Re: OCSP nonce was: RE: cvs commit: openssl/ssls3_lib.cssl.hssl_algs.cssl_ciph.cssl_locl.h tls1.h

2001-02-09 Thread Peter Gutmann

Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gutmann)

pgut001 Given that (statistically speaking) the client will be a
pgut001 Windoze box with a time which is more or less random, the use
pgut001 of absolute timestamps doesn't add much, it would have been
pgut001 better to use nonces+relative times ("The next update is 5
pgut001 minutes from when you got this response", with an implied "If
pgut001 this response took more than a minute or so to get to you, be
pgut001 suspicuous").

Sounds fine, except for the little detail that it's usually hard to know how
long it took a packet to come from A to B, let alone an OCSP response that
might (think of the really small ATM packets :-)) be broken into pieces.  

Uhh... I can tell exactly how long it took to get from A to B by measuring the
response time for a query.  If it's longer than (say) a minute, I regard it as
suspect.  That's the one time measure which is useful, the local system can
determine whether a response is fresh (assuming the use of a nonce) no matter
how bogus its own time setting is, and if it knows it has a fresh response it
can use the relative time in there to determine when (again, relative to its
own idea of the time) an update will be available.

we might see time syncronisity (sp?) as a standard in windows and whatnot in a
couple of years.

I'm sure Microsoft will add that right after they get ActiveX security sorted
out and finish making Outlook immune to trojans :-).


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RE: OCSP nonce was: RE: cvs commit: openssl/ssls3_lib.cssl.hssl_algs.cssl_ciph.cssl_locl.h tls1.h

2001-02-08 Thread Peter Gutmann

"Florian Oelmaier" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

We do the same, as we directly connect to the CA-database, but we set
thisUpdate to the actual time as this seems to make more sense. It would be
fine to have an option within OpenSSL that says: "Trust only responses with a
thisUpdate not more than x minutes old". As the RFC for states for the field
thisUpdate: "The time at which the status being indicated is known to be
correct". Most security policies will include some requirements for OCSP-
Clients regarding this point.

There was a comment on the PKIX list a while back to the effect that the time
on the average peecee is usually out by anything from minutes to days (I've
never seen one that's that far out, but being off by a few hours seems fairly
common).  Because of this I wouldn't place too much reliance on timestamps
unless the client and server negotiate a common time, which OCSP doesn't do
because there's no provision for allowing the client to indicate what time it
thinks it is.  Given that (statistically speaking) the client will be a Windoze
box with a time which is more or less random, the use of absolute timestamps
doesn't add much, it would have been better to use nonces+relative times ("The
next update is 5 minutes from when you got this response", with an implied "If
this response took more than a minute or so to get to you, be suspicuous").

(Insert standard grumble about the fact that if you want to break a number of
 cert management protocols which carefully sign/MAC/whatever everything, all
 you need is a client running Windows or Unix without NTP or some equivalent,
 or the ability to spoof NTP et al if they are.  My code generally ignores
 timestamps because of all the problems I found with false rejections on
 systems with the time set wrong.  If anyone else has any feedback from the
 real world on this I'd be interested in hearing it).


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Re: test rsa values -- format?

2001-01-18 Thread Peter Gutmann

Rodney Thayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

by the way, dumpasn1 doesn't quite parse this correctly, it's got n, d, p, q,
dmp1, dmq1, and iqmp.  The display of 'n' is missing the last byte.

Can you send me the file?  (I assume that's my dumpasn1 you're referring to).


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Re: OCSP responder addresses?

2001-01-05 Thread Peter Gutmann

Michael StrM-vder [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Dr S N Henson wrote:
So does anyone have some responder addresses I can test this stuff against? - you might already know this...
Isn't that the one where all the certs (on the interop web page anyway) have 
Can you let me know your test OCSP responders in case they are public?
If there are any more they're pretty well hidden, the ones I know of all seem 
to be either undocumented or by invitation only.  There must be some in
operation somewhere in Europe because they're required by things like ISIS,
but I've never been able to discover them.

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Re: OCSP responder addresses?

2001-01-05 Thread Peter Gutmann

Rich Salz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
You might look at Identrus,, since their requirement for 
OCSP drove many vendors, and see what partners and vendors they list.
That's one of the by-invitation-only ones (they were nice enough to let me use 
it for interop testing, but I don't think you can do that normally).  Finding 
vendors who want to sell you their OCSP toolkit isn't that hard, but finding 
someone who's actually running the stuff (and who will give you access) is a 
bit trickier.

