Re: Deserializing Messages of unknown type at compile-time

2008-09-12 Thread Kenton Varda
Even if the message contains only one, non-repeated field, ParseFrom*() will
keep reading until EOF or an error.
At Google, we have lots of various container formats, for streaming,
record-based files, database tables, etc., where each record is a protocol
buffer.  All of these formats store the size of the message before the
message itself.  Our philosophy is that because we have protocol buffers,
all of these *other* formats and protocols can be designed to pass around
arbitrary byte blobs, which greatly simplifies them.  An arbitrary byte blob
is not necessarily self-delimiting, so it's up to these container formats to
keep track of the size separately.

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 8:20 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  No, it won't work.  Protocol buffers are not self-delimiting.  They
  that the input you provide is supposed to be one complete message, not a
  message possibly followed by other stuff.

 There are a couple of related threads about delimiting the outer
 message (with either a marker or a length). The need for this seems to
 arise from streaming  (especially when input would block such as on a
 network socket).

 Could this not be solved by a simple convention in the proto file ?
 (Maybe I am missing something big here)

 Let us say we have a proto as follows

 message TRPProtocol
  message TRPPDU
required int32 version;
required int32 type;

optional HelloRequest   hello_req = 1;
optional HelloResponse  hello_resp = 2;
optional ConnectRequest connect_req =
 // etc etc
  required TRPPDU  thepdu=1;

 On the wire the outer message is not length delimited, but the inner
 message is. The inner message is represented by the 'required' field

 It would then be possible to stream instances of the inner message
 TRPPDU. I hope my understanding is correct. Could you write
 something like the following ?

 TRPProtocol::TRPPDU Pdu;
 Pdu.ParseFromFileDescriptor( socket_fd);   // socket_fd has been
 opened and initialized earlier

 to read just one message, respond to that if needed, and then read the
 next one.

 Is my understanding correct ? Is this how it is done at Google when
 using PB for client - server comms ?



  You will need to somehow communicate the size of the message and make
  to limit the input to that size.


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Re: How to properly implement RpcChannel::CallMethod

2008-09-16 Thread Kenton Varda
You should send the method's name along with the request.  The receiver can
then look up the MethodDescriptor from the service's ServiceDescriptor,
using FindMethodByName().
You might even encode your messages like this:

message RpcRequest {
  required string method_name = 1;

  // The serialized request message.
  required bytes request_data = 2;

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 8:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I have some problems setting up a simple IPC system using protocol
 buffers for sending the parameters and results between two processes.
 I have written a protocol buffers service with a function and a simple
 IPC system that can transfer raw byte messages between two processes.
 My problem is understanding how my RpcChannel::CallMethod should be
 implemented. I was expecting it was as easy to encode the message to
 raw bytes and pick it up in the other process and decode it. However,
 it turned out that the MethodDescriptor is not encoded in the Message
 and it's needed in the other end to route the message to the right
 function. I found no functionality to serialize the MethodDescriptor
 to a byte stream.

 Of course I can come up with encodings for the method descriptor,
 either sending the name or the index should work. Then I can just put
 it first in the buffer that's transferred to the other process, but
 that means I lose the nice feature of letting protocol buffers
 handling unicode string encoding, endianness of integers etc. One
 approach would be to create a meta message containing both the method
 descriptor and the encoded message as a variable size byte array in
 one message.
 I somehow think I'm missing the point here, how is
 RpcChannel::CallMethod supposed to work?

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Re: Protocol Buffers can't use in visual studio 2003 ?

2008-09-16 Thread Kenton Varda
I don't think DLLs or LIBs created with a never version of MSVC will work
with MSVC 2003.  Protobufs use STL heavily in the interface, and I think the
STL classes change from version to version.
On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 4:44 AM, Niall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I get the same runtime error with MSVC 03.

 Could some make available the required *.dlls and *.libs which I could
 download and test with my IDE? This should tell whether it's the dll/
 libs that MSVC 2003 makes are the root of the problem or whether it's
 with program that's linking to them? Right?

  you can create a new project under the solution of vsprojects, then
  the dependencies to lib*, then it will work.
 I'm not certain what you mean there...

 Thanks, Niall

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Re: Protocol Buffers can't use in visual studio 2003 ?

2008-09-16 Thread Kenton Varda
Even if only the implementation changes -- specifically, the class's memory
layout -- that will cause a binary incompatibility, especially since STL is
all templates.  It seems the debug vs. release versions of MSVC's STL are
not even binary compatible, so being compatible between two versions of MSVC
seems doubtful.

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Niall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the reply. You're probably right... but I'm still not
 convinced it wouldn't work. I couldn't imagine the STL's interface
 changing. The implementation, sure, but I'd be surprised if the
 interface would (There'd need to be a real good reason with all that
 reference paperwork needing changing).

  Protobufs use STL heavily in the interface, and I think
  the STL classes change from version to version.
 Sure, but if I can compile the DLL's and LIB's anyway I can't see this
 being a problem.

 This is just gut feeling, though. I can't find anything online to say
 either way which would happen. Would it be worth trying anyway? If


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Re: Protocol Buffers can't use in visual studio 2003 ?

2008-09-16 Thread Kenton Varda
I think you'll have to run it in a debugger and try to figure out the cause
of the crash you're seeing.  I don't have a copy of MSVC '03, but if you
send me the stack trace I could try to guess what's going on.

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 1:03 PM, Niall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Finally. I see what you mean. Thanks for your help and clarification.
 I wasn't aware of those issues. Thanks again!

 Any suggestions on how I could use protobufs with MSVC '03? Without
 the runtime errors when calling SerializeToOstream, that is. Lenjoy,
 in the second post, said:

 you can create a new project under the solution of vsprojects, then
 select the dependencies to lib*, then it will work.

 But I don't know what that means... I tried a couple of things, like
 adding a new project to the solution I used in generating the DLLs,
 libs etc. But with the same result.

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Re: Emulate hash_map using map when necessary.

2008-09-19 Thread Kenton Varda
submitted.  Thanks for prodding me into fixing this.  :)

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 6:41 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You can submit it, the code is correct.

 Thank you.


 *De :* Kenton Varda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Envoyé :* 18 septembre 2008 17:13
 *À :* [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Choinière, Vincent;
 *Objet :* Re: Emulate hash_map using map when necessary.

 Any comments on the code?  If not, I'll go ahead and submit it.

 On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 1:59 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, is working.

 == Test ok on Tru64 (with some other changed in the code for the
 == Test ok on Windows Visual Studio 2005

 Issue 5682 can be ignored...

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Re: Any small sample Class Service code for Java

2008-09-19 Thread Kenton Varda
On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 9:50 AM, Mars [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 just want to find some sample code for Class Service:

That's the Python version.  Shouldn't you be looking at the Java version?

for example:
 given .proto .java files below,
 how to use simply use them in some basic Java network program, such as
 ServerSocket or DatagramSocket?

Maybe look at some of the RPC implementations people are working on:

 # .proto
 message Req1 {
  required int32 id = 1;

 message Res1 {
  required string name = 1;

 service Serv1 {
  rpc Func1(Req1) returns (Res1) {
option name = name1;

 // .java
 public class MyServ implements Serv1 {

  public EmptyMessage Func1(RPC rpc, Req1 req) throws RpcException {


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Re: Does SerializeToXxx() guarantee a call to ByteSize()?

2008-09-19 Thread Kenton Varda
You probably shouldn't rely on this.  Some of the serialization methods will
guarantee this, some won't.  What you can do is call ByteSize() yourself,
and then use SerializeWithCachedSizes(), which requires that ByteSize() was
already called and won't call it again.  You'll have to do a small amount of
extra setup (allocating a ZeroCopyOutputStream and a CodedOutputStream), but
it's pretty straightforward -- you can just copy the code out of
Another thing that you could do which is specific to your use case:  Instead
of allocating a byte array to serialize into, just use a string:

string bytes;
send(fd,, bytes.size(), 0);

This is better anyway since it won't break if your messages become larger
than SIZE.

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Leandro Lucarella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I guess SerializeToXxx() methods internally calls to ByteSize(), so after
 a serialization, I can call GetCachedSize().

 My question is, first, is this true? =) And second, can I rely on this?

 The use case is this:

 pkt.SerializeToArray(buffer, SIZE);
 send(fd, buffer, pkt.GetCachedSize(), 0);

 Is this safe or should I use pkt.ByteSize() instead?

 Thank you.

 Leandro Lucarella (luca) | Blog colectivo:

 GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)

 Soñé que tenia un caballo
 Que me trataba mejor que vos
 Tenia tan buena onda con ella
 Era mi yegua, mucho mas que vos


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Re: Issue dynamically reloading libprotobuf?

2008-09-23 Thread Kenton Varda
Unfortunately, the protocol buffer library was designed in an environment
where all code is statically-linked, and it probably won't work so well with
dynamically-loaded code.  The problem is that at start-up, descriptors are
built for each compiled-in message type and registered in a singleton
registry.  There is no code that removes the descriptors on shutdown.  In
your case, it looks like is staying loaded after your plugin
is shut down.  When it starts back up again, it tries to re-register its
descriptors, but this fails because the descriptors already exist.
You might be able to work around this by statically linking libprotobuf.a
into your .so.  That way, each time you load the library, a new registry
will be created.  You'll still have some memory leaks, though, as there are
a lot of data structures which are not properly destroyed when libprotobuf
is shut down (again, because the design assumed that the code would only be
unloaded when the process exits anyway).

It would probably be possible to rework parts of the library to make it more
friendly to plugins, if someone wants to spend time on this, but it will
take some effort.

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 8:53 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi. I have an plug-in based application under Linux that dynamically
 links in The app's plug-ins also link in the library.
 This works fine when a plug-in is first dynamically loaded via
 dl_open(). However, if the plug-in is removed dl_close() and then re-
 opened, I get the following error:

  libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/] Invalid proto
 descriptor for file component_ec.proto:
 libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/]
 component_ec.proto: A file with this name is already in the pool.

 It appears that there is some unwanted state associated with open/
 close. Has anyone seen this type of issue? Any ideas?


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Re: xlC suffers the same can't-decide-which-template-to-use as Symbian

2008-09-25 Thread Kenton Varda
It seems like something went wrong with the upload.  When I look at the
side-by-side diffs it just says error: old chunk mismatch.  Do you have
any idea what might have gone wrong?

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 6:31 PM, Travis Pouarz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sep 24, 7:17 pm, Kenton Varda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks.  Can you send this to me via


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Re: Two test suite failures on AIX 5.3 / xlC 7.0

2008-09-25 Thread Kenton Varda
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 4:37 PM, Travis Pouarz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This first one reveals a disagreement about whether a directory name
 should be followed by a slash:

 [ RUN  ] CommandLineInterfaceTest.OutputDirectoryIsFileError
 Value of: printer.failed()
  Actual: true
 Expected: false
 Value of: expected_substring
  Actual: foo.proto/: Not a directory
 Expected: a substring of error_text_
 Which is: Not a directory
 [  FAILED  ] CommandLineInterfaceTest.OutputDirectoryIsFileError

The test creates a file called foo.proto and then attempts to access
foo.proto/, which should fail because the trailing slash implies that a
directory is expected.  I guess your platform just ignores the trailing
slash.  This isn't a big deal, since it just means protoc's errors might be
a bit less helpful than they should be.  I suppose you could #ifdef out the
test on your platform with a comment saying it doesn't work correctly due to
an OS bug but we don't care that much.

 Here's another failure, though the nature of the failure (and what the
 malfunction might affect) isn't so obvious:

 [ RUN  ] DiskSourceTreeTest.MapDirectory
 google/protobuf/compiler/ Failure
 Value of: input == NULL
  Actual: false
 Expected: true
 [  FAILED  ] DiskSourceTreeTest.MapDirectory

Not enough info.  Can you change line 362 from:
  EXPECT_TRUE(input == NULL);
  EXPECT_TRUE(input == NULL)  Expected file not found:   filename;
then run again?  This should tell us exactly which file is being found when
it shouldn't be.

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Re: Things to do with extensible options....

2008-09-26 Thread Kenton Varda
Interesting ideas.  Before we get too creative, though, let me say a word of
caution:  if an option affects the generated code in all languages (e.g. by
changing the wire format), then it can't really be a custom option, since
it will have to be compiled into protoc anyway.  I'm very wary about adding
such features, because while they're often very useful in certain cases,
together they make the system more bloated, possibly harming more than
helping overall (since all users get the additional bloat but only some
actually use the feature).
With that said, here's some more ideas:

* Cache keys:  If you have a service which takes a protocol buffer request
and returns a protocol buffer response with no side-effects, you could
implement a caching layer over it.  Cache keys could be generated by simply
serializing the message and hashing it.  However, your request messages
might contain some fields which should be ignored when computing a cache
key, e.g. options which only affect post-cache operations.  You could use a
custom option to mark which fields should be stripped before computing cache

* Auto interface generation:  Someone mentioned before that they'd like to
auto-generate a user interface for inputting or printing a protocol message
in a friendly way.  For this, it would be useful to have a custom string
option called description which is a human-readable description of the

On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 10:24 AM, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Since there extensible options are almost released, I though I would
 start a thread to discuss what would be interesting to support.

 The current options affect the code generation trade offs for a given
  optional string java_package = 1;
  optional string java_outer_classname = 8;
  optional bool java_multiple_files = 10 [default=false];
  optional OptimizeMode optimize_for = 9 [default=CODE_SIZE];
  optional CType ctype = 1;

 Or are not to be used in current .proto files:
  optional bool message_set_wire_format = 1 [default=false];
  optional string experimental_map_key = 9;

 My brainstorming at the moment produces the following language-agnostic
 suggestions.  Note that I am not suggesting the names for any of these
 proposed options ( these bikesheds are unpainted ) :

 * FileOptions

  ** A version option that holds a string.  This could be inserted
 into the generated code so that programs can inquire and report what
 version of the .proto file was used.  ( Since protocol-buffers is
 designed to support changes in formats over time I am somewhat surprised
 this is not already present. )

  ** Many of the MessageOptions or EnumOptions below could be set at the
 FileOptions level to affect all such messages or enums by default.

 * MessageOptions

  ** an option to control whether this message (by default) uses the
 length-prefix message format or the start/end tag group format on the
 wire.  This would make people who prefer streaming writes over
 known-length writes happier.

  ** an option to control whether, when read from the wire format, this
 message should allow unknown fields or always throw an error.  This
 might be handy to avoid much boilerplate checking for stray unknown
 fields.  One could even make the message object slimmer if it does not
 not a pointer/reference to some unknown field data structure.

  ** an option to have the message skip unknown fields on the wire
 without either storing them or throwing an error.  This might be handy
 to define cut-down versions of messages that skip over unwanted parts
 to save memory and speed up processing when loading (really querying) a
 large binary file.

 * EnumOptions

  ** An option to control the wire format, so it could be set to
 sfixed32 or sint32 by default.  This would be an annoying change to
 support, so I probably should not have mentioned it.  It makes large
 positive and all negative values more compact on the wire.

