Re: CS>eat raw eggs., Cholesterol ?

2007-09-05 Thread John Plumridge

--On 5 September 2007 19:52:48 +0100 John Plumridge  

Absolutley,the whole chlosterol thing was based upon early
misinterpretations, and competitive food industry advertising. The best
research shows cholesterol actually protects the body against heart
disease and much more. We need vegetables and oil with cholesterol

Sorry that should have continued...with cholesterol balancing effects (and 
not those which diminish cholesterol).


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Re: CS>eat raw eggs., Cholesterol ?

2007-09-05 Thread John Plumridge

--On 5 September 2007 12:58:08 -0500 CWFugitt  wrote:

 Does anyone know how to increase the cholesterol?

Well, I'd advise coconut specifically to correct serum levels. I would 
advise sesame, olive oils and butter as the main oils of choice, along with 
coconut oils and if desired palm oil. Just a little hemp seed oil and 
walnut oil is good on salads.

But may I offer a little more information to help you.

Do you tend to consume polyunsaturated fats? Best not to. They tend to have 
more free radicles (go rancid) and there are other risks: The best evidence 
indicates that our intake of polyunsaturates should not be much greater 
than 4% of the caloric total, in approximate proportions of 1 1/2 % omega-3 
linolenic acid and 2 1/2 % omega-6 linoleic acid.
Excess consumption of polyunsaturated oils has been shown to contribute to 
a large number of disease conditions including increased cancer and heart 
disease; immune system dysfunction; damage to the liver, reproductive 
organs and lungs; digestive disorders; depressed learning ability; impaired 
growth; and weight gain. Recent research has revealed that too much omega-6 
in the diet creates an imbalance that can interfere with production of 
important prostaglandins. This disruption can result in increased tendency 
to form blood clots, inflammation, high blood pressure, irritation of the 
digestive tract, depressed immune function, sterility, cell proliferation, 
cancer and weight gain.
along with a surfeit of omega-6 fatty acids the American diet is deficient 
in the more unsaturated omega-3 linolenic acid. This fatty acid is 
necessary for cell oxidation, for metabolizing important sulphur-containing 
amino acids and for maintaining proper balance in prostaglandin production. 
Deficiencies have been associated with asthma, heart disease and learning 
deficiencies. Most commercial vegetable oils contain very little omega-3 
linolenic acid and large amounts of the omega-6 linoleic acid. In addition, 
modern agricultural and industrial practices have reduced the amount of 
omega-3 fatty acids in commercially available vegetables, eggs, fish and 
meat. For example, organic eggs from hens allowed to feed on insects and 
green plants can contain omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in the beneficial 
ratio of approximately one-to-one; but commercial supermarket eggs 
(including free range) can contain as much as nineteen times more omega-6 
than omega-3!

Along with saturated fats, cholesterol in the cell membrane gives our cells 
necessary stiffness and stability. When the diet contains an excess of 
polyunsaturated fatty acids, these replace saturated fatty acids in the 
cell membrane, so that the cell walls actually become flabby. When this 
happens, cholesterol from the blood is "driven" into the tissues to give 
them structural integrity. This is why serum cholesterol levels may go down 
temporarily when we replace saturated fats with polyunsaturated oils in the 
conversely, High serum cholesterol levels often indicate that the body 
needs cholesterol to protect itself from high levels of altered, 
free-radical-containing fats.

S,O check your tests, by repeating them and at different times of the day 
etc. if you want to go by test results.

Saturated fatty acids constitute at least 50% of the cell membranes. They 
are what gives our cells necessary stiffness and integrity.

	%	They play a vital role in the health of our bones. For calcium to be 
effectively incorporated into the skeletal structure, at least 50% of the 
dietary fats should be saturated.
	%	They lower Lp(a), a substance in the blood that indicates proneness to 
heart disease.39 They protect the liver from alcohol and other toxins, such 
as Tylenol.

%   They enhance the immune system.

%   They are needed for the proper utilization of essential fatty 
Elongated omega-3 fatty acids are better retained in the tissues when the 
diet is rich in saturated fats.
	%	Saturated 18-carbon stearic acid and 16-carbon palmitic acid are the 
preferred foods for the heart, which is why the fat around the heart muscle 
is highly saturated.43 The heart draws on this reserve of fat in times of 

%	Short- and medium-chain saturated fatty acids have important 
antimicrobial properties. They protect us against harmful microorganisms in 
the digestive tract.

Palm oil is about 50% saturated, with 41% oleic acid and about 9% linoleic 

Coconut oil is 92% saturated with over two-thirds of the saturated fat in 
the form of medium-chain fatty acids. Medium Chain Fatty Acids in coconut 
oil do not have a negative effect on cholesterol and protect against heart 
disease. Enig (Mary Enig Ph.D. on the Effects of Coconut Oil on Serum 
Cholesterol Levels and HDLs) reported in her article that the effects of 
coconut oil on persons with low cholesterol levels was the opposite of 
persons with high cholesterol levels. Of persons with low total cholesterol

Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-05 Thread Dan Nave

John Plumridge wrote:

"Then what will I cut vegetables with, a garlic crusher?"

Cut it with the ax you're grinding...


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Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-05 Thread Dan Nave

John Plumridge wrote:

"It does cause some slight offence and considerable 
difficulty which you notice when your children are being 
brought up as vegetarians and exposed to this 'normal way of 
being'. You have to teach them at a very young age (i.e. one 
year old) that for moral reasons and for health 
reasons...and so the education begins: either that or simply 
authoritarian, but it wouldn't help in this matter, except 
to puzzle them, because they have questions naturally."

Yes, you have to indoctrinate your children if you want them 
to act the same way you do...


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CS>Re: MMS miracles

2007-09-05 Thread Simon Jester


Since you refuse to provide any context for your responses, you continue 
to force others to guess at whoa dn what you are replying to...

You did notice that I added an identity at the end.

Yes - that is why I IDentified you as 'Ed'...

Your opinionated presentation of a "chip on my shoulder"is in error.

My recognition of the chip on your shoulder was obviously dead on...

Alas, if you cannot stand criticism of "critical posts", may I say
too bad. Ed.

I have zero problem with criticism... but when someone responds to 
something I *didn't* say as if it were something I *did* say - yes, I 
take exception to that.

Learn how to read, Ed.

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Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-05 Thread John Plumridge

--On 5 September 2007 00:24:16 -0400 Carlos Pérez 

The same old books tell us that later (several tens of thousands of years
ago) our ancestors ate animal products. Paleontology coincides.

Hey Carlos, that's interesting. What books? The oldest relates to about 
5,000 years old.
And what is it about paleontology that coincides? Is it the canine teeth? 
Look, that's school government education, by  witless graduate teachers, 

Why on earth should homo sapiens have dog's teeth, are they descended from 
dogs then?
Calling pointed teeth 'canine', is a convenient proof that we are 'meant to 
be' meat eaters. (a philosophical 'fallacy of equivocation' in reasoning):
'Oh look let's call this canine, dog's eat meat, so we should therefore'. 
And that's about the sum of scientific proof. Except for the other one, 
'essential amino acids', but there are none.

All the other stuff: we need a high protein diet: well here' some news: 
lentils have about 28% protein more than most meat at 25%. Mothers' milk 
(human) about 1% , the same as lettuce, what for the fastest growing 

Don't make me laugh until I cry, or I'll have to call my pointy kitchen 
knife canine and only use it for cutting meat. Then what will I cut 
vegetables with, a garlic crusher?

Care to comment?

Regards, John.

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Re: CS> False science

2007-09-05 Thread CWFugitt

Somehow, I missed this one.  I think Tad Wrote it.

That is a good message and I don't disagree with anything you said.
I actually use some organics, have always done so, and I believe in them.

That does not keep me from having strong ideas about organics, and the 
other fertilize, as I have stated.

Many get the wrong ideas about my ideas and things I say.

At 08:12 PM 9/5/2007, you wrote:
Maybe I missed it but did you ever come out and explain  your fertilizer 
and how you chelate it, Wayne?

  No, I did not say, and I don't recall saying I chelated anything.
My media does it and some earthworms help that I planted 25 years ago.I 
did say that nature does it and man does it.

 I personally use Fish Emulsion Fertilizer, compost, and various animal 
manures.  Some people believe in aerating the animal manures to break 
them down into more useful compounds, but I lack the equipment.  I trust 
the soil organisms to break them down for me.:-)

   Of course you understand this much better than many growers.
And you can add a few things, chemicals, to make it happen.
Not all chemicals are bad and not all are fertilize.

 Therefore I don't poison them.   I can't say I get your Paul 
Bunyan-esque yields or plant size, but manage to grow more than we can 
eat, and try to share with others.

   Likely you could by changing a few things and learning more about your 

Using a variety of materials as you do is the way to do it.
I wonder if you have researched and experimented with your
growing media.  Many people error on this and disasters can result, it they 
vary too far from the ideal.

Very likely your tomatoes taste as good as mine, and as good as any.
Often I increase magnesium and potassium at key growth stages thinking I 
may increase this content in the fruit.  I have not verified this by analysis.


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Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-05 Thread John Plumridge

--On 5 September 2007 01:38:04 -0005 "M. G. Devour"  

And we'll allow that OPINION can vary from one to another of us and not
demand agreement. Okay, John, Carlos?


Mike Devour
silver-list owner

(The vegan/vegetarian/omnivore/carnivore debate is one that seems
impossible to handle without deterioration into argument and discord!)

That's fine, I do agree. It doesn't have to deteriorate, but I can imagine 
that it very often does, inflammatory challenges by vegetarianism and so 
forth. But strong opinion need not be inflammatory. Think what it may be 
like for vegetarian. A useful reminder could be this: meat eating is 
portrayed as the only (aka cultural)  way to be in the media, and if this 
were not so meat eaters would be more careful not to assume too much. You 
don't here 'Today we're going top cook with meat', but you do hear 'today 
we're going to make a vegetarian sausage'.

It does cause some slight offence and considerable difficulty which you 
notice when your children are being brought up as vegetarians and exposed 
to this 'normal way of being'. You have to teach them at a very young age 
(i.e. one year old) that for moral reasons and for health reasons...and so 
the education begins: either that or simply authoritarian, but it wouldn't 
help in this matter, except to puzzle them, because they have questions 

I do believe that our diet is very important for children, and they could 
always choose to be meat eaters later on in life, but have an advantage in 
being brought up vegetarian first (when the cooking is splendid).

My in-laws insited on bringing meat to our table with the infants, which I 
thought was most insensitive toward them.

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CS>Re: An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-05 Thread Simon Jester
On the subject of pesticides and chemicals, I really see the need, 
but wish they could all be safe for us.  When I was 11, I was eating 
a peach, which then fell open and in the pit was a ball of sqirming 
worms.  Uncle Mac's corn had a big fat worm inside 75% of the husks.  
I HATE worms!   I even separate the leaves of Brussels sprouts before 
cooking and have found many tiny worms.   Our pecan trees produced 
only fungus infested nuts last couple years.  We'd have nothing much 
to eat if not for pesticides.

Most (not all) 'pests' won't attack healthy plants, they only eat the 
unhealthy ones.

If we were to return to proper farming methods - mainly crop *and* field 
rotation - we'd have little need for pesticides...

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Re: CS> False science

2007-09-05 Thread John Plumridge

--On 5 September 2007 20:12:19 -0500 Clayton Family  

Okay, I am officially taking umbrage at the insistence of some poor dears
here that medicine in particular and biology in general can really be
called science.

