[RCSE] Model Aviation Presidents Column

2008-08-26 Thread Mike Lachowski
Looks like the Soaring Masters made this months column.  I guess our 
eMails do help...

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Re: [RCSE] Bozo says bye bye RCSE

2008-08-26 Thread Mike Lachowski

Someone should do a Skeeter site one of these days...

Phil Townsend wrote:

Lets not forget The Skeeter!
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[RCSE] Old RCSE Posts

2008-08-26 Thread Mike Lachowski

Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 11:09:59 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [RCSE] Thermal Vagrant Meets Bambi, sort of

Thermal Vagrant Meets Bambi

I have not been posting much here lately, due to the
many activities of the season--Ohio's three week deer 
season.  I've been spending about every other day out in the

woods, up in a tree, communing with nature, reading paper
backs and eating cold pop tarts.  Altogether a quality
wilderness experience.

We had a strange deer season this year.  It rained
heavily the weekend before, and then stayed relatively warm,
in the 30's and 40's, and windy.  As a result, the autumn
leaves were as soggy as a half-hour old bowl of corn flakes,
and between that and the wind, you could not hear the deer
moving.  In Ohio, you hunt mostly with your ears, since you
can't see much more than 40 or 50 yards in most of our woods.

There could have been a whole herd of deer doing the
Macarena right behind me, and I wouldn't have known it.

And then there were the left handed deer.  If you are up
in a tree stand with a shotgun or muzzle loader (our
basic choices here in Ohio) and a deer comes up on the wrong
side of your stand, it is virtually impossible to turn around
and shoot in the left handed direction.  I saw a lot of
left handed deer.

So, after three weeks of off and on hunting, I still
haven't fired a shot.  What did I get out of all this?

I had a nuthatch give me the hairy eyeball from six feet
up, and then proceed to bomb me with nuts.  Could have been
I got to watch a pair of Pilated Woodpeckers work over a
dead tree, throwing chips like little red-headed chainsaws.
I got to watch a young doe bound around in circles,
doing six foot leaps in a meadow, trying to figure out what I
was and what I was doing. (I was taking a leak in a groundhog
hole, holding the wrong weapon at the time.)
I had a couple of really nice naps in the woods, one on
a six foot long flat rock blanketed with heavy green moss.
(Well, why not?  My wife says I make moose calls in my
I observed a long, drawn out, terratorial dispute
between a fox squirrel and a gray squirrel.  The little guy
I ate lunch in four different restaurants where deer
hunters are regarded as normal people.
I got to see the witch hazel flowering among the
rocks of my son's favorite lurking spot, and the bittersweet
blooming a brilliant red in the tops of a scotch pine.
I got the hell out of the office for most of three weeks!
And I found out that my clients and the world get along just
fine without me at my desk.
And I got to see a lot of deer, either from the wrong
side, or from the rear, or from 150 yards out.  Or all of the

So what is the soaring connection?  Well, last summer
one of my flying buddies, Adventures With Bill Hoelcher, said
he was shocked to find out that I was both a deer hunter and
a sailplane pilot.  He said that sailplane flying was such a
peaceful and gentle sport that he didn't see how the same
person could be a deer hunter.   Then I watched Bill enter a
handlaunch contest and proceed to smash the cockpit off a
couple of other planes by circling against the crowd in a
thermal.  I gotta get him out in the woods.

And because of all the time I spent in the woods, I blew my 12 month
flyer status.  I didn't get out once in December.  Although I did scout
some nice Knox County slopes..

   Tom Nagel  /O\  Columbus, OH  
- --(___)--

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[RCSE] RCSE Past Poems

2008-08-26 Thread Mike Lachowski

Date: Sun, 22 Dec 1996 15:08:05 -0500
Subject: [RCSE] A Christmas Carol

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the 'net,
not a hard drive was whirring, it was quiet, you bet!

When out of the modem there arose such a clatter, 
I sprang to my keyboard to see what was the matter.

I booted the system and, and logged on to my sevice,
I downloaded E-mail of volumes quite perverse.

All postings were WACO, a name that's stupendous
for stating the facts in ways that offend us.

He cursed and he ranted, he call us bad names,
and he made lots of fun of our silly airplanes.
On Lucas, on Sal, on Richard, and Phil, 
on Gordon, on Daryl, on Steve and on Bill,

he piled his abuse til they all had their fill.

He's been hiding in Utah and hanging with Mormons,
designing new stuff with a big box of Crayons.

He's merry and laughing about things that aren't funny,
and he's planning a new way to take all our money.

He showed me the drawings for things quite outrageous
and he cackled and howled, he might be contageous!

I shuddered and grimaced and whimpered in fear. 
Could this be our fate for the coming New Year?

In panic I logged off to end this attack, 
and his last words still haunt me.  He said,

I'll be back!


Merry Christmas to the Christians, Happy Hanukkah to the Jews, Muslims and 
Kwanza celebrators, enjoy the Government holidays.


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[RCSE] Old Posts

2008-08-26 Thread Mike Lachowski
I did a quick search to see if I could find a good Lucas post with the 
challenge.  About 1996 vintage  Haven't found a good one yet.  Lots 
of flames though.

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Re: [RCSE] The posts that meant the most

2008-08-26 Thread Mike Lachowski
Jim, I'm trying to remember when  I might have to dig up my old MAN 
Soaring Columns or ESL newsletters to see if I can find some kind of 
date.  The oldest posts I have in my mail software are from 1996.  I 
think it goes back at least to 1994.

Jim Deck wrote:
I've been a participant of RCSE since its inception - just when did 
RCSE start, Mike?  The posts that meant the most to me were the 
messages of encouragement I received when, as I was physically unable, 
my wife posted news of my onset of Gullaine Barre Syndrome.  Those 
posts were a huge help to me at that time and during my lengthy 
recovery.  Before RCSE shuts down, I'd like to thank everyone one more 

   Jim Deck
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[RCSE] Good bye RCE, and thanks for brining us all a little closer together...

2008-08-25 Thread mike
I guess all good things must come to an end.

I for one appreciate all of the interaction that RCSE has afforded us over the years. I feel like I got to knowsome people through RCSE far better than if it had not be available as a forum for us.

Good, bad, interesting, dull, exciting, or Gordy! It was all good.

Bye RCSE. 

I will miss this forum.

Mike Smith
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Re: [RCSE] In Memory of RCSE

2008-08-25 Thread Mike Lachowski
 the once.
The Great One's face lit up, he gave me a great fatherly smile.
That does it. Peter wipe his file. Jim, you are going to be in my

Dave Jones,
5 Wootton Rise,
Wootton Wawen
B95 6BJ

rdwoebke wrote:

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Mike Lachowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The time is now for the end of RCSE.


I wonder if you have a copy of the all time best RCSE post.  I don't 
have it and would love to have it.

It was posted sometime in 1996 or 1997.  It was a made up story, posted 
from a guy in England, where he had communicated with a dead flying 
buddy via a seance and the flying buddy had a story about going to hell 
with his glider.  It was fantastic, well written.



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[RCSE] Pike Perfect for Sale

2008-08-06 Thread Mike Verzuh

I have a Pike Perfect SL for sale. It is brand new still not assembled. The
plane is Safety Yellow over Dark Purple. This color is going to really pop
for visibility, and overall the plane is striking. The fuse is a 2.4GHz
friendly version. The Super Light configuration is really outstanding for US
Thermal Duration and light air F3j.

I also have (3) JR 3421 servos with Greening mounts for the flaps and
elevator and (1) JR368 servo for the rudder. All the servos are brand new.

I would consider building this plane for you if desired.

With the Euro still climbing these planes are going to push the $1800 mark
soon if not already. I am asking $1725 for the plane, and wholesale price
for the servos and mounts (DS3421s @ $75ea and DS368 @ $60). I will sell the
servos separately.

This plane won’t last so please give me a call ASAP if you are interested.

Mike Verzuh
RMSA President
(303) 709-3232

Re: [RCSE] I have a Challenge for JR/Spectrum DSM Radios!

2008-08-06 Thread Mike Lachowski

Now that's Hot.

Actually, with anything new, there are always non-believers or rumors 
that have a life of their own on the Internet.

Happy JR 12X pilot with some Nats wood.


Too bad its going to have to wait!
I don't know if you guys can read, or read the Model Airplane News, or 
some of the others, but on the back page JR DSM and Spectrum have 
thrown down the gauntlet, put their systems where their money is..and 
have set up monthly challenges to their systems.
For instanceCal Orr challenge them to send him 40 systems to have 
on simultaneously, while testing with what I guess is a Spectrum 
Analyzer and other stuff.I suppose because there has been the 
rumor about 40 monkeys at 40 radios all wiggling the sticks 40 times 
per ...etc
Anyway, the next one was a heat test...they put an RX with remote into 
an oven powered up with test gear and found that at about 200+ degrees 
the case melted but the RX kept on working.

Looks like they are serious about this 2.4 stuff and aren't waiting 
for some to find a glitch...they want to show us, or I should say 
prove to us that their system really works, not just seems to work in 
model airplanes just fine.

What an expensive and whacky way to show their customers that their 
DSM system really is/ working./
Got to love fellow sailplaners who also sell radios :-)
They must think we are all from Missouri !
Can't wait to see what challenges they give themselves next.

Home for the week

Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? Read 
reviews on AOL Autos 

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[RCSE] LSF V award

2008-08-04 Thread Mike Lachowski
For those who weren't at the Nats when Johnny got his award, check out 
Nats News.


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Re: [RCSE] Comments on the impact of 2.4 on timing at sailplane competitions

2008-08-03 Thread Mike Lachowski
I survived the take whatever timer thing.  Actually, there are also now 
quite a few 72 guys who are on thier own with only one on a frequency too.
And it's not that hard to find 2-3 people who can handle your timing for 
the whole contest.  Most rounds it doesn't matter, but with man on man, 
it's still rare to find the good timer who really can feed you info on 
what the entire field is doing upwind.  That is a big help.

Jim Deck wrote:
The flyer who attends a contest alone must take whatever timer can be 
found. In my opinion, the best pilot should be able to perform well no 
matter who does the timing.  If the advent of 2.4 modifies the 
environment of competition and makes that so, I, for one, say hurrah!!

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Re: [RCSE] Mike Lachowski Takes Unlimited at Nats

2008-08-03 Thread Mike Lachowski
Obviously Gordy was not there.  I flew a regular Supra and I have NEVER 
had a home brew Supra.   I had been flying a light version of my F3b 
model out of my molds for the past few years and that is definitely not 
a Supra.  Never had time the past year to pull a new model out of those 
molds so I purchased a Supra.

But it did have a JR12X for the transmitter which I used for every one 
of my models at the Nats.


He flew a home brew Supra.

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RE: [RCSE] An argument for handlaunch.

2008-07-30 Thread mike
Hey Ben, thanks for the passionate write up. I, for one, whole heartedly agree with you. Particularly about the part about HL being the best and most productive gateway, or portal to RC soaring.

As you know there is so much talk about how to get new people, and young people into Rc Soaring, and darn it if the answer isn't HL. I would certainly hope that we can bring about enough influence to get 2 days of HL at the next NATS.

Even without beer on tap at the field, we will have a good turnout.

Thanks for your post, and your passion for soaring in general.


Mike Smith
 Original Message Subject: [RCSE] An argument for handlaunch.From: Ben Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Tue, July 29, 2008 7:15 pmTo: soaring@airage.com, LASS Soaring List[EMAIL PROTECTED]So y'all have probably heard my whining about the lack of 2 days of handlaunch at the NATS, so let me pitch you my argument for it and for better attention paid to handlaunch by soaring in general. This is the product of a number of discussions I've had with a number of people involved with soaring at different levels over the past couple of years, so here goes:AN INTRODUCTIONI've been in soaring since 2003, and have been to the NATS the last 4 years in some capacity or another. My first love is handlaunch, but I'm also a big fan of RES and Unlimited stuff. I also got the international-style bug last year towing for an F3J team at the NATS.Second, let me state that I have helped Denny Maize over the last 3 years organize his Polecat Challenge. In those years, it's gone from a pretty well attended contest (40 pilots) to last year, which had 93 registered and paid pilots. Around 80 or so flew. (Yes, we managed to top the IHLGF this year, but that might just be a statistical "wobble", or it could be the Red Bull girls, pig roast or huge soaring raffle).As I was intimately involved with the registration of the pilots and the gathering and reporting of information about that contest as well as the NATS last year, I've got a somewhat unique perspective into handlaunch and soaring. I stress "handlaunch and soaring" there, because the crossover between HL and TD is pretty well delineated. There are a lot of people doing HL and more doing TD, but there is only modest intersection between the two.SOME NUMBERSAt the Polecat Challenge, out of the 80-some pilots:13 of them were "Novices", meaning that they hadn't flown a contest before.29 of them were Sportsmen.The rest were experts.The average age for handlaunch competitors skews much younger than soaring in general (this is empirical)Last year at the NATS when I did the coverage for the NATSNews, I had to hunt and peck for guys who were new to soaring or the NATS - and that was out of 100+ pilots. I think I counted maybe 5 or 6 that were new to soaring or to the NATS. Many of them were in handlaunch (I brought at least two of them with me). I'm not covering the NATS this year, but attendance is the same as last year, but with RES attendance way up, so I'm assuming things stayed the same. Someone contradict me on that if I'm wrong.I spoke with a number of the new guys at the Polecat and a large number of them had never flown sailplanes before getting into handlaunch - but they had flown some sort of R/C. Helis, electrics, some gas, etc. Handlaunch is drawing people from other R/C niches to soaring. That's a good direction for us.WHY TWO DAYS AT THE NATSWell, frankly, because when I tell handlaunch people to "come to the NATS," they all say "I would, but only if it's a two-day contest". And I swear to you I didn't put that quote in their teeth! I will lay a $5 bet that the first two-day handlaunch contest at the NATS draws at least as many pilots as 2-meter, and maybe even as many as RES. I've spoken to at least that many people - and the handlaunch community is pretty damn tight - we'll support it. Period.Now, about the recent German contest - the German Open this year (just last weekend, same as NATS HL) drew away at least a half dozen of our top handlaunch pilots FROM THEIR OWN NATIONAL COMPETITION. Oleg Golovidov, Phil Barnes, Paul Anderson and Bruce Davidson, all past IHLGF or Polecat winners, didn't go to their own NATS because there is a better contest -- in Germany. 112 pilots from all around Europe, Sweden, Norway, Ukraine, etc etc. Huge. Beer on tap *at the field*!We've now got two serious and large contests - the IHLGF and the Polecat - but we don't have a "NATS" that is worth going to, and therefore isn't considered a "National" contest by anyone in the HL community. I don't want to get into that whole "Is the NATS a fun-fly?" argument again, but I would like to make Handlaunch at the NATS worth going to...SUMMARY* Handlaunch is attracting more new pilots* Handlaunch is attracting a younger audience* Handlaunch is acting as the "gateway" into soaring in generalIf you hold it, they will come.

