Re: KOMA-Script letter 2 for invoices

2020-02-02 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 01/02/2020 à 21:47, Jean-Marie Pacquet a écrit :
> Le 01/02/2020 à 20:04, Rich Shepard a écrit :
>> On Sat, 1 Feb 2020, Rich Shepard wrote:
>>> I just updated the scrguien PDF to the 2019-10-10 version and will read
>>> Section 4.21. I may be back with specific questions for you.
>> Jean-Marie,
>> I've read Section 4.21 of the latest KOMA-Script manual and I'm still
>> lost.
>> I understand the overall idea but not the details of implementation.
>> In my documents/templates/ directory I have three files:
>> aesllc-invoice.lco,
>> aesllc-invoice.lyx, and invoice-template.lyx; the latter is what I've
>> been
>> using and which I want to add the EIN number. The three files are in the
>> attached compressed tarball.
>> In the invoice-template.lyx file do I specify 'aesllc-invoice' as a
>> custom
>> class option or somehow un-grey the predefined class option radiobutton?
>> What affect does aesllc-invoice.lyx/.lco have on invoice-template.lyx?
>> I'm looking forward to learning how to use .lco files.
>> Best regards,
>> Rich

The file invoice-template.lyx does not use aesllc-invoice.lco.
aesllc-invoice.lyx and aesllc-invoice.lco are used together but have
nothing to do with invoice-template.lyx.

I wrote a lco file named invoice-template.lco from all instructions
preceding the KOMAoptions line in the preamble of invoice-template.lyx.
I modified invoice-template.lyx (new name is
to use this lco file. And in this lco, I added the EIN number below the
logo in a minipage.

Best regards



\cfoot[scrplain-centered ]{}
% horizontal position of the address field
% vertical position of the address field
% vertical position of ref line (date)
% space between ref line and letter text
% space for signature image
EIN: 81-5320225\\%
Page \thepage\\\usekomavar{date}}
#LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 544
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%% Load an *.lco style file (see KOMA documentation)

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\begin_layout Logo
\begin_inset Graphics
filename /home/rshepard/documents/templates/llc-letterhead.pdf
width 100text%



\begin_layout Signature
\begin_inset Graphics
filename /data/signature-written.jpg
width 3in


\begin_inset Newline newline

 Richard B.
\begin_inset Newline newline


\begin_layout Subject


\begin_layout Date
\begin_inset ERT
status open


Re: KOMA-Script letter 2 for invoices

2020-02-01 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 01/02/2020 à 20:04, Rich Shepard a écrit :
> On Sat, 1 Feb 2020, Rich Shepard wrote:
>> I just updated the scrguien PDF to the 2019-10-10 version and will read
>> Section 4.21. I may be back with specific questions for you.
> Jean-Marie,
> I've read Section 4.21 of the latest KOMA-Script manual and I'm still
> lost.
> I understand the overall idea but not the details of implementation.
> In my documents/templates/ directory I have three files:
> aesllc-invoice.lco,
> aesllc-invoice.lyx, and invoice-template.lyx; the latter is what I've
> been
> using and which I want to add the EIN number. The three files are in the
> attached compressed tarball.
> In the invoice-template.lyx file do I specify 'aesllc-invoice' as a
> custom
> class option or somehow un-grey the predefined class option radiobutton?
> What affect does aesllc-invoice.lyx/.lco have on invoice-template.lyx?
> I'm looking forward to learning how to use .lco files.
> Best regards,
> Rich

I need to upgrade my Lyx version (which is 2.2.3) to be able to use your
files (2.3). I'll be back to you to-morrow.

It's compiling...



lyx-users mailing list

Re: KOMA-Script letter 2 for invoices

2020-02-01 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 31/01/2020 à 22:46, Rich Shepard a écrit :
> I use the KOMA-Script letter 2 for my client invoices. I want to add
> the EIN
> (Employer Indentification Number; the business equivalent of a Social
> Security Number for people). I've not found an environment that allows
> me to
> put the EIN between the logo and the date, on the right side of the text
> area.
> Suggestions are needed.
> TIA,
> Rich


Do you have a lco (letter class option) file? If yes, you can append any
text you want after the logo in a minitable. It will be displayed under
the logo. See the lco file here:

If you don't have a lco file, you should write one. ;-)



lyx-users mailing list

Re: scrltr2 logo issues resolved; new issues generated

2017-09-27 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 27/09/2017 à 19:19, Rich Shepard a écrit :
>   Modifying the preamble and top of the body section in the .lyx file to
> properly display the logo, and matching the preamble to that of a document
> that has the proper letter element spacing has produced some new errors;
> see
> attached screenshot.
>   When I open the file I get a message box with an error and some of the
> text at the top of the letter has incorrect line spacing so two lines are
> overlaid.
>   Do I look in the .lco file, the preamble, or the .lyx file for what I
> broke?


It seems to me that you don't need the lco file: I created it to put all
your settings in it. Since you still have these settings after the call
to the lco, they are duplicated and I don't think it's a good idea.

Just remove these 2 lines:
%% Load an *.lco style file (see KOMA documentation)


Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-27 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 27/09/2017 à 17:22, Rich Shepard a écrit :
>   I have a minimal non-working example file called mwe.lyx (copy attached,
> with llc-letterhead.pdf). I thought that I modified it to match your
> rich.lyx example (using two columns in emacs to compare files), yet the
> logo
> still displays too large on the lyx screen and does not appear when I
> preview the document. I have a larger preamble which formats the pages as
> I've used them for years. But, I am not seeing what I've missed that
> prevents the logo from displaying in the preview, or what is present that
> interferes with it.
>   Please show me what I've missed.


Just remove this line from your settings:



Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 26/09/2017 à 22:15, Rich Shepard a écrit :
>   Now the log shows an overfull hbox for the header:
> File: 0_home_rshepard_documents_templates_llc-letterhead.eps Graphic
> file (type
>  eps)
> <0_home_rshepard_documents_templates_llc-letterhead.eps>
> Overfull \hbox (227.64565pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 73--73
> When I make the image width narrower it still does not display.

This error means that the bounding box of your pdf image is not what it
should be. You said that you made a minor text modification. 17pt is
acceptable for height increase but 227pt (approx. 80mm) is way too big
for width increase.

Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 26/09/2017 à 20:32, Rich Shepard a écrit :
> head being too high, but I do see this:
> Class scrlttr2 Warning: Letter option file `DIN.lco'
> (scrlttr2)  needs paper size `a4'.
> (scrlttr2)  Current paper size is not `a4'!
> (scrlttr2)  You should add `paper=a4,paper=portrait' at the
> (scrlttr2)  option list of `\documentclass' or
> (scrlttr2)  add `\KOMAoptions{paper=a4,paper=portrait}'
> (scrlttr2)  before starting this letter!
> (scrlttr2)  Maybe you know what you are doing,
> (scrlttr2)  so I do not change this myself.
>   At the top of the preamble I inserted \LoadLetterOption{My}%
> so I don't know why LyX is using DIN.lco. And the page format is US letter,
> not A4. Gzipped log file attached.


You said that you made a copy of DIN to create your My.lco. Did you
delete these lines?

They should be replaced by:


Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 26/09/2017 à 18:59, Rich Shepard a écrit :
>   Added your example spacing command in My.lco and neither 15mm nor 25mm
> allows the logo .pdf to display. I'm now reading Chapter 4 (scrlttr2) in
> the
> latest English guide to learn how to set the firstheadpage spacing so the
> logo once again displays.


The error message was:
Class scrlttr2 Warning: head of first page is 17.22406pt too high.

The default firstheadvpos in DIN file is 8mm. Since 17 pt is approx.
6mm, I would try:


Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 26/09/2017 à 18:10, Rich Shepard a écrit :
> Jean-Marie,
>   The setting file does not have a \LoadLetterIption command, and does
> contain \@setplength commands:

The important thing is \@setplength commands go before the \KOMAoptions
in the preamble. And since these are not modified frequently, it makes
sense to put them in a file called "lco".

My preamble reads as:

%% Here you can modify the layout of your letter
%% Have a look at the KOMA script documentation
%% for details. Most commands are commented out
%% here (i.e. we use default settings)

%% Load an *.lco style file (see KOMA documentation)

%% Remove preceeding '%' to uncomment an item
%,headsepline=true%separate the header with a line on page >1
%,footsepline=true% separate the footer with a line on page >1
%pagenumber=botcenter%   position of the page number (see docu)
%,parskip=false%  Use indent instead of skip (more options cf. docu)
,fromalign=left%alignment of the address
%,fromrule=aftername%separate the address with a line?
,fromphone=true% print sender phone number
%,fromfax=true%  print sender fax number
,fromemail=true%   print sender e-mail address
%,fromurl=true%   print sender URL
%,fromlogo=true% print a logo (position depends on fromalign)
%,addrfield=false%print an address field?
,backaddress=false%  print the back address?
%,subject=afteropening,titled% alternative subject layout and position
%,locfield=narrow%  width of the (extra) location field
%,foldmarks=false%  print foldmarks?
%,numericaldate=true%  date layout
%,refline=wide% layout of the refline

%% Customize Separators
%\setkomavar{placeseparator}{ -- }
\setkomavar{backaddressseparator}{ $\cdot$ }
%\setkomavar{emailseparator}{ --> }
%\setkomavar{enclseparator}{ > }
%\setkomavar{faxseparator}{ --> }
%\setkomavar{phoneseparator}{ --> }
%\setkomavar{subjectseparator}{ >>> }

%% Customize fonts
%% Use LaTeX's standard font commands
%% Modify with \setkomafont or \addtokomafont
%% (see KOMA documentation)



Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 26/09/2017 à 18:01, Rich Shepard a écrit :
>   How do I determine in which .lco file to change the height? Here I find
> the setplength in multiple files:

The DIN.lco file is the default. My reference manual says (chapter 4
page 189):
By the way, the DIN lco-file will always be loaded as the first lco
file. This ensures that all pseudo-lengths will have more or less
reasonable default values. Because of this, it is not necessary to load
this default file on your own.

If you don't call one in your preamble, I assume that all pseudo-lengths
used will be those of DIN.lco.

If you want to modify the default, create your own lco file and call it
in the preamble. The one I created for french norms is NF.lco.

Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 26/09/2017 à 16:54, Rich Shepard a écrit :
>   [...]. First need to upgrade KOMA-Script.

I still use the 2004 version. I only upgraded the reference manual!.

Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 26/09/2017 à 16:23, Rich Shepard a écrit :
> On Tue, 26 Sep 2017, Jean-Marie Pacquet wrote:
>> You need to use the pseudo-lengths shown in figure 17.1 (In my
>> scrguien.pdf, chapter 17 page 296)
> Jean-Marie,
>   I'll get the latest KOMA-script and docs today; my 2013 version has
> firstheadvpos in Chapter 21 on page 358 and section 21.1.2 on page 365.
>> firstheadvpos
>> vertical distance of letterhead from top paper edge (section 17.1.2,
>> page 299)


My scrguien.pdf is old as well (file dated 2013-02-25). It has
references to version 3.10 of KOMA-Script.

>> To set a pseudo-length (f.ex. setting firstheadvpos to 15mm)
>> \@setplength{firstheadvpos}{15mm}
>   I'm getting an error:
>  \@
>    setplength{firstheadvpos}{15mm}
> Sorry, but I'm not programmed to handle this case;
> I'll just pretend that you didn't ask for it.
> If you're in the wrong mode, you might be able to
> return to the right one by typing `I}' or `I$' or `I\par'.
>   KOMA-script upgrade needed?

These \@setplength should be in the lco file (letter class options)
which is called in the Latex preamble with
I don't think you can use them anywhere in your Lyx document.

Have a look at any of the lco file you have (DIN.lco f.ex.).

Re: KOMA-letter-2: logo disappeared

2017-09-26 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 25/09/2017 à 22:32, Rich Shepard a écrit :
> On Mon, 25 Sep 2017, Rich Shepard wrote:
>> Class scrlttr2 Warning: head of first page is 17.22406pt too high.
>> (scrlttr2)  You have to change `firstheadvpos'
>> (scrlttr2)  or you have to define a smaller
>> (scrlttr2)  head of first page using \setkomavar.
>> (scrlttr2)  Because of this too high head of first page
>> (scrlttr2)  you've got an overfull \vbox message on input
>> line 68.
>   In the document's preamble is:
> \firsthead{\centering\usekomavar{fromlogo}\hspace*{8cm}}
> \ihead{\usekomavar{toname}\\%
>   I'm not sure how to change these to define a smaller head of first page.
>   Anyone know how?

Hello Rich,

You need to use the pseudo-lengths shown in figure 17.1 (In my
scrguien.pdf, chapter 17 page 296)

vertical distance of letterhead from top paper edge (section 17.1.2,
page 299)

To set a pseudo-length (f.ex. setting firstheadvpos to 15mm)


Mailing server does not resolve

2015-09-02 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Hi all,

I don't know where I should post this message... Since August 7th, the
server sending lyx-users mails from the list no longer resolves, ie (IP v4 address no longer has a reverse

~$ dig -x

; <<>> DiG 9.9.7-P2 <<>> -x
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 35737
;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0


;; Query time: 1 msec
;; WHEN: mer. sept. 02 08:08:18 CEST 2015
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 43

As my own mail server refuses to talk to mail servers without a reverse
entry, I could not receive any message from the list since then.

I managed to add an exception to my mail server configuration so that it
does accept incoming mail from but I wonder if I am
the only one getting hurt by the missing reverse entry...

I thought that the mail administrator should know.

Jean-Marie Pacquet

Re: letterhead with Koma2 or letter

2014-09-25 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 25/09/2014 22:11, renato a écrit :
 please, help me to set letterhead. I tried koma2 and letter class. I read the 
 same document (in different site) googling around. But I'm in the same 
 How can I put Image on the top left and the bottom of the page? 


Did you try the example ksl2pro.lyx shown here: ? It has an image on the top left.
If that does not work for you, please indicate exactly what kind of
error you get, then I might be able to help.


Re: letterhead with Koma2 or letter

2014-09-25 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 25/09/2014 22:11, renato a écrit :
 please, help me to set letterhead. I tried koma2 and letter class. I read the 
 same document (in different site) googling around. But I'm in the same 
 How can I put Image on the top left and the bottom of the page? 


Did you try the example ksl2pro.lyx shown here: ? It has an image on the top left.
If that does not work for you, please indicate exactly what kind of
error you get, then I might be able to help.


Re: letterhead with Koma2 or letter

2014-09-25 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 25/09/2014 22:11, renato a écrit :
> Hi,
> please, help me to set letterhead. I tried koma2 and letter class. I read the 
> same document (in different site) googling around. But I'm in the same 
> situation...
> How can I put Image on the top left and the bottom of the page? 
> Renato


Did you try the example ksl2pro.lyx shown here: ? It has an image on the top left.
If that does not work for you, please indicate exactly what kind of
error you get, then I might be able to help.


Re: how to handle letterhead

2014-09-08 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 08/09/2014 10:24, Renato a écrit :
 I'm trying to build a letterhead. I want to insert an image and text on
 heading and footer, how can I do that?

Hi Renato,

The easiest way is to use KomaScript letter2 (Open koma-letter2.lyx

 Do I need to use Latex?


 Is there an example to do that?


Re: how to handle letterhead

2014-09-08 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 08/09/2014 10:24, Renato a écrit :
 I'm trying to build a letterhead. I want to insert an image and text on
 heading and footer, how can I do that?

Hi Renato,

The easiest way is to use KomaScript letter2 (Open koma-letter2.lyx

 Do I need to use Latex?


 Is there an example to do that?


Re: how to handle letterhead

2014-09-08 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet
Le 08/09/2014 10:24, Renato a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm trying to build a letterhead. I want to insert an image and text on
> heading and footer, how can I do that?

Hi Renato,

The easiest way is to use KomaScript letter2 (Open koma-letter2.lyx

> Do I need to use Latex?


> Is there an example to do that?


Re: Footer in Koma letter - \lfoot - \cfoot - \rfoot

2014-06-24 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 24/06/2014 05:37, Charlie a écrit :

Debian Jessie
Lyx Version 2.0.6

I wanted to put a horizontal line and beneath it a custom footer, that
has the three elements:

\lfoot - \cfoot - \rfoot

So that I can place three different names and address details onto the
first page of the document.

Hi Charlie,

Which version of KomaScript are you using?
On a recent version of the user's guide (scrguien.pdf dated 2012-05-15.) 
, there is an example (at the end of section 4.10, page 178) of a first 
page footer with 2 columns (left and right). It won't be very difficult 
to add a center column.


Re: Footer in Koma letter - \lfoot - \cfoot - \rfoot

2014-06-24 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 24/06/2014 16:20, Jean-Marie Pacquet a écrit :

[...] It won't be very difficult to add a center column.

If you have a 2.9x version of KomaScript (like me) the following 
modified example will do what you want. If your version is  3.x you 
should replace the first line \firstfoot{% with 

All this has to be inserted in your .lco parameter file.

% Define a new letter foot

  Jim Smith\\
  Russ Mayer
  Deutsche Bank
  Jane Fonda\\[1ex]
  \multicolumn{1}{@{}l@{}}{Court Of Jurisdiction:}\\
  Great Plains


Re: Footer in Koma letter - \lfoot - \cfoot - \rfoot

2014-06-24 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 24/06/2014 05:37, Charlie a écrit :

Debian Jessie
Lyx Version 2.0.6

I wanted to put a horizontal line and beneath it a custom footer, that
has the three elements:

\lfoot - \cfoot - \rfoot

So that I can place three different names and address details onto the
first page of the document.

Hi Charlie,

Which version of KomaScript are you using?
On a recent version of the user's guide (scrguien.pdf dated 2012-05-15.) 
, there is an example (at the end of section 4.10, page 178) of a first 
page footer with 2 columns (left and right). It won't be very difficult 
to add a center column.


Re: Footer in Koma letter - \lfoot - \cfoot - \rfoot

2014-06-24 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 24/06/2014 16:20, Jean-Marie Pacquet a écrit :

[...] It won't be very difficult to add a center column.

If you have a 2.9x version of KomaScript (like me) the following 
modified example will do what you want. If your version is  3.x you 
should replace the first line \firstfoot{% with 

All this has to be inserted in your .lco parameter file.

% Define a new letter foot

  Jim Smith\\
  Russ Mayer
  Deutsche Bank
  Jane Fonda\\[1ex]
  \multicolumn{1}{@{}l@{}}{Court Of Jurisdiction:}\\
  Great Plains


Re: Footer in Koma letter - \lfoot - \cfoot - \rfoot

2014-06-24 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 24/06/2014 05:37, Charlie a écrit :

Debian Jessie
Lyx Version 2.0.6

I wanted to put a horizontal line and beneath it a custom footer, that
has the three elements:

\lfoot - \cfoot - \rfoot

So that I can place three different names and address details onto the
first page of the document.

Hi Charlie,

Which version of KomaScript are you using?
On a recent version of the user's guide (scrguien.pdf dated 2012-05-15.) 
, there is an example (at the end of section 4.10, page 178) of a first 
page footer with 2 columns (left and right). It won't be very difficult 
to add a center column.


Re: Footer in Koma letter - \lfoot - \cfoot - \rfoot

2014-06-24 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 24/06/2014 16:20, Jean-Marie Pacquet a écrit :

[...] It won't be very difficult to add a center column.

If you have a 2.9x version of KomaScript (like me) the following 
modified example will do what you want. If your version is > 3.x you 
should replace the first line "\firstfoot{%" with 

All this has to be inserted in your .lco parameter file.

% Define a new letter foot

  Jim Smith\\
  Russ Mayer
  Deutsche Bank
  Jane Fonda\\[1ex]
  \multicolumn{1}{@{}l@{}}{Court Of Jurisdiction:}\\
  Great Plains


Re: ICO file - allow text to go lower on page.....

2014-05-02 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 02/05/2014 03:10, Charlie a écrit :

Hoping someone can help me with this.

Using Debian Jessie [testing]

Lyx Version 2.0.6

I have attached my a text copy of my DIN.Ico file.

Can someone please tell me what I have to change to have the text on my
first page actually write down closer to the bottom of the page?

At the moment the text ends about 75mm from the bottom of the page and
then starts a new page.

Hi Charlie,

You can add the line ,enlargefirstpage=true at the end of the class 
options in the preamble (between the lines %,refline=wide% and } in 
my lyx version).

  Also, to get my page number on the second page lower to the bottom of
  the page, at the moment it is about 50mm from the bottom. I think this
  has something to do with the same setting that would fix the above.
The foot position on the first page does not apply to the next pages. 
You will probably need to define your \nextfoot variable. I never tried, 
most of my letters are one page ;-)


Re: ICO file - allow text to go lower on page.....

2014-05-02 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 02/05/2014 03:10, Charlie a écrit :

Hoping someone can help me with this.

Using Debian Jessie [testing]

Lyx Version 2.0.6

I have attached my a text copy of my DIN.Ico file.

Can someone please tell me what I have to change to have the text on my
first page actually write down closer to the bottom of the page?

At the moment the text ends about 75mm from the bottom of the page and
then starts a new page.

Hi Charlie,

You can add the line ,enlargefirstpage=true at the end of the class 
options in the preamble (between the lines %,refline=wide% and } in 
my lyx version).

  Also, to get my page number on the second page lower to the bottom of
  the page, at the moment it is about 50mm from the bottom. I think this
  has something to do with the same setting that would fix the above.
The foot position on the first page does not apply to the next pages. 
You will probably need to define your \nextfoot variable. I never tried, 
most of my letters are one page ;-)


Re: ICO file - allow text to go lower on page.....

2014-05-02 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 02/05/2014 03:10, Charlie a écrit :

Hoping someone can help me with this.

Using Debian Jessie [testing]

Lyx Version 2.0.6

I have attached my a text copy of my DIN.Ico file.

Can someone please tell me what I have to change to have the text on my
first page actually write down closer to the bottom of the page?

At the moment the text ends about 75mm from the bottom of the page and
then starts a new page.

Hi Charlie,

You can add the line ",enlargefirstpage=true" at the end of the class 
options in the preamble (between the lines "%,refline=wide%" and "}" in 
my lyx version).

  Also, to get my page number on the second page lower to the bottom of
  the page, at the moment it is about 50mm from the bottom. I think this
  has something to do with the same setting that would fix the above.
The foot position on the first page does not apply to the next pages. 
You will probably need to define your \nextfoot variable. I never tried, 
most of my letters are one page ;-)


Re: Looking for someone who can assist

2013-12-05 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 04/12/2013 23:59, Michael L. Wilson a écrit :

Dear Lyx List,

At present I am looking for someone who can assist me with creating a Lyx 
letterhead based on a model that was created originally in LibreOffice. Any 
information or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Michael,

You do not say which document class you intend to use but for Koma 
script Letter you can look at:
If you choose this class I might be able to help.

Re: Looking for someone who can assist

2013-12-05 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 04/12/2013 23:59, Michael L. Wilson a écrit :

Dear Lyx List,

At present I am looking for someone who can assist me with creating a Lyx 
letterhead based on a model that was created originally in LibreOffice. Any 
information or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Michael,

You do not say which document class you intend to use but for Koma 
script Letter you can look at:
If you choose this class I might be able to help.

Re: Looking for someone who can assist

2013-12-05 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 04/12/2013 23:59, Michael L. Wilson a écrit :

Dear Lyx List,

At present I am looking for someone who can assist me with creating a Lyx 
letterhead based on a model that was created originally in LibreOffice. Any 
information or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Michael,

You do not say which document class you intend to use but for Koma 
script Letter you can look at:
If you choose this class I might be able to help.

Re: letter (KOMA-Script v.2) Space between closing and signature...........

2013-02-25 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 25/02/2013 07:48, Charlie a écrit :

   On Sun, 24 Feb 2013 15:39:05 +0100 Jean-Marie mentioned this:
Re: letter (KOMA-Script v.2) Space between closing and

A picture being worth a thousand words, Figure 6.1 in the
scrguien.pdf is your friend.

   My reply follows:

Hello Jean-Marie,

   I have seen that diagram but again don't know how to work it. The
   different first commands like:

\@setplength or whatever.

Hi Charlie,

First, as my own copy of the guide is quite old (my figure 6.1 is now 
17.1), I updated it now from the last one dated 2012-05-15 which is here:

So the page numbers I'm using now refer to this last version of the guide.

How does one understand these commands? How does one know which to use

Read section 4.2 Pseudo-Lengths (page 135). With my words:
All these pseudo-lengths have a default value. If you want to change 
this default value and make it completly different you use \@setplength. 
If you want to slightly modify it, you use \@addtoplength.

I have attached the diagram you sent and added the commands that you
have helped me with in green and red.

I have also tried to make the signature on my letter template come to
the left of the page with these commands, none of which work:

\@setplength{sigindent}{\raggedleft} without success [...]
And many more, to numerous to mention here, but never the right one.

will place the box containing the signature on the left side but this is 
already defined in the DIN.lco

It's probably worthwhile to make your own version of the DIN.lco that 
you are using. Copy it under a new name (myDIN.lco f.ex.) in the 
directory where you have your lyx letters and modify it as you wish:

Instead of using
after calling the original DIN.lco where this plength is set, you can 
replace inside your new lco the


Don't forget to call your lco file in the preamble:


To place the signature inside the closing box on the left you have to 
change in your lco file



Re: letter (KOMA-Script v.2) Space between closing and signature...........

2013-02-25 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 25/02/2013 07:48, Charlie a écrit :

   On Sun, 24 Feb 2013 15:39:05 +0100 Jean-Marie mentioned this:
Re: letter (KOMA-Script v.2) Space between closing and

A picture being worth a thousand words, Figure 6.1 in the
scrguien.pdf is your friend.

   My reply follows:

Hello Jean-Marie,

   I have seen that diagram but again don't know how to work it. The
   different first commands like:

\@setplength or whatever.

Hi Charlie,

First, as my own copy of the guide is quite old (my figure 6.1 is now 
17.1), I updated it now from the last one dated 2012-05-15 which is here:

So the page numbers I'm using now refer to this last version of the guide.

How does one understand these commands? How does one know which to use

Read section 4.2 Pseudo-Lengths (page 135). With my words:
All these pseudo-lengths have a default value. If you want to change 
this default value and make it completly different you use \@setplength. 
If you want to slightly modify it, you use \@addtoplength.

I have attached the diagram you sent and added the commands that you
have helped me with in green and red.

I have also tried to make the signature on my letter template come to
the left of the page with these commands, none of which work:

\@setplength{sigindent}{\raggedleft} without success [...]
And many more, to numerous to mention here, but never the right one.

will place the box containing the signature on the left side but this is 
already defined in the DIN.lco

It's probably worthwhile to make your own version of the DIN.lco that 
you are using. Copy it under a new name (myDIN.lco f.ex.) in the 
directory where you have your lyx letters and modify it as you wish:

Instead of using
after calling the original DIN.lco where this plength is set, you can 
replace inside your new lco the


Don't forget to call your lco file in the preamble:


To place the signature inside the closing box on the left you have to 
change in your lco file



Re: letter (KOMA-Script v.2) Space between closing and signature...........

2013-02-25 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 25/02/2013 07:48, Charlie a écrit :

   On Sun, 24 Feb 2013 15:39:05 +0100 Jean-Marie mentioned this:
Re: letter (KOMA-Script v.2) Space between closing and

A picture being worth a thousand words, Figure 6.1 in the
scrguien.pdf is your friend.

   My reply follows:

Hello Jean-Marie,

   I have seen that diagram but again don't know how to work it. The
   different first commands like:

\@setplength or whatever.

Hi Charlie,

First, as my own copy of the guide is quite old (my figure 6.1 is now 
17.1), I updated it now from the last one dated 2012-05-15 which is here:

So the page numbers I'm using now refer to this last version of the guide.

How does one understand these commands? How does one know which to use

Read section 4.2 Pseudo-Lengths (page 135). With my words:
All these pseudo-lengths have a default value. If you want to change 
this default value and make it completly different you use \@setplength. 
If you want to slightly modify it, you use \@addtoplength.

I have attached the diagram you sent and added the commands that you
have helped me with in green and red.

I have also tried to make the signature on my letter template come to
the left of the page with these commands, none of which work:

\@setplength{sigindent}{\raggedleft} without success [...]
And many more, to numerous to mention here, but never the right one.

will place the box containing the signature on the left side but this is 
already defined in the DIN.lco

It's probably worthwhile to make your own version of the DIN.lco that 
you are using. Copy it under a new name (myDIN.lco f.ex.) in the 
directory where you have your lyx letters and modify it as you wish:

Instead of using
after calling the original DIN.lco where this plength is set, you can 
replace inside your new lco the


Don't forget to call your lco file in the preamble:


To place the signature inside the closing box on the left you have to 
change in your lco file



Re: KOMA-script letter2: adding graphic letterhead

2013-01-24 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 24/01/2013 15:26, Rich Shepard a écrit :

On Thu, 24 Jan 2013, Jean-Marie Pacquet wrote:

You get two copies because you are using the backaddress in the 

You should uncomment the corresponding line in the preamble like this:
,backaddress=false% print the back address?


  I did not see that the default for backaddress is false. That solves 


I would rather say that the default for backaddress is true since you 
need to set it to false but it does not matter, you got it.


  On a related question, is there an environment that will put the
recipients address, date, and page number in the upper left of 

pages (i.e., those after the first page?) That is standard for business
letters in the US and works better than having the page number 
centered in

the footer.

I don't know.

Re: KOMA-script letter2: adding graphic letterhead

2013-01-24 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 24/01/2013 15:26, Rich Shepard a écrit :

[...]  On a related question, is there an environment that will put the
recipients address, date, and page number in the upper left of 

pages (i.e., those after the first page?) That is standard for business
letters in the US and works better than having the page number 
centered in

the footer.
I had a look at the documentation to find a way to do this and I think 
that you can use \nexthead to precisely define what you want exactly 
where you want (upper left of continuation pages). The best would be to 
define a letter class option file for business letters in the US and 
give it to Markus Kohm to make it part of the KOMA package. That's what 
I did for the french version (NF.lco is now maintained by Markus).


Re: KOMA-script letter2: adding graphic letterhead

2013-01-24 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 24/01/2013 15:26, Rich Shepard a écrit :

On Thu, 24 Jan 2013, Jean-Marie Pacquet wrote:

You get two copies because you are using the backaddress in the 

You should uncomment the corresponding line in the preamble like this:
,backaddress=false% print the back address?


  I did not see that the default for backaddress is false. That solves 


I would rather say that the default for backaddress is true since you 
need to set it to false but it does not matter, you got it.


  On a related question, is there an environment that will put the
recipients address, date, and page number in the upper left of 

pages (i.e., those after the first page?) That is standard for business
letters in the US and works better than having the page number 
centered in

the footer.

I don't know.

Re: KOMA-script letter2: adding graphic letterhead

2013-01-24 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 24/01/2013 15:26, Rich Shepard a écrit :

[...]  On a related question, is there an environment that will put the
recipients address, date, and page number in the upper left of 

pages (i.e., those after the first page?) That is standard for business
letters in the US and works better than having the page number 
centered in

the footer.
I had a look at the documentation to find a way to do this and I think 
that you can use \nexthead to precisely define what you want exactly 
where you want (upper left of continuation pages). The best would be to 
define a letter class option file for business letters in the US and 
give it to Markus Kohm to make it part of the KOMA package. That's what 
I did for the french version (NF.lco is now maintained by Markus).


Re: KOMA-script letter2: adding graphic letterhead

2013-01-24 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 24/01/2013 15:26, Rich Shepard a écrit :

On Thu, 24 Jan 2013, Jean-Marie Pacquet wrote:

You get two copies because you are using the backaddress in the 

You should uncomment the corresponding line in the preamble like this:
,backaddress=false% print the back address?


  I did not see that the default for backaddress is false. That solves 


I would rather say that the default for backaddress is true since you 
need to set it to false but it does not matter, you got it.


  On a related question, is there an environment that will put the
recipients address, date, and page number in the upper left of 

pages (i.e., those after the first page?) That is standard for business
letters in the US and works better than having the page number 
centered in

the footer.

I don't know.

Re: KOMA-script letter2: adding graphic letterhead

2013-01-24 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 24/01/2013 15:26, Rich Shepard a écrit :

[...]  On a related question, is there an environment that will put the
recipients address, date, and page number in the upper left of 

pages (i.e., those after the first page?) That is standard for business
letters in the US and works better than having the page number 
centered in

the footer.
I had a look at the documentation to find a way to do this and I think 
that you can use \nexthead to precisely define what you want exactly 
where you want (upper left of continuation pages). The best would be to 
define a letter class option file for business letters in the US and 
give it to Markus Kohm to make it part of the KOMA package. That's what 
I did for the french version (NF.lco is now maintained by Markus).


Re: KOMA-script letter2: adding graphic letterhead

2013-01-23 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 24/01/2013 01:53, Rich Shepard a écrit :

On Wed, 23 Jan 2013, Rich Shepard wrote:

 The last time I used the KOMA-Script letter2 class in LyX was with 
1; probably 8 or 9 years ago. Now I want to use it for a letter but 
figure out how, in version 2, I can add my letterhead (as an .eps 
file) at

the top of the page.

  I resolved this issue -- sort of -- by inserting the .pdf version of 
letterhead immediately following 'Sender Address:'. But, I get two 
copies on
the preview, one offset from the other and I've not found why or how 
to fix

You get two copies because you are using the backaddress in the 
preamble. You should uncomment the corresponding line in the preamble 
like this:

,backaddress=false% print the back address?

The backaddress is a german specific way of displaying the Sender 
Address with a tiny font in the enveloppe window on top of the 
Destination address.

It seems to me that adding the letterhead by using the Sender Address 
is not the right way to do it. You should customize the DIN.lco 
options file that you are using. Have a look at my NFpro.lco here:

I still use KOMA-Script letter2 class from time to time with Lyx version 2.

Re: KOMA-script letter2: adding graphic letterhead

2013-01-23 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 24/01/2013 01:53, Rich Shepard a écrit :

On Wed, 23 Jan 2013, Rich Shepard wrote:

 The last time I used the KOMA-Script letter2 class in LyX was with 
1; probably 8 or 9 years ago. Now I want to use it for a letter but 
figure out how, in version 2, I can add my letterhead (as an .eps 
file) at

the top of the page.

  I resolved this issue -- sort of -- by inserting the .pdf version of 
letterhead immediately following 'Sender Address:'. But, I get two 
copies on
the preview, one offset from the other and I've not found why or how 
to fix

You get two copies because you are using the backaddress in the 
preamble. You should uncomment the corresponding line in the preamble 
like this:

,backaddress=false% print the back address?

The backaddress is a german specific way of displaying the Sender 
Address with a tiny font in the enveloppe window on top of the 
Destination address.

It seems to me that adding the letterhead by using the Sender Address 
is not the right way to do it. You should customize the DIN.lco 
options file that you are using. Have a look at my NFpro.lco here:

I still use KOMA-Script letter2 class from time to time with Lyx version 2.

Re: KOMA-script letter2: adding graphic letterhead

2013-01-23 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 24/01/2013 01:53, Rich Shepard a écrit :

On Wed, 23 Jan 2013, Rich Shepard wrote:

 The last time I used the KOMA-Script letter2 class in LyX was with 
1; probably 8 or 9 years ago. Now I want to use it for a letter but 
figure out how, in version 2, I can add my letterhead (as an .eps 
file) at

the top of the page.

  I resolved this issue -- sort of -- by inserting the .pdf version of 
letterhead immediately following 'Sender Address:'. But, I get two 
copies on
the preview, one offset from the other and I've not found why or how 
to fix

You get two copies because you are using the backaddress in the 
preamble. You should uncomment the corresponding line in the preamble 
like this:

,backaddress=false% print the back address?

The backaddress is a german specific way of displaying the Sender 
Address with a tiny font in the enveloppe window on top of the 
"Destination address".

It seems to me that adding the letterhead by using the "Sender Address" 
is not the right way to do it. You should customize the "DIN.lco" 
options file that you are using. Have a look at my NFpro.lco here:

I still use KOMA-Script letter2 class from time to time with Lyx version 2.

Re: letter?

2010-04-04 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Sandro Portmann a écrit :

But how can I generate a letter with the given examples or the text glass 
letter(DIN,german) which has the adress on the right side of the page? That's 
the way how letters in Switzerland are written and I need it this way.


You can use koma-letter2 with the SN letter option in the preamble

%% Load an *.lco style file (see KOMA documentation)


Re: letter?

2010-04-04 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Sandro Portmann a écrit :

But how can I generate a letter with the given examples or the text glass 
letter(DIN,german) which has the adress on the right side of the page? That's 
the way how letters in Switzerland are written and I need it this way.


You can use koma-letter2 with the SN letter option in the preamble

%% Load an *.lco style file (see KOMA documentation)


Re: letter?

2010-04-04 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Sandro Portmann a écrit :

But how can I generate a letter with the given examples or the text glass 
letter(DIN,german) which has the adress on the right side of the page? That's 
the way how letters in Switzerland are written and I need it this way.


You can use koma-letter2 with the "SN" letter option in the preamble

%% Load an *.lco style file (see KOMA documentation)


Re: change subject alignment in letter koma-script v.2

2010-02-15 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 14/02/2010 22:49, Giovanni Bacci a écrit :

   domenica 14 febbraio 2010, 22:26, Jean-Marie Pacquet:


Default subject (i.e. beforeopening and untitled) is left justified.
Only the title (if selected) is centered. This can be seen on figure
6.1: Schematic of letter paper's pseudo lengths.
So I don't really understand your request: do you want the title to
be left justified?

   I've attached an example. As you can see, setting
subject=afteropening cause the object to be centered in the page. What
i'd like to have is a left-aligned subject line, exactly as it's with
You are right and I don't know how to change that within Lyx. The Latex 
gurus may have a solution.


Re: change subject alignment in letter koma-script v.2

2010-02-15 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 14/02/2010 22:49, Giovanni Bacci a écrit :

   domenica 14 febbraio 2010, 22:26, Jean-Marie Pacquet:


Default subject (i.e. beforeopening and untitled) is left justified.
Only the title (if selected) is centered. This can be seen on figure
6.1: Schematic of letter paper's pseudo lengths.
So I don't really understand your request: do you want the title to
be left justified?

   I've attached an example. As you can see, setting
subject=afteropening cause the object to be centered in the page. What
i'd like to have is a left-aligned subject line, exactly as it's with
You are right and I don't know how to change that within Lyx. The Latex 
gurus may have a solution.


Re: change subject alignment in letter koma-script v.2

2010-02-15 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Le 14/02/2010 22:49, Giovanni Bacci a écrit :

   domenica 14 febbraio 2010, 22:26, Jean-Marie Pacquet:


Default subject (i.e. beforeopening and untitled) is left justified.
Only the title (if selected) is centered. This can be seen on figure
6.1: Schematic of letter paper's pseudo lengths.
So I don't really understand your request: do you want the title to
be left justified?

   I've attached an example. As you can see, setting
subject=afteropening cause the object to be centered in the page. What
i'd like to have is a left-aligned subject line, exactly as it's with
You are right and I don't know how to change that within Lyx. The Latex 
gurus may have a solution.


Re: change subject alignment in letter koma-script v.2

2010-02-14 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Giovanni Bacci a écrit :

Anyway, I'd like to know if it's possible to change subject alignment
in a letter koma-script v.2 class. As an option i can only choose
{before,after}opening and titled/untitled. Both of them came with
a center aligned text. But what i'd like to obtain is a left justified
alignment. I've googled a bit, but without finding any clue.
  Any hints?
Default subject (i.e. beforeopening and untitled) is left justified. 
Only the title (if selected) is centered. This can be seen on figure 
6.1: Schematic of letter paper's pseudo lengths.
So I don't really understand your request: do you want the title to be 
left justified?


Re: change subject alignment in letter koma-script v.2

2010-02-14 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Giovanni Bacci a écrit :

Anyway, I'd like to know if it's possible to change subject alignment
in a letter koma-script v.2 class. As an option i can only choose
{before,after}opening and titled/untitled. Both of them came with
a center aligned text. But what i'd like to obtain is a left justified
alignment. I've googled a bit, but without finding any clue.
  Any hints?
Default subject (i.e. beforeopening and untitled) is left justified. 
Only the title (if selected) is centered. This can be seen on figure 
6.1: Schematic of letter paper's pseudo lengths.
So I don't really understand your request: do you want the title to be 
left justified?


Re: change subject alignment in letter koma-script v.2

2010-02-14 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Giovanni Bacci a écrit :

Anyway, I'd like to know if it's possible to change subject alignment
in a letter koma-script v.2 class. As an option i can only choose
{before,after}opening and titled/untitled. Both of them came with
a center aligned text. But what i'd like to obtain is a left justified
alignment. I've googled a bit, but without finding any clue.
  Any hints?
Default subject (i.e. beforeopening and untitled) is left justified. 
Only the title (if selected) is centered. This can be seen on figure 
6.1: Schematic of letter paper's pseudo lengths.
So I don't really understand your request: do you want the title to be 
left justified?


Re: Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2............

2010-01-18 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

M-L a écrit :

I must be on the wrong track then, and my apologies to Jean-Marie and

It is the Sender Name that has my name and address so obviously I am
looking at the wrong thing?

So renew my question:

Debian Testing [Squeeze] Using LyX Version 1.6.5

Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2]

Which of the commands below affect the Sender Name field
If you look at the manual scrguien.pdf everything you need is visible in 
figure 6.1: Schematic of letter paper's pseudo lengths. The pseudo 
length for Sender Name vertical position is called firstheadvpos. To 
adjust it you can add in the preamble:


You can also create your own lco parameter file (derived from the 
DIN.lco you are using) to suit your needs.


Re: Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2............

2010-01-18 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

M-L a écrit :

I must be on the wrong track then, and my apologies to Jean-Marie and

It is the Sender Name that has my name and address so obviously I am
looking at the wrong thing?

So renew my question:

Debian Testing [Squeeze] Using LyX Version 1.6.5

Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2]

Which of the commands below affect the Sender Name field
If you look at the manual scrguien.pdf everything you need is visible in 
figure 6.1: Schematic of letter paper's pseudo lengths. The pseudo 
length for Sender Name vertical position is called firstheadvpos. To 
adjust it you can add in the preamble:


You can also create your own lco parameter file (derived from the 
DIN.lco you are using) to suit your needs.


Re: Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2............

2010-01-18 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

M-L a écrit :

I must be on the wrong track then, and my apologies to Jean-Marie and

It is the "Sender Name" that has my name and address so obviously I am
looking at the wrong thing?

So renew my question:

Debian Testing [Squeeze] Using LyX Version 1.6.5

Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2]

Which of the commands below affect the "Sender Name" field
If you look at the manual scrguien.pdf everything you need is visible in 
figure 6.1: "Schematic of letter paper's pseudo lengths". The pseudo 
length for Sender Name vertical position is called "firstheadvpos". To 
adjust it you can add in the preamble:


You can also create your own "lco" parameter file (derived from the 
DIN.lco you are using) to suit your needs.


Re: Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2............

2010-01-17 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

M-L a écrit :

Debian Testing [Squeeze] Using LyX Version 1.6.5

Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2]

This in my preamble as per the template for that letter style [only
the number has changed]:

% vertical position of the address field

What command do I add: 

* preceding that
* to that, or
* following that

To add a bit more space above the address?

\vspace*{2cm} in various places and in various ways doesn't cut it.

I must be doing something wrong?

May be I don't understand the question, but to add a bit more space 
above the address you only need to change the value 2mm (which is 
precisely the measure of the vertical space added to the predefined 
address position) to what you want it to be (2cm):



Re: Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2............

2010-01-17 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

M-L a écrit :

Debian Testing [Squeeze] Using LyX Version 1.6.5

Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2]

This in my preamble as per the template for that letter style [only
the number has changed]:

% vertical position of the address field

What command do I add: 

* preceding that
* to that, or
* following that

To add a bit more space above the address?

\vspace*{2cm} in various places and in various ways doesn't cut it.

I must be doing something wrong?

May be I don't understand the question, but to add a bit more space 
above the address you only need to change the value 2mm (which is 
precisely the measure of the vertical space added to the predefined 
address position) to what you want it to be (2cm):



Re: Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2............

2010-01-17 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

M-L a écrit :

Debian Testing [Squeeze] Using LyX Version 1.6.5

Letter [KOMA - Script-v.2]

This in my preamble as per the template for that letter style [only
the number has changed]:

% vertical position of the address field

What command do I add: 

* preceding that
* to that, or
* following that

To add a bit more space above the address?

\vspace*{2cm} in various places and in various ways doesn't cut it.

I must be doing something wrong?

May be I don't understand the question, but to add a bit more space 
above the address you only need to change the value 2mm (which is 
precisely the measure of the vertical space added to the predefined 
address position) to what you want it to be (2cm):



Re: No address in koma-letter

2009-09-22 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Nicolas Ferré a écrit :


I just wrote a generic recommendation letter using the Koma-v2 letter 
class. In this letter, I don't put any address field, however the 
produced output shows a large blank spacing between the from address 
field and the date. How can I reduce this spacing?


You can reduce this vertical spacing with the refvpos pseudo length:
For a 50mm vertical spacing, put the line:


in the preamble just after the line \LoadLetterOption{...

Re: No address in koma-letter

2009-09-22 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Nicolas Ferré a écrit :

Jean-Marie Pacquet a écrit :

Nicolas Ferré a écrit :


I just wrote a generic recommendation letter using the Koma-v2 
letter class. In this letter, I don't put any address field, however 
the produced output shows a large blank spacing between the from 
address field and the date. How can I reduce this spacing?


You can reduce this vertical spacing with the refvpos pseudo length:
For a 50mm vertical spacing, put the line:


in the preamble just after the line \LoadLetterOption{...

Unfortunately, it does not work as I expected. OK, the vertical 
spacing is reduced, but the same amount of text as before remains on 
the first page while the rest remains on the second page. I mean, 
there is now a very ugly large white space at the end of the first 
page, meaning the text has been simply translated.

I don't see any other option in the koma letter parameters I may change.

For this space at the end of the first page you can use the parameter 
enlargefirstpage. Add this line:


in the preamble at the beginning of the options list (below the 
\KOMAoptions{ line).


Re: No address in koma-letter

2009-09-22 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Nicolas Ferré a écrit :


I just wrote a generic recommendation letter using the Koma-v2 letter 
class. In this letter, I don't put any address field, however the 
produced output shows a large blank spacing between the from address 
field and the date. How can I reduce this spacing?


You can reduce this vertical spacing with the refvpos pseudo length:
For a 50mm vertical spacing, put the line:


in the preamble just after the line \LoadLetterOption{...

Re: No address in koma-letter

2009-09-22 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Nicolas Ferré a écrit :

Jean-Marie Pacquet a écrit :

Nicolas Ferré a écrit :


I just wrote a generic recommendation letter using the Koma-v2 
letter class. In this letter, I don't put any address field, however 
the produced output shows a large blank spacing between the from 
address field and the date. How can I reduce this spacing?


You can reduce this vertical spacing with the refvpos pseudo length:
For a 50mm vertical spacing, put the line:


in the preamble just after the line \LoadLetterOption{...

Unfortunately, it does not work as I expected. OK, the vertical 
spacing is reduced, but the same amount of text as before remains on 
the first page while the rest remains on the second page. I mean, 
there is now a very ugly large white space at the end of the first 
page, meaning the text has been simply translated.

I don't see any other option in the koma letter parameters I may change.

For this space at the end of the first page you can use the parameter 
enlargefirstpage. Add this line:


in the preamble at the beginning of the options list (below the 
\KOMAoptions{ line).


Re: No address in koma-letter

2009-09-22 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Nicolas Ferré a écrit :


I just wrote a generic recommendation letter using the Koma-v2 letter 
class. In this letter, I don't put any address field, however the 
produced output shows a large blank spacing between the "from address" 
field and the date. How can I reduce this spacing?


You can reduce this vertical spacing with the "refvpos" pseudo length:
For a 50mm vertical spacing, put the line:


in the preamble just after the line \LoadLetterOption{...

Re: No address in koma-letter

2009-09-22 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Nicolas Ferré a écrit :

Jean-Marie Pacquet a écrit :

Nicolas Ferré a écrit :


I just wrote a generic recommendation letter using the Koma-v2 
letter class. In this letter, I don't put any address field, however 
the produced output shows a large blank spacing between the "from 
address" field and the date. How can I reduce this spacing?


You can reduce this vertical spacing with the "refvpos" pseudo length:
For a 50mm vertical spacing, put the line:


in the preamble just after the line \LoadLetterOption{...

Unfortunately, it does not work as I expected. OK, the vertical 
spacing is reduced, but the same amount of text as before remains on 
the first page while the rest remains on the second page. I mean, 
there is now a very ugly large white space at the end of the first 
page, meaning the text has been simply translated.

I don't see any other option in the koma letter parameters I may change.

For this space at the end of the first page you can use the parameter 
"enlargefirstpage". Add this line:


in the preamble at the beginning of the options list (below the 
"\KOMAoptions{" line).


Re: Help with KomaScript letter template

2009-09-11 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

stefano franchi a écrit :

I would like to use the Koma-Script 2 letter template that's available with
LyX and I'm trying to customize it to my needs. What I cannot figure out,
even with the help of the Komascript manual, is how to eliminate the section
of the header that comes after, and indeed repeats, the sender's data. In
the koma-letter2.lyx  template, that would be the part (which you can only
see in the final output) at the top of the page which says
The LYX Developers Team · 140 Map Road · SVN City
and it is followed by  a horizontal rule.
Any help appreciated.
I think it's the backaddress, a german post office requirement, that you 
can eliminate by uncommenting the line in Document-Settings-Preamble 
that reads

%,backaddress=false%  print the back address?


Re: Help with KomaScript letter template

2009-09-11 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

stefano franchi a écrit :

I would like to use the Koma-Script 2 letter template that's available with
LyX and I'm trying to customize it to my needs. What I cannot figure out,
even with the help of the Komascript manual, is how to eliminate the section
of the header that comes after, and indeed repeats, the sender's data. In
the koma-letter2.lyx  template, that would be the part (which you can only
see in the final output) at the top of the page which says
The LYX Developers Team · 140 Map Road · SVN City
and it is followed by  a horizontal rule.
Any help appreciated.
I think it's the backaddress, a german post office requirement, that you 
can eliminate by uncommenting the line in Document-Settings-Preamble 
that reads

%,backaddress=false%  print the back address?


Re: Help with KomaScript letter template

2009-09-11 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

stefano franchi a écrit :

I would like to use the Koma-Script 2 letter template that's available with
LyX and I'm trying to customize it to my needs. What I cannot figure out,
even with the help of the Komascript manual, is how to eliminate the section
of the header that comes after, and indeed repeats, the sender's data. In
the koma-letter2.lyx  template, that would be the part (which you can only
see in the final output) at the top of the page which says
"The LYX Developers Team · 140 Map Road · SVN City"
and it is followed by  a horizontal rule.
Any help appreciated.
I think it's the backaddress, a german post office requirement, that you 
can eliminate by uncommenting the line in Document->Settings->Preamble 
that reads

%,backaddress=false%  print the back address?


Re: koma-script v2 letter

2009-09-08 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Iain Mac Donald a écrit :

I am trying out koma-script v2 for producing letters. I have
my template looking the way I want it with one exception. No matter
what I try everything from salutation onwards is less wide than the
top of the letter. You can see this on the wiki examples page too

I don't want to change the recipient address position as that fits
nicely into a windowed envelope. I would like to expand the other
content so that the left and right is aligned all the way down.

Anyone know how?
The figure 6.1 named Schematic of letter paper's pseudo lengths on 
page 170 of the KOMA-Script english manual (scrguien.pdf) is your best 
You can change firstheadwidth, firstfootwidth and refwidth in the lco 
file and adapt them to your needs.


Re: koma-script v2 letter

2009-09-08 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Iain Mac Donald a écrit :

Hello Jean-Marie,

I have scrguien.pdf too (but my version has the schematic on page 185)
and I note on page 201

Your KOMA-Script version is probably the most recent one (mine is old).

The simplest rule is as follows: either refhpos is left at null and so
the width and alignment of the reference fields line are left to the
option refline, or refwidth as well as refhpos are set by the user.

Using this info I commented out refline and tried to set refwidth
and refhpos. I edited the LyX template, LaTeX Preamble in the
\KOMAoptions section and added my new info. However, I then get an error
when creating a dvi.

Package scrkbase Error: unknown KOMA option `refwidth'.
the same for `refhpos'.

