Re: Repacker and compression plugin

2006-03-26 Thread Clemens Eisserer
> I've been watching the work of Hans and co. with great interest for several
> years.  The performance and design of Reiser4 is very impressive.  But for
> me, improved performance is not enough compensation for the pain of
> switching to a "non-standard" filesystem.

I would like to add me too, but please believe me I don't want to be unpolite.
I think reiser4 is imho the best Filesystem available, with its
extensibility und its superior performance. Thanks a lot for doing
this, good fses need the world ;)

I thought about switching last October but the the kernel-integration
work started, bugs appeard and performance went down.
What I've heard from performance is still lower than last October,
compression pluggin should appear "soon", now a half year later its
still not available and resizer and repacker are far away :-/
I think I have to wait another year...

However thanks many many times, reiser4 is great and I hope community
and industry will find its value.

Best wishes, lg Clemens

Re: Repacker and compression plugin

2006-03-28 Thread Clemens Eisserer
Hi again,

> This depends on how long we remain distracted by Hellwig and company more 
> than by how long they take to complete.

*Please* don't do this ;)
I know its your god given right and I also think the same way but I
would also like to see reiser4 in mainline anytime soon :-)

Thanks for reiser4, lg Clemens

Re: Try to fix a broken ReiserFS / Data Recovering?

2006-06-19 Thread Clemens Eisserer

I had this problem too with older SuSE versions (7.? - 8.?), its a
shame that nobody found this bug for such a long time.

I too saw the same behaviour you described, but for me it has always
helped to just re-install grub. Boot up with a rescue-cd and simply
re-install grub or use yast to do so.

But maybe your problem is different and its quite unlikly to work now
that reiserfschk boild out :-/

lg Clemens

2006/6/19, Lars Wolff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi Vladimir!

Thanks for your Reply!!!

>> _My Questions_
>> - Am i right in doing these actions to try to resolve the problem of my
>> harddisk, and HOPEFULLY to recover the Data?
> after dd_rescue completes - please run reiserfsck (3.6.19, without any
> options but filename) on backup image and let us know what it says.

i did i as explained here:

- dd_rescue finished
- i set up a loop device with the image
- then i start reiserfsck --check, it breaks up with rebuild-tree not
- then i start reiserfsck with --rebuild-tree
- and now its at pass 3 (and in pass 2 i saw the most importatn
directory's and files i need)

i am still wating and have always a look on the screen ;)

further infos in a few minutes

thanks & take care!

Re: article abour Reiser4 on

2006-08-06 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hi again,

I think your characterization of plugins as something we impose on the
VFS is unfair.  Plugins exist entirely internally to reiser4 --- we

to be honest I hope the force from kernel developers will not take
away any more abilities and features away from reiserfs!
If reiser4 is tied witth VFS whats about ports to e.g. windows or
other unix systems - its more or less a lock-in ... an own
implementation could solve. XFS also does not integrate well into the
linux kernel (its basically a big mess), so I don't think the "does
not integrate nicely" argument counts at all.

lg Clemens

Re: Reiser4 und LZO compression

2006-08-31 Thread Clemens Eisserer

But speaking of single threadedness, more and more desktops are shipping
with ridiculously more power than people need.  Even a gamer really

Will the LZO compression code in reiser4 be able to use multi-processor systems?
E.g. if I've a Turion-X2 in my laptop will it use 2 threads for
compression/decompression making cpu throughput much better than
whatthe disk could do?

lg Clemens

2006/8/30, Hans Reiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Edward Shishkin wrote:
> (Plain) file is considered as a set of logical clusters (64K by
> default). Minimal unit occupied in memory by (plain) file is one
> page. Compressed logical cluster is stored on disk in so-called
> "disk clusters". Disk cluster is a set of special items (aka "ctails",
> or "compressed bodies"), so that one block can contain (compressed)
> data of many files and everything is packed tightly on disk.
So the compression unit is 64k for purposes of your benchmarks.

Re: Reiser4 und LZO compression

2006-08-31 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hi Edward,

Thanks a lot for answering.

Compression is going in flush time and there can be more then
one flush thread that processes the same transaction atom.
Decompression is going in the context of readpage/readpages.
So if you mean per file, then yes for compression and no for

So the parallelism is not really explicit, more or less a bit accidental.
Are threads in the kernel possible - and if yes how large is the
typical workload of stuff which can be decompressed? I guess for
several hundered kb using more than one thread could speed things up
quite a bit?

lg Clemens

Which version will be merged into mainline kernel?

2006-10-16 Thread Clemens Eisserer


Will reiser-4.0 or reiser-4.1 be merged into mainline kernel, I ask
because I am quite interrested in trying out the compression plugin.

Sorry about what happend in the last few days :-/

lg Clemens

Re: Which version will be merged into mainline kernel?

2006-10-17 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hi again and thanks for the response,

> Will reiser-4.0 or reiser-4.1 be merged into mainline kernel, I ask
I don't know, why it should be merged partially.
I.e. "all or nothing".

I thought that compression belongs exclusivly to reiser4-4.1, and
maybe because of stability issues only reiser4-4.0 will maybe merged.
Great to hear to maybe soon get the full power at once :-)

If you want to try out in the latest -mm kernel,
then we will send you the setup.