  ** An option to set the default value.  The current default-default
 value is always the first enum value in the .proto file.

 * FieldOptions

  ** Note that the message options and enum option above may be
 considered to set the default behavior for the a message, but that a
 corresponding field option could be defined to override this for a given
 use of the message or enum.  ( This is already possible for setting the
 default enum value for the field !)

  ** One could mark a repeated field to have a more efficient wire
 encoding: Write the field-id+wire-type tag only once followed by the
 uint32 encoded count of items (non-zero!) and then each item without any
 more of the tags.  This would enable much more compact storage of
 numeric arrays.

  ** One could mark a repeated field to never have zero length.  This
 might be handy to avoid much boilerplate checking for empty fields.

  ** One could mark an optional field to always write a value when
 serialized.  So if it is not set it will cause the default value to be
 serialized into 

MSVC build switched to static linking

2008-09-29 Thread Kenton Varda
Hi all,
Just before building the 2.0.2 release candidate, I submitted a change to
make static linking the default for the protobuf libraries under MSVC.  This
seems necessary to avoid some of the problems inherent in DLLs which have
been discussed here, such as the fact that each DLL has a separate heap.
 You can still build DLLs by simply changing the libprotobuf and libprotoc
projects to be DLL projects -- instructions are included in

Let me know if anyone objects to this.  I don't use MSVC much so it's hard
for me to know what is best for MSVC users.

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Re: Can a text formated Flat file be parsed to PB message given the format of message in .proto file?

2008-10-06 Thread Kenton Varda
You can use TextFormat for this.  Say your file is going to have a set of
FooMessages in it.  Then, define a message like:

  message FooSet {
repeated FooMessage foo = 1;

Now, your file can look like this:

  foo {
... contents of the first FooMessage ...
  foo {
... the second FooMessage ...

Now parse the entire file as a single FooSet.

BTW, protoc can do text-binary conversion from the command line:

  protoc foo.proto --encode=FooSet  text_data  binary_data

Hope that helps.

On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 11:43 PM, Akhilesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 More over, I could use TextFormat class for reading a single message
 in TEXT format. But there is a restriction here, If I have multiple
 messages in the same file, then it's not possible to create multiple
 messages while parser is reading from input stream.

 Please correct me if I am wrong.

 Finally Aim is: If I have *multiple* messages written in *text* in any
 file, I want to open a stream to read this file. And now I should be
 able to simply wrap this stream in suitable PB streams and simple call
 any function that will go on reading the stream and provide me an
 array of PB Messages in Binary format as a result.

 So is there anything like that? Or I'll have to write my code above PB

 Thanks in advance.

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Re: Solaris 10 Compile problem

2008-10-07 Thread Kenton Varda
Hi Chad,

First, please be aware that is a public mailing
list with non-Googlers on it.  If you need to communicate anything
confidential or Google-specific, please e-mail the appropriate internal
mailing list.
Anyway, I'm afraid you're going to have to help out with this, as I do not
have a Solaris machine, and bus error is way too generic to tell me
anything useful.  Can you run the tests in a debugger and give me a stack

On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 2:51 PM, Chad Harvey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Howdy -

 I'm an SA (from doubleclick) working with some former doubleclick and other
 google folx trying to get some things set up to xfer between legacy dclk and

 They requested that I install protobuf on a couple of hosts, but I'm having
 some problem with the make check, and was hoping you could help.

 If there's somewhere else I should ask about this (like a guts queue),
 please let me know.

 This is on a Solaris 10, sparc arch, T2000, with gcc/g++ 3.4.6.

 The only errors I got on the compile were from ld at the end:

 g++ -D_REENTRANT -pthreads -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Woverloaded-virtual
 -Wno-sign-compare -g -O2 -D_REENTRANT -pthreads -o .libs/protobuf-test
 common_unittest.o strutil_unittest.o descriptor_database_unittest.o
 descriptor_unittest.o dynamic_message_unittest.o extension_set_unittest.o
 generated_message_reflection_unittest.o message_unittest.o
 reflection_ops_unittest.o repeated_field_unittest.o text_format_unittest.o
 unknown_field_set_unittest.o wire_format_unittest.o coded_stream_unittest.o
 printer_unittest.o tokenizer_unittest.o zero_copy_stream_unittest.o
 command_line_interface_unittest.o importer_unittest.o parser_unittest.o
 cpp_bootstrap_unittest.o cpp_unittest.o test_util.o googletest.o file.o
 gtest.o gtest-death-test.o gtest-filepath.o gtest-port.o gtest_main.o
 unittest.pb.o unittest_import.pb.o unittest_mset.pb.o
 unittest_optimize_for.pb.o unittest_embed_optimize_for.pb.o
 unittest_custom_options.pb.o cpp_test_bad_identifiers.pb.o
 -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/ssl/lib -L/usr/openwin/lib
 -L/sol10/SOURCES/S10/gcc-3.4.6/objdir/gcc ./.libs/
 /root/protobuf-2.0.2/src/.libs/ -lpthread
 /usr/local/lib/ -Wl,-R -Wl,/usr/local/lib
 ld: warning: file /root/protobuf-2.0.2/src/.libs/ linked to
 ./.libs/ attempted multiple inclusion of file
 ld: warning: file /usr/local/lib/ attempted multiple inclusion
 of file
 creating protobuf-test
 make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/protobuf-2.0.2/src'
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/protobuf-2.0.2/src'
 make[2]: Entering directory `/root/protobuf-2.0.2'
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/protobuf-2.0.2'
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/protobuf-2.0.2'

 The 'make check' fails with:

 Making check in src
 make  check-am
 make  check-TESTS
 Running main() from
 [==] Running 557 tests from 85 test cases.
 [--] Global test environment set-up.
 [--] 1 test from GeneratedDescriptorTest
 [ RUN  ] GeneratedDescriptorTest.IdenticalDescriptors
 [   OK ] GeneratedDescriptorTest.IdenticalDescriptors
 [--] 22 tests from GeneratedMessageTest
 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.Defaults
 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.Defaults
 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.Accessors
 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.Accessors
 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.MutableStringDefault
 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.MutableStringDefault
 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.Clear
 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.Clear
 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.EmbeddedNullsInBytesCharStar
 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.EmbeddedNullsInBytesCharStar
 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.ClearOneField
 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.ClearOneField
 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.CopyFrom
 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.CopyFrom
 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.CopyConstructor
 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.CopyConstructor
 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.CopyAssignmentOperator
 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.CopyAssignmentOperator
 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.UpcastCopyFrom
 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.UpcastCopyFrom
 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.DynamicMessageCopyFrom
 bash: line 4:  9616 Bus Error   (core dumped) ${dir}$tst
 FAIL: protobuf-test
 1 of 1 tests failed
 Please report to
 *** Error code 1
 The following command caused the error:
 failed=0; all=0; xfail=0; xpass=0; skip=0; \
 srcdir=.; export srcdir; \
 list='protobuf-test'; \
 if test -n $list; then \
   for tst in $list; do \
 if test -f ./$tst; then dir=./; \
 elif test -f $tst; then dir=; 

Re: Import broken?

2008-10-09 Thread Kenton Varda
protobuf_BuildDesc_RequestHeader_2eproto() should be declared in
RequestHeader.pb.h.  Is it not?
What exact flags are you passing to protoc?

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 8:29 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm in the process of evaluating PB for a distributed cross language
 project I'm on. I've created a little 'hello world' app to test it's
 capabilities. I have created 2 simple .proto files,
 RequestHeader.proto and Rerender.proto. They compile and run as
 expected. However, if I import RequestHeader into Rerender with the
 following line:

 import RequestHeader.proto;

 I get the following compile error:

 Error C2039: 'protobuf_BuildDesc_RequestHeader_2eproto' : is not a
 member of '`global namespace''

 The method protobuf_BuildDesc_RequestHeader_2eproto() doesn't exist
 anywhere in the code except where it errors out. Below is the
 offending method in that contains the error:


  static bool already_here = false;
  if (already_here) return;
  already_here = true;
  ::google::protobuf::DescriptorPool* pool =

  ::protobuf_BuildDesc_RequestHeader_2eproto(); // -- ERROR
\n;e:/Vital 3.0/CPPProtobufTest/CPPProtob
to\\030\n\010Rerender\022\014\n\004Data\030\001 \002(\t, 108,


 I would assume that the ability to import one proto file into another
 is something that is exercised quite often, so I'm at a loss as to why
 the resulting code from protoc won't compile. I'm using protobuf 2.0.2
 built from source using VS 2008.

 Any assistance on how to get this working would be greatly
 appreciated. Thanks.

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Re: Import broken?

2008-10-09 Thread Kenton Varda
On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 12:52 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 protoc.exe --cpp_out= [Fully qualified path name]

Ah, ok, you've identified a bug.  protoc is supposed to reject any input
file which is not located within the import path.  The import path is
specified using --proto_path and defaults to the current directory.  The
problem is that protoc detects whether an input file's path is absolute
based on whether it starts with a slash, but on Windows absolute paths don't
start with a slash.  So, protoc failed to report the incorrect input path.

To fix this, you can either do:

  protoc --proto_path=[full path of current directory] --cpp_out=. [full
path of input file]

Or do:

  protoc --cpp_out=. [file name without path]

I'll make sure the bug gets fixed.  Thanks.

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Re: How can I compile the protobuf with stlport?

2008-10-10 Thread Kenton Varda
I'm not familiar with stlport.  One thing you could try doing is editing
config.h manually and removing all the HASH_* #defines.  Then the code will
fall back to using map instead of hash_map, which should work since map has
a standard interface.

On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 2:58 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm using stlport, and i want to use protobuf, but I see some
 compiling errors about the hash_map.


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Re: Merge two messages into one file

2008-10-10 Thread Kenton Varda
Sorry, I'm not sure I understand the question.  What, exactly, is the main
problem you're having?

On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 3:11 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have some kind of requirement that I did not find answer from the
 document.  May someone help me.

 I have different message objects which are inherited from one parent.
 I need to serialize the objects into one file.
 Some kind of solutions like:
  message Style {
optional int32 color = 3;
optional int32 size = 4;

 message Text {
optional Style style = 3;
optional string context = 4;

 message Image {
optional Style style = 3;

optional int32 width = 4;
optional int32 height = 5;
optional bytes data = 6;

 My Group object includes Text objects and Image objects.  But the
 position is not fixed.
 and could be: Image.Text...Image...Text

 Now I need to serialize the objects into one file, and seek for the
 solution using protocol buffer.
 Implement this in Java is quite easy, because I can use
 DataInputStream and serialize the objects.
 Thanks for any hints.


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Re: invalid tag (zero)

2008-10-13 Thread Kenton Varda
Are you sure that the data you are sending to the parser is exactly the same
data that was generated by the serializer?  Remember that protocol buffers
are not self-delimiting, so you need to make sure that you limit the input
to the exact number of bytes that were produced when serializing.
If the data is exactly the same, then this is a bug.  If you can create a
small program or pair of programs that demonstrate the problem, I would be
happy to debug it.

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 10:09 AM, Dominik Steenken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi everyone,

  we are currrently implementing a server/client system, the server
 being implemented in c++, the client in java. During our last rounds
 of tests, we encountered a problem that had to do with the sending of
 (not so) long messages. on the (receiving) java side, we get the
 following exception:
  Exception in augnet.client.aim.connection.Receiver, Parse error: Protocol message
 contained an invalid tag (zero). Protocol message
 contained an invalid tag (zero).
at augnet.client.aim.messages.MessageProtos

 while the (sending) c++ side encounters no errors. When we scale down
 the message, no error occurs. Is this a bug in protobuf or are we
 doing something wrong?

 Best regards,

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Re: 2.0.2 release is up

2008-10-13 Thread Kenton Varda
On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 2:26 AM, edan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I quick google didn't turn up much for me on what that actually means
 - does it mean anything to y'all?

Yes, this was an overzealous warning present in one version of GCC which was
promptly toned down in subsequent versions.  You can ignore it.

 In any case, using gcc 4.1.2, make and make check (any reason you
 didn't use the more standard make test?) succeeded for me, so I
 guess I will have to just wait to update to protobuf-2.0.2 until I can
 move myself to the newer gcc.

I'll try to look into this more when I get a chance.  You should be fine
sticking with 2.0.1, though, as long as you weren't hoping to use the new
custom options feature.

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Re: How can I compile the protobuf with stlport?

2008-10-13 Thread Kenton Varda
Does stlport's hash_map work like SGI's hash_map, or like MSVC's hash_map,
or does it do its own thing?  A brief look at the docs suggest that it is
most similar to SGI's.  In that case, you should only need to change the
#ifdefs in src/google/protobuf/stubs/hash.h so that your compile takes the
non-MSVC branch.  That is, change line 101 from:
  #elif defined(_MSC_VER)


  #elif 0

Let me know if this works.

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 3:08 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 thanks. it's okay, but i am thinking how to use stlport's hash_map
 with protobuf.
 how can i do?

 On 10月11日, 上午4时24分, Kenton Varda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm not familiar with stlport.  One thing you could try doing is editing
  config.h manually and removing all the HASH_* #defines.  Then the code
  fall back to using map instead of hash_map, which should work since map
  a standard interface.
  On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 2:58 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm using stlport, and i want to use protobuf, but I see some
   compiling errors about the hash_map.

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Re: Unknown Message Type

2008-10-14 Thread Kenton Varda
You can create a message like this:

message Container {
  // One of the following will be filled in.
  optional Ping ping = 1;
  optional StatusUpdate status_update = 2;
  optional FindWorker find_worker = 3;

Now send Containers over the wire instead of instances of the individual
message types.

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 11:37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I was wondering if it was possible to extract the contents of a
 serialized string without knowing ahead of time what kind of message
 it is?

 For example: I'm using tcp to send data back and fourth.  On one side
 I create a message and serialize the data, and on the receiving side I
 'ParseFromString' and check the information.  However, I have
 different types of messages being sent so the receiving side has no
 idea what it is actually getting.

 example .proto file [messages actually contain field, taken out for
 simplicity] which creates 'dtm_pb2' after compiling

 package dtm;
 message ping {
 message statusUpdate {
 message findWorker {

 so in my code on the receiving end I have:
 msg = dtm_pb2()

 this gives an error.

 Is there any way to initialize the msg variable and extract the
 If I knew what kind of message it was I could always use:
 msg = dtm_pb2.statusUpdate()
 and this would work fine, but this is no a viable solution for me.



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Re: Popping values from repeated fields

2008-10-16 Thread Kenton Varda
Currently, no, you can only clear the whole list and start over.  I would be
amenable to a patch, though, if people feel this would be a useful addition.

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 8:36 PM, Andrew Wachira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In the Java language.

 On 10/15/08, Kenton Varda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In which language?
  On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 1:50 AM, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We can push values onto repeated fields. Is there a way of popping
  values from the same?

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Re: How should I Input the path of compiling .proto files?

2008-10-16 Thread Kenton Varda
You need to specify a --proto_path, like:
protoc --proto_path=C:\Projects\Apps_main\C++\Common --cpp_out=.

