[PHP-DB] Re: Get ID of ROW when using aggregate functions

2009-04-10 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 03:00 09/04/2009, you wrote:

Message-ID: c8.a5.28416.3666c...@pb1.pair.com
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Reply-To: Ondrej Kulaty kopyto...@gmail.com
From: Ondrej Kulaty kopyto...@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 10:54:55 +0200
Subject: Get ID of ROW when using aggregate functions

INSERT INTO `test` (`id`, `name`, `company`, `sallary`) VALUES
(1, 'Jane', 'Microsoft', 1),
(2, 'Peter', 'Novell', 12000),
(3, 'Steven', 'Microsoft', 17000);

I want to select person from each company with a highest sallary.
I run this SQL:

SELECT id,name,company,MAX(sallary) FROM `test` GROUP BY company;

And result is:

id name company MAX( sallary )
1 Jane   Microsoft   17000
2 Peter  Novell12000

Why it returned Jane (id 1) as a person with highest sallary (17000) when
obviously Jane has sallary of 10 000?

Are you expecting a person to have more than one sallary ? Your 
example rows don't indicate that.

If the person is unique in this table, then you just need to order by salary :

SELECT id, name, company, sallary FROM `test` ORDER BY sallary DESC LIMIT 1;

If for some reason the person appears twice (perhaps you're paying 
them twice - I'd like their job please !) then

SELECT id, name, company, MAX(sallary) AS top_salary
FROM `test` GROUP BY sallary
HAVING sallary = top_salary;

You shouldn't really use LIMIT here though, because - though I didn't 
indicate it in the simple ORDER BY above, 2 people might have the 
same (top) salary of 17000 - rather than the person appearing twice, 
the salary appears twice (or more) and includes matching rows for the 
MAX() value.

If you're considering microsoft and novell, probably those values 
need at least another zero on the end, including stock options ;-)

It seems to me, if you intend the person to appear once, make the 
name column use a UNIQUE KEY. Since people will (eventually) have the 
same name, e.g 2x John Smiths or 2x Peters working at Novell, use 
some unique proxy for person, such as social security number or 
employee number + company, or similar.

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: php date/time zone

2009-03-19 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 04:57 19/03/2009, you wrote:

Message-ID: 49c1d0c8.30...@silverbackasp.com
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 12:57:44 +0800
From: Ron r...@silverbackasp.com
Subject: php date/time zone

Hi All,

I have a form where in a user will enter a time and choose a timezone.

based on those, i need to insert to db the time as the actual time 
on their timezone. how can i compute that on php? is it possible?

You can either do it in MySQL, by storing the UTC time of the action, 
and a timezone offset :


Or you could take Keith Devens approach and handle it in PHP :
http://keithdevens.com/weblog/archive/2004/Jul/28/Times.PHP.MySQL based on
http://keithdevens.com/weblog/archive/2004/Jul/15/MySQL.time previous post

To determine the users timezone *for* them, in the web page a little 
javascript would often be able to help set the timezone of a dropdown.
http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum13/3922.htm then either use that 
to select the selected option of a select / dropdown menu, or put 
it directly into a hidden field and trust that it's probably as right 
as you can get it.

The browser may also send header fields which could be used for this 
(in POST or PUT requests only) but it's not guaranteed or reliable either.

So the best approach would probably be to automatically set the 
timezone selection using javascript, but allow the user to modify it 
before posting the form

Cheers - Neil

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[PHP-DB] Re : Problem with PDO exceptions

2009-03-08 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

Message-ID: 49b2ce8f.1090...@theingots.org
Date: Sat, 07 Mar 2009 20:44:15 +0100
From: Daniel Carrera daniel.carr...@theingots.org


I have MySQL 5.1 and PHP 5.2. For some reason PDO is not throwing 
exceptions when I give it a broken SQL query. For example:

try {
$stmt = $db-prepare(SELECT * FROM foobar WHERE 1);
} catch(PDOException $e) {

In this example there is no table called 'foobar', so this should 
give an error. Yet, it doesn't.

When you create your DB connection $db, follow the connection line 
directly after with this :


The default is I believe PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT which is confusing to 
most people the first time.


Cheers - Neil 

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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: PDO buffered query problem

2009-02-24 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 13:40 24/02/2009, you wrote:

Message-ID: c4.82.23283.768e2...@pb1.pair.com
To: php-db@lists.php.net,php-gene...@lists.php.net
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 18:16:01 +
From: Stewart Duncan do...@gmx.net
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: PDO buffered query problem

Hi there,

I'm having some serious problems with the PHP Data Object functions. 
I'm trying to loop through a sizeable result set (~60k rows, ~1gig) 
using a buffered query to avoid fetching the whole set.
No matter what I do, the script just hangs on the PDO::query() - it 
seems the query is running unbuffered (why else would the change in 
result set size 'fix' the issue?).

Just for completeness in understanding - the 60k rows does not 
correspond to 1Gb data - that's for the full rows right ?
If not, that would imply your ID field below is ~18000 characters 
long which seems (cough) extreme !

If your ID field is still of substantial size, you could consider a 
surrogate key, eg an autoincrement integer to keep sizes small.

IMO, requiring 6 rows in a result set might indicate that your 
application is configured to do much of the work otherwise done by 
the DB. Without any specifics it's hard to say, but be sure you 
actually ~need~ to fetch all the rows instead of returning a more 
limited resultset by better specifying the SQL.

As one other poster noted, you *could* be reaching PHP's memory limit 
: It's not configured that high in default installs - often 2 or 8MB 
- and the script will terminate silently in that case, unless you 
have error_reporting(E_ALL) and/or error logging switched on in your 
application to debug this.

If it's a production server, you'll need to check the error logs, as 
you won't be displaying the errors to screen ( -right - ? ;-))

Finally - try to make sure you're running the mysqldnd MySQL client 
driver with a recent (PHP 5.3+) install with MySQL4.1


That tends to use 1/2 the memory as the resultset is only stored in 
one place rather than 2

Oh - and I imagine that is repro code, but check if you had code in 
the script prior to those isolated lines which doesn't close 
resultsets or release statement resources, to make sure you're not 
consuming and not releasing memory during the script execution.

On the MySQL side, if you're really returning large BLOBs and not the 
ID you specified below, read


One final top place to search for tips and ideas is always 
http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com (buy the book if you get the 
chance, it's excellent)

Cheers - Neil

Here is my code to reproduce the problem:

$Database = new PDO(

$rQuery = $Database-query('SELECT id FROM mytable');

// This is never reached because the result set is too large
echo 'Made it through.';

foreach($rQuery as $aRow) {

If I limit the query with some reasonable number, it works fine:

$rQuery = $Database-query('SELECT id FROM mytable LIMIT 10');

I have tried playing with PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE and using 
the PDO::prepare() and PDO::execute() as well (though there are no 
parameters in the above query), both to no avail.

Any help would be appreciated,


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[PHP-DB] Re: New Table Creation with PHP Variables

2008-12-30 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 12:43 29/12/2008, you wrote:

Message-ID: 008b1179ce594ebea03cb06480182...@dragon
From: Keith Spiller larent...@hosthive.com
To: php_db php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 17:39:08 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: New Table Creation with PHP Variables


I'm trying to join multiple tables to then create a new table from 
the query.  I've figured out that part, but some of the fields need 
to be evaluated and then compared to a php array to derive their 
data.  In this example I am trying to populate the field4 column 
(from the $product_name array) after evaluating the product_type 
value on each row.

CREATE TABLE $table[name]
SELECT field1, field2, field3,
IF(o.product_type='course', $product_name[$product_id], NULL) AS 
field4, field5, field6, field7

FROM table1 as a, table2 as o;

Is this possible?  Is there another way to accomplish this 
task?  Thanks for your help.


You can create one table from another by adding a 
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/select.htmlSELECT statement 
at the end of the 
TABLE statement:

CREATE TABLE new_tbl SELECT * FROM orig_tbl;

MySQL creates new columns for all elements in the 
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/select.htmlSELECT. For example:


HTHCheers - Neil

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Re: Re: [PHP-DB] Building WHERE SQL clauses

2008-09-16 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 03:46 16/09/2008, you wrote:

Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2008 18:33:04 +0100
From: Stephen Wellington [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mike Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED], php-db@lists.php.net
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Building WHERE SQL clauses

You probably want something like this:

SELECT * FROM chico as c, harpo as h WHERE c.operator = Bill OR c.operator =
Jessica OR h.operator = Bill OR h.operator =Jessica

With all due respect, I think that's going to be a cause of major 
pain. You should try it out with the example table structures below. 
I've added a PK which doesn't ovelap, so you can see the result 
columns from both tables numerically

It's going to end up doing a FULL JOIN on each row from chico which 
matches one of the 2 conditions, against the rows in harpo, which is 
definitely the wrong result here. I'm assuming the OP wants at most 
one row from either table which contains the other values from the 
table matching the result filter.

On later consideration (he didn't make clear what the desired result 
was) it could well be the UNION result he's after, if both tables 
really are identical in structure, as mentioned by the later message 
(unless that was yours ;-)

CREATE TABLE `chico` (
  `item` smallint(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `operator` char(32) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`item`)

-- Duplicate chico table structure exactly
CREATE TABLE `harpo` LIKE `chico`;

INSERT INTO `chico` (`item`, `operator`) VALUES (1, 'Bill'), (2, 'Jessica'),
(3, 'Dave'), (4, 'Clara'), (5, 'Ally'), (6, 'Josh'), (9, 'Mark'), 
(10, 'Sophie');

INSERT INTO `harpo` (`item`, `operator`) VALUES (13, 'Mark'), (14, 
'Sophie'), (15, 'Bill'), (16, 'Jessica');

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] Re: Sqlite 3 pdo update query problem

2008-08-20 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 09:15 20/08/2008, you wrote:

Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 09:08:42 +0100

I've managed to connect to my database, and run a select query, but
now I need to run an UPDATE query and it just doesn't seem to take

Things I'd try or check presuming the DB file it exists and returns 
rows from the SELECT :

(1) Ensure the SQLite DB file is not set to read-only in the 
filesystem, which will prevent UPDATE
(2) Echo out the $sql line below on each iteration, to ensure it 
contains what you intend, and not unclosed quotes

(3) Set $sesdb-setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);

Step 3 should make your code barf when it can't execute a query and 
immediately indicate the problem.
For some reason, PDO seems to default to silent errors at least when 
using the SQLite interface

Cheers - Neil

$sesdb = new PDO('sqlite:file.sqlite3');

ZCategory != 14;

$statement= $sesdb-query($query);

foreach ($result as $product) {
$prodqty = $product[1];





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[PHP-DB] Re: Query Across DBMS Boundaries (Linked Database Servers?)

2008-03-21 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 14:12 21/03/2008, you wrote:

Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 11:05:22 -0500
To: php-db@lists.php.net
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Re: Query Across DBMS Boundaries (Linked Database Servers?)

Wow!  I just found the Federated Storage Engine.

It's not in our SHOW ENGINES though.

I still welcome comments.

You need MySQL MaxDB version (at least on windows), which is 
precompiled using --with-federated-storage-engine
That article doesn't state it, and I think I had to stumble across 
this in the Federated engine discussion forum @ MySQL

It's a very useful storage type, particularly if you have a lot of 
records with recent records (eg last 1 month) online, and a bunch 
compressed or as ARCHIVE tables on a near-line storage server for 
your older data (eg older than 1 month)

Cheers - Neil

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[PHP-DB] RE: ordering date in varchar

2008-03-13 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 14:05:39 +0530
From: Vaibhav Informatics [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We have a problem. We have given the dates as date.month.year eg 27.12.2007
The field is named as varchar. We have to arrange ths list of dates in
ascending order. Can anyone help? Varchar arranges the list by scanning from
left side. Perhaps scanning from right side will do. How to do it?

OK I'll take this one too then ;-)

You're right that ORDER BY will treat that as a string, so the 
ordering will be broken.
There are 2 options I can think of to handle this without changing 
the table structure :

One is to split up the string, then re-join it and ORDER BY that as a 
calculated column,


SUBSTRING(datefield, 7, 4),
SUBSTRING(datefield, 4, 2),
SUBSTRING(datefield, 1, 2)
) AS dateresult FROM yourdatabase
ORDER BY dateresult ASC

The other is to cast it to a DATE type using STR_TO_DATE, then order by that :

SELECT STR_TO_DATE(`datefield`, '%d.%m.%Y') AS dateresult FROM test
ORDER BY dateresult ASC

TBH though, you have a big headache here because none of that is 
going to be amenable to indexing.

If you end up with several thousand rows after the WHERE statement 
(eg you select all rows) then the performance is going to be 
dreadful. MySQL will have to build a temporary table to hold the 
ordering - it'll do it in memory at first, then to disk if the 
resultset is too large (which is *really* bad for performance).

Your best option if you have any control over the table schema at 
all, is to LOCK TABLES to avoid unintended changes, then create a new 
column perhaps using STR_TO_DATE as above to populate a proper MySQL 
DATE type column.

Modify your application (PHP) script to do the strung 
munging/rearranging on input, so that's a job you only have to do once.

Now you should add an index to the DATE column to get reasonable 
performance if this is a highly trafficked table in which you intend 
to order by the date field a lot.

Cheers - Neil 

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[PHP-DB] Re:Multiple values in SELECT query

2008-03-10 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 19:34 09/03/2008, you wrote:

From: Ron Piggott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2008 15:34:05 -0400

What is the correct syntax for where the results may be 1 or 2?  What
have I done wrong?

SELECT * FROM table WHERE name LIKE ABC AND listing_type = 1 or 2

C'mon Ron, this is basic SQL. The query you provided would have given 
all rows where name was like 'abc', listing type was 1, then returned 
all rows because `OR 2` results in a value of 'true' which matches 
everything (you could also have written OR 2 = 2 with the same effect)

SELECT * FROM table WHERE name LIKE ABC AND (listing_type = 1 OR 
listing_type = 2);

SELECT * FROM table WHERE name LIKE ABC AND listing_type IN (1, 2);

Now I've spoon fed you, please read the manual on Operator 
Precedence which explains how to combine stuff like this so you 
don't get the wrong result 
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/operator-precedence.html : To 
override this order and group terms explicitly, use parentheses 
(first query above)

Cheers - Neil  

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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Ordering a varchar field in mysql

2007-12-04 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 09:44 04/12/2007, you wrote:

Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2007 11:12:40 +0530
From: Vaibhav Informatics [EMAIL PROTECTED]

*Questions on PHP*

On PHP, OK sure

In one of our tables, one of the field is acc_no, we had given the data type
as varchar, since it could take any alpha-numeric values. In viewing this,

Oh, wait on *MySQL* (or some other database) ? You said on PHP above...
You really should specify which database in that case.

we used 'order by acc_no.' The sequence of  records shown was
1,10,100,1000,A1, A10, A100, etc. whereas we want the sequence to be
1,2,3,4,etc. for all the numeric values followed by alpha-numeric values A1,
A2, A3, etc.

Can someone please give us the code for this type of ordering?

In MySQL : 

SELECT acc_no FROM your_table ORDER BY acc_no + 0 ASC

In PHP : http://uk3.php.net/natcasesort


The MySQL version possibly has a collation issue in some character 
sets, so you'd have to check the results in whatever collation you've 
declared on that column. You might have to use iconv() in PHP to make 
sure natcasesort works in the expected manner with non ISO-8859-1 or 
UTF-8 character sets.

Cheers - Neil 

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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Accessing last inserted record in a PSQL Database table

2007-11-27 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 23:50 26/11/2007, you wrote:

Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 18:19:07 -0600

I need to access the last inserted record in a postgresql database table
from php. I connect to the db using pg_connect
I construct the query string, and I use pg_query to send the query. I get
the record inserted, of course. One of the fields,
which is my primary key,  is an autoincrement field. I need to fetch this
value. Any idea? I would really apreciate your helping me.

SELECT primary_key_name FROM database_table ORDER BY primary_key_name DESC

Just use whatever cursor or LIMIT you can in Postgres to get a single record.
If it's autoincrement, then the last record ordered in descending 
order is, the last record ;-)

Cheers - Neil 

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: backup of database record before update

2007-11-01 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 09:46 01/11/2007, you wrote:

Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 10:45:57 +0100

Leo G. Divinagracia III wrote:

Stephen Sunderlin wrote:


Have you had success with triggers.  I couldn't get one to work and
then saw discussion ...


... on a 5.0.20nt box.

one thing i read recently is triggers and stored procedures do use
more system resources though...

Why depend on different MySql infrastructures, while you can easily 
implement a perfect fit for your needs in a PHP routine?