I am currently really busy - I've just started university. But I would
be happy if I would be allowed to ask for help again in a few weeks

Btw. Is there anything new about includion into mainline? I read
somewhere that first 2.6.19 was the goal but now it is 20 or 21. Is it
now more or less a predictable thing, only when exactly is still open
or can kernel devs still change their opinion?

lg Clemens

Re: Which version will be merged into mainline kernel?

2006-11-01 Thread Clemens Eisserer


If you want to try out in the latest -mm kernel,
then we will send you the setup.

I'll setup my laptop within the next days and will compile the latest
-mm kernel.
Could you send me the "setup", please? (Do you mean the kernel-setup,
or a howto?)

Thanks a lot in advance, lg Clemens

Btw. a very last question about compression: Will the disk-cache held
in RAM be also compressed? Would be great for machines with slow disk,
little RAM but fast processor... (e.g. my laptop ;) )

Re: Which version will be merged into mainline kernel?

2006-11-02 Thread Clemens Eisserer


ok, a bit later

No need to hurry ;)

both compressed and decompressed data are cached, it means that
cryptcompress file requires  *(2-R) more memory then usual file
(R - compression ratio)

Oh ... thats a drawback. It means the performance advantage
compression will do will be destroyed at least partially :-/ However I
am sure there are fine reasons to do so (or the current VFS design
forces to do so) and I also don't understand the background.
I am happy with what I get :-)

What is hardware configuration of your laptop?

Its a Northwood-P4-2.6ghz with a very slow (Hitachy?) drive:
"Timing buffered disk reads:   48 MB in  3.08 seconds =  15.59 MB/sec"

Thanks a lot for this great FS, lg Clemens

Btw. If you send me the setup - this could be seen as support service ;)
Would it help Reiser4 development if I pay the 25$ - or is the locked?

Re: Which version will be merged into mainline kernel?

2006-11-02 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hi again,

How much RAM?

512mb, DDR1 "PC2700"

Thanks, but the status of this account seems to be unclear

Ok, then I'll wait till there are other ways to donate.

Thanks a lot, Clemens

Re: Which version will be merged into mainline kernel?

2006-11-07 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hello again,

Thanks a lot for all the help, well ... I now use reiser4 as root-partition :-)

Everything works ok and I haven't seen any crashes or compatibility
problems, simply wonderful :-). If something bad happens I'll let you
know ;)

However performance is so-and-so, the system was faster with ext3,
although I compiled the kernel with "-O3 -march=pentium4
-mtune=pentium4 -mno-sse -mno-sse3". Booting the system into KDE takes
about twice the time, although I have to admit I was using another
harddrive - I now use a 60GB/4200RPM instead an 40GB/4200RPM which
both show quite the same hdparm-results,
I use the lzo1 plugin (default ccreg40).

Are there some settings (or ext3 optimizations) in FC6, or could it be
that some of my kernel-settings slow things down for FC6 (the same
compiled kernel-binary was already used for ext3). The
reiser4-partition is mounted with "noatime".

These are some features I could imagine causing problems:
* Inotify
* Adaptive file readahead + hit feedback + fine grained readahead aging
* Timer with 1kHz
* Readahead-script of the distribution

Thanks a lot, lg Clemens

Re: Where did you obtain reiser4progs-1.0.6?

2006-11-08 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hi Christian,

Now that I found the tiny kernel patches and reiser4progs-1.0.6, I
wonder whether I need libaal of the same version, and if yes, where to
find _that_...

1.0.5 is just fine :-)

lg Clemens

Re: Which version will be merged into mainline kernel?

2006-11-08 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hi again,

> I think the slow performance you're experiencing are caused by the fsync()
> call not being well-optimized in reiser4. I've commented out the function in
> fs/buffer.c, and I'm having much better performance on my / partition.

I don't think this can be advocated as a real solution to performance
problems.  This can mean data loss for some applications like email that
expect "fsync return" to mean "this data is safely on disk".  May as well
say "I improved the performance of my backups by writing to /dev/null".

To be honest I don't really know what fsync does (I guess it forces
something to be written or something like this) and if yes - why it
gets called that often.
However am I wrong or is fsync mostly calles by applications writing
data, whereas starting xorg+kde is mostly a read job?

Thank you for your patience, lg Clemens

Re: Which version will be merged into mainline kernel?

2006-11-09 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hi again,

Don't know what its worth:
I disabled readahead completly and now KDE starts almost as fast as on EXT3.

lg Clemens

Re: Which version will be merged into mainline kernel?

2006-11-09 Thread Clemens Eisserer

sorry, my last message was not really clear:

I didn't change the kernel, I just disable the preload-scripts
executed by fedora.
I first tried to inlucde the whole KDE stuff but found it to be even
slower so I disabled them completly and now everything works fine :-)

I guess this could be maybe because of the reduced space available for
caching in RAM, because compressed and uncompressed data is cached.

lg Clemens

2006/11/9, Clemens Eisserer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi again,

Don't know what its worth:
I disabled readahead completly and now KDE starts almost as fast as on EXT3.

lg Clemens

Re: Which version will be merged into mainline kernel?

