[jQuery] Re: iframe bug document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem,null)

2007-11-12 Thread Geoffrey

I think this this is covered by bug 1661

I just ran into this problem as well. Hopefully it will be addressed

On Oct 10, 11:41 pm, Skilip [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I found a bug with jQuery version 1.2. It concerns the following
 error generated by Firebug in Firefox when a iframe is present in a

 document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null) has no properties

 I solved it by replacing the following code with the code pasted

 old: (line 729)
 ret = prop == display  
 swap[stack.length-1] != null ?
 none :

 || ;

 ret = prop == display  
 swap[stack.length-1] != null ?
 none :
 (document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem,null)) ?

 document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem,null).getPropertyValue(prop) :

 Can I report this bug somewhere @ jQuery's website?

[jQuery] Re: iframe bug document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem,null)

2007-11-12 Thread Geoffrey

As a quick fix for this problem, you can make a plugin (I think this
would classify as a plugin)
just add the following after you include jquery

curCSS: function(elem, prop, force) {
var ret, stack = [], swap = [];

// A helper method for determining if an element's values are 
function color(a){
if ( !jQuery.browser.safari )
return false;

var ret = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(a,null);
return !ret || ret.getPropertyValue(color) == ;

if (prop == opacity  jQuery.browser.msie) {
ret = jQuery.attr(elem.style, opacity);
return ret ==  ? 1 : ret;

if (prop.match(/float/i))
prop = styleFloat;

if (!force  elem.style[prop])
ret = elem.style[prop];

else if (document.defaultView 
document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {

if (prop.match(/float/i))
prop = float;

prop = prop.replace(/([A-Z])/g,-$1).toLowerCase();
var cur = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, 

if ( cur  !color(elem) )
ret = cur.getPropertyValue(prop);

// If the element isn't reporting its values properly 
in Safari
// then some display: none elements are involved
else {
// Locate all of the parent display: none 
for ( var a = elem; a  color(a); a = 
a.parentNode )

// Go through and make them visible, but in 
// (It would be better if we knew the exact 
display type that they
for ( a = 0; a  stack.length; a++ )
if ( color(stack[a]) ) {
swap[a] = 
stack[a].style.display = 

// Since we flip the display style, we have to 
handle that
// one special, otherwise get the value

//bug fix - http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/1661
//  ret = prop == display  swap[stack.length-1] 
!= null ?
//  none :
|| ;

ret = (prop == display  
swap[stack.length-1] != null) ?
none :

(document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem,null) != null) ?

document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem,null).getPropertyValue(prop) :

// Finally, revert the display styles back
for ( a = 0; a  swap.length; a++ )
if ( swap[a] != null )
stack[a].style.display = 

if ( prop == opacity  ret ==  )
ret = 1;

} else if (elem.currentStyle) {
var newProp = 
ret = elem.currentStyle[prop] || 

// From the awesome hack by Dean Edwards

// If we're not dealing with a regular pixel number
// but a number that has a weird ending, we need to 
convert it to
if ( !/^\d+(px)?$/i.test(ret)  /^\d/.test(ret) ) {
var style = elem.style.left;
var runtimeStyle = elem.runtimeStyle.left;
elem.runtimeStyle.left = elem.currentStyle.left;
elem.style.left = ret || 0;
ret = elem.style.pixelLeft + px;
elem.style.left = style;
elem.runtimeStyle.left = runtimeStyle;

return ret;

[jQuery] New Google Browser announced

2008-09-01 Thread Geoffrey


Looks like we have another browser to contend with.

[jQuery] Re: New Google Browser announced

2008-09-01 Thread Geoffrey

Not sure what the part about the new javascript virtual machine

The browser is being written with WebKit, the open-source engine at
the core of Apple's Safari and Google's Android. The browser is also
getting a new Javascript virtual machine, V8. It's said to be a better
solution for complex and rich Web applications--it should yield better
performance as well as smoother drag and drops in interactive

On Sep 1, 8:24 pm, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But since it uses Webkit, it shouldn't be too much different from  
 Safari, right?


 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

 On Sep 1, 2008, at 10:44 PM, Geoffrey wrote:


  Looks like we have another browser to contend with.

[jQuery] Re: Order of elements in a jquery object

2008-10-01 Thread Geoffrey

Great. That is what I thought and was hoping for.
Thank you for the info


On Oct 1, 7:00 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I make a query, say using a class selector.

  I will get a jquery object back.

  I can iterate over that object using each().

  Is there a guaranteed order that the elements in this object will be exposed
  in the each loop?

  If so, what is it?

  I have looked around and I can't seem to find this documented anywhere. If
  this is address somewhere, sorry.



 If it's a simple selector, like .myClass, then the order of the
 elements will match the order in which they appear in the DOM.  If it
 is a compound selector, like .classOne, .classTwo then your each
 loop would iterate all the .classOne elements first (in their DOM
 order) and then the .classTwo elements.


[jQuery] Questions about $.live, Live Query and performance

2009-04-19 Thread Geoffrey

$.live and Live Query are both wonderful. I am hoping to put them to
extensive use in my projects.

I have a few questions about $.live and Live Query and their effect on

Background: If I recall correctly, the original release of Live Query
could have some performance problems. I don't remember if things
bogged down when the DOM had a lot of elements, when you added a large
number of Live Query events, did a lot of updating or exactly what.

Question 1:
What were the specific concerns around performance with the 1.0.x
releases of Live Query?

Now with jquey 1.3, there is $.live. $.live does not do everything
that Live Query does, but does do some of it.

Question 2:
Does $.live use a different technique for handling events than Live

Question 2a:
If it is different, are there any performance concerns using $.live
like there used to be with Live Query?

Live Query 1.1.x requires jquery 1.3. I am guessing that the new
version uses $.live internally.

Question 3a:
Is the performance of Live Query better in the 1.1.x version?

Question 3b:
Are there some selectors that have better performance than others? or
to say it another way, do all of the selectors perform the same or,
for example, does
$('input').livequery('click', function() { });
perform better than
$('input').livequery('change', function() { });?

Using $.live or Live Query.
Question 4:
Is there any difference in performce between using
$('input').livequery('click', function() { });
$(input).live(click, function(){ });?

I am thinking of really diving in to using $.live and/or Live Query. I
am trying to get a complete understanding of all of the issues that
may arise.


