ptolemy text attribute question

2005-08-22 Thread Chad Berkley


I've been trying to figure out how to define an Attribute that allows 
the use of CDATA within the body of the property element.  For instance:

property name=documentation 

  This is some docs...

I don't see any current Attributes that will do this and upon looking at 
the MoMLParser code, it doesn't look like they can do this because the 
_handlePropertyElement() method is called before the charData() method 
gets called to handle the character data inside the element.  This seems 
to limit the xml author to only including text inside the value 
attribute of the element.  This would normally be fine, but I would like 
to include a lot of text.  Maybe hundreds of lines.  Putting the text 
into the value attribute doesn't lend itself to this very well.

So, my question is, am I missing something and if not, would anyone 
object to me modifying the MoMLParser to be able to accept CDATA in leiu 
of the value attribute in a property element?


Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [kepler-dev] ptolemy text attribute question

2005-08-22 Thread Edward A. Lee

There is ConfigurableAttribute.
The plotter uses this for example to include foreign XML as
a parameter value for the actor.  To see it, put a SequentialPlotter
actor in a model, change its formatting (by clicking on the format
button in the plot), and look at the resulting XML.
The fact that the plotter's CDATA is XML is irrelevant...
It could be arbitrary text (almost).


At 01:18 PM 8/22/2005 -0700, Chad Berkley wrote:


I've been trying to figure out how to define an Attribute that allows
the use of CDATA within the body of the property element.  For instance:

property name=documentation
   This is some docs...

I don't see any current Attributes that will do this and upon looking at
the MoMLParser code, it doesn't look like they can do this because the
_handlePropertyElement() method is called before the charData() method
gets called to handle the character data inside the element.  This seems
to limit the xml author to only including text inside the value
attribute of the element.  This would normally be fine, but I would like
to include a lot of text.  Maybe hundreds of lines.  Putting the text
into the value attribute doesn't lend itself to this very well.

So, my question is, am I missing something and if not, would anyone
object to me modifying the MoMLParser to be able to accept CDATA in leiu
of the value attribute in a property element?

Kepler-dev mailing list

Edward A. Lee
Professor, Chair of the EE Division, Associate Chair of EECS
231 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0253 or 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2845

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Ptolemy] Re: Transparent CompositeActor firings?

2004-06-16 Thread Stephen Andrew Neuendorffer
At 02:25 PM 6/16/2004, Christopher Hylands Brooks wrote:
The following appeared in comp.soft-sys.ptolemy.
If you respond, please cc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--- Forwarded Message
From: Mark Hodson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Transparent CompositeActor firings?
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 00:05:18 +0930
G'day Ptolemy seers,
Despite having read the Ptolemy documentation more than once, I am
having trouble coming to grips with one particular aspect of Ptolemy's
execution model (I am mostly interested in the DE domain);
I wish to hierarchically compose a system, lets say for simplicity
entirely in the DE domain.  I thus wish a DE director to exist at the
top level, and every other part of the hierarchy below this to be
transparent, thus allowing that one director to resolve a correct
ordering for each iteration of the world.  The benefit of transparency
here is of course that you get significant interleaving of firings of
the deepest (leaf) children as necessary.
eg. The world has two transponders, A and B.  Each transponder has an Rx
and a Tx.  The correct firing order is A.Tx with B.Tx before A.Rx and
B.Rx.  You needed A and B to be transparent to get this behaviour.
Given that in this scenario, A.Rx/A.Tx/B.Rx/B.Tx are the 4 AtomicActors,
and A and B are CompositeActors, my question is; do A and B get fired in
any way?  If not, why not, and if so, in accordance with what rules (wrt
the firing of their children, at least).
Only opaque actors are fired.  This includes all atomic actors and composite
actors with a director.  So, no, A and B will not get fired.

Of course if A and B have nothing to do, then there is no drama, but if
A and B carry some of the mathematics/behaviour of the model, then they
will require some sort of firing opportunity.
Then they should be opaque...  Note that in DE, a composite actor is perfectly
able to fire if only some of its inputs have events.  It will fire the 
correct contained
actors that receive those events and then return.

A case in point is the wiring of CompositeActor A's children, which
notionally I consider it responsible for.  There are many cases in
scientific computing when the first iteration of bringing the models up
to time zero has a different wiring to subsequent iterations.  I would
wish A to perform this rewiring duty at the conclusion of that first
iteration.  Other similar behaviours might include timed or triggered
introduction of additional children (perhaps A holds an input port that
is not connected to any child components, but rather is used as a
trigger to mutate the topology of A).
Can you give me some conceptual guidance on how you see this sort of
problem is best solved, in general terms and in the bounds of Ptolemy II?
Yes, these are certainly interesting questions...  We have recently begun
experimenting with some of these issues and some tentative first steps
are in the new 4.0 release.  We have variously been calling them lifecycle
actors or higher-order actors depending on the particular case.
Higher-order components tend to populate themselves during initialization, 
lifecycle actors tend to make more dynamic modifications during runtime.
I would take a look at these to see if you get some ideas...  Some of the key
difficulties are ensuring that the model is in a consistent state when 
making modifications
and ensuring that static analysis, which is sometimes necessary to ensure
semantics of a model, is performed again.

I would note that there is a distinct tradeoff between complex, unchanging
architectures and simpler, changing architectures...  It may be easier
to do a little bit more upfront work by explicilty representing the 
different control
flows in the model.


Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: introduction distributed ptolemy

2004-06-14 Thread Christopher Hylands Brooks
There was a mail configuration problem with the ptolemy-hackers
list, so I'm forwarding a couple of bounced messages. 

Rather than trying to merge them, I'm sending them in the order
they were originally sent.


 From: Ferdinando Villa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Bertram Ludaescher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Edward A Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tobin Fricke [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 References: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Content-Type: text/plain
 Organization: University of Vermont
 Mime-Version: 1.0
 X-Mailer: Ximian Evolution 1.4.6 
 Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 11:25:19 -0400
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
 On Mon, 2004-06-14 at 11:01, Bertram Ludaescher wrote:
   Ideally the ports of an actor should (or at least could)
  have multiple types:
  - the data type (including say XML Schema type),
  - the semantic type (e.g. a concept expression describing more formally
  what else might be known about the data flowing through the port)
  [[aside for Ferdinando: our reductionist/separatist approach does not 
  preclude forever an integrated modeling solution - it's just bottom up 
  to get sth useful soon/in finite time ;-]]
 Hi Bertram! one point - if you read reductionistic (which I probably
 wrote somewhere) as reductive you're misinterpreting me - we
 ecologists mostly see reduct. vs. holistic as complementary (with
 hierarchical thinking as a possible integrating framework) so when we
 say reductionistic, we mean exactly what you also mean... one GOOD way
 to look at the problem, usually the most practical, easier to study,
 while often the least conducive to synthetic understanding... but NOT
 Philosophy aside, here's a more SEEK-specific provocation: don't you
 think that the conceptual/holistic/top-down approach is the one that
 needs the semantic types, while the workflow/reductionist/ptolemy
 approach would be just fine with just the storage/machine types of
 whatever virtual machine AMS will be? 
 Also: where do the transformations belong (scaling, units)? I'd argue
 they belong mechanically to the reductionistic side - just like all
 other actors, created to calculate a concept - and if the user don't
 need to see them, it's not because we hide them up in the conceptual
 description, but because they're actors in the workflow, and the
 conceptual description that users work with is not the workflow. 
 Maybe we're mixing the sides up somewhat, and if so, is this ok... or is
 it going to postpone the beautiful moment of clarity when we all
 realize that we've all been thinking the same thing all along?
  - the event consumption/production type (useful for scheduling a la
  - the communication type (through the Ptolemy/Kepler client, directly
  via say FTP or HTTP) etc
  At some levels of modeling ones does explicitely hide such detail from 
  the modeler/user but at other levels this might be a good way of
  overcoming some scalability issues (if you have terabyte data streams
  you want them to go directly where they need to)
  A related problem of web servies (as actors) is that they send results 
  back to the caller (Kepler) and don't forward them to the subsequent
  actor making large data transfers virtually  impossible..
  A simple extension to the web service model (anyone knows whether
  that's already done???) would allow for data to include *references*
  so that a process would be able return to Kepler just a reference to
  the result data and that reference would be passed on to the consuming 
  actor who then understands how to derefernce it. This simple
  extension seems to be an easy solution to what we called before the
  3rd party transfer problem:
  --[Actor A] --- [ Actor B] -- ...
  To stream large data set D from A to B w/o going through
  Ptolemy/Kepler one can simply send instead a handle D and then B,
  upon receiving D, understands and dereferenes it by calling the
  appropriate protocol (FTP/gridFTP, HTTP, SRB,...)
  Note that there are already explicit Kepler actors (SRBread/SRBwrite,
  gridFTP) for large data transfer. More elegant would it be to just
  send handles in the form, e.g., dereference(http://...ref-to-D..)
  Note that the special tag 'derefence' is needed since not every URL
  should be dereferenced (a URL can be perfectly valid data all by
  It would be good if we could (a) define our extensions in line with
  web services extensions that deal with dereferencing message parts (if 
  such exists) and (b) can work on a joint
  Kepler/Ptolemy/Roadnet/SEEK/SDM etc approach (in fact, Kepler is such
  a joint forum for co-designing this together..)
  PS Tobin: I recently met Kent and heard good news about ORB access in

Support for resource allocation in Ptolemy?

2004-06-08 Thread Steve Rowe

Hi, hackers.

We are using Ptolemy to do sytem-integration level simulation and testing
for "smart" vehicles. Our main areas of interest are monitoring bandwidth
of network connections and CPU utilization (although we are also modeling
a number of other things). 

Is there a built-in actor that checks for resource (over-) allocation? I
have thought about just using a summation of bandwidth, where the components
in the system output an amount of bandwidth required at a given time and
then a network simulation component sums these requirements and makes sure
that the sum doesn't exceed the available. Is there a better way?

Thanks for any advice you can give.

 Steve Rowe
 Research Engineer
 (734) 668-2567 x 132

Re: [Ptolemy] [Info] needed regarding execution under SDF model

2004-06-03 Thread Philippe.Dumont
 Stephen Andrew Neuendorffer wrote:
I'm a bit at a loss as to why it must execute N1 times?  In seems to me
like the N1 firings of HT1 and the N2 firings of HT2 could be hidden inside the
actor, but without more information about where the desired number of firings is coming
from, I couldn't hazard a guess as to the right way to represent it.
The N1 firings of HT1 and the N2 firings of HT2 could be hidden inside
I do agree with you, but I don't know how to proceed...
In fact in our model, there are two levels :
The first is the one I described in my last mail.
Each HT (Hierarchical Task), contains the second level :
When I take an input token, I cut it in N parts, I do a computation on
each part. At the end I take the N results of the computation
and I produce the result token.
So I use N firings to do the N computations. I don't have the choice
because I need to increment a counter in the  firing method of the director.
The director is an SDF director.
I try to use the iterate method but i don't know how to use it properly.
I can't use the  preinitialize or initialize method because all the 
methods preinitialize or initialize of all the HT must be executed 
before a fire.
I would like to call it between initialize and prefire. I think it's 
the best solution. But I do not know if it is possible ?


Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Ptolemy] [Info] needed regarding execution under SDF model

2004-06-03 Thread Stephen Andrew Neuendorffer
At 05:53 AM 6/3/2004, Philippe.Dumont wrote:
 Stephen Andrew Neuendorffer wrote:
I'm a bit at a loss as to why it must execute N1 times?  In seems to me
like the N1 firings of HT1 and the N2 firings of HT2 could be hidden 
inside the
actor, but without more information about where the desired number of 
firings is coming
from, I couldn't hazard a guess as to the right way to represent it.
The N1 firings of HT1 and the N2 firings of HT2 could be hidden inside
I do agree with you, but I don't know how to proceed...
In fact in our model, there are two levels :
The first is the one I described in my last mail.
Each HT (Hierarchical Task), contains the second level :
When I take an input token, I cut it in N parts, I do a computation on
each part. At the end I take the N results of the computation
and I produce the result token. So I use N firings to do the N 
computations. I don't have the choice
because I need to increment a counter in the  firing method of the director.
OK, so I see two ways to approach this:
1) represent the extraction and composition of the N parts explicitly.
2) have it happen implicitly.
I'm not sure what you are interested in:
1) is pretty straightforward (use an ArrayToSequence to
extract the N tokens, send them through an actor, and then use a 
Downsampler to
discard all but the last output)

2) I could picture doing a couple of ways, depending on how you are 
representing the primitive operation
and what is important about it.  The Director.transferInputs and 
transferOutputs methods could be overridden
to do what you want to do.  The primary downside to this is that you end up 
with an extra layer of hieararchy.
The IterateOverArray actor (actor.lib.hoc) implements one way of hiding the 
extra hierarchy in the user interface.
It overrides the director to behave as a ArrayToSequence, followed by an 
actor, followed by SequenceToArray
It sounds like you want something similar, but with a DownSampler instead 
of a SequenceToArray.

The director is an SDF director.
I try to use the iterate method but i don't know how to use it properly.
I can't use the  preinitialize or initialize method because all the 
methods preinitialize or initialize of all the HT must be executed 
before a fire.
I would like to call it between initialize and prefire. I think it's 
the best solution. But I do not know if it is possible ?
I don't understand what you are trying to do here...

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Ptolemy applets problems

2004-05-21 Thread Christopher Hylands Brooks
Efrat Jaeger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I created the following applet,, very similar to
the demo applets. Apparently it loads on some computers but on others I
get a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ptolemy/actor/gui/MoMLApplet
error. On the same computers the existing demo applets load perfectly. I
wasn't able to figure out what causes the exception. Does anyone have
any suggestions?

Applets are notoriously tricky to get right.
I looked over the source code and did not see anything obvious. 

There is some documentation at

and there is a custom applet chapter in Volume 2 of the Ptolemy II
design doc:

The applet code you are using is the complex applet code that
will work under Netscape 4.x.  If you do not require support
of Netscape 4.x, then you could use the much simpler 

In fact, for debugging, I would use the simple applet code so
that you are testing the same html code on the different platforms.

Another trick is to look at the website logs and see what files
are being downloaded.

With Java 1.4.2, I noticed that if a class was loaded from a jar
file, then it seemed like the applet class loader would not
find individual .class files on the file system.  The solution
was to make sure and have the archive= tag include jar
files that included all the .class files.  I'm not
sure about the details of this new behaviour, I poked
around on the Sun website but did not see anything.

When I tried to run your applet, I had to install Java 1.4.1_02,
the applet would not run with Java 1.5.0-beta under Mozilla.

Applets can have dynamic versioning or static versioning.

Dynamic versioning permits a JRE greater or equal to a a certain
version to be used.

Static versioning requires that a certain version of JRE 
be used.

The details are covered in:

From the title tag, it looks like your applet is based on one of the
Ptolemy Eye applets.

It looks like your applet and the Ptolemy II 3.0 SDF Eye applet are
using dynamic versioning under IE, but static versioning under
Mozilla?  This would be a bug.

The IE section says:
indicates is for dynamic versioning.

The Netscape section says:
indicates is for static versioning.

The applet code shipped in Ptolemy II 3.0 in theory uses static
version to restrict the version of the JVM can be used to 1.4.1_02.
This was done because of a bug in 1.4.1 and 1.4.1_01 that machines
that use a particular video chip set to hang.  Since Professor Lee and
I were affected by this bug, we restricted the JVM choice to 1.4.1_02.
I tried to make the applet use dynamic versioning for Netscape so
we would accept 1.4.1_02 or greater, but could not
get this to work, it appeared to be a problem with the patch level.

If possible, it is better to use dynamic versioning.
The Ptolemy II 4.0 applets use dynamic versioning correctly to
require Java 1.4.2 or later.  In principle, Java 1.5.0-beta
should work with these applets.

In general, applets have restrictions:

1) Don't use the readFile() expression function in a model that
is within an applet.  This is because of restrictions in the
applet class loader.

2) If possible, use the simple applet .../applet code
and avoid the really complex javascript code.  If you really
think you need to support Netscape 4.x, consider looking
at the web server logs for the number of Netscape 4.x users
and evaluate the cost of supporting applets for those
users.  Note that Ptolemy II 4.0 supports Netscape 4.x.
Perhaps the next release of Ptolemy II applets will not
support Netscape 4.x?

3) The MoMLViewerApplet class does not permit look inside.
It would be cool if we could use the Single Window interface created
by Thales within an applet.
To run the single window interface in Ptolemy II 4.0, do
   $PTII/bin/vergil -single
The idea would be to create an applet that would use this interface

4) The code generator will generate applets for a model. 
See $PTII/doc/codegen.htm for somewhat out of date documentation.
There will be a chapter in the design doc about how to use the
applet generator.

5) For vergil applets, it might be better to create Web Start
versions.  I noticed that the Java Event Listener Tutorial
is now using Web Start, see
I started hacking up the applet code generator to generate both
applets and Web Start configurations, but I never really finished
that work

BTW - If you use the controls parameter in your applet, then users
can run the applet.  
To do

Ptolemy applets problems

2004-05-20 Thread Efrat Jaeger


I created the following applet,,verysimilar 
to the demo applets. Apparently it loads on some computers but on others I get a 
"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ptolemy/actor/gui/MoMLApplet" error. On the 
same computers the existing demo applets load perfectly. I wasn't able to figure 
out what causes the exception. Does anyone have any suggestions?



Ptolemy II 4.0-beta is available for download

2004-05-19 Thread Christopher Hylands Brooks
Ptolemy II 4.0-beta is available for download.

Changed between 4.0-alpha and 4.0-beta:

Feature enhancements

* IterateOverArray usability features: Look inside now skips a level
  to show the model that actually gets iterated rather than the
  intermediate level. Also, IterateComposite can be dropped on
  IterateOverArray, and changes to its ports either inside or outside
  will be reflected in the IterateOverArray actor.
* Gave a more reasonable title to window used to edit custom icons.

Bug Fixes

* Fixed bug that didn't allow changing the name of graphical
  attributes when there were subclasses.
* Fixed potential deadlock in simultaneous accesses to a
* If change requests are queued in a top-level entity and then its
  container is set, the change requests were never executed. Now, they
  are transferred to the new container.
* If a change request is made during cloning of an object, then the
  change request was executed immediately even if
  deferChangeRequests(true) has been called on object being cloned. This
  is because during cloning, the cloned object has no container. Now,
  the clone() method of NamedObj ensures that every cloned object has
  deferChangeRequests(true) set before it starts to get populated with
  its contents. This means that callers to clone() need to set it back
  to false if this is what they want.
* Improved performance of models that animate execution by changing
  parameters of icons (removed spurious acquisition of write permission
  on the Workspace).
* StyleConfigurer was directly making kernel calls rather than issuing
  change requests to apply changes. This could result in exceptions if a
  style is changed while a model is running, and it also means that
  changes to a style are not propagated to subclasses and instances.
* Fixed bug where deleting class definitions and subclasses or
  instances would throw a spurious exception because it would try to
  delete the subclasses or instances twice.
* Fixed bug where editing the custom icon of a class definition did
  not propagate to instances and subclasses until the model was closed
  and reopened.
* Fixed bug where dropping an actor into a model, followed by undo
  left the icon in the model (but without any associated actor) until
  the model was closed and re-opened.
* Removed a leak in diva.graph.AbstractGraphController where figures
  that are no longer being used by the model were still stored in a
  private hash table.
* Fixed a bug with TerrainModel in the wireless domain where the
  geometry that was used for determining terrain obstacles didn't match
  the geometry displayed in the icon.
* StyleConfigurer was directly making kernel calls rather than issuing
  change requests to apply changes. This could result in exceptions if a
  style is changed while a model is running, and it also means that
  changes to a style are not propagated to subclasses and instances.
* Many uses of the _hideName attribute were Parameter or Attribute
  rather than SingletonAttribute. Changed to consistently be
* Configure now handles causes where the Java Advanced Imaging (JAI)
  interface is in a location outside of the JRE
* Configure now sets up $PTII/.classpath properly for use by Eclipse
* Broken HTML links have been fixed. 

Below is an update of the announcement I sent out with Ptolemy II

VisualSense-4.0-beta is also available as part of the download.

VisualSense is a visual editor and simulator for wireless sensor
network systems.

Modeling of wireless sensor networks requires sophisticated modeling
of communication channels, sensor channels, ad-hoc networking
protocols, localization strategies, media access control protocols,
energy consumption in sensor nodes, etc. VisualSense is designed to
support a component-based construction of such models. VisualSense is
intended to enable the research community to share models of disjoint
aspects of the sensor nets problem and to build models that include
sophisticated elements from several aspects.

