G-8 Jobs Conference: Behind The Doubletalk

1997-12-21 Thread Shawgi A. Tell
he apple core but don't ask for the apple. You are
supposed to be happy that at least you can plant the seed and
perhaps grow a new apple which can be eaten somewhere down the
 The statement also supported the nefarious aims of the
Multilateral Agreement on Investment when it emphasized what it
called "the need for the transition of industries from low-growth
sectors to emerging sectors" "through the removal of regulatory
barriers to investment, innovation and new technologies." It
sanctioned the cuts to funding of higher education and the
destruction of a modern education at the high school level by
seeking "a better link between educational outcomes and the
skills requirements of the workforce." In other words, only
education which addresses the skills which are needed by the
jobless recovery are to be kept.
 Such conferences only reveal the ever increasing number of
initiatives which governments are taking to decide the policies
which affect their societies behind the backs of the working
class and people and then present them as a fait accompli. They
are rammed through the Legislatures or through Cabinet, the
courts and any other trappings of the unrepresentative democracy
as is happening federally and provincially. 
 Far from resolving a single problem, such things will deepen
the crisis of credibility and legitimacy facing the bankrupt
political institutions. They underscore the need to get rid of
them and replace them with new arrangements which guarantee that
it is the interests of the working class and people which are put
in first place, not those of the financial oligarchs.

TML Daily, 12/13/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

On The Occasion Of The 117th Anniversary Of The Birth Of Frederick Engels: Frederick Engels - Great Champion And Teacher Of The Working Class

1997-12-14 Thread Shawgi A. Tell
actively participating in the armed popular uprising in which he
fought in three battles, he too was forced to leave the country
following the defeat of the revolutionary forces.
 Shortly thereafter, he settled in England where Marx also
settled, and their close revolutionary collaboration continued
until Marx's death in 1883, yielding a wealth of revolutionary
material which continues to be an indispensable guide to the
revolutionary proletariat in its struggles to this day, having
lost none of its validity and value. It was here that Marx was to
write the greatest work ever done on political economy - Capital.
While Marx carried out his tremendous work on the analysis of the
complex phenomena of capitalist economy, Engels took up the
elaboration of the revolutionary science and outlook on a wide
range of questions, often writing simple, concise works in a
polemical style. Amongst his major contributions to the theory of
scientific socialism during this period are the famous polemical
work Anti-Duhring, in which he deals with fundamental questions
of philosophy, natural science and social science, The Origin of
the Family, Private Property and the State, The Housing Question
and Ludwig Feuerbach. It was Engels too, who carried out the
major task of preparing and publishing the second and third
volumes of Capital, after Marx died leaving this work only in
draft form.
 Engels' revolutionary work, however, went beyond this
invaluable enunciation of the revolutionary theory of the
proletariat. Like Marx, he, too, was active in the international
working class movement, including his active participation in the
International Working Men's Association founded by Marx in 1864.
Even after the dissolution of the Internationale and the death of
Marx, Engels continued to pay great attention to the development
of the international working class movement. The correspondence
which he conducted with communists and working class leaders
throughout Europe and North America is amongst the treasures
which he left the international proletariat, being rich in
principles and in the enunciation of the revolutionary strategy
and tactics of the proletariat.
 In all his work, the revolutionary essence of this brilliant
fighter for the interests of the working class is always
apparent. He never for a moment lost sight of the interests for
which he was fighting, never lapsed into empty theorizing, but,
on the contrary, repeatedly pointed out that "Marxism is not a
dogma, but a guide to action". His writings to this day form an
integral and essential part of the theory of scientific socialism
- an indispensable and invaluable guide in the struggle of the
working class for its emancipation, for socialism and communism.

        TML Weekly, 12/7/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Re: Decaying Capitalist Economy

1997-12-10 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


On Tue, 9 Dec 1997, Dave Markland wrote:

 Shawgi wrote: 
   The other major problem caused by the basic internal
  contradiction is that private ownership of the means of
  production determines that the motive behind production is the
  creation of maximum capitalist profit. 
   As long as there is class society, as 
  long as there is private ownership of the means of production there
 cannot be
  efficient use of the productive forces. 
  The lesson of Yugoslavia shows us the problem with such statements (as well
  as the myopia of "Market Socialism").  They eliminated private ownership but
  kept the market, resulting in the inefficiencies of that social construct.
  further, the market deepened class divisions in society.
 Shawgi wrote:
  Dave, I don't understand your observation here. 
 I was pointing to the dubiousness of an assertion like "as long as there is
 private ownership of the means of production there cannot be efficient use
 of the productive forces".  In a system of Market Socialism (which I know
 you did not mention, but it helps illustrate my point), there is no private
 ownership but we don't see "efficient use of productive forces".  Thus,
 eliminating private ownership is at best a necessary, but not sufficient
 cause of efficient use of productive forces.
 Sorry for the confusion- i was trying to keep it short.
Ok, Dave.  Thanks for the clarification.

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Re: Decaying Capitalist Economy

1997-12-09 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


On Mon, 8 Dec 1997, Dave Markland wrote:

Shawgi wrote: 
  The other major problem caused by the basic internal
 contradiction is that private ownership of the means of
 production determines that the motive behind production is the
 creation of maximum capitalist profit. 
  As long as there is class society, as 
 long as there is private ownership of the means of production there cannot be
 efficient use of the productive forces. 
 The lesson of Yugoslavia shows us the problem with such statements (as well
 as the myopia of "Market Socialism").  They eliminated private ownership but
 kept the market, resulting in the inefficiencies of that social construct.
 further, the market deepened class divisions in society.
Dave, I don't understand your observation here. The passages you 
abstracted from my post say nothing about so-called "market socialism."
In fact, my entire post says nothing about "market socialism."  
Basically, the post brings to the fore the objective features of
capitalist society, a form of class society, and the basic contradiction
of capitalism (social labor, private ownership) which is demanding
resolution.  It points to how and why capitalism is decaying and the need
for abolishing capitalist private property and ushering in socialist
society by harmonizing the forces and relations of production.  Throughout
the post the need for scientific planning of the economy, for calculated
human intervention in the economy and for doing away with the reckless
operation of the law of value are highlighted.  The point is also made
that classes and not only the exploitation of persons by persons must be
abolished.  The so-called "free market" is exposed for what it is: a
euphemism for the anarchy of production inherent to capitalism.

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Alleviating Poverty Not A Consideration For Chretien Liberals (Canada)

1997-12-09 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

The number of people relying on food banks has doubled since
1989, growing to about 670,000 from 330,000. The executive
director of the Canadian Association of Food Banks, Julia Bass,
pointed out on December 5 that the increase is due to the
elimination of national standards and funding. 
 Since the federal Liberals eliminated the Canada Assistance
Act in 1995 which set national welfare standards, and cut
transfer payments to the provinces by almost $7 billion,
provincial governments have passed legislation and/or implemented
measures which target welfare recipients for attack. Loren Freid,
executive director of the North York Harvest Food Bank pointed to
the example of the Harris government which has cut welfare
payments by 22 percent. "Punitive policies like workfare and
fingerprinting welfare recipients caused by Mr. Martin's
elimination of national welfare standards create a public
impression and attitude that there is something illegitimate
about simply being poor and simply helping those who are poor,"
Freid said. She pointed out that donations to food banks have
concurrently fallen by 25 percent. 
 Organizations which provide food for the poor through food
banks are demanding that the federal government reinstate
national standards to require the provinces to provide adequate
aid to the poor. Sue Cox, executive director of the Daily Bread
Food Bank, called on the First Ministers to endorse poverty
reduction targets, like the targets Federal Finance Minister Paul
Martin employed to cut the deficit. However, Intergovernmental
Affairs Minister Stephane Dion made it clear that there was no
way the government would do this. He diverted the issue by
promoting "cooperative federalism" as if its aim is to get
results. "We need to work with the provinces," Dion said. "What
is the use of national standards if it's not something that is
 The point is that the excuse of "working with the provinces"
is precisely the means being used to abolish national standards
so as to open the door to the privatization of all social -

TML Daily, 12/9/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Decaying Capitalist Economy

1997-12-08 Thread Shawgi A. Tell
of the "whole people." No longer was the
Soviet Union dedicated to the victory of the emancipation of the
working class in the Soviet homeland as well as internationally,
but rather was engaged in "peaceful competition with imperialism"
to see who could produce the most thorough efficient management
and the best technique. No longer was there discussion promoted
to find the "way forward" but all energy was directed towards
denouncing those who had already passed away and could not defend
themselves. Anyone who raised any questions about the direction
of the Soviet Union was branded as anti-Soviet and directed to
get in step with socialist dogma. The entire experience of the
collapse of the Soviet Union is testimony to the fact that the
denial of class struggle and the embracing of the slogans of the
"efficient use of the productive forces" with "improved
management," and the "Party of the whole people" were designed to
restore capitalism and destroy socialism.
 Mikhail Gorbachev after he became general secretary  in 1985 
came out in 1986 with his "perestroika" and "glasnost" under the
guise of strengthening socialism. In the late 1980s,
restructuring and openness were not extenuating circumstances
that could have strengthened socialism in the Soviet Union. The
extenuating circumstances would have been to overthrow the
existing capitalist class, to overthrow its political power and
to restore the social ownership of the means of production, that
is to intensify class struggle. On the contrary, according to
Gorbachev "perestroika" and "glasnost", that is, restructuring
and openness, would somehow strengthen socialism. The system
Gorbachev inherited and for which he worked was already
pseudo-socialist--socialist in words, but capitalist in actual
fact. State property had already changed its content from
socialist to capitalist. For this private property to fully
assert itself there was a need for the political structures to be
changed, for the old Soviet forms to be destroyed. All the old
symbols of socialism had to be removed, all the old forms had to
be eliminated so that this private property could fully express
itself. If the aim of Gorbachev was to strengthen socialism he
would have had to unleash the class struggle against the new
Soviet bourgeoisie, which was the basis for the development of
the USSR then and today in the former Soviet republics. There is
no country in the world where the slogan of efficiency and
management, the rational use of resources can be the catchwords
of progress except in those countries which are fighting for the
survival of their revolution and independence from imperialism.
In spite of all the most modern techniques of rationalization,
scientific management and efficiency, no country in
the world has been able to resolve the basic contradiction
between the social process of production and the private
ownership of the means of production without social revolution.
This contradiction persists in wreaking havoc in society.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Re: U.S. growth

1997-12-06 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


On Sat, 6 Dec 1997, Rebecca Peoples wrote:

 Would you please explain to me how the unemployment rate 
 underestimates the unemployment situation. And what is the difference
 between the jobless rate and the unemployment rate? Are they not one and
 the same thing.

Rebecca, here is the section called "Behind the Unemployment Rate"
in Holly Sklar's (1995) book, "Chaos or Community?"  It answers your
question.  You may also want to check out State of Working America by
Mishel and Bernstein or any one of a number of numerous works which put to
rest all illusions about an "improving" economy.

"The U.S. government downsizes the unemployment rate, but not the reality,
much as it does poverty.  There's a large gap between the number of people
wanting jobs and the number included in the unemployment rate.  The
official rate doesn't include would-be workers who have searched for work
in the past year, or even the last five weeks - but not in the past four
weeks.  The official rate leaves out people defined as 'discouraged
workers', people with child-care problems and millions of others without
jobs.  It doesn't include involuntary part-timers.

"Business Week observes, 'increasingly the labor market is filled with
surplus workers who are not being counted as unemployed.  The rate of
labor force participation - those working or looking for work - has
dropped sharply for men since 1989.  Estimated conservatively, some 1.1
million prime-age workers are out of the labor force compared with five
years ago...And there are at least 500,000 more workers with some college
who have jobs but are underemployed compared to five years ago.'

"Alternative unemployment and underemployment measures, such as the Urban
League's 'Hidden Unemployment Index', have typically adjusted the official
rate by adding in 'discouraged workers' and involuntary part-timers
('part-time for economic reasons') - two categories that the labor
department made more restrictive beginning in 1994, resulting in lower
official numbers.  David Dembo and Ward Morehouse advocate a more complete
alternative 'jobless rate' which reflects the larger pool of jobless
workers (including 'discouraged') and adjust for involuntary part-time
employment using a ful-time equivalence formula.  Their 1993 jobless rate
was 13.8%.  Dembo and Wardhouse observe:

The Jobless Rate - about twice the official Unemployment 
Rate - rises and falls with the official rate.  However, 
as more people are forced to work part-time and as 
increasing numbers have dropped out of the official labor 
force altogether, the Jobless Rate tends to diverge even
more from the official rate.  During cyclical downturns 
(recessions)...the Jobless Rate increases more than does the
Unemployment Rate as record numbers of Americans give up 
looking for work and more and more people work part-time for
economic reasons...With each succeeding recovery period, the
Jobless Rate has fallen less and less. [This last observation is

"In Europe too, unemployment is racheting upward.  'After each cyclical
downturn, [joblessness] locks in even higher', notes International
Management.  'Many who lose jobs never work again'.  Over half of Europe's
400 largest firms planned major layoffs for 1995.

"the U.S. Labor Department acknowledged in late 1993 that the government
had been substantially underestimating unemployment among women..."(pp.

What should be borne in mind is that capitalism has entered its
last stage, imperialism.  As such, exploitation and oppression are
increasing. While alot of data substantiates this, alot is designed to
cover it up.

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Disposable Individual Income Decreases (Canada)

1997-12-06 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

According to the Research and Information Institution on Income,
the financial situation of individuals has deteriorated in 1997.
 The Institute notes that in real terms the disposable
individual income fell 1.2 per cent in 1996 and that the decrease
has continued throughout 1997. It fell 2.4 per cent in the first
quarter of 1997 and by 1.7 per cent in the second quarter
compared to the same period the previous year.
 The rate of individual savings, which remained at 7.5 per
cent in 1994 and 1995, rapidly decreased to 4.3 per cent in 1996.
The decrease has continued in 1997, with the overall savings rate
reaching 1.6 per cent in the first quarter and 0.5 per cent in
the second.
 The number of individual bankruptcies has continued to
increase, going from 20,842 in 1995 to 24,887 in 1996.

TML DAILY, 12/4/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Re: U.S. growth

1997-12-05 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


On Fri, 5 Dec 1997, Doug Henwood wrote:

 I asked this question on Post-Keynesian thought a year or so ago, and got
 no satisfactory answers. With the strong U.S. employment report released
 this morning - payroll growth of over 400,000, a drop in the unemployment
 rate to 4.6% (the lowest in 24 years), and real wage growth approaching 2%
 - I'll try it again. Most Keynesians, regardless of whatever modifier you
 want to use, would have predicted several years ago that a policy mix based
 on deficit reduction and sustained high real interest rates would provoke
 stagnation, and not what we've seen over the last 3-4 years. Why have
 things turned out the way they have?

I think it is necessary to avoid focusing on the appearance of
things and move directly to the essence of matters.  In terms of
unemployment, the so-called lowest unemployment rate in the last few
decades conceals numerous realities which have been thoroughly discussed
by many (e.g., Holly Sklar in Chaos or Community? 1995). If one sees only 
4.6% unemployment without looking into the sort and kind of jobs being
created, forgets the bias of "official" data, focuses only on unemployment
as opposed to the jobless rate and so on then one will arrive at an
inaccurate impression of things.  One will think that things are
actually going well when in fact the opposite is the case. 

For example, according to Dembo and Morehouse, the 1993 jobless
rate was nearly 14%.  They also conclude that "With each succeeding
recovery period, the *Jobless Rate* has fallen less and less" (The
Underbelly of the U.S. Economy: Joblessness and the Pauperization of Work
in America, 1994).

Besides other things the 4.6% unemployment rate masks the fact
that the productive forces continue to be destroyed by capitalism.
Technological developments are increasingly making the service sector look
more and more like the manufacturing sector.

In our society inequality and poverty continue to increase.
The reverse is not the case.  The capitalist tendency for the rich to get
richer and the poor poorer is proceeding unfettered, irrepsective of this
or that unemployment rate.  This cannot be otherwise because the economic
system in existence is capitalism, which has its own objective laws of

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Re: U.S. growth

1997-12-05 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


On Fri, 5 Dec 1997, Doug Henwood wrote:

 Shawgi A. Tell reproduces every tired leftist cliche about the U.S. labor
 market in just three paragraphs, an impressive achievement.

Please let's not lower the level of discussion.

 I think it is necessary to avoid focusing on the appearance of
 things and move directly to the essence of matters.  In terms of
 unemployment, the so-called lowest unemployment rate in the last few
 decades conceals numerous realities which have been thoroughly discussed
 by many (e.g., Holly Sklar in Chaos or Community? 1995). If one sees only
 4.6% unemployment without looking into the sort and kind of jobs being
 created, forgets the bias of "official" data, focuses only on unemployment
 as opposed to the jobless rate and so on then one will arrive at an
 inaccurate impression of things.  One will think that things are
 actually going well when in fact the opposite is the case.
 The point isn't that "things are actually going well" - the point is that
 they're a lot better than they were 5 years ago. Real wages are rising, and
 the race and gender gaps are narrowing. Sure lots of shit jobs are being
 created, but that's not the whole story, or you wouldn't be seeing a pickup
 in the average wage.

But things are not actually going well and they are not "a lot
better than they were five years ago."  My argument is that things
continue to deteriorate and worsen rapidly for the vast majority.  This
argument is based on Karl Marx's analysis, which retains its full
validity, and the constantly growing mountains of objective and verifiable
data and information indicting the capitalist economic system.

  For example, according to Dembo and Morehouse, the 1993 jobless
 rate was nearly 14%.  They also conclude that "With each succeeding
 recovery period, the *Jobless Rate* has fallen less and less" (The
 Underbelly of the U.S. Economy: Joblessness and the Pauperization of Work
 in America, 1994).
 Yes, the official unemployment rate understates reality, but it always has,
 and the trend has been down. 

Then it would be good to avoid using the "official" unemployment
rate as a point of departure for analyzing reality.  The "official"
unemployment rate does not merely "understate" matters.  It grossly
distorts them.

 And, if the jobless rate, no matter how you
 slice it, is at a 24-year low, then Dembo  Morehouse's claim is no longer
 true. I think this needs to be recognized, explained, and analyzed for its
 political significance.

But how the jobless rate is sliced is the point.  Was not your
original question on/about the so-called low unemployment rate?  In the
area of women's un/employment, for example, the Census Bureau has admitted
it did things wrong, leading to a gross underestimation of conditions.

  Besides other things the 4.6% unemployment rate masks the fact
 that the productive forces continue to be destroyed by capitalism.
 Technological developments are increasingly making the service sector look
 more and more like the manufacturing sector.
 What does this mean? U.S. industrial production continues to rise, and
 manufacturing capacity (according to the Fed's industrial
 production/capacity utilization series) is expanding at the fastest rate in
 30 years. Besides, I thought capitalism was famous for expanding the
 productive forces at the expense of everything else.

Yes, production does continue to grow, thanks to, among other
things, the introduction of automation, but with fewer and fewer
workers.  From the standpoint of the capitalist class, workers have always
been incidental to the capitalist labor process.  And, yes, capitalism is
known for expanding the productive forces.  But it is also known for

Like all previous socio-economic formations, capitalism has
reached a point which is causing the destruction of the productive forces.
The contradiction between the relations and forces of production under
capitalism today are extremely sharp, demanding resolution.
This contradiction is not going away.  Capitalism has reached a point at
which it is no longer able to carry on uninterrupted extended reproduction
without running up against serious problems.  Nothing that has taken place
in the 20th century has in any way altered the capitalist tendency for the
rich to continue to get richer while the poor get poorer.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Advance Under Capitalism?

1997-12-05 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

In terms of the development of the economic base of capitalism, the 
question arises: can this be developed further, can there be an advance 
in the development of the productive forces under capitalism?  Theory 
again comes into play by showing that as capitalism in this century has 
reached its last and final stage, it has become moribund and parasitic.  
This has been proven by life itself.  It is the stage of imperialism, of 
monopoly capitalism, of concentration of capital and production, and, 
with the growth of the modern proletariat, all the objective conditions 
are there for a new, socialist, social system, all the objective 
prepartions are in place for the overthrow of the capitalist system.  In 
fact, objectively, this overthrow is long overdue.  Imperialism 
represents the domination by finance capital, of parasitism and decay of 
capitalism, of profits made through money-lending and speculation.  The 
bourgeoisie, unwilling and incapable of sanctioning the forward step 
towards socialism, is presiding over a moribund, parasitic and atrophying 
  Under monopoly capitalism, the process of production has become 
socialized while ownership of the means of production is concentrated in 
fewer and fewer hands.  This is giving rise to crisis, a brake on any 
development of the productive forces, whereby the productive forces 
themselves are being destroyed on a massive scale.  On a world scale, 
this has led to the devastation of famine and war.  This is all being 
carried out with the motive of controlling markets and maximizing 
profits.  the scientific-technical revolution itself, far from being used 
for the benefit of society, has become one of the greatest factors for 
the destruction of the productive forces.  Any development now of 
capitalism only further disintegrates and destroys these productive 
forces.  The capitalist system is not capable of uninterrupted extended 
reproduction.  The motive of making maximum capitalist profit is an 
extremely narrow base on which modern production rests.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Discussion: The Limits Imposed Demand That The Working Class Acts In A New Way

1997-12-02 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

If workers shut down a factory or a whole sector of the economy
in the course of waging the struggle for their rights they soon
find that their struggle reaches the limits imposed by the
capitalist system. These limits are based on the private
ownership of property and the political power it wields. These
limits ensure that while certain rights exist, such as the right
to strike, they do so only to the extent that they do not
threaten the right of the capitalists to maintain their control
of the situation. At the stroke of the pen these rights are taken
away - as in the case of back-to-work legislation which has been
used against workers in important sectors of  the national
economy such as the railway and post office. These limits also
ensure that rights exist entirely within the context of the
supremacy of private property. Thus, in a strike or other
struggle workers often find themselves facing the courts or
labour boards which dictate what will be the boundaries to any
struggle. For example, the courts routinely intervene to grant
injunctions limiting the right to picket, and the right of
workers to organize (and also to maintain their organizations)
falls within the limits determined not by the workers, but by the
labour laws and labour boards. 
 Contrast this to a situation in which thousands of workers
are laid off as the result of a single decision by a corporation
or a government, or the anti-social offensive, which has seen the
governments at all levels launch their attacks on social programs
and the most vulnerable, all in the name of protecting the
profits of the monopolies and the financial oligarchy. There is
no limit to these rights enjoyed by the monopolies and financial
oligarchy. In fact, they become policy through actions taken by
the governments at every level to recognize that paying the debt
and deficit cutting are a priority over providing for the social
needs of the people. Privatization of existing social services is
another measure which goes hand in hand with the anti-social
 In other words, the cards are all stacked against the
working class. The limits imposed can only lead to the
intensified exploitation of the working class. The crisis of
unemployment is one example. Another is the anti-social
offensive. Such things are happening because the working class is
confined to the limits acceptable to the present ruling class of
the monopolies and financial oligarchy and its political
 What it is clearer with each passing day and each new
struggle is that the working class must act in a new way. Whether
it is the deepening economic crisis or the anti-social offensive
which is eliminating any responsibility of society to provide and
care for the well-being of its members, the necessity is for the
working class to change the situation. It has to advance its
pro-social program on the basis that society must provide for the
interests of all working people. It has to enter the political
arena not on the basis of electing this or that political party
but from the consideration of electing its own representatives to
defend its interests and set the pro-social agenda.

