[Goanet] The Congress Party: NB!

2021-11-05 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
The late Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar and the late Minister Mathany
Saldhana managed to persuade the minority community a couple of
elections ago to vote for the BJP.

Even the Roman Catholic Church gave support to the idea. Why?

The Congress party had gone on a looting spree which  today is
acknowledged as legendary and unstoppable!

Has the Congress party reformed and learned from the inglorious past?

Please correct me if I am under the wrong impression. Haven’t Digamber
Kamat and Alex Sequeira been awarded Congress tickets for the next

Rahul Gandhi was here a week ago and there was a big show about making
a new beginning and a lot about guarantees regarding delivering what
is going to be in the manifesto.

Also, the importance of participatory democracy and the need to
consult with the stakeholder and voter.

If these two old horses are going to be part of the group of
representatives in the coming election then the Congress party is
already in trouble.

One is deeply immersed in the mining scandal and the other did nothing
to stop loot by the party.

Doing nothing about corruption, keeping quiet about it in a
parliamentary system of government is no excuse.

It does not mean he has a lot of political experience as he claims; it
means he is not a responsible and clean politician contrary to his
claim of having a lot of experience!

Are these two going to be the frontline faces of the Congress party in Goa?

If it is to be then it will be as great a tragedy as MLA Luizinho
Falero joining the TMC. Will the Congress party president get the

New and fresh faces have been promised even maybe a few never before
seen faces.

The Congress supporters do not want faces from decades ago!

Is this a fresh new start? How does the party expect to get away with
it? We are all aware of cosmetic surgery but can it work on these two
old political horses?

Senior Goa Congress oliticians please do not make a sincere man like
Rahul Gandhi into some kind of a monkey or fool. He gave the people of
Goa his word of good governance and a clean government.

Some people say the BJP is even more corrupt than the Congress party.

If true then it is not the way to come back to power by putting old
people in the Congress political show window which will only remind
the whole of Goa of the unbelievable corruption of the Congress in the

Mr Girish Chodankar the party president might well go down in the
history of politics as the man who gave the Congress party their last
and final rites.

Is this good or bad?

[Goanet] COLUMN: Congress party somersaults on its resolution

2012-02-10 Thread Nisser Dias

Congress party somersaults on its resolution
By Nisser Dias
nisserdias at gmail.com
SMS to 9422437029

Trust the Congress party to betray its loyalists, supporters, citizens 
and the nation as a whole. It seems that the party has lost all its 
integrity to rule the nation for a simple reason that it has overlooked 
the lack of credibility of its candidates while dishing out party tickets.

This reminds me, during one of all India congress convention a 
resolution was passed by the party, ‘one ticket one family’ and on this 
basis in 2007 assembly election in Goa Jennifer Monserrate was denied 
party ticket prompting Babush Monserrate to ditch the Congress at the 
eleventh hour and contest on UGDP ticket. Similar was the case with the 
Alemao’s and Rane’s. Churchill Alemao was denied the Congress ticket as 
he was the Member of Parliament, while Joaquim Alemao was re-nominated 
from Cuncolim. This forced Churchill to contest under the banner of Save 
Goa Front which he later dumped to join the Congress, similar is the 
case of Vishwajit Rane who contested as an independent after being 
denied the ticket as his father was re-nominated.

As of today the Congress party seems to have forgotten its own 
resolution and have allotted party tickets to family members thereby 
promoting and endorsing dynastic politics. It is really ironical that 
India’s oldest party is susceptible to pressure and blackmail from 
sitting MLAs and ministers. If the party does not hold its sway over it 
MPs, ministers and MLAs then I think such a political party is not fit 
to govern a state and even less a country.

Without a shadow of doubt, Digambar Kamat led government in the state 
was the most corrupt government ever. This is not my perception or that 
of the ‘aam admi’ only but has been endorsed by MGP hypocrites like 
Sudin Dhavikar and his brother Dipak who have been part of the 
government. Hypocrites because they shared the spoils for almost four 
years and when it came to elections resigned from their plum lucrative 
posts terming the government corrupt. Of course the machination and the 
functioning of the Dhavlikar brothers is an open secret and they not any 
better than others in government.

That apart let us analyze the performance of the ministers and MLAs that 
have been successful in bagging Congress tickets for their families. 
First and foremost all the legislators who introduced family members 
into politics are alleged to have amassed wealth disproportionate to 
their known source of income. Basically meaning these individuals have 
made politics their business.

Babush Monserrate has brought in his wife Jennifer.  He was nabbed and 
detained at the Mumbai International Airport for allegedly trying to 
smuggle huge amount of money in Indian and foreign currency. Where did 
this money come from and what was the need to smuggle it, if it was his 
tax paid cash. Does he have the requisite permission to deal in foreign 

Churchill Alemao has used his money power and influence to bag ticket 
for his daughter Valanka. Frontal organisation of the Congress National 
Student Union of India member Sunil Kautankar has filed a criminal 
complaint against Churchill Alemao alleging a scam of Rs. 300 crores in 
the PWD. Fatorda BJP MLA Damodar Naik had raised the issue of 
distribution of water tanks which he had alleged was a scam by the PWD 
minister. There are lots other instances. Joaquim Alemao is not far 
behind. His heist has been exposed by the High Court and Comptroller 
Auditor General of India.

Incidentally controversies are not new to Valanka Alemao also. She 
attracts controversies just like dogs attract fleas. Recently in an 
interview with a local news channel she was asked about allegation about 
being a collection agent of her father and her reply was, when in public 
life opponents make such comments. Of course she also demanded proof. 
Allegations are flying thick in the air about her being foul mouthed. 
She was disqualified from contesting youth elections for using political 
influence. But Congress party in its wisdom thought it right to allot a 
party ticket to her.

Both the Ranes have been allotted Congress party tickets, besides, 
Vishwajit has cornered as many as four tickets for his favourites. 
Junior Rane has been the Health minister for almost the entire term, but 
till today the government health care and its institutions are in 
shambles. Lack of medicines, beds, bedsheets, indiscipline and inhuman 
doctors and nurses adds to the woes of government hospitals. Instead of 
strengthening administration and functioning in government hospitals and 
health centres, Vishwajit Rane was more interested in bringing in 
private players by abusing the public private partnership scheme (PPP), 
alleged for personal benefit. Worst, he was more than willing to 
handover huge tracts of land at GMC to Israeli firm dealing in arms and 
armaments to set-up a hospital. And Congress party has 

[Goanet] The Congress Party

2008-04-24 Thread Arwin Mesquita
Dear Goans,

At the May 2007 Election Rally in Goa, The Congress party president Sonia
Gandhi announced that the Congress plans to ensure Goa tops on all
parameters by 2012 (Golden Jubilee of Liberation). But I think that at the
point, Goans would be in the minority and would wonder if they are
celebrating Liberation from the Portuguese or from the Goans. She said that
Goa is the Jewel of the Country and should remain the same; Is this being
followed by her Corrupt Party Colleagues in Goa? Many Congress MLA's are in
fact selling Goa to the highest bidder.

She said that the Secular Congress and will ensure no Communal incidents in
Goa. If Goa is free from Communal Incidents so far, it is because of the
nature of all Goans and not because of any party or Congress in particular;
and Ms Sonia Gandhi is taking undue credit. The Uncontrolled Non-Goan
migrants flux into the State supported by Congress MLA's  Our Chief
Minister for vote banks; will actually increase the incidence of Communal
Incidents. The significant change in Demographic Balance, will be very
dangerous for Goa.

In fact, the Congress party is responsible for Goa's deteriorating state of
affairs today; right from the so called Liberation in 1961 where Goans were
not given any say on the future of their state; or given safeguards to
protect Goa's Unique Identity.

Arwin Mesquita, Colva.

Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular? + Facts v/s hearsay

2008-02-29 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Miguel Braganza wrote:
Coming to the point of GBA, can you put a NAME to any of the Core
Group members, who meet every month, who are supposed to be ones who
have quit the GBA in disgust  [your words]. 
I will hold my peace, while you shout out the names of the
QUITTERS from the GBA. It is a deal you now cannot refuse!

Alright.   Point your browser to  this link -  


Do you have a pathological condition that craves 
self-humiliation every single day?  For the past several 
months you have been taking potshots at GMAS and 
Matanhy, all the while when you had this whopper 
sitting in your own front yard.  Now, if you had any 
sense, you would pack your bat  ball, go home, 
make yourself a fresh lemonade, and take a long 
nap.  But I know you won't.  You will soldier on 
with your inanities.

The sooner we accept the reality of the GBA, the
better it will be.  This bickering and discord does 
no good to Goa when the need of the hour is a 
strong front united in a common cause.   However, 
it is imperative to confront the inconvenient truth
head-on rather than live with a comfortable lie.  
Worship of false heroes is a road to disaster.

There are still sincere workers within the GBA and 
I have cited some of them here in the past.  But as 
a group, the GBA is badly tainted, its credibility 
severely injured.  The Goan people who reposed 
so much faith in it have a right to know all the dirt.

The GBA was fighting the policies of the Government
of Goa, plans that would have lead to the obliteration 
of our rapidly deteriorating haven.  As a self-professed
apolitical unit, it was incumbent upon the GBA leaders 
to give a wide berth to every political party and every 
active politician.  Which means, without exception, 
all the 40 MLAs should have been toxic to the GBA.  
Instead, some GBA leaders decided to play footsie with 
the Congress  Congresswallahs.  The love affair was
consummated recently when the GBA convener publicly 
composed bhajans in honour of Digambar Kamat.  

When some of us protested, he tried to wriggle his 
hand out of the cookie jar with the weaselly disclaimer 
that these were his personal views, not those of the GBA.  
Sorry, mate, that won't work.  If you were writing on 
the topic of The mating habits of the duckbilled
platypus that would not be a problem.  But when your 
organization is fighting the very political establishment 
and the political culture that seeks to destroy Goa, and 
you hold a key position in its ranks, there can be NO 
demarcation between your public and private views 
on political matters and political personalities that 
are the direct targets of your campaign.

The GBA leaders have broken trust.  They have abused 
the goodwill and the visibility they had earned in order 
to further their own pet political agendas.




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[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular? + Facts v/s hearsay

2008-02-28 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Rajan,

Thanks for the elucidation. So we are agreed that Dr.Anand Virgincar
is for Manohar Parrikar as CM. That is good. I like the fortright
manner you have put it now as he did in the advertisements before the
02 June, 2007 elections. Some of the others on that list were hesitant
to stand by the advertisement.

