Is Inter-CP Quiesce time counted as CPU time?

2011-03-08 Thread Gary M. Dennis
If a z/VM guest partially or completely purges the TLB on a z10 or z196, is
the time required to quiesce CPs to coordinate the requested purge counted
toward total CPU time for the guest requesting the purge? If so does the
guest requesting the purge get tagged for all the CPU time required to
coordinate purge operations across all CPs for the z/VM or is the time
apportioned by CP to the specific guest active on each CP at the time the
purge was requested?

If the time isn¹t counted toward CPU time for the guest requesting the
purge, how is that allocated?


--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
 required for the purge

Seinfeld's Contribution to the The Principles of Operation

2010-10-07 Thread Gary M. Dennis
There is only one place in z Architecture Principles of Operation where the
word substantially is used.  Even more surprising than its use is the fact
that it appears immediately before the word accurate. My interest in the
reference bit, though passing, is sincere since I would like to hang my hat
on the validity of that indicator.  Substantially means  to a great extent
or degree.  In system z architecture, I am  unfamiliar with this level of

For your reference (no pun intended) the paragraph in z POPS is:

The record provided by the reference bit is substantially accurate. The
reference bit may be set to one by fetching data or instructions that are
neither designated nor used by the program, and, under certain conditions, a
reference may be made without the reference bit being set to one. Under
certain unusual circumstances, a reference bit may be set to zero by other
than explicit program action.

Although Seinfeld had to have written the previous 67 words, it is possible
(age 21 at the time) for him to have contributed the original paragraph
from the 1975 POPS and simply updated the paragraph for System z.  The 1975
paragraph follows.

The record of references provided by the reference bit is substantially
accurate. The reference bit may be turned on by fetching data or
instructions that are neither designated nor used by the program, and, under
certain conditions, a reference may be made without the reference bit being
turned on. Under certain unusual conditions, a reference bit that is on may
be turned off by other than explicit program action.

Turned on and Turned off apparently gave way to the more precise set to
one and set to zero for those so technically challenged that on/off had
lost all meaning.  Think about it; the technical writers were striving for
more precision in their description than the thing being described
actually provided.

Does anyone have a clue what sentences 2 and 3 (substantially) mean in
either paragraph and would anyone venture a guess as to why, after 40 years
of architectural excellence, the reference bit can't be more than
substantially accurate? My curiosity is killing me.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

Maximum Virtual Storage

2010-10-01 Thread Gary M. Dennis
What is the maximum guest virtual storage supported by z/VM?

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

Re: Maximum Virtual Storage

2010-10-01 Thread Gary M. Dennis
The thread on mixed paging volumes caused me to ask the question. I should
have been more specific.

If the volume limit for a z/VM page volumes is 240+, how does this relate to
maximum defined virtual storage for all active guests under a z/VM image?

For example, in an environment where each guest requires 4BG virtual, how
many such guests could a single z/VM system manage?

On 10/1/10 3:07 PM, Mike Walter wrote:

 Do you mean REAL virtual storage, to which answers have already been
 Or do you mean VIRTUAL virtual storage, as documented as the Maximum
 Input Values for Storage Units in the CP Planning and Administration
 For z/VM 5.4 and 6.1 the maximum stor size for any virtual machine is
 16E (exabytes).
 I'd venture a guess that IBM would be pleased to sell you sufficient real
 storage and DASD to support a few of those VMs, their paging and dump
 space requirements.  :-)
 Mike Walter
 Hewitt Associates
 The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.
 Gary M. Dennis
 Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU
 10/01/2010 02:47 PM
 Please respond to
 Maximum Virtual Storage
 What is the maximum guest virtual storage supported by z/VM?
 --.  .-  .-.  -.--
 Gary Dennis
 Mantissa Corporation
 The information contained in this e-mail and any accompanying documents may
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 cannot be guaranteed to be error free as they can be intercepted, amended,
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 risks if you communicate with us by e-mail.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation
1121 Edenton Street
Birmingham, Alabama 35242-9257

0 ... living between the zeros... 0

p: 205.968-3942
m: 205.218-3937
f: 205.968.3932

Re: Mixed page volume sizes

2010-09-30 Thread Gary M. Dennis
S if you had guests averaging 18GB each, and you follow
recommendations for page volume utilization (50% as I understand it), Mod 9s
would yield around 4GB useable page space each.

That would give you 100 such images per VM .. (250 volumes times the
4GB/volume divided by 18GB per image)?

I know this rough but am I headed in the right direction?  I'm making the
assumption (an this may be incorrect) that the available real storage
backing could support virtual requirements.

On 9/30/10 9:24 AM, Rob van der Heij wrote:

 On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 3:39 PM, George Henke/NYLIC wrote:
 Sorry for my ignorance and naivete, but I am simply staggered at the volume
 of page volumes of whatever size, 100 - 240.
 I have just a Dev Test z/VM environment with 2 measly 3390-3's for Paging.
 Granted, I am running only 5 z/OS vm's and 3 Linux vm's.
 My test system does not have that either. But think of 250G real
 memory and some 100 Linux guests of 4-10 GB each, all running
 enterprise applications.
 | Rob

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation
1121 Edenton Street
Birmingham, Alabama 35242-9257

0 ... living between the zeros... 0

p: 205.968-3942
m: 205.218-3937
f: 205.968.3932

Re: ACM award - they deserve it....

2010-03-31 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Less than an hour before reading this thread I had IPLed two x86 operating
systems under z/VM 5.3.  One is a tiny OS used as a checkpoint after major
changes to the x86 virtualization layer.  It's just  a way to make sure the
puzzle is still assembled more or less correctly. The other OS is DSL. The
IPL time for DSL up to the line-mode prompt is now 5 seconds with zero
tuning in any of the z86VM components.  Using VNC the GUI for each OS is
live-scroll capable over a VPN connection to the IBM development site in

The current x86 virtualization marketplace may not be as predictable (even
for bean counters) as one might imagine. Those same bean counters will be
the first ones to ask Why not 1 box instead of 50? just like they asked
Why not 50 boxes instead of 500?. Wouldn't that be preferable to an ACM

--.  .-  .-.  -.--
Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

0 ... living between the zeros... 0

On 3/31/10 10:32 AM, Dave Wade wrote:

 In my humble opinion the main reason VMWare (an to a lesser extent HyperV)
 is popular at present is because it allows bean counters to demonstrate huge
 instant savings. Where I work we have around 200 Windows servers, many were
 bought around 5 years ago so will need replacing soone. In general we have a
 separate server not for performance reasons but more for separation of
 control and software options. Based on a limited trial I would say we could
 consolidate 75% of these servers at a rate of at least 10 to 1 using VMWare,
 and still have enough headroom to loose a physial server with no
 performance impact. So that's take the 150 lowest loaded servers and replace
 them with 15 servers running VMWare. To a bean counter that's a 90%
 reduction in power consumption, a 90% reduction in floor space, and a 90%
 reduction in hardware support costs.I am sure some think that should also be
 a 90% reduction in support staff, but of course that's not true. Whilst
 VMWare is fun to manage, it needs managing and also capacity planning.  In
 practice the reduction is some what less than 90%. . To use the vernacular,
 a VMWare server will be a fully loaded server with multiple CPU's, lots of
 RAM, multiple SAN and Network interfaces for load balancing and resilience.
 In order to fit these in it will be a 2U server and some of our existing are
 1U, on the other hand others are 4U... BUT there will be a big saving.
 Now compare that with zVM. With that you were frugal from day1 so there
 aren't any savings. So the bean counters can't show cost reductions, so they
 don't like it
  utterly blinkered
 - Original Message -
 From: Barton Robinson
 Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 3:53 PM
 Subject: Re: ACM award - they deserve it
 If you go to conferences such as CMG (Computer Management Group), that
 has been a mainframe organization (meaning MVS or z/OS) since it
 started, our VM has never been represented, but VMWare now has many
 sessions.  It's depressing to see 80 people in entry level performance
 session for VMWare and no z/VM sessions on the agenda of a mainframe
 Early this year I was hearing ads for VMWare on the local radio station.
 I can only assume that VM is being outmarketed worldwide (or at least
 that VMWare is being marketed worldwide and VM is not marketed publicly
 at all).
 It doesn't matter if our mousetrap is better if nobody is out there
 trying to get mindshare (marketing).  Preaching/grumbling to the choir
 doesn't change anything.
 So when was the last time that any of you tried to get a case study
 published showing how great your accomplishments are using z/VM?  There
 are very few published stories (sorry games on z don't impress bean
 counters or executives, it's rather demeaning), we need REAL business
 case studies showing the value of z/VM to real companies.  If we get
 enough and executives do a google search on VM, maybe they will find
 something useful?
 Bill Munson wrote:
 You are right, that makes me mad also.
 IBM really blew it when they did not trade mark VM
 Jim Elliott
 Sent by: The IBM z/VM Operating System IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU
 03/30/2010 09:34 PM
 Please respond to
 Re: ACM award
 Today the Association for Computing Machinery (of which I have
 been a member since 1970) made the following award:
 VMware Workstation 1.0, the Software System Award, for
 bringing virtualization technology to modern computing
 environments, spurring a shift to virtual-machine
 architectures, and allowing users to efficiently run multiple
 operating systems on their desktops.
 Aside from the run multiple OSes on the desktop part,
 shouldn't we be insulted?
 Yes, we should be insulted. I remember being very upset the 

VPN into Second Level VM

2010-02-02 Thread Gary M. Dennis
We are developing on a second level VM system with access through VPN.