RE: [RCSE] An argument for handlaunch.

2008-07-30 Thread mike
Oh, and Chris... I am so sorry I didn't mention you in my response to Bens post. You are so great. You deserve mention in every post about handlaunch and soaring. I mean without you where would we be right?

Get over yourself. Bens post was sorighton point, and was not exclusionary. Unless of course you only read posts to see if they are talking about you, or for some other self centered reasons.

Seriously, posts like yours are best left to your therapist, and not good for soaring or this exchange.

Of course my rant here is my own personal opinion, and perhaps I should talk to my therapist about it.

 Original Message Subject: RE: [RCSE] An argument for handlaunch.From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Tue, July 29, 2008 9:00 pmTo: "Ben Wilson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: soaring@airage.com, "LASS Soaring List"[EMAIL PROTECTED]Ben,I have never been so insulted as what you have posted here. PerhapsJeff and Bret are just as insulted.I have been flying HLG longer than you are probably old, old enough forme to be your father and grandfather!Just so you know, there were three other US pilots at the German Open,yet you never acknowledge US!!I have flown HLG long before anybody ever thought about HLG contests. Iflew in Dave Thornburg's HLG contest, and even designed a 66" HLG for itwhich parallels what we fly today.I fly HLG/DLG because it gives me the enjoyment and independence of nothaving to wait for winch lines or frequency control.Jeff Carr, Bret Carr and I supported our US group and flew. We may notbe the creme of the crop that Oleg, Bruce, Paul or Phil may be, but weparticipate for each of our own reasons. You make it sound like we areinvisible to the rest of the group. I think you are somewhat lost.I design and build DLGs because I enjoy the opportunity that they offerme. Of the US group, besides Oleg who flew his 5 year old Taboodesigns, I was the only US guy there flying My Own design!!!DLG pilots fly DLG for one basic reason, it allows each of us to flyindependently and to not depend on waiting for winches or any othercomplaints from others. I can go out and fly in the AM, Noon hour, orPM, and enjoy my time hunting the elusive thermal. Contests are not theonly thing that matters in this world when it comes to flying. Some ofus design, others fly, but in the end we fly fly fly!.In my opinion, the AMA does not know what DLG is doing for the world ofsoaring. TD contests will be going by the wayside. Bruce Davidson putit quite plainly at the German Open to me, "why should he travel 10hours, fly three or 4 flights then drive back from a TD contest", whenhe can fly DLG, many rounds and many flights and have the enjoyment ofnot having to just do spot landings.I will go to more DLG contests than TD contests this year and I amperhaps giving up TD contest entirely. I can do the social event atHLG/DLG contests and still get the technical and design satisfaction ofDLG flying. After all What is DLG but a subclass of TD. Perhaps weshould be saying that TD is really a subclass of HLG/DLG because we usedto thermal out TD ships from Hand launches when we test glided TD ships!Personally I see DLG support by the AMA replacing F3B and even perhapsF3J, as a world class group.So I think you owe Jeff, Bret and Me an apology for not recognizing usas participants at the German Open at the same level as Oleg, Bruce,Paul, Phil and the rest.Don't forget, Bret did make the Junior flyoffs and did place in thatrealm!Please come back when you realize there are others who fly also.Thermals,Chris AdamsLSF 348 Lvl V (#8)  Original Message  Subject: [RCSE] An argument for handlaunch. From: Ben Wilson ben@thelocust.org Date: Tue, July 29, 2008 7:15 pm To: soaring@airage.com, LASS Soaring List soaring@louisvillesoaring.org So y'all have probably heard my whining about the lack of 2 days of handlaunch at the NATS, so let me pitch you my argument for it and for better attention paid to handlaunch by soaring in general. This is the product of a number of discussions I've had with a number of people involved with soaring at different levels over the past couple of years, so here goes: AN INTRODUCTION I've been in soaring since 2003, and have been to the NATS the last 4 years in some capacity or another. My first love is handlaunch, but I'm also a big fan of RES and Unlimited stuff. I also got the international-style bug last year towing for an F3J team at the NATS. Second, let me state that I have helped Denny Maize over the last 3 years organize his Polecat Challenge. In those years, it's gone from a pretty well attended contest (40 pilots) to last year, which had 93 registered and paid pilots. Around 80 or so flew. (Yes, we managed to top the IHLGF this year, but that might just be a statistical "wobble", or it could be the Red Bull girls, pig roast or huge soaring raffle). As I was intimately involved with the registration of the pilots and the gathering and report

RE: [RCSE] An argument for handlaunch.

2008-07-30 Thread mike
Hey Mark,

Does the Sidewinder from Polecata fill the bill, or is that still a little beyond what you were thinking for target price? Just curious.

 Original Message Subject: Re: [RCSE] An argument for handlaunch.From: Mark Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Wed, July 30, 2008 11:51 amTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED], TG Bean [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: soaring@airage.comI also agree with Ben in that Handlaunch is breathing new life into soaring. We have seen it here in St. Louis. While there may not be many new members produced from it yet it sure has rekindled excitement from many of the current members. I, like Chris, go back to the beginnings of HLG. I built a Sunbird when Dave's article came out and have been with it ever since. I designed some old style HLG javelin type models and loved them. I have not participated much since DLG came about mostly because I had other things I wanted to do but I'm restarting again. I like the amount you get to fly, the simplicity of it all and the contest format makes you think more than I have to in TD. "Do I launch again and risk that 2 minute flight or do I walk away and see where the chips fall?" for example.What I would like to see, and I do not know how realistic it is, would be a beginners class of handlaunch. Something where you do not need a $600 DLG machine or a $400 used beater where you spend more time chasing wing de laminations than flying. Something where you can learn flying and thermaling skills and move your way into the big leagues. I do not know if it is wood built ups on a mini high start or not. While that format is fun it is really just all up, last down over and over. Maybe a 1 meter DLG class? I'm not bright enough to figure it all out but I feel there needs to be something. Mark MillerMissing the NATS GreatlyRCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" requests to soaring-request@airage.com. Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with MIME turned off. Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in text format
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RE: [RCSE] 2009 F3B team Selection Notice ( ONE WEEK REMAINING)

2008-07-23 Thread mike
Hi Rich,

I think Mike Lachowski has a tester. I also have a winch tester, and I will bring it. We'll be out there on Friday, maybe even Thursday evening to check the place out.

Thanks again to you and SOAR for putting on the event.

See you soon.

 Original Message Subject: [RCSE] 2009 F3B team Selection Notice ( ONE WEEK REMAINING)From: "Richard Burnoski" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Wed, July 23, 2008 2:30 pmTo: "'RCSE'" soaring@airage.comCc: [EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED],"Richard Burnoski"[EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pilots--- Volunteers
Please register with AMA to fly in the F3B team selection which will be held in Yorkville, Illinois August 29,30,31 September 1, 2008
AMA, Colleen, can provide you with the forms to register if dont have them already.

AMA contact : Colleen Pierce 765 287 1256 ext. 252

The SOAR club is hosting the event and Bill Christian is contest director and Steve Meyer assisstant cd.


The SOAR website, handled thru Pat Crosby (webmaster),, will have registration and venue operations soon.


Ben,of the SOAR clubwill handle the pilot registration, team affiliation,and frequency distribution, afterAMA has recieved the pilots $20 registration fee and the $75. event fee.


Note to Colleen:
As we had talked today ( 7-23-08), you had mentioned that you would contact Ben as each of the pilots register. 

Please email Ben to let him know about the pilots that have already signed up.

Last day of post marked registration- July 30-08

NOTE to pilots,,, to whome can I plan on to bring their up to date winch testor for Fridays( Aug 29),winch testing ??

Thanks, Richard Burnoski,Event Director [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NOTE: There is a large flat grassy 2 to 3 acre areaconnected to the field we will be flying on that can be used to camp out or park RV's. Thereare plans to have other attendies camping for those 4 days. There are no hook ups for water or electric or sewer.Gas and food 15 minutes away in Yorkville. There will be porta- johns.

Volunteer Call help is needed! Please email me with what days you can be here saturday, sunday or monday or all days 
Help select a USA team thru your fine help !

We will need volunteers from the Midwest to help put on the event. Please email me and Ill add you to the list for timing, scoring, pressing buzzers for base a and base b.

Regards, Richard
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Re: [RCSE] Common trim mode on JR 9303

2008-07-22 Thread Mike Lachowski
Besides getting a better servo or linkage, you could use some other knob 
and a mix into the elevator as your drift compensator.

Or don't use any flight modes and do your own mixes if you have minimal 
changes between flight modes.

John Kappus wrote:
Common trim mode on 9303 ?   

I have a question on the 9303 regarding the common trim mode when using flight 
In the device select, I set trim mode to common, but I see in the monitor 
screen that common only refers to rudder and aileron. All other trim controls 
stay in flight mode. Even with the trim mode on common, a trim change to 
elevator in cruise does NOT affect thermal or launch trim.

Since my servos in my DLGs have some drift, it's not uncommon for me to change 
trim on the 1st flight. I want this change to go to everything (all Flight 
Modes). I can get elevator presets as changes to 'normal' trim by adding in 

I know I can make FM trim work by changing sub trim IF I notice the drift 
before the round, but true common trim might work better for this problem.

What am I missing?


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Re: [RCSE] Special Mix Programing question

2008-07-22 Thread Mike Lachowski
You can turn on a mic based on the spoiler stick position,  Basically 
aileron into flap kind of mix except it's in same direction both ways.

I don't think you are going to get the amount of mix to be proportional 
to where the landing stick is.  You will just get it to start at a 
particular point.

This is basically what I do to turn off aileron to flap mix once flaps 
get so far down on a 6-servo model.

John Kappus wrote:

RE:  Reverse Differential for landing without landing mode on a 9303

I've got a general question on how to program 'special' mixes on a JR 9303.  
This question probably applies to other makes as well.

I don't use a landing mode on a 4 servo DLG.  I would like to have reverse 
differential for landing with the flaperons down (45 degrees) so that the down 
flaperons don't go down further with steering input since they are near their 
stops, plus the downward going flaperon doesn't do much good for steering 

This would be simple with landing mode, but I can't remember to flip that 
switch.  Airtronics could do it with the 'stick switch' in the flap stick.  I 
think it could be added with mixes, but can't figure out how.

I would like to mix in up aileron to the down going flaperon in PROPORTION to 
the SUM of the flap stick and aileron stick travel.  No flap stick travel, no 
mix, no aileron stick movement, no mix.
How do you compound (multiple?) mixes to get an action proportional to the sum 
of 2 inputs?  I believe it is possible but can't conceive of how without a AND 
OR function.

What am I missing?

John from Denver

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RE: [RCSE] It's official now

2008-07-16 Thread mike
You deserve it Johnny.

 Original Message Subject: Re: [RCSE] It's official nowFrom: "Johnny Berlin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Wed, July 16, 2008 1:23 pmTo: "Jim Deck" [EMAIL PROTECTED], "RCSE" soaring@airage.comEHAAThank you everone for the congrats, E-mails and phone calls. The responce has been amazing.Johnny- Original Message - From: "Jim Deck" james.deck@comcast.netTo: "RCSE" soaring@airage.comSent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 12:48 PMSubject: [RCSE] It's official now I have just finished scrutinizing Johnny Berlin's LSF Level V voucher  and it gives me great pleasure to announce that Johnny is officially the  LSF's 124th Level V. A hearty, "Well done, sir." to Johnny on behalf of the officers and  members of the League of Silent Flight. Jim Deck LSF Secretary RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe"  and "unsubscribe" requests to soaring-request@airage.com. Please note  that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format  with MIME turned off. Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and  AOL are generally NOT in text format RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" requests to soaring-request@airage.com. Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with MIME turned off. Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in text format
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Re: [RCSE] Contest idea....Time on tow penalty for TD?

2008-07-15 Thread Mike Lachowski
Oh, cool, I can get my ultra high tech model with super expensive high 
modulus carbon to keep the weight down and have real fun  Or I'll 
just pop off with my Bubble Dancer at .1 second.

Shorter winch lines usually work better. Plus it gives the ligher models 
a better chance since they no longer have to lift up the ton of line 
required to keep the big models from breaking it all the time.  Plus, if 
you break it, you fly it  That always encourages everyone to stop 
abusing the winch.  And if that doesn't work, go for longer times.

