Re: [Qt5-feedback] Add QtService to Qt proper

2011-05-18 Thread Craig.Scott

On 19/05/2011, at 4:20 AM, BRM wrote:

 QtService is presently only supported via an add-on to Qt. I would be very 
 helpful to have it be part of the official Qt instead of an add-on - e.g. 
 distributed with Qt just like QtGui.
 It could also use some TLC, for example:
 - QtService is presently a set of template classes, making use of 
 hard. It could probably be better done using Abstract classes to define the 
 - It would be useful to schedule shutdown as opposed to having the '-t' 
 simply terminate it; probably '-t' should be --force-shutdown instead.
 - The Interactive Service functionality could probably be removed given 
 (i) adding GUIs to services is not adviced, and (ii) Windows no longer 
 it (as of Vista). Other platforms may but we probably should follow best 
 practices and encourage developers to split the service from the GUI.

I very much agree with this, and given that the move to Qt5 is going to have 
binary compatibility breaks, it would seem to be an opportune time to really 
consider bringing an improved/restructured QtService class into Qt proper. I 
agree with Ben's view that the current templated approach is both unnecessary 
and a hinderance. Dispensing with the GUI support should make for a much 
cleaner class, and as Ben pointed out, a GUI should really be split from the 
service itself anyway. QtService is one of those things that I find myself 
asking Why isn't this part of the main Qt libraries already?. It makes sense 
and fits nicely with the other set of classes provided by Qt. I put it at a 
similar level as QDesktopServices, QProcess and QSharedMemory.

One of the trickier bits of using QtService at the moment is if you want to 
support additional command-line options beyond those defined by QtService. This 
is hard enough to do robustly that we basically don't want to do it and instead 
work around it. Maybe the command-line handling should be done separately from 
the QtService class and have QtService provide member functions to do the 
equivalent instead? FWIW, we ended up implementing our own generic (and 
extensible) command line argument processing class for some other work, so we 
have the other half of this picture. I could understand if others would be less 
keen to forego the bundled command-line capabilities within QtService as it is 
currently implemented.

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Add QtService to Qt proper

2011-05-18 Thread Craig.Scott

On 19/05/2011, at 4:42 AM, Thiago Macieira wrote:

 On Wednesday, 18 de May de 2011 11:20:25 BRM wrote:
 It could also use some TLC, for example:
 Who's going to give it that TLC?

Well, if Nokia shows interest in adding the QtService functionality to Qt and 
you ask nicely..

That's one of the things this list is for, right? ;)

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list

[Qt5-feedback] Qt major versions (was: C++ api to use for UI in addition to QML)

2011-05-24 Thread Craig.Scott

On 25/05/2011, at 2:13 AM, Jason H wrote:

I think if we could lock the lib and exe to specific versions (like Windows SxS)
we'd be better off. We just need a way to link to specific versions of the Qt
libraries. (Though SxS is still problematic, I think it is an improvement)

You technically already have what you need with the current releases. The major 
part of the version is also part of the library name that applications link to 
(or should link to!). Under Mac and linux, binaries link to llibQtCore.4.dylib 
and respectively. Under Windows, the major version is made part 
of the library name itself rather than as part of the extension (ie 
QtCore4.dll) so you have no choice but to link against a specifc major version. 
Thus, there is already the mechanism required  for an application to link to 
specific binary compatible levels of Qt.

Perhaps part of the problem is that the major part of the Qt version changes 
very slowly. This in turn means that backwards compatibility has to be 
maintained for long periods. It's somewhat unfortunate that the Qt 
business/marketing is linked to the technical aspect of version numbering. From 
a technical point of view, a version number has some fairly well established 
conventions that many (most?) mature libraries follow. The major part of the 
version number is what libraries and executables link against (or should link 
against!). If you build against the earliest release of a particular major 
version, it should work with all later releases for the same major version. For 
example, if I built against Qt 4.0.0, it should work with any 4.x.y version. 
The problem with Qt is that the major part changes slowly and new features 
people want are introduced with minor point releases. This leads developers to 
situations where they have to say their software requires Qt 4.x or later i
 nstead of simply requires Qt 4. This makes the problem of what to link 
against much harder, because if you make your application link against, say, 
version 4.4 instead of just 4, then it won't work with 4.5 or later! This is 
particularly evident as of around Qt 4.6, which had a number of new things 
added (the pattern of adding more new things continued with 4.7).

So the mechanism is there to link against specific versions, it's just that the 
way Qt increments its version numbers sometimes works against the developer. 
Now, from a marketing aspect, Qt has a pattern of keeping its major version the 
same for long periods. People like to be able to say Uses Qt4, but in 
reality, Qt4 isn't enough any more. Too often, I have to ask Which version 
of Qt4?, meaning which minor release, since new features appear only in 
certain minor releases. This is where marketing Qt4 becomes at odds with what 
developers need Qt4 to mean from a technical point of view.

There are different ways to address this. One is to decouple the public 
marketing release version from the underlying technical version. Examples 
of this are where you see things like Autodesk Maya 2010, which makes no 
mention of the major version number used by the underlying libraries you would 
link against (it uses Qt 4.5.3, incidentally). They have the freedom to change 
or keep the major version as they need to from release to release. This sort of 
decoupling may appeal to some but may also be unattractive to others. Another 
option is to simply have more frequent major releases. Anything longer than a 
year is probably too long for the Qt community (many would argue even that is 
too long), but anything shorter and you risk making Qt too much of a moving 
target. I suspect that the compliance costs for things like LSB also get higher 
the more often you change the major version.

