Re: [NF] SATA Drive a Dead PC...

2012-11-14 Thread Mike Copeland
If the BIOS doesn't see the drive, there's no hope in heck that any 
software (Windoze, or a utility) will see the drive either. You either 
have a drive with a controller issue (not unlike a bad-attitude in a 
mother-in-law) or a bad SATA cable...are you sure the drive is spinning 
up and doing self-calibration? FYI, most drive manufacturers have a 
downloadable utility that you can burn to a CD and boot from to do a 
diagnostic on the hdisk.

Your best bet is to connect the drive to a computer that is running 
WinXP or better (anything using NTFS) and hope the dual boot issue 
doesn't bite you in the arse so you can copy the data off of it. Bottom 
line from your description, I would consider the drive replaceable (you 
can get new 500GB SATA drives for $80 or less) and start working towards 
salvaging the data from the old drive.

Not that it matters, and you may have already stated...but what brand is 
this HD?


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] SATA Drive  a Dead PC...
From: Kurt @ VR-FX
Date: 11/14/2012 5:03 PM
Its XP Pro 64 - which I believe has a VERY Different SP set of 
iterations vs. regular XP. But, without it booting - I can't U what I 
got. I did keep it updated - however...

When it is turned on initially - and it shows BIOS name, Memory  HD's - 
it shows Nothing showing up in Sata channels 1  2. That does NOT sound 
right to me! What Say you???

I'm pulling my hair out with thing - and I ain't got enough there 
anymore to pull out!!!

On 11/14/2012 4:55 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:


As has been pointed out, it would be a VERY good thing to know which 
SP version your now-dead XP system was upgraded to. (Or maybe it was 
installed with SP1, 2, or 3.)

You'll also need a CD that matches that level. I'm not 100%, but I 
think you can reinstall from an SP1 CD to an SP3 system, but not vice 

If you've had the system for any length of time, and if you've been 
keeping it updated with patches, I can't imagine that you wouldn't 
have SP3 on it.


 Original Message 
Subject: [NF] SATA Drive  a Dead PC...
From: Kurt @ VR-FX
Date: 11/14/2012 1:00 PM
Hello there folks,

Here's the deal. I have a desktop PC that was my main PC - but, it 
died several months ago. I have my laptop - which has been my primary 
computing device for quite a while now - but, the desktop PC has some 
stuff on there that's not on my laptop.

FYI - the computer does attempt to Boot up - and even starts loading 
the OS (WinXP Pro 64) - and comes up with the MS logo. But, during the 
boot up - it eventually fails and drops to a BSOD screen - which is 
always a lovely thing to see!

Someone on the list here (although he hasn't gotten back to me in a 
while - and I think he has been busy and hasn't been checking e-mails 
for a while) suggested I connect the main boot drive to another 
computer - and run ChkDsk. Well, I tried connected it to my laptop - 
but, the OS did NOT actually SEE the drive. I attempted to actually 
connect it inside of my wife's PC - but, when it booted - Same thing - 
it was like the OS could not SEE the drive!

So - I'm getting kinda desperate here - and hoping someone can help me 
out. Again - if I put it BACK in the original PC - it does attempt to 
Boot - but, then the BSOD comes up...


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Re: [NF] SATA Drive a Dead PC...

2012-11-14 Thread Mike Copeland
You should be able to hear the drive spin up and 
self-calibrate...although the newer drives are much quieter. What I do 
is use a large screwdriver like a stethescope...put the handle end 
against your ear and the point against the case of the drive (NOT on a 
circuit board!)then power the system on while you listen. You'll 
hear a mechanical whirring noise increasing in pitch then some chatter 
like sounds as the drive calibrates the head.

If you hear nothing, silence, then the drive is dead. Very bad.
If you hear spinning but nothing else, then the drive is brain dead. 
Also not good.
If you hear spinning, then chatter, then nothing, then it could be the 
cables, the cable connectors, or the mainboard interface.

It all comes back to how much $ you want to spend and what the value of 
the data is to you. For a few hundred dollars, there are companies that 
will get everything off the drive that is recoverable. For the price of 
some time and a new hard drive, you might be able to recover most of the 
data...if the drive will still run.

Thank God for backups...right? (right? right? huh?)


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] SATA Drive  a Dead PC...
From: Kurt @ VR-FX
Date: 11/14/2012 5:30 PM
For the Hell of it - I blew air into the fan on the CPU.

So - as I mentioned before - I was now seeing errors like No Boot files 
or something - and that when Bios was displayed - it didn't list any HD 
in the SATA channels. AS such, just now - went into the BIOS - and 
that's what I saw - no HD's in SATA Channels - and I even ran 
Auto-detect for all 4 channels - and - Nothing - Zero - like NO HD's 
detected. I can't believe its just getting worse...

Somebody just shoot me now...


On 11/14/2012 4:17 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:
My nose smells a power supply issue. I've also seen CPUs that will 
sense a problem and shut the system down...usually heat 
related...kind of a self-preservation thing. I'm feeling warm, Dave.

Have you actually opened the system and checked for massive wads of 
lint and dust and dirt caked on the CPU heatsink...power supply fan 
screen, etc.?


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] SATA Drive  a Dead PC...
From: Kurt @ VR-FX
Date: 11/14/2012 3:10 PM
OK - am trying Ur suggestion - I have that webpage open. Funny thing 
is. I booted with the WinXP CD - and it came up with a bunch of 
options on a blue screen. I actually let is sit there - while I was on 
the phone with a Dr. office - but, while I was still on the phone - 
its like after a period of time - the PC just Shut Down or powered 
off! I find that strange - and did NOT Think that should happen while 
I was at that Blue screen.

Does that sound strange to U as well? Maybe signaling a Deeper problem?

FYI - I am by No Means a PC HW expert. Although, this machine with the 
problems - it actually IS One that I built a number of years ago...


On 11/14/2012 3:43 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:
Safe Mode is good when you have a device driver that has gone off the 
reservation. Like a scanner or some other non-essential device.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] SATA Drive  a Dead PC...
From: Kurt @ VR-FX
Date: 11/14/2012 2:33 PM
I've tried Safe Mode in the past - and NEVER Found it very helpful...


On 11/14/2012 3:16 PM, Richard Kaye wrote:

Have you tried booting Windoze in Safe Mode?

-Original Message-
From: ProfoxTech [] On Behalf Of 
Kurt @ VR-FX

Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [NF] SATA Drive  a Dead PC...

YEah - but, that's doesn't solve the main problem - that this PC 
won't boot. Also, there is CG SW that's locked to that PC - and its 
Another reason why I really want to get that PC running again.

It was initially suggested that I run a ChkDsk on the boot HD in 
question - the do a Windows repair - to try and get it working again 
- and keep all data  SW still functional - so, this is what I am 
still after.


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VFP searching a web form

2012-11-15 Thread Mike Copeland
I've got a nagging problem that I've beat my head against for 
years...maybe the collective brain of ProFox will provide the a clue to 
a solution.

I have a form that contains an instance of the IE OLE Control 
(_webbrowser4 from the _webview.vcx library). Nothing odd, just a simple 
form and a Shell.Explorer.2 OleClass on it, named web.

I load a large HTML file into the web object. Works great.
I need to search the contents of the HTML file. That's where the problem is.

I use the following code (below)...and it randomly throws the error
Error 1943
Member BODY does not evaluate to an object

The offending line is always:  oRange = .document.BODY.createTextRange()

What the code does is
1. make sure the user hasn't started searching for a string before 
the entire file is loaded

2. check for a bookmark (related to the IE search functionality)
a. if a book mark exists, only retrieve the portion of the HTML 
that starts at the book mark through the end
b. if no book mark exists, our search range will be the entire 

3. create a text range to search based on step #2
4. use FindText search and if found move the display to show the 
found string

5. move the IE internal pointer to our found search string
6. store the remaining HTML content for future search
7. if nothing found, notify user

I -THINK-  my problem may be because the user is searching before the 
HTML file is finished loading, therefore the IE object won't be able or 
willing to return a reference to the entire body object content.

So, if my suspicions are correct, what IE value should I check, other 
than busy and readystate which I'm already checking?

Any suggestions appreciated! Any suggestions leading to a solution gets 
a gold star!

Mike Copeland

strFind  = ALLTRIM(thisform.searchstring.txt.Value)  a textbox on 
the form to type search string into

lnSeconds = SECONDS()

DO WHILE (Thisform.web.OBJECT.Busy OR Thisform.web.OBJECT.ReadyState  
4) AND (SECONDS() - lnSeconds)  30


DECLARE Sleep IN Win32API INTEGER nMilliseconds
IF !EMPTY(strFind)
WITH thisform.web
IF !vartype(sBookMark)='O' OR ISNULL(sBookMark)
oRange = .document.body.createTextRange() RANDOM 

oRange = sBookMark
IF !vartype(sBookMark)='O' OR ISNULL(sBookMark)
oRange = .document.body.createTextRange()
IF oRange.findText(strFind,10)
thisform.bookmark = oRange
IF oRange.findtext=.f.
MESSAGEBOX('Sorry, unable to find more occurances of'+;
CHR(13)+CHR(13)+CHR(9)+strFind,0+16,'Not Found',3000)


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Re: [NF] Adobe update forcing Chrome installation?

2012-11-15 Thread Mike Copeland

Never had any problem...uninstalls clean. Done it many times.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Adobe update forcing Chrome installation?
From: AndyHC
Date: 11/16/2012 12:49 AM
So that's how the sex mad b*stard's software got on my computer! The 
trouble is there are so many upgrades for Acrobat and Java in particular 
that it is very easy to just hit install.
Anyone know if there are any problems un-installing McAfee Security Scan 
Plus ?


On 15/11/2012 22:22, Alan Bourke wrote:

On Thu, Nov 15, 2012, at 10:03 PM, M Jarvis wrote:

We've heard a couple reports from users

... who weren't paying attention on the Acrobat Reader download page,
and didn't un-tick the 'Yes, Install Google Chrome' option. It's the
same as the McAfee Security Scan Plus option which sometimes appears
instead, and which is also ticked by default in an underhand manner.

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Re: [NF] SATA Drive a Dead PC...

2012-11-16 Thread Mike Copeland
...and then there's the deep-freeze approach, and don't forget the 
swimin-wit-da-fishes method.

Of course, we are into some pretty extreme solutions here that produce 
rare results! But when it works, it's sweet!


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] SATA Drive  a Dead PC...
From: John Weller
Date: 11/16/2012 2:56 AM

That is (was?) a well-known technique referred to as 'percussion adjustment'

John Weller
01380 723235
07976 393631

My father would sometimes give non-responsive radios a fair wack by


and then giving it a not so gentle slam against the table.  The darn thing
would then work after plugging it in.  As a small child I thought it was


Maybe you wan'a try that!!! :) LOL

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Re: VFP searching a web form

2012-11-16 Thread Mike Copeland
Thanks Dave. You've confirmed that I'm on the right track...I think I'm 
going to drop my reference to the object in the object reference.  
(Hmm, that's redundantly redundant!)


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: VFP searching a web form
From: Dave Crozier
Date: 11/16/2012 1:26 AM

Mike, this is what I use to scrape pages. Assumes Windows 7 and IE 9


* Start Program
#define CR CHR(13)


oIE = createobject( internetexplorer.application )

oIE.Visible = .t.
oIE.Silent = .F.

* oIE.Width = Sysmetric(1)
* oIE.Height = Sysmetric(2)
* oIE.Left=0
* oIE.Top=0

oIE.Navigate(; )

*!* for I=1 to 2
*!*   doevents
*!* endfor

loDoc = oIE.Document  get the Document object
*!* oRange = loDoc.body.createTextRange()
*!* if oRange.FindText(Business, 100)
*!* oRange.Select()
*!* endif

loForm = loDoc.forms(0)  get the first form object
for i = 0 to loForm.Length-1
  ? i, loForm.Item(i).Name, loForm.Item(i).Value

* Show the names of the forms:
x = Forms+Chr(13) ;
For lnForm = 0 to oIE.Document.forms.length - 1
x = x + TRANSFORM(lnForm) + :  + 
x = x + CR

* Look at all of the objects.
* all(0) represents everything,
* 1-N are contained objects some of which are containers themselves,
* so the same thing may apear in different .all(x)'s
x = x + All Objects:+Chr(13)++Chr(13)
For lnObj = 0 to oIE.Document.all.length - 1
loObj = oIE.Document.all( lnObj )
x = x + TRANSFORM(lnObj) + :  + TRANSFORM(Substr(loObj.innerhtml, 1, 
x = x + TRANSFORM(loObj.TagName) + :  + TRANSFORM(loObj.innertext)


STRTOFILE(loform.InnerHTML, WebResult.txt)


  DO WHILE oIE.Busy() OR oIE.ReadyState  4
* End Program

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Re: [NF] This desktop looks like a good deal...your thoughts?

2012-11-16 Thread Mike Copeland
I kind of gagged on that first part...the HP Compaq part. Other than 


 Original Message 
Subject: [NF] This desktop looks like a good deal...your thoughts?
From: Michael J. Babcock, MCP
Date: 11/16/2012 10:02 AM 

HP Compaq dc7900 Desktop PC - Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66GHz, 3GB DDR2, 500GB 
HDD, DVD-ROM, Windows 7 Professional 64-bit, Mouse  Keyboard (Off-Lease)

USD $259.99

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Re: VFP searching a web form

2012-11-16 Thread Mike Copeland
I may be wrong, but my understanding is that the IE exposed by the Fox 
toolkit is, essentially, whatever IE is installed on your system at the 
time. In other words, if you have upgraded IE to 8, or 9 or still at 6, 
then when you instantiate IE from VFP, you get an instance of that 
version of IE.

Yes? No? Anyone know definitively? Bueler? Bueler? Bueler?


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: VFP searching a web form
From: Dave Crozier
Date: 11/16/2012 4:51 AM

The one thing to be careful of doing it my way is that the method uses the full 
IE DOM (Document Object Model) which isn't fully available in earlier versions 
of Internet Explorer. I think it was only IE8 and onwards when M$ exposed the 
FULL DOM model but I can't check here as we only use IE9.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Mike Copeland
Sent: 16 November 2012 09:20
Subject: Re: VFP searching a web form

Thanks Dave. You've confirmed that I'm on the right track...I think I'm going to drop my 
reference to the object in the object reference.
(Hmm, that's redundantly redundant!)


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: VFP searching a web form
From: Dave Crozier
Date: 11/16/2012 1:26 AM

Mike, this is what I use to scrape pages. Assumes Windows 7 and IE 9


* Start Program
#define CR CHR(13)


oIE = createobject( internetexplorer.application )

oIE.Visible = .t.
oIE.Silent = .F.

* oIE.Width = Sysmetric(1)
* oIE.Height = Sysmetric(2)
* oIE.Left=0
* oIE.Top=0

oIE.Navigate(; )

*!* for I=1 to 2
*!*   doevents
*!* endfor

loDoc = oIE.Document  get the Document object
*!* oRange = loDoc.body.createTextRange()
*!* if oRange.FindText(Business, 100)
*!* oRange.Select()
*!* endif

loForm = loDoc.forms(0)  get the first form object for i = 0 to 
   ? i, loForm.Item(i).Name, loForm.Item(i).Value endfor

* Show the names of the forms:
x = Forms+Chr(13) ;
For lnForm = 0 to oIE.Document.forms.length - 1
x = x + TRANSFORM(lnForm) + :  + 
x = x + CR

* Look at all of the objects.
* all(0) represents everything,
* 1-N are contained objects some of which are containers themselves,
* so the same thing may apear in different .all(x)'s x = x + All 
For lnObj = 0 to oIE.Document.all.length - 1
loObj = oIE.Document.all( lnObj )
x = x + TRANSFORM(lnObj) + :  + TRANSFORM(Substr(loObj.innerhtml, 1, 
x = x + TRANSFORM(loObj.TagName) + :  + TRANSFORM(loObj.innertext)


STRTOFILE(loform.InnerHTML, WebResult.txt) MODIFY FILE WebResult.txt NOWAIT


   DO WHILE oIE.Busy() OR oIE.ReadyState  4
* End Program

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Re: [NF] RealBasic and MySQL (was Re: VFP Metro Interface)

2012-11-16 Thread Mike Copeland

Quickbooks = momentum

Say what you want about Intuit's products, the marketing was innovative 
and genius at the time. They practically gave away worked 
well enough...they were constantly updating (which equated to presence 
and top of mind market share)...and they developed a nationwide network 
of local peeps that will hold your hand if you get the jitters and they 
enlisted accounting firms in the effort to earn credibility.

Quicken/Quickbooks was also groundbreaking in not forcing you to post 
and close accounting periodsI still remember seeing accountants 
eyes bulge out when they discovered that you actually could go back to a 
prior, closed accounting period and *gasp!* CHANGE something!!! 
Oh...mygodit was the end of the world in Bean land.

