[Mpls] Massive cost savings at MPRB

2002-08-21 Thread Matt Klemp

  Perhaps the MPRB should abandon plans to move into new downtown digs, and
instead, set up shop in the up and coming office space in the Loring Park
shelter building.  Of course, some downsizing might be required, but what
the heck, even more cost savings.

Matt Klemp - Nokomis
no apologies

>Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 10:46:13 CDT
>From: twoguys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Mpls] Loring Park & MPRB
>To: "Richard K. Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   Minneapolis Issues Forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To respond to Richard Anderson's post regarding the MPRB and Loring Park;
>I wonder why they're spending this money for offices in the shelter
>building, when that wasn't identified as a high priority for the
>neighborhood during the first phase of the NRP.  The Loring neighborhood
>worked hand-in-hand with the MPRB for the redesign of all aspects of the
>park (which turned out very well, thus far).  The entrance to Loring Park
>at Lyndale and Oak Grove was seen as a high priority, but the MPRB said
>they didn't have the money.  The same is true of the pedestrian crossing
>from the Greenway to the Berger Fountain in Loring Park; again this was a
>much higher priority to the neighborhood than offices, etc, at the sheltor
>building, and again the MPRB said they didn't have the money.  Shouldn't
>they be spending this $1.2Million on the things the residents of the
>neighborhood considered a high priority, instead of something the residents
>rated as a low priority?
>-Bob Copeland
>Loring Park
>On 20 Aug 2002, Richard K. Anderson wrote:
>> Well, it's been awhile since I've made a few comments about how much
>> ($1.2Million) the MPRB plans to spend to renovate the shelter building in
>> Loring Park. Construction we are told will begin this fall.
>> So, what's the big deal about MPRB spending money to build an office for
>> themselves? If they are willing to spend this much money to renovate a
>> building that has little community use, what's a few million more for
>> space.
>> The neigborhood organization and the Capitol Long Range Improvement
>> Committee (CLIC) has asked the MPRB for a document that we assume the
>> would have done to justify the expense of the Loring renovation and
>> expansion into an "Arts Center". Not ever produced by the MRRB to date!
>> I guess that we all should just assume that the MPRB spends money as it
>> fit regardless of "community concern" and leave it at that.
>> So where are the good fishing holes?
>> Richard Anderson
>> Loring Park
>Bob Copeland and/or Greg Staler

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Re: [Mpls] Highlights of this week's SW Journal

2002-08-21 Thread Tim Bonham

>Voters should be more concerned about who is using the schools as
>a stepping stone to higher office.
>Michael Atherton
 Why?  In the past quarter-century, there has been only 1 Mpls 
School Board member who has been elected to a higher office, as far as I 
can remember.  That is Len Biernat, who moved to the State Legislature 
(where he's served on the Education committee).
 And even if this was true, why would this be a problem?   Out in 
the real world, this is called "experience".  Every consulting job I'm 
interviewed for, the employer always asks what experience I have in similar 
positions.  When I report experience working on similar systems, they 
always seem to like it.  So why would it be something voters should be 
"concerned about" in elective office?

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson

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[Mpls] Parking cars at Meadowbrook

2002-08-21 Thread Delcalzojan

Boy, I must have been asleep because I heard nothing about this nutty idea to 
park cars on the Meadowbrook gold course during the Solheim Cup play until I 
read about it here.

In fact I played at Meadowbrook on Tuesday and saw a lot of traffic barricade 
stuff piled around at various places and wondered what it was for.  I thought 
it might be preparation for winter fencing or something.

This is crazy, parking cars on a golf course is a recipe for disaster.  I 
spent five days out at the PGA last week and believe me the condition of the 
parking lots at Canterbury was not great, especially after the rain.  At the 
PGA site itself, several lots were unusable on Saturday and Sunday because of 
the heavy rain.

So who will pay if there is heavy rain and the course is badly damaged.  Of 
course, the Minneapolis residents who won't be able to play there  Come 
on, folks, the revenue is not worth the risk.  What is the Park Board 

Jan Del Calzo
Meadowbrook League Member
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Re: [Mpls] re: neighborhood fundraising

2002-08-21 Thread Barbara Lickness

Wow! That sounds exciting Jay. I wish you would do a
training for neighborhood groups on how to raise money
from charitable gambling.  I think Bingo night could
be a great community building event. 

It is important for neighborhoods to be creative in
raising funds to support the organization.
Neighborhoods should be organizing capital campaigns
and working creatively to bring in other sustainable
sources of funding.  Jay's ideas about canvassing
might not only be successful at raising money, but,
would serve as a tremendous outreach and community
building activity. Especially now that so many
neighborhoods are entering the plan review stage. What
better way to find out what the neighborhood
stakeholders think about NRP or more importantly the
neighborhood association than to knock on their door
or call them on the phone. 

Some neighborhoods placed "neighborhood service"
requirements on rehab loans or grants.  Some
neighborhoods also require the "neighborhood service"
in exchange for the stipends to the Community
Leadership Institute. 

Maybe there should be a contest to see who can come up
with the most creative way to raise non-government
money for your neighborhood organization.  

I'm afraid to be humorous here right now after what
happened to David, but, here goes:

Maybe all the neighborhoods should pool their money
and buy Sears.  Turn it into a casino and use the
revenue to fund the neighborhood associations. (I AM

Just wanted to start a little out of the box thinking.

Barb Lickness

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the 
world.  Indeed,
it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead

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[Mpls] ci.minneapolis.mn.us addresses bouncing

2002-08-21 Thread List Manager

Our list server will render addresses inactive if mail bounces back from
them over several days.

In the last few days, I've had 10-20 with the ci.minneapolis.mn.us
suffix become inactive. At first, I thought perhaps the city sysop was
cleaning out old addresses, but recently, I've noticed some active
posters with city addresses who were unsubscribed.

A head-up, then, for city folks still on the list - if you're
unsubscribed, or stop receiving list mail and you don't know what's
going on, email me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or go to
http://www.e-democracy.org/mpls and find the subscribe link on the left.

Also, if someone can circulate this on a city employee intranet, it
might help those bounced off get back on.

Sorry for the inconvenience. If anyone has info about a city-related
computer problem - or perhaps a policy change - I'd love to know more
about that too.

David Brauer
List manager

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[Mpls] Re: Mpls digest, Vol 1 #980 - 20 msgs

2002-08-21 Thread Nancy Russell
Well it sounds as if red-light running and stop sign-ignoring are rampant.  What's to be done?  Minnehaha Avenue in general is an accident waiting to happen--but never for long, as there are plenty.  Especially dangerous is the intersection at 46th St.  Besides the car accidents--at least once every other month in the 5 minutes I'm waiting for the bus in the mornings--I personally know THREE people--pedestrians--who have been hit, and one was carrying her toddler at the time (none of those, thankfully, had serious injuries). I've had 3-4 narrow escapes myself from folks tearing around the corners while the pedestrian walk signal is on.  Defensive driving, and especially defensive walking, are the order of the day. Of course someone who doesn't realize that is going to be seriously injured or killed one of these days while attempting to cross the street afoot.  I wonder if any folks on the police force ever read the MNForum emails. Phone calls don't seem terribly effective.  So much for them to do, I realize. In the meantime, we should all remember to drive (and walk) defensively and to remind our friends and loved ones to do the same.   Park Board brouhaha.  I was incensed at the idea of buying a cozy little office space anywhere.  At the beginning of summer, I was at Hiawatha Park, and came home horrified and dismayed.  The grass was sparse and unmowed, the dandelions were rampant--I've rarely seen more dandelions anywhere.  The chldren's playground equipment consists of some rusted swings (8-10, I believe), one small aged slide, and likewise a small aged climbing affair.  And the sandbox this equipment is housed in.  Thank God the waterfall doesn't depend on the Park Board to run.  This beloved historic park. presumably one of the most famous--if not the most famous--park in the city.  We were broke in Mpls, I understood, and figured that was the reason for the abysmal condition.  Cheaper to buy than rent?  Well, not really.  Depends on one's priorities, and what kind of office one insists on having and what kind of parking lot.  Many of us make do with what is within our means.  I suggest the Park Board should do the same, and that their top priority should be to keep the parks in good repair.  All the debate on what is the clever thing to do with financial figures for offices is a moot point to me, as long as the parks are being neglected.     Appreciate the forum and the concerned citizens who participate.   Nancy Russell Longfellow          

Re: [Mpls] re: neighborhood fundraising

2002-08-21 Thread Jay Clark

While working for a neighborhood organization in Chicago, I was in
charge of running a weekly bingo that netted $30,000 a year.

My organization ran a total of five bingos, pulling in a total of around
$150,000 from bingo alone.  They raised 70% of their total budget
through grassroots fundraising.  They could spend it any way they
wanted, even for food.  They weren't dependent on outsiders, either
foundations or government, for their existence. In turn, they felt more
self-assured and immune from retaliation when they needed to criticize
government for, say inadaquate police protection.

