2001-03-23 Thread Tim

Does anyone know of any examples of using IMAP to connect to NNTP
newsgroups, any feedback would be appreciated


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[PHP] Anybody using PEAR Auth_HTTP?

2002-07-11 Thread Tim

Hello - I am having a lot of trouble with Auth_HTTP.  I am using
PostgreSQL and Auth works fine (after reading the source and figuring
out that passwords need to be MD5 encrypted).  I can't, however,
make Auth_HTTP work at all.  This is what I have.  I have tried
plaintext, md5, and crypt passwords all to no avail.  I also can't
find any further documentation other than what's on pear.php.net.
Any ideas?  I've e-mailed pear-general but no response so far.



require_once Auth_HTTP/Auth_HTTP.php;
require_once DB.php;

$params = array(
dsn   =  pgsql://tim@localhost/auth,
table =  auth,
usernamecol   =  username,
passwordcol   =  password

$a = new Auth_HTTP(DB, $params);

# select * from auth;
 username |   password
 scott| password
 tim  | $apr1$fVALv...$EajPmS/Yib8BzQ4YcfIAy.

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[PHP] Re: Problems with GD 2.0.1

2002-09-09 Thread Tim


Might seem a silly question, but do you have gd-2.0.1 installed in 

Which version does phpinfo() say you're running?

What does the libphp4.so file link to? Type ldd libphp4.so in your 
apache/libexec folder. Perhaps you need to put the path to libgd in 

I can confirm that RH7 with GD-1.8 RPM and custom built PHP+GD-2.0.1 does 
work. I normally install libgd in /usr/local and have /usr/local/lib as the 
first entry in /etc/ld.so.conf (From memory, I think I did this to get 
libgd working with PHP)


Ville Mattila wrote:

 Hello everyone,
 I should get GD 2.0.1 installed to my PHP 4.2.2 binary running as a module
 in the Apache 1.3. The box is RedHat 7.3. There is a previous version of
 GD (1.8.4) installed as a default and it seems that I can't even get
 ereased it due to depencies. Anyway, I'd need that GD 2.0.1 due to some
 functions previous versions of GD don't have at all.
 I explored the PHP manual and found this little help:
 http://www.php.net/~rasmus/gd.html. Wonderful, or not! I followed those
 items in the Rasmus' file step by step, but still without results. I tried
 to build PHP with make clean (that was only way when the configure changes
 really affected to the configure command on phpinfo() -function) and then
 all steps. But no... My PHP script is still shouting Warning:
 imagecreatetruecolor(): requires GD 2.0 or later. Grr...
 My current PHP build is configured with following string:
 './configure' '--with-mysql' '--with-apxs=/etc/httpd/bin/apxs'
 '--with-curl' '--with-gd=/usr/local/gd-2.0.1' '--with-xml' '--enable-ftp'
 '--enable-sockets' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr' '--enable-gd-native-ttf'
 '--enable-gd-imgstrttf' '--with-zlib' '--with-jpeg-dir=/usr'
 Well. Any ideas?

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Re: [PHP] include XHTML document

2001-09-24 Thread Tim

On Mon, 2001-09-24 at 08:04, cweiske wrote:
 I wrote my new page in XHTML 1.0, split it and wanted to include the top
 part of the file with the include( page_top.htm).
 The problem is, that the valid XHTML document has to begin with
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
 The problem now is, that ? is interpreted as a begin of php commands.
 I for myself use ?php when starting commands, but the compiler also use ?.

Look in the manual sections on php.ini and the short_tags feature.  That
option controls the interpretation of the ? tag.

- Tim

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Re: [PHP] Flexible, Component-based and Large Application Systemsin PHP

2001-10-04 Thread Tim

On Thu, 2001-10-04 at 13:51, Lucas Persona wrote:
   I'd like to know if anyone has any material regarding the use of 
 PHP on large projects that needs to be flexible and kind of 'component
 based' (like multiples modules) and what were the benefits and problems
 found during development/deployment/runtime.
   I think something like JavaBeans could make it but am not sure if 
 PHP can hadle that too with great success and perhaps, faster than 

PHP works quite nicely on large, modular projects. :)  

A key is using the correct infrastructure and doing your
design/architecture work up-front, rather than just slogging out a lot
of PHP code and HTML all mixed together.

Where I work we've used an environment that's a synergy of pure HTML
templates + a servlet/bean infrastructure (implemented in PHP though)
with great success. 

I have a case-study document that I'm in the process of getting
permission to publish.  I'll post a link to it when I can.

- Tim

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Re: [PHP] Create a list of links

2001-10-18 Thread Tim

On Wed, 2001-10-17 at 16:00, Lauri Vain wrote:
 Hello all,
 I need a script that would find all the links (both -- web sites and mail
 addresses) on a given page with the link text.
 With the uttermost probability, somebody has written such a script. Can somebody

There is a class floating around called Snoopy which does at least most
of what you'd like...not sure about the link text.  You could tweak it's
regex and code to do that though.


- Tim

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Re: [PHP] PHP with XML

2001-10-23 Thread Tim

On Tue, 2001-10-23 at 15:17, Vinicius Tavares wrote:
 What I have to do to make the PHP4 run the DOM XML???


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Re: [PHP] PHP4, Flash and tab characters

2001-07-29 Thread Tim

Change your output string to look like


and you should be ok.

You may find as you get further into this that you need a delay loop to
make sure that flash has read all of your data, since it happens
asychronously (at least in Flash 4 it did) so you'll want a sentinel
value at the end:


in the flash movie, set ok=0 and wait/loop until you see ok=1 and you'll
know the data reading is complete.   (This may have been fixed in Flash
5, but I haven't tested it).

- Tim

 The string getting returned looks like so (currently it's just the 1 variable):
 Flash's debugger seems to think that there is a tab character after the
 'Y', so in the debugger, the variable bAcquired looks like so:

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Re: [PHP] Syntax

2001-08-02 Thread Tim

You need to do:

if (isset(...)) {
else if (isset(...)) {
else if (isset(...)) {

On 02 Aug 2001 17:10:26 +0200, BRACK wrote:
 I'm in a process of doing site with MySQL database, and most of 
 the code I plased in index.php3 (in one file) but I've got some 
 problems with statements:
 I have:
 if (isset(...)) {
 elseif (isset(...)) {
 elseif (isset(...)) {
 else {
 but when I do:
 if (isset(...)):
 elseif (isset(...)):
 elseif (isset(...)):
 It works, please tell me what a difference? what do I do wrong that 
 firs variant doesn't work?
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Re: [PHP] mail the contents of an array

2001-08-03 Thread Tim

You could use the implode() function to convert the arrays to strings
and then pass the concatenated strings to the mail() function.

- Tim

On 03 Aug 2001 09:00:04 +, Geoffrey Makstutis wrote:
 I'm sure that I'm missing something obvious (probably sleep), but how can I take the 
contents of several arrays and send them via email? I'd like to take each value from 
the arrays and include them in the message portion of a mail() command.

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Re: [PHP] References: in front of functionnames

2001-08-03 Thread Tim

The function return value is by reference.


- Tim

 Ex. in DB/standard.php; function db_fetchall($args=array()){ ...
 I've seen and used the pass by reference syntax on function parameters but
 not on functionnames.
 What effect does reference () have when used in front of the functionname??

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Re: [PHP] web hosting

2001-08-05 Thread Tim

If you want the freedom to do anything you want to your very own server
(i.e. not shared with a bunch of other people) then something like
http://www.rackspace.com is an alternative (although it costs more :).

- Tim

On 04 Aug 2001 23:26:44 -0500, Damiano Ferrari wrote:
 Since I am tired of switching from one web host to another because of the
 limitations that are imposed... does anybody know of a host provider that
 supports PHP  MySQL and that, differently from my current host, will also
 allow me to upload files and install the IMAP functions?

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Re: [PHP] 404's and requesting page

2001-08-05 Thread Tim

$HTTP_SERVER_VARS[REDIRECT_STATUS] will be 404 (or 403 if you trap
those too).

$HTTP_SERVER_VARS[REDIRECT_URL] will be the requested URL that caused
the error.

- Tim

On 05 Aug 2001 18:46:04 +0100, Tom Carter wrote:
 I'm using an apache directive to redirect 404's to one of my own pages, and
 i was wondering it is possible find out what the request was that caused

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Re: [PHP] 404's and requesting page

2001-08-05 Thread Tim

Ah, yes.  You are correct about the $REDIRECT_URL thing.  I was looking
at some old code I had to deal with this and mis-read it. :)

I use ErrorDoument just as you describe.

I just tried this, and on my system $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[REQUEST_URI]
contains the URI that generated the error.

If your 404 page just dumps phpinfo() you can see the list of variables
available to your script.

- Tim

On 05 Aug 2001 21:16:29 +0100, Tom Carter wrote:
 Thanks for the advice Tim, however it didn't work. Neither of the statements
 in your mail were set ... I trued $REDIRECT_STATUS and that was set to 401
 (even tho that doc wasn't capturing that error) and $REDIRECT_URL was set to
 the path of the file handling the errors.
 Is there some other apache config I need to make?
 The .htaccess line I have doing the redirect is
 ErrorDocument 404 path/to/file

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Re: [PHP] age

2001-08-05 Thread Tim

I've been using this one, which is probably close enough for government
work ;)  It calculates to a one-month resolution.

// Calculates elapsed years between fdate and tdate.
// The default for to date is today.
function elapsed_years($fdate, $tdate=0) {
if ($tdate == 0) {
$tdate = time();

$fa = getdate($fdate);
$ta = getdate($tdate);

// convert dates to number of months since 1900:
$fm = $fa[mon] + (($fa[year] - 1900) * 12);
$tm = $ta[mon] + (($ta[year] - 1900) * 12);

$em = $tm - $fm;

return intval($em/12);

- Tim

On 06 Aug 2001 03:00:13 +0700, Jon Yaggie wrote:
 does any one know where i can get a script that will convert a birthdate in to an 
age.  i have one half written however i have incounter difficulties with dealing with 
leap years.  perhaps soem one would know the solution  . ..  or just a premade script 
is fine
 $test = strtotime (January 12, 1944);
 $test2 = strtotime (January 9, 1954);
 $oneyear = 3600 * 24 * 365;
 $diff = $test2 - $test;
 $ans = $diff/$oneyear;
 echo $ans;
 Thank You,
 Jon Yaggie
 And they were singing . . . 
 '100 little bugs in the code
 100 bugs in the code
 fix one bug, compile it again
 101 little bugs in the code
 101 little bugs in the code . . .'
 And it continued until they reached 0

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Re: [PHP] Problem with installing on Solaris 8

2001-08-06 Thread Tim

'ar' is a system utility.  On my system it's in /usr/ccs/bin.

- Tim

On 06 Aug 2001 18:12:52 +0200, Peter Ostry wrote:
 We try to install PHP4 on a Sun Netra AC200 (T1) under Solaris 8.
 After we finally managed to 'configure', we get an error with 'make':
 bash-2.03# make
 Making all in Zend
 make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/share/src/php-4.0.6/Zend'
 /bin/sh ../libtool --silent --mode=link gcc  -g -O2  -o libZend_c.la
 zend_language_scanner.lo zend_ini_scanner.lo
 ../libtool: ar: not found

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Re: [PHP] Display the weather on my site

2001-08-06 Thread Tim

WeatherUnderground.com and Weather.com both offer little weather boxes
for your site.

- Tim

On 06 Aug 2001 14:44:55 -0400, pierre-yves wrote:
 I would like to display the wheather on a page depending on the city of my user.
 (or the capital of their province/state)
 Do you know a service/db/web site I could query in order to extract what I need ?

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Re: [PHP] Uptime script

2001-08-06 Thread Tim

Nope, but I do something similar with weather data from my home weather
station.:)  The jpgraph library (http://freshmeat.net/projects/jpgraph/)
is excellent and makes that kind of stuff a snap.

A sample graph is attached.

- Tim

On 06 Aug 2001 17:15:53 -0500, Craig Westerman wrote:
 Does anyone here have a script to run uptime every ten minutes or so, log
 output, then display daily output in a nice friendly chart?

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Re: [PHP] problem with querystring

2001-08-06 Thread Tim

Is it found in $HTTP_GET_VARS[par1]?  

- Tim

On 07 Aug 2001 08:02:44 +0700, Ishak Anwar wrote:
 hai all,
 i have problem with QueryString.
 I use php 4.0.x with apache 1.3.x on win 2000
 but can not get the querystring on browser.
 on m1.php, i write:
  echo(m1 = $par1 );

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Re: [PHP] problem with querystring

2001-08-06 Thread Tim



- Tim

On 07 Aug 2001 08:12:46 +0700, Ishak Anwar wrote:
 with $HTTP_GET_VARS[par1]
 i can get par1 value...
 but... why with $par1 variable i can not get it ?

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Re: [PHP] Split array

2001-08-07 Thread Tim



- Tim

On 07 Aug 2001 14:02:04 +0200, Veniamin Goldin wrote:
 How do I split array so, that I'll get string variable with , delimeter of
 each array value ?

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Re: [PHP] Alternate way of calling php scripts

2001-08-08 Thread Tim

It works pretty much as you described. :)

Make a script like that and run phpinfo() from it and you'll see all the
variations on $PHP_SELF and $HTTP_SERVER_VARS[] that allow you to
retrieve the extra parameters from the URL.

Note that if your page displays images, you'll need to include a base
href=... tag to stop the browser from getting confused.

I use this all over the place and it works great.

There's also a variant with the Apache ForceType directive that allows
you to just do stuff like  www.mysite.com/myscript/foo/bar/123 where
'myscript' is really a php file.  It's well-discussed in the archives
and at phpbuilder.

- Tim

On 08 Aug 2001 06:13:14 -0700, Evan Nemerson wrote:
 I seem to recall that you can call a PHP script with a slash after it then 
 variables. For instance http://localhost/script.php/your=mom. I can't find it 
 in the manual, and was wondering if anyone knows how it works.
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Re: [PHP] Strange session problems. Please help.

2001-08-08 Thread Tim

 Does anybody know of any issues in PHP 4.0B2 regarding to the handling of
 session variables on different networks?