TML DAILY, 12/2/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Child Poverty: Chretien Liberals' Double Standards (Canada)

1997-11-30 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

500,000 more children are living in poverty in Canada today than
in 1989 - a 58 percent increase. This brings the number of
children considered to be living in poverty to a record 1.5
million. The latest information on this was released in a report
by Campaign 2000, a coalition of 60 agencies lobbying for an end
to child poverty. The report also says that the number of
children living in families whose parents are experiencing
long-term unemployment is up 47 percent, while those living in
families requiring social assistance is up 68 percent. The number
of children living in unaffordable rental housing is up 48
percent and the number of families living in families earning
less than $20,000 a year has increased 45 percent.
 According to the report, a child is considered to be living
in poverty if its family must spend more than 55 percent of its
income on food, shelter and clothing. This is the limit known as
the "low-income cutoff."
 The report says that it would take $7.1 billion to lift
Canada's children out of poverty. This is almost 10 times more
than the Liberal government has pledged to spend "sometime during
its mandate" on its "National Child Benefit Strategy." This is a
far cry from the Liberal government's November 1993 pledge to
eliminate child poverty by 2000. 
 This report goes a long way to bring out the
double-standards and double-dealing of the Chretien government.
It has a policy and plan when it comes to eliminating the
deficit; it has a "policy objective" which "it is working hard to
achieve," when it comes to eliminating child poverty. 
 Canadians know exactly what the Chretien Liberals are all
about. Canada has more than enough resources to eliminate child
poverty immediately. The issue facing the working class and
people is to empower themselves to take over the affairs of
government so that they, not the financial oligarchs, can set the

TML DAILY, 11/29/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Condition Of Workers In Russia

1997-11-28 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

Western style democracy and rule of law have resulted in the
reality for Russian workers who face a massive backlog of unpaid
wages. In many cases, starvation now looms. 
 One Russian worker in four is no longer paid regularly. More
than 20 million people in Russia do not receive their wages on
time. Many are owed between six and twelve months' pay. The state
and the employers owe some 10 billion US dollars in unpaid wages.
 And one Russian worker in eight is now paid in kind rather
than in cash. It is not uncommon to see workers try to raise
money by selling their employers' products on the streets after
hours. This October, workers at a state farm in Vologda were
"paid" in manure-delivered to their doorsteps.
 Workers have responded to non-payment in many ways. The
trade unions have organised a series of strikes and
demonstrations. This includes hunger strikes and workplace
occupations. Acts of civil disobedience have involved the
blocking of rail lines and roads. The new wave of protests
throughout the Russian Federation marks the decision by Russian
trade unions of all tendencies to make the payment of wage
arrears a priority.

TML DAILY, 11/28/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Jobless Recovery Persists (Canada)

1997-11-19 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

Nowadays, the monopoly controlled media seem to speak less about
"unemployment" and more about "employment growth." This, of
course, is to take the mind of the public away from the
staggering levels of unemployment and get the people to think
that the restructuring measures of governments at all levels are
giving the economy "a boost". The talk about a "robust economy"
and "employment growth" is designed to divert attention away from
the economic system which is inherently crisis-ridden and whose
fellow-traveller unemployment is. The profit figures which are
being published, taken alongside the employment figures, merely
show that the recovery is for the monopoly capitalists and
financial oligarchs whose profits have truly recovered. For the
rest of society, the economy is not geared to guarantee either a
livelihood, job security, or wages consistent with what is
required to live at the standard of living society has achieved.
 The October average unemployment rate in Canada came in at
9.1 %, up 0.1 % from one year ago. There are 24,000 fewer people
employed than the month before. This caused no end of
consternation for the Chretien Liberals who have been crowing that their
policies are creating employment for Canadians. There was a drop
in employment for working youths 20-24 years old and a "slight
increase" in employment among 15 to 19 year-olds. This, coupled
with a drop in the number of young people participating in the
labour market, gave rise to an official youth unemployment rate
of 16.3 %.  
 Employment among  adult women is said to have increased
since February by 96,000 positions, of which Statscan reports
that 89 % were full-time. Statscan also reports that "Although on
a downward trend since late 1996, unemployment among adult women
rose by 27,000 in October, pushing their unemployment rate up 0.4
% age points to 8.1 %."
 For adult men, since February employment grew by 148,000
jobs (+2.3 %), while unemployment fell by 64,000.  "As a result,
the unemployment rate for adult men dropped 1.0 %age points to
7.5 %."
 Furthermore, in October part-time employment increased,
off-setting a drop in full-time work. StatsCan reports that since
February, "the proportion of workers with part-time hours has
hovered around 19 % for most of the period."
 In the public sector, since February the number of workers
has dropped an additional 16,000, "continuing a trend that began
about three years ago." 
 Overall, the number of self-employed is up 2.5 % (+62,000)
from February. This is despite the fact that for two consecutive
months there has been a decline in the number of self-employed
people. In October alone it fell by 21,000.
 The highest unemployment rate was in Newfoundland, at  17.5
%, down 0.5 % since last year. This decrease is due in part to
the  fishers who have either had to move from the province or are
no longer considered members of the active labour force. The
unemployment rate was recorded at 13.1%, down from 13.7% in
Prince Edward Island; 11.6 %, down from 11.8 %, in Nova Scotia;
12.1 %, up from 11.9 % in New Brunswick; 11.3 % in Quebec, down
from 11.4 %; 8.5 %, up from 8.1 %, in Ontario; it remained the
same in Manitoba at 6.6 %; 6.3 % in Saskatchewan, up from 5.9 %;
5.8 %, up from 5.6 %, in Alberta, and 9.0 % up from 8.9 % in B.C. 

TML WEEKLY, 11/16/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Re: Question

1997-11-16 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


On Sun, 16 Nov 1997, Doug Henwood wrote:

 On the causes of growing inequality... Williamson  Lindert argue in their
 history of American inequality that the driving force between polarization
 and de-polarization has been the skill premium on wages. That's the
 conventional explanation for what's been happening recently, too. Any
 thoughts from PEN-Lers on this?
The root-cause of inequality is the fundamental contradiction of
capitalism: social labor, private ownership.  This is the essential cause
of the economic crisis at the base of society.  So long as the
contradiction is not resolved, inequality will increase.

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Arab Nations Oppose Use Of Force Against Iraq

1997-11-15 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

In the face of the growing tensions in the Middle East caused by
the threats of the United States to use military force against
Iraq, Arab nations have expressly stated their opposition to the
use of force against Iraq. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said
"The use of force is not appropriate." Official government
statements in Syria oppose military action and call for an end to
the U.N. sanctions against Iraq. Kuwait announced that the crisis
"between Iraq and the Security Council is an issue related to
them and Kuwait has nothing to do with it." In other words,
Kuwait will not support military action against Iraq. 
 The Arab League is on record as opposing the use of force
against Iraq. In a statement issued following the criminal U.S.
missile attack against Iraq on January 14, 1993, the Arab League
stated: "The Arab League rejects the use of force to solve
conflicts between countries and regrets the policy of escalation
against Iraq...which extended to include bombings of Iraqi
civilian targets inside Bhagdad, inflicting civilian casualties
amongst the brotherly Iraqi people." 
 The statement also stressed "once again its strong keeness
on the sovereignty, territorial integrity and safety of Iraq and
its people." The Arab League urged the international community
not to use double standards in applying UN Security Council
resolutions, "so that this method will not cause a loss of
confidence and trigger negative reactions in the Arab and Islamic
world regarding the credibility of international legitimacy."

    TML DAILY, 11/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Iraq Opposes U.N. Resolution

1997-11-14 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf pointed out on
Wednesday that U.S. military planes had violated Iraq's air space
984 times since October 29. The U.N. has not explained how these
incursions into Iraqi airspace are part of "U.N. inspection" of
Iraqi arms production facilities.
 Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz said after the
Security Council adopted it's resolution that "This resolution is
added to a series of unjust resolutions adopted by the council in
the past." he said, "I have tried to explain our just cause in
front of the Security Council directly...but American pressure
and blackmail has prevented me." He added however that "Although
they have prevented me from speaking in front of the council, the
council members and the public opinion have been informed about
our cause, legitimate demands and suffering." Aziz said that Iraq
has implemented all U.N. Security Council resolutions but the
council had not met its obligations to Iraq. 
 On October 29, Iraq prohibited inspectors of American
citizenship from taking part in U.N. inspection activities in
Iraq, claiming that they are engaged in spying and blocking U.N.
compliance with its obligations to Iraq. Iraq also demanded a
halt to flights by U.S. U-2 spy planes which the U.S. claims are
loaned to the UN to support inspection operations. It is claimed
that the latest resolution passed by the Security Council is in
response to these measures by Iraq. Iraq has reserved the right
to shoot down any plane illegally flying over its territory and
it persists in prohibiting Americans to take part in inspection
operations. However, it has never said the inspections cannot
take place. It is demanding that its concerns as regards the
activities of American inspectors and American warplanes be
listened to. 

        TML DAILY, 11/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

U.S. Continues To Reserve Right To Attack Iraq

1997-11-14 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

After the vote in the Security Council to impose travel
restrictions on Iraqis responsible for non-compliance with UN
Resolutions (see item on p. 3) U.S. Ambassador to the United
Nations Bill Richardson told reporters, "The message has been
clear. Iraq must comply or face consequences. We are not
excluding any options, including military options." 
 Why would the U.S. make such a statement in the light of the
known fact that Russia, France, China and Egypt clearly said that 
any further measures would have to be discussed by the Council
again and that the vote did not authorize the use of force or
they would not have supported it? "Military action is not going
to be supported by the Security Council," Russian ambassador
Sergei Lavrov said. 
 The arrogant statements of the U.S. imperialists are to
declare that they have the "right" to launch a military attack
against Iraq. They are aimed at convincing all powers to accept
the U.S. as the greatest superpower which can lay down the law
for the whole world. It is a warning by the U.S. to all who do
not want to buckle under. 
 The very conception that there is a superpower is to accept
that the world is divided between big powers and small powers and
that the world is governed by the manoeuvres between such powers.
Those who go along with the U.S. are to be accorded certain
advantages and those who do not are to be penalized. 
 Such a rendering of the world means that the agenda of the
twentieth century to establish equality between all countries,
big and small, is put in a subordinate position. It goes against
the most important requirement of international democracy to have
all countries have a say in the affairs which concern the
international community and, along with it, the basic law that
the prosperity and well-being of one must be the condition for
the prosperity and well-being of all, and vice-versa. 
 The entire approach of the big powers to the Iraqi issue is
reprehensible. To place such onerous conditions on a country
under the pretext of high ideals is criminal. The aims of the
foreign powers, especially the Americans, are highly suspect and
everyone knows it. Canadian workers and progressive forces cannot
accept such a conception of relations between countries. It not
only goes against their own interests but also against the
interests of the peoples of the world for progress and

    TML DAILY, 11/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Vigorously Oppose The U.S. Imperialist Gangster Logic Against Iraq

1997-11-13 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

U.S. imperialist Defence Secretary William Cohen declared on
Tuesday that the United States wouldn't need United Nations
authorization to launch a military strike against Iraq. He said
there is already sufficient authority "to justify an attack."
TML Daily vigorously opposes this U.S. imperialist gangster logic
to justify an attack against Iraq. It also denounces the other
big powers in the U.N. Security Council and Canada for going
along with this imperialist gangster logic.
 On the occasion of the U.S.'s cruise missile attacks against
civilian targets in September 1996, U.S. imperialist chieftain
Bill Clinton declared that "Our objectives are limited but clear:
to make Saddam pay a price for the latest act of brutality,
reducing his ability to threaten his neighbours and America's
 Now once again the same language is being used, along with
the same kind of media manipulation of the facts as used in the
past - all to justify the unjustifiable.
 What the people of Canada and the world must clearly reckon
with is that this gangster logic is not so much aimed against the
government of Iraq but against all the peoples and governments of
the world, threatening them that U.S. imperialism will make them
"pay a price" if they should ever threaten "America's interests."
By continuing to violate Iraq's sovereignty with U2 spy planes
and F-16 fighters, all in the name of United Nations and
sanctions, the foreign policy of U.S. imperialism is exposed as
thoroughly bankrupt. It cannot garner the support of various of
its major llies, either in the "West" or the Arab League for its
policy of using force against Iraq, but nonetheless it is
threatening to impose its supremacy based on the criminal logic
that "Might Makes Right." This shows that the U.S. wants to lay
down the law for the entire world and enforce it through armed
  TML Daily demands that the Chretien Liberals dissociate
Canada from this imperialist logic. Canadian Foreign Affairs
Lloyd Axworthy has reiterated Canada's demand that Iraq comply
with U.N. sanctions and refused to listen to the direct appeal of
Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz that attention be paid to Iraqi
concerns about the spying role of U.S. inspectors operating under
the cover of UNSCOM. 
  TML Daily reiterates the well-known position of CPC(M-L)
that all members of the United Nations, big or small, have the
right to have their say in laying down the law in international
affairs; no single country nor group of nations has any right to
usurp the right of the U.N. General Assembly to lay down the law
and no single country nor group of nations has any right to
interpret and enforce international law in any way it so desires.
 The peoples of the world can never accept the dictate of the
U.S. imperialists according to which they  have the right to do
whatever they want with Iraq. We call on all peace and
justice-loving Canadians to oppose the criminal gangster logic
against Iraq and vigorously support its sovereignty.

TML DAILY, 11/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Iraq's Legitimate Concerns

1997-11-12 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

At a press conference at the United Nations on Monday,  Secretary
General Kofi Annan is reported to have expressed the hope that
the Security Council will listen to the concerns of the
Government of Iraq about the work of the United Nations Special
Commission (UNSCOM) in Iraq, once it complies with the Security
Council resolutions. The press conference took place following
the return of the Secretary-General's special mission to Iraq,
comprised of three special envoys. He sent the mission to defuse
the situation created after Iraq barred U.S. weapons inspectors
from entering military sites. 
 According to the Secretary-General, all Iraq needs to do is
comply "with the obligations under all relevant (Security
Council) resolutions." He said that once that is done, he
expected the Security Council would, in turn, be prepared to
listen to Iraq and to its grievances. He said that it is an issue
between Iraq and the Security Council. 
 Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz also addressed the
press conference. He said that Iraqi officials had explained to
the Secretary-General's mission the concerns and grievances which
Iraq has been suffering since 1991. He said the Iraqis were
concerned about the "unbalanced" composition of the UNSCOM. "The
Americans dominate the Commission," he said. "In 1996 the
percentage of their presence was 44 percent among other
nationalities." This year, he said, their presence is 32 percent
as compared to the French presence of five percent. 
 Mr. Aziz said that all the leading positions in the
headquarters of UNSCOM have been held by Americans. He also
charged that "those who created the crisis which provoked the
Council to take further decisions against Iraq" were Americans. 
 Mr. Aziz said that the United States will not agree with the
lifting of sanctions unless the leadership of Iraq was changed.
He also accused the members of UNSCOM of intruding on Iraq's
national security by collecting information on security "and at
the same time, the main source of information of UNSCOM is an
American source, the U2 spying plane" which collects
information about Iraq, and gives UNSCOM selected information.
 "I cannot trust that the Special Commission is in full
control of that plane and what that plane provides to the Special
Commission is impartial, technical information," Mr. Aziz said.
He also charged that the U2 spy plane entered Iraq one or two
days before the military attacks which the United States
conducted against Iraq in January and June 1993, and in September
  Mr. Aziz also called the deal whereby Iraq is
allowed to sell about $2 billion worth of oil every six months in
order to buy food and medicine for its people suffering under
sanctions, "a farce." He said U.S. officials insisted on finding
mistakes in contracts the Security Council's sanctions committee
has to approve, thereby delaying the needed supplies.
 The leader of the Secretary-General's mission to Iraq,
Ambassador Lakhdar Brahimi, told the press that he thought the
situation "is extremely serious." 
 The United States resumed the flights of its U2 spy planes
over central Iraq on Monday. Mohamed al-Sahaf, Iraq's Foreign
Minister, sent a letter to Kofi Annan in which he said that Iraq
now considered the U2 flights alien aircraft and not part of the
U.N. weapons surveillance program. He said the flight was
"escorted by several formations of American aircraft" and
violated Iraqi sovereignty.
 President Bill Clinton told reporters at the White House
that "The next step is to get a very strong resolution from the
United Nations manifesting the determination of the international
community to resume those inspections." 
 French Ambassador to the U.N. Alain Dejammet said that if
Iraq rescinded its decision (to bar U.S. inspectors), "then it
will be possible to reopen the dialogue." "We are not going to
negotiate but will listen," he said. 
 In Beijing, Chinese Foreign Minister Qian Qichen and Russian
Foreign Minister Yevgeny Primakov demanded that "Iraq immediately
resume cooperation with the United Nations." But they also
declared themselves against a military strike, urging all parties
"to adopt an attitude of restraint and avoid any escalation of
contradictions, especially in terms of military conflict." 
 Britain and Germany called on Iraq to rescind the ban
against American arms inspectors. Canadian Foreign Minister Lloyd
Axworthy said that the United Nations, not the United States,
should solve the crisis.

TML DAILY, 11/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Ontario Teachers Continue To Receive Support

1997-11-12 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

On November 10, a meeting of representatives from six locals of
the Nova Scotia Teachers Union (NSTU) passed a unanimous motion
in support of the "courageous action undertaken by Ontario's
teachers in defence of public education." Jim Boudreau, President
of the Guyborough NSTU local, said that public education cannot
tolerate repeated reductions in funding. 
 Boudreau states in a press release that the delegates to the
meeting, representing more than 2,500 teachers, are calling on 
all concerned citizens "to remain vigilant and oppose government
actions which seek to disguise cost-cutting measures as
legitimate educational `reform.  Paul Melong, president of the
Antigonish local said that the Ontario teachers played an
important role in making parents and the public aware of the
potential damages inherent in Bill 160. Describing the protest of
the Ontario teachers as a "tremendous effort to displace that
bill," Melong said the Nova Scotia teachers hope that "honest
education reform will take precedence over economic agendas."

        TML DAILY, 11/12/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

United Nations General Assembly Approves 6th Consecutive Resolution Against U.S. Blockade Of Cuba

1997-11-09 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

The United Nations General Assembly on November 5 approved the
6th consecutive resolution against the U.S. blockade of Cuba with
another record vote. With 143 nations in favor of lifting the
blockade, 3 against and 17 abstentions, the U.N. General Assembly
has upped the ante with respect to last year's vote: 137 in
favor, the same 3 against - the United States, Israel and
Uzbekistan - and 25 abstentions.
 The vote has been growing in Cuba's favor each year since
1992, when 59 countries voted in favor, 3 against and 71
abstained. In the current session, 18 delegations participated in
the debate leading up to the vote, in which countries like China,
Argentina, Indonesia and Luxemburg, representing the European
Union, condemned the U.S.'s unilateral and extraterritorial
measures. Observers called the U.N. vote the strongest response
yet to U.S.efforts to intensify the blockade with the Helms--Burton Law. 