So that's a couple of ideas for improvement. I'd be particularly interested in 
hearing if Nokia is willing to consider changing how it handles major version 
increments to help address this issue, but let's see what other ideas and 
opinions people have too. ;)

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Build system requirements for Qt5

2011-06-08 Thread Craig.Scott
At the risk of making myself a target. ;)

Rather than looking for a build system where an IDE can manipulate the project 
file directly (eg .pro, CMakeLists.txt, etc.), is there any merit to defining 
an API or command line interface which an IDE can hook into and then it is up 
to the underlying build tool to support that interface? For example, an IDE 
would query the interface to get details about what's in the project. If the 
IDE then wanted to add a file, modify a flag, make some particular compilation 
feature conditional on a platform, etc., it would call a function/run a command 
and the build tool would then be responsible for carrying out the request. When 
the IDE wants to build a target, clean a project, etc, it would do that through 
the interface too rather than try to do it directly. The IDE would not have to 
be burdened with understanding the intricacies of the build tool's project 
files - that responsibility would then rest with the build tool itself - nor 
would the IDE even have to really be aware of whethe
 r something like make, nmake, msbuild, etc. is even being used under the 

There are a few of advantages to this approach:

(1) Qt Creator and other IDE's can focus on their IDE, not the various build 
tools that they might want to support.

(2) Developers would be free to use whatever build tool they liked as long as 
it offered a library/command line tool that fulfilled the interface.

(3) Owners of a build tool would be free to continue using their existing 
project file formats or change them as they needed, without fear of breaking 
any IDE's that use the API/tool interface. They would just need to ensure that 
they provide an API/tool to fulfil the interface requirements.

(4) The build tool owners should have the best knowledge for how to best take 
advantage of that build tool's features and strengths. They should be able to 
implement the interface in an optimal way rather than every IDE developer 
having to do that.

(4) If anyone feels the need to write yet another new build tool, they could 
write the required library/tool for the IDE interface and then the IDE can use 
it with little or no modification.

Using this approach, the whole argument of declarative versus imperative versus 
frankenstein-hybrid becomes a moot point. Instead, the discussion would shift 
to what should be in the interface, and it's worth noting that the discussion 
here on this list is finally getting down to that anyway (at least 

I'm sure there are also disadvantages to this approach too, but I don't want to 
spoil the fun of those who would like to pick apart the idea. ;)

Okay, warm up those flamethrowers.. it's cold enough here in Melbourne at 
the moment that we could use the heat. :-P

On 09/06/2011, at 6:29 AM, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

 On 06/08/11 20:39, ext Alexander Neundorf wrote:
 So what do you actually want from the buildsystem what cmake does not provide
 right now ?
 hmm ...
 - it needs to be *fast*
   - a null build should not take noticeably more time than stat()ing all
   - as thiago noted, it needs to handle distributed building efficiently
 these two boil down to not being a meta build tool, but a native
 build tool. this is theoretically easily solvable, and the elusive
 cbuild is being talked about since half a decade, but was still not
 as far as i'm concerned, IDE integration should happen only via
 native support plugins for The build tool. not sure how realistic
 this is for the two relevant proprietary IDEs (VS and XCode).
   - changing a build rule somewhere deep down the tree absolutely must
 not trigger a re-configuration of the entire build tree.
   - caching of build configuration should come naturally, not as an
 afterthought (which many developers forget).
 these are inherent to the project structure and language.
 - it needs a language which is not a royal pain in the arse to use for
   both humans and machines (IDEs)
   - it needs to be clean and well-specified
   - it needs to be declarative from the ground up:
 - the skeleton should be declarative. imperative constructs
   should be clearly encapsulated - not the other way round
 - it should be declaration order independent
 - it should be centered around build properties, not command lines.
   no CFLAGS, except as a total fallback. cmake is half way there.
   these are all prerequisites for a clean IDE integration, and for
   comprehensibility of complex build systems.
 - it should cleanly support modularization. using another subproject's
   artifact should be the same as using a known framework or something
   configured. subprojects should be cleanly detachable from the
 - it needs to feed an IDE with a useful understanding of the project
   structure (not some random foo.o targets whose existence the IDE must

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Merging QDeclarative specifics into core QMetaObject

2011-06-14 Thread Craig.Scott

On 14/06/2011, at 10:19 PM, Stefan Majewsky wrote:

 I was thinking about using QML to define internal datastructures (e.g.
 as a more powerful alternative to QSettings). While doing so, I came
 to wonder whether some of QtDeclarative's custom additions to the
 metaobject framework should be merged into the main macros.
 For example:
 Q_PROPERTY(QObject* foo READ foo WRITE setFoo NOTIFY fooChanged)
 Q_CLASSINFO(DefaultProperty, foo)
 could become:
 Q_PROPERTY(QObject* foo READ foo WRITE setFoo NOTIFY fooChanged DEFAULT)

+1 for this suggestion. In fact, this was how I expected the default property 
to be defined the first time I was using this aspect of properties of QObject's.

