Re: "swap" partition leads to instability?

2013-05-29 Thread Fred Morcos
On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 1:19 PM, jb  wrote:

> Fred Morcos> writes:
> > ..
> > The improvement effect can be
> > noticed on large inputs. These algorithms will most probably perform
> quite
> > badly on small inputs.
> I think your concern has been addressed in review of various algos where
> base
> case identification helped to avoid overhead cost in small problem sizes
> relative to cache.

I will check the paper out after work, but for clarification: "Also,
properly written cache-oblivious algorithms tend to recursively decompose
the problem until it is small enough to fit in a cache and solve each part
iteratively." <-- refers to the base case. The issue is when the input is
small enough to be solved faster iteratively but too large to fit in the
cache. Also note that this is extremely machine and cache-dependent. Still,
I will check the paper out :) thanks.

> In light of available but not implemented better VMM algos, perhaps *BSD
> and
> Linux could eliminate or reduce the need for:
> - swap space

I run Archlinux without any swap space on a workstation laptop without
problems. I occasionally fallocate a swapfile when I need to build GHC
(usually in /tmp to make use of tmpfs).

> - swapping out RAM even if there is no lack of it

Linux has a sysctl variable vm.swappiness which you can set to 0 or 1 out
of 100. Not sure how to achieve the same on FreeBSD, maybe one or more
combinations of the following?

vm.swap_idle_threshold2: 10
vm.swap_idle_threshold1: 2
vm.stats.vm.v_swappgsout: 236969
vm.stats.vm.v_swappgsin: 28411
vm.stats.vm.v_swapout: 92607
vm.stats.vm.v_swapin: 28285
vm.disable_swapspace_pageouts: 0
vm.defer_swapspace_pageouts: 0
vm.swap_idle_enabled: 0

> - overcommitment of memory (a bluff asking to be punished by OOM killer)
> - OOM killer
> Besides, they allow sloppy/dangerous programming.
> jb
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Re: "swap" partition leads to instability?

2013-05-28 Thread Fred Morcos
On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 8:42 PM, jb  wrote:

> Follow up comment.
> It has been pointed out to me that there is Varnish software taking
> advantage
> of system VMM and swap space.
> Well, there are cache-oblivious algorithms that perform as well, and so
> they
> make the above (disk access model; cache-aware model) unnecessary
> (obsolete ?) and are superior in their generality.
Note that such cache-oblivious algorithms cannot be trivially applied to
any problem. Also, properly written cache-oblivious algorithms tend to
recursively decompose the problem until it is small enough to fit in a
cache and solve each part iteratively. The improvement effect can be
noticed on large inputs. These algorithms will most probably perform quite
badly on small inputs.

> jb
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Re: Anatomy of Perfomance tests

2012-06-29 Thread Fred Morcos
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 1:12 PM, Wojciech Puchar
> what i would like to see too is how these systems compare on such test:
> - run lots of heavy disk I/O tests, many different in the same time,
> including ones doing many writes to different places.
> - turn off power while doing this, by unplugging from wall plug.
> - compare amount of loss and destruction that happened to filesystem.
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It would be very interesting to see the results of stress-testing
systems. I cannot think of a scenario that isn't possible with a
virtual machine.
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Re: Anatomy of Perfomance tests

2012-06-29 Thread Fred Morcos
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 10:53 AM, Wojciech Puchar
> Most probably all filesystems were used with defaults.
> MAYBE softupdates, but not even sure for this. Compare this to linux which
> is async-like. Comparing with UFS+async would be more fair.
> Still - FreeBSD default MAXPHYS in param.h is far too low. i change it to
> 2048*1024 (default is 128*1024) and improvement on handling large files is
> huge. I run that setting everywhere. No problems.
> I already talked about it on forum but was ignored.
> As for scientific processing it should not depend much from OS at all, but
> for sure it depends on crappy compiler that Juniper wanted...
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I would not worry too much about what this guy says. Judging from his
interpretations of the plots, he doesn't seem to know much about the
benchmarks he is running and why they behave that way on the different
systems. I think he just runs and publishes everything that says
benchmark on it, without truly understanding what's going on or even
going through the effort of providing fair comparisons.

That said, I think that the Linux kernel performs better simply due to
wider adoption (larger developer base, wider set of use-cases, etc)
and thus a higher chance of getting performance improvements.
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Re: New to FreeBSD - Some questions

2012-06-21 Thread Fred Morcos
first time they log in (using an OTP) in a simple way? I looked at
OPIE but it seems to be much more complex than what I need.

 GEOM and filesystems

>From what I could understand, the GEOM layer only supports read-only
compression. Which makes (to me) ZFS an attractive filesystem for slow
HDDs (on the first laptop).

Also, I would like to have a system where user home directories are
encrypted based-on and using the user's password. From what I could
find, gbde and geli don't really provide that without any
administrator intervention.

q) What should I be looking at to achieve the above?

q) When creating a ZFS pool, what happens if I do a `zpool create
mypool /dev/ada1 /dev/ada2'? Does it use the disks as a single
continous one? Does it mirror or stripe by default? Or does it simply
try to balance between performance and reliability? I could not find
anything about the default behavior in the zpool manpage.

q) Is it possible to have ZFS use 2 disks as a single continuous one,
while still keeping both of them operable individually? (ie, if I plug
in the second disk on another machine, I would get a valid ZFS pool +
filesystem on it).

q) I am currently considering 3 disks for a home micro-server, with
ZFS striping with the third disk being a parity disk. In case I decide
to buy a fourth disk in the future and add it to the pool, is ZFS
capable of re-structuring the data on-the-fly to have 2 sets of
striping (without parity, so 2 disks each) and on top of that a
mirror? Analogous to the following:

|Stripe2 mirrors Stripe1|
| Disk1 | Disk2 | Disk3 | Disk4 |

q) Does it make sense to user a zpool directly without any ZFS
filesystems on it on a single-user system where there's no special
interest in ZFS's filesystem features (ie, compression)?

  Home micro-server

This section is a little bit off-topic and not really a
FreeBSD-related question. Sorry for that.

As previously mentioned, I am evaluating the possibility of a home
micro-server setup to host my files and other services. Here is a
rough list of tasks I would like to achieve with it:

1. Serving files over network (samba, nfs).
2. Media streaming (mpd + icecast or DAAP).
3. Rsync backup server for the 2 laptops.
4. SSH, sFTP access.

Some tentative features:

1. Mail, WWW.
2. Diaspora, ownCloud.
3. Git.

The sole reason I would like to use FreeBSD on this system is ZFS.

q) I would like to hear anyone's recommendation of a cheap, low-power
ready-made hardware for such a purpose which is supported by
FreeBSD. I poked around a little bit and the HP micro-servers seem to
be interesting, but unfortunately too powerful (and thus power-hungry)
for my purpose.

q) If there isn't much outcome from looking into ready-made
micro-servers, is anyone having a success story running their services
on a custom built desktop PC at home with FreeBSD and ZFS?

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Re: Flaming mailing lists (was Re: Why Clang)

2012-06-21 Thread fred . morcos
And I just want to add I'm a gay Marxist atheist and I represent the
accusations leveled in that other post...we have feelings too!!!

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Re: Flaming mailing lists (was Re: Why Clang)

2012-06-20 Thread Fred Morcos
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 2:25 PM, Jonathan McKeown  wrote:
> On Wednesday 20 June 2012 12:59:51 Stephen Cook wrote:
>> On 6/19/2012 4:06 PM, Anonymous Remailer (austria) wrote:
> [snip childish invective]
>> I'm a relative newcomer. Are the FreeBSD mailing lists always this
>> flame-y? I realize that this particular post might be trolling / satire
> No, they aren't. And I notice that whoever is primarily responsible for it
> isn't even prepared to sign his own name to his tirades - he (or she) is
> using anonymous remailers. (Irritatingly this makes him difficult to
> killfile - it turns out there's at least one recent legitimate post that's
> been sent through a similar remailer so I can't just toss them all away).
> Jonathan
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The anonymous remailer's administrator can be contacted and made aware
of the "abusive" email sent through it.

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New to FreeBSD - Some questions

2012-06-20 Thread Fred Morcos
Hello all,

I am new to FreeBSD, coming from a GNU/Linux background (most
comfortable with Archlinux). I compiled a series of questions I would
like to ask in different areas and categories. Should I send them all
in a single email message or should I split them by subject/topic into
different emails?

The advantage of the former is that I will be able to easily show
relations between the different topics and questions (put them into
context) as well as articulate the setup I would like to reach. The
advantage of the latter is that it is cleaner and simpler to answer
one question by one.

Also, I have done a bit of poking around to answer each of my own
questions, obviously with no luck, so I do not mind RTFM-ing - I would
actually prefer it, please feel free to link me to an article,
tutorial, man page or handbook that already answers one or more

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Re: Why Clang

2012-06-20 Thread Fred Morcos
I am also a newcomer and I agree with Stephen. But I guess the only
way is to simply ignore those who make such statements. I don't see
much benefit in arguing or reasoning with them.

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:59 PM, Stephen Cook  wrote:
> On 6/19/2012 4:06 PM, Anonymous Remailer (austria) wrote:
>>> BSDL in opposite is often criticized a "rape me license".
>> No, it is not, except perhaps by lying atheist Marxist bastards and his
>> religious adherents.
> Please don't use "atheist" as a derogatory term. There are plenty of
> capitalistic atheists who neither lie nor have unmarried parents!
> I'm a relative newcomer. Are the FreeBSD mailing lists always this flame-y?
> I realize that this particular post might be trolling / satire, but others
> in the thread (and other unrelated threads recently) are a FAR CRY from the
> technical support and discussion I expected. I thought I'd see an occasional
> RTFM, maybe a random "WinBlows" here and there... but this type of thing
> just diminished everyone involved.
> -- Stephen
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Re: CLANG vs GCC tests of fortran/f2c program

2012-06-20 Thread Fred Morcos
The answer is:

1. gcc will still be available through the ports system.
2. The move to clang/llvm as a default compiler will reduce the amount
of GPL code in the base system, eventually reducing distribution
issues (especially for 3rd parties).
3. clang/llvm provides better error and warning messages, as well as
good static code analysis, which helps reduce some classes of bugs and
eventually will result in a more reliable FreeBSD system.
4. clang/llvm is improving quickly.
5. clang/llvm is more modular than gcc, although there are plans for
gcc to become as modular, it will take time.
6. gcc produces faster code, but clang/llvm will eventually (soon
enough) get there.
7. From the reasons above, it makes sense to complete a task sooner
rather than later, especially that clang/llvm isn't showing any signs
of weakness (lack of development power, etc).
8. There might be more reasons for or against, but I couldn't think of any.

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Wojciech Puchar
>> Yes Wojciech, I can attempt an answer for you.  Pay attention, this gets
>> very complex.
>> The decision to move to Clang was motivated by what is best for the
>> project, and not what is best for Wojciech.
> still not stopped personal attacks (last part of last sentence) but lets
> forget.
> So please give an answer - not summary.
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Re: Why Clang

2012-06-19 Thread Fred Morcos
I don't see much fruit coming out of that conversation anymore.

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 10:06 PM, Anonymous Remailer (austria)
>> GPL protects the freedom of the programmer who licensed his
>> code under those licenses: He wants it to be free for use,
>> but not to be turned into closed source products.
> What a lying sonofabitch. That is not called freedom. That is called
> "forcible, viral open source". I think we can all see the difference. Open
> your motherfucking eyes, communist goofball...
>> A programmer who does not want to raise this barrier will
>> typically use the BSD license which is "more free".
> No, it's just plain "free."
>> BSDL in opposite is often criticized a "rape me license".
> No, it is not, except perhaps by lying atheist Marxist bastards and his
> religious adherents.
>> It explicitely (!) allows creating derivates in a closed
>> source manner. This means that parts of BSD licensed code
>> can be a key component in a proprietary closed source
>> product that is for sale (e. g. a firewall appliance),
>> and nobody will find out about that fact.
> Now you got it! GPL is about forcing people to do what /you/ want and BSD is
> about letting them do what /they/ want. Let's see if you can guess which one
> of those licenses is about freedom. Hint: freedom is not defined as forcing
> people to do what you want.
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Re: Why Clang

2012-06-19 Thread Fred Morcos
I would also guess that the base system is stuck with gcc ~4.1 due to
the GPLv3-ization of later gcc version. Is that correct?

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 4:43 PM, Michel Talon  wrote:
> David Brodbeck said:
>> Another way of looking at it is after 25 years of optimization GCC is
>> unable to beat a new compiler that's had almost none...
> Unfortunately this affirmation is blatantly false, recent gcc produce code
> much faster than clang. I give here an example which i like, a monte carlo 
> computation for a spin lattice.
> Everything runs on my macbook.
> lilas% clang -v
> Apple clang version 2.1 (tags/Apple/clang-163.7.1) (based on LLVM 3.0svn)
> Target: x86_64-apple-darwin11.4.0
> lilas% clang -O4 test.c -lf2c
> lilas% time ./a.out
> ...
> real    0m2.359s
> user    0m2.341s
> sys     0m0.003s
> lilas% /usr/local/bin/gcc -v
> …
> gcc version 4.6.1 (GCC)
> lilas% /usr/local/bin/gcc -O3 test.c -lf2c
> lilas% time ./a.out
> …
> real    0m1.241s
> user    0m1.234s
> sys     0m0.003s
> So gcc gives an executable running twice faster than clang, basically, when 
> both compilers
> are run at maximal optimization. To show the effectiveness of the optimizer, 
> here is the running
> time without any optimization:
> lilas% /usr/local/bin/gcc  test.c -lf2c
> lilas% time ./a.out
> …
> real    0m6.895s
> user    0m6.889s
> sys     0m0.005s
> What this demonstrates is that for programs which do real computations, 
> optimization is
> *very* important, and gcc is now very good (i have not shown the numbers but 
> they match the Intel compiler)
> while clang is at the level gcc was ten years ago. So i fully agree with 
> Wojciech Puchar, the move to clang
> is only driven by anti GPL propaganda which is frankly completely stupid, 
> since in any events, gcc
> does not contaminate the binaries it produces (except when using contaminated 
> accompanying libraries
> e.g. for C++). Of course, when compiling FreeBSD kernel or similar programs 
> which do little computation
> there is no harm using clang. I suspect that the price is higher for programs 
> like mencoder which require
> the highest efficiency.
> I will not comment on the better error messages coming from clang, this could 
> be a more serious argument.
> --
> Michel Talon
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Re: rm returns 0 although directory didn't exist and wasn't deleted ?

2012-06-19 Thread Fred Morcos
The man page [1] explicitly states that if the file doesn't exist, -f
will not show an error message nor alter the exit code.

-f   Attempt to remove the files without prompting for confirmation,
regardless of the file's permissions.  If the file does not exist, do
not display a diagnostic message or modify the exit status to reflect
an error.  The -f option overrides any previous -i options.


