[PHP-DEV] followup: mod_negotiation and php

2003-02-02 Thread Stephen van Egmond
As a followup, I'd like to document what worked (for me) to address 
the problem.

The issue, in summary, is that mod_negotiation thinks that
PHP produces content of type application/x-httpd-php.  It usually
produces text/html of course, but there's no way for it to know that.

mod_negotiation has infrastructure to consider a few other mime
as pseudo html during the negotiation phase.  Changing
INCLUDES_MAGIC_TYPE in apache:src/include/httpd.h to
application/x-httpd-php results in the behaviour you would hope for.

I haven't got the chops to try to turn this into an acceptable patch.
But the hack could work for others.

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[PHP-DEV] mod_negotiation and 406 and php

2003-01-31 Thread Stephen van Egmond
I'm using Apache mod_negotiation to eliminate file extensions
from my site, e.g.


This works great for dynamic features too, as I get pathinfo
for free.  No more ?article_id=92 business for me.

Anyway.  Google hates my guts for doing this.  Why?  Well, it
Accept: text/plain,text/html
in its HTTP requests.

This causes Apache to a) issue a 406 no suitable content found error,
and b) not serve my content to google for indexing.  Greaaat.

If I feed such a request to Apache, it says:

An appropriate representation of the requested resource
/services/dev could not be found on this server.

Available variants:

lia href=dev.htmldev.html/a , type
application/x-httpd-php, language en

Which is, of course, correct.

Of course, if I change the content-type of .html files, then PHP won't
parse them.

I'm at a bit of a loss to figure out how to fix this.
Suggestions welcome.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Do database resources sleep at night?

2001-10-02 Thread Stephen van Egmond

John Lim ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 My suspicion is that persistent resources are only cleaned up when the child
 process dies, while non-persistent resources are closed immediately at the
 end of the page/script. Does anyone know the correct answer?


 If you can spare the time, I would be grateful for an answer to the
 following questions too:
 2. If resources are not cleaned up until the apache child process dies, what
 will happen in multi-threaded servers like Apache 2 and IIS?

I don't know.  The Right Thing To Do would be to use a connection pool,
with the connection resource borrowed by scripts, then released when
they're done.   AOLServer does this.

 3. Are persistent resources locked exclusively by an executing script until
 the script completes when the resources become available for other scripts,
 or can persistent resources be shared by multiple concurrent scripts?

This question doesn't make sense in the current apache architecture.
Each apache child gets its own persistent connections, which are not
shared with other apache children.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Security Issues - a bit of my experience

2001-07-30 Thread Stephen van Egmond

Zeev Suraski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I don't think we can change the behavior of empty() at this stage...


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Security Issues - a bit of my experience

2001-07-29 Thread Stephen van Egmond

Rasmus Lerdorf ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Think about whether in each of these cases it would have happened if the
 developers of the app had developed with E_NOTICE on.  In a high number of
 these cases it probably wouldn't.  And if this number is close to 100%,
 then it would point to the fact that there is another less destructive
 solution here.
 This is why I want to go through and investigate existing PHP code and
 have a look.

I'm a user of PHP, who would describe himself as approaching expert
in my knowledge.

I took a suggestion from earlier in this thread, and turned off
E_NOTICE.  An excellent idea.  I found a few holes in some of my code,
which I was glad to repair, and grateful to the language for pointing
out to me.

The suggestion to turn off register_globals by default is an extremely
bad one. It would make using PHP nothing short of a pain in the ass,
break vast amounts of code, and not improve a whole lot.  I _LIKE_ that
I can GET or POST to a page, and the variables will still come from the
right place.

While considering the security angle, it's important to notice that
there is a tradeoff between a secure system and a functional system,
and that for some people, security just doesn't rate: either the
function (e.g. register_globals)  is too valuable, or the downside of a
security failure is just not all that great.  A lot of people prefer
function over security, and would find it an unwelcome arrogance if PHP
forced them to twiddle some settings to get it back.

