Re: [PHP-DB] Counting HTML Lines

2005-04-15 Thread Jeffrey
HTML doesn't do anything with long lines of text. But browsers will wrap 
the lines to fit within the confines of the page or table cell.

You can use the wordwrap function to break the string into lines (broken 
by \n) of a set number of characters. And then  use ereg_replace to 
replace the \n's with 's and then use substr_count to count how many 
's you have in the string.

Good luck,
Jeffrey Baumgartner
Ng Hwee Hwee wrote:
thanx for your reply. i cannot count the number of "\n" because sometimes
the inputted text is very long without any "\n", but because it is inside a
cell that has a linited width, HTML will automatically push it to the next
line, right? in this case, there won't be a count for "\n".
- Original Message - 
From: "Petar Nedyalkov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Counting HTML Lines

Count the "\n" characters in the output.

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[PHP-DB] Moving data from one MySQL table to another

2005-05-19 Thread Jeffrey
I'm working on a web application and one of the things I am doing is 
creating an archiving function that would move older data to archive 
tables in order to minimise the amount of data in the  active tables. 
This so that the data that is being used more frequently can be accessed 
faster by the users.

My approach in building the archive function is:
1) SELECT query on the data
2) mysql_fetch_array to put the data into an array
3) INSERT subqueries to put the data into the archive tables.
My concern is that in some cases, hundreds of rows of data would need to 
be moved  - which could lead to awfully big arrays. However, the 
archiving function is likely to be used infrequently - not more than 1 
or 2 times per week.

This leads to two questions:
1) Could such a big array cause performance problems or worse?
2) Is there a better way?
Many thanks,
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[PHP-DB] Fulltext search against table column in MySQL

2005-06-24 Thread Jeffrey
I am trying to do a full text search  in which the query should check to 
see if the term in a column in one table exists in a list of terms in a 
column on another DB.

Something along the lines of

$query="SELECT this,that,somethingelse FROM some_table,another_table 
WHERE MATCH (another_table.list) AGAINST (somethingelse)" ;

This results in the error: "wrong arguments to AGAINST"

Clearly I could do this as two queries, the first to select the term in 
"somethingelse" and save it in a variable and the second to search 
against that term. But the query(ies) will run through 100s or more 
rows, so if I could do it in a singel query it would be so much more 



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[PHP-DB] Security question [was Searchable/Sortable Database Fields with MySQL/PHP]

2005-07-13 Thread Jeffrey
This is an issue I've been thinking about for an application we are 

Is it worth encrypting data on the database tables when anyone who can 
access the application itself - or better still the server - could 
readily access the encrypted data?  Assuming SSL connections, secure 
server, etc, would you also encrypt on the DB?



Micah Stevens wrote:

Oh! Also, there's built in mysql functions for encryption, I forgot about 
that, so you can still search, like this:

insert into table set name_field = AES_ENCRYPT('Some name', 'secret key');
select * from table where AES_DECRYPT(name_field,'secret key') LIKE '%some';

Make sense? You'll want an SSL connection to the database of course, and 
anyone that has any decent access to the server memory would be able to get 
the encryption key, but if you're careful it would work.


On Tuesday 12 July 2005 2:53 pm, Micah Stevens wrote:

Just do all your searching/sorting in PHP.. it would be slower, and if your
dataset is very large (sounds like it might be the case) it would be
impossible.. So that might be out of the question..

A bit of system engineering might find a solution too, consider which
fields you need to search/sort by, and by possibly limiting those somewhat
to just what is absolutely necessary, you might be able to get by not
encrypting those columns.

Another idea would be to provide hinting columns, essentially providing
just enough data in those columns to be able to sort with, but not enough
to give away the data. i.e. just the first 2 characters of each name.

This would allow you to search and get a smaller dataset from the database,
something you could decrypt in php, and then search further, possibly
making it manageable.

Hope that helps,

On Tuesday 12 July 2005 2:36 pm, Matt McNeil wrote:

I need to securely store lots of sensitive contact information and
notes in a (MySQL or other freely available) database that will be
stored on a database server which I do not have direct access to.
This database will be accessed by a PHP application that I am
developing.  However, I also need to be able to search/sort these data
with the database functions (SELECT, ORDER BY, etc) so simple PASSWORD
style encryption of specific fields would not work.  (For example, I
need to encrypt
contacts' names, but need to be able to sort results by name). (I
realize I could load the entire table into memory with PHP and
process/search/sort it there, but
that's obviously not a very good solution).  Ideally I would like to
encrypt entire tables.  An encrypted file system is not really an
option, because the goal is to prevent loss if the database server is
hacked (in addition, I wouldn't be able to install an encrypted file
system on the database server).

My sense is that this is a difficult problem.  However, I made the
mistake of promising this functionality,
so I'm scrambling to figure out some kind of solution.  Any

Thanks so much!



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Re: [PHP-DB] If syntax

2005-10-02 Thread Jeffrey

See below...

Ron Piggott wrote:

Take a look at my if ( ) syntax line below.  I am wondering if I have it
wrong in same way.  What I am trying to achieve is if the alias the user
enters is already found in the database I want the words "Alias already in
use" to be shown on the screen; otherwise "Unique alias" to be shown on the

PRESENTLY alias already in use is what comes up all the time.


@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");
$query="SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE alias LIKE '$alias%'";

if (mysql_query($query))


echo "Alias already in use";

} else {

echo "Unique alias";




Whether or not there are any matches, you will always have a database 
query - hence mysql_query($query) will always produce something

Instead you need to see if there are any  matches to your variable.

Also, "SELECT * FROM [some_table] is tremendously inefficient when you 
only need to count results. You are basically calling up every result in 
your entire table just to see if a single column entry matches a variable.

I would suggest something like..

@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");
$query="SELECT alias FROM tablename WHERE alias LIKE '$alias%' LIMIT 1";


if (mysql_num_rows($result)==1)


echo "Alias already in use";

} else {

echo "Unique alias";


Good luck,


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Re: [PHP-DB] PHP email client

2005-10-04 Thread Jeffrey

Try - I believe there was a typo in the original post.

JeRRy wrote:
"can't display page" 
You sure that is the url?

Brent Baisley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
SqirrelMail is as customizable as you want, it's written in PHP and 
you get the source code. By default it comes with various preferences 
a user can change (i.e. color scheme). You can create folders if you 
setup it up as an IMAP account. The interface certainly isn't as 
fancy and dynamic as gmail or yahoo, but it's designed to work in 
just about any browser.
You could certainly add some ad display code to the interface, after 
all it is "just a web page". (everything can't be .org)

Price: free

On Oct 3, 2005, at 11:41 AM, JeRRy wrote:


Thanks Brent,

Just for future refrence for this list if i look back on it or for 
others interest as well do you have direct links to the ones you 
have listed below?

I did a search and got third party addresses that did not seem to 
direct to the real address. But that might of been the search 
terms I was using or the real sites were not available at the time 
I searched.

But the links would be handy and any costs assosicated to them. 
SquirellMail I think I have heard about and is used in most 
CPANEL's. But how customizable is this? That is the sort of 
client I would need.

I know Horde pretty well, is that customizable.

What I wanna do is add ads to all accounts and each time a user 
sees the ad they get credit, they don't need to click it to earn. 
Something like that but with more detail. So it needs to be able 
to add ads and to add PHP code and mysql code to it and be able to 
get basic info back from the email client to know who is logged in.

Brent Baisley 


SquirrelMail is used by a lot people and comes with a lot of systems
(i.e. Apple Servers, Linux). It's not tied to any particular email
server, it's open source and PHP based, so you can customize it to
your needs.
The email address has to do with the email server, not the web front
end. Postfix is a pretty popular email server that supports many
configurations and is a heck of a lot easier to learn and setup than
sendmail. dbMail is another interesting one that can use a database
(mysql, postgres) as a back, which helps with searching large mail
boxes or tying into a whole system.

On Oct 3, 2005, at 9:39 AM, JeRRy wrote:



What I am looking for is to offer a website that people can freely
signup and use as a real email address. A client where they can
send/recieve emails just like Yahoo! Mail and Hotmail etc. Have it
web based. But I don't just want any email client, it must be
customizable and code added to it. So I am not looking to go to a
www site and signup for them to brand it. I want to customize it
entiley which does not just include the colours and format I mean
customize the code itself and add to it as it won't just be a email
site, it will pay you to send emails etc.

Free or price is fine. I know of a few BASIC free ones but their
very basic. If I can avoid allowing attachments that's fine or a
section to allow or disallow ataachments. But when is ay basic
their damn basic. I need one that you have settings, folders etc.

Any ideas? Or anyone have the time to write such a client for me?

I'm not really sure if the client can be or would be PHP based or
datbase driven. I'd hope so because I could adapt to it bette r and
work on it but if not I am willing to learn the bits.

Time frame? Well if someone needs to write it I don't need it
anytime soon. I want it to be stable and what not so needs to be
fine and operate correctly. But if I can buy or get some code I
can edit there will be alot of editing but that would be fine. Any
ideas people?

email will be in the form of [EMAIL PROTECTED] not like
[EMAIL PROTECTED] it's going to have it's own domain.

Something like would be fine.



