CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2011 #227

2011-08-21 Thread patriot2000

Infra red therapy is great for pain. NASA developed Anodyne
infrared therapy for the astronauts. I discovered it when I had
very painful tendinitis in both wrists. The allopathic docs would
have injected steroids for pain relief. (After three injections of
that stuff, I am told your tendons begin to disintegrate! No
thanks!) I asked my doctor for a referral to the rehab facility
that provides it (doctors and hospitals don't even KNOW about it!).
She wrote a prescription for 12 sessions (she is a sweetie and goes along
with my weird wishes, when she can), but it took only about three
sessions and my pain was GONE! Anodyne is a trademark and expensive
item -- a pad of LED lights about the size of a pack of cards.
Placed them on my wrists and I sat and relaxed for half an hour.
That's it!
Covered by Medicare if you are eligible. 
There are cheap knockoffs available on the Internet. A couple of
hundred bucks or thereabouts. Several years ago, I bought two of
them, called Light Therapy, and gave one to my mother in law, who has
persistent back pain. She sits against it when she uses her
computer, and is grateful for lessening of the pain. We use ours
once in awhile for sprains, etc. Do a search and see what comes
up. I have had cracked ribs and it is no fun -- takes about
six weeks for the cracks to heal!
Best of luck, Marlys
Jane MacRoss wrote:
Would this help cracked ribs?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2011 #182

2011-07-04 Thread patriot2000

At 10:07 PM 7/3/2011, you wrote:

From: PTF
Date: 3 July 2011 9:30:59 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSWill someone ask NCCAM a question for me?

I for one would not like this
research done. I don't like to call 
the attention of the government to anything alternative that 
works. Before long it will be harder to find or use. Better
fly under the radar.
Very wise, PT! The Feds have a long and disreputable
history regarding trials of alternative health strategies and
materials. In short, they cheat.
A perfect example was Dr. Wm. Lane, who wrote the book Sharks Don't
Get Cancer and who sold his specially purified shark
cartilage called Benefin with the proud claim (and proof,
which he had to go to Cuban hospitals to prove, publicized on the
TV show, 60 Minutes) that it stopped cancer by
antiangiogenesis, basically drying up the tumors' blood supply. He
had a thriving forum like this one, which was read by many and postings
were often sheer gratitude, other times less so, as you would
expect. I was an avid reader of his forum in the nineties,
being a cancer patient at that time. 
The FDA told him in no uncertain terms that he could not claim that
Benefin cured cancer, I think. Meanwhile, he pleaded for legitimate
clinical trials to show that it could do so. So they outfoxed
him. THEY set up the parameters of the test, defined the
conditions, picked the patients, and generally did everything opposite to
what Dr. Lane told them would be needed for an adequate test. You
can probably find the story if you research it. Anyway, having
sabotaged his study, they then did a gotcha on
him and got ready to sue him out of existence. (No wonder you see
disclaimers everywhere you look about anything that even is related
remotely to illness or conditions needing a cure!) The suit was
settled out of court and I think Dr. Lane was fined 2 million
dollars (maybe, three -- my memory is sketchy) and he was forced to take
down all mention of therapeutic claims for Benefin from his
website. The forum disappeared. His people, who had been very
helpful, were forbidden to talk to callers who wished advice -- it was
like Benefin did not exist and had never cured a cancer patient. He
has a very nice website now, years later, but you find no mention of
anything remotely like a cancer cure claim for his Benefin there. I
personally know one woman who was cured of terminal ovarian cancer by
Benefin back in the early nineties, and I still correspond with her
occasionally. I met her as a result of Dr. Lane's forum. She
wrote a book about her experience, and gives away copies of it, even now,
years later, although the Feds called her and told her she could not talk
about Benefin on her website, nor claim that it had cured her, not long
after the Dr. Lane kerfluffle. I had another friend who had breast
cancer metastasized to her liver who pulled herself back from the grave
with it and achieved what looked like perfect health within a few months
-- unfortunately, she listened to her dim witted son who read the Fed's
propaganda and told her she was stupid and being scammed and should go
back to chemo. She listened to him, and died not long afterwards of
a common cold infection which overpowered her immune system,
destroyed by the chemo. 
I know there are many stories like Dr. Lane's and whole books have been
written on the tyranny of the FDA, the AMA, and other
agencies. I think our only recourse is to frequent forums
like this, and share with one another. I will believe anecdotal
information from an honest man any day of the week before I will fully
trust a bureaucrat with an axe to grind which will keep potentially
useful things from our knowledge by squelching research or sabotaging
it. Besides, when Obamacare becomes fully implemented,
we are going to need everything we can get our hands on to try to stay
healthy -- but don't get me started! 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CSLoss of Smell Signals Alzheimers

2010-01-15 Thread patriot2000

CSLoss of Smell Signals Alzheim [ arthur rambo
alqui...@yahoo.com ]
I have read a number of times in recent years that senior citizens'
ability to smell often decreases, or vanishes altogether. I also
have read that it may be a precursor to Alzheimers' Disease. It
can't be helped by CS, but we share so many helpful things on this list
in addition to CS I hope you won't mind my taking up space with the
I was sorry when I realized that my own sense of smell was almost gone,
and sad to miss the delightful aroma of pot roast in the oven or bread
baking, -- and don't get me started about losing the smell of
popcorn! I counted it among the costs of living into my
seventies, and resolved to watch for signs that might alert me to
approaching Alzheimers'.
Then one day, after receiving chiropractic therapy to my neck for awhile
for some unrelated issues (visual disturbance manifested by a jiggling of
my visual field, and dizziness and unsteadiness of gait), as well as what
the DC called neurological training exercises, I was
surprised and delighted to notice that my sense of smell was
returning! In fact, my partially recovered sense of smell
remained when the other two problems recurred after being off her therapy
and adjustments for a couple of months. 
Not long afterwards, I learned quite by accident (one of those little
miraculous coincidences I am lucky to experience from time to
time!) about a rare and remarkable kind of therapy that had an almost
instant and long lasting effect on my symptoms after three one-minute
treatments. It is called NUCCA and deals with the correct alignment
of a very small but critical bone at the base of the skull called the
Atlas. You can learn more about in on the Internet. One clear
source of information is here:

There are not a lot of NUCCA practitioners around. I found only two
to choose from in San Diego County, and have been very happy with my
progress under the care of the one I chose. He also provides
another kind of unusual treatment he calls bio-cranial therapy as a
follow-on, and reports that other patients have told him those simple
manipulations have restored their sense of smell, too!

My vision and dizziness issues are mostly history, and when I have
completed the series of 11 treatments, I expect those and several other
issues which have shown improvement will be more or less permanently
resolved. It is so nice to no longer be the pinball
queen as my husband jokingly nicknamed me when I used to veer into
door jambs and wobble around, to have a lot more energy to trot around
our hillside streets walking our dogs, to smell the bread baking in my
bread machine upon returning home, not to mention being able to read the
computer screen without having it flicker around as if it were a photo
taken while a tremblor was taking place!
As the website shows you, a NUCCA practitioner can tell almost at a
glance if a patient is a likely candidate for NUCCA: head canted to
left or right, one shoulder and/or hip lower than the other, and a dead
giveaway: one leg shorter than the other! When I read that, I
immediately called my husband and asked him to come and tell me if I had
a short leg, as I lay on the floor with both legs stretched out
straight. With a straight face, he looked and replied, You
have TWO short legs! Funny man. (I am five feet
tall!) Seriously, though, yes, one leg was actually half an inch
shorter than the other! I made an appointment the next day!
No wonder I responded so positively to the standard NUCCA
manipulation. NUCCA claims many successes with pains and problems
of all kinds. Check it out if you are so inclined. This next
site is a lot more technical in its descriptions, but also provides a
list of many possible problems which have been alleviated by NUCCA

Good luck, and don't forget to stop and smell the roses! 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2010 #46

2010-01-14 Thread patriot2000

CSLoss of Smell Signals Alzheim [ arthur rambo
alqui...@yahoo.com ]
I have read a number of times in recent years that senior citizens'
ability to smell often decreases, or vanishes altogether. I also
have read that it may be a precursor to Alzheimers' Disease. It
can't be helped by CS, but we share so many helpful things on this list
in addition to CS I hope you won't mind my taking up space with the
I was sorry when I realized that my own sense of smell was almost gone,
and sad to miss the delightful aroma of pot roast in the oven or bread
baking, -- and don't get me started about losing the smell of
popcorn! I counted it among the costs of living into my
seventies, and resolved to watch for signs that might alert me to
approaching Alzheimers'.
Then one day, after receiving chiropractic therapy to my neck for awhile
for some unrelated issues (visual disturbance manifested by a jiggling of
my visual field, and dizziness and unsteadiness of gait), as well as what
the DC called neurological training exercises, I was
surprised and delighted to notice that my sense of smell was
returning! In fact, my partially recovered sense of smell
remained when the other two problems recurred after being off her therapy
and adjustments for a couple of months. 
Not long afterwards, I learned quite by accident (one of those little
miraculous coincidences I am lucky to experience from time to
time!) about a rare and remarkable kind of therapy that had an almost
instant and long lasting effect on my symptoms after three one-minute
treatments. It is called NUCCA and deals with the correct alignment
of a very small but critical bone at the base of the skull called the
Atlas. You can learn more about in on the Internet. One clear
source of information is here:

There are not a lot of NUCCA practitioners around. I found only two
to choose from in San Diego County, and have been very happy with my
progress under the care of the one I chose. He also provides
another kind of unusual treatment he calls bio-cranial therapy as a
follow-on, and reports that other patients have told him those simple
manipulations have restored their sense of smell, too! My
vision and dizziness issues are mostly history, and when I have completed
the series of 11 treatments, I expect those and several other issues
which have shown improvement will be more or less permanently
resolved. It is so nice to no longer be the pinball
queen as my husband jokingly nicknamed me when I used to veer into
door jambs and wobble around, to have a lot more energy to trot around
our hillside streets walking our dogs, to smell the bread baking in my
bread machine upon returning home, not to mention being able to read the
computer screen without having it flicker around as if it were a photo
taken while a tremblor was taking place!
As the website shows you, a NUCCA practitioner can tell almost at a
glance if a patient is a likely candidate for NUCCA: head canted to
left or right, one shoulder and/or hip lower than the other, and a dead
giveaway: one leg shorter than the other! When I read that, I
immediately called my husband and asked him to come and tell me if I had
a short leg, as I lay on the floor with both legs stretched out
straight. With a straight face, he looked and replied, You
have TWO short legs! Funny man. (I am five feet
tall!) Seriously, though, yes, one leg was actually half an inch
shorter than the other! I made an appointment the next day!
No wonder I responded so positively to the standard NUCCA
manipulation. NUCCA claims many successes with pains and problems
of all kinds. Check it out if you are so inclined. This next
site is a lot more technical in its descriptions, but also provides a
list of many possible problems which have been alleviated by NUCCA

Good luck, and don't forget to stop and smell the roses!  

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSWhere to find pure sodium bicarbonate

2010-01-01 Thread patriot2000

Lisa wrote:
John can you provide names, websites and/or
links to a pure sodium bicarbonate. 
I’d like to get something tried and true
Here is the information you seek:



Both sites have Bob's Red Mill aluminum free baking soda for under $2.50
a pound. It is also available in most health food stores.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS Miracle Mineral Supplement

2008-08-10 Thread patriot2000

Lots of chatter on the List about MMS lately, and seemingly few have
taken the time to read anything about the actual product, but some are
anxious to warn us all about the poisonous nature of it. Okay, here
follows a short introductory part of the chapter in the MMS book by
Dr. Thomas Lee Hesselink, MD. He has engaged in
considerable research personally, using the MMS formula. If you
want to read the MMS book by Jim Humble, including Dr. Hesselink's input,
it is available on the Internet. 
Write me if you are interested in downloading and reading this 120+ page
book. No need to bother the other Silver List readers by
posting your request here. There actually are two books on
MMS by Jim Humble, both about the same length. When you have read
them, you will be more knowledgeable in your comments and we will not
have page after page of the repetitious and often groundless opinions to
scroll through on the forum that are currently appearing. (Is
it really necessary to have the comments appear over and over again,
Mike, or couldn't people simply snip a sentence or two they wish to reply
to and copy it to their letter before adding their own
commentary? I, for one, find it wearying to have to scroll
through so much redundant material. Just a suggestion.)
On The Mechanisms of Oxidation of Chlorine Oxides An Overview
By Thomas Lee Hesselink, MD Copyright August 7th, 2007
Jim Humble, a modern gold prospecting geologist, needed to travel to
malaria infested areas numerous times. He or his coworkers would on
occasion contract malaria. At times access to modern medical treatment
was absolutely unavailable. Under such dire circumstances it was found
that a solution useful to sanitize drinking water was also effective to
treat malaria if diluted and taken orally. Despite no formal medical
training Mr. Humble had the innate wisdom to experiment with various
dosage and administration techniques. Out of such necessity was invented
an easy to use treatment for malaria which was found rapidly effective in
almost all cases. [1]
1. A Possible Solution to the Malaria Problem? Humble J Libertarian
Times, May 9, 2005
The procedure as used by Mr. Humble follows: 
A 28% stock solution of 80% (technical grade) sodium chlorite (NaClO2) is
prepared. The remaining 0% is a mixture of the usual excipients necessary
in the manufacture and stabilization of sodium chlorite powder or flake.
Such are mostly sodium chloride (NaCl) 19%, sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
1%, and sodium chlorate (NaClO3) 1%. The actual sodium chlorite
present is therefore 22.4%. Using a large caliber dropper (25 drops per
cc), the usual administered dose per treatment is 6 to 15 drops. In terms
of milligrams of sodium chlorite, this calculates out to 9mg per drop or
54mg to 135mg per treatment. Effectiveness is enhanced, if prior to
administration the selected drops are premixed with 2.5 to 5 cc of table
vinegar or lime juice and allowed to react for 3 minutes. The acidified
solution is then mixed into a glass of water or apple juice and taken
orally. This can be taken on an empty stomach to enhance effectiveness
but this often causes nausea. Nausea is less likely to occur if food is
present such as one hour after meals. The vinegar (5% acetic acid) or
lime juice (6 to 9% citric acid) neutralizes the sodium hydroxide and at
the same time converts a small portion of the chlorite (ClO2-) to its
conjugate acid known as chlorous acid (HClO2). Under such conditions some
of the chlorous acid will oxidize other chlorite anions and gradually
produce chlorine dioxide (ClO2). Chlorine dioxide appears in solution as
a yellow tint which smells exactly like chlorine.
I first learned of Jim Humble's remarkable discovery in the fall of 2006.
That sodium chlorite or chlorine dioxide could kill parasites in vivo
seemed immediately reasonable to me at the onset. It is well known that
many disease causing organisms are sensitive to oxidants. Various
compounds classifiable as oxides of chlorine such as sodium hypochlorite
and chlorine dioxide are already widely used as disinfectants. What is
novel and exciting here is that Mr. Humble's technique seems: 
1) easy to use, 
2) rapidly acting, 
3) successful, 
4) apparently lacking in toxicity, and 
5) affordable. 
If this treatment continues to prove effective, it could be used to help
rid the world of one of the most devastating of all known plagues. [1,2]
Especially moving in me is the empathy I feel for anyone with a
debilitating febrile illness. I cannot forget how horrible I feel
whenever I have caught influenza. How much more miserable it must be to
suffer like that again and again every 2 to 3 days as happens in malaria.
Millions of people suffer this way year round. 1 to 3 million die from
malaria every year mostly children. Thus motivated I sought to learn all
I could about the chemistry of the oxides of chlorine. I wanted to
understand their probable 

Re: CSOT Using Green Food Products CSNewbie questions (ulcer)