That little B2 in the version number almost guarantees that there will
be problems of some sort. 

 anyone have any suggestions (except for 'Upgrade PHP on the 4.0B2 server' or
 'move to a different server'. That, unfortunately is beyond my control :(  )

I suspect that's about all you can do.   You can search the bug database
at php.net to see if there is a specific problem and if there are any

- Tim

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2001-08-08 Thread Tim

Use file() to load in the names of the movies from your text file into
an array.
Use rand() to pick one of them from the array.

- Tim

On 08 Aug 2001 17:47:36 -0700, Kyle Smith wrote:
 Could somebody please show me, send me an example or redirect me to a page which 
shows how to show a random FLASH movie from a text file which contains different 
names of different movies so that when i go on the page it shows lets say, 1 of the 5 
movies in the text document.
 Finally and almost hard question (probably not for you but for me AGGH)
 Home of the burning lego man!
 ICQ: 115852509
 AIM: legokiller666

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Re: [PHP] newbie

2001-08-08 Thread Tim

http://www.phpbuilder.com is loaded with goodies that should be able to
help you.

- Tim

On 08 Aug 2001 12:49:56 -0400, Jeremy Morano wrote:
 Can anyone give me some information or a link other than php.net
 PLEASEthank you.

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Re: [PHP] Using fsockopen()

2001-08-13 Thread Tim

Is the timeout coming from fsockopen() or from the program using too
much time?

I've used @fsockopen() before without any issues (at least on Linux and
Solaris), but if your script is running for a long time, you may need to
tweak the execution time limit:


- Tim

On 13 Aug 2001 11:40:04 +0100, David Ovens wrote:
 Thought I would repost, does anyone have a solution ?
 I am using php, apache on a windows system.
 - Original Message -
 From: David Ovens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 1:26 AM
 Subject: [PHP] Using fsockopen()
  I am making a program, that uses the fsockopen command looking at various
  url's, but occasionally it stops with a timeout error, I have used the @
  infront of the fsockopen command, but it still times out with the error,
  do I make php ignore the error so that I can make it automatically retry
  do something else  ??

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Re: [PHP] Using fsockopen()

2001-08-13 Thread Tim

Try doing 


at the start of your script and see if that makes a difference.

- Tim

On 13 Aug 2001 12:00:24 +0100, David Ovens wrote:
 this is my fsockopen satement it will check about 4/5 urls and then time out
 (exceed 30 second timeout error) on the 5/6 url,  I have no idea, why my
 program wont continue checking all the urls in one go.
 $socket = @fsockopen($urlArray[host], $urlArray[port], $errnum, $errstr,

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Re: [PHP] Site Stats/Server Logs

2001-08-13 Thread Tim

I'm rather fond of Webalizer.

- Tim

On 13 Jul 2001 23:07:46 +1000, ReDucTor wrote:
 what are some good things for analyising server logs?!?
 I currently have Wusage, is there any better?!? :D
  - James ReDucTor Mitchell
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Re: [PHP] new one is it ??

2001-08-13 Thread Tim

Boy that looks familiar...my (apache) logs are full of 'em.

I wonder if we can make a PHP script called default.ida that sends back
a big chunk of data and causes the worm to get a buffer overflow? :) :)

- Tim (glad I don't run IIS :)

On 13 Aug 2001 22:27:06 +0800, Mark Lo wrote: - - [13/Aug/2001:22:24:27 +0800] GET
 HTTP/1.0 400 333 - - -

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RE: [PHP] new one is it ??

2001-08-13 Thread Tim

That's pretty cool.   Alas, the 'whois' part of the code doesn't work
properly (at least on my system).

- Tim

On 13 Aug 2001 10:21:45 -0500, Mark Roedel wrote:
 I rather liked this approach that I saw posted in another list:
 (Does some hostname/whois lookups on the infected server and attempts to
 email some people who might be able to do something about it.)

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Re: [PHP] session security issue

2001-08-14 Thread Tim

If you test $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[uid] instead, you'll know that it came
from a session and not from a GET variable.

- Tim

On 14 Aug 2001 08:42:22 -0300, Christian Dechery wrote:
 I have pages that uses session for security that looks something like this:
   if( !isset($uid) )
   more code...
 so $uid tells me if the user is logged on or not...
 but what if somebody calls the script directly from the address bar like 
 this: http://server/script.php?uid=10

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Re: [PHP] apache,php,mysql,flash

2001-08-15 Thread Tim

Do you have Macromedia Generator installed on your server?  It's
responsible for taking the .swt and generating the .swf output.

- Tim

On 15 Aug 2001 14:28:24 +0100, AJDIN BRANDIC wrote:
 I have RH6.2, php4, MySQL and want to generate graphs with flash.  I have 
 done a graph with Flash5 and Micromedia Generator.  This creates a .swt 
 file which takes info from a text file and, i guess, generates a .swf 
 with the graph. I want to allow users to type graph details through an 
 admin area and then generate the text file with PHP.  Problem is my server 
 doesn't recognise .swt file and it doesn't generate .swf.  I have checked 
 Red Hat site and couldn't find a solution. It has to be that I haven't 
 installed something but eaven after checking the Micromedia site I didn't 
 find a solution. Has anyone got it to work?
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Re: [PHP] apache,php,mysql,flash

2001-08-15 Thread Tim

You have to buy Generator from Macromedia.  It's not free.  (in fact,
it's pretty expensive :)

There are some open/free alternatives out there, but there weren't
direct replacements last time I evaluated them.

There's also the ming extension for PHP which lets you generate a whole
SWF movie at runtime.

- Tim

On 15 Aug 2001 15:15:20 +0100, AJDIN BRANDIC wrote:
 Hi, NO this is what i am trying to find out.  where can i download it 
 from (for RD6.2 and Aache 1.3.12). I have tried RH site but no joy.

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Re: SV: [PHP] Sending alots of mail

2001-08-16 Thread Tim

I have a system where we send periodic batches of 60,000 messages at a
time, so it's definitely doable.  It helps to put some throttling in
there (i.e. a sleep() periodically) to be kind to your e-mail server.

- Tim

On 16 Aug 2001 18:34:11 +0200, Jimmy Bäckström wrote:
 Hmm I knew that =)
 I just wondered if it's such a good idea. 5000 mail is very much you know.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Tyler Longren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Jimmy Bäckström [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 6:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] Sending alots of mail
  This was just discussed last week.  Here's how:
  $connection = mysql_connect(host,user,pass);
  $db = mysql_select_db(db_name, $connection);
  $sql = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY email ASC);
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
  $email = $row[email];
  $name = $row[name];
  // code to send email (use the mail() function)
  Good luck,
  Tyler Longren
  Captain Jack Communications
  On Thu, 16 Aug 2001 18:29:04 +0200
  Jimmy Bäckström [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi list!
   I'm about to write an application that takes about 5000 mailadresses
   from a database, and then sends a mail to each one of them. I haven't
   done this kind of apps before, so I don't know if it's a good idea. Does
   anyone have any suggestions?
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Re: [PHP] Dreamweaver templates

2001-08-20 Thread Tim

PHP already ignores those SGML comments.  They're just there for the
Dreamweaver editor to know where the editable regions are.

- Tim

On Mon, 2001-08-20 at 08:45, -:-Doigy-:- wrote:
 Hi Folks,
 Can't find an answer in the archives...
 Can php parse DW templates?
 ie. I want only a small amount of code to be editable with the ?php ? tag.
 Dreamweaver places the following code to identify editable regions:
 !-- #BeginEditable Name_of_region --
 \\ editable code here
 !-- #EndEditable --
 I don't think PHP will parse the tags and leave them as dw comments only.
 They appear to invoke server functions e.g. !-- #include file= --
 Is there a way to configure PHP to ignore these tags?
 Kind regards

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Re: [PHP] Print..

2001-08-27 Thread Tim

I'm not familiar with this module, which only works under Windows, but
an undefined function usually means an extension is not loaded or

I notice in php.ini-dist that there is a line


so you'll want to check that your php.ini file has that and it's not
commented out.

- Tim

On Tue, 2019-08-27 at 06:55, Daniel Antonio de Lima wrote:
 Fatal error: Call you undefined function:printer_open() 

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2001-08-27 Thread Tim

while (list($k,$v) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) {
echo br$k = $v;

On Mon, 2001-08-27 at 21:48, Andy Ladouceur wrote:
 Hello all,
 I am wondering if there is a command or function to get a list of all the
 current '$HTTP_POST_VARS[variable]' variables? Or, a user-created way...
 Any helps appreciated, thanks!
 -Andy L.

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Re: [PHP] Re: Sorry, i need HTML help

2001-08-29 Thread Tim

Yeah, but isn't marquee the ancient Aztec word for tar and feather
me, I'm a tastless HTML author who is mesmerised by blinking lights and
horizonally scrolling text beyond my control??

Someething like that.

- Tim ;)

On Wed, 2001-08-29 at 11:35, Gary wrote:
 marquee/marquee will only work in Internet Explorier. If you want a 
 marquee to work in all browsers you will have to use DHTML.

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Re: [PHP] Quick TXT document stuff

2001-08-30 Thread Tim

change the first line to 

$fp = file(meh.txt);

- Tim

On Thu, 2001-08-30 at 16:31, Kyle Smith wrote:
 ok i have this code to do whats below, but its not working
 $fp = fopen(meh.txt,r);
 print $fp[$i];
 Home of the burning lego man!
 ICQ: 115852509
 AIM: legokiller666
 - Original Message -
 From: Kyle Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 1:15 PM
 Subject: [PHP] Quick TXT document stuff
 Ok im like in a realy hurry here, so can someone please tell me (or show)
 how i make a script read the first (top) 1 or 5 lines from a text document?
 Home of the burning lego man!
 ICQ: 115852509
 AIM: legokiller666

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Re: [PHP] php's future

2001-09-02 Thread Tim

Actually, an optimizing Java compiler would have detected it was a dead
loop (i.e. didn't actually do anything) and just skipped it, meaning it
took four seconds just to load the JSP page and invoke the bean. :) :)

The only benchmarks that mean anything are your actual web applications
running on your actual servers...anything else is only speculation.

- Tim

On Sun, 2001-09-02 at 15:08, Mark Charette wrote:
 And, of course, the JSP was running 2 x 2 iterations, or 400,000,000
 iterations, in a few seconds.
 Yeah, right.

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Re: [PHP] Log file analysis

2001-08-30 Thread Tim

You can use the Apache CustomLog directive to send each virtual host's
traffic to it's own logfile.


- Tim

On Thu, 2001-08-30 at 09:59, Mark Lo wrote:
   Is there any software or program exists that can show the site
 statistics for each virtual domain when individual client access statistics
 page from their browser. (Assume virtual domain is used, and all of the
 domain's log file is in one large file).I am using php 4 + Redhat Linux
 6.2 + Apache.  Any ideas ???
 Thank you

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[PHP] Problems with Sessions?

2001-09-06 Thread Tim

When I first browse to a site on my LAN, I get links with URLs that look
like this:


after a refresh, the whoe PHPSESSID goes away.

Wondered if there was some setting in php.ini that I've overlooked?

I'm running PHP4 with Apache on an Unstable Debian box.

Any help would be appreciated :-)

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Re: [PHP] Apache redirection by PHP

2001-09-11 Thread Tim

Look in the Apache manual at the section on mod_rewrite.

- Tim

On Tue, 2001-09-11 at 05:58, Andrew Perevodchik wrote:
 I have the DNS alias on my server for * (which
 means any name). So that any requests for
 http://anyname.my.host are recieved by one virtual
 server. I need to make apache return
 /anyname/files/example.txt rather than
 /files/example.txt (which is actually requested).
 anyname depends on the user's request.
 I have tried to catch the requested name of
 server, and add it to $DOCUMENT_ROOT variable. It
 changed as I expected it to, but still
 /files/example.txt is returned. I've also tried to
 use setenv() -- the same result.
 Is there any way to do this kind of trick?
 Andrew Perevodchik
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Re: [PHP] More thoughts about PHP: Taglibs

2001-09-11 Thread Tim

A good template library (and there's quite a few out there) will take
care of this issue.  You can have nearly pure HTML files and pure PHP
files and maintenance and readability of your projects is much improved.

- Tim

On Tue, 2001-09-11 at 01:04, Dr. Evil wrote:
 It seems to me that one of the problems with PHP is that you have to
 include code in your HTML pages.  Even with the cleanest design, you
 end up with HTML that looks like this:

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Re: [PHP] Protecting variables and functions? Like C#

2001-09-19 Thread Tim

This would certainly be a nice feature to have, especially if you've
done any development with Java or C++ in the past.

Many PHP class authors adopt a convention that variables or functions
that start or end in an underscore (_) should be treated as private
and used at your own risk, i.e. they may change in a future release of
the class or not work properly/safely when accessed directly.

- Tim

On Wed, 2001-09-19 at 09:00, Emile Bosch wrote:
 I am a huge fan of php but i am kinda scared by c# i really like it's
 ability to make functions and variable not accessible and therefore force
 the user to use a function instead of accessing it indirectly.

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Re: [PHP] Protecting variables and functions? Like C#

2001-09-19 Thread Tim

Private methods and variables are necessary for any serious language
that supports class libraries, IMHO.  There are currently some manual
methods (i.e. naming conventions) of accomplishing this, but for the
best results it should be enforced by the compiler/interpreter.

Some might also say that strong typing (or at least more formal typing)
is a requirement, but I'm quite happy without all the related hoops that
C++/Java makes you jump through...that alone is enough to give the
average PHP developer a big boost in productivity vs. those languages.
:) :)

- Tim

On Wed, 2001-09-19 at 10:13, Jason Stechschulte wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 03:24:31PM +0200, Emile Bosch wrote:
  thanks tim, but do you know wheter they are gonna implement such a feature
  cuz that's somethgin that the language actually must have to become really
  professional or somethign.
 The language is already quite professional.  Yes a feature like that
 would be nice in the eyes of many people, but saying it is a must and is
 needed to make the language professional is quite a joke.

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Re: [PHP] if statement

2001-09-20 Thread Tim

You need to use == instead of = in that situation.

- Tim

On Thu, 2001-09-20 at 09:46, Jeb Anderson Scarbrough wrote:
 This seems to be a simple questions, but it is baffling me for some reason.  
 How do I create an if statement with multiple conditions. For example, I 
 cannot get either of these to work correctly:
 if(isset($REMOTE_USER)  $AUTH_TYPE='securid') {
  // do something
 } else {
  // do something else

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Re: [PHP] Moving a PHP/MySQL web site ???

