CS>Thanks to everyong

2007-03-24 Thread zeb caffe
I just wanted to say a big thank you to all of you for answering my questions 
about silver and also the calcium deposits. there were alot of good suggestions 
which I am making copies of .thanks again folks
Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate
in the Yahoo! Answers Food & Drink Q&A.

Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/Congratulations

2007-03-24 Thread Vwolf21
My reply is simple and is at the end of your post...it was such a good 
read...I left it in...V
In a message dated 3/24/2007 5:22:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
patriot2...@mindspring.com writes:

total large bowel removal sounds very drastic.
Is there something that the very wise and knowledgable people  here  can help
you with?

Anyone?   V

About three years ago, my daughter-in-law's grandmother, a little old lady in 
her eighties, but vivacious and ACTIVE, was stricken with a mysterious bowel 
condition.  They put her in the hospital, in Tijuana, where she lives.  They 
treated her with antibiotics from here to there -- and I don't know what all, 
but were not making any headway with her infection.  Her condition was going 
from bad to worse.  In frustration, finally they told her that their 
recommendation was the removal of her large intestine and placement of a 
colostomy bag.  
She was very sick, but she was not about to give them a "yes," for that.  She 
thought about it for awhile, and said, "Thanks, but no thanks.  I would rather 
die with my body intact."  And she went home.  

I had been reading The Maker's Diet, by Jordan Rubin not long before that.  
He was wasting away and near death at age 19, with no cure or hope in sight, 
and received recommendations the same as Grandma got.  Only fortuitous 
circumstance kept him from going through with it, and putting him in touch with 
who took him in hand and gave him what he needed to heal himself.  Six months 
later the picture of the healthy young man in his book bears scant 
resemblance to the cadaverous picture of him at his sickest.

I asked Carol if Grandma would be willing to try some of the things in the 
Maker's Diet, and if she had someone to help her stay on a protocol.  Answers, 
yes to both.  I hiked up to the Vitamin Shoppe in our neighborhood, bought the 
book, a bottle of Primal Defense, their goatein and a couple of other 
products, like greens powders (spirulina and chlorella) and flax oil.  I also 
along some colloidal silver and real kefir, with kefir "grains" to make more.   
There may have been one or two other things in my rescue package, I am sorry, I 
cannot recall perfectly.  I was just a do-gooder, flying blind, you know -- 
not an expert.

Cutting to the chase.  In a week or two, Grandma began to feel a little 
better.  (I would check once a week with my daughter-in-law.)  Appetite seemed 
bit low.  I suggested whatever constitutes "comfort food" in that culture.  
me, it would have been milk toast, macaroni and cheese, puddings, etc. -- I 
don't know what is comfort food in the Mexican cuisine!)   That helped.  After 
about a month, she reported that Grandma had gotten bored with being cooped 
up, went out and took herself for a drive all around TJ!   She has been fine 
ever since, and kept her colon intact, happily.  We see her once a year at a 
family gathering for New Years and that little old lady looks to be in perfect 

The cost of the CARE package was about $115.  I don't know that the CARE 
package was the reason for her cure, but if it was, it was a pretty reasonable 
price to save a little old lady from the fate she would have faced otherwise.


*it is good to read about someone who walks the talk...good on you 
Marlys...you are 
a friend indeed.  V.

** AOL now offers free email to everyone. 
 Find out more about what's free from AOL at http://www.aol.com.

CS>FDA, WTA, and Food and Drug Mfgs to take health options.

2007-03-24 Thread Marlene Hanson
CS Friends, I hope this won't be considered off topic.  I have seen references 
lately that the WTA (World Trade and the European Union CODEX & the FDA are 
taking more alternative and natural treatment options from the market.  
Hormones are now considered drugs and will no longer be available at health 
food stores, Progesteron, DHEA, Melatonin are going to be regarded as drugs. 
Many herbs will be removed as well as the vitamin and Minerals will be reduced 
in strength.  I have an idea how to stand up for our rights against the Various 
organizations and political powers.  Is it alright if I post my email addy on 
this board? If not may people correspond on this subject here? Thank you 
Marlene WA PS I have Multiple Sclerosis and use the Histamine and Alternative 
Treatment board as my home base.
   Original Message - 
  From: patriot2...@mindspring.com 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2007 2:21 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins

  At 12:40 PM 3/24/2007, you wrote:

total large bowel removal sounds very drastic.
Is there something that the very wise and knowledgable people  here  can 
you with?

Anyone?   V

  About three years ago, my daughter-in-law's grandmother, a little old lady in 
her eighties, but vivacious and ACTIVE, was stricken with a mysterious bowel 
condition.  They put her in the hospital, in Tijuana, where she lives.  They 
treated her with antibiotics from here to there -- and I don't know what all, 
but were not making any headway with her infection.  Her condition was going 
from bad to worse.  In frustration, finally they told her that their 
recommendation was the removal of her large intestine and placement of a 
colostomy bag.  She was very sick, but she was not about to give them a "yes," 
for that.  She thought about it for awhile, and said, "Thanks, but no thanks.  
I would rather die with my body intact."  And she went home.  

  I had been reading The Maker's Diet, by Jordan Rubin not long before that.  
He was wasting away and near death at age 19, with no cure or hope in sight, 
and received recommendations the same as Grandma got.  Only fortuitous 
circumstance kept him from going through with it, and putting him in touch with 
someone who took him in hand and gave him what he needed to heal himself.  Six 
months later the picture of the healthy young man in his book bears scant 
resemblance to the cadaverous picture of him at his sickest.