Yes, I think you're scheme of things there is pretty good. How about the 
science of spirit or god?

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Re: CS>Drab Posts. . . What From This List?????? You Have Got To Be Kidding Me!!!!

2007-09-05 Thread John Plumridge

Thanks for the welcome Wayne.

--On 5 September 2007 19:21:23 -0500 CWFugitt  wrote:

I think John is going to be all right. He will find he likes all of
us and all the off topic stuff.  

I thinks so, though it's sure changed since 2002.

Most of it relates to health.


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Re: CS> False science

2007-09-05 Thread Clayton Family
Okay, I am officially taking umbrage at the insistence of some poor 
dears here that medicine in particular and biology in general can 
really be called science.

Physics... that's science in theory, sometimes in practice
Chemistry...that is science in both ways
Geologyyes, on both counts
Engineering, a resounding YES, on both counts and particularly because 
it is so very pratical.

Biology... now there you have WAY too many variables to control, so it 
can hardly be called a true science
Medicine no way, it is half lies (even learned drs say only half of 
what they teach is true, but they don't know which half) and just TRY 
making up an experiment that can't be twisted into your own idea of 
what you want to see. Some medical researchers work very hard and come 
up with some good ideas, try them out and come to some reasonable 
conclusions, then test it in people, and sometimes it works.

Don't even talk about the "social sciences"- they may be valuable and 
helpful, but they are not sciences in the true sense of the word.

I just do not understand why people do not like scientists. It is those 
who gave us so many labor saving devices, so we woman can, as an entire 
gender, thank them for that. Our grandmothers did not have time for 
much but doing drudgery to take care of families. An that includes 
making soap to wash the clothes in iron tubs in the backyards once a 

I have heard such derisory vague comments before, and must admit being 
puzzled. Perhaps someone can enlighten me.


On Sep 5, 2007, at 6:24 PM, Tad Winiecki wrote:

Maybe I missed it but did you ever come out and explain  your 
fertilizer and how you chelate it, Wayne?  I personally use Fish 
Emulsion Fertilizer, compost, and various animal manures.  Some people 
believe in aerating the animal manures to break them down into more 
useful compounds, but I lack the equipment.  I trust the soil 
organisms to break them down for me.:-)  Therefore I don't poison 
them.   I can't say I get your Paul Bunyan-esque yields or plant size, 
but manage to grow more than we can eat, and try to share with others.

Science becomes a god to many that blinds them to simple truth.  Once 
I was on a national daylily forum and took compassion on someone 
expressing a health problem and suggested CS for it.  I quess I should 
have sent a private email because a "Scientist" on the list emailed me 
and lambasted me for giving unfounded health advice.  I got into a 
long discussion with him about silver and herbs in medicine and 
hundreds or even thousands of years of human experience meant nothing 
to him scientifically.

When I was in my 20's I had chronic bursitis and went to a doctor and 
was told they didn't know what caused it but I could take steroids or 
painkillers.  I took aspirin daily and suffered with the effects on my 
stomach during my entire first pregnancy.  Then I got a problem while 
nursing the baby where I couldn't lift my thumbs and had pain in my 
thumbs and wrists.  I went to the doctor- they didn't know what caused 
it but I could take steroids or have surgery.   Fortunately a kind 
friend gave me Adelle Davis' book "Let's Have Healthy Children" and I 
learned you need fat to absorb calcium, I started drinking 2-3 quarts 
of whole milk a day, and not only the wrist problem but also the 
bursitis problem disappeared!  This started me on a lifelong devotion 
to alternative medicine.  At least the doctors were honest that they 
were totally ignorant of nutrition- natural medicine.  The sad part is 
that 20 years later nursing mothers I met were still being told the 
same thing about their sore wrists, and I met one mother with the 
scars on her wrists from the surgery!

My father was a windbreaker, my mother was a turtleneck, but I am a 

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Fw: CS>Off topic list - OOPs Sorry

2007-09-05 Thread Norine Twaddell
Sorry,  it did post.
- Original Message - 
From: Norine Twaddell 
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 9:02 PM
Subject: Fw: CS>Off topic list


Posting for the 2nd time.  I don't know why my messages are not posting.

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Norine Twaddell CDBC, CPDT<>

Re: CS>ice-cream for sayens and simple truth

2007-09-05 Thread Norine Twaddell
I am with you Faith.  Tad, so well put.  

Norine Twaddell CDBC, CPDT

- Original Message - 
  From: Faith Saint Francis 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 8:13 PM
  Subject: CS>ice-cream for sayens and simple truth

  Tad Wieniecky wrote
  >>Science becomes a god to many that blinds them to simple truth.<<
  Can we send flowers and a BIG BIG ice-cream pie to Mr. Tad?

  Invite your mail contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live Spaces. 
It's easy! Try it! 

Fw: CS>Off topic list

2007-09-05 Thread Norine Twaddell

Posting for the 2nd time.  I don't know why my messages are not posting.

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Norine Twaddell CDBC, CPDT<>

Re: CS>Re: diverticulitis

2007-09-05 Thread Carol Ann
Simon, thank you for the reference.

Simon Jester  wrote: > Does anyone have the recipe 
for a charcoal slurry? I would like to 
> keep on file. Thanks, Jess

I generally just use a 1:1 mixture (calcium bentonite)...

Best source for clay info:

I don't have a current source for a good quality activated charcoal - I 
bought a 5 gallon container over 3 years ago and its still half full...

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Regards, Carol Ann ~ 
and the bush was consumed.Exodus 3:2 
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Re: CS>Drab Posts. . . What From This List?????? You Have Got To Be Kidding Me!!!!

2007-09-05 Thread CWFugitt

At 05:35 PM 9/5/2007, you wrote:

Oh, and .. . .Welcome to the List, John. :-))

   I think John is going to be all right. He will find he likes all of us 
and all the off topic stuff.  

Most of it relates to health.


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CS>ice-cream for sayens and simple truth

2007-09-05 Thread Faith Saint Francis

Tad Wieniecky wrote
>>Science becomes a god to many that blinds them to simple truth.<<
Can we send flowers and a BIG BIG ice-cream pie to Mr. Tad?
Invite your mail contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live Spaces. 
It's easy!

Re: CS>Organics, ...........

2007-09-05 Thread CWFugitt

Evening Chuck,

At 01:47 PM 9/5/2007, you wrote:

It's certainly interesting.
I'll try it next year.

Yes, I agree. It must have worked by some method.
If I was going to practice lying, it would not be
about tomato plants. 

It would likely be about politicians.


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CS>Cholesterol Magic Numbers, Are there any ?

2007-09-05 Thread CWFugitt

Evening Faith.

At 01:45 PM 9/5/2007, you wrote:
Okay.  I missed the joke part.  No sense of humor I guess.  Perhaps I 
think everyone has high cholesterol because I 
do.  Supposedly.  Besides,  I will confess I couldn't think of anything 
else to say.  I am glad you are cholesterol free.

  She better not be "Cholesterol Free".  I think that would be a disaster.

  How high is your cholesterol ?

  It may not in fact even be high.   The numbers are a fraud for sure.  I 
can send some links about this.

  I am concerned about mine being so low.  The other numbers that have 
served me well all my life is what I would like to have.

165 to 185 or even 200.


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Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-05 Thread John Plumridge
Hey Pat: It is said that what is offered as opinion, is sometimes the mind 
we wish to have changed. We are looking for alternative views. Certainly we 
invite them.

--On 5 September 2007 15:43:40 -0700 Pat  wrote:

The wild one does have a chance to live, although he might starve to

really, animals have economic crises do they? They starve to death when 
they lose habitat, that's a human intervention. And may I suggest any 
peaceful or sudden death by predation is far nicer than humane methods. 
They are a misnomer. The bullet and stun is not peaceful, that's all 
propaganda. Try a head injury or massive electrocution, listen to reports 
of head injury victims.

They will all die in the end.  I figure that if we didn't eat
meat, there would be no reason to let pigs and cattle be born.

That's ridiculous, do they need your help or permission: I suppose you 
created them too.

 At least we give them life

..I see, yes you did create life, probably by mixing chemicals.

and I hope most are well cared for.

so you are told by the industry. Find out - become a cowherd in several 
cultures, and include a biodynamic farm which has a small herd of milk cows.

 I realize many
probably are raised under lousy conditions, but I see many happy cows
grazing in green pastures everywhere I go.

That's a contradiction. DO the cows enjoy lousy conditions?
Do you know what unhappy cows look like? Where did you see them?  I see 
stupefied unhealthy cows. Compare them to an Indian cow.
The pictures of green fields on your food packages are not ideal for cows. 
They are the monocultures we've been conditioned to accept as images of 
paradise. They are boring green fields. Cows like trees for shelter, they 
like verges too, and variety. All souls do.

I can't bear to think about
it beyond thatit really bothers me to see them in cattle haulers.

It must be hard for you then. Perhaps when you do shut your mind off you 
eat cow (ok beef really) in greater comfort. Alternatively, kill your own 
beef (i mean cow). What would you do with the blood? collect it or let it 
run into your yard soil?

Look Pat, I am sorry to comment in a hard manner, but no offence is meant. 
You have your conscience, beliefs and upbringing. I don't respect them 
(that's just tosh to say I respect 'your' beliefs, or even you for having 
them - I have to tolerate them), but don't blame you for that either. It is 
almost impossible for you to be a vegetarian and enjoy eating soul-food 
when,  1) you weren't brought up as one, and 2) you live in a meat factory 
culture - it always assumed even by chefs that you are going to cook with 
meat. 3) the art of cooking is truly  vegetarian, and we have lost that. 4) 
there are few good vegetarian cooks or cafes 5) vegetable concoctions are 
served as psuedo meat, sausages etc..
6) the dominant brainwashing, called either education, scientific 
materialism, or foolish absurdity, which is in fact soul-killing 
indoctrination and control,  doesn't have any truck with soul except to 
sneer, hovers over whether animals have feelings.
7) you don't realise being a vegetarian is healthier (the strongest man in 
the world - Moscow State Circus - is a vegetarian Muslim)

8) you don't realise that eating meat stunts your health, vibrancy and 
spiritual growth, and so therefore, your intelligence.

The again, perhaps I am wrong.


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Re: CS>Organic, False science

2007-09-05 Thread Tad Winiecki

Maybe I missed it but did you ever come out and explain  your 
fertilizer and how you chelate it, Wayne?  I personally use Fish 
Emulsion Fertilizer, compost, and various animal manures.  Some people 
believe in aerating the animal manures to break them down into more 
useful compounds, but I lack the equipment.  I trust the soil organisms 
to break them down for me.:-)  Therefore I don't poison them.   I can't 
say I get your Paul Bunyan-esque yields or plant size, but manage to 
grow more than we can eat, and try to share with others.