Here are some other grassroots fundraisers that I know from personal
experience can be done by any neighborhood organization and which can
bring in thousands of dollars:

Direct Mail
Business Directory
Volunteer Canvass

Neighborhood groups should also be making mucho money on their summer
wingdings, and not see them solely as  social extravaganzas.

Neighborhood groups should be getting two-thirds of their funds from
non-governmental sources.  If you are getting 90%-100% of your money
from the government, your finances are in a precarious state even if you
are balancing your books for the time being.  Being so dependent on one
source of funding endangers the very existence of your organization.

For those who advise against neighborhood groups doing charitable
gambling, I assume that you have alternative grassroots fundraisers that
are at least as lucrative. Please share them with us.

Jay Clark
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Re: [Mpls] Dopey water "protection" scheme

2002-08-21 Thread Bob GUSTAFSON
Carol asked about the status of interconnection between Mpls and St. Paul in case there is a problem with our supply from the Mississippi.   There is nothing currently planeed for interconnecting with St. Paul but a new 40 milion gallon reservoir is planned for SW Minneapolis (40th and France). Actually we won't put the water on France Ave, but will use the land to the west of France. The city has a current reservoir capacity of 125 million gallons. A typical flow rate is 70 million gallons per day. The new project adds slightly over a half day to our supply. The current estimated cost is $24 million dollars in 2005 to 2007 with additional funds needed in 2008 that are not yet a part of the budget.   Minneapolis currently supplies Crystal, Golden Valley, New Hope, Columbia Heights and Bloomington with water.   Bob Gustafson SW  

[Mpls] Ed Felien Labor Endorsement!

2002-08-21 Thread scamp41rr

Ed Felien, a Green Party endorsed candidate for the Hennepin County Board,
is proud to announce a labor endorsement. Ed is running against incumbent
Peter McLaughlin.

Ed's candidacy has been endorsed by the United Electrical Workers, Local
1139. Felien commented,  "I am proud to earn this endorsement and to run as
a Labor Endorsed candidate.  Our campaign will always be on the side of
working people and the issues that matter."

Felien faces McLaughlin and one other candidate in the September 10 primary.
Felien is making McLaughlin's support for corporate welfare a major issue in
the campaign.

For more information, contact Gene Martinez at 612-387-4474.

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[Mpls] Ed Felien Picnic at Minnehaha Park

2002-08-21 Thread scamp41rr

Ed Felien is kicking off his campaign for Hennepin County Commissioner with
a picnic at Minnehaha Park this Friday, August 23.  The picnic will be from
5 to 8 PM, just north of the pavilion.  Join hosts Wade Russell and Gene
Martinez for a Southside Picnic.  We will furnish brats and veggie burgers
and other picnic food.  Bring a dish to share if you like.  Open Donation.
Watch for the signs!

Ed Felien is the Green Party endorsed candidate for the Hennepin County
Board.  He is challenging incumbent Peter McLaughlin.  Join us for good food
and great political conversations!

For more information, please call Gene Martinez at 612-387-4474.

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Re: [Mpls] Light-rail line delayed until April 2004

2002-08-21 Thread KarenCollier
In a message dated 8/21/02 9:03:26 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I agree, Paul.  It's no surprise that when the Legislature refuses to fund 
transit properly that there are delays - especially in big projects.  It's 
especially a shame in this case since the building of a first rail line in 
most cities is usually followed by a demand from the public for more.

If I'm not mistaken, the reason for the delay in the light rail is that Met Council had to cut their budget and by delaying the project six months they could save the amount necessary to meet their budget cutting goal.  The legislature's decision was on heavy rail, the north corridor rail system.  Hopefully the next legislature will see fit to fund that also.  The light rail had a combination of state and federal money and that money is already in place.  They're just delaying the start.

Karen Collier
Linden Hills

Re: [Mpls] Instant Runoff Voting

2002-08-21 Thread BudTBum

If anyone disagrees that IRV is superior to our
current system, please point out how and why.


Take a three candidate election, 1 liberal, one conservative, one 
independent. For simplicity, use 12 voters (in real life you would 
need to expand the percentages)
5 prefer the liberal candidate, with the independent candidate as a 
second choice.
4 prefer the conservative with the independent as a second choice.
2prefer the independent with the conservative as a second choice.
1prefer the independent with the liberal as a second choice.

Clearly the independent would be the most agreeable choice with all 
voters. However the independent looses in the first round of instant 
run-off because they received the lowest initial votes (lowest 
primary votes). The people who voted for the independent has their 
second choice votes instead, and one of the others get elected. 

This is just one simple example of that system failing in the almost  
identical way our current vote for 1 system would. 
In the current system, people would say the independent wont win, and 
split that vote among the other two, with a resulting statistical 
near dead heat much like republicans and democrats currently have in 
the nation.

When you run the numbers in various ways, most of the time BOTH 
systems works, sometimes BOTH don't. But as a whole, I don't see IRV 
as superior because it has as many failings as the vote for 1 system 
we currently have-at least when I did the math. (Might not be saying 
much there)

But I think you would need to look at the probability of each failing 
and compare those. In practice each system will work AND fail in 
different ways.

For the city to look at adopting a new system, I would like failure 
comparison (since that's what we're trying to fix) not just 
advantages of each, or the failures of one and not the other. 

Tom Holtzleiter
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RE: [Mpls] Red Light Running

2002-08-21 Thread j c harmon

I think most would agree Minnesota drivers are the pits. Red lights = 
accellerate at all costs; green lights, you break out a lunch.
I've noticed most can't seem to do two things at once i.e. talk on the phone 
and continue to accellerate and at least attempt to stay in their lane. I 
thought speaker phones were relatively mandatory w/relation to car phones, 
but I might be mistaken. Is there an increased insurance rate for car 
phones? Wasn't there higher rates for smoking drivers at one time? The 
rationale being that the smoking driver would be lighting a cigarette or 
dousing one, or fanning their flaming trousers, and therefore the risk of an 
accident was greater?
I loved the letter from a Star Tribune reader that suggested giving cell 
phone users the sane lane...
As far as everyone seeming to be in a hurry, it's rather self-important - 
they're such an integral part of where they're going they feel totally 
justified in risking my life and theirs to get there.
I once made a bumper sticker that said:

Tube of mascara - $8.95
Cost of removing applicator wand from eye socket should the driver in front 
of you hit the brakes suddenly - $10,895.00

Of course that's just an estimate.

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Re: [Mpls] Instant Runoff Voting

2002-08-21 Thread Andy Driscoll

Local government (city/county/township/judiciary) offices are nonpartisan,
meaning that Instant Runoff Voting in such races would only make sense if we
eliminated the primary, which currently serves the same purpose. In
municipal elections, if more than two candidates have filed for an office,
the city/county primary whittles the field to two candidates, which is
essentially what IRV does in partisan elections at the state level.

IRV could only work at the city/county level if we did away with the
September primary and held a single election with IRV in November.

Clear? Or clear as mud?

At the state level, we often wind up with multiple parties' candidates
nominated for the General Election, leaving us with three, four, five or
more candidates for, say, Governor (Green, DFL, Republican, Independence,
Socialist Workers', Libertarian, etc. etc.). With IRV, voters may cast up to
three of their top choices in that race. When all the votes are first
counted and no candidate in that field achieves a majority of the total
votes cast (50% plus one), instead of allowing the candidate with the
highest percentage (like Jesse Ventura's 36%) to be the elected winner, the
candidates falling below a certain percentage in the first tally are dropped
and their first place ballots are tallied for their second choices.

The second place votes for the candidates remaining in the field are added
to their totals. If no candidate achieves a majority of that tally/count,
all candidates below the top two (there can be no fewer than two candidates,
of course) are dropped and the second and third place votes for all dropped
candidates are tallied (again), and those that have been cast for those two
top finalists are added to their totals, one of which must, by mathematical
law, then reach a majority, he or she is elected.

It is far more complicated in the telling than in the practice. Run-off
systems exist everywhere else in the world and in many states and localities
elsewhere in the US. It is not good to consider 36% for our governor to have
been a mandate for governing when 64% of all voters voted for someone else.
Plurality voting creates weak leadership status for elected officials. This
year, without IRV and four major parties contending, our next governor may
be elected with less than 30% of the votes cast.

Not good. Minneapolis, St. Paul and other cities may wish to institute
single elections with instant runoff systems, but it really isn't necessary
at the moment. The better election reform at the local level should be
councilmembers elected by a system of proportional representation. To do
this would require reducing the number of wards to something like seven and
electing two people from each ward.(I would prefer a mixed system of, say
six wards of two each and three at-large/citywide representatives on the
council.) This provides a greater breadth of citizen representation than
under the current winner-take-all configuration. The top two council
candidates (the Park and School Boards could be done the same way) would
have been elected by different constituencies and be far more representative
of the cross-section of each ward.