Intuit's technology sucks, but Quickbooks is also a great example of a 
product completely defining and controlling a software segment. THAT 
takes skill! Especially the controlling part for any period of time.

I don't care for Quickbooks/Quicken either, but I respect what Intuit 
has accomplished.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] RealBasic and MySQL (was Re: VFP Metro Interface)
From: Kevin Cully
Date: 11/16/2012 10:12 AM
It's nice that RealBasic works with SQLite fairly seamlessly.  It makes 
it easy to create an in-memory database much like we have cursors in 
VFP.  Full SQL capability of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE is 
sweet.  (Dabo has had this capability for a long time as well.)

If by 'proprietary' you mean tied to a particular database, then I 
wholeheartedly agree.  People want freedom with their database choice 
and their ability to extend it.

Side note: Why do so many people choose Quickbooks with it's proprietary 
database and ridiculous licensing fees?

On 11/16/2012 11:02 AM, Alan Bourke wrote:
I think the days of tools having their own proprietary databases are 
well behind us, thankfully.

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Re: [NF] This desktop looks like a good deal...your thoughts?

2012-11-16 Thread Mike Copeland
Actually, it's not the product that gives me the heebie's 
remembering calling the HP tech support when smoke came out of (several) 
printer(s) under warranty. The last time I spent a few hours conversing 
with them, the guy told me he was in Mexico.

Oh, and then there was that Compaq desktop system I bought back in the 
early 90's.

My son used to live a couple of miles from where Compaq started, just 
outside Houston. The parents of several of his high-school friends 
worked at Compaq. I always thought they were spiffykeeno, until I had 
hardware problems out of warranty and discovered that if it ain't 
proprietary, it don't go in there. I've never had much respect for 
hardware companies that bent over backwards to make sure you had to buy 
replacement parts (out of warranty) from them. Dunno if they still 
do...wouldn't surprise me.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] This desktop looks like a good deal...your thoughts?
From: MB Software Solutions, LLC

Date: 11/16/2012 11:35 AM
On 11/16/2012 12:18 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

I kind of gagged on that first part...the HP Compaq part. Other than

Yeah, I've NEVER been a fan of HP or Compaq or both, but recent reviews 
are saying they're pretty good (now).

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Re: VFP searching a web form

2012-11-16 Thread Mike Copeland
So, instead of trying to search in the content, copy the content to a 
memvar and then search that? Not a bad idea...

It may cause a bit of a performance hit as the HTML file being searched 
is around 5MB, but I'll give that a try.



 Original Message 
Subject: Re: VFP searching a web form
From: AndyHC
Date: 11/16/2012 10:22 AM
Or step deeper into the ms software onion and try xmlhttprequest  - 
you'll find far to much on the archives

  AndyD  8-)#

On 16/11/2012 10:51, Dave Crozier wrote:

The one thing to be careful of doing it my way is that the method uses 
the full IE DOM (Document Object Model) which isn't fully available in 
earlier versions of Internet Explorer. I think it was only IE8 and 
onwards when M$ exposed the FULL DOM model but I can't check here as 
we only use IE9.



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Re: VFP searching a web form

2012-11-16 Thread Mike Copeland


I kind of like that IE bookmark thing, find first occurrence, show it, 
search again takes you to the next occurrence, and search again...  Also 
the highlighting of the found text string. It's one thing to find the 
info, I have to show it to the end context.

The end users love the way it works...except when it barfs due to the 
random body object not found. (Reminds me of a previous marriage...)


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: VFP searching a web form
From: M Jarvis
Date: 11/16/2012 12:25 PM

On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 10:15 AM, Mike Copeland wrote:

So, instead of trying to search in the content, copy the content to a memvar
and then search that? Not a bad idea...

It may cause a bit of a performance hit as the HTML file being searched is
around 5MB, but I'll give that a try.

Actually I'm kinda surprised you weren't doing it that way all along...

Suck the HTML into a memvar, check for the existence of your search
term in the string, if it's in there, THEN do your processing. No
sense ratcheting through it if what you're looking for ain't even

I used to work at a place that was all proud of this search utility
they wrote that would go through line by line of their SCX's, PJT's,
etc etc etc looking for a string... took something like 20 minutes...

I got bored one day and rewrote it so it just sucked each file in its'
entirety into a memvar, checked it, then went through line by line if
it was found... mine ran in about 15 seconds when there weren't any
hits, vs 20 otherwise...

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Re: VFP searching a web form

2012-11-16 Thread Mike Copeland
Thanks Tracy. I think both removing my object reference, and testing 
the BODY for being an object may be of help. Thanks for the input and 
validation that I'm on the right track.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: VFP searching a web form
From: Tracy Pearson
Date: 11/15/2012 1:23 PM

Mike Copeland wrote on 2012-11-15:

  I've got a nagging problem that I've beat my head against for
  years...maybe the collective brain of ProFox will provide the a clue to
  a solution.
  I have a form that contains an instance of the IE OLE Control

  (_webbrowser4 from the _webview.vcx library). Nothing odd, just a simple
  form and a Shell.Explorer.2 OleClass on it, named web.


You have this:
DO WHILE (Thisform.web.OBJECT.Busy OR Thisform.web.OBJECT.ReadyState 
4) AND (SECONDS() - lnSeconds)  30

This is how I prevented it:


Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software

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Re: [NF] Quickbooks (was Re: [NF] RealBasic and MySQL (was Re: VFP Metro Interface))

2012-11-16 Thread Mike Copeland

You nailed the nose on the hammer!

windoze over...pretty much anything.


 Original Message 
Subject: [NF] Quickbooks (was Re: [NF] RealBasic and MySQL (was Re: VFP 
Metro Interface))
From: MB Software Solutions, LLC

Date: 11/16/2012 1:52 PM
On 11/16/2012 1:06 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

Quickbooks = momentum

Say what you want about Intuit's products, the marketing was innovative
and genius at the time. They practically gave away worked
well enough...they were constantly updating (which equated to presence
and top of mind market share)...and they developed a nationwide network
of local peeps that will hold your hand if you get the jitters and they
enlisted accounting firms in the effort to earn credibility.

Quicken/Quickbooks was also groundbreaking in not forcing you to post
and close accounting periodsI still remember seeing accountants
eyes bulge out when they discovered that you actually could go back to a
prior, closed accounting period and *gasp!* CHANGE something!!!
Oh...mygodit was the end of the world in Bean land.

Intuit's technology sucks, but Quickbooks is also a great example of a
product completely defining and controlling a software segment. THAT
takes skill! Especially the controlling part for any period of time.

I don't care for Quickbooks/Quicken either, but I respect what Intuit
has accomplished.

Peachtree Accounting Software was supposed to be very good and appease 
the accountants moreso (probably because of that part about closed 
periods).  This is another example of how marketing and its big-$ spend 
can really take an arguably inferior product and make it #1.  History is 
littered with easy examples of such.  Excel over Lotus 1-2-3 comes to 
mind first.  VB6/Access over VFP is another. More?

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Re: BETA vs VHS (was Re: [NF] Quickbooks (was Re: [NF] RealBasic and MySQL (was Re: VFP Metro Interface)))

2012-11-16 Thread Mike Copeland
Beta was technically superior. Vastly so. Then that digital stuff came 
along and analog tape recording went bye bye.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Quickbooks (was Re: [NF] RealBasic and MySQL (was Re: 
VFP Metro Interface))

From: Kurt @ VR-FX
Date: 11/16/2012 2:11 PM
Wow - now a SECOND Change to an Email Thread name! Isn't that Thread 
HiJackin? Dang...

Mike - to answer your Q. I heard that actually Beta was better than VHS 
- but, VHS won. Although, I know - its not SW - so maybe this is bad 

How about ME as a programmer at my Last job - as this Other guy named 
Mai. He was Incompetent - as my Boss claimed he was - and the Tech 
Support guys HATED to work with him - because he was Incompetent - but, 
alas, when it came time to make Cutbacks - I get laid off (not fired) - 
and he gets to Keep his Stinky Job - even though he Stinks at it!


...OK - at least that was a little bit closer to the SW topic. Right?


On 11/16/2012 2:52 PM, MB Software Solutions, LLC wrote:

On 11/16/2012 1:06 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

Quickbooks = momentum

Say what you want about Intuit's products, the marketing was innovative
and genius at the time. They practically gave away worked
well enough...they were constantly updating (which equated to presence
and top of mind market share)...and they developed a nationwide network
of local peeps that will hold your hand if you get the jitters and they
enlisted accounting firms in the effort to earn credibility.

Quicken/Quickbooks was also groundbreaking in not forcing you to post
and close accounting periodsI still remember seeing accountants
eyes bulge out when they discovered that you actually could go back to a
prior, closed accounting period and *gasp!* CHANGE something!!!
Oh...mygodit was the end of the world in Bean land.

Intuit's technology sucks, but Quickbooks is also a great example of a
product completely defining and controlling a software segment. THAT
takes skill! Especially the controlling part for any period of time.

I don't care for Quickbooks/Quicken either, but I respect what Intuit
has accomplished.

Peachtree Accounting Software was supposed to be very good and appease 
the accountants moreso (probably because of that part about closed 
periods).  This is another example of how marketing and its big-$ 
spend can really take an arguably inferior product and make it #1.  
History is littered with easy examples of such. Excel over Lotus 1-2-3 
comes to mind first.  VB6/Access over VFP is another.  More?

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Re: [NF] SATA Drive a Dead PC...

2012-11-16 Thread Mike Copeland

Put it in a freezer, several hours, take it out, hook it up, power on.

Butkeep everything DRY (when you take it out, it may try to frost up 
in the room air humidity) and work fast because if it is going to help, 
as the device warms up inside, whatever was causing it to fail will 
likely recur.

Also, be aware that the more stuff you try, the more you likely 
guarantee that the drive is toast. So, if it really has something of 
high value, save the extreme solutions for last.

Way last.

Before you do anything else, at least take it to a local Best Buy and 
have a Geek-idiot connect it to a drive analyzer or something to test 
it. In other words, make sure you're really actually working with a rock 
before you chunk it into the river (metaphorically speaking.)


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] SATA Drive  a Dead PC...
From: Kurt @ VR-FX
Date: 11/16/2012 2:54 PM
Ah - it looks like U R actually SERIOUS about this strange approach! So 
- if you don't mind my asking - what exactly is the deep freeze 

...if it doesn't work - next - I'm going to build a Pyramid on my Bot 
and see if Pyramid-Power can solve the problem! Hell - MUST less messy 
than that Goat Slaughter approach!:-)


On 11/16/2012 12:30 PM, Michael Oke, II wrote:
I've had pretty good results with the deep freeze procedure. Drive 
rarely lives long but long enough to grab the necessary data.

Michael Oke, II

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On Nov 16, 2012, at 1:18 AM, Mike Copeland wrote:

...and then there's the deep-freeze approach, and don't forget the 
swimin-wit-da-fishes method.

Of course, we are into some pretty extreme solutions here that 
produce rare results! But when it works, it's sweet!


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] SATA Drive  a Dead PC...
From: John Weller
Date: 11/16/2012 2:56 AM

That is (was?) a well-known technique referred to as 'percussion 


John Weller
01380 723235
07976 393631

My father would sometimes give non-responsive radios a fair wack by


and then giving it a not so gentle slam against the table.  The darn 
would then work after plugging it in.  As a small child I thought it 


Maybe you wan'a try that!!! :) LOL

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Re: QR Codes in VFP

2012-11-20 Thread Mike Copeland


I played around a bit with QR codes last spring and what I planned to do 
was write the QR code image to a file, then store the path/filename for 
VFP to use for accessing/using the bitmap image.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: QR Codes in VFP
From: Dave Crozier
Date: 11/20/2012 9:01 AM

That's what I am a little confused about. Yes I want to pass an image bac i.e I want to put an 
Image on the report and make the source something like =getQR(parameters) where 
getQR is a method in my ActiveX but for the life of me I can't find out exactly WHAT to send back 
from the ActiveX... I've tried strings  streamed data but neither of them work.

I guess a goof old forage into the VFP API is called for but I find the 
documentation sketchy to say the least

Thanks anyway,

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Stephen Russell
Sent: 20 November 2012 14:21
To: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: QR Codes in VFP

On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 3:57 AM, Dave Crozier wrote:

It isn't the QR codes that I have a problem with, I've sorted out all
the coding for that myself in C# so I can create, read and print them
no problem. I just want to be able to:

1. Pass the finished QR code (image) back to VFP from the ActiveX/DLL
so I can use it in reports as per standard VFP image control. i.e what
do I pass back? Memory Stream, blob string etc etc... I don't know.

2. Pass a document to my ActiveX/DLL and pass back the QR Code
content as a string. I can already do this if I just pass in the
location of the QR Code image to my ActiveX as I have worked out how
to expose properties and methods to VFP from it. I guess I could
convert the image to a string
FiletoStr() and pass that in for this purpose unless anyone else has
any better ideas.


Can you make an image file to pass back?  Not user that VFP can make one itself 
so that raw data is not acceptable.

If you make the image can VFP catch a stream?

Stephen Russell
Sr. Analyst
Ring Container Technology
Oakland TN

901.246-0159 cell

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Re: Google Calendar

2012-11-28 Thread Mike Copeland

I'd like to hear about this one myself!


 Original Message 
Subject: Google Calendar
From: Sytze de Boer
Date: 11/28/2012 8:45 PM

I need to make an App which syncs with Google Calendar
Friends, where do I start?

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2012-11-29 Thread Mike Copeland

I need a Task Scheduler that runs on Windows 7.

Specific feature needed (that I can't figure out how to get the native 
Win 7 Task Scheduler to do) is to run a program every 5 minutes between 
the hours of 8am and 5pm on Weekdays and Saturday.

Any recommendation? Freeware would be appreciated, but I can spend up to 
$100 on this problem.

Thanks for any pointers!

Mike Copeland

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Re: Recommendations...

2012-11-29 Thread Mike Copeland

Thanks Paul!

I did google Cron windows and found a couple. After downloading, 
installing, and then uninistalling three of them, I decided to start 
looking for a native (probably VB) Windows utility. So far, after 
downloading and installing two of those, still no luck.

The apps I need to run are Windows.EXE files that ARE stored on a Linux 
SMB box, but I have to have a Windoze kernel to run them on. I've tried 
a Win2k box that I use for exactly this reason for several other tasks, 
but the programs author is claiming that their stuff is not Win2k 
friendly. (Of course, he also balked at Win7...seems to be really 
focused on WinXP)


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Recommendations...
From: Paul McNett
Date: 11/29/2012 3:12 PM

On 11/29/12 1:04 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

I need a Task Scheduler that runs on Windows 7.

Specific feature needed (that I can't figure out how to get the native Win 7 
Scheduler to do) is to run a program every 5 minutes between the hours of 8am 
and 5pm
on Weekdays and Saturday.

Any recommendation? Freeware would be appreciated, but I can spend up to $100 
on this

Thanks for any pointers!

I miss the old AT command. I have no idea what MS was thinking when they made 
atrocious Task Scheduler. The wizardization of everything is baffling. Makes 
people like us look totally stupid when we can't figure out how to work them.

I love cron on *nix. It just works and the syntax in the plain text files is 
once you get to know it.

I'd search for 'cron on windows' and see what turns up.

Alternatively, if feasible for your problem, I recommend running tasks on the 
instead of individual workstations. For instance, I worked around a Samba 
problem with Win7 clients by writing a 3-line Python script on the server and 
it to run every minute to send one ping to all Windows 7 clients on the network.


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Re: Recommendations...

2012-11-29 Thread Mike Copeland

Thanks Matt.

The problem I'm running into is that this program that needs to run 
every 5 minutes will throw an error if it runs after 5pm. I connected to 
the computer this morning and there was a butt-load of error pop ups 
(every 5 minutes). The developer says well, yeah, don't run it after 
5pm or you'll get a connection error.

So, running every 5 minutes on certain days is not a problem...but 
limiting it to between the hours of X and Y seems to be unusual.

I was just hoping someone else on the list had some experience with such 
a utility.



 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Recommendations...
From: M Jarvis
Date: 11/29/2012 3:14 PM

On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 1:04 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

I need a Task Scheduler that runs on Windows 7.

Specific feature needed (that I can't figure out how to get the native Win 7
Task Scheduler to do) is to run a program every 5 minutes between the hours
of 8am and 5pm on Weekdays and Saturday.

Does Win 7 support the AT or SCHTASKS command? I've used it for
setting up some rather oddball schedules that the stoopid GUI thingy
won't seem to let you do.

Here are some examples:

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Re: Recommendations...