[jQuery] Re: Questions about $.live, Live Query and performance

2009-04-20 Thread Geoffrey

Just bumping this from the weekend
Again, Thanks

On Apr 19, 9:16 am, Geoffrey geoffreykjqu...@gmail.com wrote:
 $.live and Live Query are both wonderful. I am hoping to put them to
 extensive use in my projects.

 I have a few questions about $.live and Live Query and their effect on

 Background: If I recall correctly, the original release of Live Query
 could have some performance problems. I don't remember if things
 bogged down when the DOM had a lot of elements, when you added a large
 number of Live Query events, did a lot of updating or exactly what.

 Question 1:
 What were the specific concerns around performance with the 1.0.x
 releases of Live Query?

 Now with jquey 1.3, there is $.live. $.live does not do everything
 that Live Query does, but does do some of it.

 Question 2:
 Does $.live use a different technique for handling events than Live

 Question 2a:
 If it is different, are there any performance concerns using $.live
 like there used to be with Live Query?

 Live Query 1.1.x requires jquery 1.3. I am guessing that the new
 version uses $.live internally.

 Question 3a:
 Is the performance of Live Query better in the 1.1.x version?

 Question 3b:
 Are there some selectors that have better performance than others? or
 to say it another way, do all of the selectors perform the same or,
 for example, does
 $('input').livequery('click', function() { });
 perform better than
 $('input').livequery('change', function() { });?

 Using $.live or Live Query.
 Question 4:
 Is there any difference in performce between using
 $('input').livequery('click', function() { });
 $(input).live(click, function(){ });?

 I am thinking of really diving in to using $.live and/or Live Query. I
 am trying to get a complete understanding of all of the issues that
 may arise.


[jQuery] How long does it take to download jquery?

2009-07-07 Thread Geoffrey

Simple question, and I know the answer is not simple.
How long does it take to download jquery?

Does anyone have any numbers that would shed some light on this? I
know that there are many variables, but does anyone have any numbers
reflecting how long it would take, for example, the 85th percentile or
something like that? Or have a reasonably informed guess?


[jQuery] Re: How long does it take to download jquery?

2009-07-07 Thread Geoffrey

Yep, I know this is very subjective.

What I am wondering is if anyone has actually tried to quantify this
in anyway.
something along the lines of
XX% of some set of internet users has a download speed of YYbps so 19k
gziped jquery will download in ZZ milliseconds

On Jul 7, 1:32 pm, Cesar Sanz the.email.tr...@gmail.com wrote:
 hmm.. Very subjetive question..

 Having a 1 Mb internet connection... it will be a breeze...

 - Original Message -
 From: MorningZ morni...@gmail.com
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 1:56 PM
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: How long does it take to download jquery?

 I'm not sure how you feel someone could give you an answer that would
 be even close

 like for instance, factoring in:
 - Your user's CPU resources
 - Their connection speed
 - Network traffic
 - ISP traffic
 - DNS routing
 - Is GZIP enabled on their browser or not
 - Are they caching?

 How could someone give an 85th percentile with all that figured
 in?   Impossible

 On Jul 7, 3:30 pm, Geoffrey geoffreykjqu...@gmail.com wrote:
  Simple question, and I know the answer is not simple.
  How long does it take to download jquery?

  Does anyone have any numbers that would shed some light on this? I
  know that there are many variables, but does anyone have any numbers
  reflecting how long it would take, for example, the 85th percentile or
  something like that? Or have a reasonably informed guess?


[jQuery] Re: How long does it take to download jquery?

2009-07-07 Thread Geoffrey

The subjective part is defining a sample group. If someone has a
sample group that they have measured connections speeds for, the rest
of the equation falls into place.

I am not asking for 'imaginary' numbers. I am asking if anyone has
investigated this question and if they have any results they can

BTW, Steve Souders, the creator of YSlow and author of O'Reilly's
'High Performance Web Sites' book does a better job at explaining
these performance issues than the site you mentioned,
Steve's site, http://stevesouders.com/ is a great resource for all
sorts of performance related topics.

On Jul 7, 3:14 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yep, I know this is very subjective

 So what's the point then?

 If Person A said it would be smoking fast

 and Person B said it would be dog slow

 neither one of them have any concrete data to back up their claim (no
 one does)

 If you are keeping an eye on page load speed and your user experience
 on whatever you are coding. pages like this are what you need to
 concentrate on:http://www.karpach.com/yslow-and-asp-net-100-points-a-grade.htm

 not imaginary/subjective numbers that mean nothing

 On Jul 7, 5:25 pm, Geoffrey geoffreykjqu...@gmail.com wrote:

  Yep, I know this is very subjective.

  What I am wondering is if anyone has actually tried to quantify this
  in anyway.
  something along the lines of
  XX% of some set of internet users has a download speed of YYbps so 19k
  gziped jquery will download in ZZ milliseconds

  On Jul 7, 1:32 pm, Cesar Sanz the.email.tr...@gmail.com wrote:

   hmm.. Very subjetive question..

   Having a 1 Mb internet connection... it will be a breeze...

   - Original Message -
   From: MorningZ morni...@gmail.com
   To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
   Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 1:56 PM
   Subject: [jQuery] Re: How long does it take to download jquery?

   I'm not sure how you feel someone could give you an answer that would
   be even close

   like for instance, factoring in:
   - Your user's CPU resources
   - Their connection speed
   - Network traffic
   - ISP traffic
   - DNS routing
   - Is GZIP enabled on their browser or not
   - Are they caching?

   How could someone give an 85th percentile with all that figured
   in?   Impossible

   On Jul 7, 3:30 pm, Geoffrey geoffreykjqu...@gmail.com wrote:
Simple question, and I know the answer is not simple.
How long does it take to download jquery?

Does anyone have any numbers that would shed some light on this? I
know that there are many variables, but does anyone have any numbers
reflecting how long it would take, for example, the 85th percentile or
something like that? Or have a reasonably informed guess?


[jQuery] Re: How long does it take to download jquery?

2009-07-07 Thread Geoffrey

I would like to have a response when someone says jquery is too big.
Some data that speaks to time, not file size.

On Jul 7, 3:30 pm, kippertoffee flyingdeckch...@googlemail.com
 It's not really subjective. IT would be possible, in theory, to get
 objective data. However, there are a massive number of variables that
 will affect the speed, as stated before. I'm really curious as to why
 anyone would want to know this.

 On Jul 7, 11:14 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  Yep, I know this is very subjective

  So what's the point then?