Regardless of the VPN client location (Home, office ), ISP download/upload
speed and chip speed of the client machine, we can¹t seem to get any more
than 135K bytes per second over the VPN.

This number holds true for both FTP operations and VNC client connections to
second level VM guests.

Any thoughts or suggestions what we might check or tweak in the second level
VM system to improve this speed..

--.  .-  .-.  -.-- 
Gary Dennis

Mantissa Corporation

Fixed length field alignment degradation

2010-01-07 Thread Gary M. Dennis
The POPS For System z contains the following note:

Programming Note: For fixed-field-length operations with field lengths that
are a power of 2, significant performance degradation is possible when
storage operands are not positioned at addresses that are integral multiples
of the operand length. To improve performance, frequently used storage oper-
ands should be aligned on integral boundaries.

Does anyone know what significant performance degradation means in terms
of true machine overhead?

Is anyone aware of published degradation numbers for non-aligned fixed
length field operations?

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

0 ... living between the zeros... 0

Re: VM Best Practices

2009-12-16 Thread Gary M. Dennis
In the movie In Search of the Holy Grail, the knights who say nee could
not bear to hear a certain words.  One of those words was it.

It appears that best practice may be not to ask about  -
(words redacted).

Thanks to all who responded.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--
Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

0 ... living between the zeros... 0

VM Best Practices

2009-12-14 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Watching ³A Christmas Story² makes me wonder if  you can ³shoot your eye
out² through errors of omission with a VM system.

Can anyone point me to a  source for z/VM ³Best Practices² that addresses
low level system recovery (essentially disaster recovery).


Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

0 ... living between the zeros... 0

Re: Questions - zVM Limits/Hardware Support

2009-11-02 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Extremely useful. The limits document by by Bill Bitner and another by the
same author on performance are great resources.

If you attempted to configure a VM system with 700 active users each having
an average working set of 8GB each what kind of train wreck could that
create?  All recommendations I see call for keeping the virtual to real
ratio 3:1 and I wonder what would happen in this case.  I note that VM has
been tested to the 1TB real level.

If the max number of paging volumes is 255 but you should keep the
utilization for of each device at 50% for optimal performance, what does
that mean?  Are we talking 50% of the potential sustained I/O rate for the
device or 50% of physical capacity.  If the latter, that pushes the paging
cap down to 5.6/7.95.

What transmission limits are imposed by ISFC? When would the CTC link max
out? Could a very high activity IUCV communications link function well over

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

0 ... living between the zeros... 0

On 10/28/09 4:06 PM, Alan Altmark wrote:

 On Wednesday, 10/28/2009 at 04:28 EDT, Gar over ISFC? M. Dennis wrote:
 What is the maximum page space supported by zVM?
 What is the supported real storage limit for the hardware and for VM
 Max page space:
 - For ECKD: 11.2 TB
 - For FCP:  15.9 TB  (emulated FBA on SCSI)
 Note that optimal performance requires that you keep utilization of each
 device to  50%.
 Memory limits:
 - z/VM supports an LPAR up to 256 GB in size
 - The amount of memory on the box and in an LPAR depends on the hw
 - Biggest z10 has up to 1.5 TB memory and a the largest LPAR can be 1.0 TB
 You can find these and other z/VM limits in Bill Bitner's z/VM Limits
 presentation at
 What is the highest total sustained I/O rate you have witnessed on a VM
 I have heard rumors of a z/VM paging rate of  200K pages/second on a
 robust I/O subsystem, but I don't know if that's what you're referring to.
  Guest I/O data rates are a function of access to the CPU and the size of
 the I/O operation, so it depends.
 I see from an BM presentation that support is available for simulated
 coupling. Does zVM support a real coupler facility for intersystem (VM
 SYSTEMS) communications?
 z/VM does not use and does not allow guest access to the real Coupling
 Facility.  z/VM's native intersystem comms mechanism is ISFC, based on
 Alan Altmark
 z/VM Development
 IBM Endicott

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

0 ... living between the zeros... 0

Questions - zVM Limits/Hardware Support

2009-10-28 Thread Gary M. Dennis

What is the maximum page space supported by zVM?

What is the supported real storage limit for the hardware and for VM itself?

Does anyone have experience with a zVM system having over 500 non-CMS guest

What is the highest total sustained I/O rate you have witnessed on a VM

I see from an BM presentation that support is available for simulated guest
coupling. Does zVM support a real coupler facility for intersystem (VM
SYSTEMS) communications?

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

Chunk (RAW Block) access to DS8000 storage

2009-07-30 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Does anyone know of a way to access very large chunks of DS8000 storage
without minidisk definitions?

We are looking for a way to allocate substantial increments of storage
(several terabytes at a time) with the least  administrative overhead.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

Re: Shared File System Interface

2009-05-01 Thread Gary M. Dennis
³Twitchy² -  is a squirrel and  best friend of Wolf W. Wolf in Hoodwinked.

³twitchy² as used below makes me, well Twitchy.

Could you elaborate on why use of SFS via NFS  ³Sort of makes the z guys

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

On 5/1/09 7:39 AM, Dean, David (I/S) wrote:

 Yep.  Then you can Samba out the NFS to window's boxes and have a really
 nice file server.  Sort of makes the z guys twitchy though.
 David Dean
 Information Systems
 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
 Behalf Of Alan Altmark
 Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 1:15 PM
 Subject: Re: Shared File System Interface
 On Wednesday, 04/29/2009 at 01:06 EDT, Dave Jones wrote:
  Nope, afraid notbut it would be way cool if Linux, as a guest of
  z/VM, could read/write SFS directories and files.
 It can.  It just needs to use NFS to do it.
 Alan Altmark
 z/VM Development
 IBM Endicott
 Please see the following link for the BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee E-mail

Shared File System Interface

2009-04-29 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Is there any documented APPC  interface to SFS for non-CMS operating

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

Re: *SIGNAL Service Experience

2009-04-22 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Only A to B as we have no broadcast requirement.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

On 4/21/09 4:08 PM, Alan Altmark wrote:

 On Tuesday, 04/21/2009 at 01:55 EDT, Gary M. Dennis wrote:
  The IUCV tests seemed insensitive to transmission size.  Whether we sent
  bytes or 32,000, the 5 to 7 second window held.
 The savings of *SIGNAL would be the use of the broadcast function. Instead
 of UserA sending to UserB, then UserC, then UserD, and so on, userA just
 broadcasts the IUCV data, saving an IUCV SEND operation as well as the
 logic to keep track of B, C, and D (which *SIGNAL can help with, too). For
 two guests, the savings would be zero.
 What scenario did you compare?
 Alan Altmark
 z/VM Development
 IBM Endicott

2A8 Diagnose Undocumented return code

2009-04-22 Thread Gary M. Dennis
While attempting a ³Establish Device Connection² we receive a CC 2 with a
return code of x¹10¹

Anyone know what this means? The documentation is the most recent CP
programming services.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

Re: *SIGNAL Service Experience

2009-04-21 Thread Gary M. Dennis

The following is from some tests we conducted to compare *SIGNAL to straight
IUCV. 2097 Dallas Development, second level VM, under CMS.

100,000 signal / acknowledgement transmissions. The straight IUCV test sent
only 8 bytes to try and put it on equal footing with *SIGNAL.

4 *SIGNAL tests - ran 5 seconds each over a 2 minute period.

4  IUCV  tests - ran 5, 7, 7, 6, 7 seconds over a 2 minute period.

The IUCV tests seemed insensitive to transmission size.  Whether we sent 8
bytes or 32,000, the 5 to 7 second window held.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

On 4/20/09 12:53 AM, Alan Altmark wrote:

 On Friday, 04/17/2009 at 12:16 EDT, Gary M. Dennis wrote:
 you have experience using *SIGNAL service for high volumes
 To my knowledge, the only exploiter of *SIGNAL is GCS, which has been used
 since around 1986 to run VTAM, NetView, RSCS, AVS, PSF and VSCS
 applications.  The signalling GCS performs is primarily used to
 - Signal the presence of data in shared memory (usually so that the target
 of the signal can send it.)
 - Run a named entry point in another group member (usually so target of
 the signal can receive data placed in shared memory)
 - Dump shared memory if a member of the group dies
 - Join or remove a member of the group
 GCS has handled large workloads for decades without incident.
 Alan Altmark
 z/VM Development
 IBM Endicott

*SIGNAL Service Experience

2009-04-17 Thread Gary M. Dennis
you have experience using *SIGNAL service for high volumes


Could you provide information (or simply observation) relating to
overhead, latency?


   You know compelling reasons this service should not be considered for
   very high signal volumes


This is an excellent opportunity to keep fellow primates out of harms



--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

0 ... living between the zeroes... 0

Re: File System - If you had everything, where would you put it?

2009-04-03 Thread Gary M. Dennis

What I was trying to determine if there was a way to use  ZFS on OpenSolaris
System z as a high speed space management vehicle while bypassing
conventional transport layers?  For example, let¹s say there existed a way
to push data to the IO appliance cross-memory (guest to ZFZ, ZFS to guest)
such that an interface in the appliance could act as a local proxy for each
guest using the service.



