to those found in
> > Kashmir Shaivism...The name srividya is also used to
> > refer to a specific mantra used in this tradition having
> > fifteen syllables."
> >
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shri_Vidya

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-23 Thread Richard J. Williams

Ravi Chivukula:
> Empty - is it, is that what your Devi says -  to taunt 
> women here?  I never heard back from you since November 
> you dumb MF'er...
Some people just feel better when they have someone to talk
to, Ravi.

The obsessed, friendless, possibly sexually dysfunctional 
loser expat drifting through the world of newsgroups and 
message boards. 

The erstwhile participants driven to juvenile hazing rituals
routinely go on to more even less important projects, like
walking the dog past a cemetary.

It's a rabbit hole game to establish the newsworthiness of 
trolling, when a bunch of spoiled, chat-room yakkers, try 
to  surprise the Old Guys and Gals, with "...have you 
anything new to say?" Go figure.

Here, the fragility-of-childhood is prominent and the 
disappointments which come from not growing up are central. 

Adults who are torn in time, dislodged and displaced from 
the safety of family childhood, yet not ready, either, for 
the world of adulthood, parenting, or even voting.

Here, the grotesque becomes human nature - with a talent 
rooted in envy - a scary vision of man alone, shut off in 
his room, cold, bareness, and vacancy, and inertia - the 
emotions of solitude are apparent and flourish in the 
online world. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

> The answer is of course that while this type of 
> architecture may be nice and may be interesting, 
> our health and well being and world peace are 
> NOT enhanced by it, this is a bullshit lie...
You have already been caught telling a fib here, 
Mr. Jackson - you only get one single bija mantra
in TM. How you got more than one TM bija mantra
from three TM teachers is beyond me. Obviously you
haven't been practicing TM. Go figure. 

Our health and well being and world peace are 
enhanced, or not, by by EVERYTHING we do, both
mental and physical. All actions are dependent on
other actions. 

Why do you think they call the family fireplace a 

> > > I noticed that you have not responded to the notion that 
> > > if sthapatya veda is so important to health, well-being 
> > > and world peace, seems like the Big M might have 
> > > mentioned it a few years ago so it could be working its 
> > > magic all these many years.
> > >
> > MMY mentioned vastu before the erection of the Golden Dome 
> > at Fairfield, IA, in 1972. Why do you think it's a dome?
> > 
> > http://www.mmyvv.com/machieve1.jsp
> > 
> > > Perhaps you were not directing this to me, but I am not 
> > > a TM teacher, merely one of the peons who meditate.
> > > 
> > So, where did your TM bija mantra come from? 
> > 
> > The point I'm trying to make is that the bijas mantras 
> > used in TM practice came from the Sri Vidya sect. 
> > 
> > So, I don't think they were 'made up' by MMY or Satyanand 
> > or Nandakishore. This is probably the most important 
> > aspect of TM practice that was mentioned on Usenet posts 
> > which could discredit MMY, that TM was 'invented' by
> > MMY, when in fact, it's a centuries old yoga technique
> > used by Buddhists and Hindus since at least the time of
> > the historical Buddha and the use of mandalas, if not
> > long before in the Upper Paleolithic in South Asia, 
> > according to historians.
> > 
> > To sum up what has been established:
> > 
> > If SBS had in his possession a Sri Yantra, and placed it 
> > in the Brahmastan of his cave, worshipped it and 
> > meditated on it while muttering the Saraswati bija mantra, 
> > and since SBS posed in Padma Asana displaying the chit 
> > mudra, and since SBS's teacher was SKS of Sringeri,
> > the headquarters of the Saraswati sannyasins, and since
> > the Sri Yantra is placed on the mandir for worship at
> > the Sringeri, in a vastu tantric temple which has a 
> > south facing entrance, and since all the Saraswati 
> > sannyasins of the Shankara order at Sringeri all adhere 
> > to the Soundarylahari in which is mentioned the TM bija 
> > mantra for Saraswati, and every Saraswati sannyasin 
> > meditates on the Saraswati bija mantra at least twice 
> > every day, most people would conclude that the TM bija 
> > derived from the Sri Vidya sect of Karnataka, since the 
> > TM bija mantra for Saraswati is mentioned in the most
> > revered scripture of the Sri Vidya, and is enumerated
> > in the Soundaryalahari, right?
> > 
> > Work cited:
> > 
> > 'History of the Tantric Religion'
> > by Bhattacharyya, N. N.
> > New Delhi: Manohar, 1999

