Re: How are unrecognized options to built-in pod block types treated?

2010-08-04 Thread jerry gay
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 15:56, Damian Conway wrote:
 Carl proposed:

 The other path that seems reasonable to me would be to use the same
 naming scheme as for the block types, i.e. reserve all-upper and
 all-lower forms (and die if an unrecognized one of this form is
 encountered), and let the custom ones live in the namespace of
 mixed-case identifiers. That sounds sane to me as well; the only
 question is whether that much structure is needed for config options.

 I did not consider this issue when designing S26, but in considering
 it now, I think Carl's suggestion is entirely sensible and in line with
 what I intended.

 Specifically, I think it would be easiest to be consistent and say
 that all purely lowercase and all purely uppercase config option names
 are reserved, and that unrecognized reserved config options generate
 at least a warning when they are parsed. Mixed-case config options
 should be freely available to users and the parser should simply
 accept them without complaint and include them in the internal data
 structure it builds, whereupon they will be available to user-defined
 Pod extensions.


are there codepoints in unicode that may be either upper-case or
lower-case, depending on the charset?  if so, then there's ambiguity
here, depending on the user's locale.  i suspect not, but languages
are strange beasts, and i don't know the answer.


Re: Radix (base) conversion

2010-07-23 Thread jerry gay
On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 05:17, Jan Ingvoldstad wrote:

 I was fiddling about with a small example of how nice radix adverbials are
 for conversion:

 my $x = 6*9;
 say :13($x);

 rakudo: 69

 ($x = 54 in base 10, but 54 in base 13 is 69 in base 10.)

 Strangely enough, I cannot find a way — in the spec — of both treating a
 number as something in base 13 as well as displaying it in base 13.

 sprintf() has formats for binary, octal and hexadecimal, but there appears
 no way to use an arbitrary base.

 As a clarification, see this example form bc(1):

 print What do you get when you multiply six by nine? ; 6*9
 What do you get when you multiply six by nine? 42

 Am I missing something?

 It is also somewhat confusing that while $x stores the result of the
 multiplication of 6*9, the adverbial radix conversion treats the variable as
 a literal and no longer a value.

perhaps a Rat should be displayed, with the base as denominator?  say
:13(6 * 9);   # 42/13


Re: Radix (base) conversion

2010-07-23 Thread jerry gay
On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 07:45, Mark J. Reed wrote:
 No, 42/13 is 42 over 13, which is 3 + 3/13.  Let's not confuse
 fractions and bases, please.

ha! yet another case of crossed wires too early in the morning.  sorry
for the confusion, i've been making similar apologies all day.  too
bad i don't drink coffee


Re: Command-line args (weekly contribution to P6)

2010-05-26 Thread jerry gay
On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 00:53, Moritz Lenz wrote:
 The spec doesn't elaborate on how the short args are specified in the
 signature of MAIN. I see two possible approaches (that don't contradict):

 1) one renames them in the signature, so it would like

 sub MAIN(:name(:$n))

 then $n has two names, 'name' and 'n', and we could consider all one-letter
 parameter names as short names

this is what was intended in the spec.  if you can update it to stamp
out the ambiguity, that would be most welcome.

 2) Iterate over all named parameters and build unambiguous prefixes. If any
 of them is just one letter short, we consider it a short name.

 Anz opinions from p6l about it?

this method has too much magic.


Re: r29129 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2009-11-19 Thread jerry gay
On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 08:17, Thom Boyer wrote:
 I'm curious about the change from blorst to blast. I quickly figured out
 that blorst was
 derived from BLock OR STatement (as S04 used to say: In fact,
 most of these phasers will take either a block or a statement (known as
 a Iblorst in the vernacular)).

 The best that I can figure for blast is BLock And STatement. But using
 seems less correct to me. Furthermore, blast is less likely to google up
 the results I need.

 So, what exactly _is_ the derivation of blast?

perhaps 'BLock or A STatement' or 'BLock, Alternatively, STatement',
or you can simply think of it as misspelled but nicer on the ears than
the eyes.

Announce: Rakudo Perl 6 development release #21 (Seattle)

2009-09-17 Thread jerry gay
On behalf of the Rakudo development team, I'm pleased to announce
the September 2009 development release of Rakudo Perl #21 Seattle.
Rakudo is an implementation of Perl 6 on the Parrot Virtual Machine [1].
The tarball for the September 2009 release is available from .

Due to the continued rapid pace of Rakudo development and the frequent
addition of new Perl 6 features and bugfixes, we recommend building Rakudo
from the latest source, available from the main repository at github.
More details are available at

Rakudo Perl follows a monthly release cycle, with each release code named
after a Perl Mongers group.  September 2009 is code named Seattle for the
enthusiasm they have shown for Perl 6 during monthly meetings, and the
feedback, encouragement and support given me for the past several years.

Since the 2009-08 release, Rakudo Perl builds from an installed
Parrot instead of using Parrot's build tree.  This release of Rakudo
requires Parrot 1.6.0.  For the latest information on building and
using Rakudo Perl, see the README file section titled Building and
invoking Rakudo.  (Quick note: the --gen-parrot option still
automatically downloads and builds Parrot as before, if you prefer
that approach.)

Also, unlike previous versions of Rakudo Perl, the perl6
(or perl6.exe) executables only work when invoked from the
Rakudo root directory until a make install is performed.
Running make install will install Rakudo and its libraries
into the Parrot installation that was used to build it, and then
the executables will work when invoked from any directory.

Some of the specific major changes and improvements occuring
with this release include:

* Rakudo is now passing 15,497 spectests, an increase of 3,128
  passing tests since the August 2009 release.  With this release
  Rakudo is now passing 71.5% of the available spectest suite.

* Rakudo now supports contextual variables.

* Rakudo now supports the rational (Rat) data type.

* Rakudo now supports overloading of many of the builtin operators,
  many of which are now defined in the core setting.  Many have
  also been improved to be more faithful to the specification
  with respect to types and coercions.

* Substantially improved support for trait handling.  Most of the
  built-in traits are now defined in the core setting.

* The %*ENV variable now works properly for modifying the process environment.

Since the Perl 6 specification is still in flux, some deprecated features
have been removed from Rakudo. Prominently among those are:

 * '=$handle' is deprecated in favor of '$handle.get' (one line)
   and '$handle.lines' (all lines).

 * 'int $obj' is deprecated in favor of '$obj.Int'.

