Re: CSremove from list

2010-10-04 Thread Norton, Steve

I notice that if you click the Unsubscribe link below you get a
message generated with subscribe in the Subject line. Shouldn't the
subject be unsubscribe? Is this what is causing people trouble when
they try to unsubscribe?

 - Steve N

  On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 11:25 AM, Robert L. Booth wrote:
  Please take me off this list.  Thank you.
  Robert Booth

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens - Comments on HCl Study

2010-10-03 Thread Norton, Steve

Any result from your test yet?

 - Steve N 

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 09:50 PM
Subject: Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens - Comments on HCl Study

  OK, I bought the HCl, and seeded a glass of 20 ppm EIS with a couple 
of salt crystals. I am now waiting for the silver chloride to settle out 
to finish the test.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSDave Darrin remove from list

2010-10-03 Thread Norton, Steve
I feel that my outburst the other day has offended a number of people and 
sensitized many others. I sincerely apologize for my outburst. I hope we can 
get past the disagreements I have caused.  

 - Steve N

- Original Message -
From: Hanneke []
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2010 10:01 AM
Subject: RE: CSDave Darrin remove from list

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: EXTERNAL:Re: :RE: CSRebuttal from ABC

2010-10-01 Thread Norton, Steve

If you want I can tone down my response. I didn't like the attitude of the 
writer. But he is not the audience you want to reach. The moderator and readers 
of the other list are and perhaps a lower toned response would be better.

You will probably never convince the writer. 

 - Steve N

- Original Message -
From: MaryAnn Helland []
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 09:32 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: :RE: CSRebuttal from ABC

Hi Steve.  LOL -- you got it!  Thanks for your reply -- it was a beaut!

- Original Message 
 From: Norton, Steve
 Sent: Thu, September 30, 2010 2:55:22 PM
 Subject: :RE: CSRebuttal from ABC
 If you forward my response, please delete my email address. I don't need
 hate mail from a stranger. I get enough from friends. g
 - Steve
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:
 Off-Topic c discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: EXTERNAL:Re: :RE: CSRebuttal from ABC

2010-10-01 Thread Norton, Steve

The presence of silver in hair is not indicative that horses are carrying 
harmful  silver loads. Silver deposited in the tissues have been shown to be 
harmless. This is well documented in literature. You are trying to defend 
against a false premise to begin with. I would think a Biochemist would know to 
check the facts first. Silver appears to be unique in this. It is not the same, 
for example, with many essential elements such as selenium. In those instances 
hair analysis can be useful.  
On the other side of the arguement, I put a lot of effort into researching what 
is known regarding argryia. Unfortunately there is not enough known. The 
problem is that you cannot monitor the body's functions down to sub cellular 
functions as they occur. But I have not come across anything that supports the 
theory of large particles becomming lodged in the tissues. Metallic silver has 
been found in the tissues but researcher's best guess is that ionic forms of 
silver such as silver nitrate and protein bound silver are reduced to metallic 
silver while in the cell by other substsnces such as ascorbic acid. Silver 
nitrate is well known for giving up metallic silver when acted on by other 
substances and that is one reason to avoid it. I would also avoid MSP for the 
same reason. 

I also spent a lot of effort studying how silver is eliminated from the body 
and that has some relevence to finding silver in hair but I think discussing ot 
would more just muddy the waters and that is not what you need. 

But back to my original point, I think the moderator's conclusion based on her 
hair analysis work is wrong and you are off chasing a red herring. 

I also agree with Marshall that the person from ABL doesn't know what he is 
talking about when he equates ionic silver with large particles. That is so 
bizzare that it boggles the mind. Unforfunately just the fact the he works at 
ABL will give him undeserved credentials in the view of many unschooled in 

Steve N

- Original Message -
From: MaryAnn Helland []
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL:Re: :RE: CSRebuttal from ABC

Steve -- at this point, the information won't be going to the other list.  The 
moderator has *taken it private* to *protect me from embarrassment* (smile).  
I'll honor her effort by returning the favor.  What I'll do after all is said 
and done, is make a post to the other list summarizing the information that ws 
provided to the moderator -- and I'll try to do that without embarrassing HER.  
So -- your post is just fine for the current purposes.  I didn't like the 
attitude of the writer either -- it's very hard to overcome that 
ignorance/arrogance when you're dealing with someone who believes it.  

As background information -- the moderator is a Biochemist who deals in horse 
and human health issues.  Her original claim was that CS is unsafe to use in 
anything but moderate amounts for a short period of time.  She claims that she 
has had many clients whose horses are carrying heavy silver loads from 
extended CS use.  This is determined by hair analysis.  My response was that 
these people are making their CS incorrectly and are producing large-particle 
which CAN lodge in the body tissues.  Then along comes this guy from ABL who 
says that ionic silver IS large-particle.  This is what I'm trying to respond 

Thanks for your help.

- Original Message 
 From: Norton, Steve
 If you want I can tone down my response. I didn't like the attitude of the 
writer. But he is not the audience you want to reach. The moderator and 
of the other list are and perhaps a lower toned response would be better.
 You will probably never convince the writer. 
 - Steve N
 - Original Message -
 From: MaryAnn Helland []
 Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 09:32 PM
 Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: :RE: CSRebuttal from ABC
 Hi Steve.  LOL -- you got it!  Thanks for your reply -- it was a beaut!
 - Original Message 
  From: Norton, Steve
  Sent: Thu, September 30, 2010 2:55:22 PM
  Subject: :RE: CSRebuttal from ABC
  If you forward my response, please delete my email address. I don't need
  hate mail from a stranger. I get enough from friends. g
  - Steve
  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
    Rules and Instructions:
  Off-Topic c discussions:
  List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: EXTERNAL:Re: CS[Equine_Solutions_Network] people particles on bottom of jar

2010-10-01 Thread Norton, Steve
It isn't a silent minority. It Is a vocal and radical minority that wants to 
impose their beliefs on the majority. A minority waving the flag and the cross 
but without morality or humanity. A minority thinking only of themselves. And 
whining how mistreated and misunderstood they are when they are not allowed to 
terrorize and control others in society. 

I left the OT list to get away from this crap.

 - Steve N

- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote []
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 10:22 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CS[Equine_Solutions_Network] people particles on bottom 
of jar

  Been talkinI get a form letter back outlining all the wonderful 
accomplishments and thanking me for my support.
They don't listen and I vote.
The country side is 17 to one for self sufficiency and a hungry city may 
change its tune.

  A Southerner gets real quiet just before he kicks your butt...he'd just 
druther not.
At least 2 Southern states have their own [silver] currency in the works, 
Texas is minting it now. talking to Army vets says they are solidly on 
Mom and Pops side and the National Guard is commanded by the Governor, not 
the resident president.
  If we paid our Fed taxes to the states, it's not unpaid and the states 
could hold the Feds ransom vs the other way around.
  Sending any Fed personnel into a Southern State against the will of the 
Governor is a violation of treaty.
We can find the Governor...lots of Pine pitch and chicken feathers around...

  The self sufficient: First ask, then do what IS possible without 
  The dependent: Burns down their own 'hood in protest of failure of the 
The quiet ones are not the helpless ones.
I ask locals what they think about..
  Stony stare, a grimace and walk away [ Beyond discussion ]

They KNOW.

First..ask...use the tools you have.
If Nov 2 doesn't work out.the quiet may become stealthy.
  If Nov 2 Does work out, but the newly elected are STILL traitors
Improvise [Go around idiot..go around ]

But this is WAY off topic...exceptCS, a Zapper and some local herbs 
might be all that you can get in a few years.
  Folx that DO, have done OK with less for centuries...and many still 
remember those days and retain those skills.
...just druther not.

You don't bother to fight those you've made irrelevant unless THEY attack.
The final question is: Who really depends on WHO ?
If you get out of the way, there's no one TO attack.

The productive aren't the dependent and can always find some way to work 
together with what they DO have, should have be damned.
The talkers can talk all they want...but that doesn't DO anything.
  Not listening works both ways.

My neighbors?  If you scare em bad enough they will SHOOT YOU...without 
..just druther not and they will ask in a very soft tone... Are you SURE?

I think this weekend we will see the difference between the order of quiet 
resolve, the silent majority... and angry impotent protest against the 
impossible. [LOUD is all they gots ]
  The last ride of the squeaky wheel is to the scrap yard...grease didn't 
work.  The Freighters own the wagon, hire/fire the drivers and make new ride passengers don't pull it.
  At some point, the influence of screaming tantrum falls upon deaf ears.

The silent majority knows they've been conned and screwed...druther not 
it be so...but they know.
They'll just [reluctantly ] make a turn back to the basics, shut the doors 
for a while, work behind them and let the noisy crowd go on down that road 
to nowhere following the misleaders.

Prohibition proved that demand runs supply and laws that get the 
enforcers killed, aren't laws.
  Everyone needs food and it's the farmers and freighters that supply it.
If the benefit in doing so stops, so will they.
  They can go on strike [become very small and clannish], supply only 
themselves and make revenooers disappear.
Pretty drastic, [druther not ]   but it can and has been done.
If ANYONE remembers what wisdom [common sense and reality] is, it's farmers.

It doesn't matter what side the butter is on if you have no bread.
If you burn the grass down to the roots, the fire goes out and it grows 
back all the greener for the lack of roasted firebugs.
The roots don't have to make noise or go to Washington in protest and if 
they did it was Are you SURE? ..and NOT noisy.
  We'd druther not, but YES we CAN.
  You only believe.we... KNOW.
HOPE all you want.we DO.

  Ya think the Progressives don't know the obvious ?
..the Mullahs ??
They want to burn you down and you are being set up for the fire.
But they also just believe they are those roots when all they really are 
is taller grass HOPING to put the fire out before they roast, last.
  They too, are being set up.
  A slave owner belongs to his slaves...they can't be trusted.

The first slave owner in America 

Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens - Comments on HCl Study

2010-09-30 Thread Norton, Steve

Thank you very much for the article. Here are some comments on the

The sequence of events I as read them are:

1) 2 versions of silver nanoparticles were created. One using silver
nitrate giving a range of particles from 2 to 18 nm and averaging 8.2
nm. This was called Solution A. The second used silver oxide as the
source and had particle sizes similar to the silver nitrate version.
This was called Solution B. The tests were performed using the silver
nitrate based version. I see no instance where the silver oxide version
(Solution B) was used.

2) A solution was also created using large commercially available silver
particles (200 mesh). This was used only for the test demonstrating that
bulk silver does not react with HCl. That is the test that involved 3
days of magnetic stirring. It showed no creation of silver chloride
after the 3 days.

3) The concentration of the HCl used was approximately 18.5% HCl.

4)HCl was added to Solution A and a white product was formed
immediately. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) confirmed that little Ag+
remained in solution and that AgCl was created. This was further
confirmed by a UV-vis absorption test that verified the disappearance of
the Ag+ absorption peak at 302 nm.

5) The chemical reactivity of Ag nanoparticles in the polymer matrix has
also been investigated. Figure 5 shows results similar to (4) above.
AgCl was created.

6) The test mentioned in (2) above was performed verifying that bulk
silver does not react with HCl.

I would have to say that it appears to me that the tests did indeed
demonstrate that Ag nanoparticles have an unusually high chemical
nanoreactivity in the reaction with hydrochloric acid. And a
surprisingly rapid conversion to silver chloride.

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens

  I now have the full article. Anyone wanting it please let me know and 
I will email it to you.

There are some problems with their methodology.

1. They say they make CS by two methods, one which leaves a residue of 
silver nitrate in the solution, and the other which does not. I cannot 
find which one they used for the data they are producing.
2. They say that they remove all AgO2 from the non-nitrate solution by 
centrifuge.  Fact is that it is impossible to removed dissolved silver 
oxide and silver hydroxide by centrifuge.
3. Their curve shows a rise on the front end which indicates silver 
oxide/hydroxide before adding HCl, but turns down after adding it, 
indicating that ionic silver was converted to silver
4. They say that adding HCl produced silver chloride immediately as 
evidenced by the solution turning milky, but that happens anyway with 
silver oxide or nitrate in the solution from reactions with them.
5. They assume that the loss of the colloid is by producing silver 
chloride instead of aggregation and precipitation when HCl is added. But

it is known that changing the pH of a solution significantly from 7 will

cause aggregation and precipitation.
5. Figure 5 shows a peak for colloidal silver of one size particle in 
(b). In (c) it shows some AgCl peaks and a significant broadening of the

spectrum.  This broadnening is I believe proof that instead of small 
consistent particles, it now has variable sized particles, as would be 
expected if the HCl was causing aggregation.

There are too many holes in the paper for me to be convinced that they 
have not done junk science.  I conclude from the data they have supplied

that the ionic portion reacted with HCl and that the colloidal portion 
aggregated, which is exactly what I would have expected.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSRebuttal from ABC

2010-09-30 Thread Norton, Steve
American Biotech Labs (ABL). ABC is a typo.

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: needling around [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: CSRebuttal from ABC

MA, you refer to ABC and ABL.  What do they stand for?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens - Comments on HCl Study

2010-09-30 Thread Norton, Steve
The paper specifically states for each test except 5 and 6 in my
original comments that the silver nitrate derived nanoparticles were
used so let's skip discussing silver oxide. 

1) Figure 1(a) shows the composition of the silver nitrate derived
silver nanoparticle solution. Figure 5 identifies the XRD peak at (111)
to be Ag. And Figure 1(a) clearly shows a prominent peak at (111). The
broadening of peaks in Figure 1(a) is described as indicating the very
small sizes of Ag crystallites.

Figure 1(b) shows the composition of the silver solution after the
reaction with HCL. The Ag peak at (111) is greatly diminished.
Significant peaks at (200) and (220) now show in the XRD pattern. Figure
5 identifies the XRD peaks at (200) and (220) as belonging to silver

Now, combine those results with the UV-vis absorption spectra shown in
Figure 2. The spectra of the silver solution after the reaction with HCL
indicates little or no silver particles remaining.
If the silver chloride resulted from only silver nitrate and not from a
reaction of HCl with the silver nanoparticles, I would expect to see
indications of the silver particles still there. I would also expect to
see smaller XRD peaks at (200) and (220) since little silver chloride
should be produced by residue silver nitrate. Your conclusions would
assume a level of incompetence in the researchers that is unimaginable
to me.

2) Figure 4 (There is no Figure 5) is for a separate test in which the
chemical reactivity of Ag nanoparticles in a polymer matrix was also
been investigated. A separate and unique polyacrylamide (PAM)/Ag
nanocomposite was prepared and used for the test. I believe that the
broad peaks in Figure 4 are caused by the PAM material. In any case,
Figure 4 is not relevant to the Ag/HCl issue.


-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens - Comments on HCl Study

  Can you specifically tell me what in that paper cannot be explained by

the known actions under such conditions of:

1. Small amounts of silver nitrate or silver oxide combined with HCl and

converted to silver chloride which precipitated out except for about .8
2. The colloid aggregated from the drop in pH and also precipitated 
out.  Figure 5 indicates to me that the major conversion was from very 
small consistent sized particles to much broader and varying sized 
particles.  The very small area under the curve of the HCl peaks tend to

indicate that very very little HCl was formed, as would be expected if 
from residual nitrate or dissolved oxide, and the large increase in the 
background indicate that a broad spectrum of particle sizes were 
formed which is what would be expected if the particles aggregated and 
dropped out of the solution.

I think one should go by prosaic explanations first, and only resort to 
exotic explanations when the standard ones prove unsupported.


On 9/30/2010 12:27 PM, Norton, Steve wrote:

 Thank you very much for the article. Here are some comments on the

 The sequence of events I as read them are:

 1) 2 versions of silver nanoparticles were created. One using silver
 nitrate giving a range of particles from 2 to 18 nm and averaging 8.2
 nm. This was called Solution A. The second used silver oxide as the
 source and had particle sizes similar to the silver nitrate version.
 This was called Solution B. The tests were performed using the silver
 nitrate based version. I see no instance where the silver oxide
 (Solution B) was used.

 2) A solution was also created using large commercially available
 particles (200 mesh). This was used only for the test demonstrating
 bulk silver does not react with HCl. That is the test that involved 3
 days of magnetic stirring. It showed no creation of silver chloride
 after the 3 days.

 3) The concentration of the HCl used was approximately 18.5% HCl.

 4)HCl was added to Solution A and a white product was formed
 immediately. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) confirmed that little Ag+
 remained in solution and that AgCl was created. This was further
 confirmed by a UV-vis absorption test that verified the disappearance
 the Ag+ absorption peak at 302 nm.

 5) The chemical reactivity of Ag nanoparticles in the polymer matrix
 also been investigated. Figure 5 shows results similar to (4) above.
 AgCl was created.

 6) The test mentioned in (2) above was performed verifying that bulk
 silver does not react with HCl.

 I would have to say that it appears to me that the tests did indeed
 demonstrate that Ag nanoparticles have an unusually high chemical
 nanoreactivity in the reaction with hydrochloric acid. And a
 surprisingly rapid conversion to silver chloride.

   - Steve N

 -Original Message-
 From: Marshall Dudley []
 Sent: Wednesday

RE: CSRebuttal from ABC

2010-09-30 Thread Norton, Steve

The gentleman from American Biotech Labs shows a remarkable ignorance regarding 
his product and silver nanoparticles in general. However, he has a product that 
provides him a livelihood and I can understand his desire to protect that at 
any cost. 

Scientific studies have demonstrated that silver particles are not 
antimicrobial. It has been demonstrated that only silver ions are 
antimicrobial. The antimicrobial effectiveness of silver particles actually 
comes from silver oxide that forms on the silver particle. Silver oxide is 
partially soluble in water and it is the silver oxide in solution that provides 
the antimicrobial effect of silver particles. I should note that ionic silver 
is also immediately effective when used topically and does not have the low 
solubility issue that silver oxide has.

ABL clearly must know this because their product is based on the fact that by 
using hydrogen peroxide in their colloidal silver generation process, they 
create a silver oxide on their silver particles as part of the process. This 
will certainly speed up the killing of microbes when used topically because you 
do not need to wait for the silver oxide to form. But it probably does nothing 
for orally ingested ABL colloidal silver. In stomach acid the silver oxide 
coating will be converted to silver chloride. And a scientific study conducted 
on silver nanoparticles indicates that silver particles of the size in the ABL 
colloidal silver will also be rapidly converted to silver chloride. Therefore 
there is really no difference between ABL colloidal silver and ionic silver 
when used in vivo.

While I would love to trade barbs with Don, there is really no productive 
outcome when dealing with someone with his mindset. He may however be 
interested in the following study.
High chemical reactivity of silver nanoparticles toward hydrochloric acid

 - Steve 

BTW, the comments regarding negative and positive charged particles is just 
ignorant marketing BS.

-Original Message-
From: MaryAnn Helland [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 9:07 AM
Subject: CSRebuttal from ABC

The following is a request for information from the person questioning me on 
use of our home-made CS, and the response from the guy at ABC.  Who is Don, 
anyway -- anyone know?  I would appreciate responses from our CS-experts here, 
so that I can respond back.  Thanks.

This is what I received on CS from the ABL contactand it is not kindso 

am not posting it to the list. I prefer to not incite people which only drives 
them deeper into denial and cancels the opportunity for me to teach and them 

learn. But you can see that there is difficulty in understanding the science 
with the general public.

Begin forwarded message:

From: info

Date: September 28, 2010 10:29:47 AM MDT

Subject: Re: need some clarification here...for my clients

Whew, that is a long thread. Right up front I see the common problem, though. 

was once a member of a yahoo list called silver pets. They were, just as this 
one is, unable to grasp the difference between ionic home made silver, and 

elemental silver solutions. To attempt to explain, to people like this, the 

fundamental differences in the two types of silver preparations is greeted as 
heresy. They are so locked into their erroneous beliefs that nothing could 
convince them differently. I finally wrote them off as Luddites, and moved on.

Your group seems of much the same mindset. The fact that large amounts of 

are being retained in their horses indicates large particle, ionic silver 
ingestion. Ionic particles, because of their positive particle electron 

readily begin bonding with other organic substances, as soon as they enter 

organism. This creates salts and compounds which are hard to excrete and add 
nothing to the healing process, because they are no longer silver, but 

else. This is why they are 

The ABL products pass through the body unchanged, due to their negative 

charge. They are excreted quickly. They do not get bound up in other chemical 
relationships. They have absolutely no effect on the mineral balance of the 
organism, as they do not form compounds.

Fat chance that you will convince your colleagues of this. They are locked 
into the theory that; Why should I pay for something that I can make for 
pennies? It all the same stuff.

I could go through this thread, point by point, and present credible, 
independent, peer reviewed science to support these facts, but why bother? 

either will not, or cannot grasp the scientific principle involved.

You can always cut/paste excerpts from the studies listed on my Clinical 

page. I will be putting up several more studies this week, since ABL has 

down their research page. I am glad I 

:RE: CSRebuttal from ABC

2010-09-30 Thread Norton, Steve
If you forward my response, please delete my email address. I don't need
hate mail from a stranger. I get enough from friends. g
 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 12:49 PM
Subject: RE: CSRebuttal from ABC

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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List Owner: Mike Devour

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2010 #801

2010-09-30 Thread Norton, Steve
The validity of the study is still being discussed.  Still, I think it
is neither good nor bad. EIS has the same proven effectiveness
regardless of the study. Enzymes with HCl will have no additional effect
on EIS.

-  Steve N


From: Melly Bag [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 12:30 PM
Subject: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2010 #801




You wrote:.I would have to say that it appears to me that the tests
did indeed  demonstrate that Ag nanoparticles have an unusually high
chemical nanoreactivity in the reaction with hydrochloric acid. And a 
surprisingly rapid conversion to silver chloride.

   - Steve N


My question is, is this good or bad  because i take digestive enzymes
with HCL?






Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens - Comments on HCl Study

2010-09-30 Thread Norton, Steve

You are correct, I meant Figure 4. 
I did try and learn something about X-ray powder diffraction but was not
successful in the time I have. The numbers (111, 220) refer to planes of
atoms in a crystal. I found the following interesting:

But it appears that you need a computer with a database to search for
the unique diffraction patterns for specific crystals. So I compared the
diffraction patterns in Figure 4 with those in Figure 1. The two planes
(200 and 222) identified in Figure 4 show up in Figure 1(b) at the same
2 theta angles as in Figure 4. So I felt that they did indeed represent
silver chloride. 
Similarly Ag(111) in Figure 4 shows up at the 2 theta angle of 40. That
same (111) shows up in Figure 1(a) but not in Figure 1(b). I took this
to indicate Ag in Figure 1(a) but not in Figure 1(b).
There is a (111) in Figure 1(b) but it is at the wrong 2 theta angle for
silver so I assume it is some crystal other than Ag.

Admittedly this is somewhat simplistic but it is the best I can do under
the circumstances.

I am open to other information.

 Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens - Comments on HCl Study

  On 9/30/2010 3:03 PM, Norton, Steve wrote:
 The paper specifically states for each test except 5 and 6 in my
 original comments that the silver nitrate derived nanoparticles were
 used so let's skip discussing silver oxide.

