Re: CSHeating Colloidal Silver

2005-12-20 Thread Ode Coyote

 If you make CS at over around 110-120 deg F. it's almost guaranteed to 
come up yellow.

 After it's made and sits around a while, it doesn't seem to care.
 If you freeze it, The particulates seem to form a column in the center 
and may drop out when thawed [never noticed drop out... or not]

I was a little surprised to see no effect from nuking CS..[I didn't boil it]


At 09:43 AM 12/19/2005 -0500, you wrote:

All bets are off if you microwave it, I have never done any tests to see 
if the microwaves cause higher aggregation then otherwise. If you have a 
laser, then try heating it (the CS not the laser), then compare the 
intensity of the beam in the unheated and the heated.  If thye apprear 
identical, then most likely there is little or no effect.

Marshall wrote:
 In a message dated 12/16/2005 6:30:49 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
It will not destroy the CS, but depending on how hot you heat it, could 
lead to increased particle size and lower effectiveness.  The more yellow 
or color it has, them more likely it will be effected.

Thanks for responding Marshall.  It's perfectly clear CS, ppm level 
around 12.  I guess that even if it's less effective, if it gets more 
into her that would be a good thing.  Best way to do this in a microwave 
in a cup?  Or on the stove in a porcelain tea kettle?  MA

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List maintainer: Mike Devour


2005-12-20 Thread Ode Coyote

  ##  Gee, that was a LOT of peroxide!
 Have you tasted that stuff   HWEEE!
 Try 6 to 12 drops next time and you won't get that spitting mad dog look 
when you use it.


At 09:43 AM 12/19/2005 -0800, you wrote:

Hi Marshall,

Well son of gun it worked. I had a jar of CS I had made. It was an old 
batch that was perfectly clear, then I added some water to it and ran the 
current through it some more and it turned golden and then got real deep 
yellow after a few days. Looked like apple juice. so after readnig the 
below I thought what the heck I'll put some H2O2 in there and see what 
happens. I put maybe a couple ounces in a quart jar that was 2/3 full a 
little at a time. and it is now almost perfectly clear.


 Yes.  If your CS has a large particle content, and overall exceeds some
 minimum level (something over 26 ppm), then when the large particles are
 converted to ionic, the ionic content can exceed the solubility of silver
 oxide/hydroxide, and will produce a brown sediment.  If you have mostly
 ionic in which you already have brown suspension of the ionic
 precipitant, then that will be converted to 2 atom colloid, reducing the
 ionic content to under the solubility limit, and it all then dissolves
 and goes clear.

 Here are some examples, asuming that you end up with 67% ionic after the
 H2O2 is added:

 Lets assume that after adding H2O2 you end up with 33% particle, and 67%
 ionic  That is quite possible since the ionic portion will be both silver
 oxide and silver hydroxide, so if we end up with equal amounts of each
 that will give 67% ionic.

 Start with 35 ppm 90% colloid large particles 10% ionic color brown from
 large particles and ionic silver precipitant, result 33% colloid small
 particles, 67% ionic.  Ionic content goes from 90% 35 ppm = 31.5 ppm to
 67% of 35 ppm = 23 ppm, and since the ionic content is now below 26 ppm
 it all dissolves and the particles are small, so it goes clear.

 Start with 42 ppm 60% ionic with colloid large particles color gold from
 particles only the  ionic is totally dissolved (ionic is only 25 ppm).
 Result is 67%  of 42 ppm = 28 ppm ionic, with the particles once again 2
 atom in size, so it goes to brown with the ionic silver oxide/hydroxide

 What this basically says is that it does not matter what the initial
 ionic vs particle content of the batch is, what matters is the total
 silver content including both the ionic and particulate, and if that
 amount is less than some certain amount (around 40 ppm?, then it will go
 clear with H2O2, and if it is more it will go cloudy and brown.


 By the way, I dilute and drink the CS that has turned
 brown from H2O2. (It's just CS with H2O2 in it.)
 Remember, it's almost difficult to make a toxic or
 dangerous CS, no matter what the color, if you are
 only using Fine silver and DW.

 I can brew 10 gallons for an hour during the summer
 (when the room is warm) and get crystal clear CS. If I
 brew it for 1-1/2 hours, it will be gold. That doesn't
 mean that it's bad or toxic CS, it simply means the
 particles are big enough to refract light, but still
 much, much smaller than the ground-up silver the
 European Royalty used to ingest. I have no hesitation
 to drinking yellow or gold CS (I've drunk many gallons
 of it), and have no reason to think it is in any way
 dangerous. I make a point of brewing clear CS because
 I don't feel that gold CS is more effective than clear
 CS, but gold CS does mean my silver wires are
 dissolving faster.

 If you are using DW and Fine silver and you get a
 colored or cloudy batch, don't fret, don't throw it
 out, drink it, use it, it's fine. If you want, dilute
 it before ingesting it (I personally don't bother),
 but don't fear it.

 It's not the occasional colored/cloudy/muddy batch
 that can hurt you, it's the consistent, regular
 ingestion of large amounts of brown or blackish CS
 over a significant period of time that MAY be a
 concern. The closest thing to an example of this is
 Stan Jones, who didn't even use DW. If it took him two
 years, drinking 8 oz/day of coffee-colored,
 chlorinated tap water CS, to get a faint blue around
 his eyes, how safe is yellow CS made with DW? Safe
 enough that I wouldn't even give it a second thought.

 The scientists have found that it is actually HARD to
 create argyria, that it takes HUGE amounts of silver
 compounds to eventually produce it. And what they have
 done is not in the same dimension with what we are

 Let me put it more succinctly:

 If you were to brew CS using only DW and Fine silver
 wire, and you brewed it however long it took to get
 coffee-colored CS, it would still not be what Stan
 Jones drank, and I am very dubious that what happened
 to Stan would happen to you. Nevertheless, to stay on
 the safe side, here is the rule - follow this rule,
 and you won't go wrong:


 Anything else I consider to be safe, 

Re: CSRE:CS colour

2005-12-20 Thread Ode Coyote

  Mega agglomeration gone past yellow and blue into red.
 Made WAY too strong and way too fast is my guess.
 Some contaminants will do that too.

 What is that 'normal' way?


At 08:55 AM 12/20/2005 +1300, you wrote:

Hi there,

Ive just made another bottle of CS, like I normally have done alot of 
times before, but this time the colour of the water is like a browny red 
colour, like rust. Any ideas? Still tastes the same.


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Re: CSThey say that colloid silver is bad

2005-12-20 Thread Ode Coyote

  Yea..they say a lot of Ions are toxic
 I believe one is that you need 8 - 20 PPM ...IN the blood... for CS to 
kill germs?

 And that's why you need 2,000- 5,000 PPM CS. [Blue man!]

 Well, maybe so if you used 'Invive' Mild Silver Protein.
 EIS/CS kills em in water at as little as 2 parts Per Billion.

 Mold and bacteria will sometimes grow... ON ...MSP

..sorta like a tire fire calling a kettle on an alcohol flame black?

The first winning scenario is:
The minimum dosage that is necessary in adults and that works for most 
common pathogens is:

2 teaspoons of 2000 p.p.m. in the morning upon rising (after brushing 
2 teaspoons of 2000 p.p.m. in the night just before sleep (after 
brushing teeth).

This means that you will need 6 bottles for 1 month.

This will enable you to achieve a 8 p.p.m. silver level in your bloodstream.
If you do not take the 2000 p.p.m. at this minimum level of dosage you 
will not be able to eradicate common pathogens because you will not 
have the minimum required 8 p.p.m. concentration in you bloodstream that 
the 2000 p.p.m. at this dosage is able to achieve.

The minimum dosage that is necessary in adults and that works for most 
common pathogens is:

2 teaspoons of 2000 p.p.m. in the morning upon rising (after brushing teeth).
2 teaspoons of 2000 p.p.m. in the night just before sleep (after brushing 

This means that you will need 6 bottles for 1 month.

This will enable you to achieve a 8 p.p.m. silver level in your bloodstream.
If you do not take the 2000 p.p.m. at this minimum level of dosage you 
will not be able to eradicate common pathogens because you will not 
have the minimum required 8 p.p.m. concentration in you bloodstream that 
the 2000 p.p.m. at this dosage is able to achieve.

(If you need to go out without having dark silver liquid on your teeth then 
brush, but it will dissolve after 3 hours on its own and your teeth will 
then be white without brushing ((You do not want to brush right after 
taking the silver because you then rinse causing the silver to be washed 
away))). v

[Danged text editing in Eudora 5 sucks]


At 11:57 PM 12/19/2005 +0100, you wrote:

They say that colloid silver is bad  ?



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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSeves dropping

2005-12-20 Thread Ode Coyote

  Get real!

So what has the NSA top secret Echelon project [that so many people know 
about somehow] been doing for the past 40+ years other than scanning every 
satellite, Internet, radio, FAX and cell phone transmission that 
.suddenly makes it Bush's baby?
 Is this the Great Society legacy of Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson and the 
mobster smuggler Kennedys?

 Maybe not, but they sure didn't stop it.

Echelons beginnings date from 1948.
 NSA started in 1952 under Harry Truman...another Democrat...and one of 
the main missions was to eavesdrop on steel mills to prevent a strike and 
everyone else later on using the Echelon system after the Supreme Court 
ruled that placing control under a TOP SECRET agency  [NSA] 
that doesn't report to the Supreme Court.
The Crisis Mongers are apparently attempting to fill Georges can with their 
own crap legacy.

 Domestic Spying is most certainly not new news.
 Echelon listens to EVERYTHING in the air, all over the world.

 The only thing that George is doing differently is sharing the info with 
other agencies and not denying that the system exists. [but still doesn't 
utter the word Echelon]
 He also doesn't waste a lot of energy defending himself when he could and 
someone else would, were they in his shoes.

 The crisis mongers are confusing domestic wire taps with listening in 
to the public airwaves which is legal for anyone to do.
 Cell phone calls and police radios are regularly listened into by private 
individuals who own scanners.
 The only restrictions are about how the info is 'used' and there is a 72 
hour window to get a retroactive warrant on info already collected should 
it be useful..which [so far as I can tell] includes domestic wire taps if 
the tap in not located inside a building.

A warrant is obtained so the info can be used in court.
 Trans Oceanic cables are not domestic lines and anything broadcast is 
Public Domain.
 Planting bugs in a room is a different story being discussed with the 
advent of laser listening devices that don't attach to or enter into a 
 Planting a bug  requires a warrant to gain entry in order to plant the 
bug with no retroactive provision.
 There are no laws against anyone using a hearing aid, a vibrating window 
is a speaker and sounds broadcast in the air are Public Domain.

 Right or wrong aside
 Anyone with a desire to maintain privacy has known to use encryption and 
codes for a long long time.

Ode [not a Rep OR a Dem]

At 08:56 AM 12/20/2005 +0900, you wrote:


According the mainstream news reports, President Bush has admitted his 
repeated and willful violations of the law in ordering spying on American 
citizens; according to AP, the FBI admits that most of the

more than 10,000 were not suspected of any wrongdoing.

Only a handful of persons knows the true purpose of these illegal actions.

I would go so far as to assume that every person on our list may be 
monitored by someone.

When the truth finally comes out, there may be some changes in government.

On Monday, Dec 19, 2005, at 22:07 Asia/Tokyo, Tel Tofflemire wrote:

Big brother is watching us all.