Science becomes a god to many that blinds them to simple truth.  Once I 
was on a national daylily forum and took compassion on someone 
expressing a health problem and suggested CS for it.  I quess I should 
have sent a private email because a "Scientist" on the list emailed me 
and lambasted me for giving unfounded health advice.  I got into a long 
discussion with him about silver and herbs in medicine and hundreds or 
even thousands of years of human experience meant nothing to him 

When I was in my 20's I had chronic bursitis and went to a doctor and 
was told they didn't know what caused it but I could take steroids or 
painkillers.  I took aspirin daily and suffered with the effects on my 
stomach during my entire first pregnancy.  Then I got a problem while 
nursing the baby where I couldn't lift my thumbs and had pain in my 
thumbs and wrists.  I went to the doctor- they didn't know what caused 
it but I could take steroids or have surgery.   Fortunately a kind 
friend gave me Adelle Davis' book "Let's Have Healthy Children" and I 
learned you need fat to absorb calcium, I started drinking 2-3 quarts 
of whole milk a day, and not only the wrist problem but also the 
bursitis problem disappeared!  This started me on a lifelong devotion 
to alternative medicine.  At least the doctors were honest that they 
were totally ignorant of nutrition- natural medicine.  The sad part is 
that 20 years later nursing mothers I met were still being told the 
same thing about their sore wrists, and I met one mother with the scars 
on her wrists from the surgery!

My father was a windbreaker, my mother was a turtleneck, but I am a 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs. Stopping hunger by stopping to eatmeat

2007-09-05 Thread Faith Saint Francis

 >>I figure that if we didn't eat meat,<<
If we'd stop eating meat (ALLUFUS) there would be no more hunger in the world.
Calculations made not by me, but by those who know how to calculate.
Imagine all the peeople .. living with the beasts..

Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2007 15:43:40 -0700From: pattycake29...@yahoo.comsubject: Re: 
CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.To:

Wayne said:  Did you ever read the message about the two animals.One was wild 
and the other was domestic.The wild one may be killed by predators, may be 
killed by a hunter,  or even one of his own kind. But he has a chance to 
live.The other, the domestic . is sure to be killed.The wild one does 
have a chance to live, although he might starve to death.  They will all die in 
the end.  I figure that if we didn't eat meat, there would be no reason to let 
pigs and cattle be born.  At least we give them life and I hope most are well 
cared for.  I realize many probably are raised under lousy conditions, but I 
see many happy cows grazing in green pastures everywhere I go.  I can't bear to 
think about it beyond thatit really bothers me to see them in cattle 
haulers. On the subject of pesticides and chemicals, I really see the need, but 
wish they could all be safe for us.  When I was 11, I was eating a peach, which 
then fell open and in the pit was a ball of sqirming worms.  Uncle Mac's corn 
had a big fat worm inside 75% of the husks.  I HATE worms!   I even separate 
the leaves of Brussels sprouts before cooking and have found many tiny worms.   
Our pecan trees produced only fungus infested nuts last couple years.  We'd 
have nothing much to eat if not for pesticides. 

Shape Yahoo! in your own image. Join our Network Research Panel today! 
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It's easy!

Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-05 Thread Pat
Wayne said:  Did you ever read the message about the two animals.
One was wild and the other was domestic.

The wild one may be killed by predators, may be killed by a hunter,  or 
even one of his own kind. But he has a chance to live.

The other, the domestic . is sure to be killed.

The wild one does have a chance to live, although he might starve to death.  
They will all die in the end.  I figure that if we didn't eat meat, there would 
be no reason to let pigs and cattle be born.  At least we give them life and I 
hope most are well cared for.  I realize many probably are raised under lousy 
conditions, but I see many happy cows grazing in green pastures everywhere I 
go.  I can't bear to think about it beyond thatit really bothers me to see 
them in cattle haulers. 

On the subject of pesticides and chemicals, I really see the need, but wish 
they could all be safe for us.  When I was 11, I was eating a peach, which then 
fell open and in the pit was a ball of sqirming worms.  Uncle Mac's corn had a 
big fat worm inside 75% of the husks.  I HATE worms!   I even separate the 
leaves of Brussels sprouts before cooking and have found many tiny worms.   Our 
pecan trees produced only fungus infested nuts last couple years.  We'd have 
nothing much to eat if not for pesticides.




Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for 
today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.  

Re: CS>Drab Posts. Who Runs the Country ?

2007-09-05 Thread Ross Craig
I saw Terry last week and he is just fineDoing less online and more
active in his community. He's involved with teaching kids something or
other. I am sure they are learning. He explained to me he was doing more
important things with his life. Not that he meant anything bad about this
list, just that he is busy with other things right now.

- Original Message - 
From: "Dee" 
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Drab Posts. Who Runs the Country ?

> I was wondering that very thing Wayne.  Dee
> ---Original Message--- 
> From: CWFugitt
> Date: 05/09/2007 14:18:29
> To:
> Subject: CS>Drab Posts. Who Runs the Country ?
> By the way, what happened to our friend Terry Chamberlain?
> I hope he is ok.
> .
> Wayne
> ===
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.5.485 / Virus Database: 269.13.5/990 - Release Date: 9/4/2007
10:36 PM

CS>Drab Posts. . . What From This List?????? You Have Got To Be Kidding Me!!!!

2007-09-05 Thread S-Max
Sheesh! Now, Chuck, why didn't I think of something humorous to say like
that; Or simple and to the point, like Dee; or kind like Wayne; or
educational and instructive like Simon; or just plain real honest as they
come, like Ed; or . . . . . 
You know, I must have spent about a half an hour or more trying to respond
to John's post about drab, and all I could do was get indignant. Not nice!
So I deleted it . . . . twice! Then after a while, I figured, hey - I had
the right to tell John newbie how his post made me feel; so, I actually went
into my delete bucket and got my 'half an hour or more it took me to write
post' back out again, and was going to send it a second time. Nope! Couldn't
do it. I felt something more elegant and profound in the makin' - happening
Ah! Then it came. The Masterful one. Mike McMasterful Moderator of the
Millenium Devour, and I breathed a big sigh of relief. I don't know how long
it takes you Mike to author those Fan-Tab-u-Lus moderator posts, but they
deserve a place in a famous 'Moderator Museum.' And anyway, it sure feels
better to compliment than to complain. So, thank you Mike, once again for an
opportunity to Stop, Listen, and Learn and for a breather to change my
complaint to a compliment and finally get to send it off. 
And, thank you all.  I really couldn't have said it better.  I am so glad to
have a family of members wherein I constantly am reminded of greater values
and higher good.
Oh, and .. . .Welcome to the List, John. :-))  
---Original Message--- 
Mike musta sold the list... 
Ther's a NEW cop in town! 
Try not to have a good time--this is supposed to be educational 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Acid Blend for MMS

2007-09-05 Thread Dan Nave
I have a large jar of "Acid Blend" for wine making which is 
a combination of Citric, Malic, and Tartaric acids similar 
to that found in fruit.  I am wondering if I could use this 
in the place of Citric acid for acidifying the sodium 
chlorite solution of the MMS in order to activate it.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Organics, ...........

2007-09-05 Thread M1marine
I have this book, but am saving it for the Winter, to read.  I buy  books and 
read them when the weather turns cold. Ed.

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

Re: CS>Re: MMS miracles

2007-09-05 Thread M1marine
You did notice that I added an identity at the end.  Your opinionated  
presentation of a "chip on my shoulder"is in error. Alas, if you cannot stand  
criticism of "critical posts", may I say too bad. Ed.

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

CS>Re: eat raw eggs., Cholesterol ?

2007-09-05 Thread Simon Jester

It seems likely that the body produces cholesterol to heal itself,
so in my opinion, it is best left alone, and certainly not take
medications to lower it.

Absolutley,the whole chlosterol thing was based upon early 
misinterpretations, and competitive food industry advertising. The 
best research shows cholesterol actually protects the body against 
heart disease and much more. We need vegetables and oil with 

The best sources are saturated fats... coconut oil is the best vegetable 
source that I'm aware of. I also love my 'almost raw' ribeye steaks...

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Organics, ...........

2007-09-05 Thread Simon Jester

Sounds like the electricity itself is producing a cure...

Actually - there are electircal properties to colloidal silver.

Saul Pressman is also convinced that ozone is simply one method to get 
'electricity' into the body, and it is actually 'electricity' that works 
the magic, not the extra oxygen atom.

I highly recommend the book 'The Body Electric', by Dr. Robert Becker:

Dr. Becker did some *amazing* - maybe even 'miraculous' - things with 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: MMS miracles

2007-09-05 Thread Simon Jester
Without some one testing a product, how can anyone know it's 
effectiveness.  So a few of us foolish folks will buy some and give 
it the acid test.

since I'm the only one I recall accusing anyone of 'being foolish', I'll 
assume this is aimed at me...

Why did you take it so personal Ed?

Do you seriously believe that someone who buys anything and everything 
the second they hear someone say 'it's a miracle cure!' is *not* foolish??

When you are sick, and have not gotten any help from several doctors,
who know nothing about it, what's left to do?

Well, I'd suggest that abandoning reason is not one of the things that 
you *should* do, but of course, each person must make their own choices.

The cost is a mere pittance to what a doctor's visit is.  I have read 
all of the book, and the author seems like someone that wants to help 
others.  He does seem to know his Chemistry, and has spent a great 
deal of time and money, in his quest for the Right Stuff .  If this 
concoction works for me, should I say so, or just keep it to myself, 
at the risk of being labeled foolish.  Ed. 

Well, since what you just said didn't meet the criteria that I laid down 
for what would constitute 'foolish', maybe you should read what I said 
again, and take the chip off your shoulder.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2007-09-05 Thread ian_ontario

There is a free ebook for downloading at the following site.  It contains the 
most significant new information to me that I have seen in a long time for 
riding the body of micro organisms.  IT talks about Sodium Chlorite solution 
being activated with vinegar or lime juice over a three minute period, mixing 
it with water - and good stuff happens. I looked through the internet and the 
concept is not new.  The process has been integrated into other products out 



Ian Roe

Re: CS>Re: MLM, MMS, and ........ the Chase

2007-09-05 Thread faith gagne

- Original Message - 
From: "M. G. Devour" 

Sent: Monday, September 03, 2007 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: MLM, MMS, and  the Chase

I'll just add this discussion to the list of ones we shouldn't 
pursue... except to say  I have no love for Moore, either. When 
he's gored one of your oxen, you'll feel the same... 

Mike (setting a bad example) D.

Hi Mike.

What ox did he gore?


It is hard to figure out where you are coming from.  But then, I just
prefer to skip it.  You give no evidence at all for your slanderous

Michael Moore is one of my heros.  Period, the end, Amen.


- Original Message - 
From: "Ode Coyote" 

Sent: Monday, September 03, 2007 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: MLM, MMS, and  the Chase

> At 10:03 AM 9/2/2007 -0400, you wrote:
>>>I've become suspicious of all the sides, I suppose.
>>>It would seem that everybody lies, but the Devil lies the least. [If
>>>you can define a lie as, not knowing, as well as intentional
>>> Michael Moore does while he intentionally makes
>>>omissions. ]
>>Dear Ode:
>>Many of us know that everybody lies from time to time.   What counts
>>is the underlying agenda.
>>If you have seen the movie "Sicko" please tell me what omissions
>>Michael Moore makes in the movie?  What is Mr. Moore trying to do by
>>producing this movie?
> ##  Mr Moore always has an agenda to make any given target look
> ##  foolish 
> any way he can by using "truths" without the qualifiers. [ aka half

> truths , the most skillful of all lies ] It's his job and he's good at
> it. We have interfaced in a way, where he made some friends of mine
> look a whole LOT more KooKoo than they really were back in his TV
> Nation days. EVERYTHING he said was out of context.  All comments were
> edited and mis-arranged to make them  "appear to be" as nonsensical as
> possible. They are, in fact VERY nice and sincere people with some odd
> ideas, but he made them out to be a pack of little Hitlers out to rule
> the world and nothing could be further from the truth.
>  Watch Fahrenheit Fahrenhype 911 that places each 
> phrase used in Fahrenheit 911 into it's proper context using the

> complete sentences as the interview-ees say they said them. He is NOT
> a journalist, he's a comedian posing as a journalist.  A comedians
> stock in trade is making reality appear ludicrous and that's what he
> does...but not "all in good humor".
>  A genuine comedian presents acidic points and makes them mild enough
>  to 
> swallow with a sense of humor.