This is another governance construct in effect in many other worldwide and
some US jurisdictions.

Andy Driscoll
Saint Paul (where we tried instituting the mixed ward/at-large system 11
years ago, but wound up only with a bad result: a parttime city council.)
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Is like unto one who lights a lamp and then shuts his eyes." --Nagarjuna

> From: phaedrus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 17:14:30 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: [Mpls] Instant Runoff Voting
> Can anyone tell me why Minneapolis does not use
> Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) for all elected positions?
> This will allow all people to vote for the candidate
> that best matches their own priorities while reducing
> or eliminating the concerns like the Nader/Gore
> situation. It also insures that any winning candidate
> will more truly represent the majority of voters.
> I haven't read much of these sites, but they seem to
> give an overview:
> http://www.fairvote.org/irv/
> http://www.instantrunoff.com/
> http://www.fairvotemn.org/
> If anyone disagrees that IRV is superior to our
> current system, please point out how and why.
> If it IS superior, can we please start using it?
> - Jason Goray, Sheridan, NE
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[Mpls] Ed Felien Campaign Picnic Friday August 23

2002-08-21 Thread scamp41rr

Ed Felien is kicking off his campaign for Hennepin County Commissioner with
a picnic at Minnehaha Park this Friday, August 23.  The picnic will be from
5 to 8 PM, just north of the pavilion.  Join hosts Wade Russell and Gene
Martinez for a Southside Picnic.  We will furnish brats and veggie burgers
and other picnic food.  Bring a dish to share if you like.  Open Donation.
Watch for the signs!

Ed Felien is the Green Party endorsed candidate for the Hennepin County
Board.  He is challenging incumbent Peter McLaughlin.  Join us for good food
and great political conversations!

For more information, please call Gene Martinez at 612-387-4474.
Gene Martinez
Minnehaha, Ward 12

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[Mpls] Loring Park & MPRB

2002-08-21 Thread Richard K. Anderson

Bob Copeland is correct in his post regarding priority's in the Loring Park
Master Plan. The Loring Park neighborhood did not rank renovation of the
shelter building above other improvements. For example, restoration of the
Berger Fountain was ranked higher but the MPRB has said that "we are not in
the fountain business so when it falls apart we will just get rid of it"
(good news to those of you who visit the rose garden?)
There is not a lot more that needs to be done to make Loring Park a jewel in
the park system. CLPC dedicated $1.3 Million of its phase 1 NRP allocation
to the effort. For the MRPB to decided on its own that the shelter building
would consume all of "its" resources is a slap in the face to all of those
who created the master plan and thought that their voices would be listened
Richard Anderson
Loring Park

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[Mpls] Trophy architect, I mean library

2002-08-21 Thread Alan Shilepsky

Just visited the temporary Central Library, and wanted to share a sign 
at the entrance:

Future home of Minneapolis Public Library, August 19, 2002 to Spring, 2006.

Making way for the NEW Central Library being designed by world-class 
architect Cesar Pelli.

Did we pick the architect because of the proposal, or the proposal 
because of the architect?  

I guess this ensures that we will be world-class by association.

Alan Shilepsky
Downtown curmudgeon
disclaimer--my neighbor is employed by HGA, which firm I understand does 
fine work too.

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[Mpls] Instant Runoff Voting

2002-08-21 Thread phaedrus

Can anyone tell me why Minneapolis does not use
Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) for all elected positions?

This will allow all people to vote for the candidate
that best matches their own priorities while reducing
or eliminating the concerns like the Nader/Gore
situation. It also insures that any winning candidate
will more truly represent the majority of voters.

I haven't read much of these sites, but they seem to
give an overview:

If anyone disagrees that IRV is superior to our
current system, please point out how and why.

If it IS superior, can we please start using it?

- Jason Goray, Sheridan, NE

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[Mpls] Neighborhood Association Audits......

2002-08-21 Thread Victoria Heller

Barbara Lickness wrote:

"The State of Minnesota Audits EVERY neighborhood
association in Mpls. that receives NRP funding."

Vicky Heller comments:

Barbara's statement may be true now, but I doubt it.

About one year ago, I called the State Auditor who offices at the MCDA.  His
name is John Bostrom and his phone number is 612 673-3714.

I asked him how he determined if money was missing from the various
neighborhood groups.

He said "I ask the MCDA if any money is missing.  If they say everything's
OK, I approve the audit."

I said "you mean it's the honor system?"

He said "yes."

Several people on the West Bank have been trying unsuccessfully to get
copies of cancelled checks totaling $1.2 million - our NRP money that went
up in flames when Dania Hall burned.

No one can tell us how much of that money was actually disbursed to
contractors.  For all we know, someone pocketed a few hundred thousand.

Vicky Heller
Cedar-Riverside (Work)
North Oaks (Home)

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Re: [Mpls] Dopey water "protection" scheme

2002-08-21 Thread Becker

Barbara Nelson wrote:

> I saw a piece on the vulnerability of our local water supply (specifically
> they mentioned Mpls., St. Paul and New Brighton) on some local TV station
> (can't remember which one) and, as I recall, it said that Mpls. water is
> tested 98 times per minute to make sure it is okay and if it isn't there
> an instantaneous shutdown.  In St. Paul it is pretty much the same story.
> According to all the officials, we are protected from terrorist threats
> well.

If memory serves, the Minneapolis water is tested both by the Water
Department and the State Department of Health.  (and possibly the City
Department of Health... my memory is a little fuzzy here)  It has to meet
standards set by the State Department of Health, unlike bottled water which
does not have quality standards.  (so if you think you are safer drinking
bottled water, you are wrong)

Cities in the region get their water from three basic sources: the
Mississippi, lakes, and wells.  Minneapolis gets its water solely from the
Mississippi River as opposed to St Paul that gets its water from both the
Mississippi and from lakes in the northern part of the region.  Most
suburban areas that do not draw their water from these two systems (if
memory serves me, Minneapolis provides water to other suburbs like Golden
Valley and Bloomington and has something like 500,000 people total relying
on their water) they get water from wells.

The biggest vulnerablity of the Minneapolis water system is a spill in the
river.  If the river water is not drinkable for a period of time, then
Minneapolis has no water.  St Paul would just shut off its access from the
river and rely solely on lake water and suburbs would continue with their
wells.  There was some discussion of an interconnection between the two
systems a while ago but if my memory serves me it would have cost something
like $20 million.  Also, Minneapolis doesn't have a lot of finished water
sitting around in tanks.  At best, there would be like a one or two day
supply in the system depending on the time of year if they had to shut down
the river access.

Does anyone know if any progress was made on the interconnection question
over the last several years?

Carol Becker

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Re: [Mpls] Dopey water "protection" scheme

2002-08-21 Thread Barbara L. Nelson

I saw a piece on the vulnerability of our local water supply (specifically
they mentioned Mpls., St. Paul and New Brighton) on some local TV station
(can't remember which one) and, as I recall, it said that Mpls. water is
tested 98 times per minute to make sure it is okay and if it isn't there is
an instantaneous shutdown.  In St. Paul it is pretty much the same story.
According to all the officials, we are protected from terrorist threats very
well.  Of course, there is always more they could do, they said.  Also, I
believe (if my memory isn't making this up) that the Fire Chief is the
ultimate party responsible for this.

Did anyone else see this report?  Do you recall more info?
Barbara Nelson

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[Mpls] Dopey water "protection" scheme

2002-08-21 Thread phaedrus

Phyllis Kahn mentioned:

> Why can't I get any comments (more than one) on
> the dopeyness of the feel-good proposal  from the
> Mayor to spend $500,000 to stop terroristic acts
> against the city water supply?

I would like to get more details on what this plan is.

I against spending this money specifically to protect
ourselves from some vague terrorist threat and it
seems very possible that it is being done just so we
can say we tried to do something.

If someone wants to do something bad enough, they'll
probably find a way. Some may get caught, but some

However, if the plan is something a bit more broad and
not just focused on the terroristic threat, then I
would support it more.

For example, if it were to involve making sure that
the water supply is constantly monitored for incoming
harmful components, it might not be such a bad thing.

If someone dumped a lot of chemical X, whether it was
for terroristic reasons, an industrial accident, or
criminal waste disposal into the sources for our
water, it would be good to be able to notice it before
it gets into our taps.

I would hope this is being done to a certain extent,
but if it needs to be improved and this money would be
used to improve it, then it might not be such a bad
thing. I personally believe the chance of accidental
or criminal contamination is likely to be much higher
than terroristic contamination.

Either way, having it be branded as "for terroristic
acts" is a bit of a feel good label.

So I'm up for dropping the distinction, but I guess
I'd need to know the details of the proposal before I
can make an educated decision on whether or not it is
a good idea.

