[Galician] Actualizaci�ns e novas p�xinas web para traducir

2010-06-23 Conversa damufo

En 2010/06/22 20:30, ifrit escribiu:

 2010/6/22 Leandro Regueiro leandro.regueiro en gmail.com
 mailto:leandro.regueiro en gmail.com

 2010/6/22 ifrit ifrit en sonche.eu mailto:ifrit en sonche.eu:
   2010/6/22 Enrique Estévez Fernández keko.gl
 http://keko.gl@gmail.com http://gmail.com

   h4O libro de enderezos cun só clic/h4
   pO libro de enderezos cun só clic é unha forma rápida e sinxela
 de engadir
   xente ó teu libro de enderezos. Engade xente simplemente facendo
 clic na
   icona da estrela na mensaxe que recibes. Dous clics e podes
 engadir máis
   detalle como unha foto, aniversario e outra información de

 address book=axenda ou =libro de enderezos??

 Penso que libro de enderezos. Nunha axenda apúntanse máis cousas que os
 enderezos e os datos das persoas.
Caderno de enderezos?

   h4Attachment Reminder/h4
   pThe new attachment reminder looks for the word attachment (and
   other words like file types) in the body of your message and reminds
   you to add an attachment before hitting send./p
   h4Recordatorio de adxuntos/h4
   pO nonvo recordatorio de adxuntos busca pola palabra adxunto (e
   palabras como tipos de arquivo) no corpo da túa mensaxe e
 recórdache que
   engadas o adxunto antes de pulsar enviar./p

 attachment=anexo ou =adxunto??? Segundo as estatísticas de uso
 das que dispoño a cousa tende a anexo con diferencia e é a opción
 máis suxerida nos glosarios, o que non quere dicir que sexa a
Polo que tiña entendido adxunto non era valido en galego pero mirei no 
volga e si está. Adxunto tamén ten definición no digalego e no estraviz.
Agora non teño nada claro de porque se elixiu anexo en detrimento de 
adxunto. Alguén sábeo?

[Galician] Actualizacións e novas páxinas web para traducir

2010-06-23 Conversa Leandro Regueiro
2010/6/23 damufo damufo en gmail.com:

 En 2010/06/22 20:30, ifrit escribiu:

 2010/6/22 Leandro Regueiro leandro.regueiro en gmail.com
 mailto:leandro.regueiro en gmail.com

    2010/6/22 ifrit ifrit en sonche.eu mailto:ifrit en sonche.eu:
      2010/6/22 Enrique Estévez Fernández keko.gl
    http://keko.gl@gmail.com http://gmail.com

      h4O libro de enderezos cun só clic/h4
      pO libro de enderezos cun só clic é unha forma rápida e sinxela
    de engadir
      xente ó teu libro de enderezos. Engade xente simplemente facendo
    clic na
      icona da estrela na mensaxe que recibes. Dous clics e podes
    engadir máis
      detalle como unha foto, aniversario e outra información de

    address book=axenda ou =libro de enderezos??

 Penso que libro de enderezos. Nunha axenda apúntanse máis cousas que os
 enderezos e os datos das persoas.

 Caderno de enderezos?

Esa é outra.

      h4Attachment Reminder/h4
      pThe new attachment reminder looks for the word attachment (and
      other words like file types) in the body of your message and
      you to add an attachment before hitting send./p
      h4Recordatorio de adxuntos/h4
      pO nonvo recordatorio de adxuntos busca pola palabra adxunto (e
      palabras como tipos de arquivo) no corpo da túa mensaxe e
    recórdache que
      engadas o adxunto antes de pulsar enviar./p

    attachment=anexo ou =adxunto??? Segundo as estatísticas de uso
    das que dispoño a cousa tende a anexo con diferencia e é a opción
    máis suxerida nos glosarios, o que non quere dicir que sexa a

 Polo que tiña entendido adxunto non era valido en galego pero mirei no volga
 e si está. Adxunto tamén ten definición no digalego e no estraviz.
 Agora non teño nada claro de porque se elixiu anexo en detrimento de
 adxunto. Alguén sábeo?

Quizais polo verbo. O de xuntar non sei se o aceptou ou o entende
moita xente, en cambio temos anexo, anexar, pero busquei onte no
correo e non atopei aínda ningunha xustificación desa escolla. En todo
caso en principio non vexo problema ningún en anexo.