  If Person A said it would be smoking fast

  and Person B said it would be dog slow

  neither one of them have any concrete data to back up their claim (no
  one does)

  If you are keeping an eye on page load speed and your user experience
  on whatever you are coding. pages like this are what you need to

  not imaginary/subjective numbers that mean nothing

  On Jul 7, 5:25 pm, Geoffrey geoffreykjqu...@gmail.com wrote:

   Yep, I know this is very subjective.

   What I am wondering is if anyone has actually tried to quantify this
   in anyway.
   something along the lines of
   XX% of some set of internet users has a download speed of YYbps so 19k
   gziped jquery will download in ZZ milliseconds

   On Jul 7, 1:32 pm, Cesar Sanz the.email.tr...@gmail.com wrote:

hmm.. Very subjetive question..

Having a 1 Mb internet connection... it will be a breeze...

- Original Message -
From: MorningZ morni...@gmail.com
To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 1:56 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: How long does it take to download jquery?

I'm not sure how you feel someone could give you an answer that would
be even close

like for instance, factoring in:
- Your user's CPU resources
- Their connection speed
- Network traffic
- ISP traffic
- DNS routing
- Is GZIP enabled on their browser or not
- Are they caching?

How could someone give an 85th percentile with all that figured
in?   Impossible

On Jul 7, 3:30 pm, Geoffrey geoffreykjqu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Simple question, and I know the answer is not simple.
 How long does it take to download jquery?

 Does anyone have any numbers that would shed some light on this? I
 know that there are many variables, but does anyone have any numbers
 reflecting how long it would take, for example, the 85th percentile or
 something like that? Or have a reasonably informed guess?


[jQuery] Validate: Focus on first invalid field after validation

2009-09-08 Thread Geoffrey

I've been building up my validation using the jquery validation plugin
but I can't work out how to get a failed validation to default the
focus to the first invalid input rather than to the last selected

If there is no input field selected, when I submit then a failed
validation will focus the cursor on the first field but if the cursor
was left in a field and submitted then the focus stays there (if it's
invalid) rather than jump to the first invalid input.  From what I've
read and seen, this is the expected behaviour but not what I want.

Is there a way I can get the first invalid field and set the focus to

A demo of what I have built up so far can be seen at

All my jquery validation can be found in

[jQuery] Re: Validate Plugin - Charcode Warning in Firebug

2009-09-09 Thread Geoffrey

My first question is why are you using a development version of
Firebug? I copied and pasted the jQuery example into an html file and
tested it and I get no error in FF 3.5.2 with the current release
version of Firebug 1.4.2

Secondly, why are there 2 class declarations in your original input
example? Why not just do class=required prompt?

On Sep 10, 9:46 am, Aaron Kreider aa...@campusactivism.org wrote:
 This happens on the example 

 Firefox 3.5.2
 Firebug 1.5X.0a22

[jQuery] Re: Validate: Focus on first invalid field after validation

2009-09-15 Thread Geoffrey

And what if you enter an invalid character in an input at the bottom
of the field? For example entering a letter in the Conference Dinner
input of my sample form.

A user is going to miss the error message at the top of the form along
with other input errors if there's an error in the last inputs of my
example form and is going to have submit multiple times before they
may even be aware of other errors.

I'd expected jumping to the first invalid input to be standard
behaviour.  My fault there I guess.

On Sep 15, 10:08 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 Whats wrong with keeping the focus on the active field, if its invalid?

 If you enter something into the, say, third field, hit enter to
 submit, then it turns out both that field and another before that are
 invalid, why move the focus to a different field?


 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:47 AM, Geoffrey geoffreydhug...@gmail.com wrote:

  I've been building up my validation using the jquery validation plugin
  but I can't work out how to get a failed validation to default the
  focus to the first invalid input rather than to the last selected

  If there is no input field selected, when I submit then a failed
  validation will focus the cursor on the first field but if the cursor
  was left in a field and submitted then the focus stays there (if it's
  invalid) rather than jump to the first invalid input.  From what I've
  read and seen, this is the expected behaviour but not what I want.

  Is there a way I can get the first invalid field and set the focus to

  A demo of what I have built up so far can be seen at

  All my jquery validation can be found in

[jQuery] Re: Validate: Focus on first invalid field after validation

2009-09-15 Thread Geoffrey

I guess I'm going to have too.  I just need to work out how to return
the first invalid field so I can set the focus.

On Sep 16, 8:16 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 Well, you can set focusInvalid: false and implement invalidHandler to
 focus the first field. That should do the trick.


 On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:01 PM, Geoffrey geoffreydhug...@gmail.com wrote:

  And what if you enter an invalid character in an input at the bottom
  of the field? For example entering a letter in the Conference Dinner
  input of my sample form.

  A user is going to miss the error message at the top of the form along
  with other input errors if there's an error in the last inputs of my
  example form and is going to have submit multiple times before they
  may even be aware of other errors.

  I'd expected jumping to the first invalid input to be standard
  behaviour.  My fault there I guess.

  On Sep 15, 10:08 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
  Whats wrong with keeping the focus on the active field, if its invalid?

  If you enter something into the, say, third field, hit enter to
  submit, then it turns out both that field and another before that are
  invalid, why move the focus to a different field?


  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:47 AM, Geoffrey geoffreydhug...@gmail.com wrote:

   I've been building up my validation using the jquery validation plugin
   but I can't work out how to get a failed validation to default the
   focus to the first invalid input rather than to the last selected

   If there is no input field selected, when I submit then a failed
   validation will focus the cursor on the first field but if the cursor
   was left in a field and submitted then the focus stays there (if it's
   invalid) rather than jump to the first invalid input.  From what I've
   read and seen, this is the expected behaviour but not what I want.

   Is there a way I can get the first invalid field and set the focus to

   A demo of what I have built up so far can be seen at

   All my jquery validation can be found in

[jQuery] Re: Validate: Focus on first invalid field after validation

2009-09-15 Thread Geoffrey

Damn.  I always forget about :first.


On Sep 16, 8:34 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 Something like this?

   focusInvalid: false,
   invalidHandler: function() {



 On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Geoffrey geoffreydhug...@gmail.com wrote:

  I guess I'm going to have too.  I just need to work out how to return
  the first invalid field so I can set the focus.

  On Sep 16, 8:16 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
  Well, you can set focusInvalid: false and implement invalidHandler to
  focus the first field. That should do the trick.


