[PHP] Problem with date_format() in indirect MySQL query...

2001-11-01 Thread Ryan Fischer

Hello!  :)

First off, please respond to me directly as I am not subscribed to the
list.  Thanks!  :)

Now then, I have a quick question I'm hoping someone can help me with.

I have this class method:

 function query($sql, $type = 'obj')

  if(!$result = @mysql_query($this-masl($sql))){
   echo Problem with query: btt$sql/tt/b.   . mysql_error();

  $objary = array();
  if(@mysql_num_rows($result)  0){
   if($type == 'obj'){
while($object = @mysql_fetch_object($result)){ $objary[] =
$object; }
   }elseif($type == 'assoc'){
while($object = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $objary[] = $object; }
echo Problem with type of query requested.;
   return $objary;
   return null;

And this something like this query:

$res = $this-query(select *, date_format(thedate, 'M d, Y') as dt,
date_format(thedate, 'l:i p') as tm from thetable where foo = '$bar');

Every other query I've executed in this fashion, I've been successful in
retrieving the results.  But, when I try doing something with the
date_format function, when I try to print out the formatted date and
time returned, I get the formats instead.

Does anyone have any idea why, and any idea what I can do to rectify
this?  TIA!  :)

 -Ryan :: ICQ - 595003 :: GigaBoard - http://www.gigaboard.net/

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Re: [PHP] Problem with date_format() in indirect MySQL query...

2001-11-02 Thread Ryan Fischer

Mark Roedel wrote:
 Perhaps a quick re-read of the date_format() section of
 is in order?  (Hint: the % characters mean something.)

Thank you very much!  That's odd ... in previous scripts I've written
there wasn't a need for the % character.  Just how long has this change
been intact, anyway?

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Re: [PHP] Example high-profile PHP sites

2001-07-27 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 While I do appreciate people's contributions, let me frame the
 discussion a little.  The person I need to convince is an
 administrator of an organization within North America, and he's never
 heard of PHP.  The response I'm hoping to provoke in him is something
 like this:  You mean _ is using this PHP thing?  Wow!  They
 know what they're doing, so we'd better use it, too!

 Does this help frame things?  Thanks for the suggestions!


Why don't you just say something along the lines of, Look, PHP is the
best programming language for the job you want me to do.  What other
sites are using doesn't matter.  Trust me on this.  I don't tell you how
to (fill in the blanks of whatever this person does).  I assure you that
what you're looking for will be accomplished in a way that will please
you, and that's all you need to know.  :)

Of course, say it in a more tactful, arse-kissing type way than that.
But you get my drift, I think.  ;)

I've always thought monkey-see, monkey-do or what the joneses have
type arguments were better left to the playgrounds of elementary
schools, myself.  Hopefully, the person you're trying to work with can
understand that.  :)

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Re: [PHP] substr question...

2001-07-27 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 I am trying to receive file names but can't quite figure out the
proper  substr to do it:


 I want to receive the name to the left of the .dat


$file = array(jeff.dat, jeffrey.dat, chris.dat, tom.dat);
for($i=0; $icount($file); $i++){
eregi(^(.*)\.dat$, $file[$i], $ary);
$filename = $ary[1];
// Do something with $filename
print $filenamebr\n;

HTH!  :)

 -Ryan :: ICQ - 595003 :: GigaBoard - http://www.gigaboard.net/

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Re: [PHP] php.net's index.php

2001-07-29 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 I was wondering what I would have to do in order to have index.php
load up
 automatcially when someone went to my domain.  IE if they go to
 www.mydomain.com and I have index.html or index.htm there then those
 get loaded first.  How could I do it so index.php, index.php3,
 were default as well?

Create a file called .htaccess with this in it:

DirectoryIndex index.php

Upload it to the directory you want it to affect.

This assumes you're using Apache, of course.

HTH!  :)

 -Ryan :: ICQ - 595003 :: GigaBoard - http://www.gigaboard.net/

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Re: [PHP] Large Calculations

2001-07-30 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 I have a mySQL database holding baseball stats and I want to calculate
 rankings on these players.  Now I'd obviously want this to be as fast
 possible since I go through about 600 players but where is it best to
 them?  In the SQL command itself or in PHP?

 players need to have at least 100 at bats for this formula to work for
 There are  6 steps.

 1. batting average x .05
 2. doubles + triples + HR divided by at bats
 3. runs scored divided by at bats
 4. rbi's divided by at bats
 5. stolen bases divided by at bats
 next add up the 5 totals then multiply that total by 200.   It's a bse
 system. a rating over 100 is very good.