Do you Yahoo!?
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Brent Baisley
Systems Architect
Landover Associates, Inc.
Search & Advisory Services for Advanced Technology Environments
p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577

Do you Yahoo!?
Messenger 7.0: Free worldwide PC to PC calls


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Re: [PHP-DB] Converting the Month from a word into the numerical expression

2005-10-07 Thread Jeffrey

Ron Piggott wrote:

I have the word for the month stored in the variable $month   In this
example $month may be equal to "June".  I wonder if there is a way to use
the DATE function to convert this into a numberical expression --- in this
example 06   Ron


Indeed there is: strtotime

Good luck,


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Re: [PHP-DB] µç×Ó´«µ¥,×îÁ ®¼ÛµÄÐû´«·½Ê½

2005-10-16 Thread Jeffrey

JeRRy wrote:

Date:Sun, 16 Oct 2005 02:40:44 -0400From:"Alain Rivest" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>To:"" Subject:Re: [PHP-DB] 

KOKOµç×Ó´«µ¥ a ¨¦crit 
 >Can you repeat the question, please?-- Alain --

This is a "english" list.  You obviously MUST understand "english" as you have signed up to the list, which 
emails an "english" plain-text email to you to confirm email address.  Also to signup you use a web-form which is also 
in "english" .. Most messages that are not in "english" are ignored and will continue to be ignored.

More likely this occourence is a load of spam.  That makes no sense at all or no meaning.  However it could be real, but should be ignored.  



It is indeed spam - perhaps the administrator could unsubscribe this 

Re: [PHP-DB] Refreshing text question!

2006-01-18 Thread Jeffrey
Well, somebody's got to say it: that question has nothing to do with PHP 
and MySQL, which are server side.

I suggest you Google "free javascript" and you will find dozens of sites 
offering free java scripts. Many of them will have text/text banner 
offerings that do what you want to do.

Good luck,


JeRRy wrote:

 I did a little bit of script that refreshes a text slogan every 5 or so seconds with a new slogans and wraps to each slogan, I had about 5, and loops over and over again.  This was done WITHOUT the need of refreshing the page.  I think I used JavaScript but not 100% sure of this.  Has anyone seen this before I seen a site use it?
 I can't recall the site I did it for, I know I have done it before.  I need the code again without needing to re-do it all again as it took me a while to configure it last time.
 The site is written in PHP and uses MySQL.
 Any help would be mostly appreciated.

Do you Yahoo!?
 Messenger 7.0: Free worldwide PC to PC calls

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Re: [PHP-DB] new guy with stupid question

2006-01-20 Thread Jeffrey

Lonny wrote:

OK, sorry for the long winded info.
For today I will ask for a script that will gather emails from the email
field of a table in a database and send a news letter to those emails.
How do I compose the email formatted with html for a professional look and
send it to everyone in the database.

If I haven't got myself kicked of this list yet, here is another basic

I want users to be able to select a date for their schedule.
I do not want them to have to follow the format of -mm-dd
I just want them to select a month from a pulldown, then a day, and then a
year. (I have all this set up all ready)
What is confusing me is the part where I need to think out of the box a bit
and combine there three selection into a date field.
Like $month + $day + $year
INSERT $month$day$year into $date; and come up with something that looks
like 2006-08-13
I hope you know what I am trying to do here.

Have I made any friends yet?



Don't slag yourself off so much. That's what this list is for ;o)

First question...

$subject="Email subject line";
$body="Newsletter content";
$return_address="From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]";

$query="SELECT $email_address FROM some_table";
$result=mysql_query($query) or die("Something went wrong, sweetheart: " 
. mysql_error());

Untested, but should work. And I know some of the people on the list 
will say that the mysql_fetch_array() is not the best approach - but you 
can fiddle with mysql_fetch_row() if you'd prefer. It would probably be 
a bit more efficient.

As to HTML content for your newsletter, I would test first. Create a 
newsletter, send it to yourself and, if possible a couple of other 
people. Try various layouts until it looks right. But bear in mind that 
different e-mail clients are not consistent with the display of html 
content. So try as many different clients as you can, especially 
Outlook, Lotus Notes (if there are a lot of busness users), Thunderbird, 
Gmail, hotmail, etc.

For what it's worth, I do a popular and highly regarded newsletter 
entirely in ASCII text. Of the over 2000 subscribers, only one person 
every complained about the appearance - and his complaints were such 
that it was clear he wasn't remotely interested in the actual content of 
the newsletter.

For the last question, get the date info from your drop down menus, then 
in php...


...and insert $date_for_db into your table.

Good luck,


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Re: [PHP-DB] Retricting Access to Menu Items

2006-03-06 Thread Jeffrey

I've done this kind of thing with a number of web apps.

What I usually do is create a user table in MySQL with a user-name, 
password and access level, which has an integer value.

When a user logs in successfully, a session is created (see 
session_start() in php documentation), the access level is pulled from 
the user table and saved as a session variable. Then it is a simple 
matter of using bits of code like...

if ($_SESSION['access_level'] > 7){
echo "some stuff";

In your example, you will also want to check the user's access level on 
each restricted page - it is not enough to hide menu options. Users 
could simply type the URL in.

I hope that's clear.

Good luck,


Jeff Broomall wrote:

Good morning everyone.

I'm building a very simple content management site that tracks "tasks."

The options available are:
 1. Add Task
 2. Edit Task
 3. View Task
 4. Print Task

I need to restrict some users to only View and Print and I'm trying to find a 
way to tell the page not to load the menu options (the text) for those not 
having access to the Add and Edit functions.

IOW, they would only see View and Print.

I have three basic users:
 1. System Admin
 2. Subject Matter Expert (SME)
 3. Viewers

Obviously the System Admin and SME will have full access so it's the Viewers 
that are to have access to only View and Print.

I have a users table but haven't set it up for the distinction.  What I was 
thinking was creating a field labeled users_group and assign a numeric value 
for each user using the numbering system above.

I have my page load the menu options:

View Tasks
Edit Task
Add Task

into here...

 ICAO Tasks — WAFS

  <--The menu above inserted here.


How can I tell the system not to load the last two lines unless they are a 
System Admin or SME?

I read a chapter on Cookies/Sessions...but it wasn't that helpful for this case.

Can I setcookie('user_group', '3') and use that somehow???

Am I in the ballpark with this solution?



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Re: [PHP-DB] Renaming a table once it has been created

2006-03-08 Thread Jeffrey

Ron Piggott (PHP) wrote:

Is there a way to re-name a table once you have created it?  Ron

ALTER TABLE `old_name` RENAME `new_name`


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[PHP-DB] short text strings with apostrophes and forms

2006-04-20 Thread Jeffrey
I have an application which calls up some data from a MySQL table and 
puts it into a web form for users to modify.

One of the cells holds a text string which is put into a text input 
field. However, if that text string includes an apostrophe, all text 
after the apostrophe disappears.

For example, if the test string from a database cell reads...

Fix the managers' cars by Tuesday

and that is saved in the variable $some_text, which is called up in a 

The text field on the web page will only contain...

Fix the managers

How can I get the text field to show the entire string?

Many thanks,


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Re: [PHP-DB] short text strings with apostrophes and forms

2006-04-20 Thread Jeffrey


I have an application which calls up some data from a MySQL table and
puts it into a web form for users to modify.

One of the cells holds a text string which is put into a text input
field. However, if that text string includes an apostrophe, all text
after the apostrophe disappears.

For example, if the test string from a database cell reads...

Fix the managers' cars by Tuesday

and that is saved in the variable $some_text, which is called up in a

The text field on the web page will only contain...

Fix the managers

How can I get the text field to show the entire string?

Many thanks,


htmlentities($some_text, ENT_QUOTES) is more robust than htmlspecialchars


Thanks, David. That did the trick. And thanks to everyone else who 
quickly responded with intelligent advice!


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Re: [PHP-DB] Chinese characters

2006-06-07 Thread Jeffrey

John Meyer wrote:
Is there any way to filter out Chinese or Asian characters from what I 
get from this list?  I understand that there are a lot of intelligent, 
well-meaning Asians on this list but my system seems to get Montezuma's 
revenge when I look at those e-mails.

FWIW: The posts with Chinese and Japanese characters are not even posts. 
They are pure spam. As such, the senders should be removed from the list 


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Re: [PHP-DB] Conditional updating...

2006-06-19 Thread Jeffrey
Perhaps I have misunderstood something here. But it seems to me that 
anyone who just happens to put John Smith's name in could alter Mr. 
Smith's data.

If users can update their own data, should you not have a log in process 
to ensure that only the original user can update his data? Them once he 
has logged in, you can populate all fields with data from the DB.


Grae Wolfe - PHP wrote:
That was the first thing that I was going to do, but there is a concern 
there for security of the data being input...  This is a registration site, 
and I don't want to provide information on "John Smith" to anyone who just 
happens to put his name in.

""Alejandro Tesone"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

Why don't you try populating the fields the user intends to modify
with the information you already have?

Alex T

On 6/17/06, Grae Wolfe - PHP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Good day!
 I have been working on this little "free" project for a while, and now 
have hit another major hiccup.  Is there a simple way to only update 

that have something in them?
 The problem that I am having is that if someone fills out information 
submits it, it saves to the DB just fine.  However, if they come back 

and just put in, for example, a new phone number, it replaces all of the
other information with blanks.
 Here is my current $sql query:

$sql = "UPDATE $table
WHERE first_name='$first_name' AND last_name='$last_name'";

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[PHP-DB] mysqldump via php

2006-06-29 Thread Jeffrey
I would like to do a backup of an entire MySQL database via php. My 
thought was to use mysqldump, write the data to a file and save the 
file. However...