The VisualSense documentation can be found at

Eventually, we will have a separate VisualSense only Windows

In this release, under Windows, to install VisualSense, install the
full version of Ptolemy II and select Vergil - VisualSense from the
Start menu.  

If you rebuild from source, then to start up VisualSense, run
   vergil -visualsense

New Features

  Major Features that are new in Ptolemy II 4.0

 * Modeling wireless sensor networks (VisualSense)
   The wireless domain extends the DE domain with wireless channel
   modeling and library of components and methodologies for modeling
   wireless systems. This domain is packaged in a Ptolemy II
   configuration called VisualSense, which includes an extensive
   suite of demos

A customized ptolemy for bioinformatic

2004-05-13 Thread Franck Valentin
Hi all,

perhaps someone could give me some advice or remarks on the application
based on Ptolemy and Vergil I need to develop.

1 - This application will execute bioinformatics workflows designed from
a graphical interface (a customized vergil). For a main part the actors
are external applications a user can easily add to his workspace without
programming (I need to develop an actor which acts as a wrapper). 

2 - The workflow must be able to run these applications concurrently :
I think of using a customized PN director which executes the workflow
only one time.

3 - I need to be able to run several instances of one model. For example
after creating a model which analyze DNA sequences, I launch several
instances concurrently with different parameters and then compare the
results between the instances.

4 - As the external applications can be very long (several days), I
would like to be able to a design the workflow, launch ptolemy in
background (without graphical interface) and retrieve at any moment the
current state from a graphical interface used as a viewer.

I have already made a little prototype which launches external
applications and displays the state of each. I've tried with a PN
director to try the concurrent executions but it seems to do an infinite
loop (I'm currently reading the doc and I think my comprehension of
behaviours is not perfect yet !)
I think the point 4 is the most délicate but I'm rather confident as
ptolemy and vergil communicates using event messages. It seems I don't
need to break all the architecture !

Do you think my features are reasonable ? ;)
Sorry if some answers are in the doc, I'm currently reading it too !


Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: I am using ptolemy II to develop an optical network simulator.

2004-05-12 Thread Christopher Hylands Brooks
In comp.soft-sys.ptolemy, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kaizen) writes:

 This is for an academic project so the complexity of the simulator
 will not reach that of something commercial like Optiwave or VPI.

VPI and Ptolemy Classic have a connection,
VPI products comprise:
 *Photonic Transmission Design Suite (PTDS) based on Ptolemy 0.7 . . . 

 The components that I am simulating include the transmitter, the fiber
 and the receiver.
 In the transmitter which I am working on now, there is a PRBS that
 goes thru a NRZ and that signal is modulated with that of a DFB laser.

I don't know much about optical systems, so the above are just
TLAs to me :-)

 What kind of domain should I be simulating this in,

Hard to say.  Usually network simulators use a timed domain, such as
DE.  However, it can be tricky to create large efficient DE models -
it is hard to get the level of abstraction right.

Someone else might have a suggestion

 I am currently
 doing it in SDF, but so far the entire simulation just slows down a
 lot when I leave it running for a while.

1. Make sure you are not using the Display actor, it eats up memory.
2. Try monitoring your memory usage.  Is the java process consuming
lots of memory?
3. There are some notes at $PTII/doc/coding/performance.htm, which
is at
( I see that the file has a .html bug which I will fix shortly)
4. Using a commercial tool like JProbe can help.  They have a free trial.


Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Compiling Ptolemy with Eclipse

2004-05-04 Thread Franck Valentin
Thanks for your help,  I also tried the method described but I can not
get the project compiled, here is what I tried :

tar xfz ptII3.0.2.src.tar.gz
mv ptII3.0.2 ptII

export PTII=/home/franck/bin/my_PTII/ptII
cd $PTII

cd ~/bin/my_PTII

   File-New Project
   Project Name : ptII
   Directory: /home/franck/bin/my_PTII

-- An error occured while creating the java project
 Reason  : invalid project description
 /home/franck/bin/my_PTII and /home/franck/bin/my_PTII/workspace overlap

If I change the directory with : /home/franck/bin/my_PTII/ptII

-- An error occurred while creating the java project
 See error log for more details.
 (java.lang.NullPointerException in the .log of Eclipse !)

I tried other thinks but I can only compile and run (make fast install)
without Eclipse !


On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 17:14, Christopher Hylands Brooks wrote:
 With Eclipse, usually it is necessary to run configure so that the
 .classpath file is properly set up.  An alternative is to set up the
 project class path by hand.  Locally, our Eclipse users run configure,
 so the by hand section of the doc could probably use some testing
 and updating.
 One issue is that Ptolemy II includes many packages that
 use other external packages that might not be present, so setting the
 classpath and excluding packages by hand can be time consuming.
 Good morning,
 I'm a software designer in the Pasteur Institute (Paris) and I'm
 involved with a workflow definition and conception for sequence analysis
 (mainly). Ptolemy II seems to correspond to the core functionalities I
 need and seems to be easy to customize (thanks to have made docs and UML
 diagrams !)
 Unfortunatly I'm trying to make an eclipse project following the
 instructions described but without success.
 I'm now trying to install Ptolemy by hand following the chapter
 Setting up for Ptolemy II By Hand described in doc/coding/eclipse.htm
 and I have these errors :
 1 - The project was not built since its classpath is incomplete. Cannot
 find the class file for ptolemy.math.Complex. Fix the classpath then try
 rebuilding this project.
 2 - For the file /ptolemy/matlab/test/ : 
 This compilation unit indirectly references the missing type
 ptolemy.math.Complex (typically some required class file is referencing
 a type outside the classpath)
 (Weird because I can see ptolemy.math in Eclipse) 
 Can you say me if there is a mistake in the procedure described or I
 made something wrong.
 Thanks a lot !
 Franck Valentin
 Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
 mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
 mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Compiling Ptolemy with Eclipse

2004-05-04 Thread Christopher Hylands Brooks
Hmm, this sounds like an Eclipse bug tickled by Ptolemy adjusting
setting up the ptII/.classpath file.

I've seen stack traces inside eclipse 2.1.2.  Rather than
reinstalling, what I usually what I ended up doing was removing my
eclipse/workspace directory and trying various things.

You could try removing ptII/.classpath and seeing if the setup
completes.  That worked for me.

I was able to build after hacking adding the following to
   classpathentry excluding=cm/ kind=src path=ptolemy/copernicus/c/test/

and I had to add 
to the list of excluded files.

At one point, the Java build path window came up and I had
to remove jmf.jar and sound.jar

I later removed the jxta jar files because they had this
bogus ${PTII} inside of them.  I'll fix configure momentarily.
This bug occurred because our devel tree contains the jxta jar files,
but we don't ship these jar files.
To remove the jxta jar files, right click on the ptII project, select
Properties - Java Build Path - Libraries

You may later want to exclude ptolemy/moml/jxta from the build.

Below is a copy of the that worked for me: 
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
classpathentry excluding=cm/ kind=src path=ptolemy/copernicus/c/test/
 kind=src path=/
classpathentry kind=con path=org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/
classpathentry kind=output path=/

I'll add a note to the website about this


Thanks for your help,  I also tried the method described but I can not
get the project compiled, here is what I tried :

tar xfz ptII3.0.2.src.tar.gz
mv ptII3.0.2 ptII

export PTII=/home/franck/bin/my_PTII/ptII
cd $PTII

cd ~/bin/my_PTII

   File-New Project
   Project Name : ptII
   Directory: /home/franck/bin/my_PTII

-- An error occured while creating the java project
 Reason  : invalid project description
 /home/franck/bin/my_PTII and /home/franck/bin/my_PTII/workspace overlap

If I change the directory with : /home/franck/bin/my_PTII/ptII

-- An error occurred while creating the java project
 See error log for more details.
 (java.lang.NullPointerException in the .log of Eclipse !)

I tried other thinks but I can only compile and run (make fast install)
without Eclipse !


On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 17:14, Christopher Hylands Brooks wrote:
 With Eclipse, usually it is necessary to run configure so that the
 .classpath file is properly set up.  An alternative is to set up the
 project class path by hand.  Locally, our Eclipse users run configure,
 so the by hand section of the doc could probably use some testing
 and updating.
 One issue is that Ptolemy II includes many packages that
 use other external packages that might not be present, so setting the
 classpath and excluding packages by hand can be time consuming.
 Good morning,
 I'm a software designer in the Pasteur Institute (Paris) and I'm
 involved with a workflow definition and conception for sequence analy
 (mainly). Ptolemy II seems to correspond to the core functionalities 
 need and seems to be easy to customize (thanks to have made docs and 
 diagrams !)
 Unfortunatly I'm trying to make an eclipse project following the
 instructions described but without success.
 I'm now trying to install Ptolemy by hand following the chapter
 Setting up for Ptolemy II By Hand described in doc/coding/eclipse.h
 and I have these errors :
 1 - The project was not built since its classpath is incomplete. Cann
 find the class file for ptolemy.math.Complex

Compiling Ptolemy with Eclipse

2004-05-03 Thread Franck Valentin
Good morning,

I'm a software designer in the Pasteur Institute (Paris) and I'm
involved with a workflow definition and conception for sequence analysis
(mainly). Ptolemy II seems to correspond to the core functionalities I
need and seems to be easy to customize (thanks to have made docs and UML
diagrams !)

Unfortunatly I'm trying to make an eclipse project following the
instructions described but without success.

I'm now trying to install Ptolemy by hand following the chapter
Setting up for Ptolemy II By Hand described in doc/coding/eclipse.htm
and I have these errors :

1 - The project was not built since its classpath is incomplete. Cannot
find the class file for ptolemy.math.Complex. Fix the classpath then try
rebuilding this project.

2 - For the file /ptolemy/matlab/test/ : 
This compilation unit indirectly references the missing type
ptolemy.math.Complex (typically some required class file is referencing
a type outside the classpath)

(Weird because I can see ptolemy.math in Eclipse) 
Can you say me if there is a mistake in the procedure described or I
made something wrong.

Thanks a lot !


Franck Valentin

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Compiling Ptolemy with Eclipse

2004-05-03 Thread Bertram Ludaescher

Hi Franck:

fyi: you may also be interested in the following Ptolemy II spin-off 
called Kepler that has been used for bioinformatics and other
scientific workflows:

The first official Kepler release is planned for later this month, but
the code is available already (and earlier pre-releases).

There is also a page contributed by one of the Kepler folks to using


 FV == Franck Valentin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
FV Good morning,
FV I'm a software designer in the Pasteur Institute (Paris) and I'm
FV involved with a workflow definition and conception for sequence analysis
FV (mainly). Ptolemy II seems to correspond to the core functionalities I
FV need and seems to be easy to customize (thanks to have made docs and UML
FV diagrams !)
FV Unfortunatly I'm trying to make an eclipse project following the
FV instructions described but without success.
FV I'm now trying to install Ptolemy by hand following the chapter
FV Setting up for Ptolemy II By Hand described in doc/coding/eclipse.htm
FV and I have these errors :
FV 1 - The project was not built since its classpath is incomplete. Cannot
FV find the class file for ptolemy.math.Complex. Fix the classpath then try
FV rebuilding this project.
FV 2 - For the file /ptolemy/matlab/test/ : 
FV This compilation unit indirectly references the missing type
FV ptolemy.math.Complex (typically some required class file is referencing
FV a type outside the classpath)
FV (Weird because I can see ptolemy.math in Eclipse) 
FV Can you say me if there is a mistake in the procedure described or I
FV made something wrong.
FV Thanks a lot !
FV Regards
FV Franck Valentin
FV Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
FV mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Compiling Ptolemy with Eclipse

2004-05-03 Thread Christopher Hylands Brooks
With Eclipse, usually it is necessary to run configure so that the
.classpath file is properly set up.  An alternative is to set up the
project class path by hand.  Locally, our Eclipse users run configure,
so the by hand section of the doc could probably use some testing
and updating.

One issue is that Ptolemy II includes many packages that
use other external packages that might not be present, so setting the
classpath and excluding packages by hand can be time consuming.


Good morning,

I'm a software designer in the Pasteur Institute (Paris) and I'm
involved with a workflow definition and conception for sequence analysis
(mainly). Ptolemy II seems to correspond to the core functionalities I
need and seems to be easy to customize (thanks to have made docs and UML
diagrams !)

Unfortunatly I'm trying to make an eclipse project following the
instructions described but without success.

I'm now trying to install Ptolemy by hand following the chapter
Setting up for Ptolemy II By Hand described in doc/coding/eclipse.htm
and I have these errors :

1 - The project was not built since its classpath is incomplete. Cannot
find the class file for ptolemy.math.Complex. Fix the classpath then try
rebuilding this project.

2 - For the file /ptolemy/matlab/test/ : 
This compilation unit indirectly references the missing type
ptolemy.math.Complex (typically some required class file is referencing
a type outside the classpath)

(Weird because I can see ptolemy.math in Eclipse) 
Can you say me if there is a mistake in the procedure described or I
made something wrong.

Thanks a lot !


Franck Valentin

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Using Ptolemy II embedded in my product

2004-04-01 Thread Michael Doorley
Hi Christopher

How do I run the shallow code generator from the command line?


 The shallow code generator will read in certain models and generate
 java files.
 Below I ran the shallow code generator on
 and added throws lines so that it would compile
 The file is in the ptolemy/copernicus/shallow/cg/Queue
 directory, so it is in the package.
 /* CGQueue - Decompiled by JODE
  * Visit

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Add an extra button to Ptolemy/Vergil

2004-03-29 Thread Martijn Bodewes


The short question is: How do I add a button to the toolbar in Ptolemy.

I'm working on a add-on for ptolemy to do some specific actions. The goal  
is for users to click the to-be made button and then let the 
magic happen: validation of some values against a database. The huge 
amount of code dazzled me :) Where do I start with extending 
vergil/ptolemy to fit my needs?

Martijn Bodewes


Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Add an extra button to Ptolemy/Vergil

2004-03-29 Thread Edward A Lee
At 10:48 AM 3/29/2004 +0200, Martijn Bodewes wrote:


The short question is: How do I add a button to the toolbar in Ptolemy.

I'm working on a add-on for ptolemy to do some specific actions. The goal
is for users to click the to-be made button and then let the
magic happen: validation of some values against a database. The huge
amount of code dazzled me :) Where do I start with extending
vergil/ptolemy to fit my needs?
The simplest way to do this is to define an attribute that you
drop into your model where double clicking on your attribute invokes
your magic.  Below is an example of such an attribute that in this
case opens its own, custom UI for a verification tool called Chic.
You can also add buttons to the toolbar, but doing so is more involved.
You need to subclass the ActorGraphFrame to add to the toolbar,
and ActorGraphTableau, which creates the ActorGraphFrame
(both in $PTII/ptolemy/vergil/actor).  Then you need to create
a Configuration (like those in $PTII/ptolemy/configs) to create
this tableau rather than the default one.
This latter mechanism is intended for much more drastic changes
to the UI than just adding a button to the toolbar (you can create
a completely custom UI for a model this way).
Hope this helps...

---  the attribute that you drop in your model:

public class ChicInvoker extends Attribute {

/** Construct an attribute with the specified container and name.
 *  @param container The container.
 *  @param name The name of the attribute.
 *  @exception IllegalActionException If the factory is not of an
 *   acceptable attribute for the container.
 *  @exception NameDuplicationException If the name coincides with
 *   an attribute already in the container.
public ChicInvoker(NamedObj container, String name)
throws IllegalActionException, NameDuplicationException {
super(container, name);
// Create a custom icon.
_attachText(_iconDescription, svg\n +
rect x=\-50\ y=\-25\ 
+ width=\100\ height=\50\ 
+ style=\fill:white\/\n
+ image x=\-50\ y=\-25\ width=\100\ height=\50\ 
+ xlink:href=\ptolemy/chic/chic.gif\/\n
+ /svg\n);
// Do not show the actor name.
new SingletonAttribute(this, _hideName);
// Create the attribute that overrides what you do when you
// double click.
new ChicControllerFactory(this, _controllerFactory);
-- The controller attribute:

/* An attribute that produces a custom node controller for ChicInvoker.

 Copyright (c) 1998-2003 The Regents of the University of California.
 All rights reserved.
 Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
 license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
 software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above
 copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies
 of this software.
package ptolemy.chic;

// Diva imports
import diva.graph.GraphController;
// Ptolemy imports
import ptolemy.kernel.util.*;
import ptolemy.vergil.basic.NamedObjController;
import ptolemy.vergil.basic.NodeControllerFactory;
// Java imports

This is an attribute that produces a custom node controller for
Chic visible attributes.  This class creates an instance of
ChicController, for controlling Chic visible attributes in a ptolemy
@author Eleftherios Matsikoudis
@version $Id:,v 1.2 2003/07/28 01:26:53 cxh Exp $
@since Ptolemy II 3.0
public class ChicControllerFactory extends NodeControllerFactory {
/** Construct a new attribute with the given container and name.
 *  @param container The container.
 *  @param name The name.
 *  @exception IllegalActionException If the attribute cannot be contained
 *   by the proposed container.
 *  @exception NameDuplicationException If the container already has an
 *   attribute with this name.

Re: Using Ptolemy II embedded in my product

2004-03-04 Thread Christopher Hylands Brooks
Michael Doorley writes:

 Hi Christopher
 Thanks for adding me to the list.
   1. Can I use Ptolemy II by calling methods in the API that would
   create a model, populate it, run a simulation and extract the results?
   As a bonus for the advanced user I would like to save the model as an
   XML file that could be opened in Ptolemy II GUI tools (e.g. Vergil),
   but that is not a priority.
  Yes.  See ptolemy/actor/gui/ and
  ptolemy/actor/gui/, which both instantiate and
  a model.
 I have looked at and my problem with it is that
 it seems to require a file as input.  I am looking for a solution where I
 can create and populate model in memory directly from my program.  The
 closest thing I have found is the Dining Philosophers demo of the CSP
 domain, which does not seem to have a file dependency, unless I am missing
 I am currently trying build an equivalent of that program for DE.  Do you
 know if any similar sample already exists?
 Thanks for your help,

Sorry, I thought you wanted to _read_ a MoML file.

You could do something similar to how the  

You could create a similar model with domain polymorphic or DE
actors and using the DE Director

Note that if you call
from within a TypedCompositeActor, then you will get the MoML output.

See also:

For example, to run the last demo, you would do 
java -classpath -class

The shallow code generator will read in certain models and generate 
java files.  

Below I ran the shallow code generator on 
and added throws lines so that it would compile

The file is in the ptolemy/copernicus/shallow/cg/Queue
directory, so it is in the package.

/* CGQueue - Decompiled by JODE
 * Visit
import ptolemy.kernel.ComponentPort;
import ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity;
import ptolemy.kernel.attributes.VersionAttribute;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.Settable;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.Workspace;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException;
import ptolemy.kernel.util.NameDuplicationException;
import ptolemy.moml.Documentation;
import ptolemy.moml.Vertex;

public class CGQueue extends TypedCompositeActor
public VersionAttribute A_createdBy;
public SizeAttribute A_vergilSize;
public LocationAttribute A_vergilLocation;
public DEDirector ADE;
public Parameter ADE_startTime;
public Parameter ADE_stopTime;
public Parameter ADE_stopWhenQueueIsEmpty;
public Parameter ADE_synchronizeToRealTime;
public Parameter ADE_isCQAdaptive;
public Parameter ADE_minBinCount;
public Parameter ADE_binCountFactor;
public ComponentPort PQueue_input;
public ComponentPort PQueue_output;
public ComponentPort PQueue_trigger;
public ComponentPort PClock_output;
public ComponentPort PClock_trigger;
public Parameter AClock_stopTime;
public Parameter AClock_period;
public Parameter AClock_offsets;
public Parameter AClock_values;
public Parameter AClock_numberOfCycles;
public Documentation AClock__doc;
public ComponentPort PClock2_output;
public ComponentPort PClock2_trigger;
public Parameter AClock2_stopTime;
public Parameter AClock2_period;
public Parameter AClock2_offsets;
public Parameter AClock2_values;
public Parameter AClock2_numberOfCycles;
public Documentation AClock2__doc;
public ComponentPort PTest_input;
public ComponentPort PTest_output;
public Parameter ATest_correctValues;
public Parameter ATest_tolerance;
public Parameter ATest_trainingMode;
public Vertex Arelation5_vertex1;

public CGQueue(Workspace workspace) throws IllegalActionException, 
NameDuplicationException {

Re: [Ptolemy] Re: how to set icon locations

2004-01-14 Thread Edward A Lee

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Manish_Kushwaha)
Subject: how to set icon locations
Date: 14 Jan 2004 13:25:30 -0800
Hi there,

I am using ptolemy II for my application. I have a small question.

