Re: [lace] Milanese Lace

2008-03-26 Thread Carol

Hi Sue et al,

I am always amazed by the prices paid for Newnham bobbin winders!I use 
those as my 'yardstick' of how silly the bidders are as to price, as the 
winders can be purchased at general suppliers for between £19.00 and 
£21.00 - and yet people will pay three times that much, plus postage, 
package and handling, for Newnham bobbin winders on eBay.It always makes 
me want to contact those bidding, and let them know the names of general 
suppliers ...

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 11:31 PM
Subject: [lace] Milanese Lace

£36 for a Milanese book that is available for sale at less than that
price, brand new.

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Re: [lace] what did you do before bobbin lace

2008-04-19 Thread Carol

Hi Bev et al,

It is hard to remember what happened before BL ...

But - I used to do fine embroidery, Hardanger and blackwork, as well as 
crochet and tatting, but although I still take embroidery or crochet on 
shorter holidays, as they are  a lot more portable, I still take lace 
pillow(s) on the long summer holidays.If friends and relations have 
babies, I also crochet pram sets, cot sets, and matinee jackets.   I don't 
knit, as it doesn't seem to grow quickly enough (this from one who loves 
Bucks point!) but crochet grows amazingly quickly, so I still find that 
really enjoyable.

But the bobbin lace is now my first love - it seems easy to become a 
fully-paid-up, addicted lacemaker, and long may it continue.

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 7:55 PM
Subject: [lace] what did you do before bobbin lace

Clay wrote:

I'll be curious to hear what others do in addition to their lacemaking!

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Re: [lace] bone /ivory bobbins

2008-04-28 Thread Carol

Hi All,

An interesting theme!

I also have an ivory bobbin.   One of my father's elder brothers was in the 
Army, in India, and brought the bobbin home - I can't verify much about it 
now, as he died at the outbreak of war (TB, brought on by service in India, 
and playing the trumpet in the Regimental band) but it is definitely ivory. 
I have no idea whether these ivory bobbins were made as 'one-off' specials - 
I suspect so, as the ivory would have been too expensive for any local 
lacemakers, and possibly the British services and administrators were the 
only ones to have the money to pay for such 'fancy' items.

Carol - in Suffolk UK

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Re: [lace] to tat, or (k)not

2008-04-28 Thread Carol

Hi All,

This 'tatty' theme has made me smile in reminiscence! Many years ago, 
Essex (UK) Lace Makers used to hold monthly 'At Home' meetings, and one of 
the venues was in my home. Someone saw the very grubby and elderly piece 
of tatting, still partly attached to shuttle and hanky, and said she 
couldn't do tatting for love nor maney.I blithely said I'd show her.

Well - how the mighty are fallen!I just couldn't get the stitch to work, 
so retired very red-faced!I resolved, there and then, to retrieve 
Rebecca (I think) someone's book, and relearn to tat.I took the book, 
several shuttles, and several reels of thread away on a holiday, thinking 
that I'd have miles of tatting to show for the holiday.No such luck. 
There were seven ways of tatting in the book - the inference being that, if 
you couldn't do any of them, you were just beyond the pale. I couldn't! 
I used miles of thread, but didn't succeed.It was only when I came home, 
and attended one of the Woodbridge Art Club meetings that a friend taught me 
yet another method, and i haven't looked back.

But I still remember the anguish of that 'At Home' day ...

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 

To: Lace Arachne
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 12:27 AM
Subject: [lace] to tat, or (k)not

Hi everyone

I taught myself tatting years ago, from a library book and a piece of

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Re: [lace] Magnifiers

2008-05-25 Thread Carol

Hi Shirlee,

I have several magnifiers - the one with the light, which makes the thinnest 
of threads look like rope, the one which pins to the pillow, a 'linen 
prover' which tends to go everywhere in my lace bag, and also a magnifying 
glass with a handle, which can sometimes sort out horrible messes (!). 
But - I also have the magnifier which one wears round one's head.I have 
to admit, it has caused an inordinate amout of amusement to my class members 
and friends at Lace Days, but all I can say is, it works!It did take a 
bit of getting used to, but it is great as one can flip the magnifier bit 
up, so it isn't in use all the time, and it just has to be flipped down when 
it is needed - I borrowed one for a while before I bought mine, so I knew I 
would get on with it OK, so maybe borrowng one, if possoble, is the way to 

Hope this helps

Carol - inb Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 
From: Shirlee Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 4:54 PM
Subject: [lace] Magnifiers

Does anyone have any experience with the magnifier that you pin or clip to 
your pillow?  These old eyes just aren't like they used to be,  my 
husband has just ordered me a lovely magnifying light which I can use here 
at home, but if I want to attend a workshop it would be a little difficult 
to bring along, not so much because of the weight but workshop space is 
sometimes limited.  Do these pillow magnifiers work?  I would not want to 
even try the one that you wear around your neck because any movement would 
make it bounce around  make it impossible to lace.  A friend from long 
ago used to have some sort of magnifying visor she wore around her head 
but I would think it would be a little strange feeling, not to mention 
giving me magnifying visor hair   : )   Anyway, please let me know if this 
little magnifyer you pin or clip to your pillow would be a good 


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Re: [lace] Magnifiers

2008-05-25 Thread Carol

Hi Sue,

You seem to have an optometrist just like mine.Not only do I have my 
bi-focals for ordinary use, a pair for driving, and a pair set for the 
comoputer, but I also have a pair set for the lace pillow! I have a 
problem with glasses too - I tend to take one pair off to use whichever of 
the other pairs is necessary, then forget where I have put the first pair. 
My son - amusing chap as he is !!! - bought me a job lot of those pretty 
lace things to hang glasses on, so sometimes I wander round with one pair of 
glasses on, and the rest strung on cords/laces round my neck - and then I 
wonder why my nieces call me their 'Giddy Aunt'

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: [lace] Magnifiers

My optician / optometrist (depending on country) has created my a pair of 
bi-focals, focused at the correct distance for my lace pillow. The lower 
part of the lens is magnifying for when I scrunch in close to see what's 
gone wrong!!

I took my lace chair and pillow into his office to help him to see what 
distance I normally needed to focus at - and he came up with the brilliant 
magnifying idea.

I couldn't see across the room with them, so it will involve effort in 
classes, but at home, it works great

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Re: [lace] Mother and twins bobbin

2008-05-30 Thread Carol

Hi All,

I have some glass bobbins - well, quite a lot of glass bobbins, actually - 
made by Malcolm Fowler, and his are just lovely.   He definitely makes 
mother and babe, and I am sure he makes twins as well, but he is always 
willing to 'make to order', so I am sure he'd oblige if he was contacted.

Carol - in a chilly and very wet Suffolk, UK

- Original Message - 
From: Jean Nathan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Lace
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 6:26 PM
Subject: [lace] Mother and twins bobbin

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[lace] Re: Sandra Arnold

2008-06-01 Thread Carol
I am devastated, as Sandra was a very real friend, albeit we didn't see each 
other since she moved to Cyprus.

When the Lacemakers' Circle needed an Editor for the magazine, when I was on 
the Committee, she was the first person I thought of, and was delighted when 
she accepted - and she was certainly a great asset in that office.I had 
first got to know her when I wrote about some of my (lace) escapades for the 
Lace Guild magazine, and we started corresponding then, so the 
acquaintanceship does go back quite a time.   I shall certainly miss her 
eMails, and her witty chats, a great deal, and I know the wider world, 
including lace and guiding, will feel her loss greatly too

My condolences go to her family, and to all who will miss her.

Carol - in Suffolk UK

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Re: [lace] Hand or Machine Sew

2008-06-21 Thread Carol

Hi Wendy,

I always used to hand sew my edgings to whatever but ...

One of my friends volunteered to attach a hankie edging to the hankie, and I 
didn't realise that she meant to machine sew it, but this is what she did, 
as mounting all sorts of items was her profession.   I was on pins until I 
received it, but to be honest, the way she had done it was lovely, and far, 
far neater than I could have managed by hand even then - and now my 
handsewing is even less worthy, as I have arthritis in my hands. I 
certainly feel that it is better to have it attached neatly and beautifully 
by machine, than clumsily and untidily by hand ...

She had used a very tiny zigzag stitch, in fine cotton, and believe me, that 
is what I usually do now too.It doesn't work too well for round or 
ovals, but for squares or straight things, it is ideal   Like anything else, 
though, it does need practice, and I practiced for ages with cheap old 
bought lace from Woolworths or haberdashers, until I was satisfied with the 

However, if you want methods of attaching lacxe by hand, you could do worse 
than invest in the book on Bobbin Lace Techniques - I think you can still 
get it in soft back, possibly from Amazon.But - if you want any forther 
info, do feel free to eMail me!

Carol - in Suffolk UK
- Original Message - 
From: Wendy Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 10:18 AM
Subject: [lace] Hand or Machine Sew

Hi Spiders

Now then do you hand sew or machine sew

your lace on to material.

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[lace] Declining Lace Day Numbers

2008-06-23 Thread Carol

Hi All,

I think it is a commonplace problem! When I first joined Essex Lace 
Makers, about thirty years ago, we had (and still have!) the Open Lace Day 
in October.  We used the largest village hall in the country, had loads of 
suppliers, and sold 250 tickets - with a long waiting list for unwanted 
tickets.Nowadays, we are lucky to get 100 - 120 people at the Lace Days.

Similarly with Suffolk Lace Makers.  We also used a large school hall, sold 
about 150 tickets, lots of suppliers, and had a waiting list.As I 
haven't been able to attend the Suffolk Open Lace Day for several years, I 
don't know the exact figures but, from friends who do attend, it seems that 
their attendance is down too.  But - I don't think this is anything at 
all to do with the lack of enchantment of lace, but more to do with the fact 
that there are very many more lace groups in the UK now than there were, and 
consequently, far more Lace Days are organised by all the groups.If one 
looks at the Lace Day ads in the Circle and the Guild newsletters, one could 
attend a Lace Day every weekend, if one had the wherewithal - and the 
stamina! - to travel all over the country, so maybe we all choose to attend 
the Lace Days where people are more congenial, the suppliers are who we like 
and not the same old, same old, every time, and we haven't heard the speaker 
umpteen times Or maybe its just the price of the petrol in the UK 
which is a deciding factor.

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 
From: Wendy Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 12:59 PM
Subject: [lace] Lace Day

Hi Anne

I noticed this as well at our lace day in May, there was half the number 

than last year.

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Re: [lace] Declining Lace Day Numbers

2008-06-24 Thread Carol

Hi Eve et al,

I had to smile - I thought my reasons were just the same for attending Lace 
Days, as I think - and my husband knows! - over thirty years, I probably 
have enough bobbins and gear. But - when I see a new gadget - which I 
have certainly managed quite well without all those thirty years - I am 
desperate to know what it is and what it does and then, it is a racing 
certainty that I will decide that it is the one thing I really must have.

So - I still take the cheque books and the plastic to Lace Days and 
Suppliers Fairs ...

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 
From: Eve Morton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cc: 'Carol' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Wendy Davies' 

Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: [lace] Declining Lace Day Numbers

Sue wrote:
I prefer to see what I buy before I buy it

and be sure it is what I want.

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Re: [lace] lace Bobbins

2008-07-21 Thread Carol

Hi Daphne, Bev et al,

I do love bone bobbins, but I have heard Steven Pearce talk on making 
bobbins several times, and as he makes only bone bobbins, it is a real 
performance!   He has all sorts of air filters in the garden shed where he 
makes them, and also has a sort of mask-like job to put over his face, so he 
is breathing in purified air rather than bone dust, as that - apparently - 
is dangerous and carcinogenic.