$query="mysqldump $dbase";
$result=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

...immediately results in an "error in your SQL syntax near mysqldump 
[database name]".

The reason I want to do a MySQL back up via php is that I have a web 
application in which the user can archive a project, which involves 
moving a lot data from one set of tables to another set of tables. The 
user can also delete a project, which removes lots of data from the DB 
altogether. Although there are lots of "Are you sure you really want to 
do this?" messages the user must click upon, I am sure I will eventually 
get a user telling me she accidentally archived/deleted stuff and can I 

So, my thought was to do a incorporate a mysqldump in the 
archiving/delete page. That way there would be a snapshot of the 
pre-action db, making it easy to put things right.

Can you help with my query - or by suggesting an alternative solution?



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Re: [PHP-DB] mysqldump via php

2006-06-30 Thread Jeffrey

Thanks all for the help!

exec() seems the best option.


Miguel Guirao wrote:

You could use exec() within PHP!

-Original Message-
From: Adrian Bruce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Jueves, 29 de Junio de 2006 06:31 a.m.
To: Jeffrey
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] mysqldump via php

mysqldump is a .exe, and therefore it will not work within mysql_query();

You may be able to use  mysqldump from PHP using the system function

check out


Jeffrey wrote:

I would like to do a backup of an entire MySQL database via php. My 
thought was to use mysqldump, write the data to a file and save the 
file. However...

   $query="mysqldump $dbase";
   $result=mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

...immediately results in an "error in your SQL syntax near mysqldump 
[database name]".

The reason I want to do a MySQL back up via php is that I have a web 
application in which the user can archive a project, which involves 
moving a lot data from one set of tables to another set of tables. The 
user can also delete a project, which removes lots of data from the DB 
altogether. Although there are lots of "Are you sure you really want 
to do this?" messages the user must click upon, I am sure I will 
eventually get a user telling me she accidentally archived/deleted 
stuff and can I help.

So, my thought was to do a incorporate a mysqldump in the 
archiving/delete page. That way there would be a snapshot of the 
pre-action db, making it easy to put things right.

Can you help with my query - or by suggesting an alternative solution?



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[PHP-DB] Interacting with server without a refresh?

2006-07-17 Thread Jeffrey

This veers a bit from PHP, but is relevant.

I am building an interactive workshop tool using php and mysql.

I want the facilitator to be able to control which pages the 
participants see and to be able to control the data that appears on the 
page. The obvious way to do this would be to have regular page 
refreshes. This would reload the page bringing in new data from the db, 
or could pull in entire new pages using includes.

However, page refreshes are less than elegant - and can cause problems 
if, for example, I want to have a form on a page. I am wondering if 
there are alternative methods - presumably using something clientside - 
that could check the server and only do a refresh if new data/new page 
or somesuch is available.

I hope this is clear.



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[PHP-DB] Can you recommend Australian LAMP web hosting service?

2006-08-10 Thread Jeffrey

Sorry, this is a bit off topic, but you are the best people to ask.

I am looking for a web hosting service based in Australia (and with 
servers in Australia). Need Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP and dedicated server 
hosting. Importantly, they must provide a very high level of security 
(especially security), reliability and customer service as sensitive 
corporate data would be saved on the application(s) hosted by them.

Feel free to e-mail me off-list.

Many thanks,


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Re: [PHP-DB] Search engine

2006-09-28 Thread Jeffrey
Truth be told, Google's free slap-it-on-your-web site search tool 
( will do everything you 
want and save you a lot of coding. Assuming this is for which seems to be a useful resource of information; 
it is probably well indexed by Google and updates will be reflected 
reasonably quickly. On my most popular site, which is sort of a 
resource, Google is usually 24-48 hours behind changes.

Doing your own search coding is best when you want to allow users to 
search data in a database (rather than on web pages).

Good luck,


Ron Piggott (PHP) wrote:

What I haven't figured out is how to crawl my site.  If I knew how to
crawl my site I could write a basic search engine and develop it over
time.  This is the crucial issue I need help with.  

I have a really basic search engine I wrote last year.  I told my web
site what pages the user could search ... as in I keyed in the URL's 

I am giving my site a face lift and making some serious changes to
it ... I have my database out of date ... I would like to crawl my site
once a day to update what changes I made during the past 24 hours and
delete HTML files which no longer exist.  

If someone knew how to retrieve various  then I could start
with something and build on it over time ... 


On Thu, 2006-09-28 at 11:44 +0100, Shaun A Riches wrote:

What about the MySQL "LIKE" command? Research it.

This is assuming your data is stored properly without redundant data
and in a MySQL database.

Shaun Riches
Computer Science Student

-Original Message-
From: Ron Piggott (PHP) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 28/09/2006 03:44
Subject: [PHP-DB] Search engine

Shaun Riches
Computer Science Student

-Original Message-
From: Ron Piggott (PHP) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 28/09/2006 03:44
Subject: [PHP-DB] Search engine

Has anyone wrote a search engine for the web site?  I am wondering if
someone has the time to help me walk through doing this.  Ron

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Re: [PHP-DB] Generating pages with full stories

2006-11-13 Thread Jeffrey


But, the experts on this list need more info in order to help you out.

1. Where are the stories going to come from? If you plant to take news 
stories from other sites and use them on your own site, there are 
serious legal issues involved.

2. If you want to write the stories yourself, or invite visitors to 
write your stories, then you probably want a simple content management 
system using PHP and MySQL. There are a lot of them about. Google or ask 
for recommendations.

3. If you'd prefer to make the site yourself in order to learn PHP + 
MySQL programming, you can find lots of tutorials. Google PHP Tutorials 
and look around.

Good luck,



I've got a website using PHP and MySQL. I would like to make a "news
preview" on the webpage's frontpage with a link to the full story.

Is it possible to use one (1) .PHP file to generate full stories, with
MySQL involved?

I'm just a newcomer in the world of PHP but I am doing my best in reading
materials for PHP.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [PHP-DB] simple issue

2006-11-21 Thread Jeffrey
You should be aware the the PHP-DB archives are openly available on the 
web and searchable. Assuming you have listed your actual username, 
password, etc, you should immediately go to your web site and change 
your password. If possible change also your username and database name. 
Do it now.

It would not be an overly demanding task for a hacker to find your web 
site and once she does, she has free access to your database.

And in future, when sharing code on PHP-DB, which is a must if you want 
the expert help people here can provide, always leave out or change the 
MySQL log in info.

Good luck,


Chris Carter wrote:

my code:

echo "Companyname";
echo "Contactname";
while (odbc_fetch_row($result))
  echo "$compname";
  echo "$conname";
echo "";

My error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: odbc_fetch_row() in
/home/chandan/public_html/deb.php on line 19
Companyname Contactname

Also .. I am trying this live on cPanel compiler coz I could not install the
PHP thing on my localhost. I have apache-tomcat-5.5.17 which works perfectly
with jsp files but I do not understand what does it take to run a php using

chris smith-9 wrote:

Chris Carter wrote:


I am new to PHP, just trying a peace of code to access mySQL database to
fetch and show result on web page. But getting errors. Can you help me
this code please. Or if you have a very basic code where in I can do some
insertion in the database.

There are hundreds of mysql + php tutorials on the 'net - do a search in 
your preferred search engine.

If you *still* can't work it out post a sample of the code you're trying 
to use and the errors you get.

Postgresql & php tutorials

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Re: [PHP-DB] random 'card number' generator

2006-11-24 Thread Jeffrey


Go to the manual at and 
look at the User contributed notes further down the page. You'll find a 
couple of solutions.

Whatever you do, you will presumably need to check the generated number 
against the db to see if it is already in use and, if not, generate a 
new random number.

Good luck,


Desmond Coughlan wrote:

X-No-Archive: true

I'm learning PhP and trying to write a library catalogue system, that uses a PostgreSQL back-end.  My db looks like this ...

I had originally planned to have a username in place of 'card_number', but 
realised that there was no point.  What I need now is the PhP code that will 
create a card number, and rather than having a sequence, I want a random 
three-digit number.  Can someone point me in the direction of where and how PhP 
can do this?



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Re: [PHP-DB] Invoking database php file with hyperlink

2006-12-12 Thread Jeffrey

Chris Carter wrote:

I need to fetch data from database with the help of a php file, not with the
click on a button but click on the hyperlink. I know this is simple but i
have not done it. Please advice or give me some link.

Main php file is bars.php that fetches data from MySql DB

As another chap has remarked, you don't actually need a button, form or 
link for a php script to run. Just put whatever queries you want on the 
page and they will happen whenever the is loaded by a user.

If you want to pass variables, via a hyperlink, in order to call 
specific data from a table, then use the format...


Good luck,


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Re: [PHP-DB] SQL query error

2006-12-16 Thread Jeffrey

Chris Carter wrote:

What wrong with this syntax, its not giving any error on runtime but I am
facing a blank page while paging.

