[galaxy-dev] Data uploaded with new upload tool doesn't get added to history

2014-10-09 Thread Peter van Heusden
Hey there

Using the new upload tool my data uploads but never appears in the
history. All I can see in paster.log when I do an upload is: - - [09/Oct/2014:20:43:58 +0200] POST /tool_runner/index
HTTP/1.0 200 - https://phillipl.sanbi.ac.za/root; Mozilla/5.0 (X11;
Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0 - - [09/Oct/2014:20:43:58 +0200] GET
/api/histories/f597429621d6eb2b/contents HTTP/1.0 200 -
https://phillipl.sanbi.ac.za/root; Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux
x86_64; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0 - - [09/Oct/2014:20:43:58 +0200] GET
/api/histories/f597429621d6eb2b HTTP/1.0 200 -
https://phillipl.sanbi.ac.za/root; Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux
x86_64; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0

No errors in the javascript console, and this happens with both Chrome
and Firefox (on Linux), code is latest galaxy-central. Any ideas where
to debug?


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[galaxy-dev] Installed tool invisible in Galaxy

2014-08-12 Thread Peter van Heusden
Hi there

I updated a tool of mine recently, committed to the local toolshed, did
the update from within the Admin panel and then got this error:

Error - type 'exceptions.AttributeError': 'Tool' object has no
attribute 'citations'

A restart of Galaxy seemed to fix the problem, but since then the tool
could not be found - it is not in any of the Tool categories. Deleting
and re-installing the tool does not fix this problem - and on
installation time I never get asked what group to add it to. It seems as
if it is somehow stuck in an incorrect state.

Any ideas where to go poking? Presumably there is somewhere in the
database to go poking to reset things.

P.S. this is with the latest Galaxy from galaxy-central.

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Re: [galaxy-dev] Installed tool invisible in Galaxy

2014-08-12 Thread Peter van Heusden
Aha, that's true!

With the XML fixed, the installation dialogue changes, and displays the
Add new tool panel section and subsequent parts of the page.

This would *appear* to come from the check for
includes_tools_for_display_in_tool_panel on line 1620 of
lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/controllers/admin_toolshed.py which in turn is
(eventually) pulled from the repository model I think.


On 12/08/2014 20:03, John Chilton wrote:
 I think your tool has an XML error in it (the in_graph_filename param
 is not being closed) - I imagine this would prevent Galaxy from
 displaying the tool - cannot say if it is the only error though:

 param format=graphml name=in_graph_filename type=data
 label=Protein interaction graph


 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 2:00 PM, Peter van Heusden p...@sanbi.ac.za wrote:
 1. Yes, its definitely a delete (checked the box).

 2. The tool, once added, creates:

 a. the correct directory structure in shed_tools/
 b. an entry in the tool_shed_repository table that *appears* to be correct
 c. an entry in shed_tool_conf.xml with the annotation of the Graph
 section (where it was originally located before being deleted
 d. *no entry* in integrated_tool_panel.xml

 3. When the tool is deleted:

 a. the shed_tools/ directory is cleaned out except for the top level
 directory (graph_report) of the tool
 b. the entry in the tool_shed_repository table remains
 c. the entry in shed_tool_conf.xml remains
 d. there is still no integrated_tool_panel.xml

 In terms of the database, tool_version_association references
 tool_version which references tool_shed_repository, so you need to
 delete entries all along that chain to remove an entry from

 The tool and its type dependency are attached.

 On 12/08/2014 16:43, John Chilton wrote:
 Hey Peter,

 When you are deleting and reinstalling the tool - can you confirm for
 me that you are definitely deleting the tool and not just deactivating

 I don't know where to hack around from there - I think repositories
 are tracked in the database (tool_shed_repository) table, in
 shed_tool_conf.xml, integrated_tool_panel.xml, shed_tools directory,
 tool_dependencies directory. It would be interesting to know which of
 these still have references to the tool after you delete it.

 I am also interested in the underlying bug - are you running multiple
 Galaxy processes? Can you send me the tool that produced this error?