  I asked Carol if Grandma would be willing to try some of the things in the 
Maker's Diet, and if she had someone to help her stay on a protocol.  Answers, 
yes to both.  I hiked up to the Vitamin Shoppe in our neighborhood, bought the 
book, a bottle of Primal Defense, their goatein and a couple of other products, 
like greens powders (spirulina and chlorella) and flax oil.  I also sent along 
some colloidal silver and real kefir, with kefir "grains" to make more.   There 
may have been one or two other things in my rescue package, I am sorry, I 
cannot recall perfectly.  I was just a do-gooder, flying blind, you know -- not 
an expert.

  Cutting to the chase.  In a week or two, Grandma began to feel a little 
better.  (I would check once a week with my daughter-in-law.)  Appetite seemed 
a bit low.  I suggested whatever constitutes "comfort food" in that culture.  
(For me, it would have been milk toast, macaroni and cheese, puddings, etc. -- 
I don't know what is comfort food in the Mexican cuisine!)   That helped.  
After about a month, she reported that Grandma had gotten bored with being 
cooped up, went out and took herself for a drive all around TJ!   She has been 
fine ever since, and kept her colon intact, happily.  We see her once a year at 
a family gathering for New Years and that little old lady looks to be in 
perfect health.

  The cost of the CARE package was about $115.  I don't know that the CARE 
package was the reason for her cure, but if it was, it was a pretty reasonable 
price to save a little old lady from the fate she would have faced otherwise.


  -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org To post, 
address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com Address Off-Topic messages to: 
silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com The Silver List and Off Topic List archives 
are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fw: WAPF Info Alert: Mandatory Almond Pasteurization/Criminal!

2007-03-24 Thread Vwolf21
If this should happen , it would be criminal!
I mentioned Edgar Cayce in another post...in regards to eating fruit 
He also said that eating a few Raw Almonds a day would keep Cancer away.
They literally scrub the innards clean.
Yesterday, I believe it was, On the View...the ladies hosted Dr.Oz's writing 
buddy...he has a book called You on a Diet...and he suggested that to prevent 
overeating at mealtime...a small handful (he used an exact number and I have 
the exact amounts  so I will use the term small handful instead) of Walnuts  
Peanuts or Almonds  taken 1/2 hour before meals will curb the appetite 
He also mentioned that when hunger strikes...especially for compulsive 
eaters..a few whiffs of Grapefruit Extract will calm the hunger.
So now I am looking for a good Grapefruit Extract Essential Oil...any 
recommendations? V.
In a message dated 3/24/2007 3:41:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
barba...@tampabay.rr.com writes:


All Almonds will be Pasteurized starting 2007!

No label allowing "truly raw almonds"

Almonds labeled as "Raw Almonds" will still have been pasteurized!

A big lie and fraud!! You are about to be denied your food freedom choices!

** AOL now offers free email to everyone. 
 Find out more about what's free from AOL at http://www.aol.com.

Re: CS>Re: >Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/Ruth/Edgar Cayce

2007-03-24 Thread Vwolf21
In studying with a group on the Edgar Cayce teachings a few years ago...we 
read that he suggested that fruit  and also fruit juices be taken seperately 
from any food.
Wait at least 1/2 hour after ingesting the fruit/juice before the meal.
He said that the body needs one type of Enzime to digest carbs  one kind to 
digest Protein and yet another to digest fruits.
I hope I have this right...but this is the rule I have followed ever since 
reading about it. V.
In a message dated 3/24/2007 4:49:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
d...@deetroy.org writes:

Going on the way our ancestors would most probably have eaten, I would have 
thought it would be a natural thing to do to eat fruit after a protein meal, as 
this would have been the dessert.  Given the anti-oxidant quality of fruit, 
this would seem a sensible thing to do i.e. To go along and munch up the free 
radicals produced by eating food.  I'm probably wrong but this seemed logical 
to me.  I personally don't get any problems from eating fruit after meals, 
neither do I have any problem juicing them all together with vegetables.  I 
thought that all food was digested in the intestines, but broken down somewhat 
in the stomach.  Dee  

** AOL now offers free email to everyone. 
 Find out more about what's free from AOL at http://www.aol.com.

Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins

2007-03-24 Thread patriot2000

At 12:40 PM 3/24/2007, you wrote:
large bowel removal sounds very drastic.
Is there something that the very wise and knowledgable people 
here  can help
you with?
Anyone?   V
About three years ago, my daughter-in-law's grandmother, a little old
lady in her eighties, but vivacious and ACTIVE, was stricken with a
mysterious bowel condition.  They put her in the hospital, in
Tijuana, where she lives.  They treated her with antibiotics from
here to there -- and I don't know what all, but were not making any
headway with her infection.  Her condition was going from bad to
worse.  In frustration, finally they told her that their
recommendation was the removal of her large intestine and placement of a
colostomy bag.  She was very sick, but she was not about to give
them a "yes," for that.  She thought about it for awhile,
and said, "Thanks, but no thanks.  I would rather die with my
body intact."  And she went home.  
I had been reading The Maker's Diet, by Jordan Rubin not long
before that.  He was wasting away and near death at age 19, with no
cure or hope in sight, and received recommendations the same as Grandma
got.  Only fortuitous circumstance kept him from going through with
it, and putting him in touch with someone who took him in hand and gave
him what he needed to heal himself.  Six months later the picture of
the healthy young man in his book bears scant resemblance to the
cadaverous picture of him at his sickest.
I asked Carol if Grandma would be willing to try some of the things in
the Maker's Diet, and if she had someone to help her stay on a
protocol.  Answers, yes to both.  I hiked up to the Vitamin
Shoppe in our neighborhood, bought the book, a bottle of Primal Defense,
their goatein and a couple of other products, like greens powders
(spirulina and chlorella) and flax oil.  I also sent along some
colloidal silver and real kefir, with kefir "grains" to make
more.   There may have been one or two other things in my
rescue package, I am sorry, I cannot recall perfectly.  I was just a
do-gooder, flying blind, you know -- not an expert.
Cutting to the chase.  In a week or two, Grandma began to feel a
little better.  (I would check once a week with my
daughter-in-law.)  Appetite seemed a bit low.  I suggested
whatever constitutes "comfort food" in that culture.  (For
me, it would have been milk toast, macaroni and cheese, puddings, etc. --
I don't know what is comfort food in the Mexican cuisine!)  
That helped.  After about a month, she reported that Grandma had
gotten bored with being cooped up, went out and took herself for a drive
all around TJ!   She has been fine ever since, and kept her
colon intact, happily.  We see her once a year at a family gathering
for New Years and that little old lady looks to be in perfect
The cost of the CARE package was about $115.  I don't know that the
CARE package was the reason for her cure, but if it was, it was a pretty
reasonable price to save a little old lady from the fate she would have
faced otherwise.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: >Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/Ruth