> There's nothing genuine about Michael Moore, either as a comedian, or
> as a 'supposed' journalist.
> I'll watch "sicko" when I find it for free.  I'll never give that
> slimy crooked bastard a dime. If you hate his victims, he can be
> funny. But that's a reflection of hate.
>   If you know his victims as real caring people, not just objects of
>   hate 
> and warped derision not so funny.

>>The way many people talk one might think that the Devil is a persona.
>>In 25 words or less, who is the Devil?
>  ## Check the OT list for the answer to that question.
> Ode
> -- 
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.484 / Virus Database: 
> 269.13.2/985 - Release Date: 9/2/2007 4:32 PM

> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

Re: CS>Organics, ...........

2007-09-05 Thread faith gagne

Thanks.  I think

With a cuvaceous figure that Venus would have envied, a tanned, unblemished 
oval face framed with lustrous thick brown hair, deep azure-blue eyes 
fringed with long black lashes, perfect teeth that vied for competition, and 
a small straight nose, Marilee had a beauty that defied description.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Organics, ...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Turing tar pit is a general term for one of the various esoteric
programming languages designed to be Turing-complete while in some
sense simplifying to the greatest extent possible both the syntax and
the semantics of the language. Such a language gives up certain
practical goals (such as ease of coding, performance, etc.) in favor
of others (e.g., proving non-computability of certain functions,
illustrating basic principles of programming, providing simple bases
for computational models, etc.). Thus it is of interest in theoretical
computer science.

Until you walk a mile in someone else's moccasins, you can't imagine
the smell

On 9/5/2007 3:01:09 PM, faith gagne ( wrote:

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Organics, ...

It's certainly interesting.
I'll try it next year.

The Turing Tarpit is where everything is possible but nothing
interesting is easy

You lost me on this one.   What on earth is a Turning Tarpit?


On 9/5/2007 9:02:21 AM, William Missett (
> Hi!
> I was just given a secret method for controlling tomato infections.  I
> live
> in southern Mexico, and tomatos struggle to survive, so I hope this
> cure
> works, which it supposedly does in spades:
> Get a section of electric wiring with somewhat thick copper wiring, cut
> off
> a 2-3 inch section of an individual wire, and insert it through the
> stem of
> the tomato plant just above the roots.
> This creates a colloidal copper generation, which immunizes the tomato

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Staph in semen

2007-09-05 Thread M1marine
How do you know that you have Staph in your Semen?  It would seem to  me that 
tests would have to be taken, and an antibiotic administered.   Ed.

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

Re: CS>Organics, ...........

2007-09-05 Thread cking001
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Turing tar pit is a general term for one of the various esoteric
programming languages designed to be Turing-complete while in some
sense simplifying to the greatest extent possible both the syntax and
the semantics of the language. Such a language gives up certain
practical goals (such as ease of coding, performance, etc.) in favor
of others (e.g., proving non-computability of certain functions,
illustrating basic principles of programming, providing simple bases
for computational models, etc.). Thus it is of interest in theoretical
computer science.

Until you walk a mile in someone else's moccasins, you can't imagine
the smell

On 9/5/2007 3:01:09 PM, faith gagne ( wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 2:47 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Organics, ...
> Well,
> It's certainly interesting.
> I'll try it next year.
> Chuck
> The Turing Tarpit is where everything is possible but nothing
> interesting is easy
> >>
> You lost me on this one.   What on earth is a Turning Tarpit?
> Faith
> On 9/5/2007 9:02:21 AM, William Missett (
> wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > I was just given a secret method for controlling tomato infections.  I
> > live
> > in southern Mexico, and tomatos struggle to survive, so I hope this
> > cure
> > works, which it supposedly does in spades:
> >
> > Get a section of electric wiring with somewhat thick copper wiring, cut
> > off
> > a 2-3 inch section of an individual wire, and insert it through the
> > stem of
> > the tomato plant just above the roots.
> >
> > This creates a colloidal copper generation, which immunizes the tomato

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Off topic list

2007-09-05 Thread Norine Twaddell

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:   

Norine Twaddell CDBC, CPDT

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dee 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 2:15 PM
  Subject: CS>Off topic list

Can anyone help me to find the above please?  I went to Yahoo but 
couldn't find *any* group let alone this one. Dee  

Re: CS>MMS miracles

2007-09-05 Thread cking001
Day 2:

My first dose yesterday gave no side effects (nausea, runs)
so I took the dosage I was going to work up to (30 drops) before
Still no side effects.
I suspect my years of CS has eliminated them critters that produce
Took another uneventful 30 drops today.

The unfacts, did we have them, are too imprecisely few to warrant our

On 9/4/2007 9:02:28 PM, wrote:
> Well,
> Mine came in the mail today.
> Funny how long time can be, sometimes...remember getting your first
> decoder ring after sending in the cereal boxtop?
> Took forever (ten days) to arrive.
> Took a 6 drop dose a couple hours after supper.
> No side effects yet.
> Chuck
> Right now I'm having amnesia and deja-vu at the same time.
> I think I've
> forgotten this before.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Off topic list

2007-09-05 Thread Ruth Bertella

go to bottom of page and click on Off Topic

scroll down To Subscribe under the "Off Topic List Instructions"

when the next page comes up, click on the "click here" (written in purple) 

Hope this helps!

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dee 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 1:15 PM
  Subject: CS>Off topic list

Can anyone help me to find the above please?  I went to Yahoo but 
couldn't find *any* group let alone this one. Dee  

Re: CS>Off topic list

2007-09-05 Thread magen
Dear Dee!On my list there is a message from Wayne ... the footer has the 
address for Mike Devour and also the place for subscribing to the OT list. This 
is NOT a Yahoo list by Mikes decision and I believe we are ALL very happy with 
the message is titled:" CS>Drab posts" if you scroll down all the way you will 
find the info you need. I enjoy reading your posts!

Re: CS>Re: Heart palpitations

2007-09-05 Thread faith gagne
I am told that magnesium aspartate is most easily asborbed.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Scott 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 1:59 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Re: Heart palpitations

  Thank you but which form of magnesium are you suggesting.  I've seen and 
taken magnesium stearate, magnesium chloride, etc.

  Simon Jester  wrote:
> Magnesium is one of the main minerals for a healthy
> heart. Doctors will even give a magnesium shot when
> one is having a heart attack. Orotates work best.

This is a big (but not the only) reason that cayenne is so good for the 
heart - it is very high in magnesium...

Interesting anecdote...

The main study that is often quoted as 'proving' that aspirin prevents 
heart attacks used pure bayer aspirin - and magnesium is added to bayer 
aspirin during its manufacturing process...

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

  In His Service,
  Scott Young <><

  Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

Re: CS>Organics, ...........

2007-09-05 Thread faith gagne

- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Organics, ...

It's certainly interesting.
I'll try it next year.

The Turing Tarpit is where everything is possible but nothing
interesting is easy

You lost me on this one.   What on earth is a Turning Tarpit?


On 9/5/2007 9:02:21 AM, William Missett (


I was just given a secret method for controlling tomato infections.  I
in southern Mexico, and tomatos struggle to survive, so I hope this
works, which it supposedly does in spades:

Get a section of electric wiring with somewhat thick copper wiring, cut
a 2-3 inch section of an individual wire, and insert it through the
stem of
the tomato plant just above the roots.

This creates a colloidal copper generation, which immunizes the tomato
against a wide variety of common tomato diseases.

Hope it helps!
- Original Message -
From: "Dee" 
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Organics, ...

>I appreciate your point of view Wayne, and Mike's patience.  I still feel
> that natural substances allowed to rot down as compost, should have a 
> more

> balanced benefit than chemicals which have been put together for a
> specific
> reason i.e. to grow more tomatoes on one plant, say.  Maybe I am
> wrong,
> but there must be some reason for our crops in this day and age, having
> less
> nutri

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: Heart palpitations

2007-09-05 Thread ransley
Actually it's lack of potassium that causes my heart palpitations rather
than lack of magnesium, but they both work so hand in glove. Magnesium is
particularly effective for my chest tightness.
Cheap, easy magnesium for this purpose: Magnesium Citrate.
Cheap easy potassium for this purpose: Potassium Chloride in the form of
Salt Substitute, in any grocery store.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.485 / Virus Database: 269.13.5/990 - Release Date: 9/4/2007
10:36 PM

Re: CS>CS & Lupus

2007-09-05 Thread faith gagne

- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CS & Lupus

On 9/5/2007 6:15:00 AM, faith gagne ( wrote:

- Original Message -
As a scientist, Throckmorton knew that if he were ever to break wind in the
sound chamber he would never hear the end of it.

Good 'un
Just stole it...

If you jog in a jogging suit, lounge in lounging pajamas, and smoke
in a smoking jacket, WHY would anyone want to wear a

You just stole it?  That's okay.  I'm stealing yours too.

Just below the Narrows the river widens.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>eat raw eggs., Cholesterol ?

2007-09-05 Thread John Plumridge

--On 5 September 2007 19:23:16 +0100 Dee  wrote:

 It seems likely that
the body produces cholesterol to heal itself, so in my opinion, it is best
left alone, and certainly not take medications to lower it.

Absolutley,the whole chlosterol thing was based upon early 
misinterpretations, and competitive food industry advertising. The best 
research shows cholesterol actually protects the body against heart disease 
and much more. We need vegetables and oil with cholesterol


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Organics, ...........

2007-09-05 Thread cking001
It's certainly interesting.
I'll try it next year.

The Turing Tarpit is where everything is possible but nothing
interesting is easy 

On 9/5/2007 9:02:21 AM, William Missett (
> Hi!
> I was just given a secret method for controlling tomato infections.  I
> live
> in southern Mexico, and tomatos struggle to survive, so I hope this
> cure
> works, which it supposedly does in spades:
> Get a section of electric wiring with somewhat thick copper wiring, cut
> off
> a 2-3 inch section of an individual wire, and insert it through the
> stem of
> the tomato plant just above the roots.
> This creates a colloidal copper generation, which immunizes the tomato
> plant
> against a wide variety of common tomato diseases.
> Hope it helps!
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dee" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 8:47 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Organics, ...
> >I appreciate your point of view Wayne, and Mike's patience.  I still feel
> > that natural substances allowed to rot down as compost, should have a more
> > balanced benefit than chemicals which have been put together for a
> > specific
> > reason i.e. to grow more tomatoes on one plant, say.  Maybe I am
> > wrong,
> > but there must be some reason for our crops in this day and age, having
> > less
> > nutri

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Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-05 Thread faith gagne

- Original Message - 
From: "M. G. Devour" 

Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

Faith G. writes:

Dee,  why bother to try to cultivate a taste for stuff your body may not
really want?  Just eat the things you like and that  agree with you.