There is a bug in protoc which causes it to print the wrong error here -- it
should have reported that your input file was not in the proto_path.  That
will be fixed in the next version.

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 9:41 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have the same problem.  Tried 2.0.2 release, the problem still

 Here the error:

 protoc.exe  --cpp_out=. C:\Projects\Apps_main\C++\Common\test.proto

 C:/Projects/Apps_main/C++/Common/test.pb.h: while trying to create
 directory ./C:: Invalid argument
 C:/Projects/Apps_main/C++/Common/ while trying to create
 directory ./C:: Invalid argument

 On Sep 2, 2:22 pm, Kenton Varda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 10:06 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   the console display:   Unknow generator option: d
  This is a bug which will be fixed in 2.0.1 which should be released any
  now.  You can get the release candidate here:

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Re: Protocol Buffer as XCode Framework

2008-10-16 Thread Kenton Varda
I'm not sure how mac frameworks work, but it looks like your compiler is not
linking against the protobuf library.

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 9:41 AM, Carlos Gamboa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello. I am trying to add the protocol buffer to my application (for
 iphone) and i have been struggling for about 2 days to figure out how
 to do it. I am new to XCode too by the way. I tried creating a
 framework like Brian Olson suggested on this post:
 , but i do not know all the things i need to include this framework.
 Here are the steps im following.
 1. Compile the protobuf project
 2. On my project, right click on Frameworks and click 'add-existing
 frameworks' and then locate the 'macosx/build/release/
 protobuf.framework' folder. The framework is located at the documents
 folder (documents/macosx)
 3. I created my .pb.h and .pb.c with the 'protoc' program and added
 them to my project.
 4. I try to compile, but the following 18 errors appear like this:
  google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet::UnknownFieldSet(), referenced
   myNamespace::myProto::myProto() in myProto.pb.o

 I really dont care if i add it as a framework or as direct code, but i
 have not been able to include the protocol buffer as part of my
 project. Can anyone please help me?

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Re: using RPC on asynchronous server

2008-10-16 Thread Kenton Varda
Many (most?) servers at Google use asynchronous protobuf RPC.  I'm not sure
how to answer your question, though.  Can you be more specific?

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 7:16 AM, muqu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anybody can shine some light on their experience on using the PB RPC
 on an asynchronous server, like whether RPC is well-designed for it or
 any potential pitfalls? I find the for async server, matching a
 response to the original request is kind of a pain.

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Re: Patch to quiet compiler warnings from generated service code

2008-10-16 Thread Kenton Varda
I've made this change in SVN.  Thanks.

On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 12:40 PM, Caleb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When run with high warning levels, gcc complains that the 'request'
 and 'response' arguments are unused for all of the stub service
 functions generated by the protoc compiler.  Here's the 2-line patch
 to fix this.

 --- src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/
 2008-10-02 15:36:56.0 -0400
 +++ src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/ 2008-10-02
 15:37:07.0 -0400
 @@ -219,8 +219,8 @@

   void $classname$::$name$(::google::protobuf::RpcController*
 -   const $input_type$* request,\n
 -   $output_type$* response,\n
 +   const $input_type$*,\n
 +   $output_type$*,\n
::google::protobuf::Closure* done)
 controller-SetFailed(\Method $name$() not implemented.\);


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Re: protocol buffers not repeating items marked repeated

2008-10-20 Thread Kenton Varda
I don't see any obvious problems.  Try printing the whole message just
before serializing and just after parsing to see if they are both as you

On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 11:24 PM, comsatcat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a simple client server in python... I have the following
 protobuf definition:

 message NodeListData {
enum State {
FALSE = 0;
TRUE = 1;
required string node = 1;
required string folder = 2;
required State pendingcsr = 3;

 message NodeList {
repeated NodeListData items = 1;

 message Packet {
enum Type {
ACK = 0;
required Type type = 1;
optional Ack ack = 2;
optional KeepAlive keepalive = 3;
optional Authorize authorize = 4;
optional AddEndpoint addendpoint = 5;
optional EndpointStats endpointstats = 6;
optional RemoveEndpoint removeendpoint = 7;
optional NodeList nodelist = 8;

 *note some fields have been removed for shortening this message*

 My problem is with the NodeList type...

 I've verified in my server that I am doing a
 packet.nodelist.items.add(), then proceeding to set the required
 values of the returned NodeItemList.

 I then send the packet over the wire.

 I receive the packet from the client and do a:

 for i in packet.nodelist.items:
print str(i.node)

 and it only comes back with 1 result, no matter how many I build in
 the server (I've tried up to 3)...

 Any ideas?

 I'm doing this exactly the same way with a different packet type and
 it works fine... am I just missing something small?


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Re: cross compile errors

2008-10-21 Thread Kenton Varda
For the first case, the problem is that the build is trying to run protoc as
part of the build process, and it's trying to use the cross-compiled protoc.
 I think you can fix this by editing src/ at line 201 to change
unittest_proto_middleman: protoc$(EXEEXT) $(protoc_inputs)
  ./$^ -I$(srcdir) --cpp_out=.

to this:

unittest_proto_middleman: $(protoc_inputs)
  protoc $^ -I$(srcdir) --cpp_out=.

In other words, this will use the protoc that you have already installed on
your system rather than the one you just built.

I guess we should figure out how to make this automatic.

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 8:42 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to cross compile for a ppc platform from x86 Linux.
 I've used the same procedure as I used to successfully cross
 compile other tools (not to say that the procedure is actually right)
 but I get some errors.  Here's what I tried:

 setenv CC /opt/cross_compiler/ppc/gcc-4.1.0-glibc-2.3.6/powerpc-603-
 setenv CXX /opt/cross_compiler/ppc/gcc-4.1.0-glibc-2.3.6/powerpc-603-
 setenv PATH $PATH:/opt/cross_compiler/ppc/gcc-4.1.0-glibc-2.3.6/
 cd /tmp/pbmpc5200/protobuf-2.0.2rc1/
 ./configure --target=ppc-603-linux-gnu --host=ppc-603-linux-gnu --

 Here are the errors:
 make[2]: Entering directory `/tmp/pbmpc5200/protobuf-2.0.2rc1/src'
 ./protoc google/protobuf/unittest.proto google/protobuf/
 unittest_import.proto google/protobuf/unittest_mset.proto google/
 protobuf/unittest_optimize_for.proto google/protobuf/
 unittest_embed_optimize_for.proto google/protobuf/
 unittest_custom_options.proto google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/
 cpp_test_bad_identifiers.proto -I. --cpp_out=.
 ./protoc: line 105: /tmp/pbmpc5200/protobuf-2.0.2rc1/src/.libs/lt-
 protoc: cannot execute binary file
 ./protoc: line 105: /tmp/pbmpc5200/protobuf-2.0.2rc1/src/.libs/lt-
 protoc: Success
 make[2]: *** [unittest_proto_middleman] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/pbmpc5200/protobuf-2.0.2rc1/src'
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/pbmpc5200/protobuf-2.0.2rc1'
 make: *** [all] Error 2

 The that I wanted actually was actually created and
 works, but there were
 errors reported.  Did I configure incorrectly or are these errors just
 expected when cross
 compiling?  I looks like it might be trying to run a cross compiled

 Similarly, when cross compiling to win32 using mingw, I get an error:

 make[2]: Entering directory `/tmp/pbmingw/protobuf-2.0.2rc1/src'
 /bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=link /opt/cross-tools/bin/i386-
 mingw32msvc-g++  -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Woverloaded-virtual -Wno-sign-
 compare -g -O2   -o protoc.exe  main.o
 /opt/cross-tools/bin/i386-mingw32msvc-g++ -Wall -Wwrite-strings -
 Woverloaded-virtual -Wno-sign-compare -g -O2 -o protoc.exe
 main.o  ./.libs/libprotobuf.a -L/tmp/mingwtmp/gcc-i386-mingw32msvc/
 i386-mingw32msvc/libstdc++-v3/src -L/tmp/mingwtmp/gcc-i386-mingw32msvc/
 i386-mingw32msvc/libstdc++-v3/src/.libs -L/tmp/mingwtmp/gcc-i386-
 mingw32msvc/gcc -L/opt/cross-tools/i386-mingw32msvc/bin -L/opt/cross-
 tools/i386-mingw32msvc/lib -L/opt/cross-tools/lib/../i386-mingw32msvc/
 lib ./.libs/libprotoc.a /tmp/pbmingw/protobuf-2.0.2rc1/src/.libs/
 libprotobuf.a /opt/cross-tools/i386-mingw32msvc/lib/libstdc++.a -lm
 ./.libs/libprotobuf.a: could not read symbols: Archive has no index;
 run ranlib to add one
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make[2]: *** [protoc.exe] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/pbmingw/protobuf-2.0.2rc1/src'
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/pbmingw/protobuf-2.0.2rc1'
 make: *** [all] Error 2

 Manually running ranlib on the library seems to work.  So in both
 the builds gave errors but I was able to get the libraries I needed.




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Re: importing across dlls

2008-10-21 Thread Kenton Varda
I believe this was fixed in 2.0.2.  What version are you using?

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 11:21 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a protoc file named UniqueID.proto that is compiled into and
 exported from Communication.dll.
 I have a protoc file named Base.proto that is compiled into and
 exported from Base.dll.

 Base.proto imports and uses UniqueID.proto.
 Base.dll imports the UniqueID class.

 Importing and exporting is done via a macro included via the --
 cpp_out=dllexport_decl= command line option.

 Heres the problem: tries to call protobuf_BuildDesc_UniqueID_2eproto(), which
 doesn't use the macro passed on the command line. The result is a
 linker error.

 Is it possible to import one .proto file into another when the classes
 they create will be compiled into different dlls?

 Thanks in advance!!


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Re: importing across dlls

2008-10-21 Thread Kenton Varda
On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 12:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Would simply changing FileGenerator::GenerateHeader to output the
 dllexport_decl in the forward declaration of BuildDescriptors function

Yes, that is the fix.

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Re: Compressed protobufs?

2008-10-21 Thread Kenton Varda
There is no built-in support for this, but there's nothing stopping you from
applying whatever compression you want to the serialized data.

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 1:08 PM, GDR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I noticed the protocol buffers store strings in their uncompressed
 form. Is there any provision to produce and consume protobufs in
 compressed form? This would be specially helpful if a lot of fields
 were repeated strings.

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Re: Make check reports error

2008-10-22 Thread Kenton Varda
On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 7:23 AM, Niclas Blomgren 


I'm guessing this was a sparc system, not x86?  Was it 32-bit or 64-bit?  I
think someone else reported the same problem but we were not able to track
it down.


Can you include the text of the actual failures in your log?  (You only
included the summary.)

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Re: Serializing Large Collections: SerializePartial ParsePartial

2008-10-22 Thread Kenton Varda
The Partial serialize and parse routines actually do something completely
unrelated:  they allow the message to be missing required fields.  So, that
doesn't help you.
I'm afraid protocol buffers are not designed for storing very large
collections in a single message.  Instead, you should be thinking about
representing each item in a collection using a protocol message, but then
using some other container format.  Using protocol buffers here makes the
container format simpler because it only needs to deal with raw strings
rather than having to worry about structured data.

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:19 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there a general strategy/methodology for dealing with very large
 collections so that they do not need to be
 completely held in memory before serializing and de-serializing? I
 see, for example, SerializePartialToOstream()
 and ParsePartialFromIstream() but no documentation of how to use it.

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Re: Make check reports error

2008-10-23 Thread Kenton Varda
Cygwin allows you to specify paths like C:\.  For example, try this
  ls 'C:\'

At least, for me, this lists the root of the C drive.  It looks like the
test failed because you do not have permission to access C:\ on your
machine.  Is this possible?  You can probably ignore this failure.

The sparc failure is still mysterious to me.  Unfortunately I don't have a
sparc machine on which I can debug it.  :(

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 1:22 AM, Niclas Blomgren 

  Hi again,

 I took a quick look at this code in

 TEST_F(CommandLineInterfaceTest, WindowsOutputPath) {
   // Test that the output path can be a Windows-style path.

   NullCodeGenerator* generator = RegisterNullGenerator(--test_out);

 syntax = \proto2\;\n);

   Run(protocol_compiler --test_out=C:\\ 
   --proto_path=$tmpdir foo.proto);

   EXPECT_EQ(, generator-parameter_);

 At a quick glance it seems like the code tries to access C:.
 In cygwin however the path to C: is /cygdrive/c.

 BR / N

 *From:* Niclas Blomgren
 *Sent:* den 23 oktober 2008 09:50
 *To:* 'Kenton Varda'
 *Subject:* RE: Make check reports error


 Solaris: Yes it was a sparc system. 64-bit.

 Cygwin: Ok here it is. I have also attached the entire make check  in a

 [ RUN  ] CommandLineInterfaceTest.WindowsOutputPath
 google/protobuf/compiler/ Failure
 Value of: return_code_
   Actual: 1
 Expected: 0
 google/protobuf/compiler/ Failure
 Value of: error_text_
   Actual: C:\/: Permission denied
 google/protobuf/compiler/ Failure
 Value of: generator-called_
   Actual: false
 Expected: true
 [  FAILED  ] CommandLineInterfaceTest.WindowsOutputPath
 [ RUN  ] CommandLineInterfaceTest.WindowsOutputPathAndParameter
 google/protobuf/compiler/ Failure
 Value of: return_code_
   Actual: 1
 Expected: 0
 google/protobuf/compiler/ Failure
 Value of: error_text_
   Actual: C:\/: Permission denied
 google/protobuf/compiler/ Failure
 Value of: generator-called_
   Actual: false
 Expected: true
 google/protobuf/compiler/ Failure
 Value of: generator-parameter_
 Expected: bar
 [  FAILED  ] CommandLineInterfaceTest.WindowsOutputPathAndParameter

 Hopeing you can help me.
 Best Regards  / Niclas Blomgren

 *From:* Kenton Varda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* den 23 oktober 2008 00:19
 *To:* Niclas Blomgren
 *Subject:* Re: Make check reports error

  On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 7:23 AM, Niclas Blomgren 


 I'm guessing this was a sparc system, not x86?  Was it 32-bit or 64-bit?  I
 think someone else reported the same problem but we were not able to track
 it down.


 Can you include the text of the actual failures in your log?  (You only
 included the summary.)

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Re: Where are the pre-compiled lib and supporting header files?

2008-10-23 Thread Kenton Varda
We do not provide a pre-compiled library because it is important that you
use a version of the library compiled with the same compiler version which
you will be using with your own code.  Even on Windows, different versions
of MSVC have slightly different STL implementations.  Since the protocol
buffer library uses STL in its interface, the app and the library have to be
using identical STL implementations in order to be compatible.
So, please just use your own compiler to compile the protobuf library.  See
the readme files for step-by-step instructions.

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 2:06 AM, sdx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction
 (please see subject)

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Re: Any way to dissect ProtBuf serialized data without knowing the structure in advance?