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > > > I will repeat what is obvious as long as you try to 
> > > > bullshit your way out of addressing what I say about 
> > > > you, Curtis. 
> > > 
> > > M:  You have now defined yourself as a troll here Robin.  
> > > Got it.  Over and out.
> > 
> > It's the *presumption* of this that blows my mind.
> > That Curtis or anyone else "owes" him a response
> > in which he addresses what he says about him. And
> > that if Curtis doesn't do what he's being told to
> > do, he's just going to keep calling him names 
> > until he does.
> > 
> > That's what children throwing tantrums do. That's
> > what chronic abusers do. That's what people suffer-
> > ing from Narcissistic Personality Disorder do. 
> > That's what attention vampires do. That's what
> > Robin does, it's what Judy does, and in a saddening
> > trend it's what Ann is starting to do.
> > 
> > It's NOT what normal people do.
> >
> Actually, that's what reporters have been doing with
> Romney concerning the tax returns he has refused to
> release, just for one recent example in public life.
> Romney's excuse that he doesn't owe it to anybody to
> release the returns hasn't gone over too well. The
> reporters haven't been calling him names, but pundits
> sure have been, as has the Obama campaign.
> Come to think of it, it's also a tactic Barry has used
> many times: posing a question to someone, then if they
> don't respond, repeating the question over and over
> and calling them cowardly because they haven't answered
> him. I can think of several instances right off the bat;
> I suspect we all can.
> Gee, do we have yet another demonstration here of 
> Barry's incomparable talent for inadvertent irony?
Barry said he would put his money on it, but when I
accepted his wager and raised him $500, he wouldn't
put his money where his mouth was, and he didn't fold,
and he refused to show his hand, so Barry owes all of 
us big time by now, for fibbing. LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re:to everyone -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

> It's the *presumption* of this that blows my mind.
> That Curtis or anyone else "owes" him a response
> in which he addresses what he says about him. And
> that if Curtis doesn't do what he's being told to
> do, he's just going to keep calling him names
> until he does.
> That's what children throwing tantrums do. That's
> what chronic abusers do. That's what people suffer-
> ing from Narcissistic Personality Disorder do.
> That's what attention vampires do. That's what
> Robin does, it's what Judy does, and in a saddening
> trend it's what Ann is starting to do.
> It's NOT what normal people do.
> What would you do if some guy on the street walked
> up to you, yelled a bunch of disparaging things
> about you in your face, and then stood there
> demanding that you *debate* these things with him,
> and in detail? Wouldn't you be kinda tempted to
> point up to the sky and say "Look...is that a UFO?"
> ...and then run away?
> And yet put people on an Internet forum and they
> start to think that they can demand things of
> others that they would never dare to demand of
> them in real life.
So, it's all about Barry. LoL!

Share, I tried to warn you.

> > > I will repeat what is obvious as long as you try to
> > > bullshit your way out of addressing what I say about
> > > you, Curtis.
> >
> > M:  You have now defined yourself as a troll here Robin.
> > Got it.  Over and out.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Me refería a las técnicas avanzadas te idiota
You're not making any sense. You only get one bija
mantra in TM.

> "I got my first one from Jamie Vollmer, my second
> from Neil Patterson, the third from some Indian TM
> Sidhi administrator whose name no one could
> pronounce so they just called him Mr. Vaj or
> something like that."