2006-11-14 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hi there,

First of all this discussion is about ... well isn't it of topic here at all?

journaling support has been late on Linux. Everything seems to be late
on Linux. Real-time support, preemptive support...

Yes Linux is late on everything because things are done when there is
_real_ demand for it. I don't see a problem with that ;-)

lg Clemens

Re: Which version will be merged into mainline kernel?

2006-11-15 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Only a fool argues against a fool ;)

Possible interference between reiser4 and usb-storage?

2006-11-19 Thread Clemens Eisserer


I know this is a strange question, but could it be that because of
reiser4 or the development I experience problems with usb-storage? I
am using cryptocompress with the 2.6.19rc4 kernel and after some time
df reports something like:

/dev/hda3 55068032  32996604  22071428  60% / (my reiser4
/ partition)
/dev/hda1   147764 14579125556  11% /boot (ext3, boot)
tmpfs   256988 0256988   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1 55068032  32996604  22071428  60% /mnt (1GB flash storage)

however sda1 is a 1gb usb storage device!!

Could that be because I compiled the kernel with -O3? (any experiences
about compiling the kernel with this switch?).

Thank you in advance, lg Clemens

Re: Possible interference between reiser4 and usb-storage?

2006-11-25 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hi again,

..."after some time", so right after mkfs df(1) is telling the truth?
Does it drop to 52MB all of a sudden or does it decrease slowly? does it
happen with other/former kernels too?

Well the cable was bad - it worked well on another computer but on
mine it lead to usb read failures.
It never drops to 52mb, it gros to a 55GB disk, this happened as soon
as I got messages about invalid fat read operations on syslog. (caused
by the usb problems)

Does it happen without the tweak? Why are you using -O3 anyway, does it
really make a difference?

Don't know since it works now. Well under normal circumstances I guess
-O3 does not make much difference (since kernel is much more "generic"
code instead of numbercrunching stuff) but since I use cryptocompress
at least reiser4 is crunching numbers ;)

lg Clemens

PS: I am really impressed about the stability of reiser4 - I never
ever had a single problem. However performance is terrible with
cryptocompress enabled:
- Drive does way too much seeks
- Directory listing is slow - a directory listing using konqueror
takes about 10s the first time I open konqueror (with 148files/folders
in it), the second time its as fast as it should.
- Writes block sometimes the system, nerving while watching video or
playing games.
- Delete operations sometimes take a lot of time (deleting a e.g.
500mb video file).

lg Clemens

Re: Possible interference between reiser4 and usb-storage?

2006-11-25 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hi again,

Sorry but I wonder why you worry about my setup...

The kernel is also something that should arguably take up less RAM. For
one thing, it can't be swapped out...

Well I am completly happy with my kernel build - the executable is
about 1.5mb which I don't care at all. The ~0.2mb I would save with O2
don't matter at all.
Another more dramatic effect which needs to be analyzed are L1/L2
cache misses which are more likely to occur with larger code - but
since the LZO-code of Reiser4 is very small it fits into L1 anyway.

biggest optimization you do when compiling your own kernel is selecting
a CPU.

Well but at least for kernel 2.6.19 it does not make any difference if
you select p-pro, p2, p3 or p4 - the emitted code will alway be i686
compatible, only instruction sceduling is tuned for the given CPU.
Thats why I altered my Makefile.cpu to : cflags-$(CONFIG_MPENTIUM4) +=
-march=pentium4 -mno-sse -mno-sse2 -mtune=pentium4

lg Clemens

Re: Possible interference between reiser4 and usb-storage?

2006-12-02 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hi again,

I would recommend to use on-the-fly conversion to unix-file plugin. It
will reduce
memory usage for incompressible files. You will need to reformat your
root partition.
Use "mkfs.reiser4 -o create=ccreg40,compressMode=conv /dev/xxx" to
enable this.
But first rebuild kernel with the attached patch. This feature is
relatively new, so it
would be better to have a backup of your root partition and update it
from time to time.

Thanks a lot ... I'll give it a try soon when I'll get my new laptop.
Congratulations to reiser4's stability - I ever encountered a single
stability or data corruption problem.

However lately I deleted about 8 700mb files (mpg) and my laptop was
busy for about 5min. I deleted it using konqueror - do you have an
idea why deleting such large files is that slow?

Thank you in advnace, lg Clemens

Re: Possible interference between reiser4 and usb-storage?

2006-12-02 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation.

Current conversion policy (convert to extent, if first 64K are
allows to properly handle ~50% of all mpegs. I hope it can be increased
up to
70-80% using only cosmetic changes. However, other problems you described
(a lot of HD seeks, slow directory listing) should disappear with the
conversion stuff.

1.) Ok, you convinced me ... I'll try it out very soon. Is the patch
you mentioned against my patched 2.6.19rc4-mm1 kernel which has
already been patched by a patch you posted on the list about 1 month
ago when I asked about compression?
I'll do some timings before and let you know how well it does.

2.) Is there a way to find out how much a file / files have/has been
If I ask konqueror how large all sub-stuff of a directory is, is this
the compressed size or the size the uncompressed files have?