2012-11-29 Thread Mike Copeland
Yep...a webserver that they don't want to leave exposed to the web for 
fear of hacking.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Recommendations...
From: MB Software Solutions, LLC

Date: 11/29/2012 3:34 PM

On 11/29/2012 4:28 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

The problem I'm running into is that this program that needs to run
every 5 minutes will throw an error if it runs after 5pm. I connected to
the computer this morning and there was a butt-load of error pop ups
(every 5 minutes). The developer says well, yeah, don't run it after
5pm or you'll get a connection error.

So, running every 5 minutes on certain days is not a problem...but
limiting it to between the hours of X and Y seems to be unusual.

Are they shutting something off after 5pm (and hence why it fails to 

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Re: Recommendations...

2012-11-29 Thread Mike Copeland

Oh just exceeded my give a rip level.

It was hard enough to get the info I've gotten so far...this developer 
believes, strongly, in the what you don't say won't be held against 
you method of business.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Recommendations...
From: M Jarvis
Date: 11/29/2012 3:42 PM

On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

Yep...a webserver that they don't want to leave exposed to the web for
fear of hacking.

Hey - can't hack a machine if it's OFF now can you???  ;)

Just curious - do they actually turn it OFF, or just unplug cabling,
or throw the firewall up/down as needed, or Computer Elves, or...  ??

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Re: Recommendations...

2012-11-29 Thread Mike Copeland


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Recommendations...
From: MB Software Solutions, LLC

Date: 11/29/2012 4:06 PM

On 11/29/2012 4:40 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

Yep...a webserver that they don't want to leave exposed to the web for
fear of hacking.

Aren't they just as likely to get hacked during their working hours?

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Re: Recommendations...

2012-11-29 Thread Mike Copeland

...but this would be a command line setting, not GUI, right?

It seems that if I've given the Win 7 Task Scheduler a bad rap, it's 
because the GUI SUCKS and not the actual application.

Wow, I thought DOS wuz dead.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Recommendations...
From: Fred Taylor
Date: 11/29/2012 5:40 PM

You should be able to set the starting time and then give a number of hours
to run after that starting time.


On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 2:28 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

Thanks Matt.

The problem I'm running into is that this program that needs to run every
5 minutes will throw an error if it runs after 5pm. I connected to the
computer this morning and there was a butt-load of error pop ups (every 5
minutes). The developer says well, yeah, don't run it after 5pm or you'll
get a connection error.

So, running every 5 minutes on certain days is not a problem...but
limiting it to between the hours of X and Y seems to be unusual.

I was just hoping someone else on the list had some experience with such a



 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Recommendations...
From: M Jarvis
Date: 11/29/2012 3:14 PM

On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 1:04 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

I need a Task Scheduler that runs on Windows 7.

Specific feature needed (that I can't figure out how to get the native
Win 7
Task Scheduler to do) is to run a program every 5 minutes between the
of 8am and 5pm on Weekdays and Saturday.

Does Win 7 support the AT or SCHTASKS command? I've used it for
setting up some rather oddball schedules that the stoopid GUI thingy
won't seem to let you do.

Here are some examples:**microsoft/scripting-wsh/t-how-**

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Re: Recommendations...

2012-11-29 Thread Mike Copeland


Many thanks for this Stephen! Not only a great utility, but obviously a 
very capable and earnest software developer who isn't trying to retire 
from one sale (to me). Lots of other very interesting utilities, too.

Again, mucho thanks for the lead!


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Recommendations...
From: Stephen Russell
Date: 11/29/2012 3:51 PM

On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 3:04 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

I need a Task Scheduler that runs on Windows 7.

Specific feature needed (that I can't figure out how to get the native Win
7 Task Scheduler to do) is to run a program every 5 minutes between the
hours of 8am and 5pm on Weekdays and Saturday.

Any recommendation? Freeware would be appreciated, but I can spend up to
$100 on this problem.

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Re: Recommendations...

2012-11-29 Thread Mike Copeland

Looks good, John! Thanks for the pointer.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Recommendations...
From: John Weller
Date: 11/29/2012 4:13 PM

I've used Pycron with Windows XP with some success.  It is a replacement for
the Cron command written in Python so I don't see why it wouldn't work in
Win 7.  See

John Weller
01380 723235
07976 393631

I need a Task Scheduler that runs on Windows 7.

Specific feature needed (that I can't figure out how to get the native Win


Task Scheduler to do) is to run a program every 5 minutes between the


of 8am and 5pm on Weekdays and Saturday.

Any recommendation? Freeware would be appreciated, but I can spend up
$100 on this problem.

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Re: Any Non-ActiveX solutions for SFTP in VFP?

2012-11-30 Thread Mike Copeland


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Any Non-ActiveX solutions for SFTP in VFP?
From: Ted Roche
Date: 11/30/2012 6:39 PM

We use the PuTTY suite for ssh and scp, which is scriptable via a RUN

On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 7:29 PM, Vincent Teachout tea...@taconic.netwrote:

Does anyone have any suggestions for implementing SFTP in vfp? Cheap/free
preferred, but not required.  I'll check again, but I'm pretty sure my goto
for Internet, West-Wind, doesn't do SFTP.

Not urgent, just would like to avoid active-x and stick to native VFP or
open source if possible.  Thanks.


Ted Roche
Ted Roche  Associates, LLC

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NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software

2012-12-03 Thread Mike Copeland
I've done some reading and some googling around, and the situation is 
getting less clear, not more clear.

Can someone give me the 5 cent explanation of Windows Server software? I 
have a LOT of experience with Linux as a server (Samba) and peer-to-peer 
Windoze, but so far I've successfully avoided the beast known as 
Windows Server.

If I buy a box with the software in it, and it needs to allow 20 people 
to access files on the server, what is the name of the software in the 
box? In other words, what do I need to be able to provide file serving 
for 20 users?

I've looked around and here's what I THINK I need...
1. Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard  x 1
2. Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard CAL (5 users) x 3

The Server comes with 5 CAL, and the additional 3 CAL packs will give me 
the 20 user licenses I need, right?

And the standard Server software will run on the same hardware as 
Windows 7...just an Intel CPU and Mainboard?
Does using the Small Business Server software -require- the use of a 
domain on the network?

Thanks for any enlightenment!

Just an old Linux-head here...

Mike Copeland

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Re: NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software

2012-12-03 Thread Mike Copeland
...and when I say buy a box with the software in it I do not mean a 
computer with software installed.


 Original Message 
Subject: NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software
From: Mike Copeland
Date: 12/3/2012 5:52 PM
I've done some reading and some googling around, and the situation is 
getting less clear, not more clear.

Can someone give me the 5 cent explanation of Windows Server software? 
I have a LOT of experience with Linux as a server (Samba) and 
peer-to-peer Windoze, but so far I've successfully avoided the beast 
known as Windows Server.

If I buy a box with the software in it, and it needs to allow 20 
people to access files on the server, what is the name of the software 
in the box? In other words, what do I need to be able to provide file 
serving for 20 users?

I've looked around and here's what I THINK I need...
1. Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard  x 1
2. Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard CAL (5 users) x 3

The Server comes with 5 CAL, and the additional 3 CAL packs will give 
me the 20 user licenses I need, right?

And the standard Server software will run on the same hardware as 
Windows 7...just an Intel CPU and Mainboard?
Does using the Small Business Server software -require- the use of a 
domain on the network?

Thanks for any enlightenment!

Just an old Linux-head here...

Mike Copeland

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Re: NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software

2012-12-03 Thread Mike Copeland
That may be the way to go...but for right now I'm trying to discern the 
difference in cost between what I've got (Linux server) and what I may 
end up being required to purchase. In other words, the server software.

I suppose that if the server software requires speshul hardware then 
that's part of the cost, too.

See? I don't even know enough to ask the right questions!


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software
From: Kurt @ VR-FX
Date: 12/3/2012 6:20 PM
But - why not? Why not call up Dell  say U want a server - and they 
can spec. it out for you? OR, R U just trying to do it all yourself - 
and try to save money? If that's the case - you may spend a LOT more 
of your Time on it - if you try to do it ALL yourself - and, it will 
take More time with a learning curve - which might make it More 
Expensive than buying it pre-built.

Just my 2 centavos on the issue...


On 12/3/2012 6:59 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:
...and when I say buy a box with the software in it I do not mean a 
computer with software installed.


 Original Message 
Subject: NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software
From: Mike Copeland
Date: 12/3/2012 5:52 PM
I've done some reading and some googling around, and the situation 
is getting less clear, not more clear.

Can someone give me the 5 cent explanation of Windows Server 
software? I have a LOT of experience with Linux as a server (Samba) 
and peer-to-peer Windoze, but so far I've successfully avoided the 
beast known as Windows Server.

If I buy a box with the software in it, and it needs to allow 20 
people to access files on the server, what is the name of the 
software in the box? In other words, what do I need to be able to 
provide file serving for 20 users?

I've looked around and here's what I THINK I need...
1. Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard  x 1
2. Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard CAL (5 users) x 3

The Server comes with 5 CAL, and the additional 3 CAL packs will 
give me the 20 user licenses I need, right?

And the standard Server software will run on the same hardware as 
Windows 7...just an Intel CPU and Mainboard?
Does using the Small Business Server software -require- the use of a 
domain on the network?

Thanks for any enlightenment!

Just an old Linux-head here...

Mike Copeland

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Re: NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software

2012-12-03 Thread Mike Copeland

Excellent info! Thank you Christof!!!

Now I don't have to talk to Dell...


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software
From: Christof Wollenhaupt
Date: 12/4/2012 12:51 AM

The current offering would be Windows 2012 Server Essentials which includes
25 user licenses. With your requirement that would be all you need if:

- the computer has no more than two processors
- you do not need more than 25 users
- you don't need Hyper-V virtualization

I'm running my servers without a domain controller. Works for the server,
but not for some of the other MS products. Current pricing for the server
is $501 or less. The license is upgradable to Windows 2012 Server Standard
if you need more users, but then you are in the CAL area, already.

If you don't want to go to 2012 yet, then Window Small Business Server 2011
Essentials would be sufficient. You don' t need the Exchange Server and
SharePoint portal for a file server that is part of the regular SBS

The software runs on any Intel based hardware that is currently available.
I've run it on a 4 year old notebook. It's more a matter of your
requirements. How long of an outage of the system can your customer afford?
How are you storing data redundant? In case of a computer breaks down, can
you move the hard disks to a new system and keep running, or do they only
work with a specific RAID controller?


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Re: NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software

2012-12-05 Thread Mike Copeland


Sorry it took a while to get back to you on thisalligators after 
(and on) my butt.

Question:  Out of curiosity, is there some requirement that Linux can't 
handle, or just the insistence of the client that they have a Genuine 
Microsoft server?

Answer: Yes, and no

Yes, the software vendor needs a Windows OS to run his support utilities 

To add to the CRON program issues I was asking about last week (same 
client, same issues) the client's software vendor is now saying that to 
make everything work as it should, all data and application software 
should reside on a MS server, be executed on an MS server, and all user 
access is done via RDP.

To be honest, I kind of smelled this coming.

This same vendor has refused, or dug-in his heels when asked for tech 
support in the past. Their first questions is: Which version of MS 
server are you running?
My response has always been We aren't, we share the files from  a Linux 
server...and it works very nicely, thanks for asking.
That always elicits groans and hmmms, and Well, you'll have to talk to 
Bob then (Bob is the senior software developer...I think he actually 
wrote/writes the code.) He has reluctantly helped, until now.

Now, Bob says that these 8 different utilities not only have to run 
every X hours and Y minutes, he also is saying that all complaints about 
speed are only going to be solved by using RDP. Well, heck yeah, Bob! 
That would eliminate any network speed issues, and workstations 
performance issues! FYI, this application uses HUNDREDS of DBF files 
(and NTX indexes)...I think it's Clipper, to be honest. Nothing wrong 
with Clipper, and no, it's not MS, but like VFP with DBF files, it's a 
source of data corruption.

Anyway, thanks to Christof's input and clarification of the MS SERVER 
MUD, I've got some $ recommendations together for my client so that if 
he wants to go there and become another MS-Minion then hey, I see it 
as a $-income provider for me! Plus, it'll provide another story for my 
future clients about how bad it is to get in bed with any one source of 
functionality which then defines your options before you ask.



 Original Message 
Subject: Re: NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software
From: Ted Roche
Date: 12/4/2012 6:10 AM


Some of the datasheets on

Out of curiosity, is there some requirement that Linux can't handle, or
just the insistence of the client that they have a Genuine Microsoft server?

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 6:52 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

I've done some reading and some googling around, and the situation is
getting less clear, not more clear.


Ted Roche

Ted Roche  Associates, LLC

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Re: NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software

2012-12-05 Thread Mike Copeland

...and thanks for the link to the Datasheets...yegods!

I think there must be a school somewhere that teaches technical writing 
obfuscation as a career (and all graduates go to work for MS or Oracle.)


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software
From: Ted Roche
Date: 12/4/2012 6:10 AM


Some of the datasheets on

Out of curiosity, is there some requirement that Linux can't handle, or
just the insistence of the client that they have a Genuine Microsoft server?

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 6:52 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

I've done some reading and some googling around, and the situation is
getting less clear, not more clear.


Ted Roche
Ted Roche  Associates, LLC

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Re: NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software

2012-12-05 Thread Mike Copeland

Thanks, Andy!


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software
From: AndyHC
Date: 12/4/2012 4:33 AM

On 04/12/2012 08:44, Christof Wollenhaupt wrote:

snip If you need integration, total control
over the domain, etc. then going straight to Window Server Standard 
plus a

20 user CAL (Server 2012 does not include CALs anymore).



... or buy Server2003 or even NT Advanced server on Ebay - either 
should handle file-server for 20-30 users!

  AndyD  8-)#

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Re: NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software

2012-12-05 Thread Mike Copeland

Boy, MS sure makes it simple, yes? No? Huh?
What was the question?

Changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes
Nothing remains quite the same
With all of our running and
All of our cunning,
If we couldn't laugh,
We would all go insane.



 Original Message 
Subject: Re: NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software
From: Christof Wollenhaupt
Date: 12/4/2012 5:19 AM

... or buy Server2003 or even NT Advanced server on Ebay - either should

handle file-server for 20-30 users!

Both require extra CALs for file sharing... Old versions from Ebay may be a
viable option for one's own use. But I'd hesitate to offer them to a client
for liability reasons and because I'd need to buy a license first.


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Re: NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software

2012-12-06 Thread Mike Copeland

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: NF: [NF] Question(s) about Windows Server software
From: Ted Roche
Date: 12/6/2012 8:24 AM

On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 5:40 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

Yes, the software vendor needs a Windows OS to run his support utilities

Well, that's one way of developing an app, I suppose. Next time you're on a
support call with them, you ought to ask What version of Clipper or Visual
Objects are you running?
Talking to them is a real education in tech support (how not to). I bet 
I've asked, at LEAST, 30 questions in the last couple of months talking 
to the software vendor, and not one question has received a reply. They 
simply continue through the process as if I hadn't said anything. Very 
odd folks.

My client, though, has years invested with them so working with them is 
not optional.

I wonder why they insist on RDP on the server rather than doing workstation
installs. When you're RDP'ing into the server, you're launching a separate
desktop, right? Is this single user or multi-user software? Perhaps they
don't have locking protocols in place.
They don't actually insist, they just say that you'll continue to have 
data problems and speed issues until you change... which, to my client 
is the same as saying you must because heck, who wants data problems 
and speed issues?

RDP is what the rest of the world calls virtual terminal, yes. It 
launches a little virtual machine in the server's memory and provides a 
desktop experience unique to that connection.
The software is multi-user and they do have locking protocols based on 
some error messages I've seen (that record is in use, please wait, 
etc.) But they have their data segmented and indexed out the wazoo, plus 
they keep log files (text) for EVERYTHING. The folder the application 
and the data files are in (all in together) has over 2,500 files in it. 
That alone could be a source of speed problems as Windows manages that 
many nodes in a single tree.

I've asked if some of the older log files can be moved or deleted to 
reduce what is simply response.

To be honest, I kind of smelled this coming.

I've worked with a few dev shops who have insisted on hanging onto old
technology, despite the inconvenience it causes their customers. I can't
understand their long-term business vision (if any).

From brief chats with Bob, the actual software coder, I think he's 
working to retirement and then lights off. I can identify, but he 
clearly doesn't have larger growth on his future-scope just by looking 
at his design, his website, his companies staffing. I think they have a 
total of 3 people on staff including him. Nothing wrong with that, but 
after 15+ years on the market...this is where he's at.

Anyway, thanks to Christof's input and clarification of the MS SERVER MUD,
I've got some $ recommendations together for my client so that if he wants
to go there and become another MS-Minion then hey, I see it as a $-income
provider for me! Plus, it'll provide another story for my future clients
about how bad it is to get in bed with any one source of functionality
which then defines your options before you ask.