2001-07-27 Thread Tim

You can just use mysqldump to copy the contents of the database to a
file, and it will be easy to re-create it on the new site.

- Tim

 I will be having to face the dubious task of moving my PHP/MySQL-based website to 
another server.  Can anyone out there point me to some GOOD documentation on this?  
The .php files I'm not as concerned about.  I've been using the $DOCUMENT_ROOT in all 
of my includes.  I'm more concerned about getting the MySQL databases ( actual files 
??? ) moved over correctly.

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[PHP] Excel not opened in browser when changing header

2001-02-19 Thread Tim

I tried using the code below to send the output to an Excel sheet in my
browser by changing the header to "Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel".
However I only see normal text in a browser. Excel is not launched. What is

   Header ("Content-type: application/ms-excel");
   Header ("Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel");

   echo "htmlbody";
   echo "table";
   echo "thF1/ththF2/th";
   echo "trtdHi/tdtdHi/td/tr";
   echo "/table";
   echo "/body/html";


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RE: [PHP] file uploads Q?

2006-12-12 Thread Tim

 Børge Holen wrote:
  On Monday 11 December 2006 20:48, Jochem Maas wrote:
  Richard Lynch wrote:
  On Sat, December 9, 2006 12:18 pm, William Stokes wrote:
  Is it possible to allow  user pick several images and upload them all
  once? (I need to pass the images to a function for the resize). Or do
  I need
  to give several browse buttons to allow multiple file uploads?
  Yes, you would need to have several INPUT TYPE=FILE browse buttons.
  Also I have seen a application (written with MS tools) that allows
  user to
  upload a zip file containing images and the zip is automatically
  uncompressed to a server disk. Can this be done with PHP also?
  the zip extension is only available in php5.2 (or installable via
  another option would to use the exec() function to make a call to
  gunzip in order to unpack the contents of the zip file.
  a truely poorman's alternative would be to offer multiple FILE input
  fields on the relevant page and check which one's are not empty when
  the submission occurs.
  there is no reason for checking each input.
 is that crack your smoking?

Well considering you are using multiple FILE input fields, when you post the
form all file info is stored in $_FILE array.. So weather or not the user
added a file to the a certain field is irrelevant. For example:

input name=userfile[] type=file size=10 --- filled
input name=userfile[] type=file size=10 
input name=userfile[] type=file size=10 --- filled

You would then parse this with:

for ($i=0; $icount($_FILES['userfile']['name']); $i++) { 
 your code here

count($_FILES['userfile']['name']); would be two here 

if you want to make sure user has uploaded three files then just compare to
the count() value.. otherwise just parse the content..

So no I don't think he's on crack mate :)

  Take a look at my earlier questions with the subject A general UL
 script and
  the replies with various ppl here 'bout the use of $_FILES.
  This way it will check anything listed in the file(s) input of form(s).
 er, whatever. whose next?

Some people generate large amounts of irrelevant crap traffic for nothing
imo :)


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RE: [PHP] file uploads Q?

2006-12-12 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Jochem Maas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : mardi 12 décembre 2006 14:10
 À : Tim
 Cc : php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : Re: [PHP] file uploads Q?
 Tim wrote:
  Børge Holen wrote:
  On Monday 11 December 2006 20:48, Jochem Maas wrote:
  Richard Lynch wrote:
  On Sat, December 9, 2006 12:18 pm, William Stokes wrote:
  Is it possible to allow  user pick several images and upload them
  once? (I need to pass the images to a function for the resize). Or
  I need
  to give several browse buttons to allow multiple file uploads?
  Yes, you would need to have several INPUT TYPE=FILE browse
  Also I have seen a application (written with MS tools) that allows
  user to
  upload a zip file containing images and the zip is automatically
  uncompressed to a server disk. Can this be done with PHP also?
  the zip extension is only available in php5.2 (or installable via
  another option would to use the exec() function to make a call to
  gunzip in order to unpack the contents of the zip file.
  a truely poorman's alternative would be to offer multiple FILE input
  fields on the relevant page and check which one's are not empty when
  the submission occurs.
  there is no reason for checking each input.
  is that crack your smoking?
  Well considering you are using multiple FILE input fields, when you post
  form all file info is stored in $_FILE array.. So weather or not the
  added a file to the a certain field is irrelevant. For example:
  input name=userfile[] type=file size=10 --- filled
  input name=userfile[] type=file size=10
  input name=userfile[] type=file size=10 --- filled
  You would then parse this with:
  for ($i=0; $icount($_FILES['userfile']['name']); $i++) {
   your code here
 nice, so basically what your saying is need to check each input.
 if you have three file inputs - regardless of what you call them (using
 the '[]' gives you a nice array structure to loop) you will have to check
 one to see whether it 'contains' a *valid* *uploaded* file (or whether the
 user uploaded nothing in a given input, or whether an error occured with a
 particular file, etc).
 copy/pasting sombody else's file upload handler code doesn't constitute
 'no reason to check each input' - it's simply handing off the input
 onto code written by someone else.
Ermm ok, if you say so, thats a standard validation loop i made using info
from php.net, so yes i did copy/paste.. MY code.. 

I never said you don't need to check each file.. 
Isn't it standard to validate each file against certain parameters?
I validate each input as each file uploaded (images) are set to be displayed
in a certain fashion on the main page based on weather it is number 0 (main
image) number 0 are secondary images that require smaller thumbnails.
Secondly my clients want the files displayed in a certain order rather then
randomly getting files from a certain directory. I add the file position
($i) in the database for correct display order.

All depends on the context of which you want to display the files later on..

That’s just my way of parsing it there are many others.. Mine works, its
fast, and requires little code rather then bulking my site with costly java

  So no I don't think he's on crack mate :)
 either way he's unlikely to be financing said crack habit with the
 of paid php development.

I just made a remark on this, because i believe debate on a certain fashion
of coding is valid on this list, comments like yours which have nothing to
do with coding and are just a personal opinion maybe expressing your
frustration with life are not what I look for on this list. Wasting my time
opening a message with these types of remarks is not what I am looking for
either. Furthermore these kinds of comments degrade the quality of these
lists. And I don't think I am alone in believing this.


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RE: [PHP] php redirection..

2006-12-12 Thread Tim
Just a quick question regarding this issue.

Considering bruce wants to be able to display the data and then change
location after a given time, and as stut said you can't do this with a
header() as it redirects before output, I would have imagined a dynamic meta
tag in the header with a time variable and a location variable.

But then I wonder what affect this has regards to html standards? 
Are dynamic meta tags depreciated?


 -Message d'origine-
 De : Stut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : mardi 12 décembre 2006 19:52
 Cc : php
 Objet : Re: [PHP] php redirection..
 bruce wrote:
  hey stut...
 Please don't reply to me directly, always include the mailing list.
  thanks for the reply... i did get some output...
  i also have a question as to why i couldn't get it to work when i used
  'header (foo.php)'
 1) The correct way to redirect using the header function is
 header('Location: http://domain.com/foo.php'); Note the absolute URL.
 2) Using header will definitely not display any output from the page.
  i did a 'ob_end_flush()' at the start, followed by a 'header()' at the
  but the header didn't seem to function as i though it should.
 I suggest you read about the header function in the manual
 (http://php.net/header) - you clearly don't have any idea what it does.
  given that the ultimate information that i'm going to want to display
  be dynamic. some times it might be 5 lines, others 100, others 50...
  i had hoped that i could somehow display the content, wait a few
  and then do an auto redirect...
 Like I said in my first reply, Google for the Javascript function
 settimeout - that's what you need.
  any thoughts/comments...
 I have lots of comments. Thoughts are less common but they do
 occasionally happen.
  -Original Message-
  From: Stut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 9:21 AM
  Cc: php-general@lists.php.net
  Subject: Re: [PHP] php redirection..
  bruce wrote:
  i want to be able to display some text/content and to then redirect the
  to another page.
   -echo  test contentbr
   -echo  more test contentbr
  //redirect user
   -echo i'm here
  should be pretty simple...
  however, in my test, without the script/location.href i display the
  ok. when i add the script/location.href, i get redirected, but the
  is never displayed...
  any thoughts/samples/pointers on what might be going on, and how this
  really be accomplished..
  to be honest, i'm embarrassed to even be raising this here!!
  And so you should be what with it being a Javascript question and this
  being a PHP list.
  Anyhoo, I don't get your confusion. The browser will run the script as
  it loads it from your site. Ergo, it redirects before it displays what
  you have output. I suggest you Google for examples of the settimeout
  Javscript function - that's what you need to delay the redirect.
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RE: [PHP] php redirection..

2006-12-12 Thread Tim
Just a quick question regarding this issue.

Considering bruce wants to be able to display the data and then change
location after a given time, and as stut said you can't do this with a
header() as it redirects before output, I would have imagined a dynamic meta
tag in the header with a time variable and a location variable.

But then I wonder what affect this has regards to html standards? 
Are dynamic meta tags depreciated?


 -Message d'origine-
 De : Stut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : mardi 12 décembre 2006 19:52
 Cc : php
 Objet : Re: [PHP] php redirection..
 bruce wrote:
  hey stut...
 Please don't reply to me directly, always include the mailing list.
  thanks for the reply... i did get some output...
  i also have a question as to why i couldn't get it to work when i used
  'header (foo.php)'
 1) The correct way to redirect using the header function is
 header('Location: http://domain.com/foo.php'); Note the absolute URL.
 2) Using header will definitely not display any output from the page.
  i did a 'ob_end_flush()' at the start, followed by a 'header()' at the
  but the header didn't seem to function as i though it should.
 I suggest you read about the header function in the manual
 (http://php.net/header) - you clearly don't have any idea what it does.
  given that the ultimate information that i'm going to want to display
  be dynamic. some times it might be 5 lines, others 100, others 50...
  i had hoped that i could somehow display the content, wait a few
  and then do an auto redirect...
 Like I said in my first reply, Google for the Javascript function
 settimeout - that's what you need.
  any thoughts/comments...
 I have lots of comments. Thoughts are less common but they do
 occasionally happen.
  -Original Message-
  From: Stut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 9:21 AM
  Cc: php-general@lists.php.net
  Subject: Re: [PHP] php redirection..
  bruce wrote:
  i want to be able to display some text/content and to then redirect the
  to another page.
   -echo  test contentbr
   -echo  more test contentbr
  //redirect user
   -echo i'm here
  should be pretty simple...
  however, in my test, without the script/location.href i display the
  ok. when i add the script/location.href, i get redirected, but the
  is never displayed...
  any thoughts/samples/pointers on what might be going on, and how this
  really be accomplished..
  to be honest, i'm embarrassed to even be raising this here!!
  And so you should be what with it being a Javascript question and this
  being a PHP list.
  Anyhoo, I don't get your confusion. The browser will run the script as
  it loads it from your site. Ergo, it redirects before it displays what
  you have output. I suggest you Google for examples of the settimeout
  Javscript function - that's what you need to delay the redirect.
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RE: [PHP] php redirection..

2006-12-13 Thread Tim
 -Message d'origine-
 Envoyé : mercredi 13 décembre 2006 09:09
 Cc : 'php'
 Objet : Re: [PHP] php redirection..
 Tim wrote:
  Just a quick question regarding this issue.
  Considering bruce wants to be able to display the data and then change
  location after a given time, and as stut said you can't do this with a
  header() as it redirects before output, I would have imagined a dynamic
  tag in the header with a time variable and a location variable.
  But then I wonder what affect this has regards to html standards?
  Are dynamic meta tags depreciated?
 What exactly do you have in mind when you mention dynamic meta tags?
 Do you just mean using a meta refresh tag?
Yes I meant just using a meta refresh tag with php variables to make it more

echo 'meta http-equiv=refresh content=' . $time . ';url=' . $url . '';

I modify meta title/content this way aswell. 

 meta http-equiv=refresh content=2;url=http://www.example.com;
 I believe that would be the best solution to Bruce's problem.
 This meta tag can be used on the page with the information to be shown
 and automatically redirected to the URL specified in the tag after n
 seconds. In the above example, redirection to www.example.com will
 happen after 2 seconds.
 Good luck Bruce
  -Message d'origine-
  De : Stut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Envoyé : mardi 12 décembre 2006 19:52
  Cc : php
  Objet : Re: [PHP] php redirection..
  bruce wrote:
  hey stut...
  Please don't reply to me directly, always include the mailing list.
  thanks for the reply... i did get some output...
  i also have a question as to why i couldn't get it to work when i used
  'header (foo.php)'
  1) The correct way to redirect using the header function is
  header('Location: http://domain.com/foo.php'); Note the absolute URL.
  2) Using header will definitely not display any output from the page.
  i did a 'ob_end_flush()' at the start, followed by a 'header()' at the
  but the header didn't seem to function as i though it should.
  I suggest you read about the header function in the manual
  (http://php.net/header) - you clearly don't have any idea what it does.
  given that the ultimate information that i'm going to want to display
  be dynamic. some times it might be 5 lines, others 100, others 50...
  i had hoped that i could somehow display the content, wait a few
  and then do an auto redirect...
  Like I said in my first reply, Google for the Javascript function
  settimeout - that's what you need.
  any thoughts/comments...
  I have lots of comments. Thoughts are less common but they do
  occasionally happen.
  -Original Message-
  From: Stut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 9:21 AM
  Cc: php-general@lists.php.net
  Subject: Re: [PHP] php redirection..
  bruce wrote:
  i want to be able to display some text/content and to then redirect
  to another page.
   -echo  test contentbr
   -echo  more test contentbr
  //redirect user
   -echo i'm here
  should be pretty simple...
  however, in my test, without the script/location.href i display the
  ok. when i add the script/location.href, i get redirected, but the
  is never displayed...
  any thoughts/samples/pointers on what might be going on, and how this
  really be accomplished..
  to be honest, i'm embarrassed to even be raising this here!!
  And so you should be what with it being a Javascript question and this
  being a PHP list.
  Anyhoo, I don't get your confusion. The browser will run the script as
  it loads it from your site. Ergo, it redirects before it displays what
  you have output. I suggest you Google for examples of the settimeout
  Javscript function - that's what you need to delay the redirect.
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RE: [PHP] preg_match problem

2007-01-19 Thread Tim
Not a big regex expert, but first off i would recommend not using / as a
delimiter for your pattern if you are trying to catch forward slashes in
your text.