2008-08-07 Thread patriot2000

Responses to two postings here, if I can make it onto the Silver
List. I was listed as patriot2...@mindspring.com when I joined the
List; have since become patriot2...@cox.net, and don't know if I ever
notified you, Mike. I will send this from both of those addies, to
make sure one of them gets through. If I did not change my addie, can you
change it now, so I can get posts through?
I have bought and/or grown greens for some time. After
cancer surgery in 1997, I grew my own wheat grass and squeezed it, having
heard from a friend the information that it is wonderful for
counteracting radiation side effects, which I knew I would be getting
from the radiation following my lumpectomy. Wheat grass juice
tastes strong and unpalatable, but I was determined to down it and found
it went down very well when mixed with Snappy Tom, a very spicy tomato
drink from V8, I think. Gave a real wallop of energy, too, so I can
recommend it for people needing a pick-me-up or energizer when
exercising. (I took some fresh squeezed along on our long bike
rides-- helped me get home again! But don't keep it long after
squeezing -- it loses its oomph pretty quickly.) Oh, yes. Not
a single side effect from my six weeks of radiation treatments, and I
worked all day, drove 15 miles to get the 1 minute treatment, then home
again to get back at 6:00. Every day. 
I also buy and sometimes use powdered chlorella and spirulina or other
greens -- barley grass, etc,.-- when I feel like doing something
really healthy for myself. It is not easy to make them palatable
out of the jar, I confess. But, if you are like me, the distraction
of a really SOUR taste helps to get around the strong green taste.
So, I stir the powders up in icy cold water, and add a large dollop of
Real Lemon juice (for ease, instead of squeezing). Then I chugalug
it as fast as I can. After all, how long can the taste last
-- a minuscule percentage of your day, wouldn't you say? Small
price to pay for good health.
Now, about the ulcers.  My DH had a bleeding ulcer back in
the eighties, just BEFORE the allopathic medical community finally
listened to the Australian doctor who said, It's the bacteria,
Stupid. Until then, it was spicy food, or stress, or what
have you, and you had better get used to giving up everything if you had
an ulcer. He said it was an easily tested for bacteria called
helicobacter, and finally got their attention when he gave himself the
bacteria and got the resulting ulcer. Kill those little devils with
antibiotics and take some Pepto Bismol and you are in free. (My
husband was surely pleased he didn't have to follow his own doctor's
orders and give up beer, wine, and spicy foods!) Or, nowadays,
maybe enough slurps of CS will kill them -- surely worth a try, if you
can avoid the antibiotics. In other words, it might NOT be
the NSAIDS you have been taking that are giving you grief, but real
critters. Google bacterial cause of ulcers, and see how much you
get on the subject.
Here is another hint, and I hope you won't think it is bizarre.
Eat dirt and get well! OK, not just any dirt, but a special
healing clay called Bentonite or Montmorrilonite (spelling?) which you
can easily order on the Internet. I probably learned about it
initially several years ago from someone on this forum, which is where I
get dozens of bits of great information! Ebay is a good place to
buy it reasonably, once you read up on it and know what you are
getting. Read all about it here:


Animals seek it out and ingest it for health problems, as have native
cultures for centuries. I have problems with my gastrointestinal
tract from time to time. I won't take the meds they push for
gastric reflux, and have virtually escaped that aggravation entirely,
after years of grief with GR by changing my lifestyle.
Inflammation is the cause of more recent bowel problems I have had, I
have been told. No cure, says the specialist. I just have to
take the medicine he gives me to control it for the rest of my life (8
pills a day!). But, the clay is good for both conditions (as well
as many other things!), and I am having great luck since I recalled I had
it and began taking a couple of slurps of liquified clay a couple of
times a day. I also have had two or three sessions with a lady with
a magic touch, a cranial-sacral therapist (D.O.), and some homeopathics
from her, so my improvement may well have been due to all three of these
things. But, back to the clay: A swallow of it
stops GR in its tracks in a couple of minutes. It comes in a
very fine powder. I shake it up with water until it resembles a
very soft pudding. Sometimes, with CS, if I think of it. It
has NO taste, and the texture makes it easy to take. It does leave
a little grit in your mouth, so follow with some water, and then brush
your teeth and enjoy whiter teeth from the fine powder dentifrice it also
provides. Done with the homeopathic regimen; finished with the D.O.
until such 

CSRe: CS Fever Blisters

2007-11-17 Thread patriot2000

My topic is not exactly fever
blisters, but another malady of the lips/mouth that is painful and
annoying -- cracks at the corner of the mouth. My spouse and I used
to get them every winter, and they hurt when anything acid gets into
them, such as salad dressing. We just put up with them, not knowing
anything to try, except creams, which did nothing. 
I read that they were related to a diet deficiency, one of the B
vitamins. After we improved our diets, we no longer got them.
But a couple of weeks ago, I noticed that a neighbor had bad cracks at
the corners of her mouth, clearly very uncomfortable. I told her
about the B vitamins and zinc remedy I had just looked up on the internet
for her problem, but also gave her some CS to put on the sores a couple
of times a day. Told her to just put some on a cotton ball and hold
it against the sores for a few minutes. In less than two days, one
side was nearly healed; two or three days later, the second was also
She told me she told her doctor the creams he had given her had not
helped, but that she cured the problem with CS and he was most surprised,
replying Well, I'll be darned! Guess they didn't
teach him about CS in medical school, huh? Nice that he
didn't just reply that it must have been a coincidence, though, as some
might have. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSRe: Zeolite, anybody?

2007-06-30 Thread patriot2000

Zeolite questions, anybody.
My two cents worth. 
I have purchased Zeolite in three forms. Was having a terrible time
this spring with chronic and uncontrollable diarrhea. Found Esdifan
on the Internet, a product containing mostly Zeolite in capsules, which
claimed excellent results with diarrhea. So I got some.
Pretty good results, actually. Zeolite is used for diarrhea in
cattle, among other things, so I figured if it could stop the problem in
cows, it ought to work with people, too.
I saw the Waiora and noted that it is a MLM company. Not to mention
very expensive. Looked further and found another liquid zeolite in
little brown glass bottles, and more reasonably priced. They
claimed it is the same thing as the MLM product. Bought some of the
that, too. It is zeolite dissolved in humic, too. Read about
it at

www.LiquidZeoliteCompany.com I take some every once in
awhile, when I think of it, but for some reason, I have trouble
conceptualizing that the liquid drops could help my problem and actually
absorb the gut toxins causing it.
The third product is far away the best deal for the money for the purpose
I wanted it for and it is simply ground up zeolite in a one pound
jar. Zeolite in a green labeled jar.
 It is like eating sand. It does not dissolve in water (which
makes me wonder how the liquid products are dissolved. Hmmm.)
and you just swirl a spoonful around in a glass with about a quarter cup
of water and slug it down. It takes several tries to get it all,
and you have a gritty mouth for a few minutes afterwards. I bought
all these products on EBay. 
These things helped enormously and I was able to leave the house with
less trepidation. However, they were not treating the problem --
apparently an inflamed colon -- just helping to control the symptoms, and
about once a week the problem broke loose anyway. 
Finally, I went to the doctor, a new gastroenterologist, not the one who
has done the colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy in the past. He listened
to me describe my problem, checked my charts, drew seven vials of blood
and four stool samples, and sent me away with a prescription for a sulfa
drug to treat the problem while he awaited test results. Every
single exotic test came back normal! Meanwhile the sulfa cleared up
the diarrhea problem like magic, and -- made me feel sicker than a
dog! After two weeks of nausea, malaise, and other vague symptoms
that turned me into a 24 hour couch potato, I called and asked if I could
quit the sulfa. Sure, he said. I have been off it for a week,
and finally have most of my sense of wellbeing and energy back, but I
have a clue that the diarrhea problem will be back if I stay off the
medicine, so I am going to take one of the pills a day, instead of the
eight recommended, and see if that is enough to keep it under control
without making me feel crummy. He says he can try another med for
the inflammation, though, if that happens.
Meanwhile, I don't have a clue about the usefulness of zeolite for heavy
metals, cancer, and all those other things, but I feel it is a useful
addition to my cabinet full of various alternatives, including oil of
oregano, tea tree oil, DMSO, and the ever trusty CS. 
Incidentally, during all this grief, I had some dental surgery, to
transplant bone from my back jaw to another place needing it for an
implant. No pain at all, just a little tenderness at the
touch! Amazing ! However, my face looked like they used the
Jaws of Life to get in there -- a truly gaudy spectacle of black and blue
bruising on both sides of my face, and swelling like a huge case of
mumps. Recalling that DMSO can be useful for reducing bruising, I
diluted some in CS and painted my face with it. In a remarkably
short time, the bruising dissipated and disappeared. 
Okay, my two cents worth turned into a nickel's worth. Hope
something in there is helpful to somebody. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSMelatonin - OT

2007-04-29 Thread patriot2000

For Doris and others writing about melatonin, saying, 
I use the Somalife gHP and I
sleep like a baby with no side effects and no down time in the morning
and the amino acids do many other things in my body besides just make me
sleep better.
I am coming in late on the melatonin discussions, as I have been away
from the Silver List for a while. So, forgive me if I sound off the
wall, here. 
My GOS (grumpy old spouse) has been fighting insomnia for quite a while
-- not cheerfully, as you might gather. Tried melatonin without
measurable results, and won't take OTC or doctor prescribed sleep aids,
wisely, I think. Then I stumbled over a suggestion -- I know not
where, since I read widely about health matters. He has tried
eating chicken and other snacks supposedly helping bring on the Sandman,
but when I told him I had read that eating a handful of walnuts before
going to bed would help, he was willing to try it. 
He has rarely had any trouble falling asleep since he began this odd
bedtime snack! Plus, the nuts are full of great heart healthy Omega
3 fats, too, so he protects his heart, takes care of his need for sleep,
and my patience, all at the same time, while I am a night owl and stay up
all hours happily.
Thought you might like to try the nuts at about $5 a pound, instead of
sleep aids at over $100!

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Re: CSStill OT Cholesterol/ Dr. Huggins

2007-03-24 Thread patriot2000

At 12:40 PM 3/24/2007, you wrote:
large bowel removal sounds very drastic.
Is there something that the very wise and knowledgable people
here can help
you with?
Anyone? V
About three years ago, my daughter-in-law's grandmother, a little old
lady in her eighties, but vivacious and ACTIVE, was stricken with a
mysterious bowel condition. They put her in the hospital, in
Tijuana, where she lives. They treated her with antibiotics from
here to there -- and I don't know what all, but were not making any
headway with her infection. Her condition was going from bad to
worse. In frustration, finally they told her that their
recommendation was the removal of her large intestine and placement of a
colostomy bag. She was very sick, but she was not about to give
them a yes, for that. She thought about it for awhile,
and said, Thanks, but no thanks. I would rather die with my
body intact. And she went home. 
I had been reading The Maker's Diet, by Jordan Rubin not long
before that. He was wasting away and near death at age 19, with no
cure or hope in sight, and received recommendations the same as Grandma
got. Only fortuitous circumstance kept him from going through with
it, and putting him in touch with someone who took him in hand and gave
him what he needed to heal himself. Six months later the picture of
the healthy young man in his book bears scant resemblance to the
cadaverous picture of him at his sickest.
I asked Carol if Grandma would be willing to try some of the things in
the Maker's Diet, and if she had someone to help her stay on a
protocol. Answers, yes to both. I hiked up to the Vitamin
Shoppe in our neighborhood, bought the book, a bottle of Primal Defense,
their goatein and a couple of other products, like greens powders
(spirulina and chlorella) and flax oil. I also sent along some
colloidal silver and real kefir, with kefir grains to make
more. There may have been one or two other things in my
rescue package, I am sorry, I cannot recall perfectly. I was just a
do-gooder, flying blind, you know -- not an expert.
Cutting to the chase. In a week or two, Grandma began to feel a
little better. (I would check once a week with my
daughter-in-law.) Appetite seemed a bit low. I suggested
whatever constitutes comfort food in that culture. (For
me, it would have been milk toast, macaroni and cheese, puddings, etc. --
I don't know what is comfort food in the Mexican cuisine!)
That helped. After about a month, she reported that Grandma had
gotten bored with being cooped up, went out and took herself for a drive
all around TJ! She has been fine ever since, and kept her
colon intact, happily. We see her once a year at a family gathering
for New Years and that little old lady looks to be in perfect
The cost of the CARE package was about $115. I don't know that the
CARE package was the reason for her cure, but if it was, it was a pretty
reasonable price to save a little old lady from the fate she would have
faced otherwise.

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CSc/s and my dog

2006-09-04 Thread patriot2000

Subject: CSc/s and my dog
first time here,, just ordered a c/s
generator how can i apply this product to my beloved lab/ shep
with sore hind quarters... Ping, is 13 years old, and
having trouble getting up the stairs.. thanks, in advance..
George, in addition to anything else you may decide to try (DMO, DSMO,
MSM -- all good ideas!)  get your dog some Vitamin E gelcaps -- the same
kind people take. Preferably, natural and mixed tocopherols, but
any kind will do if you can't find them. Give him one a day in his
food. I stumbled over this remedy by accident, when my son (13 at
the time) said I should try giving one to Lady, our beloved old gimpy
Collie X, if I was going to take it myself for shoulder bursitis (or
whatever ache I had at the time). Why not? was my
response. This is no kidding -- within a week or two, at most, she
was moving easily and comfortably again, able to get up and down stairs
as she had years earlier! When the E was gone, I ceased giving it
to her, and soon she was sore and unable to get to her feet without pain
once again. (The vet had laughed and said her cure had
been a coincidence.) Back on E, she became a young dog
once again. Since she did not know about taking it, and being a
dog, a placebo effect was ruled out.
I told the person who had put me onto E for myself (it never did help
me!) and she began giving it to her stove up German Shepherd, who was
only 6 years old, and likely to be put down because they could not carry
around a dog weighing 115 pounds. Another amazing cure! After
that, I told everyone with an old dog to try it and got favorable
feedback every time. When our almost human black shepherd dog
Grizzly reached old age a few years ago, it worked for him for quite
awhile, then he needed even more of something. He lived
out his last year or two comfortably, by taking Vitamin E, glucosamine
and chondroitin sulfate, and DHEA, and these easily acquired things added
a year or two of quality life to his lifespan. 
I know how you love your dog, and I hope this helps. If it does,
get back to the silver list and tell them so, and multiply the
effect. Lots of folks on the list have dogs!

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CSFwd: Re: CSMSM powder form

2006-07-21 Thread patriot2000

Bulkfoods.com sells MSM powder for $9.71 a pound, including shipping.

P.S.  Sorry for sending the whole digest in my reply the first time, 
Mike.  I KNOW better than that!  Got distracted and hit send before 
trimming it. 

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CSRe: silver-digest Digest CSinner ear infection/EIS

2006-06-30 Thread patriot2000

Re:  CSinner ear infection/EIS

We learned a couple of years ago that hydrogen peroxide drops in the 
infected ear did a great job of clearing up the problem at our house.  Lie 
on your side and use a dropper to put a few drops in your ear.  If there is 
an infection present, it will bubble and hiss, as it kills the germs.  When 
it stops the sound effects, turn over and treat the other ear.  I learned 
(perhaps on this site?) that this is a great way to help nip a cold in the 
bud, too.   My 91 year old mother-in-law told me when I was discussing it 
with her that hydrogen peroxide in the ears was a very common way of 
dealing with colds and ear infections years ago, before antibiotics came on 

I would think that CS drops in the ears would also be effective.


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CSRe: Subject: CSChlorine Filters

2006-05-28 Thread patriot2000
Okay...you have gotten my attention AGAIN about the dangers of chlorine in 
shower water.   I see how putting a filter in would help that problem for 
others, but we have a well, so there is no chlorine in our shower water.

But...does this mean that no rational person should ever go swimming in a 
chlorine treated pool, much less let their children frolic in the water 
there?  We have a pool, but I am not a swimmer, so it doesn't impact 
me.  We fill it with water from our well -- no chlorine there -- BUT large 
quantities of chlorine are used over the course of a year to keep the algae 
under control.  And my grandkids DO use the pool.   I tried one of the 
resources mentioned on this forum a year or two ago -- forget what they 
were called --little copper devices -- anyway, they did not do the trick, 
even though our pool is not very large or deep.

I was living next door to a doctor back in the sixties.  His three kids 
were in the pool for literally hours every day, being in intensive training 
for Junior Olympic swimming events over the course of quite a few 
years.  The girls' hair became metallic looking and shiny from the constant 
chlorine, but I have known those kids for many years -- the oldest is 
pushing 50 -- and I have not heard of any adverse health outcomes.   Yet.

So, I am in a quandary.  Fill up our pool with dirt and plant radishes or 
petunias?  (My husband's favorite option!)   Invite my worst enemies over 
for extended pool parties and kill them with kindness?   Let the pool go 
green and pretend we are swimming in the ol' swimmin' hole of our 
impoverished childhood, or 

Advice will be appreciated.


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CSCSPoison Ivy

2006-04-30 Thread patriot2000
When I was a child in Illinois, we ran around in the woods and canyons and 
every summer brought us another experience or two with poison ivy.  Kids 
whose folks had more money than ours went to the doctor when they caught 
poison ivy, and they usually were sporting white calamine lotion on their 
blisters right afterwards.   It looked interesting, but I don't think it 
speeded their recovery, although it may have helped ease the itching.  At 
our house, the treatment of choice was laundry bleach, right out of the 
bottle.  I don't know who shared that home remedy with us.  Presumably, it 
tended to help dry up the blisters, although if put on open blisters, it 
stung like fury.   Even today, sixty years later, when I smell bleach, it 
takes me back to those summers instantly, like being transported in a time 


From: Pat [mailto:pattycake29...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 6:15 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSPoison Ivy

I had poison ivy last summer and used colloidal silver
and DMSO.  I just applied each at different times,
since I hadn't heard about mixing them.  I was scared
of the DMSO since I'd never used it and didn't apply
it more than twice a day. I think the blisters dried
faster than usual, but the whole episode still took
two weeks to clear up.


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Re: CS breast lump to Wendy

2006-03-05 Thread patriot2000

Subject: RE: CSbreast lump to wendy

Betsy Coffey wrote:

Wendy, are you sure that this lump isnt an infected
cyst of some kind? I used to get something similar
when I was breastfeeding (with subsequent mastitis).
Mastitis is a perisistant thing once you get it. I had
it once real bad with my first child and also got it
in the same breast with my other children. After the
bouts of mastitis, I would sometimes get hard lumps .
Have you tried applying heat or getting in a hot
shower and massaging the tissue? Also taking vitamin E
supplements is very helpful for this condition.

