[hlcoders] Zoner's Half Life Tools license

2003-07-07 Thread Entropy
Hello all,

I was trying to find out how the source to ZHLT is licensed, but I don't
see any thing in the source distribution that says anything about it.
Basically, I've made some modifications and wanted to know what my rights
 responsibilities are in redistributing the source and/or binaries.
Also, I wanted to know whether there was any restriction on the use of the
source - for example, could I use parts of it to create a different tool
(for processing a bsp file) and if so, could I release the source code?
So, does anyone know how it's licensed?  Or at least who owns the rights
to it?  (Valve?  Gearbox?)

Thanks in advance.


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Re: [hlcoders] Rescaling clipping problems (again!)

2003-02-22 Thread Entropy
botman wrote:
 Only problem there is no corresponding function on the server.  (Is


 pfnGetModelPtr(edict_t *pEdict)

 Jeffrey botman Broome

That only seems to work for studio models.  I get a cache failure when I
use that function for a BSP model.


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RE: [hlcoders] Rescaling clipping problems (again!)

2003-02-22 Thread Entropy
 You may have to wind up loading the BSP and brush geometry yourself
 extracting the information you need from there.   Not a good
 solution I know
 because it can take up quite a bit of memory.  Perhaps if you
 only load the brush model geometry and not load the world BSP
 geometry, it won't take quite so much memory.

I think I'll stick with caching the initial value of
pmove-physents[0].model and assuming it's the address of the engine's
models array.  It's working so far. :)


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[hlcoders] Rescaling clipping problems (again!)

2003-02-21 Thread Entropy
I believe I have found the source of the clipping errors after rescaling.
If you look at pmove-visents[x].model-hulls for the world and BSP
models, you'll see that the clip_mins and clip_maxs for the hulls are the
original hull sizes.  If that part of the engine hasn't changed from the
Quake I source, this would cause the offset returned from SV_HullForEntity
to be wrong by the difference of the player's mins - clip_mins, which is
consistent with what I had previously seen and tried to compensate for by
modifying ZHLT. (see
http://www.mail-archive.com/a href=/faq.html#spam[EMAIL PROTECTED]/a/msg04565.html
http://www.mail-archive.com/a href=/faq.html#spam[EMAIL PROTECTED]/a/msg04622.html)
 It looks like the clip_mins and clip_maxs are set in the engine (in the
Quake I source, it's hardcoded in Mod_LoadClipnodes).  At any rate,
setting BSP models' clip_mins and clip_maxs to the correct hull sizes
resulted in correct collisions.


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Re: [hlcoders] Rescaling clipping problems (again!)

2003-02-21 Thread Entropy
jc wrote:
 i tried the compensation thing and it didnt work that well. a
 weapon/attack that used UTIL_TraceHull suddenly f*cked up. it worked
 before the GetHull... fix, with the GetHull fix and the zhlt hack the
 players get stuck in the walls. so i've just stopped with the
 pre-GetHull fix code for now.

If you change the clip_mins / clip_maxs, you don't need the modifications
to ZHLT, you just need a hullfile.  I haven't noticed any problems with
getting stuck since changing this, so if you decide to try it I'd be
interested in hearing if you have any problems.


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Re: [hlcoders] Rescaling clipping problems (again!)

2003-02-21 Thread Entropy
jc wrote:
 where abouts did you set the values (remembering that im not much more
 than a dumb ass n00b)

There are two ways that I know of, both in pm_shared, since I can't see
any other way to get a pointer to the engine's models array (Botman - I
tried GetModelPointer but it fails for brush models :) )

First, you can loop through all of the physents every frame and check
whether it's a BSP model and if so, set hulls.clip_mins and clip_maxs,like

// My hullfile looks like this:
8 8 18
16 16 16
8 8 9

// I have my hull mins and maxs stored in global arrays like this:
#define SCALE_FACTOR 4.0
vec3_t VEC_HULL_MIN = { -16 / SCALE_FACTOR, -16 / SCALE_FACTOR, -36 /
vec3_t VEC_HULL_MAX = { 16 / SCALE_FACTOR, 16 / SCALE_FACTOR, 36 /
vec3_t VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN = { -16 / SCALE_FACTOR, -16 / SCALE_FACTOR, -18 /