Finally, a small note from my PHP programming experiences:

In order to code with E_ALL, idioms like this:
if ($x) 

   will produce warnings if $x is not set.  If you don't want the
   warnings, you have to replace it with:

if (isset($x)  $x) {

   if it's set and it's true...? ugh.

One is then tempted to look for replacement functions in the
library, and immediately hits upon empty.  

if (!$empty) 

But as can be seen from the table at 
http://bang.dhs.org/~svanegmond/logictest.php , empty()
returns TRUE if you hand it a boolean FALSE! Otherwise, the semantics
of empty() are a good replacement for the warning-generating cast to

This tends to make E_NOTIFY more trouble than it's worth... which is
why people (including the Debian package maintainer) keep it disabled.

Thus I recommend that empty() be fixed to return false for boolean
values.  Failing that, that a non-warning-generating logical
equivalent of cast-to-boolean be provided.

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[PHP-DEV] Security techniques

2001-07-29 Thread Stephen van Egmond

I was going to reply to Phil Driscoll's post (from Friday) about
E_SECURITY warning level, but thought it might belong better in a
different thread.

This thread is for collecting some ideas for security enhancements that
can happen in PHP, besides the already-known register_globals.

My idea:

Have PHP reject (fail to process, die, whatever) a hit that is
anomalous. Definitions of anomalous:

1. GET variables set while METHOD != GET

form action=foo.php?x=1 method=POST

   This is a major point of attack identified in the study in
Scarlet.  Although I can imagine the above being a programming
technique someone, somewhere, has used, future releases might
reasonably default to rejecting hits that attempt it.

2. when a uploaded file fails is_uploaded_file().

   I felt bad when I saw is_uploaded_file() introduced - it is such a 
cheezy function call; people shouldn't even have to call it themselves,
and I can imagine no situation (except for laziness) that you would not
call it.

Other ideas?

  (. .)
+--ooO-(_)-Ooo- -  -- - - -  -
| rec.arts.int-fiction archive and research library:
| http://bang.dhs.org/if/

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Proposal

2001-07-29 Thread Stephen van Egmond

Rasmus Lerdorf ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 How to get there...
 For 4.0.7:
  - We leave all default configuration settings as they are now.
  - We add $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_ENV, $_SERVER and perhaps make them
super-globals like $GLOBALS


  - We add a new function, somewhat like the current extract() which looks
something like this:
  // Another use:
  // Only import the given variables from Post or Cookie data.


  - With the release of 4.0.7 we start hyping this security issue by
linking to a spruced up version of the security chapter in the manual
which describes how exactly to use these new tools.

I'm writing A study in resilience, as a response to the Study in
Scarlet newsletter.  A bit late, but it can provide a discussion point.
I'd be happy to see it modified and included in the security chapter.

I like your reasoning for import_globals().  I was wondering if there
was any thought on my earlier proposal, which would be largely a SAPI
change that:

- dies if GET variable is specified while method != GET
- dies if a file in HTTP_POST_FILES fails is_uploaded_file().

This doesn't solve all the items mentioned in the advisory, but it
squishes quite a few!


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Re: [PHP-DEV] crontab support for PHP

2001-07-29 Thread Stephen van Egmond

Stig S. Bakken ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Uhm, why not simply run PHP scripts from cron?  Or did you want
 something inside a web server environment?

I personally have been looking for something similar.  AOLServer has
this facility:

and believe me, it rocks.

The problem it solves is this: in larger production environments,
people have usually figured out how to use CVS to do revision control
for what goes up on a web site.  cron is one of those annoying things
that has to live outside of CVS.  In a team where there can be many
people on the web server, people DO edit the cron tab, forget to save
their changes, and people only discover the problem when something
stops working.

FWIW, I'm designing a few improvements to the Apache SAPI
implementation that might make this improvement. I don't think it
belongs in the language itself though.

