Re: Reading from Excel Files

2006-10-23 Thread jbv

Ray ,
If you're on Mac, I've you tried some applescript to convert all
your excel files to tab/return test files ?
Greetings,I'm using "open
file myPath for binary read" to read an Excel file and I'm getting lots
of garbage characters since I believe it's Microsoft's proprietary binary
format.  If I save the Excel file as a Text (Tab Delimited) file I can
read from it fine.  The problem is I have about 500 of these file.  To
manually convert all of them would be extremely time consuming.
suggestions on reading an Excel file and filtering out all the garbage

metacard mailing list

Re: MC 2.4.3 Tiger problems

2005-05-18 Thread jbv

 Recently, Karl Becker  wrote:

  Am I dreaming, or does MetaCard
  actually run things faster than Revolution?

 It's quite possible this is true in the IDE, but as a standalone it's
 unlikely.  They're run by the same engine.

well, several times I had the experience of a stack created with MC 2.3
and converted to Rev 2.5 that was running faster as a standalone
made with MC than as a standalone made with Rev... both on MacOS9
and WinXP...
This was specially noticeable when user was returning to card 1 on
which was a complex group made of a large number of images...


metacard mailing list

Re: Id numbers vs names

2005-02-26 Thread jbv

 reasoning against using the number was that it can change.  I don't
 recall the reasoning behind the name,

may be that was that names won't change...

 But in one instance I chose to use the ID numbers, and now I'm SORRY
 SORRY SORRY!  Because when updating the program adding/deleting
 things, those numbers change, and I have to go thru every line of
 code to find where the numbers are referenced.

well using ID numbers has certain drawbacks indeed, but also
some benefits, especially in Rev where successive controls
have incremental ID numbers (when in HC AFAIR they used to
be created at random) : for instance in a project I had to create
400 graphics to be included in a group : referencing each graphic
by its ID number was pretty easy and very convenient...


metacard mailing list

Re: PHP versus CGI

2004-02-18 Thread jbv

 Can you elaborate? What kind of details? And did you mean intrinsic or
 explicit? ;-)

  * PHP is safer than CGI unless you add a lot to CGI ;

 Actually, MC CGIs are probably the most secure as they will only run
 scripts that are in the cgi-bin folder with the engine. You can't send
 it a script to run from the outside, so it will only do what it has
 been preprogrammed to do. Or at least that's my understanding...

A nice thing would be that someone with good CGI knowledge
and competences could right a short tutorial (with clear DOs and
DON'Ts) about using Rev CGI and how to configure a server
(privileges settings, etc) in that context.
This could be put online on the Developers web page at RR.

I'm sure lots of users would benefit from that. So far only bits 
pieces of info can be found on the MC or Rev lists archives.
If I had the knowledge, I'd gladly write such a tutorial...


metacard mailing list

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-16 Thread jbv
On the topic of this link :
AFAIR someone mentioned Terminator,
but did anyone noticed that Stephen Thaler's
Creativity Machine Paradigm has been used
to design warheads for US Air Force ?


metacard mailing list

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-15 Thread jbv

Pierre Sahores a *crit :

 I'm associating me to the Chipp's second question : how could we gohead
 with good practices to design and code to life a small team of
 intelligent agents in MC/Rev ?

Same interest here...

 There is, among some other great books about Artificial Life, an
 usefull title, unfortunally only available in french, i'm refering all
 the time, in about this matter : Vie Artificielle by Jean-Philippe
 Rennard. Editions Vuibert Informatique. 2002, 408 pages.

As for books on that topic, I can recommend :

a bit verbode at times, but a good survey


great introduction - a few years back I tried to reproduce some
of the experiments described in that book with OMO and MC...


metacard mailing list

Re: Valentina and MC/Rev CGI (was :Metacard support)

2003-12-05 Thread jbv


 Yes, I have been running a MC-based CGI for a couple years now. But
 it is a different story depending on the OS.

OK, but I've been using MC/Rev-based cgi for almost 2 years as well...
My question actually focused on MC/Rev-based cgi with Valentina

 And keep in mind that
 MC/Rev-based cgi may not be suitable for heavy duty usage

Could you please comment this point ?


metacard mailing list

Re: spreadsheet ( was :10000 fields and crash)

2003-10-09 Thread jbv

Richard Gaskin :

 That post explained _what_ was acheived, but not _why_ it couldn't be done
 with fewer fields.   Did I miss something obvious?

 I'm curious too:  Why not just one field, or at most a different field for
 each column.

I tried that option (a different field per column) as a possibility to lower
the number of flds, but actually dropped it as it made a few spreadsheet
features more difficult to implement :
- variable height of rows
- multiple lines content of each cell
- single cell selection

As for the huge saving times I mentioned earlier, I made some progress
on this issue : I discovered that it happens ONLY when all 3000 to 1
flds have the same rect (which happens when one creates 1 fld and then
use clone fld 1 in a repeat loop).
But once flds are arranged in rows  cols (have different rect values),
then saving is a snap.
I don't why this happens like that : it seems that when too many controls
have the same rect, MC gets lost, or has to crosscheck everything several

Nevertheless, I choosed the option of creating flds on the fly, and it works
like a charm...
And therefore I was wondering whether enough list members would be
interested in a spreadsheet made with MC (which could be of many uses,
like GUI for a database...) ? If yes, I could put together a library of
allowing users to produce an Excel clone... Including bussiness graphics
is also a possibility (and why not interactive 3D biz. graphics in openGL

BTW, I have a question : as for the scripting language for cells, should I
emulate the one implemented in Excel, or would it be better to use
MetaTalk and the do command ?

Thanks for any suggestion...


metacard mailing list

Re: 10000 fields and crash

2003-10-05 Thread jbv

J. Landman Gay :

 MetaCard's Save menu command includes a compact stack. That's what is
 probably taking the time. It should save much faster if you type save
 this stack into the message box.

Just tried it : things get even worst : saving a stack with 2000 flds takes

15 min, when it took only 9 min with the Save menu...

Shari :

 The stacks I have with big overhead, lots of sounds and graphics,
 also take a long time to save, and forever to quit Metacard.  Just a
 simple quit with no quit handler, using whatever Metacard does to
 quit, can take forever.  And I'm on a G-3, 350 mhz, 128 MB ram
 (though probably beefed up with virtual memory on).

Yes I remember you mentioning that.
But this time we're talking about 2000 empty flds.
And there's no delay in opening / quiting the stack, modifying the flds
etc.  Only when saving...

Richard Gaskin :

  Have you considered custom properties as an alternative

 The suggstion is based on the assumption that these fields are being used

 for data storage only, without need for direct user interaction (are you
 having the user tab through 10,000 fields? g).

Not exactly, but as I'm exploring the possibility to use MC to
simulate a spreadsheet, I could use 10,000 flds to display data,
and therefore for some direct user interaction, like selecting / moving
rows  cols...
Data will be stored in a global. These data size will never go beyond
250 or 300 Kb, but will be spread on 100 rows of 160 cols.

If I can built a binary stack file from scratch (as I was suggesting
yesterday), I'll probably try to build all flds  groups I need on the
fly, since it doesn't take more than a couple of secs on rather slow
machines like a G3-300...


metacard mailing list

10000 fields and crash

2003-10-04 Thread jbv
Hi list,

I have a stack with only 1 card, and 10,000 fields
on that card. I can modify these fields without any
problem (resize them, change location and content, etc)
but when I save the stack, MC crashes (freezes).

So my question is not whether it is wise to have so many
controls on 1 card, but what can be the reason of the
crash ?
I have the feeling I've reached a limit, but which one ?

I'm running MC 2.4.1 on Mac OS9, MC memory space
is set to 60 Mb and there's 1 Gb of free space on the HD...


metacard mailing list

Re: 10000 fields and crash

2003-10-04 Thread jbv

Richard Gaskin :

 May just be a memory issue, esp. given that you're using Mac Classic.

 Why do you need 10,000 fields?

he he he... I knew I would get such questions...
For short let's say I'm testing MC limits...

And I think I've found a possible answer to my question...
I've created a new stack with 1 card and 1000 flds on it.
Creating 1000 flds with clone fld 1 in a repeat loop with
lock screen takes about 0.1 sec. And as said before, flds can be
modified (content  properties), grouped or ungrouped, etc. fluently.
This is no surprise, since MC limits for number of objects on a card
mentions a limit of 4 Gb.

Saving a stack with 1000 empty flds produces a 60 Kb file.
But to my BIG surprise, saving that stack takes about TWO
MINUTES (at least on a PowerMac G3-300) !
And a stack with 2000 flds produces a 112 Kb file, but saving
it takes about 9 minutes 
So, when attempting to save a stack with 1 flds, I don't
think it crashes nor freezes the app : it just takes forever 

When opening the file with BBedit, I noticed that all info
regarding the flds is in binary (hence the small file size).
Could it be that this process of converting objects data to
binary takes so long ? And could there be some way to
improve that ?
Any MC/Rev big boss listening ?

And could someone be kind enough to try it on different
platforms and OS ?
Thanks in advance.

OTOH opening such a stack with 2000 flds is a snap.
It's time to go to bed now, but tomorrow I'll try another
approach : in BBedit I will duplicate the lines (of the text
file that describes the stack) relative to the flds by copy /
paste to match large numbers, and then I'll open the file
in MC... I guess this should work and be somewhat
faster... I hope that's possible...


metacard mailing list

Re: 10000 fields and crash

2003-10-04 Thread jbv

 Have you considered custom properties as an alternative?

Mmmh... what do you mean exactly ?


metacard mailing list


2003-09-18 Thread jbv
Hi there,

Is there a way to set the border of a field to dash ?


metacard mailing list


2003-09-18 Thread jbv
Hi again,

Is there a specialist of Excel on this list ?

In a project for 1 of my clients, I have a flat database
on a server whose content is set via a sophisticated
HTML form and a couple of MC cgi scripts.
This flat database is a tab-return file with 100 rows
and 100 cols.
My client wants to visualize / modify all the content
at once like in a spreadsheet on his PC, and save
modifications on the server.
Further data processing will need to be done on the PC
(not saved on the server), like generating PDF files
from sections of the database content, etc.

Is there a way to do that with Excel (view / modify /
save the database) or do I have to simulate a spreadsheet
with MC ?


metacard mailing list

Re: plug-in architecture (was : MC IDE's home)

2003-09-09 Thread jbv
 I guess so, although I'd probably want a lawyer to take a good look just in
 case one of you guys implements something that would add value to Rev.
 However, if it's GPL it's just another good reason for you to go with a
 plugin architecture.

I know it sounds like a newbie question but anyway,
as I still haven't found the time to take a  look at the
latest Rev version, could someone be kind enough
to explain to me briefly how does this plugin arch.
work in Rev ?

