Re: [Mpls] Property Rights .....continued

2003-11-13 Thread Dyna
On Wednesday, November 12, 2003, at 06:12 AM, Victoria Heller wrote:

There are lots of these awful stories in Minneapolis - but the
citizens don't know about them.  Utterly disgusting.  Which is why I
am headed west to one of the free states.  I'm sick of the smarty
pants college boys trying to run my life and my business...can
hardly wait to join a few cowboys and ranchers in Wyoming.  For
reference, here is a gorgeous property that's for sale:
	Victoria, you're one of the fortunate few who can afford to fight city 
hall AND move out of this city.

	Most of us are stuck between a rock and a hard place. We can't afford 
to move to a safer community in the metro area or in the country if 
we're retiring. Some of my neighbors have committed to 30 year 
mortgages on homes they have been chased from by crime. As the value of 
their unliveable Minneapolis homes crashes they're struggling to pay 
off that mortgage, take a huge loss, or default and have their credit 
ruined for life. All the while paying rent or payments for a home in a 
safer community they can actually live in.

	Some of us will pay an even greater price for Minneapolis 
unlivability. Every year in Minneapolis innocent citizens are murdered, 
and many of those victims would be living in safer communities if they 
could. Many more are maimed and disabled for life by criminals, like my 
friend, who already had MS, and had her arm permanently damaged by a 
mugger in Minneapolis.

	But we all pay the costs for Minneapolis tolerance of crime. Insurance 
rates are exorbidant, if you can get it. We take long ways home to 
avoid gang turfs, repair broken windows on a regular basis, and 
schedule our lives around the criminal activity. Our children can only 
play behind high fences when the gunfire is infrequent, or we have to 
drive them to playgrounds in the suburbs or Minneapolis' few remaining 
safe parks.

	And that's just the crime problem. Minnesota's largest private 
employer is no longer Northwest or 3M or Honeywell, it's WalMart. With 
WalMart setting the wage scale, a two wage earner family can barely 
qualify for a $100,000 home. Now Minneapolis could let you build an 
affordable home, but they're not about to without a considerable fight. 
Down at the castle with the cookoo clock they call city hall the 
strategy is to manipulate the housing market so prices go upward. 
There's a simple logic to this strategy- rising property values= rising 
tax collections to pay for the city's out of control procurement and 
property acquisitions without defaulting on legacy costs like debt 
service and pension costs.

	Problem is, within the castle they can't see this thing called a 
housing market. While they try to force single family homes over the 
$200,000 threshold, the average home buyer knows that a new townhouse 
can be had for that magic $100,000 number in Belgrade or Des Moines. 
For less than that they can have a new modular home on their own 
acreage. Or for $130,000, the price of a tiny old Minneapolis home with 
Mr. Porter and his homies next door, you can have a new single family 
home in Kimball or Des Moines.

	So the folks who still can are still fleeing Minneapolis, and the 
folks in the castle with the cookoo clock still don't understand why.

	held captive in Hawthorne,

		Dyna Sluyter

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RE: [Mpls] re: City Council districts

2003-11-13 Thread Jim Bernstein
Mr. Nolley's post is grossly inaccurate. Fiction.  Make believe.

One may certainly dispute the new ward boundaries (some have, they filed
a lawsuit) but the redistricting commission no more set out to eliminate
Council Members Johnson-Lee and Zimmerman than they planned to get rid
of Saddam Hussein!  

As a member of the Minneapolis Charter Commission (we appointed most of
the Redistricting Commission) I will state that any applicant who would
have even hinted that his/her interest in serving on the commission was
to remove any city council member would have been instantly disqualified
from consideration!  To accept Mr. Nolley's theory would require one
to believe that a rather remarkable conspiracy was in place when the
these individuals were appointed and that the Charter Commission and the
City Council itself (they also appointed two members) were part of this

Rep. Kahn's effort to require an election so that the new wards have
council members who actually live in those wards isn't even remotely
close to the gerrymandering spectacle that took place in Texas.  

Texas has already redistricted, elections took place and Democrats were
elected in four seats that Tom DeLay figured should go to Republicans.
Of course, for a hyper-partisan ass like Mr. DeLay, that was
unacceptable so the solution (instead of running better candidates) is
to create districts so bizarre and so lopsidedly loaded that even the
dumbest/weakest Republican could not lose!

Rep. Kahn (and others) are only asking that the city be required to hold
elections soon after the new lines are drawn so that each ward will have
a council member who lives in that ward.

Jim Bernstein
-Original Message-
Of Tamir Nolley
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 5:51 PM
Subject: [Mpls] re: City Council districts

Terrel Brown Wrote:

I still think the primary reason for this suit is
because Dean
Zimmerman doesn't like being put in the same ward as
another member of
the current council.  He would rather not run against

Probably would be an easier election if he only faced


Of course the reason the redistricting comission chose
these districts was to get rid of Dean Zimmermann and
Natalie Johnson Lee.  It was one of the most cynical
and partisan moves in Minneapolis history, and Phyllis
Khan's attempt to mandate early elections based on
those districts reminds me a lot of Tom DeLay's
redistricting scheme in Texas.  

It's interesting to see how similar DFL and Republican
tactics, and how willing to cooperate they are when
the two party system itself is threatened.

Tamir Nolley

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[Mpls] Hood Stores in North Minneapolis

2003-11-13 Thread Shawn Lewis
Mr. Hodges:

What city ward is the location of this store? 
Also, please report this situation to the appropriate 
elected official. After reporting this situation to him 
or her, please share with us his/her response. Thank you.

Shawn Lewis, Field Neighborhood
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[Mpls] Up Your's: TAXES

2003-11-13 Thread Victoria Heller
[Dyna]  Minnesota's largest private employer is no longer Northwest or
3M or Honeywell, it's WalMart.

[Vicky] Actually, the largest PRIVATE employer in Minnesota is Target.
Of course Minneapolis taxpayers are paying a hefty price for those low
wage jobs.

Over the past twenty years in Minnesota, LOCAL government employment
has INCREASED 45.1% while the population only increased 21.5%.  These
are statewide figures - It would be very interesting to compare
Minneapolis City payroll costs in 1982 vs. 2002, a twenty year period
of DECLINING population.

[Dyna] Some of my neighbors have committed to 30 year mortgages on
homes they have been chased from by crime. As the value of  their
unliveable Minneapolis homes crashes they're struggling to pay off
that mortgage, take a huge loss, or default and have their credit
ruined for life.

[Vicky]  Housing values are determined by a handful of desperate
sellers (same for stock prices.)  Once the selling
out below.

Using Warren Buffett's words We live in Squanderville.  Minneapolis
(and many of its residents) has mortgaged its future to get what it
wants now.  Carol Becker claims that Minneapolis has a balanced
budget.  Very deceptive language.  The budget was balanced by
borrowing over a Billion dollars.  Those who live in Squanderville
don't care who pays the tab -- as long as they get what they want.  I
find this attitude selfish and irresponsible.

[Dyna]  So the folks who still can are still fleeing Minneapolis, and
the folks in the castle with the cookoo clock still don't understand

[Vicky]  They will figure it out eventually.I hope it's not too

Vicky Heller
North Oaks

Footnote:  The LARGEST employer in MN is STATE GOVERNMENT.  The second
largest employer in MN is the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.  Target comes in as
#3 followed by the UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA in 4th place.  Public
employees make 20% more than private sector equivalents PLUS much
better benefits PLUS lots more time off!  Source:  A pretty good
deal at

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Re: [Mpls] Hood Stores in North Minneapolis

2003-11-13 Thread Barbara Lickness
While Mr. Hodges may have been reporting about one
particular store in this story, I do not believe this
is not a situation that is unique to only this store.
I believe this goes on all over the city every day at
many so-called corner stores. 

I spent a great deal of time on this issue about 10
years ago. 

The most my advocacy was able to bring to this issue
was a moratorium on adding more corner stores to my
neighborhood. That moratorium lasted only one year. 

I am hoping that the city council will consider a
spacing requirement for corner stores much the same as
they do second hand goods stores and other businesses.

This would not guarantee that the stores would operate
honorably and within legal boundaries, but, it would
give them a better chance to make a profit legally
without having to resort to illegal means to do so. 

Barb Lickness
3 houses from a hood store.

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it's the only thing that ever has. -- Margaret Mead
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RE: [Mpls] Star Tribune Pulls Steve Brandt Off Neighborhoods Beat

2003-11-13 Thread Dooley, Bill
The Star Tribune is becoming more irrelevant each passing day for this city dweller. I 
use this list, neighborhood newspapers and the Skyway News to keep up with local 
issues and various national newspaper websites to keep up with national and 
international news. The Star Tribune mission is apparently to disseminate seven county 
news to suburban consumers who are interested in and can afford the products 
advertised in that newspaper.

Bill Dooley

-Original Message-
From: gemgram [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 12:33 AM
To: Jay Clark; Minneapolis Issues
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Star Tribune Pulls Steve Brandt Off Neighborhoods

Jay Clark raises an important issue and concern about StarTribune coverage.
We can only hope that the paper will assign an equally or more aggressive
reporter to do neighborhoods.  The Star Tribune should realize that
community schools are in fact in neighborhoods and what affects
neighborhoods will affect schools.

In the past the Strib was often very lax in its coverage of very important
issues in Minneapolis that made national and inter-national news.  The
Phillips neighborhood asks to be declared a National Disaster Area because
of crime and blight and it makes a small paragraph or so on a back page of
the Strib.  Yet the same story rates a half page above the fold first story
in the Sunday edition of the Washington Post, is a featured half page in the
Dallas Morning News, (two of the most prestigious newspapers in the United
States) as well as a feature article in the London Times.  The Pioneer Press
features extensive articles on the subject.  You would think that even if
the Strib did not think the issue was news worthy it would have run a story
on the national newspapers doing a story on a poor Minneapolis neighborhood.