I want to place the entity icons at specified locations. I have a file
having a list of what icon will go where. Can someone tell me how do
we read those file entries and set _location property in the XML file.
Is this the correct way to set location or there is another approach.
Thank you,
Manish Kushwaha
The MoML representation of location is, by default:

property name=_location class=ptolemy.kernel.util.Location 
value=205.0, 155.0

If you simply set the X and Y value as shown, this will work.
You could use an XSL script, for example.
You can also set the position of an icon within a Ptolemy model.
There is an example at:

It uses a parameter of class

whic can have a value that is an expression that depends on other
parameters in the model. In that example, the location is changed

Edward A. Lee, Professor
518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Coupling HLA federate with Ptolemy II ?

2003-11-26 Thread BERGERO Didier

  Which is the positioning of Ptolemy compared to HLA ?

  How coupling an HLA federate with Ptolemy II ?

Best regards,

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ptolemy II : reuse legacy application, distributed actors

2003-11-25 Thread BERGERO Didier

I have 2 (newbie?) questions :

*   While waiting for e-ptolemy, with Ptolemy II and in the same
simulation, how to use local actors and remote (distributed) actors ? : use
of applets...
*   and how to reuse legacy application e.g. how to wrap C,FORTRAN,ADA!!
code to be an Ptolemy II actor ?

Best regards,

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Ptolemy II : reuse legacy application, distributed actors

2003-11-25 Thread Christopher Hylands Brooks

 I have 2 (newbie?) questions :
 * While waiting for e-ptolemy, with Ptolemy II and in the same
 simulation, how to use local actors and remote (distributed) actors ? : use
 of applets...

I'm not sure what e-ptolemy is in this context.

There are some actors that use jxta in $PTII/ptolemy/actor/lib/jxta

We have some corba actors, though they have not been released.

We are starting to look at Grid computing, but we do not have any
results to report yet.

Use of applets is covered in

 * and how to reuse legacy application e.g. how to wrap C,FORTRAN,ADA!!
 code to be an Ptolemy II actor ?

Ptolemy II 3.0.2 includes an interface that uses JNI, see

See also the matlab actor in $PTII/ptolemy/matlab


Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Ptolemy] Re: Implementing high level queues

2003-11-22 Thread Edward A Lee
At 11:33 AM 11/21/2003 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am currently looking for a way to implement a high level queue.  By
this I am looking to have a queue that exists in the top level model
but can be accessed in a lower level model, e.g. in submodel A, tokens
can enter a queue and in submodel B, tokens can enter the same queue,
e.g. for accessing a shared resource such as a LAN.  Is there a way to
reference a queue or some other way to implement this?
Are you saying you don't want the submodels to have
connections to the queue?
If actors communicate outside the structure of the model of
computation, then you are on your own.  You can implement this
in Java by, for example, having a common base class for the
actors with a static data structure representing instances
of the resource you want to share.
However, I would caution against this approach.  Since the
ordering of events will be outside the model of computation,
the computation will likely be nondeterministic, which means
your execution will not be repeatable, and also that you won't
be able to infer much from an execution (it happened to execute
this way this time...).
A better approach would probably be to have a mechanism for
actors to communicate without connections, but within the
model of computation.  We are currently developing a wireless
domain that is based on DE that does this.  The basic mechanism
is to subclass TypedIOPort to create a specialized WirelessPort
that has as a parameter the name of the channel through
which communication will occur.  You could do something similar,
creating a ResourceIOPort with a parameter that identifies
the shared resource (the queue).
I would be happy to help in developing this, but I don't
really have much time these days...

Another thing I will be looking to implement is adding extra
paramenters to each event.  For example at the moment my poisson event
creator emits a stream of doubles, could I implement it that it emits
an array instead and that the other actors, e.g. queues, comparators
can accept these tokens and maybe act on a particular element of the
array, e.g. array[0], without having to make changes to these actors,
and then write the modified value back to array[0]?  If this is not
possible could I emit a stream of incrementing doubles that I can use
as reference numbers to the events and have a list of parameters that
would be associated with each reference number that could then be
accessed and modified?
As I mentioned before I am looking to model a HTTP request and I need
to associate information such as the size of the page, the number of
images, etc. with each request, which will then be used to determine
what way the system responds.

Why not just make your event a record token?  Then you can
have named fields of arbitrary type and manipulate them

Edward A. Lee, Professor
518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Ptolemy modeling of complex distributed software systems

2003-11-21 Thread Edward A Lee
Very interesting... Did you look at DEThreadActor?  It has
some of what you do, but not all... In particular, it doesn't
have the (nice) feature that the director waits for active
actors to allow time to pass.  This is similar to what we've
done in timed CSP and timed PN...
As for these specific questions:

At 06:12 PM 11/20/2003 -0600, Charles Liu wrote:

The work around I have requires the
insertion of a method call into the _dequeueEvents
method, which can't be overriden easily due to access
to private member variables in DEDirector.  Here lies
the question (or rather feature request):  How can
I request a change to the DEDirector for the next
release to support what I'm attempting to do?  For
now, I've just modified my local copy of DEDirector.
With the changes, my simulation seems to be running
Please do request the change.  It sounds like
what you are doing is using the strategy pattern,
which is often a good idea.  I.e., have _dequeueEvents
call a protected method where a simple default implementation
is provided in the DEDirector, but your director subclasses
this...  If you send me your version of the DEDirector,
I'll take a look.
Note that any contributed code has to bear our copyright
or something equivalent (e.g., you can change the name of
the copyright holder if you contribute a new file). But
in particular, we can't include GPL'd code in the main
body of Ptolemy II, because then all of Ptolemy II will
become GPL'd (this is a sort of copyright virus).
Also, contributed code needs to follow our coding style
in order to be included in the main code base.  You can
find this at:

Another (easier) question:  I would like to identify
tag an IOPort for special processing while creating
it in the constructor of an Actor.  How can I do
this without adding a Parameter to it or subclassing
it?  All I need is something that lets me add a
property (perhaps Attribute?) to the IOPort.
You can simply add an attribute to a port.
To do this in vergil, right click on the port,
select Configure and then do add.  The
added property will be persistent.
The attribute can also be added by Java code.
The right way to do this is queue a change request,
so that the attribute is added at a time when
it is safe to do that.  See the SDF domain
director for an example... It adds attributes
to ports and actors for use with scheduling.
Note that in the latest release, the only way
to add a non-persistent attribute was to use
one of the Attribute subclasses that are not
persistent, such as TransientConfigurableAttribute.
In the latest version (on the CVS tree), any
attribute can be made non-persistent by calling
setPersistent(false).  This prevents the attribute
from cluttering the MoML file.

Edward A. Lee, Professor
518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

problems rebuilding Ptolemy classic from scratch

2003-09-12 Thread rpintor

Hi again. Thanks all for your answers to my last question. i'm trying ti rebuild
from scratch Ptolemy classic 0.7.1. I am with linux debian 3.0 (woody).I use
bash, not cshell.

I got the sources to 0.7.1,, the tar-gz archives with the global src and
others. Then I untar the archives, in $PTOLEMY, and foollow the instructions
in the web page of Ptolemy project, doing make and make install. Then an error
happened, something related with Tycho. Perhaps I hasn't got Tcl/tk or something
about that.

Then, I do:

make everything

Now, I got an error related with xv. I suppose that I didn't finish my
installation or something doesn't work right, because when I try to start pigi
from $PTOLEMY/bin/pigi, it says that pigi.Rpc doesn't exists or is not prepared
to be executable.

I think I'm doing something wrong. Perphaps it would be easier if I get some
.deb files from ptolemy, but I don't know how to got them.

Can I receive some help? Thanks again and regards.

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Re: problems rebuilding Ptolemy classic from scratch

2003-09-12 Thread Christopher Hylands Brooks
I have some notes for compiling Ptolemy II 0.7.2 devel under Linux

I'll see about adding a more prominent link to that page from 
the 0.7.1 page.

xv not compiling is fairly common, you can run without it.
xv is also available elsewhere.

If pigiRpc is not present, then you probably have a compilation
make  make.out

and then look in make.out for lines that contain three ***


Hi again. Thanks all for your answers to my last question. i'm trying ti re
from scratch Ptolemy classic 0.7.1. I am with linux debian 3.0 (woody).I us
bash, not cshell.

I got the sources to 0.7.1,, the tar-gz archives with the global src and
others. Then I untar the archives, in $PTOLEMY, and foollow the instructi
in the web page of Ptolemy project, doing make and make install. Then an er
happened, something related with Tycho. Perhaps I hasn't got Tcl/tk or some
about that.

Then, I do:

make everything

Now, I got an error related with xv. I suppose that I didn't finish my
installation or something doesn't work right, because when I try to start p
from $PTOLEMY/bin/pigi, it says that pigi.Rpc doesn't exists or is not prep
to be executable.

I think I'm doing something wrong. Perphaps it would be easier if I get som
.deb files from ptolemy, but I don't know how to got them.

Can I receive some help? Thanks again and regards.

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Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ptolemy II under debian woody

2003-09-10 Thread Raúl Pintor
Hi, I'm a student from Extremadura, Spain. I have tried to recompile 
everything to run Ptolemy II 3.0.2 in linux debian 3.0. I also got JDK 
1.4.1, but I think I'm not well configured in the Java enviroment. I use 
linux since 3 months. Then, my question is:

I would like to know what version of Ptolemy II is more stable or proved to 
start with it, or if the Ptolemy classic version is better for a new user 
like me.

I know is a very simple question but I also think that you (hackers) are 
the best people to answer me, I'm a little bit lost from the moment.

Thank you and sorry for my bad english. 

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mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Ptolemy] Re: The ID PI is undefined. in Ptolemy II 3.0-beta ...

2003-08-18 Thread Stephen Andrew Neuendorffer
Yes, this is a bug in the code generator that shipped with the beta.
It is likely that the final release will include a fix that allows 
constants (like PI) to be dealt with

Note that for other reasons, the Butterfly demo will not generate usable 
code.  (Because the
plotter uses parts of Ptolemy II that are not initialized or understood by 
the code generator).
This is also something I'm working on, but it is unlikely that a fix will 
be included in the release.


At 04:04 PM 8/18/2003 -0700, Christopher Hylands Brooks wrote:
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this, I was
away on vacation
On 8/02, in comp.soft-sys.ptolemy, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Long-Bao) wrote:

Hi, everyone:

I've encounterd the following exception
when I used code generator (for Java)
with the Demo Butterfly (or something else)
in SDF Domain:

Soot started on Sat Aug 02 21:58:46 CST 2003
WatchDogTimer.internalTransform(wjtp.watchDog, {time=60,
ModelTransformer: Creating actor class
for actor .Butterfly.Ramp
based on
ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException: The ID PI is undefined.
at soot.SceneTransformer.transform(
at soot.Pack.apply(
Code generation of 
ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException: The ID PI is undefined.
at soot.SceneTransformer.transform(
at soot.Pack.apply(
WARNING: Default charset MS950 not supported, using ISO-8859-1 instead
All Done.

Have anyone met the same problem as me ??
Or I've done something wrong??
I'm using Ptolemy II Windows executable file that includes JVM
on Windows XP Professional SP1 and Compaq Presario 1500.
How to overcome it???

Thans a lot!!!


I see the same problem in Ptolemy 3.0-beta in the Windows prebuilt
executable and in a 3.0-beta binary built from scratch.
I think the problem is the Expression actor.  Generating code

Ptolemy related Soft Walls project in the news

2003-07-14 Thread Christopher Hylands
BTW - Professor Lee, Adam Cataldo, Ian Mitchell, Xiaojun Liu, Steve
Neuendorffer, Iman Ahmadi, Zhongning Chen, Professor Shankar Sastry
and others have been working on the Soft Walls project, which is
studying ways to modify the avionics control system on the aircraft to
limit the space into which an aircraft can fly and possibly prevent
9/11 style disasters.

The Soft Walls home page is at

The Soft Walls project has recently been covered by several media
outlets, including:

Radio Interview: WTOP, Washington DC (Real Audio Format) (7/14)

Radio Interview: The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's 'As it Happens' (7/9)

  The interview begins around 15:35 
  in Part 2 of the As It Happens Real Audio stream:

Slashdot (7/3)

The New Scientist (7/2)
  This article was also carried by many news outlets, including: CNN,
  Toronto Globe and Mail, The Washington Times, The Orlando Sentinel,
  The Straits Times (Singapore), The Times of India, 
  The Star (SouthAfrica), The Age (Australia)

Adam has been using Ptolemy II to model the various control algorithms
though none of those models are ready for release yet.


Christopher Hylands[EMAIL PROTECTED]  University of California
Programmer/Analyst Chess/Ptolemy/GSRC US Mail: 558 Cory Hall #1770
ph: 510.643.9841 fax:510.642.2739 Berkeley, CA 94720-1770
home: (F-Tu) 707.665.0131 (W-F) 510.655.5480  (office: 400A Cory)

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Compiling custom source in ptolemy and SVG issues....

2003-06-13 Thread Stephen Andrew Neuendorffer
At 02:18 AM 6/13/2003 -0700, Hitanshu Gandhi wrote:

In my Ptolemy simulation, I have several classes,refered in a XML file.
On finding an error in a class, I recompile it. But Ptolemy refuses to
notice the updated file. if I close my simulation window, and tell
vergil to reopen my xml file, it doesnt use the updated classes.
The only workaround I have noticed is to restart Vergil.
I am running PtolemyII-3.0p locally on a PII350/SuSE8/2.4.18 system
with 128 MB RAM. No amount of sync/rehash's solve the problem.
Yes, this is (currently) correct.  The difficulty is that the user 
interface for Ptolemy II
is relatively tightly bound to the underlying Java code for atomic actors.
I agree that it would be nice if actors could be dynamically reloaded.  One 
of the
things we are currently working on is some integration with the
Eclipse Java environment, which will likely include a way to automatically
save and reload any open models, using recompiled classes.

Anyone else noticed this? or know some workarounds?

The SVG support under Ptolemy is not well documented. The DIVA
library(IIRC) provides limited SVG functionality. The table 5.11 fails
to mention non-supported SVG options like rounded corners of boxes,
and filled polygons. Also, is there another updated version of Diva
available which has support for the path tag?(esp arcs?). The SVG
Errors are also not very verbose. Are verbose SVG error messages
available? If so, how?
Given the complexity of SVG it wasn't feasible for us to sit down and write
a complete SVG implementation.  When I did this, java SVG libraries were 
extremely primitive.
I'll take another look at what it would take to integrate with XML/Batik.


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mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

about polis with ptolemy II

2003-03-07 Thread w azure

  I want to experiment in the platform made of esterel compiler 
,polis.linux.0.4 and ptolemy II in the linux os.I have downloaded all the 
necessary software,including the esterelv5_92 for linux,polis.linux.0.4 and 
ptolemy II for linux.Now I found a problem which is that the polis need 
ptolemy.071,but i don't use the ptolemy classic,and i only use ptolemy 
II.So my question is how i can run this embedded system platform made of 
polis.0.4 and ptolemy II.3x! 

 MSN Explorer:  

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Ptolemy Miniconference: May 9, 2003, Oakland, California

2003-02-24 Thread Christopher Hylands
The Ptolemy Miniconference is an opportunity for users and researchers
from industry, academia, and government to get together and present
their work to the Ptolemy community. It is typically held every two

The Fifth Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference will be held on Friday, May
9, 2003 at the Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, California.

The program includes invited speakers from organizations worldwide,
plus members of the Ptolemy project describing current research at

Tentative Program

The program includes invited speakers from organizations worldwide,
plus members of the Ptolemy project describing current research at

Topics include:

* Project Status
* Distributed Ptolemy Models
* Code Generation
* Hardware Synthesis
* Java/C++ hybrid simulation
* Actor Definition Languages
* Evolutionary Programming
* Hybrid System Modeling
* Model-Driven Architecture
* Composition of Web Services
* Modeling of Control Systems
* Image and Video Processing
* Communications Systems Modeling
* Distributed Process Networks

Please register for the conference by using the webpage registration
form at

Registration will close on May 1.

In the past, the conference has sold out, so we recommend registering
early. See the registrants list for who has registered thus far.

Note that there will be a $200 conference fee. The fee is waived for
students, sponsors and speakers and poster presenters.

If you feel that the fee should be waived for you then enter your
reason in the 'Conference Fee' section of the registration form.

The fee can be paid in advance or paid at the conference.
To pay in advance, send a cheque for $200 made out to 'The Regents of
the University of California' to:

University of California At Berkeley
Nuala Mansard
Room 545D Cory Hall
231 Cory Hall #1770
Berkeley, CA 94720-1770

At the conference, we will accept Visa and cheques.

If you have questions, see the Ptolemy Conference Website at
or send email to


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mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Ptolemy] Re: Serving Multiple tokens

2003-02-23 Thread Stephen Andrew Neuendorffer
You're right...  You need a queue to keep the incoming requests and an 
'arbiter' to dispatch requests when servers become idle.
I imagine it would be fairly easy to build an arbiter using an FSM 
model.  When a server finishes processing, it sends an event to the arbiter 
saying it is available.  An arbiter may then send it another request from 
the input queue...  It may also be useful to use a Switch in combination 
with an FSM to actually route requests to servers.


At 03:24 PM 2/23/2003 -0800, Christopher Hylands wrote:
The following appeared in comp.soft-sys.ptolemy
If you respond, cc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--- Forwarded Message
From: Herman Reintke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Serving Multiple tokens
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 19:04:51 +0100

I am new in the Ptolemy system and am experimenting with some simple DE
models to find my way.
First model was fairly easy then an I accomplished to run it.
 - Poisson arrival, servicing the arrived tokens with a server, output
average service times.
But now I want to extend the model so it can use two (or more) servers to
see the effect average service times. Now I cannot use multiple server
actor, they could have tokens inside where the other server(s) are idle.
But when using a queue, how to decide to which server it should go (how to
know which server is idle). And a queue must be triggered to let the next
token arrive.
I do not see a solution, does anyone has some experience on hoe to handle
these kind of simulations, hopefully without getting very complex.
Kind regards,

Herman Reintke

--- End of Forwarded Message

Ptolemy maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Time domain simulation of Sigma Delta A/D converters using Ptolemy Classic

2003-02-19 Thread Christopher Hylands
Frank Schilder of TU Ilmenau has contributed a tar file that contains
a time domain simulation of sigma delta A/D converters using Ptolemy

I've put the tar file, the installation notes and the documentation on
the web at


Christopher Hylands[EMAIL PROTECTED]  University of California
Programmer/Analyst Chess/Ptolemy/GSRC US Mail: 558 Cory Hall #1770
ph: (510)643-9841 fax:(510)642-2739   Berkeley, CA 94720-1770
home: (510)526-4010, (707)665-0131(office: 400A Cory)

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Ptolemy Version 2.0.1 is incompatible with 1.0.1 ???

2003-02-03 Thread Christopher Hylands
Yes, the Ptolemy II 1.0.1 installer has problems installing under
versions of Java that were not known when the installer was created.
I created dummy files for some versions of Java, probably up through
Java 1.3.1_02, so there would be a problem with Java 1.3.1_07.

This is because of a serioius limitation in the version of
Installshield that was used to create the installer.  We no longer use
Installshield, we are using Installanywhere, and the most recent
HyVisual installer includes a dialog that allows the user to select a
JVM to use.

The error you saw might have been the installer failing to find
a suitable JVM.

for a list of the InstallAnywhere limitations.

The primary workaround is to install Ptolemy II 2.0.
Another workaround is to install Ptolemy II 1.0 from source.  

Alisson Brito wrote the following about how to tell the installed
version of Ptolemy II 1.0.1 to use a different version of the JVM:

 I've unmounted the installer file with the

ptolemyII1.0.1.exe :is extract

 After that I've created a file called
 Then I 've made the product,xml to know that my
  .jvm file exist and that
 I have a jdk1.4.0 installed in a determinated path.
 And finally I run:

   java run (that execute run.class)

Ptolemy II 2.0.2 should read in Ptolemy II 1.0.1 models, but as
always, there could be a bug in the conversion process.  The Ptolemy
bug you would see would not be Java crashing, it would be a dialog
window popping up with a stack trace.

The bug you report below is a platform specific Java bug that is
triggered by Ptolemy II. 

I've verified that I can run a model under Ptolemy II 2.0.1 with JRE
1.3.1_07 under Windows 2000 on an IBM 600X with the most recent
updates installed using IE's 'Tools - Windows Update' facility.
The updates include SP3, DirectX 8.1 and Net

Hi Christopher, 
 My platform is Windows 2000 and updated all service pack through
windows update. I installed Java 1.3.1_06 and sucessfully installed PT
2.0.1. But i discovered that PT 1.0.1 can't be installed under Java
1.3.1_06. It complains No suitable JVM found. However, after I
installed Java 1.3.1_02, PT1.0.1 can be successfully installed.