- Jason Goray, Sheridan, NE

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Re: [Mpls] re: neighborhood fundraising

2002-08-21 Thread Eva Young

>James also states that money is disappearing from
>neighborhood groups. This is a blanket statement that
>is very unfair.  
Well it's unfair when referring to all neighborhood groups.  The statement
fully describes the situation at CNIA.  

>The State of Minnesota Audits EVERY neighborhood
>association in Mpls. that receives NRP funding. If
>money is "disappearing", the auditors would be aware
>of it and it would become part of the audit. If a
>neighborhood does not address the issues brought up in
>an audit and does not work to become a fiscally
>responsible organization, NRP can, will and has
>imposed sanctions against that organization. There are
>policies that cover this and it is in the contracts.  
Yes, but NRP with CNIA hasn't done enough to enforce the contract.  I still
hold Bob Miller of NRP responsible for this.  He told a friend of mine
shortly after the "Blue Crew" took over that he didn't want another
neighborhood org falling apart under his watch, when he was going to the
legislature trying to defend the program.  

>All of this is public information. If anyone wants to
>see any of the NRP policies, you may go to
Sure there are lots of policies, but do they do anything to enforce them?  

>If anyone wants to see copies of the neighborhood
>audits you may contact the NRP office at 673-5140 and
>request a copy of the audit for whatever neighborhood
>you are interested in monitoring. 

I have gotten copies of CNIA audits by calling NRP.  I'll give them the
credit for that.  

Does anyone else think that Art Erickson being President of CNIA being a
bit of a conflict of interest -- with his role as President of Urban Ventures?

Eva Young
Near North
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RE: [Mpls] Red Light Running

2002-08-21 Thread Sonja Dahl

Can we also talk about stop sign running?  There is a stop sign on 42nd St.
and Nokomis Ave. that I make a left turn at every day.  I can't trust that
oncoming cars will stop until they actually get to the sign and stop.  I
have seen a dozen cars run it -- one actually had to slow down and swerve
around me (I was making the left turn) in order to run the sign!  This same
car was behind another car which did stop, so I assumed it was my turn.

It is not unusual to see the shattered glass remains of the accidents that
occur there.  And yes, the stop sign is visible and yes, there is another
sign alerting drivers of the upcoming stop sign.

Sonja Dahl

-Original Message-
Dooley, Bill
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 11:01 AM
To: Discuss Minneapolis (E-mail)
Subject: [Mpls] Red Light Running

Has anyone noticed a proliferation of red light running in Minneapolis?
Within 24 hours on the corner of 54th and Lyndale Avenue South I saw a near
miss and a collision caused by a red light runner. Why is everyone in such a
gosh darn hurry?

Bill Dooley
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[Mpls] lite rails

2002-08-21 Thread James E Jacobsen

        Re: suggested 
negatives about light rail, the same was said of the construction of the 
Government Center at cost of about 55M in early 1970s.  
Board chair and GC proponent, Richard O. Hansen, -whose 29 year 
career as board member started with county functioning out of one 
large room in basement of city hall- was hounded out of office 
mainly over that and very dumb suggestions he got under the table payments on 
the construction.  Hansen said he was clean as the driven snow, 
-probably was.  
building at first stood alone away from the other high rises 
and Hansen said that if just one new building went up next to the 
GC, the resultant property tax would eventually pay 
for it.  
I expect that after a year or two of light rail operations the 
negatives will become users and very much appreciative of it and the 
overall story of the Light Rail will be similiar to the 
   And I expect 
that the reported dull and urbane 29th street rail corridor will 
eventually become the light rail line accross Minneapolis. 
James Jacobsen // Whittier   

Re: [Mpls] re: neighborhood fundraising

2002-08-21 Thread Barbara Lickness

 James Jacobson wrote:

"With all the disappearing money from neighborhood
groups, I think any kind of 'fund raising' gambling
deals should be shy'd away from totally."

Barb Lickness writes:

I agree that charitable gambling may not be a good
venue for neighborhood groups to use to raise
additional funding for the organizaiton.

James also states that money is disappearing from
neighborhood groups. This is a blanket statement that
is very unfair.  

The State of Minnesota Audits EVERY neighborhood
association in Mpls. that receives NRP funding. If
money is "disappearing", the auditors would be aware
of it and it would become part of the audit. If a
neighborhood does not address the issues brought up in
an audit and does not work to become a fiscally
responsible organization, NRP can, will and has
imposed sanctions against that organization. There are
policies that cover this and it is in the contracts.  

All of this is public information. If anyone wants to
see any of the NRP policies, you may go to

If anyone wants to see copies of the neighborhood
audits you may contact the NRP office at 673-5140 and
request a copy of the audit for whatever neighborhood
you are interested in monitoring. 

Barb Lickness
andNRP staff 

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the 
world.  Indeed,
it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead

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Re: [Mpls] Trench for Lake Street Greenway Swap

2002-08-21 Thread Gypsycurse7

In a message dated 8/21/2002 9:20:23 AM Central Daylight Time, 

> Very few people, it seems bike
>  the Greenway and it's no wonder. In spite of the heroic efforts of the
>  people who work on the Greenway, it remains an ugly, broken glass ,
>  graffiti and litter strewn, subterranean wasteland..no shops, no
>  peopleBORING.

Another reason nobody uses the Greenway is the lack of entrances and exits. 
>From Grand Avenue, the only choice I have is either an entrance at Nicollet 
or one at Bryant. I would much rather take the Greenway than Lake St. but 
there's no place accessible for me to get on it.

Linda Mann
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Re: [Mpls] School Board elections

2002-08-21 Thread WizardMarks

Even to do a poor job, the amount of time, the learning curve, and 
responsibility generated by sitting on any of the elected boards is a 
great deal for a citizen to take on. There is always a balance to be 
reached between a citizen board and an "experts" (for lack of a more 
exact term) board. A case can be made for increasing the honoraria or 
stipends for those boards. However, it was designed as a citizen's board 
(at least in the case of the library). (That's why J. Cherryhomes mother 
received a lot of flack as a board member--she was a retired librarian. 
Why that same situation didn't occur when Virginia Holt, another retired 
librarian, was elected, I don't know.)
It is a myth that being on the elected boards (library, park, education, 
estimates & taxation) is a first step to higher office. People get on 
these boards because they have a (probably) unnatural mania about parks, 
etc. All the honoraria do is offset the cost to a certain extent of 
attending meetings (taking off work, finding a baby or parent caregiver) 
and the other baggage associated with any public office. The rest winds 
up supporting the next campaign to stay in office (or so I've been told).
For my own part, having inserted myself among the candidates last 
election season, I ran because I knew that the staff was not willing to 
hear what its constituents were saying and the board didn't appear to 
either. A lot of that attitude was a matter of class issues as well as 
badly outdated past practice. It was like pushing a rock uphill with our 
noses to get the rigidly fixed library management staff and board (with 
exceptions, of course) to bend enough to listen--not necessarily hear, 
but just listen--to what their constituency was saying. Then too, having 
heard what constituents said, in some cases, there was a lack of skill 
and tools to implement any changes. The drawback of every entrenched 
bureaucracy is that it isn't very flexible. We are probably lucky, at 
least in the case of the library, that it isn't any bigger and 
consequently even more rigid.
WizardMarks, Central

Pamela Taylor wrote:

>And I have no illusions that anyone will get rich on that, either.  However,
>it does pay a few bills here and there.  And I am not so convinced that the
>job done thus far by the MPSB has been that great.  So maybe we got just
>about as much as we paid for.
>Pamela Taylor
>(Clearwater, FL)
>-Original Message-
>Michelle Mensing
>Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 11:22 AM
>Subject: RE: [Mpls] School Board elections
>Pamela Taylor posts:
>>I mean no personal disrespect to anyone, but IMHO there should be term
>>limits on the school board.
>>There has been too many years of the status quo being maintained.
>>Eventually, you have to look at who is helping make those decisions.
>>Food for thought:  Would some of these candidates still be running if
>>were no monetary compensation attached to the job?
>MM:  Refering to information in the New Guide to State and Local Elections
>in this weeks SW Journal edition, school board members make $9,600 annually
>for their service.  I find it hard to believe that this amount of money
>would motivate anybody to do the job they take on.
>Michelle Mensing
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[Mpls] PRAC Fundraiser for Stenglein

2002-08-21 Thread Eva Young

The Property Rights Action Committee is having a fundraiser for Mark
Stenglein on Thursday Aug 22 - 7-9:30 PM.  Marquette Place (1314 Marquette
Av), 35th floor party room.  

Good Food, Beverages, Music and Great Conversation.  Catch the latest

Minneapolis Listmembers are encouraged to attend.  