The development team thanks all of our contributors and sponsors for
making Rakudo Perl possible.  If you would like to contribute,
see , ask on the
mailing list, or ask on IRC #perl6 on freenode.

The next release of Rakudo (#22) is scheduled for October 22, 2009.
A list of the other planned release dates and codenames for 2009 is
available in the docs/release_guide.pod file.  In general, Rakudo
development releases are scheduled to occur two days after each
Parrot monthly release.  Parrot releases the third Tuesday of each month.

Have fun!

[1]  Parrot,

Parrot 1.6.0, half-pie Released!

2009-09-15 Thread jerry gay
On behalf of the Parrot team, I'm proud to announce Parrot 1.6.0
half-pie. Parrot ( is a virtual machine aimed
at running all dynamic languages.

Parrot 1.6.0 is available on Parrot's FTP site, or follow the
download instructions at  For those who
would like to
develop on Parrot, or help develop Parrot itself, we recommend using Subversion
on the source code repository to get the latest and best Parrot code.

Parrot 1.6.0 News:
- Functionality
  + Added a fixed-size structure allocator to the Garbage Collector
  + Added a lazy mode to the PObj and Fixed-Size memory allocators
  + Added a profiling runcore, which generates Callgrind-compatible output
  + Added lexical subsystem opcodes: find_dynamic_lex, store_dynamic_lex
  + Converted Contexts to garbage-collectable PMC structures
  + Created a new Context API
  + Enhanced the PMC allocator to automatically allocate ATTR structures
- Performance
  + Optimized opcodes to cache the current Context for subsequent lookups
  + Reduced string comparisons in VTABLE_isa
- Maintenance and cleanup
  + Began proper encapsulation of STRING API
  + Unified all PMC destruction functions
  + Unified Continuation PMC and Parrot_cont structure
  + Unified Sub PMC and Parrot_sub structure
  + Removed PMC_EXT structure
  + Removed PMC_Sync from PMC
  + Removed UnionVal from PMC structure
- Bugfix
  + Fixed several stack-walking bugs in Garbage Collector code
  + Fixed bug when copying a NULL STRING, now returns empty STRING struct
- Tests
  + Converted several Perl5 tests to PIR
  + Expanded test coverage of NameSpace PMC
- Compilers
  + Made Parrot Compiler Toolkit available in the base install

Many thanks to all our contributors for making this possible, and our sponsors
for supporting this project.  Our next scheduled release is 20 October 2009.


Re: S26 - The Next Generation

2009-08-19 Thread jerry gay
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 11:03, Kyle wrote:
 Perl 5 programmers are sometimes surprised to find that 'perl -c' can execute code.  Imagine their surprise to find that
 'perl6doc' does too.

this is why it's spelled 'perl6 --doc', which should give you some
hint that you're running the compiler, just as 'perl -c' does, and
'perldoc' doesn't.

Re: Logo considerations

2009-03-23 Thread jerry gay
On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 09:22, Richard Hainsworth wrote:
 Hats off to the designer of the gimel symbol - the associations with anarchy
 are probably right for perl6. But to be honest, a letter didnt quite inspire
 me. Since, I dont want to criticize without providing other ideas, here are
 some thoughts.

 Logos can contain meaning. I am not sure whether the Camel was chosen for a
 meaning, or because it was something to put on a book cover.

 But one could say, it is an animal that goes into a desert where no others
 can. Sort of going where no one has gone before.

 There seem to be a lot of animals attached to software things, such as a
 camel, but also a penguin and a parrot.

 So how about choosing another animal for perl6?

 My choice would be a lion, perhaps one lazing in the sun. The meaning that
 it is lazy, but it has raw power when it needs, and is the king of the

 Alternatively, if we stay away from animals, then how about something to do
 with parallelism, or super-positioning, or even a strange attractor, since
 perl6 can be strange and yet it is attractive.

there have been plenty of good ideas and it's great to see an open
discussion on this topic.  however, since it hasn't been mentioned
before, know that the camel, in relation to perl, is the sole property
of o'reilly.  this is why tpf doesn't use the camel--instead it uses
an onion.  i'm interested to see what comes out of this discussion,
but a camel isn't an option.


Re: r25745 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2009-03-09 Thread jerry gay
On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 10:16, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 08, 2009 at 09:43:17AM +0100, 
 =item * ws

 Match whitespace between tokens.

 =item * space

 Match a single whitespace character. Hence C ws  is equivalent to C 
 space+ .

 The definitions of ws and space above are incorrect, or at least
 misleading.  ws matches required whitespace between pairs of word
 characters; it's optional whitespace otherwise.  The default definition
 of ws is something like:

    token ws { ?before \w ?after \w ! || \s* }

 It's certainly _not_ the case that ws is equivalent to space+ .

 To make things a bit quicker for people writing custom versions of
 ws (which may need to include comment whitespace), the Parrot
 Compiler Toolkit also provides an optimized ww rule that matches
 only between a pair of word characters.  Then the default definition
 of ws becomes

    token ws { !ww \s* }

 Grammars can change this to things like:

    token ws { !ww [ \s+ || '#' \h* \n ]* }

if you need a mnemonic to help you remember what 'ww' means, use 'within word'.

this reminds me that pge's ww may be incorrect in its treatment of
apostrophe.  these characters (['-] by default) are word
characters, but i don't think that's been tested, and i don't think
it's been implemented, either.


Re: Google's Summer of Code 2009

2009-03-01 Thread jerry gay
On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 17:26, Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson wrote:
 Google has announced this year's Summer of Code[1]. The Perl
 Foundation accepted one project (mentored by Moritz) related to Perl 6
 last year[2]. I was wondering if there are any developers interested
 in mentoring students on Perl 6-related projects this year. I for one
 would like to apply (as a student) for some Perl 6 work.


i'm glad your interest is building, based on last year's successes.
this year, the perl foundation will again apply as a mentoring
organization for google summer of code.  leading the effort will be
jonathan leto, one of last year's mentors, stepping up to fill eric
wilhelm's role as organization administrator.  like last year, tpf
will encourage applications for both perl 5 and perl 6 projects, and
parrot projects as well (as long as they're perl-related).

last year, if i recall correctly, 44 mentors applied for tpf, and 25
student applications were received (of which 16 met the tpf standard
for acceptance).  google allocated 6 slots to tpf, and 5 projects were
completed.  this year, i expect more organizations and more students
will apply, and i know both fewer organizations and fewer students
will be accepted into the program.  if the perl foundation is accepted
again (i have high hopes), you should know that the perl community is
extremely generous.  i have no doubt tpf will again see more
volunteers show interest in mentoring students than students
applicants, and i expect there will be many more project applications
than acceptances.

stay tuned for more info, as tpf is just starting up the hype machine.
 until that gets going, you might start looking at last year's
projects page [1] for previous ideas, and if you're really serious,
you can start working on your proposal.  expect this year's standard
for acceptance to be similar to last year's, and expect the
competition to be greater.