Maybe that explains why bone is generally more expensive, and less easily 

Carol -  in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 

To: Daphne Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: lace
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: [lace] lace Bobbins

Hello Daphne and everyone

There are some excellent Q and As at Kenn van Dieren's site:

My quick answer is if bone was nicer to work with than wood, for the 
maker, maybe we'd all be using more bone bobbins than wood bobbins. I 

wood though, any time.

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 9:36 AM, Daphne Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Bone bobbins versus wood bobbins
While a lot of bobbins are turned in hard woods are not so easy to come 
It takes a lot of time to grow the trees, where`as the bones are easier 

get, because most are cattle bones.

Bev (near Sooke, BC on beautiful Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)

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[lace] Bone Bobbins

2008-07-25 Thread Carol
I have had a pair of cathedral bone bobbins for about 8 or 9 years  
now.  I had them in damp northern Illinois for several years and now  
for over 5 years in the Phoenix desert and they have not warped and  
work just fine.  I don't think I have dropped them though.

One of the members of the Lacey Ladies of Arizona only uses bone  
bobbins.  Very pretty on her pillow.  Have not heard her say had any  
problems with them.

I'd say go ahead and get yourself a pair and take the usual care of  
them as you do any fine wood bobbin.

Best Regards,

Carol M
Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ

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[lace] Change of email

2008-07-25 Thread Carol

For anyone interested, I have changed my email address to:
Carol @   will take you to my unfinished website.

Best Regards,

Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ  USA

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Re: [lace] roller or block

2008-07-27 Thread Carol

Hi Nancy,

I use both roller and block pillows - I tend to use the roller pillows for 
the garters, and block pillows for large, wide, long lengths, so it isn't 
really a question of 'most people' - its what you feel you would like, and 
feel most comfortable with.

Both the roller and the block pillows must have the prickings lined up 
properly, as otherwise, the pricking tends to getr closer to one side or the 
other, as you trundle on with the many miles of lace - but in that, there 
really is no difference in the use.   But - I always think that it is easier 
to get the pricking round the roller, with sometimes a bit of padding to 
make it fit, than to but up the pieces of the pricking on the blocks. 
Again, though, that is personal choice!

So - whatever pillow takes your fancy, go for it!You may find that, like 
me, you have several different types of both roller and block pillow, and 
use both!

Take care, and may your pins never bend.

Carol - in  Suffolk UK
- Original Message - 
From: Nancy Nicholson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Lace makers
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 10:33 AM
Subject: [lace] roller or block

I have not been lace making for very long and as such I am still buying the
'tools of the trade' I have two small round pillows, one large pillow and 
three block pillow.  I was going to buy a roller pillow but the man who 
the site says that almost everyone uses block pillows instead.  Which is 

Roller or block?


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Re: [lace] Newsletter

2008-08-10 Thread Carol

Hi Diana,

Yes - I have received mine!I think a couple of weeks ago, too, so, like 
me and the Circle, you may well have forgotten the subs!(I now have the 
Lace Guild on a Direct Debit from the joint account - makes life much 
simpler - and cheaper! - for me and my account!)

All best wishes, and may your pins never bend.


- Original Message - 
From: Diana Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Arachne
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 11:40 AM
Subject: [lace] Newsletter

Has anyone in the UK received their Lace Guild magazine yet?
I'm wondering if I forgot to renew my subs - must check!

Diana in Northants, UK

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[lace] Alex Website

2008-08-28 Thread Carol

HI Alex,
I found your website to be  easy to navigate, all the pages opened. I  
was able to download the pattern by right clicking on the pattern and  
selecting Save Image As, and saved to my desktop.  Worked great.  I  
have not printed it out but it looks like it will be fine.  Jean did  
a fine job of putting together a basic website. I am sure it will  
grow as you two decide what else you want to put on the web.

Best Regards,
Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun, Phoenix, AZ, USA

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Re: [lace] Mixing Threads

2008-08-31 Thread Carol


Brenda is probably too modest to mention but, her book on threads is 
invaluable!   As well as listing most threads known to man (or woman - or 
lacemaker!) she also tells you how many wraps and, how to calculate said 
wraps.   So - if you haven't already obtained it, it really is one of those 
books which we all ought to have.   Most general suppliers sell it, and you 
can also get it from Brenda herself - look on her website.

Take care - and may your pins never bend.

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 
From: Brenda Paternoster [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Wendy Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: [lace] Mixing Threads

Hello Wendy

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Re: [lace] Jewelers Look aka Linen Tester

2008-09-02 Thread Carol

Hi All,

I have several of both, and find that a Linen Prover was different to a 
jeweller's loupe - the linen prover sits on its own little (usually square) 
base, and opens out, as has been described, but a Jeweller's Loupe is used 
like a monocle, and fits in the eye socket, so that the jeweller has both 
hands free to hold the gemstone.

Carol - in Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our time.'

- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 8:53 AM
Subject: RE: [lace] Jewelers Look aka Linen Tester


These were used in the linen industry to test that the linen was made to
the correct standards.  It is used to count the threads over a set area -
That is why it base is square rather than round.

I have several that I have purchased from Antique fairs usually made from
brass and they come in different sizes

Hope that helps.
Happy lacing

Rosemary Hemmett
Original Message:
From: Clive  Betty Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2008 22:51:18 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [lace] Jewelers Look aka Linen Tester

Actually it is sold by several venders as a Linen Tester.  It is a
trifold  (about 3 cm. square when folded).  Can't remember why I have
always called it a jewelers loop.

Happy lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

Betty, what is a jeweler's loop

Sue M Harvey
Norfolk UK


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Re: [lace] I've got it

2008-09-03 Thread Carol

Hi Betty,

I am truly sorry if I was one to upset you - I would hate to do that!I 
can only apologise - my mind isn't working as well as it should at the 
moment (my husband was diagnosed with an 'advanced, aggressive and 
inoperable' tumour on his lung on Friday last, and our 41st wedding 
anniversary was yesterday - sitting by a hospital bed was not how we'd 
planned the anniversary ...) and I obviously didn't express myself well.

However, many apologies.

Carol - in Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

- Original Message - 
From: Clive  Betty Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 8:01 PM
Subject: [lace] I've got it

OK, OK, for the dozens (g) of you who privately and on list corrected me, 
I *do* know the difference between the magnifier I have and the monocle 
used by jewelers!  At the time I sent the posting, I plainly said that I 
didn't know why I called it a jewelers loop or whatever.  I *did* also 
describe it at a Linen tester.

No wonder new members don't post.

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

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[lace] Apologies

2008-09-03 Thread Carol
Hello All,

I seem to be starting a lot of messages with apologies at the moment!

I am sorry to have burdened you all with my worries and anxieties - I thought
I had just sent my message of apology to Betty Ann, but obviously pressed
'Reply All' instead of just Reply!   I do thank all of you who have sent
prayers and thoughts though - it is greatly appreciated, as it has all been
such a shock.   My husband has very rarely ever been ill, and this has knocked
the stuffing out of all of us - but we are all trying to be positive, and
realise that the chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy will work, so thank you all,
and do please keep praying hard, for John, me and the extended family!

With love to you all, and many thanks, as well as the apologies!


'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

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Re: [lace] Alan Brown

2008-09-26 Thread Carol

Tess - et al,

Please pass my condolences to Sheila - she sent me a lovely message just a 
couple of weeks ago when my huisband was diagnosed with neuroendocrine 
cancer, which helped greatly.   She must be devastated, and I will keep 
her - and Alan - in my thoughts and prayers.

Carol -in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 
From: Tess Parrish [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: to send Arachne
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 10:16 PM
Subject: [lace] Alan Brown

For those many people who know Sheila Brown, she has just emailed me  with 
the sad news that her husband Alan has just died after quite a  siege with 
cancer.  Some of you may already know this, but I thought  others might 

X-Antispam: NO; Spamcatcher 5.0.18. Score 2


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Re: [lace] Re: lace hankie

2008-09-30 Thread Carol

Hi All,

I know I'm a bit late replying to this but ...

When I make hankies, I usually use a man's (fine) handkerchief, and pull the 
threads to make it the correct size - I find that is much easier than trying 
to fit my lace to a pre-purchased handkerchief, as the men's hankies are 
larger, and easier to deal with.

Take care, and may your pins never bend.

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 6:40 PM
Subject: [lace] Re: lace hankie

Has anyone found a source of

quality plain white ladies hankies of a sensible side?

Worcestershire UK

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Re: [lace] Lacemaking saint?

2008-10-21 Thread Carol

Hi All,

As well as those on the list, maybe St Andrew should be added!He is the 
patron saint of netters, which could be loosely allied to lacemaking.His 
day is November 30th, just after St Catherine's day - Nov 25th.   (Although 
I was Anglican for the whole of my life, I converted to being a Roman 
Catholic on St Catherine's Day in 2001 - the priest suggested I take thename 
'Catherine' ...

All best wishes,

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message -  The list that I have from the Saint's index 
is :

laceworkers, lacemakers:

Elizabeth of Hungary
Francis of Assisi
John Regis
Luke the Apostle
Teresa of Avila

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Re: [lace] taste of cattern cakes - recipe

2008-10-25 Thread Carol

Hi Bev, Carolyn, et al,

When I hosted the Lacemakers' Circle Suffolk/Essex Get-Togethers at the ICI 
Imagedata Recreation Club, in every November, I used to make huge, 
industrial quantities of Cattern Cakes, and also a couple of Tanders Cakes - 
but I also used to make large quantities of the former without the caraway 
seeds, as it seems a lot of people, unlike me, are not partial to caraway 
seeds!   As someone has suggested, I used to make the 'pinwheel' design by 
putting lots of extra spices to make it look like a Catherine wheel before I 
rolled it up like a Swiss roll, and cut it into slices to bake - but I have 
to admit that, sometimes, when time got a bit short, or I got extremely 
fed-up with Cattern Cakes in quantity, I used to just hoick out a spoonful 
of the mixture, hurl in extra caraway seeds, and flatten the spoonful to 
make the shape right - it didn't have the characteristic Catherine wheel 
innards, but no-one ever complained, as they tasted the same ...

The Tanders cake was a sort of fruit cake - if anyone wants it, I can send 
the recipe.

All best wishes, and may your pins never bend.

Carol - in Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

- Original Message - 
From: bev walker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Carolyn Hastings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: lace
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 11:36 PM
Subject: Re: [lace] taste of cattern cakes - recipe

Here is what started it all for me, and there is lace content - for this 

in 'The Lacemaker' the newsletter of the Lacemakers' Circle, No. 21, June
1993, by courtesy of one Carol Adkinson (hi Carol!). 

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Re: [lace] Ligurian Lacemakers - oil painting

2008-11-12 Thread Carol

Hi All,

One of my class had the same difficulty (you don't find diamonds as large as 
coal ...) and I let her borrow my daughter's footrest, that Claire used to 
put her foot on, whilst playing her guitars - it was a folding one, so was 
quite easy to transport, and my student was delighted enough with it to get 
one of her own!   Needless to say, Claire was also quite pleased to have her 
footrest returned to her ...

I wonder if this would help any of the 'diamonds' we have in our midst - I 
don't think it could have been expensive, as both children were at school, I 
didn't work, and both played instruments and sport, so although we weren't 
poverty-struck, we didn't hurl cash around like drunken sailors.