Actually, the launch discussion is kind of silly.  You must all be 
talking to electric guys who can't define a launch because they all use 
different launch equipment.  Electric sailplanes are in competition are 
a total turnoff for me because your launch equipment goes obsolete so fast.

AMA TD (or basically Unlimited these days) is what it is because of the 
Ford Long Shaft motor and 300lb line.  Everyone has somewhat similar 
launch equipment, and we can all agree on what to fly.   F3b is also 
working  (except for the denial that it exists in the US) because it has 
a well defined launch system.  Everyone can go out and practice and try 
to design better flying models instead of better launching equipment.

F3j with the current rules is broken.  It is very much the luck of the 
timer.   I know the past few team selections, which timer you had was 
good for a 1 second difference in flight time. It's basically a launch 
race and timer reaction time event where you take yourself out of the 
competition by missing the 100 landing. Models and launch technique are 
a long way from what was created.   And shorter launches will only 
introduce more luck with being on the wrong side of the field.



What is with messing around with winch time  All minimizing winch
time does is make planes go up faster, and have them built like
composite bullets.  

Why not do something simple, like take the weight of the plane, mulitply
it by seconds and get a max time you have to fly??

We once talked about this , way back, when people used to fly scale, or
really stand off scale in the LSF tounaments and SSOAR NAT (that dates
me!)  Pilots often chose unique projects that could not compete with the
slicker ships.  A Schul Glider had a L/D of 15: or so.  If you took
the L/D and multiply it by say 10 seconds, that meant that your max time
had to be 150 seconds (2.5 minutes), which was reasonable for draggy,
early gliders.  If you had a Kestral, with an L/D of 36:1, that meant
360 seconds, or 6 minutes.  That was reasonable for a slick glider. 
That kept scale gliders of all vintages competitive.

So...let me ask this:

What happens if the launch is a discus launch of a 100 glider  NO

Think about it.  If you know you can hand launch into a thermal, why
loose 4-5 seconds every time  Hello JW!!

Personally, any time you try to do this stuff, it always ends up with a
conclusion no one wants to fly!



 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Contest ideaTime on tow penalty for TD?
Date: Tue, July 15, 2008 6:03 am
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], soaring@airage.com
In a message dated 07/14/2008 8:21:54 PM Central Daylight Time, 

After watching the World F3J  I had an idea for a contest...
Incorporate the time penalty on tow that they have in F3J but in a TD format.
You would have a timer at each winch who would time your launch and write 
that time down on your card...  For example if it were a 10 min task and you 
towed for 6 sec the best time you could get would be a 9:54 even though you flew a 
perfect 10... Or even better... Double the time on tow penalty, so if it was 
a 6 sec tow the best time you could get would be 9:48. Seems to me it would 
throw more strategy and fun into a normal TD contest

Suggestions ? Comments?

Having read the other replies, I think the solution would be to have a device 
that timed the length of time the winch motor was on for the launch and 
deduct that from the score. That would allow a woody to tap up to the top and take 
their time doing so without incurring the time on tow penalty. The penalty 
would then be for time using power on tow.
Bill Wingstedt
**Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music 
scene in your area - Check out TourTracker.com!  

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[RCSE] Johnny Berlin's 8 hour task

2008-07-14 Thread mike
Congatulations Johnny Berlin. Great work!

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2008-07-08 Thread mike

Thank you JR/Horizon for this years JR Aerotow event.Thank you for getting our gliders out there safe and sound.Thank you Peter, Craig, David, Johny D, and Johny B. for all the tows.Thank you Missy for the organization, and a big thanks to the caterers for the fine food.I had a great time, and am looking forward to next year.Thanks again.Mike Smith
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Re: [RCSE] On-board digital video equipment--source?

2008-07-03 Thread Mike Lachowski

Tom Nagel wrote:
   One of our (off line) club members is interested in acquiring one 
of those small Bic-lighter sized digital video cameras to put on a 
sailplane or an electric.  Can anyone give me some references to 
sources for those things?

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Re: [RCSE] July MA Mag..

2008-06-25 Thread Mike Lachowski

Presidents column

Next time anyone sees Dave Mathewson, thank him for not mentioning the 
World Soaring Masters in all the exciting stuff coming up at Muncie.  
Vintage R/C is there in September, SAM Championships are there in 
September,  let's not mention World Soaring Masters is there in 

Darwin Barrie wrote:

Hi Brian,

I don't know what happened. I'll have to call them. I have 2 into them 
now. Due to the Nationals the next one will be Sept. There should be 
one there now though.

On Jun 25, 2008, at 9:11 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey !! No soaring column?? Brian
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RE: [RCSE] Are there any Soaring events in the San Diego Area 6/21-22

2008-06-14 Thread mike
TPG will be holding its monthly TD contest on Sunday. Check out www.torreypinesgulls.org for details and a map to our field.

Mike Smith
 Original Message Subject: [RCSE] Are there any Soaring events in the San Diego Area6/21-22From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Sat, June 14, 2008 6:01 amTo: soaring@airage.com
Hi all,I’ll be on a business trip and will be spending the weekend of 6/21-22 in the Poway (North of San Diego) area and wanted to know if there will be any soaring events out there that weekend that a visitor could attend?Thanks,John
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[RCSE] Selling my last Estrella... :-(

2008-06-10 Thread mike

Follow the thread to RC Groups for photo's and the add.

Asking 1600 USD ready to fly including ballast, and you pay shipping from So Cal. Local delivery or pick-up would be ok though.

Thanks for your time.

Mike Smith
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Re: [RCSE] 9303 aileron to rudder coupling

2008-06-04 Thread Mike Lachowski
Some old habits don't go away... Normally aileron to rudder coupling is 
set up by flight mode.   Flight modes make it possible to have more than 
two mixes.  In fact for aileron to rudder, you should set the mix to 
100% in launch mode in case you forget to use the correct stick.

My suggestion if you want on/off mixing would be to use one of the 
programmable mixers.  Configure aileron to rudder.  Have the mix switch 
change you to position 1.  Set the aileron to rudder mix rates you want 
for position 0 and then leave the mixes for position 1 at 0.   In 
reality you probably don't want to go to 0, just a very low value.  So 
you could set position 1 to some small numbers like 6 or 7.


I am trying to set up my 9303 to turn off the aileron rudder coupling
via the right back Mix switch. I have been unable to locate the setup as
I had on my 8103.  Can some help with a pointer on how to do it?


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Re: [RCSE] 9303 aileron to rudder coupling

2008-06-04 Thread Mike Lachowski
Or, you could try and use one of the flight modes as 0 rudder mix.  
Don't know if you use all 5 or have switches set so that you could use 
all fo them.


Mike, you are quite right, old habits.

I was trying to use the Aileron to Rudder standard mix rather than using
a separate programming mix.  I guess I have to set the pre-programmed
mix to 0 and go to the programmed mix.

I use on/off on my DLG so I can practice rudder with my left thumb.  I
prefer coupling, but I wanted to see a good roll with a new DLG just
built.  I set my rudder up exponentially, so that my rudder kicks in
fast before the aileron takes over.  I like more top-rudder ( believe
that is what that is).  I found recently I was cross-coupling the
aileron and rudder for flatter turns.  My old habits go back to just
rudder elevator on planes with more dihedral.

Thanks for the help.



 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [RCSE] 9303 aileron to rudder coupling
From: Mike Lachowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, June 04, 2008 2:46 pm
Cc: soaring@airage.com soaring@airage.com

Some old habits don't go away... Normally aileron to rudder coupling is
set up by flight mode.   Flight modes make it possible to have more than
two mixes.  In fact for aileron to rudder, you should set the mix to
100% in launch mode in case you forget to use the correct stick.

My suggestion if you want on/off mixing would be to use one of the
programmable mixers.  Configure aileron to rudder.  Have the mix switch
change you to position 1.  Set the aileron to rudder mix rates you want
for position 0 and then leave the mixes for position 1 at 0.   In
reality you probably don't want to go to 0, just a very low value.  So
you could set position 1 to some small numbers like 6 or 7.


I am trying to set up my 9303 to turn off the aileron rudder coupling
via the right back Mix switch. I have been unable to locate the setup as
I had on my 8103.  Can some help with a pointer on how to do it?


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2008-06-02 Thread Mike Lachowski
Unfortunately the 610C or any of the other Lipo / Nicad chargers with 4 
button interfaces are just a real pain to set up compared to the Alpha 
4. Sure you can set all the options, but you are never sure you have all 
them correct. And it's a pain to select different things on the 610 or 
other similar chargers.

Also, Alpha 4 is limited to 12 cells, not 20.

Rob Davis wrote:
However, the Alpha has amperage limitations that may make charging 
simultaneously slower than other chargers that can charge one pack at 
a time.  The friend who replaced his Alpha got this charger - Thunder 
Power TP610C -  1 to 6-Cell LiPo and A123 cells, 14 NiCd/MH cells and 
6-12V Pb, it can charge, Balance, discharge and cycle batteries and 
report back full data. It is capable of up to 10 amps (80 watts total) 
for charging.  It's a charger capable of charging anything out there 


Helloo Peter:
You can not beat the ALPHA 4 (charger/discharger/maintainance)
120AC or 12 DC
1- 20+ cells
wet cells
NiCd or metal hydride  not Lithiums
9 functions
1 - 4 FOUR batteries at one time 4 TX or 3 TX and 1 RX, or 2 TX

and 2 RX, etc.

Jim Ealy
Education by Demonstration

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Re: [RCSE] 2.4 reasons ;-)

2008-05-29 Thread Mike Lachowski

Good  question.  Lots of answers.

I'm flying the same sailplane I've been flying for the last 10 years. 
(Usually followed by good, go to 2.4.  Less chance of a conflict for me).

I have 25 sailplanes.  How many RX do I need to replace?

I'm waiting for them to work out all the problems.  (Windows 95 user)

I like that big antenna sticking up there.  (don't go there)

Those transmitters have digital trims (user of the cheapest servos out 
there that never center anyway)

There is nothing better than my Ace

I love my stylus  (he probably needs the extra excersize from the heavy 
TX anyway)

I just bought a 9303. (and I need to scrape together all the $ I can for 
a new sailplane cause this one isn't going to last that long)

I like fishing my antenna down the carbon fuse and adding a tail out the 

Guy with red shirt  , oh, he was flying 2.4 all of last year at every 
event.  They don't count.

Guy with orange on his shirt,  that is mostly grey.  Oh, that's the red 
shirt guy...

Didn't the red shirt guy ask this question last year.  Check the 
archives... ;-)

He can't be all that bad, after all he flies sailplanes.

Practice is more important than playing with some new electronics toys.  
See you in the landing circle.

I can't stand hearing gordy calling it gigglehurts. (Hey, where is his 

Darwin Barrie wrote:
I thought 2.4 was all the rage. People abandoning 72 and ham band en 
masse to use 2.4 and selling everything off.  So, why are we not 
seeing it as much in the sailplane world?

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2008-05-22 Thread mike
Hello Fred

I am very glad you finally got your prize. Patience finally pays off. I know you will be happy with your High End. I received mine right after he mailed your to you, and I am very excited to get it flying.

Thank you again for your kind and generous donation for last years F3B team effort in Switzerland. We very much appreciated it.

Good luck and tell us how you like it.


Mike Smith
teamusaf3b.com 2007
 Original Message Subject: [RCSE] GOOD GUY ALERTFrom: "Fred A. Sheplavy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Thu, May 22, 2008 9:20 pmTo: "RSCE" soaring@airage.comLast year I won the Sharon being raffled off for the benefit of the F3Bteam. Jochen Luetke of HKM USA called me to tell me that he had none instock but I would get the next one that came in but at that time he had noidea of when that would be. I later got another call from John apologizingfor the delay and stating that the plane would not be available but that HKMwas working on a new design and that I would get one of the first ones hegot. On last Tuesday Fedex delivered a High End. This looks like a fantasticplane.Thanks John!Fred SheplavyRCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" requests to soaring-request@airage.com. Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with MIME turned off. Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in text format
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[RCSE] F3J Fundraiser

2008-05-06 Thread mike reagan
   OK guys lets keep it going. Just ordered a jacket and 2 hats. Who is 
next? On my way to England to fly Raven + Wasp UAVs, Mike Reagan

RE: [RCSE] F3J Fundraiser

2008-05-05 Thread mike

Last I checked we like Turkey. I donot at all share John's opinion what so ever.

