Re: Regression 2.6.31: xc5000 no longer works with Myth-0.21-fixes branch

2009-07-19 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Mark wrote:

 Thanks for your good efforts and updates on the xc5000 driver.
 But the version in 2.6.31 no longer works with mythfrontend
 from the 0.21-fixes branch of MythTV.

 The mythbackend (recording) program tunes/records fine with it,
 but any attempt to watch Live TV via mythfrontend just locks
 up the UI for 30 seconds or so, and then it reverts to the menus.

 I find that rather odd, as mythfrontend normally has very little
 interaction with the tuner devices.  But it does try to read the
 signal strength and quality from the tuner, so perhaps this is a
 clue as to what has gone wrong?

 I also took just the xc5000.[ch] files from 2.6.31 and tried them
 with 2.6.30, to help isolate things.  Exactly the same behaviour
 was observed there, too.  The mythbackend could tune/record,
 but the mythfrontend would lock up.


Hello Mark,

Thank you for the bug report.

Michael Krufky and I tested the tuner changes with what I thought were
all the tuners that used the xc5000 (yes, between the two of us we
have quite a collection).  Perhaps we missed one though.

Replacing xc5000.[ch] would normally be a good idea from a testing
standpoint.  However, in this case it isn't very conclusive since the
xc5000 performance and power management improvements exposed numerous
bugs in various demods, bridges, and even one in dvb core (all of
which I had to fix before the xc5000 work could be submitted

Could you please provide the following:

1.  Exactly which product you are using (including the USB/PCI id)
2.  dmesg output from the time the card is inserted (or booted up if
PCI) to the time *after* you attempted to use the frontend with
3.  Whether you are using the device for digital, analog, or both, and
which the mythtv attempted to use when running the mythfrontend.

Also, Could you please install the latest v4l-dvb code using the
directions at and see if the problem still
occurs.  This will tell us if the problem is some patch that didn't
make it upstream, and will make it easier for me to give you patches
that provide more debug info.

I will be afk until tonight, but will check my email as soon as I get home.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: The em28xx driver is creating /dev/video* entry for dvb only cards

2009-07-19 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 10:39 AM, wrote:

 The em28xx driver is creating /dev/video* entry for dvb only cards.

Yes, you are correct.  This is something that has fixing has been on
my todo list for a while, but I haven't gotten around to it because
the fix will require considerable testing to ensure that it doesn't
cause a regression with any existing cards (for example, some devices
may be relying on incorrect GPIO configuration which would break if we
just skipped the analog initialization phase).


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Regression 2.6.31: xc5000 no longer works with Myth-0.21-fixes branch

2009-07-19 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 6:42 PM, Mark wrote:
 Mark Lord wrote:

 3. In mythtv-setup - CaptureCards - DVB:1 - RecordingOptions
 there is a tickbox for Open DVB Card on Demand.  It was ticked,
 so I un-ticked that box.  Everything now works!

 When that tickbox was selected, the xc5000 took five (5) seconds to
 as it did the firmware upload every time.  This appeared to exceed some
 timeout inside myth.

 With the tickbox NOT ticked, myth just opens the tuner once at startup,
 and keeps it open, so no more delay when it wants to use it.

 I wonder if we can be smarter/faster about the xc5000 firmware uploads?


 The firmware downloads take a little over six seconds, each time,
 and appear to be done after any sleep of the device.

 The un-ticked checkbox above means that the device will NEVER
 be put to sleep, though..

 One problem (not new) remains:  the device remains live on the USB
 even when the system is powered-off.  It stays quite warm to the touch
 and is obviously wasting power this way.

 Is there not something the driver could do to put it to sleep
 on system shutdown, so that it draws much less power, per USB spec ?


Hello Mark,

Yeah, the situation with the seven second firmware load time is well
known.  It's actually a result of the i2c's implementation in the
au0828 hardware not properly supporting i2c clock stretching.  Because
of some bugs in the hardware, I have it clocked down to something like
30KHz as a workaround.  I spent about a week investigating the i2c bus
issue with my logic analyzer, and had to move on to other things.  I
documented the gory details here back in March if you really care:

(and there is more discussion of the various issues at )

That said, the issue only occurs with the HVR-950q (and other devices
that have both xc5000 and au0828).  On most boards, the combined time
to load the firmware and do the initial tune is actually about half
the time required compared to before the xc5000 improvements (for
example, the initial tune time on the PCTV 801e went from 3200ms down
to 1100ms with subsequent tunes now taking about 350ms).

There is a modprobe option I added for xc5000 called no_poweroff=1
which results in the tuner never being put to sleep.  People who are
hitting the MythTV issue can work around the problem that way, at the
expense of no power management (which is exactly how the product
behaved before the xc5000 improvements).

It is a limitation of the xc5000 hardware design that after putting
the chip to sleep, the firmware must be reloaded.

The xc5000 pulls about 300ma when powered up, which is why it is warm.
 In fact, my discomfort with how warm it got even when not in use was
the whole reason I got the power management working in the first

Regarding your comments on being able to put it to sleep on system
shutdown, *this* is something I actually was unaware of.  I had not
really investigated the behavior of the device after shutdown, but
this is an area that could certainly use some additional
investigation.  I've heard similar comments about em28xx, so perhaps
what needs to be happening is the dvb core needs to be calling the
tuner's sleep function when the module is being unloaded.  I would
have to figure out the right place to make such a change though (dvb
core?  the bridge driver?  the tuner driver?).

Regarding the analog issue with audio, I am aware of the problem, and
it is the big outstanding issue preventing people from using the
analog support under MythTV (the issue *is* specific to MythTV as
other apps work fine with analog audio).  I just haven't had the
cycles to investigate it yet, but I suspect it's probably a timing
issue combined with MythTV doing something really dumb when it hits
the exception condition (which causes the segfault).

So in summary:

1.  You found a regression in MythTV due to the need to reload
firmware on the first tune.  I can't help but want to blame MythTV for
at least part of this given it must have some crappy code for timeout
if it cannot distinguish between the time spent in the tuner
initalization phase versus the actual tuning request (the timeout
seems to be inclusive for both operations).   Either I will have to
spend some more time trying to fix the au0828 i2c bus so the
firmware time is actually reasonable, or see if I can trace down which
timeout MythTV hits and see if I can change the driver to load the
firmware somewhere earlier (if possible).  In the meantime, the
workarounds are to use the no_poweroff option or uncheck that box in
the mythtv-setup)

2.  You hit the known analog audio issue that is preventing people
from using analog with MythTV.  I guess you can look at the analog
support as a work in progress - it works with most apps, but there is
something going on specific to MythTV that I haven't isolated yet.
Note this issue 

Re: Regression 2.6.31: xc5000 no longer works with Myth-0.21-fixes branch

2009-07-19 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 9:57 PM, Mark wrote:
 Devin Heitmueller wrote:

 2.  You hit the known analog audio issue that is preventing people
 from using analog with MythTV.  I guess you can look at the analog
 support as a work in progress - it works with most apps, but there is
 something going on specific to MythTV that I haven't isolated yet.
 Note this issue is completely related to the 950q analog project and
 has nothing to do with the xc5000 tuner improvements.


 One additional thing I noticed here, is that when tuning analog
 for the first time, the firmware is reloaded yet again.. even though
 it has already been loaded once for digital operation.

 Perhaps the extra 6-7second delay here is contributing to Myth's problems.

That theory would be very easy to check.  Just modprobe xc5000 with
no_poweroff=1, load up under digital mode, and then try analog mode
and see if you hit the segfault.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Regression 2.6.31: xc5000 no longer works with Myth-0.21-fixes branch

2009-07-19 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 10:18 PM, Mark wrote:
 Devin Heitmueller wrote:

 Yeah, the situation with the seven second firmware load time is well
 known.  It's actually a result of the i2c's implementation in the
 au0828 hardware not properly supporting i2c clock stretching.  Because
 of some bugs in the hardware, I have it clocked down to something like
 30KHz as a workaround.  I spent about a week investigating the i2c bus
 issue with my logic analyzer, and had to move on to other things.  I
 documented the gory details here back in March if you really care:


 From your livejournal comments, it sounded like the slow clock might
 not be necessary until *after* the firmware transfer.

 Mmm.. I wonder if perhaps a higher clock speed could be used
 during the firmware download, and then switch to the slower 30KHz
 speed afterward ?

 This could reduce the firmware transfer to a couple of seconds,
 much better than the current 6-7 second pause.

I did experiment with introducing a tuner callback to inform the
bridge to enter a high speed mode, which in theory would have allowed
the firmware load at 250Khz (and then revert to the slower speed after
the load finished).  However, for some unknown reason the tuner would
not work after the load.  I would see i2c errors on the bus when doing
the tune, and I was not able to identify the cause.

I spent a couple of nights playing with the idea, but didn't have more
time to spend on it.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Terratec Grabby

2009-07-18 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 6:16 AM, Alina wrote:

 how to solve the following kernel error message?

 em28xx #0: vidioc_s_fmt_vid_cap queue busy

 I want watch TV with the good old xawtv of Debian lenny with linux 
 2.6.31-rc3-git3 and the current driver of the v4l-dvb git repository.

 When I want to use the vlc for it then get the following error messages:

 [0x1ce7848] v4l2 access debug: opening device '/dev/video0'
 [0x1ce7848] v4l2 access debug: V4L2 device: Terratec Grabby using driver: 
 em28xx (version: 0.1.2) on usb-:00:1d.7-1
 [0x1ce7848] v4l2 access debug: the device has the capabilities: (X) Video 
 Capure, (X) Audio, ( ) Tuner
 [0x1ce7848] v4l2 access debug: supported I/O methods are: (X) Read/Write, (X) 
 Streaming, ( ) Asynchronous
 [0x1ce7848] v4l2 access debug: video input 0 (Composite1) has type: External 
 analog input
 [0x1ce7848] v4l2 access debug: video input 1 (S-Video) has type: External 
 analog input *
 [0x1ce7848] v4l2 access error: cannot get video input characteristics (Das 
 Argument ist ungültig)
 [0x1ce7848] main access warning: no access module matching v4l2 could be 
 [0x1ce7848] main access debug: TIMER module_need() : 611.941 ms - Total 
 611.941 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 611.941 ms)
 [0x1f64538] main input error: open of `v4l2://' failed: (null)



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Hello Alina,

Generally speaking, questions like this are best sent to the
linux-media mailing list.

That said, it looks like your kernel build might have a problem and
may not have all the required modules.  Did you build the kernel
yourself from source?

I would have to look at the source to better understand the source of
that particular error.  Could you please provide the full dmesg


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PATCH] em28xx: kworld 340u

2009-07-18 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 5:34 PM, wrote:
 support for kworld 340u.  8vsb and qam256 work, qam64 untested.

Hello Acano,

You should talk to Jarod Wilson about this.  He did a bunch of work to
get the 340u working over the last couple of months, and you two could
probably collaborate on a unified solution.  There were also some
problems related to the fact that the device can have either the
tda18271c1 or the c2 (both have the same USB id), which would have to
be accommodated in the final solution.

The patch itself also needs alot of cleanup and doesn't meet the
coding standards.  It would need considerable cleanup before it could
be taken upstream.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PULL]

2009-07-14 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 11:23 PM, Devin wrote:
 Hello Mauro,

 Please pull from for the

 em28xx: set GPIO properly for Pinnacle Hybrid Pro analog support
 em28xx: make support work for the Pinnacle Hybrid Pro (eb1a:2881)




Please note that the PULL has been updated with two additional
patches, which were necessary for this board to work.  I had them in
my working directory from when I did the initial work, but
accidentally did not include them in the patch series.

The final series is as follows:

em28xx: set demod profile for Pinnacle Hybrid Pro 320e
em28xx: Make sure the tuner is initialized if generic empia USB id was used
em28xx: set GPIO properly for Pinnacle Hybrid Pro analog support
em28xx: make support work for the Pinnacle Hybrid Pro (eb1a:2881)



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PULL]

2009-07-13 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Markus wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 5:23 AM, Devin wrote:
 Hello Mauro,

 Please pull from for the

 em28xx: set GPIO properly for Pinnacle Hybrid Pro analog support
 em28xx: make support work for the Pinnacle Hybrid Pro (eb1a:2881)

 You might add a message to dmesg, that this setting can burn other
 devices which use the eb1a:2881 vendor/productid. Especially Pinnacle
 they didn't add Svideo/Composite to their device and it works slightly
 different than the others.

 Best Regards,

Hello Markus,

Thank you for taking the time to review the patch and provide
feedback.  Two questions:

1.  Are you suggesting that a warning be shown if someone manually
uses card=52, or do you mean that we should show a warning if they
actually have the Pinnacle Hybrid Pro 320e?  I am using an eeprom
checksum to ensure that not all devices with eb1a:2881 use the device
profile, but rather only devices with the matching hash, so in theory
the profile should only be associated with that one card.

2.  Are there any additional details you can provide about the
differences in the Pinnacle device you know of which is wired up
differently than all the others?

Personally, I would like to get rid of the card= modprobe option
completely, as it presents a considerable risk of users who do not
know any better damaging their hardware.

I am obviously very concerned about any cases where devices could be
damaged, and any additional information you could provide to help
mitigate that risk is certainly welcome.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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2009-07-12 Thread Devin Heitmueller
Hello Mauro,

Please PULL from for the

em28xx: fix tuning problem in HVR-900 (R1)

Thank you,


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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2009-07-12 Thread Devin Heitmueller

Please pull from for the

em28xx: make tuning work for Terratec Cinergy T XS USB (mt352 variant)



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PULL]

2009-07-12 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 5:34 PM, Andy wrote:
 On Sun, 2009-07-12 at 17:03 -0400, Devin Heitmueller wrote:

 Please pull from for the

 em28xx: make tuning work for Terratec Cinergy T XS USB (mt352 variant)

 Did you intend to write 0x5d to register 0x5d?:

 +       static u8 tuner_go[]       = { TUNER_GO, 0x5d}


Nope, that's a typo (although it works).  It should write 0x01 to that register.