 Now, PT 2.0.1 still can't reads PT1.0.1's library. How can I
solve it?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Hylands) wrote in message news:200301
 That is a bug in Java, not a bug in Ptolemy II.
 Java should not crash, no matter what Ptolemy II does.
 What platform are you on?
   I'm guessing Windows NT.
 What service pack?
 You might try a different OS, or upgrade your current OS to
 the most recent service pack.
 It looks like you are running under Java 1.3.1_06
 Ptolemy II 2.0.1 works best under Java 1.3.1
 Try using the most recent version of Java 1.3.1, which is
 1.3.1_07, see
 There is a slightly similar bug at
 at the bottom someone reports a similar error, but there is no
 You could also try running under Java 1.4.1.  Note that the
 code generator facility in Ptolemy II 2.0.1 will not work with
 Java 1.4.1, but everything else should.
 BTW - 2.0.1 is not backward compatible with 1.0.1's library.
 2.0.1 will convert 1.0.1 libraries to be compatible to 2.0.1.
 The ptolemy/moml/filter/*.java classes do the conversion, which
 is summarized in the release notes
 In principle, it should be possible to convert from Ptolemy II 2.0.1
 back to Ptolemy 1.0.1. I would probably use xslt to do this though,
 Our project started using Ptolemy in 2001. We used the Ptolemy versio
 1.0.1 to build a good deal of self-defined library. Now, we are using
 Ptolemy2.0.1 and try to import our library. Unfortunately, the 2.0.1
 is incompatible with 1.0.1's library. 2.0.1 can't open or import the
 library, with error showing in a txt file.
  How can we solve this problem? As it is non-sense to rebuild our
 // txt file shows error
 An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the
 Unexpected Signal : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION occurred at
 Function name=Java_sun_awt_Win32GraphicsConfig_getBounds
 Current Java thread:
   at Method)

Re: Ptolemy Version 2.0.1 is incompatible with 1.0.1 ???

2003-01-31 Thread Christopher Hylands
That is a bug in Java, not a bug in Ptolemy II.
Java should not crash, no matter what Ptolemy II does.

What platform are you on?
  I'm guessing Windows NT.
What service pack?
You might try a different OS, or upgrade your current OS to
the most recent service pack.
It looks like you are running under Java 1.3.1_06
Ptolemy II 2.0.1 works best under Java 1.3.1
Try using the most recent version of Java 1.3.1, which is
1.3.1_07, see

There is a slightly similar bug at
at the bottom someone reports a similar error, but there is no

You could also try running under Java 1.4.1.  Note that the
code generator facility in Ptolemy II 2.0.1 will not work with
Java 1.4.1, but everything else should.

BTW - 2.0.1 is not backward compatible with 1.0.1's library.
2.0.1 will convert 1.0.1 libraries to be compatible to 2.0.1.
The ptolemy/moml/filter/*.java classes do the conversion, which
is summarized in the release notes
In principle, it should be possible to convert from Ptolemy II 2.0.1
back to Ptolemy 1.0.1. I would probably use xslt to do this though,


Our project started using Ptolemy in 2001. We used the Ptolemy version
1.0.1 to build a good deal of self-defined library. Now, we are using
Ptolemy2.0.1 and try to import our library. Unfortunately, the 2.0.1
is incompatible with 1.0.1's library. 2.0.1 can't open or import the
library, with error showing in a txt file.
 How can we solve this problem? As it is non-sense to rebuild our


// txt file shows error
An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the
Unexpected Signal : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION occurred at
Function name=Java_sun_awt_Win32GraphicsConfig_getBounds

Current Java thread:
at Method)

Dynamic libraries:
0x0040 - 0x00455000 F:\Ptolemy\vergil.exe
0x77F8 - 0x77FF9000 F:\WINNT\System32\ntdll.dll
0x77D9 - 0x77DEA000 F:\WINNT\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
0x77E6 - 0x77F36000 F:\WINNT\system32\KERNEL32.DLL
0x77D2 - 0x77D8F000 F:\WINNT\system32\RPCRT4.DLL
0x77DF - 0x77E54000 F:\WINNT\system32\USER32.dll
0x77F4 - 0x77F7C000 F:\WINNT\system32\GDI32.DLL
0x777E - 0x777E7000 F:\WINNT\system32\VERSION.dll
0x7595 - 0x75956000 F:\WINNT\system32\LZ32.DLL
0x75E0 - 0x75E1A000 F:\WINNT\System32\IMM32.DLL
0x6D42 - 0x6D4F9000 f:\jdk\jre\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll
0x7753 - 0x7756 F:\WINNT\System32\WINMM.dll
0x7800 - 0x78046000 F:\WINNT\system32\MSVCRT.dll
0x67ED - 0x67ED7000 F:\WINNT\System32\serwvdrv.dll
0x6636 - 0x66367000 F:\WINNT\System32\umdmxfrm.dll
0x6D22 - 0x6D227000 f:\jdk\jre\bin\hpi.dll
0x6D3B - 0x6D3BD000 f:\jdk\jre\bin\verify.dll
0x6D25 - 0x6D266000 f:\jdk\jre\bin\java.dll
0x6D3C - 0x6D3CD000 f:\jdk\jre\bin\zip.dll
0x6D02 - 0x6D12A000 F:\jdk\jre\bin\awt.dll
0x777C - 0x777DD000 F:\WINNT\System32\WINSPOOL.DRV
0x77A3 - 0x77B24000 F:\WINNT\system32\ole32.dll
0x6D1E - 0x6D21B000 F:\jdk\jre\bin\fontmanager.dll
0x7270 - 0x72746000 F:\WINNT\System32\DDRAW.dll
0x727A - 0x727A6000 F:\WINNT\System32\DCIMAN32.dll
0x1000 - 0x1017 F:\WINNT\System32\i81xgicd.dll
0x0D97 - 0x0D9CD000 F:\WINNT\System32\i81xGDEV.DLL
0x6E26 - 0x6E266000 F:\WINNT\System32\INDICDLL.dll
0x6D19 - 0x6D1B2000 F:\jdk\jre\bin\dcpr.dll
0x7790 - 0x77922000 F:\WINNT\system32\imagehlp.dll
0x7290 - 0x7292D000 F:\WINNT\system32\DBGHELP.dll
0x68E0 - 0x68E0B000 F:\WINNT\System32\PSAPI.DLL

Local Time = Fri Jan 31 16:16:37 2003
Elapsed Time = 748
# The exception above was detected in native code outside the VM
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.3.1_06-b01 mixed mode)

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ptolemy Release and Miniconference News

2003-01-24 Thread Christopher Hylands

HyVisual 2.2-beta
Next week, we will be releasing HyVisual 2.2-beta, which is a
runtime only version of Ptolemy II that includes the CT and FSM

This version is primarily for the Model-Based Integration of Embedded
Software (MoBIES) project, see for
information about MoBIES.

I'll send out a more complete announcement when the release is ready.

Ptolemy Miniconference
The Ptolemy Miniconference will be held on Friday, May 9th at the
Claremont Hotel in Oakland.  

If you you would like to suggest a presentation or poster, please


If you sent email last September with a suggestion, and you got 
a response from us, then you need not resend the same suggestion.

We will put up a registration website at some point and send out a
information via the ptolemy-hackers and ptolemy-interest mailing lists.

Ptolemy II release
Our plan is to have a source release of Ptolemy in late May.
The May release will include the features in HyVisual.


Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: extend the expression language of Ptolemy II

2003-01-14 Thread Christopher Hylands
In comp.soft-sys.ptolemy, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hendrik Schoeneich) writes:


I would like to extend the expression language of Ptolemy II to
calculate integer values based on double values. I need this feature
for a controller that I have created using a modal model.

The documentation says:
The expression language includes an extensible set of functions, such
as sin(), cos(), etc. The functions that are built in include all
static methods of the java.lang.Math class and the class. This can easily be extended
by registering another class that includes static methods.

I am thankful for any help on interpreting easily registering.


Hendrik Schoeneich

ptII/ptolemy/data/expr/ contains static
methods that return tokens.

ptII/ptolemy/data/expr/ says:

  p A function node is created when a function call is parsed. This
  node will search for the function, using reflection, in the classes
  registered for this purpose with the parser. Thus to add to the list
  of functions available to the expression, it is only necessary to
  create a new class with the functions defined in it and register it
  with the parser. By default only java.lang.Math and are searched for a given

and it continues on with the details, see

PtParser.jjt contains a line that registers the UtilityFunctions
PtParser.jjt gets converted by JavaCC to PtParser.jj and then to   To add a class to to be registered, you might
be able to directly edit  

Or, you could add your method directly to

For example, contains a method:

/** Return the approximate number of bytes available for future
 *  object allocation.  Note that requesting a garbage collection
 *  may change this value.
 *  @return The approximate number of bytes available.
 *  @see #totalMemory
public static LongToken freeMemory() {
return new LongToken(Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory());

That method can be used to get the amount of free memory.
$PTII/util/testsuite/memory.xml is a model that plots the free
and total memory.  The expression actor takes an input
from a ramp that is always 0L so that the expression gets
reevaluated each time the actor gets fired.

I believe that the expression language works best with doubles.
Offhand, I'm not sure of the details of the issues we ran into
with non-double functions, but keep an eye out.


Christopher Hylands[EMAIL PROTECTED]  University of California
Programmer/Analyst Chess/Ptolemy/GSRC US Mail: 558 Cory Hall #1770
ph: (510)643-9841 fax:(510)642-2739   Berkeley, CA 94720-1770
home: (510)526-4010, (707)665-0131(office: 400A Cory)

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ptolemy II under Mac OS X

2003-01-03 Thread Fons, Richard
I did a web start install of Ptolemy II under Mac OS 10.2.3 and everything
went smoothly.  While experimenting with Simple Signal Processing under
Quick Tour, I discovered that I was unable to Look Inside the hierarchical
blocks (e.g. Signal Source) since there is no right mouse button on my
mouse.  Normally contextual (popup) menus on a Mac are brought up by
control-clicking, but control-clicking in Ptolemy II is defined to create a
new relation. Does anyone have a work around?  Is there another way to
access the Look Inside function besides the popup?  Is there a way to
dissociate the control-click from the create new relation action, so that
the Mac could use the control-click to trigger the contextual (popup) menu?


Dick Fons

American Superconductor
Power Electronic Systems
15775 West Schaefer Court
New Berlin,  WI   53151

PH:  262-901-6000 (switchboard)
FAX: 262-901-0100

PH:  262-901-6006 (direct)


Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Ptolemy and Matlab

2003-01-03 Thread Christopher Hylands
In comp.soft-sys.ptolemy, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Project Group)
posted three messages concerning Ptolemy and Matlab.

I've combined those messages into this message.

 Subject: Ptolemy  matlab
 Hi, we would like to use the matlab code to enhance the simulation
 result in the vergil. 

Sounds interesting.

 We have set the run enviroment by following the
 web's instruction.  And the test
 $PTII/ptolemy/matlab/demo/MatlabExpression/MatlabExpression.xml also
 successfully run.
 Our problem is: Is there any API for the use of this interface? We
 are not sure the way of linking matlab and Ptolemy actor-

Ptolemy II 2.0.1 contains an interface to Matlab written by Zoltan
Kemenczy and others at Research In Motion, Ltd.
The Ptolemy II/Matlab interface uses the Java Native Interface (JNI)
to pass values from Java to the C based Matlab dynamic library.

See $PTII/ptolemy/matlab/ 
for details about the API.
Online, the source can be found at
and the javadoc output at

The second message was
 Subject: how can the Actor-- MatlabExpression link to a matlab .m file

 How can we configure the MatlabExpression Actor so as to link a
 matlab m file?
 Also how to configure the directory/path of the m file??

 Subject: Ptolemy and Matlab

 From the previous message, So, you could develop m-files in Matlab
 and then call that code from a Ptolemy actor. I would like to know,
 what are the steps of executing this actor??
  [Info from my earlier post about Matlab, where I [cxh] say:]

  So, you could develop m-files in Matlab and then call that code
  from a Ptolemy actor.

I had not actually developed a m-file and called it using the Matlab
interface, but it can be done.


  A Parameter named ipackageDirectories/i may be added to this actor
  to augment the matlab engine's search path during the firing of this
  actor. The value of this parameter should evaluate to a StringToken,

  path1, path2, ...
  containing a comma-separated list of paths to be prepended to the matlab
  engine search path before iexpression/i is evaluated. The list may
  contain paths relative to the directory in which ptolemy was started,
  or any directory listed in the current classpath (in that order, first
  match wins). See {@link}.
  After evaluation, the previous search path is restored.p

This suggests that by adding a packageDirectories parameter, we
can cause Matlab to search in our directories for our m-file.

I was able to do this by creating a simple SDF model that looks like:


I first added a port called input to the Expression actor and set
the expression to
and verified that everything worked

I then added a packageDirectories parameter to
ptolemy.matlab.Expression actor by double clicking on the actor and
adding the parameter

Name: packageDirectories
Default value:

I changed the value of the expression and the packageDirectories to
expression: output=mFileTest(input);
packageDirectories: c:/cxh

I then created c:/cxh/mFileTest.m that contains:

function t = mFileTest(varargin)
t=varargin{1} * 3.0; 

When I run the model, my mFileTest.m is found and the mFileTest
function is found in it and the input is multiplied by 3.0

Note that I have very little experience using Matlab, so there are
probably bettery ways to do this.

The Ptolemy II 2.0.1 model I used is below:

?xml version=1.0 standalone=no?
!DOCTYPE entity PUBLIC -//UC Berkeley//DTD MoML 1//EN;
entity name=mFileTest
property name=_createdBy
class=ptolemy.kernel.util.VersionAttribute value=2.0.1
property name=_vergilSize value=[600, 400]
property name=_vergilLocation value=[104, 126]
property name=SDF Director
property name=Scheduler
property name=iterations value=5
property name=vectorizationFactor value=1
property name=_location class=ptolemy.moml.Location
value=75.0, 45.0
entity name=Ramp
property name=firingCountLimit

Re: [Ptolemy] john m.: Convert parameters to ports

2002-09-03 Thread Edward A. Lee

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (john m.)
Subject: Convert parameters to ports
Date: 3 Sep 2002 07:55:21 -0700

Dear all,

I would greatly appreciate it somebody could point out a solution to
the following problems:

1. Is there a way in Vergil (PtolemyII) to add ports to an actor and
connect it to the parameters in the actor? I know it can be done on
custom copies of the actors at the .java source level (implementing
propably in the fire method) but I was looking for something quick in

2. Is it possible and how to connect an input port to a user defined
parameter in a composite actor? In other words can the value of a user
defined parameter be updated by the output of some other actor? If
this was possible then problem 1. can be solved by making composite
actors containing the actors i need with ports by stting the internal
parameters of the original actor in terms of the user parameters of
the composite actor that contains them, which in turn (the user
defined parameters) would be connected to the input port of the
corresponding composite actor.

Interestingly, I'm implemented this just a few weeks ago.
In my implementation, you create an instance of PortParameter,
and it automatically creates an associated ParameterPort.
Below is the doc for the PortParameter class.  Of course,
this isn't in any release yet...  It might just work to
install the new classes on top of the 2.0.1 release, but there
are two risks:

1) It won't work.
2) The implementation and/or interface will change in the next release.

Let me know if you want to try...


A parameter that creates an associated port that can be used to update
the current value of the parameter.  The current value is set by the
setCurrentValue() method and read by getToken().  The current value
is distinct from the persistent value, which is set by setExpression()
or setToken(), and accessed by getExpression().  Note that getToken()
returns the current value, which is not necessarily the persistent value.
The current value can be set in the usual way for a parameter (calling
setToken() or setExpression()), or by feeding data into the associated port.
Until the port receives data, the current value of the parameter is
the same as the persistent value.  After the port has received
data, then the current value is that most recently received on the port
since the last update of the persistent value.
The getExpression() methods always return the persistent
value, regardless of whether an override value has been received on the
input port.  On each call to getToken(), this parameter first checks
to see whether an input has arrived at the associated port
since the last setExpression() or setToken(), and if so, returns a token
read from that port.  Also, any call to get() on the associated
port will result in the value of this parameter being updated.
When using this parameter in an actor, care must be exercised
to read its value exactly once per firing by calling getToken().
Each time getToken() is called, a new token will be consumed from
the associated port (if there is a token).  If this is called
multiple times in an iteration, it may result in
consuming tokens that were intended for subsequent firings.
Thus, for example, it should not be called in fire() and then
again in postfire().  Moreover, in some domains (such as DE),
it is essential that if a token is provided on a port, that it
is consumed.  In DE, the actor will be repeatedly fired until
the token is consumed.  Thus, it is an error to not call getToken()
once per iteration.
If this is actor is placed in a container that does not implement
the TypedActor interface, then no associated port is created,
and it functions as an ordinary parameter.  This is useful,
for example, if this is put in a library, where one would not
want the associated port to appear.

@author Edward A. Lee
@version $Id:,v 1.11 2002/08/30 04:35:22 cxh Exp $
public class PortParameter extends Parameter {

Edward A. Lee, Professor
518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ptolemy II 2.0.1 is available for download

2002-08-09 Thread cxh

Ptolemy II 2.0.1 is available for download from

Ptolemy II 2.0.1 includes the following features that were not present
in Ptolemy II 2.0-beta:

* Windows Installer
* Design Document
* Bug and Typo Fixes, see

Ptolemy II is a software framework developed as part of the Ptolemy
project. It is a Java-based component assembly framework with a
graphical user interface called Vergil. Vergil itself is a component
assembly defined in Ptolemy II.

The Ptolemy project studies modeling, simulation, and design of
concurrent, real-time, embedded systems. The focus is on assembly of
concurrent components. The key underlying principle in the project is
the use of well-defined models of computation that govern the
interactions between components. A major problem area being addressed
is the use of heterogeneous mixtures of models of computation.

The Ptolemy Project web page (
contains much more information about the project. The work is
conducted in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Sciences of the University of California at Berkeley. The project is
directed by Prof. Edward A. Lee. The project is named after Claudius
Ptolemaeus, the second century Greek astronomer, mathematician, and

Ptolemy II includes a growing suite of domains, each of which realizes
a model of computation. It also includes a component library, in which
most components are domain polymorphic, in that they can operate in
several of the domains. Most are also data polymorphic, in that they
operate on several data types. The domains that have been implemented
are listed below. Some of these are preliminary and/or experimental,
as indicated below.

Below is a text version of the web page that describes the release.

 Ptolemy II 2.0.1 Release Notes

Ptolemy II is a set of Java packages supporting heterogeneous,
concurrent modeling and design. Its kernel package supports clustered
hierarchical graphs, which are collections of entities and relations
between those entities. Its actor package extends the kernel so that
entities have functionality and can communicate via the relations. Its
domains extend the actor package by imposing models of computation on
the interaction between entities. Examples of models of computation
include discrete-event systems, dataflow, process networks,
synchronous/reactive systems, and communicating sequential processes.

Ptolemy II includes a number of support packages, such as
data, providing a type system, data encapsulation and an expression
plot, providing visual display of data,
math, providing matrix and vector math and signal processing
functions, and
graph, providing graph-theoretic manipulations.

The Ptolemy II Design Document describes the Ptolemy II design and
the implementation of the Java classes.

The Using Vergil chapter ( PDF - HTML) describes how to use

Complete List of Domains in Ptolemy II

  * CSP: communicating sequential processes,
  * CT: continuous-time modeling,
  * DE: discrete-event modeling,
  * DDE: distributed discrete events (experimental),
  * DT: discrete time,
  * FSM: finite state machines,
  * Giotto: periodic time-driven (experimental),
  * GR: 3-D graphics (experimental),
  * PN: process networks,
  * SDF: synchronous dataflow,
  * SR: synchronous/reactive (experimental), and
  * TM: timed multitasking (experimental).


The core of Ptolemy II 2.0 is 100% Java, so it should work on any
platform that has JDK1.3

We developed Ptolemy II 2.0 under Solaris 8 and Windows 2000 sr2 and
with JDK1.3.1 and JDK1.4. Note that code generation only works under
JDK1.3.0 or 1.3.1 because of limitations in Soot. Ptolemy II 2.0 will
not compile under JDK1.2.2.