At this time a Federal Judge in Federal Court is hearing a case that may be
of national importance, yet it has rated almost no coverage by the
StarTibune.  The Ventura Village lawsuit against the City of Minneapolis and
PPL may set the precedent that Minneapolis and other cities may no longer
engage in institutional patterns of discrimination by concentrating
Supportive Housing in small containment zones in poor and minority
neighborhoods.  That Minneapolis ordinances and laws that apply to the rest
of the city may not be arbitrarily and capriciously ignored in poor
communities of color. A ruling of such could possibly force Minneapolis to
affirmatively act to apply its own existing law and disburse such publicly
funded quasi-public housing equitably to all neighborhoods of Minneapolis.

One would think that this would be a hot story, but not one reporter from
the Strib was in attendance a preliminary hearing last week. Clearly this is
an important case with major ramifications, but one is compelled to ask will
it be first read about in the New York and Washington newspapers before the
StarTribune covers it?  It is the classical situation of the poor
neighborhood finding a champion in ZelleHoffmann to fight the rich and
powerful Project for Pride in Living (PPL) with their expensive law firm of
Dorsey and Whitney.   The wealthy Non-Profit can often afford to buy more
justice than poor people.  Even the honorable judge seemed to address this
at the hearing.

Even if the StarTribune has no interest in the social justice issue one
would think they would do a story on the willingness of Zelle  Hoffmann to
step forward to assist a poor neighborhood in its fight to stop
discrimination. What a marvelous human-interest story even without the legal
ramifications. Think about how empowering it would be if other high quality
law firms were to contribute some legal time to cases where neighborhoods
and community residents were suffering under institutional discrimination.
Imagine how empowering it would be if poor communities could afford to seek
the same quality legal representations as the rich powerful organizations
like PPL can afford to buy.

With a little more coverage of ZelleHoffmann's efforts (and their good
example) other reputable firms and lawyers might step forward. What a
concept. Someone might read the story and say, Who Knew?  Well darn few
people know if our own newspapers and TV media do not adequately cover it.

Jim Graham,
Ventura Village

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as soon as you are dead and rotten,
either write things worth reading,
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Re: [Mpls] Star Tribune Pulls Steve Brandt Off Neighborhoods Beat

2003-11-13 Thread Socialist2001
In a message dated 11/12/2003 10:33:27 PM Central Standard Time, 

  Steve has been assigned to cover Minneapolis schools.  I certainly
  support adequate coverage of Minneapolis schools, but not at the expense
  of Minneapolis neighborhoods.
Is Allie Shah being reassigned from the Minneapolis schools beat to something 
else or what?

-Doug Mann, King Field
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RE: [Mpls] affordable housing density seminar

2003-11-13 Thread Rick Mons
 Barbara Lickness writes:
 I would be interested in an honest discussion about
 the true vacancy rate, average rent prices, costs of
 providing rental units etc. and the things
 contributing to the problems of high vacancy rates and
 rent prices.

I suspect that there are a number of factors that have caused the rental
market to go upside down.  One such factor, I suspect, is the increased
access to home purchases.

We've seen a consistently strong private home ownership market over the
past several years.  Mortgages are much more available and much less
expensive.  Initial costs (e.g. down payment, closing costs, etc) have
declined with a variety of low-cost (sometimes no-cost) programs
available.  Less expensive starter homes (and make sure you include
townhomes in this category) have been available as their owners have
decided to move up to larger homes.

During the past several years when the economy was hurting, residential
real estate kept chugging along.

Rick Mons

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[Mpls] State's biggest union battle is at SW nursing home

2003-11-13 Thread Socialist2001
by Michael Metzger, SW Journal, Date October 16, 2003

At Walker Methodist, immigrant workers seeking more respect battle management 
who say the fight could cause a nationwide cost crisis.

One of Minnesota's biggest union struggles is taking place at the state's 
second largest nursing home, Southwest's Walker Methodist Health Center.

Full Text at:

-Doug Mann, King Field
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RE: [Mpls] re: City Council districts

2003-11-13 Thread Tamir Nolley
--- Jim Bernstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mr. Nolley's post is grossly inaccurate. Fiction. 
 Make believe.

Why this sure sets a polite discussion tone.
 One may certainly dispute the new ward boundaries
 (some have, they filed
 a lawsuit) but the redistricting commission no more
 set out to eliminate
 Council Members Johnson-Lee and Zimmerman than they
 planned to get rid
 of Saddam Hussein!  

I don't know, Jim.  I've always thought that if it
looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a
duck, it's a duck.  

I don't doubt that my own contempt for the two party
system comes through here, but the ward boundaries 
chosen by the redistricting commission were extremely
partisan when a far more sensible map that followed
guidelines and kept neighborhoods close basically in
the same wards was presented.

 As a member of the Minneapolis Charter Commission
 (we appointed most of
 the Redistricting Commission) I will state that any
 applicant who would
 have even hinted that his/her interest in serving on
 the commission was
 to remove any city council member would have been
 instantly disqualified
 from consideration!  

I'm sure no one wrote on their application,My primary
goal in seeking a seat on the redistricting commission
is to remove council member x, but that doesn't deny
the partisanship of committee members.

To accept Mr. Nolley's theory
 would require one
 to believe that a rather remarkable conspiracy was
 in place when the
 these individuals were appointed and that the
 Charter Commission and the
 City Council itself (they also appointed two
 members) were part of this

I don't know if it was a conspiracy.  I don't know for
that matter if DeLay's actions amounted to a
conspiracy either, both both outcomes were extremely
partisan in nature .  This also quacks pretty loud.

 Rep. Kahn's effort to require an election so that
 the new wards have
 council members who actually live in those wards
 isn't even remotely
 close to the gerrymandering spectacle that took
 place in Texas.  

Rep. Khan's plan may have technical differences so
that it can be more easily justified, but the partisan
motivation is clearly there and her feelings about the
Green Party are no secret.  
 Texas has already redistricted, elections took place
 and Democrats were
 elected in four seats that Tom DeLay figured should
 go to Republicans.
 Of course, for a hyper-partisan ass like Mr. DeLay,
 that was
 unacceptable so the solution (instead of running
 better candidates) is
 to create districts so bizarre and so lopsidedly
 loaded that even the
 dumbest/weakest Republican could not lose!

Minneapolis has it's elections spelled out in the city
charter, changing this, this year when there actually
an opposition party on the city council is pretty easy
to see through.  These folks have been in the
legislature for years.   Why only now would early
elections be an issue.

Also, I believe (I could be wrong about this) the
charter states that elected officials only live within
ward boundries for a limited amount of time and after
that they can live wherever they want and continue to
represent their district.

 Rep. Kahn (and others) are only asking that the city
 be required to hold
 elections soon after the new lines are drawn so that
 each ward will have
 a council member who lives in that ward.

Tom DeLay (and others) are much more honest about
their equally partisan motivations 

Tamir Nolley
pct 2

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Re: [Mpls] affordable housing density seminar

2003-11-13 Thread steven meldahl

We have received assurances from both the City and County that their
investment in future projects with these non profits is done and over with.
Unfortunately they are still obligated to many projects that were already in
the pipeline, so the glut of affordable housing will be with us for quite
some time.

Steve Meldahl
Jordan (work)

- Original Message -
From: Barbara Lickness [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] affordable housing  density seminar

 So, if that is the case. Why is the state, county, and
 city still pouring money into non-profit developments
 to build even more high density multi-unit rental

 Just trying to make sense of all of this.

 Barb Lickness

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[Mpls] Downtown Crime

2003-11-13 Thread Dooley, Bill
I find it interesting that Block-E Developer Don McCaffrey is hosting a meet-and-greet 
for Deputy Chief Lucy Gerold 
during the same time downtown crime spree allegations are coming to light.  Downtown is under the command 
of Inspector Rob Allen and both Gerold and Allen are candidates to replace Chief Olson.

I believe Inspector Allen is getting a raw deal on the downtown crime spree 
allegations. You must have a city philosophy of zero tolerance for nuisance crimes in 
order to rid downtown of panhandling, clandestine drug dealing and petty theft that 
could turn into wildings. New York City did this several years ago staring with the 
squeegee men and moving up the ladder. Clearly we are not at zero tolerance at City 

Having said all this, I go back to the Hennepin Avenue of the late 70s and the days of 
Moby Dick's, porn shops, and open drug dealing. Hennepin Avenue has significantly 
improved from that time, but it is no Manhattan where you feel safe to walk 24/7.

Bill Dooley
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RE: [Mpls] re: City Council districts

2003-11-13 Thread Terrell Brown

--- Tamir Nolley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- Jim Bernstein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Mr. Nolley's post is grossly inaccurate. Fiction. 
  Make believe.
 Why this sure sets a polite discussion tone.
  One may certainly dispute the new ward boundaries
  (some have, they filed
  a lawsuit) but the redistricting commission no more
  set out to eliminate
  Council Members Johnson-Lee and Zimmerman than they
  planned to get rid
  of Saddam Hussein!  
 I don't know, Jim.  I've always thought that if it
 looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a
 duck, it's a duck.  
 I don't doubt that my own contempt for the two party
 system comes through here, but the ward boundaries 
 chosen by the redistricting commission were extremely
 partisan when a far more sensible map that followed
 guidelines and kept neighborhoods close basically in
 the same wards was presented.