TML DAILY, 11/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

U.S. Imperialists Are The Troublemakers Not Iraq

1997-11-07 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

The most important question to ask when thinking about the
international situation and all the conflicts that exist is who
are the troublemakers? and Who is threatening a country s right
to self-determination, to choose a system and path of it s own
 Almost seven years have passed since the Gulf War between
the U.S. and Iraq. Even after the war is over the U.S. still has
20,000 troops stationed in the Gulf and many naval fleets and spy
planes also. The monopoly controlled media and the U.S.
imperialists claim that it is Iraq that threatens peace in the
Gulf. They claim that Saddam Hussein is building weapons of mass
destruction and that this is unacceptable and therefore they must
intervene. The U.S. is using United Nations inspection teams to
find out just what weapons are being built and to report it to
the U.N.
 Recently, Saddam Hussein disallowed the U.N. inspections
teams to do this and specifically the Americans accusing them of
being spies and infiltrators. He has also threatened that they
will begin to shoot down the U.S. spy planes, which are to aid
the inspections, and says that their presence in Iraq will no
longer be tolerated.
 The U.S. is frustrated because Iraq will not come under its
dictate and they refuse to stay out of the internal affairs of
Iraq. The U.S. was quick to threaten to launch military actions
against Iraq if they do not change their minds. 
 Meanwhile the people of Iraq are waging, almost everyday,
anti-America demonstrations, burning the American flag and
shouting slogans like "down with the U.S." 
 The U.S. imperialists are the troublemakers and are the
biggest threat to peace in the world and should stay out of the
internal affairs of Iraq and all other countries. It is they who
have weapons of mass destruction spread about all over the globe,
in almost 100 countries, and it is they who attack any country
that chooses a system that is not to its liking. It has committed
the most horrible crimes in history. Even with the issue of
banning landmines the U.S. refuses to do so because they "have to
protect South Korea" from the North. They try to justify their
military presence in all these ountries by parading around
claiming they want to ensure peace and want to protect their
global interests. Their interest in Iraq is to exploit the oil
resources and control the Middle East. Their only aim is to
enslave the people of the Middle East and make maximum profits
for themselves.
 All justice and peace loving people of the world should have
no illusions of who are the troublemakers and menaces to world
peace. They should condemn the U.S. imperialists demanding that
they withdraw their troops from all the countries they occupy and
let the people of those countries decide what kind of system and
future they want!
Ottawa High School Student

    TML DAILY, 11/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Libya - End The Embargo, End The Hypocrisy - MER QUOTE of the WEEK Editorial (fwd)

1997-11-03 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 03 Nov 1997 08:23:48 -0500
Subject: Libya - End The Embargo, End The Hypocrisy - MER QUOTE of the WEEK  Editorial

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Only if you are on the new MER list will you receive all MER articles.   
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"Those who object to my visiting Libya have no morals,
and I will not join them because I have morals...  
Ghadafi is my friend. He helped us at a time when we 
were alone.  And the ones who are trying to stop us 
from coming here were helping our enemies at that time."

Nelson Mandela
President, South Africa
October 1997 when visiting Tripoli, Libya


MER - Washington - 11/1/97:
   The Americans are surely one of the most hypocritical 
countries.  U.N. resolutions are being so sanctimoneously
"enforced" for Iraq and Libya; but they have been repeatedly 
ignored and disregarded for Israel, most recently just last 
year regarding the terrible massacre at Qana.
   The Americans insist that the Arab boycott of Israel
be ended; but they freely boycott Cuba and Iran and even 
threaten others who will not do as they command.
   The Americans insist that nuclear proliferation be
prevented; but they make it possible for Israel to have
such weapons instigating today's regional arms race.
   One could go on and on when it comes to American double-
standards and self-serving hypocrisy.  No lack of situations
or evidence about these matters.
   As for the Pan Am bombing controversy, the Libyans have 
long offered to let the Libyans be tried in a third country.
Fair enough.  And for the U.N. Security Council to hold
out for the American position on this, as on so many other
crucial matters, shows what a patsy the U.N. has allowed
itself to become in recent years.
   And while we're at it, maybe the Americans who ordered 
the bombing of Tripoli and the attempted assassination of 
Ghadafi a decade ago should finally be told they have to 
agree to be tried in the same third country at the same time.  

MID-EAST REALITIES is published a number of times weekly. 
To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For latest information about the weekly MER-TV program 

 M I D - E A S TR E A L I T I E S

   MER may be freely distributed by email and on the Internet 
   so long as there is no editing and the entire article including 
   all opening and closing MER information is included.  For any 
   print publication, permission in writing is required.   
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /  Fax 202 362-6965  /  Phone 202 362-5266

Re: income race

1997-11-01 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


On Sat, 1 Nov 1997, Rakesh Bhandari wrote:


 At any rate, Doug, I think that data on income inequality are pretty
 irrelevant to the empirical confirmation of Marxian theory. It would be
 more important to determine the rate of exploitation through a rejection of
 wage share as its proxy or to determine whether real wage gains are only
 coming at the expense of greater misery with the production process, that
 abode into which bourgeois economists remain reluctant to enter.
 Grad Student
 UC Berkeley

I would not argue that "data on income inequality are pretty
irrelevant to the empirical confirmation of Marxian theory."  Data on
income inequality as well as data on other forms of inequality actually
substantiate Marxism.  But it is true that more important than data on
income inequality is the determination of the rate of surplus value.  This
is the key way to determine the level and direction of development of

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Actual US Unemployment Rate??

1997-10-31 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


Please excuse the cross-postings.  I feel that this information is
of interest to many people.
On Fri, 31 Oct 1997, Laurence Shute wrote:

 I may be living in some alternate universe, but I've long thought that the
 actual US unemployment rate was much higher (say, twice as high) as the
 published figures.  Because of under counting of undocumented residents,
 discouraged workers, and plain old missing of large groups of poor.
 This morning I seem to have some sort of window of open-mindedness, however
 brief it may be, and wonder if anyone has thoughts on this today?  btw,
 this is one reason I have never thought we had a real inflationary danger
 in the past several years.
 Larry Shute

The main feature of the October 1997 issue of Phi Delta Kappan, a
professional bourgeois education journal with a relatively large
circulation, is "Where Are the Jobs for World-Class Grads?" by Clinton E.
Boutwell.  Notwithstanding its bourgeois limitations (e.g., failure to see
an alternative to capitalism, hankering for (more) benevolent corporations
and proposing changes in policy, as opposed to changes in social
conditions),  Boutwell's article accurately portrays the numerous
extremely negative trends inherent to society (the U.S.) based on the
capitalist economic system. For example, he says:

In 1994 two-thirds of all new jobs created in the
U.S. were low-wage jobs that carried no benefits 
Many of the new jobs being 'created' are actually
temporary jobs.  In fact, at least a quarter of
those employed today are temporary, part-time,
or contract workers.  The number of Americans working
part-time grew by 2.2 million between 1973 and 1996,
reaching a total of 6.2 million The total
*number* of high-tech, highly-skilled jobs is
shrinking as America builds its 'new economy'
Those downsized workers who manage to find a new
job also find themselves making at least 10% less
than in their old jobs The *official* unemployment
rate in the U.S. has averaged below 6% since 1994.
Almost two million workers were hired in 1994, mostly 
in low-wage jobs.  The only group that *increased*
its unemployment rate was black teenagers...However,
these official figures convey an incomplete statistical
view of employment in the U.S If the U.S. counted 
its unemployed as the other industrial countries do,
we would have 4.5 million more people unemployed,
and our unemployment rate would be equal to or higher
than the 11% rate in Europe (pp. 107, 109, 110).

Boutwell shows that there is a massive mismatch between the number of
people graduating and the number of (good) jobs available, that is,
capitalism does not work for tens of millions.  As far as the
actual unemployment rate being much higher than what the various
governments of the rich say it is, this much is true.  It is a
well-established truism that *official* statistics routinely and
typically portray a rosier picture than what actually exists.  However, as
Boutwell's contention that the *actual* unemployment rate may be 11%
or a little higher, may be off the mark.  In all likelihood it is well
above 11%.

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Day Three In The Struggle Against Bill 160

1997-10-30 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

On Wednesday, October 29, the Ontario government sent its lawyers
into court to seek an injunction against the province's 126,000
teachers who are waging a political protest against Bill 160 by
staying away from work. The government is asking the courts to
expedite the matter so as to get its injunction granted by
 Meanwhile, the struggle of the teachers is gaining broader
support. It is estimated that about 60,000 support staff are
refusing to cross picket lines. The Ontario Catholic Bishops have
taken a stand in support of the teachers, describing their fight
against Bill 160 and in defence of public education as a "moral
 Aside from maintaining pickets at the schools, teachers and
supporters are carrying out many other activities. With the
Ontario government having launched a $1 million "law and order"
campaign against the teachers, the teachers  unions are carrying
out their own advertising to explain their positions. They have
also issued an Open Letter opposing the efforts of the government
to confuse people about the various issues at stake in
educational reform to prevent the actual content of Bill 160 from
coming under public scrutiny. (see article on  page 1) Teachers
have also taken their protest to the "public hearings" being
conducted on Bill 160 by the Ontario government. In Ottawa on
October 30, teachers set up a picket outside of the hotel where
hearings were being held. The hearings, ostensibly held to
consult the public, are falling into greater and greater
disrepute as the government insists that no substantial changes
can be made to the legislation. The Ontario government has
uninvited prohibited teachers from attending the "public"
hearings which were scheduled for a mere 7 days in various parts
of Ontario.

        TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Teachers Issue Open Letter (Canada)

1997-10-30 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

The Ontario Teachers Federation has issued an Open Letter to the
people of Ontario addressing the issue of Bill 160, the Education
Quality Improvement Act, and their struggle against it.
 Entitled "Bill 160 Will Not Improve Education," the Open
Letter states that "Bill 160 is about the government giving
itself the tools to cut up to $1 billion from classroom education
- quickly and quietly - without the slow and messy business of
open consultation and discussion. Bill 160 had little or nothing
to say about any of the government's reforms. Instead, Bill 160
shifts control over students, teachers and schools from local
communities to Cabinet."
 The teachers say that the government is deliberately trying
to create confusion about its proposed reforms so that Bill 160
does not come under public scrutiny and the Open Letter addresses
various ways in which the government is doing this. For example,
the Harris government is playing on the fact that many parents
are unhappy with the quality of education received by students by
saying that the teachers are for the status quo. The Open Letter
states: "Teachers have always been open to meaningful change. The
changes being proposed in Bill 160, however, will not improve
education in Ontario." 
 The Open Letter argues, for example, that reducing teachers 
preparation time will not improve education, as the government
claims. It will only achieve the aim of cutting 6,000 to 10,000
teachers from the system. The letter states: "Reducing the number
of teachers will reduce the amount of individual contact that
teachers can have with their students and the number of programs
that can be implemented. Already, vital programs such as junior
kindergarten, adult education, science and technology, arts and
music have been eliminated or cut back."
 The Harris government has also been claiming that it wants
to take classroom size out of the realm of negotiations between
teachers and school boards because the government wants to limit
classroom sizes. It is suggesting that teachers have negotiated
larger class sizes. The letter states: "Teachers, through the
collective bargaining process, have been responsible for the
reduction of class size. It is a bargaining goal of all five
Affiliates of the Ontario Teachers  Federation. Contrary to the
government's claim, when allowed to bargain freely on this issue,
teachers and school boards have consistently negotiated lower
class size. It is only the funding cuts of recent years which
have caused class sizes to rise."
 The Open Letter also addresses other issues on which the
government has tried to generate confusion, such as the need for
a common curriculum and standardized testing. The teachers ae in
support of both, but they again point out that "it is up to the
government to provide the financial resources to ensure that the
new curriculum is implemented properly."

TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Pepsi-Cola Workers Go On Strike

1997-10-29 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

On October 18, Pepsi-Cola workers voted by 98.5% for an unlimited
general strike. "This result," said union spokesperson Michel
Deziel, "is a sign of the frustration that the workers have
accumulated over the last few years."
 Right after the vote, the workers went to set up their
strike pickets in front of the plant to make sure that no
delivery trucks could enter or leave the premises.
 One of the main demands of the workers concerns the hourly
wages of about 40 salespeople. In the context of its
restructuring, the company wants to impose a wage reduction
ranging from $7,000 to $14,000 a year. The workers are also
raising demands regarding the precarious status of about 50
workers who are not part of the permanent workforce.
 "A lot of these workers have been here since 1990, but their
wage is only 50% of the wage of the permanent workers and they
have no social benefits. We support them", added Mr. Deziel.

    TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Ontario Teachers' Strike: Day Two In the Struggle Against Bill 160

1997-10-29 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

   Tuesday, October 28 was the second day of a province-wide
shutdown of Ontario's elementary and secondary schools as over
126,000 teachers continued to stay away from work to protest the
Harris government's Bill 160, The Education Quality Improvement
  While the doors to some schools remained open, with small numbers
of custodial staff reporting for work, most schools were
completely closed. Picket lines were again staffed by not only
teachers, but supporting parents and students as well.
 The Harris government proceeded with its plans to seek a
court injunction against the teachers to force them back to work.
Leaders of the five provincial teachers' unions have continued to
insist that they are staying away from work to carry out a
political protest against the Harris government's plans to
exercise virtually absolute control over the education system so
as to cut teachers and more funds and to prepare the ground for a
two-tier system of education. They say that refusing to teach was
the only means left at their disposal and they blame the
government for refusing to take the opinions and concerns of the
teachers into consideration.
 Eileen Lennon, president of the Ontario Teachers' Federation
(OTF), told reporters that the leaders of the five unions which
cooperate under OTF will deliberate on whether or not they will
respect the court injunction. She said that the teachers were
disappointed that the government would go to the courts "instead
of addressing the concerns of not just teachers, but of parents
and citizens around Bill 160." It is expected that the government
will obtain its injunction by the end of the week.
 In a television campaign estimated to cost $1 million, the
Harris government is waging a "law and order" campaign against
the teachers. "We live in a law-abiding society. Breaking the law
is not the right example. Let's put our children first," Premier
Harris says in the commercials. Harris continues to insist that
despite the fact that his government is planning to cut another
$667 million from education next year, the government's "intent
is quality."
 This is a fraud of the first order since the system of
education in any country is designed to serve the economy. The
Canadian economy is such that fewer and fewer highly educated
people are needed. The education system is being geared to
provide those few with the highly technological skills required
by the highly technological economy. For the remainder, the
jobless recovery is the reality.
 When the government says its "intent is quality," the people
must clearly understand that it has no relationship to their own
concern and intent to have a society that is fit for human beings
in which a livelihood, health care, education and culture are all
designed to activate the human factor/social consciousness, not
to serve the needs of the financial oligarchy for maximum

    TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Ontario Teachers Walk out To Protest Bill 160

1997-10-28 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

Ontario's 126,000 teachers stayed away from work on Monday,
October 27 following the break-down of negotiations between
representatives of Ontario's five teachers' unions and the Harris
government on Bill 160, The Education Quality Improvement Act.
Picket lines were up at virtually all public and secondary
schools in Ontario, with many students joining their teachers on
the line. The teachers' strike is also being supported by
non-educational staff in the schools, most of whom are members of
the Canadian Union of Public Employees. It also involves
principals and vice-principals. 
 Negotiations, facilitated by retired Ontario Justice Dubin,
came to a halt on Sunday, October 26 when the representatives of
the Ontario government refused to table any substantive
amendments to Bill 160 and teachers refused to retract their
demand that control over education matters such as class sizes
and teacher preparation time be kept in the hands of teachers and
school boards.
 Bill 160, which has been approved in principle by the
Ontario legislature, gives the Cabinet control over school
teacher preparation time, class sizes, education property tax
rates. It also allows for the employment of non-certified
teachers in schools. The teachers' unions and other organizations
concerned with public education have charged that the main aim of
Bill 160 is to give the Cabinet the powers it needs to further
cut education spending. This charge was confirmed last week by a
government document revealing plans to cut $667 million more from
the education spending. Since coming to power, the Harris
Conservatives have already cut more than $1 billion from
education. By assuming control over matters such as class size
and teacher preparation time and  education taxation, the Cabinet
will have much broader scope for cutting back spending than it
did previously. Amongst other things, power over class sizes and
teachers  preparation time, now a matter of negotiations between
teachers and school boards,  would enable the government to
effect changes which could eliminate as many as 10,000 teaching
positions across the province.
  Even though the Ontario government is currently holding
public hearings on Bill 160, Johnson has clearly indicated that
the government has no intention of listening either to the demands
of the teachers, or other citizens and residents who do not agree
with the sweeping powers over education that Bill 160 will give
to the Ontario Cabinet.

TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Ontario Teachers Strike: An Important Struggle Against Rule By Decree

1997-10-28 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


Yesterday over 120,000 teachers in Ontario, Canada went on strike.
This is the largest teacher strike in north American history.  Below is a
report on this historic event.

  The teachers of Ontario are staging a strike outside of the
limits set by existing labour legislation. It is called an
"illegal strike" because of this. Their aim is to stop the Harris
government from passing Bill 160. They found that it was
impossible to do so through other means.
 They staged several rallies and demonstrations, including one in
Toronto which drew more than 85% of the teachers in the region.
When the government showed no sign of listening to their
concerns, the teachers  unions warned that they would resort to
strike action if the government did not amend Bill 160.
 The Harris government claimed it wanted to avert a strike.
Premier Harris removed Ed Snobelen as education minister and
replaced him with Dave Johnson who was presented as a "better
negotiator." Shortly after his appointment, a spokesperson for
Johnson told reporters that "the Minister is still looking
forward to seeing some proposals from the teachers  unions." On 
Monday, October 20, the teachers  unions did just that. They
presented Johnson with a 21-page document outlining their
objections to Bill 160 and requested that the government respond
by noon the following day. In a letter to the teachers, Johnson
instead told the teachers that he found their "ultimatum
 As Phyllis Benedict, president of the Ontario Public School
Teachers  Federation, told reporters at a press conference
announcing the strike on Sunday night, "We exhausted all the
possibilities that were open to us on the teachers  side." Eileen
Lennon, President of the Ontario Teachers Federation, told
reporters: "We believe the quickest way to make this all end is
for the government to sit down and help find solutions to the
problems with the Bill." Education Minister Dave Johnson,
however, is characterizing the issue as one of "giving in." He
told reporters that he cannot "capitulate to the demands of the
teachers  unions."  
 The teachers  strike is an important struggle against the
attempt of the Harris Cabinet to concentrate more powers in its
hands in terms of education. In this respect, it is not only a
struggle in defence of public education, but also a significant
challenge to the Rule by Decree which forms an integral part of
the anti-social offensive and unrepresentative democratic system.
 This Rule by Decree is not merely a gross disregard for
public opinion,or a reckless attitude on the part of the
government. The Harris government has systematically carried out
legislative reforms to give itself greater powers. The Omnibus
Bill, for example, gave various ministers sweeping powers over
public institutions, including hospital and school boards and
municipalities, to carry out institutional restructuring with
greater ease, by-passing the need to present legislation in the
Legislature. School boards and hospital boards have been stripped
of powers to facilitate the exercising of power by the Cabinet on
behalf of the financial oligarchy with the least possible
interference. The Harris government has also changed procedures
which allowed the Members of the Opposition to stall legislation. 
 Rule by Decree, and the blatant fashion in which the
government is exercising it, is withdrawing the most elementary
standards of democracy, including those which are flaunted by
this system of unrepresentative democracy, such as the process of
"public consultation".  While the development of the Canadian
polity is demanding legislation that would actually enable the
people to excercise their political rights, including the
creation of mechanisms to resolve differences of political
opinion, the anti-social offensive is aiming to introduce a
political climate in which the struggle of the people to affirm
these rights is turned to ashes.
 The withdrawal of the notion of a modern society in which it
is recognized that the people depend on the society for a living,
for their education, for health care, and social security is thus
accompanied with a broad attack on the very notion of democracy.
Rule by Decree is being introduced as what is best for society,
in the same way that in the field of the economy and social
programs, the dictate is that what is good for the tiny elite,
the financial oligarchy, is good for the majority.

TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Criminalizing Political Issues (Canada)

1997-10-28 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

TML Daily condemns the Harris government in Ontario for
threatening the teachers with a court injunction in its attempt
to portray their political strike as a "law and order" issue. The
government keeps repeating that it is an "illegal strike." Media
reports have been rife with speculation about whether the
government will get a court injunction to force teachers back to
work, recall the legislature to pass back-to-work legislation or
resort to some other means to suppress them, such as a ruling of
the Ontario Labour Relations Board. Harris has now announced his
government will seek an injunction.
 According to media reports, the facts are that "126,000
teachers are covered by one of 287 collective agreements between
unions and 129 school boards in the province. In the few cases
where contracts have expired, the unions have not gone through
the legal processes required under labour law before workers can
legally walk off the job." 
 In other words, the case is open and shut - the teachers 
strike is illegal. The government is therefore presumably
justified in turning the teachers  political struggle into a law
and order matter and using the state, including the courts, to
suppress them.
 Both the government and the media are self-servingly keeping
silent about the main facts of the case. Bill 160 is itself the
biggest breach of contract between the government and the
citizens of Ontario as concerns the responsibility of government
to make sure the claims of the members of the polity are
respected for the highest quality education, and of teachers to
working conditions acceptable to themselves, commensurate with
the work they do. The fact that the government does so "legally"
hardly makes it right. The teachers have a political opinion
which the unrepresentative democratic process avails them of no
means to express or enforce. The Ontario government is
criminalizing political opinion which makes it no different from
any other tin-can dictatorship. 
 This attempt to criminalize the teachers' political struggle
is also accompanied by an attempt to suggest that it is the
resistance of the people which gives rise to repression. This is
also false. It is the state which gives rise to repression. If
the state is acting against the interests of the people, it must
be condemned, as in the case of the struggle of the Ontario
teachers. Might is Not a Right, and never will be. It can always
be replaced by a greater Might. But the Right to Education and
the Right of the members of the polity to have a say in governing
their polity are Rights. 
 TML Daily is certain that by fighting for these rights the
people of Ontario will prevail in both the short and the long

    TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Quebec: New Statistics Show The Scope Of The All-Sided Crisis

1997-10-27 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

According to a brief submitted by Action Toxicomanie Montreal,
alcoholism and drug addiction affects 10% of the residents of
 The brief, which was submitted to the Regional Board of
Health and Social Services, evaluates that the problems of
alcoholism and drug-addiction in Montreal directly and indirectly
cost the government  $640.7 million. It also writes that over
320,000 people, two thirds of whom are women, are direct victims
of drug addiction: domestic violence, sexual abuse, parental
neglect, abandonment, dropping out and learning problems.
 The report notes that the clientele using the centres
specializing in the treatment of alcoholics and drug-addicted in
Montreal is younger and younger. Multiple drug-addiction is
particularly growing amongst  those 35-years and younger. Amongst
the 35-years and older, the dominant problem is alcoholism, which
also affects 50% of the population.
 Treatment centres are fighting this increasing trend with
less and less resources available to them. At the Dollar-Cormier
Centre, there is an annual waiting list of 50,000 people for
external consultation.
 This data reveals the disastrous consequences of the
anti-social offensive, an offensive that seeks to bring society
back to medievalism when individuals were left to fend for
themselves. The victims of these consequences are entitled to
demand that society take care of them. These statistics also show
that only a society that places the well-being of human beings at
the centre of its preoccupations will be able to put an end to
these problems once and for all.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

The Chinese Revolution And The Significance Of China Today

1997-10-25 Thread Shawgi A. Tell
ition each political party occupies in the modern-day
developments and to openly study and sum up the experience of all
countries and the world as a whole. If such a thing is not done,
the Workers and Communist Movement will suffer from the same
blindness which the bipolar division of the world tried to impose
on it. The serious study of the stands and views of China and the
Communist Part of China is essential as part of the summation of
world developments and to prepare to make revolutionary advance.
China and the Communist Party of China are bound to be one of the
determining factors in the turning point which has opened up for
the world at this century s end.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

The Clear Perspective Of The Chretien Liberals

1997-10-23 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

Speaking to an interviewer on BBS Sunday Edition, Prime Minister
Chretien, referring to the demand of the people of Quebec to
exercise their sovereignty, declared: "This road to  paradise,
via a mere vote for independence, must be put in a clear
perspective, and this is what we have achieved in the last two
months". Chretien's "clear perspective" is expressed in the
Calgary Declaration and in the letters of his Inter-Governmental
Affairs Minister Stephane Dion to Quebec ministers. According to
Chretien, these have created "an open and realistic atmosphere".
Referring to the government of the Parti Québécois, he also said:
"Before, they were selling dreams, now I think they must see the
reality as it is".
 The "clear perspective" and "reality" Chretien refers to are
wishful thinking based on nineteenth century considerations.
Today is the end of the twentieth century and Canada is poised to
enter the twenty-first century. If there is one thing Canadians
have learned in the past one hundred and thirty years of
Confederation is to face reality by paying attention to the needs
of the times, not to the needs of the ruling elite to maintain
the status quo.
 It does not take a genius to understand that the Calgary
Declaration, the letters of Dion to Quebec ministers and the use
of the Supreme Court to decide on the constitutionality of the
right of Quebec to exercise its sovereignty are part of a single
whole which aims to further negate the right of the Quebec people
to affirm their sovereignty. If words are to be given any meaning
whatsoever, the reality of the politics of threats and
intimidation against the people of Quebec and the attempt to
divide the entire polity between enemies and friends according to
whether they support or oppose Quebec's right to
self-determination, can be called self-destructive, but not a
"clear perspective."
 Far from creating an "open and realistic atmosphere," the
activities of the Chretien Liberals for the last two months have
shown that they are trying to launch a campaign of chauvinist
hysteria. Quebec is accused of trying to break up Canadian unity
and the rules set by the Calgary Declaration for the
"consultations", under the hoax of using modern technology, will
further marginalize the people while lowering even further the
level of the discussion.
 Chretien's statement according to which before Quebeckers
were buying the pipe dreams of he separatists, now they are
becoming more realistic is an open admission that his main
interest is to block the movement of the people of Quebec to
affirm their sovereignty. It is to say that the Chretien Liberals
will carry on with their politics of threats and interference in
the affairs of Quebec until the time the people of Quebec give up
their right to decide their own future.
 Since a right belongs to the holder by virtue of his or her
being, and cannot be given, taken away, usurped or given up, and
the right of the Quebec nation to self-determination is such a
right, it is Chretien that seems to be very unrealistic. Anything
short of providing this problem with a solution will continue to
exacerbate the problem. Will Chretien smarten up? The clear
perspective is that this is not likely.

TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Rodong Sinmun On Ideological And Cultural Infiltration By Imperialists

1997-10-22 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

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 Pyongyang, October 21 (KCNA) -- The ideological and cultural
 infiltration by the imperialists is in essence a means of aggression
 and intervention under the signboards of "cooperation" and "exchange"
 and a vicious method to paralyze the sound consciousness of the people
 with reactionary bourgeois ideas and degenerate them. Rodong Sinmun
 says this in a signed article today. The daily notes: Today when the
 cold war came to an end, the imperialists are resorting to the
 ideological and cultural infiltration in carrying out their
 dominationist aim. At present the imperialists are concentrating
 ideological and cultural infiltration on the socialist countries and
 the countries with a strong independent stand against imperialism.
 Their infiltration is chiefly aimed at instilling individualism into
 the minds of the people and disintegrating socialism from within. They
 are arguing that the comfort and interests of individuals are more
 precious than those of the country and the revolution, society and the
 collective and accordingly, one should oppose socialism and follow
 capitalism. If their ideological and cultural infiltration is allowed,
 the collectivist idea, the foundation of socialism, will be
 degenerated and, furthermore, socialism gained with blood will
 collapse. If socialism, the ideal and desire of the popular masses, is
 to be built and completed, the ideological work should be thoroughly
 strengthened and, at the same time, the vigilance against the
 ideological and cultural infiltration by the imperialists be
 heightened and the struggle to prevent it be intensified in every way.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


Growing Gap Between The Rich And Everybody Else (Canada)

1997-10-21 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

The CBS admitted on Thursday that "Despite the rosy picture of
Canada's economy by Paul martin and other financial leaders,
there's a disturbing drop in most Canadians' stadard of living.
This has led to a growing gap between the rich and the rest of
 In 1989, the "average income" of Canadians was measured by
Statistics Canada to be $17,627. By 1996, it had dropped to
$16,726. Taking taxes into account, the disposable income in 1989
was $13,845 and $12,633 in 1996, a decline of 9 per cent. CBC
reports that "Statistics also show that while most Canadians got
little or no wage increases, the average Canadian executive got a
14 per cent raise."
 Since the "average" of anything is arrived at by taking the
total and dividing it by the number of parts, it stands to reason
that if the incomes of "average Canadian executives" referred to
by the CBC were not figured into the total, the "average income"
of Canadians would drop significantly.

TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Brazilians Protest U.S. Blockade Against Cuba

1997-10-19 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

A commission made up of three Brazilian organizations and
political parties have presented the U.S. Consul in Rio de
Janeiro with a petition signed by 200 political and intellectual
personalities in the country demanding an end to the U.S.
blockade against Cuba. The Communist Party of Brazil, the Workers
Confederation, the Jose Marti Cultural Association, Brazil's Oil
Workers Union, the Workers Party and the Brazilian Socialist
Party are the main organizers of the protest. They described the
U.S. blockade as "genocide against the Cuban people." While the
petition was officially presented, a large demonstration was held
outside the U.S. consulate in Rio de Janeiro.

TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Ontario: Teachers Say They Will Walk Out

1997-10-18 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

Following the meeting of leaders of the five teachers unions in
Ontario on October 14, the teachers announced they will walk off
the job before October 29, the last scheduled day of public
hearings on Bill 160, if the government does not drastically
alter the proposed legislation.
 Phyllis Benedict, President of the Ontario Public School
Teachers  Federation said that the union leaders called new
Education Minister Johnson to request a meeting this week. In
another example of the arrogance of the Harris government, the
teachers say they  had not received a return call by the time
their six-hour meeting ended on October 14.
 A spokesperson for Dave Johnson told reporters that "the
minister is still looking forward to seeing some proposals from
the teachers  unions." The government says Bill 160 will improve
education quality. The unions are saying that it's designed to
take $1 billion more out of the province's $14 billion school
system. The public hearings on Bill 160, which are scheduled to
begin on Monday, October 20, will not shed any greater light on
this dispute, since the government has yet to announce its actual
funding formula to the schools. It is creating an atmosphere in
which there is no scope for "improvements" to the bill, other
than within the framework of concentrating  power in the hands of
the Harris Cabinet over education funding and gutting the rights
of teachers.
 Some of the key features of Bill 160 are as follows:
1) it enacts provisions to revamp the existing system of
education funding so as to remove the ability of school boards to
make independent financial decisions by eliminating their control
over the rates of taxation and placing significantly greater
controls on their ability to raise revenue and make expenditures;
2) it eliminates the existing system of collective bargaining
under Bill 100, the School Boards and Teachers  Collective
Negotiations Act, and replaces it with an entirely new regime
based on the Labour Relations Act, 1995;
3) it erodes statutory protections for teachers, most
significantly by removing the statutory form of contract which is
considered the lynch-pin of the existing legal structure
governing teachers  employment;
4) it provides that any position in the school system may be
designated a "non-teaching position";
5) it increases the scope for use of occasional teachers and
other forms of temporary employment of teachers;
6) it grants extensive new powers to the Minister of Education to
override collective agreements in areas such as class size,
preparation time, and the length of the school day and year.

    TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Italian Government Forced To Resign

1997-10-18 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

Italy's 55th post-war government was brought down last week when
the ruling Socialist Party, in power for less than 17 months, was
unable to push through cuts to pensions and welfare which it
argued were critical for Italy to meet the necessary requirements
for it to adopt the common European currency. Prodi s government,
like those across Europe, has been escalating the anti-social
offensive of the European monopolies. This development is a
setback for the monopolies of Europe who are hoping to establish
the European Union with its common currency by the year 1999.
 Prodi's resignation came after a week of parliamentary
debate over his 1998 budget, which sought to trim pensions by
$3.6 billion Cdn. Prodi's coalition fell short of a majority in
the Chamber of Deputies, so it had to rely on gaining the support
of the Refoundation Communist Party's votes, which won eight per
cent of the vote in the 1996 election. The RCP did not vote with
the government on this issue.
  Italian President Scalfaro asked Prodi to stay on as
caretaker while he consults with political leaders on forming a
new government. While it is still possible that a new government
can be formed without another election, Prodi's deputy premier,
Walter Veltroni told reporters that he did not see any way out
other than another election, the third in six years. 

TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Left, Right And Centre On One Side; The Working Class And People On The Other (Canada)

1997-10-18 Thread Shawgi A. Tell
 for the votes of the
have-nots. They wage a struggle between them which is carried out
within the context of the right, left and centre of a political
spectrum in which the working class and people are completely
disempowered and have no representation. 
 On the other side, stand the disempowered "electors" who are
fighting to defend themselves against the anti-social offensive
and advance a pro-social program which can take Canada into the
twenty-first century on the road to progress. Politically, this
program has been put forward by CPC(M-L). It is the program to
Prepare for the Twenty-First Century by Stop Paying the Rich  
Increase Funding for Social Programs. The elaboration of this
program has begun across the country. TML Daily  calls on the
workers, women, youth and students and all progressive forces to
discuss and elaborate this program and not get fooled by the
propaganda barrage that passes for discussion in the House of
Commons and the media.

TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Education Is More And More Becoming A Privilege (Canada)

1997-10-17 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

One of the consequences of the anti-social offensive in education
is to decrease the accessibility to higher education. Amongst the
first victims are the sons and daughters of the working class who
are being denied their right to eduction.
 In Quebec, it was also reported recently that university
enrolment has dropped for the third year in a row. The trend is
common to all universities in the province.
 At the University of Quebec in Montreal the decrease in
enrolment was 2%, as compared to 2.9% for all the components of
the universities of Quebec network. The University of Quebec in
Abitibi-Temiscamingue registered a 10% drop and the one in
Rimouski a 9.5% drop. The University of Montreal registered a
9.2% drop for all programs. Full time enrolment has dropped by
1.5%, third cycle students by 7.4% and part-time students by
18.2%. Concordia University registered a 0.4% drop and McGill a
5.5% drop.
 These statistics, provided by the Conference of directors
and deans of Quebec universities, follow by a few days the
publication by Statistics Canada that between 1985 and 1995
enrolment has increased more rapidly than government subsidies
and that the universities rely more on tuition fees than in the
past years. The study also shows that tuition fees have increased
while the financial resources of the students have decreased. 

TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Alberta Teachers Oppose The Anti-Social Offensive

1997-10-13 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

As the bourgeoisie pushes its anti-social offensive, more and more people
are being drawn into the struggle against it. On October 4, an estimated
15,000 teachers rallied in Edmonton in front of  the Alberta Legislature to
protest five years of education cuts by the Klein Conservative government.
 "Education is supposed to be the great equalizer, but it's difficult
when the funding isn't there," said one teacher, who pointed out that,
"Public education in Alberta has been underfunded for the past number of
years and we don t see any real major sign that it's going to increase."
Bauni Mackay, president of the 30,000-member Alberta Teachers'  
Association, stated, "We want Albertans to get the message that teachers
can no longer hold together an excellent public education system under
increasingly deteriorating conditions. We can no longer pay the price with
our health, our personal lives and salaries." Mackay pointed to a number
of problems, including increasing class sizes, the integration of disabled
students without the support of teacher's aides, shortages of equipment,
supplies and books, and the lack of money to adequately equip schools with
computer technology.
 Alberta teachers saw their salaries rolled back by 5 per cent in 1993
and have had their salaries frozen for several years. They are currently in
contract talks in many areas of the province and are demanding increased
spending for education. They are presently working to rule and could be in
a strike situation soon.
 In commenting on the teachers' rally, Education Minister Gary Mar
inadvertently admitted that the Klein government is withdrawing the very
concept of a universal public education system, saying, "We ve always said
we are prepared to re-invest in targeted areas, but we are not going to
increase spending across the board." This means that they are attempting to
create an education system geared toward meeting the narrow needs of the
capitalists for trained personnel. Funding for education and other social
programs which do not directly serve the needs of the capitalists are seen
as dispensable.
 The needs of a modern society cannot be equated with the needs of the
capitalists to reap maximum profits. A constantly expanding and improving
education system is absolutely essential to meet the increasing
complexities, both technological and social, which confront a modern
society. Apart from the fact that a universal public education system is
an essential feature of a modern and humane society, investment in
education and other social programs is one of the most important ways of
putting more back into the economy than is taken out. By negating the role
of the human factor, the role played by a healthy and well-educated
population in the continued progress of the economy, the Kleins and
Harrises of this world are blocking the door to social progress; they are
depriving the society of that very force which is capable of providing
solutions to the all-sided crisis gripping Canadian society. Far from
being a factor for future prosperity, they are condemning Canada to
perpetual crisis.
 The struggle of the Alberta teachers against the anti-social offensive
of the Klein government, as well as their raising of the issue of what kind
of education system is needed by the people of Alberta, are a concrete
contribution to the solution to this problem. They deserve the support of
the entire Canadian people.

        TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Phillipines: Mass Demonstrations Oppose Proposed Constitutional Changes

1997-10-13 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

Over one million people took part in demonstrations throughout the
Philippines on Sept. 21 to protest President Ramos' proposed changes to
the charter which would allow him to seek another term as president. The
current charter, adopted following the overthrow of the U.S.-backed
dictatorial Marcos regime, limits Presidents to one term.
 Under the slogans "No to the charter change" and "No return to martial
law", the demonstrations were organized by a broad sector of political
parties, trade unions, student associations, women's organizations,
farmers organizations, religious organizations and more. The largest
demonstration was held in Manila, where an estimated 750,000 people
rallied, with over 100,000 each demonstrating in Davo City, General
Santos, Cebu and Bacolod City. As well, tens of thousands rallied in
smaller towns and cities across the islands.

    TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Words At Odds With Deeds: U.S. Escalates War Preparations On Korean Peninsula

1997-10-10 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

While it Talks of Peace
Dialogue and negotiations are currently underway between the Democratic
People s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the United States.
 An article in The Pyongyang Times points out that if good results are
to be obtained in dialogue and negotiation both sides should respect each
other and neither side should commit such an act as going against the grit
of the other side. This is a moral principle both parties should observe in
dialogue, it points out.
 Whenever the opportunity presents itself, the Untied States makes a
big splash about the relaxation of tension and peace as if it were
concerned about the settlement of the Korean issue. But its deeds do not
agree with its words. To prove the point, the article points to the Ulji
Focus Lens joint military exercise the U.S. conducted in collusion with the
south Korean authorities, the deployment of depleted uranium in south Korea
and the process of negotiations for the conclusion of a land-mines ban
 The U.S. describes the Ulji Focus Lens war rehearsal as a general
command drill to cope with time of war, the article points out, so as to
cover up its aggressive nature. But it is a foolish attempt.
 During the recent war rehearsal, they conducted north-targeted
exercises, such as landing operations, marine offensive operations, and
coast infiltration operations on the East Sea of Korea under the command of
the Blue Ridge belonging to the U.S. 7th Fleet. At the same time, they saw
to it that the south Korean combat units staged land, sea and air combine
landing exercises and a large-scale forced river-crossing exercise. Even a
mere child knows that these drills were staged on simulated conditions of
attacking the DPRK, the article says.
 They depict these war rehearsals as those of a defensive nature with a
view to justifying them, the article continues. Another example of this is
the stand of the U.S. on landmines. 
 In the course of negotiations for the conclusion of a treaty to ban
anti-personnel mines which took place at the initiative of Canada, the U.S.
said that it could not spring the mines laid on the Korean peninsula
because of a constant danger of attack by the north Korean army.
 The U.S. has openly deployed depleted uranium in south Korea which
once existed in Japan, the article points out. All this shows that the U.S.
warmongers care nothing for the peaceful reunification of Korea and their
policy of stifling the DPRK remains unchanged.
 If the U.S. war-thirsty elements continue to bring the situation on
the Korean peninsula to the brink of war, the relations between the DPRK
and the U.S. will not be improved and the U.S. will remain the
long-standing enemy of the Korean people, the Pyongyang Times points out.
The  U.S. should face up to the situation properly and give up its hostile
policy towards the DPRK. This will be good for the U.S. itself, it

TML DAILY, 10.97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

The Soviet Union

1997-10-09 Thread Shawgi A. Tell
e remnants of the old system and those elements that
had arisen within the socialist system who were objectively for the
restoration of capitalism. The working class lost the battle for
the time being; it was not able to consolidate the successes of the
Soviet Union as a decisive victory.

TML Daily

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

Teachers And Students Escalate Actions To Defend Public Education (Canada)

1997-10-09 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

On Monday, October 6, Metro-Toronto affiliates of the five teachers
associations in Ontario staged a massive rally at Maple Leaf Gardens to
protest Bill 160, the Education Quality Improvement Act. By the time the
rally started at 7pm, the arena, which seats 18,000 people, was packed to
overflow. Teachers in the Peel region (west of Toronto) held a rally at the
same time at the International Centre in Mississauga. They marched to
Queen's Park following the rallies. On October 8, teachers in the
Hamilton-Wentworth and Halton regions are staging another rally at Copps
Coliseum in Hamilton.
 These rallies are being held under the slogan "We Won t Back Down!."
Teachers  representatives are to meet today at Queen's Park with Ontario
Education Minister John Snobelen to discuss the Bill. The teachers are
continuing to threaten strike action should the government refuse to either
withdraw the bill in its entirety or remove the objectionable provisions.
 Bill 160 will greatly concentrate control over education in the hands
of the provincial cabinet, while stripping the school boards of almost all
power to control what goes on in the schools. Since teachers negotiate with
the school boards, not the provincial cabinet, the teachers will
effectively lose the ability to exercise any control over their working
conditions.  Bill 160 will extend the time of the school year, give cabinet
the power to set class sizes, and give the cabinet the power to set
education taxation levels. It would also introduce the use of non-certified
instructors in the schools and reduce teacher preparation time. 
   Ontario's 126,000 teachers and education workers are organized into
five association: the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation
(OSSTF), the Federation of Women Teachers  Associations of Ontario
(FWTAO), the Ontario Public School Teachers Federation (OPSTF), the
Association of Franco-Ontarion Teachers (AEFO), and the Ontario English
Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA).  

TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


1997-10-07 Thread Shawgi A. Tell
ion from the objective world. At the same time, its program
and conclusions are actually applied in the modern capitalist
countries and elsewhere. The net result is that different schools
of thought, which are irrational, are being promoted at the expense
of the schools which are rational, especially when it comes to
ideologically guiding the economic and political spheres. This is
exacerbating all the fundamental problems of the capitalist system,
and creating conditions of extreme hardship and misery throughout
the world. The assertion that the capitalist crisis can be overcome
and capitalism can be reformed is the most irrational idea. It is
an assertion that has its basis in the self-interest of the
bourgeoisie and its desire to preserve the status quo. Once this
assertion is accepted, literally any proposal goes. There is no
 The cutting edge of the fight against irrationalism must zero
in on those who conciliate with the forces who create illusions
about the possibilities of reforming the capitalist system. The
struggle must be waged in an all-sided manner: in the theoretical,
economic, political, cultural and social spheres. It must be waged
in accordance with the interests of the working class and on the
sound scientific basis that there is an alternative to capitalism,
and it is socialism and communism.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12761] France And U.S. Clash On Iran Policy

1997-10-02 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

In a direct challenge to a United States law which seeks to prevent third
countries from investing in Iran's oil and gas industry, the French oil
company "Total" has signed a major contract to help exploit the off-shore
South Pars gas field in Iranian territorial waters in the Persian Gulf.
Significantly, two other important companies in the global energy
industry, Gazprom of Russia and Petronas of Malaysia, will also
participate in the contract, which is worth $2 billion. 
 Under Washington's Iran Sanctions Act, sponsored by Senators Alphonse
D'Amato and Edward Kennedy and passed in 1996, any non-U.S. company
investing more than $40 million in Iran's energy sector could be subjected
to a host of punitive measures, including a ban on U.S. bank loans and a
ban on its sales in the U.S. Like the Helms-Burton Act which aims to punish
third countries for investing in Cuba, the D'Amato-Kennedy measure is also
a clear violation of international law because it infringes upon the
sovereign right of countries to determine what kind of economic interaction
they would like to have with each other. 
 Since Total, Gazprom and Petronas will all be investing more than $40
million each, the Clinton administration is sure to clash with the
governments of France, Russia and Malaysia. Significantly, all three
governments have said they will stand by their companies and have also
emphasized that they do not agree with the U.S.'s policy of bullying Iran.
According to news reports, the French Prime Minister, M. Lionel Jospin,
said: "Nobody accepts that the United States can pass a law on a global
scale. American laws apply in the U.S. They do not apply in France". And
though he said that Total was a private company which made its own
decisions, he added: "Personally, I rejoice in it".
 The European Union has not yet openly challenged the Iran Sanctions
Act. Earlier this year, the EU complained to the World Trade Organization
about Helms-Burton but agreed to suspend its complaint after the U.S.
agreed to amend some portions of the anti-Cuba law. The promised changes  
which in any case will not alter the illegal nature of the measure   have
yet to be made and the European Parliament has instructed the EC to
reinstate the WTO complaint if the U.S. does not keep its side of the
bargain by Oct. 15.
 Meanwhile, the Clinton administration has warned Total and the French
government of its intention to apply the anti-Iran law. A State Department
spokesman said the U.S. position was that "such investment makes more
resources available for Iran to use in supporting terrorism and pursuing
missiles and nuclear weapons".
 It is clear, however, that the U.S. policy has nothing to do with
opposition to "terrorism", or to "missiles and nuclear weapons". The U.S.
is hostile to Iran because that country refuses to bow to its dictates and
has emerged as an important obstacle to its quest for monopolizing the
energy resources of the Persian Gulf region. In the instant case, the
contract Total signed was first offered to the U.S. oil giant Conoco before
the Clinton administration prohibited U.S. companies from doing business
with Iran.
 The French, Russians and others do not wish to see the U.S. dominate
the area. Both France and Russia have publicly spoken out against the
attempts of  the U.S. to establish a unipolar world and it is likely that
in the months and years to come, such disputes between the big powers will
only intensify. The end of the bipolar division may have led to increased
collaboration between the imperialist powers in many spheres   such as in
pushing for the opening of markets in Asia, Africa and Latin America for
their capital and goods, but the Iran case highlights the fact that
rivalry between them is very much a fact of life.

    TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12576] Propaganda About A Booming Economy (Canada)

1997-09-24 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

According to a report released September 5, the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP)   the value of all goods and services produced in the country   grew
at an annual rate of 4.9 percent in the second quarter of 1997, up from 3.4
percent in the first three months of the year. The growth was triggered by
a 20 percent increase in spending by big business, including construction
and investment in mechanization. This is offered as proof that the Canadian
economy is "booming," even though "levels of consumer debt remain high, and
the savings rate tumbled to a record low annual rate of just 0.9 per cent."
Other indices point to the growing level of poor people, working poor
people, poor single parent families, students who cannot afford an
education, jobless workers, jobless youth, etc., but these are not spoken
about in relation to discussion about how the economy is faring.
 The other proofs offered up by the bourgeoisie that the economy is
booming are: low interest rates, increased government tax revenue coupled
with decreasing government expenditures except for an increase in
debt-servicing ("governments recorded a surplus of over $4 billion in the
second quarter as income tax continued to rise"); and the "stabilization"
of the official unemployment rate at 9 percent   or 1.46 million workers  
in August.  
 These factors led the  Royal Bank s chief economist John McCallum to
declare that "The world is unfolding as it should." Mario Angastiniotis, of
the investment firm MMS International, referring to the statistics which
showed that business investment in factories and plant equipment rose 20
per cent above the level a year earlier, said, "This is the first clear
sign that the economy is now kicking into higher gear."
 The statistics also showed a four-per-cent annual growth in labour
income during the second quarter. According to McCallum, this is "one of
the brightest spots."
 Now it will be up to Canadians to determine what kind of an economy
this is which is "booming" at their expense, and what the conception is of
a "booming economy" which leaves them to fend for themselves.

TML Daily, 9/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12546] Puerto Rican Workers To Stage One Day General Strike

1997-09-23 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

Five public employees unions have voted to stage a one-day general strike
throughout Puerto Rico on Oct. 1 to oppose the privatization campaign of
Governor Pedro Rossello. 
 In a resolution released September 10, representatives of the five
unions declared that "Puerto Rico is not for sale" and called on everyone
to support the strike. A broad coalition of trade unions, student groups,
social activists, religious leaders and political organizations has been
formed to organize the Oct. 1 strike.
 A large demonstration will be organized in San Juan in which hundreds
of thousands of workers are expected to take part, with smaller
demonstrations being organized throughout the island.
 Speaking at a Sept. 10 news conference, Alfonso Benitez of the United
Front of Telephone Employees said, "If the government insists on its
privatization policy   with all the damage it will do the people of Puerto
Rico   we will continue with demonstrations until the government ends this

    TML Daily, 9/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12545] Thousands Of Nursing Aides Demonstrate At National Assembly (Canada)

1997-09-23 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

Over 5,000 nursing aides held a demonstration in cold, rainy weather at the
National Assembly in Quebec City on September 20 to protest the anti-social
measures being imposed in the health care field. As a consequence of these
measures, they pointed out, the nursing aide occupation is being
 There are 18,500 nursing aides in Quebec. They take vital signs,
prepare and administer medication, take care of pre- and post-operation
care and handle hygiene.
 Health Minister Jean Rochon has said repeatedly that he has no plans
to eliminate nursing aide jobs, however, the cutbacks have resulted in the
elimination of nursing aide positions at several clinics and hospitals.
 "The only person whose place is not in the health network is Jean
Rochon," said CEQ president Lorraine Pagé, while Gerald Larose, president
of the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CNTU) said "if there is an
ounce of humanity remaining in the healthcare system, it's thanks to the
nursing aides who personalize the care given patients." 

    TML Daily, 9/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12510] Cuba: Communist Party Membership Growing

1997-09-22 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

The number of people joining the Communist Party of Cuba is continuing to
grow.  Statistics published in the daily edition of Granma, the official
organ of the Party, show that over thirty percent of Party members have
joined in the past five years.  The number of Party members has increased
twenty-fold in the last thirty years.
Currently, the Cuban Communist Party has 780,000 members, a number
released during the series of meetings held to select the 1,500 delegates
who will participate in the Party's Fifth Congress in Havana from October

TML Daily, 9/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12467] 51 Unionists In South Korea Arrested

1997-09-19 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

 Pyongyang, September 17 (KCNA) -- The south Korean fascist clique
 cracked down upon the strike of unionists of the Changwon Tongil Heavy
 Industries Co. in south Kyongsang Province with the mobilisation of
 more than 2,000 policemen at dawn on September 14, a Seoul-based radio
 reported. The unionists had been on a total strike from September 11
 since a negotiation for wage hike and collective bargaining was
 brought to a rupture. The fascist clique arrested 51 unionists,
 backing the company side.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12436] Growing Impoverishment Of Albanians

1997-09-18 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

 The latest statistics reveal that the per capita income in Albania is
continuing to decline rapidly. Already the poorest country in Europe, per
capita income has declined from $800 USD per year in 1996 to around $600
USD per year based on the average for the first seven months of 1997.
 The average employed family lives on $55 USD a month, while the
average income of a family where both adults are unemployed is $18 USD per
 The income situation of pensioners is worse. At the end of the 1996
the average pensioner received around 3,880 lek in the city, ($38 USD) and
1,075 lek in the countryside, ($10 USD). The falling value of the lek means
today these pensions are living on $25 USD in the city or $8 USD in the

TML Daily, 9/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12420] Re: August Unemployment Figures (Canada)

1997-09-17 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


On Wed, 17 Sep 1997, Doug Henwood wrote:

 Shawgi A. Tell wrote:
 Unemployment figures for August reveal a continuation of the chronic high
 levels of unemployment which is one of the features of the deepening crisis
 of the capitalist system, referred to as the "jobless recovery."
 Since U.S. unemployment is the lowest it's been in over 20 years, and since
 employment has been growing pretty strongly for nearly 5 years, does that
 mean the U.S. has recovered from the crisis, is exempt from it, or simply
 hasn't come down with the disease yet?

It's relevant to keep in mind that "official" data is inaccurate.
"Official" data often portrays a rosier picture than what is actually the
case, as if roughly 5% unemployment were acceptable.  The fact of
the matter is that millions of Americans remain unemployed and
underemployed.  Further, purchasing power has generally decreased for the
last 20 years.  

Additionally, while there is talk of jobs created, there is little
or no talk of jobs destroyed.  Nor is there talk of the sort of jobs
created and destroyed.  As in the Canadian case, most jobs created in the
U.S. are part-time; low-paying; with few, if any, benefits; and with
little, if any, room for mobility.  More and more people in the U.S. are
working part-time.  It is also the case that those who have "lost" their
full-time jobs, if and when they do find another full-time job, earn
considerably less than what they were earning at the original full-time
job.  What must also be remembered is that job insecurity is quite high
among American workers.

By the Bureau's own account, job growth over the next few years
will be greatest in areas such as truck driving, waiting tables,
janitorial, clerical, health care and so on. 

In a related vein, the tendency for the rich to get richer and the
poor poorer is very much in motion in the U.S.  So too is the ruination of
the so-called "middle class."  In the last 20 years, income has
increased significantly for the richest fifth of the population and
decreased for the poorest.  Also, the rising rate of bankruptcies and
debts for more and more people should not be overlooked.  For two years in
a row, both Canada and the U.S. have experienced record bankruptcy rates.

Basically, all societies based on the capitalist economic system
will experience all the problems and crises inherent to such an economic
system.  All the problems of capitalism will remain unsolvable as long as
the aim of the economy is making maximum capitalist profit.  The minimum
wage, for example, reflects this reality.  A basic law of capitalism is to
push wages to the lowest level necessary to produce and reproduce the
needed work force.  Keeping the wage level at poverty level also acts as
downward pressure on the wages of all workers - as does the existence of
large numbers of unemployed workers.  The capitalist rulers and their
politicians are not attempting to solve the problem of poverty, nor can
they.  The life those at the bottom are forced to lead, as unemployed,
underemployed or minimum wage workers, is however a serious concern for
the rest of the population.

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12430] Re: August Unemployment Figures (Canada)

1997-09-17 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


On Wed, 17 Sep 1997, Doug Henwood wrote:

 Shawgi A. Tell wrote:
  It's relevant to keep in mind that "official" data is inaccurate.
 "Official" data often portrays a rosier picture than what is actually the
 case, as if roughly 5% unemployment were acceptable.  The fact of
 the matter is that millions of Americans remain unemployed and
 underemployed.  Further, purchasing power has generally decreased for the
 last 20 years.
 Yes all this is true - but the unemployment series is consistent over time
 (with minor discontinuities, of course), meaning that contrary to your
 original assertion there is no longterm uptrend in unemployment in the
 world's leading capitalist power. Just was wondering how this fact fit into
 your crisis model.

In Europe the levels of unemployment remain extremely high.  In
the U.S., Canada, and Europe the levels of youth unemployment are
considerably higher than the already extremely high levels of unemployment
for the general population.  In countries like Spain, Italy and France,
for example, youth unemployment is in the upper double digits.  In the
U.S., unemployment for youth in the inner cities can reach 50%.  Rosy 1992
Census data puts the unemployment rate for 16 to 19 year old Hispanic
males at nearly 30%.  The unemployment rate for Black 20 to 24 year old
females was well over 20%.  The unemployment rate that year for white
males aged 20 to 24 was roughly 10%.

It is estimated that the supply of low-skilled workers, compared
to the number of jobs available, is so large that it would take 10 to 15
continuous years of economic expansion to provide enough jobs.  Capitalism
has never had such a long period of sustained economic growth - recession
is its middle name.

In a Harlem study of fast-food job seekers - a common first job
for young people - there were 14 applicants for every individual hired.
Among the applicants not hired, 3/4 had not found work a year later.
In the ghettos of the 100 largest cities, there were 10 adults without a
job for every 6 people who had one.

Add to this reality the tens and thousands of immigrants that are
being cut off welfare and it becomes clear that it is bourgeois society
that cannot satisfy the basic needs of humans.

U.S. corporations cut over 230,000 jobs in the first five months
of 1996 - the fastest in a decade and 34% more jobs than the same period
in 1995.  This level of cuts is 6.5% higher than 1993, the highest year of
job elimination this decade.  A total of 615,186 jobs were eliminated that

Job insecurity is a major problem, affecting the vast majority of
people.  The fear of going from having a job and being able to provide for
your family, to literally being homeless and without hope of finding work,
is a reality for many and a constant anxiety for all but the wealthiest



Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12407] August Unemployment Figures (Canada)

1997-09-17 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

Unemployment figures for August reveal a continuation of the chronic high
levels of unemployment which is one of the features of the deepening crisis
of the capitalist system, referred to as the "jobless recovery." 
 The official unemployment rate in August remained 9 percent  for the
second consecutive month. According to figures released by Statistics
Canada September 5, employment grew overall by 55,000 in August. The report
does not indicate how many jobs were destroyed during the same period. It
does, however, note that the return of 59,000 people to the labour force
cancels out the 55,000 new jobs. What this reveals is the extent to which
the "official unemployment" rate hides the actual number of unemployed.
Hundreds of thousands of people without jobs are not included because they
are not "officially looking for work".
 Over 50 percent of the 55,000 jobs created in August were part-time,
and StatsCan reports that the rate of growth of part-time jobs since
February has been twice that of full-time employment. At the same time, the
jobs lost during the same period were three times more likely to be
full-time. As a result, the proportion of workers with part-time hours has
increased to 19.4 per cent of the workforce.  Human Resources Development
Canada estimates that over 65 percent of part-time workers would take
full-time jobs if they could find any.

        CPC(M-L), 9/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12406] Cuban Communist Party Prepares For Fifth Congress

1997-09-17 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

The Cuban Communist Party is carrying out preparations for its Fifth
Congress, to be held in Havana from October 8-10. The Party has just
concluded broad-based discussions on the document The Party of Unity,
Democracy and the Human Rights We Defend which will be presented in its
final form for adoption at the Congress.
 More than 230,000 joint meetings were organized to discuss the
document. They were attended by members of the Party and the Young
Communist League, trade union sections, student brigades and assemblies
of the Committees for the Defence of the Revolution, the Federation of
Cuban Women and the Association of Small Farmers.
 In total, it is estimated that some six and a half million people
participated in the discussion and debate on the document, and a total
of 20,000 different comments about the document were officially
recorded, including ratifications, modifications, suggestions,
criticisms, etc. These proposals will be analyzed and summarized for the
final presentation of the document for approval during the Fifth
 Delegates to the Congress have been elected at assemblies of the
party at the municipal level which were held between August 20 and
September 10 and attended by the general secretaries of the Party
organizations. Candidates for the Central Committee are also being
approved by the Municipal Party assemblies. In all, 1500 delegates to
the Congress will be elected and 250 invited guests will also
participate. President Fidel Castro Ruz was selected as a direct
delegate to the Congress, as a representative from Santiago de Cuba. 
 Following the municipal assemblies, provincial meetings of the
delegations that will be attending the Congress will be convened; the
participants will study and discuss the most important documents of the
 The Fifth Congress will evaluate the work carried out since the
Fourth Congress in 1991, as outlined in the Main Report to be presented
by the First Secretary of the Party, President Castro. An article in
Granma, the official organ of the Communist Party of Cuba states that
the Fifth Congress will also "analyze the economic situation and draw
up, in a special resolution, its guidelines in accordance with the
policies established that reflect our particular conditions." It states:
"The principal conclusions of the Party Congress will be projections for
continued progress in the midst of the special period and the U.S.
blockade. Under the guidelines of the Fifth Congress, we will continue
to advance along the path of our socialism, with our battle standards
held high, under the guidance of the Party and the historical leaders of
the Revolution."

CPC(M-L), 9/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12289] CUBA: An Insurmountable Paradox?

1997-09-12 Thread Shawgi A. Tell
 who have been
 incapacitated by neurological disorders.
 The Cuban scientific community, whose values are diametrically opposed
 to those which Ms. Robinson tries to exalt in her article, is not
 ashamed of getting to work by bus or bicycle, or of living through the
 same difficulties as the rest of our people when there is a shortage
 of soap or deodorant. We know that our personal merits and the
 satisfaction of living every day in a country without political
 corruption, without drugs, without poverty and without illiteracy
 fulfill our spiritual aspirations. We also share the conviction that
 our material well-being will be linked to that of our entire people,
 which will improve in line with our contribution to the national
 economy and to the solution of our country's major problems. We will
 help our country resist and overcome the almost all-powerful country
 which has not managed and will never manage to bring to its knees a
 people conscious of their duty and proud of their example.

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12267] Remarks Of Robert Bell

1997-09-11 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

 Pyongyang, September 10 (KCNA)-- Robert Bell, Senior Director for
 Defense Policy and Arms Control at the White House National Security
 Council, on September 5 said "Korea is the one place in the world
 where the cold war has not ended" and "There has to be in the treaty
 to ban anti-personnel land mines an exception for Korea". Bell
 reportedly reiterated the U.S. position favouring an exception for
 Korea in using antitank mines. He said the United States will stand
 firmly by its policy to seek the Korean Peninsula as a geographic
 exception in the ongoing talks in Oslo. Calling for removal of mines
 for public opinion, the United States is seeking a "geographic
 exception" for south Korea where a large number of mines have been
 planted. The U.S. imperialists are raising the rumour about "threat
 from north Korea" to defend their vicious intention. Bell's remarks
 are an undisguised challenge to the just demand of opinion, and betray
 the dirty intention of the U.S. imperialist warmaniacs to keep hold on
 south Korea as a permanent colony and military base and unleash
 another war of aggression in the Korean Peninsula.

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12205] The Rent Crunch

1997-09-09 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


According to the Tuesday, September 9, 1997 issue of The Buffalo

Half the renters in the Buffalo and Niagara Falls area
are unable to afford the monthly payments for the 
typical apartment, according to a new national study.

Those facing problems with housing finances are
forced into substandard apartments or find themselves
spending less than the federal standard on things such 
as food, clothing and health care, housing experts said.

The study, which based its findings on federal housing
data, shows an increasing number of residents in the state
unable to keep their wages growing with their housing costs
(Front Page, A1).

The report goes on to detail the anti-social trend in several other

What is needed to reverse and end this anti-social trend?  A
pro-social program.  

Elements of a pro-social program include:

(1) recognition that all humans have inviolable rights by dint of being
(2) a moratorium on all debt servicing.
(3) nationalization of the banks and wholesale trade.
(4) more to be put into the economy than taken out.
(5) demilitarization of the economy.
(6) the people themselves to decide the direction of society.
(7) full and equal citizenship for all irrespective of national origin.
(8) democratic renewal of the political process.
(9) modern(ized) Constitution based on modern definitions.

There is no other way to defeat the anti-social offensive and its
effects.  Features of the anti-social offensive include:

(1) liberalization.
(2) privatization.
(3) rule by decree.

The effects of the anti-social offensive can be felt everywhere, 
especially in peoples' lack of control over their lives.

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12117] Re: jobs jobs jobs

1997-09-04 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


kim, would you conclude that, as a general rule, more jobs are
being destroyed than created?  Would you qualify this some way?  Might it
be more exact to say that the productive forces are being destroyed?  In
Chicago and nationwide?

In Canada the term "jobless recovery" has been dubbed to capture
reality there. 

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12034] Re: ADC = BullShit (fwd)

1997-08-29 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


On Fri, 29 Aug 1997, Doug Henwood wrote:

 Shawgi A. Tell wrote:
 In short, on matters political and historical, ADC has become a kept
 woman of the Arab regimes.
 Now that's not a very nice way to put it, is it?

For the sake of accuracy, MER wrote this.  I think what they mean
is that the Arab regimes are despicable.

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12032] ADC = BullShit (fwd)

1997-08-29 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 09:41:43 -0400
Subject: ADC = BullShit

..   ___      __
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  / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ http://WWW.MiddleEast.Org
 /_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\  
"Washington Scene" - an occasional series
  A D C  =  B U L L S H I T
  To receive MER regularly email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 A  D  C   =   B  U  L  L  S  H  I  T

"Most of what I've heard from this panel is BULLSHIT."

   First audience comment
   at ADC annual conference
MER - Washington - 8/27/97

There are many reasons the Israeli/Jewish lobby rules in Washington
with hardly any effective opposition.

One of the main reasons is that the various Arab-American organizations
that exist are all controlled, manipulated, and usually paralyzed
by the political and financial corruption of the Arab world.  That
corruption and impotence is translated to Washington by Arab ambassadors 
and the many they employ, most especially by Saudi Prince Bandar Bin 
Sultan, now one of the longest-serving Arab representatives in 

Not widely known, Bandar has actually been working closely and 
personally with some of the main elements of the Israeli/Jewish lobby 
for years, even before the Gulf war in 1991.  His goal is simple -- use 
the power and influence of the Israeli/Jewish lobby to perpetuate the 
rule of the al-Saud family in "the Kingdom" -- everyone else be damned.
For many matters involving commenting to the often gullible press, the 
Saudis use Jim Zogby, a kind of public relations flak masquerading under 
the guise of the "Arab American Institute" (AAI). 

When it comes to the only Arab American organization that has any 
grass-roots, the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC),
the situation is a bit more complicated.  ADC does a few useful, though
always very easy, things in the area of discrimination.  Indeed, nothing 
could be easier in America then to oppose discrimination; and actually 
ADC doesn't really do that very well either.  But far more importantly, 
when it comes to the serious and historical political issues of our day, 
here ADC is worse than a failure, it is a fraud and a deception -- one
largely perpetrated on its own membership.

That fraudulent reality might well have been behind the private and 
unheeded call a few years ago by ADC founder, former Senator James 
Abourezk from South Dakota, for the organization to be closed down. 
Instead, some of the long-time Washington opportunists, with former 
Arab League Ambassador Clovis Maksoud and wife Hala in the lead, pushed 
ADC to make a kind of pact with the Arab establishment.  In return for 
financial support from Arab businessmen closely aligned with the 
American-sponsored client regimes in the Middle East, ADC would not 
involve itself in anything politically controversial (i.e., anything 
important), would support the "peace process" and the Arafat regime 
(no matter how much corruption and repression), and would not involve
itself in any way against the terrible abuses and corruption so rampant
in many of the key Arab countries -- most especially Saudi Arabia, 
Egypt, Kuwait and Jordan.