It all depends on how you're inserting the data.  It really doesn't
matter where you do the calculations.  Math stuff is usually pretty fast
when it's simple arithmetic.

An SQL query such as this should be sufficient:

update tablename set rating = ((avg * .05) + ((doubles + triples +
homers) / abs) + (runs / abs) + (rbis / abs) + (sbs / abs)) * 200;

Only problem here is, I'm not sure if SQL will do this on a
record-by-record basis.  If my thinking is wrong, you may end up with
the same result for every record, because there's no where clause.
You may have to sort that out yourself with some sort of loop.  I guess
selecting all those fields, and then doing the arithmetic for each
record should suffice.  HTH!  :)

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2001-07-30 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 It's generally a whole lot better to do your form value checking with
 Javascript. It'll be faster and alot less of a waste of your server
 resources. IMHO, of course. :)

This really isn't that true because if a user has JavaScript disabled,
or is using a browser that doesn't support it, the error checking will
simply be ignored, and you'll have been given data that is possibly

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Re: [PHP] What would you want in a PHP web host?

2001-08-01 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 What do you think a medium sized hosting company could do to give you
 developer) better service and support?

Be willing to help their users in any way they can, as far as service

 Is access to professional PHP developers useful when an issue arises?

Depends on the issue.

 Are hosting companies reluctant to give you more access rights?

Usually, and that really sucks, because I've found myself having to set
up my own pseudo-server on my computer, with PHP4, Apache, and MySQL,
just to develop, because the hosts I've found are very reluctant to
either upgrade from PHP, or build PHP with the necessary extensions I
need.  IMO, PHP4 on web hosts should always be compiles with *all*
options, so there will be no issue there.  And it should always be
upgraded to the newest stable version within a week of its release.
This may be asking a lot, but people should get what they pay for,

 Are they willing to re-compile their PHP build to add other options?

No.  See above.

 How long do requested changes to the server take?

Way too long.  The changes requested should take place (ideally) in less
than 24 hours.

 What other suggestions do you have for improving the relationship
 the server administrator and the PHP developer?

Be nice, and be available to help.

 I spent some time going through the PHP site looking at the list of
 supporting PHP, but I didn't find any real discussion about what
people want
 in a host (although I did find plenty of things they don't want :).

Because things they don't want are obviously more abundant.  ;)  I think
people just want to be happy with the service their host provides, and
that means the host needs to be prompt and attentive and ready to

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Re: [PHP] Re: FAQ

2001-08-01 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 I have a php book that says it stands for Personal Home Page, not sure
 that is correct or not...

It's not.  PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.  It's a
recursive acronym.

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Re: [PHP] Replacing template variables with values?

2001-08-01 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 This always works for me...

 eval (\$message = \$message\;);

 I use it in the same type of scenario you've described, and also with
 bodies stored in a DB. Works like a charm.

Thanks, that worked great!  :D

 -Ryan :: ICQ - 595003 :: GigaBoard - http://www.gigaboard.net/

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Re: [PHP] Re: [PHP-DEV] Passing JavaScript variables to PHP

2001-08-01 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
  location.href='mail.php?message=' + message;
 You need to URLEncode that message data.
 Not sure how JavaScript does it...
 probably message.urlencode()

Actually, it's escape(message).

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Re: [PHP] Re: Hmmm?

2001-08-03 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 additionally I also tend to always provide an alternative, especially
if dealing
 with nested ifs or loops, even if just a comment...  call it habit
(from where I
 don't know).

 do this
 # oops, $condition didn't exist

 saves a hell of alot of time when going back through the code 6 months
 trying to remember what was being done where. personal opinion mind

It's a good idea.  The only problem is when you come upon a situation
where you don't want to do anything else at that point.  Where you
simply want to skip the rest of the if block if the condition isn't
true, and continue on with the rest of your script.  Then, using an else
isn't what you want to do.

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[PHP] Problem with require(), determining context.

2001-08-06 Thread Ryan Fischer

Hello!  :)

I have a script that loads another script with require() and based on
the context, I'd like different things to happen.  So, index.php is
calling the required file require.php.  And when require.php is run, if
there's no HTTP_REFERER and the file is index.php, everything is OK.
But if the file is accessed directly (say by GET) then I want an error
to be thrown.  Reason being is require.php can also accept POST
operations, but I don't want it to accept GETs, because it's not
supposed to be used alone.  Problem is, when it's required with another
file, GET is OK.  So basically, I want to detect if the file is being
required or called on its own.  At least, that's what it sounds like I
want to do from my above explanation.  Any ideas how I can accomplish
this?  Thanks!  :)

 -Ryan :: ICQ - 595003 :: GigaBoard - http://www.gigaboard.net/

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Re: [PHP] close browser

2001-08-07 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 Can anybody tell me what the code to close the browser is?

