FLUXLIST: water, water everywhere

2005-06-15 Thread Chris Paul
Press Release June 2005

In an uninspired and dull art performance environmentally stupid, and just
plain stupid, like real fucking stupid, artist Mark McGowan is intending
to turn on a cold water tap in the House Gallery in Camberwell, London and
leave it running for one year wasting 15 million litres of water.

The event will start on Tuesday 28th June 2005 at 10am.

On average 2 litres are dispersed every 10 seconds from the gallery tap.

If bottled and stacked from floor to ceiling it would be enough water to
fill several supermarket megastores.

McGowan says, 'Basically its an art piece for people to come and look at
and enjoy aesthically, though of course they could stay at home and watch
the tap as they fill their kettle, it is also an attempt to get people to
notice me because I've never got enough attention at other times in my
life. In my work, I'm heavily influenced by that other publicity monkey,
David Blaine.'

The 'Running Tap', can be viewed most days from 1pm-6pm or by appointment.

For more info and images

idea - a catalyst for art and ideas


07976 949853


2004-10-26 Thread Chris Byrne
M. Tayto et M. Tayto are currently on a 12-month research carribean 
cruise funded by Norwegians. As acting editors we have tayttached a 
special 'new media' edition which we have reanimated 'Hayes Argot Pit'. 
It is compatible with Spectrum 16K RAM avec microdrive and Kempston 
joyfulstick. This comes with a free peace planner and is more pro-gay 
hate sit.

Download from http://www.a-r-c.org.uk/tayto
Matt Roy et Tom Arty, Carlingue n.5 train à grande vitesse, entre 
Warsawza et Monnaco.

FLUXLIST: DRIFT update: Resonant Cities

2004-07-25 Thread Chris Byrne
DRIFT Radio: Resonant Cities
25 - 31 July
Sonic Ghosts programme 2
DRIFT: Resonant Cities
How we listen and how aware we are of the 'noise' around us is at the 
heart of the wealth of works submitted and selected for Resonant 
Cities, a series of themed radio programmes curated by Robert H. King.

The programmes are presented in three distinct themes. The first is 
Sonic Ghosts: the works presented for this strand of programmes are 
reconstructed and processed moments in time and space, events now gone, 
and found sound atmospheres. Sonic Ghosts programme 2 features sound 
works by two accomplished artists: Fergus Kelly's 'Invisible City'; and
John Levack Drever's 'Phonographies: Glasgow, Frankfurt, Exeter'.

To listen to the stream, and for further information visit the DRIFT 
web site at http://www.mediascot.org/drift

New Media Scotland
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ
Tel. +44 131 477 3774

FLUXLIST: DRIFT update: Resonant Cities

2004-06-06 Thread Chris Byrne
DRIFT Radio: Resonant Cities
6 - 12 June
The Remembered Journey programme 1
DRIFT: Resonant Cities
How we listen and how aware we are of the 'noise' around us is at the 
heart of the wealth of works submitted and selected for Resonant 
Cities, a series of themed radio programmes curated by Robert H. King.

The programmes are presented in three distinct themes. The third 
programme strand is 'The Remembered Journey': sonic postcards of urban 
architecture, audio picture books and street music recordings. All are 
pure documentation of events and locations: sonic postcards of urban 
architecture (Nicholas Economos' 'UnderBrklynBridge, Brooklyn') to 
audio picture books (Adrian Newton's Resonant Cambridge) and Lorenza 
Lucchi Basili's street musician recordings in Buenos Aires. All capable 
of putting you 'almost there'.

To listen to the stream, visit the DRIFT web site at 

New Media Scotland
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ
Tel. +44 131 477 3774

FLUXLIST: HOST: Johannes Auer - Paid Leave

2004-06-01 Thread Chris Byrne
New Media Scotland presents a new project for HOST:
Johannes Auer - Paid Leave
An online archive of Johannes Auer's investigations into his and other 
people's experiences and perceptions of 'free time'.

At the beginning of the 1990s an art strike was proclaimed by the 
Neoists (Stuart Home et al). The aim of this art strike was to 
demolish serious culture. Perhaps such a notion was a product of its 
time. Still relevant is the need to reflect upon the artist's function 
and situation in society. The biggest unknown is the influence of free 
time on the artistic process.

The aim of this project is to explore the impact of the artist's free 
time on his creativity. Therefore it is very important that the free 
time given is paid and not only 'blank' time.

Extract from 'Manifesto for the Art of Doing Nothing'
Art is no question of technology.
Art is indifferent to the means of producing art.
Art is concept.
Art is doing nothing.
All past centuries knew an active and a passive state of being - a vita 
activa and a vita contemplativa  - pottering around and contemplation. 
Warrior and monk, politician and philosopher. Indeed, the whole digital 
revolution owes everything to acting and resting, off and on, the one 
and the zero. But we exploited this antagonism, printed it on circuit 
boards and, in a state of permanent global-capital-restlessness, forgot 
what our mobile phone and PDA are really based upon.

Johannes Auer (aka Frieder Rusmann), net artist and curator, lives in 
Stuttgart, Germany. He started creating net literature and art projects 
in 1996, for example: Wertschoepfung / Creation of Value, 2002; 
Log-Book of a Common Journey, 2002; concrete_maschine (TM), 2003; The 
Famous Sound of Absolute Wreaders, ORF Kunstradio Wien, 2003.

'Paid Leave' was made possible by a residency during April and May 2004 
at the Visual Research Centre, Dundee Contemporary Arts, part of the 
European Media Artist-in-residence Exchange (EMARE). Supported by the 
School of Television  Imaging, University of Dundee; Dundee 
Contemporary Arts; New Media Scotland.

HOST is a space on the New Media Scotland web site dedicated to 
projects by artists. 21 projects have been presented since 2000. 
Earlier projects also available to view on HOST feature a range of 
Scottish and international artists including Beverley Hood, Beagles  
Ramsay, Mike Stubbs, slateford, Katrina McPherson  Simon Fildes, 
*candy factory, Luci Eyers, Dane, Torsten Lauschmann, Lindsay Perth, 
Claude Closky and Roshini Kempadoo.

For further information contact:
New Media Scotland
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ
Tel. +44 131 477 3774

FLUXLIST: calling NorthAmerica®

2004-05-31 Thread chris paul
Hello fluxlist
Out of lurk mode to see if Cali-forni-folk on this list are
interested in responding to this request from the
daughter of one of my oldest friends.
I imagine interesting invitations from elsewhere
in NorthAmerica® might also be considered.
Roshana recently threw up a music conservatoire route for
visual/audio art - in particular video/film -
her mum my friend is ex dancer/actor/perf-arts-curator
and R's dada (oops) is a live artist of some renown,
currently in China on business.
Don't know Jessica but wouldn't bet against her
being an interesting young woman also.
Best w
Chris P
 Hello everyone,
 My partner Jessica and I are planning
 a trip to the states and were wondering if you know, or know of anyone
 who could accommodate us in San Francisco and/or LA? Or if you know of
 anywhere cheap and safe we could stay? It will be for approximately one
 week (in each place) in August. Gay friendly is imperative.

 Thank You,

 Roshana and Jessica
Chris Paul
idea - a catalyst for art and ideas
44 7976 949 853

FLUXLIST: DRIFT update: Resonant Cities

2004-05-23 Thread Chris Byrne
DRIFT Radio: Resonant Cities
23 - 29 May
The Narrative Journey programme 1
DRIFT: Resonant Cities
How we listen and how aware we are of the 'noise' around us is at the 
heart of the wealth of works submitted and selected for Resonant 
Cities, a series of themed radio programmes curated by Robert H. King.

The programmes are presented in three distinct themes. The second 
thematic strand is 'The Narrative Journey'. The unfolding stories of 
this set of programmes are a compelling series of road movies (without 
visuals) that retrace paths taken and interact as the journey unfolds. 
From operatics in the street (Viv Corringham's 'Vocal Strolls'), 
conversations in the car (Sean Burn's sprawling 'North'), glitch drone 
stories (Charlie Pulford's 'Angels') to radiophonic fiction of 
tradition and belonging (Michael Rataj's ' African Beauty in Berlin'), 
all offering to let you into their very personal worlds.

To listen to the stream, visit the DRIFT web site at 

New Media Scotland
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ
Tel. +44 131 477 3774

FLUXLIST: DRIFT update: Resonant Cities

2004-05-09 Thread Chris Byrne
DRIFT Radio: Resonant Cities
9 - 15 May
Sonic Ghosts programme 1
DRIFT: Resonant Cities

How we listen and how aware we are of the seemingly 'noise' around us 
is at the heart of the wealth of works submitted and selected for 
Resonant Cities, a series of themed radio programmes curated by Robert 
H. King.

The programmes are presented in three distinct themes. First is Sonic 
Ghosts: the works presented for this strand of programmes are 
reconstructed and processed moments in time and space (John Levack 
Drevers Sound-Marked Frankfurt), events now gone (Pippa Murphys 
Postcard From Paris), found sound atmospheres (Aaron Ximms hypnotic 
Buriganga Canon) and visceral rumblings (Alfredo Ramirez Castruitas 
Body Territory). Enjoy the journey from calm to unease. Sonic Ghosts 
programme 1 streams 9 - 15 May.

To listen to the stream, visit the DRIFT web site at 

DRIFT: Resonant Cities introduction

In 'The Art of Noises' 1913, the Futurist Luigi Russolo argued that the 
limited range of the current musical instruments could no longer 
satisfy modern man's acoustic thirst and he envisioned entire 
symphonies composed of the sounds of everyday life, including ...the 
muttering of motors that breathe and pulse with an undeniable 
animality, the throbbing of valves, the bustle of pistons, the starting 
of a streetcar on the tracks, the flapping of awnings and flags. In 
the 1950's the American artist and philosopher John Cage was listening 
for what he described as  the subtle harmonies that were generated by 
chance in the natural and built environment.

From Glasgow to the Dominican Republic and from Berlin to Mexico City, 
sonic explorers have engaged with the fragmented city soundscape: the 
streets, people, snatches of conversation, traffic, obtrusive music, 
communication intrusions: mobile phones radio traffic, city wildlife 
and the general clutter of everyday life.

When the open call for submissions for Resonant Cities was issued I had 
no expectations as to what would be sent in, rather, just a hope that 
the idea for such a programme would strike a chord and that enough 
material would be submitted to compile a few broadcasts. When the 
closing date fell and the entries were sent through to me I was 
overwhelmed by the sheer scope of the works and their geographical 
origins. Selecting what would be broadcast was a difficult but 
enjoyable task. I feel that the works to be presented over the coming 
weeks show a real sense of originality and experimentation for what was 
after all a very 'loose' brief.

Those that have been selected come from a wide range of disciplines and 
backgrounds: home-taping enthusiasts, musicians, phonographers, artists 
and radio art producers alike all move between recordings from 
hand-held cassette recorders to those utilising state of the art in ear 
binaural microphones. The programmes shift effortlessly from pure 
documentation, meanderring narratives to processed and structured field 
recordings that will take you on a sonic journey without leaving the 
comfort of your own headphones.

The programmes are presented in three distinct themes. 'Sonic Ghosts': 
reconstructing and processing moments in time and space (John Levack 
Drever's 'Sound-Marked Frankfurt') and events now gone (Pippa Murphy's 
'Postcard From Paris') and found sound atmospheres (Aaron Ximm's 
hypnotic 'Buriganga Canon'). 'The Narrative Journey': road movies 
without visuals that retrace paths taken and interact as the journey 
unfolds. From operatics in the street (Viv Corringham's 'Vocal 
Strolls'), conversations in the car (Sean Burn's sprawling 'North') to 
radiophonic fiction of tradition and belonging (Michael Rataj's ' 
African Beauty in Berlin'), 'The Remembered Journey': sonic postcards 
of urban architecture (Nicholas Economos's 'Under Brooklyn Bridge, 
Brooklyn NYC') to audio picture books (Adrian Newton's 'Resonant 
Cambridge') and (Lorenza Lucchi Basili's) street musician recordings in 
Buenos Aires.

Resonant Cities features work by Lorenza Lucchi Basili, Asa Maria 
Bengtsson, Sean Burn, Lidia Camacho, Claudio Yituey Chea, Heman Chong, 
Thanos Chrysakis, Joshua G. Churchill, Viv Corringham, John Levack 
Drever, Nicholas Economos, Simon Fildes, Camilla Hannan, Sebastiane 
Hegarty, Erdem Helvacioglu, Thomas Joyce, Fergus Kelly, Lara Kohl, 
Alistair MacDonald, Mhairi Macfarlane  Andrew McKee, Paul Matosic, 
Roger Mills, Michael McLoughlin, Julianne Monroe, Mario Mota Martinez, 
Pippa Murphy, Jay Needham, Adrian Newton, Ed Osborn, Herve Perez, 
Claire Petersen, Andrea Polli, Charlie Pulford, Alfredo Ramirez 
Castruita, Giuseppe Rapisarda, Michal Rataj, Michael Rodgers, Stanza, 
Anabella Solano Torres, Pete Stollery, Mark Vernon, Nicholas Virgo, 
Aaron Ximm.

Further information from the DRIFT website at 


FLUXLIST: HOST: Beverley Hood - Doppelganger

2004-03-25 Thread Chris Byrne
New Media Scotland presents a new project for HOST:

Beverley Hood - Doppelganger


Doppelganger is a real-time 3D interactive environment featuring a 
series of portraits of artists, set in simulations of their homes and 
studios. Doppelganger examines the role of digital technologies in 
representating real space.

This work for HOST forms part of the exhibition Doppelganger, at Street 
Level Photoworks, Glasgow, 30 March - 8 May 2004. The artist will give 
a talk at Street Level Photoworks on Saturday 17 April @ 3pm, and will 
undertake a 3D character modelling workshop on Sunday 18 April, both as 
part of Glasgow's Real Art Weekend.

Beverley Hood is based in Edinburgh. Her work with interactive media 
examines how we negotiate, identify and interpret transitions between 
real and virtual space. She has exhibited in the UK, Europe, North 
America and Japan and she has collaborated with a range of 
international organisations including: c3, Budapest; LUTCHI Research 
Centre, Loughborough; Akiyoshidai International Art Village, Japan; 
iaab, Basel. Currently Beverley is artist-in-residence at the Edinburgh 
Virtual Environment Centre (EdVEC), University of Edinburgh.