2008-10-23 Thread Kenton Varda
From the command line, you can do:
  protoc --decode_raw  data_file

This will give you as much information as can be determined without a type
definition, to give you an idea of what's there.  In C++, you can use the
UnknownFieldSet class to parse and inspect a message of unknown type.

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 10:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to consume data from an app that generates output
 serialized via Protocol Buffers but do not have the original spec for
 the specific structures that have been encoded. Is there a relatively
 straight-forward path to deserializing, or even just decoding, the
 serialized data stream without knowing its structure in advance?

 Hints/pointers of any variety would be welcomed.



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Re: strings with fixed length

2008-10-23 Thread Kenton Varda
STL strings never shrink.  When they're cleared, they keep their memory
around for reuse.  So, you could take advantage of that to accomplish what
you want by setting all your string fields to values of the maximum size and
then clearing them.  For example:
  StaticSizeMsg msg;
  msg.set_message(string(50, 'x'));

Now if you use msg to parse any message where the message field is = 50
bytes, it will not do any allocation.

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 4:17 AM, thecreator [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'd like to realize messages which do not need to allocate memory
 during runtime. All the allocation should be done
 at initialization. Therefor I'd need some mechanism to define strings
 with fixed length in .proto files.

 I read about the option annotation in version 2.0.2.
 Is it possible to change the code generation with this annotations, so
 that a string is not created as new std::string
 but also reserve the memory which is set in the option:
 e.g.  in the proto file:

 message StaticSizeMsg
  required string message = 1 [size = 50];

 The generated code should like like this:
 std::string message_;

 greets Ralph

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Re: Streaming

2008-10-24 Thread Kenton Varda
In general, protocol buffers can be used to encode individual chunks within
a stream, but representing the entire stream as a protocol buffer won't work
very well.

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 8:14 PM, sureshkk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am looking at a use case where one needs to transfer streaming data
 (video, file transfer etc..). Will PB support such a use case on its

 Thanks  Best Regards,


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Re: Zero enums

2008-10-24 Thread Kenton Varda
The reasoning for unknown enums being treated as unknown fields goes
something like this:
We cannot simply use an unknown numeric value since many languages do not
allow enum types to represent numeric values other than the set of values
explicitly defined for them.  Furthermore, even if they did, this could lead
to security problems:  people might write server code which assumes that an
enum field has one of the defined values and does something bad if it isn't.
 Such problems could easily get past code review and testing.

On the other hand, in the case of servers which simply act as a proxy,
forwarding messages elsewhere, we do not want to have to upgrade these
servers every time a new enum value is added to the proto definition.
 Instead, we would like these servers to be able to pass the message through
retaining the value they read in, valid or not.  This is exactly why unknown
fields exist in the first place, so treating it as an unknown field seems

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 1:53 PM, Marc Gravell [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 I might have found the answer... if you try to provide a different
 value, the parser will treat it like an unknown field (from the
 language guide). So this means that enums are essentially unchecked:
 invalid values are silently ignored?


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Re: Zero enums

2008-10-24 Thread Kenton Varda
Oh, the implicit default for enums is the first defined value, not zero.

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 3:03 PM, Marc Gravell [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Makes sense - it just seems a little odd that the optional enums don't
 have a valid default...


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Re: Zero enums

2008-10-27 Thread Kenton Varda
Added to my todo list.

On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 1:19 AM, Marc Gravell [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Ah! Right. That makes more sense. Could that perhaps be added to the
 language guide Optional Fields And Default Values?


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Re: Problem with spaces in path on windows

2008-10-27 Thread Kenton Varda
Can you give a specific example of a complete protoc command and the error
it produces?  protoc should not care about spaces in file names as long as
they are properly quoted.

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 6:49 AM, sdx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 While trying to invoke the protoc compiler on the windows platform on
 a file placed in a path containing spaces the compiler returns with an
 error saying that the given path was not found (it shows an incomplete
 path up until the first space in the path as part of the error

 I am using the following batch file as a work around for now but I
 hope the maintainers will rectify this error in any case.

 @echo off
 ::File: Runprotoc.cmd
 ::%1 = Path to source .proto file

 ::push the current dir onto the directory stack and change to the
 input file's directory
 pushd %~dp1
 echo protoc --cpp_out=. %~nx1
 protoc --cpp_out=. %~nx1

 ::revert to the directory in use before entering the script

 Sandeep Datta

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Re: JSON format for ProtocolBuffers

2008-10-27 Thread Kenton Varda
It would be pretty easy to write code that serializes or parses java
protocol message objects in JSON format using the protobuf reflection
interface (see the Message and Builder interfaces).  I don't know of any
existing implementations, though.

On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Does anyone have JsonFormat class for ProtocolBuffers in Java? Why
 would this be useful? It would mean that that you could make rpc calls
 from javascript to your web service that you implemented using
 protocol buffers and jetty.

 As an example lets say you have a message with type:

 message Person {
  required string name = 1;
  repeated string phoneNumber = 2;

 Examples of this message in Json are:

 { name: Richard }
 { name: Richard, phone: [ 555-555-111 ] }

 See that repeated fields become lists. That repeated fields don't have
 to be present if they're empty. The Json format doesn't have field
 numbers. Our purpose is not to make the Json messages compact, it is
 to make it easy to use them from javascript.

 Embedded message work as you would expect:

 message Person {
  required string name = 1;
  repeated string phoneNumber = 2;
  repeated Address address = 3;

 message Address {
  required string addrLine1 = 1;
  optional string addrLine2 = 2;
  required string state   = 3;

 Then the Json is

 { name: Richard, phoneNumber: [ 555-555-555 ], address:
 { addrLine1 = 12 Somestreet, state = ZZ } }




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Re: reading one message at a time

2008-10-27 Thread Kenton Varda
The protocol buffer format expects you to remember where the message ends;
it cannot figure out for itself.  So, you need to write the size of each
message to your file before you write the message itself.

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 11:42 AM, Amit Gupta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have message defined as
 message Person
  required int32 id;

 and than, after protoc-compiling I dump 500 Million of such buffers
 using a c++ application into a file.

 Now, when I read it back using a different C++ application (and
 ParseFromIoStream, I get an error message too long and look at the
 file ...

 My intended behavior is to read the pb-message one at a time, analyze
 its content and than read next message. For some reason. when I
 deseralize from iostream, pb is reading and deseralizing full content
 of the file.

 How can I make the deserialization to work online, one message at a
 time from the IoStream.

 My code is attached below.

 Many Thanks, Amit

 #include stdio.h
 #include iostream
 #include string
 #include fstream
 #include cstdlib
 #include temp.pb.h

 using namespace std;

 #define MAX 5

 void write()
  fstream output(out.db, ios::out | ios::trunc | ios::binary);

  for(int num = 0; num  MAX; ++num)
Person p;

 void read()
  fstream input(out.db, ios::in  | ios::binary);

  int num = 0;
  for(; num  MAX; ++num)
Person p;
  cout  endl  num  endl;

 int main()
  //cout  Done Writing;
  cout  Done reading  endl;
  return 0;


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Re: speed - python implementation

2008-10-27 Thread Kenton Varda

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 10:47 AM, andres [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I would like to use protocol buffers in my python code but currently
 the serialization and parsing methods are too slow compared to
 cPickle. I've read several posts stating that this is because the
 python implementation has not been optimized for speed yet. Are there
 plans to improve the performance of proto buffers in python? Does
 anybody know of a C++ extension/wrapper module which lets you access C+
 + compiled protocol buffers directly from python code?



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Re: protoc and python imports

2008-10-27 Thread Kenton Varda
I'm not sure I understand.  What would you expect the import line importing
a_pb2 to look like?  My understanding is that Python imports are absolute,
not relative to the importing file.

On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 7:11 PM, Alan Kligman [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 I'm having a problem with protoc where python imports are not done
 correctly. Here's the situation:

 I have a directory structure like this:


 a.proto provides some common definitions for both b.proto and c.proto.
 I build the output like this:

 protoc --proto_path=. --python_out=../dist *.proto
 protoc --proto_path=. --python_out=../dist a/*.proto

 assuming that proto is the current directory. Because a.proto is
 included in both b.proto and c.proto, they both import it like this:

 import a.proto;# relative to the current directory

 After building the protobuf files with protoc, the resulting python
 output has import statements for that look like:


 which is wrong, because is actually in the directory one
 above and Is there a way to get protoc to do this
 properly? Is it a bug? Python2.5 handles relative imports, but there
 is no nice way to do it in python2.4.


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Re: Standard for RPC proto

2008-10-27 Thread Kenton Varda
I don't really have a stake in the design of a protobuf-based RPC format.
 However, I'd like to point out that the design philosophy we tend to prefer
at Google is to keep each layer of the system as simple as possible, and
implement orthogonal features using separate layers.  Authentication is a
great example of something that I would not want to make part of an RPC
protocol itself, but rather implement as a layer under it, similar to the
way HTTP can operate over SSL.  If you keep the system separate in this way,
it's much easier for people to avoid the overhead of features they don't
need, find alternative ways of implementing individual features, and to
reuse code in general.
Just my opinion.

2008/10/27 Paul P. Komkoff Jr [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On 26 окт, 02:53, Alan Kligman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I haven't had much to add recently. Protobuf-rpc is based heavily on
  json-rpc, so there's really nothing new behind it. It works well for
  my own use and is generic enough to probably work well for most other
  Is there a great deal of interest in devising a standard rpc protocol

 Yes it is.
 Since everything is trying to design its own RPC format, running into
 the same flaws as everyone else.
 For example, I haven't seen (in protobuf-rpc neither in protorcp) a
 single word about authentification.


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Re: protoc and python imports

2008-10-28 Thread Kenton Varda
The model used by the protocol compiler is to assume that the .proto files
are located in a tree that parallels the Python package tree.  We don't want
to get into relative imports because they can get complicated and
If you don't want to put your .proto files into a tree matching your Python
package tree, you could alternatively map them into such a tree virtually
like so:

protoc --proto_path=mypkg=proto

This maps the virtual directory mypkg to the physical directory proto.
 You would then have to write your imports like:

  import mypkg/a.proto

You can also map individual files.

If this is insufficient then I guess we need a way to specify the python
package explicitly in the .proto file, similar to the java_package option,
rather than just inferring it from the location of the .proto file.

On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 7:49 AM, Alan Kligman [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 I need the line to look like:

 from .. import

 The reason this is a problem is because I'm building the protocol
 buffers into the middle of an existing project. The problem is that
 protoc assumes that the output is either at the top of the package, or
 that the related files are all in the same sub-package (which is
 rarely true). Python2.5 supports relative intra-package imports (like
 the one above). More details here:

 I think this is probably worth fixing. The workaround is to do some
 post-processing on the output from protoc, which could get nasty.

 On Oct 27, 5:44 pm, Kenton Varda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm not sure I understand.  What would you expect the import line
  a_pb2 to look like?  My understanding is that Python imports are
  not relative to the importing file.
  On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 7:11 PM, Alan Kligman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I'm having a problem with protoc where python imports are not done
   correctly. Here's the situation:
   I have a directory structure like this:
   a.proto provides some common definitions for both b.proto and c.proto.
   I build the output like this:
   protoc --proto_path=. --python_out=../dist *.proto
   protoc --proto_path=. --python_out=../dist a/*.proto
   assuming that proto is the current directory. Because a.proto is
   included in both b.proto and c.proto, they both import it like this:
   import a.proto;# relative to the current directory
   After building the protobuf files with protoc, the resulting python
   output has import statements for that look like:
   which is wrong, because is actually in the directory one
   above and Is there a way to get protoc to do this
   properly? Is it a bug? Python2.5 handles relative imports, but there
   is no nice way to do it in python2.4.

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Re: protoc / license

2008-10-31 Thread Kenton Varda
The protoc code is licensed under the New BSD license, which is extremely
permissive.  You will have to include a copyright notice but that's about
it.  Read COPYING.txt for the full license -- it's quite short.
On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 2:30 PM, Marc Gravell [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 (probably one for Kenton...)

 My current code-generation strategy requires the compiled binary form
 of a descriptor - i.e. by running the .proto through protoc.

 To make this more convenient, I'd like to include protoc in the
 archive, and have my code-generator call protoc automatically (so the
 caller only has to worry about .proto files).

 Are there any license issues doing this?



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Re: Best way to define matrix4x4

2008-10-31 Thread Kenton Varda
The version with a single repeated field (which presumably you expect to
always have size 16) will be slightly more efficient on the wire and
significantly more efficient in-memory (assuming you're using C++).
I think you'll find the single repeated field version more usable, too --
you can actually iterate through the contents rather than having to identify
the all by name.

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 1:51 PM, ketan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Which would be more compact representation for matrix:

 message MatrixR
   repeated double mat;  // has to ensure that it passes values
 correctly etc.


 message RowVector
  required double rx = 1;
  required double ry = 2;
  required double rz = 3;
  required double rw = 4;

 message Matrix
  required RowVector r0 = 1;
  required RowVector r1 = 2;
  required RowVector r2 = 3;
  required RowVector r3 = 4;

 or any other efficient method?


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Re: separate files per each message type

2008-11-06 Thread Kenton Varda
You would have to define each message in a separate .proto file.

On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 1:37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi guys!

 I'm a new user.

 Can somebody kindly tell me how do I generate classes in separate
 files (h' and cpp' files for each message)?


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Re: Interface and Implementation

2008-11-06 Thread Kenton Varda
Hi Jeff,
I've read your message a few times now and I have to admit I don't really
understand what you're getting at.  Can you give a small example of each of
the approaches you're considering?

On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 12:06 AM, codeazure [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone have any thoughts on the use of PB message definitions for
 interface only or throughout the implementation code as well?

 I am planning a very modular application, where each module uses PB as
 it's interface to external applications and inter-machine
 communications within itself.

 Should I be only writing PB definitions, generating C++ files and only
 using those? Or should I write C++ headers with the implementation
 version and only use PB for the interface?

 I can easily imagine using a PB generated header file in my
 implementation, calling the accessor functions  taking advantage of
 the other support features in the Message class. But I'm not sure if
 this is a good approach.

 I understand that function calls are a different question  I should
 only use RPC definitions when I am actually connecting to a remote
 application, and not for internal function calls.

 To put it another way, should I use the Bridge (or possibly Facade)
 design pattern when using PB or should my data structures be defined
 in one place only?


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Sparc 64-bit bug fixed

2008-11-06 Thread Kenton Varda
I just submitted revision 72, which fixes the bug that caused the tests to
crash on 64-bit sparc machines.  It turns out DynamicMessage computed some
byte offsets incorrectly leading to alignment problems.  The new code should
be more robust.
I'll probably do a 2.0.3 release within the next week or two to get all
these bug fixes out there.

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Re: Python for Symbian

2008-11-07 Thread Kenton Varda
The Python implementation currently does not require any non-Python
libraries at runtime.  You'll probably have to try it to see if it works on
Symbian, though.  :)

On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 5:15 AM, Maximilian [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:


 Is it possible, to use Protobuf for python on Python for Symbian?

 Do I need some compiled libraries on the executing terminal, or is it
 (just for using the python code, no compilation) enough to have only
 the python code there in place?