Eva Young
Eva Young
Near North
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[Mpls] re: neighborhood fundraising

2002-08-21 Thread James E Jacobsen

 It was my suggestion and efforts to hold 'Benefit Boogie' in the
Old Fire House on the West Bank, 1975.  We got Willie Murphy and Bees to
play for free and took in $1100.00.  But then a local neighborhood mugwug
just took the money and walked, I never heard a thing of where it went or
what was done with it.  I sure would never be involved with something like
that again.
With all the disappearing money from neighborhood groups, I think
any kind of 'fund raising' gambling deals should be shy'd away from totally.
 James Jacobsen // Whittier

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[Mpls] East Side Neighborhood Services

2002-08-21 Thread Steve Brandt

Barb Lickness asked:
I saw an add for a "Lawful Gambling Manager" in last
Sunday's paper for East Side Neighborhood Services. Do
they do bingo or pulltabs? Could this be a way for
other neighborhoods to make money?

Steve Brandt:
Anyone who wants to look up a gambling license may do so at this web
site for the Minnesota Gambling Control Board:
To answer her specific question, ESNS holds a Class B license, allowing
pulltabs, paddle wheels, tipboards and raffles.  ESNS is not a
neighborhood organization in the city-recognized sense, but rather a
social service agency.
Could this be a way for neighborhoods to raise money? Lyndale
Neighborhood Development Corp. held a lottery several years ago to raise
money.  People with longer memories than mine tell me that some other
neighborhood organizations have had unhappy experiences with charitable
gambling as a fundraising tool.  Maybe some of the people involved could
share their experiences.

Steve Brandt
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[Mpls] Fw: lite rails

2002-08-21 Thread James E Jacobsen

Re: suggested negatives about light rail, the same was said of the
construction of the Government Center at cost of about 55M in early 1970s.
Board chair and GC proponent, Richard O. Hansen, -whose 29 year
career as board member started with county functioning out of one large room
in basement of city hall- was hounded out of office mainly over that and
very dumb suggestions he got under the table payments on the construction.
Hansen said he was clean as the driven snow, -probably was.
The building at first stood alone away from the other high rises and
Hansen said that if just one new building went up next to the GC, the
resultant property tax would eventually pay for it.
I expect that after a year or two of light rail operations the
negatives will become users and very much appreciative of it and the overall
story of the Light Rail will be similiar to the GC.
   And I expect that the reported dull and urbane 29th street rail
corridor will eventually become the light rail line accross Minneapolis.
   James Jacobsen // Whittier

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RE: [Mpls] School Board elections

2002-08-21 Thread Pamela Taylor


And I have no illusions that anyone will get rich on that, either.  However,
it does pay a few bills here and there.  And I am not so convinced that the
job done thus far by the MPSB has been that great.  So maybe we got just
about as much as we paid for.

Pamela Taylor
(Clearwater, FL)

-Original Message-
Michelle Mensing
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 11:22 AM
Subject: RE: [Mpls] School Board elections

Pamela Taylor posts:
> I mean no personal disrespect to anyone, but IMHO there should be term
> limits on the school board.
> There has been too many years of the status quo being maintained.
> Eventually, you have to look at who is helping make those decisions.
> Food for thought:  Would some of these candidates still be running if
> were no monetary compensation attached to the job?

MM:  Refering to information in the New Guide to State and Local Elections
in this weeks SW Journal edition, school board members make $9,600 annually
for their service.  I find it hard to believe that this amount of money
would motivate anybody to do the job they take on.

Michelle Mensing

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FW: [Mpls] The Park Board and the Solheim Cup

2002-08-21 Thread Scott Persons


I am forwarding this response I got from Don Siggelkow at the Park Board
with his permission.  It answers all the questions I asked about the
arrangements to park cars on Meadowbrook golf course next month for all you
golfing lurkers out there.  (I think I'm the only one who actually posts
about Mpls golf)  I want to thank Don for responding so quickly and
thoroughly to my questions and am impressed with the arrangements they have
made and how they are using the parking revenue they make.

Scott Persons

-Original Message-
From: Siggelkow, Donald E. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 10:37 AM
To: Vivian Mason; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Nelson, Scott D.
Subject: RE: [Mpls] Tha Park Board and the Solheim Cup


Congratulations on shooting 84 at Meadowbrook.  The Board approved an
agreement with the LPGA last year to allow the use of Meadowbrook Golf
Course for parking. 

Options to park off site were explored - and that option will be used in
case of rain.  The Board is receiving the past 3 years average income
generated from September 17th to 22nd - which is $27,000.  We will also
receive up to 3 additional days "rent" of $4,500 a day if the course cannot
reopen on the 23rd for any reason.

We will receive all of the $5.00 per car parking fee in addition to the
course rental.  The LPGA is estimating 32,000 total cars during the event or
a total of $160,000.  The proceeds from parking are dedicated to provide
scholarships for our Junior Golf Program.  We have over 800 kids in our
junior golf program and 60% need scholarships.  Any repair or renovations
required from the parking would also come from the parking proceeds.

We fully expect that the golf course will reopen on the 23rd of September
and restoration requirements will be minimal due to careful planning that
has been done by Meadowbrook Staff and the LPGA to park in non-play areas
(ie, the rough) and minimize travel over the fairways.

This was a difficult decision to take the course out of play and to expose
the course to damage as well. In the end, the opportunity to support a major
women's golf event and generate funding for our junior golf program - while
taking all precautions to minimize the impact on the golf course - won out.

You can contact Scott Nelson, manager of Meadowbrook, or myself @
612.661.4820 if you have additional questions.

-Original Message-
From: Vivian Mason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 12:23 PM
To: Siggelkow, Donald E.
Subject: FW: [Mpls] Tha Park Board and the Solheim Cup

FYI Vivian

From: Scott Persons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Mpls] Tha Park Board and the Solheim Cup
Date: Tue, Aug 20, 2002, 10:22 AM

This is certainly down a few rungs on the importance ladder compared to the
facilities issue that has been discussed but I'd like an explanation of the
decision and how much the Park Board got paid to do this.  A month from now
Interlachen Country Club holds the Solheim Cup, it's an LPGA team
competition between Europe and the US like the Ryder Cup for men's golf.  I
read this morning in the Strib that they will be parking 7,000 cars for this
event on Meadowbrook Golf Course nearby which is run by the Minneapolis Park
Board.  I have a few questions regarding this arrangement.

1. How much did the Park Board get paid to do this
2. What is the plan to get Meadowbrook back into playable condition after
the tournament and is the money set aside in case it costs more than
3. Were shuttle buses ever considered as an alternative instead of tearing
up this nice, affordable, public golf course? (they worked pretty well at
the PGA)
4. Will the course reopen this season and will it be reimbursed for lost
green fees if it can't reopen in a timely fashion?

I'm anxious to hear answers to these questions because I love the
Minneapolis city courses and as user of these facilities really value them.
I'm withholding judgement for now but will be extremely disappointed if the
quality of Meadowvbrook suffers in the long term for this one time payday.

Scott Persons
Lyndale Neighborhood
Proud to have shot 84 at Meadowbrook last Friday morning!

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Re: [Mpls] More on Adopt-a-Litter Container

2002-08-21 Thread Craig Miller


I am still the poster child for this program.  If you already have a
commercial dumpster, this is a no brainer.  If your a landlord, your already
being blamed for the problem.  Get a can, empty it yourself and save your
self a bunch of pain.

Craig Miller
44th Ave North Garbage King
- Original Message -
From: "Mark Snyder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Minneapolis Issues Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 11:36 PM
Subject: [Mpls] More on Adopt-a-Litter Container

> Hi all,
> Some of you may remember from a few weeks back when I touted the
> Adopt-a-Litter Container program run by the Minneapolis Division of Solid
> Waste and Recycling as a way to help with litter downtown and elsewhere in
> our city.  At the time, I'd just submitted my application and I've now had
> my very own container for a little over a week.
> I'm pleased to say that it's getting used extensively!  I find far less
> trash in my yard/boulevard and the storm sewer out front nowadays and I'm
> betting it will really pay off next spring when I don't have to pick up
> mounds of garbage that were usually unveiled when the snow would melt.
> been gratifying to learn that folks will do the right thing if given the
> opportunity.
> So if you're a Minneapolis resident or business owner located in a
> high-traffic area like a bus line or something, I strongly encourage you
> take part in this program.  You can learn more and download an application
> at http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/citywork/public-works/solid-waste/
> My one suggestion for improvement would be to make this program more
> visible.  On the City of Minneapolis web site, I think it's worthy of
> getting listed under "A" in the main services directory to make it easier
> for people to find.  If "appliance disposal" qualifies, I think
> "Adopt-a-Litter container" ought to as well.  It also might not be a bad
> idea to do an insert in a future water/garbage billing or advertise the
> program in community newspapers like Hennepin County Environmental
> has done with their waste reduction efforts.  To reach businesses, perhaps
> Solid Waste and Recycling could partner with Licenses and Consumer
> to spread the word if that's not already being done.
> Mark Snyder
> Windom Park (59A)
> ___
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Re: [Mpls] Red Light Running

2002-08-21 Thread WizardMarks

I don't know if it's a proliferation or just business as usual, but the 
number of people who run the lights at Lake and Portland, Lake and Park, 
31st St. and Park and 31st St. and Portland is astronomical. No week 
goes by without that sound of crashing vehicles. Some of those crashes 
have created major loss of life and injury. Also, there's a fair amount 
of destruction to parked vehicles and corner properties. Very scarey stuff.
WizardMarks, Central

Dooley, Bill wrote:

>Has anyone noticed a proliferation of red light running in Minneapolis? Within 24 
>hours on the corner of 54th and Lyndale Avenue South I saw a near miss and a 
>collision caused by a red light runner. Why is everyone in such a gosh darn hurry?
>Bill Dooley
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[Mpls] Light Rail Delay; borrow from the counties! Everyone's doing it.