Coming to the point of GBA, can you put a NAME to any of the Core
Group members, who meet every month, who are supposed to be ones who
have quit the GBA in disgust  [your words]. When I contact them for
the monthly meetings, they either promise to come or inform if they
are out of station or have another engagement. No one has told me they
have QUIT THE GBA. Those who fail to attend always give
reasons/excuses why they could not make it. If YOU  know a GBA Core
Group member who has quit in disgust, simply name him on this list. I
like the fortright manner  in which you write. Please do it in this
case also. Let us know the Closet Queens in the GBA ...if there are
any. Let them drop dead from the GBA and .let their skeletons roll
from the GBA cupboard. Holi hai! It is time for renewal.
Rajan wrote:
The decibel level of your protestations is
inversely proportional to the strength of your case.
Comment: I will hold my peace, while you shout out the names of the
QUITTERS from the GBA. It is a deal you now cannot refuse!

Mog asundi.


Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 00:50:57 -0800 (PST)
From: Rajan P. Parrikar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular? + Facts v/s hearsay

Miguel Braganza wrote:
Dr.Anand Virgincar was ...and possibly still is ...for PARRIKAR as CM with
Cristao MLAs so that Manohar-bab does not become totally communal. Do you
want to deny that for him, Rajan-bab?

Why would I deny that when he himself has been saying it
openly here on Goanet?  He came clean right away where he was coming from,
what his goals were, what his political preferences are.No chicanery,
no doublespeak.  Perhaps such forthright manner is alien to you?

Please do not market your half-baked opinions as the Truth. The GBA is alive
and working.

True, the GBA is alive and working.  Working for the Congress.
The GBA as a credible group was compromised long ago.
Ordinary people like me, who kept aside our political
preferences and wholeheartedly got behind the cause,
mentally  emotionally, were betrayed.  I wish this had
not been the case, but you cannot wish reality away.

Right now the number of fellows who have quit the GBA
in disgust exceeds the heads still bobbing up and down
in the ruins.  The decibel level of your protestations is
inversely proportional to the strength of your case.

Warm regards,


Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular? + Facts v/s hearsay

2008-02-28 Thread anand virgincar
   Bab Miguel Braganza says :
   Thanks for the elucidation. So we are agreed that Dr.Anand Virgincar 
  is for Manohar Parrikar as CM. That is good. I like the fortright
   manner you have put it now as he did in the advertisements before the
   02 June, 2007 elections. Some of the others on that list were hesitant   
to stand by the advertisement.
   I say :
   1 ) I am amazed Mr M Braganza needed an elucidation to be aware of
   my political stand. I have made my stand crystal clear from day 1 of
   my Goanet presence . I also make it clear before I proceed with any
   political conversation ( as I did with my first verbal contact with Mr
   M. Braganza ). It was also clear in the advertisement campaign before
   the June assembly elections ( and it was I who told Mr M. Braganza 
   that I was part of those responsible for those adverts when I introduced
   myself to him )
   2 ) There are many untruths about the adverts which have passed 
   unchallenged ( like many other falsehoods that have been propagated
   on Goanet ) in the archives. I will tackle those in due course.
   For the present , I would be grateful if Mr M Braganza can tell me a
   single name of those on the list who are hesitant to stand by their
   inclusion in extending full support to the adverts  ( there were about
   50 names of doctors , lawyers , engineers , chartered accountants ,
   directors of multinational firms etc etc  I ask Mr M Braganza to
   name just 1 who is hesitant to say that they believe wholeheartedly
   in what they said  in the ad's otherwise this is another untruth to
   add to his record )
   ( Dr Anand Virgincar )
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Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular? + Facts v/s hearsay

2008-02-27 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Miguel Braganza wrote:
Ports jetty, too. It is not just that Virgincar called you and me. You
contacted me , too. Remember?

Of course.  I called a few people myself, you included.
Some of us felt at the time that we should present one 
solid united anti-SEZ front and we tried our best to realize 
it.  Alas, we failed in the attempt.  What is it about this 
that you don't like or fail to understand?

Dr.Anand Virgincar was ...and possibly still is ...for PARRIKAR as CM with
Cristao MLAs so that Manohar-bab does not become totally communal. Do you
want to deny that for him, Rajan-bab? 

Why would I deny that when he himself has been saying it 
openly here on Goanet?  Au contraire, you should commend 
Dr. Virgincar for being honest with you from the get-go.  
He came clean right away where he was coming from, 
what his goals were, what his political preferences are.  
No chicanery, no doublespeak.  Perhaps such forthright 
manner is alien to you? 

Please do not market your half-baked opinions as the Truth. The GBA is alive
and working. 

True, the GBA is alive and working.  Working for the Congress.
The GBA as a credible group was compromised long ago.  
Ordinary people like me, who kept aside our political 
preferences and wholeheartedly got behind the cause, 
mentally  emotionally, were betrayed.  I wish this had
not been the case, but you cannot wish reality away.

Right now the number of fellows who have quit the GBA 
in disgust exceeds the heads still bobbing up and down 
in the ruins.  The decibel level of your protestations is 
inversely proportional to the strength of your case.

Warm regards,



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Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular? + Facts v/s hearsay

2008-02-24 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

To Goanet -

Miguel Braganza writes:
Well, I have not tried to influence YOUR political opinion as you have 
to influence mine ... by persistent phone calls to my mobile phone number 

last year to drum up support for Mathany and through him to Parrikar. Go
ahead and deny it. It matters not one whit to me. Sour grapes?

It may shock Miguel that he wasn't the chosen one.  That he
got a telephone call despite his being a vocal critic of Manohar
Parrikar and the BJP should have been a clue which any mind,
sufficiently smart, would have taken.

Dr. Virgincar also called me and, I understood later, several
others of varied backgrounds.  This was around the time the
SEZ resistance was poised for take-off, and GMAS was planning
a sit-in coinciding with IFFI 2007 in November.  It didn't occur
to Miguel that Dr. Virgincar's primary concern was not party
loyalties or politician loyalties.  The doctor called everyone he
thought could make a difference because his commitment
first and foremost was to Goa's well-being.  But to those
caught up in the bowels of their own conspiratorial cabal,
every dawn ushers in a new web of intrigue.

I will expose the WRONG whether it is Manohar-bab coming
piggy back on GMAS or Matanhy using the YFG for political
ends or Digu-bab justifying the police excess in the house of
Babush Monserrate.

Wow, what courage.  Is it a natural gift or did you develop
it later in life?  This bluster reminds me of the Konkani
expression kottolo aahlo.  What about the self-exposed
'apolitical' convener prancing around in his birthday suit?
Will you 'expose' him, too, or do you prefer to stay in
the dark room instead?  Him behind whom I (and others)
unreservedly stood in Dec 2006 only to discover later that
he betrayed the cause through 'apolitical' subterfuge.

The GBA canoe has now capsized, its reputation now
having dipped to levels lower than whale-poo.  Miguel seems
to have a problem with Dr. Virgincar being au courant, armed
with facts  figures about Goa's recent politics.  He appears
to disdain the doctor's candour as regards his political
preferences.  He obviously finds the absence of doublespeak
disconcerting. Consequently, Miguel-bab is reduced to
no more than blowing blasts of bumbling gasconade.

Warm regards,


[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-24 Thread Vinay Natekar
Miguel wrote:

Dear Vinay-bab,

Thank you for responding. I was wondering why you were being represented
by an incompetent proxy ...who has his own axe to grind [not
Parashuram's axe] ;-)


My Response:

Dear Miguel bab - Can you be more specific by your above statement and
be audacious enough to  name the person whom you are referring to as an
incompetent or what-ever as my  proxy  and what axe he has to grind ?
Otherwise please refrain from making such  vague insinuations in any
directions. I don't think I  need a proxy to represent myself as long as
I can take anybody head on.


Miguel wrote:

My points are interpersed below for convenience. Nothing personal about
it.If it is not too much bother, I would prefer if you spelt my name
MIGUEL. then I would know for sure that I am being addressed.


My Response:

You have already declared that my English is weak. So you have to accept
whatever way I spell anybody's names.


Miguel wrote:

Our family has NEVER been Congress supporters, though I have voted for
Babush when he contested on a Congress or Goa Congress ticket, too.

Parties really do not matter in Goa. 


My response:

Like you I am also not staunch supporter of any party. But my revulsion
for this Corrupt party is much stronger than my support for BJP. I
support BJP since it is the only Party in India and Goa as well,  who
can counter  the malpractices of Congress. I agree that BJP is not cent
percent sanctified but you have to choose the lesser devil out of two.

You are absolutely right that Political parties really do not matte in
Goa. Take example of the Ranes (father and son), Dayanand Narvekar,
Pandurand Madkaikar  plus number of candidates who are winning the
elections repeatedly given any party ticket by offering economic
enticement to individuals or some local  religious bodies like  church
committees, Temple Saunsthas or sports or cultural clubs. It is not
their development work for their constituency that resulting in their
election victory but the corruption has crept into  our life to such an
extent  that voters do not look beyond their private gain by voting
these candidates in return for personal favour obtained from these


Miguel wrote: 

Replacing  one arrogance with another is not a solution ...as India
shining proved beyond doubt.


My Response:

One of the reason for NDA's loss in 2004 election was mainly due to
wrong timing of the election - While Atal Bihari Vajpayee was wanted NDA
to complete its full term till October 2004, but the Islamabad
Declaration of January 6,2004  with its fallout with serious discussions
on Jammu and Kashmir which began  in June  and be carried forward in
August appeared  to have compelled him to agree to the party (L K
Advani) line of having the election earlier. He probably thought that
attaining peace with Pakistan would be a powerful election point in the
NDA's favour.

As a result, the NDA government lost the golden opportunity to present
its regular 2004 budget, which, finance minister Jaswant Singh later
said, was to usher in a second Green Revolution. That budget, with a
strong bias towards agriculture -- largely neglected since 1999 -- would
have been an excellent platform for the NDA to win over the farming
community. In the event, bringing the 2004 election forward blanked out
Jaswant Singh's proposals for agriculture, while the plank of peace with
Pakistan didn't click with either the ordinary or the poor voter who
worries about little else apart from thier own survival. 