Mike Smith

Good luck J teamers.
 Original Message Subject: RE: [RCSE] F3J FundraiserFrom: John Roe [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Mon, May 05, 2008 11:13 amTo: Daryl Perkins [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: soaring@airage.comI went to the site and donated $20.00, super easy and quick using paypal.I would have loved to buy a hat, but the artwork has the crescent/star symbol incorporated in the design, and I would no sooner wear that thanI would walk around sporting a swastika or a hammer and sickle.It might be a good idea to re-work the design, I think a lot more stuff might be sold...Good luck team USA!JR Daryl Perkins dp@darylperkins.com wrote:  Darwin, thanks so much for the effort. And to all of you who have and are contributing. We really thank you. I can't even begin to explain what a monumental task (and expenditure) it is to organize and send a team of 13 halfway around the world to compete. The AMA very generously supports a portion of travel expenses, and some contest expenses, but nowhere near enough to keep us from going out of pocket. It's donations from you guys that get us there. (and probably wish we wouldn't come back) ;-)  Check out our site http://usf3jteam.com/ to see a list of sponsors who have graciously donated cash, raffle prizes, or both. And maybe you could even buy something.   Airtronics/Global Kennedy Composites CST Radio Carbon Art Soaring USA JR LSF Skip Miller Models  And you guys. Thanks so much.   Daryl - plannin' on kicking some Euro @ss - Perkins ;-) Original Message   Subject: [RCSE] F3J Fundraiser  From: ktlkrn@cox.net  Date: Sat, May 03, 2008 11:18 am  To: soaring@airage.com  Come on guys, yesterday I put up a challenge to raise money for our F3J team. I offered $100 and stand by that. So far nobody has stepped to the plate.  For those buying jackets, that is good but good old cash will be even more helpful.  Lets get on board and donate some money.  Darwin N. Barrie  Chandler, AZ  RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" requests to soaring-request@airage.com. Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with MIME turned off. Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in text formatDarwin  RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" requests to soaring-request@airage.com. Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with MIME turned off. Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in text formatRCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" requests to soaring-request@airage.com. Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with MIME turned off. Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in text format
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Re: [RCSE] The Stylus, Airtronics

2008-04-30 Thread Mike Fox

Hi Guys,

From what I have heard from Airtronics also is, that the new 10 channel is 
being developed and hopefully out to the public in Feb. 09. Sanwa is using 
the same engineers that developed the Stylus. They also said there are plans 
to make a 2.4ghz module to fit the Stylus as it is still a good and popular 
radio. There is also talk about a higher end radio down the road, maybe 14 
channel, good for our large Scale ships.

I just got the Airtronics RDS8000 and flew it last weekend in a electric. 
Worked flawlessly!  The RDS8000 does not have sliders for soaring, but it 
was not really intended to be that kind of radio. I think it is a excellent 
middle of the line radio. It has alot of mixing availible. I will fly my 
electric planes, heli and will try some sailplanes to figure out the 2.4 

I think there is some good stuff coming  :-)

Mike Fox 

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Re: [RCSE] JR/Specktrum 2.4 Stuff, Bet You Didn't Know This!

2008-04-27 Thread Mike Lachowski
Not everyone will notice a difference.  Where you are most likely to 
notice the difference will be in launch where you might notice this at 
the top of the launch.  Especially on smaller, lighter models where the 
timing on the zoom is much quicker.   And on landings where you'll save 
a little time if you have to make corrections due to gusts, etc.

Hank Schorz wrote:

I own (and use) the 9303 in 72 mHz, 2.4 Add on Module, and 2.4 Integrated. The 
only real difference between the 2.4 Module and Integrated that matters is the 
model memory. I may be a knucklehead (and I have the 72 and 2.4 Integrated on 
slightly different models, one on a Pike Perfect, and one on a Pike Perfect 
Light), but I don't notice any difference in response or in latency. I suspect 
that if I could A/B quickly back and forth between the two radios on the same 
plane, that I might notice a difference. Where this feature will pay off is on 
helicopters and/or 3D type electrics.


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[RCSE] YOU can break Carbon rod for stab axles

2008-04-25 Thread Mike Fox
I have seen even a 1/4 CF joiner fail on the Stab of a Onyx JW.  As stated 
before, the CF has to be protected. The one I seen fail, had marks in it 
which lead to it's failure.  Changes were made to fix that problem. Just 
have to keep a close eye on CF stuff.  Great stuff if it is taken care of.


Its not so much how hard it is to break the rod when its in good
condition.  It's plenty strong.  Its knowing when the strength has
been compromised with cracking after a few dork landings or an
unfortunate vertical arrival.   They become very easy to break once
they have a crack starting to develop.

Each pilot is going to have to decide the issue for himself.  For me,
if they're not at least 1/4 in diameter I'd rather use steel.  The
nose weight is not a consideration.  I won't use a center wing rod of
carbon in any case.


At 12:09 PM 4/25/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've seen this topic for years and so decided to see what it would
take to break a 1/8 carbon rod with my hands which have
considerably higher bending capability than a stab on one side of a 

Try it for yourself, try to use your hands to break a 1/8 carbon
rod, just past half way along its length.
It will be interesting to hear your findings bout how easy or hard
it is...and why it might be possible for a stab to put that kind of
force on the rod, with out it breaking first.

Note I didn't say it was hard, I'm asking you interested parties and
suggesters to 'do' something then report.

In a message dated 4/25/2008 9:55:54 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
That may be overkill, if the 1/8 was almost strong enough. Assuming that
the wall is pretty thick,  1/4 would be 8X as strong and 16X as stiff,
if I'm not mistaken. I wonder if the problem is that the rod is not very
strong crosswise, so if there's a hint of a sharp edge, maybe it will
crunch. A steel tube might be a good compromise, though the yield
strength, unless you go pretty high tech, will be maybe half or less
that of music wire. Presumably the diameter would make up for that,
given the right wall thickness, etc. (I'm assuming you'd use a little
piece of 4130 or something from Aircraft Spruce)

I wonder if one glued short lengths of brass tubing over the carbon at
the appropriate places if that wouldn't help keep local loads from
messing it up. Especially if you ground the edges to a taper. Or maybe
that's just too much trouble.

The 1/4 carbon might weigh 7 grams or so if it was 4 long.. A 1/8
steel rod would weigh about the same for the same length. The carbon
would be much stiffer, of course. And if you loaded it carefully, with
only smooth edges, a heck of a lot stronger. However, assuming a 24
stab with 100 square inches or so, the 1/8 joiner on the tail would
stand up to an airspeed comparable to that of a 1/2 steel rod of the
same yield strength on the wing. However, music wire tends to have a
really high yield strength.  (plus or minus a lot depending on design

 : [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ray, I have used 1/8 cf rod
 for stab axles, and had them break. This was on my Yardbird design,
 130. I went back to steel rather than try to go to a bigger tube. My
 latest will use 1/4 cf tube for stab axles. Jack

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Re: [RCSE] Breaking the 40 Spektrum Radio Barrier

2008-03-22 Thread Mike Lachowski
Thank the wireless network guys for pushing for a ban on 2.4 for 
models.   Burn your Cisco routers.

Bill  Bunny Kuhlman wrote:

While 2.4 GHz virtually eliminates interference issues, it should be 
noted that using this frequency in nations other than the U.S. may be 
increasingly problematic.

I understand Germany has just put out a notice that RC is not to use 
the 2.4 GHz band, stating it is a national security issue.

Belgium seems to have banned RC use of 2.4 GHz a couple years ago.

Additionally, I just read a notice that France has limited power 
output of 2.4 GHz systems to 10 MW, as opposed to the 100 MW standard 
elsewhere. (One of our South African correspondents has stated Horizon 
Hobbies put out a letter stating that Spektrum sets made for use in 
the US are illegal in South Africa and a number of European countries.)

Late last year, CIAM, the FAI body, was discussing upcoming 
legislation in Europe as it applied to 2.4 GHz RC. Seems the EU is 
getting a lot of pressure from WiMax operators to ban RC use of the 

We'd appreciate hearing from anyone who has accurate current 
information on this topic.

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Re: [RCSE] Line of sight

2008-03-22 Thread Mike Lachowski
Get your favorite friend to come out wth a Spektrum RX with the a 
Spektrum Flight Log and get some data.  It won't be perfect since the 
person holding the airplane may influence the results.  But at least you 
can see if you have much of a frame loss or any holds.   Something you 
can't do with 99% of the 72 systems, but glitch counters or failsafe 
settings can be used to tell if you lost signal on them.

David Webb wrote:

No one is arguing the fact that if my plane drops behind a barn, mountain or
other large land mass that I have larger issue such as what the hell was I
thinking?  but there are a lot of other little pieces of minutia to
converse of the line of sight debate. This season I will be looking for some
2.4 setups to run back into this area and check signal :)


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[RCSE] Radio Carbon Art's new DVDeeeeee!!!

2008-03-21 Thread mike
Ladies and Gents,

I have been going out to the mailbox every day since the day after my parcel was shipped from Amy and Paul at Radio Carbon Artlooking for my new DVDe's.

Last night, voila! There it was. Ripped it open, stuffed it in the player and pressed play. 1:06hr's of very well editted scale soaring video. I enjoyed every bit of it, especially, call me vain but, especially when I saw my DG 800S soaring on the TV!!! Things like that just make a guy a little giddy.

But seriously, even if you could care less about my DG, you will find Pauls "Best of Scale Soaring" DVD to be one of his best, if not the best video he has made to date.

Lots and lots of footage from the 2007 JR Aerotow. Interviews, and on-board camera sequences.

Very nice. Thanks Paul.

Mike Smith
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[RCSE] Re: Soaring V1 #10854

2008-02-26 Thread Mike Fox


Same here, new snow, same storm you just had.  Put some Skies on an electric 
and go play.  Bent up some skies for my Ultra stick and flew off the snow 
Saturday and Sunday.  Keeps the thumbs free.  :-)

A buddy flies his little flat foam delta almost every morning to get the day 
started. He does a mini red bull race. Fly out to the pine tree, around 
that. back to the clothes pole over and around the oak tree, loop the 
telephone wire, behind the second pine and back to his back door.  He has a 
blast with it!


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Re: [RCSE] Fuselage Mold Making Supplies / Advise

2008-02-24 Thread Mike Lachowski
If you're picking up a bunch of glass for some molds, look at 
www.thayercraft.com for the fiberglass.  If it's a fuse mold, you may 
want to make sure the cloth is flexible, so you might want to stick with 
the volan finished cloths.  Some of the other cloth with tight weaves or 
some of the silane finishes can be pretty stuff.  If you intend to use 
S-glass for the parts, go to www,sweetcomposites.com for the S glass.

Stick with all epoxy.  And slow cure since you want to build up a few 
layers at a time but don't want to end up with too much heat.

Avoid trying to make a full frame with any other material.  The key to a 
stable mold is to make in consistent from surface to surface so it's an 
even sandwich. If there are differences, then there will be temperature 
expansion ration differences and things will warp or twist or bow on 
you.  I even finish up the last layers of my molds with a finer cloth 
since it makes less likely you will have a rough mold with pointy 
fiberglass bits sticking out as a benefit.

You're better off with gluing on some posts if you want the fuse mold to 
sit flat on the bench while you are laying up the fuse.

Don't go crazy on thickness if you only need a few parts.But if you 
want to use a bladder, then you will need the thickness for strength.

Jimmy Prouty wrote:

Hi Jack,

Check and see if there are any boat shops in your area.  The nation 
wide chains carry West Systems epoxies which are pretty high quality.  
They also carry fiberglass cloth but I think you'll find it less 
expensive if you order it  There are several sources for the materials 
online, AerpSpace Composites, CST, US Composites to name a few.  I 
prefer to lay up my molds with epoxy due to it's stability and how 
long the molds will last.  I prefer tooling resin from ACP since it's 
epoxy based and compatible with the resins I use.

When making a mold I a layer of tooling resin followed by a couple 
layers of 4 oz then several layers of 6 oz and 10 oz.  The amount of 
glass depends on how big the mold it.  I've never had to use a frame 
for my molds and store them with both sides connected to each other 
with Clecos.  I haven't used a bladder on any of my fuselages yet but 
can see advantages to them.  My biggest reason for not using one is 
the cost of having it made.

I have a tutorial on my website for making molds if you're 
interested.  Go to http://www.jtmodels.com/molds.htm

Hope this helps,


Where do I get this stuff... anyplace in Albuquerque, Amarillo, Lubbock,
or El Paso? Primarily looking for mold wax, tooling gel, parting agent,
such as PVA or better if you have a recommendation. Also should I use
polyester to make the mold, or epoxy? I'll be using epoxy (MGS) for the
fuselages. How many layers of what weight cloth for the mold? Do you use
a frame to keep it from twisting / warping? Do you use some kind of
bladder inside? I built one once, for a Legionair. It turned out OK, but
sure could've been better.

Thanks in advance...



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[RCSE] Good guys at SWC

2008-02-18 Thread mike reagan
   They say life is what happens while you are making plans.  The SWC did not 
go as I planned! After a smokin first round in RES and Open my radio decided to 
go south. I resigned myself to time and watch the rest of the contest. Then 
comes along my old buddy Joe Nave. Since we both fly Supra and Ava on a 9303 
Joe offered to let me use his transmitter. After a little reprogramming both 
planes were again flyable. To top it off, in the next to last round while 
climbing through George Joy he cut my Ava wing tip off! The plane kept flying 
with a little rudder trim and just missed a 20 landing on time! Then Joe offers 
to let me fly his Ava! And this is while he is in first place! Thanks Joe, you 
deserved the win. Our new TOSS junior Ben flew all rounds but the last one made 
it all worth while as he skied out and made a perfect approach to landing 
points while friends and family looked on. The CASL guys threw a great contest 
I'll be back next year. Mike Reagan

[RCSE] Postal Ladder Challenge

2008-02-10 Thread mike reagan
 We had strange, light, Santa Ana winds today, with down wind launches. 
Managed 2639.5, all on first attempt, no do-overs. My Supra worked good, barely 
made the ten. Anybody not in snow give it a try? Mike Reagan

[RCSE] Postal Ladder Challenge

2008-02-09 Thread mike reagan
   I was going to try this as practice for the upcoming contest season. 
Then I thought why not let everyone get in on the fun! The rules are simple, do 
an 8min. 10min. 12min. and 14min. flight (in order). This is not precision, so 
you can time yourself, just go over the time by at least one second. After you 
make each time do a normal measured 25ft landing. Now here is the catch. After 
each landing you can do that flight again to try to improve on the landing but 
you only keep your last landing. You cannot go back, you must start over if 
your unhappy with your score, take as many tries as you need to get each time. 
Score 1point per second, 2460 total max for time, each landing divide by 2, 
50points per landing, making 2660points possible. Three classes, Open, RES, and 
Easy Glider. Bragging rights only. E-mail your best score and we will compare. 
This will be on going. Looking to fly tomorrow, we have had rain the last 3 
weekends.  Mike Reagan

Re: [RCSE] 4 pin connectors

2008-02-03 Thread Mike Lachowski
Graupner / Multiplex 6-pin is nice.  A little easier to assemble / 
disassemble than the Deans.