[TB]  I do know Jim Bernstein, Jim Bernstein is a friend of mine and
(appoligies to the Sen. from Texas)

When the Redistricting Commission drew their map Councilmember
Johnson-Lee lived in a ward where she was the only incumbent
Councilmember.  Subsequent to the drawing of that map, the 3rd ward
councilmember resigned and the newly elected member lives in the same
ward as Ms. Johnson-Lee.

Geezz, it was one heck of a conspiracy to also rig the special election
in the 3rd ward.

As the Minority Caucus of the council, Zimmerman and Johnson-Lee chose
one member of the Redistricting Commission.  According to the minutes
of the Commission (see: )
the plan passed unanimously.  So did their member participate in the

Conspriacy theories are far fetched.

Terrell Brown
Loring Park

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Re: [Mpls] re: City Council wards

2003-11-13 Thread David Brauer
I want to take a stab at Tamir's criticism of the new ward plan because I
agree with half of it.

Fundamentally, the Redistricting Commission could conspire against the
Greens if the DFL, Republicans and Independence party reps (two-thirds of
the commission, guaranteed by the city charter) decided to.

I do think the mess involving Robert Lilligren, Dean Zimmerperson and Gary
Schiff was a byproduct of tripartisan collusion - to a point. I do think the
Republicans and Independence reps were not unhappy throwing three
central-city guys together - the further south councilmembers live,
generally the less Green (or Greenish DFL) they will be.

Rick Stafford - one of the DFL reps (the council DFLers' choice) is also one
of the cleverest operators out there (which is why the DFL majority picked
him). I think Rick is so effective he could have prevented Robert switching
wards and Gary being thrown into a race with Dean. I would have loved to
hear Rick explain to Robert and Gary why this all went down.  Perhaps Rick,
Robert or Gary could recount that conversation here.

That said, if you look on a map, these 3 fine public servants do live pretty
close to one another - and the plate tectonics on shifting wards (remember,
the 11th Ward just south had to grow the most, and the 6th was one of the
big shrinkers) was another key factor in the game of musical chairs.

THAT said, Dean Z.'s settlement map showed you could protect all three
despite the shifts.

I don't think the redrawing of Ward 5 (Johnson Lee's ward) was an attempt to
get her into a race with Samuels - when the map was drawn, no one knew who
he was. The issue with the 5th is whether it should have its current piece
of Downtown - which the Commission ended up taking away. But even doing so,
they left Johnson Lee with, if anything, a more winnable district. (Remember
your history - it was Jackie Cherryhomes who wanted the wealthier, whiter
riverfront areas in with the 5th in 1990.)

I believe - but cannot prove - that the new 3rd Ward was drawn the way it
was to move its center of gravity from the north side to the Nicollet
Island-Marcy Homes-St. Anthony East/West area. Perhaps that has the effect
of making it less Green-friendly. But that's not the same as trying to screw
over the Green Party's Johnson Lee in the 5th.

David Brauer
Redistricting junkie

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[Mpls] ICS: Burning Hazardous Chemical Wastes in the City

2003-11-13 Thread B. Shoe
Burning Hazardous Chemical Wastes in the City:
Industrial Container Services in Northeast Minneapolis

While the Xcel Riverside Generating Plant continues to receive a great
deal of attention as a major pollution source, it is far from the only
one in northeast Minneapolis.  I would like to outline some concerns
over Industrial Container Services, a facility currently the subject of
enforcement actions by city and state authorities due to air quality
permit violations.   

Most upper northeast residents are unaware of the source of an acrid
noxious smell that periodically permeates their neighborhoods.  At times
the emissions are so unpleasant that they give people instant headaches,
cause a burning sensation in the eyes, or force people to go inside. 
These emissions come from a smokestack on a thermal oxidizer owned by
Industrial Container Services, located near the intersection of 27th
Avenue and University Avenue NE.  The facility is in the Marshall
Terrace neighborhood and close to the Columbia Park, Bottineau, and
Holland neighborhoods.  If you are driving north on University past
Lowry, this smokestack is visible off to the left as you start over the
bridge over the BNSF railroad tracks at the east throat of Northtown

For years the facility was owned locally and known as the Continental
Container Corporation.  Several years ago, Continental Container carried
out a consolidation of its operations, closing another facility that had
been located in north Minneapolis.  This led to an increase in
operations at the 27th and University facility.  In early 2002
Industrial Container Services completed its purchase of Continental
Container.  ICS is a large multinational corporation headquartered in
California.  It has operations in twelve states and in many countries in
Latin America and Europe.

What it does:
ICS takes used chemical containers-mostly they are 55 gallon steel
drums--and reconditions them.  Unfortunately, these containers often
still contain remnants of the chemicals they carried.  Many, if not
most, of these chemicals are potential health hazards-solvents,
corrosives, acids, paint resins, epoxies, etc.  According to information
ICS filed with Hennepin County, some of these chemicals cause skin and
eye irritation and are inhalation hazards.  Several chemicals may be
toxic.  Many of the barrels on site carry hazard warning labels.  The
scoured drums are then repainted, a process that reportedly normally
causes even more air pollution than does the chemical burning process.  

In 2001 ICS reported to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
that it released close to 50 tons of pollutants into the atmosphere of
northeast Minneapolis.  These included 27.67 tons of Volatile Organic
Compounds, over 15 tons of Particulate Matter, over four tons of
Nitrogen Oxide, and .02 tons of Sulfur Dioxide.  

Supposedly, if there is less than one inch of chemicals left in a
barrel, ICS can burn out the residue.  This happens in a furnace that
can process 180 drums per hour.  The fumes then flow into the thermal
oxidizer which is meant to function as sort of an afterburner.  When it
is working right, no visible smoke or noticeable smells are supposed to
emerge from the smokestack.  Unfortunately, things aren't working right.

Complaints and Violations
According to the city of Minneapolis Environmental Inspector office,
there have been many many complaints regarding the emissions from this
facility.  There would probably be many more, but, given other pollution
sources in the area, shifting winds, and the thermal oxidizer's location
at the far rear of the ICS complex, it takes some effort to pinpoint
where exactly these unpleasant orders are coming from.  Pollution from
ICS is bad enough, however, that it has been an issue for union workers
at the Thiele Manufacturing plant next door.  The union steward there
has reported that at times some rooms at their plant become unusable due
to fumes coming from ICS.
City records show complaints over smoke problems at the site dating back
to 1966.  State and county records show a long history of past problems
at the facility.  A 1990 state report noted that the MPCA had received
numerous citizen complaints between 1987 and the present.  There was a
series of citations in the late 1980s and early 1990s.  The facility
failed a 1987 EPA inspection and was cited for its visible emissions. 
The MPCA cited the facility at least four more times in 1987-89.  Then
in March, 1990 new violations led to a $50,000 fine being assessed and a
stipulation agreement being made over Continental Container's
noncompliance with its air emission permit.  But then in 1993 there was
another permit violation over emissions and then in 1997 there were at
least two enforcement actions by the MPCA.  In 1998 smoke emissions from
the facility were so bad that a nearby resident called the fire
department mistakenly believing there was a fire inside the facility. 
An inspector expressed 

Re: [Mpls] affordable housing density seminar

2003-11-13 Thread Joncgord
In a message dated 11/12/03 4:09:39 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Did we really build that many more units? Are rents so
unaffordable that people are doubling or tripling up?
Did a bunch of people move out of the city? Exactly
what happened?. 

   I can't precisely say what happened over the course of the last five years and I doubt anyone can.How about some local examples to compare with other anecdotal evidence? 
   Five years ago the rents in the buildings I worked in were about $425 for a studio and $525 for a one bedroom. There had been a long period where rents would only go up $10-$15 dollars at lease renewal time. Pretty reasonable for Loring Park.If you worked downtown you could get by without the expense of a car and it became even more reasonable. We screened credit and crime histories closely. Maintenance was on site (that was myself) and prompt. We constantly upgraded the apartments. The result was full occupancy with many long term tenants.
   About three years ago there appeared to be a rental shortage (I still do not understand if there actually was; how could it go away so quickly?). People were signing up on lists to get into places like this. Naturally the rents started to soar in much larger and faster increments than previously. Soon studios were $550 and 1 bedrooms $675. This had at least a few effects: younger folks just starting out could no longer afford even a studio, longer term tenants started feeling insulted by the huge leaps in their rents and the buildings became attractive to buyers due to the newly rich income per square foot. Long story short, some new people bought out the owner I'd been working with for seven years, immediately canceled any more upgrades , scaled back hours for maintenance, raised rents yet again and pretty much sat back and waited for the coffers to fill to the brim.
   The long termers started the exodus. When it started taking quite a while to re-rent their apartments (remember, no upgrade while it's empty) I sensed a lowering of standards on the screening process and some far less desirable people started moving in. Well, that just flushed out most of the rest of the good tenants and today we're approaching 25% vacancy. We've had apartments empty for months on end. 
   Now of course this is just one story but I'll bet it's been repeated in many instances in the last few years.
 Now if David will indulge me one small list faux-pas, the negative cash flow here has approached hemorrhage proportions and last week I was informed my services, no matter how cut back, were no longer affordable. So after nine years and with no notice I am out of my base job. Any of you owners out there need a mature fellow with almost twenty years experience in multi-unit maintenance and remodeling, write me off-list. 

Jon Gorder
 Loring Park

[Mpls] Hood Stores Part 1

2003-11-13 Thread Booker Hodges
This is the first part of the Hood Stores story. I never posted this part 
because I was duck hunting during the week it was published.