2007-03-24 Thread Dee
Going on the way our ancestors would most probably have eaten, I would have
thought it would be a natural thing to do to eat fruit after a protein meal,
as this would have been the dessert.  Given the anti-oxidant quality of
fruit, this would seem a sensible thing to do i.e. To go along and munch up
the free radicals produced by eating food.  I'm probably wrong but this
seemed logical to me.  I personally don't get any problems from eating fruit
after meals, neither do I have any problem juicing them all together with
vegetables.  I also thought that all food was digested in the intestines,
but broken down somewhat in the stomach.  Dee  
---Original Message---
Some people tolerate mixing fruits with other foods better than others,
but it is much harder on the digestive system regardless, due to the
nature of fruits and how the digestive system works: fruits are
generally digested in the intestines, while more dense foods need to be
digested in the stomach.
But the most important rule is with regard to meolns:
Eat them alone or *leave* them alone.

CS>Fw: WAPF Info Alert: Mandatory Almond Pasteurization

2007-03-24 Thread Barbara


All Almonds will be Pasteurized starting 2007!

No label allowing "truly raw almonds"

Almonds labeled as "Raw Almonds" will still have been pasteurized!

A big lie and fraud!! You are about to be denied your food freedom choices!

Didyou know that starting in the fall of 2007, truly raw almonds will notbe 
available in the USA or Canada? See link below for thepasteurization plan. 


The FDA, USDA and the California Almond Board has developed a marketing order 
which mandates that all almonds must be pasteurized. This came about because " 
two outbreaks of salmonella, associated with conventional farms several years 
ago". Industry has now overreacted in grand fashion and they do not even know 
it yet.

No outbreaks have been associated with raw organic almonds to date that we are 
aware of. 

This has everything to do with lack of biodiversity and the sterile farming 
methods used on conventional farms. On these farms few weeds or grasses grow on 
the floors and little sunlight reaches the floors. To the contrary, Organic 
farms support and encourage biodiversity with green floors in the orchards and 
this discourages pathogen growth. Unfortunately, organic almonds are shelled 
and bagged on the sameproduction facilities as conventional and are being 
subjected to the same rules. 

There is an even bigger issue. The FDA has decided not to tell the consumer the 
truth about this processing step. The almonds you will buy in Wholefoods this 
fall may still say "raw almonds but they will have been subjected to high heat 
and a five log kill step...that they are calling Pasteurization". This lie is 
being permitted by the marketing order!!

The FDA in association with the USDA and the Almond Board is in fact denying 
you the information required to make informed choices when you buy food. You 
will not be able to identify a pasteurized almond from a truly raw whole, 
enzyme rich, unprocessed almond. 

The almond board claims that the almonds will still sprout ( still some life in 
them ) and that the flavor does not change. But yet no research has been 
performed to see what kind of opportunistic bacteria will take over when the 
almond has been sterilized. It is not a whole natural food anymore. It will now 
be a processed food. Millions of dollars are being invested to install 
expensive pasteurization machines in all Almond plants in order to follow this 
"sterile foods are better foods edict". 

Demand that your source of organic raw almonds be exempted from this short 
sighted food safety debacle. 

Demand that a label be permitted that identifies "truly raw almonds" and if 
required even put a warning label on them. Also demand that pasteurized almonds 
be identified as well. It seems that every time a government warning is applied 
to a food, that in itself becomes a certification that that is the food you 
should eat. 

It is very clear that the FDA does not understand the origins of the massive 
immunedepression epidemic in America. A sterilized diet makes for a weakened 
immune system. FDA website http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/795_antibio.html  
explains antibiotic resistance quite well, but ignorantly and blindly never 
mentions pro-biotics which prevent disease and infections. Whole unprocessed 
living foods are in this category of foods. 

Weakened immune systems are associated directly with cancer, osteoporosis, 
asthma, allergies, Crohns, IBS, Colitis, GERD, chronic disease, infections, 
antibiotic use and resistance and human death, ulcers and the list goes on and 

Raw almonds are a wonder food just as they are. Let consumers make the informed 
choice and be responsible for the consequences. 

The almond farmers do not even know what they have been led into by theFDA. 
This consumer choice option will surely increase almond sales. 

Denial of a choice will be a marketing disaster. 