Re: RFD: Built-in testing

2009-01-23 Thread jerry gay
On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 12:37, Dave Whipp wrote:
 I could also imagine writing code that reads from an Sqlite database, and
 imposes that info onto the test. Whatever mechanism is used, I think we need
 a language-defined mechanism to supply a stable unique identifier for each
 test, so that it can be individually tracked and manipulated. Perhaps is
 only is the wrong way to implement the action-at-a-distance, but it does
 seem better (IMO) than a preprocessor.

i don't understand the drive to have unique test identifiers. we don't
have unique identifiers for every code statement, or every bit of
documentation. why are tests so important/special/different that each
warrants a unique id? that aside, this functionality sounds like it
can be encapsulated in a module, if desired. as it stands, i can't see
a reason reason it *has to* be made available in the core.

as a recap, the discussions larry, patrick, moritz and i (and others,
i'm sure) had on this topic long ago led to agreement that the most
important characteristics for a portable specification test suite

~ the tests should be organized in such a way that it makes it easy to
figure out to what bit of spec is under scrutiny
  (addressed by directory/filename standardization and smartlinks)
~ the test files mustn't be cluttered with code that implementations need ignore
  (comments are used, which are by default ignored, and can be
preprocessed to customize the test for each implementation)
~ the skip/todo markers should be as close to the relevant tests as
possible, so they're less likely to fall out-of-sync
  (the markers are in comments in the test file, directly above the tests)

it's my view that spec tests should be easy to maintain for developers
of multiple implementations, and uniqueness is an overly burdensome

Re: RFD: Built-in testing

2009-01-22 Thread jerry gay
On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 09:22, Moritz Lenz wrote:
 Richard Hainsworth wrote:
 But it is interesting to think about the case where a user wants two
 different diagnostic test messages (to all the testing gurus out there:
 do you actually want such a feature?). It shouldn't be too hard to do;
 maybe just  :OK('True message', 'False message')?


  $x == $y :ok('message') :nok('failure message')


  $x == $y
:ok({ .true ?? 'message' !! 'failure message' })
:diag( 'tap comment', :some_tap_propertysome values)

to handle success and failure messages, and set custom diagnostic info
in the tap stream. that is, as long as the result of the comparison is
available in $_ to the :ok adverb.


Re: r24846 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2009-01-09 Thread jerry gay
On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 13:16, Eirik Berg Hanssen wrote: writes:

 +C--prelude=Perl6-autoloop-no-print.  Since eager matching is used, if you
 +need to pass something like:

 +  ++foo -bar ++foo baz ++/foo ++/foo

 +you'll end up with
 +  %+OPTSfoo = '-bar ++foo baz';

  That doesn't look very eager to me.

it's eager for the match to close, which is the opposite of greedy
matching. in perl 5 documentation, it's called non-greedy. for use
and explanation of the terminology, see

Re: r24846 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2009-01-09 Thread jerry gay
On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 14:26, Eirik Berg Hanssen wrote:
 jerry gay writes:

 On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 13:16, Eirik Berg Hanssen wrote:
  That doesn't look very eager to me.

 it's eager for the match to close, which is the opposite of greedy
 matching. in perl 5 documentation, it's called non-greedy. for use
 and explanation of the terminology, see

  If that's now the case, that's unfortunately confusing.  In other
 contexts, eagerness is leftmost (eager for matching to start, if
 you like), which is orthogonal to greed:

# Perl Cookbook illustration of eagerness, expanded to demonstrate
# that the non-greedy case is equivalent:
$string = 'good food';
if ($greedy) {
  $string =~ s/o*/e/;  # 'egood food'
else {
  $string =~ s/o*?/e/; # 'egood food'

  Why not stick to non-greedy, if that's what you mean?  Surely
 that's not ambiguous?

i agree the wording isn't clear here, but it is consistent with the
current design language. i don't want to define something with a
negative, so i purposefully did not use non-greedy. i'll bring it up
at the next design meeting, so the linguists can weigh in.

Re: r24711 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2009-01-02 Thread jerry gay
On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 03:30, Darren Duncan wrote: wrote:

 --name  :name
 --name=spacy value:name«'spacy value'»
 --name='spacy value':name«'spacy value'»
 --name=val1,'val 2',etc :name«val1 'val 2' etc»
 +-n :name
 +-n=value   :namevalue
 +-n=spacy value   :name«'spacy value'»
 +-n='spacy value'   :name«'spacy value'»
 +-n=val1,'val 2',etc:name«val1 'val 2' etc»
   --name :name# only if declared Bool
 --name=value   :namevalue # don't care

 Is that right?  Should the right column example not also be shortened to :n
 ?  I thought the single-dash names only allowed a single character in a name
 on purpose, since multiple chars after a - were multiple options. -- Darren

yes, it's right. options have both long and short names.
perhaps you missed the change to the paragraph above:

+Assuming C-n is the shortname for C--name,

that reads short name (two words) as of r24732.

if you want to set Cn to Cvalue, use C--n=value.

Re: r24737 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2009-01-02 Thread jerry gay
On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 09:27, Geoffrey Broadwell wrote:
 On Fri, 2009-01-02 at 17:08 +0100, wrote:
 +=head2 Synopsis
 +  multi sub perl6(
 +Bool :a($autosplit),
 +Bool :c($check-syntax),
 +Bool :$doc,
 +:$execute-lax,  #TODO fix illegal -e6 syntax. -6? not legal. -x? hrmm
 +Bool :F($autoloop-split),
 +Bool :h($help),
 +#TODO -M,
 +Bool :n($autoloop-no-print),
 +:O($output-format) = 'exe',
 +:o($output-file) = $*OUT,
 +Bool :p($autoloop-print),
 +Bool :T($taint),
 +Bool :v($version),
 +Bool :V($verbose-config),
 +  );

 I find this a little difficult to skim, because parallel things are not
 aligned.  Aligning on ':' should make things much easier on the eyes:

 multi sub perl6(
Bool :a($autosplit),
Bool :c($check-syntax),
Bool :$doc,
Bool :F($autoloop-split),
Bool :h($help),
 #TODO -M,
Bool :n($autoloop-no-print),
 :O($output-format) = 'exe',
 :o($output-file)   = $*OUT,
Bool :p($autoloop-print),
Bool :T($taint),
Bool :v($version),
Bool :V($verbose-config),

thanks, done.