Miguel wrote:

I did not know you were a spokeman for the BJP. Mea culpa ;-) If the
waterin the pool is upto one's nose, one can suvive. There after, every
millimeter matters. So also in electoral arithematics.

See what happened to GDA with 20 MLAs last July. What DEMOCRACY are you
talking about in the BJP? Not that the Congress or NCP has any.

Only the Shiv Sena is clear about what it is. ;-)


My Response:

It displayed  the inefficiency of Congress party to keep its disgruntled
partners together we  have experienced  it twice in seven months.
However Congress managed to prevent the fall of its Government both
times by undemocratic way first by disqualifying the rebel MGP MLAs
using its biased Speaker and secondly by prorogating the house which was
in session illegally by Speaker with connivance of its political agent
Governor. This is what you are taking about Congress party's DEMOCRACY


Miguel wrote:

Do not lump the Bhandaris and Marathas with the Vaishyas, Daivaidnya
Brahmans and Saraswats. Let us consider as Hindu those who can enter the
garbha griha of ANY [or most] Hindu temples. I am talking of religion,
not political umbrellas of convenience. Then let us reconcile the
statistics of employment in the Goa Civil Service cadres.


My response:

I could not comprehend your statement can you be more explicit regarding
what you mean by not lumping different castes together

And what co-relation is entry of Hindus 

Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular? + Facts v/s hearsay

2008-02-23 Thread anand virgincar

 Bab Miguel says : *^+$%*^!*[EMAIL PROTECTED]}~!%$£^%
 $**^%**)_+@:??~£*^^***!+}:@@~*etc etc etc
 Bab Miguel continues to shy away ( for some obscure reason 
 only known to him ) from answering my specific and relevant 
 I request Mr M Braganza once again to stop shouting abuse
 ( which he will soon run out of ) and stop digging himself into
 a hole ( which is getting deeper by the day )
 Rather than wasting all our valuable time in this senseless
 exchange of polite requests from one side and stupid abuse
 from the other , I will use this opportunity to make my stand 
 A ) I have decided to do a little bit more towards trying to
 stop the virtual rape of my homeland ( other than just sitting
 at my workstation and hammering away at the keyboard ). It
 may all be in vain and Dr J. C. Colaco may well be right in that
 the horses may have already bolted. But at the least , I can 
 hold my head high in the reassuring feeling that I went down
 Before deciding to take the plunge onto Goanet ( and many other
 fronts ) I have strained to aquire as much factual knowledge as
 possible by spending an aggregate of over 6 months in Goa over
 the last 2 years. I have met thousands of politically active and
 inactive Goans. I have also made phone calls ( expending a 
 small fortune calling long distance ) in order to enrich my
 knowledge . Among others , I have spoken to Mr M Braganza ,
 Mr P Sabnis , Mr F Noronha , Bab Floriano Lobo , Dr Rajan Parrikar,
 Mr Soter D'Souza , Mr Digamber Kamat , Mr Matanhy Saldanha,
 Padmashree Remo Fernandes , Mr Manohar Parrikar , Dr Oscar
 Rebello , Mr Sandesh Prabhudesai,  Mr Bosco D'Mello,Mr Churchill
 Alemao, Mr Pratapsinh Rane , Mr S C Jamir , Mrs Sonia Gandhi,
 Mr L K Advani and Mr Manmohan Singh.
 I have always first apologised for making an unsolicited call,
 then asked for permission to proceed and finally ended by 
 offering my profuse thankfulness .
 Those who genuinely have the interests of Goa and the Goan
 peoples at heart have appreciated my phone calls . Those who
 are in this for their own interests and ego's may have not.
 B ) Whatever political stand I am taking is what I feel is the
 best option for Goa at present. My opinion may well be wrong
 and I am open to being convinced to abandon that stand and
 choose an alternative option ( provided this is done through
 civil dialogue and not abusive hogwash )
 C ) I am aware that there are many grey areas which can be
 debated ad nauseam ( and will avoid getting involved in such
 issues ). However , while I am on Goanet , I will not tolerate
 blatant untruths ( and will continue to revive major items of
 misinformation from the archives ). Until and unless the person
 or persons responsible for these untruths engage in a sensible
 discussion or withdraw / clarify these statements , I intend to
 persist in my actions. It makes common sense that the onus
 to provide proof for a statement made lies on the person making
 it ( not on the individual questioning it )
D ) I am not beyond reproach by any means if I try to propagate
similar falsehoods . If any such are brought to my notice , rather
than defending the indefensible , I shall have the basic decency to
withdraw my statement and / or apologise for my errors.
E ) I feel Goanet is a very useful and powerful forum which can
do much good for Goa and Goans if well utilised ( and I take this
opportunity to thank Mr Herman Carneiro and the Goanet team for
creating and maintaining it ). It is , however , being tarnished by
a few vile propagandists infiltrating it ( and they need to be 
countered if we are to maintain this forum's credibilty )
luv and regards,
( Dr Anand Virgincar )
Who's friends with who and co-starred in what?

Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular?

2008-02-22 Thread J. Colaco jc
On 19/02/2008, Dr. U. G. Barad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear Dotor Jose Colaco,
1: Yes, dotor, English is a difficult language to understand and correlate.
2: I wonder how Mountbatten intruded  in this discussion!
3: But Dotor you preferred to taking up your condensed version of
Vinay's post and ..In the bargain you created confusion for
yourself and others in the net.
4: How about ending this with a saying: Scratch where it is required..

jc's final response on this topic

Dear Dr. Barad,

* I do NOT write these posts as a physician - which I believe you are
not. Grateful if you do not use the word Dr  when quoting me on this

* Thank you for acknowledging the difficulties some of us face with
the English language.

* I too wonder how Mountbatten got into GoaNet !

* If you have intense pruritus (with desire to scratch) please NOT
in public.

* wrt the confusion - I'd say this Please do NOT misquote me and
then do the Mountbatten duck!  The following are NOT my responses to
the points made by Mr. Natekar Stop Lying ...for heavens sake!


examples of Dr. Barad misquoting jose colaco's responses


Natekar wrote: Congress is much responsible for influx of migrants 
Jose Colaco's response: This is the opportunity for Mr. Natekar to
name the corrupt, tainted and scandalous politicians 

Natekar wrote: Congress is shamelessly delaying carrying out death
sentence ordered by Supreme Court
Jose Colaco's response: I must advise Mr. Natekar of two facts of
life. (a) As of Dec 1961,...

Natekar wrote: Congress filed blasphemous affidavit thru its ASI 
Jose Colaco's response: I am biased on this point. I oppose the Death

Natekar wrote: Congress announced ceasefire with naxals 
Jose Colaco's response:  Please advise us about the Ram Sethu project ...

[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular? + Facts v/s hearsay

2008-02-22 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear  Dr. Anand,

Inspite of your name, you do not seem to be a happy man! May be you should
stop meddling with APOLITICAL and SECULAR groups and individuals ...or you
may have SLIME on your hands ;-) Slime is a physical state of matter and
NOT at all abusive, I believe, specially when used in the context
of Stone-like substances, neither hard  like diamonds nor soft like coal, to
be useful to humankind.

 Don't  sweat over it, either, ...lest you to become slimy like the
apolitical secularists! ;-)

Abuse is a subjective word. Some Goans in UK take offence to being called
Indians or being called Indu in France. I guess you consider my writing
that someone was weak in English as abusive as others found  the term
'fascist' for Congressmen. To each his own.

So you are 6 weeks old in Goanet and already thinking of your way out. That
is Broiler technolgy. Broilers lay no eggs that give rise to the next
generation. Do hang on. The Indian cricket team did not return home because
of the sledging Down Under: it continued to play cricket.

Well, I have not tried to influence YOUR political opinion as you have tried
to influence mine ... by persistent phone calls to my mobile phone number in
last year to drum up support for Mathany and through him to Parrikar. Go
ahead and deny it. It matters not one whit to me. Sour grapes?

I will expose the WRONG whether it is Manohar-bab coming piggy back on GMAS
or Matanhy using the YFG for political ends or Digu-bab justifying the
police excess in the house of Babush Monserrate. I have been abused at
public meetings ...  and even from the Church pulpit in my own parish ...
but I care a damn for all that. Only truth matters. Nothing else. Shed your
innocent mask and reveal yourself to be a Parrikar supporter in the closet
trying to get Christao support for a BJP-led dispensation. Manohar Parrikar
is no enemy of mine. I count Babush D'Souza and Narahari Haldankar among
friends. Congressmen are not my enemies either. I am not the type that run
with the hares and hunt with the foxes.

If you have the courage file a RTI application and get the GPSC recruitment
information, religion and caste wise [SC, ST and OBCs are listed, attach
caste certificates and get reservations, so that is no sweat]. Let the
statistics talk for itself. We will work on the SC, Maratha, Devidasi Kunbi,
Velip, Gawdi and Bhandari component of the top cadre posts in the Goa Civil
Service AFTER  you have the statistics.

To the credit of the BJP, I will say that they took affirmative action on
declaring  Gawdi-Kunbi-Velip-Dangar [GaKuVeD] as Schedule Tribes and
succeeded in getting the first three  through from OBC to ST status. Today,
GaKuVes can lay rightful claim to 12 % reservation in jobs and to at least
FOUR Constituencies in the Goa Legislative Assembly. Perhaps, one Lok Sabha
seat will get reserved for ST, too. It will be great to see 12 % of the
Directors of Departments in Goa General Administration and 12% of the
Under-Secretaries hailing from the ranks of the ST. I am for affirmative

Mog asundi


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 17:58:07 +
From: anand virgincar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

   Miguel-bab said :The Goanet is an open forum. You are entitled to
   views ...and to persisit with them, irrespective of whether
   they are right or not.
   Forget about trying to brow beat me on Goanet. Stronger
   persons have tried and failed. I have been around for half
   a dozen years.

   I say :

   1 ) I agree that Goanet is an open forum . But that does
   not mean you , I or anyone can use abusive language

   2 ) I am not trying to browbeat you . I have made some
   requests in a civil manner. The fact that you may have
   been contributing massively to Goanet for 6 years and I
   have been on it for less than 6 weeks with nought to show
   for it is irrelevant.

