[MBZ] Motorhome Police Chase

2021-07-29 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes



A young woman stole a motorhome and went on a wild police chase with none fatal 
injuries and much property damage. The motorhome may be on a Mercedes chassis. 
I've never before seen anthing like this. She was driving with two large dogs 
in her lap.

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Re: [MBZ] Red death

2021-07-25 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

> From: mercedes@okiebenz.com
> Sent: July 22, 2021 2:02 PM
> To: mercedes@okiebenz.com
> Reply-to: mercedes@okiebenz.com
> Cc: astr...@fastmail.fm
> Subject: Re: [MBZ] Red death
> I was curious about it, since two people in my immediate household contracted 
> COVID in November. I never had any symptoms. Also been going to the gym 4x 
> week throughout the pandemic, very little mask-wearing there, never had any 
> symptoms. A few weeks ago I got an antibody test, which was negative.
> Allan

I've often wondered why T-detect covid-19 antibody tests are not used more 
often. They can pick up positives that the standard serology tests miss 
according to the literature.


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[MBZ] OT Joke Things to ponder

2021-01-20 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
> The devil whispered to me, "I'm coming for you." I whispered back, "Bring 
> pizza."
> Having plans sounds like a good idea until you have to put on clothes and 
> leave the house.
> It's weird being the same age as old people.
> When I was a kid I wanted to be older...this is not what I expected.
> Life is like a helicopter. I don't know how to operate a helicopter.
> Chocolate is God's way of telling us he likes us a little bit chubby.
> It's probably my age that tricks people into thinking I'm an adult.
> Never sing in the shower! Singing leads to dancing, dancing leads to 
> slipping, and slipping leads to paramedics seeing you naked. So, 
> remember...Don't sing!
> During the middle ages they celebrated the end of the plague with wine and 
> orgies. Does anyone know if there is anything planned when this one ends?
> If 2020 was a math-word problem: If you're going down a river at 2 MPH and 
> your canoe loses a wheel, how much pancake mix would you need to re-shingle 
> your roof?
> I see people about my age mountain climbing; I feel good getting my leg 
> through my underwear without losing my balance.
> We can all agree that in 2015 not a single person got the answer correct to, 
> 'Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?'
> So if a cow doesn't produce milk, is it a milk dud or an udder failure?
> If you can't think of a word, say "I forgot the English word for it." That 
> way people will think you're bilingual instead of an idiot.
> I'm at a place in my life where errands are starting to count as going out.
> One day you're loving your bubble, doing work outs, baking banana bread and 
> going for long walks and the next you're crying, drinking gin for breakfast 
> and missing people you don't even like.
> I'm at that age where my mind still thinks I'm 29, my humor suggests I'm 12, 
> while my body mostly keeps asking if I'm sure I'm not dead yet.
> Don't be worried about your smartphone or TV spying on you. Your vacuum 
> cleaner has been collecting dirt on you for years.
> I'm getting tired of being part of a major historical event.
> I don't always go the extra mile, but when I do it's because I missed my exit
> At what point can we just start using 2020 as profanity? As in: "That's a 
> load of 2020." or "What in the 2020." or "abso-2020-lutely."
> You don't realize how old you are until you sit on the floor and then try to 
> get back up
> We all get heavier as we get older, because there's a lot more information in 
> our heads. That's my story and I'm sticking to it

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[MBZ] OT JOKE: The Secure Bench.

2021-01-20 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
> A new general was allotted to a new army base. After some time in the base he 
> realized
> how there were two army men guarding an empty bench in shifts.
> He asked his colleagues and his juniors what it was all about.
> A colleague said “I don’t know but it’s been a tradition here since joined 35 
> years ago.” The
> general confused as he was went through the past generals of that base till 
> he found the one that was in charge 35 years ago.
> He attempted to find him, and found that he had retired and he lived in the 
> countryside
> now. He contacted him and requested to meet.
> On the day of the meeting the general asked the retired commander why that 
> bench
> was guarded so much.
> The commander was shocked. “So you’re telling me the paint on that bench 
> hasn’t dried
> yet ?!”

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Re: [MBZ] OT:Medical Alert devices

2021-01-18 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
I've used a Great Call Lively Mobile for a number of years. $50 for the unil 
and then $17/month for the service. Before Great Call came on the scene I used 
a different companies unit that required a base station. It was easy to get out 
of range of the base station which which had a limited range.
The Great Call Lively Mobile needs no base station. The pocket units range is 
anywhere in the U.S.
except for a few areas where cell phones won't work. The service has been good 
and there is one button to push in order to talk to the operator at Great Call.
There may be other units similar to Great Call or your Mom may be happy happy 
with a base station unit if she stays in the house 24/7.
Good luck,

On Sun, 17 Jan 2021 21:14:39 -0500
Mitch Haley via Mercedes  wrote:

> Or, I've fallen and I can't get up!
> Looking into getting one of these for my mom.
> Any experience with these things, especially Medical Guardian or 
> GreatCall?
> ___
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[MBZ] OT JOKE: Little Miss Curious

2021-01-16 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
> A mother was driving a little girl to her friend's house for a play date.
> "Mommy?" the little girl asked. "How old are you?"
> "Honey, you are not supposed to ask a lady her age," the mother replied. 
> "It's not polite.."
> "Okay", the little girl said. "How much do you weigh?"
> "Now really!" the mother said. "Those are personal questions and are none of 
> your
> business."
> Undaunted, the little girl asked, "Why did you and daddy get a divorce?"
> "That's enough questions, young lady. Honestly!"
> The exasperated mother walked away as the two friends began to play.
> "My mom won't tell me anything about herself," the little girl said to her 
> friend.
> "Well," said the friend, "all you need to do is look at her driver's license. 
> It's like a report card, it has everything on it."
> Later that night the little girl said to her mother, "I know how old you are. 
> You're 32."
> The mother was surprised and asked, "How did you find that out?"
> "I also know that you weigh 140 pounds."
> The mother was past surprised. She was shocked.
> "How in heaven's name did you find that out?"
> "And," the little girl said triumphantly, "I know why you and daddy got a 
> divorce!"
> "Really?" the mother asked. "Why?"
> "Because you got an F in sex."

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[MBZ] OT JOKE: Little Miss Curious Asks Mom Too Many Questions.

2021-01-16 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
> A mother was driving a little girl to her friend's house for a play date.
> "Mommy?" the little girl asked. "How old are you?"
> "Honey, you are not supposed to ask a lady her age," the mother replied. 
> "It's not polite.."
> "Okay", the little girl said. "How much do you weigh?"
> "Now really!" the mother said. "Those are personal questions and are none of 
> your
> business."
> Undaunted, the little girl asked, "Why did you and daddy get a divorce?"
> "That's enough questions, young lady. Honestly!"
> The exasperated mother walked away as the two friends began to play.
> "My mom won't tell me anything about herself," the little girl said to her 
> friend.
> "Well," said the friend, "all you need to do is look at her driver's license. 
> It's like a report card, it has everything on it."
> Later that night the little girl said to her mother, "I know how old you are. 
> You're 32."
> The mother was surprised and asked, "How did you find that out?"
> "I also know that you weigh 140 pounds."
> The mother was past surprised. She was shocked.
> "How in heaven's name did you find that out?"
> "And," the little girl said triumphantly, "I know why you and daddy got a 
> divorce!"
> "Really?" the mother asked. "Why?"
> "Because you got an F in sex."

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[MBZ] OT Joke - What Your Husband Needs

2021-01-15 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

> After 35 years of marriage, a husband and wife came for counseling.
> When asked what the problem was, the husband went into a passionate,
> painful tirade listing every problem they had ever had in the years they had 
> been married.
> On and on and on: neglect, lack of intimacy, emptiness, loneliness, feeling 
> unloved and unlovable,
> an entire laundry list of unmet needs he had endured.
> Finally, after allowing this for a sufficient length of time, the therapist 
> got up, walked around the desk and,
> after asking the husband to stand, she embraced and kissed him long and 
> passionately as his wife watched with a raised eyebrow.
> The man shut up and quietly sat down as though in a daze.
> The therapist turned to the wife and said, 'this is what your husband needs 
> at least 3 times a week.
> Can you see to it?'
> 'Well,' she said, 'I can drop him off here on Mondays and Wednesdays but on 
> Fridays I have book club.'

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[MBZ] OT JOKE The Missing Pajamas.

2021-01-09 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

> > The Missing Pajamas.
> > 
> > A man calls home to his wife and says, "Honey
> > I have been asked to go fishing at a big lake
> > up in Canada with my boss and several of his
> > friends. We'll be gone for a week. This is a
> > good opportunity for me to get that promotion
> > I've been wanting so would you please pack
> > me enough clothes for a week and set out my
> > rod and tackle box.
> > We're leaving from the office and I will swing
> > by the house to pick my things up. Oh! Please pack my new blue silk 
> > pajamas.."
> > The wife thinks this sounds a little fishy but being a good wife she does 
> > exactly what her
> > husband asked. The following weekend he comes home a little tired but 
> > otherwise
> > looking good.
> > The wife welcomes him home and asks if he caught many fish? He says, "Yes!
> > Lot's of Walleye, some Bluegill, and a few Pike. But why didn't you pack my 
> > new blue silk
> > pajamas like I asked you to do?"
> > "I did, they're in your tackle box."

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[MBZ] OT JOKE: The Arrogant Professor.

2021-01-07 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
> An arrogant professor boards a plane and gets a seat beside an old man.
> Mid-flight, the professor decides to play a game with the old man and prove 
> he’s
> intellectually superior, so he turns to him and says: “Hey, do you want to 
> play a little game
> with me?” The old man looks at him and says:
> “Depends. What type of game?”
> The professor goes on to explain the game:
> “Taking turns, we’ll ask each other one question at a time. If the other 
> knows the answer,
> the asker gives him one dollar, and if he doesn’t, he gives one dollar to the 
> asker. Want
> to play?” The professor grins, knowing his general knowledge is vastly 
> superior.
> To his dismay, the old man refuses! Determined to make him agree, the 
> professor raises
> the stakes for him.
> “If I lose, I ‘ll give you two dollars instead of one!”
> “No.”
> “Five dollars!”
> “No.”
> “Ten dollars!”
> “I told you, no.”
> Desperate, the professor makes one final offer: “If I lose, I’ll give you a 
> hundred dollars,
> and if you lose you’ll only give me one!” The professor pleads. The old man 
> ponders
> this, then sighs. “Only if I get to start”, and the professor immediately 
> agrees. “Ask
> away”, the professor says, confident he’ll never lose.
> The old man asks: “What has five heads, forty feet, and lives inside of a 
> bucket?”
> The professor turns the riddle over in his head, trying to find anything that 
> fits the
> description. After an hour of intense concentration, the professor gives up. 
> Grumbling,
> he pulls out his wallet and gives the old man $100. He wastes no time and 
> asks him:
> “So what has five heads, forty feet, and lives inside of a bucket?”
> The old man smiles and says: “I’ve got no idea. Here’s your dollar."

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[MBZ] OT JOKE: Two Eskimos and a Kayak.

2021-01-07 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
> Two Eskimos sitting, paddling along in a kayak, when one felt a little chilly 
> so he made
> a little pile of sticks and lit a fire in the craft.
> His friend shouted at him to put it out, but the warning was ignored.
> Unsurprisingly, the kayak sank quite quickly and finding themselves in the 
> cold water, the
> second Eskimo whacked his idiot mate over the head with a now redundant 
> paddle.
> "Ouch!!" said the previously warm Eskimo, "what did you do that for?!?"
> "Because, you idiot," said the second Eskimo, "Don't you know that you can't 
> have your
> kayak and heat it too??"

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[MBZ] OT Central Northwest Florida Justice

2021-01-02 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes


DEPUTY CHARLIE DRIGGERS was shot and killed by a prisoner in front of the Dixie 
County Jail.

He and another deputy had arrested the man at approximately 4:00 am for being 
drunk. When they got to the jail, Deputy Driggers opened the back door of the 
patrol car to remove him. As he reached in to remove the prisoner, the man 
opened fire with a .38 caliber handgun, striking the deputy in the chest and 
shoulder five times.

The 29-year-old suspect, DEPUTY DRIGGERS COUSIN, was charged with first degree 
murder in connection with the murder. HE WAS ACQUITED!.

Deputy Driggers served as a part-time deputy and night jailer for the Dixie 
County Sheriff's Office. He was survived by his wive, three sons, three 
daughters, and 16 grandchildren.


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[MBZ] JOKE. Importance of Proof-Reading

2020-12-30 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
> Importance of Proof-Reading  
> FIRST TEXT MESSAGE  Hi, Max. This is Richard, next door. I've been riddled 
> with guilt for a few months and have been trying to get up the courage to 
> tell you face-to-face. When you're not around, I've been sharing your wife, 
> day and night, probably much more than you. I haven't been getting it at home 
> recently. I know that's no excuse. The temptation was just too great. I can't 
> live with the guilt & hope you'll accept my sincere apology and forgive me.  
> Please suggest a fee for usage and I'll pay you. Richard   
>  Max, feeling enraged and betrayed, grabbed his gun, went next door, and shot 
> Richard dead. He returned home, shot his wife, poured himself a stiff drink 
> and sat down on the sofa. Max then looked at his phone and discovered a 
> second text message from Richard.   
>  SECOND TEXT MESSAGE:  Hi, Max. Richard here again. Sorry about the typo on 
> my last text. I assume you figured it out and noticed that the darned 
> Spell-Check had changed "wi-fi" to "wife." Technology, huh? It'll be the 
> death of us all.

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[MBZ] What Do the Amish Think of Civilization?

2020-12-26 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

> > What Do the Amish Think of Civilization?
> >
> > A fifteen-year-old Amish boy and his father visited the city for the very
> > first time. They
> > wandered around, marveling at the different sights. Eventually, they got
> > to a mall.
> >
> > They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but they were especially
> > amazed at two
> > shiny, silver walls that could move apart and then slide back together
> > again.
> >
> > The boy asked, "What is this Father?" The father (never having seen an
> > elevator)
> > responded, "Son, I have never seen anything like this in my life, I don't
> > know what it is."
> >
> > While the boy and his father were watching with amazement, a fat old lady
> > in a
> > wheelchair rolled up to the moving walls and pressed a button. The walls
> > opened, and
> > the lady passed between them into a small room. The walls closed, and the
> > boy and his
> > father watched the small numbers above the walls light up sequentially.
> >
> > They continued to watch until it reached the last number, and then the
> > numbers began
> > to light in the reverse order. Finally, the walls opened up again and a
> > gorgeous 24-yearold blond woman stepped out.
> >
> > The father, not taking his eyes off the young woman, said quietly to his
> > son:
> >
> > "Junior, go get your Mother."

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[MBZ] OT Happy Holidays

2020-12-25 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

Merry Christmas all you expert Mercedes Restorers.
Happy New Year too.

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[MBZ] The Wheelbarrow Bet

2020-12-23 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

> The Wheelbarrow Bet.
> A strong young man at a construction site was bragging that he could out do 
> anyone in a feat
> of strength. He made a special case of making fun of one of the older workmen.
> After several minutes, the older worker had enough.
> 'Why don't you put your money where your mouth is,' he said.
> 'I will bet a week's wages that I can haul something in a wheelbarrow over to 
> that
> building that you won't be able to wheel back.
> 'You're on, old man,' the braggart replied. Let's see you do it.'
> The old man reached out and grabbed the wheelbarrow by the handles.
> Then, nodding to the young man, he said,
> 'All right, dumbass, get in.'


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Re: [MBZ] Here's your chance to live out all your 2nd and 3rd World dictatorial auto fantasies

2020-12-22 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Saddam would not have bought car without flame-throwers. I won't buy car 
without flame throwers. Put flame throwers on, I'll consider buying it. Someone 
get in my way? FOOM! No more road blocker.