Freedom is lost gradually... bit by bit and bite by bite... with the great 
assistance of passive unconscious in activism and sheepish. 

You are conscious and aware of this path. Lets fight today and send a message. 
We must have unprocessed food choices. 

These are the people to contactplease fax, call or email them and demand:
1. A true almond label that states clearly that " almonds have been pasteurized"
2. A second consumer choice label that warns that the "almonds are raw and 
3.That you will not tolerate the pasteurization of your almonds and having them 
still labeled as a "raw almond". That this is a fraud and a lie. 
4. Tell them that the proposed marketing order denies consumers of freedom to 
identify and choose whole unprocessed foods. 

Marketing Committee Members
Scott Hunter, Chairman
Hunter Farms
12237 Rose Avenue
Livingston, CA 95334
Work: (209) 564-9991
Fax: (209) 394-8007
Email: scotthun...@nextel.blackberry.net

Dan Cummings, Vice Chairman

CS>CS:> special butter mix

2007-03-24 Thread Harold MacDonald
I have made and used a special butter mix for a long while,which is very 

One lb. of raw organic unsalted butter;bring to room temp.until soft.
Dice up in large mix. bowl,add 1/3 cup of either E.V.Olive  or coconut oil, 
or a mix of both.

1/4 cup Flax seed oil [Udos' is good]
1/4 cup of Hemp seed oil.
1/2 teaspon of Sea salt.
Mix gently with a spatula until smooth,then keep refridgerated.
Get the best oils,in special black bottles.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/thyroid

2007-03-24 Thread Clayton Family
I am extremely sensitive- I have a small reaction from taking it- due 
to the mold damage and extreme sensitivity.

So, I get a reaction when I take too much. I started with one 
dropperful of 10 ppm, once a day, then increased it when I felt like 
it, every few days or week or so. Now I am up to maybe 2& 1/2 teaspoons 
a day. When I was first looking this up, I found one MD who is using it 
for his asthma patients and others too, and he said to start small and 
go up from there (not to me, it was in an article).

But my reaction to that was nothing compared to the herks from taking 
the diflucan- that put me in bed for 3 weeks, even at the tiny dose I 
was taking, one pill 2 times a week. I had a major infection that was 
killing me.

Everyone told me there is no way out of it- when you are infected by 
mold, you have to bite the bullet and then deal with the reactions as 
best you can. Having a detox protocol is very important.

I am also interested to hear what others may have to say about silver 
and mold, since the mold has been such a major problem in my life.


On Mar 24, 2007, at 11:26 AM, sol wrote:

  I have taken between 0 and a quart a day of CS since I started using 
it at least 4 years ago. I have never once had a herx reaction. Some 
people may get a  herx from starting with too much, but I have never 
had one so I freely dose by symptoms or no symptoms. If I have had 
little or no CS for days and then eat something that gives me the 
gallops, I have no qualms about drinking 4 - 8 ounces right down. It 
stops the food borne bacteria/runs nearly immediately.

  I don't know if I am unusual in never getting a herx? Anybody know?

ruth strackbein wrote:
I have been wondering the same thing.  I have a Silvergen now and am 
taking 1 tblsp a day.  That is up from a tsp a day to start with.  
Didn't want to get a herx reaction.  Will have to look back in my 
files about EIS and mold.  Ruth

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/thyroid

2007-03-24 Thread Clayton Family

You are most welcome.

I would worry less about the radon, since if you are affected by the  
mold, it could kill you. It almost got me. It is far more likely to be  
your problem, in my opinion.

Rowena's post on mold is a very good one, full of good info. I also  
have a ton of links, for dealing with the problem. The New York  
document on mold is a very good one. It is a great starting place.

The most important thing to understand is that there are very few  
people who even recognise the problem, and few who can treat it.  
However, there are many good protocols on the internet, and many  
natural remedies that can work well, even if you can't get a drs  

On Mar 24, 2007, at 9:07 AM, ruth strackbein wrote:

Thanks, Kathryn.  My house does have a mold problem.  Actually, I  
doubt that it is altogether curable, the house, that is. There is  
apparently an odor, also, so my grandchldren tell me.  I don';t notice  
it, but have lived here since 1988 so have probably got used to it,  
though I don't remember ever noticing it, but I don't remember alot of  
things.  I am currently researching a site called  
www.doctorsresearch.com about vitamins, especially natural vitamin c   
.  I really don't think removing my large colon is going to solve all  
my problems and my doctors doubt that, too since the pain is right  
sided with sharp pain under right center ribcage and more of a burning  
down in the ileo region. Both extend along the right side of my  
abdomen with none on the left side, for the most part.  I am not sure  
what to do about the house.  Can' t spend alot as I am low income  
level. The answer may be to move into an apartment.  I am wondering  
about even that since this whole area is prone to dampness and mold.   
The last radon reading I had was slightly high.  Since then I have had  
a beaver system put in which has elilminated at least gross moisture  
in the basement. Cement walls and floor have been dry since then.  I  
also haad cracks in the walls sealed.  have not had a radon count  
since then.  Probably should do that.  However, the original carpets  
are still in the house.  Thanks again for your reply.  Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

From: Clayton Family 
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/thyroid
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2007 01:23:20 -0600

I finally had to chime in here. I had a similar symptomology that   
looked for all the world like hypothyroid, but was not. My thyroid   
numbers were always fine. It turned out to be  a toxicity problem   
combined with big mold problems. Not digesting anything I ate, it got  
 weird, and severe.