 On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 10:08 AM, Peter van Heusden p...@sanbi.ac.za 
 Hi there

 I updated a tool of mine recently, committed to the local toolshed, did
 the update from within the Admin panel and then got this error:

 Error - type 'exceptions.AttributeError': 'Tool' object has no
 attribute 'citations'

 A restart of Galaxy seemed to fix the problem, but since then the tool
 could not be found - it is not in any of the Tool categories. Deleting
 and re-installing the tool does not fix this problem - and on
 installation time I never get asked what group to add it to. It seems as
 if it is somehow stuck in an incorrect state.

 Any ideas where to go poking? Presumably there is somewhere in the
 database to go poking to reset things.

 P.S. this is with the latest Galaxy from galaxy-central.

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[galaxy-dev] No action for /admin_toolshed/prepare_for_install

2012-07-10 Thread Peter van Heusden
I am trying to install a tool (tmap_wrapper) from the Galaxy toolshed
using the Admin interface to Galaxy. Unfortunately, each time I do this
I get an error page with the message:

No action for /admin_toolshed/prepare_for_install

My Galaxy installation is galaxy-dist, revision 7148:17d57db9a7c0.

Does anyone know why this might be happening?


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[galaxy-dev] Giardine et al Galaxy paper (2005)

2012-06-12 Thread Peter van Heusden
Hi everyone

The Galaxy system as described in Belinda Giardine et al's 2005 Genome
Research paper (Galaxy: A platform for interactive large-scale genome
analysis) appears to be radically different from the current Galaxy, at
least in its technical specification. The paper mentions a C core spoken
to by a Perl-based web user interface (referred to as the History User
Interface). The co-authors on the paper are, however, familiar names
from the current Galaxy team. Was this paper describing something in the
pre-history of current Galaxy (it sounds rather like the current History
but without workflows and of course implemented on a different platform)?

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Re: [galaxy-dev] Using workflows as components in workflows?

2012-05-24 Thread Peter van Heusden
Thanks Jeremy

I've given up on that approach to nested workflows - too inefficient,
too fragile. If I have lots of time (and a grad student to help out)
I've got some ideas about having a deep look at the tool runner side of
Galaxy with an eye to efficiently implementing the mapping of input data
to (sub)workflows. Right now the process of spawning a new Galaxy task
for e.g. each line in a tabular file is just too heavyweight, thus the
sub-workflow got implemented in Python.


On 24/05/2012 04:30, Jeremy Goecks wrote:

 I'm not ignoring you. However, there are others on the Galaxy team that are 
 more familiar with the API and can provider better answers. I expect they'll 
 chime in soon to address your questions.


 On May 20, 2012, at 5:39 PM, Peter van Heusden wrote:

 Hi Jeremy

 I'm need this for something I'm implementing at the moment, and how I'm
 thinking about it is making a tool that uses the API to call a workflow.
 There are a few problems though, correct me if I'm wrong:

 1) In order to make an input history item available to the called
 workflow, the tool needs to somehow know about history items, but the
 tool xml passes in parameters as data files. This could probably be
 remedied by providing a type=history_item parameter to param that
 would provide the id associated with the history item. In the interem,
 just to test things, I'm passing in parameters as a history:history_item
 string (yeah I know, ugly!).

 2) My particular tool needs to take a history item, splits it into
 partitions, and call a workflow with each of those partitions. For this
 to work, the partition needs to be uploaded as a new history item, but
 that is currently not possible. The other possibility is to create a
 tool that does the split, have it in a single-tool workflow (because
 workflows can be called from the API in such a way that their output
 goes to a new history, whereas I don't see that in the tool interface)
 and then iterate through the history that contains the split data,
 calling the analysis workflow on each item.   

 P.S. for my particular problem - call a bunch of tools, once for each
 row in a file of tabular data - it would be WAY easier to just write
 everything in a Python script, but I'm trying to see what is do-able
 within Galaxy.