Carol - in Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

- Original Message - 
From: Lorri Ferguson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Nancy Nicholson [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sister Claire 

Cc: lace chat room at arachne
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: [lace] Ligurian Lacemakers - oil painting

In our Lacemakers of Puget Sound Guild there have been several (over time) 
needed a foot stool and one clever husband designed a folding one that 
travel well.  We have put the design in the new letter a couple of times 

the past. I don't know how many have actually been made by others.
If anyone is interested let me know and I will find the pattern (very easy 
follow as I remember) and I can get them a copy.  I have just checked with 
widow of the man who drew the 'pattern' from a picture someone else had, 

she is very happy to think that others would be able to use the stool.

If you will contact me I will be glad to send an e-copy (I should be able 

scan it) or if worse comes to worse I will may a copy.

 - Original Message -
 From: Nancy Nicholsonmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Sister Clairemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: lace chat room at
 Sent: 11/11/2008 5:42 AM
 Subject: Re: [lace] Ligurian Lacemakers - oil painting

 I have the same problem as Sister Claire.  I am only 4ft 10 and a half. 
 manage well at home as I have an adjustable stand for my pillow but when 

 go to my evening class is another thing altogether.

 It is in a school and we use the desk and chairs.  Even with a table 
stand I
 am having trouble seeing the pattern at the top of the pillow.  I have 
 sitting on two chairs (one on top of the other) but that is no use.  I 
 now bought a booster cushion (it is used for the elderly or disabled to 
 it easier to stand up I think) I will be using it tonight for the first 

 and fingers crossed that this will work (my feet will not touch the floor
 though and I am hoping this will not aggravate my back).  It will be ok 

 I get further down the pattern as I will see that.


 From: Sister Claire 

 Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 9:48 AM
 To: Brenda Paternoster
 Cc: phil powis [EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]; lace
chat room at arachne
 Subject: Re: [lace] Ligurian Lacemakers - oil painting

  Well, the chairs could be a function of size and financial situation.
  I am in my fifties and I am 1.47 meters tall. (About 4' 9) Most chairs
  too tall for me and tables are too high. I own three chairs. Two are 

  fit at the dining table. When I put my cookie pillow on the table and 

  those chairs, the work is raised to a point where I have to lift my 

  have my elbows elevated. Very uncomfortable. If I use my computer 

  have to bend forward because it won't fit under the table. Also
  When I work at my tombolo (the same kind of pillow as in the painting) 

  place it in its stand and sit at my computer chair. I have to rest my
  on the thingies the wheels are attached to.
  I cannot afford to buy a dedicated chair for lacemaking, so I make do.
  saving up for an adjustable stand for my cookie pillow though. =)
  Yes, it's hard on the back. I imagine that was the least of the things
  were hard on those girls' backs.
  Sr. Claire
  On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 11:07 AM, Brenda Paternoster 
  It's a lovely picture, but what struck me most was that both girls are
  sitting on chairs which are too high for them to comfortably put their
  on the ground.  OK, the pillow heights are right for them  but I 

  they didn't use a chair that better suited them with a lower pillow
   Of course they may have been very petite in relation to other people,
  they were at least early/mid teens as they both have their hair pinned
  The other thing I

Re: [lace] Lace Guild Patch

2008-11-19 Thread Carol

Hello Jean et al,

I think it is genuine - many years ago, when I used to take the Lace Guild 
Shop to various events - a job I loved, as I got to talk to so many 
lacemakers! - I bought a patch just the same (or very similar - it was so 
long ago, I'm not sure it was exactly the same) and sewed it to a heavy 
denim bag I used for many years.   Can't think where it is now, or what 
happened to it  along with my marbles somewhere, I suspect!

Carol - in Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'
- Original Message - 
From: Jean Nathan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Lace

Anyone know if it's an official UK Lace Guild item, an official item from 
another country's Lace Guild, or not connected with any organisation?

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK
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Re: [lace] What is on the Pillow(s)

2009-01-01 Thread Carol

Hi Spiders All.

Firstly, can I say that any mistakes in the message are due to the 
overwhelming joy of getting broadband - and therefore the Internet and 
eMails - back!We have been without since the beginning of December, and 
it has seemed an eternity - but I now have upwards of 900 messages to plough 
through, so I don't give much for the chances of the housework!

My lacemaking has been severely curtailed due to my husband's illness, but I 
managed to finish the light-surround pattern by Biggins - I have reduced it 
in size, cut it about, and made it the right size for a photograph to go in 
the centre, and my daughter-in-law is delighted! I still have the 
Christmas decorations on several pillows which should have been completed 
for this Christmas - but there is always next year, isn't there.

On one of my travel roller pillow is a garter - very easy and quick to do - 
as my cousin't son is getting married this year, so that will be a surprise 
present for them.   I also have things - and bobbins - on other pillows 
which are in the 'Lace Place' but haven't been looked at, but when - if - 
life gets back to normal, they will no doubt come out of hiding...

We started the year as we ended 2008 - in hospital, as the emergency 
services were called out for John on 31st Dec.They now think, to add to 
the neuroendocrine cancer and the angina, that he may have a pulmonary 
embolism - all of which cancer patients who are having or who have had 
chemotherapy are prone, so we are hoping that things will improve ... 
Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts, and my best wishes go to you 
all for a happy and healthy, peaceful and prosperous 2009.

All best wishes,

Carol - in Suffolk UK.

- Original Message - 
From: Sue

To: Arachne
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 10:35 AM
Subject: Fw: [lace] Wearable lace

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Re: [lace] Oliver Twist threads

2009-02-06 Thread Carol

Hi Sue and Margot,

You can certainly find the Oliver Twist threads in Wickham Market, at the 
Quilters Haven!Suffolk Lace Makers have a regular Lace Day at WM, and 
the hall goes silent and deserted at the lunchtime break, as everyone 
trundles off to Quilters Haven, and returns laden with goodie bags.   I have 
bought several 'sets' of colours there - they have a website, and sell 
mailorder, but the sets of different graded colours are lovely, and save a 
lot of hard work and graft trying to pick out matching and contrasting 

So - if all else fails, try the Quilters Haven web site ...

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 
From: Margot Walker

Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 3:10 PM
Subject: [lace] Oliver Twist threads

They should be easier to find in the UK than anywhere else, since  they 
come from England :D  I've bought them at the Knitting and  Stitching Show 
in London and they're beautiful threads.

On 6 Feb 2009, at 10:24, Sue wrote:

We have a lace day on March 7th in Norwich so maybe I will have to  look 
out for Oliver thread there as it is a new one to me or maybe  not too 
common in the UK?

Margot Walker in Halifax on the east coast of Canada
Visit the Seaspray Guild of Lacemakers web site:

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Re: [lace] Sad news

2009-02-06 Thread Carol

Hi Vivienne,

Friday 30th Jan was a very bad day indeed!   Not only to lose Sue, but my 
husband of 41 years also died on that day - he had been very ill with a 
quite rare cancer, and after six months of suffering, he was at peace on 
Friday last.   Two souls who will be very greatly missed indeed.

Carol - Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 9:26 AM
Subject: [lace] Sad news

Hi, I have just been told that Sue Stephens died on Friday, 30th January. 

is so sad. She was a very lovely lady and a great advocate of lace making.
She will be sadly missed. Vivienne, Presencia

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Re: [lace] No stupid question? Really?

2009-03-03 Thread Carol

Hi Arachnes All,

That reminds me of one of my students - a relatively new one, who came to 
keep a friend company, but who was never as keen on bobbin lace-making as 
her friend.

She had been agonising over leaves for some time and announced - to the 
class in general and me in particular - that she now knew why lacemaking had 
been invented.

'When the men were in prison years ago, they were made to sew mailbags.   I 
think lace-making is what they made the women do!'

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 
From: Regina Haring

Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 3:28 PM
Subject: [lace] No stupid question? Really?

If I die and go to h*ll, that's what they're going to make me do!

New York

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Re: [lace] No stupid question? Really? Prisons and lacemaking

2009-03-03 Thread Carol
Hi Devon et al,

I didn't mean to imply that the question was stupid!I thought we had
'moved on' slightly, and were also discussing the humour of some of the
comments made whilst teaching and demonstrating!I do know that in several
of the mental homes in my area, we go in to teach lace as a sort of therapy,
so I suppose it could have been done in the past as well - but I also think
that what my student was implying was the lacemaking as a form of punishment,
not quite what we would wish it to be thought, I am sure.

Carol - Suffolk UK
  - Original Message -
  To: ;
  Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 4:17 PM
  Subject: Re: [lace] No stupid question? Really? Prisons and lacemaking

  In a message dated 3/3/2009 10:34:13 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
'When the men were in prison years ago, they were made to sew mailbags.
think lace-making is what they made the women do!'
  I think this comment may be more insightful than stupid.

  Actually, lacemaking was a staple in many poor houses in Europe. I know it
was practiced in institutions, because in Rockland County, New York, where I
grew up, and where I demonstrated lace in the 1970's, people would often
remark that this was being done at Letchworth Village, an institution for
mentally challenged individuals in the area. I also ran across a newspaper
article from the 19th century, announcing the death of woman in prison for
murder (in America) who had spent her time in prison making bobbin lace. I
also think that I may have heard that Ingaborg Rasmussen went into prisons and
mental institutions in Denmark teaching lacemaking. Unfortunately, I can't
find a citation for this. I have to think that if there was a prisoner in
America making bobbin lace, there must have been many more in Europe.

   Lacemaking, is, after all, very therapeutic. I have made a lot of lace
while watching the financial channel and seeing the implosion of the economy.
It has been weeks of exceptional productivity for me. In fact, my back is
beginning to suffer.

  On occasion, I have wondered if the IOLI shouldn't offer to go into prisons
to teach the craft. There is a lot of knitting and crocheting in women's
prison, and the prisoners knit and crochet for themselves, other prisoners,
who trade for the items, and also sell at a flea market, as well as some
prison store. On the other hand, there are a lot of restrictions on what they
can have, ie. only plastic knitting needles, so our gear might not pass
muster. And, in addition, although the providing of such an interesting,
satisfying and time consuming hobby to prisoners might be a good deed, it
might materially change the nature of our organization if large numbers of
felons joined our ranks. So, I have sort of tabled this idea for membership


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Re: [lace] Re: hanky sizes

2009-03-15 Thread Carol

Hi Beth, Sue et al,

I am quite surprised at the fact that so many don't litheir hankies actually 
to be used!I have made quite a few in my time, both for myself and 
friends/family, and I am always pleased when any of the lace I have made - 
whether it was hankies, towel edgings or pillowcase/sheet edgings - is used 
and appreciated!I can sort of understand that laundering may not agree 
with a very fine Bucks point edging, but I also wouldn't like to specify 
what for, or how, the item is used - once it is given away, it is that 
person's property, to do with as they wish!   I would be quite miffed if the 
lace was discarded and the frame retained for family photos, or some such 
thing but, so long as the lace really is appreciated, that is the main 

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 
From: Beth Marshall

To: Sue;
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 3:02 PM
Subject: [lace] Re: hanky sizes

I hope you're not going to allow anyone to blow there nose on your 

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Re: [lace] Hankie Edgings

2009-03-16 Thread Carol

Hi Sue and Spiders All,

The principal of pulling threads is the same, be it a thicker woollen 
fabric, or a very fine cambric - you (very) carefully pull one thread along 
one side, then tack the lace to that pulled edge.   You then pull threads on 
each side in turn, and tack the lace down, one side at a time.

