RE: MD A fifth quality level?

2001-06-29 Thread Stephen Devlin

Hi Platt
The Aharonov-Bohm Effect 
In classical mechanics the motion of a charged particle is not affected by
the presence  of magnetic fields in regions from which the particle is
excluded. The motion of classical particles emitted by the source S is not
affected by the magnetic field B because the particles can not enter the
region of space where the magnetic field is present. For a quantum charged
particle there can be an observable phase shift in the interference pattern
recorded at the detector D. This phase shift results from the fact that
although the magnetic field is zero in the space accessible to the particle,
the associated vector potential is not. The phase shift depends on the flux
enclosed by the two alternative sets of paths a and b. But the overall
envelope of the diffraction pattern is not displaced indicating that no
classical magnetic force acts on the particles. The Aharonov-Bohm effect
demonstrates that the electromagnetic potentials, rather than the electric
and magnetic fields, are the fundamental quantities in quantum mechanics. 

The Aharonov-Bohm Effect 

AB showed that one of the results of elementary quantum theory is that
there are physical effects on charged particles in regions in which the
electromagnetic field is nonexistant. The controversial features of the AB
effect concern its interpretation; there is no disagreement as to the effect
itself. The interpretation problem arises because the charge particles are
influenced although they always move in field free regions. Hence the key
question of the AB effect concerns localization and action-at-a-distance. AB
claimed a special significance for the electromagnetic potentials because
they are non-zero 'where the action is,' whereas the fields are zero in the
regions to which the charged particles are confined. 

 I must have missed the great debate on this topic, because IMHO Bohm's work
(in several areas) is of direct relevance i will piece together something on
this and post it, it may take a bit of time. There are a few books that Bohm
has written that have what i can only describe as a physical description of
dynamic quality, if you have the time try Wholeness and the Implicate Order
, and also Thought as a System, anyone who reads them will see what I mean,
there are a few others here who have and do. Bohm's opinions on how science
is carried out and how the SOM is not neccessarily the best approach mirror
Pirsigs comments in Zamm, after Poincare and Sidis i would be surprised but
not shocked if RMP had not heard of the chaps work, they do take different
approaches but they are covering the same terrain and seeing the same
features,bye for now, Stephen
-Original Message-
From: Platt Holden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 28 June 2001 20:26
Subject: RE: MD A fifth quality level?

Hi Stephen Devlin:

   The intellect likes hierarchies, boxes, tables and further abstractions
 but the Anahorov-Bohm effect (experimentally verified) is showing that
 matter is aware of its surroundings thus showing that there is an
 interrelationship that the present MOQ hierarchy doesn't address.

It's been experimentally verified that atoms are aware? That's news to 
me and I'm sure to others who participated recently on this site in a 
great debate on that very subject with some saying no way and others 
saying by all means or otherwise the MOQ falls apart. 

Could you elaborate on the Anahorov-Bohn effect and its verification? 


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RE: MD A fifth quality level?

2001-06-29 Thread Platt Holden

Hi Stephen:

Many thanks for the explanation of the Aharonov-Bohm effect. As I 
understand it, Bohm rejected the idea that an observer was necessary 
for quantum effects to take place, ruling out mind or consciousness as 
playing any role at that level. The question then arises, How could DQ 
have influenced quantum particles during the beginnings of the 
Universe in the absence of some form of awareness on their part, 
however slight? 

I look forward to your relating Bohm's theories to the MOQ and a 
possible physical description of Dynamic Quality. The less techinical, 
the better. (-:


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Re: MD A fifth quality level?

2001-06-29 Thread skutvik

Hi Squonk and Discussers.

You said: 
 Quality relieved me of all that science stuff also. 
 I came to realise that science is a creative activity; a quality
 activity — and high quality at that. But the static patterns a high
 quality creative activity generates is not the whole of reality is it?
 Not even a MOQ does that! 

This your last post impressed me greatly and I must be careful not 
to add any uncalled for buts. The only remark here is that if a 
metaphysics is what Pirsig defines it: the most basic template of 
reality (and not of something obscure and farfetched) a switch from 
subject/object metaphysics (SOM) to quality metaphysics* (QM) is 
from one totality to another. But, admittedly, even within the QM - 
especially within the QM - there is always a dynamic urge to work 
its way around the last static latch. 