 On 20/05/2012 16:55, Jeremy Goecks wrote:
 Is there any way we can speed up the implementation of this issue?
 Community contributions and always encouraged and welcomed. Partial 
 solutions are fine, and self-contained contributions are likely to be 
 included more quickly because they are easier to review.


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[galaxy-dev] LateValidationError in Extract features

2012-05-23 Thread Peter van Heusden
Hi there

I've got a workflow that uses BioPerl's bp_genbank2gff3 to convert
Genbank to GFF3, then hands the GFF3 to Extract features to filter to
only genes, before moving on. The workflow JSON is at
http://pastebin.com/zHWsC6YT. Step 4 - the Genbank2GFF runs fine, and if
I view the output in the history I can see the resulting GFF, but step 8
- the Extract features, fails with a LateValidationError, as follows:

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 144, in queue_job
line 130, in prepare
self.tool.handle_unvalidated_param_values( incoming, self.app )
line 1872, in handle_unvalidated_param_values
self.handle_unvalidated_param_values_helper( self.inputs,
input_values, app )
line 1890, in handle_unvalidated_param_values_helper
input.cases[current].inputs, values, app, context, prefix )
line 1912, in handle_unvalidated_param_values_helper
raise LateValidationError( message )

This Galaxy is Postgres and SGE, with galaxy-dist as of last night.
Another strange thing is that while I select that the output of step 4
should be visible, it is, in fact, hidden in the new history.

How to debug this? How can I see which input is not validating?


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[galaxy-dev] Visualise Galaxy workflows using graphviz

2012-05-23 Thread Peter van Heusden
Hi there

Because my Galaxy workflows tend to sprawl outside the viewable space in
my browser, I've written a script that, when given a workflow JSON file
as input, writes out a graphviz dot format graph of the workflow. By
default the graph treats datasets as nodes and analyses as edges (unlike
the Galaxy workflow editor, but quite like the way the history is
presented), but you can choose to have analyses as nodes (and thus
datasets as edges) too.

In case anyone else finds this useful, the code can be downloaded from
my bitbucket:


Usage is something like:

./workflow_to_dot.py Galaxy-Workflow.ga  |dot -Tsvg workflow.svg

and then you can view your workflow.svg with eog or another viewer.


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Re: [galaxy-dev] Using workflows as components in workflows?

2012-05-20 Thread Peter van Heusden
Hi Jeremy

I'm need this for something I'm implementing at the moment, and how I'm
thinking about it is making a tool that uses the API to call a workflow.
There are a few problems though, correct me if I'm wrong:

1) In order to make an input history item available to the called
workflow, the tool needs to somehow know about history items, but the
tool xml passes in parameters as data files. This could probably be
remedied by providing a type=history_item parameter to param that
would provide the id associated with the history item. In the interem,
just to test things, I'm passing in parameters as a history:history_item
string (yeah I know, ugly!).

2) My particular tool needs to take a history item, splits it into
partitions, and call a workflow with each of those partitions. For this
to work, the partition needs to be uploaded as a new history item, but
that is currently not possible. The other possibility is to create a
tool that does the split, have it in a single-tool workflow (because
workflows can be called from the API in such a way that their output
goes to a new history, whereas I don't see that in the tool interface)
and then iterate through the history that contains the split data,
calling the analysis workflow on each item.   

P.S. for my particular problem - call a bunch of tools, once for each
row in a file of tabular data - it would be WAY easier to just write
everything in a Python script, but I'm trying to see what is do-able
within Galaxy.

On 20/05/2012 16:55, Jeremy Goecks wrote:
 Is there any way we can speed up the implementation of this issue?

 Community contributions and always encouraged and welcomed. Partial solutions 
 are fine, and self-contained contributions are likely to be included more 
 quickly because they are easier to review.