Thanks for noticing.  Will update the tree now and submit a second PULL.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PULL]

2009-07-12 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 5:34 PM, Andy wrote:
 On Sun, 2009-07-12 at 17:03 -0400, Devin Heitmueller wrote:

 Please pull from for the

 em28xx: make tuning work for Terratec Cinergy T XS USB (mt352 variant)

 Did you intend to write 0x5d to register 0x5d?:

 +       static u8 tuner_go[]       = { TUNER_GO, 0x5d}





The tree has been updated with a fix suggested by Andy.  Please PULL
both of these

em28xx: fix typo in mt352 init sequence for Terratec Cinergy T XS USB
em28xx: make tuning work for Terratec Cinergy T XS USB (mt352 variant)



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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2009-07-12 Thread Devin Heitmueller
Hello Mauro,

Please pull from for the

em28xx: set GPIO properly for Pinnacle Hybrid Pro analog support
em28xx: make support work for the Pinnacle Hybrid Pro (eb1a:2881)



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Afatech AF9013 DVB-T not working with mplayer radio streams

2009-07-10 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 8:09 AM, Antti wrote:
 af9013 is correct in my mind. af9013 will return -EINVAL (error invalid
 value) in case of first garbage value met (maybe better to switch auto mode
 when garbage value meet and print debug log?).

 Of course there should be at least debug printing to inform that... but fix
 you suggest is better for compatibility. You can do that, it is ok for me.

From a purist standpoint, I agree that the application at fault, and
if it were some no-name application I would just say fix the broken
application.  Except it's not a no-name application - it's mplayer.

Are you familiar with Postel's Law?

Saying this demod is not going to work properly with all versions of
one of the most popular applications, especially when other demods
handle the condition gracefully, is the sort of thing that causes real
problems for the Linux community.

I'm not the maintainer for this demod, so I'm not the best person to
make such a fix.  I spent four hours and debugged the issue as a favor
to Jelle de Jong since he loaned me some hardware a couple of months
ago.  I guess I can make the fix, but it's just going to take away
from time better spent on things I am more qualified to work on.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Afatech AF9013 DVB-T not working with mplayer radio streams

2009-07-10 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Jelle de wrote:
 Antti if you can fix this issue and help in the future to make some
 signal strength API for application, like w_scan, you can keep the
 Realtek based dvb-t device I sent to you as a gift, some credits for me
 in patches would also be nice since it takes up a lot of time and money
 on my side to :D

I would *really* like to get the strength/SNR situation straightened
out, since it effects all applications, including just the end user's
ability to get some idea of the strength in Kaffeine (something that
should be relatively simple).  I am continuing to brainstorm ideas
some for of solution that won't be considered ridiculous to some
percentage of the demod maintainers.

I did make an effort to credit you for the patches based on your
hardware so far:

 I tolled the mplayer people maybe 5 month's ago about this issue. They
 were quite simple I had 4 devices that worked with mplayer one did not
 the problem was with the device, they did not want to listen to the idea
 something was wrong with there mplayer. If somebody want to convince
 them with this new prove/research please do so, I let it rest.

In fairness, I can appreciate why the mplayer developers' initial
impression would be that this is a device-level problem since the
software works with many other devices.  I did definitely confirm it
to be a bug though, and now that we know *exactly* what is wrong,
getting a fix upstream into mplayer shouldn't be very hard (it should
be a ten line patch).  I cannot possibly see them suggesting that
sending garbage values from the stack in an ioctl() call is
appropriate behavior.  :-)

If you want, do a cvs checkout of the latest mplayer source, get it to
successfully compile and work in your environment, and I will see
about logging in next week to cook up a patch we can submit upstream.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Afatech AF9013 DVB-T not working with mplayer radio streams

2009-07-10 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Jelle de wrote:
 Antti if you can fix this issue and help in the future to make some
 signal strength API for application, like w_scan, you can keep the
 Realtek based dvb-t device I sent to you as a gift, some credits for me
 in patches would also be nice since it takes up a lot of time and money
 on my side to :D

I would *really* like to get the strength/SNR situation straightened
out, since it effects all applications, including just the end user's
ability to get some idea of the strength in Kaffeine (something that
should be relatively simple).  I am continuing to brainstorm ideas
some for of solution that won't be considered ridiculous to some
percentage of the demod maintainers.

I did make an effort to credit you for the patches based on your
hardware so far:

 I tolled the mplayer people maybe 5 month's ago about this issue. They
 were quite simple I had 4 devices that worked with mplayer one did not
 the problem was with the device, they did not want to listen to the idea
 something was wrong with there mplayer. If somebody want to convince
 them with this new prove/research please do so, I let it rest.

In fairness, I can appreciate why the mplayer developers' initial
impression would be that this is a device-level problem since the
software works with many other devices.  I did definitely confirm it
to be a bug though, and now that we know *exactly* what is wrong,
getting a fix upstream into mplayer shouldn't be very hard (it should
be a ten line patch).  I cannot possibly see them suggesting that
sending garbage values from the stack in an ioctl() call is
appropriate behavior.  :-)

If you want, do a cvs checkout of the latest mplayer source, get it to
successfully compile and work in your environment, and I will see
about logging in next week to cook up a patch we can submit upstream.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [RFC] Anticipating lirc breakage

2009-07-09 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Jarod wrote:
 On Tuesday 07 April 2009 08:36:17 Jean Delvare wrote:
  So, let's just forget the workarounds and go straight to the point: focus 
  merging lirc-i2c drivers.

 Will this happen next week? I fear not. Which is why I can't wait for
 it. And anyway, in order to merge the lirc_i2c driver, it must be
 turned into a new-style I2C driver first, so bridge drivers must be
 prepared for this, which is exactly what my patches are doing.

 For what its worth, I fixed up lirc_i2c a few days ago, and now have
 it working just fine with my pvr-250 under 2.6.31-rc2.

 Real Soon Now (I swear), I'm hoping to get up another head of steam
 for submitting lirc upstream. Multiple drivers have received a bunch
 of love in the past few weeks, so I think we're in a pretty good state
 to have another go at it...

 Jarod Wilson


This is excellent news.  Keep up the good work!


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Afatech AF9013 DVB-T not working with mplayer radio streams

2009-07-09 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 12:01 PM, Jelle de wrote:
 Antti Palosaari wrote:
 On 06/26/2009 11:07 AM, Jelle de Jong wrote:
 Hi all,

 Because i now use a new kernel and new mplayer versions I did some
 testing again on one of my long standing issues.

 My Afatech AF9015 DVB-T USB2.0 stick does not work with mplayer, other
 em28xx devices do work with mplayer.

 Would somebody be willing to do some tests and see if mplayers works on
 your devices?

 Debian 2.6.30-1

 /usr/bin/mplayer -identify -v -dvbin timeout=10 dvb://3FM(Digitenne)

 See the attachments for full details.

 For me, this works. I tested this with MT2060 tuner device, as you have
 also. If I remember correctly it worked for you also when channel is
 selected by using tzap. I don't know what mplayer does differently.

 Do the television channels in that same multiplex work with mplayer?
 /usr/bin/mplayer -identify -v -dvbin timeout=10 dvb://TELEVISION CHANNEL

 I added some delay for demod to wait lock. Could you try if this helps?


 Hi Antti,

 I will get back to this next week, its a lot of work for me to compile
 the drivers but I will see if i can get it running. (a pre-compiled
 driver and some insmod for the 686 2.9.30 kernel would be an fast track
 option if you want to test it a.s.a.p.)

 Thanks in advance,

 Jelle de Jong
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Thanks to Jelle providing an environment to debug the issue in, I
isolated the problem.  This is actually a combination of bugs in
mplayer and the af9013 driver not handling the condition as gracefully
as some other demods.

First the bugs in mplayer:

The following is the line from the channels.conf where tuning failed:

Frequency in question:

Mplayer does not support TRANSMISSION_MODE_AUTO,
GUARD_INTERVAL_AUTO and QAM_AUTO (for the constellation).  In the
case of the transmission mode and constellation, mplayer does not
populate the field at all in the struct sent to the ioctl(), so you
get whatever garbage is on the stack.  For the guard interval field,
it defaults to GUARD_INTERVAL_1_4 if it is an unrecognized value.

I confirmed the mplayer behavior with the version Jelle has, as well
as checking the source code in the svn trunk for the latest mplayer.

So, why does it work with some tuners but not the af9013?  Well, some
demodulators check to see if *any* of the fields are _AUTO and if
any of them are, then it puts the demod into auto mode and disregards
whatever is in the other fields.  However, the af9013 looks at each
field, and if any of them are an unrecognized value, the code bails
out in af9013_set_ofdm_params().   As a result, the tuning never
actually happens.

The behavior should be readily apparent if you were to put the above
line into your channels.conf and try to tune (note I had to add
printk() lines to af9013_set_ofdm_params() to see it bail out in the
first switch statement.

Anitti, do you want to take it from here, or would you prefer I rework
the routine to put the device into auto mode if any of the fields are


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [linux-dvb] Status of em28xx support

2009-07-06 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 4:42 AM, Mike wrote:

 Is there any working support for empia chips at the moment (Hauppage HVR900 

 I have been using Markus's driver but its been taken offline and my
 copy doesnt compile with latest kernel (F11)


Hello Mike,

The B2C model is otherwise known as the HVR-900 R2.  The problem for
the R2 isn't the em28xx support - it's support for the Micronas drx-d
demodulator.  The em28xx is fully supported, but the demodulator
driver is not and therefore the product is known to not work in the
v4l-dvb mainline.

I have one of the boards, but given the sheer complexity of the drx-d
driver combined with a lack of a DVB-T signal, I haven't tried to make
it work.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Who is interested in analog support for dib0700 devices?

2009-07-03 Thread Devin Heitmueller
Hello all,

Some discussion I have been having with Andrej Falout has prompted me
to consider finally adding analog support for dib0700 based devices?
As a result, I am interested in trying to figure out how many people
care about this.  In particular, this is a rather large project, so I
want to get an idea how many people would actually benefit from this
support (and might be willing to donate a couple of dollars toward the

I've got all the specs and information required to do the work - it's
just a matter of deciding whether it is worth spending three or four
weeks of my time that could be spent doing stuff that I would almost
certainly consider more interesting.

If you are interested in seeing this work, please reply here, or email
me privately.  Also, include what dib0700 based device you have (and
what video decoder and tuner chips it uses if you happen to know).



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: XC2028 Tuner - firmware issues

2009-07-02 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 12:19 AM, Andrej wrote:
 Devin, thank you for your reply, please see below;

 I did the work for the au0828 bridge, which is used in the US based
 HVR-950q tuner.  I've also done alot of work on the em28xx bridge.

 I understand the problem but unfortunately this is of little use to
 identify the product to purchase :-(

 All I need is a USB hybrid analog PAL/DVB-T TV with FM tuner. (I'm in 

 That's a tough one.  I am in the United States, so I'm not in a good
 position to recommend DVB-T tuners.  To make matters worse, vendors
 often come out with new hardware designs with the same name as tuners
 that were previously supported under Linux, so even when a user looks
 in the LinuxTV wiki, there's a chance that the tuner he then goes out
 and buys will not be the same hardware.

 Well we can always return such devices, and send a thank-you-not!
 email to the vendor in question. Maybe if they knew why are people
 returning there products, they'll stop doing it and label there
 products correctly depending on hardware built-in...

 So a list of known working devices would still be of great help

 Please see my response, and my donation. Also see:

 We know there are few million Linux boxes out there, but even for
 100.000, 0.4% means There are 400 Bt878 devices out there on Linux...
 plus, look at the second, and fifth lines :-)

 I would doubt any vendor would ignore sale of few thousand of there
 devices, especially the maker of the chip used in all of them.

 Just for example. And Smolts is a) a very new thing, b) disabled by
 default so user must explicitly enable collection of data from
 his/hers PC, c) still not included in all major distros.

 So regardless of absolute numbers, take a look at percentages - they
 are the key for getting both vendor and user support.

 Andrej Falout

Hello Andrej,

I took the ideas you put forth and put together a reply in the form of
a blog post.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Afatech AF9013 DVB-T not working with mplayer radio streams

2009-07-02 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 4:43 AM, Jelle de wrote:
 Is there an other USB DVB-T device that works out of the box with the
 2.9.30 kernel? Could somebody show me a link or name of this device so I
 can buy and test it?

You might want to check out the WinTV-Ministick, which is both
currently available for sale and supported in Linux.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Afatech AF9013 DVB-T not working with mplayer radio streams

2009-07-02 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Jelle de wrote:
 Devin Heitmueller wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 4:43 AM, Jelle de 
 Is there an other USB DVB-T device that works out of the box with the
 2.9.30 kernel? Could somebody show me a link or name of this device so I
 can buy and test it?

 You might want to check out the WinTV-Ministick, which is both
 currently available for sale and supported in Linux.


 Hi Devin,

 Thanks for your response, I am kind of hitting a deadline next Tuesday.
 I must a kind of working dvb-t system here. The af9013 will be a backup

 So this is my local supplier. Can I ask you to just make a list of
 product ids (ArtNr) and I will order them, if they do not work I will
 sent them out to developers that volunteer:

 I am only interested in USB DVB-T devices. I will try to make the order
 tomorrow morning.

 Thanks in advance,




Well, before I offer any suggestions, bear in mind that I actually
don't use DVB-T and I don't have these products, so I cannot claim
that they work from my own experience.

Looking at the DVB-T USB entries in list you sent:

the ASUS U3000 works according to the Wiki:

From the Hauppauge list, the any HVR-900 you would buy today would
almost certainly be an HVR-900 R2, which is known to not be
supported in the current tree.

From the Pinnacle list, I can tell you that both versions of the 340e
are not supported (I am actively developing the xc4000 driver required
for them this week).  According to the wiki, both the 72e and 73e do

I'm not familiar with the products from Plextor and Technisat.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PARTIALLY SOLVED] Can't use my Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro stick - what am I doing wrong?