When all are tacked down to your satisfaction, you can then use the three- 
or four-point stitch to attach the lace.Or - if you really want to 
horrify purists and the Lace Police, you can use a zigzag stitch on the 
sewing machine!I do NOT advocate this, unless one's hand-sewing leaves a 
lot to be desired.   As I have said previously, I think it is better to have 
a machine to stitch the lace to the fabric if that is neater and looks 
better than a cobbled-together hankie where it has all puckered when the 
lace isn't attached very well.   (I can remember seeing a hankie photograph 
in 'Lace' magazine, where it was not done well at all, and it really 
detracted from the lace itself, as well as looking awful ...)   Of course, 
the machine sewing needs a deal of practicing before actually doing it, so 
it is better to practice with a piece of common-or-garden bought lace, and a 
piece of fabric, than to jump straight in and use the sewing machine without 
any previous experience...

But - once again, it is best to do whatever suits you, and looks good! 
Each to his/her own.

All best wishes,


- Original Message - 
From: Sue

the only things I have pulled

threads on are wool fabric for a shawl fring and obviously not the same.

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Re: [lace] Re: beginner book (was describe BL)

2009-04-01 Thread Carol

Hi Beth et al,

With reference to those who, after several terms (years?) of classes in 
Lace-Making cannot start or finish their lace, I was told that my approach 
to teaching Bobbin Lace-Making was entirely wrong, in that I did actually 
teach people to start their lace, and to complete it.I was told that I 
was foolish, as the object of the lessons was 'bums on seats' and, if I 
didn't tell people how to start and how to finish, then they would have to 
keep attending the classes!   This from an eminent lace teacher several 
years ago!

I was not happy with that idea, and have gone my own way ever since - but it 
does sometimes make me wonder how wide-spread this thinking is, in some 

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 
From: Beth Marshall

Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 3:40 PM
Subject: [lace] Re: beginner book (was describe BL)

Hello Alice

I'll second Anita's recommendation - the newbie in our lace glass got 
Dye/Thunder Beginner's Guide... for Christmas after the end of her first 

and reappeared for the first class in January with one bookmark from it
finished and the next one started (there are people in the class who have 
learning with our teacher for many years and still don't know how to start 

a simple torchon pattern, never mind finish off a piece unaided...).

The book is beautifully presented - gorgeously attractive to look at - and 
loads of clear photos to illustrate the instructions, wonderful for 

who find a wordy explanation difficult to see.

I like Ruth's copy so much I bought my own, just in case I ever need to 

a beginner the basics...

In a wonderfully warm, sunny Cheshire (UK) spring afternoon. Alas, my
gardening trousers are in the wardrobe and the decorator has shoved a 
chest of
drawers in front of it while he papers the walls so I'm not out there 

and planting seeds.

--  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: [lace] Re: beginner book (was describe BL)
Date: Tuesday 31 March 2009
From: purple lacer

Alice,I picked up Gillian Dye  Adrienne Thunder's new book Beginner's 
to Bobbin Lace at the IOLI convention last summer.  My first impression 

that it could be a great book for beginners.   I haven't read it cover to
cover yet but it has tons of great pictures.  And at $20 it is a great 

It is certainly more of a beginner book than Torchon Lace Workbook (which
doesn't have pictures for the basic cross and twist movements that 

w/o a teacher need).
Anita HansenCedar Rapids, Iowa

Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 11:33:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: Alice Howell
Subject: [lace] Re:  beginner book (was describe BL)

The beginner teaching book we have used for many years in this area 
Lace Workbook) is no longer available at a decent price from any source. 
need a new (easily available) beginner book for new students so they can 

a reference on hand.

What book do you use with, or recommend to, your students?

Alice in Oregon

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Re: [lace] Starts and Finishes

2009-04-02 Thread Carol

Hi Daphne et al,

I do realise that, for many people, lace-making classes - like any other 
adult education classes, I suppose - are not only for the sake of getting to 
grips with the subject matter; they are also a form of escapism, in that one 
goes out for the evening/afternoon/morning/whatever, and does something one 
enjoys, but also does it with like-minded peole, and enjoy the break with 
domestic routine.   Like Daphne, I also have, in most of my classes, a 
'hard-core' of attendees, but I have also had those who come for a term or 
year or two, learn to do what they want to do, and then trundle off, only to 
come back if they wany to learn another lace technique, or get hopelessly 
confused with whatever they are in the process of making!

So - perhaps Daphne and I are doing it right after all...

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 
From: Daphne Martin

Subject: [lace] Starts and Finishes

Hello Carol and All

   I`ve had my group for 8 years and I have also taught my ladies how 

start and finish.

Now the group is 8 years old and I still have the same ladies.

Am I right or wrong???

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Re: [lace] Lace teachers

2009-04-06 Thread Carol

Hi Beth,

One of the reasons I took the City and Guilds Teaching Certificates 
qualifications was because I wanted to increase my teaching skills, and it 
did prove to be a boon in that respect.The main mantra, drummed into us 
at every available opportunity, was that 'If a student doesn't understand 
anything, it is NOT the fault of the student - it is yours as the tutor, and 
you must go away and find words to express what you want that are 
comprehensible to said student.'   I have never forgotten that, and try to 
apply it whenever any student of mine has a problem understanding anything.

But - a great big round of applause for the CG qualifications - it 
certainly made those of us who took it - and a very diverse group we were - 
think very hard about what we were doing, and how we went about it. 
Funnily enough though, when I took the course, I don't think there was a 
nationwide syllabus for it - several friends in other parts of the country 
didn't do anything like as much as we did, and I don't think some of them 
had as good a grounding as we did.  But - if you get the chance to do it, 
then go for it.

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 
From: Beth Marshall

Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: [lace] Lace teachers

Thanks to all who've shared their experiences of lace teaching and/or lace

Which was just as well, because family commitments and lack of transport 

My current teacher
is a lovely person, a wonderful lacemaker (when she gets chance to make 
lace of her own) and a great source of ideas and patterns, but when it 

to teaching beginners...  No written instructions/diagrams (so practice at
home is limited to what they can remember without) or suggestions for a 

to refer to, not much order or progression in the choice of patterns (so
students miss out on some of the basic techniques) and she demonstrates 
so fast most of us can't see how they were done...   

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[lace] Back On-Line ...

2009-06-17 Thread Carol
Hi All Arachnids,

I am so happy to say that, after all this time, I am back with a connected
computer!I am very happy in my new home, and am trying to face the future
positively, but sometimes with trepidation, but I am looking forward to
getting back into the lace and lace-chat - I also hope that it is OK to post
on both sites, to thank everyone who contacted me when John was ill, and after
he passed on - all the good wishes have made a ghastly time a little easier to

Thanks to you all.

Carol - Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

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[lace] Pattern?

2009-07-20 Thread Carol
Hi Lacers All,

I am hoping that one of you can help me!I must have more patterns,
prickings and books than any sane person needs but ...Many years ago, one
of the first things I made was a paperweight for my husband, which was a sort
of Tudor Rose design - very simple tape lace, but quite effective.I am
sure I still have the pricking but, as I have downsized quite drastically,
most of the lace gear is still in boxes, all over the cottage, and some up in
the loft!   My landlord is the owner of a local estate agents here in Hadleigh
Suffolk, and he has been very generous to me, and as my cottage is called Rose
Cottage, with pargetted Tudor roses on the outside and the inside (is it still
called Pargetting, whe it is inside?) I would like to make him a similar
paperweight - but I can't find the pricking.

So - does anyone have a pricking, or can anyone tell me where I might find
one, of a quick and simple Tudor Rose?I will be most grateful to anyone
who can point me in the right direction.

Thanks to you all for your help.

Carol - Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

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Re: [lace] Early laces. - also frustration !!!

2009-08-14 Thread Carol

HI Liz and Hina - et al,

I gave a wry smile when I read about not liking the frustration of too much 
of the same disaster!One of my students is making one of Jenny Hester's 
lovely wall-hangings, and is using Madeira thread, which I recommended, and 
which I very often use, with no problems at all.   However, my student is 
experiencing problems with the cream thread, which is breaking far too 
often - maybe bought from a supplier who keeps it on the stall for too long, 
or in sunlight, or some other disastrous venue for threads.She is still 
continuing with it, but I am sure I would have given up long since, and used 
the scissors.

On a happpier note, I contacted the makers and, although we hadn't a clue 
who the supplier was, they kindly sent another reel, so by the time we get 
back to classes after the summer break, I am hoping she will be finding this 
new reel a lot less trouble!

Carol - in Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

- Original Message - 
From: Elizabeth Ligeti

To: Arachne
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 4:55 AM
Subject: [lace] Early laces.

Gina, I like a challenge too, - but not one that gets me too frustrated. 

I take on challenges all the time - but Fun challenges, not Grr!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.


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[lace] Cotswolds Members

2009-08-19 Thread Carol
Hi All,

I am going as 'chauffeuse' with my parents, to the Cotswold Water Park, from
4th September to the 19th, and I wondered if there are any Arachne members in
that area, or any Lace Groups which will be meeting, and who wouldn't mind a
visitor!I don't know what we will be doing on which dates, so it may not
come to anything but ... We are meeting my niece and her family on one day,
and Mum and Dad are presenting items to the Museum on another day, so our
travels rather depend on other people, but it would be good to know if there
are any groups etc., back after the summer holiday.

Hoping to hear from you,

Carol - in Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

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Re: [lace] International Lace Day

2009-10-01 Thread Carol

Hi Spiders All,

I know nothing about an International Lace Day but, The Lace Guild (in the 
UK) inaugurated, several years ago, and probably more than I want to think 
about, a 'National Lace Day' in September, where we in the UK - and 
presumably anyone else on the planet who wanted to join in! - made lace in 
public, and sometimes in quite unexpected places.   It was - and is still, I 
think - very popular, and did publicise lace, but although I did and still 
do my bit, and make lace in some very public places, there was a lot of 
interest, with yards of the beginners' snake being made, but not many 
actually came forward to join a class!

But - I am still trying ...

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 
From: Agnes Boddington

To: pene piip; lace
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: [lace] International Lace Day

Hello Pene
I have never heard of international lace day before. 

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Re: [lace] Christmas Tree Ornament

2009-10-07 Thread Carol
Can I put in my four pennorth's worth?I think there are also torchon 
patterns to put round Christmas Tree baubles in one of Christine Springetts 
publications - I expect it is the Christmas Lace one, but it may be the 
other one ...   sorry I can't be more help witht he titles, but nearly all 
my lace equipment is still in boxes ...

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 
From: Celtic Dream Weaver

Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 6:33 PM
Subject: [lace] Christmas Tree Ornament

I am wondering ( if memory is serving me well) was there a Christmas lace 
over an ornament in a little booklet that the Lace Guild (The Hollies) had 
last year for sale or am I dreaming. Maybe this is what you are talking 
about. Then I again I could have been dreaming.


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[lace] Christmas Baubles

2009-10-07 Thread Carol
Hi All,

I have just been browsing on eBay, and one seller, registered as a business
'The Craft Corner' has paterns for sale for lace which goes round baubles.
The number is 110440520720, if anyone wants to have a look.

I think it is a 'Buy Now' advert, so there will no doubt be many items on

Carol - Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

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Re: [lace] Alexandra Palace

2009-10-15 Thread Carol

Hi Jacquie and Sue, et al,

Your threads (both metaphorical and physical ..) made me smile!I have 
quite a stash of Oliver Twists, but also quite a few of the late Mr Piper's 
silks in beautiful colours.He was a lovely man, and he used to let me 
have 'left-over' reels of coloured silks when my Mother was 
hand-embroidering pictures, so I have quite a lot which I feel are far too 
wonderful to use.   The polythene packets are a good idea to keep them dry 
and clean, though!