Thanks a lot for all your patience, lg Clemens

Howto help hans?

2006-12-02 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hello again,

I just read in a german online news-site that Hans'
advocate Daniel Horowitz (I don't know wether this is the right word,
that one how helps hans in front of the court) stopped working for
hime because Hans was not able to pay him anymore.

I don't know wether this is right or just imagination of newspapers,
but if thats right we should help somehow. As far as I know there is
currently no way of donating to Reiser4's developmant nore to help
Hans in any way? Any ideas?
Whats about registering a domain with sum fund stuff - donate to
Reiser4 / help Hans?

Does nobody care?!

lg Clemens

Re: Compress Plugin

2006-12-02 Thread Clemens Eisserer

At least what I can tell its both - you need a patch and some
arguments for mkfs.
Search the list, about one month ago edward explained it to me (with
link to patches and README file).

Good luck, lg Clemens

2006/12/2, Tim Heinrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi, i have heard about the compress plugin, but I could not find
information how to use it... Do I need a special patch or is it a option
to mkfs.reiser4?


Re: Howto help hans?

2006-12-04 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hefty. I guess I'll buy some loterry tickets/coupons. I don't make that much
to spend

Me too - I'm a student ;)
However I guess its not important how much someone pays (e.g. I am
willed to pay 20-30$), I guess if enough people donate money -> it
really would help.

lg Clemens

Rescue cds for fsck'ing reiser4?

2006-12-15 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hi there,

Because I am using Reiser4 for "/" there is no way for me to check it
as far as I know - without booting from an rescue cd.

Does anybody know a rescue-cd distribution or something like that
which allows to exchange their kernel easily - so that I maybe could
cange my data even if I can't boot anymore? I use cryptocompress so I
am not hoping for some out-of-the-box solution which could help here

lg Clemens

Re: Rescue cds for fsck'ing reiser4?

2006-12-15 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hi again,

1. make sure you have reiser4progs-1.0.6 installed
2. close all applications.
3. start single mode (init 1).
4. remount root partition to "readonly".
5. run fsck.reiser4 root_device_name (if you use cryptcompress, then pass
   options -n --fix for the first run).

Ooops. I did not pass the -n --fix options first, but let fsck.reiser4
run without any additional options - it stopped with 2 corruptions. I
decided not to do anything further because I already lost data with
reiser3's fsck.reiser.

When rebooting mount claims that it will only load reiser4 read-only
because it contains errors but it ends up that it can't be mounted at

Now I tried to re-run with exactly the options you gave me (I had a
disk with the same kernel / toolset laying arround) gut it bails out
with "1 fatal corruption was found". It says the storage tree does not

Any options to get my data back without rebuilding the filesystem. How
likely is it to get my data back if I choose to rebuild it. I wrote
some quite tricky pieces of code lately ... would be sad to loose them

Thank you in advance, lg Clemens

Exact error Mssages.

2006-12-15 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hi again,

I thought maybe the exact error-messages could help finding the root
of the problem. By the way I thought fsck.reiser4 won't write anything
except I agree that it does?!

This are the messages I get from mount:
reiser4[mount(4030)]: try_init_format40
NOTICE: Warning: mounting sda3 with fatal errors, forcing read-only mount.
reiser4: sda3: found disk format 4.0.0.
reiser4[mount(4030)]: parse_node40
WARNING: Wrong level found in node: 5 != 19
reiser4[mount(4030)]: key_warning
WARNING: Error for inode 42 (-5)

These are the messages from fsck.reiser4:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ce]# /usr/local/sbin/fsck.reiser4 /dev/sda3
This is an EXPERIMENTAL version of fsck.reiser4. Read README first.

Fscking the /dev/sda3 block device.
Will check the consistency of the Reiser4 SuperBlock.
Will check the consistency of the Reiser4 FileSystem.
(Yes/No): Yes
* fsck.reiser4 started at Fri Dec 15 21:35:34 2006
Reiser4 fs was detected on /dev/sda3.
Master super block (16):
magic:  ReIsEr4
format: 0x0 (format40)
uuid:   b5ca3542-79a1-4e8f-b75f-6131aa1b1e6c

Format super block (17):
plugin: format40
description:Disk-format plugin.
magic:  ReIsEr40FoRmAt
mkfs id:0x3ce373f4
blocks: 14488608
free blocks:6920687
root block: 23
tail policy:0x2 (smart)
next oid:   0x13d5af
file count: 429397
tree height:5
key policy: LARGE

FSCK: filter.c: 626: repair_filter_traverse: Node (23): failed to open the root
node. The whole filter pass is skipped.
Warn : Reiser4 storage tree does not exist. Filter pass skipped.
   Read nodes 0
   Nodes left in the tree 0
   Leaves of them 0, Twigs of them 0
   Invalid node pointers 1
   Time interval: Fri Dec 15 21:35:41 2006 - Fri Dec 15 21:35:41 2006
   Read twigs 0
   Time interval: Fri Dec 15 21:35:41 2006 - Fri Dec 15 21:35:41 2006
Warn : Fatal corruptions were found. Semantic pass is skipped.
* fsck.reiser4 finished at Fri Dec 15 21:35:41 2006
Closing fs...done

1 fatal corruptions were detected in FileSystem. Run with --build-fs
option to fix them.