The code generation facility requires JDK1.3.0, it will not work under
JDK 1.4.0

Major Features that are new in Ptolemy 2.0

  Modal Models (Xiaojun Liu, Edward A. Lee)
A model model is one whose behavior depends on its mode of
operation. A modal model in Ptolemy II is an FSM (finite state
machine) combined hierarchically with other models. A state in the
FSM represents a mode of operation, and can have a refinement that
gives the behavior in that model. The refinement can be another
FSM or some other model using some other Ptolemy domain. This
example combines DE, FSM, and SDF to model a system where
regularly sampled signals are perturbed by irregular events in
  Code Generation (Primary Author: Stephen Neuendorffer,
Contributor: Christopher Hylands)
This release includes a limited prototype of our code generation

Re: Ptolemy-Classic with KDE hangs at error messages

2002-08-09 Thread cxh

In comp.soft-sys.ptolemy, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Gunreben) writes:

When using Ptolemy-Classic with KDE, the computer will
hang for about 30 seconds if an error message occurs.

The reason for this behavior is based in the procedure

To overcome this problem you may comment out the following
section in $PTOLEMY/tycho/kernel/gui/Dialog.itcl

# if $autoraise {
# If the user mouses in another window, raise
# bind $instance Button +raise $instance
# If the user moves the mouse in another window, raise
# bind $instance Motion +raise $instance
# }

Thanks, I added a note about this to a couple of places
in Ptolemy Classic 0.7.1 pages.

In general, autoraise is a rather tricky thing to get right.
If autoraise is not working, and a modal dialog box is invoked, then
the UI will appear to freeze if the modal dialog is not visible.

In general, modal dialogs are usually considered to be a 'bad thing',
but sometimes they are unavoidable.

I don't have a Linux box on hand to test this workaround, so
I'm not going to fold it into the Ptolemy classic devel tree at this
time, but it is listed as a bug, so we might look at it in the future.


Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Ptolemy] Re: Displaying graphs and controlling the layout ofitems upon them

2002-08-09 Thread Edward A. Lee

I'm confused... why are you not creating the models in Vergil?
You should be able to just say:

vergil filename.xml

and it is open, perform the auto layout, and save the model.

The way locations of icons are represented by Vergil is by attaching
Location attributes to the objects in the model.

I must be missing something here...

Edward Lee

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Price)
Subject: Displaying graphs and controlling the layout of items upon them
Date: 9 Aug 2002 02:13:02 -0700

I am trying to display a model as a graph and have been going around
in circles in the JavaDoc pages!  I have created a TypedCompositeActor
in a Workspace and have successfully been able to create a Director,
several Actors and links between them.  This is then saved as a MoML
file.  However, when I open the model in Ptolemy II all of the
components are stacked on top of each other.  The auto-arrange feature
works well and I would like to be able to use this.  What I need to do
first though is successfully open the model in the graph editor.  I
have been able to do this using VergilApplication filename but once
the application opens I have no control over it from my application
and rely on the user to re-arrange the icons, which is not acceptable.
  Are there any examples that show how a model can be opened as a graph
and manipulated to re-arrange the icons displayed, or come to that,
any examples other than the tutorial applets provided with the

Many thanks,

Mike Price.

Edward A. Lee, Professor
518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [Ptolemy] Re: higher order functions in Ptolemy II

2002-07-31 Thread Zoltan Kemenczy


We implemented a MultiContextComposite some time ago and use it to create
multiple instances of the same model (e.g. logical channels of network
protocols).  In such a case, one would want to create N instances of the
same model and as data arrives, route data to a particular (or all)
instance(s) determined by some data element.  This is a specialized form of
HOF tailored towards the current PTII gui and execution environment.

We have separated the problems of creating multiple instances
(MultiContextComposite) from the problem of data routing to a particular
instance (MultiContextController) and each may be used independently from
the other. Below I will outline the behaviour of MultiContextComposite.  If
what's outlined below sounds as an acceptable approach, we would be happy to
contibute the code to PTII.

MultiContextComposite is derived from TypedCompositeActor and as such
automatically supports all PTII vergil gui interactions as
TypedCompositeActor.  One has one predefined parameter, nContext that
determines the number of instances (clones) to be created from the master.
The master model is created using vergil in the same way as a
TypedCompositeActor is created.

MultiContextComposite input ports must not be multiports (for now) and may
be connected to multiports or regular ports.  During its preinitialize(),
the master MultiContextComposite determines how its input ports are
connected and creates additional relations in its container (the model it is
embedded in) to connect the input ports of its clones (instances) to the
same output port if that port is a multiport.  If the output port is a
regular port, the clones input port is linked to the already existing
relation between the output port and the master's input port.
MultiContextComposite output ports must not be multiports (for now) and must
be connected to input multiports. The master MultiContextComposite creates
additional relations to connect the output ports of its clones to the input
port. Finally, after all these connections are made, the master's
preinitialize() calls preinitalize() of the clones.

From here on until wrapup() nothing special is needed. Type resolution to
occur on all instances in the modified model, so does initialize(), the
computation of schedules by directors of the master and clones, etc.

We typically connect MultiContextComposite outputs to a Merge actor in the
DE domain. Alternatively in SDF, one can use MultiContextComposite with
Distributors and Commutators.

During model wrapup(), the master MultiContextComposite deletes any
relations created, unlinks any ports if needed, and deletes the clones it
created. To re-sync vergil's model graph, a changerequest is also queued
with the Manager.

That's it... The description is almost as long as the code... :-)

As far as MultiContextController is concerned, in general, it is similar to
a Switch actor without a control input. Instead, the control value is
computed based on input data.  In our case, we use a (configurable)
RecordToken fieldname (int-typed) that is looked up in the input RecordToken
to determine which output channel (MultiContextComposite instance) to route
data to.

Zoltan Kemenczy
Research in Motion Limited (
305 Phillip St, Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3W8 

 -Original Message-
 From: Edward A. Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: July 30, 2002 3:13 PM
 To: Christopher Hylands
 Subject: Re: [Ptolemy] Re: higher order functions in Ptolemy II
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marcus Pang)
 Subject: higher order functions in Ptolemy II
 Date: 26 Jul 2002 14:02:56 -0700
 I'd like to know if anyone has done any work on higher-order 
 in Ptolemy II. Does anyone know if this is in Berkeley's to-do list?
 Marcus Pang
 This has been high on my to do list for some time, but I haven't
 found the time myself.  Several in the group have talked about
 work in this direction, but I'm not aware of anything concrete
 that has happened yet.  I would welcome some help with this.
 We could realize this pretty much exactly as in Ptolemy Classic,
 but there is one additional feature of Ptolemy II that suggests some
 richer possibilities. In Ptolemy II, models can be modified
 during an execution. Thus, one could build more dynamic HOF 
 Our plan (if we ever get the bandwidth) is to implement in a
 ModelToken, which is a token that carries a model, a createModel()
 function in the expression language (that takes a filename or URL
 as an argument). Then, for example, an Apply actor would apply
 a set of inputs to a specified model. The model could be given
 by a parameter or input port (using the new PortParameter mechanism).
 Also, I would like to explore alternative visual representations...
 E.g., we could modify Look Inside for the Apply actor so that it
 shows the most recently seen model.
 Edward A. Lee, Professor

Re: [Ptolemy] Re: higher order functions in Ptolemy II

2002-07-30 Thread Edward A. Lee

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marcus Pang)
Subject: higher order functions in Ptolemy II
Date: 26 Jul 2002 14:02:56 -0700

I'd like to know if anyone has done any work on higher-order functions
in Ptolemy II. Does anyone know if this is in Berkeley's to-do list?

Marcus Pang


This has been high on my to do list for some time, but I haven't
found the time myself.  Several in the group have talked about
work in this direction, but I'm not aware of anything concrete
that has happened yet.  I would welcome some help with this.

We could realize this pretty much exactly as in Ptolemy Classic,
but there is one additional feature of Ptolemy II that suggests some
richer possibilities. In Ptolemy II, models can be modified
during an execution. Thus, one could build more dynamic HOF mechanisms.
Our plan (if we ever get the bandwidth) is to implement in a
ModelToken, which is a token that carries a model, a createModel()
function in the expression language (that takes a filename or URL
as an argument). Then, for example, an Apply actor would apply
a set of inputs to a specified model. The model could be given
by a parameter or input port (using the new PortParameter mechanism).

Also, I would like to explore alternative visual representations...
E.g., we could modify Look Inside for the Apply actor so that it
shows the most recently seen model.


Edward A. Lee, Professor
518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ptolemy-II and Java 1.4

2002-07-09 Thread karthik

Hi everybody,

I am seeing a noticeable delay while droping actors into 
schematic pane window in Java 1.4. and this is not true for 
Java 1.3. Is this due to changes of DnD in Java 1.4 ? 


Does Ptolemy-II support Java 1.4 ?

Advance thanks for your valuable answer.


Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Ptolemy-II and Java 1.4

2002-07-09 Thread cxh

Yes, Ptolemy II 2.0-beta supports Java 1.4.

What platform are you running, and what is the precise version of Java
you are running?

To view the version of java, start up vergil and do
File - New - Graph Editor
and then
View - JVM Properties

The java.vm.version should be something like:
java.vm.version = 1.4.0-b92

Under Windows 2000, I have not noticed a delay when dropping actors in
1.4.0-b92 or 1.4.1-beta

I first tested this version:
$ java -version
java version 1.3.1_03
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1_03-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.1_03-b03, mixed mode)

and ran vergil and did some drag and drop, to get an idea about the

I then did reconfigured with 1.4.0-b92 by doing:

java -version
cd $PTII
rm config.*

This was with the following version of Java
$ java -version
java version 1.4.0
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-b92)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-b92, mixed mode)

Note that Java 1.4.0 has a bug where local applets that have spaces in
the path name will not work.  This bug is not present in Java 1.3.1_03
and 1.4.1-beta.  The problem is that
works fine

file:///C:/tmp/pt plot/ptolemy/plot/demo/Marks.htm
does not

One other issue is that Soot does not work under Java 1.4.0, so if you
want to use the SDF code generator, then you should use Java 1.3.1
The reason is that the virtual machine changed slightly between 1.3.1
and 1.4.0.


Hi everybody,

I am seeing a noticeable delay while droping actors into 
schematic pane window in Java 1.4. and this is not true for 
Java 1.3. Is this due to changes of DnD in Java 1.4 ? 


Does Ptolemy-II support Java 1.4 ?

Advance thanks for your valuable answer.


Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Installing and Using Ptolemy II under Windows 2000

2002-07-06 Thread Xavier Warzee


With JBuilder 5,6 or 7 Enterprise Edition, just create a project
and set the Ptolemy folder as the sources folder of your project.
You may have to click on the update button (like the update button
in Internet Explorer), all the Ptolemy files will be added to the

JBuilder Enterprise is not free, but is available under Unix and
Windows plateforms.

Another possible solution is Forte for Java from Sun.


Bill Wood a écrit :
 Is Cygwin required for Ptolemy to be used once it is installed?
 Once built, can the Ptolemy directory tree be installed on any
 Windows machine and used (where useincludes defining new
 actors in Java, for example)?  What are the minimal requirements
 to use Ptolemy?  We've read the Windows installation material,
 but it is a little unclear on this point.
 I have potential users who are Unix-challanged :-)
  -- Bill Wood
 Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
 mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Installing and Using Ptolemy II under Windows 2000

2002-06-26 Thread Philippe . BOURGON

I'm in the process of putting the Ptolemy debug in JBuilder. I simply opened
an empty new JBuilder 6 project. Then, with add files to project I
collected the sources for Ptolemy (a bit tedious, as they are numerous). I
compiled the project (It went seamless) and now I launch Ptolemy as the
project in JBuilder debug mode, open my Ptolemy design with Vergil and debug
the java code in it with the help of the environnement. It seems to work,
but I have to get some more memory in my PC : After a couple of breakpoints
the process fails with memory low exception.

-Message d'origine-
De: Edward A. Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Date: mardi 25 juin 2002 20:47
À: Bill Wood
Cc: ptolemy
Objet: Re: Installing and Using Ptolemy II under Windows 2000

You can certainly use Ptolemy II without Cygwin, but if you want to
write new actors in Java, you need some way to compile Java.
The makefiles shipped with Ptolemy II require Cygwin, but I believe
you could use some other Java development environment, although it
would require some setup, probably.  Alternatively, you could probably
get away with with just compiling the one actor you write, assuming
you put the pertinent jar files into the CLASSPATH.

It would be great to make the act of writing an loading new actors
easier.  It would also be nice to set it up so that they can be
recompiled and reloaded without restarting the UI.  But we haven't
done these things.  I don't think it be a very difficult enhancement,


At 12:39 PM 6/25/2002 -0500, Bill Wood wrote:
Is Cygwin required for Ptolemy to be used once it is installed?
Once built, can the Ptolemy directory tree be installed on any
Windows machine and used (where useincludes defining new
actors in Java, for example)?  What are the minimal requirements
to use Ptolemy?  We've read the Windows installation material,
but it is a little unclear on this point.
I have potential users who are Unix-challanged :-)


  -- Bill Wood

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Edward A. Lee, Professor
518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Installing and Using Ptolemy II under Windows 2000

2002-06-25 Thread Edward A. Lee

You can certainly use Ptolemy II without Cygwin, but if you want to
write new actors in Java, you need some way to compile Java.
The makefiles shipped with Ptolemy II require Cygwin, but I believe
you could use some other Java development environment, although it
would require some setup, probably.  Alternatively, you could probably
get away with with just compiling the one actor you write, assuming
you put the pertinent jar files into the CLASSPATH.

It would be great to make the act of writing an loading new actors
easier.  It would also be nice to set it up so that they can be
recompiled and reloaded without restarting the UI.  But we haven't
done these things.  I don't think it be a very difficult enhancement,


At 12:39 PM 6/25/2002 -0500, Bill Wood wrote:
Is Cygwin required for Ptolemy to be used once it is installed?
Once built, can the Ptolemy directory tree be installed on any
Windows machine and used (where useincludes defining new
actors in Java, for example)?  What are the minimal requirements
to use Ptolemy?  We've read the Windows installation material,
but it is a little unclear on this point.
I have potential users who are Unix-challanged :-)


  -- Bill Wood

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Edward A. Lee, Professor
518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wich version of Diva in ptolemy II 2.0beta?

2002-05-23 Thread Benoît Masson


In ptolemy II 2.0beta it seems like the diva version used defers from
the one we can find on the Internet(ver 0.3 of april 2001). Specially
about the new JCanvasPanner.class found in diva/toolbox package. The
deal is that we used to have Scrollbars on the JCanvas of the
_graphpanner(in GraphFrame - BasicGraphFrame). But now with the zoom
and infinite _vergilSize features what to do ? JAD helps us to decompile
this class but javadoc misses ;-) ! 
Anyone about how to find the diva source package used in ptolemy II
2.0beta ?


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mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Wich version of Diva in ptolemy II 2.0beta?

2002-05-23 Thread cxh

Yes, the version of Diva that is included in Ptolemy II 2.0-beta 
is different from Diva 0.3.

I'll see if we can get the Diva group to build a source release.



In ptolemy II 2.0beta it seems like the diva version used defers from
the one we can find on the Internet(ver 0.3 of april 2001). Specially
about the new JCanvasPanner.class found in diva/toolbox package. The
deal is that we used to have Scrollbars on the JCanvas of the
_graphpanner(in GraphFrame - BasicGraphFrame). But now with the zoom
and infinite _vergilSize features what to do ? JAD helps us to decompile
this class but javadoc misses ;-) ! 
Anyone about how to find the diva source package used in ptolemy II
2.0beta ?


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mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Ptolemy Classic installation on Solaris (was RE: )

2002-05-21 Thread Ed.Willink

   I am trying to install Ptolemy Classic on our unix machines at
 University Of Massachusetts at Amherst. I am having a 
 problem installing
 it correctly. 
  I have downloaded the tar files, untared them and also set the
 environment variables specified. but when I am running the following
 commands I am getting the following errors:
 1) make bootstrap; make install; or any other says it cannot
 find .obj/user/home/ptolemy/bin/ptarch
 or some other directories like lib, src, bin etc...
 2) pigi; It says that it cannot find pigiRpC and also it cannot find
I tried to install it on solaris machines. I tried to 
 built it from
 both Prebuilt binaries and also from Scratchbut I am 
 getting the
 same error.

You don't mention what Unix machines you are using. Your problem looks very
like a non-definition of PTARCH.

Having built recently on Solaris 2.7 and 2.8, I suspect that
your problem is with $PTOLEMY/bin/ptarch which enumerates appropriate
settings of PTARCH for all known operating systems. 5 years on there are many
new ones.

In the particular case of Solaris 2.5.1, there is an extended naming convention
that causes 2.5 and 2.5.1 to be treated the same although there is a trivial
change in stdio.h that becomes serious if you inadvertently use a 2.5
build of the embedded gcc on 2.5.1.

So for modern Solaris usage you might care to replace the following section
of bin/ptarch

echo sol2.5
exit 0 ;;

echo sol2.6
exit 0 ;;


echo sol2.5.1
exit 0 ;;

echo sol2.5
exit 0 ;;

echo sol2.6
exit 0 ;;

echo sol2.7
exit 0 ;;

echo sol2.8
exit 0 ;;

Fixing ptarch problems to identify new operating systems will give knock on problems
because there is no $PTOLEMY/mk/config-$ This may be remedied by copying
the most appropriate (latest) similar operating system: e.g.

cp $PTOLEMY/mk/ $PTOLEMY/mk/

If you want to use a 'cfront' compiler such as the Sun C++ 4.x compiler rather than 
you will need to mend $PTOLEMY/mk/ to define ARCHFLAGS after 
than before the inclusion of sol2.cfront.

Don't even think about using an ISO C++ compiler. The widespread use of forward
declarations such as class iostream; causes numerous errors.

Ptolemy Classic works on the operating systems available 5 years ago when Ptolemy
Classic matured. The evolution of C++ has induced severe bit rot, that is conveniently
avoided when you use the bundled gcc. If you want to install with the minimum of
effort you may prefer to use an old operating system.


Ed Willink

E.D.Willink, Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thales Research Ltd,  Tel:   +44 118 923 8278 (direct)
Worton Drive,  or+44 118 986 8601 (ext 8278)
Worton Grange Industrial Estate,  Fax:   +44 118 923 8399
Reading,   RG2 0SB

(formerly Racal Research and Thomson-CSF)

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Re: ptolemy classic unfer Red Hat

2002-05-17 Thread Mauricio Alvarez Mesa

Hi all
I am using ptolemy classic under Linux Red Hat 7.2 whitout problems.  I used 
the available binaries for Red Hat 6.x


| Mauricio Alvarez Mesa
|   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel (574) 2105560   
|   Grupo de MicrolectrónicaDepartamento de Ingenería Electrónica 
|   Universidad de AntioquiaMedellín Colombia

-- Original Message ---
From: tome anticic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu, 16 May 2002 11:37:44 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: your mail

 I successfully installed ptolemy classic on Linux RedHat 6.2, 7.1, 7.3
 (had some problems on 7.2) The source code and quick and easy 
 instalation procedure can be found on under new developments
 On Wed, 15 May 2002, BHARADVAJ R PODDUTURI wrote:
I am trying to install Ptolemy Classic on our unix machines at
  University Of Massachusetts at Amherst. I am having a problem installing
  it correctly. 
   I have downloaded the tar files, untared them and also set the
  environment variables specified. but when I am running the following
  commands I am getting the following errors:
  1) make bootstrap; make install; or any other says it cannot
  find .obj/user/home/ptolemy/bin/ptarch
  or some other directories like lib, src, bin etc...
  2) pigi; It says that it cannot find pigiRpC and also it cannot find
 I tried to install it on solaris machines. I tried to built it from
  both Prebuilt binaries and also from Scratchbut I am getting the
  same error.
 Can you guide me what the problem can be?
  Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
  mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Tome Anticic
Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Department of Experimental Physics
Bijenicka 54  
1 Zagreb
Phone: 385-1-4561-028
Fax:   385-1-4680-239
 Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
 mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--- End of Original Message ---

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Ptolemy II 2.0-beta feedback

2002-05-03 Thread cxh

Anyone want to provide feedback on the Ptolemy II 2.0-beta release?
You can either email [EMAIL PROTECTED], post
to the newsgroup or email me directly.

Currently, I'm fixing bugs that are listed in the release notes, then
I plan on working on the design doc.


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mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ptolemy II 2.0-beta is available for download

2002-04-26 Thread cxh

Ptolemy II 2.0-beta is available for download from

Ptolemy II is a software framework developed as part of the Ptolemy
project. It is a Java-based component assembly framework with a
graphical user interface called Vergil. Vergil itself is a component
assembly defined in Ptolemy II.

The Ptolemy project studies modeling, simulation, and design of
concurrent, real-time, embedded systems. The focus is on assembly of
concurrent components. The key underlying principle in the project is
the use of well-defined models of computation that govern the
interactions between components. A major problem area being addressed
is the use of heterogeneous mixtures of models of computation.

