Re: telnet_mail

2001-09-18 Thread Duc M Do

At 11:03 PM 9/18/01 +0200, hafedh ghodhbani wrote: 
>2 How can I send a mail from the server AW51 to the 
>connected workstations WPs on the connected nodebus.

There was a thread on this topic last year. [And he seizes the chance
to plug the list archive. Drum roll, please]

Go to the Foxboro list archive at:

and search for sendmail or something along that line, should be
enough to get you started.

Come to think of it, this question has come up often enough, do we
have any volunteer to write up a FAQ on how to do this on the Solaris
boxes? Please?

>3can I send mail using telnet from a remote pc

Once you set up all the needed network communications, sending mail
is as simple as running (this is from memory here, I may be a bit
shaky on the -t option):

mail -t [EMAIL PROTECTED] < inputfile

this is handy for sending, say, a scheduled report to your e-mail.
Schedule cron to output the report into a text file, then redirect
that file to 'mail' to send it to any address you want.


The Cassandra Project

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Re: meeting in Las Vegas

2001-09-13 Thread Duc M Do

At 11:17 AM 9/13/01 -0700, Ries, Gerry wrote:
>Are you planning to attend the International Foxboro 
>User Group meeting October 7 to 11 in Las Vegas?

Alas, I won't be there again this year to partake in the activities
with all of you. There's no conflict with another epic bike trip this
year, but our travel budget is next to non-existent, and if I ask to
go to Vegas, why, they'll probably laugh me right out of town! Or
might suggest that I ride my bike there.

So y'all will have to carry on without me again. Maybe this "figment
of someone's imagination" business** is really true. But please do
drink a beer for me.



The Cassandra Project

** I heard that someone exclaimed that this Duc Do is really a
figment of somebody's imagination at last year's user group meeting.
May the mystique grow!

The Cassandra Project

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Re: Cron

2001-09-06 Thread Duc M Do

At 01:15 AM 9/7/01 +, dhawly hawpyt wrote:
>   After editing /var/spool/cron/crontab/root file 
>to execute a Script at regular interval it is required 
>to reboot AW?If no than what is to be done?
>   I just tried by killing cron process and then again 
>writing cron command but it gives some FIFO error.What is that?

You don't need to kill and restart cron. The cron jobs are actually
managed with crontab. Run 'man crontab' for more information.

Myself, I like to put all my cron jobs into a text file, say,
mycronjobs, then I submit them to cron thusly:

crontab < mycronjobs


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ADMIN: Contact Warren for admin help

2001-07-20 Thread Duc M Do

Hi folks,

I'm outta here and away from the computers for the next couple of
weeks. But in my absence, the list will be in capable hands: Warren
Michelsen has graciously agreed to fill in while I'm gone. Many of
you know Warren as the guy who created this list many years ago. He's
on easy street now but has agreed to come out of retirement for this
special occasion. Thanks, Warren.

Please contact Warren ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in the next couple of
weeks for anything administrative regarding this list.



The Cassandra Project

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Re: ListServer Archive/Aspen DMC with I/A

2001-07-13 Thread Duc M Do

At 03:47 AM 7/14/01 -, D.B. H. wrote:
>Is the ListServer archive dead and gone? I 
>checked recently and saw that there hasn't 
>been anything logged in a while.


As far as I know, the archive is dead. Even the addresses that were
subscribed to the list to feed the archive were dead as of a couple
of months ago.

What's your assessment on the archive, Harry? Is there any chance it
gets resurrected?


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Re: Frezze

2001-03-28 Thread Duc M Do

At 07:35 PM 3/28/01 -0300, Sebastian Roman wrote:

>I have V.6.2.1 and a AW51D and 2 CP60s, the 51D box lock 
>all windows, I couldnĀ“t do anything, so, I restarted the 
>machine. Somebody know the reason for this crash ? 
>Foxboro have a QF ?

Do you use this AW as an operating console? That is, do you call up
the Alarm Manager display on it? If so, sooner or later you'll
encounter the dreaded keyboard lock-up problem.