2009-07-02 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 10:34 AM, George wrote:
 Y'all are very kind to help - thank you.  I am indeed running Ubuntu Hardy
 (8.04.2 LTS), kernel on a quad-core Q9550 box.  I'll be happy to provide any
 other system details that may assist.  uname -a returns:

 Linux spurgeon 2.6.24-24-server #1 SMP Wed Apr 15 16:36:01 UTC 2009 i686


FYI:  The fix got merged into the mainline two days ago, so if you
update to the latest v4l-dvb code, the analog support should now be
working properly under your Ubuntu Hardy setup.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: XC2028 Tuner - firmware issues

2009-06-30 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 10:08 PM, Andrej wrote:
 The dvb-usb framework doesn't have any analog support.  Therefore none
 of the dib0700 based devices will support analog either (the problem
 is not specific to your device and has nothing to do with the xc3028

 Thanks for this, Devin. Are there no plans to support analog in
 dvb-usb in the future, or is someone maybe working on this?

It's been in this state for years now, and nobody is working on it.

I've been thinking about doing it myself for a while since I have a
couple of dib0700 boards, but it's a big project and I'm not sure I
have the motivation since I just completed work on analog support for
a different bridge (I'm also working on other drivers right now so
it's a question of priorities).

It's a non-trivial project - easily a couple thousand lines of code.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [linux-dvb] Hauppauge HVR-1800 not working at all

2009-06-30 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Michael wrote:
 Mike, thanks for the reply.  Two questions...

 1.  What do you mean by spigots?

 2.  By the tuner module, do you mean the cx23885??

 Output of lsmod shows that cx25840, cx23885  cx2341x are loaded

 cx25840                27856  0
         cx23885                85552  0
               cx2341x                12800  1 cx23885
                     videobuf_dma_sg        12160  1 cx23885
                           videobuf_dvb            6848  1 cx23885
                                 dvb_core               86112  1 videobuf_dvb
                                      videobuf_core          17888  3
 cx23885,videobuf_dma_sg,videobuf_dvb              v4l2_common
  16220  3 cx25840,cx23885,cx2341x                           videodev
       40320  3 cx25840,cx23885,v4l2_common                       v4l1_compat
            13440  1 videodev
  btcx_risc               4772  1 cx23885
       tveeprom               11872  1 cx23885

 Please, never remove cc from the public mailinglist.  (cc re-added)

 When I said 'tuner' module, I meant 'tuner' module :-P

 Hope this helps,


To clarify Mike's point, he means there is a module called tuner
that you should see in the lsmod.  Also, when he refers to spigots, he
is referring to the F-connectors on the edge card that you would
connect the coax cable to.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [linux-dvb] Hauppauge HVR-1800 not working at all

2009-06-30 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 3:48 PM, George wrote:
 Devin, thanks for the reply.

 Lsmod showed that tuner was NOT loaded (wonder why?), a modprobe tuner
 took care of that and now the HVR-1800 is displaying video perfectly and the
 tuning function works.  I guess that I'll have to add tuner into
 modprobe.preload.d  Now if only I can get the sound functioning along with
 the video!


Admittedly, I don't know why you would have to load the tuner module
manually on the HVR-1800.  I haven't had to do this on other products?

If you are doing raw video capture, then you need to manually tell
applications where to find the ALSA device that provides the audio.
If you're capturing via the MPEG encoder, then the audio will be
embedded in the stream.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Call for testers: Terratec Cinergy T XS USB support

2009-06-29 Thread Devin Heitmueller
Hello all,

A few weeks ago, I did some work on support for the Terratec Cinergy T
XS USB product.  I successfully got the zl10353 version working and
issued a PULL request last week

However, the other version of the product, which contains a mt352 is
not yet working.

I am looking for people who own the device and would be willing to do
testing of a tree to help debug the issue.  Ideal candidates should
have the experience using DVB devices under Linux in addition to some
other known-working tuner product so we can be sure that certain
frequencies are available and that the antenna/location work properly.
 If you are willing to provide remote SSH access for short periods of
time if necessary, also indicate that in your email.

Please email me if you are interested in helping out getting the device working.

Thank you,


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: XC2028 Tuner - firmware issues

2009-06-29 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 8:19 PM, Andrej wrote:
 Hello *,

 Device: Kaiser Baas USB Hybrid (Analogue and Digital) TV Tuner (KBA01003):

 Digital DVB-T works fine, but analogue TV  FM radio does not.

 Current Mercurial:

 Jun 29 18:53:53 polar kernel: usb 8-1: new high speed USB device using
 ehci_hcd and address 4
 Jun 29 18:53:54 polar kernel: usb 8-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
 Jun 29 18:53:54 polar kernel: dvb-usb: found a 'YUAN High-Tech
 STK7700PH' in cold state, will try to load a firmware
 Jun 29 18:53:54 polar kernel: firmware: requesting dvb-usb-dib0700-1.20.fw
 Jun 29 18:53:54 polar kernel: dvb-usb: downloading firmware from file
 Jun 29 18:53:54 polar kernel: dib0700: firmware started successfully.
 Jun 29 18:53:54 polar kernel: dvb-usb: found a 'YUAN High-Tech
 STK7700PH' in warm state.
 Jun 29 18:53:54 polar kernel: dvb-usb: will pass the complete MPEG2
 transport stream to the software demuxer.
 Jun 29 18:53:54 polar kernel: DVB: registering new adapter (YUAN
 High-Tech STK7700PH)
 Jun 29 18:53:55 polar kernel: DVB: registering adapter 2 frontend 0
 (DiBcom 7000PC)...
 Jun 29 18:53:55 polar kernel: xc2028 11-0061: creating new instance
 Jun 29 18:53:55 polar kernel: xc2028 11-0061: type set to XCeive
 xc2028/xc3028 tuner
 Jun 29 18:53:55 polar kernel: input: IR-receiver inside an USB DVB
 receiver as /devices/pci:00/:00:1d.7/usb8/8-1/input/input11
 Jun 29 18:53:55 polar kernel: dvb-usb: schedule remote query interval
 to 50 msecs.
 Jun 29 18:53:55 polar kernel: dvb-usb: YUAN High-Tech STK7700PH
 successfully initialized and connected.
 Jun 29 18:53:55 polar kernel: usb 8-1: New USB device found,
 idVendor=1164, idProduct=1f08
 Jun 29 18:53:55 polar kernel: usb 8-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1,
 Product=2, SerialNumber=3
 Jun 29 18:53:55 polar kernel: usb 8-1: Product: STK7700D
 Jun 29 18:53:55 polar kernel: usb 8-1: Manufacturer: YUANRD
 Jun 29 18:53:55 polar kernel: usb 8-1: SerialNumber: 01

 Please note that xc2028 load ended WITHOUT an attempt to load the firmware.

 Reading on :

 In order for the proper firmware to load, the bridge chip must be
 coded with a xc3028-specific setup and a tuner_callback, with the
 proper GPIO codes to reset the xc2028/3038. ... etc

 Googling around I also found that there was/is a known problem with
 loading firmware: :
  [ 274.439468] xc2028 3-0061: seek_firmware called, want type=D2620
  DTV6 (28), id .
  [ 274.439472] xc2028 3-0061: Can't find firmware for type=D2620 DTV6
  (28), id .
  [ 274.439475] xc2028 3-0061: load_firmware called
  [ 274.439477] xc2028 3-0061: seek_firmware called, want type=D2620
  DTV6 (28), id .
  [ 274.439481] xc2028 3-0061: Can't find firmware for type=D2620 DTV6
  (28), id .

 I also find out that others are experiencing exactly the same behavior:

 I did spend a fair bit of time researching this, so please dont hate
 me if the answer is already available somewhere :-) Just a pointer
 will do...

 If this is not an issue with a known solution, is there anything I can
 do? I am a SW developer, but my understanding of HW drivers is close
 to zero.

 Your knowledge and help is very much appreciated!

 Andrej Falout
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The dvb-usb framework doesn't have any analog support.  Therefore none
of the dib0700 based devices will support analog either (the problem
is not specific to your device and has nothing to do with the xc3028


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Bah! How do I change channels?

2009-06-27 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 8:17 PM, Andy wrote:
 Oh, I'm not against power management.  But state is lost - somethings
 that's fixable with a lot of work apparently.  I was thinking maybe the
 V4L2 spec could change.

 I was also pondering maybe the final close() shouldn't be the trigger
 for powering devices down.  How about the final close() + 30 seconds?
 Or the final close() + some user set interval.  It seems like scheduling
 delayed work to do something like that should be easy enough.  That
 would require a spec change about state being only preserved until power
 management powered the thing down and probably an additional ioctl()
 added to set the powerdown delay.  The driver could probably default
 delay to some interval that would be good for most users.

 I don't know.  Just ideas...

On the DVB side, there actually is a modprobe parameter for
dvb_frontend that allows you to defer putting the device to sleep
(defaults to zero seconds).  It would be a little trickier to do this
in v4l because of the differences in the in-kernel threading (dvb has
a dedicated thread for controlling the device).  Also, it's globally
defined, which is good from a consistency standpoint but annoying in
cases where some devices really should defer sleep for some period.

For example, the HVR-950q's i2c implementation is *really* slow (8
seconds to load the xc5000 firmware).  If I had been able to control
the delay on a per-device basis in the board definition I could have
set it to sleep after 10 seconds by default, which would have helped
in cases like the Kaffeine channel scanner which continuously
closes/opens the frontend as it scans.

Anyway, it's good to discuss this issue, since I hadn't really
considered the implications of the power management until George's
email.  I'm just not sure what the best approach is at this point and
will have to give it some more thought.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Pinnacle Systems PCTV 330e and Hauppauge WinTV HVR 900 (R2) not working under Debian 2.6.30-1

2009-06-26 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 4:26 AM, Jelle de wrote:
 Hi all,

 This is sort of an updated report, I tested my em28xx based hybrid
 devices again and the dvb-t still does not work under the 2.6.30 kernel.
 I am not interested in the analog parts. So how is the process going on
 getting support for dvb-t in the kernel. I am also not interested in any
 non free non mainstream maintained code bases.

 I believe I sent some em28xx devices to Devin, so how is the process
 going, any luck?

 Question for Antti if he had any luck with the devices (rtl2831-r2) I send?

 Best regards,

 Jelle de Jong

Hello Jelle,

Unfortunately, I could have told you without your having done any
testing that the 330e and HVR-900 R2 are not any closer to working -
nobody is working on them.  They both use the Micronas drx-d, for
which we have a reverse engineered driver that is not currently used
in any devices and it is unknown whether it actually works.  Devices
attempting to use the driver require a config structure which has
something like 27 inputs, so while I do have the HVR-900 R2 hardware I
didn't feel comfortable attempting to get it to work without a signal

Regarding the Terratec Cinergy T XS USB you sent me...  there are two
variants of the same device with the same USB ID.  One has the zl10353
and the other has the mt352.  I found one bug that was common to both,
one bug in the zl10353 version, and one bug in the mt352.  I issued a
PULL request for the zl10353 version last Tuesday.

So, I've fixed three bugs and gotten the zl10353 version working.  The
mt352 version (which is the one you sent me) has the fixes above, but
according to the one user who has been willing to test the changes,
the device still does not work.  I do not know whether this is really
a bug in the driver or a problem in the user's environment (since he
doesn't own any other tuners to verify his signal and antenna with).
Contrary to my expectations, I haven't been been able to get access to
the signal generator, so I haven't been able to fully test/debug the
device myself.

If there are any other users out there with the mt352 version of the
Terratec Cinergy T XS who can do testing, I would definitely be
willing to work with them.

I am continuing to try to get access to a generator, and looking for
other testers who can try the changes.  I'm at a point now where I was
debating just sending it back to you and having you see if it works
(given the fixes I've already made), and attempting to debug any
issues remotely.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Bah! How do I change channels?

2009-06-26 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 7:50 AM, Andy wrote:
 I use either v4l2-ctl or ivtv-tune

 $ ivtv-tune -d /dev/video0 -t us-bcast -c 3
 /dev/video0: 61.250 MHz

 $ v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 -f 61.250
 Frequency set to 980 (61.25 MHz)


Hello Andy,

I had sent George some email off-list with basically the same
commands.  I think what might be happening here is the tuner gets
powered down when not in use, so I think it might be powered down
between the v4l-ctl command and the running of the other application.

I have sent him a series of commands to try where he modprobes the
xc3028 driver with no_poweroff=1, and we will see if that starts


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Pinnacle Systems PCTV 330e and Hauppauge WinTV HVR 900 (R2) not working under Debian 2.6.30-1

2009-06-26 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 10:36 AM, Simon wrote:
 as you know i have the xl10353 variant. and you got it to work on my

 now i know you don't want to hear this but the same code will not work on
 another machine.
 both are running 2.6.28-gentoo-r5, however i'm pretty sure the
 configurations are different.
 the working machine has an MSI KA780G MS-7551 [SB700 chipset] motherboard
 the non-working machine has an ASUSTeK M3N78-EM [GeForce 8200 chipset]

 in fact, i've seen reference on this list to the fact that there are
 problems with the SB700. that seems to be the opposite to me.
 i will check it out on an Atom based netbook and an old Intel Centrino
 laptop to see if the code works there.
 i suspect it will - but need to confirm it.

 i'm afriad it is two steps forward and one step backwards

Well, that's better than one step forward and two steps backward.  :-)

Send me the dmesg offline and I will work with you to try to debug the
issue.  I have some significant doubts this is an em28xx issue though.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: LGDT3304 help (AverMedia Duet A188)

2009-06-26 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 10:42 AM, wrote:

 I'm trying to put together a driver for the AverMedia A188, which is 
 currently unsupported. Manu Abraham is working on the SAA716x driver which it 
 needs, but the frontends seem to be two LGDT3304's.

 My google-fu is failing me and I can't find any documentation on the chip. 
 Support for the chip was committed last year, but I don't see any drivers 
 actually using it.

 Does anyone have any documentation for the chip, or even better, some 
 examples of how to set it up for a driver. Also I don't know how to find 
 their I2C addresses.

 Thanks for any help in advance.

Work was recently done for lgdt3304 support for the K-World 330u by
Jarod Wilson and Michael Krufky.  That work should be making its way
into the mainline driver soon.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Bah! How do I change channels?

2009-06-26 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Robert wrote:
 Yes, it is run after mplayer initially tunes it.  However, what is the
 difference between mplayer tuning and v4l-ctl tuning?  They are both
 submitting the same IOCTLs to the driver to accomplish the same end
 result; or is mplayer probably submitting some additional IOCTLS to
 wake the device?