On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 4:16 PM, Damien Fleuriot  wrote:
> I always assumed -f would only force removal, not modify the exit code.
> No bug then, working as intended, all good.
> Cheers
> On 6/19/12 3:43 PM, Fred Morcos wrote:
>> You used -f which means rm will not complain if a file or directory
>> cannot be deleted (or does not exist in the first place).
>> On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Damien Fleuriot  wrote:
>>> I've stumbled upon this *so weird* behaviour.
>>> # ls -la /var/tmp/stunnel/
>>> ls: /var/tmp/stunnel/: No such file or directory
>>>                                                               # rm -Rf
>>> /var/tmp/stunnel/
>>>                                                               # echo $?
>>> 0
>>> Anyone knows if that's intended ?
>>> FreeBSD pf2.[snip].com 8.3-STABLE FreeBSD 8.3-STABLE #0: Tue Jun 19
>>> 10:45:31 CEST 2012
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Re: rm returns 0 although directory didn't exist and wasn't deleted ?

2012-06-19 Thread Fred Morcos
You used -f which means rm will not complain if a file or directory
cannot be deleted (or does not exist in the first place).

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Damien Fleuriot  wrote:
> I've stumbled upon this *so weird* behaviour.
> # ls -la /var/tmp/stunnel/
> ls: /var/tmp/stunnel/: No such file or directory
>                                                               # rm -Rf
> /var/tmp/stunnel/
>                                                               # echo $?
> 0
> Anyone knows if that's intended ?
> FreeBSD pf2.[snip].com 8.3-STABLE FreeBSD 8.3-STABLE #0: Tue Jun 19
> 10:45:31 CEST 2012
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Re: problem updating ports (latex-cjk)

2011-04-25 Thread Fred

Hi Fred,

The make clean went ok.  The make patch:

===>  Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
===>  License check disabled, port has not defined LICENSE
===>  Found saved configuration for latex-cjk-4.8.2_4
===>  Extracting for latex-cjk-4.8.2_4
=> SHA256 Checksum OK for cjk-4.8.2.tar.gz.
===>  Patching for latex-cjk-4.8.2_4
===>  Applying FreeBSD patches for latex-cjk-4.8.2_4
# be compatible with Debian
find: /usr/ports/print/latex-cjk/work/ccmap: No such file or directory
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/print/latex-cjk.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/print/latex-cjk.

In ~/latex-cjk/work is directory cjk-4.8.2 and
file .extract_done.latex-cjk._user_local

There is no ccmap directory in cjk-4.8.2 but the files look they are
ready to be compiled.  There is a Makefile.

I just tried moving to that directory and running make install and 
clean.  This was not successful either and I forgot to run script to 
capture the output.  I ran make clean so I could start over and this 
failed with the following:

ragnok# make clean
make -C utils clean
make -C Bg5conv clean
bg5conv:No such file or directory
*** Error code 1

I think I may have a mess now and have no more time to work on it 
tonight.  I will try again tomorrow.

Best regards,

On 04/25/11 07:29, Frédéric Perrin wrote:

Hello Fred,

Fred  writes:

I ran into a problem when updating ports on 8.1-RELEASE (i386).
~/print/latex-cjk doesn't want to build.

===>   Patching for latex-cjk-4.8.2_4
===>   Applying FreeBSD patches for latex-cjk-4.8.2_4
Ignoring previously applied (or reversed) patch.
1 out of 1 hunks ignored--saving rejects to texinput/Bg5/c00bsmi.fd.rej
=>  Patch patch-texinput-Bg5-c00bsmi.fd failed to apply cleanly.

Are you sure the work area is clean? Run `make clean', then `make patch'

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problem updating ports (latex-cjk)

2011-04-25 Thread Fred


I ran into a problem when updating ports on 8.1-RELEASE (i386).  
~/print/latex-cjk doesn't want to build.

===>  Patching for latex-cjk-4.8.2_4
===>  Applying FreeBSD patches for latex-cjk-4.8.2_4
Ignoring previously applied (or reversed) patch.
1 out of 1 hunks ignored--saving rejects to texinput/Bg5/c00bsmi.fd.rej
=> Patch patch-texinput-Bg5-c00bsmi.fd failed to apply cleanly.
=> Patch(es) patch-Makefile applied cleanly.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/print/latex-cjk.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/print/latex-cjk.

What can I do to fix this?

Best regards,
Fred Boatwright

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Re: are there any GUI editors that use vi/vim-like abbreviations

2011-02-21 Thread Fred

On 02/21/11 18:32, Gary Kline wrote:

iF we throw out "gvim" since it is simply the GUI variant of
vim, are there are other GUI editors that use the kinds of :ab
abbreviations that vi does?  I ask this because I don't know
wmany many people with speech imopairments or who cannot speak
at all would be interested in using my version of vi/vim with
it's .ex/.nex/.vimrc and my hundred+ abbreviations.

The IM app, pidgin is not an editor, but it does let user use
the mouse and/or arrow keys.  pidgin also uses abbrvs.  BEcause
i type so slowly, i have my pidgin set up to use a slew of
abbrev.  [Well, not the obv's, like 'FWIW' :-) ... but other

I would be interested in knowing how many list members _don't_
know vi and use another editor.  just curious


I have been using nedit for many years.  It is very easy to use.  It 
uses the mouse, arrow keys, etc. so you don't have to do multiple 
keystrokes.  Vi is insane.  I don't know what you mean about the 
abbreviations though.  I don't think it does that.  The current version 
in ports for 8.1-RELEASE has a problem requiring a simple patch when it 
is built. This was discussed here a couple weeks ago.

Best regards,

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Re: wine questions

2011-02-16 Thread Fred

On 01/27/11 20:47, Warren Block wrote:

On Thu, 27 Jan 2011, Fred wrote:

I am interested in the Xeltek SuperPro-5000.  This unit will alsowork 
stand-alone with a CF card programmed by the PC in addition to usb.  
I believe the user software downloads a set of programming parameters 
and the file to be programmed rather than driving the programmer 
directly or otherwise do low level hardware stuff.  I am going to ask 
Xeltek if they will give a refund if I can't get the unit working in 
a reasonable time.  If it doesn't work I would otherwise be out of 
$1500.  I will not use Windows.

There's a downloadable version of the software on the site.  If that 
works acceptably, the final hurdle would be whether it can communicate 
with the programmer by USB.  The site says it's USB 2.0 and installs 
drivers on Windows, which doesn't bode well for the Wine/FreeBSD 
setup. It may work, although you have to expect that any support call 
will blame problems on the non-standard setup.

It might be easier to start with open software and choose a programmer 
that is supported by it.  For instance, devel/avrdude supports some 
faster programmers.  Depends on what you need.

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I downloaded the programmer software and wine installed it without any 
problems (350 MB!).  The software seems to run ok so far under wine.  So 
the remaining issue is the USB connection.  I found the USB port in /dev 
but to make the link I also need to know what Windows calls the USB port 
so the programmer software can find it.  If one plugs a non-storage USB 
device into Windows without installing any specific driver, what does 
Windows call the USB port?

Best regards,

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Re: nedit problem

2011-02-08 Thread Fred

On 02/06/11 19:36, b. f. wrote:

Fred Boatwright wrote:

On 02/06/11 00:53, b. f. wrote:

Fred Boatwright wrote:

After updating all ports on 8.1-RELEASE, nedit has a problem.  The right
mouse button works ok in the toolbar but if it is pressed in the text
area, for example to copy a block of text, the cursor changes shape and
the X session becomes completely locked up.  I have to stop X and
restart it.  I have tried to deinstall nedit and rebuild it but this
didn't help.  It is nedit-5.5 with Motif 2.2.3.

This is a known problem with many Motif-based applications, arising
from a bug in recent versions of Xorg.  It has been corrected
upstream, and it is likely that this problem will be fixed when the
ports freeze ends shortly after the release of FreeBSD 7.4 and 8.2, if
not before.  If you can't wait, you can try using the patches from:

I have tried several editors that are horrible.  Axe installed from
packages dumps core.  There were a lot of warnings that later versions
of libraries were installed than axe was expecting.  Does the maintainer
need to know this?

Sadly, there is no maintainer for that port.  But yes, you should file
a Problem Report (PR), so that people will know that there may be a

Can you tell me how to install the Xorg patch to make nedit work?  I
have not worked with getting source code or compiling from source.  I
can do the edit on another computer.

Get an up-to-date ports tree.  (If you don't know what that means,
read the relevant portions of the FreeBSD Handbook.)

Place the attached patch (or a trimmed version of the patch from the
PR that I cited earlier) in  ports/x11-servers/xorg-server/files under
a name like 'patch-dix__events.c', that begins with 'patch-', and
doesn't overwrite any of the existing patches.

In the ports/x11-servers/xorg-server directory, run 'make deinstall
clean install&&  make clean', or use your favorite third-party port
updating tool to force an update of that port.

(If you want to create a backup package of your patched version of
xorg-server, and you are not using a port updating tool with this
feature, then either 'make package' in that directory before running
the final 'make clean', or use 'pkg_create -b "xorg-server-*"'.)

I'm assuming that you are already using the latest version of
x11-servers/xorg-server; if instead you are using an earlier version,
and packages that depend on it, you will probably need to update them
as well.

The xorg patch installed ok.  I was expecting it to be much more 
difficult!  Nedit now works very well.  Thanks for the help!

Best regards,

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Re: nedit problem

2011-02-06 Thread Fred

On 02/06/11 00:53, b. f. wrote:

Fred Boatwright wrote:

After updating all ports on 8.1-RELEASE, nedit has a problem.  The right
mouse button works ok in the toolbar but if it is pressed in the text
area, for example to copy a block of text, the cursor changes shape and
the X session becomes completely locked up.  I have to stop X and
restart it.  I have tried to deinstall nedit and rebuild it but this
didn't help.  It is nedit-5.5 with Motif 2.2.3.

This is a known problem with many Motif-based applications, arising
from a bug in recent versions of Xorg.  It has been corrected
upstream, and it is likely that this problem will be fixed when the
ports freeze ends shortly after the release of FreeBSD 7.4 and 8.2, if
not before.  If you can't wait, you can try using the patches from:

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I have tried several editors that are horrible.  Axe installed from 
packages dumps core.  There were a lot of warnings that later versions 
of libraries were installed than axe was expecting.  Does the maintainer 
need to know this?

Can you tell me how to install the Xorg patch to make nedit work?  I 
have not worked with getting source code or compiling from source.  I 
can do the edit on another computer.

Best regards,

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Re: nedit problem

2011-02-06 Thread Fred

On 02/06/11 00:53, b. f. wrote:

Fred Boatwright wrote:

After updating all ports on 8.1-RELEASE, nedit has a problem.  The right
mouse button works ok in the toolbar but if it is pressed in the text
area, for example to copy a block of text, the cursor changes shape and
the X session becomes completely locked up.  I have to stop X and
restart it.  I have tried to deinstall nedit and rebuild it but this
didn't help.  It is nedit-5.5 with Motif 2.2.3.

This is a known problem with many Motif-based applications, arising
from a bug in recent versions of Xorg.  It has been corrected
upstream, and it is likely that this problem will be fixed when the
ports freeze ends shortly after the release of FreeBSD 7.4 and 8.2, if
not before.  If you can't wait, you can try using the patches from:

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I will just use another editor for a while.  Thanks for the help.

Best regards,

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nedit problem

2011-02-05 Thread Fred Boatwright

After updating all ports on 8.1-RELEASE, nedit has a problem.  The right
mouse button works ok in the toolbar but if it is pressed in the text
area, for example to copy a block of text, the cursor changes shape and
the X session becomes completely locked up.  I have to stop X and
restart it.  I have tried to deinstall nedit and rebuild it but this
didn't help.  It is nedit-5.5 with Motif 2.2.3.

Also, when nedit is started the following warnings are given:

Cannot convert string
"-*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-iso8859-1" to type
Cannot convert string
"-*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
Cannot convert string
"-*-helvetica-medium-o-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-iso8859-1" to type
Cannot convert string
"-*-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
Cannot convert string "-*-courier-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-iso8859-1"
to type FontStruct
Cannot convert string
"-*-courier-medium-o-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct

These warnings have been happening for some time but nedit otherwise has
been working ok until the port update.  xpdf gives similar warnings but
seems to work ok.

What can I do to resolve at least the lockup problem?

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Re: wine questions

2011-01-28 Thread Fred

Warren Block wrote:

On Thu, 27 Jan 2011, Fred wrote:

I am interested in the Xeltek SuperPro-5000.  This unit will alsowork 
stand-alone with a CF card programmed by the PC in addition to usb.  
I believe the user software downloads a set of programming parameters 
and the file to be programmed rather than driving the programmer 
directly or otherwise do low level hardware stuff.  I am going to ask 
Xeltek if they will give a refund if I can't get the unit working in 
a reasonable time.  If it doesn't work I would otherwise be out of 
$1500.  I will not use Windows.

There's a downloadable version of the software on the site.  If that 
works acceptably, the final hurdle would be whether it can communicate 
with the programmer by USB.  The site says it's USB 2.0 and installs 
drivers on Windows, which doesn't bode well for the Wine/FreeBSD 
setup. It may work, although you have to expect that any support call 
will blame problems on the non-standard setup.

It might be easier to start with open software and choose a programmer 
that is supported by it.  For instance, devel/avrdude supports some 
faster programmers.  Depends on what you need.

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Hi Warren,
I will try installing the Xeltek software as you suggest and go from 
there.  If I get it to work ok I will post what I did.

I use 680x0 and 8051 so the avr program isn't useful at this time.  I 
need to program SPLDs and flash.

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Re: wine questions

2011-01-27 Thread Fred

Warren Block wrote:

On Thu, 27 Jan 2011, Fred wrote:

I need to buy an expensive logic device programmer that connects to a 
PC through USB.  Unfortunately, the user software that make it go 
only runs on Bill Gates' cancerous, virus-infested, scourge of the 
Earth excuse for an OS which I do not use.  Is it likely to work ok 
using wine?  What type of programs do not work well with wine?  There 
is a supported, commercial version of wine that runs on Linux.  Would 
I be better off buying that and running it on the FBSD Linux emulation?

If you were to be more specific about the device you're considering, 
someone may be able to suggest specifics.

Sometimes Wine is surprising.  This was the case when I managed to run 
the Arduino software on Wine under FreeBSD.  That software speaks to 
the microcontroller via serial or USB-to-serial:

If your device speaks serial like that, it might work well.  If it 
wants to do low-level hardware or anything uncommon, it probably will 
not work in Wine.

If you have to get the device anyway, there's little harm in trying it 
on Wine.  If it doesn't work, you've lost nothing but time, and 
probably not much of that.

I am interested in the Xeltek SuperPro-5000.  This unit will alsowork 
stand-alone with a CF card programmed by the PC in addition to usb.  I 
believe the user software downloads a set of programming parameters and 
the file to be programmed rather than driving the programmer directly or 
otherwise do low level hardware stuff.  I am going to ask Xeltek if they 
will give a refund if I can't get the unit working in a reasonable 
time.  If it doesn't work I would otherwise be out of $1500.  I will not 
use Windows.