- Steve

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Security techniques

2001-07-29 Thread Stephen van Egmond

Zeev Suraski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 At 12:04 29/07/2001, Stephen van Egmond wrote:
 2. when a uploaded file fails is_uploaded_file().
 My English parser bailed out on this one :)

How's your PHP parser doing? :)

foreach $f ($HTTP_POST_FILES) {
if (!is_uploaded_file($f)) {
die Ayiee!;

 While it may be rare to find a situation in which it's useful more than 
 move_uploaded_file(), these cases do exist.  I'm not sure what's wrong with 
 it, can you be more specific?

My feelings upon seeing it were of the aw, man, couldn't something
else check for that?.  There isn't any reason you would want to accept
a file that failed is_uploaded_file() -- so why bother even leaving it
as a possibility.

While I'm typing this, I also understand that it may have been an
emergency introduction into the language in response to a vulnerability
report.  And I also understand that functionality that exists in some
Server API should, in some way, be reproducible in the core without
duplicating code.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Security Issues - a bit of my experience

2001-07-29 Thread Stephen van Egmond

Zeev Suraski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 - register_globals=on leads to insecure code, which was demonstrated time 
 and time again in the past.
 - Once it's off, we're going to provide methods of accessing variables 
 which are just as easy, and quite easier in case you access them from 
 functions.  Having form variables register as global variables is not the 
 11th commandment, and it's kind of odd to see people treat it as such.

It is quite the handy feature, and it will be a bummer to see it go.

 - E_NOTICE is a runtime issue, one which you would have to check under all 
 possible paths in your logic.  That's why leaving security stuff to runtime 
 is always never a good idea.  Setting register_globals to off gives you 
 development-time security.

I must point out that if we're referring to existing code bases,
E_NOTICE and register_globals=off require as much work: all code paths
have to be exercised to catch all the old-style idioms.

I was trying to step back a bit and identify some of the patterns in
the attacks identified in the paper.  One extremely popular pattern was
spoofing variables by overwriting them: GET variables overwriting
POST, usually, and I suggested that some SAPI stunt be pulled to catch

Although this would improve things, it bears noting that:

- it deprecates a valid (on Apache) idiom which, at least, Rasmus uses
- this only makes it harder to spoof variables, not impossible.
  But at least that's something.

Whatever. The idea hasn't caught on.  I recognize it probably wasn't


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[PHP-DEV] [emile@iris-advies.com: Re: [PHP-DEV] Adding URI Translation Handlers]

2001-06-22 Thread Stephen van Egmond

Back when the mailing lists were down, I started a discussion about
adding a feature to PHP to do URI translating.

The brief definition of URI translation is that you get to rewrite URIs
dynamically.  This is how you you would host, for instance, 10,000
florist home pages:

and http://florists.ftd.com/fiveflower/

without having 10,000 directoriies under the server root.  In Apache,
these would be rewritten to a directory containing the style of page
the florist chose, with some extra apache notes to tell you which
florist page had been visited.

The question I wanted to raise was how to do this.  And although it
looks like initially a simple task, it generalizes to a few other
concepts which Apache + mod_perl has done wonders with.

This was the most recent post on the topic, and I wondered if there
were other thoughts out there?

Failing that, I will probably pursue the approach of building this into
the Apache SAPI and letting other web servers follow suit.

- Forwarded message from Emiliano [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 09:34:00 +0200 (CEST)
From: Emiliano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] Adding URI Translation Handlers

Stephen van Egmond wrote:

 One thing which I am bumping into is the need to do URI rewriting, kind
 of like what mod_perl does.
 I would like to implement this myself in mod_php, and I'm looking for
 some advice on the implementation.  I considered the following:
 a) Allowing the automatically prepended file (see php's
 auto_prepend_file config option) to change $ENV['REQUEST_URI'] before
 the script is actually executed. This, intuitively, seems clean, but
 would probably happen too late in the request process (it will have
 already decided to call the error file).