*) I'm a bit tired of the MoQ acronym, so for a while QM.
 Now and then, i am attracted to the ever gushing fountain of quality
 we think of as scientific endeavour; there are some titillating things
 going on out there, and sometimes it can all be too irresistible? ;) 

As said, I have come to perceive the 4th level as REASON itself 
(subject/objectivism) and science - particle physics and cosmology 
preferrably - its spearhead. Yet, the weirdness that the quantum 
world displays and the strange theories that cosmology spawns to 
cope with it, is adjusted to its s/o template. So, it won't be science 
that brings evolution forward. But - admittedly - its titillating 
findings can be used as arguments if one avoids making  
weirdness a goal in itself.  
 Now, this is my point: 
 I thought about 5th level latching from the point of view of quality.
 I imagined what 5th level would be moving away from, and how 4th level
 would be manipulated and controlled; how 4th level would be the site
 of emergence for 5th level? 

This is a great insight. What a 5th would be moving away from 
would - IMO - be the subject/object division itself and this opens up 
an enormous vista and is why I see the QM as leaving every theory 
(even the weirdest) in the dust. How Intellect will be 
manipulated/controlled? We needn't fear Gestapo - no, that's 3d 
level business - I think you and I are examples: we have started to 
regard Intellect the ultimate provider of truth. How the 4th level can 
be the site of emergence for a 5th level is a good question and a 
subtle point. Remember my opening remark about the totality of a 
metaphysics? Intellect - along with all other levels - is a QM 
product so a 5th level only make sense in its context. I have 
thought a lot about this and think it makes sense, but let me return 
to that in another post. 
 And guess what? 
 All that irresistible stuff that quality relieves us from is the site
 of emergence for 5th level! That high quality intellectual stuff?!? 


 But lets get back to quality... 
 Direct stimulation of the brain bypasses conventional sensory input. [
 Can you imagine Descartes with this! :-) ] The move would be pure
 quality; no one is going to wish to disintegrate ones individuality
 and integrity unless the perceived relationship between technology and
 self was of value? Once emergent 5th level had overcome our
 Frankenstein complex of leaping into the fearful unknown, 5th level
 will be off on its own path. 

Is this for Stephen ...or? Anyway, it sounds like the prodding of 
brains experiment that Prof. Penfield performed and Benjamin 
Libet refined, in which he reached the famous 0,5 second delay 
result. Yes, this is really weird stuff and was a thread some time 
back when Struan Hellier used it AGAINST the QM ...but then he 
used everything against it. 

Thanks for this input Squonk, it's the first time I've seen anyone 
grab on to these most flimsy dynamic probings. I'll will be off-line 
for a couple of weeks from now on, but keep thinking and posting.

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RE: MD A fifth quality level?

2001-06-28 Thread skutvik

Stephen, Squonk  MoQ Discuss.  
I have discussed the Quality idea at these sites for ever it 
seems, and have heard/seen names dropped (none mentioned 
none forgotten) all supposed to say the same as Pirsig or their 
ideas to have some bearing on the Quality Metaphysics. Nothing 
wrong with this, let me just ramble on a little.

In the sixties I was fascinated by Relativity and read everything 
about that, later I got hooked on Quantum Physics and read 
everything available on quantum-related stuff; for instance Danah 
Zohar and her Einstein-Bose condensate as the site of 
consciousness. I also looked into the many  theories forwarded to 
reconcile experience with the quantum strangeness. Multiverses, 
wormholes etc, but the Quality Metaphysics relieved me from 
the science folly. 

I hope I don't sound quasi-religious, it's not that retro-kind of relief 
the MoQ offers (and I have not stopped reading science magazines 
completely), but it has somehow gone the scientific path all the 
way and landed in a new territory. You (Stephen and Squonk) may 
not have been with the discussion for very long (or looked into old 
posts) but I guess you have some basic knowledge about the 
MoQ, the point is that I have come to regard the intellectual level 
as the crux. Most people tend to look upon it as consciousness or 
MIND (of what Pirsig calls SOM) but it should rather be regarded 
as the mind/matter division itself. The very idea of a subject 
observing an objective world. REASON!!! 

This is where the MoQ takes leave of everything previously 
conceived of. We seem to be the stuck in the picture that we 
perceive the world from some God's eye view, but in the MoQ 
there is no upper limit to the Q-evolution and a development above 
the Intellect may well be possible. So now, Squonk, you possibly 
see what I am up to: If Intellect isn't consciousness/awareness 
(mind) then a development out-of-intellect is no supermind. 
Quantum-computed or not. 
Enough for now.