Just my two cents worth on the subject here, speaking as a survivor of 
breast cancer, and also as person who has switched to thermograms from 

The doctor who wrote my thermogram report stated unequivocally that a 
suspicious spot on a thermogram will need to be followed up for 
verification of its status by one of the usual methods -- biopsy, 
mammogram, sonogram, etc.   They do a great job of initial screening, and 
in a non-invasive, non painful and radiation free manner, but they are the 
first line of defense against cancer, not the single solution.  My cancer 
came late in life, but I had a long history of cysts, most fluid filled 
which yielded an instant cure by needle aspiration, but one which was 
removed surgically and was benign.   That made me optimistic that the 
suspicious spot found on a routine mammogram would be just another one of 
the harmless kind.  WRONG!   Thankfully, relatively minor interventions 
allow me to be talking about it more than nine years later (lumpectomy and 
radiation, followed by Tamoxifen.  No mastectomy and no chemo!  I am a 
collector of alternative means of dealing with cancer from here on out, 
however.)  My concern for you, Wendy, is that breast cancers in younger 
women often are notoriously more aggressive than those found in most post 
menopausal patients.   I hope you will go and find out for sure that your 
lump is non-cancerous first, and THEN cast about for supplements, 
treatments, massage, and other means to deal with it.   Your lump probably 
is non-cancerous -- the great majority of them are, but finding out for 
sure is certainly a wonderful relief.

Good luck, and God bless!


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Re: CS Visionware

2006-03-04 Thread patriot2000

Walmart definately sells cast Iron cookware. I saw it in my
local store last time I was there, as well as other stores, in many

stainless steel pot yes, but not
stainless steel frying
pan, i know i tried. jen
While surfing the net to see if I could find out if anodized steel has
the same inherent problems as the others, I came across a site that has
stainless steel frying pans:

I also saw a site that describes Teflon as a serious killer of birds such
as canaries, parrots, and others exposed to it. But the
official FDA site stated in no uncertain terms that Teflon is safe at the
temps people usually cook at. (Of course. I suppose
Dupont and other Teflon makers are as big in lobbying as the aspartame



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSOregano Essential Oils

2006-02-18 Thread patriot2000

Oil of oregano is a staple at our house, and generally used in
conjunction with CS for best results. We have had phenomenal
success using it for shingles, prostatitis, mouth sores, and an
especially difficult 2-3 week round of severe diarrhea, which had the
doctor stumped, and which came up negative for all the usual tests.
That was finally wiped out after the last negative report, by taking 2-3
drops of O of O (put it in gel capsules -- it is STRONG!) every 3 hours
about three times. In one day, it was over! My husband
uses it preventively now, a drop or two a day for health maintenance,
along with CS, because he has had such good luck with it. It
is a bit expensive, but it goes a long way, and is worth its weight in
I highly recommend that you get a little paperback book titled The
Cure is in the Cupboard: How to use Oregano for Better Health,
by Dr. Cass Ingram. He lists the cures it is able to
procure for literally dozens of ills and ailments, and how to use oil of

Supposedly, the best as to
potency is called Oreganol by North American Herb and
Spice Wild, hand picked Mediterranean Oregano Oil P73 . If
you go to the Vitamin Shoppe you will find the same brand $10.00 less
than at Wild Oats. 
The name may sound foreign, it is LatinOriganum
vulgare, most commonly used but there are others as well.

Oregano Oil you will rarely find sold as a pure EO in local stores,
making it yourself may hardly worth the trouble when considering the
price and It is usually sold in a proprietary blend of Olivie Oil which
is used as a carrier. Even so, You will not need more
than a few drops as it is pharmacological potent. 

Here is another proprietary blend that includes other ingredients, one of
which is 


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CSCS and Raw Milk

2006-02-10 Thread patriot2000

...Someone was talking about keeping
kefir in fridge for weeks and it was still good to eat. 
Yes. That is true. The flavor does get stronger over
time, however, and I like to dilute it down a bit with fresh just before
drinking. And if there are bits of kefir grains in the
refrigerated kefir, after awhile they will continue to grow and become
ready to make their own fresh batches of kefir. This is great
stuff. Half a cup before bedtime helps put me away into
By the way. sour milk is wonderful for baking. Some great
oldfashioned recipes call for sour milk -- but I wouldn't be likely to
use soured pasteurized milk for them -- that really is spoiled. You
can get good baking results by adding a bit of vinegar to fresh
pasteurized milk to sour and curdle it, however.


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CSCS and raw milk

2006-02-10 Thread patriot2000

I don't think commercial kefir will grow. In fact, even buying
kefir starter from sources such as Dr. Mercola only allows
you to make about 6 batches of kefir before it is exhausted, as I
understand. You need the real McCoy -- kefir grains
such as described on Dom's website about kefir (really, everything you
could possibly want to know about it, and more). They are rubbery
white masses, look sort of like big gobs of cooked tapioca, and are
Here are FAQs from Dom:


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CSCS and Raw Milk

2006-02-09 Thread patriot2000

Hi, Del!

I buy raw milk here in California to make kefir.  The kefir grains also 
work in regular pasteurized milk, but I prefer the raw to have the product 
be as natural as possible, just as it was made by the people who live in 
cultures where there is major dependence upon it.

I found I didn't make or use the kefir up as fast as I needed to in order 
to use the half gallon of milk up before the expiration date.  So I decided 
to try a little CS in it to keep it from going sour before I could culture 
it.  I used only about a teaspoon or less for a half gallon, and the milk 
stayed fresh and unsoured for a couple of weeks beyond what I usually 
manage to keep it.  And, it makes good kefir too, if I use only a little 
bit.  I think there may have been some effect on the kefir grains when 
there was too much CS in the milk, however -- they did not grow as they 
usually do, and began to deteriorate in size and quality.

But...if you are not using it to make kefir, I think you will be pleased at 
the longevity and safety of the milk with just a little CS added.  Someone 
on the list did some more scientific comparisons using CS to keep milk 
fresh about a year or so ago, I think, and got great results, too.


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CSPosts about sleep issues

2006-02-06 Thread patriot2000

Regarding comments from Silver List posters on insomnia.  Not long ago one
of you asked if others had trouble sleeping after taking CS at

Poor, bleary-eyed, insomniac spouse was shown the replies.  He has been
taking CS religiously morning and night for a couple of years or more --
about the same length of time he has had trouble sleeping!  EFT didn't
help; nor did anything else he tried.  He could be utterly beat and falling
asleep at the computer, but after getting ready for bed (including
nighttime dose of CS) was wide-eyed and wired,' as if having had strong
coffee.  Couldn't get to sleep; or if he did, would have sleepless spells
through the night.

Outcome:  No more CS at night, no more insomnia.

This probably is not pertinent to the problems of the elderly insomniacs
mentioned in today's posts, but I was prompted to remind Silver Listers
that they themselves may not need melatonin and such if they take their CS
early in the day instead of at bedtime.

This list is GRAND!  Poor hubby probably would have gone on being sleepless
in San Diego the rest of his life if someone here had not brought that side
effect to our attention!


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Re: CSNiacin

2006-01-02 Thread patriot2000

About acid reflux...

I have been battling acid reflux for several years.  Tried a lot of things, 
often with partial success.  My doc wanted to give me the usual drugs to 
combat too much acid, but I would not take them, explaining to her that I 
felt the problem was too little acid, and symptoms appear to be consistent 
with that.  EFT helped significantly for awhile, but I have recently found 
one easy, inexpensive product that actually addresses the SOURCE of the 
problem of insufficient digestion, by adding important digestive enzymes in 
a tasty small chewable tablet to be taken after meals or, in my case, just 
whenever I have the feeling that discomfort is about to occur.

The product is from American Health and is called chewable Original Papaya 
Enzyme (The After Meal Supplement).  The bottle contains 600 tablets, 
which last for months and costs about 8 or 10 dollars or so, depending on 
the source.  Contents:  Papain, Amylase, Protease, and Papaya Fruit, 
principally -- for digestion of starches, proteins, and fats.  Also says it 
contains sucrose, calcium carbonate, vegetable stearic acid, vegetable 
magnesium stearate, corn starch and papaya flavors.  Lots healthier than 
the constant ingestion of antacids I used to take for relief from daily, 
almost constant heartburn, and lots easier than squeezing raw ginger root 
juice (Dr. Walt Stoll's recommendation), etc.  I just put a few in my 
pocket, or carry some in my purse and I am good to go anywhere and eat 
anything without misery.

Hope this helps some fellow sufferers!


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Re: CSEfficacy of antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease

2005-12-24 Thread patriot2000

A search of Ask Jeeves brought tons of information about CMO, including
this action brought by the Federal Trade Commission against the company
making and distributing it. I am learning about CMO for the
first time, because of the sharing comments on the Silver List, as I
search for ways to help a nephew who almost certainly has Lyme Disease,
although his allopathic doctors say he doesn't, because the tests they
are using come back negative. 


 Distribution Centers of America, Inc. - Cmp 
...this revolutionary new substance. * * * CMO. . . THE DISCOVERY.
In 1971, the ... CMO™ is an immunomodulator, it regulates
your immune...


www.ftc.gov/os/2000/05/cmocmp.htm |

Cached | Save 
I figure the makers and users of CMO must be getting some good results,
and being no longer beneath the radar, are getting the expected
persecution and prosecution by the Feds, just as Dr. Lane did with his
phenomenal Benefin shark cartilage results with cancer
patients. How they drove him out of the business of producing
that wonder product was very instructive! But they did not
bother him until his product was successful and became well
I look forward to learning more about CMO for the sake of my nephew and
of friends I know with various ailments such as fibromyalgia, MS, and
arthritis, which also are said to respond to the use of CMO. I
am hoping List users will share what they know. Just e-mail me
personally, if necessary, to keep the volume on a non-CS topic within
reasonable limits.
Thanks in advance! 

Re: CSeves dropping

2005-12-20 Thread patriot2000

At 07:11 AM 12/20/2005, you wrote:
You said it all, Ode!  Thanks for an informational reply.  I especially 
appreciated the historical context!  I first learned about Echelon during 
the latter years of the Clinton administration, when I began to wake up 
and smell the coffee  and also became adept at using the Internet.   Big 
Brother also scans every single e-mail transmission.  Heck, Rush was 
discussing yesterday that they can even lock onto transmissions of the baby 
monitors people have in their homes to listen to their infants from another 

The snoopers look for key words in e-mails such as bo-mb, etc.  Anything 
that might yield information about terrorism or presumably even political 
non-correctness re: the people in power could trigger the system and make 
one be fair game for perusal.  My friend's son, who was and still is a 
computer guru told me all about it back then and I don't imagine they have 
become less sophisticated in the interim.  They have had nearly 60 years to 
perfect the tools of their trade.  And Senator Boxer, and others who have 
piled on and are sanctimoniously attacking Bush, know it!  But it makes 
good political fodder for those listening to such attackers who want to 
believe the worst.   The New York Times, the self-righteous Dems, and 
anyone who would put our country in jeopardy willingly in exchange for 
political advantage know  what  Simon and Garfunkel sang years ago is true 
-- a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest!

Now, then, if they hear of a better way to make, use, and get the word out 
about CS, we will all give Echelon three cheers.


Get real!

So what has the NSA top secret Echelon project [that so many people know 
about somehow] been doing for the past 40+ years other than scanning every 
satellite, Internet, radio, FAX and cell phone transmission that 
.suddenly makes it Bush's baby?
 Is this the Great Society legacy of Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson and the 
mobster smuggler Kennedys?

 Maybe not, but they sure didn't stop it.

Echelons beginnings date from 1948.
 NSA started in 1952 under Harry Truman...another Democrat...and one of 
the main missions was to eavesdrop on steel mills to prevent a strike 
and everyone else later on using the Echelon system after the Supreme 
Court ruled that illegal..by placing control under a TOP SECRET 
agency  [NSA] that doesn't report to the Supreme Court.
The Crisis Mongers are apparently attempting to fill Georges can with 
their own crap legacy.

 Domestic Spying is most certainly not new news.
 Echelon listens to EVERYTHING in the air, all over the world.

 The only thing that George is doing differently is sharing the info with 
other agencies and not denying that the system exists. [but still doesn't 
utter the word Echelon]
 He also doesn't waste a lot of energy defending himself when he could 
and someone else would, were they in his shoes.

 The crisis mongers are confusing domestic wire taps with listening in 
to the public airwaves which is legal for anyone to do.
 Cell phone calls and police radios are regularly listened into by 
private individuals who own scanners.
 The only restrictions are about how the info is 'used' and there is a 72 
hour window to get a retroactive warrant on info already collected should 
it be useful..which [so far as I can tell] includes domestic wire taps 
if the tap in not located inside a building.

A warrant is obtained so the info can be used in court.
 Trans Oceanic cables are not domestic lines and anything broadcast is 
Public Domain.
 Planting bugs in a room is a different story being discussed with the 
advent of laser listening devices that don't attach to or enter into a 
 Planting a bug  requires a warrant to gain entry in order to plant the 
bug with no retroactive provision.
 There are no laws against anyone using a hearing aid, a vibrating window 
is a speaker and sounds broadcast in the air are Public Domain.

 Right or wrong aside
 Anyone with a desire to maintain privacy has known to use encryption and 
codes for a long long time.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSCS/h2o2/Gatorade mixture

2005-12-12 Thread patriot2000

Subject: Re: CSCS/h2o2/Gatorade mixture
I already eat far less sugar than the average american, bake all our own 
bread, waffles, etc as I don't like sweetness/sugar in any of those, etc. 
I just want to be able to have an occasional sweet treat, without sugar.
Some level of sugar may be better than artificial sweeteners 


Like you, Sol, I have found I don't like the aftertaste of most stevia 
products.  I would use it in my coffee, but always ended up adding a half 
teaspoon of sugar, too, to cover the taste.  Where was the gain in 
that??  Now I have located a stevia product that I actually like, with 
little to no aftertaste.  It is a product called Stevia Balance, and it is 
made by NOW Foods.  It combines stevia extract with Chromium  and Inulin 
(from chicory root).  I was already taking inulin anyway, with the 
understanding that it enhances the life of the good probiotic critters I am 
trying to have colonize my innards, so this is a bonus.  I get it at the 
health food store -- 100 packets for under 10 bucks.

However, I am going to try something else when I run out.  I bought an 
ounce of pure white stevia powder (expensive!) and a bottle of inulin 
powder, which is very inexpensive, and I have some capsules containing 
chromium.  I am going to mix my own.  I am quite certain it will be much 
less expensive than the NOW product.  However, for those who don't like to 
adventure as I do, the box of packets definitely is worth trying, and I 
recommended it to a diabetic cousin recently, too.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


2005-11-05 Thread patriot2000

There is a world famous Autism Center in San Diego, founded several
decades ago by Dr. Bernard Rimland, whose own son was autistic.
Search engines will all bring this up.  I used Ask Jeeves.
They provide a great deal of information and support to parents, do
research, etc.

They can give you questionnaires about the child's functioning, then
interpret that information and provide other help. You will
find a lot of information about their ongoing research into causes of
autism, such as vaccinations, and how to deal with it -- diet
modification, behavioral training, and chelation, etc.
The autistic grandson of a friend has been helped a great deal by
diet changes. Autistic kids are particularly sensitive to foods
such as wheat and milk, and elimination of these and other foods can make
a world of difference.
is a website for parents and teachers of autistic children -- lots of
information and helpful links there!
The rise of incidence is appalling. When I was in grad school in
1970, I had heard of autism only as a very rare disorder, thought to be
caused by inadequate, cold mothers. (That'll teach us to listen to
shrinks!) As a school psychologist, I saw my first case of it
in 1982. Once seen only about once in 10,000, the incidence rate is
now something like 1 in 180. Read the articles on vaccination and
autism and draw your own conclusions!
Good luck. God bless!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSlightflashes between eyes, and the retina

2005-10-16 Thread patriot2000

On the subject of light flashes...

About 7 years ago, when I was on Tamoxifen to prevent recurrence of breast 
cancer, my left eye suddenly filled with blood soon after I experienced 
lightning fast flashes going around and around in circles on the outer edge 
of my visual field inside my eye, almost like a fireworks light show.   I 
experienced those for quite awhile afterwards, too, and was told it was a 
danger signal for possible retinal detachment.  When, after several weeks, 
the blood finally was finally resorbed so they could peer inside my eye, 
they found a small hole in the retina, where the vitreous humor had pulled 
away from the eyeball.   The ophthalmologist used his laser to seal around 
the edges of it to preclude another incident.   Instant fix, painless, took 
just a few minutes.  Those guys have incredible technology at their disposal!