   3 ) The reason I am persisting with this increasingly
   meaningless conversation is because :
   i ) You have persistently tried to influence political opinon
   against one political party / individual while holding a post
   of importance in what claims to be an apolitical organisation.
   ii ) Infinitely more serious, is the possibility that , in your
   unfestered enthusiasm to do the above , you may have
   overstepped the threshold when you alleged that there is
   on religious and caste grounds with respect to employment
   If true , this needs to be pursued at the highest level .
   If false , it is malicious and inflammatory ( and needs to be
   clarified urgently )


   ( Dr Anand Virgincar )

Message: 3
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 19:53:11 +
From: anand virgincar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Facts v/s Hearsay

  Back to me :
  In my short goanet career so far , I  have already been the subject of
vicious abuse from multiple
  sources ( as have you

[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-21 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Vinay-bab,

Thank you for responding. I was wondering why you were being
represented by an incompetent proxy ...who has his own axe to grind
[not Parashuram's axe] ;-)

My points are interpersed below for convenience. Nothing personal about it.

If it is not too much bother, I would prefer if you spelt my name
MIGUEL. then I would know for sure that I am being addressed.

Mog asundi.


Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 09:02:46 +0300
From: Vinay Natekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

I am responding below only to relevant points which Mingel answered to
my post. I have ignored  rest of his rant.

Miguel wrote:
It appears to be rather obvious that Vinay not only does not know party
politics and polemics in Goa,
Vinay's Response:
  When you are master of Goan politics  what are you doing here on Goanet you
should have begged Congress Party ticket and contested election in
Mhapusa alongwith NCP candidate Ryan Braganza. You might  have put some
dent in Francisco Desouza's vote tally even if you could not have saved
your Deposit.
COMMENT: I will NOT stand for elections. I will remain a social
activist. That is a conscious decision I have made. In fact, I am even
trying to convince Floriano Lobo to give up politics. His core
competence is activism. Besides, I NEVER beg.

When I have a fellow Gaunkar of Mapusa, fellow alumni and friend as
the MLA of Mapusa, why do I need to contest. So what if he belongs to
the BJP now? and so what if his votebank is in Ektanagar, Ghateshwar
colony and other notionally Communidade properties. If Ryan wants to
follow his father's footsteps, he is free to do so. That is not where
I will go. Should I decide to contest, I will do so when victory is
assured. My mother won Municipal elections in a  MGP-backed
panel[against a two-time Chairperson of MMC, at that] without stepping
out of the house ...and being a voter in another ward altogether. Our
family has NEVER been Congress supporters, though I have voted for
Babush when he contested on a Congress or Goa Congress ticket, too.
Parties really do not matter in Goa. Ask Digu Kaka or Babu Azgaokar or
Pandurang Madkaikar where they were on 26 January, 2005. You can ask
the same question to some BJP men by changing the date to 1999 ;-)

Vinay's comment:The rise of the BJP was  also because it offered a
full alternative to the decrepit arrogance of the Congress Party.

COMMENT: Replacing  one arrogance with another is not a solution ...as
India Shining proved beyond doubt.  The rise of Mayawati is a
pointer that INCLUSIVENESS works best. That was the strength of

Miguel wrote:
That the Congress has ruled over India for 50 years says something for
its staying power. Why did the shine go out of the BJP in just one term
of 5 years?
Vinay's Response:
The BJP is proud of its achievements and record in government at the
center in just 5 Years.  The NDA  unfortunately  lost the general
election of 2004. A
margin of only seven seats displaced the BJP as the single largest party
in the Lok Sabha. This was a setback but it has not eroded the BJP's
position as the premier democratic organization.
COMMENT: I did not know you were a spokeman for the BJP. Mea culpa ;-)
If the waterin the pool is upto one's nose, one can suvive. There
after, every millimeter matters. So also in electoral arithematics.
See what happened to GDA with 20 MLAs last July. What DEMOCRACY are
you talking about in the BJP? Not that the Congress or NCP has any.
Only the Shiv Sena is clear about what it is. ;-)

Miguel wrote:

BTW on whose votes did Manohar-bab win in Panaji?
Vinay's Response:
 The prudent catholic voters have whole heartedly supported Manohar
Parrikar in Panaji.
COMMENT: Prudent or Pepsodent ...catholics voted for Manohar -bab of
the BJP, not Congress ;-). Thank you for accepting that.

Miguel wrote:
Educational performance of Goans do not show such caste and religious
differences, why do Government departments do even under the Congress?
Vinay's Response:
It is common notion of proportion. Hindus are 65% of total population so
how you expect them to constitute in disproportionately lower   ratio in
Govt dept jobs ?
COMMENT: Do not lump the Bhandaris and Marathas with the Vaishyas,
Daivaidnya Brahmans and Saraswats. Let us consider as Hindu those who
can enter the garbha griha of ANY [or most] Hindu temples. I am
talking of religion, not political umbrellas of convenience. Then let
us reconcile the statistics of employment in the Goa Civil Service


Mog asundi

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-21 Thread anand virgincar

Miguel-bab said :The Goanet is an open forum. You are entitled to your 
views ...and to persisit with them, irrespective of whether
they are right or not.  
Forget about trying to brow beat me on Goanet. Stronger 
persons have tried and failed. I have been around for half 
a dozen years.
I say :
1 ) I agree that Goanet is an open forum . But that does
not mean you , I or anyone can use abusive language in
our interaction with others and / or make blatantly false
statements. If at all I happen to do either , I would have
the decency to apologise and withdraw my statements.

2 ) I am not trying to browbeat you . I have made some
requests in a civil manner. The fact that you may have 
been contributing massively to Goanet for 6 years and I 
have been on it for less than 6 weeks with nought to show
for it is irrelevant.
3 ) The reason I am persisting with this increasingly 
meaningless conversation is because :
i ) You have persistently tried to influence political opinon
against one political party / individual while holding a post
of importance in what claims to be an apolitical organisation.
ii ) Infinitely more serious, is the possibility that , in your 
unfestered enthusiasm to do the above , you may have 
overstepped the threshold when you alleged that there is
on religious and caste grounds with respect to employment
If true , this needs to be pursued at the highest level . 
If false , it is malicious and inflammatory ( and needs to be
clarified urgently )

3) You have still not answered my relevant , reasonable and 
specific questions (  to answer which would take a fraction of 
the time you have expended in heaping abuse on me and 
digging a progressively deeper hole for yourself )
I append my previous posting and request you to do the

( Dr Anand Virgincar )


Get Hotmail on your mobile, text MSN to 63463!

[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular?

2008-02-21 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
Dear Dotor Jose Colaco,

Yes, dotor, English is a difficult language to understand and correlate. And
certainly it's difficult for a person correlating two or three messages at
one go. And certainly English is difficult for translating famous Konkani
phrases / sayings in English. And certainly English becomes more difficult
when someone remembers Mountbatten while writing in English and doing cut
and paste jobs. This third line I can use here because neither Mr. Vinay
Natekar nor I used the word - Mountbatten - while discussing on the post
titled - Is Congress party Secular?! I wonder how Mountbatten intruded  in
this discussion! Any way you proved all this at one go!! I can understand
English being difficult language mistake got committed in your message no.
11, dated Sun, 17 Feb 2008, Goanet Digest, Vol 3, Issue 193. 

Dotor, if you were to add your new responses against my message no 8, dated
Sun, 17 Feb 2008 that appeared in Goanet Digest, Vol 3, Issue 192 on this
very subject every thing would have been brought out very clearly as to who
has written what? 

But Dotor you preferred to taking up your condensed version of Vinay's post
and tried to cut past my response to forward it along with your new
responses and gave a new twist to the message. In the bargain you created
confusion for yourself and others in the net. As for typo mistake I think
net members are wise enough to read with required correction(s). 

How about ending this with a saying: Scratch where it is required..

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-20 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Dr. Anand,

The Goanet is an open forum. You are entitled to your views ...and to
persisit with them, irrespective of whether they are right or not. It
is not my concern. I will only respond to such points as I deem fit.
Like it or lump it, it is the Goanet Admin that decides, not You and
not I.

I wrote: Vinay used the word FASCIST to describe the Congress.   It
is definitely malaprop ;-) If you disagree, post your rebuttal, or
hold your peace. I do not know if Vinay has appointed you as his
advocate. There has been no mention to this effect.

When I wrote, I am NOT about to debate GBA with you. Come to Goa, settle
   down here and then talk politics. I was speaking for myself. YOU
can go ahead and discuss the issues with whoever is willing to discuss
it with you  on Goanet or otherwise. You will recall that you have
used a lot of my time in telephonic discussions , too. Why are you
trying to create an NRI constituency against me on Goanet? I have no
problems with NRIs discussing Goan politics as long as they, unlike
you, do not expect ME to remain engaged in discussing it with them.

Forget about trying to brow beat me on Goanet. Stronger persons have
tried and failed. I have been around for half a dozen years ...and
even made a very unpopular statement [then] about Charter tourism
being a drain on our economy and a strain on our infrastructure. This
point is now well accepted even in tourism circles. I am NOT standing
for elections and so popularity is not an issue with me. Truth is.

Mog asundi.


Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 11:52:26 +
From: anand virgincar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

   Dear Miguel-bab,

   My sincere apologies for approaching you again to seek enlightenment.
   I am , however , compelled to do so as in spite of repeated perusals
   of your response , I fail to find the answers to the specific and fairly
   reasonable queries I have raised . I append the questions again at the
   end of this post.
   I intend to persist in re-posting these questions ( and any others that
   may arise from your responses like the present one ) till one of the
   following logical end points are reached :
   i) Satisfactory answers are obtained.
   ii) Your other commitments prevent you from continuing your valued
  presence on Goanet
   iii) The Goanet moderators feel justified in closing this discussion.

   In response to your current mailing :
 MB says : Vinay used the word FASCIST to describe the Congress.
   It is definitely malaprop ;-)
   AV says : That is your opinion . You are entitled to it and I respect
   it ( which does not mean I agree with it ).
   This is not , however , what you said to Mr V. Natekar in his your
   reply to him .

  MB says : You can have your relatives to apply RTI for the name,
   religion and caste/tribe/class of the candidates selected by GPSC for
   just Rs.10/- We will discuss that later.
   AV says : Thanks for the kind advice . Perhaps I have already obtained
   the info I need from necessary sources. I have not , however, asked
   you to prove your point ( yet ).