Thanks Stephen for the material you sent me.

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RE: MD A fifth quality level?

2001-06-28 Thread Stephen Devlin

Bo said
the point is that I have come to regard the intellectual level 
as the crux. Most people tend to look upon it as consciousness or 
MIND (of what Pirsig calls SOM) but it should rather be regarded 
as the mind/matter division itself. The very idea of a subject 
observing an objective world. REASON!!! 

One of the problems I have with the mind/matter division is language. We
describe an object as composed of matter outside of time itself. One of
ZAMM's helpful analogies (of which there are several) was the apriori
motorbike. After reading this it is clear that we assume that matter has a
stable structure but this is all related to time (even mountains crumble and
stars have a shelf life).
 If our intellects are reticent to keep this temporal quality in mind as we
contemplate various ideas we're not going to get anywhere(as we will have
only a partial view).Perhaps the intelect obscures this temporal
quality(entropy acting?) to prevent us contemplating our own lifespan, at a
certain level that could be depressing which is not good for survival.
  The intellect likes hierarchies, boxes, tables and further abstractions
but the Anahorov-Bohm effect (experimentally verified) is showing that
matter is aware of its surroundings thus showing that there is an
interrelationship that the present MOQ hierarchy doesn't address.Quantum
physics is showing that there is a point where in an experiment the observer
is affecting the observed,this leads you to consider if the mind/matter
division is a false construct (as mind could be affecting the matter it
thinks it is isolated from and if so where does that put intellect?
Quality (ie meaning,value) is stilll left strong,

Language also gives us the false impression that by giving a label to a
thing be it a tree or a metaphysics we have somehow sufficiently grasped
(intellectually) that thing. As all of us are aware in any matter there
are countless interactions happening simultaneously that our intellects have
no sensory input for yet none of these interactions appear in a metaphysics,
or if they do their meaning is only appreciated at an organic level and then
left there on the lowest rung by an intellect that may or may not like the
implications of those interactions. If intellect is the highest of the
levels in the MOQ hierarchy then why does the hormones and chemicals in the
body devastate its ability to function in a lot of individuals
(psychosomatic illness as an example of the intellect?(speculating) damaging
its body and itself to what purpose?
bye for now

-Original Message-
Sent: 28 June 2001 08:36
Subject: RE: MD A fifth quality level?

Stephen, Squonk  MoQ Discuss.  
I have discussed the Quality idea at these sites for ever it 
seems, and have heard/seen names dropped (none mentioned 
none forgotten) all supposed to say the same as Pirsig or their 
ideas to have some bearing on the Quality Metaphysics. Nothing 
wrong with this, let me just ramble on a little.

In the sixties I was fascinated by Relativity and read everything 
about that, later I got hooked on Quantum Physics and read 
everything available on quantum-related stuff; for instance Danah 
Zohar and her Einstein-Bose condensate as the site of 
consciousness. I also looked into the many  theories forwarded to 
reconcile experience with the quantum strangeness. Multiverses, 
wormholes etc, but the Quality Metaphysics relieved me from 
the science folly. 

I hope I don't sound quasi-religious, it's not that retro-kind of relief 
the MoQ offers (and I have not stopped reading science magazines 
completely), but it has somehow gone the scientific path all the 
way and landed in a new territory. You (Stephen and Squonk) may 
not have been with the discussion for very long (or looked into old 
posts) but I guess you have some basic knowledge about the 
MoQ, the point is that I have come to regard the intellectual level 
as the crux. Most people tend to look upon it as consciousness or 
MIND (of what Pirsig calls SOM) but it should rather be regarded 
as the mind/matter division itself. The very idea of a subject 
observing an objective world. REASON!!! 

This is where the MoQ takes leave of everything previously 
conceived of. We seem to be the stuck in the picture that we 
perceive the world from some God's eye view, but in the MoQ 
there is no upper limit to the Q-evolution and a development above 
the Intellect may well be possible. So now, Squonk, you possibly 
see what I am up to: If Intellect isn't consciousness/awareness 
(mind) then a development out-of-intellect is no supermind. 
Quantum-computed or not. 
Enough for now.

Thanks Stephen for the material you sent me.

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Re: MD A fifth quality level?

2001-06-28 Thread SQUONKSTAIL

Hello Stephen, Bo and all!

Thanks for your thoughts Bo and Stephen.