The issue is that the tuner gets powered down when the v4l device is
closed.  So, when running mplayer first, and then v4l-ctl is being
used to tune, the file handle is held active by mplayer.  But if you
run v4l-ctl first, the v4l-ctl opens the handle, tunes successfully,
and then closes the handle (which powers down the tuner).  Then when
running mplayer (or whatever app), the handle gets reopened but the
tuner is not tuned to the target frequency that v4l-ctl set.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Bah! How do I change channels?

2009-06-26 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Andy wrote:
 Hmm, that sure sounds like a V4L2 spec violation.  From the V4L2 close()

 Closes the device. Any I/O in progress is terminated and resources
 associated with the file descriptor are freed. However data format
 parameters, current input or output, control values or other properties
 remain unchanged.


I have no idea how that would work with power management.  It would
mean that all the tuners and demod drivers which don't maintain state
across powerdown would have to maintain some sort of cache of all of
the programmed registers, and we would need to add some sort of
wakeup callback which reprograms the device accordingly (currently
we have a sleep callback but not a corresponding callback to wake the
device back up).

As a requirement, it might have been suitable for PCI cards where you
don't care about power management (and therefore never power anything
down), but I don't know how practical that is for USB or minicard
devices where power management is critical because you're on a


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Bah! How do I change channels?

2009-06-26 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Andy wrote:
 All I'm saying is that it is obviously the expected behavior, it the
 specified behavior, and all the userland apps and scripts are written
 with that behavior in mind.

 The applications' expectation of that behavior is, of course, why we are
 having this discussion.

 Assuming arguendo, maintaing state in the face of power management is a
 hard requirement on the driver; I'll still contend it's harder to change
 the existing base of applications and user scripts.  Until the spec and
 all the existing apps change, not adhering to the spec leads to user

I guess that means that every product that has a tuner which
implements the sleep callback is broken.  And yet this is the first
case I've heard a user complain, which makes me wonder how big a
population is out there that is using scripts to control the tuner.  I
suspect most people are just using applications like MythTV, xawtv or
tvtime, which won't have these issues.

I don't intend to come across as argumentative, but if we haven't
heard a massive outcry about this by now, maybe nobody actually cares
and thus we shouldn't spend the time to build a whole infrastructure
to preserve the driver state across the low power mode.  Those people
who really do care can just disable the power management with a
modprobe option.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Bah! How do I change channels?

2009-06-26 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Robert Vincent
 I care and I love the infrastructure that has been created.  However, it
 seems as though there are devices that do not conform to the paradigm or
 maybe they are not truly in low power mode.  My guess is the latter
 otherwise there would be a flurry of complaints.

Unfortunately, it's a little more complicated.  In the beginning, none
of the drivers did power management, and nobody cared because they
were all PCI cards and nobody would notice a 1 watt difference in
consumption on a 300 watt power supply.  These devices would maintain
persistent state across v4l closes because the chips were never
powered down.

Other devices, such as some USB devices, do have the power management
hooks implemented.  I don't know what the percentages are here (I
would have to look at the driver code to figure that out).  These
devices power down the chips when asked to by the bridge, and it is
typically triggered when no userland apps still have the v4l device
open.  In cases such as this, the power management works but it would
break cases where people used scripts to control the device.

There's probably a third class of devices worth mentioning: those that
really should be doing power management but aren't.  This includes all
the USB devices which burn your fingers and drain your laptop battery
from the time you plug it in until the time you unplug it, regardless
of whether you are using it.

It's not about caring or how much we do or do not love the
infrastructure.  It's about deciding what are the most important goals
given limited developer resources.  In this case, it's a question of
which is more important: incurring the cost of overhauling all the
drivers that do power management to have state persist after a power
down versus telling those users who use scripts to manually disable
power management.

Since we have no idea how many users use scripts to control their
tuners, and right now we don't know how many devices are effected, we
cannot really make any decisions one way or the other.

My hope is to see power management properly implemented in more
drivers since I'm concerned about the environment.  However, if I have
to do a huge overhaul of the state management in every driver just to
accommodate an unknown quantity of users, then I would have to think
twice about that.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PARTIALLY SOLVED] Can't use my Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro stick - what am I doing wrong?

2009-06-25 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 1:17 AM, George wrote:

 Hello!  In a last ditch effort, I decided to try downloading a v4l driver 
 snapshot from February back when I had my Pinnacle HD Pro Stick device 
 working.  To my amazement, the old drivers worked!

 By process of elimination (trying newer and newer drivers until my Pinnacle 
 device was once again not recognized), it appears that changeset 11331 
 (, from Mar. 31 2009, is the 
 first one that causes my device to not be recognized.  This is the changeset 
 that updated the em28xx driver from 0.1.1 to 0.1.2.  Here, again, is the 
 dmesg output from a newer driver that does NOT work (this one from a driver 
 set one day later, on Apr. 1, 2009):

Interesting.  What distro and version of the kernel are you running?

Yesterday Michael Krufky pointed out to me that the v4l subdev
registration is broken for the au0828 driver when using the current
tip against Ubuntu Hardy (2.6.24), so it now seems likely that it's
the exact same issue.

Thanks for taking the time to narrow down the actual change that
caused the issue.

I guess somebody is going to have to build a box with Hardy and debug
this issue.  :-/


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PARTIALLY SOLVED] Can't use my Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro stick - what am I doing wrong?

2009-06-25 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 9:43 AM, Hans wrote:
 Hmm, I have Hardy on my laptop at work so I can test this tomorrow with my
 USB stick. It's a Hauppauge HVRsomething, but it does have a tvp5150. So
 it should be close enough.




Oh thank goodness.  I was really hoping you would volunteer since you
are clearly the best candidate for debugging subdev issues.  It took
me two days to debug my last issue with v4l2_subdev registration and
it required me to recompile the distro's kernel from source to debug
the i2c stack.

If you've got an em28xx device with the tvp5150, then it's probably an
HVR-950, which is almost identical to the Pinnacle 800e.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PARTIALLY SOLVED] Can't use my Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro stick - what am I doing wrong?

2009-06-25 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 10:34 AM, George wrote:
 Y'all are very kind to help - thank you.  I am indeed running Ubuntu Hardy
 (8.04.2 LTS), kernel on a quad-core Q9550 box.  I'll be happy to provide any
 other system details that may assist.  uname -a returns:

 Linux spurgeon 2.6.24-24-server #1 SMP Wed Apr 15 16:36:01 UTC 2009 i686

No, if you are running Hardy then we know what the issue is.  No
further information is required.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PARTIALLY SOLVED] Can't use my Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro stick - what am I doing wrong?

2009-06-25 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 10:59 AM, George wrote:
 Surely there must be some command-line way to change the Pinnacle device to
 channel 3 before I launch Helix Producer?

v4lctl setchannel 3

Or you might want to consider using the composite or s-video input if
that's available to you (the quality will be better).


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Why is the old DVB ML still alive?

2009-06-25 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 11:40 AM, wrote:
 Why is the old dvb (linux-dvb) mailing list still alive?

 One of the arguments migrating all dvb related stuff to this combined ml was
 to reduce overhead.
 But in fact some information might be lost now, since not everybody will
 look at both ML's.
 Wouldn't it be a good idea to close the old ml now / is this foreseen at


Well, the old linux-dvb list forwards all messages to the new list, so
no information is actually lost.  However, this does often result in
multiple posts with the same content, since the auto-reply message
sent back to users posting to linux-dvb often leads them to think the
message wasn't delivered.

That said, I think enough time has gone by where we can finally just
drop the linux-dvb mailing list.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PARTIALLY SOLVED] Can't use my Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro stick - what am I doing wrong?

2009-06-25 Thread Devin Heitmueller

I just spoke with mkrufky, and he confirmed the issue does occur with
the HVR-950.  However, the em28xx driver does not do a printk() when
the subdev registration fails (I will submit a patch to fix that).

Please let me know if you have any further question.

Thanks for your assistance,


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Can't use my Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro stick - what am I doing wrong?

2009-06-22 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 5:39 PM, George wrote:

 Hello again.  I have some updates now that I've been able to make some 
 further tests.

 1) My Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro (800e) stick does, in fact, work correctly under 
 Windows.  The scanning detects the one channel we're running over our closed 
 circuit cable (channel 3) and displays it on-screen just fine.  (audio over 
 channel 3 works as well)

 2) Devin, my installation process is hg clone; 
 cd v4l-dvb; make rminstall; make distclean; make; make install  This appears 
 to install everything v4l-related as modules in the appropriate directories.  
 For instance:

  uname -r

 find /lib/modules/`uname -r` -type f -name em28xx\* -o -name tvp\*

 3) tvtime still hangs when launched.

 4) Running zapping gives the error VBI Initialization failed.  /dev/vbi0 
 (Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro) is not a raw vbi device).  Continuing on and trying 
 to choose the Preferences menu option segfaults the program (and this is 
 the Ubuntu-distributed zapping package)

 5) Running Paul's suggested mplayer command gives the following:

 mplayer -vo xv tv:// -tv 

 MPlayer 1.0rc2-4.2.4 (C) 2000-2007 MPlayer Team
 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9550  @ 2.83GHz (Family: 6, Model: 23, 
 Stepping: 10)
 CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 0 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1
 Compiled with runtime CPU detection.
 mplayer: could not connect to socket
 mplayer: No such file or directory
 Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.

 Playing tv://.
 TV file format detected.
 Selected driver: v4l2
  name: Video 4 Linux 2 input
  author: Martin Olschewski
  comment: first try, more to come ;-)
 Selected device: Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro Stick
  Tuner cap:
  Tuner rxs:
  Capabilites:  video capture  tuner  audio  read/write  streaming
  supported norms: 0 = NTSC; 1 = NTSC-M; 2 = NTSC-M-JP; 3 = NTSC-M-KR; 4 = 
 NTSC-443; 5 = PAL; 6 = PAL-BG; 7 = PAL-H; 8 = PAL-I; 9 = PAL-DK; 10 = PAL-M; 
 11 = PAL-N; 12 = PAL-Nc; 13 = PAL-60; 14 = SECAM;
  inputs: 0 = Television; 1 = Composite1; 2 = S-Video;
  Current input: 0
  Current format: YUYV
 v4l2: current audio mode is : MONO
 v4l2: ioctl set format failed: Invalid argument
 v4l2: ioctl set format failed: Invalid argument
 v4l2: ioctl set format failed: Invalid argument
 Selected channel: 3 (freq: 61.250)
 Video buffer shorter than 3 times audio frame duration.
 You will probably experience heavy framedrops.
 v4l2: ioctl query control failed: Invalid argument
 v4l2: ioctl query control failed: Invalid argument
 v4l2: ioctl query control failed: Invalid argument
 v4l2: ioctl query control failed: Invalid argument
 xscreensaver_disable: Could not find XScreenSaver window.
 GNOME screensaver disabled
 Opening video decoder: [raw] RAW Uncompressed Video
 VDec: vo config request - 640 x 480 (preferred colorspace: Packed YUY2)
 VDec: using Packed YUY2 as output csp (no 0)
 Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
 VO: [xv] 640x480 = 640x480 Packed YUY2
 Selected video codec: [rawyuy2] vfm: raw (RAW YUY2)
 Forced audio codec: mad
 Opening audio decoder: [pcm] Uncompressed PCM audio decoder
 AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 1 ch, s16le, 705.6 kbit/100.00% (ratio: 88200-88200)
 Selected audio codec: [pcm] afm: pcm (Uncompressed PCM)
 AO: [pulse] 44100Hz 1ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
 Starting playback...
 v4l2: select timeout
 A:   0.5 V:   0.0 A-V:  0.472 ct:  0.000   1/  1 ??% ??% ??,?% 1 0 [[JMA:   
 0.9 V:   0.0 A-V:  0.940 ct:  0.003   2/  2 ??% ??% ??,?% 2 0 [[JMv4l2: 
 select timeout
 A:   1.5 V:   0.0 A-V:  1.479 ct:  0.007   3/  3 ??% ??% ??,?% 3 0 [[JMA:   
 2.0 V:   0.0 A-V:  1.981 ct:  0.010   4/  4 ??% ??% ??,?% 4 0 [[JMv4l2: 
 select timeout
 A:   2.5 V:   0.0 A-V:  2.485 ct:  0.013   5/  5 ??% ??% ??,?% 5 0 [[JMA:   
 3.0 V:   0.0 A-V:  2.957 ct:  0.017   6/  6 ??% ??% ??,?% 6 0 [[JMv4l2: 
 select timeout
 A:   3.5 V:   0.0 A-V:  3.460 ct:  0.020   7/  7 ??% ??% ??,?% 7 0 [[JMA:   
 4.0 V:   0.0 A-V:  3.956 ct:  0.022   8/  8 ??% ??% ??,?% 8 0 [[JMv4l2: 
 select timeout
 A:   4.5 V:   0.0 A-V:  4.460 ct:  0.025   9/  9 ??% ??% ??,?% 9 0 [[JMA:   
 5.0 V:   0.0 A-V:  4.956 ct:  0.027  10/ 10 ??% ??% ??,?% 10 0 [[JMv4l2: 
 select timeout

 The Mplayer screen itself remains green the whole time.

 So the surprise to me is that the Pinnacle device 

Re: Can't use my Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro stick - what am I doing wrong?

2009-06-22 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 5:39 PM, George wrote:

 Hello again.  I have some updates now that I've been able to make some 
 further tests.

Also, do you have the device plugged in via a powered USB hub?  And if
so, are you unplugging the 800e from the hub, or are you unplugging
the hub from the PC?


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [linux-dvb] Can't use my Pinnacle HDTV USB stick

2009-06-21 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 9:49 AM, Paul wrote:

 I can appreciate your frustration because I went through the same struggle a
 while back.  Fortunately, persistence and a lot  of help from the great
 people on this forum helped me finally solve the problems I was having.  I
 have had enough time to study your message line by line and compare it with
 my own but will offer a few words on what I did.

 I am using the same stick to capture cable channel three from my cable
 set-top box.  I had a lot of struggles in the process of getting it to work
 beginning with Ubuntu 8.04 but it has worked flawlessly through all the
 upgrades to Ubuntu 9.04.  I do know there were and maybe still are two
 different sets of firmware for the 800e and I had both or parts of both
 installed at the same time and that was causing a problem.