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[galaxy-dev] Pushing changes upstream to Galaxy

2012-05-19 Thread Peter van Heusden
Hi there

As I adapt Galaxy to the needs of the particular workflows I'm
implementing, I invariably end up tweaking the existing code,
especially the tool definitions and the datatypes config file. These
tweaks are often minor - e.g. adding an extra parameter to Ross Lazarus'
ClustalW's code, changing the way the binary is called (e.g. clustalw2
on ubuntu is installed as clustalw, BLAST+ is installed single threaded
so the -num_threads option in the ncbi_blastn_wrapper.xml doesn't work),

a) Sometimes they make sense to share with the rest of the Galaxy community
b) local changes make it more tricky to keep in sync with upstream
changes to Galaxy

What's the best procedure for proposing changes up upstream galaxy?
Posting patches to galaxy-dev? Is there some mercurial magic that can help?


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[galaxy-dev] Using a variable in data from_work_dir=

2012-05-17 Thread Peter van Heusden
Hi there

I'm trying to wrap Bioperl's bp_genbank2gff script. This script, by
default, produces an output file named the same as the basename of the
input file, with .gff added. So e.g.

bp_genbank2gff data.gbk

produces a file named data.gbk.gff.

I'm trying to use the from_work_dir attribute of the data tag to pick
up this file. However, if I create a tool XML like:

tool id=Genbank2GFF3 name=Genbank to GFF3 version=1.0
  descriptionConvert Genbank format to GFF3/description
  command interpreter=python
  bp_genbank2gff $genbank_filename
  param name=genbank_filename type=data format=txt
labelGenbank sequence record(s)/label
  data format=gff3 name=gff3_filename

I get an error from Galaxy indicating that it is trying to find a file
name $genbank_filename.gff, I.e. the ${genbank_filename} is not expanded.

Is there any way to deal with this situation? Of course the other option
is to create a tiny wrapper around bp_genbank2gff that takes an output
filename argument and does the renaming...


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[galaxy-dev] Using workflows as components in workflows?

2012-05-17 Thread Peter van Heusden
Hi there

Is there a way in Galaxy to use workflows as components in workflows?
I've got two datasets that start as Genbank files and are processed
(features extracted, translated to AA) by a small workflow, and then
BLASTed against one another. Ideally I'd like to modularise the initial
steps as a workflow so that I can say input data goes through this
workflow and then the result is fed into either the query or the subject
slot of blastp. So is this possible?



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Re: [galaxy-dev] Interested in speaking with other, institutions deploying Galaxy locally?

2012-05-02 Thread Peter van Heusden
We have a small collaboration between institutions in the greater Cape
Town region (UCT, UWC, Stellenbosch) on this topic (the so-called
Pipelines group). If anyone in South Africa is interested in talking
about these topics, please get in touch because we could share expertise.


On 02/05/2012 09:49, Sarah Maman wrote:

 This is a great idea. I'm interested.

 Thanks !
 Sarah Maman


 Message: 1
 Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 13:45:16 -0500
 From: Ann Black-Ziegelbein annbl...@eng.uiowa.edu
 To: galaxy-dev@lists.bx.psu.edu
 Subject: [galaxy-dev] Interested in speaking with other institutions
 deploying Galaxy locally?
 Message-ID: 4f9ae93c.20...@eng.uiowa.edu
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 Hi everyone -

 Here at the University of Iowa we are working on deploying Galaxy
 locally for campus wide access.  I am interested in forming a
 community of other institutions trying to deploy Galaxy locally and
 mange/operate it on a broad level.  Is anyone else?   If there is
 enough interest, possibly we could have  a community conference call
 every other month to have an open discussion on how we are all
 deploying galaxy, customizations we are making, problems we are
 encountering, bugs, and any add-on operations management for galaxy
 being developed, etc.

 Would love to hear from others operating Galaxy or in process of
 standing up a local deployment.


 Ann Black-Ziegelbein

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[galaxy-dev] Debugging upload via nginx

2012-05-02 Thread Peter van Heusden
Hi there

I've got nginx 1.0.5 in front of my Galaxy instance, and I'm trying to
get uploads to work as per 'Receiving files using nginx' instructions on
the Galaxy wiki.
I've added the relevant config to my nginx setup (pastebin
http://paste.ubuntu.com/961983/) and universe_wsgi.ini (pastebin
http://paste.ubuntu.com/961985/) but it isn't working. How do I debug
this? What should I be looking for in the log files? What seems to be
happening is that the files are being uploaded - entries are created in
database/tmp/upload_store with the contents of the relevant files - but
Galaxy is not being informed that the upload is complete.