Yep. This would be executed in the response phase, but apache itself
would have decided in the translation phase way before that not to
handle the request.

 b) adding a new config directive that... what?  defines a file to be
 read which is supposed to define a function? Is eval'ed?

The way I see it you have a couple of options:

- Use mod_perl, mod_python, mod_tcl(I think) to script a translation
- Write a translation handler in C (we do this with Midgard)
- Extend mod_php4 to do what mod_perl et al do so you can write
  handlers in PHP. Conceptually, this is not too hard, but will
  definately be more work than the other two. You set up the zend
  engine just like the response phase handler does, set a few relevant
  variables before you start it (like $ENV['REQUEST_URI'] for example,
  kick off the script (either be just executing the code, or calling a
  function therein), then read the relevant variables after the script
  exits and act on them. You'll be doing this in C.


- End forwarded message -

  (. .)
+--ooO-(_)-Ooo- -  -- - - -  -
| The Annotated BeBook:  http://bang.dhs.org/be/bebook/

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Adding URI Translation Handlers

2001-06-22 Thread Stephen van Egmond

Brian Moon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I am still not clear on your problem with the rewriting.  I don't see what
 the number of files in the templates has to do with anything.
 Can you elaborate more on that.  Maybe some examples of what the request
 would be and how you would rewrite it and why.

Consider, for example, sourceforge.


There are zillions of myprojects, with new ones coming on at the rate
of at least several per day.

These are all pages which, in the URI - filename translation step of
Apache, need to get pointed at some canonical project template

Doing this with one rewrite, as you did with articles and pathinfo,
doesn't seem sufficient, since there are in fact several files under
each directory rather than just one.

probably gets rewritten to

which has to go looking through pathinfo. Fine, it works.  But I don't
think pathinfo is up to the task above.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RE: 4.0.5: Merge Request

2001-04-25 Thread Stephen van Egmond

John Donagher ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Someone mentioned the idea of bug-squashing parties; I think that's a great
 idea, although since the project's developers are all over the world it may be
 a little tricky to organize (I'm not fixing bugs at 10AM). 

Debian's bug parties are weekend-long affairs.  Start Friday, end
Monday morning.

 But I'm really not
 in favor of adding more process.

It's more of a social process than an explicit development process. 
The only extra process is a new severity level in their bug system,
to indicate that bug must be resolved for release to occur.  It's not
zero-defects, it's zero release-critical defects.

People just yell bug party! maybe invite some friends over and start
hacking.  Everyone in an IRC channel.

 Personally, I've never seen adding steps to a
 development process actually help development. It seems like instead of voting,
 maybe QA people (as well as developers) should have ability to set priorities
 on bugs (although these are arguably very subject to perspective).

The mozilla project allows members of the public to vote for a bug to
indicate that it's bad and annoying to them.  This can be used as input
to determining that a bug is RC.

Along other lines, we could play platform favourites and say that
anything that reproducibly crashes an x86, ppc, or alpha system is RC.

It's all squishy heuristics, and until we start playing with it we'll
never know what works.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] 4.0.5: Merge Request

2001-04-25 Thread Stephen van Egmond

Andi Gutmans ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 For the QA guys it might be nice to be able to flag certain bugs in the bug 
 database and then automatically create a summary page which could be sent 
 to php-dev. However, I think it would take too much time to get started. 
 Maybe just manually creating a list with a one line description of bug #, 
 where the bug is and a short short summary would be best. This could be 
 sent to php-dev.

Is adding a severity to the bugdb that hard, or is reporting that

Actually, could the people who maintain the bugdb get in touch with me
offline at [EMAIL PROTECTED]? (Please take php-dev out of the subject
so it doesn't just show up in my php-dev folder)? I have some ideas.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] 4.0.5: Merge Request

2001-04-24 Thread Stephen van Egmond

Andi Gutmans ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 features (also because it has enough additional features already which are 
 enough for another minor version), but the developers need to actually go 
 through the bugs database and work on those crash bugs. It's not that easy 
 to get everyone to work on them.

The Debian project uses a practice which may be useful.

Bugs are identified by project leaders as release-critical. 
Release-critical is a bug severity level which bugs (crashers,
cosmetic, whatever) can get promoted to.

There's a page giving stats on RC bugs:

And approximately monthly bug squashing parties held on IRC:

My suggestion, having watched a few open-source projects structured
similarly to PHP, is to declare a particular date as a freeze date,
with pressure NOT to commit major overhauls increasing as the freeze
approached.  At the freeze, a CVS branch is created and the bug
squashing party begins - release critical bugs only!

Once RC bugs get cleared, the branch changes get merged back into the
mainline and development resumes until it's time to release again.

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[PHP-DEV] further notes on bug squashing parties

2001-04-24 Thread Stephen van Egmond

Looking at the RC bugs graph:

you'll see two precipitous drops in the number of RC bugs.
Those are bug parties.

- Steve

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Re: [PHP-DEV] timezones and thread safety

2001-04-17 Thread Stephen van Egmond

James L. Pine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I'm running php as an apache 1.x module, so I just hacked in a userspace
 tzset(TZ) function, but this would be bad for systems that need to play
 nicely with threads.

I'm a little bit baffled about why you would want to change the time
zone while a system is up and running.   Isn't this the kind of thing
you set and forget?

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[PHP-DEV] write access to Zend

2001-03-22 Thread Stephen van Egmond

I have some patches for Zend (TSRM, in particular, to get threads
running on the BeOS).  I already have a CVS account for php.net, but
it's not valid for Zend.  What am I missing?  Should I just post them?

  (. .)
+--ooO-(_)-Ooo --- -- - - -  -
| Stephen van Egmond  http://bang.dhs.org/

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Re: Dear Friends Future Millionaire:

2001-02-06 Thread Stephen van Egmond

Rasmus Lerdorf ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 What we are not interested in is stopping people who are not subscribed to
 the lists directly from participating.  A lot of people read the lists via
 nntp or through various web gateways.  You can rant all you want about the
 spam, but until you come up with a workable way to not cut off these
 people there isn't much point.


Listar (the one I'm familiar) will send posts that aren't classified as
spam, but still from non-members, to moderators.  Depending on your
mailer, one keypress ("bounce this to [EMAIL PROTECTED]")
will approve the post and send it out. This can be tweaked to
auto-approve future posts from that person.


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[PHP-DEV] Did anyone apply that BeOS patch?

2001-01-16 Thread Stephen van Egmond

I'm not seeing it in current CVS. Could someone confirm that they
applied it?  Are there any objections?   
  (. .)
+--ooO-(_)-Ooo --- -- - - -  -
| Stephen van Egmond  http://bang.dhs.org/

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[PHP-DEV] patch for current CVS to build on BeOS

2001-01-14 Thread Stephen van Egmond

Attached is the diffs to current CVS to enable PHP4 to build under the
BeOS. Tested with BeOS r5.0.3 under Intel architecture.

The BeOS release currently requires "--without-mysql" due to
differences in the networking stack which are currently being addressed
by Be.