Investigative team sniffs out ‘Hood Stores’
By: Booker T Hodges
Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder
Originally posted 10/17/2003
First of a two-part column

Have you ever wondered what goes on in what I will call ''Hood Stores''? You 
know, the corner stores located in areas where there is a high concentration 
of poverty and all the things normally associated with poverty? These corner 
stores are located all over the metro area.
The Booker T Investigative Team spent two months this summer monitoring what 
goes on in these stores. Let me say that it isn’t pretty. These stores prey 
on poor people, and until now no one has spoken up about it. I will discuss 
the atmospheres, products, and customer services that my investigative team 
witnessed at these Hood Stores.
The atmosphere of these stores is deplorable, to say the least. ''When I 
walked inside the store, I noticed a stench that reeked of dead animals. 
There were flies flying around and ants crawling on the floor,'' says 
Investigative Team Member Ted after visiting a Hood Store in St. Paul.
When Ted asked the person behind the counter what the smell was coming from 
and why there were so many bugs flying around the store, the person 
responded by saying, ''Don’t worry about it. You buy something or leave 
before I call the police.''
Ted proceeded to purchase a pack of Black Label bacon for $6.57. When Ted 
had taken the bacon home, he noticed that it had an expiration date that was 
two weeks old. When he took the bacon back to the store, he was told that he 
couldn’t return it.
''The store had coolers that were only 55 degrees when they should have been 
40 degrees, and I assume that is what is causing the store to smell as bad 
as it did — because the meat was spoiling. The store had poor lighting, 
small aisles, and just looked grimy. This store was similar to most of the 
Hood Stores I visited during this investigation,'' says Ted.
The products these store offer in many ways contribute to the crime in the 
neighborhood. ''I found the product line of the Hood Stores in Minneapolis 
to be in line with stores in Third World countries,'' says Mike, another 
member of the investigative team. ''I have traveled to Mexico, Jamaica, and 
Bosnia, and stores in those countries have product lines that are similar to 
our Hood Stores.''
Hood Stores sell products that you won’t find in normal or mainstream 
stores. For example, every Hood Store we visited was guaranteed to have Zig 
Zags, blunts, cannabis magazines, African American hair products, pre-paid 
phone cards, cannabis pipes, small baggies (bags used to package a single 
rock of cocaine), and high-priced baby food. But often these stores lacked 
fresh vegetables/fruit, fresh fish, and fresh meat.
In several of the Hood Stores we were able to purchase single Zig Zag papers 
for $.05, single cigarettes for $.25, and single blunt cigars for $.50. It 
is illegal to sell these items individually, but who is going to report it?
The price of the products in these stores exceeded mainstream stores by an 
average of 300 percent. In several of the stores we visited, some of the 
products had two different price tags on them. ''One of the Hood Stores in 
Minneapolis was selling baby clothes with Target price tags on them,'' says 
Mike. ''When I asked why does this item have Target price tags on it, I was 
told that they were purchased at wholesale from Target. When we checked with 
Target, we were informed that Target doesn’t sell its merchandise wholesale 
to anyone because Target has a very few select products that they themselves 
make. We were also informed by Target that they don’t produce any baby 
clothing themselves and purchase all their baby clothing from merchandisers. 
So how did this store obtain these baby products?
We found customer service at these Hood Stores to be unsatisfactory at best. 
The African American men members of our team were treated with the most 
disrespect, whereas the African American females were treated with the most 
respect. Often the Black male members of the team were followed around the 
store and watched by store personnel. One shop even went as far as dialing 
911 and having the operator hold on the phone until one of the Black male 
members left the store.
Half of the people working at these stores had no idea how much something 
cost. In several of the stores we visited, the store clerk made up a price 
on the spot.

In part two of this column, I will talk about the illegal activity that we 
witnessed taking place in these Hood Stores and profile the owners of these 
stores. I will also look at the impact these stores have on poor 

If you are being abused or know someone who is being abused you can call the 
following numbers: Harriet Tubman Center, 612-825-; Domestic Abuse 
Project, 612-673-3526; Minnesota Domestic 

Re: [Mpls] Hood Stores Part 1

2003-11-13 Thread Jason C Stone

Did you ask patrons of the Hood Stores why they shop there?  I'd be inclined to give 
poor people
more credit than being prey for predatory corner grocers.  Part II evoked a much more 

Jason Stone | Hale

--- Booker Hodges [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is the first part of the Hood Stores story. I never posted this part 
 because I was duck hunting during the week it was published.
 Investigative team sniffs out ‘Hood Stores’
 By: Booker T Hodges
 Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder
 Originally posted 10/17/2003
 First of a two-part column
 Have you ever wondered what goes on in what I will call ''Hood Stores''? You 
 know, the corner stores located in areas where there is a high concentration 
 of poverty and all the things normally associated with poverty? These corner 
 stores are located all over the metro area.
 The Booker T Investigative Team spent two months this summer monitoring what 
 goes on in these stores. Let me say that it isn’t pretty. These stores prey 
 on poor people, and until now no one has spoken up about it. I will discuss 
 the atmospheres, products, and customer services that my investigative team 
 witnessed at these Hood Stores.
 The atmosphere of these stores is deplorable, to say the least. ''When I 
 walked inside the store, I noticed a stench that reeked of dead animals. 
 There were flies flying around and ants crawling on the floor,'' says 
 Investigative Team Member Ted after visiting a Hood Store in St. Paul.
 When Ted asked the person behind the counter what the smell was coming from 
 and why there were so many bugs flying around the store, the person 
 responded by saying, ''Don’t worry about it. You buy something or leave 
 before I call the police.''
 Ted proceeded to purchase a pack of Black Label bacon for $6.57. When Ted 
 had taken the bacon home, he noticed that it had an expiration date that was 
 two weeks old. When he took the bacon back to the store, he was told that he 
 couldn’t return it.
 ''The store had coolers that were only 55 degrees when they should have been 
 40 degrees, and I assume that is what is causing the store to smell as bad 
 as it did — because the meat was spoiling. The store had poor lighting, 
 small aisles, and just looked grimy. This store was similar to most of the 
 Hood Stores I visited during this investigation,'' says Ted.
 The products these store offer in many ways contribute to the crime in the 
 neighborhood. ''I found the product line of the Hood Stores in Minneapolis 
 to be in line with stores in Third World countries,'' says Mike, another 
 member of the investigative team. ''I have traveled to Mexico, Jamaica, and 
 Bosnia, and stores in those countries have product lines that are similar to 
 our Hood Stores.''
 Hood Stores sell products that you won’t find in normal or mainstream 
 stores. For example, every Hood Store we visited was guaranteed to have Zig 
 Zags, blunts, cannabis magazines, African American hair products, pre-paid 
 phone cards, cannabis pipes, small baggies (bags used to package a single 
 rock of cocaine), and high-priced baby food. But often these stores lacked 
 fresh vegetables/fruit, fresh fish, and fresh meat.
 In several of the Hood Stores we were able to purchase single Zig Zag papers 
 for $.05, single cigarettes for $.25, and single blunt cigars for $.50. It 
 is illegal to sell these items individually, but who is going to report it?
 The price of the products in these stores exceeded mainstream stores by an 
 average of 300 percent. In several of the stores we visited, some of the 
 products had two different price tags on them. ''One of the Hood Stores in 
 Minneapolis was selling baby clothes with Target price tags on them,'' says 
 Mike. ''When I asked why does this item have Target price tags on it, I was 
 told that they were purchased at wholesale from Target. When we checked with 
 Target, we were informed that Target doesn’t sell its merchandise wholesale 
 to anyone because Target has a very few select products that they themselves 
 make. We were also informed by Target that they don’t produce any baby 
 clothing themselves and purchase all their baby clothing from merchandisers. 
 So how did this store obtain these baby products?
 We found customer service at these Hood Stores to be unsatisfactory at best. 
 The African American men members of our team were treated with the most 
 disrespect, whereas the African American females were treated with the most 
 respect. Often the Black male members of the team were followed around the 
 store and watched by store personnel. One shop even went as far as dialing 
 911 and having the operator hold on the phone until one of the Black male 
 members left the store.
 Half of the people working at these stores had no idea how much something 
 cost. In several of the stores we visited, the store clerk made up a price 
 on the spot.
 In part two of this column, I will talk about the illegal activity 

Re: [Mpls] re: City Council districts

2003-11-13 Thread Jhpalmerjp
Normally on Sunday morning I get my humor from the comics section, it's pretty funny 
(Except for the Family Circus.  I know it's a classic but there's only so many times 
you can see a Not Me bit before you start wondering if the publisher lost a bet).  
Yet this past Sunday I was treated to the comedy stylings of Lori Sturdevant and her 
one woman tribute to--I'm sorry, article on the newly remastered and digitally 
enhanced release of the Wrath of Kahn entitled New wards mean there's a need for new 
city elections.

Not since Tori Spelling took a leading role for acting on her Dad's show have I seen 
such an ingratiating work of ironic comedic fiction.  I thought it was supposed to be 
a serious, unbias report, but then I also remembered that Sturdevant referred to 
Phyllis as the Godmother of Woman's Sports.  But whether your's a Phyllis Phan (who 
can forget those classic legislative works like the 16-year old voting and let cousins 
marry initiatives) or not, the fact remains that this is not about Championing the 
People but rather about one person's dogmatic obsession under the guise of destroying 
a monster.  I believe I already quoted Melville the last time I wrote about this, so 
I'll leave you to draw your own inference. 

Don't get me wrong, I understand the logic of realigning the district and accurate 
representation for the future, it's the retroactive election and cries of injustice 
that really make no sense.  If Phyllis really believes in the need to make things 
equal right here and right now, I've got a copy of a Slavery Reparations Bill that 
she can champion over at the Legislature.  You want to talk about untimely 

If you're going to claim ethics, they've got to be consistent.