$query=" SELECT * FROM gurgaonmalls WHERE mallname = '$mallname' limit $eu,
$limit ";

Have you tried...

echo " $query "; unsure the variables have the values you expect them to have?


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[PHP-DB] One big query vs. lots of small queries

2006-12-18 Thread Jeffrey

Here's a question of efficiency.

I have an application in PHP using MySQL.

Users select items on a form and each selected item represents a change 
in a table row. It is possible that 100s of changes might be chosen from 
a single form.

Which is likely to be faster/more efficient?

multiple queries like...
$query="UPDATE some_table SET x='$y' WHERE id='$z[$key]'";

or one huge query like...
$query="UPDATE some_table SET x='$y' WHERE id='$z[$key]'
OR id='$z[$another_key]' OR id='$z[$another_key]
OR id='$z[$another_key]"; etc?

In the latter, PHP would have to construct the WHERE string, which would 
require some processing power as well. Is there a limit to how many OR's 
can be added to a mysql query? No - don't answer that, I'll look in the 

Many thanks,


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[PHP-DB] Migrate MySQL to Ingres

2007-05-13 Thread Jeffrey
We have a moderately complex PHP web app collecting data from a MySQL 
database. We've been offered a rather attractive proposition to build an 
Ingres version (ie. same app, but collects data from an Ingres database).

Questions for experts like you:

1) Is this a reasonably straightforward migration in which we can 
largely replace mysql_query with ingres_query, etc, or will it be more 
complex than that?

2) Does Ingres compare reasonably well with MySQL in terms of 
scalability and speed?

3) Any dangers I should be aware of?

I am trying to decide whether or not to go forward with this project. 
Your advice is much appreciated!



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[PHP-DB] Localisation of web app

2007-06-20 Thread Jeffrey

Ladies and Gentlemen..

I've got a moderately complex web application in PHP feeding off MySQL 
and user input. The application is in English, but we need to localise 
it into other languages. We also need to devise a system that makes it 
easy to administer for translator(s) and programmer(s) and suffers 
minimal performance slow down. Of course this issue should have been 
considered at the design stage, but it's too late now.

I see three routes..

1) Replace text with string variables which get their values via queries 
to a MySQL table. This would be easiest to set up and easiest to 
administer. But would it significantly slow performance compared to 
either of the other options?

2) Replace text with string variables which get their values from 
include files. This would also be almost as easy to administer and 
presumably faster than 1.

3) Hard code translations right into the php pages. This would 
presumably offer fastest performance, but would be bloody difficult to 
administer, particularly with upgrades.

Do you have any experience with this kind of thing? My inclination is to 
go with option (2). But you are the experts. Perhaps I am wrong or there 
is a better solution I haven't seen.

Many thanks!


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Re: Re[2]: [PHP-DB] Optimising LIMITs

2004-03-01 Thread Jeffrey Moss
> JM> Primary keys aren't any faster than normal keys. They're simply for
> JM> identification. (correct me if I'm wrong, that is my understanding)
> JM> If you don't already have an index on created, I'd do that.
> I do - here's a question though, what is the best way to have an
> index? To combine multiple fields into one index - or to have one
> field per index? I ask because MySQL will appear to select the best
> possible index for the query and sometimes it's wrong - I read
> somewhere you can control which index it uses, but if you had a
> "combined" index would this make things any more/less effective?

Well, it can't use a multi-column index if you are only matching on one
If you have 3 indexes, (status, boardid), (status), and (boardid), it won't
slow you down any on your queries.
If one index is needed it is put into memory and stored there until another
index bumps it, otherwise it resides on disk.
I don't see it has too much of a performance dock, it may slow down inserts
a little...

I am not sure about this, but I think if you are going to have the 2 column
indexes, they have to match up in both tables you're joining. You'll have to
experiment with it a bit.

you can say "select * from thread (index statusBoardCombinedIndex) where" to
get the index you want.

> JM> If you want to optimize things further, I would run the query at
> JM> each morning, and instead of paging through the entire table, just
> JM> through that temporary table.
> Figured someone might suggest that - I will have to look into it.
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Best regards,
>  Richard Davey
> -- 
> PHP Database Mailing List (
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[PHP-DB] sybase support in PHP5

2004-03-01 Thread Jeffrey Moss
Is Sybase support in PHP5 working?

I get:

/bin/sh /usr/portage/tmp/php-5.0.0b3/libtool --silent --preserve-dup-deps 
--mode=compile gcc  -Iext/sybase/ -I/usr/portage/tmp/php-5.0.0b3/ext/sybase/ 
-DPHP_ATOM_INC -I/usr/portage/tmp/php-5.0.0b3/include 
-I/usr/portage/tmp/php-5.0.0b3/main -I/usr/portage/tmp/php-5.0.0b3 
-I/usr/portage/tmp/php-5.0.0b3/Zend -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/include/mysql 
-I/opt/sybase-11.9.2/include  -I/usr/portage/tmp/php-5.0.0b3/TSRM  -g -O2  -prefer-pic 
-c /usr/portage/tmp/php-5.0.0b3/ext/sybase/php_sybase_db.c -o 
/usr/portage/tmp/php-5.0.0b3/ext/sybase/php_sybase_db.c: In function 
/usr/portage/tmp/php-5.0.0b3/ext/sybase/php_sybase_db.c:1110: invalid lvalue in 
/usr/portage/tmp/php-5.0.0b3/ext/sybase/php_sybase_db.c:: invalid lvalue in 
make: *** [ext/sybase/php_sybase_db.lo] Error 1

Re: [PHP-DB] password input type

2004-04-05 Thread Jeffrey Moss
It is possible to md5 encrypt a password before you send it off to the
server using javascript onSubmit function. Check this code out:

-Jeff Moss

- Original Message - 
From: "matthew perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 12:14 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] password input type

> Does using a pasword input type 
> make the transfer more secure from someone "sniffing" my connection or
> does it only shield an onlooker from seeing what the user enters?
> - Matt
> -- 
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Re: [PHP-DB] pdf editor

2004-04-07 Thread Jeffrey Moss
I think someone else asked about a problem where they had text running off
the side of the page, heres everything I've ever learned about PS/PDF.

GNU ghostscript is all you really need for editing pdf's. Usually the text
appears as plain text once you convert the PDF to a PS with pdf2ps, and you
can just delete it and put it back as PDF using ps2pdf. I do quick changes
like this all the time. The adobe postscript 3 driver for windows outputs
clean postscript, I use it a lot for "email merge" with PDF cause I can't
afford more expensive products. Here's some notes I made a while back on it,
you may need to view my little diagrams with courier fonts:

The first two parameters are the location of the text. Depending on how the
text will function, you have two choices, you can either let the postscript
file handle spacing, or you can use static letter spacing and if there is
too much text for one line it will spill off the page.

You want to use static spacing for "fields", where there is no other text to
space, but if you are inserting a name into the middle of a line of text,
you will want to let postscript handle spacing, like this (here what I

-2040 -1827 ( *#address1#*) -2.666595 0 725 5 16 A1`65
 ^   ^   ^   ^ ^
x coord y coord  text string  width  maximum letter spacing?

If you want to do static text, simply convert this line to this, by adding a
moveto after the coordinates, and chaging all the number parameters to

-2040 -1827 moveto
( *#address1#*) show

When the text runs off the right side of the page, my solution was to change
the original document, and drop it down onto its own line. Its possible to
program postscript to automatically add a line break when the line gets too
big, I don't know postscript so don't ask me how to get this to work:


/Helvetica-Bold-SHOWISO exch definefont pop
/Helvetica findfont
dup length dict begin
  {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
  /Encoding showcaseisoencoding def


31 189 M (Comments:) S
/Helvetica-Bold-SHOWISO findfont 24 scalefont setfont
/rule (___) def
/y 189 def /x 141.336 def
y -29 73 { x exch M rule S } for
rule stringwidth pop 29 x y comments BreakIntoLines

This postscript is taken from the default fax coversheet file (
from gnu hylafax.


- Original Message - 
From: "matthew perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 9:53 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] pdf editor

> I use Windows XP.
> Really all I need to do is remove a single line in a pdf file and I
> can't convince myself to spend $749  for Acrobat Pro to do it.
> - Matt
> On 7 Apr 2004, at 16:34, matthew perry wrote:
> > Does anyone know a free pdf editor?
> what platform do you require it for?
> -- 
> Mike Karthauser
> Managing Director - Brightstorm Ltd
> Web >>
> Tel >> 0117 9426653 (office)
> 07939 252144 (mobile)
> -- 
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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql went away

2004-05-13 Thread Jeffrey Moss
I would start by seeing if the files are there after you create/load the
table. It should by default create a file for each table you create. Sounds
to me like a problem reading the disk.

If you don't find any answers on your own, post your system specs to the
MySQL lists. You could also try verbose debugging options, I've never used
any debugging, but here's how to do it in mysqladmin.

--debug[=debug_options], -# [debug_options]
Write a debugging log. The debug_options string often is 'd:t:o,file_name'.
The default is 'd:t:o,/tmp/mysqladmin.trace'.


- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Green" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 4:05 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] mysql went away

> HI. I've been using mySQL 4.0.13, php4.3.4, and phpMyAdmin2.5.5 on Mac
> OS 10.3.3 as a learning/testing/development environment for a couple of
> months now - no problems, works great.
> I've created more than a few mySQL databases and tables, but yesterday
> I created a database, a table, and LOAD DATA from within phpMyAdmin.
> Successfully. I looked at the data and all was fine. Logged out and
> went away for a while. Came back and phpMyAdmin would not show me my
> databases in the left frame, and I could not launch a query window. I
> could see runtime information, system vars, processes, and even
> privileges.
> I tried logging in to mySQL through the terminal, and I can run simple
> commands and connect OK, but any commands to show databases or tables
> will hang the terminal. Through the command line client I can run
> simple commands, but no commands to view or affect databases or tables.
> I can run php scripts - connect to databases, retrieve and even
> insert/update data, but I cannot view databases or tables.
> Does anyone have a clue about what the problems may be or where I
> should start?
> ---
> Bill Green
> 20 Meadowview Drive
> Asheville, NC 28804
> --
> 828.252.1492
> -- 
> PHP Database Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP-DB] search engines

2004-04-29 Thread Jeffrey Moss
Read up on MySQL full text search.


- Original Message - 
From: "redhat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "phplist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 10:12 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] search engines

> Anyone out there know of a good tutorial on creating a php/mysql based
> search engine script?  I would like to write one for a small "in-house"
> application that I am running.
> thanks,
> DF
> -- 
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Re: [PHP-DB] Read a PDF file via PHP

2004-06-25 Thread Jeffrey Moss

You must turn the file to postscript before you can read anything out of it,
and even then, a lot of the time words are broken up into different "show"

use pdf2ps (part of GNU GhostScript) to convert to PS and then search for
patterns like this:
(text) show
that is the most basic postscript syntax but often it is more complex than
that. The Adobe postscript 3 driver for windows creates all in one lines
with positioning and formatting parameters. So basically, you look for
anything in parenthesis to be text.

For indexing you may get by just looking for anything in parenthesis, but I
would look for a third party utility to do it if you want it done perfectly.

-Jeff Moss

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 1:36 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Read a PDF file via PHP

> I'm working on a file upload system that accepts PDF files, reads the text
in those files, and enters it into a database, which makes the text  from
the PDF indexable and searchable.
> I've got it all down except for the ability to read the text from a PDF
> When the PHP read file function is used, the PDF file is read just fine,
but when I return the results to my browser, they're of course nothing but
jumble, because the code for the entire file was read.
> Is there any way to get PHP to simply read the PDF file for text
only--just the surface of it, just the words, as if it were a human reading
the PDF itself--and not for the internal code of the file?
> Thanks,
> Steve
> -- 
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2004-07-22 Thread Jeffrey Moss
Well, like will do a full table scan if it starts with a wildcard, so you
dont want to do it that way.
I'd do full text search.


- Original Message - 
From: "Monty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 12:57 PM

> Hi,
> My head is swimming with lots of info gleaned from various newsgroups
> using fulltext indexes in MySQL, but, I'm still not sure what the best
> solution would be for what I want to do. I'm concerned about the 3-char
> minimum and not being able to search on partial words (my version of MySQL
> doesn't support boolean fulltext searches).
> I have a simple News table that is structured like this:
> CREATE TABLE `news` (
>   `id` int(7) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
>   `author` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
>   `headline` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
>   `content` text NOT NULL,
>   `url` text NOT NULL,
>   UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`),
> I want searches for News to be on the author, headline and content fields.
> What is the best way to index and search this?
> A) Create a combined fulltext index: FULLTEXT (author,headline,content) --
> and do searches using MATCH() and AGAINST().
> B) Create a fulltext index only for the content field and use this kind of
> select: SELECT * FROM db WHERE author LIKE "%phrase%" OR headline LIKE
> "%phrase%" OR MATCH(content) AGAINST(phrase);
> C) None of the above ... is there a better way?
> Thanks a lot for any input or feedback! I'm completely lost!
> Monty
> -- 
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Re: [PHP-DB] Checkbox Array Question - Iteration

2004-08-17 Thread Jeffrey Moss
Well, you should come up with a definitions table.

Create an array out of the definitions table (I'd recommend keeping
everything in one array, for recursive efficiency). Then go over THIS array,
and check for the existence of variables in the form array. That way you can
output all the checkboxes and not just the ones that are checked, and all
your definitions are stored in the database.

Later on you may want to make a simple web based tool to add options (for


- Original Message - 
From: "Hutchins, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 11:37 AM
Subject: [PHP-DB] Checkbox Array Question - Iteration

> I am developing a page where people check off items for which they would
> like to volunteer. For now, this page has around 50 checkboxes on it, but
> could conceivably change frequently and grow much larger than the current
> items once it goes live.
> I have all of the checkboxes arranged into nice little arrays and named
> things like name="kitchen[waitstaff]" and name="kitchen[cook]",
> name="professional[paint]". I take the checked boxes, serialize them, and
> store them in columns in MySQL that bear the same name as the array (e.g.,
> kitchen, professional). All of this works fine and I'm very happy with it.
> Now, when the person revisits the page to update his/her selections, I
> the database and unserialize the column data. I then search the resulting
> array and if the name of the checkbox is found in the array, I echo
> "checked" to select the checkbox. See below:
> while($row = mysql_fetch_array($curRecord)){
> $vid=$row["vid"];
> $pID=$row["pID"];
> $kitchen = unserialize($row["kitchen"]);
> $kitchenevt = unserialize($row["kitchenevt"]);
> $profesional = unserialize($row["professional"]);
> .
> .
> .
> }
> General Kitchen Help
>  echo " if(in_array("waitstaff",$kitchen)){
> echo "checked";
> }
> echo ">  class=\"body\">Waiter/Waitress";
> echo " if(in_array("cook",$kitchen)){
> echo "checked";
> }
> echo "> Cook";
> .
> .
> .
> ?>
> So, having set up a sample section of checkboxes on my page using the
> in the snippet above, I am wondering if there is a much more efficient way
> to look at the arrays that get returned from the database, check to see if
> the given checkbox is contained therein, then, if it is, echo "checked".
> solution snippet above works just fine, but whenever I find myself
> contemplating doing the same thing over and over in code, that's obviously
> flag for investigating an iterative solution.
> Right now, though, I'm struggling with trying to noodle out whether
> up some sort of iterative function would be more work than simply doing
> I'm doing now. Obviously, iteration is always great for handling
> work, but I'm just not having much luck coming up with a solution.
> I am aware that this is probably slightly off-topic since it isn't a
> php/db question, but I was hoping somebody might be kind enough to offer
> suggestions as to how I might construct such a solution anyway.
> Thanks in advance for you time.
> Rich
> -- 
> PHP Database Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP-DB] help with mySQL- Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()...

2004-08-17 Thread Jeffrey Moss
Gotta recompile php with the --with-mysql option (or something like that).

Try running configure --help

You can see what options you compiled with by grepping for CONFIGURE in your
Makefile. Here's what I got:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] php-5.0.0b4 # grep CONFIGURE Makefile
CONFIGURE_COMMAND = './configure' '--with-mysql'
'--with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs2' '--with-zlib' '--with-xsl' '--with-imap-ssl'

Dude, I need to update!


- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 12:02 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] help with mySQL- Fatal error: Call to undefined function

> I know this is probably the noobiest of questions but please help.
> Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in
> .. on line 112
> This occurs when I try to access a MySQL application, specifically
> Power Boards.
> I have PHP5 installed on my Apache 1.3.31, and I believe that my MySQL is
> MySQL4, all this on Windows XP personal.
> My php.ini file is in my systemroot (C:/windows). Currently I have no
> extensions for MySQL/php connections stuff (ex: php_mysql.dll,
> php_mysqli.dll). I tried some stuff I found on help boards but everything
> just got all messed
> up, so I thought I'd get more official help.
> I have all of the php .DLL files that came with the zip file in
> C:/windows/system32. PHP-mysql.DLL and php_mysqli.dll are in both system32
> and just
> c:/windows.
> When I run phpinfo() I get no mention of MySQL. MySQL itself connects to
> MySQL server just fine. I think that's everything.
> Thanks in advance.

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Re: [PHP-DB] help with mySQL- Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()...

2004-08-17 Thread Jeffrey Moss
Oh, you're using windows.

To use an extension, set it up as follows.

  1.. Open the PHP.INI file and locate the following line.
  extension_dir = ./

  This line indicates the folder where the PHP extension DLL files are
located. Edit this line to:

  extension_dir = C:\php\extensions

  2.. Select from the PHP extension choices. Note that some of these files
depend on other software to work correctly (such as the Oracle 8 extension).
Consult the PHP documentation to see what additional software (if any) is

  3.. See an example for loading an extension in the following commented out


  Uncomment the line, as follows:


  4.. Save your changes.

  5.. Browse the PHP test page in your browser. The following appears:

Also make sure phpinfo is showing the right php.ini file that you expect it
to be.



- Original Message - 
From: "Jeffrey Moss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] help with mySQL- Fatal error: Call to undefined
function mysql_connect()...