P.S. Since Dan says we badly need laughs, I'll start posting jokes here. If 
anyone eventually objects I won't. Some members have seen these jokes but I 
doubt if every member has. Here's a sample:

I've sure gotten old!
I've had two bypass surgeries, a hip replacement,
new knees, fought prostate cancer and diabetes
I'm half blind, can't hear anything quieter than a jet engine,
take 40 different medications that make me dizzy,
winded, and subject to blackouts.
Have bouts with dementia.
Have poor circulation;
hardly feel my hands and feet anymore.
Can't remember if I'm 85 or 92.
Have lost all my friends. But, thank God,
I still have my driver's license!

Gerry--Age 92 

"M. Mitchell Marmel via Mercedes"  wrote:

> Sent him a note complimenting him on the ad.  A badly needed laugh.
> On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 9:07 AM Buggered Benzmail via Mercedes <
> mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:

> > https://wilmington.craigslist.org/cto/d/wilmington-1990-mercedes-560-sel/7250662948.html

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Re: [MBZ] VW Content: Isn't Poos cute?

2020-12-06 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
On Sun, 6 Dec 2020 10:29:50 -0800
Jim Cathey via Mercedes  wrote:

> > Wonder how many of us have air cooled engine experience?
> My parents had a beetle.  Cold, and slow I remember.
> I replaced the rod and welded closed the hole in the block
> of my Ryobi garden tiller.  Does that count?
> -
58,61,64,65 Beetles. Rebuilt heads in 3 engines; one because I started it with 
ether and it pulled the headbolts. Installed inserts in crankcase for that 
reason. Did usual brake jobs on 2 or 3 and usual maintainence.
Bought 58 for $250 because owner couldn't find brake leak which was between the 
double firewalls in the front of the cab and because one cylinder was weak. Old 
version of Delo oil fixed the weak cylinder (probably stuck rings)

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[MBZ] OT: Opportunity?

2020-11-28 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes


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Re: [MBZ] OT: Tesla Crash Rains Flaming Batteries into Nearby Homes

2020-11-22 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
How are you doing with the increased Covid, Karl?

On Sun, 22 Nov 2020 13:06:35 -0800
Karl Wittnebel via Mercedes  wrote:

> Incredible. Guy hits and shears off a telephone pole and 2 trees at 100mph,
> then 'runs' away from the scene and is later apprehended and hospitalized
> with minor injuries. Forget the electric bit - it has to be by far the
> safest car on the planet.

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[MBZ] Hitchhike?

2020-11-21 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

arche...@embarqmail.com  wrote:

Out of the safety and concern for all in response to COVID-19, tow providers 
are no longer allowing customers to ride in the tow cabin.

At this time, customers will need to secure their own transportation from the 
disablement location, or for additional assistance, please contact our service 
provider at 877-627-5757.

We’re here to help, and our number one goal is to protect everyone’s health. We 
appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time.

State Farm Insurance

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Re: [MBZ] Going home today

2020-11-15 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
That's good advice, Kaleb. Here is what Mayo Clinic has to say about your 


On Sun, 15 Nov 2020 14:32:10 -0500
Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes  wrote:

> Sounds like you might benefit from a visit to the Mayo Clinic.  One of my
> male co-workers did his annual physical there every year after he reached
> 50.  They do a complete workup.
> https://www.mayoclinic.org/
> On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 2:28 PM Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes <
> mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> > Nope, no definite reason could be found to correct so I am at high risk
> > for a recovering event.
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> > > On Nov 15, 2020, at 12:30 PM, dan--- via Mercedes 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Good news - that you’re going home.
> > >
> > > Any idea of how these occurred or what might have caused them?
> > >
> > > -D
> > >
> > >> On Nov 15, 2020, at 1:12 PM, Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes <
> > mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> > >>
> > >> I should be released from the hospital today. Dr showed me my CT and
> > the clots were very severe. Said if I had waited another hour before coming
> > in I probably would have dropped dead.
> > >>
> > >> Sent from my iPhone
> > >>
> > >> ___
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> > >>
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> > >>
> > >> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> > >> http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > http://www.okiebenz.com
> > >
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> > >
> > > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> > > http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com
> > >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > http://www.okiebenz.com
> >
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> >
> > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> > http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com
> >
> >
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] OT: A Life Lesson

2020-11-15 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

Dan wrote:

> We have a trust set up in order to essentially bypass probate and convey all 
> of our belongings, etc., to our children upon our passing. However, I would 
> warn anyone considering a trust that they can be expensive and complex to set 
> up. Our probate attorney typically doesn’t recommend them unless you’ve got 
> more than $500k in assets. We didn’t when ours was set up, but it’s how we 
> wanted things done, so we bit the bullet and spent the money for peace of 
> mind.
> To give you an idea, our probate attorney charges about $2k to do a husband 
> and wife’s wills, durable power of attorney, and all the related paperwork. 
> He has a 25 page form you have to fill out in advance of him doing any of the 
> work, and you meet at least once after the form is turned in to review 
> everything. Don’t rely on a “do it yourself” will or something like that, as 
> it’s not worth the potential headaches it could cause for your heirs. We’re 
> comfortable that things will go as we want them to when we’re gone.
> -D

Is that $2K for probate or a trust?

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Re: [MBZ] OT: A Life Lesson

2020-11-14 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
My deepest sympathies to you and your family, Scott, and thanks for the 
> > On Nov 14, 2020, at 2:24 PM, Scott Ritchey via Mercedes 
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > SWMBO recently turned 90 (I'm a few years behind).  Except for A-Fib, she
> > was in generally good health but experienced nausea a few times a month
> > after dinner, which usually passed in a few hours or by morning.  Two weeks
> > ago she got sicker and sicker until she agreed to go to the ER.  A CT scan
> > showed her stomach had twisted and moved in a way that stopped blood flow to
> > part of her stomach; that tissue died and ruptured.  Emergency surgery
> > (within hours) repaired the damage but she died later that day.  The
> > suddenness of her death stunned me.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I learned a few things.  My wife's final wishes were well known (to me and
> > our children) and she wrote her complete eulogy, obituary, and memorial
> > service 10 years ago.  This made "first things" incredibly easy.  Almost all
> > of our assets have survivor rights or named beneficiaries and my wife's will
> > makes me executor which simplifies many things too.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > But the lesson is that life is fragile.  The end can come suddenly with no
> > warning.  You will do your family a huge favor by making provisions for
> > final arrangements and financial management.  In my own family (a previous
> > generation) surviving siblings severed ties for life because of a
> > disagreement over funeral arrangements.  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Personally, I will now make pre-need final arrangements and also hire a
> > trusted local professional to execute my will.  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Scott
> > 
> > ___
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Re: [MBZ] ***SPAM*** Re: Looks like I get to spend several days in the hospital

2020-11-12 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Sorry to hear that. Best of luck with the treatment.

On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 18:59:56 -0500
greg via Mercedes  wrote:

> Get well soon!
> Greg
> > Been having shortness of breath after just walking. Last night got much
> > worse and had to cut a business trip short and go through ER. Apparently I
> > have “lots” of blood clots in the lungs. They are going to put in 2
> > caths and run them up to my lungs to remove the clots.
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> > ___
> > http://www.okiebenz.com
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> >
> >
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Re: [MBZ] Covid-19 Prevention

2020-11-01 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
I appreciate your mentioning that. Otherwise I wouldn't have checked further 
and found that the whole thing was suspect. I was depeding too much on their 
list of authors and the false fact that the source was Swiss.

On Sun, 1 Nov 2020 16:25:24 -0800
Jim Cathey via Mercedes  wrote:

> > All I really meant was that it's not necessarily "the swiss'.
> All that could mean is a sandwich preference.
> -- Jim
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] Covid-19 Prevention

2020-11-01 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Curt is right. This website is suspect. Here is what I wrote Curt:

You're right. This website is suspect. I tried to check it out last night 
without success, but I had more success this morning. My bad.

On Sun, 01 Nov 2020 08:28:42 -0600
Mitch Haley via Mercedes  wrote:

> On 2020-11-01 08:22, Curt Raymond via Mercedes wrote:
> > Just an FYI there is no guarantee of any Swiss in "Swiss Policy
> > Research" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_Policy_Research
> So, it's accused, but not with specific and credible accusations, of not 
> 'following the party line'?
> And I just realized this is on the MBZ list, not the controversy list.
> So, I'm done.
> Mitch.
> ___
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[MBZ] Covid-19 Prevention

2020-11-01 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

This is a well documented Swiss article about Covid-19 which lists the drugs 
that are recommended for prevention and treatment.


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Re: [MBZ] I was nearly killed today

2020-10-06 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Glad you didn't get badly hurt. OkieBenz wouldn't be same without you.

On Tue, 6 Oct 2020 21:56:23 -0400
Buggered Benzmail via Mercedes  wrote:

> Good judgement comes from experience 
> Experience comes from bad judgment 
> Glad you are not dead
> --FT
> Sent from iPhone
> > On Oct 6, 2020, at 9:53 PM, Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes 
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > I was out in the back 40 unloading that 4matic wagon off the trailer.  
> > Since the front drive shaft it out or whatever is going on it free rolls 
> > while it park.  Parking brake does not work.  I was carefully removing the 
> > last strap and car rolls slightly but was able to hold it with the door 
> > handle.  Just as I was removing the strap it started rolling.  I stupidly 
> > jumped into the car as it was picking up speed to try and stop it.  I 
> > caught my leg between the open door and the trailer then slammed my back 
> > left side into the B pillar as I jumped into the car.  Got it stopped 
> > within inches of hitting another car.  When I hit the b pillar  it sort of 
> > knocked the air out of me and had severe pain and can barely move in 
> > certain angles.  I wonder if I might have bruised a rib or something. 
> > Thinking back on it, this could have turned out very badly so I do not 
> > recommend trying to jump into a car as it is rolling off a trailer.  It 
> > starts out very slow but gains speed in the blink of an eye.
> > 
> > ___
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Re: [MBZ] Hey Gerry

2020-09-15 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Because Sinobio failed doesn't mean all the 120 labs worldwide that are working 
on a vaccine will also fail. New techniques and new knowledge about the covid 
virus have emerged, and some labs have had positive results. I think there will 
be vaccines out but it may take a long time to prove their safety and 
effectiveness or lack of safety and effectiveness IMO.

On Tue, 15 Sep 2020 13:56:04 +
Rick Knoble via Mercedes  wrote:

> Considering a vaccine for a corona type virus has never been successful, slim 
> and none.
> This company was working on one for a long time for SARS COV 1 
> unsuccessfully. Probably where SARS COV 2 came from.
> https://www.sinobiological.com/research/virus/coronavirus-vaccine
> Rick
> From: mercedes@okiebenz.com
> Sent: September 15, 2020 6:59 AM
> To: mercedes@okiebenz.com
> Reply-to: mercedes@okiebenz.com
> Cc: curtlud...@yahoo.com
> Subject: Re: [MBZ] Hey Gerry
> What do you give the odds of a vaccine in the next year or so? I know a lot 
> of folks are busting hump to get one but it seems unlikely to me considering 
> the fastest vaccine ever took 4 years...
> -Curt
>     On Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 12:49:57 AM EDT, archer75--- via Mercedes 
> mailto:mercedes@okiebenz.com>> wrote:
>  On Sun, 13 Sep 2020 16:08:21 +
> Rick Knoble via Mercedes 
> mailto:mercedes@okiebenz.com>> wrote:
> > Long time, no hear...
> > Rick
> > ___
> Hi Rick,
> I'm still here; enjoying all the activity on Okiebenz.
> Looking forward to an effective vaccine.
> Thanks for your concern.
> Gerry
> --
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Re: [MBZ] Hey Gerry

2020-09-14 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
On Sun, 13 Sep 2020 16:08:21 +
Rick Knoble via Mercedes  wrote:

> Long time, no hear...

> Rick
> ___

Hi Rick,
I'm still here; enjoying all the activity on Okiebenz.
Looking forward to an effective vaccine.
Thanks for your concern.

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[MBZ] Covid infected cat

2020-07-27 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

A pet cat has tested positive in the UK for the strain of coronavirus that is 
causing the current pandemic..



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[MBZ] Boing Emergency Order

2020-07-25 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

US aviation regulator issues emergency order for inspection of certain Boeing 
737 jets

WASHINGTON -- US airlines have received an emergency order issued by the US 
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) directing an inspection of critical 
engine parts of certain Boeing 737 airplanes following reports of single-engine 
shutdowns during flights.

Under the order, about 2,000 Boeing 737 twin-engine airplanes would be 
inspected across the United States, the FAA said Friday.

The order, or the emergency airworthiness directive, applies to models 737-300, 
-400, -500, -600, -700, -700C, -800, -900, and 900ER series airplanes, the FAA 
said on Thursday. These versions are called 737 Classics and 737 NGs. The 
grounded Boeing 737 Max is not included in the ordered inspection.

The FAA directed relevant passenger jet owners and operators to inspect the 
airplanes parked for at least seven days or flying fewer than 11 times 
following resumption of operation, as the regulator had received four reports 
that certain engine valves were stuck open.

Passenger airplanes normally have at least two engines. Corrosion of these 
valves on both engines could result in a total power loss without the ability 
to restart. This condition, if not addressed, could lead to compressor stalls 
and dual-engine power loss without the ability to restart, forcing pilots to 
make off-airport landings, the FAA said in the order.

In response, Boeing said it is providing inspection and replacement information 
to airplane owners.

"With airplanes being stored or used infrequently due to lower demand during 
the COVID-19 pandemic, the valve can be more susceptible to corrosion," Boeing 
said in a statement.


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[MBZ] Covid Knowledge Advances

2020-07-24 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

Covid Hidden Immunity



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Re: [MBZ] Mask wearing

2020-07-23 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
This is a visual description of how electrostatic masks work.