 Best regards,

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Re: [PATCH] Fix super().__init__ call on python2.6

2008-11-07 Thread Kenton Varda
I don't know Python very well.  Petar, can you verify this is correct?  (I
tried it and the tests still pass.)

On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 11:43 PM, Pavel Shramov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 superclass constructor call don't need self as first
 but 2.6 raises error if it's given.
  python/google/protobuf/ |2 +-
  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

 diff --git a/python/google/protobuf/
 index d80942e..25dd04b 100755
 --- a/python/google/protobuf/
 +++ b/python/google/protobuf/
 @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class GeneratedProtocolMessageType(type):
 _AddMessageMethods(descriptor, cls)
 superclass = super(GeneratedProtocolMessageType, cls)
 -superclass.__init__(cls, name, bases, dictionary)
 +superclass.__init__(name, bases, dictionary)

  # Stateless helpers for GeneratedProtocolMessageType below.


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Re: [PATCH] Fix super().__init__ call on python2.6

2008-11-07 Thread Kenton Varda
Yes, I believe you.  We just have a policy of reviewing all changes.  :)

On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 11:19 AM, Pavel Shramov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 07, 2008 at 10:04:27AM -0800, Kenton Varda wrote:
  I don't know Python very well.  Petar, can you verify this is correct?
  tried it and the tests still pass.)
 Problem is raising both in tests and in real applications.

 Both svn trunk and 2.0.2 version fail (will be strange if one won't)
 If it's interesting, system was FreeBSD 7.0 in KVM

 Test log included in the end of the message (it's pretty straightforward):


 Test log:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/protobuf/python]$ python2.6 ./ test
 running test
 running egg_info
 writing protobuf.egg-info/PKG-INFO
 writing namespace_packages to protobuf.egg-info/namespace_packages.txt
 writing top-level names to protobuf.egg-info/top_level.txt
 writing dependency_links to protobuf.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
 reading manifest file 'protobuf.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
 writing manifest file 'protobuf.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
 running build_ext
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./, line 131, in module
Protocol Buffers are Google's data interchange format.,
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/distutils/, line 152, in setup
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/distutils/, line 975, in
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/distutils/, line 995, in
 build/bdist.freebsd-7.0-RELEASE-i386/egg/setuptools/command/, line
 121, in run
 build/bdist.freebsd-7.0-RELEASE-i386/egg/setuptools/command/, line
 101, in with_project_on_sys_path
 build/bdist.freebsd-7.0-RELEASE-i386/egg/setuptools/command/, line
 130, in run_tests
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/, line 816, in __init__
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/, line 843, in parseArgs
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/, line 849, in createTests
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/, line 613, in
suites = [self.loadTestsFromName(name, module) for name in names]
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.6/, line 598, in
test = obj()
  File /usr/home/psha/protobuf/python/, line 62, in MakeTestSuite
import google.protobuf.internal.generator_test as generator_test
 line 43, in module
from google.protobuf import unittest_mset_pb2
 /usr/home/psha/protobuf/python/google/protobuf/, line
 9, in module
from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2
  File /usr/home/psha/protobuf/python/google/protobuf/,
 line 879, in module
class FileDescriptorSet(message.Message):
  File /usr/home/psha/protobuf/python/google/protobuf/, line
 155, in __init__
 superclass.__init__(cls, name, bases, dictionary)
 TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases
type.__init__() takes 1 or 3 arguments

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Re: Bug report and nearing completion hprotoc on par with protocol-buffers 2.0.2

2008-11-10 Thread Kenton Varda
On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Chris Kuklewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 BUG * The user-defined options have the wrong value for some 32 bit

Looks like you figured this out.  Yeah, the idea is that 32-bit varints and
64-bit varints should always be compatible.  So, if you write a 32-bit
negative number as a varint, it needs to be sign-extended to 64 bits so that
if it is read as a 64-bit varint you still get the correct result.

The whole negative varints problem was a mistake made in an early version of
protocol buffers that unfortunately we're stuck with now.

 BUG * The user-defined options from unittest_custom.proto have
 repetitions in the output from protoc that are not present in
 the .proto file.  Not all fields are repeated (apparently just the
 fixed width ones), but this looks dangerous in the presence of
 repeated fields.

Thanks, I'm looking into this.

 * The default_value of bytes and string types are stored differently.
 The bytes are stored in a raw form at the same escaping level as the
 proto file.  A string is stored after the escape codes have been
 ** Why, oh why, are they stored with different escape conventions?

The default_value field of FileDescriptorProto is a string.  Strings can
only contain structurally-valid UTF-8 text.  So, the default values for
other strings can be represented just fine with no escaping, but raw bytes
need to be escaped somehow such that they are valid UTF-8.  In retrospect,
this may not have been the best format.

 ** Is this documented anywhere?

Yes, in the comments in descriptor.proto.

 * The name field of the FileDescriptorProto seems to be the file
 path passed on the command line or the filepath in the import
 ** I have not checked, but if I were on windows would the file path
 from the command line have \ instead of / ?

It will always be a forward slash.

The path is actually not taken from the command line or from import
statements.  The path of each file is its location relative to the source
tree defined by the --proto_path (or -I) flag.  The goal here is to have a
canonical name for every file.  Note that this also implies that file names
cannot contain . or .. components and cannot be absolute paths.

 ** Is this documented anywhere?

I guess not as well as it should be.  descriptor.proto describes the name
field as file name, relative to the root of the source tree, but that's
not precise enough for someone trying to write their own implementation.
 Sorry, my intent was never for people to write their own compiler; I hoped
everyone would reuse libprotoc.

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Re: C++: Optional Message problems

2008-11-11 Thread Kenton Varda
On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 7:46 AM, ChJees [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I managed to solve my problem now. I used the blah.Bytesize() function
 instead of sizeof( blah.c_str() ) when sending the message size :3.

Ah, yes, don't use c_str() with serialized protobufs because they may
contain zeros before the end of the string.  Either blah.ByteSize() or
blah.size() would be valid things to use.

Someone should really add to documentation about Sending and Receiving
 info between Server and Clients to prevent further Headaches. (Not
 small ones either!)

I actually added a page yesterday covering some of these frequently asked

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Re: Explanation of comment in descriptor.proto?

2008-11-12 Thread Kenton Varda
You don't have to worry about the uninterpreted_option field.  It's an
internal implementation detail of the parser.  You should pretend it isn't
The comment is saying that the uninterpreted_option field must have the name
uninterpreted_option in all *Options messages because the parser uses
reflection to access it.

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 2:47 AM, Jon Skeet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was just looking over descriptor.proto for the option extensions,
 and I spotted this comment that I hadn't seen before:

 // Clients may define custom options as extensions of the *Options
 // These extensions may not yet be known at parsing time, so the
 parser cannot
 // store the values in them.  Instead it stores them in a field in the
 // message called uninterpreted_option. This field must have the same
 // across all *Options messages. We then use this field to populate
 // extensions when we build a descriptor, at which point all protos
 have been
 // parsed and so all extensions are known.

 I don't understand the This field must have the same name across all
 *Options messages. Am I right in saying that's an implementation
 detail about the uninterpreted_option field? It's not saying that the
 extensions themselves need to have the same name across all *Options
 messages, right?

 Just thought it would be worth clarifying before I do the wrong
 thing :)

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Re: Is it possible to download the documentation?

2008-11-12 Thread Kenton Varda
Sorry, the docs are not actually stored in HTML form.  They are EZT
templates, so if we did make them downloadable you'd have to run an EZT web
server to view them.  The best we could do otherwise would be to spider them
ourselves.  So I don't think there's much worth doing here.

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 5:25 PM, Scott Stafford [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Hi -

 My company works on an intranet that doesn't have an internet
 connection.  For 3rd-party libraries, we typically download the
 documentation and host it locally.  I plan to use protobuf, but I
 don't see anywhere to download the docs.  Any chance they'll be added
 to the download package or offered as a separate package?  I can
 spider them but it's a pain and all the URLs and CSS are screwy...


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Re: proto file naming and outer class collisions

2008-11-13 Thread Kenton Varda
BTW, you didn't have to rename your .proto file.  You could have just used
the java_outer_classname to make it produce a different class name.

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 11:40 AM, Kenton Varda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You're using the java_multiple_files option, I take it?
 The outer class is still necessary to store the file's descriptor and any
 top-level extension definitions.  I suppose the descriptor could be moved
 into the first class defined in the file but it will take some work and
 seems like a low priority.  I don't think it ever makes sense to put the
 extensions inside some other class but not all protos have top-level

 On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 10:04 AM, bmadigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think I'm missing somthing in the style guidelines. If I have a
 proto file called trip_summary.proto, which contains a message
 TripSummary, protoc throws the following error:

 [exec] --java_out: trip_summary.proto: Cannot generate Java
 output because the file's outer class name, TripSummary, matches the
 name of one of the types declared inside it.  Please either rename the
 type or use the java_outer_classname option to specify a different
 outer class name for the .proto file

 So, renaming the file to 'trip_summary_protos.proto', protoc generates
 2 Java files, one called, containing a static
 TripSummaryProtos, which contains an inner TripSummary class.
 Setting the option 'java_multiple_files=true', I get 2 java files,
 with the TripSummary class referencing all of the static members of
 TripSummaryProtos. This doesn't cause any problems with using
 TripSummary class (that I know of), but why is the container class
 Should I just define all of my messages in one file and ignore the
 outer class in my code?

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Re: null values should be treated as no value

2008-11-13 Thread Kenton Varda
I agree, the setters should either throw NPE or should treat setFoo(null)
the same as clearField().

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 7:39 AM, bivas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm using the Java output feature of protobuf for my app.
 I found that protobuf doesn't handle null values as well as i would
 expect it.

 for example:

 message MyMessage {
   required int32 id = 1;
   optional string code = 2;

 in java:

 MyMessage message = MyMessage.newBuilder().setId(3).setCode(null).build
 message.writeTo(System.out); // --- this will result a
 NullPointerException when trying to write the code field

 the reason is that in the created java source the setCode() method
 looks like this:

 public Builder setCode(java.lang.String value) {
result.hasCode = true; // the field flag indicate a value
 while there isn't!
result.code_ = value;
return this;

 method should look like:

 // for optional fields
 public Builder setCode(java.lang.String value) {
result.hasCode = (value != null) ;
result.code_ = value;
return this;

 // for required fields
 public Builder setCode(java.lang.String value) {
assert value != null;
result.hasCode = true;
result.code_ = value;
return this;


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Re: Custom EnumValueOptions?

2008-11-19 Thread Kenton Varda
Good news:  There was a patch for this submitted to the internal version of
the code which should make its way to SVN today or tomorrow, and will be in
the 2.0.3 release.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 1:29 AM, Jerry Cattell [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 I'm trying to use a custom EnumValueOption:

 package test;

 import google/protobuf/descriptor.proto;
 extend google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions {
  optional string code = 1234;

 enum ProductType {
  ROCK = 0 [(code) = R];
  PAPER = 1 [(code) = P];
  SCISSORS = 2 [(code) = S];

 However, this doesn't seem to parse:
 test.proto:9:12: Expected ;.
 test.proto:10:13: Expected ;.
 test.proto:11:16: Expected ;.

 Looking at unittest_custom_options.proto, it mentions a TODO for
 this.  Are custom EnumValueOptions currently supported?  If not, any
 idea when they will be?

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Re: RPC Design Structure

2008-11-19 Thread Kenton Varda
RpcController objects are per-request, not per-server or per-service.  For
every RPC request you make, you should have another RpcController object
(though you can reuse an object by calling Clear() as long as you aren't
making two requests at once).
RpcChannel objects are per-service.  Is that what you were thinking of?  A
single RpcChannel represents a connection to a single Service.  However,
there's nothing stopping you from multiplexing multiple RpcChannels across a
single TCP connection, or creating a protocol that allows you to choose
between multiple services exported by a server when constructing an

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 5:06 PM, codeazure [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 20, 7:58 am, Kenton Varda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm not sure I understand.  There's nothing stopping you from spreading
  definitions out among multiple .proto files which import each other, and
  there's nothing stopping you from exporting multiple services from a
  server.  You'll need to design a protocol that allows it, but protocol
  buffers doesn't do anything to prevent it.  Can you be more specific
  the problem you're facing, maybe giving an example?

 I can have multiple services per server? That's what I wanted to know.
 I could not any place in the documentation where it talked about
 whether Service has a 1:1 or Many:1 relationship with RpcController.
 It seemed like it was 1:1 from all the examples I had seen, hence my
 confusion. Next time you're updating the docs in this area, it might
 be worth changing the example to show 2 Services so it's clear to

 I was also thinking of services running on ports on Linux systems. In
 this situation, it is a 1:1 relationship between services and ports. I
 know it's a different situation, but my thinking got stuck on the term

 If I can define as many services as I like and attach them all to the
 same RPC Controller, then that will answer my question  give me the
 extensible modular design I want. I had thought there had to be an
 answer like this because I couldn't imagine Google's internal
 applications would want to be bound by such a serious limitation.


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Re: protocol buffer - compilation fails

2008-11-20 Thread Kenton Varda
This is a bug that has been fixed in SVN and will be fixed in the 2.0.3
release, which should happen soonish.  If you don't use DynamicMessage you
don't need to worry about it.

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Nimisha Mishra 


 I have installed protocol buffer 2.0.2 version and trying to build it in
 solaris environment. I get this error when I do a make check, Please note
 – make ran fine. Please advise .

 Making check in src

 make  check-am

 make  check-TESTS

 Running main() from

 [==] Running 557 tests from 85 test cases.

 [--] Global test environment set-up.