I asked my oncologist if it was caused by the Tamoxifen, as in the small 
print, visual problems were listed as possible side effects.   She replied 
that such effects occurred in the studies only when the dosage was many 
times what I was taking, and the Tamoxifen could not have been 
responsible.  Yeah, sure.  Sure I believe that.   And I believe that pigs 
can fly, too.  (She also did not tell me that the Femara she recommended I 
take last year as a followon to Tamoxifen could cause my hair to 
drastically thin and fall -- which it did.  She was quite surprised to 
learn I found that side effect on the Internet, too.  Nice lady, but not up 
to speed on the drugs being peddled by the pharmaceutical industry, 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSCS Fingernails; bone density

2005-09-27 Thread patriot2000

On the strength of the recommendations given here for black sesame seeds,
I went hunting on the Internet (love that Jeeves!) and found a very
reasonable source at BulkFoods.com
I ordered 5 lbs. of black sesame seeds and 5 pounds of sea salt I also
decided to try, and with the 4.95 packing charge and NO shipping charge
my bill was only $27.44:
Item 1
Product ID: 44554
Product Name: Fine Sea Salt 5
Product Price: $7.54
Quantity: 1
Item 2
Product ID: 16354
Product Name: Black Sesame
5 pounds
Product Price: $14.95
Quantity: 1
SubTotal: $22.49
Shipping: $0.00(UPS Standard Ground)
Handling: $4.95
State Tax: $0.00
Country Tax: $0.00
Grand Total: $27.44
Thank you for your order.
I plan to grind the seeds in my coffee grinder, just as I grind
flax seeds to add to our cereal every morning and to homemade
bread. I have high hopes for improvement in my husband's splitting
nails, and for my hair. I also use the grinder to grind
apricot seeds for natural (dare I write it?) Lae --tr_ile. Anything
like that goes down easily in powdered form. 
The source above has many products at reasonable prices. They are
now safely saved in my Favorites file, as is the new source at Herbal.com
that Tel has shared with us on the List. Thanks to all who
take the time to share information and advice on this list. It
takes a heap of reading to get through it all, but just one nugget of
great information once in awhile makes it all worthwhile! (Thanks
to Mike D, too, for keeping the List going for us!!)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2005 #558

2005-09-25 Thread patriot2000

Re: CS Splitting Fingernails

When I was young, my weak and splitting fingernails were quickly 
strengthened by taking a couple of teaspoonfuls of plain gelatin stirred in 
orange juice every day.  Protein deficiency was the cause of the weak nails 
then, I guess.

Nowadays, it takes more to maintain them.  When I take Concentrace 
colloidal minerals (other places, like the Vitamin Shoppe, have the 
Concentrace minerals in their own name brand, and it is a little cheaper), 
my weak nails become strong and whole after a couple of months.  (They 
taste terrible -- I put the drops in empty gel capsules,)

Note:  it takes at least that long for the effects of anything you do to 
show in nails, for they grow out slowly from the nail bed at the base of 
the nail.   Adding gelatin, silica and horsetail for good measure gives me 
good results.  All of the above have improved my husband's weak and 
splitting (formerly very strong) nails, but he still has less complete 
results than I do.  One nail resists healing.  So something else is missing 
in his diet or assimilation, probably.   We'll add the items listed in 
other posts.  Thanks to all for the hints.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CS Asthma and EFT

2005-08-10 Thread patriot2000
I can't speak for asthma, but I have had great results using the technique 
to conquer a chronic gastric reflux problem.  I tried lots of things 
through the years, but  with only limited benefits for most of 
them.  Primal Defense (from Garden of Life) gave the best results, but I 
needed to take it virtually every day, and even then, there were some 
occasional meals or a stressful incident that sent me hunting for some 
antacid tablets to deal with a temporary attack.

I began to try EFT after learning about it in order to help a grandchild 
with a severe problem with social anxiety.   (There was an immediate 
remarkable 'turnaround' in her which alone makes the technique worth its 
weight in diamonds to me.)   But...about the gastric reflux.  I began 
tapping for that.  Within a few days -- a week at most -- I realized that 
the heartburn was not bothering me at all anymore.  That was several weeks 
ago -- perhaps a month -- and I have not had reflux since.  I now take a 
probiotic pearl from Dr. Williams (Alternatives) when I remember to do so, 
just because I feel we need that extra help to normalize our digestive 
tracts.   If I overindulge in a favorite food and begin to get a little 
twinge reminiscent of the reflux, I simply chew a piece of gum for a little 
while, and that's all.  What a huge relief.  I had it so bad that my voice 
was going hoarse, and I coughed every time it occurred, unable to control 
it.   All these years, I was unwilling to use the meds the doctor wanted me 
to try.  I sure wish I had tried EFT  when I first read about it, several 
years ago!


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


2005-07-07 Thread patriot2000

At 06:38 AM 7/7/2005, you wrote:
Thanks for the advice. I am glad
to know you can put it directly in the eye.
Hi, Paula ~~
Last fall my daughter-in-law was diagnosed as having shingles in her
eye. The doc gave her the usual medication, Acyclovir, but I
immediately had her also begin washing the affected eye in ionized
silver, and taking it internally, along with some DMSO in capsules to
enhance internal absorption. By the very next day, the shingles
effect was already lessening. Only two tiny ones actually came to
scab over, and her eye, though still red and scratchy feeling for a few
days, improved from the minute she began putting silver in it. A
week later, she revisited her doctor, who remarked in surprise that it
was the lightest case of shingles he had ever seen! ;-) 
If our family never got another single benefit from my joining this list
and beginning to make and use silver, that saving of my beautiful
daughter-in-law, whose career is up front in the cosmetics
field at Nordstroms was ample reward!!!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSCS for bird's ailment

2005-06-02 Thread patriot2000
Some writers have referred to treating various problems in their animals, 
including birds, with CS.  Others have commented that CS has been useful 
with human warts, which are a viral form.  My granddaughter has a very 
young pet bird that has papillomas, wartlike growths, around its face and 
beak.  Has anyone used CS to treat such a problem?   Would you put CS in 
its drinking water, or swab the growths with CS?  Or both?  Any 
ideas?  Thanks in advance.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


2005-04-23 Thread patriot2000

Sol wrote:
Also there
is information that one of the probiotic organisms in Primal Defense is
actually dangerous (b.lichenformis) it is associated with cancers.
Anyone considering using PD should do some research, so they have enough
information to make a considered decision, rather than rely on the
marketing of the company and its product(s). 
Please give a link to the information you mention above.  I asked
Jeeves and got nothing on it. I would really like to know, because
I swear by Primal Defense. Until I tried that, I never could get
control of my acid reflux problems. Even now, if I forget to take
it for about three days, I am soon back to square one. I also read
recently that this is common, because the good bacteria are not able to
live in one's system for more than about three days, but that by adding
inulin which is a prebiotic to the diet also, it provides the nutrition
and support that allows the little critters in the Primal Defense to live
and colonize instead of being wiped out. I am waiting for an order
of that to arrive and will try it right away when it does.
However...if one or more of the organisms in Primal Defense are truly
harmful, who would want them to set up housekeeping within for a long
period, anyway???!!
I find that kefir made with raw milk also provides some relief for acid
reflux. Maybe that is the best in the long run -- nothing but good
food, full of the organisms that occur as a result of the fermentation
process. Since the raw milk is very expensive, it has to last
a week or two as I make kefir and use it for nothing else. I
recalled the CS in the milk experiments run recently by one of our number
(sorry, forget which, so cannot give much deserved attribution!) and now
I put a bit of CS in the bottle after opening it, and it lasts perfectly
for days longer than it does without. CS in a gallon of regular
pastuerized milk allowed us to use it for two weeks past the expiration
date stamped on the bottle!! With no grandchildren visiting
during that time, it had to last much longer than usual -- and it
certainly did!!
Thanks in advance for any information you can provide on the b.
lichenformis issue, sol!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSSubject: Re: CSReflexology maps of the hands feet

2005-04-15 Thread patriot2000
In addition to Reflexology, you may wish to investigate Anodyne Therapy, 
which is simply infra red therapy.  It may be helpful for your Lyme 
connected neuropathy, also.  It is non-invasive, painless, non-toxic, and 
certainly worth a try.  I consider it nothing short of a miracle, and 
Medicare covers it.  You need to find a rehab center that has it.  Most 
doctors don't even know about it.  Mine didn't, but I talked her into 
writing a referral for me, and Anodyne cured my chronic tendonitis in both 
wrists (neither chiropractic nor acupuncture touched it.).  No cortisone 
shots, no pain, just blessed relief.  Check these sites out as possible 
helps for Lyme related neuropathy.  They do get fantastic results with 
diabetic neuropathy.  My therapist said he recently treated a woman who had 
no feeling from toes to knees, and her doctors had given up.  Before long, 
she once again had feeling in her feet!



There are also Anodyne units for sale or rent.  (Bring lots of 
money.)  However, on the Internet, you can find generic units which sell 
for a tiny fraction of the cost of the patented article.  Even E-Bay 
features them.  I have friends who are reporting relief for numerous 
painful conditions using them, and if my problems flare up again, I will be 
there bidding on one to use right at home.

I hope you find some thing useful from this.  I have a nephew who is very 
ill and in the process of being diagnosed with Lyme.  His (idiot) doctor 
doesn't think he has it, but every single symptom he has was on the Lyme 
checklist from one of the Lyme sites I researched for him.  It is only a 
matter of time before they leave that close-minded psuedo-professional and 
pursue a specialist in Lyme Disease.  Of course, CS was the first thing I 
recommended to them and he is now buying his own CS unit!  If you can offer 
some other ideas in addition, that you found helpful for combatting 
Lyme,  they will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.Marlys

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CS Eyebath

2005-04-12 Thread patriot2000

At 04:17 AM 4/12/2005, you wrote:
I'll keep an eye out for
one (LOL!) but though I remember eye baths from my childhood, I
haven't seen one for donkey's years.
Somebody must still sell them, though.
What a surprise to visit the list and follow the link to the antique
bottle site, today. There I saw the exact same clear eyewash cup
which was once my mom's selling for thirty bucks. I recall using it
to treat pink eye in my childhood. That cup, and
colloid silver eye washes several times a day, helped my daughter-in-law
defeat shingles in her eye last fall. Thanks to good advice found
on the Silver List, with CS and DMSO internally, also, plus a few other
things (B vitamins, oil of oregano, lysine, etc.), she beat the shingles
in just a few days. She did take Acyclovir, too, but I put my
money on the additional things, since so many people take the anti-viral
drugs and still have massive eruptions of shingles. Her doc checked
her out a week later, saw only one small pock mark on her nose and
slightly reddened eye remaining, and pronounced it the mildest case of
shingles he had ever seen. 
Chalk up another victory for CS!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSRe: CS readability of text...

2005-04-11 Thread patriot2000

At 10:33 AM 4/11/2005, you wrote:
 Does anyone know if there
is a way to change a website/page(s) that are
 just about unreadable because of dark text on dark backgrounds or
 text on black backgrounds to plain black text on white?

I find that if I just select the part I want to read, it comes up in
white print that stands out better than the black. I can read that
well enough. However, if that is not good enough for your needs,
better still, simply select and copy the part you want to
read, and paste it in a new e-mail (which you can just trash after
reading), or in your Word Perfect or Word -- it will print as black on
white; then you can delete or automatically save the document for future
reference, too, if you like. Two birds, with one stone.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSSubject: CSheliobacter CS

2005-04-03 Thread patriot2000

Deborah wrote:
A friend of mine with early stage stomach ulcers would like to try CS as
way of eliminating any possible heliobacter pyloris that may be
trouble. I would appreciate knowing the dosage and frequency to
to her of the homemade CS I'll be supplying.
I am surprised that her doctor did not give her the
now common treatment for heliobacter pylori caused ulcers: Pepto
Bismol (or other bismol product) and an antibiotic. Back in
the late eighties, when my husband had a huge bleed down from an
unexpected ulcer, doctors were still recommending a bland diet forever,
no alcohol, etc., in addition to a prescription of Zantac. I read
in the paper at the time (1987) that a doctor in Australia had theorized
that ulcers were caused by this common bacteria and ought to be treated
as a bacterial infection. He was laughed out of every medical venue
where he brought the subject up. Finally, he infected himself
with the bacteria, in an effort to prove his theory, and promptly cured
it. When I sent the clipping with my husband to his followup
appointment with his doctor, it was predictably pooh-poohed.
However, within a year, it was major medical news and it now is the gold
standard treatment for such ulcers. A very easy test done in the
doctor's office confirms if h pylori is present, (my doctor
checked me out a few years back when I had symptoms), but sometimes the
test costs more than the treatment, so typically, I understand that a
prescription is written instead, and in a few days, it is a done
deal. Just shows to go ya (as we used to say as kids),
the doctors are not only unsympathetic to outside the mainstream
complementary methods such as CS, they are pretty hard on their own
colleagues when they step out of line from the way it is always
done, too.
CS may give the same quick results. I don't know. If she
tries that route instead, I will be interested to learn if it is as quick
and long lasting as the allopathic doc's fix, and I am sure others on
this list will be, too. It would save a trip to the doctor's
office, leaves some cash in one's pocket, and leave a digestive tract
that does not require recolonization with probiotics (good bacteria in
the intestines are killed by antibiotics)!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2005 #206

2005-03-29 Thread patriot2000

To Brooks, who wrote: 

Those possessing useful knowledge are, forever, under a moral mandate to
share itin the most simple and direct terms available to them.

You ARE the voice of wisdom! Amen, and thank you,
thank you, thank you! I have an advanced degree, and have
been to Oz to get a brain, but it has not helped me one whit to make head
or tail of the extensive discussions this past week. (Has it only
been a WEEK? Can you spell interminable?)

Now, I can't wait to get the Reader's Digest version.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSSubject: Re: CSmycoplasma to jim and question about cs for scalp fungus and (Laetrile comments)

2005-02-10 Thread patriot2000

Cliff wrote:
Apricot kernels have been seized from all of
the health food stores in Canada and the USA, because when used properly
with an adequate diet, they have been shown to stop and reverse many

The same thing that is in apricot kernels is
also in apple seeds, millet and many other foods, especially that of

You must not eat many of the foods known to
cure cancer or other problems - if it is going to put the big pharms out
of business or stopping governments from running our lives as if we were
cattle or sheep.
Here are a couple of articles which will show that there is a great deal
of Laetrile in wheat grass. What are they gonna do, keep you from
growing grass, too? (Yeah, I know the other kind of grass would
bring down the Feds, but WHEAT grass?) I was told about the use of
wheat grass in fighting cancer when I was diagnosed with breast cancer 8
years ago. I had no idea why it was good to use it but when I was
told it helped counteract radiation poisoning, I began to grow and juice
it during the weeks I was getting radiation therapy. Not only did I
have no side effects whatsoever from the radiation, I found that it did
give a really good energy boost, and I continued to use it for months
afterwards, until the labor of seeding, growing, cutting, and juicing it
got to be too much. I mixed it with Snappy Tom tomato cocktail to
cut the taste. Even now I take a little each day in its dried form,
mixed with other greens -- barley grass, chlorella, and spirulina --
stirred into a little water. I don't know if the dried form has the
same potent factors that fresh cut does -- probably not -- but it
probably has some benefits. I find it has a disgusting taste and
appearance -- like drinking swamp water -- but adding some lemon juice
helps a great deal. Yech! I wish someone would find that
chocolate has tremendous cancer fighting qualities! :-) 



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CS Help for Wilma Amos

2005-02-05 Thread patriot2000

Wilma asks: can anyone tell me what to do
about 'epstein barr', i know it goes hand in hand with chronic
and fybromyalgia...or is there any cure? natural healing that would
help i've also had diahreah for 3 weeks..
I can sympathize with the aggravation of having diarrhea for 3 weeks,
as I did also, starting on Christmas night. Over the counter
remedies stopped it each day temporarily, then severe diarrhea kept
recurring. After 2 weeks and reading up all the possible causes on
the Internet (shudder), I went to the allopathic doc who did all the
relevant lab tests for e.coli, parasites, etc. I was weak as a cat
and ready for real relief. After another 6 days, I got all the
results back. Good news. Nothing there. 
But the problem went on, as viruses and other wee critters cannot read
lab reports. She suggested I make an appointment with a GI
doc. Okay. First appointment available was a month (later
changed to 6 weeks!). Time to take matters into my own hands.
I got out my book, The Cure is in the Cupboard: How to Use Oregano
for Better Health, by Dr. Cass Ingram. Aha! Oil of oregano is
good for diarrhea, among many other things, saith the book.
Had been taking CS religiously, now I added to it a huge dose of oil of
oregano. Fasting, I took CS and a gelcap containing about 6 drops
of O of O every 3 to 4 hours. By late evening, I had had only one
more episode. Then nothing. I ate lightly that night, then
went back to life as usual. The diarrhea stopped cold.
I don't know what caused it, and I can't say for certain that it was the
O of O and CS combination that stopped it. But there was a definite
correlation, and after three weeks of unremitting discomfort,
aggravation, and worry, I considered that in this case at least,
correlation just might imply causation!! Oh, yes. I
will be keeping my appointment with the GI doc. It's probably time
for that middle age encounter with the GI doc's interesting array of
diagnostic tools, anyway, if you know what I mean. 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS Diabetes, neuropathy, thyroid problems, etc.