  On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:01 PM, Geoffrey geoffreydhug...@gmail.com 

   And what if you enter an invalid character in an input at the bottom
   of the field? For example entering a letter in the Conference Dinner
   input of my sample form.

   A user is going to miss the error message at the top of the form along
   with other input errors if there's an error in the last inputs of my
   example form and is going to have submit multiple times before they
   may even be aware of other errors.

   I'd expected jumping to the first invalid input to be standard
   behaviour.  My fault there I guess.

   On Sep 15, 10:08 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
   Whats wrong with keeping the focus on the active field, if its invalid?

   If you enter something into the, say, third field, hit enter to
   submit, then it turns out both that field and another before that are
   invalid, why move the focus to a different field?


   On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:47 AM, Geoffrey geoffreydhug...@gmail.com 

I've been building up my validation using the jquery validation plugin
but I can't work out how to get a failed validation to default the
focus to the first invalid input rather than to the last selected

If there is no input field selected, when I submit then a failed
validation will focus the cursor on the first field but if the cursor
was left in a field and submitted then the focus stays there (if it's
invalid) rather than jump to the first invalid input.  From what I've
read and seen, this is the expected behaviour but not what I want.

Is there a way I can get the first invalid field and set the focus to

A demo of what I have built up so far can be seen at

All my jquery validation can be found in

[jQuery] Re: Validate: Focus on first invalid field after validation

2009-09-15 Thread Geoffrey

Hmmm...I tried this but I discovered on the first submit that it
doesn't focus the first invalid field but it will if I hit return to
submit again.

Also, when hitting submit on a field that's not checked for validity,
the form will submit successfully this second time as well despite
still having invalid fields.

You can test it out using my sample form from the OP.

On Sep 16, 8:37 am, Geoffrey geoffreydhug...@gmail.com wrote:
 Damn.  I always forget about :first.


 On Sep 16, 8:34 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com

  Something like this?

    focusInvalid: false,
    invalidHandler: function() {



  On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Geoffrey geoffreydhug...@gmail.com 

   I guess I'm going to have too.  I just need to work out how to return
   the first invalid field so I can set the focus.

   On Sep 16, 8:16 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
   Well, you can set focusInvalid: false and implement invalidHandler to
   focus the first field. That should do the trick.


   On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:01 PM, Geoffrey geoffreydhug...@gmail.com 

And what if you enter an invalid character in an input at the bottom
of the field? For example entering a letter in the Conference Dinner
input of my sample form.

A user is going to miss the error message at the top of the form along
with other input errors if there's an error in the last inputs of my
example form and is going to have submit multiple times before they
may even be aware of other errors.

I'd expected jumping to the first invalid input to be standard
behaviour.  My fault there I guess.

On Sep 15, 10:08 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
Whats wrong with keeping the focus on the active field, if its 

If you enter something into the, say, third field, hit enter to
submit, then it turns out both that field and another before that are
invalid, why move the focus to a different field?


On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:47 AM, Geoffrey geoffreydhug...@gmail.com 

 I've been building up my validation using the jquery validation 
 but I can't work out how to get a failed validation to default the
 focus to the first invalid input rather than to the last selected

 If there is no input field selected, when I submit then a failed
 validation will focus the cursor on the first field but if the 
 was left in a field and submitted then the focus stays there (if 
 invalid) rather than jump to the first invalid input.  From what 
 read and seen, this is the expected behaviour but not what I want.

 Is there a way I can get the first invalid field and set the focus 

 A demo of what I have built up so far can be seen at

 All my jquery validation can be found in

[jQuery] Re: Validate: Focus on first invalid field after validation

2009-09-15 Thread Geoffrey

Not for me.

In Safari 4 and Firefox 3.5.3 under Snow Leopard and Firefox 3.5.3
under XP:

Click in a required field (not the first one) and hit return.  Focus
stays in the focused field.  Hit return again and the focus jumps to
the first invalid field.

If you focus a non-required field and hit return, the focus stays in
the non-required field but you do get the error messages for invalid
fields.  If you hit return again, the focus jumps to the first invalid
field but then the form submits successfully.

In Internet Explorer 7 under XP:

Click in required field (not the first one) and hit return.  Focus
stays in the focused field.  Hit return again and the focus stays in
the focused field.

If you focus on a non-required element and hit return, the focus jumps
to the first invalid field.

On Sep 16, 9:44 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 I can't reproduce that. Seems to work fine for me.


 On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 11:40 PM, Geoffrey geoffreydhug...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hmmm...I tried this but I discovered on the first submit that it
  doesn't focus the first invalid field but it will if I hit return to
  submit again.

  Also, when hitting submit on a field that's not checked for validity,
  the form will submit successfully this second time as well despite
  still having invalid fields.

  You can test it out using my sample form from the OP.

  On Sep 16, 8:37 am, Geoffrey geoffreydhug...@gmail.com wrote:
  Damn.  I always forget about :first.


  On Sep 16, 8:34 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com

   Something like this?

     focusInvalid: false,
     invalidHandler: function() {



   On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Geoffrey geoffreydhug...@gmail.com 

I guess I'm going to have too.  I just need to work out how to return
the first invalid field so I can set the focus.

On Sep 16, 8:16 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
Well, you can set focusInvalid: false and implement invalidHandler to
focus the first field. That should do the trick.


On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:01 PM, Geoffrey 
geoffreydhug...@gmail.com wrote:

 And what if you enter an invalid character in an input at the bottom
 of the field? For example entering a letter in the Conference Dinner
 input of my sample form.

 A user is going to miss the error message at the top of the form 
 with other input errors if there's an error in the last inputs of my
 example form and is going to have submit multiple times before they
 may even be aware of other errors.

 I'd expected jumping to the first invalid input to be standard
 behaviour.  My fault there I guess.

 On Sep 15, 10:08 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 Whats wrong with keeping the focus on the active field, if its 

 If you enter something into the, say, third field, hit enter to
 submit, then it turns out both that field and another before that 
 invalid, why move the focus to a different field?


 On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:47 AM, Geoffrey 
 geoffreydhug...@gmail.com wrote:

  I've been building up my validation using the jquery validation 
  but I can't work out how to get a failed validation to default 
  focus to the first invalid input rather than to the last selected

  If there is no input field selected, when I submit then a failed
  validation will focus the cursor on the first field but if the 
  was left in a field and submitted then the focus stays there (if 
  invalid) rather than jump to the first invalid input.  From what 
  read and seen, this is the expected behaviour but not what I 

  Is there a way I can get the first invalid field and set the 
  focus to

  A demo of what I have built up so far can be seen at

  All my jquery validation can be found in

[jQuery] Re: Validate: Focus on first invalid field after validation

2009-09-15 Thread Geoffrey

Ok, the problem with the non-validated fields submitting on hitting
return twice is resolved by removing the following...

onfocusout: function(element) {

The problem is, I want this as I want an error to show if they tab
through required fields and leave them blank.