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Re: OCSP responder addresses?

2001-01-04 Thread Peter Gutmann

Dr S N Henson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

So does anyone have some responder addresses I can test this stuff against? I 
currently know of two and there must be several more out there.
That may be all there are, I was testing this a while back and had a hell of a 
time finding any responders which were still operational (some have expired 
certs, some are there but not publicly available, and most seem to have either 
shut down or just gone away).  I'll send a private reply with more info about 
a private one which let me do some testing.  In the meantime if anyone knows 
of an active, publicly available, fully functional OCSP responder I'd be 
interested to hear about it.


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Re: CRLs and self-signed root certs.

2000-12-04 Thread Peter Gutmann

Goetz Babin-Ebell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Everybody can issue a CRL.

Only a CA with CRL signing enabled can issue a CRL.

A CA can issue a CRL with own revokated certificates but it can issue a CRL
with revoked certificates of other CAs (at least in X509v3...)

A CA can't revoke another CA's certificates, only certificates which it has


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Re: CRLs and self-signed root certs.

2000-12-04 Thread Peter Gutmann

Goetz Babin-Ebell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Peter Gutmann wrote:
Goetz Babin-Ebell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Everybody can issue a CRL.

Only a CA with CRL signing enabled can issue a CRL.

Everybody who can generate a certificate with the propper flags can generate a

Sure, but this presupposes:

A CA can issue a CRL with own revokated certificates but it can issue a CRL
with revoked certificates of other CAs (at least in X509v3...)

A CA can't revoke another CA's certificates, only certificates which it has


But in the definition of a CRL I didn't find anything saying that it can only
revoke own certificates...

The standard can say pretty much anything it wants on the topic, but given that
most current apps barely support any kind of CRL checking I'd say the
usefulness of issuing one of these cross-CRLs is slightly lower than that of
opening your window and shouting "Certificate 1234 from CA xyz is now revoked"
out into the wind (at least one or two people will take notice of that, if only
to shout back at you to shut up :-).  Look at the way Sun revoked their CA cert
a while back for an example of how far CRL functionality is trusted in the real
world, and then extrapolate from normal CRLs to cross-CRLs...

Does anyone know of any generally-available (non-special-case, single-vendor,
customised, etc etc) application which will handle one of these cross-CRLs?


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Re: CRLs and self-signed root certs.

2000-12-01 Thread Peter Gutmann

Mats Nilsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Should a self-signed root certificate ever need to be revoked, shall it list
itself in its usual CRL(s), as the last thing it does before it is thrown
away, or is it sufficient (from its users' standpoint) that it simply ceases
to issue more CRLs?

Noone knows (and I don't just mean that as a shoulder-shrug response, I mean
that noone, at least on the PKIX list, actually knows what's supposed to happen
in this situation).  The behaviour from current apps is that some will accept a
self-revocation, some will reject it, and a small number will crash or fail in
some other way.


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Re: iis certificate renewal woes

2000-10-03 Thread Peter Gutmann

nagendra [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I've appended the PKCS#7 request generated by IIS to the end of this email.
IIS creates the header "BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST", which is interpreted
as an old X509 request (see pem.h).

Ohgodohgod what a mess!  That's PKCS #7 signed data containing a data payload
within which is a cert request with MS's gratuitously-incompatible CRMF
extensions which aren't CRMF extensions, one of which is a certificate which is
used to sign the PKCS #7 data.

I think non-MS applications should contain code to specifically reject this
type of stuff on the grounds that working with it probably violates portions of
the Geneva convention.


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Re: 0.9.6 incompatible with 0.9.5a on Win32

2000-09-26 Thread Peter Gutmann

Jeffrey Altman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Quoting from Peter Gutmann's paper when he describes the use of the ToolHelp

  "Since even a moderately loaded system can contain over 500 heap
  objects and 50 modules, we need to limit the duration of the poll
  to a second or two, which is enough to get information on several
  hundred objects without halting the calling program for an
  unacceptable amount of time ..."

Note that that's for Win16 on a 386/486, where the poll really will freeze the
system.  For Win95 et al this isn't an issue, both because it won't stop every
other process and because systems running '95 have to be a little bit faster
than a '386.

BTW, the reference to Mr. Gutmann's paper in the code should be updated.  The
list reference no longer exists.  This reference looks like it may stay around
for a while:

The paper will always be available via my home page,, which isn't going away any time soon,
you can also get an much expanded and updated version from there which is newer
than the Usenix paper.