> > > The answer is of course that while this type of
> > > architecture may be nice and may be interesting,
> > > our health and well being and world peace are
> > > NOT enhanced by it, this is a bullshit lie...
> > >
> > You have already been caught telling a fib here,
> > Mr. Jackson - you only get one single bija mantra
> > in TM. How you got more than one TM bija mantra
> > from three TM teachers is beyond me. Obviously you
> > haven't been practicing TM. Go figure.
> >
> > Our health and well being and world peace are
> > enhanced, or not, by by EVERYTHING we do, both
> > mental and physical. All actions are dependent on
> > other actions.
> >
> > Why do you think they call the family fireplace a
> > "hearth"?
> >
> > > > > I noticed that you have not responded to the notion that
> > > > > if sthapatya veda is so important to health, well-being
> > > > > and world peace, seems like the Big M might have
> > > > > mentioned it a few years ago so it could be working its
> > > > > magic all these many years.
> > > > >
> > > > MMY mentioned vastu before the erection of the Golden Dome
> > > > at Fairfield, IA, in 1972. Why do you think it's a dome?
> > > >
> > > > http://www.mmyvv.com/machieve1.jsp

> > > >
> > > > > Perhaps you were not directing this to me, but I am not
> > > > > a TM teacher, merely one of the peons who meditate.
> > > > >
> > > > So, where did your TM bija mantra come from?
> > > >
> > > > The point I'm trying to make is that the bijas mantras
> > > > used in TM practice came from the Sri Vidya sect.
> > > >
> > > > So, I don't think they were 'made up' by MMY or Satyanand
> > > > or Nandakishore. This is probably the most important
> > > > aspect of TM practice that was mentioned on Usenet posts
> > > > which could discredit MMY, that TM was 'invented' by
> > > > MMY, when in fact, it's a centuries old yoga technique
> > > > used by Buddhists and Hindus since at least the time of
> > > > the historical Buddha and the use of mandalas, if not
> > > > long before in the Upper Paleolithic in South Asia,
> > > > according to historians.
> > > >
> > > > To sum up what has been established:
> > > >
> > > > If SBS had in his possession a Sri Yantra, and placed it
> > > > in the Brahmastan of his cave, worshipped it and
> > > > meditated on it while muttering the Saraswati bija mantra,
> > > > and since SBS posed in Padma Asana displaying the chit
> > > > mudra, and since SBS's teacher was SKS of Sringeri,
> > > > the headquarters of the Saraswati sannyasins, and since
> > > > the Sri Yantra is placed on the mandir for worship at
> > > > the Sringeri, in a vastu tantric temple which has a
> > > > south facing entrance, and since all the Saraswati
> > > > sannyasins of the Shankara order at Sringeri all adhere
> > > > to the Soundarylahari in which is mentioned the TM bija
> > > > mantra for Saraswati, and every Saraswati sannyasin
> > > > meditates on the Saraswati bija mantra at least twice
> > > > every day, most people would conclude that the TM bija
> > > > derived from the Sri Vidya sect of Karnataka, since the
> > > > TM bija mantra for Saraswati is mentioned in the most
> > > > revered scripture of the Sri Vidya, and is enumerated
> > > > in the Soundaryalahari, right?
> > > >
> > > > Work cited:
> > > >
> > > > 'History of the Tantric Religion'
> > > > by Bhattacharyya, N. N.
> > > > New Delhi: Manohar, 1999
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re:to Judy Stein -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

> My Devi is Ekajati...
"He was also the great expert of Shree Vidya and 
probably all the present day experts in Varanasi 
have somehow or the other obtained Shree vidya 
from him or his pupils..." 


Shree Vidya:

"The details of the beliefs vary in different 
texts, but the general principles are similar to 
those found in Kashmir Shaivism...The name srividya 
is also used to refer to a specific mantra used 
in this tradition having fifteen syllables..."


[FairfieldLife] Re: An open letter to Steve (Seventhray1)

2012-09-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

So, it's all about Steve.