Thanks in advance,

metacard mailing list

Re: plug-in architecture (was : MC IDE's home)

2003-09-09 Thread jbv


 jbv wrote:

  could someone be kind enough to explain to me briefly how does
  this plugin arch. work in Rev ?

 Basically it's just a menu built dynamically to provide quick access to
 stack files in a Plugins folder.  Rev builds its menu at startup, but my
 own plugins menu works so fast being built on mouseDown that I've grown fond
 of the convenience of not having to quit MC to have new additions appear in
 the menu.

I see. I don't know why, but I was expecting some sophisticated concept...
Thanks for the explanation anyway.

One last question : could we also drop standalones into that Plugins
folder ? I don't see any specific reason to do that right now, I'm just
wondering if that would be feasable...

Thanks again,

metacard mailing list


2003-08-26 Thread jbv

Robert Brenstein a écrit:

 If Revolution were modified so that only the basic functionality was
 implemented in the IDE and all other features were implemented as modules
 that could be turned off would that satisfy everyone? If so, perhaps we
 could develop a proposal for RunRev to implement such a design.
 The ability to develop custom modules that would fully integrate into the
 IDE would be fantastic as far as I'm concerned.


 What you suggest would be only a half solution IMHO.
 Hiding/deactivating undesirable or not needed elements could
 unclutter the display. However, the large memory requirements will
 likely remain and so will the background activity to name a few
 things that affect some of my work. Plus this will complicate the Rev
 IDE even further, hencefore making it potentially less stable.

May be, but also may be not : I think the idea of modules to beturned on/off
is a great one (actually I had the same not so long ago :)
And IMHO the possible memory / bg activity / stability problems
mentioned by Robert could probably be bypassed by using an
adequate structure : modules would be selected so that to update a
preferences file that would be taken into account at the next launch of
Rev only. This way, only modules used would be loaded into memory
and therefore would reduced the amount of memory needed as well as
the bg activity, and a simpler configuration would certainly mean
more stability...
I don't think that turning on/off modules on the fly is necessary :
IMHO most users don't change their preferences very often once
they get a GUI that suits their needs...
Perhaps this could be achieved by dropping stacks into a Preferences
folder, whose content would be loaded at MC startup, a bit like
you drop extensions into the Mac system folder...
This way, private features could be added very easily...

Anyway, I could be wrong, but I think that from a commercial /
marketing point of view, now that RR owns the MC engine, a
sophisticated GUI should become less important...
Well it should still be an option (especially for Director afficionados
and other developpers wannabes who think tons of palettes mean
a more sophisticated / productive piece of software), but the
main goal needs to be the improvement of the engine of course.

Another great thing I'd like to see implemented in the engine
(already mentioned on this list by me about 1 year ago) is that
the interpreter would be structured as librairies (like in C/C++) :
standard, math, graphics...
This way, when building a standalone, only librairies used in
the stack would be added to the stack, and not the whole engine.
Of course, this process should be 100% transparent to the end user :
the engine should be able to analyse which librairies are needed
and would add those only. This would perhaps lead to a slower
standalone building process, but also (and mainly) to slimmer apps.
Well, I'm not sure if this is feasable... Perhaps does that imply
to re-write the whole engine... But I don't think so : seeing how
new features are added to MC at every update (without ruining
what already exists) shows that obviously some modularity already


metacard mailing list

Re: New tool proposal for the MetaCard IDE

2003-08-25 Thread jbv

Alejandro Tejada a écrit:

 Hi developers,

 Can I propose a Bezier Drawing tool
 for the MC ide?

 I could prepare something for the middle
 of the next week.

 It will include a tool to modify
 polygon graphics using bezier curves.

 Who could help me to review and
 enhance the code?

I can help if you want, as I'm slightly less
busy for the next few days...

Although I might suggest that we introduce
REAL Bezier curves instead (and not only
polygon aproximations) : it's possible to
have such 2D splines (and manipulate them
in realtime with the mouse, and add control
points, etc) through openGL.
The only drawback is that AFAIR the MC
engine doesn't allow the creation of new
controls through externals... Therefore these
splines will have to be displayed inside img
controls... But I was thinking that may be
there's a possibility to fake such a vector
control by setting the rest of the img pixels
to transparent...

Any suggestion welcome...


metacard mailing list

Re: Script Limits and solid IDE evolution!

2003-08-14 Thread jbv

I personally dont see an economic
reason why this should be limited. I do see reasons to abandon MC/RR more
and more...
Sad but true...

I dont mind evolution of products,
but Im against limiting of features while essential things like a good
Script Editors or debugger are still as arcane as an sword against an automatic
rifle which put a major brake on your productivity are still not being
improved as they should.
Same remark for antialiased vector graphics which are non-existent in MC/RR,and
that would make of MC a good competitor to Flash...

Without competition most of the
world would be made of communist or socialists and using microsoft DOS.
Well, things aren't so straightforward... Please remember that USSR was
thefirst country to put a spaceship in orbit, to have robots landing on
And BTW DOS wasn't invented by K. Marx... But this is getting OT...

The choir : "Wow! there's a communist on this list..."

More features, more freedom =
more users, more clients, more applications, more power to the developper
= MORE competitive IDE = more users = less competition!

Well, these days too often competition leads to standardization 

At least we can agree on the following :
more features + more power to the developper = less users tempted to
to another IDE...


Re: Script Limits

2003-08-14 Thread jbv
 I know that this limitation will cause of to rewrite sections some of
 my existing products.

I remember in HC and OMO using scripts of controls to hold
data. In case scripts of controls in MC are used for the same
purpose (holding data, and not executable code), could custom
props be a nice workaround ? Just asking, as I've never used
custom props much...


metacard mailing list

Re: MC OpenGL (update)

2003-08-14 Thread jbv
Hi again,

I'm afraid there's a little confusion in the word implementation.
The only purpose of the demo I put online was to show that
realtime communication between MC and openGL was possible,
as well as displaying the rendered image in an MC img control.

Of course the final purpose is to have everything scriptable,
including 3D objects, textures they use and how they interact...

My question concerned mainly : HOW to do that in MetaTalk ?
A large set of functions and properties should be added to the
the language of course, but HOW should it be structured ?
As long as there's only a couple of textured spheres or cubes
floating around, that's not too complicated...
But what about a particule system made of metaballs bouncing
around according to a complex math function (for instance) ?

I'm presently working on a 3D sound processing app that would
display partials  spectrum of sounds in 3D (from Csound files),
and allow users to manipulate these data (first with the mouse and
various tools, and in the end with a data glove) like clay, and then
re-synthesise the sound.
So at every step of this work I try to figure out what would be the
best (read: more ergonomic / intuitive / productive) way to script it
in MT.
And sadly, it appears that coding it in C as an external with simple
calls from a MC scripts remains the most powerful  flexible way
to do... By powerful I mean : giving access to all openGL features.

 My suggestions would include a good look at Director and the 3D Lingo
 terminology and then to take the core of this and add something

I had a look at 3D Lingo (I dropped Director around version 4, andit made
me feel strange to go back to this crappy sprite stuff)...
Please don't take it personal, but it's the typical example of what
I'd like to avoid...

 It's a vague suggestion, and I'm not up fully on the technical side -
 but the frustration I had then was the lack of ability to dynamically
 create a world. So I'd like to ba able to have an interface which would
 allow me to stream / add to / delete from / morph the OpenGL content -
 not just move around and interact with precreated environments.

This is closer to what I had in mind...

 Bringing up the open source theme again - the most exciting thing by far
 in the 3D realm from my point of view would be to take the Open Source
 code from the largest online 3D community - Blender and be able to use
 both the authoring tools and real-time engine to create and control 3D
 objects within the MC environment.

is Blender cross-platform ?

 It uses Python at the moment as a scripting language, and you could look
 at how this is implemented. From my view at the time it would make a
 more valuable product to use MC as a backend scripting language for a 3D
 front end than to play 3D windows within an MC front end?

Any useful link for that ?


metacard mailing list

Re: MC OpenGL (update)

2003-08-14 Thread jbv

 I am excited about your work.

Thank you so much.After the lack of response to my post from 2 weeks ago,
I thought everyone had lost interest in it...

 It would extra cool if we could
 import 3d objects in from modeling apps as well.

I didn't include that option in the demo, but it's one
of the easiest thing to do I guess most 3D modelers
export to openGL format. And if they don't, there are
more than enough translators available on the net.
Format translation is also an option that could be
I wasn't planing to create a 3D modeler with MC
But I strongly believe that a set of (scriptable) tools to
process / modify 3D data (extrude, stretch...) could be
a great feature, because interactive 3D doesn't only
mean moving  rotating objects...


metacard mailing list

Re: MC OpenGL (update)

2003-08-14 Thread jbv
Hi all,

I'm a bit surprised by the lack of response to
my post from 2 weeks ago regarding the best
way to implement openGL in MC...

Has everybody lost interest in that feature ?
Or is everyone on vacation ? Or has WW4
already began ?


metacard mailing list

Re: A task for Binary decode?

2003-08-14 Thread jbv


At first glance, the data looks like octal (base 8), and therefore
I'd be tempted to use baseconvert to convert it to base 10...
For instance :
put baseconvert(377, 8, 10)  --  255

But I'm somewhat puzzled by things like Exif or MM in the


 Hi everyone,

 I need to convert some data received from a postgreSQL database back
 into recognizable binary data.  The data was written there by a
 JDBC/Java application, and it appears that it stores the binary data in
 octets - but this is new territory for me so I am hoping someone more
 knowledgible here can help.

 I'm retrieving this data using Revolution's database library.

 I wonder whether binaryDecode or (possibly even) the convertOctals
 property could be useful in converting this data back into recognizable
 binary data.  Any ideas?

 I am still trying to get the PostgreSQL database to allow me to upload
 blobs from Revolution, but so far without success...

 Thanks very much.

 (going to bed as is 4.30am, and although I enjoy programming in
 Revolution a lot... well, there are limits!)

 -- sample of data

 n\000Canon PowerShot
 00QuickTime 6.1\0002003:08:03 17:56:50\000Mac OS X

 -- sample of jdbc code used to write the object:
 (I think this code is right, but - well -  possibly not the latest
 version, let me know if you are interested and
 I will check)

 Postgres supports inserting blobs through JDBC like Oracle:

 CREATE TABLE images (imgname text, img bytea);

 To insert an image, you would use:

   File file = new File(myimage.gif);
   FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
   PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(INSERT INTO images VALUES
 (?, ?));
   ps.setString(1, file.getName());
   ps.setBinaryStream(2, fis, file.length());

 To retrieve it you:

 PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(SELECT img FROM images
   ps.setString(1, myimage.gif);
   ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
   if (rs != null) {
   while( {
   byte[] imgBytes = rs.getBytes(1);
   // use the stream in some way here

 metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: Does your MC crash too?