I'd agree with you if I didn't daily experience cravings for things
that are *obviously* dangerous junk. If I were living where there was
no junk food, I could pick what I wanted from the tree, bush and plant,
and the game was fresh and plentiful, then I'd expect my natural and
healthy appetite would re-emerge. Meanwhile...

Be well,

Mike D.


Hi Mike.

Gosh, I guess I'd better clarify what I was trying to say.  By "agree with 
you"  I meant "Healthy".

I wonder if that clears it up.  Is anybody buying that?


- Original Message - 
From: "Dee " 

You are such a sensible person Carlos, I know what you say is pure logic
and sense, and I have overcome certain phobias about food, i.e. I can
eat raw spinach.  However, this is because it is not that bad, but I
don't think I could eat raw okra because it is tough.  Wish I could,
ditto the eggs.  I give my dog raw eggs but he doesn't care what he
eats, as you say, he has no hangups.  I do hope to conquer this though,
at least some of it.  Dee

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-05 Thread faith gagne

- Original Message - 
From: "Dee " 

Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

It was meant to be a joke Faith!  I actually don't have high cholesterol,
and if I did it wouldn't worry me as I think the whole cholesterol thing 

an absolute scam and a myth.  Dee

Okay.  I missed the joke part.  No sense of humor I guess.  Perhaps I think 
everyone has high cholesterol because I do.  Supposedly.  Besides,  I will 
confess I couldn't think of anything else to say.  I am glad you are 
cholesterol free.

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Re: CS>eat raw eggs., Cholesterol ?

2007-09-05 Thread Dee
I meant to have added, that maybe you are so healthy that your body doesn't
*need* to produce more cholesterol.  It certainly sounds like it from your
description of your lifestyle.  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Dee
Date: 09/05/07 19:23:55
Subject: Re: CS>eat raw eggs., Cholesterol ?
I don't think that would increase it Wayne.  From what I have read, the
liver produces cholesterol in response to the body's need for it, which is
why when we get older, it is natural for blood cholesterol levels to be
higher.  The trouble is, it has been all taken out of context, and
researchers have found that the cholesterol thing is only one part of a
whole lot of things which could cause heart attacks.  It seems likely that
the body produces cholesterol to heal itself, so in my opinion, it is best
left alone, and certainly not take medications to lower it.  Dee

Re: CS>eat raw eggs., Cholesterol ?

2007-09-05 Thread Dee
I don't think that would increase it Wayne.  From what I have read, the
liver produces cholesterol in response to the body's need for it, which is
why when we get older, it is natural for blood cholesterol levels to be
higher.  The trouble is, it has been all taken out of context, and
researchers have found that the cholesterol thing is only one part of a
whole lot of things which could cause heart attacks.  It seems likely that
the body produces cholesterol to heal itself, so in my opinion, it is best
left alone, and certainly not take medications to lower it.  Dee 

---Original Message--- 

From: CWFugitt 

Date: 05/09/2007 19:09:43 


Subject: CS>eat raw eggs., Cholesterol ? 


At 08:27 AM 9/5/2007, you wrote: 



Likely I need 10 or 12 raw eggs per day. 






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CS>Off topic list

2007-09-05 Thread Dee
Can anyone help me to find the above please?  I went to Yahoo but couldn't find 
*any* group let alone this one. Dee <>

RE: CS>CS & Lupus

2007-09-05 Thread Scott
Thank you very much, Carlos.

Carlos Pérez  wrote: Scott,

In my experience cayenne pepper or habaneros or any other one of these 
marvels of nature, should be used directly in contact with mouth sub-lingual 
and laringeal mucose and all the others of the area, because it is precisely 
this direct flux through them into the bloodstream what produces the highest 

It helps clean the arteries, it activates blood circulation, it regenerates 
blood vessels, and due to this it is specially fit to regenerate heart 
tissues when blood irrigation is deficient due to their being damaged.

Of course, it is just a matter of using it daily, and GRADUALLY increasing 
the ammount without getting much discomfort (I use it fresh and raw in every 
meal, by direct biting and chewing pieces together with bites of food) 
Remember it should be done gradually. If you get to the point that you start 
feeling a little hot (in your mouth naturally, but a little on your head and 
rest of your body) and you start sweating a little, you are in the right 
track. These "waves" of heat several times a day bring the highest benefit. 
If you happen to exceed yourself a little through lack of practice, no 
problem. The discomfort will go away in a few minutes, and you will be more 
careful in your dosage next time.

In a short period of time you probably will be eating and enjoying ammounts 
of pepper that would make others cry.

Cayenne extract and cayenne tea, several dropperfulls under the tongue, have 
saved many lives of persons with a severe heart stroke, practically dead on 
the ground. I am sure that, since it has normally been in cases of common 
persons and not Hot Pepper Eaters, it burned the hell out of them, but a few 
minutes later they were very glad that by using this method they were again 

A few months ago, even though I never get sick, I was having some 
irregularities in my heart beat. I did not pay much attention to it, but 
when more than a month had elapsed, I got curious and went to a recommended 
very famous heart specialist to hear his opinion. He examined me very 
carefully, had me have heart and chest X-rays done, asked me all kinds of 
questions about eating and life habits, put a Holter 24 hours on me, had me 
have effort tests, and after all was finished he had me seat in front of him 
and told me very gravely:

You have some supra-ventricular arrhytmia.

Don't pay any attention to it. Your heart looks in perfect condition, size 
and everything. There is not any sign of calcification in your aorta, in 
spite of yor 74 years. You eat far better than me and any other person I 
know. You exercise wisely and daily (interval exercising doing bicycle, 
swimming, hill climbing, etc). You are in a better shape than most men 20 or 
more years younger than you.

I have no idea what to tell you do, except ... maybe pray, which you 
probably already do...!

I am sure the many years I have been using hot peppers had something to do 
with these results.

In my case, at the moment I was going through a lot of stress, and that 
created a temporary irregular situation that later came to normal.

Watch for stress, whether it be emotional, from work or lack of it, 
economical or whatever. It can be a dangerous disease. It can produce a 
syndrome equivalent to Chronic Fatigue. It can be very destroying.

Review yor eating habits and exercise.

I hope my experience is of some help.

Kindest regards,


>From: Scott 
>Subject: RE: CS>CS & Lupus
>Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 10:46:21 -0700 (PDT)
>Yes, I use it on at least one meal per day.  It is very spicy and I cannot 
>eat a whole lot of it without it burning too much.  Let me know if there 
>are other ways to ingest/use it. Thanks.
>In His Service,
>Dee   wrote: Have you tried cayenne, Scott, this is very 
>good for the heart.  Dee
>---Original Message---
>From: Scott
>Date: 04/09/2007 17:39:37
>Subject: RE: CS>CS & Lupus
>At times my heart feels like it is not beating strongly. I'm not sure that
>answers the irregular part. I have an appt with the pulmonologist next week
>and hopefully he can help me with some of this problem. I do eat raw garlic
>almost daily with at least one meal and use "Diamond Brand" Kosher Salt
>which has no caking agents or additives in it and is made in purified fresh
>water. I use it almost daily on my meals but have not used it in a glass of
>water for quite awhile. I take potassium tabs each day but my doc says I am
>still low overall on it. I will try the other items you suggested. Thanks,
>Jess. Stay in touch.
>In His Service,
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Re: CS>Staph in semen

2007-09-05 Thread Scott
My opinion: Try using an  8 to 2 ratio of CS to DMSO and spread on the whole 
groin area including the penis. Do this as much and many times you are able.  
Also, drink at least 8-16oz of CS on an empty stomach followed by distilled 
water (8 glasses per day). If you cannot get distilled water, use purified 
water. Also, try eating as much raw garlic as possible.  I will definitely be 
praying for you and those affected. In the meantime, no sex with anyone, 
including yourself until the infection is gone. If it does not go away within a 
few days, you may have to use a strong antibiotic from the doctor.

In His Service,

Agumiri Ukwu  wrote: Does anyone know what possible 
treatment for a suggested infection of staph in the semen.

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Re: CS>Drab Posts

2007-09-05 Thread CWFugitt

I could agree that some posts are a bit drab, but that is one thing a 
MOUSE is good for, moving on to the next one.  So use your mouse on my 
note and just move on.  Ed.

  Why would I do that ?

  I think it is important.

  It gave me a question.

  What is a drab post ?   If I knew that, I might stop writing them.


CS>eat raw eggs., Cholesterol ?

2007-09-05 Thread CWFugitt

At 08:27 AM 9/5/2007, you wrote:

I understand, but does cake and ice cream agree with your high cholesterol 
for instance?

  This issue could get worse that organics and war.

  Does anyone know how to increase the cholesterol?

  Mine is too low.  I have read that low cholesterol is worse than 
high.  Actually I am not sure I believe much if any of the choleserol scam.

But cholesterol is a necessary nutrient used by every cell in the body, so 
... I want more, not less.  Seriously, I am not kidding about this.  My 
reading was  126, the lowest ever.

It is usually 165 top 185, never over 212 many years ago.

I have been eating less meat and much less food total.

Likely I need 10 or  12 raw eggs per day.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Heart palpitations

2007-09-05 Thread Scott
Thank you but which form of magnesium are you suggesting.  I've seen and taken 
magnesium stearate, magnesium chloride, etc.

Simon Jester  wrote: > Magnesium is one of the main 
minerals for a healthy
> heart.  Doctors will even give a magnesium shot when
> one is having a heart attack.  Orotates work best.

This is a big (but not the only) reason that cayenne is so good for the 
heart - it is very high in magnesium...

Interesting anecdote...

The main study that is often quoted as 'proving' that aspirin prevents 
heart attacks used pure bayer aspirin - and magnesium is added to bayer 
aspirin during its manufacturing process...

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  In His Service,
  Scott Young <><

Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

Re: CS>Drab Posts. Who Runs the Country ?

2007-09-05 Thread CWFugitt

Evening Dee,

>> At 12:18 PM 9/5/2007, you wrote:

I was wondering that very thing Wayne.  Dee

   It is a long story, and you might not believe it.

   This should be on the off topic list, ...


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Re: CS>Drab Posts

2007-09-05 Thread M1marine
I could agree that some posts are a bit drab, but that is one thing a  MOUSE 
is good for, moving on to the next one.  So use your mouse on my note  and 
just move on.  Ed.

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

Re: CS>Drab Posts

2007-09-05 Thread CWFugitt

Morning Chuck,

At 12:14 PM 9/5/2007, you wrote:

Mike musta sold the list...
Ther's a NEW cop in town!

  You can be one too.

   Mike will usually let you state your opinion  Once.


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Re: CS>Organics, ...........

2007-09-05 Thread CWFugitt

Good Morning Richard,

>>At 11:51 AM 9/5/2007, you wrote:

Wayne, here in Spain some of the large olive groves are sprayed 
with  copper water - and nothing else - to great effect although I am 
told   they do not qualify for an "organic " certificate - regards - Richard

  Heck, they should call it "Mineral Water" or Mineral supplements.
then it might pass.

A bunch of nuts define the organic a little too tight.

I spray folar nutrients on my plants.

I bet that would block an organic certification.


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Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-05 Thread Dee
It was meant to be a joke Faith!  I actually don't have high cholesterol,
and if I did it wouldn't worry me as I think the whole cholesterol thing is
an absolute scam and a myth.  Dee  

---Original Message--- 


From: faith gagne 

Date: 05/09/2007 16:40:42 


Subject: Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs. 