[Galician] Tamaño de páxina para imprimir predeterminado en Firefox

2010-06-23 Conversa Leandro Regueiro
este último mes andivemos a voltas cunha práctica onde tiñamos que
deseñar un sitio cun estilo que incluía que cando se imprimira a
páxina parecera un formulario. Cando imprimia eu non me collian as
cousas, a diferencia do que lle pasaba ao meu compañeiro. Despois de
investigar algún tempo resulta que era debido a que no meu Firefox o
tamaño do papel predeterminado para imprimir é o folio americano, que
é máis pequeno que o A4. Chamoume a atención que por defecto no meu
Firefox en galego se use ese formato de papel en vez do A4, pásavos a
vós tamén?

[Galician] feedback para nova versión de Firefox 4

2010-06-23 Conversa Enrique Estévez Fernández

Cópiovos o correo que me envían desde mozilla para participar con
feedback nas betas do Firefox 4. Como o vedes? Eu non vou a ter tempo
e meu inglés non dá para tanto. Se alguen quere participar, que avise
e miramos como xestionalo, pero que sepa que isto require un
compromiso e traballo.

Dear Mozilla Contributor,

You are receiving this message because you're one of the Mozilla local
community leaders contributing to the Firefox project.

As you may know, Mozilla is working hard on Firefox 4 and we have very
high expectations for the release. The core themes of Firefox are speed,
empowerment and user control.
We're improving a lot of aspects of Firefox to reach this goal, and we
want to involve our community more directly than ever in the development

To do this, we are launching a new and improved beta program that's all
about getting user feedback and implementing that feedback as necessary
to make the best Firefox 4 we can.

We are targeting a much more diverse group of users, both in type and
amount.  To give you some context, we usually have around 1M users
before an official product launch.
This time around, we want to bring more mainstream users into the beta
program much, much earlier.  We also want to get somewhere between 2-4
Million users before the official Firefox 4 launch.

Because you represent Mozilla in your locale, we hope that you (or
someone from your team) will volunteer to be the Firefox 4 beta feedback
ambassador. What that means is that we would like your help gathering
web users from your region, opening up specific Firefox 4 beta forums on
your community web site, gathering a relevant feedback (for example,
Firefox 4 does not work with a popular site in your locale or, Feature X
is hard to discover/use for our users) and reporting back translated
concerns to the Firefox 4 team.

What to Expect
If you want to volunteer, please let Laura Mesa (CC'ed), one of the
Product Marketing Managers for Firefox, know.
She will add you to a Feedback list email list.  With every beta
release, she will send you a list of questions/issues that the Product
Team would like to know about. She will then ask you to ask those
questions to your community members in any central hub of your choice
(your local community forum, web oriented newsgroup, your blog, social
network) and moderate feedback discussion. Ultimately we'd like to ask
you to gather the summary and key points from the discussion and provide
us short summary of the feedback which we will append to other feedback
results we get. .

We hope to run this cycle of feedback with each beta and are expecting
between 4 and 5 betas, each cycle lasting 2-3 weeks.

The program is fully voluntary and it is not part of the Firefox 4
release process, so feel free to skip it if you don't think you have the
resources to lead it.

Once again, if you do want to participate, please confirm with myself
and Laura Mesa and we will add your team/email to our list.

Thank you!
gandalf  laura

Mozilla (http://www.mozilla.org)

[Galician] Actualizacións e novas páxinas web para traducir

2010-06-23 Conversa Enrique Estévez Fernández
Ola Leandro.

Moi bo traballo. Non te preocupes con esas cadeas que xa me encargo
eu, xa que algunha con sorte está de anteriores versións e senón
comprobo como traduciron en pt, pt-BR, es-ES, ca.

Grazas polo gran traballo.


PD: para a semana, se hai que refinar a tradución, xa volvemos sobre
elas e podemos comprobalo na páxina en produción.

2010/6/22 Leandro Regueiro leandro.regueiro en gmail.com:
 2010/6/22 Enrique Estévez Fernández keko.gl en gmail.com:

 Xa engadín as traducións de Leandro con algunha que outra modificación
 para intentar manter o mesmo estilo que nas versións anteriores pero
 solucionando o que podía estar mal.

 Faltan estas outras cadeas (un montonazo delas) e a ver se alguén me
 bota unha man, e así hoxe quedan solucionados os bugs (bueno, un deles
 xa está solucionado).

 Están case todas traducidas, quitando certas dúbidas de terminoloxía
 ou nomes de complementos e outras cousas que podedes buscar os que
 usedes o Thunderbird, que non é o meu caso.