--.  .-  .-.  -.--

0 ... living between the zeroes... 0

On 4/3/09 11:29 AM, Jeff Savit wrote:

 Gary M. Dennis wrote:
  1. How does OpenSolaris zfs utilize the storage tier on System z? Are the
  disks  allocated to  zfs pool(s)  simply reserved CMS formatted disks?
 Exactly that: minidisks used by OpenSolaris on z port (sirius for short) are
 CMS-formatted and RESERVE-d minidisks. That way sirius knows which minidisks
 to *not* touch.
  2. How does the Async I/O in ZFS work? Would the guest that requested the
  I/O  be signaled with an ext interrupt by the I/O appliance?
 Do you mean from the POSIX API level or at the virtual machine I/O level?
 ZFS obeys standard POSIX semantics for file I/O, including the ability to
 specify sync semantics.
 From the physical I/O perspective, everything is done by DIAG 250, which
 permits non-guest-blocking I/O.
  3. What API/system transport layer would be used in VM for guests to
  I/O through an appliance managing ZFS?
 Not sure what you mean by this - could you explain? Guests running which OS
 talking to an appliance running where?
 regards, Jeff 

Diagnose X'248' - Copy to Primary

2009-04-03 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Can anyone comment on the overhead (or lack thereof) relating to use of
this diagnose.  

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

0 ... living between the zeroes... 0

Re: File System - If you had everything, where would you put it?

2009-04-03 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Either would work, but a shared address space would seem to be the most
lightweight approach.

On 4/3/09 3:57 PM, Dave Jones wrote:

 Would you consider a mechanism like IUCV or shared data address spaces
 as acceptable methods to send data back and forth between z/VOS guests
 and a file server of some sort?
 Gary M. Dennis wrote:
 What I was trying to determine if there was a way to use  ZFS on OpenSolaris
 System z as a high speed space management vehicle while bypassing
 conventional transport layers?  For example, let¹s say there existed a way
 to push data to the IO appliance cross-memory (guest to ZFZ, ZFS to guest)
 such that an interface in the appliance could act as a local proxy for each
 guest using the service.
 --.  .-  .-.  -.--
 0 ... living between the zeroes... 0
 On 4/3/09 11:29 AM, Jeff Savit wrote:
 Gary M. Dennis wrote:
 1. How does OpenSolaris zfs utilize the storage tier on System z? Are the
 disks  allocated to  zfs pool(s)  simply reserved CMS formatted disks?
 Exactly that: minidisks used by OpenSolaris on z port (sirius for short)
 CMS-formatted and RESERVE-d minidisks. That way sirius knows which minidisks
 to *not* touch.
 2. How does the Async I/O in ZFS work? Would the guest that requested the
 I/O  be signaled with an ext interrupt by the I/O appliance?
 Do you mean from the POSIX API level or at the virtual machine I/O level?
 ZFS obeys standard POSIX semantics for file I/O, including the ability to
 specify sync semantics.
 From the physical I/O perspective, everything is done by DIAG 250, which
 permits non-guest-blocking I/O.
 3. What API/system transport layer would be used in VM for guests to
 I/O through an appliance managing ZFS?
 Not sure what you mean by this - could you explain? Guests running which OS
 talking to an appliance running where?
 regards, Jeff 

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation
1121 Edenton Street
Birmingham, Alabama 35242-9257

0 ... living between the zeroes... 0

p: 205.968-3942
m: 205.218-3937
f: 205.968.3932

Re: File System - If you had everything, where would you put it?

2009-04-03 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Something along these lines

Guests pull on read
Servers pull on write
Async only

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

0 ... living between the zeroes ... 0

On 4/3/09 4:26 PM, Alan Altmark wrote:

 On Friday, 04/03/2009 at 03:38 EDT, Gary M. Dennis wrote:
 What I was trying to determine if there was a way to use  ZFS on
 System z as a high speed space management vehicle while bypassing
 transport layers?  For example, let?s say there existed a way to push
 data to 
 the IO appliance cross-memory (guest to ZFZ, ZFS to guest)  such that an
 interface in the appliance could act as a local proxy for each guest
 using the 
 Just in case you are trying to connect Diag 0x248 with push data to
 OpenSolaris, don't bother.  First, Diag 0x248 is a read-only function.
 Second, OpenSolaris, like Linux, is DAT ON.  That means they cannot create
 or access Data Spaces.  Your only shared-memory solution is a DCSS.
 Alan Altmark
 z/VM Development
 IBM Endicott

Re: File System - If you had everything, where would you put it?

2009-04-03 Thread Gary M. Dennis
As it is written.  Guests pull from the server on read  requests and servers
pull from the guests on write requests.

We seem to be missing an interrupt sequence don¹t we?


On 4/3/09 6:15 PM, Jeff Savit wrote:

 Do you mean 'pull' or 'poll' on read, or 'push' on write? :-)
 In any case, Alan is right, and the lowest latency way for virtual machin
 to share data is with a DCSS.
 cheers, Jeff
 On Fri, 3 Apr 2009 16:47:58 -0500, Gary M. Dennis gary.den...@mantissa.c
 Something along these lines
 Guests pull on read
 Servers pull on write
 Async only
 --.  .-  .-.  -.--
 Gary Dennis
 0 ... living between the zeroes ... 0
 On 4/3/09 4:26 PM, Alan Altmark wrote:
  On Friday, 04/03/2009 at 03:38 EDT, Gary M. Dennis wrote:
  What I was trying to determine if there was a way to use  ZFS on
  System z as a high speed space management vehicle while bypassing
  transport layers?  For example, let?s say there existed a way to push
  data to
  the IO appliance cross-memory (guest to ZFZ, ZFS to guest)  such that
  interface in the appliance could act as a local proxy for each guest
  using the
  Just in case you are trying to connect Diag 0x248 with push data to
  OpenSolaris, don't bother.  First, Diag 0x248 is a read-only function.
  Second, OpenSolaris, like Linux, is DAT ON.  That means they cannot cr
  or access Data Spaces.  Your only shared-memory solution is a DCSS.
  Alan Altmark
  z/VM Development
  IBM Endicott

Re: File System - If you had everything, where would you put it?

2009-04-02 Thread Gary M. Dennis


1. How does OpenSolaris zfs utilize the storage tier on System z? Are the
disks  allocated to  zfs pool(s)  simply reserved CMS formatted disks?
2. How does the Async I/O in ZFS work? Would the guest that requested the
I/O  be signaled with an ext interrupt by the I/O appliance?
3. What API/system transport layer would be used in VM for guests to conduct
I/O through an appliance managing ZFS?


--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

0 ... living between the zeroes ... 0

On 4/1/09 8:47 PM, David Boyes wrote:

 Some of the STK/Sun disks have hardware features to do this. OpenAFS or Lustre
 could do this if you allow Linux guests to provide the services, or ZFS if you
 allow OpenSolaris guests. It¹d be very easy to package up an appliance server
 image to do what you need done with either one (Linux or OpenSolaris).
 Other than that, you have to use SFS or BFS, and both need some work to do
 continuous availability. Minidisks won¹t work for this.
 On 4/1/09 5:32 PM, Gary M. Dennis wrote:
 Is there a VM I/O management system available which will:
 1. Support space allocation requests for guests on a sparse basis? The file
 server needs to make the guest believe it actually has the entire allocation
 while only tying up space in the pool the guest actually used.
 2. Support Async I/O requests from multiple guests?
 3. Dynamically scale and from sub- TB to n EB.

File System - If you had everything, where would you put it?

2009-04-01 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Is there a VM I/O management system available which will:

1. Support space allocation requests for guests on a sparse basis? The file
server needs to make the guest believe it actually has the entire allocation
while only tying up space in the pool the guest actually used.

2. Support Async I/O requests from multiple guests?

3. Dynamically scale and from sub- TB to n EB.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

0 ... living between the zeroes ... 0

Diagnose x'250' / z/VM I/O scheduling

2009-03-30 Thread Gary M. Dennis

A file pool consisting of
5 VDEV files on 5 separate real devices
2 cylinders  per device
4096 block size


a block chain is given Diag x'250' (async) for either read or write
such that 4 blocks are written to or read from each track within
the 5 files.


Does the 250 interface make any attempt to optimize I/O operations
by constructing chained channel programs for single-track or
consecutive-track multi-record writes/reads?

If that is not the case, is such optimization achieved at a more basic
level in z/VM real device I/O scheduling?

Curiosity killed the

In either of the above cases (that is if channel programs are chained
based on intra-request I/O patterns), will either 250 or VM perform
inter-request channel program chaining for multiple async requests
targeting the same real device?


--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

0 between the zeroes... 0

Re: Diagnose x'250' / z/VM I/O scheduling

2009-03-30 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Thank you. Let me clarify.

The questions aren't about the device which, as you correctly observe, is
now a software figment. All we see and can control on the System z end is
the sub-channel.

My thinking (and this may be entirely off base) is that scheduling a
sub-channel request to write 25 blocks via a composite channel program is
somehow better than 25 separate requests.