I've tried to keep my business to database software development, and avoid
being the in-house technical support person for every workstation, router,
cable, printer, etc. However, for client situations like this, I have in
some cases pitched a separate LAMP box for various utility functions: I use
one for secure access into the office (via SSH, and then relaying RDP or
VNC through there), remote backups, fallback copies of their key files if
(when) the Windows server fails, in-house intranet apps, etc. A utility
server like this doesn't have to be anywhere near top-of-the-line and with
some clients I've even set it up as a monthly service fee rather than a
purchase or lease: I own the box, and the client pays for monthly support
hours, part of which funds the cost of the box.

So, even if the client requires one WIndows server, all is not lost. FOSS
still wins in the end.

Agreed. What is a shame, though, is that this client is the service 
repair department of a larger retail client, and they already have 
several Linux boxes that, sometimes, have been online without a hiccup 
or reboot for two years+.

Anyway, I'm moving his app and its data to a new, faster, fatter (more 
RAM) Linux box this weekend. It has 16GB RAM, and a quad-core I5 running 
at 3.3Ghz, a 254GB solid state drive and a 1GB NIC. If he still needs 
more go-fast after that, we can build him a MS box and he can start the 
march with the other minions.


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Re: Free Syncfusion Metro Icon Studio

2012-12-07 Thread Mike Copeland
I guess it doesn't really matter in the long run, but can you share a 
little, Dave, about some benefits that the new paradigm that Win8 brings 
to the interface table?

I'll confess that, due to lack of time, I haven't had any chance to 
really investigate Win8 other than 3 minutes poking a laptop at Staples 
last night (the wife was ready to go...readyto gocome 
onlet's go)

Does the Metro (or whatever the new authorized name might be) really 
provide something beneficial? (Again, not that it really 
sells and new is exciting and new is a-l-w-a-y-s better!  Unless you're 

Thanks for any insights!

Mike Copeland

 Original Message 
Subject: Free Syncfusion Metro Icon Studio
From: Dave Crozier
Date: 12/7/2012 4:49 AM

As you guys know I'm currently deep into developing Metro style apps and trying 
to get VFP into the loop so that the interface to VFP can look slick and up to 
date. I have a few updates that I'll be posting to my initial video overview 
(hopefully next week) but in the meantime I found a great free software offer 
from Syncfusion for their Metro Studio product that contains over Metro 1700 

In case you don't know, Syncfusion write some great components for visual 
studio, hence how I came accross the offer.

All you need to do is register and then the product download/key is emailed to 
you ... total cost 0.00 as it is usually $499.

The product allows you to edit the icons (bitmap, size,  shape etc as well as 
set transparent background colours etc. I'm quite impresed ... for no cost and it 
has saved me a lot of trawling on th'interweb and doing screen dumps of icons that 
I want to use.



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Re: (NF) for HTML

2012-12-07 Thread Mike Copeland
I would use MySQL (or Postgre) and PHP on the server. Of course that 
presumes that you're on a server that you have access/control of and can 
install MySQL + PHP (or use a company that provides such services.) 
Also, there's going to be a slight difference depending on whether the 
server is Windoze or preference is Linux. I'm guessing that 
if you've been running FoxWeb, you're on a Windows server (and PHP will 
install and run on a Windows box.)

Anyway, PHP is not that hard to learn and way powerful, very well 

I'm sure others on the list would recommend Python, and I would join 
them in that recommendation, but I have no experience (yet) with Python.

Regardless of where you go and what you do, moving away from the DBF 
file storage is a wise decision.


 Original Message 
Subject: (NF) for HTML
From: G Gambill
Date: 12/7/2012 4:43 PM

I am looking to move away from a VFP/FoxWeb solution for new (and maybe
old) web pages projects.

I am looking for suggestions for converting existing VFP tables to some
flavor of SQL and a quick learn language to support presenting the data to
an HTML page.

Any suggestions?


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Re: [NF] Facebook is down, productivity soars

2012-12-10 Thread Mike Copeland
Haven't seen it here. Heard Google went down this morning...didn't 
notice it.

 Original Message 
Subject: [NF] Facebook is down, productivity soars
From: Michael Madigan
Date: 12/10/2012 5:02 PM

System wide outage of Facebook, productivity around the world zooms.

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Re: Spaces

2012-12-10 Thread Mike Copeland

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Spaces
From: Tracy Pearson
Date: 12/10/2012 6:24 PM

Sytze de Boer wrote:

I've been caught out with ALLTRIM

I was under the impression that lcMemo=alltrim(mymemo) would remove
lines and return the essential details of the memo
In my system, I need to know details of the very first line of a memo.
case the 1st line is blank, it use alltrim, and then

It returns a blank
What is a better way?

AllTrim(Mymemo, 1,  , chr(10), chr(13))

Will do what you are looking for.

Sytze, as Tracy points out, spaces and returns (chr(13) and chr(10)) are 
not the same thing.


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Re: Passwords (HASHED!) store in same table or separate table?

2012-12-10 Thread Mike Copeland

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Passwords (HASHED!) store in same table or separate table?
From: MB Software Solutions, LLC

Date: 12/11/2012 12:38 AM

On 12/10/2012 9:55 PM, Stephen Russell wrote:
If the salted PW results are in a table with NO KEY to the user.  Any 
password inbound will be salted and that result is found in the 
table.  If

part of the salt is in the user row, its PK or part of it if a GUID, or
another column then it is exposed.  Or any good password will work 

there is no tie back to the user.

Hence the reason you'd want some tie back to the user I guess?

Maybe I missed something.

If you don't connect the salted password back to the user in any way, 
how would they ever change their password? I mean, sure, create a new 
salted password and add it to the list, but that leaves orphan 
passwords...not likely they'll be used but extra baggage none-the-less. 
With an active website, that might grow relatively fast, no? Yes? Maybe?

Maybe date-stamp the salted password entries and let them age-out, 
forcing the user to enter a new password? (God I hate that in software.)


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Re: [NF] twelves...

2012-12-12 Thread Mike Copeland

Well, whatever it might dobeen there done that, didn't see any tshirts.

It's now 12/12/12 at 1:23:45


 Original Message 
Subject: [NF] twelves...
From: M Jarvis
Date: 12/12/2012 1:14 PM

I'm not into numerology or whatever it is, but it just occurred to me
that in about an hour it will be:

12/12/12 12:12:12

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Re: [NF] PostgreSQL x MySQL

2012-12-13 Thread Mike Copeland

How to connect from VFP9 on Windoze to MariaDB?


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] PostgreSQL x MySQL
From: Ted Roche
Date: 12/13/2012 8:24 AM

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 8:28 AM, Ed Leafe wrote:

Even the creator of MySQL has been saying not to use it anymore, and

recommends MariaDB, which is his drop-in replacement for MySQL.

That can be a little confusing. MySQL the word is a registered trademark
worldwide, which was once owned by MySQL AB, which was acquired by Sun
MicroSystems, which in turn was acquired by the Red Menace, er, Oracle.

All Oracle owns is a trademark and a few bits of accessory tools MySQL AB
had developed which were not Open Source.

The remainder of the code that makes up the MySQL database engine is Open
Source, and several new Open Source projects have been created, including
MariaDB [1] lead by  Michael Monty Widenius, one of the original
principals of MySQL AB, Drizzle, an attempt at a minimal, streamlined,
fully-functional version, Percona, and others [2].

M in LAMP was originally MySQL, but MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for
that, as it is essentially the same code, with trademarks removed, and a
few bugs fixed.

Both MariaDB and PostgreSQL are great databases, and can be installed in
many facilities and run problem-free for a long time. A couple disclaimers,
however: it is worthwhile learning a bit about the databases to ensure they
are configured and maintained properly. MariaDB has several different table
types, and you'll want to ensure you pick the right type for the job. Both
databases have configuration files that need to be set up properly and are
worth spending a little time tuning for your application needs. Both have
security subsystems that may be a little too open or too closed for your
needs. Both have some new datatypes you're not familiar with that could
have performance (or accuracy) implications.

I guess what I'm saying is that it is very beneficial to learn more of the
details and figure out what works for you.

Disclaimer: I'm a twice-certified MySQL guy; Certified MySQL Developer
(CMDEV) in 2008 for MySQL 5.x and Core Certificate for MySQL 4.x. (I like
certifications, I guess.) However, I have deployed solutions with both
tools (MySQL and Postgres) as well as DBFs/DBC, SQL Server, Ingres and
Oracle. I definitely prefer the first two to any of the other choices.


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Re: [NF] oddball PDF file print/size issue

2012-12-13 Thread Mike Copeland
Size is usually driven by fonts being's best to use native 
fonts, i.e., Time Roman, Arial, to keep PDF files small.

If you use a font, Matt's Grunge then that binary data has to be 
embedded in every PDF that uses the font, even if only one character 
uses that typeface.


 Original Message 
Subject: [NF] oddball PDF file print/size issue
From: M Jarvis
Date: 12/13/2012 1:31 PM

While trying to help someone get around the Outlook size limit we have
in place, I got the bright idea to chuck up the really big file into
smaller ones by printing to the CutePDF driver... in this case, take
the 70 page original, open in Reader and do pages 1-25, 26-50,

My assumption was that the pieces would be more or less 1/3 the size
of the original, but as it turns out they are nearly as big, and in
some cases BIGGER, than the original.

I tried fooling around with some print options in Adobe but nothing
seemed to do the trick...

This makes no sense

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Re: [NF] PostgreSQL x MySQL

2012-12-13 Thread Mike Copeland
Thanks! Sounds like I just point the ODBC socket at the IP address/port 
and if Maria is there listening, it hooks. Easy peasy.

I use the
installer to set up new systems. Just run the MySQL ODBC installer, 
install my app, and use SQLSTRINGCONNECT to hook up.

If I can connect through that to MariaDB without having to dink with the 
ODBC settings in Windoze, it's a no brainer.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] PostgreSQL x MySQL
From: MB Software Solutions, LLC

Date: 12/13/2012 1:37 PM
If you need help, as I said, I used MariaDB from my VFP earlier this 
year, so let me know.

On 12/13/2012 2:28 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

Yeah, thanks, I figured I'd get that and started not to ask.

I had already googled, but I was searching for VFP connect to MariaDB
and after 15 minutes scanning results, got squat.

Thanks Ted.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] PostgreSQL x MySQL
From: Ted Roche
Date: 12/13/2012 1:19 PM

Gee, I don't know. Lmgtfy

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Mike Copeland 

How to connect from VFP9 on Windoze to MariaDB?



Ted Roche
Ted Roche  Associates, LLC

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Re: [NF] oddball PDF file print/size issue

2012-12-13 Thread Mike Copeland
PDF is, by default and by definition, compressed. You can adjust the 
degree of compression on embedded graphics, but the adjustments on 
compressed binary data (font definitions) is never going to gain much.

PDF, raw, is Postscript with some pretty good vitamins, then compressed 
into a self-contained package file.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] oddball PDF file print/size issue
From: Kurt @ VR-FX
Date: 12/13/2012 1:45 PM
Also - isn't there some kind of compression options that exist when 
creating PDF files? Maybe the chopped up one didn't have the 
compression set. OR - maybe I am way off base...


On 12/13/2012 2:35 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:
Size is usually driven by fonts being's best to use 
native fonts, i.e., Time Roman, Arial, to keep PDF files small.

If you use a font, Matt's Grunge then that binary data has to be 
embedded in every PDF that uses the font, even if only one character 
uses that typeface.


 Original Message 
Subject: [NF] oddball PDF file print/size issue
From: M Jarvis
Date: 12/13/2012 1:31 PM

While trying to help someone get around the Outlook size limit we have
in place, I got the bright idea to chuck up the really big file into
smaller ones by printing to the CutePDF driver... in this case, take
the 70 page original, open in Reader and do pages 1-25, 26-50,

My assumption was that the pieces would be more or less 1/3 the size
of the original, but as it turns out they are nearly as big, and in
some cases BIGGER, than the original.

I tried fooling around with some print options in Adobe but nothing
seemed to do the trick...

This makes no sense

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Re: [NF] Microsoft XPS = Microsoft Bob? (was Re: [NF] oddball PDF file print/size issue)

2012-12-13 Thread Mike Copeland
I enjoy uninstalling XPS on new systems. It gives me a warm glow...along 
with deleting Silverlight.


 Original Message 
Subject: [NF] Microsoft XPS = Microsoft Bob? (was Re: [NF] oddball PDF 
file print/size issue)
From: MB Software Solutions, LLC

Date: 12/13/2012 2:08 PM

On 12/13/2012 2:56 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

PDF is, by default and by definition, compressed. You can adjust the
degree of compression on embedded graphics, but the adjustments on
compressed binary data (font definitions) is never going to gain much.

PDF, raw, is Postscript with some pretty good vitamins, then compressed
into a self-contained package file.

I know Microsoft was going after Adobe PDF years ago and I'm guessing 
that's what the Microsoft XPS Writer is, but I don't think that ever 
really took off?  Would this be considered another Microsoft Bob

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Re: [NF] Microsoft XPS = Microsoft Bob? (was Re: [NF] oddball PDF file print/size issue)

2012-12-13 Thread Mike Copeland

Not at the same time.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Microsoft XPS = Microsoft Bob? (was Re: [NF] oddball 
PDF file print/size issue)
From: MB Software Solutions, LLC

Date: 12/13/2012 3:32 PM

On 12/13/2012 3:17 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

I enjoy uninstalling XPS on new systems. It gives me a warm glow...along
with deleting Silverlight.

Really?!?!?  Do you enjoy golf, strangling small animals and 
masturbation?  (Monty Python joke)

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Re: [NF] Email Spam Questions

2012-12-17 Thread Mike Copeland

At first glimpse, I think you answered your own question...
...and now they're saying they'll sell me an extra external 
service to filter spam on individual accounts.

Might be time to investigate other provider options. I've been EXTREMELY 
happy with Rackspace.  $4 per user per month. I've got 6 clients plus my 
own account with Rackspace...since August. Rock solid, good folks to 
work with.

And, as you know, your email and your website/domain do not have to be 
handled by the same provider.


 Original Message 
Subject: [NF] Email Spam Questions
From: Ken Dibble
Date: 12/17/2012 2:35 PM

Hi folks,

I'm trying to understand an issue related to the company that provides 
email service to our agency.

The company provides us with cpanel and we have set up about 40 email 
accounts. We use pop email clients to access them.

They're using, I believe, SendMail/ProcMail/SpamAssassin to do this.

They just upgraded their servers for security reasons and 
immediately following, the amount of spam we're receiving has 
increased dramatically.

I can't use the SpamAssassin built into cpanel with these accounts 
because we access them with pop servers. I would have to check each 
account on the webmail daily to deal with false positives--a full time 
job in itself.

When I complained about the increase in spam they said that maybe my 
SpamAssassin settings didn't get copied over. Well, I never enabled 
SpamAssassin on our accounts for the above reason and it's not enabled 

So something else must have changed when they did this upgrade that 
is causing lots more spam to get in.

I think they must have something else on their servers to defend 
against HDDs getting filled up with spam, and it can't be dependent on 
clients using or not using their cpanel SpamAssassin feature. I think 
whatever that thing is, it wasn't configured properly after their 

Yet the company is telling me that it uses SpamAssassin to protect its 
servers from overload. And they are now saying they'll sell me an 
extra external service to filter spam on individual accounts.

Does any of this make sense? What can I tell them to check?


Ken Dibble

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Re: [NF] PostgreSQL x MySQL

2012-12-17 Thread Mike Copeland

To Ted or whoever suggested checking out MariaDB


I downloaded the Windows version, installed it, (piece of cake), and 
loaded DB and data without a hiccup in minutes. Connects to my VFP app 
by just changing the IP address+port, and even HeidiSQL (utility) that I 
use to manage MySQL works like it ain't no thang!

IF EVERYTHING was this easy, life would be very very good!

Thanks again!


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] PostgreSQL x MySQL
From: Ted Roche
Date: 12/17/2012 4:20 PM

Speaking of MariaDB, the internet's sixth busiest site is migrating from
MySQL to Maria:

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Re: Reading Email from Foxpro

2012-12-17 Thread Mike Copeland


I use the mswinsck.ocx that comes with VFP9 to connect and receive email 
via IMAP. Works great.

Some code at the top of a page on FoxWiki helped

As I said, I'm using it for IMAP connections, not POP. IMAP is a bit 
different, but not that tough to use. The reason I needed IMAP was to be 
able to connect using SSL authentication. The main difference in IMAP is 
that you have to send control instructions to the server to manage the's more like managing a data backend (What messages do I 
have?, Send me a list, or Send me message 4 and delete message 3) 
whereas POP is more of a ...login, get everything, disconnect, process 
lump of data procedure.