Hope that helps, lg Clemens

Re: Rescue cds for fsck'ing reiser4?

2006-12-15 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hi again,

Something was wrong with the system, or you just decided to check your fs?

Well I missed some files from time to time but did not further care.
And then suddenly X11 crashed when starting an OpenGL app (I changed
nothing), but reinstalling the driver helped. So I guess, yes, the
filesystem seemed to be a little inconsistent - therefor I decided to
run fsck.

However I never agreed that fsck should change oder alter anything, I
just wanted to know wether there are corruptions. Now I cannot even
mount it :-/

Is it a good idea to let fsck rebuild the fs?

Thank you in advance, lg Clemens

> I
> decided not to do anything further because I already lost data with
> reiser3's fsck.reiser.
> When rebooting mount claims that it will only load reiser4 read-only
> because it contains errors but it ends up that it can't be mounted at
> all.
> Now I tried to re-run with exactly the options you gave me (I had a
> disk with the same kernel / toolset laying arround) gut it bails out
> with "1 fatal corruption was found". It says the storage tree does not
> exist.
> Any options to get my data back without rebuilding the filesystem. How
> likely is it to get my data back if I choose to rebuild it. I wrote
> some quite tricky pieces of code lately ... would be sad to loose them
> :-/
> Thank you in advance, lg Clemens

Re: Exact error Mssages.

2006-12-16 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hi Edward,

Frankly, it is dangerous,

Well seems I had luck - all the files I would really miss (especially
the source files changed lately) are there again :-)

and it seems you didn't do any backups
as I insisted, because cryptcompress stuff is very experimental. Isn't it?

Of course I did backups, about a week ago or so. However I coded a lot
this week -> would have been sad to loose this stuff.

The sad thing is that I thought I could help making it more stable or
so by submitting stack-traces - however I never experienced crashes. I
never had power-downs and my hardware is (really) ok.

Thanks for your patience, lg Clemens

Stacktrace when reading the build-fs partition....

2006-12-18 Thread Clemens Eisserer

Hi again,

When reading some of the file on the partition that was rescued with
--build-fs, I got a stacktrace two times. I hope this helps in finding
a problem, if not ... sorry for the traffic.

The first one:

Dec 18 14:29:32 localhost kernel: WARNING: Bad disk cluster checksum
-41760589, (should be 1098063193) Fsck?
Dec 18 14:29:32 localhost kernel:
Dec 18 14:29:32 localhost kernel: reiser4[kio_file(3006)]:
Dec 18 14:29:32 localhost kernel: WARNING: Bad disk cluster checksum
-41760589, (should be 1098063193) Fsck?
Dec 18 14:29:32 localhost kernel:
Dec 18 14:29:32 localhost kernel: [ cut here ]
Dec 18 14:29:32 localhost kernel: kernel BUG at mm/filemap.c:558!
Dec 18 14:29:32 localhost kernel: invalid opcode:  [#1]
Dec 18 14:29:32 localhost kernel: Modules linked in: sd_mod(F) sg(F)
usb_storage(F) scsi_mod(F) atmel_cs(F) atmel(F) autofs4(F)
af_packet(F) ipv6(F) binfmt_misc(F) parport_pc(F) lp(F) parport(F)
nvram(F) snd_intel8x0(F) snd_ac97_codec(F) snd_ac97_bus(F)
snd_seq_dummy(F) usbhid(F) snd_seq_oss(F) snd_seq_midi_event(F)
snd_seq(F) pcmcia(F) firmware_class(F) snd_seq_device(F)
snd_pcm_oss(F) snd_mixer_oss(F) snd_pcm(F) nvidia(PF) snd_timer(F)
snd(F) ohci1394(F) soundcore(F) ieee1394(F) i2c_sis96x(F)
snd_page_alloc(F) i2c_core(F) ehci_hcd(F) sis900(F) mii(F)
yenta_socket(F) rsrc_nonstatic(F) pcmcia_core(F) serio_raw(F)
ohci_hcd(F) usbcore(F)
Dec 18 14:29:32 localhost kernel: CPU:0
Dec 18 14:29:32 localhost kernel: EIP:0060:[]
Tainted: PF VLI
Dec 18 14:29:32 localhost kernel: EFLAGS: 00010246   (2.6.19-rc4-mm1-default #2)
Dec 18 14:29:33 localhost kernel: EIP is at unlock_page+0xd/0x4f
Dec 18 14:29:33 localhost kernel: eax:    ebx: c1204a80   ecx:
dfdef2c0   edx: c1180040
Dec 18 14:29:33 localhost kernel: esi: fffb   edi: cdd81d50   ebp:
c69a5e00   esp: cdd81cd8
Dec 18 14:29:33 localhost kernel: ds: 007b   es: 007b   ss: 0068
Dec 18 14:29:33 localhost kernel: Process kio_file (pid: 3006,
ti=cdd8 task=cc77f030 task.ti=cdd8)
Dec 18 14:29:33 localhost kernel: Stack: c1204a80 c01d703d ce840438
cdd81f58 8000 031f  bf951aa3
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:bf951000 cdd81d04 c0723a40
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  
0001 5b30   
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel: Call Trace:
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  []
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  []
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  []
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  [] unix_stream_sendmsg+0x2a8/0x35d
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  [] generic_file_aio_read+0xfb/0x214
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  [] file_read_actor+0x0/0xea
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  [] generic_file_aio_read+0x0/0x214
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  [] do_sync_read+0xdf/0x136
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  []
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  []
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  [] read_cryptcompress+0x75/0x8a
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  []
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  []
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  [] vfs_read+0xdc/0x1db
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  [] sys_read+0x41/0x73
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  [] sysenter_past_esp+0x5f/0x85
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel:  ===
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel: Code: 2b 8a 2c 01 00 00 d3 e8 c1 e0
03 03 82 24 01 00 00 b9 08 00 00 00 89 da 5b e9 26 96 fe ff 53 89 c3
0f ba 30 00 19 c0 85 c0 75 04 <0f> 0b eb fe 8b 03 c1 e8 1f 8d 14 c5 00
00 00 00 01 c2 8d 14 d2
Dec 18 14:29:34 localhost kernel: EIP: []
unlock_page+0xd/0x4f SS:ESP 0068:cdd81cd8
Dec 18 14:29:36 localhost gconfd (root-3118): (Version 2.14.0) wird
gestartet, Prozesskennung 3118, Benutzer »root«