I would use a pattern like:




 -Message d'origine-
 De : Németh Zoltán [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : vendredi 19 janvier 2007 15:26
 À : php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : [PHP] preg_match problem
 Hi all,
 I have a simple checking like
 if (preg_match(/[\w\x2F]{6,}/,$a))
 as I would like to allow all word characters as mentioned at
 plus the '/' character, and at least 6 characters.
 But it throws
 Warning: preg_match(): Unknown modifier ']'
 and returns false for abc/de/ggg which string should be okay.
 If I omit the \x2F, everything works fine but / characters are not
 allowed. Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong? Maybe / characters can not
 be put in patterns like this?
 Thanks in advance,
 Zoltán Németh
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[PHP] multi line regular expression?

2003-07-01 Thread Tim

i have a string that contains the following:
this is where the content goes
it can spreed many lines

i'm using this line of code to try and get the content between == and ==


now, if i do a print_r($contents); the thing is empty. but if i put the content of my 
original variable all on one line (== line 1 _
line 2 _ line 3 _==), it works fine. is there something to get around this one line 

Thanks for your time and have a nice day

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RE: [PHP] What is wrong with this?

2003-02-24 Thread Tim
i think there is an error in the html part:

$drop_down_list .= optionvalue=$aviao$aviao/option;

should that not be?:
$drop_down_list .= option value='$aviao'$aviao/option;


 -Message d'origine-
 De : Miguel Brás [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : lundi 24 février 2003 11:04
 À : Ernest E Vogelsinger
 Objet : Re: [PHP] What is wrong with this?


 yes in fact it worked...I also had the $numrows with wrong mysql command, it
 should be mysql_num_rows() instead of the mysql_fetch_rows().
 Thx Ernest

 But now that this is working, i have another big problem...my
 $drop_down_list isn't assuming the value of the shown option...right here on
 the below part

 for ($i = 0; $i  $num; $i++) {
 $aviao = mysql_result($resultaviao, $i, aviao);
 $sk = mysql_result($resultaviao, $i, sk);
 $drop_down_list .= optionvalue=$aviao$aviao/option;

 So he isn't getting the data from DB. He displays all records on DB
 available at aviao field, but he is not making the correct mysql query...

 Anyone knows why?

 - Original Message -
 From: Ernest E Vogelsinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Miguel Brás [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 9:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [PHP] What is wrong with this?

 At 10:37 24.02.2003, Miguel Brás said:
 //logical request
 if ($nome) {
 $sql=aviao = '$nome' ;
 if ($code) {
 $sql=code = '$code' ;
 $query = SELECT * FROM ssr WHERE;
 $query .= $sql;


 I've copied only the relevant lines of your program.

 The issue here is that your string concatenation results in
 SELECT * FROM ssr WHEREaviao = 'Airbus'

 Note the missing space after WHERE. Your code should better read
$query = SELECT * FROM ssr WHERE ;
$query .= $sql;
 Have an eye on the added blank after WHERE.


O Ernest E. Vogelsinger
(\)ICQ #13394035
 ^ http://www.vogelsinger.at/

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RE: [PHP] explode( , $pizza)

2003-02-25 Thread Tim
The following example illustrates the use of the split method.

function SplitDemo(){
   var s, ss;
   var s = The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain.;
   // Split at each space character.
   ss = s.split( );


 -Message d'origine-
 De : John Taylor-Johnston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoye : mardi 25 fevrier 2003 07:22
 Objet : [PHP] explode( , $pizza)
 Off topic :) ?
 Anyone know how to explode using javascript?
 $pieces = explode( , $pizza);
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[PHP] Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect()

2004-04-16 Thread Tim
2 servers, one with PHP 4.1.2 and no MySQL installed, the other has MySQL
and PHP 4.1.2

I am attempting to connect to the MySQL server from the server without
MySQL, but I get the error that shows in the subject.

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in
/folder/index.php on line 11

I was told that maybe the extension for MySQL was not setup in PHP.  I
thought that maybe it was just because MySQL wasnt installed on the system I
am working on, but it makes sense that I am not trying to access a database
on the system I am working from, but trying to access one on a different
server all together.

What do you think?


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[PHP] overloaded, overworked ereg statement?

2004-04-23 Thread Tim
This script worked on one server, but started choking after I moved it 
to a new server.

Summary:  I use the php_auto_prepend script to start output buffering, 
then use the php_auto_append script to extract the content between the 
title tags and between the body tags.  When the size of the content 
between the body tags reaches around 11,500 characters, the ereg 
function stops working correctly.

What governs the number of characters that ereg can process?

I looked at the phpinfo from both servers but didn't find any clues...

Thanks for the help :)

FYI sample code:







// load document into $file_text

$file_text = ob_get_contents();
// extract title


// use preg_match because its supposed to be faster...

$document_title = $regs[1];

// extract body of document (need to add onload statement in body tag)


// I don't have the foggiest why preg_match doesn't seem to work here...
$template_body = $temp[1];
// stuff $document_title and $document_body into the official template

/* snip */
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Re: [PHP] overloaded, overworked ereg statement?

2004-04-24 Thread Tim

Travis Low wrote:
Break it up a little.  Try something like this:

$title = preg_replace( /.*title/i, , $file_text );
$title = preg_replace( //title.*/i, , $title );
My title one worked, but I like your idea.  I started to write that you 
were all flip-flopped on your title example, until I realized you were 
using preg_replace instead of preg_match.

quoting Mr. Spock:

An ancestor of mine maintained, that if you eliminate the impossible, 
whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

Ditto for body.

now I have

// strip everything above and including body...
$body = preg_replace(/.*body.*/iU,'',$file_text);
// strip everything after and including /body
$body = preg_replace(/\/body.*/i,'',$body);
Works lik a charm!

Thanks :)


Since you're looking for certain tags, it stands to reason that you're 
primarily interested in characters after  characters.  So this might 
be faster:

$chunks = split( , $file_text );
for( $i = 0; $i  count( $chunks ); $i++ )
if( 0 === strpos( $chunks[$i], title ) )
# Title starts after the next , so get it.
# If you're careful, you can modify $i here
# as you gather up the title.
if( 0 == strpos( $chunks[$i], body ) )
# Body starts after the next 
# Modify $i, but be vewwy caweful.
The de-commenting is left to the reader.



Tim wrote:

This script worked on one server, but started choking after I moved it 
to a new server.

Summary:  I use the php_auto_prepend script to start output buffering, 
then use the php_auto_append script to extract the content between the 
title tags and between the body tags.  When the size of the content 
between the body tags reaches around 11,500 characters, the ereg 
function stops working correctly.

What governs the number of characters that ereg can process?

I looked at the phpinfo from both servers but didn't find any clues...

Thanks for the help :)

FYI sample code:







// load document into $file_text

$file_text = ob_get_contents();
// extract title


// use preg_match because its supposed to be faster...

$document_title = $regs[1];

// extract body of document (need to add onload statement in body tag)


// I don't have the foggiest why preg_match doesn't seem to work here...
$template_body = $temp[1];
// stuff $document_title and $document_body into the official template

/* snip */

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RE: [PHP] Parsing mail file

2007-01-30 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Dotan Cohen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : mardi 30 janvier 2007 12:48
 À : Pierre Pintaric
 Cc : php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : Re: [PHP] Parsing mail file
 On 30/01/07, Pierre Pintaric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If somebody uses a great function and want to share, I will please
  him... :-)
 Er, could you please define I will please him?
 I think that you've scared off a few potential helpers
He's french, i think he means he 'would be gratefull' hehe


Sorry i hit reply instead of reply to all Dotan.

 Dotan Cohen
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[PHP] TR: Manipulating categories in a php database

2007-01-30 Thread Tim
Hello all,


This is more of a conceptional question rather then a technical one.

I am developping an online catalog, the catalog is a standard
categorie/subcat/subsubcat system using the following logic in my database:


cat_id   cat_name


1010 DVD/Action

1020 DVD/Adventure


2010 CD/Reggae

2020 CD/Electro


Up to now I enter the category id's manually from an administration console.

I would like to be able to have my console automagically generate a cat_id
when my users add categories (so they don't have to bother with that aspect
of adding a category) and I would also like to be able to move a category up
or down in the way it displays on the page, as of now I am sorting by cat_id


I have been for a while trying to develop a logical scheme to be able to
generate the id's and change their cat_id to reflect a new position in how
it displays (displaying DVD/Action after DVD/Adventure for example I would
need to change the cat_id from 1010 to something above 1020 say 1021). This
is fine as I can test the previous elements cat_id and add or subtract 1 but
I get stuck when I have a cat_id say 1010 that I would want to put between
1011 and 1012. I'm having trouble developing the algorithm that would allow


Would appreciate any ideas that may help me conclude this function in my



Tim Earl

[PHP] Manipulating categories in a mysql database

2007-01-30 Thread Tim
Hello all,


This is more of a conceptional question rather then a technical one.

I am developping an online catalog, the catalog is a standard
categorie/subcat/subsubcat system using the following logic in my database:


cat_id   cat_name


1010 DVD/Action

1020 DVD/Adventure


2010 CD/Reggae

2020 CD/Electro


Up to now I enter the category id's manually from an administration console.

I would like to be able to have my console automagically generate a cat_id
when my users add categories (so they don't have to bother with that aspect
of adding a category) and I would also like to be able to move a category up
or down in the way it displays on the page, as of now I am sorting by cat_id


I have been for a while trying to develop a logical scheme to be able to
generate the id's and change their cat_id to reflect a new position in how
it displays (displaying DVD/Action after DVD/Adventure for example I would
need to change the cat_id from 1010 to something above 1020 say 1021). This
is fine as I can test the previous elements cat_id and add or subtract 1 but
I get stuck when I have a cat_id say 1010 that I would want to put between
1011 and 1012. I'm having trouble developing the algorithm that would allow


Would appreciate any ideas that may help me conclude this function in my



Tim Earl

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RE: [PHP] TR: Manipulating categories in a php database

2007-01-30 Thread Tim
Ok great stuff, thank you, that has enlightened me on the method I need to
develop :)

Oh and about the double msg, sorry fighting with outlook here, not my usual
client ;)



-Message d'origine-
De : Robert Cummings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : mardi 30 janvier 2007 19:40
À : Tim
Cc : php-general@lists.php.net
Objet : Re: [PHP] TR: Manipulating categories in a php database

On Tue, 2007-01-30 at 19:29 +0100, Tim wrote:
 Hello all,

 This is more of a conceptional question rather then a technical one.
 I am developping an online catalog, the catalog is a standard
 categorie/subcat/subsubcat system using the following logic in my

 cat_id   cat_name

 1010 DVD/Action
 1020 DVD/Adventure
 2010 CD/Reggae
 2020 CD/Electro

 Up to now I enter the category id's manually from an administration
 I would like to be able to have my console automagically generate a cat_id
 when my users add categories (so they don't have to bother with that
 of adding a category)

Either make the cat_id auto increment and let MySQL generate it for you,
or lock the table, get the last ID, create the new row with ID = LastID
= 1, and then unlock the table.

  and I would also like to be able to move a category up
 or down in the way it displays on the page, as of now I am sorting by

Order the data in a linked list. Move the link in question up and down
as necessary.

 I have been for a while trying to develop a logical scheme to be able to
 generate the id's and change their cat_id to reflect a new position in
 it displays (displaying DVD/Action after DVD/Adventure for example I would
 need to change the cat_id from 1010 to something above 1020 say 1021).
 is fine as I can test the previous elements cat_id and add or subtract 1
 I get stuck when I have a cat_id say 1010 that I would want to put between
 1011 and 1012. I'm having trouble developing the algorithm that would

Use a new field called display_order or display_rank. When moving items
around via linked list regenerate the display_order based on the
position within the list. Save these values to the database. When
selecting categories from the database order based on this field, and
then any other field you want (in case of no ordering). For instance I
usually order by display_order, title. And only set ordering information
for specific fields I want positioned at the front or end of the list.
This is slightly more complicated though since you need to preserve no
ordering for naturally ordered items and when moving order items around
they should be able to skip past or before all naturally ordered items.

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RE: [PHP] Need desperate help with query

2007-01-31 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Skip Evans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : mercredi 31 janvier 2007 17:26
 À : PHP-General
 Objet : [PHP] Need desperate help with query
 Okay, so SQL questions shouldn't come to the list,

You are aware of that too eh? 
So why mail here?

 but I am in dire need of some assistance that uses
 a LEFT JOIN and must also get a count of records
 in the RIGHT table, plus group by that count and
 order by it.

Not all PHP developpers use MySQL, am sure you would get a much better
answer on a MySQL list?

 If anyone can help out with this and would be
 willing to email me off list to take a look at it
 the good karma and appreciation would rain down
 upon you in such multitudes as to... as to...
 as... to...

Don't think most here do it for the praise... I've run out of hyperbole.

Indeed :P

 Skip Evans
 Big Sky Penguin, LLC
 61 W Broadway
 Butte, Montana 59701
 Check out PHPenguin, a lightweight and
 versatile PHP/MySQL development framework.
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RE: [PHP] Manipulating categories in a mysql database

2007-02-01 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : jeudi 1 février 2007 02:35
 À : Tim
 Cc : php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : Re: [PHP] Manipulating categories in a mysql database
 On Tue, January 30, 2007 12:36 pm, Tim wrote:
  This is more of a conceptional question rather then a technical one.
  I am developping an online catalog, the catalog is a standard
  categorie/subcat/subsubcat system using the following logic in my
  cat_id   cat_name
  1010 DVD/Action
  1020 DVD/Adventure
  2010 CD/Reggae
  2020 CD/Electro
  Up to now I enter the category id's manually from an administration
  I would like to be able to have my console automagically generate a
  when my users add categories (so they don't have to bother with that
  of adding a category) and I would also like to be able to move a
  category up
  or down in the way it displays on the page, as of now I am sorting by
 Rule of thumb for SQL:
 Never ever ever sort by *_id, because it will almost alway send up
 biting you in the butt sooner or later.
 Add a 'rank' column and maintain that in your web application.
  I have been for a while trying to develop a logical scheme to be able
  generate the id's and change their cat_id to reflect a new position
  in how
  it displays (displaying DVD/Action after DVD/Adventure for example I
  need to change the cat_id from 1010 to something above 1020 say 1021).
  is fine as I can test the previous elements cat_id and add or subtract
  1 but
  I get stuck when I have a cat_id say 1010 that I would want to put
  1011 and 1012. I'm having trouble developing the algorithm that would
 Once you separate the cat_id and the 'rank' you will have no problems.
 Your cat_id can just be auto_increment and never displayed to the user.
 Your 'rank' can be a simple integer, and to re-order you'll just do like:
 //Assume cat_id # 7 needs to move to the 42nd place in the list:
 $cat_id = 7;
 $new_rank = 42;
 $query = update catalog set rank = rank + 1 where rank = $new_rank;
 mysql_query($query) or error_log(mysql_error() .  $query);
 $query = update catalog set rank = $new_rank where cat_id = $cat_id;
 mysql_query($query) or error_log(mysql_error() .  $query);
 This may create a hole in the rank listing, if $cat_id 7 used to be
 LOWER than 42.
 A little bit more effort can solve this, however.
 AFTER the above queries, tack on:
 if ($old_rank  $new_rank){
   $query = update catalog set rank = rank - 1 where rank  $old_rank;
   mysql_query($query) or error_log(mysql_error() .  $query);
 You could go even further and change the minimum number of ranks
 needed in any given change, to avoid thrashing the index on the rank.
 This would be crucial if your table was very large.