On 3/30/09 10:22 AM, Schuh, Richard wrote:

 The real question is, with today's disk arrays, what really is the
 optimal order of the CCWs in the chain? What may seem logical to you,
 who have apparently been around long enough to remember the days of each
 disk being a physical unit with cylinders and tracks being arranged
 sequentially, may not be optimal for disks that are striped across many
 physical  disks.
 The VSSI products, VPARS and VTAPE, use the BLOCKIO routines and, if I
 am not mistaken, the VSSI code optimizes the channel programs by
 sorting them into sequential order before the DIAG is issued.
 Richard Schuh 
 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System
 [] On Behalf Of Gary M. Dennis
 Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 7:39 AM
 Subject: Diagnose x'250' / z/VM I/O scheduling
 A file pool consisting of
 5 VDEV files on 5 separate real devices
 2 cylinders  per device
 4096 block size
 a block chain is given Diag x'250' (async) for either
 read or write
 such that 4 blocks are written to or read from each track within
 the 5 files.
 Does the 250 interface make any attempt to optimize I/O operations
 by constructing chained channel programs for single-track or
 consecutive-track multi-record writes/reads?
 If that is not the case, is such optimization achieved at
 a more basic
 level in z/VM real device I/O scheduling?
 Curiosity killed the
 In either of the above cases (that is if channel programs
 are chained
 based on intra-request I/O patterns), will either 250 or
 VM perform
 inter-request channel program chaining for multiple async requests
 targeting the same real device?
 --.  .-  .-.  -.--
 Gary Dennis
 0 between the zeroes... 0

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation
1121 Edenton Street
Birmingham, Alabama 35242-9257

0 ... living between the zeroes... 0

p: 205.968-3942
m: 205.218-3937
f: 205.968.3932

Thanks All

2009-03-08 Thread Gary M. Dennis
On behalf of the zVos development team I want to express our thanks to the
membership of this list. Many of your discussions have helped our effort

When I joined this list almost exactly a year ago, I did so with the
anticipation that we might need help if we got behind the curve technically.
I missed the mark (and the point altogether) though that narrowly defined
rationale for joining the list was valid.

The knowledge reservoir and been-there-done-that experience available in
this forum is remarkable and much appreciated.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

CMS threading, Preemption, Involuntary vs Voluntary loss of control

2008-12-21 Thread Gary M. Dennis
CMS Multitasking Application Programming documentation draws a distinction
between voluntary and involuntary loss of control by a thread. Blocking and
yielding in a thread are easily understood as causes for voluntary loss of
control. Preemption would appear to be just as easily understood.

However, the observed behavior of a running application doesn¹t appear to
obey the documentation which states in part  that at the CMS thread level
you can involuntarily (preemptively)  lose control to threads in  different
classes. Alternatively stated, a compute bound thread in the same class as
three siblings will never cede control to one of the three siblings but
should cede control to threads of higher priority outside it dispatch class.

Thread priorities can be established at thread creation time as a plus or
minus offset of the creating thread priority.  I have an application which
creates  6 threads all all of which are given a distinct classes and various
priorities at the point of creation.   The lowest priority thread  is the
most compute intensive.  All threads other than the compute bound thread
exhibit blocking or yielding behavior necessary for voluntary loss of
control; the compute bound thread does not.  The compute bound thread is the
only one that gets dispatched.

Preemption at the virtual machine level works beautifully or this would be a
really small forum. Given the content of the manual I would expect that the
compute bound thread would involuntarily lose control at some point to the
higher priority threads in different classes.

1. Does CMS preemptively dispatch threads as the documentation implies?
2. If so, is there some VM or CMS configuration option that is used to
ensure this happens?


--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

.zVos System z/VM Connectivity - Men or Mice

2008-12-09 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Over the last few weeks we have determined (without equivocation) that we
are z/VM communications mice.  Communications men or women would have
dispatched the following problem forthwith.

What we are attempting to do is describe our connectivity requirements for
testing zVos to IBM¹s Dallas development center.  I feel as though we are
throwing them somewhat of a curve ball because our environment is not Linux
and not strictly CMS/VM.

Here is what we have:

1. A second level VM system running on the Dallas First level.

2. On that second level system there are two server machines which have to
be able to communicate with a z/Vos management console in Birmingham via

3. On the same machine there are 3 virtual x86 machines that must be reached
from the Birmingham network with RDP and/or VNC over a Specific subnet and
port range.

4. The servers and virtualized machines are on the same VLAN.

5. VPN


1. What has to happen on the first level machine to permit access to a
specific subnet and port range on the VLAN of the second level machine?

2. Shouldn't we be able to get away with just having a VSWITCH/VLAN
combination on the second level machine without dedicating an OSA adapter?
Anybody done this in a DR environment.

3.  Would use of a virtual OSA adapter in the second level machine make this
easier or just ratchet the level of complexity?

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

Re: Value added by z/VM versus VMWARE

2008-11-04 Thread Gary M. Dennis
If z/VM supported virtual x86 systems, that support would make the platforms
extremely competitive and, potentially, cause a sea change in the source of
computing resource for x86.

Considering the average CPU utilization for x86 desktop systems (less than
15% by some estimates), such support could make for a good match; guest
systems that do practically nothing and a virtualization system with a
remarkable ability to allocate resources among a large number of guests.
On 11/2/08 2:12 PM, Paul Raulerson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That's what  
 confuses me- the two platforms, mainframe and x86 are hardly
 competitive to each other.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

Re: Virtual machine 'escape'

2008-11-04 Thread Gary M. Dennis
What effect would this same hack have on the intended target if the x86
system being targeted was running as a guest under z/VM?  Wouldn't the ill
effects be reduced by the wall between virtual guests inherent with z/VM?

On 11/4/08 11:42 AM, David Boyes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It seems our colleagues doing virtualization on Intel have another
 possible security
 concern to worry about now.
 By far the biggest concern related to virtual machine security is
 threat of
 a virtual machine escape. A virtual machine escape is a theoretical
 attack in which an attacker uses a vulnerability within a virtual
 machine to
 take control of either the underlying host operating system, or the
 itself. Upon doing so, the attacker could potentially gain control
 the other
 virtual machines hosted on the server.
 Why is it such a threat? It's the fear of the unknown, that
 will be able to do it.
 Not just possible; proven. It's been done on an Intel Pacifica chipset,
 and there was an excellent paper in IEEE Transactions on Computer
 Systems on how it was done.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation
1121 Edenton Street
Birmingham, Alabama 35242-9257

p: 205.968-3942
m: 205.218-3937
f: 205.968.3932


Re: VM Virtual CPUs and Threaded CMS Applications

2008-10-20 Thread Gary M. Dennis
I appreciate your insight. When you state:  ³ If you¹re not invoking CMS
services from non-base threads²

What precisely do you mean by CMS services?  Are you referring specifically
to the services defined in ³CP Programming Services²  OR any call to CMS?

This has the potential to derail what we are trying to achieve with CMS so I
want to be absolutely sure I understand what you mean.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

On 10/19/08 2:35 PM, Gillis, Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I haven¹t experienced this specific problem because IBM strongly advised us to
 not allocate more than 1 virtual CPU to a mutitasking CMS application. The
 reason they gave was that any CMS services called from a thread running on a
 non-base CPU would need to be scheduled to run on the base CPU, so that the
 overheads of this would outweigh the benefits of the extra processors. If
 you¹re not invoking CMS services from non-base threads then I guess that this
 won¹t be an issue for you.
 Mark Gillis 
 Principal Software Engineer
 Tel: +61 2 8898 2678
 Fax: +61 2 8898 2600
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
 Of Gary M. Dennis
 Sent: Sunday, 19 October 2008 10:24 AM
 Subject: VM Virtual CPUs and Threaded CMS Applications
 If  you do not have experience with threaded CMS application development, I
 suggest you read anything but the balance of of this email.
 I have an application that runs under CMS and consists of three distinct
 1. The top layer is some virtualized x86 OS.
 2. The middle layer performs x86 to z translation
 3. The base layer is everything else. That includes code fragment storage,
 aging, retrieval, statistics collection/ push using IUCV, etc.
 Layer two has been developed in such a way that, without layer three, it
 simply translates a code fragments to z architecture code, executes that code,
 then discards the translated fragment.  It detects the interface stub for
 layer three and, if that is present, it takes advantage of the capabilities
 including prior translation reuse.
 Layer 3 is multithreaded and is the cause/source of the problem. Whether layer
 3 is run with layers 1 and 2 or in standalone test mode the results are the
 First the environment:
 VM 4.3
 Number of processors: 2
 Virtual CPUs (from 2 to 6 .. See note below)
 Now the application from 10,000 feet:
 Layer three consists of a parent thread that creates 4 additional threads.
 Each thread is created in a dispatch class that is unique.
 Routines are not shared between threads. Upon entry into each routine, the
 preamble is destroyed and restored on exit to trap any potential inadvertent
 share.   Critical fields shared between threads are protected by a compare and
 swap spin lock.
 Part of the testing consists of pushing 1WAY IUCV messages from each connected
 client every 20 milliseconds.
 The VM directory for each of 4 machines (one server and three clients) defines
 the machine as  an XC mode machine with:
 CPU 01
 As each thread is created it requests either BASE or ANY CPU affinity. BASE
 affinity is reserved for the parent and IUCV message handler threads . ANY is
 used for all other threads . Each affinity request receives a normal return
 All this works beautifully for days and millions of messages UNTIL the number
 of virtual CPUs defined exceed the number of real CPUs assigned to the VM
 image.  When this takes place, everything comes unstuck. By everything I mean
 everything in CMS.  Stack overflow (03FF abend), free storage management
 failure, all of it.
 The multitasking application dev guide states that to the extent possible,
 dispatch classes are assigned to vCPUs and further states that the max number
 of vCPUs that may be utilized is equal to the number of dispatch classes.
 Whether the vCPUs are defined in the user directory entry OR they are created
 dynamically using the CPU Create CMS  function, the results are the same.
 My questions)
 1. Has anyone had a similar experience?
 2. Is this a known issue with 4.3? Or in more current releases?
 3. Although this seems to be telling me no to go there, I¹ve tried but cannot
 find anything that says ³You¹ll shoot your eye out , kid.²  if you define more
 virtual CPUs than real processors. Anyone know of such a restriction?
 4. Is it possible that CMS kernel services don¹t tolerate a situation where
 the number of virtual CPUs exceeds ³real² processors?
 Thanks in advance for any insight you might have on this behavior.
 --.  .-  .-.  -.--
 Gary Dennis
 Mantissa Corporation

VM Virtual CPUs and Threaded CMS Applications

2008-10-18 Thread Gary M. Dennis
If  you do not have experience with threaded CMS application development, I
suggest you read anything but the balance of of this email.