2003-08-14 Thread jbv

Weird cause Im using windows
with some 750 MB's of ram (*1.2 swap files)
MC usually doesn't go beyond
30MB's of ram usage (go figure for what!)

To me part of the problem seems
that the allocation of the image space in the
stack is not "solid" - it is
not compactable it seems for one, and once an image
is decompressed, that's it, you're
stuck with that size...

Well, I'm not sure if this is gonna help, but I have
the feeling it's a memory problem.

I always develop my stacks on Mac (OS 9 so far)
and when I do multiple successive "set filename of
img 1" (for an img control used as background
graphic), it seems that previous content of that img
control isn't purged from memory, and that successive
replacements finally crash the app.
Perhaps is it related to the fact that the "always buffer"
prop of that img is set to true... I don't know...

I also noticed that "set filename of img 1 to empty"
before setting filename to another file leads to less

I only experienced these problems in edit mode.
In standalones everything's works perfect...


Re: Script Limits and solid IDE evolution!

2003-08-11 Thread jbv

 I still think the free StarterKit was the best thing ever.

 One could play with it, get used to the app and even build useful
 things :-)

 and 30 (contiguous?) days may be not enough, even with no script

And BTW is this 30 days trial a valid / useful protection ?

I know ppl who build huge projects by re-downloading again and again
Flash MX (or other apps) evaluation versions every 30 days...

Telling the truth I downloaded the Rev 2.01 (AFAIR) about 2 weeks
ago, but haven't downloaded the key yet, as I'm not sure I'll have
enough time within the next 30 days to explore every feature...


metacard mailing list

Re: Script Limits

2003-08-09 Thread jbv
 Richard, what you suggest are all workabouts. And the fact that this
 groups is 100% against the change does not mean it will not go into
 effect. This issue barely caused a blink on Rev list and that is
 where majority of Rev users are. We are soon to be a true minority
 and our interest in retaining MC as it was will make us dinosaurs :(

Same feeling here...:(

BTW could someone eventually post Shari's informal poll to the
Rev list ? I'm not on the Rev list myself...

And BTW again, did anyone contact Kevin privately about this
script limit thing, as suggested in his original message ?
And did anyone get an answer ?
I'm not so interested in the content of the answer, but much more in
knowing if any answer has been received...


PS: if such big differences exists between MC and Rev users,
why don't we (MC users) get organised as an (informal) think
tank / users union, in order to provide RR with smart criticism,
wise suggestions and even source code in order to improve the
MC engine, in exchange for free (or lower prices on) licences ?
Yes, I know, it's a weird mix between naive hippie idealism and
open source philosophy, and it certainly needs to be improved,
but well it doesn't cost anything (except some bandwidth) to
post it...
According to recent messages on this list, if things at RR
evolve the wrong way, it seems that many of us won't upgrade
to Rev and will switch to another tool... So at first glance it
looks like each side would gain from that :
- Rev would have a bunch of pro / experienced beta testers /
critics / contributors / whatever
- we would keep our favorite tool and watch it evolve in ways
we like
- MC/Rev will improve and be a strong competitor (for Director
etc) and eventually attract new users, which means more market
shares for Rev...

Of course, these contributions would rather concern the
engine than the GUI...
And since I didn't spend more than 5 minutes on this idea,
there are certainly numerous flaws that everyone will be
happy to point out...

metacard mailing list

Re: An informal poll....

2003-08-09 Thread jbv
 How many, who have purchased licenses, use MC/Rev to build
 standalones, that will be distributed to others?

 I don't create much for my own use.  99% of
 everything I do, is for distribution, to produce income.

 The rest of you?

I would say 80% to produce income, the rest is for my
own use, mainly experimentation  ideas testing, for future
use in prof. projects eventually...

But anyway, of all the standalones I produced for clients
within the last 3 years, only 1% or 2% could have stand
the 10 lines script limit. All the rest was way too complex...

BTW I think one should extend the poll to Rev list...
I'm wondering if the responses would be similar...


metacard mailing list

Re: MC OpenGL (update)

2003-08-08 Thread jbv
 My understanding is that WW4 has begun.

Oh I see... When did it begin ? When Runrev
bought MC ?;-P

 I think you'll need to write an external that draws directly into a
 window - maybe something like the life external demo?

Well, drawing into a window isn't too difficult, and can be
done when you use openGL in C/C++.
I think I've achieved smthing slightly more exciting : drawing
directly into a MC image control. Some of you probably
remember the demo I did several months ago (still online at
Windoze only).
I say more exciting because IMHO it is more embedded
in the MC environment than an extra window, and also it
allows several interactive 3D windows to be included in
the same stack simultaneously.
As mentioned in my post from 2 weeks ago, this feature is
now available for Win32 and Carbon.

But my main question regarding the implementation of
openGL in MC was : how end users would like to access
3D properties and functions from within MetaTalk scripts...
Anyone who has some experience with openGL coding
in C/C++ or Java knows that using openGL is slightly more
complex than setting a few QT properties for instance...

I might be wrong but I have the feeling that MC users
(or at least MC list members) are more experienced
programers with experience in many languages / environments,
while Rev users (or at least Rev list members) are more
HC or Director users in search for a new tool...
What I mean by that in that IMHO using interactive 3D
in projects should be an attractive feature to members
of this very list... And that good advices and wise
considerations regarding 3D implementation should come
from this list...
Just imagine : networked 3D interactive apps could be
more affordable now, requiring less development time...
This should speak to game designers...

For the anecdote, as I'm about to change job, I recently
met a few managers of multimedia companies in Paris.
The problem is (and has always been) that most of these ppl
lack the technology knowledge to make good decisions
regarding exciting projects. For that matter, they all
think that Flash  Director (with the help of a few
Xtras) are still the state-of-the-art for interactive
media projects, and when I mentioned such networked 3D
interactive apps, they immediatly thought in terms of
long  expensive development in C/C++ ...


metacard mailing list

Re: Script Limits

2003-08-07 Thread jbv

Richard Gaskin :

 Custom properties are a very powerful feature of not only Rev but other
 xTalks as well, including ToolBook, Gain Momentum, and SuperCard.  Well
 worth taking an evening to experiment with...

Which confirms my first impression.

BTW I guess that a custom property can also include
some code that can be activated / executed via a do
command... Execution speed might be slowed down
a bit, but could this be a workaround for the 10 (or 0)
lines script limit ?


metacard mailing list

Re: Script Limits

2003-08-06 Thread jbv

 I would still like to know exactly what the new changes will affect,
 in case it is something that my current projects use.

Telling the truth, I must confess that I share Shari's worries.

I'm afraid this script limit thing might be the first of a long
list of unexpected (and undocumented / unexplained) changes,
and discussions about them might clutter this list in coming

Last but not least, I think that getting messages from Kevin
saying we're working on this and that... If anyone has any
objections to this, please contact me off list. isn't the best
strategy / politics to convince MC users to upgrade to Rev...
And certainly not the best official answer to all the questions
raised lately...
As Shari wrote, we need an official FAQ showing that there
are still ppl at RR reading this list, and not only a bunch of
biznessmen busy with marketing strategies...

Yes, I know I'm overreacting a bit, but better now than too


metacard mailing list

Re: environment question

2003-08-01 Thread jbv

 Hi everyone,

 In view of the future, and with regards to what is running,
 how can you know if it is MetaCard or RR running your stack?

Well, at first glance I see 2 options :
- checking the version : if it's beyond 2.5 it must be RR;
otherwise, no way to know...
- if it's a standalone, the question is meaningless, since
only the engine is added to your stack and since MC  RR
use the same engine...


metacard mailing list

Re: Standalone Builder question

2003-07-24 Thread jbv
Thank you all for your kind answers and wise
recommendations to test the standalone on a
Windoze machine before releasing it.

But actually the reason why I decided to build
the Win standalone on a Mac is because I'm
facing another problem : a Win standalone
built on an XP machine doesn't launch on
a Win98 machine... Actually it's been built on
an XP machine, then burned on a CD, then
ftp transfered via Fetch on a Mac to my client
who can't launch it after downloading it to his PC...
We've done that before and it worked fine,
the only difference is that there were Win98
machines on both sides...

Did anyone experience anything similar ?
I guess something gets lost on the way, but
I can't figure out when...
I thought that building the Win app on Mac
might reduce the risks to spoil the file...

Of course I still have the option to snail mail
a CD...


metacard mailing list

MC OpenGL (update)

2003-07-24 Thread jbv
Hi list,

Although I don't have much time to spend on this
project these days, I managed to build an external
for accessing openGL on Mac. Since it's Carbon
compatible, it should run on OS8.6 to OSX (haven't
tested it on OSX though).
As I already achieved something similar on Win32
a few months ago, some sort of cross-platform
compatibility already exists.

Nevertheless, I'm still puzzled about the way to
implement openGL in a MC context.
So far, I see 3 options :

1) implement all openGL functions in MetaTalk.
I see several flaws in this option :
- there are more than 130 functions, which might
end up in a HUGE external.
- accessing openGL would still remain complicated,
as programmers would still need to think  code
simultaneously in MT, C and openGL...
- execution of scripts would be quite slow due to
the multiple calls
- some programing tricks  tips in C + openGL
would be impossible to reproduce...

2) make a selection of a limited number of openGL
functions  options, and implement them in a
MetaTalk-compatible way. In that case, programmers
would still think  code in MT, and translation of
the code to openGL would be completely transparent.
Again several flaws :
- how to do the selection of openGL functions ?
- execution of scripts would be quite slow due to
the multiple calls
- some programing tricks  tips in C + openGL
would be impossible to reproduce...

3) keep doing what I've done in my experiments
so far : build a different external for each project
involving openGL. Each external features only
the C functions (and openGL calls) to be used
in each specific project.
This option has several advantages :
- the size of the external remains small
- many programing tips can be used
- scripts execution (and openGL calls) are done
at high speed.
OTOH the main drawback is that a specific
C development needs to be done for each project.
Of course, reusability of large portions of code
is possible, but still : more programing  debugging
are necessary...

Actually, if implementation of openGL in MC
is quite feasable, it's not as straightforward as QT
for instance...

I would gladly apreciate any suggestion / discussion
on this topic. According to previous reactions, I know
that several list members (especially those involved in
games and / or scientific apps) are highly interested in
that option.

Last but not least : there's a 4th option.
As the company I'm working for isn't doing very well
and as I might get laid off within the next few weeks,
I can sell my skills as programer to those interested in
developping projects including 3D imagery...
I know it sounds like an heresy to fans of open source
and those who think this list should remain a place to share
code, but I guess I'll still have some monthly bills to pay,
even after I get laid off...


metacard mailing list

Re: Importing ( streamlining) EPS

2003-06-08 Thread jbv


 Tonight, I test your handler and I'm getting
 two list of points. But in the first list,
 the X coordinate is the same for all the
 numbers of the list!