Thanks a lot, that put me in the right direction, I am studying this option
as I write this, I have drawn it up in a diagram and it looks quite simple

I have also discovered a flaw in my database programming that made me
realize how badly I use the MySQL engine by doing the sorting at the
application-layer level rather then using the MySQL engine to sort the info
prior to sending back to the application..
Have now discovered, indexing, foreign keys, and joins :D

Great list, always opening new doors :)

Thank you much for all your suggestions!


 Some people have a gift link here.
 Know what I want?
 I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
 Yeah, I get a buck. So?
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RE: [PHP] PHP book reviewers wanted

2007-02-05 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : tedd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : lundi 5 février 2007 17:10
 À : Manuel Lemos; php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : Re: [PHP] PHP book reviewers wanted
 At 1:05 AM -0200 2/5/07, Manuel Lemos wrote:
 Demonstrating good English writing skills and having published good book
 reviews in the past gets me preference.
 gets me preference ???

Quote: good English writing skills


 Me get any money for this?
 http://sperling.com  http://ancientstones.com  http://earthstones.com
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RE: [PHP] PHP4 to PHP5 issue

2007-02-05 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Skip Evans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : lundi 5 février 2007 19:31
 Cc : PHP-General
 Objet : Re: [PHP] PHP4 to PHP5 issue
 Jochem Maas wrote:
  the problem is not with $q but with $db. $db is not an object,
  why that is so I don't know - more bug hunting for you I'm afraid.
 Woops! I sure read that one wrong.
 Thanks, I will dig deeper.
 Does anyone have any experience running dotProject
 under PHP5?

Yes, our company used it for three months before dumping it regarding PHP5
incompatibility and some other mistakes.. I ended up having to fix/hack
too many things (sessions doing weird things, broken forum, translations all
messed up, user roles not working quite right, admin system funked) it
wasn't worth my time, we developed a more specialized app for project
management internally.

Other then the fact that it is definitely NOT PHP5 compatible it seems to be
a great project manager with many great features. I'd assume if you really
want to use it, run it on a server with PHP4 you'll save yourself some time
and headaches.


 Skip Evans
 Big Sky Penguin, LLC
 61 W Broadway
 Butte, Montana 59701
 Check out PHPenguin, a lightweight and
 versatile PHP/MySQL development framework.
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RE: [PHP] PHP4 to PHP5 issue

2007-02-05 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Jochem Maas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : lundi 5 février 2007 21:00
 À : Skip Evans
 Cc : 'PHP-General'
 Objet : Re: [PHP] PHP4 to PHP5 issue
 Skip Evans wrote:
  Tim wrote:
  Yes, our company used it for three months before dumping it regarding
  incompatibility and some other mistakes.. I ended up having to
  too many things (sessions doing weird things, broken forum,
  translations all
  messed up, user roles not working quite right, admin system funked) it
  wasn't worth my time, we developed a more specialized app for project
  management internally.
  Well, I hate to use this kind of language on the list, but I feel I must
  say that sucks. But I want to thank you Tim for saving me all kinds of
  time trying to get dP going on PHP5.
  We still have the old server, of course, running right underneath the
  new rack jobbies, and I can use it for now to run dP for us.
  Unfortunately, we're quite wedded to it for project management, having
  modified and customized it extensively to suit our needs.
  Hate to use the box, though, just for dP since I had it slated to be
  converted to a pretty sweet workstation.
 you don't need to use the box - you can install a 2nd copy of apache and
 run php4 on it and use the apache ProxyPass directive to make the
 setup available via the apache(2)/php5 [std] webserver.
Cute, thanks :)

 search the archives for 'ProxyPass'
  Oh well, if life were perfect we'd... we'd... heck, we'd have a lot more
  Thanks again, Tim. Any more experiences with dP and PHP5 are
  appreciated, although Tim seems to have pretty well nailed it.
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[PHP] All-in-one PHP Classes

2007-02-06 Thread Tim

Hello folks,

Have been reading posts daily for two months now on the list, and am very
pleased at how informative these can be.
I have noticed, many examples where one is pointed to using classes
downloadable on the internet. 

Not a very big user of these classes my self (maybe a bit naïf in this
sense, but i just can't have unnecessary code loaded on an include() i like
to keep things clean and to a minimal)I decided to go through and look at
how they are built and what kind of code load we are talking about.
This is when i realized how often these classes that do everything are
very BIG. Now I realize how many functions this type of class can have and
how handy it can be for someone who does not want to code his own, and yes I
hear all the reinventing the wheel comments comming forth as well as
security etc, BUT (yes THE but) are general classes like this pushing to
using bigger, more bloated web application which require more and more
bandwidth/processor/ram, server-side?

Here, it's the programmer who is confronted with loading huge files into
memory to use just one perhaps two function in a 300+ functionality class..

At what moment does one decide to use an all-in-one bloated with out of
context functionality, php class, knowing how powerfull only several
functions in this class can be to him?

Shouldn't these classes be perhaps broken down into usefull parts.

Thanks for any input.



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[PHP] Boolean-cast and arrays

2007-02-08 Thread Tim
First thank you all for your input on all-in-one classes.

Reading the php manual on boolean types and casts, and came accros the

When converting to boolean, the following values are considered FALSE:


an array with zero elements


So here I am sitting and wondering if after all this while doing:

$arr = array();
If (count($arr) == 0) {}

Shouldn't have been simply doing:

$arr = array();
If (!arr) {}

Is the latter problematic in any programming standards? 
Does it take longer to process? 
Is it using count()?
Is Type-Juggling considered good practise? 



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RE: [PHP] Boolean-cast and arrays

2007-02-08 Thread Tim
 sorry typo, make that:

 Shouldn't have been simply doing:
 $arr = array();
 If (!$arr) {}

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : jeudi 8 février 2007 16:49
 À : php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : [PHP] Boolean-cast and arrays
 First thank you all for your input on all-in-one classes.
 Reading the php manual on boolean types and casts, and came accros the
 When converting to boolean, the following values are considered FALSE:
 an array with zero elements
 So here I am sitting and wondering if after all this while doing:
 $arr = array();
 If (count($arr) == 0) {}
 Shouldn't have been simply doing:
 $arr = array();
 If (!arr) {}
 Is the latter problematic in any programming standards? 
 Does it take longer to process? 
 Is it using count()?
 Is Type-Juggling considered good practise? 
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RE: [PHP] Error compiling lib

2007-02-08 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Mário Gamito [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : jeudi 8 février 2007 16:56
 À : php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : [PHP] Error compiling lib
 I want to compile PHP with IMAP  support.
 I've downloaded imap2006e and run:
 # make slx
 but i got this error:
 make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/src/imap-2006e/mtest'
 `cat ../c-client/CCTYPE` -I../c-client `cat 
 ../c-client/CFLAGS` -o mtest 
 mtest.o   ../c-client/c-client.a `cat ../c-client/LDFLAGS`
 .../c-client/c-client.a(osdep.o)(.text+0x87e4): In function
 /usr/local/src/imap-2006e/c-client/osdep.c:301: warning: the use of 
 `tmpnam' is   dangerous, better use `mkstemp'
 mtest.o(.text+0x1680): In function `smtptest':
 /usr/local/src/imap-2006e/mtest/mtest.c:781: warning: the `gets' 
 function is dan  gerous and should not be used.
 /usr/local/ssl/lib/libcrypto.a(dso_dlfcn.o)(.text+0x38): In function 
 `dlfcn_load  ':
 : undefined reference to `dlopen'
 /usr/local/ssl/lib/libcrypto.a(dso_dlfcn.o)(.text+0xa0): In function 
 `dlfcn_load  ':
 : undefined reference to `dlclose'
 /usr/local/ssl/lib/libcrypto.a(dso_dlfcn.o)(.text+0xc9): In function 
 `dlfcn_load  ':
 : undefined reference to `dlerror'
 /usr/local/ssl/lib/libcrypto.a(dso_dlfcn.o)(.text+0x13e): In function 
 `dlfcn_unl oad':
 : undefined reference to `dlclose'
 /usr/local/ssl/lib/libcrypto.a(dso_dlfcn.o)(.text+0x1f5): In function 
 `dlfcn_bin d_var':
 : undefined reference to `dlsym'
 /usr/local/ssl/lib/libcrypto.a(dso_dlfcn.o)(.text+0x241): In function 
 `dlfcn_bin d_var':
 : undefined reference to `dlerror'
 /usr/local/ssl/lib/libcrypto.a(dso_dlfcn.o)(.text+0x2d5): In function 
 `dlfcn_bin d_func':
 : undefined reference to `dlsym'
 /usr/local/ssl/lib/libcrypto.a(dso_dlfcn.o)(.text+0x321): In function 
 `dlfcn_bin d_func':
 : undefined reference to `dlerror'
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make[2]: *** [mtest] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/imap-2006e/mtest'
 make[1]: *** [bundled] Error 2
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/imap-2006e'
 make: *** [slx] Error 2
 Can someone help me out, please ?

Think your missing some libs on your distrib i would first try installing
glibc-debuginfo-common or glibc-devel.


 Warm Regards,
 Mário Gamito
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RE: [PHP] Multi lingual pages

2007-02-09 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Frank Arensmeier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : vendredi 9 février 2007 14:51
 À : Robert Cummings
 Cc : PHP List; Jochem Maas; Otto Wyss
 Objet : Re: [PHP] Multi lingual pages
 Thank you Robert.
 Actually, I am not so sure anymore if my idea of binding 
 localized content to domains is the right path to go. After a 
 litte research, I saw that many of the major sites out there 
 are redirecting the user to subfolders. 
As a question or maybe a comment i'm not sure which yet, but aren't those
major sites rewriting url's rather then redirecting the pages to different

It seems they are usually using the same layout and design and the
content is essentially the same, so i thought it logical to concluded they
are using the same framework, i can't imagine using several copies of the
same framework to overcome language issues, which would be the case if they
were using seperate directories for languages, IMO.

Just a logical geuss, please correct me if I am mistaken ;)


Maybe this is the 
 right thing to do. What would happen if a page is available 
 in English and e.g. american English or when a certain domain 
 is not available?
 Right now I am playing with mod_rewrite. Looks promising.
 9 feb 2007 kl. 13.23 skrev Robert Cummings:
  On Fri, 2007-02-09 at 09:03 +0100, Frank Arensmeier wrote:
  If you use top level domains like that then if someone 
 wants to swith 
  between languages you won't be able to share session information 
  without employing session propogation tricks.
  8 feb 2007 kl. 11.24 skrev Frank Arensmeier:
  I would like to hook up on this issue a little bit more. I am 
  wondering if anybody is willing to share some good 
 advices regarding 
  how to implement a good (normative) url structure so to 
 say when it 
  comes to multi lingual sites. Let me give you an example.
  IBM has many different domains including .se, .de, .com, 
 .es and so 
  on. But, all local domains are redirected to e.g. 
 www.ibm.com/de or 
  www.ibm.com/se and so on. Is this common practise? 
 Right now, I am 
  about to restructure my employers site. But, in contrast to for 
  example the IBM site, I would like to bind the content to the 
  corresponding domain - without redirecting the visitor. 
 All english 
  content for example will be under the .com domain, all swedish 
  content will be under .se domain. Hope you see what I mean.
  I am not seeking advices about how to implement such a 
 structure (I 
  have done this already). I am more interested in pros and 
 cons with 
  either way. My hope is that the site will be more Google friendly.
  Am I making sense? I might also add that I read some articles from
  W3 org about localization / internationalization, but I couldn't 
  find anything useful so far.
  What is your opinion?
  27 jan 2007 kl. 01.12 skrev Jochem Maas:
  Otto Wyss wrote:
  Paul Novitski wrote:
  I formulated my question in general since I couldn't 
 find an other 
  message here about supporting multiple languages.
  Thanks a lot, these are good points for reading.
  1) Switching language downloads a new version of the current 
  page, generally with the same markup but new text.  Example:
  I'll favor this way especially if several languages have to be 
  In both cases I store the text in database tables that 
 contain a 
  language field I can select on to match the user's request.
  I wonder if retrieving static texts from the database draws too 
  much performance. I know from somebody who stores texts 
 in large 
  data arrays an uses shared memory, yet I haven't figured it out 
  I consider storing static texts as defines and just load a 
  different definition file when the user switches 
 language. Is this 
  don't go down the define('LANG_KEY', 'lang string 
 value'); route - 
  defines are comparatively SLOW to create. IF you go down 
 the road 
  of loading in text from 'per lang' files I would suggest 
 using an 
  array as the storage mechanism:
  $Lang = array(
   'LANG_KEY' = 'lang string value',
   // .. etc
  assoc array are much less heavy to create.
  also consider that there are, imho, 2 kinds of language specific
  1. 'static' values - button texts, [error] messages - these are 
  specified during site/application design.
  2. 'dynamic' values - document titles, headers, content 
 - these are 
  specified by the owner/user during the lifetime of the 
  for the rest I'll just say 'ditto' to most of what the 
 other list 
  members replied :-)
  O. Wyss
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  visit: http://www.php.net

RE: [PHP] round to nearest 500?