 New tools like our timeline and filtering tools will help you pinpoint
 the email you're looking for, whether it's the one from yesterday,
 last month, or several years ago.

 Novas ferramentas como as de liña de tempo/liña temporal/secuencia
 cronolóxica e de filtrado axudaranlle a identificar as mensaxes que
 está buscando, tanto se son de onte, do mes pasado ou de hai varios

 Ter en conta o de timeline que non sei cal é a tradución exacta.
 Podería axudar http://www.thefreedictionary.com/timeline

 pCustomize Thunderbird however you want, whether it's to make
 you more productive or to make Thunderbird more fun. You can  choose
 from hundreds of add-ons like the Lightning Calendar to manage your
 schedule or Personas to change Thunderbird's look. /p
 pYou can now find and install new add-ons directly from the
 Add-ons Manager. /p

 pPersonalice Thunderbird como queira, tanto para ser máis produtivo
 como para facer Thunderbird máis agradable. Pode escoller centos de
 complementos como o BUSCAR TRADUCIÖN DISTO para xestionar   COMO RAIO
 SE TRADUCE ISTO  ou Personas para cambiar a aparencia de
 pPode buscar e instalar os novos complementos directamente dende o
 Xestor de complementos./p

 h4Mail Account Setup Wizard/h4
 pPrior  to this new feature you had to know your IMAP, SMTP, SSL/TLS
  settings.  Now all you need to provide is your name, email address,
 and  password and the new email account set up wizard will check our
 database and find the email settings for you./p

 h4Asistente de configuración de contas de correo/h4
 pAntes de que existir esta funcionalidade vostede tiña que coñecer a
 súa configuración de IMAP, SMTP, SSL/TLS. Agora o único que ten que
 proporcionar é o seu nome, o seu enderezo de correo-e e o contrasinal
 e o novo asistente de configuración de contas de correo buscará na súa
 base de datos e recuperará a configuración de correo por vostede./p

 h4One-click Address Book/h4
 pOne-click Address Book is a quick and easy way to add people to
 your address book.  Add people by simply clicking on the star icon in
 the message you receive.  Two clicks and you can add more details like
 a photo, birthday, and other contact information. /p

           é unha forma rápida e sinxela para engadir xente á súa
 axenda. Engada xente con só premer na icona da estrela das mensaxes
 que recibe. Se preme dúas veces poderá engadir máis detalles como a
 fotografía, a data de nacemento, e outra información do contacto./p

 h4Attachment Reminder/h4
 pThe new attachment reminder looks for the word attachment (and
 other words like file types) in the body of your message and reminds
 you to add an attachment before hitting send./p

 h4Recordatorio de anexos/h4
 pO novo recordatorio de anexos busca a palabra anexo (e outras
 palabras como os tipos de ficheiros) no corpo da mensaxe e lémbralle
 que debe engadir un anexo antes de enviala./p

 h4Activity Manager/h4
 pThe Activity Manager records all the interactions between
 Thunderbird and your email provider in one place.  There’s no more
 guess work.  You only have to look in one place to see everything
 that’s happening your email./p

 h4Xestor de actividade/h4
 pO Xestor de actividade grava todas as interaccións entre
 Thunderbird e os provedores de correo nun único lugar. Non hai que
 adiviñar nada. Só ten que mirar nun único lugar para ver todo o que
 lle ocorre ao seu correo./p

 h4Easier to Get Started/h4
 pPrior to the new account wizard, you had to know your IMAP,
 SMTP, SSL/TLS settings.  Now all you need to provide is your name,
 email address, and password and the new mail account setup wizard will
  find the email settings for you.  /p

 h4Máis fácil para os principiantes/h4
 pAntes de existir o novo asistente de contas tiña que coñecer a
 configuración de IMAP, SMTP e SSL/TLS. Agora o único que ten que

[Galician] feedback para nova versión de Firefox 4

2010-06-23 Conversa ifrit
Eu nunca probo as betas, que non me furrulan os complementos e non podo
vivir sen eles :D

2010/6/23 Enrique Estévez Fernández eu en keko.me


 Cópiovos o correo que me envían desde mozilla para participar con
 feedback nas betas do Firefox 4. Como o vedes? Eu non vou a ter tempo
 e meu inglés non dá para tanto. Se alguen quere participar, que avise
 e miramos como xestionalo, pero que sepa que isto require un
 compromiso e traballo.