Index: configure.in
RCS file: /repository/php4/configure.in,v
retrieving revision 1.211
diff -u -u -r1.211 configure.in
--- configure.in2001/01/14 16:36:29 1.211
+++ configure.in2001/01/14 22:44:54
@@ -106,6 +106,8 @@
 CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -traditional-cpp";;
+   LIBS="$LIBS -lbe -lroot"
@@ -294,6 +296,7 @@
 stdlib.h \
 string.h \
 syslog.h \
+sysexits.h \
 sys/file.h \
 sys/mman.h \
 sys/resource.h \
@@ -301,6 +304,7 @@
 sys/socket.h \
 sys/statfs.h \
 sys/statvfs.h \
+sys/sysexits.h \
 sys/time.h \
 sys/types.h \
 sys/varargs.h \
@@ -360,6 +364,8 @@
 gcvt \
 getlogin \
 gethostbyaddr \
+getprotobyname \
+getprotobynumber \
 getrusage \
 gettimeofday \
 gmtime_r \
Index: ext/mysql/libmysql/libmysql.c
RCS file: /repository/php4/ext/mysql/libmysql/libmysql.c,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -u -r1.5 libmysql.c
--- ext/mysql/libmysql/libmysql.c   2000/10/20 22:26:48 1.5
+++ ext/mysql/libmysql/libmysql.c   2001/01/14 22:44:54
@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@
 #if !defined(MSDOS)  !defined(__WIN__)
 #include sys/socket.h
 #include netinet/in.h
 #include arpa/inet.h
 #include netdb.h
 #  include select.h
Index: ext/standard/basic_functions.c
RCS file: /repository/php4/ext/standard/basic_functions.c,v
retrieving revision 1.297
diff -u -u -r1.297 basic_functions.c
--- ext/standard/basic_functions.c  2001/01/14 16:36:30 1.297
+++ ext/standard/basic_functions.c  2001/01/14 22:44:59
@@ -34,7 +34,9 @@
 #include time.h
 #include stdio.h
 #include netdb.h
 #include arpa/inet.h
 #include unistd.h
@@ -228,13 +230,19 @@
PHP_FE(mt_getrandmax,   NULL)
PHP_FE(getservbyname, NULL)
PHP_FE(getservbyport, NULL)
PHP_FE(getprotobyname, NULL)
PHP_FE(getprotobynumber, NULL)
PHP_FE(gethostbyaddr,   NULL)
PHP_FE(gethostbyname,   NULL)
PHP_FE(gethostbynamel,  NULL)
-#if !defined(PHP_WIN32)||HAVE_BINDLIB
+#if HAVE_BINDLIB  !(defined(__BEOS__)||defined(PHP_WIN32))
@@ -424,7 +432,7 @@
PHP_FALIAS(socket_set_timeout, warn_not_available,  NULL)
PHP_FE(socket_get_status,   NULL)
-#if !defined(PHP_WIN32) || defined(ZTS)
+#if (!defined(PHP_WIN32)  !defined(__BEOS__)) || defined(ZTS)
PHP_FALIAS(realpath,warn_not_available, NULL)
@@ -2187,8 +2195,8 @@
 /* }}} */
 /* {{{ proto string getservbyport(int port, string protocol)
Returns service name associated with port. Protocol must be "tcp" or "udp". */
@@ -2210,8 +2218,9 @@
 /* }}} */
 /* {{{ proto int getprotobyname(string name)
Returns protocol number associated with name as per /etc/protocols */
@@ -2236,8 +2245,9 @@
 /* }}} */
 /* {{{ proto string getprotobynumber(int proto)
Returns protocol name associated with protocol number proto */
@@ -2259,7 +2269,7 @@
 /* }}} */
 static int php_add_extension_info(zend_module_entry *module, void *arg)
Index: ext/standard/dns.c
RCS file: /repository/php4/ext/standard/dns.c,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -u -r1.23 dns.c
--- ext/standard/dns.c  2000/11/27 13:31:21 1.23
+++ ext/standard/dns.c  2001/01/14 22:44:59
@@ -36,15 +36,21 @@
 #include winsock.h
 #include netinet/in.h

[PHP-DEV] preferred format for patches?

2001-01-13 Thread Stephen van Egmond


I don't have a CVS account but I only have a small number of patches to
contribute to the current CVS to help it build under the BeOS.

How would you like the patches computed?  i.e. what command ought I run
to generate them?

  (. .)
+--ooO-(_)-Ooo --- -- - - -  -
| Stephen van Egmond  http://bang.dhs.org/

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