As Tamir pointed out, if this was such an important issue, why wasn't she beating down 
the doors and pitching her flag in the previous 15 terms she's served.  It becomes 
suspicious when our party loses two seats (and a third is later won by an unendorsed 
candidate.  David's right that the maps had nothing to do with Don's election, but 
Phyllis did restart her efforts during his election.)and suddenly it's an epidemic.  
Kind of like how the concerns about drugs and gun violence became really important 
once they hit the first ring of suburbs in this country.

To say definitively that a person elected to a district can or will no longer 
represent that district because they no longer live in it reveals a different issue 
that is more disturbing.  If someone is elected to represent an area and won't do it 
fairly and effectively because of geography, then that person shouldn't be in public 
service, because they don't have the skill set or integrity for the job.  To say that 
they can't do it because they can't represent someplace they don't live leaves you 
stuck with question how does anyone represent you if they don't live on your block, 
much less your neighborhood?  Districts and Wards are made up of a variety of 
neighborhoods, some of them as different as the people on the Council or in the House. 
 Where is it that you get to honestly draw that line?

Perhaps though, this is Phyllis' issue.  Sturdevant said that runs counter to 
the nature of the political beast. At the Capitol, legislators confess that they 
mentally adopt new constituencies instantly upon learning that redistricting has 
awarded them new territory.  So maybe this isn't about fairness or what City Council 
Members would do, but rather a shortcoming that Phyllis or other legislators have.  In 
psychology we call that Projection.

Whether you support Redistricting and the maps or not, the bottom line is that trying 
to retroactively change leadership for the good of the people doesn't hold water as 
a legitimate attempt to ensure representative government. To keep doing it after it's 
failed twice, your own party as well as the public at large has denounced it and your 
support comes from an opposing party and a handful of friends smacks of a deeper, more 
malicious motive and it's not the way, in my opinion to be part of a government, by 
the people, of the people and for the people.

But it does make for good comedic fiction

Jonathan Palmer
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[Mpls] Sabo Announces $20.1 Million for Minneapolis St. Paul

2003-11-13 Thread Dave Piehl
Sabo Announces $20.1 Million for Minneapolis  St.
Urban Security

Finally, a new pot of money for the non-profits to
fight over and pay themselves with to achieve their
non-measurable goals.  

David Piehl

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[Mpls] re: City Council wards

2003-11-13 Thread Tim Bonham

THAT said, Dean Z.'s settlement map showed you could protect all three
despite the shifts.
. . .
David Brauer
Yes, but 'protecting the incumbent office holders' is NOT one of the goals 
given to the redistricting commission!

Tim Bonham, Ward 12, Standish-Ericsson

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[Mpls] City Council districts

2003-11-13 Thread Don Jorovsky
I think it's shockingly undemocratic 
(with a small d) that some folks 
think it's just fine to use the 1990 
census ward lines until January, 2006.  

Therefore, I agree with Phyllis Kahn in
her efforts to get new elections held.

However, I also respect the opinions of
folks who happen to believe otherwise.

And that's the point I'm writing about
tonight -- why do some of you feel it to
be so necessary to impugn the motives of
those with whom you disagree?

I may have said this before here, perhaps
six months ago or more, but lately I've
read this again and again, so it bears 
repeating -- why can't we stick to the 
pros and cons of the policy?  Why do we
have to attack Phyllis Kahn's motives,
or really anyone's for that matter?

In some ways, I guess this is kind of a 
debate about list rules, and I know that
we're supposed to e-mail David off-list
about that (and I often do!).  But -- I
read all of your messages and rarely post
here, and even then usually just to give
some information, not always an opinion.
And the folks complaining about Phyllis
have been at this over and over, so maybe
I'm entitled to one public comment on it.

So here's another call for decorum please!

Don Jorovsky
New Brighton
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Re: [Mpls] ICS: Burning Hazardous Chemical Wastes in the City

2003-11-13 Thread Sean Ryan
Thank you Bruce for bringing this issue back into the light. ICS and other 
such companies shouldn't be operating next to a residential neighborhood, no 
matter what class, race or creed those neighbors may be. Isn't this why 
zoning laws were created?

-Sean Ryan
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Re: [Mpls] Hood Stores Part 1

2003-11-13 Thread Barbara Lickness
Jason asked:

Did you ask patrons of the Hood Stores why they shop
there?  I'd be inclined to give poor people more
credit than being prey for predatory corner grocers.

I say:

WIC coupons present a major business for these hood
stores. In fact I drove by several stores tonight and
noticed that there were very large signs in the
windows saying We accept WIC and FOOD STAMPS (EBT).
There is a reason they advertise so noticeably. 
WIC coupons are presented to the store and the patron
receives the items listed on the coupon. The patron
does not have to give any consideration to the price
of that item. There is no monetary allotment. It is
simply a coupon entitling the recipient to the item
listed on the coupon regardless of price. The coupons
say 1 dozen eggs, 2 gallons milk, 1 lb. cheese, 2
boxes cereal, 1 gallon juice, 1 case formula, etc.

I posted previously that I have watched a store owner
charge $6.39 for a 1 lb. block of cheese that would
have cost $1.69 at Rainbow or Cub. Formula is a HUGE
cash cow for these hood stores. Formula is VERY
expensive. The hood stores charge BIG money for this
item and get BIG money in return.

If there is no impetus for the recipient of the items
on the WIC coupon to care about price why would they
care where they get the item. The corner or hood
store is only a block away. To get the same items at a
major grocery retailer would require a bus, taxi or
car ride. Or, in some cases a VERY VERY Long walk.
Remember, Phillips, Elliot Park, Powderhorn Park,
Corcoran and Central have no major retail grocers 
located in these neighborhood boundaries. 

As far as Food Stamps or EBT goes, the hood
store owners accept EBT cards for items that are not
eligible for purchase on these cards on a pretty
regular basis. Cigarettes, beer, crack paraphernalia,
rolling papers, cash, etc. As I stated in a previous
post, the purchases on EBT cards and WIC coupons are
randomly audited. The county has very few people
assigned to this function. So...the store owners
obviously feel their chances of getting caught are
slim and do whatever they can get away with. Even if
they get caught they generally just get a hand
slapping or lose their license to accept the EBT cards
and WIC coupons. They just change the business license
into someone else's name and are back in business by
the next week. So what are the real consequences here.
 I will say that some store owners have actually done
jail time. The previous owners of a chain of hood
stores called Z's markets got popped for fencing
stolen goods and WIC fraud and actually spent some
time in jail. 

Hood people shop at these stores even though they
are getting gouged because they are close and they can
walk to them. Mostly they are getting chips, pop, junk
food, or an item they forgot to get at the regular
grocery store. Most of these people do their major
shopping at a bigger grocery retailer. Cigarettes are
about the same price at the hood stores as they are at
the bigger supermarkets. The chances of the corner
store accepting the EBT card for items not eligible
for purchase is far greater than at a major grocery
retailer. The major stores have it all programmed in
their scanners. 

Where the slippery slope gets even worse is at months
end when the patron has nothing left on EBT and has
used all the WIC coupons. The hood stores often
times extend credit in exchange for.

The mother needs food for the kids, formula and
diapers for the baby so what's a 30 second quicky in
the back room compared to no food?. I am not
justifying this only stating that that's the way it
is.  As I posted previously, one of the owners of the
corner store by my house was running prostitutes out
of the basement. He didn't get popped for that. He got
popped for WIC fraud and selling stolen goods out of
the store. 

I also have many singles living on my block that live
on pizza, chips and pop. They are also without cars
and the big grocery store is a 6 block walk. Those
people shop at the hood store and pay the extra
price rather than walk to the other grocery store.

As far as the comment about people of color or poor
people getting treated disrespectfully by these store
owners go I think these people are used to getting
treated in a suspicious manner so there is nothing new
about these attitudes. The hood store people are
just more direct about their suspicions than at other
places. You think  people or color or people who look
poor aren't getting followed around in Marshall
Fields just because they look poor or have skin of
color and may be dressed in hip hop and wearing a
little bling bling? 

As a mother of a black son I can tell you that I have
watched my son get stereotyped pretty regularly by
people in stores, theaters, restaurants, etc. 
Especially now that he is older and looking more hip
hop. The hood store is just more blatant about it. 