First Bo if i may?
Quality relieved me of all that science stuff also.
I came to realise that science is a creative activity; a quality activity — 
and high quality at that.
But the static patterns a high quality creative activity generates is not the 
whole of reality is it?
Not even a MOQ does that!

Now and then, i am attracted to the ever gushing fountain of quality we think 
of as scientific endeavour; there are some titillating things going on out 
there, and sometimes it can all be too irresistible? ;)

Now, this is my point:
I thought about 5th level latching from the point of view of quality.
I imagined what 5th level would be moving away from, and how 4th level would 
be manipulated and controlled; how 4th level would be the site of emergence 
for 5th level?

And guess what?
All that irresistible stuff that quality relieves us from is the site of 
emergence for 5th level!
That high quality intellectual stuff?!?

Speculation again — its fun! :-)

But lets get back to quality...

Direct stimulation of the brain bypasses conventional sensory input.
[  Can you imagine Descartes with this! :-)  ]
The move would be pure quality; no one is going to wish to disintegrate ones 
individuality and integrity unless the perceived relationship between 
technology and self was of value? Once emergent 5th level had overcome our 
Frankenstein complex of leaping into the fearful unknown, 5th level will be 
off on its own path.

Do you not feel it to be ironic that the possibility of many minds, 
(intellectual patterns) in a relationship with individuality destroying 5th 
level — as a DQ event — to be deeply challenging to SOM!


In the context of Self/AI relationship, a priori models of anything become 
Intellectual patterns may become fully public?

Best wishes everyone...

Squonk. :-)

In a message dated 6/28/01 11:05:21 AM GMT Daylight Time, 

 Subj: RE: MD A fifth quality level?
 Date:  6/28/01 11:05:21 AM GMT Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen Devlin)
 Bo said
 the point is that I have come to regard the intellectual level 
 as the crux. Most people tend to look upon it as consciousness or 
 MIND (of what Pirsig calls SOM) but it should rather be regarded 
 as the mind/matter division itself. The very idea of a subject 
 observing an objective world. REASON!!! 
 One of the problems I have with the mind/matter division is language. We
 describe an object as composed of matter outside of time itself. One of
 ZAMM's helpful analogies (of which there are several) was the apriori
 motorbike. After reading this it is clear that we assume that matter has a
 stable structure but this is all related to time (even mountains crumble and
 stars have a shelf life).
  If our intellects are reticent to keep this temporal quality in mind as we
 contemplate various ideas we're not going to get anywhere(as we will have
 only a partial view).Perhaps the intelect obscures this temporal
 quality(entropy acting?) to prevent us contemplating our own lifespan, at a
 certain level that could be depressing which is not good for survival.
   The intellect likes hierarchies, boxes, tables and further abstractions
 but the Anahorov-Bohm effect (experimentally verified) is showing that
 matter is aware of its surroundings thus showing that there is an
 interrelationship that the present MOQ hierarchy doesn't address.Quantum
 physics is showing that there is a point where in an experiment the observer
 is affecting the observed,this leads you to consider if the mind/matter
 division is a false construct (as mind could be affecting the matter it
 thinks it is isolated from and if so where does that put intellect?
 Quality (ie meaning,value) is stilll left strong,
 Language also gives us the false impression that by giving a label to a
 thing be it a tree or a metaphysics we have somehow sufficiently grasped
 (intellectually) that thing. As all of us are aware in any matter there
 are countless interactions happening simultaneously that our intellects have
 no sensory input for yet none of these interactions appear in a metaphysics,
 or if they do their meaning is only appreciated at an organic level and then
 left there on the lowest rung by an intellect that may or may not like the
 implications of those interactions. If intellect is the highest of the
 levels in the MOQ hierarchy then why does the hormones and chemicals in the
 body devastate its ability to function in a lot of individuals
 (psychosomatic illness as an example of the intellect?(speculating) damaging
 its body and itself to what purpose?
 bye for now
 -Original Message-
 Sent: 28 June 2001 08:36
 Subject: RE: MD A fifth

RE: MD A fifth quality level?

2001-06-28 Thread Platt Holden

Hi Stephen Devlin:

   The intellect likes hierarchies, boxes, tables and further abstractions
 but the Anahorov-Bohm effect (experimentally verified) is showing that
 matter is aware of its surroundings thus showing that there is an
 interrelationship that the present MOQ hierarchy doesn't address.

It's been experimentally verified that atoms are aware? That's news to 
me and I'm sure to others who participated recently on this site in a 
great debate on that very subject with some saying no way and others 
saying by all means or otherwise the MOQ falls apart. 