ALT+F4.  ;)

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Re: [PHP] close browser

2001-08-07 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
  You wrote:
   Can anybody tell me what the code to close the browser is?
  ALT+F4.  ;)
 PHP cannot execute client side actions, afaik.
 - k

'Twas a joke.  See the winky smilie?  You may all laugh now.  ;)

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Re: [PHP] How to get the query string?

2001-08-13 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 hi guys,

 I'd like to get the query string the browser sends to the script. The
 problem is that since the $HTTP_POST_VARS (or $HTTP_GET_VARS ) is an
 associative array I can't use numbers to point to the elements of
 this array. This piece of code does not work:
 for ($a=1;$a=sizeof($HTTP_POST_VARS);$a++){
  echo $a. .$HTTP_POST_VARS[$a].br;




foreach($HTTP_POST_VARS as $k = $v){
echo $k = $vbr\n;


while(list($k, $v) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)){
echo $k = $vbr\n;

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Re: [PHP] IE Download twice from DB - MAJOR disaster to db users

2001-08-13 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 very amusing indeed.

 Go learn php and when youll have answer send it or stfu.

 you might start with your own site: www.PHPBeginner.com
 and then go to
http://logos.uoregon.edu/explore/socioling/politeness.html to
 learn how to behave !

 Its amazing how many people are rude !

I see nothing rude about his post.  Your's on the other hand ... well,
let's just say that telling someone to stfu and then insisting that
they're rude and need to learn how to behave is both ironic, sad, and a
bit amusing.  ;)

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Re: [PHP] a bit off the list but should be easy

2001-08-15 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 Note that the download font thing is Internet Exploder Specific.
 Exploder also has a few issues with different charsets.
 Also note that *all* html documents should have a specified charset -
 the plain english ones. Most of the html on the internet is coded
 this does not make it correct.

 I do a lot of simplified chinese development, being located in

That's not entirely true.  The most basic valid HTML document looks like

titleSome Random Title/title


!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
titleSome Random Title/title

That's it.  Three lines.  No HTML tag, no HEAD tag, no BODY or FRAMESET
tag.  They're all optional.  Of course, if you want to get really picky,
only one character is required to be in the TITLE; same goes for the
BODY, which is implied by the end of the HEAD, which is also implied,
and so on and so forth.  ;)

META tags are optional, which means charset specifications are optional,
as well.  I assume a default charset is sent by the server, anyway,
because my phpinfo() settings for my own server return en-us for
HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, but I could be mistaken, because I never cared
about it because it was optional after all.  ;)


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Re: [PHP] If-statement

2001-08-29 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 Is it possible to write this shorter:
 if ($Var != No1  $Var != No2  $Var != No3) {

if(!ereg(^No[1-3]$, $Var)){
// code

 -Ryan :: ICQ - 595003 :: GigaBoard - http://www.gigaboard.net/

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Re: [PHP] Assign multiple variables from mysql_fetch_row() call

2001-09-04 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 ($var1, $var2) is magic.  I hate magic.

It's not magic.  It's just simpler.

 What do you look up in the Perl
 manual when you hit syntax like that?


 In PHP the equivalent syntax is:

 list($var1, $var2) = ...

Which is longer, and requires you to learn a keyword that you don't need
to learn in Perl.

 It does exactly the same thing, and it is legible.  Anybody can pop
 to http://php.net/list and get an explanation of what the code does if
 they run across it.

I use list context a lot in PHP and Perl, and I prefer Perl's way of
doing it *because* it allows you to be as verbose or terse as you like.
PHP, unfortunately, doesn't give you that freedom.

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Re: [PHP] Assign multiple variables from mysql_fetch_row() call

2001-09-05 Thread Ryan Fischer

  You wrote:
   ($var1, $var2) is magic.  I hate magic.
  It's not magic.  It's just simpler.
   What do you look up in the Perl
   manual when you hit syntax like that?

 I said what not where.  I still maintain that if you don't know
 to look, () is not an easy thing to search for.

Sure it is.  Lists or list context.  () is not that hard to determine
what it means.  At least, not nearly as hard as you make it out to be
for any moderately-experienced programmer.

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Re: [PHP] Assign multiple variables from mysql_fetch_row() call

2001-09-05 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 Sure it is.  Lists or list context.  () is not that hard to
 what it means.  At least, not nearly as hard as you make it out to
 be for any moderately-experienced programmer.

 So it's easy to look it up is if you already know what it does? I
 think the majority of people looking it up would be
 not-so-experienced programmers :)

Yes, but an inexperienced programmer wouldn't know where to look for
list, either.  When you see ($foo, $bar), you know two or more items are
a list.  What is a list?  Two or more items.  What do you have there?
Two or more items.  Rather simple and intuitive to me.  *shrug*

The way you learn to problem shouldn't be looking something up to find
out what it does, but rather learning what everything does, then
applying it by doing the programming afterwards.  This sort of backwards
thinking is what causes problems in the first place.  :\

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Re: [PHP] Assign multiple variables from mysql_fetch_row() call

2001-09-05 Thread Ryan Fischer

 Which is why you see spoofs like this one

The Perl code in that spoof isn't even valid.  ;)

And besides, the fact that you can write Perl code that looks like that
and still functions is more of a feature than anything.  Code that is
written like that is not meant to be readable.  It's meant to serve a
function, and usually, it's written by one person, and read only by that

Hehe... and to think this whole line of discussion started because
someone advocates list() over () when the latter, IMO, is better because
the former is redundant.  That's what it comes down to, really.  *shrug*

 I'm sorry, I have heard the arguments that PERL can be extremely
 if written properly.  The problem with this from the standpoint of
 trying to learn the language is that many (if not most) people who
 PERL don't take the time to write readable code.  This makes both
 and learning from PERL programs more difficult.  I think that they
 admit on a PERL list that PERL does have a higher learning curve than

The same can be said for PHP.  Some people don't take the time to write
readable code, no matter what the language.  Because of this
universality, that makes it a rather moot point.

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Re: [PHP] insert space to a string (newbie)

2001-09-08 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 I have a simple question...
 How can a space inserted to a string after the 3rd char ??
 washington   -  was hington 

$str = 'washington';
$str = ereg_replace('^(.{3})(.*)$', '\\1 \\2', $str);

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Re: [PHP] PHP vs Perl question

2001-07-19 Thread Ryan Fischer

 I'm pretty new to programming - besides JavaScript, PHP is really the
 language I've used.
 I'm just wondering, and I'm sure you all would know - should I learn
 Is it considered a necessity for a web developer to know Perl, or is
it not
 a worthwhile endeavor, considering how easy PHP is to learn and use?
 I know told me not to bother, but I just wanted a second opinion.
 (BTW - if you think it is worthwhile to learn Perl, what is a good
book to
 begin with?)

Yeah, you should learn Perl.  Programming Perl by O'Reilly is the best
book out there for that.  Then check out the Perl Cookbook by O'Reilly
after that.  Perl is much more powerful than PHP, but PHP is easier to
integrate in to web pages.  But not by much.  Perl is like a swiss army
chainsaw.  You can use it for pretty much anything, data manipulation
wise.  That's where it really shines.  PHP has gotten better with PHP4's
release, but Perl's syntax is much more lenient and intuitive, making it
much easier to do things in Perl than it is in PHP.

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Re: [PHP] MySQL Query

2001-07-19 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 I have a table that looks like

 Name | Type | X | Y

 Foo| Ship  | 9 | 29
 Bar| Base  | 9 | 29

 Is there any way I can write a query that selects
 everything with Type = Base, and X and Y = Foo's X and Y?


 Select * from table where type = Base and X = {Foo:X} and Y =

$result = mysql_query(select x, y from table where name = 'Foo');
$info = mysql_fetch_object($result);
$x = $info-x;
$y = $info-y;
$result = mysql_query(select * from table where type = 'Base', x = 'x',
y = 'y');
$info = mysql_fetch_object($result);
// Use properties of $info here.

I think your reasoning is a little jumbled, though.  There may be some
way to do what you want to do with one query.  There usually is for the
simple things.  I'm not quite sure what you want to accomplish, though.
HTH.  :)

 -Ryan :: ICQ - 595003 :: GigaBoard - http://www.gigaboard.net/

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Re: [PHP] Re: array question

2001-07-19 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 Also, consider using print or echo as opposed to printf.  And lastly,
 really don't need to use mysql_free_result, PHP does this
 after the script dies.  Sorry for picking on you, you may have your
 reasons. ;-)

Really?  Then why was it that, when I neglected to use
mysql_free_result() in some of my scripts, lots of memory was eaten up
because of lingering results?

 -Ryan :: ICQ - 595003 :: GigaBoard - http://www.gigaboard.net/

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Re: [PHP] MySQL Query

2001-07-19 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
Ryan Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 You wrote:
  I have a table that looks like
  Name | Type | X | Y
  Foo| Ship  | 9 | 29
  Bar| Base  | 9 | 29
  Is there any way I can write a query that selects
  everything with Type = Base, and X and Y = Foo's X and Y?
  Select * from table where type = Base and X = {Foo:X} and Y =

 $result = mysql_query(select x, y from table where name = 'Foo');
 $info = mysql_fetch_object($result);
 $x = $info-x;
 $y = $info-y;
 $result = mysql_query(select * from table where type = 'Base', x =
 y = 'y');
 $info = mysql_fetch_object($result);
 // Use properties of $info here.

Marcus Hartmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
the statement should look like this:
 $result = mysql_query(select * from table where type = 'Base' and x =
'x' and
 y = 'y');

Oops.  And I see one other mistake here, too.  The query really should

$result = mysql_query(select * from table where type = 'Base' and x =
'$x' and y = '$y');

 -Ryan :: ICQ - 595003 :: GigaBoard - http://www.gigaboard.net/

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Re: [PHP] Capitalize Function ??

2001-07-24 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 So sprach »PHP Junkie« am 2001-07-23 um 21:39:07 -0400 :
  I'm taking in first name and last name data into a MySQL db through
  form. Users sometimes don't capitalize their first and last names
  entering the data.  Is there a function to clean this up for
  consistency?  If so, what is the name of the function that performs

 Yep, ucwords.

 But this is not a good idea!  There are Names (like Hans vom Bach or
 somesuch) which do NOT have to be captialized.  Actually, capitalizing
 the vom would be wrong.  Although this was just a German example,
 bet there are names in French, Dutch, Spanish, Italian as well which
 should not be capitalized.  Hmm, how about English?  Sometimes there
 suffixes like the 3rd, no?  Would it be right to capitalize this?

Usually, the 3rd is written as John Doe, III, AFAIK, so that's not
really an issue.

 -Ryan :: ICQ - 595003 :: GigaBoard - http://www.gigaboard.net/

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Re: [PHP] Capitalize Function ??

2001-07-24 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 So sprach »Ryan Fischer« am 2001-07-24 um 07:35:37 -0400 :
  Usually, the 3rd is written as John Doe, III, AFAIK, so that's
  really an issue.

 Okay, III isn't an issue then.  What about people with Dr. titles?
 'Dr. med John Doe'.  There the 'med' shouldn't be capitalized.

Never heard of that one before.  Usually, a medical doctor adds an
M.D. at the end of his name indicating so.

 And I'm sure, there are enough other examples - but: it's your app,
 *I* would not do it, but that's just me.  If people are too lazy
 to type there name correctly capitalized, than it's their problem

Agreed.  ;)

 -Ryan :: ICQ - 595003 :: GigaBoard - http://www.gigaboard.net/

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Re: [PHP] bad word filter

2001-07-24 Thread Ryan Fischer

You wrote:
 I've been reading the Profanity Filter thread in the list archives
 haven't found anything real helpful.  Here's my code so far, this of
 won't work.
 function filterWords($string, $result) {
 $badwords=shit, fuck, ass, bitch;
 $word=explode(, , $badwords);
 for ($i=0; $icount($word); $i++) {
 $replace = str_replace($word[$i], , $string);
 $string = Ass monkey;
 filterWords($string, $result);
 print $result;

 How can I scan for the $badwords in $string and replace $badwords with

Why waste your time?  People will find a way around the filters anyway,
if they really want to use the words you're censoring.  Just a point to
be made.

Anyway, here's what I would do:

function filterWords($str){
$badwords = array(shit, fuck, ass, bitch);
for($i=0; $icount($badwords); $i++){
$str = $eregi_replace($badwords[$i], *, $str);
return $str;
$str = filterWords(Ass monkey);
print $str; // Prints * monkey

If you want to get really fancy, you can replace the * with some
function calculating just how many asterisks you need to censor out the
current word for its length.  HTH.  :)

 -Ryan :: ICQ - 595003 :: GigaBoard - http://www.gigaboard.net/

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