  MB says :I am NOT about to debate GBA with you. Come to Goa, settle
   down here and then talk politics. It is easy to day dream from afar. One
   cannot eat English cake and discuss the flavour of Goycho pao ani
   AV says : I have not asked you to discuss GBA . I have requested you
   to provide specific answers to specific questions. A simple yes or no
   may well sufficeI raise STRONG objections to your comments
regarding my not being  permitted to discuss politics on this forum
because I am not based in
   Goa . I request you to either :
   i)  Witdraw your comment forthwith and publicly on this forum.
   ii ) Make an identically worded comment addressing  every non resident
   on this forum who is involved or has been involved in the past in
   similar discussions.
   I will persist on this issue as well until the above end points are
reached.   May I also gently remind the author that I am still
awaiting his learnedresponse  apropos the elementary questions I
posed in the apolitical v/s
   political thread.


   ( Dr Anand Virgincar )

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-20 Thread Vinay Natekar
I am responding below only to relevant points which Mingel answered to
my post. I have ignored  rest of his rant.

Mingel wrote:  

It appears to be rather obvious that Vinay not only does not know party
politics and polemics in Goa, but that he is also weak in English. One
should not use words one does not understand. It impresses no one. 



Dear Professor Mingel, Thanks for your discovery about my lack of
knowledge of Goan politics and in your opinion polemics as well.  When
you are master of Goan politics  what are you doing here on Goanet you
should have begged Congress Party ticket and contested election in
Mhapusa alongwith NCP candidate Ryan Braganza. You might  have put some
dent in Francisco Desouza's vote tally even if you could not have saved
your Deposit. Regarding weakness of my English, this language is neither
my mother tongue nor yours. So instead of straining your wits better try
to understand the context what I want to convey. Secondly I believe I
have not done my C.A. in romi konkani. Regarding my use of word for
Congress party as Fascist I stand by it and can provide you a dozens
of instances to prove my stance.


The rise of the BJP was not only due to the rabble rousing rhetoric of
the Hindu nationalism that it propounded, but also because it offered a
full alternative to the decrepit arrogance of the Congress Party led by
the Gandhi family caucus which believed they were like the Emperor-Gods
of pre Mughal era. This had lead to a bloated culture of one party rule,
resulting in  Nehru-Gandhi family leaders, dispensing licences and
fiefdoms and sewing the seeds of India's degradation in order to
preserve its own powerhouse.


Mingel wrote:   

That the Congress has ruled over India for 50 years says something for
its staying power. Why did the shine go out of the BJP in just one term
of 5 years?



The BJP is proud of its achievements and record in government at the
center in just 5 Years. The party was inspired by the leadership of
Vajpayee the undisputed and charismatic leader who took BJP to great
heights. The NDA  unfortunately  lost the general election of 2004. A
margin of only seven seats displaced the BJP as the single largest party
in the Lok Sabha. This was a setback but it has not eroded the BJP's
position as the premier democratic organization over others being family
managed run citadels.


Mingel wrote:   

BTW on whose votes did Manohar-bab win in Panaji? Not catholic votes by
any chance? On whose votes did Rajendra Arlekar, Babush D'Souza, Prakash
Phadte and some other BJP guys win? Are their constituencies not migrant
dominated when it comes to votes polled?



Don't apply your vacuous presumptions  without doing a proper ground
survey. The prudent catholic voters have whole heartedly supported
Manohar Parrikar in Panaji. The migrant votes have always been
stronghold of Congress since that party was in power for most of the
time and is in better position to buy their votes.


Mingel wrote: 

Educational performance of Goans do not show such caste and religious
differences, why do Government departments do even under the Congress?



It is common notion of proportion. Hindus are 65% of total population so
how you expect them to constitute in disproportionately lower   ratio in
Govt dept jobs ? 





[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-20 Thread Philip Thomas
I have been around for half a dozen years ...andeven made a very unpopular
statement [then] about Charter tourismbeing a drain on our economy and a
strain on our infrastructure. Thispoint is now well accepted even in tourism
circles. I am NOT standingfor elections and so popularity is not an issue
with me. Truth is.Mog asundi.


Come again? Why was the statement about charter tourism 'unpopular' on
goanet? Since when is its being a drain on our economy and strain on our
infrastrcuture well accepted even in tourism circles?  And what is the
incomplete bit about Truth is at the end?

The fact is that charter tourists (those who arrive here by charter flights)
account for about 200,000 bodies a year. This is half the total number of
foreign tourists. And as against this the total number of tourists in Goa
are reportedly over 2.5 million. So if charter tourists are a strain and
drain as you believe then tourism as a whole is even bigger on this score.
Are you suggesting that if we put a stop to charter tourism then we can put
a stop to ALL tourism?  Is that what even tourist circles have accepted?
They must be crazy! Or are you saying there is something particularly
pernicious about charter tourism vis a vis the infrastructure and the
economy? Teach us something new. :)

Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-19 Thread anand virgincar

Dear Miguel-bab,
My sincere apologies for approaching you again to seek enlightenment.
I am , however , compelled to do so as in spite of repeated perusals
of your response , I fail to find the answers to the specific and fairly
reasonable queries I have raised . I append the questions again at the
end of this post.
I intend to persist in re-posting these questions ( and any others that
may arise from your responses like the present one ) till one of the
following logical end points are reached :
i) Satisfactory answers are obtained.
ii) Your other commitments prevent you from continuing your valued
   presence on Goanet
iii) The Goanet moderators feel justified in closing this discussion.
In response to your current mailing :
  MB says : Vinay used the word FASCIST to describe the Congress.
It is definitely malaprop ;-)
AV says : That is your opinion . You are entitled to it and I respect
it ( which does not mean I agree with it ).
This is not , however , what you said to Mr V. Natekar in his your
reply to him . You have questioned his knowledge of party politics
and polemics in Goa and raised doubts about his language skills .
Unless you can verify these statements ,the content as well as he 
derogatory words used  amount to unprovoked personal abuse and 
I request you to apologise to him on this forum . I shall persist in 
demanding a public apology till similar end points as above are met.
   MB says : You can have your relatives to apply RTI for the name, 
religion and caste/tribe/class of the candidates selected by GPSC for
just Rs.10/- We will discuss that later.
AV says : Thanks for the kind advice . Perhaps I have already obtained
the info I need from necessary sources. I have not , however, asked
you to prove your point ( yet ). I have requested you to confirm that
you stand by the allegations you have made.  MB says :I am NOT 
about to debate GBA with you. Come to Goa, settle 
down here and then talk politics. It is easy to day dream from afar. One
cannot eat English cake and discuss the flavour of Goycho pao ani kallchi   
AV says : I have not asked you to discuss GBA . I have requested you
to provide specific answers to specific questions. A simple yes or no 
may well suffice ( I reproduce my original mailing below )


I raise STRONG objections to your comments regarding my not being
permitted to discuss politics on this forum because I am not based in
Goa . I request you to either :
i)  Witdraw your comment forthwith and publicly on this forum.
ii ) Make an identically worded comment addressing  every non resident
on this forum who is involved or has been involved in the past in 
similar discussions.
I will persist on this issue as well until the above end points are 
reached.APPENDIX :   
My unanswered questions from previous posting :I see that the author 
has made certain fairly sensitive allegations some 
direct ...others implied.I humbly request him to :
i) Re-check this brief excerpt from his manuscript for any typing or
other errors .
ii) If there are no significant alterations deemed necessary , could he 
pleasereply to this message confirming that he stands by the above 
statements ? 
May I also gently remind the author that I am still awaiting his learned
response  apropos the elementary questions I posed in the apolitical v/s
political thread.
( Dr Anand Virgincar )
Telly addicts unite!

[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular?

2008-02-18 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Dr. Barad,

If you recall, Indira Gandhi was an elected Prime Minister in a
Parliamentary form of democracy. If you remember, she was not shot
dead at the end of the Emergency. It has been reported that Operation
Blue Star in a NON-Emergency era was the cuase for her killing. Quo
vadis, Fascist?

The Janata Party with a strong opponent of Indira Gandhi since 1969
organisational split of the Congress into O and R groups, Moraji Desai
, as PM ruled India from 1977 to 1980. so why was the reservation for
SC/ST not terminated by them. Chips of the old block?

Well, we had the BJP in power for a cool five years [or almost five
years]. Why was this RESERVATION POLICY not terminated then?
Obviously, for the same reason why Ram Janmabhoomi temple was not
built in Ayodhya ...POLITICS of the conveninces.

Ab Kalia kya karega, Sarkar??

Mog asundi.


 Sun, 17 Feb 2008 21:43:15 +0530
From: Dr. U. G. Barad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Goanet]  Is Congress Party Secular?
Moderators of Goanet, please allow me for little lengthily message. Sat, 16
Feb 2008 from Vinay Natekar under Subject: [Goanet] Is Congress Party
Secular?  Sat, 16 Feb 2008 from Dr. Jose Colaco.

My response: Fascism to be a system of government marked by
centralization of authority under a dictator, suppression of the
opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of
belligerent nationalism and racism.

Natekar wrote: It has ruled for over 50 years of post independence out of 60
years by keeping people uneducated and illiterate and dividing Hindus and
minority religions on communal basis, and further divided majority Hindu
community by their ludicrous reservation policies thereby deepening caste
biases and exploiting them for garnering their vote bank by instigating
insecurity and fear psychosis in their minds.

Barad's comment: Dr. Ambedkar, the father of constitution, had made a special
provision within constitution which was applicable for 15 years from the
date of acceptance of constitution of India that India government would put
in special efforts to educate and uplift the SC/ST and there after this
special provision will laps. But what did Congress do? Under the pretext of
uplifting poor SC/ST they siphoned the money to their bank balance and yet
continued to extend the special provision to nearly 60 year and beyond! Not
only is this they have now included Other Backward Classes (OBC) also in the
special provisions defeating the very purpose of Dr. Ambedkar thinking! You
call this development? I think Natekar is right. What you are citing is just
a handful of example which has got no meaning in the context.

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-18 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Dr.Anand Virgincar,

Vinay used the word FASCIST to describe the Congress. It is definitely
malaprop ;-)

You can have your relatives in Margao or other parts of Goa to apply
to the Goa Public Service Commission under the Right to Information
Act [RTI] for the name, religion and caste/tribe/class [all as per the
application form] of the candidates selected by GPSC over the last
five years for the Goa Civil Service cadre and various other
departments in Class I and Class II Gazetted posts. that will give you
the information for just Rs.10/- and 30 days wait. We will discuss
that later.