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CSHomemade vs. Sovereign

2005-12-20 Thread Pat
 What makes Sovereign better than homemade?  It's just too expensive to use 
very much.  
  Is it possible to make CS that's 1,000 or 5,000 ppm like that website  
advertised?  Are they measuring some different way?  I'm  confusedcourse, 
that's getting to be a permanant state for me   lol

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

CSFood Poisoning (quote-unquote)

2005-12-20 Thread deborah byron
A story about food poisoning--a few weeks ago many parents here were  
reporting that large numbers of kids were out of school with the 'flu'.  
Being interested in the whole avian flu issue, I started looking in at the  
Weather Channel's website which carries what I assume are Center for  
Disease Control flu report statistics on a state-by-state basis.  Guess  
what--not one report of the flu in that 2-week period and hardly any at  
all since.  Which leaves me wondering just how often salmonella type food  
contaminations occur in the schools and are mislabeled, at least by the  
general public. And why doesn't this make the news--hundreds of kids out  
at a time isn't news?


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2005-12-20 Thread Connie Howard
Nancy...  your comments regarding Sovereign Silver peeked my interest... 
I'm still working on a good treatment for my Cats who have upper
respiratory problems.  Though they have improved significantly using my
homemade CS I thought adding Sovereign Silver may up their comfort
level...  could you let me know where you get your Sovereign Silver  

thanks so much


On Mon, 19 Dec 2005 23:34:15 -0600 Nancy DeLise
I took 16- 20 oz. of my home made Cs for 2 1/2 years.  When I learned
about Sovereign Silver, I took 2 teaspoons four times a day.  Now that I
am about 90 % cured  of my MS, I take 8 oz. of my home made in the
morning and 2 teaspoons of Sovereign Silver two times a day.(MS is a
virus and I would never stop completely)
As far as the H2o2, I put 1 drop of H2o2 into 2 oz. of CS and let it
sit for about 15 minutes.  The H2o2 interacts with the silver and causes
the particles to break up into much smaller particles, and more of it
gets utilized by the body rather then just going thru quickly.
- Original Message - 
From: Greg Ball 
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 11:09 PM

Nancy - I may have missed this in another post, but how much sovereign
did you take, and did you combine that with homemade? Also, how did you
make your homemade silver?

Lastly, why mix the silver with the H202? I have an ozone machine and can
drink ozone water. Would this be the same because it ads oxygen? or is
there something about the peroxide that’s unique? Does it combine somehow
with the silver?

Thanks so much for sharing!

Re: CSLaser Pointer

2005-12-20 Thread cking001
A three dollar one will be fine.
Red is the most commonly available, works fine!

Nuke the Smurfs

On 12/20/2005 5:12:11 PM, Pat ( wrote:
 I just found out laser pointers come in different colors. Which should I
 buy? Also, are the $3 ones the same as the $30 ones as far as the light?
 Thanks, Pat

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRE:CSFood Poisoning (quote-unquote)

2005-12-20 Thread Tel Tofflemire
RE: Food poison,
Dr Clark and others say that 6 drops of LUGOL'S  IODINE  in a cup of water for 
an adult, 1/2 that for a child will cure food poison in a couple hours. My 
family always carry it when we travel, along with CS, and herbal tea.
Because it works.  Do a Google search on it.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.
- Original Message - 
From: deborah byron 
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 7:17 AM
Subject: CSFood Poisoning (quote-unquote)

A story about food poisoning--a few weeks ago many parents here were  
reporting that large numbers of kids were out of school with the 'flu'.  
Being interested in the whole avian flu issue, I started looking in at the  
Weather Channel's website which carries what I assume are Center for  
Disease Control flu report statistics on a state-by-state basis.  Guess  
what--not one report of the flu in that 2-week period and hardly any at  
all since.  Which leaves me wondering just how often salmonella type food  
contaminations occur in the schools and are mislabeled, at least by the  
general public. And why doesn't this make the news--hundreds of kids out  
at a time isn't news?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSLaser Pointer

2005-12-20 Thread cking001
These lasers are common at flea markets, usually at vendors with
dollar store items.
Dollar stores are another source.
Mostly sold as keychain novelties.
Imagine, $3 including batteries!

Peace through superior firepower

On 12/20/2005 5:59:30 PM, Richard Harris ( wrote:
 Hi Pat,
 I believe the RED laser to be better--
 I'm NOT convinced the other colored lights I've seen are laser. The $3
 should be as good as the more expensive and I'd appreciate the source of this 
 inexpensive red laser to share this info with others.
 Please read my Site  Blogspot in which I offer FREE 3 pages of CS Uses and 1 
 page of CS Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of help.
 Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
 448 West Juniata Street
 Clermont, FL 34711

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSeves dropping

2005-12-20 Thread Linda Ellis
Thank you, Ode!  The more I check these kinds of things out, the more I realize 
how little people understand of how we got where we are.
  People don't remember that JFK was spying on Martin Luther King, and J.Edgar 
Hoover had files on EVERYBODY.  
  Look, while I don't care for many of the things President Bush has done, this 
whole illegal spying thing is much ado about nothing.  The more I learn, the 
more I absolutely agree with this policy as critical in intelligence-gathering.
  I did find it interesting to learn that the New York Times had this story for 
A YEAR before deciding to publish it last Friday.  Wonder why they 
waited..well, it could have been that on Friday, it was a Trifects for them!
  1)   The Democrats and the media HATE that real progress is being made in 
Iraq, and will do anything to avoid talking about that progress.  There was a 
70% turnout for voting last week, despite fears of being shot at or polling 
places at risk for suicide bombers.  Here, in the U.S., people don't vote if it 
RAINS, for heaven's sake!  The New York Times, as the official mouthpiece of 
the Democratic Party, simply couldn't stand to give that story the time it 
deserved, and had to find something to get that off the front page.
  2)   Whether you like all aspects of the Patriot Act, or none of them, it is 
deeply disturbing to me that The New York Times would choose to release a 
controversial story about domestic spying, WHICH THEY HAD FOR A YEAR, on the 
very day that Congress is going to vote on extending the Act.  Nobody will 
convince me that this was not done deliberately to influence the vote.
  3)   Funny that the source for this information is coming out with a book 
Ode Coyote wrote:
  Get real!

So what has the NSA top secret Echelon project [that so many people know 
about somehow] been doing for the past 40+ years other than scanning every 
satellite, Internet, radio, FAX and cell phone transmission that 
.suddenly makes it Bush's baby?
Is this the Great Society legacy of Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson and the 
mobster smuggler Kennedys?
Maybe not, but they sure didn't stop it.

Echelons beginnings date from 1948.
NSA started in 1952 under Harry Truman...another Democrat...and one of 
the main missions was to eavesdrop on steel mills to prevent a strike and 
everyone else later on using the Echelon system after the Supreme Court 
ruled that placing control under a TOP SECRET agency [NSA] 
that doesn't report to the Supreme Court.
The Crisis Mongers are apparently attempting to fill Georges can with their 
own crap legacy.
Domestic Spying is most certainly not new news.
Echelon listens to EVERYTHING in the air, all over the world.

The only thing that George is doing differently is sharing the info with 
other agencies and not denying that the system exists. [but still doesn't 
utter the word Echelon]
He also doesn't waste a lot of energy defending himself when he could and 
someone else would, were they in his shoes.

The crisis mongers are confusing domestic wire taps with listening in 
to the public airwaves which is legal for anyone to do.
Cell phone calls and police radios are regularly listened into by private 
individuals who own scanners.
The only restrictions are about how the info is 'used' and there is a 72 
hour window to get a retroactive warrant on info already collected should 
it be useful..which [so far as I can tell] includes domestic wire taps if 
the tap in not located inside a building.
A warrant is obtained so the info can be used in court.
Trans Oceanic cables are not domestic lines and anything broadcast is 
Public Domain.
Planting bugs in a room is a different story being discussed with the 
advent of laser listening devices that don't attach to or enter into a 
Planting a bug requires a warrant to gain entry in order to plant the 
bug with no retroactive provision.
There are no laws against anyone using a hearing aid, a vibrating window 
is a speaker and sounds broadcast in the air are Public Domain.

Right or wrong aside
Anyone with a desire to maintain privacy has known to use encryption and 
codes for a long long time.

Ode [not a Rep OR a Dem]

At 08:56 AM 12/20/2005 +0900, you wrote:


According the mainstream news reports, President Bush has admitted his 
repeated and willful violations of the law in ordering spying on American 
citizens; according to AP, the FBI admits that most of the
more than 10,000 were not suspected of any wrongdoing.

Only a handful of persons knows the true purpose of these illegal actions.

I would go so far as to assume that every person on our list may be 
monitored by someone.

When the truth finally comes out, there may be some changes in government.

On Monday, Dec 19, 2005, at 22:07 Asia/Tokyo, Tel Tofflemire wrote:

Big brother is watching us all.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing 

CSDefinition of an ion

2005-12-20 Thread Marshall Dudley
I have received several replys now from scientists on what an ion is. Here
they are:


a colloid is a particle and in the case of Colloidal Silver should have
a charge on it-  this kils the micro-organisim.  Typical size .05um.
An ion is in solution and is just a molecule or atom in size depending
on the subatance.As an ion is very very small by comparison it can
penetrate the tissues much more easily.
Ionic silver is potentially much more toxic than a colloidal particle of
silver as it can combine with other ions to produce toxic substances
like silver nitate.

Hope that helps.
Chris Hyslop.   Chartered Biologist.   Commercial Science.


Instead of saying 'group of atoms', it should actually say 'molecule'.
The earth is not an atom or a molecule, nor is a charged balloon or a
colloid.  These are both examples of groups of molecules, which should
not be included in the definition.

So an ion is an atom or molecule deficient in or having excessive
electrons relative to the positive charge of the nucleus (or cumulative
charge of the nuclei sharing the deficiency/excess)...pretty simple.
Protons cannot be exchanged except by nuclear reaction, although the
transfer of electron deficiency is the basis for the Bronsted
definition of acids as well as the concept of holes in semiconductors.

Note that the deficiency or excess in a molecule is usually localized
to the atom that results in the lowest formal charge.  You can have two
or more ionic groups in one molecule due to this localization
(zwitterion).  Macromolecules such as enzymes and other polymeric
species can also be ionic - they are called polyelectrolytes.

The official definition is at and

An atomic or molecular particle having a net electric charge.
1982, 54, 1545

So it seems that in no case can a crystaline particle such as colloidal
silver be called an ion even though it may have a charge.  Only atoms and
molecules can be called an ion.


RE: CSdercums disease and CS

2005-12-20 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Hannah,

Hope you're aware of bG's wonderful Site:
At the bottom of their Site, they have Photos, full directions for making
and many uses that people have reported--usually accompanying CS dosages
(oral and external applications). Be sure to make one of these simple
devices and experiment on treating your problem--always sharing your results
with bG--both positive and negative.

There are many items we add to CS for problem conditions to make CS more

Please read my Site  Blogspot where I offer 3 FREE pages of CS Uses + 1
page of Favorites CS Site to which I refer often.
Let me know if I can be of help. Merry Christmas  the finest New Year ever
to ALL!!

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Hannah []
  Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 1:57 AM
  Subject: Re: CSdercums disease and CS

  As a user of CS for quite a few years, but also the 'owner' of many
lipomas which as yet are still undiagnosed as to which variety
(Dercum's,Madelungs, or 'just'  familial multiple lipomas   - still
searching for a specialist here in Oz who knows about Dercum's and can
diagnose - ) I have not seen any positive  influence on the lipomas/fatty
benign tumors.  Neither in halting the development of news ones nor stopping
from existing ones in their growth.  It just continues.

