Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 hansel == hansel  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

hansel On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
  hansel == hansel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
hansel This leaves the general problem unaddressed -- how do I switch
hansel directly between, say, the 3d and the 11th document loaded?
  The 11th is more difficult, but for smaller numbers there is Alt-D
 3 / Alt-D 9.

hansel Emacs bindings, compiled by me with qt frontend, this Alt-D
hansel ('D' or 'd' with alt key depressed) pulls down the Document
hansel menu and a number following does nothing.

Oops, sorry, should be Alt-V (which indeed opens the View menu) then
1, 2, 3... switches to the corresponding document.


Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

 christian Just in case it wasn't clear, I think he'd like a function
 christian to that changes the buffer to the previous buffer. Then
 christian after he's switched, he can use that function again to
 christian switch back. I know that I would have like this function
 christian when I was writing a lot in LyX.
 Would the solution be that switching to a document brings it to the
 front of the document list? Then the previous one is accessible
 through Ctrl-PageUp.

No, I think that'd just be confusing... :-)

I think Lars has the right idea, the command buffer-switch should by 
default switch back to the previously opened buffer if it isn't told 
anything else.

 Also adding tabs for the open documents would be very easy and probably
 very helpful too.

True, although tabs is orthogonal to this, isn't it? (i.e. separate 
entry). Personally I don't use tabs that much... sometimes they are useful 
in Opera to rearrange the order just so that switching beteween pages is 
more convenient though.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: lyx and noweb

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, David Berg wrote:

 not go to the LyX Wiki and read how I made that thing work so you but run into 

I managed to get it working by choosing the Edit-Reconfigure. 
Perhaps who ever has access to the page mentioned above should add
that instruction.

If you're referring to a wiki page, you have access and you are welcome to
just change it :-)


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 christian == christian ridderstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Would the solution be that switching to a document brings it to
 the front of the document list? Then the previous one is accessible
 through Ctrl-PageUp.

christian No, I think that'd just be confusing... :-)

Isn't this what emacs does?

christian I think Lars has the right idea, the command buffer-switch
christian should by default switch back to the previously opened
christian buffer if it isn't told anything else.

Also, when closing a document, we should not revert to the first open

 Also adding tabs for the open documents would be very easy and
 probably very helpful too.

christian True, although tabs is orthogonal to this, isn't it? (i.e.
christian separate entry). Personally I don't use tabs that much...

It would allow to see one screen what the relative position of
documents is. Therefore you now how many times to do Ctrl-PageUp/Down.


Re: Multiple columns, but not quite.

2006-04-11 Thread Helge Hafting

Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Adam Soltan wrote:

I am trying to produce a kind of multicolumn text. It's about
comparing some figures for two different years. Each row is
giving the numbers for different variables. Something like
this (best viewed in monospace):

Variable 14711  1024
Variable 42 5052

The point is to get the columns straight. Tables won't work
because the data takes more then one page. I've tried HFill
but, well, it doesn't do what I am looking for. And I would
prefer not to have to use the Typewriter font. Perhaps some
kind of Tab-function? (Yes, I've looked for something like
that and didn't find anything.) Any suggestions?

/Adam Soltan

What about longtable? 

Yes, longtable will work for this.  And lyx supports it too:

1. Insert a table directly into the document.  Don't use a float!
2. Bring up the table's dialog box.  One of the pages lets you
   check the longtable option. Now the table will break nicely
   over as many pages as needed!
3. If you want to, you can have table headers and/or footers that
   repeat automatically on every new page.  You may also have a
   first header and a final footer.  Put the cursor on the correct
   table line, then use the table dialog to turn it into a special
   longtable header/footer line.
4. The table dialog also let you do other useful stuff, such as
   setting columns to be centered or left or right justified, and
   turn tabular lines on and off. And you can have fixed-width
   columns if you like.

Helge Hafting

Re: Manual correction of hyphenation ?

2006-04-11 Thread Helge Hafting

christiaan johannes pauw wrote:

Hi all

I am writing a document in Afrikaans and the Dutch hyphenation ruloes
doesn't work so well.

The long-term solution then, is to make hyphenation for Afrikaans.
Perhaps a university might be interested?

Is it possible to set a document on no hyphention?

Yes.  Look here:

Is it possible to create a log of hyphenated word that can be reviewed

I think so, look up more information about latex on the net.

Helge Hafting

Re: how do I change the pdf viewer? SOLVED

2006-04-11 Thread mario
I upgraded to AR7. 
Also, it seems you need to fill in with  just `acroread´. 
Also, I used: chmod 777 -R lyx (I do not know if this is needed)
btw: where are the new preferences going to be written into? 
If you look at the file lyxrc.example, there is some instruction about
a congiguration file lyxrc, but it doesn`t seem to be necessary.

thanks to all who replied (to my several posts)

On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 13:09 -0700, Stephen Harris wrote:
 mario wrote:
  how do I change the pdf viewer?
  I tried
  Preferences -
  File Formats:pdf (pdflatex) - 
  Viewer: /usr/local/Acrobat5/bin/acroread (instead of :xpdf),
  but it just opens Acrobat Reader, not the .pdf file. 
  Do I need a parameter? Or what?
 Upgrading to AR7 fixes several problems;
 I'm not sure about this one.

Re: how do I save within my preferred directory?

2006-04-11 Thread mario

thanks for your reply. Yes, I got the point (I believe) 
So, the way to do things is:
-- to view my .pdf output, I use the View command (and if I save my .pdf
output from the pdf viewer, by default I am saving in the temp dir.)
-- to save my .pdf output within my own dir., I use the Export command.

fine and simple.

say On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 20:00 +0200, Georg Baum wrote:
 mario wrote:
  Now my present issue: the final .dvi and .pdf outputs seems to be saved
  into a /tmp/lyx_tmpdir141803rM5kp/lyx_tmpbuf5 directory.
 It puts a lot of temporary files there. Normally you never need to look at
 anything there.
  How do I force lyx to save them in a choosen by myself directory? I
  don`t see anything in the preference interface. I failed to find a
  useful hint by google.
 File-Export can export your document to a varietey of formats including dvi
 and pdf. It will save the exported file in the document directory.

Re: Hyphenation talk

2006-04-11 Thread Helge Hafting

Declan O'Byrne wrote:

Hi all,

Could anyone offer me a brief introduction to hyphenation in lyx. In
practice, I'm getting un-hyphenated documents, and I'm trying to understand
why. Are the rules of hyphenation based on some package that I haven't
invoked? Where do I go to understand what's wrong?

1. Make sure you have selected the correct langauge for your
document.  (Look at the language setting in the document settings.)

2. Try running texconfig, and check if hyphenation for your
   language of choice is installed and enabled.

I don't see anything of apparent relevance in the preamble, or in any of the
menus... but maybe I'm overlooking the obvious?

Another check:
Then, run latex myfile.tex from the command line.
You should now get a myfile.log too, which details what happened.
Lyx will also make this logfile when you do view-dvi or view-pdf,
but it happens somewhere in /tmp.

Read the logfile.  In the beginning, you should get something like:

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4) (format=latex 
2006.3.30)  10 APR 2006 14:30

entering extended mode
LaTeX2e 2003/12/01
Babel v3.8d and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, 
ngerman, b
ahasa, basque, bulgarian, catalan, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, 
esperanto, e
stonian, finnish, greek, icelandic, irish, italian, latin, magyar, 
norsk, polis
h, portuges, romanian, russian, serbian, slovak, slovene, spanish, 
swedish, tur

kish, ukrainian, nohyphenation, loaded.

If your language isn't in this log - then you need to install it.
If it is, then you need to select the correct language in document 

Further down the log you should see your language being activated:

Package: babel 2004/11/20 v3.8d The Babel package

Language: norsk 2004/02/20 v2.0h Norsk support from the babel system

As you see, I use norsk.

Helge Hafting

Re: No hyphenation at all: what's going on?

2006-04-11 Thread Helge Hafting

Declan O'Byrne wrote:

Hi all,

I'm not getting any hyphenation at all. The language is set to English, and
I've tried going from aspell to ispell, and to British etc. But to no
So, I started another document for the sole purposes of testing, and filled
it with some nonsense.  Only default options: the same problem again.
With your permission I include the latex logfile from the testing document.

Questions is: what's going wrong?


Looks like you're typesetting a document with no language:

Babel v3.8d and hyphenation patterns for loaded.

Between for and loaded, there should be at least one language,
i.e. the language you use.  Possibly more, if you install support
for several languages. Looks like your latex doesn't support hyphenation
at all - probably because it isn't installed or misconfigured.

0 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191

Very little hyphenation data here . . .

I use debian, but it is supposed to be similiar to ubuntu.
Try running texconfig, check out the hyphenation menu.
It could be as simple as enabling support for your language.

If you have to look for packages, consider:
apt-cache search latexh hyphen

If you're using texlive, install the correct texlive-lang-language
package. If you're using tetex, then tetex-base should be enough.

The only thing you do in lyx, is to select the correct language.
Then latex is supposed to do the rest.  If you get tired of
setting the language all the time, set it as default.

Helge Hafting

LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

Public release of LyX version 1.4.1

We are pleased to announce the release of LyX 1.4.1. This is a bug fix
release, but some of the bugs were big. In particular:

 - fix the huge memory consumption and corresponding sluggishness with
   documents containing many graphics or `instant preview' snippets.

 - fix slow screen update with nested insets, particularly with LyX/Mac.

 - fix the delay when exiting from a math inset. 

 - let the change tracking code track paragraph breaks too.

Also, this will be the first 1.4 release with a windows installer.

See the file RELEASE-NOTES for some known problems in this release.

In case you are wondering what LyX is, here is what has to say on the subject:

   LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing
   based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. It
   is released under a Free Software / Open Source license.

   LyX is for people that write and want their writing to look great,
   right out of the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting
   details, 'finger painting' font attributes or futzing around with page
   boundaries. You just write. In the background, Prof. Knuth's legendary
   TeX typesetting engine makes you look good.

   On screen, LyX looks like any word processor; its printed output -- or
   richly cross-referenced PDF, just as readily produced -- looks like
   nothing else. Gone are the days of industrially bland .docs, all
   looking similarly not-quite-right, yet coming out unpredictably
   different on different printer drivers. Gone are the crashes 'eating'
   your dissertation the evening before going to press.

   LyX is stable and fully featured. It is a multi-platform, fully
   internationalized application running natively on Unix/Linux, the
   Macintosh and modern Windows platforms. 

You can download LyX 1.4.1 here (the .bz2 are compressed with bzip2,
which yields smaller files):

and it should propagate shortly to the following mirrors (which will also host
the .bz2 versions):

Note that no patch is provided to upgrade from version 1.3.7.

Prebuilt binaries (rpms for linux distributions, Mac OS X and Windows
installers) should soon be available at

If you already have the LyX 1.4.0 sources, you may want to apply one
of the following patches instead

Note that this patch will not produce valid LyX/Mac sources, since
some binary files have been added for this release.