Robin Carlsen: 
>  Dear Steve,
> ROBIN1:No worries. I think you right in all that you say here. I always fear 
> that whirring of the arrow that Curtis shoots. It has split the bull's eye, 
> and Curtis's soul has the satisfaction of knowing that he was right all the 
> time--Raunchy is a rotter, a liar, perfidious to the bone.
> STEVE1: No,she had the misfortune of not bringing her "A" game to the table. 
> That
>  is always risky.  In this case she just got creamed.  Or slammed, I
>  guess would be a better term.
> ROBIN2: If this were a criminal trial and you were a reporter; after today 
> you would with a straight-face tell your viewers this is what happened in 
> court today?
> I think Curtis just got charged with perjury--and from what I can tell from 
> the faces of the jury, they love Raunchy. Which trial were you at today, 
> Steve? 
> ROBIN1: After all, what the issue for me was all along: What kind of person is
> Raunchy? I am a little less au courant about the tea and cookies--but I
> have read hundreds of posts of Raunchy's and seen her photos, felt her
> spirit. 
> STEVE1: It is a good picture, I agree.
> ROBIN2: The issue was always about Raunchy's character, Steve. You chose to 
> try to make a desperate attempt to convict her based upon a charge you were 
> not even willing to check out. That was careless of you if you sought to 
> challenge the person of Raunchy. If it is a good picture, then STFU--or else, 
> KNOWN IT FROM HER POSTS ON FFL--Then perhaps try to see to what extent she 
> acted--if she did so act--contrary to this "good picture" as you put it.
> ROBIN1: No single fact can condemn a person (supposing it is a fact); but 
> that Curtis would use this truncated post to indict Raunchy (and by 
> implication Judy) of falsehood (therefore, he thinks, causing me to traduce 
> myself), that IS A FACT which carries a powerful implication. Curtis never 
> searches for the truth independent of the ferocity and violence of his 
> pride--He is not interested in Share's predicament; he would use her for his 
> own purposes.
> STEVE: Okay.  I guess you would know.somehow
> ROBIN2: Wrong response, Steve. In view of how you have used Curtis's 
> interjection in this matter as substantiating your case against Raunchy, you 
> owe him more than this perfunctory and bland response. A classic Steve 
> retort. Tells us a lot about how deeply you feel in your moral gut, Steve. 
> You must thank Curtis for his kind mischief here.
> ROBIN1: He is shockingly shameless here-as he is wont to be. What a scoundrel 
> and coward and false-flatterer he is. Look, Steve: for me the issue was never 
> what Sal said, what Raunchy said--It was always about the truth of Raunchy's 
> character. She need have no fear of a judgment falling upon her from her 
> children nor her grandchildren--nor from anyone who knows her well.
> STEVE:Look, can we just chalk it up to her having a bad day?  It happens to
> all of us.
> ROBIN2: What a cheap, contemptible remark. Having a bad day? That's not how 
> you saw it before this moment, Steve. You have to bear out the consequences 
> of your act, or else apologize to Raunchy. You have put yourself in a false 
> position: You are not prepared to defend the justice of your actions, nor the 
> character of Curtis. It's not looking good, Stevie boy. But maybe you feel 
> differently about this, Curtis. I'll keep that in mind.
> Robin1:But her reputation has now become a pawn in the hands of Curtis--and 
> he is desperate for some kind of victory here. He will not get it. He has 
> just disgraced himself.
> STEVE: I don't know Kemosabe.  I'm just not seeing it that way.
> ROBIN2: No, that is not it at all, Steve. You are morally required to be 
> consistent here with your actions throughout the day in judging Raunchy as 
> dishonest and hard-hearted. What was Curtis's motive in coming into this 
> affair? He felt you being unjustly persecuted by Raunchy's defence of her own 
> honour? You deem Curtis's purpose one of just wanting to get at the truth and 
> knowing you had more of that in your accusation against Raunchy than she did 
> in her attempt to uphold her reputation? No, Steve, you are shirking your 
> responsibility here. You need to be earnest and pressing at this point in the 
> proceedings. Else I doubt your seriousness.
> ROBIN1: When you smugly make your superficial remarks here, Steve, your flesh 
> and blood--and soul--are immunized from reality.
> STEVE:I like those remarks.
> ROBIN2: The imagery? We are talking about deeds here, Steve. Hi Curtis, good 
> evening to you, buddy. How am I doing so far? Hang in there. We'll be friends 
> soon enough. 
> ROBIN1: If you and Curtis are going to win this case, you must put your heart 
> and conscience into this endeavour. A fact means nothing separat