2002-08-21 Thread Dave Piehl

Dick Saunders reported:
As of May 2002, MnDOT had postponed the 62/35W
reconstruction project by four years to 2006 or
2007--one of a number of metro project delays =
because of budget shortfall.

David Piehl adds:
The I35W Access Project did not get funded either;
MNDoT committed to about $98 million of the $150
million price tag, but doesn't have the money in this
budget.  Solution:  Hennepin County is planning to
sell bonds to pay MNDoT's portion, then get reimbursed
someday in the future.  If Hennepin County has $98
million to rearrange a few ramps at 35W & Lake, and
can make loans to local religious groups, it seems
like they should be able to loan the Met Council, the
state, or whoever a few million to keep LRT on

David Piehl

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[Mpls] (no subject)

2002-08-21 Thread Mark Wilde

"Greenway, it remains an ugly, broken glass ,
graffiti and litter strewn, subterranean
wasteland..no shops, no peopleBORING."

I strongly disagree with this statement.  I think the
greenway is perfect.  I feel safe when riding there
with my family.  Safe from cars and criminals.  It has
an urban feel I'll admit, but everything does not have
to be bright and pretty all the time.

Mark Wilde
Windom Park

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[Mpls] School Board, Dibble vs. Roche, and the Skyway News

2002-08-21 Thread W. Brandon Lacy Campos

To begin with I want to ask David Brauer to pass on to Skyway News that I
find the Skyway News to be an excellent community paper. In fact, of all the
neighborhood papers, it is the only one that I read. Add to that the Women's
Press, the MN Daily, and Lavender Magazine, and it's on a short list of
local non-major publications that I peruse.

I read the article in the current Skyway News concernign the race between
Dibble and Roche. Roche is the kind of politician that makes my skin itch.
He spends more time attempting to blast Dibble than telling us why we should
vote for him. Does anyone know his track record in Minnesota? Does he have a
background as a neighborhood/community activist? What contributions, if any,
has he made to the area in which he is running?

The Skyway News also had a pretty good write-up of the candidates, it's
probably the same as in the SW Journal...doesn't David edit both of those?

I am personally excited about the candidacies of Joe Erickson, La Shella
Sims, and Doug Mann. As a matter of fact, I'd go so far as to even endorse
those three worthies. My fourth spot is open ;-).

-Brandon Lacy
-Powderhorn Park
-Original Message-
David Brauer
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] School Board elections

on 8/21/02 10:21 AM, Michelle Mensing at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Pamela Taylor posts:
>> I mean no personal disrespect to anyone, but IMHO there should be term
>> limits on the school board.
>> There has been too many years of the status quo being maintained.
>> Eventually, you have to look at who is helping make those decisions.
>> Food for thought:  Would some of these candidates still be running if
> there
>> were no monetary compensation attached to the job?
> MM:  Refering to information in the New Guide to State and Local Elections
> in this weeks SW Journal edition, school board members make $9,600
> for their service.  I find it hard to believe that this amount of money
> would motivate anybody to do the job they take on.

Seconding Michelle's emotion. I've always regarded the School Board
director's job as having the highest pain-to-pay ratio in local
government...though after the recent list discussion, I'm thinking Park
Board commissioner is nipping at its heels.

Whatever you think of their decisions, being on the School Board is a
virtually thankless job. So I say "thank you" to all who serve or have
served. I know their intentions are honorable.

David Brauer
King Field

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Re: [Mpls] light rail delay

2002-08-21 Thread dicksaun

As of May 2002, MnDOT had postponed the 62/35W 
reconstruction project by four years to 2006 or 2007--one of a number of metro 
project delays because of budget shortfall.
Dick Saunders
Diamond Lake


[Mpls] Red Light Running

2002-08-21 Thread Dooley, Bill

Has anyone noticed a proliferation of red light running in Minneapolis? Within 24 
hours on the corner of 54th and Lyndale Avenue South I saw a near miss and a collision 
caused by a red light runner. Why is everyone in such a gosh darn hurry?

Bill Dooley
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Re: [Mpls] School Board elections

2002-08-21 Thread Andy Driscoll

Thirding that emotion. I've never been able to figure out the rewards for
this particular public service. Totally thankless.

Andy Driscoll
Saint Paul

> From: "David Brauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 10:35:09 -0500
> Subject: Re: [Mpls] School Board elections
> on 8/21/02 10:21 AM, Michelle Mensing at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Pamela Taylor posts:
>>> I mean no personal disrespect to anyone, but IMHO there should be term
>>> limits on the school board.
>>> There has been too many years of the status quo being maintained.
>>> Eventually, you have to look at who is helping make those decisions.
>>> Food for thought:  Would some of these candidates still be running if
>> there
>>> were no monetary compensation attached to the job?
>> MM:  Refering to information in the New Guide to State and Local Elections
>> in this weeks SW Journal edition, school board members make $9,600 annually
>> for their service.  I find it hard to believe that this amount of money
>> would motivate anybody to do the job they take on.
> Seconding Michelle's emotion. I've always regarded the School Board
> director's job as having the highest pain-to-pay ratio in local
> government...though after the recent list discussion, I'm thinking Park
> Board commissioner is nipping at its heels.
> Whatever you think of their decisions, being on the School Board is a
> virtually thankless job. So I say "thank you" to all who serve or have
> served. I know their intentions are honorable.
> David Brauer
> King Field
> ___
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Re: [Mpls] Highlights of this week's SW Journal

2002-08-21 Thread Michael Atherton

Pamela Taylor wrote:

>  Doug Mann, Joe Erickson and Michael Atherton.  I believe they have good
>  ideas and can make a difference - together.

Pamela, thanks for the endorsement!  I'm glad that someone 
thought that Journal's profile of me was positive. ;-)

>  More money will not help if not used properly.  I feel what is allocated has
>  been used ineffectively.  Put together an educational system that makes some
>  sense first, then, lobby for a budget to support it.  Communication is
>  always good, but if you communicate the same old things your results will be
>  the same old things.  As a parent, you could have talked to me all day, but
>  if you were not telling me anything worth listening to, and your forthcoming
>  actions support the hot air you've been blowing my way, you might as well
>  have saved your breath.  New ideas are very much needed.

After reading the paragraph it's not that surprising that I 
have your support, we agree on many issues.

>  I mean no personal disrespect to anyone, but IMHO there should be term
>  limits on the school board.

I've always been ambivalent about term limits. If someone is 
performing well and getting results then term limits are a 
"limiting" factor. If I do not have a positive impact on the 
public schools then I promise not to run again.  I also
promise that I will not run again after my children graduate 
from high school.

>  There has been too many years of the status quo being maintained.
>  Eventually, you have to look at who is helping make those decisions.

The pace of "improvements" is too slow for me and I don't 
see the current board generating any innovative programs or ideas.

>  Food for thought:  Would some of these candidates still be running if there
>  were no monetary compensation attached to the job?

I didn't know until after I had decided to run that there was 
monetary compensation and either way I don't think anyone is 
going to get rich on the ~10k a year that board members receive.  
Voters should be more concerned about who is using the schools as 
a stepping stone to higher office.

Michael Atherton
Candidate for Minneapolis School Board
Prospect Park

Prepared and paid for by the Atherton for MPS Committee.
156 Orlin Ave SE, Mpls, MN 55414
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Re: [Mpls] Loring Park & MPRB

2002-08-21 Thread twoguys

To respond to Richard Anderson's post regarding the MPRB and Loring Park;

I wonder why they're spending this money for offices in the shelter
building, when that wasn't identified as a high priority for the
neighborhood during the first phase of the NRP.  The Loring neighborhood
worked hand-in-hand with the MPRB for the redesign of all aspects of the
park (which turned out very well, thus far).  The entrance to Loring Park
at Lyndale and Oak Grove was seen as a high priority, but the MPRB said
they didn't have the money.  The same is true of the pedestrian crossing
from the Greenway to the Berger Fountain in Loring Park; again this was a
much higher priority to the neighborhood than offices, etc, at the sheltor
building, and again the MPRB said they didn't have the money.  Shouldn't
they be spending this $1.2Million on the things the residents of the
neighborhood considered a high priority, instead of something the residents
rated as a low priority?  