Right now I am in the process of exposing the MYTH of Konkani teaching
IN GOAN SCHOOLS and the impact of the OFFICIAL LANGUAGE ACT,1987. I
have got some very interesting data  ...thanks again to the RTI.

I am NOT about to debate GBA with you. Come to Goa, settle down here
and then talk politics. It is easy to day dream from afar. One cannot
eat English cake and discuss the flavour of Goycho pao ani kallchi

Mog asundi.


Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 12:52:05 +
From: anand virgincar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

Miguel-bab says :It appears to be rather obvious that Vinay not only
does not know party politics and polemics in Goa, but that he is also
weak in English. One should not use words one does not understand. It
impresses no one.

 During the Congress regime disproportionate number of Hindus were
appointed by cash. This is the reality. No proof can be provided of
the transactions, only the statistics are available. Manohar-bab has
quoted them to show he has not really altered the ratio of employment
according to religion. Or let somebody show me that even 25% of the
officers, cadre wise, in any Government Department are catholics. 26.5
% of Goans are catholic. In the Senior Class I Gazetted p
 osts, it is even difficult to find Bhandari and Maratha officers.
Educational performance of Goans do not show such caste and religious
differences, why do Government departments do even under the

I say :

I see that the author has made certain fairly sensitive allegations above,
some direct ...others implied.
i) Re-check this brief excerpt from his manuscript for any typing or
other errors .
ii) If there are no significant alterations deemed necessary , could he please
reply to this message confirming that he stands by the above statements ?
( After all , this information is being disseminated to several thousands over
the globe , some of whom are not conversant with the  ground reality  in
Goa ...unlike the esteemed author )

May I also gently remind the author that I am still awaiting his learned
response ( in his capacity as the flag bearer of the  apolitical 
lobby on this
forum going by his voluminous previous discourses on the issue ) apropos the
elementary questions I posed in the political v/s apolitical thread.
Lesser mortals
like me cannot understand words like  apolitical  and are entirely dependent
on the infinitely gifted such as the author for enlightnment.

luv and regards,

( Dr Anand Virgincar )

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-17 Thread Miguel Braganza
  It appears to be rather obvious that Vinay not only does not know party 
politics and polemics in Goa, but that he is also weak in English. One should 
not use words one does not understand. It impresses no one. 
  I hold no brief for Digamber. Digamber was a great guy for the BJP and was 
Manohar-bab's No.2 man [and Digu did get him into that, too!] till 28 January 
2005. He is still cosy with the RSS but the rest of the BJP can take a walk 
or fall at his feet and prosper as plenty of former manohar-bab acolytes 
have already done. Moti Dongor voted for Digu when he was in the BJP 
...otherwise check the poll statistics for 2002 mid-term elections, after the 
first dose of benevolent BJP without the VCD or IFFI or underground power 
cables in Margao.
  That the Congress has ruled over India for 50 years says something for its 
staying power. Why did the shine go out of the BJP in just one term of 5 years? 
What happened to Ram Janmabhoomi when the BJP was in power? Who conceived the 
Ram-Sethu channel? If anyone has to take the rap on the knuckles, it is the 
BJP: it has betrayed its constituency!! Only Narendra Modi has dared to be 
different ...and won the support of his constituency. He may not be the type of 
man I would vote for but, to his constituency, he has delivered on his 
promises. L.K. Advani lacks the guts to deliver on the Ayodhya temple now as he 
did earlier. In Pakistan he also praised Jinnah. What else he may not do?ay 
even become a gospel singer if Obama is the President of USA!!
  BTW on whose votes did Manohar-bab win in Panaji? Not catholic votes by any 
  On whose votes did Rajendra Arlekar, Babush D'Souza, Prakash Phadte and some 
other BJP guys win? Are their constituencies not migrant dominated when it 
comes to votes polled?
  What laws were put in place by the two successive Manohar-bab led Governments 
to keep the migrants out of Goa, voters lists, employment or casual labour in 
Goa? Four and half years is a long time. To which contractors were tyhe IFFI 
projects given? Goan? Catholic? Bhandari? or So Nos e nossa familia ?? [Just 
us and our family]
  There is a dichotomy between the Church taught morality and the ground 
reality: during the BJP regime disproportionate number of Hindus were appointed 
by favour. During the Congress regime disproportionate number of Hindus were 
appointed by cash. This is the reality. No proof can be provided of the 
transactions, only the statistics are available. Manohar-bab has quoted them to 
show he has not really altered the ratio of employment according to religion. 
Or let somebody show me that even 25% of the officers, cadre wise, in any 
Government Department are catholics. 26.5 % of Goans are catholic. In the 
Senior Class I Gazetted posts, it is even difficult to find Bhandari and 
Maratha officers. Educational performance of Goans do not show such caste and 
religious differences, why do Government departments do even under the 
  Corruption and communalism are two sides of the coin that connects you .. 
through the coin box ... to a government job! The BJP shows the head while the 
Congress shows the tail of the coin. It is the same coin. The other side does 
not cease becuase you are not currently seeing it. Digamber Kamat and Babu 
Azgaokar have been in the BJP coin box cabinet; Babush D'Souza has been in ALL 
types of Congress ...INC, GC, GRC, GPC, etc. They have turned the coin over 
 for NOW! ;-)
  Mog asundi.
  Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 17:02:44 -0500
From: J. Colaco  jc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

  , On 16/02/2008, Vinay Natekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
1: Congress is the biggest fascist and communal party
2: It has ruled for over 50 years of post independence out of 60 years
by keeping people uneducated and illiterate
3: In Goa Congress has succeeded in imbibing  a permanent imprint on
mindset of catholic population that BJP is a communal and Hindu's
4: Thus even knowing that Congress party is filled with corrupt,
tainted and scandalous politicians, they stand by them and elect them
5: Congress  is much responsible for influx of migrants in Goa by
legalizing their slum settlements with electricity connections,
providing them with ration and voter cards to improve their vote tally
which has disturbed the demographic scenario in the state.

jc's comments:

re 1: I wonder if Mr. Natekar looked up the meaning of the word
'fascist' - a term which goes hand in hand with 'ultra-nationalist' parties.

re 2: This is a blatant lie. IF there is one thing good the Congress
did - it was to make education and opportunities available to the
masses of the poor of India. 
  re 3: I am not sure that one can imbibe something on another. I always
thought that the word imbibe denoted self. Having said that I invite
Mr. Natekar to expand on that thought.

re 4: This is the opportunity

Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-17 Thread Nigel Britto
Since, I am a student, I shall classify Vinay Natekar's premises as true or
false :-)

Congress is the biggest fascist and communal party who came to power at
the center and some states including Goa by divide and rule policy
inherited from the colonial British rule.

Fascist - False.
Communal - False.
(Depending on how you look at the word 'communal'. I don't think it is
communal religion-wise, but it plays a big role in widening the gap between
the rich and the poor.
Divide and rule - No idea.

It has ruled for over 50 years of post independence out of 60 years by
keeping people uneducated and illiterate and dividing Hindus and
minority religions on  communal basis, and further divided majority
Hindu community by their ludicrous reservation policies thereby
deepening caste biases and exploiting them for garnering their vote bank
by instigating insecurity and fear psychosis in their minds.

I don't know about dividing Hindus, but the rest of the statement, TRUE.
Fear psychosis - True.

In Goa Congress has succeeded in imbibing  a permanent imprint on
mindset of catholic population that BJP is a communal and Hindu's party.
Thus even knowing that Congress party is filled with corrupt, tainted
and scandalous politicians, they stand by them and elect them

I'm not sure if the Congress has 'imbibed' that mindset, but that mindset
definitely exists, and reasonably so. The BJP is no doubt communal and a
Hindu's party.
Ref: Argumentative Indian - Dr.Amartya Sen (Chapter 6: The Rise of Hindutva)

Catholic people re-elect them even after knowing that they are corrupt,
tainted and scandalous:
Absolutely TRUE!
But then, what's their option? And let me add that the words 'corrupt',
'tainted', and 'scandalous' were framed with the Goan Congress ministers in
mind. You apparently can't tolerate them, and neither can I.

Congress  is much responsible for influx of migrants in Goa by
legalizing their slum settlements with electricity connections,
providing them with ration and voter cards to improve their vote tally
which has disturbed the demographic scenario in the state. Similarly
Congress and its partner Communist has also aided millions of
Bangladeshis who have infiltrated illegally to settle largely in Assam,
W.Bengal and Mumbai for their political gain. This  trend has created
the security risk to our country as  evidenced in last year's bomb
blasts in Hydrabad and U.P having Bangladeshi HUJI terrorist's

Congress is much responsible?! Didn't understand that. If you meant to say,
they are as much responsible as BJP, then I agree, wholeheartedly.

Congress is shamelessly delaying carrying out  death sentence ordered by
Supreme Court to Mohd Afzal the traitor who masterminded attack on
parliament. The patriot Muslims in India will certainly want this
terrorist to be hanged for attacking our nation. Is Congress trying to
gratify Jehadis, or  few radicals in Muslim Populace by dragging their
feet in this execution ?

TRUE. I was wondering on the same lines myself.

Congress filed blasphemous affidavit thru its ASI (Archeological Survey
of India) regarding existence of Lord Ram to please its coalition
partner DMK.

Congress announced ceasefire with naxals who killed thousands of
civilians and policemen  to appease  the Communist and Maoist comrades
partners in rule.

No idea about both these things. :-(

Can all these actions of Congress be called democratic or secular ?

Congress have redefined the concept of democracy. From the most
people-oriented government system in the world, to a cheating-mechanism. By
the new definition, the Congress is democratic.
Secular. Well, I've still got to make up my mind about that.

Truth Liberates,
Nigel Britto


[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-17 Thread Vinay Natekar
JC wrote:

re 1: I wonder if Mr. Natekar looked up the meaning of the word
'fascist'.  If he did, it is unlikely that he would have called  a
socialist party like Congress  as being Fascist  - a term which goes
hand in hand with 'ultra-nationalist' parties.


Vinay's Comments:

Fascism is political philosophy, movement, or regime  that exalts nation
and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized
autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic
and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

This definition aptly implies to Congress Party who can not find a
leader for its party and have to depend on Nehru / Gandhi dynasty.  