My temp used to be very low. When I got the fungal infections   
addressed, and dealt with the candida too (combo of diflucan and   
supplements), also got rid of the toxins in the home, my temps   
normalized, my blood pressure normalized, and I started feeling  
better  too.

The digestion problems can be caused by fungal overgrowth either by   
candida or maybe by aspergilllus or another fungus. There have been   
several bad ones found in the gut of sick individuals, so it is hard  
to  say which it might be. But a good antifungal will kill them all,  
so it  is not important which species. What is important is  
rebuilding the  natural flora of the gut and supplementing with some  
vitamins to  correct the likely deficiencies that will have occured  
due to the lack  of good digestion.

Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents


On Mar 23, 2007, at 10:45 AM, ruth strackbein wrote:

I'm not sure, am getting some advice from several people,  
especiallty  about low thyroid.  Am in process of trying to remember  
3 days in a  row to take my temperature before getting out of bed.   
Either I forget  altogether, or have to go to the bathroom so badly  
that that takes  precedent.  And sometimes I just give up for  
awhile.  I did take it  this morning.  97.3  which I suspect is a  
lilttle low, but it has been  like that any time of day  like at the  
doctor's for years and he  always says it is good. Thanks, Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

From: vwol...@aol.com
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 18:35:00 EDT

Dear Ruth...while it sounds as though you have a Dr. with some   

total large bowel removal sounds very drastic.
Is there something that the very wise and knowledgable people  here  
 can help

you with?

Anyone?   V

In a message dated 3/22/2007 5:44:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
ruthstrackb...@hotmail.com writes:

Hi, My cholesterol also runs around 200-220 and has for quite a few  
at least since I've been tested.  Fortunately my Doctor does not  
buy  into
the cholesterol humbug, so I have not been put on drugs.  Of  
course,  part of
the reason for this, I'm sure, is that my digestive tract problems   
make figur

Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/thyroid

2007-03-24 Thread sol

  I have taken between 0 and a quart a day of CS since I started using 
it at least 4 years ago. I have never once had a herx reaction. Some 
people may get a  herx from starting with too much, but I have never had 
one so I freely dose by symptoms or no symptoms. If I have had little or 
no CS for days and then eat something that gives me the gallops, I have 
no qualms about drinking 4 - 8 ounces right down. It stops the food 
borne bacteria/runs nearly immediately.

  I don't know if I am unusual in never getting a herx? Anybody know?

ruth strackbein wrote:
I have been wondering the same thing.  I have a Silvergen now and am 
taking 1 tblsp a day.  That is up from a tsp a day to start with.  
Didn't want to get a herx reaction.  Will have to look back in my files 
about EIS and mold.  Ruth

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Milk (and CS)

2007-03-24 Thread Charles Marcus

Raw milk is cleaner than pasteurized. Those farms  goes through a much
stricter certification procedure than regular dairy farms.
I keep it so long because the farm is so far away.

An interesting experiment to try for those who don't believe that raw 
milk is much safer than commercial milk...

Pour a glass of raw milk into a glass and set it on the table. Do the 
same with a glass of commercial milk.

The raw milk will slowly turn sour, but will still be good for you (even 
better, although I cannot stand tha taste)...

The commercial milk will quickly turn not just rancid, but highly toxic 
- to the point that it could kill you if you drank it (if you could get 
it down).

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Milk (and CS)

2007-03-24 Thread Charles Marcus
Regarding raw milk, I wouldn't mind taking it, but do you think 
adding a few drops of CS would reduce the possibility of harmful 
germs (since there's no pasteurization)?

Interesting question, and brings to mind something I read once (can't 
remember where). I'm not sure if it is true, but:

It is said that in the early days of colonizing the west, the pioneers 
would drop a dollar or two of silver (what some people incorrctly call 
'silver dollars') in their milk while traveling to retard the growth of 
bad bacteria.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: >Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/Ruth

2007-03-24 Thread Charles Marcus
Yes, I hardly eat any sweets other than bananas, prune juice, trying 
cantalope now.  Most fruits don't work for me.  Ruth 

As long as you remember th golden rules...

Fruits: best to eat without any other food - most fruits can be mixed, 
but eating them mono - ie, eat just apples - or just oranges - or just 

Some people tolerate mixing fruits with other foods better than others, 
but it is much harder on the digestive system regardless, due to the 
nature of fruits and how the digestive system works: fruits are 
generally digested in the intestines, while more dense foods need to be 
digested in the stomach.

But the most important rule is with regard to meolns:

Eat them alone or *leave* them alone.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins

2007-03-24 Thread Charles Marcus
Did you check out the bowel protocol of Dr Schulze at 
www.Herbdoc.com ?

Dr Schulze's protocols are the best of any that I know, and his products 
are, bar none, the best you can get commercially - and probably better 
than most people could make for themselves, even with lots of practice.

His bowel detox protocol is *especially* good, and will work for 
virtually any bowel problem, if followed correctly. The main thing to 
remember is - keep them *moving*.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Huggins/thyroid Ruth Carpet Mold

2007-03-24 Thread Clayton Family
Yes, that happened down in Texas, I saw the footage of the interview 
with the family. I don't remember their name.

On Mar 24, 2007, at 10:21 AM, Rowena wrote:

Ruth, I really don't like the thought of you having the same carpets 
have been down since before all the damp problems.  Mold, dampness 
etc. are

like poison.

I can't vouch for this story, though some of you may know about it.  
It was

told to me by a friend, and concerns somone living in America.