-Bob Copeland
Loring Park

On 20 Aug 2002, Richard K. Anderson wrote:
> Well, it's been awhile since I've made a few comments about how much
> ($1.2Million) the MPRB plans to spend to renovate the shelter building in
> Loring Park. Construction we are told will begin this fall.
> So, what's the big deal about MPRB spending money to build an office for
> themselves? If they are willing to spend this much money to renovate a
> building that has little community use, what's a few million more for
> space.
> The neigborhood organization and the Capitol Long Range Improvement
> Committee (CLIC) has asked the MPRB for a document that we assume the
> would have done to justify the expense of the Loring renovation and
> expansion into an "Arts Center". Not ever produced by the MRRB to date!
> I guess that we all should just assume that the MPRB spends money as it
> fit regardless of "community concern" and leave it at that.
> So where are the good fishing holes?
> Richard Anderson
> Loring Park
> ___
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Bob Copeland and/or Greg Staler

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Re: [Mpls] School Board elections

2002-08-21 Thread David Brauer

on 8/21/02 10:21 AM, Michelle Mensing at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Pamela Taylor posts:
>> I mean no personal disrespect to anyone, but IMHO there should be term
>> limits on the school board.
>> There has been too many years of the status quo being maintained.
>> Eventually, you have to look at who is helping make those decisions.
>> Food for thought:  Would some of these candidates still be running if
> there
>> were no monetary compensation attached to the job?
> MM:  Refering to information in the New Guide to State and Local Elections
> in this weeks SW Journal edition, school board members make $9,600 annually
> for their service.  I find it hard to believe that this amount of money
> would motivate anybody to do the job they take on.

Seconding Michelle's emotion. I've always regarded the School Board
director's job as having the highest pain-to-pay ratio in local
government...though after the recent list discussion, I'm thinking Park
Board commissioner is nipping at its heels.

Whatever you think of their decisions, being on the School Board is a
virtually thankless job. So I say "thank you" to all who serve or have
served. I know their intentions are honorable.

David Brauer
King Field

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[Mpls] Light-rail line delayed until April 2004

2002-08-21 Thread Alan Shilepsky

I've always worried that the LRT tail would wag the Metro Transit dog, 
that financial and managerial resources would be diverted away from the 
bus system and into the "high tech", feel-good ("green" and above the 
traffic) money pit that the more politically connected "rich people" 
(commuters, airline passengers) would ride.  Already they are talking 
about finite transportation budgets having to be split between LRT and 
buses.  Unfortunately the fine grained system that the transit dependent 
(old,  young, disabled, poor) ride on may be shorted to operate a trophy 
system whose ridership will be miniscule compared to its cost.  

I commuted for 1 1/2 years to the Mall of America on the 80 (then 180) 
bus,  which went down Nicollet Mall and by the Convention Center before 
zipping down to MOA.  Total elasped time from the Central Library: 35 
minutes, even in heavy traffic.  (The bus had drive-on-shoulder rights.)  

The new LRT when it arrives will come down 5th street.  If  you are at 
Washington Ave., the Hyatt or the Convention Center, and if it is cold 
or raining and/or if you have a suitcase, you will have to take a bus to 
5th to get on the LRT.  Once at MOA you will be let off a block further 
away and on a different level than the current transit center that 
services many area bus lines.  Bye-bye transit synergisism.

Lynn Woodward was right, that LRT was a bad idea.  And the PRT concept 
should have at least been tested.  It is true innovation, leveraging our 
new high strength, low weight material technologies and our computer 
technologies (for individualized dispatching), to produce an 
individualized, finer grained, faster and more convenient service than 
an upgraded trolley car approach that is conceptually not much different 
than then 100+ year old technologies that Boston and New York have in 

Congratulations, Minneapolis, we have just prepared to fight the last 
war, not the next one.

Alan Shilepsky

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RE: [Mpls] School Board elections

2002-08-21 Thread Michelle Mensing

Pamela Taylor posts:
> I mean no personal disrespect to anyone, but IMHO there should be term
> limits on the school board.
> There has been too many years of the status quo being maintained.
> Eventually, you have to look at who is helping make those decisions.
> Food for thought:  Would some of these candidates still be running if
> were no monetary compensation attached to the job?

MM:  Refering to information in the New Guide to State and Local Elections
in this weeks SW Journal edition, school board members make $9,600 annually
for their service.  I find it hard to believe that this amount of money
would motivate anybody to do the job they take on.

Michelle Mensing

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[Mpls] FW: NRP Policy Board Election set for November 21

2002-08-21 Thread Cooper, Bob

Posted at the request of Brett Feldman, NRP Communications Specialist:

Subject: NRP Policy Board Election set for November 21

Contact: Brett Feldman 


NRP Policy Board Election set for November 21 - candidate filing materials
now online 

MINNEAPOLIS (August 20, 2002) ­ The process for the election of neighborhood
representatives and alternates for seats on the 2003 NRP Policy Board begins
on August 20, 2002. If you would like to file as a candidate, the necessary
filing forms are now available on the NRP Web site at http://www.nrp.org.
Filing forms will also soon be available at neighborhood organization
offices, Minneapolis Public Libraries, the NRP office, the Minneapolis City
Clerk's office (Room 304 in City Hall) and at the League of Women Voters
(LWV) of Minneapolis office. As in past elections, the LWV will be assisting
in all aspects of the election process. Filing forms must be received by the
LWV office no later than noon on Monday, September 23, 2002. 

What is the NRP Policy Board? 
The NRP Policy Board is the governing body of the NRP. Its members provide
overall direction to the program and are responsible for the review and
approval of Neighborhood Action Plans. Neighborhood residents hold four of
the 19 seats on the Board and serve for a one-year term. Policy Board
meetings are typically held on the third Monday each month from 4:30 p.m. to
6:30 p.m. at the Hennepin County Government Center. 

Who is eligible to run for a seat on the NRP Policy Board? 
Candidates seeking a term on the NRP Policy Board must be a resident of the
appropriate neighborhood category (i.e. protection, revitalization,
redirection) for a minimum of 30 days prior to the election and be at least
21 years old when their term of office begins in January, 2003. A
neighborhood representative and alternate will be elected for each of the
three neighborhood categories (protection, revitalization, redirection). An
at-large representative and alternate will also be elected. 

Candidate forums and election proceedings set for Thursday, November 21,
Each Minneapolis neighborhood organization will select an elector and
alternate to vote on behalf of the neighborhood. Information on this process
is being sent to each neighborhood organization. A Voter's Guide listing the
candidates and their responses to several questions will also be prepared by
the LWV and distributed in late October. Election proceedings, including
candidate forums, will be held from 6:45 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. on Thursday,
November 21, 2002 at the Crown Roller Mill Building, 105 Fifth Ave S. For
more information on the election, call the LWV office at 612-333-6319 or
Carsten Slostad at 612-673-5150. The candidate forums and election
proceedings are open to the public. For more information on the current NRP
Policy Board, please visit


Brett Feldman 
Communications Specialist 
Minneapolis NRP 
105 Fifth Avenue South #425 
Minneapolis, MN 55401 
Ph: (612) 673-5158 
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[Mpls] RE: Budget Website address

2002-08-21 Thread Sether, Laura S

In addition, at list member Steve Clift's suggestion, we simplified the link to the 

Laura Sether
Office of Mayor Rybak
> -Original Message-
> From: Pai, Vaman M 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 7:35 AM
> To:   'rachel_n_lewis"@uhc.com'
> Cc:   Sether, Laura S; Rybak, R.T.
> Subject:  Budget Website address
> Rachel: If you noticed in the e-mail from Laura Sether, the link appears broken. If 
>you notice on the second line, the rest of the link follows. The Web address is 
>correct, it just did not appear as a link in its entirety as the Forum e-mail 
>specifications broke the link down as you can see below. Try the second link or type 
>the entire line in all the way through "...budget2003.html." My apologies for the 
>late response. I get the digest and this one arrived after I left work last evening.
> From: "Sether, Laura S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 15:04:11 -0500
> Subject: [Mpls] Mayor's budget on web
> The Mayor's proposed budget is now posted in full on the web at:
> http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/citywork/city-coordinator/finance/servic
> es-b
> udget/recommended-budget2003.html
> Try this:
> Vaman Pai
> Communications Department
> City of Minneapolis
> 350 South 5th Street - Room 301M
> Minneapolis, MN 55415-1300
> 612.673.2123
> 952.365.6588 (pager)
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Re: [Mpls] Voter's guide available

2002-08-21 Thread Michelle Mensing

There is also an election guide published in the August 19 edition of the SW
Journal.  The guide was put together by Southwest Citizens for Civic
Engagement and is called:

A New Guide to Local and State Elections - based on the old workplace adage
"it's always best to know the job description before interviewing the

The guide features job descriptions for state and local candidates,
including salaries, duties, budgetary responsibility, etc.