 Dear Mozilla Contributor,

 You are receiving this message because you're one of the Mozilla local
 community leaders contributing to the Firefox project.

 As you may know, Mozilla is working hard on Firefox 4 and we have very
 high expectations for the release. The core themes of Firefox are speed,
 empowerment and user control.
 We're improving a lot of aspects of Firefox to reach this goal, and we
 want to involve our community more directly than ever in the development

 To do this, we are launching a new and improved beta program that's all
 about getting user feedback and implementing that feedback as necessary
 to make the best Firefox 4 we can.

 We are targeting a much more diverse group of users, both in type and
 amount.  To give you some context, we usually have around 1M users
 before an official product launch.
 This time around, we want to bring more mainstream users into the beta
 program much, much earlier.  We also want to get somewhere between 2-4
 Million users before the official Firefox 4 launch.

 Because you represent Mozilla in your locale, we hope that you (or
 someone from your team) will volunteer to be the Firefox 4 beta feedback
 ambassador. What that means is that we would like your help gathering
 web users from your region, opening up specific Firefox 4 beta forums on
 your community web site, gathering a relevant feedback (for example,
 Firefox 4 does not work with a popular site in your locale or, Feature X
 is hard to discover/use for our users) and reporting back translated
 concerns to the Firefox 4 team.

 What to Expect
 If you want to volunteer, please let Laura Mesa (CC'ed), one of the
 Product Marketing Managers for Firefox, know.
 She will add you to a Feedback list email list.  With every beta
 release, she will send you a list of questions/issues that the Product
 Team would like to know about. She will then ask you to ask those
 questions to your community members in any central hub of your choice
 (your local community forum, web oriented newsgroup, your blog, social
 network) and moderate feedback discussion. Ultimately we'd like to ask
 you to gather the summary and key points from the discussion and provide
 us short summary of the feedback which we will append to other feedback
 results we get. .

 We hope to run this cycle of feedback with each beta and are expecting
 between 4 and 5 betas, each cycle lasting 2-3 weeks.

 The program is fully voluntary and it is not part of the Firefox 4
 release process, so feel free to skip it if you don't think you have the
 resources to lead it.

 Once again, if you do want to participate, please confirm with myself
 and Laura Mesa and we will add your team/email to our list.

 Thank you!
 gandalf  laura

 Mozilla (http://www.mozilla.org)
 Galician mailing list
 Galician en mozdev.org


Visit our cinema weblog: http://cinemafriki.blogaliza.org
Visit our blog of fast food of the world: http://capitulocerdo.blogaliza.org
Visit my personal weblog: http://ifrit.blogaliza.org
Visit my Street Art weblog: http://scqstreetart.blogaliza.org

 próxima parte 
Borrouse un anexo en formato HTML...

[Galician] Resumo de Galician, vol 51, envío 15

2010-06-23 Conversa Miguel Solla
 your community web site, gathering a relevant feedback (for example,
 Firefox 4 does not work with a popular site in your locale or, Feature X
 is hard to discover/use for our users) and reporting back translated
 concerns to the Firefox 4 team.

 What to Expect
 If you want to volunteer, please let Laura Mesa (CC'ed), one of the
 Product Marketing Managers for Firefox, know.
 She will add you to a Feedback list email list.  With every beta
 release, she will send you a list of questions/issues that the Product
 Team would like to know about. She will then ask you to ask those
 questions to your community members in any central hub of your choice
 (your local community forum, web oriented newsgroup, your blog, social
 network) and moderate feedback discussion. Ultimately we'd like to ask
 you to gather the summary and key points from the discussion and provide
 us short summary of the feedback which we will append to other feedback
 results we get. .

 We hope to run this cycle of feedback with each beta and are expecting
 between 4 and 5 betas, each cycle lasting 2-3 weeks.

 The program is fully voluntary and it is not part of the Firefox 4
 release process, so feel free to skip it if you don't think you have the
 resources to lead it.

 Once again, if you do want to participate, please confirm with myself
 and Laura Mesa and we will add your team/email to our list.

 Thank you!
 gandalf  laura

 Mozilla (http://www.mozilla.org)


 Galician mailing list
 Galician en mozdev.org

 Fin de Resumo de Galician, vol 51, envío 15

-- pr?a parte --
Um anexo em HTML foi limpo...