An alternative, although I haven't tried it, is a VFP software package at
You'll probably want to use Google Chrome to get auto-translation from 
Argentinian. It claims to do POP and has VFP sample code.


 Original Message 
Subject: Reading Email from Foxpro
From: Michael Savage
Date: 12/17/2012 4:30 PM

Hi, I'd like to be able to reliably read emails from Foxpro.

I am using thunderbird email client and have a number of accounts.
I have two that use IMAP and one that is still POP3.

I would like to be able to read email messages from any of them, but
most importantly the POP acct. (Which is at

Sending via CDO is easy, can I receive with CDO? Or is there a better 


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Re: Reading Email from Foxpro

2012-12-17 Thread Mike Copeland


From what I've found by googling, using IMAP with Yahoo is dicey...they 
don't really seem anxious or interested in providing the IMAP interface. 
It seems like Yahoo feels strongly that controlling the interface is a 
plus for them.  I did see that they have offered minimal, non-standard 
IMAP access in the past, but it's not clear if that's still true. Yahoo 
has chewed through several CEOs looking for a vision in the last year or 
two...might be a moving target (what works today might not tomorrow.)

Just 2 cents worth.


 Original Message 
Subject: Reading Email from Foxpro
From: Michael Savage
Date: 12/17/2012 4:30 PM

Hi, I'd like to be able to reliably read emails from Foxpro.

I am using thunderbird email client and have a number of accounts.
I have two that use IMAP and one that is still POP3.

I would like to be able to read email messages from any of them, but
most importantly the POP acct. (Which is at

Sending via CDO is easy, can I receive with CDO? Or is there a better 


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Re: Reading Email from Foxpro

2012-12-17 Thread Mike Copeland

Uh...I said I receive email via IMAP


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Reading Email from Foxpro
From: Michael Savage
Date: 12/17/2012 7:51 PM

Thanks for the info on the send part. However, I'm more interested in 
reading email messages. Do you have any ideas for that?



I use the mswinsck.ocx that comes with VFP9 to connect and 
-receive email--- via IMAP. Works great.

Some code at the top of a page on FoxWiki helped

As I said, I'm using it for IMAP connections, not POP. IMAP is a bit 
different, but not that tough to use. The reason I needed IMAP was to 
be able to connect using SSL authentication. The main difference in 
IMAP is that you have to send control instructions to the server to 
manage the's more like managing a data backend (What 
messages do I have?, Send me a list, or Send me message 4 and 
delete message 3) whereas POP is more of a ...login, get 
everything, disconnect, process lump of data procedure.

An alternative, although I haven't tried it, is a VFP software 
package at
You'll probably want to use Google Chrome to get auto-translation 
from Argentinian. It claims to do POP and has VFP sample code.


 Original Message 
Subject: Reading Email from Foxpro
From: Michael Savage
Date: 12/17/2012 4:30 PM

Hi, I'd like to be able to reliably read emails from Foxpro.

I am using thunderbird email client and have a number of accounts.
I have two that use IMAP and one that is still POP3.

I would like to be able to read email messages from any of them, but
most importantly the POP acct. (Which is at

Sending via CDO is easy, can I receive with CDO? Or is there a 
better way?


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Re: Add an array as a form property

2012-12-18 Thread Mike Copeland

In code or using the IDE?

Using code, just dimension this.array(1,2)
Using the IDE form designer, open the form and while it is selected, 
choose the menu option Form and then New Property.
Finally, in the Name box, enter array(1,2) or whatever name and 
dimensions you want.


 Original Message 
Subject: Add an array as a form property
From: John Weller
Date: 12/18/2012 5:34 AM

I'm having a brain stall!  I want to add an array as a property to a form
and can't remember what to do to initialise it as an array.  Help!


John Weller
01380 723235
07976 393631

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Re: Add an array as a form property

2012-12-18 Thread Mike Copeland
It's just a very clean and orderly way to keep your memory variables 
from stepping on each other...keeping reference to the form helps define 
each array's scope and purpose.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Add an array as a form property
From: Allen
Date: 12/18/2012 6:03 AM
You can use arrays as a form property instead of each method. Makes it 
available as thisform.array to all methods. Also Formname.array from 
other forms and progs.


-Original Message-
Forgive me, what are typical uses of such an array?
--Original Message--
From: Allen
Sender: ProFox
ReplyTo: ProFox Email List
Subject: Re: Add an array as a form property
Sent: Dec 18, 2012 5:44 AM


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Re: On-Line Backup Services; Non-VFP

2012-12-18 Thread Mike Copeland


 Original Message 
Subject: On-Line Backup Services; Non-VFP
From: Desmond Lloyd
Date: 12/18/2012 3:41 PM

Good afternoon,

Thought I would solicit some non VFP advise from everyone.  Have a
growing company with approximately 20 users, and two servers (2008).
  Second server is new and would love to have some sort of on-line backup
say to the second server with a copy being sent to the Cloud.
  Preferrably with the vendor providing and administrative interface and
means to perform the back on the servers and the the individual

Have been working with some shall we say larger vendors just the process
of communicating with them gets very frustrating.

Would someone please make some  recommendations?


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Re: On-Line Backup Services; Non-VFP

2012-12-18 Thread Mike Copeland

Ted may be old, but he's pretty good. Highly recommended.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: On-Line Backup Services; Non-VFP
From: Malcolm Greene
Date: 12/18/2012 11:01 PM

Echoing an old Ted Roche recommendation which I've found to be a
wonderful service:


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Re: [NF] Email Spam Questions

2012-12-19 Thread Mike Copeland
I was wrong, it's $2 per user per month25GB storage, spam filter 
that kicks bootie, and some very nice interface software for web access 
in addition to my email client (Thunderbird).


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Email Spam Questions
From: Ken Dibble
Date: 12/19/2012 8:55 AM

At 02:47 PM 12/17/2012 -0600, you wrote:

At first glimpse, I think you answered your own question...
...and now they're saying they'll sell me an extra 
external service to filter spam on individual accounts.

Might be time to investigate other provider options. I've been 
EXTREMELY happy with Rackspace.  $4 per user per month. I've got 6 
clients plus my own account with Rackspace...since August. Rock 
solid, good folks to work with.

And, as you know, your email and your website/domain do not have to 
be handled by the same provider.

Thanks Mike.

However, my current provider charges $30 per month for up to *150* 
email users PLUS web hosting. I misspoke before, we are currently 
actually using 70 email accounts. So for that Rackspace would charge 
me $280 a month.

Granted we've only got 2 GB total space--but OTOH we're currently only 
using about half that.

This provider wants to charge an additional $1 per month per account 
for the external spam control, for a minimum of 25 accounts. 
Assuming I go for the minimum, I'd now be paying $55 a month.

Um, whaddya say, Ed? Can you beat that price? *LOL*

Ken Dibble

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Re: Merry Christmas to everyone at Profox

2012-12-24 Thread Mike Copeland

Merry Christmas to all Foxers!


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Merry Christmas to everyone at Profox
From: Dan Covill
Date: 12/24/2012 11:56 AM

On 12/24/2012 06:03 AM, Michael Madigan wrote:

Merry Christmas to everyone at Profox.  Once again I'd like to thank
Ed Leafe for bringing us all together and for his tireless support of
the Foxpro Community.

Let's all hear it for Father (Ed) Christmas!


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Re: FTPS via VFP

2012-12-27 Thread Mike Copeland

Check into scripting with WINSCP.
It has been both easy to use and flawless in performance for my needs. 
You can output the script from VFP, then launch WINSCP from VFP with 
instructions to run the script. Has logging, but best of all it just 
works great. Also uses SSL for secure connections.

Mike Copeland

 Original Message 
Subject: FTPS via VFP
From: Michael Oke, II
Date: 12/27/2012 2:11 PM

Any pointers to a library or class to use FTPS from within my application?
I took a look at VFPConnection but cannot seem to make it function for my
case but that might be due to the port that I have to use, 2100 in this

Any help would be appreciated.

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Re: [NF] - Windows Super Control

2013-01-21 Thread Mike Copeland

Sweet! Works like a champ!



 Original Message 
Subject: [NF] - Windows Super Control
From: Christina Bull
Date: 1/21/2013 10:17 PM

Got this email today from my dear old Mum.  Thought I'd share it.


Are you sick of trying to find what you want in and around the control
Well here's a neat trick in Windows 7/8 that will help you out:

1) Create a new folder on your desktop.

2) Rename it exactly as shown below...
Super Control.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

NB: You can cut and paste the name from here to make it easier.

3) It will change to the control panel icon instead of a folder

4) Open it or double-click on it. Every possible setting/function will be
listed right there in the one place.

Depending on your system this can be around 282 settings :-)

NOTE: Where you see Super Control you can call it anything. The dot and
the following brackets and numbers must stay exactly as is :-)


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Re: [NF] Bitch and moan over Win8

2013-01-30 Thread Mike Copeland

Really? Why does that not surprise me...


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Bitch and moan over Win8
From: Stephen Russell
Date: 1/30/2013 4:15 PM

Was talking new tech with directors and found out we had a Surface.  So I
borrowed it and will probably give it back after the weekend.

Found out that Chrome will not install.  :(

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Re: [NF] Bitch and moan over Win8

2013-01-30 Thread Mike Copeland
Really? They're always pretty spry and on the ball from what I've seen. 
It's not like MSoft would surprise them with a new version of Windows.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Bitch and moan over Win8
From: Michael Oke, II
Date: 1/30/2013 4:32 PM

Because google hasn't written a version for that OS yet?

Michael Oke, II

Contents of this and all messages are intended for their designated recipient.

On Jan 30, 2013, at 2:25 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

Really? Why does that not surprise me...


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Bitch and moan over Win8
From: Stephen Russell
Date: 1/30/2013 4:15 PM

Was talking new tech with directors and found out we had a Surface.  So I
borrowed it and will probably give it back after the weekend.

Found out that Chrome will not install.  :(

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Re: [NF] Fast scanner

2013-01-31 Thread Mike Copeland
I've installed a couple of the Fujitsu scanners and they were very good. 
Fast, easy to set up and reliable.


 Original Message 
Subject: [NF] Fast scanner
From: James Harvey
Date: 1/31/2013 10:31 AM

The company is considering scanning documents at our horse sale next
November, and we are looking for a fast scanner with a small footprint.

Fujitsu has the ScanSnap series, and they look reasonable. The models in
this line have a 20-25 ppm speed, which seems fast.

It would be nice to have a model that allows you to name the individual
scans and send them to a specified folder.

I was wondering if anyone has had experience with the Fujitsu models, or
other brands.

James E Harvey
Hanover Shoe Farms, Inc.
office: 717-637-8931
cell: 717-887-2565
fax: 717-637-6766

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Re: Interesting Difference in Report Preview Display in Windows 7

2013-01-31 Thread Mike Copeland
Just a WAG, but I wonder if you assigned those long strings of text to 
private variables in the calling program, then use variable field boxes 
on the report instead of text labels. The boxes allow the use of 
Stretch with overflow while labels don't.


 Original Message 
Subject: Interesting Difference in Report Preview Display in Windows 7
From: Ken Dibble
Date: 1/31/2013 2:14 PM
I know there are various graphical issues/artifacts with VFP on 
Windows 7. I'm not sure if this one has ever been reported.

I have a multi-page report that duplicates a mandated form that one of 
our departments have to use. The form was designed in Word by 
bureaucrats and I am required to ensure that my version matches it 
exactly. It's an insane form, lots of strangely-positioned pieces of 
text, boxes and lines. Point being I am not allowed to alter its 
appearance to solve my problems.

My report for this form consists of a lot of lines of text, some 
images, and some fields. The data comes from a denormalized cursor 
that has one row per page. The controls are all stuffed into the 
report's detail band, with Print When expressions controlling which 
page they appear on. There are no report groups or multiple columns. 
Just one detail band per page, that crosses the entire page.

I initially used a single text label for each line of static text. I 
use the VFP 9 report engine for all previews to prevent a C5 crash 
issue with the old-style preview window. However, I discovered that 
when previewing the report on Windows 2000 or XP, some long text 
labels wouldn't appear completely.

I use the old-style VFP report engine to print these reports, and the 
problem also occurred when printing.

For example, a label that contained:

Here is a pretty long line of magnificently positioned text for you 
to see.

would appear as:

Here is a pretty long line of magnificently

So I broke up long labels into two or more separate labels. In some 
cases for a long line of text I would need three separate labels, with 
one containing only a single word, in order to get them all to appear 
when previewed or printed. I positioned these labels with some space 
between them in order to provide the appropriate spaces between words.

However, I have found that when these reports are previewed in Windows 
7--same report, still using the VFP 9 preview engine--the words in the 
separate labels are jammed up against each other (I haven't tested 
with printing yet).

For example, if I have three labels like so:

Here is a pretty long line of magnificently positioned text for 
you to see.

This looks right when previewed on Win 2000 or Win XP. But on Win 7, 
it looks like:

Here is a pretty long line of magnificentlypositionedtext for you to 

There are also size issues for image controls. I have a grey BMP bar 
image that I use as background for some subheader rows in the report. 
They are properly sized on Windows XP, but are about 1/8 inch too long 
when previewed on Windows 7.

I tried dropping a Win XP copy of gdiplus.dll into the program's 
working directory on Win 7, but that had no effect.

These anomalies also occur if I generate a Word document from the 
report and view it in Word 2010.

I'm not asking for help here; I'm just creating yet another version of 
the report to cope with this. But I think it's strange.

Ken Dibble

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Re: [NF] perplexing Zip/Excel problem

2013-02-04 Thread Mike Copeland
Just wonderingthe folks that have this problem, are they using the 
same OS? Same OS level?


 Original Message 
Subject: [NF] perplexing Zip/Excel problem
From: M Jarvis
Date: 2/4/2013 1:16 PM

I am having a very perplexing problem opening an XLSX spreadsheet...
Actually I can open it fine, it's a couple of users that are having
the problem.

We have a couple of files parked on our intranet server done in Excel 2010.

When these users click on the web link instead of opening with Excel
like they normally would, they are prompted with a Do you want to
open or save this file? dialog, it shows the file name as being XLSX,
but the little icon is appearing as a compressed folder icon rather
than the green X thingy.

I tried the obvious stuff first by confirming file associations for
both Excel and Zip -  they were fine, but I re-associated them anyway.

Compatibility Pack - googling suggested it might be the compatibility
pack for Office so I uninstalled that. No change.

I told IE7 to Open file based on extension rather than content - no joy.

I read that the XLSX format is indeed a compressed file format, but no
one else (that I know of - yet) is having any problems with these two
files. We've been using them for years...

Navigating to the folder where the files live, double clicking, opens
them just fine. Going into Excel, navigating to the files, opens them
just fine.

And of course it's a major hassle to get access to one of these
computers to mess around with trying to find a solution for them -

Any other suggestions for things to try?

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Re: [NF] Big Brother has arrived?

2013-02-21 Thread Mike Copeland
Mailing list databases have been around forever for mass mailings. With 
all the places your name is connected with your address, it's not hard 
to figure that one of them cashed in on the value of their customer 
database and sold your info to a company that then marketed it out to 
anyone with enough cash in their hand.

Also, if you've been in the same residence for any length of time (over 
a year) I don't see how you wouldn't be sold out to the mailing list 

My guess would be that your CVS connection might have been triggered by 
online activity, but once they have a name, there are many places to 
obtain the rest of your contact info. Do you have a telephone? The Bells 
have been selling the whitepages database for decades. Why wouldn't the 
Cells do the same thing as the Bells?


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Big Brother has arrived?
From: M Jarvis
Date: 2/21/2013 3:20 PM

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 1:18 PM, Paul McNett wrote:

I shopped around for a woodworking router bit last week and this week it seems 
every site I visit has an ad for that specific bit, and each offer tends to be 
just a
tad bit less than the previous one.

Anyway, I encouraged them because I just bought the bit.

That I can understand, but sending mail with your name on it directly
to your house??

And even in a timely fashion rather than some 6 month lag time - it's
just the last couple weeks this gal has been on a CVS kick...

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Re: [NF] Acronym Poisoning: A Request

2013-02-21 Thread Mike Copeland

Might be...but I thought it meant Never Again, Stupid.


 Original Message 
Subject: [NF] Acronym Poisoning: A Request
From: Gene Wirchenko
Date: 2/21/2013 4:17 PM

Dear Vixens and Reynards:

 If you are using an acronym that someone might not know, would 
you please expand it first use?  Someone who knows nothing about the 
area might find it of use.

 Please do not say to look it up.  Many acronyms have several, 
dozens, or even occasionally over one hundred expansions.

 The NAS thread had me guessing.  Network-Attached Storage, right?


Gene Wirchenko

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Re: DELL Tablet, VFP Gotchas...

2013-02-22 Thread Mike Copeland
Dunno if this is the same Windows 8 as what your tablet has, but it's a 


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: DELL Tablet, VFP  Gotchas...
From: Kurt
Date: 2/22/2013 11:21 AM

And - what about the Menus? They ALSO have small fonts!

There must be some simple way around the problem. I figured that I should
simply be able to change the screen resolution - and that would resolve the
problem. But, it seems that Win8 doesn't even make THAT an EASY thing to do!
Or am I wrong???


-Original Message-
From: ProfoxTech [] On Behalf Of Frank
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: DELL Tablet, VFP  Gotchas...


you could look at the various resizer classes available to automatically
resize your forms, or try using anchors to resize things.


Frank Cazabon

On 22/02/2013 11:24 AM, Kurt wrote:

Yes - it does Rotate when Tablet is rotated!

And - now my Boss is complaining that our App running on the Tablet is WAY
Too Small.

I asked my Tech support buddy (who - is actually the Brother of my Boss -
where My Buddy is Cool - my Boss is most definitely NOT!) - if he could
simply change the Win8 Resolution - just like we normally do on a Desktop


(well - at least you COULD do that in prior Win versions - I don't know
enough about Win8) - and he claims it only allows you to change it between


resolutions - and the Smaller one - it actually does something like


off on the Sides - and making Unusable Screen Real estate! Hope this makes
sense what I wrote - since it does NOT make sense that the OS is running
this way!

Maybe it's a problem w/Dell  its Tablet version - and its Drivers! I was
hoping we could simply lower the overall resolution of the Tablet - and


would make our App look Normal - and decent font sizes. But, so far - it
seems that this can NOT be done!

At this point - any input would be helpful. Since I am WAY Too busy on


main system conversion (and, of course, the pressure is on ME to Save my
Boss and his Co. by converting the old System) - as such, the Bozo
Programmer next to me has to work on this App for the Tablet. So, he needs
simple solutions - since, anything too complicated - he will just start
arguing Out Loud with my Boss that its TOO COMPLICATED!!! And - he gives


a Bloody Headache when he does this!


-Original Message-
From: ProfoxTech [] On Behalf Of Alan
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 3:46 AM
Subject: Re: DELL Tablet, VFP  Gotchas...

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013, at 10:18 PM, Kurt wrote:

We actually tested running it - and the Bozo I work with - the only other
programmer here - just complains our App running on there - everything
TOO Small.

This is why most IDE design nowadays is based around anchors and
relative sizes etc. You'll have to implement some sort of automatic
resizing in your VFP app. Does this tab rotate the screen based on
orientation or anything ?

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Re: DELL Tablet, VFP Gotchas...

2013-02-22 Thread Mike Copeland
One issue with screen resolution is digital displays look good (clear, 
sharp, precise) at certain resolutions and really fuzzy and BAD at other 

So, it would not surprise me if the manufacturer hasn't limited the 
resolution options...they're trying to keep you from shooting yourself 
in the foot.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: DELL Tablet, VFP  Gotchas...
From: Kurt
Date: 2/22/2013 11:48 AM

I'm sure that must be the process my Tech Support went thru to change the
resolution - and that only 2 options were there. But, I will view this
webpage with him to get his response(although he's out at a client right


-Original Message-
From: ProfoxTech [] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: DELL Tablet, VFP  Gotchas...

Dunno if this is the same Windows 8 as what your tablet has, but it's a


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: DELL Tablet, VFP  Gotchas...
From: Kurt
Date: 2/22/2013 11:21 AM

And - what about the Menus? They ALSO have small fonts!

There must be some simple way around the problem. I figured that I should
simply be able to change the screen resolution - and that would resolve


problem. But, it seems that Win8 doesn't even make THAT an EASY thing to


Or am I wrong???


-Original Message-
From: ProfoxTech [] On Behalf Of Frank
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: DELL Tablet, VFP  Gotchas...


you could look at the various resizer classes available to automatically
resize your forms, or try using anchors to resize things.


Frank Cazabon

On 22/02/2013 11:24 AM, Kurt wrote:

Yes - it does Rotate when Tablet is rotated!

And - now my Boss is complaining that our App running on the Tablet is


Too Small.

I asked my Tech support buddy (who - is actually the Brother of my Boss -
where My Buddy is Cool - my Boss is most definitely NOT!) - if he could
simply change the Win8 Resolution - just like we normally do on a Desktop


(well - at least you COULD do that in prior Win versions - I don't know
enough about Win8) - and he claims it only allows you to change it



resolutions - and the Smaller one - it actually does something like


off on the Sides - and making Unusable Screen Real estate! Hope this


sense what I wrote - since it does NOT make sense that the OS is running
this way!

Maybe it's a problem w/Dell  its Tablet version - and its Drivers! I was
hoping we could simply lower the overall resolution of the Tablet - and


would make our App look Normal - and decent font sizes. But, so far - it
seems that this can NOT be done!

At this point - any input would be helpful. Since I am WAY Too busy on


main system conversion (and, of course, the pressure is on ME to Save my
Boss and his Co. by converting the old System) - as such, the Bozo
Programmer next to me has to work on this App for the Tablet. So, he


simple solutions - since, anything too complicated - he will just start
arguing Out Loud with my Boss that its TOO COMPLICATED!!! And - he gives


a Bloody Headache when he does this!


-Original Message-
From: ProfoxTech [] On Behalf Of Alan
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 3:46 AM
Subject: Re: DELL Tablet, VFP  Gotchas...

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013, at 10:18 PM, Kurt wrote:

We actually tested running it - and the Bozo I work with - the only


programmer here - just complains our App running on there - everything
TOO Small.

This is why most IDE design nowadays is based around anchors and
relative sizes etc. You'll have to implement some sort of automatic
resizing in your VFP app. Does this tab rotate the screen based on
orientation or anything ?

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SQL statement formation

2013-03-12 Thread Mike Copeland
Here's a question that I should know the answer to, but I'll admit it 
confuses me.

When forming an SQL statement in VFP to pass through to MYSQL (or 
MariaDB), I use a combination of  and ' delimiters. For example
   sqlStatement =  select Fname, Lname from customer where Fname like 


The problem that I'm running into is when a name, or free-form text, 
includes these punctuation marks...

update customer set Lname='O'mally'
and my delimiters get screwed up, throw errors and problems ensue.

So, other than stripping the ' and  characters out of any text string 
before passing it to the SQL statement, what is the solution?

Can I use [ ] when passing SQL statements to a backend server?

Thanks for any enlightenment.

Mike Copeland

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Re: SQL statement formation

2013-03-12 Thread Mike Copeland

That's what I was afraid of...

So, is it an option to escape the ' and  with \?

Like this:
[select Lname from customer where Fname like 'O\'Mally']


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: SQL statement formation
From: Tracy Pearson
Date: 3/12/2013 2:02 PM

Mike Copeland wrote on 2013-03-12:

  Here's a question that I should know the answer to, but I'll admit it
  confuses me.
  When forming an SQL statement in VFP to pass through to MYSQL (or

  MariaDB), I use a combination of  and ' delimiters. For example
  sqlStatement =  select Fname, Lname from customer where Fname like
  '%Bob%' execsql(sqlStatement)
  The problem that I'm running into is when a name, or free-form text,
  includes these punctuation marks...
   update customer set Lname='O'mally'
  and my delimiters get screwed up, throw errors and problems ensue.
  So, other than stripping the ' and  characters out of any text string

  before passing it to the SQL statement, what is the solution?
  Can I use [ ] when passing SQL statements to a backend server?
  Thanks for any enlightenment.
  Mike Copeland


You can use the [] on the outside and the  on the inside instead of the '.
You may still run into the variable having a  in it though.

Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software

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Re: SQL statement formation

2013-03-12 Thread Mike Copeland

Got it, thanks Frank!

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: SQL statement formation
From: MB Software Solutions, LLC

Date: 3/12/2013 3:04 PM

On 3/12/2013 3:22 PM, Frank Cazabon wrote:


if you use parameters, then you won't have to worry about extra double
or single quotes.

cName = %Bob%
sqlStatement =  select Fname, Lname from customer where Fname like 


Frank Cazabon

Just remember to make sure the variable is PRIVATE in scope (not 
LOCAL), iirc.

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Re: SQL statement formation

2013-03-12 Thread Mike Copeland
Okay, I have no problem with using parameters...I'll test it and see if 
it solves my problem.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: SQL statement formation
From: Frank Cazabon
Date: 3/12/2013 2:22 PM


if you use parameters, then you won't have to worry about extra double 
or single quotes.

cName = %Bob%
sqlStatement =  select Fname, Lname from customer where Fname like 


Frank Cazabon

On 12/03/2013 02:10 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:
Here's a question that I should know the answer to, but I'll admit it 
confuses me.

When forming an SQL statement in VFP to pass through to MYSQL (or 
MariaDB), I use a combination of  and ' delimiters. For example
   sqlStatement =  select Fname, Lname from customer where Fname 
like '%Bob%'


The problem that I'm running into is when a name, or free-form text, 
includes these punctuation marks...

update customer set Lname='O'mally'
and my delimiters get screwed up, throw errors and problems ensue.

So, other than stripping the ' and  characters out of any text 
string before passing it to the SQL statement, what is the solution?

Can I use [ ] when passing SQL statements to a backend server?

Thanks for any enlightenment.

Mike Copeland

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Re: [NF] iPad/Apple vs Android

2013-03-12 Thread Mike Copeland

Two thoughts...
1. Quantity does not indicate quality
2. Development of apps seems to follow either innovation or $s.


 Original Message 
Subject: [NF] iPad/Apple vs Android
From: Lew Schwartz
Date: 3/12/2013 5:35 PM

It seems to me that more apps are developed for Apple's platform than
Android ... or at least developed first. I had guessed it would have been
the other way around. Any ideas as to why this is?

-Lew Schwartz

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Re: DELETE - File in use by another

2013-04-16 Thread Mike Copeland

Just a WAG...

Explicitly change to that workspace (select DBFNAME) or include in 
DBFNAME at the end?

Delete for xyz in dbfname

As a kludge, you might do a short routine...

select dbfname
go top in dbfname
locate for xyz
scan while !eof('dbfname')
delete if xyz in dbfname

While it won't be as fast as delete for xyz in dbfname you'll be 
surprised how fast it can process through the file.


 Original Message 
Subject: DELETE - File in use by another
From: Christina Bull
Date: 4/16/2013 10:11 PM

Hi all,


Hopefully someone can answer this reasonably quickly as I'm onsite and
having a brain fart.


Getting Error #3 - File in use by another - and I'm working on a multi-user
system.  It's falling over on command that looks like:




Should I be changing that to a DELETE - SQL instead?


What's the best way to flag a record for deletion in a multi-user
environment?  Should I try and get a record lock first?


I'm moving out of development in VFP very soon and into full time Sales role
for an offset printing / direct mailing company.  Can't wait!





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Re: Missing characters from PDF Report

2013-04-17 Thread Mike Copeland
Most problems with PDF files, in my experience, come back to font file 
problems. Either the font file is missing or corrupt or there is a 
close enough named second font...PDF files can do really wonky things 
when they get their fonts confused.

 Original Message 
Subject: Missing characters from PDF Report
From: Jean Haidar
Date: 4/17/2013 1:56 PM

a developer at work reported this issue:

PDF printer omitted some characters and the number ‘8’ in the rates section.  Do
you have any idea what is causing it? It is only happening sometimes.
this is intermittent
for example

  Male Medical  is showing as ale Medical
here the number 8 is not showing on PDF report:
$388.84 is  showing as   $3  . 4$1,038.96  is showing as $1,03 .96
Also the number 774745  after Group Number is not showing on PDF

  Group Number:

Jean Haidar
  any idea?

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Re: Missing characters from PDF Report

2013-04-17 Thread Mike Copeland


PDFs are (unless you choose options to make them more smaller) 
supposed to be completely, totally, entirely self-sufficient. In other 
words, if the PDF file's code needs something, that something is 
supposed to be bundled in the PDF when it is created.

There are options to compress images, and not include fonts, but the 
default is supposed to be everything including kitchen sink.

The recipient then gets the file and runs it through a Postscript 
interpreter that rastorizes the image defined by the PDF file's embedded 
program and either displays on screen or feeds to a printing device.

At least that's how I understand it.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Missing characters from PDF Report
From: Tracy Pearson
Date: 4/17/2013 2:42 PM

Mike Copeland wrote on 2013-04-17:

  Most problems with PDF files, in my experience, come back to font file
  problems. Either the font file is missing or corrupt or there is a
  close enough named second font...PDF files can do really wonky things
  when they get their fonts confused.


Would you say the problem is the receiving users workstation font file, or 
where the PDF is being created?

Tracy Pearson
PowerChurch Software

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Re: Missing characters from PDF Report

2013-04-17 Thread Mike Copeland

Ah! Absolutely a font issue.
Thanks Jean, I didn't see the diacritical markings.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Missing characters from PDF Report
From: Dan Covill
Date: 4/17/2013 5:19 PM

On 04/17/13 11:56 AM, Jean Haidar wrote:

for example
 Male Medical  is showing as     ale Medical
here the number 8 is not showing on PDF report:
$388.84 is  showing as   $3  . 4$1,038.96  is showing as $1,03 .96


That's the example part of your message that I got.  I'd guess the 
capital A with a hat over it is some formatting character in whatever 
font he used to generate the PDF.  Or ???

Mike Copeland's message shows this:
$388.84 is  showing as   $3  . 4$1,038.96  is showing as $1,03 .96

Note that the A-hat has become a space. I think if you figure this out 
you'll have your problem.  Is the original in English?


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Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures

2013-04-29 Thread Mike Copeland
One of the first steps in the connection and sending of email from 
server to server is to identify who the message is for (sender) and a 
response from the receiving server as to whether that person (address) 
is known to them. At that point, based on the receiver's response, the 
sender can abort the transaction.

Look up the SMTP command RCPT TO.
If the user is known, the receiving server will respond with something like
250 OK - Recipient

Here's an article from MSoft Support

Note the last two paragraphs

   In addition to the basic testing steps that are listed in this
   article, you can use a delivery receipt to test mail in both
   directions. You can use this method to verify that the SMTP server
   can accept an incoming connection and generate a delivery receipt
   back to the sender to test outgoing connectivity of the SMTP server.

   To request a delivery receipt for the test message, see step 5 in
   the Basic Testing section to make sure that the information
   provided is a valid email address that can receive the delivery
   receipt. Then in step 6 in the Basic Testing section, type the
   following command in the Telnet session: 

   RCPT notify=success,failure

At least that's my understanding.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures
From: Ken Dibble
Date: 4/29/2013 2:05 PM

I am not asking for a referral to some other email service provider.

Perhaps you should be. The problem is your service provider is using an
arcane methodology and, as most service providers are supplying 
for free as part of their service, perhaps it's time you reconsidered 
mail system design. At the very least, a stern discussion with them 
to see

if they can prevent their self-caused outages.

 I am trying to understand what the options are for sender verify 
and why

 people use them.

As explained in the Wikipedia article, they're trying to verify that 
actually came from a real mailbox and not a made up fake spam one. 
I have a hard time understanding how this is filling up a mailbox 
until the

storage capacity is pitifully low.

POP is not designed to retain mail on the server. The retain for x 

functionality was an after-thought and the implications not fully
understood. It would probably make more sense to retain email 
in-house or

with another server. You could put your own mail server in between the
users and the internet, and retain mail there, but that may just be
shifting the problem.

Thanks Ted.

Possibly the tech who explained this to me did not fully explain what 
he was doing. The test emails are not ever actually delivered, so 
there must be something further going on; perhaps they contain a code 
that causes them to be immediately tossed into the bit bucket. 
However, if the mailbox is full when they arrive, they are, naturally, 
bounced, and any rejection is then interpreted as sender verify 
failed. I would think that at the very least the thing should be able 
to read the actual text of the bounce message and verify the sender if 
the message contains over quota, since such a message indicates that 
the account exists, but the guy insisted that this is not possible.

Maintaining the security and functionality of an email server that 
communicates with the internet is a headache I don't want or have time 
for. (We have an internal email server but that is not a significant 
security risk.) I'm a one-man IT department in an agency of nearly 100 
computer users. I barely have time to do what I already have to do. :)


Ken Dibble

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Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures

2013-04-29 Thread Mike Copeland
Here's a complete interactive session between a telnet application (the 
sending server being impersonated by the telnet program and a human) and 
the receiving server. At the end, based on the response of the receiving 
server, you could have a conditional branch to abort with a thumbs up 
or thumbs down depending on the response.

By the way, you can duplicate this test from any computer workstation, 
using telnet, although depending on the telnet OS and the receiving 
server's email application, the dialog will vary some.