In short, on matters political and historical, ADC has become a kept 
woman of the Arab regimes.  All kinds of simplistic press releases go
out to unknowing ADC supporters around the country touting as grand ADC 
accomplishments what are really very small, usually relatively 
insignificant, always easy matters.  But when it comes to any major 
political issues, ADC hardly ever has anything to say and even when it 
does it is always the tritest of slogans always corresponding to 
whatever the Arab "client-regimes" are pushing at the time.  

This sad reality couldn't have been better demonstrated this summer 
then what took place at the ADC annual conference which came during the
month of the 30th anniversary of the 1967 war, a theme which was in 
fact one by which the conference was promoted.

After 30 years of brutal and crippling occupation, after a decade of the 
"Intifada", after the catastrophe that befell Lebanon, the 1982 war, 
the Gulf/Iraq War, and the apartheid-type "Peace process

[PEN-L:12004] Joint War Drill At Highest Peak

1997-08-28 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

Pyongyang, August 27 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialist aggressors and the
south Korean puppets are conducting the "Ulji Focus Lens" joint war drill
at its highest stage, according to military sources. The drill began on
August 18. The U.S. imperialist warmongers deployed a lot of military
aeroplanes of different missions from their bases in the mainland, Guam
and Japan to their air force bases in south Korea at the start of the
drill and staged a large-scale joint air drill in the skies above
Thaebaek, Chunchon, Phochon and Tokjok islet on August 25. Two "U-2"
high-altitude strategical reconnaissance aircraft on August 24 and
tactical reconnaissance planes and electronic warfare helicopters on the
following day reconnoitered over the DPRK day and night.  U.S. troops and
the south Korean puppets committed landing operations targeted at the DPRK
in the East Sea of Korea under the command of blue ridge, the command ship
of the U.S. 7th fleet. Meanwhile, the puppets held an exercise of river
crossing, infiltration of commandoes and blasting drills on the Han River
and other main operational zones, and mobilized tanks, artillery pieces
and troops on August 25 to fire a great number of shells and bullets in
Phaju city and Kosong county and Cholwon county in South Kangwon Province. 


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:12003] Time For A New Modern System That Empowers the People

1997-08-27 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

The present political system prevents the people from coming to
power.  This is done both with the carrot and the stick.  It is done by
creating the illusion that the people have a say, through voting, while
at the same time putting in place powerful mechanisms of the dictatorship
of the rich over the people.  The execituive power, the legislature, the
so-called "justice" system, the police and army, the electoral laws and
system, all serve to keep the ruling class in power and the working class
out of power.
Consider just the question of running for office.  A whole system
of laws exist to make it next to impossible for small parties and
independent candidates to participate in the elections.  Simply getting on
the ballot is a major undertaking.  TV and radio coverage is also decided
by the rich and their monopoly controlled media and requires tens of
millions of dollars.  All of this blocks participation by ordinary people.
The promotion of this system, as a "representative democracy" of
the people, is a fraud to hide the fact that it is a dictatorship by the
monopoly capitalists over the people.  It is a dictatiorship kept in place
both by illusions of democracy, and by force, whenever necessary - as
striking workers, welfare mothers, demonstrators against the KKK, youth
and students, Black communities, and others know well.
The existing system can't be fixed to serve the people because it
is designed to keep the rich in power and the people out.  Why should
workers support such a system?  It is unfair and not legitimate.
Expecting the system to work and attempting to fix it is much like
expecting an old car to to take us into the future.  No matter how much
tinkering is done under the hood, no matter what the change in color or
style, it simply can't change the fact that it's a worn out jalopy.  A new
paint-job can make the car look better, but it only hides the reality that
it is not capable of meeting the needs of modern times.
The existing political system belongs on the junk heap of history.
An entirely new system is needed, one designed to put power in the hands
of the people.  How can the new institutions be organized to insure it is
the people who hold supreme power in their hands?  How can elections serve
to enable ordinary people to themselves run for office and to select their
representatives from their peers - from among those who can represent
them?  These are the problems to be taken up and solved.  Building the new
is the order of the day, not sprucing up the old.
The ruling class wants people to go along with the system and
simply cast their votes or remain passive despite their dissatisfaction.
Why give these rulers what they want?  We say reject this democracy of
the rich!  Don't support a system designed to keep the American people out
of power.

        VOR, 1996

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:11962] Face-To-Face With Gladys Marmn. The Communist Party Of Chile Learns From Eastern Europe's Experience

1997-08-25 Thread Shawgi A. Tell
tire world. It demonstrated that young
 people want to change things, to participate. The story that youth
 don't want to participate in anything is an invention of
 neoliberalism, of the media transnationals to discourage hope. Youth
 has always been a force for change.
 There was one central figure in this event: Che. And for me this was a
 call on us to maintain our responsibility with the times, to make a
 revolutionary transformation of society.
 The festival was also a blow to imperialism, the blockade and the
 Helms-Burton Act.
 Silvio Rodr=EDguez came to see you. Are you very close friends?
 Something very special happened to me with Silvio. We've been friends
 for more than 20 years, although we hardly ever see each other. When
 we met this time, it seemed like I'd seen him yesterday. And it's
 worth going out of your way to see friends that you love a lot.

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


[PEN-L:11961] Avoidable Consequences

1997-08-25 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

  This message is in MIME format.  The first part should be readable text,
  while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.
  Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more info.


 Avoidable consequences
 BY MARELYS VALENCIA ALMEIDA (Granma International staff writer)
 THE effects of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still
 being felt. The damage of that criminal action was not confined to the
 being felt. The damage of that criminal action was not confined to the
  [Image] massacre of 63,000 people on the first day of the disaster,
  because the fatalities have continued; 52 years later, a
 total of approximately 200,000 have died as a result of being exposed
 to radiation.
 Even though nuclear weapons have produced the most horrific crime of
 the present century, the issue is still high on the agenda of problems
 to be tackled in the next millennium, given that steps taken to date
 in favor of disarmament cannot be considered very encouraging.
 The arms race took off with those two explosions, as the possession of
 armaments, principally nuclear ones, was seen as a strategic necessity
 for attaining military and political domination of the world, and for
 some nations as an element of defense.
 During the cold war period, missile and nuclear warhead production
 was, in part, justified among the most powerful countries of the time
 (i.e., the United States and the Soviet Union), as a way of
 maintaining the balance between them. However, with the collapse of
 the socialist bloc and the recent acceptance of Russia into the North
 Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), many people are asking what is
 the sense in having U.S. strategic weapons trained on some 2500
 targets in former Soviet territory.
 It's true that the actions and joint treaties to scale down the arms
 race constitute an advance in that context. Nevertheless, economic
 motives would appear to make the total elimination of nuclear weapons
 impossible. A further problem has also arisen, which is where to put
 all that dismantled equipment, which, as it rusts, will create another
 source of danger.
 For the moment, arms control treaties permit possession of up to 2000
 nuclear warheads.
 A new source of potential danger is now spreading: the unfettered
 production of plutonium in industrial processing plants. Due to that
 material's high fission qualities, unpredictable quantities can be
 obtained from just a few kilograms.
 The ease of obtaining plutonium, a substance used in the manufacture
 of atomic weapons, is a cause for concern in the world, given its
 potential for illicit marketing.
 Nuclear testing increased along with the arms race. Between 1945 and
 1993, around 2020 tests were carried out. The approximate toll of such
 experiments on human health by the year 2000 is 430,000 deaths from
 Even so, the debate on nuclear test bans dates back to the 1950s and
 the Comprehensive Treaty on these tests remains bogged down. Testing
 by computer, for example, doesn't affect the environment, although it
 is also an example of continued interest in the arms race.
 The victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki do not appear to carry enough
 weight to substitute humanitarian interests for those commercial ones
 that exist behind the arms industry.

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


[PEN-L:11933] Discontinuation Of Anti-North Military Drills Urged

1997-08-22 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

Pyongyang, August 21 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today comments on the 
adventurous joint military manoeuvres codenamed "Ulji Focus Lens" which
started in south Korea early on August 18. The daily says the U.S.-south
Korea manoeuvres are increasing tension and the danger of a war
against the north in the Korean Peninsula. It says: The manoeuvres include
the "Ulji" drill involving the south Korean puppet army, "Administration"
and civilians and the "Focus Lens" exercise of U.S. Forces and south
Korean puppet army. Participating in the manoeuvres are a large number of
south korean troops and "civilian defence corps" members as well as U.S.
troops present in south Korea and from the U.S. mainland. The war gamble,
as large as the "Team Spirit" exercises in scale, content and danger,
proves that what exists in the Korean Peninsula is just threat from
the south, not threat from the north. We will never allow others to
infringe upon our sovereignty and undermine our socialism but deal a heavy
blow at the provokers. The U.S. and south Korean war maniacs must stop the
military exercises at once. 


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:11926] Transformations In Political System May Continue (Cuba)

1997-08-21 Thread Shawgi A. Tell
ause it gives us the possibility
 of participating in events and seminars sponsored by the UN, and to
 explain our viewpoints and opinions in those events about the subjects
 at hand, while at the same time demonstrating our organization's
 Medina cited the country's rich patriotic tradition regarding the
 incorporation into the Revolution, from the beginning, of law
 professors, judges, investigators, lawyers, prosecutors, notaries and
 advisors, 90 percent of whom are now members of the UNJC, a nonprofit,
 self-financed professional organization which sponsors nine scientific

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


[PEN-L:11896] Mouthpiece For Dishonest-Minded Forces

1997-08-19 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

  This message is in MIME format.  The first part should be readable text,
  while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.
  Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more info.


Pyongyang, August 18 (KCNA) -- William Taylor, vice-director of the
U.S Centre for Strategic and International Studies, showed himself up
here and there and said that north Korea is an unreliable regime and
that any actions favourable for north Korea should not be done. Not
content with this, he prattled that north Korea will collapse if the
United States does not offer "assistance" to it. The ridiculous
remarks made by him who turned his back on the political trend of the
international community are an expression of his ignorance. We cannot
but expose the true intention of his opposition to the "four-way
talks" hailed by the world and his square attack on the Korea policy
of the U.S. Administration. As all know, he visited the DPRK four
times in the period from 1991 to 1994, calling for the promotion of
understanding and the improvement of relations between the DPRK and
the United States. In the course of this, he expressed full sympathy
with the DPRK's will and stand to liquidate the abnormal relations
with the U.S. Including the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and
even promised to do a lot of things for the improvement of the
DPRK-U.S. relations. At that time, he was a scholar with principle and
reasonable judgement. We do not think he made empty talk in order to
line his own pocket. His current argument is just like that of the
U.S. ultra-right forces and the south Korean puppets. It is obvious
that he sold out his faith and principle as a scholar for some pennies
given by them. The person, who styled himself a member of the think
tank of the United States, turned out to be an idiot duped by dollars.
That is why he does not sense the trend of the international community
toward detente and confidence-building, the influence of the
improvement of the DPRK-U.S. relations on world peace and stability
and the invincibility and bright political future of our society.
Taylor's political future is poor. He must realise his gloomy future
and no longer resort to the anti-DPRK campaign.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


[PEN-L:11834] Re: Is Capitalism Sustainable?

1997-08-17 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


On Sun, 17 Aug 1997, James Michael Craven wrote:

 Greetings,   On Sun, 17 Aug 1997, Harry M. Cleaver wrote:  
   Is Capitalism Sustainable? Let's hope not, or rather let's do our best to
   make sure that it continues to be able to sustain itself for as short a
   time as possible. "Sustainable Capitalism" is a nightmare.(That includes
   "sustainable development" because "development" has always meant
   capitalist development.) Economists, as a rule, don't worry about whether
   or not it is sustainable in theory; they are hard at work doing their best
   to make it so for as long as possible. What do you expect? It's what
   economics has always been about. For one take on "sustainablity" see url:
   Harry Cleaver
   Department of Economics
   University of Texas at Austin
   Austin, Texas 78712-1173  USA
   Phone Numbers: (hm)  (512) 478-8427
  (off) (512) 475-8535   Fax:(512) 471-3510
   Cleaver homepage: 
   Chiapas95 homepage:
   Accion Zapatista homepage:
  All socio-economic formations, including capitalism, are governed
  by objective laws.  karl Marx's theory of surplus value shows that
  capitalism gives rise to its own demise.  Speaking dialectically, no
  socio-economic formation lasts forever.
  Shawgi Tell
  Graduate School of Education
  University at Buffalo
 Response (Jim C): Yes, but...
 It takes more than the "automatic unfolding of the dialectic". It 
 takes focused, disciplined, concerted, resolute, determined 
 collective action. It takes theory that illuminates rather than 
 disorts or obscures essential realities in need of transformation. It 
 takes unity, but on a principled basis. It takes linking theory and 
 practice--theory that serves and is tested by concrete practice. It 
 takes continual self-examination and self-correction on the part of 
 those seeking transformation. It takes those working for change being 
 able to relate to, work with, learn from and teach people from 
 diverse backgrounds with diverse agenda. It takes willingness to 
 sacrifice all, even loss of one's life, in the service of needed 
 transformations. It takes uncompromising spirit in the sense of not 
 being willing to do the bidding of or Faustian deals with those 
 seeking to prevent needed transformations. It takes intellectuals 
 doing their work to illuminate and solve concrete problems and/or 
 take concrete struggles to higher levels rather than using their work 
 for self-promotion, CV-building or carving out specialized "market 
 niches". It takes victims uniting with other victims rather than only 
 worrying about their own narrow agenda or personal victimization.
 And it takes much more than what has been listed...
   Jim Craven
 *   "Those who take the most from the table,* 
 *  James Craventeach contentment.   *
 *  Dept of Economics Those for whom the taxes are destined, *
 *  Clark College   demand sacrifice.* 
 *  1800 E. Mc Loughlin Blvd. Those who eat their fill,  *
 *  Vancouver, Wa. 98663speak to the hungry, *
 *  (360) 992-2283  of wonderful times to come.  * 
 *  Fax: (360) 992-2863Those who lead the country into the abyss,*
 *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   call ruling difficult,   *
 *  for ordinary folk." (Bertolt Brecht) * 

Absolutely.  As Stalin clarifies: 

If it is granted that the proletarian movement
has two sides, objective and subjective, then the
field of operation of strategy and tactics is
undoubtedly limited to the subjective side of the
movement.  The objective side comprises the processes
of development which take place outside of an around
the proletariat independently of its will and of
the will of its party, processes which, in the final
analysis, determine the development of the whole of
society.  The subjective side comprises the processes
which take place within the proletariat as the reflection
in the consciousness of the proletariat

[PEN-L:11826] Re: Is Capitalism Sustainable?

1997-08-17 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


On Sun, 17 Aug 1997, Harry M. Cleaver wrote:

 Is Capitalism Sustainable? Let's hope not, or rather let's do our best to
 make sure that it continues to be able to sustain itself for as short a
 time as possible. "Sustainable Capitalism" is a nightmare.(That includes
 "sustainable development" because "development" has always meant
 capitalist development.) Economists, as a rule, don't worry about whether
 or not it is sustainable in theory; they are hard at work doing their best
 to make it so for as long as possible. What do you expect? It's what
 economics has always been about. For one take on "sustainablity" see url:
 Harry Cleaver
 Department of Economics
 University of Texas at Austin
 Austin, Texas 78712-1173  USA
 Phone Numbers: (hm)  (512) 478-8427
(off) (512) 475-8535   Fax:(512) 471-3510
 Cleaver homepage: 
 Chiapas95 homepage:
 Accion Zapatista homepage:

All socio-economic formations, including capitalism, are governed
by objective laws.  karl Marx's theory of surplus value shows that
capitalism gives rise to its own demise.  Speaking dialectically, no
socio-economic formation lasts forever.

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:11721] Time To Tell The Americans To Take A Hike! (fwd)

1997-08-13 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 14:16:38 -0400
Subject: Time To Tell The Americans To Take A Hike!

M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S  -   E D I T O R I A L 


MID-EAST REALITIES on the Internet at: http://www.MiddleEast.Org

To receive MER regularly email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


"There is no parallel between bombs 
and bulldozers...   We cannot have an 
environment in which people believe 
the way to get what they want is to 
kill innocent people..."

U.S. President Bill Clinton

MER - Washington - 8/11/97:

Never in history has there been such an Israeli-captured President
in the White House as Bill Clinton.  The Israeli/Jewish lobby
set out to defeat George Bush, quite literally infiltrated the Clinton
headquarters in Little Rock with its people, pushed huge amounts of 
"soft money" at both Clinton and the Democracy Party, and sure enough 
their man Bill has done everything they ever dreamed ever since.   

Bill's latest payoff to the Israelis and their American Jewish cadre 
is to make a former Israeli lobby official -- a man who was an
Australian citizen when Bill was elected President, a man who lived in 
Israel and served in the Israeli army -- Assistant Secretary of State 
(that's of the UNITED STATES mind you!) for the Middle East!

It's not inordinate Chinese money and influence in American politics 
the Congress should be investigating, it's how Israel manipulates 
American politics with the help of some key Americans (most of them 
Jewish), who are in fact, however distasteful it is to say it, 
"dually loyal".

At Camp David back nearly 20 years ago the Israelis promised to stop 
settlements in the occupied territories.  Go back and read the speech 
Jimmy Carter delivered to a joint session of the Congress in front of 
the entire world heralding this tremendous breakthrough!  Within months 
the Israelis broke their promises, defied Carter (threatening his 
reelection that still never was to be), and went about their old ways.  
Sadat's assassination, revolution in Iran, the destruction of Lebanon, 
American hostages, the "Intifada", and the rise of Hamas and Hizballah 

At Madrid and Oslo -- after the destruction of Iraq -- the Israelis 
made more promises and gave more assurances.  Even with those 
conferences always weighted tremendously in their favor, even with the 
Americans always defying near-unanimous world opinion and vetoing 
various U.N. resolutions, Israelis have gone from one deception, one 
subterfuge, and one massacre to another.  Meanwhile Washington has 
either looked the other way, or behind the scenes worked closely with 
the Israelis while publicly soothing Arab sensibilities with 
duplicitous, and meaningless, rhetoric.

Now in 1997, with the "native" Palestinians being corralled onto 
"autonomous" reservations in the name of "peace process", the Americans
are at it again; blaming the victim rather than the aggressor; crying
over scenes of Israeli carnage while looking away and covering up 
when rivers of Palestinian blood flow.  

With Palestinian "autonomous" "population centers" now surrounded by
American-supplied tanks, Israeli Army roadblocks, and electrified 
fences; and with what's left of Palestinian civil society now 
"controlled" by an imported once-PLO militia now armed and financed 
by Israel and the U.S. -- courageous Palestinians try to resist.  
But it is THEY Bill Clinton repeatedly condemns.  

No wonder Dr. Eyad Sarraj from Gaza now pleads with the world to 
understand "Why We Have Become Suicide Bombers" -- 
(see http://www.MiddleEast.org/Sarraj1.htm).

No wonder Professor Noam Chomsky decries the "peace process" as
very similar to Apartheid of old in South Africa --
(see http://www.MiddleEast.org/Chomsky1.htm).

So let it be said clearly and succinctly:  The Palestinians have been
lied to and tricked, deceived and battered by the U.S., Israel, and the 
Europeans for generations now.  The Palestinians have been dispossessed 
and tortured, ravaged and bloodied by the Israelis for nearly 50 years
now. It is the Arabs who have been bombed time and time again; from 1948 
to 1956, from 1967 to 1982 to Sabra and Shatilla to Qana -- the list 
is lengthy indeed, the numb

[PEN-L:11580] re: Argentina

1997-08-03 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


On Sun, 3 Aug 1997, James Devine wrote:

 concerning Martha Gimenez's post on Argentina: maybe it's time to replace
 the term "globalization" with "immiseration." That is, what's happening is
 not globalization as much as the working out of Marx's predictions at the
 end of vol. I of CAPITAL, on a world scale of course.
 In the late 19th century, the immiseration scenario was replaced in many
 countries (rich ones and import-substitutors) by nation-based
 industrialization. I don't see any global institutions in place currently
 that can form the basis of a version of capitalism that would share the
 benefits of productivity gains more equally.  Instead, we see harmonization
 of wages (and environmental restrictions and social programs) downward,
 encouraged by the IMF, the World Bank, the US, etc., i.e., the extant global
 Maybe there's room for counteracting this immiseration on a national level,
 but there aren't many national working classes that are organized and
 conscious enough to pull it off. But that doesn't say we can't try. 
 Jim Devine

Terms which may more accurately reflect objective developments
than those expressed by "globalization" and "immiseration" are
"imperialism" and "anti-social offensive."

The only way to defeat the bourgeoisie's anti-social offensive is
by developing working class unity and independence, by fighting for a
pro-social program, elements of which include a moratorium on 
debt-servicing and increasing investments in education, health care and
social programs.  More needs to be put into the economy than taken out.

While the objective conditions are overripe for revolution, the
subjective conditions still need to be further developed.