Carol - Suffolk, UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 6:54 AM
Subject: Re: [lace] Alexandra Palace

Sue said  Went to the Ally Pally on Sunday to the Knitting and Stitching
Show and Oliver Twists Threads were there , so guess who is sitting here
drooling over the beautiful coloured silk threads and wondering what to do
first, what a dilemma.

Are you supposed to *do* something with them

Most people seem to keep them in their little colour-range packets.  They
are much easier to drool over that way and they don't get damp!  VBG

Jacquie in Lincolnshire

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[lace] Lace Get-Together in Suffolk UK

2009-11-15 Thread Carol
Hi All,

Had another good day yesterday!Braved the elements to attend the Suffolk
Lace Makers Lace Get-Together at Polstead in Suffolk (of the Murder at the Red
Barn fame) and, after too many months of not attending Lace Days, was glad to
be back in the lace world again, and had a good day catching up on news and
gossip, and even managed to finish the left side and half the sleeve of a
crocheted matinee jacket for my expected grandchild.Patterns were also
obtained, as well as the thread to make them, and several bobbins were
purchased - one can never have too many bobbins, can one?

I do hope Jacky and Eric from Larkholme Lace managed to get home safely, as
they had quite a long journey from Suffolk to their home, and similarly, I
hope David and Margaret Davis also arrived home without any inconvenience.
The weather was dreadful in the morning, but the rain abated, and the
enjoyable day was well-worth the travel through the rain - roll on the next
Lace Day, in December, this time with Essex Lace Makers.

Carol - in Suffolk UK

'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

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[lace] Afficot Raffle - To Margot

2009-12-01 Thread Carol
Hi Margot,

Many thanks for the afficot - it arrived safely a couple of days ago - but I
couldn't reply then, as the computer had broken an elastic band, and needed
secialist help from my son to remedy!   It seems all is OK now, so I do send
belated thanks for such a useful object!

I am trying to interest all the family in eating lobsters - hopefully I will
be successful, and then I will also have a claw to raffle - but thanks to you
for your raffle, and I am so pleased to be a winner.

Carol - Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

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[lace] Info from those in the UK!

2009-12-03 Thread Carol
Hi All,

As lots of you know, as well as teaching adults in various classes, and
one-to-one, all over the place, I also teach several groups of young children
- aged from about seven years upwards - on a monthly basis, in their own

This week, after one of the lessons last Saturday, I received a phone call
from one of the parents.The mother concerned had had a phone call from a
friend, to say had she checked that I had been CRB checked, so she was phoning
me to find out.Now - these checks are to find out whether people who come
into contact with young children have not been guilty of any offences - sexual
abuse/physical abuse etc - against young children or vulnerable adults.
(For the record, I haven't!!)

When these checks came in several years ago, I did enquire whether it was
necessary for me to have the CRB certificate, but was told that, as I was
going to the homes of the children, and there were always parents at home, it
was not needed.   However, it appears the regulations have been changed, and
things may well now be different.I have checked with the police, and one
of the policewomen said she thought I ought to have the certificate, whilst my
solicitor - still checking into the positions - says he thinks it unnecessary.
The policewoman, incidentally, said she had made sure the piano teacher, who
comes to the house to teach her child, had been checked.

However, my children's  classes have now been postponed, pending some definite
ruling as to what I should do!Did/do any of you other teachers of
children, in the UK have similar difficulties, and if so, what was the
outcome?The children love their lace classes, and they are so very keen, I
don't want to give them up, and a couple of the mothers have said that the
policy, with their children, could be 'Don't ask, don't tell!' but I don't
want to be on the wrong side of the law, as you can all imagine.   I will keep
you all informed as to the outcome of my enquiries but, in the meantime, I'd
like to know what you all think - but I hope this hasn't opened up a can of
worms for all of us who teach children, in their own homes, for very little
reward save that of knowing that we are passing on our love of lace-making.

Carol - Suffolk UK

'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

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[lace] Bursting with Pride ...

2010-01-03 Thread Carol
Hi All,

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and that 2010 will prove happy and
healthy, peaceful and prosperous for you all!

I hade a strange Christmas, culminating in the best news ever, with just a
little worry along the way!On the 20th Dec., after three days of quite
deep snow, very unusual for the East Anglian region, my heating system failed,
so I went to my daughter's for the afternoon and night.   Thankfully, I was
sleeping there when Claire, 32 weeks pregnant, had a bleed, and went into
hospital, so I was on tap to look after my grandson.Claire came out of the
hospital late on the Monday, but had to return for injections to make the
baby's lungs viable just in case the babe came early.Same Monday, I had to
go home in the morning to await the arrival of the plumber, who duly arrived,
and thought he'd fixed the heating and the water. Not so!   About eight
that night, there was a horrific noise like a cat being strangled, and the
system died once more.I was starved with cold, so on Tuesday morning, I
abandoned ship and hurriedly went to my parents' in North Norfolk.We had a
quiet, but enjoyable, Christmas, but couldn't raise Claire and her husband on
the phone on Christmas afternoon.She had been taken into hospital, and her
baby - Phoebe Isobel - weighed in at 5 lbs 11 oz, at ten in the morning on St
Stephen's Day. The baby is still in intensive care, but is doing well, and
all the medics are pleased with her - I came back home to help provide food
and all the other incidentals like washing and ironing of clothes for the
family, and also visit my new grand-daughter.   She is beautiful, and seems
tiny, but is gorgeous.

However, being an early baby, the crochet jacket, and hat I made for her will
doubtless not be fitting her for another six months!(That was the lace
part!)  I am now making a very simple crochet shawl for her - thankfully,
crochet grows quickly - which I will hope to finish by the time she is
released from hospital.   But - a wondeful Christmas present, for the whole
family, especially when it is close to the first anniversary of my husband's
passing last January.

Love and God Bless you all, and do keep Claire and Phoebe in your prayers, and
hope that they'll both be out of hospital very soon.

Carol - Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

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Re: [lace] Bamboo yarn

2010-01-27 Thread Carol

Hi All,

I have watched this discussion with interest, as it seems very apposite! 
My daugher was given a lovely hat for her new-born little girl, made from 
'Bamboo' wool, and so soft, it was incredible.   I know nothing of the 
ethical considerations of the thread, but it certainly does seem very very 
soft, and ideal for a very new baby!

Carol - in Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

- Original Message - 
From: Clay Blackwell

Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: [lace] Bamboo yarn

Hi Jacquie and others who have commented on the bamboo yarn...

I agree that the 100% Bamboo yarn feels like rayon...  in fact, I think it 
essentially *is* rayon, made from bamboo...  and I think the milk yarn 
is another form of rayon, but in the case of the yarn I saw yesterday, 
they had the sense to blend it with Merino wool, making it a lovely 

The one distinction I could see in bamboo yarn (100%) was that it didn't 
have the glossy sheen of the old, familiar rayon, but a much softer sheen, 
which was desirable, in my opinion.  Still, as I said, I think the blend 
of a more robust fiber with the bamboo would improve the texture and the 


On 1/27/2010 5:21 AM, wrote:

On some bamboo yarn I bought in America, it is actually labelled rayon 
bamboo fibre, which I think is a much more honest way of describing it, 

rayon is exactly what 100% or nearly 100% bamboo feels like.

Someone I was talking to thought that it was made from the inner pith of
the bamboo canes, and spun directly from the fibres there, a bit like 

I wonder how ecologically friendly these new fibres are, by the time the
raw materials are shipped to the factory, and then undergone some fairly 

chemistry.  They sound as if they ought to be, but I suspect they're not.

Jacquie In Lincolnshire

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Re: [lace] Re: AQS/HLG lace display - long post

2010-04-30 Thread Carol

Hi Jane et al,

+I think most general suppliers in the UK sell these bent pins and Lazy 
Susans - and yes - they do make life a lot easier.

Carol - in Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 12:01 PM
Subject: [lace] Re: AQS/HLG lace display - long post

a size 16 bent hook(manufactured that way and perfect for joinings so you
don't have to struggle)

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Re: [lace] Re: Travel Pillow

2010-05-20 Thread Carol
What a good idea to put a drawtape around the edges!I sometimes put my 
round pillows in the centre of a tablecloth (size of table cloth depends on 
size of pillow ...) then just knot the opposite corners on the top, and cart 
the pillows around holding the knots.   I do have some lovely pillow bags 
too, and I do think they are easier than the tablecloths, but I have too 
many pillows, and not enough pillow bags to take them all ...   However, I 
am also a bit of a 'belt and braces' person where bobbins and pillows are 
concerned, so I always anchor my bobbins down with wide elastic, and many 
glass-topped pins, just in case.   And for the same security reasons, and 
because I 'have pillow, will travle' and am always toddling off to 
demonstrate, I also anchor my thread to the bobbins with a slip knot, so 
that if the bobbins do run, they don't come adrift from the threads!

Carol - Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

- Original Message - 
From: Susan Reishus

To: post to Arachne
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 4:05 PM
Subject: [lace] Re: Travel Pillow

I made a huge circle (it
was between 60-72 wide), with a drawstring at the outer edge. He had to 
on that mat, and when done, we could just pull the string on two sides and 

was contained.
I don't see why you couldn't just make a large circle of a lovely fabric 
do the same thing with your bobbin lace project, adjusting the 
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Re: [lace] Bangle sizes

2010-06-23 Thread Carol

Hi All,

One of my students has just bought some lovely Indian bangles - they are a 
bit too ornate to wear, but she has made somne of the decorations inside 
them, and the intricate decorating on the outside of the bangles really does 
look good with the threads she has used.   So - try some of the Indian shops 
you may have in your locality, as you may be able to snap up some lovely 

Carol - in Sufoflk UK
- Original Message - 
From: Jane Partridge

To: Jean Nathan
Cc: Lace
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 10:09 PM
Subject: [lace] Bangle sizes

In message 2f5f7af4c38640409da5952ce11b3...@yourb45be3bb8c, Jean Nathan writes
The one supplier I remember seeing as selling bangles is Roseground 

Silver Colour - choice of 65mm or 55mm
Gold Colour - 70mm

These tend to be available and cheaper in fashion accessory shops and on 
market stalls  - I used to buy them in ones and twos from Springetts when 
they were general suppliers, at something like 12p each, then went to get 
my daughter fitted out with school trousers and found our friendly Indian 
shop owner (who always bemoaned the fact that doing her degree in art 
stopped her from learning the traditional embroidery skills from her 
mother - she just didn't have time) was selling them in bulk packs, much 
cheaper! I think when I was on The Lace Guild's craft fairs sub-committee 
and we did the Five Gold Rings pattern pack, I bought packs of ?15 
bangles from Claires (a fashion accessory shop in the UK) much cheaper 
than I would have been able to get them through the lace suppliers, which 
was how we managed to do the pattern packs within a very tight budget. 
This is going back a few years, though.

Generally the bangles come in two sizes - the 70mm diameter size are far 
more common than the smaller ones, but you may find packs with both sizes 
in. It depends whether you want to do one bangle or ten, and whether you 
have time to go and hunt round the shops. (Or get a friendly teenager to 
look for you - they will be in the shops they tend to go in!).

Jane Partridge

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Re: [lace] Definitions

2010-07-01 Thread Carol
Thie 'thread' makes me smile!My late husband, if anyone asked him what 
on earth I was doing with my pillows and bobbins (seemingly, neither of 
which had some of them ever seen before) always used to tell people that I 
was 'joining holes together with bits of yarn'.  It did make some people 
wonder about my sanity, I think ..