If you find what you think is a bug in LyX 1.4.1, you may either
e-mail the LyX developers' mailing list (lyx-devel  at, or 
a bug report at

If you're having trouble using the new version of LyX, or have a question,
first check out If you can't find the answer there,
e-mail the LyX users' list (lyx-users  at


The LyX team.

What's new in version 1.4.1?

** Updates

- Enable breaking and merging of paragraphs in change tracking mode
  (bug 880).

- Update Basque, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Spanish
  localizations; import 1.3.7 localizations for Finnish, Slovak,
  Russian, Slovenian, Romanian, Dutch and Turkish.

- Update Spanish translation of the tutorial; update German
  translation of the Tutorial and Introduction.

- Document the packages fancybox, prettyref, preview and varioref in 

** Bug fixes

* Document input/output:

- Fix LaTeX error with Address layout in AMS classes (bug 2363).

- Fix LaTeX error when \labelitemi is undefined (bug 2053).

- Fix LaTeX error when inserting a graphic in a section heading or a
  caption (bug 675).

- Translate \verb commands correctly in tex2lyx (bug 2236).

- Truncate temporary file names that are too long for MikTeX's pdflatex.

- Parse \tag and \tag* commands correctly in tex2lyx and mathed (bug 2234).

- Import fixed width table columns correctly in tex2lyx (bug 2290).

- Convert old LyX documents with a float list at the end correctly in
  lyx2lyx (bug 2245).

- Fix crash when generating LaTeX dependencies on Cygwin.

- Fix wrong path_prefix handling in Cygwin builds (bug 2344)

- Set search path for included files correctly on Cygwin (bug 2409).

- Better layout file 

a issue with import/export?

2006-04-11 Thread mario
hello again,

Say I have the following file  a.tex:
\put(0,0){\makebox(0,0)[tr]{AAA}}  -- look at this line
\put(8,0){\makebox(0,0)[tl]{BBB}}  -- look at this line

I lyx-import, save as b.lyx  and export as b.tex:

%% LyX 1.4.0 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
%% User specified LaTeX commands.
\put(0,0){\makebox{(}0,0){[}tr]{AAA}}  --- extra {,}
\put(8,0){\makebox{(}0,0){[}tl]{BBB}}  --- extra {,}

As far as I may see, the extra {,}`s make the final output a mess.
Comments welcome.


FYI: The wiki no longer automatically links so called WikiWords

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom

I've finally disabled the use of CamelCase, or WikiWords to create
links to other wiki pages. One major problem with this was that
everytime someone wrote 'LyX', 'LaTeX' or 'BibTeX' it became a link.

From now on this is no longer necessary. This also mean that authors no 
longer have to write '[=LyX=]' in order to avoid the word becoming a link.

So how do you create a link to another page then? It's really simple, just 
place the name of the page withing '[[...]]'. For instance, in order to 
link to a page called 'KeyboardShortcuts', simply write one of the 

[[Keyboard shortcuts]]
[[keyboard shortcuts]]


PS. In case any of you have noticed links that were yellow, this was 
temporary while I was looking for WikiWord-links that I had to place 
brackets around. 

PPS. I hope I've converted all WikiWord-links, but I can't guarantee it:-(
The risk here is simply that a text such as MiKTeX that used be 
interpreted as a link no is just a text...

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

  christian == christian ridderstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Would the solution be that switching to a document brings it to
  the front of the document list? Then the previous one is accessible
  through Ctrl-PageUp.
 christian No, I think that'd just be confusing... :-)
 Isn't this what emacs does?

Um... Ctrl-PageUp doesn't do that in my Emacs.

If you mean that the buffer list is reordered, I have no idea... I rarely 
look at it...

 christian I think Lars has the right idea, the command buffer-switch
 christian should by default switch back to the previously opened
 christian buffer if it isn't told anything else.
 Also, when closing a document, we should not revert to the first open

Good point.

  Also adding tabs for the open documents would be very easy and
  probably very helpful too.
 christian True, although tabs is orthogonal to this, isn't it? (i.e.
 christian separate entry). Personally I don't use tabs that much...
 It would allow to see one screen what the relative position of
 documents is. Therefore you now how many times to do Ctrl-PageUp/Down.

Hmm... maybe. I have tabs shown in Opera, and I switch between the pages 
quite a lot. However, I don't think I've ever looked at the tabs to 
actually decide how many times to do Ctrl-Left/Right...

This could simply be a matter of me having way to many tabs open at once
of course. Anyway, I think having tabs could be really good, but I'm not
convinced it completely replaces the need for just switching to the
previous buffer.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Wiki RFC: Would a separate 'Glossary/'-group make sense?

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
Hi everybody

While converting WikiWords to normal links, I noticed that there are quite
a few pages spread out on the wiki that are basically just an entry in a
glossary. Here are some examples that I found in LyX/ and Windows/.

I'm thinking that it'd make sense to move all these pages into a separate 
group called 'Glossary/'. Links won't have to be changed, since I'll add 
this group to the page path, i.e. it is enough to simply write 


from a page in any group, and it'll link to [[Glossary.GSview]].  It will 
also still be possible to have a page with the same name in the current 

Thoughts on this?

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: a issue with import/export?

2006-04-11 Thread Georg Baum
mario wrote:

 As far as I may see, the extra {,}`s make the final output a mess.
 Comments welcome.

You found a bug in tex2lyx. Please file it at and
attach the file a.tex and the created .lyx file to the report. It is
already a good minimal example file.


Re: Wiki RFC: Would a separate 'Glossary/'-group make sense?

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 christian == christian ridderstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

christian I'm thinking that it'd make sense to move all these pages
christian into a separate group called 'Glossary/'. 

Yes, it makes sense.


Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 christian == christian ridderstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

christian If you mean that the buffer list is reordered, I have no
christian idea... I rarely look at it...

Yes, that is what I meant.

christian Anyway, I think having tabs could be really good, but I'm
christian not convinced it completely replaces the need for just
christian switching to the previous buffer.

I agree with you on this point.


Lyx 1.3.7 and Scientific Word

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Claude Garreau
Please reply also to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Many collegues to whom I recommended Lyx under Win XP indicate
if they have previously installed Scientific Word/Workplace they are unable
to install Lyx fonts, even if SW is unistalled properly. Lyx fonts are
as 'installed' by the system, but clearly Lyx is unable to find them. Do
knows how to fix this problem?

Thanks in advance,

J. C. Garreau

Jean-Claude Garreau
Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules 
Villeneuve d'Ascq - France 
Tel  +(33) [0]3 20 33 64 49 
FAX  +(33) [0]3 20 43 40 84 (calling from abroad, do not dial the [0])

Triplicate LyX-GrammerChecker pages on the wiki

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
Hi John

There are three pages with almost the same name on the wiki...  I assume
they're accidental triplicates, would you mind deleting two(?) of them:


PS. Your e-mail address on one of these pages bounced, so I'm sending it 
here insetad.

Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread hansel
Notes on emacs.

On Tue, 11 Apr 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
   christian == christian ridderstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Would the solution be that switching to a document brings it to
   the front of the document list? Then the previous one is accessible
   through Ctrl-PageUp.
  christian No, I think that'd just be confusing... :-)
  Isn't this what emacs does?
 Um... Ctrl-PageUp doesn't do that in my Emacs.
 If you mean that the buffer list is reordered, I have no idea... I rarely 
 look at it...

Emacs reorders buffers. Easy to verify in several ways.

Cntrl-PgUp/PgDn does not appear useful.  Cntrl-PgDn turns a directory
listing into a column of '-' on the extreme left and the rest of the
document window is blank. Cntrl-PgUp restores the directory. It appears to
work recursively (reflecting lisp roots?) -- that is, it takes the same
number of Cntrl-PgUps to pop up to the original. I see no powerful use on
my first test.

Mark Hansel

Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 hansel == hansel  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

hansel Emacs reorders buffers. Easy to verify in several ways.


hansel Cntrl-PgUp/PgDn does not appear useful. Cntrl-PgDn turns a
hansel directory listing into a column of '-' on the extreme left and
hansel the rest of the document window is blank. 

I do not thin Ctrl-PageUp/Down does anything relevant in emacs. I only
mentionned it in the case of LyX.


Re: Triplicate LyX-GrammerChecker pages on the wiki

2006-04-11 Thread john
On Tue, Apr 11, 2006 at 03:24:09PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi John
 There are three pages with almost the same name on the wiki...  I assume
 they're accidental triplicates, would you mind deleting two(?) of them:
 PS. Your e-mail address on one of these pages bounced, so I'm sending it 
 here insetad.

I have had a few problems with my server, so now I mostly use [EMAIL PROTECTED]
should be deleted
Is a group not a page? Perhaps it should be deleted, but
should be put somewhere.
address is the actual LyX-GrammarChecker page. 

John C. McCabe-Dansted
Masters Student

Re: Wiki RFC: Would a separate 'Glossary/'-group make sense?

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
On Tue, 11 Apr 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi everybody
 While converting WikiWords to normal links, I noticed that there are quite
 a few pages spread out on the wiki that are basically just an entry in a

Since I got one vote in favor and none against, I went ahead and did it:-)

These pages have been moved:

I hope I managed to fix all the links. The site probably still has some 
duplicate pages explaining TeX/LaTeX etc, but that's for some other day.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

FYI: Now a glossary at the wiki

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
Here's the glossary

A few technical details:

* We can write [[noweb]] in any group that hasn't already got a page
  called 'Noweb', and it'll automatically point to [[Glossary/Noweb]]

* The main glossary page automatically pulls in all the other pages in the 
  Glossary group and displays them. This means the entire glossary can be
  seen in one page. Each glossary entry also gets a link to the page, and
  even a link to edit the page.

/Christian - feeling quite pleased :-)

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Triplicate LyX-GrammerChecker pages on the wiki

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, john wrote:

 On Tue, Apr 11, 2006 at 03:24:09PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi John
  There are three pages with almost the same name on the wiki...  I assume
  they're accidental triplicates, would you mind deleting two(?) of them:
  PS. Your e-mail address on one of these pages bounced, so I'm sending it 
  here insetad.
 I have had a few problems with my server, so now I mostly use [EMAIL 
 should be deleted
 Is a group not a page? Perhaps it should be deleted, but
 should be put somewhere.
 address is the actual LyX-GrammarChecker page. 

Ok, I'll move it.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: a issue with import/export?

2006-04-11 Thread mario


Bugzilla Bug 2504: Import bug related to \makebox(0,0)[tr]{AAA}

I am not sure I have done as properly as I should, but I am not a

On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 13:40 +0200, Georg Baum wrote:
 mario wrote:
  As far as I may see, the extra {,}`s make the final output a mess.
  Comments welcome.
 You found a bug in tex2lyx. Please file it at and
 attach the file a.tex and the created .lyx file to the report. It is
 already a good minimal example file.

Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-11 Thread Bennett Helm
I've placed the Mac binary at;  
please move it to the correct binaries folder.



On Apr 11, 2006, at 5:57 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Public release of LyX version 1.4.1

We are pleased to announce the release of LyX 1.4.1. This is a bug fix
release, but some of the bugs were big. In particular:

 - fix the huge memory consumption and corresponding sluggishness with
   documents containing many graphics or `instant preview' snippets.