2005-01-25 Thread patriot2000

Dan Nave
dn...@mn.nilfisk-advance.com wrote: 

Re: CS Diabetes, neuropathy, thyroid problems, etc.

Can't remember which practitioner (MD / alternative practitioner)

was but he was recommending Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) for diabetic

neuropathy. His recommendation on dose for those with the condition

200mg three times a day.

Don't just do this and forget about losing weight and following up on

holistic approach!


I think I probably have missed a good deal of the conversations preceding
this last, but I will jump in anyway. Forgive me if I am
redundant. If you have neuropathy, especially diabetic neuropathy,
look into Anodyne Therapy. I hunted it up on the Internet when I
read about it in one of the alternative doc's newsletters which I get by
snailmail. I was getting desperate to get rid of the chronic
tendonitis I had in both wrists which did not yield to acupuncture or to

www.AnodyneTherapy.com gave enough information to go on, and I
located a source of the treatments with their infra-red LEDs here in my
city. I needed a referral from my doctor to get in, and I talked
that skeptical lady into writing it for me. A couple of treatments
gave me significant relief, and a dozen more took care of the problem
Now, here is the interesting part: Anodyne is particularly
effective for diabetics, correcting neuropathy and healing chronic open
sores. The rehab therapist I asked about it said that he recently
had a diabetic patient without any feeling up to her knees, considered
hopeless by her doctor. The Anodyne treatments restored feeling
down to her toes!
Anodyne was paid for by my Medicare and auxiliary Tricare for Life
insurance. I looked into purchasing a unit, and they are pretty
pricey at about $3000, but I learned from my therapist that after a
diabetes patient of Medicare age has had a course of the treatments (12)
there is a program through Medicare which will subsidize the purchase by
the patient, so that his/her cost is $500 instead of $3000, and thus the
patient can continue the treatments at home for as long or as often as
needed. Then, I went searching around the Internet, and found that
there are other generic versions of the infra red units which are
considerably lower priced and within the grasp of most people! 
I can't speak of their comparability or effectiveness, however.

My memory is hazy, and I am too lazy to go back to search the archives
tonight, but I think the topic of infra red LEDs has enjoyed quite a bit
of coverage on this site in the not too distant past, and if you are
reading this and were one of the contributors to the earlier discussions,
it would be nice if you spoke up again about the benefits of infra red to
amplify the current discussions about neuropathy or directed the readers
to the best sources of information in the archives. 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSAnyone ever tried Seazyme?

2004-11-22 Thread patriot2000
Has anyone on this list ever used Seazyme?  Their literature which came in 
the mail sounds too good to be true.  I can't find anything on the net 
about it, except an offer to sell it which matches the version I got in the 
mail.  Thanks for any help you can give.  Sorry to use this space for non 
CS questions, but I TRUST you guys!  Answer by private e-mail, please.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSA happy Thanksgiving story about CS and shingles

2004-11-21 Thread patriot2000
Hi, to all!  This note is a thanks giving to everyone here, who has 
taught and encouraged me and others about CS and so much more.  I have a 
special reason for thanks this year.

Last weekend, my beautiful daughter-in-law was feeling pain in her eye and 
her face, also numbness and other unusual sensations, which had begun 
Friday although she did not mention it.  By Monday, she was very 
uncomfortable, and consulted her M.D., who diagnosed shingles IN HER EYE 
and on her cheek and temple.  He gave her acyclovir to treat it.  When she 
called me Monday evening and told me about it, I was very alarmed, and told 
her to get over to my place pronto -- the same evening.  Luckily, I had 
labelled and filed recent letters posted on the Silver List that had to do 
with shingles, and I quickly printed those out for her.  A quick search on 
the Net confirmed my worst fears -- not only is shingles horribly 
uncomfortable and likely to scar her lovely face, there was a very real 
danger of vision damage or blindness resulting.

She is a great daughter-in-law -- takes CS or whatever else I recommend -- 
and she said she already had started rinsing her eye with CS.   An eye cup 
dating back to my own childhood made that easier for her to do.  (Bet not 
many will recall those -- useful for pink eye rinses.)  I sent her home 
with a full bottle of CS, some DMSO, oil of oregano, (and empty capsules to 
put those two items in to make swallowing them less unpleasant), lysine, 
B-vitamins, an immune enhancing product, and strong directions to use all 
of them.   My brother-in-law and a friend had shingles for weeks, lots of 
pain and scarring despite the best treatment the medical profession could 
provide them.  I sent some fervent prayers up that Carol would be spared 
their ordeal.

Now, to tell you of the Thanksgiving miracle.  I called her THE NEXT DAY 
(Tuesday), and asked how she was.  MUCH BETTER was her reply!!  I couldn't 
believe it.  She had a business meeting to go to, and she went smelling of 
garlic from the DMSO, but her eye was already much less inflamed and the 
shingle outbreak on her nose had already scabbed over and was covered 
easily with makeup.  She made the meeting!  Each day since then she has 
improved, until the shingles are already just a memory!  In two or three 
days!!  That should make a believer out of doubters.  I really think it was 
the CS, enhanced by the DMSO, and augmented by the other things, but 
primarily the CS that can be thanked for her remarkable recovery.

Thanks to all you guys for sharing.   And happy Thanksgiving to all!


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: CSInuit

2004-11-19 Thread patriot2000

At 10:28 PM 11/18/2004, you wrote:
BTW: Am I the only one here who
has noticed what the address of this list is???
LOL! How funny! (The answer is,

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2004 #875

2004-11-14 Thread patriot2000

Re:  CS Re:  Raw Milk

At 06:23 PM 11/14/2004, you wrote:
BUT unless you are pre-digesting the milk ( making Kefir) it IS pretty 
well proved to be another wrong thing - we like it 'cos it's white! :-)

Like the fabled California Oranges. So big!

I have been too busy to read all the Silver List posts for several weeks, 
but just opened the newest one and my eyes fell on the above sentences, and 
I was prompted to comment on kefir.  For years I have had severe Gastric 
Reflux (GERD), and tried a heap of things to get rid of it.  Many helped a 
little bit, but none fixed the problem and I refused the purple pills and 
other pharmaceutical fixes proposed by my doctor.  Until I followed some 
of the advice in Jordan Rubin's book, The Maker's Diet.  Two things I 
learned there have set me free, and now that I use his Primal Defense 
probiotic religiously, three scoops a day stirred into water (along with a 
couple of spoonfuls of powdered greens, some coral calcium and MSM) I can 
expect to get through a week with only one or two mild visitations of that 
horrible burning reflux.  Rubin is a firm believer in kefir, too.  So, I 
found a lady who gave me some kefir grains to get started making my 
own.  The grains or starter look like large rubbery blobs of tapioca.  I 
pour a cupful of raw milk purchased at Henry's over them, and set the 
covered cup on the counter and the next day I have genuine kefir.  It 
tastes a lot like buttermilk -- an acquired taste, perhaps -- but I like 
it.  When I am at home and feel a little twinge of acid coming on, just a 
few swallows of the kefir, and all is well once again!  Just shows to go 
ya, as we used to say when we were kids, that the problem is NOT too much 
acid, but instead a lack of healthy critters in the digestive tract.

My daughter-in-law's grandmother was so very sick recently with a GI tract 
infection that the doctors thought the only thing that might hold out hope 
for her life was to remove a large portion of her intestine.  That little 
old 86 year old lady thought long and hard and figured she might rather 
just die and be done with it than go through that.  They cleared up as much 
of the infection as possible, and she went home to think about her 
options.  I am surely no M.D., but I sent Rubin's book, some of the Garden 
of Life things, including Primal Defense, and some of my kefir grains to 
her family caretakers, who live in another city.  I have been pleased to 
hear the last few times I asked after her health, that she is doing very 

Oh, yes.  I take CS at the other end of the day, just before going to bed, 
and try to maximize absorption by holding it in my mouth as long as 
possible before swallowing, because I am afraid the CS might take out those 
healthy bacteria I am trying to cultivate if I take it at or near the same 
time as the Primal Defense.

I think it is going to be a forever thing.  I failed to take the 
probiotic along when I went on vacation in August, and within three days 
was experiencing the raging inferno once again.

Our fabled California oranges ARE so big!  We'll start picking our 
wonderful juicy navels off our trees in January, and will eat several each 
day from then until June.

If anyone wants some dried kefir grains to start making the real thing, 
e-mail me and I will send them until I run out.  I have enough stashed in 
the freezer for two or three people.  There is also a kefir site which 
posts names of people willing to share theirs in various areas.

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CSQuestion about infra red therapy

2004-10-16 Thread patriot2000

I have had tendonitis for 6 or 7 months, in both wrists -- a real
nuisance. I recently came across a note from Dr. Whitaker in his
Health and Healing newsletter about anodyne (infrared) therapy being good
for this. I followed up on it last week because acupuncture,
chiropractic, exercises, supplements, etc. had NO effect. Some
rehab clinics in my area offered it, so I got started on it and found
dramatic improvement after just a couple of treatments. Then
yesterday, an envelope came in the mail advertising a home unit using the
same kind of infra red treatment, and describing it exactly as the
expensive unit's website does. This one, however, was a tenth the
cost of the trademarked brand, and I am tempted to get one for flare ups
and other aches and pains, since it is so good for lots of
things. Can something that much more reasonably priced really
be any good? 
Finally, to my question. I recall that some folks here have spoken
of light arrays or LEDs or some such thing, and I am wondering if those
are the same as the Anodyne units. Some advice on purchasing and
use would surely be appreciated. In very basic terms,
please. (My husband has often wondered aloud how someone as smart
as I am could be so DARNED DUMB!)
Thanks in advance. It would be nice to add another healing
method to the collection of ideas and means I have learned about here on
the silver list!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSStrep virus--why do I still have it?

2004-09-22 Thread patriot2000

At 09:55 AM 9/22/2004, you wrote:
 A question: My
chiropractor tells me I am carrying a strep virus,
discovering this during a session of muscle testing. [initial test to
see if
my adrenal glands were working right.] 
I have seen muscle testing done. It is impressive to watch, and
apparently can tell you IF a weakness or physical illness exists.
However, the person doing it said NOTHING about its ability to IDENTIFY a
particular bacterium or other CAUSE of the weakness or
illness. Educated guesses may be accurate, or
not. Perhaps, you could ask your allopathic physician to order up a
lab strep test to diagnose whether you actually have strep or not.
Then you can decide how to go about treating it if it exists -- up your
CS intake, divide doses, add another agent to it, etc.. 
I think my doc is pretty good at diagnosis of things caused by an
identifiable agent. Where we generally differ is on what to do
after the problem is identified!  ;-)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSStrep virus--why do I still have it?

2004-09-22 Thread patriot2000

At 09:55 AM 9/22/2004, you wrote:
The gatorade works too but maybe
not quite as well as DMSO. The downside is many folks can't deal with
the taste and smell of DMSO. 

Several months ago, when we were discussing the obnoxious taste of
Concentrace causing people like my husband to avoid taking it, some kind
soul wrote and suggested we take it by putting it in empty gelatin
capsules, available at a health food store or similar outlet. The
capsules are sold in several sizes. My spouse and I began using them, and
found it so easy, we have been using this method ever since, to the great
improvement of our health. I imagine DMSO can be taken the
same way. Just figure out how much a capsule holds and compare to
how many drops you wish to take, and make as many as needed at a time, to
be taken right away before they soften. No taste, no problem,
although the garlic breath odor will not be affected, as that comes from
the system after it has been absorbed. Just the two or three
moments necessary to prepare them.

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CSBill Moyers Column

2004-09-19 Thread patriot2000
Please keep the political crap off the Silver List.   Whenever I read this 
sort of thing on any forum, it contaminates the experience for me, and if 
it continues, I begin to doubt the judgment of the group participants in 
other things, including the topics the forum generally covers, as 
well.   There are dozens -- no, HUNDREDS! -- of Internet sites where you 
can hang out and reinforce each others' political prejudices, without using 
this forum.   Mike D. has stated his feelings on the topic, as well, and I 
respect him for that.  Thank you.


At 02:58 AM 9/19/2004, you wrote:


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Re: CSFW: CScs and shingles

2004-09-10 Thread patriot2000

At 09:46 AM 9/10/2004, you wrote:
...I am in love with the CS/DMSO
mixture (though not the smell when ingested internally. Eating a
salad with lotsa parsley helps with that
Jess, I wonder if taking some chlorophyll along with or right after the
DMSO would eliminate some of the bad odor it causes? I believe they
use it for people who have colostomy bags, to help with the odor
control. Chlorophyll is cheap and easily available, and tastes
okay, too.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CSGatorade (homemade) and CS results

2004-09-10 Thread patriot2000

At 09:46 AM 9/10/2004, you wrote:
...I think I will start doing that
with my dog, he will probably really like
it, LOL. I have been giving him CS at a rate of 1 Tablespoon 4 X a day
address a wide-spread staph skin infection ( it is not as nasty as
sounds!) and he has been on it a little over a week with minor changes.
really didn't expect CS to do better than antibiotics,

I have been noticing you all give your dogs CS internally for the skin
infections you describe. Our Australian cattle dog has been plagued
for the last three weeks with a raw and sore patch about two inches
across near her tail. Other dogs we have had in the past also got
this condition in the summer -- the vet called it a fungus infection from
the grass, but I really don't know it that is what it is. In
years past we used Sulfodene with good success. This year we were
using Sulfodene and another spray medication called BIO Tek Pet
spray. Either or both would give the dog temporary relief from the
intense itching, but the raw patch would not clear up. Finally, the
light bulb went on, and I began to apply CS directly to the hot
spot. Within a day or two the spot began to heal was scabbing over,
and we had one grateful and relieved dog.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS distilled water

2004-09-08 Thread patriot2000

At 08:37 AM 9/8/2004, you wrote:
Interesting distiller for low
quanities of water for CS 

Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2004 06:50:30 -0500

Ingenious! Unfortunately, not yet in production for sale? I
saw no prices anywhere in the literature about watercones.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSjust us chickens...

2004-09-05 Thread patriot2000

At 07:30 PM 9/4/2004, you wrote:
In Japan experts can judge the gender of an embryonic fertilized egg by 
using a little pendulum.

I believe you, Jonathan.  When I was pregnant many years ago with my first 
child, someone told me an old wives' tale  -- that one could determine 
the gender of the baby by suspending a needle on a thread over my enlarged 
tummy, and holding it as still as humanly possible.  Then, in a minute or 
two, the needle would begin to move, either in a circle (that means a girl 
child) or back and forth (a boy).   It was true for me, in both 
pregnancies, and for others I knew, who tried it, too.  I have heard of 
others using a wedding ring instead of a needle.

I haven't a clue about why (I got boys both times, though I prayed 
fervently for a girl), so it couldn't have been wishful 
thinking.  Hmm.  Guess this should have been OT, but it's short, so I hope 
I am forgiven. 

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CSRadiation effects for cancer

2004-09-03 Thread patriot2000
Recently, there were several posts on radiation dangers.  I forget what the 
Subject title was.  This article on radiation effects in breast cancer 
treatments will be of interest to those posting on that subject:



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CSRe: CSSilver-Copper Bar

2004-08-31 Thread patriot2000

At 04:09 PM 8/31/2004, you wrote:

I have two of the $25 algaebars in my pool, and their ability is very
limited.  They are all of 4 inches long, and a half inch around.

Ditto, here.  Two bars made no measurable impact in our small pool.  Sadly, 
we are back to the same old, same old, with chlorine and acid.