Also included in this publication is information about a
Night-Before-the-Primary Party on September 9th from 7-9pm at Lake Harriet
School Upper Campus (50th and Washburn Ave S).  Come and meet the candidates
running for local elections in SW Minneapolis - event features root beer
floats, popcorn, music, comments from Mayor RT Rybak, CubScout Pack 46
opening flag ceremony, voter registration, and more.  This event will be an
informal, old-style political social - no candidate debating allowed.  The
idea is for you to come and chat with the candidates and other neighbors
about the issues of the day.  "Cheat Sheets" will be available listing a few
questions and hot-button issues to get those of us who don't necessarily
follow local politics.

For more information, call the Fulton Neighborhood Line at (612) 922-3106.

Michelle Mensing
Southwest Citizens for Civic Engagement organizer
- Original Message -
From: "Amanda Tempel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 10:11 AM
Subject: [Mpls] Voter's guide available

> Voter's guide available
> Published Aug 21, 2002 BR21
> Star Tribune
> A voter's guide listing offices that will appear on the ballot this fall,
> pertinent dates and locations of polling places is available from the
> Minnesota secretary of state's office.
> It also includes information about absentee balloting, a glossary of terms
> used in elections, and contact information for the state's four major
> political parties.
> Copies are available from the major parties -- Republican, DFL,
> and Green -- and at county auditors offices. Single copies and larger
> quantities also are available by calling the secretary of state's office
> 651-215-1440 or 1-877-600-8683 or by e-mail at
> The guide is available online at http://www.sos.state.mn.us. Click on
> Voter's Guide."
> The Star Tribune will publish voter's guides for the Sept. 10 primary
> election on Friday, Sept. 6, and guides for the Nov. 5 general election on
> Friday, Nov. 1. They will include information provided by candidates for
> federal, state and local offices.
> -- Mark Brunswick
> ___
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[Mpls] light rail delay

2002-08-21 Thread James E Jacobsen

    Not so 
unusual the lite rail delay, whatabout the Crosstown interchange freeway 
that was supposed to be getting improved. 
I, at least, am glad to see that the project is in 
progress and eventually will be 'on line', and I wish they would do the 
same with the Crosstown.  
James Jacobsen // 

[Mpls] Trench for Lake Street Greenway Swap

2002-08-21 Thread ken avidor

I was riding my bike on the Midtown Greenway yesterday and I noticed
the tracks that used to run along the bikeway are being pulled up. I
presume a busway will occupy that space. Very few people, it seems bike
the Greenway and it's no wonder. In spite of the heroic efforts of the
people who work on the Greenway, it remains an ugly, broken glass ,
graffiti and litter strewn, subterranean wasteland..no shops, no
peopleBORING. Now, bus riders will get to share the bleak, boring
Trench with bicyclistsunless...

We do a swapturn the trench into an auto and truck only
freeway and put the bike/pedestrian and transit only Greenway on Lake

Motorists are used to traveling in ugly trenches like 35W. Motorists
are too busy staying alive to look at their surroundings. The Trench
doesn't have street lights to hold up traffic.. 35W and Hwy 55 could be
connected to the trench and the the Trench feeds right into the new
Wells Fargo Ramp and the Sears complex  making the 35W Access
Project people happy. Stores on Lake Street would have parking in the
rear accessed by a frontage road on the south edge of the trench.

And bicyclists, pedestrians and  trolley riders would flock to the
new Lake Street Greenway...outdoor cafes, festivals.it's a win-win.

Ken Avidor

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Re: [Mpls] Light-rail line delayed until April 2004

2002-08-21 Thread Jim MCGUIRE

I agree, Paul.  It's no surprise that when the Legislature refuses to fund 
transit properly that there are delays - especially in big projects.  It's 
especially a shame in this case since the building of a first rail line in 
most cities is usually followed by a demand from the public for more.

Jim McGuire

Original Message Follows
From: "Paul Kuettel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Minneapolis Issues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Mpls] Light-rail line delayed until April 2004
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 21:13:00 -0500

Hi All!

As Gomer Pyle used to say,




Paul Kuettel
Falcon Heights
No egos were harmed in the composition of this post.

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RE: [Mpls] Highlights of this week's SW Journal

2002-08-21 Thread Pamela Taylor


>From reading the SW article and posts thus far, here's my vote as to who
should govern the schools:

Doug Mann, Joe Erickson and Michael Atherton.  I believe they have good
ideas and can make a difference - together.

More money will not help if not used properly.  I feel what is allocated has
been used ineffectively.  Put together an educational system that makes some
sense first, then, lobby for a budget to support it.  Communication is
always good, but if you communicate the same old things your results will be
the same old things.  As a parent, you could have talked to me all day, but
if you were not telling me anything worth listening to, and your forthcoming
actions support the hot air you've been blowing my way, you might as well
have saved your breath.  New ideas are very much needed.

I mean no personal disrespect to anyone, but IMHO there should be term
limits on the school board.
There has been too many years of the status quo being maintained.
Eventually, you have to look at who is helping make those decisions.

Food for thought:  Would some of these candidates still be running if there
were no monetary compensation attached to the job?

Pamela Taylor
(Clearwater, FL Grandma looking out for her Minneapolis school age

-Original Message-
David Brauer
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 10:35 PM
To: Mpls list
Subject: [Mpls] Highlights of this week's SW Journal

Forwarding a few stories as discussion fodder from the current (Aug. 19)
issue of the SW Journal:

Senate District 60 DFL primary preview
Freshman Scott Dibble takes on feisty opponent Rick Roche
By Kevin Featherly

Who'll govern the schools?
School board primary preview
By Caitlin Pine

City rejects Jungle Theater loan forgiveness
Lyn-Lake theater already made a profit on the Latham Building they never
used; sought but failed to get $126,000 loan balance waived
By Scott Russell

Mailboxes disappear throughout SW
Postal Service takes half the boxes from the 55409 zip code; cites
graffiti, trash, low use and its own deficit; neighbors protest
By Robyn Repya
(Credit where credit is due: City Pages beat us to this story in their
8/14 issue by virtue of their Wednesday publication date. Their story is
at http://www.citypages.com/databank/23/1132/article10629.asp?page=3)

We crave your feedback, even in the (hopefully rare) case it's wrapped
in a brick.

Note: the links will remain live until Sept. 9, then you'll have to find
'em in the archives.

David Brauer
King Field
Editor, SW Journal

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[Mpls] Voter's guide available

2002-08-21 Thread Amanda Tempel

Voter's guide available
Published Aug 21, 2002 BR21 
Star Tribune

A voter's guide listing offices that will appear on the ballot this fall,
pertinent dates and locations of polling places is available from the
Minnesota secretary of state's office.

It also includes information about absentee balloting, a glossary of terms
used in elections, and contact information for the state's four major
political parties.

Copies are available from the major parties -- Republican, DFL, Independence
and Green -- and at county auditors offices. Single copies and larger
quantities also are available by calling the secretary of state's office at
651-215-1440 or 1-877-600-8683 or by e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The guide is available online at http://www.sos.state.mn.us. Click on "2002
Voter's Guide."

The Star Tribune will publish voter's guides for the Sept. 10 primary
election on Friday, Sept. 6, and guides for the Nov. 5 general election on
Friday, Nov. 1. They will include information provided by candidates for
federal, state and local offices.

-- Mark Brunswick

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Re: [Mpls] Park Board Digs

2002-08-21 Thread DeWayne Townsend

Phyllis Kahn wrote:
> Why can't I get any comments (more than one) on the dopeyness of the
> feel-good proposal  from the Mayor to spend $500,000 to stop terroristic
> acts againest the city water supply?

It is August in Minnesota.  I can only speak for myself, but after 4 days in
the BWCA I am so mellow that I just cannot get up the ambition to comment on


DeWayne Townsend
3222 39th Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN 55406

Minneapolis Issues Forum - A Civil City Civic Discussion - Mn E-Democracy
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Re: [Mpls] Tha Park Board and the Solheim Cup

2002-08-21 Thread KarenCollier
In a message dated 8/20/02 12:24:37 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

A month from now
Interlachen Country Club holds the Solheim Cup, it's an LPGA team
competition between Europe and the US like the Ryder Cup for men's golf.  I
read this morning in the Strib that they will be parking 7,000 cars for this
event on Meadowbrook Golf Course nearby which is run by the Minneapolis Park
Board.  I have a few questions regarding this arrangement.

This is very interesting.  I missed this part while reading the paper this a.m.  When the Solheim was held at Minikahda a few years ago, they didn't use Meadowbrook but were able to secure parking in various locations - one of which was in St. Louis Park if I remember correctly - and then shuttle people to Minikahda.  It worked beautifully.  I cannot imagine parking on Meadowbrook.  What a wonderful way to ruin a course in a hurry.  Seems to me they could find a better solution.

Karen Collier
Linden Hills