HOST is a space on the New Media Scotland web site dedicated to 
projects by artists. Earlier projects also available to view on HOST 
feature a range of Scottish and international artists including Beagles 
 Ramsay, Mike Stubbs, slateford, Katrina McPherson  Simon Fildes, 
*candy factory, Luci Eyers, Dane, Torsten Lauschmann, Lindsay Perth, 
Claude Closky and Roshini Kempadoo.

Doppelganger produced in association with Street Level Photoworks, 
supported by New Media Scotland, Scottish Arts Council, Alt-w, 
Edinburgh College of Art.

For further information contact:

New Media Scotland
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ
Tel. +44 131 477 3774

FLUXLIST: HALBEATH: Takuji Kogo Young Hae Chang Heavy Industries

2004-03-16 Thread Chris Byrne
New Media Scotland presents

Takuji Kogo  Young Hae Chang Heavy Industries
The Arches, Glasgow
17th  18th March 2004
Catch a sneak preview of Halbeath at http://www.mediascot.org

A lament for a failed globalism. Halbeath shows at the National Review 
of Live Art, Glasgow.

The South Korean company Hyundai started construction of a microchip 
manufacturing plant at Halbeath near Dunfermline in 1996, at the time 
hailed as the biggest inward investment in Scotland. Completion was 
delayed by the subsequent Asian financial crisis. In 2000, US mobile 
phone manufacturer Motorola re-started construction. Motorola left in 
2001 and the factory remains closed.

Takuji Kogo created Halbeath with help from Korean artist Young Hae 
Chang Heavy Industries. Images of a mobile phone handset combine with a 
popular song from the Japanese occupation of Korea during World War II. 
The failed hopes of Korean industry under globalisation are traced back 
to their roots in post-war reconstruction. For a second 're-mix' of 
Halbeath, Takuji Kogo examines the impact on the locals. He overlays 
images of the abandoned factory with the tune from a 17th century 
traditional Scottish song, The False Bride.

Takuji Kogo developed the work during a residency at New Media 
Scotland, part of the project Art In The Home, at locations across 
Edinburgh. The exhibition as part of the National Review of Live Art is 
the work's first showing in Scotland.


Coming up soon, more New Media Scotland projects:
27.3.04 - 30.4.04 - Mike Stubbs: City Strapline Industries, Baltic, 
30.3.04 - 8.5.04 - Beverley Hood: Doppelganger, Street Level, Glasgow
3.4.04 - Designer Bodies Symposium, Scottish National Gallery of Modern 
Art, Edinburgh
3.4.04 - 6.6.04 - Designer Bodies Exhibition, Stills, Edinburgh
plus DRIFT: Sound Art + Experimental Music, online throughout the year

To find out more, visit the New Media Scotland web site at
New Media Scotland
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ
Tel. +44 131 477 3774

FLUXLIST: Designer Bodies Symposium, Edinburgh

2004-03-10 Thread Chris Byrne
New Media Scotland is pleased to announce that you can now register for

Designer Bodies: Towards The Posthuman Condition
An International Symposium presented by New Media Scotland  Stills
Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art: Gymnasium
75 Belford Road, Edinburgh
Saturday, 3rd April 2004 10:30am 6pm
15 / 10 concessions (includes refreshments and buffet lunch)
Early booking essential due to limited seating.
Please register using the form, available from the New Media Scotland 
web site:
For further enquires please contact Stills: 0131 622 6200

The symposium aims to unravel the aesthetics, ethics and future of 
biosciences. Do works of art inspired by new scientific insights into 
genetics explore the posthuman condition? Do biomedical science and 
genetics have a similar creative impact on contemporary art to that of 
anatomy during the Renaissance? What are the implications for artists 
using DNA and genetically modified organisms as their media of choice? 
How do we view today's alliances of science and art?

Speakers include:

- award-winning artists Christine Borland, Gina Czarnecki, Gair Dunlop
- Jens Hauser, Curator of L'Art Biotech, France - the first festival of 
biotechnological living art
- Steve Kurtz, Critical Art Ensemble, USA  an artists' collective 
dedicated to exploring the intersection between art, technology, 
politics and critical theory
- Dr. Keith Skene, a scientist working in Environmental and Applied 
Biology, University of Dundee
- Dr. Warren Neidich, USA - a neuroscientist and Lecturer in 
Neuroaesthetics, Goldsmiths College, London
- Dr. Alan Bleakley, Psychologist and Senior Lecturer in Medical 
Education, Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro  Peninsula Medical School, 
- Hannah Redler, Energy Project Leader, Science Museum, London
- Bronac Ferran, Director of Interdisciplinary Arts, Arts Council 

The related exhibition, Designer Bodies shows at Stills from 3rd April 
 6th June 2004. Artists Christine Borland, Gina Czarnecki, Jacqueline 
Donachie and Gair Dunlop use photography, film and digital media to 
explore the implications of genetics for disease treatment, human 
bioderversity, social perceptions and species boundaries. The resulting 
works spark excitement, fear and awe.

Symposium organised by New Media Scotland and Stills, Edinburgh. In 
association with the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art; Edinburgh 
International Science Festival; London Science Museum and Arts Catalyst 
- the Science and Art Agency. Supported by the Scottish Arts Council, 
Arts Council England and Edinburgh City Council.

Exhibition organised by New Media Scotland and Stills, Edinburgh. 
Curated by Iliyana Nedkova. In association with Edinburgh International 
Science Festival, Clean Rooms, Arts Catalyst - the Science and Art 
Agency, Dundee University, Rfelmedia, Quigen, Sean Kelly Gallery, New 
York; Lisson Gallery, London; University of Abertay, Dundee; University 
of Glasgow; Prelinger Archive. Supported by the Scottish Arts Council, 
Arts Council England, Edinburgh City Council, Gulbenkian Foundation and 
the Wellcome Trust.

New Media Scotland
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ
Tel. +44 131 477 3774


2004-03-07 Thread Chris Byrne
New Media Scotland announces DRIFT

DRIFT  New Media Scotland's major new initiative for sound and radio 
art - launched on the 27th February to coincide with the opening of 
Dialogues 2004, one of several live events in Scotland which reflect 
widespread international interest in sound art and experimental music. 
DRIFT is an exploration of sound art and experimental music featuring 
radio broadcasts, moving image, publications, and live events. DRIFT is 
a platform for artists from Scotland and beyond, a gateway to these 
emerging cultural forms.

Visit the DRIFT web site to find out more: 

For the launch, the DRIFT team streamed live audio through the weekend 
from Dialogues 2004 at Edinburgh's Bongo Club. Highlights included a 
night of Audio Perversion, featuring heavy hitters from Scotland's 
electronic music scene teamed up with SiLENCiO's Cabaret; and SKIN, 
featuring Mark Summers' viola da gamba with live electronics and four 
specially commissioned works, using state of the art computer 
technology to deconstruct an 18th century musical instrument. For those 
who couldn't attend the Dialogues festival or listen to the live 
stream, the DRIFT team bring you extensive highlights from the 
Edinburgh event. We are streaming performances by a selection of 
artists from the first two nights: Audio Perversion and Skin. You can 
listen to compositions, improvisations, re-mixes and voice works by the 
following artists: Hannes Raffeseder, Penelope Pornstar, SNAIL, Joe 
Public, DJ Daniel, SiLENCiO Babes, Han-Earl Park and Esprit, Pukey Vs. 
Cap'n K, Triangle Head, Two Brothers and Me, Mark Summers.

The stream from Dialogues 2004 is just one of many activities taking 
place over the next year as part of DRIFT. New Media Scotland is 
pleased to announce the results of the DRIFT open submission selection. 
In 2003 New Media Scotland sent out an open call for artists and 
musicians worldwide to participate in DRIFT. 200 artists responded, 
sending sound works and proposals grouped in 4 separate categories, 
details follow.

Resonant Cities  a series of radio programmes curated by Robert H. 
King which explore the sonic identity of our surrounding space. How we 
listen and how aware we are of the seemingly 'ugly noise' around us is 
at the heart of the wealth of works selected. From Glasgow to the 
Dominican Republic and from Berlin to Mexico City, sonic explorers have 
engaged with the fragmented noise of the city soundscape: the streets, 
people and snatches of conversation, traffic, obtrusive music, 
communication intrusions: mobile phones  radio traffic, city wildlife 
and the general clutter of everyday life. Resonant Cities features work 
by 44 artists including Lorenza Lucchi Basili, John Levack Drever, 
Alistair MacDonald, Pippa Murphy, Ed Osborn, Pete Stollery, plus others 
from around the globe.

DRIFT Radio Art Commission  Mark Vernon will produce a new radio art 
work for broadcast both online and on-air, via audio streaming and FM 
transmission. 'Evelyn's Request: Radio in Film' will examine how radio 
has been portrayed in another medium. A work uniquely for radio in 
which radio is both the medium and the content, the programme plays 
with distinctions between fictional and factual radio whilst exploring 
the portrayal of radio, Disc Jockeys, radio phone-ins, pirates and 
Shock Jocks in popular cinema.

DRIFT Moving Image Programme  a touring video programme curated by 
Iliyana Nedkova. Short films and videos by UK based artists, which take 
as their starting point sound art or experimental music. Following the 
success of New Media Scotland touring programmes such as Desktop Icons, 
the DRIFT Moving Image programme will launch in August 2004 and tour to 
venues in Scotland, the UK and internationally.

DRIFT Radio Programmes - a platform for artists ideas - one-off events, 
regular shows, experimental sound projects, radio art work for 
broadcast both online and on-air. Programmes confirmed so far include: 
'Box 30/70' by Sam Auinger  Bruce Odland, urban soundscapes produced 
using a length of pipe and a shipping container to 'tune' the sounds of 
each location; and 'Velvet Honey' by Barry Burns, a helter skelter 
narrative of life in the city.

Artworks selected from the open call are only part of the story. A 
number of DRIFT projects are currently in progress, to be showcased 
later in the year. For more information on DRIFT activities, updates 
and news visit the DRIFT web site at http://www.mediascot.org/drift


New Media Scotland is a national agency enabling cultural activities 
shaped by new technologies. Supported by the Scottish Arts Council.

DRIFT is a year long project in partnership with cultural organisations 
across Scotland and beyond. DRIFT is supported by the Scottish Arts 
Council; Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science and Technology; 
Liverpool School of Art  Design, Liverpool John Moores University; 
Community Media 

FLUXLIST: HOST: Beagles and Ramsay - Unrealised Dreams

2003-10-13 Thread Chris Byrne
New Media Scotland presents a new project for HOST:

Beagles and Ramsay - Unrealised Dreams


Beagles and Ramsay have produced books of drawings in the style of 
Leonardo da Vinci which outline a number of proposals for possible 
future artworks, public sculptures, exhibitions, foodstuffs and 

Originally a posterwork commissioned for Zenomap, a presentation of 
art from Scotland at the Venice Biennale 2003, Beagles and Ramsay 
have transformed Unrealised Dreams into an online hypertext archive 
of visionary ideas. This work for HOST forms part of the exhibition 
Welcome Back, at Stills Gallery, Edinburgh, 4 October - 21 December 

John Beagles and Graham Ramsay live and work in Glasgow and have 
exhibited together as Beagles  Ramsay since 1996. Their work 
encompasses installation, video and print publications, often 
constructed around character driven narratives where the artists cast 
themselves in absurdist roles or macabre situations. Recent 
exhibitions include: Dead of Night, at Gasworks Gallery, London  
Collective Gallery, Edinburgh; Videodrome at the New Museum of 
Contemporary Art, New York; Burgerheaven at YYZ Artist's Outlet, 
Toronto  De Fabriek, Eindhoven.

HOST is a space on the New Media Scotland web site dedicated to 
projects by artists. Earlier projects also available to view on HOST 
feature a range of Scottish and international artists including Mike 
Stubbs, slateford, Katrina McPherson  Simon Fildes, *candy factory, 
Luci Eyers, Dane, Torsten Lauschmann, Lindsay Perth, Claude Closky 
and Roshini Kempadoo.

Unrealised Dreams web site design by Simon Payne. Supported by 
Scottish Arts Council, British Council Scotland, New Media Scotland, 
Stills,  Si-Lo Design.