> Gotta recompile php with the --with-mysql option (or something like that).
> Try running configure --help
> You can see what options you compiled with by grepping for CONFIGURE in
> Makefile. Here's what I got:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] php-5.0.0b4 # grep CONFIGURE Makefile
> CONFIGURE_COMMAND = './configure' '--with-mysql'
> '--with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs2' '--with-zlib' '--with-xsl'
> Dude, I need to update!
> -Jeff
> - Original Message - 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 12:02 PM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] help with mySQL- Fatal error: Call to undefined function
> mysql_connect()...
> > I know this is probably the noobiest of questions but please help.
> >
> > Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in
> > .. on line 112
> >
> > This occurs when I try to access a MySQL application, specifically
> Invision
> > Power Boards.
> >
> > I have PHP5 installed on my Apache 1.3.31, and I believe that my MySQL
> > MySQL4, all this on Windows XP personal.
> >
> > My php.ini file is in my systemroot (C:/windows). Currently I have no
> loaded
> > extensions for MySQL/php connections stuff (ex: php_mysql.dll,
> > php_mysqli.dll). I tried some stuff I found on help boards but
> > just got all messed
> > up, so I thought I'd get more official help.
> >
> > I have all of the php .DLL files that came with the zip file in
> > C:/windows/system32. PHP-mysql.DLL and php_mysqli.dll are in both
> > and just
> > c:/windows.
> >
> > When I run phpinfo() I get no mention of MySQL. MySQL itself connects to
> the
> > MySQL server just fine. I think that's everything.
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> PHP Database Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP-DB] Which Database Abstraction Layer ?

2004-09-03 Thread Jeffrey Moss
> Doesn't do Firebird yet ;) - but it looks interesting. As long as it has
> not made the mistake of using MySQL as the SQL standard. Many other
> packages are simply MySQL wrappers with cobbled support for a couple of
> other engines.

I was curious about Firebird as I've heard it mentioned a lot lately.
What's so great about it in your opinion, in comparison to MySQL and
Postgress? (currently I use both of these)


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Re: [PHP-DB] how many databases should I create

2004-10-18 Thread Jeffrey Moss
Matter of preference really. Do you put all your files in one directory? I 
do for the most part, but when it comes to security you can divy out access 
to different databases rather than each table and it makes things simpler, 
so I use different databases for different projects. Also, I think you can 
move different databases around onto different partitions if they get too 

- Original Message - 
From: "Perry, Matthew (Fire Marshal's Office)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 1:37 PM
Subject: [PHP-DB] how many databases should I create

I am developing a variety of different web based systems including
inventory, payroll, incident reports etc.  Should I create a new database
for each project category or one huge database with every table I will 
use in it?


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[PHP-DB] PHP + FreeTDS + SunOne + Linux?

2004-12-23 Thread Jeffrey Fogel
I've got a strange situation. I have followed all the
directions on how to compile FreeTDS and PHP 4.3.10 to
enable MSSQL support. Everything compiles fine works
from the command line, but the MSSQL functions fail
when I attempt to run them through the
Netscape/iPlanet/SunOne plug in.

I'm running RedHat 2.1AS on a dual processor Xenon
with 2G of ram. My webserver is SunOne(iPlanet)
version 6.1. I am also running version 4.0.1 of SunOne

Here's what I've done:

Built FreeTDS 0.62.4 with the following:
./configure --with-tdsver=8.0 --enable-msdblib
--enable-dbmfix --with-gnu-ld

It works and I can connect to my database with tsql.

I built PHP like this:
 ./configure  --with-nsapi=/opt/iplanet
--with-mysql=/usr --prefix=/usr/local --enable-fastcgi
--with-zlib --enable-dbase --enable-ftp --with-openssl

I am running the Zend_Optimizer2.5.7 and IonCube
extensions. I can see that MSSQL support is compiled
in from phpinfo

If I run this from the command line:
php -r '$con= mssql_connect("","","");
$rs=mssql_query("SELECT * from ",$con);
print mssql_result($rs,0,0);

I get the output I expect.

If I run this through the webserver:

$rs=mssql_query("SELECT * from ",$con);
print mssql_result($rs,0,0);

The only output I receive is ""
No error logs are generated anywhere (webserver, php,
or freetds), even though php and freetds logging is
enabled. Other php scripts that dont use the mssql
functions run fine.

It seems to fail at the first mssql_ function and no
processing continues after that.

If anyone has an idea or a way to verify if the
ext/mssql module is compiled into the
object, I would apprecate it.


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Re: [PHP-DB] Trigering PHP Code

2004-12-29 Thread Jeffrey Moss
Or, you could use XmlHttpRequest, which is what google suggest uses.
You can use this to dynamically populate a section of the page. I wouldn't 
delve into it unless you have some xml/javascript experience also though.

Try this page for more info:
- Original Message - 
From: "Bastien Koert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 12:15 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP-DB] Trigering PHP Code

see interspersed comments
From: Nayyar Ahmed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Nayyar Ahmed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [PHP-DB] Trigering PHP Code
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 19:43:35 +0500
Hello All,
I have two problem in my php file i.e.
1. I want to triger some php code, soon  after when a selection
is done from Drop Down Menu,
For Example:
When user select country name the State,city menu fill dynamically.
2 ways to do this
1. use javascript and pass all the data down to the client and have js do 
the manipulation
2. submit the page and draw the next select box at that time filled with a 
db query

2. I want to use a variable value gathered in one php file to some any
other php file
use sessions

For Example:
When user enter his/her name , I will use in later processing in by
some other php file.
I hope, I have explained my problem:
Nayyar Ahmad
Faculty Of Computer Science,
Institute Of Management Sciences,
Hayat Abad Peshawar , Pakistan.
Office : 92-091-9217404 , 9217452
Cell :  92-0333-9139461
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2002-02-07 Thread Jeffrey Cleary

Hi all.

I have the following configuration:

I'm running a Cobalt RAQ4i with Linux
Apache Web Server
PHP Version 4.0.3pl1

We have an application which is used via ssl.

There are occassions when a user presses on a submit button to post
information to a database.  The script itself is fine, there is no problem
with the php scripts at all.

The problem comes in, and I've seen this at other websites while using ssl,
that sometime, when they click on the submit button the error message:
"Page Cannot Be Displayed" comes up.  If the user hits the Refresh button,
the page is displayed just fine.

Again, this doesn't always happen at the same place.  Some users experience
it more often than others. And ONLY Internet Explorer users get this
message.  It never happens with Netscape.

I had hear somewhere an issue like this with SSL/Apache/PHP combination, but
am not aware of the solution.

Can anyone enlighten me or have any ideas?

Thanks in Advance,
Jeffrey Cleary

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[PHP-DB] Looking for Experienced PHP Programmers

2002-03-25 Thread Jeffrey Cleary

Hi all.

My apologies if this is the wrong list.

My company, JeffreyCo, Inc., is looking for one or two experienced PHP
Programmers familiar with MySQL and a Linux environment for short term
project work.

Qualified candidates should send their resume, complete with links to any
current applications on the web to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please include your
current hourly rate in your email.

We have several exciting short and long term projects available and new ones
showing up all the time.

Qualified candidates should have a demonstrative working knowledge of the
latest versions of PHP, MySQL and Linux Administration, along with prior PHP
application success.

Only replies with their resume and hourly rate will be considered.

Please post to another list if this is the wrong one.

Jeffrey Cleary
JeffreyCo, Inc.

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[PHP-DB] PHP Newbee Question

2002-07-02 Thread Jeffrey Norsworthy

Hello All,
  I am new to PHP, and I am trying to design what I thought would be a fairly simple 
form, that queries a MYSQL database for two fields, (first, and last name). It should 
then return the entire results of the entry in the table. This part is actually 5 
  If I run the script with static entries for "first", and "last", the process work 
flawlessly (as it should). If I try using variables for the search values, I do not 
receive any results. I have tried changing the form method from post, to get, and the 
problem continues. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. The first 
grouping is the html form, the second set is the php form that actually performs the 
search. Also the username, and password are populated in the actual script, I just 
took them out for the email. Thanks again.

Contact lookup form

First Name: 
Last Name: 


if ($http_get_vars['first'] && $http_get_vars['last'])
   echo $http_get_vars['first'] . ' ' . $http_get_vars['last'] . '';
$result=mysql_query("select * from chs where first='$first' or last='$last'");
echo "Results";

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
"{$row['first']} {$row['last']}   {$row['branch']}   {$row['extension']}  
 {$row['voice_mail']}   {$row['position']} ";

Jeffrey Norsworthy MCP, CCNA
Network Administrator
Community Health Services

Re: [PHP-DB] PHP Newbee Question

2002-07-02 Thread Jeffrey Norsworthy

Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately it didn't fix the issue. I am sorry about the way 
the address message is displayed. There unfortunately isn't anything I can do about it.

Jeffrey Norsworthy MCP, CCNA
Network Administrator
Community Health Services

>>> Bogdan Stancescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/02/02 10:15AM >>>
Variable names are case-sensitive in PHP - try $HTTP_POST_VARS["first"] 
- or, for new versions of PHP, $_POST["first"].

In another train of thoughts, please use the proper e-mail address - I'm 
sure I'm not the only one using filters to automatically move mail to 
folders and your although probably valid according to the RFC, the way 
you formatted the php list e-mail address doesn't match the filter names...



Jeffrey Norsworthy wrote:

>Hello All,
>  I am new to PHP, and I am trying to design what I thought would be a fairly simple 
>form, that queries a MYSQL database for two fields, (first, and last name). It should 
>then return the entire results of the entry in the table. This part is actually 5 
>  If I run the script with static entries for "first", and "last", the process work 
>flawlessly (as it should). If I try using variables for the search values, I do not 
>receive any results. I have tried changing the form method from post, to get, and the 
>problem continues. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. The first 
>grouping is the html form, the second set is the php form that actually performs the 
>search. Also the username, and password are populated in the actual script, I just 
>took them out for the email. Thanks again.
>Contact lookup form
>First Name: 
>Last Name: 
>define ('mysql_host', 'localhost');
>define ('mysql_user', '');
>define ('mysql_pass', '');
>define ('mysql_db', 'chs');
>if (! mysql_connect(mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_pass) )
>die('Failed to connect to host " ' . mysql_host . ' " . ');
>echo '' . mysql_host . '';
>if ($http_get_vars['first'] && $http_get_vars['last'])
>   echo $http_get_vars['first'] . ' ' . $http_get_vars['last'] . '';
>$result=mysql_query("select * from chs where first='$first' or last='$last'");
>echo "Results";
>while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
>"{$row['first']} {$row['last']}   {$row['branch']}   {$row['extension']}  
> {$row['voice_mail']}   {$row['position']} ";
>Jeffrey Norsworthy MCP, CCNA
>Network Administrator
>Community Health Services

Mail scanat cu RAV Antivirus!

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[PHP-DB] Newbie q: problem with mysql_connect() on hosted service

2002-12-27 Thread Baumgartner Jeffrey
Sorry to bother you experts with a simple question (well, two actually).

I'm new to PHP and mysql. I'm using a hosted service (so I don't have access
to configuration files, server, etc). Recently, the server crashed. Since
resurrecting, all files attempting to connect to MySQL using 

$dbcnx = mysql_connect("localhost", "[user]", "[password");

result in an error like:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in
/home/.sites/22/site13/web/werks/formtest2.php on line 8

Prior to the crash, there was no problem.

After a string of questions to support, they finally admitted they don't
know PHP well enough to help me (!?!). However, they did install phpMyAdmin
- which seems to work okay. So, I'm not sure if I am doing something
fundamentally stupid or if the web host (Easyhost) has not configured things
correctly. Any suggestions will be most welcome.

On a related issue, I am completely fed up with Easyhost and am looking for
another web host. They should obviously be able to provide PHP + MySQL
together with decent support (very important). Ideally, they should provide
scalable service (from shared hosting to dedicated and be EU located (but
this isn't critical). They must be willing to host adult content (soft-core
erotica and adult humour). Any recommendations (on or off-list will be much

A million thanks,

Jeffrey Baumgartner

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[PHP-DB] Mail() and replies

2003-01-15 Thread Baumgartner Jeffrey
Is there any way to receive mail via PHP? 

What I am interested in doing is creating a double opt-in e-mail list
whereby someone can subscribe to an e-mail service via an on-line form. Upon
doing so, they would get a confirmation e-mail. Replying to this e-mail
would confirm the subscription and add the sender's e-mail address to the
database (MySQL). 



Jeffrey Baumgartner

eBusiness Consultant - ITP Europe
+32 2 721 51 00

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[PHP-DB] Efficiency

2003-01-21 Thread Baumgartner Jeffrey
A couple of questions of efficiency, please:

1. If I am creating a web page with numerous PHP calls to an MySQL database
is it more efficient to have lots of small blocks of php in an html page or
is it better to have just one or two big blocks of PHP with the html code
being delivered via echo statements?

2. If I want to know how many rows there are in a MySQL table, I can either
use the count function in MySQL (although I am having trouble figuring out
how to capture that value in a variable) or I can do a general "select *
from" from command in MySQL and then use the mysql_num_rows function in PHP
to get a row count (which is dead easy). It SEEMS to me the former would be
more efficient. Am I correct? 

Many thanks! 

Jeffrey Baumgartner

eBusiness Consultant - ITP Europe
+32 2 721 51 00

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RE: [PHP-DB] Members area

2003-01-23 Thread Baumgartner Jeffrey
I'm working on a similar project - I'm also a newbie - here's my approach -
which is fairly simple really.

Create a database of all members that includes columns for "login", "name"
and "paymentStatus" as well as any other info you need for your database.
paymentStatus would be an integer with values of 2 and 5 initially (this
allows room for the creation of other levels in the future) in which 2 is
for paid members and 5 is for free members.

Once members log-in, their paid status is saved as a session variable:

All member-area pages will start with session_start(); at the beginning and
a check of the value of $paymentStatus. If it is null, they are sent to the
log-in page. If the page is for members only, then the value of
$paymentStatus must be <=2. If it is for any member, then $paymentStatus
will have to be <=5 (this all gives room for different levels of membership
in the future, you see).

Likewise content, which is stored on tables, includes a $paid variable which
indicates who is able to view it. This way, you can deliver dynamic content,
links and other information according to the $paymentStatus value of each
visiting member. In my case, I will have index pages with links to content
pages. All links will be visible, but links for paid members will be clearly
indicated. The purpose of this is to show freeloaders what they are missing!

I hope this is clear. More experienced members of this list may well find
flaws with my method.

Good luck,

Jeffrey Baumgartner

eBusiness Consultant - ITP Europe
+32 2 721 51 00

> -Original Message-
> From: Gavin Amm [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 2:03 AM
> Subject:  [PHP-DB] Members area
> Hi All,
> I'm about to start development on a members area for a site.
> The members area will have 2 levels - Paid & Free, with the Paid members
> having access to more pages.
> I have not created a members area before & am after any advice or links
> I can get... I think a lot of reading is in order...
> Particularly:
> - DB structure & fields (I'll be using MySQL if that's relevant)
> - Sessions (I've seen quite a few threads covering sessions over the
> last couple of months, so should have some links in my 'inbox'
> somewhere... But the more the merrier...)
> - Any PHP suggestions/advice/links
> - Anything else you can think is relevant...
> Thanks, this will be a big help.
> Cheers,
> Gav
> -- 
> PHP Database Mailing List (
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[PHP-DB] Data won't insert

2003-01-23 Thread Baumgartner Jeffrey
I've learned the basics of PHP and MySQL by using a web hosting service over
the past few weeks. Call this site 1. And I am finally feeling that I am
getting the hang of things. 

Now, another web host that I have been using is letting me try out PHP and
MySQL on their server. Call this site 2.

The problem I am having is that if I take pages with php scripts from site
1; change the user, password and database names; and upload them to site 2 -
data does not insert into tables. However, the scripts are connecting to the
database (no die messages or other error messages are appearing) and the
tables have been prepared via phpmyadmin without problem. Likewise, I can
insert data via phpmyadmin without problem. 

Below is a sample script that is causing such a problem. I appreciate that
it is sloppy (it was one of my first). But it works on site 1 and not site
2.  Could this be a matter of the permissions the site 2 web host has
granted me? And if so, why can I do things with phpmyadmin but not via my
own scripts?

Many thanks,

Jeffrey Baumgartner

" . $name . " " . $age . "";  



" . $name . " " . $age . "";  

else {
echo ("Tough cookies, sunshine");


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[PHP-DB] collaborating on a document

2003-02-11 Thread Baumgartner Jeffrey
I'm thinking about making a little tool where people can contribute ideas in
real time. Thus far, the best way I can see to do this is via 2 frames

Frame 1: for entering data - which is inserted into a table. 

Frame 2: would select from the table.  It would also refresh frequently -
say every 30 seconds.

But perhaps you have a more elegant solution?


Jeffrey Baumgartner

eBusiness Consultant - ITP Europe
+32 2 721 51 00

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RE: [PHP-DB] collaborating on a document

2003-02-12 Thread Baumgartner Jeffrey
> > 1-Since he's posting to a PHP-DB list, I think we can assume he plans
> > to implement it in PHP using a database to capture and store the
> > comments/ideas. 
> Correct, thank you.
> > Jeff - Do you have a plan in place for your DB schema or the backend
> > processing that might take place?
> No, I'm still at the thinking stage. Since I'm new to PHP + databases, I
> was hoping to get expert feedback at the earliest stage, rather than
> discovering too late that my idea wasn't the best approach. 

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[PHP-DB] Session variables when global variables switched off

2003-02-18 Thread Baumgartner Jeffrey
I am making a section on a web site which requires that visitors log-in.
Log-in, password, etc are in an MySQL table. I am using (via a web host) PHP
4.2.2 with global variables turned off. Until now, I have worked with a
different host in which global variables were switched on.

The way it works
The user logs in at index.php. When she does so successfully, index.php
returns a menu of links. However, if she clicks on any of those links, which
are different pages, she gets a please log-in first message 

eBusiness Consultant - ITP Europe
+32 2 721 51 00

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[PHP-DB] Session variables when global variables switched off [Sorry, first message accidentally fired off to quickly ]

2003-02-18 Thread Baumgartner Jeffrey
[sorry for the incomplete posting of a couple moments ago. I hit ctl
something or other and outlook fired off the e-mail against my wishes!]

I am making a section on a web site which requires that visitors log-in.
Log-in, password, etc are in an MySQL table. I am using (via a web host) PHP
4.2.2 with global variables turned off. Until now, I have worked with a
different host in which global variables were switched on.