It doesn't resolve the issue of the first submit still focusing on the
last field focused and the second submit then moving the focus.

On Sep 16, 10:00 am, Geoffrey geoffreydhug...@gmail.com wrote:
 Not for me.

 In Safari 4 and Firefox 3.5.3 under Snow Leopard and Firefox 3.5.3
 under XP:

 Click in a required field (not the first one) and hit return.  Focus
 stays in the focused field.  Hit return again and the focus jumps to
 the first invalid field.

 If you focus a non-required field and hit return, the focus stays in
 the non-required field but you do get the error messages for invalid
 fields.  If you hit return again, the focus jumps to the first invalid
 field but then the form submits successfully.

 In Internet Explorer 7 under XP:

 Click in required field (not the first one) and hit return.  Focus
 stays in the focused field.  Hit return again and the focus stays in
 the focused field.

 If you focus on a non-required element and hit return, the focus jumps
 to the first invalid field.

 On Sep 16, 9:44 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com

  I can't reproduce that. Seems to work fine for me.


  On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 11:40 PM, Geoffrey geoffreydhug...@gmail.com 

   Hmmm...I tried this but I discovered on the first submit that it
   doesn't focus the first invalid field but it will if I hit return to
   submit again.

   Also, when hitting submit on a field that's not checked for validity,
   the form will submit successfully this second time as well despite
   still having invalid fields.

   You can test it out using my sample form from the OP.

   On Sep 16, 8:37 am, Geoffrey geoffreydhug...@gmail.com wrote:
   Damn.  I always forget about :first.


   On Sep 16, 8:34 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com

Something like this?

  focusInvalid: false,
  invalidHandler: function() {



On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Geoffrey geoffreydhug...@gmail.com 

 I guess I'm going to have too.  I just need to work out how to return
 the first invalid field so I can set the focus.

 On Sep 16, 8:16 am, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 Well, you can set focusInvalid: false and implement invalidHandler 
 focus the first field. That should do the trick.


 On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 10:01 PM, Geoffrey 
 geoffreydhug...@gmail.com wrote:

  And what if you enter an invalid character in an input at the 
  of the field? For example entering a letter in the Conference 
  input of my sample form.

  A user is going to miss the error message at the top of the form 
  with other input errors if there's an error in the last inputs of 
  example form and is going to have submit multiple times before 
  may even be aware of other errors.

  I'd expected jumping to the first invalid input to be standard
  behaviour.  My fault there I guess.

  On Sep 15, 10:08 pm, Jörn Zaefferer 
  Whats wrong with keeping the focus on the active field, if its 

  If you enter something into the, say, third field, hit enter to
  submit, then it turns out both that field and another before 
  that are
  invalid, why move the focus to a different field?


  On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:47 AM, Geoffrey 
  geoffreydhug...@gmail.com wrote:

   I've been building up my validation using the jquery 
   validation plugin
   but I can't work out how to get a failed validation to default 
   focus to the first invalid input rather than to the last 

   If there is no input field selected, when I submit then a 
   validation will focus the cursor on the first field but if the 
   was left in a field and submitted then the focus stays there 
   (if it's
   invalid) rather than jump to the first invalid input.  From 
   what I've
   read and seen, this is the expected behaviour but not what I 

   Is there a way I can get the first invalid field and set the 
   focus to

   A demo of what I have built up so far can be seen at

   All my jquery validation can be found in

[jQuery] Re: Promoting jQuery the WRONG way

2007-04-04 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen

Not a bad tag-line:

Keep on coding and don't be lame

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Jake McGraw
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 1:57 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Promoting jQuery the WRONG way


Good spot, I can see why you made the Evangelism Team.

Some of you may think this is a bit of senseless damage control, but
as our community grows larger, I believe that having someone monitor
how the outside world views the project and its members very

Far too often, I've seen projects rot from the inside out, members get
cocky, leaders become withdrawn or apathetic and newbies take one look
at the community and run. When a project no longer brings in new
users, you'll find it quickly goes south.

jQuery is popular not only because it's a great piece of code, but
because we have a very active and receptive community. That community
includes everyone, from the core development team to first time users,
and each of us has a responsibility to maintain the level of
professionalism that existed when we first joined.

So keep on coding and don't be lame!

- jake

On 4/4/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the feedback Dean. I personally never want anyone to feel
 that the project condones harsh replies and I'll always do my best to
 manage that. I hope my email motivates everyone to police each other as
 well so that we're always looked at in a good light.


 -dean wrote:
  Thanks for posting this. But to be honest I think I overreacted to
  Michael's comment.
  To put the record straight. I don't have a problem with jQuery users.
  You are a pretty great bunch from what I can gather. Mostly I think
  this is just part of a recent trend whereby some people can be a bit
  harsher online than they would be in a face-to-face conversation. I
  should be used to it by now. :-)

 BrightLight Development, LLC.
 954-775- (o)
 954-600-2726 (c)

[jQuery] Png fix for ie 6

2007-04-05 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen
Is there a jquery plugin for fixing .png images in IE 6?



[jQuery] RE: Simple selector question

2007-04-09 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen

Press send, find answer.
I answered my own question

I had led myself down the wrong path and was totally lost

Thanks anyway

-Original Message-
From: Geoffrey Knutzen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2007 1:27 PM
To: 'jquery-en@googlegroups.com'
Subject: Simple selector question

How would one select all tables in a document that have the css property
border-collapse set to collapse?

My goal is to make a work around for a FF bug
(https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=244135) where borders
disappear sometimes. I am hoping for find all tables with
border-collapse=collapse, set them to separate then set them back to
collapse again. 


[jQuery] Re: hasClass

2007-04-17 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen

That does it. 
I had never looked at the is method before

Thanks a bunch

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Brandon Aaron
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 10:26 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: hasClass

This tripped me up a while back too. You can use the is method to test
if an element is of a particular class.


The is method takes a simple selector and returns true or false.