Any further pointers would be appreciated.

I tried to obtain what you want with my example (ksl2pro).
I had to change this:
1. Replace the line
by these two lines in the NFpro.lco file:
2. Set the margins for the text in Document-Settings-Margins to the 
same value as above (20mm)


Re: koma-script v2 letter

2009-09-08 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Iain Mac Donald a écrit :

I am trying out koma-script v2 for producing letters. I have
my template looking the way I want it with one exception. No matter
what I try everything from salutation onwards is less wide than the
top of the letter. You can see this on the wiki examples page too

I don't want to change the recipient address position as that fits
nicely into a windowed envelope. I would like to expand the other
content so that the left and right is aligned all the way down.

Anyone know how?
The figure 6.1 named Schematic of letter paper's pseudo lengths on 
page 170 of the KOMA-Script english manual (scrguien.pdf) is your best 
You can change firstheadwidth, firstfootwidth and refwidth in the lco 
file and adapt them to your needs.


Re: koma-script v2 letter

2009-09-08 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Iain Mac Donald a écrit :

Hello Jean-Marie,

I have scrguien.pdf too (but my version has the schematic on page 185)
and I note on page 201

Your KOMA-Script version is probably the most recent one (mine is old).

The simplest rule is as follows: either refhpos is left at null and so
the width and alignment of the reference fields line are left to the
option refline, or refwidth as well as refhpos are set by the user.

Using this info I commented out refline and tried to set refwidth
and refhpos. I edited the LyX template, LaTeX Preamble in the
\KOMAoptions section and added my new info. However, I then get an error
when creating a dvi.

Package scrkbase Error: unknown KOMA option `refwidth'.
the same for `refhpos'.

Any further pointers would be appreciated.

I tried to obtain what you want with my example (ksl2pro).
I had to change this:
1. Replace the line
by these two lines in the NFpro.lco file:
2. Set the margins for the text in Document-Settings-Margins to the 
same value as above (20mm)


Re: koma-script v2 letter

2009-09-08 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Iain Mac Donald a écrit :

I am trying out koma-script v2 for producing letters. I have
my template looking the way I want it with one exception. No matter
what I try everything from salutation onwards is less wide than the
top of the letter. You can see this on the wiki examples page too

I don't want to change the recipient address position as that fits
nicely into a windowed envelope. I would like to expand the other
content so that the left and right is aligned all the way down.

Anyone know how?
The figure 6.1 named "Schematic of letter paper's pseudo lengths" on 
page 170 of the KOMA-Script english manual (scrguien.pdf) is your best 
You can change firstheadwidth, firstfootwidth and refwidth in the lco 
file and adapt them to your needs.


Re: koma-script v2 letter

2009-09-08 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Iain Mac Donald a écrit :

Hello Jean-Marie,

I have scrguien.pdf too (but my version has the schematic on page 185)
and I note on page 201

Your KOMA-Script version is probably the most recent one (mine is old).

"The simplest rule is as follows: either refhpos is left at null and so
the width and alignment of the reference fields line are left to the
option refline, or refwidth as well as refhpos are set by the user."

Using this info I commented out refline and tried to set refwidth
and refhpos. I edited the LyX template, LaTeX Preamble in the
\KOMAoptions section and added my new info. However, I then get an error
when creating a dvi.

Package scrkbase Error: unknown KOMA option `refwidth'.
the same for `refhpos'.

Any further pointers would be appreciated.

I tried to obtain what you want with my example (ksl2pro).
I had to change this:
1. Replace the line
by these two lines in the NFpro.lco file:
2. Set the margins for the text in Document->Settings->Margins to the 
same value as above (20mm)


Re: letter?

2009-03-23 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Uwe Stöhr a écrit :

Jean-Marie Pacquet schrieb:

You should erase the starting comma in the options list of the Latex 
preamble (the one in front of footsepline=true). The new version of 
Koma-script scrlttr2 does not like it.

In LyX 1.6.x the template doesn't have this comma. What LyX version 
are you using Jean-Marie?

regards Uwe
I use various versions (1.4.2 to 1.6.1). The problem of commas in front 
of the options in the Koma-script letter2 template (as it is up to 1.5.4 
I believe) was brought to my attention when someone told me that the 
templates I uploaded to the wiki as french letters examples in July 2008 
were not  working (that was in october 2008).
So when Bruce wrote he had a problem with Koma options in a template, I 
immediatly thought of this. May be it's something different though...


Re: letter?

2009-03-23 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Bruce Pourciau a écrit :

On Mar 22, 2009, at 5:18 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Jean-Marie Pacquet schrieb:

You should erase the starting comma in the options list of the Latex 
preamble (the one in front of footsepline=true). The new version 
of Koma-script scrlttr2 does not like it.

In LyX 1.6.x the template doesn't have this comma. What LyX version 
are you using Jean-Marie?

regards Uwe

So in LyX 1.5.6 is there no way to view and use the Koma-script 
scrlttr2 template directly from within LyX?


Just make sure that the Koma-script options list does not start with a 
comma. Hereunder is a part of the Latex preamble of Koma-script letter2 
template for an old Lyx version (1.4.2):

%% Remove preceeding '%' to uncomment an item
%,headsepline=true%separate the header with a line on page 1
%,footsepline=true% separate the footer with a line on page 1
%pagenumber=botcenter%   position of the page number (see docu)
%,parskip=false%  Use indent instead of skip (more options cf. docu)
,fromalign=center%alignment of the address
,fromrule=aftername%separate the address with a line?
,fromphone=true% print sender phone number
%,fromfax=true%  print sender fax number
,fromemail=true%   print sender e-mail address
,fromurl=true%   print sender URL
%,fromlogo=true% print a logo (position depends on fromalign)
%,addrfield=false%print an address field?
%,backaddress=false%  print the back address?
%,subject=afteropening,titled% alternative subject layout and position
%,locfield=narrow%  width of the (extra) location field
%,foldmarks=false%  print foldmarks?
%,numericaldate=true%  date layout
%,refline=wide% layout of the refline

You will notice that the first uncommented option 
(,fromalign=center%...) starts with a comma). If you try to use this 
template with a more recent Lyx version (in fact a more recent 
Koma-script version) you will get this error:

You have used \KOMAoptions to set `',
but KOMA-Script does not know any option named `'.
See the KOMA-Script manual for more informations about options and
their values.

The solution is to edit the Latex preamble (Menu Document-Parameters 
then Latex preamble) so that the first option reads fromalign=center% 
without the preceding comma.

I understand from Uwe that the new templates for Koma-script letter2 no 
longer have this preceding comma. May be you still have an old template 
with a new version of Koma-script.


Re: letter?

2009-03-23 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Uwe Stöhr a écrit :

Jean-Marie Pacquet schrieb:

You should erase the starting comma in the options list of the Latex 
preamble (the one in front of footsepline=true). The new version of 
Koma-script scrlttr2 does not like it.

In LyX 1.6.x the template doesn't have this comma. What LyX version 
are you using Jean-Marie?

regards Uwe
I use various versions (1.4.2 to 1.6.1). The problem of commas in front 
of the options in the Koma-script letter2 template (as it is up to 1.5.4 
I believe) was brought to my attention when someone told me that the 
templates I uploaded to the wiki as french letters examples in July 2008 
were not  working (that was in october 2008).
So when Bruce wrote he had a problem with Koma options in a template, I 
immediatly thought of this. May be it's something different though...


Re: letter?

2009-03-23 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Bruce Pourciau a écrit :

On Mar 22, 2009, at 5:18 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Jean-Marie Pacquet schrieb:

You should erase the starting comma in the options list of the Latex 
preamble (the one in front of footsepline=true). The new version 
of Koma-script scrlttr2 does not like it.

In LyX 1.6.x the template doesn't have this comma. What LyX version 
are you using Jean-Marie?

regards Uwe

So in LyX 1.5.6 is there no way to view and use the Koma-script 
scrlttr2 template directly from within LyX?


Just make sure that the Koma-script options list does not start with a 
comma. Hereunder is a part of the Latex preamble of Koma-script letter2 
template for an old Lyx version (1.4.2):

%% Remove preceeding '%' to uncomment an item
%,headsepline=true%separate the header with a line on page 1
%,footsepline=true% separate the footer with a line on page 1
%pagenumber=botcenter%   position of the page number (see docu)
%,parskip=false%  Use indent instead of skip (more options cf. docu)
,fromalign=center%alignment of the address
,fromrule=aftername%separate the address with a line?
,fromphone=true% print sender phone number
%,fromfax=true%  print sender fax number
,fromemail=true%   print sender e-mail address
,fromurl=true%   print sender URL
%,fromlogo=true% print a logo (position depends on fromalign)
%,addrfield=false%print an address field?
%,backaddress=false%  print the back address?
%,subject=afteropening,titled% alternative subject layout and position
%,locfield=narrow%  width of the (extra) location field
%,foldmarks=false%  print foldmarks?
%,numericaldate=true%  date layout
%,refline=wide% layout of the refline

You will notice that the first uncommented option 
(,fromalign=center%...) starts with a comma). If you try to use this 
template with a more recent Lyx version (in fact a more recent 
Koma-script version) you will get this error:

You have used \KOMAoptions to set `',
but KOMA-Script does not know any option named `'.
See the KOMA-Script manual for more informations about options and
their values.

The solution is to edit the Latex preamble (Menu Document-Parameters 
then Latex preamble) so that the first option reads fromalign=center% 
without the preceding comma.

I understand from Uwe that the new templates for Koma-script letter2 no 
longer have this preceding comma. May be you still have an old template 
with a new version of Koma-script.


Re: letter?

2009-03-23 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Uwe Stöhr a écrit :

Jean-Marie Pacquet schrieb:

You should erase the starting comma in the options list of the Latex 
preamble (the one in front of "footsepline=true"). The new version of 
Koma-script scrlttr2 does not like it.

In LyX 1.6.x the template doesn't have this comma. What LyX version 
are you using Jean-Marie?

regards Uwe
I use various versions (1.4.2 to 1.6.1). The problem of commas in front 
of the options in the Koma-script letter2 template (as it is up to 1.5.4 
I believe) was brought to my attention when someone told me that the 
templates I uploaded to the wiki as french letters examples in July 2008 
were not  working (that was in october 2008).
So when Bruce wrote he had a problem with Koma options in a template, I 
immediatly thought of this. May be it's something different though...


Re: letter?

2009-03-23 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Bruce Pourciau a écrit :

On Mar 22, 2009, at 5:18 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Jean-Marie Pacquet schrieb:

You should erase the starting comma in the options list of the Latex 
preamble (the one in front of "footsepline=true"). The new version 
of Koma-script scrlttr2 does not like it.

In LyX 1.6.x the template doesn't have this comma. What LyX version 
are you using Jean-Marie?

regards Uwe

So in LyX 1.5.6 is there no way to view and use the Koma-script 
scrlttr2 template directly from within LyX?


Just make sure that the Koma-script options list does not start with a 
comma. Hereunder is a part of the Latex preamble of Koma-script letter2 
template for an old Lyx version (1.4.2):

%% Remove preceeding '%' to uncomment an item
%,headsepline=true%separate the header with a line on page >1
%,footsepline=true% separate the footer with a line on page >1
%pagenumber=botcenter%   position of the page number (see docu)
%,parskip=false%  Use indent instead of skip (more options cf. docu)
,fromalign=center%alignment of the address
,fromrule=aftername%separate the address with a line?
,fromphone=true% print sender phone number
%,fromfax=true%  print sender fax number
,fromemail=true%   print sender e-mail address
,fromurl=true%   print sender URL
%,fromlogo=true% print a logo (position depends on fromalign)
%,addrfield=false%print an address field?
%,backaddress=false%  print the back address?
%,subject=afteropening,titled% alternative subject layout and position
%,locfield=narrow%  width of the (extra) location field
%,foldmarks=false%  print foldmarks?
%,numericaldate=true%  date layout
%,refline=wide% layout of the refline

You will notice that the first uncommented option 
(",fromalign=center%...") starts with a comma). If you try to use this 
template with a more recent Lyx version (in fact a more recent 
Koma-script version) you will get this error:

You have used \KOMAoptions to set `',
but KOMA-Script does not know any option named `'.
See the KOMA-Script manual for more informations about options and
their values.

The solution is to edit the Latex preamble (Menu Document->Parameters 
then Latex preamble) so that the first option reads "fromalign=center%" 
without the preceding comma.

I understand from Uwe that the new templates for Koma-script letter2 no 
longer have this preceding comma. May be you still have an old template 
with a new version of Koma-script.


Re: letter?

2009-03-22 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Bruce Pourciau a écrit :

When I try to View the KOMA-script scrlttr2 template file, I get an 
error message:

Package scrkbase Error: unknown KOMA option `'

You have used \KOMAoptions to set `',
but KOMA-Script does not know any option named `'.
See the KOMA-Script manual for more informations about options and
their values.

What should I do?
You should erase the starting comma in the options list of the Latex 
preamble (the one in front of footsepline=true). The new version of 
Koma-script scrlttr2 does not like it.


Re: letter?

2009-03-22 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Bruce Pourciau a écrit :

When I try to View the KOMA-script scrlttr2 template file, I get an 
error message:

Package scrkbase Error: unknown KOMA option `'

You have used \KOMAoptions to set `',
but KOMA-Script does not know any option named `'.
See the KOMA-Script manual for more informations about options and
their values.

What should I do?
You should erase the starting comma in the options list of the Latex 
preamble (the one in front of footsepline=true). The new version of 
Koma-script scrlttr2 does not like it.


Re: letter?

2009-03-22 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Bruce Pourciau a écrit :

When I try to View the KOMA-script scrlttr2 template file, I get an 
error message:

Package scrkbase Error: unknown KOMA option `'

You have used \KOMAoptions to set `',
but KOMA-Script does not know any option named `'.
See the KOMA-Script manual for more informations about options and
their values.

What should I do?
You should erase the starting comma in the options list of the Latex 
preamble (the one in front of "footsepline=true"). The new version of 
Koma-script scrlttr2 does not like it.


Re: Koma Script Letter (v.2) Lyx Example does not compile

2008-11-27 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Stefano Franchi a écrit :

On Thursday 27 November 2008 10:10:27 am Stefano Franchi wrote:

Has anyone tried to use the French examples of KomaScript letters listed in
the wiki. recently? I am referring, in particular, to


listed at:

when I try to view the pdf file, I get a couple of fatal LaTeX errors:

Class scrlttr2 Info: Letter-Class-Option `NF' loaded on input line 34.
File: NF.lco 2007/03/12 v1.0 Third party LaTeX2e KOMA letter-class-option
! Undefined control sequence.
l.84 \addto

I do not understand this error---most likely because I know next to nothing
about this class. But that's exactly why I am trying to use the example

Help greatly appreciated.


Well, it's bad form to reply to one's own messages, but here are further 

I can get the letter sample to compile if I change the language from French to 
English in the Document settings. I suppose that's because LyX changes some 
parameter in the LaTeX preamble it produces that would otherwise conflict with 
other KomaScript settings. Is my interpretation correct? If so, what should I 
do if I want to produce letter-templates for other languages in addition to 



I updated the Lyx KomaScript Letter2 files recently (2008-10-27) to make 
them compatible with other languages and newer versions of KomaScript. 
But, of course, you need to set your language in the preamble.

Which Lyx version and which KomaScript version are you using?


Re: Koma Script Letter (v.2) Lyx Example does not compile

2008-11-27 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Stefano Franchi a écrit :

Hi Jean-Marie,

thanks for your extremely prompt reply. I am using Lyx 1.6.0 with the version 
of KomaScript that came with the installation of Kubuntu 8.10. I am not sure 
which version it is. The class file:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 87668 2008-07-04 03:24 scrlttr2.cls

seems recent, but there are no version information within the file itself.

The problem I am encountering is rather peculiar: with the document language 
set to French (in the LyX settings), LaTeX does not compile the letter. If I 
change the setting to English, French, or German (the other languages I am 
interested in), everything seems to work fine.  My rather limited knowledge of 
LaTex and almost complete ignorance of the scrlttr2 class is preventing me 
from identifying the source of the error. 

I can live with this, as my main languages are English and Italian, but I 
would like to understand what's going on.




Hi Stefano,

I don't quite understand what's going on either: it obviously does 
compile for me in French. If I change the document language to American, 
it still compiles. In this case, I get Invoice no. instead of Numéro 
de facture for the ksl2pro example. If I change the document language 
to German, I get Rechnungsnummer which is OK.
I looked at the Latex code produced in my french version around the line 
that produces an error on your installation:


\ifdim\lastskip[EMAIL PROTECTED]


This compiles without problems here and my software version are:

~/Desktop$ latex ksl2pro.tex
This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e 2003/12/01
Babel v3.8d and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, 
ngerman, b
ahasa, basque, bulgarian, catalan, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, 
esperanto, e
stonian, finnish, greek, icelandic, irish, italian, latin, magyar, 
norsk, polis
h, portuges, romanian, russian, serbian, slovak, slovene, spanish, 
swedish, tur

kish, ukrainian, nohyphenation, loaded.
Document Class: scrlttr2 2004/09/16 v2.9t LaTeX2e KOMA document class

I'm no Latex guru either...
Hope this helps

Re: Koma Script Letter (v.2) Lyx Example does not compile

2008-11-27 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Stefano Franchi a écrit :

On Thursday 27 November 2008 10:10:27 am Stefano Franchi wrote:

Has anyone tried to use the French examples of KomaScript letters listed in
the wiki. recently? I am referring, in particular, to


listed at:

when I try to view the pdf file, I get a couple of fatal LaTeX errors:

Class scrlttr2 Info: Letter-Class-Option `NF' loaded on input line 34.
File: NF.lco 2007/03/12 v1.0 Third party LaTeX2e KOMA letter-class-option
! Undefined control sequence.
l.84 \addto

I do not understand this error---most likely because I know next to nothing
about this class. But that's exactly why I am trying to use the example

Help greatly appreciated.


Well, it's bad form to reply to one's own messages, but here are further 

I can get the letter sample to compile if I change the language from French to 
English in the Document settings. I suppose that's because LyX changes some 
parameter in the LaTeX preamble it produces that would otherwise conflict with 
other KomaScript settings. Is my interpretation correct? If so, what should I 
do if I want to produce letter-templates for other languages in addition to 



I updated the Lyx KomaScript Letter2 files recently (2008-10-27) to make 
them compatible with other languages and newer versions of KomaScript. 
But, of course, you need to set your language in the preamble.

Which Lyx version and which KomaScript version are you using?


Re: Koma Script Letter (v.2) Lyx Example does not compile

2008-11-27 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Stefano Franchi a écrit :

Hi Jean-Marie,

thanks for your extremely prompt reply. I am using Lyx 1.6.0 with the version 
of KomaScript that came with the installation of Kubuntu 8.10. I am not sure 
which version it is. The class file:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 87668 2008-07-04 03:24 scrlttr2.cls

seems recent, but there are no version information within the file itself.

The problem I am encountering is rather peculiar: with the document language 
set to French (in the LyX settings), LaTeX does not compile the letter. If I 
change the setting to English, French, or German (the other languages I am 
interested in), everything seems to work fine.  My rather limited knowledge of 
LaTex and almost complete ignorance of the scrlttr2 class is preventing me 
from identifying the source of the error. 

I can live with this, as my main languages are English and Italian, but I 
would like to understand what's going on.




Hi Stefano,

I don't quite understand what's going on either: it obviously does 
compile for me in French. If I change the document language to American, 
it still compiles. In this case, I get Invoice no. instead of Numéro 
de facture for the ksl2pro example. If I change the document language 
to German, I get Rechnungsnummer which is OK.
I looked at the Latex code produced in my french version around the line 
that produces an error on your installation:


\ifdim\lastskip[EMAIL PROTECTED]


This compiles without problems here and my software version are:

~/Desktop$ latex ksl2pro.tex
This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e 2003/12/01
Babel v3.8d and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, 
ngerman, b
ahasa, basque, bulgarian, catalan, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, 
esperanto, e
stonian, finnish, greek, icelandic, irish, italian, latin, magyar, 
norsk, polis
h, portuges, romanian, russian, serbian, slovak, slovene, spanish, 
swedish, tur

kish, ukrainian, nohyphenation, loaded.
Document Class: scrlttr2 2004/09/16 v2.9t LaTeX2e KOMA document class

I'm no Latex guru either...
Hope this helps

Re: Koma Script Letter (v.2) Lyx Example does not compile

2008-11-27 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Stefano Franchi a écrit :

On Thursday 27 November 2008 10:10:27 am Stefano Franchi wrote:

Has anyone tried to use the French examples of KomaScript letters listed in
the wiki. recently? I am referring, in particular, to


listed at:

when I try to view the pdf file, I get a couple of fatal LaTeX errors:

Class scrlttr2 Info: Letter-Class-Option `NF' loaded on input line 34.
File: NF.lco 2007/03/12 v1.0 Third party LaTeX2e KOMA letter-class-option
! Undefined control sequence.
l.84 \addto

I do not understand this error---most likely because I know next to nothing
about this class. But that's exactly why I am trying to use the example

Help greatly appreciated.


Well, it's bad form to reply to one's own messages, but here are further 

I can get the letter sample to compile if I change the language from French to 
English in the Document settings. I suppose that's because LyX changes some 
parameter in the LaTeX preamble it produces that would otherwise conflict with 
other KomaScript settings. Is my interpretation correct? If so, what should I 
do if I want to produce letter-templates for other languages in addition to 



I updated the Lyx KomaScript Letter2 files recently (2008-10-27) to make 
them compatible with other languages and newer versions of KomaScript. 
But, of course, you need to set your language in the preamble.

Which Lyx version and which KomaScript version are you using?


Re: Koma Script Letter (v.2) Lyx Example does not compile

2008-11-27 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Stefano Franchi a écrit :

Hi Jean-Marie,

thanks for your extremely prompt reply. I am using Lyx 1.6.0 with the version 
of KomaScript that came with the installation of Kubuntu 8.10. I am not sure 
which version it is. The class file:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 87668 2008-07-04 03:24 scrlttr2.cls

seems recent, but there are no version information within the file itself.

The problem I am encountering is rather peculiar: with the document language 
set to French (in the LyX settings), LaTeX does not compile the letter. If I 
change the setting to English, French, or German (the other languages I am 
interested in), everything seems to work fine.  My rather limited knowledge of 
LaTex and almost complete ignorance of the scrlttr2 class is preventing me 
from identifying the source of the error. 

I can live with this, as my main languages are English and Italian, but I 
would like to understand what's going on.




Hi Stefano,

I don't quite understand what's going on either: it obviously does 
compile for me in French. If I change the document language to American, 
it still compiles. In this case, I get "Invoice no." instead of "Numéro 
de facture" for the ksl2pro example. If I change the document language 
to German, I get "Rechnungsnummer" which is OK.
I looked at the Latex code produced in my french version around the line 
that produces an error on your installation:


\ifdim\lastskip>[EMAIL PROTECTED]


This compiles without problems here and my software version are:

~/Desktop$ latex ksl2pro.tex
This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
Babel  and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, 
ngerman, b
ahasa, basque, bulgarian, catalan, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, 
esperanto, e
stonian, finnish, greek, icelandic, irish, italian, latin, magyar, 
norsk, polis
h, portuges, romanian, russian, serbian, slovak, slovene, spanish, 
swedish, tur

kish, ukrainian, nohyphenation, loaded.
Document Class: scrlttr2 2004/09/16 v2.9t LaTeX2e KOMA document class

I'm no Latex guru either...
Hope this helps

Re: Koma-Script Letter 2 - Align logo to top of page, add space between closing statement and signature

2008-11-04 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Rich Shepard a écrit :

On Tue, 4 Nov 2008, Nick Bell wrote:

What I still haven't got is the steps to put the logo up in the top left
corner (margin corner, not page corner). Could you highlight the 
steps to

do this?


  No. My company logo is centered along the top. But, when I try to 

the size of the image it moves off center and I cannot readjust it. After
futzing with it for too long, I gave up and left it at the smaller 
size. It

still works, but the logo doesn't extend fully across the horizontal text
space. No one's complained so I am not going to do anything more other 

continue to use it.


Have a look at the professional letter ksl2pro here:
The logo is in the top left corner...

Re: Koma-Script Letter 2 - Align logo to top of page, add space between closing statement and signature

2008-11-04 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Rich Shepard a écrit :

On Tue, 4 Nov 2008, Nick Bell wrote:

What I still haven't got is the steps to put the logo up in the top left
corner (margin corner, not page corner). Could you highlight the 
steps to

do this?


  No. My company logo is centered along the top. But, when I try to 

the size of the image it moves off center and I cannot readjust it. After
futzing with it for too long, I gave up and left it at the smaller 
size. It

still works, but the logo doesn't extend fully across the horizontal text
space. No one's complained so I am not going to do anything more other 

continue to use it.


Have a look at the professional letter ksl2pro here:
The logo is in the top left corner...

Re: Koma-Script Letter 2 - Align logo to top of page, add space between closing statement and signature

2008-11-04 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Rich Shepard a écrit :

On Tue, 4 Nov 2008, Nick Bell wrote:

What I still haven't got is the steps to put the logo up in the top left
corner (margin corner, not page corner). Could you highlight the 
steps to

do this?


  No. My company logo is centered along the top. But, when I try to 

the size of the image it moves off center and I cannot readjust it. After
futzing with it for too long, I gave up and left it at the smaller 
size. It

still works, but the logo doesn't extend fully across the horizontal text
space. No one's complained so I am not going to do anything more other 

continue to use it.


Have a look at the professional letter ksl2pro here:
The logo is in the top left corner...

Re: Koma-script chapterentry font option

2008-09-06 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Guillaume Larocque a écrit :

Hi, I am trying to modify the font used in the table of contents of my
thesis (Koma-script(Book)) for chapter titles to a Roman font. The
default is an ugly fixed font that renders terribly in pdf and in some
printers. All the rest of my thesis is in a Roman font. After reading
the Koma-script documentation, I tried adding the following to the


I also tried


I always get this error message You've told me to use the font
selection of the element, but either no such element is known by
KOMA-Script or the element does not use a special font selection.

Is there any way I can change that font??
chapterentry does not belong to the list of elements whose type style 
can be changed with these commands. chapter is in this list, so I 
would try:



Re: Koma-script chapterentry font option

2008-09-06 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Guillaume Larocque a écrit :

Hi, I am trying to modify the font used in the table of contents of my
thesis (Koma-script(Book)) for chapter titles to a Roman font. The
default is an ugly fixed font that renders terribly in pdf and in some
printers. All the rest of my thesis is in a Roman font. After reading
the Koma-script documentation, I tried adding the following to the


I also tried


I always get this error message You've told me to use the font
selection of the element, but either no such element is known by
KOMA-Script or the element does not use a special font selection.

Is there any way I can change that font??
chapterentry does not belong to the list of elements whose type style 
can be changed with these commands. chapter is in this list, so I 
would try:



Re: Koma-script chapterentry font option

2008-09-06 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Guillaume Larocque a écrit :

Hi, I am trying to modify the font used in the table of contents of my
thesis (Koma-script(Book)) for chapter titles to a Roman font. The
default is an ugly fixed font that renders terribly in pdf and in some
printers. All the rest of my thesis is in a Roman font. After reading
the Koma-script documentation, I tried adding the following to the


I also tried


I always get this error message "You've told me to use the font
selection of the element, but either no such element is known by
KOMA-Script or the element does not use a special font selection".

Is there any way I can change that font??
"chapterentry" does not belong to the list of elements whose type style 
can be changed with these commands. "chapter" is in this list, so I 
would try:



Re: kslt2pro.lyx letter template undefined control sequence after changing language setting

2008-08-15 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Graham Smith a écrit :

I am trying to use this template from the Lyx wiki which defaults to
French when I open it. But it compiles without any trouble.

Changing the language settings from French to British (and
reconfiguring) gives me three undefined control sequence errors when I
try to compile.

If I don't load the lco file, it compiles OK but obviously with aspect

If I comment out lines in the lco file, it seems that two of the
undefined control sequences are linked to the firsthead code, and one of
the undefined control sequences is associated with the firstfoot coding.

I can't see where the errors might be and wondered if anyone had gone
through the same language conversion issues. Jean-Marie has been helping
me with some other issues but I am hoping someone has gone through this
specific French to British problem.
I found two control sequences which seem to be french specific in the 
NFpro.lco options file. You should replace at line 53 \no by n° and 
at line 74 \nombre{1234,56} by 1234,56.
I don't know why three errors were reported as it compiles now OK in 
english language with these two modifications.

jean-marie pacquet

Re: kslt2pro.lyx letter template undefined control sequence after changing language setting

2008-08-15 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Graham Smith a écrit :

I am trying to use this template from the Lyx wiki which defaults to
French when I open it. But it compiles without any trouble.

Changing the language settings from French to British (and
reconfiguring) gives me three undefined control sequence errors when I
try to compile.

If I don't load the lco file, it compiles OK but obviously with aspect

If I comment out lines in the lco file, it seems that two of the
undefined control sequences are linked to the firsthead code, and one of
the undefined control sequences is associated with the firstfoot coding.

I can't see where the errors might be and wondered if anyone had gone
through the same language conversion issues. Jean-Marie has been helping
me with some other issues but I am hoping someone has gone through this
specific French to British problem.
I found two control sequences which seem to be french specific in the 
NFpro.lco options file. You should replace at line 53 \no by n° and 
at line 74 \nombre{1234,56} by 1234,56.
I don't know why three errors were reported as it compiles now OK in 
english language with these two modifications.

jean-marie pacquet

Re: kslt2pro.lyx letter template undefined control sequence after changing language setting

2008-08-15 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Graham Smith a écrit :

I am trying to use this template from the Lyx wiki which defaults to
French when I open it. But it compiles without any trouble.

Changing the language settings from French to British (and
reconfiguring) gives me three undefined control sequence errors when I
try to compile.

If I don't load the lco file, it compiles OK but obviously with aspect

If I comment out lines in the lco file, it seems that two of the
undefined control sequences are linked to the firsthead code, and one of
the undefined control sequences is associated with the firstfoot coding.

I can't see where the errors might be and wondered if anyone had gone
through the same language conversion issues. Jean-Marie has been helping
me with some other issues but I am hoping someone has gone through this
specific French to British problem.
I found two control sequences which seem to be french specific in the 
NFpro.lco options file. You should replace at line 53 "\no" by "n°" and 
at line 74 "\nombre{1234,56}" by "1234,56".
I don't know why three errors were reported as it compiles now OK in 
english language with these two modifications.

jean-marie pacquet

Re: Koma letter script 2 environment labels in French instead of English

2008-08-14 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Graham Smith a écrit :
If I add an environment such as senderaddress they appear in 
French.  Existing letter files use English labels, but if I add any 
new labels they are also in French.

This is with lyx 1.5.5 on OSx, any easy fix available.

Change in your template .lyx file the following lines:
\language french to \language english
\quotes_language french to \quotes_language english


Re: Inserting header into koma-letter 2 class

2008-08-14 Thread Jean-Marie Pacquet

Graham Smith a écrit :


Following on from this, I have downloaded your example ksl2pro.lyx 
 from the Lx wiki, but when I compile it, I only get the text of the 
letter, the footnote and page number. 

I am not getting any of the letter specific details, the logo, or the 

Have you any suggestions as to why this might be.
Besides ksl2pro.lyx did you download also NFpro.lco and 
prologo.eps which should go in the same directory? Without the first 
one NFpro.lco you won't get the header or the footer. The second one 
prologo.eps is the logo image.


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