The way it works
The user logs in at index.php. When she does so successfully, index.php
returns a menu of links. However, if she clicks on any of those links, which
are different pages, she gets a please log-in first message because each
page includes...

if ($_SESSION['verified'] <> "yes"){
echo "Please log in first";

Returning to index.php requires a log-in again.

So, it seems the session variable is not being sent being sent between
pages, although it works within the same page. I expect I am missing
something obvious. I've made this kind of thing work with global variables
on - so I assume I am misunderstanding something related to lack of global

I use 


at the top of all pages and  


on index.php.

Your enlightenment will be highly appreciated.

Jeffrey Baumgartner

PHP Database Mailing List (
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[PHP-DB] mysql_fetch_array and extract() with LEFT SELECT

2003-02-19 Thread Baumgartner Jeffrey
I'm having a problem when I use mysql_fetch_array and extract() following a
left select query. As an example...

$query = "SELECT id,LEFT(fluff,80) FROM sometable";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die('message');

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result){
echo "" . $id . ": " . $fluff . "";

would echo the $id, but there would be nothing for $fluff. However, if I
select only 'fluff' from the MySQL table, I get the full text for $fluff. I
am reluctant to SELECT the entire fluff text from the table and shorten it
in PHP  as that seems inefficient to me - (but correct me if I am wrong).

I expect the solution must be dead easy, but I can't find it or figure it

Many thanks,


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[PHP-DB] Re: Free php editor!!

2003-08-03 Thread Jeffrey Dickman
There is eClipse, it can be found at  It is a 
modular IDE, and there is a plugin for php.  It is Java based, so it 
works on any platform.

phpEdit is also free:

Those are the best two editors I've found.

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[PHP-DB] Problem with mysql_fetch_array after first loop...

2005-03-03 Thread Jeffrey Baumgartner
I've made a little programme that deletes expired records from database 
tables. The troublesome bit looks like this...

   $query = "SELECT ic FROM ic_ic WHERE date <= CURDATE()";
   $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Unable to get old 
campaigns because " . mysql_error());
   while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
...delete records from tables where ic = ic

It works fine for the fitst value of $ic, but on the second time around 
I get an error message saying that line [starting with "while..."] is 
not a valid MySQL resource. This really puzzles me because it works one 
time around, but not after that.

$ic, incidentally, is a string originally generated from the timestamp 
(ie. getdate[0])  - could this be causing a problem?

Many thanks!
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[PHP-DB] solved [Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Problem with mysql_fetch_array after first loop...]

2005-03-03 Thread Jeffrey Baumgartner
That was indeed the problem and of course I should have seen it myself!
Thanks very much, Jochem.
Jochem Maas wrote:
Steve McGill wrote:
"Jeffrey Baumgartner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schreef in bericht
I've made a little programme that deletes expired records from database
tables. The troublesome bit looks like this...
   $query = "SELECT ic FROM ic_ic WHERE date <= CURDATE()";
   $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Unable to get old
campaigns because " . mysql_error());
   while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
...delete records from tables where ic = ic

are you by any chance doing a query inside this while loop?
if you are then make sure you assign the result of the call to 
to a variable that is NOT called $result.

It works fine for the fitst value of $ic, but on the second time around
I get an error message saying that line [starting with "while..."] is
not a valid MySQL resource. This really puzzles me because it works one
time around, but not after that.

print_r(), var_dump() (and plain echo or print) are your friends:
if you preceed the line starting 'while ($row =' with the following:
var_dump( $result );
and then also add such a statement at the bottom of your while code ie:
var_dump( $result );
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
extract($row); // not a good idea IMHO
// do your stuff
var_dump( $result );

then you should see it change on the second call to var_dump(), which
will hopefully lead you to the code that changes the $result var when
you don't want it to change.
$ic, incidentally, is a string originally generated from the timestamp
(ie. getdate[0])  - could this be causing a problem?

Why don't you try it without using extract($row), and use 
$row[variable2] instead in your loops.
extract() pulls all the variables into the global namespace and can 
be quite
dangerous as it might overwrite other variables. (this might be whats
happening with the $result variable for example.
also, how does extract() behave when trying to convert the [0] [1] [2]
variables? you might be better off using mysql_fetch_assoc()

ditto, dont extract() in this situation - its a waste of a function 
call and a
waste of variable initialization... just use the values in the $row 
array directly... e.g.

echo $row['ic']; // this could have been $ic if you had called 

Best wishes,

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RE: [PHP-DB] Can you recommend a development tool?

2001-02-10 Thread Jeffrey A. Stuart

That's been going on for a VERY long time.  And instead of waiting, DUMP
Ultradev and take a look at Code Charge (  It fills the
niche in PHP (and a bunch of other languages as well!) that Ultradev tries
to fill in ASP.

Jeff (FurBall)
WebOverdrive Newbie Tech Board

-Original Message-
From: Sean Weissensee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 10:06 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] Can you recommend a development tool?

Yes only ASP,JSP and CF,

I did read on the Macromedia newsgroup that someone is developing
a PHP plugin for Ultradev.

- Original Message -
From: "Alarion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: [PHP-DB] Problems with MySQL

2001-04-03 Thread Jeffrey A Schoolcraft

* Bruno ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> The strange thing about this is that MySQL leaves the mysqld.sock in /tmp,
> not in the directory that the error reports. I've just installed MySQL
> v3.23, and I had v3.22 before, which had it's sock file on /var/run/mysqld.

You might want to make sure your path points to the newer version of
mysql then, and not an old outdated one.  Make sure you've removed all
binary (for that matter all source) files for Mysql-3.22 if you've
upgraded to 3.23.

If in doubt, type which mysql and see if that's where you think it


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Re: [PHP-DB] SELECT statement

2001-04-05 Thread Jeffrey A Schoolcraft

* Julio Cuz, Jr. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Ron,
> Thanks for your help, but my problem still there even when I made the 
> following changes:
> $sql = "SELECT * FROM \"Remodel\" WHERE Email=\"".$find."\"";

You don't have to quote the table name either.  You can probably get
away with something like this:

$sql = "SELECT * FROM Remodel WHERE Email=\"$find\" \n";

I put the \n at the end of my queries, at the end of every line if it's
a long query, just makes it easier for me to read if I need to do
debugging later, it won't affect your query.


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Re: [PHP-DB] diferent user passwords

2001-04-13 Thread Jeffrey A Schoolcraft

* Romeo Manzur ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> how could I configure diferent user password  to each database on my
> server???

You can probably achieve this with grant statements.

Grant SELECT on test.* to myuser@localhost identified by 'pass1';
Grant SELECT on other.* to myuser@localhost identified by 'pass2';


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[PHP-DB] MySQL connects to localhost via socket reguardless

2005-04-10 Thread Jeffrey D. Means

I am trying to connect to a DB on a difrent server but mysql keeps connecting to the local server via the socket.  What is going on?
-- code snippet--
    $connection = mysql_connect("", "Removed", "Removed");

Jeffrey D. Means   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Owner / CIO for MeansPC
Custom Web Development For Your Needs. (970)308-1298

My Public PGP Key ID is: 0x81F00126
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RE: [PHP-DB] MySql and PHP question

2005-04-10 Thread Jeffrey D. Means

You are probably running mysql 3.x if you move to 4.x or the beta 5.x you can use subqueries and even user functions in 5.x

hope this helps...

On Thu, 2005-04-07 at 08:50 +0200, Juffermans, Jos wrote:


I'm afraid I can't help you with the query - I'm used to Oracle which as a
bigger set of SQL commands.

I can help you with your PHP question. If you want to put a variable in a
query, you can add the variable directly into the string:
	$sql_query = "select zg_longitude from zip_code where zg_zipcode =
Or (my favorite choice) you can break the string and add the variable with
	$sql_query = "select zg_longitude from zip_code where zg_zipcode =
'" . $zipcode . "'";
With the first option, it is not always clear what is the variable and what


-Original Message-
From: ReClMaples [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 07 April 2005 06:04
Subject: [PHP-DB] MySql and PHP question


I have a question as how I can return some results that I am looking
for.  Ideally I'd like to run this sql statement but for some reason MySql
won't allow me to run it:

  zg_latitude between ((select zg_latitude from zip_code where zg_zipcode =
'78730')- 2) and
  ((select zg_latitude from zip_code where zg_zipcode = '78730') + 2)  and
  zg_longitude between ((select zg_longitude from zip_code where zg_zipcode
= '78730') - 2) and
  ((select zg_longitude from zip_code where zg_zipcode = '78730') + 2)

I get an error to check the mysql manual.  This statement runs in an oracle
environment though.

I guess I am stuck with writing multiple queries and them tying them
together.  In PHP how can I put a variable into the sql statement (if that's
possible).  Let's say I have these queries:
select zg_longitude from zip_code where zg_zipcode = '78730'

This one pulls the zg_longitude from the zip_code table where the zip_code
is 78730 for instance.  I want to take the result (one record) and put it in
this sql statment replacing 'result here':

select * from zip_code
where zg_longitude >= ('result here'-2)
and zg_longitude <= ('result here'+2)
order by zg_city asc

Can anyone help me with this or point me in a better direction?



Jeffrey D. Means   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Owner / CIO for MeansPC
Custom Web Development For Your Needs. (970)308-1298

My Public PGP Key ID is: 0x81F00126
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