 Once I got the hardware, firmware, and drivers sorted out,  I think I tried
 just about every video/tv software program available for linux and couldn't
 get any of the full-featured ones with GUIs to work though I admit I didn't
 try very hard with MythTV.   When I tried to scan for a signal either from
 the basic cable coming out of the wall or from the RF-out on the back of my
 set-top box, I could not get anything with any of the pre-built frequency
 scanning tables and I never succeeded to find a channel configuration file
 for my cable company's (Brighthouse Networks, panhandle of Florida) signal.

 I finally found a reference somewhere to using mplayer from the command line
 and feeding it several specific arguments.  Once I got it to work, I put the
 following in a launcher for easy activation:

 mplayer -vo xv tv:// -tv

 Admittedly, all this does is put whatever is selected on my cable box in a
 window with sound on my desktop.  The only thing I can do is resize the
 window or turn it off but I can control the volume or change the channel
 with the cable box remote so it does the basics I need.  I haven't tried the
 fancy programs since upgrading to 9.04 nor have I tried mencoder but I would
 like to eventually be able to record the signal for delayed viewing (i.e.
 use my computer as a PVR).

 Hope this helps.

 Paul in NW Florida

Hello Paul,

The bulk of the problems you had are usability issues with userland
applications rather than issues with the drivers themselves.  When it
comes to Linux TV applications, the US is much worse off in terms of
digital support than Europe and other parts of the world.  Much of
this is a result of the fact that so much of this country uses cable
rather than terrestrial broadcasting, combined with the significantly
worse situation with regards to the DRM found in US digital cable
systems which effectively prevents people from accessing digital cable
on a PC.

I can count the list of developers on one hand who work on US based
ATSC and QAM drivers.  Even fewer actively contribute to application
support for these standards.  The documentation is lousy, and those
who go through the trouble to figure out how to get their stuff to
work do not contribute back the information into the wiki.

There are just too many devices out there, too many applications out
there, and two few developers willing to dedicate the time and energy
to do the work.  The fact that there is also no way for developers to
even recover their costs just further discourages doing new work (a
challenge I've had given I've now spent hundreds of dollars on devices
and tools and that money is long gone)...

I'll get off my soapbox now.  :-)


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Can't use my Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro stick - what am I doing wrong?

2009-06-21 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 3:51 PM, George wrote:

 Thank you so much, everyone who has replied to my question!  It's nice to 
 find a community of people willing to help.  Here is the dmesg output that 
 appears when the Pinnacle device gets plugged in, along with a few ls 


It will definitely be interesting to see if the device works under
Windows.  It is very interesting that the tvp5150 driver isn't being
loaded at all, nor the xc3028 during analog initialization (and as a
result the DVB won't work because the analog initialization sets the
firmware to be used).

We've got the exact same USB device ids and last night I confirmed the
board is working fine here with the latest tree, suggesting no
regression in the driver code.

Did you happen to configure for only a subset of drivers to be
compiled?  Or did you just do a checkout and cd v4l-dvb, make,
make install, reboot?


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [linux-dvb] Kworld DVB-T 323UR problems

2009-06-21 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Laszlo wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I have a Kword DVB-T 323UR connected to a Linux Mint 7 Gloria (based
 on Ubuntu Jaunty), kernel 2.6.28.
 I successfully compiled em28xx, the firmware was obtained based on these 
 1) Download the windows driver with something like:
 2) Extract the file hcw85bda.sys from the zip into the current dir:
 unzip -j Driver85/hcw85bda.sys
 3) run the script:
 4) copy the generated file:
 cp xc3028-v27.fw /lib/firmware

 My windows driver is called embda.sys, so I'm not sure whether the
 firmware is 100% good for my tuner or not.
 I have a couple of problems:
 1. no analog audio, but I found out this works with workarounds

 I tried several tricks:
 a. sox -c 2 -r 32000 -t ossdsp /dev/dsp1 -t ossdsp /dev/dsp
 this works, but with a 4-5 second delay between audio and video

 b. arecord -D hw:1,0 -r 32000 -c 2 -f S16_LE | play -q -c 2 -r 32000 -t wav - 
 I get an error:
 l...@laco-desktop ~ $ arecord -D hw:1,0 -r 32000 -c 2 -f S16_LE | play
 -q -c 2 -r 32000 -t wav - 
 [1] 9084
 l...@laco-desktop ~ $ Recording WAVE 'stdin' : Signed 16 bit Little
 Endian, Rate 32000 Hz, Stereo
 Warning: rate is not accurate (requested = 32000Hz, got = 48000Hz)
         please, try the plug plugin
 arecord: pcm_read:1529: read error: Input/output error
 play wav: Premature EOF on .wav input file

 c. install modified tvtime from
 I get an error in this case too:
 Reading configuration from /usr/etc/tvtime/tvtime.xml
 Reading configuration from /home/laco/.tvtime/tvtime.xml
 HDA NVidia : AD198x Analog hw:0,0
 Em28xx Audio : Empia 28xx Capture hw:1,0
 opening: hw:1,0
 Access type not available

 My arecord -l output is:
 l...@laco-desktop ~ $ arecord -l
  List of CAPTURE Hardware Devices 
 card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 0: AD198x Analog [AD198x Analog]
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
 card 1: Em28xx Audio [Em28xx Audio], device 0: Em28xx Audio [Empia 28xx 
  Subdevices: 1/1
  Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

 2. my remote is not recognized. Here is the em28xx part from dmesg:
 l...@laco-desktop ~ $ dmesg | grep em28xx
 [11231.562817] em28xx v4l2 driver version 0.0.1 loaded
 [11231.564913] em28xx: new video device (eb1a:e323): interface 0, class 255
 [11231.564920] em28xx: setting up device on a USB 1.1 bus
 [11231.564924] em28xx: your device won't work properly when
 [11231.564927] em28xx: not attached to a USB 2.0 highspeed bus
 [11231.564931] em28xx: more information:
 [11231.564933] em28xx:
 [11231.564942] em28xx #0: Alternate settings: 8
 [11231.564946] em28xx #0: Alternate setting 0, max size= 0
 [11231.564950] em28xx #0: Alternate setting 1, max size= 512
 [11231.564954] em28xx #0: Alternate setting 2, max size= 640
 [11231.564958] em28xx #0: Alternate setting 3, max size= 768
 [11231.564962] em28xx #0: Alternate setting 4, max size= 832
 [11231.564966] em28xx #0: Alternate setting 5, max size= 896
 [11231.564969] em28xx #0: Alternate setting 6, max size= 960
 [11231.564973] em28xx #0: Alternate setting 7, max size= 1020
 [11240.939178] em28xx #0: V4L2 VBI device registered as /dev/vbi0
 [11240.998075] em28xx #0: V4L2 device registered as /dev/video0
 [11240.998087] em28xx #0: Found KWorld E323
 [11240.998153] usbcore: registered new interface driver em28xx
 [11241.064491] em28xx-audio.c: probing for em28x1 non standard usbaudio
 [11241.064497] em28xx-audio.c: Copyright (C) 2006 Markus Rechberger
 [11241.922736] em28xx-audio: device is currently in analog TV mode

 Nothing about input devices here and neither in /proc/bus/input/devices.

 3. heat problems
 I noticed that when it is connected, it gets quite hot, even if no dvb
 software is running. In Windows it does not get so hot, even when
 watching tv.

 Sorry for this long mail.
 The first point would be the most important to solve, if you need more
 details to help me, no problem.
 Thanks, Laszlo

Hello Laszlo,

Please send correspondence to the linux-media mailing list, as the
linux-dvb list is deprecated.

Your firmware is fine.  The script will *only* work
if the md5 checksum matches, so if it matched then you ended up with
the correct firmware.

Regarding #1, the audio is working correctly.  The problem is that for
raw capture devices there is no way currently for the v4l2 to inform
applications where to find the ALSA device that provides the audio.
Your card is behaving consistently with *every* other product
currently supported that provides a raw video stream (as opposed to
products with an MPEG encoder onboard).

The reason you see the audio being out of sync with the video is
because of buffering of the audio prior to playback.  You can usually
control this behavior with command line arguments for arecord or sox.

Re: [linux-dvb] Can't use my Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro st ick - what am I doing wrong?‏

2009-06-20 Thread Devin Heitmueller
2009/6/20 George Adams

 Hello.  I'm having problems getting my (USB) PCTV HD Pro Stick (800e,

 the old style) to work under V4L.  Could anyone spot the problem in

 what I'm doing?

 I'm running Ubuntu 8.04.2 LTS (the 2.6.24-24-server kernel), and am

 following this procedure (based on,_Build_and_Install_V4L-DVB_Device_Drivers).

 I intend to use this to tune to USA NTSC channel 3 (to capture a

 close-captioned feed inside our building)

 1) Extract and copy the firmware file I need

   (xc3028-v27.fw) to /lib/firmware

 2) cd /usr/local/src

 3) hg clone

 4) cd v4l-dvb

 5) make rminstall; make distclean; make; make install

 These seems to do what it's supposed to - installs the drivers into

 /lib/modules/2.6.24-24-server .  My PCTV HD Pro Stick uses the em28xx


 find /lib/modules/ -type f -name em28* -mtime -1



 6) Reboot with the USB capture device plugged in

 7) Examine dmesg for details related to the capture device

 - em28xx: New device Pinnacle Systems PCTV 800e @ 480 Mbps (2304:0227, 
 interface 0, class 0)

 - em28xx #0: Identified as Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro Stick (card=17)

 - em28xx #0: chip ID is em2882/em2883

 - - - GSI 22 (level, low) - IRQ 22

 - PCI: Setting latency timer of device :00:1b.0 to 64

 - em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 00: 1a eb 67 95 04 23 27 02 d0 12 5c 03 8e 16 a4 1c

 - em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 10: 6a 24 27 57 46 07 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

 - em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 20: 46 00 01 00 f0 10 02 00 b8 00 00 00 5b 1c 00 00

 - em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 30: 00 00 20 40 20 80 02 20 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00

 - em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 40: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

 - em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 50: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

 - em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 60: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 24 03 50 00 69 00

 - em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 70: 6e 00 6e 00 61 00 63 00 6c 00 65 00 20 00 53 00

 - em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 80: 79 00 73 00 74 00 65 00 6d 00 73 00 00 00 16 03

 - em28xx #0: i2c eeprom 90: 50 00 43 00 54 00 56 00 20 00 38 00 30 00 30 00

 - em28xx #0: i2c eeprom a0: 65 00 00 00 1c 03 30 00 36 00 31 00 30 00 30 00

 - em28xx #0: i2c eeprom b0: 31 00 30 00 33 00 39 00 34 00 34 00 32 00 00 00

 - em28xx #0: i2c eeprom c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

 - em28xx #0: i2c eeprom d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

 - em28xx #0: i2c eeprom e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

 - em28xx #0: i2c eeprom f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

 - em28xx #0: EEPROM ID= 0x9567eb1a, EEPROM hash = 0x2de5abbf

 - em28xx #0: EEPROM info:

 - em28xx #0:       AC97 audio (5 sample rates)

 - em28xx #0:       500mA max power

 - em28xx #0:       Table at 0x27, strings=0x168e, 0x1ca4, 0x246a

 - hda_codec: Unknown model for ALC882, trying auto-probe from BIOS...

 - input: em28xx IR (em28xx #0) as 

 - - - GSI 20 (level, low) - IRQ 23

 - Vortex: init em28xx #0: Config register raw data: 0xd0

 - em28xx #0: AC97 vendor ID = 0x

 - em28xx #0: AC97 features = 0x6a90

 - em28xx #0: Empia 202 AC97 audio processor detected

 - em28xx #0: v4l2 driver version 0.1.2

 - em28xx #0: V4L2 device registered as /dev/video0 and /dev/vbi0

 - usbcore: registered new interface driver em28xx

 - em28xx driver loaded

 - xc2028 0-0061: creating new instance

 - xc2028 0-0061: type set to XCeive xc2028/xc3028 tuner

 - em28xx #0/2: xc3028 attached

 - DVB: registering new adapter (em28xx #0)

 - DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (LG Electronics LGDT3303 VSB/QAM 

 - Successfully loaded em28xx-dvb

 - Em28xx: Initialized (Em28xx dvb Extension) extension

 - done.

 Everything looks good - the drivers are getting called and the card is

 recognized.  However, all my attempts to get something out of it

 aren't working.  I tried firing up tvtime, but it just launches a

 blank, black screen and hanges.  The menu won't come up, the channel

 won't change, right-clicking isn't responsive, it won't close, and I

 have to kill it.

 I also tried mencoder, but I get this:

 mencoder -nosound -tv driver=v4l2:width=640:height=480 tv://3 -o /tmp/tv.avi 
 -ovc raw -endpos 5

 MEncoder 2:1.0~rc2-0ubuntu13.1+medibuntu1 (C) 2000-2007 MPlayer Team

 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q9550  @ 2.83GHz

  (Family: 6, Model: 23, Stepping: 10)

 CPUflags: Type: 6 MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 0 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1

 Compiled with runtime CPU detection.

 success: format: 9  data: 0x0 - 0x0

 TV file format detected.

 Selected driver: v4l2

  name: Video 4 Linux 2 input

  author: Martin Olschewski

  comment: first try, more to come ;-)

 Selected device: 

Re: v4l-dvb compile broken with stock Ubuntu Karmic build (firedtv-ieee1394.c errors)

2009-06-20 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Hans wrote:
 On Friday 19 June 2009 18:11:11 Devin Heitmueller wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Hans wrote:
  Hmm, I discovered that firedtv-1394.c isn't compiled in the daily build
  even though ieee1394 is enabled in the kernel. I can manually enable
  it, though: make menuconfig, disable and enable the firedtv driver, and
  then it magically works. But even then it still compiles fine against
  the vanilla 2.6.30 kernel.

 Well, I'm obviously kicking myself for not having captured the output
 last night when I was at home.

 So, you're saying that firedvt-1394.c is being compiled?

 Let me rephrase the question:  Take a look at firedtv-1394.c, line 22,
 and tell me where the file csr1212.h can be found either in your
 kernel source tree or your v4l-dvb tree.