Could you elaborate on the Anahorov-Bohn effect and its verification? 


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Re: MD A fifth quality level?

2001-06-26 Thread SQUONKSTAIL

Hello All!
And thank you for the Bohm quote.

I like Bohm.
I am not such a big fan of the, 'Multiverse' view of quantum mechanics.
However, here is a challenge from David Deutsch:

To predict that future quantum computers, made to a given specification, will 
work in the ways I have described, one need only solve a few uncontroversial 
equations. But to explain exactly how they will work, some form of 
multiple-universe language is unavoidable. Thus quantum computers provide 
irresistible evidence that the multiverse is real. One especially convincing 
argument is provided by quantum algorithms — even more powerful than 
Grover’s — which calculate more intermediate results in the course of a 
single computation than there are atoms in the visible universe. When a 
quantum computer delivers the output of such a computation, we shall know 
that those intermediate results must have been computed somewhere, because 
they were needed to produce the right answer. So I issue this challenge to 
those who still cling to a single-universe world view: if the universe we see 
around us is all there is, where are quantum computations performed? I have 
yet to receive a plausible reply.

What do you think?

I have an intuitive feeling that our brains are active quantum computers?
Danah Zohar argues for as much in, 'The quantum self.'
If AI can develop an alternative quantum computer then we may be on our way 
to a Mind/AI integration leading to 5th level latching?

Pure speculation, but fun! ;)

My great sadness is that intellectual patterns of value are too often quashed 
in our, 'Advanced' societies.

All the best,


In a message dated 6/25/01 8:00:42 PM GMT Daylight Time, 

 below are some quotes from an interview david bohm gave that i think show
 some interesting parallel's with RMP
 and the MOQ,the full interview has a link below the quotes so you can see
 them in full context.If anyone could help out I tried earlier to locate the
 prevoius threads on a 5th order  but failed (doh).
 david bohm quotes:
 He demands that we learn to regard matter and life as a whole, coherent
 domain, which he calls the implicate order.
 Bohm is perhaps best known for his early work on the interactions of
 electrons in metals. He showed that their individual, haphazard movement
 concealed a highly organized and cooperative behavior called plasma
 oscillation. This intimation of an order underlying apparent chaos was
 pivotal in Bohm's development.
 In 1959 Bohm, working with Yakir Ahronov, showed that a magnetic field might
 alter the behavior of electrons without touching them: If two electron beams
 were passed on either side of a space containing a magnetic field, the field
 would retard the waves of one beam even though it did not penetrate the
 space and actually touch the electrons. This 'AB effect was verified a year
 Consciousness is unfolded in each individual. Clearly, it's shared between
 people as they look at one object and verify that it's the same. So any high
 level of consciousness is a social process. There may be some level of
 sensorimotor perception that is purely individual, but any abstract level
 depends on language, which is social. The word, which is outside, evokes the
 meaning, which is inside each person.
 Bohm: I say meaning is being! So any transformation of society must result
 in a profound change of meaning. Any change of meaning for the individual
 would change the whole because all individuals are so similar that it can be
 -Original Message-
 Sent: 23 June 2001 01:31
 Subject: Re: MD A fifth quality level?
 In a message dated 6/22/01 8:50:02 PM GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Yes, the fact that Intellect doesn't dominate all cultures is an 
  important point, its age (emergence) however depends on how we 
  define it, but the MoQ postulates that each level starts as a pattern 
  of the former level so its birth is far far back. Intellect does not 
  dominate all cultures, but is striving to do so (the West vs Islam 
  conflict for instance). About the levels being blind to the upper, 
  that's correct, but a possible movement beyond Intellect will 
  necessarily build on Intellect - an outlandish intellectual pattern 
  will be the seed crystal. And we who are inorganic, biological, 
  social and intellectual will necessarily be carriers of a 5th level 
  also. It is NOT intellect who sees this. Intellect isn't the end of 
 Hello all!
 I sent Bo, (if i may be excused such familiarity)! the following message to 
 his personal e-mail address by accident, and he kindly suggested i resubmit 
 the same:
 Date:   6/21/01

RE: MD A fifth quality level?

2001-06-25 Thread Stephen Devlin
 dreamed of developing
a group mind, and spent his last years organizing dialogue circles in its

Bohm lived for the transcendental; his dreams were of the light that
penetrates. From early childhood he learned to escape into the world of the
mind and the imagination. Yet his life was accompanied by great personal
pain and periods of crippling depression. He never achieved wholeness in his
own personal life, and the fruits of that life, which are still with us,
were gained only at great sacrifice. 