Carol - Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

- Original Message - 
From: Susan Reishus

of lace being essentially esthetic holes within a medium, typically 

Susan Reishus

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Re: [lace] Interesting item on eBay

2010-07-13 Thread Carol

Hi All,

Maybe it shows a mis-spent youth, but the first thing I thought of when I 
saw this object was the business bit of a 'shove-ha'penny' board, without 
the markings ...

Carol - in Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 
From: Susan Reishus

Subject: Re: [lace] Interesting item on eBay

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Re: [lace] Accidents

2010-09-17 Thread Carol

On Sep 17, 2010, at 9:07 AM, bev walker wrote:

Hello David and everyone

ow, ow, ow. I've done that to a finger, but not as dramatic a push
(can I say you get a 'point' for that?).

Yes the ol' cut off the pair before they're finished trick...done  
that too.

In my Honiton days I had a glass bobbin slither off the pillow
pointy-end down to my foot. It is tempered glass and not all that
sharp except with the relative speed of fall caused a bit of a
puncture and words.

On 9/17/10, David C COLLYER wrote:

Dear Friends,

I'm afraid there was a bit of language at the lace pillow today.

Bev in Shirley BC, near Sooke on beautiful Vancouver Island, west
coast of Canada

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Re: [lace] Accidents

2010-09-26 Thread Carol

Hi David et al,

I had to chuckle - but with great sympathy! Some years ago, I was 
finishing off the border lace for a chalice cover, with my (antique) wig 
hook gripped formly in my teeth as I tied off the threads.   I lifted my 
hand, to retrieve the hook, only to bury it into the flesh between the last 
two joints of my right hand ring finger - I should think it was as painful 
as your experience!   To add to my woes, I didn't want to cut the hook off a 
lovely ivory piece of equipment, my husband was entertaining a client, and 
the only person available was my daughter, who hadn't passed her driving 
test at that point.  So - I muffled my anguish, and set out with her driving 
me to the AE - where the nurses laughed at my plight.When I got to be 
seen, the doctor was mystified as he didn't have a clue what a wig hook or 
crochet hook was, so asked me to draw one.   When I complied - and NOT to 
scale - he was even more confused, but when he attempted to push the hook 
out of the flesh further down, to cut the hook bit off, I really rebelled, 
as I loved the wig hook...   So he just pulled with vigour, the hook came 
out intact, I fainted as I was bleeding quite well, and I am extremely 

What fun we do have as lacemakers ...

Carol - in Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'
- Original Message - 
From: David C COLLYER

Sent: Friday, September 17, 2010 4:57 PM
Subject: [lace] Accidents

Dear Friends,

I'm afraid there was a bit of language at the lace pillow today.

Have you ever pushed in a pin really hard, only to discover to your peril 
that it was upside down??? 

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Re: [lace] lace and glue

2010-09-28 Thread Carol

Alice et al,

I do sympathise greatly with the dilemma, but have no suggestions as to the 
removal of the glue.What a disaster!But the question of the 'worth' 
of lace opens up a whole can of worms, I feel.

I belonged to an Art Group, which had several splinter groups, such as the 
potters, as well as the painters, but a lace group also.We always 
produced work to display in the bi-annual exhibitions but our lace was 
rarely for sale, as the hours spent on just a small and relatively simple 
bookmark made it such that if we charged about £2.50 for it, it seemed to 
denigrate the art of lace.   If we attempted to charge say £5.00 per hour 
for the work - which is very much lower than house-cleaning, babysitting, 
plumbers (!) and garage mechanics - said bookmark would roll out at about 
£100.00 minimum!Which would probably occasion heart-failure in anyone 
who enquired ...

When I have been asked to carry out commissions, I usually ask if the person 
enquiring realises how time-intensive bobbin-lace-making (as well as most 
other crafts) is - if they seem content with thinking about that, then they 
are hopefully sitting down when I give a rough calculation of the hours and 
remuneration - I have to admit that that is very often the end of the 
enquiry, but there have been people who have commissioned work, been pleased 
with whatever it is, and have sometimes asked for other pieces.

So - I would probably go for broke, and say each bookmark was worth, to me, 
£100.00 (of course, that is sterling, but could be converted to USA dollars 
etc) and take it from there.The cost may encourage the organisers to be 
a little more circumspect when they apply their nasty little stickers next 

Carol - in Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 7:01 AM
Subject: [lace] lace and glue

After it was much too late, I found out that the lady who set up the display 
used glue dots to stick the lace to the fabric panels.  I about came 
'unglued' when I discovered it, and the person in charge of the whole thing 
got an earful of my thoughts.

Alice in Oregonexpecting improving weather and sunshine for Lace Day.

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Re: [lace] bobbin makers - Mary Niven

2010-09-30 Thread Carol

Hi All,

I have bobbins from most of those mentioned, obtained either in this 
country, or sent to me by friends and acquaintances living or holidaying in 
other continents, but Richard Ives hasn't been mentioned yet, I think!He 
has, sadly, now retired, but his bobbins were - and still are - some of my 
favourites.One of his friends painted them, but he made the bobbins, and 
was able to pyrograph commemoratives, and also made lovely 
'Jack-in-the-Box', 'Cow in Calf' and 'Mother and Babe' bobbins, as well as 
'mini' and tiny travele obbins too.   He and his wife Jenny used to attend 
the Lace Fairs and events, and were always most popular

wherever they went.

I also remember a chap from Cambridgeshire somewhere, but I can't remember 
his name - I still use a waxpot of his that had a lacemakers' prayer 
pyrographed on it:

I pray that, risen from the grave,
In glory I will stand -
A crown perhaps upon my head,
A bobbin in my hand.

Maybe someone will remind me of his name - I will know it when I hear it ...

Carol - in Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day'.

Oh yes I would second that. I have some beautiful bobbins painted by Mary 

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Re: [lace] bobbin makers

2010-10-02 Thread Carol

Hi All,

I have been rootling through some of my favourite bobbins, and I have 
several on one of my current pillows made by Pauline Denmark's husband - 
they are so lovely, most of the ones I have are spliced with different 
colours (and what a job it was to find *just* the right beads to spangle 
them!) and are so slender and good to handle - and to look at!

I am also hard-pushed not to spend the enture housekeeping (and more ...) on 
Malcolm Fowler's wonderful, slender glass bobbins.   He fills them and 
decorates them with the most exquisite beads, lace, etc., and even made me 
some with my grand children's baby hair in, as well as an extra special, 
fatter pair with some baby teeth inside.  Not to everyone's taste, those 
latter, but I love them!   They are made of Pyrex glass, I think, so are 
also very hardwearing.

Back to the pillow, to find some more 

Carol - in Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant uspeace in our day.'
- Original Message - 
From: Roberta S Donnelly

Subject: Re: [lace] bobbin makers

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Re: [lace] Re: Bobbin-A-Long School of Lacemaking

2010-10-10 Thread Carol

Hi All,

I *do* put a slip knot on when I wind bobbins - I tell my students that I 
do, and also tell them that a lot of lace-makers don't, and let them make up 
their own minds!But - I tie mine on, as I travel - like most lace 
teachers and lace-makiers, I am sure! - all over the place to classes, Lace 
Days, and 'Home' groups, and feel that, even if the bobbins run when being 
hauled around, I am not going to lose said bobbin, as it is tied on!So - 
not because I am Scrooge-like with thread, or that I don't wind the bobbins 
properly, just a 'belt and braces' way to make sure I don't lose any of my 

Carol - in Sufoflk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'
- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2010 8:17 PM

Subject: Re: [lace] Re: Bobbin-A-Long School of Lacemaking

I am not a fan of tying thread to bobbins 

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Re: [lace] It's arrived!

2010-11-09 Thread Carol

Hi All,

Yes - mine arrived this morning too, so the housework was delayed - and 
still is, as I am now reading the eMails ...

Carol - in Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

- Original Message - 
Subject: [lace] It's arrived!

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Re: [lace] Hand-made lace on ebay - no chance

2010-12-06 Thread Carol

Hi All,

I have just looked at the gloves, and love them!I'd certainly wear 
them - somewhere! - but as they are so expensive, maybe one of the gold, 
Indian hand embellishments could be used as a pattern, to design my own  
A project for the Christmas holiday perhaps, or maybe it would be quicker 
and cheaper to glance at the 'Power of Hands'website.

But I also think that Abby from NCIS would look great in them - although I 
was not too impressed with the skeleton phalanges on which a glove was 
photographed, one of the photographs.

Carol - in Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

To: Lace
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: [lace] Hand-made lace on ebay - no chance

Jean Nathan wrote: A City and Guilds lacemaker is offering Goth hand-made 
lace gloves with an opening bid required of £250.

When I looked at the pictures (one of finished glove, one work in progress 
and 3 of other things), I thought perhaps the £250 included a skull, 
gravestone and a very nice stone angel.

Actually, I think the angel IS worth £250.

Malvary in Ottawa where we have some snow (not as much as UK), but we can 
cope better.

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Re: [lace] Question concerning metalic thread.

2011-01-15 Thread Carol

Hi Patsy et al,

I always use Geoff Mudge's 'hooky' bobbins for metallic thread, and 
sometimes for slippery gimps too.  The hooks are perfect to hold the thread, 
and it never unwinds - the bobbins are also lovely too - as are all Geoff's 
bobbins!   His details are in 'Lace', but if anyone needs any help, I will 
gladly pass on his details.

All best wishes - and may your pins never bend (and your threads never run)!

Carol - Suffolk UK

.  How do you wind it so that it doesn't immediately unwind?   -

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[lace] Niggles about the Larkrise to Candleford lace.

2011-01-17 Thread Carol

Hi All,

I am a tad surprised at the 'carping' that has ensued from the Lark Rise 
lace-making.   I also thought I noticed several anomalies, but am content to 
take the view that the lace-making problems in the Industrial Revolution 
were well-explained, and that it was a delight to see lace-making actually a 
main part of the story, rather than just glossed over.   We as lacemakers 
can probably recognise the some of the lace wasn't what it was cracked up to 
be but, if it gave just one person an interest, and persuaded him/her to 
take up our lace classes, we should perhaps be pleased, rather than gripe 
about what seemed wrong with the lacemaking.

Carol - Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

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Re: [lace] lace photos

2011-01-18 Thread Carol
I can remember, many years ago, buying lots of Debbie Moller's patterns 
(alphabets, initials et al) and they were very often printed on red paper. 
I wondered at the time whether it was to stop illegal copying, as many 
photocopiers at that time - we are talking about twenty years ago, if not 
more - couldn't cope with very definite colours like red, dark blue and dark 
green.I know when the company for which I worked purchased an 
all-singing, all dancing, bells and whistles copier, which was the most 
up-to-date thing on the planet, I was asked if I'd like to photocopy some of 
these patterns on the copier, to see how well it performed.I think they 
regretted it, as after that, every strongly coloured pricking I bought, I 
asked if I could copy for myself, so that the purchased ones stayed pristine 

Carol - Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'
Subject: Re: [lace] lace photos

remember how surprised many of us were to find that the printed prickings 
in the book were on red card! 

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[lace] What would YOU do?

2011-02-12 Thread Carol
Hi All,

I am just looking at the lace pillow I spent all yesterday afternoon/evening
attempting to untangle - I haven't touched it for several months since the
'accident' happened., but will have to sit and work at it again today, and
until it is OK again.