 - fix slow screen update with nested insets, particularly with LyX/ 

 - fix the delay when exiting from a math inset.

 - let the change tracking code track paragraph breaks too.

Also, this will be the first 1.4 release with a windows installer.

See the file RELEASE-NOTES for some known problems in this release.

In case you are wondering what LyX is, here is what has to say on the subject:

   LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing
   based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. It
   is released under a Free Software / Open Source license.

   LyX is for people that write and want their writing to look great,
   right out of the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting
   details, 'finger painting' font attributes or futzing around  
with page
   boundaries. You just write. In the background, Prof. Knuth's  

   TeX typesetting engine makes you look good.

   On screen, LyX looks like any word processor; its printed output  
-- or

   richly cross-referenced PDF, just as readily produced -- looks like
   nothing else. Gone are the days of industrially bland .docs, all
   looking similarly not-quite-right, yet coming out unpredictably
   different on different printer drivers. Gone are the crashes  

   your dissertation the evening before going to press.

   LyX is stable and fully featured. It is a multi-platform, fully
   internationalized application running natively on Unix/Linux, the
   Macintosh and modern Windows platforms.

You can download LyX 1.4.1 here (the .bz2 are compressed with bzip2,
which yields smaller files):

and it should propagate shortly to the following mirrors (which  
will also host

the .bz2 versions): 

Note that no patch is provided to upgrade from version 1.3.7.

Prebuilt binaries (rpms for linux distributions, Mac OS X and Windows
installers) should soon be available at

If you already have the LyX 1.4.0 sources, you may want to apply one
of the following patches instead

Note that this patch will not produce valid LyX/Mac sources, since
some binary files have been added for this release.

If you find what you think is a bug in LyX 1.4.1, you may either
e-mail the LyX developers' mailing list (lyx-devel  at, or open

a bug report at

If you're having trouble using the new version of LyX, or have a  
first check out If you can't find the  
answer there,

e-mail the LyX users' list (lyx-users  at


The LyX team.

What's new in version 1.4.1?

** Updates

- Enable breaking and merging of paragraphs in change tracking mode
  (bug 880).

- Update Basque, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Spanish
  localizations; import 1.3.7 localizations for Finnish, Slovak,
  Russian, Slovenian, Romanian, Dutch and Turkish.

- Update Spanish translation of the tutorial; update German
  translation of the Tutorial and Introduction.

- Document the packages fancybox, prettyref, preview and varioref in

** Bug fixes

* Document input/output:

- Fix LaTeX error with Address layout in AMS classes (bug 2363).

- Fix LaTeX error when \labelitemi is undefined (bug 2053).

- Fix LaTeX error when inserting a graphic in a section heading or a
  caption (bug 675).

- Translate \verb commands correctly in tex2lyx (bug 2236).

- Truncate temporary file names that are too long for MikTeX's  

- Parse \tag and \tag* commands correctly in tex2lyx and mathed  
(bug 2234).

- Import fixed width table columns correctly in tex2lyx (bug 2290).

- Convert old LyX documents with a float list at the end correctly in
  lyx2lyx (bug 

Viewing LaTex Source of MathEd Formulas

2006-04-11 Thread Fritz Bein

using MathEd I can also use LaTex commands like \sum to enter a formula. Is
it also possible to make the LaTex command source visible in the Lyx editor?
Thanks for your help,

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Re: Margins in Lyx 1.4.0

2006-04-11 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
James Banks wrote:
 I've recently upgraded to Lyx 1.4.0 on Mac OS X on my iBook but one
 thing I miss from the 1.3.x releases is the ability to set 'small
 margins' or 'very small margins' in the Document settings. Can I
 replicate this using the 1.4.0 release, if so, how? I know I can supply
 my own custom margins but I would like to use the small and very small
 margins settings.

Yes. \usepackage{a4} or \usepackage{a4wide} in the preamble. However, before 
you do this, read this (section 1.1):
(this is why it has been removed from LyX).


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-11 Thread Sven Schreiber
Many thanks to all involved for the hard bug-fixing work! (If you keep
up this pace of releasing, I will have to give up thanking you every
time ;-)

With respect to the win32 version: I've just noticed the first binary
...setup_v1.exe, but in contrast to v1.3.7 I could not find (or have
overlooked) any mention of alternative (aka Uwe's) installers. Could
somebody give me/us a status update on which installers are/will be
available, please?

Thanks again,

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes schrieb:
 Public release of LyX version 1.4.1
 We are pleased to announce the release of LyX 1.4.1. This is a bug fix
 release, but some of the bugs were big. In particular:
  - fix the huge memory consumption and corresponding sluggishness with
documents containing many graphics or `instant preview' snippets.
  - fix slow screen update with nested insets, particularly with LyX/Mac.
  - fix the delay when exiting from a math inset. 
  - let the change tracking code track paragraph breaks too.
 Also, this will be the first 1.4 release with a windows installer.
 See the file RELEASE-NOTES for some known problems in this release.
 In case you are wondering what LyX is, here is what has to say on the subject:
LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing
based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. It
is released under a Free Software / Open Source license.
LyX is for people that write and want their writing to look great,
right out of the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting
details, 'finger painting' font attributes or futzing around with page
boundaries. You just write. In the background, Prof. Knuth's legendary
TeX typesetting engine makes you look good.
On screen, LyX looks like any word processor; its printed output -- or
richly cross-referenced PDF, just as readily produced -- looks like
nothing else. Gone are the days of industrially bland .docs, all
looking similarly not-quite-right, yet coming out unpredictably
different on different printer drivers. Gone are the crashes 'eating'
your dissertation the evening before going to press.
LyX is stable and fully featured. It is a multi-platform, fully
internationalized application running natively on Unix/Linux, the
Macintosh and modern Windows platforms. 
 You can download LyX 1.4.1 here (the .bz2 are compressed with bzip2,
 which yields smaller files):
 and it should propagate shortly to the following mirrors (which will also host
 the .bz2 versions):
 Note that no patch is provided to upgrade from version 1.3.7.
 Prebuilt binaries (rpms for linux distributions, Mac OS X and Windows
 installers) should soon be available at
 If you already have the LyX 1.4.0 sources, you may want to apply one
 of the following patches instead
 Note that this patch will not produce valid LyX/Mac sources, since
 some binary files have been added for this release.
 If you find what you think is a bug in LyX 1.4.1, you may either
 e-mail the LyX developers' mailing list (lyx-devel  at, or 
 a bug report at
 If you're having trouble using the new version of LyX, or have a question,
 first check out If you can't find the answer there,
 e-mail the LyX users' list (lyx-users  at
 The LyX team.
 What's new in version 1.4.1?
 ** Updates
 - Enable breaking and merging of paragraphs in change tracking mode
   (bug 880).
 - Update Basque, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Spanish
   localizations; import 1.3.7 localizations for Finnish, Slovak,
   Russian, Slovenian, Romanian, Dutch and Turkish.
 - Update Spanish translation of the tutorial; update German
   translation of the Tutorial and Introduction.
 - Document the packages fancybox, prettyref, preview and varioref in 
 ** Bug fixes
 * Document input/output:
 - Fix LaTeX error with Address layout in AMS classes (bug 2363).
 - Fix LaTeX error when \labelitemi is undefined (bug 2053).
 - Fix LaTeX error when inserting a graphic in a section heading or a
   caption (bug 

Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-11 Thread Richard Kleeman

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Public release of LyX version 1.4.1

Any chance of an update by Georg to the Debian script? I tried hacking 
the 1.4.0 version but got an error right at the end of the package 

I am keen to try the latest version because of the sluggishness fix.

Re: Viewing LaTex Source of MathEd Formulas

2006-04-11 Thread Bo Peng
 using MathEd I can also use LaTex commands like \sum to enter a formula. Is
 it also possible to make the LaTex command source visible in the Lyx editor?
 Thanks for your help,

This feature is available in the latest svn version. I do not know
when it will be available to the public ( 1 year?). You can try it out
by using the svn version though.


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-11 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Richard Kleeman wrote:

Any chance of an update by Georg to the Debian script? I tried hacking the
1.4.0 version but got an error right at the end of the package

  If you build from source and use checkinstall (instead of make install) you
can specify a Debian, Slackware, or Red Hat package.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D. |  Quantifying subjectivity for the
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)  |  benefit of business and society. Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-11 Thread Richard Kleeman

Yeah I know but I was also trying to put out a set of Ubuntu packages 
that plays well with apt-get. Georg's script sets dependencies while 
checkinstall unfortunately does not. It's a Debian thing ;-)

Rich Shepard wrote:

On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Richard Kleeman wrote:

Any chance of an update by Georg to the Debian script? I tried hacking 

1.4.0 version but got an error right at the end of the package

  If you build from source and use checkinstall (instead of make 
install) you

can specify a Debian, Slackware, or Red Hat package.


Re: prosper layout

2006-04-11 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Marcin Błażejowski wrote:

Has anyone proper prosper layout for LyX 1.4?
My old layouts, which worked with LyX 1.3, in some way doesn't comply 
with LyX 1.4...


In the scripts directory of 1.4.x, you should find a Python script by 
Georg Baum named  Does running this against your old 
layout fix the problem?


Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 hansel == hansel  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

hansel On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
  hansel == hansel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
hansel This leaves the general problem unaddressed -- how do I switch
hansel directly between, say, the 3d and the 11th document loaded?
  The 11th is more difficult, but for smaller numbers there is Alt-D
 3 / Alt-D 9.

hansel Emacs bindings, compiled by me with qt frontend, this Alt-D
hansel ('D' or 'd' with alt key depressed) pulls down the Document
hansel menu and a number following does nothing.

Oops, sorry, should be Alt-V (which indeed opens the View menu) then
1, 2, 3... switches to the corresponding document.


Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

 christian Just in case it wasn't clear, I think he'd like a function
 christian to that changes the buffer to the previous buffer. Then
 christian after he's switched, he can use that function again to
 christian switch back. I know that I would have like this function
 christian when I was writing a lot in LyX.
 Would the solution be that switching to a document brings it to the
 front of the document list? Then the previous one is accessible
 through Ctrl-PageUp.

No, I think that'd just be confusing... :-)

I think Lars has the right idea, the command buffer-switch should by 
default switch back to the previously opened buffer if it isn't told 
anything else.

 Also adding tabs for the open documents would be very easy and probably
 very helpful too.

True, although tabs is orthogonal to this, isn't it? (i.e. separate 
entry). Personally I don't use tabs that much... sometimes they are useful 
in Opera to rearrange the order just so that switching beteween pages is 
more convenient though.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: lyx and noweb

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, David Berg wrote:

 not go to the LyX Wiki and read how I made that thing work so you but run into 

I managed to get it working by choosing the Edit-Reconfigure. 
Perhaps who ever has access to the page mentioned above should add
that instruction.

If you're referring to a wiki page, you have access and you are welcome to
just change it :-)


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 christian == christian ridderstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Would the solution be that switching to a document brings it to
 the front of the document list? Then the previous one is accessible
 through Ctrl-PageUp.

christian No, I think that'd just be confusing... :-)

Isn't this what emacs does?

christian I think Lars has the right idea, the command buffer-switch
christian should by default switch back to the previously opened
christian buffer if it isn't told anything else.

Also, when closing a document, we should not revert to the first open

 Also adding tabs for the open documents would be very easy and
 probably very helpful too.

christian True, although tabs is orthogonal to this, isn't it? (i.e.
christian separate entry). Personally I don't use tabs that much...

It would allow to see one screen what the relative position of
documents is. Therefore you now how many times to do Ctrl-PageUp/Down.


Re: Multiple columns, but not quite.

2006-04-11 Thread Helge Hafting

Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Adam Soltan wrote:

I am trying to produce a kind of multicolumn text. It's about
comparing some figures for two different years. Each row is
giving the numbers for different variables. Something like
this (best viewed in monospace):

Variable 14711  1024
Variable 42 5052

The point is to get the columns straight. Tables won't work
because the data takes more then one page. I've tried HFill
but, well, it doesn't do what I am looking for. And I would
prefer not to have to use the Typewriter font. Perhaps some
kind of Tab-function? (Yes, I've looked for something like
that and didn't find anything.) Any suggestions?

/Adam Soltan

What about longtable? 

Yes, longtable will work for this.  And lyx supports it too:

1. Insert a table directly into the document.  Don't use a float!
2. Bring up the table's dialog box.  One of the pages lets you
   check the longtable option. Now the table will break nicely
   over as many pages as needed!
3. If you want to, you can have table headers and/or footers that
   repeat automatically on every new page.  You may also have a
   first header and a final footer.  Put the cursor on the correct
   table line, then use the table dialog to turn it into a special
   longtable header/footer line.
4. The table dialog also let you do other useful stuff, such as
   setting columns to be centered or left or right justified, and
   turn tabular lines on and off. And you can have fixed-width
   columns if you like.

Helge Hafting

Re: Manual correction of hyphenation ?

2006-04-11 Thread Helge Hafting

christiaan johannes pauw wrote:

Hi all

I am writing a document in Afrikaans and the Dutch hyphenation ruloes
doesn't work so well.

The long-term solution then, is to make hyphenation for Afrikaans.
Perhaps a university might be interested?

Is it possible to set a document on no hyphention?

Yes.  Look here:

Is it possible to create a log of hyphenated word that can be reviewed

I think so, look up more information about latex on the net.

Helge Hafting

Re: how do I change the pdf viewer? SOLVED

2006-04-11 Thread mario
I upgraded to AR7. 
Also, it seems you need to fill in with  just `acroread´. 
Also, I used: chmod 777 -R lyx (I do not know if this is needed)
btw: where are the new preferences going to be written into? 
If you look at the file lyxrc.example, there is some instruction about
a congiguration file lyxrc, but it doesn`t seem to be necessary.

thanks to all who replied (to my several posts)

On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 13:09 -0700, Stephen Harris wrote:
 mario wrote:
  how do I change the pdf viewer?
  I tried
  Preferences -
  File Formats:pdf (pdflatex) - 
  Viewer: /usr/local/Acrobat5/bin/acroread (instead of :xpdf),
  but it just opens Acrobat Reader, not the .pdf file. 
  Do I need a parameter? Or what?
 Upgrading to AR7 fixes several problems;
 I'm not sure about this one.

Re: how do I save within my preferred directory?

2006-04-11 Thread mario

thanks for your reply. Yes, I got the point (I believe) 
So, the way to do things is:
-- to view my .pdf output, I use the View command (and if I save my .pdf
output from the pdf viewer, by default I am saving in the temp dir.)
-- to save my .pdf output within my own dir., I use the Export command.

fine and simple.

say On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 20:00 +0200, Georg Baum wrote:
 mario wrote:
  Now my present issue: the final .dvi and .pdf outputs seems to be saved
  into a /tmp/lyx_tmpdir141803rM5kp/lyx_tmpbuf5 directory.
 It puts a lot of temporary files there. Normally you never need to look at
 anything there.
  How do I force lyx to save them in a choosen by myself directory? I
  don`t see anything in the preference interface. I failed to find a
  useful hint by google.
 File-Export can export your document to a varietey of formats including dvi
 and pdf. It will save the exported file in the document directory.

Re: Hyphenation talk

2006-04-11 Thread Helge Hafting

Declan O'Byrne wrote:

Hi all,

Could anyone offer me a brief introduction to hyphenation in lyx. In
practice, I'm getting un-hyphenated documents, and I'm trying to understand
why. Are the rules of hyphenation based on some package that I haven't
invoked? Where do I go to understand what's wrong?

1. Make sure you have selected the correct langauge for your
document.  (Look at the language setting in the document settings.)

2. Try running texconfig, and check if hyphenation for your
   language of choice is installed and enabled.

I don't see anything of apparent relevance in the preamble, or in any of the
menus... but maybe I'm overlooking the obvious?

Another check:
Then, run latex myfile.tex from the command line.
You should now get a myfile.log too, which details what happened.
Lyx will also make this logfile when you do view-dvi or view-pdf,
but it happens somewhere in /tmp.

Read the logfile.  In the beginning, you should get something like:

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4) (format=latex 
2006.3.30)  10 APR 2006 14:30

entering extended mode
LaTeX2e 2003/12/01
Babel v3.8d and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, 
ngerman, b
ahasa, basque, bulgarian, catalan, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, 
esperanto, e
stonian, finnish, greek, icelandic, irish, italian, latin, magyar, 
norsk, polis
h, portuges, romanian, russian, serbian, slovak, slovene, spanish, 
swedish, tur

kish, ukrainian, nohyphenation, loaded.

If your language isn't in this log - then you need to install it.
If it is, then you need to select the correct language in document 

Further down the log you should see your language being activated:

Package: babel 2004/11/20 v3.8d The Babel package

Language: norsk 2004/02/20 v2.0h Norsk support from the babel system

As you see, I use norsk.

Helge Hafting

Re: No hyphenation at all: what's going on?

2006-04-11 Thread Helge Hafting

Declan O'Byrne wrote:

Hi all,

I'm not getting any hyphenation at all. The language is set to English, and
I've tried going from aspell to ispell, and to British etc. But to no
So, I started another document for the sole purposes of testing, and filled
it with some nonsense.  Only default options: the same problem again.
With your permission I include the latex logfile from the testing document.

Questions is: what's going wrong?


Looks like you're typesetting a document with no language:

Babel v3.8d and hyphenation patterns for loaded.

Between for and loaded, there should be at least one language,
i.e. the language you use.  Possibly more, if you install support
for several languages. Looks like your latex doesn't support hyphenation
at all - probably because it isn't installed or misconfigured.

0 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191

Very little hyphenation data here . . .

I use debian, but it is supposed to be similiar to ubuntu.
Try running texconfig, check out the hyphenation menu.
It could be as simple as enabling support for your language.

If you have to look for packages, consider:
apt-cache search latexh hyphen

If you're using texlive, install the correct texlive-lang-language
package. If you're using tetex, then tetex-base should be enough.

The only thing you do in lyx, is to select the correct language.
Then latex is supposed to do the rest.  If you get tired of
setting the language all the time, set it as default.

Helge Hafting

LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

Public release of LyX version 1.4.1

We are pleased to announce the release of LyX 1.4.1. This is a bug fix
release, but some of the bugs were big. In particular:

 - fix the huge memory consumption and corresponding sluggishness with
   documents containing many graphics or `instant preview' snippets.

 - fix slow screen update with nested insets, particularly with LyX/Mac.

 - fix the delay when exiting from a math inset. 

 - let the change tracking code track paragraph breaks too.

Also, this will be the first 1.4 release with a windows installer.

See the file RELEASE-NOTES for some known problems in this release.

In case you are wondering what LyX is, here is what has to say on the subject:

   LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing
   based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. It
   is released under a Free Software / Open Source license.

   LyX is for people that write and want their writing to look great,
   right out of the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting
   details, 'finger painting' font attributes or futzing around with page
   boundaries. You just write. In the background, Prof. Knuth's legendary
   TeX typesetting engine makes you look good.

   On screen, LyX looks like any word processor; its printed output -- or
   richly cross-referenced PDF, just as readily produced -- looks like
   nothing else. Gone are the days of industrially bland .docs, all
   looking similarly not-quite-right, yet coming out unpredictably
   different on different printer drivers. Gone are the crashes 'eating'
   your dissertation the evening before going to press.

   LyX is stable and fully featured. It is a multi-platform, fully
   internationalized application running natively on Unix/Linux, the
   Macintosh and modern Windows platforms. 

You can download LyX 1.4.1 here (the .bz2 are compressed with bzip2,
which yields smaller files):

and it should propagate shortly to the following mirrors (which will also host
the .bz2 versions):

Note that no patch is provided to upgrade from version 1.3.7.

Prebuilt binaries (rpms for linux distributions, Mac OS X and Windows
installers) should soon be available at

If you already have the LyX 1.4.0 sources, you may want to apply one
of the following patches instead

Note that this patch will not produce valid LyX/Mac sources, since
some binary files have been added for this release.

If you find what you think is a bug in LyX 1.4.1, you may either
e-mail the LyX developers' mailing list (lyx-devel  at, or 
a bug report at

If you're having trouble using the new version of LyX, or have a question,
first check out If you can't find the answer there,
e-mail the LyX users' list (lyx-users  at


The LyX team.

What's new in version 1.4.1?

** Updates

- Enable breaking and merging of paragraphs in change tracking mode
  (bug 880).

- Update Basque, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Spanish
  localizations; import 1.3.7 localizations for Finnish, Slovak,
  Russian, Slovenian, Romanian, Dutch and Turkish.

- Update Spanish translation of the tutorial; update German
  translation of the Tutorial and Introduction.

- Document the packages fancybox, prettyref, preview and varioref in 

** Bug fixes

* Document input/output:

- Fix LaTeX error with Address layout in AMS classes (bug 2363).

- Fix LaTeX error when \labelitemi is undefined (bug 2053).

- Fix LaTeX error when inserting a graphic in a section heading or a
  caption (bug 675).

- Translate \verb commands correctly in tex2lyx (bug 2236).

- Truncate temporary file names that are too long for MikTeX's pdflatex.

- Parse \tag and \tag* commands correctly in tex2lyx and mathed (bug 2234).

- Import fixed width table columns correctly in tex2lyx (bug 2290).

- Convert old LyX documents with a float list at the end correctly in
  lyx2lyx (bug 2245).

- Fix crash when generating LaTeX dependencies on Cygwin.

- Fix wrong path_prefix handling in Cygwin builds (bug 2344)

- Set search path for included files correctly on Cygwin (bug 2409).

- Better layout file 

a issue with import/export?

2006-04-11 Thread mario
hello again,

Say I have the following file  a.tex:
\put(0,0){\makebox(0,0)[tr]{AAA}}  -- look at this line
\put(8,0){\makebox(0,0)[tl]{BBB}}  -- look at this line

I lyx-import, save as b.lyx  and export as b.tex:

%% LyX 1.4.0 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
%% User specified LaTeX commands.
\put(0,0){\makebox{(}0,0){[}tr]{AAA}}  --- extra {,}
\put(8,0){\makebox{(}0,0){[}tl]{BBB}}  --- extra {,}

As far as I may see, the extra {,}`s make the final output a mess.
Comments welcome.


FYI: The wiki no longer automatically links so called WikiWords

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom

I've finally disabled the use of CamelCase, or WikiWords to create
links to other wiki pages. One major problem with this was that
everytime someone wrote 'LyX', 'LaTeX' or 'BibTeX' it became a link.

From now on this is no longer necessary. This also mean that authors no 
longer have to write '[=LyX=]' in order to avoid the word becoming a link.

So how do you create a link to another page then? It's really simple, just 
place the name of the page withing '[[...]]'. For instance, in order to 
link to a page called 'KeyboardShortcuts', simply write one of the 

[[Keyboard shortcuts]]
[[keyboard shortcuts]]


PS. In case any of you have noticed links that were yellow, this was 
temporary while I was looking for WikiWord-links that I had to place 
brackets around. 

PPS. I hope I've converted all WikiWord-links, but I can't guarantee it:-(
The risk here is simply that a text such as MiKTeX that used be 
interpreted as a link no is just a text...

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

  christian == christian ridderstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Would the solution be that switching to a document brings it to
  the front of the document list? Then the previous one is accessible
  through Ctrl-PageUp.
 christian No, I think that'd just be confusing... :-)
 Isn't this what emacs does?

Um... Ctrl-PageUp doesn't do that in my Emacs.

If you mean that the buffer list is reordered, I have no idea... I rarely 
look at it...

 christian I think Lars has the right idea, the command buffer-switch
 christian should by default switch back to the previously opened
 christian buffer if it isn't told anything else.
 Also, when closing a document, we should not revert to the first open

Good point.

  Also adding tabs for the open documents would be very easy and
  probably very helpful too.
 christian True, although tabs is orthogonal to this, isn't it? (i.e.
 christian separate entry). Personally I don't use tabs that much...
 It would allow to see one screen what the relative position of
 documents is. Therefore you now how many times to do Ctrl-PageUp/Down.

Hmm... maybe. I have tabs shown in Opera, and I switch between the pages 
quite a lot. However, I don't think I've ever looked at the tabs to 
actually decide how many times to do Ctrl-Left/Right...

This could simply be a matter of me having way to many tabs open at once
of course. Anyway, I think having tabs could be really good, but I'm not
convinced it completely replaces the need for just switching to the
previous buffer.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Wiki RFC: Would a separate 'Glossary/'-group make sense?

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
Hi everybody

While converting WikiWords to normal links, I noticed that there are quite
a few pages spread out on the wiki that are basically just an entry in a
glossary. Here are some examples that I found in LyX/ and Windows/.

I'm thinking that it'd make sense to move all these pages into a separate 
group called 'Glossary/'. Links won't have to be changed, since I'll add 
this group to the page path, i.e. it is enough to simply write 


from a page in any group, and it'll link to [[Glossary.GSview]].  It will 
also still be possible to have a page with the same name in the current 

Thoughts on this?

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: a issue with import/export?

2006-04-11 Thread Georg Baum
mario wrote:

 As far as I may see, the extra {,}`s make the final output a mess.
 Comments welcome.

You found a bug in tex2lyx. Please file it at and
attach the file a.tex and the created .lyx file to the report. It is
already a good minimal example file.


Re: Wiki RFC: Would a separate 'Glossary/'-group make sense?

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 christian == christian ridderstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

christian I'm thinking that it'd make sense to move all these pages
christian into a separate group called 'Glossary/'. 

Yes, it makes sense.


Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 christian == christian ridderstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

christian If you mean that the buffer list is reordered, I have no
christian idea... I rarely look at it...

Yes, that is what I meant.

christian Anyway, I think having tabs could be really good, but I'm
christian not convinced it completely replaces the need for just
christian switching to the previous buffer.

I agree with you on this point.


Lyx 1.3.7 and Scientific Word

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Claude Garreau
Please reply also to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Many collegues to whom I recommended Lyx under Win XP indicate
if they have previously installed Scientific Word/Workplace they are unable
to install Lyx fonts, even if SW is unistalled properly. Lyx fonts are
as 'installed' by the system, but clearly Lyx is unable to find them. Do
knows how to fix this problem?

Thanks in advance,

J. C. Garreau

Jean-Claude Garreau
Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules 
Villeneuve d'Ascq - France 
Tel  +(33) [0]3 20 33 64 49 
FAX  +(33) [0]3 20 43 40 84 (calling from abroad, do not dial the [0])

Triplicate LyX-GrammerChecker pages on the wiki

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
Hi John

There are three pages with almost the same name on the wiki...  I assume
they're accidental triplicates, would you mind deleting two(?) of them:


PS. Your e-mail address on one of these pages bounced, so I'm sending it 
here insetad.

Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread hansel
Notes on emacs.

On Tue, 11 Apr 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
   christian == christian ridderstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Would the solution be that switching to a document brings it to
   the front of the document list? Then the previous one is accessible
   through Ctrl-PageUp.
  christian No, I think that'd just be confusing... :-)
  Isn't this what emacs does?
 Um... Ctrl-PageUp doesn't do that in my Emacs.
 If you mean that the buffer list is reordered, I have no idea... I rarely 
 look at it...

Emacs reorders buffers. Easy to verify in several ways.

Cntrl-PgUp/PgDn does not appear useful.  Cntrl-PgDn turns a directory
listing into a column of '-' on the extreme left and the rest of the
document window is blank. Cntrl-PgUp restores the directory. It appears to
work recursively (reflecting lisp roots?) -- that is, it takes the same
number of Cntrl-PgUps to pop up to the original. I see no powerful use on
my first test.

Mark Hansel

Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 hansel == hansel  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

hansel Emacs reorders buffers. Easy to verify in several ways.


hansel Cntrl-PgUp/PgDn does not appear useful. Cntrl-PgDn turns a
hansel directory listing into a column of '-' on the extreme left and
hansel the rest of the document window is blank. 

I do not thin Ctrl-PageUp/Down does anything relevant in emacs. I only
mentionned it in the case of LyX.


Re: Triplicate LyX-GrammerChecker pages on the wiki

2006-04-11 Thread john
On Tue, Apr 11, 2006 at 03:24:09PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi John
 There are three pages with almost the same name on the wiki...  I assume
 they're accidental triplicates, would you mind deleting two(?) of them:
 PS. Your e-mail address on one of these pages bounced, so I'm sending it 
 here insetad.

I have had a few problems with my server, so now I mostly use [EMAIL PROTECTED]
should be deleted
Is a group not a page? Perhaps it should be deleted, but
should be put somewhere.
address is the actual LyX-GrammarChecker page. 

John C. McCabe-Dansted
Masters Student

Re: Wiki RFC: Would a separate 'Glossary/'-group make sense?

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
On Tue, 11 Apr 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi everybody
 While converting WikiWords to normal links, I noticed that there are quite
 a few pages spread out on the wiki that are basically just an entry in a

Since I got one vote in favor and none against, I went ahead and did it:-)

These pages have been moved:

I hope I managed to fix all the links. The site probably still has some 
duplicate pages explaining TeX/LaTeX etc, but that's for some other day.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

FYI: Now a glossary at the wiki

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
Here's the glossary

A few technical details:

* We can write [[noweb]] in any group that hasn't already got a page
  called 'Noweb', and it'll automatically point to [[Glossary/Noweb]]

* The main glossary page automatically pulls in all the other pages in the 
  Glossary group and displays them. This means the entire glossary can be
  seen in one page. Each glossary entry also gets a link to the page, and
  even a link to edit the page.

/Christian - feeling quite pleased :-)

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Triplicate LyX-GrammerChecker pages on the wiki

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, john wrote:

 On Tue, Apr 11, 2006 at 03:24:09PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi John
  There are three pages with almost the same name on the wiki...  I assume
  they're accidental triplicates, would you mind deleting two(?) of them:
  PS. Your e-mail address on one of these pages bounced, so I'm sending it 
  here insetad.
 I have had a few problems with my server, so now I mostly use [EMAIL 
 should be deleted
 Is a group not a page? Perhaps it should be deleted, but
 should be put somewhere.
 address is the actual LyX-GrammarChecker page. 

Ok, I'll move it.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: a issue with import/export?

2006-04-11 Thread mario


Bugzilla Bug 2504: Import bug related to \makebox(0,0)[tr]{AAA}

I am not sure I have done as properly as I should, but I am not a

On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 13:40 +0200, Georg Baum wrote:
 mario wrote:
  As far as I may see, the extra {,}`s make the final output a mess.
  Comments welcome.
 You found a bug in tex2lyx. Please file it at and
 attach the file a.tex and the created .lyx file to the report. It is
 already a good minimal example file.

Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-11 Thread Bennett Helm
I've placed the Mac binary at;  
please move it to the correct binaries folder.



On Apr 11, 2006, at 5:57 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Public release of LyX version 1.4.1

We are pleased to announce the release of LyX 1.4.1. This is a bug fix
release, but some of the bugs were big. In particular:

 - fix the huge memory consumption and corresponding sluggishness with
   documents containing many graphics or `instant preview' snippets.

 - fix slow screen update with nested insets, particularly with LyX/ 

 - fix the delay when exiting from a math inset.

 - let the change tracking code track paragraph breaks too.

Also, this will be the first 1.4 release with a windows installer.

See the file RELEASE-NOTES for some known problems in this release.

In case you are wondering what LyX is, here is what has to say on the subject:

   LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing
   based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. It
   is released under a Free Software / Open Source license.

   LyX is for people that write and want their writing to look great,
   right out of the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting
   details, 'finger painting' font attributes or futzing around  
with page
   boundaries. You just write. In the background, Prof. Knuth's  

   TeX typesetting engine makes you look good.

   On screen, LyX looks like any word processor; its printed output  
-- or

   richly cross-referenced PDF, just as readily produced -- looks like
   nothing else. Gone are the days of industrially bland .docs, all
   looking similarly not-quite-right, yet coming out unpredictably
   different on different printer drivers. Gone are the crashes  

   your dissertation the evening before going to press.

   LyX is stable and fully featured. It is a multi-platform, fully
   internationalized application running natively on Unix/Linux, the
   Macintosh and modern Windows platforms.

You can download LyX 1.4.1 here (the .bz2 are compressed with bzip2,
which yields smaller files):

and it should propagate shortly to the following mirrors (which  
will also host

the .bz2 versions): 

Note that no patch is provided to upgrade from version 1.3.7.

Prebuilt binaries (rpms for linux distributions, Mac OS X and Windows
installers) should soon be available at

If you already have the LyX 1.4.0 sources, you may want to apply one
of the following patches instead

Note that this patch will not produce valid LyX/Mac sources, since
some binary files have been added for this release.

If you find what you think is a bug in LyX 1.4.1, you may either
e-mail the LyX developers' mailing list (lyx-devel  at, or open

a bug report at

If you're having trouble using the new version of LyX, or have a  
first check out If you can't find the  
answer there,

e-mail the LyX users' list (lyx-users  at


The LyX team.

What's new in version 1.4.1?

** Updates

- Enable breaking and merging of paragraphs in change tracking mode
  (bug 880).

- Update Basque, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Spanish
  localizations; import 1.3.7 localizations for Finnish, Slovak,
  Russian, Slovenian, Romanian, Dutch and Turkish.

- Update Spanish translation of the tutorial; update German
  translation of the Tutorial and Introduction.

- Document the packages fancybox, prettyref, preview and varioref in

** Bug fixes

* Document input/output:

- Fix LaTeX error with Address layout in AMS classes (bug 2363).

- Fix LaTeX error when \labelitemi is undefined (bug 2053).

- Fix LaTeX error when inserting a graphic in a section heading or a
  caption (bug 675).

- Translate \verb commands correctly in tex2lyx (bug 2236).

- Truncate temporary file names that are too long for MikTeX's  

- Parse \tag and \tag* commands correctly in tex2lyx and mathed  
(bug 2234).

- Import fixed width table columns correctly in tex2lyx (bug 2290).

- Convert old LyX documents with a float list at the end correctly in
  lyx2lyx (bug 

Viewing LaTex Source of MathEd Formulas

2006-04-11 Thread Fritz Bein

using MathEd I can also use LaTex commands like \sum to enter a formula. Is
it also possible to make the LaTex command source visible in the Lyx editor?
Thanks for your help,

Analog-/ISDN-Nutzer sparen mit GMX SmartSurfer bis zu 70%!
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Re: Margins in Lyx 1.4.0

2006-04-11 Thread Juergen Spitzmueller
James Banks wrote:
 I've recently upgraded to Lyx 1.4.0 on Mac OS X on my iBook but one
 thing I miss from the 1.3.x releases is the ability to set 'small
 margins' or 'very small margins' in the Document settings. Can I
 replicate this using the 1.4.0 release, if so, how? I know I can supply
 my own custom margins but I would like to use the small and very small
 margins settings.

Yes. \usepackage{a4} or \usepackage{a4wide} in the preamble. However, before 
you do this, read this (section 1.1):
(this is why it has been removed from LyX).


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-11 Thread Sven Schreiber
Many thanks to all involved for the hard bug-fixing work! (If you keep
up this pace of releasing, I will have to give up thanking you every
time ;-)

With respect to the win32 version: I've just noticed the first binary
...setup_v1.exe, but in contrast to v1.3.7 I could not find (or have
overlooked) any mention of alternative (aka Uwe's) installers. Could
somebody give me/us a status update on which installers are/will be
available, please?

Thanks again,

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes schrieb:
 Public release of LyX version 1.4.1
 We are pleased to announce the release of LyX 1.4.1. This is a bug fix
 release, but some of the bugs were big. In particular:
  - fix the huge memory consumption and corresponding sluggishness with
documents containing many graphics or `instant preview' snippets.
  - fix slow screen update with nested insets, particularly with LyX/Mac.
  - fix the delay when exiting from a math inset. 
  - let the change tracking code track paragraph breaks too.
 Also, this will be the first 1.4 release with a windows installer.
 See the file RELEASE-NOTES for some known problems in this release.
 In case you are wondering what LyX is, here is what has to say on the subject:
LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing
based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. It
is released under a Free Software / Open Source license.
LyX is for people that write and want their writing to look great,
right out of the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting
details, 'finger painting' font attributes or futzing around with page
boundaries. You just write. In the background, Prof. Knuth's legendary
TeX typesetting engine makes you look good.
On screen, LyX looks like any word processor; its printed output -- or
richly cross-referenced PDF, just as readily produced -- looks like
nothing else. Gone are the days of industrially bland .docs, all
looking similarly not-quite-right, yet coming out unpredictably
different on different printer drivers. Gone are the crashes 'eating'
your dissertation the evening before going to press.
LyX is stable and fully featured. It is a multi-platform, fully
internationalized application running natively on Unix/Linux, the
Macintosh and modern Windows platforms. 
 You can download LyX 1.4.1 here (the .bz2 are compressed with bzip2,
 which yields smaller files):
 and it should propagate shortly to the following mirrors (which will also host
 the .bz2 versions):
 Note that no patch is provided to upgrade from version 1.3.7.
 Prebuilt binaries (rpms for linux distributions, Mac OS X and Windows
 installers) should soon be available at
 If you already have the LyX 1.4.0 sources, you may want to apply one
 of the following patches instead
 Note that this patch will not produce valid LyX/Mac sources, since
 some binary files have been added for this release.
 If you find what you think is a bug in LyX 1.4.1, you may either
 e-mail the LyX developers' mailing list (lyx-devel  at, or 
 a bug report at
 If you're having trouble using the new version of LyX, or have a question,
 first check out If you can't find the answer there,
 e-mail the LyX users' list (lyx-users  at
 The LyX team.
 What's new in version 1.4.1?
 ** Updates
 - Enable breaking and merging of paragraphs in change tracking mode
   (bug 880).
 - Update Basque, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Spanish
   localizations; import 1.3.7 localizations for Finnish, Slovak,
   Russian, Slovenian, Romanian, Dutch and Turkish.
 - Update Spanish translation of the tutorial; update German
   translation of the Tutorial and Introduction.
 - Document the packages fancybox, prettyref, preview and varioref in 
 ** Bug fixes
 * Document input/output:
 - Fix LaTeX error with Address layout in AMS classes (bug 2363).
 - Fix LaTeX error when \labelitemi is undefined (bug 2053).
 - Fix LaTeX error when inserting a graphic in a section heading or a
   caption (bug 

Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-11 Thread Richard Kleeman

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Public release of LyX version 1.4.1

Any chance of an update by Georg to the Debian script? I tried hacking 
the 1.4.0 version but got an error right at the end of the package 

I am keen to try the latest version because of the sluggishness fix.

Re: Viewing LaTex Source of MathEd Formulas

2006-04-11 Thread Bo Peng
 using MathEd I can also use LaTex commands like \sum to enter a formula. Is
 it also possible to make the LaTex command source visible in the Lyx editor?
 Thanks for your help,

This feature is available in the latest svn version. I do not know
when it will be available to the public ( 1 year?). You can try it out
by using the svn version though.


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-11 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Richard Kleeman wrote:

Any chance of an update by Georg to the Debian script? I tried hacking the
1.4.0 version but got an error right at the end of the package

  If you build from source and use checkinstall (instead of make install) you
can specify a Debian, Slackware, or Red Hat package.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D. |  Quantifying subjectivity for the
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.(TM)  |  benefit of business and society. Voice: 503-667-4517  Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-11 Thread Richard Kleeman

Yeah I know but I was also trying to put out a set of Ubuntu packages 
that plays well with apt-get. Georg's script sets dependencies while 
checkinstall unfortunately does not. It's a Debian thing ;-)

Rich Shepard wrote:

On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Richard Kleeman wrote:

Any chance of an update by Georg to the Debian script? I tried hacking 

1.4.0 version but got an error right at the end of the package

  If you build from source and use checkinstall (instead of make 
install) you

can specify a Debian, Slackware, or Red Hat package.


Re: prosper layout

2006-04-11 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Marcin Błażejowski wrote:

Has anyone proper prosper layout for LyX 1.4?
My old layouts, which worked with LyX 1.3, in some way doesn't comply 
with LyX 1.4...


In the scripts directory of 1.4.x, you should find a Python script by 
Georg Baum named  Does running this against your old 
layout fix the problem?


Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "hansel" == hansel  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

hansel> On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>> > "hansel" == hansel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
hansel> This leaves the general problem unaddressed -- how do I switch
hansel> directly between, say, the 3d and the 11th document loaded?
>>  The 11th is more difficult, but for smaller numbers there is Alt-D
>> 3 / Alt-D 9.

hansel> Emacs bindings, compiled by me with qt frontend, this Alt-D
hansel> ('D' or 'd' with alt key depressed) pulls down the Document
hansel> menu and a number following does nothing.

Oops, sorry, should be Alt-V (which indeed opens the View menu) then
1, 2, 3... switches to the corresponding document.


Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> christian> Just in case it wasn't clear, I think he'd like a function
> christian> to that changes the buffer to the previous buffer. Then
> christian> after he's switched, he can use that function again to
> christian> switch back. I know that I would have like this function
> christian> when I was writing a lot in LyX.
> Would the solution be that switching to a document brings it to the
> front of the document list? Then the previous one is accessible
> through Ctrl-PageUp.

No, I think that'd just be confusing... :-)

I think Lars has the right idea, the command buffer-switch should by 
default switch back to the previously opened buffer if it isn't told 
anything else.

> Also adding tabs for the open documents would be very easy and probably
> very helpful too.

True, although tabs is orthogonal to this, isn't it? (i.e. separate 
entry). Personally I don't use tabs that much... sometimes they are useful 
in Opera to rearrange the order just so that switching beteween pages is 
more convenient though.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: lyx and noweb

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, David Berg wrote:

>> not go to the LyX Wiki and read how I made that thing work so you
>> > but run into 
>I managed to get it working by choosing the Edit->Reconfigure. 
>Perhaps who ever has access to the page mentioned above should add
>that instruction.

If you're referring to a wiki page, you have access and you are welcome to
just change it :-)


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "christian" == christian ridderstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>  Would the solution be that switching to a document brings it to
>> the front of the document list? Then the previous one is accessible
>> through Ctrl-PageUp.

christian> No, I think that'd just be confusing... :-)

Isn't this what emacs does?

christian> I think Lars has the right idea, the command buffer-switch
christian> should by default switch back to the previously opened
christian> buffer if it isn't told anything else.

Also, when closing a document, we should not revert to the first open

>> Also adding tabs for the open documents would be very easy and
>> probably very helpful too.

christian> True, although tabs is orthogonal to this, isn't it? (i.e.
christian> separate entry). Personally I don't use tabs that much...

It would allow to see one screen what the relative position of
documents is. Therefore you now how many times to do Ctrl-PageUp/Down.


Re: Multiple columns, but not quite.

2006-04-11 Thread Helge Hafting

Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Adam Soltan wrote:

I am trying to produce a kind of multicolumn text. It's about
comparing some figures for two different years. Each row is
giving the numbers for different variables. Something like
this (best viewed in monospace):

Variable 14711  1024
Variable 42 5052

The point is to get the columns straight. Tables won't work
because the data takes more then one page. I've tried HFill
but, well, it doesn't do what I am looking for. And I would
prefer not to have to use the Typewriter font. Perhaps some
kind of Tab-function? (Yes, I've looked for something like
that and didn't find anything.) Any suggestions?

/Adam Soltan

What about longtable? 

Yes, longtable will work for this.  And lyx supports it too:

1. Insert a table directly into the document.  Don't use a float!
2. Bring up the table's dialog box.  One of the pages lets you
   check the "longtable" option. Now the table will break nicely
   over as many pages as needed!
3. If you want to, you can have table headers and/or footers that
   repeat automatically on every new page.  You may also have a
   first header and a final footer.  Put the cursor on the correct
   table line, then use the table dialog to turn it into a special
   longtable header/footer line.
4. The table dialog also let you do other useful stuff, such as
   setting columns to be centered or left or right justified, and
   turn tabular lines on and off. And you can have fixed-width
   columns if you like.

Helge Hafting

Re: Manual correction of hyphenation ?

2006-04-11 Thread Helge Hafting

christiaan johannes pauw wrote:

Hi all

I am writing a document in Afrikaans and the Dutch hyphenation ruloes
doesn't work so well.

The long-term solution then, is to make hyphenation for Afrikaans.
Perhaps a university might be interested?

Is it possible to set a document on no hyphention?

Yes.  Look here:

Is it possible to create a log of hyphenated word that can be reviewed

I think so, look up more information about latex on the net.

Helge Hafting

Re: how do I change the pdf viewer? SOLVED

2006-04-11 Thread mario
I upgraded to AR7. 
Also, it seems you need to fill in with  just `acroread´. 
Also, I used: chmod 777 -R lyx (I do not know if this is needed)
btw: where are the new preferences going to be written into? 
If you look at the file lyxrc.example, there is some instruction about
a congiguration file lyxrc, but it doesn`t seem to be necessary.

thanks to all who replied (to my several posts)

On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 13:09 -0700, Stephen Harris wrote:
> mario wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > how do I change the pdf viewer?
> > 
> > I tried
> > Preferences ->
> > File Formats:pdf (pdflatex) -> 
> > Viewer: /usr/local/Acrobat5/bin/acroread (instead of :xpdf),
> > 
> > but it just opens Acrobat Reader, not the .pdf file. 
> > Do I need a parameter? Or what?
> > 
> > thanks
> > mario
> Upgrading to AR7 fixes several problems;
> I'm not sure about this one.
> Regards,
> Stephen

Re: how do I save within my preferred directory?

2006-04-11 Thread mario

thanks for your reply. Yes, I got the point (I believe) 
So, the way to do things is:
-- to view my .pdf output, I use the View command (and if I save my .pdf
output from the pdf viewer, by default I am saving in the temp dir.)
-- to save my .pdf output within my own dir., I use the Export command.

fine and simple.

say On Mon, 2006-04-10 at 20:00 +0200, Georg Baum wrote:
> mario wrote:
> > Now my present issue: the final .dvi and .pdf outputs seems to be saved
> > into a /tmp/lyx_tmpdir141803rM5kp/lyx_tmpbuf5 directory.
> It puts a lot of temporary files there. Normally you never need to look at
> anything there.
> > How do I force lyx to save them in a choosen by myself directory? I
> > don`t see anything in the preference interface. I failed to find a
> > useful hint by google.
> File->Export can export your document to a varietey of formats including dvi
> and pdf. It will save the exported file in the document directory.
> Georg

Re: Hyphenation talk

2006-04-11 Thread Helge Hafting

Declan O'Byrne wrote:

Hi all,

Could anyone offer me a brief introduction to hyphenation in lyx. In
practice, I'm getting un-hyphenated documents, and I'm trying to understand
why. Are the rules of hyphenation based on some package that I haven't
invoked? Where do I go to understand what's wrong?

1. Make sure you have selected the correct langauge for your
document.  (Look at the language setting in the document settings.)

2. Try running texconfig, and check if hyphenation for your
   language of choice is installed and enabled.

I don't see anything of apparent relevance in the preamble, or in any of the
menus... but maybe I'm overlooking the obvious?

Another check:
Then, run "latex myfile.tex" from the command line.
You should now get a "myfile.log" too, which details what happened.
Lyx will also make this logfile when you do view->dvi or view->pdf,
but it happens somewhere in /tmp.

Read the logfile.  In the beginning, you should get something like:

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4) (format=latex 
2006.3.30)  10 APR 2006 14:30

entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
Babel  and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, 
ngerman, b
ahasa, basque, bulgarian, catalan, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, 
esperanto, e
stonian, finnish, greek, icelandic, irish, italian, latin, magyar, 
norsk, polis
h, portuges, romanian, russian, serbian, slovak, slovene, spanish, 
swedish, tur

kish, ukrainian, nohyphenation, loaded.

If your language isn't in this log - then you need to install it.
If it is, then you need to select the correct language in "document 

Further down the log you should see your language being activated:

Package: babel 2004/11/20 v3.8d The Babel package

Language: norsk 2004/02/20 v2.0h Norsk support from the babel system

As you see, I use "norsk".

Helge Hafting

Re: No hyphenation at all: what's going on?

2006-04-11 Thread Helge Hafting

Declan O'Byrne wrote:

Hi all,

I'm not getting any hyphenation at all. The language is set to English, and
I've tried going from aspell to ispell, and to British etc. But to no
So, I started another document for the sole purposes of testing, and filled
it with some nonsense.  Only default options: the same problem again.
With your permission I include the latex logfile from the testing document.

Questions is: what's going wrong?


Looks like you're typesetting a document with no language:

Babel  and hyphenation patterns for loaded.

Between "for" and "loaded", there should be at least one language,
i.e. the language you use.  Possibly more, if you install support
for several languages. Looks like your latex doesn't support hyphenation
at all - probably because it isn't installed or misconfigured.

0 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191

Very little hyphenation data here . . .

I use debian, but it is supposed to be similiar to ubuntu.
Try running texconfig, check out the hyphenation menu.
It could be as simple as enabling support for your language.

If you have to look for packages, consider:
apt-cache search latexh hyphen

If you're using texlive, install the correct texlive-lang-
package. If you're using tetex, then tetex-base should be enough.

The only thing you do in lyx, is to select the correct language.
Then latex is supposed to do the rest.  If you get tired of
setting the language all the time, set it as default.

Helge Hafting

LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

Public release of LyX version 1.4.1

We are pleased to announce the release of LyX 1.4.1. This is a bug fix
release, but some of the bugs were big. In particular:

 - fix the huge memory consumption and corresponding sluggishness with
   documents containing many graphics or `instant preview' snippets.

 - fix slow screen update with nested insets, particularly with LyX/Mac.

 - fix the delay when exiting from a math inset. 

 - let the change tracking code track paragraph breaks too.

Also, this will be the first 1.4 release with a windows installer.

See the file RELEASE-NOTES for some known problems in this release.

In case you are wondering what LyX is, here is what has to say on the subject:

   LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing
   based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. It
   is released under a Free Software / Open Source license.

   LyX is for people that write and want their writing to look great,
   right out of the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting
   details, 'finger painting' font attributes or futzing around with page
   boundaries. You just write. In the background, Prof. Knuth's legendary
   TeX typesetting engine makes you look good.

   On screen, LyX looks like any word processor; its printed output -- or
   richly cross-referenced PDF, just as readily produced -- looks like
   nothing else. Gone are the days of industrially bland .docs, all
   looking similarly not-quite-right, yet coming out unpredictably
   different on different printer drivers. Gone are the crashes 'eating'
   your dissertation the evening before going to press.

   LyX is stable and fully featured. It is a multi-platform, fully
   internationalized application running natively on Unix/Linux, the
   Macintosh and modern Windows platforms. 

You can download LyX 1.4.1 here (the .bz2 are compressed with bzip2,
which yields smaller files):

and it should propagate shortly to the following mirrors (which will also host
the .bz2 versions):

Note that no patch is provided to upgrade from version 1.3.7.

Prebuilt binaries (rpms for linux distributions, Mac OS X and Windows
installers) should soon be available at

If you already have the LyX 1.4.0 sources, you may want to apply one
of the following patches instead

Note that this patch will not produce valid LyX/Mac sources, since
some binary files have been added for this release.

If you find what you think is a bug in LyX 1.4.1, you may either
e-mail the LyX developers' mailing list (, or 
a bug report at

If you're having trouble using the new version of LyX, or have a question,
first check out If you can't find the answer there,
e-mail the LyX users' list (


The LyX team.

What's new in version 1.4.1?

** Updates

- Enable breaking and merging of paragraphs in change tracking mode
  (bug 880).

- Update Basque, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Spanish
  localizations; import 1.3.7 localizations for Finnish, Slovak,
  Russian, Slovenian, Romanian, Dutch and Turkish.

- Update Spanish translation of the tutorial; update German
  translation of the Tutorial and Introduction.

- Document the packages fancybox, prettyref, preview and varioref in 

** Bug fixes

* Document input/output:

- Fix LaTeX error with Address layout in AMS classes (bug 2363).

- Fix LaTeX error when \labelitemi is undefined (bug 2053).

- Fix LaTeX error when inserting a graphic in a section heading or a
  caption (bug 675).

- Translate \verb commands correctly in tex2lyx (bug 2236).

- Truncate temporary file names that are too long for MikTeX's pdflatex.

- Parse \tag and \tag* commands correctly in tex2lyx and mathed (bug 2234).

- Import fixed width table columns correctly in tex2lyx (bug 2290).

- Convert old LyX documents with a float list at the end correctly in
  lyx2lyx (bug 2245).

- Fix crash when generating LaTeX dependencies on Cygwin.

- Fix wrong path_prefix handling in Cygwin builds (bug 2344)

- Set search path for included files correctly on Cygwin (bug 2409).

- Better layout file conversion 

a issue with import/export?

2006-04-11 Thread mario
hello again,

Say I have the following file  a.tex:
\put(0,0){\makebox(0,0)[tr]{AAA}}  <<-- look at this line
\put(8,0){\makebox(0,0)[tl]{BBB}}  <<-- look at this line

I lyx-import, save as b.lyx  and export as b.tex:

%% LyX 1.4.0 created this file.  For more info, see
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
%% User specified LaTeX commands.
\put(0,0){\makebox{(}0,0){[}tr]{AAA}}  <<--- extra {,}
\put(8,0){\makebox{(}0,0){[}tl]{BBB}}  <<--- extra {,}

As far as I may see, the extra {,}`s make the final output a mess.
Comments welcome.


FYI: The wiki no longer automatically links so called WikiWords

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom

I've finally disabled the use of "CamelCase", or "WikiWords" to create
links to other wiki pages. One major problem with this was that
everytime someone wrote 'LyX', 'LaTeX' or 'BibTeX' it became a link.

>From now on this is no longer necessary. This also mean that authors no 
longer have to write '[=LyX=]' in order to avoid the word becoming a link.

So how do you create a link to another page then? It's really simple, just 
place the name of the page withing '[[...]]'. For instance, in order to 
link to a page called 'KeyboardShortcuts', simply write one of the 

[[Keyboard shortcuts]]
[[keyboard shortcuts]]


PS. In case any of you have noticed links that were yellow, this was 
temporary while I was looking for WikiWord-links that I had to place 
brackets around. 

PPS. I hope I've converted all WikiWord-links, but I can't guarantee it:-(
The risk here is simply that a text such as MiKTeX that used be 
interpreted as a link no is just a text...

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> > "christian" == christian ridderstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>  Would the solution be that switching to a document brings it to
> >> the front of the document list? Then the previous one is accessible
> >> through Ctrl-PageUp.
> christian> No, I think that'd just be confusing... :-)
> Isn't this what emacs does?

Um... Ctrl-PageUp doesn't do that in my Emacs.