A family with a very expensive house, all the extras, experienced 
The insurance company didn't want to pay up.  While the arguing was 

on, the family continued to live in the house, and the son and husband
became ill.  On a plane trip the wife happened to sit next to an 
expert in
mold.  Later, she decided to call him in to examine the house.  They 
told to get out of the house immediately, and not take anything at all 
the house with them, as there was a very bad kind of mold there.  The 
improved in health, but the husband is permanently damaged.  I may not 

full or correct details, but that is the gist of it.

If anyone has a link to the full, correct story (there could be a 

of a TV program or something) I'd like to have it.

Best wishes

 My house does have a mold problem.  Actually, I doubt that
it is altogether curable, the house, that is.  .  The 

may be to
move into an apartment.  I am wondering about even that since this 

area is prone to dampness and mold.  The last radon reading I had was
slightly high.  Since then I have had a beaver system put in which has
elilminated at least gross moisture in the basement. Cement walls and 
have been dry since then.  I also had cracks in the walls sealed.  
have not

had a radon count since then.  Probably should do that.  However, the
original carpets are still in the house.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/thyroid-mold

2007-03-24 Thread Clayton Family
I am taking it for that, on the advice of a friend. I have stopped the 
diflucan (I had to take it for a year and a half, and my dr still 
thinks I am on it, but I switched to EIS that I make at home. My friend 
said it is easier on the gut, and my digestion should improve even 

Any indoor mold will send me into a tailspin. My sinuses also get 
re-infected, but the EIS works wonders for that. Re-infection is a BIG 
DEAL in this kind of illness. Outdoor mold of the wrong kind will also 
do it.

The treatment of a fungal infection requires understanding of the 
biology of fungi. It will take a year or more to spread it's mycelium, 
or root like growth, into the host material. After it has developed a 
critical mass, it will start reproducing, putting out mushrooms. Some 
people have actually washed little black mushrooms out of their noses!

The anitfungals works by killing it off at the mycelial stage, but it 
does not affect the spores or fruit, so it takes a long time to kill it 
off. The goal, in my drs opinion, is to keep down to a mild roar so the 
symptoms are not too bad. It is very difficult to kill off entirely. 
However, that is my goal. He keeps patients on a very low dose of 
diflucan for years.

On Mar 24, 2007, at 8:54 AM, Dee wrote:

Shouldn't EIS combat the mold problem?  Dee  
---Original Message---
From: Clayton Family
Date: 03/24/07 06:24:04
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/thyroid
I finally had to chime in here. I had a similar symptomology that
looked for all the world like hypothyroid, but was not. My thyroid
numbers were always fine. It turned out to be  a toxicity problem
combined with big mold problems. Not digesting anything I ate, it got
weird, and severe.
My temp used to be very low. When I got the fungal infections
addressed, and dealt with the candida too (combo of diflucan and
supplements), also got rid of the toxins in the home, my temps
normalized, my blood pressure normalized, and I started feeling better

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Huggins/thyroid Ruth Carpet Mold

2007-03-24 Thread Rowena
Further to that, Ruth, I did a bit of research in case I could find the 
story.  There are things worth knowing out there.  Is it Wayne Fugitt who is 
a mold expert on this forum?
http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/byorg/abbey/an/an23/an23-7/an23-702.html said 
a book that everyone should have access to has just appeared in print: 
Guidelines on Assessment and Remediation of Fungi in Indoor Environments, 
available on the Internet at 
http://www.ci.nyc.ny.us/html/doh/html/epi/moldrpt1.html (2) Future revisions 
to it will be posted there too. For more information, contact the New York 
City Department of Health at 212/788-4290. An expert panel was convened in 
1993, originally to develop policies for medical and environmental 
evaluation and intervention in cases of Stachybotrys atra [chartarum] 
contamination. This revised guideline covers all fungi.

3. Follow developments in research and make contacts. Go to a mold 
conference now and then, or read in the professional literature on current 
research, to be sure your information is up to date. This will also make 
people more willing to talk to you; you can put yourself on a grapevine if 
you have recent news to swap. (As far as I know, there are no extension or 
college courses on coping with mold, except perhaps in the historical 
preservation field.)

4. Study real situations. Even if there is no leak to be found, water can 
enter a building through porous building materials, including concrete. It 
may enter as water vapor and condense and collect in hidden places. There 
are many esoteric ways for water to enter a house and feed mold. They are 
hard to understand without some kind of hands-on experience or a good 
teacher or a couple of really good books. So study is unavoidable.

Mold Websites & Listservs Related to Health
  a.. aspergillus...@mail-list.com (A listserv for people diagnosed with 
Aspergillus infections. A minor source of usable information; mainly serves 
as a support group.)
  b.. http://www.aspergillus.man.ac.uk/ (A technical website which offers an 
impressive variety of information, including the full text of a large number 
of medical papers. Registration is needed if you want to have access to all 
  c.. http://www.chem.umd.edu/organic/jarvis.html (Analysis of 4 toxins, 
esp. tricothecenes, a kind of toxin produced by many species of mold)
  d.. http://isiaq.org/ (International Society for Indoor Air Quality. Good 
on buildings and air handling, but not on mold itself, or on health.)
  e.. http://www.iuoe.org/cm/iaq_iaq_in_home.asp?Item=294   some horror 
stories - getting insurance for mold problems is no joke.
  g.. http://www.moldinspector.com/mold_advice.htm
  h.. http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=52250
According to Portnoy, mold attacks in one of four ways.

First, you could be allergic to it. This occurs in 10% to 20% of cases. A 
skin or blood test would pinpoint it as an allergic substance.