I still say that part of the solution is to limit the
number of hood or convenience stores that can exist
within a 

Re: [Mpls] Hood Stores Part 1

2003-11-13 Thread Kelly Phillips

Booker T Hodges writes about a very serious problem in impacted
communities. Throughout history there has been stories of merchants who
operate in low income areas of cities, sell rotten produce, overpriced
goods, etc. I recently read the "Condition of
the Working Class in England", by Fredriech
Engels, written in 1845, were he wrote about market venders who would
sell overpriced, often stale or rotten goods in the low income
districts of London. The merchants who Engels wrote about lived outside
the city, did not employ people from the working class areas (they were
usually family run businesses) and they made their living by exploiting
the basic needs of the working class. I see disturbing similarities
between the merchants Engels wrote about in 1845 and some of the store
owners who operate in impacted communities in Minneapolis. I will give
one example:

 Abraham Awaijane, who owns the Big
Stop store on 26th and Knox and the gas station on 26th and Penn, is a
man who showed up to our neighborhood forum in Jordan this summer and
promised our neighborhood that he would be a good business owner in our
neighborhood, discourage drug dealing, call the police, and even employ
off duty officers. However, today we are faced with a store owner who
sells scales, small bags for cocaine rocks, blunts, and his store
serves open food and is infested with cockroaches. The paraphernalia he
sells promotes the very activity he clams to want to end.
Unfortunately, he makes a great deal of money off the dealers who hang
out all day long dealing drugs along 26th Avenue duck into his store
(usually when the police drive by) to buy paraphernalia and food from
his store. He employs people only from his family or friend network,
who all live in the suburbs and they tend to treat the customers with
extreme disrespect. They remind me off something out of "Do the right
thing" a film by Spike Lee. We need clean, respectable, neighborhood
corner stores--the opposite of what a lot of impacted communities have

I hope Booker T. Hodges contacts the official at City Hall with an
address of the store he is writing about. Together lets work to get rid
of businesses who continually exploit residents in impacted

Kelly Phillips

Booker Hodges wrote:
This is the first
part of the Hood Stores story. I never posted this part because I was
duck hunting during the week it was published.
Investigative team sniffs out Hood Stores
By: Booker T Hodges
Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder
Originally posted 10/17/2003
First of a two-part column
Have you ever wondered what goes on in what I will call ''Hood
Stores''? You know, the corner stores located in areas where there is a
high concentration of poverty and all the things normally associated
with poverty? These corner stores are located all over the metro area.
The Booker T Investigative Team spent two months this summer monitoring
what goes on in these stores. Let me say that it isnt pretty. These
stores prey on poor people, and until now no one has spoken up about
it. I will discuss the atmospheres, products, and customer services
that my investigative team witnessed at these Hood Stores.
The atmosphere of these stores is deplorable, to say the least. ''When
I walked inside the store, I noticed a stench that reeked of dead
animals. There were flies flying around and ants crawling on the
floor,'' says Investigative Team Member Ted after visiting a Hood Store
in St. Paul.
When Ted asked the person behind the counter what the smell was coming
from and why there were so many bugs flying around the store, the
person responded by saying, ''Dont worry about it. You buy something
or leave before I call the police.''
Ted proceeded to purchase a pack of Black Label bacon for $6.57. When
Ted had taken the bacon home, he noticed that it had an expiration date
that was two weeks old. When he took the bacon back to the store, he
was told that he couldnt return it.
''The store had coolers that were only 55 degrees when they should have
been 40 degrees, and I assume that is what is causing the store to
smell as bad as it did  because the meat was spoiling. The store had
poor lighting, small aisles, and just looked grimy. This store was
similar to most of the Hood Stores I visited during this
investigation,'' says Ted.
The products these store offer in many ways contribute to the crime in
the neighborhood. ''I found the product line of the Hood Stores in
Minneapolis to be in line with stores in Third World countries,'' says
Mike, another member of the investigative team. ''I have traveled to
Mexico, Jamaica, and Bosnia, and stores in those countries have product
lines that are similar to our Hood Stores.''
Hood Stores sell products that you wont find in normal or mainstream
stores. For example, every Hood Store we visited was guaranteed to have
Zig Zags, blunts, cannabis magazines, African American hair products,
pre-paid phone cards, 

[Mpls] Is Block E Developer's Lobbying For Police Chief Buying A Favor Or Paying For One?

2003-11-13 Thread gemgram
According to the StarTribune the block E Developer, McCaffery Interests,
appear to be supporting and lobbying for their own candidate for Police
Chief. Given the fiasco of the Block E development and the political
cronyism surrounding that development, it would seem to indicate that
someone might be receiving payment for past or future favors.  So which
Council Members are supporting a candidate with no background to be Police
Chief? After we know the answer to that hen we should know who is getting
some pay back.

If the McCaffrey people had been serious about wanting Downtown people to
meet a real qualified candidate they would have included a woman who has
real and legitimate credentials.  Deputy Chief Sharon Lubinski is a real and
serious police officer.  McCaffrey Interests' not including Sharon shows how
truly shallow this naked attempt at pandering really was.

The selection of Lucy Gerold makes the Jennings credentials look spectacular
in comparison.  Will people actually list Gerold's background and
credentials for this position?

Years as a police officer?
Years as a street cop? Riding a car or walking a beat after training, not a
Accomplishments as a police officer?

Some questions come to mind after considering Gerold's credentials and the
continued activity to justify appointing her. Has the position of Chief sunk
so low that we no longer need a professional to head it?  Has the crime
problem been so well addressed that it no longer is a priority? If these are
true, then why don't we simply hire a proven administrator to fill the
position? Are the only credentials necessary to be Police Chief in
Minneapolis the favoritism of some politicians?

Minneapolis is presently experiencing continuing high levels of crime in the
Impacted Neighborhoods.  I think the job demands a serious candidate, not
a fluff political appointment.  We need a serious Police Chief that the
street cops can and will take as serious.  Not someone whose sole purpose is
to cover up for the politicians. We need to apply a little more light and
heat to this soggy snowball they are attempting to roll up the hill of
public opinion.  I think the ball will melt in their hands if that little
bit of light is shined upon it.

Like they say down home, When you look at it in the daylight you gotta know
this old dog just won't hunt!

Jim Graham,
Ventura Village

Will Rogers had some advice that could have been written for some of our
City's political leaders,
If you're ridin' ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to
make sure it's still there.

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RE: [Mpls] Community Forums on Superintendent Search ( 1 down, 2 to go)

2003-11-13 Thread Michael Atherton
Ann Berget wrote:

 In a message dated 11/11/2003 6:24:33 AM Eastern Standard 
 Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I would like the new supperintendent to have a track record
  of past proven success in improving student achievement.
 AB: A word of caution is in order here.  Even if a 
 prospective superintendent has a boffo record somewhere else, 
 there's no reason to assume that the same conditions are 
 present in MPS that ade those successes possible. Those who 
 try to clone anything, sheep, programs or successes, 
 usually find out that each success is unique.  There really 
 isn't a magic formula.

While it is true that successful past performance is not a 
guarantee of future success, it is the most reliable predictor.
Thus, there is a reason to believe that although conditions here
maybe different, a successful supperintendent is more likely
to be successful than someone with a track record of failures.

I believe that there is a magic formula.  According to
Clark's Third Law: Any sufficiently advanced technology is 
indistinguishable from magic.  Here it's not that the solutions 
are so technologically advanced, it's that people's emotional
and philosophical convictions make it appear that the solutions
can only be magical.

I watched the last School Board meeting on cable.  It's good
to know that they realize they're in a world of hurt.  It's
depressing to realize that they don't have any solutions.
One of the board members actually used the used the word
magic when discussing solutions.  This Board doesn't need
magic it needs paradigm change or religious revelation as the
case may be.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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Re: [Mpls] re: City Council districts

2003-11-13 Thread Tamir Nolley
Don Jorovsky wrote:

I may have said this before here, perhaps
six months ago or more, but lately I've
read this again and again, so it bears 
repeating -- why can't we stick to the 
pros and cons of the policy?  Why do we
have to attack Phyllis Kahn's motives,
or really anyone's for that matter?

In some ways, I guess this is kind of a 
debate about list rules, and I know that
we're supposed to e-mail David off-list
about that (and I often do!).  But -- I
read all of your messages and rarely post
here, and even then usually just to give
some information, not always an opinion.
And the folks complaining about Phyllis
have been at this over and over, so maybe
I'm entitled to one public comment on it.

So here's another call for decorum please!


As with any public or elected official, Rep. Khan's
motivations are as legitimate for discussion as is the
issue itself.  The plan is a partisan attempt to
nullify election results, even in the 5th ward
(Phyllis Khan resides in the old 5th ward boundries if
I'm not mistaken, which is now the 3rd or I
write this I'm not exactly sure where Nicollet Island
will be in the next election.)

This is not just an anti-DFL rant. I have many
problems with the way the 3rd ward special election
came about. (I believe that some elements of the Bush
administration have been attempting to remove local
aldreman that they don't care for and micro manage
some city policies, that Joe Beirnat and Brian Herron
were targets of this.  The fact that this same thing
has happened in Millwaukee and San Francisco and that
the FBI was caught red-handed bugging the Philly
mayor's office during an election only reinforces this
beliefbut not necessarily a MPLS issue)

Never the less, Rep. Khan makes no secret of her
extreme dislike of the Green Party. (This may extend
to all independents as many house DFL members were far
more hostile to Ventura than they are to Pawlenty.)   

The one Green on the redistricting commission did in
fact vote against the map that they approved, but was
obviously a lone vote.  

I like David's analysis if the issue, specifically the
Republican cooperation with the map (I'm a little
mystified by the IP members going a long with it
though, unless they were Republican crossovers,)
because it reinforces my sense that the two parties
cooperate when the two party system is threatened

Extreme partisan tinkering with who represents us is a
legitamate list discussion issue.  So are the
motivations behind it.

Tamir Nolley 
w3 pct 2  

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Re: [Mpls] City Council districts

2003-11-13 Thread Jhpalmerjp
Well, I appreciate Don's point of view, but have to respectively disagree.  I don't 
think that anyone is just fine with census ward lines, and to state so is a bit 
misleading.  There are two general objections that those opposed to the redrawn maps 
have: 1. That the lines were unfairly drawn and done so with the purpose of benefiting 
certain Council Members and disadvantaging others, and, 2. That trying to 
retroactively force elections smacks more of Florida tactics than it does of trying 
to ensure adequate and fair representation.

However, I'm uncertain how you can say that you agree with Phyllis Kahn in her efforts 
and say that you respect the opinions of other folks who believe otherwise and yet 
still query why some people (I'm pretty sure you meant me since I'm the only one who 
wrote about her specifically) question her motives.  The motives that people have make 
all of the difference in the world.  There's a big difference between a man stealing 
money or food to feed his family, and a man stealing money or food because he likes 
the thrill.