Also, you need proper strain releif.  After soldering, heat stringing, 
either cover the whole thing with one big piece of heat shrink for the 
Deans, I think about 1/2 tube fits over it.  Or you can use some hot 
glue to build up the strain releif area plus give you a little more to 
grab on other than wires.

I'm assembling a model with a 2 piece wing that bolts onto an AVA 
fuse. Does anyone have any advise on some thing better than the 4 pin 
deans connectors I normally use? After a month or so I end up breaking 
the wires on them and they are getting harder and harder for my old 
arthritic fingers to use. Thanks Brian Smith
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RE: [RCSE] Top ten Predictions for SWC?

2008-01-30 Thread mike
I don't care who you are...thats funny right there!

 Original Message 
Subject: [RCSE] Top ten Predictions for SWC?
From: David Zucker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, January 30, 2008 1:02 pm
To: soaring@airage.com soaring@airage.com

I can't make it to the Classic this year so I thought it would be fun to
make some predictions.
Decent weather.
No powerline hits.
A couple Spread Rectum brownouts.

OK, on with the Top Ten for Open Class.

Not particularly in this order.

Daryl (Supraman and 4xF3B WC) Perkins
Skippy (Pike Perfect Ace) Miller
Mike (The Soaring Machine) Smith
Arthur (He's due for a big win and a lot of fun) Markiewicz.
Cody (Watch out for this kid) Remington
Mike (don't be surprised if he wins with an RES) Reagan
Jason(Doesn't have to be a judge)George
George(I hope his health is with him) Joy
Mike (What a competitor) Lee
Dave (Easy on the Saturday night festivities) Kornberg.

Jim (Same as Kornberg) Sneed
Didn't see these guys on the list but:
Larry (too many impressive things to mention in one line) Jolly
Tom (The guy with the best toys) Copp
Mark (With a good timer :-}) Browning. Yes, I still love you after The 
Fall Fest. Big Hug.
John (The Brain) Erickson
Edgar(The Soaring Junkie) Vera
Joe (The JR convert) Rodriguez

David Zucker

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[RCSE] For Sale Pike Perfect

2008-01-25 Thread Mike
For Sale 
Pike Perfect in great shape
Carbon 68 
Yellow over Purple
Airtronics 761s in the wing and rudder, JR 3421 in elevator
Removable rear skeg
Will ship, you cover the cost or 
I will deliver to Phoenix (SWC) ready to fly
Ping me off exchange or call 
Mike Verzuh
303 709-3232

Re: [RCSE] Bright color welded ring

2008-01-25 Thread Mike Lachowski


Or if it's for a retriever harness, get a small ring and a bigger 
ring.   Or use a regular ring and a chain link (not round).

They will still pick up the wrong end.

James MacLean wrote:

Does anyone know of a source of 1 inch welded steel rings which have been anodized in 
some bright eye catching color?  The guys are always picking up the wrong ring or end of 
the launch harness and standing there confused.  It would be really convenient to say 
the red one is the right one!
Many thanks,  Jim

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Re: [RCSE] Real flight 3.5

2008-01-15 Thread Mike Lachowski

List of sailplane features for FS-One

   * Hand launch
   * HiStart (bungee line)
   * Winch
   * Tow plane (tow up the sailplane)
   * Variometer support
   * Thermal soaring
   * Slope soaring
   * Dynamic soaring

Plus latest plane pack includes a Supra.

tony estep wrote:

Cal, I don't know about 3.5 but I have Realflight 4. It has no launch except 
handlaunch, but here's what you do.

Use the flying field called Thermal Park. There are arrows showing various 
air currents, including some pointing more or less straight up. Mouse around until the 
plane is pointing right at one of the up arrows, but don't point the nose of the plane 
up. Just give it a level launch onto the up arrow, and then start circling. You'll climb 

This is pretty cheesy, admittedly. The DS is really fun, however; even a novice 
like me can get in the groove and really scream.

I think that Horizon sells a simulator that has some kind of winch launch 


- Original Message 
From: Cal Posthuma [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: RSCE soaring@airage.com
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 4:30:46 PM
Subject: [RCSE] Real flight 3.5

When I use a glider like the BOT I can not get bungie style launch.
it does is glide out of your hand.

I looked in instructions and saw nothing referring to launch of a

The on screen instruction is point with mouse and hit any key.

I am pointing into the wind.  I do not have spoilers out.


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Re: [RCSE] Re: 2.4 Gig JR v Futaba ???

2008-01-10 Thread Mike Lachowski
One thing you have to be careful with on ground range checks is the 
ground. Having the antenna just about on the ground really reduces 
range.  You get a a lot more repeatable test if the models is a foot or 
so off the ground.   72 is similar,  But 72 and 2.4 are quite a bit 
different in wave length, look at the antenna length, so things behave 
differently sitting right on the ground.

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Re: [RCSE] Best 2 Meter for NATS

2008-01-05 Thread Mike Lachowski
I've flown an Aegea 2M the past few Nats.  Succeeded in getting wood 
with a 0 flight. Last year was nice since the winch direction was set up 
with relatively short lines.   Also, got to fly a 9303 2.4 this year.  
The model needs it for the zoom. It's really light and the maneuver at 
the top of the launch is very, very quick.  So the faster response time 
definitely helped since I don't fly it that often.

Model weighed in around 23 oz.  HLG on steroids.

Everyone else, please continue flying Ducks.


Once again, the winch requirement excludes the development of new 2M
designs and defaults the designs to the main requirement that they only
be able to haul the lines up.  This requirement only favors those planes
that are commercially built or those that have so much wing area and
airfoil thickness that we get back into the old design arguments of
years past.

One of these days a plane will be able to take into account other design
factors besides this limited one.




 Original Message 
Subject: [RCSE] Best 2 Meter for  NATS
From: Barry Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, January 04, 2008 6:00 am
To: RCSE soaring@airage.com


Go with the winner... a Organic 2M. Craig Greening won 2007 NATS flying the 
Organic 2M.


Kennedy Composites

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[RCSE] Fw: Soaring V1 #10566

2007-12-26 Thread Mike Fox

Hi guys,

From what I was told from the new Airtronics guys, During testing, they 
turned a whole bunch of Tx's on, over the magic number, on they all worked, 
No shoot downs, but the problem was they slowed down, Still had control. 
The Airtronics stuff will be simular to the F brand, always jumping.

Maybe just a whole bunch of info going back and forth and always jumping, 
that band with might get a little crouded?

Mike Fox

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Re: [RCSE] Launching Sanity

2007-12-23 Thread Mike Lachowski

Wow, I have my own land now.   Cool...

I have no idea who came up with the idea of using a threaded rod.  But I 
always liked when everyone else used them since while a threaded rod is 
easy to adjust, it's the poorest at getting rid of the heat generated.  
Flat sheets are nicer.  And stainless resistance goes up as temp goes 
up. Constantan or Manganin work much better for resistor material 
since they change very little with temp change.  But they aren't cheap.

Most commonly used adjustable resistors use multiple small rods.


I think Dennis Phelan, of Mike Lachowski Land, deserves the credit for the S/S 
threaded resistor rod rod for use with the FLS Motors.

At least I got my first one from Dennis when he graduated to a F3B specific 


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RE: [RCSE] Re: Launching Sanity

2007-12-23 Thread mike
Why must people take these simple ideas and suggest that the result might end up at an unacceptable level?

John, "6 Volt Launch Heights" ???

When we talk about balancing winch torque with a #300 lb line,I am pretty sure we are outside of the 6 volt launch realm...

Darwin, Chico, and Rick won't have any 'splainin to do Lucy..

 Original Message Subject: Re: [RCSE] Re: Launching SanityFrom: John Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Sun, December 23, 2007 2:34 pmTo: dharban [EMAIL PROTECTED], Soaring Listsoaring@airage.comOr the set up at Visalia. Very few line breaks considering how manylaunches they go through on a weekend.All this resistance talk is good from a technical point of view, but for theguys at the Southwest Classic they may have a marketing issue on theirhands. "Travel hundreds of miles, spend money staying here and look forwardto 6v launch heights. Guaranteed fewer line breaks".I hope Chico and company have a good welcoming speech! I'm consideringtaking along a smaller plane that might launch higher.JE--Erickson ArchitectsJohn R. Erickson, AIA From: dharban dharban.320qwn@rcgroups.com Organization: RCGroups.com Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2007 18:19:00 -0600 To: soaring@airage.com Subject: [RCSE] Re: Launching Sanity   One other thought. The winch setup at the Nats was excellent with regard to reliability and uniformity. In addition, I did not find the winches so powerful that they blew my hair back (at least what's left of it).Perhaps someone who was responsible for the set up of these winches would like to comment on the setup and what went into setting them up.  Don   --  dharban  dharban's Profile: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/member.php?u=31927 View this thread: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=789230  RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" requests to soaring-request@airage.com. Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with MIME turned off. Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in text formatRCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" requests to soaring-request@airage.com. Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with MIME turned off. Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in text format
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Re: [RCSE] Line breakage and launching and contest management - was, Icon 2

2007-12-21 Thread Mike Lachowski
Great idea Fritz.  I know you do that for the CRRC contest all the 
time.   Don't forget that you also need to put a tree line right at the 

Plus it points you directly at the downwind thermals.

Fritz Bien wrote:

What everyone is missing for controlling line-breakage and bigger, 
heavier planes. Launch DOWNWIND! You'll be surprised how easy it is on 
launch equipment when launching with a 15 knot wind at your back. :-D.

 Everybody can launch pedal to the metal and launch height will be 
naturally controlled. :-D

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Re: [RCSE] Big winches equals expensive airframes?

2007-12-21 Thread Mike Lachowski
Another way to reduce power - go to batteries with lower CCA rating.  
Make sure you get as much reserve capacity as you can to get more launches.

Lower CCA batteries have a higher internal resistance - less power.

2007 had less broken lines than 2006 due to the new  line (maybe more pop 
offs ), batteries are something we replace each year  or so anyway, so where's 
the beef?  (I think clubs using Optima's will  agree that they seem to have  a 
little less punch so that would  take some edge off launch stress).


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Re: [RCSE] Re:line breaks

2007-12-21 Thread Mike Lachowski

You are all correct.

If you go to an extremely small drum and never launch with a lot of 
tension, and it's not windy, you will probably never build up the 
tension to get the small drum to break the line.

But if you put a lot of tension to start and have a good setup and some 
wind, you can probably break it.

If you are a bad launcher who is active on the elevator, and you get to 
speeding up and slowing down on the launch, you will loose enough 
tension with the small drum that you will never get it back, but the 
bigger drum will build up the tension again an you can break it.

You probably need a 4 drum on the FLS to avoid having the winch motor 
be too strong.  And if you have a 6V motor which probably is like s 
4-5HP motor, break at will.

There are differences in why a line breaks on well set up models with 
good pilots vs a poor setup and a pilot all over the sticks.  If the 
pilot is not causing any speed changes on the model, then you can size a 
drum up to the point that the winch can't break the line.  But if the 
pilot starts pulling back, then all bets are off.

Most of you don't fly F3b so you really haven't seen the differences in 
launch technique and setup using more limited power and the abscence of 
retriever drag.  For those who have, ever wonder why the best pilots can 
fly on really light line while the less experienced are breaking heavier 


With all due respect I disagree Jeff.
Brian Smith

Charlie less drum diameter will lead to more line breaks. Since you 
have more torque you can now crank more turns in and break the line 
easier. -- Jeff Steifel

I agree with you to Brian.
i disagree with the larger drum dia. for a standard winch.

on a f3b winch yes, i agree.

the standard winch has so much power.
say you started with a 3'' dia. that thing will pull line in so fast and
load a plane up instantly without stalling the winch, it just keeps 
pulling alot

of line in FAST.
as your tapping the pedal you can see your plane pulsing.

go down to say a 1'' dia. it's not going to pull the line in so fast. 

easier to control your plane with the pedal.

I've tried it, and I've seen it.


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RE: [RCSE] Trick motors and great technique ='s no line breaks?

2007-12-21 Thread mike
Absolutely yes, I am interested. Especially if the power of the winch and the strength (up to 75% - 80% of nominal) of the line are balanced. If you use 180lb line that will hold up to 135lbs at 75% of its nominal strength, and a winch that will pull so as to break line at 135 lbs, then um, I think you will be getting plenty of pull even downwind. More power does not get you launches downwind. Line speed does. And with the drum diameters we are using for our TD winches then line speed is not a problem. Limitting the torque does not limit line speed.

This is a really easy fix, and does not hinder or benefit any single type, group, class, or style of modeler.

A balanced line and winch torque system is just good thoughtfull engineering.

Rick will give it a shot this Feb. in Phoenix. If the winches are all tested and adjusted prior to the event, it should work like a dream - upwind, downwind, crosswind, and evenwhen Gordy breaks wind.

 Original Message Subject: [RCSE] Trick motors and great technique ='s no line breaks?From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Fri, December 21, 2007 9:32 amTo: Soaring@airage.com
Er how about the possibility that the line just fatigues and breaks. Hooks a rock, or sharp stick, or runs on a stick melting it, sand in the dirt collecting on the line.Are we fixing a problem that has been mostly solved by the improved line?