 What I'm doing wrong?

 Maybe this part is the problem. It returns the
 same number.

 -- INITIALIZES step value AND fixed x values

 put trunc(abs(item 1 of last line of variablezxc-item
 1 of first line of variablezxc)/Nsteps) into v
   put  into Vsteps
   repeat with i=1 to Nsteps
 put item 1 of first line of variablezxc+(i*v) into
 item 1 of line i of Vsteps
   end repeat
   put item 1 of first line of variablezxc  cr before

WHOOOPS !!!  I didn't send the very last version...

The part of the handler quoted above should be replaced
with the following :

  put trunc(abs(item 1 of a-item 1 of d)/Nsteps) into v
  put 0 into n
  put  into Vsteps
  repeat with i=1 to Nsteps
put item 1 of a+(i*v) into item 1 of line i of Vsteps
  end repeat
  put a  cr before Vsteps

I just tested it and it works.
Sorry for the mistake,


metacard mailing list

Re: Importing ( streamlining) EPS

2003-06-06 Thread jbv

 Can you give us an example of this linear

At the end of this message you'll find the Bezier
handler I'm using. The linear interpolation works
although it's still a bit crude and needs some more
fine tuning.
I haven't had a look yet at the other approach you
mentioned in your last email, but if that new
solution is really computationally intensive,
I guess I'll stick with linear interpolation which
isn't too slow after all...

 By the way jbv, you made a demostration of openGL
 in MetaCard. Are you going to keep working in
 this demo? or Abandoned the idea?

Well, it's a long story. About 6 months ago, I was
planing to develop this openGL thing within a project
for a client. It seemed like a good opportunity to make
some applied research financed by a real life project.

Unfortunately, the client abandonned the project and I
found myself overflooded with other things to do and
had to put the idea on a shelf for a while.
Now I'm working on it at home in my spare time (using
Code Warrior on a Mac), and of course things have been
slowed down by several orders of magnitude. It's quite
irritating because it opens a fantastic new world...

Anyway, if anyone is willing to sponsor this research,
please contact me off-list...



on bezier
  global variablezxc,a,b,c,d,Vsteps
  put a cr b cr c cr d
  put the first item of a into x1 -- red dot the first item of the loc of
grc startpoint
  put the first item of d into x2 -- blue dot the first item of the loc of
grc endpoint
  put the first item of b into xa -- green dot the first item of the loc
of grc control1
  put the first item of c into xb -- yellow dot the first item of the loc
of grc control2
  put the second item of a into y1
  put the second item of d into y2
  put the second item of b into ya
  put the second item of c into yb

  put 20 into Nsteps
  put 0 into v1
  put(1/Nsteps)into j
  put  into n
  put  into nv

  Repeat with i = 1 TO Nsteps
put i*j into v1
put v1 into line i of n
put 1-v1 into v2
put v1*v1*v2 into v11
put v1*v2*v2 into v22
put(v2^3)into v3
put(v1^3)into v13

put (x1*v3+(3*xa*v22)+(3*xb*v11)+(x2*v13))into x
put (y1*v3+(3*ya*v22)+(3*yb*v11)+(y2*v13))into y
put x div 1,y div 1  return after variablezxc
  end repeat

  -- REMOVES similar successive pairs of values

  repeat with i=(number of lines of variablezxc) down to 2
if line i of variablezxc is not  then
  if line i of variablezxc = line i-1 of variablezxc then
delete line i of variablezxc
  end if
end if
  end repeat

  -- INITIALIZES step value AND fixed x values

  put trunc(abs(item 1 of last line of variablezxc-item 1 of first line of
variablezxc)/Nsteps) into v
  put  into Vsteps
  repeat with i=1 to Nsteps
put item 1 of first line of variablezxc+(i*v) into item 1 of line i of
  end repeat
  put item 1 of first line of variablezxc  cr before Vsteps

  -- COMPUTES linear interpolation on y values according to new x values

  repeat with j=1 to (number of lines of Vsteps)-1
repeat with i=1 to number of lines of variablezxc
  if item 1 of line i of Vsteps = item 1 of line j of variablezxc then

put item 2 of line i of variablezxc into item 2 of line i of
next repeat
if (item 1 of line i of Vsteps  item 1 of line j of variablezxc)
and (item 1 of line i of Vsteps  item 1 of line (j+1) of variablezxc)
  put item 1 of line j of variablezxc into x1
  put item 1 of line (j+1) of variablezxc into x2
  put item 2 of line j of variablezxc into y1
  put item 2 of line (j+1) of variablezxc into y2
  put trunc(y1+((y2-y1)*((item 1 of line i of
Vsteps-x1)/(x2-x1 into item 2 of line i of Vsteps
end if
  end if
end repeat
  end repeat
  put item 2 of last line of variablezxc into item 2 of last line of
  put Vsteps  cr  cr  variablezxc

end bezier

metacard mailing list

Re: Importing ( streamlining) EPS

2003-06-05 Thread jbv
BTW in the EPStoMetacard stack (I'm not sure
I'm using the last version though), and more
specifically in the bezier handler, is there a way
to modify the equations used to get x values (and
the corresponding y values) EQUALLY SPACED
on the x axis ?
Oviously, it has to do with the way v1 and v2 are
incremented in the loop, but my maths are too
limited to figure out how to do that...

I know I could use the handler as it is and then
perform linear interpolation, but I'd like to compute
the values on 1 single pass...


metacard mailing list

Compiling externals on Mac with Code Warrior

2003-06-05 Thread jbv
I managed to compile an external into a CODE
ressource and place it into, just as
indicated in the ReadMe file under system 9.

So I'm happy, but still have a practical question
though : if I modify the C source code and
recompile it, it seems that Code Warrior refuses
to simply replace the CODE ressource in
and crashes. I if remove the ressource with ResEdit
before re-compiling, it works.
Do I have to remove the CODE with ResEdit before
every new compilation ?
I can do it, but it looks like a real waste of time...
Is there a more easy way to develop an external and
test it ?


metacard mailing list

Re: Radical slowdown on one system

2003-03-14 Thread jbv


 When I run the WebMerge tutorial here on the slowest machine I have (Win 95,
 300MHz), it generates the tutoprial pages in 3.9 seconds.   I have a
 customer running Win98 on a 1.7GHz maxchine and the same files take 4
 minutes to process.(!)

Does your customer have things like Kazaa  installed
on his hard drive ?
One guy in our company recently experiencied major
slow down under XP and Photoshop, and spent the
whole day trying to figure out what had changed in
his settings, and it was only Kazaa users accessing
some files on his HD...


metacard mailing list

Re: Dumb sort question - Tanks Comments

2002-12-19 Thread jbv


Sorry for being so late on this topic, but last week has been
sort of hectic...

Anyway, thanks a lot for your suggestion.
I found the time to test it today : it works great but, like the other
script submitted by Jacqueline, it becomes rather slow when the
amount of data gets large...

Best regards,


 I'm sorry that I came in late on this, but here's a way to do it with a
 custom transposing function... it may not be fast enough, but adapt it to
 your data and give it a try and let us know your results:

 on mouseUp
 -- A sample line number to extract
 put 3 into theLineToGet
 put 1 into theItemNumberToSortBy

 -- Some sample data
 put b,d,c,a  cr  2,4,3,1  cr  B,D,C,A  cr  20,40,30,10
 into tVar

 -- Transpose the data
 put transposeIt(tVar) into temp

 -- Sort it
 sort lines of temp by item theItemNumberToSortBy of each

 -- extract line (column) of data, put it into a field
 put line theLineToGet of transposeIt(temp) into fld 1
   end if
 end mouseUp

 function transposeIt what
   -- assumes comma-delimited items and cr-delimited lines
   put  into returnVal
   put 1 into tItemCounter
   repeat for each line tLine in what
 put 1 into tLineCounter
 if tItemCounter = 1 then
   -- use replace for quick action on first line of data
   replace , with cr in tLine
   put tLine into returnVal
   repeat for each item i in tLine
 put , after line tLineCounter of returnVal
 put i after line tLineCounter of returnVal
 add 1 to tLineCounter
   end repeat
 end if
 add 1 to tItemCounter
   end repeat
   return returnVal
 end transposeIt

 Hope this helps,

 Ken Ray
 Sons of Thunder Software
 Web Site:

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 9:36 AM
 Subject: Re: Dumb sort question - Tanks  Comments

  Thank you all for your help  suggestions.
  Unfortunately, none of them helped solving
  my problem...
  Below you'll find a few more info on what
  I'm trying to do, comments on some suggestions
  and finally some feature requests for future versions
  of MC.
  Basically, I need to sort a variable featuring 5 lines
  with a max of 30,000 items each. The sort key could
  be any of the 5 lines, and after sorting I'd like to extract
  any line of the variable (get line 3 of myVariable) for
  further processing. The content of every item of every
  line can change / evolve continuously.
  When the variable is organized as 30,000 lines of 5 items
  each, sorting is a snap (less than 1 second), but then
  extracting 1 column is impossible...
  Jacqueline :
  Thanks for your script : it works great, but when the variable
  reaches 20,000 items per line, it becomes way too slow...
  Ray :
  Yes, the transpose function looks attracting, but unfortunately
  it only works on arrays. And once the array has been transposed,
  it seems impossible to extract 1 single line / row. I tried to put the
  content into a variable, but it remains stractured as an array...
  BTW, when the size of a 2 dimensions array reaches a certain limit
  (5 rows  20,000 column), I get the error message : can't transpose
  this array (or something similar), while it works fine with 5 rows and
  10,000 colums... Is it a bug ?
  Mr X :
  Yes, 1 of the Rinaldi externals does that perfectly, but doesn't run
  on Windoze...
  Andu and Tariel :
  Yes, being able to access arrays content via individual rows  columns
  would be a GREAT feature...
  I'd even dare to say that future versions of MC should implement most
  of the properties  functions associated with spreadsheets in OMO, but
  applied to arrays, which means :
  - the ability to split arrays vertically  horizontally
  - the ability to extract individual rows / colums
  - the ability to sort the content of an array according to sort keys
  could be individual rows / colums
  - a special find function that would work like in OMO spreadsheets :
  find rows of myTab where item 2  10
  would return a comma-separated list of numbers of rows for which
  this condition is true
  Actually, spreadsheets in OMO where 1 of the greatest tools I've ever
  used and I still miss them several years later...
  Of course, this would work on 1 or 2 dimension arrays; for 3 dimension
  arrays, things get more complex...
  metacard mailing list

 metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: MC front end to PostgreSQL

2002-12-19 Thread jbv

Pierre  Andu ,

 andu a écrit :

  When it comes to browsers they should be considered bugged when they work...
  I'd like to understand why people use javascript when they can do with
  plain html.