Here are the docs for the is method:

Brandon Aaron

On 4/17/07, Geoffrey Knutzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How can I test if an element has a specific class?
 If I have
 div class=foo bar

 How can I check if the element has class=bar

 Seems like it should be easy, but I am having troubles.


[jQuery] Re: Release: autocomplete 1.0 alpha

2007-04-18 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen

Instead of hiding the box, perhaps there could be an option to display a
message in the box that there are no matches to the users current input. In
situations where the user must select from the list (the input will have to
pass validation later) this could be helpful.

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Chris W. Parker
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 3:09 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Release: autocomplete 1.0 alpha

On Tuesday, April 17, 2007 2:04 PM Jörn Zaefferer  said:

 There is now a page with a download, link to the demo and
 The documentation lacks better examples, so until that is improved,
 please try out the demo and take a look at it's page source.


Comment: When I type and am no longer matching anything in the available
list the box should disappear. I think.


[jQuery] Re: Interface Slider - Clicks don't trigger onChange event

2007-04-23 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen

If you can get by without the ability to click on the slider to get the
handle to move, you might try a real ugly hack.

You can put two handles on the slider, and then hide the first handle. Only
the first handle is affected by clicking on the slider. 

It is ugly, but might solve your problem.

BTW, I wish there were a way to disable the feature of clicking on the
slider instead of the handle. It gets very confusing if you have multiple
handles on one slider. You click on the slider and you are not sure which
handle will move if the handles have been mixed together.

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of skimber
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 5:45 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Interface Slider - Clicks don't trigger onChange event

Hi all,

If anybody can suggest a way of working around this bug, or fixing it,
I would be hugely grateful!

I've not had any response to my bug report and this bug is now the
only thing preventing me from finishing a project.

Any help would be very much appreciated!



On Apr 13, 4:29 pm, skimber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If anyone's interested I have now posted this as a bug report here:


[jQuery] Re: Interface Slider - Clicks don't trigger onChange event

2007-04-23 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen

Yeah, I see the hidden slider too when clicking and dragging. 
Looking at firebug, it looks like a copy of the handle is made while
sliding, and that is what is showing up.

Maybe there is a solution with unbind? May not even need to have the hidden
handle if we could just unbind the action from the slider. I will look at
this later today. If you make any headway, let me know

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of skimber
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 11:10 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Interface Slider - Clicks don't trigger onChange event

Thanks for the suggestion!

On first try I've got some strange stuff happening if i click and
inadvertently drag a little.  The hidden slider appears while being
dragged and then disappears again when let go...  but maybe some
tweaking can solve that...

Maybe we could override the click event somehow?  Sadly the following
doesn't work:

$('.slider').click(function(){ return false; }).Slider(
accept : '.indicator',
fractions: 100,
onChange : function( cordx, cordy, x , y) {  /* Do
Stuff Here */ },
values: [ [200,0] ]

Nor does it work if i move the .click() to after the .Slider() .  Also
tried adding .unbind('click') but no joy there either. If there's some
way of making it work then that would be the cleanest solution
probably.  Any ideas? :)

On Apr 23, 5:21 pm, Geoffrey Knutzen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you can get by without the ability to click on the slider to get the
 handle to move, you might try a real ugly hack.

 You can put two handles on the slider, and then hide the first handle.
 the first handle is affected by clicking on the slider.

 It is ugly, but might solve your problem.

 BTW, I wish there were a way to disable the feature of clicking on the
 slider instead of the handle. It gets very confusing if you have multiple
 handles on one slider. You click on the slider and you are not sure which
 handle will move if the handles have been mixed together.

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

 Behalf Of skimber
 Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 5:45 AM
 To: jQuery (English)
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: Interface Slider - Clicks don't trigger onChange

 Hi all,

 If anybody can suggest a way of working around this bug, or fixing it,
 I would be hugely grateful!

 I've not had any response to my bug report and this bug is now the
 only thing preventing me from finishing a project.

 Any help would be very much appreciated!



 On Apr 13, 4:29 pm, skimber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If anyone's interested I have now posted this as a bug report here:

 http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/1122- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Memory leak in Interface:Sliders?

2007-05-14 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen

I just opened up 
with drip and there seems to be a number of leaks.
Or is this a problem with drip?


[jQuery] Re: Small delay in animate function - how can I fix it?

2007-05-16 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen
Have you found any info about this? I am seeing this too



From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Andy Matthews
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 6:38 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Small delay in animate function - how can I fix it?




On this page, if you click any of the olive colored buttons on the left,
you'll see the text slide to the right as an indicator for which floor plan
is active. It also slides any other active item back to the left. When
clicked, there's a small delay before the plan slides right...I don't know
why this is happening. Can anyone help me out with this?


Also, is there a list of properties that can be animated using this
function? I tried animating the text-align property and it didn't work.



Andy Matthews
Senior Coldfusion Developer

Office:  877.707.5467 x747
Direct:  615.627.9747
Fax:  615.467.6249

www.dealerskins.com http://www.dealerskins.com/ 



[jQuery] extra parameter at the end of .click() in older code

2007-05-30 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen
I am using some code written a few months ago by another developer.

It is in this form:

$('#someId').click(function () { /*do some stuff here*/ }, false);

What is the purpose of the false attribute after the function?

Is that some sort of deprecated functionality or just a mistake?





[jQuery] Re: Determining show / hide state

2007-05-30 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen
Wow, .is saves the day again. That little guy always gets me. 


Is there a more extensive list of what could be done with .is?


From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 3:34 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Determining show / hide state



On 5/30/07, SamCKayak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does jQuery .show() and .hide() set a flag anywhere on an object to
indicate if it was last show()n or hide()n?


Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ 

[jQuery] Re: Interface: More slider problems, restricted and fractions together

2007-06-14 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen

I am not going to be much help with the slider questions you have. I can
only give some personal experience. Sorry. 

I did a project a few months ago and found the sliders to be wanting in many
ways. They were hard to get set; the css had to be very precise. There is
the annoying bug with a double slider where if you click on the rail, on
slider will jump to that position, but not the other. 

We had to do some hacks when hiding/showing sliders as well. 

For a stepped, double slider, we decided to allow both handles to come
together to select only one increment, and then either one could progress
pass the other. We have no limit to one handle crossing the other. 

The other hack that we used was to actually have 3 handles, and to hide the
first one to prevent the problem of clicking on the rail. 

If you want to check it out, go to www.farecast.com and run a search for a
flight. You can pull it all apart some with firebug. 