Note also that the Qt documentation still says that Qt itself does not use 
anything defined via Q_CLASSINFO except for the ActiveQt extension, but it 
appears that this is no longer true with QML/QtDeclarative (sorry, can't 
remember the details of where/how, but I'm sure the relevant people will know 
the details). If the DEFAULT keyword/classinfo is absorbed into the Q_PROPERTY 
macro, then at least the Q_CLASSINFO reverts to going back to being just for 
extensions to Qt or client code. Making this change in the break to Qt5 would 
seem the right time to do this. If there's going to be a Qt4 -- Qt5 porting 
tool like there was from 3 -- 4, then it could convert/absorb the 
Q_CLASSINFO(DefaultProperty,...) stuff into the corresponding Q_PROPERTY 

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] [ExternalEmail] Re: Merging QDeclarative specifics into core QMetaObject

2011-06-14 Thread Craig.Scott
Sorry to reply to my own post. My fingers are working faster than my brain this 
morning. ;)

The notion of the default property is already covered by the USER keyword in 
Q_PROPERTY. Is there any reason why QML doesn't simply use that instead of 
requiring a separate DefaultProperty entry in the classinfo? The relevant page 
on QML (Extending QML Functionalities using C++) describes the use of the 
DefaultProperty entry. Reading over this again, it really does seem like an 
oversight that this was added instead of re-using the USER property already 
available in the metaobject system. I suspect that this classinfo feature could 
be phased out by supporting the DefaultProperty in the classinfo if it is 
present, but fall back to the USER property if DefaultProperty is not present. 
In Qt5, I'd then suggest dropping the support for DefaultProperty.

On 15/06/2011, at 10:08 AM, wrote:

 On 14/06/2011, at 10:19 PM, Stefan Majewsky wrote:
 I was thinking about using QML to define internal datastructures (e.g.
 as a more powerful alternative to QSettings). While doing so, I came
 to wonder whether some of QtDeclarative's custom additions to the
 metaobject framework should be merged into the main macros.
 For example:
 Q_PROPERTY(QObject* foo READ foo WRITE setFoo NOTIFY fooChanged)
 Q_CLASSINFO(DefaultProperty, foo)
 could become:
 Q_PROPERTY(QObject* foo READ foo WRITE setFoo NOTIFY fooChanged DEFAULT)
 +1 for this suggestion. In fact, this was how I expected the default property 
 to be defined the first time I was using this aspect of properties of 
 Note also that the Qt documentation still says that Qt itself does not use 
 anything defined via Q_CLASSINFO except for the ActiveQt extension, but it 
 appears that this is no longer true with QML/QtDeclarative (sorry, can't 
 remember the details of where/how, but I'm sure the relevant people will know 
 the details). If the DEFAULT keyword/classinfo is absorbed into the 
 Q_PROPERTY macro, then at least the Q_CLASSINFO reverts to going back to 
 being just for extensions to Qt or client code. Making this change in the 
 break to Qt5 would seem the right time to do this. If there's going to be a 
 Qt4 -- Qt5 porting tool like there was from 3 -- 4, then it could 
 convert/absorb the Q_CLASSINFO(DefaultProperty,...) stuff into the 
 corresponding Q_PROPERTY macro.

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Protected functions of QThread

2011-08-23 Thread Craig.Scott
Actually, how about something like this:

class QThread
// ...
enum TimeUnit

void  sleep(unsigned long time, TimeUnit units);

One could also envisage TimeUnit being in the Qt namespace rather than within 
QThread if other classes might find it useful.

On 24/08/2011, at 12:03 PM, wrote:

 I figure this might be the right time to scratch an itch with QThread. :-P
 It has often annoyed me how the sleep(), msleep() and usleep() functions of 
 QThread are protected and not public. A number of times I've found myself in 
 the situation where I want to call these from outside of a QThread subclass 
 and have had to resort to defining a dummy subclass just so I could call 
 them. The only rationale I can think of for why these were made protected is 
 to try to ensure that they are only called from threads that were indeed 
 created by QThread (not sure if that is even necessary for these functions to 
 I propose that for Qt5, one of three things be done:
 (1) Make sleep(), msleep() and usleep() public static functions. This would 
 be source compatible but would also allow them to be called from any thread, 
 not just those that were created with a QThread.
 (2) Make sleep(), msleep() and usleep() public member functions. This would 
 not be source compatible but it would force the current thread to be obtained 
 by calling QThread::currentThread() and then calling the sleep-related 
 functions through that. The only source incompatibility would be a static 
 function in a QThread subclass calling one of the sleep-related functions.
 (3) Deprecate the sleep(), msleep() and usleep() functions for Qt5 and 
 provide public member functions with different names, such as sleepSec(), 
 sleepMsec() and sleepUsec(). I'm not at all attached to these suggested 
 names, by the way. ;)
 Of these options, I think (3) is probably the most promising.
 Dr Craig Scott
 Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
 Melbourne, Australia
 Qt5-feedback mailing list

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Protected functions of QThread

2011-08-24 Thread Craig.Scott

On 24/08/2011, at 4:33 PM, Andre Somers wrote:

 Personally, I think that adding this to QThread is not really needed 
 though. I don't see what is wrong with setting the sleep period in 
 milliseconds; sleep() should not be used all that much anyway.

In the same way that no-one will ever need more than 640k RAM ;)

But as Robin Burchell already pointed out, a merge request from David Faure has 
already been accepted a few weeks ago which makes these three sleep-related 
functions public statics of QThread (ie option (1) of my original post).

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] libexec?

2011-09-17 Thread Craig.Scott

On 18/09/2011, at 9:48 AM, Thiago Macieira wrote:

The big difference there is whether those executables are
architecture-specific in multiarch configurations (e.g.,
/usr/lib64/NAME/libexec). Usually they aren't.