 Ah, that's a bit better.  Looking at the above, is $execute-lax supposed
 to be a boolean, or is it really a generic scalar?  It's also not
 obvious what a boolean named $doc does -- which probably means either
 that it's not supposed to be a boolean, or it needs a somewhat more
 descriptive long name (or both).

--execute-lax is gone, since -e6 is just an idiomatic shortcut for
--execute '6', which is outlined in Synopsis 11.

 Also, in Perl 5 taint is tri-valued, because it has a warnings-only
 mode.  How will that be supported by Perl 6?

well, perl 5 uses two flags for this, and i'm as yet undecided what to
do about argument is that i should keep the syntax from perl 5
consistent where possible. another argument is that taint warnings
mode is relatively unused (and for development only) so doesn't
deserve its own flag. maybe -t goes away, and -T takes a param that
defaults to CTaintException but can be set to something like
CTaintException does Resumable.

 Finally, how do the defaults of $output-file and $output-format interact
 so that the default behavior remains compile-and-execute?  Changing the
 default to compile-to-exe seems unperlish to me 

i've gotten rid of default values for these options. they're strictly
implementation-dependent. the syntax exists to allow rakudo to emit
pbc files, and pugs to emit javascript, and i think is flexible enough
for other implementations. maybe i'll remove them entirely, since they
are implementation-dependent and can be done with ++metasyntax.

in any case, the default behavior of perl 6 is unchanged from perl 5,
which is compile-and-execute.


Re: r24737 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2009-01-02 Thread jerry gay
On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 11:24, Geoffrey Broadwell wrote:
 Thank you for the quick turnaround!

 On Fri, 2009-01-02 at 10:55 -0800, jerry gay wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 09:27, Geoffrey Broadwell wrote:
  It's also not
  obvious what a boolean named $doc does -- which probably means either
  that it's not supposed to be a boolean, or it needs a somewhat more
  descriptive long name (or both).

 I think this is the only remaining item you had not yet responded to --
 er, unless I missed it.

oh, yes, whoops! i responded to someone else in #pugs earlier, and
forgot to address the item here. Cperl6 --doc replaces p5's
Cperldoc (that's the latest idea from damian, although it seems not
to be published yet).

the most likely short names, C  -d -o -c   are all taken by
either p5 or p6 command-line. i don't want to use C-d, because that
has to do with the debugger in p5, so makes it harder for p6 to catch
accidental usage. C--doc probably warrants a short name, since it
will be called frequently--i hope, reducing irc traffic :) but i
haven't decided on a good name yet. i'm open to suggestions.


Re: 6PAN Spec question

2008-12-18 Thread jerry gay
On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 05:45, Mark Overmeer wrote:
 * Daniel Ruoso ( [081218 13:39]:
 Em Qui, 2008-12-18 às 13:08 +1100, Timothy S. Nelson escreveu:
  My question is, what sort of information actually belongs in a final
  version of the 6PAN spec?  I'm assuming it will at least include 6PAN 
  format (layout, metadata, etc), and I'd suggest that it also include the
  layout of packages on the 6PAN server.

   2) How source packages are uploaded, indexed, mirrored, searched,
  downloaded etc (6PAN/CPAN6)

 If you understand my explanation of CPAN6, then you certainly must be
 ware that 6PAN and CPAN6 have nothing to do with each other.  Please do
 not use them in combination.  It is as silly as saying TCP/Linux
there's a difference? that was never clear to me (but i haven't read any docs).
at best, they are incredibly, confusingly, similarly named.

Re: Perl6's RE(P)L

2008-12-18 Thread jerry gay
On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 11:51, Moritz Lenz wrote:
 Since Perl 5 has no REPL, I'm not sure where such a spec would go.  S20,
 maybe, since the debugger is the closest thing?

 or maybe S19, because it defines the console interface to the rest of
 the world. Or just pick a not-yet-used number, S34, and have fun with it ;-)

since i'm working on S19, i thought i'd speak up here. a spec for the
perl 6 repl is not covered under my S19 ian hague grant. therefore, i
have no plans to work on a repl spec in the short term. if it is
determined that S19 is an appropriate place for the repl spec (it just
might be), that shouldn't stop anybody from modifying that document.
it's in the pugs repository so the community can easily contribute,
after all.


Parrot 0.8.0, Pareto Principle released

2008-10-24 Thread jerry gay
On behalf of the Parrot team, I'm proud to announce Parrot 0.8.0
Pareto Principle. Parrot ( is a virtual
machine aimed at running all dynamic languages.

Parrot 0.8.0 is available via CPAN, or follow the download
instructions at  For those who
would like to develop on Parrot, or help develop Parrot itself, we
recommend using Subversion on the source code repository to get the
latest and best Parrot code.

Parrot 0.8.0 News:
- Implementation
  + float precision expanded to 15 significant digits from 6
  + large integers autopromoted in PIR so as not to lose precision
  + improved precision of complex square root
  + exception handlers can register types of exceptions they catch
- Languages
  + Cardinal (Ruby)
- implemented gather, take, and yield builtins
- Range, Time, Math, GC, Kernel classes
- many more tests
- added a new committer
  + Markdown : new lightweight markup language
- start implementation with PCT/NQP
  + partcl (Tcl 8.5.4)
- Moved to its own repository:
  + Rakudo (Perl 6)
- split() works with regexes
- implemented Str.comb
- ord() and chr() builtins
- improved parsing of literal numbers
- support for hyphens and dashes in identifiers
- next() on for-loops
- fixed floating point constant precision
- improved namespace handling, closer to model
- support for exporting symbols
- Compilers
  + P6object
- now generates classes in nested namespaces instead of :: names
- supports class creation in caller's HLL namespace
  + PCT / PGE
- now using true nested namespaces instead of :: names
- cleaned up HLLCompiler interactive prompts and readline mode
- updated to use typed exception handler registration
- added initial support for loop control exceptions
  + PIRC
- fixed Heredoc preprocessor
- cleaned up Macro preprocessor
- many code clean-ups, warning fixes and consting
- updated Makefile for easier compilation
  + IMCC
- Added .tailcall syntax to replace .return in tailcall context
- Examples
  + pirric (BASIC)
- an old style line numbered Basic interpreter able to use parrot objects
- example connecting to mysql via nci
- example using classes to write and run an embedded Basic program
- Documentation
  + Book
- Added chapters for PCT, PMCs, and Opcodes/Runcores
- Expanded and improved formatting in various chapters
- Renumbered chapters

Many thanks to all our contributors for making this possible, and our
sponsors for supporting this project.  Our next scheduled release is
18 Nov 2008.