Because it's the job of the database to implement data access, 
referential integrity and storage.
It's the job of the PHP code to manage business and application 
logic, and some data sanitisation.
Finally, it's the job of the templating engine / output layer to 
manage actual display of content.

I tend to try to move as much as possible to the Database, because 
it's often running on a separate machine or cluster.

That frees up resources on the web servers to get and send data as 
quickly as possible, rather than have it spending all day 
constructing SQL strings and managing stuff the great engineers at 
MySQL have already invented to make my life simpler ;-)

TBH it *oughtta* be much faster than having PHP do that, since (a) 
you're saving the roundtrip of the query to the DB from the web 
server and (b) the trigger query will probably end up quite rapidly 
in MySQL query cache on the DB in most cases.

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] Re: Dealing with Namespace/Colon in SimpleXML

2007-10-30 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 06:57 28/10/2007, you wrote:

From: Andrew Darby [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello, all.  I'm trying to use SimpleXML to loop through an .xml file,
but when I try to do the following, it chokes on the colon:

foreach ($xml_data-dc:title as $item) {

[do whatever here]


The element in the XML has a colon in it, i.e.,

dc:titleInteresting Book/dc:title

Anybody know how to deal with this? I must be missing something obvious

Yes, but only slightly. The Zend site has a good article on setting 
SimpleXML to handle the namespaced nodes :


NB this is really a database mailing list from the point of view of 
PHP, you might need to consider an XML list in future ;-)

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] Re: backup of database record before update

2007-10-30 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 06:57 28/10/2007, you wrote:

Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 14:56:12 +0800
From: Ronald Wiplinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I need some hints how to do that. Maybe there is a template or an 
easy function available.

I have a MySQL database with some tables. Everytime a table record 
changes, I want also put the old record to a history database.
The history table and the original only differs that the key of the 
original will be just a field in the backup, while the new key is 
now the UNIX time stamp.

How can I do that easy?

Easy is to set a MySQL5 trigger which does the Insert on update :

eg (from the manual page) :


INSERT INTO test2 SET a2 = NEW.a1;
DELETE FROM test3 WHERE a3 = NEW.a1;
UPDATE test4 SET b4 = b4 + 1 WHERE a4 = NEW.a1;

HTHCheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: union/select statement number of columns

2007-10-21 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 19:31 19/10/2007, you wrote:

Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 09:24:38 -0600
Subject: union/select statement  number of columns

Hello all, I receive an error of the following: The used SELECT
statements have a different number of columns. Any help, pointers,
tutorials are appreciated.

That's *completely* wrong SQL for what you're trying to do. Reading 
between the lines (you didn't say what you *really* want to do), you 
seem to want one order_item row and the details about its order for 
each order item. Your query needs to be :

SELECT orders.*, order_items.*
FROM orders LEFT JOIN order_items
ON orders.order_id = order_items.order_id

UNION is completely the wrong thing here - it can only compare 
identical things, you're trying to join together two different data 
columns (order, and order_items details)

Cheers - Neil

Here are the two tables structure I am trying to pull from:
Table 1
mysql describe orders;
| Field  | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| id | int(255) | NO   | PRI | | auto_increment |
| ordernum   | int(10)  | NO   | | ||
| date   | varchar(60)  | NO   | | ||
| time   | varchar(20)  | NO   | | ||
| group  | varchar(20)  | NO   | | ||
| purpose| varchar(255) | NO   | | ||
| tracking   | varchar(120) | NO   | | ||
| contact| varchar(255) | NO   | | ||
| eta| varchar(50)  | NO   | | ||
| department | varchar(125) | NO   | | ||
| notes  | varchar(255) | NO   | | ||
11 rows in set (0.01 sec)

Table 2
mysql describe order_items;
| Field   | Type  | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| id  | int(11)   | NO   | PRI | | auto_increment |
| ordernum| int(124)  | NO   | | ||
| quantity| int(124)  | NO   | | ||
| description | varchar(124)  | NO   | | ||
| price   | decimal(10,0) | NO   | | ||
| partnum | varchar(255)  | NO   | | ||
| vendor  | varchar(255)  | NO   | | ||
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

And here is the statement I am using (PHP):
$query = ( SELECT * FROM `orders` WHERE ( `ordernum` LIKE $var\ OR
`purpose` LIKE \$var\ OR `tracking` LIKE \$var\ OR `contact` LIKE
\$var\ OR `date` LIKE \$var\ OR `time` LIKE \$var\ OR `eta` LIKE
\$var\ OR `department` LIKE \$var\ OR `notes` LIKE \$var\ ) AND
`group` = \$group\ ) UNION ( SELECT * FROM `order_items` WHERE (
`ordernum` LIKE \$var\ OR `price` LIKE \$var\ OR `partnum` LIKE
\$var\ OR `vendor` LIKE \$var\ OR `quantity` LIKE \$var\ OR
`description` LIKE \$var\ ) ORDER BY `ordernum` );

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[PHP-DB] [Correction] Re: [PHP-DB] PHP + PostgreSQL: invalid byte sequence for encoding

2007-07-24 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

The solution is pretty simple once you hit it, and works in both 
MySQL and PGSQL because it's standard SQL-92 :

$query=SET NAMES 'UTF-8';

Sorry - I meant $query=SET NAMES 'UTF8';
As you pointed out, it's UTF8 not UTF-8 ;-)

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] Subject: sql statement - complex order by

2007-07-04 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 20:36 02/07/2007, you wrote:

To: php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2007 14:34:35 -0500

SELECT * FROM productgroup WHERE groupid = $productid
AND label =  'Cats' ORDER BY title

SELECT * FROM productgroup WHERE groupid = $productid
AND label != 'Cats' ORDER BY label,title

I'd like to find a way to combine these 2 statements. I want to list 
out all the products, ordered by title but listing out all the Cats 
products first. Any way to do that without having separate statements?

See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/union.html

(SELECT * FROM productgroup WHERE groupid = $productid
AND label =  'Cats' ORDER BY title)
(SELECT * FROM productgroup WHERE groupid = $productid
AND label != 'Cats' ORDER BY label,title)

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: auto_increment

2007-04-15 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 03:04 14/04/2007, you wrote:

From: Ron Piggott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary==-xK5L7HjLIUaeMS/bzYQr
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 22:03:59 -0400
Mime-Version: 1.0
Subject: auto_increment

Does anyone see anything wrong with the $query syntax?  Ron

@mysql_select_db($database) or die( Unable to select database);
$query=ALTER TABLE sessions auto_increment = '1';

Is sessions table supposed to have a column which is auto increment ?
That column must be a PRIMARY KEY for autoincrement to be applied.

sighsThough as-ever you haven't posted the error message/sighs 
presumably you haven't got a PK yet.
Since we don't magically know your table structure since you didn't 
post that either, it's kind of hard to tell.

Ron - in future please could I ask you to post both table structure 
and error message, when asking what's wrong ?

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re: ORDERing two UNION queries

2007-04-14 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 03:04 14/04/2007, you wrote:

Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 17:48:11 +0100
From: ioannes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: ORDERing two UNION queries: Non-Subquery UNION Execution


You  meant to refer to this page :

Does anyone know what this means?  Can it be implemented in the flow 
of php code without explicitly creating temp tables in the database?

My query is like:

$query = 
   Table.field, [other fields]
   FROM Table [other JOINs]
   ORDER BY Table.field
   Table2.field, [other fields]
   FROM Table2 [other JOINs]
   ORDER BY Table2.field

and I want the ORDER to apply to the whole UNIONed result.

So, after reading the correct documentation, you'll now know to write 
the query as

   Table.field, [other fields]
   FROM Table [other JOINs]
   Table2.field, [other fields]
   FROM Table2 [other JOINs]
   ORDER BY field

Cheers - Neil  

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Syntax Problem (Was : Date problem)

2007-01-21 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 16:26 21/01/2007, you wrote:

I have a date field in mysql called event_end .

I want to run a query to find all records where the event_and is greater
than today's date. I have written the following code. It does not work.
Please point out the mistake.

$today = getdate();
 $sql=select * from events where event_end'.$today.' order by event_start
Asc ;

Because PHP allows you to quote variables inside strings surrounded 
by   characters, your string $sql passed to the database will 
actually be as follows

select * from events where event_end'.array.' order by event_start

which you would have seen if you had used print($sql) to debug this. 
The reason if prints array is because - well getdate() returns an 
array, which you would have seen if you'd RTFM : array getdate ( [int 
timestamp] ).

And there are dots surrounding the word `array` because - well, you 
put them there and used single quotes to ensure they were output 
literally in the string, rather than closing the string using a 
matching double quote character then re-opening it with another 
double quote character after the $today variable.

Probably I would use the date() function  to generate that date as a 
*string*, and make sure I quoted that string correctly when making 
the $sql string, eg like

$today = date('Y/m/d');
$sql = SELECT * FROM events WHERE event_end '.$today.' ORDER BY 
event_start ASC;

Cheers - Neil  

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re: user directory from a form

2006-10-01 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2006 17:45:03 +0200
From: Neil Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MIME-Version: 1.0
To:  php-db@lists.php.net
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
Subject: user directory from a form

I apologise for using this mailing list but I cannot find another.

I have a form


Although you correctly used POST for that form you also require to 
set the ENCTYPE=multipart/form-data as shown in the example here 
http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/interact/forms.html#h- in order 
to post file attachments,

Snipped useless HTML (please post complete but minimal examples when 
requesting help)

echo TDINPUT TYPE='file' NAME='myfile' WIDTH='50'/TD;
I pass this to another file. I am trying to read the directory that 
the users file is in. ie

When you use the enctype setting as above, PHP will populate the $_FILES array.
Specifically for your field here, it will populate the 
$_FILES[myfile] variable.

NB : I changed the form element's name to make it clearer which 
variable is created.

In turn that is an array, and the actual value you want is where PHP 
saved the uploaded file.

That value is contained in the varialbe $_FILES[myfile][tmp_name];

tmp_name always points to the PHP upload directory, on unix systems 
it's often /tmp
The actual file name will *not* be that which your user supplied, it 
will be a unique and often cryptic name

So you understand, this is *not* a PHP+DB related question. Your 
first resource should always be the PHP website documentation, which 
you can find here : http://uk.php.net/features.file-upload

Ensure you understand the security issues regarding file uploads, and 
especially testing *if* the file really was uploaded, using 
is_uploaded_file() function before moving it or acting on the data.

/srv/www/htdocs/functions/email/file.txt, I want to read the 
/srv/www/htdocs/functions/email/. The variable $filename only 
gives the file.txt as a value.

In general, *never* move uploaded files into your web server's file 
structure if you can avoid it. The security issue is that the user 
now has a route to upload say a virus file to your server, and then 
point other users to your known server address and path. Your web 
server will probably dish out this file on request from the 
evil-hacker's link to your server. You are now consuming resources on 
his behalf, as well as apparently being the source-of-all-evil.

So - time to read up on PHP file upload security, budget 1/2-1 day ;-))

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: making an array from data in textfile

2006-07-24 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 21:31:35 -0400
To: Php-Db php-db@lists.php.net
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: making an array from data in textfile

OK, so I have this text file that holds a list of ip addresses like this:,,,,

Which are strings... You with me OK so far ?
Numeric [float] values only have 1 period.
There's no numeric datatype which has 3.

Currently, here is my code:

   $file = 'ip.txt';
   $fh = fopen($file, 'r');
$theData = fread($fh, filesize($file));
$ips = array($theData);

Since it's a numeric array,

No, it isn't. It's an array of strings which has numeric indices
(or keys depends what you call em)

I shouldn't need quotes around the ip octets.

Yes, you should : They're strings unless you use inet_pton to convert 
them to numeric values.

When I try to echo certain parts of the array like:

echo $ips[0];

It's returning the whole array.

If you print_r($ips) you'll see the array structure (View - Source 
if you're looking at it in a browser).
My guess is your lines aren't terminated in \r\n, which PHP uses to 
split the lines to array values.

You'll probably have to use some other method such as explode(',', 
$ips) to break the individual comma separated entries into a set of 
values. Other methods such as file_get_csv are generally more 
efficient than reading line by line :


 The text file is exactly like an array so it
shouldn't be a problem.

It's exactly like a CSV, from the example data you provided.
PS, please don't feel the need to prove it by posting the entire log file ;-)

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Using MAX with COUNT?

2006-07-24 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 13:48:43 -0600
From: Skip Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Php-Db php-db@lists.php.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Using MAX with COUNT?

Hey all,

I have a table like this:

boroughID   Area
1   Chelsea
1   East Village
1   West Village
1   So Ho
2   Prospect Park
2   Brooklyn Heights
3   Prospect Heights

What I want to know is which boroughID has the most area's assocated 
with it, and how many.

So I tried this:

SELECT max(count(*)) FROM  `bsp_area` GROUP  BY boroughID

...and got an Invalid use of group function error

... Because you need to do count(boroughID) not count(*)

Anyone think of another way to do this in a single SQL statement, or 
some other simple method?

SELECT count(boroughID) AS total
FROM  `bsp_area`
GROUP  BY boroughID

.. ought to do it g

Cheers - Neil  

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Parse Problem

2006-05-09 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 10:04 09/05/2006, you wrote:

From: Andy Rolls-Drew [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Tue, 9 May 2006 10:03:54 +0100

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: Parse Problem

I am fairly new to parsing XML using PHP and wonder if anyone has a solution
to the following. I have a file eg:-

This is not your exact file (or it's not XML and therefore not 
parseable with any XML parser).
You may have some luck adapting SAX to handle this, but it will be 
quite hard work.

The document must be 'well formed' to be XML data :
see http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_syntax.asp

If you were able to post a complete but minimal example, code could 
be provided to parse it correctly as XML.
I'm very familiar and happy with working with XML data but it *has* 
to meet the requirements of XML data.

?xml version=1.0 ?

 Cannot begin with 2  characters, must begin with one.

CREATED value=Wed Mar 15 8:07:27 GMT 2006

^^^ This tag is never closed.

CATEGORY id='67' name='Herbal Pharmacy'

 Oh good, a Spam product - gra !
 This tag is never closed, either.


 Nor is this closed - you see the pattern here ?

CATEGORY id='69' name='Extras'

And so on. I have managed to parse a little of it using Magic Parser but I

Yes, you have pulled off a 'miracle' then!
I don't know what magic parser is, but it's not an XML parser.

still cant manage to split the products and categories correctly. If there
weren't multiple products for each category I think I would have it.

Correctly *how* ? What are you trying to achieve ? Without knowing 
that, we'll all waste our time trying to help. It would make sense to 
propose a problem and ask for solutions - the data above is pretty 
much unworkable without having to jump through all sorts of hoops.

So lets' begin again : Your data is 'similar' to the above (what's 
the source ?) and what is the result you want to achieve ?

Cheers - Neil 

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] Query select value on MAX Date

2006-02-25 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 08:47 25/02/2006, you wrote:

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 08:07:36 +0900
To: 'php-db@lists.php.net'
Subject: FW: [PHP-DB] Query select value on MAX Date

Dear All,

 Sorry, I wrote the wrong result.

You've posted 3x with different results so it's too confusing to work 
out what you *want* to get.

However I woudl write that query like so :

SELECT MAX(Date) as NewestDate, Value
FROM table
GROUP BY Category
HAVING Date=NewestDate

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re: Sessions help needed !!!

2006-02-18 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 22:19 17/02/2006, you wrote:

From: Chris Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 17:18:57 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: Sessions help needed !!!

Hi there everyone,

OK this script worked perfectly on my own apache webserver and I had to move
it to the main live server, but for some reason it's not passing session
values in the same way and i'm positive it's something damn obvious.

On my server I can use:

echo $credits_system;
echo $credits_left;
echo $foldername;

Does it work if you ask for $_SESSION[credits_system] etc ?

The reason I ask is from the code above, you're using globally scoped 
variables, which would require you to be using either an old version 
of PHP on your test server, or have to manually enabled register_globals.

Register globals is of course a major security risk in that it 
pollutes your variable namespace with whatever the user feels like 
sending to your server in $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE etc etc. So your 
code can be easily manipulated into undefined behaviours unless you 
declare and initialise every variable it uses.

To display the information to make sure it is being passed, but it returns
blank on their server (Same versions of everything except I didn't install
it so it may have something turned off in the config - which i don't have

I think you need to look at phpinfo() for that server. Check 
register_globals, it will be 'off'.
Turn it 'off' on your test server so it mirrors the live environment 
and see if your code still works (it probably won't).

The other check to make with the hosting company - I've only seen 
this once or twice on cheap hosting :
See if they're using multiple servers. The session handler by default 
uses files, which are local to an individual server.