2007-02-12 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Robert Cummings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : lundi 12 février 2007 18:00
 À : blackwater dev
 Cc : php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : Re: [PHP] round to nearest 500?
 On Mon, 2007-02-12 at 11:52 -0500, blackwater dev wrote:
  Is there an easy way in php to round to the nearest 500?
  So if I have 600, I 500 and if I have 800 I want 1000?
 This should work:
 $rounded = round( $someValue / 500 ) * 500;

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RE: [PHP] round to nearest 500?

2007-02-13 Thread Tim
  Supposedly this is an accounting trick that 
 ultimatley works out in the end for proper rounding of money 

Yeah works out for who? Bet it doesn't for the guy paying :P

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RE: [PHP] Banner rotation with links

2007-02-14 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Chris Carter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : mercredi 14 février 2007 17:29
 À : php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : [PHP] Banner rotation with links
 How can I rotate a banner as well as the link in it within a 
 page using PHP.
 This can be done as a include file php. Anybody please supply 
 some code or a link for this.
 Thanks in advance.

Hi depends on what moment you are changing the banner if you are doing it
on a page change you can do this with PHP by querying a DB for a random
banner (or non random thats up to you to decide) entry to display, each time
you load the page.

If you are wanting to do the banner change based on a time interval you
would have to setup some javascript to do this for you, maybe generate it
using php that formerly queried a database of banner entries.

Google: banners +javascript first before posting, there's always an answer



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RE: [PHP] Banner rotation with links

2007-02-14 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Brad Fuller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : mercredi 14 février 2007 17:41
 À : 'Németh Zoltán'; 'Chris Carter'
 Cc : php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : RE: [PHP] Banner rotation with links
  -Original Message-
  From: Németh Zoltán [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 11:37 AM
  To: Chris Carter
  Cc: php-general@lists.php.net
  Subject: Re: [PHP] Banner rotation with links
  2007. 02. 14, szerda keltezéssel 08.29-kor Chris Carter ezt írta:
   How can I rotate a banner as well as the link in it within a page 
   This can be done as a include file php. Anybody please 
 supply some 
  or a
   link for this.
  please go STFW for banner rotation php script
  Zoltán Németh
 Even better, download this free open source application which 
 does it all for you...
Yeah, maybe their should be an alternate list for Where can i find the app
for me to do this queries :D



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RE: [PHP] Retrieve value of newly inserted row.

2007-02-14 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Dan Shirah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : mercredi 14 février 2007 19:20
 À : php-general
 Objet : [PHP] Retrieve value of newly inserted row.
 I have a page the contains two insert statements.
 $insert1 = INSERT INTO table1 (
mssql_query($insert1) or die (Query failed: br 
   $insert2 = INSERT INTO table2 (
   mssql_query($insert2) or die (Query failed: br 
 echo Insert complete;
 On my second insert statement, please note credit_card_id.  
  This is an
 auto_increment column in table1.  What I need to do is pull 
 the value of credit_card_id from the newly inserted row 
 from insert1 and put that value in a variable to assign it to 
 credit_card_id in insert2.
 I hope that wasn't too confusing.


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RE: [PHP] Retrieve value of newly inserted row.

2007-02-14 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : mercredi 14 février 2007 19:28
 À : 'Dan Shirah'; 'php-general'
 Objet : RE: [PHP] Retrieve value of newly inserted row.
  -Message d'origine-
  De : Dan Shirah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Envoyé : mercredi 14 
  février 2007 19:20 À : php-general Objet : [PHP] Retrieve value of 
  newly inserted row.
  I have a page the contains two insert statements.
  $insert1 = INSERT INTO table1 (
 mssql_query($insert1) or die (Query failed: br 
$insert2 = INSERT INTO table2 (
mssql_query($insert2) or die (Query failed: br 
  echo Insert complete;
  On my second insert statement, please note credit_card_id.  
   This is an
  auto_increment column in table1.  What I need to do is pull 
 the value 
  of credit_card_id from the newly inserted row from 
 insert1 and put 
  that value in a variable to assign it to credit_card_id 
 in insert2.
  I hope that wasn't too confusing.

Sorry my eyes played some tricks on me ragarding mysql/mssql refer to
Robert's post on looking up last insert id.



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[PHP] Deny processing of non included files

2007-02-15 Thread Tim
OK here is the background:

My app will: have an admin access at http://sitename/admin/
Obviously authenticated users only are allowed access..

Now my issues is this, i do all the processing from a single index.php in
admin/ folder that includes files from all over the webapp directory
structure for example modules/thismodule/admin/index.php folder for getting
the admin page for the module or modules/thismodule/index.php for displaying
the modules in the public part of the page etc.. You get the picture.. What
i want is to restrict acces to all these included php files such that by
typing http://sitename/modules/thismodule/admin/index.php, this file will
only be processed by the browser if and only if it has been included by

NO included php file should be able to be processed by itself or accessed
even for files that do not output anything.. 

So essentially i think i may be doing somethings wrong..

1. My included files assume the top file has initiated an instance of an
certain object thus being able to use the resources of the instanced objects
in the top file..(obviously i have the necessary checks to make sure the
instance has been created before including the file)
-Should i be initializing new instances of the object at the top of each
included file to prevent errors from appearing incase someone access the
file directly? Or should i believe it doesn't really matter as in a
production environment display_errors is set to off so no error output will
be shown...

2. what is the assesed security risk if someone access a file directly even
if it does not output anything?

3. is their a way to check that a file has been included by such and such
file or should i develop a hash system where the top page that includes
files generates a hash, stores it in the db for the length of the script and
in a variable, and have the included file check that the variable from the
top file and the hash in the db correspond?

Security is driving me insane i'm becoming totally psychotic at the
possiblity of someone taking over my admin systems...



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RE: [PHP] Deny processing of non included files

2007-02-15 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Jon Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : jeudi 15 février 2007 17:11
 À : Tim
 Cc : 'php-general'
 Objet : Re: [PHP] Deny processing of non included files
 Easy answer: deny access to them. Use your web server to 
 prevent execution of the files. Generally, if you're using 
 Apache, you can just do this:
 Directory /path/to/modules/
 Order Allow,Deny
 Deny From All

Great i'll go the .htaccess way i don't need any files accesible through the
browser other then http://thissite/index.php and

 You may also be able to do that from a .htaccess file.
 If you can't configure the server, just use a define at the 
 top of your index script:
 Then just check it with a one-liner at the top of each script 
 that is for inclusion only.
 Tim wrote:
  1. My included files assume the top file has initiated an 
  of an certain object thus being able to use the resources of the 
  instanced objects in the top file..(obviously i have the necessary 
  checks to make sure the instance has been created before 
 including the 
  file) -Should i be initializing new instances of the object 
 at the top 
  of each included file to prevent errors from appearing 
 incase someone 
  access the file directly? Or should i believe it doesn't 
 really matter 
  as in a production environment display_errors is set to off so no 
  error output will be shown...

 I don't think you ever want include files to be executed in 
 the wrong context. Just deny access.
Sure that's what i thought but couldn't get it to work you put me on the
right track with the directory directive.

 If anything, just make an index.php page in each module dir 
 that contains only Thanks for visiting this page, but the 
 link you followed is probably mistyped. Try a 
 href=\$document_root\this/a instead.

Well i do have a blank index.html in ALL directories to stop directory

  2. what is the assesed security risk if someone access a 
 file directly 
  even if it does not output anything?

 Depends on what the file contains. If it contains this: 
 `sudo rm -r $directory/*`, then the results could be 
 disastrous, but let's hope that it wouldn't contain code like 
 that. :-)
  3. is their a way to check that a file has been included by 
 such and 
  such file or should i develop a hash system where the top page that 
  includes files generates a hash, stores it in the db for 
 the length of 
  the script and in a variable, and have the included file check that 
  the variable from the top file and the hash in the db correspond?
 See above define(...) bit, which is really based on the old C header
 #ifndef __SOME_FILE_H
 #define __SOME_FILE_H
 a bunch of stuff

Ok lets just deny access :)

Thanks a bunch ;)


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RE: [PHP] Deny processing of non included files

2007-02-15 Thread Tim
Ok i have actually discovered a great side-effect that i thought i'd share
with any interested by using these .htaccess directives.
As i only have two index.php files on the site and they are the only two
files accesible through browser i have done this:

Files *.*
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from All
Files index.php
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from All
Files *.css
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from All

Now the great side affect i told you about is that you cannot blind check
the presence of *.php files in any directory any you file you look for
regardless if it exists returns a 403 forbidden, so it is impossible to find
the structure of the site... 

You can though test for directories.

These directives along with a site that uses index.php as an engine to
generate content via includes, are great for really restricing site access
(of course this does not mean my includes don't have holes but thats another
issue) on top of a regular authentication. And makes it easier for my own
authentication system as i only have to authenticate through one file
index.php thus not needing any authentication on any of the included files
as suggested, and not needing to worry about that test.php file that got
forgotten during dev or something, or even a user uploading a $.php file i
dont want him to execute..

Thanks guys,



 -Message d'origine-
 De : Jon Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : jeudi 15 février 2007 17:11
 À : Tim
 Cc : 'php-general'
 Objet : Re: [PHP] Deny processing of non included files
 Easy answer: deny access to them. Use your web server to 
 prevent execution of the files. Generally, if you're using 
 Apache, you can just do this:
 Directory /path/to/modules/
 Order Allow,Deny
 Deny From All
 You may also be able to do that from a .htaccess file.
 If you can't configure the server, just use a define at the 
 top of your index script:
 Then just check it with a one-liner at the top of each script 
 that is for inclusion only.
 Tim wrote:
  1. My included files assume the top file has initiated an 
  of an certain object thus being able to use the resources of the 
  instanced objects in the top file..(obviously i have the necessary 
  checks to make sure the instance has been created before 
 including the 
  file) -Should i be initializing new instances of the object 
 at the top 
  of each included file to prevent errors from appearing 
 incase someone 
  access the file directly? Or should i believe it doesn't 
 really matter 
  as in a production environment display_errors is set to off so no 
  error output will be shown...

 I don't think you ever want include files to be executed in 
 the wrong context. Just deny access.
 If anything, just make an index.php page in each module dir 
 that contains only Thanks for visiting this page, but the 
 link you followed is probably mistyped. Try a 
 href=\$document_root\this/a instead.
  2. what is the assesed security risk if someone access a 
 file directly 
  even if it does not output anything?

 Depends on what the file contains. If it contains this: 
 `sudo rm -r $directory/*`, then the results could be 
 disastrous, but let's hope that it wouldn't contain code like 
 that. :-)
  3. is their a way to check that a file has been included by 
 such and 
  such file or should i develop a hash system where the top page that 
  includes files generates a hash, stores it in the db for 
 the length of 
  the script and in a variable, and have the included file check that 
  the variable from the top file and the hash in the db correspond?
 See above define(...) bit, which is really based on the old C header
 #ifndef __SOME_FILE_H
 #define __SOME_FILE_H
 a bunch of stuff
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[PHP] Securing user table with sha function

2007-02-17 Thread Tim

Now moving on into other aspects of security :P I was thinking of a way to
secure my login inputs the best way possible.
Seeing how many different types of injection attacks their is and while
observing different authentication systems I often notice the sha() function
being used for passwords, which of course is the minimum requirements to
saving passwords but.. Why manipulate this information in clear text wether
it be email or username or pass fields, such as when you use
sessions/cookies, or any other method of passing authentication information
from page to page (an sha hash is x times less geussable then any other
human term)... AND how to secure for injection attacks?

Now this is where i thought hey, on every login page there is a user and
pass input field and thus this is the only place one could peak into my
user table, and I don't want someone injecting through their as the user
table (three fields seperate from profile, username, email, pass) is the key
to entry to the site.. SO, why not just encrypt all three fields? And store
copies of email and username (not pass :P) in another database unecrypted
or with a salt for further recovery..

This would ensure that ANY information entered into the user and passowrd
will be run through sha() thus creating a 40 char length hash and covering
any (?) injection possiblity through a forged input in one of those fields
via my select routine..

Just wondering what other security conscious people think of this plan
even though it may slow down logins a tad but the tight security in my
opinion justifies this..

Does anyone see an ugly flaw in this scheme?
Does it look viable?

Thanks for any input,



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RE: [PHP] Re: Securing user table with sha function

2007-02-19 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Haydar Tuna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : lundi 19 février 2007 08:12
 À : php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : [PHP] Re: Securing user table with sha function
 1) If you protect your site from SQL Injection, you must 
 replace all quote and blank character in your form data. 
 (with string functions)
 2) After this step, you can  compare your password (with 
 SHA1) and database password field (with SHA1).
 3) if comparing passwords are true, then you must use session 
 variables for username
 4) if user forget his or her password, you can send email to 
 the user when the user answer password protected question.

Yes i have read many tutorials with this classic method of authentication
My vision is to tighten it even more by using only sha1() strings in my
SELECT statements for both username and password field.
Upon conversion to SHA regardless of the input you get a 40char string so no
need for classic form input filtering using my method of storing username
and pass as SHA hash's...

$query = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=\'' . Sha1($_POST['username'])
. '\' and pass=\'' . Sha1($_POST['pass']) . '\''; 

Well was just an idea, i'll try it, doesn't seem to interest many people,
that's ok keep using the classic method ;P


 Haydar TUNA
 Republic Of Turkey - Ministry of National Education Education 
 Technology Department Ankara / TURKEY
 Web: http://www.haydartuna.net
 Tim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
  Now moving on into other aspects of security :P I was thinking of a 
  way to secure my login inputs the best way possible.
  Seeing how many different types of injection attacks their is and 
  while observing different authentication systems I often notice the 
  sha() function being used for passwords, which of course is the 
  minimum requirements to saving passwords but.. Why manipulate this 
  information in clear text wether it be email or username or pass 
  fields, such as when you use sessions/cookies, or any other 
 method of 
  passing authentication information from page to page (an 
 sha hash is x 
  times less geussable then any other human term)... AND 
 how to secure 
  for injection attacks?
  Now this is where i thought hey, on every login page there 
 is a user 
  and pass input field and thus this is the only place one 
 could peak 
  into my user table, and I don't want someone injecting 
 through their 
  as the user table (three fields seperate from profile, username, 
  email, pass) is the key to entry to the site.. SO, why not just 
  encrypt all three fields? And store copies of email and username 
  (not pass :P) in another database unecrypted or with a salt for 
  further recovery..
  This would ensure that ANY information entered into the user and 
  passowrd will be run through sha() thus creating a 40 char 
 length hash 
  and covering any (?) injection possiblity through a forged input in 
  one of those fields via my select routine..
  Just wondering what other security conscious people think 
 of this plan
  even though it may slow down logins a tad but the tight 
 security in my 
  opinion justifies this..
  Does anyone see an ugly flaw in this scheme?
  Does it look viable?
  Thanks for any input,
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RE: [PHP] Re: Securing user table with sha function

2007-02-20 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Haydar Tuna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : mardi 20 février 2007 10:34
 À : php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : [PHP] Re: Securing user table with sha function
 Hello again,
   if you crypt your usernames, it happened many problems. 
 As you know, if you crypt any string to SHA1, you don't 
 decrypt again. You cannot use username in your application. 
 in my many application, I have crpyted password , I haven't 
 cryrpt usernames. Becuase I used username for session 
 authentication. for example if  I want to action on the 
 usernames or list of usernames , what can I do this? All of 
 usernames are crypted.