BTW (as a comment on a later thread) you could save yourselves a lot of effort
by just pulling the necessary code out of cryptlib (it's available under the
GPL, BSD license, or whatever else you want), since there are a number of
further bugs in Windows which you haven't run into yet but probably will in the
future (look for the long text block comments in rndwin32.c :-).


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Re: Outlook certs - bug in MS or OpenSSL?

2000-06-21 Thread Peter Gutmann

PaweM-3 Krawczyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

My question is if this is a bug in MS software (it shouldn't be generating
such certs), or OpenSSL is getting this wrong as a signed number?

AFAIK it's bugs in both.  MS have always got the sign bit wrong in their
encoding, but it's not that much of a problem because all the vendors know this
(or just expect it from MS without even bothering to check :-) so they treat
ints as unsigned (actually there's nowhere in any cert-relevant code which uses
signed ints, I expect most implementations always treat them as unsigned). From
the OpenSSL side, it looks like it's doing something with the sign bit, so the
integer gets transformed into a completely different value.  This may be due to
recent changes, ISTR that SSLeay always assumed the numbers were unsigned.

As for the size in bits, that's normal, you don't always get exactly what you
asked for (check your PGP keyring for examples).


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Re: OpenSSL win32 build settings

2000-06-19 Thread Peter Gutmann

Borland has made its command-line compiler tools freely available:

It's not quite free, they make you run a serious gauntlet of registation and
logging and cookies and javascript before you can finally get a copy.  It'd
be less painful if they just let you grab it for $19.95, no questions asked.


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Re: Adding BF to tls WIN32 static linking of ssl libraries.

2000-05-08 Thread Peter Gutmann

Dr Stephen Henson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It would be possible to add BF cipher suites giving them experimental
numbers but ideally some "official" numbers should be used.

There's an infintely-delayed informational RFC for BF which I have sitting
on a machine somewhere, if it's required (to have something to refer to) I can
resuscitate that.


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Re: PERL Module Problem...

2000-02-11 Thread Peter Gutmann

Dr Stephen Henson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Is there any circumstances where the environment isn't safe? I believe extra 
privs are normally needed to read another users processes environment.

Under DEC Unixen you can read anyone's environment without any extra privs
(ps -wwae or a variant thereof, depending on which vintage of OS you're on).


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Re: X9.42 DH test vectors.

2000-01-22 Thread Peter Gutmann

Dr Stephen Henson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

One problem with X9.42 DH. I haven't seen any examples of the domain
parameter generation (the one based on DSA) that have m  160 (Other then the
S/MIME examples stuff which so far I can't reproduce and which no one says
they've independently verified). They all have m = 160. Certain parts of the
algorithm aren't used unless m  160.

So has anyone got any examples or can generate some I can independently
verify? Its just the domain parameter stuff I'm after, I've lots of test data
for the other parts of the algorithm.

Sure, what form do you want it in?  DSA-signed DH cert?


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1999-12-15 Thread Peter Gutmann

"Sean O'Dell" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


"What was the name of the Beatles film released in July 1965?".

That's correct, and it looks like he's won a chance to read the FAQ...


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Re: DN formats

1999-11-09 Thread Peter Gutmann

Chris Ridd [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I read Peter Guttmann's screed on X.509 and char sets last night -
interesting, though he does fall into the trap of discussing all the myriad
of drafts, and forgetting that these are just drafts. The standards
themselves are less ambiguous.

The reason I have to cover what's in drafts is because most of what's out there
is implemented from drafts rather than final standards (leading to problems
like the one where the policy qualifiers display text in RFC 2459 was quietly
changed from what it had been in every draft version, so everything which
implemented it based on the draft got it wrong using the final version, and
vice versa).  Because of the incredibly long time it takes to get these things
finished and the fact that the typical product development cycle is a small
fraction of the standard development cycle, what's being shipped is based on
drafts, not on final standards.  The most extreme cases I've seen of this is
comments like "We know this is a version 0.01 draft and full of bugs, but we
already have products shipping based on it and so it's too late to change it"
(I'll leave the vendors/drafts anonymous, and it's not just PFX either :-).


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Re: References: where ?

1999-10-22 Thread Peter Gutmann

Ben Laurie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I am in search of the following references. Does anybody know where them can
be found?