 Allo Andu,

 I agree with you. Most browser-side problems are happening in parsing
 ..js code.

Sorry folks, but I totally disagree with you...
Yes, parsing JS can be a problem sometimes (especially
between the same browser version running on different
platforms), but according to my humble experience, HTML
is much worse !!!
JS + CSS (actually DHTML) is the less painful solution...
Unless of course, your use of HTML is limited to forms...

As for Flash, I just can't understand why most ppl fall
in love with it... It's a totally self-contained environment that
can't interact with anything else on your webpage...
Furthermore, the scripting language is the most absurd thing
I've ever seen (although I must confess I don't have a long
experience with it : what I mostly do is trying to write a few
lines of script to help our graphic designer when he's facing
a critical situation); for instance, I never managed to create a
global variable in Flash...
Telling the truth, I'm seriously thinking of using SVG in the
future, coz I like the way it can be embeded in webpages and
interact with JS. And BTW did anyone notice that SVG has
been recommended by the W3C, and that they never mentioned
Flash ?

Last but not least : as for web-dedicated MC apps, I'm working
on a rather ambitious project that would combine cgi, DHTML
and MC (and a few other techniques).
The problem is with our client (and even with many ppl in the
company I'm working for) : the shift in the approach is so big
that they need a long time (much more than I expected actually)
to get used to it, before they take any decision...
The funny thing is that the main reason for the client to take
the plunge is when I say that in the long run, development
costs will be reduced (and in my company, it's the opposite :
it's a good reason to ignore my project and stick to the good
old webpages)...


metacard mailing list

Re: Dumb sort question - Tanks Comments

2002-12-08 Thread jbv
Thank you all for your help  suggestions.
Unfortunately, none of them helped solving
my problem...
Below you'll find a few more info on what
I'm trying to do, comments on some suggestions
and finally some feature requests for future versions
of MC.

Basically, I need to sort a variable featuring 5 lines
with a max of 30,000 items each. The sort key could
be any of the 5 lines, and after sorting I'd like to extract
any line of the variable (get line 3 of myVariable) for
further processing. The content of every item of every
line can change / evolve continuously.
When the variable is organized as 30,000 lines of 5 items
each, sorting is a snap (less than 1 second), but then
extracting 1 column is impossible...

Jacqueline :
Thanks for your script : it works great, but when the variable
reaches 20,000 items per line, it becomes way too slow...

Ray :
Yes, the transpose function looks attracting, but unfortunately
it only works on arrays. And once the array has been transposed,
it seems impossible to extract 1 single line / row. I tried to put the
content into a variable, but it remains stractured as an array...
BTW, when the size of a 2 dimensions array reaches a certain limit
(5 rows  20,000 column), I get the error message : can't transpose
this array (or something similar), while it works fine with 5 rows and
10,000 colums... Is it a bug ?

Mr X :
Yes, 1 of the Rinaldi externals does that perfectly, but doesn't run
on Windoze...

Andu and Tariel :
Yes, being able to access arrays content via individual rows  columns
would be a GREAT feature...
I'd even dare to say that future versions of MC should implement most
of the properties  functions associated with spreadsheets in OMO, but
applied to arrays, which means :
- the ability to split arrays vertically  horizontally
- the ability to extract individual rows / colums
- the ability to sort the content of an array according to sort keys
could be individual rows / colums
- a special find function that would work like in OMO spreadsheets :
find rows of myTab where item 2  10
would return a comma-separated list of numbers of rows for which
this condition is true

Actually, spreadsheets in OMO where 1 of the greatest tools I've ever
used and I still miss them several years later...
Of course, this would work on 1 or 2 dimension arrays; for 3 dimension
arrays, things get more complex...


metacard mailing list

MC on Apache and CGI

2002-12-08 Thread jbv
Hello again,

I have a rather odd request regarding the installation
of MC on a server running Apache for CGI applications,
both from standard web pages and from MC standlones.

MC has been installed on 2 of our servers several months
ago and I've used it successfully for a couple of projects
and everything works fine.
The question is NOT about how to use it, but how to

Let me explain : it had been installed by a guy who no
longer works with us, and I'm not an Apache wizzard.
Furthermore, there are plans to transfer the content of
our servers to the servers of a company who would
administrate everything for us (mainly for cost reduction).
Of course, ppl at that company never heard of MC and
are quite reluctant to install it on their machines...

So what I need is accurate info (from someone who already
installed it and uses it daily - Pierre ? ) about installation and
safety issues, mainly to convince those ppl...
I remember some posts on this list about the need of a wrapper
(to hinder hackers to take control of the server), and differences
between MC and Mchttpd, but am afraid I don't master these
subjects well enough to convince a Unix pro...

As I want to use MC for cgi in more and more projects, I'd
be very glad if someone could take a part of his time and explain
everything to me (or at least everything I need to know), on or
off list, it doesn't matter...
Or perhaps does anyone know of some company here in France
who already knows MC and is willing to have it installed on
their servers... It would make things easier...

Thanks in advance for your time  attention.


metacard mailing list

Re: MC on Apache and CGI

2002-12-08 Thread jbv


 It's, basicaly, two ways you can install mc to have it running behind

 1.- As a simple cgi engine : just drop the mc engine where you want (but
 not in a directory where any bad guy will expect to find it) and add the
 right path head your mc-cgi scripts, alike #!/the path/mc. Verify that
 the right permissions are ok to let the cgis lauchables by the mc engine
 and it will be ok.

That's what has been done (AFAIK) and it works OK.

Although your comments raise a few important questions that
I'll have to discuss with the UNIX guy :
- what is the best directory to drop the mc engine so that
no bad guy finds it ?
- and what can happen if any bad guy finds it ?
- is there anything specific that can be done (by a bad guy) with MC
as a simple cgi engine that can't be done with a php or perl engine ?
- does it have to do with the presence of a wrapper (I've seen
that word at times in articles / discussions about cgi engines) ?
- are there any safety measures to take to prevent that ?

And as for permissions : I know that the right permissions have
to be set to mc-cgi scripts and text files used by those scripts, but
have the feeling that there must be some specific other permissions to
set in the Apache configuration to allow mc-cgi scripts to be triggered
by external requests... If yes, can those permissions be set for one
domain name only ?

More on this issues, please...

Thanks a lot,

metacard mailing list

Dumb sort question

2002-12-04 Thread jbv
Hi everybody,

Sorting a variable made of various lines with several items
in each line with the sort command is easy :

sort lines of Myvariable by item 2 of each

But how can I sort a variable featuring 4 lines with several
hundreds of items in each, so that (for instance) items of
line 4 are sorted numeric ascending, and (that's important)
items of other lines being moved according to the new
position of each item of line 4 ?

For instance :
line 1 :b,d,c,a
line 2 :2,4,3,1

after sorting line 2, the content would become :
line 1 :a,b,c,d
line 2 :1,2,3,4

I have the feeling this can't be done in MC, while I remember
doing it in OMO using the spreadsheet control...

Thanks for any suggestion.

P.S. I need to do it FAST on large variables, therefore a repeat
loop won't do.

metacard mailing list

setregistry Windows registry question

2002-11-18 Thread jbv
Hi list,

How do I use setregistry when a key features more than 1 value ?

I'm somewhat puzzled coz after some web search, I found different
infos :
- some ppl say that the Windows registry should contain several
times the same entry with a different value for each
- others say that the same entry can contain multiple values
separated by a NULL (or space / coma) character and must be of
MULTI_SZ type...

Any specialist opinion ?

Can I use setregistery with a coma-separated list of items as
Value parameter ?


metacard mailing list

active app

2002-10-17 Thread jbv
Hi everyone,

Is there a way to know (by script)
when a standalone becomes the active
app in the foreground (on Windoze
 Mac) ?


metacard mailing list

Mouse keyboard tracking blues

2002-10-17 Thread jbv
Hi again,

I still have a problem when tracking mouse
 keyboard events on Windoze when a QT
movie is playing : all events are kind of buffered
and processed only when the movie has come
to its end...
It's rather disturbing, especially in apps where
users are allowed to grab moving objects while
movies are playing...
At first I thought that QT was sucking up all
processor power, but the same problem arises
under XP @ 1.2 GHz...
On Mac, everything goes perfect (at least 95%
of the time)...

Did anyone experience the same problem ?


metacard mailing list

odd-shaped cards

2002-10-04 Thread jbv

Hi folks,

The info slips my mind right now...
Could someone remind me which MC version
was the first to allow the use of a PNG img as
a source for non-rectangular  odd shaped cards,
and what is the name of the associated property ?

Thanks in advance,

metacard mailing list

MC openGL

2002-09-09 Thread jbv

Hi list,

The demo of an external / DLL bridging the gap
between MC and openGL is available at :

It should remain there for 1 or 2 weeks.
It's a 1.64 Mb zip archive, featuring a MC standalone
and a DLL. So far, it's only Win32 compatible.
Once unzipped, to run properly both files need to be
in the same directory.

It's actually a simple / crude demo with rotation, zoom,
texture mapping  blending. You can also load your own
texture (256 * 256 pixels file only).

Comments apreciated.


metacard mailing list

Re: MC openGL

2002-09-09 Thread jbv

Ken Ray wrote :

 What's the minimum requirements in your opinion to get decent performance?

Performance depends mostly on openGl code
(number of vertices, etc), not on the DLL itself
which only passes data to the openGL libraries.

The last few days we've been experimenting on
a K16 CPU at 300 MHz with about 12,000
vertices and are still getting decent performance...

Needless to say that with an accelerator board,
it's heaven on earth...


metacard mailing list

Re: slighty OT (and slighty stupid) : triggering events

2002-08-25 Thread jbv

 The only way i know to simulate this kind of stuffs under IPV4 is to use
 the server-side cgi or app to store some parameters in a server-side
 file witch can be tested by a on-idle alike command working on the
 client-side app. I never tested this successfully before in using a
 web-based app nor cgi-scripts but i got the expected good results in
 using this method to build a VPN on-line networked game app.

I've tested that method and it works.
The only problem is : as I can't test the parameter file on the server from

the client-side more than once every minute (or I'll take the risk to
overload the server), there's always a lag between the launch of the
server script (and update of the parameter file) and the client reaction...

I'd really like to reduce the lag as much as possible...

Thanks anyway,

metacard mailing list

Re: MC and openGL

2002-08-14 Thread jbv

 Well hot soup, that sounds like some good stuff.

 Screenshots, examples, anything would be interesting to see.  Is the
 speed really acceptable, and is it drawing this directly in a
 MetaCard window?