I have an application that runs under CMS and consists of three distinct

1. The top layer is some virtualized x86 OS.
2. The middle layer performs x86 to z translation
3. The base layer is everything else. That includes code fragment storage,
aging, retrieval, statistics collection/ push using IUCV, etc.

Layer two has been developed in such a way that, without layer three, it
simply translates a code fragments to z architecture code, executes that
code, then discards the translated fragment.  It detects the interface stub
for layer three and, if that is present, it takes advantage of the
capabilities including prior translation reuse.

Layer 3 is multithreaded and is the cause/source of the problem. Whether
layer 3 is run with layers 1 and 2 or in standalone test mode the results
are the same.

First the environment:

VM 4.3
Number of processors: 2
Virtual CPUs (from 2 to 6 .. See note below)

Now the application from 10,000 feet:

Layer three consists of a parent thread that creates 4 additional threads.
Each thread is created in a dispatch class that is unique.

Routines are not shared between threads. Upon entry into each routine, the
preamble is destroyed and restored on exit to trap any potential inadvertent
share.   Critical fields shared between threads are protected by a compare
and swap spin lock.

Part of the testing consists of pushing 1WAY IUCV messages from each
connected client every 20 milliseconds.

The VM directory for each of 4 machines (one server and three clients)
defines the machine as  an XC mode machine with:

CPU 01

As each thread is created it requests either BASE or ANY CPU affinity. BASE
affinity is reserved for the parent and IUCV message handler threads . ANY
is used for all other threads . Each affinity request receives a normal
return code.

All this works beautifully for days and millions of messages UNTIL the
number of virtual CPUs defined exceed the number of real CPUs assigned to
the VM image.  When this takes place, everything comes unstuck. By
everything I mean everything in CMS.  Stack overflow (03FF abend), free
storage management failure, all of it.

The multitasking application dev guide states that to the extent possible,
dispatch classes are assigned to vCPUs and further states that the max
number of vCPUs that may be utilized is equal to the number of dispatch
classes. Whether the vCPUs are defined in the user directory entry OR they
are created dynamically using the CPU Create CMS  function, the results are
the same.

My questions)

1. Has anyone had a similar experience?
2. Is this a known issue with 4.3? Or in more current releases?
3. Although this seems to be telling me no to go there, I¹ve tried but
cannot find anything that says ³You¹ll shoot your eye out , kid.²  if you
define more virtual CPUs than real processors. Anyone know of such a
4. Is it possible that CMS kernel services don¹t tolerate a situation where
the number of virtual CPUs exceeds ³real² processors?

Thanks in advance for any insight you might have on this behavior.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

Full volume minidisk FTP

2008-09-09 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Using VMFTP, how is the best way to transmit full volume minidisks (mixed
CMS, VSE, and z/OS) to a backup site?

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

Re: IUCV - What's wrong with this picture?

2008-08-27 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Thanks for the response on the IUCV questions.

I have included below item 6 from the thread origin and a snippet from John
Baker's response.

Maybe I should have placed more emphasis on item 6. The server machine is
going to be updating the buffer areas in all the connected client machines.

Therefore, he server machine needs to know immediately when one of the
guests is quiescent or logged off. IUCV will inform the server when a
connection is severed. The guest machines can set in indicator in an area
monitored by the server to indicate that they have begun a normal closedown
*but* the fall-off_the page case is when a machine is logged off and the
server attempts to access the buffers in a machine that no longer exists.

John made a good argument for temporary IUCV connections. In that case the
best way to make a determination on the active state a diagnose that issues
a query command for the user in question?

On a clear day in the not too distant past, Gary Dennis,

 6. After the initial call, the server virtual machine will maintain the
 buffer table entries in each client virtual machine without additional IUCV

On 8/25/08 9:32 PM, John P. Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Maintaining thousands of IUCV connections may not have a significant impact
 on real storage considering the vast amounts of memory now available on
 zSeries processors.  However, searching through all of those linked lists
 WILL have a performance impact, and is totally unnecessary.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

Re: IUCV - What's wrong with this picture?

2008-08-27 Thread Gary M. Dennis

Thanks. Especially for 5 through 9.

On 8/27/08 12:37 PM, Alan Altmark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't understand why you want to use temporary connections.

I don't. The original idea was to have connections for each guest active all
the time **so long as the associated overhead would not be excessive**.
 You mention an area that is monitored by the server.  That sounds like
 shared memory.

I'm not sure the area is shared in the sense you mean shared. The guest
machines will each have code fragment table(s) in primary address space.

The service machine will maintain the tables for each guest after it has
been has granted write access.

 IUCV can handle hundreds of connections with no problem.

We think the high-end number of virtual machines could be in the thousands
but if the overhead is low and the message incidence is low, it's a go.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--
Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

IUCV - What's wrong with this picture?

2008-08-25 Thread Gary M. Dennis

0. A VM server machine

1. A cluster of client virtual machines (possibly thousands)

2. n buffers are allocated for each client virtual machine

3. Each buffer contains table elements that require
(a) Element ageing
(b) Element deletion when invalidated by:
1. lack of use
2. client machine request
(c) Compression as buffer fragmentation occurs

4. Each client virtual machine in the cluster is connected via IUCV to the
server virtual machine.

5. IUCV traffic between the server machine and client machine is extremely
low volume.  Initial call, termination call, intermittent statistics call.

6. After the initial call, the server virtual machine will maintain the
buffer table entries in each client virtual machine without additional IUCV

Now the questions:

1. Does IUCV infrastructure overhead specifically associated with number of
connections become prohibitive at some well known point?

2. Has anyone had experience with an application having a high IUCV
connection count like this? If so, what was that experience?

Again, the traffic incidence per connection is very low but the number of
connections is potentially very high.


--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

OSA Adapter TCP/IP stack association limit?

2008-08-06 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Did I read somewhere (the where being a place I cannot at this point
locate) that the number of IP stacks which could be associated with a single
OSA adapter was 640?  Running several thousand desktop systems on System z
is meaningful only if those operating systems can access a (the) network.

Is that stack association limit correct? If this is the case, is there a
circumvention? Can multiple OSA adapters be associated with a single VLAN?

I'm trying to figure out if this or some other software/hardware constraint
is a limiting factor for the number of virtual machines which can share a
network on or through System z.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

Re: OSA Adapter TCP/IP stack association limit?

2008-08-06 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Will using VSWITCH get us around the 640 limit per OSA adapter?

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

On 8/6/08 1:35 PM, Mark Post [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 8/6/2008 at  2:24 PM, in message
 Gary M. Dennis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Did I read somewhere (the where being a place I cannot at this point
 locate) that the number of IP stacks which could be associated with a single
 OSA adapter was 640?
 That sounds right.
 Is that stack association limit correct? If this is the case, is there a
 circumvention? Can multiple OSA adapters be associated with a single VLAN?
 Use a VSWITCH, since you've already decided this is going to be run on z/VM.
 Mark Post

Re: z/VM 5.4 Workloads

2008-08-05 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Can someone point me to the source of the announcement excerpt below?
--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

On 8/5/08 11:51 AM, Lionel B. Dyck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is an interesting bullet in the announcement:
 Moving selected Linux, Windows®, and UNIX® workloads to a single System z
 server: Moving workloads while maintaining distinct server images and current
 LAN topology can help reduce systems-management complexity. By managing large
 server farms deployed on virtual servers instead of using multiple hardware
 servers, the number of real hardware servers and associated physical LANs may
 be reduced, which may lead to cost savings. Deploying Linux workloads on z/VM
 V5.4 may be particularly attractive if they interact with applications or data
 located on the same System z server.
 Is IBM pre-announcing the ability to run Windows programs on System z?
 Lionel B. Dyck, Consultant/Specialist
 Enterprise Platform Services, Mainframe Engineering
 KP-IT Enterprise Engineering
 925-926-5332 (8-473-5332) | E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 AIM: lbdyck | Yahoo IM: lbdyck
 Kaiser Service Credo: Our cause is health. Our passion is service. We're here
 to make lives better.
 I never guess. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.
 Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to
 suit facts. 
 - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
 NOTICE TO RECIPIENT: If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you
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Re: Nice idea in blog: Should we toss x86 architecture - NOT.

2008-08-01 Thread Gary M. Dennis
32 and 16 bit. The boot loaders used and FreeDos required incorporation of
16 bit support. Monumental pain.

We don't see 64 bit support being problematic though.


On 8/1/08 9:31 AM, Adam Thornton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does z/VOS do x86_64 or just 32-bit x86?  Actually, can you list which
 x86 extensions are included in it?

Re: Nice idea in blog: Should we toss x86 architecture - NOT.

2008-07-31 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Apologies for not responding to this thread in a more timely fashion.  I had
a flood of emails after the initial post.

Speed OR Portability

Adam is closer than he knows about the approach we have taken on z/VOS.
First, he is right when he guessed almost-certainly assembly.  We have
tried both QEMU and BOCH and you can forget your name before the target OS
completes IPL in our current environment.

This is not meant to be a criticism. Both of these systems were written for
portability rather than platform specific speed. He is also on target about
the instruction mapping. Obviously the closer you get to a one to one
instruction relationship the better the performance.

Pipeline/Instruction Overlap

Making the instruction stream pipeline-friendly has been another
consideration with z/VOS.  David Bond gave a great presentation (Share
Session 8192 in August 2006) on this so I leave it to you and Google if you
are interested.