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CSRe: CSX-rays

2004-08-29 Thread patriot2000

At 09:58 AM 8/29/2004, Paul wrote:
Those who
decide to go ahead with a mammography might consider taking large doses
of antioxidants before and after to reduce free radical damage caused by
It's hard to balance harm against benefit in screening tests like
That's why I think it's a shame that thermography isn't in wider
I agree that thermography sounds like a vastly better program.
Perhaps it is because all these hospitals have lots of mammogram machines
in use and don't want to lose their investment by just tossing them
I also agree that taking antioxidants should be beneficial for the
duration of radiation treatments taken for cancer, too, as well as before
and after. I had read that wheat grass juice is a powerful
protection against radiation sickness, so I drank quantities of it during
my radiation treatments (7 weeks). In fact, though the local juice
bar sells it for a buck a shot, I grew flats of the grass myself, cut it,
squeezed it, and mixed ithe juice with Snappy Tom tomato juice to cover
the strong taste, and drank it fresh several times a day during my
radiation treatments, and well beyond, because it gave me great
energy. I never had a single side effect of radiation, either --
went and took my treatments after working all day, suffered no burns nor
fatigue nor nausea. I don't know if it was because of the wheat
grass and broccoli I consumed in great amounts, or because my treatments
were mild, but I am sure the greens didn't hurt!! I took the
treatments with some trepidation because of all I had heard about X rays
causing more cancer, too -- so far, so good, 7 and 1/2 years later! 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2004-08-28 Thread patriot2000

At 05:48 PM 8/27/2004, you wrote:
1. Studies do not show that
routine mammography reduces 
mortality - 
Maybe large statistical studies don't -- I am sure that is true, but for
any one individual, it can mean the difference between life and
death. I am also quite sure that I would be deader than a dornail
right now, if my breast cancer had not been identified in time by a
mammogram. It was already an inch in diameter, and I could
not even feel it -- nor had it been visible on a mammogram the year
before. I am a seven year (eight this December)
survivor, -- so far (breast cancer can come back anytime) --
after doing the things the allopathic docs recommended: lumpectomy,
lymphoidectomy (ouch!) followed by radiation and Tamoxifen (and a year of
shark cartilage I decided to take myself to mop up any little
cells that might be left). But if it comes back again -- I
will go the surgery route, perhaps even the radiation, but chemo --
NYET! I'll try any alternative that seems to be worth its salt,
instead. I have a friend dying of her metastasized breast cancer
right now -- her loving husband tried to get her to go the alternatives
route right after diagnosis, but she followed the advice of a family
member in the medical profession and has instead made her last weeks
miserable with the chemo. Docs decided it wasn't helping so quit
that and decided to give her massive radiation to make the tumor
smaller. That, too, is making her very ill. Duh...
A few years back, I also had another friend who had metastasized breast
cancer and was facing imminent death take my advice and bring herself
back from death's door with Benefin shark cartilage (now banned by our
friendly FDA who clamped down on Dr. Lane, its developer, proponent, and
supplier), whereupon she lived happily and healthily for a year
past the time she should have died, eating like a horse, working full
time, and playing tennis twice a week, until her dimwitted son read on
the Internet that shark cancer was all a scam and told her she was
wasting her money. She stopped using it, went back on chemo at her
doctor's behest and was dead in three months. Not from the
cancer. No...from an opportunistic infection which grew deadly from
a little cold -- it attacked her damaged immune system and killed her six
days later. 
The best chances for a cure are WHEN THE CANCER IS DIAGNOSED EARLY.
I think surgery is our best bet from the mainstream docs. Anything
after that is a crapshoot. And that is why I keep a very large
archive of alternative cancer treatments. I advise others to do the
same. A great start is Bill Henderson's comprehensive book about
Curing your Cancer, and his free Cure Your Cancer e-newletter.
Write him here to sign on.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSSubject: Re: CSSubject: CSinjury and pain: suggested solutions

2004-08-20 Thread patriot2000

At 04:15 PM 8/20/2004, you wrote:

on the rife group it was reported it has a probiotic form that
is pleomorfic and can lead to cancer.

Elaborate, please??  Thank you.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSSubject: Re: CS[List Owner] I'm Baack!!

2004-08-19 Thread patriot2000

Mike M. wrote:
any chance, did you come across my email on
helping write a
 better search engine for the silver archives? It would be
very nice
 to allow phrase searches.

That would be wonderful!  I have tried to search the archives on
occasion, and been very frustrated -- knowing the information sought was
almost certainly there, but not being clever enough to find it!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSSubject: CSinjury and pain: suggested solutions

2004-08-19 Thread patriot2000

At 07:14 AM 8/19/2004, Nenah wrote:
The thing to realize about trauma
is that it generally creates acidic wastes in the system. Acidic wastes
can be caused by: Mechanical injury... Poor diet, anything that
isn't lots of GREEN VEGGIES... Pathogenic microbes. ..They *love* sugars
and thrive on stress hormones. Their waste products are acidic. They body
responds by secreting even more stress hormones...Negative thoughts and
The best way I have found to neutralize these wastes is with Super Greens
and Prime pH, made by Inner Light. I don't want this to be a commercial,
so you can
read about it on my website and order it from me if you want.

This information strikes a chord!! I have been trying to rid
myself of a terrible case of Acid Reflux for several years, not wanting
to buy into the Purple Pills my doc suggests. It was terribly
exacerbated after elective surgery and antibiotics, after I broke my hand
when I crashed my bicycle, and in stressful events, but it was always
with me, even in calmer times. I tried a LOT of things, besides the
everpresent antacids when all else failed (as many as 6 or 8 a day,
sometimes), some of which were: fresh ginger juice (squeezed from
roots), relaxation tapes, various digestive enzymes, probiotics and
acidophillis, coral calcium, and I don't recall what all!
Acupuncture seemed to cure me temporarily, but then it came back and I
learned I would need on-going tune up sessions to maintain
the improvement -- expensive at $50 a visit. I even tried going
wheat free for a few months, when it seemed that I might have a wheat
sensitivity. Helped awhile, but other foods then became
suspect. I think I simply had developed a leaky gut,
and numerous foods triggered the response. I tried Primal Defense
(learned about it from Rubin's The Maker's Diet.), but did
not do so consistently, and according to directions. (Big
Then, I got the monthly Cure Your Cancer newsletter from Bill Henderson
(by all means sign on, if you haven't!!) a few months ago, and he just
happened to mention in passing that his wife's chronic acid reflux
problem had been solved by Primal Defense. I went back and tried it
again, the right way this time, and BINGO! -- that did it!
Soil based organisms and other good stuff crowd out the wee beasties in
the gut that are bad, and encourage the colonization of the good
ones. Bill was right. I have had blessed relief ever since,
no matter what I eat! And if I go a few days without it, the acid
comes back -- sure proof!
With AR, I realized my whole system must be acid. Litmus paper
tests prove it to be VERY acid. Unfortunately, even with stomach
problems lessened, that remains true. I can't seem to beat
that. I have a pretty good diet -- not much sugar, lots of veggies
and not much meat. I take a couple of spoonfuls of a good greens
supplement every day along with the Primal Defense. I use coral
calcium, which I have read is supposed to be alkalizing. I don't
have a stressful life. Most of my negative thoughts and feelings
have to do with politics and politicians, not with personal relationships
or events, so if I don't turn on the TV, that helps!
;-) Loving family and friends are supportive.
I really want to beat the acid system condition, as I read everywhere
that it contributes to a host of degenerative conditions, including
cancer, which I already had, and don't want again, thank you very
So...I will look further into your suggestions, and those of the other
kind folks who answered my plea for help, and will try to kill both those
bothersome birds at the same time -- the tendonitis pain in my arms AND
RESPONDED!  I have saved your comments to a special file.
I am going out of town for a couple of days to an early childhood
curriculum convention to promote my reading program (now THAT's a subject
I can deal with! If any of you have young kids or grandkids
struggling with beginning reading, write me at my e-mail address for
guaranteed help!) but I will look further into solving MY problems
via YOUR helpful information upon my return!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2004 #642

2004-08-18 Thread patriot2000

Glad you are back, Mike! (Applause, applause)
you wrote:
Our primary topic is Colloidal Silver -- and you'll find some of the best
brains in the business here on this list! -- but
any reasonable health related question may be asked
and answers given even if they are not related to
CS. I only ask that those items not
about CS be handled briefly, so that basic curiosity is satisfied and
primary resources identified, before the discussion is ended or taken to
the OT list or other forums. 
I do have a health question that I hope someone may have helpful
information for: Is there anything any of you can suggest to deal
with tendonitis? I have had tendonitis in both wrists for about
five months. It did not come on as a result of overuse of my
hands. Have not consulted a doctor about it. The chiropractor
who did rid me of carpal tunnel like wrist problems (spinal alignment in
my neck was the cause of that!) has no help for this -- probably because
it is due to inflammation, not bones out of alignment. I take a
mouthful of CS every morning, religiously. Have used magnets
(they cured my spouse's tendonitis in his hand some few years ago),
increased EFA's, B vitamins, Liga Tend, oil of oregano, DMSO, Soothanol,
OPC Miracle Joint Complex, chondroitin sulfate, MSM, and a number of
other things more targeting digestion, like probiotics and enzymes
-- all without results. 
My mom had sciatica for quite awhile, at one time. Then she had a
bad tooth pulled, and the sciatica disappeared almost instantly. I
have a tender molar, and wonder if a possible infection at its root
(out of reach of the CS) could be responsible. Hmmm.
Tendonitis cured by root canal??
Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I hate to go
and get cortisone shots if there is an easier way, but I just can't see
enduring this forever. It interferes with my active lifestyle --
even picking up a plate or a coffee pot at the wrong angle causes
pain. Write me at my e-mail address, if you have suggestions.
Thanks for your forbearance, Mike -- if there are answers to be had
from an alternative perspective, I suspect that this is the place to

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2004 #638

2004-08-17 Thread patriot2000

At 11:42 AM 8/17/2004, you wrote:
The best way to dowse for a well is
to find two veins that cross each
other. Then drill where they cross. That way if the drill wanders
misses one of them, it will most likely still get the other one. That
why we ended up at the same spot, although either vein could have
drilled anywhere along the vein. 
Wish you had been around when we drilled our well, Marshall. The
driller, very experienced, commented on dowsing, thusly:
Whenever a driller dowses for water, he can be counted upon to
find the vein to be wherever he can get his rig in to
drill. Our guy skipped the dowsing part, looked over our lot
for the most convenient site to place the well, where his truck could
reach, and began drilling. He found water, but drilled to nearly
600 feet before he hit it. This in our town of Spring
Valley, where water literally runs out of the ground and down the
hill just a few blocks away! Sightakes a lot of electricity to
pump it up, but it sure tastes good without all that chlorine, and
recalling that our city water bills used to run between $300 and $400
every two months to keep our vegetation barely hanging on, I consider
drilling a wise move. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSTooth brushing with soap

2004-07-31 Thread patriot2000

At 10:55 AM 7/31/2004, you wrote:
Warning - there is a brand called Masters Miracle soap that is 
manufactured by the same company but re-labeled and the price jacked way 
up (nearly tripled) to cover their multi level marketing scheme.

I have been using it for quite a while now, and family members don't 
complain of itchy skin when using it to shower/bathe and wash clothes.  But 
I believe I probably am paying the premium MLM price, and would like to 
know how to find the kind that is not MASTERS Miracle -- just Miracle 
II.Can you supply it?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


2004-07-19 Thread patriot2000

At 03:24 AM 7/19/2004, you wrote:

Do you mean to say you can extend the life of lettuce?!  I can't wait to try
this one.  I've tried everything from using a carbon steel knife to breaking
it by hand, to no avail.

Jean Baugh

There is a product called Extra Life tm which will extend the life of your 
lettuce and all the rest of your veggies and fruits, too, by neurtralizing 
ethylene gas.  It is a little green disc about three inches across, which 
has some kind of pellets inside.  You put it in your crisper drawer and 
everything lasts longer.  It works.  Each disc is good for about three 
months, I think.  I don't know where you buy them, but Bed, Bath, and 
Beyond is one place that has had them.  Maybe an Internet Search will help 
you locate them at a good price.  Mine came in a three pack.

Another trick is NOT to use metal at all on your iceberg lettuce.  I 
learned this trick from the manager of a grocery store produce 
department.  Before storing your lettuce, either hit the lettuce hard on a 
counter and pull out the core by hand if it comes loose enough to do so, or 
else use a plastic picnic knife to get it out.  I  don't know why a 
stainless steel knife would be bad, but lettuce and kefir and some other 
things just don't seem to respond well to contact with metal.   I have 
tried rinsing veggies in CS before storing them, too.  Have not run a 
controlled AB comparison test to determine the difference, but intuitively, 
it just seems to make sense that CS would help by killing bacteria on the 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSSubject: CSPersonal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-17 Thread patriot2000

Dear Brooks,

How very, very sad.  My heart goes out to you and your wife in your loss, 
and I will remember you both in my prayers.


At 01:57 PM 7/16/2004, you wrote:

From: brooks bradley
 Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 12:34 AM
 Subject: CSPersonal Emergency Curtailing List Participatio

  Dear List Members,
  I will be unable to participate in the list dialogue for a while. I 
find it

  necessary to unsubsribe at present..my home of 40 years burned
 today---with all of our pets.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2004 #561

2004-07-16 Thread patriot2000

John Rigby wrote:
A good guide to follow is that
if the FDA bans it - it is probably efficacious! :-)

The smiley face after that statement should be turned into a frown,
John. Today, I received a special edition newsletter from Bill
Henderson, who puts out the awesome Cure Your Cancer newsletter and who
wrote an invaluable book about alternative cures for cancer, too (Jean
Baugh, you should check into this for your mom's lung cancer!).
Anyway, the news he conveyed was most discouraging, because I know of two
people who turned their terminal cancers around with Lane Labs' Benefin
shark cartilage. I am outraged and incensed. This is what he
 CURE YOUR CANCER Newsletter - Special
Edition July 15, 2004

 A reader informed me today that he had received a notice
 from Lane Labs that their MGN-3 and Benefin (shark
 cartilage) products would not be available for the fore-
 seeable future and he should look for some alternate
 I called Lane Labs and talked to Erin at Compassionet,
 the primary distributor for Lane Labs. She confirmed
 that as of Monday, July 12th, Lane Labs was under a
 federal injunction to stop producing both MGN-3 and
 Benefin immediately. This is the result of a lawsuit
 brought by the FDA about five years ago against Lane
 Labs regarding some so-called claims they had
 that MGN-3 and Benefin were actually good for something.
 I am frankly sick to my stomach. The federal law
 the DSHEA (Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act)
 of 1994 was designed to classify supplements like this
 as food, not drugs. In doing so,
it prescribed
 specific standards for supplement labeling and for the
 publications supporting their promotion. Lane Labs
 careful to follow those standards. In addition, 
 was one of the few such supplements which had good 
 including human case studies, to back up its efficacy as
 an immune system booster.
 Nevertheless, our great Federal court system has seen fit
 to shut down production of these products, both of which
 have helped many people I know overcome their cancers.
 Also, the Lane Labs web site
is shut
 down, at least for the present.
 The only bright side to this sordid story is that there
 are now some reasonable substitute products. I
 both Oncolyn and BCI-26 in my book. You can explore
 Oncolyn and order it online.
It makes me sick to see our freedoms stripped away one by one, and I am
certain that CS will soon be in the FDA's sights, if it is not

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSveg oils

2004-07-15 Thread patriot2000

At 11:12 PM 7/14/2004, you wrote:

Makes sense, that sugar is what is killing us.
I`m addicted to the stuff...
Marshalee,  try stevia (try different brands, powders, liquids -- some are 
sweeter than others without extra tastes) and xylitol, which tastes just 
like sugar and looks like it, too.  No caloric content to stevia, and 
xylitol is much reduced -- 40%, I think.  Xylitol is expensive, but if you 
are addicted to it, you will probably find it worthwhile to buy it in 
larger quantities to get the price break.  And, IT'S GOOD FOR YOUR 
TEETH.  Also useful for some medical conditions, such as adding it to CS 
for nasal spray, etc..etc.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSSubject: Re: CSQuestion for anyone

2004-07-12 Thread patriot2000

At 08:49 PM 7/12/2004, you wrote:

 Does anyone know anything about *Alternatives* newsletter, and it's
 owner/author Dr. Williams?

Dr. Williams has been sending out Alternatives since the mid eighties, I 
believe.  I have subscribed since about 1988, and have always admired and 
respected his work.  He is usually way out in front of everyone else.  I 
subscribe to other newsletters too, from time to time, but his is the one I 
keep up consistently.  He also has Alternatives on-line.  Be sure to keep 
his newsletters in a big loose leaf notebook for future reference.  You are 
sure to refer back to them often.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2004 #526

2004-06-26 Thread patriot2000

At 04:13 AM 6/26/2004, you wrote:
Why not put the drops of Concentrace in empty capsules and take it the 
easy way?

Jean Baugh

It simply never occurred to me.  I just took it as part of the morning 
routine -- CS, greens, Primal Defense, etc. (of which the CS was far and 
away the most pleasant!) and
I'd be ready for the day.  I would never have thought to put liquid in 
capsules.  I'll get some at the health food store today!  Thanks for the tip.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2004 #524

2004-06-25 Thread patriot2000

At 11:30 AM 6/25/2004, you wrote:

I think it's time I investigate the
 Concentrace as well. I planned to mix it with the distilled water I
 routinely drink, instead of the sea salt I've been using. Another
 synchronicity. grin

The taste of Concentrace is simply ghastly, but it does such great things 
for me that I try to use it regularly, anyway.  I would NEVER subject 
myself to drinking glassful after glassful of water spoiled by the taste, 
however.  Instead, I put the 5 or 6 drops into a glass, pour in a small 
dollop of some kind of juice (orange or lemon) to dilute it just a bit, and 
try to slug it down in one gulp, followed IMMEDIATELY with several more 
swallows of the juice to wash away the taste.   Just a shudder or two, and 
it's all over until the next day!