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:11567] Kim Young Sam Fascict Clique Penalize Students

1997-07-31 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

Pyongyang, July 30 (KCNA) -- The south Korean "civilian" fascist
clique, at the puppet Seoul district court on Monday, staged a trial
of students prosecuted for the inauguration of the fifth-term South
Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) and
demanded prison terms ranging from two to five years for twelve
students, according to a radio report from Seoul. The trial was the
first for 289 students referred to trial and the fascist clique have
decided to conduct a trial of some ten students almost every day to
finish all the trials by the end of August, said the radio. In this
way, the Kim Young Sam clique want to prevent activities of students
and people which are likely to be conducted with the approach of the
anniversary of National Liberation, August 15. But it is a foolish


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:11476] Jordanian Democracy? -- MER LIE of the WEEK (fwd)

1997-07-28 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 1997 10:36:15 -0700
Subject: Jordanian "Democracy"? -- MER LIE of the WEEK

M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S   -  LIE of the Week
   "News, Analysis  Commentary They Don't Want You to Know"
Web: WWW.MiddleEast.Org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



   MER - Washington - 7/28/97:
  Sadly, journalists are often used by the political 
establishment, rewarded for playing along, punished 
for speaking up honestly and independently.  This happens 
in many places of course, including in the West; but it 
happens far more severely in today's Arab world where the 
two words "independent" and "journalism" can hardly ever 
be used together without considerable hesitation and doubt.
Rami Khouri is a talented writer, and a smart man;
and he has managed to spread his regular column far and 
wide going back many years when he was Editor of the 
English-language Jordan Times in Amman.  Khouri is also 
among the darlings of the Washington establishment, 
often appearing on PBS "News Hour" (think of this nightly
staple of American television as "State Department TV" 
when it comes to matters Middle Eastern); flying here 
and there to speak at this conference and that.
   Unfortunately, Khouri is also a perfect example of
those who lend their capable pens and mouths to those in 
political and financial control.  Indeed, Khouri is
far more useful to the Jordanian Hashemite regime
kept and controlled as he is; than being appointed to
officially represent it.
   If Jordan were anything close to a State that could 
be called a "democracy" King Hussein would never have 
been able to collude so openly with Israel for so long; 
and to sign the very unpopular peace treaty with Israel. 
The story of early Hashemite collaboration with the Israelis
is well told in Prof. Avi Schlaim's COLLUSION ACROSS THE 
JORDAN (Oxford University Press).  The regimes close 
connections with and "subsidies" from the CIA are also 
matters of historical record, admittedly not usually 
remembered these days.
   What Jordan is in reality is a somewhat disguised
police state run by the monarchy, the army, and the vast
intelligence apparatus.  This "Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan"
uses a variety of sophisticated tactics to co-opt, 
neutralize, and repress all serious opposition -- political
or intellectual.
   Another "election" is ahead in Jordan later this year.
After rigging everything both economically and politically,
and after new "press regulations" that make just about any
serious criticism of the regime or the "peace process" a 
criminal offense, those in control in Jordan use the "election"
terminology to try to give a veneer of legitimacy to their
rule.  Of course if you're among the small upper elite that
share in this rule and wealth, all is OK.  It's just that
for everyone else -- especially those who wish to speak up 
against what is happening and most of all the majority 
population of Palestinian origins -- the infamous secret
police, the Muhabarat, is watching and waiting.
   In view of this overall situation the most important "legal"
opposition in Jordan has announced that it is not going to 
participate in this "election" sham.  And here's where people 
like Rami Khouri come in.
   "If the boycott is implemented in November, it will damage 
the state's claim that our democratization process is credible 
and sustainable," Khouri recently wrote in a widely distributed
column.  "How the state responds to this challenge will reveal 
much about whether we are experiencing genuine democratization 
or merely cosmetic changes that retain major decision-making 
power in the hands of a narrow power elite. This is a question 
being asked about, and in, many Arab countries that are also 
trying to move away from autocracy and towards more democratic 
politics," so Khouri has recently written in a widely
distributed column. 
   "The Muslim Brotherhood and the Jordanian state are now both
challenged before the court of public opinion," Khouri continues.
"I suspect that the Brotherhood has made a mistake in deciding to 
boycott the elections, because the Islamists have always achieved 
their gains in Jordan by working within the national political 
consensus.  They should not quit the de

[PEN-L:11458] Seminar Marks Death Anniversary Of President Kim Il Sung Abroad

1997-07-26 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

Pyongyang, July 22 (KCNA) -- Seminars on the imperishable
revolutionary feats of President Kim Il Sung were held in Guyana,
Italy, Pakistan, Yugoslavia, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Libya,
Tunisia and Nicaragua to mark his third death anniversary. The Asian
regional institute of the Juche idea sponsored a joint seminar on the
cause of independence for mankind and the ideological and theoretical
exploits of the President in New Delhi on July 6. A national seminar
on the subject President Kim Il Sung is the leader of the people who
devoted himself to their happiness under the motto 'the people are my
god' was sponsored in Kathmandu, Nepal, by the Nepali National
Committee for honoring the memory of the President on June 26. A
national seminar was held in Uganda and seminars in Tanzania, Guinea
and Trinidad and Tobago on the ideological and theoretical exploits of
the President. The speakers at the seminars said that the Juche idea
created by the President is the most precious treasure of the people.
The undying revolutionary exploits performed by the President for the
times and history will be a great motive force of the development of
mankind along with the Juche idea, they added.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:11444] Rodong Sinmun On Provocative Remarks Of S. Korean War Maniacs

1997-07-25 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

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  while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.
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Pyongyang, July 22 (KCNA) -- The south Korean war maniacs, far from
drawing a serious lesson from the severe blow they sustained after
their armed provocation against the north along the Military
Demarcation Line, are making provocative remarks getting on the nerves
of the north and aggravating the tensions. Commenting on this fact, a
news analyst of Rodong Sinmun today says: When he met Powell, Former
Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the United States on July 19,
Kim Young Sam prattled about completion of war preparations in the
north and begged for the maintenance of full defence preparedness
between south Korea and the U.S. troops. The south Korean puppets
vociferated about possible terrorist act by the north and held a war
confab on anti-submarine operations. The puppets are staging war
exercises in the area of Seoul under the signboard of defence training
in the wake of a comprehensive tactical training of commandoes in
areas of Mt. Thaebaek. These ill-boding military rackets prove that
the threat of aggression on the Korean Peninsula comes from the south
to the north. They also show to what extent the south Korean war
maniacs have gone in their war preparations. Defence and security on
the lips of the south Korean puppets are precisely slogans for
provoking war against the north. Provokers are bound to meet with a
severe retaliation. There is no mercy in war.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


[PEN-L:11409] TORTURE in Israel - Systematic and Legal - MER FlashBack (fwd)

1997-07-23 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 10:15:48 -0700
Subject: TORTURE in Israel - Systematic and "Legal" - MER FlashBack

News, Views  Analysis They Don't Want You To Know
WWW.MiddleEast.Org Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To receive MER regularly at no cost request by email


[MER - Torture of Palestinians is not only routine and systematic,
in it actually sanctioned by the Israeli legal system that has 
been twisted to serve Israeli policies.  Going back to the 
Shinbet scandal of the early 1980's, even more sadistic forms
of torture have given way to the kinds of 'legalized' torture
methods outlined in this important article from one of the few
independent and courageous media sources in Israel, The 
Alternative Information Center (AIC).
   Among the reasons the Israelis get away with such systematic
torture of Palestinians is that hardly anyone is willing to 
protest.  The so-called "Palestinian Authority" practices similar
and even worse torture techniques, as do nearly all of the Arab
governments in the region -- so they are hardly in a position
to protest.  And the "liberal" American Jewish community has
been morally bankrupt about such issues for so long now that to 
speak up at this point would be to condemn themselves for 
permitting, and even encouraging in many cases, such Nazi-like 
behavior by the Israelis for decades.
   This report was first distributed by MER in January.  The
subsquent report about torture in Israel by Steve Kroft on the 
popular 60-Minutes CBS program was more whitewash than truthful,
even though it was pointed out that Israel is the only State in 
the world that officially sanctions torture (in the form of 
'moderate physical pressure) in its legal system].

  A Shining Light Unto Nations?

 "The entire Israeli establishment countenances torture..." 

First, his head is covered with a thick rancid sack. It's difficult 
to breathe. Handcuffed, he is bound in a twisted position to a 
kindergarten chair with hardly any back support and held there for 
four days straight.  Every time his head falls when sleep overcomes 
him, he is slapped on his face to wake up. Maybe on the
fifth day the handcuffs are removed and he is allowed to sleep in 
a tiny windowless cell. Music is blaring in the cell around the 
clock. It is difficult to sleep with noise and the constant glare 
of the shining fluorescent light. On the sixth or seventh day, 
his head is covered again with the rancid sack, but this time,
he is chained to a pole in the corridor and made to stand there for
four more days. Or perhaps, he is handcuffed to a hook a meter from 
the ground and is forced to squat for three days; three days
continuously that is. Or he is undressed and made to sit in front of 
a blasting air-conditioner for hours.  There is no sleep. His hands 
are swollen from the tight handcuffs; he is vomiting from the 
prolonged contorted position he is held in. He smells, unshaven, 
he wants to sleep.

This is "moderate physical pressure" under Israeli law and it is 
legal. Under international law this is torture and is completely 
prohibited at all times. This "moderate physical pressure" is 
routinely used by the Israeli secret police ("GSS") to extract 
confessions from Palestinian detainees under interrogation. The UN
Convention Against Torture, of which Israel is a signatory, states
that the use of any physical or psychological pressure which causes
pain or humiliation is absolutely prohibited at all times.

What constitutes torture and degrading treatment is subjective --
determined by the victims sensation of the physical and mental 
pain caused to him. Sitting in front of cold air may not on its 
face compare to torture methods like electric shock, but after 
two weeks of little sleep and sitting in contorted positions,
undressed in the middle of the rainy winter, 12 hours of the "air
conditioner" feels like hell. One detainee described it as 
"putting the air in a state of war with me".

Despite the prohibitions under international law, the entire 
Israeli establishment countenances torture: The Israeli military 
courts routinely disregard claims of torture and extend the 
interrogations until the Israeli secret police finish the 
interrogation; the Ministry of Justice defends the torture 
in the Israeli High Court of

[PEN-L:11422] Sankei Shimbun, Plot-Breeding Newspaper

1997-07-23 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

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  while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.
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Pyongyang, July 22 (KCNA) -- The Japanese Sankei Shimbun, on June 28,
alleged that the DPRK has three dollar counterfeiting plants and has
circulated tens of billions of dollars by massprinting fake dollars.
The groundless allegation was carried by the south Korean newspaper
Donga Ilbo next day. The Sankei Shimbun's false report was only aimed
at slandering the DPRK and hurting its international prestige. We can
never allow the Sankei Shimbun to maliciously abusing the DPRK. The
false report is what the south Korean Agency for National Security
Planning invented in conspiracy with the Japanese newspaper. The
Sankei Shimbun, in the hope of giving authenticity to the fiction,
quoted testimonies of those who defected to south Korea from the north
after committing crimes. But the sources are too despicable and poor
fellows. It is nobody's secret that the defectors can only say as told
by the ANSP. From this point of view, we can see how faithful the
Sankei Shimbun is to the ANSP. Counterfeit notes and goods are things
available in such corrupt society governed by jungle law as Japan and
south Korea. Such things are unimaginable in our socialist society
replete with justice and benevolence, society where the people are the
masters of the country and constitute a great harmonious family. We
have no such plants as the Phyongsong trademark plant, the February
Wonbit Trading Company and the liaison office No. 101 which the Sankei
Shimbun described as dollar counterfeiting plants. Obviously, they are
bogus plants, brainchilds of the ANSP. It is south Korea that tops the
world's list of counterfeit and forgery. It is an undeniable fact that
south Korea's is a puppet regime faked up by the United States and Kim
Young Sam could become its president with lies and through fraudulent
elections. South Korea is the kingdom of forgery which is inundated by
counterfeit money, advertisements, drugs, foodstuff, etc. Dollar
counterfeiting plants and fake notes are what can be seen in such
society as south Korea. The Sankei Shimbun, oblivious of the duty and
mission of the press, has nothing to get but miserable end. The
plot-breeding newspaper had better surrender itself to justice.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


[PEN-L:11363] Banks Under Fire Target The Youth (Canada)

1997-07-21 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

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  while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.
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The Royal Bank has followed the lead of the Canadian Imperial Bank of
Commerce (CIBC) in waging a public relations campaign against the
youth. With the banks increasingly under fire for their role in the
economy and society, the banks seem to be adopting the strategy that
the best defence is offence.

In May, the CIBC issued a report on youth unemployment. It said that
the capitalists should make more of an effort to create jobs for the
youth, brandishing the very dull sword that presents the aim of
capitalist investment as creating jobs and not as making maximum
capitalist profits. Of course, the banks themselves are amongst the
most exposed of the capitalists, investing billions abroad, wherever
the return is the highest. Not a word was said about the way in which
the capitalist crisis is being further deepened by the huge debt
servicing payments the banks and other sectors of the financial
oligarchy receive from funds diverted from social spending and so on.

While attempting to completely whitewash the capitalist system and its
inherent crisis of unemployment, and the real aim of capitalist
investment, the CIBC went further and put the onus on the youth to
create their own jobs, by later announcing "entrepreneur" loan

When it comes to the youth, Canada's banks have exacted many, many
millions of dollars in interest payments on government guaranteed
student loans. In the course of the anti-social response of the
capitalists to their crisis, the already unacceptable student loan
program was further handed over to the banks, with the government
guarantee for student loans being replaced by a "risk-commission." As
the economy has worsened, and the risk of student default has grown,
the banks are now treating the students like any other clients, simply
declaring that student loans are not in their economic interest any

On top of this, they are now pushing that the youth are being
strengthened by the anti-social offensive. While the financial
oligarchy considers it only normal that the entire society should
support and pay it, when it comes to the youth, it is extolling the
virtues of self-sufficiency and not counting on society for anything.
This was the main message of a report issued by the Royal Bank with
the help of d-side, a Toronto-based "strategy firm" at the end of
June. The Royal Bank literally lauds the anti-social offensive and
presents the abdication of social responsibility by the governments as
something actually supported by the youth. "Raised in a period of
recession and debt," the report says, "members of this generation
question the state's role as stable provider and have come to accept
an increased level of individual accountability for social services,
health care and education."

The banks targetting of the youth and their attempts to whitewash both
the capitalist system and the anti-social offensive of the financial
oligarchy reflects their deep fear of the youth, particularly their
growing consciousness that the solution to the problems they face is
to put an end to the parasitic and crisis-ridden capitalist system.
All the facts, including those pertaining to banks in Canada, are
increasingly showing that the society can be brought out of the crisis
only if the trend in which the entire society is subordinated to the
interests of the financial oligarchy is ended. The need for a
moratorium on the debt and the nationalization of banks and financial
institutions is richly corroborated by the experience of the people,
and so the banks are trying to get themselves off the hook. This is
why the banks are targetting the youth, who stand as one of the most
important social forces for the transformation of the society through
the implementation of the program to Stop Paying the Rich Increase
Funding For Social Programs!


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


[PEN-L:11327] Seniors Protest Anti-Social Offensive (Canada)

1997-07-18 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

  This message is in MIME format.  The first part should be readable text,
  while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.
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At the recent Denver Summit of Eight, one of the main preoccupations
of the self-described "major industrialized nations" was the -
demographics in their countries, in particular the increase in the
number of senior citizens. They announced that they would examine the
question with a view to ending the "myth of seniors dependency," that
is withdrawing responsibility for them.

Canada stands amongst those countries with governments which are
abdicating their responsibility to guarantee social security for the
people, including senior citizens. In this regard, the Canadian
Association of Retired Persons (CARP) has announced it will wage a
campaign against the Chre=82tien Liberal' cuts to pensions and benefits
for senior citizens.

The Liberals are proposing replacing the existing old-age security
program, which as it stands does not even provide seniors with enough
to subsist on, with a Senior's Benefit which would include tax credits
and a "guaranteed income" which would result in a lowering of payments
to them. The proposed changes would come into effect in 2001.

In a 26-page study and pamphlet called The Black and Blue Book, in
mockery of the Chretien Liberal's Red Book of promises, CARP points
out that under the proposals, contributions to the Canadian Pension
Plan (CPP) will be increased while benefits will be decreased. CARP
President Lillian Morgenthau warned that the consequences will be
devastating, noting that 46 percent of seniors are already living in

Senior citizens, like all other members of society, depend upon it for
their livelihood. Through the different age groups which people fall
into, the rights which belong to them depend on the condition of their
collectivity. Senior citizens are entitled to the highest standard of
living that a society can provide, commensurate with its development.
The fact that this society poses its responsibility for seniors as a
"burden" reveals the deep crisis of the economic system at its base.
The demands of the financial oligarchy on the resources of the people
bar them from being used to fulfill the obligations of the society
towards even those who have worked all their lives for it.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


[PEN-L:11326] Quebec: Elimination Of Jobs In The Health Sector

1997-07-18 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

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According to the Quebec government, it is on track with a plan to
reduce the number of public employees in the health sector. Health and
Social Services Minister Jean Rochon announced recently that 7,657
positions have already been eliminated in the health sector on a
"voluntary" basis, either through attrition, buyouts or early
retirements. The positions eliminated to date do not include nursing

Rochon said the rate of elimination is in keeping with an agreement
struck between the Quebec government and the unions representing the
health sector workers in March, and predicts the elimination of
another 2,000 jobs before September.

Rochon said a three-month transition period will be needed to "relook"
at the functioning of the health care system after the job
eliminations are complete, specifically how the services provided by
these workers can be "reorganized." He said: "Our first objective is
to ensure there is no disruption of services."

Planning is the hallmark of a modern society, but to suggest that
Rochon has a "plan" for health services makes a mockery of the
concept. A plan in keeping with the requirements of a modern society
would have as its starting point the aim of guaranteeing the claims of
all Quebeckers for the highest possible level of health care. Clearly,
the aim of the Quebec government is the opposite to scale back public
health care through funding cuts and job elimination and to open up
the health care sector to the rich for maximum profit.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


[PEN-L:11305] Condemn The 19th Century Colonialist Policy Of The Canadian State Towards The Aboriginal Peoples

1997-07-16 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

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In the recent period, two important cases have been before the
Canadian courts. One involved the September 5, 1995 shooting of Stoney
Point First Nation member Dudley George at Ipperwash Provincial Park
by Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officer Sargeant Kenneth Deane.

The other case involves 15 individuals who participated in a struggle
of Shuswap Nation members at Gustafsen Lake (Ts Peten) in the summer
of 1995.

Sargeant Kenneth Deane was convicted of criminal negligence causing
death on April 28, 1997, only after a very active struggle was waged
to demand that justice be done. There was also a great deal of
evidence showing that contrary to the claims of the OPP, Dudley George
was unarmed when he was shot dead. On July 3, Deane was given a
two-year suspended sentence. While the crime for which he was
convicted carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment, Deane will
be "punished" with 180 hours of community service, while he retains
employment with the OPP.

In his April 28 ruling, Judge Hugh Fraser acknowledged that Deane knew
that Dudley George was unarmed when he shot him dead. Nevertheless, at
his sentencing, Judge Fraser all but declared Deane innocent, saying
Deane was "in every other way" an "exemplary officer." He was
described as a "highly competent officer," who was "lawfully carrying
out his duty as a police officer." "The decision to embark on this
ill-fated mission was not Sgt. Deane s," Fraser said, referring to the
OPP raid on the camp set up by Stoney Point First Nations members at
Ipperwash Provincial Park. Judge Fraser also said that Deane was not
responsible for the "faulty" intelligence reports the police receive
that the protesters were armed. "It's not for this tribunal to decide
where that intelligence originated, or why it was so inaccurate."

No such leniency has been shown in the Ts Peten case. In
pre-sentencing hearings, the state is calling for the harshest
possible punishment especially for Jones Ignace (Wolverine), a
Shushwap Nation elder and one of the leaders of the Ts Peten struggle.
Prosecutor Lance Bernard said Wolverine should be sent to jail for 16
to 23 years. In his sentencing brief to the judge, Bernard said that
the defendants were "terrorists" who had used illegal weapons to
threaten police. He said all those convicted of mischief had to be
sentenced within the context of a "serious over-criminal situation."
He said that those who carried firewood, cooked and did other domestic
chores were indispensable to those who "wielded weapons," and argued
they had to be sentenced accordingly. He proposed the rest of the
defendants should be sentenced to 3 to 5 years as a "deterrence."

In the implementation of its policy of turning the just struggles of
the Aboriginal peoples for the restoration of their hereditary rights
into "law and order" problems, there is a clear message: any
Aboriginal person who steps out of the place assigned to them by the
Canadian state is "fair game" for arrests, shootings, jailings and
every form of persecution, while those who implement the state's
policy will be protected. This is the way of the 19th century British
colonialists and these two cases show how very little has changed
since the 19th Century in terms of the treatment of Canada's
Aboriginal peoples by the Canadian state. This is the only
interpretation that can be given to the double standards of justice
being shown in both the Gustafsen Lake and the Ipperwash trials. The
Canadian people must condemn the Canadian state's brutal treatment of
Canada's Aboriginal peoples and step up the struggle for the
restoration of their hereditary rights.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


[PEN-L:11304] Liberalism Off The Record: More Evidence Of The Deep Crisis Of The Bourgeoisie In Finding A Credible Standard-Bearer (Canada)

1997-07-16 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

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At the signing ceremony for Ukraine s admission into the aggressive
U.S.-led NATO military alliance, Prime Minister Jean Chretien is
reported to have made "unguarded comments" while chatting with Belgian
President Jean-Luc Dehaene in front of a microphone he thought was
turned off. The comments highlight the deep crisis of the Canadian
bourgeoisie in producing statesmen and stateswomen with any

In public, Chretien has said that the expansion of NATO is a matter of
security and "peace in Europe." In private he said that the position
of the U.S., which stands at the head of the NATO expansion, has
nothing to do with security. "I know the reasons, it's not the reasons
of state. It's for political reasons, short-term political reasons, to
win the next elections." He did not comment as to who is going to
benefit from the NATO expansion, but it is well-known that the
military-industrial complex in all the NATO countries will hand over
lots of money for election campaigns, not only in the United States,
but in Canada as well. Over $30 billion worth of armaments is at

In terms of U.S-Canada relations, and particularly the use of Canadian
troops to do the dirty work for the U.S., Chretien said: "(Clinton)
goes to Haiti with soldiers. The next year, Congress doesn t allow him
to go back. So he phones me. Okay, I send my soldiers, and then
afterwards, I ask for something else in exchange." On the Helm-Burton
legislation, Chretien boasted he was the first to oppose it and added,
"I like to stand up to the Americans. It's popular. But you have to be
very careful because they're our friends."