I'm somewhat more than busy right now finishing a couple of
CD-ROMs, and the guy with whom I'm working on this external
thingie is off for 2 weeks of vacation... So the project is on the shelf

right now, but we are planing to post a basic example in early sept.

In a few words : speed is really acceptable (at least with the simple
openGL code we've used in our tests so far), and if you get a 3D
accelerator board, it's openGL at its best...
What we are planing to do as soon as we can get back to the project,
is to optimize initializations so that it doesn't slow down execution.
The external is actually drawing inside a MC image, but of course
it is possible to resize the stack full screen, and the img as well...

   Hi JB (Jim Beam James Brown Jim Bo ? ;-)

 I'm guessing it's a girl, a very beautiful one at that, who is this
 JB, since she's being such a tease  ;-)

Well, I'm actually a bolding guy in his 40's - but everybody
(friends, colleagues, ex-girfriends...) have been calling me JB
for the last 30 years, so why change anything ?

JB (grin)

metacard mailing list

Re: MC and openGL

2002-08-14 Thread jbv

  Well, I'm actually a bolding guy in his 40's

 So, you were once meek, but are now getting bolder as you get older? :)

Yoop !

Balding guy, that's what I meant...


metacard mailing list

Still on the subject of emails

2002-07-10 Thread jbv

Hi all,

Is there a way, from within a MC script, to open the
default email client (I know how to do that) AND to
have a new email window automatically opened
WITH a certain file automatically attached to that
message ?

Or may be is there a way to do that with the SMPT
protocol with libURL (I've been too busy lately to
check the latest developments of libURL)...


metacard mailing list

mouse tracking blues

2002-07-09 Thread jbv

Hi list,

First I want to point out that I've read the archives
and am aware of Scott's advice to not use a repeat
loop inside a mousedown handler, but to use
mousemove / mouserelease instead.

However, I'm facing a problem for which using
a repeat loop inside a mousedown seems to be the
only solution, and of course I met the problem of
the mouseup event not being trapped by my script.

In a few words, when the mouse is down on an image
(very large one, like a panoramic) the image is supposed
to scroll back  forth horizontally according to the position
of the mouse relative to the loc of that image, the scroll speed
being proportional to the distance between the mouseloc and
the loc of the image (actually like in a QTVR).
So I used the following script :

on mousedown
  repeat until the mouse is up
  show img 1 at max(-633,min(1432,(item 1 of loc of img
1 of the mouseloc)-400)/10,300
  end repeat
end mousedown

It works great (very smooth scrolling), except that the up
position of the mouse isn't recognized about 15% of the
time, and the img keeps scrolling even when the mouse btn
has been released.
It is obvious that I can't use mousemove, since the image must
keep scrolling even when the mouse isn't moving, as long
as it is down.

I tried to use mousestilldown (which is a loop by itself) :

on mousestilldown
  show img 1 at max(-633,min(1432,(item 1 of loc of img
1 of the mouseloc)-400)/10,300
end mousestilldown

It works (the release of the mouse btn is always detected),
although the scrolling effect isn't smooth at all...

If anyone has a brilliant idea for a possible solution,
I thank him / her in advance...


metacard mailing list

Re: mouse tracking blues

2002-07-09 Thread jbv

I already tried that : problem was the same.


I used
a procedure similar to this once but instead of:

 repeat until the mouse
is up

I used:

 repeat while the mouse
is down

I do not recall ever experiencing
a problem with it not stopping to scroll. You might try that just
to see if it makes a difference.

Philip Chumbley

Feature request (was: converting EPS to MetaCard poligons)

2002-05-28 Thread jbv

I made a couple of small improvements to the
bezier handler (see code below) :

1) the number of steps for the bezier curve
is stored in a variable Nsteps

2) successive duplicates in the list of points
for the graphic are removed

Anyway, I tried to modify / increase the # of
steps for the bezier, but it doesn't change much :
the design is only slightly smoothed when going
from 50 to 200 steps !!!

So here's the request : in a future MC version,
could we have antialiasing on graphics, that also
works when graphics are resized ?



on bezier
  global variablezxc,a,b,c,d
  put the first item of a into x1
  put the first item of d into x2
  put the first item of b into xa
  put the first item of c into xb
  put the second item of a into y1
  put the second item of d into y2
  put the second item of b into ya
  put the second item of c into yb

  put 100 into Nsteps
  put 0 into v1
  Repeat with i = 1 TO Nsteps
put i*(1/Nsteps)into v1
put 1-v1 into v2
put (x1*(v2^3)+(3*xa*v1*v2*v2)+(3*xb*v1*v1*v2)+(x2*(v1^3)))into x
put (y1*(v2^3)+(3*ya*v1*v2*v2)+(3*yb*v1*v1*v2)+(y2*(v1^3)))into y
put x div 1,y div 1  return after variablezxc
  end repeat

  repeat with i=(number of lines of variablezxc) down to 2
if line i of variablezxc is not  then
  if line i of variablezxc = line i-1 of variablezxc then
delete line i of variablezxc
  end if
end if
  end repeat

  put variablezxc into msg
  -- set the points of grc bezier1 to variablezxc
end bezier

metacard mailing list

Re: converting EPS to MetaCard poligons

2002-05-27 Thread jbv

Very interesting  promising attempt.

The problem however seems to be aliasing
of the rendered graphics.
Is there any way to improve that ?
I didn't have much time to spend on this,
so I simply tried to increase the number
of steps in the Bezier computation, but
the final graphic gets all messed up when
the # of steps is different from 100.

Anyway to improve that ?


 Hello, to every member in the list.

 This time, I've experiment a bit with
 math and beziers and the result is a rough
 importer of eps graphics to metacard:

 These poligonal objects could be useful in
 some cases. There is wide room for improvement
 in these trial, so feel free to add your own
 math and programming skills to this first intent.


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metacard mailing list

Re: Remove HTML function

2002-05-18 Thread jbv

  Does anyone have a script to removing HTML from a string/chunk/whole file?

I think the following is safer, coz I've often seen javascript code
after the body :

function html2text htmlRaw
  # trim all html tag
  put offset(body,htmlRaw) into bodyStart
  if bodyStart  0 then
delete char 1 to (bodyStart -1) of htmlRaw
  end if

  put offset(/body,htmlRaw) into bodyEnd
  if bodyEnd  0 then
put char 1 to (bodyEnd -1) of htmlRaw into htmlRaw
  end if

  replace br with cr in htmlRaw
  replace p with cr in htmlRaw
put offset(,htmlRaw) into sTag
if sTag = 0 then exit repeat
put offset(,htmlRaw) into eTag
delete char sTag to eTag of htmlRaw
  end repeat
  return htmlRaw
end html2text


metacard mailing list

Re: script limits

2002-05-16 Thread jbv

 Nice to know you're thinking ahead, Scott -- I can hardly wait to get started 
writing systems with multiple gigabyte-plus scripts! ;-)

I was wondering : when compared to my projects made with
HC and OMO between 1987 and 96, the size of my current
projects under MC has increased (mainly due to all the pix,
sounds  QT movies).
But does the size of scripts increase as well ? With all the
build-in functions, it's often possible to use 1 single line
of code for what took a whole handler several years ago...
I remember writing scripts 32 kbytes long in OMO, when
a few kbytes are enough today, and for projects of similar
(and even greater) complexity...
Do you folks share the same experience ?

One last question (from the devil's advocate) : does MC
really features the right tools to write (and debug) several
GB of script ?


metacard mailing list

Re: Comparing big lists

2002-04-27 Thread jbv

I'm wondering : what is the most expensive ?

Is it lineoffset, or is it :
put j  tab  line thisLine of bigList   return after mergedList

I vaguely recall some discussion about adding new lines at the end of
a variable inside a loop, and the loop getting slower  slower...
I'm even pretty sure it was already a problem in HC and/or in OMO...

Anyone ?


metacard mailing list

Question to Scott (was : MC openGL)

2002-04-17 Thread jbv


After the enthusiasm triggered by my suggestion to have
built-in access to openGL, I am wondering :
is there any chance to see that feature added to MC in a
near future, or is it wiser to start working on a DLL /
external ?


metacard mailing list

MC openGL

2002-04-12 Thread jbv

Hi list,

Has anyone tried to build a DLL/external to link
MC with openGL ?
The idea is pretty straightforward : one should be
able to call openGL functions and have the result
displayed in the standard mc window.

I really need this feature for a project I'm working
on at the moment, so any link / pointer / suggestion
is welcome.

BTW, since MC  openGL are both multi-platforms
compatible, could it be a feature request to have basic
openGL compatibility in future mc releases, just like
we already have QT compatibility ?


metacard mailing list

Re: Memory usage

2002-04-06 Thread jbv


 Please, don't speak or think like that. There are no differences, betwin
 boys and girls, in the logical abilities scope. Don't listen for the
 ones that says or think otherwise ;-)

Agreed : quite often, boys can get as stupid as girls...;-)


metacard mailing list

metacard cgi - example

2002-04-01 Thread jbv

Sorry if I'm late on this thread.

Shortly, here's what I'm presently doing with mc cgi.

There's a rally going on in the desert of south Marocco
(for more detail :

Each vehicle features a GPS system. GPS data are sent via
satellite, then via email (as attached data files) to 1 of our
servers. When an email is received, it triggers a mc cgi script.
That script decodes the GPS data (longitude / latitude / time)
into x/y values, and updates the content of one of the HTML
files of the website. GPS data are updated every 30 minutes,
and they accumulate in the file.

in french :

in english :

best with IE5+

On the other hand, one of the crew members (in charge of security),
is in the desert in a 4WD with a laptop and a satellite cellular
phone. Since he needs to keep track of the position of each vehicule in
real time, and since connecting to the web would be too slow  too
expensive, we have set up the following system : his laptop HD
features a duplicate of the website. The mc script on our server,
when receiving GPS positions via email, also generates a small txt
file (about 500 bytes) featuring the latest positions (X/Y pixels
values). On the laptop HD I have also installed a small app (made
with MC of course) that :
- opens the connection through the cellular phone
- downloads the small txt file (with a simple get URL)
- updates the HTML file on the HD (just like the script does on
the server)
- launches the default browser
- opens the updated file in the browser window,
- converts the XY pixel values into longitude / latitude format
and saves it on the HD as a separate HTML table file that can be
in a pop-up window inside the page automatically opened in the

In other words, with nothing more than a double-click and a few
seconds of waiting, the guy gets the latest positions of all
vehicles on a graphic interface in the middle of the desert.

of course, this small app uses a very similar script as the one
on the server, and it didn't take more than a few hrs to make it.
Needless to say that being able to use the same code for both
purposes was really apreciated !!!


metacard mailing list

Re: Alias on desktop

2002-03-12 Thread jbv

andu :

 create alias x to file y

Well, I tried that already, but sadly it doesn't work...
Actually, it does create a file on the desktop, but the
target of the alias / shortcut is missing, and when
I doubleclick on it nothing happens (at least on Win98).
What am I doing wrong ?


metacard mailing list

Alias on desktop

2002-03-10 Thread jbv


I am writing for a client an installation procedure
to install a MC standalone + the data folder from
a CDROM to the end user HD (on Windows).
The client also wants an alias to be automatically
installed on the desktop.
How can this be done from a MC script ?


metacard mailing list

Suggestions please...