I understand, but does cake and ice cream agree with your high cholesterol 

For instance? 





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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-05 Thread Simon Jester

Dee, why bother to try to cultivate a taste for stuff your body may
not really want? Just eat the things you like and that agree with

Well said.

I think that depends... Mike already made my point for me... just going 
by superficial 'desire' and 'taste' would get most people to the grave 
much quicker than using the old noggin...

You may be becoming a vegetarian.

Interesting segue... or are you suggesting there is some kind of 
'connection' between 'eating things that you like and agree with yhou' 
and being a 'vegetarian'? If so, then you would be wrong...

Eggs are bad for you, in my opinion,

I agree...

Eggs are also one of the most nutritious foods on the planet...

Now, care to explain why both statements can be true?

and may children are very health and beautiful without them.

And many die hiorrible deatsh without them too... your point being?

The animals are exploited, even 'free-range', then killed.

Yes - just like the carrots and taters...

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Re: CS>Drab Posts. Who Runs the Country ?

2007-09-05 Thread Dee
I was wondering that very thing Wayne.  Dee  

---Original Message--- 


From: CWFugitt 

Date: 05/09/2007 14:18:29 


Subject: CS>Drab Posts. Who Runs the Country ? 


By the way, what happened to our friend Terry Chamberlain? 

I hope he is ok. 









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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Drab Posts

2007-09-05 Thread cking001
Mike musta sold the list...
Ther's a NEW cop in town!


Try not to have a good time--this is supposed to be educational

On 9/5/2007 7:40:34 AM, John Plumridge ( wrote:
> --On 5 September 2007 06:46:30 -0400 Simon Jester
>  wrote:
> > Now, that said - anyone who actually took the time to read everything
> in
> > the two books

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Re: CS>Re: CS & Lupus

2007-09-05 Thread cking001
Yeah, I meant 90,000.
But it's only zeros...
That's nothing.

Wasn't bragging and I know that 90K is nowhere near a max, but 30k HU
is usually the typical readily available.

"You know that look women get when they want
sex? - Me neither."
 Drew Carey

On 9/5/2007 6:53:36 AM, Simon Jester (
> >
> I've been able to take 9000 HU cayenne in a smoothie (heaping
> > teaspoon) and just notice that it's
> "spicy".
> I'm assuming you meant 90,000, not 9,000 (which is nothing)...
> Dr Schulze describes stopping many heart attacks in their tracks using a
> potent cayenne tincture just as Carlos described... it is one of the
> primary herbs in all of his formulas (even the eyebright/eyewash
> formula)... he says it catalyzes the other herbs...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: MMS miracles

2007-09-05 Thread Dee
Please, let us all know Ed.  Dee  

---Original Message--- 



Date: 05/09/2007 17:40:33 


Subject: Re: CS>Re: MMS miracles 


Without some one testing a product, how can anyone know it's effectiveness.
So a few of us foolish folks will buy some and give it the acid test. When
you are sick, and have not gotten any help from several doctors, who know
nothing about it, what's left to do? The cost is a mere pittance to what a
doctor's visit is. I have read all of the book, and the author seems like
someone that wants to help others. He does seem to know his Chemistry, and
has spent a great deal of time and money, in his quest for the Right Stuff .
If this concoction works for me, should I say so, or just keep it to myself,
at the risk of being labeled foolish. Ed. 









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Re: CS>CS & Lupus

2007-09-05 Thread cking001
On 9/5/2007 6:15:00 AM, faith gagne ( wrote:
> - Original Message -
>As a scientist, Throckmorton knew that if he were ever to break wind in the 
>sound chamber he would never hear the end of it.

Good 'un
Just stole it...

If you jog in a jogging suit, lounge in lounging pajamas, and smoke
in a smoking jacket, WHY would anyone want to wear a

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CS>Re: Drab Posts

2007-09-05 Thread Simon Jester
Out of 50 mails I've seen almost no actual information whatsoever, 
apart from one about buttermilk on top of the fridge.

Similarly, if it's a matter of personally thanking someone, then send 
the message to them not to the list.

If you want a member to tell you where they shop, ask them privately, 

For the list to survive, remain useful, and retain valuable long-term 
members it needs to have a certain etiquette, about which I am 
touching upon. 

Hi John,

Since you aren't the moderator, do you really expect anyone to obey you?

Just curious... I've plead with people on many lists over the years, to 
please trim their posts, please don't top-post, etc etc, until my 
fingers cramped, and all I got from it was - cramped fingers...

Also, it's usually not a good idea to just jump in telling people how to 
behave - generally, it puts people off and lessens the chances of them 
responding helpfully to any questions you might have - unless, of 
course, you have no questions and your only goal is to enlighten us with 
your wisdom - in which case, we'll find out soon enough if you have any...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: MMS miracles

2007-09-05 Thread Simon Jester

Anyone who would just run out and buy this stuff and take it after
a simple reading of the claims made by someone posting to an email 
list is an ignorant fool, and has probably fallen for every new

scam product to hit the shelves and/or the internet in the last 10

I'd just augment this to say that it depends on the "someone" in 
question. Enthusiasm from people I've known for years and respect, 
counts for a lot in my book.

But of course... :)

If I were new to this list, or the information was from random people 
I didn't know, then skepticism would be essential.

I am trying it. The cost is negligible and the testing of the claims 
so straighforward that it'd be silly not to, especially given the 
quality of some of the people I know who are taking it seriously.

I look forward to hearing from those who are trying it - and I'll 
probably join them/you regardless...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Organics, ...........

2007-09-05 Thread Richard
Wayne, here in Spain some of the large olive groves are sprayed with  
copper water - and nothing else - to great effect although I am told  
they do not qualify for an "organic " certificate - regards - Richard

On 05/09/2007, at 18:04, CWFugitt wrote:

At 09:55 AM 9/5/2007, you wrote:
That is an interesting idea. Although I doubt it is producing a  
colloid, it is likely producing copper compounds, which are taken  
to the leaves and branches.  Copper is a very good antifungal  
substance, so it make sense. I wonder how much copper end up in  
the fruit.  Too much copper can be toxic.

  Many growers use Copper Sulfate for various problems.

  Maybe it works like the copper bracket on the arm.

   Not sure I belive all that hype either.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>[List Owner] Topics...

2007-09-05 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi group!

Let me clarify a few things about topics for the list...

Way back when I first took over as list owner, I quickly learned that 
people will *ALWAYS* ask questions of the form: "What can I do for..." 
"Does anybody know about..." "Where can I find..."  In other words, 
health related questions and topics that were not necessarily directly 
related to the main topic of Colloidal Silver.

No amount of restrictions on those sorts of questions would have 
filtered them all out without rendering the list useless. After all, 
how can one even know if CS might be relevant, without first asking?

Then, there are almost always people on the list who have answers to 
those questions, including answers that are not directly related to CS, 
and they ARE going to want to give them. Any attempt to censor them and 
force their contributions into private mail will be met with numerous 
requests for the same information, most of which *WILL* go through the 
list for the simple reason that you'll *NEVER* get everyone to be savvy 
and careful enough to use e-mail as skillfully as is possible.

Given these *INEVITABLE* characteristics of human nature, the 
population of our group, and the nature of the medium, I quickly 
evolved certain rules for choosing topics to discuss:

Certain topics are *STRONGLY* discouraged.

Politics is prohibited except from brief heads-up notices of matters 
directly related to CS or important alternative health matters, with 
follow-up to be taken off-list or to our OT list.

Religion, spirituality, or mysticism are prohibited since it is almost 
impossible to say anything on these topics that won't inflame or offend 

The debate over vegetarianism versus meat eating is one of these nearly 
"religious" topics. Like with religion, overt evangelization of either  
vegetarianism or meat eating is not welcome. It just should not become 
a topic for discussion.

Nor can we demand that everyone conceal every concievable interest or 
attitude for fear of offending someone else. Some degree of tolerance 
is expected of all of us in exchange for the gross restrictions on 
these major controversial topics.

Thus, passing mention of prohibited things, like the occasional "God 
Bless" or "You're in our prayers," or Wayne's mention of animal 
products in a smoothie, or your preference for a vegetarian lifestyle 
isn't out of order or "offensive," so long as it isn't confrontational 
or excessive.

So, I expect, John P., that you will accept the notion that you share 
the list with people who do not believe as you do, and will extend to 
them the same respectfulness and freedom to choose which you expect in 
return. In simple terms, don't continue to hammer on vegetariansim. 
You're not going to convert anybody and it will interfere with your 
ability to interact with the group.

Be yourself, and allow others to do the same. It takes effort to get 
along. You're all expected to make that effort.

So, religion and politics are prohibited. What is allowed?

Any health related question or issue may be raised and answers given, 
even if they don't relate to the main topic.

CS related things can, of course, be discussed until the topic is 

Non-CS related things OUGHT TO be discussed more briefly, so that basic 
curiosity can be satisfied and important resources be pointed out, then 
moved to the OT list, other forums, or private mail.

In actual practice, topic control has tended toward a looser style, 
with wide-ranging alternative health related discussions allowed while 
waiting for questions related to CS to be asked.

I'll step in occasionally to ask for topics to be retired that have 
gone on too long or are generating complaints.

Now, that's not the only way a list can be run, but it is, effectively, 
how this one is working right now. As the needs and preferences of the 
members change, so will my moderation, within broad limits. 

In that interest, I ask that if you have complaints or suggestions, you 
direct them to me in private e-mail. I take such communications into 
consideration as I manage the people and discussion.

If you see things deteriorating, of course, a heads-up to me is always 
welcome. I may have seen whatever it is already, but sometimes not. I 
do have to spend some time away from the computer, it seems. 

My e-mail address, plus the web site address for the list rules and 
instructions are always in the footer at the bottom of every message 
from the list. Please study the web site if you have any question about 
the rules and how the list is intended to work, or ask me.

Thank you, everyone.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to: silver-li

Re: CS>Re: MMS miracles

2007-09-05 Thread M1marine
Without some one testing a product, how can anyone know it's  effectiveness.  
So a few of us foolish folks will buy some and give it the  acid test.  When 
you are sick, and have not gotten any help from several  doctors, who know 
nothing about it, what's left to do?  The cost is a mere  pittance to what a 
doctor's visit is.  I have read all of the book, and the  author seems like 
someone that wants to help others.  He does seem to know  his Chemistry, and 
spent a great deal of time and money, in his quest for  the Right Stuff .  If 
this concoction works for me, should I say so,  or just keep it to myself, at 
risk of being labeled foolish.   Ed.   

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

RE: CS>Re: MLM, MMS, ???????

2007-09-05 Thread cking001
On 9/4/2007 10:40:55 PM, Gwlynda and David Irek
( wrote:
> Sorry I have not been in the loopcan someone please tell me what MLM,
> MMS is and what it is used for.I promise I will catch up!!
> Gwlynda Irek, Country Ridge Bulldogs
> Educational Program Coordinator
MLM = multilevel marketing
not applicable in this case.

MMS=Miracle Mineral Supplement
Has CURED malaria in African trials.

Go here, download the free part 1 book.
Read it, get up to speed.

Buy ready made product here.

There is no MLM involved.

If you want to make it yourself, buy the part 2 of the book.