The Ptolemy Project web page (
contains much more information about the project. The work is
conducted in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Sciences of the University of California at Berkeley. The project is
directed by Prof. Edward A. Lee. The project is named after Claudius
Ptolemaeus, the second century Greek astronomer, mathematician, and

Ptolemy II includes a growing suite of domains, each of which realizes
a model of computation. It also includes a component library, in which
most components are domain polymorphic, in that they can operate in
several of the domains. Most are also data polymorphic, in that they
operate on several data types. The domains that have been implemented
are listed below. Some of these are preliminary and/or experimental,
as indicated below.

Below is a text version of the web page that describes the release.

   Ptolemy II 2.0-beta Release Notes
   Ptolemy II is a set of Java packages supporting heterogeneous,
   concurrent modeling and design. Its kernel package supports clustered
   hierarchical graphs, which are collections of entities and relations
   between those entities. Its actor package extends the kernel so that
   entities have functionality and can communicate via the relations. Its
   domains extend the actor package by imposing models of computation on
   the interaction between entities.  Examples of
   models of computation include discrete-event systems, dataflow,
   process networks, synchronous/reactive systems, and communicating
   sequential processes.

   the interaction between entities. Examples of models of computation
   include discrete-event systems, dataflow, process networks,
   synchronous/reactive systems, and communicating sequential processes.

   Ptolemy II includes a number of support packages, such as
data, providing a type system, data encapsulation and
  an expression parser,
plot, providing visual display of data,
math, providing matrix and vector math and signal processing functions,
graph, providing graph-theoretic manipulations.
   The Ptolemy II design document describes the Ptolemy II design and the
   implementation of the Java classes. The design document is not
   included with Ptolemy II 2.0-beta, but will be shipped with the Ptolemy
   II 2.0 production release. In the interim, please see the Using
   Vergil chapter
Complete List of Domains in Ptolemy II

 * CSP: communicating sequential processes,
 * CT: continuous-time modeling,
 * DE: discrete-event modeling,
 * DDE: distributed discrete events (experimental),
 * DT: discrete time,
 * FSM: finite state machines,
 * Giotto: periodic time-driven (experimental),
 * GR: 3-D graphics (experimental),
 * PN: process networks,
 * SDF: synchronous dataflow,
 * SR: synchronous/reactive (experimental), and
 * TM: timed multitasking (experimental).

   The core of Ptolemy II 2.0 is 100% Java, so it should work on any
   platform that has JDK1.3
   We developed Ptolemy II 2.0 under Solaris 8 and Windows 2000 sr2 and
   with JDK1.3.1 and JDK1.4. Note that code generation only works
   under JDK1.3.0 or 1.3.1 because of limitations in Soot. Ptolemy II 2.0
   will not compile under JDK1.2.2.
   The code generation facility requires JDK1.3.0, it will not work under
   JDK 1.4.0
Major Features that are new in Ptolemy 2.0

 Modal Models (Xiaojun Liu, Edward A. Lee) A modal model is an
   FSM (finite state machine) combined hierarchically with other
   models. In our visual syntax, the system builder directly
   interacts with this hierarchical view. If you look inside the
   modal model, you will see a visual rendition of the FSM. If you
   create a state in this FSM, then you can create a refinement, and
   also you can look inside the state using the context menu on the
   state. The refinement can be another FSM or some other model using
   some other Ptolemy domain. For example, by using the CT domain
   (continuous time), one can easily build hybrid systems.

Re: Next Ptolemy II and DDE enhancements?

2002-04-12 Thread cxh

The following appeared on comp.soft-sys.ptolemy,  below is my
response, I'm sure that others will have some ideas as well.

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (llmercy)
 Subject: Next Ptolemy II and DDE enhancements?
 Date: 10 Apr 2002 10:43:32 -0700
 It sounds like the next version of Ptolemy II is getting
 close to completion. I have a few quick questions about
 Ptolemy II and the DDE domain in the next release:

Yep, we are coming down to the wire on the release 

 1) Is the DDE still experimental or will it be stable?

It is still experimental.  Not much work has happened on dde.
Recent changes in the devel tree (not the beta branch) broke 
dde and we are considering retiring it.  

dde needs a champion who is willing to develop it further.
At this time, I'm not sure if there is anyone on site here at UC
Berkeley who is interested in doing this.  We would entertain
collaborating with someone who wanted to further develop the dde
domain and provide source code fixes and enhancements.

 2) At one time there was talk of using RMI to distribute
the actors in DDE. Is this implemented in the next
release and if not, is it still being considered?

No, this is not in Ptolemy II 2.0
We are not really considering this at this time

 3) Is there support for doing checkpoints in the new
version? If so, can they be used to restart a
simulation from a checkpoint in the event of a crash?

No, the next release does not support checkpoints.

Ptolemy II never crashes :-)

Seriously though, checkpoints would be nice, but we do not specific
plans to implement checkpoints. 

BTW - I have a simple SDF model that is running in the foyer
of the Donald O. Pederson Center where it displays a set of images
using the full screen facility in JDK1.4.  It has been running for
weeks (months?) and has not crashed.

 4) Is there support for running Monte Carlos in the
next release?

I think so.

The FSM domain as been extended to perform multiple runs of refinement
on a model

 I would appreciate any help with these questions. We're
 currently evaluating Ptolemy II for our work and one of
 our requirements is parallel distributed simulations. Any
 help in this endeavor would be very helpful.

Yep, parallel distributed simulations are pretty tricky.

In the past, people have tried to partition simulations and
run actors and groups of actors over different processors.  The big
problem is that most networks, say 100Mb ethernet, have high latency,
so this causes problems.

Running standalone simulations in parallel seems to work a little

 Thank you.


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mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Ptolemy] Re: Keeping track of different instances.

2002-02-02 Thread Edward A. Lee

This sounds like an interesting problem, but as you say, probably
one that is not compatible with Vergil.  It would be easy enough
(and probably quite a bit of fun) to create a distinct visualization
tool on top of diva to show these cells.  You could, for example, show
actors as small circles (you will have to place them), and not show
connections, but rather have connections implied by proximate placing.

Note that the Ptolemy kernel should have no difficulty with a model that
creates actors and connections while it runs.


From: Marco Antoniotti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Keeping track of different instances.
Date: 21 Jan 2002 17:28:36 -0500


I am investigating the use of Ptolemy to simulate biological systems.

Of course there are several question regarding MoC's which I am
sweeping under the carpet, but, apart from that, I have one
question I'd like to ask.

Suppose I want to simulate the process of cell division (nothing
fancy, just have some internal timer that eventually causes the cell
to either divide or die - this is a good enough approximation).

I'd like a suggestion about what would be the best way to go ahead and
put this into Ptolemy II.

I am asking this because it is fairly obvious to me to write down a
set of equations that do model the process at hand, yet from a low
level computer scientist view, it'd be nice to actually model a cell
division as a

 newCell = new Cell();

My (so far very superficial) understanding is that this is not
something that you can easily achieve in Ptolemy II, especially using
the Virgil GUI.

Is that the case?  Do I have other alternatives?



- --
Marco Antoniotti 
NYU Courant Bioinformatics Grouptel. +1 - 212 - 998 3488
719 Broadway 12th Floor fax  +1 - 212 - 995 4122
New York, NY 10003, USA
 Hello New York! We'll do what we can!
Bill Murray in `Ghostbusters'.

--- End of Forwarded Message

Ptolemy maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Edward A. Lee, Professor
518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Batch running in Ptolemy II

2002-01-29 Thread Paul A Crosby


I've been building a DE simulation of job assignment in a PC cluster using
Ptolemy II under RedHat 7.2. I've put it together in Vergil using my own
Actors, and it seems to be working the way I want it to. However I'd like
to run it about 1000 times, and I don't want to do this by hand each time. 

There doesn't seem to be an iterations option like the the SDF domain
has for DE. Is there anything simple I can do here, or will I have to work
out how to use Ptjacl? I'm still quite naive about all of this, so
apologies if I'm missing something obvious. 

I'd be grateful for any suggestions here.


Paul Crosby

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fwd: Run times using Ptolemy II

2001-11-15 Thread Chris Cox

Could you please tell me where to find the new version of the scheduler? I'm
currently using version 1.0.1, downloaded from your website on 13 September.

Best regards

Chris Cox

- Original Message -
From: Stephen Andrew Neuendorffer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Run times using Ptolemy II

 I've recently made some improvements in the SDF scheduler that result in
 much faster scheduling times for
 exactly this type of model.  The scheduler previously scheduled one firing
 at a time for each actor.
 Now the scheduler attempts to schedule the actor as many times as
 based on the number of tokens
 at its input.  This means that scheduling time is roughly O(model) instead
 of O(schedule).
 Your model is scheduled essentially instantaneously with the new


 At 08:40 AM 10/31/2001 -0800, Edward A. Lee wrote:

 You did some performance tuning on the SDF scheduler in response to
 reviews, right?  Do you want to check this out?
 From: Chris Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Run times using Ptolemy II
 Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 10:46:30 -
 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400
 I've been writing simulations using the SDF model that contain a mix of
 different data rates. If the range of data rates in the simulation is
 large, then the initialisation and execution times can be excessive.
 The attached file is a simple example that multiplies two data series
 together. One data series is up-sampled by a user-specified sample rate
 factor. If I run the simulation with a sample rate factor of 64 for 64
 iterations, then it runs very quickly. However if I run it with a sample
 rate factor of 4096 for 1 iteration, then it takes several seconds to
 initialise and execute, even though the number of multiplies should be
 the same.
 I've found this a big problem in more complex simulations. Can you give
 me any advice?
 Best regards
 Chris Cox
 Edward A. Lee, Professor
 518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
 phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Run times using Ptolemy II

2001-10-31 Thread Chris Cox

I'vebeen writingsimulations using the 
SDF model that contain a mix of different data rates. If the range of data rates 
in the simulation is large, then the initialisation and execution times can be 

The attached file is a simple example that 
multiplies two data series together. One data series is up-sampled by a 
user-specified sample ratefactor. If I run the simulation with 
asample ratefactor of 64 for 64 iterations, then it runs very 
quickly. However if I run it with a sample ratefactor of 4096 for 1 
iteration, then it takes several seconds to initialise and execute, even though 
the number of multiplies should be the same.

I've found this a big problem in more complex 
simulations. Can you give me any advice?

Best regards

Chris Cox

?xml version=1.0 standalone=no?
!DOCTYPE entity PUBLIC -//UC Berkeley//DTD MoML 1//EN;
entity name=Avoid
property name=_vergilSize value=[597, 454]
property name=_vergilLocation value=[-6, 16]
property name=SDF
property name=iterations value=64
property name=vectorizationFactor value=1
property name=_location class=ptolemy.moml.Location value=78.0, 44.0
property name=sampleFactor value=64
entity name=Const
property name=value value=1
docCreate a constant sequence/doc
property name=_location class=ptolemy.moml.Location value=77.0, 132.0
port name=output
property name=output/
port name=trigger
property name=input/
property name=multiport/
entity name=Const2
property name=value value=1
docCreate a constant sequence/doc
property name=_location class=ptolemy.moml.Location value=210.0, 250.0
port name=output
property name=output/
port name=trigger
property name=input/
property name=multiport/
entity name=UpSample
property name=factor value=sampleFactor
property name=phase value=0
property name=_location class=ptolemy.moml.Location value=205.0, 131.0
port name=input
property name=input/
property name=tokenConsumptionRate value=1
property name=tokenInitProduction value=0
property name=tokenProductionRate value=0
port name=output
property name=output/
property name=tokenConsumptionRate value=0
property name=tokenInitProduction value=0
property name=tokenProductionRate value=64
entity name=MultiplyDivide
property name=_location class=ptolemy.moml.Location value=357.0, 175.0
port name=multiply
property name=input/
property name=multiport/
port name=divide
property name=input/
property name=multiport/
port name=output
property name=output/
entity name=Discard
property name=_location class=ptolemy.moml.Location value=481.0, 176.0
port name=input
property name=input/
property name=multiport/
relation name=relation
relation name=relation3

Re: Conditional initial state in FSM domain of Ptolemy II

2001-10-31 Thread Edward A. Lee

It is not currently supported, although I agree that it would be a good
thing to have...  As a workaround, you can have a dummy initial state
with guarded transitions out of it.  This is not exactly equivalent,
of course, because it takes one iteration to make those transitions.

Edward Lee

At 12:58 PM 10/31/2001 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've read Bilung Lee's thesis on * charts, and thought the notion
of 'conditional initial state' would be great for handling inter-
hierarchy interaction of FSM states (, essential capability for me).
But, It's very hard to find related information on that within the
document included in the current release of Ptolemy II.
And, I wonder if the 'conditional initial state' feature is supported
in the current release of Ptolemy II.
Any comments?

Thanks in advance.

Sunghyun Lee
Seoul National Univ.
Design Automation Lab.

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Edward A. Lee, Professor
518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Simulation in the BDF domain (Ptolemy Classic)

2001-10-04 Thread Christopher Hylands

Offhand, I'm not sure.  I'm not that familiar with BDF.

src/domains/bdf/kernel/ is where the error message
comes from:

// The following procedures are used in the propagation of arc
// counts from outer to inner arcs.
int BDFClustPort::maxArcCount() {
BDFClustPort* p = this;
while (p  !p-geo()) p = p-outPtr();
if (p) return p-geo()-maxNumParticles();
Error::abortRun(*this, can't find outer geodesic);
return 0;

Seems like p is getting set to null somewhere.


I am currently developing a testbench for a communication system using 
Ptolemy Classic 0.7p1(OS: Solaris 2.5).
At some place in the chain, I have a pair of interpolation/decimation
filters, which
introduce unnecessary samples.
I would like to discard these extra samples. In my opinion, one of the most
way is to put a Switch star (BDF domain with default-BDF target). 
Unfortunately, though it works properly for some parameters (even if the
schedule is 
quite strange), I get the following error message:
Error:.bagX.bagY.starname...: can't find outer geodesic
for some other sets of parameters that should work too.

I cannot find any reference to this problem (I am a beginner).
Any suggestion?


Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Simulation in the BDF domain (Ptolemy Classic)

2001-10-01 Thread Guguen Philippe

I am currently developing a testbench for a communication system using 
Ptolemy Classic 0.7p1(OS: Solaris 2.5).
At some place in the chain, I have a pair of interpolation/decimation
filters, which
introduce unnecessary samples.
I would like to discard these extra samples. In my opinion, one of the most
way is to put a Switch star (BDF domain with default-BDF target). 
Unfortunately, though it works properly for some parameters (even if the
schedule is 
quite strange), I get the following error message:
Error:.bagX.bagY.starname...: can't find outer geodesic
for some other sets of parameters that should work too.

I cannot find any reference to this problem (I am a beginner).
Any suggestion?


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2001-06-08 Thread jihendrira

 I installed j2re-1_3_0_01-win.exe,
and i copied ptII1_0ptinybeta2setup.exe but when i open the vergil, it
write the application JVM not valide.
Satire Arabic style. 
Find it all on Cartoonopia

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2001-06-07 Thread jihendrira


I installed j2re-1_3_0_01-win.exe et
but when i would installed ptII1_0ptinybeta2setup.exe, it serach java
1.3 but d'ont found. Plaese telle me the probleme because i need Vergil
for graphical interface.
Satire Arabic style. 
Find it all on Cartoonopia

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Ptolemy II on CD-ROM

2001-06-04 Thread Christian Thun


For testing purposes I would like to put a copy of 
the installed Ptolemy on CD-ROM. Unfortunately it 
doesn't work without setting some parameters 
(probably java classpath and so on). Can somebody 
tell me what the parameters are and how to get 
Ptolemy on a CD?

Thank you


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Re: Ptolemy II on CD-ROM

2001-06-04 Thread Christopher Hylands

I'm slightly confused, are you planning on creating your own cd
with Ptolemy on it, or having problems with the Ptolemy II cd we
supplied at the miniconference?

Also, I'm assuming we are talking about the Windows platform here.

If you are having problem installing Ptolemy II from the cd
we distributed, then send me the error messages, and
for instructions.

Building your own cd is somewhat more complex than it should be.

The easiest thing to do from the user's point of view is to
assume that Cygwin is not installed.  This makes the release
engineer's job harder.

Users without Cygwin will need to set their classpath to point
to the installation and include the lib/diva.jar file.
$PTII/bin has some simple .bat scripts that attempt to do the right

I used Installshield Multiplatform to create a .exe installer.
Installshield MP has several bugs and limitations that make
it hard to use, see

I'm probably going to look at ZeroG and JExpress for the next release.

If you want a really small installation that includes just SDF, try
downloading the Ptiny version of Ptolemy II and shipping only those

Users with Cygwin can follow the installation instructions at
and run configure.



For testing purposes I would like to put a copy of 
the installed Ptolemy on CD-ROM. Unfortunately it 
doesn't work without setting some parameters 
(probably java classpath and so on). Can somebody 
tell me what the parameters are and how to get 
Ptolemy on a CD?

Thank you


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Re: UML model of Ptolemy II

2001-06-04 Thread Daniel L. Leary

Ed.Willink wrote:
 Can anyone recommend a good tool for drawing and
 maintaining UML diagrams during the design phase?

ArgoUML looks promising...

 The goal of the ArgoUML project is to build an object oriented
 design tool that is:
 A joy to use (we really mean it), 
 Actually helpful to designers when they are making
 design decisions, 
 Completely open source Java, 
 Leading edge (supports the latest UML specifications), 
 Modular and extensible, 
 Integrated with the web and other Tigris tools. 


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Re: UML model of Ptolemy II

2001-06-01 Thread Edward A. Lee

Sure... The source code is in the distribution.
Rose should be able to read it, right (?)

Edward Lee

At 04:50 PM 6/1/2001 +0200, Vincent Arnould wrote:
Hi all,

Is it possible to get the UML model of Ptolemy II in a  Rose (.mdl) or
Rahpsody or another format file?

Kind regards,

Vincent Arnould

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Edward A. Lee, Professor
518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739

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mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Infobus Ptolemy II

2001-05-18 Thread Christopher Hylands

Daniel =?iso-8859-1?Q?L=E1zaro?= Cuadrado [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi everybody!

I would like to know whether you have ever considered to use the Infobus
technology within Ptolemy II and if so, what was the result (if there is
any useful applicability of it to the projet, why or why not).

Thanks a lot!
  InfoBus enables dynamic exchange of data between JavaBeansTM component
  architecture by defining a small number of interfaces between
  cooperating Beans and specifying the protocol for use of those
  interfaces. The protocols are based on a notion of an information
  bus. All components which implement these interfaces can plug into the
  bus. As a member of the bus any component can exchange data with any
  other component in a structured way, including arrays, tables, and
  database rowsets.

I'm not very familiar with InfoBus, but it looks like InfoBus uses
some sort of dataflow semantics as opposed to event driven semantics.

  The InfoBus is similar to a hardware bus. Multiple consumers can
  receive and use data published by a producer, and a consumer can
  easily obtain data from multiple producers. In fact, a request for
  data can elicit multiple responses. Multiple conversations can occur
  simultaneously without requiring anything special from the
  participating components.

When we were first developing Ptolemy II, we looked at Java beans in
general, and sort of wondered what the model of computation was.
Classic Java Beans are sort of event driven.  I'm not sure
what can be said about determinacy.

I'm not sure if InfoBus was around when we started in on Ptolemy II.

Ptolemy II is a framework for developing models that use various
models of computation.  For example, I'm not sure how we would use
InfoBus to implement continuous time semantics.

InfoBus looks interesting though, we should take a good look at it.


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Re: Infobus Ptolemy II

2001-05-17 Thread Daniel Lázaro Cuadrado

Hi everybody!

I would like to know whether you have ever considered to use the Infobus
technology within Ptolemy II and if so, what was the result (if there is
any useful applicability of it to the projet, why or why not).

Thanks a lot!

n: ; 
tel;cell:0045 26930980
tel;fax:0045 98151583
tel;work:0045 96358637
org:Aalborg University;Embedded Systems  (
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Ph.D. Student
adr;quoted-printable:;;Niels Jernes Vej 12 room A5-220=0D=0A;9220 Aalborg Ø;;;Denmark
fn:Daniel Lázaro Cuadrado

Creating a stdin/stdout filter with Ptolemy II

2001-05-14 Thread Greg Rohling

I would like to use Ptolemy II to create a filter that reads from
standard input, and creates output on standard output.
Are there  specialized sources and sinks for this purpose?

Greg Rohling

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2001-04-17 Thread jihendrira


Please i want join the forum of groupes ptolemy-Hackers,
i want for that the site of article or transparent about:
*ptolemy+image processing.