If you visit the 'page' again, you may well be being server from 
another web server in a cluster. Of course that server knows nothing 
about the local session files on the server you initially got sent 
the page from, cause they're on another machines' filesystem, thus 
replicating your problem.

The answer in that case is to register your own session handler (such 
as a DB) which resides on a known server.

control over, sigh).  The thing is, the last one - $foldername I MUST have
access to as the database uses this as a reference for searches and without

I don't understand what you mean by that, can you expand some more ?
It's not clear how the database uses 'foldername' - is it 
concatenated as part of a query ?

this working I can't pull the data I need ($foldername is an ID and also
refers to physical folders/directories on the apache webserver for video

If as noted above your host clusters servers, then you're SOL and 
will have to manage a central file repository or call across servers 
with fopen() etc to get at the [distributed] data in the $foldername path.

Cheers - Neil  

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: screen resolution!

2006-02-05 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 08:41 05/02/2006, you wrote:

Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2006 02:44:19 +1100 (EST)
To: php-db@lists.php.net
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=0-733704850-1139067859=:48594
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Subject: screen resolution!


  I have written a website in PHP using MYSQL.  But I have come 
accross an un-common problem.  Normally when I create a website 
it's done on a desktop PC.  But this time for the first time I did 
it on laptop meaning the screen resolution is different.

  Is there any sort of script/code I can use to create another 
section of my site in a desired screen resolution without me having 
to do it all manually?

I would really recommend that screen size / resolution detection is 
no longer the way forward. It's perfectly possible to use CSS +/- 
XHTML correctly to have the page reflow without all the stylesheet 
switching hacks that would be required in the 'old school' (read : 
1999) way of doing things.

You'd need to use structural markup rather than try to 'force to fit' 
with tables etc, but it's entirely possible to generate flexible 
layouts that can display on any device, even a PDA, without screen 
size detection. Search engines like sematic layout too, and your menu 
for example may not be the first thing they or a screen reader 
encounters in the page - though it may *appear* at the top of the 
page due to CSS telling it where to be displayed.

Here are some links for you to consider : all are worth reading and 
digesting from end to end.


  I know of many scripts online that I can DETERMINE visitors 
screen resolutions and recommend the

** Assuming javascript is turned on, or even the display device 
supports that detection.
And bear in mind, many users *may not wish* to have their browser 
maximised just to view your site.

Cheers - Neil 

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Freelancers, UK ?

2006-01-30 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

Any UK based freelancers out there ?

A contact at our sister company EPC Direct in Bristol is looking for 
somebody to tackle a couple of ECom sites.
Need advanced PHP/MySQL, also expected skills in XML and XSLT - I 
don't have full details here of the brief.

Duration likely to be one month over the two builds.

Ideally in the South West UK, not expecting travel to be involved 
though apart from maybe an initial briefing and/or a live publish 
step near the end. Wave hands or email me off list and I'll send the 
contact details along.

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

RE: [PHP-DB] Storing Credit Cards, Passwords, Securely, two-way encryption

2006-01-09 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

From: Dwight Altman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Peter Beckman' [EMAIL PROTECTED],
'Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 09:24:05 -0600
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Storing Credit Cards, Passwords, Securely, 

Did you actually SNIP the document[ation] how it can be done safely for all
the world to see and learn! ???  Or are you saying go buy this book?

No, I retyped the passage in its entirety from the book. Learn to 
SNIP your posts !

Cheers - Neil 

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DB] Storing Credit Cards, Passwords, Securely, two-way encryption

2006-01-06 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 03:48 06/01/2006, you wrote:

Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 22:48:24 -0500 (EST)
From: Peter Beckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc: php-db@lists.php.net
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Storing Credit Cards, Passwords, Securely, two-way

On Thu, 5 Jan 2006, John Meyer wrote:

Peter Beckman wrote:
So I'm thinking about how to save credit card numbers in the DB, for
re-charging cards for subscriptions, new orders, etc.

 Yes yes, lawsuits, scary, etc.

I'm glad you're so blase about this and the threat of your business 
going under due to exposure to extortion. When you've got the site 
running, let me know the address, so I can advise my friends and 
colleagues to avoid it at any cost.

I was looking for technical solutions,
 i.e. maybe someone knows how USPS.com or Amazon.com or GoDaddy.com (do
 they?) does it.  Or if it is all security via obscurity.

Security by obscurity is a myth. There is no such security, nor will 
there ever be (think of MS DRM cracks for example on a supposedly 
secure system). Any system that interacts with the outside world 
*can* and eventually *will be cracked.

 Best solution yet:

Nope, no solution at all. *DO NOT* store any credit card numbers on 
any publically accessible system. Ever. Period.

Public key encryption, with additional either secret word padding or
using the users account password to pad/encrypt the card number
(preventing a brute force attack, even if access to the DB is given).

Prevents nothing. If somebody compromises your application server, 
then own your secret word padding and can reverse the process to 
extract some or all of the credit cards. Do not underestimate the 
resourcefulness of bored people.

OK now to the candy : I've had this book a while, and it's one of the 
most insightful and well researched (from experience) books on 
security I've ever read. In fact - so good I'm going to go to the 
trouble to retype an excerpt of a section called One-Way Credit Card 
Data Path for Top Security

ISBN 0-13-0281870-5 [Prentice-Hall publishers]
Bob Toxen : Real World Linux Security [Now in 2nd edition]

For many sites the most confidential information a customer can tell 
the site is the customers credit card number and expiry date. Several 
e-com sites (including some large ones) have had thousands of their 
customers cc data stolen by crackers and have then had to respond to 
extortion threats.

Most e-com sites keep the database of customer information on the 
same system as the web server and CGI programs. This is begging for 
trouble. Simply putting the database on a separate system is not 
enough, because if CGI programs can attach to the database across the 
e-com sites LAN, security has not been improved.

(Bob Toxen) have come up with the concept of a one-way credit card 
data path. By this I mean that the credit card data flows only one 
way, and that way is into the credit card server but data never 
flows out of the credit card server (my emphasis) except over a 
hardware path to the bank or service that is processing charge requests.

The cc system would be a (linux) system dedicated to this one 
application. It would have NO other applications on it, because each 
application would be a potential security hole. It would be hardened 
for the highest security.

It would have a separate private LAN to the web server, and the web 
server would have a separate dedicated NIC to this private LAN to 
prevent sniffing (snipped section about spot welded steel pipes 
encasing LAN cable !)

There would be no request implemented that would allow another 
system to query for a complete CC number under any circumstance. Thus 
neither a cracker hacking your web server, nor a disgruntled employee 
could get the CC data from it. So long as there are no buffer 
overflow vulns, this should be very secure, since there are no 
services to crack, no passwords to crack, and spoofing would not work 
because the system doesn't trust any other system at all.

When a customer establishes an account and specifies a CC, the CGI 
sends the following message to the CC server :

user name
account number
cc type, number, expiry date, CCV#

When the customer wants to make a purchase, this is sent to the CC server

user name
account number

The CC server then contacts the processing bank through the private 
network to charge the amt, store the authorisastion number if 
successful and returns either Success or an appropriate error message

Note that the comms link to the bank would be on a separate hardware 
to the rest of the network, so if a cracker broke into the web or 
order DB server, he could not sniff the network for these requests, 
because they wouldn't be on that network.

If the user has 

[PHP-DB] Re: Cannot connect to a MySQL DB using a Class

2006-01-05 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 00:46 05/01/2006, you wrote:

To: php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2006 16:45:54 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: CAnnot connect to a MySQL DB using a Class

No doubt I am over looking something very simple, nevertheless I am 
baffled by not being able to connect to a MySQL DB.

   // Error produced here!!

Surely you meant mysql_select_db($this-db); since that's what you 
connected to ?

Cheers - Neil  

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Scrolling News

2005-12-23 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 20:39 22/12/2005, you wrote:

Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 20:38:58 +
From: Alex Major [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Mime-version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain;
Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
Subject: Scrolling News

Hi there.
I'm trying to make a scrolling news box for my website. Basically I would
like this news box to get information from a column in my database called
'news_title' and display it in a scrolling news box.

Any suggestions for how to go about doing this? I'm still very new to php.

Recommend : OrcaScroller (cross browser)
Block scroller and marquee

Cheers - Neil 

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re : Subject: using fsockopen to handle redirections

2005-12-23 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 10:04:16 +
From: Yemi Obembe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: using fsockopen to handle redirections

Any way i can use fsockopen to detect url redirections? for example if ds:
www.ex1.com redirects to www.ex2.com and i'm using:

$fp = fsockopen(www.ex1.com, 80)

to connect to the site, anyway i can know if there is a redirection to
another url?

Probably rather than fsockopen it would be helpful to use the CURL 
library to make the connection(s).
You should install the CURL extension to PHP, more information at 
http://uk2.php.net/curl and
http://www.zend.com/manual/function.curl-setopt.php (^Find : 

This page http://curl.haxx.se/mail/curlphp-2002-02/0005.html contains 
useful discussion about that. Basically you'll want to set 
CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION which will allow CURL to respond to the 
redirect header as if it was a browser.

If you're not using CURL then you've got significant extra work to 
look at each individual header sent by the redirecting web server to 
determine which header is the redirect and which location it's 
sending you to (probably using a regex).

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] Re: CLOSE button or a href link

2005-12-22 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 07:18 22/12/2005, you wrote:

From: Ron Piggott (PHP) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PHP DB php-db@lists.php.net
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 02:22:00 -0500
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: CLOSE button or a href link

What I really want to have happen is for the CLOSE WINDOW button to
appear when this is loaded as a pop up window from our
online_offering_basket.html file and if the web page is loaded directly
then the link to our Online Offering Basket appear for the user to get
back into our web site.

Do you know how to do this?

Yes, and this is a client side javascript problem unless you create 
the popup page using a PHP script. AFAIK from your file paths, it's 
HTML so PHP (and indeed, DB databases, the subject of this 
discussion group) don't apply here.

You need to run a short snippet of javascript to determine if there's 
a window.opener object : That will point back (and have a 
.location.href property) of the opening page. I'd check for

script language=javascript1.2 type=text/javascript
if (window.opener != null) {
//  (Probably) sent here from the online_offering_basket.html page
//  Check that though to prevent spoofing :
(window.opener.location.href.indexOf('online_offering_basket.html' != -1) {
document.write('a href=# 
onclick=self.close()Close Window/a');

} else {
href=http://www.actsministrieschristianevangelism.org;Back To Site/a');

} else {
//  Linked directly from the how_we_operate_our_benevolent_fund.html  page
href=http://www.actsministrieschristianevangelism.org;Back To Site/a');


PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] Re: Date Formatting Question

2005-12-14 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
Apart from anything, you need to supply an option value for each of 
those options, not just rely on the browser which will  default to 
passing the option *text* back from the form, if you specify no 
value. So your option elements should read

option value=1January/option

Notwithstanding that, RE below - you guys are all nuts, this is a 
ridiculous way to do it.

Let MySQL do the work, it has perfectly good functions to do this :

SELECT  DATE_FORMAT(date_field_name, '%c') AS intDate,
DATE_FORMAT(date_field_name, '%M'') AS strMonth
FROM yadda etc etc

Then you use (assuming your're using  $result = mysql_fetch_assoc() 
as your looped result variable name)

$selected_month = (integer) $_GET[Smonth];

while ($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($link)) {
if ($selected_month==$result['intDate']) {
$optionlist.=' selected=selected';

}   //  End while


Cheers, Neil

To: php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 15:52:31 +0100
Subject: Re: Date Formatting Question

Bomgardner, Mark A wrote:
I am trying to format the month portion of a date that I am trying to
pull from MySQL to be placed into a drop down menu to modify the date.
modify and it would be easier to do it in PHP
Any pointers would be appreciated.

Mark Bomgardner
Technology Specialist

make a function like this:

function datenum2str($date)
$newdate = str_replace(01,Jan,$date);
$newdate = str_replace(02,Feb,$date);
$newdate = str_replace(03,Mar,$date);
$newdate = str_replace(04,Apr,$date);
$newdate = str_replace(05,May,$date);
$newdate = str_replace(06,Jun,$date);
$newdate = str_replace(07,Jul,$date);
$newdate = str_replace(08,Aug,$date);
$newdate = str_replace(09,Sep,$date);
$newdate = str_replace(10,Oct,$date);
$newdate = str_replace(11,Nov,$date);
$newdate = str_replace(12,Dec,$date);

return $newdate;

And then use this:

echo select name=Smonth;
echo option selected value=\$sDate[1]\$newdate/option;

Hope it helps,

El Bekko

CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
for accessible subtitled internet media, transcripts
and searchable video. Supports Real Player, Quicktime
and Windows Media Player.

VideoChat with friends online, get Freshly Toasted every
day at http://www.fresh-toast.net : NetMeeting solutions
for a connected world.

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Subject: GROUP BY [Was: SELECT]

2005-12-11 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

From: Ron Piggott (PHP) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PHP DB php-db@lists.php.net
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 20:04:28 -0500
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: SELECT

I am trying to put together a SELECT syntax.  I am querying a response
database and I only want to obtain each user's name once even if they
have given more than 1 response.

$query=SELECT * FROM  conversation_table WHERE conversation_reference =

... Add GROUP BY conversation_user_id or whatever column you use to 
identify the user.


Note that GROUP BY comes *before* any ORDER BY in your select (which 
you aren't doing). By default, MySQL will order by the grouped 
columns initially. Other databases you'd have to include the GROUP BY 
column(s) in the select * statement, but MySQL allows you to do this 
with non-selected fields as well.

Then spend some time on the MySQL site looking at the 'aggregate 
functions' area now you've grouped the results - you'll find some 
useful stuff you can do once that's happened :


Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Login Auth help?

2005-11-11 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

NO !

The headers have to be sent *after* you check the values of 
$_SERVER[PHP_AUTH_USER] , which you changed inexplicably to 
$PHP_AUTH_USER (which is no longer a global variable in recent 
versions of PHP  4.1). If they are not global variables within PHP 
then it'll treat them as local variables within that function (and 
they'll always be empty)

Check those values first, then if they don't match you're here for 
the first time (and they're blank) or you haven't got a match from 
the submitted username / password, so send the authentication headers again.

Then *exit your script* or you will loop. Use


to do this.

Cheers - Neil

At 21:15 11/11/2005, you wrote:

Do you Yahoo!?
  Never miss an Instant Message - Yahoo! Messenger for SMS
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 15:22:14 +1100 (EST)
To: php-db@lists.php.net
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=0-976019534-1131682934=:5427
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Subject: Re: Login Auth help?


Well I tried this code but it fails, if I enter a correct User and 
Pass set in the db it just prompts for the user/pass again.  The 
error message that should apply if wrong three times appears but the 
sucessful message I can't get regardless of correct user pass or 
not, any help please?

function displayLogin() {
header(WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\My Website\);
header(HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized);
echo h2Authentication Failure/h2;
echo The username and password provided did not work. Please reload 
this page and try again.;

$db = mysql_connect('localhost','db_user',db_pass') or die(Couldn't 
connect to the database.);

mysql_select_db('db_name') or die(Couldn't select the database);
if (!isset($PHP_AUTH_USER) || !isset($PHP_AUTH_PW)) {
// If username or password hasn't been set, display the login request.
} else {
// Escape both the password and username string to prevent users 
from inserting bogus data.

$PHP_AUTH_USER = addslashes($PHP_AUTH_USER);
// Check username and password agains the database.
$result = mysql_query(SELECT count(id) FROM users WHERE 
password='$PHP_AUTH_PW' AND username='$PHP_AUTH_USER') or 
die(Couldn't query the user-database.);

$num = mysql_result($result, 0);
if (!$num) {
// If there were no matching users, show the login
// All code/html below will only be displayed to authenticated users.
echo Congratulations! You're now authenticated.;


CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
for accessible subtitled internet media, transcripts
and searchable video. Supports Real Player, Quicktime
and Windows Media Player.

VideoChat with friends online, get Freshly Toasted every
day at http://www.fresh-toast.net : NetMeeting solutions
for a connected world.

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re:Login Auth help?

2005-11-10 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 15:21 10/11/2005, you wrote:

Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 11:24:09 +1100 (EST)
To: php-db@lists.php.net
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=0-1489996746-1131582249=:37621
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Subject: Login Auth help? | Handling pages help? (2 questions)


Need some ideas/opinions on a project I have.

The project is for a Radio Station (online one) where DJ's can login 
to the site and do stuff and listeners can listen in live to the live feeds.

Now I downloaded a password protected code that uses MySQL to store 
the info but it fails each time.  It wont sucessfully login despite 
setting the database up correctly etc.  So instead of posting the 
code here I would like to know peoples ideas/links on a method of 
login.  What I'd prefer to set is not a HTML login but more the 
traditional popup box login.  Like used on CPANEL.