I have had soft and splitting fingernails for most of my life; also dull 
and lifeless hair.  After a couple of months of Concentrace I had the 
longest, strongest nails I have ever had.  When the bottle ran out, I 
failed to get more --- until a few weeks later, when my nails began 
splitting once again.   Yes, I am back on Concentrace now.  I know if one's 
hair and nails are the giveaway signs of the state of one's health, that I 
am far better off for taking it.  A few months ago, someone else here 
touted Concentrace for strong nails and I am here to vouch for the truth of 
his/her comments.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2004 #480

2004-05-28 Thread patriot2000

At 08:10 AM 5/28/2004, you wrote:
...Now that can't be too hard can
It is becoming insane with some replies actually repeating up to five
complete copies of the whole subject. 
Please learn to do it - this is a great list and this would make it so
much better.
OH, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for posting this. I am
getting to dread seeing the silverlist in my in-box. Simply because
I don't want to miss anything, but HATE reading all the old posts in
their entirety over and over again, ad nauseam.
YOUR post is the only one that should come up over and over again, until
the problem is solved. Maybe Mike D will address this?
I am sure he has already, but perhaps a short repeat at the top of every
silverlist for awhile?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2004-05-20 Thread patriot2000
Just a reminder, once again, for those faced with Cancer, about Bill 
Henderson's amazing compendium of alternative treatments to try with or 
instead of conventional medical treatments.  And, of course, his free 

E-mail him at  Bill Henderson bhender...@getandstaywell.com  and ask 
about his book and the newsletter.

I collect and save information about alternative therapies, and quite 
frankly, the material he has is awesome.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSFever blisters ,Garnet

2004-05-20 Thread patriot2000
DMSO is legally used for a painful bladder condition called interstitial 
cystitis.  As far as I have heard that is the ONLY medical condition the 
Feds sanction its use for.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSRe[2]: CS

2004-05-18 Thread patriot2000

I've been happily using CS for some months now,
making it at home with our SilverPuppy. 
Will some of you regulars, well versed in the subject, please comment on
these statements taken from the site selling silver proteins
instead of ionic silver at
which was included in a post in today's Silver Digest? (I noted at one point they cautioned users of their product to only use it for a few days. Is silver protein the form that can cause argyria when overused?) Thanks for all the educating you provide for us newbies!

That is because most products today that claim to be colloidal silver are actually not true colloidal suspensions at all; they are only ionic solutions. That in itself makes them unstable. The silver particles soon settle out. Using a silver product that has settled will be ineffective, and worse than that: dangerous having some particles of humongous size. 
In contrast, Mild Silver Protein is a true colloidal suspension produced using compounding techniques that result in a stable product. The atoms stay at uniform size and do not come out of suspension. 
Remember if you are taking a silver product in order to enhance your health you do not want ions of silver. You only want atoms of silver. Only Atoms of silver are non toxic to the CD4 and CD8 components of your immune system, which is so important when you take the Mild Silver Protein in the more effective high 500 p.p.m. range. 
With any ionic silver in any p.p.m. range- (be it even as low as 3 to 10 p.p.m.), it is toxic to the CD4 and CD8 components of your immune system. Mild Silver Protein was used non-toxically for generations before conventional antibiotics, and now ionic silver preparations are crowding out Mild Silver Protein from the shelves and ruining the reputation of silver and the knowledge of the effective completely non-toxic silver. 
This data is for COMPOUNDED SILVER FORMULATIONS ONLY and does not refer to unstable electro colloidal making and makers.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2004-05-08 Thread patriot2000

For Dave, who wrote:
Subject: Re: CSDMSO-Stroke
It would be very helpful if you could use a subject line that can be
searched in the archives. I'm leaving the whole thing intact for
the subject line to be search able.
You are right, of course. In fact, I thought I HAD put
something like that in the subject line, but when I read it in the
Digest, I realized that I had not and had hit send before I
was really ready to send it.. Sorry, I goofed. Thanks for
fixing it. I will try to be more accurate when I post
in the future. 
And, while on the topic of postings,  I hope I may opine, also, about the
endless unneccessary repetitions of entire posts when just a referral
sentence clip or two would suffice to remind readers of the item being
referred to. It takes SOO long to scan through some of the
Digest issues, as a result.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2004-05-07 Thread patriot2000

For davido, who wrote: 
 I found this incredibly interestin and it seems so important.
 Is there info published re the effacy of this protocal??
 Is it being used as you suggest anywhere???
 .tell us more
This article is from Dr. David Williams, of Alternatives
fame. He has a website, but has been publishing his newsletters to
faithful followers since the mid 1980's. I hope he will not mind
this full quote. I have been a fan of his for over 15 years, and he
often publishes helpful information years before the mainstream picks up
on it. Scroll down to the bolded portion if you only want to know
about DMSO and strokes.
 From another source, which I will add after Dr. Williams' comments, is
the advice about actual ingestion of the DMSO, diluted by half water, to
be given to a person believed to be suffering a stroke. I bought
some DMSO at a feed store (a fourth of the price of the same thing at a
health food store) and put it into a little bottle (had mouthwash in it
before I cleaned it out -- complimentary from a hotel) with
directions for use, and will carry it in my purse for emergency use,
hoping all the while that I will never have to use it nor encounter
anyone who does. (Have parceled out more of it for friends and
relatives to do the same.) However, I am of Medicare age, now, and
hang around with a lot of folks of stroke vulnerability age, so who knows
if it might come in handy. Wish I had known about this years
ago. Nearly all my older relatives have died of strokes.
Hope some of you find it helpful, even if not CS related. (I give
CS to my friends and relations, too. So many good things we can do
to help one another!)

Dear Friend: 
In the last Health Dispatch, I wrote about symptomatic and silent
strokes, and their causes, which included drugs and weather stress. In
this Dispatch, I deal with stroke prevention and treatment, including a
new therapy for stroke victims. Here are some steps to take to prevent

Handle stress. Your ability to do so depends on the strength
of your adrenal glands (the small gland that sits on top of each kidney.)
Anything you do to strengthen your adrenal glands will be worth the
effort. The first steps are to avoid excess sugar and caffeine, never
skip meals, and don't smoke. 

Don't drink heavily. A study of 100,000 patients, over seven
years, revealed that heavy drinking increased the chance of
hemorrhage-type strokes. Moderate drinking, however—no more than two
drinks a day—seemed to reduce the risk of strokes involving clot

system health. It will help reduce the risk of stroke. Here
are some areas to address: 

Take a high-quality daily multi-vitamin/mineral complex. 
Eat healthy
foods and use the right supplements to keep arteries clean and
clear, improve blood flow, and make blood platelet cells less sticky. 
Avoid prescription drugs unless
absolutely necessary. Use natural alternatives to the more common
medications. They often work as well or better without drug side effects. 
Avoid aspirin, which causes internal bleeding and increases the risk
of hemorrhagic stroke. If you take it on a regular basis to prevent heart
attack consider a heart supplement containing bromelain instead (see
Research has found that estrogen increases the risk of stroke and
causes more severe neurological impairments following a stroke.
(Report from the 2001 International Stroke Conference by Lawrence
Brass of Yale University) Further, estrogen can elevate homocysteine
levels and contribute to clogging of the arteries by depleting vitamins
B6, B12, and folic acid. 

Know the peak stroke period. It's from 10 a.m. to noon. There
are several theories as to why strokes occur more often during this
period; the most reasonable one points to hormone fluctuation. 
Bromelain is water-soluble and easily digested. It works to
keep certain blood cells called platelets from sticking together and
forming clots. Take it early in the morning before the peak stroke period
of 10 a.m.
Vitamin E and omega-3 fish oils should be divided into two
portions, with half taken with breakfast and the other half taken with
the evening meal. Fats and fat-soluble vitamins take longer to digest and
reach the bloodstream; spreading out the daily dosage provides their
protective benefits more evenly. Dosages from 400 to 800 IU of vitamin E
daily have been shown to reduce the formation of dangerous blood clots.
(Thromb. Haemostasis 83;49:73-77.) Start with a low dosage (100
IU) and gradually increase to recommended levels over a period of several
weeks. A high initial dose may cause a temporary increase in blood
pressure for some people. 
Garlic and onions work to keep platelets from clumping
together. Of course, eating garlic and onions at seven a.m. could make
you a very lonely person—instead eat them at regular meal times.

Many people know a family member or friend with stroke-induced brain
damage and know 

CS Silver electrolysis

2004-03-23 Thread patriot2000
I would like to learn more about this Algaebar mentioned as an answer to 
algae in a 
pool.  Cost?  Practicality?  Safety?  Effectiveness?  Availability?  It 
surely would be nice to find something that was effective against algae, so 
one could leave home for a few days and not come back to find a green and 
slimy pool.  Not to mention how good it would be to find something that 
would condition the water without all the chlorine and chemicals, which 
can't be healthy for my grandkids, who use the pool each summer.  Not to 
mention the expense and bother of checking chlorine levels, PH, etc. all 
the time.

Please, if you have info, let me know, and I can become a heroine in my 
spouse's eyes.  (I'll be glad to share his gratitude with you!)


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


2004-03-18 Thread patriot2000

Jim wrote:
Whose making the money the pharmacy or the manufacturers?
I have a friend when walking up to her parents after graduating from
pharmacy school, waved her diploma and said this is my license to
steal. Her first job was a $100,000.00 job.
That was 10 years ago.
I think, Jim, the answer is -- there is enough blame to go around to
both pharmacies and manufacturers!
This is not the first time I have seen the following information.
The Life Extension Foundation had a big article entitled The
Shocking Truth Behind Prescription Drug Prices in its October 2002
issue, and the table below apparently is excerpted from it. What
follows just came in my e-mail again last night from a friend. I
think you may make a few reasonable inferences about the answers to your
questions from this.

Subject: DRUG 

an independent
investigation of how much profit drug companies really make, the actual
price was obtained
of active ingredients
used in some of the most popular drugs sold in America. The chart below
speaks for itself.


Cost of Cost

100 TABS
Ingredients Cost 
Celebrex 100
Claritin 10
Keflex 250
20 mg
Norvasc 10
20 mg
Prevacid 30
Prilosec 20
Prozac 20
Tenormin 50
Vasotec 10
20 mg
Zithromax 600mg

Since the cost of
prescription drugs is so outrageous, I thought everyone I knew should
know about this. Please read the following and pass it on.
It pays to shop around. This helps to solve the mystery as to why
they can afford to put a Walgreens on every

On Monday night, Steve
Wilson, an investigative reporter for channel 7 News in Detroit, did a
story on generic drug price gouging by pharmacies. He found in his
investigation, that some of these generic drugs were marked up as much as
3,000% or more. Yes, that's not a typo. three thousand percent!
So often, we blame the drug companies for the high cost of drugs, and
usually rightfully so. But in this case, the fault clearly lies with the
pharmacies themselves. For example, if you had to buy a prescription
drug, and bought the name brand, you might pay $100 for 100 pills.
The pharmacist might tell you that if you get the generic equivalent,
they would only cost $80, making you think you are saving
$20. What the pharmacist is not telling you is that those 100 generic
pills may have only cost him $10!
At the end of the report, one of the anchors asked Mr. Wilson whether
or not there were any pharmacies that did not adhere to this practice,
and he said that Cost co consistently charged little over their cost for
the generic drugs.

I went to the Costco site, where you can look up any drug, and get
its online price. It says that the in-store prices are consistent with
the online prices. I was appalled. Just to give you one example
from my own experience, I had to use the drug, Compazine, 
which helps prevent nausea in chemo patients. I used the generic
equivalent, which cost $54.99 for 60 pills at CVS. I checked the
price at Costco, and I! could have bought 100 pills for $19.89. For 145
of my pain pills, I paid $72.57. I could have got 150 at Costco for
$28.08. I would like to mention, that although Costco is a
membership type store, you do NOT have to be a member to buy
prescriptions there, as it is a 
federally regulated substance. You just tell them at the door that
you wish to use the pharmacy, and they will let you in.
I am asking each of you to please help me by copying this letter, and
pasting it into your own email, and send it to everyone you know with an
email address

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2004-03-16 Thread patriot2000

Regarding the entertaining sayings and verses appearing here of late,
such as the one about IT COULDN'T BE DONE, I am reminded of the quotation
from Benjamin Franklin, included on every issue of Dr. David Williams'
Alternatives news letter: You will
observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known and exist,
before it is generally received and practiced on.
Sad to say to Mr. Guest, that even after one pitches in and proves that
the impossible can be done, the majority of people will
watch, and still walk away unconvinced. Twelve frustrating years of
demonstrating that an unusual method I stumbled on and then went on and
developed could teach virtually any child to read, while watching the
doubters refuse to try anything except what they are already using
without acceptable results, has just about proved for me that even
showing the guy from Missouri is not likely to gain his


 Somebody said that it couldn't be done,
 But he with a chuckle replied
 That maybe it couldn't, but he would be one
 Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.

 So he buckled right in
 with the trace of a grin
 on his face. If he worried he hid it.
 He started to sing as he tackled the thing
 That couldn't be done, and he did it.

 Somebody scoffed: Oh, you'll never do that;
 At least no one ever has done it;
 But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
 And the first thing we knew he'd begun it.

 With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
 Without any doubting or quiddit,
 He started to sing as he tackled the thing
 That couldn't be done, and he did it.

 There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
 There are thousands to point out to you, one by
 The dangers that wait to assail you.

 But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
 Just take off your coat and go to it;
 Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
 That cannot be done, and you'll do it.

 Edgar Guest

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS newbie with rectal cancer -- an incredible resource for you!

2004-03-11 Thread patriot2000

Bill Henderson has compiled an AWESOME resource for
cancer sufferers. I collect information about all kinds of
alternatives to treat cancer from all kinds of places, but his is surely
the most comprehensive collection of information I have ever come
across. There is a sample in the following e-mail from him.
He also has over two years worth of free newsletters, with archives, and
you can sign on and get his newletters by e-mail. He is not trying
to get rich from his efforts, (gives it all away free for those who
cannot afford the modest fees, or for those who will send him their first
hand accounts of cancer cases -- how is that for a labor of love?)
and it has become a major life work for him since his own wife died of
cancer about a decade ago. E-mail him directly and just
see how much you will learn!!
His free sample was attached to his e-mail. I first tried to
send it attached to this note, but Mike wrote back that it was WAY
too long to post on the list. So...just write to Bill at his e-mail
address and tell him you saw his information here and ask him to send it
to you direct. Or, write to me, off list, and I will forward the
whole thing with attachment.
Good luck, and God bless!

From: Bill
Henderson bhender...@getandstaywell.com
To: Marlys patriot2...@mindspring.com
Subject: Spam Alert: Marlys - Here is the info you requested...
Hi Marlys, 
Thank you for signing up to receive the free Cure Your Cancer
newsletter. A free 34-page sample of my 210-page e-book Cure
Your Cancer is attached to this e-mail. The book was completely
rewritten and updated in January, 2003. This Second Edition incorporates
all the information in over two years of my newsletters. 
The book and this sample are in Adobe´s Personal Document Format (PDF).
To read the attachment, you need Adobe´s free software that manipulates
PDF books like mine. It is available as a free download at Adobe´s web
site. Before you click on the attachment to read it, you need to complete
the following procedure. [You may want to print out this e-mail to make
it easier to follow the directions.] 
[If you already have Acrobat Reader -- Version 4.05 or later -- on your
hard disk, just ignore the following and click on the attachment.]

I wish I could give you the Acrobat Reader along with the e-book, but
that's impossible for a number of reasons. There are various versions
depending on your computer and they are copyrighted, etc. 

If you click on the highlighted in blue link below, it will
take you to Adobe's web site for download of their Acrobat Reader,
Version 5.05. It is free. Just select your platform (Windows
98, Windows 95, MAC, etc.) in the left hand column on the screen. Don't
skip this step. It is very important. Then, click on the
Download link in the right hand column. No need to enter
anything else. 
You will see a small screen asking you where you want the file to be
placed on your hard disk. In the upper left, click on the small arrow to
the right of the Save in: prompt until the word
Desktop appears in the window. Then click on Save
in the lower right of that same screen. 
Once the download is complete, you should see on your Desktop
(the screen that comes up when your computer is started up) a file named
ar505enu. Click on it and the Install routine for
Adobe Acrobat Reader will begin. Follow the prompts. 
If you don't get the download on your Desktop, all is not
lost. Just look for a file called ar505enu.exe on your hard
disk using the Find prompt on your Start menu
(click on Start in the lower left of your screen). Once you
find this file, just click on it and the install process for Acrobat
Reader will begin. 
Here is the web site to get the Acrobat Reader: 

When you have Acrobat Reader installed, you will be able to click on the attachment to this e-mail and my e-book sample will open on your computer screen. You can then: scroll down and read it; click on a Table of Contents entry and it will jump to that page; or print all or part of it out on your computer printer. You can repeat this process as often as you like. The book is designed to be a reference to other web sites for you, which you may want to use frequently. 
Don't overlook the feature that allows you to change the magnification on your computer screen to make it easier to read. It is the little box labeled % in the lower left of the screen when you are reading this excerpt of my book. 
Be sure to look over the archives of my newsletters. You will find them at: http://www.GetAndStayWell.com/news2.shtml As I mentioned above, all those through January, 2003 have been included in this Second Edition. 
Each of the links highlighted in blue like the one above will open your browser and go to that web site. When you are finished and close the browser, you'll be returned to the place you left in the e-book. 
If you have decided to buy the entire book NOW, just click here. The book and the four BONUS booklets 

CSThe WTC Survivor virus is a hoax

2004-03-09 Thread patriot2000

The WTF virus alert is a hoax. Snopes tells it like it is at their
Before passing on virus warnings, pleas for help, urban legends, etc., it
is a good idea to check out your e-mail at
www.snopes.com or
hoaxbusters, or one of the other sites that help us be
accurate. Here is what Snopes says about WTC:  
name: WTC Survivor

Quick on the heels of the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World
Trade Center came the WTC Survivor virus hoax. This one was a
hoax from the very beginning; there was never a rash of disabled
computers or deleted DLL files caused by e-mail messages bearing the
title WTC Survivor. Nevertheless, this hoax continues to
circulate with increasing frequency as the calendar approaches September
11 every year, making a comeback in 2002 and again in 2003. 