I am still trying to think about a contest where line breaks caused a shorted round contest this past year.

Anyone interested in attending a contest where the winches have been de -tuned, only to find no wind or mostly down wind launches, ending in 200 or 300' average launches?

Doesn't scare me but it could make for some pretty awful total time in the air for the time/cash investment of a lot of modelers.

See AOL's top rated recipes and easy ways to stay in shape for winter.
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Re: Fwd: [RCSE] re:contest launch equipment vs large models HOW?

2007-12-21 Thread Mike Lachowski
F3b winches are meausred using a clamp on amp meter and a volt meter 
with the winch drums locked. This measures the stall current.Divide 
the battery voltage just before the test by the current to get an 
approximation of the overall resistance of the winch/battery combo. And 
winch batteries are all similar in CCA rating which is a good 
approximation of thier internal resistance.  Get a 1000A meter.

Unknown results with the different batteries.   Quality of the 
connection to the  battery can have a significant effect as can the 
guage of the battery cable and cable length.   With a FLS, you're 
probably only dealing with 10-12 milliohms total.   F3b is over 20.

Lee Cox wrote:

  How can I/you setup say six winches to be the same?? say we have six of the 
winch Doctors winches, all with real balls that can be timed. How can you meter 
them to all be the same?? do they have to be under a load when checking them?
  all of them are 12 volts.  sum are with single 12 volt batteries and others 
with two 6 volt batteries.??

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Re: [RCSE] Icon 2

2007-12-20 Thread Mike Lachowski

Either say that you break the line, you fly it.

Or everyone goes to F3b spec winches and everyone provides their own 
launching equipment.

Darwin N. Barrie wrote:

I'm sure this will be a very dynamic plane and competitive with the Euro models. My 
concern is the launching equipment. With the current crop of moldies, line breaks and 
winch bogging and ultimate failure are becoming more prevelant.  Heavy enough line for 
these new super ships, will be a burden for the lighter planes. Yes, I've 
CD'd lots of contests and a few big ones.

We've tried some heavy line and it is great for the heavier planes but the lighter planes and 2 meters have a helluva time overcoming the line drag and weight. 

Where do we draw the line? 


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Re: [RCSE] Icon 2

2007-12-20 Thread Mike Lachowski
Go to a weaker winch motor.  If the winch motor can't break the line, 
then the motor stops turning.  For anyone who has used a F3b winch, you 
know what happens.  The F3b winch motors will only draw roughly 500 Amps 
stalled while a Ford winch will go to 1000 amps or more.   Then you live 
with the lower input power.

tony estep wrote:

The 2-man tow setup puts a practical limit on F3J, but apparently that limit is 
not fully compatible with the standard U.S. winch setup; that is, it seems that 
the F3J scheme can launch bigger planes than our typical winches like to 
handle. One imagines a nightmare scenario where the planes keep getting bigger, 
and eventually as clubs need to replace their launch gear, they'll turn to 
super-power Injoy or similar winches, and the cycle will repeat, and finally 
we'll be flying models 40% of full-scale like the gas-power boys.


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[RCSE] Line breakage and launching and costest management - was Icon 2

2007-12-20 Thread mike

So guys, here is my take on the line break issue.  It is very much like
the F3B style...of course.  
The system that is breaking the lines is the motor power and line
strength combination.  If you attached the line to a brick wall and hit
the switch the motors we use today will break all but the freshest,
unflawed lines.  
So, what needs to be done for contest management is to inhibit (by
resistor) the power of the motors such that when stalled they can't
break a line that is 80% of its nominal strength.  Then, as contest
director, you say to the contestants go ahead, full pedal the suckers,
you only get so much power anyway.  I mean seriously, why should the
contest managers cater to anyone.  Set the rules, set up the equipment
so that is reliable and idiot proof, and invite contestants.  
You might want to add a complaint department, or committee to your
staff, but this should be easily accomplished by strategically placing a
cardboard cutout or the CD way off in the far corner of the field so
complaning parties can get their frustrations out without the rest of us
having to hear about it  :-)
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Smith

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Icon 2
From: Darwin N. Barrie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, December 20, 2007 11:16 am
To: Joe Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: soaring@airage.com

Come on Joe, we've been saying this for years and it hasn't worked. See
my other post for the direct issues.

On Dec 20, 2007, at 9:40 AM, Joe Rodriguez wrote:

Don't change the line  Learn how to launch  If you go big and break
the line!! fly it out!!  You launch on the same equipment that everyone
else is using, no need to change equipment for the select few  Learn to
and besides who says bigger is better(-:   Airbus is sure having a tough
- Original Message -
From: Darwin N. Barrie
To: soaring@airage.com ; SC Johnson
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 6:48 AM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Icon 2

I'm sure this will be a very dynamic plane and competitive with the Euro
models. My concern is the launching equipment. With the current crop of
moldies, line breaks and winch bogging and ultimate failure are becoming
more prevelant.  Heavy enough line for these new super ships, will be
a burden for the lighter planes. Yes, I've CD'd lots of contests and a
few big ones.
We've tried some heavy line and it is great for the heavier planes but
the lighter planes and 2 meters have a helluva time overcoming the line
drag and weight.
Where do we draw the line?
Darwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ
- Original Message -
From: SC Johnson
To: soaring@airage.com
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 6:08 AM
Subject: [RCSE] Icon 2

OK all you sailplane junkies (Edgar, DP, you know who you are...) -
there's been a lot of discussion about the new High End and some vague
comparisons to the old Icon. Since Don has even stopped denying it, I
thought its about time for some news about the new Icon 2 that Maple
Leaf Design is developing. Its been in the works for over a year, and
news has been leaking for a while. Get in line folks - this is gonna be
a biggy, both literally and figuratively. Designed by the intrepid Dr.
Mark Drela, this new high aspect ratio F3J/Thermal Duration plane has a
wing span of 150 (3.81 m) and a VERY slender 2.4 friendly pod and
carbon boom. I have had the privilege of fondling the parts and pieces
as the design was developed, and I can tell you that this plane is
way-cool. The first prototypes of the Icon 2 are being tested as I type
this, and the first production planes (mine - VBG) will be delivered
just after the first of the year. I understand there's already a list. 

No - I don't have photos or drawings.and leave Don alone - he's busy
working on my planes. Just get on the list.

Steve Johnson

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RE: [RCSE] Line breakage and launching and costest management - was Icon 2

2007-12-20 Thread mike
HE he, I get it. Embarrased to say that it took me a while though.

Happy Holidays to all you nutty glider guiders out there.

Tip a few egg nogs, enjoy a nice cigar, and look forward to the '08 season.

Cheers all.

There you go. THE PERFECT SOLUTION.But how does this help you? Don't you need a SHARON solution?-l
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RE: [RCSE] Line breakage and launching and costest management - was Icon 2

2007-12-20 Thread mike
heh, heh, perfect Rick. That really is the only solution. People can't be counted on to go easy on the equipment no matter how much pleading is done.

Don't forget to do the cardboard cut out of the CD for the complaints. This is essential. The other notable benefit is that we will all know where Gordy will be. ;-)

 Original Message Subject: Re: [RCSE] Line breakage and launching and costest management- was Icon 2From: Rick Bothell [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Thu, December 20, 2007 4:02 pmTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: soaring@airage.comThanks you Mike for suggesting a resistor. I just finished making 6 resistors for the CASL Phoenix contest in February for the sole purpose of making less powerful Ford Long Shaft winches. The winches will be less powerful than last years winches because of the many line breaks last year. The line breaks really slowed down the contest even though we had several experienced winch/retriever operators there to repair the lines. So, you people coming to Phoenix in February, start tapping the winch lines to get a feel for winches with resistors. RickRick Bothell www.handsfreeretriever.com On Thu Dec 20 11:38 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:
So guys, here is my take on the line break issue. It is very much likethe F3B style...of course. The system that is breaking the lines is the motor power and linestrength combination. If you attached the line to a brick wall and hitthe switch the motors we use today will break all but the freshest,unflawed lines. So, what needs to be done for contest management is to inhibit (byresistor) the power of the motors such that when stalled they can'tbreak a line that is 80% of its nominal strength. Then, as contestdirector, you say to the contestants "go ahead, full pedal the suckers,you only get so much power anyway". I mean seriously, why should thecontest managers cater to anyone. Set the rules, set up the equipmentso that is reliable and idiot proof, and invite contestants. You might want to add a complaint department, or committee to yourstaff, but this should be easily accomplished by strategically placing acardboard cutout or the CD way off in the far corner of the field socomplaning parties can get their frustrations out without the rest of ushaving to hear about it :-)There you go. THE PERFECT SOLUTION.Respectfully submitted,Mike Smith Original Message Subject: Re: [RCSE] Icon 2From: "Darwin N. Barrie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Thu, December 20, 2007 11:16 amTo: "Joe Rodriguez" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: soaring@airage.comCome on Joe, we've been saying this for years and it hasn't worked. Seemy other post for the direct issues.DarwinOn Dec 20, 2007, at 9:40 AM, Joe Rodriguez wrote:Don't change the line " Learn how to launch " If you go big and breakthe line!! fly it out!! You launch on the same equipment that everyoneelse is using, no need to change equipment for the select few " Learn tolaunch "and besides who says bigger is better(-: Airbus is sure having a toughtime.smokinjoe- Original Message -From: Darwin N. BarrieTo: soaring@airage.com ; SC JohnsonSent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 6:48 AMSubject: Re: [RCSE] Icon 2I'm sure this will be a very dynamic plane and competitive with the Euromodels. My concern is the launching equipment. With the current crop ofmoldies, line breaks and winch bogging and ultimate failure are becomingmore prevelant. Heavy enough line for these new "super ships," will bea burden for the lighter planes. Yes, I've CD'd lots of contests and afew big ones.We've tried some heavy line and it is great for the heavier planes butthe lighter planes and 2 meters have a helluva time overcoming the linedrag and weight.Where do we draw the line?Darwin N. BarrieChandler AZ- Original Message -From: SC JohnsonTo: soaring@airage.comSent: Monday, December 17, 2007 6:08 AMSubject: [RCSE] Icon 2OK all you sailplane junkies (Edgar, DP, you know who you are...) -there's been a lot of discussion about the new High End and some vaguecomparisons to the "old" Icon. Since Don has even stopped denying it, Ithought its about time for some news about the new Icon 2 that MapleLeaf Design is developing. Its been in the works for over a year, andnews has been leaking for a while. Get in line folks - this is gonna bea biggy, both literally and figuratively. Designed by the intrepid Dr.Mark Drela, this new high aspect ratio F3J/Thermal Duration plane has awing span of 150" (3.81 m) and a VERY slender 2.4 friendly pod andcarbon boom. I have had the privilege of fondling the parts and piecesas the design was developed, and I can tell you that this plane isway-cool. The first prototypes of the Icon 2 are being tested as I typethis, and the first production planes (mine - VBG) will be deliveredjust after the first of the year. I understand there's already a list. No - I don't have photos or drawings.and leave Don alone - he's busyworking on my p

RE: [RCSE] Line breakage and launching and costest management - was Icon 2

2007-12-20 Thread mike
Hey Marc,

The funny thing about that is that the Sharon is a 3.7meter ship, and it won in '04. hm!!! That beats the Insanity. Of course if you used wing area as a criteria, then Insanity would reign since it is truly Carbon Overcast when it is flying... ;-)

Happy Holidays.

 Original Message Subject: Re: [RCSE] Line breakage and launching and costest management- was Icon 2From: Marc Gellart [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Thu, December 20, 2007 4:19 pmTo: Soaring Exchange soaring@airage.comHey Tony E., you are wrong about the largest ship to win the Nats. It was DP with his Insanity, 3.7M.And for the record, the line used at the Nats is 290# line from MT.MarcRCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" requests to soaring-request@airage.com. Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with MIME turned off. Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in text format
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Re: [RCSE] Line breakage and launching and costest management - was Icon 2

2007-12-20 Thread Mike Lachowski
You should investigate options on the field coils.  The FLS can be built 
as a 6V, 12V, or 24V.  You definitely do not want the 6V variety But 
that is just what most people try to get to be more powerful.

Beware of resistors. Lots of heat. 

Remember, with the resistor, folks are just going to stand on it all the 
way up.

Rick Bothell wrote:
Thanks you Mike for suggesting a resistor.  I just finished making 6 resistors 
for the CASL Phoenix contest in February for the sole purpose of making less 
powerful Ford Long Shaft winches.   The winches will be less powerful than last 
years winches because of the many line breaks last year.   The line breaks 
really slowed down the contest even though we had several experienced 
winch/retriever operators there to repair the lines.  So, you people coming to 
Phoenix in February, start tapping the winch lines to get a feel for winches 
with resistors.   Rick


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Re: [RCSE] Line breakage and launching and costest management - was Icon 2

2007-12-20 Thread Mike Lachowski
Also, if you have real balls, you can adjust the timing to make the 
winch weaker.

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Re: [RCSE] the Must-Have Gift for the 2.4ghz Contest Director

2007-12-17 Thread Mike Lachowski
Now if we can get ones that recognize Spektrum or the other 2.4 systems 
to show who is on at the field.   Or better for old school, 72 meg 
shirts that tell you when your channel is on.  That would be a lot 
better than clothes pins

Jon Stone wrote:

Better yet...


Ben Wilson wrote:
Not that you'll necessarily *need* one of these 'cause 2.4ghz is 
going to solve All Of Our Radio Problems(tm), buu

Wi-Spy 2.4ghz USB Spectrum Analyzer


$200 w/ Chanalyzer 2.0 software!

