Thank you very much, Carlos.

Carlos PĂ©rez <> wrote: Scott,

In my experience cayenne pepper or habaneros or any other one of these 
marvels of nature, should be used directly in contact with mouth sub-lingual 
and laringeal mucose and all the others of the area, because it is precisely 
this direct flux through them into the bloodstream what produces the highest 

It helps clean the arteries, it activates blood circulation, it regenerates 
blood vessels, and due to this it is specially fit to regenerate heart 
tissues when blood irrigation is deficient due to their being damaged.

Of course, it is just a matter of using it daily, and GRADUALLY increasing 
the ammount without getting much discomfort (I use it fresh and raw in every 
meal, by direct biting and chewing pieces together with bites of food) 
Remember it should be done gradually. If you get to the point that you start 
feeling a little hot (in your mouth naturally, but a little on your head and 
rest of your body) and you start sweating a little, you are in the right 
track. These "waves" of heat several times a day bring the highest benefit. 
If you happen to exceed yourself a little through lack of practice, no 
problem. The discomfort will go away in a few minutes, and you will be more 
careful in your dosage next time.

In a short period of time you probably will be eating and enjoying ammounts 
of pepper that would make others cry.

Cayenne extract and cayenne tea, several dropperfulls under the tongue, have 
saved many lives of persons with a severe heart stroke, practically dead on 
the ground. I am sure that, since it has normally been in cases of common 
persons and not Hot Pepper Eaters, it burned the hell out of them, but a few 
minutes later they were very glad that by using this method they were again 

A few months ago, even though I never get sick, I was having some 
irregularities in my heart beat. I did not pay much attention to it, but 
when more than a month had elapsed, I got curious and went to a recommended 
very famous heart specialist to hear his opinion. He examined me very 
carefully, had me have heart and chest X-rays done, asked me all kinds of 
questions about eating and life habits, put a Holter 24 hours on me, had me 
have effort tests, and after all was finished he had me seat in front of him 
and told me very gravely:

You have some supra-ventricular arrhytmia.

Don't pay any attention to it. Your heart looks in perfect condition, size 
and everything. There is not any sign of calcification in your aorta, in 
spite of yor 74 years. You eat far better than me and any other person I 
know. You exercise wisely and daily (interval exercising doing bicycle, 
swimming, hill climbing, etc). You are in a better shape than most men 20 or 
more years younger than you.

I have no idea what to tell you do, except ... maybe pray...., which you 
probably already do...!

I am sure the many years I have been using hot peppers had something to do 
with these results.

In my case, at the moment I was going through a lot of stress, and that 
created a temporary irregular situation that later came to normal.

Watch for stress, whether it be emotional, from work or lack of it, 
economical or whatever. It can be a dangerous disease. It can produce a 
syndrome equivalent to Chronic Fatigue. It can be very destroying.

Review yor eating habits and exercise.

I hope my experience is of some help.

Kindest regards,


>From: Scott 
>Subject: RE: CS>CS & Lupus
>Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 10:46:21 -0700 (PDT)
>Yes, I use it on at least one meal per day.  It is very spicy and I cannot 
>eat a whole lot of it without it burning too much.  Let me know if there 
>are other ways to ingest/use it. Thanks.
>In His Service,
>Dee   wrote: Have you tried cayenne, Scott, this is very 
>good for the heart.  Dee
>-------Original Message-------
>From: Scott
>Date: 04/09/2007 17:39:37
>Subject: RE: CS>CS & Lupus
>At times my heart feels like it is not beating strongly. I'm not sure that
>answers the irregular part. I have an appt with the pulmonologist next week
>and hopefully he can help me with some of this problem. I do eat raw garlic
>almost daily with at least one meal and use "Diamond Brand" Kosher Salt
>which has no caking agents or additives in it and is made in purified fresh
>water. I use it almost daily on my meals but have not used it in a glass of
>water for quite awhile. I take potassium tabs each day but my doc says I am
>still low overall on it. I will try the other items you suggested. Thanks,
>Jess. Stay in touch.
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