How could an executable not be architecture-specific? I must be missing

I meant if a 64-bit library (/usr/lib64/libfoo) can use a 32-bit helper
application (/usr/lib/foo/libexec/bar). Or to put it simply: where should the
64-bit helper be installed: /usr/lib or /usr/lib64?

Since this appears to be a linux-specific question, the
 mailing list might be the right place to ask that question. I think there was 
some discussion on there earlier this year about what should be done around 
multi-arch in the LSB, so it would seem wise for Qt to be on the same page with 
the LSB spec and development of upcoming versions. Perhaps iyou could post your 
question there with some more context - they should be able to recommend the 
right approach.

PS: The LSB guys recently took on discussion of the FHS too with a view to 
updating it, so now is a good time to be talking to them about issues like this.

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] [ExternalEmail] Re: QObject: new signals-slots syntax

2011-09-21 Thread Craig.Scott
Sorry, slight typo in my original email. Creating an observer would be done 
like this:

addObserver(sender, SomeSignalEvent::eventID(), receiver, 

Also, the SomeSignalEvent class should have had an accessor function to allow 
the receiver to get the someString_ value. I'm sure you'd all figured that out 
on your own though. ;)

On 22/09/2011, at 9:48 AM, wrote:

 On 22/09/2011, at 3:20 AM, Thiago Macieira wrote:
 On Wednesday, 21 de September de 2011 18:49:04 Stephen Kelly wrote:
 Another solution (also by way of adding an indirection) is to add a
 function that emits, which is protected.
 template typename Klass, typename... Args
 void QObject::emitSignal(void (Klass:: *signal)(Args...), Args... args);
 Then you'd write:
 emitSignal(Me::textChanged, newText);
 instead of:
 emit textChanged(newText);
 The template magic to make that happen is already present.
 However, it would be completely source-incompatible with the existing
 code, which is a big no-no. It would require making the signal functions
 themselves not do anything -- only serve as identifiers.
 For source compatibility they could be implemented by moc to work as
 currently, no?
 Oh, they need to keep the current implementation so that SIGNAL and SLOT
 based connections still work. Never mind me.
 The old connection mechanism is almost guaranteed to work.
 The problem is to update emit lines, which are calls to functions that 
 the signal to be emitted.
 Also note that the solution above doesn't fix the following case:
  otherObject-emitSignal(Them::textChanged, newText);
 Just as it doesn't protect today:
  emit otherObject-textChanged(newText);
 The big difference is that emitSignal would be protected in QObject, so 
 class deriving from QObject would have access to it.
 We've been looking at this for a year. If anyone has more interesting ideas, 
 they are more than welcome. But please try to write the proof of concept 
 Our conclusion is that if you want compile-time checking of the arguments, 
 need to give up the protectedness of the emission.
 I'll mention one approach not because I think it is the right one to use 
 here, but rather just to potentially fuel further discussion. For reasons I 
 won't go into, we have our own observer-based code which has similarities to 
 what Qt's signal-slot mechanism offers. Instead of relying on string-based 
 signatures, it uses addresses of instances of a specific event class, which 
 we call EventID. We also have an event base class which we call 
 ObservableEvent. Our equivalent of defining a signal is to define a subclass 
 of ObservableEvent. We provide the EventID singleton that corresponds to an 
 ObservableEvent subclass using a static function. A short code extract to 
 give you an idea of how this works would be:
 class SomeSignalEvent : public ObservableEvent
QString  someString_;
SomeSignalEvent(const QString s) : someString_(s) {}
static const EventID  eventID()   { ... }// Implementation hidden to 
 keep it simple
 class SendingClass : public CanNotifyEvents// I won't explain this, but 
 it's similar to inheriting from QObject
// ...
 class ReceivingClass
void  handleSomeSignalEvent(const SomeSignalEvent e);
 In our code, you would create an observer for an event on a specific object 
 something like this:
 addObserver(sender, SomeSignalEvent::eventID(), receiver  
 Now, let's say that, as per this discussion thread, you wanted to limit who 
 can emit/raise the SomeSignalEvent. Specifically, let's say you only wanted 
 SendingClass to be able to do that. In that case, you could make the 
 constructor for SomeSignalEvent private and add SendingClass as a friend. You 
 leave the eventID() static function public. This means only SendingClass can 
 create/emit the event, but anyone can connect to / listen for that 
 Now, it may look like more work and yes, there are some things that the above 
 approach makes a bit harder than the current signal-slot mechanism, but it 
 does allow you to have full compile time checking and it does allow you to 
 have non-public emit access while still allowing public connect/listen 
 access. I've simplified things a bit in the examples above. In our code, we 
 have macros and templates handle all the gory details and it is actually very 
 simple to use. We've also very much appreciated that receivers don't have to 
 derive from a common base class, so it's easy to add connections where we 
 want the receiver to be a private class defined within a .cpp file, for 
 I reiterate that I'm not advocating this as a replacement for the current 
 signal-slot mechanism. It isn't source compatible with it, obviously, and it 
 is a bit different in how the 

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Documenting the scope of Qt 5.0

2011-09-27 Thread Craig.Scott

On 27/09/2011, at 6:34 PM, Thiago Macieira wrote:

 On Tuesday, 27 de September de 2011 10:03:17 wrote:
 This discussion about what to make a reference platform vs documented
 platform seems to be specific to Linux (okay, maybe embedded too, but
 discussion seems to be mostly about linux at this stage). I put it to the
 list that this is precisely what the LSB is meant to address. Most of the
 work has already been done to make Qt build against LSB 4.0 (by Harald
 Fernengel and myself). Why not make LSB 4.0 the reference *and* documented
 platform for linux? Then the only question is whether or not a particular
 flavour of linux supports the LSB spec, and this is something that all the
 major linux distros generally try to do. Yes, there will be the odd need
 for a specific hack/fix to work around the occasional distribution-specific
 deficiency or bug, but I'm only aware of one such case in order to make Qt
 build against LSB 4.0. Qt5 would seem to be the perfect time to make LSB
 4.0 a tier 1 config/platform for Qt.
 Currently, I maintain a smallish patch set for each Qt release to make it
 buildable with LSB (almost all the patches now are confined to webkit). I'd
 be more than happy to work with others if there was interest in making LSB
 4.0 a tier 1 config/platform for Qt. Currently, I can only work on this as
 my current role allows, so some help would be welcome. Granted, there are
 some issues around OpenGL versions, but those are easily resolved by adding
 an additional constraint that sits on top of LSB 4.0 (and which looks to be
 getting addressed by upcoming LSB versions anyway). The only module I have
 not yet built against LSB 4.0 is DBus, since it isn't part of the LSB, but
 Thiago has already indicated in a previous response that providing the DBus
 headers to Qt should be enough since it will try to load the QtDBus module
 dynamically at run-time and still work fine if it can't be loaded.
 I think Qt should build with the LSB, yes. But making it our reference 
 platform will not exactly work, as the LSB 4.0 is now several years out of 
 date. I can't get the details as the website seems to still be down related 
 Linux Foundation's infrastructure downtime.

Agreed, it does lag. The LSB guys are aware of this and there have been 
discussions about changing that so that they are much closer to the current / 
leading distros.

 The LSB isn't meant to innovate in the area of support. It's meant to 
 standardise best practice across the industry. For that reason, it's always 
 behind in terms of support and will usually lag one year behind the state of 
 the art or more. When developing for the future, we need to look at what the 
 state of the art of everything else will be, not what Red Hat Enterprise 
 and SUSE LInux Enterprise Server shipped in 2008. (And by look at I don't 
 mean always use)
 Take for example Wayland: when will it be available in the LSB for us to 
 Anyway, what we can do is provide documentation on what we require by using 
 the LSB as the baseline: it's LSB 4.0 plus these libraries upgraded and these 
 other libraries present.

I'd very much support this approach. Making LSB 4.0 the base with a (hopefully 
small) list of libraries you need to update to something more recent would be a 
welcome change for people working on or supporting a wider range of linux 
distributions than simply Ubuntu. In many cases, LSB 4.0 + a few libs would 
probably be satisfied out of the box on recent distros, so for those who like 
to be more current, things should just work for them. For those who need to 
stay on older systems, at least the libs that need to be updated or provided as 
part of the application's packages would be clearly defined.

Another benefit of taking the LSB 4.0 + some libs approach is that it sends 
very clear messages to the LSB guys as to what things they should consider 
adding to the next version of the LSB spec itself. Currently, I get the feeling 
that there's not a whole lot of communication going between the Qt and LSB 
communities, which is funny considering Qt itself is part of the LSB!

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Documenting the scope of Qt 5.0

2011-09-28 Thread Craig.Scott

On 28/09/2011, at 10:20 PM, wrote:

 Rohan wrote:
 I have some comments on the target platforms.
On all platforms, Open GL (ES) 2.0 is required.
linux-x86-32-gcc-x11 Ubuntu Linux 10.04 ×86 32 bit, X11
linux-x86-64-gcc-x11 Ubuntu Linux 10.04 ×86 64 bit, X11
linux-x86-32-gcc-wayland Linux Ubuntu 10.04 ×86 32-bit, Wayland
 I think that Ubuntu 10.04 maybe too old already.  The Mesa version shipped
 on that Ubuntu can't do GLES2.0 AFAIK.  Also I think there is no wayland
 compositor available out-of-the-box.  In other words, to actually test Qt5
 with wayland and GLES2.0 on Ubuntu 10.04, you probably have to change the
 environment to the point where it's no longer accurate to call it Ubuntu
 We already plan to test with Ubuntu 11.10 in CI, so the question is whether
 or not 10.04 should be kept as well.
 Probably not. I updated the table for now along these lines. 

I would strongly recommend you include Ubuntu LTS releases in your CI. These 
are specifically meant to be long-lived and so, by definition, won't go away 
quickly. Yes, plenty of people move to the latest and greatest versions, but I 
think talk of removing 10.04 from the CI is premature at this stage. Granted, 
it's been out for 2 years now, but my understanding is that it is still the 
most recent LTS release available. 10.04 is apparently supported on desktops 
until April 2013 (longer on servers - April 2015, but that's probably not 
feasible to support in the CI).