Re: Parrot 0.8.0, Pareto Principle released

2008-10-24 Thread jerry gay
The undefined warnings are known, and due mainly to the tests not
being as carefully written as they should be. I believe there is a
ticket in the rt queue, but i'm not able to search it from my phone.
If nobody beats me to it, i'll point it out when i arrive at my destination.

On 10/24/08, Elyse M. Grasso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Friday 24 October 2008, jerry gay wrote:
 On behalf of the Parrot team, I'm proud to announce Parrot 0.8.0
 Pareto Principle. Parrot ( is a virtual
 machine aimed at running all dynamic languages.

 After an svn update and rebuild of parrot and rakudo, I ran 'make spectest'
 parrot/languages/perl6. Everything passed that wasn't skipped, but the tests
 threw a lot of warnings: mostly a lot of Use of uninitialized value, but I
 also saw one Undefined value shifted from empty range.

 Is this expected behavior? Or is there something wrong with my setup?

 Elyse Grasso and Technology   Divination and Science Fiction

Sent from Gmail for mobile |

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r14574 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2008-08-08 Thread jerry gay
On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 12:57 PM, Jon Lang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But are 'twas and -x valid identifiers?  IMHO, they should not be.

no, indeed they are not, because they don't start with underscore or
alpha. that's why they won't work.

Re: Catching exceptions with the // operator

2008-08-06 Thread jerry gay
On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 8:58 AM, Yaakov Belch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a little language that I wrote some time ago, I found it very useful to
 let the // operator catch exceptions:

 f(x) // g(y) does:
 * If f(x) returns a defined value, use this value.
 * If f(x) returns an undefined value, use the value of g(x) instead.
 * If f(x) throws an exception, catch and keep it in $!, use the value of g(x)
 * But don't catch exceptions of g(x).

 Similarly, f(x) // g(y) // h(z) catches exceptions of f(x) and of g(y)
 but not of h(z).

 I would like to suggest the same semantics for perl6.

 Let me explain why this is useful and why I think this is the right thing:
 First of all, it provides a very light-weight exception handling using
 well-known ideoms like:
  $file_content=read_file($filename) // $default_value;
  compute_statistics($data) // write_log_message(stats failed: $!);

 With the proposed change, these ideoms work whether the functions throw
 exceptions or not.

 But why should this be the right thing?  Obviously, // is the fallback
 or redundancy operator: Don't despair if the first computation doesn't
 produce a usable result --- we have another way of getting the job done.
 In this context, and exception conveys the same message as an undefined
 value: The first step failed.  You need to fall back to some other
 alternative or give up!  As the second expression provides exactly this
 other alternative, there is no need to jump out of the normal processing
 order anymore.

i don't think this will work for perl 6. since perl 6 has resumeable
exceptions (like Cwarn), the meaning of the C// operator could be
ambiguous. given the following statement,

  my $bill = ack() // thpp() // ppt();

with perl 6's current semantics, if Cack(), throws a resumable
exception that is handled in the current scope or an outer scope,
execution will resume before C// and the definedness of the result
from Cack() will be tested in order to determine whether or not to
call Cthpp().

using your semantics, if a resumable exception is thrown in Cack(),
C// will cause Cthpp() to be invoked immediately, discarding any
possible defined result from Cack(). also, the question arises that
if Cthpp() doesn't handle the type of exception thrown, should
Cppt() be called immediately, or only if Cthpp() returns an
undefined result? seems to me it would try to handle the exception
thrown by Cack(). so how do i signify that my exception has been
handled, and that i can now assign a default value to C$bill?

in my mind, this strays too far from the meaning of C// and adds
ambiguity that makes the operator unusable. perhaps there's room for
an operator that gives some sugar for

  my $bill = try { ack() CATCH { thpp() } };

but to me that code is concise enough that it doesn't warrant syntactic relief.

Re: step size of nums

2008-07-10 Thread jerry gay
2008/7/10 TSa [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Larry Wall wrote:
 Well, maybe 0 .. 10-ε or some such.

 This ε there is what I have as the .step method of nums
 in the thread The Inf type. That is $min..^$max is the
 same as $min..($max-$max.step). For Ints the .step is
 always 1. For Nums it depends on the number, that is the
 spacing of Nums is non-uniform but discrete like Ints.
 That is what I call non-uniform Ints in contrast to Rats
 which are dense and their operations ++ and -- are undefined
 unless one wants to jump through the diagonalized Rats
 with skipped duplicates: 1++ - 1/2, 1/2++ - 1/3, 1/3++
 - 2/3, 2/3++ - 1/4, 1/4++ - 3/4, etc.

 So, does it make sense to define ++ and -- for nums as
 $x++ meaning $x += $x.step? Or should these operators
 floor the value to an Int and step the result?

   my $x = 3.14;
   say $x; # num 4.14 or int 4?

   $x = 3.14159265358979323846e20;
   say $x; # int 314159265358979323847
   # or int 31415926535897931
   # or num 3.141592653589794e20 for 64bit float?

 The last two options above are because $x.step == 1e5.
 The exact value would need a float with 22 digits mantissa,
 i.e. a quad precision.

least surprise (to me) says ++ always increments by 1 for numeric
types. if you want to increment by ε, by all means create ε++ and ε--


Parrot 0.6.1 Bird of Paradise Released

2008-04-15 Thread jerry gay

On behalf of the Parrot team, I'm proud to announce Parrot 0.6.1
Bird of Paradise. Parrot ( is a virtual machine aimed
at running all dynamic languages.

Parrot 0.6.1 can be obtained via CPAN (soon), or follow the
download instructions at
For those who would like to develop on Parrot, or help develop
Parrot itself, we recommend using Subversion or SVK on the
source code repository to get the latest and best Parrot code.