// In PM_Move before the call to PM_PlayerMove
for (i=0; i  pmove-numphysents; i++)
   if (pmove-physent[i].model) // physent::model is NULL if it's not a
BSP model
  hull_t * hulls = pmove-physents[i].model-hulls;
  // Note the hulls are in different order than usual
  VectorCopy(VEC_HULL_MIN, hulls[1].clip_mins);
  VectorCopy(VEC_HULL_MAX, hulls[1].clip_maxs);
  VectorCopy(VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN, hulls[3].clip_mins);
  VectorCopy(VEC_DUCK_HULL_MAX, hulls[3].clip_maxs);
  VectorCopy(VEC_LARGE_HULL_MIN, hulls[2].clip_mins);
  VectorCopy(VEC_LARGE_HULL_MAX, hulls[2].clip_maxs);

The other way (which is how I'm currently doing it... use at your own
risk), is to make a few assumptions (which as far as I can tell are
1.  The values for clip_mins and clip_maxs are loaded once at map load time
2.  The address pointed to by pmove-physent[0].model when the FIRST map
is loaded is the first element in the engine's models array and this
address does not change when a new map is loaded.
3.  The order of models in the models array does not change during a map.
4.  The models array has 512 elements.  This one I have no way to test;
the 512 was posted previously on this list.  Quake I had 256.

I added the following to pm_shared.c:
model_t * g_modelarray = NULL;
int g_model_hulls_fixed = 0;

void PM_FixModelHulls()
   int model;

   // Get pointer to the world model, which is the first element in
   //   the models array when the first map is loaded
   if (!g_modelarray)
  g_modelarray = pmove-physents[0].model;

   // Special case for the world model, since its name doesn't start with '*'
   // It is only the first element of the models array for the first map.
   // It is always pmove-physent[0], though
   hull_t * hulls = pmove-physents[0].model-hulls;

   VectorCopy(VEC_HULL_MIN, hulls[1].clip_mins);
   VectorCopy(VEC_HULL_MAX, hulls[1].clip_maxs);
   VectorCopy(VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN, hulls[3].clip_mins);
   VectorCopy(VEC_DUCK_HULL_MAX, hulls[3].clip_maxs);
   VectorCopy(VEC_LARGE_HULL_MIN, hulls[2].clip_mins);
   VectorCopy(VEC_LARGE_HULL_MAX, hulls[2].clip_maxs);

   // All the BSP models other than the world have names in the format *%d
   // Max # of models (of all types) assumed to be 512
   for (model = 0; model  512; model++)
  if (g_modelarray[model].name[0] == '*')
 VectorCopy(VEC_HULL_MIN, g_modelarray[model].hulls[1].clip_mins);
 VectorCopy(VEC_HULL_MAX, g_modelarray[model].hulls[1].clip_maxs);

// In PM_Move, before the call to PM_PlayerMove:
   if (!g_model_hulls_fixed)
  g_model_hulls_fixed = 1;

// In world.cpp:
extern C int g_model_hulls_fixed;
// In CWorld::Spawn:
   g_model_hulls_fixed = 0; // New map - make sure all the models get
fixed again

// In hud_msg.cpp:
extern C int g_model_hulls_fixed;
// In CHud::MsgFunc_ResetHUD:
   g_model_hulls_fixed = 0;

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Re: [hlcoders] Rescaling clipping problems (again!)

2003-02-21 Thread Entropy
Michael A. Hobson wrote:
 Try using the Studio Model Renderer API defined in cl_dll/r_studioint.h

 iEngineStudio.GetModelByIndex(1) is the world model corresponding
 to the WorldSpawn entity and so forth.

 The return value is a pointer to struct model_s (defined in

Only problem there is no corresponding function on the server.  (Is there?)


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RE: [hlcoders] Traceline going through people

2003-02-19 Thread Entropy
Sorry for starting a new thread.  Ye olde e-mail client is behaving
erratically tonight.  Reply follows.