 It's here:




 Hans Verkuil - video4linux developer - sponsored by TANDBERG Telecom

Ok, I see what is going on:  the header files in question are
available if you have the full Linux source installed, but they are
not part of the kernel-headers package, at least on Ubuntu.
Combined with the fact that the file now gets built with 2.6.30 causes
the compile failures:

  CC [M]  /home/devin/800e_test/v4l/firedtv-1394.o
/home/devin/800e_test/v4l/firedtv-1394.c:21:17: error: dma.h: No such
file or directory
/home/devin/800e_test/v4l/firedtv-1394.c:22:21: error: csr1212.h: No
such file or directory
/home/devin/800e_test/v4l/firedtv-1394.c:23:23: error: highlevel.h: No
such file or directory
/home/devin/800e_test/v4l/firedtv-1394.c:24:19: error: hosts.h: No
such file or directory
/home/devin/800e_test/v4l/firedtv-1394.c:25:22: error: ieee1394.h: No
such file or directory
/home/devin/800e_test/v4l/firedtv-1394.c:26:17: error: iso.h: No such
file or directory
/home/devin/800e_test/v4l/firedtv-1394.c:27:21: error: nodemgr.h: No
such file or directory


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PATCH] Use kzalloc for frontend states to have struct dvb_frontend properly initialized

2009-06-19 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 8:41 AM, Matthias wrote:
 Yes, I did verify that. There are no memset calls for that memory.

 If so, you can add my Acked-by: Andreas Oberritter


I'm glad to see this finally happen.  This has been bugging me for a
while on s5h1409/s5h1411 and I just never got around to submitting a



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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2009-06-19 Thread Devin Heitmueller
Hello Mauro,

Please pull from for the

- em28xx: make sure the analog GPIOs are set if we used a card hint
- em28xx: add support for EVGA inDtube



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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v4l-dvb compile broken with stock Ubuntu Karmic build (firedtv-ieee1394.c errors)

2009-06-19 Thread Devin Heitmueller
It seems that attempting to compile the current v4l-dvb against a
stock Karmic Koala build fails.  I suspect this has to do with the
fact that 2.6.30 is built with ieee1394 enabled, which causes
firedtv-ieee1394.c to get compiled, and that file references #include
files that do not exist.  As far as I can tell, IEEE1394 is not
enabled in my 2.6.27 build, which is why I was not seeing it before.

Other users reported this issue on the #linuxtv irc a few days ago,
and I though it was just something weird about their environment.

I'm not familiar with the firedtv driver, so if someone who is wants
to chime in, I would appreciate it.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: v4l-dvb compile broken with stock Ubuntu Karmic build (firedtv-ieee1394.c errors)

2009-06-19 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Hans wrote:
 What's the compile error exactly? The firedtv driver compiles fine in the
 daily build against the vanilla 2.6.30 kernel.



Unfortunately, I sent the email from work and didn't have the output
in front of me (or else I would have pasted it into the email).
Several people also reported it on #linuxtv on 6/11, but it looks like
the pastebins have already expired.  :-(

I will provide the output tonight.  I started to debug it last night,
and it seems that firedtv-ieee1494.c doesn't normally get compiled at
all, so if you add 1394 support to your build you will likely also see
the issue.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: v4l-dvb compile broken with stock Ubuntu Karmic build (firedtv-ieee1394.c errors)

2009-06-19 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Hans wrote:
 Hmm, I discovered that firedtv-1394.c isn't compiled in the daily build even
 though ieee1394 is enabled in the kernel. I can manually enable it, though:
 make menuconfig, disable and enable the firedtv driver, and then it
 magically works. But even then it still compiles fine against the vanilla
 2.6.30 kernel.

Well, I'm obviously kicking myself for not having captured the output
last night when I was at home.

So, you're saying that firedvt-1394.c is being compiled?

Let me rephrase the question:  Take a look at firedtv-1394.c, line 22,
and tell me where the file csr1212.h can be found either in your
kernel source tree or your v4l-dvb tree.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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2009-06-14 Thread Devin Heitmueller

Please pull from
for the following:

- au8522: add support for QAM-64 modulation type

The patch went in unmodified after doing some testing to ensure it
didn't break anything with VSB or QAM256 (and adding a proper patch
description).  There is some opportunity for refactoring a bit in
relation to the QAM256 code, but there is not a pressing need for such
a change and I don't want to hold up support for this any longer since
it works as-is.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Em28xx Log as requested

2009-06-13 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 8:30 AM, Andrea wrote:
 I got it work only one time, and I cannot reproduce it anymore. I
 loaded forcing card=7

 When worked it could find the philips video decoder IC. Other times,
 when it does not work, it does not claim to find that IC (see previous
 mail with log)

 Maybe you are interested in the log..
 It worked by setting input 1 (the second starting by 0) as video composite.
 I suppose input 0 is the svideo


Hello Andrea,

This board shouldn't be too hard to make work.  Could you please do
the following:

In the case where the device failed with card=7, send the dmesg output
(it should be slightly different).

Are you using rmmod/modprobe to test, or are you physically
unplugging/replugging the device?

Also, can you provide a link to a digital photo of the device, so we
can confirm what inputs/outputs the device has?



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: funny colors from XC5000 on big endian systems

2009-06-09 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 7:09 PM, W. Michael Petullo wrote:
 I have a VCR connected to my 950Q using the coaxial interface.

 Kernel is

 I am using streamer from Fedora's xawtv-3.95-11.fc11.ppc:

 v4lctl setchannel 3
 streamer -r 30 -s 640x480 -f jpeg -i Television -n NTSC-M -c /dev/video0 -o
 ~/Desktop/foo.avi -t 00:60:00

 I am using gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.14-2.fc11.ppc:

 gst-launch v4l2src ! ffmpegcolorspace ! ximagesink


Hello Mike,

Just a quick follow up, I was up until 1am debugging this issue. It
appears that a couple of the ioctl calls are failing when negotiating
the capabilities of the analog support.  As a result, the gstreamer
v4l code is falling back to a default colorspace.

The command I sent you should be good enough for it to work for you,
but I obviously need to debug this further so that the autonegotiation
works properly.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: cx18, s5h1409: chronic bit errors, only under Linux

2009-06-09 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 10:21 AM, Steven Toth wrote:
 I ruled out 30db on ATSC because that sounds incredibly high, I assumed
 cable because that would be consistent with the numbers. You could well be

 Steven Toth - Kernel Labs

I agree it's high, but certainly possible.  I've got a 30 dB signal,
but my situation is a bit unusual.

I spent all of last night working on another issue, but I am hoping to
get back to it this week.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: cx18, s5h1409: chronic bit errors, only under Linux

2009-06-09 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 2:52 PM, David Ward wrote:
 On 06/09/2009 10:24 AM, Steven Toth wrote:

 David has called out Comcast to review his installation.

 After replacing all the connectors and some cables from the pole all the way
 to the outlet, their meter ultimately showed 39-40dB at the outlet.  My card
 is showing the same SNR values as before.  Go figure.

I want to say that the SNR counter for the s5h1409 caps out at 30dB,
but I would have to double check the source code.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: cx18, s5h1409: chronic bit errors, only under Linux

2009-06-09 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Steven Toth wrote:


 Steven Toth - Kernel Labs

Just checked the source.  It's 40dB for QAM256, but 30dB for ATSC and
QAM64.  Are we sure he's doing QAM256 and not QAM64?


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: cx18, s5h1409: chronic bit errors, only under Linux

2009-06-08 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 10:14 AM, Steven Toth wrote:
 Please let me know how I should proceed in solving this.  I would be happy
 to provide samples of captured video, results from new tests, etc.

 When you tune using azap, and you can see UNC and BER values, what is the
 SNR value and does it move over the course of 30 seconds?

 Steven Toth - Kernel Labs

Also, I believe UNC and BER display garbage when signal lock is lost,
so do you see the status field change when the BER/UNC fields show


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: cx18, s5h1409: chronic bit errors, only under Linux

2009-06-08 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 5:03 PM, David Ward wrote:
 Devin, I would really really appreciate this.  I hesitated to e-mail this
 list for several weeks, because I wanted to investigate thoroughly first and
 avoid wasting anyone's time as much as possible.  I hope you are able to
 reproduce this.

Well, I've got a few different combinations of s5h1409 tuners and
demods (including the HVR-1600), so if I can reproduce the issue, I
can probably narrow it down as to whether it's a tuner or a demod
issue.  I've spent a good bit of time analyzing the s5h1409 driver in
the past, although I don't have the datasheet for the chip.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: funny colors from XC5000 on big endian systems

2009-06-07 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 9:20 PM, Andy wrote:
 You may also want to check if CVBS or S-Video also shows the problem.  A
 simple test that will conclusively eliminate the XC5000.


Well, it won't really be conclusive in this case - it's an
intermittent bug in the hardware, and is much more likely to occur
with the xc5000 because it happens when the signal needs to resync
(the 16-bit YUYV byte pair sometimes is read on the wrong boundary).
Hence it tends to occur more often with the xc5000 because of changing
channels (but can occur on the CVBS or S-Video inputs as well).  The
au0828 driver has code to detect this condition but there might be an
issue with the check.

Once I know the answer to the questions posed to Mike, I can work with
him to debug the issue.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: funny colors from XC5000 on big endian systems

2009-06-07 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 10:12 PM, W. Michael wrote:
 Do you see the issue using tvtime?  This will help isolate whether it's
 an application compatibility issue or whether it's related to endianness
 (and I do almost all my testing with tvtime).

 Tvtime works like a charm. The colors look fine. This is the first I've
 seen tvtime and it seems great. Now we may be getting off the topic, but
 does anyone know why xawtv, streamer and GStreamer's v4l2src would muck up
 the colors?

Ok, that's good to know.  Perhaps it's some difference in the way the
v4l stream is read and the frames are dequeued (mmap versus read(),

 You indicated that you had reason to believe it's a PowerPC issue.  Is
 there any reason that you came to that conclusion other than that you're
 running on ppc?  I'm not discounting the possibility, but it would be
 good to know if you have other information that supports your theory.

 It was a hypothesis, but based on experience in seeing endian bugs in
 video code and hearing endian bugs in audio code. After using PowerPC
 long enough, you learn to jump to the endian conclusion pretty quickly. I
 was wrong!

Ok, well that's good to know.  I did look at the code and couldn't see
how it could possibly be an endianness bug.

Bear in mind that the analog support for the 950q is still relatively
new, and its entirely possible there are some application specific
bugs to be worked out as there is more testing.

Could you please describe in more detail the *exact* configuration you
are attempting, including the versions of the applications you are
using and command line arguments you are passing.  If I can reproduce
the issue here then I can probably debug it much faster.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PATCH] em28xx device mode detection based on endpoints

2009-06-01 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Markus Rechberger wrote:

 On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 4:49 PM, Markus Rechberger wrote:
 On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 4:04 PM, Markus Rechberger wrote:

 for em28xx devices the device node detection can be based on the
 encoded endpoint address, for example EP 0x81 (USB IN, Interrupt),
 0x82 (analog video EP), 0x83 (analog audio ep), 0x84 (mpeg-ts input
 It is not necessary that digital TV devices have a frontend, the
 em28xx chip only specifies an MPEG-TS input EP.

 Following patch adds a check based on the Endpoints, although it might
 be extended that all devices match the possible devicenodes based on
 the endpoints, currently the driver registers an analog TV node by
 default for all unknown devices which is not necessarily correct, this
 patch disables the ATV node if no analog TV endpoint is available.

 attached patch fixes the deregistration, as well loads the em28xx-dvb
 module automatically as soon as an MPEG-TS endpoint was found.

 Signed-off-by: Markus Rechberger

 best regards,

Hello Markus,

I spent some time reviewing this patch, and the patch's content does
not seem to match your description of its functionality.  Further,
this patch appears to be a combination of a number of several
different changes, rather than being broken into separate patches.

First off, I totally agree that the analog subsystem should not be
loaded on devices such as em287[0-4].  I was going to do this work
(using the chip id to determine analog support) but just had not had a
chance to doing the necessary testing to ensure it did not break

The patch appears to be primarily for devices that are not supported
in the kernel.  In fact, the logic as written *only* gets used for
unknown devices.  Further, the code that doesn't create the frontend
device has no application in the kernel.  All devices currently in the
kernel make use of the dvb frontend interface, so there is no
practical application to loading the driver and setting up the isoc
handlers but blocking access to the dvb frontend device.

Aside from the code that selectively disables analog support, the
patch only seems to advance compatibility with your userland em28xx
framework while providing no benefit to the in-kernel driver.

Regarding the possibility of custom firmware, we currently do not have
any devices in the in-kernel driver that make use of custom firmware.
If you could tell me how to check for custom firmware versus the
default vendor firmware, I could potentially do a patch that uses the
vendor registers unless custom firmware is installed, at which point
we could have custom logic (such as using the endpoint definition).
However, given there are no such devices in-kernel, this is not a high
priority as far as I am concerned.

For what it's worth, I did add an additional patch to allow the user
to disable the 480Mbps check via a modprobe option (to avoid a
regression for any of your existing customers), and I will be checking
in the code to properly compute the isoc size for em2874/em2884 based
on the vendor registers (even though there are currently no supported
devices in the kernel that require it currently).  However, I do not
believe the patch you have proposed is appropriate for inclusion in
the mainline kernel.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PULL]

2009-05-27 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 9:00 AM, Mauro Carvalho Chehab wrote:
 Em Thu, 21 May 2009 22:26:35 -0400
 Devin Heitmueller escreveu:

 Hello Mauro,

 Please pull from for
 the following:

 em28xx: don't create the audio device if no onboard audio processor

 I don't think that this patch is right.

 There are some devices that are equipped with non ac97 audio processors, for
 example the ones with msp34xx. Those devices have digital audio. I'm not sure 
 they work with em28xx-audio or with snd-usb-audio. So, the safest way is not 
 deny the load of em28xx-audio.


The code does take into account devices that provide I2S audio.
However, I think you may be correct that if I2S audio is configured,
the driver will not load.  I think I'm going to need to rework the
patch a bit.  The correct behavior should be that the em28xx-audio
driver should only be loaded if vendor audio is required (either AC97
or I2S), and it appears that my logic didn't accomplish that [I
confused an if() for an else if()].