Thinks at all.
Know the meaning of ALL Arabic names!
Click here

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Re: pthread of Ptolemy in Linux system

2001-04-17 Thread Christopher Hylands

I believe that the problem with the PN domain under Linux was a
compilation problem, but this was so long ago, I'm not really sure.

On 98/03/26 I folded the following changes in from Wolfgang Reimer
into mk/
   change optimization flags to get better performance with Pentium
   - add -D_REENTRANT to ARCHFLAGS (necessary for pthtreads)
   - add code to determine setting for variables INCLUDE_MATLAB,

I poked around in my logs, but did not find any further explanation.

I'm surprised that adding -lpthread to the link command is causing a
crash, it must be that some function that is usually pulled in from
another library at runtime is being pulled in from the pthread library

The way I would track down your error message is to create a ptcl
binary with debugging and then run ptcl under a debugger such as gdb.
This would at least tell you where the failure is occuring.

Threads under C are somewhat difficult to work with.  
You may want to consider using Ptolemy II and Java threads instead.
Several years ago, I found it very very difficult to port threaded C
code between platforms.  This situation has probably improved, but
I would still look at Java threads instead.


Hi ptolemy hackers!

My name is Chaeni Rhee and I'm in PeaCE Team at Seoul National University i
   n Korea.

May I ask you a question about pthread in Linux?
There is not a  ' pn domain ' in Linux Ptolemy.
Why? Are there  some problems?

I develop  PeaCE system and want to use pthread in Linux.
I included a  pthread library in makefile and compiled. There is no error
But when PeaCE starts to run, an error happens like 
rshCommand: mkdir -p $HOME/PEACE_SYSTEMS/CGC
Error accessing memory address 0x40041b14: No such process.
In source codes, no pthread code is included.
Just -lpthread is added in makefile.

I hope you can give me help...


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Internationalization workaround to Ptolemy II

2001-04-04 Thread Christopher Hylands

Johan Ecker pointed out that Ptolemy does not behave well under
Windows machines that are not using the US locale.  Other people
had similar problems in at the Miniconference.

Johan wrote: 
 Floating Point Delimiter
 Ptolemy gave tons of exception when started on my laptop which has
 Swedish settings as default. The Swedish standard for floating points
 are "2,3", i.e. using a comma as delimiter. However, I think most
 Swedes are adaptable and do not mind using a dot instead since this
 more or less has become the world standard, at least in
 engineering. The problem is that I needed to change my global settings
 to start Ptolemy and this is quite annoying. I guess that the
 expression parser should just ignore the delimiter settings on the
 local computer and always use dot, otherwise Ptolemy will crash using
 its own init files.

Johan found a fix:

 The internationalization problem is easily fixed by adding 
 at a suitable place in Vergil.
 I tested with the following modified constructor and it seems to work. 
 public VergilApplication(String args[]) throws Exception {

The file to edit is:

You would then need to recompile Ptolemy II

At this time, we don't have plans to roll out another Windows
installer, but if we do, this change will be in it.


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RE: Ptolemy Miniconference

2001-03-28 Thread Saleheen, Hasan

I would like to say "Thank you" to the hard-worked organizers for arranging such an 
event. It not only gave us the opportunity to present our works, but more importantly 
brought together a cross-functional yet highly correlated group of people to discuss 
various issues and opportunities.


Hasan Saleheen
Corning Incorporated

 From: Edward A. Lee[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 12:30 AM
 Subject:      Ptolemy Miniconference
 For those of you who missed the big event, you may be interested in
 learning that the 4-th Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference, held at the
 Claremont Hotel last Thursday and Friday, drew 93 people from
 44 organizations worldwide.  It turned in to far too big an event
 to call a "miniconference."  We had 24 talks and 16 posters,
 with over half of the presentations and posters coming from
 outside Berkeley.  We gave a tutorial on Ptolemy II on
 Friday afternoon, at which approximately 40 of the participants
 worked hard to earn a fashionable Ptolemy II sticker to put
 on their computers...  Attendees also received Ptolemy shirts :-)
 We hope to soon have all presentation materials up on the Ptolemy
 Edward Lee
 Edward A. Lee, Professor
 518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
 phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739
 Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
 mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Ptolemy Miniconference

2001-03-27 Thread Edward A. Lee

For those of you who missed the big event, you may be interested in
learning that the 4-th Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference, held at the
Claremont Hotel last Thursday and Friday, drew 93 people from
44 organizations worldwide.  It turned in to far too big an event
to call a "miniconference."  We had 24 talks and 16 posters,
with over half of the presentations and posters coming from
outside Berkeley.  We gave a tutorial on Ptolemy II on
Friday afternoon, at which approximately 40 of the participants
worked hard to earn a fashionable Ptolemy II sticker to put
on their computers...  Attendees also received Ptolemy shirts :-)

We hope to soon have all presentation materials up on the Ptolemy

Edward Lee

Edward A. Lee, Professor
518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739

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mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ptolemy II 1.0.1 available for download

2001-03-19 Thread Christopher Hylands

Apologies, but in the rush to get a master CD out for the Ptolemy
Miniconference Tutorial, there are three small errors that prevent
rebuilding the Ptolemy II 1.0. 

These errors primarily affect Windows users who use the Installshield
Windows installer to install Ptolemy II in a directory that has a
space in the pathname, such as
  c:\Program Files\Ptolemy\Ptolemy II 1.0
and who want to rebuild Ptolemy II.

I've created new installers and bumped the version number up
to 1.0.1.

I considered creating a patch, but decided that building a patch
would probably cause more trouble on user systems than it is worth. 

Users who do not want to rebuild can stick with Ptolemy II 1.0,
there is no need to upgrade to Ptolemy II 1.0.1

People attending the Ptolemy II Miniconference tutorial should
either make the fixes below or install Ptolemy II 1.0.1. and configure
Running configure fails if the pathname to the Ptolemy II
installation directory contains one or or more spaces.

To replicate the bug, run the following commands inside bash:
  PTII=c:\\Program\ Files\\Ptolemy\\Ptolemy\ II\ 1.0
  export PTII
  cd "$PTII"

The following messages will appear in the configure output:
  checking for Java 3D... cd: can't cd to ./config

  cd: can't cd to /cygdrive/c/Program
  checking for javax.sound... cd: can't cd to ./config

  sed: can't read confdefs.h: No such file or directory
  creating ./config.status
  creating mk/
  sed: can't read ./mk/ No such file or directory
  creating bin/ptinvoke
  sed: can't read ./bin/ No such file or directory

One workaround is to install Ptolemy II in a directory that
does not contain a space.  Another workaround might be to
to mount the Ptolemy II home directory as a separate 
network drive.

Edit $PTII/configure and search for 'cd $' and place double
quotes around the argument to the cd command.  

The first couple of 'cd  $' commands at lines 670
and 676
do not need to be fixed, $DEFAULT_JDK will never have a space in it.

At line 830, change:
cd $srcdir/config
cd "$srcdir/config"

At line 847, change:
cd $startdir
cd "$startdir"

At line 1182, change:
 cd $srcdir/config
 cd "$srcdir/config"

At line 1195, change:
cd $startdir
cd "$startdir"

At line 1209, change:
cd $srcdir/config
cd "$srcdir/config"

At line 1220, change:
cd $startdir
cd "$startdir"

In theory, similar changes should be made to,
but most since most developers will not be otherwise modifying 
the configuration environment by editing
running autoconf and generating a new $PTII/configure file,
then editing only $PTII/configure will be sufficient

There is a similar problem in with space names in

If you run
Then you may see:
  basename: too many arguments
  Try `basename --help' for more information.

The fix is to edit line 129 and change
case "`basename $0`" in
case `basename "$0"` in

and to edit line 228 and change
if [ ! -f $PTJACL_JAR ]; then
if [ ! -f "$PTJACL_JAR" ]; then

and then to run
  cd "$PTII"/bin


Here, the problem is that the Windows installer
does not include introPtiny.htm and vergilConfigurationPtiny.xml.

This problem is not in the ptII1.0.src.tar.gz file, only
in the Windows installer.

The fix is to edit $PTII/ptolemy/configs/makefile and remove these 

introPtiny.htm \
vergilConfigurationPtiny.xml \

An alternative fix is to run these two commands:
touch $PTII/ptolemy/configs/introPtiny.htm
touch $PTII/ptolemy/configs/vergilConfigurationPtiny.xml


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Ptolemy II 1.0 is available for download

2001-03-14 Thread Christopher Hylands

Ptolemy II 1.0 is available for download from

Ptolemy II is a software framework developed as part of the Ptolemy
project. It is a Java-based component assembly framework with a
graphical user interface called Vergil. Vergil itself is a component
assembly defined in Ptolemy II.

The Ptolemy project studies modeling, simulation, and design of
concurrent, real-time, embedded systems. The focus is on assembly of
concurrent components. The key underlying principle in the project is
the use of well-defined models of computation that govern the
interactions between components. A major problem area being addressed
is the use of heterogeneous mixtures of models of computation.

The Ptolemy Project web page (
contains much more information about the project. The work is
conducted in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Sciences of the University of California at Berkeley. The project is
directed by Prof. Edward A. Lee. The project is named after Claudius
Ptolemaeus, the second century Greek astronomer, mathematician, and

Ptolemy II includes a growing suite of domains, each of which realizes
a model of computation. It also includes a component library, in which
most components are domain polymorphic, in that they can operate in
several of the domains. Most are also data polymorphic, in that they
operate on several data types. The domains that have been implemented
are listed below. Some of these are preliminary and/or experimental,
as indicated below.

CT: continuous-time modeling
DE: discrete-event modeling
FSM: finite state machines
PN: process networks
SDF: synchronous dataflow
CSP: communicating sequential processes (experimental)
DDE: distributed discrete events (experimental)
DT: discrete time (experimental)
Giotto: periodic time-driven (experimental)
GR: 3-D graphics  (experimental)

Ptolemy II contains the following features:

* Vergil: A block-diagram editor for building models
* User interface utilities for applets and applications
* Live editing of models and parameters
* Network integration
* A sophisticated type system including
   Type constant propagation,
   Record Types,
   Array types, and
   Fixed-point type
* An expression language for parameter expressions
* Data and domain polymorphic component library
* A polymorphic expression actor
* A very simple XML file format called MoML
* A flexible signal plotter
* 3-D graphics animation infrastructure
* Hierarchically interoperable domains
* On-line documentation (in HTML)
* Audio signal processing capabilities

The Ptolemy II website contains Ptolemy II applets that can be run by
using the Java Plug-in 1.3.

Ptolemy II is available for download in two versions:

* Ptiny - which can be used to build models in CT, DE, FSM, PN and SDF
using built-in actors.  The Ptiny version is a 5.6Mb download
for Windows.

* Full - which includes other domains and support for developing
custom actors.  The Full version is a 20Mb download for Windows
or a 5.3Mb source only download for Windows and Unix.


If you are attending the Ptolemy II Tutorial at the 
Ptolemy Miniconference, please install:
Ptolemy II 1.0 (the full version)
JDK1.3.0  (The JDK, not the JRE)
Cygwin (make and other command line tools)

Mail Aliases

This email is being sent to the ptolemy-hackers and ptolemy-interest 
mail aliases, I apologize in advance if anyone gets duplicate copies.

To unsubscribe to ptolemy-hackers, send mail to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word 
"unsubscribe" in the body of the email message.

To unsubscribe to ptolemy-interest, send mail to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word 
"unsubscribe" in the body of the email message.


Christopher Hylands[EMAIL PROTECTED]  University of California
Ptolemy/Gigascale Silicon Research Center US Mail: 558 Cory Hall #1770
ph: (510)643-9841 fax:(510)642-2739   Berkeley, CA 94720-1770
home: (510)526-4010   (Office: 400A Cory)

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mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A question combining HOF bus and multiinput in Ptolemy

2001-03-09 Thread Tome Anticic


Sorry for the delay in replying, but I was trying to see just where
the problem occured.

In the end it turns out that the same simulation, running on
the same system (RedHat 6.2 egcs 2.91.66) works fine on one
machine, and has the below mentioned behavior on the other.
It makes no sense at all. So right now I am simply using the
other system. If I figure out what is happening and if it
is related to Ptolemy, I will post it here.

As a side note, the simulation involves simulating the ALICE
data acqusition system and works extremely well. ALICE is one of
the 4 future big CERN experiments. The code etc will soon
be posted on the web.

On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Tom Lane wrote:

 Tome Anticic [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I am working with Ptolemy in the DE domain, and keep encountering problems
  when I have a multiinput (or output) into a galaxy and the
  input goes immediately into a bus-interleave (or deinterleave).
 Hmm... I recall having fixed a number of problems in this general area
 back in the summer of '97.  However, I think all my fixes made it into
 Ptolemy 0.7.1, so if you're using 0.7.1 or 0.7.2 then there's no help
 to be had there.  Can you provide details of the schematic that isn't
 working for you?
   regards, tom lane

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Invoking octave from Ptolemy

2001-03-02 Thread Alejandro Currais Arcay (GTS)

Hi everybody,

I wanna invoke OCTAVE to do some operations from a Ptolemy star.
What I have done so far is modify the .octaverc file in the 
proper directory and, in the star code, include a line like:


If I write and compile a C program OUTSIDE Ptolemy including 
the line above, it works, but when I add this same command
to the star code (and I run it whithin Ptolemy) it doesnt!!!. 
No messages of error of any kind 
are displayed by the shell, as if it hadnt executed anything.
Theres more; if I invoke the C program I have built outside Ptolemy
from a Ptolemy star with a line like  'system("./testprogram")', where
'testprogram' is the executable file created by gcc, the same behavior
is observed. Conversely, if that executable file is invoked from 
the shell octave the invokation of octave is completed successfully.

(useful?) Info:

Im using Ptolemy version 0.7.1p1.pigiRpc  under Debian GNU/Linux 2.0
The shell is sh.All I have described doesnt work with octave 
but does whith shell commands like 'ls' or 'cd'.

Can anybody help me ??



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A question combining HOF bus and multiinput in Ptolemy

2001-02-27 Thread Tome Anticic


I am working with Ptolemy in the DE domain, and keep encountering problems
when I have a multiinput (or output) into a galaxy and the
input goes immediately into a bus-interleave (or deinterleave).
If the buses have widths specified by a parameter, then 
Ptolemy does not recognize the bus width and gives errors
to the effect "too many inputs for outputs...".
On the other hand if the buswidth is explicitly put it, say 12,
then everything is OK.

This effect only happens with bus-interleave/deinterleave.
I bypassed this problem by having the input in the galaxy
go first to a star which redirects the message to the businterleave,
but this is kind of ugly, and will surely slow the
simulation ( it is a huge system, so any significantslow down is not

Having the bus width as a parameter is rather important for my
simulation, I'm afraid...

Has anybody encountered this problem, and if so, is there a 

Thank you very much

Tome Anticic

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mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A question combining HOF bus and multiinput in Ptolemy

2001-02-27 Thread Tom Lane

Tome Anticic [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I am working with Ptolemy in the DE domain, and keep encountering problems
 when I have a multiinput (or output) into a galaxy and the
 input goes immediately into a bus-interleave (or deinterleave).

Hmm... I recall having fixed a number of problems in this general area
back in the summer of '97.  However, I think all my fixes made it into
Ptolemy 0.7.1, so if you're using 0.7.1 or 0.7.2 then there's no help
to be had there.  Can you provide details of the schematic that isn't
working for you?

regards, tom lane

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mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problem related to Ptolemy Classic

2001-02-24 Thread Rahul Katoria


I would appreciate if some one could give any insight into this. 
I tried to implement the modem demo (provided in the Ptolemy Classic
DIstribution) myself in the CGC
domain. However, whenever I used a "delay" instance in one of its
modules and tried to save the
module as a galaxy I got this error message:

"You must specify a Target to access Pragmas.
It cannot be parent. Delay or bus marker intersects more than one
Failed to process instances. "

This might sound naive but how should I specify a target in the CGC so
that I donot get this error message. 

Rahul Katoria

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mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sinewave.xml not found [was Re: Problem related to Ptolemy Classic]

2001-02-24 Thread Christopher Hylands

Satyanarayana Kakarlamudi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I am trying to run a sample program modulation.xml using vergil in 
ptolemyII 1.But i am getting an error message like class not found.I checked for this class in package.But the class is not found. Can anyone please
help me in this aspect. is an xml file, not a Java class.
MoML can access both xml files and Java classes.

ptolemy/actor/lib/Sinewave.xml is present in the ptolemy.jar file
that we ship with Ptolemy II.  

Under Unix or Windows with Cygwin, you can look inside the jar file
and search for Sinewave with:
cxh@maury 3% jar -tvf ~/ptII/ptolemy/ptolemy.jar | grep Sinewave
  3644 Fri Feb 23 23:30:50 PST 2001 ptolemy/actor/lib/Sinewave.xml

The problem you are having sounds like some sort of classpath issue.

Check out
and try starting vergil by hand.

To proceed further, I would need to know:

What operating system you are operating under (Windows 2000 SR1?
Solaris 7?) 

How did you install Ptolemy II?  If you used the Windows Installer,
Which installer did you use?  The Ptiny version or the full

What is the exact version of Ptolemy II you are running?
 Ptolemy II 1.0beta 
 Ptolemy II 1.0beta2 
 Ptolemy II ptiny 1.0beta 
 Ptolemy II ptiny 1.0beta2 
Under Windows, the version is listed in the Start-Ptolemy menu
and in the initial splash screen

What version of Java you are running? (Run java -version, or use
our Java Version Applet ) 

   I have one more doubt.Should the classes referred for instantiation be
only java classes or can they be user-defined.if they r user-defined what
language will be good for doing that.i am comfortable with C.Can i write
in that.

If you download the full version of Ptolemy II, then you can write
your own actors in Java.

Ptolemy II does not directly support actors written in C.  You could
in theory write actors in C and use the Java Native Interface (JNI) to
interface between Java and C.  However, using JNI is fairly difficult,
you would be better off learning Java and using it directly.


Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problem related to Ptolemy Classic

2001-02-24 Thread Rob Dye


"You must specify a Target to access Pragmas.
It cannot be parent. Delay or bus marker intersects more than one
Failed to process instances. "

This might sound naive but how should I specify a target in the CGC so
that I donot get this error message. 

I don't think you want to specify a target in the galaxy.
parent is probably ok.  The real problem is with the delay
marker; the message about accessing pragmas seems to 
come up whenever there is any error inside a galaxy -- ignore
it and it will go away when you fix the real problem.  I've
never seen the "intersects more than one path" error, but
my guess is that you have drawn a wire over the top of another
one and put a delay on both.  Also, be aware that you cannot
put a delay on a wire that forks -- you must explicitly use the
fork star and put the delay on its input or one of the outputs.


Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: VHDL Back End Generation!! [Code generation in Ptolemy II]

2001-02-21 Thread Michael C. Williamson

This is an interesting approach to code generation, the deep codegen
in Ptolemy II.  I have not been working on the following, but the
Hardware Design System feature of the Signal Processing Worksystem
from Cadence was done in a style much more like the approach used in
Ptolemy Classic.  Namely, a 'shadow' library of HDL-specific actors
was created exclusively for HDL code generation.  This leads to the
requirement for extra coding, and concerns about maintaining consistency
with the simulation actors.  But it was deemed necessary in order to
get the kind of output code quality that customers require, as far as
hand-coding the bodies of each actor.

It's not yet clear to me what would happen if you created a VHDL backend
to the deep codegen facility that is in development in Ptolemy II.  Can
you take a Java abstract syntax tree and get out sensible VHDL/Verilog
code?  You can probably get 'behavioral' code (in the HDL sense) that
will run in standard HDL simulators.  But you probably won't be able to
get synthesizable RTL code unless you add some additional resource
constraints or you impose one (of many) clocked schedules on the
behavioral HDL code (possibly through behavioral synthesis).  But
getting synthesizable RTL HDL code may not be as important to the
Ptolemy II hacker/user community in general as it is to commercial users.

For the design of embedded systems, you are also concerned about
optimizing memory/register usage across actors, which requires a backend
that can do this intelligently.  Individual actors can't be fully
optimized for communication with other actors since the writer doesn't
know the context within which they will be used.


At 09:43 AM 2/21/01 -0800, Christopher Hylands wrote:

we are so interested in the back -end VHDL code generation in ptII.
we r gonna use the ptII in design of embedded systems .
and the problem we r facing now is how to generate a VHDL code for the
system components that will be dedicated for Hardware...
does any one have any suggestations about this delimma..!!

(note: we r using ptII new beta version ) and we r coding using Java.
we r not so interested to code in C++ as in ptolemy classic.
so what do u suggest ???

MO. Salem .