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[galaxy-dev] Using REMOTE_USER with nginx

2012-04-28 Thread Peter van Heusden
Hey there

The instructions on using REMOTE_USER with nginx are still a bit vague
in the wiki, so let me share how I got this working with nginx's
http_auth_pam module and our local Kerberos setup. Really simple actually:

First, I created a pam.d entry for nginx, as follows:

auth[success=1 default=ignore]pam_krb5.so minimum_uid=1000

That can of course be adapted for your authentication scheme of choice.

The, after recompiling nginx to add the module (I actually used the
source from the Ubuntu .deb and installed from this customised .deb), I

auth_pam SANBI Galaxy (dev);
auth_pam_service_name nginx;
proxy_set_header REMOTE_USER $remote_user;

That auth_pam_service_name must be the name of the file you add in
/etc/pam.d. So the complete location clause is now:

location / {
auth_pam SANBI Galaxy (dev);
auth_pam_service_name nginx;
proxy_set_header REMOTE_USER $remote_user;
proxy_pass http://galaxy_app;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-URL-SCHEME https;

Finally, set:

use_remote_user = True
remote_user_maildomain = YOUR DOMAIN NAME

And restart nginx and galaxy, and you're done. Of course, since you're
using Basic authentication, you should make sure that you are using ssl too.

If this all looks ok, maybe someone can update the wiki?

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[galaxy-dev] Run as user code

2012-02-09 Thread Peter van Heusden
Hi there

I recently wrote some code to run Galaxy jobs as a different user, and
was just merging my codebase (https://bitbucket.org/pvanheus/galaxy)
with galaxy-central when I noticed that code doing the same thing is now
part of galaxy-central. The code in galaxy-central is more
straightforward than mine, in that it uses external scripts and sudo,
whereas mine spawns daemons (each on owned by the relevant system user)
and provides a proxy object (implementing the bits of the Python DRMAA
API that Galaxy uses) to direct work to the correct daemon. In practice
the differences are, however, minor - the effect is the same: processes
running as the system user of choice control jobs using DRMAA calls.

One issue though is the question of Galaxy user to system user mapping.
The current approach (in galaxy-central) is to split the Galaxy username
at the @ sign and use everything before the @ as the system user (so
p...@sanbi.ac.za becomes pvh). If the system user does not in fact exist,
an exception (in the DRMAA job runner) will result. I don't know if
anyone will find it useful to have a different approach to Galaxy to
system user mapping? For now the current approach is fine for the setup
we have at SANBI.

Is anyone using this run as user code in production?



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Re: [galaxy-dev] Proposed patch to blastxml_to_tabular.py

2011-11-30 Thread Peter van Heusden

On 30/11/2011 11:58, Peter Cock wrote:
 On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 9:49 AM, Peter van Heusden wrote:
 Yes, this went away with newer versions of BLAST (and BLAST+).
 The 2.2.15 version is from 2006.
 OK, that would explain why I didn't find the issue myself
 during the development.

 I've added test data and tests to the tool's XML file.
 Is this on a bitbucket fork?
Yes, its now at https://bitbucket.org/pvanheus/galaxy

I'm still trying to get my head around how to use mercurial, so things
are no doubt messy. Look for changes from p...@sanbi.ac.za
 Do you know how to run a single tool's test in Galaxy?

 Yes, run_functional_tests.sh supports this. You'll need the
 test ID, which you can work out from the wrapper XML, or

 $ ./run_functional_tests.sh -list

 Then, in this case,

 $ ./run_functional_tests.sh -id blastxml_to_tabular
Ok doing that generates all sorts of stuff but ends with:


Ran 9 tests in 100.146s


which sounds encouraging.