 Thiago, Craig: if we later agree to use something LSB based, let's then 
 update this. I changed the headings of the table to indicate that we're 
 specifying the CI system configuration, rather than the reference platform, 
 that might indeed be a bit more abstract and general..
linux-arm7-gcc-wayland   Linux, ARM7, Waylandgcc 4.5 ?
 The platform must be specified more completely.  Right now it specifies that
 the kernel is Linux, CPU is ARMv7, wayland is used somehow and gcc 4.5
 may be used.  There's a lot of gaps to be filled in :) We should find some
 existing platform which fits these specs, and specify that as the target
 instead.  If such a thing doesn't exist then I guess we shouldn't target it.
 It'd be good  to find a configuration in the CI for this. I documented that 
 we need to specify this in more detail.
osx-10.7-64Apple Mac OS X 10.7 “Lion” Cocoa 64 bit
osx-10.6-64Apple Mac OS X 10.6 “Snow Leopard” Cocoa 64 bit
osx-10.6-32Apple Mac OS X 10.6 “Snow Leopard” Cocoa 32 bit
 Out of the listed platforms, Macs are the most expensive and least reliable
 for CI purposes, so it would be really great if we could cut these down a 
 At least testing 32-bit OSX 10.6 in CI is probably a waste (?)  I would like 
 to go
 even further and do Qt 5.0 CI with OSX = 10.7 only.  Older OSX could still
 have some release testing if it's perceived as valuable.
 It would indeed be good to keep the list of reference configurations shorter. 
 I moved 10.6 to the second table (platforms we would like to support). 
 (Well, I believe Tier 1 has been so far defined to be included in the CI, but 

Again, I think suggesting that OSX 10.6 be dropped from the CI for Qt5 is 
premature. Heck, 10.7 has only been out a few months and there's still plenty 
of reasons why people would be cautious about updating to it, especially in the 
Enterprise world. The Qt 4.7 branch does not formally support 10.7 (you get 
warnings to that effect when you compile with it). The Qt 4.8 branch does 
support OSX 10.7, but Qt 4.8 hasn't even been released yet. It would seem 
prudent to keep OSX 10.6 in the CI for a while, at least in the initial stages 
of Qt5 to ensure that there are no compatibility surprises. I'm well aware of 
the cost of having to support OSX builds (we have to do likewise for our own 
software), since you can't legally virtualise it like you can the other 
platforms. Maybe someone with friends at Apple can convince them to sponsor a 
build server or two for you? :-P

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Documenting the scope of Qt 5.0

2011-10-04 Thread Craig.Scott

On 04/10/2011, at 6:05 PM, wrote:

 On Sep 29, 2011, at 6:02 AM, ext Rohan McGovern wrote:
 It would be good if we could somehow get some more data/feedback on who
 might be interested to deploy a Qt 5.0 app on OSX 10.6.  Right now I
 have argued against it mostly for selfish reasons and I honestly have
 no idea who cares about it :)
 I would like to require 10.7 for developing (with) Qt 5. My impression is 
 that most developers are running that version anyway and I would rather not 
 have to maintain 10.6 support during the Qt 5.0 development.
 10.6 support can be implemented later on if someone is interested in doing 
 the work, but I'm hoping this won't be a big issue by the time we get to the 
 Qt 5.0 release.

While clearly this would make life easier for some developers, it's just too 
premature to move on yet. Lion has only just been out a few months. As I 
understand it, Qt5 is supposed to be aiming for a date sometime next year. That 
would mean that you'd be dropping support for a Mac OS version that was the 
latest up to only about a year before you drop it! I don't know that there 
would be too many cases in Qt's history where it dropped a mainstream desktop 
version so quickly..

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-07 Thread Craig.Scott
Feels good to vent it out sometimes, huh? ;)  I have some sympathy with some of 
your points, but I'll restrict myself to a couple of specifics.

On 07/10/2011, at 11:27 PM, Till Oliver Knoll wrote:

 But with the current requirement that even the QWidget based apps now
 need OpenGL support that means I cannot even run my apps in a virtual
 machine such as VirtualBox on a Mac in a decent way (and yes, I AM
 cross-developing a lot in VirtualBox, for both Windows and Linux)!

You are not alone with that combination! Actually, VirtualBox is just about 
there for OpenGL. It claims to support OpenGL 2.1 now, which theoretically 
should be sufficient for what Qt5 is aiming for. There's a small number of 
omissions which have been reported in their bug tracker, so if someone wants to 
push to have that bug addressed, you will probably have a viable VirtualBox 
option for OpenGL by the time Qt5 comes out. The bug ticket can be found here:

 I know at this point it's already too late I guess, the QML-ification
 of Qt is already progressed to far. At least that had been my
 expectation half a year ago... and who knows, maybe I AM one of the
 very few people left trying to stick to the good old working
 technology, and desktop apps as we know them are dying out. Every
 application will bring along its own look and feel and usability
 concepts and that's what people want (or the developers at least)...
 then so be it!

Desktop apps won't be going away any time soon, and there are some rather big 
commercial companies who would likely make some noise if Qt on desktop was 
being neglected. Consider Autodesk - they rewrote their Maya package to use Qt 
for their 2011 release. I can't see them switching to QML any time soon just 
after expending all that effort, the cost in terms of time and additional 
development would be hard to justify. Maya is also very heavily dependent on 
OpenGL and being what it is, interactivity and overall performance are both 
crucial to its success. Now consider that Maya is THE package for film special 
effects in the movie industry (read: big $$$) and hopefully that will give you 
some reassurance that you have some relatively heavy hitters who should be 
sharing some of your concerns. ;)

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-07 Thread Craig.Scott

On 08/10/2011, at 6:07 AM, Harri Porten wrote:

 On Fri, 7 Oct 2011, wrote:
 Desktop apps won't be going away any time soon, and there are some 
 rather big commercial companies who would likely make some noise if Qt 
 on desktop was being neglected.
 Were and how will they make that noise? Remember that Nokia has freed 
 themselves of the commercial Qt sales and support business. That freedom 
 is now being used for experiments with new approaches. There are service 
 providers for classic QWidget-based programming but when it comes to new 
 developments the market still has to be established.