But, case in point, Phyllis accused those elected officials against her bill (HF 67) 
of aligning themselves with with Southern Segregationists and their philosphy in this 
very forum on February 25, 2003. On Jan 26, 2003, she stated clearly that she felt 
disenfranchised as a 3rd Ward resident because the special election was being held in 
the old 3rd Ward and endorsed Don's opponent partially because of this, and that she 
found it outrageous that ward 6 has two resident council members and 8 had none, and 
finally that one of the principles of representative government is residency.  Yet 
this was never an issue important enough for her to raise in the previous 15 terms. 
Again, if you're going to have ethics around an issue, they have to be consistent.

Motive becomes an issue when you keep your mouth shut for 30 years and shout when 
things don't go your way and when your actions seem to have no purpose other than 
political assault.  Motive becomes an issue when you have supporters write fluff 
pieces masquerading as news and when you are a public figure stating public reasons 
for doing things that people find illogical.

See, I would support Phyllis' resolution if we were talking about from here forward. 
 Planning for the future doesn't usually disenfranchise voters, it gives people a time 
to understand what's happening, and it's called progess.  But when you decide to go 
into the past and retroactively change systems and it is directed at emerging 
groups, it doesn't smack of fairness it rings of marginalization.  Finally, I have yet 
to hear any groundswell of support from the very people she claims to represent.  If 
you're going to claim to be doing this for the people it helps when the majority of 
them are not against your actions.

Lastly, unfortunately, we don't live in a world of sweetness and light where everyone 
does things for the best of reasons.  You have to examine and question the intentions 
and motives of those in power if only to reassure yourself of them accurately 
representing you.  If their intentions are good and their motives are pure, they 
should stand up to any questioning.  But what would have happened if we hadn't 
questioned Hitler's motives, he said he was doing things just for the good of the 
Aryan race; or what about George Wallace, it was only for the sanctity of good, 
God-fearin' Christians that he did what he did, or even tobacco companies and their 
policies.  To be clear, I don't think Phyllis is anything like these examples, but it 
is the purpose and responsibility of every American to question their leaders and 
people in positions of power to make certain they are doing the right things for the 
right reasons.  The ends do not always justify the means.

Jonathan Palmer

RE: [Mpls] City Council districts

2003-11-13 Thread David Brauer
Jonathan writes:

 what would have happened if we hadn't questioned Hitler's motives, he said
he was doing
 things just for the good of the Aryan race; 

A quick digression here:

I think Jonathan unintentionally proves Don's point. Having just finished
Vol. 1 of Winston Churchill's  (gulp!) 5-book history of WWII, I can tell
you that Churchill believed the facts on the ground (Germany's clear
violation of treaties by rearming) were all the proof needed to intervene in
the mid-'30s (even before Munich).

The trouble was, too many people were listening to his rhetoric (especially
Neville Chamberlain). 

And I would argue that the flip side of listening to a politician's rhetoric
is speculating on his or her motives - it's the territory of smoke and
mirrors, very hard to prove, easy to become a sideshow. 

Look at this debate - fundamentally, does it really matter why Rep. Kahn did
what she did? The important thing is WHAT she is proposing, WHAT the
Redistricting Commission did and thinking about structural/procedural ways
to fix it (if you want to fix it).

I'm not saying Tamir is wrong - just that it's impossible to know if he's
right, and not super-important if he is. It's much more possible to
examine/critique/debate/fix what happened. That's where I'd prefer to see
the debate focused.

David Brauer

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[Mpls] Walking Tour along Bassett Creek in Mpls, (Sun, 2-pm, Cedar Lk Rd bridge)

2003-11-13 Thread Dave Stack
This is an invitation, for anyone who may be interested, to join some
members of the Friends of Bassett Creek on a casual walking and talking tour
along Bassett's Creek in Minneapolis.

What: Bassett Creek Walking Tour.
Where:   Cedar Lk Rd  Chestnut Av, Minneapolis.
When:2:00 pm, Nov. 16, Sunday Afternoon
Who:  The Public is invited

(Note that the the trail is crude and brushy in parts so wear sturdy
footwear and casual clothing. Note also that the walk will be cancelled in
the case of bad weather.)

We will meet at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 16, at the Cedar Lake
Road Bridge over the creek (100' south of Logan  Chestnut). From there we
will enter the strange and interesting no-man's land along the creek
between the Impound Lot and the Harrison Neighborhood industrial area. The
tour will follow the south side of the creek to the tunnel entrance, and
then return on the north side of the creek.

Some of the sights will include the Impound Lot, future location Van White
Blvd, the new Bassett Creek tunnel entrance, the old Bassett's Creek tunnel
entrance, one of the most beautiful views of the downtown skyline, a section
of the abandoned creek channel, Scrap Metal Processors property, and the
superfund sites of Chemart and Warden oil. If we are real lucky we may even
see the ten point buck or the wild turkey that hang out here.

Please feel free to email or call me for more information 612-377-4096.
Dave Stack
Harrison Neighborhood, Minneapolis

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[Mpls] Re: Coverage of city issues.Steve Brandt

2003-11-13 Thread Svattheriver
Many of us remember how badly the Star Tribune covered Mpls. neighborhood issues 15 years ago. I remember a forum back then with Tim McQuire, the editor of the Strib, and neighborhood representatives. The conclusion of that forum, at least from the neighborhood perspective was that considering how clueless the Strib reporting was it was better if the Strib didn't even try to cover neighborhood issues.
Reporters Olson and Brandt have really changed the quality of understanding of city issues.
And Steve Brandt has really shown a passion for going to the many out of the way corners that are the places of really interesting neighborhood work.
His willingness to answer questions on the Mpls. Issues Forum and to individuals and to provide information about his work is really helpful to provide the context and background that makes us better informed citizens. It is very refreshing and unfortunately very rare.
So what is the corporate explanation of why this is a good idea?

Scott Vreeland Seward, President of the Seward neighborhood Group

Re: [Mpls] Is Block E Developer's Lobbying For Police Chief Buying A Favor Or Paying For One?

2003-11-13 Thread Anne McCandless
Jim makes some good points about qualifications for police chief.  It's kind
of the same as the arguments against David Jennings for School
Superintendent.  Even though Lucy has a POST license which says she is a
police officer, she has no real experience as such.  She went thru the Mpls
Cadet class after she was deputy chief/director/second in command in the
dept. Needless to say, the officers who were her field training officers for
the six months she was supposedly 'on the street' could hardly have
evaluated her performance without knowing she was their boss.  Lucy is a
nice, intelligent woman, but she is not a cop and will not have the respect
of her peers or subordinates.

I, too, would vote for Labinski or Dolan.  We need someone who knows who's
who and what's what and can hit the ground running. Both of these candidates
are community oriented and are respected by both the community and the
officers.  For the nay sayers who think we need another outsider, I would
point to Chief Finney:  he came up thru the ranks of St Paul PD and seems to
have done alright.

Anne McCandless

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Re: [Mpls] Sabo Announces $20.1 Million for Minneapolis St. Paul

2003-11-13 Thread dain lyngstad
Congressman Sabo tries to show he is working for us by
this announcement and it will not go to nonprofits any
more than the housing Sayles-Belton built went to low
income folks. The monies will go to the very people
that many feel are terrorizing our communities
already. Did Sabo try to stop the recent laws that
have eroded our personal freedoms? What direct threat
to mpls justifies millions of dollars? If some sicko
wanted to terrorize the twin cities can the money
really stop them? The only way I see that we could
truely be protected is by checking everyone coming or
going from the twin cities and checking everyone at
home or hotels or anywhere else folks might reside.
Sabo is really attempting to gain political ground
embracing the current climate of fear. Dain Lyngstad
--- Dave Piehl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sabo Announces $20.1 Million for Minneapolis  St.
 Urban Security

 Finally, a new pot of money for the non-profits to
 fight over and pay themselves with to achieve their
 non-measurable goals.  
 David Piehl
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[Mpls] Re: Block E Developer's Lobbying...?/ Does Gerold know about bobbying?

2003-11-13 Thread PennBroKeith
In a message dated 11/13/03 5:42:41 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

 The selection of Lucy Gerold makes the Jennings credentials look spectacular
 in comparison.  Will people actually list Gerold's background and
 credentials for this position?
 Years as a police officer?
 Years as a street cop? Riding a car or walking a beat after training, not a
 Accomplishments as a police officer?
Keith says; Lucy Gerold gained a position of authority and public trust, 
commanding the CCP/SAFE unit during the bad old days of the former DFL Junta. 
Paper work instead of police work was the operative plan. Attack, do not assist, 
property owners; was the marching orders. Lucy Gerold was a willing executioner 
of those bad City policies; the bones are still in the vacant lots. Still 
there; even with the overlay of new housing starts, above.

That was then; this is now. And now is a very perilous time. Dangerous for 
all stake holders in our City.

I, like Jim, would like to know Lucy Gerold's qualifications, background, and 
practical experience. I already know how well she handled the dirty little 
assault on property owners in the Zones.

I recommend Tim Dolan, 4th Precinct, for Chief. He has earned it, over and 

Keith Reitman   NearNorth

PS- Will Gerold campaign on our City's Dime, or her own time?
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[Mpls] Post resent because it came through as gibberish

2003-11-13 Thread Jhpalmerjp
Well, I appreciate Don's point of view, but have to respectively disagree.  I don't 
think that anyone is just fine with census ward lines, and to state so is a bit 
misleading.  There are two general objections that those opposed to the redrawn maps 
have: 1. That the lines were unfairly drawn and done so with the purpose of benefiting 
certain Council Members and disadvantaging others, and, 2. That trying to 
retroactively force elections smacks more of Florida tactics than it does of trying 
to ensure adequate and fair representation.