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Subject Of Every Judy Stein Post -- EVERY One

2012-09-25 Thread Richard J. Williams

So, it's all about Judy -- EVERY One. 

Whose posts you never read. LoL!

(Nominated for FFL weekly inadvertant Irony post.)

> The Subject Of Every Judy Stein Post -- EVERY One
> Do any of you ever have images flash through your mind
> when reading posts at Fairfield Life? I do. Mine are a
> lot like Gary Larsen "Far Side" cartoons, just a simple
> vignette capturing a particular recurring event or
> mindset.
> Tonight's image evokes for me a certain phrase I have
> been lambasted for using here, and its roots in the
> science of evolution.
> The image is of two cavewomen arguing up a mean streak,
> standing there yelling at the cavemen in the drawing.
> The cavewomen are intent upon their yelling, clearly
> seeking either 1) an apology from the cavemen for being
> so insufferably, stupidly, chauvinistically WRONG,
> 2) the proper wording of the Ultimate Putdown that will
> put these cavemen in their proper place, or 3) just
> the ability to have the Last Word.
> The cavemen, for their part, are gazing at the two cave-
> women as if they fear for their lives. A couple of them
> have already bolted, and are seen running away as fast
> as they possibly can. The ones who are still standing
> there are actually gazing *past* the cavewomen, who are
> so focused on their yelling that they do not notice the
> sabre-toothed tiger sneaking up on them, whereas the
> cavemen do. The tiger looks somewhat smug, as if think-
> ing, "This is just so easy I'm almost ashamed to eat
> them. But hey...whatever...," just before he pounces.
> There is no caption to this particular Far Side cartoon,
> but if anyone feels one is needed, feel free to insert
> the phrase I mentioned before.
> Somewhere in the collective gene pool that will eventually
> become the human race, DNA molecules are breathing a sigh
> of relief, and casting new votes for this year's winners
> of the Darwin Awards, crossing out the name of their
> previous nominee:
>   [http://assets.amuniversal.com/508ab8205ebc012ee3bf00163e41dd5b]
> http://assets.amuniversal.com/508ab8205ebc012ee3bf00163e41dd5b

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostate Meditators

2012-09-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > 
> > But the surprising aspect of Tolle, or some others like 
> > Alan Watts or Das Goravani for example, is that there is 
> > no mention of them having anything to do with TM, and yet 
> > they seem like they have more to teach about spirituality 
> > than pretty much anyone I know of in the TMO.  That being 
> > the case, I don't see why the original post would want to 
> > ban non-tmer's from posting here.  
> >
> This has been an excellent discussion, and I don't 
> want to intrude on its primary focus or flow. But
> since you've asked that question above, I suggest
> that a lot of the answer can be found in the Subject
> of this thread. 
> Apostasy

> I think of an apostate as someone who's just walked
> away from their former spiritual trip, period, for 
> whatever reason. What they do with that walking away 
> is their business, as far as I'm concerned. I relate 
> to them because there is a certain power *in* walking 
> away, a power I find often lacking in those who have
> never had that experience. It's not a moral thing;
> more of a personal power thing. Those people I meet 
> who have walked away from a strong spiritual trip 
> are just more interesting than those who have not, 
> that's all.
What about those who got kicked out of the TMO?