On Thu, 23 Jul 2020 18:40:23 -0700
Karl Wittnebel via Mercedes  wrote:

> Kaleb that is totally untrue. The masks work through electrostatic charges.
> They are not a sieve.
> On Thu, Jul 23, 2020, 6:37 PM Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes <
> mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> > It all comes down to this. What size is the virus? What micron rating is
> > the mast?
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> > > On Jul 23, 2020, at 7:35 PM, OK Don via Mercedes 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Even if airborn, you wearing a mask dramtically reduces my chances of
> > > getting it from you.
> > >
> > >> On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 7:30 PM Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes <
> > >> mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> > >>
> > >> Perhaps. Seems logical a large group will spread things. Is the virus
> > >> airborne or not? We still don’t know. If it is, masks are a total and
> > >> complete waste of time. We would need to be wearing gas masks or
> > something.
> > >>
> > >> Sent from my iPhone
> > >>
> >  On Jul 23, 2020, at 7:25 PM, Curt Raymond 
> > wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>> 
> > >>> Incorrect, mask wearing can reduce transmission unless you're an idiot.
> > >> If you insist on going to bars and clubs you're almost certainly going
> > to
> > >> get infected.
> > >>>
> > >>> A thought I had, if some idiot goes out to a bar and gets infected,
> > then
> > >> they go home and unknowingly infect their elderly parents who die, is
> > that
> > >> murder? Probably not but maybe unintentional manslaughter?
> > >>>
> > >>> -Curt
> > >>>
> > >>> On Thursday, July 23, 2020, 7:47:00 PM EDT, Kaleb Striplin via
> > Mercedes <
> > >> mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> So long story short mask wearing is not going to solve anything and
> > >>> those at high risk should isolate at home.
> > >>>
> > >>> On 7/23/2020 6:39 PM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes wrote:
> >  Correlation is not causality. California reduced many restrictions and
> > >> will be seeing tourist trade increase. There are probably several
> > reasons
> > >> why cases have increased, most related to behavior. My friends in LA
> > tell
> > >> me that almost nobody is wearing masks and bars have reopened with few
> > >> restrictions...
> >  Curt
> > 
> >  Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
> > 
> >    On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 5:00 PM, Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes<
> > >> mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:  Or could it be the masks are actually
> > >> leading to increased cases? This could be due to the fact that masks are
> > >> trapping crap that you are then breathing in. Or maybe the masks are
> > >> creating a false sense of security?
> > 
> >  Sent from my iPhone
> > 
> > > On Jul 23, 2020, at 3:51 PM, Max Dillon via Mercedes <
> > >> mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > Have you seen the news from California?  I think their Mando Mask
> > >> wearing started over 30 days ago, but infection rate is still climbing
> > and
> > >> death rate too.  Masks alone are not the answer.
> > >
> > > Max Dillon
> > > Charleston SC
> > >
> > > Jul 23, 2020 1:25:22 PM OK Don via Mercedes :
> > >
> > >> Well, that was Arkansas, after all ...
> > >> IIRC, the incidence of colds and old style flu are way down since
> > >> social
> > >> distancing and masks.
> > >>
> > >>> On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 12:11 PM Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes <
> > >>> mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> > >>>
> > >>> After traveling by air last week and spending this week in Arkansas
> > >> where
> > >>> it is mandatory masks, I’m convinced this is causing red death to
> > >> spread
> > >>> faster. People fiddle with them, remove them, touch things then
> > >> fiddle with
> > >>> and touch the mask. They might as well wipe down surfaces with the
> > >> mask
> > >>> then put it on their face and breath it in. I misspoke, this might
> > >> not be
> > >>> spreading red death but is almost certainly spreading plenty of
> > >> other
> > >>> things that normally would it be spread like this.
> > >>>
> > >>> Sent from my iPhone
> > >>>
> > >>> ___
> > >>> http://www.okiebenz.com
> > >>>
> > >>> To search list archives http://www.okiebenz.com/archive/
> > >>>
> > >>> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> > >>> http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com
> > >>>
> > >> --
> > >> OK Don
> > >>
> > >> "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time
> > >> to
> > >> pause and reflect." Mark Twain
> > >>
> > >> “Basic research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I am
> > >> doing.”  Wernher
> > >> Von Braun
> > >> 2013 F150, 18 mpg
> > >> 2017 Subaru Legacy, 30 mpg
> > 

[MBZ] Pig Flu Again????

2020-07-23 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

Looks like we might have even more fun and games this winter.
Hi Gerry,

New H1N1 Influenza A Strain Identified in Chinese Pig Farms. A study published 
in PNAS this week reported the identification of a new H1N1 influenza A strain, 
possessing genes from the pandemic H1N1 2009 swine flu...



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[MBZ] Advances in Covid Research

2020-07-21 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

The Oxford vaccine appears to have surpassed expectations

The Spectator, 20 July 2020, 12:09pm

Dr Waqar Rashid

It has been yet another busy medical day in our ‘new-normal’ coronavirus world. 
Today, the Phase One results of the University of Oxford vaccine were 
published, confirming positive reports tantalisingly leaked last week. Also 
making the news is a press release from the pharmaceutical company Synairgen, 
touting very positive initial results from its inhaled protein, 
interferon-beta, in treating hospitalised patients with coronavirus.

In days gone by the publishing of results of a Phase One vaccine study would 
barely generate a ripple, even in the relevant medical speciality. But of 
course, this is no ordinary trial and we are truly in extraordinary times.

All medical products undergo a trial process, starting with studies which look 
purely at safety (not efficacy). Many trials fail at this stage. You may recall 
the disastrous Northwick Park study in 2006 which saw six healthy young people 
develop multiple organ failure from exposure. Once this hurdle is passed then a 
larger scale trial to look at efficacy is undertaken and if successful, a 
licence is applied for and distribution follows.

Today, the preliminary findings for ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (the Covid-19 vaccine) 
appear to show that it has surpassed expectations. Firstly, the safety hurdle 
seems to have been met, although 70 per cent of the 1,077 volunteers apparently 
did report fever or headache. Secondly, and in line with the bullish press 
releases last week, the vaccine garners both an antibody and T-cell response 
which it is hoped may provide lasting immunity to the disease. This is vital as 
studies have shown that patient antibody levels may fall after just three 

There are the usual caveats: the study was over a very small timeframe and was 
not intended to show if it is a working vaccine, so we know little of its 
long-term safety or effectiveness. Nevertheless, it is now full steam ahead for 
the larger Phase Three study and the likely riches of being first on the market.

Make no mistake, a vaccine is the only game in town as far as the Department of 
Health and the World Health Organisation see it. Despite the continued fall in 
hospitalisations due to Covid-19 in the UK and the significant reduction in 
deaths, a return to pre-March 2020 normal life seems a long way off. ‘Cases’ 
continue to rise in some areas and there is talk of local spikes and lockdowns. 
Masks will soon be compulsory in shops (something that was not the case at the 
peak of the epidemic) and of course we still await a possible ‘second wave’. 
Boris Johnson on Saturday promised a return to ‘near-normality’ by Christmas, 
but given that is bang in the middle of the respiratory virus season, this 
would seem grossly optimistic. A ‘game-changer’ is needed to break the cycle of 
cases and restriction.

There is actually a coherent argument to be made that cases (positive tests 
without infection) matter little, as spread from this is at best rare and it 
may also reflect a move towards community immunity which may allow us to live 
with this virus. However, the government and scientific advisers have put all 
their eggs in the vaccine basket.

The larger Phase Three trial for the Oxford vaccine is already recruiting in 
Brazil, because there are not enough serious infections in the UK, and a 
license and production deal has already been signed with AstraZeneca to supply 
the UK with over 90 million vaccines from as early as September. A subsequent 
mass vaccination programme would then likely follow. Suddenly the promised 
Christmas normality would become possible. Hence, a working and safe vaccine is 
fundamental to these ambitions.

As I mentioned previously, there is an almost unseemly worldwide race to be the 
first to develop an effective and safe vaccine. Today’s results, combined with 
the UK’s block purchasing already underway, confirms Oxford’s credentials as 
the definite frontrunner.

Yet the other development of the day: the finding that an inhaled protein, 
interferon-beta, may dramatically reduce severe Covid-19 lung disease and 
hospitalisation, may also have a bearing. The preliminary study reported by its 
pharmaceutical sponsor, Synairgen, from a modestly-sized 100 patient study at 
the University of Southampton suggests (but no more than that) two very 
important things.

Firstly, severe Covid cases may become much more treatable, which could have a 
significant bearing on future fatalities if a so-called second wave does 
emerge. Certainly, initial assumptions of treating the condition have now been 
turned on its head with the dash for ventilators now replaced with stockpiling 
of dexamethasone and possibly now interferon-beta.

Secondly, given both dexamethasone and interferon-beta are medications which 
reduce or modify the immune system, this tells us is that it's immune 
dysregulation as a result of the virus, 

Re: [MBZ] Don’t go to New Mexico

2020-07-15 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
On Wed, 15 Jul 2020 13:35:29 -0400
Allan Streib via Mercedes  wrote:

> There was early reporting on this out of Wuhan. I recall stories of
> illegal/non-code sewage hookups or modifications in many apartments of
> those who were sick.
> If true, masks are useless. Studies showing that masks help prevent
> spread may be conflating correlation with causation. Maybe people who
> are diligent about wearing masks are also diligent in their personal
> hygiene generally. Most of the mask studies I've seen are also in
> health-care environments, which cooincidentally emphasize frequent
> hand-washing and other hygiene practices.
> We're seeing a spike in restaurant worker infections here, and they
> all wear masks since the reopening started.
> Allan

Cloth masks aren’t the same as surgical masks or N95 respirator masks, which 
are used by medical workers at high risk for being exposed to the coronavirus. 
Cloth masks may not prevent you from inhaling any particles that carry the 
coronavirus. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth wearing one.

Aaron Hamilton, MD, sets the record straight on some common misunderstandings 
about masks.
Myth #1: Wearing a cloth mask is no use.

Wearing a homemade cloth face mask is an easy way you can help protect others 
in your family and community.

The 2019 novel coronavirus is thought to mainly be spread through viral 
droplets that come out of people’s nose or mouth when they cough, sneeze or 
talk. Cloth masks act as a physical barrier to keep large droplets from spewing 
out into the air, where someone else could breathe them in and become infected.

Studies have demonstrated that cloth masks reduce the number of microorganisms 
that someone releases into the air. So the more people wear masks in an area, 
the fewer potential viral droplets go into the space, and the less risk that 
someone will be exposed to the virus.


My guess would be that restaurant workers wearing cloth masks catch Covid-19 
from customers.


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Re: [MBZ] Do we have anybody that lives in Nevada?

2020-07-11 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Which town in Nevada?
On Sat, 11 Jul 2020 01:30:18 +
Rick Knoble via Mercedes  wrote:

> What are you buying now?
> Rick
> From: Mercedes  on behalf of Kaleb Striplin 
> via Mercedes 
> Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 3:55:37 PM
> To: Dan Penoff via Mercedes 
> Cc: Kaleb Striplin 
> Subject: [MBZ] Do we have anybody that lives in Nevada?
> If so, let me know.
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] OT: chickens

2020-06-26 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

> > On Jun 26, 2020, at 3:15 PM, Allan Streib via Mercedes 
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > Anyone here have experience raising chickens for meat?
> > 
> > Wondering how much work it is on a daily basis. What is the total cost
> > per bird from acquisition to dinner plate?
> > 
> > Allan
Here's everything you need to know about raising chickens:



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Re: [MBZ] OT Wuhan Red Death mortality rate study

2020-06-15 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
My thanks too, Karl. You've taken the time to give us very valuable information.

On Mon, 15 Jun 2020 15:39:22 -0500
OK Don via Mercedes  wrote:

> Thanks Karl, for taking the time to give us a simple, factual, explanation.
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 1:46 PM Karl Wittnebel via Mercedes <
> mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> > At their root level, public health crises driven by highly infectious
> > diseases are a national problem. The response alwys needs to be carried out
> > by state and local entities, but particularly when dealing with a novel
> > pathogen, allowing the best scientific and public health experts to drive
> > the response is critical. That is what Iceland did. The public health
> > department drove the entire thing. Politicians were not involved at all in
> > telling them what to do or how to do it. There will always be political
> > ramifications from any action, but those cut both ways and if the
> > politicians drive it and get things wrong, they pay the price. So I would
> > argue it is best to just rely on the public health experts and let them
> > take any heat. Best for the politicians and best for the country in terms
> > of disease control.
> >
> > Anyway State departments of health are highly variable in their resources
> > and levels of expertise and will therefore depend to varying levels on
> > national resources and guidance for their reponse plans and policies. New
> > York City is a world class health department on its own, for instance.
> > Their politicians chose not to listen to their public health officials
> > initially, and look at the result. Those few weeks of political dilly
> > dallying could have saved a lot of older people's lives, and some younger
> > people also, in and around NYC. But I digress. The main point is that most
> > of the country is not as well equipped as NYC. So their heaalth departments
> > need help with technical aspects as well as guidance on what policies are
> > most effective. Not that the guidance will always be perfect, but a
> > consistent, unified voice is always more reassuring during a crisis than a
> > fragmented response where politicians undermine what the public health
> > people say, whether it be about masks, treatments, business closures,
> > travel restrictions etc. You want the public to see everyone working
> > together consistently in an apolitical fashion to manage the problem.
> > Centralized, national leadership is a key part of getting the response
> > entites on the same page. Telling the states to figure it out for
> > themselves isnt using the available resources very well. Both FEMA and the
> > CDC have considerable expertise and resources that could be used in ways
> > they have not been so far.
> >
> > Re The Prez: he would have been better served to stay out of the limelight
> > on the whole thing. Committing hard to specific ideas when the state of
> > knowledge is poorly developed is kind of like putting all your money on red
> > 22: not likely to pay out. He made a lot of foolish statements that painted
> > him into a corner. He doesnt have enough technical depth to comment and
> > doesnt seem to appreciate how out of his depth he is. He should have relied
> > more on the CDC people to lead the response, but they were pretty much
> > muzzled. They would literally normally be telling everyone what to do,
> > mobilizing considerable resources to facilitate testing and telling states
> > what the test and trace policies and targets should be. Instead we have had
> > the JK crew telling everyone that the states are on their own for stockpile
> > and other resources and POTUS telling everyone the states are responsible
> > for dealing with their own epidemics and lockdown policies. CDC has
> > definitely been told to stand down or they would be out in front on all of
> > it. FEMA would definitely be driving the stockpile distributions and
> > policies, which should be transparent and non punitive. Basically this was
> > a big political opportunity for DT to let the machinery work and then
> > declare victory. Instead the epidemic is poorly controlled, dragging on
> > into election season, the economic impact is dragging on longer than it
> > should, and there is a high chance it will all get worse again. There is a
> > strong chance we will end up doing the usual public health test and trace
> > interventions anyway.
> >
> > The lockdown was super draconian and largely unprecedented. It was never
> > going to be a workable long term strategy. The best thing for the economy
> > would have been to tell the nation that everyone needs to do their part to
> > fight this thing, train up contact tracing teams, ramp up testing on a
> > national level with proven tests and defined targets for positivity rate,
> > and push CDC people and federal stockpile resources into state and local
> > health departments as needed to provide support. Instead, testing lagged
> > behind tremendously for unclear reasons while 

[MBZ] Ranking of most and least likely places to catch Covid-19

2020-06-13 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

These figures are actually from Reuters as you can see on the link:



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[MBZ] List of Covid-19 Symptoms

2020-06-12 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes




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Re: [MBZ] I think I managed to blow the head gasket on my e300

2020-06-07 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Two questions:
1. Did you turn the cabin heat on before you started filling the system?
2. Did you try running it with a new thermostat?
Gerry...late comer to discussion.

Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes  wrote:

> It sure doesn’t look good. This morning I checked reservoir and it was at the 
> mark, pulled upper hose and had water there. Started it up and let it idle 
> with some revs up and down without the cap on. Reached 80 after a while and 
> never had any bubbles in the tank. Looked good. Put cap back on, revved it up 
> and down some more and seemed fine. Temp holding fine. Took it out for a 
> drive. On the road it seemed to be doing fine. When I got out to the highway 
> a mile down the road I did a couple of full throttle accelerations. Suddenly 
> temp started shooting is getting close to the red. I turned AC off an turned 
> heat on high and temp dropped back down. After it did I turned ac back on and 
> drove normal. Didn’t take long before temp started creeping back up. Crap. 
> Got it home and popped the hood. Upper hose is rock hard. Damn it. This is 
> unbelievable. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Jun 6, 2020, at 3:33 PM, Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes 
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > No, never really had any issues before.
> > 
> >> On 6/6/2020 3:20 PM, OK Don via Mercedes wrote:
> >> Did you raise the front of the car before starting the filling process? It
> >> always seemed to help me 
> >> 
> >> On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 2:34 PM Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes <
> >> mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> >> 
> >>> Nope
> >>> 
> >>> Sent from my iPhone
> >>> 
>  On Jun 6, 2020, at 2:22 PM, Frederick Moir via Mercedes <
> >>> mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
>  Water pump or belt turning it the wrong way?
>  Fred.
> > On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 3:15 PM Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes <
> > mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> > 
> > After I sent this I went back to the car and there was no pressure on
> >>> the
> > hose at all after sitting about 10 minutes. I slowly loosened cap and
> >>> fluid
> > started coming out again. I quickly tightened it. I then loosed then
> >>> upper
> > hose again and slowing let the pressure off. No water came out and felt
> > like there was no water at all in the upper hose. After all the pressure
> > was off removed the hose and there was no water in it. Started loosening
> > the reservoir cap and water started flowing out of the upper hose.
> > Tightened it and the flow stopped. I filled a little more water in thru
> >>> the
> > hose, probably less than a cup and it was full, put hose back on
> >>> radiator.
> > Pulled cap level was fine in the radiator. Started it back up and let it
> > run for a couple of minutes. Hose was not hard but also did not feel
> >>> like
> > there was any water in it again while running. Normally they feel
> >>> squishy
> > with water in the hose but it just felt empty. I shut it down and will
> >>> mess
> > with it some more in the morning. I wonder if suddenly the thermostat
> >>> stuck
> > closed or something, or what the deal might be.
> > 
> > Sent from my iPhone
> > 
> >>> On Jun 6, 2020, at 1:56 PM, Kaleb Striplin 
> >>> wrote:
> >> I swapped out the radiator the other day and today filled it with
> > coolant/distilled water. I fill from the reservoir until full then I
> >>> pull
> > the upper hose off the radiator then fill it into the hose until fill
> >>> then
> > reattached. I then started it up and ran it for probably 10-15 minutes.
> > Temp rose steady till it hit the normal operating temp on the gauge. I
> >>> then
> > took it out for a test. As soon as I pulled onto the street temp started
> > climbing. I immediately pulled back into the shop. Nearest I can figure
> >>> is
> > I thought I got it full from the top hose but must not have. I could not
> > feel any water in the hose when squeezing it. I then loosened the cap a
> > little and it had quite a bit of pressure enough to where fluid started
> > coming out. I ran it for a few minutes on high heat before doing this.
> > After releasing enough pressure I pulled the upper hose in again and it
> >>> was
> > dry. Filled in a whole gallon of distilled water in there and topped off
> > the reservoir. Started it back up and it did not start getting hot but
> > after a few minutes with the cap left off coolant started rising up and
> > flowing out of the tank. Shut it back off, pull the upper hose again
> >>> and it
> > still appears to be dry. I filled in some more water and also filled in
> >>> the
> > reservoir until it was flowing out of the top outlet of the radiator.
> > Reconnected hose and put cap back on then started it up. I ran it for
> >>> about
> > 5-10 minutes and temp was fine, but upper hose seemed stiff. I don’t
> >>> recall
> > it being stiff before while running. Temp 

[MBZ] A critical view of current Covid-19 testing

2020-05-27 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
From the business magazine Financial Times (FT):

Like countless others, I was convinced I’d already had coronavirus. I travelled 
a lot at the start of the year: a hellish, delayed, 30-hour flight to the UK 
from Australia, where I had spent Christmas and New Year, a skiing trip with 
friends in the Swiss Alps, and a week at the World Economic Forum in Davos, 
where I shook hundreds of hands in stuffy conference rooms by day and at 
crammed cocktail parties by night.

In February, I developed the worst chest infection of my life, so persistent 
that one night, while eating in a restaurant, I had to go home mid-meal because 
I could not stop coughing. I discounted any evidence that contradicted my 
hypothesis: at no point had I developed a noticeable fever, my sense of taste 
and smell had remained intact, and I did not seem to have passed the illness to 
family, friends or anyone at work.

When a test that could apparently prove I had contracted coronavirus first 
became commercially available in New York last month, I asked my doctor to send 
me for a blood draw. Rather than testing whether a person has an active 
infection, these tests perform a sort of biological archaeology, searching for 
pathogen-fighting proteins known as antibodies that show a person has had the 
illness in the past and possibly developed enough immunity to fend it off in 
the future.

The story of antibody testing thus far is a microcosm of the broader response 
to coronavirus itself: misplaced confidence and hype followed by premature 
pessimism. In March, the UK government announced it would make millions of 
at-home antibody tests available via Amazon and in high-street pharmacies. 
Those who tested positive would be given “immunity passports”, enabling them to 
re-enter the workforce and everyday life. The Chinese-made tests — procured at 
a cost of £16m — turned out to be so unreliable that they never made it on to 
the market. In the US, the Food and Drug Administration allowed more than 100 
different tests to go on sale, before performing a U-turn and warning that some 
“unscrupulous actors” had been peddling fraudulent kits.

Last month, an alarmed World Health Organization said there was “no evidence” 
that such tests could “show that an individual is immune or protected from 
reinfection”. Later, it partially walked back those comments, adding: “We 
expect that most people who are infected with Covid-19 will develop an antibody 
response that will provide some level of protection.”

The allure of such a test is obvious: a positive result might be a one-way 
ticket to a semblance of normality. Underpinning the initial fanfare was a 
misguided hope that a large chunk of the population had contracted coronavirus 
but experienced only mild-to-moderate symptoms or none at all. If that were the 
case, society might be closer to “herd immunity”, which generally means a 
combined infection and vaccination rate of between 60 and 80 per cent, and a 
return to the quotidian would have been just around the corner.

It’s like a war zone where you use B-52 bombers to fire on a tiny village 
with only a hundred enemy people hiding there
Prakash Nagarkatti, a professor in the pathology, microbiology and 
immunology department at the University of South Carolina

Such a reality has not come to pass. Even in New York state, on many measures 
the global centre of the virus, only 12.3 per cent of the general population 
has developed antibodies specific to this particular strand of coronavirus, 
Sars-Cov-2, according to a recent study of 15,000 people.

“The hope was that we’d roll out the testing, find lots of people with 
antibodies, infer many people are immune, and we can start going back to our 
regular lives,” says Lloyd Minor, dean of Stanford University’s school of 
medicine. “By anyone’s measure, we’re nowhere close to that.”

While the early hype was misplaced, there is a risk that the pendulum has swung 
too far the other way. A colleague of mine recently got tested for antibodies, 
but her doctor said even a positive result was of little use: she was told she 
was still at risk of reinfection or could catch a mutation of coronavirus. 
However, there are very few if any documented cases of reinfection in the 
medical literature; and, while coronavirus is certainly mutating, most 
scientists say it is not yet doing so at a pace that would mean humans with the 
right level of antibodies are unable to fend it off.

My own test took place at a privately run centre in Harlem, operated by Quest 
Diagnostics, one of the biggest laboratory operators in the US. My blood sample 
was then shuttled 200 miles away to Baltimore, where the plasma was spun off 
and tested on a platform developed by Abbott Laboratories, one of the world’s 
largest diagnostics companies. In the US, a dozen similar tests have been 
approved for emergency use, including one made by Roche, the Swiss 
pharmaceuticals group, as well as less well-known 

Re: [MBZ] OT: The Bug was Re: Sticking my neck out

2020-05-18 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
You probably had the oak-ids, the hickory-ids, or the walnut-ids.

On Mon, 18 May 2020 10:04:57 -0400
Floyd Thursby via Mercedes  wrote:

> I think I have had the pollen covids for the last 3-4 months at least.  
> Every time I go outside I start hacking and coughing
> --FT
> On 5/18/20 9:54 AM, Dan Penoff via Mercedes wrote:
> > I’ve mentioned this previously. Both the wife and I had mild flu-like stuff 
> > back in mid to late February, too. We both wondered if we already had a 
> > mild case of beer virus.
> >
> > -D
> >
> >> On May 18, 2020, at 9:42 AM, Floyd Thursby via Mercedes 
> >>  wrote:
> >>
> >> I wonder how they will be skewed from a reduction in MVAs, bangers 
> >> shooting each other, other deaths associated with activities that have 
> >> been diminished.  I guess those can be statistically excluded but it will 
> >> be interesting to see what the overall death rates are for the months of 
> >> say March and April in the various categories.
> >>
> >> Some friends (late 60s, he is a retired doc) believe they had the covids 
> >> back in February -- some sort of flu-like thing but not the flu, not a 
> >> cold, they felt not real bad for 3-4 days then recovered fairly rapidly.  
> >> Their gated luxury resort lifestyle community (lot of nooyawkas have 2nd 
> >> or 3rd or 4th homes there and relocated) is having free testing this week 
> >> for the 1%ers so they will see if they got da bug.
> >>
> >> On 5/18/20 1:49 AM, Karl Wittnebel via Mercedes wrote:
> >>> Looking at excess deaths for this time of year compared to other years is
> >>> likely to be the best way to tell how many people covid 19 ended up
> >>> killing. It takes time for those numbers to roll in, though.
> >> -- 
> >> --FT
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
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> >> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> >> http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com
> >>
> >
> > ___
> > http://www.okiebenz.com
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> >
> -- 
> --FT
> ___
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[MBZ] Covid. was: THe Bug

2020-05-16 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
This is a very good writeup IMO.

Do you or anyone else know how long after symptoms of covid subside that 
patients are no longer infectious?

Peter Frederick via Mercedes  wrote:

> Actually, isolation is the only way to stop the spread.  This is an unusual 
> virus in that it's possible to actually stop the spread, difficulty is that 
> it can have a long incubation period with virus shedding going on for some 
> days before symptoms get bad enough to send someone in for testing.
> This isn't the first time, either -- SARS and MERS are similar viruses, just 
> much less transmissible.  Another long forgotten incident involved fur 
> animals in Manchuria in the early part of the 1900s, when no vaccine was 
> possible.  That outbreak was traced back to harvesitng sick animals for fur, 
> and was stopped by guess what, cloth masks and social distancing.
> The key to stopping the spread is testing and contact tracing -- if people 
> can be tested easily, it's possible to break the chain of transmission, and 
> when no more people are getting infected, eventually the virus will no long 
> reproduce.
> My local county has always had a pretty strong public health department, and 
> has been on top of tracing and testing since the start -- luckily, we are 
> more or less remote here, and full state wide social restrictions were in 
> place before the first cases showed up.  The result is that we have just over 
> 200 cases for 200,000 people and two deaths.  Case number per day is down to 
> five or six, and I believe nearly all of them were people in observation for 
> exposure.
> Couple people refused to self isolate and were promptly served with stay at 
> home orders by a local judge -- we still have quarantine laws on the books 
> from when there were no antibiotics or vaccines for common illnesses like 
> scarlet fever a measles.
> while it may seem very harsh and draconian, the lockdown in China worked.  
> You have to understand the filtering of news there, but I suspect the 
> reported case numbers are reasonably accurate -- if the Parry lies too much, 
> they will be overthrown, it's how things work in China.  South Korea and 
> Tiawan, both of whom had serious issues with SARS in the 90s, have very low 
> cases as well.
> One point more -- nightclubs opened in Seol, and at least 126 cases have come 
> from a single club over a couple nights.  This is what I'm worried about with 
> the lunatics that squeal about how their "rights" are being infringed by 
> public health measures.  Only takes one jerk ignoring the health rules to 
> infect hundreds of people in close quarters.  Ditto for the boob that 
> insisted he run his barber shop in spite of the shutdown -- he's now positive 
> and who knows how many of his clients are too as a result.
> I definitely error on the side of caution, it's why I've driven a Benz for 
> decades.  Hardly an imposition to wear a mask compared to getting really, 
> really sick or killing my elderly mother.  We are not all isolated sovereign 
> states with no responsibilities, we are a community and need to remember 
> everyone is entitled to what we are.  Or as my Grandmother used to say "You 
> have your rights, true -- until they run into mine, and you are standing on 
> my toes"
> Far too many people who blow on about their "right" to do whatever they want 
> are notably absent when it's time to take responsibility for the results of 
> their actions.
> ___


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Re: [MBZ] Hotels

2020-05-06 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Some large hospitals have arrangements with RV lots to accept their patients. 
It might pay for him to check with the hospital he's going to on RV parking, 
and then check with the park on restrictions. Mitch's Glock suggestion is a 
good idea wherever he parks his RV IMO.

Mitchell Haley EA via Mercedes  wrote:

> On Wed, May 6, 2020 9:18 am, Bob Rentfro via Mercedes wrote:
> > This is why I’m considering getting an RV of some sort so I can be,
> > basically, self sufficient when I have to make my doctor trips to
> > Houston.
> R320CDI + air bed (if you're sleeping in a Houston parking lot + Glock
> +33rd magazine)


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Re: [MBZ] Worlds Strongest Man

2020-05-02 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
I remember the name but don't remember anything about him.

Curley McLain wrote:

> Back in the 60s, he's a been perfect for a VW commercial.   Instead they 
> had to use a skinny kid named Lou Alcindor.
> > archer75--- via Mercedes <mailto:mercedes@okiebenz.com>
> > May 2, 2020 at 11:42 PM
> >
> > Hafthor Bjornsson won the World’s Strongest Man in 2018
> >
> >
> > Icelandic actor and strongman Hafthor Bjornsson set a world record for 
> > the deadlift on Saturday when he lifted 1,104 lb (501 kg) at Thor’s 
> > Power Gym in Iceland.
> >
> > Bjornsson, best known for his portrayal of Ser Gregor “The Mountain” 
> > Clegane on Game of Thrones, broke the record previously held by Briton 
> > Eddie Hall who in 2016 became the first man to lift 500kg.
> >
> > The 31-year-old Bjornsson, 31, completed the lift as the barbell bent 
> > and strained under the weights. He held the lift for two seconds 
> > before letting go and roaring in delight.
> >
> > “I believe today I could’ve done more, but what’s the point?” 
> > Bjornsson said. “I’m happy with this. My family and friends, they were 
> > happy with this, and I’ve decided to call it.”
> >
> > Bjornsson, who is 6ft 9in and weighs 452 lb (205 kg), won the World’s 
> > Strongest Man competition in 2018.
> >
> > https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2020/may/02/hafthor-bjornsson-game-of-thrones-mountain-breaks-world-deadlift-record
> >
> > I wonder what kind of car he drives?
> > Gerry
> >
> > ___
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> >
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[MBZ] Worlds Strongest Man

2020-05-02 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

Hafthor Bjornsson won the World’s Strongest Man in 2018

Icelandic actor and strongman Hafthor Bjornsson set a world record for the 
deadlift on Saturday when he lifted 1,104 lb (501 kg) at Thor’s Power Gym in 

Bjornsson, best known for his portrayal of Ser Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane on 
Game of Thrones, broke the record previously held by Briton Eddie Hall who in 
2016 became the first man to lift 500kg.

The 31-year-old Bjornsson, 31, completed the lift as the barbell bent and 
strained under the weights. He held the lift for two seconds before letting go 
and roaring in delight.

“I believe today I could’ve done more, but what’s the point?” Bjornsson said. 
“I’m happy with this. My family and friends, they were happy with this, and 
I’ve decided to call it.”

Bjornsson, who is 6ft 9in and weighs 452 lb (205 kg), won the World’s Strongest 
Man competition in 2018.


I wonder what kind of car he drives?


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Re: [MBZ] Happy Birthday, Kaleb

2020-04-24 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Happy Birthday!, Kaleb.

> It’s Okie-boy’s birthday! I wonder if he’ll get a cake with a pile of cars on 
> top?
> Hee.
> -D
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] ***SPAM*** OT: Pulse Oxymetry to detect COVID-19

2020-04-21 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

> Watched a video on that, sounds like the virus affects red blood cells so 
> they can't carry as much O2. Nasty. I wonder in a transfusion would be 
> effective?
> Max Dillon
> Charleston SC



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[MBZ] Flatus can be deadly

2020-04-20 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

Two Australian doctors are weighing in about the spread of the coronavirus 
“down under” — whether it can be spread through farts, that is.

During Friday’s episode of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s 
“Coronacast,” podcast, producer and host Dr. Norman Swan made a cautionary 
suggestion when it comes to particles of feces set adrift within a fart and the 
spread of COVID-19.

“No bare-bottom farting,” Swan advised about posterior pandemic panic, in a 
measured, mildly amused tone.

“Luckily, we wear a mask, which covers our farts all the time,” Swan said, 
referring to the protective aspects of pants, shorts, dresses, underwear and 
other garments. “I think that what we should do in terms of social distancing 
and being safe is that … you don’t fart close to other people, and that you 
don’t fart with your bottom bare.”