(there's also a $300 version with better resolution and an external 
TX jack: http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/electronic/9558/)

Ben Wilson
Louisville Area Soaring Society

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Re: [RCSE] Nats Scedule..... Who cares?

2007-12-13 Thread Mike Lachowski
What west coast event can you go to so that you can fly 8 days of 
sailplane events and flights over 10 minutes?

Craig Allen wrote:

Nats ??? Is that that little East Coast contest you guys have every year? But 
always complain about schedules and events?

Out West we have Viselia, IHLGF, Southwest Classic, Fresno Classic and on and 
on And we fly 12 months out of the year :-)

So if your bragging about being 3 hours away from the Nats!!! More power to ya 

Enjoy your build season :-)



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RE: [RCSE] Icon/High End

2007-12-13 Thread mike
So here is my take on looks...

Form follows function.period. The more you fly the gliders you like and identify the particular aspects of one vs. another design that you like and dislike, you tend to trend toward those favorable aspects. You tend to see those aspects as right, correct, nice, pleasing, attractive, sexy,...um, well you get my point. I should qualify that and say that this only applies if you care how it flies, and can really truly identify the aspects of a design that cause the favorable results. I look at gliders the way the wind does up to a point. I have aesthetic constraints that keep me wind guided eye from seeing the benefits of a pylon mounted wing for example, and sorry Tom Kiesling but there is no way that I willever think that the Mantis looks good even though it is truly form to function desgin. My constraint circuits overloaded with that one... ;-)

Again, like the posts show, beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.


 Original Message Subject: [RCSE] Icon/High EndFrom: "B. Chan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Thu, December 13, 2007 9:48 amTo: Daryl Perkins [EMAIL PROTECTED], "soaring" soaring@airage.comI know flying quality is important, but do they have to look so ugly?? they all look like toothpicks with wings. What happened to the looks like Graphite and such? Those are mush prettier planes. At least the Supra looks good.Can someone with "outside the box" thinking designs some better looking planes?BrianYou Icon drivers get so dern judgemental. If you saw both models upclose, there is no way a High End could be mistaken for an Icon - theHigh End is pretty.I had the opportunity to fly the High End (Lousy name by the way), andit flies quite nicely. I'm on the list. But then, I'm on a lot oflists... ;-)DRCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" requests to soaring-request@airage.com. Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with MIME turned off. Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in text format
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Re: [RCSE] Icon/High End

2007-12-13 Thread Mike Lachowski

Beauty is in the thermal.. The sailplane just give you a way to see it.


Again, like the posts show, beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.

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RE: [RCSE] Icon/High End

2007-12-13 Thread mike
very Zen brother Lachowski very Zen indeed.

 Original Message Subject: Re: [RCSE] Icon/High EndFrom: Mike Lachowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Thu, December 13, 2007 10:52 amTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: "B. Chan" [EMAIL PROTECTED], soaring soaring@airage.comBeauty is in the thermal.. The sailplane just give you a way to see it.mike@themapsmith.com wrote: Again, like the posts show, beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. 
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Re: [RCSE] Soaring Masters 2008

2007-12-13 Thread Mike Lachowski

I had mine with me

John Diniz wrote:

Weather order has been placed!!!

The one thing everyone was saying after the last WSM contest was, I
wish I'd brought my F3B ship..


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RE: [RCSE] Re: HKM's High End

2007-12-12 Thread mike
Hey Doug, mmm, the High End is so NOT and ICON. 

When I first saw a photo of the High End, I had no ideawho designed it or where it came from, but, I recognized something in the design. I studied those pictures carefully, because I knew that the designer was someone I was very familiar with. I mean those little up-swept tips, the bullet skinny fuse, the functionally beautiful design, and the shape of the wing planform all spoke to me. Then it hit meDieter Perlick! This must be Dieter's new F3J model! WOW, COOL! Because, Dieter designs gliders the way I wish I could, and executes his designs even better than I wish I could. And because I flew Dieter's Altus' in the F3B Team Selects, then the F3B World Champs. So, you might be able to tell that I am a little fired up about this model, and can't wait to get mine.

So, taking nothing away from the venerable ICON, I just can't see how you could use it in your comparison to the High End. They don't look anything alike. I can guarantee you that Dieter did not glance at the ICON for inspiration in approaching the High End design. To me, he answered my dreamsStretch out an Altus.But he opted for a more practical tail, as I would have chosen to stay with the Altus T tail.

Happy Holidays

Mike Smith
 Original Message Subject: [RCSE] Re: HKM's High End"From: Doug Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Wed, December 12, 2007 2:00 pmTo: soaring@airage.comHKM High End  finally the Europeans can fly an ICON and not have to give credit to Joe Wurts.Doug BarryRichmond VAAt 01:21 PM 12/12/2007, you wrote:
http://www.hkm-models.com/High%20End.htmTake a few minutes to read the thought process behind this ships development, it will give you a lot of insight into the process of investing the time and money it takes to create a mold. Thousands of bucks for the mold and a lot of machine work and hand polishing, so not something to decide on casually.GordyStill in Greece :-(

See AOL's top rated recipes and easy ways to stay in shape for winter.
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Re: [RCSE] Supra or Onyx JW, these are Me-Too Designs

2007-11-29 Thread Mike Lachowski

Can you tell me what model the Supra is a refinement of?  Wright flyer?



I agree with your opinion.  I read the threads and had to take a larger
overview to what a benchmark actually means.

In my opinion, Benchmark planes, means some plane to which other planes
are compared to so that a noticeable advancement in performance,
building, transport, and flying can be measured.  They should be unique
and contribute unique characteristics.

With that said, the Onyz, or Sharon, or Supra, in fact nearly 99% of the
planes on the market currently are really just refinements to existing
designs, and really are not improvements.


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Re: [RCSE] palm sized r/c heli

2007-11-28 Thread Mike Lachowski
This is what I fly in the house.  Doesn't really look like a Heli.  Note 
that it includes a 2.4GHz radio system!.


Ben Wilson wrote:
I think those are almost exactly the same (but with a different body)  
as the ones being sold at Target right now... and they are much 
stronger than one of the same construction bought maybe a few months 
ago!  A lot of fun in a room with a high ceiling :)

Jon Stone wrote:


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Re: [RCSE] Spektrum and 9303

2007-11-27 Thread Mike Lachowski
9303 2.4 vs module will get you model match.  E.g. The model 
configuration will be matched to the RX.   So you can't mismatch the 
program with the model.

9303 2.4 sends updates to the servos more frequently.  You might notice 
this as faster response.  Some pilots have added some additional 
exponential to deal with the improvements in response time in the entire 
pilot / radio / model control loop.

You can transfer programs from the stock 9303 to the 9303 2.4.  They 
will copy from TX to TX.

You won't be able to use your old 72 MHz stuff with a 9303 2.4

You don't have to worry about the coax wire on the 9303 2.4.

dharban wrote:

I'm sure its been discussed elsewhere, but can someone describe the
differences in performance that you can expect with the JR 9303 2.4
transmitter and a JR 9303 transmitter equipped with the Spektrum Module
system.  (Both using the AR 9000)

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RE: [RCSE] Price of DLG's

2007-11-27 Thread mike
Well, I honestly think that Geoff Jones simply does not want to work for free. I think that the $1000 comes with servos and stuff too. If that makes a difference. For the same price, I have an Aspirin (fully molded and designed by Andreas Herrig) Marc, I agree...a tough environment to be sure. I am a study in defensive flying withall that hardware in the sky at once. You may notice me NOT in the middle of the group. Also, I make sure that, every once in a while, during practice, with a lot of people watching, Iflub a launch so bad that people give me a little extra clearance for their own safety... You know, like in the movie "Bull Durham"? When Kevin Costner tells the rookie pitcher Tim Robbins to throw a pitch at the mascot.just to keep 'em guessing :-)

Cheers, but not too close ;-)

 Original Message Subject: Re: [RCSE] Price of DLG'sFrom: "Jay Hunter" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Tue, November 27, 2007 7:38 pmTo: "Soaring Exchange" soaring@airage.comI saw that too, and I have to admit I just don't get it. Why so much for the Vandal?
On Nov 27, 2007 7:06 PM, Marc Gellart [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
On RCGroups tonight I saw something that I thought I would never see for sale, a $1K DLG, it is a Vandal fullhouse ship with RADS. Be the first to admit that I have spent my fair share on ships, but a DLG for $1000? That environment is way too tough on airframes for me to toss that amount up into the crowded HLG skies. Hell, it is too tough for $150 ships. MarcRCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with MIME turned off. Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in text format 
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[RCSE] Ava, Soprano, Danny

2007-11-23 Thread mike reagan
I have been flying the same Ava for almost 5years now. It has been the 
winningest model I've ever owned. It regularly out scores all open class ships 
in thermal duration contests here in SoCal.  I have also flown the Topaz and 
have had my butt kicked by Larry Jolly flying a Danny. My opinion is that the 
Ava is the best all around model, lots of room for lead and best handling, also 
the most expensive. The Danny is a bit smaller, maybe easier to land and also 
has great handling, a little cheaper. The Soprano is a little heavier but could 
be a good choice if you always fly in strong winds. The Topaz can win in the 
hands of a Skip Miller but is giving up a lot of handling to a Danny or Ava. 
The Topaz is probably the Best deal if price is top priority. As usual you do 
get what you pay for. If you just want to stay up (no contests) a Super Ava is 
surely the way to go. Mike Reagan, just my opinion,ready to be flamed.

[RCSE] Bubble Dancer

2007-11-23 Thread mike reagan
   If you are an A+ builder you will easily have an Ava beater. If you are an 
average builder you will have an average sailplane. You have long winters in 
Michigan, plenty of time to build. The old Soviet block builders put out very 
high quality pieces of art. I know I am not up to the task, as I now have more 
money than time. Good luck on the build. I sure miss sculpting my own planes. 
Snowing in Texas? I flew my SparrowHawk (full size) today, got to 10,100ft in 
slope and thermal lift today. I love SoCal!  Mike Reagan

[RCSE] Happy Thanksgiving...

2007-11-22 Thread mike
The Turkey is in the oven and the house is really starting to smell wonderfull. Before my family arrives, I would like to take this opportunity to say Happy Thanksgiving to all those in this wonderful hobby/sport that I have met, and to those I have yet to meet.

From the bottom of my heart, I wish one and all the best, and again Happy Thanksgiving...

Now, if any of you have any ideas about the best brushless motor/battery combination to get this 23lb.beast of a bird in the air, I am all ears ;-). If all else fails, Tom the turkey will get one heck of a launch off of 1.25 mono :-)

Cheers all.

Mike Smith
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[RCSE] Steven Enstad please send me your shipping address.....

2007-11-21 Thread mike
Hello Steven,

Your Team USA F3B flight bag is in, and I would love to send it to you.

Please send me your shipping address offline obviously... ;-)

I have everyone else's addresses, and they are being shipped out today.

Thanks again for everyone's support.

Happy Thanksgiving all.

Mike Smith
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Re: [RCSE] Google and HTML

2007-11-20 Thread Mike Lachowski

You can read gmail with POP mail using Thunderbird.

Or in gmail web interface, you just click in  Plain text when you are 
subscribing and sending to RCSE.


A friend's computer died, and he bought a new Dell and signed up on 
Google (gmail)  All he can get is mail in HTML format.  He wants to 
get back on the RCSE, but has tried without any success.
My Question:  Can RCSE be received in HTML, or HTML Advanced?  If you 
know one way or the other, please get back to me, or better yet, to 

Thanks a bunch, And Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Dave Darling
Modesto, CA
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Re: [RCSE] Best little Tip - what's yours?

2007-11-08 Thread Mike Lachowski
Most molded wings have a skin that is a sandwich of cloth, core, 
cloth.   Emrald was probably glass, rohacell, glass.  Some models use 
balsa cores and others use herex (another type of foam) cores.  Then you 
get the expensive stuff with CF skins or even CF both sides of the skin

Rohacell and Herex can deal with regular CA just fine.

Harley Michaelis wrote:

Let me fix my errors lest I further confuse the issue.

Harley Michaelis wrote:
Dennis. . . such tips are surely encouraged for this exchange. Thank 
you.  This one is a bit confusing. You speak of a molded wing in 
the first sentence, but later speak of lifting the foam to the 
skin. I admit to ignorance of the construction of the Emerald wing, 
but is it both molded and with a foam core? I thought they were 
mutually exclusive. I really don't follow what you are saying. Did 
you mean bagged wing? I understand about delaminations occurring in 
those, but then assume strictly a foam safe CA would be called for or 
fixed with epoxy. Please further clarify this tip.

At our club meeting last night, I was showing an Emerald that had a 
little delamination on the molded wing. When asking the best way to 
fix it, Martin Doney passed on a tip he had learned. It's a small 
thing but it really works great. He said to take a tee pin and bend 
the tip 90 degrees about 1/8 inch from the end. Poke a hole to drip 
in some CA. After the CA wicks in, just rotate the pin and use it 
like a hook to lift up the foam to the skin while the CA cures.
These are the little tips that make repairs a little easier, what's 
your little tip?

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[RCSE] mail-archive.com

2007-11-08 Thread Mike Lachowski
I guess somewhere along the way, some messages to mail-archive.com must 
have bounced and it got unsubscribed.  I've resubscribed that archive.

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Re: [RCSE] Covering Material?

2007-11-07 Thread Mike Whitman
I believe the covering is Oracover but am not sure where you can get it 
locally.  Hobby Lobby now sells Low Temperature Polycover which I think is 
equivalent though I have not tried it.  