However, I'm uncertain how you can say that you agree with Phyllis Kahn in her efforts 
and say that you respect the opinions of other folks who believe otherwise and yet 
still query why some people (I'm pretty sure you meant me since I'm the only one who 
wrote about her specifically) question her motives.  The motives that people have make 
all of the difference in the world.  There's a big difference between a man stealing 
money or food to feed his family, and a man stealing money or food because he likes 
the thrill.

But, case in point, Phyllis accused those elected officials against her bill (HF 67) 
of aligning themselves with with Southern Segregationists and their philosphy in this 
very forum on February 25, 2003. On Jan 26, 2003, she stated clearly that she felt 
disenfranchised as a 3rd Ward resident because the special election was being held in 
the old 3rd Ward and endorsed Don's opponent partially because of this, and that she 
found it outrageous that ward 6 has two resident council members and 8 had none, and 
finally that one of the principles of representative government is residency.  Yet 
this was never an issue important enough for her to raise in the previous 15 terms. 
Again, if you're going to have ethics around an issue, they have to be consistent.

Motive becomes an issue when you keep your mouth shut for 30 years and shout when 
things don't go your way and when your actions seem to have no purpose other than 
political assault.  Motive becomes an issue when you have supporters write fluff 
pieces masquerading as news and when you are a public figure stating public reasons 
for doing things that people find illogical.

See, I would support Phyllis' resolution if we were talking about from here forward.  
Planning for the future doesn't usually disenfranchise voters, it gives people a time 
to understand what's happening, and it's called progess.  But when you decide to go 
into the past and retroactively change systems and it is directed at emerging 
groups, it doesn't smack of fairness it rings of marginalization.  Finally, I have yet 
to hear any groundswell of support from the very people she claims to represent.  If 
you're going to claim to be doing this for the people it helps when the majority of 
them are not against your actions.

Lastly, unfortunately, we don't live in a world of sweetness and light where everyone 
does things for the best of reasons.  You have to examine and question the intentions 
and motives of those in power if only to reassure yourself of them accurately 
representing you.  If their intentions are good and their motives are pure, they 
should stand up to any questioning.  But what would have happened if we hadn't 
questioned Hitler's motives, he said he was doing things just for the good of the 
Aryan race; or what about George Wallace, it was only for the sanctity of good, 
God-fearin' Christians that he did what he did, or even tobacco companies and their 
policies.  To be clear, I don't think Phyllis is anything like these examples, but it 
is the purpose and responsibility of every American to question their leaders and 
people in positions of power to make certain they are doing the right things for the 
right reasons.  The ends do not always justify the means.

Jonathan Palmer

[Mpls] Sabo's pot of gold

2003-11-13 Thread Steve Sumner
I would have to say that if the dollars are going towards law enforcement
dealing with the drug dealers on the streets and gang shootings that we keep
experiencing, I'd be all for it.  Just to give us a pot of money to place on
the board in the name of homeland defense I ask if we have that big of a
need?  If we do, he is just doing what is required and this is no big deal.
If we don't, the pot of money is a waste and could be spent better
elsewhere.  Just another example of a tax and waste political gamesmanship
power move.
Steve Sumner
Waite Park

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2003-11-13 Thread Dyna
On Thursday, November 13, 2003, at 07:59 AM, Victoria Heller wrote:

[Vicky] Actually, the largest PRIVATE employer in Minnesota is Target.
Of course Minneapolis taxpayers are paying a hefty price for those low
wage jobs.
	Hard to say who's leading- these two low wage retailers are 
generally at the top of the list of Minnesota private employers in 
number of employees, but probably not in wages plowed back into the 
community. While Target claims to donate to nonprofits, it has no shame 
about demanding contributions from the taxpayers.

Over the past twenty years in Minnesota, LOCAL government employment
has INCREASED 45.1% while the population only increased 21.5%.  These
are statewide figures - It would be very interesting to compare
Minneapolis City payroll costs in 1982 vs. 2002, a twenty year period
of DECLINING population.
	A lot of that increase is probably due to the increasing numbers of 
low paid and unemployed workers need for greater government services. 
Also note that some of the fastest growing sectors of government during 
the last 20 years were law enforcement and corrections.

[Vicky]  Housing values are determined by a handful of desperate
sellers (same for stock prices.)  Once the selling
out below.
	Agreed- here in the 'hood housing values have been in free fall all 
year long. Even in the 'burbs the builders are starting to offer 

Using Warren Buffett's words We live in Squanderville.  Minneapolis
(and many of its residents) has mortgaged its future to get what it
wants now.  Carol Becker claims that Minneapolis has a balanced
budget.  Very deceptive language.  The budget was balanced by
borrowing over a Billion dollars.  Those who live in Squanderville
don't care who pays the tab -- as long as they get what they want.  I
find this attitude selfish and irresponsible.
	I never seem to be amazed at the Republicans who blame government's 
financial problems on supposedly overpaid employees. Meanwhile, the 
real cause is visible all around us- new police and fire radios that 
don't work, redoing the same intersection 3 times in fifteen years, 
building a new parking ramp then tearing it down a couple years later, 
expensively renovating three theatres when there's maybe a market for 
one, bailing out Target Center only to have St.Paul build a competing 
arena, giving Continental Baking the money for a new bakery and letting 
them run off with it, buying new cars for city departments while we're 
practically giving away couple year old squads, etc... The list of 
boondoggles is near endless.

[Vicky]  They will figure it out eventually.I hope it's not too
	Yes, hopefully the Republicans will someday figure out how to balance 
a budget.

Footnote:  The LARGEST employer in MN is STATE GOVERNMENT.  The second
largest employer in MN is the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.  Target comes in as
#3 followed by the UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA in 4th place.  Public
employees make 20% more than private sector equivalents PLUS much
better benefits PLUS lots more time off!  Source:  A pretty good
deal at
	The (Rich) Taxpayers League is a front group for the Republican Party. 
When a Republican President manages to balance a budget their numbers 
might have a bit of credibility.

	hanging on in Hawthorne,

		Dyna Sluyter

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[Mpls] Mpls elections

2003-11-13 Thread Phyllis Kahn
Instead of responding to the inaccurate innuendos I will post some of the facts 
relating to this case.


·   Factual Background
Plaintiffs served and filed a complaint against the City of Minneapolis, the 
City Council members, and the city elections clerk on July 25, 2003.  The case was 
filed in Hennepin County District Court.
On August 20, 2003, the defendants filed a Notice of Removal removing this 
case from state court to federal court.

·   Application to this Case
This case is based on provisions of the Minnesota Constitution and Minnesota 
Minnesota Constitution, Article I, § 2: No member of this state shall be 
disenfranchised or deprived of any of the rights or privileges secured to any citizen 
thereof . . .
Minnesota Constitution, Article VII, §1: Every person 18 years of age or more 
who has been a citizen of the United States for three months and who has resided in 
the precinct for 30 days preceding an election shall be entitled to vote in that 
Minnesota Statute § 204.135, subd. 1: A city that elects its own council 
members by wards may not redistrict those wards before the legislature has been 
redistricted in a year ending in one or two.  The wards must be redistricted within 60 
days after the legislature has been redistricted or at least 19 weeks before the state 
primary election in the year ending in two, whichever is first.
Minnesota Statute § 204B.14, subd. 1a: It is the intention of the legislature 
to complete congressional and legislative redistricting activities in time to permit 
counties and municipalities to begin the process of reestablishing precinct boundaries 
as soon as possible after the adoption of the congressional and legislative 
redistricting plans but in no case later than 25 weeks before the state primary 
election in the year ending in two.
The complaint also contains claims based upon the Fifth and Fourteenth 
Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.  

·   Main Points
The City has already admitted numerous points.  
The City has admitted that the official population of the City of Minneapolis 
was determined by the U.S. Census Bureau as of April 1, 2000.
The City has admitted that the Minnesota Special Redistricting Panel issued 
its final Order adopting a legislative redistricting plan on March 19, 2002.
The City has admitted that the Minneapolis Redistricting Commission created 
new municipal ward boundaries based on the population figures in the 2000 census.
The City has admitted that the Minneapolis Redistricting Commission filed its 
final district lines for the City of Minneapolis municipal wards with the Minneapolis 
City Clerk on April 18, 2002.
The City has admitted that it held city council elections in 2001 using the 
old municipal ward boundaries based on the 1990 census.
The City has admitted that it will not schedule another election for the 
office of Minneapolis City Council until November 2005.
The City has admitted that the new Wards 3 and 8 have no current city council 
member living in either of them.

In addition to the named plaintiffs, the case for earlier elections is supported by 
the following noted persons well known for their expertise in public affairs:
Former State Senator (and President of the Senate) Allan Spear
State Senator Larry Pogemiller
State Representative Ron Abrams
Joan Growe, Former Secretary of State 
Arvonne Fraser,  Hubert Humphrey School faculty member
Lee Eklund, former Chair of the Minneapolis Republican Party
Carlton Crawford, Current Chair Minneapolis Republican Party
John Brandl, Former legislator and Dean of the Humphrey School
Lyle Schwarzkopf, Former Minneapolis City Clerk, Former Legislator and Alderman
John Bergford, Former Minneapolis Alderman

November note:  The decision was made to leave the case in Federal court along with 
the other case contesting the district lines.  Plaintiffs and defendants have agreed 
that cross motions for summary judgment will be filed no later than February 2, 2004.  
In addition, on November 5, the Minneapolis Charter Commission passed language 
requiring an early election on to the city council for consideration as an ordinance.  
(Passage would require a 13-0 vote from the council.)
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Re: [Mpls] Re breeders

2003-11-13 Thread Mike Nelson
Actually, the Breeders have been one of my favorite bands for almost a

Mike Nelson
Diggin' It in Central

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