For further information contact:


New Media Scotland tel: +44 131 477 3774
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ  fax: +44 131 477 3775
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

FLUXLIST: Drift: Call For Participation

2003-08-25 Thread Chris Byrne
Drift: Sound Art + Experimental Music
Call For Participation
New Media Scotland calls for participation for Drift - an exploration
of sound art and experimental music which comprises live events,
radio broadcasts, moving image and publications.
The accessibility of the Internet together with new tools and methods
for digital recording, manipulation, reproduction and distribution
have changed forever the way that we think about and interact with
sound, giving us new ways to communicate our ideas. An increasing
number of artists, producers, DJ's and sonic creators, from a broad
spectrum of disciplines and varying modes of practice, are exploring
streaming media as a viable format. We want to open up this channel
We are offering four opportunities to take part in Drift, details
follow. Further information, guidelines and application forms
available from the Drift web site:

Drift Radio Art Commission 2003

New Media Scotland invites proposals for radio art projects for
Drift. We aim to commission a new radio art work for broadcast both
online and on-air, via audio streaming and FM transmission.
Fee - £1,000

Support - We will provide practical assistance, access to streaming
media tools, and can offer some limited technical support on a
negotiated basis. New Media Scotland will facilitate the broadcast of
the commissioned work.
Eligibility - Only artists based in Scotland can apply

We will not accept proposals for:
- audio documentation of projects that exist in another form
- projects which have already been produced
Guidelines and application form available from http://www.mediascot.org/drift

Drift Radio Programme Proposals

New Media Scotland invites proposals for radio art programmes. We
want to provide a platform for your ideas - one-off events, regular
shows, experimental sound projects, radio art work for broadcast both
online and on-air, via audio streaming and FM transmission.
We cannot pay a fee for this opportunity, but we will support you to
realise your programme ideas.
Support - We will provide practical assistance, access to streaming
media tools, and can offer some limited technical support on a
negotiated basis. New Media Scotland will facilitate the broadcast of
your programmes.
Eligibility - Open to artists, musicians, producers based in Scotland
and the UK
Guidelines and Programme Summary form available from
Resonant Cities: Call for Sound Works
New Media Scotland seeks sound works for 'Resonant Cities': Internet
radio streaming that explore the sonic identity of our surrounding
space and that engage with the fragmented 'noise' of the city
soundscape: people, traffic, communication intrusions, mobile phones,
radio traffic, city wildlife, buildings...
We are particularly interested in audio works which involve one or
several of the following ideas or processes:
- Acoustic Ecology - Acousmatics - Phonography - Sonic research -
Radio art, Internet radio - Microsound - Lowercase sound - Internet
communication media and audio streaming - Electronic communities -
Artists' software for sound and music - Sound work developed using
open source processes and principles - Generative sound - Sound
archives - Spoken word / oral history - Field recordings - The
re-purposing / representing of existing analogue sound recordings,
such as amateur recordings, scientific recordings, and accidental,
lost or abandoned recordings -
The works selected by the Drift team will then be curated into themed
streams that will be available via this web site.
Our intention is to expand the audience for the work, encourage
appreciation of sound art, and broaden access to a genre which is too
often labelled as esoteric and inaccessible.
We cannot pay a fee for this opportunity, but we will facilitate the
broadcast of your work.
Eligibility - Open to artists, musicians, producers in the UK and
across the globe.
Guidelines and submission form available from http://www.mediascot.org/drift

Drift Touring Video Programme: Call for Moving Image Works
New Media Scotland seeks sound-based moving image works for Drift. We
plan to curate and tour a feature-length programme of short moving
image works. We are looking for films and videos which take as their
starting point sound art or experimental music. This can include
experimental moving image works by artists and films made by
musicians, as well as pieces which combine performance aesthetics
with sound.
The Drift moving image programme will tour to venues in Scotland, the
UK and internationally. A specially 

Re: FLUXLIST: rhizome

2003-03-26 Thread Chris Byrne
At 7:54 am -0500 26/3/03, Owen Smith wrote:
Can anyone on rhizome let me know when they started restricting access to
members only and charging a membership fee. I'd not looked at their sight
for a long time and wanted to check the artbase and don't understand why
it's no longer freely publicly available.
Sol - Yes it is a real pain - they started this about a month or a 
month and a half ago.
It seems to be motivated less from restricting access (although that 
is what they have
done) then form a concern that they were going to potentially fold 
for lack of funding.


There was a lot of controversy when this happened in January. Many 
thought they should have cut costs, rather than charge people for 
access. I can sympathise with the problems of trying to keep an 
organisation afloat, but I don't think this was the right approach. 
Check out the discussion during January on thingist - an archive is 
at http://bbs.thing.net (which is still free, despite becoming a 
victim of corporate censorship)




New Media Scotland tel: +44 131 477 3774   
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ  fax: +44 131 477 3775
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

FLUXLIST: New Media Scotland NRLA

2003-02-11 Thread Chris Byrne
Pernille Spence - Kinaree

an interactive performance co-commissioned by New Media Scotland and 
New Moves International for the National Review of Live Art 2003

19  20 February 2003, National Review of Live Art, The Arches, 
Glasgow http://www.newmoves.co.uk/newterritories/intropage.htm

A body - female - covered in honey  goose fat, isolated in a glass 
hut. Surrounded by feathers lying at her feet. Wind machines 
triggered by the approaching steps of curious onlookers. Feathers 
lifting from the ground begin to coat the body. Is this a punishment 
being inflicted, comparable to the age-old ritual of tarring and 
feathering? Or is this a metamorphosis taking place; from human to 
bird like creature, finally gifted with the freedom of flight?

Frame by Frame

A New Media Scotland touring video programme curated by Branko Franceschi

21  22 February 2003, National Review of Live Art, The Arches, 
Glasgow http://www.newmoves.co.uk/newterritories/intropage.htm

Frame by Frame demonstrates the vitality of video art in Croatia. The 
quality and quantity of video production in Croatia, from its 
beginnings in the late 60s till the present, makes it one of the most 
vibrant countries for video art in the region of South Eastern Europe.

'Old School' presents videos from pioneers of video art working in 
the 1970's and 80's including famous names such as Ante Bozanich and 
Breda Beban/Hrvoje Horvatic, and younger artists who started in video 
but are now pursuing a film directors career. 'New School' presents a 
younger generation of artist who graduated in the 1990's from 
Croatia's Academy of Fine Arts and though trained in traditional 
disciplines such as painting or sculpture, immediately switched 
exclusively to video and multimedia art.

Branko Franceschi will visit Glasgow, and deliver a talk during the 
National Review of Live Art: details to be announced.

Pernille Spence

Pernille Spence creates installations and single screen video works 
using a combination of performance, digital media and sculpture. Her 
work analyses human movement, expression and psychological/physical 
(re-)action to specific situations and environments, both naturally 
existent and deliberately staged. Her work has been exhibited 
internationally, most recently in the Root Festival at Hull Time 
Based Arts, Cinemedia, Australia and the Edith-Russ-Haus fur 
Medienkunst, Germany. Based in Scotland, she is currently a 
Researcher in the School of Television  Imaging, University of 

Kinaree co-commissioned by New Moves International Ltd and New Media 
Scotland, supported by the Scottish Arts Council's National Lottery 
Fund, and a Dundee Visual Artist Award. Thanks to Nigel Johnson and 
the School of Television  Imaging, University of Dundee.

Branko Franceschi

Branko runs the Miroslav-Kraljevic Gallery in Zagreb. Trained as an 
Art Historian at the University of Zagreb, since 1987 he has 
initiated hundreds of exhibitions of contemporary art for the gallery 
and other spaces in Croatia and beyond, including online works. He 
established a residency for Croatian artists at PS1, New York and has 
produced programmes for Croatian television on the contemporay art 
scenes in London and New York. In 2001 Branko worked with New Media 
Scotland on Blind Date, an exchange project for 6 artists from 
Croatia and Scotland.

Frame by Frame supported by Scottish Arts Council, Arts Council of 
England, Croatian Film Clubs Association.


For further details on Kinaree or Frame by Frame contact:

The Arches, 253 Argyle Street, Glasgow G2 8DL
Box Office Tel: 0901 022 0300

New Moves International, PO Box 25262, Glasgow G1 1YW
Tel: 0141 564 5552



New Media Scotland tel: +44 131 477 3774
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ  fax: +44 131 477 3775
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST-digest V4 #74

2003-02-10 Thread chris paul
 Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 10:22:55 -
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: priceless.

 Fabrice wrote:

 Just come back from Manchester yesterday . Pretty cool show. Bidded for
 lots of stuff, + really enjoyed Zoe's piece but, unfortunately, not a single
 fluxlister in sight... Boo-hoo. Any of you guys going to be around for the
 auction. next Wednesday?

Hope to be there for that. Perhaps get some bids in meanwhile.

 I was going to go to Priceless for the auction and then they changed it to
 the middle of the week, presumably forgetting that some of us have to engage
 with wage slavery during the week. So needless to say I'm not going now.

Going to Hyde Park instead??? I'll be there. On the Whalley Range Green
coach. We have a whole rainbow of coaches from our area. 60 or more
from the county. And now they've chartered a train too ...

 Anyway on Saturday I was at the Tate in Liverpool and heartily recommend the
 current Shopping show there which includes new Fluxus work by Ben Vautier
 (The Bizarre Bazaar), plus Bob Watts postage stamps and the recreation of De
 Ridder's European Mail Order Fluxshop from the Silverman's collection, and a
 Beuys piece (I forget the title). Also new photos by Gursky (very cool)
 and other stuff from Warhol, Duchamp etrc. etc..all in all an
 excellent day out which I recommend to anyone who will be near Liverpool.
 It's on till 23rd March.

Thanks Sol for tip, will try to catch this.

Best w

Chris P

FLUXLIST: [Fwd: priceless on 15.02.03]

2003-01-29 Thread chris paul
Please note - change of sale date for Priceless :

dear chris we have already changed the end give away
date as we are all going to the demo !

The end date is now 12 th feb and those would have
contacted us already have been told could you inform
anyone that you have mailed to 


this is the final call out 


A call for submissions

You are invited to donate artwork for this exhibition.
You can submit ANYTHING (a piece of your work whatever
it may be – a performance, a sound piece, a photograph
etc, something of value, something of no value) to

Is the art world becoming increasingly commercialised
to a degree where the art and the artist are left
behind in a whirl of agents, style gurus and corporate
whores? We invite you to cock a snook at this by
taking part in an exhibition where the only money
changing hands will be between the organisers and the

This exhibition examines our attitudes to current
trends in the contemporary art world, to the status of
the object, alongside monetary and personal value. Is
value granted to art works because of the prominence
of its creator? Are prices arbitrarily placed on it by
agent/ gallery to make a profit? Or can a works value
exist independently of these factors?

All work of art in PRICELESS are to be auctioned off
at the end of the exhibition to the highest bidder.
The catch is that no money will change hands. The
currency here is the personal value you feel the
bidder places on your work. Throughout the running of
the exhibition viewers will be asked to make a bid by
writing down WHY they feel they should receive the

Any reason can be given, the only judge will be the
creator of that work, YOU . You will be asked at the
end of the exhibition to choose whom you feel most
deserves the piece from those who have bid. You can be
as arbitrary or as deliberate as you like in your
decision. You will go away at least knowing that your
piece will be in the hands of someone who values it.

Ovalproductions will charge 0% commission each work
disposed of in this manner.

If you want to be involved in the event please contact
Ovalproductions on the telephone number below. We are
accepting works until 1st February. Works can be
posted to:
Studio Undercover 44 Edge St Manchester 
or delivered by hand to the exhibition space on 
Saturday 1st between 11am and 4pm
The location of the exhibition is as follows:
23 Withy Grove, Manchester (above Wicked). Entrance is
via the shop.
The exhibition opens on the 6th February and will run
until 12th February, with works given away on Wed 12th
The gallery will be open 11am - 4pm each day 

For more details please contact 
by telephone on  07733 227335

Ovalproductions are Adele Myers, Eleanor Bullen and
Janet Griffiths, practitioners of art, dedicated to
questioning the systems in which we and the art world

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

---End Message---

FLUXLIST: priceless on 15.02.03

2003-01-28 Thread chris paul
Zoe, Sol and anyone else contributing or going to Priceless

This date clashes with what could be the biggest ever
anti war demo in London (Hyde Park)

I'm going to be in London ... it would be good if the
organisers either included coverage of the demos in
London (and sister events round the world) or changed
their schedule by one day ...

... even though they are a parallel event to manchester art
show at Urbed.

Best w

Chris P

FLUXLIST: [Fwd: Shopping Scrabble]

2003-01-26 Thread chris paul

JANUARY WHIRLS: a month of not-shopping sprees on both sides of the Atlantic

As a part of the series of actions taking place in the US and the
UK called 'January Whirls', a group of not-shoppers will be
taking their consumption awareness performance to the glittering, blinking
heart of consumerism, Times Square, New York.

On Sunday, January 26 at 2:00 PM they will begin by whirling with empty
trolleys  Later using special interactive surveillance-attracting
headgear and participatory spelling tactics the group will be playing
shopping 'SCRABBLE' at TOYS R US in Times Square NYC.

During a Whirl-Mart event, a group of people gather
and perform a not-shopping intervention in a cathedral
of consumption, such as Wal-Mart, Toys R Us, or Asda.
The group creates a whirling train of empty trolleys
as they meander through the aisles of the store.

The locations for January Whirls were...

January 5 - Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania USA
January 12 - Nottingham UK | Brighton UK | Germany
January 19 - Glasgow UK
January 26 - New York City, USA

More events planned for February/ March. If you would like to participate in
a whirl or create a non-shopping event in your area contact:

 me@mydads stripclub.com

Images from the Nottingham event Praise the Product

more info on whirling: http://www.breathingplanet.net/whirl
We believe that convenience is not convenient
Reverend Billy Church of Stop Shopping

---End Message---

FLUXLIST: virtual show - works on paper

2003-01-20 Thread chris paul

Open Exhibition

We are putting together an Open Exhibition called Works On Paper. The
subject can be anything just so long as the work is on paper - any
any size, any subject. All works will be displayed there will be no
judges, but be prepared for viewers comments. In short, if you send us
your work, we will display it in one of ImageSpeak's virtual galleries.

For more details click this link





PS - Sol. The Priceless Show is at a venue close to Manchester's URBIS
Museum; will advise when this is finalised.

Chris Paul mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.idea.org.uk

Slam Ariel Sharon for war crimes. http://www.petitiononline.com/warcrime

They seek 1,000,000 signatures and now have about 915,000.
Also women for peace http://www.PetitionOnline.com/waw2002/petition.html

And stop the war http://www.PetitionOnline.com/cndstwc/petition.html.

FLUXLIST: paint can debate

2003-01-10 Thread chris paul

can within a can within a can


2003-01-06 Thread chris paul
 Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2003 13:56:52 -0800
 From: Alex Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST Box #2

 then there's always ziploc freezer bags.
 you can get 50 for about $5, Holds a gallon of art with no spills and you
 can affix a sticker lable to the outside.

 in fact it seems rather fluxus to make our second box a plastic bag.

 NP: Cat Power - Moon Pix

Could get either the sort of plastic bag which all the air is sucked out
of once the contents are in; or the sort which is inflated with the contents
in an inner compartment; or indeed both nested?

A bit most costlyu. IDEA could source and fund these if logistics allow that.

FLUXLIST: meanwhile, the Thatcher decapitator is in court in London

2002-12-17 Thread chris paul
Art Student Admits Planting Boxes In Subway Station


  An art student has confessed to planting dozens of suspicious boxes
that led to the evacuation of the Union Square subway station last

Clinton Boisvert, 25, a student at the School of Visual Arts, turned
himself in to the Manhattan district attorney's office Monday. He
admitted he placed the 38 black boxes, labeled with the word fear,
around the busy station last Wednesday.

Boisvert said the stunt was part of a assignemnt to study reactions
to art in public places. His lawyer said it was an innocent art
project gone awry.

Police evacuated the subway station and trains skipped the stop for
about five hours as the bomb squad investigated the boxes, which were
attached to walls, benches and floors. The boxes, some painted black
and others wrapped in electrical tape, were determined to be empty
and the station was reopened.

Boisvert was charged with aggravated harassment and reckless

FLUXLIST: HOST: 2 new projects by slateford and McPherson Fildes

2002-12-14 Thread Chris Byrne
New Media Scotland presents 2 new projects for HOST:

slateford : greylines 00-06

Katrina McPherson  Simon Fildes - Hyperchoreography



slateford : greylines 00-06

- we are making old-time code - we live in a grey world - we hope for the
future but enjoy today - sometimes we do not know why we do what we do -
it works for us - we hope it works for you -
- slateford

Greylines was produced through a series of code doodles which 
slateford exchanged via email. The series is partly inspired by their 
joint admiration for the early twentieth-century experimental 
animators Hans Richter and Oskar Fischinger.


Katrina McPherson  Simon Fildes - Hyperchoreography

Hyperchoreography is a non-linear dance performance 'space' existing 
in an interactive and networked medium. The artists' collaborative 
work in video-dance has made them aware that the 'final edit' 
provides just one from a range of infinite possibilities. The 
material that is discarded is often just as interesting as the final 
work. Hyperchoreography was born from a desire to expose more of that 
process to an audience. The dance can be sequentially altered by user 
interaction, navigating through looped moving images.


Slateford are Simon Yuill (Scotland) and Tryggve Askildsen (Norway). 
Slateford is a collaborative project through which they are exploring 
the dual aesthetics of outdated computer systems and the brittle 
sensuality of Northern European (Atlantic + Baltic) cultures.

Slateford are supported by the lipparosa code repository 



Katrina McPherson has built a strong reputation for working with 
video and contemporary dance. She recently received a Creative 
Scotland Award to develop new work. Katrina has produced several 
award-winning works, and completed numerous broadcast commissions, 
including a recent Arts Council of England 'Capture' award. Simon 
Fildes is an artist working with new media. In 2001 he completed a 
'Year of the Artist' residency at Concrete Butterfly, a designer 
furniture shop in Edinburgh. An earlier interactive project, 'Weaving 
Traffic' a collaboration with Stephen Hunter, was exhibited in Kyoto, 

Katrina and Simon recently collaborated with New Media Scotland on 
REMOTE, new media artists' residencies and an exhibition in the 
Scottish Highlands.

Hyperchoreography is supported by Alt-W and New Media Scotland


HOST is a space on the New Media Scotland web site dedicated to 
online projects by artists. Previous projects have featured a range 
of Scottish and international artists including Luci Eyers, Dane, 
*candy factory, Torsten Lauschmann, Lindsay Perth, Claude Closky and 
Roshini Kempadoo.

For further information on HOST or New Media Scotland, contact:


New Media Scotland tel: +44 131 477 3774
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ  fax: +44 131 477 3775
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

This message has been sent to you by New Media Scotland.

If you do not wish to receive information from us,
please reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in the message body.

FLUXLIST: Treacle, in Manchester, UK

2002-12-10 Thread chris paul
Distributed on behalf of the artist John Hyatt.

FLUXLIST: [Fwd: Whirl-Mart Consumption]

2002-11-25 Thread chris paul

On Saturday, Nov. 30th at 1pm, there will be a Whirl-Mart Consumption
Awareness Ritual in recognition of Buy Nothing Day.  Groups will gather to
push empty carts through the aisles of supermarkets for an hour of
contemplative resistance
to the post-thanksgiving consumer binge.

for more information on Whirl-Mart and documentation of past events visit:

The event will be taking place in the U.S. and abroad,
such as, Austin TX, Scranton PA, Kansas City, San Francisco, and also in the
UK and Canada.

if you are interested in organizing a Whirl-Mart event in the UK  email this
address direct


Whirl Mart http://www.breathingplanet.net/whirl
Fanclub shopping actions: http://www.fanclubbers.org
Reverend Billy:  http://www.revbilly.com

---End Message---


2002-10-25 Thread chris paul

Bristol anti war activists take to the streets.

Campaigners in Bristol have taken to the streets armed with a pot of
yellow paint and a large brush. They are adding a large H at the end of
the word Bus, to all the BUS STOP signs painted on the road.

Bristol now has a number of  BUSH STOP painted on their streets.
...Just a suggestion

FLUXLIST: New Media Scotland's Digital Summer

2002-07-02 Thread Chris Byrne

New Media Scotland
presents a Digital Summer of events including:

 Cary Peppermint: Conductor Number Zero Version 6.4
 (Techno Lectures of Memory, Distance  Forgetting)
 Performance  Talk: 4.00pm, 7 July, CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow
 Tickets £3/£2 - CCA box office: 0141 352 4900

The only UK venue and for one night only.

A rare opportunity to see a live performance by New York based artist Cary
Peppermint, part of an ongoing series of performances (in update) that
began in 1997. Each performance incorporates surveillance technology, so
the audience observes simultaneously the performance event and its
real-time approximation through video.

Cary Peppermint's work involves a broad conceptualist approach to net.art
that permeates a multitude of social networks within and beyond the
Internet. His works comprise some of the first real-time performance art
conducted over the Internet including the legendary Mashed Potato Supper
between New York and Edinburgh in 1996.

Cary Peppermint: Conductor Number Zero Version 6.4 is brought to you by New
Media Scotland in collaboration with CCA, Glasgow. The performance was
recently presented at Postmasters gallery, New York. Supported by the
Franklin Furnace Fund for Performance Art.

More information at http://www.mediascot.org

 Desktop Icons 1.0
 a programme of short digital films curated by Iliyana Nedkova
 Screenings: 6.15pm, 9  10 July, Filmhouse, 88 Lothian Road, Edinburgh
 Tickets £4.50/£3.00 - Filmhouse box office: 0131 228 2688

Desktop Icons 1.0 features short digital films and videos by Scottish and
international artists, exploring the cross over of popular culture, media
and new creative technologies. Desktop Icons 1.0 examines the computer
desktop culture of today and the new moving image authored on (and
sometimes for) desktops. The quiet digital film revolution has opened up a
brave new world where screen icons are promised 15 Megabytes of fame. It
has also created exciting possibilities for more experimental and edgy
work, stretching the boundaries of what was once known as cinematic
reality. Artists include Chris Cunningham, Kristin Lucas, Michael Maziere,
Matt Hulse, Phil Collins, Richard  Fenwick, Mike Stubbs, Simon Ellis,
COMCOM, Christian Meyer, Florian Misha Boeder and Tycoon Graphics.

The screening of Desktop Icons 1.0 on 9 July will be introduced by Chris
Byrne, Iliyana Nedkova and Edinburgh-based filmmaker Matt Hulse. Desktop
Icons 2.0 will screen at Filmhouse in September.

Desktop Icons is a New Media Scotland touring programme, supported by the
Scottish Arts Council and the Arts Council of England National Touring
Programme. Desktop Icons continues its tour in the Summer with screenings
in July at Folly Gallery, Lancaster and Watershed Media Centre, Bristol.
Other venues confirmed for later in the year include Stirling's newly
refurbished MacRobert Arts Centre, Hull Time Based Arts and BALTIC Centre
for Contemporary Art, Gateshead. A beautiful Desktop Icons booklet has been
produced, designed by Andy McGregor. Print copies are available, or
download a copy in PDF format from http://www.mediascot.org where you can
also find all details of the Desktop Icons touring schedule.

 exploring the geography of new media culture

REMOTE is a series of mini-residencies during the Summer of 2002 for
artists working with new technologies in the Highlands of Scotland,
responding to either the physical or social environments which they
discover. The artists will produce Internet projects for HOST,

In late October, we plan a series of educational events and a small-scale
exhibition of the works in the Iona Gallery, a converted schoolhouse in
Kingussie, just South of Aviemore in the Cairngorms. The artists involved
are Thomson + Craighead, r a d i o q u a l i a, Simon Fildes + Katrina
McPherson and Cavan Convery. For further information on the artists and
projects, visit http://www.mediascot.org

REMOTE is a collaboration between New Media Scotland and Highland Research,
supported by the Scottish Arts Council and Highland Council.

New Media Scotland is an agency enabling cultural activity shaped by new
technologies. We support research and development in new media, create
opportunities for artists and provide information to the media art
community in Scotland. New Media Scotland produces, exhibits and tours
digital artworks across Scotland, the UK and internationally. Supported by
the Scottish Arts Council.

For further New Media Scotland news and opportunities please consult our
web site at http://www.mediascot.org or contact us at the address below.


New Media Scotland tel: +44

FLUXLIST: HOST: 2 new projects by Luci Eyers and Dane

2002-05-09 Thread Chris Byrne

New Media Scotland and Burning Bush present 2 new projects for HOST:

Luci Eyers - cyberskiving

Dane - PassingTime


Luci Eyers - cyberskiving

cyberskiving is a collection of favourite non-work related sites visited by
employees during work hours. cyberskiving becomes more difficult as server
software becomes increasingly effective at curbing slack-time surfing.
cyberskiving is searchable either by topic or occupation. The project is an
open, generative system which will develop as cyberskivers submit
information on this covert activity.

Dane - PassingTime

There's never been a better time to have a Panic Attack!
Just one of six ways to pass the time until you get to Point B.
You can Fidget, generate things to do from our wish list database, try
keeping your head off the ground, play a solitaire version of I Spy or see
how long you can balance on one foot.

Luci Eyers works with both old and new media, participating in art projects
focused on independent mediation and distribution systems. She is a member
of the low-fi collective, an artist/curatorial practice working with net
art. low-fi is currently a part of the DARE residency at ICA, London.
low-fi locator was shown in FILE '01 in San Paolo, Brazil. Eyers also
co-edited everything magazine from 1995 to 2002 and showed as a part of the
everything editorial collective in Paris, Lisbon, at the ICA and at the
Tate show Century Cities.

Dane is a multi-media artist based in Somerset. He is a professional
collaborator based at PVA, an artist-led organisation in Bridport, Dorset.
He was born in Australia, and grew up in England, studying animation at
Liverpool. Recent works include an interactive installation for the Royal
Devon and Exeter Hospital, and 'help' - an interactive web-based poem.

cyberskiving and PassingTime are New Media Scotland co-commissions as part
of Burning Bush 2: Doing Time. Dundee's festival of time based and
experimental art takes place May 10 - 12 2002. Supported by the University
of Dundee and the Scottish Arts Council.


HOST is a space on the New Media Scotland web site dedicated to online
projects by artists. Previous projects have featured a range of Scottish
and international artists including *candy factory, Torsten Lauschmann,
Lindsay Perth, Claude Closky and Roshini Kempadoo.

For further information on HOST or New Media Scotland, contact:


New Media Scotland tel: +44 131 477 3774
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ  fax: +44 131 477 3775
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

This message has been sent to you by New Media Scotland.

If you do not wish to receive information from us,
please reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in the message body.

FLUXLIST: [Fwd: do it (home version)]

2002-05-04 Thread chris paul


thought some people might be interested in this.


From: e-flux [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 08:30:23 -0700
Subject: do it (home version)

May 2, 2002

Dear Friends,

We are very pleased to present the first installment of Do It (home
version), an online project curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist at our site 
http://www.e-flux.com  Do It is the third participatory online project
presented by e-flux. We hope you enjoy it.

Do It is an exhibition of artist's instructions to be executed by you.
Should you decide to take part in it, segments of the show can materialize
in your home, office or any other place you may find appropriate. Once you
have realized an instruction by an artist of your choice, please send us a
picture and your name, we will include it on the site. This practical
utopian exhibition, then, becomes a collaboration between the artists and
you. Do It at e-flux is also an online compendium of artists’ writings; a
'webzine' containing fascinating essays on the peculiar subject of
artworks in the form of instructions and experimental exhibitions, as well
as an informal community for people interested in such subjects. Starting
with this first installment of works by over 50 artists, many new
instructions, essays and interviews, as well as your participation and
feedback will be added to the site, so please visit us often!

Throughout its duration at e-flux, the contents of do it will grow
exponentially. The initial list of participants includes:
Marina Abramovic, John Baldessari, Matthew Barney, Dara Birnbaum, John
Bock, Christian Boltanski, Louise Bourgeois, Joan Brossa, Lygia Clark, Amy
A. Cohen  Francisco J. Varela, Jimmie Durham, Diller + Scofidio, Maria
Eichhorn, Cerith Wyn Evans, Ayse Erkmen, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Yona
Friedman, Liam Gillick, Dan Graham, Gilbert  George, Dominique
Gonzalez-Foerster, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Douglas Gordon, Joseph Grigely,
Tomislav Gotovac, Ulrike Grossarth, Mona Hatoum, Fabrice Hybert, Carsten
Holler, Shere Hite, Ronald Hoffmann, Joan Jonas, Gulsun Karamustafa, Mike
Kelley, Ben Kinmont, Alison Knowles, Jeong-A Koo, Surasi Kusolwong,
Bertrand Lavier, Lee Lozano, Paul McCarthy, Christian Marclay, Annette
Messager, Jonas Mekas, Eileen Myles, Bruce Nauman, Yoko Ono, Pepón Osorio,
Damian Ortega, Nam June Paik, Steven Pippin, Michelangelo Pistoletto,
Cesare Pietrousti, Marjetica Potrc, Jason Rhoades, Pipilotti Rist, Martha
Rosler, Andreas Slominski, Michael Smith, Nancy Spero, Rirkrit Tiravanija,
Rosemarie Trockel, Uri Tzaig, Lawrence Weiner, Erwin Wurm, and many more
artists to come soon.

Site architecture and design by FDTdesign, New York.

To enter do it please click here: http://www.e-flux.com

do it began in 1993, with a discussion amongst Christian Boltanski,
Bertrand Lavier and Hans Ulrich Obrist, concerning works of art that
contain written instructions. The first do it took place in 1994, at the
Ritter Kunsthalle in Klagenfurt, Austria. The exhibition has since been
realized in more than 40 venues worldwide, including 25 institutions in
the United States and Canada from 1997 through 2002 in a tour organized by
Independent Curators International (ICI), New York. The initial do it
project was financed by AFAA, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paris,


For more information go to: http://www.e-flux.com

---End Message---

FLUXLIST: Beverley Hood - trans-locale at ICA

2002-05-02 Thread Chris Byrne

New Media Scotland and the Institute of Contemporary Arts present:

Beverley Hood - trans-locale

Live and online performance:  19:30 hrs BST, Friday, 3 May 2002 
Institute of Contemporary Arts, London

To experience the live performance go to:

To experience the online performance go to:

trans-locale explores the transitory nature of interaction and examines the
potential of movement as a physical and virtual activity.

The work is an intervention within the environment of online video
conferencing, a vast network of users connecting to conferences with varied
themes, levels of experience and membership criteria. Within this still
relatively new technology, there are already certain standards which have
evolved, particularly in how users present themselves, generally staring
blankly at the computer screen.

In stark contrast to this trans-locale throws into this virtual environment
perhaps one of the most inherently physical activities, dance, and within
that one of the most stereotypically passionate and intimate of dances, the
Tango. The work broadcasts two dancers from a live performance space onto
the online video conferencing reflectors. Here they weave another level of
'dance'. A computer will automate the dancers movement around the Internet,
connecting to a conference for a set period before disconnecting and
connecting to the next.

In this way the dancers will leap from server to server, country to
country, temporarily visible to those connected to each of the selected
conference reflectors. Within the live space the viewer will observe the
dancers, within the same physical space and also witness their broadcast
image, the dancers bridging the gap for the viewer between the live space
and online environment.

trans-locale is a New Media Scotland commission in partnership with Stills
and New Moves International. The London performance is part of a tour
organised by New Media Scotland which has so far taken place in Glasgow,
Edinburgh and Tallinn, Estonia. For further information on touring
trans-locale please contact New Media Scotland at the address below.


New Media Scotland tel: +44 131 477 3774
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ  fax: +44 131 477 3775
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

This message has been sent to you by New Media Scotland.

If you do not wish to receive information from us,
please reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in the message body.


2002-04-22 Thread chris paul

Dear all

Personally I'd have called this journal Perspectives on
Human Evil and Wickedness (PHEW). An opportunity
missed in my opinion. Anyhow, this seems a timely
opportunity to reason about Terrorism which is the
theme for volume 2.

The first volume evidences an open book.

Best wishes

Chris P


Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness  (PEHW)
ISSN: 1471-5597
Volume 2. : July 2002  (themed issue:  Terrorism)

http://www.wickedness.net/ej.htm (main ejournal page)

For further details and information regarding the upcoming issue, please
contact Rob Fisher at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
or Salwa Ghaly at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

FLUXLIST: artstream: sounds from near and far

2002-04-12 Thread Chris Byrne

artstream: sounds from near and far

Curated by Chris Byrne and Colin Fallows

Internet audio artstreams connecting Sofia, Edinburgh and Liverpool. Sound
works from artists from the UK, Bulgaria and across the globe on the theme
of the translocal: travel, crossing borders, migration, sounds of different
cultures and environments.


sounds from near and far is presented via two channels:

open source - curated by Chris Byrne

Chris has assembled a selection of sound works from an open submission to
New Media Scotland, Edinburgh. Sound works from 16 artists including
Diskono, Chantal Dumas, Alistair Macdonald, Public Works, Sue Mark, Janek
Schaefer, Calum Stirling, Mark Vernon, Zoe Irvine.

feedback - curated by Colin Fallows

Colin has assembled a selection of sound works by artists associated with
Liverpool School of Art and Design, John Moores University. Artists
include: John Campbell, Vanessa Cuthbert, Max Eastley, Colin Fallows,
Martin e Greil, Phil Mouldycliff, Russell Mills  Ian Walton, Robin
Rimbaud, Will Sergeant, Vergil Sharkya', Paul Simpson and John Young.

For more details on the works and to listen artists' audio projects
individually visit the artstream web site http://www.mediascot.org/artstream

Internet audio streaming will take place throughout Digital Weekend Sofia,
12 - 14 April 2002. Broadcasts will be presented at venues including the
National Academy of Arts, British Council and extracts will be broadcast on
Radio France International Sofia, 103.6FM.

artstream is an experimental project exploring the potentials of artists'
use of streaming media. artstream comprises occasional projects with live
and prerecorded material.

Sounds from Near and Far is a New Media Scotland project, presented as part
of Digital Weekend, a festival of digital culture organised by Iliyana
Nedkova in collaboration with the Red House Centre for Culture  Debate,
Sofia, Bulgaria and Interspace Media Art Center. Sounds from Near and Far
is supported by New Media Scotland, Liverpool School of Art and Design,
Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts,
Red House Centre for Culture and Debate, Backnet, Soros Centre for the Arts
Sofia, British Council, National Academy of Arts Sofia, Radio France
International Sofia.

Together with New Media Scotland, Edinburgh The Red House - Centre for
Culture and Debate, Sofia presents Digital Weekend - a Micro-Festival of
Digital Culture Sofia 2002 curated by Iliyana Nedkova. 12-14 April 2002 on
site at The National Academy of Arts, Sofia; on air at Radio France
International Sofia 103.6FM or on line at the artstream space

Digital Weekend features new digital art projects by Bulgarian and
international artists including desktop films, Internet audio events,
lectures, talks and much more... For further information, visit The Red
House web site:



New Media Scotland tel: +44 131 477 3774
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ  fax: +44 131 477 3775
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

This message has been sent to you by New Media Scotland.

If you do not wish to receive information from us,
please reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in the message body.

FLUXLIST: HOST: *candy factory

2002-03-20 Thread Chris Byrne

New Media Scotland presents a new project for HOST:

*candy factory @ EDINBURGH


*candy factory often take as their starting point the cultural forms of
globalised capital, whether manifested physically or through electronic
media. Their works build a sense of the hyperreal from the lanscape of
contemporary culture. There is a spirit of enquiry, focussing on the
unnoticed or abandoned spaces which surround us. *candy factory's Takuji
Kogo has documented a number of phenomena in Edinburgh and Yamaguchi,
Japan. The results, plus a collaboration with artist Ola Pehrson have been
brought together in five works for HOST.

Broadcasting non broad casting time of a television studio in Yamaguchi
Japan titled DO. A department store in Edinburgh now on CLEARANCE SALE. A
re-working of a non broad casting view of EBC program WHY from Seoul,
Korea. Computer icon becomes sculpture becomes digital still, becomes web
art with the re-purposed WIN.EXE with Ola Pehrson. Also remixed daytime
television boredom in the UK: MY DAD SEDUCED MY FIANCEE.

*candy factory undertook a residency at New Media Scotland as part of Art
in the Home, artists working in domestic spaces in Yamaguchi and Edinburgh.
Organised by City Art Centre, Collective Gallery, Edinburgh College of Art,
with Yamaguchi Institute of Contemporary Art, Akiyoshida International Art
Village, Prefecture. Funded by Japan 2001, Scottish Arts Council and Daiwa
Anglo-Japanese Foundation.

HOST is a space on the New Media Scotland web site dedicated to online
projects by artists. Previous projects have featured a range of Scottish
and international artists including Torsten Lauschmann, Lindsay Perth,
Claude Closky and Roshini Kempadoo.

For further information on HOST or New Media Scotland, contact:


New Media Scotland tel: +44 131 477 3774
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ  fax: +44 131 477 3775
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

This message has been sent to you by New Media Scotland.

If you do not wish to receive information from us,
please reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in the message body.

FLUXLIST: [Fwd: 52 Events by Ken Friedman [Digital edition]]

2002-02-28 Thread chris paul

Hi there

I know this publication has been mentioned here before; but now there's
more info, a URL to download, and a review

Best www

Chris P


Dear Colleagues,

Those who are interested in Fluxus and intermedia may
be interested a new digital edition of my event scores
from Heart Fine Art. A published last month in
Scotland on Sunday appears below.

The publisher has also produced a free digital edition.
The digital edition contains the complete contents of the
paper edition.

In true Fluxus spirit, Paul Robertson of Heart Fine Art
has made the digital edition freely available for artistic or
educational use.

With best regards,

Ken Friedman

52 Events
Ken Friedman

REVIEW BY sb kelly
Show and Tell Editions, £25

Scotland on Sunday
January 27, 2002


THIS book was initially due to appear in Spring 1967, designed by George
Maciunas, founder of the Fluxus art movement. Maciunas's untimely death
meant the project was effectively mothballed, although it toured as a
series of exhibitions during the 1970s. It is therefore a pleasure to
possess, 35 years after its conception, Ken Friedman's 52 Events. The book
at last exists, and in three formats: as a desk diary, beautifully designed
by Paul Robertson; as a free internet version
and as a £195 deluxe edition in a hand-crafted box, painted by the artist
and containing various artefacts required to stage the Events.

Fluxus, whose membership famously included Yoko Ono, can be seen in
retrospect as one of the key postwar art movements; a continuation of
Surrealism and Dadaism, and the launching pad for Conceptual, Installation
and Anarcho-dandyist Art. Indeed, Turner Prize-winner Martin Creed's work
is barely conceivable outside of the Fluxus perspective; and Tate Modern
are currently showing an exhibition of Friedman's work. The pieces of the
Fluxus Group were minimal, provocative and witty - famously described as
Zen Vaudeville - and were preserved as 'scores' that could be re-enacted
by others. Most importantly, Fluxus spanned Europe, America and Asia;
drawing on traditions as diverse as Norse Sagas and Japanese Noh-plays.
That very internationalism goes some way towards explaining the endurance
of this genre of avant-garde art.

Perhaps the best way to illustrate Fluxus is in their own words, with two
of Friedman's Events. Flow System: Anyone may send an object or a work of
any kind to the exhibition. Everything received is displayed. Any visitor
to the exhibition may take away an object or work. Deck: Collect playing
cards found in the street until a complete deck of found cards is

Fluxus was, as these examples show, a two-pronged attack; a debunking of
the spaces where art is displayed, and a celebration of the possibilities
of normal locations. If you could put urinals into galleries, conversely
you could find art in the street. Whereas the Situationists, almost exact
contemporaries, were railing against everyday life, Fluxus wanted to turn
the everyday into an ongoing art-work. Of course, one might level the
accusation that it's all rather self-indulgent. Nonetheless, I tried one of
the events (sending a postcard a day to a friend, with just one letter on
it, until it spelt a phrase; then receiving a reply in like fashion) and
the effect was weirdly charming. There is a certain innocence in the sense
of participation. Actually following the suggestions each week may be
impractical, but I would strongly advise any reader to try one or two.

Although with some of the other Fluxus artists, such as Ay-O or Ben
Vautier, the mischief teeters over into cruelty - audiences locked in
theatres - the overwhelming feel of Friedman's 52 Events is a gentle
melancholy. The notes offer not only some valuable insights into the
history of the movement, but a delightful sketch of his genuine
bewilderment about the separation of 'art' and 'life', musings on
publishing, and personal explication of the meaning of the works.
Robertson's typography for the diary is beguiling; a non-linear ebb and
flow of days, rather than the strict and regimentalised schedule.

My only regret about the book is that it doesn't include one of my
favourite Events from the previous 30 Events exhibition: Explain Fluxus
in five minutes or less, using a few simple props. Shoes, ice-cubes and
telephones would be my choice. I look forward to the diary for 2003.


Heart Fine Art Web site



Scotland on Sunday Web site


---End Message---

FLUXLIST: artstream: Sounds from Near and Far - Call for submissions

2002-02-27 Thread Chris Byrne

artstream: Sounds from Near and Far - Call for submissions

In April 2002, New Media Scotland will present Sounds from Near and Far,
Internet audio artstreams connecting Sofia, Edinburgh and Liverpool.
Presented as part of the Microfestival of Digital Culture, a collaborative
project with the Red House for Culture  Debate, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Call for sound works from artists from the UK, Bulgaria and across the
globe on the theme of the translocal: travel, crossing borders, migration,
sounds of different cultures and environments.

Submissions may be one or more works of any duration. Formats preferred:
audio CD, MiniDisc, and mp3 on CD. Internet streaming will take place
throughout the Microfestival. Broadcasts will be presented live at the
National Fine Arts Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Deadline: 22 March, 2002

Send audio submissions to:

Sounds from Near and Far
New Media Scotland
P.O. Box 23434
Edinburgh EH7 5SZ


New Media Scotland tel: +44 131 477 3774
P.O. Box 23434, Edinburgh EH7 5SZ  fax: +44 131 477 3775
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

FLUXLIST: bush's new rules, fw from cybermind, fw from washington post

2001-11-26 Thread chris paul

Here's an amusing letter, sent by one F. F. Martin to the editor of the
Washington Post:

/ / skip

---forwarded message follows

 If President Bush decides to try any terrorist suspects by military
 commission, he should reconsider in light of the fact that he himself
 would be subject to criminal prosecution under the U.S. War Crimes Act of
 1996 for committing a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

 Grave breaches include willfully depriving a person of war of the right
 to a fair and regular trial, which means the right to an impartial and
 independent tribunal. Section 2(a)(1) of President Bush's military order
 in conjunction with Section 4(c)(8) violates the right to an independent
 and impartial tribunal by making him both prosecutor and final judge -- a
 grave breach of the Geneva Convention (article 147) and a clear violation
 of the War Crimes Act. And, by the way, a violation of the War Crimes Act
 may be punishable by death.


 Saskatoon, Canada


FLUXLIST: Let's drop the big one now .. but make it butter, rice and information

2001-09-24 Thread Chris Paul

Greetings fluxlisters

Randy Newman once wrote :

No one likes us
We don't know why
Let's drop the big one now

(or words to that effect, please excuse memory lapses)

Let's make the big one butter, rice and information 
as suggested below. (I don't really like the 'civilization'
line however).

And let's work up the answer to Randy's riddle. Having
seen Colin Powell interviewed on BBC TV by Jeremy
Paxman I believe that Powell understands why there
should be no almighty CNN war, why there are grievances
with US/West actions down the years, why no fuel should
be added to that, and why as much as possible taken away
from the coal holes/wood piles etc. Even perhaps why
continued and continuous humanitarian support is vital.

I think he said something along the lines that US had
provided the most aid to Afghanistan and would in future.
Implying a hiatus. That would be a mistake IMO.

I hope what Powell understands (if I'm right) and keeps
other forces in America and the West under control.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the UN World Food programme
is commanded by US to cease shipping food to the Afghan/
Pakistan borders. I hope this is overturned in time for
winter. It would be a big mistake to starve millions
of wholly innocent people to catch a handful.

Best wishes

Chris P

 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Hund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 1:20 PM
 Subject: [AEDF] Bomb Them With Butter

 Something to consider --

 by Kent Madin

 A military response, particularly an attack on Afghanistan, is exactly what
 the terrorists want. It will strengthen and swell their small but fanatical

 Instead, bomb Afghanistan with butter, with rice, bread, clothing and
 medicine. It will cost less than conventional arms, poses no threat of US
 casualties and just might get the populace thinking that maybe the Taliban
 don't have the answers. After three years of drought and with starvation
 looming, let's offer the Afghani people the vision of a new future. One
 that includes full stomachs.

 Bomb them with information. Video players and cassettes of world leaders,
 particularly Islamic leaders, condemning terrorism. Carpet the country with
 magazines and newspapers showing the horror of terrorism committed by their
 guest. Blitz them with laptop computers and DVD players filled with a
 perspective that is denied them by their government. Saturation bombing
 with hope will mean that some of it gets through. Send so much that the
 Taliban can't collect and hide it all.

 The Taliban are telling their people to prepare for Jihad. Instead, let's
 give the Afghani people their first good meal in years. Seeing your family
 fully fed and the prospect of stability in terms of food and a future is a
 powerful deterrent to martyrdom. All we ask in return is that they, as a
 people, agree to enter the civilized world. That includes handing over
 terrorists in their midst.

 In responding to terrorism we need to do something different. Something
 unexpected. Something that addresses the root of the problem. We need to
 take away the well of despair, ignorance and brutality from which the Osama
 bin Laden's of the world water their gardens of terror.


Chris Paul - IDEA   @   @
Innovation in  Digital and Electronic Arts   \ /
Grosvenor Building, Manchester, M15 6BR   @ - @ - @ 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   / \
0161 273 4414 fax 0161 273 4432 @   @
http://www.idea.org.uk/go  A Catalyst For Art and Ideas

FLUXLIST: ahwannapeeshapeetsha.....

2001-07-30 Thread Chris Nappi


that's your puzzle for the day. you have 60 seconds.

Hiya och

I've been thinking about you alot since we met (nooo! not THEN!! I 
mean the last time) and hope you're well and happy (the Mets 

Thank you for that day. I'm really very very happy for you. I was 
just sorry and more than a bit weirded out by having to run off like 
that. I love you, and I'm glad you're where you wanna be. On a 
certain level at least, it seemed the first time we've been able to 
just be totally unencumbered by the past...in a certain way...

I run into Mona Koppelman (whatever her last name is now) 
periodically. Her husband plays in SEM sometimes and they live 
somewhere nearby around here. I just saw her the other night and had 
a lovely little conversation with her. She'd just come back from LA. 
She was having something produced there and seeing Mike and Tracy so 
it was nice to get a bit of news about them.

(somebody just called in to the radio with the greatest off-season 
trade for the Mets. Once the whole season is finally over, they make 
a deal with Leiter, Piazza and Payton.for Turk Wendell and Dennis 

Elbo is good. Just more ear stuff. But she's taken quite a liking 
(ready for this?) to swimming (!?!) Between the river in North 
Carolina and going out to Southold once or twice.still won't pea 
in the rain, mind you. And she doesn't seem make the connection 
between swimming and the bath tub, unfortunately. But there ya are...

Things here are fine. I'm going to Europe for a few weeks in August. 
Another of Petr's schemes. Sort of a 3 week long institute for 
composers. We'll do a bunch of concerts and readings and stuff. 
Pretty much just work for 3 weeks together more than any sort of 
teaching thing. I've taken to calling it Kamp Kotik. I leave the 
11th so I'm spending most of my time getting my shit together for 

Speaking of getting my shit together, I've started therapy again :) I 
actually called Betty (that last one) who didn't have any time for me 
in her schedule. I found someone who's out here in Brooklyn Heights. 
It's nice to be in it again. This time it's a man that I'm seeing 
(now THERE's a sentence I could've engineered a bit differently) and 
it's sort of nice (same) I was actually a bit apprehensive-that's too 
strong a word, but you know what I mean-about that part, but it's 
alot more comfortable than I'd figured it'd be.

Time to work now. I'm stripping a cabinet in the kitchen that Vail 
seems to have developed rather a vendetta against (I know, I 
knowa rental, all thatbut it'll look good and it's nice to 
get a bit dusty.)

My love to Jimmy and especially your parents.

squeezy luigi for me.

go here sometime:

FLUXLIST: co6 Micro-Festival of Digital Film Culture

2001-07-04 Thread Chris Byrne

Foundation for Art  Creative Technology (FACT)


C r o s s i n g   O v e r  6   (co6)
Micro-Festival of Digital Film Culture
15th - 30th July 2001, Liverpool

Since 1996, Crossing Over Micro-Festival of Digital Film Culture has been
presented in mainland Europe and the USA. In 2001, Liverpool becomes the first
UK city to host the event. Join us for an eye-opening midsummer festival of
cutting-edge digital films from around the world. For special co6 audio
highlights stay tuned at www.crossingover.org.

Here's a taste of things to come...

Sunday, July 15th, 19.00
Screen 8, Odeon Cinema, London Road, Liverpool L3 5NF
* T i m e   C o d e  (Dir Mike Figgis, USA, 2000, cert 15)
Extraordinary piece of digital cinema followed by a special post-screening talk
Monday, July 16th, 20.00
Unity 2, Unity Theatre, Hope Street, Liverpool L2 9BG
* co6 V e r n i s s a g e
Digital shorts from last year's Crossing Over Micro-Festival + catalogue launch
Tuesday, July 17th, 20.00
Unity 2, Unity Theatre, Hope Street, Liverpool L2 9BG
* H i g h l i g h t s
Award-winning digital films from this year's media festivals in Rotterdam and
Wednesday, July 18th, 20.00
Unity 2, Unity Theatre, Hope Street, Liverpool L2 9BG
* W o w  +  F l u t t e r
Experimental animations and digital films from onedotzero5, 2001, London
Thursday, July 19th, 20.00
Unity 2, Unity Theatre, Hope Street, Liverpool L2 9BG
* W a v e l e n g t h
A visual and aural adventure. Selected music promos from onedotzero5, 2001,
Friday, July 20th, 20.00
Unity 2, Unity Theatre, Hope Street, Liverpool L2 9BG
* J - S t a r
The freshest contemporary Japanese motion graphics from onedotzero5, 2001,
Saturday, July 21st, 20.00
Unity 2, Unity Theatre, Hope Street, Liverpool L2 9BG
*L e n s  F l a r e
Cutting-age computer game animations from onedotzero5, 2001, London
Monday, July 30th, 14.00
* T e n a n t s p i n
Interactive web broadcast featuring two new co6 digital films introduced by
co6 artists
Monday, July 30th, 20.00
Unity 2, Unity Theatre, Hope Street, Liverpool L2 9BG
*co6 F i n i s s a g e
Premiere of the innovative digital shorts produced for C r o s s i n g  O v
e r
6 introduced by the co6 artists and curators

Tickets at Odeon Cinema:
GBP5.00 (GBP3.50 concessions)

Tickets at Unity Theatre:
GBP3.00 (GBP2.00)

Limited Special Ticket Offers:
GBP5.00 for any two events or GBP10.00 for all seven events at Unity Theatre

Box Office
T: +44 (0)151 709 4988
Advance bookings can be made using these credit cards: Delta, Electron,
Mastercard, Switch and Visa

For a full co6 programme details and a preview of the co6 new digital films
visit: www.crossingover.org

For co6 brochure request contact:
Iliyana Nedkova at FACT, Bluecoat Chambers, School Lane, Liverpool L1 3BX, T:
+44 (0) 151 709 2663, F: +44 (0) 151 707 2150, E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

co6 is co-curated by Iliyana Nedkova and Nina Czegledy in association with the
Foundation for Art  Creative Technology (FACT)

co6 is funded by Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science and Technology,
North West Arts Board and Liverpool School of Art and Design, John Moores

co6 has been co-produced by the Foundation for Art  Creative Technology
in partnership with Mersey Film and Video, First Take, Media Station,
International Centre for Digital Content, MITES, Liverpool Housing Action
Tenantspin, Unity Theatre and Odeon Cinema

FLUXLIST: nonSymposium update

2001-05-29 Thread Chris Byrne

non* - nonSymposium

Friday 15th of June 2001
Dundee Contemporary Arts


Networking is a major feature of 21st century life.  It exists in many
forms: business get-togethers, the internet, stock market trading,
text-messaging, international revolutionary movements.  Networks bring
things together.  They have changed the way we travel by air, what we think
about when we go for a latte and how people make use of London's Oxford
Circus.  The increasing expansion of networks and of connections between
networks - networks of networks - leads to a condition of convergence.
Established disciplines, ways of doing things and social systems that were
previously independent and unaware of one another are now interacting and
producing new hybrid forms. Charles Schwab employs a consultant on rave
culture.  A messaging utility designed for telecommunications engineers
becomes a major medium of teenage communication.  Charities and corporates
become arbitors of economic development.  Governments, like royality before
them, move into the tourist industry.

The established boundaries defining these different, previously often
exclusive systems, no longer hold.  People consciously and unconsciously
select different elements from across disparate disciplines to create new,
hybrid and sometimes deliberately contradictory modes of practice -
nonPractices.  Practices which are in some sense outside of the established
disciplines to which they relate, and yet which nevertheless operate through
and because of them.

non* - nonSymposium is a day of discussion around such practices and related
issues.  Participating in the discussion are Susanne Clausen, a member of
Szuper Gallery, an artists group who work with the institutions of art and
commerce as mediums in their own right, Terhi Rantanen, a specialist on
global media who focuses on international news agencies and their relation
to local and global culture, Nicholas Rengger, an expert on international
political relations and the point of intersection between politics and
culture in the postmodern era, Pedro Sepulveda-Sandoval, an architect
working on reciprocating physical urban space and mobile technologies, and
Paul Taylor who deals with the sociology of hacking culture and the
symbiotic relationship between hackers and computing corporates like
Microsoft.  Together they will be exploring the various overlaps and points
of interference between their areas where politics, art and communication

The discussion itself adopts the structure of a TV talk show, in which the
conventions of the academic lecture hall have been given over to what is,
for most people, a far more familiar form of public debate.  No one standing
on a podium or hiding behind a lectern but rather full-on audience

The day is combined with the opening of the Duncan of Jordanstone College of
Art Degree Shows and ends with a live DJ-VJ set from Germany and Scotland
(Torsten Lauschman and Norman Shaw).

Friday 15th of June 2001
10am - 6pm

Visual Research Centre
(Univ.of Dundee)
at Dundee Contemporary Arts
152 the Nethergate
Scotland - UK

tickets - including lunch and symposium publication:
30.00 pounds sterling - full price
10.00 pounds sterling - for full-time students and concessions
booking: 00 44 (0) 1382 606 220

further information:
web-site: www.livingzeroes.org
tel: 00 44 (0) 1382 348 060
fax: 00 44(0) 1382 348 105

++ END ++


New Media Scotland Tel. +44 141 564 3010
P.O. Box 25065, Glasgow G1 5YP Fax. +44 141 564 3011
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

This message has been sent to you by New Media Scotland.

If you do not wish to receive information from us,
please reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in the message body.


2001-05-27 Thread Chris Byrne

DK City


DK City is an online urban community created by artist Lindsay Perth. The
work was created during the artist's residency in Glasgow, a collaboration
between New Media Scotland and Street Level.

The design, events and people that inhabit DK City developed from
collaborative discussion and workshops between the artist and 4 young
people from a truancy unit based within the Douglas Inch Centre, Glasgow.

Online virtual reality and 3D environments have come to be associated with
their potential for escape, the hiding of identities and utopian ideals.
The constructs which have evolved around this form of media reflect these
aims: avatars, fantasy roleplay and idealised futurist landscapes.

The young people who worked on this project have quite a different agenda
in mind. They have chosen to depict scenes from their own existence, or at
least semi-fictional versions of the same. The portrayal of scenes of
alienation and urban dereliction (the decay city of the title) reveal
much about the young people's attitude to the utopian planning concepts
which shaped Glasgow's architecture during the late 20th Century. By
choosing to make this explicit through vrml technologies, they deliver a
critique of the way we view and use such techniques, implying a failure of
the dream of a 'perfect' networked society. At the same time there is much
humour to be found, and an intelligent grasp of influences from other
genres of 3D computer graphics, from games to cinema and television. The
end result is a multi-layered portrait of a city as they see it, with the
quirks and foibles of everyday life intact, rather than  antialiased out of
the picture.

Lindsay Perth has been working as a digital artist with arts organisations
in Scotland for three years in the form of residencies, tutor and workshop
co-ordination. Commissioners have included New Media Scotland, Street
Level, Stills, and Project Ability. She is one of the founder members of
artists' group Elevator and continues to explore the creative uses of new

Douglas Inch Centre School was founded by a doctor of psychology who was
researching the different causes of perpetual truancy. The School is
located within the Out-Patients Department of Forensic Psychiatry. It is a
truancy unit for 14-16 year old adolescents who have been referred to the
school via the Social Work Department.

DK City has received funding from Glasgow City Council and the Scottish
Arts Council National Lottery Fund as part of Scotland's Year of the Artist.

For further information, please contact:

New Media Scotland
P.O. Box 25065
Glasgow G1 5YP

Tel: 0141 564 3010
Fax: 0141 564 3011


New Media Scotland Tel. +44 141 564 3010
P.O. Box 25065, Glasgow G1 5YP Fax. +44 141 564 3011
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

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If you do not wish to receive information from us,
please reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in the message body.

FLUXLIST: nonSymposium

2001-04-27 Thread Chris Byrne



Friday 15th June 2001, 10 am - 6pm

Visual Research Centre, Dundee Contemporary Arts


cross-disciplinary debate about complexity in contemporary living -
investigating new areas of practice which have arisen through the
convergence and hybridisation of established disciplines.

addressing the ungraspable spaces in-between disciplines and concept
boundaries the non* is what emerges as the consequence of convergent and
expanded networks - networks of transactions, communications, accidental
meetings, business lunches, data packets, radiowaves, flirtations - beyond
the economy of information lies the economy of connectivity - networks of
networks - in the excess of connectivity, where links are constructed
between previously discrete practices, nonPractices establish the
possibilities of what could be - nonPractices expose a critical and
hypothetical working, doing, acting and thinking through of established
practices - developing a confidence about the unknown - a knowing undoing
and conscious rebuilding.

non* - nonSymposium connects popular and institutional discourses, the tv
talk show and the intellectual debate. Panelists from backgrounds in the
corporate world, new media and urban theory, hacking and product design,
will explore the possible nonPractices which emerge from the connectivity
between and beyond their disciplines.

The symposium addresses professionals in economy, law, art, computing,
politics, architecture, sociology and related disciplines, as well as those
who are interested in the current situation and future of contemporary

Curated by Simon Yuill and Gerald Straub

Paul Taylor (U.K.), Hackerism, Sociology, University of Salford
Terhi Rantanen (Finland), Global Media, London School of Economics
Pedro Sepulveda - Sandoval (Mexico), Computer related Design, Royal College
of Art
Susanne Clausen (Germany), Contemporary Art, Szupergallery
Nick Rengger (U.K.), International Relations, University of St. Andrews

nonSymposium venue:

Visual Research Centre
Dundee Contemporary Arts
152 Nethergate, Dundee DD1 4DY
Scotland - UK

for more information:

tel: 00 44 (0) 1382 348 060
fax: 00 44(0) 1382 348 105

£30 full price
£10 for full-time students and concessions

non* is part of Living Zeroes, an initiative of the School of TV and
Imaging, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, a faculty of the
University of Dundee. It is supported by the Scottish Arts Council,
Scottish Screen, Scottish Enterprise Tayside, Dundee Contemporary Arts, New
Media Scotland and the University of Dundee's Visual Research Centre.


New Media Scotland Tel. +44 141 564 3010
P.O. Box 25065, Glasgow G1 5YP Fax. +44 141 564 3011
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

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If you do not wish to receive information from us,
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FLUXLIST: Blue Skies

2001-03-21 Thread Chris Byrne
Blue Skies

Colin Andrews, Catriona Grant, Beverley Hood and e@t

23 March - 28 April, Stills, 23 Cockburn Street, Edinburgh

Blue Skies is an exhibition of newly commissioned works by Scotland-based artists using digital technologies. The work in the exhibition explores how technologies are mediating our sense of time and space and how this process impacts on the way we perceive our place in the world and our relationships with other people.

'I may be some time', a single-channel video work by Colin Andrews, uses appropriated and bleached archive film of a polar mapping expedition made in the 1930s. The work is rich with allusions - Antarctica becomes a landscape of the imagination, the geographical unconscious, a Terra Incognita.

'Genuine Offer of Friendship' by Catriona Grant is a screen based interactive work about the mechanisms of friendship, in which different people can be paired by the user. They present themselves, offering information about what they expect from and what they can bring to a friendship. All the people live or work in the Greater Pilton area of Edinburgh. These people from a real community have been brought together in a virtual community; some knew each other, some had never met. The user can try to make appropriate pairings or whimsical choices, mirroring the chance meetings and arbitrary decisions our own relationships are based on. 

Beverley Hood's work 'trans-locale' is represented here by video documentation of the recent performance at Stills. The work is an intervention within the environment of online video conferencing. 'trans-locale' broadcasts two dancers performing the Tango from a live space into the online video conferences. Here they weave another level of 'dance' - leaping from server to server, country to country, temporarily visible to those connected to each of the selected conferences.  For further information on the performance see http://www.bhood.co.uk/translocale

e@t - a group of five artists working in Scotland: Jim Hamlyn, Jim Buckley, Sarah McKenzie Smith, Andy Kennedy and Jon Pengelly - have been meeting, collaborating and producing work together since January 2000. In this exhibition the group share a meal in real time with a group of artists in the States, and talk via a satellite link up about collaborative practice - passing the salt across time zones and continents. For further information on e@t visit http://www.eatprojects.org

This exhibition is accompanied by a new publication containing an essay by Francis McKee. Copies will be available from Stills in return for a suggested donation of £2.50 (plus £2 postage for mail order).

'I may be some time' by Colin Andrews was commissioned by Film and Video Access Centre, Picture This Moving Image and Watershed Media Centre; Supported by Stills, the Scottish Arts Council and the Scottish Arts Council's National Lottery Fund. 'Genuine Offer of Friendship' by Catriona Grant was commissioned by New Media Scotland, supported by Edinburgh College of Art, Greater Pilton Design Resource, Polaroid (UK), the Scottish Arts Council and the Scottish Arts Council's National Lottery Fund. 'trans-locale' by Beverley Hood was commissioned by New Media Scotland in partnership with Stills and New Moves International with funding from the Scottish Arts Council's National Lottery Fund. e@t have received support from Gray's School of Art and the Scottish Arts Council

For further information about any of the artists in 'Blue Skies' please contact:

Stills New Media Scotland
23 Cockburn Street P.O. Box 25065
Edinburgh EH1 1BP  Glasgow G1 5YP


New Media Scotland Tel. +44 141 564 3010	
P.O. Box 25065, Glasgow G1 5YP Fax. +44 141 564 3011
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

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If you do not wish to receive information from us, 
please reply with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the message body.

FLUXLIST: Timelines

2001-01-23 Thread Chris Byrne

New Media Scotland presents:


New Digital Video Shorts by Artists

Our Eye by Chris Bowman sees the artist re-visit sites around Scotland
where his father, a keen amateur photographer and film maker, made home
movies during the artist's childhood.

Torsten Lauschmann travelled to Tokyo to shoot Let's kiosk. Using the
aesthetics of the pop promo, Lauschmann takes us on a journey through the
streets of modern Tokyo, balancing modernity with tradition, the hallmark
of contemporay Japan.

Mandy McIntosh was inspired by a shoe box of fabric samples, collected
while working at fashion house Kenzo in Paris to create Electronic Fabric
Film. A constructed animation of native Aberdeen girls modelling digitally
produced fashion garments.

Details follow of Timelines screenings:

26 January, Dundee Contemporary Arts

2pm - Torsten Lauschmann - Artist's Talk

6pm - Torsten Lauschmann - Let's kiosk

8 February, The Belmont, Aberdeen

6pm - Mandy McIntosh - Artist's Talk

6pm - Mandy McIntosh - Electronic Fabric Film
  Torsten Lauschmann - Let's kiosk
  Chris Bowman - Our Eye

24 February, Glasgow Film Theatre

3pm - Artists' Discussion Forum

3pm - Chris Bowman - Our Eye
  Torsten Lauschmann - Let's kiosk
  Mandy McIntosh - Electronic Fabric Film

New Media Scotland produced Timelines in partnership with Digital Arts
Project Glasgow; Peacock Digital, Aberdeen; and the Visual Research Centre
at the University of Dundee. All three works were funded by the Scottish
Arts Council's National Lottery Fund.

For further information contact:

New Media Scotland
PO Box 25065
Glasgow G1 5YP

Tel: 0141 564 3010 Fax: 0141 564 3011
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.mediascot.org


New Media Scotland Tel. +44 141 564 3010
P.O. Box 25065, Glasgow G1 5YP Fax. +44 141 564 3011
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

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If you do not wish to receive information from us,
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FLUXLIST: New Media Scotland at Dundee Contemporary Arts

2001-01-16 Thread Chris Byrne

New Media Scotland and the University of Dundee present:

Jorn Ebner - Life Measure Constructions

Torsten Lauschmann -  Let's Kiosk

Friday 26 January at Dundee Contemporary Arts

Artists' Talks:  2pm, DCA Cinema

Public Launch of Life Measure Constructions:  5.30pm
Centrespace, Visual Research Centre

Screening of Let's kiosk:  6 pm, DCA Cinema

Free entry to all events

New Media Scotland presents two new commissions:

Life Measure Constructions, a new internet work by Jorn Ebner. The artist
invites the viewer to create their own worlds on the web.  An interactive
electronic drawing, Life Measure Constructions allows us to free our
imaginations and make decisions as to how the online environment will
develop. Life Measure Constructions will be accessible at
http://www.lifemeasure.org from 26 January 2001.

Let's kiosk, a new digital video short by Torsten Lauschmann. Using the
aesthetics of the pop promo, Lauschmann takes us on a journey through the
streets of Tokyo, balancing modernity with tradition, the hallmark of
contemporary Japan.

Life Measure Constructions is a New Media Scotland commission. The work was
made as a result of the artist's residency at The Visual Research Centre,
part of the faculty of Art  Design of The University of Dundee.

Let's kiosk is a New Media Scotland production in partnership with the
Visual Research Centre. Let's kiosk is one of three digital video shorts
produced as part of New Media Scotland's Timelines.

Both works are funded by the Scottish Arts Council's National Lottery Fund.

For further information contact:

New Media Scotland
PO Box 25065
Glasgow G1 5YP

Tel: 0141 564 3010 Fax: 0141 564 3011
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.mediascot.org


New Media Scotland Tel. +44 141 564 3010
P.O. Box 25065, Glasgow G1 5YP Fax. +44 141 564 3011
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

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If you do not wish to receive information from us,
please reply with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the message body.

FLUXLIST: Euan Sutherland - modern PLAGUES

2000-12-17 Thread Chris Byrne

New Media Scotland presents:

Euan Sutherland - modern PLAGUES and the decommissioned past
15 December 2000 - 31 January 2001


'We live entangled in webs of endless deceit, often self-deceit, but with a
little honest effort, it is possible to extricate ourselves from them. If
we do, we will see a world that is rather different from the one presented
to us by a remarkably effective ideological system, a world that is much
uglier, often horrifying. We will also learn that our actions, or passive
acquiescence, contribute quite substantially to misery and oppression, and
perhaps eventual global destruction.'  - Noam Chomsky, Turning the Tide,

In 'modern PLAGUES and the decommissioned past' artist Euan Sutherland
raises issues dealing with the 'decline' into the 21st Century through an
abandonment of humanitarian and ecological necessities, the dereliction of the
world through greed, domination politics and misguided social policies.

This new collage of work takes the form of a web site and an accompanying
publication. The interactive piece bombards the viewer with still and moving
imagery, sounds and voice-overs, quotations and statistics; while at the same
time denying any clear historical perspective with a maze like set of links
constantly changing order of events that demand a different personal
interpretation each time the work is viewed.

The work encapsulates a range of subjects from the last 25 years of the 20th
Century ...

... from Mesothelioma to the Miners strike ...
... from Ozone depletion to the Oklahoma City bombing ...
... from Diplock Courts to Death row political prisoners ...
... from Ethnic cleansing to the East Timor invasion ...
... from Rail privatisation to the Restart scheme ...
... from Nuclear disasters to the New Cross Massacre ...
... from Poll tax riots to the Persian Gulf war ...
... from Liverpool Dockers to the Lawrence enquiry ...
... from Apartheid to the Asylum Bill ...
... from Genetic experimentation to Greenham Common ...
... from UN 'peace keeping' to the US invasion of Grenada ...
... from Education cuts to the El Salvador death squads ...
... from Sellafield to the Special Patrol Group ...

For further information, or to obtain a free copy of the specially produced
publication by Euan Sutherland please contact:

New Media Scotland
PO Box 25065, Glasgow G1 5YP

Tel: 0141 564 3010  Fax: 0141 564 3011
[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.mediascot.org


New Media Scotland Tel. +44 141 564 3010
P.O. Box 25065, Glasgow G1 5YP Fax. +44 141 564 3011
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

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FLUXLIST: New Media Scotland Bulletin

2000-11-12 Thread Chris Byrne

New Media Scotland presents two new commissions:

Colin Andrews - Geist
18 to 25 November 2000
The Pier Art Centre, Stromness

Artist's Talk: 1pm Saturday 18 November


As the title suggests, 'Geist' is a work involving ghosts. 4 traditionally
'haunted locations' across Scotland are networked. These remote locations
act as nodes, gathering data such as changes in temperature and
fluctuations in electromagnetic radiation. This information is then relayed
via electronic networks to the library at the Pier Arts Centre, Stromness,
Orkney where it is used to 'feed' an audio installation. The audio is
derived from traces of  'voices' recorded at each location at an earlier

Another Space - Subterranean Landscape Blues
25 November  - 23 December 2000
art.tm, Inverness

Artists' Talk: 2pm Saturday 9 December


Working as Another Space, artists Trevor Avery and Nigel Mullan have
created a multi-media environment, Subterranean Landscape Blues. The work
investigates hidden military structures in the Highlands, mapping the
effects of the armed forces upon the landscape.

Both works are part of a series of ten New Media Scotland commissions
funded by the Scottish Arts Council's National Lottery Fund.  The artists
were awarded a budget, training and specialist assistance to help them work
with digital techniques.

Please find further details on the works below.

New Media Scotland works nationally to enable arts activity shaped by new
technologies. We aim to support research and development in new media, and
to increase the number and quality of opportunities for artists in this

For further information, please contact:

New Media Scotland
PO Box 25065, Glasgow G15YP

Tel: 0141 564 3010  Fax: 0141 564 3011
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.mediascot.org


Colin Andrews - Geist
18 to 25 November 2000
The Pier Art Centre, Stromness

Exhibition open to the public:
Tues - Sat 10.30am -12.30pm, 1.30pm - 5pm

Web site: http://www.mediascot.org/geist

Artist's Talk: 1pm Saturday 18 November Free

4 traditionally 'haunted locations' across Scotland are networked. These
remote locations act as nodes, gathering data such as changes in
temperature and fluctuations in electromagnetic radiation. This information
is then relayed via electronic networks to the library at the Pier Arts
Centre, Stromness, Orkney where it is used to 'feed' an audio installation.
The work is experienced as a 4 channel audio installation, with each of the
4 channels representing one of the 4 remote 'haunted' locations. The audio
is derived from traces of  'voices' extracted from recordings made at each
location at an earlier time.

Geist is not about the existence or otherwise of ghosts but rather about
ghost or spectrality as metaphor. It attempts to explore our contemporary
condition of omnipresent absence - presence through the use of haunted
locations, recorded sound and network technology. Contemporary
communications technologies belong to unseen places - they connect us
instantaneously across vast distances yet make our words, impulses and
feelings pass through an uninhabited and invisible domain.

Geist is about being and not being here and there simultaneously. It is
about communication through the exchange of electrical energy, about
recording and playback, about returns and repetition. It is the domain of
spectres and spirits, of slippages in time and space and communications
across boundaries.

A New Media Scotland Commission in partnership with the Pier Arts Centre.


Another Space - Subterranean Landscape Blues
25 November  - 23 December 2000
art.tm, Inverness

Exhibition open to the public:
Tues - Sat 11am - 6pm

Web site: http://www.mediascot.org/slb

Artist's Talk: 2pm Saturday 9 December  Free

Working as Another Space, artists Trevor Avery and Nigel Mullan have
created a multi-media environment, Subterranean Landscape Blues.  The work
addresses the natural landscape orthodoxy (which denies fifty percent of
the resident population deemed 'economically inactive'), and the myriad
relationships which constitute this orthodoxy through dominance and market
authentication. These are undermined by the presence of military and
industrial sites of dereliction lying on the surface and underground - not
to mention the shambolic stop-go scenery of the omnipotent world wide oil

Meanwhile, state of the art NATO military aircraft thunder across the skies
targeting the bombing range at Tain. Such violent intrusions put the
mockers on the peaceful ambitions of the heritage experience, that shocking
testament to the purveyors of 'the end of history'.

To the population of Easter Ross, the daily shadow of the flying global
police force is as natural as that of the migratory birds refuelling at the
sites of special scientific interest.

We have established a 

FLUXLIST: NonAmbient

2000-09-23 Thread Chris Byrne

New Media Scotland and The Changing Room present:

NonAmbient  -  a new audio work by Alistair Gentry

30 September to 18 November 2000, The Changing Room, Stirling

"Artists like Alistair Gentry are producing the only true insights into and
reflections of our messed-up, noise-fuelled life" - Time Out

NonAmbient is an infinite, self-generating sound work about motorised,
mechanical, electrical and electronic voices we build and create for

Alistair Gentry has been artist in residence in Stirling over the last few
months. Through digital processing, many hours of recordings made in and
around Stirling have been extracted, magnified and looped electronically.
There are nearly one million permutations of the sounds that have been
discovered through this process and generative software navigates its way
through all of them.

The constantly changing stream of sound in the gallery may at times suggest
stories or questions. Why is there jazz in the radiators? How many faxes,
phone calls and text messages are passing through you right now?

The gallery also has an area where visistors can sit, listen to the work,
or tune out for as long as they wish. They may also browse Alistair
Gentry's websites and read his books.

For the enjoyment of other visitors to the gallery, the artist requests
that all mobile phones are switched ON and that you talk about something

A New Media Scotland Commission in partnership with Stirling Council.

For further details contact:

New Media Scotland  The Changing Room
P.O. Box 25065  35 The Arcade
Glasgow G1 5YP  Stirling FK8 1AX

Tel: +44 141 564 3010   Tel/Fax: +44 1786 479361
Fax: +44 141 564 3011



New Media Scotland Tel. +44 141 564 3010
P.O. Box 25065, Glasgow G1 5YP Fax. +44 141 564 3011
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

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If you do not wish to receive information from us,
please reply with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the message body.

FLUXLIST: HOST: Meet the artist

2000-09-21 Thread Chris Byrne

HOST: Meet the artist - Gair Dunlop


Host is an online space dedicated to temporary projects by artists.

The first project is 'Utopia' by Scottish artist Gair Dunlop. You can see
it on Host from 1 August 2000 to 31 October 2000.

Tonight - Meet the artist:
internet chat reception 21 September 2000, 19:00 hrs GMT

Please visit our website for further details.

'Utopia' is designed to set up a dialogue about the idea of space and
perfectibility. How many of our ideas about who we are and our place in the
world are bound up with various hierarchies of space and property? The
world and the heavens. Property and the natural order.

Eutopia from the same root as Euphoria. Utopia from nonplace...


New Media Scotland Tel. +44 141 564 3010
P.O. Box 25065, Glasgow G1 5YP Fax. +44 141 564 3011
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

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If you do not wish to receive information from us,
please reply with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the message body.

FLUXLIST: stop drugged driving now with fluxus scripts, and feel good

2000-08-03 Thread Chris Paul

 from the BBC (in London)

 "Drivers will have to perform roadside tests if police suspect them of
 taking drugs.
 The tests include making drivers stand on one leg and touching their noses
 with their eyes closed. "

standing on one leg and touching nose _at one time_?
this really is a brutal police state we live in.

once it's established that you're "a bit wobbly" it
seems that the police then intend to carry out a 
further battery of top-notch scientific tests to
determine (beyond a shadow of doubt, bang to rights,
it's a fair cop, hello hello sunshine etc) which
substances have been ingested by the accused.

the police have made it clear that the possible
effect of alcohol will have been eliminated by
the well-established "walking the 10 yard line" test.

the fluxus section of the metropolitan police
have recently put out a request for a series of
diagnostic scripts for different substances;
no mention was made of commission fees however so I 
suspect that any responses used will be considered 
to have been in the line of public duty.

if scripts are posted to the list I will make
sure they reach the correct officers ...

Chris Paul - IDEA   @   @
Innovation in  Digital and Electronic Arts   \ /
Grosvenor Building, Manchester, M15 6BR   @ - @ - @ 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   / \
0161 273 4414 fax 0161 273 4432 @   @
http://www.idea.org.uk/go  A Catalyst For Art and Ideas


2000-06-27 Thread Chris Paul

fluxlisters may enjoy these sites ...

 Original Message 
Subject: SERVICE 2000
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 01:05:06 +
From: mailerbot [EMAIL PROTECTED]

29 Uncommissioned Web Sites

Available Now From the Following Locations:-

 http://www.anthonydoffay.co.uk  http://www.annelyjuda.co.uk
   http://www.turnerprize.org.uk http://www.thenationalgallery.org.uk
http://www.tategallery.org.uk http://www.halesgallery.co.uk

http://www.rhodesmann.co.uk http://www.vilmagold.co.uk


If you do not wish to recieve futher emails from the SERVICE 2000 list
just return this email with "Remove" as the subject line.
Your record will be automatically deleted.

FLUXLIST: Roshini Kempadoo - Virtual Exiles

2000-06-13 Thread Chris Byrne

New Media Scotland and Street Level Photoworks present:

Roshini Kempadoo   -   Virtual Exiles

20 June to 22 July 2000, Street Level Photoworks, Glasgow


'Virtual Exiles becomes a collective way of telling stories, of digitally
contributing our own version of what it means to step between two spaces at
once. Two cultures, two senses of belonging, two countries we are familiar
with. To visually describe this difference becomes an important inscription
to everyday encounters and our writing of the past ..' David Dabydeen:
Author, poet, and lecturer in Caribbean Studies.

Roshini Kempadoo's digital images and web site explore the experiences of
individuals who have left their country of origin and who are now at 'home'
in another. The reason and experience of having left a homeland always
varies, but what doesn't is the relation to the host country - those who
have migrated are nearly always considered to be 'outsiders' or
'foreigners'. The work was created by Kempadoo while investigating her own
status as refugee/exile/expatriate/emigre in relation to her own country of
birth England and her country of origin and upbringing, Guyana.

The interactive website is an ongoing curated internet show where
individuals and groups are encouraged to contribute their own artwork,
whether sound, video, images or text. Visitors are invited to relate their
own experiences of being 'settled' and 'rooted' within one culture and yet
having a deep sense of belonging with another. The exhibition prints are
digitally manipulated images produced using a combination of Kempadoo's
contemporary material, and specific historical collections from the Pitt
Rivers Museum, Oxford; Royal Anthropological Institute, London; Museum voor
Volkenkunde, Rotterdam; material drawn from private and official archives
in Guyana.

Virtual Exiles is a partnership between New Media Scotland, Street Level
Photoworks, ARTEC, Watermans Arts Centre, Impressions Gallery, Napier
University and Lighthouse Media Centre. Additional funding from the Arts
Council of England's New Media Projects Fund and the Scottish Arts Council
National Lottery Fund.

Workshops with young people

As part of the exhibition at Street Level a group of young people from
across Glasgow will be working with digital artist Lindsay Perth in a
series of workshops with a multi-cultural focus. Drawing upon and
describing the participants own experiences and family histories, they will
create interactive web pages related to the theme of the exhibition. The
results will remain on both the 'Virtual Exiles' web site:


For further information, please contact:

New Media Scotland  Street Level Photoworks
P.O. Box 25065  26 King Street
Glasgow G1 5YP  Glasgow G1 5QP

Tel: 0141 564 3010  Tel: 0141 552 2151
Fax: 0141 564 3011  Fax: 0141 552 2323


FLUXLIST: [Fwd: autoparts launch]

2000-05-17 Thread Chris Paul

See below. IDEA's "before" show in our new building - due
to open as art-media-IT incubator workspace, Spring 2000.

There is also a performance - Autoconversion :

"A family car transformed into a series of audio CDs by
power tools. A durational performance. Spencer HW Marsden 
with Municipal Constructions."

That's 29 May 00, 12 noon to 7 pm.

There is webstuff at http://www.idea.org.uk/autoparts

 Original Message 
Subject: autoparts launch
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 21:22:27 +0100




on Saturday 20th May - Beer and Jam from 6pm - 9pm

May 20th - July 7th 2000
Thursday - Saturday 12 - 6pm
10 Irwell Street (At Chapel Street and Trinity Way), Salford

Jenna Collins  Chara Lewis  Greg Lock  David MacKintosh  Jim Medway  
Spencer HW Marsden with Municipal Constructions  Kristin Mojsiewicz  
Graham Parker  Gary Peploe  Anneke Pettican   Marc Provins  Andrew Robinson

Ten temporary interfaces to a building and an area which has a history of
build and re-build, use, disuse and re-use, of shifting populations and
changing fortunes. 

Idea has recently bought the old Brown Bothers Building in Salford which
will be renovated in the early months of the year 2000. IDEA is adapting the
building for more flexible use in training and by new businesses and artists
whose working practice and physical needs are changing radically due to the
use of new creative technologies. The building was originally built in 1878
as a brewery by Watson  Woodhead brewers. In 1927 the building became
Mackie  Sons Fruit Preservers until 1955. In 1957 Brown Brothers auto parts
moved in and stayed until 1986. 

Idea has commissioned 12 artists to make 10 new works for the old Brown
Brothers Building with a particular focus on site-specific work which
reflects an interest in transitional spaces and technologies.

FLUXLIST: Re: [Fwd: autoparts launch]

2000-05-17 Thread Chris Paul

Sorry, should have been Spring 2001. Life's a blur.

Chris Paul wrote:
 See below. IDEA's "before" show in our new building - due
 to open as art-media-IT incubator workspace, Spring 2000.

Chris Paul - IDEA   @   @
Innovation in  Digital and Electronic Arts   \ /
Grosvenor Building, Manchester, M15 6BR   @ - @ - @ 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   / \
0161 273 4414 fax 0161 273 4432 @   @
http://www.idea.org.uk/go  A Catalyst For Art and Ideas

FLUXLIST: Live webcast tonight - Radiotuesday

2000-04-01 Thread chris

Radiotuesday present 'e.g. Sometime Instant' an exhibition at
Transmission gallery, Glasgow - 25th March - 8th April.


- Ian Balch presents a performance Gift, a choral piece performed by St.
Marys Cathedral Choir in the gallery at 20:00 hrs BST (19:00 hrs GMT)

Coming soon:

- James McLardy, presents a new sound work in collaboration with David
Young from the Royal Scottish National Orchestra 9th April 20:00 hrs BST
(19:00 hrs GMT)

For further information, and Realaudio clips of soundworks, visit:



Radiotuesday is an artist-run radio station

Radiotuesday first broadcast across Glasgow in 1999. They recently
exhibited at KIASMA, Helsinki using a sound studio to generate new work for
broadcast across Helsinki. A cassette compilation of sound works from
Radiotuesday was launched during the Drift sound art event in Glasgow in
November 1999.


New Media Scotland Tel. +44 141 564 3010
P.O. Box 25065, Glasgow G1 5YP Fax. +44 141 564 3011
Scotland, UKhttp://www.mediascot.org

FLUXLIST: OT but perhaps of interest....

2000-03-31 Thread Chris Nappi

Extended Duration Performances by The S.E.M. Ensemble
at the Paula Cooper Gallery (534 W. 21st St., New York)

Sunday April 2
3:00 till about 7:30

Morton Feldman's "For Philip Guston"

Tuesday, April 4
6:30 till midnight

"Many Many Women" by Petr Kotik
text by Gertrude Stein

tickets $15.00 for one concert, $22 for both, s/s $10/$15

FLUXLIST: Live, on vinyl

2000-02-23 Thread Chris Paul

Came across this today :

LIVE, Pavel Buchler 'Live' is composed from almost 400 live recordings
from Pavel Buchler's record collection, spanning a variety of music 
styles over 40 years and bringing together the sounds of audiences 
from all over the world. Each record was digitised, then the sound of 
the music deleted leaving only bursts of applause, separated by 
periods of silence. Following its inauguration as a sound installation 
at the Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art, 'Live' has been 
released on limited edition vinyl LP.

Produced by FACT with financial assistance from Manchester 
Metropolitan University Price #19.99 (plus #1.00 pp Europe, #2.00 pp 
outside EU)

Pavel is Research Professor at MMU Fine Arts ...