Sorry I couldn't help you further. But I do feel your frustration


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Gordon
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 3:14 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Interface: More slider problems, restricted and fractions

I am using the Sliders interface plugin to generate a range (minimum -
maximum for use in calculating a price range of products.  I need the
minimum range slider to not pass the maximum range slider, but I also
need the sliders to move in increments rather than smoothly.

When I set the restricted: true property everything works as it
should, but if I set both restricted: true and fractions: (some value)
then I find that the slider for the maximum value produces strange
results if the minimum value slider is not at its zero position.

Am I doing something wrong here or is this a bug in the slider plugin?

[jQuery] Re: Need help with a jQuery Conflict

2007-06-20 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen

I had some troubles with jquery and Omniture a while back. I wasn't the one
who solved the problem and that dev has moved on. Sorry I can't be of more
help, but I do feel your pain.

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of AJ
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 7:22 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Need help with a jQuery Conflict

Hey guys,

I am using jQuery on a large site that is being tracked with a service
called IndexTools (http://indextools.com). We have been having a lot
of problems and tracked it down to a conflict between jQuery and the
tracking.js file that IndexTools requires you embed in your pages.

The problem is that jQuery is used on some critical functionality, so
it cannot be replaced. But the client HAS to have IndexTools

1) How can I figure out what specifically is conflicting about their
tracking.js file? Are there any tools for quickly detecting conflicts?

2) IndexTools is embedded at the very end of the page, so are there
any ways to unload jQuery before IndexTools is invoked?

3) Also, has anyone had (or heard of) any problems like this with
tracking tools, specifically with services like Google Analytics?



[jQuery] thickbox, lightbox jqModal, reloaded, dim screen...

2007-07-10 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen
I have a new project on my plate to create an interface similar to
Netflix, basically, a lightbox effect.

By its very nature, the content in the lightbox will be in the form of an


Which plug in would be recommended? There seems to be a number of them that
do similar effects. I am unsure of what the plusses and minuses of each are.


Are they all up to date with the current release of jquery? (Though it looks
like this project will be staying with 1.1.2 for awhile.)


There is some question as to the height of the included page in the Iframe.
The height of the included page may be variable, and the desire is to have a
variable height of the iframe. That is, not to have a scroll bar in the
iframe, but to scroll the including page (this is not a hard and fast
requirement) Do any of these plugins have a feature like this?


Does anyone have a preferred plugin for this type of user interface? Any
that are too old or have other issues and should be avoided?


Thanks in advance






[jQuery] bgiframe broken by

2007-07-11 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen
I don't have a bullet-proof test of this yet, but it seems that bgiframe no
longer works with 

Can anyone else confirm?


I don't know why yet.


I, for one, really need this plug in



[jQuery] Re: bgiframe broken by

2007-07-12 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen
Thank you kindly



From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Brandon Aaron
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 9:21 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: bgiframe broken by


Hey Geoffrey,

Feel free to grab the latest from SVN until I do another official release
(2.1.1) very soon.

Brandon Aaron

On 7/11/07, Geoffrey Knutzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

I don't have a bullet-proof test of this yet, but it seems that bgiframe no
longer works with 

Can anyone else confirm?


I don't know why yet.


I, for one, really need this plug in




[jQuery] How to get the entire width of a page

2007-07-13 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen
Seems simple. How do I calculate the entire width of a page, even when there
are scroll bars?


I am using the dimensions plug in









All seem to return the same number, at least in FF. 


But if there are horizontal scroll bars, they only return the width of the
visible area, not the entire width of the page.

How do I get the entire width of a page?




[jQuery] Re: How to get the entire width of a page

2007-07-13 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen





From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Brandon Aaron
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 9:35 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: How to get the entire width of a page


Hey Geoffrey,

That is a nasty bug in Firefox but I've recently fixed it! You can grab the
latest from SVN to get the fixes now. I plan on doing a new release very,
very soon.

SVN: http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugins/dimensions/

Brandon Aaron

On 7/13/07, Geoffrey Knutzen  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Seems simple. How do I calculate the entire width of a page, even when there
are scroll bars?


I am using the dimensions plug in









All seem to return the same number, at least in FF. 


But if there are horizontal scroll bars, they only return the width of the
visible area, not the entire width of the page.

How do I get the entire width of a page?





[jQuery] Re: dev tip: combining JS script files

2007-07-16 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen

A couple of weeks ago, I attended a talk by Steve Souders
He is Chief Performance Yahoo! He has a new book coming out about
performance on the web.

One of his points was to include Javascript at the bottom of the page. But
even he admitted that this is not practical in many cases. Basically, if you
can wait to load a script at the bottom of the page or dynamically load it,
that is better. But often times you just can't

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Fil
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 10:06 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: dev tip: combining JS script files

 This is a good page on optimzing javascript for speed...


This part of the text seems contradictory with jQuery's habits. Why do
we load jQuery.js and all its plugins in the head section? (answer:
to have .ready()). But should we do it all the time and for all

Optimize Javascript Placement

Place your javascript at the end of your HTML file if possible. Notice
how Google analytics and other stat tracking software wants to be
right before the closing /body tag.

This allows the majority of page content (like images, tables, text)
to be loaded and rendered first. The user sees content loading, so the
page looks responsive. At this point, the heavy javascripts can begin
loading near the end.

I used to have all my javascript crammed into the head section, but
this was unnecessary. Only core files that are absolutely needed in
the beginning of the page load should be there. The rest, like cool
menu effects, transitions, etc. can be loaded later. You want the page
to appear responsive (i.e., something is loading) up front.

-- Fil

[jQuery] Re: Two words for Jquery

2007-08-01 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen

Remember, the two words must be less than a total of 20 characters

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of David Duymelinck
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 6:41 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Two words for Jquery

Javascript Effordless (in most cases)

-- David

Tane Piper schreef:
 Bloody Brilliant!

 (I wonder how many other 2 word ways there are to describe jQuery)

 On 8/1/07, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here here.

 - Richard

 On 8/1/07, kiwwwi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 jQuery Rocks!!

 oh... possibly will add two more words;

 Thank you :)

 I'm not the best scripter and jquery has simply allowed me to
 accomplish with my own personal site so much more than I would
 have otherwise attempted.  You people behind jquery are genious and
 your work is great, thanks.




[jQuery] bookmarklet iframe question

2007-08-01 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen
I am writing a bookmarklet for my own debugging needs. 