 1) Figure 1(a) shows the composition of the silver nitrate derived
 silver nanoparticle solution. Figure 5 identifies the XRD peak at
 to be Ag.
I presume you mean figure 4, there is no figure 5. Actually they 
identify it as Ag(111). Do you know what these number (111, 220) are 
referring to?  Somehow they do not make sense, for instance in Fig. 1(b)

311 is locatd between 220 and 222, and 222 is located between 311 and 
400.  Also the 111 peak jumps around depending on where they seem to 
want it, moving far left on the 1(b).  Somehow this does not seem right 
and is inconsistent with other paper's reports of these peaks.
   And Figure 1(a) clearly shows a prominent peak at (111). The
 broadening of peaks in Figure 1(a) is described as indicating the very
 small sizes of Ag crystallites.
The peak at 111 is simply one of many possible forms of Ag crystal, 
including 200, 220 and 311.
 Figure 1(b) shows the composition of the silver solution after the
 reaction with HCL. The Ag peak at (111) is greatly diminished.
 Significant peaks at (200) and (220) now show in the XRD pattern.
 5 identifies the XRD peaks at (200) and (220) as belonging to silver
Are the peaks at 200 and 220 REALLY silver chloride?   Figure 1B of 
another paper ( ) says 
that this is simply different forms of silver crystals - Figure 1B .. A

number of strong Bragg reflections can be seen which correspond to the 
(111), (200), (220), (311) reflections of cc (cubic crystals of) 
silver.  If this is accurate, and I believe it is, that completely 
blows their theory out of the water since these peaks correspond with 
aggregated silver crystals and not silver chloride. Since (111) is I 
believe the smallest crystal form, then that it diminishes and the other

forms increase is completely expected when particles aggregate into 
larger crystals.
 Now, combine those results with the UV-vis absorption spectra shown in
 Figure 2. The spectra of the silver solution after the reaction with
 indicates little or no silver particles remaining.
This is true for both of our analysis.  They presume that the silver 
chloride precipitates out, I presume that the aggregated silver 
particles precipitate out.  That is that this result supports both 
hypothesizes.  Actually it is VERY easy to test which is correct.  Take 
some 20 ppm EIS, and add a pinch of salt to it and let the silver 
chloride precipitate out. Then add the HCl and see if you get any 
additional silver chloride, if not then I am right, if so then they are.

 If the silver chloride resulted from only silver nitrate and not from
 reaction of HCl with the silver nanoparticles, I would expect to see
 indications of the silver particles still there.
Not if they aggregate and precipitate out as I have found they do when 
the pH is dropped significantly.  Colloidal silver is only stable in 
water that is very near neutral or pH of 7.  I see nothing that they are

doing that would prevent this expected aggregation and precipitation 
when they drop the pH significantly.
   I would also expect to
 see smaller XRD peaks at (200) and (220) since little silver chloride
 should be produced by residue silver nitrate. Your conclusions would
 assume a level of incompetence in the researchers that is unimaginable
 to me.
No, they should be larger. First when hydrochloric

Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens

2010-09-29 Thread Norton, Steve
I would very much appreciate a copy!

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens

  I now have the full article. Anyone wanting it please let me know and 
I will email it to you.

There are some problems with their methodology.

1. They say they make CS by two methods, one which leaves a residue of 
silver nitrate in the solution, and the other which does not. I cannot 
find which one they used for the data they are producing.
2. They say that they remove all AgO2 from the non-nitrate solution by 
centrifuge.  Fact is that it is impossible to removed dissolved silver 
oxide and silver hydroxide by centrifuge.
3. Their curve shows a rise on the front end which indicates silver 
oxide/hydroxide before adding HCl, but turns down after adding it, 
indicating that ionic silver was converted to silver
4. They say that adding HCl produced silver chloride immediately as 
evidenced by the solution turning milky, but that happens anyway with 
silver oxide or nitrate in the solution from reactions with them.
5. They assume that the loss of the colloid is by producing silver 
chloride instead of aggregation and precipitation when HCl is added. But

it is known that changing the pH of a solution significantly from 7 will

cause aggregation and precipitation.
5. Figure 5 shows a peak for colloidal silver of one size particle in 
(b). In (c) it shows some AgCl peaks and a significant broadening of the

spectrum.  This broadnening is I believe proof that instead of small 
consistent particles, it now has variable sized particles, as would be 
expected if the HCl was causing aggregation.

There are too many holes in the paper for me to be convinced that they 
have not done junk science.  I conclude from the data they have supplied

that the ionic portion reacted with HCl and that the colloidal portion 
aggregated, which is exactly what I would have expected.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour


2010-09-29 Thread Norton, Steve
I had an MRI (head) a couple years back with no trouble. Here is a link
to someone else who had no problem:
Upgate: MRI was normal, meaning it was not interferred with by the
colloidal silver usage!

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Rippy [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 2:31 PM

Dear List,

This is my first inquiry and it might be a strange one. I will be  
going in for a MRI in one week to check problems with my prostate  
(BPH). I have been taking about 3 oz. of ionic/colloidal silver for at  
least 2 months now after a suspected bladder infection. Is there the  
remotest possibility that the infinitely small silver particles can  
react to the strong magnetism of the MRI machine?


Joseph Rippy

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSvoltage meter/ CELL VOLTAGE Dr. Tennant's book

2010-09-28 Thread Norton, Steve
I may be a little tough on Dr Tennant. His device may even be an
excellent device. My big issue is with the information he provides. As
an example, there are colloidal silver sites that have a perfectly fine
CS but the make wild claims for their CS. It become3s a chore separating
fact from fiction and if they misrepresent some items how can you trust
anything else they say? 
You make an excellent point on why compact units are very useful for
you. That goes to my point that the unit I might prefer may not be a
good choice for someone else.
Relative to waveform, I am only repeating the results of a study.
However the tsunami waveform is for a single pulse. The patented
waveforms Tennant and others have are for the pattern of a series of
pulses. I think those 'unique' patterns are primarily for the purpose of
claiming a patented uniqueness and not because they provide a
significant difference. 
  Steve N

-Original Message-
From: needling around [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 4:52 AM
Subject: Re: CSvoltage meter/ CELL VOLTAGE  Dr. Tennant's book

I like everything about my cosmodic unit.  The other one is a good unit
a couple of specific purposes but I haven't gotten the same level of
from it for other purposes (could be the operator :-)).  I actually like

small 'thin' devices since people can lay on them more easily (if they 
cannot lay face down as many people with back problems cannot do).

I don't know what the biomodulator will do as I haven't been able to
appropriate information on it as of this writing.  I am waiting for some

literature and hopefully it will allow me to compare it to the scenar I
been considering.

I think waveform can be important.  Look how Dr. Thomas Wing advanced
use of microcurrent with his tsunami waveform.

Thanks for your thoughts.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSPatents on CS and Generators

2010-09-28 Thread Norton, Steve

The patent by American Biotech does not cover CS generators.,135,195.PN.OS=PN/7,135,195RS=PN/7,135,195

The only potential imbalance that silver can cause, that I know of, is with 
selenium and then only if you consume large amounts of CS over an extended 
period. If the list owner you refer to has other information I would be 
interested in it.

- Steve N

From: MaryAnn Helland [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 8:39 AM
Subject: CSPatents on CS and Generators

I have a question for the gurus on the list.  The owner of another list that I 
am on, has publicly made the announcement that those of us who make our own CS 
l) Creating a silver load in our bodies (and in our horse/dog/cat's bodies) 
that causes an imbalance with other minerals;
2) That ABC (?) holds the patent on small particle CS and that our generators, 
therefore, are illegal.
I have asked her permission to include her post below, and promised that I 
would share your responses with her.  So please - respond.  Thanks.

Hello Again Mary Ann,

The people who came to me had generators like mine, that have no timer or 
regulator etc, so you never know what product you havemine is very old, 
about 15 yrs old...the original version. Therein lies the problem I 
thinkhowever, with the patents that ABC holds for the nano particle size, 
How can those generators you are using be legal? American Biologics does not 
sell them or authorize them.

Re: CSWill CS interact with any of these?

2010-09-28 Thread Norton, Steve
Probably less than you can measure. E.g. 1 liter of 15 ppm CS would
contain 15 mg of silver. Silver citrate contains 3 silver atoms for each
citric acid molecule and the molecular weight of citric acid is
approximately twice that of a silver atom. If you have a perfect
complexing you would need roughly 10 mg of citric acid to convert the 1
liter of 15 ppm CS to silver citrate. 10 mg is hard to measure. So I
would just add a pinch or more of citric acid and mix. Extra citric acid
does no harm. Any old citric acid will do.


Citric acid has is very antimicrobial. See:


-  Steve N


From: David AuBuchon [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: CSWill CS interact with any of these?


Hi Steve,

Do you have any guidelines for how much citric acid to mix per volume of
CS?  Do you think silver citrate is still effective?  Would I just
google shop for any old citric acid?


On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 10:14 PM, Norton, Steve

Personally,  would mix the EIS with citric acid or a citrus juice to
convert it to silver citrate before combining with the others.


-  Steve N

RE: CSWill CS interact with any of these?

2010-09-28 Thread Norton, Steve
Should have read : Silver citrate has is very antimicrobial.
-   Steve N

From: Norton, Steve 
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 5:44 PM
To: ''
Subject: Re: CSWill CS interact with any of these?

Probably less than you can measure. E.g. 1 liter of 15 ppm CS would
contain 15 mg of silver. Silver citrate contains 3 silver atoms for each
citric acid molecule and the molecular weight of citric acid is
approximately twice that of a silver atom. If you have a perfect
complexing you would need roughly 10 mg of citric acid to convert the 1
liter of 15 ppm CS to silver citrate. 10 mg is hard to measure. So I
would just add a pinch or more of citric acid and mix. Extra citric acid
does no harm. Any old citric acid will do.

Citric acid has is very antimicrobial. See:

-   Steve N

From: David AuBuchon [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: CSWill CS interact with any of these?

Hi Steve,

Do you have any guidelines for how much citric acid to mix per volume of
CS?  Do you think silver citrate is still effective?  Would I just
google shop for any old citric acid?

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 10:14 PM, Norton, Steve
Personally,  would mix the EIS with citric acid or a citrus juice to
convert it to silver citrate before combining with the others.
-  Steve N

Re: CSPatents on CS and Generators

2010-09-28 Thread Norton, Steve

Selenium readily binds with silver to form silver selenide.  Selenium is 
necessary for a properly functioning liver.

A deficiency of selenium, or vitamin-E. causes liver necrosis which will shut 
down the biliary excretion path. The potential for selenium deficiency is 
increased by silver combining with selenium and forming silver selenide and 
reducing the bioavailable selenium.  Some excerpts:

Wagner et al. (1975) did not find any growth depression or liver necrosis when 
Holtzman rats (10 per group) were given silver acetate in drinking water at 7.6 
mg/kg/d for 52 d while ingesting a diet that had the recom mended 
concentrations of selenium and vitamin E. In another study by Diplock et al. 
(1967), no effects were seen in Holtzman rats given silver at 97 mg/kg/d as 
silver acetate in water for 50 d when the diet was complete.
Liver necrosis was seen only in rats fed a vitamin-E deficient diet.

... Silver has also been reported to inhibit glutathione (GSH) peroxidase, a 
seleno-enzyme. Administration of silver acetate at 751 parts per million
(ppm) (silver at 484 mg/L or 73 mg/kg/d) in water for 15 wk to young Holtzman 
rats (fed a diet adequate in vitamin E and selenium) reduced liver GSH 
peroxidase activity to 5% of controls. In the erythrocytes and the kidneys, the 
enzyme activities were reduced to 37% of controls (Wagner et al. 1975). The 
same authors reported that when the rats were exposed to silver in drinking 
water at 76 mg/L (7.3 mg/kg/d) for 52 d, GSH peroxidase was only at 30% of the 
levels in control rats fed selenium at 0.5 ppm in the diet. These effects are 
probably due to the selenium deficiency caused by silver.

... Diplock et al. (1967) reported that vitamin E and selenium in the diet 
could significantly influence the toxicity of silver. When weanling Norwegian 
hooded rats fed a basal vitamin-E deficient diet were provided drinking water 
containing silver at 970 mg/L (as silver acetate), all rats developed liver 
necrosis within 2-4 wk and died. In another group, when selenium was added at 1 
ppm to the vitamin-E deficient diet, and the drinking water contained silver 
acetate, only four of nine rats died. In another group that was fed a diet 
containing vitamin E and was sacrificed after 50 d of silver exposure, no liver 
necrosis was found. Bunyan et al. (1968) reported similar observations in rats 
exposed to silver at 650 mg/L (as silver acetate) in drinking water. Liver 
necrosis was seen when the dietary selenium was reduced. Necrosis was induced 
at much lower doses of silver (80 mg/L).
Vitamin E appeared to reverse that effect. Also, Grasso et al. (1969) reported 
that when silver (silver acetate) was fed either in the diet (at 130-1,000 ppm, 
or 4-33 mg/kg/d) or in drinking water (97.5 mg/kg/d) to vitamin-E deficient 
rats, fatal necrosis was noted. Alexander and Aaseth
(1981) reported that depletion of liver GSH by diethyl maleate decreased 
biliary excretion of silver into the bile. Selenite also inhibited the biliary 
excretion of silver and increased its retention in the tissues. It was 
suggested that selenite formed an insoluble complex with silver that retarded 
biliary excretion. It is not clear if that is in any way related to the effect 
of selenium-containing diets in reducing the GSH peroxidase (see Wagner et al. 
1975, described above).

Some good news is that vitamin-E helps protect the liver and may even help 
protect against liver necrosis when selenium is low but probably not when 
selenium is missing. 
Please note in the quotes above the following:

Alexander and Aaseth (1981) reported that depletion of liver GSH by diethyl 
maleate decreased biliary excretion of silver into the bile.
Selenite also inhibited the biliary
excretion of silver and increased its retention in the tissues.

On one hand selenium is necessary to prevent liver necrosis and causing 
decreased biliary excretion of silver into the bile. On the other hand selenium 
forms selenite with silver and can inhibit the biliary excretion of silver and 
increase silver's retention in the tissues.  

Modification of a Selenium Toxicity in Chicks by Dietary Silver and Copper

The results of these experiments suggest that silver modifies selenium 
toxicity both by interfering with selenium absorption and by causing the 
accumulation of a nondeleterious selenium compound in the tissues.
Copper modifies selenium toxicity primarily by causing the accumulation of a 
nondeleterious compound in the tissues.

The selenomethionine form of selenium does not cause an accumulation of silver 
in the tissues and still provides the necessary support of the liver. That is 
document in the following document.

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, Vol.47 
 Bioavailability of Selenite, Selenomethionine and Selenocystine in Rats with 
Silver Loading

To view study select the full text option at: 

Re: CSWill CS interact with any of these?

2010-09-28 Thread Norton, Steve
Some comments below.
 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: David AuBuchon [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: CSWill CS interact with any of these?

Hi Steve (and all),

Thanks for this info.  I read a detailed post you made a while back
also about making SC.  I'll say that it is more appealing to me to add
citric acid to finished EIS (rather than brewing with citric acid)
because it provides a limit on the PPM on the silver that I would be
afraid to go way to high otherwise.  Several questions come to mind:

1.  With this method, do you think the particle portion of the EIS
will remain unaffected and help prevent against argyria?

** [I do not think that the citric acid will significantly react with silver 
particles. The citric acid will be a very weak acid solution.]

About the pubmed study, here are two quotes about the solubility of
silver citrate disassociating into ions:

In concentrated solutions, containing more than 13 g/L of Ag(I) ion,
the crystallization was observed.

The maximum concentration of Ag(I) in the solution that can be
achieved is estimated at about 23 g/L to 25 g/L if the concentration
of citric acid is at least 4 mol/L or higher. (FYI 4 mol/L is about
800grams of citric acid)

2.  They say more than 13PPM causes crystals.  I hear about much much
higher PPM of silver citrate products.  Are those products not
solutions?  Are they just particles just swishing around in the water?

**[13gm/liter is 13,000ppm and not 13ppm]

3.  I read in old posts by frank key that the net charge in EIS has to
be zero and that the cations need to balance the anions.  Is this
statement pertaining to a certain context that I didn't catch, or is
this a general rule?  If citric acid is an anion, and it is added,
will other anions have to somehow leave the solution to maintain zero
net charge?

**[I will probably not get this exactly right. This is more in Marshall's and 
Ode's realm of knowledge. Silver citrate has a solubility of around 185 ppm in 
water. While in solution, silver ions can disassociate from the citrate and 
become free ions. At some point the silver will re-associate with the citrate, 
again becoming silver citrate. This association/disassociation will continue as 
long as the silver citrate is in solution. Silver citrate is effective for at 
least 2 reasons. First, silver citrate readily transitions between association 
and disassociation. Some silver complexes do not and they do not have as high 
an antimicrobial capability. The second reason that the relatively good 
solubility of silver citrate provides for more free silver ions to be 

4. This article gives me the impression that adding citric acid will
just leave the silver as ions and the citric acid as anions.  How will
this change anything about what happens when it is ingested (getting
back to my original task of trying to spike water with CS when there
is other stuff in the water already)

**[Silver has a higher reactivity with citrate than it has with chloride. This 
means that the silver citrate will not complex with the chloride in salt or 
stomach acid as long as there is sufficient citric acid/citrate available. This 
is why I recommended the conversion to silver citrate - to prevent the silver 
ions from forming less desirable complexes.]


 From: Norton, Steve

 Probably less than you can measure. E.g. 1 liter of 15 ppm CS would contain 
 15 mg of silver. Silver citrate contains 3 silver atoms for each citric acid 
 molecule and the molecular weight of citric acid is approximately twice that 
 of a silver atom. If you have a perfect complexing you would need roughly 10 
 mg of citric acid to convert the 1 liter of 15 ppm CS to silver citrate. 10 
 mg is hard to measure. So I would just add a pinch or more of citric acid and 
 mix. Extra citric acid does no harm. Any old citric acid will do.

 Citric acid has is very antimicrobial. See:

 -   Steve N


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSvoltage meter/ CELL VOLTAGE Dr. Tennant's book

2010-09-27 Thread Norton, Steve
I have not said that Dr Tennant's device does not work. I am sure that
it does. At least to some extent. His device is based on well known
technology that studies have proven to provide pain relief and healing.
However there are other devices on the market that are as good as or
better than Dr Tennant's device. What I have taken issue with is his
claims for how and why his device works. Actually, my original intent
was to explain that you cannot measure cell voltage with a voltmeter.
That then led to explaining that the -20 mV to -25 mV referred to by Dr
Tennant is an artificial value used by digital pH meters and absolutely
meaningless relative to the actual voltage of a cell. First a couple of
quotes from Tennant's web site.
Each cellular biology book gave passing notice to the fact that cells
require a narrow range of pH, but little more was discussed on the
subject. He began to look at pH and discovered that it is a measurement
of the voltage in a solution. It is measured with a sophisticated
voltmeter. If the solution is an electron donor, a minus sign is placed
in front of the voltage. If the solution is an electron stealer, a plus
sign is placed in front of the voltage. The measured voltage is then
converted to a logarithmic scale from 0-14 with zero corresponding to
+400 millivolts of electron stealer to -400 millivolts corresponding to
a pH of 14. Cell are designed to run at about -20 millivolts (pH 7.35).
Dr. Tennant began to understand that cells must have enough voltage to
work and that chronic disease was associated with loss of voltage. Next
he had to find out how to measure the voltage and then how to correct

Ok, so Tennant is referring to the voltage of a pH meter.
One can tap into either wiring system to measure the voltage in the
organs.  It is difficult to use a voltmeter to measure the organ voltage
because voltage surges about every six seconds.  Thus we commonly use an
ohmmeter to measure and then convert that to voltage.  There are several
devices designed to accurately and reproducibly measure organ voltage
like the Nakatani (MEAD) system, the Voll systems, and the Tennant
Biomodulator.  By placing one of these devices onto a wire known to go
to each organ, one can know the voltage in that organ.
Cells in the adult human are designed to run at -20 to -25 millivolts
and to heal at -50 millivolts.  The minus sign means that the voltage is
an electron donor.  If the voltage drops to the point the solution is an
electron stealer, we put a plus sign in front of the voltage.  Cancer
occurs at +30 millivolts.

If you do a search on the Nakatani (MEAD) system and the Voll systems
you will find that neither measures organ voltages much less cell
voltages. Apparently the Tennant Biomodulator uses an ohmmeter for
measurement and then converts the ohm reading to a voltage.
Theoretically a voltage could look like a resistance if it has the
opposite polarity of the voltage used by the ohmmeter and a magnitude
less than the voltage used by the ohmmeter. However this method as used
would be fraught with potential errors. And even if you got a
measurement, it would not be the voltage of a cell. 

What is the voltage of a cell? Not -20 to -25 millivolts. Not -50
millivolts. But -70 millivolts for a resting cell. See:
The resting voltage is the result of several ion-translocating enzymes
(uniporters, cotransporters, and pumps) in the plasma membrane, steadily
operating in parallel, whereby each ion-translocator has its
characteristic electromotive force (= reversal potential = 'equilibrium
voltage'), depending on the particular substrate concentrations inside
and outside (internal ATP included in case of some pumps). H+ exporting
ATPase render the membrane voltage in plants and fungi much more
negative than in the more extensively investigated animal cells, where
the resting voltage is mainly determined by selective ion channels.

In most neurons the resting potential has a value of approximately -70
mV. The resting potential is mostly determined by the concentrations of
the ions in the fluids on both sides of the cell membrane and the ion
transport proteins that are in the cell membrane. How the concentrations
of ions and the membrane transport proteins influence the value of the
resting potential is outlined below.

There is also a voltage associated with what are called excitable cells.
Excitable cells include neurons, muscle cells, and endocrine cells. At
rest, their voltage is -70 mV and increases to approximately +40 mV when
activated. See Figure 1 at:
Action potentials occur in several types of animal cells, called
excitable cells, which include neurons, muscle cells, and endocrine
cells. In neurons, they play a central role in cell-to-cell
communication. In 

Re: CSvoltage meter/ CELL VOLTAGE Dr. Tennant's book

2010-09-27 Thread Norton, Steve
I try and make a point of not recommending a specific CS supplier and in
this case a specific pain reducer. I don't want to appear to have a bias
and they are only my opinion. What I would look for in a device might
not be what you need. There were several different suppliers mentioned
in a previous discussion on this within the last couple of months. Ode
had a concept for one that might be very useable and lower cost but I
don't know if he is pursuing it. (It would also make CS). Your question
would be better answered by some of the silver-listers that have tried
the different pain reducers.

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: needling around [] 
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: CSvoltage meter/ CELL VOLTAGE  Dr. Tennant's book

Hi Steve,
Would you mind sharing the names of devices that you feel are as good or

better than the biomodulator?  I am in the market and would be
interested in 
your opinion.
Thank you.