Parrot 0.6.1 News:
- Specification
  + drafted pdd29_compiler_tools.pod
  + updated pdd28_character_sets.pod draft
  + updated pdd19_pir.pod draft
- Languages
  + c99: added independent C pre-processor
  + HQ9+: reimplemented with PCT
  + Lua:
. reimplementation with PCT, using PAST and POST
. behavior aligned wih 5.1.3
  + Rakudo:
. implemented basic I/O, including '$*IN', '$*OUT', '$*ERR', 'prefix:='
. implemented simple typing and runtime type checking
. added basic multi-method dispatch
. expanded named argument handling, including Pair and colonpairs
. added 'Whatever' and 'Capture' classes
. implemented 'handles' trait verb
. added 'loop' statement
. implemented 'given', 'when', 'for', 'while', 'until' statement modifiers
. implemented Hash methods '.keys' and '.values'
. fixed bug to get '.WHAT' working correctly
. initial implementation of 'eval'
- Compilers
  + NQP:
. created a bootstrapped build, see 'make boot'
. added 'infix:', 'infix:=', 'infix:', 'infix:=' relational operators
. added 'postfix:++', 'postfix:--' operators
  + PCT:
. added methods specifying default behaviors in PAST, reducing repeated code
. improved symbol table lookup
  + PGE:
. removed deprecated code including: P6Regex, P6Grammar, PAST-pm
- Miscellaneous
  + notable speedups during compilation and execution of parrot and HLLs
  + pdb (the parrot debugger) can now catch parrot exceptions
  + better detection of glibc and gettext during configuration
  + various bugfixes, code cleanups, deprecations, and coding standard fixes

Mahalo to all our contributors for making this possible, and our
sponsors for supporting this project.


Re: Nomenclature Question - BEGIN etc.

2008-04-10 Thread jerry gay
On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 10:31 PM, John M. Dlugosz
 Consider the words that may be used to introduce a block for a special
 purpose, like


  What do you call those?  They are not even special named blocks because
 that is not the block name (that already means something).

syntactically speaking,
groups them in statement_control, just like 'if' and 'for'.
semantically speaking, i don't have a clever or unique name for them,
other than what larry has already come up with.


Re: failure notice

2008-04-10 Thread jerry gay
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 11:23 AM, Larry Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On a larger question, I'm wondering if it's time to slush/freeze
  the Synopses as historical documents and put all spec effort into
  the new form (presumably as a wiki that knows how to serialize into
  a document).  I don't think we have the bandwidth to maintain multiple
  standard documents.  Well, okay, *I* don't have the bandwidth...

from the perspective of a language implementor, i believe that
formalization may be a benefit in the long term. however, it will
cause some short-term disruption with which i'd greatly appreciate

specifically, the spec test suite employs the use of smartlinks, which
are pod-like tags used to relate a set of tests to specific locations
in the synopses. modification of the spec format will require
modification of the spec test suite, and the coverage/reporting tools
(e.g. also, modification of the spec file type from
.pod to .odf will certainly add to the complexity of any tool
migration. as multiple implementations of the spec are now maturing,
these tools have become more important to judging the progress of any

also, as manager for the parrot and perl 6 projects under the perl
foundation umbrella for google summer of code (GSoC), i'd like to note
that there's a chance we'll have a student working on a project to
improve the perl 6 test suite. i expect this student to make good use
of today's existing tools, like, in the course of his
project. reformatting the spec documents will likely implement this
effort, and may lead to a failed project where the student will not be
compensated. i certainly don't want to see that happen. i'll know more
about whether or not this project has been accepted in the coming

i hope that the hackathons during the upcoming conference season will
be a place where folks can help us improve the spec test suite, and
that a spec document format change today will be disruptive. i'd love
to see folks helping out with migration to a new documentation format,
as well, but i think it's easier if we keep the current documents
up-to-date until the migration is considered complete.

i believe that if we put effort into migrating to a new format, while
keeping the current spec pod format as canon, and later (post-GSoC)
marking the current spec documents as historical, it will allow time
for implementation, documentation, and testing projects to move
forward during the traditionally busy summer months.


Parrot 0.4.16 Released

2007-09-18 Thread jerry gay
On behalf of the Parrot team, I'm proud to announce Parrot 0.4.16, A
Farewell to Alex. Parrot ( is a virtual
machine aimed at running all dynamic languages.

Parrot 0.4.16 can be obtained via CPAN (soon), or follow the download
instructions at For those who would
like to develop on Parrot, or help develop Parrot itself, we recommend
using Subversion or SVK on the source code repository to get the
latest and best Parrot code.

Parrot 0.4.16 News:
- Implementation:
 + Performed code review on every PMC
 + Modified PMC code generation to use Storable, reducing compile times
 + Added a makefile target to generate test coverage data of C sources
- Languages:
 + NQP: added lists, for loops, operators, comparison and
multiplicative operators
 + Announced Kea-CL, Kea Common Lisp, an ANSI Common Lisp implementation
   The repository is available at
- Documentation
 + PDD17 PMCs - draft approved, the design is complete
 + Added more PIR tutorials, see examples/tutorial/00_README.pod
- Miscellaneous:
 + Many bugfixes, enhancements, documentation, and coding standard updates
 + Deprecated PMC constants and other crufty syntax, see DEPRECATED.pod
 + Improved icc compiler compatibility for error line reporting

Thanks to all our contributors for making this possible, and our
sponsors for supporting this project.


Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r14449 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2007-09-06 Thread jerry gay
 @@ -1254,6 +1273,17 @@

  =item *

 +A leading C? indicates a positive zero-width assertion, and like C!
 +merely reparses the rest of the assertion recursively as if the C?
 +were not there.  In addition to forcing zero-width, it also suppresses
 +any named capture:
 +alpha # match a letter and capture in $alpha
 ++alpha# match a letter, don't capture
 +?alpha# much null before a letter, don't capture
 +=item *
  A leading C~~ indicates a recursive call back into some or all of
  the current rule.  An optional argument indicates which subpattern
  to re-use, and if provided must resolve to a single subpattern.


Re: Web Module (Was: Perl6 new features)

2007-06-22 Thread jerry gay

On 6/22/07, Chas Owens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Most of the time the policy is enacted by lower-case-l lazy sysadmins
who can't be bothered to type

perl -MCPAN -e install Foo::Bar

My normal route around them is to install the module into the home
directory of the user who is going to run the script, but I have had
difficulty with this before when it comes time to move to production:
Where is the code review for that code?.  My answer of where is the
code review for that (often open source) database install you just
did? doesn't tend to hold the weight I wish it did.  For some reason
binary blobs make some types of sysadmins feel all fuzzy and warm

so use the parrot back end and compile all the modules to bytecode.
oh, and you can merge the foreign module bytecode with the bytecode
for your application, so it's all one big happy binary file.

in fact, parrot will even provide a way to compile bytecode to a
native executable which contains parrot itself. there, now you've got
a proper binary with *zero* external requirements in the production
environment--it doesn't even need to have parrot installed.

at that point, i'd be surprised if the release engineers or sysadmins
even notice.