  I have come across a very strange bug in my mod.  If a Player is
  ducking, and you try to shoot him in the head or neck, the
  bullet/trace simply goes right through, with no hit registered.
  Anywhere else in the body the trace works correctly, but
 not the head
  or neck.  I checked the hitboxes using r_drawentities 4,
 and there is
  a head/neck hitbox, so that is not the problem.  Any ideas
 as to what
  could be causing this?

The head of the model extends beyond the bounding box when ducked.  You
can see this if you uncomment the call to PM_ShowClipbox in PM_PlayerMove.
If my understanding of the engine's collision detection is correct, the
hitboxes on the model will never get checked if they are outside the
bounding box.  I *think* using SetObjectCollisionBox to increase the size
of the box when ducked might solve the problem.

 Did you apply the hitbox patch from Robin Walker's post (from
 back in December of last year)?...

I don't think that will help.

 BTW, did this fix get merged into SDK 2.3?  I never downloaded 2.3 so I
couldn't check myself.

No, it didn't.


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[hlcoders] Macros are evil (or is it evalV?)

2003-01-29 Thread Entropy
Came across an interesting little problem I thought others might find

In a new C++ module for the server dll, I have the following:

#include extdll.h
extern C {
#include pm_debug.h

pm_debug.h contains the following prototype:
void PM_DrawRectangle(vec3_t tl, vec3_t bl, vec3_t tr,
 vec3_t br, int pcolor, float life);

Everything compiled without a peep from the compiler, but the program
crashed when I called PM_DrawRectangle from the C++ module.  Tracing
through in the debugger, I noticed that the copy constructor for class
Vector was being called during the call to PM_DrawRectangle!  The
preprocessor replaced all the vec3_ts with Vector, because extdll.h
#defines vec3_t as Vector.  The linker didn't complain, either, which I
can't say I understand, since in the preprocessor output for pm_debug.c the
vec3_t's are unchanged.


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Re: [hlcoders] Models and memory management

2003-01-29 Thread Entropy
botman wrote:
 index=1).  Try calling pfnGetModelPtr() with entity index 0 or 1

Interesting...  OK, I'll give that a whirl.  Thanks again.

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[hlcoders] Models and memory management

2003-01-28 Thread entropy
Does the model data for monsters remain in memory for the duration of a
map, or is it dynamically loaded/unloaded?  I'm guessing that the player
model remains in memory.  What I really need to know is, if I use
g_engfuncs.pfnGetModelPointer, will that pointer remain valid or do I need
to call it each time I need the data?  I'm trying to decide whether to use
the engine's copy of the model or just load it myself - it just seems a
waste of memory to have the same thing loaded twice.

Also, what is the purpose and range of values of the usehunk parameter in
COM_LoadFile?  Everywhere I see it in the SDK it's 5.

Thanks in advance,

Jim Hunter

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Re: [hlcoders] Models and memory management

2003-01-28 Thread Entropy
 I have added the code for usehunk==5 :) Note the comment ;)

 else if (usehunk == 5)
 buf = (byte *)Mem_Malloc(len + 1);  // YWB:  FIXME, this is evil. }

Thanks, botman and Alfred!

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RE: [hlcoders] Models and memory management

2003-01-28 Thread Entropy
Ken Birdwell wrote:
 It rarely happens, but you can't count on the pointer being valid
 between subsequent calls to g_engfuncs.pfnGetModelPointer(), since the
 engine can move or throw away model data if something else needs the
 memory.  In theory, each call to g_engfuncs.pfnGetModelPointer() could
 force a cache flush and any pointers it returned earlier will no longer
 be valid.

Thanks for the clarification.

 I also recommend against loading a private copy of the model

Any particular reason, other than not wasting RAM?  At this point, I don't
really plan to, just curious.  I'm trying to get the model data from within
the shared physics code, which is a bit problematic on the server, since it
appears pmove-physent[i].studiomodel is always NULL.  So I see two
possible solutions: load the model file myself, or link to a C++ module
with functions to get the data from the engine and process it.  (I'm
currently planning on using the latter).

P.S.  While we're at it, is there any way I can get a pointer to the
engine's copy of the bsp file?

Thanks again.


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