[Galician] feedback para nova versión de Firefox 4

2010-06-23 Conversa Enrique Estévez Fernández

Eu non vou sacar nova ningunha. Non teño tempo e xa avisei na lista de
mozdev. Paréceme interesante pero eu a día de hoxe non dou a basto co
que teño. E como xa dixen, é algo serio, no que hai que traballar e
cumprir prazos.

Por agora meu obxectivo é familiarizarme coa forma de traballo de
mozilla. Xa comezo a xestionar eu so os bug relacionados coa páxinas
web e sobre todo co svn. Agora teño que avanzar coa tradución da
interface e co traballo co mercurial, pero aínda estou pendente de que
me creen unha conta de mercurila, pero xa teño o bug aberto.

Así que, paso a paso, vou andando camiño e a ver se chego para o
lanzamento da versión 3.1 do Thunderbird en galego.


El día 23 de junio de 2010 17:29, ifrit ifrit en sonche.eu escribió:

 2010/6/23 Miguel Branco mgl.branco en gmail.com

 Podo sacar un anuncio en trasno.net para que a xente en xeral colabore, se
 vos parece ben. Redactade unha notiña e póñoa.

 Avisa cando a poñas e a poño tamén no foro de G11N (a ver se non está

 El 23 de junio de 2010 13:26, ifrit ifrit en sonche.eu escribió:

 Eu nunca probo as betas, que non me furrulan os complementos e non podo
 vivir sen eles :D

 2010/6/23 Enrique Estévez Fernández eu en keko.me


 Cópiovos o correo que me envían desde mozilla para participar con
 feedback nas betas do Firefox 4. Como o vedes? Eu non vou a ter tempo
 e meu inglés non dá para tanto. Se alguen quere participar, que avise
 e miramos como xestionalo, pero que sepa que isto require un
 compromiso e traballo.

 Dear Mozilla Contributor,

 You are receiving this message because you're one of the Mozilla local
 community leaders contributing to the Firefox project.

 As you may know, Mozilla is working hard on Firefox 4 and we have very
 high expectations for the release. The core themes of Firefox are speed,
 empowerment and user control.
 We're improving a lot of aspects of Firefox to reach this goal, and we
 want to involve our community more directly than ever in the development

 To do this, we are launching a new and improved beta program that's all
 about getting user feedback and implementing that feedback as necessary
 to make the best Firefox 4 we can.

 We are targeting a much more diverse group of users, both in type and
 amount.  To give you some context, we usually have around 1M users
 before an official product launch.
 This time around, we want to bring more mainstream users into the beta
 program much, much earlier.  We also want to get somewhere between 2-4
 Million users before the official Firefox 4 launch.

 Because you represent Mozilla in your locale, we hope that you (or
 someone from your team) will volunteer to be the Firefox 4 beta feedback
 ambassador. What that means is that we would like your help gathering
 web users from your region, opening up specific Firefox 4 beta forums on
 your community web site, gathering a relevant feedback (for example,
 Firefox 4 does not work with a popular site in your locale or, Feature X
 is hard to discover/use for our users) and reporting back translated
 concerns to the Firefox 4 team.

 What to Expect
 If you want to volunteer, please let Laura Mesa (CC'ed), one of the
 Product Marketing Managers for Firefox, know.
 She will add you to a Feedback list email list.  With every beta
 release, she will send you a list of questions/issues that the Product
 Team would like to know about. She will then ask you to ask those
 questions to your community members in any central hub of your choice
 (your local community forum, web oriented newsgroup, your blog, social
 network) and moderate feedback discussion. Ultimately we'd like to ask
 you to gather the summary and key points from the discussion and provide
 us short summary of the feedback which we will append to other feedback
 results we get. .

 We hope to run this cycle of feedback with each beta and are expecting
 between 4 and 5 betas, each cycle lasting 2-3 weeks.

 The program is fully voluntary and it is not part of the Firefox 4
 release process, so feel free to skip it if you don't think you have the
 resources to lead it.

 Once again, if you do want to participate, please confirm with myself
 and Laura Mesa and we will add your team/email to our list.

 Thank you!
 gandalf  laura

 Mozilla (http://www.mozilla.org)
 Galician mailing list
 Galician en mozdev.org

 Visit our cinema weblog: http://cinemafriki.blogaliza.org
 Visit our blog of fast food of the world:
 Visit my personal weblog: http://ifrit.blogaliza.org
 Visit my Street Art weblog: http://scqstreetart.blogaliza.org

 Galician mailing list
 Galician en mozdev.org