Second, substances called ergosterol and glucan in the walls of the mold 
cell can cause hay fever-like symptoms. You don't have to be allergic --  
anyone could react to these.

Third, molds release organic compounds such as benzene and acetone, which 
would raise alarms in any workplace and are linked to nausea, dizziness, and 
headaches. Again, you don't have to be allergic.

And last, molds, like other organisms, don't want to compete for food and 
nurturing, so they expel mycotoxins to kill competitors such as bacteria. In 
the case of helpful mycotoxins, we call these antibiotics and use them to 
help us. But in the case of some molds, the mycotoxins target cells within 
our bodies and may cause problems such as cancer, stillbirths, and bleeding 
in infants. Stachybotrys makes a lot of these harmful mycotoxins.

Wow, the stories that are out there!

All the best


Ruth, I really don't like the thought of you having the same carpets that
have been down since before all the damp problems.  Mold, dampness etc. are
like poison.
I can't vouch for this story, though some of you may know about it.  It was
told to me by a friend, and concerns somone living in America.

A family with a very expensive house, all the extras, experienced flooding.
The insurance company didn't want to pay up.  While the arguing was going
on, the family continued to live in the house, and the son and husband
became ill.  On a plane trip the wife happened to sit next to an expert in
mold.  Later, she decided to call him in to examine the house.  They were
told to get out of the house immediately, and not take anything at all from
the house with them, as there was a very bad kind of mold there.  The son
improved in health, but the husband is permanently damaged.  I may not have
full or correct details, but that is the gist of it.

If anyone has a link to the full, correct story (there could be a transcript
of a TV program or som

Re: CS> Huggins/thyroid Ruth Carpet Mold

2007-03-24 Thread Rowena
Ruth, I really don't like the thought of you having the same carpets that 
have been down since before all the damp problems.  Mold, dampness etc. are 
like poison.

I can't vouch for this story, though some of you may know about it.  It was 
told to me by a friend, and concerns somone living in America.

A family with a very expensive house, all the extras, experienced flooding. 
The insurance company didn't want to pay up.  While the arguing was going 
on, the family continued to live in the house, and the son and husband 
became ill.  On a plane trip the wife happened to sit next to an expert in 
mold.  Later, she decided to call him in to examine the house.  They were 
told to get out of the house immediately, and not take anything at all from 
the house with them, as there was a very bad kind of mold there.  The son 
improved in health, but the husband is permanently damaged.  I may not have 
full or correct details, but that is the gist of it.

If anyone has a link to the full, correct story (there could be a transcript 
of a TV program or something) I'd like to have it.

Best wishes

 My house does have a mold problem.  Actually, I doubt that
it is altogether curable, the house, that is.  .  The answer 
may be to
move into an apartment.  I am wondering about even that since this whole
area is prone to dampness and mold.  The last radon reading I had was
slightly high.  Since then I have had a beaver system put in which has
elilminated at least gross moisture in the basement. Cement walls and floor
have been dry since then.  I also had cracks in the walls sealed.  have not
had a radon count since then.  Probably should do that.  However, the
original carpets are still in the house. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins

2007-03-24 Thread ruth strackbein
Hi, What a good idea.  Thanks for sharing it.  I don't have a bird bath, but 
my neighbors do.  Will offer to put some in theirs for the health of the 
neighborhood!. Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

From: sol 
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2007 18:38:09 -0700

Pat wrote:
 I wonder what the EIS I put in the
dog's outside water bucket does for the birds who also drink it.

We routinely put EIS/CS in the bird baths in the warmer months. Birds 
routinely defecate in the water so I think it helps keep down the spread of 
disease between birds.

I don't know if bird carried/spread pathogens are the risk to dogs that 
they are to other species of pets. But I thought I'd mention that 
clostridium is just one pathogen birds carry and spread through their fecal 

A good healthy splash of EIS/CS in any outdoor water that birds is a very 
good idea in my own view.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Exercise your brain! Try Flexicon. 

Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/thyroid

2007-03-24 Thread ruth strackbein
I have been wondering the same thing.  I have a Silvergen now and am taking 
1 tblsp a day.  That is up from a tsp a day to start with.  Didn't want to 
get a herx reaction.  Will have to look back in my files about EIS and mold. 

From Ruth Strackbein

From: "Dee " 
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/thyroid
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2007 14:54:49 + (GMT Standard Time)

Shouldn't EIS combat the mold problem?  Dee

---Original Message---

From: Clayton Family
Date: 03/24/07 06:24:04
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/thyroid

I finally had to chime in here. I had a similar symptomology that
looked for all the world like hypothyroid, but was not. My thyroid
numbers were always fine. It turned out to be  a toxicity problem
combined with big mold problems. Not digesting anything I ate, it got
weird, and severe.

My temp used to be very low. When I got the fungal infections
addressed, and dealt with the candida too (combo of diflucan and
supplements), also got rid of the toxins in the home, my temps
normalized, my blood pressure normalized, and I started feeling better

Mortgage refinance is hot 1) Rates near 30-yr lows 2) Good credit get 
intro-rate 4.625%* 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/thyroid