On Wednesday, November 07, 2007, at 05:37PM, DANIEL FINK [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Looking for the transparent material being used on the PhotonII DLG.  Most 
likely the same as on the new RES Ships  Like to find transparent purple, but 
I'll take what I can find.  Does any body know the trade name or where it is 
being sold? Hopefully in Orange County.  Just trying to fix a repair.  

 Dan Fink
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[RCSE] Johnny Berlin

2006-10-18 Thread mike
Please ping me...

Mike Smith

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Re: [RCSE] Stopwatch Recommendation

2006-10-17 Thread Mike Robinson
For DLG contests, the Robic is awesome. I'm not sure what you mean about 
using multiple buttons. I just use the start and stop button during a task. 
After the round is over, use the memory recall button to see what the times 
were. Much better than the Seiko for this application and it simply cannot 
be any easier since you only use one button.

For TD, I use the Seiko.

Mike Robinson

- Original Message - 
From: David Register [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: SALglider (Yahoo Groups) SALglider@yahoogroups.com; RCSE (Soaring 
Exchange) Soaring@airage.com

Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:47 AM
Subject: [RCSE] Stopwatch Recommendation

Seeking a little input on stopwatch recommendations, particularly for 
discus but also for general TD use. I have an old Accusplit with a 10 
lap/split memory and programmable target timing but the buttons are pretty 
shaky, even after cleaning and re-adjusting the gaps. A couple of things 
would be useful:
- greater than 10 memory capability (30 would likely be more than 

- simple (one button) lap timing operation,
- don't really need a target time setting - that's useful but not 

- same button for start/stop/lap timing,
- no lap time freeze before clear.

The Seiko is a great watch but a bit pricey and is limited to 10 memory (I 
Robics (SC707 in particular) are nice but require multiple buttons for 
start/lap/un-freeze operations. The 15 second hold unless you find the 
other reset button is awkward in the heat of battle.

The Accusplit is good but - limited memory and cheap construction.
Internet purchase is fine. We don't have any decent retail outlets for 
stopwatches in our area anyway.

This is something I need for contest work but has to be simple enough that 
it can handed to a newbie and he/she can make it function with minimal 
hassles. I travel to away contests quite a bit and need to be able to 
provide more reliable guidance to folks who are kind enough to time for 
the visitor. Stopwatch suggestions from experienced DLG folks would be 
particularly valuable.

TIA for any comments,

- Dave R
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[RCSE] Guy Russo Please Ping me

2006-10-16 Thread Mike
Please ping me directly.

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[RCSE] World Soaring Masters 2006 - My take on the event (long)

2006-09-30 Thread mike
Hello everybody,
Well, I guess I have had
enough time to decompress after the Masters. I gotta say, I think
I like Muncie. Or maybe it's just that this year, Muncie likes
me. Either way, I am not complaining at all.

What a great event. Honestly though
after every flight on Friday and Saturday, I felt like there was
bite taken out of me. A piece here, a hunk there. Man if
there were many more rounds in that kind of weather I am pretty sure
there wouldn't have been anything left at all. The only strategy
I identified in that weather was one of DON'T GO DOWN WIND. The
caveat to that is "unless you have big enough lift to be able to
penetrate hard upwind and still make the spot and task time".
While timing for Daryl, Rich Burnoski was in the first 4 rounds with
him and imediately after launch, I thought we were toast. Rich
had assumed a downwind position after a killer launch and with the
Espada, I was quite sure that he would be able to penetrate efficiently
enough to not get hurt too bad. Well after about 6-7 minutes of
surfing and bump riding, we spotted Rich returning from downwind.
By the time he got back to our position, he was about half our
altitude. Reason? My only thought other than what might be
the obvious (bad air) is that if you have to penetrate upwind, you will
be sinking much faster than the guy would can hang out at closer to a
minimum sink airpseed. There were other examples of this, but
this one I thought best illustrates the point.

The name of the game in prelims was stay
alive. I tried to fly a different game plan in one round against
Tom Kiesling and he schooled me hard. I just pushed upwind in
hopes of finding the ellusive upwind thermal so I could work it longer
while it drifted down wind. Essentially, I got tired of launching
and just hanging out, but man, that plan bombed! Tom handed me a
660 something in that round.

Sunday was a completely different story, and
let me say right now that I was very fortunate to get not one but two
timely low level thermalsthis day. The first was while I
was trying hard to earn only 500 flight points in round 10. I was
done about 5 minutes into the flight and others in my group, Arend Borst
being one of them was up andout and downwind looking to max.
So, there I was floating over the concrete pad just east of the
landings, when Daryl spotted a little lift. I turned in it, twice
I think, but I didn't like it. All I could think about was landing
off field and getting that big fat goose egg. So I gave up and
slid over to line up on my spot and then ran smack into this little but
strong thermal. I had enough airspeed to crank the Sharon up on a
wingtip and stay in the core until I was high enough to let the glider
fly a bit more relaxed flatter bigger circles. Got the 12.

The second stroke of luck came during round 5
of the flyoffs. Even though I was tapping lightly on launch, I
got my second and last line break for the contest. Had to
relaunch, and got off at the same time as the last guy in the
group. I have to think that for this round that was an
advantage. Aaron Valdes was my caller and was giving me info like
a computerized weather ticker, but for this round all he said was "I got
nothing". That is until he spotted Ben Clerx and young Cody
Remington working the only tiny bit of lift within range, and got me
there. This was probably the most rewarding flight that I have
had in my 30 year RC soaring career. Thanks Aaron, great

I really enjoyed the event. It was run
with Nats like efficiency. Mark did his usual fine job of keeping
everything flowing along and trying to squeeze flights in between the
approaching storms. The crew from Marna and the transmitter
impound folks to Robin Meeks and his wife, to Jodi, Caroline,
andthe others doing turnarounds did such a great job. I
really appreciate the fact that you all took a weekend and dedicated it
to helping run this fantastic contest. I like the format a lot,
and I am looking forward to the next one. A big thanks to all of
the sponsors...Radio Carbon Art...Castle CreationsBarry Kennedy,
Kennedy Compositesthe LSF...Quiet Flyerand Horizon Hobby -
JR. You all came through in a big way.

As always I enjoyed the people. I always
seem to have a great time out there flying and hanging out. I am
starting to get familiar with Munciehh! Just

Take care all

Mike "Muncie 2006" Smith

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[RCSE] Re: Soaring V1 #8307

2006-09-21 Thread Mike Cyr
The following link discusses what effect boiling nylon in water has under 
carefully controlled conditions. However, this study was carried out on 
freshly molded dogbones, not something that has equalibriated with 
air/moisture like a prop or servo arm.



Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 12:47:50 -
From: Brian Molloy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: soaring@airage.com
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Boiling Nylon Servo Arms/Control Horns?

Yep, nylon contains water and will dry out overtime.  Nylon is
fairly pliable when the moisture content is normal, but when it
eventually drys out it tends to get brittle (for safety: props -
about a year in the midwest with our high humidity).  I use to boil
my nylon props at least once a year at the beginning of the flying
season - if the plane survived the previous one :^)

For low stress applications, this drying out is usually not a
concern.  Shock loads from prop strikes or high rpm, and control
horns from slope pilots' impacts . . . err . . . landings, could
cause failure.

Not the latest thing . . . it's an old thing.

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[RCSE] for sale agea +-tail Kit

2006-09-19 Thread Mike Stump
Here's the entire package to put together an Agea X-Tail all in one package NIB..Phil Barnes manufactured Agea wing set with joiners...Luckenbach pretty mantis fuse...Barnes Manufactured bagged supra tail set with mount (articulated elevator)...48 long .050 carbon pushrods...entire set for $625.00 plus shipping or can deliver at Soaring Masters this weekend.. paypal splits fees..I already have one of these and it's a great flying setup... just too many other unlimited ships in the hanger..Stumper
CoreComm Webmail. 

Re: [RCSE] for sale agea +-tail Kit

2006-09-19 Thread Mike Stump
correct, it is the 130 wing.. thanks for the spelling correction as well..   I'm assuming this is the 130 Aegea Mantis wing, right? Just wanted  to make sure it's not the 2-meter Aegea wing ;)   And, for what it's worth, I just recently put together one of these  wings on a Lachowski Supra pod - super slick! Love this wing, for the  cost, durability, and oh yeah, it's almost a Supra!   Mike Stump wrote:   Here's the entire package to put together an Agea X-Tail all in one   package NIB.. Phil Barnes manufactured Agea wing set with joiners...   Luckenbach pretty mantis fuse...   Barnes Manufactured bagged supra tail set with mount (articulated   elevator)...   48 long .050 carbon pushrods... entire set for $625.00 plus shipping or can deliver at Soaring Masters   this weekend.. paypal splits fees.. I already have one of these and it's a great flying setup... just too   many other unlimited ships in the hanger.. Stumper --   CoreComm Webmail.   http://home.core.com--  ben wilson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://thelocust.org/  RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send subscribe and unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please note that subscribe and unsubscribe messages must be sent in text only format with MIME turned off. Email sent from web based email such as Hotmail and AOL are generally NOT in text format  
CoreComm Webmail. 

[RCSE] Aegea kit sold

2006-09-19 Thread Mike Stump
subject line tells the storyStumper
CoreComm Webmail. 

RE: [RCSE] Re: Covering Obeche over white foam

2006-09-13 Thread mike
Wow, still no word about John's whereabouts. Very wierd thing to
say the least.I feel for you and your family Melissa.

 Original Message Subject: [RCSE]
Re: Covering Obeche over white foamFrom: mderstine
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Wed, September 13, 2006
7:05 amTo: soaring@airage.comJust doing my periodical
search on this site for John Derstine. Therehas been no new
news since last February and we're not expecting muchthese days,
it's almost been a year since he disappeared. As upset,angry
or hurt as we may be I appreciate everyone keeping a
respectfulmindset and for anyone who doesn't it is truely a
shame.Melissa Derstine--
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[RCSE] cost of r/c soaring-winning

2006-09-09 Thread mike reagan

While I enjoy flying my Supra it still comes down 
to skill and determination. My AVA was second only to Wurts and his Icon in our 
Sc2 yearly champs last year and has kicked many an unlimited butt. Cheaper? Ask 
Merrill Brady he got me with a twenty dollar plane. Thomas Akers started with a 
gentle lady he flew for years, placing in many Sc2 contests. later he earned 
money to build more high performance planes. Now he runs a large RPV company. I 
built all my planes that were flown at the worlds in 85. Any sport requires 
expense at the high end. R/C soaring can be enjoyed with very little cost, 
Gentle Lady or foamy and 3 channel radio. Wurts beat a lot of good flyers with a 
foamy at the Rose Bowl (not me) one year and placed in top ten at the Nats in 
Riverside with a plane who's fuselage was made from the cardboard box the kit 
came in. Most clubs have a club plane to teach on. No expence. The point is you 
don't have to spend a fortune to enjoy and win at R/C soaring. Mike Reagan 
,Looking forward to the Masters

[RCSE] Masters Pilot Roster Update - Did you notice...???

2006-09-07 Thread mike

that I am not the only Smith on the
Roster? Hope you guys remember Mark Smith. Mark's Models
 Dynaflight, previous National Champ, LSF No. 19.??? Ringing
any bells out there? I am sure it is.

You will recognize him by his right arm.
It is in a sling due to all of the arm twisting inflicted by ME

This is going to be a very fun event. I
am looking forward to seeing everybody again, and coming out to fly in
Muncie for the 3rd time this year. I really do love that

See you all in a couple weeks.

 Original Message
Subject: [RCSE] Masters Pilot Roster UpdateFrom: "James
V. Bacus" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Wed, September 06, 2006
11:36 pmTo: soaring@airage.comThe Pilot roster was updated
on the Soaring Masters
is looking like a strong contest!JimDowners Grove,
ILMember of the Chicago SOAR club, and Team JRAMA 592537 
LSF 7560 Level IV  R/C Soaring blog at
www.jimbacus.netRCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane
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[RCSE] Tom Kiesling...Please ping me...

2006-09-07 Thread mike
I don't have your e-mail addy.

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RE: [RCSE] Re: Masters

2006-09-07 Thread mike

That's what I'm talking about. any other
memories out there. Mark did comment to me something like "damn, I
guess it's gone full circle. I was one of the kids back then,
nowI'm an old fart" Of course I reassured him that it was
ok, since there are going to be a lot of old farts out there
;-)BTW, does 42 count as old? I am sure I could be
considered by some to be a fart :-)

Mike (wps) Smith, excuse me!
 Original Message
Subject: [RCSE] Re: MastersFrom: David Register
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Thu, September 07, 2006 1:34 pmTo:
Soaring@airage.com**that I am not the only Smith on
the Roster? Hope you guys remember Mark Smith. Mark's Models 
Dynaflight, previous National Champ, LSF No. 19.??? Ringing any
bells out there? I am sure it is.**Also developer of the
'kiss and click' spot landing. Back some 35 or so years ago when he
was flying the Windfree in SoCal he worked out a way to get time
and spots at landing. Grease that little beauty in a foot or so off
the deck and at the exact time, kiss the nose off the grass (or
dirt, or whatever), then bounce it back into the air and fly it
into a perfect spot without having to worry about the time. No
skids, skegs or anything. Just amazing coordination, timing and
skill. First time I saw that maneuver I recall a bunch of guys all
gaping and muttering 'did you see that...???'.Awesome
list for Masters. Hope you guys have a great
time.RCSE-List facilities provided by Model
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