Meanwhile, Australian emergency physician Dr. Andy Tagg also floated the 
question via Twitter, asking, “So, can the bottom-based emissions of someone 
with coronavirus be silent and deadly?”

Tagg pondered whether flatulence itself is an “aerosol-generating procedure.” 
(His determination: yes.) A recent study, in fact, suggested a post-flush 
toilet plume could even be cause for concern when it comes to spreading the 
coronavirus via “aerosolized feces.” Plus, scientists have confirmed that 
fecal-oral transmission itself is an issue due to the presence of the virus in 
poop that is why health officials in Oregon and New York have even cautioned 
against oral contact with feces during sex.

Unfortunately, as Tagg observed, there is “not a great deal of research” 
available to come to a firm conclusion about the perils of passing COVID-19 
while passing gas.

That’s all backed up by Dr. Aaron E. Glatt, a Mount Sinai South Nassau 
epidemiologist and professor of medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at 
Mount Sinai.

“Studies have clearly shown that a significant percentage of COVID-19 patients 
do have GI [gastrointestinal] symptoms (alone, or in combination with 
respiratory or other general symptoms) at the time of illness presentation,” 
Glatt told The Post via email.

“However, there are no published data on whether flatulence alone presents any 
risk of transmission, although in a clothed person, it would be unlikely to be 
a significant route of transmission,” he said.

Where does that leave us? Tagg, co-founder of the medical education site Don’t 
Forget the Bubbles, suggests not throwing caution to the, um, wind. He instead 
proposes keeping your pants on and considering them part of your personal 
protection equipment, just in case.

“Perhaps SARS-CoV-2 can be spread [through] the power of parping — we need more 
evidence,” he tweeted, adding, “So remember to wear appropriate PPE at all 
times and stay safe!”
Filed under Coronavirus ,  farts ,  poop ,  4/20/20 



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[MBZ] Coming our way?

2020-04-15 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

FAO advises countries to be on the alert for possible spread of the highly 
pathogenic H5N8 virus subtype 27 September 2016, Budapest, Hungary – FAO is 
advising countries to be on high alert for possible spread of a virus detected 
recently in wild birds at Lake Ubsu-Nur in the Tyva Republic of Russian 



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[MBZ] Covid in Argentina

2020-04-13 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Personal report on Covid in Argentina

> In Argentina we are in cuarenteen curfew since last month, and very few 
> working activities are allowed for transit. Schools have been shut down, as 
> well as shoppings and religious mass of any kind. General population can only 
> go out of their homes to buy groceries at nearby shops. Similar measures have 
> been taken later by our neighbouring countries. Most of the population abides 
> by the rules, with two flagrant exceptions: some (not all) of the upper 
> economic level who think are also above the virus level and try to drive 
> every weekend to their properties in the countryside, and those on the lowest 
> eonomic level who cannot stay at home, either because the don't have savings 
> and need to work, or because they don't have a home apt to stay in. 
> However, I agree that worse is still to come during winter, both because of 
> the cold season usually begets flues and similar breathing sicknesses, and 
> because our economies cannot stand so much time in stand-by. Every couple of 
> weeks new jobs are authorize to restart, so I believe winter will find us 
> with at least half the population outdoors again.
> On a side note, I'm not trusting the official numbers of infected patients, 
> nor of deads by the coronavirus.



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[MBZ] French Efficiency

2020-04-12 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

French pensioner ejected from fighter jet after accidentally grabbing bang 
seat* handle
That's a retirement day present he won't forget

An elderly and reluctant Frenchman was ejected from a French Air Force fighter 
during a retirement day jolly – and narrowly missed taking the pilot with him, 
an investigation report littered with unintentional howlers has revealed.

The unnamed 64-year-old was éjecté from the two-seat Rafale-B from a height of 
2,500ft in March last year after grabbing his ejection seat handle to steady 
himself, France's BEA-E aviation investigator concluded.

Although the BEA's full report is in French [PDF], aviation news website 
Aerotime Hub translated and summarised its contents, revealing the full comedy 
of errors triggered by a group of enthusiastic colleagues hoping to give their 
workmate a send-off to remember.

As he was an employee of a defence contractor, the pensioner's bosses had no 
difficulties asking the French Air Force to let him into the back seat of one 
of its Dassault Rafale fighter jets as a surprise retirement gift. Nonetheless, 
the unfortunate Frenchman had "never expressed a desire to carry out this type 
of flight and in particular on Rafale", which didn't stop his colleagues luring 
him to Saint-Dizier air base anyway.

The flight itself was a routine military training sortie for three Rafales, 
carried out in perfect weather. Our pensioner, heart pounding at "between 136 
and 142 beats per minute" (as recorded by his smartwatch), underwent a quick 
medical exam from a doctor four hours before being shown by the pilot how to 
put on his safety gear. Unfortunately, no one properly checked him as he 
clambered into the cockpit – meaning "his [helmet] visor was up, his anti-g 
pants were not worn properly, his helmet and oxygen mask were both unattached, 
and his seat straps were not tight enough."

Nonetheless, a mechanic gave them both a cursory check, strapped a Go-Pro to an 
approved bulkhead mounting point so the hapless passenger's gurning would be 
preserved for all time, and nodded to the pilot to close the transparent 
cockpit canopies.

Things got worse when the pilot took off from northeastern France's 
Saint-Dizier Robinson airbase. Rather than the gentle ascent at 10°-15° that 
airline passengers experience, the Frenchman at the Rafale's controls carried 
out a typical fighter jet departure and "climbed at 47°, generating a load 
factor of around +4G. Then, as he levelled off, he subjected his passenger to a 
negative load factor of about -0.6G".

Forces exerted by Britain's most G-force-intensive roller coaster, Alton 
Towers' Rita, max out at +4.7G – or four times the normal force of gravity.

Our pensioner, loose in his straps, not really wanting to be there and totally 
unused to being flung around like a rag doll, reached out to grab something and 
hang on for dear life. He picked the worst possible handhold: the trigger 
handle for the ejection seat. After the customary loud bang and whoosh he 
ceased to be part of the jet's payload, with the force of the ejection tearing 
his unsecured helmet and mask from his face.

The Rafale-B's command ejection system is meant to fire both seats if one of 
the crew pulls the handle. A very confused pilot, however, was still sitting in 
his newly canopy-free Rafale wondering what the hell had just happened. He 
returned to land, conscious all the time that the seat could fire at any moment 
without warning. Luckily, it didn't go off.

Both the pilot, his reluctant (and probably now aviation-phobic) passenger and 
the aircraft all landed safely.

"The passenger said he had a complete lack of knowledge of the aeronautical 
environment and its forces, having never flown on a military aircraft. The 
surprise effect associated with a lack of military aeronautical experience 
therefore resulted in creating and maintaining significant stress for the 
passenger throughout the morning," concluded a sympathetic BEA-E, which found 
that "the margins of decision left to the passenger to possibly refuse the 
flight are perceived as almost nonexistent".

The French Air Force has enjoyed some unusual jet-related events in the near 
past, including the tale of a general caught using a training jet as a personal 
air taxi to his Provence mansion every weekend.



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Re: [MBZ] TB vaccine may be effective

2020-04-10 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Good one! More appropriate name than Covid.

Clay wrote:
> It is not a requirement in USA, as there is only imported TB available here.  
> Folks who lived or did visits to nations rife with the disease probably got 
> immunized and are now less induced to enhanced WRD reactions.
> We all have Schrodinger’s Virus now.
> Because we cannot get tested, we can’t know whether we have the virus or not
> We have to act as if we have the virus so that we don’t spread it to others
> We have to act as if we’ve never had the virus because if we didn’t have it, 
> we’re not immune.
> Therefore, we both have and don’t have the virus.
> Thus, Schrodinger’s Virus
> clay


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Re: [MBZ] TB vaccine may be effective

2020-04-08 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
On Wed, 8 Apr 2020 08:19:31 -0500
Peter Frederick via Mercedes  wrote:

> I was not aware that there was a TB vaccine..



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Re: [MBZ] Strange dizzy issue

2020-04-08 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
You might look in the yellow pages and call an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) 
doctor for an appointment since that is the specialist you will be sent to if 
your problem appears to have a serious cause.
Be sure and tell the receptionist about your fall, the dizziness, and the 
nausea. If you make it sound serious enough, they might give you an emergency 
appointment. Urgent care should always be a doctor of last resort unless you 
have heard good reports on the urgent care doctor IMO.
Kaleb Striplin wrote:
> Issue MUCH worse today. If you have even ridden a spinning ride at an 
> amusement park, I have that feeling constantly, it’s sort of the edge of 
> being dizzy but not dizzy. I discovered was sets it off though. If I’m laying 
> flat in bed if I roll over from one side to the other it’s intense dizziness 
> which settles down after a couple of minutes. Does not seem to matter which 
> way I go, if laying flat and change direction it seems to happen like 
> clockwork. It’s got me to the point of some nausea as well due to the 
> spinning. Calling to doctor this morning to see if I can get in today. If I 
> can’t get in there today not sure I can wait to try and get this fixed so 
> will then go to an urgent care. Although those seem to be a waste of time and 
> money most of the time. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Apr 8, 2020, at 5:47 AM, Dan Penoff via Mercedes  
> > wrote:
> > 
> > Were you juggling it?
> > 
> > -D
> > 
> >> On Apr 7, 2020, at 9:46 PM, Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes 
> >>  wrote:
> >> 
> >> I have certainly never had anything happen like this before.  It was very 
> >> strange in of itself but to have it hit suddenly and full force in the 
> >> shop can be downright dangerous.  Lucky I only hit my head on the SDL.  I 
> >> had a chainsaw sitting on the floor nearby that I could have hit.
> >> 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
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[MBZ] Interesting Landing

2020-04-08 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

Etihad 380 makes almost vertical landing due to strong crosswinds.



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Re: [MBZ] Strange dizzy issue

2020-04-07 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
It sounds like it may be benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) since it 
seems to affect you when you change your position such as from lying down 
(under the car) and then standing up. 
However, it could be more serious.

The most common diseases that result in vertigo are benign paroxysmal 
positional vertigo (BPPV), Ménière's disease, and labyrinthitis.

 Less common causes include stroke, brain tumors, brain injury, multiple 
sclerosis, migraines, trauma, and uneven pressures between the middle ears.

IMO Max is right. Be sure and take someone with you if you go.


Kaleb Striplin wrote:
> This morning when I woke up before I got out of bed I felt dizzy. During the 
> day it seemed to hit me all of the sudden if I turned my head in a certain 
> direction. Could not really narrow it down by reproducing it on demand. 
> Otherwise felt fine. Went out to the shop a little while ago and was under a 
> car. Went I came out from under and just as I stood back up I was suddenly 
> hit with extreme dizziness and was severely off balance. Ended up stumbling 
> across the shop and slamming my head into the trunk of a SDL then hit the 
> ground. After sitting there for a minute I was fine and got hit with it again 
> as I started to get back up. I manage to get up finally without getting dizzy 
> and got back into the house. I have never in life life experienced anything 
> like this before. Head is got a nice goose egg on it now but does not hurt 
> that bad. Been sitting here figuring if I have this problem again tomorrow I 
> will go to the doctor. Then I figured what the heck I will have the wife call 
> the doctors office and see if I can get in within the next couple of days if 
> for no other reason than to discuss it with him since this is out of the 
> ordinary. She of course tells them I fell down and hit my head instead of 
> just keeping it simple to which they then say to go to ER. I’m not going to 
> the ER so I guess if I die I die. Took my blood pressure which was a little 
> high but not out of the ordinary for me for before I take my daily blood 
> pressure pill. 


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[MBZ] TB vaccine may be effective

2020-04-07 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

‘Striking’ evidence emerges that TB vaccine may be effective ...


‘Striking’ evidence emerges that TB vaccine may be effective against
Covid-19 — countries that use it have TEN TIMES fewer cases The world
may not have to wait 12 to 18 months for a Covid-19 vaccine —
scientists hope a TB shot can be adapted to fight it much more quickly. 


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[MBZ] Wood on 123

2020-03-30 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Someone mentioned replacing wood on flat surface of 123 unless I read it wrong.
Google "wood veneer" and you might find a match on websites such as this:



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Re: [MBZ] ADMIN message from the owner

2020-03-28 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
We are all somewhat uptight about coronavirus whether we admit it or not. We 
might say things and do things that irritate other members as a result. When 
controversies arise, we should keep that in mind.
Gerry...my 2 cents 

Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes  wrote:

> Let me clear up a few things here.  Political topics are not allowed on 
> the MB list.  I would love to talk about my love for Trump all day long 
> but it is not happening here.  Just about any other topic is fine.  It 
> is NOT a MB only talk list, never has been.  Due to the constant 
> problems with political posts coming up, I decided to create a new list 
> for those sorts of conversations.  We used to have a list like that, 
> there was no traffic so I deleted it.  Okietalk is in NO WAY intended to 
> be a replacement for the MB list.  It seems for some reason that some 
> have the idea that this is the case.  I am disgusted with the snide 
> comments as of late about MB being a cabinets only list etc.  I thought 
> we were bigger than this.  I thought this new list would allow normal 
> conversation to return to the MB list but it appears to be having the 
> opposite effect.
> I have hosted these lists for about 15 years now out of my own pocket.  
> If it is going to resort to this sort of behavior, I will just shut the 
> whole thing down and move on.  If everyone wants to continue to act like 
> a bunch of titty babies that is exactly what I will do.
> -The list owner AKA Big Hitler
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[MBZ] Red Eye Symptom

2020-03-24 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

Red eyes might be a sign that a patient is very sick with coronavirus, 
according to a nurse who has been on the front lines of the pandemic.

Chelsey Earnest, who works at the embattled Life Care Center in Kirkland, 
Washington, claims that the eyes are a clear tell that someone is infected, CNN 

“It’s something that I witnessed in all of them,” Earnest said. “They have, 
like … allergy eyes.”

Earnest said she and her colleagues, along with admitting doctors at a nearby 
hospital, all noticed the strange symptom.

“The white part of the eye is not red. It’s more like they have red eye shadow 
on the outside of their eyes,” Earnest said.

She continued: “We’ve had patients that just had the red eyes as the only 
symptom that we saw and go to the hospital and pass away.”

“I’ve even had the disaster medical control physician say, ‘Do they have the 
red eyes?’ And I will say yes. And he’ll say, ‘I’ll find you a bed.’ It’s just 
something about this, the way that it affects these patients.”

At least 37 deaths have been linked to the COVID-19 outbreak at the Life Care 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns of symptoms such as high 
fever, dry cough and shortness of breath — but makes no mention of eye issues 
in the agency’s guidance on the virus...snip



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[MBZ] Darwin Awards???

2020-03-24 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

A man died after ingesting an additive used to clean fish tanks — which 
included a pharmaceutical drug touted by President Trump and others as a 
potential coronavirus cure.

Within 30 minutes of taking chloroquine phosphate, the man in his 60s 
experienced “immediate effects” and had to be admitted to a nearby Banner 
Health hospital, the medical system in Arizona said in a press release Monday.

His wife, also in her 60s, is in critical condition after taking the additive, 
which is used in aquariums to kill some organisms, like algae, that may harm 

The man’s wife told NBC News she’d watched press briefings where Trump talked 
about the potential benefits of chloroquine — and she recalled the name from 
the treatment she used on her koi fish.

“I saw it sitting on the back shelf and thought, ‘Hey, isn’t that the stuff 
they’re talking about on TV?,'” she told the outlet on the condition of 

The couple mixed a small amount of their fish treatment with a liquid and drank 
it as a way to prevent the coronavirus, she said.

“We were afraid of getting sick.”

Within 20 minutes, both became ill, at first feeling “dizzy and hot.”