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [linux-dvb] fe status values

2009-05-27 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 6:59 AM, Markus Oliver Hahn wrote:
 Hi there,
 I was just going throug the dvbapi 5.0
 but I couldn`t find ow to interpret the
 values which I get by

 int ioctl( int fd, int request = FE_READ_SIGNAL_STRENGTH, int16_t *strength);


 int ioctl(int fd, int request = FE_READ_SNR, int16_t *snr)

 strengt should be (signed) dBm
    0.snr dB

 is this right ?

 regards markus

 Neu: GMX FreeDSL Komplettanschluss mit DSL 6.000 Flatrate + Telefonanschluss 
 für nur 17,95 Euro/mtl.!*

 linux-dvb users mailing list
 For V4L/DVB development, please use instead

Hello Markus,

Unfortunately, there is currently no standard way in which the return
values can be interpreted.  The content varies by demodulator.  This
has been discussed at length on the linux-media ML if you want to read
the back history.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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2009-05-27 Thread Devin Heitmueller
Hello Mauro,

Please pull from
for the following:

em28xx: Don't let device work unless connected to a high speed USB port
au0828: Don't let device work unless connected to a high speed USB port
em28xx: Add support for the K-World 2800d
tuner-core: fix warning introduced when cleaning up xc5000 init routine
em28xx: provide module option to disable USB speed check
au0828: provide module option to disable USB speed check

The series changes the comment as you requested, adds a routine to
allow advanced users to override the bus speed check (at their own
risk), and removes the patch related to the loading of the
em28xx-audio if no audio present.  I will need to revisit that code
and come up with the correct patch that works even with i2s audio.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [linux-dvb] EPG (Electronic Program Guide) Tools

2009-05-26 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 1:51 PM, Chris Capon wrote:
 I've installed an HVR-1600 card in a Debian system to receive ATSC
 digital broadcasts here in Canada.  Everything works great.

 scan /usr/share/dvb/atsc/us-ATSC-center-frequencies-8VSB  channels.conf

        finds a complete list of broadcasters.

 azap -c channels.conf -r channel-name

        tunes in the stations and displays signal strength info.

 cp /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 xx.mpg

        captures the output stream which can be played by mplayer.

 What I'm missing is information about the Electronic Program Guide
 (EPG).  There doesn't seem to be much info on on how to read it.

 Where does the EPG come from?

 Is it incorporated into the output stream through PID's some how or is
 it read from one of the other devices under adapter0?

 Are there simple command line tools to read it or do you have to write a
 custom program to interpret it somehow?

 Could someone please point me in the right direction to get started?  If
 no tools exist, perhaps links to either api or lib docs/samples?

 Much appreciated.

Hello Chris,

The ATSC EPG is sent via the ATSC PSIP protocol.  I do not know of any
tools currently available to extract the information.  MeTV has a
working implementation (with some bugs I have seen), and I was looking
at getting it to work in Kaffeine at some point.

The spec is freely available here:

If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a line.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PATCH] Add QAM64 support for hvr-950q (au8522)

2009-05-26 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Tim Mester wrote:
 From my experience it seems that 2 in 0x2005 resets the 8522 demod.
 All demod register setting appear to be lost after accessing any
 registers in the 0x2xxx range (you really, just that bit needs to be
 set on a i2c bus access).  I am a little surprised that 0x2000 is not
 written to the bus to for each modulation mode.

Hmmm...  I would have to look closer before I could comment
intelligently.  Resetting all the registers could be a bad idea if
there are registers being programmed that are not in the modulation
block (initialization parameters such as the IF setting).


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [linux-dvb] EPG (Electronic Program Guide) Tools

2009-05-26 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Jonathan Isom wrote:
 Dvbstreamer supports atsc epg. That is what i use

Well, learn something new every day.  I didn't realize dvbstreamer had
ATSC support.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PULL]

2009-05-25 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Mauro Carvalho Chehab wrote:
 Didn't work. Please submit me again after fixing the trouble.

 $ ./hgimport
 Pushing from remote site, tree: 
 rm: imposível remover `/tmp/newpatches/*': Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
 abort: error: timed out
 Number of patches: 0

Sorry, we had some networking problems over the last couple of days.
Everything is back up now, so please try again.

Thank you,


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PATCH] Add QAM64 support for hvr-950q (au8522)

2009-05-25 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 6:03 PM, Frank Dischner wrote:
 While I'm at it, I thought I'd go ahead and make a patch to remove the
 top bits from the vsb table, but I've got a question about that. I
 think the first four entries are unnecessary. I'm pretty sure 8090 and
 8091 have to do with the 8522's i2c controller and 4092 is a status
 register. I have no idea what 2005 is, but the new code would change
 it to A005 and I don't remember seeing either in any of the traces I
 did (though I never did a vsb trace). Is this correct or am I missing
 something? If I make a patch, can you or someone else test it for me?
 (can't get a signal here)

Yeah, I noticed the 4092 entry.  The 4 means it's a read operation
so it almost certainly shouldn't be in the table.  I just haven't
taken the time to look closer at a Windows trace to see if it was
*really* a register read operation that got stuck into the table or
whether it was supposed to be a write operation.

I haven't reviewed the VSB table yes, so I am not sure about the other entries.


Devin J. Heitmueller
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Re: Temporary success with Pinnacle PCTV 801e (xc5000 chip)

2009-05-24 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 5:15 PM, N Klepeis wrote:

 I installed the latest v4l-dvb from CVS with the latest firmware
 (dvb-fe-xc5000-1.6.114.fw) for the 801e (XC5000 chip).   I can  scan for
 channels no problem.   But after a first use with either mplayer or mythtv,
 it then immediately stops working and won't start again until I unplug and
 then reinsert the device from the USB port.       On the first time use
 everything seems fine and I can watch TV through mplayer for as long as I
 want.    On the 2nd use (restart mplayer), there's an error (FE_GET_INFO
 error: 19, FD: 3).    On the 2nd use with mythtv, mythtv cannot connect to
 the card at all in mythtvsetup, but on the first time use I can assign
 channel.conf.      I know there have been recent updates to the xc5000
 driver.    I only started trying this chip this week so I never confirmed
 that any prior driver version worked.

 Any thoughts on how to proceed?     Below are the full console outputs when
 using with mplayer and when running dmesg.   (This is fedora 10).



Already tracked down and a PULL has been requested for the patch:



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Review of the Linux driver for the TerraTec Cinergy HTC USB XS HD stick

2009-05-22 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Ad Denissen wrote:
 Hi Markus,

 I have a TerraTec Cinergy HTC USB XS HD stick and more than 10 years of
 experience with Linux (drivers).

 This USB stick works fine under Windows, but I need it under Linux
 for my MythTV experiments in DVB-C mode.

 Can I help you in the cleanup of the Linux driver for this device?

 Kind regards,

 Ad Denissen

Hello Ad,

The TerraTec Cinergy HTC USB XS HD makes use of the Micronas drx-k
demodulator.  There is currently no driver at all for this device in
the mainline Linux kernel.  As a result, getting the device to work in
the mainline kernel is much more than cleanup.

Markus's support for the drx-k uses his closed source product, and
therefore is not eligible for inclusion in the Linux kernel.  You may
wish to contact him though if you are interested in a commercial
closed source solution.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Review of the Linux driver for the TerraTec Cinergy HTC USB XS HD stick

2009-05-22 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Markus Rechberger wrote:
 You still mistake that the important drivers are not implemented in
 Kernelspace, because
 of that there will never be a _requirement_ to merge the chipdrivers
 in order to get it work.
 For example DVB-C/T, all control commands are sent to the frontend
 device node all those
 commands are intercepted at userlevel while still being compatible
 with legacy applications like
 kaffeine or dvbscan.


It wasn't really my intent to get into the details of your
implementation (kernel space versus user space).  The important
message is that the solution you are providing is a commercial, closed
source solution.  If that meets his needs, then great.  If Ad's goal
is to get support into the Linux mainline, then it needs to be both
open source and in the kernel.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PULL]

2009-05-22 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 9:48 PM, BOUWSMA Barry wrote:
 On Thu, 21 May 2009, Devin Heitmueller wrote:

 em28xx: Don't let device work unless connected to a high speed USB port

 (grrr, dyndns addresses that are actually dynamically changing)

 |    The em28xx basically just doesn't work at 12 Mbps. The isoc pipe needs
 |    nearly 200 Mbps for analog support, so users would see garbage video,
 |    and on
 |    the DVB/ATSC side scanning is likely to work but if the user tried to
 |    tune it
 |    would certainly appear to have failed.
 |    It's better to fail explicity up front and tell the user to plug into a
 |    USB 2.0

 Hi Devin,

 I've spent the last night trying to wrap my brane around the
 DVB code and how it reflects on the ability of hardware to
 perform PID filtering or not, thereby the expected load due
 to interrupts and filtering in the CPU.

 If my current machine is being fed a single stream from a
 lower-bandwidth source (not sure where the filtering to a
 crummy audio stream is being performed, but even the full
 bandwidth available from a 1,5MHz-wide chunk of spectrum is
 well within USB1.1), load is negligible.  Multicasting the
 filtered data back out over a USB1.1 net adapter bumps up
 the interrupt load somewhat, but `top' idle time remains

 As soon as I toss a dvb-usb device into the mix, which is
 allegedly capable of doing internal PID filtering but which
 presently can't, delivering a full transport stream from a
 27,5MSym/sec transponder, the interrupt level goes up, in
 spite of the fact that the content of interest is only a
 slightly less crummy audio stream of some 1/250 the full
 transponder datarate.

 However, as soon as I try to listen through the internal
 soundcard to one of these streams, the interrupt level goes
 up by nearly a factor of three, the machine drops to around
 only 50% idle, despite that there's no significant CPU-
 crunching application, and the responsiveness drops, with
 something comparable to stuttering observed frequently when
 I do something on the console.  Also, the CPU temperature
 hovers around the point where the fan turns on.

 So, in spite of the individual things I do hardly being any
 load on the CPU in themselves, apparently the load caused by
 handling USB interrupts is more than additive.  Bring on
 USB 3.0, I say...

 I've been spoiled by hardware which does the internal
 filtering, and barely causes my slower machines to break
 a sweat, except when I do have to handle a full TS or a
 higher-bandwidth HDTV stream, which it can still do, and so
 I decided to look at which of the different devices available
 today are capable of delivering a filtered TS, whether via
 USB or PCI -- primarily I only care for audio, at up to
 320kbit/sec, that happily fits on the spare USB1.1 ports
 and normally doesn't cause any bother.

 Now, with that background, I see that the dvb-usb framework
 makes the hardware's ability to PID filter quite obvious,
 as well as the b2c2 flexcop hardware.  Not all devices have
 this ability, apparently, and I still need to go over the
 code when more awake to make sense of it.

 Now I do know that at least some of the em28xx hardware does
 have the ability to selectively filter and deliver only the
 PIDs of interest at well within USB1 bandwidth for audio, or
 selected lower-quality DVB-T video.  And you made mention of
 this some months back on the list, when asking if it was
 worth your time.

 That's the problem with these composite devices -- they are
 fine for such things as watching Freeview or listening to
 that radio, not so much for decent-quality cable (where it
 exists), no different to the many USB1.1 DVB-T or DVB-C
 devices, but they are useless for the remaining analogue
 sources on USB1.1.  And they don't fit into the dvb-usb

 In my dream world, the em28xx devices would determine what
 they can do (analogue or full transport stream) based on
 the USB connection, rather than simply refusing to work,
 provided the hardware is capable of filtering the DVB TS.
 But, you provide the source, so in theory I should be able
 to fine-tune it as I wish.

 (Note that my experience is based on DVB-T SD video, which
 so far has fit into USB1.1.  I know that DVB-S H.264 HD
 video does not, and I would imagine that if HD ATSC is
 really using MPEG 2 rather than AVC video compression, it
 would need even more than the 16Mbit/sec I see from DVB-S,
 or the 10Mbit/sec expected with DVB-T2 later this year,
 which also wouldn't fit reliably on USB1.1 if my experience
 with decent quality SD in MPEG 2 is any guide on my hardware.
 So even hardware PID filtering is no guarantee of flawless
 performance, but again, the user can employ it in cases
 which would work.  Caveat emptor.  Cave canem.  Carpe cavy.)

 Just some rambling comments there.  Ignore me.

 barry bouwsma

Hello Barry,

The dvb core does have infrastructure to support hardware pid
filtering.  I don't know

Re: [PULL]

2009-05-22 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 10:26 PM, Devin Heitmueller wrote:
 Hello Mauro,

 Please pull from for
 the following:

 em28xx: don't create the audio device if no onboard audio processor
 em28xx: Add support for the K-World 2800d
 au0828: Don't let device work unless connected to a high speed USB port
 em28xx: Don't let device work unless connected to a high speed USB port

 Thank you,



I tacked one more patch onto the end of this series, if you could
please include it as well:

tuner-core: fix warning introduced when cleaning up xc5000 init routine



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PATCH] Add QAM64 support for hvr-950q (au8522)

2009-05-22 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 11:17 PM, Frank Dischner wrote:
 Here's the updated patch with the requested changes.


Hello Frank,

Sorry for taking so long to get back to this.

I looked at the patch, and in particular, I compared the values
programmed for QAM256 against the table you provided for QAM64.  The
delta is only four registers (210, 211, 323, 502).  This isn't
terribly surprising.

A few questions:

Do you have the USB trace you used as the basis for this dump?  And
did you programatically parse that dump to generate the table, or did
you enter it by hand?  Could you please email me the underlying dump
so I can double check the data?

I think the correct approach here would be to have three tables, a
table of common registers, and two tables, one for each modulation
type.  It would program the common registers first, and then pick the
correct table to program the rest.  If we are concerned about the
order that the registers are being programmed in, we can just setup
the two tables so they start at the first register which is different
(since it is almost at the bottom of the table anyway).

That said, do you want to take a crack at the above suggested
refactoring and resubmit an updated patch, or would you prefer to have
me check in this patch as-is, and then refactor it myself afterward.
It's up to you.