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wine questions

2011-01-27 Thread Fred


I need to buy an expensive logic device programmer that connects to a PC 
through USB.  Unfortunately, the user software that make it go only runs 
on Bill Gates' cancerous, virus-infested, scourge of the Earth excuse 
for an OS which I do not use.  Is it likely to work ok using wine?  What 
type of programs do not work well with wine?  There is a supported, 
commercial version of wine that runs on Linux.  Would I be better off 
buying that and running it on the FBSD Linux emulation?

Best regards,

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Re: Changing the MAC address on a LAN adapter

2011-01-24 Thread Fred

Da Rock wrote:

On 01/25/11 01:14, Paul B Mahol wrote:

On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 3:47 PM, John R. Levine  wrote:

Is this a known problem?  As far as I know, it's supposed to work.

How you change MAC address? With "ether" command?

# ifconfig em0 ether 01:17:a4:8f:04:5d

Well, if it does not work it can be driver bug.

In iwn case try to set MAC address of iwn before creating wlan or
you will need to set same MAC on wlanX and iwn.
Actually I can confirm that. I use lagg for failover, and I remember 
now you have to set the 'real' interface to the MAC of the other lagg 
member, not a 'psuedo-device' or it won't work. Same principle applies 

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Ethernet MAC addresses are assigned by the manufacturer of the 
equipment.  Each unit gets a unique address which generally can't be 
changed and shouldn't be changed.  The manufacturer buys a block of 
addresses from the IEEE.

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portmaster question

2010-11-07 Thread Fred


According to man portmaster the -a option will "Update all ports that 
need updating".  Does this apply to only installed ports or to 
everything in /usr/ports?

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Re: ghostscript install problem

2010-10-28 Thread Fred

Lowell Gilbert wrote:

Fred  writes:



I am trying to install ghostscript8 from ports on 8.0-RELEASE-p4.  The
build stops when
/usr/ports/print/ghostscript8/work/ghostscript-8.64/epag-3.09/ert is to
be installed in /usr/local/bin.  The error is file not found.  Error
code 71.  I tried going to the epag-3.09 directory:
make clean
The following warnings are produced:
ert.c:  In function 'printUsageAndExit':
ert.c:34: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in
function 'exit'
ert.c: In function 'main':
ert.c:52: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:55: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:63: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:73: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:82: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:87: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:116: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function

What can I do to resolve this problem?

You could always start by updating your ports.  At least that way, those
of us with current versions of the port would be able to look at the
same makefiles and so forth.  That said, go back to the main port
directory, make clean, make rmconfig, and build again; *don't* change
the port options when given the choice (after all, the port did build on
a clean system, so the problem's probably something you set up).  Also
make sure there's nothing relevant in /etc/make.conf.
Another point:  if you still have the problem after following this

advice, copy-and-paste the actual errors, rather than trying to re-type

Good luck.
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Ghostscript8 compiled and installed ok.  It was probably the rmconfig 
that fixed it.  I had unset a lot of options that were of no value to 
me.  Maybe one or more of them are not really optional.

Concerning the copy & paste, root is not running X so there is no copy 
and paste.  I tried redirecting error output from make with 
2>$HOME/make_error but make sees the redirection as an instruction it 
does not know how to do.

Thanks for the help.

Best regards,

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ghostscript install problem

2010-10-28 Thread Fred


I am trying to install ghostscript8 from ports on 8.0-RELEASE-p4.  The
build stops when
/usr/ports/print/ghostscript8/work/ghostscript-8.64/epag-3.09/ert is to
be installed in /usr/local/bin.  The error is file not found.  Error
code 71.  I tried going to the epag-3.09 directory:
make clean
The following warnings are produced:
ert.c:  In function 'printUsageAndExit':
ert.c:34: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in
function 'exit'
ert.c: In function 'main':
ert.c:52: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:55: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:63: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:73: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:82: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:87: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:116: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function

What can I do to resolve this problem?

Best regards,

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ghostscript install problem

2010-10-25 Thread Fred


I am trying to install ghostscript8 from ports on 8.0-RELEASE-p4.  The 
build stops when 
/usr/ports/print/ghostscript8/work/ghostscript-8.64/epag-3.09/ert is to 
be installed in /usr/local/bin.  The error is file not found.  Error 
code 71.  I tried going to the epag-3.09 directory:

make clean
The following warnings are produced:
ert.c:  In function 'printUsageAndExit':
ert.c:34: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in 
function 'exit'

ert.c: In function 'main':
ert.c:52: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:55: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:63: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:73: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:82: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:87: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function
ert.c:116: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function

What can I do to resolve this problem?

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Re: Xorg Problems

2010-08-23 Thread Fred wrote:

Fred Boatwright  wrote:


Until FBSD X is working on the pc I have to use Netscape 4.79 on
a Sun running Solaris 2.6 (which I would prefer to keep using if
only a modern browser was available) ...

If the problems with X on FBSD are limited to the X "server"
(display subsystem), perhaps you can run X "clients" (such as a
recent version of FireFox) on the FBSD box with DISPLAY set to
the Solaris box.

The simplest way of doing this is to ssh into the FBSD box from an
xterm (or rxvt, or whatever) on the Solaris box.  Depending on how
ssh is set up you may (or may not) need to specify -X to get the
X protocol forwarded.  Forwarding will result in DISPLAY being set
to something like localhost:10.0 in the FBSD shell session, and it
should "just work."

The problem I was having is fixed now.  xrdb was hanging for some reason 
to be fixed later.  However, I am very much interested in your 
suggestion and planned to post some questions about how to do it when I 
had time to work on it.

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Re: Xorg Problems

2010-08-22 Thread Fred Boatwright
Frank Shute wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 07:19:36PM +0200, Tijl Coosemans wrote:
> >
> > On Sunday 22 August 2010 06:22:48 Fred Boatwright wrote:
> > > The .xinitrc file:
> > >  xrdb
> > >  xsetroot -solid gray &
> > >  xterm -geometry +0-100 &
> > >  xconsole -geometry -0+0 -fn 5x7 &
> > > #exec olvwm   #complained about a missing font
> > >  exec fvwm
> >
> > Is this file executable?
> It doesn't have to be executable but xrdb needs arguments or it just
> waits for input.
> My suggestion to Fred: drop the xrdb line in his ~/.xinitrc
> Regards,
> --
>  Frank
>  Contact info:

Well, some progress has been made!  The .xinitrc file is not executable.
I found the file on my Sun running Solaris 2.6.  That file also does not
have execute permissions but it has #!/bin/sh at the beginning. 
However, that doesn't appear to be needed under FBSD.  I tried an empty
.Xresources file but that didn't make any difference.  Commenting out
the xrdb does allow the window manager to start.

The .xinitrc file was generated from an example in the man page for
xinit, not the Handbook as I earlier stated.

So, I can move forward again.  Thank you very much for the help.

Best regards,
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Re: Xorg Problems

2010-08-22 Thread Fred Boatwright
Jerry wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Aug 2010 21:22:40 -0600 (MDT)
> Warren Block  articulated:
> > Those would be the nVidia binary drivers.  There's also
> > x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv.  I avoid nVidia cards, so someone else
> > will have to comment on those.
> I came to this party late, so please excuse me if this has been
> discussed.
> 1) Ha the user installed the latest nVidia driver from ports:
> Port:   nvidia-driver-195.36.15
> Path:   /usr/ports/x11/nvidia-driver
> Info:   NVidia graphics card binary drivers for hardware OpenGL rendering
> And it accompanying utilities:
> Port:   nvidia-settings-195.36.31
> Path:   /usr/ports/x11/nvidia-settings
> Info:   Display Control Panel for X NVidia driver
> Port:   nvidia-xconfig-195.36.31
> Path:   /usr/ports/x11/nvidia-xconfig
> Info:   Tool to manipulate X configuration files for the NVidia driver
> And installed a line in the /boot/loader.conf file for this driver:
> nvidia_load="YES"   # nVidia video driver
> 2) After doing the above, if not done previously, reboot the
> system.
> 3) Move to the "/etc/X11" directory and run as root: nvidia-xconfig"
> The "man nvidia-xconfig" file will supply all the details. You really
> should not run it with any command line arguments the first time.
> 4) Now start 'xorg" and run as root: "nvidia-settings". That should
> complete the process. You may have to reload 'xorg' for all settings to
> take affect. Please see "man nvidia-settings" for full details.
> --
> Jerry â??
> Disclaimer: off-list followups get on-list replies or get ignored.
> Please do not ignore the Reply-To header.
> __
> 40 isn't old, if you are a tree.
> ___

Hi Jerry,
I do not have the driver you suggest on the CD.  I have:
Which should be used?  I was not able to find the version you mentioned
with the freebsd website ports search function.

Since Xorg -config -retro works then I think the default
vesa driver should work until the other problems are sorted out.

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Re: Xorg Problems

2010-08-22 Thread Fred Boatwright
Tijl Coosemans wrote:
> On Sunday 22 August 2010 06:22:48 Fred Boatwright wrote:
> > Eitan Adler wrote:
> >>> The actual problem I am having is that startx produces only a completely
> >>> black screen.  Xorg -config -retro  produces the expected
> >>> grid and mouse pointer. Â A .xinitrc file is supposed to start a window
> >>> manager.
> >>
> >> Modern installs don't show a default window manager (so a black
> >> screen is "expected). What is the contents of your .xinitrc file?
> >
> > The .xinitrc file:
> >  xrdb
> >  xsetroot -solid gray &
> >  xterm -geometry +0-100 &
> >  xconsole -geometry -0+0 -fn 5x7 &
> > #exec olvwm   #complained about a missing font
> >  exec fvwm
> >
> > I have also tried twm.
> > This file was generated from an example in the Handbook.
> Check if you actually have those programs installed. If not, you need
> to install these ports: x11/xrdb, x11/xsetroot, x11/xterm, x11/xconsole,
> x11-wm/fvwm.

Those programs are actually installed.

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Re: Xorg Problems

2010-08-22 Thread Fred Boatwright
Marc Fonvieille wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 07:41:49PM -0700, Fred Boatwright wrote:
> > Warren Block wrote:
> > >
> > > On Sat, 21 Aug 2010, Warren Block wrote:
> > >
> > > > Log file is at
> > >
> > > First notes:
> > >
> > > You're running the old version of X, 1.6.1.
> > >
> > > Something odd is going on with some of the fonts.
> >
> > I installed ports/x11/xorg-minimal as the full Monty appeared to be a
> > huge amount of software that will never get used.  I don't want all the
> > stuff for gnome and kde as I will never use them.
> >
> > It appeared to me that the fonts could be straightened out when
> > everything else is working.  I think the Handbook has a section on
> > adding fonts.
> >
> > While looking for the xorg-minimal that I installed I found a bunch of
> > nVidea drivers in the same directory.  Do you think I should install
> > them now or wait.
> >
> For x11/xorg-minimal installation you issued the command:
> "make install" or "make install VIDEO_DRIVER=your_video_driver" ?
> Without the mention of the driver it installs the vesa driver only.
> This is sub-optimal, an options screen with all existing drivers should
> be proposed.
> --
> Marc

I used make install as I had no way of knowing that additional drivers
could be selected.  Perhaps that should be an option to the sysinstall
program when FBSD is initially being installed.

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Re: Xorg Problems

2010-08-21 Thread Fred Boatwright
Eitan Adler wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 11:42 PM, Fred Boatwright  wrote:
> > Eitan Adler wrote:
> >>
> >> >> Something odd is going on with some of the fonts.
> >> >
> >> > I installed ports/x11/xorg-minimal as the full Monty appeared to be a
> >> > huge amount of software that will never get used. Ä? I don't want all the
> >> > stuff for gnome and kde as I will never use them.
> >> >
> >> > It appeared to me that the fonts could be straightened out when
> >> > everything else is working. Ä? I think the Handbook has a section on
> >> > adding fonts.
> >> >
> >>
> >> Hi,
> >> I'm the maintainer of x11/xorg-minimal. I have not been following this 
> >> thread.
> >>
> >> Did you have problems with fonts when installing x11/xorg-minimal ?
> >>
> >> --
> >> Eitan Adler
> >
> > Hi Eitan,
> > The Xorg.0.log file shows it can't find some expected fonts. Â The file
> > is at
> >
> These are harmless. will work without them which is why I didn't
> depend on them on x11/xorg-minimal
> > The actual problem I am having is that startx produces only a completely
> > black screen.  Xorg -config -retro  produces the expected
> > grid and mouse pointer. Â A .xinitrc file is supposed to start a window
> > manager.
> Modern installs don't show a default window manager (so a black
> screen is "expected). What is the contents of your .xinitrc file?
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Fred
> >
> --
> Eitan Adler

The .xinitrc file:
 xsetroot -solid gray &
 xterm -geometry +0-100 &
 xconsole -geometry -0+0 -fn 5x7 &
#exec olvwm   #complained about a missing font
 exec fvwm

I have also tried twm.
This file was generated from an example in the Handbook.  I don't
understand why xterm and xconsole are to be started before the window

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Re: Xorg Problems

2010-08-21 Thread Fred Boatwright
Eitan Adler wrote:
> >> Something odd is going on with some of the fonts.
> >
> > I installed ports/x11/xorg-minimal as the full Monty appeared to be a
> > huge amount of software that will never get used. Â I don't want all the
> > stuff for gnome and kde as I will never use them.
> >
> > It appeared to me that the fonts could be straightened out when
> > everything else is working. Â I think the Handbook has a section on
> > adding fonts.
> >
> Hi,
> I'm the maintainer of x11/xorg-minimal. I have not been following this thread.
> Did you have problems with fonts when installing x11/xorg-minimal ?
> --
> Eitan Adler

Hi Eitan,
The Xorg.0.log file shows it can't find some expected fonts.  The file
is at
The actual problem I am having is that startx produces only a completely
black screen.  Xorg -config -retro  produces the expected
grid and mouse pointer.  A .xinitrc file is supposed to start a window

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Re: Xorg Problems

2010-08-21 Thread Fred Boatwright
Warren Block wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Aug 2010, Warren Block wrote:
> > Log file is at
> First notes:
> You're running the old version of X, 1.6.1.
> Something odd is going on with some of the fonts.

I installed ports/x11/xorg-minimal as the full Monty appeared to be a
huge amount of software that will never get used.  I don't want all the
stuff for gnome and kde as I will never use them.

It appeared to me that the fonts could be straightened out when
everything else is working.  I think the Handbook has a section on
adding fonts.

While looking for the xorg-minimal that I installed I found a bunch of
nVidea drivers in the same directory.  Do you think I should install
them now or wait.

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Re: Xorg Problems

2010-08-21 Thread Fred Boatwright
Glen Barber wrote:
> On 8/21/10 7:12 PM, Warren Block wrote:
> >> I changed the driver from vesa to nVidia but the nVidia driver could not
> >> be found and X exited.  After restoring vesa I ran the test on xorg.conf
> >> -retro and it worked ok.  However, startx still produced only a black
> >> screen.
> >
> > nVidia is a long story.  There are binary drivers provided by nVidia,
> > and there's a limited open-source driver provided by xorg.  Someone else
> > is going to have to provide detail.
> >
> > For now, vesa at 1024x768 should be fine.
> Just curious - why are you using vesa instead of nv (not nVidia)?
> Regards,
> --
> Glen Barber
> ___
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Vesa is what Xorg -configure  comes up with.  Should the nVidia driver
name be nv?

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Re: Xorg Problems

2010-08-21 Thread Fred Boatwright
Warren Block wrote:
> On Sat, 21 Aug 2010, Fred Boatwright wrote:
> > .xinitrc
> > xrdb
> > xsetroot -solid gray &
> > xterm -geometry +0-100 &
> > xconsole -geometry -0+0 -fn 5x7 &
> > #exec olvwm   #complained about a missing font
> > exec fvwm
> Before trying a different window manager, try good old twm.
> > xorg.conf
> > Section "ServerLayout"
> >   Identifier " Configured"
> >   Screen  0  "Screen0" 0 0
> >   InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"
> >   InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
> > EndSection
> If you're running hal, those InputDevice sections aren't needed.
> > Section "InputDevice"
> >   Identifier  "Keyboard0"
> >   Driver  "kbd"
> > EndSection
> >
> > Section "InputDevice"
> >   Identifier  "Mouse0"
> >   Driver  "mouse"
> >   Option  "Protocol" "auto"
> >   Option  "Device" "/dev/sysmouse"
> >   Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"
> > EndSection
> These InputDevice definitions are also unnecessary with hal.
> > Section "Monitor"
> >   Identifier   "Monitor0"
> >   VendorName   "HP"
> >   ModelName"2009"
> >   ModeLine "1600x900" 108.0 1600 1624 1704 1800 900 901 904 1000
> >   Option   "DPMS"
> > EndSection
> Modelines are... well, avoid them unless they are required.
> > Section "Device"
> >### Available Driver options are:-
> >### Values: : integer, : float, : "True"/"False",
> >### : "String", : " Hz/kHz/MHz"
> >### [arg]: arg optional
> >#Option "ShadowFB" # []
> >#Option "DefaultRefresh"   # []
> >#Option "ModeSetClearScreen"   # []
> >   Identifier  "Card0"
> >   Driver  "vesa"
> >   VendorName  "nVidia Corporation"
> >   BoardName   "NV44 [GeForce 6200 A-LE]"
> >   BusID   "PCI:1:0:0"
> > EndSection
> The nVidia driver should produce better results than vesa.
> > Section "Screen"
> >   Identifier "Screen0"
> >   Device "Card0"
> >   Monitor"Monitor0"
> >   DefaultDepth  24
> >   SubSection "Display"
> >   Viewport   0 0
> >   Depth 24
> >   Modes "1600x900"
> >   EndSubSection
> > EndSection
> Finally, starting with a more common resolution like 1024x768 may help.
> Get it working first, then polish one thing at a time so you can tell
> what works.
> > Is there is somewhere I can park the log file that you would have access
> > to?  I don't know of any way to provide a link to it here.
> is popular.
> > The log file says: (--) using VT number 9.  This does not exist in
> > /etc/ttys and I didn't find anywhere in the Handbook chapter that says
> > it needs to be added.
> xorg creates it automatically.  It's the alt-F9 to switch from console
> to X.
> > The log file generated by Xorg -configure appears to have everything
> > there is to know about the monitor being used.  These values were
> > manually put in the xorg.conf file.  However, the log file says:
> > (II) VESA(0): Not using mode "1600x900" (no mode of this name)
> > However, the xorg.conf test did work.
> vesa may not be able to handle that resolution.  1024x768 is a safe
> starting value.

Hello Warren,
I installed twm and changed .xinitrc to run it.

I commented out the sections of xorg.conf that you suggested and changed
the resolution.

I changed the driver from vesa to nVidia but the nVidia driver could not
be found and X exited.  After restoring vesa I ran the test on xorg.conf
-retro and it worked ok.  However, startx still produced only a black

I was not able to make heads or tails out of the site. 
Until FBSD X is working on the pc I have to use Netscape 4.79 on a Sun
running Solaris 2.6 (which I would prefer to keep using if only a modern
browser was available).  Netscape doesn't work on most web sites
anymore.  Is there someplace I could ftp or email the log file?

Best regards,
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Re: Xorg Problems

2010-08-21 Thread Fred Boatwright
Hi Matthew,

The .xinitrc file starts fvwm.  I have not found any error message that
would indicate fvwm is not running.

One of the common failure modes you mention is probably what I have!

Best regards,

Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On 21/08/2010 18:13:09, Fred Boatwright wrote:
> > The screen is completely black. No mouse pointer.  When the xorg.conf
> > file is tested using Xorg -conf -retro I get the gray grid
> > and the X mouse pointer.  Without the -retro I get a totally black
> > screen, no mouse pointer.
> Um yes.  That's what the '-retro' flag does: reintroduce the grid
> pattern etc. that lets you confirm X is responsive, rather than the new
> and really not at all improved behaviour of just throwing up a black
> screen which is remarkably similar to some common failure modes.
> Try starting up a window manager or similar.  It might be that nothing
> at all is actually wrong...
> Cheers,
> Matthew
> --
> Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.   7 Priory Courtyard
>   Flat 3
> PGP: Ramsgate
> JID:   Kent, CT11 9PW
>Name: signature.asc
>signature.asc   Type: application/pgp-signature
> Description: OpenPGP digital signature
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Re: Xorg Problems

2010-08-21 Thread Fred Boatwright
Warren Block wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Aug 2010, Fred Boatwright wrote:
> > I am having trouble setting up X similar to a previous posting.  I have
> > a new 8.0 installation.
> >
> > Using the Handbook chapter suggested below I waas able to generate and
> > edit an xorg.conf file.  It tests ok.  I generated a .xinitrc file based
> > on an example in the Handbook.  When a user runs startx the screen
> > completely blanks out.  It is possible to return to the command line
> > prompt with ctrl-alt-F1 and then ^c.  No errors are listed.  Where would
> > I look for the problem?
> [please don't top-post, it makes responding more difficult]
> Could you show your .xinitrc?  Also, the xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log are
> often useful.  Links to those files may be easier to post than the files
> themselves.
> When you say the screen is completely blank--is there a mouse pointer?

The screen is completely black. No mouse pointer.  When the xorg.conf
file is tested using Xorg -conf -retro I get the gray grid
and the X mouse pointer.  Without the -retro I get a totally black
screen, no mouse pointer.

xsetroot -solid gray &
xterm -geometry +0-100 &
xconsole -geometry -0+0 -fn 5x7 &
#exec olvwm   #complained about a missing font
exec fvwm

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier " Configured"
Screen  0  "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "Files"
ModulePath   "/usr/local/lib/xorg/modules"
FontPath "/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
FontPath "/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/"
FontPath "/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/OTF"
FontPath "/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
FontPath "/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
FontPath "/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"

Section "Module"
Load  "extmod"
Load  "record"
Load  "dbe"
Load  "glx"
Load  "dri"
Load  "dri2"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Keyboard0"
Driver  "kbd"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Mouse0"
Driver  "mouse"
Option  "Protocol" "auto"
Option  "Device" "/dev/sysmouse"
Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier   "Monitor0"
VendorName   "HP"
ModeLine "1600x900" 108.0 1600 1624 1704 1800 900 901 904 1000
Option   "DPMS"

Section "Device"
### Available Driver options are:-
### Values: : integer, : float, : "True"/"False",
### : "String", : " Hz/kHz/MHz"
### [arg]: arg optional
#Option "ShadowFB"  # []
#Option "DefaultRefresh"# []
#Option "ModeSetClearScreen"# []
Identifier  "Card0"
Driver  "vesa"
VendorName  "nVidia Corporation"
BoardName   "NV44 [GeForce 6200 A-LE]"
BusID   "PCI:1:0:0"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Card0"
DefaultDepth  24
#   SubSection "Display"
#   Viewport   0 0
#   Depth 1
#   EndSubSection
#   SubSection "Display"
#   Viewport   0 0
#   Depth 4
#   EndSubSection
#   SubSection "Display"
#   Viewport   0 0
#   Depth 8
#   EndSubSection
#   SubSection "Display"
#   Viewport   0 0
#   Depth 15
#   EndSubSection
#   SubSection "Display"
#   Viewport   0 0
#   Depth 16
#   EndSubSection
SubSection "Display"
Viewport   0 0
Depth 24
Modes "1600x900"

Is there is somewhere I can park the log file that you would have access
to?  I don't know of any way to provide a link to it here.

The log file has warnings that mouse and keyboard are disabled and other
places where mouse and keyboard are enabled.  However, in the test 

Re: Xorg Problems

2010-08-20 Thread Fred Boatwright

I am having trouble setting up X similar to a previous posting.  I have
a new 8.0 installation.

Using the Handbook chapter suggested below I waas able to generate and
edit an xorg.conf file.  It tests ok.  I generated a .xinitrc file based
on an example in the Handbook.  When a user runs startx the screen
completely blanks out.  It is possible to return to the command line
prompt with ctrl-alt-F1 and then ^c.  No errors are listed.  Where would
I look for the problem?

Best regards,

Warren Block wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Aug 2010, Ondrej Majerech wrote:
> > On 19-Aug-10 13:20, Rem Roberti wrote:
> >> I'm having trouble with xorg on a new 8.1 installation.  I haven't
> >> installed a wm yet, but when I try to call up the generic x windows by
> >> typing "startx" they do indeed appear, but all three of the x windows
> >> are locked up. By that I mean that there is no mouse, and no possibility
> >> of entering data in the windows via the keyboard. Totally frozen. And
> >> you can't get out of x in the usual manner i.e. ctrl-alt-backspace. The
> >> only thing that works is ctrl-alt-del which, of course, reboots the
> >> computer. Any ideas are appreciated.
> The Handbook chapter describes what to do:
> > "New" Xorg requires HAL and Dbus to recognize input devices by default. Do
> > you have these enabled?
> >
> > Alternatively, you revert to the old, no-HAL method by adding
> >
> > Option "AutoAddDevices" "False"
> Yes.
> > Option "AllowEmptyInput" "False"
> No.  Please don't use that, it's not necessary and sometimes causes
> problems.  AutoAddDevices "Off" by itself disables hal input device
> detection.
> > into your ServerFlags in xorg.conf.
> Or just put them in ServerLayout.
> > You might also want to add Option "DontZap" "false" into the same section as
> > well to have Ctrl-Alt-Backspace working again.
> I think that DontZap is back to the default, but it's now the key
> combination that is unset, so setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp
> is the way to fix it.  But it's been a while since I've needed to kill
> X manually, so haven't tried it lately.
> ___
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Re: X11 question

2010-08-12 Thread Fred Boatwright
Indeed you are right.  I installed xinit from ports but something didn't
happen as it should have.  I tried again using pkg_add as you suggested
and startx does exist now.

I installed olvwm several days ago and it did not pull in the xorg stuff

Thanks for the help!

Best regards,

Samuel Martín Moro wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 11:43 PM, Fred Boatwright  wrote:
> > pkg_info | grep xinit  doesn't return anything
> >
> then, you doesn't have installed xinit, and startx can't be here
> pkg_add -rv xinit
> and then, if it doesn't fail, try again:
> rehash
> which startx
> > rehash
> > which startx
> > startx: Command not found
> >
> > whereis X
> > X: /usr/local/bin/X
> >
> > pkg_which /usr/local/bin/X
> > pkg_which:  Command not found
> >
> > Oliver:  I used your porgle tool to find pkg_which and will install it
> > later. Porgle appears to be a very useful tool.
> >
> > I installed x11-servers/xorg-server but maybe should have installed Xorg
> > instead.  However, from looking at the pkg-descr for xorg it looks like
> > it will install a huge amount of software that will not get used.  I am
> > reluctant to do this.  I have installed 8.0-RELEASE from the CD and I
> > want to run olvwm for a desktop.  I have been using Solaris 2.6 with the
> > OpenWindows desktop for 12 years and consider it to be as close to
> > perfection as one can get.  I am being forced, kicking and screaming, to
> > move to some other type of Unix on a PC and would like to continue using
> > OpenWindows.  It is probably going to be an uphill battle to get olvwm
> > to work.  Am I going to have to install xorg to get everything needed?
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Fred
> >
> > Tim Kellers wrote:
> > >
> > > Fred,
> > >
> > >  From man startx(1):
> > >
> > > SEE ALSO
> > > xinit(1), X(7), Xserver(1), Xorg(1), xorg.conf(5)
> > >
> > > Try:
> > >
> > > # whereis X
> > >
> > > If X is installed, it should return:
> > >
> > > # X: /usr/local/bin/X
> > >
> > > pkg_which if X is installed should return:
> > >
> > > # pkg_which /usr/local/bin/X
> > >
> > > xorg-server-1.7.5,1
> > >
> > > If it doesn't, then the full X server isn't installed:
> > >
> > > Try:
> > >
> > > # whereis xorg
> > >
> > > xorg: /usr/ports/x11/xorg
> > >
> > > If xorg isn't installed, cd to:
> > >
> > > /usr/ports/x11/xorg
> > >
> > > and
> > >
> > > make config-recursive  (If you add any options, run make
> > > config-recursive a second time after the shell prompt returns)
> > >
> > > and then
> > >
> > > make install clean
> > >
> > > HTH
> > >
> > > Tim Kellers
> > >
> > > On 08/12/10 15:40, Fred Boatwright wrote:
> > > > Hi Oliver and Tim,
> > > >
> > > > I installed xinit but startx still doesn't exist.  whereis returns
> > > > nothing and man startx returns nothing.
> > > >
> > > > Fred
> > > >
> > > > Tim Kellers wrote:
> > > >
> > > >> /usr/ports/x11/xinit
> > > >>
> > > >> On my system (with X, obviously, already installed):
> > > >>
> > > >> beta# whereis startx
> > > >>
> > > >> startx: /usr/local/bin/startx /usr/local/man/man1/startx.1.gz
> > > >>
> > > >> beta# pkg_which /usr/local/bin/startx
> > > >>
> > > >> xinit-1.2.0
> > > >>
> > > >> beta# whereis xinit
> > > >>
> > > >> xinit: /usr/local/bin/xinit /usr/local/man/man1/xinit.1.gz
> > > >> /usr/ports/x11/xinit
> > > >>
> > > >> I' m not certain about the p5/Perl TK questions, but in the file:
> > > >> /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/p5-Tk/pkg-descr
> > > >> there is this description:
> > > >>
> > > >> This a re-port of a perl interface to Tk8.4 (John Ousterhout's
> > production
> > > >> release).
> > > >>
> > > >> Perl API is essentially the same as Tk800.025 but has not
> > > >> been verified as compliant.
> > > >>
> > > >> It also includes all the C code parts of Tix8.1.4 fro

Re: X11 question

2010-08-12 Thread Fred Boatwright
pkg_info | grep xinit  doesn't return anything
which startx
startx: Command not found

whereis X
X: /usr/local/bin/X

pkg_which /usr/local/bin/X
pkg_which:  Command not found

Oliver:  I used your porgle tool to find pkg_which and will install it
later. Porgle appears to be a very useful tool.

I installed x11-servers/xorg-server but maybe should have installed Xorg
instead.  However, from looking at the pkg-descr for xorg it looks like
it will install a huge amount of software that will not get used.  I am
reluctant to do this.  I have installed 8.0-RELEASE from the CD and I
want to run olvwm for a desktop.  I have been using Solaris 2.6 with the
OpenWindows desktop for 12 years and consider it to be as close to
perfection as one can get.  I am being forced, kicking and screaming, to
move to some other type of Unix on a PC and would like to continue using
OpenWindows.  It is probably going to be an uphill battle to get olvwm
to work.  Am I going to have to install xorg to get everything needed?

Best regards,

Tim Kellers wrote:
> Fred,
>  From man startx(1):
> xinit(1), X(7), Xserver(1), Xorg(1), xorg.conf(5)
> Try:
> # whereis X
> If X is installed, it should return:
> # X: /usr/local/bin/X
> pkg_which if X is installed should return:
> # pkg_which /usr/local/bin/X
> xorg-server-1.7.5,1
> If it doesn't, then the full X server isn't installed:
> Try:
> # whereis xorg
> xorg: /usr/ports/x11/xorg
> If xorg isn't installed, cd to:
> /usr/ports/x11/xorg
> and
> make config-recursive  (If you add any options, run make
> config-recursive a second time after the shell prompt returns)
> and then
> make install clean
> Tim Kellers
> On 08/12/10 15:40, Fred Boatwright wrote:
> > Hi Oliver and Tim,
> >
> > I installed xinit but startx still doesn't exist.  whereis returns
> > nothing and man startx returns nothing.
> >
> > Fred
> >
> > Tim Kellers wrote:
> >
> >> /usr/ports/x11/xinit
> >>
> >> On my system (with X, obviously, already installed):
> >>
> >> beta# whereis startx
> >>
> >> startx: /usr/local/bin/startx /usr/local/man/man1/startx.1.gz
> >>
> >> beta# pkg_which /usr/local/bin/startx
> >>
> >> xinit-1.2.0
> >>
> >> beta# whereis xinit
> >>
> >> xinit: /usr/local/bin/xinit /usr/local/man/man1/xinit.1.gz
> >> /usr/ports/x11/xinit
> >>
> >> I' m not certain about the p5/Perl TK questions, but in the file:
> >> /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/p5-Tk/pkg-descr
> >> there is this description:
> >>
> >> This a re-port of a perl interface to Tk8.4 (John Ousterhout's production
> >> release).
> >>
> >> Perl API is essentially the same as Tk800.025 but has not
> >> been verified as compliant.
> >>
> >> It also includes all the C code parts of Tix8.1.4 from SourceForge.
> >> The perl code corresponding to Tix's Tcl code is not fully implemented.
> >>
> >> This version (Tk804.025) is only likely to work with perl5.8+.
> >>
> >> Tim Kellers
> >>
> >> On 08/12/10 12:02, Fred Boatwright wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hello,
> >>>
> >>> Where would I find startx?  I assume it is part one of the ports under
> >>> X11
> >>> but I don't want to install all of them to find it.
> >>>
> >>> Also, is p5-Tk the same as Perl/Tk?
> >>>
> >>> Best regards,
> >>>
> >>> Fred
> >>>
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Re: X11 question

2010-08-12 Thread Fred Boatwright
Hi Oliver and Tim,

I installed xinit but startx still doesn't exist.  whereis returns
nothing and man startx returns nothing.


Tim Kellers wrote:
> /usr/ports/x11/xinit
> On my system (with X, obviously, already installed):
> beta# whereis startx
> startx: /usr/local/bin/startx /usr/local/man/man1/startx.1.gz
> beta# pkg_which /usr/local/bin/startx
> xinit-1.2.0
> beta# whereis xinit
> xinit: /usr/local/bin/xinit /usr/local/man/man1/xinit.1.gz
> /usr/ports/x11/xinit
> I' m not certain about the p5/Perl TK questions, but in the file:
> /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/p5-Tk/pkg-descr
> there is this description:
> This a re-port of a perl interface to Tk8.4 (John Ousterhout's production
> release).
> Perl API is essentially the same as Tk800.025 but has not
> been verified as compliant.
> It also includes all the C code parts of Tix8.1.4 from SourceForge.
> The perl code corresponding to Tix's Tcl code is not fully implemented.
> This version (Tk804.025) is only likely to work with perl5.8+.
> Tim Kellers
> On 08/12/10 12:02, Fred Boatwright wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Where would I find startx?  I assume it is part one of the ports under
> > X11
> > but I don't want to install all of them to find it.
> >
> > Also, is p5-Tk the same as Perl/Tk?
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Fred
> > ___
> > mailing list
> >
> > To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
> >
> >
> >
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X11 question

2010-08-12 Thread Fred Boatwright

Where would I find startx?  I assume it is part one of the ports under
but I don't want to install all of them to find it.

Also, is p5-Tk the same as Perl/Tk?

Best regards,

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Re: firefox install problem

2010-08-10 Thread Fred Boatwright
Hello Steve,

I have not had any luck installing the package manually.  The file is a
tar.gz which pkg_add apparently can't handle.  I did download
firefox.tar.gz and unpacked it.  Pkg_info says it is corrupt.  Changes
were apparently made to this package about two weeks ago and possibly
something didn't happen correctly.  Should this be reported to a
different mail list or should a bug report be made?  Or am I mistaken?

If a package needed to be installed manually, how would pkg_add know to
get all the dependencies remotely?  Firefox has a huge list of
dependencies which would be very difficult to deal with manually.

Best regards,


Steven Susbauer wrote:
> On 08/09/10 22:17, Fred Boatwright wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have installed FreeBSD-8.0 from the CD and have it running ok.  I have
> > installed several packages including thunderbird using pkg_add -r
> > package_name.  When I try to install firefox I get a file unavailable
> > error.  The web site shows firefox-3.6.8,1 is available (i386).  What
> > can I do to install firefox?
> >
> You can manually download the package from a mirror and then install it
> with pkg_add (pkg_add firefox-3.6.8,1.tbz).
> ___
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firefox install problem

2010-08-09 Thread Fred Boatwright

I have installed FreeBSD-8.0 from the CD and have it running ok.  I have
installed several packages including thunderbird using pkg_add -r
package_name.  When I try to install firefox I get a file unavailable
error.  The web site shows firefox-3.6.8,1 is available (i386).  What
can I do to install firefox?

Best regards,
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Re: POLL: Linux preferences from FreeBSD users

2009-07-03 Thread Fred C

On Jul 3, 2009, at 6:01 AM, Polytropon wrote:

On Thu, 2 Jul 2009 08:28:01 -0600, Modulok  wrote:

That and Linux seems to only ever get the abridged version of manual
pages. When you compare manual pages for an equivalent commands
between FreeBSD and most Linux flavors, it really shows. I noticed
this when I went from Debian to FreeBSD. "Finally! Real

There ware two things that I found to be solved better in FreeBSD than
in various Linusi:

1. Amount of manual pages: FreeBSD does not only document commands,
it documents configuration files, kerlen interfaces, library functions
and maintenance procedures. The tradition of manual pages furthermore
is carried by third party software (ports), e. g. "man opera" - you
would not guess that it existed. In the opposite, try to find a
manpage of some KDE program (as if anyone would read manpages for
KDE things).

2. Quality of documentation: The manpages are excellently written.
No "look at our Wiki" or "this page intentionally left free" there.
furthermore, the OS's source is very tidy, uses good names for
functions, variables and datatypes, and has lots of useful comments.

As a developer, documentation is a MUST HAVE for me. Having all
the documentation avaliable "off line" right after installation
is very good.

Sadly, Linux didn't (doesn't?) offer this.

I agree, the linux documentation is very scarce. Having good man pages  
is very convenient, specially when you are in a data center with just  
a console on a cart. Having to go online to check some badly organised  
wiki is not always convenient or possible.

I also have my share of frustration with the logs. The messages in the  
log files are often inconsistent and unhelpful. In this following  
example the kernel is reporting a disk error but forgot to specify the  
most important information, the disk.

Jul  3 00:07:53 locdata204 kernel: [5706229.55] res  
41/40:00:52:4a:73/83:02:27:00:00/00 Emask 0x9 (media error)


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(no subject)

2009-06-12 Thread Fred Terp
This is a dumb Question which I should know the answer to. I can get gdm to
recogize my logins but xdm and wdm wont accept my username/password
 entrys what am I forgetting?

Frederick D. Terp
14985 Rivers Edge Court #135
Fort Myers, Florida  33908-7920

Phone:   (239) 822-5439




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Re: How to recover disk space after "filesystem full"

2009-05-22 Thread Fred Condo
On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 9:14 AM, Luke Dean  wrote:
> Yes, it sounds like a stupid question, but let me tell the story.
> The log for my dhcp server filled up /var last night, which meant that
> dhcpd was also unable to hand out new leases, which meant that I had
> effectively been DOSed.  I'll have to look into changing my logging
> policies.
> So, to correct the problem, I log into the router, removed the big
> log and several other files in /var to free up some space, and assumed
> this would correct the problem.
> It did not.
> Several minutes after freeing up a lot of space on /var, I continued
> to get "filesystem full" messages and "df" continued to show the
> capacity at >100%.  I checked "df -i" for the inodes too.  That was
> fine.  I ran a quick fsck to see if that might shock the system into
> seeing all the space that I'd freed up, but no good.
> I ended up rebooting the box.
> Was there any other possible solution I could've tried?
> Why wouldn't the free space immediately appear as free?

Because unlinking the file does not close the file. Restarting the
dhcp daemon probably would have done the trick. The filesystem will
free the disk space only when all references to the file have gone
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Re: basic

2009-05-06 Thread Fred C

On May 6, 2009, at 12:48 PM, Gary Gatten wrote:

LMAO!  Touché!  Seriously though, can't we all just get along? :)

I have no problem with linux I am using it every day at work it is  
installed on more than 2000 servers. But with all the incoherences in  
the tools and the os, I feel sometime like I am working on Windows.


-Original Message-
From: [ 
] On Behalf Of Fred C

Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 1:52 PM
To: J Sisson
Subject: Re: basic

That project already exist it is called linux...


On May 6, 2009, at 9:08 AM, J Sisson wrote:

That's a great idea...let's take a wonderful open source project and
it with Windows "programmers" who couldn't find the shell even if  

booted without a GUI.

And while we're at it, let's re-write the shell in
performance reasons.

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 7:32 AM, giorgio novello

Do you want obtain new market share?

Develop e visual-basic like language, or asp vb and  your OS will
be a best


Giorgio Novello

Vb developer


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Computers are like air conditioners...
They quit working when you open Windows.
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Re: basic

2009-05-06 Thread Fred C

That project already exist it is called linux...


On May 6, 2009, at 9:08 AM, J Sisson wrote:

That's a great idea...let's take a wonderful open source project and  

it with Windows "programmers" who couldn't find the shell even if they
booted without a GUI.

And while we're at it, let's re-write the shell in  

performance reasons.

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 7:32 AM, giorgio novello  

Do you want obtain new market share?

Develop e visual-basic like language, or asp vb and  your OS will  
be a best



Giorgio Novello

Vb developer


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Computers are like air conditioners...
They quit working when you open Windows.
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msk0: watchdog timeout (missed Tx interrupts)

2009-04-03 Thread Fred


I recently upgraded from 6.3 to 7.1 (7.1-RELEASE-p4) with freebsd-update,
and I now have problems with msk0 very often (which I did have before) :

Mar 30 20:14:19 blackbox kernel: msk0: watchdog timeout (missed Tx
interrupts) -- recovering
Mar 30 20:14:58 blackbox kernel: msk0: watchdog timeout (missed Tx
interrupts) -- recovering

which lead to not being able to access the net at all.
I saw some people had this issue at different version of fbsd etc, due to
some issue of the nic itself that had to be workaround, so I tried
some early source code for msk :

but I still have this issue (I make buildkernel, installkernel; at first I
only compiled
the module, but it seems that in 7.3 it's in the kernel itself so that the
module won't load)

Here is some info from dmesg about my nic:

mskc0:  port 0x7c00-0x7cff mem
0xfddfc000-0xfddf irq 17 at device 0.0 on pci3
msk0:  on mskc0
msk0: Ethernet address: 00:50:43:00:45:3e
miibus0:  on msk0
mskc0: [FILTER]

Thanks for you help, this issue is really painful,


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Re: Finding Dependencies

2009-03-17 Thread Fred Condo
On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Jerry  wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Mar 2009 19:16:19 +
> Paul Schmehl  wrote:
> [snip]
> >man (1) pkg_info
> >
> >-r what the package depends on
> >-R what depends on the package
> It does not list any package that depends on it. I have no idea why it
> is being installed.

Try running this command to make sure all dependencies are correctly recorded:

# portmaster --check-depends

Portmaster is itself a (very lightweight) port: ports-mgmt/portmaster
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Re: World doesn't build correctly

2009-02-18 Thread Fred Condo
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Frank Wißmann  wrote:
> Am Dienstag 17 Februar 2009 21:20:15 schrieb Polytropon:
>> On Tue, 17 Feb 2009 20:14:58 +0100, Frank Wißmann
>  wrote:
>> > What is going wrong here? Why isn't ther build a 7_STABLE as I
>> > desire? What do I need to change to get my wanted results?
>> Are you sure you have the correct sources? How did you update them?
>> I'm using the following settings (as an example):
>> In /etc/make.conf:
>>   SUP_UPDATE= yes
>>   SUP=/usr/bin/csup
>>   SUPFLAGS=   -g -L 2
>>   SUPFILE=/etc/sup/stable.sup
>> And in /etc/sup/stable.sup:
>>   *default
>>   *default base=/var/db
>>   *default prefix=/usr
>>   *default release=cvs tag=RELENG_7
>>   *default delete use-rel-suffix
>>   *default compress
>>   src-all
>> For csup, the tag is "RELENG_7". You used "7_STABLE", maybe this is
>> the reason why you checked out the sources of 7.0-RELEASE?
> Well, I used your settings of "default release=cvs tag=RELENG_7", but
> the answer is still this:
> FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE #0:
> Wed Feb 18 21:36:57 CET 2009
>  amd64
> Any ideas, folks? Or should I post something more?

You know you have to build and install the world and kernel after
performing a csup, right? See
(Auf Deutsch:
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Re: No periodic daily?

2009-02-18 Thread Fred Condo
On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 9:34 AM, Kurt Buff  wrote:
> All,
> I'm having a strange issue with one of my boxes. It's the router for our DS3:
> router#uname -a
> FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #0: Mon May
> 19 01:16:12 PDT 2008
>  i386
> The machine has stopped sending periodic daily and security reports,
> though I'm getting weekly and monthly reports. I see nothing in the
> syslogs to indicate any problems.
> If I issue, as root, the command 'periodic daily', it just hangs until
> I press ^C to break out of it, then it comes back with
> router# periodic daily
> ^C
> (Interrupt -- one more to kill letter)
> and sends an email, with the following contents:
> Removing stale files from /var/preserve:
> Cleaning out old system announcements:
> Removing stale files from /var/rwho:
> But nothing else - certainly much less than I get from my other boxes.
> Running 'periodic security' also hangs, but when I interrupt with ^C,
> I get no output at all, either at the prompt or in email.
> I plan on rebooting it this evening - is there anything I can do in
> the meantime to diagnose the issue?
> Kurt

At a minimum, we'd want to see the contents of /etc/periodic.conf

(as an aside) Any reason you're running an unpatched 7.0 on your
router? 7.0 is up to around patch 10.
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Re: pkg_info & php

2009-01-06 Thread Fred Condo
On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 7:47 AM, Grant Peel  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am getting 'segmentation faults' when using php (apache module) on a server 
> that recently had php 4 instlalled when php 5 was already there.
> /var/log/httpd-error.log:
> [Tue Jan 06 09:44:39 2009] [notice] child pid 8209 exit signal Segmentation 
> fault (11)
> Is there a way to completely remove all hints of php 5? Do you think this 
> would stop the segmentation faults?
> Uname -a:
> FreeBSD servername 6.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE #0: Thu Feb 22 02:59:38 
> EST 2007 ... i386
> Output of pkg_info:
[snip list of pkg_info output]
> Thanks,
> -Grant

It sounds like you need
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Re: Behaviour of su(1)

2008-10-31 Thread Fred Condo

Use this syntax (both equivalent):
su - root
su -l root

You do have to specify the user with -l. Perhaps the man page could  
clarify that.

On Oct 31, 2008, at 11:33 AM, Frédéric Perrin wrote:


When I « su - » to root (after being logged in as my normal user), the
LOGNAME env variable is still set to my previous user, as in :

| [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~% /usr/bin/su -l
| Password:
| root - fred

As far as I can tell, this contradicts the fine manual that says :

| -l  Simulate a full login.  The environment is discarded  
except for


So I would have expected LOGNAME to be either empty or set by some  
startup script to be root. So, why is LOGNAME still equal to my  

user ? (and where is it set ? « grep -r LOGNAME /etc » doesn't turn up

This is an issue because emacs, for instance, uses $LOGNAME to load  

init-file. I could always add « export LOGNAME=root » to my shell
startup file, but this doesn't quite feel right...

GNU su (as it is ocnfigured in Debian at least) resets LOGNAME to root
in the same situation. (and by the way, GNU su seems broken : if I «  

-l root », I always get a 'Password incorrect' answer).

As a side question, is it considered bad practice to set root's shell
and locales to something else then the default ?

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Re: an even dumber q: how do i get sage's ports-ypgrade working?

2008-10-13 Thread Fred Condo

On Oct 10, 2008, at 4:21 PM, Gary Kline wrote:

Late last December my small network began falling apart.  Still
not sure how, but a fellow from Dallas came to my rescue and from
his home, slowly rebuilt and re-configured everything.  E.g.: for
one thing, where I hack sendmail working via various kludges, he
set up imap.  I had thought that was mostly for students

He also filled me in on jails.  Previously, I had my 1998 Kayak
doing DNS and mail and web solo.  Jon created a jail and set
things up there.  He used NFS to bring over things from a faster
computer.  That's well and good; it makes sense to compile a
suite that takes days on sage [Kayak @ 400MHz] on my Dell8200
[2.4GHZ].  A few days ago I realized that I was missing some
simple programs on sage.  I went into ports: empty.  Years ago
there was a standalone script that let you fix or tune things.
I thought it was on the hard drive as well as the CD set.


thanks for any clues!


Gary Kline  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Public  
Service Unix

You don't mention which version of FreeBSD you're using, but if it's  
at all recent, portsnap is your friend:

# mkdir -p /usr/ports && portsnap fetch extract # Do this once to  
fetch and set up the ports collection initially

Then add this to root's crontab:
1 3 * * * /usr/sbin/portsnap cron update

If portsnap is not on your system, you should probably upgrade, but  
you could try the packagge:

# pkg_add -r portsnap

Also, if you're administering a bunch of jails, ezjail is also your  
friend. See (website is a  
bit out of date; 3.0 is released and in the ports collection).

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Re: kwik question re virt websites...

2008-10-10 Thread Fred Condo

On Oct 10, 2008, at 2:31 PM, Gary Kline wrote:


When I restarted apache22, there was a warning that
something was missing.  It had nothing [ hopefully ] to
do with the new virtual site I want to set up.

Can anybody tell me what the following error is?  I do
have an index.html file in /usr/local/www/cryonics.
Also have the entries in the apache22/Includes/httpd*
and in my namedb/* files.  I have more that five virtual
websites; what am I forgetting here??


lynx: Can't access startfile

Gary Kline  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Public  
Service Unix

It's your DNS:

$ host
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

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Re: php5 segfault

2008-10-08 Thread Fred Condo

On Oct 8, 2008, at 10:53 AM, Michael Powell wrote:

Jeremy Chadwick wrote:

On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 02:51:00PM +0200, Laszlo Nagy wrote:


So it is using -O2 and -pipe. Is this something that I can disable?

If you want.  "make config" in /usr/ports/lang/php5 will give you a
menu option for DEBUG; turn it on.

I'm not sure what the compile options you're showing have  
*anything* to

do with the segfault you're reporting.  I don't see any backtraces or
details of the segfault.

I've used -pipe -O2 for years and never had it cause me trouble.

It might be because we are using postgresql connections. For pages
without pgsql connection, there is no segfault.

Still using MySQL so I can't speak to PostgreSQL PHP connectivity.

I've personally used PHP5 (as a CGI only, not as an Apache module)
with PostgreSQL and experienced no segfaults.

It must be noted that the segfault happens on cleanup. E.g. all web
sites are working fine, except that we are getting many many  

messages in the logs all the time.

This will inhibit performance. The ones that are failing are having  

script(s) restarted. If you can fix this performance will improve.

Many people have found that re-ordering the "extensions" lines in
/usr/local/etc/php/extensions.ini has solved odd segfaults.  I
personally have never seen this, nor have ever needed to adjust that
file, but it has worked for others.

One quickie shortcut to try as experimentation is to just comment out in extensions.ini. I have had trouble with this one, ie to the
extent Apache wouldn't even start.

I've read/heard about the reorder thing too and never needed it.  
What I

suspect is there is a possibility that what happened is people went in
after the fact and installed xyz extensions after the first main  

after discoverring they forgot or left out something they needed. This
results in the line(s) just getting tacked on at the bottom. If they  
wiped all PHP and done it again from scratch the list in  

would then be correct. Only a theory on my part.

Also, you cannot use a threaded Apache (e.g. threaded MPMs) with PHP
since not all extensions support threading.  Your Apache needs to be
built without threads and use a non-thread model (e.g. prefork).   

also had success with Apache-ITK-mpm.

This is very true for mod_php, but less so if PHP is run as FastCGI.  
I am

currently running a box at work with the event mpm and mod_fcgid for
testing and it seems to be doing well. YMMV

Search the mailing lists for this situation, try the recommendations,
and then if nothing fixes it, provide a backtrace.

The normal default of error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE is  
present, but if
you want it to log to it's own file uncomment ;error_log = filename  
syslog if you prefer). You may need to do a 'touch on the   

make it's permissions match those the webserver runs under.

If things get really bad take a look at
I don't think this really belongs on a production machine (IMHO),  
but I have
used it on my development server. Better as a last ditch effort  


Have a look at

PHP extensions have to be loaded in a particular order to avoid the  
segfaults at cleanup.

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Re: Mysqldump password issue

2008-10-02 Thread Fred Condo

On Oct 2, 2008, at 12:00 PM, Matthew Seaman wrote:

Andrei Brezan wrote:

Hello list,
I wanna do a
mysqldump -u user -ppasswd --all-databases > backup.sql
and all I get is
mysqldump: No match.
This happens either i put --all-databases or I specify any of the
databases. I want to do a backup as user root, that's why I use
all-databases opt.
If I use the command:
mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases >backup.sql
I get the password prompt, I type the passwd and everythig works  

It seems that there is a problem with -p, i've tried --password with
same result.
If anyone has any ideea please let me know about it.
I mention that i use Freebsd 7_0 and mysql 5.0.67

My guess is that the password (which you've obviously elided) contains
characters of syntactic significance to the shell.  Any of the  

will lead to wailing and gnashing of teeth:

* ? [ < > & ; ! | $

Probably others as well.  The general way to get round this is to
put 'quote' marks around your password -- but this will only work if
the password is a separate word on the command line -- ie. whitespace
between it and any other tokens.  I believe that the '-p' flag to  

is a bit painful in that regard as it doesn't allow whitespace between
itself and the password.  Hmmm... untested, but it should work if you
just quote around the -p like so: '-ppassword'.

Alternatively, just change the password to one containing less
troublesome characters: a-zA-Z0-9:@#~+=-_^%., I recommend use of
'apg' to generate randomised but strangely memorable passwords.  Oh,
and simply making the password longer makes it much more secure even
if you're limited to a relatively small alphabet.

If consistent with your security policies, you can store the password  
in your ~/.my.cnf file:


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Re: Best way to back up mysql database

2008-09-30 Thread Fred Condo
I run a script from root's crontab (not /etc/crontab) and keep the  
login credentials in /root/.my.cnf so they don't have to be embedded  
in the script. Not that $gzip is defined as /bin/cat because I move  
copies offsite via rsync and disk space is abundant. This script keeps  
30 daily backups (configurable).

Crontab entry:

13 20 * * * cd /bak/databases && /root/db_backup

"db_backup" perl script:

#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;

my $maxbackups = 30;
my $gz='gz';
my $mysqldump = '/usr/local/bin/mysqldump';
my $gzip = '/bin/cat';

my $newfile;
my $filename = 'all_databases.sql';
my $curfile = $filename . ".$maxbackups";
unlink $curfile if -f $curfile;
my ($i, $j);
for ($i = $maxbackups - 2; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$j = $i + 1;
$curfile = $filename . '.' . $i;
$newfile = $filename . '.' . $j;
rename $curfile, $newfile if -f $curfile;
$curfile = $filename . '.' . '0';
my $command = "$mysqldump --opt --all-databases | $gzip > $curfile";
my $result;
$result = system $command and warn "$result";

On Sep 30, 2008, at 4:22 PM, John Almberg wrote:

DATE=`date +%a`
echo $DATE
echo Backup Mysql database

gzip -f /usr/somedirectory/somefile_$DATE.backup
/usr/bin/at -f /usr/somedirectory/ midnight

Ah, a much simpler solution than my ruby script. I hadn't thought to  
zip up the file before transferring it. That's an improvement I must  

Thanks: John
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Government funds available

2008-09-11 Thread Fred

Press Release
12:44:30 PM

The American Grants and Loans Book is 
now available. This publication contains more 
than 1800 financial programs, subsidies, 
scholarships, grants and loans offered by the 
US federal government. 

It also includes over 700 financing programs 
available by foundations and associations across 
the United States.

Businesses, students, individuals, municipalities, 
government departments, institutions, foundations 
and associations will find a wealth of information 
that will help them with their new ventures or
existing projects.

What you get:

-Description of Grant available
-Url to government website
-Full mailing address
-Phone and fax number

The Canadian Subsidy Directory is also available 
for Canada.

CD version: $69.95
Printed version: $149.95

To order please call: 819-322-7533

If you do not wish to receive communication from us 
in the future please write "agl" in the subject line 

Canada Books
833 Boise de la Riviere
Prevost, Qc
J0R 1T0
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Re: Google Chrome

2008-09-03 Thread Fred C

On Sep 3, 2008, at 11:27 PM, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Fred C
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 11:21 PM
To: RW
Subject: Re: Google Chrome

On Sep 3, 2008, at 5:21 PM, RW wrote:

On Thu, 4 Sep 2008 00:47:34 +0200 (CEST)
Wojciech Puchar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For most people that's already happened, except that it's
Adobe-Flash WWW. Google's approach of open-source software, and
open-extensions, leading to new standards, sounds a lot better to

except it leads to google-everything. not even a bit better than

There's a lot of difference. Microsoft has always tried to undermine
standards because standards give its competitors a more level- 

field, which is what Google needs for its webapps to compete with
Microsoft's desktop applications. I don't see how that's bad for
anyone except Microsoft.

So you mean that google is learning from the Microsoft mistakes. Or
google need to get along with the standards for now, but as soon as
they have
secured the market they will define the standards as they need it to
be for their

Since they are defining standards that are implemented in open source
code under BSD license I don't see the problem.

You can complain the day that Adobe releases the source for Acrobat
Reader, and Flash, under BSD license, and Google closes the source for
Chrome, OK?

I am not saying what they are doing is not good for the community.  
Like everyone
here I thing that's great. Not only because it's one more pice of  
freesoftware. Also
because that will force web developers to use standards instead of  
specificities only
available on IE. I am just saying that what they are doing is for  
their own good and
not for the good of mankind. Their business model doesn't rely on  
software ownership

but on data mining.


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Re: Google Chrome

2008-09-03 Thread Fred C

On Sep 3, 2008, at 5:21 PM, RW wrote:

On Thu, 4 Sep 2008 00:47:34 +0200 (CEST)
Wojciech Puchar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For most people that's already happened, except that it's
Adobe-Flash WWW. Google's approach of open-source software, and
open-extensions, leading to new standards, sounds a lot better to

except it leads to google-everything. not even a bit better than

There's a lot of difference. Microsoft has always tried to undermine
standards because standards give its competitors a more level-playing
field, which is what Google needs for its webapps to compete with
Microsoft's desktop applications. I don't see how that's bad for
anyone except Microsoft.

So you mean that google is learning from the Microsoft mistakes. Or  
google need to get along with the standards for now, but as soon as  
they have
secured the market they will define the standards as they need it to  
be for their



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Re: defrag

2008-08-27 Thread Fred C

Maybe it is because FAT filesystem wasn't well designed from the  
beginning and defrag was a workaround to solve performances problems.


On Aug 27, 2008, at 5:29 PM, prad wrote:

something that has puzzled me for years (but i've never got around to
asking) is how does *nix get away without regular defrag as with

fsck is equivalent to scandisk, right?

so when you delete files and start getting 'holes', how does *nix deal
with it?

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Government funds available

2008-08-24 Thread Fred

Press Release

5:46:05 PM

The American Grants and Loans Book is now 
available. This publication contains valuable
information with more than 1800 financial 
programs, subsidies, scholarships, grants 
and loans offered by the United States federal 

It also includes over 700 financing programs 
put forth by various Foundations and Associations 
across the United States.

Businesses, students, individuals, municipalities, 
government departments, institutions, foundations 
and associations will find a wealth of information 
that will help them with their new ventures or
existing projects.

What you get:

-Description of Grant available
-Url to government website
-Full mailing address
-Phone and fax number

The Canadian Subsidy Directory is also available 
for Canada.

CD version: $69.95
Printed version: $149.95

To order please call: 819-322-7533

If you do not wish to receive communication from us 
in the future please write "agl" in the subject line 

Canada Books
833 Boise de la Riviere
Prevost, Qc
J0R 1T0
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Government funds available

2008-08-24 Thread Fred

Press Release

5:46:05 PM

The American Grants and Loans Book is now 
available. This publication contains valuable
information with more than 1800 financial 
programs, subsidies, scholarships, grants 
and loans offered by the United States federal 

It also includes over 700 financing programs 
put forth by various Foundations and Associations 
across the United States.

Businesses, students, individuals, municipalities, 
government departments, institutions, foundations 
and associations will find a wealth of information 
that will help them with their new ventures or
existing projects.

What you get:

-Description of Grant available
-Url to government website
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priority or order for /usr/local/etc/rc.d scripts?

2008-06-30 Thread fred
Hi guys,


Basically, I have 2 scripts in the folder “/usr/local/etc/rc.d/” and


I need resin to be started when apache is starting, how can I do that? I
can’t find any documentation on priority or order for startup scripts.


I have tried adding a line at the end of to start but it
doesn’t work.


# uname -a

FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE #0: Sun Feb 24
19:59:52 UTC 2008
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386


Thanks for your help!



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FreeBSD, Xorg, Geode LX 500Mhz

2008-05-15 Thread Fred Schnittke

I'm using FreeBSD 7.0 Release and I'm trying to get "X" to run on a Geode
LX 500Mhz embedded board.

When I startx, I get the following in the log file:

   (EE) VESA(0): Set VBE Mode failed!
   Fatal server error:
   AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0

I've tried some drivers:


They ./configure fine, but I get all kinds of errors when I Make them.

Any help would be appreciated


Fred Schnittke
Network Administrator
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Those who understand binary and those who don't...

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Re: Apache and Environment

2008-05-12 Thread Fred Condo

On May 10, 2008, at 11:49 PM, Nicolas Letellier wrote:


I use apache13 and php5. When I do a phpinfo(), I can see in  
"Environment" sensibles datas when I launch apache in root. I see  
all my env variables (as MAIL, TERM, USER, PWD, LOGNAME, EDITOR,  
OSTYPE, LANG, etc, etc...). So, we see informations about user who  
launched apache.

When apache is launched as boot (with apache_enable="YES"), I don't  
see these informations. I only see:

RC_PID  39

This is OK. There is no critical informations.

How could I launch apache and mask these informations? I must reboot  
to have this default datas, else I see environment data about the  
user who lauch it.

- Nicolas.

Instead of just

$ su

do this:

$ su - root

This will give you only root's environment. Then do your startup  
command for apache.


Re: "X" Screensaver

2008-04-16 Thread Fred Schnittke

I've installed FreeBSD 7.0, just a standard install with "X". I load XDM
via /usr/local/etc/rc.d/, which states:

/usr/local/bin/xset s off

But I can't get the screensaver to disable. After about 10 minutes of
sitting at the XDM Login Prompt, the screen goes blank.

Can anyone tell me definately, how to disable the "X" screen saver for
good, for all users?


Fred Schnittke
Network Administrator
There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand binary and those who don't...

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Strange behavior with zfs

2008-04-04 Thread Fred C

I have a FreeBSD box configured as a nfs server and a Mac with MacOS  
10.5 as client.

On my FBSD box I have a zfs pool exported as you can seen in the  
examples bellow. This filesystem is mounted on my Mac with the  
following command "mount_nfs -P ..." When I copy some files from the  
shell prompt everything works as expected. But when I use the Finder  
and drop files into this mounted directory I got the following errors:

First message:
You may need to enter the name and password for an administrator on  
this computer to change the item named "xxx.html"

Second message:
The item "xxx.html" contains on or more items you do not have  
permission to read. Do you want to copy the items you are allowed to  

Third message:
The operation cannot ve copleted because you do not have sufficient  
privileges for some of the items.

An empty file is created on the destination directory as shown bellow.
509:0-> ls -ltr /mnt2
total 265
-rw-r--r--@ 1 fred  wheel  135662 Apr  4 13:33 background.jpg
--  1 fred  wheel   0 Apr  4 14:01 xxx.html

When I do the exact same operations on /export which is an UFS file  
system everything works as expected. I have to permissions errors.

I am sorry for asking this long question on this group. Maybe the  
problem is Mac related, but since this happen only with zfs on a  
FreeBSD box, and a lot of people in this list use Macs, I thought you  
may have an answer to that problem.

Here is somt information about FreeBSD Box:
/dev/ad3a on / (ufs, local, soft-updates)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local)
space on /space (zfs, local)
space/home on /space/home (zfs, NFS exported, local)
/dev/md0 on /var (ufs, local)
/dev/md1 on /tmp (ufs, local)
/dev/da3a on /export (ufs, NFS exported, local)

# showmount -e
Exports list on localhost:

# zpool status
  pool: space
 state: ONLINE
 scrub: none requested

space   ONLINE   0 0 0
  da0   ONLINE   0 0 0
  da1   ONLINE   0 0 0
  da2   ONLINE   0 0 0

errors: No known data errors

# zfs list -o name,type,sharenfs,mountpoint
space   filesystem  off   /space
space/home  filesystem  on/space/home

Fred C!
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RE: changed sendmail behavior on FreeBSD 7?

2008-03-31 Thread fred
Hi, I am having the exact same problem with a server running FreeBSD-7.0. 

The hostname is :
MX for is not server1.

sendmail -v [EMAIL PROTECTED] < test.msg will result in user unknown


sendmail -v [EMAIL PROTECTED] < test.msg will work.

If anyone knows how to get around this?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris St Denis
Sent: 31 mars 2008 16:29
Subject: changed sendmail behavior on FreeBSD 7?

I've setup a new web server hostname When I try 
to send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] it tries to deliver it locally 
instead of to the mx server

In previous versions this seems to work correctly. Why would it be 
trying to deliver locally this time? I'm running default sendmail config 
that comes with the standard install.

Another server I have seems to have this problem even worse. It's a web 
server, and for any of the hundreds of domains hosted on it (www A 
records pointed at it, but MX records pointed elseware) it also tries to 
deliver locally. I was able to get this mostly working by using a 
smarthost to the actual mail server, but I don't understand why it would 
be ignoring the mx records.

I've never had problems like these with previous versions. What has changed?
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FreeBSD-4.11 rc.d / startup scripts?

2008-03-31 Thread fred


Google searches doesn’t help much, I am trying to restart, for example the
SSHd service without having to reboot the server, but I have noticed that
there is no /etc/rc.d on FreeBSD-4.11 and /usr/local/etc/rc.d is empty.


Can anyone tell me where do I need to go to do a “sshd restart” ?







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FreeBSD 7 on Zonbu machine

2008-03-28 Thread Fred C

I got two zonbu machines, and I am trying to run FreeBSD 7 on it. I am  
using tinybsd to make a bootable flash. So far everything seems to  
work fine but USB. Is there someone who have an idea why ?

Thanks for any ideas.


Description: Binary data

Fred C!
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RE: FreeBSD-6.3 only detects 3GB of RAM

2008-03-27 Thread fred
Thank you all for your replies.

I will install FreeBSD AMD64 and test my softwares to make sure everything 
works as it should.

Mission critical softwares are the reasons why I was sticking to 32-bit OS on 
my servers.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ivan Voras
Sent: 27 mars 2008 10:37
Subject: Re: FreeBSD-6.3 only detects 3GB of RAM

fred wrote:

> I have read that OPTION PAE in kernel would fix the problem but I have 
> also read that compiling FreeBSD AMD64 might be a better solution, any 
> advices before I break my current setup?

Except if you have a strong reason to stick with the 32-bit kernel, use AMD64.

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FreeBSD-6.3 only detects 3GB of RAM

2008-03-27 Thread fred
Hello all,

I am trying to fix an issue with my dual xeon ibm server, it only detects
3GB or RAM but I have 4GB:

CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.00GHz (3000.13-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0xf41  Stepping = 1
  AMD Features=0x2000
  Logical CPUs per core: 2
real memory  = 3355234304 (3199 MB)
avail memory = 3278614528 (3126 MB)
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 4 CPUs

I have read that OPTION PAE in kernel would fix the problem but I have also
read that compiling FreeBSD AMD64 might be a better solution, any advices
before I break my current setup? 



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RE: Timezone problem

2008-03-26 Thread fred

Thanks for your replies, for the records, here is the code we have modified
in order to fix the problem:


return (long) -tmCurr.tm_gmtoff;


return -tmCurr.tm_gmtoff + tmCurr.tm_isdst * 3600;


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Erik Trulsson
Sent: 24 mars 2008 05:12
To: fred
Subject: Re: Timezone problem

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 04:05:39PM -0400, fred wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> First of all, sorry for the terrible English I will do my best, also I
> have much programming knowledge only some PHP.
> I am having issues with a software that I run on my FreeBSD server
> (6.2-RELEASE). Here is a simple demonstration of the problem:
> This code:
> #include 
> #include 
> int main() {
> extern long timezone1;
> tzset();
> printf("timezone is %d\n", timezone);
> printf("tzname[0] is %s\n", tzname[0]);
> printf("tzname[1] is %s\n", tzname[1]);
> return 0;
> }
> Give this result:
> timezone is 134513672
> tzname[0] is EST
> tzname[1] is EDT
> The value of "timezone" should be "14400" which is the difference between
> timezone (EDT) and UTC in seconds.

What makes you think that that should be the value of 'timezone'?
It should not be.

You have not declared any variable with that name, nor does there exist any
variable with that name in the standard library.
What does exist is a function timezone() (See the timezone(3) manpage for
information on that function. It is not very useful.)
Now, in C a function name all by itself is equivalent to a pointer to that
function.  The value '134513672' you get is simply the value of that
If you had compiled your programs with all warnings enabled (use -Wall) then
the compiler would have complained that the argument to printf does not
match the format. ("%d" makes printf expect an integer, but you pass it a

Also, I am not sure that tzset(3) is guaranteed to initialize the tzdata[]
array, nor is tzset(3) all that portable (nor is usage of the tzdata[] array
very portable for that matter.)

A better (as in: working) version of your program would be the following:


int main() {

  struct tm *lt;
  time_t t;

  t = time(NULL);
  lt = localtime(&t);

  printf("My timezone is %s\n", lt->tm_zone);
  printf("timezone offset is %ld seconds\n", lt->tm_gmtoff);

  return 0;

It is still not fully portable (the 'tm_zone' and 'tm_gmtoff' fields are
non-standard extenstions to 'struct tm'), but it makes use only of
documented features of FreeBSD.

A standard compliant solution would be to use localtime(3) in conjunction
with strftime(3), using the "%z" and "%Z" formats to strftime.
(The "%z" format is part of C99, but not of C89, so it will not be supported
by many older compilers.)

> This problem only appeared when we went
> from EST to EDT (daylight saving time) on march 9th. Anyone knows why I am
> getting "134513672" ?
> Here is some more information about my system:
> # date
> Sat Mar 22 15:24:42 EDT 2008
> # date -u
> Sat Mar 22 19:24:45 UTC 2008
> # gcc -v
> Using built-in specs.
> Configured with: FreeBSD/i386 system compiler Thread model: posix gcc
> version 3.4.6 [FreeBSD] 20060305
> # uname -a
> FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE #0: Fri Jan 12 11:05:30 UTC 2007
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SMP  i386
> Thank for the help!


Erik Trulsson
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RE: Timezone problem

2008-03-23 Thread fred
Yes, I have applied this patch:

I have also installed this port:


Which installs :


And I have obviously ran tzsetup, rebooted, but the problem persists.

Thanks for help


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jonathan Chen
Sent: 23 mars 2008 20:57
To: fred
Subject: Re: Timezone problem

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 04:05:39PM -0400, fred wrote:

> The value of "timezone" should be "14400" which is the difference between
> timezone (EDT) and UTC in seconds. This problem only appeared when we went
> from EST to EDT (daylight saving time) on march 9th. Anyone knows why I am
> getting "134513672" ?

The obvious question is:

Have you updated your system for latest daylight savings changes?

Jonathan Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"One, with God, is always a majority, but many a martyr has been burned
   at the stake while the votes were being counted."  -- Thomas B. Reed
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Re: Laptop advice

2008-03-23 Thread Fred C

On Mar 21, 2008, at 6:48 AM, Derek Ragona wrote:

At 04:56 AM 3/21/2008, Joe Demeny wrote:

I need to get a budget-priced laptop, such as one of these:

Does anyone have experience with these?

Any suggestions for other comparable choices?

I would choose the Toshiba, much better quality and support.  You  
may want to look at Lenovo's too.

In a laptop I would look at the graphics if you plan to run X.

In laptops you want to look at everything. If one of the chipset is  
not supported or badly you cannot like on a desktop change a component  
by an another.

You want to go here  
and search if every component of you laptop is supported.


Fred C!
PGP-FingerPrint: A906101E2CCDBB18D7BD09AEE7EA02EC3B487EE9

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Timezone problem

2008-03-23 Thread fred
Hello everyone,


First of all, sorry for the terrible English I will do my best, also I don't
have much programming knowledge only some PHP.


I am having issues with a software that I run on my FreeBSD server
(6.2-RELEASE). Here is a simple demonstration of the problem:


This code:






int main() {

extern long timezone1;




printf("timezone is %d\n", timezone);

printf("tzname[0] is %s\n", tzname[0]);

printf("tzname[1] is %s\n", tzname[1]);

return 0;





Give this result:


timezone is 134513672

tzname[0] is EST

tzname[1] is EDT



The value of "timezone" should be "14400" which is the difference between my
timezone (EDT) and UTC in seconds. This problem only appeared when we went
from EST to EDT (daylight saving time) on march 9th. Anyone knows why I am
getting "134513672" ?


Here is some more information about my system:


# date

Sat Mar 22 15:24:42 EDT 2008

# date -u

Sat Mar 22 19:24:45 UTC 2008

# gcc -v

Using built-in specs.

Configured with: FreeBSD/i386 system compiler Thread model: posix gcc
version 3.4.6 [FreeBSD] 20060305

# uname -a

FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE #0: Fri Jan 12 11:05:30 UTC 2007
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/SMP  i386



Thank for the help!








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Re: Why not a DVD iso version too?

2008-03-16 Thread Fred C

On Mar 16, 2008, at 1:20 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 16/03/2008, Mel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sunday 16 March 2008 21:03:27 Incoming Mail List wrote:

I think I can answer this one.  Perhaps, not enough disk space?   
the "Where is packages-6.2-release" for more context.  You know,  

space isn't infinite...uh-huh.

Easy to bitch, ain't it?
Make an iso-dvd then and provide the space and bandwidth.

I hope they never release a DVD officially, cause it'll mean that  
80% of
what's downloaded then will never ever be used, yet it does use up  
bandwidth on every new release. Stick to windows if you believe  
that's a

proper use of resources.

How many iterations of:
"I just downloadededed all 4 iso's(sic) and the
bootonly, which one do I need to do a nef tea pee

Ok you do that maybe once or twice but you quickly understand that you  
don't really need the CD2 and CD3. Also some people like to collect.  
They have shelves with all the releases from from Unix V3, but I am  
sure this is not the majority.

Save the bandwith!


Fred C!
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Re: Why not a DVD iso version too?

2008-03-16 Thread Fred C

Same for me I have never uploaded the CD2 and 3. Ok, maybe once long  
time ago when I was young and the FreeBSD version was 4.xx.

I install the os from the CD1 and then I install everything I need  
from ports.


On Mar 16, 2008, at 11:17 AM, Glen Barber wrote:

Miguel Mayol i Tur said:

I do like to try free OSs and distributions
Why not a DVD version at bittorent and or at the FTP?
I cannot understand why not on these days.

I personally cannot understand everyone's fascination with a DVD
installer.  If everyone is so intent on using the "latest and  

why do they want to install packages from the CD (or DVD), rather than
using ports?

Bandwidth, to me, is no excuse, because it takes less bandwidth to
download the ports tree + source code than it does to download a 4GB

Either way, there is a DVD available at freebsdmall.

Glen Barber
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Fred C!
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Re: hardware information

2008-03-07 Thread Fred C

Thank you all, that exactly what I needed.


On Mar 7, 2008, at 12:43 PM, beni wrote:

On Friday 07 March 2008 20:08:29 Fred C wrote:

I have one of my disks over heating and I would like to monitor the
disk temperature. Is there any way to get the disk S.M.A.R.T
information on FreeBSD?


The smartmontools in sysutils/smartmontools :
The smartmontools package contains two utility programs (smartctl  
and smartd)
to control and monitor storage systems using the Self-Monitoring,  
and Reporting Technology System (S.M.A.R.T.) built into most modern  
ATA and
SCSI hard disks.  It is derived from the smartsuite package, and  

support for ATA/ATAPI-5 disks.


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Fred C!
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hardware information

2008-03-07 Thread Fred C

I have one of my disks over heating and I would like to monitor the  
disk temperature. Is there any way to get the disk S.M.A.R.T  
information on FreeBSD?


Fred C!
PGP-FingerPrint: A906101E2CCDBB18D7BD09AEE7EA02EC3B487EE9

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Re: Manually opening TCP ports

2008-03-07 Thread Fred C

You can do that with bash. Ex:

$ cat


On Mar 6, 2008, at 11:47 PM, Siraj Shaikh wrote:


I am just wondering if there is a utility (or any feature in FreeBSD)
that allows me to manually open a TCP port on a machine. I am looking
for a way that could either allow me to open ALL or many TCP ports on
a machine.

Also, is there any way of running a service on more than a single
port, or on all or many ports?

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Fred C!
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Re: Postfix port broken?

2008-03-03 Thread Fred Condo

This is due to these lines in the Makefile (with line numbers):

187 .if defined(WITH_VDA)
188 IGNORE= Waiting for a new patch that's work  
with 2.5.1

190 PATCHFILES+=postfix-2.4.5-vda-ng.patch.gz
192 .endif

make config would enable you to turn off virtual delivery agent. I'm  
not a postfix expert, but I believe VDA is only needed if you run  
virtual domains.


On Mar 2, 2008, at 2:57 AM, Ezat wrote:

  Hello all,
  Not sure if correct list for this.
  Trying to install postfix today and came across this issue.
  ===>  postfix-2.5.1_1,1 Waiting for a new patch that's work with
  *** Error code 1
  Stop in /usr/ports/mail/postfix.
  Anyone have same issue?
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Re: Daylight Savings time

2008-03-02 Thread Fred C

The file does not exist...

/usr/ports/misc/zoneinfo# make
===>  Vulnerability check disabled, database not found
=> tzdata2007j.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.
=> Attempting to fetch from
fetch: File  
unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)

=> Attempting to fetch from
fetch: Not Found
=> Attempting to fetch from 
: File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)

=> Couldn't fetch it - please try to retrieve this
=> port manually into /usr/ports/distfiles/ and try again.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/misc/zoneinfo.

On Mar 1, 2008, at 1:04 PM, Erik Trulsson wrote:

On Sat, Mar 01, 2008 at 03:18:52PM -0500, Lisa Casey wrote:


I suspect my FreeBSD 5.2 system isn't going to handle the change to  
Daylight Savings Time correctly next weekend:

zdump -v /etc/localtime | grep 2008
/etc/localtime  Sun Apr  6 06:59:59 2008 UTC = Sun Apr  6 01:59:59  
2008 EST isdst=0 gmtoff=-18000
/etc/localtime  Sun Apr  6 07:00:00 2008 UTC = Sun Apr  6 03:00:00  
2008 EDT isdst=1 gmtoff=-14400
/etc/localtime  Sun Oct 26 05:59:59 2008 UTC = Sun Oct 26 01:59:59  
2008 EDT isdst=1 gmtoff=-14400
/etc/localtime  Sun Oct 26 06:00:00 2008 UTC = Sun Oct 26 01:00:00  
2008 EST isdst=0 gmtoff=-18000

Could someone help me remember the steps I need to take to correct  

Install the misc/zoneinfo port, which will install an updated  
zoneinfo file on your

machine, and then run tzsetup(8) to update /etc/localtime.


Erik Trulsson
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Fred C!
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Re: FreeBSD bind performance in FreeBSD 7

2008-02-29 Thread Fred C

On Feb 29, 2008, at 7:44 AM, Chris wrote:

A weakness of freebsd is its fussyness over hardware in particular
network cards, time and time again I see posts here telling people to
go out buying expensive intel pro 1000 cards just so they can use the
operating system properly when I think its reasonable to expect
mainstream hardware to work, eg. realtek is mainstream and common as a
onboard nic but the support in freebsd is poor and only serving
datacentres to shy away from freebsd.  If the same hardware performs
better in linux then the hardware isnt to blame for worser performance
in fbsd.

The weakness comes mainly from the hardware.

It is like Nascar, you don't run Nascar in your everyday Prius. You  
need a car with stronger and ultra performing components. Your Prius  
maybe fine for your commute and your grocery shopping, but when it  
comes to a race it will perform very badly.

Here the problem is the same. For your everyday home desktop machine  
any low end network card is fine. But when you want to handle several  
thousand connections per seconds you need some some hardware who can  
handle it.

Fred C!
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Re: two ntpd

2008-02-15 Thread Fred Condo

On Feb 15, 2008, at 9:24 AM, ivan dimitrov wrote:

Hi list,
is it normal to have two ntpds?
 767  ??  Ss 0:37.28 /usr/sbin/ntpd -c /etc/ntp.conf -p /var/run/
 844  ??  S  0:00.95 /usr/sbin/ntpd -c /etc/ntp.conf -p /var/run/



[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ps ax | grep ntp
  940  ??  Ss 1:01.96 /usr/sbin/ntpd -c /etc/ntp.conf -p /var/run/ -f /var/db/ntpd.drift

Re: console server using a modern 1U box

2008-01-03 Thread Fred C

Do you know where I can find more information about comserv. In the  
port directory the pkg-descr file point to 
 which return a 404 error and the website is about bats homes.


On Jan 3, 2008, at 3:38 AM, Philip Brown wrote:

have a look at xyplex 1600 console server, which is a standalone  
comm server accesed via a network.
you can the also run comserv on your bsd box which will the connect  
the 16 ports of the console server as directly connected serial  
ports giving you the use of ports as device files & tip etc.

if i remember correctly I also used comserv with lantronix/perl  
console server as well.

comserv is in /usr/ports/comms/comserv
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Re: Moving user/group databases

2007-09-07 Thread Fred Condo

On Sep 7, 2007, at 2:51 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

At 03:52 PM 9/7/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
All of my FreeBSD servers boot from CD, and we are going to be  
several temporary employees coming and going over the next 6-12  
Is it possible to move the user/group databases from their  
location in

/etc (which is read only on my CDs) to another location?

I have read the man page concerning pw and still do not  
understand what I

should be doing.  Any suggestions, or direction to a how-to would be
greatly appreciated.



The simplest way would be to put a symbolic link from /etc to a  

location.  You will need to re-make your boot CD to have this change.


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I have recreated the CD with the sym links, and I still run into a  
because adduser tries to create temporary files in /etc.  If I  

correctly, the files it tries to create are /etc/passwd.XX.

I was able to get pw to work to add the user accounts, but now I am  

to set the password for new account, and have hit the temp file snag.

Is this something which can be reconfigured in pw.conf?



It sounds like you made a link for /etc/master_passwd. I'm pretty  
sure what DR meant was a symlink for the entire /etc directory:

/etc -> /somewhere_writable/etc/

You need this because adduser also has to rewrite /etc/passwd and / 
etc/group when you add/delete users. This means copying your entire / 
etc hierarchy somewhere writable; naturally I don't know if this is  
acceptable in your organization.

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Booting GELI from CD...

2007-06-07 Thread Fred Davidson
I think I am close to getting GELI to boot from CD. 
Here's what I've done.

#Followed instructions per these threads [1].  This
#included creating a file backed memory disk to allow
#GELI to mount the root filesystem with a keyfile on
the #CD.

#You'll see from my previous post, and that of others,
#that many were having trouble booting from USB sticks
#even from modern BIOSes[2].  No one has been able to
#identify the problem to date. In the meantime booting
#from CD is supposed to be a far more reliable.

#I followed the instructions for mkisofs from [1]b,
and #burned to cd-r like this:

burncd -f /dev/acd0 data grubboot.iso /iso

#This works great! until the dreaded loader takes
#you'll recall loader hanging and not being able to
#read the kernel from the USB pendrive was a previous
#issue.  Here is the current output from loader while
#booting the CD:

BTXloader 1.00  BTX version is 1.01
Consoles: internal video/keyboard
BIOS drive C: is disk0
BIOS 631kB/980480kB available memory

FreeBSD/i386 bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1
([EMAIL PROTECTED], Sun May 9 02:19:03 UTC 2006)
Can't work out which disk we are booting from.
Guessed BIOS device 0x9f not found by probes,
defaulting to disk0:

can't load 'kernel'

Type '?' for a list of commands, 'help' for more
detailed help.

# if I 'lsdev' I get the following output.

cd devices:
disk devices:
disk0: BIOS drive C:
  disk0s2: FFS bad disklabel

#disk 0 is an unencrypted FBSD6.1 install.  Disk0s2 is
#the GELI install.  I assume there is a problem
reading #the cd device because there is no output? 
This was #the same problem when booting from usb;
whichever disk
#was the usb would have no output in the same way.  

#I want to mention that if I boot from the FBSD
install #disk and and escape to the loader prompt and
lsdev, I #get:

cd devices: Device 0x1

#Also while booting the BTX screen says:

BIOS CD is cd0

#You might comment on why I'm using grub instead of
#cdboot? the main reason is I want to take advantage
of #menu.lst to choose between OSes when booting from
the #CD.  I'll also try all of this with /boot/cdboot
to #see if I can just get it to work.  In the mean
time, #ideas?  



[2] a.


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Re: Loader can't read USB drive @ boot

2007-06-06 Thread Fred Davidson
--- Jerry McAllister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 05, 2007 at 09:16:35AM -0700, Fred
> Davidson wrote:
> > Well I was having this problem with GRUB which
> someone
> > helped me with.  Now Grub will boot my USB key and
> > load loader.  The problem?  loader hangs, and
> > eventually says it can't find the kernel.  when I
> > lsdev it always gives the right description of my
> hard
> > disk partitions on the hard drive, but prints
> nothing
> > for the USB disk. So...
> When the FreeBSD loader can't find the kernel, it
> often means
> that it is looking in the wrong place.  Is your Grub
> MBR pointing
> it to the right place?   What is actually on that
> stick?
> Is there aDDsNa partition for it to boot from? 
> DD being device
> and N being a slice number, 1..4.
> jerry

Thanks for the reply Jerry, sorry my last post wasn't
very descriptive, but my prior post was overly
descriptive and didn't get much of a response, however
it did describe the issue well:

Andrey pointed out in a later post that I was making
the mistake of creating UFS2 filesystems in slices and
not partitions (e.g. s1 vs. s1a).  Once I corrected
that I had no problem using grub 0.97 to boot into my
ufs2 partitions.  So I reboot...

Grub boots right into the partition on the USB stick
(say da0s1a).  After choosing the menu selection the
system appears to load loader, and then hangs.  I
posted a very detailed description of this, but got
your response before the posting occurred.  I still
can't find the posting online, but it's message 22 in:

freebsd-questions Digest, Vol 181, Issue 6

Basically loader seems to begin, and ends right before
the line that reads:

loading /boot/defaults/loader

Then it hangs, and if I wait a while I'll get can't
load kernel.  if I lsdev I won't get any indication
that there is a filesystem present where the USB
device is.  This is true whether I boot from the USB
device or the hard disk.  Basically I'm just trying to
get GELI to work from some kind of removable medium.  

Right now I'm kind of blaming this on a cheap (but
new) laptop with a BIOS that doesn't let me choose CHS
or LBA, or make any such selections.  I thought I
would try and see if changing what the BIOS thinks in
fdisk would do anything, but I have no idea how to
find the chs info for my USB stick (no included with
stick, and manufacturer gives no info).  Does anyone
have an inkling what's going on here?

Also I just wanted to mention that when booting the
freebsd cd if I escape to the loader prompt and lsdev
I get 

cd0: Device 0x1

I would guess this would mean that freebsd would be
able to load the kernel off of the cd device?  If
anyone believes this could be viable I'll happily
start another thread to try this, thankyou.



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Loader can't read USB drive @ boot

2007-06-05 Thread Fred Davidson
Well I was having this problem with GRUB which someone
helped me with.  Now Grub will boot my USB key and
load loader.  The problem?  loader hangs, and
eventually says it can't find the kernel.  when I
lsdev it always gives the right description of my hard
disk partitions on the hard drive, but prints nothing
for the USB disk. So...

Is this a problem of FreeBSD not being able to read
from the USB stick this early?

Is this a problem of the BIOS being fishy with FreeBSD
and refusing to give up the details of the USB stick? 

Is this (like a read in another post) just a problem
of the specific USB stick I'm using, and that there's
something different about different sticks? Do these
little sticks really have firmware?

You ponder that, I'm gonna go drop some cash on a new
USB stick, hope that's it.



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Re: GRUB / boot easy problems w / USB stick

2007-06-05 Thread Fred Davidson
It seems like this thread isn't getting updated when I
post for some reason.  This will be the last one I try
until I figure out what's wrong.  

#I've done some more tests.  In my last post I had
# from the usb key.  the results of lsdev from the
boot #loader prompt were:

OK lsdev

cd devices:
disk devices:
disk0: BIOS drive C:
disk1: BIOS drive D:
  disk1s1a: FFS
  disk1s1b: swap
  disk1s1d: FFS

# If I booted from the hard drive first I got:

cd devices:
disk devices:
disk0: BIOS Drive C:
   disk0s1a: FFS
   disk0s1b: swap
   disk1s1d: FFS
disk1L BIOS Drive D:

#So it's clear that which ever drive is booted from
#first between the hard drive and the usb key drive is

#going to show up as "disk0: BIOS Drive C," but I was 

#wondering why the disk slices/partition letters for
#the USB key don't #show up when I boot from it. Or
#even when I boot from the HD and use the loader

# Again just to quickly restate the problem, when 
# booting from the USB key, the BTX loader hangs, and 
# after about 5 minutes I get the loader prompt.  The 
# loader apparently can't find the kernel.  When
#booting normally I have double checked that the
#bsdlabels, filesystems, and required files are at
#least present on the key.

# I'll keep learning the intimate details of various
#config files, and loader commands, and post back if I
#find a solution.  Thanks again for any bits of know
#how you send my way.



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