The popup box is called HTTP authentication. There are some 
specific $_SERVER variables associated with this which you can use - 
AFAIK they weren't and still aren't reliably available on windows 
installs of Apache on PHP, but on BSD / Linux / OSX installs it 
should work fine.

You should use code adapted from this, then when you have $username 
and $password, check both against your database (making sure they are 
made 'safe' by removing slashes and so forth) : I use a function 
called safestring() which does that stripping, else you can write 
something yourself (such as use addslashes() from PHP)

if (isset($_SERVER[PHP_AUTH_USER])) {
} else {
header(WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\My Music Server\);
header(HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized);
echo You must enter a valid login ID and password 
to access this resource\n;


The first time the script is hit, $_SERVER[PHP_AUTH_USER] is *not* 
set so it pops up the HTTP authenticate box using the headers shown. 
When they are set, you can check the database, and see if the login 
is valid. If it isn't a vaild username/password, send those headers 
again until the user gets it right - possibly locking out their IP 
for an hour after 3 unsuccessful attempts.

The username/password (details) will be stored to a database.  Any 
suggestions on fully working code?

Go to www.phpbuilders.com and search for 'database login code', we 
won't duplicate it here.

Also each DJ will have a webpage within a database.

Why a webpage - did you mis-type that ? Better just to store some 
information about them in the database and create the page 
dynamically from that. Otherwise you manually have to edit the 
database entry each time you want to update their page !

So updates to their pages will be made on the database, as I am not 
really good at writing to a text file from PHP from a 
webpage.  Never learnt it to be honest, what would be 
easiest/best?  Writing to a database or a text file directly?

Database, it's what they're designed for.

That is it for now, if anyone is interested in the station itself to 
listen to or see progress please feel free to reply and I'll post the url.

PS I'm working on the same system as you, online radio/webcam etc so 
maybe it'd be nice to see what work you've done so far.

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Specific order by MySQL statement

2005-11-08 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 09:37 08/11/2005, you wrote:

Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 11:47:32 +
From: Adrian Bruce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Specific order by MySQL statement


I am trying to get results from a MySQL query in a specific order, 
just using ASC or DESC will not work.

For Example I have a field that can contain 4 possible values: 
'Current', 'Completed','Withdrawn' or 'Transferred',  I would like 
to order the results specifically like:


Is there any way i can do this using MySQL?  Any help will be much 

Yes you can do this just fine. Make your transactiontype field an 
ENUM data type (i.e. a list of defined values).

Add your ENUM elements in the order you want them to be retrieved 
(they're actually stored internally as bitwise mask values, i.e. as a number).

Now, when you ORDER BY transactiontype, customerid , your results are 
ordered in the way the field was specified.

So if you want this ordering, use
ALTER TABLE `bankdetails` ADD `transactiontype` ENUM ('Current', 
'Completed', 'Withdrawn', 'Transferred')

Or to change the default ordering,
ALTER TABLE `bankdetails` ADD `transactiontype` ENUM 
('Current','Transferred', 'Completed', 'Withdrawn')

If you do find there's a change needed to the ordering in future, 
probably the best way is to create a new column with the chosen ENUM 
ordering, then UPDATE bankdetails SET newfield=transactiontype , 
which makes sure MySQL re-maps the numeric representation correctly.

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re: Complex Left Join

2005-10-31 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 20:28 31/10/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Keith Spiller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [PHP-DB] php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 13:29:18 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: Complex Left Join


Can anyone help me turn this into a left join?

I want to get all of the records from the directors table whether 
matches exist in the members table or not.

SELECT d.directorid, d.fname, d.mname, d.lname, d.title, d.suffix, 
d.active, d.function,
m.id, m.directorid, m.committee, m.position, m.year FROM directors 
as d, members as m

WHERE d.directorid = m.directorid
AND m.year = '2006'
ORDER BY d.lname, d.mname, d.fname;

Thank you for your help...

Keith - it should read as :

SELECT d.directorid, d.fname, d.mname, d.lname, d.title, d.suffix, 
d.active, d.function,

m.id, m.directorid, m.committee, m.position, d.year FROM directors as d
LEFT OUTER JOIN members as m
ON d.directorid = m.directorid
WHERE d.year = '2006'
ORDER BY d.lname, d.mname, d.fname;

BTW Anything with no match, would have values of NULL for any 
fields of the m alias. You can't do m.year since if you have no 
match, there's no result to use for the WHERE so it would leave those 
rows out completely.

You have to match on d.year where you're matching all results from 
d to m (including some with no matching record in the m table, but 
you still want the d. parts of the query). Does that make sense ?

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Searching remote web sites for content

2005-10-23 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 06:26 23/10/2005, you wrote:

Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2005 13:21:26 -0400
From: Joseph Crawford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [PHP-DB] Mailing List php-db@lists.php.net
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Searching remote web sites for content

why do all that,

Oh, it's far less work than the method you're proposing - you only 
have one site to fopen() not many dozens. There's no 'all that' to it 
- it's the same method we're discussing, but more optimal (see point 3)

 if you know the address of the page that the link will
reside on just curl that page for the results and preg_match that.

Ref the OP : I ask them to nominate where the link back page is, and 
I could check this manually.  But is there a way to check whether the 
remote page links back using a php script, so that I could get a 
report and follow up on exceptions, without having to check all pages 
that say they link to my site?

Three reasons : 1 is because the nomination process might be poorly 
understood by the nominee, or they could be inept and place the link 
somewhere other than where they specified (or move it about once 
nominated). You'd need to be able to crawl their entire site in order 
to automate the scan on a regular basis, or you're back to  and I 
could check this manually

2 is that unless you want to write a very very robust parser, you may 
as well rely on google's hard work writing such a parser. You can't 
be sure *how* the referring webmaster has set up his links (re:inept) 
so they could occur in a wide range of formats. The results from 
google come in a regular format, so they're easy to parse - and you 
said yourself you're not too certain of the regex you'd need - why 
complicate it by having to cover dozens of eventualities ?

3 is that the point of the exercise is to ensure goos SE rankings by 
having referring links of high relevance. Only google knows how that 
relevance ranking results in a search index placement based on link 
popularity -  and that includes using hidden links to 'spam' the 
search engine, whic you don't want.

So, relying on google to spider the remote site is a way to ensure 
your QA process for the link referrals really does result in a usable 
link:mysite index in the search engine - which of course is *the 
whole point of the exercise* !

Cheers - Neil  

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Searching remote web sites for content

2005-10-22 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 16:17 22/10/2005, you wrote:

From: ioannes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2005 16:17:22 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Searching remote web sites for content

I have a web site and google likes to count the inbound links.  I 
have set up a way for people to add links from my site to theirs, 
however I would like to check whether they have linked back to my 
site.  I ask them to nominate where the link back page is, and I 
could check this manually.  But is there a way to check whether the 
remote page links back using a php script, so that I could get a 
report and follow up on exceptions, without having to check all 
pages that say they link to my site?

Yes, you can - exploit Google's search to do this.

You need to run a query for link:mysite.mydomain.com then 
screen-scrape the results. IE You'd curl or fopen() the pages with, for example


The for each page returned, use a regex to extract the HTML returned 
from Google, eg on

p class=ga 
onmousedown=return clk(this.href,'res','18','')archive.netbsd.se - 
NetBSD Sverige/a

You just want a capture pattern to extract the href value, which you 
then store in your database. Before you accuse anybody of anything, 
ensure you've waited a few days for google to re-spider their site. 
If their site doesn't appear in the index at all, it may be because 
google doesn't or can't spider it, rather than the back link isn't 
there - but in that case their link popularity is ineffectual and may 
as well be ignored !

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] RE : Subject: com and retrieve text from word

2005-08-31 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 12:54:42 +0900
From: Yui Hiroaki [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-2022-JP
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: com and retrieve text from word

I would like to get text from MS word using COM.
My plat form is Windows 2003 server.

Do suggest me to retrieve text!!


Some example code here :

Cheers - Neil 

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP-DB] Re: HTML layout and arrays (WAS : Brain not working, helpneeded :-). .

2005-08-29 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 07:46:52 -0500

From: Norland, Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Reply-To: php-db@lists.php.net
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Re: HTML layout and arrays (WAS : Brain not working, 
helpneeded :-)..

-Original Message-
From: Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

The variable type you need is called an array, it has numerical indexes
In PHP you can just omit the index and it'll be automatically
auto-incremented from zero, so there's no need to maintain a counter :

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) {
$videos[][id] = $row[id];
$videos[][video_link] = $row[video_link];
$videos[][video_thumbnail] = $row[video_thumbname];
$videos[][video_title] = $row[video_title];
$videos[][video_description] = $row[video_description];




You either want to be putting a $count in there, or assigning it all in
one go, otherwise you're left with:
$videos[0] == $row[id]
$videos[1] == $row[video_link]

Yeah LOL, /me slaps forehead !
It's been a long weekend, the correct solution is as Martin stated below :

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result) {
$videos[] = array(
'id' = $row['id'],
'video_link' = $row['video_link'],
'video_thumbnail' = $row['video_thumbname'],
'video_title' = $row['video_title'],
'video_description' = $row['video_description'],

Cheers - Neil 

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] RE : HTML Layout (WAS : DB formatting question)

2005-08-27 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

From: Chris Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2005 02:31:13 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: DB formatting question

Hi there everyone,

I'm converting a video website from CGI to use Databases and they want me to
keep their existing layout.  However, I have a slight formatting problem.

This is a HTML problem (not PHP or MySQL or even video problem !)

Each page displays 6 videos, 2 are on the first row (Which has 3 columns
with the 2nd one being a hardcoded flash video) so the first 2 videos go on
the left and on the right, then below that is another row with 4 columns
which have to display the other 4 videos.
How can I format the table so that when the MySQL data is read in the loop,

MySQL is unrelated to this, just store the video in 6 variables and 
populate the table cells with the HTML from those.

Any basic tutorial on HTML can show you how to layout  rows and columns.

but it needs to be 3 columns across on 1 row with the middle column not
having any MySQL data and the 2nd row needs to have 4 videos, 1 in each of
the 4 columns.

So like this : (OK ok nested tables aren't elegant, you could use CSS and 
DIVs instead)

!-- Start layout table --
table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2
tr id=row1
td width=33%?=$video_1_html?/td
td width=33%nbsp;/td
td width=33%?=$video_2_html?/td
tr id=row2
td colspan=3
!-- Start inner video layout table --
table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=0 


!-- End inner video layout table --
!-- End video layout table --

Cheers - Neil 

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re : Subject: floats

2005-07-20 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 15:16:47 -0400
From: blackwater dev [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: blackwater dev [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: floats

I am running a query on MySQL:

select * from cars where id =52

It returns the row and I can see that gas mileage is saved as a float
with a value of 23.45.  So I then do a query, select * from cars where
id=52 and gas_mil=23.45 and the query doesn't retun anything.  Why?
Do I have to cast this as a float?

Although it's possible that the float has a value of 23.4501, I 
wouldn't expect that to be an issue.

Instead, check that your gas_mil name is *exactly* that and not followed by 
a space (I've done it before !)

For example thisSELECT * FROM cars WHERE `gas_mil` = 23.45
is NOT equivalent toSELECT * FROM cars WHERE `gas_mil ` = 23.45
Notice the extra space in the column name.

If that doesn't work do a query for
SELECT * FROM cars WHERE id=52 AND gas_mil BETWEEN 23.4 AND 23.5

See what happens then,
Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Subject: RE: [FIX YOUR SUBJECT !] php-db Digest 20 Jun 2005 23:54:37 -0000 Issue 2992

2005-06-22 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

Hi -

Suggestions :

1) Turn on error_reporting in your PHP script :


2) Load page, and go to browser's View-Source menu, to see if you actually 
got malformed HTML or anything at all.

Cheers - Neil

To: php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 15:29:47 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Subject: RE: php-db Digest 20 Jun 2005 23:54:37 - Issue 2992

I make part of a team where we have created a system which produces reports.
The reports are produced based on selection criteria which the user sets
from an oracle database.

The problem we are facing is that when the users selects a big time frame
the report just freezes, the status bar displays 'done' the IE (our
preferred browser) window flag stops animating and report does not show
anything, only a blank page. I am suspecting a time out somewhere. I am
using the function set_time_limit and some of the reports did improve but
still facing the problem with others.

Each report has a main SQL based on which the report is generated. I am
guessing setting set_time_limit prolongs the timeout of the generation of
the report by php, but i am suspecting, either:
1 - The sql is taking too much time to get back with some data on
which php will still time out.
2 - Some other time out exists (e.g. Apache).

if so 1 can somebody advice how to set this other time out if it exists or
some other way to workaround this.
if so 2 do somebody knows how to override this through php or some other way
to workaround this.

Any feedback / ideas are very much welcomed

CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
for accessible subtitled internet media, transcripts
and searchable video. Supports Real Player, Quicktime
and Windows Media Player.

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[PHP-DB] RE : Subject: Com 1

2005-06-14 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

To: php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 10:01:59 +0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: Com 1


any one to know, how to send ascci file to com1 port from php ??


$ascii_file_data='This is my test data';
//  Your temp directory : Acquire filename handle

//  Write data to file
fwrite($fp, $ascii_file_data);

//  Send file contents to COM1
$command=type .$filename.  com1;
exec($command, $result);

//  Remove temp file

See also Output redirection in DOS :

Cheers - Neil 

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Creating an Associative Array

2005-06-08 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 21:04 08/06/2005 +, you wrote:

To: php-db@lists.php.net
MIME-Version: 1.0

Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2005 16:04:33 -0500
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary==_alternative 

Subject: Creating an Associative Array

This question will probably be off-topic for some, but it does relate to a
database application so please bear with me.

I'm pulling date-times out of a MySQL db:

mysql select date_format(`date_time`, '%Y.%m.%d %H:%i:%s') as rightNow
from location1 order by date_time desc limit 1;

| rightNow |
| 2005.06.08 14:24:11 |

This code snippet is producing an array of arrays rather than a simple
associative array:


$now = time();
//$dateArray = array(); (output is the same with or without this line)

for($counter = 0; $counter = 3600; $counter++)
  $dateArray[] = array(date(Y.m.d H:i:s, $now - $counter) =
(int)ceil(980 - ($counter * .2)));

Actually you meant to pass the $dateArray an index - as you didn't, PHP 
helpfully created sequential numeric indices.

Try this instead, providing the date index string yourself :

 $dateArray[ date(Y.m.d H:i:s, $now - $counter) ] = array( (int)ceil(980 
- ($counter * .2)));

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: How many rows for 100 questions?

2005-05-30 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 04:51 29/05/2005 +, you wrote:

To: php-db@lists.php.net
From: ...helmut [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 28 May 2005 12:19:02 -0500
Subject: How many rows for 100 questions?

I have a questionary that has 100 questions,

Should I create 2 tables 1 with the user information and the second one with
the 100 questions? What is your recommendation?

My recommendation is to save yourself a lot of time, and grab Moodle 
http://moodle.org/ with the Quiz Module.
That should prevent you having to 'reinvent the wheel' and it will cover 
many things about quiz-question-answer which you hadn't thought of, 
including reporting, alternate quiz styles through an easy admin page and more.

Cheers - Neil

Links to tutorials or information are welcome.


CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
for accessible subtitled internet media, transcripts
and searchable video. Supports Real Player, Quicktime
and Windows Media Player.

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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: how do i fetch some text

2005-05-30 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

At 04:51 29/05/2005 +, you wrote:

To: php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 09:54:50 +0530
From: chintan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: how do i fetch some text

how do i fetch some text from a webpage for some generated field?

You would have to retrieve the whole web page. Look up fopen(url) in the 
PHP manual, and then the related fgets() and fclose() functions. Using 
these you can read the HTML of the web page into a string or array, and use 
regular expressions such as preg_match() to extract the string of numbers 
after the string score which is inside your generated field.

like i want to fetch a score line from a sport site in which the line says 
actually i want to fetch an IP from my ISP's page which displays it with 
my user name.

Actually ? You mean this was a bogus example and you are wasting our time ?

Why not say what you *actually* want. If you want to retrive your IP 
addresss, then write code to do that.
But it's a waste of time to go to your ISPs web page, to extract that, when 
you can do it as easily yourself.

This code returns your current IP address :

function getUserIPAddr() {
global $_SERVER;

$comes_from=array(HTTP_VIA, HTTP_X_COMING_FROM, 

//  By preference, replace the remote IP with the proxied-for IP
foreach ($comes_from as $value) {
(ereg(^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3,3}[0-9]{1,3},$_SERVER[$value],$remote_temp)) {
$remote=$remote_temp[0]; // Fish out IP match 
if ereg returns a value


//  Check range against private IP addresses
if (ereg(^192\.168\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3},$remote,$remote_temp)) {

if (ereg(^172\.([0-9]{1,3}\.){2}[0-9]{1,3},$remote,$remote_temp)) {
//  Extra check on range
if ($remote_temp[1]=16  $remote_temp[2]32 ) {
//  is in class B private address range

if (ereg(^10\.([0-9]{1,3}\.){2}[0-9]{1,3},$remote,$remote_temp)) {

return $remote;
}   //  End function getUserIPAddr()

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] RE: Subject: Form information

2005-05-26 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

From: Chris Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 00:53:59 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: Form information

Hi there everyone,

I'm pulling data from my MySQL DB with PHP 4.2, and I have a quantity box
for multiple items, what I'm not sure of is this:

BTW, I use quantity[] as the name in the form, so it's an array, I just need
to know how to add an extra item called productid to it so I can carry that
info over too :-)

Just set each text field to have a name and ID like this : assume your 
product IDs are numbered 21-28 (to avoid confusion)

for ($product_id=21; $product_id28; $product_id++) {
print('input type=text name=quantity[?=$product_id?] 
name=quantity_?=$product_id? value= /');


So each element of the POST array called quantity now has a numeric index, 
rather than the default array index of 0,1,2,3,4 which you'd get back from 
the browser, you now get back an array like this (assuming quantities of 
10506, 45000, 550, 1000 and so on)

quantity [21]=10506, [22]=45000, [23]=550, [24]=1000, ..

And when you get that quantity as an array from your POST variables, just 
loop through it :

foreach ($_POST[quantity] as $product_id=$amount) {
print(Product ID : .$product_id. Amount : .$amount);

Do whatever you intend to do with the database, instead of the print statement

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] RE : Subject: Letters loop

2005-05-26 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]

for ($i=1; $i=26; $i++) {

chr() prints the ASCII character corresponding to that number.
Upper case A-Z starts at 64 : http://www.lookuptables.com

Cheers - Neil

Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 20:37:47 -0700
To: php-db@lists.php.net
MIME-version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
Subject: Letters loop


I wanna a do a for loop with letters, Is this possible?

for ($i = 'A'; $i = 'Z'; $i++){
// code

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CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
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[PHP-DB] Re : How to I get to a next entry

2005-05-20 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
At 22:28 19/05/2005 +, you wrote:
From: John R. Sims, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net, php_mysql@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 12:20:24 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: More problems with a script.  How to I get to a next entry
It allows the case manager to select the client and then it shows them the
case note.  Only problem is that it only shows them one case note, and most
of the clients will have several case notes that have been entered over the
period of the program.
Yeah, you just need to loop your fetch_array request and build the HTML for 
the notes from that, so :

$result = mysql_query($result);
 if ($result  mysql_num_rows($result)0)
   $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if ($result  mysql_num_rows($result)0) {
$result = mysql_query($result);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if ($rownumber==0) {
//  Copy the first result, it contains the summary data
}   //  End if
//  And for all rows, concat the notes field as a list item :
$note_fields .= li . $row['note'] . /li\r\n\t;
//  Now we increment the row number to keep track
}   //  End while
}   //  End if
!-- HTML modified to use lists for this sort of information --
. . . . other HTML rows here using $resultset . . .
tdNotes:  /td
Then just use CSS to style the ol list items however you like - 
bulletted, indented, surrounded by a nice border with a background  margin 
/ padding and so on.

Although that's not the most efficient way to do it, because you're looping 
the entire recordset just to grab the note from each record - the other 
attributes of the client record are also sent from the SQL server to the 
PHP client. If you do that over a network then you've added a few % to the 
needed bandwidth. Say, if you had 1 notes per client, it might be 
something to worry about - though with 1 notes per client you'd also 
have *other* things to worry about ;-)

Cheers - Neil

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Fwd: Subject: URL question

2005-04-30 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
Easy enough, using Mod Rewrite on apache (you didn't say which server you 
use, so I'm afraid you'll have to upgrade if using IIS) : Create a file in 
a text editor. Save it as .htaccess (dot-htaccess as the filename) in the 
http://www.blablah.com/examples/ directory - not in the root folder or 
you'll route every page request on the site through your PHP script. If 
you're using [eg notepad], make sure it doesn't save it as .htaccess.txt !

The .htaccess file you create contains the following lines :
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /examples
RewriteRule (.* ) /examples/exampleprocessor.php?mls=$1 [L]
That short regex will take any character string and append it to the MLS 
query string, which you then process as normal in your PHP script (i.e. as 
if the user typed in a URL of 

Make sure your script works fully with the checked query string before you 
do this ;-)

Cheers - Neil
From: Chris Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 23:00:27 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: URL question
Hi there everyone,

My client needs to be able to have their url www.blahblah.com
http://www.blahblah.com/  pickup the product number but I can't do it the
way I'd want (which would be www.blahblah.com/?mls=examplenumber, instead
they said it MUST be www.blahblah.com/examplenumber - how can I grab the
number AFTER the .com in PHP so that I can process it with MySQL without it
being assigned a variable name, just the number?


CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
for accessible subtitled internet media, transcripts
and searchable video. Supports Real Player, Quicktime
and Windows Media Player.
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day at http://www.fresh-toast.net : NetMeeting solutions
for a connected world.
PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DB] php3 and oracle9i client libraries doesn't compile..

2005-04-29 Thread neil smith
hi Chris,
Your sugesstion worked at least until the next flag lcore4, I changed the 
makefile to lcore9 then the next flag failed lnlsrtl13 could not be found. I 
looked in the oracel lib directory but found nothing resembling that name. 
any ideas?

Here is a list of that directory. By the way its oracel installed on 
redhat enterprise server.
Thanks for your help.

activation.jarlibgslssf9.a   libodmd9.so   libvpxoafnd.so
AgentEmdDiscover.jar  libgx9.a   libolapapi9.solibvpxos.so
classgen.jar  libheteroxa9_g.so  liboraawt.so  libvsn9.a
clntst_1.lis  libirc.a   liboraolap9.a libwtc9.a
clntst_2.lis  libisqlplus.a  libordim9.a   libwtc9.so
clntst.lislibjmisc.solibordim9.so  libwtcserver9.a
facility.lis  libjox9.so libordimt9.a  libwwg9.a
http_client.jar   libldapclnt9.a libordsdo9.a  libwwjcache.so
jdev-rt.zip   libldapjclnt9.alibOsUtils.so libxdb.so
jsse.jar  libldapjclnt9.so   libowm2.solibxml9.a
lclasses11.ziplibmapdummy.so libplc9.a libxmlg9.a
lclasses12.ziplibmgwagent.so libplp9.a libxsd9.a
ldflags   libmm.alibpls9.a libzx9.a
ldflagsO  libn9.alibpsa9.a mail.jar
libagent9.a   libnbeq9.a libqsmashr.so naect.o
libagtsh.so   libncrypt9.a   libserver9.a  naedhs.o
libagtsh.so.1.0   libnhost9.alibsgsl_s9.a  naeet.o
libamd.so libnid.a   libskgxn9.so  nautab.o
libclient9.a  libnjni9.solibskgxns.so  nigcon.o
libclntsh.so  libnjssl9.so   libskgxp9.a   nigtab.o
libclntsh.so.9.0  libnk59.so libskgxp9.so  nnfgt.o
libclntst9.a  libnk59.so0libskgxpd.a   ntcontab.o
libcommon9.a  libnl9.a   libskgxpd.so  oraclexsql.jar
libcore9.alibnldap9.alibskgxpu.a   osntabst.o
libcorejava.solibnls9.a  libskgxpu.so  s0main.o
libcprts.so   libnoname9.a   libslax9.ascorept.o
libcprts.so.3 libnrad9.solibsnls9.aservlet.jar
libctx9.a libnrad9.so0   libsql9.a sscoreed.o
libctxc9.alibnro9.a  libsqlplus.a  stubs
libctxs9.alibnsgr9.a libtrace9.a   sysliblist
libctxx9.so   libnsslb9.alibtracefe9.a transx.zip
libcxa.so libntcp9.a libtracepls9.avbjapp.jar
libcxa.so.3   libntcps9.alibtracepls9.so   vbjorb.jar
libdm9.a  libntns9.a libtracept9.a vbjtools.jar
libgeneric9.a libnus9.a  libunls9.axmlcomp2.jar
libgslavl9.a  libnzjs9.a libunwind.so  xmlcomp.jar
libgslber_s9.alibocci9.a libunwind.so.3xmlmesg.jar
libgsldb9.a   libocci.so libVdbJdbcExt.so  xmlparserv2.jar
libgslec9.a   libocci.so.9.0 libvdc.so xmlplsql.jar
libgslmt9.a   libocijdbc9_g.so   libvdg.so xschema.jar
libgslr9.alibocijdbc9.so libvppdc.so   
libgslsg9.a   libocijdbcst9.alibvpxdba.so  xsu111.jar
libgslssb9.a  libodm9.so libvpxeap.so  xsu12.jar

gt;From: Christopher Jones lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt;
gt;To: neil smith lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt;
gt;CC: php-db@lists.php.net
gt;Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] php3 and oracle9i client libraries doesn't 
gt;Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 16:49:27 +1000
gt;neil smith wrote:
gt;gt;Hi Martin,
gt;gt;It's a legacy application that is huge and sprawling and teh
gt;gt;programmers who developed it left along time ago , apparently. It
gt;gt;would probably be easier to write a whole new application then
gt;gt;convert it to php 4 or 5 and thankfully thats not what I've been
gt;gt;asked to do.
gt;gt;psa - thanks for that!!
gt;gt;would that be part of an oracle library?
gt;I can see Oracle 9.2 has a libpsa8.so and libpsa9.so
gt;Does your link work if the Makefile is changed to -lpsa9 or -lpsa8?
gt;gt;amp;gt;From: Martin Norland 
amp;lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]amp;gt;
gt;gt;amp;gt;Reply-To: php-db@lists.php.net
gt;gt;amp;gt;To: php-db@lists.php.net
gt;gt;amp;gt;Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] php3 and oracle9i client libraries
gt;gt;doesn't compile..
gt;gt;amp;gt;Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 09:31:33 -0500
gt;gt;amp;gt;neil smith wrote:
gt;gt;amp;gt;amp;gt;I'm using this command to configure php3
gt;gt;amp;gt;amp;gt;./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs

[PHP-DB] php3 and oracle9i client libraries doesn't compile

2005-04-28 Thread neil smith
hello people,
I'm using this command to configure php3
./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs 
--with-config-file-path=/usr/local/lib --enable-versioning 
--enable-track-vars --with-oci8=/u01/app/oracle/product/ 
--with-oracle=/u01/app/oracle/product/ --enable-sigchild

that works ok. But when I type make it eventually fails with this error:
gcc -shared -o libphp3.so mod_php3.o libmodphp3-so.a -L/usr/local/lib 
-L/u01/app/oracle/product/ -lclntsh -lpsa -lcore4 -lnlsrtl3 
-lclntsh -ldl -lm -lpthread -lnsl -lirc -lgdbm -lpam -lm -ldl -lcrypt 
-lresolv -Wl,--version-script=/usr/php/php-3.0.18/php.map -Wl,-rpath 
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpsa
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
apxs:Break: Command failed with rc=1
make: *** [libphp3.so] Error 1

I don't understand enough about this compilation process to know what lpsa 
is and why it can't find it. Does anybody know how I can get php3 to work 
with oracle 9i client libraries?
thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DB] php3 and oracle9i client libraries doesn't compile..

2005-04-28 Thread neil smith
Hi Martin,
It's a legacy application that is huge and sprawling and teh programmers who 
developed it left along time ago , apparently. It would probably be easier 
to write a whole new application then convert it to php 4 or 5 and 
thankfully thats not what I've been asked to do.

psa - thanks for that!!
would that be part of an oracle library?
gt;From: Martin Norland lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt;
gt;Reply-To: php-db@lists.php.net
gt;To: php-db@lists.php.net
gt;Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] php3 and oracle9i client libraries doesn't 
gt;Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 09:31:33 -0500
gt;neil smith wrote:
gt;gt;I'm using this command to configure php3
gt;gt;./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs
gt;gt;--with-config-file-path=/usr/local/lib --enable-versioning
gt;gt;--enable-track-vars --with-oci8=/u01/app/oracle/product/
gt;gt;--with-oracle=/u01/app/oracle/product/ --enable-sigchild
gt;gt;that works ok. But when I type make it eventually fails with this
gt;gt;gcc -shared -o libphp3.so mod_php3.o libmodphp3-so.a
gt;gt;-L/usr/local/lib -L/u01/app/oracle/product/ -lclntsh
gt;gt;-lpsa -lcore4 -lnlsrtl3 -lclntsh -ldl -lm -lpthread -lnsl -lirc
gt;gt;-lgdbm -lpam -lm -ldl -lcrypt -lresolv
gt;gt;-Wl,--version-script=/usr/php/php-3.0.18/php.map -Wl,-rpath
gt;gt;/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpsa
gt;gt;collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
gt;gt;apxs:Break: Command failed with rc=1
gt;gt;make: *** [libphp3.so] Error 1
gt;gt;I don't understand enough about this compilation process to know
gt;gt;what lpsa is and why it can't find it. Does anybody know how I can
gt;gt;get php3 to work with oracle 9i client libraries?
gt;gt;thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
gt;-lpsa means it's trying to link a library named 'psa' - off the top
gt;of my head I can't say what that is, and a brief googling is proving
gt;less than useful.
gt;--- end section where I am 'useful', on to questioning rant ---
gt;Can I ask why you're using such an old version of php?  If it's for
gt;a legacy application I can understand, but it seems like you're
gt;giving up a LOT to stay on php3.  In any case - looking at the
gt;release dates for the two:
gt;	Oracle9i Database Release 2 Enterprise/Standard Edition for Linux
gt;New (26-Mar-04)
gt;	3.0.x (latest)
gt;	# Released: 20 Oct 2000
gt;I'd say you'd be better off trying your legacy app under php4 and
gt;moving to that.  If it's simply a register globals issue, then
gt;you're no safer in php3 than you would be in php4 with it turned on,
gt;so that's not a reason to stay back.
gt;good luck determining what psa is, I have to run to a meeting but I
gt;may try looking again later.
gt;- Martin Norland, Sys Admin / Database / Web Developer,
gt;International Outreach x3257
gt;The opinion(s) contained within this email do not necessarily
gt;represent those of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
gt;PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
gt;To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP-DB] Subject: Help wanted, Writing to the LPT Port.

2005-04-22 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
Actually, php-db is a list for (wait for it!) PHP used with DB (databases) 
so you've got the wrong list, you meant to send it to PHP-general.

Anyway to answer your question, you can send an 8 bit printer port a series 
of ASCII characters (0-255) which correspond to your values, so say chr(35) 
== 00100011 and chr(140) = 10011000. You can also use hex codes, which is 
easier to see the bit values. To do this, add 0x before the hex digits, 
for example 0xFF = , 0x3A = 00111010. Read a tutorial on 
hexadecimal notation if you are unsure how hex digits map to binary and 

See http://www.phpdig.net/ref/rn58re1156.html, 

So to do this in Linux say you would use the system's lpr queue to send 
characters to the printer port. And in windows you'd send it to the lpt1 
port or other printer port (select one of the $command depending on OS) :

$character=chr(0xBB);   //  Equivalent 
to binary 10111011
$command=echo .$character. | lpr -Pepson1;  //  Send command to 
Unix OS lpr command
$command=type .$character.  lpt1 ; //  or ... Send command 
to windows LPT1 port
exec($command); //  Send the command string directly to the 
operating system

Cheers - Neil

At 21:44 21/04/2005 +, you wrote:
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 09:38:50 +0200
Subject: Help wanted, Writing to the LPT Port.
I want to write a switch board in PHP. So that it is possible to write data
1 or 0 to the D0 - D7. So that It is possible to switch a relais wich I
connected to the LPT port of my webserver.
I could not find any examples or documentation on this theme.
Could somebody help me with this problem?
P.S. I am sure that it is possible because it is also possible to print with
PHP. So why should we not be able to write a specific value to the LPT port.
I saw 1 example with a serial port. So.
Kind regards,
J Bosch

CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
for accessible subtitled internet media, transcripts
and searchable video. Supports Real Player, Quicktime
and Windows Media Player.
VideoChat with friends online, get Freshly Toasted every
day at http://www.fresh-toast.net : NetMeeting solutions
for a connected world.
PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP-DB] php4 can't find tnsnames.ora oracle9 but can connectif description

2005-04-22 Thread neil smith
Hello chris,
I've modified the variables in the apache user environment (in my case root 
at the moment) but that didn't amke any difference to php not being able to 
find tnsnames.ora. So the work around I've used is to use 
ORACLE_SID=desciption(...etc. SID = ))); ie the full description of 
the database alias within tnsnames.ora

However this is not good, so if you have any other idea please let me know. 
I'm flumuxed.

gt;From: Christopher Jones lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt;
gt;To: neil smith lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]gt;
gt;CC: php-db@lists.php.net, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gt;Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] php4 can't find tnsnames.ora oracle9 but can 
connectif description hardcoded
gt;Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 09:25:12 +1000
gt;Make sure the environment variables are set in the shell that starts
gt;Apache.  See
gt;Try changing your OCILogon command to
gt;   $odbc = 
gt;i.e. remove quot;/testquot; from the username parameter.
gt;neil smith wrote:
gt;gt;I have test script that can connect to the oracle database. It
gt;gt;require tnsnames.ora because I define the database alias in the
gt;gt;itself. It looks like this:
gt;gt;# this allows a successful connection
gt;gt;$db = quot;  (DESCRIPTION =
gt;gt;  (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST =testdb.boo.com)(PORT = 1521))
gt;gt;  (CONNECT_DATA= (SID = testdb))
gt;gt;  )quot;;
gt;gt;// these don't work.. php can't seem to find tnsnames.ora
gt;gt;# $db = quot;testdb.boo.comquot;;
gt;gt;//$db = quot;testdb.boo.comquot;;
gt;gt;# $db = quot;testdbquot;;
gt;gt;//echo $testdb;
gt;gt;$odbc = OCILogon(quot;test/testquot;,quot;testquot;,$db);
gt;gt;if ($odbc == false){
gt;gt;   $msg = OCIError($odbc).quot;lt;BRgt;quot;;
gt;gt;} else {
gt;gt;echo quot;success!!!lt;brgt;quot;;
gt;gt;My problem is is that when I try to use the database alias in
gt;gt;tnsnames.ora I
gt;gt;get an ora-12154 error. I get this despite the facts that
gt;gt;tns_admin and everything else is defined in the script and the
gt;gt;contains exactly the same alias as I use in the hardcoded version
gt;gt;(see the
gt;gt;uncommented $db above).
gt;gt;sqlnet.ora contains a value name_domain that apparently is appended
gt;gt;to the
gt;gt;alias in tnsnames.ora but accounting for this still doesn't let me
gt;gt;to oracle . It's as if tnsnames.ora cannot be found. I've changed
gt;gt;permissions to 777 for the whole directory structure and I can
gt;gt;use tnsnames.ora with sqlplus or tnsping.
gt;gt;Does anybody have any ideas what is going wrong? Is this a bug?
gt;Christopher Jones, Oracle Corporation, Australia.
gt;Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +61 3 8616 3622
gt;PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
gt;To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

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[PHP-DB] php4 can't find tnsnames.ora oracle9 but can connect if description hardcoded

2005-04-19 Thread neil smith
I have test script that can connect to the oracle database. It doesn't
require tnsnames.ora because I define the database alias in the script
itself. It looks like this:

echo TWO_TASK=.getenv(TWO_TASK).br;
echo TNS_ADMIN=.getenv(TNS_ADMIN).BR;
echo NLS_LANG=.getenv(NLS_LANG)..br;
# this allows a successful connection
$db =   (DESCRIPTION =
 (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST =testdb.boo.com)(PORT = 1521))
 (CONNECT_DATA= (SID = testdb))
// these don't work.. php can't seem to find tnsnames.ora
# $db = testdb.boo.com;
//$db = testdb.boo.com;
# $db = testdb;
//echo $testdb;
$odbc = OCILogon(test/test,test,$db);
if ($odbc == false){
  $msg = OCIError($odbc).BR;
} else {
echo success!!!br;

My problem is is that when I try to use the database alias in tnsnames.ora I
get an ora-12154 error. I get this despite the facts that oracle_home,
tns_admin and everything else is defined in the script and the tnsnames.ora
contains exactly the same alias as I use in the hardcoded version (see the
uncommented $db above).
sqlnet.ora contains a value name_domain that apparently is appended to the
alias in tnsnames.ora but accounting for this still doesn't let me connect
to oracle . It's as if tnsnames.ora cannot be found. I've changed the
permissions to 777 for the whole directory structure and I can successfully
use tnsnames.ora with sqlplus or tnsping.
Does anybody have any ideas what is going wrong? Is this a bug?
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[PHP-DB] Subject: Web Printing

2005-04-01 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
At 10:27 31/03/2005 +, you wrote:
From: Ng Hwee Hwee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PHP DB List php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 18:24:41 +0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: Web Printing
Hi all,
i know i can print out a header and footer using HTML thead and tfoot. 
However, the tfoot doesn't always stay at the bottom of the page. For 
example, if the the last page only have 2 records, the tfoot will appear 
pretty high on the page.

i am wondering how can i use PHP to fix the position of my header and footer
PHP cannot help you here, it's the wrong tool for the job (it's a hammer 
not a screwdriver so to speak).
You need to (*must* !!!) use CSS to position and specify the height and 
dimensions of the thead and tfoot thus :

thead {
display: table-header-group;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
height: 36pt;
width: 100%;
tfoot {
display: table-footer-group;
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
height: 36pt;
width: 100%;
These should apply *reasonably* well to position your thead and tfoot row 
groups in the same place on each printed page (adjust as desired). You 
*cannot* use PHP to guess the height of the page areas reliably unless 
you are using a fixed pitch font such as a dot matrix line printer. And 
even then it's somewhat guesswork (I've done both).

But if we're assuming that you're users have laser printers you *must* use 
CSS to do the print layout, PHP line height guessing will not work for you.

Cheers - Neil
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Re: [PHP-DB] Forms...

2005-03-10 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
At 07:52 10/03/2005 +, you wrote:
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 20:37:36 +0100
From: Jochem Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
if your into XHTML:
input name=right_eye type=checkbox value=1 checked=checked 
value=1 /
Actually that's invalid XHTML (it won't validate) due to a typo I guess.
Each XML (aka XHTML) DOM element can only have a ~single~ attribute with a 
particular name.
The typo above has two copies if the 'value' attribute which would prevent 
the XHTML being valid XML.

Cheers - Neil 

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re:data grabbing and mathematics!

2005-03-08 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
At 09:48 08/03/2005 +, you wrote:
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2005 13:01:45 -0600
From: Martin Norland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: php-db@lists.php.net
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Re:data grabbing and mathematics!
1) use a single table, with 23 columns instead of 2.  Then sum the columns 
in your query.

Actually I disagree strongly unless your intention is to be able to read 
the rows yourself !
As the stated intention is to add up scores (doing the maths) in fact 
much more efficiently you want to have just 3 columns in a single table, 

Using multiple tables, or even multiple columns is deeply inefficient for 

  Using multiple columns is the most space/time efficient - assuming 
players aren't only playing a few rounds.
Hi Martin - again I'd disagree with the space constraint : In the case of 3 
columns I suggested, you keep *only* the data you require. If using 23 
columns, you've now got to maintain 23 values (even if they have never been 
used). And worse, you have to make those values NULL by default - another 1 
bit per item stored, and slightly slower query, which affects the time 
constraint if you grow to a very large system.

This is because as they're player scores - they have to be NULL initially 
to indicate the user never played the round. If you set them to zero by 
default, you have no idea if the user played the round, or just scored zero.

Using 3 columns as above, if you get a count(*) of zero for a query 
filtering by user and round, then your player has never played it. If you 
get a sum(score) of zero, he's played but scored zero.

It is, however, not the most *flexible*, as you're saying.  You need to 
modify the number of columns if things ever change, though you aren't 
limited to the number of players.
I think both scenarios though, would require the number of columns to 
change if anything*significant* changed.

But with 3 column solution proposed, to add another round you just  
insert the data ;-)
With 23 columns you have to modify the database schema to add that extra 

Both solutions probably require you to modify your php code a tiny bit for 
that 'future' mod.

Cheers - Neil 

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[PHP-DB] Subject: mysql_real_escape_string for HTML p???

2005-03-06 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
You actually need (it's in the manual) nl2br for this.
It converts newline (nl) to (2) break (br) so this text (\n indicates a 
newline character or 'enter' as you've called it)

Would become
Thisbr /\n
isbr /\n
abr /\n
testbr /\n
Make sure you strip those br / if you intend to put the content back in 
to a database though, or you'll double up the line count.

Cheers - Neil
At 04:47 06/03/2005 +, you wrote:
From: Ron Piggott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PHP DB php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2005 23:21:14 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: mysql_real_escape_string for HTML p???
I know of the
$variable = mysql_real_escape_string($variable);
It works just nicely to allow some of the wild cards to be saved to a mySQL
Is there something like this for HTML that when you retrieve from a variable
in the table an ENTER would be converted to P
I am mainly talking about when the variable is defined as longtext and you
are expecting the user to write a few sentences or where they may s/he may
press ENTER to start a new line.

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Re: [PHP-DB] timestamp

2005-01-29 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
Balwant - according to 
http://php.planetmirror.com/manual/en/ref.datetime.php shouldn't you be 
rather than strftime for this ? strftime needs input of a timestamp a large 
Int32 Unix Timestamp), where strtotime can format most textual time formats 
recognised by the OS.

Cheers - Neil

From: Balwant Singh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i am facing a problem
i have timestamp in string format -- Fri Jan 28 19:53:09 2005 now i
want to get the date from it.  is it possible? pls. help. on using
strftime(%D,$timestamp) it is giving 01/01/70.  May pls. help me.
Also pls. let me know whether calculation can be done in mysql on this
string timestamp. pls. inform.

with best wishes

CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
for accessible subtitled internet media, transcripts
and searchable video. Supports Real Player, Quicktime
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RE: [PHP-DB] Re: Subject: mysql - image storing

2005-01-19 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
At 09:48 19/01/2005 +, mel list_php wrote:
Ok Neil, I'll try this as well.I thought a readfile would be also 
forbidden by the htaccess,
No, .htaccess affects public viewing of the web root and child folders. PHP 
operates on the web server's file system (in as far as your host/ISP 
permits that) so the two areas are complementary.

Infact, you could store the files entirely outside of the web root if you 
have access to such space on the machine - using readfile, as long as you 
have filesystem permission to traverse to the desired directory, then you 
can read and pass through the file using PHP. Then you'd not need .htaccess 
at all, it only comes into play when you're file-hiding beneath the web root.

and I agree this would be a good solution.I don't really want to store the 
picture in the database but the fact is tha I should be able to do it if I 

No, really really , don't do this. Store the path to the image.
You then load the path into PHP and use
header(Content-type: image/jpeg);
Then .htaccess the *actual directory* you store the images in so it's 
hidden from browsing.

Only allow authorised people access to their own images, using a standard 
authentication system, and retrieve the image filenames they're allowed 
from the DB, append that to your protected directory path, and use 
readfile() to pass through the file data directly to the browser.
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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: mysql - image storing

2005-01-18 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
No, really really , don't do this. Store the path to the image.
You then load the path into PHP and use
header(Content-type: image/jpeg);
Then .htaccess the *actual directory* you store the images in so it's 
hidden from browsing.

Only allow authorised people access to their own images, using a standard 
authentication system, and retrieve the image filenames they're allowed 
from the DB, append that to your protected directory path, and use 
readfile() to pass through the file data directly to the browser.

Really, don't store them in the database ;-)
Cheers - Neil
At 18:59 18/01/2005 +, you wrote:
From: mel list_php [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: php-db@lists.php.net
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 11:30:12 +
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
Subject: mysql - image storing
Hi list,
I try to store/retrieve pictures into MySQL.
I know that a lot of people will say this is not a good practice, so here 
are briefly my reasons:
-I want to protect that pictures (restricted access)
-I don't want to use htaccess as I want my users to be able to modify 
their password whenever they want, and I don't want to modify dynamically 
an htaccess file.
-I could store them on the filesystem (my actual solution), but I have 
only few pictures, so I would like to give the MySQL option a trial.

CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
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[PHP-DB] RE: How to process a query form with CHECKBOX RADIO not checkbox !

2004-12-28 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
At 01:23 28/12/2004 +, you wrote:
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2004 17:22:49 -0800 (PST)
To: php-db@lists.php.net, php-general@lists.php.net
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Subject: How to process a query form with CHECKBOX Please help
DIVAge group/DIV
DIVYounginput type=checkbox name=
DIVMiddleinput type=checkbox name=
DIVOldinput type=checkbox name= value=/DIV
I want to capture the user options and create an SQL
You need to make your form action=post
You also need to use a radio button because a patient may not be young 
*and* old for example.
Radio buttons offer an 'either-or' selection, where a checkbox offers an 
'and' selection.
You also need to give the radio buttons a name (the same for each one in a 
group of options) eg

input type=radio name=age id=age1 value=young / Young
input type=radio name=age id=age2 value=middle / Middle
input type=radio name=age id=age3 value=old / Old
When you submit the form, PHP will have a variable in $_POST array which 
contains the value of the selection.
It will be called the same as the name attribute in your input (radio) 
button :

$allowed_ages = array(young, middle, old);
$age_group = $_POST[age];
//  We should check that the value is of the types we allow into the 
//  this will prevent form spoofing because we're checking for an exact 
if (in_array($age_group, $allowed_ages)) {

//  At this point we should make a connection to the database.
//  Well make the resource called $link and it will be used below
$link=mysql_connect(my_server, my_username, my_password);
//  There may be multiple *databases* on the server, each with lots of 
mysql_select_db(my_database_name, $link);

$query=INSERT INTO patient_data
VALUES ('.$age_group.');
//  Execute query
mysql_query($query, $link);
//  Check for success
if (mysql_error($link)) {
//  Something went wrong with the query
print(Error in query : .$query);
}  else {
//  Print success
print(Your record was added);
} else {
//  We were receiving a spoofed form entry which could break the database
print(Value is not acceptable);

Select age_group from patient_data where age_group =
young and old ;
Just use
FROM patient_data
WHERE age_group IN (young, old)
There would be no point in selecting age_group because all you'll get is a 
list of young-old-old-old-young etc without any useful information. If you 
wanted to know *how many* young and old (a summary) you'd use GROUP BY eg

SELECT age_group, COUNT(age_group)
FROM patient_data
WHERE age_group IN (young, old)
GROUP BY age_group
so you'd get
young   15
old 24
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2004-12-01 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
It's all client-side Javascript. I'll send you by email (off-list) an 
example I wrote this week for touchscreen number data entry so you can see 
how to do it. Then you're on your own !

This is *not* a PHP *or* a DB question, please keep general web-development 
questions to a more appropriate newsgroup. Evolt.org is a good place to 
start, or www.alistapart.com

Cheers - Neil
At 18:21 01/12/2004 +, you wrote:
From: balwantsingh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 14:39:15 +0530
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
May pls. help me.
Can anybody guide me whether virtual keyboard can be made using PHP.
Actually i am developing a site for our internal use where we will not give
keyboard to user, the data can be entered by help of touchscreen pasted on
the monitor.
with best wishes

CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
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[PHP-DB] RE : Subject: Excel - merging cells with PHP

2004-11-30 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
Sure, you'd output to the Excel XML spreadsheet format, which allows you to 
do colspans and such, although with a different syntax to HTML. (I posted 
this answer to the microsoft.public.xsl list the other day ;-)

The documentation is here :
Some Examples :
http://www.simonstl.com/articles/officeXML/spreadsheetML.html and
But the easiest way by far is this :
Save your XML file in the desired format but choose Save As, then
pick XML Spreadsheet as the file type to use (its in the same
dropdown as Lotus1-2-3 and CSV files).
Open the XML spreadsheet in a text editor and immediately you will see
how it is formatted. Now, ignore the HTML, and create an XML file
which matches the XML spreadsheet. Really you only need to generate
Row and Cell Data tags, the Style tags can be added to the XSLT
file. You can define almost any style used in excel such as borders, 
shading, number format (so no need to pre-convert numbers to currency for 

Just use standard XSL to convert your XML data output from the DB to either 
of HTML or Excel spreadsheet (or even CSV for old Excel 97 !). I've done 
this in production environments and it works very very well indeed.

It should take about 2-3 hours the first time, and you'll make a
couple of mistakes. Examine the excel error log produced to find out
the error (the error log is saved in your temporary internet files).
It will be much fasted once you've tried it once.
From: Perry, Matthew (Fire Marshal's Office) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 08:48:52 -0600
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: Excel - merging cells with PHP
When you export a table to excel, is there a way to merge cells and create
borders?  I want my excel file to look exactly like my html table looks.

Matthew Perry

CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
for accessible subtitled internet media, transcripts
and searchable video. Supports Real Player, Quicktime
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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Javascript Question (Was PHP / Javascript question)

2004-11-16 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
Yes it can be a bit tricky first time. You'll be using numeric indexes 
(it's the easiest) so probably like this :
Iterate through the form's elements array, check if each one is a [checkbox 
/ radio / other] and then check the name for the element against a regex. 
If it matches then you need to use this element to validate eg

script language=javascript1.2 type=text/javascript
function validate_form() {
  var regex=del\[\d+\];
  for (i=0; idf.elements.length) {
 if (df[i].type==checkbox  df[i].name.match(regex)) {
if (df[i].checked=true) {
   valid = false;
So you're checking to see if each element is a checkbox form type, then if 
it matches the field name you want to validate against (there may be more 
than one set of checkboxes with different array names), and finally you're 
seeing if it's checked.

Since there's no point carrying on with the loop if we've failed one, we 
then use break; to jump out of the loop rather than bash any other form 
elements. The odd 'escapes' in the regex before the [ and ] are because [ 
and ] are used in regular expressions to denote character classes eg 
[0-9*£$] or [a-zA-Z0-9] and so on. The \d+ denotes 'any digits' and is a 
shorthand way to write [0-9]

Cheers - Neil
At 09:46 16/11/2004 +, you wrote:
From: Chris Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 22:03:10 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: PHP / Javascript question
Hi there everyone,
I have a form with check boxes and with PHP I use the array feature for the
form name.  Now I need to check if the tickboxes are ticked and if not
return an error, normally with javascript I would use:
script language=JavaScript
function validate_form ( ) {
valid = true;
if ( document.removeitems.del.value ==  ) {
alert ( You cannot remove an item if it is not selected. );
valid = false;
return valid;
BUT because the tickboxes information is stored in a PHP Array called del[]
I am having major problems getting it to work.  Does anyone know how to
determine with javascript if any boxes are ticked, when the name for the box
is an Array such as del[] ???  I’m grabbing the data from my MySQL DB
without a hitch etc …. And I know technically this is more MySQL / PHP list,
but it is related and I’ve looked online and can’t seem to find anything, so
thought I’d try here as usually you are all very helpful.
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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Javascript Question (Was PHP / Javascript question)

2004-11-16 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
if (df[i].checked=true) {
should of course read
if (df[i].checked==true) {
sigh !
Cheers - Neil
script language=javascript1.2 type=text/javascript
function validate_form() {
  var regex=del\[\d+\];
  for (i=0; idf.elements.length) {
 if (df[i].type==checkbox  df[i].name.match(regex)) {
if (df[i].checked=true) {
   valid = false;
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[PHP-DB] Re: MySQL Data Not Returned

2004-11-13 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
My guess (and it will be correct) is that you've got a not visible 
character on the end of your email address in the database. Such a 
character could be a space, newline, tab or other similar character.

Make sure you use trim($email_address) to create the field to insert into 
the database !

Check the actual string you get returned from the query on the DB with the 
SELECT * FROM mailinglist WHERE email like '$email%'

Use strlen($resul[email]); and you'll see that the length of the email 
address is not the same as the number of characters in the email address if 
you count them manually.

Cheers - Neil
At 11:54 13/11/2004 +, you wrote:
I search the list like so:
$query=mysqli_query($cnn,SELECT * FROM mailinglist WHERE
When I do:
Echo mysqli_num_rows($query);
I get 0 back, The address I am searching is in the database, I have
triple checked it with phpmyadmin.
The only way I can get it to return the record I am looking for is to do
$query=mysqli_query($cnn,SELECT * FROM mailinglist WHERE email like
Then this finally returns 1. I have tried many different email
addresses; nothing comes back, not even from the SQL query window within
phpmyadmin v. 2.6.0-rc2
This has been puzzling me for hours on end. If anyone can provide any
help, that would be great
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[PHP-DB] Re: php-db Digest 13 Nov 2004 11:54:41 -0000 Issue 2681

2004-11-13 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
Brilliant, nice one. You've just given me the opportunity to run my 
counter-spam signup script. I wa swaiting for a good opportunity like this, 
as it's a little difficult to test on myself !You have now been 
automatically subscribed to 14,500 newsletter distribution lists and 
opt-out mailings. Congratulations on your new payload, scum. I hope you 
have fun unsubscribing from them all.

Cheers - Neil
At 11:54 13/11/2004 +, you wrote:
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/related;
boundary== Multipart Boundary 1112041232
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 12:32:55 -
Subject: Your Business Cards
PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP-DB] Re:Subject: Finding the highest number in a column?

2004-10-28 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
Surely some monday morning light headedness Chris !
SELECT MAX(column_name) AS max_number FROM table
Make sure the column's indexed if you do it often !
Cheers - Neil
At 03:32 28/10/2004 +, you wrote:
From: Chris Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 23:33:02 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: Finding the highest number in a column?
Hi there everyone,

I am working with a very complex system where not all numbers are assigned
1, 2, 3 …… etc …… so there could be a row with the number 1 and then the
next row could be 40 and so on ……

Is there a way with PHP and MySQL to find out what the highest number is in
a particular column easily when the numbers are auto-incremented so aren’t
necessarily one after the other?

I would really appreciate any help on this as it’s really bugging me.

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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Form Processing

2004-10-16 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
Sure you can Ron : Just give each submit button the same name, but a 
different ID in the html eg

submit name=submit id=delete value=Delete /
submit name=submit id=update value=Update /
submit name=submit id=manage value=Management /
When the user presses one of the buttons, look into the $_POST array and 
check if the value is set, for example

if (isset($_POST[submit])) {
//  Check that the form was submitted using the submit button
switch ($_POST[submit])) {
case 'Delete' :
//  Delete actions here
case 'Udate' :
//  Update actions here
case 'Management' :
//  Management actions here
//  Any catch-all actions if the forms submit button was spoofed
}   //  End switch block
So, the submit value you're checking for should match that on the button.
Each block after the 'case' statement is followed by a 'break' statement.
If you *don't* do this, the code continues to execute all the other 
statements in the switch block.
Sometimes this is desirable but generally it ain't and can cause a headache 
if you leave it out.

You also have a 'default' statement which happens if none of the 'case's 
match - for example if somebody is trying to 'hotwire' your form to perform 
undesirable actions.

NB : You need to give them buttons different HTML *ID's* so that any 
javascript you use can tell the buttons apart in the DOM (otherwise the 
HTML DOM would be invalid, as you can't have more than one element on your 
web page with the same ID)

Cheers - Neil
At 12:52 16/10/2004 +, Ron wrote:
From: Ron Piggott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 23:05:14 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Form Processing
I would like to know if you are able to create a PHP web form that has
different SUBMIT buttons --- or if you used the HTML command
SELECT NAME=approval_command
OPTIONDelete Record
OPTIONUpdate And Approve For Listing
OPTIONFor Management
Basically I want the delete record to find the record in the mySQL
database --- I added the auto_increment yesterday to help develop the
editing module --- I want the Update and Approve For Listing to change a
variable value from 0 to 1 and to accept any changes the pre-viewer has
made --- for example writing in United States instead of US and For
Management to change the variable value to 2.
Are any of you able to help me with this question?
Sincerely thank you.
It would again help me if a copy of your response is sent to my e-mail

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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Print

2004-09-09 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
This is NOT a PHP question, or even a Javascript question - it's basic HTML 
and CSS.

You must read here http://www.dillonsoftware.com/essays/printing.jsp point #3
And here on A ListApart : http://www.alistapart.com/discuss/goingtoprint/6/
But please do not post basic HTML questions to the PHP lists unless you 
intend to use PHP/Windows native print functions. A little web research 
will also help.

Cheers - Neil
At 08:05 09/09/2004 +, you wrote:
From: Ng Hwee Hwee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 16:05:55 +0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: Print
I have a pressing problem with regards to printing.
My situation is as follows:
1) I have a form in a table format with the following headers:
| No. | Date | Contents | Remarks |
2) the fields under Contents and Remarks are textareas to allow users 
to type as much as they want.
3) after submitting the form, user will click on a button that will 
activate window.print() to print the form
4) however, sometimes user types too much and the information spills over 
to two or more pages.
5) user thus wish to also have the headers of  the table repeated on the 
subsequent pages.

So, my problem is, how can I know when the information will be more than a 
page? is there a way in PHP to calculate the number of lines output and 
then I can force a page-break?

please help me. thank you soo soo much!
hwee hwee

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[PHP-DB] Re: php Form Validation help

2004-09-07 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
At 11:09 07/09/2004 +, you wrote:
From: Vincent Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2004 19:20:16 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: php Form Validation help
have a form that I would like to validate before it is submitted to the DB.
I am having trouble with a couple of sections.
I have a select box with a listing of all the states, the first option is
Choose One with a value of 0. Would this be the correct way to
validate this field?
if ($_POST[state]==0) {
//  Display error message that no state is selected
print 'pPlease select your State/p';
Second, another part of the same form I have fields for phone numbers, once
the field is submitted I would like to join the 3 sections of areacode, nxx
and prefix. I have done this to join them, is this correct?
Almost there : Put quotes around parts of your output that aren't variables 
(ie quote literal text strings)

$phone = $_POST['p-areacode'] . - . $_POST['p-prefix']. - 

The next question id for both phone number and area code.
If I want to validate the zip code and ensure a minimum of X characters in
the field, numbers only how would I do this?
if (strlen($zip_str)  5) {
print 'pPlease enter your Zip Code (EX. 77662)/p';
Cheers - Neil 

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Re: [PHP-DB] functions via event handlers

2004-09-07 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
Or you could use XMLHTTP on the browser side (supported by IE and Mozilla 

You'd send a GET request to the page, it would return - often - an XML 
record set, or you can return text, and indeed you can even query page 
status codes from the client side.

The point is, you no longer need to unload the current page to get 
information form the server.
Useful examples here : http://jibbering.com/2002/4/httprequest.html

Cheers - Neil
At 11:09 07/09/2004 +, you wrote:
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2004 19:55:51 -0400
From: Joseph Crawford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Joseph Crawford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] functions via event handlers
the closest you could come is to make javascript functions call php
pages basically redirects that would call the php functions.

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[PHP-DB] Re Displaying Text From A Data File

2004-09-04 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
It's actually very simple : Just use
Cheers - Neil
At 17:35 04/09/2004 +, you wrote:
From: Ron Piggott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2004 14:00:56 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Displaying Text From A Data File
I am still new to PHP and I wanted to ask a question.
I am wanting to create a PHP script to randomly display one of many greeting
messages on my web site.  I was going to store them in a text based file.  I
wanted PHP to randomly select one of them and display it each time the
script was loaded.
I am still new at PHP and I am not sure where to get started.  But I was
thinking about this and I am sure this has already been done many times ...
I am not sure where to look on the web.
Can any of you help me get started?

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2004-08-16 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
I often had trouble getting the syntaxt just right with PHP, it's easy to 
end up with the wrong number of slashes around the -lines terminated by 
'- parts of this.

When you ran your query, what did mysql_error() say about it ?
That would be a line you add directly after the line mysql_query($link,$query)
Usually this will tell you immediately if you have an error in your SQL, 
and echoing the $query string you passed to MySQL is a good idea too, it 
can be more obvious to diagnose when it's printed on screen.

Cheers - Neil
At 12:41 16/08/2004 +, you wrote:
From: Daniel Kradolfer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 14:40:49 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
I'm new to this list. I diden't found anything in the archive and by
googleing to solve my problem.
We have updated our server to PHP 4.3.8 and MySQL 4.0.2. Some of our
clients run a shop software that need 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE' to store
its data to MySQL. MySQL itself supports the command. I can run it from
mysql-client. That works. I have read about the fix on php.net
(http://www.php.net/ChangeLog-4.php / http://bugs.php.net/28632).
Until now, i couldn't find a solution to get it work.
Is there way to get it work?

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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Enabling LDAP support

2004-08-03 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
 I have copied the two required .dlls (libeay32  ssleay32) into the 
system folder.
No, you need to copy the dll's to \winnt\system32, not \winnt\system

 thinking that that might make it work... but it didn't
*How* didn't it work ? What did you try ?
If it didn't connect, are you letting TCP port 389 in/out of your network ?
Try connecting to ils.kencomp.net and get some results, it's usually up.
At 19:03 02/08/2004 +, you wrote:
From: Philip Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MIME-version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
Subject: Enabling LDAP support
Hi again all.
Sorry to bug you again. But I thought I would throw this out here again 
and see if anyone has any input. It would be greatly appreciated.

I am running PHP on a Windows 2000 Server, and I need to enable LDAP 
support. So I have viewed the http://us3.php.net/manual/en/ref.ldap.php 
page on how to get LDAP running. However, I have run into a snag.

I have copied the two required .dlls (libeay32  ssleay32) into the system 
folder. I also put the configuration option 'ldap.max_links = -1' in my 
php.ini file. Is there anything else I need to add to the .ini file? I 
tried uncommenting the extension for php_ldap.dll, thinking that that 
might make it work... but it didn't.

Anyone have any suggestions b/c I'm stuck?

CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
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[PHP-DB] RE: Subject OUTER JOIN ( WAS Subject: Multiple SELECT)

2004-07-12 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
This answer is quite involved, see below.
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
MIME-Version: 1.0
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 19:31:21 -0700
I know this issue comes up alot, I've looked through the archives
looking for a solution, but none of them are what I want. I have two
tables with share a common coloumn, username. One is the user table.
It's used to store the user's password, username, email and so on. The
other table is for the user's profile (if they choose to have one). It
contains msnm, aim, yahoo etc address, birthdate and other stuff like
that. So far I have this query:
forumusers.email AS email,forumusers.username AS 
username,forumusers.level AS level,
forumusers.lastlogon1 AS lastlogon1,forumusers.lastlogon2 AS 
lastlogon2,forumusers.settings1 AS settings1,forumusers.confirmationcode 
AS confirmationcode,
forumuserprofiles.sex AS sex, forumuserprofiles.birthdate AS 
forumuserprofiles.address_msnm AS address_msnm, 
forumuserprofiles.address_aim AS address_aim,
forumuserprofiles.address_yahoo AS address_yahoo, 
forumuserprofiles.address_icq AS address_icq
ORDER BY username

You need to use LEFT OUTER JOIN syntax which will match rows on a key, and 
return NULL where there is no match for the same key in another table. BTW 
How does your query below work ? There's no 'WHERE' filter !

So - lets try a stripped down version of your 1st query :
SELECT forumusers.*, forumuserprofile.*
FROM forumusers, forumuserprofile
WHERE forumusers.username = '.$selected_username.'
AND forumusers.username = forumuserprofile.username
This query matches all forumusers with the specified $selected_username, 
and all forumuserprofiles which *also* match that username. Now, you need 
to modify this query to recover the NON-MATCHING (ie, empty) user profiles 
as well, this is where LEFT OUTER JOIN comes in :

SELECT forumusers.*, forumuserprofile.*
FROM forumusers
LEFT OUTER JOIN forumuserprofile
ON forumusers.username = forumuserprofile.username
WHERE forumusers.username = '.$selected_username.'
So, here we're still selecting the forumuser with username 
$selected_username, but we *also* do a left join and include any rows where 
there is a match as well as there is not a match for forumusers.username = 
forumuseprofile.username. If there is *no* match, all the columns from 
forumuserprofile will be NULL, if there *is* a matching forumusers.username 
= forumuserprofile.username, then the columns from forumuserprofile will 
contain values.