To explain.I was demonstrating with several 'Have-a-Go' pillows, and
others on display, and with this one displayed, but with elastic across the
bobbins, so that it couldn't be disturbed.   However, I was sitting with one
little girl, with the snake, when I noticed that another girl - probably about
14/15 - had undone the elastic, and was fiddling with the bobbins. I asked
her not to touch, when the accompanying lady told me that the girl was very
accomplished, had won prizes at school for handwork, and could only help me to
finish the lace.   I again asked her not to touch it, as it was quite special
to me.I was very restrained, and polite, as I again told them it was a
special piece, being a chalice cover I was making in memory of my late
husband, but the lady took offence, as did the girl, and, as they turned away
making impolite remarks, the woman 'accidentally' knocked the pillow and
table, whereupon the pillow fell.   The resulting tangle is what I am still
attempting to remedy.

In all the years I have demonstrated, I have never before had such an
experience!Which explains the subject line - I was (and still am )
horrified that anyone could do such a thing, and although it has never
happened before, it does make me wonder whether I will ever take pillows with
complicated work, and many beautiful bobbins, to a display again.   As I said
- what woud you do?

Carol - in Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

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Re: [lace] lace picture of a dragon

2011-02-19 Thread Carol

Hi Sherry,

Several years ago, when the Lace Guild convention was in Llandudno, the 
goodie bag was a folder of several dragon prickings, and at least one tatted 
one.   They were all beautiful, but in one of the recent Lace newsletters, 
was the pricking for Puff, the dragon, as well as a much larger one taking 
two pages.   I hope this helps!

Carol - in Sufoflk UK

- Original Message - 
From: Celtic Dream Weaver

To: arachne lacing
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 6:00 PM
Subject: [lace] lace picture of a dragon

. If you know of any dragon bobbin lace
patterns can you tell me where you saw the pattern. Thank you.
Happy Lacing to all in Lacing Land.

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[lace] Satellite Tsunami Photos of Japan

2011-03-14 Thread Carol
A friend sent me this web link.  I think you will find it interesting.

These are the clearest satellite photos yet. Move your mouse sideways  
to reveal Then and Now comparison.
Look at Fujutseka and Noriaga especiallywhole forests have  
disappeared as well as half an island in the middle of the river. In  
one a river has been revealed that was obscured by the forest canopy  
before. The very last photo both valleys by the sea area have been  
scoured from the shore inland just like a glacier would produce.

Nice treatment of the google sat photos here:

Best Regards,

Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ USA

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[lace] opps, sorry

2011-03-14 Thread Carol
Sorry, I meant to send the previous email about pictures of the  
Tusnami to Chat.


Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ  USA

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Re: [lace] Christening gown (longish)

2011-03-21 Thread Carol

HI Sue,
Think of a paper pattern to cut out a baby dress and the shape of  
each piece.  Each piece of lace is made in the shape of one of the  
paper patterns ie: yoke is almost a circle, the sleeves are shaped  
like little puff sleeves and the front and back pieces are generally  
straight with an arm hole then of course the ruffle at the bottom of  
the dress is straight yardage.  The type of lace is torchon.  Lots of  
spiders on the fronts. backs, and sleeves, there is a trail and some  
roseground and torchon ground.  If I remember correctly I used 90/2  
linen thread.  As for all the bobbins I knew I wouldn't have enough  
money to buy all those bobbins so I bought a small lathe and some  
chisels instead and proceeded to learn  how to turn my own bobbins.   
Even found free wood in our back yard and made quite a few from apple  
wood and lilac from the lilac bush.
I will send you a picture of the dress privately as I have no idea  
how to post  a picture on arachne.  If someone wants to tell me how  
to post a picture I'd be happy to give it a try.

Best Regards,
Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ USA

On Mar 21, 2011, at 3:46 AM, Sue T wrote:

When this conversation began I thought we were all speaking of a  
cloth gown with lace trim, but this one of Carols, is something  
else.   It sounds fantastic.  Having never seen the book, or the  
pattern or pictures I dont have any concept of the piece, but you  
set my mind thinkingg.
What style of bobbin lace is it?  just from a general interest  
The most bobbins I have ever used was 54 pairs for a couple of  
pieces and apart from the fact that I dont possess 456 bobbins (or  
228 either I dont think) I was having trouble with my 28 pairs  
yesterday, LOL.  Mind you that was lack of concentration really:-)

Sue T
Dorset UK

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[lace] webshot Christening dress

2011-03-22 Thread Carol
I have uploaded a picture of the dress as per Sue's instructions.   
Thank  you Sue!  I'll save those instructions and maybe upload some  
more of my work.

Best Regards,
Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ USA

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[lace] Sweet 16

2011-04-13 Thread Carol
Happy Birthday Arachne!  Many thanks to Avital and Liz for keeping  
Arachne going for 16 years.   Your work is much appreciated.

Best Regards,
Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ USA

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Re: [lace] fungi and new lace pillow

2011-07-28 Thread Carol

Hello Fellow Arachnids,

I have been away for five months (terrible withdrawal symptoms from a lack 
of lace and Arachne ...) looking after elderly and quite poorly parents, but 
am back now, and hoping I haven't forgotten everything about lace!   But - 
Donna's new pillow reninded me of my new(ish) acquisition.

When I rushed up to North Norfolk to look after my parents, I had my very 
large lace pillow in the car - providentally.   On one of the more pleasant 
days, I took my pillow outside, with my stand.  The phone rang, I stood up, 
and as said lace piow is large and heavy, it decided to topple off the 
'table' part of the stand.   A neighbour heard my chuntering, and popped his 
head over the fence, asked what on earth was the matter, and what on earth 
was I doing!I explained, and told him why I was a tad disgruntled, upon 
which he took the stand away, and brought it back several days later with an 
adaptation - a much larger 'table' bit, all beautifully stained, and ready 
to go.

I am now delighted with it - but am wondering just how I can persuage him 
that, as he has now retired from his carpentry business, he needs a small 
lathe to make me loads more bobbins!

Carol - Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'
- Original Message - 
From: Dona Bushong

To: 'Arachne Arachne'
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 2:18 AM
Subject: [lace] fungi and new lace pillow

On the true lace front - this past weekend my husband and I completed a 
roller lace pillow. 

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[lace] Lace Subscriptions

2011-08-14 Thread Carol

Hi All,

I wonder if it would help to say that I pay my Lace Guild subs by Direst 
Sebit - I don't have to think about it, am not in any danger of not paying, 
so am quite happy with they way it has worked for the past several years...

Carol - Suffolk UK

- Original Message - 

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[lace] Move to North Norfolk, UK

2011-08-27 Thread Carol
Hi All,

I am very sad, as I have been given notice to leave my rented cottage in
Suffolk, as the owner wants to sell, so I have now signed up for a nine-month,
extendable rental of a property in North Norfolk, near Fakenham.I am
wondering if there are any lace groups up there in the wilds of Norfolk that I
don't know about, and wonder if there are any souls on Arachne who attend
classes, or would lnow about groups.   I know about Sheringham Lace Makers,
Norfolk Lacemakers, Stalham LM, and I think there is a group in or near
Heacham, so would be delighted to have more contact details of any of those
groups, plus any I haven't mentioned.

Thanks in advance to you all,

Carol - Suffolk UK
'Deliver us, Lord, from every evil, and grant us peace in our day.'

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[lace] What Arachne is

2011-11-02 Thread Carol
Thank you Alice for explaining Arachne to all of us, the newbies  
needed this information and we who have been on Arachne a long time  
need a reminder from time to time.Even though I don't talk much I  
do read most of the posts and I can't tell you must how much I have  
enjoyed  all of the information I've garnered in the 15 years or so  
that I've been mostly lurking.  Thank you Liz and Avital for making  
it all possible.
It seems to me that if there are those who think having a site on  
ping would be just the ticket for lacemakers, then someone with the  
knowledge of how it works should start it.  I'm quite sure there is  
room on the internet for one more lacemakers resource.

Best Regards,
Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun, Phoenix, AZ  USA

Arachne is a GIFT to the lacemakers of the world by Liz.  The base  
service, Majordomo, can only do certain things, but has been doing  
them very well for however many (17? 18?) years.  It is an email  
forum that allows us to communicate and learn from each other. It  
is text only.  Liz has maintained and paid for this service all  
this time without asking the members for anything.  We don't own  
Arachne.  We just get the privilege of using it for free.

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[lace] A Great Loss

2011-12-29 Thread Carol

Dear Diane,
Thank you for letting us know about Doris Southard's passing.  It is   
indeed a very great loss to our lace community.

Best Regards,
Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ USA

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[lace] The dress has finally been used!

2012-04-09 Thread Carol
Around a year ago I posted a picture of the baby christening dress I  
had made some years back, 1992 - 1997, designed by Veronica Sorensen  
and in her book Modern Lace Designs.  The dress has languished in the  
drawer (wrapped in acid free tissue paper and unbleached muslin) all  
these years, occasionally coming out for a brief showing at a Lace  
Day.  Today, Easter Sunday,  April 8, 2012, the dress was finally  
used as it was intended.  My granddaughter Amelia Caroline was  
baptized and she wore the dress.  What a lovely 13 day old baby girl  
she is... I've posted 2 pictures of her wearing the lace dress on  
webshots.  Pictures 2 and 3.

Best Regards,
Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ  USA

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[lace] The dress was finally used

2012-04-11 Thread Carol
Thank you to all who went and had a look at the pictures and sent such nice 
comments. My daughter and son in law enjoyed reading them as much as I did.  It 
was so exciting for me to see little Amelia wearing my bobbin lace effort.  I 
have purchased an acid free box for its storage and the dress is now officially 
handed down to the next generation to care for.
Best Regards,
Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ USA

Sent from my iPad

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Re: [lace] Sad news

2012-04-12 Thread Carol
I too have enjoyed Betty Ann's messages over the years and will miss her wit 
and southern charm, which we both chuckled about over some personal emails.  I 
told her of my grandson who was 2 1/2 years old when he had open heart surgery 
last May and how he was smiling and ready to rock and roll on the 3 rd day.  I 
am so sorry she did not have the same wonderful results.   I will miss her 
postings. Please extend my condolences to Clive and her family.
Best Regards,
Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ


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Re: [lace] What thread and/or pattern would you use?

2013-01-26 Thread Carol
 Hi Susie, 
I too wanted to make lace for my youngest daughter's future wedding but neither 
she nor I had any idea what kind of dress she would want and so I began yardage 
for a wedding veil when she was still in high school.  I chose a torchon 
pattern about 2  wide and used Metler 60/2 cotton thread. Over the next 5 
years I made 8 yards. I used all but 13 when I made the veil.  I also made her 
garter and lace for a hanky.  Finally I made a square mat that was open in the 
center for the bridal pillow and after the wedding I took the mat off the 
pillow and put a picture of the bride and groom in the center, framed it and 
gave to the bride and groom. 
There are lots of ways to use lace in a wedding besides on the dress.
It is a very rewarding endeavor and I'm sure you will enjoy making lots of lace 
for your daughter. 
Best Regards,
Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ. USA
where it has been raining off and on for 2 days. We have had almost 1 and 1/4. 
 It is supposed to be wet until Tuesday and then clear off. If this keeps up 
the desert will have a profusion of wild flowers in the spring!!!