In the example, telnet:  is what the sender types, and server: is 
the response from the receiver. (The client: is the sender's prompt, 
after the connection has been established.)

   telnet:  telnet 25
   telnet:Connected to
   telnet:Escape character is '^]'.
   server:220 ESMTP server ready Tue, 20 Jan 2004 22:33:36 +0200
   client:MAIL from:
   server:250 Sender Ok
   client:RCPT to:
   server:250 Recipient Ok

You'll also need to know what port the receiving server uses...many 
email servers no longer support the old smtp standard port 25, instead 
using 587, or if they are forcing secure connections via SSL, 465 is common.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures
From: Ken Dibble
Date: 4/29/2013 2:05 PM

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Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures

2013-04-29 Thread Mike Copeland
I might not be understanding your question, but I would test the 
provider's server using Telnet.

To see a plethora of testing procedures, just google telnet smtp test

Here's a pretty thorough treatment of the subject...
For the above to work, you'll need to know exactly how the offending 
connections are being performed.

As for how the email server on the receiving end handles a full 
mailbox...typically the receiving server, not knowing how large the 
inbound message is until it has received it, will accept the message 
before it checks to see if the mailbox is 'full' and can not handle the 
inbound message. So, no, the receiving server won't respond with sorry, 
all full at the step you are expecting it to (before sending the 
message.) Besides that, the quota or maximum size for the inbox, is 
arbitrary and determined by the email server manager. Because of the 
time it would take to calculate the current size (fullness) of your 
inbox, the receiving server is going to delay that step in the process 
until after the communication with the sending server has ended.

Instead of the receiving server responding with oh, no, thanks but I'm 
full when you offer another delicious piece of email pie, the receiving 
server will, after the receiving connection is closed and the full-osity 
has been determined, bounce a message back to the sender's inbox (not 
the sending server! it may not be the same) saying something like 
sorry, all full. At that point, you have another issue on your does your SENDING email inbox server handle bounce back 
messages and what happens when there is a flurry of those?

Bottom line, full email in-boxes are a big pain in the email. With 
storage space so cheap though, you should have no problem getting a 10GB 
to 25GB inbox (unless you're using a free service, in which case it will 
only be around 2GB to 5GB.) It should take hundreds if not thousands of 
spams to fill that up! So now we have another issue...inbox maintenance. 
Does anyone ever clean out the inbox that is overflowing? (Sorry if you 
already covered this, I just did a quick-scan of your first message a 
couple of hours ago.)

If you are wanting to determine, for example through a program you 
write, what the current fullness of your inbox on that email account 
is, you can usually do that using the IMAP protocol, but it will take 
several steps and you'll need to know the inbox max limit. I say usually 
because it, again, depends on the receiving server.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures
From: Ken Dibble
Date: 4/29/2013 2:35 PM

At 02:18 PM 4/29/2013 -0500, you wrote:
One of the first steps in the connection and sending of email from 
server to server is to identify who the message is for (sender) and a 
response from the receiving server as to whether that person 
(address) is known to them. At that point, based on the receiver's 
response, the sender can abort the transaction.

Look up the SMTP command RCPT TO.
If the user is known, the receiving server will respond with 
something like

250 OK - Recipient

So it should return 250 if the recipient exists, regardless of whether 
that mailbox is full?

The provider's system didn't work this way originally. It didn't stop 
refusing to verify a sender whose mailbox was full until after they 
implemented a security update I think, in late 2011 or early 2012.

According to the Wikipedia article linked by Ted, I think if the SMTP 
server attempts RCPT TO: and gets 250 back, it can stop the process at 
that point, thereby not delivering a message to the recipient, and can 
also refuse to send a bounce message back to the original sender in 
order to prevent a dictionary attack.

However, my email client will always display the SMTP error in that 
case (550 Sender verify failed) which ought to be just as useful to a 
dictionary attacker that can directly read the error message.

So it would seem that nothing really can be done within the realm of 
email sender verification to protect against such attacks as long as 
the SMTP server emits some kind of response to the original sender 
when a message doesn't go through for whatever reason--which, it seems 
to me, it must do in some manner. At least, in the case of my ISP, 
returning 550 ought to be just as valuable to a spammer as anything 
else it could return short of outright lying, in which case a 
legitimate sender would have a problem.

The Wikipedia article implies that security (over) conscious mail 
admins may be misusing the protocols. However, I don't understand this 
well enough to develop a response for my provider.

Can you (or anyone) perhaps suggest exactly what sequence of commands 
and responses I should ask my

Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures

2013-04-29 Thread Mike Copeland

I think that your explanation (below) is clear.

Why, in the name of all that is normal, would the email service provider 
that you use test YOUR account for being full when YOU send an email? Or 
to ask it another way, what is the logic for doing that? Are they 
assuming that if your email inbox is full that you are not going to send 
anything? That's just nuts.

Or, again, am I misunderstanding?

In your info, below, you identified yourself as

If you try to send me an email using your account, 
then I would only expect MY email address to be an issue in a perfect 
world. Now, almost any self-respecting email service provider (your 
service provider that you pay for the privilege) will test the 
sender/sending address ( to be both a valid address 
and an address that they are responsible for. H.maybe that is 
why he is attempting to use a call back procedure...

Okay, so you say that this only happens when your inbox has reached the 
arbitrary limit the service provider has set.
The service provider says that if they don't get a 250 (all okay) then 
they refuse to let you send. Curious.
I would say that the service provider is using a very odd, and obviously 
unworkable, method to determine if you are one of their customers. Why 
would they not, instead, maintain a database of customers email 
addresses  and validate against that?

Sorry, but I'm going to have to cast my vote for another provider...or 
you're going to have to poke them until they revise their methods. I 
think you also said that something changed recently, so obviously they 
are not anti-change.

This all makes me wonder if they actually have control of the email 
server they are selling you service from...there are a lot of resellers 
out there that just handle the human-customer-seller interaction and buy 
the service at a discount from the actual computer owner-operator.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures
From: Ken Dibble
Date: 4/29/2013 3:19 PM

I might not be understanding your question, but I would test the 
provider's server using Telnet.

I think you may not be (or I'm not understanding your explanations). 
My problem is this:

I am That email address is managed by a company 
that I pay for the privilege.

My desktop email client uses POP/SMTP. It is set to leave messages on 
the server for a certain number of days and then delete them. This so 
that the account can be accessed from more than one email client.

Yes, I know IMAP can handle this differently but for now let us just 
assume that I continue to use POP/SMTP (as I had been using for well 
over a decade without problems until late 2010 or so).

Now, the mailbox for on the server is full. I can 
determine this by checking the webmail, or by trying to send a message 
to that account and receiving a mailbox over-quota bounce message.

Now, while that mailbox is full, I try to SEND email FROM to ANYBODY. The recipient is irrelevant. When I 
attempt to send the message, I do not receive a bounce-back email. I 
immediately get 550 Sender verify failed in my email client's error 

My mail provider says that he's using a callback procedure that 
involves trying to deliver an email to He says 
that if the server returns anything other than 250 OK, he sends back 
the 550 error.

My complaint is that his server should be able to differentiate 
account does not exist from other possible sources of results other 
than 250, and if the account actually exists, then his server should 
allow me to send messages.

If it will help, I've included a (lightly) edited transcript of my 
email conversation with the provider about this, below.


Ken Dibble

Here are the pertinent parts of the email conversation I had with the 
provider. If this makes sense to anyone, please let me know. 
(Actually, the provider's behavior first changed, to start sending 550 
Sender Verify Failed if the sender's mailbox was full, in late 2010.)


People here frequently have full mailboxes; that situation gets 
rectified within a matter of days in the normal course of business. 
They should not have to be bothered by whether their mailbox is full 
at the moment they want to SEND an email to somebody else.

So can you please turn this behavior off for STIC's email accounts?


It is not possible to disable it on a per domain basis, and we are not 
going to disable it on the per server basis, sorry.  It prevents soo 
much invalid / spam mail.

The reason it fails is this,. the server does an SMTP callback  to the 
mx for the domain and try to deliver a mail.  Since the mailbox is 
full it gets fail.

We are using totally different mail server software now, then before 
the move/upgrade hence

Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures

2013-04-29 Thread Mike Copeland
No...the telnet test is no different than the communications that takes 
place between your email client software program and the email server at The process, the responses, everything is the 
same...assuming you are using the same port in your telnet testing. Did 
you actually send

telnet 25
telnet mail.mydomain.rg smtp
Without the port info, the telnet app will default to port 23...which 
won't work for SMTP.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures
From: Ken Dibble
Date: 4/29/2013 4:03 PM

At 03:41 PM 4/29/2013 -0500, you wrote:

I think that your explanation (below) is clear.

Why, in the name of all that is normal, would the email service 
provider that you use test YOUR account for being full when YOU send 
an email? Or to ask it another way, what is the logic for doing that? 
Are they assuming that if your email inbox is full that you are not 
going to send anything? That's just nuts.

Or, again, am I misunderstanding?

In your info, below, you identified yourself as

If you try to send me an email using your account, 
then I would only expect MY email address to be an issue in a perfect 
world. Now, almost any self-respecting email service provider (your 
service provider that you pay for the privilege) will test the 
sender/sending address ( to be both a valid 
address and an address that they are responsible for. H.maybe 
that is why he is attempting to use a call back procedure...

Okay, so you say that this only happens when your inbox has reached 
the arbitrary limit the service provider has set.
The service provider says that if they don't get a 250 (all okay) 
then they refuse to let you send. Curious.
I would say that the service provider is using a very odd, and 
obviously unworkable, method to determine if you are one of their 
customers. Why would they not, instead, maintain a database of 
customers email addresses  and validate against that?

Sorry, but I'm going to have to cast my vote for another 
provider...or you're going to have to poke them until they revise 
their methods. I think you also said that something changed 
recently, so obviously they are not anti-change.

This all makes me wonder if they actually have control of the email 
server they are selling you service from...there are a lot of 
resellers out there that just handle the human-customer-seller 
interaction and buy the service at a discount from the actual 
computer owner-operator.

Hm... that could be. That might be why, as the provider said, the MTA 
and LDA don't really know each other.

I did the following:






250 OK

So at that point my provider could have sent the email on to my 
intended recipient with full confidence that I am a valid user.

However, if I try to send email from that same account using my 
POP/SMTP client, I get 550 Sender verify failed.

This is, of course, verified email, which requires the SMTP 
conversation to do a few more things, including sending the account 
address and a password. So I would guess the verification occurs on 
the account/password check, before we even get to MAIL FROM:


Ken Dibble

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Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures

2013-04-29 Thread Mike Copeland
The reason I'm doubting the company you purchase your email service from 
is the actual computer/software owner/operator is because of their odd 
process...unless what they said and what you heard and what you related 
here aren't exactly the same. In other words, maybe they didn't 'splain 
it right, or maybe they did and you didn't hear it right, or maybe you 
heard it right but I'm not understanding your relayed info.

Regardless, I've not encountered, or hear of an email server program 
that would do that (check for a full inbox and refuse outbound relaying 
if inbox is full) although I'm not saying it doesn't exist. To be 
honest, it would be a good way to force people to clean up their room... :)


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures
From: Ken Dibble
Date: 4/29/2013 4:03 PM

At 03:41 PM 4/29/2013 -0500, you wrote:

I think that your explanation (below) is clear.

Why, in the name of all that is normal, would the email service 
provider that you use test YOUR account for being full when YOU send 
an email? Or to ask it another way, what is the logic for doing that? 
Are they assuming that if your email inbox is full that you are not 
going to send anything? That's just nuts.

Or, again, am I misunderstanding?

In your info, below, you identified yourself as

If you try to send me an email using your account, 
then I would only expect MY email address to be an issue in a perfect 
world. Now, almost any self-respecting email service provider (your 
service provider that you pay for the privilege) will test the 
sender/sending address ( to be both a valid 
address and an address that they are responsible for. H.maybe 
that is why he is attempting to use a call back procedure...

Okay, so you say that this only happens when your inbox has reached 
the arbitrary limit the service provider has set.
The service provider says that if they don't get a 250 (all okay) 
then they refuse to let you send. Curious.
I would say that the service provider is using a very odd, and 
obviously unworkable, method to determine if you are one of their 
customers. Why would they not, instead, maintain a database of 
customers email addresses  and validate against that?

Sorry, but I'm going to have to cast my vote for another 
provider...or you're going to have to poke them until they revise 
their methods. I think you also said that something changed 
recently, so obviously they are not anti-change.

This all makes me wonder if they actually have control of the email 
server they are selling you service from...there are a lot of 
resellers out there that just handle the human-customer-seller 
interaction and buy the service at a discount from the actual 
computer owner-operator.

Hm... that could be. That might be why, as the provider said, the MTA 
and LDA don't really know each other.

I did the following:






250 OK

So at that point my provider could have sent the email on to my 
intended recipient with full confidence that I am a valid user.

However, if I try to send email from that same account using my 
POP/SMTP client, I get 550 Sender verify failed.

This is, of course, verified email, which requires the SMTP 
conversation to do a few more things, including sending the account 
address and a password. So I would guess the verification occurs on 
the account/password check, before we even get to MAIL FROM:


Ken Dibble

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Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures

2013-04-29 Thread Mike Copeland

When you send
and their server responds with
250 OK
then your next step would be to issue the DATA command and start sending 
your message.

The receiving server doesn't know if it is talking to telnet (with you 
typing commands) or Outlook or Thunderbird or any other email client 

You might consider installing a network sniffer on your workstation 
(like Wireshark) and then you'll be able to see, exactly, what the 
communications between your email client software and their email server 
software is.

I wouldn't suggest going to that much trouble, but the fact that Telnet 
is providing you with an 250 OK but your email client software 
apparently doesn't, makes me wonder what else may be going on.

Try to work completely through the telnet test and send yourself an 
email Hello World and see what happens. And yeah, I'm very aware of 
what a pain in the butt sending email via telnet isone little typo 
and you have to start over.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures
From: Ken Dibble
Date: 4/29/2013 4:03 PM

At 03:41 PM 4/29/2013 -0500, you wrote:

I think that your explanation (below) is clear.

Why, in the name of all that is normal, would the email service 
provider that you use test YOUR account for being full when YOU send 
an email? Or to ask it another way, what is the logic for doing that? 
Are they assuming that if your email inbox is full that you are not 
going to send anything? That's just nuts.

Or, again, am I misunderstanding?

In your info, below, you identified yourself as

If you try to send me an email using your account, 
then I would only expect MY email address to be an issue in a perfect 
world. Now, almost any self-respecting email service provider (your 
service provider that you pay for the privilege) will test the 
sender/sending address ( to be both a valid 
address and an address that they are responsible for. H.maybe 
that is why he is attempting to use a call back procedure...

Okay, so you say that this only happens when your inbox has reached 
the arbitrary limit the service provider has set.
The service provider says that if they don't get a 250 (all okay) 
then they refuse to let you send. Curious.
I would say that the service provider is using a very odd, and 
obviously unworkable, method to determine if you are one of their 
customers. Why would they not, instead, maintain a database of 
customers email addresses  and validate against that?

Sorry, but I'm going to have to cast my vote for another 
provider...or you're going to have to poke them until they revise 
their methods. I think you also said that something changed 
recently, so obviously they are not anti-change.

This all makes me wonder if they actually have control of the email 
server they are selling you service from...there are a lot of 
resellers out there that just handle the human-customer-seller 
interaction and buy the service at a discount from the actual 
computer owner-operator.

Hm... that could be. That might be why, as the provider said, the MTA 
and LDA don't really know each other.

I did the following:






250 OK

So at that point my provider could have sent the email on to my 
intended recipient with full confidence that I am a valid user.

However, if I try to send email from that same account using my 
POP/SMTP client, I get 550 Sender verify failed.

This is, of course, verified email, which requires the SMTP 
conversation to do a few more things, including sending the account 
address and a password. So I would guess the verification occurs on 
the account/password check, before we even get to MAIL FROM:


Ken Dibble

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Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures

2013-04-29 Thread Mike Copeland
Oops, after you send the mail from the next step is the Rcpt 
to:not the data command.

Sorry about that.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures
From: Mike Copeland
Date: 4/29/2013 4:36 PM

When you send
and their server responds with
250 OK
then your next step would be to issue the DATA command and start 
sending your message.

The receiving server doesn't know if it is talking to telnet (with you 
typing commands) or Outlook or Thunderbird or any other email client 

You might consider installing a network sniffer on your workstation 
(like Wireshark) and then you'll be able to see, exactly, what the 
communications between your email client software and their email 
server software is.

I wouldn't suggest going to that much trouble, but the fact that 
Telnet is providing you with an 250 OK but your email client software 
apparently doesn't, makes me wonder what else may be going on.