- Original Message - 
From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: CSvoltage meter/ CELL VOLTAGE  Dr. Tennant's book

I have not said that Dr Tennant's device does not work. I am sure that
it does. At least to some extent. His device is based on well known
technology that studies have proven to provide pain relief and healing.
However there are other devices on the market that are as good as or
better than Dr Tennant's device. What I have taken issue with is his
claims for how and why his device works. Actually, my original intent
was to explain that you cannot measure cell voltage with a voltmeter.
That then led to explaining that the -20 mV to -25 mV referred to by Dr
Tennant is an artificial value used by digital pH meters and absolutely
meaningless relative to the actual voltage of a cell. First a couple of
quotes from Tennant's web site.
Each cellular biology book gave passing notice to the fact that cells
require a narrow range of pH, but little more was discussed on the
subject. He began to look at pH and discovered that it is a measurement
of the voltage in a solution. It is measured with a sophisticated
voltmeter. If the solution is an electron donor, a minus sign is placed
in front of the voltage. If the solution is an electron stealer, a plus
sign is placed in front of the voltage. The measured voltage is then
converted to a logarithmic scale from 0-14 with zero corresponding to
+400 millivolts of electron stealer to -400 millivolts corresponding to
a pH of 14. Cell are designed to run at about -20 millivolts (pH 7.35).
Dr. Tennant began to understand that cells must have enough voltage to
work and that chronic disease was associated with loss of voltage. Next
he had to find out how to measure the voltage and then how to correct

Ok, so Tennant is referring to the voltage of a pH meter.
One can tap into either wiring system to measure the voltage in the
organs.  It is difficult to use a voltmeter to measure the organ voltage
because voltage surges about every six seconds.  Thus we commonly use an
ohmmeter to measure and then convert that to voltage.  There are several
devices designed to accurately and reproducibly measure organ voltage
like the Nakatani (MEAD) system, the Voll systems, and the Tennant
Biomodulator.  By placing one of these devices onto a wire known to go
to each organ, one can know the voltage in that organ.
Cells in the adult human are designed to run at -20 to -25 millivolts
and to heal at -50 millivolts.  The minus sign means that the voltage is
an electron donor.  If the voltage drops to the point the solution is an
electron stealer, we put a plus sign in front of the voltage.  Cancer
occurs at +30 millivolts.

If you do a search on the Nakatani (MEAD) system and the Voll systems
you will find that neither measures organ voltages much less cell
voltages. Apparently the Tennant Biomodulator uses an ohmmeter for
measurement and then converts the ohm reading to a voltage.
Theoretically a voltage could look like a resistance if it has the
opposite polarity of the voltage used by the ohmmeter and a magnitude
less than the voltage used by the ohmmeter. However this method as used
would be fraught with potential errors. And even if you got a
measurement, it would not be the voltage of a cell.

What is the voltage of a cell? Not -20 to -25 millivolts. Not -50
millivolts. But -70 millivolts for a resting cell. See:
The resting voltage is the result of several ion-translocating enzymes
(uniporters, cotransporters, and pumps) in the plasma membrane, steadily
operating in parallel, whereby each ion-translocator has its
characteristic electromotive force (= reversal potential = 'equilibrium
voltage'), depending

Re: CSvoltage meter/ CELL VOLTAGE Dr. Tennant's book

2010-09-27 Thread Norton, Steve
One advantage of the biomodulator is its small handheld size. I think
that is also its drawback. These devices work by delivering currents to
the needed locations. By having fixed electrodes with little separation
between them you will get little penetration of electrical currents into
the body. I prefer electrodes that can be located to send electrical
current to where you need it most. 
I place less emphasis on 'special' waveforms. A study of various
waveform patterns showed little difference in performance between the
waveform patterns. In fact some generators use randomly generated pulses
to great effect. Waveform shape has some impact on performance and can
make a great difference in comfort.

What is it you don't like about your scenar units? What do you think the
biomodulator will do that the scenar doesn't?


-Original Message-
From: needling around [] 
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: CSvoltage meter/ CELL VOLTAGE  Dr. Tennant's book

Thanks.  You seemed to have an opinion.  I already have 2 scenar units
was looking at the biomodulator as a possible addition.  You don't seem
impressed with it and I am wondering what you do like as just a wider
to research before making a major investment.

- Original Message - 
From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: CSvoltage meter/ CELL VOLTAGE  Dr. Tennant's book

I try and make a point of not recommending a specific CS supplier and in
this case a specific pain reducer. I don't want to appear to have a bias
and they are only my opinion. What I would look for in a device might
not be what you need. There were several different suppliers mentioned
in a previous discussion on this within the last couple of months. Ode
had a concept for one that might be very useable and lower cost but I
don't know if he is pursuing it. (It would also make CS). Your question
would be better answered by some of the silver-listers that have tried
the different pain reducers.

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: needling around []
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: CSvoltage meter/ CELL VOLTAGE  Dr. Tennant's book

Hi Steve,
Would you mind sharing the names of devices that you feel are as good or

better than the biomodulator?  I am in the market and would be
interested in
your opinion.
Thank you.

- Original Message - 
From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: CSvoltage meter/ CELL VOLTAGE  Dr. Tennant's book

I have not said that Dr Tennant's device does not work. I am sure that
it does. At least to some extent. His device is based on well known
technology that studies have proven to provide pain relief and healing.
However there are other devices on the market that are as good as or
better than Dr Tennant's device. What I have taken issue with is his
claims for how and why his device works. Actually, my original intent
was to explain that you cannot measure cell voltage with a voltmeter.
That then led to explaining that the -20 mV to -25 mV referred to by Dr
Tennant is an artificial value used by digital pH meters and absolutely
meaningless relative to the actual voltage of a cell. First a couple of
quotes from Tennant's web site.
Each cellular biology book gave passing notice to the fact that cells
require a narrow range of pH, but little more was discussed on the
subject. He began to look at pH and discovered that it is a measurement
of the voltage in a solution. It is measured with a sophisticated
voltmeter. If the solution is an electron donor, a minus sign is placed
in front of the voltage. If the solution is an electron stealer, a plus
sign is placed in front of the voltage. The measured voltage is then
converted to a logarithmic scale from 0-14 with zero corresponding to
+400 millivolts of electron stealer to -400 millivolts corresponding to
a pH of 14. Cell are designed to run at about -20 millivolts (pH 7.35).
Dr. Tennant began to understand that cells must have enough voltage to
work and that chronic disease was associated with loss of voltage. Next
he had to find out how to measure the voltage and then how to correct

Ok, so Tennant is referring to the voltage of a pH meter.
One can tap into either wiring system to measure the voltage in the
organs.  It is difficult to use a voltmeter to measure the organ voltage
because voltage surges about every six seconds.  Thus we commonly use an
ohmmeter to measure and then convert that to voltage.  There are several
devices designed to accurately and reproducibly measure organ voltage
like the Nakatani

Re: CSWill CS interact with any of these?

2010-09-27 Thread Norton, Steve
Personally,  would mix the EIS with citric acid or a citrus juice to
convert it to silver citrate before combining with the others.


-  Steve N


From: David AuBuchon [] 
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 10:09 PM
Subject: Re: CSWill CS interact with any of these?


Ya, that I can understand.  I am speaking of bicarb by itself.  

An interesting aside: some docs use IV insulin to target things to
cancer cells, which has a better effect than IV glucose, and does not
feed the cancer metabolism.  

Anyway, back to the original question: will CS loose its usefulness if
mixed with any of the following?:

bicarb, sea salt, electrolytes, vitamin C?

Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens

2010-09-23 Thread Norton, Steve
Why would the moving magnetic field matter? Induced electric currents on
the silver particles?
Also, the purpose of the stirrer is to move the liquid in conjunction
with the stirrer. The liquid may not see a rapidly shifting magnetic

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 7:32 AM
Subject: Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens

There is no rapidly shifting magnetic field associated with stomach 


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Re: CSvoltage meter

2010-09-23 Thread Norton, Steve
Dr. Tennant doesn't explain his claim that all cells in the body need between 
-20 mV and -25 mV. Without an explanation his claim is pretty much worthless. 
But let me make a guess. The optimal blood pH is somewhere between 7.35 and 
7.45. If blood pH moves below 6.8 or above 7.8, cells stop functioning and the 
body dies. 

A pH meter measures Ph as follows (

pH electrodes are constructed from a special composition glass which senses 
the hydrogen ion concentration. This glass is typically composed of alkali 
metal ions. The alkali metal ions of the glass and the hydrogen ions in 
solution undergo an ion exchange reaction, generating a potential difference. 
In a combination pH electrode, the most widely used variety, there are actually 
two electrodes in one body. One portion is called the measuring electrode, the 
other the reference electrode. The potential generated at the junction site of 
the measuring portion is due to the free hydrogen ions present in solution.
The potential of the reference portion is produced by the internal element in 
contact with the reference fill solution. This potential is always constant. In 
summary, the measuring electrode delivers a varying voltage and the reference 
electrode delivers a constant voltage to the meter.
pH electrodes are like batteries; they run down with time and use. As an 
electrode ages, its glass changes resistance. This resistance change alters the 
electrode potential. For this reason, electrodes need to be calibrated on a 
regular basis. Calibration in pH buffer solution corrects for this change. 
Calibration of any pH equipment should always begin with buffer 7.0 as this is 
the zero point. The pH scale has an equivalent mV scale. The mV scale ranges 
from +420 to -420 mV. At a pH of 7.0 the mV value is 0. Each pH change 
corresponds to a change of ±60 mV. As pH values become more acidic the mV 
values become greater. For example, a pH of 4.0 corresponds to a value of 180 
mV. As pH values become more basic the mV values become more negative; pH=9 
corresponds to -120 mV.

Therefore a pH meter reading between -20 mV and -25 mV would correspond to a pH 
of 7.33 to 7.41. A fairly startling coincidence I would say. I think that this 
is where Dr. Tennant gets his claim. But his claim is total nonsense in the 
context he uses it. 

The pH meter uses a specially designed probe which basically creates a battery 
that uses free hydrogen ions as the electrolyte. The voltage measured is 
directly related to the amount of free hydrogen ions in the electrolyte. You 
cannot use a voltmeter to measure the pH of the skin, a liquid on the skin or a 
cell. Tennant's claim of doing so is rubbish.

Dr. Tennant uses this supposed effect to explain what his device does but it is 
all show and false science. And there is no way that his device can alter the 
body or a cell's pH. His device appears to be similar to a number of other 
devices that are used to reduce pain. Dr. Tennant has several patents but they 
are what I believe are called application patents. They only patent certain 
pulse configurations that Tennant's device uses and not the underlying 
methodology. The other makers of pain reduction devices also have their 
'unique' application patents but the underlying methodology is the same for all 
of them. 

- Steve N

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List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSvoltage meter

2010-09-23 Thread Norton, Steve
The sentence below should have read  And there is no way that his device can 
permanently alter the body or a cell's pH.

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve 
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 5:05 PM
To: ''
Subject: Re: CSvoltage meter

Dr. Tennant doesn't explain his claim that all cells in the body need between 
-20 mV and -25 mV. Without an explanation his claim is pretty much worthless. 
But let me make a guess. The optimal blood pH is somewhere between 7.35 and 
7.45. If blood pH moves below 6.8 or above 7.8, cells stop functioning and the 
body dies. 

A pH meter measures Ph as follows (

pH electrodes are constructed from a special composition glass which senses 
the hydrogen ion concentration. This glass is typically composed of alkali 
metal ions. The alkali metal ions of the glass and the hydrogen ions in 
solution undergo an ion exchange reaction, generating a potential difference. 
In a combination pH electrode, the most widely used variety, there are actually 
two electrodes in one body. One portion is called the measuring electrode, the 
other the reference electrode. The potential generated at the junction site of 
the measuring portion is due to the free hydrogen ions present in solution.
The potential of the reference portion is produced by the internal element in 
contact with the reference fill solution. This potential is always constant. In 
summary, the measuring electrode delivers a varying voltage and the reference 
electrode delivers a constant voltage to the meter.
pH electrodes are like batteries; they run down with time and use. As an 
electrode ages, its glass changes resistance. This resistance change alters the 
electrode potential. For this reason, electrodes need to be calibrated on a 
regular basis. Calibration in pH buffer solution corrects for this change. 
Calibration of any pH equipment should always begin with buffer 7.0 as this is 
the zero point. The pH scale has an equivalent mV scale. The mV scale ranges 
from +420 to -420 mV. At a pH of 7.0 the mV value is 0. Each pH change 
corresponds to a change of ±60 mV. As pH values become more acidic the mV 
values become greater. For example, a pH of 4.0 corresponds to a value of 180 
mV. As pH values become more basic the mV values become more negative; pH=9 
corresponds to -120 mV.

Therefore a pH meter reading between -20 mV and -25 mV would correspond to a pH 
of 7.33 to 7.41. A fairly startling coincidence I would say. I think that this 
is where Dr. Tennant gets his claim. But his claim is total nonsense in the 
context he uses it. 

The pH meter uses a specially designed probe which basically creates a battery 
that uses free hydrogen ions as the electrolyte. The voltage measured is 
directly related to the amount of free hydrogen ions in the electrolyte. You 
cannot use a voltmeter to measure the pH of the skin, a liquid on the skin or a 
cell. Tennant's claim of doing so is rubbish.

Dr. Tennant uses this supposed effect to explain what his device does but it is 
all show and false science. And there is no way that his device can alter the 
body or a cell's pH. His device appears to be similar to a number of other 
devices that are used to reduce pain. Dr. Tennant has several patents but they 
are what I believe are called application patents. They only patent certain 
pulse configurations that Tennant's device uses and not the underlying 
methodology. The other makers of pain reduction devices also have their 
'unique' application patents but the underlying methodology is the same for all 
of them. 

- Steve N

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: EXTERNAL:CSZapper for Tooth Pain

2010-09-22 Thread Norton, Steve
I used a godzilla on a gold crown. I used the crown as one electrode and 
located the second electrode outside the mouth where the current would flow 
throuth the tooth. Seemed to work. 

 - Steve N

- Original Message -
From: Pat []
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 03:41 PM
To: silver list
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSZapper for Tooth Pain

Can you use a zapper on a tooth with a large filling?  How about one with a 
crown?  Have a tooth that's getting sensitive and hurts a bit, so I want to 
before I NEED to know. 




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Re: EXTERNAL:Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens

2010-09-22 Thread Norton, Steve

I didn't know till yesterday that the Figures were there. Great work reading 
those postage size pictures! I am surprised that there was some residue silver 
nitrate. Sloppy lab work. 

I was interested in the particle size graph but I couldn't read the axis 
markings. I looked for studies regarding making silver nanoparticles from 
silver nitrate. I found a number of them. The particle sizes the achieved were 
mostly in the range of 200 to 10 nm. I did finally find one that claimed 2 nm. 
It appears that under 15 nm isn't easy. I think the particle size is important. 
If it takes days to convert a 15 nm particle it still may take a short time 
with smaller particles. For example here are some ROM estimates on silver 
particle sizes:

* 1 nm, approx 30 atoms
* 2.34 nm, approx 400 atoms
* 15 nm, approx 100,000 atoms

My recolection is that Mesosilver claims particle sizes under 2 nm and that 
many are as small as 9 atoms. EIS with H2O2 has many as small as a couple 
atoms. Will they convert in stomach acid?

Plus, when digesting, the stomach churns continuously. Isn't that similar to 
magnetic stirring?

- Steve N

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 10:59 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens

Without being able to read the whole article, it gives more questions 
than it answers.  If I am interpreting figure 2 correctly, then there is 
a substantial amount of silver nitrate in the sample.  Then it appears 
that they detected silver chloride in the result after mixing with HCl.  
If there is ANY nitrate left, there will be silver chloride produced.  
The concentration and temperature are still unknowns as well.  One of 
the figures implies that the conversion took 3 days, and that magnetic 
stirring was used.  If that is the case it would not be applicable to 
the stomach where contents normally reside for no more than a couple of 
hours.  Also magnetic stirring can have a significant effect as well.

So all in all, without being able to read the entire article it is hard 
to say if the results have anything to do with EIS in the stomach.

If anyone has a library close that carries this journal it should be 
possible to get a copy of the article.  I will try the UT library.


Norton, Steve wrote:

 I do not have a copy of the article. The link I provided does have a
 little more info if you click the Figures/Tables tab above the abstract.
 It provides small low resolution figures with the text associated with
 the figure:

 Fig. 1. XRD patterns of samples. (a) Ag nanoparticles prepared by using
 AgNO3 as the silver source and obtained by drying the Ag colloidal
 solution on a single crystal silicon substrate, (b) the product of AgCl
 obtained from the reaction of Ag nanoparticles with hydrochloric acid,
 (c) commercial Ag powder, (d) after commercial Ag powder was added into
 hydrochloric acid under magnetic stirring for 3 days.

 Fig. 2. UV-vis absorption spectra. Dotted curve: the Ag colloidal
 solution prepared. Dashed curve: AgNO3 aqueous solution. Solid curve:
 the upper transparent solution after the reaction of the Ag colloid with
 hydrochloric acid.

 Fig. 3. (a) TEM micrographs of Ag nanoparticles prepared using AgNO3 as
 the silver source, (b) The histogram of Ag particle size distribution

 Fig. 4. (a) TEM micrograph of the polyacrylamide (PAM)/silver
 nanocomposite, (b) XRD pattern of PAM/silver nanocomposite, (c) XRD
 pattern of the product after the reaction of PAM/silver nanocomposite
 with hydrochloric acid.

 It does not give intermediate results before the end of the three days
 nor does it give the concentration of the HCl used. It appears to me
 that all the silver particles in the test were converted to silver

  - Steve N

 -Original Message-
 From: Marshall Dudley [] 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:00 PM
 Subject: Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens

 Does anyone have a copy of this article?  All I can get is the abstract,

 and $37.50 for this seems rather absurd.  Long ago I tried mixing 
 colloidal silver with hydrochloric acid and was unable to get any 
 observed reaction without heating it (with the colloidal part).  There 
 is some very important information missing from the abstract, such as 
 what concentrations, temperatures are needed and how long the reaction 


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour


Re: EXTERNAL:CSZapper for Tooth Pain

2010-09-22 Thread Norton, Steve
No. I use 4.5 volts with no resistor. 
- Steve N

From: Steve G [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 08:53 PM
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL:CSZapper for Tooth Pain 

Wouldn't that make you jump out of your skin?

I had my wife use Godzilla externally when she was having a lot of bleeding 
from her gums.   Cleared it all up in 15 minutes, one application.


--- On Wed, 9/22/10, Norton, Steve wrote:

From: Norton, Steve
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL:CSZapper for Tooth Pain
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2010, 6:24 PM

I used a godzilla on a gold crown. I used the crown as one electrode 
and located the second electrode outside the mouth where the current would flow 
throuth the tooth. Seemed to work. 

- Steve N

Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens

2010-09-21 Thread Norton, Steve
I have never seen verification of the claim that CS kills 650 different
pathogens. But then I have never really tried to find verification since
I consider it immaterial. The important information in my opinion is
that CS has been shown to kill pathogens by five different methods.
These five methods give CS a very broad antiviral, antimicrobial and
antifungal capability. Including effectiveness against both gram
positive and gram negative bacteria. No antibiotic comes close to
matching CS. It also  makes it very difficult for a virus or bacteria to
develop an immunity against CS. (Antibiotics each have a single method
of attacking bacteria.)


To a large extent, ppm is immaterial except as a method of knowing the
total amount of silver ingested. You can take one half ounce of 20 ppm
CS or 1 ounce of 10 ppm CS and the effect is the same. Ppm can be an
issue when CS is used topically and combined with other liquids that can
dilute the CS more than you desire.


CS has been shown to be effective at low concentrations. The primary
reason is that silver is not consumed in the process of killing a
pathogen. The same silver ion continues to attack further pathogens
until it is excreted by the body. However higher concentrations of
silver get the job done quicker. Also, if there is a large number of
pathogens, the pathogens may reproduce at a rate higher than the kill
rate of the CS if  the silver concentration is too low.


You have probably read the claim by some suppliers of particle based CS
that ionic silver is not effective and that only silver particles are
active. And that the effectiveness of particle silver is dependent on
the total surface area if the silver particles. It turns out that
nothing is further from the truth. A fairly recent study has shown that
stomach acid is highly reactive with silver nanoparticles and converts
the silver nanoparticles the same as it does ionic silver.  If the
silver particles are large enough some of the particle may escape
conversion but the same would be true of the silver particles in CS
generated by electrolysis. 


-  Steve N



- Original Message - 

From: j petras  


Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 3:12 AM

Subject: CSCS and killing of pathogens




Medical journal studies, it has been reported, have shown that CS is
effective in killing over 650 different pathogens. I guess most all of
us on the list concur with that. We have all read this as promoted by
numerous sites marketing CS. 


Now with all scientific controls used in the studies and other
considerations aside... I would ask, at what PPM has this been


As for myself, I use CS...and have seen positive results in its' use.
However, to cut through the hype (if there is any)...does a blanket
statement of efficacy for CS killing 650 pathogens apply to product in
the 5-10 PPM range ie., that which is typically sold or made at home
with users generators? Is there any substantial correlation in its'
effectiveness in this range?


Thanking you for any clarification on this,






Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens

2010-09-21 Thread Norton, Steve
High chemical reactivity of silver nanoparticles toward hydrochloric

High chemical reactivity of Ag nanoparticles was observed in the
reaction with hydrochloric acid: Ag (nanoparticles) +HCI - AgCl + H-2;
the reaction product silver chloride was characterized by X-ray powder
diffraction to give a direct evidence for the reaction which has been
proved impossible for the bulk Ag.

-   Steve N

From: David AuBuchon [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens

Hey Steve,

I had been wondering that.  It seemed strange to me that it was
automatically assumed that particles could get by the stomach acid
untouched, as if it was self evident.   If you have any info on that, I
would like to have it.

You have probably read the claim by some suppliers of particle based CS
that ionic silver is not effective and that only silver particles are
active. And that the effectiveness of particle silver is dependent on
the total surface area if the silver particles. It turns out that
nothing is further from the truth. A fairly recent study has shown that
stomach acid is highly reactive with silver nanoparticles and converts
the silver nanoparticles the same as it does ionic silver.  If the
silver particles are large enough some of the particle may escape
conversion but the same would be true of the silver particles in CS
generated by electrolysis. 
-  Steve N

Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens

2010-09-21 Thread Norton, Steve

I do not have a copy of the article. The link I provided does have a
little more info if you click the Figures/Tables tab above the abstract.
It provides small low resolution figures with the text associated with
the figure:

Fig. 1. XRD patterns of samples. (a) Ag nanoparticles prepared by using
AgNO3 as the silver source and obtained by drying the Ag colloidal
solution on a single crystal silicon substrate, (b) the product of AgCl
obtained from the reaction of Ag nanoparticles with hydrochloric acid,
(c) commercial Ag powder, (d) after commercial Ag powder was added into
hydrochloric acid under magnetic stirring for 3 days.

Fig. 2. UV-vis absorption spectra. Dotted curve: the Ag colloidal
solution prepared. Dashed curve: AgNO3 aqueous solution. Solid curve:
the upper transparent solution after the reaction of the Ag colloid with
hydrochloric acid.

Fig. 3. (a) TEM micrographs of Ag nanoparticles prepared using AgNO3 as
the silver source, (b) The histogram of Ag particle size distribution

Fig. 4. (a) TEM micrograph of the polyacrylamide (PAM)/silver
nanocomposite, (b) XRD pattern of PAM/silver nanocomposite, (c) XRD
pattern of the product after the reaction of PAM/silver nanocomposite
with hydrochloric acid.