-Original Message-
Sent: 22 June 2001 20:23
Subject: MD A fifth quality level?

Stephen Devlin, Christopher Galtenberg,  Matt the Amazing...etc, 
and Marco .
STEPHEN wrote:

 The line  a groping 5th level caught my interest and i wanted to
 know if the moq is aware of research into the brain which has some
 parallels with moq on some levels

Thanks for noticing my messages, but I'm afraid you must tell us 
how you see the works of Elaine Beauport or David Bohm in 
relation to the Quality Metaphysics, there are only Chiefs around 
here - no Indians (no readers just writers:-). Brain research does 
certainly have bearing on the MoQ  ...everything has, the question 
is whether Beauport's intellect term parallels the Static Intellectual 
Level of the Metaphysics of Quality? I fear not. 

Re brain research my favourite in this field is the Penfield 
experiments (probing exposed brain evoked memories) which led to 
Benjamin Libet's findings. These are really weird. 

A possible 5th level it was once a raging topic, my take on that  is 
that the Quality idea itself is a groping step to free evolution from 
Intellect's rigors, while the mainstream understanding is that the 
MoQ is an intellectual pattern that will replace the dominating SOM 
pattern. This need not be as opposing as it sounds, but it will take 
to long to unweil the different argument, but if interested mail me..


MATT THE ...etc wrote among many interesting things in his 

The most engimatic of those listed, to me, is Nietzsche. An amazing
philosopher. A real asshole sometimes and (I would say) wrong about a
lot of stuff, but I admire his genius and the insights he had and the
biographical story surrounding all of it. 

I agree about Nietzsche, in my opinion he was on to something 
Quality-like - perhaps that was what broke him and from what he 
did not recover, but he was working on a manuscript called An 
Attempt at Revaluation of all Values! That sounds familiar?  

MARCO ended his excellent post thus: 

 But you agree that intellect is not still dominating the whole world.
 And the beginning of dominance in the west is (according to Pirsig)
 less than 100 years ago. Moreover, as every level is blind to the
 upper levels, how can we see a possible 5th level? More likely, I'd
 say that it's time to extinguish the SOM dinosaur. The reptiles curve
 is over. 
Yes, the fact that Intellect doesn't dominate all cultures is an 
important point, its age (emergence) however depends on how we 
define it, but the MoQ postulates that each level starts as a pattern 
of the former level so its birth is far far back. Intellect does not 
dominate all cultures, but is striving to do so (the West vs Islam 
conflict for instance) . About the levels being blind to the upper, 
that's correct, but a possible movement beyond Intellect will 
necessarily build on Intellect - an outlandish intellectual pattern 
will be the seed crystal. And we who are inorganic, biological, 
social and intellectual will necessarily be carriers of a 5th level 
also. It is NOT intellect who sees this. Intelllect isn't the end of 


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Re: MD A fifth quality level?

2001-06-25 Thread SQUONKSTAIL

In a message dated 6/25/01 3:39:56 PM GMT Daylight Time, 

 This effect, they argued, is central
 to quantum mechanics, implying that even quite distant objects can affect
 quantum processes. These non-local correlation's have nothing to do with
 traditional forms of interaction (such as by fields or the exchange of
 particles); rather, they demand new concepts that go beyond the ideas of
 separation and distance. 

Hello there!

I have been thinking about fifth level for a while.
May i thank you for your interesting thoughts?

In my earlier posting, i expressed a feeling that 5th level latching may 
involve quantum computers?
If consciousness is a quantum process then quantum computers may form 
coherent resonance's between AI and human mind?
I assume mind is more fundamental than our mythological 'physical' aspect! :)

I have always felt that Bohm's implicate order is basically Dynamic Quality, 
and his explicit order is static latching?

Nice to chat!


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RE: MD A fifth quality level?

2001-06-25 Thread Stephen Devlin

below are some quotes from an interview david bohm gave that i think show
some interesting parallel's with RMP
and the MOQ,the full interview has a link below the quotes so you can see
them in full context.If anyone could help out I tried earlier to locate the
prevoius threads on a 5th order  but failed (doh).

david bohm quotes:

He demands that we learn to regard matter and life as a whole, coherent
domain, which he calls the implicate order.