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Re: [lace] LED lighting

2013-05-05 Thread Carol

 So far, functionality  portability haven't met to meet my needs.  If Sue or
another Arachnean finds a potential solution, please share!  Sincerely, Susan
Hottle, Erie, PA USA

I have a portable lamp purchased from Joanne Fabrics about 4 years ago.  It is
an led and is battery as well as AC plug in and the adapter comes with the
lamp.  The lamp has 2 goosenecks, one for the light and one for a 2x
magnifier.  It has worked well for me and I'd buy it again.  It is called
Vusion2 Craft Light.  Made by the Mighty Bright company.  The price on their
website is $39.99.  I don't remember what Joanne's price was but I had a
coupon and thought I got a good deal.
Their website is:

Best Regards,
Carol Melton

Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ USA

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Re: [lace] A poppy story

2014-04-20 Thread Carol
David that was a fascinating  presentation by your sister Christine.  She is 
quite a storyteller. Congratulations to her for a job very well done indeed.
Are there any other videos of her telling of your grandfather's life?
Best regards,
Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ USA

Sent from my iPad

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Re: [lace] Little Danish Heart pattern

2014-08-14 Thread Carol
 Dear Jeri,
While I rarely comment I am compelled to remark on your statement  I was told
again this week, that people do not read what I write on  Arachne. I want you
to know I read your your writings and appreciate you sharing your knowledge
with all of us.  I don't believe I am the only one.  The person who told you
this should have confined her comments to an I statement. She doesn't speak
for me.
Best Regards,
Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun

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Re: [lace] Salamander group

2014-08-28 Thread Carol
I like the idea! And bless you for volunteering to keep us organized.
Carol Melton
Phoenix, AZ  

Sent from my iPad

 On Aug 28, 2014, at 10:55 AM, AGlez wrote:
 Hello to all those interested in working Jourde's salamander.
 Last week somebody asked how to start the salamander. And I cannot remember
 who sent this SOS. But it made me think  that, as we are quite a few
 interested in working it, we could form a kind of group and help each other
 as we go on working. I haven't started it yet, and have only the pattern
 printed but would love to work in company.
 If it is not an interesting information for Arachne, we could add all our
 emails in one and keep answering to this email. I offer myself to organize
 In the end, we can send a group participation of Arachne members.
 What do you think of this?
 Best wishes,
 Antje González
 , from Guadalajara, Spain: sun and 34º.
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Re: [lace] Lace salamanders

2014-10-11 Thread Carol
On Aug 22, 2014, at 1:16 PM, Susan Vossier wrote:

 First, Jeri, I don't always read every word of your posts, for a multitude
 of reasons, but I have learnt such a lot from them since being on Arachne,
 I should HATE you to stop. Please go on!
 Two years ago I met a lacemaker who was embarking on a project for all
 lacemakers, beginners or not; the idea being that every participant make a
 salamander (or 2 or 3 or more!) and send them to her.  She has now over 428
 - see here
  from all over France and Belgium.  The original pattern was by Michel
 Jourde, based on an MC Escher tessellation, so all the salamanders fit into
 each other.  The banner is NOT for sale, nor to raise money, but the
 outcome of the friendship between lacemakers.  The site is in French, but
 if you want to participate and don't understand the lingo, I'll be the
 Sue from Montélimar, supposedly the sunny South of France, but miserable
 weather this summer!
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Re: [lace] Weather and lace

2015-01-10 Thread Carol
Miriam - congratulations on having compiled such a beautiful collection of 
bobbin lace.  All of your pieces are gorgeous but I especially like the tulip 
doily.  Pretty isn't quite a strong enough word but spectacular comes close.
Best regards,
Carol Melton
Goodyear, AZ USA

Sent from my iPad

 On Jan 10, 2015, at 4:07 AM, Miriam Gidron wrote:
 I was chosen to be the one to put my lace on display now. 

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Re: [lace] weather

2015-01-09 Thread Carol
I too was enjoying the weather reports from around the world.
The desert in southwest USA has very moderate winter temps.  Phoenix, AZ area 
temps today are 71 - 50 deg F.  Presently it is 66 deg F and very few clouds.  
The summer temps are not so moderate..112-118 deg F.  That's when we hide in 
the AC.  :-)
Carol Melton
Goodyear, AZ. USA

 On Jan 9, 2015, at 5:54 AM, Clay Blackwell wrote:
 Actually, since the list is relatively quiet, I've appreciated the short 
 messages describing the 

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Re: [lace] The altar cloths are finished.

2015-05-03 Thread Carol
Lyn, it is extraordinarily beautiful lace!  After hearing your description  I 
am delighted to see a photo.  Congratulations on a job well done.
Valley of the Sun
Goodyear, AZ. USA 
Where we have already had our first over 100 deg day.

Sent from my iPad

 On May 2, 2015, at 11:14 AM, Lyn Bailey wrote:
 Dear All,
 You may recall several years ago, that I asked for advice on the altar cloths.
 Well, they were finished, and here is the article about them. 

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Re: [lace] June 21 International Lace Day

2015-06-19 Thread Carol
And here in Phoenix, AZ. USA yesterday was 115 officially.  My daughter 
recorded 117 in her car, my son 122, my car said 116.  All F deg.
Been a little toasty the last few days.  End of next week maybe temps will come 
down to 109. Meanwhile we sizzle in our dry heat.. Lol.  The price to pay for 
lovely winters.
Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ USA

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[lace] Smoke

2015-06-29 Thread Carol
I have found coffee grounds - dry, unused - to be very effective in removing 
unwanted odors.  Put the book and coffee grounds in a plastic bag and leave for 
as long as it takes to get rid of the odors.  I would try a couple of weeks and 
then check.

Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, Arizona, USA

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Re: [lace] Happy Birthday, Arachne!

2016-04-12 Thread Carol
> On Apr 12, 2016, at 9:40 AM, wrote:
> My calendar says today, April 12, is our birthday. 

Happy Birthday!  And many happy returns of the day, Arachneans!

My thanks also to Liz for providing the server that lets us talk about lace and 
to Jeri for the reminder today is our birthday.

Best regards,
Carol Melton

Valley of the Sun
Goodyear, AZ, USA

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Re: [lace] County Fair Win

2016-07-11 Thread Carol
Hi Janice.Looks like your babbling produced enough information for a good 
article!  Lol.  Congrats!
Carol Melton
Phoenix, AZ. USA
Valley of the Sun
> .
> I was interviewed by phone for a local paper while I was up in Fresno.  As
> the interview came out of the blue, I babbled on about lappets and Thomas
> Lester.  I wondered what would be printed.  You can read the article online
> now at 

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Re: [lace] Lace The Torchon Lace

2016-07-23 Thread Carol
Thank you Karen for sharing such and interesting article.

Best regards,
Carol Melton
West of Phoenix AZ USA
113 deg F today
Sent from my iPad

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[lace] Bobbin lace and Native Americans

2017-01-03 Thread Carol
Hello Brian,
Sorry, you will have to eat your words.  Sybil Carter, an Episcopal
missionary, is the name of the woman who began teaching bobbin lace to women
of the Ojibwe tribe in Minnesota. The women were taught how to make other
laces as well.  According to what I've read they made a very high quality
lace.  Minnesota is considered a Great Plains state.
There was an Indian School in Phoenix AZ and according to a display at the
Heard Museum in Phoenix they did teach bobbin lace to the girls at this school
so bobbin lace was not confined to the Great Plains.  Some of the tribes in
the Arizona area would have been the Hopi, Papago, Tohono O'odham, Apache, and
According to some Indian Affairs reports in 1901, in New York (state) there
were Native American women making bobbin lace.
Best regards,
Carol Melton
West of Phoenix, AZ USA

Hopefully the tiny URL works.

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Re: [lace] Testing whether Italics will process on Arachne's Old Server

2017-06-07 Thread Carol
Quote mark are all that came through from your list of possibilities for me as 
well as the normal punctuation of question marks and periods in the rest of 
your email.
Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun
West of Phoenix, AZ USA

> What happens with quote marks:  "This is a test."

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Re: [lace] Turn over stitch

2017-09-19 Thread Carol
Ah ha!  Thank you Alice. My brain was in overdrive trying to figure out how/why 
to turn a stitch over!  Once again different names for the same process tripped 
me up.  Thanks for sharing your knowledge..
Best regards,
Carol Melton
West of Phoenix Arizona, USA
Valley of the Sun where it has been under 100 deg F for 2 days in a row.  Next 
thing we know the leaves will turn yellow and drift to the ground. 

Sent from my iPad

> The Turn Over Stitch is CTTC.  

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Re: [lace] Propose an OIDFA Work Group for S vs. Z Threads and Winding Bobbins

2017-12-11 Thread Carol
Dear Shirley and others interested in threading a needle.
The simplest way to know you are using the wrong side of the needle is when the 
thread doesn’t go through the eye of the needle, assuming of course you have 
lined everything up properly.  Simply roll the needle between your thumb and 
first finger until the other side of the eye is facing you and again  push your 
thread through the eye.  Should work just fine.  Sometimes for me that still 
doesn’t work and then I check the end of the thread for minute fibers hanging.  
Trim the thread, re-dampen (spit works for me), pinch the end of your thread 
and aim for the eye.  Victory is in your grasp!
Best regards,
Carol Melton
West of Phoenix, AZ USA
Valley of the Sun

Sent from my iPad

> On Dec 11, 2017, at 5:07 PM, Tregellas Family <> 
> wrote:
>   Now I will check the eye of the 
> needles with a strong lens to make sure I'm doing this correctly, 
> thereby getting rid of my frustration.  Any hints would be gratefully 
> received.

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Re: [lace] Ma's Laces - Recent South African presentation of WWI Belgian Ma's Lace Story

2017-10-29 Thread Carol
Thank you for posting Jeri.  As always, very interesting.
Carol Melton
West of Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Valley of the Sun

Sent from my iPad

> On Oct 29, 2017, at 12:17 PM, Jeri Ames <> wrote:
> For our historians,
> Â 
> A friend just sent a link from an October 28, 2017 newspaper in Port Alfred,
> South Africa, reporting that Richard Brooksbank is still telling the story of
> his great-grandmother, Louise Lienaux Vergauwe, and the laces she created
> during WWI. Â We last heard he was giving these talks in 2015, from our
> Arachne member (Janis) in South Africa.
> Â 
> Â 
> If you own the book "The Story of Ma's Laces 1914-1918 - Her response to the
> trauma of wartime" you may wish to copy the article and place in the book.
> Â Or maybe you have a research file about War Laces made during WWI, and will
> want to keep this related story.
> Â 
> I think that there will be an opportunity to see these laces at the 2018 World
> Lace Congress in Brugges.  There will be a celebration acknowledging 100
> years of lace making following the end of WWI. Â According to the dedication
> in the book, these laces can be seen today, by request, at the Musee du
> Costume et de la Dentelle de la Ville de Bruxelles. 
> Â 
> If you own the book and want the story to survive, perhaps there is a WWI
> museum near you that would preserve it for future study.
> Â 
> The friend who sent this article to me did a search and she thinks the book is
> out-of-print; unavailable from major booksellers like Amazon, Abe's Books,
> etc. Â However, I remember having to order it directly from England, for $30
> plus $14 shipping and handling, so it may never have reached a "commercial"
> distributor.
> Â 
> The book was printed privately in 2004 in Sheffield England - in limited
> quantity. Â Authors are Kerry and Carol Brooksbank. Â ISBN 0-901100-54-4.
> Â Softbound. Â No page numbers, 16 chapters. Â Contains a substantial history
> of lace, plus large number of photos. 
> Â 
> Someone, please acknowledge this posting, so that people using gmail will look
> for it in our archive.
> Â 
> Â 
> Jeri Ames in Maine USA
> Lace and Embroidery Resource Center

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