If you mean that the buffer list is reordered, I have no idea... I rarely 
look at it...

> christian> I think Lars has the right idea, the command buffer-switch
> christian> should by default switch back to the previously opened
> christian> buffer if it isn't told anything else.
> Also, when closing a document, we should not revert to the first open
> document. 

Good point.

> >> Also adding tabs for the open documents would be very easy and
> >> probably very helpful too.
> christian> True, although tabs is orthogonal to this, isn't it? (i.e.
> christian> separate entry). Personally I don't use tabs that much...
> It would allow to see one screen what the relative position of
> documents is. Therefore you now how many times to do Ctrl-PageUp/Down.

Hmm... maybe. I have tabs shown in Opera, and I switch between the pages 
quite a lot. However, I don't think I've ever looked at the tabs to 
actually decide how many times to do Ctrl-Left/Right...

This could simply be a matter of me having way to many tabs open at once
of course. Anyway, I think having tabs could be really good, but I'm not
convinced it completely replaces the need for just switching to the
previous buffer.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Wiki RFC: Would a separate 'Glossary/'-group make sense?

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
Hi everybody

While converting WikiWords to normal links, I noticed that there are quite
a few pages spread out on the wiki that are basically just an entry in a
glossary. Here are some examples that I found in LyX/ and Windows/.

I'm thinking that it'd make sense to move all these pages into a separate 
group called 'Glossary/'. Links won't have to be changed, since I'll add 
this group to the "page path", i.e. it is enough to simply write 


from a page in any group, and it'll link to [[Glossary.GSview]].  It will 
also still be possible to have a page with the same name in the current 

Thoughts on this?

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: a issue with import/export?

2006-04-11 Thread Georg Baum
mario wrote:

> As far as I may see, the extra {,}`s make the final output a mess.
> Comments welcome.

You found a bug in tex2lyx. Please file it at and
attach the file a.tex and the created .lyx file to the report. It is
already a good minimal example file.


Re: Wiki RFC: Would a separate 'Glossary/'-group make sense?

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "christian" == christian ridderstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

christian> I'm thinking that it'd make sense to move all these pages
christian> into a separate group called 'Glossary/'. 

Yes, it makes sense.


Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "christian" == christian ridderstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

christian> If you mean that the buffer list is reordered, I have no
christian> idea... I rarely look at it...

Yes, that is what I meant.

christian> Anyway, I think having tabs could be really good, but I'm
christian> not convinced it completely replaces the need for just
christian> switching to the previous buffer.

I agree with you on this point.


Lyx 1.3.7 and Scientific Word

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Claude Garreau
Please reply also to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Many collegues to whom I recommended Lyx under Win XP indicate
if they have previously installed Scientific Word/Workplace they are unable
to install Lyx fonts, even if SW is unistalled properly. Lyx fonts are
as 'installed' by the system, but clearly Lyx is unable to find them. Do
knows how to fix this problem?

Thanks in advance,

J. C. Garreau

Jean-Claude Garreau
Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules 
Villeneuve d'Ascq - France 
Tel  +(33) [0]3 20 33 64 49 
FAX  +(33) [0]3 20 43 40 84 (calling from abroad, do not dial the [0])

Triplicate LyX-GrammerChecker pages on the wiki

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
Hi John

There are three pages with almost the same name on the wiki...  I assume
they're accidental triplicates, would you mind deleting two(?) of them:


PS. Your e-mail address on one of these pages bounced, so I'm sending it 
here insetad.

Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread hansel
Notes on emacs.

On Tue, 11 Apr 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> > > "christian" == christian ridderstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > >>  Would the solution be that switching to a document brings it to
> > >> the front of the document list? Then the previous one is accessible
> > >> through Ctrl-PageUp.
> > 
> > christian> No, I think that'd just be confusing... :-)
> > 
> > Isn't this what emacs does?
> Um... Ctrl-PageUp doesn't do that in my Emacs.
> If you mean that the buffer list is reordered, I have no idea... I rarely 
> look at it...

Emacs reorders buffers. Easy to verify in several ways.

Cntrl-PgUp/PgDn does not appear useful.  Cntrl-PgDn turns a directory
listing into a column of '-' on the extreme left and the rest of the
document window is blank. Cntrl-PgUp restores the directory. It appears to
work recursively (reflecting lisp roots?) -- that is, it takes the same
number of Cntrl-PgUps to pop up to the original. I see no powerful use on
my first test.

Mark Hansel

Re: document switching

2006-04-11 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "hansel" == hansel  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

hansel> Emacs reorders buffers. Easy to verify in several ways.


hansel> Cntrl-PgUp/PgDn does not appear useful. Cntrl-PgDn turns a
hansel> directory listing into a column of '-' on the extreme left and
hansel> the rest of the document window is blank. 

I do not thin Ctrl-PageUp/Down does anything relevant in emacs. I only
mentionned it in the case of LyX.


Re: Triplicate LyX-GrammerChecker pages on the wiki

2006-04-11 Thread john
On Tue, Apr 11, 2006 at 03:24:09PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi John
> There are three pages with almost the same name on the wiki...  I assume
> they're accidental triplicates, would you mind deleting two(?) of them:
> cheers
> /Christian
> PS. Your e-mail address on one of these pages bounced, so I'm sending it 
> here insetad.

I have had a few problems with my server, so now I mostly use [EMAIL PROTECTED]
should be deleted
Is a group not a page? Perhaps it should be deleted, but
should be put somewhere.
address is the actual LyX-GrammarChecker page. 

John C. McCabe-Dansted
Masters Student

Re: Wiki RFC: Would a separate 'Glossary/'-group make sense?

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
On Tue, 11 Apr 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi everybody
> While converting WikiWords to normal links, I noticed that there are quite
> a few pages spread out on the wiki that are basically just an entry in a
> glossary.

Since I got one vote in favor and none against, I went ahead and did it:-)

These pages have been moved:

I hope I managed to fix all the links. The site probably still has some 
duplicate pages explaining TeX/LaTeX etc, but that's for some other day.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

FYI: Now a glossary at the wiki

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
Here's the glossary

A few technical details:

* We can write [[noweb]] in any group that hasn't already got a page
  called 'Noweb', and it'll automatically point to [[Glossary/Noweb]]

* The main glossary page automatically pulls in all the other pages in the 
  Glossary group and displays them. This means the entire glossary can be
  seen in one page. Each glossary entry also gets a link to the page, and
  even a link to edit the page.

/Christian - feeling quite pleased :-)

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: Triplicate LyX-GrammerChecker pages on the wiki

2006-04-11 Thread christian . ridderstrom
On Wed, 12 Apr 2006, john wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 11, 2006 at 03:24:09PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi John
> > 
> > There are three pages with almost the same name on the wiki...  I assume
> > they're accidental triplicates, would you mind deleting two(?) of them:
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > cheers
> > /Christian
> > 
> > PS. Your e-mail address on one of these pages bounced, so I'm sending it 
> > here insetad.
> I have had a few problems with my server, so now I mostly use [EMAIL 
> should be deleted
> Is a group not a page? Perhaps it should be deleted, but  
> should be put somewhere.
> address is the actual LyX-GrammarChecker page. 

Ok, I'll move it.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44

Re: a issue with import/export?

2006-04-11 Thread mario


Bugzilla Bug 2504: Import bug related to \makebox(0,0)[tr]{AAA}

I am not sure I have done as properly as I should, but I am not a

On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 13:40 +0200, Georg Baum wrote:
> mario wrote:
> > As far as I may see, the extra {,}`s make the final output a mess.
> > Comments welcome.
> You found a bug in tex2lyx. Please file it at and
> attach the file a.tex and the created .lyx file to the report. It is
> already a good minimal example file.
> Georg

Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-11 Thread Bennett Helm
I've placed the Mac binary at;  
please move it to the correct binaries folder.



On Apr 11, 2006, at 5:57 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Public release of LyX version 1.4.1

We are pleased to announce the release of LyX 1.4.1. This is a bug fix
release, but some of the bugs were big. In particular:

 - fix the huge memory consumption and corresponding sluggishness with
   documents containing many graphics or `instant preview' snippets.

 - fix slow screen update with nested insets, particularly with LyX/ 

 - fix the delay when exiting from a math inset.

 - let the change tracking code track paragraph breaks too.

Also, this will be the first 1.4 release with a windows installer.

See the file RELEASE-NOTES for some known problems in this release.

In case you are wondering what LyX is, here is what has to say on the subject:

   LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing
   based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. It
   is released under a Free Software / Open Source license.

   LyX is for people that write and want their writing to look great,
   right out of the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting
   details, 'finger painting' font attributes or futzing around  
with page
   boundaries. You just write. In the background, Prof. Knuth's  

   TeX typesetting engine makes you look good.

   On screen, LyX looks like any word processor; its printed output  
-- or

   richly cross-referenced PDF, just as readily produced -- looks like
   nothing else. Gone are the days of industrially bland .docs, all
   looking similarly not-quite-right, yet coming out unpredictably
   different on different printer drivers. Gone are the crashes  

   your dissertation the evening before going to press.

   LyX is stable and fully featured. It is a multi-platform, fully
   internationalized application running natively on Unix/Linux, the
   Macintosh and modern Windows platforms.

You can download LyX 1.4.1 here (the .bz2 are compressed with bzip2,
which yields smaller files):

and it should propagate shortly to the following mirrors (which  
will also host

the .bz2 versions): 

Note that no patch is provided to upgrade from version 1.3.7.

Prebuilt binaries (rpms for linux distributions, Mac OS X and Windows
installers) should soon be available at

If you already have the LyX 1.4.0 sources, you may want to apply one
of the following patches instead

Note that this patch will not produce valid LyX/Mac sources, since
some binary files have been added for this release.

If you find what you think is a bug in LyX 1.4.1, you may either
e-mail the LyX developers' mailing list (lyx-devel, or open

a bug report at

If you're having trouble using the new version of LyX, or have a  
first check out If you can't find the  
answer there,

e-mail the LyX users' list (


The LyX team.

What's new in version 1.4.1?

** Updates

- Enable breaking and merging of paragraphs in change tracking mode
  (bug 880).

- Update Basque, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Spanish
  localizations; import 1.3.7 localizations for Finnish, Slovak,
  Russian, Slovenian, Romanian, Dutch and Turkish.

- Update Spanish translation of the tutorial; update German
  translation of the Tutorial and Introduction.

- Document the packages fancybox, prettyref, preview and varioref in

** Bug fixes

* Document input/output:

- Fix LaTeX error with Address layout in AMS classes (bug 2363).

- Fix LaTeX error when \labelitemi is undefined (bug 2053).

- Fix LaTeX error when inserting a graphic in a section heading or a
  caption (bug 675).

- Translate \verb commands correctly in tex2lyx (bug 2236).

- Truncate temporary file names that are too long for MikTeX's  

- Parse \tag and \tag* commands correctly in tex2lyx and mathed  
(bug 2234).

- Import fixed width table columns correctly in tex2lyx (bug 2290).

- Convert old LyX documents with a float list at the end correctly in
  lyx2lyx (bug 

  1   2   >