OK then what if i consider using PHP's Mcrypt extension with a key to
crypt/decrypt data, this would give me the possiblity to use a username
crypted hash in the session variable and decrypt it at any moment with the
proper key?

 Haydar TUNA
 Republic Of Turkey - Ministry of National Education Education 
 Technology Department Ankara / TURKEY
 Web: http://www.haydartuna.net
 Haydar Tuna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
  1) If you protect your site from SQL Injection, you must 
 replace all 
  quote and blank character in your form data. (with string functions)
  2) After this step, you can  compare your password (with SHA1) and 
  database password field (with SHA1).
  3) if comparing passwords are true, then you must use session 
  variables for username
  4) if user forget his or her password, you can send email 
 to the user 
  when the user answer password protected question.
  Haydar TUNA
  Republic Of Turkey - Ministry of National Education Education 
  Technology Department Ankara / TURKEY
  Web: http://www.haydartuna.net
  Tim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
  Now moving on into other aspects of security :P I was 
 thinking of a 
  way to secure my login inputs the best way possible.
  Seeing how many different types of injection attacks their is and 
  while observing different authentication systems I often 
 notice the 
  sha() function being used for passwords, which of course is the 
  minimum requirements to saving passwords but.. Why manipulate this 
  information in clear text wether it be email or username or pass 
  fields, such as when you use sessions/cookies, or any 
 other method of 
  passing authentication information from page to page (an 
 sha hash is 
  x times less geussable then any other human term)... AND how to 
  secure for injection attacks?
  Now this is where i thought hey, on every login page there 
 is a user 
  and pass input field and thus this is the only place one 
 could peak 
  into my user table, and I don't want someone injecting 
 through their 
  as the user table (three fields seperate from profile, username, 
  email, pass) is the key to entry to the site.. SO, why not just 
  encrypt all three fields? And store copies of email and username 
  (not pass :P) in another database unecrypted or with a salt for 
  further recovery..
  This would ensure that ANY information entered into the user and 
  passowrd will be run through sha() thus creating a 40 char length 
  hash and covering any (?) injection possiblity through a 
 forged input 
  in one of those fields via my select routine..
  Just wondering what other security conscious people think 
 of this plan
  even though it may slow down logins a tad but the tight 
 security in 
  my opinion justifies this..
  Does anyone see an ugly flaw in this scheme?
  Does it look viable?
  Thanks for any input,
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RE: [PHP] Re: Securing user table with sha function

2007-02-20 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Fergus Gibson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : lundi 19 février 2007 12:01
 À : php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : [PHP] Re: Securing user table with sha function
 Tim wrote:
  Now moving on into other aspects of security :P I was thinking of a 
  way to secure my login inputs the best way possible.
 Maybe I'm missing something, but why not simply inspect and 
 clean input to ensure that it's always properly escaped and 
 safe to send to your database?  It seems to me that's the 
 most sensible way to address SQL injection.

Yes i agree partially, an error in the cleaning algo could easily open up
to injection, their are so many workarounds to standard input filtering
how to catch them all?

 Hashing the data in your database has drawbacks, and anyway, 
 do you want them to see even hashed data?  I sure don't.
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RE: [PHP] Re: Securing user table with sha function

2007-02-21 Thread Tim
Oops, didn't mean to offend or start a fight.
Thank you all for your input, its about the same as on the web: there is no
right way..
Well i'll just have to mix and match all these methods and decide which
works best for me.
Just for info, yes its a dedicated server, and i am hosting the same
application multiple times for multiple clients. No open hosting is allowed
so no worrying about unauthed php-scripts..
My application is an modulable engine somewhat like a cms but much more
complicated as it is doubled with a site generator for maximum flexibility
depeding on the client enabling our small company to easly adapt to any
needs a client could possibly want in the way of features by modulating each
one. Which makes it quite complicated as its totally database driven weather
it is for the theme, the placement of blocks, the userlevel of modules,
admin user levels (client admin and our own admin extension) etc..

So i'm just mainly worried about my host server going down for whatever
reason as i host all my clients on it :) But with an extensive backup system
in place, which i hope never have to use to restore, i am fairly safe.
I'll just have to adapt these security methods based on whats known to be
one of the best ways.

Once again thanks for your input, it's my call now :D


 -Message d'origine-
 De : Haydar Tuna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : mercredi 21 février 2007 07:15
 À : php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : Re: [PHP] Re: Securing user table with sha function
  Yes you are right I have no idea what he is doing. I'm 
 sorry. I write a book now about PHP and I want to help people 
 anywhere in the world. I like helping people because I'm a 
 linux user. I am membership of Linux Community in Turkey. As 
 you know, linux users share  their knowledges or experiences. 
 Again I'm sorry if you see me the wise guy. I only like 
 helping people:)
 Haydar TUNA
 Republic Of Turkey - Ministry of National Education
 Education Technology Department Ankara / TURKEY
 Web: http://www.haydartuna.net
 Richard Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
  On Tue, February 20, 2007 4:08 am, Tim wrote:
  -Message d'origine-
  De : Haydar Tuna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Envoyé : mardi 20 février 2007 10:34
  À : php-general@lists.php.net
  Objet : [PHP] Re: Securing user table with sha function
  Hello again,
if you crypt your usernames, it happened many problems.
  As you know, if you crypt any string to SHA1, you don't
  decrypt again. You cannot use username in your application.
  in my many application, I have crpyted password , I haven't
  cryrpt usernames. Becuase I used username for session
  authentication. for example if  I want to action on the
  usernames or list of usernames , what can I do this? All of
  usernames are crypted.
  OK then what if i consider using PHP's Mcrypt extension 
 with a key to
  crypt/decrypt data, this would give me the possiblity to use a
  crypted hash in the session variable and decrypt it at any 
 moment with
  proper key?
  MySQL also has AES_CRYPT which will do this, so you needn't restrict
  yourself to PHP.
  You then have the tough question of whether it's more 
 likely that your
  PHP source will be exposed and the key will leak out leaving you
  vulnerable to attack, or, perhaps, somebody on your server 
 will manage
  to RUN your script that authenticates them in some way that 
 gives them
  more access than they should, just because they can run the script
  with the key in it.
  On a shared server, for MOST webhosts, all the other users on that
  server can just read your PHP scripts using PHP because, 
 duh, PHP has
  to be able to read your PHP script so PHP can readexecute your PHP
  script. [*]
  On a dedicated box where you, and only you, are the only 
 user that has
  a valid login, it could help slow down an attack, or, perhaps, might
  open up a hole, if you code it wrong.
  There isn't a right answer because Security is not an off-the-rack
  suit.  It's a custom-tailored suit to fit the application needs.
  Your online bank needs a lot different security than your local
  community forum.
  Applying bank level security measures to the local community forum
  adds user inconvenience with no real benefit.
  You should always consider Security in the context of the 
  with an eye to usability and smooth process flow on the 
 business side,
  and not just ultimate security
  Nobody knows which is better for what you are doing, because we have
  NO IDEA what you are doing, and you can't really tell us in 
 a post to
  PHP-General, even one as long as this. :-)
  * I am completely ignoring various commercial PHP-obfuscation tools
  other than this footnote to keep others from posting about them.
  They're out there, Google for them, use them if appropriate, coo coo
  ka choo.
  Some people have a gift link

RE: [PHP] ID problem

2007-02-28 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Delta Storm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : mercredi 28 février 2007 10:24
 À : php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : [PHP] ID problem
 I'm building an CMS system (for practice and experience :)).
 And of course like many times before I have encountered a problem.
 The problem is:
 I have a index.php that takes the news from the database and 
 publishes them. And by the end of every news on index.php I 
 have a link ('a href=showfullnews.php?id=$idShow full news/a')
 That leads to a page that has the full news.
 At the beginning of showfullnews i have a variable ( $id = 
 $_GET['id']; )
 And in index.php I have the following code:
 while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
   $id= $row['id'];
 In the database I have two tables one for a short version of 
I'd suggest just using one table, and when you display the short version
just display a certain number of characters from the full version say 50
first chars as a preview this is what i use:

function debut_texte($texte, $nb_cars) {
$nb_cars = intval($nb_cars);
if (!$nb_cars || !$texte) return($texte);
if (strlen ($texte) = $nb_cars) return($texte);
$nouveau_texte = substr($texte, 0, $nb_cars-3);
$nouveau_texte .= '...';
return ($nouveau_texte);

Sorry its in french, essentialy you pass it your text ($texte) and the
number of characters ($nb_cars) of that text you want to and it returns the
$nb_cars first characters and appends ... to the end of the text.. This
will save you some confusion by using two tables for the same data...

 news for index.php and another for fullNews.
 In full news the query is: select title,newsFull from 
 fullnews where id='$id';
 In the database i'm 100% sure there is a id = 1 in both rows.
 I really dont know what is the problem.

Erm me neither.. Need more code to see problem.

 Thank you very much!
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RE: [PHP] ID problem

2007-02-28 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : tedd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : mercredi 28 février 2007 15:54
 À : Delta Storm; php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : Re: [PHP] ID problem
 At 10:24 AM +0100 2/28/07, Delta Storm wrote:
 The problem is:
 I have a index.php that takes the news from the database and 
 them. And by the end of every news on index.php I have a link ('a 
 href=showfullnews.php?id=$idShow full news/a')
Is this possibly a quote issue?

 echo 'a href=showfullnews.php?id=$idShow full news/a';

Will not evaluate $id

Whereas echo 'a href=showfullnews.php?id=' . $id . 'Show full news/a';

Will evaluate $id..

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RE: [PHP] Re: how to display images stored in DB

2007-03-02 Thread Tim
 I highly recommend a dark ale or two 
 to bring down the core temperature :)


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RE: [PHP] Re: Question on virus/worms

2007-03-03 Thread Tim
 -Message d'origine-
 De : Stut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : vendredi 2 mars 2007 20:23
 À : Seak, Teng-Fong
 Cc : php-windows@lists.php.net; php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : Re: [PHP] Re: Question on virus/worms
 Seak, Teng-Fong wrote:
  But after I've spent some time reading the log files, 
 I've finally 
  found out how the hackers managed to achieve worm infiltration.
  Actually, they're using an URL like this:
  And the some-worm-file.txt file contains some PHP code, 
 while my 
  index.php contains this instruction:

This one line brings up two known php coding security issues, learn about
them on http://phpsec.org

  This is enough to make infiltration possible!  IMO, this 
  instruction is supposed to be used like this, isn't it?  

NO it is not! See above..

 So this is 
  obviously a PHP security loophole 
YES! Learn about register_globals, allow_url_fopen, include()

Infact go learn PHP before blindly running scripts in a production
environment! Or if you really don't want too learn php at least subscribe to
bugtraq mailing list and go through the archive to see if the script you
want to run has a security history, see if they follow up on the issues or
just ignore the issues, and keep informed to see if any new issues have
been brought to hand.
 and I don't see how the poorly 
  written scripts can help anything unless a totally rewrite!

Not neccassarily a total rewrite, try implementing some functions to
retrieve/filtre your $_GET $_POST data, turn off register_globals, replace
all variables relying on register globals with your newly implemented
functions.. Use regular expressions to find the data that needs to be
changed in your scripts..

  there's no poor server security that I can see.

I think its time for you to take a pause on installing these scripts you are
downloading and read up on the php.ini configuration file, also do a search
on php history and security. Follow the changes in different php versions
aswell their are a lot of hints as to what default values have changed to
improve chances of poorly written scripts not being vulnerable. BUT unless
you understnad the issues involved these default values are a false excuse
for thinking your scripts is secure. (ie upgrading to php5: you did it, it
solved your problem, but you still don't know why because you don't know
what value was changed in your php configuration)

Those few steps will definately be able to give you an idea of what kind of
security issues exist, eventually how they are circumvented, and ideas on
how you can improve your existing scripts to avoid these issues.

Once you are comfortable with this, before you use a script downloaded from
the inet in a production environment, go through the code and make sure you
don't see any backdoor code (unecessary fsockopen(), exec() etc.. That isn't
related to the scripts original use). Also a good thing to look out for is
scripts that run with register_globals = off in the php.ini this at least
ensures forced good practice in coding (this does not mean one cannot code
well with register_globals = on, it just releaves a potential security issue
for the programmer and force him to call url passed variable in a proper
manner ie: using PHP Super Globals, to be able to use them)

  I've installed PHP5 and the problem seems fixed.  However, PHP 
  writes out where the problem occurs!  Indeed, the hacker 
 could read a 
  line like this:
  Warning: include() [function.include]: URL file-access is 
 disabled in 
  the server configuration in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\index.php on line X
  I don't want them (the hackers) to be able to read this either. 
  That gives too much information about my server's file system.  How 
  can I stop that?

Once again learn about php.ini and how it works (re: Stut mentioned -

  By the way, I know there're still a lot of servers out 
 there still 
  using PHP4.  Is this vulnerability a known bug?  At least, I'm not 
  aware of that before!
 It's not a bug. It will never be a bug. Yes PHP5 (I believe 
 it's 5.2+) introduces the ability to turn off the ability to 
 prevent this issue, but it's still badly written code. Stop 
 blaming the tool, start blaming the mirror image and start 
 learning how to code defensively.

Can't agree more..

Don't think youre secure and live with it, someday it will bite you when
you least expect it.. Make it a part of your everyday work to constantly
reduce the risk of unwanted intrusions..