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[galaxy-dev] Patch to add twobit type

2011-06-13 Thread Peter van Heusden

Hi everyone

I've been using the twobit datatype as generated by faToTwoBit (part of 
Jim Kent's BLAT package) and read by bx-python (bx.seq.twobit). So 
here's a patch to add the twobit datatype to Galaxy.


# HG changeset patch
# User Peter van Heusden p...@sanbi.ac.za
# Date 1307966741 -7200
# Node ID 3b68bc0d67b43af2ce69fb1eeb9160ca053c4c72
# Parent  8bcc0877b39bf10c2330f0651d2409a2b2e9c469
Added TwoBit datatype for twobit binary nucleotide datatype. Sniffer code
based on bx-python's bx.seq.twobit.

diff -r 8bcc0877b39b -r 3b68bc0d67b4 datatypes_conf.xml.sample
--- a/datatypes_conf.xml.sample	Fri Jun 10 20:10:09 2011 -0400
+++ b/datatypes_conf.xml.sample	Mon Jun 13 14:05:41 2011 +0200
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@
 datatype extension=svg type=galaxy.datatypes.images:Image mimetype=image/svg+xml/
 datatype extension=taxonomy type=galaxy.datatypes.tabular:Taxonomy display_in_upload=true/
 datatype extension=tabular type=galaxy.datatypes.tabular:Tabular display_in_upload=true/
+	datatype extension=twobit type=galaxy.datatypes.binary:TwoBit mimetype=application/octet-stream display_in_upload=true/
 datatype extension=txt type=galaxy.datatypes.data:Text display_in_upload=true/
 datatype extension=memexml type=galaxy.datatypes.xml:MEMEXml mimetype=application/xml display_in_upload=true/
 datatype extension=blastxml type=galaxy.datatypes.xml:BlastXml mimetype=application/xml display_in_upload=true/
@@ -279,6 +280,7 @@
   defined format first, followed by next-most rigidly defined, 
   and so on.
+sniffer type=galaxy.datatypes.binary:TwoBit/
 sniffer type=galaxy.datatypes.binary:Bam/
 sniffer type=galaxy.datatypes.binary:Sff/
 sniffer type=galaxy.datatypes.xml:BlastXml/
diff -r 8bcc0877b39b -r 3b68bc0d67b4 lib/galaxy/datatypes/binary.py
--- a/lib/galaxy/datatypes/binary.py	Fri Jun 10 20:10:09 2011 -0400
+++ b/lib/galaxy/datatypes/binary.py	Mon Jun 13 14:05:41 2011 +0200
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
 from galaxy.datatypes.metadata import MetadataElement
 from galaxy.datatypes import metadata
 from galaxy.datatypes.sniff import *
+from galaxy import eggs
+import pkg_resources
+pkg_resources.require( bx-python )
 from urllib import urlencode, quote_plus
 import zipfile, gzip
 import os, subprocess, tempfile
@@ -292,3 +296,29 @@
 def get_track_type( self ):
 return LineTrack, {data_standalone: bigbed}
+class TwoBit (Binary):
+Class describing a TwoBit format nucleotide file
+file_ext = twobit
+def sniff(self, filename):
+input = file(filename)
+magic = struct.unpack(L, input.read(TWOBIT_MAGIC_SIZE))[0]
+return True
+except IOError:
+return False
+def set_peek(self, dataset, is_multi_byte=False):
+if not dataset.dataset.purged:
+dataset.peek = Binary TwoBit format nucleotide file
+dataset.blurb = data.nice_size(dataset.get_size())
+return super(TwoBit, self).set_peek(dataset, is_multi_byte)
+def display_peek(self, dataset):
+return dataset.peek
+return Binary TwoBit format nucleotide file (%s) % (data.nice_size(dataset.get_size()))
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[galaxy-dev] Paper on workflow patterns

2011-05-26 Thread Peter van Heusden
As discussed in the Workflows and APIs breakaway session, here is the 
paper on Workflow patterns:

van der Aalst, ter Hofsted, Kiepuszewski and Barros, Distributed and 
Parallel Databases, Volume 14, Number 1, 5-51: Workflow Patterns
PDF available at: 

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