Hi Harri, I understand why you might also have some interest in this area (we 
are one of your customers!). Since I have no affiliation with Autodesk, I don't 
want to speculate on any specifics here. My point is more that Autodesk 
obviously made a business decision to rewrite Maya to be based on Qt, 
specifically its QWidgets. They surveyed their community of plugin developers 
more than once to gauge interest before they did this and since they went ahead 
with it, one can assume they deemed it worth the effort. Should they encounter 
problems with Qt's QWidgets where those problems have a strong negative impact 
on their product, they will simply have to find a way to address them. Being a 
big company (hence more $$$ and manpower), they should have more options open 
to them than a smaller business might. Whether they would find working through 
Digia to be the most effective or whether they engage with the wider Qt 
development community more actively, my main point is that their n
 eed to keep their customers happy will drive them to find a solution. And they 
should have the means to do so. Currently, they rely on the LGPL version of Qt 
and they make available all their customisations on their website. Their 
community of plugin developers also rely on the LGPL version as a consequence. 
One would hope that the rest of the Qt community would benefit from any steps 
Autodesk found they had to take. I'm just using Autodesk as one example here, 
purely because I'm more familiar with them (we are part of the community of 
plugin developers for Maya).

I don't want to distract from the main discussions on this list. I was more 
hoping to simply point out that there are plenty of companies that rely on Qt's 
current QWidget functionality. For those who can't or don't want to change from 
QWidget in the medium term, there will be a collective need to see the 
QWidget-based capabilities maintained at least at some modest level. Those with 
the deeper pockets are probably more likely to have more options.

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Command line parser in QtCore?

2011-10-21 Thread Craig.Scott

On 22/10/2011, at 5:18 AM, Thiago Macieira wrote:

 On Friday, 21 de October de 2011 16:29:36 Stefan Majewsky wrote:
 Moin moin,
 it would be nice to have a command line parser in QtCore, i.e. some
 class that parses stuff like
 ./program -vh --long-option --value=5 foo.dat
 given some format definition. KCmdLineArgs and KCmdLineOptions from
 kdecore do exactly that for KDE programs. I don't have time right now,
 but perhaps someone wants to pick up this task?
 Hello Stefan
 Speaking as QtCore's maintainer, I'll reserve the decision until I see your 

A while back, we also found ourselves in need of decent command line parsing. 
It kinda surprised me that Qt didn't offer anything already in this area, since 
it seemed like the sort of thing that Qt would normally provide. So we 
considered our options. Our apps are not KDE apps, so we were not able to look 
there for a solution. We also do not use boost (let's not debate that, it's not 
the point of this post), so we were not able to use their solution either. In 
the end, we decided we needed to write our own, which we did. At the time, I 
had the thought that if we do it right, maybe one day we could consider 
contributing it back to become part of Qt. Funny how things come around..

Let me state a couple of things before going further. The code in question is 
100% our own, so no issues with copyright and contributors, etc. I'd just have 
to get formal approval from our legal people to release it (that would take 
time, but since this code isn't particularly novel, I think I can get that 
approval). Our solution currently supports the main needs for a command line 
parser, but it won't have every bell and whistle people might want. That said, 
I don't think it would be particularly difficult to add support for the main 

With that out of the way, I've put the class definition up on pastebin for 
comment. I've withheld the implementation until I've had a chance to clear it 
with our legal people. In the meantime, I think the interface of the class is 
probably enough to get some feedback on whether people think this has the 
potential to be a viable candidate for a command line parser for Qt:

Note that the code currently does not adhere to the Qt coding guidelines (it 
follows ours instead), but if we do end up contributing it to Qt, then it 
should not be too difficult to bring it into line.

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Command line parser in QtCore?

2011-10-22 Thread Craig.Scott
Number of parameters for flag is controlled by the last parameter to 
addSupportedFlag(), which is of type QStringList. If this string list is empty, 
the flag accepts no parameters. If it is non-empty, then the flag accepts the 
same number of parameters as there are items in the string list. The string 
list merely specifies the names to give the parameters in the usage/help 

Type checking could be added easily by the client where it is needed. If your 
subclass wants to operate on specific types, then the neat way to do it would 
be to add a member function to your subclass to encapsulate that conversion. 
Your validate() function would normally handle checking whether parameters that 
need to be convertible to a specific type can indeed be converted. For example, 
if there was a flag that was expected to have one parameter that was 
convertible to int, it could fairly trivially be implemented something like 

int  getSomeFlagParam1() const
// Would normally check that the parameter is convertible to int
// from within validate()
return QVariant(flagParameter(someFlag, 0)).toInt();

On 22/10/2011, at 5:18 PM, Иван Комиссаров wrote:

Oops, sorry, it can check flags:)  didn't saw addSupportedFlag method:(
So only issue is type-checking (and number of parameters for flag)

22.10.2011, в 10:15, Иван Комиссаров написал(а):

Hi, your implementation can't automatically check if flags exists (you should 
ask it manually instead, which is painful - adding new flags will require tons 
of if-spagetti) and automatically print usage/help if something is wrong, also 
it doesn't have type-checking of input parameters. Too simple, as for me.