And the second one:
Dec 17 20:41:42 localhost kernel: [ cut here ]
Dec 17 20:41:42 localhost kernel: kernel BUG at mm/filemap.c:558!
Dec 17 20:41:42 localhost kernel: invalid opcode:  [#1]
Dec 17 20:41:42 localhost kernel: Modules linked in: sd_mod(F) sg(F)
usb_storage(F) scsi_mod(F) autofs4(F) af_packet(F) ipv6(F)
binfmt_misc(F) parport_pc(F) lp(F) parport(F) nvram(F) snd_intel8x0(F)
snd_ac97_codec(F) snd_ac97_bus(F) pcmcia(F) firmware_class(F)
snd_seq_dummy(F) usbhid(F) snd_seq_oss(F) snd_seq_midi_event(F)
snd_seq(F) snd_seq_device(F) snd_pcm_oss(F) snd_mixer_oss(F)
snd_pcm(F) snd_timer(F) snd(F) soundcore(F) sis900(F)
snd_page_alloc(F) nvidia(PF) ohci1394(F) ieee1394(F) ehci_hcd(F)
yenta_socket(F) mii(F) rsrc_nonstatic(F) pcmcia_core(F) i2c_sis96x(F)
ohci_hcd(F) i2c_core(F) serio_raw(F) usbcore(F)
Dec 17 20:41:43 localhost kernel: CPU:0
Dec 17 20:41:43 localhost kernel:

Re: Reiser4 ToDo list page

2007-02-07 Thread Clemens Eisserer

please take a look at


Re: acess reiser4 partition under windows

2007-02-24 Thread Clemens Eisserer

i tried rfstool unfortunately with no success, and i'm running out of
ideas, is there a way to access my r4 partition from windows?


lg Clemens

Re: compression/reiser4.1

2005-03-14 Thread Clemens Eisserer
Hi there!

I just read the discussion about the compression-plugin and I just wanted to 
say that this feature is something I really always missed under Linux when 
looking to NTFS.

Its really great to see progress in this area!

When do you think reiser4.1 will be ready?

Thanks a lot, Clemens Eisserer
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Re: Transparent Compression

2005-07-15 Thread Clemens Eisserer
This is also the feature I am waiting for a very long time - would be
great if a useable preview or something like this could be released.

Furthermore I hope ReiserFS will be soon integrated into the vanilla
kernel tree...

Thanks a lot for ReiserFS-4.0, its really great and very clear
designed. Very cool work!

lg Clemens

2005/7/15, Gordan Bobic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I have seen several references to transparent compression being worked
> on in ReiserFS, but nothing as solid as some code that could be
> downloaded and used.
> Is this feature available yet? Where could I download a patch for Linux?
> Many thanks.
> Gordan

Distributions with out-of-the-box Reiser4 support?

2005-08-10 Thread Clemens Eisserer

I hope this questions hasn't been asked too often (since it seems to
be a perfect example for this), but I'm not too long on this list and
for what I've seen it hasn't ... so please don't kill me ;-)

Does anybody know a number of distrbibutions which support reiser4 out
of the box (installer, grub, reiserfs4-utils, ...)?
Is opensuse planned to include reiser4?

For now I am using Fedora but since a long time I feel uncomfortable
with their use-what-we-tell-you policy, they tell me to use ext3 or
gnome for example and if I want to make a different choice a get
anything but not a perfect installation.

Thank you in advance, lg Clemens

Re: Distributions with out-of-the-box Reiser4 support?

2005-08-10 Thread Clemens Eisserer

>  In some version I tried a couple of months ago, Yoper had Reiser4. I don't
> know if they still do though.

Thanks a lot for the tip - I already knew Yoper and was very pleased
by its princip to use the best out of all distributions (I still think
Yast is much better than all Fedora utilities available) but it seems
to be not activly developed any more :-(
Their last release is almost a year old :-(

So it seems I have either to wait or to build a kernel myself. I can't
believe that it is so complicated with reiser4 to get it in, after
statements like "we are happy with 2.6 - we did not break it more than
it has been".

lg Clemens

Re: Distributions with out-of-the-box Reiser4 support?

2005-08-11 Thread Clemens Eisserer
wow, that seems unbelieveable great!
seems I should give opensuse (thanks god!) a try!

Thanks a lot for this tip, it means I can use a distro I am familiar
with and do not need to play with stuff I do not want to learn *g*

Thanks again, lg Clemens

2005/8/11, gimpel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wed, 10 Aug 2005 18:48:30 +0200
> Clemens Eisserer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > I hope this questions hasn't been asked too often (since it seems to
> > be a perfect example for this), but I'm not too long on this list and
> > for what I've seen it hasn't ... so please don't kill me ;-)
> >
> > Does anybody know a number of distrbibutions which support reiser4 out
> > of the box (installer, grub, reiserfs4-utils, ...)?
> > Is opensuse planned to include reiser4?
> >
> > For now I am using Fedora but since a long time I feel uncomfortable
> > with their use-what-we-tell-you policy, they tell me to use ext3 or
> > gnome for example and if I want to make a different choice a get
> > anything but not a perfect installation.
> >
> > Thank you in advance, lg Clemens
> >
> SuSE 9.3 has reiser4 support! Also the online kernel-update for SuSE
> 9.2 contains reiser4. reiser4progs of course too :)
> cheers!

Howto make reiser-3.6 a bit more standby friendly?

2005-08-23 Thread Clemens Eisserer
Hi there,

I am currently tinkering a idn-router which a harddrive which should
mostly be in stand-by.
However it seems the drive is rather unimpressed by a 5s timeout
setting specified with hdparm and goes in standby very seldom although
the computer is runnig 100% idle (even no isdn-services started or
anything else).

Could this be because of some journal-writeback stuff or anything like
that? Is there a way to tune ReiserFS for more standby-friendliness?

Thank you in advance, lg Clemens

Re: Howto make reiser-3.6 a bit more standby friendly?

2005-08-23 Thread Clemens Eisserer
Hello David and thanks a lot for answering my question.

> Have you tried "-o noatime"?
Why do you think this could help? 
Since the machine does absolutly nothing (no services, simply nothing
than a open bash).
> Also, Reiser4 is much more standby-friendly.  If you've got the RAM, it
> won't touch your disk too much.
Yes I know - but its a bit too complicated for me to get everything
up&running from ground up using Reiser4 since its not in the
default-kernel of debian :-(

Thanks again, lg Clemens

Re: Howto make reiser-3.6 a bit more standby friendly?

2005-08-23 Thread Clemens Eisserer
Hi David,

> So, the simplest way is to do "-a noatime", unless you really need the
> atime updates.  It'll boost your performance, too...

Wow! To be honest I was a bit skeptic wether would work but like magic
... the drive goes into standby and wakes only up if something really
needs disk access or the kernel is swapping.
Really great - think this will really do wonders to hd lifetime :-)

> Nor Gentoo, but I use it there anyway.
Well I plan to switch to Gentoo soon - do you know any tutorials how
to install Gentoo on Reiser4?

Thanks for all the help, lg Clemens

Re: Howto make reiser-3.6 a bit more standby friendly?

2005-08-23 Thread Clemens Eisserer
Hi Christian,

> Are you sure? Common "knowledge" (empiric and anecdotal evidence) says that a
> spin-up/spin-down cycle costs significantly more "lifetime" than running the
> drive for the same amount of time. You really have to have extremely few
> spin-ups for this to have any positive effect, IMHO.

Never really thought about that but the machine acts as server only
during the day but also runs at night - at that time nothing at all is
done with the box so I thought it would be better to send the drive to
sleep overnight.

Thanks for this thought - I'll adjust the settings via a cron-daemon
so that the drive does not have to do unesscesary spin-ups during use.

lg Clemens

Re: journal size reiserfs vs reiser4

2005-09-04 Thread Clemens Eisserer
Well, it sounds a bit like a microsoft manager explaining why XP-Home
has no terminal server features ;-)

I think an mkfs-option would be best, with a warning if the value
given by the user is nonsence (3-8% ok?).
On the contrary a 500GB hard drive with normal files on it would not
benefit too much just because 25GB are free?

lg Clemens

> This is a bit arrogant, but I believe that a user that does not know how
> to recompile the kernel with the #define changed is not sophisticated
> enough to know how much he is going to hurt his performance by going
> from 95% to 99% space used, and a user who does not want to bother with
> recompiling is not going to study the topic enough to realize he is
> making a mistake 80% of the time.  It is important to know when
> designing a product when your users intuitions are going to be wrong
> 80%of the time, and while one should always be slow to reach such a
> conclusion, I think this is such a case.

Re: I request inclusion of reiser4 in the mainline kernel

2005-09-18 Thread Clemens Eisserer
The longer I read discussions about the inclusion of reiser4 into the
kernel the more I think the whole discussion has to do with personal
oppinions, not with technical problems or limitations that should be
Anybody who is a ext3 fan seems to find his own reasons why reaiser4
should stay away - thats real competition - could be fud-people payed
by redhat how seem to force anybody to use ext3 (thanks for fc4
bullshit) ;-)
I have heard so many reasons why reiser4 should not be in kernel,
however nobody seems to think about why it should be included. Its the
only really activly developed linux vs with features most (all) other
fs lack and it has a great ability for improvements through plugins.

just makes me sad, lg Clemens

Will I need to re-format my partition for using the compression plugin?

2005-09-20 Thread Clemens Eisserer
Hello again,

I am currently re-installing my linux system and I would like to use
reiser4 since I think its really powerful and great (and is well
written too ;) ).

However, will it be possible to convert a non-compressed reiser4
partition to a compressed one withought the need of deleting data or
reformat anything?

Thanks, lg Clemens

Re: Will I need to re-format my partition for using the compression plugin?

2005-09-20 Thread Clemens Eisserer
So yes, hmm sad that there is not compress-option - it could be easily
doable with the files in the pseudo directory of every single file.
This way one could select which files to compress and which not -
however thats not that important for me. I am just happy that there is
at least one serious filesystem with compression available.

Thanks a lot, I waited for Raiser4 the last 8 years ;-)

Thanks, lg Clemens

Re: Full of surprises - A reiser4 story from userland

2005-09-28 Thread Clemens Eisserer
> > Please? Or would I have been better off using XFS from the beginning?
Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad idea - since it would avoid such
unfriendly posts to the mailing list. Since YOU WANT help, you should
behave like its ment to be not always throughing arround how stupid
this and that is.
Lately there have been a lot changes suggested by kernel-developers to
get reiser4 into the mainline kernel, so that's why it not as stable
as it was.

Furthermore maybe this is the reason why there's no such patch, have
you thought this way round. Maybe only testers should use the current

Man you get the best Linux-FS out there for free (I bet you did not
contribute) and all you do is nerving arround.

lg Clemens

ps: sorry for flaming, seems my emotions overheated...

Re: Different size of partion between reiser4 and reiserFS 3.6

2005-09-30 Thread Clemens Eisserer
This is because reiser uses 5% of disk space for internal use - which
is no problem since reiser saves that 5% easily since it stores files
much more efficient.

lg Clemens

2005/9/30, luc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> i want to try use reiser4 and i discover this :
> I have 80Gb Western Digital HDD. When i created one partition (full
> disk)
> mkfs.reiserfs -f /dev/sda1
> then obtain this
> reiserfs 3.6
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] luc]# df -k
> Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda1 78145768 32840  78112928   1% /mnt/te
> when i did
> mkfs.reiser4 -f /dev/sda1
> reiser4
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] luc]# df -k
> Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda1 74256016  2544  74253472   1% /mnt/te
> I use patch from for kernel 2.6.12 and
> libreiser4progs-1.0_4-1.0.4-1mdk , reiser4progs-1.0.4-1mdk. Is here
> anyone who is able to explain me why the size of partion sda1 is
> different ???
> --
> luc
> Linux 2.6.12-12mdk-i686-up-4GB Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 2.00GHz

Any news about mainline inclusion?

2005-10-11 Thread Clemens Eisserer
Hi again,

Sorry for creating traffic, however I am just curious whats happening
with the mainline kernel includion. Any new wishes, or new steps done?

Thank you in advance, lg Clemens

Re: random minor benchmark: Re: Copy 20 tarfiles: ext2 vs (reiser4, unixfile) vs (reiser4,cryptcompress)

2006-02-20 Thread Clemens Eisserer
Hi again,

Wow does that mean cryptocompress is almost ready for primetime (next
months or so)?!
I've been waiting for something like this for ages, it would be so
great if that could turn into reality soon.

I am quite enthusiastic how it will perform on the Dual-Athlon64 + 4x
Software-Raid-5 (PATA) I plan to buy.

Thank you many, many times!!

lg Clemens

Re: [PATCH] reiserfs: reiserfs_file_write will lose error code when a 0-length write occurs w/ O_SYNC

2006-03-03 Thread Clemens Eisserer
> I suggest that they sit in -mm or an rc for ~2 weeks before they go in.
> If 2.6.16 is coming out before then, then let it ship without them.  All
> of these things are pretty obscure/rare, so not unsettling the code
> matters more than getting them in.

I know this sounds quite a bit stupid but does that mean Reiser4 will
be included into the mainline kernel? Would be great :-)

lg Clemens

Re: State of the Reiser4 FS

2006-03-14 Thread Clemens Eisserer
> AFAIK, the most recent reason why reiser4 does not get included is that
> reiser4 developers have to change reiser4 to use generic code to
> implement read/write.
> AFAICS, reiser4 developers do not work on that.
Has this really become a reason to not include reiser4 into mainline?
I also don't see a reason for that - at least it would bind reiser4
more close to linux making ports to other OS harder.
Furthermore if it would decrease performance its simply no way to go.

(btw. I think this could be a way to generate some revenue - I think
there is demand for a modern fs which is supported by both, windows
and linux).

lg Clemens