Re: Synopsis 26

2007-03-18 Thread jerry gay

On 3/18/07, Thom Boyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I never could find the Pod-to-XHTML'd version of S26 -- the document
attached to that email was S26.pod6, not S26.xhtml.

I don't want to bug Damian, because obviously he has enough of life
happening, as it were. But is the XHTML'd version of S26 available
anywhere? I haven't been able to find it, and I don't read POD as well
as all you perl veterans

alas, the pod parser has not yet been released. the only file format
of S26 is the canon, written by damian in perl 6 pod format, (or pod6,
or whatever it's called.)

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r13516 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2007-01-07 Thread jerry gay


+Matching against a CGrammar object will call the Ctop method
+defined in the grammar.  The Ctop method may either be a rule
+itself, or may call the actual top rule automatically.  How the
+CGrammar determines the top rule is up to the grammar, but normal
+Perl 6 grammars will default to setting top to the first rule in the
+original base grammar.  Derived grammars then inherit this idea of
+the top rule.  This may be overridden in either the base grammar or a
+derived grammer by explicitly naming a rule top, or defining your
+own top method to call some other rule.

 Matching against a CSignature does not actually bind any variables,
 but only tests to see if the signature Icould bind.  To really bind

top--an all lowercase reserved word? it just doesn't stand out. all
grammars i've seen and written so far have used all lower-case rule

if you're going to explicitly set a top rule, like a main sub, make it
all uppercase.

   grammar DerivedGrammar is BaseGrammar;
   rule TOP { ... }

that makes it more clear that something is special about that rule..

Re: Don't tell me what I can't do!

2006-10-02 Thread jerry gay

On 10/2/06, Jonathan Lang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm not used to programming styles where a programmer intentionally
and explicitly forbids the use of otherwise perfectly legal code.  Is
there really a market for this sort of thing?

use strict;

Re: Don't tell me what I can't do!

2006-10-02 Thread jerry gay

On 10/2/06, Aaron Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jonathan Lang wrote:
 I'm not used to programming styles where a programmer intentionally
 and explicitly forbids the use of otherwise perfectly legal code.  Is
 there really a market for this sort of thing?

use strict;

you're so twelve hours ago... :)

Re: Nested statement modifiers.

2006-09-01 Thread jerry gay

On 9/1/06, Trey Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated Fri, 1 Sep 2006, Paul Seamons writes:

 I'm not sure if I have seen this requested or discussed.

This was definitively rejected by Larry in 2002:

He has not revisited the issue in the several times it has come up since.

perhaps a sentence to that effect belongs in S04, which has no mention
of nested statement modifiers, for or against.

Re: Naming the method form of s///

2006-08-31 Thread jerry gay

On 8/31/06, Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 8/31/06, Juerd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Still, though, How would you specify :g? It doesn't make a lot of sense
 on rx// -- just like you can't use it with qr// in Perl 5.

It is a good point that it doesn't belong on the regex.  Perhaps:

$foo.subst(/bar/, baz, :g)

That seems to work, though the weight is at the front again.  Oh.

$foo.subst(:g, /bar/, baz)

i seem to recall

   $foo.subst(/:g bar/, baz)

is valid syntax already.

Re: clarifying the spec for 'ref'

2006-08-25 Thread jerry gay

On 8/25/06, Trey Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated Fri, 25 Aug 2006, Mark J. Reed writes:
 I think the justification for Luke's POV is the number of operations
 each class provides.   But my perspective agrees with Juerd -
 subclasses can remove functionality as well as adding it, and I
 definitely view constant as an add-on modifier, not a default that
 has to be overridden.

Can someone suggest some reading I can do to understand how that works?
I can't wrap my head around the idea of subclasses removing functionality.

perhaps trey meant subclasses can add constraints as well as
functionality instead of subclasses can remove functionality as well
as adding it.

just a guess.

designing a test suite for multiple implementations

2006-08-11 Thread jerry gay

recently, perl 6 development has taken the form of a multi-method
dispatch. that is, multiple implementations are under active
development. this includes pugs (in haskell,) v6 (in perl5,)
v6-Compiler (in perl6,) and perl6 (on parrot.)  hopefully, each of
these returns the same result, a working[1] perl6 implementation.

it makes sense for these implementations to share perl6 tests written
from the perl6 specification. it is also important for this to happen,
as it will help solidify the specification, allow implementations to
check results against each other, share new and corrected tests
easily, and be the canonical reference for answering questions about
the spec. it is also important that only perl6 specification tests be
shared; implementation-specific tests belong solely with the

few have ever created a test suite of this magnitude before--i
certainly haven't, and don't expect anyone will do it alone. the
overarching question i have is: how is an test suite targeted for
multiple implementations designed, developed, managed, and controlled?

i believe we can quickly address the developed question with the
word organically. tests will be added, changed, or removed as
needed. organization of tests in the suite will change over time as
refactoring of any large body of tests or code is inevitable. this is
the simple, practical solution we usually expect when working with

as for controlled, i expect restricted access to the test
repository, as a protected body of tests is important to more people
as soon as multiple implemenations are using it. providing a method of
submitting and applying patches will allow anyone the ability to
propose a new test for inclusion.

for managed, i have a few ideas. currently, the suite lives in the
pugs repo. this is a fine first approximation, but i believe it will
soon be time to move this suite[3]. the question is, should it be
moved into their own repository, or into the repo of the official
perl6 implementation (if such a beast will indeed exist,) or should it
live in some other place i haven't thought of yet? the options here
are limited, and i believe straightforward. it should be easy to come
to an agreement and take action.

i've left the designed question for last, because i think it's the
most difficult.  perl6 test suite has already taken steps towards
targeting multiple implementations. the suite has been designed with a
set of sanity tests, which are required to pass successfully in
order to run the perl6 Test module, which is written in perl6. this
allows the remainder of the suite's test files to be written in perl6,
making their representation independent of implementation. all the
perl6 implementations i've mentioned above use this test suite, and
pass some subset of the tests. this is a big win, and has allowed
newer implementations to grow quickly as the course has already been

but unsolved problems remain. perl has a long history of testing.
there are widely held beliefs on how to design and develop test
suites. simple rules, like keeping like tests together, using good
test descriptions, testing components in isolation, performing
integrated tests, and marking tests as todo() or skip() when not
working as expected.

this last testing rule i mentioned becomes somewhat problematic when
designing a test suite for use by multiple perl6 implementations. it
is obvious that some implementations of perl6 will not pass all tests,
and will need to mark certain tests as todo() and skip() in order to
run the suite successfully.

this is further complicated by the fact that perl6 is designed to be
executed in multiple platforms. therefore, a test may succeed for a
particular subset of implementations on a particular subset of
platforms per implementation, but fail elsewhere.

so, what should todo() information would look like, and where it
should go? it's a tough problem, because there's a lot of pain, and it
has to be shared somehow. if it's decided we are testing the
specification, we should design implementation-independent tests. from
this, it follows that implementation details (like todo()) should not
exist in the test. instead, todo() info would be contained in a config
file, or in a test harness, or by some other implementation-specific
method. this is not ideal, since changes to the shared test suite may
invalidate the todo() information in a particular implementation as
test numbers or descriptions change.

keeping todo info directly with the test means a particular
implementation has this information with the test (as is currently
best practice,) but it has it's downsides as well. test files become
crowded with todo() statements and conditional logic for
implementation- and platform-dependent todo()s. each time a new
implementation is updated, the shared test suite will be modified,
requiring (imo) unnecessary test suite changes.

i should point out that implementation-specific tests must exist, but
they must not be in a 

Re: designing a test suite for multiple implementations

2006-08-11 Thread jerry gay

On 8/11/06, Larry Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just to avoid repeating some of the discussion, here's a link to #perl6:,Monsel=110#l193

The discussion goes on and off for most of the rest of the page,
so you probably want to search for and highlight todo if you're
using firefox.

thanks for the link, i didn't know #perl6 was logged. for those of you
who may not know, on that channel i'm known as [particle].

Anyway, we thrashed the internal/external question pretty hard,
and the rough consensus was to leave todos with the tests for now,
but move to a todo() function that is easy to isolate, visually
if nothing else.  My own take on it is that we can just define the
official tests to be the parts outside of todo() calls for now.

that take seems to me like a particularly interesting form of
blindness. however, it is a blindness that we (perl6 language
implementors) would all share. using this definition, it seems we the
blind should all be able to eventually describe this official

But Jerry raises a lot of good questions that need to be answered over
the long haul.  Certainly by the time we have a real 6.0 we'll need to
have worked out the policy and polity issues.  For now, my gut feeling
is that we'll need at least four times as many tests as we have so far,
and rapid test development is best served by exercising the least amount
of control.  Trying to lock it down too early will simply stall the
process for most of the million monkeys who are currently writing tests.
Version control is our best friend here, at least for now.  Trouble
tickets are probably premature unless they're *very* lightweight.

true, my questions are mainly long haul. i agree that control to the
test repo should not *yet* be limited, so we can maintain our
(seemingly quickening) pace of perl6 development. i don't intend to
fix what isn't broken.

the timely questions are those related to design, and implementation
thereof. it is here where i hope suggestions like darren's (thanks!)
and those from others with test design experience can lend a hand.

Re: S04 - forbidden coding-style

2006-07-25 Thread jerry gay

On 7/25/06, Thomas Wittek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Bearing that in mind, would the eye-socket-burning

   return $foo
   IF $something;

 really be so bad?

Operators/reserved words should be lowercase. Period. ;)
I think that this would heavily break consistency, annoying new users.

perhaps this can be enabled with a pragma? i suggest Cuse PERL;
~jerry :)

Re: A note for test writers

2006-07-15 Thread jerry gay

On 7/15/06, Leopold Toetsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Please always verify test results, don't use the Parrot output of the test as
the expected output.
If you are implementing a new feature, write the *test first*.


PS from r13305:

@@ -1324,7 +1324,7 @@
set P2, 300 # .Integer
set P3, 246.246 # .Float
div P2, P2, P3
-   eq P2, 1, EQ4
+   .fp_eq( P2, 1.218293, EQ4)

300 / 246.246 just isn't 1 exactly

i'm pretty sure this was intended for p6i, not p6l, so i'm forwarding it there.

Re: grammar: difference between rule, token and regex

2006-06-02 Thread jerry gay

On 6/2/06, Rene Hangstrup Møller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am toying around with Parrot and the compiler tools. The documenation
of Perl 6 grammars that I have been able to find only describe rule. But
the grammars in Parrot 0.4.4 for punie and APL use rule, token and regex

Can someone please clarify the difference between these three types, and
when you should use one or the other?

i'm forwarding this to p6l, as it's a language question and probably
best asked there. that said, the regex/token/rule change is a recent
one, and is documented in S05

in particular, see the Regexes really are regexes now section, which
describes the differences. also, there are some recent threads on p6l
with regard to this topic, which you may find enlightening. you can
find these via google groups, or some other nntp archive.

[PATCH] S02 - add grammar / rule info to sigil list

2006-05-09 Thread jerry gay

i noticed a few things missing from the list of sigils. patch inline below.

Index: design/syn/S02.pod
--- design/syn/S02.pod  (revision 9154)
+++ design/syn/S02.pod  (working copy)
@@ -494,8 +494,8 @@
$   scalar
@   ordered array
%   unordered hash (associative array)
-   code
-::  package/module/class/role/subset/enum/type
+   code/rule/token/regex
+::  package/module/class/role/subset/enum/type/grammar
@@  multislice view of @

Within a declaration, the C sigil also declares the visibility of the

the 'postfix:::' operator

2006-05-09 Thread jerry gay

that's postfix ::, as mentioned in the Names section of S02.

There is no longer any special package hash such as %Foo::. Just
subscript the package object itself as a hash object, the key of which
is the variable name, including any sigil. The package object can be
derived from a type name by use of the :: postfix operator:


i don't see it anywhere in S03. probably should be, if it indeed
exists, method postfix.

Re: S05: Interpolated hashes?

2006-04-24 Thread jerry gay
On 4/24/06, Larry Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you want to reset to before the key for some reason, you can always
 set .pos to $KEY.beg, or whatever the name of the method is.  Hmm,
 that looks like it's unspecced.

.beg looks over-huffmanized to me. .begin is more natural to
english-speaking programmers, who have been using begin and end for
decades. if .beg will be used as .end's pair, i suggest this be kept
consistent, and BEGIN{} blocks be renamed as well.

BEGging the compiler to execute a block first is a mnemonic device,
but it doesn't work with the first example.