Devin J. Heitmueller
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2009-05-21 Thread Devin Heitmueller
Hello Mauro,

Please pull from for
the following:

em28xx: don't create the audio device if no onboard audio processor
em28xx: Add support for the K-World 2800d
au0828: Don't let device work unless connected to a high speed USB port
em28xx: Don't let device work unless connected to a high speed USB port

Thank you,


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: RE : Hauppauge Nova-TD-500 vs. T-500

2009-05-20 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Thierry Lelegard wrote:
 I have a few more informations.

 1) Sorry for those who don't like top posting, but the initial
 description is really too long for good readability of answers.

 2) Since the TD-500 contains two aerial inputs instead of one for
 the T-500, I plugged in two antenna cables. Then, after some tests,
 I realized that this was a source of trouble:
 - Two antenna cables = lots of errors (mostly garbage sometimes,
  depending on the frequency).
 - Top input only = still many errors but much better on both tuners.
 - Bottom input only = got nothing on both tuners.

 So, from now on, I use only one antenna cable, in the top aerial input.
 Maybe this could be clarified somewhere (unless it is already but I missed 

 3) There are still many uncorrectable errors (TS packets with transport
 error indicator set) in the input. The amount of uncorrectable errors is
 approximately 0.1% (depending on the frequency), while I do not have any
 with the T-500 using the same antenna.

 These errors occurs in groups of +/- 50 consecutive packets with TEI set.
 Sometimes, in the middle of packets with errors, one packet has TEI clear
 but it is still erroneous (invalid PID in this context for instance).

 Note: I forgot to mention in the initial post that I set the following option:
    options dvb_usb_dib0700 force_lna_activation=1

 4) There is apparently a minor but annoying problem in the driver concerning
 the ioctl FE_GET_INFO. Its usage requires opening the frontend device in
 O_RDWR mode with the TD-500.

 Comparison of T-500 vs. TD-500.

 a) After boot, before the first tuning, if we open the frontend in O_RDONLY
   more, the ioctl FE_GET_INFO succeeds with the TD-500 and the T-500.

 b) While another process uses the frontend for packet reception, the ioctl
   FE_GET_INFO succeeds with the TD-500 and the T-500, with frontend in
   O_RDONLY mode.

 c) After the frontend has been used for packet reception but no other process
   uses it any longer, the ioctl FE_GET_INFO fails with errno no such device
   with TD-500 frontend in O_RDONLY mode. However, the ioctl FE_GET_INFO 
   with TD-500 frontend in O_RDWR mode. With the T-500, the ioctl FE_GET_INFO
   succeeds in O_RDONLY mode.

   Using O_RDWR mode for a simple ioctl FE_GET_INFO is a problem since it
   fails with device busy when another process is using it in O_RDWR mode
   for tuning and reception, which is normal.

   I see here two inconsistencies and one annoying feature:
   - Inconsistent behaviour of ioctl FE_GET_INFO in O_RDONLY mode before and
     after the first tuning.
   - Incorrect error no such device because /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0
     is still there and useable in O_RDWR mode.
   - Obligation to use O_RDWR mode for reading the characteristics of a device.


 -Message d'origine-
 De :
 [] De la part de
 Thierry Lelegard
 Envoyé : lundi 18 mai 2009 16:33
 À :
 Objet : Hauppauge Nova-TD-500 vs. T-500


 Like many others, I have some problems with the Hauppauge Nova-TD-500.

 I have been running a Fedora system with one Hauppauge Nova-T-500
 (-T-, with one input connector, not -TD-) quite successfully
 for 2 years.
 I just built another Fedora system and ordered two T-500 but
 I actually
 received two TD-500 (the one with two input connectors).

 So, I now have another Fedora box with two Hauppauge Nova-TD-500
 and it does not work quite well.

 The two systems (the first one with one T-500 and the second one with
 two TD-500) are running the same O/S version, same drivers,
 same firmware:

 - Fedora 10, up-to-date as of 2009-05-17
 - Kernel
 - Latest V4L-DVB mercurial tree, same date
 - Firmware dvb-usb-dib0700-1.20.fw

 You will find below some outputs of dmesg, lspci, etc for the two

 I use custom signal monitoring applications, no TV watching apps.
 The same application is used in both systems, same antenna input
 (roof antenna and wall socket, not the small antenna that comes
 with the cards). The application continuously reads the complete
 transport stream for analysis. From time to time, it tunes to
 some frequency, then another, etc.

 With the two TD-500, the 4 adapters are created under /dev/dvb. Using
 them works more or less. As far as I tested now, I do not have any
 reported error, no error message. But the input is not good: many
 packets are corrupted. This does not happen all the time. Sometimes,
 the input is reasonably correct (a few packets seems incorrect)
 and sometimes it is a mess (most packets are incorrect, the result
 of the analysis report many non-existing PIDs, weird content, etc).

 I guess that most of you will say most probably an application pb...
 But the same application is working fine with:

 1) Linux + Hauppauge Nova-T-500
 2) Linux + 

Re: RE : Hauppauge Nova-TD-500 vs. T-500

2009-05-20 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Thierry Lelegard wrote:
 Hi Devin,

 Your fix works great.



Thanks for taking the time to test the change.

Since the last change I made to dvb_frontend exposed the issue, I want
to do some more testing before I issue a PULL request.  I will try to
do it when I get home from work tonight.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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xc5000 users: new firmware required!

2009-05-18 Thread Devin Heitmueller
The new xc5000 code was merged this morning, which requires users to
update their firmware.  If you updated to the latest v4l-dvb and your
card stopped working, please download the updated firmware from this
location, and install into the same directory as your previous version
(typically /lib/firmware).



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Fixed (Was:Re: saa7134/2.6.26 regression, noisy output)

2009-05-18 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 10:45 PM, hermann pitton wrote:


 It looks like this still can go on for some while.

 I don't have the time and have zero income from all of this.

 Does the new entity,, Devin, Mike and Steven for now, do
 confirm that this bug is assigned to them? (PCTV and Hauppauge)

 Or do you prefer to have it further drifting over the lists and call
 Hartmut and me for it?


Hello Hermann,

I believe it makes sense for me to clarify this point:  Kernel Labs is
not affiliated with Hauppauge or PCTV in any way.  We have not
received any money from either company for Linux support for their

One of Kernel Lab's long-term goals is indeed to find a way to provide
some form of commercial support for devices such as this.

It is probably fair to say that the three of us tend to focus on
products by those vendors because of easy access to sample hardware,
not because of any commercial arrangement.

That said, Kernel Labs is about as responsible for fixing the problem
as you are.  ;-)



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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2009-05-16 Thread Devin Heitmueller
Hello Mauro,

Please pull from for the

em28xx: properly set packet size based on the device's eeprom configuration

Thank you,


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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2009-05-14 Thread Devin Heitmueller
Hello Mauro,

Please pull from for
the following:

cx88: remove xc5000 reset for Pinnacle 800i
xc5000: add copyright line
au0828: send command to power down tuner when done with analog
xc5000: poll at 5ms interval for register write command completion
xc5000: add support for DVB-T tuning
xc5000: switch to new xc5000 firmware 1.6.114 with redistribution rights
dib0700: reduce xc5000 sleep time for Pinnacle 801e to 10ms
tuner-xc2028: show the proper module description for no_poweroff option
xc5000: don't load firmware until a tuning request is made
xc5000: add no_poweroff module option
xc5000: cleanup firmware loading messages
xc5000: start using the newer finerfreq tuning command
xc5000: add build version to debug info
au0828: reduce reset time for xc5000 to 10ms
xc5000: Properly support power down for newer firmware
xc5000: switch to new version of Xceive firmware
xc5000: do not sleep after digital tuning
xc5000: restore sleep routine
xc5000: check xc5000_readreg return value for XC_RESULT_SUCCESS
xc5000: cleanup i2c write routines
xc5000: cleanup i2c read routines
xc5000: handle tuner reset failures properly
dvb_frontend: fix race condition resulting in dropped tuning commands
cx88: Fix race condition between cx8800 startup and hald

Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PULL]

2009-05-14 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 9:28 PM, Devin Heitmueller wrote:
 Hello Mauro,

 Please pull from for
 the following:


I just renamed the tree, it can be found here now:

Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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2009-05-14 Thread Devin Heitmueller

Please pull from for
the following fix (an error detected with Han's daily build tool):

au0828: get rid of debug printk that was causing compile failures



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [PULL]

2009-05-13 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 2:52 AM, Trent Piepho wrote:
 On Wed, 13 May 2009, Oliver Endriss wrote:
 02/05: dvb-ttpci: Check transport error indicator flag;node=8a742338523d

 Are you sure this is a good idea?  The cx88 driver doesn't do this.
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I agree with Trent on this one - dropping the packet at the hardware
level is a bad idea.  If the demodulator is incapable of setting the
TEI bit (which most do) and you are forced to rely on the TSERR line,
then you should be marking the TEI bit and passing the packet on.
Dropping the packet at the hardware level is likely to cause confusion
for app developers (why am I only getting 60% of the expected

Like I said above though, in most cases I've seen the demod does all
the work and there is no need to act on the TSERR line at all.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: XC5000 improvements: call for testers!

2009-05-13 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 2:13 AM, kenny wang wrote:

 Hi, Devin

 I found another problem for my WinTV-HVR-950Q, but I am not sure if it's
 caused by the device driver: my tvtime sometimes (not often) lost all
 channels and shows a blue window. Switching channel doesn't take the channel
 back. I have to close tvtime and open it again, then it works normally.
 Don't know if it's tvtime's problem. Don't remember if the previous version
 has the same problem (probably does). And I don't know how to debug it or
 where to view any log of it.


Hello Kenny,

Does the blue screen occur when you switch channels?  Or does it occur
when you are currently watching a channel?

It's possible there is a problem where the tuning command gets screwed up.

Can you give me an idea how often it occurs?  One time a minute?  One
time an hour?  One time a day?

And if you could please send me a dump of dmesg the next time it
happens that would help too.

I suspect this is not related to the xc5000 changes.  It's probably a
glitch in the original 950q analog work that just hasn't been noticed


Devin J. Heitmueller
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Re: [PULL]

2009-05-13 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 12:29 PM, Oliver Endriss wrote:
 What are you talking about?

 This patch does not have any impact on the reception path (from tuner to
 application). It just discards bogus data which might crash the av7110
 or cause chirping sound during replay.

 Like I said above though, in most cases I've seen the demod does all
 the work and there is no need to act on the TSERR line at all.

 See above.


Oh, this is a decoder, not a bridge.  Nevermind.  My bad.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: XC5000 improvements: call for testers!

2009-05-13 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 3:04 PM, Timothy D. Lenz wrote:
 So when this goes main, next time we update from v4l we need the new firmware 


Now that we have the licensing straightened out, I'll also be working
on getting it bundled into the distros so that users don't have to
download the firmware themselves.  They will get a true plug and
play experience.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: XC5000 improvements: call for testers!

2009-05-13 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 6:26 PM, Vanessa Ezekowitz
 Devin, does this license/bundle arrangement also cover the firmware for
 xc3028-based devices?

Unfortunately, it does not.  Once I get the xc5000 stuff in though, I
am planning on approaching them about getting firmware licensing under
the same terms for xc3028, xc3028L, and xc4000.


Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: Not only TV LV5H hybrid tv card

2009-05-12 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Martin Kragelund wrote:

 I have just bought the Not only TV (LV5H) tv-card which should be
 equipped with the em28xx chip - I'm trying to get it to work in ubuntu
 (8.10) but it doesn't  work completely. I've attached the output from
 dmesg below. I'm a bit new to linux and don't know how to use the
 insmod command as suggested in the dmesg output

 Best Regards,

My queue of em28xx devices I'm adding support for is already three or
four deep.  Ask again in a couple of weeks and I will see what I can
do to get this one working.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: XC5000 improvements: call for testers!

2009-05-12 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Britney Fransen wrote:
 I finally had some time to do some more testing with the beta2 tree and I
 think most of the issues I had were user error.  Not exactly sure what I did
 wrong before but I am not seeing the reception issues or any regressions on
 the digital side anymore.  I think why I thought I was seeing QAM64 was
 because I was using the wrong tuner.  With the beta2 tree my 950q is now
 adapter1, before it was always adapter2.  That could be part of what I
 thought was the reception regression as well.


Hello Britney,

Thank you for taking the time to isolate/debug the situation.  The
changes should have no effect on the order of adapter1/adapter2.
Could have just been a coincidence or the order in which you plugged
in the devices compared to what they usually are at boot time.

Glad to see that there are no longer any issues.  Once I get one
outstanding Pinnacle 800i fix in, I will issue a PULL request and this
will go into the mainline.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: [patch 4/4] zoran: fix /|| error

2009-05-12 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 4:39 PM, wrote:
 From: Roel Kluin

 Fix /|| typo. `default_norm' can be 0 (PAL), 1 (NTSC) or 2 (SECAM),
 the condition tested was impossible.

 Signed-off-by: Roel Kluin
 Cc: Mauro Carvalho Chehab
 Cc: Hans Verkuil
 Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton


Was the patch actually tested against the hardware in question?  While
I agree that it looks ok, it can result in the default logic being
inverted in some cases, which could expose other bugs and result in a

I just want to be confident that this patch was tested by somebody
with the hardware and it isn't going into the codebase because it
obviously cannot be right.



Devin J. Heitmueller - Kernel Labs
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Re: XC5000 improvements: call for testers!

2009-05-08 Thread Devin Heitmueller
On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 7:21 AM, John R. wrote:
 After some off-list pointers by Devin, I tracked this down to user error.  I
 thought I was compiling tip for xc5000-improvements-beta but was not.  This
 is now working and composite input video works well on my 950Q.  I notice no
 difference from previous version (wouldn't really expect to based on



Glad to hear it's working for you.  If you're using composite, then
you will not see the benefits of the tuning performance, but you
*will* see the power management benefits.  This means the tuner chip
won't be enabled when you're not watching TV, which will result in not
causing as much drain on your battery (if you have a laptop) and the
device will be much cooler.

I am still looking for strategies in the code so that the tuner is not
enabled when capturing on composite or s-video (which will reduce
power consumption further), but the code changes are non-trivial.


Devin J. Heitmueller
AIM: devinheitmueller
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