  A fairly active support group by Dercum's sufferers can be found  at the
following website.

  However, I wouldn't want to be without CS to keep my immune system from
being overloaded.  My observation is that many Dercum's people do have a
number of other health issues often  auto immune system related.

  Hanneke ~ Australia

Re: CSConfusing CS vocabulary

2005-12-20 Thread Marshall Dudley
Terry Chamberlin wrote:

 Marshall, you said,
 “The H2O2 reacts with the silver particles, producing
 ionic silver…”
 “The final result is a mixture of ionic silver
 (hydroxide and oxide) and very small colloidal
 particles. If your CS has a large particle content,
 and overall exceeds some minimum level (something over
 26 ppm), then when the large particles are converted
 to ionic, the ionic content can exceed the solubility
 of silver oxide/hydroxide, and will produce a brown
 “If you have mostly ionic in which you already have
 brown suspension of the ionic precipitant, then that
 will be converted to 2 atom colloid, reducing the
 ionic content to under the solubility limit, and it
 all then dissolves and goes clear.”
 “Lets assume that after adding H2O2 you end up with
 33% particle, and 67% ionic…”
 “What this basically says is that it does not matter
 what the initial ionic vs particle content of the
 batch is…”

 These sentences are confusing. “The H2O2 reacts with
 the silver particles, producing ionic silver…” It was
 ALL ionic from the beginning. Every silver particle
 had a charge.

That is not true. The correct definition of an ion is at and is:

An atomic or molecular particle having a net electric charge.

EIS is composed of ionic silver, which is typically silver oxide and
silver hydroxide and particulate silver which is a silver crystal, and
thus is NOT an ion.  Using your broad definition of an ion then a balloon
that is charged up, and the earth are both ions, which is clearly not the

 “The final result is a mixture of ionic silver… and
 very small colloidal particles.” ALL the particles are

No they are not, only the dissolved compounds are ionic, the colloidal
silver crystals are not.

 The particles that are too small to be termed colloidal also have a
 charge so they too are ionic.

I am not sure what you mean by too small, size has nothing to do with if
it is a colloid or not. If it has charge and is atomic or molecular, then
it is an ion, but if it NOT atomic or molecular, then it is not an ion.
In the case of milk the cream is in very small charged droplets, and
forms a colloid, but the cream droplets are NOT ions, they are simply
charged particles, like a balloon that is charged up.

 What are you attempting to differentiate between?

The official definition of an ion.

 “If your CS has a large particle content…” There is
 nothing in the solution but particles. What else could
 there be?

By particles I am referring to colloidal silver crystals.  Yes ions are
particles as are the water molecules, but I was not referring to them.

 “..when the large particles are converted to ionic…”
 The large particles are already ionic, they already
 have a charge.

They have a charge, they are not ionic any more than a balloon rubbed on
the wall is ionic.

 “If you have mostly ionic…” I don’t have MOSTLY ionic,
 I have nothing but ionic.

Then you have no particulate silver crystals, and there will be NO

 “..that will be converted to 2 atom colloid, reducing
 the ionic content…” So are you saying that some of the
 ions will lose their charge?

Yes, the ions lose their ionic charge and become a silver crystal
particle.  The particle will have a charge though due to other
influences.  The Ag2++ ion will have a charge of 2, but the Ag crystal
particle will have a charge that ranges from 0 to 2, and will be
continually varying depending on the dynamics of the liquid and
collisions with water molecules.  A better example would be a silver
particle of say 100 atoms with maybe 20 on the surface.  If the silver in
it were ionic, it would have a charge of 100 electrons, but being a
particle, only the surface can have a charge, and thus it can never have
a charge of more than 20.

It is pretty easy to tell the ionic from the particulate crystals, both
by the tyndall effect, as well as by adding something that shorts out
charges.  Soap will do this, it will discharge static charges, but of
course has no effect on the actual charges of ions. If you add soap to
EIS then the charge on the silver crystals will lose their charge, and
they will begin clumping together, forming larger and larger crystals
until they are too large and lack the charge to stay suspended, and then
will precipitate out.  Soap will have no effect on the ionic portion at
all, you cannot simply discharge an ion with a non-ionic substance such
as soap.

 “Lets assume that after adding H2O2 you end up with
 33% particle, and 67% ionic…” So you are saying that
 33% will not have a charge, and 67% will?

No, I am saying that 33% are crystalline with a static charge, and 67% is
atomic or molecular with an ionic charge.

 “What this basically says is that it does not matter
 what the initial ionic vs particle content of the
 batch is…” The batch is nothing else but ionic
 particles. None of the particles are without a charge.

No, normal EIS is 

Re: CSThey say that colloid silver is bad

2005-12-20 Thread Marshall Dudley
Kelburn Koontz wrote:

  Paul they don't say CS is bad, they say any CS except theirs is
 bad.There is no contest between our 5,000 p.p.m. to 10,000 p.p.m.
 solutions when compared against the 20 p.p.m. to 300 p.p.m. toy
 airplane silvers that are marketed on the Internet.
 That is true.  High ppm silvers are going to have too large particles
 to ever make it into the blood, and too large to stay suspended. Also
 99% of the atoms would not be on the surface where they can do
 anything.  So with ppm's that high, it will be almost totally
 ineffective, whereas 20 or so ppm is small enough to make it into the
 blood stream where it is very effective.  I am confused though by the
 reference to toy airplanes, I can think of nothing that connects
 effective CS with toy airplanes.


  They also mention ionic versus colloidal silver.Kel

  - Original Message -
  From: Robert Berger
  Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 4:31 PM
  Subject: Re: CSThey say that colloid silver is bad
   Peter, Their statements amount to the green glue that I
  avoided when walking in my cow pastures. Junk it! Ole Bob

  Peter wrote:

   They say that colloid silver is bad
   ? hmm..  ///peter


2005-12-20 Thread Dave and Gwlynda Irek
Please give me some clarification
Is H2o2Topical Hydrogen Peroxide?
I have heard of people putting Hydrogen Peroxide in the CSare they using
Topical Hydrogen Peroxide that you put on external sores? 
I start making my CS at home and have been drinking it for about 6
months...I feel that the CS goes through my body to fast too and would like
to get a deep affect from the CS.
Thanks for your help


From: Nancy DeLise [] 
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 11:34 PM

I took 16- 20 oz. of my home made Cs for 2 1/2 years.  When I learned about
Sovereign Silver, I took 2 teaspoons four times a day.  Now that I am about
90 % cured  of my MS, I take 8 oz. of my home made in the morning and 2
teaspoons of Sovereign Silver two times a day.(MS is a virus and I would
never stop completely)
As far as the H2o2, I put 1 drop of H2o2 into 2 oz. of CS and let it sit
for about 15 minutes.  The H2o2 interacts with the silver and causes the
particles to break up into much smaller particles, and more of it gets
utilized by the body rather then just going thru quickly.

- Original Message - 
From: Greg Ball  
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 11:09 PM

Nancy - I may have missed this in another post, but how much sovereign did
you take, and did you combine that with homemade? Also, how did you make
your homemade silver?
Lastly, why mix the silver with the H202? I have an ozone machine and can
drink ozone water. Would this be the same because it ads oxygen? or is there
something about the peroxide that's unique? Does it combine somehow with the
Thanks so much for sharing!


CSLaser Pointer

2005-12-20 Thread Pat
 I just found out laser pointers come in  different colors.  Which should I 
buy?  Also, are the $3 ones  the same as the $30 ones as far as the light?
Thanks, Pat

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CSRE: CS-, Black Salve/cansema - encyclopedia article about cansema.

2005-12-20 Thread Tel Tofflemire
Here you go seekers, a  free look up for most all things. Simple to use. 
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ. Tel Tofflemire.vcf

Re: CSRE:CSFood Poisoning (quote-unquote)

2005-12-20 Thread Marshall Dudley
Why use something that takes a couple of hours? I have never found EIS
to take more than 10 minutes.


Tel Tofflemire wrote:

 RE: Food poison,Dr Clark and others say that 6 drops of LUGOL'S
 IODINE  in a cup of water for an adult, 1/2 that for a child will cure
 food poison in a couple hours. My family always carry it when we
 travel, along with CS, and herbal tea.Because it works.  Do a Google
 search on it.Tel TofflemireDewey, AZ.
 - Original Message -
 From: deborah byron
 To: silver-l...@eskimo.comsent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 7:17
 AMSubject: CSFood Poisoning (quote-unquote)
  A story about food poisoning--a few weeks ago many parents here were
 reporting that large numbers of kids were out of school with the
 Being interested in the whole avian flu issue, I started looking in at
 Weather Channel's website which carries what I assume are Center for
 Disease Control flu report statistics on a state-by-state basis.
 what--not one report of the flu in that 2-week period and hardly any
 all since.  Which leaves me wondering just how often salmonella type
 contaminations occur in the schools and are mislabeled, at least by
 general public. And why doesn't this make the news--hundreds of kids
 at a time isn't news?


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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRE: ***Possible Spam*** Re: CSRe: Heating CS

2005-12-20 Thread Jim Holmes
According to Swiss Scientist Hans Hertel, microwave ovens cause literally
bad vibes to be imposed on the substances. 

-Original Message-
From: V [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 1:15 AM
To: Kelburn Koontz
Subject: ***Possible Spam*** Re: CSRe: Heating CS

It is a myth about puttnig metal object in a microwave. It can be done if
you jsut follow a few simple rules. Spoons are ok but forks are not. and any
metal can not be anywhere near the wall of the microwave. you can put an
opened metal can of food in there to heat it and it will work it jsut takes
a lot longer becaues the microwaves only come in the can from the top. and
then also you have to completely remove the top of the can. Being what the
rules are for metal in a microwave I wolud not put CS in there.
the basic rule is that any metal must be smooth and contiguous like a spoon
is an example but a fork has tines where the metal has spaces and sparks
will jump between the tines and caues a problem and thin foil is also a
problem as is any ceramicware with metalic paint on it.

Take care,

 That is a good question.  I know one is not supposed to put metal objects
 the microwave.  How about teeny tiny metal objects suspended in water?


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 List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CS

2005-12-20 Thread Marshall Dudley
Dave and Gwlynda Irek wrote:

 Please give me some clarification
 Is H2o2Topical Hydrogen Peroxide?

 Topical hydrogen peroxide is 3% H2O2.

 I have heard of people putting Hydrogen Peroxide in the CSare they
 using Topical Hydrogen Peroxide that you put on external sores?

 Some use food grade 40%, some use 3% grade that you get at a drug
 store.  When you hear 1 drop per 2 oz. or 2-3 drops per glass, that
 would be 3%.  40% would require much smaller amounts.


 I start making my CS at home and have been drinking it for about 6
 months...I feel that the CS goes through my body to fast too and would
 like to get a deep affect from the CS.
 Thanks for your help
 From: Nancy DeLise []
 Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 11:34 PM

 I took 16- 20 oz. of my home made Cs for 2 1/2 years.  When I learned
 about Sovereign Silver, I took 2 teaspoons four times a day.  Now that
 I am about 90 % cured  of my MS, I take 8 oz. of my home made in the
 morning and 2 teaspoons of Sovereign Silver two times a day.(MS is a
 virus and I would never stop completely)As far as the H2o2, I put
 1 drop of H2o2 into 2 oz. of CS and let it sit for about 15 minutes.
 The H2o2 interacts with the silver and causes the particles to break
 up into much smaller particles, and more of it gets utilized by the
 body rather then just going thru quickly.Nancy

  - Original Message -
  From: Greg Ball
  Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 11:09 PM
   Nancy - I may have missed this in another post, but how
  much sovereign did you take, and did you combine that with
  homemade? Also, how did you make your homemade
  silver? Lastly, why mix the silver with the H202? I have an
  ozone machine and can drink ozone water. Would this be the
  same because it ads oxygen? or is there something about the
  peroxide that’s unique? Does it combine somehow with the
  silver? Thanks so much for sharing!

Re: CSRE:CS colour

2005-12-20 Thread Kate Strong
Hi Ode, Im pretty sure its contaminated. I usually fill the jar, same as 
Ive always done, and put the rods in for 50 minutes.


At 12:47 AM 12/21/2005, you wrote:

  Mega agglomeration gone past yellow and blue into red.
 Made WAY too strong and way too fast is my guess.
 Some contaminants will do that too.

 What is that 'normal' way?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour


2005-12-20 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Gwlynda,

All H202 can be dangerous and explosive unless carefully handled. Many use
food grade 35% H202, which I have never used, but which can be successfully
diluted when carefully handled. Yes, I use the 3% H202 from the drugstore
which is effective, and economical--Upon completion of generating my clear,
very effective CS using ONLY pure ozonated, steam distilled water, 99.99%
pure silver wires and love dc voltage--then testing with a red laser light
for a Tyndall beam and a Hannah TDS-1 meter for a reading of 6 to 8 which x
2 = ppm, I label this 10 ppm , which is underrated, but assures that it's
NOT over rated. To 1 gal. of this completed CS, I add 4 ml of 3% H202, which
I'm told decreases the pathogen killing time from 4 to 6 hours to about 15
minutes. God has used this excellent CS/H202 to cure bladder cancer,
diabetes and many other problems--Praise God! I believe ALL HEALING COMES

Check my Site and Blogspot in which I offer FREE 3 pages of CS Uses and 1
page of CS Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of

Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Dave and Gwlynda Irek []
  Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 10:53 AM
  Subject: CS
  Importance: High

  Please give me some clarification

  Is H2o2Topical Hydrogen Peroxide?

  I have heard of people putting Hydrogen Peroxide in the CSare they
using Topical Hydrogen Peroxide that you put on external sores?

  I start making my CS at home and have been drinking it for about 6
months...I feel that the CS goes through my body to fast too and would like
to get a deep affect from the CS.

  Thanks for your help


  From: Nancy DeLise []
  Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 11:34 PM

  I took 16- 20 oz. of my home made Cs for 2 1/2 years.  When I learned
about Sovereign Silver, I took 2 teaspoons four times a day.  Now that I am
about 90 % cured  of my MS, I take 8 oz. of my home made in the morning and
2 teaspoons of Sovereign Silver two times a day.(MS is a virus and I would
never stop completely)
  As far as the H2o2, I put 1 drop of H2o2 into 2 oz. of CS and let it
sit for about 15 minutes.  The H2o2 interacts with the silver and causes the
particles to break up into much smaller particles, and more of it gets
utilized by the body rather then just going thru quickly.
- Original Message -
From: Greg Ball
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 11:09 PM

Nancy - I may have missed this in another post, but how much sovereign
did you take, and did you combine that with homemade? Also, how did you make
your homemade silver?

Lastly, why mix the silver with the H202? I have an ozone machine and
can drink ozone water. Would this be the same because it ads oxygen? or is
there something about the peroxide that's unique? Does it combine somehow
with the silver?

Thanks so much for sharing!

Re: CSLaser Pointer

2005-12-20 Thread Marshall Dudley
Most use red because it is the least expensive. A blue laser though will
have 9.4 times as much scattering as a red though because of the shorter
wavelength of the light (scattering varys inversely to the 4th power of
the wavelength of the light.  Also the scattering (tyndall effect) goes
up to the 4th power of the particle size, or the square of the particle

A very good site on the math of Rayleigh Scattering is at


Pat wrote:

  I just found out laser pointers come in different colors.  Which
 should I buy?  Also, are the $3 ones the same as the $30 ones as far
 as the light?
  Thanks, Pat

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Re: CSRE:CS colour

2005-12-20 Thread Marshall Dudley
Probably a trace of soap left in the jar.  Soap and other surfactants cause
aggregation of colloidal particles by discharging the charge on the silver
crystals so they will grow and grow until they fall out of suspension.


Kate Strong wrote:

 Hi Ode, Im pretty sure its contaminated. I usually fill the jar, same as
 Ive always done, and put the rods in for 50 minutes.


 At 12:47 AM 12/21/2005, you wrote:
Mega agglomeration gone past yellow and blue into red.
   Made WAY too strong and way too fast is my guess.
   Some contaminants will do that too.
   What is that 'normal' way?

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSLaser Pointer

2005-12-20 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Pat,

I believe the RED laser to be better--I'm NOT convinced the other colored
lights I've seen are laser. The $3 should be as good as the more expensive
and I'd appreciate the source of this inexpensive red laser to share this
info with others.

Please read my Site  Blogspot in which I offer FREE 3 pages of CS Uses and
1 page of CS Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

  -Original Message-
  From: Pat []
  Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 11:12 AM
  Subject: CSLaser Pointer

   I just found out laser pointers come in different colors.  Which should I
buy?  Also, are the $3 ones the same as the $30 ones as far as the light?
   Thanks, Pat

  Do You Yahoo!?
  Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

CSFood Poisoning ( Rotten Hamburger )

2005-12-20 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Morning Marshall,

At 10:14 AM 12/20/2005, you wrote:

Why use something that takes a couple of hours? I have never found EIS to 
take more than 10 minutes.

I can re post Bob Lee's post of a few years back relative to the 
spoiled hamburger.   That is an attention getter for sure.

I also have his great article on sweat on my website.   I have tried to 
contact him within the last year and was unable to find him.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSFood Poisoning ( Rotten Hamburger )

2005-12-20 Thread G K Murray
My husband takes it anytime his stomach starts to give him problems from 
eating food and it has always taken only 20-30 minutes for releif.  I 
have always treasured that story of Bob Lee's.  It had me rolling.  I 
too kept copies of it, but not sure where I tucked it away. 

G Murray

Wayne Fugitt wrote:

Morning Marshall,

At 10:14 AM 12/20/2005, you wrote:

Why use something that takes a couple of hours? I have never found 
EIS to take more than 10 minutes.

I can re post Bob Lee's post of a few years back relative to the 
spoiled hamburger.   That is an attention getter for sure.

I also have his great article on sweat on my website.   I have tried 
to contact him within the last year and was unable to find him.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSeves dropping

2005-12-20 Thread patriot2000

At 07:11 AM 12/20/2005, you wrote:
You said it all, Ode!  Thanks for an informational reply.  I especially 
appreciated the historical context!  I first learned about Echelon during 
the latter years of the Clinton administration, when I began to wake up 
and smell the coffee  and also became adept at using the Internet.   Big 
Brother also scans every single e-mail transmission.  Heck, Rush was 
discussing yesterday that they can even lock onto transmissions of the baby 
monitors people have in their homes to listen to their infants from another 

The snoopers look for key words in e-mails such as bo-mb, etc.  Anything 
that might yield information about terrorism or presumably even political 
non-correctness re: the people in power could trigger the system and make 
one be fair game for perusal.  My friend's son, who was and still is a 
computer guru told me all about it back then and I don't imagine they have 
become less sophisticated in the interim.  They have had nearly 60 years to 
perfect the tools of their trade.  And Senator Boxer, and others who have 
piled on and are sanctimoniously attacking Bush, know it!  But it makes 
good political fodder for those listening to such attackers who want to 
believe the worst.   The New York Times, the self-righteous Dems, and 
anyone who would put our country in jeopardy willingly in exchange for 
political advantage know  what  Simon and Garfunkel sang years ago is true 
-- a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest!

Now, then, if they hear of a better way to make, use, and get the word out 
about CS, we will all give Echelon three cheers.


Get real!

So what has the NSA top secret Echelon project [that so many people know 
about somehow] been doing for the past 40+ years other than scanning every 
satellite, Internet, radio, FAX and cell phone transmission that 
.suddenly makes it Bush's baby?
 Is this the Great Society legacy of Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson and the 
mobster smuggler Kennedys?

 Maybe not, but they sure didn't stop it.

Echelons beginnings date from 1948.
 NSA started in 1952 under Harry Truman...another Democrat...and one of 
the main missions was to eavesdrop on steel mills to prevent a strike 
and everyone else later on using the Echelon system after the Supreme 
Court ruled that placing control under a TOP SECRET 
agency  [NSA] that doesn't report to the Supreme Court.
The Crisis Mongers are apparently attempting to fill Georges can with 
their own crap legacy.

 Domestic Spying is most certainly not new news.
 Echelon listens to EVERYTHING in the air, all over the world.

 The only thing that George is doing differently is sharing the info with 
other agencies and not denying that the system exists. [but still doesn't 
utter the word Echelon]
 He also doesn't waste a lot of energy defending himself when he could 
and someone else would, were they in his shoes.

 The crisis mongers are confusing domestic wire taps with listening in 
to the public airwaves which is legal for anyone to do.
 Cell phone calls and police radios are regularly listened into by 
private individuals who own scanners.
 The only restrictions are about how the info is 'used' and there is a 72 
hour window to get a retroactive warrant on info already collected should 
it be useful..which [so far as I can tell] includes domestic wire taps 
if the tap in not located inside a building.

A warrant is obtained so the info can be used in court.
 Trans Oceanic cables are not domestic lines and anything broadcast is 
Public Domain.
 Planting bugs in a room is a different story being discussed with the 
advent of laser listening devices that don't attach to or enter into a 
 Planting a bug  requires a warrant to gain entry in order to plant the 
bug with no retroactive provision.
 There are no laws against anyone using a hearing aid, a vibrating window 
is a speaker and sounds broadcast in the air are Public Domain.

 Right or wrong aside
 Anyone with a desire to maintain privacy has known to use encryption and 
codes for a long long time.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSLaser Pointer

2005-12-20 Thread Marmar845
In a message dated 12/20/05 10:13:27 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

  I just found out laser pointers come in different colors.  Which should I 

***Where did you find them?  I haven't been able to. MA

CSAdding bicarb of soda to water for brewing

2005-12-20 Thread Marshall Dudley
Adding a very small amount of baking soda to distilled water that has picked up
some CO2 and formed carbonic acid is very interesting to analyze.

CO2 + H2O -  H2CO3  or carbonic acid
NaHCO3 + H2CO3 - NaOH +  2CO2 + H2O

If you don't add enough bicarb to neutralize all the carbonic acid, then you
can get this reaction as well:

2NaOH + H2CO3 = Na2CO3 + 2H2O

but then sodium carbonate should react with carbonic acid as well producing:

Na2CO3 + H2CO3 - 2NaOH + 2CO2

Which puts us right back to the Sodium Hydroxide again.

So unless I am mistaken, the smallest pinch possible of baking soda (or lye)
would neutralize 100% of the carbonic acid in distilled water that has absorbed
CO2, and as long as no more is added than is necessary to cause all the CO2 to
be released, the effect will be a DECREASE in carbonate, not an increase.  The
sodium hydroxide acts as a catalyst to release CO2.  I have put this question
to some chemists for confirmation and should have a reply shortly.

This appears to be a very interesting topic that needs more study.


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Re: CSFood Poisoning ( Rotten Hamburger )

2005-12-20 Thread Marshall Dudley
Wayne Fugitt wrote:

 Morning Marshall,

  At 10:14 AM 12/20/2005, you wrote:

 Why use something that takes a couple of hours? I have never found EIS to
 take more than 10 minutes.

  I can re post Bob Lee's post of a few years back relative to the
 spoiled hamburger.   That is an attention getter for sure.

 I also have his great article on sweat on my website.   I have tried to
 contact him within the last year and was unable to find him.


YES, it is about time for a repost of that message for the newbies.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSeves dropping

2005-12-20 Thread Linda Ellis
E-mail Author
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December 20, 2005, 9:46 a.m.
Clinton Claimed Authority to Order No-Warrant Searches
Does anyone remember that?

  In a little-remembered debate from 1994, the Clinton administration argued 
that the president has inherent authority to order physical searches — 
including break-ins at the homes of U.S. citizens — for foreign intelligence 
purposes without any warrant or permission from any outside body. Even after 
the administration ultimately agreed with Congress's decision to place the 
authority to pre-approve such searches in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance 
Act (FISA) court, President Clinton still maintained that he had sufficient 
authority to order such searches on his own.
  The Department of Justice believes, and the case law supports, that the 
president has inherent authority to conduct warrantless physical searches for 
foreign intelligence purposes, Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick 
testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee on July 14, 1994, and that 
the President may, as has been done, delegate this authority to the Attorney 
  It is important to understand, Gorelick continued, that the rules and 
methodology for criminal searches are inconsistent with the collection of 
foreign intelligence and would unduly frustrate the president in carrying out 
his foreign intelligence responsibilities.
  Executive Order 12333, signed by Ronald Reagan in 1981, provides for such 
warrantless searches directed against a foreign power or an agent of a foreign 
  Reporting the day after Gorelick's testimony, the Washington Post's headline 
— on page A-19 — read, Administration Backing No-Warrant Spy Searches. The 
story began, The Clinton administration, in a little-noticed facet of the 
debate on intelligence reforms, is seeking congressional authorization for U.S. 
spies to continue conducting clandestine searches at foreign embassies in 
Washington and other cities without a federal court order. The administration's 
quiet lobbying effort is aimed at modifying draft legislation that would 
require U.S. counterintelligence officials to get a court order before secretly 
snooping inside the homes or workplaces of suspected foreign agents or foreign 
  In her testimony, Gorelick made clear that the president believed he had the 
power to order warrantless searches for the purpose of gathering intelligence, 
even if there was no reason to believe that the search might uncover evidence 
of a crime. Intelligence is often long range, its exact targets are more 
difficult to identify, and its focus is less precise, Gorelick said. 
Information gathering for policy making and prevention, rather than 
prosecution, are its primary focus.
  The debate over warrantless searches came up after the case of CIA spy 
Aldrich Ames. Authorities had searched Ames's house without a warrant, and the 
Justice Department feared that Ames's lawyers would challenge the search in 
court. Meanwhile, Congress began discussing a measure under which the 
authorization for break-ins would be handled like the authorization for 
wiretaps, that is, by the FISA court. In her testimony, Gorelick signaled that 
the administration would go along a congressional decision to place such 
searches under the court — if, as she testified, it does not restrict the 
president's ability to collect foreign intelligence necessary for the national 
security. In the end, Congress placed the searches under the FISA court, but 
the Clinton administration did not back down from its contention that the 
president had the authority to act when necessary.

Re: CSAdding bicarb of soda to water for brewing

2005-12-20 Thread Marshall Dudley
Ignore this message, all the reactions are not thermodynamically possible.
According to those more knowledeable than I on this what you would end up with
would be CO2 continuing to exist in the water, both as CO3-- and HCO3-, with no
evolution of CO2 at all.  Nice idea, but unworkable.


Marshall Dudley wrote:

 Adding a very small amount of baking soda to distilled water that has picked 
 some CO2 and formed carbonic acid is very interesting to analyze.

 CO2 + H2O -  H2CO3  or carbonic acid
 NaHCO3 + H2CO3 - NaOH +  2CO2 + H2O

 If you don't add enough bicarb to neutralize all the carbonic acid, then you
 can get this reaction as well:

 2NaOH + H2CO3 = Na2CO3 + 2H2O

 but then sodium carbonate should react with carbonic acid as well producing:

 Na2CO3 + H2CO3 - 2NaOH + 2CO2

 Which puts us right back to the Sodium Hydroxide again.

 So unless I am mistaken, the smallest pinch possible of baking soda (or lye)
 would neutralize 100% of the carbonic acid in distilled water that has 
 CO2, and as long as no more is added than is necessary to cause all the CO2 to
 be released, the effect will be a DECREASE in carbonate, not an increase.  The
 sodium hydroxide acts as a catalyst to release CO2.  I have put this question
 to some chemists for confirmation and should have a reply shortly.

 This appears to be a very interesting topic that needs more study.


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CSCheap 3% or 35% food grade h2o2 ?

2005-12-20 Thread d4wdw

I was under the impression that the 3% h2o2 from the drugstore wasn't what
I should be using. It sure would be cheaper and less hassle if it's okay
to use the cheap 3% instead of the 35% food grade.


 Hi Gwlynda,

 All H202 can be dangerous and explosive unless carefully handled. Many use
 food grade 35% H202, which I have never used, but which can be
 diluted when carefully handled. Yes, I use the 3% H202 from the drugstore
 which is effective, and economical--Upon completion of generating my
 very effective CS using ONLY pure ozonated, steam distilled water, 99.99%
 pure silver wires and love dc voltage--then testing with a red laser light
 for a Tyndall beam and a Hannah TDS-1 meter for a reading of 6 to 8 which
 2 = ppm, I label this 10 ppm , which is underrated, but assures that it's
 NOT over rated. To 1 gal. of this completed CS, I add 4 ml of 3% H202,
 I'm told decreases the pathogen killing time from 4 to 6 hours to about 15
 minutes. God has used this excellent CS/H202 to cure bladder cancer,
 diabetes and many other problems--Praise God! I believe ALL HEALING COMES

 Check my Site and Blogspot in which I offer FREE 3 pages of CS Uses and 1
 page of CS Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of

 Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
 448 West Juniata Street
 Clermont, FL 34711

   -Original Message-
   From: Dave and Gwlynda Irek []
   Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 10:53 AM
   Subject: CS
   Importance: High

   Please give me some clarification

   Is H2o2Topical Hydrogen Peroxide?

   I have heard of people putting Hydrogen Peroxide in the CSare they
 using Topical Hydrogen Peroxide that you put on external sores?

   I start making my CS at home and have been drinking it for about 6
 months...I feel that the CS goes through my body to fast too and would
 to get a deep affect from the CS.

   Thanks for your help


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSLaser Pointer

2005-12-20 Thread cking001
Or... a regular flashlight with a cover with a pinhole will do nicely.
I believe this was similar to the original conception.

Politics: formed from the Greek poly, meaning many and ticks,
meaning small blood-sucking insects

On 12/21/2005 12:13:01 AM, Matthew McCann (
 There is an alternative to laser pointers for viewing the tyndall effect.
 It is
 the high intensity lead emitting diode flashlight, such as PALights. One
 vendor is
 A typical price is about nineteen dollars. Colors available include red,
 white, blue and green. I find white and green to give the most noticeable
 TE. A possible advantage to using several monochromatic PALights
 and/or a polychromatic white PALight is that perhaps an acute observer
 could discern the effect of adding h2o2 to EIS as it changes the average
 diameter of suspended particulates. Eyeball spectroscopy, anyone?
 Scanned for virus and spam by McAfee 3200 Appliance

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSCheap 3% or 35% food grade h2o2 ?

2005-12-20 Thread Richard Harris
Hi Gwlynda,
As a FL Pharmacist for 58 years, I have only used 3% H202 USP and 6% H202
USP from drugstores and have gotten good results. I don't argue situations
that work for me and this is one.
Best wishes,
Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:08 PM
Subject: CSCheap 3% or 35% food grade h2o2 ?


I was under the impression that the 3% h2o2 from the drugstore wasn't what
I should be using. It sure would be cheaper and less hassle if it's okay
to use the cheap 3% instead of the 35% food grade.


 Hi Gwlynda,

 All H202 can be dangerous and explosive unless carefully handled. Many use
 food grade 35% H202, which I have never used, but which can be
 diluted when carefully handled. Yes, I use the 3% H202 from the drugstore
 which is effective, and economical--Upon completion of generating my
 very effective CS using ONLY pure ozonated, steam distilled water, 99.99%
 pure silver wires and love dc voltage--then testing with a red laser light
 for a Tyndall beam and a Hannah TDS-1 meter for a reading of 6 to 8 which
 2 = ppm, I label this 10 ppm , which is underrated, but assures that it's
 NOT over rated. To 1 gal. of this completed CS, I add 4 ml of 3% H202,
 I'm told decreases the pathogen killing time from 4 to 6 hours to about 15
 minutes. God has used this excellent CS/H202 to cure bladder cancer,
 diabetes and many other problems--Praise God! I believe ALL HEALING COMES

 Check my Site and Blogspot in which I offer FREE 3 pages of CS Uses and 1
 page of CS Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of

 Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
 448 West Juniata Street
 Clermont, FL 34711

   -Original Message-
   From: Dave and Gwlynda Irek []
   Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 10:53 AM
   Subject: CS
   Importance: High

   Please give me some clarification

   Is H2o2Topical Hydrogen Peroxide?

   I have heard of people putting Hydrogen Peroxide in the CSare they
 using Topical Hydrogen Peroxide that you put on external sores?

   I start making my CS at home and have been drinking it for about 6
 months...I feel that the CS goes through my body to fast too and would
 to get a deep affect from the CS.

   Thanks for your help


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSLaser Pointers

2005-12-20 Thread Pat
 This is where I saw a $3 laser  pointer.  I 
saw three  laser pointers at Office Depot from $18 to 36.  I want to be sure  
to get one that won't be too dangerous to the eyes.  I read that  they can 
cause retinal damage at  and 
other places. The  green and the blue ones are very expensive anyway.  I 
probably  wouldn't worry except that my 23 year old son loves to play with neat 
 things so it's likely to get used a fair amount. Wonder if I could just  use 
the laser picture hanger tool I have?  I hate the Yahoo mail  programit 
won't let me paste anything in here...but didn't want my  Eudora box used for 
anything but personal mail.  

Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: CSCheap 3% or 35% food grade h2o2 ?

2005-12-20 Thread Marshall Dudley
I think it is important to NOT add too much H2O2.  Hydrogen peroxide contains
stabalizers, for instance my Walgreens brand produced by Cumberland Swan
contains the following:

r sodium Stannate
tetrasodium pyrophosphate
sodium nitrate
dquest 2000

Information on H2O2 stablizers is at

Stabilizers are chelants and sequestrants which means they inactivate colloidal
metals, which is not a good thing when adding to colloidal silver.  It may also
explain why when large amounts of H2O2 are added to EIS, the response can be
different than when small amounts are added.  Since stabalizers are in trace
quantities in 3% H2O2 to start with, when only adding a couple of drops per
glassful of EIS, they should be consumed with only a few ppb of the colloid
being affected. But larger amounts could end up sequestering and chelating much
or all the CS.


Richard Harris wrote:

 Hi Gwlynda,
 As a FL Pharmacist for 58 years, I have only used 3% H202 USP and 6% H202
 USP from drugstores and have gotten good results. I don't argue situations
 that work for me and this is one.
 Best wishes,
 Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
 448 West Juniata Street
 Clermont, FL 34711

 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:08 PM
 Subject: CSCheap 3% or 35% food grade h2o2 ?


 I was under the impression that the 3% h2o2 from the drugstore wasn't what
 I should be using. It sure would be cheaper and less hassle if it's okay
 to use the cheap 3% instead of the 35% food grade.


  Hi Gwlynda,
  All H202 can be dangerous and explosive unless carefully handled. Many use
  food grade 35% H202, which I have never used, but which can be
  diluted when carefully handled. Yes, I use the 3% H202 from the drugstore
  which is effective, and economical--Upon completion of generating my
  very effective CS using ONLY pure ozonated, steam distilled water, 99.99%
  pure silver wires and love dc voltage--then testing with a red laser light
  for a Tyndall beam and a Hannah TDS-1 meter for a reading of 6 to 8 which
  2 = ppm, I label this 10 ppm , which is underrated, but assures that it's
  NOT over rated. To 1 gal. of this completed CS, I add 4 ml of 3% H202,
  I'm told decreases the pathogen killing time from 4 to 6 hours to about 15
  minutes. God has used this excellent CS/H202 to cure bladder cancer,
  diabetes and many other problems--Praise God! I believe ALL HEALING COMES
  Check my Site and Blogspot in which I offer FREE 3 pages of CS Uses and 1
  page of CS Favorites to which I refer often. Let me know if I can be of
  Richard Harris, 58 Year FL Pharmacist
  448 West Juniata Street
  Clermont, FL 34711
-Original Message-
From: Dave and Gwlynda Irek []
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 10:53 AM
Subject: CS
Importance: High
Please give me some clarification
Is H2o2Topical Hydrogen Peroxide?
I have heard of people putting Hydrogen Peroxide in the CSare they
  using Topical Hydrogen Peroxide that you put on external sores?
I start making my CS at home and have been drinking it for about 6
  months...I feel that the CS goes through my body to fast too and would
  to get a deep affect from the CS.
Thanks for your help

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 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSyellowish cloud

2005-12-20 Thread Faith Saint Francis

Hello CS Circle!
Faith here again,
now ready to fly to Colombia, for a well- earned, too short, Christmas 
holiday, then being united for a few days with wifee, who's weak, but doing 
fine after her operation.

Thanks to all the well-meant reactions I received, and shall share with her!

Well, maybe already mentioned, but I'll shoot anyway:

 What is that yellowish cloud I see on the bottom of my glass sometimes, 
when I brew my home-

 made CS?
 And: more important: Issit dangerous, should one leave the water for the 
Christmas tree, the
 flowers or the animals, or is not there any harm involved taking this 
colored CS?

Thanks, and have a Great Great Christmas with all them red-nosed reindeer, 
presents and well wished wishes,
and please!!! Do think of those unseen souls around us who could need an 
extra push, a warm piece of bread, or just our heart to open, and our ears 
to listen, okay?

Faith and Luz

Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRE:CSFood Poisoning (quote-unquote)

2005-12-20 Thread Robert L. Booth
  I got food poisoning from the prison where I was working in Florida.  
When I woke up in the night I was very ill. I took 6 capsules of activated 
charcoal and 6 more in the morning and was able to go back to work.  Five 
others stayed home unable to come to work.  Since then, whenever I eat 
something that disagrees with we I take a few 
  capsules of activated charcoal. I give them to the cat and dog when they have 
eaten something that gives them a stomach ache. I buy them from 

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: CSInformation on EIS and CS

2005-12-20 Thread Richard Harris
Congratulations, Marshall, on the clarity of your theory document! As your
usual high quality ideas so generouwsly shared by You and other Experts on
this list with us seekers--this document shines! Thank you for compiling
this and completing this document with us!

In the final Section: Theories on How EIS/CS kills pathogens--someone told
me or I read and like the theory that when holding the oral CS or
CS/Gatorade combination in mouth for 2 minutes before swallowing, Many CS
Colloids penetrate under the tongue directly into the blood stream (like
Nitroglycerin) and race along with their + charge looking for a pathogen
with its - charge and attach--thousands of other CS Colloids join and there
are so many CS colloids around each pathogen, until they suffocate the
pathogen--thus killing and possibly bringing on a herxheimer effect until
the bowel and kidney remove the killed pathogens.

Richard Harris, 57 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 11:22 AM
Ode Coyote wrote:

  Ode Coyote is a list and nik name that started being used when another
 'Ken' joined the list.
  Is it OK to post the theory [with credits and links] on websites?
 Ken [Ode]

Yes it is, but I would prefer if we wait until it is more complete, still
on it.  So should I change the Ode to Ken in the credits?


 At 06:13 PM 4/19/2005 -0400, you wrote:
 OK, I have been working on a document that tries to bring a lot of what
 been discussed here together into one concise and accurate document.  It
 can be
 viewed at
 First I would like to get everyone who has contributed to any of the
 information in this document listed in the top part. I know I have missed
 bunch, so please speak up.  Also is Ode Coyote a real name, or a
 Secondly I would like everyone who has the technical expertise to
critique it
 to do so. I want the document to be as accurate as possible, not a
 of anyone's beliefs, including mine.  If there are some things that can
 legitimately displuted, let me know so I can clarify or correct it.
 If there are sections I need to add, or more information, please let me
 Also I need references to back up a lot of what is in there.  I am trying
 get and add those right now, but if anyone can provide links or
references it
 would help.
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CSRuined Hamburger and CS ( Bob Lee test from a few years back )

2005-12-20 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Evening Marshall,

YES, it is about time for a repost of that message for the newbies.

   It is interesting to read again by the old timers.

The original, by Bob Lee

Subject:CS   Walking the Walk, or The Dumb Guys
By request( The wisdom of  Bob Lee )
Wisdom ??? !

Greeting Glorious Ones of CS,
A Test: Do not do this at home.

A few military friends of mine got together last week for the usual yak-yak
about military things.  The talk came around to the anthrax shots. I opened
my mouth and said they wouldn`t need them if all the military were taking CS.

A long discussion then went on, at the end we had decided to set up a real
he-man, macho, walk the walk test. Cold brew will do things to
normally intelligent people. This was not a smart thing to do, but please
consider who our small group is. One was me, Tai-Pan, ex-seal from Nam, One
ex-Army Ranger, Shannon, from Desert Storm, and one ex-82nd Air Borne from
Bosnia, Richard, (paratrooper).

  I`m the oldest, they are young guys. The test was to eat rotten meat and
see if the CS would prevent problems. We agreed that if anyone became ill
we would wait for at least a 103F  fever before taking CS. If it (the CS)
did not work we would go to the ER at a fever of 105f. The ER was only a
few blocks away at Poly Ryan Hospital.

Then we decided that one, Richard, would be the observer, and the other two
would eat the rotten meat. Then we decided that one meat would be treated
with CS and one not.

OK, so here we go to Richard`s house and get the rotten meat he was going
to throw out, it smelled very bad and strong. Richard is baching, so whats
new. We made two patties of about 1/4 lb each, hamburger size. One was put
in a bowl and CS poured over it and kneeded well in the CS and made into a
patty again. The other one was untreated. We drew straws to see who got
each patty.

I got the CS one and Shannon got the untreated one. We ate them, with a
little beer to blunt the taste of them. Really macho. :-)

Then we waited. After half an hour Shannon developed a stomach ache, which
proceeded to get worse. He had classical symptoms of food poisoning
(botulism). I did not develop any symptoms at all. His temperature began to
rise so we decided to use the CS right away at about 101.5 F.

Gave Shannon four tablespoons of CS every 15 minutes for 90 minutes (1 1/2
Temperature held steady then began dropping, gave CS at four tablespoons
every 30 minutes, and by the end of four hours he was feeling normal again.
Continued CS at four tablespoons once an hour until the end of six hours
just to make sure the botulism was gone. That was Saturday, now its Monday
and still OK.
CS was 9ppm, active.

So what does it prove,(besides our dumb idea)?  Well, the CS treated meat
was rendered safe. Can treat rotten food in an emergency if need be with CS
and use it. Proved it would stop botulism. I usually take CS before eating
out anyway. Proved we should not drink so much at one time.

Now Richard and Shannon are using CS. :-) Now I feel better about them and
their health.

Bless you  Bob  Lee

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSLaser Pointer

2005-12-20 Thread Matthew McCann
There is an alternative to laser pointers for viewing the tyndall effect. It is
the high intensity lead emitting diode flashlight, such as PALights. One
vendor is
A typical price is about nineteen dollars. Colors available include red,
white, blue and green. I find white and green to give the most noticeable
TE. A possible advantage to using several monochromatic PALights
and/or a polychromatic white PALight is that perhaps an acute observer
could discern the effect of adding h2o2 to EIS as it changes the average
diameter of suspended particulates. Eyeball spectroscopy, anyone?


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Re: CSH2O2 and EIS

2005-12-20 Thread Shelli
Thanks. I dove in and have been using it. It did clear up quite a bit. It is 
just a light yellowish brown now. I'm trying to get rid of a cold. I'm using 
2 tablespoons about 3 times a day. I'm not sure it's doing anything though. 
My cough is driving me nuts!


- Original Message - 
From: Nancy DeLise

Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 9:50 PM
Subject: Re: CSH2O2 and EIS

I would add a little more H2o2Yes, you can use the CS. It is better now
than when you first made it if it is still clearing up.

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Re: CSRE: ***Possible Spam*** Re: CSRe: Heating CS

2005-12-20 Thread twll56

Everybody look into iron pyrite/Fools Gold to reduce electronic polution.
- Original Message - 
From: Jim Holmes

Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 11:14 AM
Subject: CSRE: ***Possible Spam*** Re: CSRe: Heating CS

According to Swiss Scientist Hans Hertel, microwave ovens cause literally
bad vibes to be imposed on the substances.

-Original Message-
From: V []
Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 1:15 AM
To: Kelburn Koontz
Subject: ***Possible Spam*** Re: CSRe: Heating CS

It is a myth about puttnig metal object in a microwave. It can be done if
you jsut follow a few simple rules. Spoons are ok but forks are not. and 

metal can not be anywhere near the wall of the microwave. you can put an
opened metal can of food in there to heat it and it will work it jsut 

a lot longer becaues the microwaves only come in the can from the top. and
then also you have to completely remove the top of the can. Being what the
rules are for metal in a microwave I wolud not put CS in there.
the basic rule is that any metal must be smooth and contiguous like a 

is an example but a fork has tines where the metal has spaces and sparks
will jump between the tines and caues a problem and thin foil is also a
problem as is any ceramicware with metalic paint on it.

Take care,

That is a good question.  I know one is not supposed to put metal objects


the microwave.  How about teeny tiny metal objects suspended in water?


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RE: CSInformation on EIS and CS

2005-12-20 Thread Carol Ann
Hi Richard and Marshall,
  What is your opinion about this commentary.   It is from an  Herbal list.  I 
thought the comments about CSilver are  interesting, especially for those who 
use daily it in larger  quantities. 
  Carol Ann
  And, someone on another list asked for help with candida, and at the time I 
was watching a 
  School of Natural Healing video, by David Christopher, on Super Immunity in 
which he addresses candida. 
  Here's my shortened version of what he says:
  Candida is necessary in our intestines to break down sugar and alcohol. When 
we use antibiotics 
  (including heavy metals internally, like colloidal silver, mercury) those 
wipe out all the good bacteria, leaving the 
  candida all kinds of room to take over. The candida lives on sugar and 
alcohol -- if you don't have 
  a good diet, candida could just continue to over-grow, until it eats holes 
right through the 
  intestinal walls and get into the blood stream, becoming systemic. A candida 
overgrowth CAN MIMIC 
  ANY disease, and be difficult to diagnose. 
  To restablish the good flora, avoid (obviously) sugar and alcohol, and also 
foods that quickly turn 
  into sugar, like potatoes, white rice, dairy products (REAL yogurt -- not the 
store bought -- might 
  be okay. I'm also wondering if Kefir and the Finnish 'drink' viili would be 
equal to good homemade 
  yogurt - which you need starter cultures for). 
  Suggested candida diet is brown rice and vegies -- complex carbs easily 
broken down by the body. 
  Fermented foods re-establish the friendly flora -- eat sauerkraut, kimchi, 
  Extra B vitamins, maybe in the form of nutritional yeast. Eat organic produce 
-- they have beneficial flora on their 
  skins, where most commercial produce do not because of pesticides and other 
  (Plus, he said he saw a kid spraying Black Flag over the produce in the 
grocery store once!!! yeeeks!) 
  And something else he added that I thought was quite interesting -- all 
chronic fatigue patients 
  have candida problems (CF typically follows a candida overgrowth). So 
  those friendly bacteria and you're on your way to curing or preventing that 
problem too. 
  My little knowledge of fibro and chronic fatigue tells me they might be 
similar enough to 
  consider the candida possibility in both cases. 
  So putting that all together, if David Christopher is correct that Colloidal 
Silver also kills the beneficial bacteria
  in our digestive system, allowing Candida yeast to multiply and take over, 
you would be doing yourself 
  more harm than good by taking the CS if you're not replenishing the good 
bacteria right away.  And I thought
  it's interesting that Candida can mimic any disease.
  Hope this helps.  Anxious to hear people's thoughts on this -- I'm on digest 
and don't always have time to 
  read the list, but will check back as I can.

Richard Harris wrote:  Congratulations, Marshall, on the 
clarity of your theory document! As your
usual high quality ideas so generouwsly shared by You and other Experts on
this list with us seekers--this document shines! Thank you for compiling
this and completing this document with us!

In the final Section: Theories on How EIS/CS kills pathogens--someone told
me or I read and like the theory that when holding the oral CS or
CS/Gatorade combination in mouth for 2 minutes before swallowing, Many CS
Colloids penetrate under the tongue directly into the blood stream (like
Nitroglycerin) and race along with their + charge looking for a pathogen
with its - charge and attach--thousands of other CS Colloids join and there
are so many CS colloids around each pathogen, until they suffocate the
pathogen--thus killing and possibly bringing on a herxheimer effect until
the bowel and kidney remove the killed pathogens.

Richard Harris, 57 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 11:22 AM
Ode Coyote wrote:

  Ode Coyote is a list and nik name that started being used when another
 'Ken' joined the list.
  Is it OK to post the theory [with credits and links] on websites?
 Ken [Ode]

Yes it is, but I would prefer if we wait until it is more complete, still
on it.  So should I change the Ode to Ken in the credits?


 At 06:13 PM 4/19/2005 -0400, you wrote:
 OK, I have been working on a document that tries to bring a lot of what
 been discussed here together into one concise and accurate document.  It
 can be
 viewed at
 First I would like to get everyone who has contributed to any of the
 information in this document listed in the 

Re: CSLaser Pointers

2005-12-20 Thread Tel Tofflemire
I bought  10 laser pointers with batteries for $10.00  at the dollar store. 
 Go to the counter and ask, they were behind the check out.  
I got one nice one at Walgreens too for $10.00 with batteries.
Don't spend big bucks on a pointer, my cheep'ies  all have lasted for a few 
years now.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey AZ

  - Original Message - 
  From: Pat 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 12:45 PM
  Subject: CSLaser Pointers

   This is where I saw a $3 laser pointer.  I 
saw three laser pointers at Office Depot from $18 to 36.  I want to be sure to 
get one that won't be too dangerous to the eyes.  I read that they can cause 
retinal damage  and other 
places. The green and the blue ones are very expensive anyway.  I probably 
wouldn't worry except that my 23 year old son loves to play with neat things so 
it's likely to get used a fair amount. Wonder if I could just use the laser 
picture hanger tool I have?  I hate the Yahoo mail programit won't let me 
paste anything in here...but didn't want my Eudora box used for anything but 
personal mail.  

  Do You Yahoo!?
  Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: CSCANSEMA Salve -- suppliers

2005-12-20 Thread Jim Holmes
My opinion of Michael Moore, based on the information he had available
before making his 911 film, and the information he included in his film,

is a sold-out disinformation shill.


-Original Message-
From: Jonathan B. Britten [] 
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: CSCANSEMA Salve -- suppliers

I read not so long ago that Michael Moore is working about a 
documentary about American medical care, and may include a segment 
about the suppression of the excellent Omega Labs.  
   I have a very healthy respect for the work that company did, and I 
believe they were telling the truth and saving lives.The FDA 
suppression of the company was, in my view, a perfectly legal criminal 
act.  I also believe that First Amendment protections and the power of 
the internet mean that informed consumers will be able to purchase or 
make their own Cancema.

One list member suggested a site for users to exchange information.   
This would be a great project, given that much of the power of  came from their extensive testimonials, both written and 
visual (photos and even videos.)

I do not know what has happened to Greg Caton (aka James Carr),  but I 
hope he is well and still in the fight.

On Monday, Dec 19, 2005, at 09:37 Asia/Tokyo, Laurie wrote:

 Please do not be deparaging of others in this instance.  I have been 
 watching the threads of Cansema cancer healing here with some 
 interest.  I cured myself of cancer 2 years ago using the cream.  In 
 my case, it was a very painful process because the cancer cells were 
 like fingers into my body and the salve pulled the cells to the 
 surface, but created quite a cavity in doing so.  I DID NOT go for 
 conventional medical care because I knew that only cutting, burning 
 and poisoning would be recommended along with being SCARED TO DEATH by 
 the so called Health Care Providers without solving the health issue, 
 would not serve my highest and greatest good.
 However, shortly after I ordered and received my Cansema cream, my 
 supplier was INCARCERATED, accused of practicing medicine without a 
 license.  This man had only used the cream to cure himself and then 
 sent it to others at their request...just like what is happening on 
 this list.  DO NOT think governmental fear programs are not keeping an 
 eye out for this sort of thing.  He was there for over 6 months, his 
 web site was shut down, and the people answering the phone were quite 
 frightened.  Please respect others in their attempts to help and heal 
 each other, but lets keep ALL of us out of jail!
 Understand that the FEAR attached to the word CANCER is what can kill, 
 not the cancer itself.  Cancer is just undirected energy.  Give the 
 cells direction, as they are very intelligent, as part of the healing 
 process, and discover what the cancer is teaching you in the first 
 place.   Laurie
 Transform Your Life with the Blink of your Eyes
 Laurie Solisz, RN
 Healing Science Practitioner
 Professional Rapid Eye Technician
 Affecting world health one person at a time

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RE: CSCansema Paste

2005-12-20 Thread Jim Holmes
The presidency has been a military dictatorship since 1862.  He has the
authority to do whatever the  he chooses 

-Original Message-
From: Jonathan B. Britten [] 
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: CSCansema Paste 


According the mainstream news reports, President Bush has admitted his 
repeated and willful violations of the law in ordering spying on 
American citizens; according to AP, the FBI admits that most of the  
more than 10,000 were not suspected of any wrongdoing.

Only a handful of persons knows the true purpose of these illegal 

I would go so far as to assume that every person on our list may be 
monitored by someone.

When the truth finally comes out, there may be some changes in 

On Monday, Dec 19, 2005, at 22:07 Asia/Tokyo, Tel Tofflemire wrote:

 Big brother is watching us all.

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RE: CSCANSEMA Salve -- suppliers

2005-12-20 Thread Jim Holmes
The government is just the biggest, most ruthless, and well armed criminal


-Original Message-
From: Raine [] 
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 12:56 AM
Subject: Re: CSCANSEMA Salve -- suppliers


Thank you, Laurie. 

I am protecting my source as she is my friend and I have no interest in
seeing her arrested. I just wanted my fellow list-members to realize that,
much like CS, black salve can be a do-it-youself thing, and we all are a
bunch of do-it-yourselfers. 


Laurie wrote: 


However, shortly after I ordered and received my Cansema cream, my supplier
was INCARCERATED, accused of practicing medicine without a license.  This
man had only used the cream to cure himself and then sent it to others at
their request...just like what is happening on this list.  DO NOT think
governmental fear programs are not keeping an eye out for this sort of
thing.  He was there for over 6 months, his web site was shut down, and the
people answering the phone were quite frightened.  Please respect others in
their attempts to help and heal each other, but lets keep ALL of us out of





Subject: Re: CSCANSEMA Salve -- suppliers


Now there's a big help!


--- Raine wrote:


 I get it from a woman I know who makes it.




CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2005 #835

2005-12-20 Thread Dino Ciccarelli
 As long as we make crystal clear CS/EIS, a large part of it will be 
 Terry Chamberlin

ok Terry... so how do we go about making crystal clear CS/EIS ?
can i expect to obtain such a product by using a colloidal master 777?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: eves dropping

2005-12-20 Thread jrowland

Why isn't this thread on the OT list where it belongs?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSproduct to nancy-web site to lea ann

2005-12-20 Thread Nancy DeLise
Andrea, send me your email and I will send a picture that will help explain 
what happens when you add H2o2..
  - Original Message - 
  From: Greg Ball 
  Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 6:57 PM
  Subject: Re: CSproduct to nancy-web site to lea ann

  Hi Nancy and all - I don't know if I'm getting all my messages because I 
think I'm missing some info here. I would like to understand the H202 thing 
better. Does everyone agree that H202 breaks down the particle sizes? Does it 
actually stop clumping, or is it doing something to the individual silver 
particles? Also, I think someone said 1 drop per 2 ounces of silver water. Is 
this what everyone is doing - or are others using different amounts. 

  Thanks - Andrea
- Original Message - 
From: Betsy Coffey 
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 4:01 PM
Subject: CSproduct to nancy-web site to lea ann

Thanks Nacny. I guess I didnt realize that the h202
added was to break down the particles in the cs. I
somehow thought that it was added as an extra
medicinal way to kill bacteria and fungi. The product
I was referring to is called stomach rescue. Lea Ann,
have you googled for your friends illness?

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour


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  Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.1/206 - Release Date: 12/16/2005

RE: CSproduct to nancy-web site to lea ann

2005-12-20 Thread Dave and Gwlynda Irek
Please post the picture so we all can understand the effect of using
H2o2...Thanks - Gwlynda


From: Nancy DeLise [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: CSproduct to nancy-web site to lea ann

Andrea, send me your email and I will send a picture that will help explain
what happens when you add H2o2..

- Original Message - 
From: Greg Ball  
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: CSproduct to nancy-web site to lea ann

Hi Nancy and all - I don't know if I'm getting all my messages because I
think I'm missing some info here. I would like to understand the H202 thing
better. Does everyone agree that H202 breaks down the particle sizes? Does
it actually stop clumping, or is it doing something to the individual silver
particles? Also, I think someone said 1 drop per 2 ounces of silver water.
Is this what everyone is doing - or are others using different amounts. 
Thanks - Andrea

- Original Message - 
From: Betsy Coffey  
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 4:01 PM
Subject: CSproduct to nancy-web site to lea ann

Thanks Nacny. I guess I didnt realize that the h202
added was to break down the particles in the cs. I
somehow thought that it was added as an extra
medicinal way to kill bacteria and fungi. The product
I was referring to is called stomach rescue. Lea Ann,
have you googled for your friends illness?

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour


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Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.1/206 - Release Date: 12/16/2005

Re: CSRE: CS-, Black Salve/cansema - encyclopedia article about cansema.

2005-12-20 Thread Rowena
Errrm - what did the article say?  How did you get to it?  Handy site for 
other stuff, but I couldn't get it to give me anything about Cansema!

Here you go seekers, a  free look up for most all things. Simple to use.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ. 

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRE: CS-, Black Salve/cansema - encyclopedia articleabout cansema.

2005-12-20 Thread Tel Tofflemire
You must do a little work for yourself...This site is a 
Dictionary-Encyclopedia-medical look up and do you get to it?  You 
type in what your looking for or you read the index and click.
good luck 
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Rowena 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:44 PM
  Subject: Re: CSRE: CS-, Black Salve/cansema - encyclopedia articleabout 

  Errrm - what did the article say?  How did you get to it?  Handy site for 
  other stuff, but I couldn't get it to give me anything about Cansema!

  Here you go seekers, a  free look up for most all things. Simple to use.
  Tel Tofflemire
  Dewey, AZ. 

  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

  Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

  To post, address your message to:

  Address Off-Topic messages to:

  The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

  List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSAdding bicarb of soda to water for brewing

2005-12-20 Thread Jim Holmes
What is the overall result of adding sodium hydrogen carbonate to .4 PPM TDS
distilled and then using that water to make CS? 


-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: CSAdding bicarb of soda to water for brewing

Ignore this message, all the reactions are not thermodynamically possible.
According to those more knowledeable than I on this what you would end up
would be CO2 continuing to exist in the water, both as CO3-- and HCO3-, with
evolution of CO2 at all.  Nice idea, but unworkable.


Marshall Dudley wrote:

 Adding a very small amount of baking soda to distilled water that has
picked up
 some CO2 and formed carbonic acid is very interesting to analyze.

 CO2 + H2O -  H2CO3  or carbonic acid
 NaHCO3 + H2CO3 - NaOH +  2CO2 + H2O

 If you don't add enough bicarb to neutralize all the carbonic acid, then
 can get this reaction as well:

 2NaOH + H2CO3 = Na2CO3 + 2H2O

 but then sodium carbonate should react with carbonic acid as well

 Na2CO3 + H2CO3 - 2NaOH + 2CO2

 Which puts us right back to the Sodium Hydroxide again.

 So unless I am mistaken, the smallest pinch possible of baking soda (or
 would neutralize 100% of the carbonic acid in distilled water that has
 CO2, and as long as no more is added than is necessary to cause all the
CO2 to
 be released, the effect will be a DECREASE in carbonate, not an increase.
 sodium hydroxide acts as a catalyst to release CO2.  I have put this
 to some chemists for confirmation and should have a reply shortly.

 This appears to be a very interesting topic that needs more study.


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 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSeves dropping

2005-12-20 Thread Jim Holmes
It is important that we share this sort of info.  But this belongs on the OT




-Original Message-
From: Linda Ellis [] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: CSeves dropping 

E-mail  Author
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December 20, 2005, 9:46 a.m.
Clinton Claimed Authority to Order No-Warrant Searches
Does anyone remember that?

In a little-remembered debate from 1994, the Clinton administration argued
that the president has inherent authority to order physical searches -
including break-ins at the homes of U.S. citizens - for foreign intelligence
purposes without any warrant or permission from any outside body. Even after
the administration ultimately agreed with Congress's decision to place the
authority to pre-ap! prove such searches in the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act (FISA) court, President Clinton still maintained that he
had sufficient authority to order such searches on his own.

The Department of Justice believes, and the case law supports, that the
president has inherent authority to conduct warrantless physical searches
for foreign intelligence purposes, Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick
testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee on July 14, 1994, and
that the President may, as has been done, delegate this authority to the
Attorney General.

It is important to understand, Gorelick continued, that the rules and
methodology for criminal searches are inconsistent with the collection of
foreign intelligence and would unduly frustrate the president in carrying
out his foreign intelligence responsibilities.

Executive Order 12333, signed by Ronald Reagan in 1981, provides for such
warrantless searches directed against a foreign power or an agent of a
foreign power.

Reporting the day after Gorelick's testimony, the Washington Post's headline
- on page A-19 - read, Administration Backing No-Warrant Spy Searches. The
story began, The Clinton administration, in a little-noticed facet of the
debate on intelligence reforms, is seeking congressional authorization for
U.S. spies to continue conducting clandestine searches at foreign embassies
in Washington and other cities without a federal court order. The
administration's quiet lobbying effort is aimed at modifying draft
legislation that would require U.S. counterintelligence officials to get a
court order before secretly snooping inside the homes or workplaces of
suspected foreign agents or foreign powers.

In her testimony, Gorelick made clear that the president believed he had the
power to order warrantless searches for the purpose of gathering intel!
ligence, even if there was no reason to believe that the search might
uncover evidence of a crime. Intelligence is often long range, its exact
targets are more difficult to identify, and its focus is less precise,
Gorelick said. Information gathering for policy making and prevention,
rather than prosecution, are its primary focus.

The debate over warrantless searches came up after the case of CIA spy
Aldrich Ames. Authorities had searched Ames's house without a warrant, and
the Justice Department feared that Ames's lawyers would challenge the search
in court. Meanwhile, Congress began discussing a measure under which the
authorization for break-ins would be handled like the authorization for
wiretaps, that is, by the FISA court. In her testimony, Gorelick signaled
that the administration would go along a congressional decision to place
such searches under the court - if, as she testified, it does not restrict
the president's ability to collect foreign intelligence n! ecessary for the
national security. In the end, Congress placed the searches under the FISA
court, but the Clinton administration did not back down from its contention
that the president had the authority to act when necessary.



2005-12-20 Thread Nancy DeLise
The have a toll free number 888-328-8840
  - Original Message - 
  From: Connie Howard 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 8:34 AM

  Nancy...  your comments regarding Sovereign Silver peeked my interest...  I'm 
still working on a good treatment for my Cats who have upper respiratory 
problems.  Though they have improved significantly using my homemade CS I 
thought adding Sovereign Silver may up their comfort level...  could you let me 
know where you get your Sovereign Silver  

  thanks so much


  On Mon, 19 Dec 2005 23:34:15 -0600 Nancy DeLise 
I took 16- 20 oz. of my home made Cs for 2 1/2 years.  When I learned about 
Sovereign Silver, I took 2 teaspoons four times a day.  Now that I am about 90 
% cured  of my MS, I take 8 oz. of my home made in the morning and 2 teaspoons 
of Sovereign Silver two times a day.(MS is a virus and I would never stop 
As far as the H2o2, I put 1 drop of H2o2 into 2 oz. of CS and let it 
sit for about 15 minutes.  The H2o2 interacts with the silver and causes the 
particles to break up into much smaller particles, and more of it gets utilized 
by the body rather then just going thru quickly.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Greg Ball 
  Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 11:09 PM

  Nancy - I may have missed this in another post, but how much sovereign 
did you take, and did you combine that with homemade? Also, how did you make 
your homemade silver?

  Lastly, why mix the silver with the H202? I have an ozone machine and can 
drink ozone water. Would this be the same because it ads oxygen? or is there 
something about the peroxide that's unique? Does it combine somehow with the 

  Thanks so much for sharing!


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Re: CSH2O2 and EIS

2005-12-20 Thread Nancy DeLise
As soon as you feel cold symptoms you need to take about an ounce of CS
every hour.  Gargle with it, spray it in your eyes, put a drop in each
nostril, put a drop in each ear.  Three times a day is not enough at the
onset of a cold.
- Original Message - 
From: Shelli
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: CSH2O2 and EIS

 Thanks. I dove in and have been using it. It did clear up quite a bit. It
 just a light yellowish brown now. I'm trying to get rid of a cold. I'm
 2 tablespoons about 3 times a day. I'm not sure it's doing anything
 My cough is driving me nuts!

 - Original Message - 
 From: Nancy DeLise
 Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 9:50 PM
 Subject: Re: CSH2O2 and EIS

 I would add a little more H2o2Yes, you can use the CS. It is better
  than when you first made it if it is still clearing up.

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 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

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 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
 Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.2/208 - Release Date: 12/20/2005

Re: CSproduct to nancy-web site to lea ann

2005-12-20 Thread Nancy DeLise
I have tried to post it, but it is best as an attachment and they do not work 
on the list.  I will be happy to send to anyone who wouod care to see it.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Dave and Gwlynda Irek 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 9:31 PM
  Subject: RE: CSproduct to nancy-web site to lea ann


  Please post the picture so we all can understand the effect of using 
H2o2...Thanks - Gwlynda

  From: Nancy DeLise [] 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 9:18 PM
  Subject: Re: CSproduct to nancy-web site to lea ann

  Andrea, send me your email and I will send a picture that will help explain 
what happens when you add H2o2..
- Original Message - 
From: Greg Ball 
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: CSproduct to nancy-web site to lea ann

Hi Nancy and all - I don't know if I'm getting all my messages because I 
think I'm missing some info here. I would like to understand the H202 thing 
better. Does everyone agree that H202 breaks down the particle sizes? Does it 
actually stop clumping, or is it doing something to the individual silver 
particles? Also, I think someone said 1 drop per 2 ounces of silver water. Is 
this what everyone is doing - or are others using different amounts. 

Thanks - Andrea
  - Original Message - 
  From: Betsy Coffey 
  Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 4:01 PM
  Subject: CSproduct to nancy-web site to lea ann

  Thanks Nacny. I guess I didnt realize that the h202
  added was to break down the particles in the cs. I
  somehow thought that it was added as an extra
  medicinal way to kill bacteria and fungi. The product
  I was referring to is called stomach rescue. Lea Ann,
  have you googled for your friends illness?

  Do You Yahoo!?
  Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

  Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

  To post, address your message to:

  Address Off-Topic messages to:

  The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

  List maintainer: Mike Devour

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Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.1/206 - Release Date: 12/16/2005


  No virus found in this incoming message.
  Checked by AVG Free Edition.
  Version: 7.1.371 / Virus Database: 267.14.2/208 - Release Date: 12/20/2005

Re: CSRE: CS-, Black Salve/cansema - encyclopediaarticleabout cansema.

2005-12-20 Thread Rowena
Well, I clicked away but nothing came up for cansema.  You definitely got an 
article up about cansema, did you?

Ted said: You must do a little work for yourself...
This site is a Dictionary-Encyclopedia-medical look up and do you 
get to it?
You type in what your looking for or you read the index and click.

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