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RE: [PHP] Re: question regarding form filtering

2007-03-13 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Haydar Tuna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : mardi 13 mars 2007 14:53
 À : php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : [PHP] Re: question regarding form filtering
You can write some basic functions such as checking 
 length of variable, removing special character, checking 
 number or string, trimming blank lines and so on. And then 
 you can use this functions together and you can write new 
 functions. For example, if you want to check number (such as 
 digit count is 4), you can write like a 
 checknumber($number,$digit). With this function, you can use 
 like length of variable function, removing special character 
 function, checking number or string function and trimming 
 blank lines function together. :)

Sure i hear you, have been their and done that in the past. 
Maybe the situation i am in will help describe why i am going for

I have made a form generation/(soon to be)validation class with integrated
contextual help via javascript info popups. I would like to offer the
possibility of javascript validation for those that have it enabled, for
obvious pratical reasons being less work load on server if each does his own
validation on client-side, and of course server-side validation for security
reasons.. Now my forms are made like this:

// options array for new form
$form_options = array(  'name'  = 'parametres_site',
'aide'  = 'Enregistrer les
modifications apportés aux coordonées de l\'entreprise',
'bouton'= 'Mettre à
jour les paramètres'
// initialize form class and add new form
$form = new formulaire($this-debug_mode,$form_options);
// initialize inputs array
$input_options = array();

// add an text input with various options based on its type (default values
are not listed)
$input_options[] = array(   'name'  = 'nom',
'type'  = 'text',
'maxlength' = '35',
'size'  = '35',
'label' =
'Votre nom :',  //label
'/^[a-zA-Z1-9_- ]{0,35}$/', //regexp for content
'newline'   =
0,  //no new
line (next input on same line)
'aide'  = 'Le nom
qui apparaîtra que votre site', //contextual help msg
'Mauvais caractères dans le nom'//error msg in case
bad input based on regexp

// generate form and if success assign html_form to $content
if ($form-generer_formulaire('parametres_site')) {
$content = $form-html_forms['parametres_site'];

// echo the form to the page
Echo $content;

Ok so my reason being for using regexp is that by defining a regexp my class
can also use this regexp to generate the javascript needed to validate the
each form on the page as opposed to writing the same functions in both php
and javascript (class permits unlimited number of forms on one page). My
process would be:

1. Display blank form (generate javascript necessary for client-side form
validation using regexp)
2. Submit form to javascript filtering
3. If JS filter success then send to php filtering
4. Stock all temporary inputs in $formvars array
5. Match each $formvars against regexp
6. Do something with validated data

My goal is to make this general and not have to write a function for each
type of input, am happier writing a short regexp for each input than
writing a new function for each typei could come across...

NOW, my original question is why should I or should not use regexp?? Is
their a performance hit or not? Why do i not see anyone just using regexp
instead of going through htmlentities() stripslashes() striptags(), i mean,
if the regexp doesnt validate it then its wrong.. Period.. User friendliness
maybe? Try to make it easier for the person filling the form?

Am stumped, can't seem to find the real reason...



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RE: [PHP] Re: question regarding form filtering

2007-03-14 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : mercredi 14 mars 2007 09:48
 À : Tim
 Cc : 'Haydar Tuna'; php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : RE: [PHP] Re: question regarding form filtering
 I personally would not presume that PHP and JS regex patterns 
 are 100% compatible...
 Store a separate pattern for each.

Fair enough, beats writing a new function for each :)

 And, actually, the PHP check might be more involved than the JS check.
 For example, if the users is making up a password, and this 
 password has access to something that's actually sensitive 
 and worth protecting (money, medical records, private matters)...

Not yet but maybe future clients ? ;) (archived)

 You should probably have JS and PHP to check that the 
 password is long enough, has mixed alpha and digit, that the 
 password and confirmation match, that neither password nor 
 username contains the other as a substring, etc.
 But in PHP you'd probably *ALSO* want to check against a 
 database of words (say the one in /usr/share/web2, Webster's 
 2nd Edition dictionary, now in the public domain) and make 
 sure they did not choose a simple word.

Good idea, sounds like plesk internals here..
I'll most definately keep this in mind when i implent the user management
system in the framework..
 You almost for sure do *NOT* want to attempt to send the 
 entire Webster's 2nd Edition dictionary to the browser as JS 
 data so that the JS can check. :-)

Hehe, oh? Really? ;-)

 I suppose you could do a Web 2.0 Ajax-y thingie for that...

Not a fan of forcing users to download/use active-x controls..
(accesibility, usability etc..)

 At any rate, the validation in JS may not always be exactly 
 the same as in PHP, even if their PCRE patterns are 100% 
 compatible, which I doubt.

I'll do some experimenting with this..
 For anything that really matters, your sanitation probably 
 ought to be custom-tailored rather than off-the-rack anyway...

Glad we share this opinion.. 

 Plus, the easy ones are easy, and the framework probably 
 won't handle the hard ones, so what's the point of the 
 clutter of the framework?
 So I personally wouldn't even go down this road.

Erm gonna have to explain to me what you mean... (easy ones are easy.. Etc.)
Once again thanks Richard am well on my way now ;)



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RE: [PHP] cannot load mysql extension - PHP Installation on Vista/Apache

2007-03-14 Thread Tim
 -Message d'origine-
 De : Rahul Sitaram Johari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : mercredi 14 mars 2007 15:05
 À : Richard Davey; PHP
 Objet : Re: [PHP] cannot load mysql extension - PHP 
 Installation on Vista/Apache
 You kidding me? I didn't know anything about that! That could 
 be the solution! I'm gonna give this a try and see if that 
 makes a difference.
 I'm using native mySQL btw, not mysqli.
 On 3/14/07 9:54 AM, Richard Davey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Rahul Sitaram Johari wrote:
  'cannot load mysql extension, please check PHP Configuration'.
  I¹ve installed PHP on XP computers hundreds of times, so I¹m not 
  exactly a newbie to this, but I¹m not sure if it¹s Vista 
 causing the 
  problem or I¹m doing something wrong.
  Which MySQL extension are you using? The native mysql or 
 mysqli? I had 
  to copy the libMySQL.dll file that is installed when you 
 install MySQL 
  5 over the top of the one in the PHP 5 installation 
 directory before 
  it would work for me on Vista Home Premium.
  I.e. I copied this:
  C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\libmySQL.dll
  to here:
  replacing the one that existed already.
(this is a bit off list, but i think it is important for developpers to
understand even a part of how the systems they are using works..)

I follow the thread and none of the explanation make any logical sens..
Ahem.. Win. Anyways,  

Put it this way guys, apache, php and mysql are native to *nix, *nix  has
strict standards on names (no spaces.. Above i see a line with spaces in the
dir that doesn't work, and one without spaces that does work.. Hint hint?),
a common place to access all configuration files (no copying this file here
then there cus we don't know where to look to configure things correctly),
strict standards on user permissions (nowadays hehe) AND you all mentioned
vista's new 'security tightening', is this really a suprise?? For years have
been setting up servers on *nix machines and always came to appreciate this
'tight security' as a strive from the developpers to have a good security
base for the running daemons before even using them...

Suggestion? Learn how to setup a server on a unix system, get out your old
386  or 486 (even made a router/firewall/ftp server with an old 286, great
cus they have no fans on em so make no noise ;) and install a linux distrib
to get a feel for permissions and security and you will appreciate the new
security features in vista (to some extent lmao)..

Second Suggestion.. Learn your OS, its security schema, user permissions
etc.. Click and go is NOT a solution, it never will be and will almost
always miss a case (especially when it comes to server daemons) where it
should have worked..
You'll save yourself a lot of time this way rather then searching in the
wrong places..

My productions servers are linux, my developpment server is linux, i
wouldn't have it any other way.. It's almost treason to run an open source
language on a proprietary OS! (laugh laugh, don't get upset its a joke)..

Double quote:

He who asks a question may be a fool for a few minutes
He who does not ask may be a fool forever

... but he who takes the question ... who has the want to find out for
himself ... the reasoning behind ... and not just the answer. Those are the
sort of people that will learn ... (Rhino) - y'all know who he is ;)



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RE: [PHP] Referring URL Authentication

2007-03-14 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Robert Cummings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : mercredi 14 mars 2007 16:13
 À : Matthew Vickery
 Cc : php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : Re: [PHP] Referring URL Authentication
 On Wed, 2007-03-14 at 14:50 +, Matthew Vickery wrote:
  The situation is as follows:
  I wish to protect the entire Website http://www.example.com from 
  direct URL access. i.e. if someone enters 
 http://www.example.com into 
  their browser they get a message stating that they are not 
  to access the site.  The only way to access http://www.example.com 
  should be to log into a second site http://www.intranet.com 
 and follow 
  a link from within to http://www.example.com.

Are you admin of these machines? If so use firewall rules to filter traffic
allowing only your domain to acces it.. And then setup authentication on
destination server. You'll save yourself some trouble..
If not, what kind of acces do you have on these servers regarding
scripting/.htaccess and server config files?
If you can get to apache config files, lookup the Apache directory
directives, you should have some hints in their as to how to limit certain
hosts, to certain domains..



Programming is a race between people making better and faster programs and
the universe making bigger and dumber people. So far the universe is

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RE: [PHP] cannot load mysql extension - PHP Installation on Vista/Apache

2007-03-14 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Rahul Sitaram Johari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : mercredi 14 mars 2007 16:48
 À : Tim; PHP
 Objet : Re: [PHP] cannot load mysql extension - PHP 
 Installation on Vista/Apache
 Well good words there, I'm not gonna argue with you on that. 
 And as much as I have heard general windows users crib about 
 Vista's security features, I have heard same amount of praise 
 by more 'developers' genre of users about its' security features.
 Your second suggestion of learning your OS is something I'm 
 deeply dwelling into everyday since I installed Vista, and is 
 one strong reason I'm not willing to go back to XP just 
 because things work in XP. I'm finding the challenges in 
 Vista intriguing and a learning experience.
I know, geuss i shouldn't be so hard on vista users, its still a young os..
 I'm not sure which drive names you were referring to, but 
 coming from a Web Developing background, I certainly pay 
 utmost attention to naming conventions. 10 years ago I've 
 been there where simple HTML pages wouldn't pull up due to 
 Case mismatch, spaces or special characters. I can assure you 
 in my personal case with this Cannot load mySQL extension, 
 folder/file names is not the issue.
 Security is a an issue I need to learn  understand further 
 in regards to Vista and may well be the cause of my problem.
Have fun with the KB ;) 
i gave up ages ago.. But happy to hear you want to go further :) 

 And while I don't find much logic in Richard's solution
No this is not a solution, it is a fluke it just happened to work, but the
world is still not aware of WHY! The eternal all so important question !!
 (I.e., copying the DLL), without trying, it would be too 
 premature to label it logical or illogical - because if it 
 does work, logic can be scrutinized.

You right i miss-worded that (if you do search further the reason it works
will most certainly BE logical), 
lets do this again:
Copying a file over into a place that makes something work is not an answer,
an answer is 'the .dll must be placed here for x reasons'. Which i bet
will if you go further into the matter be because 'folder x doesnt have the
same permissions as the original folder'.

What i mean is: 
The more you search for the reasons, the more you will understand the
workings, the less you will have to fix the problems ;)

 All in all, good post there mate, and appreciate you sharing 
 your mind!

Thanks, and I sincerely hope you get thing up and running like you need
them, and don't forget to have fun getting their ;)



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[PHP] $_POST array order

2007-03-14 Thread Tim

Quick question regarding $_POST array element order, first the situation:

I am submitting a form with x first fields and the post value returns the
last element as being the submit button name and value

Is it safe to consider that the last element in the $_POST array will ALWAYS
be the submit element (it is always last in form)? 

I would like to array_pop($_POST) to get rid of that last element for
various reasons (validation scheme) later on..



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RE: [PHP] Re: question regarding form filtering

2007-03-15 Thread Tim

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : mercredi 14 mars 2007 23:45
 À : Tim
 Cc : 'Haydar Tuna'; php-general@lists.php.net
 Objet : RE: [PHP] Re: question regarding form filtering
 On Wed, March 14, 2007 9:07 am, Tim wrote:
  You almost for sure do *NOT* want to attempt to send the entire 
  Webster's 2nd Edition dictionary to the browser as JS data so that 
  the JS can check. :-)
  Hehe, oh? Really? ;-)
  I suppose you could do a Web 2.0 Ajax-y thingie for that...
  Not a fan of forcing users to download/use active-x controls..
  (accesibility, usability etc..)
 No, I meant using an XmlHttpRequest to compare their password 
 as they type it in the form with the webster's dictionary up 
 on your server.
 Dunno if it would be fast enough to do it per keystroke, but 
 perhaps upon leaving the password field.

Ok more reading todo then..

  For anything that really matters, your sanitation probably 
 ought to 
  be custom-tailored rather than off-the-rack anyway...
  Glad we share this opinion..
  Plus, the easy ones are easy, and the framework probably 
 won't handle 
  the hard ones, so what's the point of the clutter of the framework?
  So I personally wouldn't even go down this road.
  Erm gonna have to explain to me what you mean... (easy ones 
 are easy..
 What I mean is that trying to write Framework for your 
 sanitization routines will lock you into that Framework.
 So while PCRE is *great* for most sanitization routines, it's 
 not the Right Answer for all of them.
 But if your framework only does PCRE, you've given up on 
 custom sanitization for an off-the-rack answer, and are using 
 a hammer on a screw sooner or later.
 The easy ones, like username or email are a one-liner anyway, 
 or a few lines of code at most.
 The really complex ones like password, probably won't fit 
 into any generic Framework you can build.
 I think it's better to hand-craft this code on each, rather 
 than trying to generalize it.

Ok, i see what you are saying. 

I have left my class open to new features, its pretty flexible, so i can
integrate these features in the near future (or maybe write a validation
class that extends the form class for when i need these special
validations). This opens up possibilities for both generic/hand-crafted
validation. So far i have no public user system (nor the need) so
verifying public passwords is not on the work list yet.. I WILL keep that
in mind and will experiment with different systems that enable specific
validation for certain types of input.. 

For the time being i am just either using forms to retrieve data from a
database (all standard word chars) or  putting information into the database
from an admin console (again all standard word chars) so PCRE doesthe job
just fine and saves me from coding twice php then javascript. 

If i had more time and less due-dates i would do it, maybe i'll think about
it while on vacation? hehe 

Thanks again



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