I am trying to get the innerHTML (or other properties) for all elements with
a specific classname that are in an Iframe with a specific id.


What is the syntax to do a query like this?




[jQuery] Re: bookmarklet iframe question

2007-08-01 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen
Yeah, I am using that to manipulate the Iframe. It works like magic. The
page is now on a server where I can't modify it and it is having some

I am interested in how to create a query to specific elements inside an
iframe. The assumption is that the iframe is already loaded



From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Karl Swedberg
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 12:37 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: bookmarklet iframe question


Hi Geoffrey, 


I don't know much about iFrames, but Daemach put together a frameReady
plugin that should point you in the right direction:






Karl Swedberg





On Aug 1, 2007, at 3:26 PM, Geoffrey Knutzen wrote:

I am writing a bookmarklet for my own debugging needs.

I am trying to get the innerHTML (or other properties) for all elements with
a specific classname that are in an Iframe with a specific id.

What is the syntax to do a query like this?




[jQuery] Re: New Yahoo Minifier - YUI Compressor

2007-08-14 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen
I went to a short talk by Steve Souders, the Chief Performance Yahoo. 

He has done a bunch of investigation on performance at Yahoo and has come up
with his 13 rules for better performance. And has written a book about it.


His research showed that $40 - %60 clean cache number. Really puts a
different light on relying on cache to shorten page load. 

Makes me happy for 20k limits on things


Note: Even he admits that the rules are more of a guideline and that they
need to be implemented when it makes sense, not all the time, every time.



From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Brandon Aaron
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2007 7:18 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: New Yahoo Minifier - YUI Compressor


Cool. Thanks for sharing with the list. Minifying and gzip compression is my
preferred solution. Using JSMin it gets down to about 36k and using
mod_deflate it goes down to about 11k. 

However, the most interesting thing I read out of that article was that that
claim, 40% to 60% of Yahoo!'s users have an empty cache experience and
about 20% of all page views are done with an empty cache. 

If that is true ... so much for that age old but it gets cached argument.

Brandon Aaron

On 8/14/07, Tane Piper  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey folks,

Today I came across this article via DZone: 


The YUI Compressor is a new JavaScript minifier. Its level of 
compaction is higher than the Dojo compressor, and it is as safe as
JSMin. Tests on the YUI library have shown savings of about 18%
compared to JSMin and 10% compared to the Dojo compressor (these
respectively become 10% and 5% after HTTP compression) 

I've given it a test run on my own code, and it really seems to work,
version 1.4 of jMaps was 12.6k, and this compressor took it down to
4.6k minified, that's a 58% reduction in code, while producing no 
errors, something I have never truly been able to get with packer.

jQuery minified with this (1.1.3) goes down to 31.5kb - not as small
as the packed version, but still an impressive reduction in size.

Tane Piper

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[jQuery] Re: Interface slider - get value of multiple handles

2007-08-15 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen

I don't think you can get both values using onSlide(). 
You need to keep track of both values somewhere else and update those values
as you slide. 

It gets tricky when the sliders cross, but you can work through it

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Simpel
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 1:42 AM
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Interface slider - get value of multiple handles

Hi there!

so...I've been looking at the interface slider (http://

I'd like to use two horizontal sliders but how do I get the current
value for them, the onSlide function only seems to display the value
for the slider that was changed last, I wan't to be able to pull the
values for both handles whilst dragging one of them


[jQuery] Selecting relative or absolute positioned elements

2007-09-14 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen
Inside a given div, say of id #test,  how do I select all elements that have
relative or absolute positioning?


Can't figure this one out




[jQuery] RE: Selecting relative or absolute positioned elements

2007-09-18 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen


Anyone have any ideas?




From: Geoffrey Knutzen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 3:24 PM
To: 'jquery-en@googlegroups.com'
Subject: Selecting relative or absolute positioned elements


Inside a given div, say of id #test,  how do I select all elements that have
relative or absolute positioning?


Can't figure this one out




[jQuery] Re: Enterprise Javascript?

2007-09-26 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen

In a former life, I worked at a startup that was doing just that. Giving
database access to server-side javascript. Worked pretty well too. 

The company died during the dot-com bust, but the remnants live on as a
company called Dataweb. http://www.dataweb.com/default.view

You can sign up for their trial and have a look. It is actually pretty cool.

*note: their development environment hasn't been updated in years, so it
doesn't work with FF. 

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Jake McGraw
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 11:03 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Enterprise Javascript?

Actually, if you'd like to use js to access a database, may I suggest
Adobe AIR? Basically, in allows you to embed JS/HTML into an
installable application, which allows you to move away from the
browser security model and do all kinds of crazy stuff like cross site
scripting, off-line operation and direct database interaction.

I just attended the Adobe onAIR conference in NYC, there is a lot of
interest in this new technology and I think jQuery could play a major
role in desktop applications if this becomes popular.


- jake

On 9/26/07, Danjojo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We have Java, .NET, PHP, and CFM...

 As developers we can do pretty much any UI we want with javascript
 (jquery), css, and semantic markup...

 What can't we do?

 Interact with an Enterprise database...

 Unfortunately at the point we need a real RDBM database backend, we
 are forced to choose one of the server-side languages above in order
 to continue development.

 I have not missed a news flash anywhere where this is NOT the case
 have I?


[jQuery] detecting height change in an iframe

2007-09-28 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen
I am trying to write a function to autosize an iframe so that the iframe
expands it's height to the height of the page the iframe contains.


I have been successful in getting the iframe to resize when a page is loaded
into the iframe. 


My problem is what to do when that page is dynamic and changes it's height
after it has loaded. 


Is there some way to detect when a page has changed it's height?


I have been looking at this problem all day and have been blocked with
everything I have tried. 


Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. 


Thanks in advance



[jQuery] Order of elements in a jquery object

2008-10-01 Thread Geoffrey Knutzen

I make a query, say using a class selector. 

I will get a jquery object back.

I can iterate over that object using each().

Is there a guaranteed order that the elements in this object will be exposed
in the each loop?

If so, what is it?


I have looked around and I can't seem to find this documented anywhere. If
this is address somewhere, sorry.





[jQuery] Help with jquery on my website

2010-01-27 Thread Geoffrey Gordon

http://www.blazewebstudio.co.za/Network_2/index.html  please help me with the
j-query problems on the top horizontal and the side vertical accordion, it
bounces and the overflow is out of whack. Also the menu is sometimes strange
if you go over it too fast, I Know too many problems but please help.
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