 [--] 1 test from GeneratedDescriptorTest

 [ RUN  ] GeneratedDescriptorTest.IdenticalDescriptors

 [   OK ] GeneratedDescriptorTest.IdenticalDescriptors

 [--] 22 tests from GeneratedMessageTest

 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.Defaults

 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.Defaults

 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.Accessors

 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.Accessors

 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.MutableStringDefault

 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.MutableStringDefault

 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.Clear

 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.Clear

 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.EmbeddedNullsInBytesCharStar

 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.EmbeddedNullsInBytesCharStar

 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.ClearOneField

 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.ClearOneField

 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.CopyFrom

 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.CopyFrom

 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.CopyConstructor

 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.CopyConstructor

 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.CopyAssignmentOperator

 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.CopyAssignmentOperator

 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.UpcastCopyFrom

 [   OK ] GeneratedMessageTest.UpcastCopyFrom

 [ RUN  ] GeneratedMessageTest.DynamicMessageCopyFrom

 bash: line 4: 15528 Bus Error   (core dumped) ${dir}$tst

 FAIL: protobuf-test


 1 of 1 tests failed

 Please report to


 *** Error code 1

 The following command caused the error:

 failed=0; all=0; xfail=0; xpass=0; skip=0; \

 srcdir=.; export srcdir; \

 list='protobuf-test'; \

 if test -n $list; then \

   for tst in $list; do \

 if test -f ./$tst; then dir=./; \

 elif test -f $tst; then dir=; \

 else dir=./; fi; \

 if  ${dir}$tst; then \

   all=`expr $all + 1`; \

   casein \

   * $tst *) \

 xpass=`expr $xpass + 1`; \

 failed=`expr $failed + 1`; \

 echo XPASS: $tst; \

   ;; \

   *) \

 echo PASS: $tst; \

   ;; \

   esac; \

 elif test $? -ne 77; then \

   all=`expr $all + 1`; \

   casein \

   * $tst *) \

 xfail=`expr $xfail + 1`; \

 echo XFAIL: $tst; \

   ;; \

   *) \

 failed=`expr $failed + 1`; \

 echo FAIL: $tst; \

   ;; \

   esac; \

 else \

   skip=`expr $skip + 1`; \

   echo SKIP: $tst; \

 fi; \

   done; \

   if test $failed -eq 0; then \

 if test $xfail -eq 0; then \

   banner=All $all tests passed; \

 else \

   banner=All $all tests behaved as expected ($xfail expected
 failures); \

 fi; \

   else \

 if test $xpass -eq 0; then \

   banner=$failed of $all tests failed; \

 else \

   banner=$failed of $all tests did not behave as expected ($xpass
 unexpected passes); \

 fi; \

   fi; \

   dashes=$banner; \

   skipped=; \

   if test $skip -ne 0; then \

 skipped=($skip tests were not run); \

 test `echo $skipped | wc -c` -le `echo $banner | wc -c` || \

   dashes=$skipped; \

   fi; \

   report=; \

   if test $failed -ne 0  test -n; then \

 report=Please report to; \

 test `echo $report | wc -c` -le `echo $banner | wc -c` || \

   dashes=$report; \

   fi; \

   dashes=`echo $dashes | sed s/./=/g`; \

   echo $dashes; \

   echo $banner; \

   test -z $skipped || echo $skipped; \

   test -z $report || echo $report; \

   echo $dashes; \

   test $failed -eq 0; \

 else :; fi

 make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `check-TESTS'

 Current working directory

 *** Error code 1

 make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `check-am'

 Current working directory

 *** Error code 1

 make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `check'

 Current working directory

 *** Error code 1

 The following command caused the error:

 failcom='exit 1'; \

 for f in x $MAKEFLAGS; do \

   case $f in \

 *=* | --[!k]*);; \

 *k*) failcom='fail=yes';; \

   esac; \

 done; \


Update roll-up submitted

2008-11-20 Thread Kenton Varda
I just committed SVN revision 76 which integrates a bunch of changes from
our internal codebase (see below).  2.0.3 will probably be released next

* Enum values may now have custom options, using syntax similar to field
* Fixed bug where .proto files which use custom options but don't actually
  define them (i.e. they import another .proto file defining the options)
  had to explicitly import descriptor.proto.
* Adjacent string literals in .proto files will now be concatenated, like in

* Generated message classes now have a Swap() method which efficiently swaps
  the contents of two objects.
* All message classes now have a SpaceUsed() method which returns an
  of the number of bytes of allocated memory currently owned by the object.
  This is particularly useful when you are reusing a single message object
  to improve performance but want to make sure it doesn't bloat up too
* New method Message::SerializeAsString() returns a string containing the
  serialized data.  May be more convenient than calling
* In debug mode, log error messages when string-type fields are found to
  contain bytes that are not valid UTF-8.
* Fixed bug where a message with multiple extension ranges couldn't parse
* Fixed bug where MergeFrom(const Message) didn't do anything if invoked on
  a message that contained no fields (but possibly contained extensions).
* Fixed ShortDebugString() to not be O(n^2).  Durr.
* Fixed crash in TextFormat parsing if the first token in the input caused a
  tokenization error.

* New overload of mergeFrom() which parses a slice of a byte array instead
  of the whole thing.
* New method ByteString.asReadOnlyByteBuffer() does what it sounds like.
* Improved performance of isInitialized() when optimizing for code size.

* Corrected ListFields() signature in Message base class to match what
  subclasses actually implement.
* Some minor refactoring.

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2008-11-25 Thread Kenton Varda
I just put a release candidate here:

Test and tell me what's broken.

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Re: Add another option to support java_implement_interface

2008-12-01 Thread Kenton Varda
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 6:46 PM, aantono [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 message Person
  java_implement_interface = com.domain.Name;
  required string name;
  required int32 age;

More precisely:

message Person {
  option java_implement_interface = com.domain.Name;
  required string name = 1;
  required int32 age = 2;

And the effect of this is simply that when protoc generates the Person
class, it declares it as implementing com.domain.Name.

This is a very simple change, so I may be convinced to accept it.  My main
concerns are:

* Adding another option imposes non-zero overhead even on people who don't
use the option, since it increases the code generated for descriptor.proto.
 The size of descriptor.proto's generated code is already somewhat of a

* I'm somewhat uneasy with the idea of generated protobuf code depending on
non-generated code (other than standard libraries and libprotobuf).  This
goes against the model.  It would not work in our internal build system,
which assumes that protobuf code never has such dependencies.  I am worried
that making the model more complicated in this way will lead to other
problems down the road; e.g. if protocol buffers are integrated better into
other build systems, they may also dislike this.

I can see where this feature would be useful but I'm not sure if it
outweighs these issues.

What do other people think?

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Re: Slicing support in Python

2008-12-03 Thread Kenton Varda
Ehhh...  Reference counting is slow (assuming it needs to be thread-safe),
and I think even adding it as an option would add an excessive amount of
complication to the system.

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 2:04 PM, Dave Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Dec 3, 2:00 pm, Dave Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Dec 2, 10:49 pm, Kenton Varda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   C++ compatibility matters because eventually we want to be able to
   Python code which just wraps C++ code for efficiency.  C++ isn't
   collected, so append() can't easily be implemented in this case without
   having ownership problems.  Slice assignment has the same problem.
   Also note that even pure-python protocol buffers have a sort of
   issue:  Sub-messages all contain pointers back to their parents, so
   when a sub-message is modified, the parent's cached size can be marked
   dirty.  (Also, singular sub-messages have to inform their parents when
   first field within them is set, but that doesn't apply here.)

 (Here is my post without all of the ridiculous formatting):

 While you're on this topic, I ran into this ownership issue while
 implementing the Perl/XS wrapper around the generated C++ code.  I
 think it is the same issue that would face the author of a Python or
 Ruby C++ extension of the generated C++.  I ended up having to new() a
 copy of every message that I transferred from C++ to Perl or vice
 versa.  So, for example, a statement like


 won't have the same effect as (C++)


 because $team-member($i) will generate a copy of the underlying C++
 object, so that it can be managed by Perl's reference counting without
 any concern as to whether or not the underlying C++ object has been
 deleted because the containing message went out of scope.

 Anyway, I thought it might be possible to allow for shared ownership
 of a message object if there were a reference counted variant of
 RepeatedPtrFieldT (something like RepeatedSharedPtrFieldT or
 whatever), which would provide incref() and decref() methods such that
 Perl and C++ could use the same underlying C++ objects in the
 generated code.  This would really help the performance of the Perl/XS
 code if all of that copy construction could be avoided somehow.  The C+
 + code generator would need an option that would instruct it to
 generate RepeatedSharedPtrFieldT members (and incref and decref
 calls, where appropriate) for repeated messages (instead of using the
 default RepeatedPtrFieldT).

 What do you think?  Is something like this possible, even though it
 would require a change to protobuf?  It is an issue for all {Python,
 Perl, Ruby, ...}/C++ extension wrappers for Protocol Buffers.  I have
 found that protobuf is a faster Perl data serialization mechanism that
 the (generic) Storable module, but I think it can be even faster.



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Re: Slicing support in Python

2008-12-03 Thread Kenton Varda
It still adds a lot of complication.  And I think most cases where people
start out thinking thread-safety won't be an issue, particularly with
reference counting, they later find out otherwise.

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 3:22 PM, Dave Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What if thread safety wasn't an issue?


 On Dec 3, 2:41 pm, Kenton Varda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ehhh...  Reference counting is slow (assuming it needs to be
  and I think even adding it as an option would add an excessive amount of
  complication to the system.
  On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 2:04 PM, Dave Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Dec 3, 2:00 pm, Dave Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Dec 2, 10:49 pm, Kenton Varda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 C++ compatibility matters because eventually we want to be able to
 Python code which just wraps C++ code for efficiency.  C++ isn't
 collected, so append() can't easily be implemented in this case
 having ownership problems.  Slice assignment has the same problem.
 Also note that even pure-python protocol buffers have a sort of
 issue:  Sub-messages all contain pointers back to their parents, so
 when a sub-message is modified, the parent's cached size can be
 dirty.  (Also, singular sub-messages have to inform their parents
 first field within them is set, but that doesn't apply here.)
   (Here is my post without all of the ridiculous formatting):
   While you're on this topic, I ran into this ownership issue while
   implementing the Perl/XS wrapper around the generated C++ code.  I
   think it is the same issue that would face the author of a Python or
   Ruby C++ extension of the generated C++.  I ended up having to new() a
   copy of every message that I transferred from C++ to Perl or vice
   versa.  So, for example, a statement like
   won't have the same effect as (C++)
   because $team-member($i) will generate a copy of the underlying C++
   object, so that it can be managed by Perl's reference counting without
   any concern as to whether or not the underlying C++ object has been
   deleted because the containing message went out of scope.
   Anyway, I thought it might be possible to allow for shared ownership
   of a message object if there were a reference counted variant of
   RepeatedPtrFieldT (something like RepeatedSharedPtrFieldT or
   whatever), which would provide incref() and decref() methods such that
   Perl and C++ could use the same underlying C++ objects in the
   generated code.  This would really help the performance of the Perl/XS
   code if all of that copy construction could be avoided somehow.  The C+
   + code generator would need an option that would instruct it to
   generate RepeatedSharedPtrFieldT members (and incref and decref
   calls, where appropriate) for repeated messages (instead of using the
   default RepeatedPtrFieldT).
   What do you think?  Is something like this possible, even though it
   would require a change to protobuf?  It is an issue for all {Python,
   Perl, Ruby, ...}/C++ extension wrappers for Protocol Buffers.  I have
   found that protobuf is a faster Perl data serialization mechanism that
   the (generic) Storable module, but I think it can be even faster.

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Re: [Fwd: Re: Streaming]

2008-12-05 Thread Kenton Varda
It's quite easy to write a helper function that reads/writes delimited
messages (delimited by size or by end tag).
For example, here's one for writing a length-delimited message:

bool WriteMessage(const Message message, ZeroCopyOutputStream* output) {
  CodedOutputStream coded_out(output);
  return coded_out.WriteVarint32(message.ByteSize()) 

and here's one for reading one message:

bool ReadMessage(ZeroCopyInputStream* input, Message* message) {
  CodedInputStream coded_in(input);
  uint32 size;
  if (!coded_in.ReadVarint32(size)) return false;
  CodedInputStream::Limit limit = coded_in.PushLimit(size);
  if (!message-ParseFromCodedStream(coded_in)) return false;
  if (!coded_in.ExpectAtEnd()) return false;
  return true;

(I haven't tested the above so it may contain minor errors.)

We could add these as methods of the Message class.  Note, though, that for
many applications, this kind of streaming is too simplistic.  For example,
the above will not allow you to efficiently seek to an arbitrary message in
the stream, since at the very least you have to read the sizes of all
messages before it to find it.  It's also not very robust in the face of
data corruption -- if any of the sizes are corrupted, the whole stream is
unreadable.  So, you may find you want to do something more complicated,
depending on your app.  But, anything more complicated is really beyond the
scope of the protocol buffer library.

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 8:27 AM, Shane Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Thanks very much Jon (see below).  You make good points and I like the
 approach the you describe.  I am still thinking, however, that there is
 power in the ability for message instances to write and parse themselves
 from a stream.

 A message instance could be passed a stream object which chains back to
 the network connection from which bytes are being received.  A stop flag
 based parsing mechanism could be passed this buffer object, and would
 handle reading the stream and initializing its properties, exiting when
 the serialization of that message instance stopped.  At this point, a
 new message instance could be created, and the process repeated.

 The type of message doing the parsing could vary from message to
 message, even with the serializations being sent and received back to
 back.  This mechanism would work regardless of field-types being
 streamed.  A message type consisting solely of varint fields, whose
 length is determined while reading the varint's value, would support
 streaming no differently than any other message type.

 The solution also seems to support every requirement supported by the
 original buffer type.  Messages serialized to a buffer, could just as
 easily be initialized from that buffer as they could from the string
 contained by the buffer.

 m1 = Message()
 buffer = Buffer()
 [...] (initialize instance vars)

 m2 = Message()

 Produces same result as:

 m2 = Message()
 bytes = m1.SerializeToString()

 The string-based parse would ignore the stop bit, parsing the entire
 string.  The buffer-based parsing would stop parsing when the stop bit,
 producing the same result.

 Handling of concatenated serializations is supported through repeated
 calls to parse from buffer:

 m1 = Message()
 [...] (initialize instance vars)
 m2 = Message()
 [...] (initialize instance vars)

 buffer = Buffer()

 m3 = Message()

 Would produce same result as:

 m3 = Message()
 m3.ParseFromString(m1.SerializeToString() + m2.SerializeToString())

 As long as an unused, and never to be used, field number is used to
 generate the stop bit's key, then I don't believe there are any
 incompatibilities between buffer-based message marshalling and the
 existing string-based code.  A very easy usage:

 # Sending side
 for message in messages:

 # Receiving side
 for msgtype in types:
  message = msgtype()

 Unless I've overlooked something, it seems like the stream based
 marshalling and unmarshalling is powerful, simple, and completely
 compatible with all existing code.  But there is a very real chance I've
 overlooked something...

 - Shane

  Forwarded Message 
  From: Jon Skeet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Shane Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: Streaming
  Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 08:19:41 +
  2008/12/5 Shane Green [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Thanks Jon.  Those are good points.  I rather liked the
  nature of fields, and thought this method would bring that
  feature up to
  the message level, without breaking any of the existing
  So my goal was a message which could truly 

Re: Slicing support in Python

2008-12-06 Thread Kenton Varda
On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 10:59 PM, Alek Storm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 5:32 AM, Kenton Varda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Sorry, I think you misunderstood.  The C++ parsers generated by protoc
 (with optimize_for = SPEED) are an order of magnitude faster than the
 dynamic *C++* parser (used with optimize_for = CODE_SIZE and
 DynamicMessage).  The Python parser is considerably slower than either of
 them, but that's beside the point.  Your decoupled parser which produces a
 tag/value tree will be at least as slow as the existing C++ dynamic parser,
 probably slower (since it sounds like it would use some sort of dictionary
 structure rather than flat classes/structs).

 Oh, I forgot we have two C++ parsers.  The method I described uses the
 generated (SPEED) parser, so it should be a great deal quicker.  It just
 outputs a tree instead of a message, leaving the smart object creation to

No, the static (SPEED) parser parses to generated C++ objects.  It doesn't
make sense to say that we'll use the static parser to parse to this abstract
tree structure, because the whole point of the static parser is that it
parses to concrete objects.  If it didn't, it wouldn't be so fast.  (In
fact, the biggest bottleneck in protobuf parsing is memory bandwidth, and I
can't see how your tree structure would be anywhere near as compact as a
generated message class.)