So, you think you're more interesting than Buck in 
Fairfield. LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-26 Thread Richard J. Williams

> I would be very honest with the entire world 
> as to my assessment of Maharishi and his lack 
> of integrity...
So, would you tell everyone where the TM bija
mantras come from, now that you know they're Sri
Vidya bijas? If so, what would you tell people 
about the bija mantras?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > > I would be very honest with the entire world 
> > > as to my assessment of Maharishi and his lack 
> > > of integrity...
> > >
> > So, would you tell everyone where the TM bija
> > mantras come from, now that you know they're Sri
> > Vidya bijas? If so, what would you tell people 
> > about the bija mantras?
> >
Michael Jackson: 
> I mean let's be real here Maharishi gave out the 
> mantras, he didn't cognize 'em and that's all I 
> got to say about that...
So, you'd change almost everything in the TMO if
you were in charge, but you'd still lie about where 
the TM bija mantras came from. Even after I proved 
that they were Shre Vidya bijas. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > I would be very honest with the entire world 
> > as to my assessment of Maharishi and his lack 
> > of integrity...
> >
> So, would you tell everyone where the TM bija
> mantras come from, now that you know they're Sri
> Vidya bijas? If so, what would you tell people 
> about the bija mantras?
> Oh and as far as I am concerned, the fact that 
> Maharishi found a nice set of mantras and made 
> them available to the folks outside India does 
> not make it ok for him to take money under false 
> pretenses, screw women while claiming to be 
> celibate nor using people up and tossing them 
> aside. As I said before mantras are a dime a 
> dozen in India, mine works (all of 'em) I like 
> 'em - 'nough said.
So, it's OK to make up nonsense gibberish syllables 
and to sell them for money, promising enlightenment 
in 5-7 years. You are not making any sense. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Life is so much fun - Part 2

2012-09-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > Careful Jackson, pearls before swine.  This is
> > a tough rough crowd here.  Rick has visions of
> > this place being a salon but it plays more like
> > a saloon...
> >
> With all due respect Buck, why not let the
> posters speak freely?

Apparently Mr. Jackson doesn't want to talk about
the elephant in the room - the bijas mantra you get
when you start TM. Jackson desn't seem to know
much about them - he didn't seem to realize that
you get only one bija when you learn TM, when he
paid the $65.

And, if you adopt other bijas from other teachers,
then you're not practicing TM.

> When finally someone with an insiders
> view on the above topics volunteer to share his
> insights who are you to try to stop him?

So, it's unlikely you'll be getting any insider
information revealed by Mr. Jackson.

> Let anyone freely display his Pearls of Wisdom !

Michael Jackson?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Life is so much fun - Part 2

2012-09-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Look Jackson, your gonna cause his head to explode.
Isn't this just like an ex-TM teacher - still trying 
to hide the truth about the TM bija mantras. Go figure.

People! The TM bija mantras were made up by tantric 
Buddhists in the year 401 AD during the Gupta Age in 
India by the 'Consciousness-only School, which is very
similar to Shree Vidya and Kashmere Trika. LoL!

> Here's an example of a former post that deals with 
> this point but that Willy can't make sense of in 
> any way.
Wiki Wilki!!!

"In Hinduism and Buddhism, the Sanskrit term bija, 
literally seed, is used as a metaphor for the origin 
or cause of things and cognate with bindu. The Om bija 
in Esoteric Buddhism. The metaphor is considerably 
extended in the Consciousness-only teachings of the
Yogacara school of Buddhism."


> He can't let it go 'cause he can't understand.
Yeah, right, Bill - nobody can understand nonsense
gibberish but you. LoL!

> > > Apparently Mr. Jackson doesn't want to talk about
> > > the elephant in the room - the bijas mantra you get
> > > when you start TM. Jackson desn't seem to know
> > > much about them - he didn't seem to realize that
> > > you get only one bija when you learn TM, when he
> > > paid the $65.
> > >
> > > And, if you adopt other bijas from other teachers,
> > > then you're not practicing TM.
> > >
> > > > When finally someone with an insiders
> > > > view on the above topics volunteer to share his
> > > > insights who are you to try to stop him?
> > > >
> > > So, it's unlikely you'll be getting any insider
> > > information revealed by Mr. Jackson.
> > >
> > > > Let anyone freely display his Pearls of Wisdom !