The Congress party, warped by the clutch of the Gandhi-Nehru bloodline
and their harem of Eunuchs (also known as the Congress party committees
and activists and petty leaders who lick Sonia's boots and think they
have performed a  pilgrimage ), is in the amazing position of having
ossified into a feudalistic organisation whose life is the  preservation
of power of one family. What a descent! From the noble heights of the
liberation struggle it has become the private vessel for a Mafioso to
take what they deem as their power and due. They have the mentality of


JC wrote :

re 2: This is a blatant lie. IF there is one thing good the Congress did
- it was to make education and opportunities available to the masses of
the poor of India. Mr. Natekar may get hypertensive about this but the
other entity which did this is the Catholic Education System which can
boast (rightfully) of having providing solid education to individuals of
ALL religions e.g.  Ashok  Chowgule  (St.Paul's, Belgaum), Sandeep Heble
(Don Bosco's Panjim), Parvez Musharraf  LK Advani (St Patrick's,
Karachi),  Suresh Kalmadi (St Vincent's, Poona), Sunil Gavaskar (St
Xavier's College, Bombay), etc etc


Vinay's reply :

All these exemplar above are elite Institutions  which are out of bound
for poor rural population and secondly these achievements are not of
Congress party. India' progress lies not with few catholic English
medium  schools but  providing basic education to rural masses which
could  make  them differentiate between what is  good  and not good for
betterment of their life.


JC wrote :

re 3: I am not sure that one can imbibe something on another. I always
thought that the word imbibe denoted self. Having said that I invite
Mr. Natekar to expand on that thought.


Vinay's reply :

Congress penetrated in to Goan politics by this theory of divide and
rule. who initially replaced  UGP by tagging  MGP as communal and after
fall of MGP they are now aiming BJP  by their hate propaganda targeting
particularly minority community for their vote bank.

Congress party is surviving on love hate agenda. Compare development
work done by Congress party in Goa for 20 years with  that of just 4
years rule of  BJP.


JC wrote :

re 4: This is the opportunity for Mr. Natekar to name the corrupt,
tainted and scandalous politicians that (Catholic) Goans elect
repeatedly and with whom the BJP has NOT made convenient political
alliances. For balance, he may wish to name other corrupt, tainted and
scandalous politicians with whom the BJP has made alliances.


Vinay's reply :

Ajgaokar Manohar, Angelo Fernandes, Dayanand Narvekar, Victoria 
Fernandes, Fransisco Silveira, Pandurang Madkaikar, Pratapsingh Rane,
Ravi Naik, Mauvin Godhinho, Alexio Sequiera, Digambar Kamat, Filipe
Nerry Rodrigues, Joaquim Alemao, Chandrakant Kavlekar 

Above are some of the the Congress MLA / Ministers's names. Can select
from above who you think are not involved in any corrupt practice and
you will have to vouch for it.

(I have excluded Gurudas Gaus and Shyam Satardekar since they are
relatively new in legislature and I have not much knowledge about them) 

Though I am a supporter of BJP , I agree with your view that BJP has
made a blunder by aligning with some corrupt and scandalous politicians
like Somnath Zuarkar, Babush Monseratte, Micy Pacheco, Chrchill Alemao.
BJP should have preferred to stay out of power than to collaborate with
such people to come to power which is a tradition of Congress.


JC wrote :

re 5: I must advise Mr. Natekar of two facts of life. (a) As of Dec
1961, every single Indian citizen has the Constitutional right to freely
enter, move and reside in Goa. (b) the first initiator of migrant slum
development in Goa was the MGP's Dayanand Bandodkar.

Please vide Rajan Parrikar's picture of the slum in what is called
Zuarinagar.  The more recent mass movement of migrants has been
facilitated by the Konkan Railway (Thank you George Fernandes). Now 
hit and run is like a piece of cake. The slum dwellers in Dongor
apparently voted for Digambar Kamat when he contested on a BJP ticket.

How does the Congress get the credit for this? and there was a plan
for Cuncolim!


Vinay's reply :

I am not against total ban on migrants in Goa. We 

[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular?

2008-02-17 Thread Dr. U. G. Barad
Moderators of Goanet, please allow me for little lengthily message. This is
because unless I take both the issues that appeared in Goanet my comments
would not make sense.  Two issues in question are: Message: 5, dated Sat, 16
Feb 2008 from Vinay Natekar under Subject: [Goanet] Is Congress Party
Secular? Visa vise Message: 4 dated: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 from Dr. Jose Colaco. 

Natekar wrote: Congress is the biggest fascist and communal party who came
to power at the center and some states including Goa by divide and rule
policy inherited from the colonial British rule.

Dr. Jose Colaco's response: I wonder if Mr. Natekar looked up the meaning of
the word 'fascist'.  If he did, it is unlikely that he would have called a
socialist party like Congress as being Fascist - a term which goes hand in
hand with 'ultra-nationalist' parties.

My response: May be Natekar used the definition as is given in the free
dictionary on line which describes Fascism to be a system of government
marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, suppression of the
opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of
belligerent nationalism and racism. Recall Indira Gandhi Who imposed
EMERGENCY and put thousands to Jail..and also recall what her fate was

Natekar wrote: It has ruled for over 50 years of post independence out of 60
years by keeping people uneducated and illiterate and dividing Hindus and
minority religions on communal basis, and further divided majority Hindu
community by their ludicrous reservation policies thereby deepening caste
biases and exploiting them for garnering their vote bank by instigating
insecurity and fear psychosis in their minds.

Dr. Jose Colaco's response: This is a blatant lie. IF there is one thing
good the Congress did - it was to make education and opportunities available
to the masses of the poor of India. Mr. Natekar may get hypertensive about
this but the other entity which did this is the Catholic Education System
which can boast (rightfully) of having providing solid education to
individuals of ALL religions e.g.  Ashok  Chowgule  (St.Paul's, Belgaum),
Sandeep Heble (Don Bosco's Panjim), Parvez Musharraf  LK Advani (St
Patrick's, Karachi),  Suresh Kalmadi (St Vincent's, Poona), Sunil Gavaskar
(St Xavier's College, Bombay), etc etc

My comment: Dr. Ambedkar, the father of constitution, had made a special
provision within constitution which was applicable for 15 years from the
date of acceptance of constitution of India that India government would put
in special efforts to educate and uplift the SC/ST and there after this
special provision will laps. But what did Congress do? Under the pretext of
uplifting poor SC/ST they siphoned the money to their bank balance and yet
continued to extend the special provision to nearly 60 year and beyond! Not
only is this they have now included Other Backward Classes (OBC) also in the
special provisions defeating the very purpose of Dr. Ambedkar thinking! You
call this development? I think Natekar is right. What you are citing is just
a handful of example which has got no meaning in the context. 

Natekar wrote: In Goa Congress has succeeded in imbibing a permanent imprint
on mindset of catholic population that BJP is a communal and Hindu's party.
Thus even knowing that Congress party is filled with corrupt, tainted and
scandalous politicians, they stand by them and elect them repeatedly.

Dr. Jose Colaco's response: I am not sure that one can imbibe something on
another. I always thought that the word imbibe denoted self. Having said
that I invite Mr. Natekar to expand on that thought.

My response: Let me expand this for your Dotor! This response is like
pretending to be drinking milk (or butter milk) in a stainless steel Cup by
seating under the coconut tree when one is actually drinking fenny!! What
Natekar mentioned is absolutely true and that's what Congress has been
taking advantage off. Please don't run away from truth!!!

Natekar wrote: Congress is much responsible for influx of migrants in Goa by
legalizing their slum settlements with electricity connections, providing
them with ration and voter cards to improve their vote tally which has
disturbed the demographic scenario in the state. Similarly Congress and its
partner Communist has also aided millions of Bangladeshis who have
infiltrated illegally to settle largely in Assam, W.Bengal and Mumbai for
their political gain. This trend has created the security risk to our
country as evidenced in last year's bomb blasts in Hydrabad and U.P having
Bangladeshi HUJI terrorist's involvement.

Dr. Jose Colaco's response: This is the opportunity for Mr. Natekar to name
the corrupt, tainted and scandalous politicians that (Catholic) Goans elect
repeatedly and with whom the BJP has NOT made convenient political
alliances. For balance, he may wish to name other corrupt, tainted and
scandalous politicians with whom the BJP has made alliances.

My response: Dotor what

Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular?

2008-02-17 Thread J. Colaco jc
This is in response to Dr. U. G. Barad

 Natekar wrote: In Goa Congress has succeeded in imbibing a permanent
imprint on mindset of catholic population ...

jc's  response: I am not sure that one can imbibe something on
another. I always thought that the word imbibe denoted self.

dr.udaybarad's response: Let me expand this for your Dotor! This
response is like pretending to be drinking milk (or butter milk) in a
stainless steel Cup by seating under the coconut tree when one is
actually drinking fenny!!

jc's response: Possible that English is a difficult language.


Natekar wrote: Congress is much responsible for influx of migrants in
Goa by legalizing their slum settlements with electricity connections,
etc etc

According to dr.udaybarad this was my (jc's) response to the above
from Mr. Natekar: This is the opportunity for Mr. Natekar to name the
corrupt, tainted and scandalous politicians that (Catholic) Goans
elect repeatedly and with whom the BJP has NOT made convenient
political alliances.etc etc

jc's response: Please note that I am NOT related to the Mountbattens.
Please do NOT misquote me.


Natekar wrote: Congress is shamelessly delaying carrying out death
sentence ordered by Supreme Court to Mohd Afzal the traitor who
masterminded attack on parliament.

According to dr.udaybarad this was my (jc's) response to the above
from Mr. Natekar: I must advise Mr. Natekar of two facts of life.etc

Dr. Barad also added   nor has he (Natekar) made a mansion of MGP
rule in Goa.When twin tower was blast, under pretext, USA erased
Afghanistan and later Iraq and Iraq's Sadam.what have you to say
on this? Did you protest? No ..because it was initiated by while
skin...I doesn't know whether you have affiliation to white skin or

jc's comment: Once again - your language difficulties having been
noted, Please note that I am NOT related to the Mountbattens. Please
do NOT misquote me. BTW: I do not wish to know whether or not Mr.
Natekar made any mansion during MGP rule in Goa. I don't like
mansions. I am a simple guy who lives in simple accommodation (:-)


Natekar wrote: Congress filed blasphemous affidavit thru its ASI
(Archeological Survey of India) regarding existence of Lord Ram

According to dr.udaybarad this was my (jc's) response to the above
from Mr. Natekar:: I am biased on this point. I oppose the Death

jc's response: Please Dr. Barad, Please take a deep breath. Please do
NOT misquote me. It is akin to someone in the medical/pharmacy
business giving Anand the antibiotic meant for jose!  Take your time.
Don't rush. English is surely a difficult language - Mountbattens
apart - Please read what you yourself are writing.


dr udaybarad added two other gems to which I will respond - with the
hope that it just might help

BARAD (a) you (jc)  too moved back to Goanet after starting Colaco net
and from this cite you are trying to give a call to Goans to visit
Colaco Net! Surprising!! ?

jc's response: Please accept my apologies if you do not know the
difference between my simple little website i.e. http://www.colaco.net
and a discussion mega-forum like GoaNet.


jc's response: Perhaps you should keep your FINGERS in
CHECK They seem to be shooting in all directions.

with a sincere hope that You will NOT misquote me again. Thank You in advance.