But then, protobuf objects might as well be your tree.  There's no reason
to define a separate tree structure when we already have a structure
explicitly designed for holding protocol buffer data.  Your tree probably
would not be any easier to access than an actual protocol message object.

 Honestly, I think using reflection for something as basic as changing the
 ouput format is hackish and could get ugly.

I think you're thinking of a different kind of reflection.  I'm talking
about the google::protobuf::Reflection interface.  The whole point of this
interface is to allow you to do things like write custom codecs for things
like JSON or XML.  Take a look at for an example usage.

 But just for the record, I'm pretty sure Python's list remove() method
 compares by value, and doesn't have a method that compares by identity.  So
 there would be no reason to include a compare-by-identity method in protobuf
 repeated fields.

OK, well, honestly, I think a remove-by-value makes even less sense.
Comparing large non-flat data structures by value is awkward and rarely
useful.  But this is exactly the kind of thing that we don't know if we
don't have a use case to examine.

 Okay, you place more value on compact interface.  So are we keeping
 remove() for scalar values?  I think their interfaces should be consistent,
 but I don't think you think that's as important.

remove() makes sense for scalars.  There's no question of identity vs. value
comparison, and it's not awkward or unusual to compare two scalar values.

 Okay.  So let's say we have a pure-C++ parser with a Python wrapper.  This
 brings us back to getting slicing to work in C++ with no garbage collector.
 Kenton, could you elaborate on what you meant earlier by ownership
 problems specific to the C++ version?  I can't really see anything that
 would affect PB repeated fields that isn't taken care of by handing the user
 control over allocation and deallocation of the field elements.

If a message Foo has a repeated field of type Bar, then the Bar objects in
that field are owned by Foo.  When you delete Foo, all the Bars are
deleted.  Leaving it up to the user to delete the Bar objects themselves is
way too much of a burden.

 Is there anything wrong with having a list of parents?  I'm guessing I'm
 being naive - would speed be affected too much by that?

Way too complicated, probably a lot of overhead, and not very useful in

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Re: how to parse a file with millions of records with protobuf

2008-12-08 Thread Kenton Varda
On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 3:45 AM, nightwalker leo [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 when I try to parse an addressbook file which has 2^20 records of
 person , my program complains like this:
 libprotobuf WARNING D:\protobuf-2.0.2\src\google\protobuf\io
 \] Reading dangerously large protocol message.  If
 the message turns out to be larger than 67108864 bytes, parsing will
 be halted for security reasons.  To increase the limit (or to disable
 these warnings), see CodedInputStream::SetTotalBytesLimit() in google/

 how to deal with the problem in an elegant way instead of increasing
 the limit or simply turning off the warning message?

The documentation for SetTotalBytesLimit() answers your question:

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Re: Quick Hacky text_mode Parse in Python

2008-12-08 Thread Kenton Varda
Hey Petar, isn't there a patch someone was trying to submit that implements
text format parsing?  (For real, not by wrapping protoc.)  What's the status
of that?

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 5:03 AM, Nicholas Reid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,

 Firstly, just wanted to thank Kenton and the Google team, PB2 is a
 beautiful piece of work! Thanks heaps.

 I will almost certainly go to some deep circle of Programmer's Hell
 for this, but it might be useful for someone until the guys get a
 chance to add text_mode message parsing functionality to the Python
 API. There are almost certainly more elegant ways of doing this.


 def parse_text_format(message_string, generated_message_type):
Parses the given Protobuf text_format into a new instance of
 the given type.

# Should be defined globally somewhere
PROTO_FILENAME = person.proto

# Instance new message
obj = generated_message_type()

# Wrap the protoc command-line utility, expects that 'protoc'
 should be on your PATH somewhere
(stdout, stdin) = popen2.popen2(protoc %s --encode=%s %
 (PROTO_FILENAME,, bufsize=1024)

# Feed in the message_string in text_format

# Read out the protoc-encoded binary format
binary_string =

# Parse the resulting binary representation.
return obj


 Assuming person.proto contains:

 message Person {
required string name = 1;


 from person_pb2 import *
 guido = parse_text_format(name: Guido, person)

 Should give you a person object which you can use for nefarious

 Kind regards,

 Nicholas Reid

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Re: Slicing support in Python

2008-12-08 Thread Kenton Varda
On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 1:03 AM, Alek Storm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But it does give us a lot of cool functionality, like adding the same
 message to two parents, and (yes!) slicing support.  I thought this was
 common practice in C++, but it's been quite a while since I've coded it.

Nope, in the C++ world we have to worry excessively about ownership, and we
generally make defensive copies rather than trying to allow an object to be
referenced from two places.

 Is it really that useful to have ByteSize() cached for repeated fields?  If
 it's not, we get everything I mentioned above for free.  I'm genuinely not
 sure - it only comes up when serializing the message in
 What do you think?

Yes, it's just as necessary as it is with optional fields.  The main problem
is that the size of a message must be written before the message contents
itself.  If, while serializing, you call ByteSize() to get this size every
time you write a message, then you'll end up computing the size of
deeply-nested messages many times (once for each outer message within which
they're nested).  Caching avoids that problem.

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Re: 2.0.3 officially released

2008-12-15 Thread Kenton Varda
Yes, thanks for reminding me.  There still isn't any documentation on this
feature, even inside Google.  :(  I will try to write it this week.
(Sorry, it all comes down to me having too much work to do...)

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 4:44 PM, codeazure wrote:

 The language guide in the documentation still doesn't describe Field
 Options. I can see some references to them in some of the language
 specific sections (Java, Python), but nothing telling us how to use
 this feature either in fields or enums.

 With this and other changes, it's really helpful for developers to
 have access to current and complete documentation - doesn't have to be
 a huge amount, but just something to remind us that it's there.


 On Dec 6, 5:48 am, Kenton Varda wrote:
* Enum values may now have custom options, using syntax similar to


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Re: How to migrate to protocol buffers from bean style data structure

2008-12-16 Thread Kenton Varda
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 2:27 AM, wrote:

 I have couple of questions regarding protocol buffers in java
 1. I am using old bean style data structures. How can i migrate to
 protocol buffers and what problems may arise due to this migration.

This is a pretty broad question with many reasonable answers.  You could
keep your existing structures and just add methods to convert between them
and protocol buffers (see below).  This would be easy but would be annoying
to maintain since every time you added a field you'd have to update the bean
class.  Alternatively, you could completely replace your bean-style classes
with protocol message classes, but this will require refactoring your code
to work with immutable objects.  Most code tends to be pretty easy to
refactor (because most code will tend to construct data objects all at once
and then not modify them afterwards, which is what protocol buffer objects
require), but some code may be more complicated to rework.  Also, if you
have a lot of code it could be painful.  A third option is to replace your
bean objects with protocol message builders and use those everywhere, since
they have both setters and getters and thus can operate like mutable
objects.  However, this is kind of ugly and not the way builders are meant
to be used.

I would probably recommend the first option, as it keeps your code more
independent of protocol buffers, so you can more easily change your mind
later if you want to.

 2. How can i serialize bean style data structures using protocol

You'd need to add methods which convert between your bean class and protocol
message objects.  For example:

  public MyMessageType toProto() {
return MyMessageType.newBuilder()

  public void fromProto(MyMessageType proto) {

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Re: 2.0.3rc1

2008-12-17 Thread Kenton Varda
I think the problem may be that the script was written on unix, so it does
not expect protoc to have the .exe extension.  That's a bug that should be
fixed.  I'm surprised it hasn't been reported before.  Does it work if you
put protoc.exe somewhere in your PATH?

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 4:04 AM, 王鹏生 wrote:


 I download and

 Unzip to C:\Python25\protobuf-2.0.3 and
 put protoc.exe to C:\Python25\protobuf-2.0.3\src\

 Then, I run the command:
 C:\Python25\protobuf-2.0.3\ install
 But it told me that protoc is not installed nor found in ../src.

 Why?  How?

 I test the other version like protobuf-2.0.2 and protobuf-2.0.1
 but it had the same problem...

 The detail message as below:

 C:\Python25\protobuf-2.0.3\ install
 This script requires setuptools version 0.6c8 to run (even to display
 help).  I will attempt to download it for you (from, but
 you may need to enable firewall access for this script first.
 I will start the download in 15 seconds.

 (Note: if this machine does not have network access, please obtain the file

 and place it in this directory before rerunning this script.)
 Generating google/protobuf/
 protoc is not installed nor found in ../src.  Please compile it or install
 the b
 inary package.

 2008/12/3 Kenton Varda
  You need to run from the directory where it resides.
  On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 11:51 PM, EYN wrote:
  I can not install it:
  C:\Python25python C:\Python25\protobuf-2.0.3rc1\python\
  Can't find required file: ../src/google/protobuf/descriptor.proto
  On 11月26日, 上午10时32分, Kenton Varda wrote:
   I just put a release candidate
   Test and tell me what's broken.

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Re: Enum for field numbers

2008-12-17 Thread Kenton Varda
OK, I'll stick it on my TODO list.  Feel free to send me a patch if you want
it done faster.  :)

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 10:53 PM, sorent

 Definitely a better idea better :-)

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Re: C++ SerializeToArray

2008-12-17 Thread Kenton Varda
When you call ParseFromArray(), you must pass the exact size of the message
being parsed.  You cannot simply give it the size of the buffer if there are
extra bytes after the end of the message.
What happened here is that the parser, after parsing the bytes of your
actual message, continued to interpret the following bytes as more data.
 The next byte was a 1, which the parser thought was indicating the
beginning of a 64-bit fixed-width field with field number zero.  Since your
message does not declare a field number zero (you actually aren't allowed
to), it treated this as an unknown field and stored the value in the
UnknownFieldSet.  Later, when you serialized the message, the value in the
UnknownFieldSet was written out again.

The moral of the story is that you must transmit the size of your message
along with the data, so that you can pass it to ParseFromArray() on the
receiving end.

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Ryan wrote:

 Ok - found it. The problem was not on the serialization but on the
 message creation/parsing. The buffer the C++ code was parsing the
 protocol buffer message from was not properly initialized causing the
 ByteSize() function to return an incorrect value based on the junk
 padded past the typical sentinel.

 I did a call to memset prior and all is good.

 Two additional thoughts:

 1) I am surprised the C++ parsing succeeded?

 2) Why was the serialization reproducing the bad input? I would think
 the process of Marshalling/Unmarshalling would of cleaned it up.

 On Dec 17, 10:48 am, Ryan wrote:
  I will try. A good debugging step for myself if not anything else.
  This system is of course distributed so it may be difficult to isolate
  it down into something I can send you easily (also lots of
  dependencies). I have been trying to identify the messages that are
  causing this but it appears to be happening independent of the message
  In a particular sequence of messages the same messages always get the
  erroneous bytes appended. However, if I take one of those messages and
  send it independently - works fine.
  Thanks for the dialog.
  On Dec 17, 9:36 am, Kenton Varda wrote:
   If you write a program demonstrating the problem and send it to me, I
   debug it.
   On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 11:10 AM, Ryan wrote:
   char mess[MAX_MESSLEN] ;
   //Load some properties for the group com call
//what I am using to detect trailing bytes
   for(int i =0; i bplMessage.ByteSize();i++) {
   std::cout  (int) mess[i]  std::endl;
On Dec 17, 8:32 am, Kenton Varda wrote:
 Hi Ryan,
 What does your code look like that calls SerializeToArray()?  It
 something like:
   int size = message.ByteSize();
   char* array = new char[size];
   message.SerializeToArray(array, size);
 On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 8:13 PM, Ryan
  I have been working with a Group Communication System and
  I have an issue where the C++ SerializeToArray call on one of my
  messages is occasionally appending Bytes {1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} to
  end of the returned character array?
  Any ideas on what might be causing this? I can
  fine using the java api but the C++ call above has the odd quirk
  The Java parsingFrom fails on the C++ generated messages that
 have the
  above bytes appended.
  Any suggestions much appreciated.

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Re: Light in-memory use

2008-12-18 Thread Kenton Varda
Size-wise, the only difference between your Lite structure and the current
protobuf classes is that it wouldn't have a virtual table pointer or a
cached byte size.  Do these really make that much difference?

On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 9:11 PM, Shaun Cox wrote:

 As stated by previous posts (the uint16 one in particular), protobuf C+
 + is not designed for extremely-memory-constrained systems.  I was
 curious about the decision to not make the bare bones structure of
 the message public and provide a way to construct one from another.
 For example right now the generated code looks something like this:
 message Couch
  required uint32 width;
  required uint32 length;

 class Couch : public ::google::protobuf::Message {
  // rest of public interface...
  // pb data members
  uint32 width_;
  uint32 length_;
  // more pb data member

 If pb provided a bare bones structure it might look something like:
 class Couch : public ::google::protobuf::Message {
  struct Lite {
Lite(const Couch from);
uint32 width_;
uint32 length_;
  Couch(const Couch::Lite from);
  // rest of public interface...
  // pb data members
  Lite impl_;
  // more pb data member

 First off, the API for constructing one from another is more just to
 show an example than anything else.  Exposing the underlying structure
 allows you to store smaller in-memory copies of the message.  This
 comes into play more when the structure is part of a larger class that
 isn't going across the wire.

 class LivingRoom {
 Couch::Lite couches[10];
 class Apartment{
 LivingRoom rooms[3];
 class Complex {
 Apartment apartments[1];
 class City {
 Complex complexes[10];

 It seems wasteful to have Couch when you could just as well have
 Couch::Lite.  With a change like this, if you aren't as concerned with
 memory usage, there is no change to how pb behaves or how you use


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Re: NewCallback does not take 3 arguments

2008-12-22 Thread Kenton Varda
I can't reproduce this problem.  What compiler are you using?  Can you
provide example code which demonstrates the problem?

On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 2:18 AM, wrote:

 Btw, i'm using the latest svn version of the compiler and library

 On Dec 20, 11:28 pm, wrote:
  I'm trying to implement a socket based RPC implementation with
  protobuf but i'm stuck at creating Closure.
  // Example that calls a method:
  //   class Handler {
  // ...
  // void FooDone(const FooResponse* response) {
  //   ...
  // }
  // void CallFoo() {
  //   ...
  //   // When done, call FooDone() and pass it a pointer to the
  //   Closure* callback = NewCallback(this, Handler::FooDone,
  //   // Make the call.
  //   service-Foo(controller, request, response, callback);
  // }
  //   };
  I'm following this example but it gives an error complaining about:
  function does not take 3 arguments: NewCallback
  Can you please help me on this?
  Thank you.

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Re: 2.0.3 officially released

2009-01-05 Thread Kenton Varda
On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 6:10 PM, Chris wrote:

 There is a small type on the web page about the custom options:

   optional int32 foo = 1 [(my_field_option = 4.5)];

 should be

  optional int32 foo = 1 [(my_field_option) = 4.5];

Thanks, I'll fix this.