Try to work completely through the telnet test and send yourself an 
email Hello World and see what happens. And yeah, I'm very aware of 
what a pain in the butt sending email via telnet isone little typo 
and you have to start over.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures
From: Ken Dibble
Date: 4/29/2013 4:03 PM

At 03:41 PM 4/29/2013 -0500, you wrote:

I think that your explanation (below) is clear.

Why, in the name of all that is normal, would the email service 
provider that you use test YOUR account for being full when YOU send 
an email? Or to ask it another way, what is the logic for doing 
that? Are they assuming that if your email inbox is full that you 
are not going to send anything? That's just nuts.

Or, again, am I misunderstanding?

In your info, below, you identified yourself as

If you try to send me an email using your account, 
then I would only expect MY email address to be an issue in a 
perfect world. Now, almost any self-respecting email service 
provider (your service provider that you pay for the privilege) will 
test the sender/sending address ( to be both a 
valid address and an address that they are responsible for. 
H.maybe that is why he is attempting to use a call back 

Okay, so you say that this only happens when your inbox has reached 
the arbitrary limit the service provider has set.
The service provider says that if they don't get a 250 (all okay) 
then they refuse to let you send. Curious.
I would say that the service provider is using a very odd, and 
obviously unworkable, method to determine if you are one of their 
customers. Why would they not, instead, maintain a database of 
customers email addresses  and validate against that?

Sorry, but I'm going to have to cast my vote for another 
provider...or you're going to have to poke them until they revise 
their methods. I think you also said that something changed 
recently, so obviously they are not anti-change.

This all makes me wonder if they actually have control of the email 
server they are selling you service from...there are a lot of 
resellers out there that just handle the human-customer-seller 
interaction and buy the service at a discount from the actual 
computer owner-operator.

Hm... that could be. That might be why, as the provider said, the MTA 
and LDA don't really know each other.

I did the following:






250 OK

So at that point my provider could have sent the email on to my 
intended recipient with full confidence that I am a valid user.

However, if I try to send email from that same account using my 
POP/SMTP client, I get 550 Sender verify failed.

This is, of course, verified email, which requires the SMTP 
conversation to do a few more things, including sending the account 
address and a password. So I would guess the verification occurs on 
the account/password check, before we even get to MAIL FROM:


Ken Dibble

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Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures

2013-04-30 Thread Mike Copeland
Your client needs the password to authenticate. The Telnet procedure 
should also be asking for a password


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures
From: Ken Dibble
Date: 4/29/2013 8:45 PM

However, if I don't tell my POP client to save my email password, it 
will ask for my password when I attempt to send an email. I see that 
with both Eudora and Thunderbird. What is being done with that 
password then, that isn't being done with Telnet?

Ken Dibble

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Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures

2013-04-30 Thread Mike Copeland
As you have found, the SMTP protocol is a set of guidelines that...some 
are adhered to closely, some not so much. Error codes is one of the not 
so much areas.

At this point, all I can say for sure is that your provider is choosing 
to disallow your sending outbound messages via SMTP when your inbox is 
full (your account has reached disk storage quota) as you have proven. I 
find that choice, by them, to be arbitrary and pointless. I just don't 
see the connection. Do they want more $$$ for a larger quota? Are you 
getting so much email in your inbox that it fills up that quickly? I 
would consider getting a free Gmail account and using that for some of 
your message reply-to addresses or something.

In my opinion, you aren't doing any thing wrong unless not cleaning out 
your inbox more often is to be considered a mistake on your part.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [NF] Standard Email Sender Verification Procedures
From: Ken Dibble
Date: 4/29/2013 9:32 PM

Try to work completely through the telnet test and send yourself an 
email Hello World and see what happens. And yeah, I'm very aware of 
what a pain in the butt sending email via telnet isone little 
typo and you have to start over.

Okay. So after following the same Telnet steps I do:


550 verification failed for
550 mailbox quota exceeded
550 sender verify failed

My provider seems to indicate that after accepting the rcpt to: 
command he issues his callback to, and 
if this generates something other than 250, he sends 550 back to me. 
He further explains that quota exceeded is a temporary error in the 
400 range, and that if his callback returns a number in the 400 range 
he will issue 550 back to me.

So now I'm reading the (painful) SMTP return code reference. There 
does seem to be general agreement on the range of available return 
codes, but somewhat less than general agreement on what they mean.

There doesn't seem to be a 400-range error specifically for mailbox 
quota exceeded. The closest one is in RFC 2821 is 452 - Requested 
action not taken - insufficient system storage; that is, according to 
one more detailed reference 
there is insufficient disk space at the host for, which may mean that the entire host 
server is full, or all of the space allocated for my domain is full, 
or just that my mailbox is full. Or it may mean that the SMTP server 
is out of memory, or that its limit on concurrent connections has been 

This would not seem to be a clear indication that my account is valid; 
it only would appear to demonstrate that my domain is valid.

However, there is also 552, for which the RFC 2821 legend is 
Requested mail actions aborted - exceeded storage allocation. The 
above-cited reference PDF says this means The user's mailbox has 
reached its maximum allowed size. But neither RFC 2821, nor another 
reference at, is willing to 
go so far in specifying the meaning of this code, which on its face 
would only seem to mean that the condition defined in 452--or 
whichever of the several possibilities listed there--is not 
temporary but permanent.

My provider says that anything after the number is undefined and not 

So I guess the pertinent questions now are:

Is there a real difference, other than temporary vs permanent, 
between 452 and 552?

Then, if the answer is, Yes, 452 is insufficient disk space or RAM or 
connections for presumably temporary reasons and 552 is always mailbox 
quota exceeded, a permanent condition until the user takes action to 
rectify it, then why doesn't the provider's callback return 552 
instead of some number in the 400 range?

And if the callback does in fact return 552, could not the provider 
then conclude that the account is valid?

And, lastly, how does any of this inform my provider, who hosts many 
domains, that my domain not only exists, but is a domain that he hosts 
and for which he should provide SMTP service?

Ken Dibble

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Re: Are you ready to rumble?

2013-04-30 Thread Mike Copeland
The voice recognition accuracy on my Android phone always amazes me with 
its accuracy.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Are you ready to rumble?
From: Dan Covill
Date: 4/30/2013 3:56 PM

On 04/30/13 01:11 PM, Stephen Russell wrote:

Voice recognition should be fine in no time at all.

I really see that the reasons touch works on the phone is because the
developers thought about what needed to be done.  Instead of 
listening to
people say I only need a phone to make a call!  or That will never 

for people with fat fingers

I have a Nexus 7 Tablet, and the voice recognition works just great 
for Google searches!

In my limited experience, touch works best for making large, imprecise 
moves.  The perfect examples are swiping to the next page of a book 
and going to the next/previous slide in a slide show.  For those 
cases, touch is at least twice as good as the next-best alternative.  
But once again, we're consuming content, not creating it.


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Re: Print A Word Document From VFP

2013-05-07 Thread Mike Copeland
I may be completely off the mark here, but I vaguely recall something 
about positioning the WORD application during the automation so that it 
was off-screen (to hide the flash.)

I have no idea how that would be done, if it can be, but I've asked my 
brain a few times and I keep getting this same memory.


 Original Message 
Subject: Print A Word Document From VFP
From: Jack Skelley
Date: 5/7/2013 6:28 PM

Good Evening All:
I am creating a Word 2010 automation form to open a document and print it.
I have a few questions:
1 - Except for the first file opened every file there after will flash the Word 
interface even though I issue a .visible = .f. and issue a Word minimized 
  How DO I stop the screen flash from Word when the second and subsequent 
documents are opened?
2- How do I know the document has been queued before I move to the next one?
Except for the annoying screen flash the code works ok if I pause between docs 
to allow it to queue.
No editing involved here. Simple open a file and send it to a printer...
Thanks for any help.
Best regards,

Jack Skelley

Jack Skelley
Senior Director, Programming/Computer Operations
New Jersey Devils

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(NF) Firewall appliance

2013-05-08 Thread Mike Copeland
Anyone have any experience, advice, for perimeter firewalls on a 
corporate network? I'm looking at the Cisco and the Fortinet devices. I 
don't need VPN or spam/virus filtering, just high volume throughput and 
Currently using a Cisco (IOS) that, after a year or so of life, is 
hanging up randomly every 40 or 50 hours.

Thanks for any feedback.

Mike Copeland

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Re: (NF) Firewall appliance

2013-05-08 Thread Mike Copeland

Wow, thanks Kevin! Haven't heard of them either, but they look awesome.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: (NF) Firewall appliance
From: Kevin Cully
Date: 5/8/2013 2:20 PM
I've heard good things about these appliances, but I haven't used them 


On 05/08/2013 03:10 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:
Anyone have any experience, advice, for perimeter firewalls on a 
corporate network? I'm looking at the Cisco and the Fortinet devices. 
I don't need VPN or spam/virus filtering, just high volume throughput 
and stability.
Currently using a Cisco (IOS) that, after a year or so of life, is 
hanging up randomly every 40 or 50 hours.

Thanks for any feedback.

Mike Copeland

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Re: (NF) Firewall appliance

2013-05-08 Thread Mike Copeland

Yeah, but is that before, or after, you put the tinfoil hat on?


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: (NF) Firewall appliance
From: M Jarvis
Date: 5/8/2013 4:24 PM

On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 12:10 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

Anyone have any experience, advice, for perimeter firewalls on a corporate
network? I'm looking at the Cisco and the Fortinet devices. I don't need VPN
or spam/virus filtering, just high volume throughput and stability.
Currently using a Cisco (IOS) that, after a year or so of life, is hanging
up randomly every 40 or 50 hours.
Thanks for any feedback.

Mike Copeland

I just unplug mine when I'm not using it  g
Matt Jarvis
Eugene, Oregon USA

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Re: (NF) Firewall appliance

2013-05-08 Thread Mike Copeland
Paul, you are a man I can both relate to and admire...unfortunately, 
this client wants to be a numb-butt and he relates  = quality. It 
took me years to prove that a Linux box for a file server was better 
than buying seats on Windows Server 2008...and he still chaffs at the idea.

But, yes, I've used many of the now-defunct Linux firewall packages, 
like Coyote and it's derivatives...loved 'em and found them to be rock 
solid. This client, unfortunately, likes to give tours of his phone 
closet and drop comments like ...and we spent $5000 on this one little



 Original Message 
Subject: Re: (NF) Firewall appliance
From: Paul McNett
Date: 5/8/2013 4:44 PM

On 5/8/13 12:10 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

Anyone have any experience, advice, for perimeter firewalls on a corporate 
I'm looking at the Cisco and the Fortinet devices. I don't need VPN or 
filtering, just high volume throughput and stability.
Currently using a Cisco (IOS) that, after a year or so of life, is hanging up
randomly every 40 or 50 hours.
Thanks for any feedback.

I build linux firewalls from low-end Dell PowerEdge servers. It's like $700 
plus 2-4
hours of my time. You get a very configurable firewall with high
reliability/stability/security and volume throughput that I've never noticed to 
less than acceptable.

The basic recipe is:

Current Ubuntu LTS Server release (12.04 currently)
apt-get install shorewall
drop in and modify boilerplate interfaces, zones, policies, rules, masq
I usually put a OpenVPN endpoint for me to connect through
Failing OpenVPN, I'll open port 22 for SSH
change /etc/default/shorewall to startup=1
service shorewall start

Every week, either automatically or manually, do a apt-get update; apt-get
dist-upgrade or apt-get install unattended-updates and configure to get the 

I like using general Linux boxes for specific things like this because they can 
pull double-duty as local caching dns servers, dhcp servers, web proxies, etc. 
I get all the maintenance fees instead of some third-party vendor. :)

I started building my own firewalls after getting fed up with every supposedly
enterprise-grade firewall I tried at the time (2002 or so; I'm sure there are 
superior commercial offerings today).


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Re: (NF) Firewall appliance

2013-05-08 Thread Mike Copeland

Oh man...I dunno...I couldn't pay less than $5,000 for that. Sorry.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: (NF) Firewall appliance
From: Paul McNett
Date: 5/8/2013 7:44 PM

On 5/8/13 2:49 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

But, yes, I've used many of the now-defunct Linux firewall packages, like 
Coyote and
it's derivatives...loved 'em and found them to be rock solid. This client,
unfortunately, likes to give tours of his phone closet and drop comments like 
we spent $5000 on this one little

Oh, now you are talking about the McNettWARE F23 Enterprise Firewall Appliance, 
conveniently starts at $3500 with $100/month monitoring and maintenance, and 99%
uptime SLA. No mention that it's Linux underneath.



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Re: (NF) Firewall appliance

2013-05-08 Thread Mike Copeland
No no...sorry, I must insist that since I thought the price of $5k was 
WITHOUT maintenance, and that 5 year support plan has to be additional. 
I'm afraid we don't have a deal.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: (NF) Firewall appliance
From: Paul McNett
Date: 5/8/2013 10:18 PM

You drive a hard bargain. Ok ok, $5000 gets you the unit plus 5 years 
plus we'll put your logo on our website and give you access to our special
clients-only portal.

On 5/8/13 6:34 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

Oh man...I dunno...I couldn't pay less than $5,000 for that. Sorry.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: (NF) Firewall appliance
From: Paul McNett
Date: 5/8/2013 7:44 PM

On 5/8/13 2:49 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

But, yes, I've used many of the now-defunct Linux firewall packages, like 
Coyote and
it's derivatives...loved 'em and found them to be rock solid. This client,
unfortunately, likes to give tours of his phone closet and drop comments like 
we spent $5000 on this one little

Oh, now you are talking about the McNettWARE F23 Enterprise Firewall Appliance, 
conveniently starts at $3500 with $100/month monitoring and maintenance, and 99%
uptime SLA. No mention that it's Linux underneath.



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Re: (NF) Firewall appliance

2013-05-08 Thread Mike Copeland
Okay, now we're gettin' somewhere...that's what I'm talkin' about. You 
had me at Pink Floyd.

I'll have to get an RFP and PO together PDQ.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: (NF) Firewall appliance
From: Paul McNett
Date: 5/8/2013 10:32 PM

Perhaps you'd be interested in the McNettWARE F23 Machine that goes ping 
It's $5K with no maintenance, no support, but when it blocks a port incursion, 
makes a solid, satisfying Ping sound. For $1K more, the pings will have 
directly related to the port number.

For $1000 more, attempted incursions on port 23 will play a couple seconds of 
Floyd's Sheep.


On 5/8/13 8:25 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

No no...sorry, I must insist that since I thought the price of $5k was WITHOUT
maintenance, and that 5 year support plan has to be additional. I'm afraid we 
have a deal.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: (NF) Firewall appliance
From: Paul McNett
Date: 5/8/2013 10:18 PM

You drive a hard bargain. Ok ok, $5000 gets you the unit plus 5 years 
plus we'll put your logo on our website and give you access to our special
clients-only portal.

On 5/8/13 6:34 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

Oh man...I dunno...I couldn't pay less than $5,000 for that. Sorry.

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: (NF) Firewall appliance
From: Paul McNett
Date: 5/8/2013 7:44 PM

On 5/8/13 2:49 PM, Mike Copeland wrote:

But, yes, I've used many of the now-defunct Linux firewall packages, like Coyote
it's derivatives...loved 'em and found them to be rock solid. This client,
unfortunately, likes to give tours of his phone closet and drop comments like
we spent $5000 on this one little

Oh, now you are talking about the McNettWARE F23 Enterprise Firewall Appliance,
conveniently starts at $3500 with $100/month monitoring and maintenance, and 99%
uptime SLA. No mention that it's Linux underneath.



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Re: (NF) Firewall appliance

2013-05-09 Thread Mike Copeland

Thanks for that lead, Dave!


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: (NF) Firewall appliance
From: Dave Crozier
Date: 5/9/2013 2:49 AM

We have dual Sonicwall NSA 240 units that are incredibly versatile and 
reliable. The range of exceptions and policies you can set up are mind boggling 
and the just do their job superbly.


-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of David Almada
Sent: 08 May 2013 21:10
To: 'ProFox Email List'
Subject: RE: (NF) Firewall appliance

Do they come with any applications like office or windows installed?

David Almada - Database Manager
Email: davidalm...@sbcglobal.netTweet@DavidAlmada5  Phone:  619-295-5535
San Diego, California  -  Databases:  FoxPro/SQL/MS-Access Data Translation - 
Information Extraction - Migrating Applications

-Original Message-
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Malcolm Greene
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: (NF) Firewall appliance


Anyone have any experience, advice, for perimeter firewalls on a

corporate network? I'm looking at the Cisco and the Fortinet devices. I don't 
need VPN or spam/virus filtering, just high volume throughput and stability.

I'm a fan of CheckPoint.

pfSense (open source with optional commercial support available).is also a good 


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