Single Pass Translation

For those of you that think emulation of x86 would be a bad idea, we agree.

z/VOS translates guest OS code during initial execution. Code fragment
storage, lookup, disposal and reuse for primary and sibling guests are
addressed in a patent application.  Suffice it to say that we don't
interpret or emulate massive amounts of x86 code for use 2-n.

z/VOS Development Environment
Mantissa has a FLEX development environment that redefines and enhances the
definition of slow. We have two copies of VM operational at all times. One
of the VM system supports z/OS and VSE development. The other system is
dedicated to z/VOS development.

Because Adam mentioned FreeDos, I will give this point of reference. Under
z/VOS FreeDOS IPLs in 1 second with all debug logging interfaces enabled.
After the IPL, it is split second responsive.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

On 7/25/08 11:28 AM, Adam Thornton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jul 25, 2008, at 8:48 AM, McKown, John wrote:
 Somewhat like BOCH? I remember somebody saying that they ran Windows
 BOCH on an old P/390.
 A little more data: the straight-up portable-emulation x86 code-path
 is still not a good idea.  I got the current released bochs (20080720)
 built (with all the cool stuff like x86_64, SSE, plenty of neat
 features) on Linux s390x.  The build was quite clean, actually.
 It is a lot less painful than on a P/390 or H70, but running Bochs on
 a 2094 (z9 of some sort), where z/VM sees 2 CPUs but the Linux guest
 has one, is still only giving me 3.4 to 4.0 million (x86) instructions
 per second, which is...well, a LOT less than you'd get on a modern
 Xeon.  That's not to say that I'm necessarily CPU-bound.  If I had
 time to play with it, the VGA refresh rate is where I'd start, because
 that probably isn't helping.
 FreeDOS installation was pokey but not really terrible.  Performance
 is, well pretty bad; it feels like working over a satellite link in
 terms of latency. I think you'd have a really hard time making the
 case to management that THIS was a good use for your zSeries.
 So here's hoping that the Mantissa product is focussed around an
 efficient (and almost-certainly assembly) x86 emulation.  Given the
 richness of the s390x instruction set, and that a bunch of the
 instructions fundamentally do the same thing in the x86 and the s390x
 world (that is, move something from a memory location to a named
 register is the same concept on either architecture), I would hope
 that most of the user-mode instructions can be mapped close to 1-to-1,
 and the mere fact of having to create an instruction translator is
 going to mean that the actual performance will be several-host-
 instructions-to-one-guest-instruction.  Complicated instructions are
 still going to be slowed significantly, of course.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation
1121 Edenton Street
Birmingham, Alabama 35242-9257

p: 205.968-3942
m: 205.218-3937
f: 205.968.3932


Re: Nice idea in blog: Should we toss x86 architecture - NOT.

2008-07-24 Thread Gary M. Dennis
z/VOS is written to support the x86 instruction set and the underlying
hardware rather than a specific operating system.  For example, FreeDos was
used as the initial debug target operating system due to source code

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

On 7/23/08 9:06 AM, Mary Anne Matyaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Gary, if it runs native windows, will it also then run x86 linux? That seems
 to be one of the barriers for us, that z/linux may not support certain x86
 Mary Anne
 Gary M. Dennis wrote:
 Z/VOS is a CMS application. The glass-side user will only see Windows via
 RDC and know nothing of or about CMS or VM.
 On 7/22/08 8:30 PM, dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Good luck, Gary. I do hope your organization can pull this
 off. VM-ers need more employment possibilities:-)
 I gather from some of your previous posts to this list that
 your Windows support software, z/VOS, is in fact a
 sophisticated CMS-based application, that is a user would
 log onto a CMS user id to start his Windows systemis my
 understanding correct?
 Thanks and have a good one.
 - Original Message -
 From: Gary M. Dennis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Nice idea in blog:  Should we toss x86
 Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 13:02:33 -0500
 This was our post to the zd net blog.
 Maybe we already have.
 In Q1 2009 Mantissa will deliver a system that permits
 unaltered Windows operating systems to run under z/VM.
 Using a desktop appliance running RDC, users will be able
 to connect to their virtual Windows images running in the
 VM environment. Goodbye desktop hardware, remote
 maintenance, high power consumption, machine order lead
 z/VOS began with the observation that most Windows
 workstations do practically nothing 95% of the time and we
 were so intrigued with the idea of being able to actually
 run an intel-based operating system under IBM VM that we
 never looked back. VM provided a natural platform for
 development of this product.
 The product has been a bear for the development group but
 the thought of being able to run 3000 copies of Windows on
 one System z so fascinated the team that we needed very
 little additional incentive.
 Let's hope IBM can ramp up System z production.
 Why wait until 2016?
 --.  .-  .-.  -.--
 Gary Dennis
 Mantissa Corporation
 On 7/22/08 11:14 AM, Bob Heerdink
 Should we toss x86 architecture and wipe the slate with
 something greene r
 and more scalable?
 Windows Server 2016 128-bit edition running virtualized
 on z/VM in a gre en
 datacenter, accessed via my house from a thin client
 over high-speed fibe r
 optic connection. I can see it now.
 Hope this happens sooner than predicted,

Re: Nice idea in blog: Should we toss x86 architecture

2008-07-22 Thread Gary M. Dennis
This was our post to the zd net blog.

Maybe we already have.

In Q1 2009 Mantissa will deliver a system that permits unaltered Windows
operating systems to run under z/VM. Using a desktop appliance running RDC,
users will be able to connect to their virtual Windows images running in the
VM environment. Goodbye desktop hardware, remote maintenance, high power
consumption, machine order lead time.

z/VOS began with the observation that most Windows workstations do
practically nothing 95% of the time and we were so intrigued with the idea
of being able to actually run an intel-based operating system under IBM VM
that we never looked back. VM provided a natural platform for development of
this product.

The product has been a bear for the development group but the thought of
being able to run 3000 copies of Windows on one System z so fascinated the
team that we needed very little additional incentive.

Let's hope IBM can ramp up System z production.

Why wait until 2016?
--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

On 7/22/08 11:14 AM, Bob Heerdink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Should we toss x86 architecture and wipe the slate with something greene
 and more scalable?
 Windows Server 2016 128-bit edition running virtualized on z/VM in a gre
 datacenter, accessed via my house from a thin client over high-speed fibe
 optic connection. I can see it now.
 Hope this happens sooner than predicted,

Re: Nice idea in blog: Should we toss x86 architecture

2008-07-22 Thread Gary M. Dennis
We looked very hard at the licensing aspect of this.  We don't see anything
in the Microsoft EULA that would permit or cause them to treat this
environment different any different than existing VM environments. This
environment should work in their favor since the images (and therefore the
licenses) can be deployed more efficiently than in an blade warehouse

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

On 7/22/08 1:07 PM, Schuh, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Interesting idea. What are the licensing issues? (And is VM Vista Ready?
 ;-) )
 Richard Schuh 
 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gary M. Dennis
 Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 11:03 AM
 Subject: Re: Nice idea in blog: Should we toss x86 architecture
 This was our post to the zd net blog.
 Maybe we already have.
 In Q1 2009 Mantissa will deliver a system that permits
 unaltered Windows operating systems to run under z/VM. Using
 a desktop appliance running RDC, users will be able to
 connect to their virtual Windows images running in the VM
 environment. Goodbye desktop hardware, remote maintenance,
 high power consumption, machine order lead time.
 z/VOS began with the observation that most Windows
 workstations do practically nothing 95% of the time and we
 were so intrigued with the idea of being able to actually run
 an intel-based operating system under IBM VM that we never
 looked back. VM provided a natural platform for development
 of this product.
 The product has been a bear for the development group but the
 thought of being able to run 3000 copies of Windows on one
 System z so fascinated the team that we needed very little
 additional incentive.
 Let's hope IBM can ramp up System z production.
 Why wait until 2016?
 --.  .-  .-.  -.--
 Gary Dennis
 Mantissa Corporation
 On 7/22/08 11:14 AM, Bob Heerdink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Should we toss x86 architecture and wipe the slate with something
 greene r and more scalable?
 Windows Server 2016 128-bit edition running virtualized on
 z/VM in a 
 gre en datacenter, accessed via my house from a thin client over
 high-speed fibe r optic connection. I can see it now.
 Hope this happens sooner than predicted, Bob

Re: Nice idea in blog: Should we toss x86 architecture

2008-07-22 Thread Gary M. Dennis
No web site exists for z/VOS.  The target for the web site is product launch
date -45 (November 15).

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

On 7/22/08 1:07 PM, McKown, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gary M. Dennis
 Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 1:03 PM
 Subject: Re: Nice idea in blog: Should we toss x86 architecture
 This was our post to the zd net blog.
 Maybe we already have.
 In Q1 2009 Mantissa will deliver a system that permits
 unaltered Windows
 operating systems to run under z/VM. Using a desktop
 appliance running RDC,
 users will be able to connect to their virtual Windows images
 running in the
 VM environment. Goodbye desktop hardware, remote maintenance,
 high power
 consumption, machine order lead time.
 Is there a web page on this that I could relay to my manager?
 John McKown
 Senior Systems Programmer
 Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
 Administrative Services Group
 Information Technology
 The information contained in this e-mail message may be privileged
 and/or confidential.  It is for intended addressee(s) only.  If you are
 not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure,
 reproduction, distribution or other use of this communication is
 strictly prohibited and could, in certain circumstances, be a criminal
 offense.  If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the
 sender by reply and delete this message without copying or disclosing

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

Re: Nice idea in blog: Should we toss x86 architecture

2008-07-22 Thread Gary M. Dennis
When I read this post I sat at my machine for about 2 minutes trying to
figure out a good way to respond to your question. In that 2 minutes nothing
on my screen changed except the seconds field on the time box.