   ISO/IEC 8824-1:1995: Information technology - Abstract Syntax
   Notation One (ASN.1) -- Specification of basic notation. 1995

Haha. Prepare to be thoroughly amused, and at vast expense. Once you have 
these (having paid through the nose for someone to press "print" [and in my 
case having to reprint because they then punched holes through the text]), 
you'll find that they refer to yet other expensive documents. Probably until 
you've bought every piece of nonsense ever written by ITU.

This is one characteristic which the ISO shares with the FSF (to use GNU foo 
you first need to install GNU everything-else).  In any case there's a fairly
good chance that when/if you do get the standard, you'll find it almost
incomprehensible, particularly all the extras beyond the basic notation.  A
much easier way to learn ASN.1 is to get the introduction to ASN.1 written by
Burt Kaliski, which is available (for free) from RSA's web site.  By buying 
the standard you tend to lose twice, once by having to pay a lot of money for
it and again by ending up with something which you can't make head or tail of.


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Re: Image or voice extension.

1999-10-20 Thread Peter Gutmann

"Qin, Xiangping" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I wish to add some image or voice to the certificate.
Can you give me some advice on how to do it?

Just define an OID and put it in the altName as an otherName.  I did this
about a year ago for the MPEG-of-cat certificate, which you can get from, with the CA cert at  I was pleasantly
surprised to see that neither Netscape nor MSIE crashed when fed this cert,
NT didn't bluescreen, and no smoke came from my hard drive.

That covers the "how", now the "why": It doesn't make any sense to do this
because nothing will be able to handle it (unless you write the code for it
yourself).  If it's for a specialised application (or to make a point and for
a laugh, which is what the MPEG cert was intended for) then it's OK, but you
wouldn't in general want to do this - if you're putting data like this in a 
cert then it's a sign that there's something wrong in the overall design.


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Re: Bug in d2i_X509_CRL_INFO ?

1999-10-13 Thread Peter Gutmann

"Paul Keogh" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I have a problem decoding a CRL which is missing the VERSION field but which
has extensions present.

This is a known problem with CRL's, to accomodate these things you have to
ignore the version number and be prepared to handle extensions regardless of
what the version tells you.


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1999-05-05 Thread Peter Gutmann

Is it still illegal to kill people who post unsubscribe messages to mailing

Normally I'd let it pass, but since he posted the same thing multiple times
after having mixed in a bucketful of HTML and passed it through a blender set
on "frappe", I think the application of is in order.  Anyone want to do
the honours?


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Re: cvs commit: openssl STATUS

1999-02-23 Thread Peter Gutmann

The best way is to talk Peter Gutmann into donating his randomness-gathering
code (or to implement something similar). For efficiency that should
probably be combined with a seed file.

This has already been done so it could be used with GPG (actually it's always
been available for the asking, but recently I made it more official).  Grab
the latest beta from
and start with lib_rand.c, which contains the following (RMS-approved :-) usage

/* This module and the misc/rnd*.c modules represent the cryptlib
   continuously seeded pseudorandom number generator (CSPRNG) as described in
   my 1998 Usenix Security Symposium paper "The generation of random numbers
   for cryptographic purposes".

   The CSPRNG code is copyright Peter Gutmann (and various others) 1996,
   1997, 1998, 1999, all rights reserved.  Redistribution of the CSPRNG
   modules and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
   are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice
  and this permission notice in its entirety.

   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the copyright notice in
  the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

  3. A copy of any bugfixes or enhancements made must be provided to the
 author, [EMAIL PROTECTED] to allow them to be added to the
 baseline version of the code.

  ALTERNATIVELY, the code may be distributed under the terms of the GNU
  General Public License, version 2 or any later version published by the
  Free Software Foundation, in which case the provisions of the GNU GPL are
  required INSTEAD OF the above restrictions.

  Although not required under the terms of the GPL, it would still be nice if
  you could make any changes available to the author to allow a consistent
  code base to be maintained */


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Re: FW: Color me Stupid...

1999-02-20 Thread Peter Gutmann

"Chad C. Mulligan" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
As far as I know El-Gammal has everything you want from PKC and it's used in
GNU's GPG, the PGP replacement. It's unpatented, too, and free for use

So why hasn't anyone ever put an El-Gammal cipher suite in an SSL
implementation? Is it something that's been just missed, or am I missing
something VERY obvious?
The problem is that you're relying on draft-rfced-info-gutmann-elgamal-01.txt
for the X.509 profile for Elgamal, which isn't very widely accepted (in fact I
know of only one piece of software which implements it).  If it was in OpenSSL,
you'd be limited to communicating with other OpenSSL implementations.

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