22.10.2011, в 4:29, написал(а):

On 22/10/2011, at 5:18 AM, Thiago Macieira wrote:

On Friday, 21 de October de 2011 16:29:36 Stefan Majewsky wrote:
Moin moin,

it would be nice to have a command line parser in QtCore, i.e. some
class that parses stuff like

./program -vh --long-option --value=5 foo.dat

given some format definition. KCmdLineArgs and KCmdLineOptions from
kdecore do exactly that for KDE programs. I don't have time right now,
but perhaps someone wants to pick up this task?

Hello Stefan

Speaking as QtCore's maintainer, I'll reserve the decision until I see your

A while back, we also found ourselves in need of decent command line parsing. 
It kinda surprised me that Qt didn't offer anything already in this area, since 
it seemed like the sort of thing that Qt would normally provide. So we 
considered our options. Our apps are not KDE apps, so we were not able to look 
there for a solution. We also do not use boost (let's not debate that, it's not 
the point of this post), so we were not able to use their solution either. In 
the end, we decided we needed to write our own, which we did. At the time, I 
had the thought that if we do it right, maybe one day we could consider 
contributing it back to become part of Qt. Funny how things come around..

Let me state a couple of things before going further. The code in question is 
100% our own, so no issues with copyright and contributors, etc. I'd just have 
to get formal approval from our legal people to release it (that would take 
time, but since this code isn't particularly novel, I think I can get that 
approval). Our solution currently supports the main needs for a command line 
parser, but it won't have every bell and whistle people might want. That said, 
I don't think it would be particularly difficult to add support for the main 

With that out of the way, I've put the class definition up on pastebin for 
comment. I've withheld the implementation until I've had a chance to clear it 
with our legal people. In the meantime, I think the interface of the class is 
probably enough to get some feedback on whether people think this has the 
potential to be a viable candidate for a command line parser for Qt:

Note that the code currently does not adhere to the Qt coding guidelines (it 
follows ours instead), but if we do end up contributing it to Qt, then it 
should not be too difficult to bring it into line.

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] [Development] Command line parser in QtCore?

2011-10-22 Thread Craig.Scott

On 22/10/2011, at 10:44 PM, Thiago Macieira wrote:

 On Saturday, 22 de October de 2011 11:29:38 wrote:
 With that out of the way, I've put the class definition up on pastebin for
 comment. I've withheld the implementation until I've had a chance to clear
 it with our legal people. In the meantime, I think the interface of the
 class is probably enough to get some feedback on whether people think this
 has the potential to be a viable candidate for a command line parser for
 Note that the code currently does not adhere to the Qt coding guidelines (it
 follows ours instead), but if we do end up contributing it to Qt, then it
 should not be too difficult to bring it into line.
 Hi Craig
 It's not just the coding guideline, it's the architecture. I'm not a fan of 
 tool classes with virtuals...

The usage() function should not have been virtual in the first place and could 
be easily made non-virtual without lose of functionality, so that just leaves 
validate(). One could potentially leave validate() as non-pure virtual if you 
want to allow subclasses to not bother validating, but I think that's sending 
the wrong message to developers. Seems like a poor compromise just to allow 
people to use the class without having to subclass it. If you want to validate 
your flags/arguments, you are either going to have to create a new class for it 
at some point (in which case why not use a virtual validate since you are 
creating a new class anyway), or you are going to have to inline your 
validation in the code where you make use of the flags. I guess that latter 
case seems justifiable, but I'd personally prefer to see all the argument 
handling code within the one (sub)class - one class, one responsibility and all 
that. But I do think there's value in making the class encourage dev
 s towards thinking about validation. I've already seen that in our code, it 
has had the effect that devs think about and implement validation as they go 
rather than getting around to it later.

That said, if you have suggestions for how to achieve the same goals without 
using a virtual function, I'm open to it. The cases I've seen so far though 
just seen unnecessarily complex compared to the simplicity of the approach 
we've gone with.

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Command line parser in QtCore?

2011-10-23 Thread Craig.Scott

On 24/10/2011, at 7:15 AM, Stephen Bryant wrote:

 Hey guys,
 Apologies for being late to the party!
 If Craig doesn't like QCommandLine, and the other implementation mentioned 
 legal restrictions, I have an implementation I wrote - with no legal 
 restrictions other than normal Qt license compatibility.

My opinion here is just one among many. ;)

 It supports most of the usual suspects: long and short options, aliases (ie: 
 you can treat 'h', '?' and 'help' as the same thing), parameters (even 
 multiple), and optionally stopping at '--'.  There's no type conversion - 
 everything stays as a QString, but you can ask it what it found, in what 
 order, what it didn't recognise and what was left over at the end!

Sounds more complete than the code I put up for comment. It appears you'd still 
have to do validation outside of the class, but if I'm the only one who cares 
about that, it should be trivial for us to wrap your class with something that 
handled validation as well.

 Oh - it doesn't need subclassing, or use signals or slots.  I'm afraid it's 
 just old-fashioned calls to methods on an object!  :-)

That should keep more people happy. ;)

 It's 2 classes, 755 lines - including Doxygen comments.
 Who should I send a copy to?  (I didn't want to spam the whole list!)

For easy reference, you could just copy the header to and send the 
link to this list. That would at least allow us to review the API, which is 
probably more important at this first stage than the implementation.

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

Qt5-feedback mailing list