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Life is so much fun - Part 2

2012-09-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

> When I use my three TM mantras...
So, you paid $65 for a 'secret word' that you don't even
where it came from. LoL!

But, you only get one bija mantra in TM - that's already
been established. You're probably thinking that 'Shree'
is a bija, right? That's funny - do you think maybe the 
Shree in your magical phrase came from the 'Shree' Vidya? 

And, the 'namah' means 'bow down' in Sanskrit - not a 
bija at all. Apparently you paid $65 for a what you
thought was three bijas, but go only one? Go figure.

So, you bow down to Shree Vidya, but you don't even know
what the Shree in Vidya is. You're not even making any 

> > > > Careful Jackson, pearls before swine.  This is
> > > > a tough rough crowd here.  Rick has visions of
> > > > this place being a salon but it plays more like
> > > > a saloon...
> > > >
> > nablusoss1008:
> > > With all due respect Buck, why not let the
> > > posters speak freely?
> > >
> >   
> > 
> > Apparently Mr. Jackson doesn't want to talk about
> > the elephant in the room - the bijas mantra you get
> > when you start TM. Jackson desn't seem to know
> > much about them - he didn't seem to realize that
> > you get only one bija when you learn TM, when he
> > paid the $65.
> > 
> > And, if you adopt other bijas from other teachers,
> > then you're not practicing TM.
> > 
> > > When finally someone with an insiders
> > > view on the above topics volunteer to share his
> > > insights who are you to try to stop him?
> > 
> > So, it's unlikely you'll be getting any insider
> > information revealed by Mr. Jackson.
> > 
> > > Let anyone freely display his Pearls of Wisdom !
> > >
> > LoL!
> > 
> > Michael Jackson?
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fightin' about Mantras

2012-09-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Honestly I have never heard this before reading 
> your posts and would like to give it a serious 
> look instead of joking around...
According to one respondents on this newsgroup, 
our Guru Dev has nothing to do with any TM mantras, 
including those of Sri Vidya, and no connection to 
the Maharishi himself. Can you believe that? 

One respondent even made the claim, apparently 
based on an exhaustive Google search, that there 
was not one single temple in all of India where a 
meditation that is transcendental is practiced, 
and that there were no TM mantras in the whole 
of Bharatvarsh. 

How he would know this by surfing the Internet 
I don't know. So, I guess if SBS's most famous 
desciple, Hariharananda Saraswati, was a Sri 
Vidya adherent, then the Karpatri Swami must have 
got the knowledge of Sri Vidya and the bija 
mantras from SBS, right?

"He was also the great expert of Shree Vidya and 
probably all the present day experts in Varanasi 
have somehow or the other obtained Shree vidya 
from him or his pupils..."


[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Life is so much fun - Part 2

2012-09-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

Share Long:
> I guess it's all about mantras LOL

'Bija' mantras have no semantic meaning; 'mantras' 
are words used in the Vedic rituals. You can do 
japa with bijas, but you'd need to know Sanskrit 
in order to chant the mantras in the Vedas. 

According to Brooks, the bijas are superior, just
like yoga is superior to ritual acts.

Why do you think the cow is now sacred in India? 

According to Swami Ageananda Bharati, it is clear 
that the Buddhist tantras preceeded the Hindu 
tantras, and hence, yogic practices are tantric 
in nature, e.g. the non-Vedic practices such as 
yoga, mudra, dhyana, mantra, yantra, dharani, puja, 
pradakshina; and monasticism, ahimsa, instruction 
by sutra, relic worship, edifice architecture,
etc., etc.   

Yogic practices and thus yogins, and yogic practice, 
is firmly rooted in the teachings of Shakya and 
the Sramanas such as Natatputra. 

Read more:

'Mantra Yoga'

"The srividya, because it consists of "indestructible 
seed" syllables (bijaksara) rather than words, 
transcends such "mundane" considerations as semantic 
meaning. Accordingly, a bija-only mantra is not 
merely esoteric but inherently superior. 