Then, “I started vomiting,” the woman told the outlet. “My husband started 
developing respiratory problems and wanted to hold my hand.”

Her husband died shortly after arriving to the hospital.

The cleaning agent ingested by the couple has the same active ingredient as the 
anti-malaria medicine chloroquine but is formulated differently.

Prices of the product on eBay skyrocketed after some studies found that the 
pharmaceutical version, the anti-malarial drug chloroquine, and a derivative of 
it called hydroxychloroquine, were effective in killing the virus in laboratory 

Trump said last week the drug would soon begin to be distributed to treat some 
coronavirus patients. FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn clarified that the drug 
would be made available as part of a clinical trial.
see also
Old malaria drug may help cure coronavirus

Officials warned people not to take the drugs to treat coronavirus symptoms 
unless it has been specifically prescribed by their doctor.

“The last thing that we want right now is to inundate our emergency departments 
with patients who believe they found a vague and risky solution that could 
potentially jeopardize their health,” said Dr. Daniel Brooks, medical director 
of the Banner Poison and Drug Information Center.

Chloroquine is especially not recommended for use by non-hospitalized patients.

“We are strongly urging the medical community to not prescribe this medication 
to any non-hospitalized patients,” Brooks said.



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[MBZ] Lung Damage

2020-03-21 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

COVID-19: Recovered patients have partially reduced lung function

Chinese researchers have found fluid- or debris-filled sacs in the lungs of 
those who were infected by COVID-19. Scans suggest sustained organ damage. 



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Re: [MBZ] OT: A contrarian view on COVID-19, plus good news - there's a CURE!

2020-03-20 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
"As the coronavirus spreads more widely around the globe, scientists are 
starting to use a powerful new tool: a blood test that identifies people who 
have previously been exposed to the virus. This kind of test is still under 
development in the United States, but it has been rolled out for use in 
Singapore and China...snip


> Karl writes:
> >Let's all hope the true prevalence of asymptomatic infection is much higher 
> >than suspected and that the case fatality rates are wild overestimates.
> Unfortunately, the only way to know that is if an antibody test is 
> administered. To my knowledge none has been developed, or is in the process 
> of being developed. Half the population could have had it already and 
> recovered, and we will never know. 
> Rick
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Re: [MBZ] Case in point: How to lie with statistics

2020-03-20 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Quinine can be dangerous:

MG via Mercedes  wrote:

> It still comes in glass bottles? All I've looked 
> at in the stores are in plastic. In any case your 
> method will probably work quite well, unless you 
> don't want to buy a bottle just to find out.
> MG
> Craig via Mercedes wrote:
> > On Fri, 20 Mar 2020 11:55:36 -0500 MG via Mercedes
> >  wrote:
> > 
> >> If it says 'contains quinine' on the bottle then 
> >> it should. If I remember right quinine fluoresces 
> >> under UV light so you could hit it with your AC 
> >> leak detector light and see what happens
> > 
> > But you cannot aim the light at the bottle and see -- glass absorbs UV --
> > you have to pour some out and aim the light directly at the liquid.
> > 
> > 
> > Craig
> > 
> > ___
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> > 
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Re: [MBZ] OT Islands closing borders

2020-03-20 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
There is likely a sizeable body of law regarding access to beaches and coastal 
islands that has been built up since WW-2 in coastal states; especially in 
Florida. Over the years I've read many stories about closed access to the St. 
Petersburg and Clearwater Florida beaches with variable decisions.
Under the current circumstances I would bet that they can get away with it.

> Two islands have just decided to close their borders to all except 
> residents, rental contracts, day workers, delivery vehicles (including 
> food), employees for 14 days and will reassess after that--so no beach 
> time y'all unless you live there.
> The parks dept closed all the parks, which includes the one I use to get 
> to the beach down the road.  I have ways around it, but still...
> --FT
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Re: [MBZ] Case in point: How to lie with statistics

2020-03-19 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Assuming a person has a normal immune system, a person should be immune for a 
period of months. This supposition is based on the nature of somewhat similar 
virus diseases. 
A university prof virologist, says the difficulty of making assumptions about 
this virus is that it has the characteristics of 3 different viruses. Given 
more time, more will be known, and treatment will hopefully be more effective.

OK Don wrote:
> Umm - immunity to the common cold, another corona virus, doesn't work.
> There's no real reason to think that this corona virus will let you build
> immunity to it either. All it has to do is morph, change, evolve a bit, and
> off it goes.
> On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 11:35 PM archer75--- via Mercedes <
> mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> > Worldwide we should already be building up a population of cured and
> > immune workers who can go back to work in perfect safety and gradually get
> > cities and towns back on a functional basis; the first item being the
> > restoration of the medical system to the point where both coronavirus
> > patients, and ordinary patients, can be treated effectively.
> >
> -- 
> OK Don
> "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to
> pause and reflect." Mark Twain
> "There are three kinds of men: The ones that learns by reading. The few who
> learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence
> for themselves."
> WILL ROGERS, *The Manly Wisdom of Will Rogers*
> 2013 F150, 18 mpg
> 2017 Subaru Legacy, 30 mpg
> 1957 C182A, 12 mpg - but at 150 mph!
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Re: [MBZ] Case in point: How to lie with statistics

2020-03-19 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
No, gin and hydroxychloroquine.

> So,  I should increase intake of Gin and Tonic?
> I wonder if Schweppes still uses original recipe in their tonic
> clay
> > On Mar 19, 2020, at 5:16 PM, archer75--- via Mercedes 
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > If chloroquine does prove to be the magic bullet that controls the 
> > coronavirus epidemic, it will be a remarkable coincidence since the 
> > organism it has been killing for 70+ years; a protzoan; is completely 
> > unrelated to the virus that causes coronavirus infection. That's based on 
> > current knowledge, but there may be biochemical similarities that explain 
> > it. The protozoan is easily seen via a clinical microscope such as below:
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] Case in point: How to lie with statistics

2020-03-19 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Worldwide we should already be building up a population of cured and immune 
workers who can go back to work in perfect safety and gradually get cities and 
towns back on a functional basis; the first item being the restoration of the 
medical system to the point where both coronavirus patients, and ordinary 
patients, can be treated effectively.

Clay via Mercedes  wrote:

> Because the press is overly fond of sharing the data, I am able to keep track 
> of the hotbed of US infection on an hourly basis, even though I no longer 
> live in WA.  Latest figure had 74 deaths out of 1376 confirmed infected.  
> That seems consistent with the figure stated below.  There was a 10% fatality 
> in the beginning, but has been falling toward a 5.5% kill ratio since.  
> Alaska is setting up regulations governing behaviour of those entering the 
> state from outside.  The college kids being repatriated, if they come from an 
> area of contagion, will have to isolate for at least 14 days, not attend 
> events outside their homes, use public transport, or come in contact with 
> others outside their homes.
> Meanwhile, eateries are no longer able to serve food unless it is delivery or 
> pick up.  Employment in that sector (including bars) has fallen to 10% of 
> former staffing levels.  Hope is that this only lasts until April 1.  Cruise 
> ships will not arrive until July, which is a massive hit to the employment 
> where boats disgorged visitors.  Expectations were for an increase in 
> revenues of up to 40% in 2020 from tourism.   The oil fields are packing up 
> due to the decrease in oil prices.  Todays. price for a barrel was $22.43, 
> down from the expected/budgeted $69 at the beginning of the year.  Larger 
> companies are idling rigs and dropping capital investment by approx. 25%.  
> News this morning was some $280 million of the expected $1.8bn was leaving 
> the table, with other firms not yet reporting their coming cuts.
> All the applaud for government handouts is silly, as somebody (you and I, the 
> tax payers) will be footing the bill.  Better that we were able to keep on 
> interacting with business to keep the economy flowing, and allow the creation 
> of jobs related to any deaths that take place.  More grave digger jobs, more 
> flower arrangements and florist delivery, more hallmark cards, janitorial 
> positions, and the sports and entertainment sector, as well as travel could 
> just keep chugging along.
> I did enjoy the dissonance of the CBC stories about closing down businesses, 
> rousting kids from college dorms at Concordia in Montreal, shutting the 
> border to non Canadians, and the story of the need to import 16k agricultural 
> workers from Mexico to keep food growing and produce sections viable.  As if 
> wetbacks are immune to the flu.  Just wait until tamale munchers start 
> dropping dead off their burros.
> clay
> > On Mar 18, 2020, at 6:55 PM, Peter Frederick via Mercedes 
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > More to the point, how many people will need hospitalization to survive, 
> > and for how long.  Doctors in Italy are being forced to decide who gets 
> > life saving care already, and the case load is still climbing.
> > 
> > At the current rate of increase in caseload in the US we will hit 1.5 
> > million infections in about four weeks.  3.5% of that is 51,000 deaths and 
> > 200,000 or so people in the hospital for more than a week, possibly as many 
> > as 700,000.  We don't have that many hospital beds.
> > 
> > Death rate in Italy appears to be 4-5% as well
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] Case in point: How to lie with statistics

2020-03-19 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
If chloroquine does prove to be the magic bullet that controls the coronavirus 
epidemic, it will be a remarkable coincidence since the organism it has been 
killing for 70+ years; a protzoan; is completely unrelated to the virus that 
causes coronavirus infection. That's based on current knowledge, but there may 
be biochemical similarities that explain it. The protozoan is easily seen via a 
clinical microscope such as below:


An Australian lab has discovered a unique cell that appears in the bloodstream 
when a person is infected with the coronavirus, and disappears as the patient 
improves. IMHO this could be a way of diagnosing the coronavirus disease if no 
diagnostic kits are available. It could probably be done while the patient 
waits if there are no special staining or incubating requirements.


Curley wrote:

> I heard that on the radio today.  THey said countries where Malaria is 
> rampant, and Chloroquine is widely used, there is no or almost no wuhan 
> virus.
> Rick Knoble via Mercedes wrote on 3/19/20 11:51 AM:
> > Chloroquine is being expedited as a treatment. It has worked in South 
> > Korea, and France. There is another anti malaria drug, but I don't recall 
> > the name. These can also be taken as a prophylaxis for those are highest 
> > risk. Home run. Possibly a grand slam.
> >
> > Rick


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Re: [MBZ] Travel

2020-03-17 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Tampa to Perth roundtrip about $1300

> BTDT, only from Milwaukee. ORD to LAX or SFO, then to Christchurch, a killer 
> long day and a half. That’s a heck of a deal. I wonder what they are to 
> Australia, since their government controls airfares to protect Quantas. There 
> are rarely deals to fly Down Under. However, if you go to NZ and then hop 
> over to Aussieland (a 3-4 hour flight, depending on where you’re landing) 
> it’s fairly cheap.
> -D
> > On Mar 17, 2020, at 5:54 PM, archer75--- via Mercedes 
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > Tampa to Christchurch NZ and return about $1500 with choice of four major 
> > airlines. 
> > (l-o-o-o-o-n-g flights).
> > Gerry
> > 
> > On Tue, 17 Mar 2020 07:50:45 -0400
> > Dan Penoff via Mercedes  wrote:
> > 
> >> Just got some spam from Southwest. For grins I tossed in some dates later 
> >> this month for a round trip from Tampa to Indianapolis.
> >> 
> >> $176.00. Round trip.
> >> 
> >> Get some masks and hand sanitizer and head out!
> >> 
> >> -D
> >> ___
> >> http://www.okiebenz.com
> >> 
> >> To search list archives http://www.okiebenz.com/archive/
> >> 
> >> To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> >> http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com
> >> 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > arche...@embarqmail.com 
> > 
> > ___
> > http://www.okiebenz.com
> > 
> > To search list archives http://www.okiebenz.com/archive/
> > 
> > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> > http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com
> > 
> ___
> http://www.okiebenz.com
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Re: [MBZ] Travel

2020-03-17 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Tampa to Christchurch NZ and return about $1500 with choice of four major 
(l-o-o-o-o-n-g flights).

On Tue, 17 Mar 2020 07:50:45 -0400
Dan Penoff via Mercedes  wrote:

> Just got some spam from Southwest. For grins I tossed in some dates later 
> this month for a round trip from Tampa to Indianapolis.
> $176.00. Round trip.
> Get some masks and hand sanitizer and head out!
> -D
> ___
> http://www.okiebenz.com
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Re: [MBZ] Okiebenz Covid-19 policy

2020-03-16 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Heh! Heh!  Kaleb obviously acquired a bad case of apoxia from spending so much 
time at 35,000 feet here lately. Twenty dollars per roll? Not worth a penny 
over ten dollars per roll. Kaleb should recover in a day or two.

On Mon, 16 Mar 2020 20:17:58 -0500
Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes  wrote:

> We will supply official Okiebenz tp for $20 each plus shipping. Kent charges 
> $35 plus shipping. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Mar 16, 2020, at 7:50 PM, archer75--- via Mercedes 
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > On Mon, 16 Mar 2020 18:44:01 -0500
> > Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes  wrote:
> > 
> >> That will not work. You should place a plastic bag over your head for your 
> >> protection. 
> >> 
> >> Sent from my iPhone
> >> 
> >>>> On Mar 16, 2020, at 6:41 PM, Floyd Thursby via Mercedes 
> >>>>  wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> I have a big plastic bag over my computer.  "Sold for Prevention of 
> >>> Disease Only"
> >>> 
> >>> --FT
> >>> 
> >>>> On 3/16/20 7:36 PM, Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes wrote:
> >>>> In response to the recent outbreak of Covid-19, Okiebenz would like to 
> >>>> review with you our new policies and procedures for dealing with this 
> >>>> epidemic.  Please be sure you wash your hands and least once a week, and 
> >>>> scrub your rear end and least once a month.  When sending your messages 
> >>>> to the list, please be sure you are wearing rubber gloves before 
> >>>> manipulating the keyboard in order to avoid infecting others.  We 
> >>>> appreciate your cooperation during this trying time.
> > 
> > How can we satisfactorily scrub our rear ends if we have no toilet paper to 
> > finish the job? Okiebenz should send each of its members a roll of toilet 
> > paper monthly since there is none in the stores.
> > Gerry
> > 
> > ___
> > http://www.okiebenz.com
> > 
> > To search list archives http://www.okiebenz.com/archive/
> > 
> > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> > http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com
> > 
> ___
> http://www.okiebenz.com
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Re: [MBZ] Okiebenz Covid-19 policy

2020-03-16 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
On Mon, 16 Mar 2020 18:44:01 -0500
Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes  wrote:

> That will not work. You should place a plastic bag over your head for your 
> protection. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Mar 16, 2020, at 6:41 PM, Floyd Thursby via Mercedes 
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > I have a big plastic bag over my computer.  "Sold for Prevention of 
> > Disease Only"
> > 
> > --FT
> > 
> >> On 3/16/20 7:36 PM, Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes wrote:
> >> In response to the recent outbreak of Covid-19, Okiebenz would like to 
> >> review with you our new policies and procedures for dealing with this 
> >> epidemic.  Please be sure you wash your hands and least once a week, and 
> >> scrub your rear end and least once a month.  When sending your messages to 
> >> the list, please be sure you are wearing rubber gloves before manipulating 
> >> the keyboard in order to avoid infecting others.  We appreciate your 
> >> cooperation during this trying time.

How can we satisfactorily scrub our rear ends if we have no toilet paper to 
finish the job? Okiebenz should send each of its members a roll of toilet paper 
monthly since there is none in the stores.


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2020-03-16 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

Doctor recovering from COVID-19 reveals HIV drugs treatment, willing to donate 

Less than half a month after recovering from novel coronavirus pneumonia, Wang 
Guangfa, a leading Chinese respiratory expert at Peking University First 
Hospital in Beijing, was back in the fight against the epidemic.

Under the recommendation of his doctor, Wang attempted HIV drugs that combines 
lopinavir with a low dose of ritonavir to fight against the novel coronavirus. 
The treatment was a success. With mild symptoms, Wang's fever went down after 
only two days at the hospital.

"In the initial media interviews after my discharge, I was hesitant to disclose 
the name of the drug I was using to the public for fear that it would be 
misleading as the drug had not yet been proven by researchers to work on every 
patient," Wang told the Global Times. "I do not encourage the patients to use 
drugs blindly over the fear that adverse reactions of drugs may further damage 
patients' health when the efficacy is unknown."

"But soon I was thinking that disclosing the drugs might give medical 
researchers a new treatment idea and give other patients more options and 
higher chance to combat the deadly coronavirus," he said.

After Wang's successful case, many Chinese drug research teams started 
repurposing the HIV drug in treatment of the novel coronavirus. Existing 
HIV/AIDS medication has now been widely used in clinical treatment for infected 



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[MBZ] British Solution to the Coronavirus

2020-03-15 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

Rather than widespread diagnosis, quarantining infected individuals and their 
close contacts under medical observation, steps similar to those in China and 
Italy, the UK is reportedly adopting an appeasement strategy to allow more than 
a half of its population to contract COVID-19 so it can build up a “herd 
immunity,” which experts believe will imperil some people’s health or even life.

The country’s chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance told BBC on Friday 
the government wants around 60 percent of the UK's 66.4 million population to 
contract the novel coronavirus to try and create “herd immunity” to prevent the 
virus from becoming an annual crisis, the UK media reported on Friday.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Without vaccinations, the herd immunity approach is that we, as a civilized 
society have agreed that the weak, the old, the infirmed, as well as random 
healthy people die. Leaving those that have been infected and survive. How did 
we come to this?” a citizen tweeted on Saturday, whose sentiments resonated 
with the views of several other commentators.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




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Re: [MBZ] Coronavirus Vaccine

2020-03-13 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Chinese say they have had preliminary success with a combination of an 
anti-malarial drug and drugs that have successfully suppressed AIDS.
On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 19:06:47 + (UTC)
Max Dillon via Mercedes  wrote:

> Looks like some companies think they've already got a vaccine ready for 
> testing.
> https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2020/03/breaking-weve-got-vaccine-says-pentagon-funded-company/
> Max Dillon
> Charleston SC
> Mar 13, 2020 12:24:51 PM archer75--- via Mercedes :
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Philly vaccine pioneer: We can’t rush a coronavirus vaccine | Q
> > 
> > 
> > At a White House news conference Tuesday, Anthony Fauci, the head of the 
> > National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, told President Donald 
> > Trump a coronavirus vaccine would likely not be available within the next 
> > year or two. Trump responded: “I like the sound of a couple of months 
> > better.”
> > 
> > But a vaccine is not going to be available in the next couple of months, 
> > and according to Dr. Paul Offit, that’s appropriate. Offit, director of the 
> > Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, is the 
> > co-developer of the rotavirus vaccine. It took roughly 26 years to perfect 
> > that protection against a disease that, according to the Centers for 
> > Disease Control and Prevention, was the leading cause for severe diarrhea 
> > in children before the vaccine’s introduction in 2006.
> > 
> > Why is it unrealistic to expect a vaccine for coronavirus in a few months?
> > 
> > Nobody’s ever seen this virus before. Therefore, if you’re interested in 
> > making a vaccine, you first had access to that virus only a couple months 
> > ago. That’s not long.
> > 
> > [To make a vaccine] you first need to make a decision as to what approach 
> > you want to take. Then you have to do extensive animal model testing to 
> > make sure that the approach that you’ve taken is safe in animals, and that 
> > it induces an immune response which would likely be protective. Then you 
> > gradually do studies in people to make sure it’s safe, and then to make 
> > sure that it induces an immune response. That takes time, a lot of time, 
> > typically years. Then and only then, are you ready to put it into people to 
> > see whether or not it works in an outbreak situation.
> > 
> > In 2018, after the World Health Organization declared an Ebola outbreak in 
> > the Democratic Republic of Congo, there was an experimental vaccine very 
> > quickly.
> > 
> > I think people got fooled by Ebola. When the outbreak occurred in West 
> > Africa and we had a vaccine pretty much that rolled off shelf within weeks, 
> > people thought, Ha! That’s easy.
> > 
> > But what they didn’t realize is people have been working on an Ebola 
> > vaccine for 20 years. They’ve done the animal model testing. They’ve done 
> > the testing to make sure that the vaccine was safe and was immunogenic.
> > 
> > But that’s not true here. This is a new virus. So we’re starting from 
> > scratch.
> > 
> > What is it about this virus that makes people confident that a vaccine will 
> > be available?
> > 
> > I don’t know. You know, I’d say about 15% to 20% of the respiratory 
> > infections that we see in our hospital in the winter months are [types of] 
> > coronavirus. This is a virus that has been around for 50 years.
> > 
> > But here are these three newer strains of coronavirus — MERS, SARS, and now 
> > this COVID-19. The first two viruses, SARS and MERS, have come and gone.
> > 
> > I think this [COVID-19] virus likely will come back because it’s different. 
> > If you were infected with SARS or MERS viruses, you were sick. And it’s 
> > very easy to tell who was sick and who wasn’t. You could then quarantine 
> > those people — put a moat around them, if you will — so that they wouldn’t 
> > infect others. So those infections quickly died out. This virus is more 
> > like flu. It spreads in a similar manner to flu by respiratory droplet. 
> > It’s about as contagious as flu. It has the same set of symptoms as flu. 
> > And I think in the end, frankly, it’s going to have the same mortality rate 
> > as flu.
> > 
> > There are certainly human studies showing that if you’re infected with a 
> > coronavirus — meaning one of the typical coronaviruses — you can have 
> > immunity to that strain for at least a year and probably longer. That’s 
> > encouraging

[MBZ] Coronavirus Vaccine

2020-03-13 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

Philly vaccine pioneer: We can’t rush a coronavirus vaccine | Q

At a White House news conference Tuesday, Anthony Fauci, the head of the 
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, told President Donald 
Trump a coronavirus vaccine would likely not be available within the next year 
or two. Trump responded: “I like the sound of a couple of months better.”

But a vaccine is not going to be available in the next couple of months, and 
according to Dr. Paul Offit, that’s appropriate. Offit, director of the Vaccine 
Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, is the co-developer of 
the rotavirus vaccine. It took roughly 26 years to perfect that protection 
against a disease that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention, was the leading cause for severe diarrhea in children before the 
vaccine’s introduction in 2006.

Why is it unrealistic to expect a vaccine for coronavirus in a few months?

Nobody’s ever seen this virus before. Therefore, if you’re interested in making 
a vaccine, you first had access to that virus only a couple months ago. That’s 
not long.

[To make a vaccine] you first need to make a decision as to what approach you 
want to take. Then you have to do extensive animal model testing to make sure 
that the approach that you’ve taken is safe in animals, and that it induces an 
immune response which would likely be protective. Then you gradually do studies 
in people to make sure it’s safe, and then to make sure that it induces an 
immune response. That takes time, a lot of time, typically years. Then and only 
then, are you ready to put it into people to see whether or not it works in an 
outbreak situation.

In 2018, after the World Health Organization declared an Ebola outbreak in the 
Democratic Republic of Congo, there was an experimental vaccine very quickly.

I think people got fooled by Ebola. When the outbreak occurred in West Africa 
and we had a vaccine pretty much that rolled off shelf within weeks, people 
thought, Ha! That’s easy.

But what they didn’t realize is people have been working on an Ebola vaccine 
for 20 years. They’ve done the animal model testing. They’ve done the testing 
to make sure that the vaccine was safe and was immunogenic.

But that’s not true here. This is a new virus. So we’re starting from scratch.

What is it about this virus that makes people confident that a vaccine will be 

I don’t know. You know, I’d say about 15% to 20% of the respiratory infections 
that we see in our hospital in the winter months are [types of] coronavirus. 
This is a virus that has been around for 50 years.

But here are these three newer strains of coronavirus — MERS, SARS, and now 
this COVID-19. The first two viruses, SARS and MERS, have come and gone.

I think this [COVID-19] virus likely will come back because it’s different. If 
you were infected with SARS or MERS viruses, you were sick. And it’s very easy 
to tell who was sick and who wasn’t. You could then quarantine those people — 
put a moat around them, if you will — so that they wouldn’t infect others. So 
those infections quickly died out. This virus is more like flu. It spreads in a 
similar manner to flu by respiratory droplet. It’s about as contagious as flu. 
It has the same set of symptoms as flu. And I think in the end, frankly, it’s 
going to have the same mortality rate as flu.

There are certainly human studies showing that if you’re infected with a 
coronavirus — meaning one of the typical coronaviruses — you can have immunity 
to that strain for at least a year and probably longer. That’s encouraging. If 
natural infection can protect you, then it’s encouraging that it can produce an 
immune response which is protective and which you should be able to mimic with 

Vaccine development is tightly regulated. How much of that is about safety vs. 
red tape?

If you’re going to be testing this in otherwise healthy people who are very, 
very unlikely to die from this infection, you better make sure it’s safe. So 
you want those regulations in place.

An example is the dengue vaccine. When it was tested in Latin America and 
Philippines, it was found to actually increase your risk of dengue shock 
syndrome. Children who were less than 9 years of age, who had never been 
exposed to the virus before, were actually more likely to be hurt by the 
vaccine than helped by it. Now, you only knew that from doing large clinical 
trials with tens of thousands of people.

The history of medical breakthroughs is littered with tragedy. You want to make 
sure that things are safe.

What do you think is behind the apparent willingness to skirt the rules to rush 
a vaccine?

I think that because we falsely overrate, or incorrectly rate, what the 
mortality rate is, we’re willing to accept that things will be rushed through. 
In fact, coronavirus doesn’t have a high mortality rate.

There’s a virus that the CDC currently estimated has killed between 20,000 

Re: [MBZ] It’s hard to tell fact from fiction

2020-03-12 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
On Thu, 12 Mar 2020 19:42:40 -0500
Kaleb Striplin via Mercedes  wrote:

> With all of these places closing down, our company is suspending a lot of 
> business travel and our scheduled company meeting at the end of the month has 
> been postponed is this actually real or people blowing things out or 
> proportion?
> Sent from my iPhone
I've been trolling most of the day trying to figure out just how serious this 
thing is.
Bloomberg, which is usually pretty accurate, says the stock market is the 
lowest since the 1987 bust, and that the chances of a recession are 80 percent.
Probably 90-95% of large gatherings nationwide have been closed down. Air 
travel from Europe (the EU) has been suspended. I could write several pages 
about the public and private businesses and gatherings that have been closed to 
the public.
Some of this is obviously panic and hype, but IMO most of it is valid. I would 
love for someone to tell me I'm wrong. 


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[MBZ] Drugs for Covid

2020-03-12 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

South Korea experts recommend anti-HIV, anti-malaria drugs for COVID-19

March 12 (UPI) -- South Korean disease experts have begun to recommend the use 
of a combination of antiviral and anti-malaria drugs for patients of the new 
strain of coronavirus.

Kwon Jun-wook, deputy head of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention, said Thursday at a regular press briefing the recommendations come 
from multiple groups, and that the government is ready to apply the 
recommendations to patients "where necessary," Newsis reported. 




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Re: [MBZ] Good spots for lunch and dinner in SF

2020-03-11 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Louisville had the very old fashioned trolleys during the 1930s. One wire, one 
trolley, and I guess the railroad type tracks down the middle of streets served 
as the ground.
Bad boys would hang on the back, and when the trolley stopped again they would 
pull the trolley off the overhead wire. All the lights would go out, the boys 
would run, and the motorman would have to go to the back of the trolley and put 
the little wheel back on the overhead wire. That was done by a cable that wound 
up on a large spring loaded pulley on the back.

> Same thing in Indianapolis. South side had “Stop 11, Stop 13", etc., etc. 
> They referred to it as the “interurban”. My maternal grandfather was a 
> conductor for some years on the interurban system there, so I’ve been told.
> -D
> > On Mar 11, 2020, at 3:01 AM, Scott Ritchey via Mercedes 
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > Had them in Dayton OH too.  There was a road north of town named "Stop 8 
> > Road.  Guess why.
> > 
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: Mercedes [mailto:mercedes-boun...@okiebenz.com] On Behalf Of Dan
> >> Penoff via Mercedes
> >> 
> >> Welcome to the way things used to work. And work well.
> >> 
> >> Catenary system, or “overhead wire” as it’s also known. Common method of
> >> providing power to trolleys, trains, and at one time, even busses. Go to 
> >> Europe
> >> and you’ll see most of the trains have these as they’re electric and 
> >> powered
> >> through the wires.
> >> 
> >> Many major cities had this setup for their trolleys or busses until the 
> >> 1950s,
> >> and some later (I recall Cincinnati having them when I was a kid.)
> >> 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > http://www.okiebenz.com
> > 
> > To search list archives http://www.okiebenz.com/archive/
> > 
> > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> > http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com
> > 
> ___
> http://www.okiebenz.com
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Re: [MBZ] UF Students Exposed to coronavirus

2020-03-11 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Clay wrote: 
> > Washington University in St. Louis has banned students from returning to
> > campus who visited Seattle or Westchester, winchester, wensleydale county..
> > .the place in NY.

ROFLMAO!!! Takes me back to grade school!


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[MBZ] UF Students Exposed to coronavirus

2020-03-10 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

UF students who recently rallied for Israel at a conference with government 
officials were unknowingly exposed to two New York attendees who were later 
confirmed to have coronavirus.

AIPAC, or American Israel Public Affairs Committee, held its annual national 
policy conference in Washington, D.C, from March 1 to March 3. Vice-President 
Mike Pence and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were among the 
speakers who attended and discussed developments in the American-Israeli 

Three days after the conference, two attendees tested positive for the virus, 
AIPAC announced in a tweet. 



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[MBZ] Troops sent to New York 'containment zone'

2020-03-10 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

Coronavirus: Troops sent to New York 'containment zone'

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced one-mile (1.6km) coronavirus 
"containment zone" around a community north of New York City.

New Rochelle has seen "probably the largest cluster" of US cases, Mr Cuomo said 
at a news conference on Tuesday.

The state will deploy National Guard troops to clean schools in the city and 
deliver food to any quarantined individuals.

New York state has 173 active coronavirus cases, the most in the US.

Of these cases, 108 are in Westchester County, where New Rochelle is located. 
New York City, which is located around 25 miles (40km) south of New Rochelle, 
has 36 confirmed cases of the virus in its population of eight million people.

Mr Cuomo said there will no travel restrictions in the small city, but large 
meeting points in the area will be closed.

Schools, gathering places and businesses in the virus hot spot will be closed 
for two weeks.

There were 804 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the US as of Tuesday 
afternoon, according to Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, which is tracking 
the outbreak.

Twenty-eight people have died as a result of the virus - 23 in Washington 
state, two in California, two in Florida and one in New Jersey.

"It is a dramatic action, but it is the largest cluster in the country, and 
this is literally a matter of life and death," Mr Cuomo said, adding that 
numbers of cases were "going up unabated" in New Rochelle.

"You're not containing people. You're containing facilities."



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Re: [MBZ] COVID-19 and Vit. D

2020-03-09 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
On Mon, 9 Mar 2020 13:15:31 -0700
Greg Fiorentino via Mercedes  wrote:
> This Brit Dr. presents scientific evidence that vit D supplements can prevent 
> respiratory infections:
> Possibly superfluous for "Florida Man", but could make a big difference for 
> those in the GWN or PNW.
> Greg 
Consuming 400–800 IU (10–20 mcg) daily of Vitamin D certainly wouldn't hurt 
anyone and would very likely be good for them, but the claim that vitamin D 
supplements can prevent respiratory infections is still being researched; with 
some reports showing doubt: 




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2020-03-09 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

Many flu viruses first infect the mouth, throat, or nose which is probably true 
of the coronavirus as well.

I use two preparations based on povidone-iodine for the throat and mouth which 
will definitely kill coronavirus, and a nasal spray that is based on something 
else that will probably kill the coronavirus.

If you are at the top of the vulnerability chain, you might want to try thses 
which are possibly the most effective you can buy.

Avoiding people with the coronavirus completely is impossible for most 
Americans, so an active program of intercepting the virus before it gets to the 
lungs is worthwhile IMO.



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[MBZ] ***SPAM*** Re: East Coast Sinking

2020-03-09 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Hey Roger,
Whats the Coronavirus situation in Atlanta and its suburbs? Worked and lived up 
there for 6 years during the 1980s and took a liking to the place and 
north-central Georgia in general.


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Re: [MBZ] Corona Beer Virus, AKA Boo I scared you

2020-03-07 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
> > ROGER HALE wrote:
> > According to the CDC for 2018, the USA had 14.9 flu deaths per 100,000 
> > population. The 2017-2018 flu season was severe for all populations 
> > and resulted in an estimated 959,000 hospitalizations and 61,099 
> > deaths. I seriously doubt that the Corona Beer virus will come close 
> > to these numbers. BUT, it will result in a higher national debt, more 
> > people making money from speaking about it, and other means of scaring 
> > the pubic. And if FL drops off and goes South, it will most likely be 
> > because the plates moved and FL is going home to Africa.
> > Stop worrying...be safe, stay alive, and get on with your lives.
> > Best Wishes,
> > Roger
Gerry wrote:
Nothing like that is going to happen to Florida, Roger. Our politicians are 
already working on a plan to save South Florida since tidal waters are already 
coming up into the swimming pools of Miami. It's the same problem Manhattan 
Island (NYC) had in 1824, and we will solve it the same way it was solved back 

In 1824, the population on Manhattan Island was approximately 150,000 people. 
Centre Market, an area at the junction of Baxter, Grand, and Centre Street, was 
where the townspeople congregated daily, to buy and sell goods, and to shoot 
the breeze about anything, and everything, that had an impact on their lives. 
The most vocal person who came to Centre Market daily, was a charismatic man 
named Lozier. Lozier had traveled the world, and was considered to possess the 
highest intellectual capacity. When Lozier spoke, people listened. Lozier, a 
carpenter by trade, was pals with a man with the dubious name of Uncle John 
Devoe. That's right, Uncle John.

In early 1824, for some unexplained reason, Lozier remained absent from his 
bench in Centre Market for several days. When he returned, the usually 
loquacious Lozier was suddenly, and inexplicably, mute. He spoke to no one 
except Uncle John Devoe. The rest of the people, who congregated daily at 
Centre Market, were curious as to why Lozier's temperament had changed so 

Finally, Lozier broke down, and told the assemblage that for the past few weeks 
he had been huddled with the mayor of New York City, Stephen Allen. The reason 
for those serious discussions was that Manhattan Island, as a result of the 
many large downtown buildings, was so heavy at the Battery end, the south-most 
point of the island was in danger of breaking off, and falling into the water.

Some doubted Lozier's conclusions. So he led them to the middle of Centre 
Street, and asked them to look for themselves. It was obvious that the street 
was tilted extremely downhill, as Lozier pointed out to them, "from all the 
weight of the south-most buildings."

The crowd was aghast. "What can we do?" they implored Lozier.

Lozier said not to worry. He and the Mayor had come to the conclusion that the 
only way they could save the southern end of Manhattan Island, was to cut off 
the island at its North end, in the Kingsbridge region, and turn the island 
around. Then the would anchor the sagging end to the north mainland...snip



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[MBZ] Booze not safe as hand sanitizer

2020-03-06 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

March 6 (UPI) -- The Texas-based makers of Tito's Handmade Vodka issued an 
unusual statement in response to a customer's comment: Do not use vodka as hand 

The issue was raised Thursday when a customer said on Twitter that they had 
been using Tito's Handmade Vodka to make homemade hand sanitizer.

"I made some hand sanitizer out your vodka. The hand sanitizer doesn't taste 
bad either. Cheers to Tito's vodka. Keeping me germ-free and feeling good at 
the same time," the customer wrote.

Tito's responded with a serious statement warning other customers not to follow 
their example.

"Per the CDC, hand sanitizer needs to contain at least 60 percent alcohol. 
Tito's Handmade Vodka is 40 percent alcohol, and therefore does not meet the 
current recommendation of the CDC," the brand tweeted.


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Re: [MBZ] Dying from Coronavirus

2020-03-06 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Public Health scientists and physicians look at this as an opportunity to study 
how pandemics spread in the modern world and which measures are most effective 
in stopping them. It's a unique situation since they are reasonably certain it 
began at a specific pig market in China. (As usual some Chinese say the U.S. 
created the virus, and some Americans are saying the Chinese created the virus; 
but it's agreed by all that it began in a certain city in China and that's good 
enough for tracking it worldwide. If a truly deadly virus begins to spread, 
what scientists learned from this "flu virus" may allow them to stop the spread 
of the deadly virus.

On Fri, 6 Mar 2020 14:38:35 -0500
Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes  wrote:

> Not this time.  There are health techs riding on the buses who swab after
> every rider departs.
> On Fri, Mar 6, 2020 at 2:29 PM Floyd Thursby via Mercedes <
> mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> > Well that should be standard practice anyway
> >
> > -_FT
> >
> > On 3/6/20 2:22 PM, Andrew Strasfogel wrote:
> > > Our buses are being swabbed down with disinfectant.
> > >
> > > On Fri, Mar 6, 2020 at 2:13 PM Floyd Thursby via Mercedes
> > > mailto:mercedes@okiebenz.com>> wrote:
> > >
> > > OK this just got real.  apparently Costco have decided to suspend the
> > >     free samples in the stores.  the apocalypse is truly upon us.
> > >
> > > --FT
> > >
> > > On 3/4/20 2:55 PM, archer75--- via Mercedes wrote:
> > > > Here's a better graph of your chances of dying from coronavirus.
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > https://www.watoday.com.au/national/why-children-aren-t-getting-sick-from-coronavirus-20200302-p545x8.html
> > > >
> > > > This is the first time I've ever been at the top of any list.
> > > Mixed feelings about that.
> > > > Gerry
> > > >
> > > > ___
> > > > http://www.okiebenz.com
> > > >
> > > > To search list archives http://www.okiebenz.com/archive/
> > > >
> > > > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> > > > http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com
> > > >
> > > >
> > > --
> > > --FT
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > http://www.okiebenz.com
> > >
> > > To search list archives http://www.okiebenz.com/archive/
> > >
> > > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> > > http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com
> > >
> > --
> > --FT
> >
> > ___
> > http://www.okiebenz.com
> >
> > To search list archives http://www.okiebenz.com/archive/
> >
> > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> > http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com
> >
> >
> ___
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Re: [MBZ] Dying from Coronavirus

2020-03-06 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
On Fri, 6 Mar 2020 19:04:57 + (UTC)
Curt Raymond via Mercedes  wrote:

>  I don't think its a hoax, I think its overblown. This is SARS/Swine flu/H1N1 
> all over again. The media hammers on it continuously and makes people scared 
> so idiots do stupid stuff like the Australian run on toilet paper.If you're 
> doing the stuff you should be doing anyway (washing your hands, being 
> relatively healthy) your chance of infection and death is relatively low.
> You're much more likely to die of heart disease...
> -Curt
> On Friday, March 6, 2020, 2:02:39 PM EST, Andrew Strasfogel via Mercedes 
>  wrote:  
>  Hey Gerry, many listers think the whole thing is a hoax so not to worry.

G: It's not a hoax and the danger is real; especially for us oldsters. It's the 
flu, and the flu kills a lot of us oldsters every flu season by going into 
pneumonia. Statistically if you reach 90 you are almost certain to die within 
the next five years since few of us live past that age. A life of 90 years and 
maybe a few extra is not too short a life for anyone, so I'm content with 
whatever happens. 
> On Fri, Mar 6, 2020 at 1:18 PM Scott Ritchey via Mercedes <
> mercedes@okiebenz.com> wrote:
> > Maybe COVID-19 should be dubbed the "Logan Virus" as in Logan's Run.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Mercedes On Behalf Of archer75--- via Mercedes
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 2:55 PM
> > To: Mercedes Discussion List 
> > Cc: arche...@embarqmail.com
> > Subject: [MBZ] Dying from Coronavirus
> >
> >
> > Here's a better graph of your chances of dying from coronavirus.
> >
> >
> > https://www.watoday.com.au/national/why-children-aren-t-getting-sick-from-co
> > ronavirus-20200302-p545x8.html
> > <https://www.watoday.com.au/national/why-children-aren-t-getting-sick-from-coronavirus-20200302-p545x8.html>
> >
> > This is the first time I've ever been at the top of any list. Mixed
> > feelings
> > about that.
> > Gerry
> >
> > ___
> > http://www.okiebenz.com
> >
> > To search list archives http://www.okiebenz.com/archive/
> >
> > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> > http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > http://www.okiebenz.com
> >
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> >
> > To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to:
> > http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com
> >
> >
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Re: [MBZ] Dying from Coronavirus

2020-03-06 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
What is Logans Run about?

On Fri, 6 Mar 2020 13:17:56 -0500
Scott Ritchey via Mercedes  wrote:

> Maybe COVID-19 should be dubbed the "Logan Virus" as in Logan's Run.
> -Original Message-
> From: Mercedes On Behalf Of archer75--- via Mercedes
> Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 2:55 PM
> To: Mercedes Discussion List 
> Cc: arche...@embarqmail.com
> Subject: [MBZ] Dying from Coronavirus
> Here's a better graph of your chances of dying from coronavirus.
> https://www.watoday.com.au/national/why-children-aren-t-getting-sick-from-co
> ronavirus-20200302-p545x8.html
> This is the first time I've ever been at the top of any list. Mixed feelings
> about that.
> Gerry
> ___
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> http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com
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[MBZ] Dying from Coronavirus

2020-03-04 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

Here's a better graph of your chances of dying from coronavirus.


This is the first time I've ever been at the top of any list. Mixed feelings 
about that.


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Re: [MBZ] Corona Virus in Tampa

2020-03-04 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
Sure is. Except for us geezers. Of course the pre-geezers in their sixties will 
soon be providing us with their company in the hereafter. [:o)

> Good way to deal with the expensive geezer population problem if you’re 
> thinking about weaponizing a pathogen 
> --FT
> Sent from iPhone
> > On Mar 4, 2020, at 7:52 AM, Rick Knoble via Mercedes 
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > Pretty relevant observation. See attached screenshots. 
> > 
> > Rick
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > http://www.okiebenz.com
> > 
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> > 
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> > http://mail.okiebenz.com/mailman/listinfo/mercedes_okiebenz.com
> > 
> ___
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[MBZ] Corona Virus in Tampa

2020-03-04 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes

Florida’s seniors most at risk if coronavirus spreads
“Florida is the grayest state in the nation.” Now the AARP wants state 
officials to address the risks faced by Florida’s most vulnerable to 
coronavirus: The elderly.

Coronavirus cases have been confirmed in the Tampa Bay area. 
• • •
As the reach of coronavirus grows in the U.S., seniors are particularly at risk.

No state has a higher share of residents who are in their 70s, 80s or older 
than Florida.

Though it is difficult to estimate the virus’ exact fatality rate, early data 
indicates older people who catch it are at a higher risk of dying. In a study 
of more than 44,000 confirmed cases in mainland China, the overall fatality 
rate was 2.3 percent. But in patients 80 years and older, the death rate was 
more than six times as high. (About 14 percent)

For patients in their 70s, the rate was 8 percent, four times as high as the 
overall rate. Another study this week estimated a lower overall death rate but 
still found fatality rates were higher for older patients.
Related: CDC confirms Florida’s first two cases of coronavirus; more are 

In Florida, where officials had announced three cases of the virus as of 
Tuesday — a woman in her 20s and a traveling companion who have been 
quarantined in Hillsborough County, and a Manatee County man in his 60s — AARP 
Florida called for protecting the the state’s elderly residents.

“Florida is the grayest state in the nation, tied with Maine," said AARP 
Florida spokesman David Bruns. "If there’s any place for public agencies and 
industry to be watching very carefully, this is the place.”

Elderly patients are more likely to suffer the most severe coronavirus 
symptoms, including death, said Jay Wolfson, a professor of public health, 
medicine and pharmacy at the University of South Florida. But there are also 
particular challenges in providing care for them.

“Placing persons in isolation requires systems of care available to support at 
least 14 days of quarantine. And the higher rate of severe impact among the 
elderly would also mean that our hospitals would be faced with an increased 
census of very sick, highly contagious people.”

Wolfson warned of a combination of health risks in Florida.

“We are in the midst of a flu season, a high pollen season that is causing 
allergic reactions, the winter influx of people from all over the U.S. and the 
world, and the invasion by a new virus about which we are learning as we go, 
but for which we do not yet have a vaccine.”

Bruns, the AARP spokesman, said elder care facilities are of particular concern 
because they cluster older patients together in a communal setting, overseen by 
staff who are constantly moving from patient to patient.

In Kirkland, Wa., an outbreak of the virus has killed four people at a nursing 
home, among the first coronavirus-related deaths counted in the U.S. Four other 
residents and a health care worker also have contracted the virus.

In Florida, there are more than 3,000 assisted-living facilities, including 
about 700 nursing care centers. Though none have counted a case of coronavirus, 
“those all should be areas that are receiving extra attention," Bruns said.

In 2017, the state learned what happens when those facilities are unprepared 
for an emergency: A dozen residents of the Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood 
Hills died of heat-related illnesses after Hurricane Irma knocked out the air 

Another concern is senior centers, where the elderly gather for meals and other 
social activities, then return home. More than two dozen executives from 
Miami-Dade senior centers, nursing homes and other providers held a two-hour 
meeting Monday with Mayor Carlos Gimenez to address coronavirus, reported the 
Miami Herald.
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The mayor said senior centers worry him more than nursing homes because they 
don’t have medical personnel and seniors rely on them for food and other needs. 
Who will feed them if they have to stay home? “If it gets to be that extreme, 
how do we provide services to those folks at their domiciles?” the mayor told 
the Miami Herald.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a pandemic planning 
checklist for long-term care and residential health facilities. It recommends 
designating staff members and teams to coordinate decisions, advises on 
strategies for isolating residents with symptoms and suggests ways to address 
potential staff absences.

The Florida Healthcare Association, which represents 550 nursing care 
facilities, is also trying to ensure prevention is top-of-mind. The association 
was to hold a joint phone call on Tuesday with the Florida Surgeon General and 
the secretary for the Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration to advise 
nursing care facilities on best practices in case of a pandemic.

The association has recommended hygiene 

Re: [MBZ] C. V. 19 in silly valley

2020-03-03 Thread archer75--- via Mercedes
On Mon, 2 Mar 2020 19:10:26 -0700
Craig via Mercedes  wrote:

> On Sun, 1 Mar 2020 20:24:09 -0600 Curley McLain via Mercedes
>  wrote:
> > All: This is a compilation of messages from a friend of mine, a nuclear 
> > physicist,Associate Lab Director, Chief Research Officer and Professor 
> > at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
> I have thought about the situation and, given the length of time the
> virus remains viable on surfaces, wondered if perhaps it would be
> imported into the U.S. on the surfaces of many of the products we buy
> from China.
> Any thoughts.
> Craig
A big factor would be time in transit. The most dangerous products would likely 
be Chinese or Korean company products that advertise in the US retail market 
and compete by air shipping the same day and rapid delivery in the US.


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