According to reports, Chretien said that American politicians "sell
their votes." He said Clinton won support for NATO by promising to
build bridges. He said that if politicians did the same thing in
Canada or in Belgium they "would be in prison." It would be laughable,
were it not such a serious matter, that in the same breath that
Chretien admits he sent Canadian troops to Haiti "in exchange for
something else," he is castigating the U.S. politicians for their

The criticism of the parliamentary "opposition" has further revealed
the deep crisis of the bourgeoisie, as the only concern they raised
was how Chretien's comments may damage relations with the U.S.

What is revealed by Chretien's comments is the utterly unprincipled
and double-faced nature of the bourgeois ruling circles. They reveal
the "sell-your-mother-for-a-dime" pragmatism which can justify
anything, and do anything to advance the interests of imperialism at
the cost of the rights and freedoms and lives of the people of Canada
and of other countries, all the while claiming to stand for all the
best in the world. The opposition could not complain of such things
because they too have the sole interest of advancing the aims of the
most economically powerful, at home and abroad. While Chretien has
shrugged off the issue, his comments are now going to haunt and stymie
the Liberals, particularly in their foreign policy affairs, which they
try to present as being based on the highest and most lofty "Canadian


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


[PEN-L:11269] DPRK United In Overcoming Food Shortages

1997-07-14 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

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The people of the DPRK have faced the adversity caused by two years of
devastating floods with unity and determination to overcome the
difficulties and are developing important initiatives in this regard.
The whole country has been mobilized for this aim.

In this regard, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reports that
three units of the Korean People s Army (KPA) have been making
important innovations in farming techniques in this difficult period.
In true revolutionary spirit, the agency reports, the soldiers are
combatting shortages of fuel with various substitutes and operating
tractors at full capacity for plow weeding on maize fields. Currently,
they are overfulfilling the daily weeding plan by some 110-120

The KPA soldiers began helping farmers in the early spring. With their
help, the KCNA reports, transplanting of seedlings was finished in
time and the weeding is gaining momentum at an unprecedented pace.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


[PEN-L:11275] Algeria - Gross Injustice Militarism Prevail (fwd)

1997-07-14 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 1997 22:50:21 -0700
Subject: Algeria - Gross Injustice  Militarism Prevail

   "News, Analysis  Commentary They Don't Want You to Know"
   To receive MER regularly request from:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 MER - Washington 7/13/97:
 With deaths and casualties approaching 100,000, the Western-
backed Algerian military's civil war against the nationalist and 
populist "Islamic" forces shows no signs of ending.  The U.S.,
France, and other Arab militarist "client-regimes" in the region
lead by Egypt are dedicated to subjugating nationalist Islamic 
movements at any cost.  
Five years ago the head of the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS)
in Algeria, Abdelkader Hachani, was on his way to taking political
power through the ballot-box -- otherwise known as democracy.  The
Algerian military seized control of the country, ended the elections, 
instituted marshall law, arrested Hachani, and has since conducted
a scorched-earth massacre policy.   Hachani has been held ever since 
without trial on trumped up charges of "undermining state security".  
Of course those who have really undermined the state are the 
generals who seized power.   One day in the future, as in other 
countries like Argentina and Chile, maybe the Generals will find 
themselves imprisoned for their outrages.
Now, attempting to give some deceptive veneer of legitimacy to 
their bloody rule, the Generals have tried Hachani in one of their mock 
courts and found him guilty (of course!) of urging Algerian troops to 
disobey their officers rather than subvert the electoral process.  
It is in fact a charge he is guilty of -- but one for which he should 
be applauded rather than imprisoned!
Justice will eventually come to Algeria.  But not now.  
Meanwhile, the Western governments and their associated "human
rights" organizations of various names and types haven't got much 
to say about all this.   In reality "human rights" and "democracy"
are what they rhetorically favor when its convenient; but about the
opposite of what they actually practice in this inflamed and 
embittered Middle Eastern region.

   M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
(202) 362-5266, Ext 638Fax: (202) 362-6965 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To receive MER weekly just send a message to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  with only the words  
SUBSCRIBE MER-L  in the subject and message areas.

For previous MER information, commentary, editorials  Readers Comments:

[PEN-L:11268] Capitalism Cannot Provide For The People: There Is An Alternative (Canada)

1997-07-14 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

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Stop Paying the Rich Increase Funding for Social Programs

The more the crisis of the capitalist system deepens, the more
statistics corroborate all the symptoms of a system that cannot
provide for the people. Recently released figures from Statistics
Canada profiling the country s labour force once again testify to this

The crisis of unemployment, now taking the form of the jobless
recovery since the last recession, is evidence of one of the most
profound failings of the system, which denies the people the right to
a livelihood. The response of the governments across the country is to
aggravate the situation by abdicating their responsibility to provide
for the victims of the system.

The 1995 "labour income profile" shows that as unemployment has taken
its toll, increasing numbers of workers have been forced into the
category of "self-employed contractors." Between 1990 and 1995 both
the number of people earning their income from self-employment alone,
and the number relying on both self-employment and regular jobs
increased. The number of people relying only on "wages and salary"
actually decreased.

The Statistics Canada reports, while revealing these facts, mystifies
the reality by describing those peple who have come to rely on
"self-employment" as part of the "employed labour force". This
suggests that the economy is actually providing jobs for the people.
The reality is that the workers are thrown out of work, cut off
unemployment insurance benefits, and then forced to scrounge for a
living, taking short-term contractual work without benefits, with very
little "income". The presentation of the earnings of the
"self-employed" as "employment income" is a deception. It does not
reflect the many expenses which are incurred and quite frequently
result in virtually no income. The same is the case with the distorted
picture that is given of a "median" income of $20,600 per year. This
covers up the increasing disparity in the society between the rich and
poor by lumping together those who earn millions in "salary" and those
who barely earn a few thousand. Statistics on poverty and those on
"employment income" are reported separately, which means that poverty
is not connected with the very failing of the economic system and its
incapacity to provide the people with a livelihood.

The increasingly insecure economic situation of the people is an
indictment of the capitalist system. Nonetheless, the ruling circles
of Canada have washed their hands of the problem, simply declaring
that the "hidden hand" of the economy will generate jobs, so long as
the state treasury and the legislature are used to create a
"competitive environment" for the capitalists. At the same time,
governments hand over billions to the financial oligarchy in the form
of interest payments, cutting funds from social spending and
facilitating, in many other ways as well, the withdrawal of more and
more out of the economy than what is put back into it. Furthermore,
the refrain of the bourgeoisie that there is no other way is a course
for disaster.

Just as the facts reveal that the capitalist system cannot provide for
the people, the facts also show that there is an alternative. It lies
in the program to Stop Paying the Rich Increase Funding for Social

The decisive factor in changing the situation is for the working class
to take up this program for implementation instead of waiting for the
bourgeoisie to solve the problems of the economy.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


[PEN-L:11250] UI Surplus Reaches $5 Billion (Canada)

1997-07-12 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

The Chretien Liberals have presided over a massive restructuring of
the unemployment insurance system which has made it more and more
difficult for workers to qualify to receive benefits. The latest
figures released by the Finance Department indicate that $5 billion
more were collected in premiums from employers and employees than was
paid out in the form of benefits. This is being called a "surplus."
The Finance Department predicts the accumulated "surplus" will grow to
$16 billion by the end of 1998.

Since 1988, when the Conservative government of Brian Mulroney
completely withdrew state funding for the UI program, it has been
solely financed by contributions from employers and workers. The
Liberal government has used some of the UI money to pay for various
"training" and "job creation" schemes, most of which are a means of
funnelling funds into the pockets of the rich. According to media
reports, the Chretien Liberals are now pushing to have the "surplus"
declared part of the general government revenue and having it entirely
removed from the separate UI fund.

This measure by the Chretien Liberals confirms that the anti-social
offensive, which has included the attacks on the unemployed and other
vulnerable sections of the society, does not have a "balanced budget"
and other such claims as its objective. It aims to withdraw the very
notion of a society which has responsibilities towards its members so
that more and more funds can be transferred to the rich. Once included
in the "general government revenue," the funds which were collected
for the purpose of paying workers when the capitalist system throws
them out of work will be further subjected to the Chretien Liberal
dictate that the first and only legitimate claims on the public
treasury are those laid by the financial oligarchy.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:11243] Bringing The Conscious Factor Into Play (Canada)

1997-07-11 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

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It has now been over one month since the Chretien Liberals won their
slim majority in the federal election. In the period since the
election, during which a Cabinet has been chosen, various statements
have been issued. Everything has confirmed the determination of the
Chretien Liberals to uphold the very nineteenth century values and
institutions which are the objective cause of the political and
constitutional crises Canada is experiencing at this time.

The four weeks that have passed since the election have also confirmed
that the bourgeoisie is in a deep political crisis, incapable of
producing a standard-bearer who could put forward a credible vision
for Canada on the eve of the twenty-first century, notwithstanding
Prime Minister Jean Chretien's repeated claims that he can do so.

The federal election campaign was a spectacle by the capitalist class
at a time its system is in deep, all-sided crisis. The capitalist
class is extremely frightened of anyone questioning the status quo,
and they conducted the election fully revealing their fear, virtually
banning the views of all but their representatives. In this regard,
one thing which the working class has learned from this election is
just how fiercely the bourgeoisie fights to ensure that the conscious
factor is suppressed. There should be no discussion, according to the
bourgeois political parties, except on the question of who is most
popular. The people should have no role except to cast a ballot for
one of the political parties sanctioned by the bourgeoisie. In other
words, in their incapacity to provide any solutions to the deep
crisis, the bourgeoisie and its political representatives are also
hell-bent to obstruct the working class and people from providing the

It is the development of the human factor, the social consciousness
which is most crucial. In fact, one of the features of the current
situation is that only when the creative energies of all are
mobilized, will the problems facing the society find a solution. A
case for the immediate end to the anti-social offensive has been made
by CPC(M-L) and in this regard it has presented its program Stop
Paying the Rich Increase Funding for Social Programs. The conscious
factor can only be brought into play by mobilizing workers, women,
youth, students and the most vulnerable sections of society to engage
in thorough-going discussion of this program. These discussions will
elaborate and enrich the program and serve as a basis to develop
tactics to implement it. This is what it means to bring he conscious
factor into play. This is precisely what is needed at this time in
order to find solutions to the social, political and economic problems
plaguing society.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


[PEN-L:11235] Albania: An Election To Disarm The People For The Imperialists

1997-07-10 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

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For all intents and purposes, the June 29 to July 6 Albanian election
was one required solely for the purpose of legitimizing a vassal state
under the dictate of the U.S. imperialists and the Europe of the
monopolies. It was not an election for Albanians to decide on the
direction of their society, on its economy, or on any other issues. A
process of disarming the resisting Albanian people, especially the
Salvation Committees that were formed when the Albanian state
collapsed, also required the holding of an election to lend it
legitimacy as the "mandate of the people."

On June 30, after the first round of voting, Socialist Party leader
Fatos Nano announced that his party had won the election. President
Sali Berisha conceded Monday that his party had lost and that it would
now become "a loyal opposition."

Over 500 foreigners "monitored" the election. Some flew over the
country in helicopters, while others went from poll to poll,
accompanied by dozens of armed troops. The "monitors" turned a
blind-eye to all the "irregularities." The OSCE declared, as the
election approached, that it would be unrealistic to apply "normal
Western standards" to Albania's election. The joint report issued on
June 30 by the heads of the OSCE, the Council of Europe Parliamentary
Assembly, and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly describes the election
as "adequate and acceptable; voters were generally able to cast
their ballot without fear or intimidation, although there are reports
of some serious problems..." These "problems" which could be
overlooked by the "monitors" included the murder of a polling officer;
the closing of polls at 6pm instead of 9pm because of "security
problems;" complete suspension of voting in some areas for the same
reasons; and the seizure and burning of all ballots in the polling
station in Rrushbull. Dozens of people were killed during the election
campaign, with all parties accusing each other of the deed. Numerous
other problems can be cited, not least of which is the fact that the
election was conducted in conditions of foreign occupation. Over 7,000
UN interventionist troops, led by the Italian military, were stationed
throughout the country.

What was of concern to the imperialists, however, was simply that an
election should be held to create a new government. They ensured that
no matter what the result, the government would be a willing puppet
regime. Thus, Nano has declared that the most pressing concern for
Albania is to disarm the population. In his first appeal to the
Albanians after proclaiming victory, he called on them to "surrender

In their "monitoring" report, the OSCE and EU once again declared: "It
is essential, however, that all Albanian political parties observe the
commitments they have made to respect the results of the elections..."

OSCE special envoy for Albania, Austrian former Chancellor Franz
Vranitzky stressed in a pre-election meeting with the Albanian Central
Election Commission the importance that the polls outcome be
recognized. "It would be a catastrophe for you and for us if the
outcome would not be accepted."

In a similar vein, on June 29, Fatos Nano told Albanians: "These
elections are of extraordinary importance. This will be a society of
free citizens no different from other European nations. Tomorrow will
be a new day." During the election campaign, it was reported that Nano
spent much of the campaign "stressing his credentials as a defender of
the market." "Like you," he told a rally, "we want free enterprise and
private property. It is our historic obligation to make Albania part
of Europe." "The philosophy of privatization, social assistance,
denationalization and decentralization of power is the future of my
country,'' he said.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


[PEN-L:11103] Fifth OSCE Economic Forum: Transition Economies And The Rule Of Law

1997-07-02 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

With "market economies and rule of law in nations with economies in
transition" as its agenda, the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) held its 5th Economic Forum in Prague
from June 11-13. Participants included representatives of the
Commonwealth of Independent States, the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
Council, the Council of Baltic States, the European Union and others,
including Albania.

The OSCE enforces bourgeois multi-party democracy, the "free-market"
economy and bourgeois human rights based on the defence of private
property as the ultimate achievements of humankind and the "values" to
which every country must submit. Amongst other things, it blocks
investments to countries which do not comply.

The OSCE Forum coincided with the release of the 1997 United Nations
Development Program report. It confirmed that the peoples of eastern
Europe and the former Soviet Union have experienced the biggest drop
in living standards precisely since the imposition of free market
economies began. 120,000 million people, or a quarter of the
population, in that area of the world are now living in poverty
compared to four million in 1988.

Nevertheless, OSCE Permanent Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
Henrik Wohlk opened the forum by citing Albania as a trouble-spot for
the OSCE, describing it as a "prime example of the fundamental
importance of rule of law." He suggested that the pyramid scheme and
the absence of laws regulating them are the problem. The pyramid
scheme was a quickly unveiled mechanism to get the people to pay the
rich. Its false promises of prosperity were more quicky seen than are
the other many mechanisms to pay the rich, such as state

This "rule of law," which the OSCE refers to is the dictatorship of
the financial oligarchy and the "transition" is towards its
perfecting. In most countries IMF and World Bank drafted legislation
is already in place for taxation, to create budgetary and fiscal
measures that ensure every penny of the public treasury is allocated
to the interests of the financial oligarchy, to revoke those laws
which entitled people to certain levels of health care, education and
social security, etc. In the end, what will exist is the capitalist
"rule of law," a body of legislation perfected for the capitalist
economy which has developed to the stage where tribute to the
financial oligarchy is exacted from the entire society. Under this
"rule of law" all the mechanisms to make the people pay are given the
highest level of legitimacy, fully backed by the instruments of the
police, the army, and the security apparatus.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:11092] Middle East: U.S. Should Get Out Of The Persian Gulf!

1997-07-02 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

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The U.S. has a long history of declaring any nation which opposes the
U.S. imperialist dictate as a "rogue state." It accuses these nations
of "state-terrorism," and declares they constitute a threat to peace
so as to cover-up the fact that it is U.S. imperialism which is the
biggest aggressor against the peoples of the world and the biggest
threat to peace.

This was underscored during the visit of U.S. Defence Secretary
William Cohen to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman from June 13
to June 18. He made a number of threats against both Iran and Iraq.
Speaking to a news conference in Bahrain on June 16, Cohen said Iran
"continues to support terrorism in addition to developing weapons of
mass destruction, improving missiles that can strike neighbouring
nations and boosting the facility to close the Strait of Hormuz."

He then went on to boast of the U.S. military might in the region.
Bahrain is the headquarters of the U.S. Fifth Fleet, which keeps more
than two dozen warships in the Gulf. "The United States retains
overwhelming naval strength in the Gulf and we are fully capable of
protecting our ships, our interests and our allies," Cohen said,
adding " ... I am satisfied that the United States has the full
capability to stop any operations that Iranians might seek to launch
against us or our allies."

Cohen also accused Iran of attempting to "intimidate its neighbours
and to interrupt commerce in the Gulf." Iran has repeatedly opposed
the presence of U.S. imperialism in the Gulf and along with other
nations in the region, including Iraq, has called for the immediate
withdrawal of all U.S. troops so that the people of the region can
themselves sort out their problems. A commentary carried in Iran News
on June 17 points out that Cohen was trying to "sow again the seeds of
discord between Iran and its neighbours on the southern shores of the
Persian Gulf." "The Isamic republic has existed alongside the Arab
countries for the last 18 years and not a single shot has been fired
at its neighbours from these borders ... ," the article states.

Given that during his entire visit Cohen stressed the "superiority" of
U.S. imperialism's air, naval and fire-power in the region, given the
millions it also spends on intelligence and espionage in the region,
the brutal war of aggression it waged against the Iraqis, its
continued violations of the partial lifting of the UN-imposed embargo
against the people of Iraq and its opposition to its complete lifting,
all that Cohen seemed to prove during his visit is that it is the U.S.
which is guilty of all the crimes of which it accuses others.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


[PEN-L:11102] 47th Anniversary Of The Launching Of The Korean War: A History Of Ceaseless Struggle For The Unity And Independence Of The Korean People

1997-07-02 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

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June 25 marks the 47th anniversary of the Korean War; at 05:00 on June
25, 1950, the U.S. imperialists along with the south Korean puppet
regime of Syngman Rhee invaded north Korea.

The U.S. imperialists and its allies committed untold crimes during
the Korean War from 1950-1953. The DPRK was literally razed to the
ground. A total of 428,748 bombs, one per person, were dropped by the
U.S. over Pyongyang alone. At the time the U.S. boasted that the DPRK
would not be able to rebuild "even after 100 years." But U.S.
imperialism suffered defeat at the hands of the Korean people who
fought as one in defence of socialism and their independence. The U.S.
was forced to withdraw and carry on its offensive through its puppet
regime in the south, an offensive which it continues to this day.

The U.S. has continued its occupation of south Korea and kept the
Korean people divided for 47 years. It constructed a wall which cuts
Korea in half. The wall, built in their sector just south of the
demilitarized zone (DMZ), stretches the entire breadth of Korea for
240 km, with only 10 km around Panmunjon left free of it. Every day,
the troops of U.S. imperialism stand guard at the wall to ensure the
Korean people remain divided, while all the time spreading vicious
propaganda that the DPRK is the "isolationist regime."

It is U.S. imperialism and its puppet governments in south Korea who
have literally split apart thousands of Korean families. They have
made it a crime for residents of the south to travel to the DPRK or
even write or telephone. None of this has been able to quell the
determination of the Korean people to reunite their homeland and rid
it of all foreign occupiers and their weapons of mass destruction. 47
years after the U.S. imperialists first invaded the DPRK, the Korean
people continue in thei struggle for true liberation, national
reunification and independence.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo


[PEN-L:11074] UN Human Development Report 1997: Marginalization Of Majority Of World's People

1997-06-30 Thread Shawgi A. Tell

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) was released this month.
The facts it presents underscore the marginalization of the vast
majority of the world s people and the increasing polarization between
rich and poor, both amongst nations and within them. These facts are
an indictment of the governments of the rich across the world; despite
all their promises that their "international values" of a free-market
economy, political pluralism, and bourgeois human rights would improve
the lot of the world s people, the opposite is the case.

According the report, over 1.4 billion people in the world 20% of
humanity live in abject poverty, surviving on less than the equivalent
of $1 US a day. Another 3.3 billion people 60% of humanity live in
extreme poverty.

The report also highlighted the devastating situation in the countries
of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe where poverty has
increased 30-fold since 1988. The poverty is only expected to grow as
governments speed up the anti-social offensive of privatization and

Within the world s richest nations, more than 100 million people live
in poverty, defined by the UNDP as an income level that is less than
half the national median. The report ranks Canada as the country with
the "highest human development index," an index measured in terms of
the bourgeois notion of human rights. At the same time it criticizes
Canada s high child poverty rates and the rates of poverty, suicide,
unemployment and illness amongst the Aboriginal peoples.


Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

[PEN-L:11068] Re: inter-imperialist rivalries

1997-06-30 Thread Shawgi A. Tell


On Mon, 30 Jun 1997, James Devine wrote:

 In one of Shawgi's postings, we read the following:
 The fact, however, is that the European Union, its member countries, and
 the U.S. have sharp contentions amongst themselves, not to mention the
 Russian Federation. The sharpening rivalries amongst them and the other
 economic powers pose the danger of another world war. The Summit of Eight
 Communique is a manifesto of their common maneouvring for sources of raw
 materials and areas for export of capital which will contribute to this
 Another world war? So we can simply take Lenin's popular outline,
 IMPERIALISM, and apply it _without_modification_ to understand the
 present-day rivalries amongst the advanced capitalist powers?  
 I think not. There's been a lot of research and thinking on this issue
 since Lenin that shouldn't be ignored. 
 in pen-l solidarity,
 Econ. Dept., Loyola Marymount Univ.
 7900 Loyola Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90045-8410 USA
 310/338-2948 (daytime, during workweek); FAX: 310/338-1950
 "It takes a busload of faith to get by." -- Lou Reed.

James, would you elaborate?

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

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