Bohm is perhaps best known for his early work on the interactions of
electrons in metals. He showed that their individual, haphazard movement
concealed a highly organized and cooperative behavior called plasma
oscillation. This intimation of an order underlying apparent chaos was
pivotal in Bohm's development.

In 1959 Bohm, working with Yakir Ahronov, showed that a magnetic field might
alter the behavior of electrons without touching them: If two electron beams
were passed on either side of a space containing a magnetic field, the field
would retard the waves of one beam even though it did not penetrate the
space and actually touch the electrons. This 'AB effect was verified a year

Consciousness is unfolded in each individual. Clearly, it's shared between
people as they look at one object and verify that it's the same. So any high
level of consciousness is a social process. There may be some level of
sensorimotor perception that is purely individual, but any abstract level
depends on language, which is social. The word, which is outside, evokes the
meaning, which is inside each person.

Bohm: I say meaning is being! So any transformation of society must result
in a profound change of meaning. Any change of meaning for the individual
would change the whole because all individuals are so similar that it can be

-Original Message-
Sent: 23 June 2001 01:31
Subject: Re: MD A fifth quality level?

In a message dated 6/22/01 8:50:02 PM GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Yes, the fact that Intellect doesn't dominate all cultures is an 
 important point, its age (emergence) however depends on how we 
 define it, but the MoQ postulates that each level starts as a pattern 
 of the former level so its birth is far far back. Intellect does not 
 dominate all cultures, but is striving to do so (the West vs Islam 
 conflict for instance). About the levels being blind to the upper, 
 that's correct, but a possible movement beyond Intellect will 
 necessarily build on Intellect - an outlandish intellectual pattern 
 will be the seed crystal. And we who are inorganic, biological, 
 social and intellectual will necessarily be carriers of a 5th level 
 also. It is NOT intellect who sees this. Intellect isn't the end of 

Hello all!

I sent Bo, (if i may be excused such familiarity)! the following message to 
his personal e-mail address by accident, and he kindly suggested i resubmit 
the same:


Date:   6/21/01

Hello all!

I find discussion of 5th level static latching most interesting.

If each level of static evolution is growing orders of magnitude above its 
lower level(s) then the end is almost in sight?

The advent of quantum computers may trigger 5th level static latching.
I have a feeling that 5th level latching will be more coherent than 4th 
level, as this appears to be a trend:

1st level coherent handidness.
2nd level discrete biological entities.
3rd level coherent social conglomerates.
4th level discrete digital truth.
5th level coherent emotional integration of mind and AI. (?)

It saddens me that so few listings in this group are suggesting ways of 
improving things as they are now.

Best wishes all,


I have a feeling that AI will be first used as an enhancement for human 
patterns of value. The enhancement may almost inevitably lead to emergent 
behaviour from an intellectual base; humans will value enhancement, but that

which enhances will run off with its own evolving set of value patterns.
Note that everything will appear quite rosy from our intellectual
But then again, it was quite rosy from the social levels perspective at one 
point for intellectual patterns to enjoy an 'enhancing' role?

My point about coherence is a feeling i have that 5th level latching may be 
I envisage a 'ghost' world inhabited by virtual personalities.
Virtual personalities to us, but something quite unintelligible in its own 
Maybe it has already begun my friends?
Intellectual values hinge upon truth; and truth is black or white, on/off, 
yes/no, take it or leave it. I should like to further stress the 
particle/wave/particle ... flow of level into level. Of course, i use these 
terms as a convenient analogy; i in no way wish to imply anything

MD A fifth quality level?

2001-06-22 Thread skutvik

Stephen Devlin, Christopher Galtenberg,  Matt the Amazing...etc, 
and Marco .
STEPHEN wrote:

 The line  a groping 5th level caught my interest and i wanted to
 know if the moq is aware of research into the brain which has some
 parallels with moq on some levels

Thanks for noticing my messages, but I'm afraid you must tell us 
how you see the works of Elaine Beauport or David Bohm in 
relation to the Quality Metaphysics, there are only Chiefs around 
here - no Indians (no readers just writers:-). Brain research does 
certainly have bearing on the MoQ  ...everything has, the question 
is whether Beauport's intellect term parallels the Static Intellectual 
Level of the Metaphysics of Quality? I fear not. 

Re brain research my favourite in this field is the Penfield 
experiments (probing exposed brain evoked memories) which led to 
Benjamin Libet's findings. These are really weird. 