I suggest that you fix the a and the e keys on your keyboard :-)

Seriously though, we intended to ship Ptolemy II with some code
generation facilities, but as one of the contributors to that code,
I felt that it was not really ready for release.  

In Ptolemy Classic, most of the codegen 'domains' were not really
differnet domains (they did not have different models of computation),
instead they were really backends to SDF.  In Ptolemy Classic, a
developer needed to develop different actors for each target processor
or language.  I'm told that one thing we found was that the
inter-actor communication often took up much of the computation time.

Jeff Tsay's Master's project was to add code generation to Ptolemy II.
Jeff's approach, which we call deep codegen is to read in actor
definitions written in Java, generate an AST and then generate
a faster/simpler Java description of the model that does not
use the Ptolemy II kernel include things like mutations etc.

In this way, we avoid writing different actors for different
platforms and apply compiler techniques to increase performance.

I was able to port simple models from Ptolemy II through the
deep codegen facility to the Palm Pilot by using KVM and Wabi.
However, since KVM lacks floats, and Wabi lacks Exceptions,
there is not much that can be done.
I have some notes about this at:

I was also able to take a model and use the GNU Java backend (gcj)
and generate native code.  This resulted in a fairly significant
performance improvement.  I think I saw as much as 10x over regular
Ptolemy II times and 4x over deep codegen times for a small
Orthogonal Communication system.

Jeff's Masters report is at:
Jeff Tsay, "A Code Generation Framework for Ptolemy II," ERL Technical
Report UCB/ERL No.  M00/25, Dept. EECS, University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720, May 19, 2000.

There is a short summary at:
Jeff Tsay, Christopher Hylands and Edward Lee, "A Code Generation
Framework for Java Component-Based Designs," CASES '00, November
17-19, 2000, San Jose, CA.
You might also check out this paper:
JJ. Buck, R. Vaidyanathan, "Heterogeneous Modeling and Simulation of
Embedded Systems in El Greco," CODES2000.

Professor Shuvra Bhattacharyya, a former student of Professor Lee's,
is working on what we call 'shallow codege

Re: VHDL Back End Generation!! [Code generation in Ptolemy II]

2001-02-21 Thread Christopher Hylands


we are so interested in the back -end VHDL code generation in ptII.
we r gonna use the ptII in design of embedded systems .
and the problem we r facing now is how to generate a VHDL code for the
system components that will be dedicated for Hardware...
does any one have any suggestations about this delimma..!!

(note: we r using ptII new beta version ) and we r coding using Java.
we r not so interested to code in C++ as in ptolemy classic.
so what do u suggest ???

MO. Salem .

I suggest that you fix the a and the e keys on your keyboard :-)

Seriously though, we intended to ship Ptolemy II with some code
generation facilities, but as one of the contributors to that code,
I felt that it was not really ready for release.  

In Ptolemy Classic, most of the codegen 'domains' were not really
differnet domains (they did not have different models of computation),
instead they were really backends to SDF.  In Ptolemy Classic, a
developer needed to develop different actors for each target processor
or language.  I'm told that one thing we found was that the
inter-actor communication often took up much of the computation time.

Jeff Tsay's Master's project was to add code generation to Ptolemy II.
Jeff's approach, which we call deep codegen is to read in actor
definitions written in Java, generate an AST and then generate
a faster/simpler Java description of the model that does not
use the Ptolemy II kernel include things like mutations etc.

In this way, we avoid writing different actors for different
platforms and apply compiler techniques to increase performance.

I was able to port simple models from Ptolemy II through the
deep codegen facility to the Palm Pilot by using KVM and Wabi.
However, since KVM lacks floats, and Wabi lacks Exceptions,
there is not much that can be done.
I have some notes about this at:

I was also able to take a model and use the GNU Java backend (gcj)
and generate native code.  This resulted in a fairly significant
performance improvement.  I think I saw as much as 10x over regular
Ptolemy II times and 4x over deep codegen times for a small
Orthogonal Communication system.

Jeff's Masters report is at:
Jeff Tsay, "A Code Generation Framework for Ptolemy II," ERL Technical
Report UCB/ERL No.  M00/25, Dept. EECS, University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720, May 19, 2000.

There is a short summary at:
Jeff Tsay, Christopher Hylands and Edward Lee, "A Code Generation
Framework for Java Component-Based Designs," CASES '00, November
17-19, 2000, San Jose, CA.
You might also check out this paper:
JJ. Buck, R. Vaidyanathan, "Heterogeneous Modeling and Simulation of
Embedded Systems in El Greco," CODES2000.

Professor Shuvra Bhattacharyya, a former student of Professor Lee's,
is working on what we call 'shallow codegen', where we generate
a Java description of a model that is fairly dependent on the Ptolemy
kernel.  Professor Bhattacharyya is also working on a C backend.

Combining deep and shallow codegen with different backends is 
an area of research we would like to pursue.

Ultimately, I think we will need to provide actor authors with a way
to include Ptolemy Classic style codeblocks in actors so as
to optimize certain operations on specific processors.

There are some notes about codegen at

All of the above code is still in production and not ready for
release.  We don't have a scheduled release date either.

So, in the short term, there is not much we can suggest.  The code
we have is still in the early stages of production, and is not yet
shippable.  Once the release is out, I hope to return to working
on codegen.


Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ptolemy II 1.0beta is available for download

2001-02-05 Thread Christopher Hylands

Ptolemy II 1.0beta is available for download from

Ptolemy II is a software framework developed as part of the Ptolemy
project. It is a Java-based component assembly framework with a
graphical user interface called Vergil. Vergil itself is a component
assembly defined in Ptolemy II.

The Ptolemy project studies modeling, simulation, and design of
concurrent, real-time, embedded systems. The focus is on assembly of
concurrent components. The key underlying principle in the project is
the use of well-defined models of computation that govern the
interactions between components. A major problem area being addressed
is the use of heterogeneous mixtures of models of computation.

The Ptolemy Project web page (
contains much more information about the project. The work is
conducted in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Sciences of the University of California at Berkeley. The project is
directed by Prof. Edward Lee. The project is named after Claudius
Ptolemaeus, the second century Greek astronomer, mathematician, and

Ptolemy II includes a growing suite of domains, each of which realizes
a model of computation. It also includes a component library, in which
most components are domain polymorphic, in that they can operate in
several of the domains. Most are also data polymorphic, in that they
operate on several data types. The domains that have been implemented
are listed below. Some of these are preliminary and/or experimental,
as indicated below.

CT: continuous-time modeling
DE: discrete-event modeling
FSM: finite state machines
PN: process networks
SDF: synchronous dataflow
CSP: communicating sequential processes (experimental)
DDE: distributed discrete events (experimental)
DT: discrete time (experimental)
Giotto: periodic time-driven (experimental)
GR: 3-D graphics  (experimental)

Ptolemy II contains the following features:

* Vergil: A block-diagram editor for building models
* User interface utilities for applets and applications
* Live editing of models and parameters
* Network integration
* A sophisticated type system including
   Type constant propagation,
   Record Types,
   Array types, and
   Fixed-point type
* An expression language for parameter expressions
* Data and domain polymorphic component library
* A polymorphic expression actor
* A very simple XML file format called MoML
* A flexible signal plotter
* 3-D graphics animation infrastructure
* Hierarchically interoperable domains
* On-line documentation (in HTML)
* Audio signal processing capabilities

The Ptolemy II website contains Ptolemy II applets that can be run by
using the Java Plug-in 1.3.

Ptolemy II is available for download in two versions:

* Ptiny - which can be used to build models in CT, DE, FSM, PN and SDF
using built-in actors.  The Ptiny version is a 5.6Mb download
for Windows.

* Full - which includes other domains and support for developing
custom actors.  The Full version is a 20Mb download for Windows
or a 5.3Mb source only download for Windows and Unix.

Ptolemy II 1.0beta does not include the Ptolemy Design Document.  We are
in the process of updating that document for release in the production
release of Ptolemy II 1.0.


Christopher Hylands[EMAIL PROTECTED]  University of California
Ptolemy/Gigascale Silicon Research Center US Mail: 558 Cory Hall #1770
ph: (510)643-9841 fax:(510)642-2739   Berkeley, CA 94720-1770
home: (510)526-4010   (Office: 400A Cory)

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-01-17 Thread Peggy Kingsley

(Apologies if you receive more than one copy of this)


Web page:

Thursday and Friday
March 22-23, 2001, 8:30 AM - 5:15 PM
Claremont Hotel, Berkeley


The program includes invited speakers from organizations worldwide,
plus members of the Ptolemy project describing current research at
Berkeley. Topics include:

   Models of Computation
   Ptolemy II Software Architecture
   Hybrid and Modal Modeling
   Code Generation
   MoML - Modeling Markup Language
   Modeling Concurrency
   Ptolemy II Type System
   ePtolemy - Distributed Modeling
   Control Flow Modeling
   Modeling of Wireless Networks
   Modeling Optical Networks
   Implementing Radar and Sonar Systems
   Dataflow modeling
   EDA/Instrument integration
   Process Networks from Matlab code
   Distributed Optimization
   Distributed Synchronized Clocks
   Debugging Ptolemy Applications
   Software Practice
   GSRC Semantics Project

Friday afternoon, March 23, will be devoted to a tutorial on Ptolemy II:

   Using and extending the GUI
   Overview of the actor libraries
   Overview of the domains
   How to write actors
   How to write applets

You must register in advance to attend the tutorial, as space is
limited. Some Java background is assumed.


A number of rooms have been reserved at the special rate of $195 per
night. Make reservations by February 21. Mention the EECS Ptolemy
Conference to obtain the special rate.

Claremont Hotel
41 Tunnel Road
Berkeley, CA 94705


Register on-line by March 16 at:

Or send your name and email address:

Advance registration is strongly advised, since previous instances of
this conference have sold out. Advance registration is required for the
tutorial on Friday afternoon.


This conference is sponsored by Thales (formerly Thomson-CSF) and the
industrial sponsors of the Ptolemy Project (Agilent, Cadence, Hitachi,
Hughes, Lockheed-Martin, Moca and Philips)


The Ptolemy Project focuses on system-level modeling, simulation, and
design of reactive and real-time embedded systems. It has developed an
open software architecture that provides high-level support for signal
processing, communications, and real-time control. The key principle of
the project is the use of multiple concurrent models of computation in
a hierarchical and heterogeneous design environment.

Ptolemy Project
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720

Contact: Peggy Kingsley
(510) 642-1818
Fax: (510) 642-2379

tel;fax:(510) 642-2739
tel;work:(510) 642-1818
org:UC Berkeley;Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
adr;quoted-printable:;;UC Berkeley=0D=0ADept of EECS=0D=0A558 Cory Hall - 1770;Berkeley;CA;94720;
fn:Peggy Kingsley

Large systems simulations with Ptolemy II

2000-09-23 Thread Alessandro Usseglio Viretta

Dear ptolemyers,

I'm trying to simulate a large system of ODEs, namely a
continuous-timed, continuous-valued Hopfield network with a number of
nodes N of the order of 100. Pratically this requires the creation of N
integrators and N other actors calculating the first derivative of the
node's state to be fed into the integrators.

For a systems with 100 nodes (AKA neurons), the number of ports which
have to created is about 10,000, which needs quite a few Mbytes of RAM.
Is there a way to get around this problem?

I've tried to keep the state of the network in an array common to all
actors, and having it updated in the fire() methods of the actors, but
that's really a poor man's solution, as it disrupts ptolemy's model of
computation. Am I right?

Thank you,

  _/  _/_/  _/ Alessandro Usseglio Viretta / Tel +41 1
 _/  _/_/  _/  _/  Institute of Neuroinformatics  / Fax +41 1
_/  _/ _/ _/  _/   University/ETH Zurich / 
   _/  _/  _/_/  _/Winterthurerstr. 190 /  
  _/  _/_/  _/ CH-8057 Zurich  /

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Searching partners for extending Ptolemy II

2000-09-22 Thread Didier Mauuary

Dear Ptolemy Officials and Fans,

As university's developpers of simulation and design tools for signal
and image processing, we recently discovered the Ptolemy project and the
ptolemy II software. We have  developped in the past a similar, but not
so huge, software, firstly  for education purpose.

We are really impressed by the Ptolemy project since it can be the
starting point of many of our new developpement effort concerning
Internet/JAVA. Through our first examination of the design document and
the sources, we really have the feeling that is really open to a large
number of new ideas and easily extendable. 

As matter of fact, we consider mounting an extension project of
PtolemyII and  trying to find money for an "open source"-like
development. As european guys, a good opportunity for us is to submit a
proposal at the IST program of the 5th Framework of the EC.

Quickly said, the extensions that we plan should more or less have the
following guidelines:

1. The main idea is to propose a common platform for making both
physical simulations of signals and system design (what Ptolemy do with
a particular emphasis on embedded system). The physical simulation
facility should include physical environment description with
spatio-temporal variability)  and wave propagation models concerning a
maximum numbers of disciplinary fields. The task is thus to propose
library of actors: environment descriptors and wave propagation
modellors. The focus is to study what can be called the "field
polymorphism", i.e. the fact that actors should be suited for more than
one application field.  The PtolemyII data type should be eventually
extended to the multiple dimensions (more than 2) type. 

2. The second idea is to propose a new computation domain that is
especially suited for multidimensionnal  data and that implements our
own technology features. One focus is to study the particular problems
linked with multidimentionnal signals and computing speed. Another focus
is to study what can be called the "dimension polymorphism", i.e. the
fact that an actor performing an operation along one subdimension can do
it whatever the dimension axes physically represent and whatever the
other dimension axes are.

3. The third idea is to propose a GUI that enables to edit interactive
scientific document for education and publishing . With the targeted
GUI, it should possible to make high quality scientific interactive
documents powered by a Ptolemy-like domain specific engine. The focus is
thus to propose to the signal processing research community a seamless
tool for both doing, publishing and learning research. The GUI features
will be the one that we have developped ten years ago and that appears
to be still up-to-date and compatible with the Ptolemy II architecture. 

We are looking for partners  especially belonging to the EC that could
be part of a consortium (the existing consortium is already eligible but
not really complete). If you are interested by contributing to the
project, do not hesitate to contact me.

An another hand, if you have any comments on this project (for example,
if you are currently developping the same ideas, if some aspects are
already planned by the Ptolemy group or simply if you found that our
ideas are not so good or even feasible!), please send me your feedback.

Thanks in advance. 

D. Mauuary
| Didier MAUUARY  |  |
| LIS/ENSIEG  | Tel: (33) 04 76 82 62 52 |
| Campus universitaire|  |
| BP 46   | Fax: (33) 04 76 82 63 84 |
|   /\  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|/\/\_\  |
|   /\_\   \ /\ Web Site:| 
|  //\  /\_\ |
| //  \/\|

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Searching partners for extending Ptolemy II

2000-09-22 Thread Edward A. Lee

These projects sound superb to me...

We have explored (2) somewhat a few years ago, using a combination
of multidimensional dataflow and higher order functions, but I still
consider this to be a wide open field...

On (1), Chamberlain Fong in our group has recently designed a "DD3D"
domain that specifically supports three-dimensional mechanical system
modeling and animation using Java 3D.  Your efforts here would therefore
couple into a very nice visualization tool.

Thirdly, we are moving to make our CVS repository accessible from
outside to knowledgeable outside developers.  Please send me email
if you are interested in the details.  One key unresolved issue is
how we spread our software engineering standards to the community.

Although we are not in Europe, please let me know if there is anything
we can do to help...

Edward Lee

At 01:45 PM 9/22/2000 +0200, Didier Mauuary wrote:
Dear Ptolemy Officials and Fans,

As university's developpers of simulation and design tools for signal
and image processing, we recently discovered the Ptolemy project and the
ptolemy II software. We have  developped in the past a similar, but not
so huge, software, firstly  for education purpose.

We are really impressed by the Ptolemy project since it can be the
starting point of many of our new developpement effort concerning
Internet/JAVA. Through our first examination of the design document and
the sources, we really have the feeling that is really open to a large
number of new ideas and easily extendable.

As matter of fact, we consider mounting an extension project of
PtolemyII and  trying to find money for an "open source"-like
development. As european guys, a good opportunity for us is to submit a
proposal at the IST program of the 5th Framework of the EC.

Quickly said, the extensions that we plan should more or less have the
following guidelines:

1. The main idea is to propose a common platform for making both
physical simulations of signals and system design (what Ptolemy do with
a particular emphasis on embedded system). The physical simulation
facility should include physical environment description with
spatio-temporal variability)  and wave propagation models concerning a
maximum numbers of disciplinary fields. The task is thus to propose
library of actors: environment descriptors and wave propagation
modellors. The focus is to study what can be called the "field
polymorphism", i.e. the fact that actors should be suited for more than
one application field.  The PtolemyII data type should be eventually
extended to the multiple dimensions (more than 2) type.

2. The second idea is to propose a new computation domain that is
especially suited for multidimensionnal  data and that implements our
own technology features. One focus is to study the particular problems
linked with multidimentionnal signals and computing speed. Another focus
is to study what can be called the "dimension polymorphism", i.e. the
fact that an actor performing an operation along one subdimension can do
it whatever the dimension axes physically represent and whatever the
other dimension axes are.

3. The third idea is to propose a GUI that enables to edit interactive
scientific document for education and publishing . With the targeted
GUI, it should possible to make high quality scientific interactive
documents powered by a Ptolemy-like domain specific engine. The focus is
thus to propose to the signal processing research community a seamless
tool for both doing, publishing and learning research. The GUI features
will be the one that we have developped ten years ago and that appears
to be still up-to-date and compatible with the Ptolemy II architecture.

We are looking for partners  especially belonging to the EC that could
be part of a consortium (the existing consortium is already eligible but
not really complete). If you are interested by contributing to the
project, do not hesitate to contact me.

An another hand, if you have any comments on this project (for example,
if you are currently developping the same ideas, if some aspects are
already planned by the Ptolemy group or simply if you found that our
ideas are not so good or even feasible!), please send me your feedback.

Thanks in advance.

D. Mauuary
| Didier MAUUARY  |  |
| LIS/ENSIEG  | Tel: (33) 04 76 82 62 52 |
| Campus universitaire|  |
| BP 46   | Fax: (33) 04 76 82 63 84 |
|   /\  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|/\/\_\  |
|   /\_\   \ /\ 

Re: [Ptolemy] Re: Ptolemy domain question

2000-09-19 Thread Edward A. Lee

The dynamic dataflow domain (DDF) will do what you want...

Edward Lee

From: David Trainor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Ptolemy domain question
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 09:38:23 +0100


   As a newbie to the entire concept of ptolemy, I apologize in advance
if this query is covered in the Ptolemy literature or FAQs. Basically,
I'm trying to understand the system modelling and operation scheduling
mechanisms used in the various Ptolemy domains (SDF, DDE, etc). I'm
trying to model signal processing systems, which most naturally fall
into the SDF domain, but I have some functions like resampling filters
which interpolate/decimate by irrational ratios. For these functions,
the number of tokens produced for each firing of the function is not
completely fixed but has some small variation. Do such stars exist in
Ptolemy and if so what processing domain would they be classified under?

Are there extensions to SDF processing that would allow such stars to be


Any insight into this issue would be greatly appreciated.

David Trainor

- --

- -
David Trainor mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Principal Engineer
Integrated Silicon Systems Ltd.   Tel: +44 28 90 50 4000
50 Malone RoadFax: +44 28 90 50 4001
Belfast  BT9 5BS  Web:

- -

--- End of Forwarded Message

Ptolemy maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Edward A. Lee, Professor, EECS Dept., Cory Hall
UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Ptolemy Classic

2000-09-06 Thread Christopher Hylands

ptcl is the non-graphical version of pigi, see:
Some hints on advanced uses of ptcl with pigi

However, if you are using up 550Mb of memory, it is doubtful if running 
ptcl will get you
much farther.  Probably the thing to do is to analyze your memory usage 
either by hand or
with a memory usage tool such as Purify.

You might find the following memory usage tips of interest:
Preventing Memory Leaks in C++ Code


At 03:29 PM 8/30/2000 -0400, Madamopoulos, Nicholas wrote:

I am running some simulations using ptolemy classic.
It seems that my simulation is very complex and memory consuming.
If I run the top command in UNIX, to monitor my process, I have noticed 
that after reaching 550M in RSS the simulation stops and pigi crashes. It 
gives me the following message:

Vem RPC: connection has been broken.
Vem RPC: client has failed.

Has anybody seen this problem before?

Is it possible to run a simulation without using the visualization windows 
of ptolemy? Can I run a process in the background?  Would then the memory 
requirements be less or it does not matter?

Thanks in advance for your response.

Nicholas Madamopoulos

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