When I was a kid I had a friend who worked in a radio station.
Whenever we walked under a bridge, you couldn't hear what he said.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Organics, ...........

2007-09-05 Thread Day Sutton
Sounds like the electricity itself is producing a cure...

On 9/5/07, CWFugitt  wrote:
> At 09:55 AM 9/5/2007, you wrote:
> >That is an interesting idea. Although I doubt it is producing a colloid,
> >it is likely producing copper compounds, which are taken to the leaves
> and
> >branches.  Copper is a very good antifungal substance, so it make sense.
> I
> >wonder how much copper end up in the fruit.  Too much copper can be
> toxic.
>   Many growers use Copper Sulfate for various problems.
>   Maybe it works like the copper bracket on the arm.
>Not sure I belive all that hype either.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Day Sutton

Re: CS>Staph in semen

2007-09-05 Thread M. G. Devour
> Does anyone know what possible treatment for a suggested infection of
> staph in the semen.

Welcome Agumiri,

Colloidal silver is generally effective with conditions caused by 
bacteria. It requires that the silver get to where the bacteria is, 

An example would be Lyme disease, which is caused by a spirochete, a 
bacterium that turns out to be able to burrow into every inaccessible 
corner of the body's tissues and organs and can take a very long time 
to kill off. CS helps a lot, but for some people, it may not reach the 
bacteria everywhere it might hide and a cure requires them to pursue 
other treatments as well.

There are other anti-bacterials, such as various herbs, extracts, oils, 
and so on. There are electronic devices that can be used to disrupt the 
bacteria in their hiding places, either killing them directly or else 
exposing them for destruction by the immune system. Solutions of sodium 
chlorite are getting some attention right now for their claimed 
effectiveness against just about everything.

I hope others will chime in with more specific suggestions.

Where are you from, and what kind of resources and facilities are 
available to you?

Be well!

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: MMS miracles

2007-09-05 Thread M. G. Devour
Simon J. wrote:
> Anyone who would just run out and buy this stuff and take it after a
> simple reading of the claims made by someone posting to an email list is
> an ignorant fool, and has probably fallen for every new scam product to
> hit the shelves and/or the internet in the last 10 years.

I'd just augment this to say that it depends on the "someone" in 
question. Enthusiasm from people I've known for years and respect, 
counts for a lot in my book.

If I were new to this list, or the information was from random people I 
didn't know, then skepticism would be essential.

I am trying it. The cost is negligible and the testing of the claims so 
straighforward that it'd be silly not to, especially given the quality 
of some of the people I know who are taking it seriously.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-05 Thread M. G. Devour
Faith G. writes:
> Dee,  why bother to try to cultivate a taste for stuff your body may not
> really want?  Just eat the things you like and that  agree with you.

I'd agree with you if I didn't daily experience cravings for things 
that are *obviously* dangerous junk. If I were living where there was 
no junk food, I could pick what I wanted from the tree, bush and plant, 
and the game was fresh and plentiful, then I'd expect my natural and 
healthy appetite would re-emerge. Meanwhile...

Be well,

Mike D.

> - Original Message - 
> From: "Dee " 
> You are such a sensible person Carlos, I know what you say is pure logic
> and sense, and I have overcome certain phobias about food, i.e. I can
> eat raw spinach.  However, this is because it is not that bad, but I
> don't think I could eat raw okra because it is tough.  Wish I could,
> ditto the eggs.  I give my dog raw eggs but he doesn't care what he
> eats, as you say, he has no hangups.  I do hope to conquer this though,
> at least some of it.  Dee

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Organics, ...........

2007-09-05 Thread CWFugitt

At 09:55 AM 9/5/2007, you wrote:
That is an interesting idea. Although I doubt it is producing a colloid, 
it is likely producing copper compounds, which are taken to the leaves and 
branches.  Copper is a very good antifungal substance, so it make sense. I 
wonder how much copper end up in the fruit.  Too much copper can be toxic.

  Many growers use Copper Sulfate for various problems.

  Maybe it works like the copper bracket on the arm.

   Not sure I belive all that hype either.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Staph in semen

2007-09-05 Thread Agumiri Ukwu
Does anyone know what possible treatment for a suggested infection of staph in 
the semen.

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Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-05 Thread faith gagne
I understand, but does cake and ice cream agree with your high cholesterol 
for instance?


- Original Message - 
From: "Dee " 

Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

I don't think that would be a good idea, Faith  because I don't think
cakes and ice cream would be too good for me!  Dee PS thanks for your
thought though.

---Original Message--- 

From: faith gagne

Date: 05/09/2007 12:00:38


Subject: Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

Dee, why bother to try to cultivate a taste for stuff your body may not

Really want? Just eat the things you like and that agree with you.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Drab Posts

2007-09-05 Thread faith gagne

Hi Folk - I've re-joined the list, because I thought it was of high 

when a member a few years ago. Hope o learn and possibly share with you.

Out of 50 mails I've seen almost no actual information whatsoever, apart 
from one about buttermilk on top of the fridge.

Dear Sir:  How can you possibly hope to learn anything from a 'high quality 
list' that has almost no actual information whatsoever?

Similarly, if it's a matter of personally thanking someone, then send the 
message to them not to the list.

If you want a member to tell you where they shop, ask them privately, 

Dear Sir:  Are you the moderator all of a sudden?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2007-09-05 Thread Ruth Bertella
Deltacom migrated our service and my email has been down since last Thursday.  
Hopefully everything is running correctly now, so anyone that needed info from 
me or tried to send info to me needs to resend emails.  Thanks for your 
patience while they work out the bugs (maybe we ought to send em some CS?!?!).


Re: CS>Organics, ...........

2007-09-05 Thread Marshall Dudley

William Missett wrote:


I was just given a secret method for controlling tomato infections.  I 
live in southern Mexico, and tomatos struggle to survive, so I hope 
this cure works, which it supposedly does in spades:

Get a section of electric wiring with somewhat thick copper wiring, 
cut off a 2-3 inch section of an individual wire, and insert it 
through the stem of the tomato plant just above the roots.

This creates a colloidal copper generation, which immunizes the tomato 
plant against a wide variety of common tomato diseases.

Hope it helps!

That is an interesting idea. Although I doubt it is producing a colloid, 
it is likely producing copper compounds, which are taken to the leaves 
and branches.  Copper is a very good antifungal substance, so it make 
sense. I wonder how much copper end up in the fruit.  Too much copper 
can be toxic.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>science and down-to-earth experience

2007-09-05 Thread Clayton Family
I don't think you have a good understanding of science. Perhaps you are 
confusing medicine with science. Medical Science is a misnomer. There 
is no such thing.

Science is the pursuit of Truth- it is truly a high calling.  Science 
looks at things in depth and relates what is seen or experienced. A 
true scientific report rarely tells you right out what they think, they 
present the evidence and let the reader come to conclusions.

I think you are confusing medicine with science; like I said, it is 
not, and real scientists will tell you so.


On Sep 5, 2007, at 8:09 AM, Faith Saint Francis wrote:

 Hi Forum! We’re back after a few days’ war with our server.  The last 
lines of Dee’s message on crops >>as this is just my own reasoning 
without any valid scientific data to back it, I could quite well be 
wrong.<< got me thinking that we are (still) the slaves of “science”. 
Science, which needs to measure to be able to prove. Science which 
arrogantly wipes aside everything that is not university formed. 
Science .. which in all its value (quantum maths!) has rooted itself 
so hard and fast .. has grown to be so ‘accepted’ that all else is 
false or ridiculous. See, there is intuition also. There is 
down-to-earth experience and there are a lot of people out-there who 
have answers where ‘science’ has proved wrong or inappropriate in many 
different fields. Our dead or ‘incurable’ patients of different 
illnesses are the best example.  I am a bit tired of ‘science’ .. 
don’t know ‘bout you FaithStFrancis
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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-05 Thread CWFugitt

Morning John,

>> At 06:42 AM 9/5/2007, you wrote:

Dee,  why bother to try to cultivate a taste for stuff your body may not 
really want?  Just eat the things you like and that  agree with you.

Interesting, not sure who said that.  Not sure I agree.

Well said. You may be becoming a vegetarian. Eggs are bad for you, in my 
opinion, and may children are very health and beautiful without them. The 
animals are exploited, even 'free-range', then killed.
   I eat less meat as I get older, much less. I eat more fruit and 
vegetables when I can get them.

  I have a message from a healer of sorts.  She says, point blank,
that the vegetarians are harder to heal, stay sick the longest, and often 
never get well no matter what they do to them.

  Did you ever read the message about the two animals.
One was wild and the other was domestic.

The wild one may be killed by predators, may be killed by a hunter,  or 
even one of his own kind. But he has a chance to live.

The other, the domestic . is sure to be killed.

Ever read what happens when all hunting is STOPPED.
If you love animals, better find that one and read it.

Vegetarianism is a lot like the people standing on the mountain top yelling 
"Organic Nutrients".

They do not even know they are using "Chemical Fertilizer" also.
Their are simply no other kind.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-05 Thread Dee
I don't think that would be a good idea, Faith  because I don't think
cakes and ice cream would be too good for me!  Dee PS thanks for your
thought though.


---Original Message--- 


From: faith gagne 

Date: 05/09/2007 12:00:38 


Subject: Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs. 


Dee, why bother to try to cultivate a taste for stuff your body may not 

Really want? Just eat the things you like and that agree with you. 




The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>science and down-to-earth experience

2007-09-05 Thread Faith Saint Francis

Hi Forum!

We’re back after a few days’ war with our server.

The last lines of Dee’s message on crops 

>>as this is just my own reasoning without any valid scientific data to back 
>>it, I could quite well be wrong.<<

got me thinking that we are (still) the slaves of “science”. Science, which 
needs to measure to be able to prove. Science which arrogantly wipes aside 
everything that is not university formed. Science .. which in all its value 
(quantum maths!) has rooted itself so hard and fast .. has grown to be so 
‘accepted’ that all else is false or ridiculous.

See, there is intuition also. There is down-to-earth experience and there are a 
lot of people out-there who have answers where ‘science’ has proved wrong or 
inappropriate in many different fields. Our dead or ‘incurable’ patients of 
different illnesses are the best example.

I am a bit tired of ‘science’ .. don’t know ‘bout you


News, entertainment and everything you care about at Get it now!

CS>Drab Posts. Who Runs the Country ?

2007-09-05 Thread CWFugitt

Morning John,

>> At 06:40 AM 9/5/2007, you wrote:
Hi Folk - I've re-joined the list, because I thought it was of high quality 
when a member a few years ago. Hope o learn and possibly share with you.

AFter the forst 50 mails, I have to request: could we keep reign in the 
advice to people which assumes they are  all dummies and fools strictly 
limited and concentrate on giving our experience.
The list is about silver primarily, and not about every herb under the 
sun. Also remember, many people are vegetarian, and don't want to hear 
about thoughtless eating of liver

  You are in the minority and sounds like your mind is made up on many 

   This list is in fact made up by a bunch of dummies, idiots and 
worse,  "Nuts Like ME", and a few others similar.

   Mike is the best, most understanding moderator I have ever seen.   He 
know and understands our thinking.

Honestly, I think he enjoys some of our crazy discussions.

If you ask a question about CS, many of us will break our necks to help you.

I ship free silver wire around the world. I make generators and give to 
people.  And ship other free stuff to remote countries where they cannot 
buy it.

I am on another list similar.  I have met many of the people at an annual 
get together in Texas.