Everything else in the video buffer stayed absolutely the same during that
wait.  It is highly unlikely in a business environment that everyone would
run a compute intensive application such as a screen saver to run on 3000
virtual machines simultaneously.  A screen screen saver would run on the
appliance that supported the RDC environment (and that actually had a screen
to save).

Again, most desktop machines don't actually do enough from a task activity
and graphics standpoint to create overwhelming overhead.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--
Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

On 7/22/08 1:44 PM, Romanowski, John (OFT)

 How can the z handle 3000 copies of Windows all running a graphic user
 interface (cpu-intensive) ?
 This e-mail, including any attachments, may be confidential, privileged or
 otherwise legally protected. It is intended only for the addressee. If you
 received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not authorized to send
 it to you, do not disseminate, copy or otherwise use this e-mail or its
 attachments.  Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete
 the e-mail from your system.
 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Gary M. Dennis
 Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 2:03 PM
 Subject: Re: Nice idea in blog: Should we toss x86 architecture
 This was our post to the zd net blog.
 Maybe we already have.
 In Q1 2009 Mantissa will deliver a system that permits unaltered Windows
 operating systems to run under z/VM. Using a desktop appliance running
 users will be able to connect to their virtual Windows images running in
 VM environment. Goodbye desktop hardware, remote maintenance, high power
 consumption, machine order lead time.
 z/VOS began with the observation that most Windows workstations do
 practically nothing 95% of the time and we were so intrigued with the
 of being able to actually run an intel-based operating system under IBM
 that we never looked back. VM provided a natural platform for
 development of
 this product.
 The product has been a bear for the development group but the thought of
 being able to run 3000 copies of Windows on one System z so fascinated
 team that we needed very little additional incentive.
 Let's hope IBM can ramp up System z production.
 Why wait until 2016?
 --.  .-  .-.  -.--
 Gary Dennis
 Mantissa Corporation
 On 7/22/08 11:14 AM, Bob Heerdink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Should we toss x86 architecture and wipe the slate with something
 and more scalable?
 Windows Server 2016 128-bit edition running virtualized on z/VM in a
 datacenter, accessed via my house from a thin client over high-speed
 optic connection. I can see it now.
 Hope this happens sooner than predicted,

Re: Nice idea in blog: Should we toss x86 architecture

2008-07-22 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Z/VOS is a CMS application. The glass-side user will only see Windows via
RDC and know nothing of or about CMS or VM.


On 7/22/08 8:30 PM, dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Good luck, Gary. I do hope your organization can pull this
 off. VM-ers need more employment possibilities:-)
 I gather from some of your previous posts to this list that
 your Windows support software, z/VOS, is in fact a
 sophisticated CMS-based application, that is a user would
 log onto a CMS user id to start his Windows systemis my
 understanding correct?
 Thanks and have a good one.
 - Original Message -
 From: Gary M. Dennis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Nice idea in blog:  Should we toss x86
 Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 13:02:33 -0500
 This was our post to the zd net blog.
 Maybe we already have.
 In Q1 2009 Mantissa will deliver a system that permits
 unaltered Windows operating systems to run under z/VM.
 Using a desktop appliance running RDC, users will be able
 to connect to their virtual Windows images running in the
 VM environment. Goodbye desktop hardware, remote
 maintenance, high power consumption, machine order lead
 z/VOS began with the observation that most Windows
 workstations do practically nothing 95% of the time and we
 were so intrigued with the idea of being able to actually
 run an intel-based operating system under IBM VM that we
 never looked back. VM provided a natural platform for
 development of this product.
 The product has been a bear for the development group but
 the thought of being able to run 3000 copies of Windows on
 one System z so fascinated the team that we needed very
 little additional incentive.
 Let's hope IBM can ramp up System z production.
 Why wait until 2016?
 --.  .-  .-.  -.--
 Gary Dennis
 Mantissa Corporation
 On 7/22/08 11:14 AM, Bob Heerdink
 Should we toss x86 architecture and wipe the slate with
 something greene r
 and more scalable?
 Windows Server 2016 128-bit edition running virtualized
 on z/VM in a gre en
 datacenter, accessed via my house from a thin client
 over high-speed fibe r
 optic connection. I can see it now.
 Hope this happens sooner than predicted,

CMS Multi-tasking - How is it different from z/OS task management

2008-07-10 Thread Gary M. Dennis
We are attempting to leverage z/VM CMS multi-tasking capabilities for
Windows® thread management.

We have substantial z/OS experience with regard to task management and
serialization so what we are experiencing in a CMS environment doesn¹t fit
what we had anticipated.

Our test was conducted on a virtual machine for which two CPU¹s are defined.
The test program contains CSECTS MAIN and THREAD1. The program is invoked
under CMS. 

CSECT MAIN process

1. Initialization 

2. Call VM thread create (referencing THREAD1 CSECT) from within MAIN CSECT
in order to create THREAD1 process in a different class (new-Class specified
on thread create call).

3. Issue WTO repeatedly


1. Initialization
2. Issue WTO repeatedly

What we expected:  Interspersed WTO's from both MAIN and THREAD1 threads

What we get: THREAD1 WTOs only. We thought MAIN, being in a separate class
(and therefore eligible to be assigned to different CPUs) would dispatch
(and both issue WTOs) but this did not happen.  In z/OS the fact that the
WTO was issued would provide sufficient dispatch latency for another task to
get a time slice.

Additional observations:

1. If line write is substituted for WTO in MAIN and THREAD1 there is no
observed difference.

2. The program works as expected IF yield is called within the WTO loops in

Why should yield have to be called?  Any thread wizards out there?

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

VM - Network best practices

2008-05-08 Thread Gary M. Dennis
We need to put together something approaching a production network
environment for Windows® under z/VM testing.

We don't believe a 500 seat environment would generate any more network
traffic or for that matter be any more complex than the network definitions
for a z/VM Linux server colony.

Has anyone put together a fairly complex multi-guest VM network using
VSWITCH?  If so, can you point me to any VM definitions that may have been
shared on this list?

Which IBM PUB is a definitive cookbook on this?


--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

Re: Question about z/VM...

2008-04-10 Thread Gary M. Dennis
On 4/10/08 10:02 AM, David Boyes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You cannot run Intel binaries efficiently on System z hardware. You can run
 Windows applications based on the portable subset of .NET (using Mono) or
 applications which you have source code and can recompile for System z
 hardware. There are also suites that allow some ASP applications to run. Pure
 Java should run if you have the right combination of JVM and environment. The
 major Java container applications (WAS, BEA, jboss/tomcat) run well (with a
 bit of tuning).

Our experience with z/VOS indicates that it is possible to run Intel
binaries efficiently on System z.  However, this efficiency is not possible
with emulation.  Prime pass code translation with managed code segment
invalidation is the only way we have found to achieve performance viability
using native binaries.  Many performance efficiencies not apparent initially
became obvious once we started to reconcile the IBM and Intel principles of

 You technically can run Windows in a z/VM virtual machine using a Intel
 emulator like bochs, but the overhead CPU cost is horrendous (75-100 to 1).
 You wouldn¹t want to do it for production work unless you have lots of money
 to burn, but it might be OK for testing stuff.

We have run Windows® (98/NT) under both BOCHS and QEMU on System z under
Cent OS and can attest to the overhead and cost. This nightmare experience
is the reason we selected z/VM CMS as the environment for z/VOS.

The approach taken by QEMU and BOCHS ensures that neither system will
achieve viable performance/resource consumption metrics on System z. In
defense of these products, they were never intended to do this.

A z/VM runtime environment won't improve guest reliability but if that guest
can be run at a fraction of the cost, the value proposition would be
compelling. If 25 virtualized images on one box is a good thing, 500 guests
on a single footprint would be attractive.

There could be a major change in where and how computing resources are
consumed. If you think that type of shift could take place (it has already
has with intel virtualization systems), the possibility that the source of
those cycles may be different is not a stretch.
 If you need dense numbers Windows servers, look at the newest quad and
 octo-core blade servers with lots and lots of RAM running VMWare. They¹re
 about the best available option for the typical Windows application server
 sprawl. You should look at whether some of your Intel Linux apps could be
 moved, though, or pieces of infrastructure like Oracle or DB/2 servers could
 be moved. There are substantial savings to be had in terms of licensing for
 infrastructure pieces.

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

Re: Question about z/VM...

2008-04-10 Thread Gary M. Dennis
z/VOS has not been released and no technical specifications are available.

It should not surprise anyone that this could and would be done. It's much
closer to detective work than rocket science. Once you acknowledge that the
x86 instruction set is a jungle when compared to the well ordered garden to
which most of us are accustomed, building the instruction support is tedious
but straight forward.

The challenge is not getting this to work; it's getting it to work well.
--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis

On 4/10/08 4:25 PM, Patrick Spinler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 Gary M. Dennis wrote:
 | Our experience with z/VOS indicates that it is possible to run Intel
 | binaries efficiently on System z.  However, this efficiency is not
 | with emulation.  Prime pass code translation with managed code segment
 | invalidation is the only way we have found to achieve performance
 | using native binaries.  Many performance efficiencies not apparent
 | became obvious once we started to reconcile the IBM and Intel
 principles of
 | operation.
 | We have run Windows® (98/NT) under both BOCHS and QEMU on System z under
 | Cent OS and can attest to the overhead and cost. This nightmare experience
 | is the reason we selected z/VM CMS as the environment for z/VOS.
 Where might one find more information about the z/VOS product you
 mention?  A quick google search or two doesn't show any obvious hits on
 the first pages ..
 - -- Pat
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Re: z/VM - Lightweight specific purpose file system

2008-03-27 Thread Gary M. Dennis
On 3/26/08 5:05 PM, Dave Wade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The existing licenses already allow running in a virtual environment and
 don't specify what chips etc that could be. They could change future
 licenses, perhaps, but MS licenses don't work like Mainframe Licenses and it
 would be hard to exclude mainframe based emulation without excluding VM Ware.