Because it is purely seed-syllables [bijasaras] is 
the purest form of mantra. It does not make a request 
or praise god, it is God's purest expression. Gayatri 
is great but it cannot match srividya because it is 
still in language; it is Veda and mantra but when 
transformed into the srividya its greatness 
increases" (95).

Work cited:

"Auspicious Wisdon"
The texts and traditions of Srividya Sakta Tantrism 
in South India.
by Douglas Renfrew Brooks
SUNY, 1992

[FairfieldLife] Re: to All -- writing for the Church of $cientology

2012-09-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Again, it's necessary to realize that Barry is compulsively
> driven to do what he can to obscure what this dispute was
> really about: Curtis's dishonesty. It wasn't about Sal,
> except insofar as her posts served as evidence of Curtis's
> deeply corrupt interpersonal ethics on FFL. Sal is small
> potatoes, just a nasty, unpleasant, not-too-bright little
> person who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> she got above herself.
> As usual with one of Barry's hysterical rants against
> his own and Curtis's critics, most of what he writes
> below comes straight out of his fetid imagination and
> bears no recognizable relationship to reality.
> BTW, calling a man a "cunt" is far more revealing of
> one's attitude toward women than calling a woman a
> "cunt." It's pretty much the ultimate in misogyny. It
> says to the man, "You are as abhorrent and disgusting
> to me as a woman's private parts."
> Bear that in mind the next time someone tries to argue
> that "cunt" isn't misogynistic because it's also used
> to insult men.
Barry Wright sucks as a spiritual teacher! 

> > Thanks for doing this, Xeno. It kinda puts the pettiness
> > into true perspective, doesn't it?
> > 
> > Who in the everyday Real Life Of Sane People would 
> > ever invest as much time and energy into trying to "get" 
> > someone they didn't like as much as these three have,
> > and over such a non-event? We know why two of them are
> > doing it -- they still harbor a grudge against Sal for
> > besting them so often on Fairfield Life, and worse,
> > for *laughing at them* so often. 
> > 
> > But the third person trying her best to demonize Sal
> > and paint her negatively? Now *that's* a deeper question,
> > and IMO a deeper pathology. 
> > 
> > One simple fact to keep in mind -- unless the Yahoo 
> > Search engine is misleading me, Ann arrived on Fairfield
> > Life shortly *after* Sal had left it. She thus never had
> > a chance to read any of Sal's posts in real time, or
> > gain any direct impression of her at all. And yet Ann
> > has devoted an alarming amount of time and energy this
> > last week to dumping on this person she's never met, 
> > *as if she "knows" all about her*. 
> > 
> > What exactly is it that Ann "knows?" Only what she's
> > been told by a couple of dumb cunts (sorry, but there
> > really IS no other word for them) who still harbor a 
> > grudge against Sal for imaginary offenses that they
> > believe happened long ago (most of which just involved
> > laughing at them). They have painted as negative a 
> > portrait of Sal (who last posted to FFL in December,
> > 2012) as they have of Curtis, Vaj, and myself (not
> > to mention anyone who "supports" us by, say, having
> > a non-argumentative conversation with one of us).
> > It's been an *embarrassing* display of mean-girl
> > cuntitude on their part.
> > 
> > But ANN's part in this? That's even more puzzling.
> > 
> > Not content to suck up to the person who put her up 
> > onstage and called her a demon and try to get him 
> > to reach out and pat her on the head and say "Good
> > dog," she's gone into Full Monty Suck-Up Mode trying
> > to get the same pats from Judy and Raunchy. She 
> > disses the people they diss (whether she's ever 
> > encountered them in real time or not), praises the 
> > two ringleaders of the revenge brigade, and seemingly 
> > does everything she can conceive of to be considered 
> > worthy of being as much of a cunt as they are.
> > 
> > I extend to Ann my most sincere congratulations.
> > She has succeeded.

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