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Re: 2.0.3 officially released

2009-01-05 Thread Kenton Varda
On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 7:32 PM, Dave Wolfe wrote:

 FYI, it looks like a few new functions are missing __declspec()
 decorators.  I had to apply the trivial patch below in order to
 build a DLL version of protobuf under Windows.  (This applies to
 both 2.0.3 and the current trunk...)

Ouch, I guess I should explicitly test compiling DLLs before releasing.
 Strange, though, because I have a script which is supposed to add the
export decls for me.  Anyway, I'll look into this; thanks.


 Index: src/google/protobuf/repeated_field.h
 --- src/google/protobuf/repeated_field.h(revision 90)
 +++ src/google/protobuf/repeated_field.h(working copy)
 @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@

  // We need this (from
 -int StringSpaceUsedExcludingSelf(const string str);
 +LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT int StringSpaceUsedExcludingSelf(const string

  }  // namespace internal

 Index: src/google/protobuf/stubs/common.h
 --- src/google/protobuf/stubs/common.h  (revision 90)
 +++ src/google/protobuf/stubs/common.h  (working copy)
 @@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@

  // Checks if the buffer contains structurally-valid UTF-8.
 Implemented in
 -bool IsStructurallyValidUTF8(const char* buf, int len);
 +LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT bool IsStructurallyValidUTF8(const char* buf, int

  }  // namespace internal

 Index: src/google/protobuf/generated_message_reflection.h
 --- src/google/protobuf/generated_message_reflection.h  (revision 90)
 +++ src/google/protobuf/generated_message_reflection.h  (working copy)
 @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
  // Compute the space used by a string, not including sizeof(string)
  // This is slightly complicated because small strings store their
 data within
  // the string object but large strings do not.
 -int StringSpaceUsedExcludingSelf(const string str);
 +LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT int StringSpaceUsedExcludingSelf(const string

  }  // namespace internal


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Re: Build errors on installation

2009-01-05 Thread Kenton Varda
Did the tests pass or fail?  The tests explicitly test the code which
produces those warnings, so seeing them is expected.  As long as the tests
report that they passed you are fine.

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 12:12 PM, wrote:

 Starting a clean installation

 Running MS Visual Studio 2008(version 9.0.30729.1 SP) and following
 the readme.txt instructions
 I open the sln file and get a convert this solution message which
 appears to go ok.
 I build the solution in Debug mode
 I open a cmd window and run tests.exe and get the following errors/

 libprotobuf ERROR c:\proj\protobuf-2.0.3\src\google\protobuf\io
 170] A protocol message was rejected because it was too big (more than
 16 bytes)
 .  To increase the limit (or to disable these warnings), see
 etTotalBytesLimit() in google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h.

 libprotobuf WARNING c:\proj\protobuf-2.0.3\src\google\protobuf\stubs
 \strutil_uni] Couldn't set locale to es_ES.  Skipping this test.

 libprotobuf ERROR c:\proj\protobuf-2.0.3\src\google\protobuf
 89] Encountered string containing invalid UTF-8 data while serializing
 buffer. Strings must contain only UTF-8; use the 'bytes' type for raw

 Thanks in advance,

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Re: Pb with online doc on website?

2009-01-05 Thread Kenton Varda
On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Alain M. wrote:

 BTW, is there a users' list about Chrome?

I'm sure there is, but I don't have any easier way of finding out than just
Googling it.  :)


 Olivier Gautherot escreveu:
  Hi Kenton, thanks for the insight.
  On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Kenton Varda wrote:
  Hmm, works for me.  This may sound silly, but try deleting all your cookies.  I've seen redirect loops in google
  services fixed by this before.
  As a matter of fact, IE and Firefox work but Chrome does not (it is my
  main browser, actually). I tried to clear all personal data but no
  There seems to be something weird - but I have alternatives so it's not
  a showstopper.
  Thanks for the support
  On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 9:36 AM, wrote:
  I tried to access the online doc at
  but, for some reason, it reports a loop in the links. It seems
  to be a
  general problem as all the docs I tried to open reported the
 same. I
  know it used to work in the past.
  I guess someone tried to evaluate if somebody actually RTFM ;-)
  (Sorry, just a joke, please no flame ;-) )
  Happy new year to you all and thanks for the great work!
  Olivier Gautherot


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Re: Generating .proto files from C++ classes

2009-01-07 Thread Kenton Varda
How would that work, exactly?

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 11:50 AM, wrote:

 Is there an existing convert that can take a header file and produce
 a .proto file?

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Re: Generating .proto files from C++ classes

2009-01-07 Thread Kenton Varda
Protocol buffers are useful even if all users are using the same language.
 In fact, we used them in C++ for some time before anyone bothered writing
Java and Python implementations.

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 3:43 PM, Alek Storm wrote:

 Mike, what exactly are you trying to accomplish?  Do you just want to
 persist a C++ class?  If so, you don't need to generate a .proto file,
 because other languages won't need to read it, and you know your own
 encoding layout.  So you could still use the Protocol Buffers wire

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Re: Generating .proto files from C++ classes

2009-01-07 Thread Kenton Varda
On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Alek Storm wrote:

 Right, I guess I didn't explain why they don't work in this case.
 Generating .proto files from C++ headers is obviously the reverse of
 the normal sequence.  In the PB method of versioning, the
 original .proto is written and deployed.  The next version then writes
 an extension of the original.  If the .proto file is generated from C+
 + headers, every time the headers are changed, the .proto is wiped out
 and replaced with a new one.  This is dangerous if a new C++ class
 version redefines a field - it would break old code.

 To sum up, you'd lose the benefits of the PB versioning system.  You
 certainly could generate .proto files from C++, but I don't know what
 you'd use them for - if you wanted to generate, for example, Java
 bindings from them, then just write the .proto file manually in the
 first place and generate C++ and Java bindings from that.

Yep, good points.

 That being said, you could still use the Protocol Buffers wire format,
 but you'd probably need to add a version tag to each message.  You can
 use extend the Boost Serialization library for this, and Mike, I have
 a note or two on this if you're interested.

IMO, there's not much reason to use the protobuf wire format unless you
explicitly intend for some users to read/write the format using actual
protocol buffers.

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Re: Return value from CallMethod, default callback

2009-01-07 Thread Kenton Varda
I believe there was a proposal internally that if the caller passes None for
the callback, the RPC implementation should block until completion and then
return the result.  Does that seem like what you want?

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Alan Kligman wrote:

 I poked around a bit and the code above isn't correct (for a couple of
 reasons). But the question remains: should stubs be generated that
 return the response down the callstack instead of passing it through a
 callback function?

 On Jan 7, 5:59 pm, Alan Kligman wrote:
  Does it make sense to change
  method_descriptor, rpc_controller, request,
  method_descriptor.output_type._concrete_class, callback)
  return stub.rpc_channel.CallMethod(
  method_descriptor, rpc_controller, request,
  method_descriptor.output_type._concrete_class, callback=lambda
  in python/google/protobuf/
  If, for example, I'm running in a single thread and my underlying
  channel is blocking, it's strange to pass a callback in when control
  would normally return to the calling method after CallMethod has
  completed synchronously.

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Re: Return value from CallMethod, default callback

2009-01-07 Thread Kenton Varda
Sounds fine to me, but it's up to Petar (cc'd).

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 7:04 PM, Alan Kligman wrote:

 Ya, that's exactly what I'm experimenting with now and precisely what
 I'm looking for. Would be perfect if the callback had a default value
 of None too.


 On Jan 7, 10:02 pm, Kenton Varda wrote:
  I believe there was a proposal internally that if the caller passes None
  the callback, the RPC implementation should block until completion and
  return the result.  Does that seem like what you want?
  On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Alan Kligman
   I poked around a bit and the code above isn't correct (for a couple of
   reasons). But the question remains: should stubs be generated that
   return the response down the callstack instead of passing it through a
   callback function?
   On Jan 7, 5:59 pm, Alan Kligman wrote:
Does it make sense to change
method_descriptor, rpc_controller, request,
method_descriptor.output_type._concrete_class, callback)
return stub.rpc_channel.CallMethod(
method_descriptor, rpc_controller, request,
in python/google/protobuf/
If, for example, I'm running in a single thread and my underlying
channel is blocking, it's strange to pass a callback in when control
would normally return to the calling method after CallMethod has
completed synchronously.

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Re: The way to set value to extension in Protocol buffers

2009-01-09 Thread Kenton Varda
To give the same answer as Alek with slightly different wording:

The accessors for extensions are analogous to the accessors for a normal
field.  For a normal message-type field, there is no set accessor.  There
is only mutable.  For example:

  // Proto
  message Foo {
optional Bar bar = 1;
  message Bar {
optional int32 i = 1;

  // C++
  Foo foo;

So with extensions, you should not use SetExtension() for embedded
messages.  You should use MutableExtension():


On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 11:32 PM, chongyc wrote:

 I defined proto by following .

 message Ch {
  required int32offset = 1;

 message Foo {
  required string cmd = 1;

  extensions 1000 to max;

 message Bar {
  extend Foo {
required Ch ck = 1000;

 Then I generated c++ code from it.
 It's OK

 I am going to set value to extension ck()
 I compiled c++ source following below.

term2relay::Foo f;
term2relay::Bar b;
term2relay::Ch c;

c.set_offset (100);

   f.SetExtension(Bar::ck, c);

 But compiling failed in source code line
  f.SetExtension(Bar::ck, c);

 How to do it ?

 Please help me.


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Re: POSIX long command line arguments

2009-01-12 Thread Kenton Varda
Well, hackiness usually leads to deeper problems.  For example, if there's
two ways to write the flag, then it's harder to grep for usages of it,
particularly if you aren't actually aware that there are multiple ways to
write it.  I'm still leaning against this.
Anyone else have an opinion?

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 1:52 PM, David Biesack david.bies...@sas.comwrote:

 As a user, I'm less concerned with the internal hackiness level, more
 so with the consistent
 interface :-) The code is clean enough to support both, it appears.
 I'd vote for it;
 I can contribute some code if you like.

 On Jan 12, 2:08 pm, Kenton Varda wrote:
  Hmm, you're probably right that the arguments should have used hyphens
  rather than underscores.  That said, we certainly can't just change it
  without breaking people, and accepting both seems hacky.
  On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 10:19 AM, David Biesack


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Re: Problem to MergeFromCodedStream()

2009-01-12 Thread Kenton Varda
Read all the bytes into a buffer, then parse the buffer once you have the
whole thing.

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 4:11 PM, chongyc wrote:

 Thank you very much for your help.

 I want parsing string 's' by reading each a byte from s.

 What is alternative way that you can recommend to me.

 On Jan 12, 11:28 am, chongyc wrote:
  I write test code following below.
  t2r::prot::Request msg0, msg2, msg3, msg4;
  std::string s;
 // set all fields of msg.
  bool b;
  b = msg0.SerializeToString(s);  // OK
  b = msg2.ParseFromString(s);// OK
  b = msg2.IsInitialized();  // OK
  for(int i= 0; i  s.size(); ++i)
  char c = s[i];
  std::cout  ==   i  
  google::protobuf::io::ArrayInputStream inp(c, 1);
  google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream decoder(inp);
  b = msg3.MergeFromCodedStream(decoder); //
  b = msg4.MergePartialFromCodedStream
  (decoder); // OK
  b = msg4.IsInitialized(); // FAILED
  b = msg3.IsInitialized(); // FAILED
  b = msg4.IsInitialized(); // FAILED
  I want parsing string 's' by reading each a byte from s.
  What is wrong.
  Please help me.

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Re: Problem to MergeFromCodedStream()

2009-01-12 Thread Kenton Varda
Send the size of the message first, then the data.

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 4:34 PM, chongyc wrote:

 When I send multiple messages, I should delimit them, and parse the

 What is the best way delimitting it  that you can recommend me ?

 On Jan 13, 8:18 am, Kenton Varda wrote:
  Read all the bytes into a buffer, then parse the buffer once you have the
  whole thing.
  On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 4:11 PM, chongyc wrote:
   Thank you very much for your help.
   I want parsing string 's' by reading each a byte from s.
   What is alternative way that you can recommend to me.
   On Jan 12, 11:28 am, chongyc wrote:
I write test code following below.
t2r::prot::Request msg0, msg2, msg3, msg4;
std::string s;
   // set all fields of msg.
bool b;
b = msg0.SerializeToString(s);  // OK
b = msg2.ParseFromString(s);// OK
b = msg2.IsInitialized();  // OK
for(int i= 0; i  s.size(); ++i)
char c = s[i];
std::cout  ==   i  
google::protobuf::io::ArrayInputStream inp(c, 1);
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream decoder(inp);
b = msg3.MergeFromCodedStream(decoder);
b = msg4.MergePartialFromCodedStream
(decoder); // OK
b = msg4.IsInitialized(); // FAILED
b = msg3.IsInitialized(); // FAILED
b = msg4.IsInitialized(); // FAILED
I want parsing string 's' by reading each a byte from s.
What is wrong.
Please help me.

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Re: POSIX long command line arguments

2009-01-12 Thread Kenton Varda
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 5:27 PM, Alek Storm wrote:

 I'm for changing it.  Command line flags get deprecated in software
 all the time.

Only for good reasons.  This isn't a good enough reason to deprecate.  So
the options are between having just the underscore versions or accepting
both underscores and hyphens.

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Re: Problem to MergeFromCodedStream()

2009-01-13 Thread Kenton Varda
On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 8:32 PM, Dave Bailey wrote:

 I agree, and it seems to be a question that comes up frequently in
 this forum, so maybe we should add a page to the Wiki that discusses
 how to send and receive a stream of protobuf (or any) messages.

I did add some documentation on that here:

 Things like run length encoding, magic bytes, checksums, record types
 - these are either highly desirable or absolutely necessary when
 streaming blocks of opaque binary data over a network connection,
 reading a sequence of them from a file, or whatever.  I think there
 may be a misconception out there that libprotobuf somehow magically
 takes care of all those things.  It seems to me that people need to
 conceive of a serialized protobuf object as the payload to a packet,
 and it is their job to design a packet header that describes the
 payload with sufficient information such that it can be extracted and
 dispatched to the appropriate handler.

Well said.

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Re: Packed option for repeated fields?

2009-01-15 Thread Kenton Varda
Sorry, we're trying to get it implemented in Java and Python first.  I'm
reviewing the Java implementation today.  (Protobuf development can be slow
since no one works on it as their main project...)
On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Caleb wrote:

 On Dec 3 2008, 2:53 pm, Kenton Varda wrote:

  On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 10:14 AM, gregg wrote:

   What's the status of the packed option for repeated fields?  Is this
   still intended for a future protobuf release?  I searched for packed
   and the last post in this group about it was in August.
  Coincidentally, I'm currently in the process of reviewing a change that
  implements this.  It probably won't be in 2.0.3, but may reach SVN in a
  or two.

 Bump.  Any news on this?  I don't see anything relevant in the public
 SVN repo.

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