Since z/VOS is neither emulation or paravirtualization it is conceivable
that an attorney might take exception to how the MS EULA applied to running
Windows/XP in the z/VM environment. Because Apple has been reluctant to take
a clear stance on virtualization of their products we sent their legal
department a letter asking for clarification of their position on the issue
of running OS X under z/VM and received no response.  They may still be
working their way through the letter using Wikipedia to decode some of the

Ultimately we don't think either company will challenge the product on the
basis of hardware platform. Here's why.

1. Its deep Green.
2. It's efficient and TCO positive
3. License sales will, in all likelihood, not go down.

 I guess they could buy VM Ware first...

If Microsoft waits until after the release of this product they maybe able
to buy VM Ware for substantially less.

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation
 Dave G4UGM
 Illegitimi Non Carborundum
 - Original Message -
 From: McKown, John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 7:09 PM
 Subject: Re: z/VM - Lightweight specific purpose file system
 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Wade
 Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 2:01 PM
 Subject: Re: z/VM - Lightweight specific purpose file system
 Why would the Microsoft Licensing be tricky? Expensive
 perhaps as you need
 one license per virtual machine, but not tricky...
 Well, tricky in that MS might refuse to grant the license. They are
 under no obligation to do so. And they are really, really worried about
 Windows under any virtualization other than their own. Running on
 unsupported hardware would likely make them even more reluctant. Of
 course, I cannot think of any software that runs on Windows that I would
 want to run on a z. I'd rather replace any such with equivalent
 software, if there is some, or just run on Intel for that function.
 John McKown
 Senior Systems Programmer
 Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
 Administrative Services Group
 Information Technology
 The information contained in this e-mail message may be privileged
 and/or confidential.  It is for intended addressee(s) only.  If you are
 not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure,
 reproduction, distribution or other use of this communication is
 strictly prohibited and could, in certain circumstances, be a criminal
 offense.  If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the
 sender by reply and delete this message without copying or disclosing

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

Re: z/VM - Lightweight specific purpose file system

2008-03-26 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Early in the development cycle, we had both QEMU and Bochs running on
z/System version of Redhat (CentOS 5.4). The Name two movie stars and a
dog joke applied to both emulators running in this environment.

We concluded early on that we had to get rid of Linux and the emulation
layer.  Both would prevent us from ever achieving the required level of
performance. The result of that detour is that the only thing between
Windows® and VM is CMS and translation code.

On 3/26/08 9:57 AM, Adam Thornton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 An excellent goal.  As a point of comparison, have you ever run
 using the Bochs emulator on zLinux?  If so, on what machine?  (I'd
 like to
 see someone try it on a z10.)

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation
2 Perimeter Park South
Birmingham, Alabama 35243-3274

p: 205.968-3942
m: 205.218-3937
f: 205.968.3932


z/VM - Lightweight specific purpose file system

2008-03-25 Thread Gary M. Dennis
We need a lightweight file system to support z/VM i86 guest operating
systems. A high speed garbage can of sorts.

Is anyone aware of a VM open source file system port with some of the
characteristics listed below. Such a system might enable us to add the
functionality needed to support these guests without starting at zero.

1. Large file allocation capability; potentially multi-terabyte.

A file in this instance represents a drive in the PC world (the boot
disk for instance; C: drive). The system needs to support a few thousand
very large files rather than millions of small files.

2. Allocation and access for variable interval sizes (A multiple of 512 up
to 4096)

3. Sparse allocation. For example, an allocation of 250 GB would create the
required structure for 250 GB but not actually allocate the storage
intervals until required.

4. Support for very large shared storage pools


Gary Dennis

Re: z/VM - Lightweight specific purpose file system

2008-03-25 Thread Gary M. Dennis
The callable services benchmarks we conducted with BFS ran between 8 and 10
times longer than the test set running with the CMS file system.

Assuming a cluster of 125 Windows® 2K z/VM guests and using I/O counts
generated by Win 2K on native Intel hardware the results of extrapolating
the I/O overhead spooked us a bit.  In effect, all our instruction pipeline
optimization and translated instruction segment reuse optimization would be
negated by the I/O overhead.

We have a callable file system for z/OS that can handle an array of 128
pools each containing up to 255 volumes each. That system would be a bear to
convert owing to the OS-specific interface code but it appears from your
comments that converting may have to be seriously considered to achieve the
desired results.

Thank you.

Gary Dennis

On 3/25/08 9:55 AM, Alan Altmark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tuesday, 03/25/2008 at 04:26 EDT, Gary M. Dennis
 Is anyone aware of a VM open source file system port with some of the
 characteristics listed below. Such a system might enable us to add the
 functionality needed to support these guests without starting at zero.
 It isn't Open Source, but CMS has a POSIX file system (Byte File System,
 BFS) that is managed by the SFS server, allocating space only as used.  I
 don't know that I would classify it as lightweight, though from the CMS
 user's point of view, it is, since the I/O takes place in the SFS server,
 but it takes APPC/VM (IUCV on steriods) calls to make it happen.  You can
 talk to it in assembler using the BPX1 callable services.  It could
 provide you a jump start while you develop your own file system.
 And just in case you haven't discovered it already, there's no pluggable
 file system interface in CMS.  You will need to write your file system
 from the bottom up.  The only help CMS will provide to you is in the form
 Alan Altmark
 z/VM Development
 IBM Endicott

Re: z/VM - Lightweight specific purpose file system

2008-03-25 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Months ago. The development team was so focused on instruction result
fidelity, machine state, and segment translation bypass issues that I/O
subsystem did not receive the necessary attention. At least the tough part
is done.

Gary Dennis

On 3/25/08 4:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ummm, I may have missed something, but since when can you run Windows on
 an IBM mainframe?
 -Original Message-
 From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Gary M. Dennis
 Sent: March 25, 2008 17:14
 Subject: Re: z/VM - Lightweight specific purpose file system
 The callable services benchmarks we conducted with BFS ran between 8 and
 times longer than the test set running with the CMS file system.
 Assuming a cluster of 125 Windows(r) 2K z/VM guests and using I/O counts
 generated by Win 2K on native Intel hardware the results of
 the I/O overhead spooked us a bit.  In effect, all our instruction
 optimization and translated instruction segment reuse optimization would
 negated by the I/O overhead.
 We have a callable file system for z/OS that can handle an array of 128
 pools each containing up to 255 volumes each. That system would be a
 bear to
 convert owing to the OS-specific interface code but it appears from your
 comments that converting may have to be seriously considered to achieve
 desired results.
 Thank you.
 Gary Dennis
 On 3/25/08 9:55 AM, Alan Altmark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday, 03/25/2008 at 04:26 EDT, Gary M. Dennis
 Is anyone aware of a VM open source file system port with some of the
 characteristics listed below. Such a system might enable us to add
 functionality needed to support these guests without starting at
 It isn't Open Source, but CMS has a POSIX file system (Byte File
 BFS) that is managed by the SFS server, allocating space only as used.
 don't know that I would classify it as lightweight, though from the
 user's point of view, it is, since the I/O takes place in the SFS
 but it takes APPC/VM (IUCV on steriods) calls to make it happen.  You
 talk to it in assembler using the BPX1 callable services.  It
 provide you a jump start while you develop your own file system.
 And just in case you haven't discovered it already, there's no
 file system interface in CMS.  You will need to write your file system
 from the bottom up.  The only help CMS will provide to you is in the
 Alan Altmark
 z/VM Development
 IBM Endicott
 The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which
 it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material.  Any
 review retransmission dissemination or other use of or taking any action in
 reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended
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 please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.  The
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 recipient should check this e-mail and any attachments for the presence of
 viruses.  The sender accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus
 transmitted by this e-mail.  This disclaimer is property of the TTC and must
 not be altered or circumvented in any manner.

Re: z/VM - Lightweight specific purpose file system

2008-03-25 Thread Gary M. Dennis
Emulation would be a non-starter for a production environment. I would
describe this system as a single pass code segment translation system with
conditional block invalidation.

We have been using VM for 20 of our 27 years in business. A development
environment without it has never been considered an option.

Many companies (ours included) consider running a few dozen virtual Windows®
images on a rack-mounted machine good business. We see no reason why
z/System should not support from 250 images on the low end to several
thousand on mid and high end systems.

On 3/25/08 5:45 PM, Stephen Frazier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are you attempting to write a windows emulator that runs under VM?
 Looking at your companies web site it looks like you mostly sell products that
 run under z/OS.
 If you can do this there will be a lot of interest.
 Gary M. Dennis wrote:
 Months ago. The development team was so focused on instruction result
 fidelity, machine state, and segment translation bypass issues that I/O
 subsystem did not receive the necessary attention. At least the tough part
 is done.
 Gary Dennis

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary M. Dennis
Mantissa Corporation
2 Perimeter Park South
Birmingham, Alabama 35243-3274

p: 205.968-3942
m: 205.218-3937
f: 205.968.3932