2007-03-24 Thread ruth strackbein
Thanks, Kathryn.  My house does have a mold problem.  Actually, I doubt that 
it is altogether curable, the house, that is. There is apparently an odor, 
also, so my grandchldren tell me.  I don';t notice it, but have lived here 
since 1988 so have probably got used to it, though I don't remember ever 
noticing it, but I don't remember alot of things.  I am currently 
researching a site called www.doctorsresearch.com about vitamins, especially 
natural vitamin c  .  I really don't think removing my large colon is going 
to solve all my problems and my doctors doubt that, too since the pain is 
right sided with sharp pain under right center ribcage and more of a burning 
down in the ileo region. Both extend along the right side of my abdomen with 
none on the left side, for the most part.  I am not sure what to do about 
the house.  Can' t spend alot as I am low income level. The answer may be to 
move into an apartment.  I am wondering about even that since this whole 
area is prone to dampness and mold.  The last radon reading I had was 
slightly high.  Since then I have had a beaver system put in which has 
elilminated at least gross moisture in the basement. Cement walls and floor 
have been dry since then.  I also haad cracks in the walls sealed.  have not 
had a radon count since then.  Probably should do that.  However, the 
original carpets are still in the house.  Thanks again for your reply.  Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

From: Clayton Family 
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/thyroid
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2007 01:23:20 -0600

I finally had to chime in here. I had a similar symptomology that  looked 
for all the world like hypothyroid, but was not. My thyroid  numbers were 
always fine. It turned out to be  a toxicity problem  combined with big 
mold problems. Not digesting anything I ate, it got  weird, and severe.

My temp used to be very low. When I got the fungal infections  addressed, 
and dealt with the candida too (combo of diflucan and  supplements), also 
got rid of the toxins in the home, my temps  normalized, my blood pressure 
normalized, and I started feeling better  too.

The digestion problems can be caused by fungal overgrowth either by  
candida or maybe by aspergilllus or another fungus. There have been  
several bad ones found in the gut of sick individuals, so it is hard to  
say which it might be. But a good antifungal will kill them all, so it  is 
not important which species. What is important is rebuilding the  natural 
flora of the gut and supplementing with some vitamins to  correct the 
likely deficiencies that will have occured due to the lack  of good 

Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents


On Mar 23, 2007, at 10:45 AM, ruth strackbein wrote:

I'm not sure, am getting some advice from several people, especiallty  
about low thyroid.  Am in process of trying to remember 3 days in a  row 
to take my temperature before getting out of bed.  Either I forget  
altogether, or have to go to the bathroom so badly that that takes  
precedent.  And sometimes I just give up for awhile.  I did take it  this 
morning.  97.3  which I suspect is a lilttle low, but it has been  like 
that any time of day  like at the doctor's for years and he  always says 
it is good. Thanks, Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

From: vwol...@aol.com
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 18:35:00 EDT

Dear Ruth...while it sounds as though you have a Dr. with some  

total large bowel removal sounds very drastic.
Is there something that the very wise and knowledgable people  here  can 

you with?

Anyone?   V

In a message dated 3/22/2007 5:44:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
ruthstrackb...@hotmail.com writes:

Hi, My cholesterol also runs around 200-220 and has for quite a few  
at least since I've been tested.  Fortunately my Doctor does not buy  
the cholesterol humbug, so I have not been put on drugs.  Of course,  
part of

the reason for this, I'm sure, is that my digestive tract problems  would
make figuring out a drug to use would be difficult if not impossible.   
has had enough trouble with trying to get me to take tranquilizing  
drugs, (
not sure if this is the right category), and various other things  that 

supposed to help my bowel problems.  He has given up on the medicines.
Thankfully, but now recommends total large bowel removal.. I am  

this, so far.  Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

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It’s tax season, make sure to follow these few simple tips  

Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/thyroid

2007-03-24 Thread Dee
Shouldn't EIS combat the mold problem?  Dee  
---Original Message---
From: Clayton Family
Date: 03/24/07 06:24:04
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins/thyroid
I finally had to chime in here. I had a similar symptomology that
looked for all the world like hypothyroid, but was not. My thyroid
numbers were always fine. It turned out to be  a toxicity problem
combined with big mold problems. Not digesting anything I ate, it got
weird, and severe.
My temp used to be very low. When I got the fungal infections
addressed, and dealt with the candida too (combo of diflucan and
supplements), also got rid of the toxins in the home, my temps
normalized, my blood pressure normalized, and I started feeling better

RE: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins

2007-03-24 Thread ruth strackbein
Hi, I have been on a celiac diet for 3 years, Even though I have seen no 
direct benefits to my digestive problems, I think it is a healthy diet.  May 
start to try using some of the alternatives to wheat, etc. Thanks for the 
further information. Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

From: "Susan (& Ron) Hart" 
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Still OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2007 14:38:19 -0400

A total colectomy sounds extremely drastic to me.  Maybe this will help 


Although written by a vet (a very reputable vet at that), it applies to 
pets as well as humans because we are all  "simple-stomached."  I would 
think it's certainly worth a try before agreeing to surgery.

Hope this helps.

vwol...@aol.com wrote:

 Dear Ruth...while it sounds as though you have a Dr. with some 
smarts...a total large bowel removal sounds very drastic.
Is there something that the very wise and knowledgable people  here can 
help you with?

 Anyone?   V
In a message dated 3/22/2007 5:44:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
ruthstrackb...@hotmail.com writes:

Hi, My cholesterol also runs around 200-220 and has for quite a
few years,
at least since I've been tested.  Fortunately my Doctor does not
buy into
the cholesterol humbug, so I have not been put on drugs.  Of
course, part of
the reason for this, I'm sure, is that my digestive tract problems
make figuring out a drug to use would be difficult if not
impossible.  He
has had enough trouble with trying to get me to take tranquilizing
drugs, (
not sure if this is the right category), and various other things
that are
supposed to help my bowel problems.  He has given up on the
Thankfully, but now recommends total large bowel removal.. I am
this, so far.  Ruth

From Ruth Strackbein

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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