A possible 5th level it was once a raging topic, my take on that  is 
that the Quality idea itself is a groping step to free evolution from 
Intellect's rigors, while the mainstream understanding is that the 
MoQ is an intellectual pattern that will replace the dominating SOM 
pattern. This need not be as opposing as it sounds, but it will take 
to long to unweil the different argument, but if interested mail me..


MATT THE ...etc wrote among many interesting things in his 

The most engimatic of those listed, to me, is Nietzsche. An amazing
philosopher. A real asshole sometimes and (I would say) wrong about a
lot of stuff, but I admire his genius and the insights he had and the
biographical story surrounding all of it. 

I agree about Nietzsche, in my opinion he was on to something 
Quality-like - perhaps that was what broke him and from what he 
did not recover, but he was working on a manuscript called An 
Attempt at Revaluation of all Values! That sounds familiar?  

MARCO ended his excellent post thus: 

 But you agree that intellect is not still dominating the whole world.
 And the beginning of dominance in the west is (according to Pirsig)
 less than 100 years ago. Moreover, as every level is blind to the
 upper levels, how can we see a possible 5th level? More likely, I'd
 say that it's time to extinguish the SOM dinosaur. The reptiles curve
 is over. 
Yes, the fact that Intellect doesn't dominate all cultures is an 
important point, its age (emergence) however depends on how we 
define it, but the MoQ postulates that each level starts as a pattern 
of the former level so its birth is far far back. Intellect does not 
dominate all cultures, but is striving to do so (the West vs Islam 
conflict for instance) . About the levels being blind to the upper, 
that's correct, but a possible movement beyond Intellect will 
necessarily build on Intellect - an outlandish intellectual pattern 
will be the seed crystal. And we who are inorganic, biological, 
social and intellectual will necessarily be carriers of a 5th level 
also. It is NOT intellect who sees this. Intelllect isn't the end of 


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Re: MD A fifth quality level?

2001-06-22 Thread SQUONKSTAIL

In a message dated 6/22/01 8:50:02 PM GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Yes, the fact that Intellect doesn't dominate all cultures is an 
 important point, its age (emergence) however depends on how we 
 define it, but the MoQ postulates that each level starts as a pattern 
 of the former level so its birth is far far back. Intellect does not 
 dominate all cultures, but is striving to do so (the West vs Islam 
 conflict for instance). About the levels being blind to the upper, 
 that's correct, but a possible movement beyond Intellect will 
 necessarily build on Intellect - an outlandish intellectual pattern 
 will be the seed crystal. And we who are inorganic, biological, 
 social and intellectual will necessarily be carriers of a 5th level 
 also. It is NOT intellect who sees this. Intellect isn't the end of 

Hello all!

I sent Bo, (if i may be excused such familiarity)! the following message to 
his personal e-mail address by accident, and he kindly suggested i resubmit 
the same:


Date:   6/21/01

Hello all!

I find discussion of 5th level static latching most interesting.

If each level of static evolution is growing orders of magnitude above its 
lower level(s) then the end is almost in sight?

The advent of quantum computers may trigger 5th level static latching.
I have a feeling that 5th level latching will be more coherent than 4th 
level, as this appears to be a trend:

1st level coherent handidness.
2nd level discrete biological entities.
3rd level coherent social conglomerates.
4th level discrete digital truth.
5th level coherent emotional integration of mind and AI. (?)

It saddens me that so few listings in this group are suggesting ways of 
improving things as they are now.

Best wishes all,


I have a feeling that AI will be first used as an enhancement for human 
patterns of value. The enhancement may almost inevitably lead to emergent 
behaviour from an intellectual base; humans will value enhancement, but that 
which enhances will run off with its own evolving set of value patterns.
Note that everything will appear quite rosy from our intellectual perspective?
But then again, it was quite rosy from the social levels perspective at one 
point for intellectual patterns to enjoy an 'enhancing' role?

My point about coherence is a feeling i have that 5th level latching may be 
I envisage a 'ghost' world inhabited by virtual personalities.
Virtual personalities to us, but something quite unintelligible in its own 
Maybe it has already begun my friends?
Intellectual values hinge upon truth; and truth is black or white, on/off, 
yes/no, take it or leave it. I should like to further stress the 
particle/wave/particle ... flow of level into level. Of course, i use these 
terms as a convenient analogy; i in no way wish to imply anything more than 
that. One may also see value in a one/many analogy? or my own, 
discrete/coherence analogy?



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