It does not give intermediate results before the end of the three days
nor does it give the concentration of the HCl used. It appears to me
that all the silver particles in the test were converted to silver

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens

Does anyone have a copy of this article?  All I can get is the abstract,

and $37.50 for this seems rather absurd.  Long ago I tried mixing 
colloidal silver with hydrochloric acid and was unable to get any 
observed reaction without heating it (with the colloidal part).  There 
is some very important information missing from the abstract, such as 
what concentrations, temperatures are needed and how long the reaction 


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List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSCS and killing of pathogens

2010-09-21 Thread Norton, Steve
Neville and John,


I don't mean to ignore you but right at the moment I don't have time to
respond to your comments. I will when I get time. I addition, Marshall
may have some thoughts that will affect it,


-  Steve N


From: Neville Munn [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 3:07 PM
Subject: RE: CSCS and killing of pathogens


I'll lead with my chin again, how much of that's relevant *within* the
human body?
AgN03, Commercial Ag powder, TEM micrographs, polywhateverthey'recalled
etc etc...Makes for good reading for the academic, but how relevant is
all this *within* the human body and/or blood?
I've read scads of stuff similar to this but being chemistry illiterate
I don't see a connection within the human body.
Praps this could be broken down into something a little more suitable
for the layman?

 Subject: Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens
 Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 15:36:18 -0500
 I do not have a copy of the article. The link I provided does have a
 little more info if you click the Figures/Tables tab above the
 It provides small low resolution figures with the text associated with
 the figure:
 Fig. 1. XRD patterns of samples. (a) Ag nanoparticles prepared by
 AgNO3 as the silver source and obtained by drying the Ag colloidal
 solution on a single crystal silicon substrate, (b) the product of
 obtained from the reaction of Ag nanoparticles with hydrochloric acid,
 (c) commercial Ag powder, (d) after commercial Ag powder was added
 hydrochloric acid under magnetic stirring for 3 days.
 Fig. 2. UV-vis absorption spectra. Dotted curve: the Ag colloidal
 solution prepared. Dashed curve: AgNO3 aqueous solution. Solid curve:
 the upper transparent solution after the reaction of the Ag colloid
 hydrochloric acid.
 Fig. 3. (a) TEM micrographs of Ag nanoparticles prepared using AgNO3
 the silver source, (b) The histogram of Ag particle size distribution
 Fig. 4. (a) TEM micrograph of the polyacrylamide (PAM)/silver
 nanocomposite, (b) XRD pattern of PAM/silver nanocomposite, (c) XRD
 pattern of the product after the reaction of PAM/silver nanocomposite
 with hydrochloric acid.
 It does not give intermediate results before the end of the three days
 nor does it give the concentration of the HCl used. It appears to me
 that all the silver particles in the test were converted to silver
 - Steve N
 -Original Message-
 From: Marshall Dudley [] 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 1:00 PM
 Subject: Re: CSCS and killing of pathogens
 Does anyone have a copy of this article? All I can get is the
 and $37.50 for this seems rather absurd. Long ago I tried mixing 
 colloidal silver with hydrochloric acid and was unable to get any 
 observed reaction without heating it (with the colloidal part). There 
 is some very important information missing from the abstract, such as 
 what concentrations, temperatures are needed and how long the reaction

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:
 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSvoltage meter

2010-09-20 Thread Norton, Steve
I would very much like to know just what voltage Dr. Tennant is talking about. 
If you are not grounded and in an RF shielded room, you are very likely to 
measure voltage potentials caused by static charges or outside electromagnetic 
signals. I have read that you are also able to pick up small electrical 
potential variations going through the skin when muscles are contracting and 
relaxing.. With a bit of testing and practice you can raise, lower and reverse 
the polarity of the tiny voltages present on your skin.

If he is talking about voltage across a cell membrane I don't see how that is 
possible. See:

The voltage level of -20 mV and -25 mV would seem to relate to a cell membrane 
voltage but you cannot measure a single cell's membrane voltage potential. 

In his video he moves his whatchamacallit across the skin looking for dry areas 
and says that they indicate areas of low voltage potential. But you would 
measure skin resistivity to find those areas not voltage. I don't think you can 
use a voltmeter to measure anything relevant.

 - Steve N

From: Don Barnes [] 
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 5:29 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSvoltage meter

Dr. Jerry Tennant was interviewed on July 21, 2010. 
He has found all cells in the body need between -20 MV and -25 MV
Larry Lytle has his Q-1000 laser as well. see youtube  
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 1:24 PM, needling around wrote:
I was recently watching a video that was recommended and the doctor suggested 
using a voltage meter to measure the voltage of different points on the body.  
I was wondering if anyone has ever tried this and if there are any caveats?

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RE: CSFwd: Water Vortex Magnetizer: COMMENT

2010-09-16 Thread Norton, Steve

This information is greatly appreciated. However the post that did not get 
through was the email referencing your experiences with water structuring.  
Could please try and resend that one?

 Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Brooks Bradley [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 3:46 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSFwd: Water Vortex Magnetizer: COMMENT

-- Forwarded message --
From: Brooks Bradley
Date: Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 5:33 PM
Subject: Water Vortex Magnetizer: COMMENT

        About one our ago I sent an email referencing our experiences
with water structuring.  Due to my faulty memory, I
failed to include some simple construction details which enable the
DIY individual to AVOID COMPLETELY, the expense
and effort of obtaining a commercial version of the double-female
coupling for connecting the two bottles together.
        All that is required is to obtain two of the plastic tops
from any two liter drink bottles and secure them (top-to-top)
together by gluing or plastic weldingnext, drill a 3/8 to 1/2 inch
hole (your choice) through both, simultaneously.  Dress the hole
if lightly sanding with sandpaper wrapped around a
pencil.  You now have a serviceable connector for,
essentially, no additional cost.  Some commercial connections cost as
much as $35...and do not offer any, better results
than does this little home-made innovation.
                                              Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
p.s. Earlier I attempted to send a similar email to this
bounced.  I hope to have better luckthis time.

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Re: CSTurpentine, Vitamin E and Healing

2010-09-15 Thread Norton, Steve
Not really sure. Turpentine is antimicrobial and antifungal and may be
sufficient to preserve the Vitamin E. But since turpentine is not water
miscible, you can't add CS. One possibility to insure a long shelf life
could be to add a small amount of oregano or rosemary essential oil to
the mix.

 - Steve

-Original Message-
From: needling around [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: CSTurpentine, Vitamin E and Healing

Any idea what the shelf life is?  Is it something that has to be made up

each time or can one make up a small bottle and then keep it

- Original Message - 
From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 12:09 PM
Subject: CSTurpentine, Vitamin E and Healing


Just FYI, here is a patent discussing the healing potential of
when combined with Vitamin E.

- Steve N
Therapeutic composition for treatment of cuts, burns and abrasions

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CSOil soluble silver compounds

2010-09-15 Thread Norton, Steve

Does anyone know of oil soluble silver compounds that could be used as a
preservative in oil based solutions and also be suitable for ingestion?

 Steve N

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CSCS with H2O2 inventor found?

2010-09-15 Thread Norton, Steve
I came across this at the Earth Clinic site and thought it might be of

- Steve N 

Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: Agyria is a common problem with
using a straight batch of colloidal silver, often the skin is not really
blue, it is closer to gray color. The problem occurs when a free silver
ions react with the sulfur in your body to from AgS, or silver sulfide.
Most colloidal silver produced are actually either a nonreactive Ag or a
reactive Ag with a charge, then it reacts with the body's available
sulfur to cause a blue skin, more more accurately is gray skin. 

This problem can be prevented, which I solved over a decade ago, which
required that a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide is added to a liter
of colloidal silver. The peroxide, reacts with the FREE silver ions to
form Silver Oxide. When I first add this, I get a cloudly solution, and
after three days, this cloudy solution becomes a clear white transparent
water. However, an unreacted Ag or Silver in a solution will show itself
is a faint yellow transparent solution. So this ia an easy way to tell.
If you add a drop of H2O2 into this it becomes cloudy. However, if the
solution is Silver oxide, it won't become cloudy as there is no longer
any free silver ions. When they are no longer free, it won't react
with the body's sulfur to form silver oxide. Hence, if a hydrogen
peroxide, at least, is added to the colloidal silver you buy, the silver
is no longer free, and the condition of blue skin or gray skin or agyria
is prevented.

However, there is ANOTHER way, that DOES NOT REQUIRE you to wait for
three days to fully digest the free Silver. When I make a batch of
colloidal silver, using the silver wire or silver rods as an electrode
using any D.C. adapter, the BEGINNING solution is distilled water with a
0.5% H2O2 concentration, which is 1/2 percent H2O2 concentration, or
approximate amount such as one tablespoon (plastic spoons!) of 3% H2O2
in a 1 or 1.5 liter of colloidal silver is generally sufficient, to
prevent any free metal silver form occuring.

It should be noted that a silver oxide may have a better antibacterial
properties and less staining problems then the use of pure silver. So in
practice, the use of COLLOIDAL SILVER OXIDE, is the one I actually use
and relatively problem free. For example, if a free silver has too much
charges, I have noted that constipation occurs if taken too much of
colloidal silver with FREE SILVER, but this doesn't happen (within
reason such as NOT DRINKING liters of it!) if a COLLOIDAL silver oxide
is prepared.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSOil soluble silver compounds

2010-09-15 Thread Norton, Steve

That may be the best solution. Maybe ethyl alcohol or dmso as well.
 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: CSOil soluble silver compounds

combine the two with an emulsifier?

When talking nonsense try not to be serious.

On 9/15/2010 3:55:31 PM, Norton, Steve ( wrote:
 Does anyone know of oil soluble silver compounds that could be used as
 preservative in oil based solutions and also be suitable for
 Steve N

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSFreckle question - cancer salve

2010-09-13 Thread Norton, Steve
I offer this for those that might be limited by funds. The site offers a 1oz black salve for less than $5, including
shipping in the US. The salve is located at:

The page also offers a limited number of essential oils at reasonable
prices. I have not tried the black salve but have bought herbs from them
many times and received good product.

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Garnet_LDN [] 
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2010 3:13 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSFreckle question

Actually if there is any yeast / Candida the Cansema will react the same
if there were Cancer, so do not jump to conclusions if you see a

This is information I got directly from the makers of Cansema by phone.
It was also confirmed by another consultant.


Jane MacRoss wrote:
 Several of my friends have successfully used cansema ointment for 
 suspicious areas - no reaction if it is nothing to worry about
 Euphorbia milk from a freshly picked stem is also successful for small

 ~The Highest Field of Energy Healing you now!~

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Lisa
 *Sent:* Saturday, September 11, 2010 2:14 AM
 *Subject:* RE: CSFreckle question

 Thanks everybody!

 I also agree on the sunscreen portion - only time we use it here
 is when the husband enforces it (and I can't get away with not
 using any) OR even I'll put a bit on the kids when it's 90+
 degrees out and super, strong, summer sun with no shade etc.

 Regardless, I plan on waiting a couple days as this morning it
 looked smaller and actually more of what I originally suspected
 (and hoped) it was - and that was more of a fingernail [dotted]
 scratch. It looks smaller and not as bad. My eyesight certainly
 isn't what it once it's hard for me to really get a good
 look at it (plan on breaking out the reading glasses that are
 stashed somewhere to look closer).


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: EXTERNAL:Re: CSmaking own turpentine? Canada

2010-09-12 Thread Norton, Steve
You can get the resin. Maybe that would be usable?

- Steve N


From: polo [] 
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2010 10:16 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSmaking own turpentine? Canada 

Croton oil has been used for years and years until of late in various 
veterinary liniments and that is what I want it for. It is a counterirritant.  
I see on the net that it may have some cancer fighting applications too, but I 
have not really studied that aspect of it. 

- Original Message - 
From: Renee  
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2010 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: CSmaking own turpentine? Canada

Croton oil?  Never even heard of it.  The sap of a species of croton is called 
sagro de drago, but that's not an oil.  What is it used for, if you don't mind? 
 And do you mean the same type of croton plant that is sold as house plants 
here in the US?  Sorry--just being curious.

Re: EXTERNAL:Re: CSmaking own turpentine? Canada

2010-09-11 Thread Norton, Steve
You might find it available as Dragon's Blood essential oil. For example:
Dragons blood essential oil, Croton lechleri - Sangre de Drago

I do not know if Croton lechleri is the same species of Croton that you are 
looking for. 

- Steve N


From: polo [] 
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2010 10:16 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSmaking own turpentine? Canada 

Croton oil has been used for years and years until of late in various 
veterinary liniments and that is what I want it for. It is a counterirritant.  
I see on the net that it may have some cancer fighting applications too, but I 
have not really studied that aspect of it. 

- Original Message - 
From: Renee  
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2010 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: CSmaking own turpentine? Canada

Croton oil?  Never even heard of it.  The sap of a species of croton is called 
sagro de drago, but that's not an oil.  What is it used for, if you don't mind? 
 And do you mean the same type of croton plant that is sold as house plants 
here in the US?  Sorry--just being curious.

Re: EXTERNAL:Re: CShelp needed

2010-09-09 Thread Norton, Steve
I would be cautious using a black salve containing zinc chloride near the eyes. 
Here is a site you might find useful.

 - Steve N

- Original Message -
From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick []
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 01:30 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CShelp needed

I know there's black salve but I don't know about putting it near the eye.  dee

On 9 Sep 2010, at 17:23, Rusty wrote:

 I have had a sore beside my eye that wouldn't heal.  I put it down to being 
 stressed and as it dried, I would pick at it and start the process all over 
 again.  Also it would get a scab and either the pillowcase or the wash cloth 
 would catch it.
 I finally got through my cataract operation and felt I better get it checked 
 out...I was sent to a dermatologist and she walked in the room, looked at it 
 and said you have cancer and pointed to a picture of four kinds on the wall 
 and said but you have the good one   I just about fell off the chair.
 I was expecting some kind of ointment to heal it up...not being told cancer 
 so I think I may have been in some shock.
 I'm told I will have to go to a surgeon and have it cut out.
 Has any one ever deal with cancer on the skin?   Can it be cleared up 

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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: EXTERNAL:Re: CSA perplexing Problem....

2010-09-08 Thread Norton, Steve
You can also get Dr's Best serrapeptase at iHerb. It is usually reasonably 
- Steve N

From: jaxi [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 10:30 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSA perplexing Problem 

They still carry it.  I found it in their online catelog.  They are offering 
their buy 1 get 2 free (or 3 bottles for the price of 1) right now.  Even so, 
this is an expensive supplement, but I was considering getting some to try 

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:22 AM, MaryAnn Helland 

I bought ours at Puritan's Pride.  Just checked their catalog and it's 
not listed there -- try their website!

From: h.godavari
Sent: Wed, September 8, 2010 9:26:26 AM
Subject: Re: CSA perplexing Problem

Could you share the info regarding (good) source and the price of  
serrapeptase? Thank you.


MaryAnn Helland wrote: 

Hi Marshall.  It isn't for bypass.  It's for aortic valve 
replacement and cardiac myeomectomy.  His heart is enlarged and is constricting 
the flow of blood through it.  They will go in and remove heart muscle 
surrounding the interior arteries.  He's been on Serrapeptase for some time -- 
his heart cath test showed that his arteries are clean as a whistle!

From: Marshall Dudley 
Sent: Tue, September 7, 2010 10:28:50 AM
Subject: Re: CSA perplexing Problem

If it is for bypass surgery, immediately get him on some 
serrapeptase IMMEDIATELY.  I think that if he can take it for a month, they 
will likely cancel the surgery. Everyone I know who has done this has been able 
to do that. The biggest problem is if the blockage is so great the serrapeptase 
is unable to get into the vessel to dissolve the cholesterol deposits quick 
enough for  your schedule.  If you can clear them out before the surgery that 
will save you a procedure that  be deadly and tens of thousands of dollars as 


MaryAnn Helland wrote:
 Omigod -- what happens to patients after open-heart surgery?  
My husband is scheduled for it on October 5th.
*From:* starshar
I wonder if, especially with her age, the surgery was long 
and the anesthesia deep enough, to have caused oxygen 
to her brain.
Her symptoms sound very similar to what happens to 
patients after
open-heart surgery, and that has definitly been linked to 
oxygen deprivation.
This may be too simplistic a guess, but sometime the 
ideas are on target.
“Extreme” nutrition should also be encouraged.
*From:* []
*Sent:* Friday, September 03, 2010 8:56 PM
*Subject:* CSA perplexing Problem
A energetic never sick extremely active woman of 68 years 
underwent a complete hysterectomy; within two weeks of 
surgery she
is now depressed has no appetite and has extreme 
shakes  she
has never had any surgery's' before and it was her first 
time ever
in a hospital.  Her doctors are at a loss  she keeps 
weight; her life is slowly seeping away.
Has anyone heard of anything like this?  I believe the 
was prompted because of a sys or tumor on her ovaries. 
Appreciate any input.

Re: EXTERNAL:Re: CSDoes the cathode need to be silver?

2010-09-08 Thread Norton, Steve
Some silver will plate out on the negative electrode. Using a silver negative 
electrode allows you to recover the plated out silver for use. 

- Steve N


From: David AuBuchon [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 08:20 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSDoes the cathode need to be silver? 

Correct me if I am wrong, but absolutely NOTHING physically comes off of the 
negative terminal during production, right?  The only thing that comes off 
would be electrons reacting with water molecules or incoming silver ions or a 
few amount of contaminant cations.  I'm wondering if the ideal gen has a lot of 
surface area on cathode also.  If so, copper would be preferable so you don't 
pay for all that extra silver.

Hey, could that also make a gen that doubles as a colloidal copper setup?  What 
do people use colloidal copper for anyway?


On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 6:01 PM, Dan Nave wrote:

The cathode (in this case the negative terminal) can be copper if you
are not polarity switching.

The anode (in this case the positive terminal) must be silver.

You can see I don't agree with cking, as usual...


On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 5:28 PM, David AuBuchon wrote:
 Is there any reason everyone uses silver for the cathode?  I can 
 if people were reversing the polarity.  But when things only go one 
 does it matter what the cathode is made of?  Could it just be copper 

 Also, isn't the surface area of the cathode important.  With the 
anode, more
 surface area reduces the density of a layer of silver ions coming off,
 combining with hydroxide ions.  At the cathode end, isn't there a 
 layer of hydroxide combining with incoming silver ions?


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 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSNeed some ideas, please

2010-09-02 Thread Norton, Steve
If it was me, I'd try methylene blue and DMSO. I posted in the past on
Alzheimer's and methylene blue is an OTC supplement that can be of
benefit. But is an excellent memory booster in general. 

But it has also been 
shown to increase mental activity and reduce mental tiredness. Studies
shown it to be effective for memory improvement even at low doses. Here
is one study:
Methylene blue improves brain oxidative metabolism and memory retention
in rats.

 Methylene blue (MB) increases mitochondrial oxygen consumption and
restores memory retention in rats metabolically impaired by inhibition
of cytochrome c oxidase. This study tested two related hypotheses using
biochemical and behavioral techniques: (1) that low-level MB would
enhance brain cytochrome c oxidation, as tested in vitro in brain
homogenates and after in vivo administration to rats and (2) that
corresponding low-dose MB would enhance spatial memory retention in
normal rats, as tested 24 h after rats were trained in a baited
holeboard maze for 5 days with daily MB posttraining injections. The
biochemical in vitro studies showed an increased rate of brain
cytochrome c oxidation with the low but not the high MB concentrations
tested. The in vivo administration studies showed that the corresponding
MB low dose (1 mg/kg) increased brain cytochrome c oxidation 24 h after
intraperitoneal injection, but not after 1 or 2 h postinjection. In the
behavioral studies, spatial memory retention in probe trials (percentage
of visits to training-baited holes compared to total visits) was
significantly better for MB-treated than saline control groups (66% vs.
31%). Together the findings suggest that low-dose MB enhances spatial
memory retention in normal rats by increasing brain cytochrome c oxidase

Extinction Memory Improvement by the Metabolic Enhancer Methylene Blue

 We investigated whether postextinction administration of methylene
blue (MB) could enhance retention of an
extinguished conditioned response. MB is a redox compound that at low
doses elevates cytochrome oxidase activity,
thereby improving brain energy production. Saline or MB (4 mg/kg
intraperitoneally) were administered to rats for
5 d following extinction training of tone-footshock conditioning.
Postextinction freezing was lower in rats receiving
MB compared with saline, suggesting that MB improved retention of the
extinction memory. The MB effect was
specific to tone-evoked freezing because there were no differences in
pretone freezing. Control subjects similarly
injected with MB showed no evidence of nonspecific effects on measures
of motor activity and fearfulness.
MB-treated rats exhibited both greater retention of extinction and
greater overall brain metabolic activity. Rats with
higher retention of extinction also showed a relative increase in
cytochrome oxidase activity in prefrontal cortical
regions, especially anterior infralimbic cortex, dorsal and medial
frontal cortex, and lateral orbital cortex. These
regional metabolic increases were also correlated to the behavioral
freezing index used to assess retention of
extinction. It was concluded that MB administered postextinction could
enhance retention of extinction memory
through an increase in brain cytochrome oxidase activity.
 Therefore, it is not the case that MB preferentially affects the
activity of only brain regions engaged in acquisition or extinction.
Which regions are more affected would seem to depend on which regions
have more metabolic energy demand during the period when MB is

Methylene blue is available at fish and aquarium shops. It is sold as a
fish fungal treatment. It is usually available in concentrations of 1%
or 2.3% methylene blue.  Novalek Methylene Blue and Kordon Methylene
BlueCheck are two commonly found sourcess. Be sure the methylene blue
treatment does not contain zinc.  Dilute the methylene blue to 0.1% and
have him take two to three drops in the morning and in the evening. I
take it myself as a preventative and mental energy enhancer.The dosage I
recommend is derived from a study done by researchers at Children's
Hospital  Research Center Oakland:
Potential Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Cure Found In Century-Old Drug

And from other sources. A company is trying to patent methylene blue as
an Alzheimer's drug and their testing uses much larger doses, 65 mg
three times daily:

Rember for Alzheimer's: Methylene Blue's Comeback

The other supplement I would try is DMSO. It appears to also increase
oxygen metabolism in the brain. Here is a testimonial:

RE: CSNeed some ideas, please

2010-09-02 Thread Norton, Steve
I was researching NAC and ALA in regard to alleviating liver damage and
ran across this. It might be worth a try and it is more mainstream than
DMSO and methylene blue.

 - Steve N
The antioxidants alpha-lipoic acid and N-acetylcysteine reverse memory
impairment and brain oxidative stress in aged SAMP8 mice.

Oxidative stress may play a crucial role in age-related
neurodegenerative disorders. Here, we examined the ability of two
antioxidants, alpha-lipoic acid (LA) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC), to
reverse the cognitive deficits found in the SAMP8 mouse. By 12 months of
age, this strain develops elevated levels of Abeta and severe deficits
in learning and memory. We found that 12-month-old SAMP8 mice, in
comparison with 4-month-old mice, had increased levels of protein
carbonyls (an index of protein oxidation), increased TBARS (an index of
lipid peroxidation) and a decrease in the weakly immobilized/strongly
immobilized (W/S) ratio of the protein-specific spin label MAL-6 (an
index of oxidation-induced conformational changes in synaptosomal
membrane proteins). Chronic administration of either LA or NAC improved
cognition of 12-month-old SAMP8 mice in both the T-maze footshock
avoidance paradigm and the lever press appetitive task without inducing
non-specific effects on motor activity, motivation to avoid shock, or
body weight. These effects probably occurred directly within the brain,
as NAC crossed the blood-brain barrier and accumulated in the brain.
Furthermore, treatment of 12-month-old SAMP8 mice with LA reversed all
three indexes of oxidative stress. These results support the hypothesis
that oxidative stress can lead to cognitive dysfunction and provide
evidence for a therapeutic role for antioxidants.

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve 
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 10:41 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: CSNeed some ideas, please

If it was me, I'd try methylene blue and DMSO. I posted in the past on
Alzheimer's and methylene blue is an OTC supplement that can be of
benefit. But is an excellent memory booster in general. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: EXTERNAL:Re: CSNeed some ideas, please

2010-09-02 Thread Norton, Steve

Dementia is indeed terrible and your brother will find that conventional 
medicine can do little for him. I have posted previously on OTC supplements 
that can help and even partially reverse Alzheimers and dementia. With links to 
the studies. They include B3, curcumin and methylene blue. The  problem is that 
his doctor cannot recommend them even if he knows of them because they are not 
FDA approved. They may be the treatments of tomorrow but if your brother 
insists on conventional medicine, tommorow will come too late for him. As 
dementia progresses damage to the brain becomes oermanent and cannot be 
completely reversed. I hope he realizes the situation and finds the wisdom and 
courage to go outside mainstream medicine. Best of wishes for you, your brother 
and your family. 

 - Steve N 

PS - It will be such a shame if he doesn't. Now is when he has the best chance 
of recovery with little or no permanent damage. 

- Original Message -
From: MaryAnn Helland []
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 10:13 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSNeed some ideas, please

Thank you again Steve.  These are impressive studies.  I'm having to absorb a 
lot of information today.  All of his test results (MRI, Cat Scan, EEG, EKG, 
blood test) have come back normal.  He is temporarily diagnosed as *Dementia 
with deterioration*.  He will be scheduled to see a neuropsychiatrist next 
week.  Everything that I've read about dementia paints a very, very bleak 
picture.  I'm having a hard time with all of this -- but I appreciate 

- Original Message 
 From: Norton, Steve
 I was researching NAC and ALA in regard to alleviating liver damage and
 ran across this. It might be worth a try and it is more mainstream than
 DMSO and methylene blue.
 - Steve N
 The antioxidants alpha-lipoic acid and N-acetylcysteine reverse memory
 impairment and brain oxidative stress in aged SAMP8 mice.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: EXTERNAL:Re: CSHigh-speed filter uses electrified nanostructures to purify water at low cost

2010-09-01 Thread Norton, Steve
For the clay pot see:

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: needling around [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 8:50 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSHigh-speed filter uses electrified
nanostructures to purify water at low cost

Do you have the actual name of this pot?

When I googled it I got your email below!

- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: CSHigh-speed filter uses electrified nanostructures to
water at low cost

   Then there is Harvey Reid [?]  [a  silverlister]
 That impregnated saw dust with silver [nitrate?] and mixed it with
clay to 
 fire, making activated  carbon/silver ceramic pot water filters [in 
  Barefoot Native tech.on a shoe without even a string from

 Now, to hook it up to a solar panel and pass a few microamps through


 At 07:11 PM 8/31/2010 -0500, you wrote:

Some extracts from the article are below.

-   Steve N

High-speed filter uses electrified nanostructures to purify water at

By dipping plain cotton cloth in a high-tech broth full of silver 
nanowires and carbon nanotubes, Stanford researchers have developed a
high-speed, low-cost filter that could easily be implemented to purify

water in the developing world.

Instead of physically trapping bacteria as most existing filters do,
new filter lets them flow on through with the water. But by the time
pathogens have passed through, they have also passed on, because the 
device kills them with an electrical field that runs through the
conductive nano-coated cotton.

Silver has long been known to have chemical properties that kill
In the days before pasteurization and refrigeration, people would 
sometimes drop silver dollars into milk bottles to combat bacteria, or

even swallow it, Heilshorn said.

Cui's group knew from previous projects that carbon nanotubes were
electrical conductors, so the researchers reasoned the two materials
concert would be effective against bacteria. This approach really
silver out of the folk remedy realm and into a high-tech setting,
where it 
is much more effective, Heilshorn said.

Using the commonplace keeps costs down

But the scientists also wanted to design the filters to be as
as possible. The amount of silver used for the nanowires was so small
cost was negligible, Cui said. Still, they needed a foundation
that was cheap, widely available and chemically and mechanically
So they went with ordinary woven cotton fabric.

We got it at Wal-mart, Cui said.

To turn their discount store cotton into a filter, they dipped it into
solution of carbon nanotubes, let it dry, then dipped it into the
nanowire solution. They also tried mixing both nanomaterials together
doing a single dunk, which also worked. They let the cotton soak for
least a few minutes, sometimes up to 20, but that was all it took.

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour


CSHigh-speed filter uses electrified nanostructures to purify water at low cost

2010-08-31 Thread Norton, Steve
Some extracts from the article are below.

-   Steve N
High-speed filter uses electrified nanostructures to purify water at low

By dipping plain cotton cloth in a high-tech broth full of silver
nanowires and carbon nanotubes, Stanford researchers have developed a
new high-speed, low-cost filter that could easily be implemented to
purify water in the developing world.

Instead of physically trapping bacteria as most existing filters do, the
new filter lets them flow on through with the water. But by the time the
pathogens have passed through, they have also passed on, because the
device kills them with an electrical field that runs through the highly
conductive nano-coated cotton.

Silver has long been known to have chemical properties that kill
bacteria. In the days before pasteurization and refrigeration, people
would sometimes drop silver dollars into milk bottles to combat
bacteria, or even swallow it, Heilshorn said.

Cui's group knew from previous projects that carbon nanotubes were good
electrical conductors, so the researchers reasoned the two materials in
concert would be effective against bacteria. This approach really takes
silver out of the folk remedy realm and into a high-tech setting, where
it is much more effective, Heilshorn said.

Using the commonplace keeps costs down

But the scientists also wanted to design the filters to be as
inexpensive as possible. The amount of silver used for the nanowires was
so small the cost was negligible, Cui said. Still, they needed a
foundation material that was cheap, widely available and chemically and
mechanically robust. So they went with ordinary woven cotton fabric.

We got it at Wal-mart, Cui said.

To turn their discount store cotton into a filter, they dipped it into a
solution of carbon nanotubes, let it dry, then dipped it into the silver
nanowire solution. They also tried mixing both nanomaterials together
and doing a single dunk, which also worked. They let the cotton soak for
at least a few minutes, sometimes up to 20, but that was all it took.

Re: EXTERNAL:Re: CS[List Owner]Archive listing on web site...

2010-08-28 Thread Norton, Steve
Just to say that I am happy with the list as is. I don't use the digest so I 
can't speak to any difficulties with it. I like the archives better than the 
yahoo groups. It would be nice to have file storage even if it only provided a 
temporary storage to share items that cannot be linked to. 

If eskimo goes down I don't mind. I know it will be only temporary. 

BTW, I REALLY appreciate the archives now that we have them. People using the 
digest might find them handy too. You can even reply to them since the reply 
address is always 

 - Steve N

- Original Message -
From: M. G. Devour []
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2010 07:00 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CS[List Owner]Archive listing on web site...

Hi folks!

First off, I hope David has been able to get into the web site and see 
the change... It's working as far as I know, David. The problem you had 
looks like it may have just been a transient.

Carol and others, I REALLY do understand the appeal of Yahoo or Google 
groups as a platform for a forum like this, and I will continue to 
consider them going forward, as a fallback if nothing else.

My most urgent reason for never going to one of those options before 
now was a desire to never place us at the mercy of someone else's 
opinion of whether our group deserved to exist, and, in the extreme 
case, to not be one of the countless thousands of groups that would 
instantly disappear if Somebody made a phone call and said, shut it all 

So, call me paranoid if you'd like, but that resolve is the main reason 
we've continued to stumble along in this less-than-ideal state, trapped 
between my desires for security and control, and my inability thus far 
to implement one of the many superior options that are possible.

Hope springs eternal that as my health and mental agility continue to  
improve, I will succeed in finding or building us a new home that will 
be more to everyone's liking, mine included.

Meanwhile, I pray you will forgive me for my admitted shortcomings (to 
accompany my acknowledged strengths, just so y'all don't have to say 
it! grin) and continue to be patient with the clunky interface.

You all keep amazing me with your knowledge, generosity, cooperation, 
and the timeliness of your suggestions! I can't count how often I've 
seen the answer swing by in passing, just as I'd begun to research a 
particular question! Amazing! smile

If anybody has a trustworthy, high-end web developer in their pocket, 
willing to work for free or very near to it, y'all let me know, okay?


Mike D.
silver-list curator and antiquarian...

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re:CSMy first post - selenium

2010-08-27 Thread Norton, Steve
At 4 oz a day, you are at the max daily amount I would take for 10 ppm
CS. Personally, at that amount I would use the selenomethionine form of
selenium. Do you know that the selenium you are taking is not

Taking the selenium at a different time helps in that it prevents the
selenium from complexing with the silver in the digestive tract. If they
did complex in the digestive tract, the selenium/silver complex would
just pass on out in the feces. But the amount of CS you are taking (at
10 ppm) is around the maximum amount the liver can excrete in a day. (I
know about the Altman study that indicates that most of the silver in
EIS is excreted by the kidney. But the info is misleading if you do not
really understand EIS in vivo and how different forms of silver are
excreted by the body. But it is somewhat complex and I do not want to
get into that here.) So the chances of selenium and silver complexing is
significant and I would use selenomethionine to avoid it. Just FYI, I
personally only supplement with selenomethionine. Many forms of selenium
complexes with silver but selenomethionine is the only form I have study
data on that indicates it does not complex with silver.

Below I provide some info on selenium and silver.

 - Steve N

Hepatobiliary transport and organ distribution of silver in the rat as
influenced by selenite.

Bile from rats injected with 110mAgNO3 (1 micromol/kg) were
fractionated on Sephadex G-15 revealing binding of silver to one high
molecular weight substance and one low molecular weight substance
eluting corresponding to the void volume and glutathione (GSH)
respectively. Fractionation of AgNO3 and GSH mixed in vitro gave rise to
a polynuclear complex and a 1 : 1 complex of Ag+-GSH which both eluted
corresponding to silver in bile. Depletion of GSH in the liver by
diethylmaleate (3.9 mmol/kg) caused a parallel decrease in the biliary
excretion of both silver and reduced GSH. These findings support the
hypothesis that silver is excreted into bile by a GSH-dependent
mechanism most likely using GSH as a carrier molecule. Selenite (1
micromol/kg) inhibited the biliary excretion of silver while AgNO3 (1
mumol/kg) did not influence the excretion of selenium into bile.
Pretreatment with selenite (1 micromol/kg) also caused a retention of
silver (AgNO3, 1 micromol/kg) in the blood, kidney and brain. The liver
content of silver was decreased and the organ to plasma ratio of silver
was unchanged for erythrocytes, but decreased for the brain, kidney and
liver, respectively. The effects caused by selenite are attributed to
the formation of Ag2Se complexes which are nearly water insoluble and
probably unavailable for biliary excretion. Selenium metabolites
(GSSeSG, GSSeH) which are excreted into bile are probably not available
for complexing with Ag+.

[I will try and simplify the text above:
1.  Silver (in solution) is excreted in the bile by using
glutathione (GSH) as a carrier molecule.
2.  Selenite, a form of selenium, inhibits the excretion of silver
while silver does not influence the excretion of selenium into bile.
3.  Selenite causes the retention of silver in the blood, kidney and
4.  The effects above are caused by silver-selenium complexes that
are nearly water insoluble and probably unavailable for biliary
5.  Ergo, selenium reduces the excretion of silver and causes
retention in the blood and tissues.]

Toxicological Profile for Silver

The deposition of silver in the kidney was increased under conditions
of high selenium exposure. This may be important in the development of
argyria in people exposed to silver who ingest foods that contain large
amounts of selenium.

It should be noted that selenium plays a dual role in the toxicity of
silver. On the one hand, it increases the silver deposition rate in body
tissues, which suggests that humans exposed to both high selenium and
high silver may be more likely to develop argyria. On the other hand, a
Selenium deficient diet combined with high silver intake can cause liver

As I mentioned, the selenomethionine form of selenium does not cause an
accumulation of silver in the tissues and still provides the necessary
support of the liver. That is documented in the following study:

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, Vol.47 
 Bioavailability of Selenite, Selenomethionine and Selenocystine in Rats
with Silver Loading

To view study select the full text abstract at:

Nevertheless, selenomethionine was the most effective for synthesis of
glutathione perioxidase in the rat liver with silver. This is presumably
because selenomethionine would be hard to combine with accumulating
silver in the liver unless metabolized.

Silver in solution is excreted in the bile by using 

Re:CSMy first post - selenium

2010-08-27 Thread Norton, Steve
Brazil nuts contain mostly selenomethionine.  See:
Characterization of Selenium Species in Brazil Nuts by HPLC−ICP-MS and ES-MS

Extracts are evaluated against available standards for the commercially 
obtainable seleno-amino acids, selenomethionine (SeMet), selenoethionine 
(SeEt), and selenocystine (SeCys); selenomethionine was demonstrated to be the 
most abundant of these seleno-amino acids. Further characterization of 
unidentified selenium-containing peaks is attempted by the employment of 
several procedures, including electrospray-mass spectrometry (ES-MS). A peptide 
structure was identified; however, this was considered a tentative proposal due 
to the large background produced by the extremely complicated brazil nut 

Plus, this would be an issue only if you take large amounts of CS regularly.

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Sandy [] 
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 8:29 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: Re:CSMy first post - selenium

I eat about 5 Brazil nuts a day to get my selenium...wonder where that leaves 
me in the scheme of things?

Best regards,

--- On Fri, 8/27/10, needling around wrote:

 From: needling around
 Subject: Re: Re:CSMy first post - selenium
 Date: Friday, August 27, 2010, 9:34 AM
 Thanks, Steve.  I just checked
 and it is selenomethionine.  I take 200 mcg at
 dinnertime.  So I will keep my level around 4 oz/day
 unless I get sick and need to increase it short term.
 I appreciate the assistance.

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 Colloidal Silver.
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 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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List Owner: Mike Devour


RE: CSanti-microbial???

2010-08-27 Thread Norton, Steve
You flatter me; I am not a chemist. I have not tried this. Your question
would be better answered by Marshall, Ode or Mike.

-  Steve N


From: needling around [] 
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 9:09 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSanti-microbial???



This is a question for Steve and some of the other chemists on the


I have read about and been advised to keep my toothbrushes in an
antimicrobial between use.  The general advise is something like
Listerine but I don't really like that so I have used peroxide for a
long time.  I recently switched to CS.  Evidently toothbrushes are
*seething* (mild hyperbole) with microbes that just keep reinfecting the
mouth and the mouth is one place for focal infections that keep the
immune system challenged.


My question is, If I mix CS and 3% H2O2 will that increase the germ
fighting capability of the liquid or create a whole new chemical that
will do something totally different and perhaps not desirable?


Thanks for any guidance you can give.  



PS:  another good way to sanitize the toothbrush is to put it in the
dishwasher every few days when you run it up.

RE: CSLL) My Thanks to all, Molly has passed.

2010-08-26 Thread Norton, Steve

This story has stuck with me ever since I read it. The link to it is

Years back, I had three white Akitas. The eldest, Keoki, died very
suddenly. He let out a piercing cry and was gone despite hours on my
part of trying to revive him. Keoki and I were almost like a married
couple and when a few days later, I looked at the youngest one, Runeka,
and asked if she missed her father, she looked at me as though she knew
something I was missing. 

Then, all of a sudden, Tilok moved to the part of the bed where Keoki
had always slept and Runeka moved to where Tilok had been. I felt that
they each promoted themselves a rank and this hierarchy became annoying
to me until I looked once again and saw Keoki's aura and realized that
he, too, had moved up a rank. 

After that, he was very happy because he knew I knew where he was. He
used to jump through the open window of the car and sit in the front
seat, another promotion, and he no longer needed my permission to do all
the things he always wanted to do. 

Then, when visiting Hawaii, I decided to drop in on my old Kahuna
friend, Morrnah Simeona. Morrnah asked immediately, Which one of your
dogs died? I asked why. She said, There is a white dog sitting on the
sidewalk who followed you here. I asked, Is he earthbound? She closed
her eyes in the way I had always remembered her doing when important
utterances were soon to follow. I was riveted on her and then her eyes
opened and her lips began to move. She said, He said to tell you that
it is his pleasure to be with you until the end of Time.

Maybe Molly isn't really gone, only changed.

-   Steve N

From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 4:14 PM
Subject: CSLL) My Thanks to all, Molly has passed. 

 Last night Molly was awake all night as were my son Dan  I. She was
crying  we knew she was in pain. We gave her Tylenol codeine which did
not help..This morning she could not get up.  We knew it was time to say
goodbye...The traveling Vet came at 11:00 to day  Molly gently 
quietly crossed over. The vet said that with the kind of cancer Molly
had it was often to late by the time it was causing a problem which was
Molly's problem. The ex ray  showed it had reached her lungs  the vet
said after that it was only a matter of one or two weeks before it did
total damage  spread to many more areas 
   I want to thank you all for your concern  caring   Her brother
Zeke , sister Abby, My sons Dan  John  I were all with her when she
left..The tears only stop for a little while  all those wonderful
memories can start the flow.. What an empty space there is in our lives
now... Thanks again, Lois

RE: EXTERNAL:Re: CShydrogen peroxide - Ode help!!

2010-08-26 Thread Norton, Steve
This one?

-Original Message-
From: Alvin Rose [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 11:33 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CShydrogen peroxide - Ode help!!

Hi Ode
you posted some information on Sodium Chlorite
a while ago..Can you post it again..
I lost my copy..

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CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2010 #708

2010-08-26 Thread Norton, Steve
I did drink some water after taking the turpentine to wash it down. It
was probably less than a half tsp of sugar. You just put the turpentine
in a spoon and add sugar till the turpentine is covered and a little
loose white sugar shows. It is very easy to take and I think it actually
tastes good.


If you put EIS/CS in a jewelry cleaner and turn it on, it will increase
clumping of the silver and increase particle size.


-  Steve N


From: Melly Bag [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 9:15 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2010 #708




Thanks for your tip on turp. Did you drink water immediately after
ingesting the turp and sugar? Wasn't it hard to swallow with sugar quite


Will putting EIS/CS in the ionic jewelry cleaner (like the lipo C) right
after it finishes brewing make the particles smaller and unclump them?





--- On Thu, 8/26/10, wrote:

Subject: silver-digest Digest V2010 #708
Date: Thursday, August 26, 2010, 7:14 AM


Re:CSMy first post

2010-08-26 Thread Norton, Steve
Welcome Dave,

I just read your second post as well, but would like to make a couple of 
comments to this post. 32 oz of 12 ppm CS daily is an awful lot of silver. Far 
more than your body can excrete in a day. If you use that much regularly the 
excess silver has to go somewhere. And that somewhere is your tissues. While I 
understand the severity of your condition having Lyme, etc., I would strongly 
recommend a lower dose.

I would also strongly recommend against the use of silver nitrate. There are 
alternatives that are more effective with less risk of argyria. Silver nitrate 
is notorious for causing argyria. Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, can reduce it to 
metallic silver in the tissues where it then remains and contributes to 
argyria. A much better alternative is silver citrate, which is easy to make. 
However, you will still need to limit it's usage to reasonable quantities. 

If you are supplementing selenium while using large amounts of CS, and you 
should be, use the selenomethionine form of selenium. It will not complex with 
silver and cause the deposition of silver in the tissues. 

I first started using CS to get me away from a continuous use of antibiotics. 
The CS got me off antibiotics but I was using more CS than I liked. I found 
that cycling CS with iodine worked well for me and now I use fairly low amounts 
of either. I hope you find something that works for you.

  Steve N

From: David AuBuchon [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 8:02 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSMy first post

Hi All,

I'm new to this list.  I've been following every CS group on yahoo, but they 
all seem pretty dead!  This one looks like the goldmine I've been looking for!

I'm here to learn about all sorts of innumerable details of CS.  I am not in 
the biz, but have not ruled out the possibility that some day I might be.  
Hence I want to learn, learn, learn.  

I have Lyme, bartonella, babesia, mycoplasma, candida, and I don't know what 
else.  A regular swamp.  I believe Lyme is minimal now and candida is 
essentially a non issue now.  Bartonella I think is the main enemy by far right 
now.  I have been sick since age 16, and just kind of lived with it until age 
22.  I couldn't live with it anymore.  It was do or die.  In what I now think 
was truly a race for my life, I finally got diagnosed with Lyme at age 23.  
Somehow I finished grad school.  I am now 25, and too sick to work.  I have a 
B.S. and M.S. in industrial engineering from a top university.  

I've done all sorts of crazy therapies.  The ones that have helped the most for 
my particular case:

1.  Coconut oil absolutely ransacked candida where as nystatin and diflucan had 
no apparent effect at all.

2.  Doug coil rife machine herxed and improved on Lyme frequencies and 
eventually stopped being effective.  Presumably because the other infections 
are the bad guys left.

3.  Homemade ionic silver.  Sometimes as much as 32 oz a day.  Somewhat 
regularly for a few months.  Then it stopped being effective orally.  If I 
don't take it for 4 or 5 days, I feel some bugs edging up.  I take CS, then 
it knocks that feeling out for 4 or 5 days.  I think I might slowly head 
backwards if I did not keep doing this with the CS.

In general, I tend not to respond to treatments.  I am the guy who wishes he 
could get something to make him herx, but just can't.

The latest development in my treatment:

IV silver nitrate

I have had two treatments so far.  First one have me a herx that was almost 
literally identical to flu.  Fever, chills, weakness, etc.  I have never in my 
life had a herx that felt like the immune system was actually doing its job!  
The second treatment was lower dose cuz I was scared after the first 
treatment.  No flu symptoms but more usual herx symptoms (fatigue, 
depression, brain fog).  Round three is this friday!


p.s.  to reply to messages, do I just click reply to it when I get messages 
in my gmail inbox?  I subscribed to the digest.

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CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2010 #705

2010-08-25 Thread Norton, Steve
I used turpentine for a case of UTI. It was very quick and effective. I
took 1 drop of pure turpentine with a half tsp of white sugar.  There
were no observable effects other than the elimination of the infection.


-  Steve N


From: Melly Bag [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 10:10 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2010 #705


To those of us that use CS/H202 and other anti baceterial/fungal as
nasal spray/throat/mouth wash, we have to bear in mind that our nasal
membranes/mouth  also contain friendly bacteria, so let us not out of
habit use it too often.  We need those friendly bacteria to be present.


Yesterday, early morning i began symptoms of UTI. I immediatley took an
ounce of EIS/CS. The pain began to increase. I also increased my EIS/CS
but added DMSO every 30 minutes as well as water intake and took one
painkiller.  My hubby came home to take me to the doc (an hour away) and
on the say to the clinic, i kept urinating (on thick paper towel
diapers) with pain.  I emptied my bladder before doc came to the room,
and i all of a sudden felt fine, this  is at noon time.  Frequency of
urinating eased as well as the pain. He prescribed antibiotics. For fear
that it would come back, i still took the antibiotic (3 hours later) but
dropped the painkiller and EIS/CS.  Due to my dropping the EIS/CS, and
no medication taken til 3pm, the frequency came back as well as light
pain.  I hesitated if i should take the antibiotic coz i knew that
CS/DMSO took care of the problem.  I write this to show that EIS/CS
with DMSO if taken immediately and spaced often, can eliminate the UTI.







CSusing electricity for healing - Part 1

2010-08-25 Thread Norton, Steve

This is in 2 parts due to its size.

On another list, the subject using electricity for healing came up.
Since we had discussed using electricity for pain relief earlier this
month I am providing some info found regarding using electricity for
healing  There appears to be three approaches: high voltage (150V),
medium voltage/currents or low voltage/ultralow currents. I suspect that
the end use might determine which approach is best for a particular
application. There is great similarity between using electricity for
healing, pain reduction or muscle stimulation. The 3 applications could
easily share common electronics. Below are some NCBI abstracts that I
think are informative
  - Steve N

Accelerated healing of skin ulcers by electrical stimulation and the
intracellular physiological mechanisms involved.

Evidence is reviewed (8 studies involving 215 clinical patients with
ischemic skin ulcers and 7 animal tissue or tissue culture studies) that
electrical stimulation of fibroblast cells accelerates the intracellular
biosynthesis necessary to form new granulation tissue in a healing
wound, and that both a direct local tissue effect and a circulatory
improvement occur. A model is presented in which transmembrane currents
open voltage-controlled calcium channels in fibroblast cells, causing
ATP resynthesis, activation of protein kinase mechanisms to synthesize
new cellular protein, and the DNA replication necessary for mitotic cell
division. Stimulation efficacy appears to be determined by a number of
basic electrical parameters, and judicious waveform control is
Electrical stimulation therapy increases rate of healing of pressure
ulcers in community-dwelling people with spinal cord injury.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether electric stimulation therapy (EST)
administered as part of a community-based, interdisciplinary wound care
program accelerates healing of pressure ulcers in people with spinal
cord injury (SCI).

DESIGN: Single-blind, parallel-group, randomized, controlled, clinical

SETTING: Community-based home care setting, Ontario, Canada.

PARTICIPANTS: Adults (N=34; mean age +/- SD, 51+/-14y) with SCI and
stage II to IV pressure ulcers.

INTERVENTIONS: Subjects were stratified based on wound severity and
duration and randomly assigned to receive either a customized,
community-based standard wound care (SWC) program that included pressure
management or the wound care program plus high-voltage pulsed current
applied to the wound bed (EST+SWC).

MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Wound healing measured by reduction in wound size
and improvement in wound appearance at 3 months of treatment with

RESULTS: The percentage decrease in wound surface area (WSA) at the end
of the intervention period was significantly greater in the EST+SWC
group (mean +/- SD, 70+/-25%) than in the SWC group (36+/-61%; P=.048).
The proportion of stage III, IV, or X pressure ulcers improving by at
least 50% WSA was significantly greater in the EST+SWC group than in the
SWC group (P=.02). Wound appearance assessed using the photographic
wound assessment tool was improved in wounds treated with EST+SWC but
not SWC alone.

CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that EST can stimulate healing of
pressure ulcers of people with SCI. EST can be incorporated successfully
into an interdisciplinary wound care program in the community

I include this one because it shows that random pulses work in addition
to periodic pulses:
The effect of stochastic electrical noise on hard-to-heal wounds.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of electrical stochastic noise
stimulation on hard-to-heal wounds.

METHOD: This open-label observational case series aimed to evaluate the
effect of the Bioelectrical Signal Therapy (BST) device on the treatment
of hard-to-heal (recalcitrant) wounds. The study group comprised nine
patients (three males and six females), with a total of 11 ulcers that
had not healed (ulcer duration range: 18 months to 20 years) despite
being treated with other standard methods. Ulcer aetiologies were: EPUAP
grade IV pressure ulcers (n=6) and grade III pressure ulcer (n=1),
vasculitic ulcer (n=1), post-actinic lesion (n=1), ischaemic (n=1) and
post-surgical lesion (n=1). The median patient age was 75. Treatment was
delivered for 30 minutes, three times a day for 60 days.

RESULTS: Four patients (five ulcers) closed completely. Ulcers in three
patients reduced in size with signs of epithelialisation. No improvement
was observed in one patient (who had paraplegia). One patient stopped
treatment due to skin irritation at electrode sites. No other adverse
effects were observed and all of the treated patients defined the
treatment as painless.

CONCLUSION: Stochastic white noise applied to hard-to-heal ulcers for 60
consecutive days reduced the wound surface area by 

CSusing electricity for healing - Part 2

2010-08-25 Thread Norton, Steve

Chronic dermal ulcer healing enhanced with monophasic pulsed electrical

The purposes of this randomized, double-blind, multicenter study were to
compare healing of chronic dermal ulcers treated with pulsed electrical
stimulation with healing of similar wounds treated with sham electrical
stimulation and to evaluate patient tolerance to the therapeutic
protocol. Forty-seven patients, aged 29 to 91 years, with 50 stage II,
III, and IV ulcers were randomly assigned to either a treatment group (n
= 26) or a control (sham treatment) group (n = 24). Treated wounds
received 30 minutes of pulsed cathodal electrical stimulation twice
daily at a pulse frequency of 128 pulses per second (pps) and a peak
amplitude of 29.2 mA if the wound contained necrotic tissue or any
drainage that was not serosanguinous. A saline-moistened nontreatment
electrode was applied 30.5 cm (12 in) cephalad from the wound. This
protocol was continued for 3 days after the wound was debrided or
exhibited serosanguinous drainage. Thereafter, the polarity of the
treatment electrode on the wound was changed every 3 days until the
wound progressed to a stage II classification. The pulse frequency was
then reduced to 64 pps, and the treatment electrode polarity was changed
daily until the wound was healed. Patients in the control group were
treated with the same protocol, except they received sham electrical
stimulation. After 4 weeks, wounds in the treatment and control groups
were 44% and 67% of their initial size, respectively. The healing rates
per week for the treatment and control groups were 14% and 8.25%,
respectively. The results of this study indicate that pulsed electrical
stimulation has a beneficial effect on healing stage II, III, and IV
chronic dermal ulcers.

Ultra-low microcurrent in the management of diabetes mellitus,
hypertension and chronic wounds: report of twelve cases and discussion
of mechanism of action.

Oxidative stress plays a major role in the pathogenesis of both types of
diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases including hypertension.
The low levels of antioxidants accompanied by raised levels of markers
of free radical damage play a major role in delaying wound healing.
Ultra-low microcurrent presumably has an antioxidant effect, and it was
shown to accelerate wound healing. The purpose of the study is to
investigate the efficacy of ultra-low microcurrent delivered by the
Electro Pressure Regeneration Therapy (EPRT) device (EPRT
Technologies-USA, Simi Valley, CA) in the management of diabetes,
hypertension and chronic wounds. The EPRT device is an electrical device
that sends a pulsating stream of electrons in a relatively low
concentration throughout the body. The device is noninvasive and
delivers electrical currents that mimic the endogenous electric energy
of the human body. It is a rechargeable battery-operated device that
delivers a direct current (maximum of 3 milliAmperes) of one polarity
for 11.5 minutes, which then switched to the opposite polarity for
another 11.5 minutes. The resulting cycle time is approximately 23min or
0.000732 Hz and delivers a square wave bipolar current with a voltage
ranging from 5V up to a maximum of 40 V. The device produces a current
range of 3 mA down to 100 nA. Twelve patients with long standing
diabetes, hypertension and unhealed wounds were treated with EPRT. The
patients were treated approximately for 3.5 h/day/5 days a week.
Assessment of ulcer was based on scale used by National Pressure Ulcer
Advisory Panel Consensus Development Conference. Patients were
followed-up with daily measurement of blood pressure and blood glucose
level, and their requirement for medications was recorded. Treatment
continued from 2-4 months according to their response. Results showed
that diabetes mellitus and hypertension were well controlled after using
this device, and their wounds were markedly healed (30-100%). The
patients either reduced their medication or completely stopped after the
course of treatment. No side effects were reported. The mechanism of
action was discussed.

INFO ON WAVEFORMS (muscle stimulation):
Effects of waveform on comfort during neuromuscular electrical

Electrical stimulation is a commonly used clinical tool, but subject and
patient comfort is still a major problem retarding its widespread
application. Stimulus waveform in combination with pulse duration can
play a major part in subject comfort. An asymmetric balanced biphasic
square waveform was perceived as comfortable and was clinically
effective in stimulating wrist flexor and extensor muscles. Subjects
preferred the square waveforms over a paired spike monophasic waveform.
In the larger quadriceps muscle group, a symmetric biphasic square wave
was perceived as more comfortable than either a monophasic paired 

CSRE: Turpentine For Viruses?

2010-08-25 Thread Norton, Steve
I have only seen data that it is effective against the HSV-1 virus.

-  Steve N


From: Peter Converse [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 12:22 PM
To: Norton, Steve;
Subject: EXTERNAL:Turpentine For Viruses?


Hi Steve and all,


Anyone know if turpentine would help with chronic viruses such as EBV,
CMV, XMRV etc?



- Original Message - 

From: Norton, Steve  


Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:18 PM

Subject: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2010 #705


I used turpentine for a case of UTI. It was very quick and
effective. I took 1 drop of pure turpentine with a half tsp of white
sugar.  There were no observable effects other than the elimination of
the infection.


-  Steve N



Re: CSFarfetched Idea

2010-08-24 Thread Norton, Steve
Do you by any chance have a link?
 _ Steve N

-Original Message-
From: needling around [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 6:11 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSFarfetched Idea

Hi Steve,
I read a link some months ago written by a gentleman with argyria with 
pictures.  It detailed his journey from being blue to being flesh toned
directions people could follow.

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CSSilver Nanoparticle Toxicity

2010-08-24 Thread Norton, Steve
I am sure that you have heard that the nanoparticle versions of some
commonly use substances have been shown to have a significantly
increased toxicity. Part of the problem is that the nanoparticles can be
absorbed through the skin and accumulate in the tissues of the body.
Zinc oxide is a case in point. Several links are provided below as an
example but are not discussed. It is not my intent to create a fear of
zinc oxide.  In fact, it has been found that coating zinc oxide
nanoparticles with dimethicone reduces or eliminates zinc oxide
nanoparticle absorption and so most topical lotions or creams containing
zinc oxide nanoparticles include dimethicone in the composition for this

However, silver nanoparticles have been identified in the studies as
particularly harmful because of their high reactivity. Concerned about
the possible accumulation of silver particles in the brain, I had mostly
converted to using purely ionic silver. But based on the study I have
previously posted on, High Chemical Reactivity of Silver Nanoparticles
Toward Hydrochloric Acid, I don't think that is necessary since silver
nanoparticles do not survive the stomach's acid as particles. However it
may be prudent to use CS that is primarily ionic for nasal sprays and
nebulizing since any particles in the solution are not converted by
stomach acid.

I think that the study, High Chemical Reactivity of Silver Nanoparticles
Toward Hydrochloric Acid, is of ground breaking importance. It
completely changes the heretofore understanding of how colloidal silver
particles act in vivo. 

 - Steve N
Toxicity of Nanoparticles: Zinc Oxide on the Brain
Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Used in Suncreens are Toxic to Colon

Studies that discuss silver nanoparticle toxicity:
On the Toxicity of Therapeutically Used Nanoparticles: An Overview
In Vitro Cytotoxicity of Nanoparticles in Mammalian Germline Stem Cells

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Re: CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate solution

2010-08-24 Thread Norton, Steve
It should work ok.
 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: AnnieBSmythe [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL:Re: CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate

If I have some previously prepared ionic copper, can I just add the 
citric acid like with the silver? Or will that not work the same?


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RE: CSpederson's silver

2010-08-23 Thread Norton, Steve

I tried to post this last Saturday but the servers wouldn't let me.

I know my previous post was brief. But working on a Blackberry is a pain for 
me. And since I can't specify plaintext with the Blackberry, the message 
quickly gets too large. 
The brevity was not to try and cut off discussion. I knew my comment on silver 
oxide (SO) could be controversial and I hoped for feedback from others. 

I had wondered about SO and getting through the stomach and so I looked for 
information on the web. As you know, a balanced equation for a reaction doesn't 
tell you everything. For example, does the reaction require heat, a certain 
concentration or a long reaction time? 

I was confident regarding SO that is in solution but not as sure about SO bound 
to a silver particle and if the bound SO would be in HCl long enough to be 
converted. From what I have read, transition times through the stomach are 
typically 1 to 3 hours with liquids at the low end. That seemed like enough 
time to me. 

There was a reason I included reduction of the SO to metallic silver as one of 
the possible reactions. I saw somewhere on the net that could happen. But I did 
not bookmark the site and I have not been able to found it again. It is 
entirely possible that I read it wrong, esp. since I was on the BB.  

To further cloud the issue is particle size. I have found a multitude of 
claimed particle sizes for Silver Solutions. The patent claims 50% of particles 
are less than 15 nm. A safety analysis claims 2.34 nm particle size. And the 
Guardian Silver Sol vs Colloidal Silver page claims 0.05 to 0.1 nm particle 
size. It would be nice if they would stick to one story. Those particle sizes 
would VERY roughly equate to the following quantities of silver atoms in a 
silver particle:

* 1 nm, approx 30 atoms
* 2.34, nm approx 400 atoms
* 15 nm, approx 100,000 atoms

The reason I mention the no. of atoms is the following report:

High chemical reactivity of silver nanoparticles toward hydrochloric acid

High chemical reactivity of Ag nanoparticles was observed in the reaction with 
hydrochloric acid: Ag (nanoparticles) +HCI - AgCl + H-2; the reaction product 
silver chloride was characterized by X-ray powder diffraction to give a direct 
evidence for the reaction which has been proved impossible for the bulk Ag.

I don't have access to the full report but even 15 nm is well within the 
definition of a nanoparticle ( or = to 100 nm). But is 100,000 atoms too large 
a particle to convert? This would indicate that stomach acid could potentially 
convert ALL silver in EIS and nanoparticle colloidal silvers, such as 
Mesosilver, to AgCl. It would also seem that HCl would not then have a problem 
converting all the silver and silver oxide in Silver Sol (Silver Solutions, 
ASAP, etc.) to AgCl as well.

I am not a chemist, so does anyone care to speculate?

Steve N

- Original Message -
From: Norton, Steve []
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2010 11:04 AM
Subject: Re:CSpederson's silver

I am on a Blackberry right now so my internet capabilities are limited. A 
couple references are below. 

 - Steve N

The ionic portion is a combination of silver hydroxide and silver oxide. While 
in solution they continually convert from one to the other and back again. Each 
has a solubility of about 13 ppm, so any EIS which is less than about 26 ppm 
and a pH of 7 will be totally dissolved. Upon contact with the HCl 
(hydrochloric acid) of the stomach both of these compounds will immediately 
form silver chloride

2) A slurry of Ag2O is readily attacked by acids:Ag2O + 2 HX → 2 AgX + H2O 
where HX = HF, HCl, HBr, or HI,


CSFarfetched Idea

2010-08-23 Thread Norton, Steve

Resend attempt.

Here is what is probably a farfetched idea. It is based on the study
that showed that silver nanoparticles are highly reactive with
hydrochloric acid (link below). It turns out that HCl is compatible with
DMSO. There are quite a number of articles on the net relative to DMSO
and HCl. For example:
Ion association in solutions of HCl in DMSO-water mixtures: ultrasonic
absorption studies

Would it be possible that an HCl/DMSO solution could be used topically
to convert metallic silver in the skin to silver chloride? Then the
silver chloride could go into solution and be eliminated from the body?
It would have to be a somewhat dilute HCl, say a pH of 5 - 6? Metallic
silver is usually found in tissues in argyria cases.

- Steve N

High chemical reactivity of silver nanoparticles toward hydrochloric

High chemical reactivity of Ag nanoparticles was observed in the
reaction with hydrochloric acid: Ag (nanoparticles) +HCI - AgCl + H-2;
the reaction product silver chloride was characterized by X-ray powder
diffraction to give a direct evidence for the reaction which has been
proved impossible for the bulk Ag.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: EXTERNAL:Re:CSpederson's silver

2010-08-21 Thread Norton, Steve

I am on a Blackberry right now so my internet capabilities are limited. A 
couple references are below. 

 - Steve N

The ionic portion is a combination of silver hydroxide and silver oxide. While 
in solution they continually convert from one to the other and back again. Each 
has a solubility of about 13 ppm, so any EIS which is less than about 26 ppm 
and a pH of 7 will be totally dissolved. Upon contact with the HCl 
(hydrochloric acid) of the stomach both of these compounds will immediately 
form silver chloride

2) A slurry of Ag2O is readily attacked by acids:Ag2O + 2 HX → 2 AgX + H2O 
where HX = HF, HCl, HBr, or HI,


- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote []
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2010 04:35 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re:CSpederson's silver

  How do we know that?
I don't recall silver oxides and tummies even having been discussed over 
all these years.


At 06:21 AM 8/20/2010 -0500, you wrote:

One last point. Stomach acid will convert the silver oxide coating on 
the  silver particles to either metallic silver or silver chloride. So 
Guardian Silver  pre-oxidizing their silver particles provides no benefit 
over any other colloidal silver when taken internally.

  - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: CSpederson's silver

Guardian Silver consists of primarily silver particles. All silver 
particles work by releasing silver ions and it is the silver ions that are 
anti-microbial. Silver ions are not released from pure silver. In vivo, 
silver particles form silver oxide on its surface and it is the silver 
oxide that releases silver ions and provide the anti-microbial activity. 
Guardian Silver claims to pre-oxidize their silver particles
by adding hydrogen peroxide to their CS when making it. That is the sum 
total of the uniqueness of their CS. There may be some benefit to
pre-oxidizing the silver particles vs waiting for it to happen in vivo.

Guardian Silver consists of primarily silver particles. All silver
particles work by releasing silver ions and it is the silver ions that
are anti-microbial. Silver ions are not released from pure silver. In
vivo, silver particles form silver oxide on its surface and it is the
silver oxide that releases silver ions and provide the anti-microbial
activity. Guardian Silver claims to pre-oxidize their silver particles
by adding hydrogen peroxide to their CS when making it. That is the sum
total of the uniqueness of their CS. There may be some benefit to
pre-oxidizing the silver particles vs waiting for it to happen in vivo.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re:CSpederson's silver

2010-08-20 Thread Norton, Steve

One last point. Stomach acid will convert the silver oxide coating on the  
silver particles to either metallic silver or silver chloride. So Guardian 
Silver  pre-oxidizing their silver particles provides no benefit over any other 
colloidal silver when taken internally. 

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve 
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: CSpederson's silver

Guardian Silver consists of primarily silver particles. All silver particles 
work by releasing silver ions and it is the silver ions that are 
anti-microbial. Silver ions are not released from pure silver. In vivo, silver 
particles form silver oxide on its surface and it is the silver oxide that 
releases silver ions and provide the anti-microbial activity. Guardian Silver 
claims to pre-oxidize their silver particles
by adding hydrogen peroxide to their CS when making it. That is the sum total 
of the uniqueness of their CS. There may be some benefit to
pre-oxidizing the silver particles vs waiting for it to happen in vivo.

Guardian Silver consists of primarily silver particles. All silver
particles work by releasing silver ions and it is the silver ions that
are anti-microbial. Silver ions are not released from pure silver. In
vivo, silver particles form silver oxide on its surface and it is the
silver oxide that releases silver ions and provide the anti-microbial
activity. Guardian Silver claims to pre-oxidize their silver particles
by adding hydrogen peroxide to their CS when making it. That is the sum
total of the uniqueness of their CS. There may be some benefit to
pre-oxidizing the silver particles vs waiting for it to happen in vivo.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: EXTERNAL:Re: CSpederson's silver

2010-08-20 Thread Norton, Steve
Thanks Marshall. 
I wasn't going to argue with the patent. But since silver oxide on the 
particles should show as brown and Silver Sol (ASAP, etc) are clear it did not 
add up. 
See for the color of silver oxide

 - Steve N

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2010 10:51 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSpederson's silver

Adding hydrogen peroxide to CS is something we have been doing for a 
long time.  It does increase the effectiveness, but not by preoxidizing. 
They got the chemistry all wrong.  You cannot preoxidize the silver on 
the particles and expect it to stay there. It has a solubility of around 
13 ppm (26 when you consider it changes back and forth between silver 
hydroxide), and will thus immediately dissolve off, making plain old 
ionic silver.  But H2O2 is not just an oxidizer, it is a redux agent, 
and not only converts the particles to silver oxide, but the silver 
oxide/hydroxide back to two atom colloidal particles. That is why it 
increases effectiveness, it breaks the colloidal particles down to the 
smallest possible units.  We have known this for years here.


Norton, Steve wrote:
 One last point. Stomach acid will convert the silver oxide coating on the  
 silver particles to either metallic silver or silver chloride. So Guardian 
 Silver  pre-oxidizing their silver particles provides no benefit over any 
 other colloidal silver when taken internally. 

  - Steve N

 -Original Message-
 From: Norton, Steve 
 Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 10:16 AM
 Subject: Re: CSpederson's silver

 Guardian Silver consists of primarily silver particles. All silver particles 
 work by releasing silver ions and it is the silver ions that are 
 anti-microbial. Silver ions are not released from pure silver. In vivo, 
 silver particles form silver oxide on its surface and it is the silver oxide 
 that releases silver ions and provide the anti-microbial activity. Guardian 
 Silver claims to pre-oxidize their silver particles
 by adding hydrogen peroxide to their CS when making it. That is the sum total 
 of the uniqueness of their CS. There may be some benefit to
 pre-oxidizing the silver particles vs waiting for it to happen in vivo.

 Guardian Silver consists of primarily silver particles. All silver
 particles work by releasing silver ions and it is the silver ions that
 are anti-microbial. Silver ions are not released from pure silver. In
 vivo, silver particles form silver oxide on its surface and it is the
 silver oxide that releases silver ions and provide the anti-microbial
 activity. Guardian Silver claims to pre-oxidize their silver particles
 by adding hydrogen peroxide to their CS when making it. That is the sum
 total of the uniqueness of their CS. There may be some benefit to
 pre-oxidizing the silver particles vs waiting for it to happen in vivo.

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour


Re: CSpederson's silver

2010-08-19 Thread Norton, Steve

Damn, I hate to get involved in commenting on commercially sold
colloidal silvers. It is a frustrating no-win proposition. Let me say
that I have no horse in this race. Personally I use several types of
colloidal silver that I make myself. I sell no colloidal silver or
related products. This will sound harsh, but I don't really care if you
take silver or what silver you use. Ode and some others are more patient
and giving than I am in their help because there are many sellers of
colloidal silver and there many misrepresentations of colloidal silver.
Especially by people selling colloidal silver trying to differentiate
THEIR CS from everyone else's. But I want to support Ode's comments.
There is so much misinformation on the Silver Sol site that it is hard
to decide where to start. Plus it is mixed in with good information that
muddles everything. Let's start with the following from the Guardian

Guardian Silver works by four primary mechanisms: 

* The unique oxide coating of the elemental silver nano particle
ruptures the outer membrane of bacteria by removing an electron from the
cell wall, killing the bacteria on contact. 
* The silver nano particle emits a specific magnetic resonance-890-910
terahertz-which is selectively destructive to pathogens. 
* Supercharged silver sol particles magnetically interfere with the DNA
of viruses, rendering them inactive and unable to replicate. 
* The outer chemical structure of Guardian Silver effectively disrupts
the communication of intercellular activity.

Guardian Silver consists of primarily silver particles. All silver
particles work by releasing silver ions and it is the silver ions that
are anti-microbial. Silver ions are not released from pure silver. In
vivo, silver particles form silver oxide on its surface and it is the
silver oxide that releases silver ions and provide the anti-microbial
activity. Guardian Silver claims to pre-oxidize their silver particles
by adding hydrogen peroxide to their CS when making it. That is the sum
total of the uniqueness of their CS. There may be some benefit to
pre-oxidizing the silver particles vs waiting for it to happen in vivo.
Is it worth the cost? You will have to decide that. 
So the first and last bullets above apply to ALL colloidal silvers,
including ionic silvers. 

For the second bullet, replace the word  magnetic with magic in the
text and you have a more accurate and understandable representation.

For the third bullet, delete the word  magnetically and you have a
statement that applies to all colloidal silvers, including ionic

I scanned through the technical data they provide and only have problems
with the papers they have generated. I don't have time to correct all
the misrepresentations but I would never do business with a company that
so misrepresents their product as they do. You ask for hard science to
rebut Silver Sol's claims but you start by accepting their crap data as
fact until proven otherwise. As I said, I don't care what you use.
Silver Sol is probably as good as any other particulate colloidal

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 4:25 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSpederson's silver

To unravel that mess would take a tome

And it might work just fine.
Better than dirt cheap easy to make Ionic Silver and colloidal
byproducts ?
Probably not.
Even if there is a difference, is it worth the price difference and an 
expensive dependency on a salesman that minces the facts into complete 

The most telling is the chart that lumps all colloidal silver forms in
ionic and claims that neither has a charge.
It just ain't so.

One flat out lie throws the whole speal into suspect land.

Consider an intriguing comparison of this new silver sol vs. colloidal 
silver9. While one colloidal silver product was found to inhibit the
of E. coli (bacteria that causes food poisoning, diarrhea, etc.) at 
concentrations of 1500 ppm, silver sol killed E. coli at a concentration
only 5 ppm. This makes the silver sol several hundred times more
than comparable colloid solutions.

## Ionic silver does it at as little as 3 parts per billion. [BYU study]

faster at 3 just what is this One Silver Product that's so 
ineffective? ..a freekin chunk of SPOON ??
colloid solution  NOT.  It's either a colloidal suspension [by
of colloid]  or an ionic solution, or a mixture of both...two DIFFERENT 
things in the same container.

Besides...That's NOT a comparable colloid solution [ignoring the
of terms]...unless.. it would have done the same job at 3PPM and 1500
just overkill.
Is inhibit the same result as kill ?  E Coli has a short live span..if
inhibit growth, ie replication... it dies of old age in minutes with no 
babies.  Dead colony is dead individuals. Dead is dead.
I could go on for days about mis-directive use 

CSLink to the CS/antibiotics compatibility test

2010-08-19 Thread Norton, Steve

Here is a link to the CS/antibiotics compatibility test. It was provided
at the Guardian Silver site.

 - Steve N
Bactericidal activity of combinations of Silver-Water Dispersion(tm)
with 19 antibiotics against seven microbial strains

Antibiotic discs used in this investigation are standardized discs by
Pathoteq Biological Laboratories, India: Amoxicillin (AX, 30 mcg),
Carbenicillin (CN, 100 mcg), Cefoperazone (CP, 75 mcg), Ceftizidime (FG,
30 mcg), Ciprofloxacin (RC, 5 mcg), Clindamycin (CD, 2 mcg), Doxycycline
(DX, 30 mcg), Erythromycin (ER, 15 mcg), Gentamycin (GM, 10 mcg),
Kanamycin (KA, 30 mcg), Nalidixic Acid (NA, 30 mcg), Oxacillin (OC, 1
mcg), Penicillin-G (PG, 10 units), Rifampin (RF, 5 mcg), Streptomycin
(SM, 10 mcg), Tetracycline(TE, 5 mcg) Tobramycin (TB, 10 mcg) and
Trimethoprim (TP, 5 mcg).

The organisms used are: E. coli (MDR) strain from stool sample; Ps.
aeruginosa (multiple-drug resistant) strain from sputum. These two
strains were obtained from P.D. Hinduja Hospital (Mumbai);
Methicillin-resistant S. aureus was obtained from Lokmanya Tilak
Muncipal Hospital. Shigella flexneri, Salmonella typhi, S. aureus 6538
P, Bacillus subtilis and Candida albicans are in-house laboratory

Thus the number of tests completed was 96 out of the possible 133
between 19 antibiotics and seven organisms. The test showed that five
combinations were synergistic, 89 dditive and two antagonistic.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSpederson's silver

2010-08-19 Thread Norton, Steve
What I should have said is that people can put out misinformation on
colloidal silver faster than anyone can counter it and in quantities
that no one has the time to counter. Guardian Silver is one example.
They probably have a good product but possibly their greed has caused
them to create misinformation in order to persuade people to buy their
We would much prefer teaching people about CS so that they can evaluate
CS suppliers themselves and make good decisions. The only silvers that
you will hear warnings against are perhaps silver nitrate and mild
silver protein (MSP) colloidal silvers because of their risk of argyria
and poor performance. 
 Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve 
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: CSpederson's silver


Damn, I hate to get involved in commenting on commercially sold
colloidal silvers. It is a frustrating no-win proposition. Let me say
that I have no horse in this race. Personally I use several types of
colloidal silver that I make myself. I sell no colloidal silver or
related products. This will sound harsh, but I don't really care if you
take silver or what silver you use. Ode and some others are more patient
and giving than I am in their help because there are many sellers of
colloidal silver and there many misrepresentations of colloidal silver.
Especially by people selling colloidal silver trying to differentiate
THEIR CS from everyone else's. But I want to support Ode's comments.
There is so much misinformation on the Silver Sol site that it is hard
to decide where to start. Plus it is mixed in with good information that
muddles everything. Let's start with the following from the Guardian

Guardian Silver works by four primary mechanisms: 

* The unique oxide coating of the elemental silver nano particle
ruptures the outer membrane of bacteria by removing an electron from the
cell wall, killing the bacteria on contact. 
* The silver nano particle emits a specific magnetic resonance-890-910
terahertz-which is selectively destructive to pathogens. 
* Supercharged silver sol particles magnetically interfere with the DNA
of viruses, rendering them inactive and unable to replicate. 
* The outer chemical structure of Guardian Silver effectively disrupts
the communication of intercellular activity.

Guardian Silver consists of primarily silver particles. All silver
particles work by releasing silver ions and it is the silver ions that
are anti-microbial. Silver ions are not released from pure silver. In
vivo, silver particles form silver oxide on its surface and it is the
silver oxide that releases silver ions and provide the anti-microbial
activity. Guardian Silver claims to pre-oxidize their silver particles
by adding hydrogen peroxide to their CS when making it. That is the sum
total of the uniqueness of their CS. There may be some benefit to
pre-oxidizing the silver particles vs waiting for it to happen in vivo.
Is it worth the cost? You will have to decide that. 
So the first and last bullets above apply to ALL colloidal silvers,
including ionic silvers. 

For the second bullet, replace the word  magnetic with magic in the
text and you have a more accurate and understandable representation.

For the third bullet, delete the word  magnetically and you have a
statement that applies to all colloidal silvers, including ionic

I scanned through the technical data they provide and only have problems
with the papers they have generated. I don't have time to correct all
the misrepresentations but I would never do business with a company that
so misrepresents their product as they do. You ask for hard science to
rebut Silver Sol's claims but you start by accepting their crap data as
fact until proven otherwise. As I said, I don't care what you use.
Silver Sol is probably as good as any other particulate colloidal

 - Steve N

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSUrea for dry skin and odorless DMSO

2010-08-13 Thread Norton, Steve
I happened to be searching the archives regarding urea. I came across a
method to eliminate the odor  caused by DMSO. It only works for topical
use of DMSO. Here are the links:

Regarding dry skin, I have had great success with the elimination of dry
scaly skin using urea. This in itself is no great shakes as it has been
know that urea is great for this application for some time. This
description from a patent pretty much describes the condition I had:

Dry skin is a common condition associated with a plurality of disorders
and frequently requires therapeutic intervention. 

Dermatologists often call dry skin in later life xerosis or

Xerosis is a term used to describe abnormal skin dryness. Ichthyosis is
a term used to described a group of cutaneous disorders characterized by
increased or aberrant keratinisation, and resulting in non-inflammatory
scaling of the skin. There are at least 20 varieties of ichthyosis,
including inherited and acquired forms. Further details regarding
xerosis and ichthyosis can be found inAtlas of Clinical Dermatologyby
Anthony du Vivier, 3rd edition (July 17,2002) Publisher: Churchill
Livingstone, which is incorporated herein by reference. 

Dry skin often leads to dermatitis, a condition in which the skin
becomes red and itchy, and which is typically characterized by a
crazy-paving appearance on the lower legs (eczema craquele) or round
patches scattered over the trunk and limbs (a dry form of nummular
dermatitis). In some cases of dermatitis, such as, for example, winter
itch, 7th age itch, or senile pruritus, the dry skin is just itchy,
without much of a rash. 

Dry skin results from, or is aggravated by, low humidity, sunlight,
abrasive clothing and/or a repeated use of soaps, detergents or other
lipid solvents, and is further strongly influenced by factors such as
age, race, genetics, climate and lifestyle.

One problem with urea is that once it is mixed with water, the urea
slowly converts to ammonia and you get an ammonia smell. 

It is also known that lactic acid combined with urea is more effective
than urea alone for difficult skin cases. So I added 20 percent urea and
10 percent ethyl lactate to the magnesium solution that I use to spray
on my skin. Ethyl lactate converts to ethyl alcohol and lactic acid in
the skin. It is also used to treat skin conditions on animals. I just
figured I would see how it all works and see what odor problems develop
with the urea.  It completely cleared up my skin condition and as yet no
urea odor problems. Note that I say no urea odor problems. Ethyl
lactate does have an odor but it quickly dissipates after application.
So I did a search and found that ethyl lactate does prevent the ammonia
odor when used with urea. Sometimes you just stumble across the right

My source for the ethyl lactate was: Klean Strip Green Natural
Multi-Purpose Solvent.
The MSDS for the product gives a purity of greater than 99%. See:

 - Steve N

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSRE: Urea for dry skin RE: Urea for dry skin - and hair

2010-08-13 Thread Norton, Steve

Oh, I have also added the urea/ethyl lactate to my shampoo in the same
proportions. It has greatly helped with a scalp condition and there is
no need for a conditioner after its use.

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 9:37 AM
To: ''
Subject: Urea for dry skin and odorless DMSO

I happened to be searching the archives regarding urea. I came across a
method to eliminate the odor  caused by DMSO. It only works for topical
use of DMSO. Here are the links:

Regarding dry skin, I have had great success with the elimination of dry
scaly skin using urea. This in itself is no great shakes as it has been
know that urea is great for this application for some time. This
description from a patent pretty much describes the condition I had:

Dry skin is a common condition associated with a plurality of disorders
and frequently requires therapeutic intervention. 

Dermatologists often call dry skin in later life xerosis or

Xerosis is a term used to describe abnormal skin dryness. Ichthyosis is
a term used to described a group of cutaneous disorders characterized by
increased or aberrant keratinisation, and resulting in non-inflammatory
scaling of the skin. There are at least 20 varieties of ichthyosis,
including inherited and acquired forms. Further details regarding
xerosis and ichthyosis can be found inAtlas of Clinical Dermatologyby
Anthony du Vivier, 3rd edition (July 17,2002) Publisher: Churchill
Livingstone, which is incorporated herein by reference. 

Dry skin often leads to dermatitis, a condition in which the skin
becomes red and itchy, and which is typically characterized by a
crazy-paving appearance on the lower legs (eczema craquele) or round
patches scattered over the trunk and limbs (a dry form of nummular
dermatitis). In some cases of dermatitis, such as, for example, winter
itch, 7th age itch, or senile pruritus, the dry skin is just itchy,
without much of a rash. 

Dry skin results from, or is aggravated by, low humidity, sunlight,
abrasive clothing and/or a repeated use of soaps, detergents or other
lipid solvents, and is further strongly influenced by factors such as
age, race, genetics, climate and lifestyle.

One problem with urea is that once it is mixed with water, the urea
slowly converts to ammonia and you get an ammonia smell. 

It is also known that lactic acid combined with urea is more effective
than urea alone for difficult skin cases. So I added 20 percent urea and
10 percent ethyl lactate to the magnesium solution that I use to spray
on my skin. Ethyl lactate converts to ethyl alcohol and lactic acid in
the skin. It is also used to treat skin conditions on animals. I just
figured I would see how it all works and see what odor problems develop
with the urea.  It completely cleared up my skin condition and as yet no
urea odor problems. Note that I say no urea odor problems. Ethyl
lactate does have an odor but it quickly dissipates after application.
So I did a search and found that ethyl lactate does prevent the ammonia
odor when used with urea. Sometimes you just stumble across the right

My source for the ethyl lactate was: Klean Strip Green Natural
Multi-Purpose Solvent.
The MSDS for the product gives a purity of greater than 99%. See:

 - Steve N

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSRE: Urea for dry skin RE: Urea for dry skin - and hair

2010-08-13 Thread Norton, Steve
I used feed/fertilizer grade urea. I live in a farming area and was able
to get 50 lbs of urea for $19. I would not hesitate to use fertilizer
grade urea from a nursery. You should be able to get 15 lbs for about
$16. I would think that the urea you propose will work too. My urea
dissolves very easily in water so even urea in chunks should be ok.


I have not yet tried the DMSO/urea. I just ran across the posts this
morning. Perhaps some member from 2004 remembers more about the


-  Steve N


From: Gail Rice [] 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 11:55 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSRE: Urea for dry skin RE: Urea for dry skin -
and hair



Thanks for this interesting post. I love the idea of making my own
remedies for my skin. I live in the US and I'm not sure how to source
urea. Do you think the stuff they sell for purifying gold is ok to use?


Would that be something that I could safely grind up and use? If so, is
it clean enough to use in EIS/DMSO formulas?  When I use DMSO I avoid
other people because I worry that it will make some sensitive person
feel ill from the smell. I'd love to be able to make a remedy that still
allows me to relax and enjoy being with other people.


Gail Rice


CSRE: Urea for dry skin RE: Urea for dry skin - and hair

2010-08-13 Thread Norton, Steve
The mixture does not need to be very accurate. The 20% urea and 10%
ethyl lactate are at the high end of what you can get in commercial
products. The commercial products are expensive but it is inexpensive to
make yourself. I just used volume measurements. For example 7 cups
water/2 cups urea granules/1 cup ethyl lactate. The urea I got at a farm
supply but you can also find it as a fertilizer at nurseries. The ethyl
lactate I got at a hardware store as Klean Strip Green Natural
Multi-Purpose Solvent. You do not need to add magnesium. I just used an
existing solution of magnesium to add the stuff to as a convenience.
Although the urea could possibly increase the absorption of the


Urea and lactic acid will pull moisture into the skin and work to
dissolve dead skin. After applying the mixture you may want to use a
moisturizing cream to prevent the moisture from evaporating from the
skin if you have a bad case. 


My dry skin is from aging and not hereditary. Although I guess old age
could be considered as hereditary.  :)


-  Steve N


From: [] 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 11:07 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSRE: Urea for dry skin RE: Urea for dry skin -
and hair


I also have extremely dry skin,inherited docs told me, did you have the
When I was 12 the docs put tar all over me, trouble was they did not
know how to get it off, I must say it was extremely painful, they used
gasoline to take the tar off.

Thank you for the extremely useful information, in your opinion, what
measurments should I use?



RE: EXTERNAL:Re: CSRE: Urea for dry skin RE: Urea for dry skin - and hair

2010-08-13 Thread Norton, Steve
There is a significant difference between a skin cream and humectants. A 
humectant carries moisture into the skin cells and can continue to pull 
moisture from the air into the skin. Creams cover the skin to prevent moisture 
loss but don't really add moisture to the skin. 

See: Creams That Contain Lactic Acid or Salicylic Acid  Urea

 - Steve N

From: needling around [] 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 1:07 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSRE: Urea for dry skin RE: Urea for dry skin - and hair

Have you considered using coconut oil and making an emulsion.  There are lots 
of books on making your own cosmetics which is really what this is.  You might 
even find something online.
- Original Message - 
From: Norton, Steve 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 4:01 PM
Subject: CSRE: Urea for dry skin RE: Urea for dry skin - and hair

The mixture does not need to be very accurate. The 20% urea and 10% ethyl 
lactate are at the high end of what you can get in commercial products. The 
commercial products are expensive but it is inexpensive to make yourself. I 
just used volume measurements. For example 7 cups water/2 cups urea granules/1 
cup ethyl lactate. The urea I got at a farm supply but you can also find it as 
a fertilizer at nurseries. The ethyl lactate I got at a hardware store as Klean 
Strip Green Natural Multi-Purpose Solvent. You do not need to add magnesium. I 
just used an existing solution of magnesium to add the stuff to as a 
convenience. Although the urea could possibly increase the absorption of the 

Urea and lactic acid will pull moisture into the skin and work to dissolve dead 
skin. After applying the mixture you may want to use a moisturizing cream to 
prevent the moisture from evaporating from the skin if you have a bad case. 

My dry skin is from aging and not hereditary. Although I guess old age could be 
considered as hereditary.  :)

-  Steve N

From: [] 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 11:07 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSRE: Urea for dry skin RE: Urea for dry skin - and hair

I also have extremely dry skin,inherited docs told me, did you have the same?
When I was 12 the docs put tar all over me, trouble was they did not know how 
to get it off, I must say it was extremely painful, they used gasoline to take 
the tar off.
Thank you for the extremely useful information, in your opinion, what 
measurments should I use?

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CSRE: Urea for dry skin RE: Urea for dry skin - and hair

2010-08-13 Thread Norton, Steve
Agreed. I think it is a good idea.

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: needling around [] 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL:Re: CSRE: Urea for dry skin RE: Urea for dry skin
- and hair

That is true, however, after pulling moisture into the skin an emollient

such as coconut oil or lanolin can be used to prevent its loss.

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CSCS Steve Norton Copper_Silver Citrate Solution

2010-08-10 Thread Norton, Steve
Use pH test strips. There are a variety of them available online.

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 2:27 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSCS Steve Norton Copper_Silver Citrate Solution

Hi Steve

Sorry for the late question regarding the copper/silver solution. I
would like to know how you measure the ph balance of the solution with
the buffering process. 

Kind Regards
Dawie Niemann
South Africa

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Re: CSosteoporosis

2010-08-10 Thread Norton, Steve
Too much misinformation. It even claims to have 1 angstrom silver
particles. A single silver atom is 2.9 angstroms. 

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: needling around [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 6:26 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSosteoporosis

If you are interested in fine particle minerals you might also be
in reading

I don't know if what she says is true but it is interesting.

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RE: CScopper, silver, citrate solution

2010-08-10 Thread Norton, Steve
I should have mentioned that the data below is for a 1 liter solution.

 - Steve N

On 8/9/2010 11:14 PM, Norton, Steve wrote:

 I might suggest a simplified approach. Since much of the test
 information in the patent was using the copper-silver, citrate
 at a 20 percent solution, just make the solution at the 20 percent
 concentration, which would be 10 ppm silver and 80 ppm copper. To do
 that, you could make the ionic silver in your CS generator. Assuming
 ionic content of 85 percent, just make the CS at 12 ppm. Then add the
 citric acid to the CS, add the potassium carbonate and use the 9 volt
 batteries along with copper electrodes to make the copper citrate.

 As far as using 9 volt batteries, you will need two 9 volt batteries
 series. You can make copper citrate with 9.8 volts. A 9 volt battery
 quickly drops to 8 volts in use and so two will give you about 16
 You will need to use alkaline 9 volt batteries if you make the full
 strength solution. Carbon-zinc 9 volt batteries just barely have
 capacity for the 20 percent solution.

 A carbon-zinc battery's capacity is roughly 35 mAH in this
 An alkaline battery's capacity is 300 to 500 mAH, depending on the
 (See link below) The capacities assume you use generation currents of
 100 mA or less.

 Here are the approximate mAH needed for the full strength and 20

 Full strength:

 To make 50 ppm silver in citric acid - 12.5 mAH
 To make 400 ppm copper in citric acid - 162 mAH
 Total: 165 mAH

 20 percent:

 To make 10 ppm silver in citric acid - none (use CS generator)
 To make 80 ppm copper in citric acid - 32 mAH
 Total: 32 mAH

 As you can see, carbon-zinc 9 volt batteries only have enough capacity
 for the 20 percent solution. Alkaline 9 volt batteries can easily make
 the full strength solution.

   - Steve N
 Discharge tests of 9 Volt transistor radio style Batteries

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RE: CScopper, silver, citrate solution

2010-08-09 Thread Norton, Steve

I might suggest a simplified approach. Since much of the test
information in the patent was using the copper-silver, citrate solution
at a 20 percent solution, just make the solution at the 20 percent
concentration, which would be 10 ppm silver and 80 ppm copper. To do
that, you could make the ionic silver in your CS generator. Assuming an
ionic content of 85 percent, just make the CS at 12 ppm. Then add the
citric acid to the CS, add the potassium carbonate and use the 9 volt
batteries along with copper electrodes to make the copper citrate. 

As far as using 9 volt batteries, you will need two 9 volt batteries in
series. You can make copper citrate with 9.8 volts. A 9 volt battery
quickly drops to 8 volts in use and so two will give you about 16 volts.
You will need to use alkaline 9 volt batteries if you make the full
strength solution. Carbon-zinc 9 volt batteries just barely have enough
capacity for the 20 percent solution. 

A carbon-zinc battery's capacity is roughly 35 mAH in this application.
An alkaline battery's capacity is 300 to 500 mAH, depending on the brand
(See link below) The capacities assume you use generation currents of
100 mA or less.

Here are the approximate mAH needed for the full strength and 20 percent

Full strength:

To make 50 ppm silver in citric acid - 12.5 mAH
To make 400 ppm copper in citric acid - 162 mAH
Total: 165 mAH

20 percent:

To make 10 ppm silver in citric acid - none (use CS generator)
To make 80 ppm copper in citric acid - 32 mAH
Total: 32 mAH

As you can see, carbon-zinc 9 volt batteries only have enough capacity
for the 20 percent solution. Alkaline 9 volt batteries can easily make
the full strength solution.

 - Steve N 
Discharge tests of 9 Volt transistor radio style Batteries

-Original Message-
From: Shirley Reed [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 1:24 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate solution

   Steve, Thank you for that 'recipe' for the MRSA treatment solution.
Is it possible for you to post a 'neighborhood' type formula for this?
I am not familiar with many of the things you mention so a simplified
version will be very greatly appreciated.  I am intending to try to use
3 nine volt batteries in series instead of my cs generator.  Do you
think that will work?  If my questions reflect so much ignorance that my
situation is hopeless, then please ignore this.   Since MRSA reportedly
killed more people last year than did AIDs, then it seems to me that
this Cu,Ag,citrate solution should be in everyone's grasp.  I can make
the CS, have the citric acid, copper wires, and can do the ph, but
cannot get proper ppm measurements. Anyhow, thanks for plowing through
this.   pj


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Re: CScopper, silver, citrate solution

2010-08-09 Thread Norton, Steve
You can add the citric acid to the CS after the CS is made IF you are
making the 20 percent solution. Otherwise the citric acid needs to be
added first. The citric acid always needs to be added before making the
copper citrate. Sorry if I was unclear on that point.

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: AnnieBSmythe [] 
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 9:54 PM
Subject:Re: CScopper, silver, citrate solution

So you can add the citric acid after the silver and copper are made, and

it will still turn out right?


On 8/9/2010 11:14 PM, Norton, Steve wrote:

 I might suggest a simplified approach. Since much of the test
 information in the patent was using the copper-silver, citrate
 at a 20 percent solution, just make the solution at the 20 percent
 concentration, which would be 10 ppm silver and 80 ppm copper. To do
 that, you could make the ionic silver in your CS generator. Assuming
 ionic content of 85 percent, just make the CS at 12 ppm. Then add the
 citric acid to the CS, add the potassium carbonate and use the 9 volt
 batteries along with copper electrodes to make the copper citrate.

 As far as using 9 volt batteries, you will need two 9 volt batteries
 series. You can make copper citrate with 9.8 volts. A 9 volt battery
 quickly drops to 8 volts in use and so two will give you about 16
 You will need to use alkaline 9 volt batteries if you make the full
 strength solution. Carbon-zinc 9 volt batteries just barely have
 capacity for the 20 percent solution.

 A carbon-zinc battery's capacity is roughly 35 mAH in this
 An alkaline battery's capacity is 300 to 500 mAH, depending on the
 (See link below) The capacities assume you use generation currents of
 100 mA or less.

 Here are the approximate mAH needed for the full strength and 20

 Full strength:

 To make 50 ppm silver in citric acid - 12.5 mAH
 To make 400 ppm copper in citric acid - 162 mAH
 Total: 165 mAH

 20 percent:

 To make 10 ppm silver in citric acid - none (use CS generator)
 To make 80 ppm copper in citric acid - 32 mAH
 Total: 32 mAH

 As you can see, carbon-zinc 9 volt batteries only have enough capacity
 for the 20 percent solution. Alkaline 9 volt batteries can easily make
 the full strength solution.

   - Steve N
 Discharge tests of 9 Volt transistor radio style Batteries

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Re: EXTERNAL:Re: CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate solution

2010-08-07 Thread Norton, Steve
Just buy a short piece of electrical copper wire used for house wiring. It has 
a high purity. 

 - Steve N

- Original Message -
From: AnnieBSmythe
Sent: Sat Aug 07 12:50:22 2010
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate solution

Steve, where can I find the right copper electrodes, please?


On 8/4/2010 3:50 PM, Norton, Steve wrote:
 Here is a method following the patent's described process:

 Put 1/8 to1/4 cup of citric acid in 1 liter of water. Run current
 through silver electrodes in the citric acid same as you would for
 colloidal silver until you reach 50 ppm. Use the Faraday calculator (see
 below) to estimate the silver ppm. You will get higher currents if you
 do not have a current limiter due to the high conductivity of the citric
 acid solution but that is not a problem because the silver ions bind
 quickly with the citric acid to form silver citrate, e.g. no
 agglomeration problems. Add potassium carbonate, to get a pH of 5.5.
 Replace the silver electrodes with copper electrodes and do the same
 till you get the desired concentration (400 ppm) of copper citrate. Then
 adjust the pH of the solution to between 2.5 and 3.5 using additional
 citric acid.

 The Faraday calculator is available at:
 To use the Faraday calculator you will need a digital multi-meter to
 measure the current passing through the electrodes. This link shows how
 to measure the current:
 For this application two 9 volt batteries wired to the electrodes will
 be ok to use since current limiting is not an issue. For the copper
 electrodes just use any copper wire.

 I make silver citrate regularly and it is very easy. If you are in a
 hurry and have a local beer/wine makers supply store you should be able
 to get citric acid and potassium carbonate there, although maybe not at
 the lowest price.

 I am not sure that the potassium carbonate is necessary but it is in the
 formula used in the patent.

 - Steve N

 -Original Message-
 From: Shirley Reed []
 Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 1:24 PM
 Subject: EXTERNAL:CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate solution

 Steve, Thank you for that 'recipe' for the MRSA treatment solution.
 Is it possible for you to post a 'neighborhood' type formula for this?
 I am not familiar with many of the things you mention so a simplified
 version will be very greatly appreciated.  I am intending to try to use
 3 nine volt batteries in series instead of my cs generator.  Do you
 think that will work?  If my questions reflect so much ignorance that my
 situation is hopeless, then please ignore this.   Since MRSA reportedly
 killed more people last year than did AIDs, then it seems to me that
 this Cu,Ag,citrate solution should be in everyone's grasp.  I can make
 the CS, have the citric acid, copper wires, and can do the ph, but
 cannot get proper ppm measurements. Anyhow, thanks for plowing through
 this.   pj

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 List Owner: Mike

Re: EXTERNAL:CSPersonal-Care Suggestion

2010-08-05 Thread Norton, Steve
Would the DMSO/urea combination also help transport antifungals through the 

Thanks for the info. 

 - Steve N

- Original Message -
Sent: Thu Aug 05 19:16:28 2010
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSPersonal-Care Suggestion

 Having to address a number of recurring inquiries relating 
to difficulties/inconveniences/frustrations relating to brittle/splitting 
finger nails, imposed over recent yearsprompted one of us to evaluate
for a simple methodology that would offer some acceptable solution.
 Early-on it was determined thatcontrary to common 
belief.special additions of gelatin/collagen to the existing diet do 
not---of themselves--- solve the problem.  One can obtain just as effective a 
result through eating a piece of chickenas by consuming gelatin 
concentrates.  (This troubled me, especially since I had been operating under 
the misconception   [principally based on the very high protein percentage of 
gelatin/collagen fractions]  that chitin-based cell structures would respond 
most favorably to gelatin supplements.)  
  The truth of the matter seems to be that the principal causes of nail 
brittleness/splitting is the dehydration effectespecially as we age. 
Without boring you with ancillary 
details, I simply state that we confirmed that nails dehydrate just as does the 
skin (they are both constructed of the same type material).  Additionally, we 
determined that using skin conditioning
substances containing urea were the most effective protocol for addressing the 
dehydration insult. Products such as Eucerin (not recommending as a specific 
purchase)contain acceptable levels of urea.
  We found a little modification to that recommendated by the various 
skin care companiesincreased the effectiveness of their re-hydration 
procedures-by almost an order of magnitudein time.  It was, simply, 
just through mixing the gel or liquid moisturizing agent (containing urea) at a 
concentration of 70% (by volume) with DMSO (full strength) 30% (by volume).
  The overall suppleness improvement of the nails was  quite
dramaticmanifesting within (sometimes) hours.  However, do remember that 
fingernails, generally, grow at about about 2 or 3 mm per month.  Therefore, 
complete correction via regrowth requires
a one-to-one relationship between the crack length and the time for
   We determined that daily application was the preferred interval.  
However, once every 2 days proved acceptable...especially if the subject used 
gloves when washing dishes and did not display a fetish for over-frequent 
hand-washing.  Additionally, the improved tissue flexibility around the 
nail-bed was dramatic (in some cases).
While not of great health import, I did feel this simple procedure 
recommended itself sufficiently to be posted for membership reading.
   Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  No wisecracks accusing me of being a cosmetics hustler.  


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CSRegenerative wound healing using copper-silver citrate composition

2010-08-04 Thread Norton, Steve
This is a resend. I am sending as Plain Text to reduce the message size. 
Apparently the previous attempt was too large.

I don’t know the reason for the potassium carbonate or the pH adjustments and 
apparently neither does the inventor. There is a supplier of silver citrate 
that adds tri-potassium citrate to their silver citrate. Here is what they say 
about the potassium in their product: 

“The chemistry is very deliberate and very well understood by a chemist.

• The chemical formula of Opti-Silver is:
(where C₆H₅O₇ represents citrate)

• The equilibrium equation of Opti-Silver is:
K₂CitAg ↔ K₂Cit + Ag⁺  
(where Cit represents citrate)

Only patented Opti-Silver™ can keep silver citrate in solution in water in a 
stabilized complex — see the left side of the equilibrium equation shown 
directly above, which represents “silver citrate complex (with potassium as the 

...and slowly release more and more of the silver as free silver ions (Ag+) as 
they’re used up by the body — see the right side of the equilibrium equation, 
which represents “free silver ion and citrate (with potassium as the 
While in the bottle, Opti-Silver keeps the vast majority of its silver in a 
stable, soluble, complexed state (left side of the equilibrium equation) and 
leaves only a very small portion of its silver available as free silver ion 
(right side of the equilibrium equation). After absorption into the body, 
Opti-Silver gradually releases more and more of its silver from the complexed 
state to the free silver ion state.”

Of course, all the answers may be here if you can understand it g:
Citrate Complexes of Copper in Acid Solutions

- Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Dan Nave [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 10:47 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSRegenerative wound healing using copper-silver citrate 

Just got around to reading the article.  This is very interesting.

I wonder if the results are different than straight silver citrate,
although if not, it may be cheaper since the silver concentration can
be kept down while the copper, being less expensive, is at higher
concentration.  It may be that the copper is necessary for the full

Do you know why they would buffer the solution with potassium
carbonate to pH 5.5 before electrolysis for both the silver and copper
electrolysis phase, and then add citric acid at the end to get a pH of
about 3?  I mean, it seems like extra steps, unless that allows them
to get the proportions correct in a simplified manner, somehow.

With this end product, one could conceivably use standard jewelery
silver at 80% Silver and 20% Copper if there was a cost differential
between that silver and the 99.9% fine silver.

Any indication of the shelf life?


CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate solution

2010-08-04 Thread Norton, Steve
Here is a method following the patent's described process:

Put 1/8 to1/4 cup of citric acid in 1 liter of water. Run current
through silver electrodes in the citric acid same as you would for
colloidal silver until you reach 50 ppm. Use the Faraday calculator (see
below) to estimate the silver ppm. You will get higher currents if you
do not have a current limiter due to the high conductivity of the citric
acid solution but that is not a problem because the silver ions bind
quickly with the citric acid to form silver citrate, e.g. no
agglomeration problems. Add potassium carbonate, to get a pH of 5.5.
Replace the silver electrodes with copper electrodes and do the same
till you get the desired concentration (400 ppm) of copper citrate. Then
adjust the pH of the solution to between 2.5 and 3.5 using additional
citric acid. 

The Faraday calculator is available at:
To use the Faraday calculator you will need a digital multi-meter to
measure the current passing through the electrodes. This link shows how
to measure the current:
For this application two 9 volt batteries wired to the electrodes will
be ok to use since current limiting is not an issue. For the copper
electrodes just use any copper wire.

I make silver citrate regularly and it is very easy. If you are in a
hurry and have a local beer/wine makers supply store you should be able
to get citric acid and potassium carbonate there, although maybe not at
the lowest price.

I am not sure that the potassium carbonate is necessary but it is in the
formula used in the patent.

- Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Shirley Reed [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 1:24 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate solution

   Steve, Thank you for that 'recipe' for the MRSA treatment solution.
Is it possible for you to post a 'neighborhood' type formula for this?
I am not familiar with many of the things you mention so a simplified
version will be very greatly appreciated.  I am intending to try to use
3 nine volt batteries in series instead of my cs generator.  Do you
think that will work?  If my questions reflect so much ignorance that my
situation is hopeless, then please ignore this.   Since MRSA reportedly
killed more people last year than did AIDs, then it seems to me that
this Cu,Ag,citrate solution should be in everyone's grasp.  I can make
the CS, have the citric acid, copper wires, and can do the ph, but
cannot get proper ppm measurements. Anyhow, thanks for plowing through
this.   pj

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RE: EXTERNAL:CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate solution

2010-08-04 Thread Norton, Steve
You may need at least 27 volts for the colloidal copper. I will try a
run using 9 volt batteries. Maybe I can give you rough numbers of run
 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 1:51 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate solution

Here is a method following the patent's described process:

Put 1/8 to1/4 cup of citric acid in 1 liter of water. Run current
through silver electrodes in the citric acid same as you would for
colloidal silver until you reach 50 ppm. Use the Faraday calculator (see
below) to estimate the silver ppm. You will get higher currents if you
do not have a current limiter due to the high conductivity of the citric
acid solution but that is not a problem because the silver ions bind
quickly with the citric acid to form silver citrate, e.g. no
agglomeration problems. Add potassium carbonate, to get a pH of 5.5.
Replace the silver electrodes with copper electrodes and do the same
till you get the desired concentration (400 ppm) of copper citrate. Then
adjust the pH of the solution to between 2.5 and 3.5 using additional
citric acid. 

The Faraday calculator is available at:
To use the Faraday calculator you will need a digital multi-meter to
measure the current passing through the electrodes. This link shows how
to measure the current:
For this application two 9 volt batteries wired to the electrodes will
be ok to use since current limiting is not an issue. For the copper
electrodes just use any copper wire.

I make silver citrate regularly and it is very easy. If you are in a
hurry and have a local beer/wine makers supply store you should be able
to get citric acid and potassium carbonate there, although maybe not at
the lowest price.

I am not sure that the potassium carbonate is necessary but it is in the
formula used in the patent.

- Steve N

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CSColloidal copper

2010-08-04 Thread Norton, Steve
Does anyone know if the Silver Medicine Faraday calculator needs changes
to estimate colloidal copper ppm vs silver?
  Steve N

Re: CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate solution

2010-08-04 Thread Norton, Steve
I would only use it topically because of concern over too much copper
 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: needling around [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 3:16 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate

Hi Steve,
Is this taken internally or is it made into a gel and used externally?

- Original Message - 
From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 4:50 PM
Subject: CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate solution

Here is a method following the patent's described process:

Put 1/8 to1/4 cup of citric acid in 1 liter of water. Run current
through silver electrodes in the citric acid same as you would for
colloidal silver until you reach 50 ppm. Use the Faraday calculator (see
below) to estimate the silver ppm. You will get higher currents if you
do not have a current limiter due to the high conductivity of the citric
acid solution but that is not a problem because the silver ions bind
quickly with the citric acid to form silver citrate, e.g. no
agglomeration problems. Add potassium carbonate, to get a pH of 5.5.
Replace the silver electrodes with copper electrodes and do the same
till you get the desired concentration (400 ppm) of copper citrate. Then
adjust the pH of the solution to between 2.5 and 3.5 using additional
citric acid. 

The Faraday calculator is available at:
To use the Faraday calculator you will need a digital multi-meter to
measure the current passing through the electrodes. This link shows how
to measure the current:
For this application two 9 volt batteries wired to the electrodes will
be ok to use since current limiting is not an issue. For the copper
electrodes just use any copper wire.

I make silver citrate regularly and it is very easy. If you are in a
hurry and have a local beer/wine makers supply store you should be able
to get citric acid and potassium carbonate there, although maybe not at
the lowest price.

I am not sure that the potassium carbonate is necessary but it is in the
formula used in the patent.

- Steve N

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Re: CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate solution

2010-08-04 Thread Norton, Steve
You can. Right now I just plan on a spray.
 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: needling around [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 4:21 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSSteve Norton and copper, silver, citrate

So then do you make a gel out of it or what?

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Re: CSColloidal copper

2010-08-04 Thread Norton, Steve
Thanks Marshall.
 - Steve

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 4:17 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: CSColloidal copper

Norton, Steve wrote:

 Does anyone know if the Silver Medicine Faraday calculator needs 
 changes to estimate colloidal copper ppm vs silver?


   Steve N

If you use a silver Faraday chart, then you need to multiply by .5891 
for copper.



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Re:CSAg, Cu, and citrate

2010-08-04 Thread Norton, Steve
According to Marshall, when you use the silver Faraday chart for copper, you 
will need to multiply by 0.5891 to get the copper ppm. 

 - Steve N 

- Original Message -
From: Shirley Reed
Sent: Wed Aug 04 19:25:30 2010
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSAg, Cu, and citrate Steve

  Thank you for the Faraday page and imho it is very kind of you to try to get 
this info into a form that the uninformed like me may be able to use.  pj


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CSFw: Re: [germkiller] Neuropathy question {Private}

2010-08-03 Thread Norton, Steve
Here is the patent that rebuildermedical refers to on his site ; As mentioned on his site, the 
patent does not provide specific details of the waveform used but there are 
other manufacturers using the same waveform. The waveform detail is shown on 
chart 11 of the presentation at: It is for a system built 
by Calmare Pain Therapy Treatment (Calmare) at 
Another related patent is 
Again by a different inventor but strikingly similar in concept. 
The pulse shape is very similar to that you'd get by putting a pulse through an 
audio transformer. And it turns out that there is a study for that too: I don't think it would be too 
difficult to design a circuit to get the waveform. 
I do notice some differences between the Calmere and rebuildermedical units. 
The Calmere unit only uses 5.5 ma of  current for their stimulator (chart 21 in 
the presentation above) while rebuildermedical appears to use voltage levels 
that would generate higher currents. Of course I could be wrong. I haven't had 
time to really absorb it all.

- Steve

From: Renee [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 6:47 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSFw: Re: [germkiller] Neuropathy question {Private}

Here is the message I got from a guy on another list.  He said how much the 
device had helped him and I had asked about building one--this was his reply.  
I put a link first to the machine, then the last link is to the frequency part 
that I was going to try to duplicate.  But his message is so convincing that it 
would be worth just getting.
---Original Message---   

Buy this for your dad.

Nevermind the cost.

Neuropathy is a living hell if advanced.

For me, the only thing that worked was strong narcotics and those only push the 
pain under the rug, this will help correct the cause. What is more, once the 
neuropathy begins to reverse, it is as if you are shined with joy. I can now 
feel when my wife touches me and I can feel her with I touch her. That may mean 
a small thing to you, but then, you have not neuropathy.

I had looked into recreating this and I could given time, as many here could, 
but in my own case, it would cost me more than $700 in my time. As for me, I 
ordered it and do not regret it one bit. They give a good trial period with 
kind and expert and generous support, it works, and frankly is not expensive at 
all, especially when you consider that pain meds or herbs about 2-5$ a day and 
it does work for most of us humans. 

Renee wrote:
Hi bG. Someone on another list mentioned this device. I was reading about
it and it sounds like it would be a good thing to have for people with
neuropathy. But very expensive. Is this something we could make at home? 
My father has diabetic neuropathy and I was wondering if it would be hard or
easy to build this. The lady that mentioned it said that it is working for

The first link is to the technical page for doctors. From there, if you go
to the FAQ page it has a bit more about the frequency it uses, etc.



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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE:CSFw: Re: [germkiller] Neuropathy question {Private}

2010-08-03 Thread Norton, Steve
The reference below should have been

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 1:56 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSFw: Re: [germkiller] Neuropathy question {Private}

The pulse shape is very similar to that you'd get by putting a pulse
through an audio transformer. And it turns out that there is a study for
that too: I don't think it
would be too difficult to design a circuit to get the waveform. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: EXTERNAL:CSFw: Re: [germkiller] Neuropathy question {Private}

2010-08-03 Thread Norton, Steve
I probably should have linked to the version with the illustrations:, to help understand the

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 1:56 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSFw: Re: [germkiller] Neuropathy question {Private}

Another related patent is Again by a
different inventor but strikingly similar in concept. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSFw: Re: [germkiller] Neuropathy question

2010-08-03 Thread Norton, Steve
After taking a closer look at the references below and some others I found, the 
method used is relatively straight forward. Most use an asymmetrical biphasic 
waveform. But not all. The  asymmetrical biphasic waveform is basically a 
higher voltage positive pulse followed by a lower voltage negative pulse. The 
negative pulse is around one sixth the amplitude of the positive pulse but is 
six times longer in duration than the positive pulse. Therefore the magnitude 
of the pulse amplitude times the pulse duration of the positive and the 
negative pulse are both equal. My guess is that is to prevent a buildup of 
potentially harmful hydroxides while keeping the negative pulse below an active 
nerve stimulation level. The method of setting the positive pulse voltage level 
is to set it at a point that the user can feel the stimulation but it is below 
the level that would cause muscle twitching. 

It appears that a triangular positive pulse is more effective than a 
rectangular pulse but it also appears that both will work. There is a study 
that provides details on designing a triangular pulse specific for nerve 
stimulation but it will cost a fee to view it. It may even be the source for 
the original rebuildermedical device ???  The study is available at:
A modified triangular pulse stimulator for C-fibers stimulation

 A low-cost, battery-powered stimulator is described. This device generates 
asymmetric current pulse with fast rising phase and slower exponential decay. 
The current intensity and the time constant of the exponential decay can be 
independently and continuously varied. An example of using this stimulator to 
selectively activate C-fibers is demonstrated. In this case the total charge 
injected in one stimulation is only 67 nanocolumb, which is much smaller than 
that injected by conventional DC polarization technique. Detailed information 
about the circuit design is described.

Pulse with is somewhat variable but rebuildermedical uses 240 us positive pulse 
followed by a 1,458 us negative pulse. Others us pulse widths up into the tens 
of milliseconds, so there is a lot of possible variability.

It is the same with repetition frequency, Again, rebuildermedical uses 7.8 Hz 
but it does not appear to be critical.

It is actually a fairly simple device. But it also appears to be effective for 

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve 
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 1:56 PM
Subject: CSFw: Re: [germkiller] Neuropathy question 

{Note: References below have been corrected}

Here is the patent that rebuildermedical refers to on his site ; As mentioned on his site, the 
patent does not provide specific details of the waveform used but there are 
other manufacturers using the same waveform. The waveform detail is shown on 
chart 11 of the presentation at: It is for a system built 
by Calmare Pain Therapy Treatment (Calmare) at 
Another related patent is 
Again by a different inventor but strikingly similar in concept. 
The pulse shape is very similar to that you'd get by putting a pulse through an 
audio transformer. And it turns out that there is a study for that too: I don't think it would be too 
difficult to design a circuit to get the waveform. 
I do notice some differences between the Calmere and rebuildermedical units. 
The Calmere unit only uses 5.5 ma of  current for their stimulator (chart 21 in 
the presentation above) while rebuildermedical appears to use voltage levels 
that would generate higher currents. Of course I could be wrong. I haven't had 
time to really absorb it all.

- Steve

From: Renee [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2010 6:47 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL:CSFw: Re: [germkiller] Neuropathy question {Private}

Here is the message I got from a guy on another list.  He said how much the 
device had helped him and I had asked about building one--this was his reply.  
I put a link first to the machine, then the last link is to the frequency part 
that I was going to try to duplicate.  But his message is so convincing that it 
would be worth just getting.

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