[Collected on the Internet,

CAREFUL... :) 

virus that will erase your whole C drive. It will come to you
in the form of an E-Mail from a familiar person. I repeat a friend sent
it to me, but called and warned me before I opened it. He was not so
lucky and now he can't even start his computer! Forward this to everyone
in your address book. I would rather receive this 25 times than not at

If you receive an email called WTC Survivor do not open
it. Delete it right away! This virus removes all dynamic link libraries
(.dll files) from your computer. This is a serious one. 

During the next several weeks be VERY cautious about opening or
launching any e-mails that refer to the World Trade Center or 9/11 in any
way, regardless of who sent it. PLEASE FORWARD TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND

virus that will erase your whole C drive. It will come to you
in the form of an E-Mail from a familiar person. I repeat, a friend sent
it to me, but called and warned me before I opened it. He was not so
lucky and now he can't even start his computer! 

So, if you receive an email called WTC Survivor, do not
open it. Delete it right away! This virus removes all dynamic link
libraries (.dll files) from your computer. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSCancer Answer for Cindy

2004-02-19 Thread patriot2000

I'm curious, if you were told by the doctor you had
cancer, what would you do? Or
what direction would you point a loved one in?
First, refuse the chemo and radiation, accept oversight for progress
and pain control. Enlist a family member as coach, and
research and start several alternative means. Bill Henderson has an
encyclopedic effort to help cancer victims connect with the right
therapies. Since the newsletter I got from him this week says it
perfectly, and he sends everything out free to people who sign on, I
think he would not mind my copying it here. Hope the List won't
mind my taking this space either, as I am sure there are others out
there who can use the info. If/when my cancer comes back I
will head directly to the alternatives and skip any allopathic means
except the surgeon's knife.

GENTLY (Day 5 of 7)
by Bill Henderson
Now That You Have Cancer, What's Your Strategy?
Your doctor has said the C word and you're puzzling:
What do I do now?
There seem to be so many options. The doctor is pressing me to get
on with
the surgery and chemotherapy/radiation. Help!
I've been there. I know. Unfortunately for my dear wife,
there was no 
readily available information in 1990-94 (or, at least, I failed to find
it). Now, 
there's too much on the Internet and in books, newsletters, etc.

Of all the hundreds of people I have now watched overcome their cancer,
seem to be four essentials that they all have. I call
them the Four A's.
Attitude -- all cancer survivors have a positive attitude. They
know that they, not
their doctors, are in charge of their health. They know that all
cancers, regardless
of type or stage, can be brought back under control.
They know that they must
co-doctor, for the reasons you have already learned about our medical
Advocate -- virtually all the cancer survivors I know also had a loved
one or friend
willing to help them. How? 
 * To do the necessary research to get smarter
than their oncologist. 
 * To accompany them to the doctor's office.

 * To help them decide when to get a second (or third,
or fourth) opinion 
and help them find a holistic doctor. 
 * To help them find and order the cheapest and best
quality supplements.
Cancer patients often get depressed, tired or just plain disgusted with
the struggle
to overcome their disease. Get an advocate.
Assistance -- cancer recovery is not a do it yourself
project. Every cancer survivor
has had supervision of their treatment and recovery by a qualified
medical professional.
The letters after his or her name are meaningless (M.D, D.O, N.D,
etc.). What is 
important is that you, the cancer patient, literally trust them with your
life. Again, the 
resources for finding such a doctor through Internet directories are
phenomenal. My
book has eight such web directories in Chapter 1. But don't neglect
the jungle telegraph. 
Ask all your friends (who agree with your approach). I found my
holistic doctor 
through a holistic dentist who had treated my current
Action -- get on with it! Don't wait to begin taking useful
supplements (which we will
discuss shortly) until you've found the perfect doctor.  Start
today. Time is of the
essence in dealing with cancer.
Whatever else you have decided to do -- whether it's surgery,
chemotherapy, radiation,
alternative treatment or some combination of all of them -- you must
build up your
immune system -- immediately. Almost all cancer patients have a
weak immune system.
Like everything else, there are exceptions, but they are rare.

Remember, your immune system was supposed to cope with the errant
cells. It didn't. 
A priority task for you now is to rebuild it -- soonest. How?
Fortunately, you have
several options, all of which work. They are not cheap. And
they are not covered by
insurance. Examples are MGN3, Oncolyn and BCI-26. I cover all
of them in detail
in my book. Get one and get started taking it now.
Almost all cancer survivors who used alternative (I hate that
word!) methods, used
somewhere between 4 and 6 different substances. When they overcame
their cancer,
neither they nor their doctor could tell you for sure which of the
substances did the
most work. Complicating it further, not everyone reacts the same to
all substances.
There are many variables. 
* The
various types of cancer cells. 
* The
metabolism of the cancer patient. 
* The
discipline he or she used in their diet, exercise, supplements, etc.

What's a cancer patient to do? My advice. Come at the cancer
from at least four
directions. What do I mean? Of the 100 or so alternative
cancer treatments I 
am aware of, the ones I recommend use different theories for dealing with
the cancer
cells. By using several of them at once, you increase your odds
dramatically of over-
coming the cancer. They also meet my three absolute
 * They are readily available anywhere in the
 * They are relatively inexpensive.

CSThe Last Great Race

2004-02-19 Thread patriot2000
In Central Park in New York, there is a statue of Balto, honoring the 
heroic dog team leader who got the serum to Nome.  I learned that bit of 
history in my childhood, when children were given lots more emotionally 
nourishing input in their literature and history lessons than kids get 
nowadays.   I refer to the event frequently, in my frustration at not being 
able to get people to believe that I have a solution to America's early 
literacy problems that is simple, dirt cheap, and just short of miraculous, 
when I tell them that I have the solution, but haven't a dogsled in 
sight.   People who don't know the story just look at me as if I have a 
loose screw.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSBio-warfare and CS

2004-02-18 Thread patriot2000
Here is an article about the possible horrors planned for us in the future 
-- bio-warfare.  Enough to scare the heck out of even the sunniest optimist.


I sent the author a note about Colloidal Silver and suggested we all might 
face the possibilities a bit more cheerfully if we all had CS at our 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSIngrid Naiman on breast cancer and bloodroot

2004-02-18 Thread patriot2000
Thanks, Jonathan, for the link to the cancer salve site re:  bloodroot.  It 
is a new one to me.  I added it to my file on cancer alternatives for 
future reference, too.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSLink between antibiotic use and breast cancer?

2004-02-18 Thread patriot2000

While correlation does not necessarily imply causation, here is another
good reason to use CS and lessen dependence upon antibiotics:
Questions and Answers:Study Shows Link Between Antibiotic Use
and Increased Risk of Breast Cancer

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSThe AMAS test for cancer

2004-02-17 Thread patriot2000

From Bill Henderson's Cure Your Cancer Newsletter:
The destruction of the tumor cells leaves
evidence in the blood serum which can be measured by means of the AMAS
test. Since this cell destruction is normal, the evidence is
always present in a healthy person's body. High readings of the residue
(Tag 1 and Tag 2 of the AMAS test) indicate that a lot of tumor killing
activity is occurring in the body and further tests should be done to
determine the cause. Call 1-800-9CATEST to receive information on the
AMAS test and a free test kit.
I had breast cancer seven years ago. My oncologist, working
in a fine Southern California medical institution, follows my progress
closely, but even there they do not offer the AMAS test. I am
considering looking into having it done on my own, as breast cancer is
one that can recur anytime.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver List archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
OT Archive: http://escribe.com/health/silverofftopiclist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS Trace Minerals

2004-02-12 Thread patriot2000

To Del, who wrote:
Are the minerals in Concentrace from organic or
inorganic sources?
I am trying this product now, and I find it difficult to take because
is so salty tasting - like drinking sea water. I have to take it
juice or it turns my stomach, and I am only taking 1/4 teaspoon at 
time.. Am I the only one to have this problem with it?
No, you are not the only person with that problem. My
husband can't take it, because it literally turns his stomach. I
gulp down about a quarter tsp. in an ounce or two of orange juice, and
the stuff still takes awful. Quick chaser of just orange juice
cleans my palate quite effectively, however. I think the product is
great. I feel better since taking it. I think the horse sized
pills of multi minerals I used to take were probably virtually
worthless. They crumbled down to a pile of crumbs in water, but
didn't dissolve, so I think they probably weren't assimilable in my body,
The company rep at my health food store was demonstrating its
conductivity compared to some other products as part of his sales pitch. 
Concentrace sure lit up the lights! I recommend trying it,
regardless of the taste. Maybe I feel better because of the CS I am
taking, but probably the Concentrace helps, too.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSWater testing

2003-09-09 Thread patriot2000
Dr. Mercola has a great article on the necessity of testing water for 
safety, plus links on how to go about doing so with assurance.



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSCancer cure story

2003-08-17 Thread patriot2000
I know a woman with cancer who was sent home to die by her doctors about 
twelve years ago.  She had Stage IV ovarian cancer and the chemo had almost 
killed her.  She saved her life using Benefin shark cartilage, which acts 
as an antiangiogenesis factor, keeping the cancer from sending out blood 
vessels to bring it nourishment.  I learned about her on the forum at 
Benfin web site, before the Feds shut them (Lane Labs) down for anything 
but the most innocuous of  supplements advertising a few years 
ago.  However, we have become friends by e-mail, and Kay gives away copies 
of the book she wrote with her husband, documenting her disease and how she 
saved herself.

I also had a teacher friend who had breast cancer metastasized to her 
liver.  Her onco docs knocked it out with chemo, though it was already 
Stage IV when located.  However, as always, it came back, and they told her 
they could only buy her a little time, and put her on vincristine (I think 
that is was it was, a last gasp chemo;  I read up on it on the Net and 
found that the average length of life left when a person in the study 
started it was 25 weeks, and none lived as long as a year.).  She was very 
sick, the chemo shut down her intestinal tract, she had horrible mouth 
sores and pain in the hands and feet.  She knew it was all but over.  At 
that point, about October or November, I told her I thought she had nothing 
to lose by trying Benefin, and she agreed.  It takes about 12 weeks before 
any sign of benefit is seen.  At her checkup 12 weeks later, her doc's jaw 
dropped and his eyebrows flew up when he read her lab reports.  They were 
improving, not getting worse.  That was the first week of Feb.  Well before 
summer arrived, she should have been getting ready for her 
funeral.  Instead, she looked good, felt good, ate like a horse, worked at 
school all week long, and played tennis twice a week.  I guess she didn't 
know she was supposed to be dead, soon.

However, as fall came on, the Cancer markers in her blood began to creep up 
again, and her doc started her on more chemo.  Her grown son went on the 
Net to read about shark cartilage, and read all the Feds' and 
Pharmaceutical houses'  propaganda pages, saying it was useless (as indeed 
it is, for some patients -- nothing works for everybody) and a scam.  He 
told his mom she was a damn fool for wasting her money that way.  And so 
she stopped taking the shark cartilage.  Her deterioration was obvious, as 
she suffered the same horrors from the chemo.   We planned her birthday 
party for the first week of February, exactly a year since her doc had been 
so amazed at her improvement.   Three weeks later, she was dead -- not of 
the cancer, but of a massive infection that started as a cold on Tuesday, 
and took her life the following Monday, overpowering her ruined immune system.

Here is the thing that still gives me goose bumps to think about it.  I 
learned from Kay's book about three years later that when the cancer is on 
the ropes and all but beaten, it starts to disintegrate and enters the 
blood stream for elimination from the body.  At that time, the cancer 
markers go up because of that,  but patients panic and think the cancer is 
back instead of almost beaten.  Then, they do as Tina did and go back on 
the chemo.   She might be alive today if her son hadn't gone surfing on the 
Web that day!

If you would like to get a copy of Kay's book, or write to her, e-mail that 
you would like to hear from her.  She is a missionary for cancer patients, 
in the truest sense, and a real shining role model.  I have had cancer 
(lumpectomy and radiation, 6 1/2 years ago), so I keep up on alternatives, 
because I know it can come back anytime.  Kay is a heroine to me, for 
trying to help others walking in the Valley of the Shadow.  I could post 
her e-mail here, but that would be unfair, and I would rather just serve as 
the go between.  Post your questions and I will forward the Silver List to 
her and she can answer.

Oh, yes, her onco doc who was so upset with her twelve years ago when she 
turned her back and went with Benefin, now has opened an alternative 
treatment clinic in AZ with some other doctors, to provide additional 
treatment modalities besides the ones that almost killed Kay.   Guess she 
made the point for him!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSOil of oregano for the fireman with an itching problem

2003-08-07 Thread patriot2000

Gary itches terribly and it wakes him up at night every night. Lack of
sleep is really dragging him down.

Try oil of oregano. It is a product that has as many uses and is as 
effective in its own way as CS, destroying bacteria, viruses, fungal 
infections, and parasites! You can learn more about this wonder cure from a 
book called, The Cure is in the Cupboard, revised, by Dr. Cass Ingram. 
Knowledge House, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 I purchased it when it was 
recommended by a naturopath who was teaching a class at our local junior 
college, but inside the cover, it says ordering information can be gotten 
by calling (800) 243-5242.

I bought some Oil of Oregano, and thus far we have used it on a deep 
scratch (from a rusty wire), and a painful puncture wound which was 
infected, and on spider bites -- all with excellent results.

Just another great product that your doctor never heard of and would laugh 
himself silly over if he did.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSNote to Marshalee --

2003-07-07 Thread patriot2000

Marshalee --

You wrote:

Hey, Marlys, it is so easy I actually do it all the time!
And I`m certainly NOT one of the More Power Boys... :oP
PLMK if you want me to email you the directions.

:oPPLMK means  (Now I really DO feel dumb!)

Can you just e-mail directions to me at patriot_2000_at_mindspring.com?
(Trying to outsmart the spammers, per recommendation, by writing it out)

Thanks a bunch!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSNote to Marshalee in Utah

2003-07-06 Thread patriot2000
Marshalee made a generous offer to Maryanne to e-mail her directions about 
how to get started making CS.

I have been reading the CS Silver List for some time now, and have wanted 
to learn to make it, but always get intimidated about all the technical 
talk of the pros back and forth -- so much so that I have stepped back 
from my plan to attempt it.

Assuming that a person can do this as a novice and actually make CS of 
reasonable quality, I would like to give it a try.  If, however, it is much 
more complicated than say, putting together a full traditional Thanksgiving 
dinner, having everything finished and ready to serve at the same time and 
getting it all to the table before it is cold, I am probably not capable.

If, however, one can reasonably expect to learn how to do this when one's 
degrees are in the social sciences field, rather than in chemistry and/or 
physics, I would appreciate your helpful suggestions, as I know Maryanne 
will, also.

Thank you.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSKilling mold spores

2003-06-23 Thread patriot2000

I have been getting the silver list for awhile -- trying to get up my
courage to buy a CS generator and make some. All the posts here
make it sound pretty complicated for someone who is an utter novice, but
I keep on reading and one of these days I hope to try it.

The plea for a remedy for spores caught my eye today. This
information may be helpful for Mike:

There is a product called Triple Action 20, and you can read about
how to order it at

I have used it for years with great success to combat garden funguses,
but it is also useful for combatting mold and mildew in the home. 
I have read in the flyer that accompanied the bottle that hospitals use
it, and you can even launder baby's diapers in it, so it is pretty safe
to use. And it is used to clean boats, or you can add it to latex
paint to retard mildew, etc. Their catalog says:

Get rid of fungus, mildew, algae, germs and odor
within 20 minutes of application with this highly effective
fungicide/algaecide. Triple Action 20 biodegrades within 24-48
hours and leaves no ridsidual in your soil or on your plants. It's
the only fungicide we've found that meets our tough standards for
effectiveness and safety. Spray Triple Action 20 on the leaves of
your plants at the first sign of infestation. Wipe down all
indoor and outdoor surfaces and gardening tools with Triple Action 20 to
disinfect on a regular basis. Spray or sponge Triple Action 20 onto
any surface to kill mildew and algae. (16 ounce bottle makes up
to 96 gallons and gallon makes up to 768 gallons. 

16 ounces is $12, or two or 21.90
gallon is $49.95

I hope this information is helpful. And that this is the
correct way to add a post to the silver list, which I sometimes find
confusing in its format.



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour