Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-12-02 Thread BJörn Lindqvist
On Nov 29, 2007 6:05 PM, Joe Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 11/29/07, BJörn Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > No. The boycottnovell site and the OP alluded to that there would be
> > moral, philosophical and or legal problems with GNOME depending on
> > Mono and or C#. Is that fact or is it fiction?
> And for as much threatening as Microsoft does around IP, they're not
> particularly active in litigating on it.  In fact, they are the 900lb
> gorilla and most small companies and patent trolls target them,
> because that's where the money is.  Their FUD against us is a more
> effective weapon than actually suing us.  And I believe the broader
> open-source community, with the help of invested corporations like
> IBM, Red Hat and yes, even Novell, have given us a reasonable defense
> in the unlikely event.

Thanks a lot for explaining that Joe! Mono is great technology and it
would be bad if it got sidelined purely because of the FUD.

mvh Björn
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-12-02 Thread Vincent Untz
Le vendredi 30 novembre 2007, à 08:49 -0500, Joe Shaw a écrit :
> On 11/29/07, Vincent Untz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Le jeudi 29 novembre 2007, à 18:03 -0500, Joe Shaw a écrit :
> > > It's been frustrating over the past few years that GNOME hasn't taken
> > > a firm position on the issue.  I have personally felt very in limbo
> > > because my application is in C#, and it would make me much more
> > > comfortable if the community and/or the foundation came out strongly
> > > in support of it as a first-class language and environment, or to
> > > reject it from ever becoming a core piece of the platform.
> >
> > It depends what you call "platform" :-) If it's the GNOME Developer
> > Platform, it is my understanding that there's a consensus we want to
> > keep the platform in C.
> Indeed, I wasn't totally clear on this.
> I do believe things get a little muddied when we start talking about
> things like daemons, D-Bus interfaces, etc.  My understanding is that
> we want the Platform in C because it makes it usable from all
> applications and bindable into other languages.  But libbeagle is a C
> library that talks over a IPC to a C# running daemon.  Does that make
> it suitable for platform?  Can D-Bus interfaces become part of the
> platform?

I think it's better to have an IPC interface (most probably dbus
interface) in the platform than a library that does the work.

And yes, I think it makes sense to have dbus interfaces in the platform.

> > The main issue here is that each time a
> > mono-based app is proposed, there are comments only made on the fact
> > that it's mono-based. Also, quite often, there are comments for python
> > apps because it's slow, memory-hungry, etc.
> Indeed, the technical arguments are sane and good criteria to
> determine a module's suitability.  But the philosophical and moral
> objections, to borrow a phrase, are what seem to create a double
> standard in my eyes.

Sorry, my point wasn't clear: people have been arguing that the python
apps are bad. Sometimes it's true and there's data to prove it, but
sometimes it's just an argument used because it's python... So it's bad
too. The real point that there will always be people complaining about
the language something is written in :/


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-12-01 Thread Richard Stallman
Vincent Untz posted our Mono policy yesterday, which states very clearly
GNOME's stance on the issue. No part of the core platform can depend on
Mono, and no part of the desktop suit can pick up a new Mono dependency
without going through the module approval process again. A Mono
dependency does not exclude an application from consideration as part of
the GNOME desktop suite, or of any suite other than the core development

I think that's a good basic outline for the policy: there's no need
for GNOME to reject all C# programs entirely outside the core.  But I
think that when it considers them, it should not consider each one in
isolation.  It's important to keep an eye on the total amount of C#
usage too.  In effect, to ask, "How bad would it be if we had to drop
them all?"

The point is that we don't want to lead ourself into a position where
the idea of dropping all C# programs is so painful that we would be
tempted to do something more problematical to avoid it.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-30 Thread Richard Stallman
The patent clauses of GPLv3 are designed to make Microsoft give us all
patent safety thru its involvement in distribution of SuSe GNU/Linux,
if and when programs under GPLv3 and not under GPLv2 are included in
SuSe GNU/Linux.

(If they aren't included in SuSe GNU/Linux, they don't affect Novell
at all.)
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-30 Thread Richard Stallman
> And for as much threatening as Microsoft does around IP, they're not
> particularly active in litigating on it.

> When the issue is about patent law, saying "intellectual property"
> instead of "patents" only tends to confuse the issue, by spuriously
> extending it to copyrights, trademarks, and other totally different
> laws.

I actually meant both patents and copyrights, so I think my
characterization was accurate.

If you mean patents and copyrights, please say "patents and
copyrights".  Saying "intellectual property" takes in a dozen other
laws (such as trademark law) that don't relate to the issue, so it can
turn accurate statements into inaccurate ones.

However, even saying "patents and copyrights" seems like a distraction
from the issue at hand.  Patents are relevant to the use of Mono and C#, but 
are not.

The fact that Microsoft has not yed sued us over these patents might
be relevant -- though I've heard that Microsoft is privately
threatening companies that run free software and demanding they pay.

If Microsoft also has not sued in some case concerning copyright, that
case must be very different from this one, and I don't think it
relevant to this discussion.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-30 Thread jamie
On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 15:44 -0600, Shaun McCance wrote:

> We want to add support for Tracker as a search backend.  Tracker
> is implemented in good old C, and it finally seems to be getting
> some uptake.  It just takes some manpower.

With XESAM coming along, you wont need to have libtracker or libBeagle
as a dependency (really these two should be deprecated as nautilus, yelp
and Gtk file chooser can all use libxesam instead)

Nor will beagle and tracker (and other indexers) have to write their own
indexers for yelp as we will move towards having index-independent third
party indexers for both individual entities as well as crawlers for
container objects that contain lots of sub-entities (lime mbox, rss feed

Ideally the authors of yelp will be able to write their own indexer
plugin that all indexers can use

As soon as Xesam 1.0 is out (hopefully before xmas) the next thing will
be 1.1 which will have the above plug-in functionality defined

As always, lack of time is making progress on Xesam slow atm but its
getting there


foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-30 Thread Jeff Waugh

> And all of this could have been explained just as simply if the folks at
> had simply emailed us and asked for details, instead of
> posting unsubstantiated drivel.

Pretty much the crux of the issue with that website. Despite transparency
into the community that they would never get with companies, they do not
actually do any primary research, and have come up with some doozies about
things they simply don't understand.

- Jeff

-- 2008: Melbourne, Australia
"Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it.
   Geniuses remove it." - Alan J. Perlis
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-30 Thread Shaun McCance
On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 15:44 -0600, Shaun McCance wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 20:03 -0500, Richard Stallman wrote:
> > I read with
> > great concern.
> > 
> > Since I am not an expert, I cannot tell on my own if that description
> > of the situation is accurate.  If part of it is not accurate, I hope
> > someone will explain.  However, if it is accurate, GNOME has a serious
> > problem.
> > 
> > I have always supported the development of free platforms for C#, just
> > as I've supported the development of free platforms for any language
> > that users use.  I also wouldn't argue that people should not use C#
> > with a free platform for secondary applications.
> > 
> > However, making GNOME depend on Mono is running a grave risk, and a
> > grave mistake.  If the article accurately describes the situation, I
> > think we need to launch a high-priority project to reimplement Yelp in
> > some other language.

Sorry, I wanted to be absolutely clear on something here:
Yelp itself is not written in C#, and does not run on top
of Mono.  Yelp is written primarily in C, with some XSLT
for document transformation and some C++ for Gecko stuff.

There is no need to re-implement Yelp.  But if anybody
wants to, hey, have fun.

> Others have commented, but here's the detailed explanation
> of how things work and where we're heading from somebody
> who actually co-maintains Yelp:

[snip other stuff I said]


foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-30 Thread Shaun McCance
On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 20:03 -0500, Richard Stallman wrote:
> I read with
> great concern.
> Since I am not an expert, I cannot tell on my own if that description
> of the situation is accurate.  If part of it is not accurate, I hope
> someone will explain.  However, if it is accurate, GNOME has a serious
> problem.
> I have always supported the development of free platforms for C#, just
> as I've supported the development of free platforms for any language
> that users use.  I also wouldn't argue that people should not use C#
> with a free platform for secondary applications.
> However, making GNOME depend on Mono is running a grave risk, and a
> grave mistake.  If the article accurately describes the situation, I
> think we need to launch a high-priority project to reimplement Yelp in
> some other language.

Others have commented, but here's the detailed explanation
of how things work and where we're heading from somebody
who actually co-maintains Yelp:

Yelp currently has two backends for searching the help files on
your computer: beagle and "basic".  The basic search will simply
ransack your hard disk every time you do a search.  It's nowhere
near as fast as beagle, but it does work.

We want to add support for Tracker as a search backend.  Tracker
is implemented in good old C, and it finally seems to be getting
some uptake.  It just takes some manpower.

We do not want to be in the business of maintaining our own indexer,
and we believe the Gnome platform should be providing that for us.

As for dependencies, Yelp has a configure-time option:
auto (the default) will build Beagle support iff beagle is found
on your system.  Even when compiled with Beagle support, Yelp will
still fall back to basic search if Beagle can't be found at run

I believe we've done a good job of providing useful functionality
without being able to depend on functionality that really should
be a part of our platform.  (And by "we", I mostly mean my fellow
co-maintainer, Don.)

The fact that this results in a hard dependency for some binary
packages is really outside what we do.

And all of this could have been explained just as simply if the
folks at had simply emailed us and asked for
details, instead of posting unsubstantiated drivel.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-30 Thread Dave Neary

Hi Richard,

Richard Stallman wrote:
> We are talking at cross purposes.  The issue I raised is not whether a
> person _can_ write a program in C#; Microsoft might try to stop him,
> but we will not.  The question is whether these programs are treated
> as part of GNOME, and to what extent other parts of GNOME use them,
> and what other GNOME developers are asked to do in regard to them.
> The GNOME Foundation ought to have something to say about that.

Indeed - the Foundation board has enfranchised the release team, a group
accountable to the board and the membership, to decide exactly that.

Vincent Untz posted our Mono policy yesterday, which states very clearly
GNOME's stance on the issue. No part of the core platform can depend on
Mono, and no part of the desktop suit can pick up a new Mono dependency
without going through the module approval process again. A Mono
dependency does not exclude an application from consideration as part of
the GNOME desktop suite, or of any suite other than the core development


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-30 Thread John (J5) Palmieri

On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 11:48 -0500, Richard Stallman wrote:
> That is a decision left entirely up to those who create such Free Software.
> I don't believe that we can tell them what to do or how to do it. We can 
> ask
> politely.
> We are talking at cross purposes.  The issue I raised is not whether a
> person _can_ write a program in C#; Microsoft might try to stop him,
> but we will not.  The question is whether these programs are treated
> as part of GNOME, and to what extent other parts of GNOME use them,
> and what other GNOME developers are asked to do in regard to them.
> The GNOME Foundation ought to have something to say about that.

And it does through the Release Team.  I have personally witnessed and
participated in numerous consensus meetings on the Release Team where
pros and cons are heavily weighed.  Mono has been a hot button for
awhile there.  It was only two releases or so ago that Tomboy was
allowed in and that was after hard thought about the mono dependency.
Vincent Untz already posted the policy that came out of that discussion

John (J5) Palmieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-30 Thread Richard Stallman
Also to not clutter mailboxes even more, I don't see how an optional
dependency on anything can be worse than the fact that GNOME optionally
compiles on MS Windows systems.

That GNOME can work on Windows has no effect on what GNOME does in a
GNU/Linux system.  However, a dependency for GNOME when running on
GNU/Linux does have an effect on what GNOME does in a GNU/Linux

A mandatory dependency is automatically crucial.  If the dependency is
optional, then it is not necessarily important.  But it is not
necessarily unimportant either.  Its importance is determined by the
practical details of the situation.  Thus, having some applications
written in C# is not an automatic disaster, but the more they are
the more the problem.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-30 Thread Richard Stallman
That is a decision left entirely up to those who create such Free Software.
I don't believe that we can tell them what to do or how to do it. We can ask

We are talking at cross purposes.  The issue I raised is not whether a
person _can_ write a program in C#; Microsoft might try to stop him,
but we will not.  The question is whether these programs are treated
as part of GNOME, and to what extent other parts of GNOME use them,
and what other GNOME developers are asked to do in regard to them.

The GNOME Foundation ought to have something to say about that.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-30 Thread Joe Shaw

On 11/30/07, Richard Stallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And for as much threatening as Microsoft does around IP, they're not
> particularly active in litigating on it.
> When the issue is about patent law, saying "intellectual property"
> instead of "patents" only tends to confuse the issue, by spuriously
> extending it to copyrights, trademarks, and other totally different
> laws.

I actually meant both patents and copyrights, so I think my
characterization was accurate.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-30 Thread Joe Shaw

On 11/29/07, Vincent Untz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Le jeudi 29 novembre 2007, à 18:03 -0500, Joe Shaw a écrit :
> > It's been frustrating over the past few years that GNOME hasn't taken
> > a firm position on the issue.  I have personally felt very in limbo
> > because my application is in C#, and it would make me much more
> > comfortable if the community and/or the foundation came out strongly
> > in support of it as a first-class language and environment, or to
> > reject it from ever becoming a core piece of the platform.
> It depends what you call "platform" :-) If it's the GNOME Developer
> Platform, it is my understanding that there's a consensus we want to
> keep the platform in C.

Indeed, I wasn't totally clear on this.

I do believe things get a little muddied when we start talking about
things like daemons, D-Bus interfaces, etc.  My understanding is that
we want the Platform in C because it makes it usable from all
applications and bindable into other languages.  But libbeagle is a C
library that talks over a IPC to a C# running daemon.  Does that make
it suitable for platform?  Can D-Bus interfaces become part of the

> The main issue here is that each time a
> mono-based app is proposed, there are comments only made on the fact
> that it's mono-based. Also, quite often, there are comments for python
> apps because it's slow, memory-hungry, etc.

Indeed, the technical arguments are sane and good criteria to
determine a module's suitability.  But the philosophical and moral
objections, to borrow a phrase, are what seem to create a double
standard in my eyes.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-30 Thread Alan Cox
> With Novell's customers getting exclusive patent protection for mono, it
> seems unfair for everyone else who have a heightened risk. 

Thats something to take up with the FSF. The implementation of the GPLv3
is badly flawed by allowing that activity to continue. The original act
was Novell's, but the ongoing problem is caused by the FSF. And the
sooner the FSF realise that and issue a GPL v3.1 removing that exemption
the better.

The FSF not Gnome wrote Novell the get out clause.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-30 Thread Richard Stallman
The patent danger to Mono comes from patents we know Microsoft has, on
libraries which are outside the C# spec and thus not covered by any
promise not to sue.  In effect, Microsoft has designed in boobytraps
for us.

Indeed, every large program implements lots of ideas that are
patented.  Indeed, there's no way to avoid this danger.  But that's no
reason to put our head inside Microsoft's jaws.

The FSF is organizing a campaign for the total abolition of
software patents in the US.  Mere reform is a distraction.  See
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-30 Thread Richard Stallman
And for as much threatening as Microsoft does around IP, they're not
particularly active in litigating on it.

When the issue is about patent law, saying "intellectual property"
instead of "patents" only tends to confuse the issue, by spuriously
extending it to copyrights, trademarks, and other totally different

The same is true for issues about any other law.  The term
"intellectual property" may give you a feeling of deeper
understanding, but it is a spurious feeling because that understanding
is mistaken.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Behdad Esfahbod
On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 18:03 -0500, Joe Shaw wrote:
> Again, I think this is a strawman argument.  There's no evidence to
> suggest that Microsoft would attack Mono any more than they would
> attack other free and open source software like GNOME, the Linux
> kernel, OpenOffice, Samba, Apache, Python, etc.

No evidence, but as pointed out by Jamie, the MS-Novell deal is a hint.
A strong hint in fact.


"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little
 Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Kalle Vahlman
2007/11/30, Richard Stallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The more "cool stuff" depends on Mono, the closer we get to a
> situation where a Microsoft attack on Mono would put GNOME in a vice.
> If these programs are important enough to deserve the term "miss out on",
> then I think they should be written in another language.

Yeah, also all those uglier-than-lawful Perl programs!

Here's my request:

  Please don't write cool stuff in Perl since I want to run them with Python

Thanks a bunch for complying. Makes me feel all free to choose and stuff.

P.S. In my opinion, freedom should not limit even the bad choices people make

Kalle Vahlman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Behdad Esfahbod

Quick reply to say that I pretty much agree with Joe.  There are areas
that it's very clear to anyone that our code infringing MS patents.  And
none of that is hidden to anyone.  Lemme give a very central and
specific example:

  - GNOME requires at least one of Microsoft Uniscribe, Apple ATSUI, or
FreeType to run.  There is no way you can run a Gtk+ application without
any of those three.  And all three have code implementing technology
patented by at least two of Microsoft, Apple, and Adobe.

Yes, FreeType has at least two features (TrueType bytecode interpreter /
hinter, and subpixel text rendering) that are clearly and undoubtedly
are infringing on Microsoft patents, and possibly Apple patents.  The
solution Red Hat and Fedora has taken is to not use those features at
the cost of inferior text rendering, but most other distros don't do

Yes, those features in FreeType are optional.

Also to not clutter mailboxes even more, I don't see how an optional
dependency on anything can be worse than the fact that GNOME optionally
compiles on MS Windows systems.


On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 13:05 -0500, Joe Shaw wrote:
> Hi,
> On 11/29/07, BJörn Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > No. The boycottnovell site and the OP alluded to that there would be
> > moral, philosophical and or legal problems with GNOME depending on
> > Mono and or C#. Is that fact or is it fiction?
> Moral or philosophical is hard to judge, since so many people are
> involved in GNOME for so many different reasons.  I can't tell you how
> many times I've heard people say they object to Mono because it's a
> "Microsoft technology".  I've never had this problem personally, but
> maybe that's because Mono is a totally independent, free and
> successful implementation of it, and partly because C# is so much like
> Java it's tough to argue that it's somehow new and novel.  Likewise
> the level of hatred toward Novell over the past year would color
> people's moral and philosophical positions, as is clearly the case at
> boycottnovell.
> The legal aspects have always seemed like a strawman argument to me.
> There's nothing particularly different about Mono than GNOME, Samba,
> or Apache.  There's no reason to believe that Mono is any more or less
> patent encumbered than any other piece of open source software.
> There's no reason to believe that Mono infringes on copyrights any
> more or less than other pieces of open source software.  However,
> unlike many other open source projects, Mono's messaging on this has
> been clear: they don't believe they violate any patents and have plans
> to work around them if they do and if you've used tools to disassemble
> Microsoft code, etc., you may never contribute to Mono.  I don't
> believe GNOME has a policy that clearly articulated.
> And for as much threatening as Microsoft does around IP, they're not
> particularly active in litigating on it.  In fact, they are the 900lb
> gorilla and most small companies and patent trolls target them,
> because that's where the money is.  Their FUD against us is a more
> effective weapon than actually suing us.  And I believe the broader
> open-source community, with the help of invested corporations like
> IBM, Red Hat and yes, even Novell, have given us a reasonable defense
> in the unlikely event.
> The real legal threat to us comes from patent trolls, and we've
> already seen the start of this with the recent lawsuit against Red Hat
> and Novell, and over things that are much more trivial and broad than
> what applies to Mono.  They're more likely to cripple us, and it's
> ought to be a driving motivator for patent reform in the US.
> Joe
> ___
> foundation-list mailing list

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little
 Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Vincent Untz
Le jeudi 29 novembre 2007, à 18:03 -0500, Joe Shaw a écrit :
> It's been frustrating over the past few years that GNOME hasn't taken
> a firm position on the issue.  I have personally felt very in limbo
> because my application is in C#, and it would make me much more
> comfortable if the community and/or the foundation came out strongly
> in support of it as a first-class language and environment, or to
> reject it from ever becoming a core piece of the platform.

It depends what you call "platform" :-) If it's the GNOME Developer
Platform, it is my understanding that there's a consensus we want to
keep the platform in C.

To me, it's already a first-class language and environment for GNOME
since it's we ship GTK# in the bindings and it's allowed to have a
GTK#-based in the Desktop suite. The main issue here is that each time a
mono-based app is proposed, there are comments only made on the fact
that it's mono-based. Also, quite often, there are comments for python
apps because it's slow, memory-hungry, etc.

I admit I might be oversimplifying the problem, but my point is that for
many people, it has become a non-problem.

(oh, and I don't think I'd want to hack in Mono, if anybody think I'm
completely biased on this -- so far, I'm a C/python guy)


Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Vincent Untz
Le jeudi 29 novembre 2007, à 14:51 -0500, John (J5) Palmieri a écrit :
> I would also like to ease your mind and say the Release Team would take
> great exception to a core GNOME module all of a sudden sprouting hard
> dependencies.  Some modules are more scrutinized than other, Yelp would
> be one of them.  Novell has also been very sensitive to the Mono issue
> in the past.  They still champion it but have done things like create C
> glue libraries and refrain from making their apps like Evolution depend
> on Mono.

Just a reminder for everyone here, the current release team policy for things
related to mono [1]:

 New modules may be accepted into the desktop or admin releases with
 a dependency on gtk#/mono, but any modules accepted into either of
 those release sets without a dependency on gtk#/mono may not gain
 one without going through the proposal process again in a subsequent

I'm nearly sure at the time, I was willing to either not have this whole
paragraph or to replace "gtk#/mono" with "gtk#/mono, python, etc."
because it makes sense for other languages too. Maybe I'm just
misremembering all this and other release team members will correct me
in this case :-)



Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Joe Shaw

On 11/29/07, Jeff Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I agree this isn't really something that the foundation can force, but
> > even "asking politely" in an official capacity would be a step in the
> > right direction.
> The Foundation asking politely of developers with regards to their choices,
> or Novell (or any developer advocating Mono) asking politely of the GNOME
> Foundation with regards to a policy?

I meant in the context of your email, which I understood to be the
foundation asking politely of its developers not to develop using

Novell asking would be fine too.  Or anybody.  Consider this my asking. :)

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread jamie
On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 10:17 +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> > I suspect there hasn't been anything firm because (a) there is quite a bit
> > of division within the community on the issue and (b) there is some
> > element of "walking on eggshells" around Novell and its endorsement of the
> > environment.
> Agree.
> Also, I think much of the issue has moved on from legal paranoia to concerns
> about adopting a strategy perceived as Microsoft-friendly (at least among
> those who don't adopt a knee-jerk, black-and-white approach to such issues).

there are other fair play issues too

With Novell's customers getting exclusive patent protection for mono, it
seems unfair for everyone else who have a heightened risk. Increasing
mono adoption combined with MS FUD tactics would give Novell an unfair
advantage over its competitors (as Ms tech is more likely to be tainted
with patents obviously)

If novell want mono to be on the agenda then they really have to can
their patent deal - I personally would object to any new mono apps
proposed for Gnome because of it on the grounds I stated above


foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Jeff Waugh

> On Nov 29, 2007 5:40 PM, Jeff Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > If these programs are important enough to deserve the term "miss out
> > > on", then I think they should be written in another language.

Note that the above quote is misattributed, and was stated by Richard, not

- Jeff

-- 2008: Melbourne, Australia
  "Creative thinkers make many false starts, and continually waver
   between unmanageable fantasies and systematic attack." - Harry Hepner
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Jeff Waugh

> It's been frustrating over the past few years that GNOME hasn't taken a
> firm position on the issue.


> I suspect there hasn't been anything firm because (a) there is quite a bit
> of division within the community on the issue and (b) there is some
> element of "walking on eggshells" around Novell and its endorsement of the
> environment.


Also, I think much of the issue has moved on from legal paranoia to concerns
about adopting a strategy perceived as Microsoft-friendly (at least among
those who don't adopt a knee-jerk, black-and-white approach to such issues).

> I agree this isn't really something that the foundation can force, but
> even "asking politely" in an official capacity would be a step in the
> right direction.

The Foundation asking politely of developers with regards to their choices,
or Novell (or any developer advocating Mono) asking politely of the GNOME
Foundation with regards to a policy? My feeling on past discussions about
this at the Foundation (or Advisory Board) level is that it has been other
participants, not generally Novell, that have pursued the discussion. Maybe
Novell raising the issue would be a good thing.

- Jeff

-- 2008: Melbourne, Australia
   "The beanbag is a triumph of modern day eclectic colourism..." - Catie
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Og Maciel
On Nov 29, 2007 5:40 PM, Jeff Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If these programs are important enough to deserve the term "miss out on",
> > then I think they should be written in another language.

I, for one thing and completely unrelated to Microsoft, would much
rather see our developers focus on what is already there... For
instance, even though Foresight Linux ships Banshee, Beagle and F-Spot
by default, I usually turn Beagle off, and replace Banshee with
Rhythmbox and do my image browsing with EOG. It is not that I'm a
GNOME purist but I feel that we have good software and we should be
using it and supporting it. Make goffice rule again, etc.

Og B. Maciel


GPG Keys: D5CFC202 (en_US) (pt_BR)
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Joe Shaw

On 11/29/07, Jeff Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The more "cool stuff" depends on Mono, the closer we get to a situation
> > where a Microsoft attack on Mono would put GNOME in a vice.
> >
> > If these programs are important enough to deserve the term "miss out on",
> > then I think they should be written in another language.

Again, I think this is a strawman argument.  There's no evidence to
suggest that Microsoft would attack Mono any more than they would
attack other free and open source software like GNOME, the Linux
kernel, OpenOffice, Samba, Apache, Python, etc.

> That is a decision left entirely up to those who create such Free Software.
> I don't believe that we can tell them what to do or how to do it. We can ask
> politely.

It's been frustrating over the past few years that GNOME hasn't taken
a firm position on the issue.  I have personally felt very in limbo
because my application is in C#, and it would make me much more
comfortable if the community and/or the foundation came out strongly
in support of it as a first-class language and environment, or to
reject it from ever becoming a core piece of the platform.

I suspect there hasn't been anything firm because (a) there is quite a
bit of division within the community on the issue and (b) there is
some element of "walking on eggshells" around Novell and its
endorsement of the environment.

I agree this isn't really something that the foundation can force, but
even "asking politely" in an official capacity would be a step in the
right direction.

Maybe this is something the candidates should argue over. ;)

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Jeff Waugh

> The more "cool stuff" depends on Mono, the closer we get to a situation
> where a Microsoft attack on Mono would put GNOME in a vice.
> If these programs are important enough to deserve the term "miss out on",
> then I think they should be written in another language.

That is a decision left entirely up to those who create such Free Software.
I don't believe that we can tell them what to do or how to do it. We can ask

- Jeff

-- 2008: Melbourne, Australia
 "As humans we speak one language." - Avril Lavigne
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Richard Stallman
There are some components in GNOME that optionally integrate with Mono-based
tools, particularly Beagle. Yelp can depends on 'libbeagle' which provides
an interface to Beagle for C-based applications, but itself does not depend
on Mono at all.

That is a relief.  However, this statement is disturbing:

You can remove Mono from modern FLOSS desktop systems without removing
GNOME itself, though you'll miss out on some cool stuff like f-spot,
Beagle, Tomboy and so on.

The more "cool stuff" depends on Mono, the closer we get to a
situation where a Microsoft attack on Mono would put GNOME in a vice.

If these programs are important enough to deserve the term "miss out on",
then I think they should be written in another language.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread John (J5) Palmieri
On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 20:03 -0500, Richard Stallman wrote:
> I read with
> great concern.
> Since I am not an expert, I cannot tell on my own if that description
> of the situation is accurate.  If part of it is not accurate, I hope
> someone will explain.  However, if it is accurate, GNOME has a serious
> problem.
> I have always supported the development of free platforms for C#, just
> as I've supported the development of free platforms for any language
> that users use.  I also wouldn't argue that people should not use C#
> with a free platform for secondary applications.
> However, making GNOME depend on Mono is running a grave risk, and a
> grave mistake.  If the article accurately describes the situation, I
> think we need to launch a high-priority project to reimplement Yelp in
> some other language.
> The use of code from Firefox in a way that might cause trademark
> problems is also a serious issue.  The solution might not be difficult
> -- it may be enough to remove the trademark in the sources used by
> GNOME wherever that is necessary -- but the solution does need to be
> carried out.
> The nontechnical impact of these issues vastly exceeds the technical
> impact, so considering them only in technical terms is fundamentally
> misguided.  In this sort of decision, the Foundation should intervene
> and decide based on the nontechnical issues at stake.  If those who
> work for Novell tell us not to worry, we should not listen to them.

I would also like to ease your mind and say the Release Team would take
great exception to a core GNOME module all of a sudden sprouting hard
dependencies.  Some modules are more scrutinized than other, Yelp would
be one of them.  Novell has also been very sensitive to the Mono issue
in the past.  They still champion it but have done things like create C
glue libraries and refrain from making their apps like Evolution depend
on Mono.

John (J5) Palmieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Joe Shaw

On 11/29/07, Diego Escalante Urrelo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I once hurt my finger installing beagle, but that was because of
> excesive computer use. The installation just triggered my problem.

That's fixed in the new version.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Diego Escalante Urrelo
On 11/29/07, BJörn Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 29, 2007 3:13 PM, Luis Villa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On Nov 29, 2007 8:31 AM, BJörn Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > On Nov 29, 2007 1:33 PM, Luis Villa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I'll second this. The fact:fiction ratio of boycottnovell is just
> > > > incredibly, incredibly bad.
> > >
> > > RMS message read "If part of it is not accurate, I hope someone will
> > > explain." Do you care to sort out what is fact and what is fiction?
> >
> > Jeff has ably debunked this particular fiction already in the thread,
> > and more generally ably debunked the FUD that Novell somehow controls
> > the Foundation. As to the rest, I have better things to do with my
> > life than to debunk the rest of boycottnovell post-by-post.
> No. The boycottnovell site and the OP alluded to that there would be
> moral, philosophical and or legal problems with GNOME depending on
> Mono and or C#. Is that fact or is it fiction?

I once hurt my finger installing beagle, but that was because of
excesive computer use. The installation just triggered my problem.
We should buy before boycottnovell decides to expand
the franchise :).

(of course, just kidding)

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Gabriel Burt
On Nov 29, 2007 11:44 AM, BJörn Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No. The boycottnovell site and the OP alluded to that there would be
> moral, philosophical and or legal problems with GNOME depending on
> Mono and or C#. Is that fact or is it fiction?

I think Richard made it clear he does not take philosophical or moral
issue with Mono (other than he'd probably prefer GPL licensing instead
of MIT) - he says he supports the use and development of "free
platforms for C#".  When he talks about the 'grave risk', I think he
means legal risks (to which I just noticed Joe responded).

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread jamie
On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 18:44 +0100, BJörn Lindqvist wrote:
> On Nov 29, 2007 3:13 PM, Luis Villa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On Nov 29, 2007 8:31 AM, BJörn Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > On Nov 29, 2007 1:33 PM, Luis Villa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I'll second this. The fact:fiction ratio of boycottnovell is just
> > > > incredibly, incredibly bad.
> > >
> > > RMS message read "If part of it is not accurate, I hope someone will
> > > explain." Do you care to sort out what is fact and what is fiction?
> >
> > Jeff has ably debunked this particular fiction already in the thread,
> > and more generally ably debunked the FUD that Novell somehow controls
> > the Foundation. As to the rest, I have better things to do with my
> > life than to debunk the rest of boycottnovell post-by-post.
> No. The boycottnovell site and the OP alluded to that there would be
> moral, philosophical and or legal problems with GNOME depending on
> Mono and or C#. Is that fact or is it fiction?

Its hypothetical 

The fact that its optional means its also irrelevant in any case

IMO microsoft technology (outside the realms of genuine interoperability
like wine or samba) is  pretty much irrelevant to the wider GNOME
community too. Any attempt to add MS stuff in the future is likely to be
optional. If it ever becomes mandatory, Gnome would probably fork and
its as simple as that. The official GNOME approved desktop and platform
is really the lowest common denominator for all its members - at least
that is how I understand how they approve stuff for it.

BoycottNovell are really "trolls r us" and are anti-gnome as much as
they are anti-novell


foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Joe Shaw

On 11/29/07, BJörn Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No. The boycottnovell site and the OP alluded to that there would be
> moral, philosophical and or legal problems with GNOME depending on
> Mono and or C#. Is that fact or is it fiction?

Moral or philosophical is hard to judge, since so many people are
involved in GNOME for so many different reasons.  I can't tell you how
many times I've heard people say they object to Mono because it's a
"Microsoft technology".  I've never had this problem personally, but
maybe that's because Mono is a totally independent, free and
successful implementation of it, and partly because C# is so much like
Java it's tough to argue that it's somehow new and novel.  Likewise
the level of hatred toward Novell over the past year would color
people's moral and philosophical positions, as is clearly the case at

The legal aspects have always seemed like a strawman argument to me.
There's nothing particularly different about Mono than GNOME, Samba,
or Apache.  There's no reason to believe that Mono is any more or less
patent encumbered than any other piece of open source software.
There's no reason to believe that Mono infringes on copyrights any
more or less than other pieces of open source software.  However,
unlike many other open source projects, Mono's messaging on this has
been clear: they don't believe they violate any patents and have plans
to work around them if they do and if you've used tools to disassemble
Microsoft code, etc., you may never contribute to Mono.  I don't
believe GNOME has a policy that clearly articulated.

And for as much threatening as Microsoft does around IP, they're not
particularly active in litigating on it.  In fact, they are the 900lb
gorilla and most small companies and patent trolls target them,
because that's where the money is.  Their FUD against us is a more
effective weapon than actually suing us.  And I believe the broader
open-source community, with the help of invested corporations like
IBM, Red Hat and yes, even Novell, have given us a reasonable defense
in the unlikely event.

The real legal threat to us comes from patent trolls, and we've
already seen the start of this with the recent lawsuit against Red Hat
and Novell, and over things that are much more trivial and broad than
what applies to Mono.  They're more likely to cripple us, and it's
ought to be a driving motivator for patent reform in the US.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Luis Villa
On Nov 29, 2007 12:44 PM, BJörn Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 29, 2007 3:13 PM, Luis Villa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On Nov 29, 2007 8:31 AM, BJörn Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > On Nov 29, 2007 1:33 PM, Luis Villa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I'll second this. The fact:fiction ratio of boycottnovell is just
> > > > incredibly, incredibly bad.
> > >
> > > RMS message read "If part of it is not accurate, I hope someone will
> > > explain." Do you care to sort out what is fact and what is fiction?
> >
> > Jeff has ably debunked this particular fiction already in the thread,
> > and more generally ably debunked the FUD that Novell somehow controls
> > the Foundation. As to the rest, I have better things to do with my
> > life than to debunk the rest of boycottnovell post-by-post.
> No. The boycottnovell site and the OP alluded to that there would be
> moral, philosophical and or legal problems with GNOME depending on
> Mono and or C#. Is that fact or is it fiction?

Ah, my apologies for misunderstanding the question. I don't have time
to answer right now (class beckons) but suffice it to say that there
are very diverse opinions on that question.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread BJörn Lindqvist
On Nov 29, 2007 3:13 PM, Luis Villa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 29, 2007 8:31 AM, BJörn Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On Nov 29, 2007 1:33 PM, Luis Villa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I'll second this. The fact:fiction ratio of boycottnovell is just
> > > incredibly, incredibly bad.
> >
> > RMS message read "If part of it is not accurate, I hope someone will
> > explain." Do you care to sort out what is fact and what is fiction?
> Jeff has ably debunked this particular fiction already in the thread,
> and more generally ably debunked the FUD that Novell somehow controls
> the Foundation. As to the rest, I have better things to do with my
> life than to debunk the rest of boycottnovell post-by-post.

No. The boycottnovell site and the OP alluded to that there would be
moral, philosophical and or legal problems with GNOME depending on
Mono and or C#. Is that fact or is it fiction?

mvh Björn
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Luis Villa
On Nov 29, 2007 10:37 AM, Jonathan Blandford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 15:54 +0100, Dave Neary wrote:
> > Luis Villa wrote:
> > > Jeff has ably debunked this particular fiction already in the thread,
> > > and more generally ably debunked the FUD that Novell somehow controls
> > > the Foundation. As to the rest, I have better things to do with my
> > > life than to debunk the rest of boycottnovell post-by-post.
> >
> > Now what could possibly be better than that?
> is still available! also available!
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Jonathan Blandford

On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 15:54 +0100, Dave Neary wrote:
> Luis Villa wrote:
> > Jeff has ably debunked this particular fiction already in the thread,
> > and more generally ably debunked the FUD that Novell somehow controls
> > the Foundation. As to the rest, I have better things to do with my
> > life than to debunk the rest of boycottnovell post-by-post.
> Now what could possibly be better than that? is still available!


foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Dave Neary
Luis Villa wrote:
> Jeff has ably debunked this particular fiction already in the thread,
> and more generally ably debunked the FUD that Novell somehow controls
> the Foundation. As to the rest, I have better things to do with my
> life than to debunk the rest of boycottnovell post-by-post.

Now what could possibly be better than that?


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Luis Villa
On Nov 29, 2007 8:31 AM, BJörn Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 29, 2007 1:33 PM, Luis Villa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Nov 29, 2007 5:59 AM, Jeff Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 
> > >
> > > > I think you're way too harsh on people who actually concluded things 
> > > > like:
> > >
> > > Sorry, but the negativity of that site greatly outweighs the positive. It
> > > takes more than a little sucking up to earn back my respect after the crap
> > > they've been spewing.
> >
> > I'll second this. The fact:fiction ratio of boycottnovell is just
> > incredibly, incredibly bad.
> RMS message read "If part of it is not accurate, I hope someone will
> explain." Do you care to sort out what is fact and what is fiction?

Jeff has ably debunked this particular fiction already in the thread,
and more generally ably debunked the FUD that Novell somehow controls
the Foundation. As to the rest, I have better things to do with my
life than to debunk the rest of boycottnovell post-by-post.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Rodrigo Moya

On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 20:03 -0500, Richard Stallman wrote:
> I read with
> great concern.
> Since I am not an expert, I cannot tell on my own if that description
> of the situation is accurate.  If part of it is not accurate, I hope
> someone will explain.  However, if it is accurate, GNOME has a serious
> problem.
> I have always supported the development of free platforms for C#, just
> as I've supported the development of free platforms for any language
> that users use.  I also wouldn't argue that people should not use C#
> with a free platform for secondary applications.
> However, making GNOME depend on Mono is running a grave risk, and a
> grave mistake.  If the article accurately describes the situation, I
> think we need to launch a high-priority project to reimplement Yelp in
> some other language.
Yelp uses, optionally (off by default), libbeagle, which is a C library.
I don't see where the problem is, really, it's just an optional
dependency like other programs, that have an optional dep on Python, for
some plugins and similar stuff. Should we raise the alarm also that
GNOME is depending, not only on Mono, but on Python also?

I think the guy that wrote that article should have done what he says at
the end, that is, look at the sources and the .spec file. He probably
would have written another thing
Rodrigo Moya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread BJörn Lindqvist
On Nov 29, 2007 1:33 PM, Luis Villa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 29, 2007 5:59 AM, Jeff Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >
> > > I think you're way too harsh on people who actually concluded things like:
> >
> > Sorry, but the negativity of that site greatly outweighs the positive. It
> > takes more than a little sucking up to earn back my respect after the crap
> > they've been spewing.
> I'll second this. The fact:fiction ratio of boycottnovell is just
> incredibly, incredibly bad.

RMS message read "If part of it is not accurate, I hope someone will
explain." Do you care to sort out what is fact and what is fiction?

mvh Björn
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Luis Villa
On Nov 29, 2007 5:59 AM, Jeff Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think you're way too harsh on people who actually concluded things like:
> Sorry, but the negativity of that site greatly outweighs the positive. It
> takes more than a little sucking up to earn back my respect after the crap
> they've been spewing.

I'll second this. The fact:fiction ratio of boycottnovell is just
incredibly, incredibly bad.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Jeff Waugh

> > libbeagle does not depend on Mono. Perhaps, if the Fedora RPM of
> > libbeagle actually depends on Mono, it needs to be fixed.

> It doesn't.

I am Jack's abject lack of surprise. :-)

- Jeff

-- 2008: Melbourne, Australia
  "Love never misses the chance to put the boot in." - Kelly, SLOU
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Dave Neary


Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
> People are very freaked out and nerves on a real fringe, so it's very
> easy to trigger alarm. We have Novell, as a huge puppet from Microsoft's
> manouvers to divide the Free Software community, to "thank" for so much
> friction.

This kind of comment, repeated ad infinitum, is not helpful.

You've made your point, now please let it go, or find somewhere else to


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Bastien Nocera

On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 22:00 +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > > Yelp has had an optional Beagle dependency for at least 2 years. It's
> > > optional, and it's not news.
> > 
> > We need a new RPM in some distributions, as optional dependencies are not
> > part of current RPM in Fedora, for instance :)
> libbeagle does not depend on Mono. Perhaps, if the Fedora RPM of libbeagle
> actually depends on Mono, it needs to be fixed.

$ rpm -q beagle
package beagle is not installed
$ rpm -q libbeagle 
$ rpm -V libbeagle

It doesn't.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Jeff Waugh

> > Yelp has had an optional Beagle dependency for at least 2 years. It's
> > optional, and it's not news.
> We need a new RPM in some distributions, as optional dependencies are not
> part of current RPM in Fedora, for instance :)

libbeagle does not depend on Mono. Perhaps, if the Fedora RPM of libbeagle
actually depends on Mono, it needs to be fixed.

- Jeff

-- 2008: Melbourne, Australia
 "Again you are making up inventing as you go. Be specific aba gaba
 datata." - Oscar Plameras
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Jeff Waugh

> I think you're way too harsh on people who actually concluded things like:

Sorry, but the negativity of that site greatly outweighs the positive. It
takes more than a little sucking up to earn back my respect after the crap
they've been spewing.

- Jeff

-- 2008: Melbourne, Australia
  Money can't buy me grok.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Rui Miguel Silva Seabra
On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 01:15:34AM +, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 20:03 -0500, Richard Stallman wrote:
> > I read with
> > great concern.
> Yelp has had an optional Beagle dependency for at least 2 years. It's
> optional, and it's not news.

We need a new RPM in some distributions, as optional dependencies are
not part of current RPM in Fedora, for instance :)


Umlaut Zebra �ber alles!
Today is Pungenday, the 41st day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3173
+ No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Gandhi
+ So let's do it...?
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Rui Miguel Silva Seabra
On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 12:22:23PM +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > I read with great
> > concern.
> Unfortunately, the authors of that website are obstinate in their
> indifference to the truth, and do not serve the interests of the Free
> Software community. They prefer to create suspicion and insinuations than
> report the truth of important matters such as these.

I think you're way too harsh on people who actually concluded things

Jeff has written a good blog item to clarify things about Novell
and GNOME. (...)
You are encouraged to read Jeff’s detailed and honest writing on
this issue.

Hey, I have a handicap, English is not my native language and I have a
"truth be told damn the consequences" attitude, so what I write ususally
seems harsher than what I mean. I wish English was like Perl, in that


This statement is false.
Today is Pungenday, the 41st day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3173
+ No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Gandhi
+ So let's do it...?
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Pascal Terjan
On Nov 29, 2007 11:48 AM, Rui Miguel Silva Seabra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 08:03:38PM -0500, Richard Stallman wrote:
> > I read with
> > great concern.
> (...)
> > However, making GNOME depend on Mono is running a grave risk, and a
> > grave mistake.  If the article accurately describes the situation, I
> > think we need to launch a high-priority project to reimplement Yelp in
> > some other language.
> RPM (as used in most distributions) is not as flexible as DEB and a
> badly made package will bring in *optional* dependencies as if they were
> required.

Actually it is, even if this is quite recent.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-29 Thread Rui Miguel Silva Seabra
On Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 08:03:38PM -0500, Richard Stallman wrote:
> I read with
> great concern.


> However, making GNOME depend on Mono is running a grave risk, and a
> grave mistake.  If the article accurately describes the situation, I
> think we need to launch a high-priority project to reimplement Yelp in
> some other language.

RPM (as used in most distributions) is not as flexible as DEB and a
badly made package will bring in *optional* dependencies as if they were

People are very freaked out and nerves on a real fringe, so it's very
easy to trigger alarm. We have Novell, as a huge puppet from Microsoft's
manouvers to divide the Free Software community, to "thank" for so much


Today is Pungenday, the 41st day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3173
+ No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Gandhi
+ So let's do it...?
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-28 Thread Claudio Saavedra

El mié, 28-11-2007 a las 20:03 -0500, Richard Stallman escribió:

> However, making GNOME depend on Mono is running a grave risk, and a
> grave mistake.  If the article accurately describes the situation, I
> think we need to launch a high-priority project to reimplement Yelp in
> some other language.

I am not an expert in this area, but I know how to use apt:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/bison-bf$ apt-cache depends libbeagle0
  Depende: libc6
  Depende: libglib2.0-0
  Depende: libxml2

Sorry to spoil the fun, but I think that libbeagle is a C library.


Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-28 Thread Jeff Waugh

> I read with great
> concern.

Unfortunately, the authors of that website are obstinate in their
indifference to the truth, and do not serve the interests of the Free
Software community. They prefer to create suspicion and insinuations than
report the truth of important matters such as these.

> I have always supported the development of free platforms for C#, just as
> I've supported the development of free platforms for any language that
> users use.  I also wouldn't argue that people should not use C# with a
> free platform for secondary applications.

Thanks Richard -- I think that's a very important sentiment that more people
in the Free Software community should consider.

> However, making GNOME depend on Mono is running a grave risk, and a grave
> mistake.  If the article accurately describes the situation, I think we
> need to launch a high-priority project to reimplement Yelp in some other
> language.

GNOME does not depend on Mono at all. There is one Mono-based application in
the official GNOME release suites (Tomboy) that is easily removable if users
are not comfortable using Mono. Mono bindings are included in the bindings
suite, such that developers familiar with C# (and other [CD]LR languages)
can create Free Software that works with GNOME and Free platforms (instead
of proprietary software that works with only proprietary platforms).

There are some components in GNOME that optionally integrate with Mono-based
tools, particularly Beagle. Yelp can depends on 'libbeagle' which provides
an interface to Beagle for C-based applications, but itself does not depend
on Mono at all.

You can remove Mono from modern FLOSS desktop systems without removing GNOME
itself, though you'll miss out on some cool stuff like f-spot, Beagle,
Tomboy and so on. Most distributors ship Mono 'out of the box' now anyway.


- Jeff

-- 2008: Melbourne, Australia
 make: *** No rule to make target `whoopee'.  Stop.
foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-28 Thread Bastien Nocera

On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 20:03 -0500, Richard Stallman wrote:
> I read with
> great concern.

Yelp has had an optional Beagle dependency for at least 2 years. It's
optional, and it's not news.

If maintainers want to add optional dependencies on things that might be
perceived as contravening your ideology, simply don't compile your
application with it.

I should also note that Yelp doesn't depend on Beagle in that particular
distro, but on a C library that can call into beagle itself.

FWIW, a Tracker-based search has recently been contributed to Totem, and
I'd be happy to accept a Beagle one.


foundation-list mailing list

GNOME dependent on Mono

2007-11-28 Thread Richard Stallman
I read with
great concern.

Since I am not an expert, I cannot tell on my own if that description
of the situation is accurate.  If part of it is not accurate, I hope
someone will explain.  However, if it is accurate, GNOME has a serious

I have always supported the development of free platforms for C#, just
as I've supported the development of free platforms for any language
that users use.  I also wouldn't argue that people should not use C#
with a free platform for secondary applications.

However, making GNOME depend on Mono is running a grave risk, and a
grave mistake.  If the article accurately describes the situation, I
think we need to launch a high-priority project to reimplement Yelp in
some other language.

The use of code from Firefox in a way that might cause trademark
problems is also a serious issue.  The solution might not be difficult
-- it may be enough to remove the trademark in the sources used by
GNOME wherever that is necessary -- but the solution does need to be
carried out.

The nontechnical impact of these issues vastly exceeds the technical
impact, so considering them only in technical terms is fundamentally
misguided.  In this sort of decision, the Foundation should intervene
and decide based on the nontechnical issues at stake.  If those who
work for Novell tell us not to worry, we should not listen to them.

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