PS: Mr Natekar and Dr Anand Virgincar have made some very good points
in their posts - some of which I agree with. I will respond to them in
individual posts later in this week. If I write too often on any given
day, I might get all mixed up in my language and quotes. I do not wish
to do that.

[Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-16 Thread Vinay Natekar
Congress is the biggest fascist and communal party who came to power at
the center and some states including Goa by divide and rule policy
inherited from the colonial British rule.

It has ruled for over 50 years of post independence out of 60 years by
keeping people uneducated and illiterate and dividing Hindus and
minority religions on  communal basis, and further divided majority
Hindu community by their ludicrous reservation policies thereby
deepening caste biases and exploiting them for garnering their vote bank
by instigating insecurity and fear psychosis in their minds.

In Goa Congress has succeeded in imbibing  a permanent imprint on
mindset of catholic population that BJP is a communal and Hindu's party.
Thus even knowing that Congress party is filled with corrupt, tainted
and scandalous politicians, they stand by them and elect them

Congress  is much responsible for influx of migrants in Goa by
legalizing their slum settlements with electricity connections,
providing them with ration and voter cards to improve their vote tally
which has disturbed the demographic scenario in the state. Similarly
Congress and its partner Communist has also aided millions of
Bangladeshis who have infiltrated illegally to settle largely in Assam,
W.Bengal and Mumbai for their political gain. This  trend has created
the security risk to our country as  evidenced in last year's bomb
blasts in Hydrabad and U.P having Bangladeshi HUJI terrorist's

Congress is shamelessly delaying carrying out  death sentence ordered by
Supreme Court to Mohd Afzal the traitor who masterminded attack on
parliament. The patriot Muslims in India will certainly want this
terrorist to be hanged for attacking our nation. Is Congress trying to
gratify Jehadis, or  few radicals in Muslim Populace by dragging their
feet in this execution ?

Congress filed blasphemous affidavit thru its ASI (Archeological Survey
of India) regarding existence of Lord Ram to please its coalition
partner DMK.

Congress announced ceasefire with naxals who killed thousands of
civilians and policemen  to appease  the Communist and Maoist comrades
partners in rule.

Can all these actions of Congress be called democratic or secular ?







Re: [Goanet] Is Congress Party Secular ?

2008-02-16 Thread J. Colaco jc
, On 16/02/2008, Vinay Natekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
1: Congress is the biggest fascist and communal party
2: It has ruled for over 50 years of post independence out of 60 years
by keeping people uneducated and illiterate
3: In Goa Congress has succeeded in imbibing  a permanent imprint on
mindset of catholic population that BJP is a communal and Hindu's
4: Thus even knowing that Congress party is filled with corrupt,
tainted and scandalous politicians, they stand by them and elect them
5: Congress  is much responsible for influx of migrants in Goa by
legalizing their slum settlements with electricity connections,
providing them with ration and voter cards to improve their vote tally
which has disturbed the demographic scenario in the state.
6: Congress is shamelessly delaying carrying out  death sentence
ordered by Supreme Court to Mohd Afzal the traitor who masterminded
attack on parliament.
7: Congress filed blasphemous affidavit thru its ASI (Archeological
Survey of India) regarding existence of Lord Ram to please its
coalition partner DMK.

jc's comments:

re 1: I wonder if Mr. Natekar looked up the meaning of the word
'fascist'.  If he did, it is unlikely that he would have called  a
socialist party like Congress  as being Fascist  - a term which goes
hand in hand with 'ultra-nationalist' parties.

re 2: This is a blatant lie. IF there is one thing good the Congress
did - it was to make education and opportunities available to the
masses of the poor of India. Mr. Natekar may get hypertensive about
this but the other entity which did this is the Catholic Education
System which can boast (rightfully) of having providing solid
education to individuals of ALL religions e.g.  Ashok  Chowgule  (St.
Paul's, Belgaum), Sandeep Heble (Don Bosco's Panjim), Parvez Musharraf
 LK Advani (St Patrick's, Karachi),  Suresh Kalmadi (St Vincent's,
Poona), Sunil Gavaskar (St Xavier's College, Bombay), etc etc

re 3: I am not sure that one can imbibe something on another. I always
thought that the word imbibe denoted self. Having said that I invite
Mr. Natekar to expand on that thought.

re 4: This is the opportunity for Mr. Natekar to name the corrupt,
tainted and scandalous politicians that (Catholic) Goans elect
repeatedly and with whom the BJP has NOT made convenient political
alliances. For balance, he may wish to name other corrupt, tainted and
scandalous politicians with whom the BJP has made alliances.

re 5: I must advise Mr. Natekar of two facts of life. (a) As of Dec
1961, every single Indian citizen has the Constitutional right to
freely enter, move and reside in Goa. (b) the first initiator of
migrant slum development in Goa was the MGP's Dayanand Bandodkar.
Please vide Rajan Parrikar's picture of the slum in what is called
Zuarinagar.  The more recent mass movement of migrants has been
facilitated by the Konkan Railway (Thank you George Fernandes). Now
 hit and run is like a piece of cake. The slum dwellers in Dongor
apparently voted for Digambar Kamat when he contested on a BJP ticket.
How does the Congress get the credit for this? and there was a
plan for Cuncolim!

re 6: I am biased on this point. I oppose the Death Penalty. I also
believe that state killing creates martyrs out of bandits and
increases the level of violence which then kills innocents.  BTW:
There were many bandits operating in and around pre-1961 Goa. They
attacked civilian targets - only to later proclaim themselves as
Freedom Fighters.  Please view the footnote of this article

re 7: Please advise us about the Ram Sethu project esp wrt WHICH party
was in govt when the project was approved

Nuff said for now


Re: [Goanet] the Congress Party exposed

2007-04-03 Thread Jose Colaco


   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

Dr. U. G. Barad wrote:

At a public function on last Sunday, one of the speakers read out the list
of corruption cases involving ruling congress party in Goa. The list was
exhaustive. Some of the corruption charges were: 

All these charges only go to prove that congress leaders are self-centered,
uncommitted, dishonest and most corrupt.

With all these charges being proved beyond doubts, general public must teach
congress party a lesson in the up coming assembly election.


jc's response:

When I look back at the Bandodkar days, I have to conclude that despite all 
the dadagiri and chora-chori allegedly going on during those days - those 
were still the good old days.

Even so, Goans of the time (unaccustomed to this hera-pheri hitherto) were 
quite shocked by the stuff that MG chaps were doing. I have to accept 
Bernado Colaco's point.

It appears, from what Dr. Barad writes, that things have gone from bad to 
worse. It is almost (as Floriano Lobo calls it) Alibaba ani 40 chors.

Having said that I ask these questions:

1: How can charges alone PROVE that anybody is corrupt?

2: On what basis does Dr. Barad write that all these charges (are) proved 
beyond doubt?

If these charges HAVE been proven beyond doubt, what did the courts sentence 
the guilty to?

Is the promise of gol-maal and hera-pheri the main incentive to liberate a 

Wonder if this shines some light on Chandrakant Keni's disquiet about the 
lack of true celebration of Liberation Day.

Lambert Mascarenhas once wrote about Goa ..Sorrowing lies my land (under 
that no good dictator Salazar). How is the 'land' doing today, Lambert?

I know, I know, I know Goans are free today.

Free to speak out, criticise and vote.


Re: [Goanet] Bamboozle Congress Party

2007-01-21 Thread raju gonsalves


This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

Dear Goan netizens,







--- Dr. U. G. Barad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs.
 Daisy Faleiro

  To sponsor Goanet operations, contact

 One feels sorry at the state of affairs of Congress
 Party rule in Goa. Ever 
 since they came back to power dethroning BJP within
 2 years they proved 
 general public their money grid mentality and I
 care a straw attitudes 
 towards the feelings and sentiments of people. On
 the contrary, studying 
 their attitudes in comparison with BJP rule for past
 4 ½ years general 
 public has already started pulling their strips with
 anger saying Come 
 election we will teach them lesson for their lives
 Congress Legislators and 
 their cronies considers themselves has wisest men on
 this planet Goa and 
 considers all Goans to be fools of first order. This
 is their biggest 
 problem. They have proved time and again that they
 don't have any innovative 
 ideas to please and garnish the support of general
 Just have a look at the present decision taken by
 Congress Legislative Party 
 (CLP) on 15th January 2007 - the last day of the
 deadline given by Goa 
 Bachav Abhiyan (GBA) regarding Regional Plan 2011
 (RP). Keeping in view the 
 upcoming assembly election CLP took decision to keep
 controversial draconian 
 RP for scrutiny and for accepting the objections
 from general public for a 
 period of 60 days. This is a hasty decision taken
 with presuming us Goans. 
 To this GBA which comprises of educated and
 professionals including general 
 public immediately shot back saying It's an eye
 smokescreen...decision taken is in view of upcoming
 assembly election and we 
 will not succumb to government's delaying tactic any
 more ..we stand by our 
 demand..De-notify (scrap) the RP .. and initiate
 drawing new RP in total 
 democratic way taking all stakeholders in confidence
 and also following all 
 rules of laws in place
 This stand taken by GBA is just and too apt to
 handle the irreversible 
 damage the present notified plan will cause to Goa.
 To support GBA further 
 we must all make it at Lohiya Maidan on this
 Statehood Day 16th January 2007 
 at 3.30 pm with our kith and keens. Let's show
 Congress government that we 
 the people of Goa are united not divided like
 Congress Party and that We 
 will achieve what Goans want, not what Congress is
 planning for us.
 Dr. U. G. Barad
 Margao - Goa


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