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[PHP-DB] RE : validate 2 password fields

2004-06-30 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
Sorry, my typo, the else line should have read (note the missing brace)
return true;
} else {
alert(Passwords did not match);
Please note you need to turn on error reporting for scripts in IE or your 
chosen browser - doing so would have told you the line which had the syntax 
error. Developing websites with error reporting turned off is a terribly 
bad idea ;-)

Cheers - Neil
At 23:11 29/06/2004 -0400, Vincent Jordan wrote:
I have the following code and it is not working. it will pass the info
along. hwew is a copy of the entire code:.
?php ?
function Validate()
if (document.UserAddNew.username.value == '')
alert('Warranty Database:\nPlease Enter a Username\!');
return false;
if (document.UserAddNew.password.value == '')
alert('Warranty Database:\nPlease Enter a Password\!');
return false;
function checkpasswords() {
if (df['password'].value==df['password2'].value) {
// Passwords matched, clear password2, allow form to submit
return true;
else {
alert('Passwords did not match');
return false;
form method='post' action='' name='UserAddNew' onSubmit='return
Username : INPUT TYPE='TEXT' name='username' title='username'
Password : INPUT TYPE='TEXT' name='password' title='password'
Re Type Password: INPUT TYPE='TEXT' name='password2' title='password2'
Department: SELECT name='department' title='department' id='department'
OPTION value='Managment'Managment/OPTION
OPTION value='Sales'Sales/OPTION
OPTION value='Tech Support'Tech Support/OPTION
OPTION value='Returns'Returns/OPTION
OPTION value='Other'Other/OPTION/SELECTbr
input type=submit name=submit value='Add'
input type=reset name=reset value='Reset' onClick=if (confirm('Warranty
Database:\nAre you sure you want to reset the form\?'));
- Original Message -
From: Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 6:25 AM
Subject: [SPAM] RE : validate 2 password fields
 Attach onsubmit=return checkpasswords() to your form tag.

 function checkpasswords() {
  if (df[password1].value==df[password2].value) {
 //  Passwords matched, clear password2, allow form to submit
  return true;
   else {
  alert(Passwords did not match);
  return false;

 Cheers - Neil

 From: Vincent Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 20:49:47 -0400
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
 Subject: 2 requests: validate 2 password fields as equal and rewrite data
 Could someone instruct me or point me in the right direction. I would
 to have a input type=password name=password input type=password
 name=password2 when submit it will check to se if password and password2
 are = ( i do not want password2 to end up in POST on submit.)

 CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
 for accessible subtitled internet media, transcripts
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Re: [PHP-DB] Image Resize

2004-06-30 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
Kenny - you will find there are no native PHP handlers for TIFF.
If you're on a unix system you'll be able to use the imagemagick function 
'convert' at a command line to do this. Something like this I developed for 
a client will work, you'll need to look up the passthru function in the PHP 
manual. This is an advanced technique, I'm not planning on discussing it in 
detail so you'll need to figure out how to get it to work on your own 
system. Please don't mail me saying 'it doesn't work'.

$binpath is the path to the system binaries, often /usr/bin. You're using 
the 'convert' command whlch you'll need to read up on in the imagemagick 
documentation, there's no space to put it here as it's very extensive in 
what image formats it can convert. PNG, PSD, GIF and other formats are also 

In this case, $image_handle-username was just a user object which I used 
as part of the file name for the created file, as was $imgid. The file name 
ends in .jpeg in this case, convert decides what to convert to by the file 
extension of the created file name you give it.

passthru($binpath/convert -quality 100 tiff:$filename 
while (! 
filesize($temppath.$image_handle-username.$imgid.jpeg)==0) {
// Wait 0.2s increments for image creation to complete (if system is slow)
   if ($i = 25) { // 5 seconds elapsed, still no file created

You'll need to check to see if the created file is available after a few 
milliseconds as this is an out-of-band process, that is PHP can't know when 
the convert has finished in the case of a very large TIFF, So it polls the 
directory for the file becoming available. Clearstatcache is needed to 
purge the cached directory information, otherwise the loop will lock out 
assuming the file is never there. It breaks the loop at 5 seconds anyway if 
a hang has occurred.

At 02:46 30/06/2004 +, you wrote:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Image Resize
Kenny wrote:
Hi All,
Does anyone know if you can resize a tif image?
I have created a photo gallery and the client want to be able to upload
Jpeg and Tiff files, Unfortunately I have never worked with Tiff
Here is my code for Jpg files, But tiff has me stumped
tiff is not good graficformat.  The browsers aren´ t able to display this. 
Some browsers, f.  e.  IE
are not able to display the PNG-format always properly.  The best you take 
only jpg. The snipplet
you send  seams to work.


CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
for accessible subtitled internet media, transcripts
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[PHP-DB] RE : validate 2 password fields

2004-06-29 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
Attach onsubmit=return checkpasswords() to your form tag.
function checkpasswords() {
if (df[password1].value==df[password2].value) {
//  Passwords matched, clear password2, allow form to submit
return true;
 else {
alert(Passwords did not match);
return false;
Cheers - Neil

From: Vincent Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 20:49:47 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: 2 requests: validate 2 password fields as equal and rewrite data
Could someone instruct me or point me in the right direction. I would like 
to have a input type=password name=password input type=password 
name=password2 when submit it will check to se if password and password2 
are = ( i do not want password2 to end up in POST on submit.)

CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
for accessible subtitled internet media, transcripts
and searchable video. Supports Real Player, Quicktime
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[PHP-DB] Subject: Re: Javascript forms [2]

2004-06-29 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
At 22:20 28/06/2004 +, you wrote:
From: Vincent Jordan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 20:35:52 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject:  Re: Php form  row delete problems
I have tried this but somehow can not seem to get it working. I have incuded
copy of the pages. thanks in advance for the assistance.
As usual you didn't say what's not working. Separately there's a bug in 
your javascript, this line :

a href=DelUser.php onClick=if (confirm('Warranty Database:\nAre you 
sure you like to delete the selected users\(s\)\?'));

Will always return true in javascript - that is, the default action of a 
link is to return true, and the link is followed. So you will *always* 
delete the user even if they say no.

You need to write return confirm() instead of if (confirm())
a href=DelUser.php onClick=return (confirm('Warranty Database:\nAre you 
sure you like to delete the selected users\(s\)\?'));

Cheers - Neil
PHP Database Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP-DB] Date help needed

2004-06-25 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
No, it's actually very easy to do the autocomplete once you get the hang of 
it. Actually the way I've done it is to populate a multi-select box but you 
could also use a DIV and write out the values

Dump the email addresses as an XML file (generate this dynamically) then 
use XSLT to read out matching rows on each keyup ... basically you filter 
the XML file each time till you get down to one value

Yes, it's javascript but it works really well as long as you have some 
control over your client browser (in the case of your boss, probably IE but 
it can be made to work in mozilla / firefox too)

Mail me offlist if you want a working example.
Cheers - Neil
At 11:07 25/06/2004 +, you wrote:
From: Chris Payne [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 22:53:13 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Date help needed
One thing he wanted which I didn't know how to do (Javascript I guess which
I don't know much about) was to preload a database of email address, and as
he started to type an email address it would do a sort of auto-complete, but
have no clue how to go about that so just told him not viable ATM.

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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Retrieve data, add new fields and enter it in new ta

2004-06-22 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
Look at the INSERT... SELECT syntax in the MySQL manual
Basically you can do this but only between 2 different tables (which is 
what you specified) :
Generate and *test* the SELECT statement you want to use to recover your 
data set.

Then in PHP try a query like this :
$query=INSERT INTO table2 ( id, name, address1, address2, address3, password )
SELECT id, name, address1, address2, address3, ' 
.$your_password_key. '
FROM table1;

So here you have selected the 4 fields form table 1 and added a password 
key added from a PHP variable

Possibly not the best example but you get the idea.
CHeers -Neil
At 02:06 22/06/2004 +, you wrote:
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 12:06:41 +1000
Subject: Retrieve data, add new fields and enter it in new table
I am trying to do the following:
- retrieve data from a table based on the $id field (easy enough)
- add a few more fields to the data set, then
- enter the data (and new fields) into a new table (based on the
selected $id field)
I'm just not sure how to structure this, do I use a temporary table, add
the new fields, then move the data set into the target table?
Or is there a better way?

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[PHP-DB] Re:Subject: big/small letters with oracle No2

2004-06-01 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
You can just use the PHP function ucwords(strtolower()) on the results as 
you loop through them to create the Select list ;-)

So, this would convert NA to Na, and MG to Mg (as well as mG to Mg and MG 
to Mg ;-)

Cheers - Neil
At 10:41 01/06/2004 +, you wrote:
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 12:41:11 +0200
From: Torsten Lange [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MIME-version: 1.0
Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
Subject: big/small letters with oracle No2
 But when using queries on the USER_... data dictionary, Oracle delivers 
always big letters, which is for
 chemical elements (NA vs. Na) or location names (ALICE SPRINGS vs. 
Alice Springs) and location codes
 often uncomfortable to read.

It happend in the heat of the moment... The above is only the case for 
column names, i.e. the parameter columns (Na, Mg...). Locations etc. 
belonging of course to data sets.


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[PHP-DB] Re: Table Def error WAS Where Error

2004-05-29 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
It's probably a table definition thing. Is your 'netreceipts' column an 
ENUM ? How about your status column - is it a CHAR ? ENUM ? Send us the 
table definition for the misbehaving table. Also, send us the error message 
before asking what's the solution, we're not mind readers  :-))

Your query below unless it's in some kind of pseudocode, needs quotes 
around the i, vis :

WHERE status='i'
not as stated
WHERE status=i
Because 'i' is a string and must be quoted. The same happens for ENUM 
columns, even though the values might appear numeric (100, 400, 500) they 
must be quoted and treated like strings, as they are not internally 
numbers, but indexes into a list of strings. In the same way, you can 
return the index directly by asking for status+0 which converts the status 
index into a number rather than returning the string '100' you will get the 
number 1 (which is useful when creating checkboxes from ENUMs)

At 14:36 29/05/2004 +, you wrote:
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-15
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Date: Sat, 29 May 2004 10:35:40 -0400
Subject: Where Error
This should be ultimately simple; it just doesn't work.  I want to limit 
display to rows from a single table in which the status column contains 
i.  Only options are i, c, o.  After the select line I have where status 
= i  (no quote marks).  I get an error message to the while line that 
calls the table.

When I limit by another column where netreceipts  500 I get the desired 
result.  When I change it to where netreceipts = 500 (and there is a 
500) I get the error message above.

What's the solution?

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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: SQL Statement

2004-05-19 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
You're missing a closing quote at the end of the line, following the group 
by `calls`, it should end as

, `calls`;
Since you are passing a string to PHP to hand off to the DB engine. Also, 
PHP function mysql_error($connection) is useful as this will return any 
errors generated by your database (if present).

Cheers - Neil
At 00:57 19/05/2004 +, you wrote:
$sqlwrk .=  WHERE (`pk_phone_number` =  . $fk_phone”) AND 
(`date` BETWEEN “'$my_startdate'” AND “'$my_enddate'”)”;
$sqlwrk .=  GROUP BY `pk_phone_reports`, `fk_ph_num`, `date`, `calls`;

CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
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[PHP-DB] Re: question on select

2004-05-13 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
** Or send XML files up and down dynamically using xmlhttp in IE and 
Mozilla ;-)

Cheers - Neil

At 04:06 13/05/2004 +, you wrote:
To make a client-side solution possible, you'd have to send ALL POSSIBLE
data to the page all at the same time then manipulate it with JavaScript.
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[PHP-DB] Re:RE: [PHP-DB] question on select

2004-05-13 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
That *should* read :

document.fcountry.newcountry.value = 

Skip the 'options' object - I'm surprised you're not getting a javascript 
error, maybe you have error reporting turned off in your browser ? In any 
case, always 'alert' that value when you create it, so you know what you're 
actually submitting during testing.

At 04:06 13/05/2004 +, you wrote:
From: hengameh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 12:22:20 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] question on select
function changeMenu()
  document.fcountry.newcountry.value =

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Re: [PHP-DB] Edit with notepad

2004-05-11 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
Just offer them a link to the next page. Put amp;format=word in as the 
query string if they choose the 'view word document' link or no query 
string if they choose the plain text view as html page. Then go for

if ($_GET[format]=='word') {
header(Content-type: application/vnd-ms.word);
Really, offering your customers what they want is what we're all about - 
you have to take some responsibility for implementing snippets of code like 
this ;-)

Cheers - Neil

At 10:39 11/05/2004 +, you wrote:
From: Ng Hwee Hwee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 09:25:08 +0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Edit with notepad

header(Content-type: application/vnd-ms.word); is not what my customers
want. They may or may not want to save it in their harddisk.. but having the
header at the beginning of my page will force them to save it in their
harddisk. Some of the customers just want to view it on the web while others
want to view it in Word and possibly edit it and then save it.. how can i
achieve such flexibility for them?
thank you!!


CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
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[PHP-DB] RE :I thought 4 didn't equal 456456456%20%20OR%2012

2004-05-10 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
It doesn't. What you're seeing is an SQL injection attack. If you *trust* 
the SQL code you allow from POST or GET requests, your SQL server will be 
own3d in due course.

That URL actually translates to 456456456  OR 12

Which is always true. So If you use this verbatim, you'll get a true result 
(if you were using it as part of a login process, the user would be in 
without providing a login and password :-p )

I always, *always* apply $result=(integer) $_GET[uid] to these strings : 
That way you are guaranteed it's a number not a string.

Cheers - Neil

From: Dan Bowkley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 9 May 2004 15:17:19 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] supernoob strikes again
I thought 4 didn't equal 456456456%20%20OR%2012

CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
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[PHP-DB] Re: Subject: Edit with notepad

2004-05-10 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
Send before any content, an MS-Word header :

header(Content-type: application/vnd-ms.word);

Then output your HTML.
Cheers - Neil.
At 07:41 10/05/2004 +, you wrote:

From: Ng Hwee Hwee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 15:40:27 +0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Subject: Edit with notepad

My customers would like to save my php outputs in a word document file and 
so I have added a meta tag META NAME=ProgID CONTENT=word.document in 
my php files. However, my File-Edit button in IE6 is greyed out. why? i 
see that other php files on other websites allow Edit, why is it that my 
programs don't allow it??

thanx for any insights!!

Hwee Hwee

CaptionKit http://www.captionkit.com : Production tools
for accessible subtitled internet media, transcripts
and searchable video. Supports Real Player, Quicktime
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[PHP-DB] Subject: Struggling [Is : With database normalisation]

2004-05-05 Thread Neil Smith [MVP, Digital media]
Probably something as simple as changing the structure to a more normalised 
form would help :

By adding a table which links evt_details to evt_sponsors, you do away with 
the need to have (up to 4) distinct fields to hold the evt_sponsor in your 
evt_details table.

So add something like table : `evt_sponsors_list`

`evt_detail_link_id`INT 6
`evt_sponsor_link_id`   INT 6
Then your query becomes more like :

SELECT evt_detail_id, evt_detail_title, evt_sponsor_name
FROM evt_details
LEFT JOIN evt_sponsors_list
ON evt_detail_id=evt_detail_link_id
LEFT JOIN  evt_sponsors
ON evt_sponsor_link_id=evt_sponsor_id
WHERE evt_detail_date = DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)
The left join evt_sponsors_list will pull any number (1-many) of results 
where there is one or more matching sponsor. The left join evt_sponsors 
will then match those results to the evt_sponsors table, resulting in a 
series of rows for each event. You could change the 1st join to read 'LEFT 
OUTER JOIN' if you wanted to get events where there are *no* sponsors (what 
you were previously doing with `OR e.evt_sponsor_id_n =0`)

This is a one-to-many relationship and allows you to have flexibility for 
any number of event sponsors (not just 4) without adding more and more 
fields to your event_detail table. Make sure to index both columns in the 
evt_detail_link table for good performance, and the storage overhead is 
almost neglible.

You can then run a simple loop in PHP, cache the new row each time the 
evt_detail_id changes (containing the event title, the ID is useful so you 
can link to full details by event_id if you need to). Then for the 1st and 
subsequent rows, just use the evt_sponsor_name. Output the previous row 
when the evt_detail_id changes, and output the final row when there are no 
more results.

Cheers - Neil.

At 22:24 04/05/2004 +, you wrote:
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From: Erik Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 4 May 2004 17:24:59 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Struggling
Hope someone can help me.

I have two tables:

The structure is as follows:

evt_details evt_sponsors

evt_detail_id   (INT)(PK)   evt_sponsor_id 
evt_detail_title(CHAR)  evt_sponsor_name 
evt_sponsor_id1 (INT) NON-NULL
evt_detail_date (date)
evt_sponsor_id2 (INT) NULL
evt_sponsor_id3 (INT) NULL
evt_sponsor_id4 (INT) NULL

Now, the event can have either 1 sponsor, 2 sponsors, 3 sponsors, or 4
Is there a way where I can return a result whether it has 1, 2, 3, or 4
since some of the events will  not have a 2d,3d, or 4th sponsor, a
combination of 1  2, 1,2,3, or all 4 depending on the values in the table?
Here is the query I have:

SELECT e.evt_detail_title, a.evt_sponsor_name, b.evt_sponsor_name,
FROM evt_sponsors a, evt_sponsors b, evt_sponsors c, evt_sponsors d,
evt_details e
WHERE e.evt_detail_date = DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) AND
e.evt_sponsor_id1=a.evt_sponsor_id AND
  (e.evt_sponsor_id2=b.evt_sponsor_id OR e.evt_sponsor_id2=0) AND
   =c.evt_sponsor_id OR e.evt_sponsor_id3=0) AND
(e.evt_sponsor_id4=d.evt_sponsor_id OR e.evt_sponsor_id4 =0)
Thanks for the help,
Erik W. Meyer

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