There are several CARs/QFs regarding lock-ups. Search the CSC web
site for the cure. One of the fixes is to change the behavior of the
windows to switch focus following the mouse pointer.

(I'm too lazy to search the CSC web site right now, so it's left as
an exercise for the readers.)


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Re: Display Builder manual (was Version 4.3 to 6.2.1 upgrade question)

2001-03-24 Thread Duc M Do

At 07:52 PM 3/23/01 -0500, Duc M Do wrote:

>The PDF file will be up on the Cassandra server shortly, but I
>probably won't get around to add any link pointing to it until 
>early next week.

Argh! There's an extra s in that URL. Try to double click on this

We all need a proofreader, Alex.


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Re: Display Builder manual (was Version 4.3 to 6.2.1 upgrade question)

2001-03-23 Thread Duc M Do

At 07:52 PM 3/23/01 -0500, Duc M Do wrote:

>The PDF file will be up on the Cassandra server shortly, but I
>probably won't get around to add any link pointing to it until 
>early next week.

I forgot to mention that the PDF file is 1.8 MB. Have a large pipe
and plenty of patience.


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Re: Display Builder manual (was Version 4.3 to 6.2.1 upgrade question)

2001-03-23 Thread Duc M Do

At 07:36 PM 3/23/01 -0500, Johnson, Alex wrote:

>I will send the .pdf file to Duc Do and see if he will post it.

The PDF file will be up on the Cassandra server shortly, but I
probably won't get around to add any link pointing to it until early
next week.


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Large Cursor for FoxView

2001-02-28 Thread Duc M Do

Chris Browder contributed a custom large cursor and instructions on
how to use it to the Cassandra Project archive. It took me a couple
of days, but I finally loaded it to the web site.

Look under the Alarms & Display Utilities section on this page:

Thanks, Chris!


The Cassandra Project

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ADMIN: Turn off Receipt Notification Request

2001-02-07 Thread Duc M Do

Hi list,

I have an admin request to ask of you all. When you post to the list,
please turn off the "Receipt Notification Request" in your mail

Most people have the option of choosing whether to allow the receipt
notification to be sent back or not, but some list members don't have
that option and you're seeing their automatic receipt notification
being sent back.

Thank you!

Duc M. Do

The Cassandra Project

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ADMIN: Changing IP addresses

2001-01-30 Thread Duc M Do

Hi List,

Just a heads-up. Warren will be changing the IP of tonight. With not much coming through
the list at the moment, there shouldn't be any problem.

But in any event, please let me know if you encounter any problem.


>Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 11:49:40 -0700
>To: List Server Clients:;
>From: Warren Michelsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Changing IP addresses
>Tonight I will be changing the IP address of the list server
>This may result in the server being unreachable for a few hours at 
>Internet Tools for Business --  
>E-commerce capable web hosting

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RE: Daylight Savings time (again)

2000-10-20 Thread Duc M Do

At 04:49 PM 10/20/00 -0500, Jeremy Milum wrote:
>I have sent the command line time setting program, set_mtk,  
>to Duc, so it should be available for
>download soon (thanks Duc).  As the included readme says, 
>I have used it on versions 6.1.1, 6.2 and 6.2.1.

The compressed tarball is at:

and its associated readme file is at:

I hope to have some time soon to incorporate Jeremy's contribution
and Sascha's contribution earlier in the week into the Utilities
overview page. For now, the only way to access these utilities is by
the direct URL shown here.

I apologize for the delay.


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Re: Mailing List Question

2000-08-31 Thread Duc M Do

At 04:53 PM 8/31/00 -0500, Jones, Charles R. (Chuck) wrote:

>Is there a history of the messages passing through 
>this list archived at the web server

No, unfortunately not at this time. Harry Forbes has been archiving
list traffic since earlier this year and last I heard he's still
planning on offering the list archive from his server at some point.
(Am I still correct in this understanding, Harry?)

>or do I have to keep saving messages on my local machine?  

I do this myself, both at work and at home, so the old info is always
at the fingertip. But I'm a born packrat.

>Many interesting details and ideas are presented here, but 
>I cannot possibly save them all.  Soon I will be guilty of 
>asking a question for the third or fourth time.  (Perhaps 
>this message is doing just that -- oh, no!).

Well, what a perfect segue into a FAQ page, Chuck. As the list may
have heard off and on, Diane Harris is working on a first pass of a
Cassandra FAQ page, but it will have to be a collective effort to
make it truly useful. We hope to have the fruit of her labor up on
the web site soon. Once it's there, please feel free to send Diane or
myself additions and/or corrections to it. We welcome all



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FW: Updated omrd

2000-08-29 Thread Duc M Do

A couple of weeks back, Joe Markham sent along an updated version of
omrd, a utility originally by Darryl Bond.

I finally added Joe's contribution to the Cassandra archive. See:

Sorry for the delay. Thanks to both Joe and Darryl for the

Duc M. Do

>-Original Message-
>From: Joseph A. Markham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 2:11 PM
>To: Duc Do (E-mail); [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Subject: Updated omrd
>Duc & Darryl-
>I am including an updated version of the omrd package. 
>I have made a small change to the makefile - I added an 
>LDFLAGS line for installations using the AIM* historian 
>rather than the legacy historian, and I updated the 
>README to reflect this change.
>If you don't have any objections, Darryl, could Duc put 
>this up on the Cassandra Project website?

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Re: Saveall Script

2000-08-25 Thread Duc M Do

At 12:57 AM 8/26/00 +0200, Ron Deen wrote:

>We where thinking of sending the script through the list, but the
>is about 25k. (OK it does a LOT of testing...)
>Is this a problem???
>I hope this is worth waiting fore just a little longer.

Hi Ron,

When you're ready, please send the script to me (off-list) so I can
put it up at the Cassandra site so people can download it at their
leisure. It's probably not a good idea to force a 25K script to over
300 subscribers. If nothing else, the mail server won't like it.

I'm looking forward to see the revised script.



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RE: How to figure historian size?

2000-08-25 Thread Duc M Do

At 01:18 PM 8/25/00 -0800, Kevin Fitzgerrell wrote:
>On mine, the fourth field says AH0506.
>What does that tell me?  Do I have a license for 506 points?

Hi Kevin,

No, you have a 500-point historian. The last "6" denotes 51-series. I
have a 1000-point historian, and that field says AH1006.

I told ya it's quick and dirty.


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2000-06-05 Thread Duc M Do

Joe Markham's FoxHistory query tool, histq, is available for download from 
the Cassandra Project archive. Thanks, Joe, for the contribution.


The Cassandra Project

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Re: Cassandra Project - alm_line.c

2000-05-04 Thread Duc M Do

At 10:04 AM 5/4/00 -0400, Dusing, Lance D. wrote:

>alm_line.c incomplete

I rolled both the compiled program, alm_line, and the C code, alm_line.c, into 
a compressed tar file. Refresh your page to get the new link. Please download 
again and untar to get the code.

Sorry about that. (BTW, I *did* get a complete download of alm_line.c using my 
IE 5.01 browser. Odd!)


The Cassandra Project

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RE: Process Alarms

2000-05-02 Thread Duc M Do

At 02:48 PM 5/2/00 -0400, Johnson,Alex wrote:

>2) Use a PC as your "alarm printer" and one of several 3rd party
>packages to capture the alarms.

We do something similar. We feed all the process alarms (and system
alarms, too, for that matter) to a VAX. Our friendly VAX guru sets up
automatic capturing and parsing of the alarms into process area
specific files (text files, one file per day) and put them on a web
server. The process people can grab them at their leisure and do
whatever with them. These files are kept on the web server for 3 months
and then archived to CD-ROM for who knows how long.

Duc M. Do
Dow Corning Corp.
Carrollton Plant
Carrollton, KY, US

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Re: XVision on Win98

2000-05-02 Thread Duc M Do

At 08:42 AM 5/2/00 -0500, Daren Bishop wrote:

> I know this is no help to you, but I run Go-Global here and our '95 
> machines do fine. However, I have '98 SE on my home PC and have 
> similar problems. In ICC sometimes I have to repick all the fields 
> (which are blank) to get data to appear and then it will allow me
> to enter values, the same happens in Select.  

Thanks, Daren, and everyone else who offered a hint/tip about this
problem. It turned out to be Win98-related rather than an XVision or
dmcfg set up problem.

Here's the problem description in case you are curious:

Picking any of the data entry areas in the Select screen or in the
Control Configurator to enter data will not show any outward difference
in the Select screen, and only the foreground color changes in the CIO
Configurator. There's no indication of the cursor position in these
fields, which can be disconcerting if you wish to insert text into a
certain position.

I guess we'll live with this for now.


Duc M. Do
Dow Corning Corp.
Carrollton Plant
Carrollton, KY, US

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XVision on Win98

2000-05-01 Thread Duc M Do

Got a weird one

Currently we use SCO XVision to show remote display managers on our PCs
for engineering work. (XVision is equivalent to Hummingbird eXceed.
Corporate IT dictates that we use XVision instead of eXceed.) The
particulars are: XVision version 7.0 32-bit server running on Win95,
IBM Pentium 133 MHZ PC with 16 or 32 MB RAM.

In preparation for new desktop PCs being deployed this summer, I'm
testing the same XVision software running on the new machines, which
also are IBM machines, but at 600 MHZ and 128 MB RAM running Win 98
Second Edition. We will still be using DM. No Foxview.

Here's the weird one: I cannot pick any of the data entry areas on the
Select screen. With two DMs coming from the same Sun box, the one on
the Win95 machine works fine, the one on the new Win98 machine works
almost as flawlessly, except for this glitch. What's going on?


Duc M. Do
Dow Corning Corp.
Carrollton Plant
Carrollton, KY, US

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Re: New script file:

2000-04-04 Thread Duc M Do

At 10:09 AM 4/4/00 -0400, Stan Brown wrote:

>>  I have a couple of questions about this script. The documentation
>>  it should be placed in /opt/tools, yet it chesk for the existence of
>>  file called in /opt/fox/ciocfg/api. I don;t have such a
>>  file. 
>>  Am I missing some thing, or is this where this script should be
>>  We are on version 6.1 on Solaris, if it matters.
>>  Thanks.
>   Following up my own message is bad protocol :-(
>   I did find a shell script in this directory called save_all 
>   (without the .sh extension). Is this the correct one? Should 
>   I edit the supplied, to represent this changed 
>   name?

You're on the right track, Stan.

Near the beginning of the script, there are these lines:

if [ "$PLATFORM" = "Windows_NT" ] # Define executable Name

not knowing anything about the NT platform, I'll leave it alone, but
for the "else" case, change it to say:

#  SA_EXEC="" 

That ought to do it from my quick browsing of the script. BTW, Ron Deen
is on this list, hopefully he'll set me straight if I erred.



The Cassandra Project

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RE: Historian connection to trend displays

2000-04-03 Thread Duc M Do

At 01:48 PM 4/4/00 +1000, Illingsworth, John wrote:

>Foxboro has a Quick Fix out that enhances d_edit
>to allow one to modify the historian name using d_edit.
> -  QF990014C for  V4.3, 6.1 and 6.1.1.
>This removes limitation on number of connections can report on,
>adds -h option to allow historian name change, and
>adds -a option to allow access control level change.

Well! I must've been sleeping at the wheel to have missed this QF.
Thanks, John, for the info. I'll grab this fix first thing in the


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RE: Historian connection to trend displays

2000-04-03 Thread Duc M Do

At 10:25 AM 4/3/00 -0500, Wilson, Keith wrote:

>This script using d_edit50 worked for us. 
>Run it from the directory that the trends are in. Hope it helps.
>DIR_LIST=`ls -1`
>for i in $DIR_LIST
>do $d_ed -g/Root/ -h/hisb8q/his08q/ $i
>#   /old  /new


Hi Keith (and Kevin),

Which version of software are you using? I'm on v4.3 (Solaris) and it's
been my understanding that d_edit cannot modify the historian name. And
sure enough, I cannot replicate what you recommended. I keep getting
the "++ Wrong command line option" error no matter what I tried.

We encountered this same problem (changing historian) a couple of years
ago and had to use vedit to fix it. That's why I recommend it.

(Note also that this vedit is not the same as the variation of vi of
the same name on the SOlaris platform.)


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New script file:

2000-04-03 Thread Duc M. Do

Bram Marsman, Marco de Waal, and Ron Deen of Foxboro in the Netherlands
contributed a script file to perform the SaveAll for all stations in
the system, or all stations that match a certain regular expression on
the command line. Thanks, gentlemen.

The script file is at:

and the documentation is here:



The Cassandra Project

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RE: Script Execution

2000-03-22 Thread Duc M Do

At 08:50 PM 3/22/00 -0500, Alex Johnson wrote:


>Now, aren't you sorry that I read this list? :)

Well, truth be known, it's not your reading the list that got me
behind. It's trying to digest everything you *wrote* in the last 24
hours that got my brain on overdrive. Boy, I see some great FAQ in
the making here!

>BTW: This is all covered in my book. To bad, it is not published.

So, Alex, is there *any* plan to publish this book of yours? Too bad,


The Cassandra Project

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RE: Browser access to Foxboro graphics.

2000-03-14 Thread Duc M Do

At 09:05 AM 3/15/00 +1000, Darryl Bond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Some years ago I had to send and receive data from a linux box to
>Foxboro object manager variables. The program was done as an RPC
>client/server program and could handle 100 points at a time.
>The code works for Linux->Foxboro Sun, Sun->Foxboro Sun.
>I have also used it for out Intranet to display variables as well.
>The code is not particularly pretty and could use a bit of a tidy
>up. I don't believe that my organisation would mind releasing it 
>if somebody else wanted it.
>There is also a program to retrieve historian data from a shell
>script. I also use this for Intranet access to historian data.

Hi Darryl,

I know just a home for programs and utilities like yours: The
Cassandra Project ( Please tidy them
up to your liking, add a description as to what the programs do and
send to me as an attachment. I'll add them to the Cassandra web site


The Cassandra Project

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Using network printers

2000-03-11 Thread Duc M. Do

Hi everyone,

Here's an easy one for you printer experts out there:

I want to use the network printers (the printers hanging off of our
business LAN) via the second Ethernet port of the Sun workstations.
These are mainly HP 5Si and HP 4000 laser printers. After much trials
and errors and more than a little cussing, I can control the font
size and the pagination of the output, but there remains one thing
that I can't control: The output to the 5Si always prints in duplex
(two-sided printing).

Does anybody have experience with printer control who can give me a
hint on how to control this feature? I've looked at the terminfo data
for the laser printer but can't seem to get much headway there. (I
did have to recompile a new printer interface using 'tic' in order to
use smaller fonts and change the pitch.)

Searching the Foxboro CSC web site does not yield anything beyond the
basics of using a printer connected directly to the Sun box.

Appreciate any lead you can provide.

Duc M. Do
Dow Corning
Carrollton Plant
Carrollton, KY, US

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Re: whats wrong with these simple CALCA code

2000-02-10 Thread Duc M. Do

At 07:05 PM 2/10/00 -0900, Kevin FitzGerrell wrote:

>The Foxboro CSC emailed me and said that this year thanks they have
>made improvements that will allow them to attempt to provide prompt
>relevent and personalized response to customer service inquiries.  
>I just wonder what they were attempting to provide before these

Mere customer satisfaction? Weren't you satisfied? ;-)

Duc M. Do

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