2002-02-09 Thread jbv

Hi folks,

I'm presently working on a project for which I'd like to
get some suggestions (at least for 1 part of it)...

Emails will be received several times a day at a specific
address. Each email will feature an attached file (actually
a tab-return set of data).
What I need to do is : every time a new email arrives,
AUTOMATICALLY save the attached file in a specific directory
(always the same) as a binary file, and then trigger a MChttpd
CGI script that will process that file and update several HTML
files according to the data received by email.
The whole thing will be installed on a server running Apache.

I have already investigated the problem and have found a couple
of solutions, although I'm open to your best suggestions...

Thanks in advance.

metacard mailing list

Re: Window Shape/Style

2002-01-12 Thread jbv

Check this :


metacard mailing list

Re: save

2002-01-09 Thread jbv

Phil Davis :

 (To test it, you could add a beep or 'put CLOSING ' statement in the handler and 
see if anything new happens upon close.)

Although it's a clever suggestion, I find it quite funny (and refreshing) that ppl
use statements as simple as beep to check if anything happens...
Jus like in good old  early days of Hypercard...


P.S. : I do that myself quite often, and it's one of the best debugging tool I know...

metacard mailing list

Restart a Mac

2002-01-09 Thread jbv

How can I restart a Mac from within a MC script ?

Should I use applevents, and send quit to the Finder
or something similar ?


metacard mailing list

Screen saver

2001-12-15 Thread jbv

Hi list,

I already posted that question a few months ago, but am
wondering if anyone has done any new experiments in
that field : I'm working on the idea of a web app made of
a MC standalone, but because of the content  purpose
of that app, re-shaping it as a screen saver would be
much cooler...

I know there are several utilities (like screentime) to make
screensavers from QT, Flash or Director files. But what
about MC ?

The main idea behind my project would be to have the
app download the latest version of a data file somewhere
on the web everytime it launches, and have the display
contents automatically modified accordingly...

Thanks for any suggestion...


metacard mailing list

Re: Decouple a Launched App (was Autoplay a CD)

2001-11-19 Thread jbv

 If your software/delivery package can accommodate an extra 1.3MB or so,
 there is indeed a workaround.  The concept is to create a standalone
 launcher app which handles your launching and then shuts down.  The launch
 process looks something like this:

 Your App -- Launcher App -- Browser (or other application)

 Using this technique it is possible to decouple the launched application
 from your stack.

 This behavior has bugged me ever since I started MC to launch external
 applications.  Thanks to list member JBV (sorry, I don't know this person's
 name) I've built out a workaround over the last few weeks that seems to be
 flexible and reliable.  This also handles a number of real world problems
 that occur when faced with browsers other than IE and NC.

Just a couple of remarks :

1) this problem (an app being shut down with the app that launched it)
occurs under Windows only : on Mac (and AFAIK on Linux) too, the
launcher quits but the launched app keeps running.

2) the workaround works with all sorts of apps (not only browsers).
For instance, I'm using it for a few months to launch the QT installer.

3) in your app script (after launching the launcher app), I strongly
recommend to add the following line :
wait 1000
before quitting. Indeed, you need to make sure that the launcher app
has the time to start and launch the other app (I've met some problems
a couple of times).

 The only drawback
 is the additional 1+ MB file required, which can be a lot in the case of
 downloadable stacks/apps.

Yep, it's a bit of a waste to have to built a 1.3 Mb standalone just
to run a few lines of script.
IMHO this shows that the suggestion I posted a couple of months
ago made some sense... That suggestion was that MC, when building
the standalone, would add to the file only those parts of the MC engine
actually used by the app. I guess it requires the MC engine to be split
into some kind of librairies, and to be smart enough to analyze the
scripts  the app structure to decide what's useful and what's not...
I don't know if that's feasable (or if it requires MC to be re-written
from scratch), but in the case of web applications (in which you often
make heavy use of only a small set of functions - like in chat apps), it's
quite difficult to ask ppl to download 1+ Mb (even if it can be reduced
to 700 Kb when zipped). The extra Kb could be better used for sophisticated
artwork, etc.


Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Drawing lines

2001-11-11 Thread jbv

Hi list,

I need to draw a line 'on the fly' between 2 points whose
coordinates x,y will appear at random on a card.

At first I thought I could use a graphic control : it works
very well except for graphic quality : aliasing produces ugly
lines that don't fit with the rest of the graphics on the card.

Could anyone be kind enough to point me at an alternative
solution ?


Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

(surprising) memory management

2001-09-27 Thread jbv

Hi folks,

I completed yesterday (evening late)  a big project with
several stacks featuring lots of imported graphics etc on 2.3.

The whole thing weights 30 Mb as a standalone.
It features several stacks (only 1 opened at a time, destroy
stack on close selected on each stack etc...).

Everything runs OK on Win with 64 Mb.
But on Mac I end up with a standalone that requires 30 Mb
(which is normal), but also a suggested maximum RAM space of
70 Mb !!!

Furthermore, once launched, it occupies 70 Mb of RAM space
(only 40 Mb if I reduce the max RAM space, and still works OK);
but the RAM space used by the Mac system itself is increased by
30 Mb 

For that reason, the app launches ONLY on Macs with MORE
than 128 Mb of RAM !!!

Any explanation for this ?


Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

open process quit

2001-09-27 Thread jbv

Hi again folks,

Some of you might remember the question I asked
about 12 days ago about opening processes under

I made some more investigations on this topic, and
it looks like on Mac, processes can be opened (and
apps launched) by a MC standalone, and when it
quits, all apps  processes remain open.

OTOH on Win, things are different : a MC standalone
kills all processes it opened (and all apps it launched)
when quiting (or closing).
For instance, if your standalone opens a browser or
another standalone, everything will quit when your
standalone quits or is closed.

Fortunately, there's a workaround for this problem.
Actually, I needed to detect the presence of QT during
a preopenstack, then launch QTinstaller if no QT and
quit the stack. Of course, QTinstaller would quit shortly
after launching, when the calling MC app would quit.

Here's what I did : I built another (small) standalone
that just launches QTinstaller on openstack.
This new standalone is launched by the main MC app
on preopenstack.
The idea looks like this :
App1 --  App2  --  QTinstall

And the script in App1 :
on preopenstack
get QTversion()
if = 0 then launch App2
wait 500

When App1 quits, it also quits App2, but NOT the
process opened by App2 (QTinstaller in that case).

Finally, when QT installation is over, App1  App2
have quit long time ago (and in a very clean manner).

I would apreciate is anyone has comments and/or
similar experience to share on this topic...


Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Re: More Quicktime problems

2001-09-22 Thread jbv

Ken Ray a écrit:

 Did you set the lockLocationi of the player object to true?

I tried both options (true  false), among many other things
(like setting the filename of the player, as well as its height 
width every time I want to start it), but problem remains...

BTW I forgot to mention that problem occurs not only with
.mov files, but also with .swf...


Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

More Quicktime problems

2001-09-21 Thread jbv

Hi people,

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who offered
solutions to my previous questions.

Now I'm meeting a problem with QT movies in 2.4 :
players get shrinked in height. Here's what I mean :
if I have a player of 320 (w) x 240 (h)
with the filename set by script to a .MOV file,
as soon as the start player 1 command runs, player
runs OK, but its size becomes 320 x 225.
And height gets 15 pixels smaller every time player
starts, unless I put the comand line :
set height of player 1 to 240
before starting it. In that case, size is 320 x 225 every
time it starts.
This happens on Mac OS9 and Win98.

This is quite embarassing, because I'm working on a
project with lots of videos and graphic transparencies
(with PNG).
If I can't use MC 2.4 because of the player problem,
I'll have to go back to 2.3 and forget all the transparencies...
And then deliver a final product of lower quality...

Any idea / suggestion ?


Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Well, just another URGENT question

2001-09-13 Thread jbv

And hopefully the last one, as the CD-ROM I'm working on
is planed to go to duplication plant on monday...

Here's the problem :
I have 2 standalones, actually the french  english versions of the
same app (FR.EXE and UK.EXE), both in the same directory
(at top level of the CD-ROM).

I want the end user to be able to switch between both with 1 single
click. In other words, both apps should never run simultaneously.

So I'm using the following script :

on mouseUp
get pathname  UK.EXE
open process it
close this stack

The pathname is OK. This works on Mac, but on Windows I'm
meeting some problems.
When I run the app as an MC stack (from the MC application),
it works (I mean : if I open FR.MC in MC and run the script
open process F:/UK.EXE
it works OK.

But as soon as FR.MC is converted into a standalone (FR.EXE),
it doesn't work : open process... doesn't work, but close this stack

works OK.
All .MC and .EXE are in the same directory, so I don't think it's a
directory problem...

I'm sure I missed something, but what ?

Thank you all.


Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Opening substacks as invisible

2001-09-11 Thread jbv


How can I open a substack, rearrange (by script) various controls
on it, and then print it, without ever disokaying it on screen ?

Is there any special parameter associated with the open stack
command that I missed ?


Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

A few URGENT questions - Thanks

2001-09-10 Thread jbv

Hi people,

I have a few VERY URGENT questions - sorry for being so

I am finishing an MC app (2.3.2) that will run on Mac  Win
and will be distributed on a CD-ROM.


At the some point, the app will need to launch the default browser
to open an HTML file located on one of the local volumes (CD-ROM
or HD).

On Windows, I can get the default browser by checking :

get queryRegistry(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http\shell\open\command\)

and on Mac, I can launch the defaut browser with the following line :

send http: to program Finder with GURLGURL

BUT how can I open the HTML file on a local volume ? In other words,
how can I get the filepath of the browser app that has just been
launched ?
Or the list of the currently opened apps (without using an external...)


On Mac, when launching the local defaut mail client with the line :

send mailto:;  [EMAIL PROTECTED] to program Finder with GURLGURL

how can I fill other fields (like CC: or body) within the same command ?

Same question for Windows.


how can I get the mail server name / IP used by the local defaut email
client ?

Thank you so much for your time.

P.S. : I know that some (if not all) of the above issues could be
adressed /
bypassed by using MC 2.4, but I'm running out of time to switch to the

P.S. 2 : thanks a lot to all people who offered solutions to my sending
request of last week...

Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Sending emails

2001-08-31 Thread jbv

Hi List (2),

I'm finishing an app with 2.3.2 that will ship on CD-ROM
and is supposed to send emails (among other things).

I was thinking of using the POST command to send request
to a script somewhere on one of our servers (Perl or MChttpd)
that would forward the email to the right addresses...
AFAIR, MC2.3.2 doesn't support SMTP.

Any better idea ?


Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

MC 2.4 final release - when ?

2001-08-31 Thread jbv

Hi list,

Any idea of when final release for MC 2.4 will be available ?

I'm asking because I have a project that will require heavy use of
images with full transparency, and only 2.4 supports this.
Due to tight production schedule, if I have to simulate this on
2.3.2, I need to start the work right now, due to the huge amount
of work...
If 2.4 gets available sometimes in september, that will save me
quite a lot of work...


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Flickering problem with a stack

2001-08-31 Thread jbv

Hi List (3),

I have a problem with a stack I'm finishing on 2.3.2 (Mac) :

I have a jpeg image on layer 1, and on top of that
(layer 2) a group made of various images  transparent
buttons performing rollovers  card selections.

The problem is : when the mouse rolls over the
transp. btns, rollovers  clicks run OK, but random portions
of the image on layer 1 flicker. Problem remains when the app
runs as a standalone.
The strange part is that in MC, when I select the edit tool and
select 1 element of the card (any element actually) without
editing it, and then select browse tool, problem disapears.

Is it a known problem, or a bug, or is my stack corrupted ?


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Re: Sending emails

2001-08-31 Thread jbv


 Sure - use the computer's native email client, as in:

Thanks for the idea, but it crossed my mind already, and
it doesn't really suits my needs : in that case the end user needs to write
emails by himself...
The app is a kind of catalog in which the user chooses various
items and then his choice is automatically emailed to the right
person and in the right format, according to the user's location...
The less the user has to write, the better...


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Re: Flickering problem with a stack

2001-08-31 Thread jbv


Yes, I forgot to tell : all images are imported into the stack and the
always buffer property is set for all images.

The only thing I don't understand is the fact that when I select any
just once with the select tool and then go back to browse tool, problem
disapears... The bas side of the story is that I can't do that when the
stack runs
as a standalone...


 Have you tried setting the always buffer property of your stack? That
 should reduce flickering.


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Re: Flickering problem with a stack

2001-08-31 Thread jbv

Ken ,

Yes, I've tried that already and it doesn't help much...

Actually, IMHO it doesn't look like a simple redraw issue.
As I wrote before, random portions of the image on layer 1
Replacing  re-importing that image didn't change anything...

I'm starting to think seriously that my stack is corrupted...


 That sounds like a redraw issue. Have you tried doing a lock screen/unlock
 screen combo? That usually forces a redraw and it might do the trick.

 Ken Ray
 Sons of Thunder Software
 Web Site:
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 4:48 PM
 Subject: Flickering problem with a stack

  Hi List (3),
  I have a problem with a stack I'm finishing on 2.3.2 (Mac) :
  I have a jpeg image on layer 1, and on top of that
  (layer 2) a group made of various images  transparent
  buttons performing rollovers  card selections.
  The problem is : when the mouse rolls over the
  transp. btns, rollovers  clicks run OK, but random portions
  of the image on layer 1 flicker. Problem remains when the app
  runs as a standalone.
  The strange part is that in MC, when I select the edit tool and
  select 1 element of the card (any element actually) without
  editing it, and then select browse tool, problem disapears.
  Is it a known problem, or a bug, or is my stack corrupted ?
  Please send bug reports to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

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Mousestilldown palette

2001-08-01 Thread jbv


I have a problem with preventing Mousestilldown message
to be passed from a palette to the stack.
Whatever I do (like putting on Mousestilldown / end
Mousestilldown handlers in the buttons, cards  stack scripts
of the palette) the message is always passed to the stack (the one
calling the palette).The strange thing is that message blocking
works for other messages (mousedown, mouseup, etc.)...

Any idea ?

And BTW, when saving a stack as a standalone, how should
palettes be saved : as substacks of the main stack within the same
standalone, or as standalones of their own ?

Thanks, as usual.


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cookie info libURL

2001-07-30 Thread jbv


I'm trying to find a way to get the info relative to cookies
passed by a cgi server in the header of an HTML document.

for instance :

Set-Cookie: CUSTOMER=WILE_E_COYOTE; path=/; expires=Wednesday, 09-Nov-99

23:12:40 GMT

As far as I understand, when I run
get URL
in MC 2.3.2 I can't intercept the content of the header.

But MC 2.4 allows that, with the help of libURL. Right ?

Anyway, I still don't understand everything relative to
the handlers in libURL, especially getFormat, which seems
to be able to do what I want.

Could anyone give me a hint on how exactly use that handler
to get the header in a variable ?



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Re: CrossPlatform

2001-07-26 Thread jbv


 I've created a stack on my Mac to keep track of the editions of my wife's
 bronze sculpture. Cross town the gallery is PC, is there any way to get my
 stack to run on their PC without creating a standalone?

 Nelson Zink

In theory (and in practice), if they download the right version of the MC
Starter Kit, they'll be able to run your stack.
This trick works for Linux too.


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Re: Crash report - pt 2

2001-07-24 Thread jbv

Hi guys,

Sorry to bother you again with the same thread, but I made
some more discoveries on the topic of on-the-fly grouping /

As described before, I have 50 images that can be grouped /
ungrouped in various ways.

If I run the following script :
group image id 1430
set name of grp 1 to sel
ungroup group sel

I end up with an empty list in the groupnames, which is 100%

But then, when I run the following line :
group image id 1450

I get a new version of group 1 (which is what I expect), but
if I check the content of the groupnames, surprise : the name of
group 1 is automatically set to sel, without running the line :
set name of grp 1 to sel

Needless to say that it's a bit disturbing...

So if you adress groups by # instead of id, you can get several
groups with the same name, and in certain conditions it might
cause MC to crash.

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Re: Set bordercolor

2001-07-20 Thread jbv

 At 12:55 AM -0700 7/20/2001, jbv wrote:
 I'm also having problems changing bordercolor
 of images...

 The color of image borders is inherited. (The bordercolor of an image does
 something else, it's determined by the image's palette data.) So you need
 to set the borderColor of the card/stack/group the image is part of.

Fine. But what if I want a different borderColor for each image
on a card ?


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Groups again

2001-07-17 Thread jbv

Today I've been playing with groups in MC and found
it quite frustrating, for 2 main reasons (if I missed
anything please MC gurus enlighten me) :

- the only way to group controls is to select them first,
which makes grouping/ungrouping on the fly via script
quite cumbersome : you need to set the selected of each
control to true, then group, then set the selected of all
controls back to false. And if you don't wznt your controls
to be selected on screen during the process, you have to
perform a lock screen / unlock screen...
Frankly, I miss the groups in OMO where you could group
any number of objects by simply listing them in a variable
(the same kind of list that you get with the selectedobjects)...
The good side of it was that the same object could be part
of different groups at the same time...

- it looks like grouping controls changes the numbering of
those controls : for instance I have 50 images on screen and
the user can select any of them (like image 12 to 25 and 37
to 42) and they're supposed to get automatically grouped.
What happens is that all images being in a group are
re-numbered ! Therefore I had no choice but to change
my scripts and use the id instead...
Is there any *good* reason for that kind of behavior ?

Thanks. JB

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Re: MC vs. Panorama

2001-07-13 Thread jbv


 Some years ago I developped a relational database that was faster than
 There were about 70 records... FMP just chocked on it. HC stacks choked
 12 MBs of data where in...

 The trick was to split the interface/engine from the records which were in
 turn split
 into categories/levels, where any category was another stack.

 This keeps the searches real fast. The smaller the file, the better...

 Secondly, I knew already where the categories to be searched were so I had a
 of doubly linked references between records. This allowed to browse the
 database at
 any point in seconds (Filemaker too over 15 minutes PER search)... This is
 computer science... Search for binary trees, etc... doubly-linked records...

 It's all in how you design your database... Access times were all under 2
 even from the cd media!

 The reverse of the medal was that importing the records and linking the
 records took
 over 3 days of work non-stop on a Mac 8500 with HC 241. But it doesn't mean
 a real time program couldn't do it real fast. MC being much faster will also

Yes, this is exactly the kind of trick I used in my recent experiments :
splitting the data into numerous text files, multiple indexing, etc...

The only problem is when you offer this kind of solution to a client :
if you mention Access and ASP (for instance), most ppl in the internet /
CD-ROM biz will take you seriously.
But if you start the kind of above description, you'll just look like a
weird hacker and will probably loose the client...


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Re: MC vs. Panorama

2001-07-12 Thread jbv

Robert Brenstein :

 I just read that Panorama recently released v4.0 (see
 Given that both MC and Panorama are RAM-based, anyone have insights into why
 building databases in native MC is discouraged?

 I am not an expert but you are looking at apples and oranges. You can
 build small databases in MC with no problems, but I think that the
 card paradigm does not work well for large databases (like millions
 of records).

Indeed. But if you consider using external txt files for storing
the database records, with sophisticated indexing, it may be

According to some experiments I did lately, using lineoffset,
itemoffset and some (rather sophisticated) indexing, I found
that elements can be retrieved quite fast (0.5 to 1.5 second)
among a list of 2000 to 1 records.
Actually performances  limits vary according to the type
 complexity of the data... And 1 being the upper
limit.Most likely 5000 records is an acceptable compromise.

One problem is the native MC sort command which is
rather slow. But I guess that using an external could make
things easier...


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2001-07-12 Thread jbv

Hi guys,

can an object (btn, fld, image, etc) be part of different
groups simultaneously ?



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2001-07-12 Thread jbv

Hi again,

I'm trying to find a graphic format to import in
an image object in MC that doesn't mess up with
transparency (in 8 bits on the alpha channel).

I tried PNG and GIF, but it seems that those
formats include transparency on 1 bit only.

The ideal thing would be to import Photoshop
files, like in Director...

Any idea and / or experience on that topic ?



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Hardware key protection

2001-07-02 Thread jbv


Has anyone already tried to implement a hardware key
protection (dongle) with a MC standalone ?



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MChttp and stdin buffer size

2001-06-25 Thread jbv

Hi list,

We have MChttp installed on our local mail server
running Apache, and I've been doing various
client / server tests and scripts.

Everything works fine  fast, except that I noticed
that long cgi requests using POST method from a
browser get truncated...
My script use the following command :
read from stdin until empty

I asked the sysop, and indeed there seems to be
a buffer of 1024 chars under Unix for the use
of stdin in the command shell...

Could this be a limitation of MChttp ?
And, if yes, is there a way to bypass it for long
cig requests featuring a large number of parameters
and uploading files ?



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