Some of the smartest people in the world are on both list.

Generally, anything any of them say, .. I want to listen and I am 
interested, no matter what the subject.

Once on that list, one guy posted a message much like yours trying to stop 
all the messages not related to the number one subject.

We all humored him for a day or two and the list became near dead and very 

On it,  we post jokes, political messages, messages about immigration, and 
I post some selected ones on health and nutrition.

Many of them are older and many have back and joint pains.

Some days, and for several days, no one asks a question about CS.
Most of us now know everything.  

Dan Nave and I tossed together the small file area with carefully selected 
files to assist the beginner.  Some of them are idea for the intermediate 
and advanced User.

By the way, what happened to our friend Terry Chamberlain?
I hope he is ok.

One final question...

What political group or what religion do you call it when

"The minority rules".   Sounds like a dictatorship to me.


 "Many people would sooner die than think. In fact they do.

   Silver file Area...

  MDI Subscribe Email

Re: CS>Organics, ...........

2007-09-05 Thread William Missett


I was just given a secret method for controlling tomato infections.  I live 
in southern Mexico, and tomatos struggle to survive, so I hope this cure 
works, which it supposedly does in spades:

Get a section of electric wiring with somewhat thick copper wiring, cut off 
a 2-3 inch section of an individual wire, and insert it through the stem of 
the tomato plant just above the roots.

This creates a colloidal copper generation, which immunizes the tomato plant 
against a wide variety of common tomato diseases.

Hope it helps!
- Original Message - 
From: "Dee" 

Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Organics, ...

I appreciate your point of view Wayne, and Mike's patience.  I still feel
that natural substances allowed to rot down as compost, should have a more
balanced benefit than chemicals which have been put together for a 
reason i.e. to grow more tomatoes on one plant, say.  Maybe I am 
but there must be some reason for our crops in this day and age, having 
nutrient value than they had in the past.  This is what is being told to 
ad infinitum, so there must be a reason for this, and the 

formula used by so many growers, is the thing that springs to mind.  Also
acid rain I suppose.  However, as this is just my own reasoning without 
valid scientific data to back it, I could quite well be wrong.  Can you 

tell us the reason for the decline in nutrient value of crops?  Dee

---Original Message--- 

From: CWFugitt

Date: 05/09/2007 00:42:12


Subject: CS>Organics, ...

Evening Dee, Faith and others interested.

Be aware that I am not picking on you by any means.

I need to address the message to someone. 

At 12:15 PM 9/4/2007, you wrote:

I have done all but beg someone to tell me the name of an organic plant
nutrient. And I mean the chemical composition.

I realize that most cannot do this.

Most organic nutrient products will not tell you that, even if the people
selling them know. I think some of the do in fact know.

One thing I failed to point out in the example that Faith gave, is that, 

strong ammonia smell of the manure indicates strongly that part of the
Nitrogen is in fact Ammonia form nitrogen.

The plant cannot eat it, not one molecule of it.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: MMS miracles

2007-09-05 Thread CWFugitt

Morning Simon,

>> At 05:46 AM 9/5/2007, you wrote:
Anyone who would just run out and buy this stuff and take it after a 
simple reading of the claims made by someone posting to an email list is 
an ignorant fool, and has probably fallen for every new scam product to 
hit the shelves and/or the internet in the last 10 years.

   I agree with most of your logic, maybe all of it.

I liked part one over part 2.  Even if I never give it a thougth to read 
part 2 or buy any,  Part one reads a bit like  an adventure story.

The first part of  "Mad Cow, USA" sound like an adventure story also.


 "Many people would sooner die than think. In fact they do.

   Silver file Area...

  MDI Subscribe Email

Re: CS>Re: Rosemary Jacobs, get the file

2007-09-05 Thread CWFugitt

Morning Simon,

At 05:35 AM 9/5/2007, you wrote:
Another reason to use a decent mail client like Thunderbird - you can 
'tag' messages with as many different tags as you like (and create as many 
different tags as you like), to make finding saved messages a breeze...

   Call it whatever you want,  but is sure sounds like a
relational data base to me.  Or multiple indexes, or it might be
called Structured Query Language.  Still, no magic to it. One good 
programmer someplace.   

   My fist love of computers were databases.   After about 10,000 hours I 
could make them talk.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Organics, ...........

2007-09-05 Thread Dee
I appreciate your point of view Wayne, and Mike's patience.  I still feel
that natural substances allowed to rot down as compost, should have a more
balanced benefit than chemicals which have been put together for a specific
reason i.e. to grow more tomatoes on one plant, say.  Maybe I am wrong,
but there must be some reason for our crops in this day and age, having less
nutrient value than they had in the past.  This is what is being told to us
ad infinitum, so there must be a reason for this, and the pesticide/chemical
formula used by so many growers, is the thing that springs to mind.  Also
acid rain I suppose.  However, as this is just my own reasoning without any
valid scientific data to back it, I could quite well be wrong.  Can you then
tell us the reason for the decline in nutrient value of crops?  Dee 


---Original Message--- 


From: CWFugitt 

Date: 05/09/2007 00:42:12 


Subject: CS>Organics, ... 


Evening Dee, Faith and others interested. 


Be aware that I am not picking on you by any means. 

I need to address the message to someone.  


>> At 12:15 PM 9/4/2007, you wrote: 



I have done all but beg someone to tell me the name of an organic plant
nutrient. And I mean the chemical composition. 


I realize that most cannot do this. 


Most organic nutrient products will not tell you that, even if the people
selling them know. I think some of the do in fact know. 


One thing I failed to point out in the example that Faith gave, is that, the
strong ammonia smell of the manure indicates strongly that part of the
Nitrogen is in fact Ammonia form nitrogen. 


The plant cannot eat it, not one molecule of it. 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2007-09-05 Thread JuGargo
Great stuff on this website... thanks Smitty !!

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-05 Thread John Plumridge

--On 5 September 2007 06:43:27 -0400 faith gagne  wrote:

Dee,  why bother to try to cultivate a taste for stuff your body may not
really want?  Just eat the things you like and that  agree with you.

Well said. You may be becoming a vegetarian. Eggs are bad for you, in my 
opinion, and may children are very health and beautiful without them. The 
animals are exploited, even 'free-range', then killed.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Drab Posts

2007-09-05 Thread John Plumridge

--On 5 September 2007 06:46:30 -0400 Simon Jester 

Now, that said - anyone who actually took the time to read everything in
the two books (I've only just started the first), then decided to simply
'suspend disbelief' and give it a shot, is what I would call open-minded
and adventurous...

Sounds just like the writer himself.

Hi Folk - I've re-joined the list, because I thought it was of high quality 
when a member a few years ago. Hope o learn and possibly share with you.

AFter the forst 50 mails, I have to request: could we keep reign in the 
advice to people which assumes they are  all dummies and fools strictly 
limited and concentrate on giving our experience.

The list is about silver primarily, and not about every herb under the sun. 
Also remember, many people are vegetarian, and don't want to hear about 
thoughtless eating of liver ( no doubt from the supermarkets) and what ever.

I do agree, herbs as supplement along with silver, or where silver cannot 
do may be advised and are useful to pass under our nose.  However, cayenne 
is cayenne, yet varies by every locality and batch and every seed is 
adapting. No Doctor has the best one, and we do not all exist to shop in 
America. May just as well say grow your own in your own composted 
excrement, which perhaps is the best for you after all .

If we are talking about formulae for herbs, that is different: we could 
mention a Dr's formulae or our own, but if it's a matter of  recommending 
the one product for sale we have stumbled upon, even after reading their 
book, and liking the doctors' honest style, without appreciation of the 
actual cocktail, then why bother? The are tens of thousands or millions, 
many almost similar, and many different cocktails aimed at the same 
condition.  One or two are no doubt  useful cocktails, often copied and 
never so original, really. We can just serf the net and grab any one of 
them, or begin to read about it. Why clog a list with this kind of first 
time adventure.

So if we mention cocktails, lets talk about the actual composition, or if a 
specific herb, then about it's well-considered properties.

Quote>Anyone who would just run out and buy this stuff and take it
after a simple reading of the claims made by someone posting to an email
list is an ignorant fool, and has probably fallen for every new scam
product to hit the shelves and/or the internet in the last 10 years.

true enough. And may I say, we require only good local fresh produce,and 
avoidance of all processed and packaged food, including health foods, which 
are also processed by the illuminati who do all major food processing in 
the West. No panaceas whatsoever, to cleanse or heal. However if we get 
infections, then we need silver or iodine or something, or could do better 
with it, perhaps. We may also need the scalpel, first, if the infection 
cannot get past , for example the sheath in the hand, or we risk losing our 

Cleansing is a slow process, and we cannot help by putting our faith in one 
herb or cocktail: many help and so does most of our (vegetable) food. 
Fasting is the greatest aid and a fresh home-made vegetarian diet (no 
canned beans , please!) How many here, have such a diet? There is almost no 
takeaway food, or shop food that could possibly serve a healthy diet. You 
have to have fruit trees at home or locally etc. Take the trouble to grow 
at least one vegetable in your garden, or on common land, or on your window 

And you need to rip out the poisonous building materials in your home.

Out of 50 mails I've seen almost no actual information whatsoever, apart 
from one about buttermilk on top of the fridge.

Similarly, if it's a matter of personally thanking someone, then send the 
message to them not to the list.

If you want a member to tell you where they shop, ask them privately, 

For the list to survive, remain useful, and retain valuable long-term 
members it needs to have a certain etiquette, about which I am touching 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

2007-09-05 Thread faith gagne
Dee,  why bother to try to cultivate a taste for stuff your body may not 
really want?  Just eat the things you like and that  agree with you.


- Original Message - 
From: "Dee " 

Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 6:10 AM
Subject: Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.

You are such a sensible person Carlos, I know what you say is pure logic and
sense, and I have overcome certain phobias about food, i.e. I can eat raw
spinach.  However, this is because it is not that bad, but I don't think I
could eat raw okra because it is tough.  Wish I could, ditto the eggs.  I
give my dog raw eggs but he doesn't care what he eats, as you say, he has no
hangups.  I do hope to conquer this though, at least some of it.  Dee

---Original Message--- 

From: Carlos Pérez

Date: 09/05/07 04:40:00


Subject: Re: CS>An even easier way to eat raw eggs.


Concerning raw eggs, I honestly believe the right approach is a totally

Different one. It is a matter of learned apprehentions to see, understand

And overcome. To be natural again is not that difficult. Have you ever


Why make so complicated something that is so easy?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2007-09-05 Thread Smitty
I may have sent this before, but it's still a good read.

Dr. Christopher story.

(scroll down to,  * Blood Circulation Formula * )


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2007-09-05 Thread Smitty
> Sounds good but I am allergic to iodine  .. had a very bad reaction to it
> years ago.
> Thanks for offering your help  ...
> Judy

You might look at this =


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: CS & Lupus

2007-09-05 Thread Simon Jester

I've been able to take 9000 HU cayenne in a smoothie (heaping
teaspoon) and just notice that it's "spicy".

I'm assuming you meant 90,000, not 9,000 (which is nothing)...

Dr Schulze describes stopping many heart attacks in their tracks using a 
potent cayenne tincture just as Carlos described... it is one of the 
primary herbs in all of his formulas (even the eyebright/eyewash 
formula)... he says it catalyzes the other herbs...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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